#and then tyrion ‘waddles away’
ilynpilled · 1 year
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i love how the moment jaime expresses real autonomy and conflicting desire both of them immediately reject him in some form
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bamsywrites · 2 years
Guilt (Tyrion Lannister x Reader)
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paring: Tyrion x Reader; Tywin x Reader
summary: Tyrion is consumed with guilt as he sees just how his actions have affected you
word count: idk but sure as fuck not 13.k Idk where I got that number from 🤦
tags: pregnant! reader, mentions of miscarriage/infant loss, pretty fucking huge age gaps mentioned. tywin doing tywin things. angsty with some hurt/comfort. there's a lot of plot building as i want to attempt to make this into a series. pining. future friends to lovers.
AN: this is my first time writing in a loooong fucking time. I am open to constructive criticism and feedback. I have plans on making this into a series so let me know if that would interest you. this scenario has been in my maladaptive daydreams for so long lol. Please let me know how you like it!
Tyrion watched you from his spot overlooking the river where the women were doing the washing for the day. An older woman was showing you the best methods for getting stains out from the fabrics of sheets and clothes, you watched with a furrowed brow and genuine curiosity from your seat on a large boulder. Tyrion had noticed this was a new behavior trend of yours. You'd go to the kitchens, the stables, the rivers, all to try and lend a hand or learn. Your noble birth made it so you never had to wash your clothes or clean your rooms or make your food. He'd observed that since arriving in Mereen, you almost seemed to be trying to repent of the sin of being born a noblewoman by doing the chores and duties of those most would consider beneath someone of your birth. Not that you ever thought that way.
Tyrion's eyes drifted down to your swollen belly which you were stroking softly as you watched the woman and he scoffed with a quick swig from a flask of whatever wine he was able to get his hands on. You were nearing the end of your pregnancy, evident by your size and the waddle to which you walked. Dany had been accommodating to your state by having someone around to assist you if need be and keeping a midwife on standby for the impending birth. The queen had been more forgiving than he could have hoped for when it came to the two of you. You had given a rather convincing speech when you had arrived after fleeing Kings Landing. He could still hear the words ring in his mind.
"Your Majesty, I was but a child when your father was overthrown and family murdered. I was a child still when I was betrothed. No choice in my life has ever been my own. I was sold like cattle to the highest bidder and forced to have his children so he could in turn ship them away and form alliances with lords and kings. Everything I have done has been to protect me and my children. All I ever will do is to protect my children. I want them to live a life better than mine and from what I have seen here you would be able to provide that more than any man in Westores currently fighting for the throne. For that, you will have my loyalty."
It was well-spoken and you stood tall while you said it, but he could see the fear in your eyes. How could he blame you? A pregnant woman far from home in the territory of someone who wanted her dead simply because of who she was forced to marry. Staying in the Red Keep wouldn't have bode well for you either, his sister had never been fond of you and with the death of his father, the castle suddenly became very dangerous for you.
Tyrion understood why Tywin wanted to make an alliance with your house. Your father was lord of a southern house that was known for its impressive feats on the field of battle, no one had ever defeated House ____ on the battlefield and most were met with devastating defeats when they were on horseback. The best tacticians Westores had ever seen either came from your house or were mentored by the lords of your house. Tywin wanted that alliance and he was always looking to further his family line but Jamie had made vows and Tywin would rather die than give Tyrion any claim to Casterly Rock. That left him to marry you, which he did. You were young. Very young. He remembered how scared you looked on your wedding day as his father covered you in a robe of Lannister Red.
You'd done your duty as a wife very well. 6 years since your wedding to his father and you'd had several pregnancies and two living children - daughters much to Tywins dismay. You bore him a son named Tytos but he fell asleep one night never to wake again. Tyrion remembered that day very well, he walked into the hall to see his father holding you as you sobbed, pressing a kiss to your head and looking as vulnerable as Tyrion had ever seen him. Tywin always seemed to respect you and held some possessiveness over the fact that you were his lady wife. You were spoiled by him as was expected, always in the finest dresses and jewelry. Tywin made an example of anyone who dared to disrespect you, even if that person was the boy king himself. He seemed to value your intellect and wit, finding bragging rights in your brains and beauty. A fact that drove Ceresi mad. Though Tyrion supposed, the way Tywin treats your daughters was an even bigger slight to the Queen Regent.
Trysta and Nataria.
Tywin doted on them more than he did you. It was made known behind closed doors that Tywin would keep putting babes in your belly until you gave him an "heir and a spare" but there was a light to his eyes when his youngest daughters were around that made it known he cared for them too. There was an affection there that Tyrion did not remember his father showing Ceresi or Jamie as children. A fact confirmed by the jealousy his sister had for the two young girls, Jamie had never made a comment on it but he enjoyed the company of your daughters very much.
They were very sweet girls, with your eyes but the signature Lannister hair. Trysta was the eldest at five years old, she was smart and sassy, a combination that always brought a smile to Tyrion's face. There was nothing like watching a noble lord be put in their place by a small girl in a pink dress, knowing that they dare not comment back for fear of facing her father's wrath. Nataria was younger, still not quite speaking in full sentences yet, and always wanting to be picked up by anyone who would take her. Tyrion would never forget walking into the tower of the hand to see her sat on Tywins lap with her head nuzzled into his chest as she napped. Tywin informed Tyrion that the babe you were carrying was making you ill and the handmaids were unable to get her to stop crying. He didn't look up from the papers scattered across his desk and his voice was as stern and emotionless as it always was. It was almost alien to see it, to see how much Tywin was capable of some form of care for his children. Tywin often made the comment that his first three children were disappointments and that he was going to make sure his next turned out differently.
You had made the smart choice to send the two girls to stay with your family after Jofferys murder. Kings Landing was not safe for them and both girls adored Tyrion. You had not wanted them to witness his trial or execution or to be brought into the middle of dangerous court politics. You probably would have joined them if Tywin had allowed it. Tyrion was sad he never got to say goodbye to them. He loved them as much as they loved him, always reading books or buying trinkets for them. He missed them dearly but knew you missed them more.
Especially today. It was Nataria's second name day.
Tyrion was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of your laugh as you watched the children play in the water and their splashes of water soaking your dress and hair. He noticed that your laugh didn't quite reach your eyes and the guilt panged through him.
It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault.
You were distracting yourself, he realized, from the pain of what today meant. The pain of not being with your children. The pain of not knowing when you will see them again. He couldn't imagine the pain in your heart. Almost like you knew what he was thinking, your eyes locked with his and he gave you a curt nod before standing and heading away from the river.
Later that night he saw you again, sat in the gardens of a courtyard lit by the stars, and a few torches spread over the area. There was a piece of parchment paper in your lap and your fingers were playing with a necklace around your neck. Tyrion noticed your beauty in the light of the stars. The way the flames from the torches flicked across your features. He always knew you were beautiful but it was dawning on him that you were more than beautiful. He sometimes found the air leaving his lungs if the light hit you right. The sound of your laugh, your voice, when he heard you sing it was like the whole world stood still. It wasn't fair, he thought, that someone as kind and smart and witty as you could also be so beautiful.
The sound of a muffled sob brought him out of his thoughts and he felt that searing guilt tear threw him once more.
It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault.
His feet moved him through the courtyard and he sat next to you in silence. You quickly wiped at your eyes and shoved the paper, what Tyrion could now see was an old letter from your father about how your daughters were doing, into your dress. The two sat in silence for a few moments, neither knowing what to say. You'd always treated Tyrion with such respect and kindness and he'd returned the favor to you. You never let Tywin taint your view of him.
"You've been avoiding me," your voice cut through the silence.
It was true. He hadn't spoken more than a few sentences since defending you to the Queen when you were brought to her throne room. "And yet you have been watching my every move."
He nodded, eyes fixated on a particular patch of grass in the courtyard. "Always observant aren't you?" His voice was soft.
"You'd think someone of your size would be better at hiding but alas....."
Your comment made him laugh. The first laugh in a long time.
"Spying is not my strong suit, I must admit. Drinking, books, and whores are my real talents." His eyes traveled over to you and he noticed your small smile.
Your smile shouldn't cause him to feel the way he was.
The two of you sat in silence for a long while after that. It wasn't an awkward silence, neither of you seemed to know how to get the thoughts flowing through your head to form into words. There was so much to say, so much to explain. You broke first.
"I miss them," Your voice wavered and your lip trembled. "I miss them so. It feels as though my heart has been ripped out of my chest." The tears started to fall all at once, Tyrion swore he could hear them hit the ground like rain.
It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault
"Every time the babe inside me moves, I remember how it felt to feel them move too. I think of them from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep and then I dream of them. Are they happy? Are they safe? Where are they? When will I see them?" You rambled through the thickness of your tears, your fingers gripping tightly at the fabric of your dress.
Tyrion hesitantly grabbed your hand in his, afraid you'd hurt yourself and gave it a small squeeze.
"Your sister...Oh, your sister...she hates them. She hates me. She'll have them killed. I can't...I can't.." you choked on sob after sob
He said your name softly and moved to stand in front of you so he could look into your eyes. The tears falling down your cheeks and hitting the skirt of your dress broke his heart.
It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault
"Ceresi is many things. A hateful bitch is among one of her most prominent attributes. But, she is not stupid enough to wage war on your family. Her hatred for me consumes her. Last I heard they think I kidnapped you." He almost laughed bitterly at the thought. Remembering how he rushed you out of The Red Keep, it wasn't too far from the truth. "And despite even with all of that aside. Do you think Jamie would let her? Let her kill your children? Our sisters?" In truth, he had no idea what would happen but he had to hope. He had to have faith that his choice wouldn't lead to the fatalities of you and your daughters.
Your arms quickly wrapped around him and your face nuzzled into his neck. For a moment he just stood there in shock, this was the closest you'd ever been to him and he found himself enamored with how you smelt and soft you felt. But soon he ran his fingers through your hair in an attempt to soothe you. Tyrion could feel your hot tears on his shoulder and the mantra repeated in his head.
It's your fault. It's your fault. It's your fault.
"I'm so fucking sorry," He whispered into your hair. "I'm so sorry."
You pulled away and he found himself missing your warmth. He told himself it was because he wasn't used to such interaction, which wasn't a lie, but there was a stirring deep within him that he had to push down and hide. That would only bring him more shame and heartbreak and insult you further than he already has.
"All my life, my father hated me for killing my mother and for being a dwarf. He loathed my very existence. The only thing that kept me alive was my name. I was a Lannister. And then he lets me be led like a lamb to slaughter for a murder he knew I didn't commit. My only option is death or going to The Wall, there's not much difference there as people seem to think. He takes the woman I love and turns her against me, having her lie to all of Kings Landing. And then I find he's fucking her..." Tears were starting to well in his eyes now as he remembered Shae and how it felt to find her in his father's bed. "I didn't think about the consequences. Not for you or the girls until after it was done."
He remembered how the lamp light flickered across your face as you stood there, hand on your belly and mouth agape as he held the crossbow. He remembered how it felt to have the realization slap him in the face. Tywin had become fond of using you to belittle Cerasi, often saying you were more worthy to be a Lannister than she was. Cerasi was jealous of how Tywin seemed to care for and respect you. You wouldn't last long at The Red Keep. Tyrion remembered the scared look in your eyes as he took your wrist in a harsh grasp and led you through the corridors to where he was to meet Varys.
He was pulled from his memories when he could feel your fingertips lightly brush away his tears. "It's my fault," Tyrion's voice broke as he said those words to you, "and I can never express how sorry I am."
You swallowed thickly and looked at him for a moment before your eyes drifted up to the night sky. You were quiet again and this time the silence was thick and heavy. Tyrion could see your brain working hard to formulate thoughts and feelings into words.
"I was 15 when I was betrothed to Tywin," You said softly, your eyes still on the stars. "My father was so excited. The Lannisters would make a great ally and I was the only daughter he had to offer. For two years I waited, knowing that I was to be married to a man who rode into battle with my grandfather. It was the day after my 17th name day that we were wed. Within a year I had Trysta." Your tongue peaked out to wet your lips. "Tywin was not a moral man. He was not a good man. He was a smart man. An ambitious man. But not a good one. I know he respected me, I think he may have cared for me in his own complicated way. I know he cared for our children. But he was old and mean and arrogant."
Tyrion was silent as you spoke, you two had talked in the past for hours about books and history but you never quite opened up about your relationship with his father. Your eyes fell down to your lap and you picked at a loose string.
"I may be cursed for thinking it but I do not miss him. I miss my home. I miss Casterly Rock. I miss the sea and the beach. I miss Trysta and Nataria. But I do not miss Tywin. I am not naive enough to think that I will ever experience what it's like to be loved...to marry for love. That's not a reality for high-born women but I do hope the next time I'm married off it's to someone who is less of an ass."
Tyrion stood there for a moment and then took your face into his hands, "I promise you by whatever Gods are listening that I will get you back home. Back to your children. Or I will die trying." And he meant it.
You simply nodded. He took his seat next to you, his hand resting atop yours. The two of you sat there in a peaceful silence looking at the stars with his hand on yours and you weren't sure how long for. It could have been 15 minutes or two hours. When Tyrion noticed your head starting to bob and your eyes struggled to stay open, he stood up and silently offered you his arm.
The walk to your room was quiet. He had more he wanted to say to you but he knew this was not the time to say it. Once he got to your door he didn't know what to say, he didn't know if he should say anything. He cleared his throat and rested his arm at his side.
"If you, uhm, if you need me...." His voice trailed off.
"I know," you nodded, "thank you." You placed a soft kiss on his forehead before disappearing into your room.
Tyrion stood there for a moment, frustration rushing over him like waves. It was happening. He could feel the feeling creep into his heart: he was falling in love with the woman he widowed and he wasn't sure how to stop it.
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dyannawynnedayne · 3 months
Round Three: Which Character Parallel Is Your Favorite?
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Dunk and Brienne: art by @kraehenkunst (1, 2)
Cersei and Catelyn: art by @shripscapi (1, 2)
Dunk and Brienne
The Shield
The old man’s brown had always seemed drab to Dunk. “The field should be the color of sunset,” he said suddenly. “The old man liked sunsets. And the device…”“An elm tree,” said Egg. “A big elm tree, like the one by the pool, with a brown trunk and green branches.”“Yes,” Dunk said. “That would serve. An elm tree…but with a shooting star above. Could you do that?”The girl nodded. “Give me the shield. I’ll paint it this very night and have it back to you on the morrow.”
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight
 "Your door reminded me of an old shield I once saw in my father's armory." She described the arms as best she could recall them."[...]"You did beautifully," she said, when the woman showed her the freshly painted shield. It was more a picture than a proper coat of arms, and the sight of it took her back through the long years, to the cool dark of her father's armory. She remembered how she'd run her fingertips across the cracked and fading paint, over the green leaves of the tree, and along the path of the falling star.
AFFC, Brienne II
Cersei and Catelyn
Watched Their Sons Die
Boom, the drum sounded, boom doom boom doom. The old man’s lips went in and out. The knife trembled in Catelyn’s hand, slippery with sweat. “A son for a son, heh,” he repeated. “But that’s a grandson … and he never was much use.”A man in dark armor and a pale pink cloak spotted with blood stepped up to Robb. “Jaime Lannister sends his regards.” He thrust his longsword through her son’s heart, and twisted.Robb had broken his word, but Catelyn kept hers. She tugged hard on Aegon’s hair and sawed at his neck until the blade grated on bone. Blood ran hot over her fingers. His little bells were ringing, ringing, ringing, and the drum went boom doom boom.
ASOS, Catelyn VII
When he heard Cersei’s scream, he knew that it was over.I should leave. Now. Instead he waddled toward her.His sister sat in a puddle of wine, cradling her son’s body. Her gown was torn and stained, her face white as chalk. A thin black dog crept up beside her, sniffing at Joffrey’s corpse. “The boy is gone, Cersei,” Lord Tywin said. He put his gloved hand on his daughter’s shoulder as one of his guardsmen shooed away the dog. “Unhand him now. Let him go.” She did not hear.
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inlovewithquotes · 1 year
"You have not answered my question."
"You poor stupid blind crippled fool. Must I spell every little thing out for you? Very well. Cersei is a lying whore, she's been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know. And I am the monster they say I am. Yes, I killed your vile son." He made himself grin. It must have been a hideous sight to see, there in the torchlit gloom.
Jaime turned without a word and walked away.
Tyrion watched him go, striding on his long strong legs, and part of him wanted to call out, to tell him that it wasn't true, to beg for his forgiveness. But then he thought of Tysha, and he held his silence. He listened to the receding footsteps until he could hear them no longer, then waddled off to look for Varys.
-A Storm Of Swords
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themockingpoint · 2 years
306AC- 4 Months into the Reign of Jacaerys I Targaryen
Jon looked into the small council chamber and sighed. So this was the price of kin slaying? Every time Jon closed his eyes, he could see Dany’s face on the dark side of his eyelids. The nightmares were worse than ever. Bran should have been King like Tyrion wanted. But after Arya had Grey Worm translate Daenerys’ speech to the lords and ladies of the lands unanimously, minus Yara Greyjoy, to pardon Jon. Since Jon was the only person alive who had any practice in being a King- a king of just two kingdoms and Sansa did most of the hard work- but here he was. King of the Seven Kingdoms. If only Lady Catelyn could see him now...
Jon sighed, and pushed his guilt aside. Daenerys wasn’t the one who destroyed King’s Landing. He did not know who that was in her body, but he knew that they had to be stopped. After all the good she had done for her to do something like that… It was a twist no one could have seen coming. He knew his father, not the man who slept with half a child and got thousands killed for his own ego, his true father Eddard Stark would have done what was right.
Once again he sighed to himself, maybe this was the perfect punishment. To sit on the throne the woman he loved should have been sitting on when she was not able to. Just as he was about to start spiraling into another depressive state the new Hand of the King walked in.
“Good Morning, Your Grace.” He said, looking happier than Jon had ever seen. Although to be fair he barely knew the man.
“Good Morning, Lord Royce.” Bronze Yohn Royce was a recommendation from Sansa. She was his first pick but when Sansa pointed out, rightfully so, that it would not sit well with a lot of the people around the kingdom for Jon to have his female twenty year old cousin as Hand of the King. She almost immediately recommended Lord Royce, as he was one of her closest allies in the Vale and their father never had a bad thing to say about him. He was not regretting his choice so far. “You seem to be in a good mood today.”
“I am! My daughter Ysilla just gave birth. A little girl named Lydiana Redford. Apparently she looks just like her mother.” He said beaming. The man’s joy was infectious.
“Congratulations My Lord. Your first grandchild?” Jon said, allowing himself to smile. Not as wide as Bronze Yohn, not even as wide as he might have before his resurrection but a smile nonetheless. When the man nodded Jon continued, “If you would like I give you my leave to travel to the Vale after this meeting.”
“Your Grace!” He said, surprised. “I am honored, and I thank you, however I do not think it is the best idea so soon.”
“Nonsense.” Jon said, waving him off. “It is alright. We can last a few moons without you.”
“But your own reign has barely made it past a few moons.” Royce said.
“He’s right.” His new Master of Coin waddled in. If being King was Jon’s nightmare and a fitting punishment than the horror of having to fix the 13.8 million that the crown owed to various fractions would be the same to Tyrion Lannister. “You don’t even have a full Small Council yet. Already starting to send them away would look very bad.”
“We have a full Small Council.” Jon argued, technically not lying.
“Even counting Lord Manderly…” Tyrion began.
“Lord Waters will be taking over as soon as his wife recovers from the… He’ll be here to replace Lord Wyman soon enough.” Jon argued. The northern lord agreed to take the role of Master of Ships as a favor for Jon until a full-time replacement could be found. After everything that happened between the War of the Five Kings, War for the Dawn, and War of the Mad Queens the old man just wanted to go home so he could train his granddaughter how to run White Harbor.
“Even counting Lord Manderly… You still have all of the Master of Laws, Grand Maester and both Lord Commander positions to fill. Not to mention all of the smaller positions that keep the kingdom running that most people don’t think about.” Tyrion stressed. “You are going to be alone soon enough. I’ve heard from Lord Davos that Storm’s End is almost ready for Lord Gendry to go too and the Princess Lannister is set to go back to Winterfell within a Fortnight.”
“I told you that joke was not funny and not to repeat it.” Sansa snapped as she rolled Bran, the new Master of Whisperers into the room. One of the only benefits of the Tower of the Hand being destroyed by Drogon was that Bran could arrive with no issue and no need for anyone to carry him. Jon could not lie and say he was disappointed at the fact that he would not be able to work in the same place his father worked before his death.
“Good morning, Your Grace.” Lord Manderly said as he followed his sibling-cousins into the room nodding at Jon before giving Tyrion the stink eye. “Although it may not be since I believe kin slaying would put a damper on things. Even if the kin in question was no longer Princess Sansa’s kin. Not technically.”
“OK, OK.” Tyrion said, holding up his hands in surrender. “I can see with this group being so close to the Starks that that joke is not going to get me nowhere. Speaking of this group being very close to the Starks…”
“Where is Maester Samwell and Lord Baratheon?” Jon said, cutting him off. He knew where that line of thought was going, and he wanted none of it. Tyrion was too smart to make that joke in this room for him to not use it as an opening.
“Gendry was responding to some mail.” Sansa said. “He was able to track a few of Robert’s other bastards who survived Joffrey’s purge and he has been in contact. God knows that Robert had enough- it would have been hard enough to get to them all. Even with an army.”
“His lessons are going well then?” Jon asked. Gendry was by no means lacking intelligence, but he was unlearned in many subjects such as reading. Sam had been aiding him in his education that he would need to utilize as a lord paramount. “Also, I hope he isn’t expecting me to just legitimize any and every one of Robert’s bastards, we have enough problems including a potential secession crisis in Dorne. We do not need one in the Stormlands as well.”
“I do not know if he plans to do so.” Sansa said, shrugging. She held an air of nonchalance, but he could tell she was hiding something. Even if he hadn’t been able to recognize the look on his sister-cousin’s face, he recognized it from Catelyn Tully’s face. He had to deal with it every time he was in the same room as her and his father.
“Alright. I know Gendry and I trust Gendry. Without his skill in forging the Dragon Glass weapons we may not be here right now.” Jon said, “But I would need to meet the other children. Please do not allow me to forget to bring this up to him.”
“Yes, Your Grace.” Lord Royce said, nodding.
“Before we begin and I forget, Lord Royce would you mind writing to your cousin and requesting Lady Myranda for one of my ladies in waiting. My time with her in the Vale we became very close.” Sansa said, not so subtly kicking Tyrion under the table. They exchanged looks and Jon had to stop himself from rolling his eyes from how two of the best players of the "game of thrones" could be so obvious in what they wanted to convey.
“Y—Yes My lady. I shall do it after this meeting.” Bronze Yohn was saying just as Sam burst through the door. The chain's rattling reminded Jon of Maester Luwin and Jon’s Uncle Aemon, whom Jon wanted to take his new official name from but just could not. He’d not sully his name after kin slaying and oath breaking.
“We’re here!” Sam said, slightly yelling out of breath as he jogged into the council chamber. “We… are… here….”
“Thank you, Maester. Now we can finally begin.” Bronze Yohn said, passive aggressively. “We have a few important topics to speak about.”
“The first should be a matter of Kingsguard.” Sansa said, so quick Bronze Yohn might as well have been still speaking. As the Hand started to look through his papers she added, “That should be the number one priority. It is amazing that we have let this go for so long.”
“Out of all the things we should have to deal with that really should not be a priority.” Jon said. “Half of King's Landing is destroyed, the Riverlands is decimated and Dorne is on the brink of civil war and that is just the beginning.”
“Are you telling me that the man who was stabbed to death by his own men doesn’t see the importance in having protection?” Sansa sneered trying not to roll her eyes.
“She does have a point, Your Grace.” Bronze Yohn said clicking his tongue. “Not to mention that a proper Kingsguard will add legitimacy to your rule. Although to be honest at this point there are not many names I can think of that both have the skill and the desire to join such a brotherhood.”
“Yes, you cannot just have Podrick being your only source of protection. No offense Pod!” Tyrion said quickly tacking on the last part.
“None taken My Lord.” The recently knighted man said.
“I was speaking with Maester Glesson.” Sam began, talking about one of the many maesters who flooded the capital when everything was said and done. There were almost as many Maesters in King’s Landing as there were in Oldtown at the moment. “When Sandor Clegane fought his brother many of the current kingsguard were cut down. However we do have two Kingsguard who survived their injuries. Another was escorting the other nobles from the palace and was injured in the falling rubble.”
“Are any of them willing to rejoin.” Jon asked. It seemed like he was getting a Kingsguard whether he liked it or not. It might as well be people he approved of.
“Ser Balon Swann.” Tyrion said, showing that he knew more than he was letting on once again. He noted both Lord Royce and Sansa noticed the same thing.
“Yes.” Sam replied. “He got hit in the arm but is expected to make a recovery within the fortnight. He said he does not wish to be presumptuous, but he is willing to come back so long as he isn’t asked to be Lord Commander.”
“Well that is a little presumptuous.” Tyrion said, “But highly astute. I would have recommended him. He was the only person who refused to speak against me at my trial.”
“He did seem different from the other White Cloaks from my time here.” Sansa said, and Jon’s face darkened at her words. He knew the extent of what happened with Ramsey, and to an extent what happened with Cersei and Joffrey, but it was only after moving to King's Landing did she tell him the full story of the Kingsguard. “He… I don’t think he’s a bad idea.”
“What about the other two?”
“Andrey Serry. Good brother to the man you just appointed Lord Paramount of the Reach.” Samwell said, “And Roland Waters, bastard from House Rosby.”
“Any of them can stay on as Kingsguard or they take the Black.” Jon said. Tyrion convinced him that taking the Black should still be an option. The Night's Watch may not have their original purpose anymore but it would prevent bloodshed to give criminals (and political opponents) an option other than death. “That still leaves a few spots open to fill and no one we can trust yet.
“Your Grace?” Gendry started rather timidly for him. He still hadn’t become accustomed to being part of a group whose decisions affected the realm as a whole despite being legitimized months ago. “When I was little, when King Robert needed to find a member he usually held a tourney.”
“There’s no way we can even think about holding a tourney now!” Jon said, trying not to sound indignant.
“Maybe not at the moment.” Lord Manderly said, “But the idea is not without its merit. While winter is dying down it isn’t completely done. So having one of them right now is out of the question. Maybe in a year’s time?”
“You expect for the city to be redone in a year?” Jon asked, looking out the room's window.
“No but we do not have to host it here.” Sansa said, in a tone that let Jon know she was leading somewhere. “We can have it at Dragonstone.”
“You forget Brother, you are the last Targaryen. Dragonstone is yours by right.” Sansa said, nodding. “Dragonstone is big enough and it most certainly has done so in the past.”
“In addition, we don’t have to offer such a…. steep reward.” Tyrion said. “Robert was always very generous with his offerings. With us in as much debt as we are it does not seem wise to offer that much.”
Bronze Yohn scoffed, “They will do it for the honor of being a member of the Kingsguard.”
“That seems fair.” Jon said. “I also want archers as part of the guard. We learned from our time at the Night’s Watch that just being good at swordplay is hindering in the long run.”
“That doesn’t solve our problem today.” Sansa said. “We can’t just let you go around without protection.”
“Send out the word. We are looking for knights. They don’t have to swear in the same oaths, but they’ll be needed for the next year.” Jon said, gaining various disapproving looks in return.
“You’ll be attracting many Hedge Knights, Your Grace.” Yohn said, “Not exactly the best at the moment.”
“It is fine.” Jon said, remembering the days before he went to join the Watch. He thought himself a conquering hero and determined to show that his birth did not affect his worth. Maybe he will get a few noble knights in this first group. “Duncan the Tall was also a hedge knight yet one of the greatest knights in the history of the Seven Kingdoms. So long as they’re willing to rise to the occasion.”
“Your Grace, I would also recommend another name.” Tyrion said. “There is a boy, well not a boy but a knight, Edric Storm. He is the son of King Robert?”
“And you think he is a good idea?” Gendry asked incredulously. Jon wasn’t sure whether it was due to him not thinking it to be a good idea or because he did not want to lose another family member. “With our fathers’ history?”
“He is the son of two nobles one of which was the king whom he is almost a spitting image of.” Tyrion countered. “There are many that say Storm’s End and even the Iron Throne, what’s left of it anyway, should belong to him. This gets a political obstacle out of the way for both King Jacaerys and Lord Gendry. With a prestigious position to boot.”
“Your Grace…” Gendry began before being cut off by Tyrion.
“The King has already said he doesn’t plan on legitimizing any of your siblings.” Tyrion said, causing Gendry to give an indignant huff before Jon clarified.
“I don’t plan on legitimizing all of your siblings. We do not need a succession crisis in the Stormlands as well. But yes I do not plan on legitimizing any of your siblings currently. It will only cause problems."
"However," Sansa began. "There were 18 great houses wiped out in the last few years. A few more in the male line but that is 18 keeps that need people in charge of them. We can start a cadet branch with some of them if necessary."
“Now onto the next subject, we have too much to talk about.”
All of his advisors looked around at everyone else to bring something up. “That’s it? Why did we bother even having a meeting!”
“They didn’t want to put too much on the docket due to the Dornish ambassador coming” Bran said, in his new normal deadpanned tone. “But they expected you to fight having guardsmen much harder.”
When the rest of the council had somewhat guilty looks on their faces, he knew that Bran told the truth. He didn’t want to say it, but he did appreciate the fact that Bran was much more straightforward than he used to be. It was better than most others he dealt with in King’s Landing. Even Sansa had begun to sew and weave her words when they were around other people instead of being blunt like they were in private.
Jon sighed, “When does Lord Dayne get here?”
“Lord Dayne?” Sansa asked in a tight voice. Jon looked at his sister curiously to see that she was blushing like when they were children. Jon knew that they met during the Battle of the Dawn but he was surprised that the Dornish Knight would have left such an impression on Sansa.
“In two hours,” Bran said, causing their sister to let out an almost inaudible squeak. “Maybe two and a half. This will allow us to help catch him up on things this evening”
“Good, this realm has seen enough war. If Lord Dayne can help us peacefully then we need to work with him however possible. If no one else has anything…” Jon began almost breaking the meeting before he heard two fake coughs. He looked at the open door and realized that the sell sword that was always following Tyrion around was the one coughing.
“Ah, yes. Speaking of all of those holdings that need new lords...” Tyrion began and for the first time since Jon knew him, the Lannister looked bashful. “Highgarden…”
“Yes, we found the closest Tyrell relative, Lord Theodore. They should be taking over any day.” Bronze Yohn said, eyeing the mercenary distainfully.
“Bullocks.” Tyrion said as Bronn glared at him. “There is a… personal matter I would like to speak to you about, Your Grace.”
“The Dwarf promised me a castle. Highgarden, actually.” Bronn said, curtly.
“Well I’m not going to give it to someone else while they still have heirs.” Jon snapped, although he did appreciate the bluntness.
“Well I am still owed a castle.” Bronn said, although he did have the grace to glare at Tyrion instead of Jon.
“In due time friend.” Tyrion said, holding up his hand.
“I’m sick of you Lannister’s jerking me off!” Bronn snapped.
“If I may…” Lord Manderly started, “Princess Sansa you have been looking for someone to take over the Dreadfort?”
“Yes, between the War of the Five Kings and Dawn we have had six great families wiped out in the North alone. The Bolton’s of the Dreadfort, the Umber’s of Last Hearth, the Mormont’s of Bear Island, the Fisher’s of Stoney Shore, the Hornwood’s of Hornwood and the Flint’s of the Fingers, all these bannerman and their keeps need these positions to be filled. The houses that did survive are in no position to help and start cadet branches. I can used someone I can depend on.” Sansa said, with a wry grin she added. "Any of them that tickles your fancy you can have."
“You’d be a fool to trust me.” Bronn scoffed.
“I never said someone I trust. Someone I can depend on to get the job done however, is exactly what I need.” Sansa said, calmly “You seemed to be kept on Lord Tyrion’s retainer pretty well.”
“And you expect me to freeze my bullocks off in that frozen wasteland you call home?” Bronn said, incredulously
“Beggars cannot be choosers my friend.” Tyrion said, “You have been offered six different keeps and you are turning them down.”
“I was promised Highgarden!” He snapped.
“Well I can’t give it to you! I do not know what else…” Tyrion started
“There is another choice.” Bran said, in the mystical cryptic tone he normally used. “Give him Casterly Rock.”
Tyrion choked on air. “My family seat?”
“It’s not as if you will be using it while you are working on the Small Council.” Bran said, “And it is not as if you have any family to run it in your stead.”
“Brandon!” Sansa snapped.
“What?” Bran deadpanned and Jon was horrified to see that his younger brother-cousin did not realize what he said was wrong. “He knew what would happen as soon as he fired that bolt.”
“Much of the conflict that has happened over the past two decades have been due to the schemes of House Lannister. Both Tywin and Cersei. Mayhaps it is best we let the name die out. Both the Frey and Bolton names have been wiped out. I see it fitting that the same happens to the last name that helped break guests right at the Red Wedding shares their fate.” Lord Manderly shrugged, but no one forgot that he too lost a son due to the betrayals of those houses.
“Just so we’re clear, you’d be raising me to Paramount of the Westerlands?” Bronn asked, eyebrow cocked with an amused smirk.
“I doubt it.” Bronze Yohn scoffed. “You? You are a sell sword. You don’t even have a family name.”
“You bet your bottom and tit I do!” Bronn said, causing Yohn to scowl at the man. “House… House Blackwater! House Blackwater of Casterly Rock.”
“Lord Tyrion?” Jon asked, and he could see that his friend’s face had darkened. This was his birthright. Something that had been denied to him by his father for a long time. It was something that he could empathize with.
Tyrion sighed before saying, “My family has brought nothing but rot to the seven kingdoms this last decade.” He pinched his nose before continuing. “However, the Westerlands, my family’s own bannermen, will never follow you. Unless…”
“Unless what.” Bronn snapped.
“My cousin Joy.” Tyrion said. “The bastard daughter of my Uncle Gerion. My only family left. Still unmarried. About the same age as your youngest sister, Your Grace. If we can arrange a betrothal between her and Ser Bronn.”
“Probably a legitimization as well.” Sansa added, “Although not completely necessary.”
“And you will probably need to fill one of the empty Council spots with a Westerlenian.” Tyrion said, “I recommend Ser Addam Marbrand, my brother trusted him. He would make a good Master at Laws.”
“You are alright with this My Lord?” Jon said, “Tis your birthright.”
“Well it is like Prince Brandon and Wyman said, Your Grace. My family wrecked this country. Joy and I are the last of the Lannisters. As long as he agrees to the betrothal then maybe… if our name could fade out peacefully…”
Jon sighed with a headache. It was not even midday and he already had a headache. “Very well, Ser Bronn of House… Blackwater” Jon said pausing at the ridiculous house name. The man was going to be Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, and he was naming himself after something in the Crownlands. Whatever... “I name you Lord of Casterly Rock. However, I am not naming you Lord Paramount. We shall have another Westerlands house take that role. It will be decided at a later date. Warden of the West, that shall go to the Lord Tyrell of the Reach, With Warden of the South going to whoever holds the Dornish seat.”
“Good enough for me.” Bronn said with a side smirk. He left the council room whistling the tune to the Dornishman’s wife.
“Please tell me that was not a mistake.” Jon said, looking at Tyrion.
“He knows those mines are mostly dry. Can’t be a worse choice than my sister.” The Master of Coin said, shrugging. “At least the heirs of the Casterly Rock will have Lannister blood in their veins. Speaking of heirs…” he finished leading.
“Meeting adjourned.” Jon said, trying not to grind his teeth. “I shall see you all on the docks in two hours.”
“Gendry!” Sansa said, in a predetermined signal. The former blacksmith stood in front of the door, his bulk completely blocking the door for Jon to leave. “We need to speak of this Jon! It has been over four moons! Honestly I am surprised that there haven’t been more lords already throwing their daughters at you!”
“The Princess is correct, Your Grace.” Lord Royce said. “You must have an heir to stabilize your reign.”
There was a pregnant pause before Jon turned to her sister-cousin. “Who do you recommend?” At her faux confused look he added, “Don’t start, you always look at your feet before you lie. I know you have a list.”
“While my unmarried daughters are too young, one of my cousins, Myranda, is unattached, Your Grace.” Lord Royce said, “She is only a few years older than you.”
Myranda… Myranda… where did he hear that name before Myranda. My.. Randa, Randa… “Is she the one that…” Jon asked trailing off looking at Sansa to check on her story from the Vale. Her solemn expression breaking into a grimace told it all.
“He was… very old, Your Grace.” Yohn said, regretfully.
“If I may, Your Grace?” Lord Manderly added, “I have two granddaughters.”
“Wylla and Wynafryd If I am not mistaken?” Jon said. Honestly, he would take the first woman offered to him. Dany was barely dead and in the ground. He did not feel like courting, nor did he care who he ended up with.
“Yes, although currently I am training Wynafryd to be my heir.” Wyman said happy with himself to show that he was training and making a woman his heir as if Dorne and the Mormont’s had not been doing the same for centuries.
“I do not think that is a good idea, Your Grace.” Tyrion said, holding up his hand to the other two men at the perceived insult. “You are already connected to House Stark through your Cousins, who in turn are connected to the Vale and Riverlands through their mother’s kin. We need to think in terms of strengthening your ties to other regions.”
“I would not cut out all Northerners, Lord Tyrion.” Sansa said. “There is still Lady Meera Reed. Our family owes her quite a debt. Making her queen seems just enough to repay that debt.”
The entire council looked at her. She was speaking quite strangely and not at all how she usually speaks. “In fact, I do not think there is anyone else out there who is worthy of her. Only a king is good enough for our banner…”
“Enough!” Bran snapped, more emotion in his voice than Jon had heard in nearly a decade. It seems the Three-eyed Raven could still get jealous. “We decided no citizens of the Northerners, Vale or Riverlanders. Move along.”
The eyebrows of the council shot up in surprise but a look from Jon prevented anyone from saying something. Sansa met his eyes though- she had been more and more worried about her little brother and came to Jon frequently about it. Jon could not even be annoyed that she used the Small Council meeting for her little experiment seeing how it worked.
“Who else is on that list Sansa?” Jon asked, trying to change the subject so that Bran would stop fuming.
“Well if we are keeping in mind that we need to do this for an Alliance then not as many. Because we also want to pair you with someone we can trust, not someone who will slit your throat as soon as get a child on them. May the gods forbid another Cersei Lannister on as the Queen.”
“Here, here!” Tyrion said, holding up his goblet as if his actions were not the ones that directly led to her sitting on the throne.
“So really there are only three names that we should consider.” Sansa said, “Someone from Dorne or the Reach. Dorne is likely to still be angry about the actions of your parents so maybe a Dornish wife may relive tensions with that region. Jynessa Blackmont and Allyria Dayne from Dorne. Lady Jynessa is going to be with the Dornish ambassador’s party and Lady Allyria is…”
“Not an opinion.” Bran said, causing Sansa to look at him strangly.
“Lady Jynessa was in the Dornish Party when Prince Oberyn came for Joffery’s wedding. She seemed kind enough when I met her, but we should be wary.” Sansa said, rolling with Bran’s statements. He does not speak very often anymore so when he does they all make sure to listen. “Now for the Reach really the only choice is Desmera Redwyne.”
“I uh also Your Grace.” Sam stuttered, “My sister Talla is also of marriageable age.”
Jon looked at his best friend in anguish. It was clear he truly did not want to offer her name but was doing so because he felt honor bound to do so. Honestly, Jon could not blame him. The last two women he loved were brutally stabbed in the heart.
“You are already on the Council, Sam.” Jon said. “It would not be a good idea to marry her lest I get accused of putting friends in powerful positions.”
Everyone knew that was a weak argument, it was almost expected to put those closest to you in powerful positions, but no one contradicted him.
“There is always the new Lord of the Reach, Theodore’s daughter… Elia?” Tyrion said, “They could be a great al…”
“Elinor?” Sansa said, a mix of incredulous and furious. “Absolutely not!”
“You know her?” Jon asked. After Daenerys, Jon was not going to ignore his sister-cousin’s judgment. Not again. Especially after his interact with this specific Tyrell the night before.
“Yes.” Sansa replied curtly. Everyone looked at her expectantly, but she did not elaborate.
“Mayhaps we shouldn’t jump…”
“I will NOT have her as part of my family.” She snapped to Jon’s surprise. While she was not emotionless like Bran, she did hide her emotions much more. Outbursts like this one she hadn’t shown in years.
“Your Grace.” Bronze Yohn started and just by his look Jon could tell he would not like what was about to be said. But interestingly enough it was Gendry that he was looking at apprehensively. “There is another Young Lady in the Vale… I believe the Princess Sansa was made her acquaintance while she was in the Vale…”
“Please just say what you wish to say Lord Royce.” Jon said, he was only in the Capital a few moons and already he was sick of the word games.
“She is the bastard daughter of Robert Baratheon.” Royce said finally. “It may be a way to put to bed any lingering doubts about you sitting on the throne. With both regimes united and on the Throne.”
“She… is a good person.” Sansa said, but the look on Gendry’s face he was not sure what he should do.
“No.” Bran said, before looked confused. “There is someone at the door.”
Gendry narrowed his eyebrows and opened the door to find a woman in dark red. “Hello my king. I am…”
“A red priestess.” Jon completed.
“Yes, Your Grace.” The woman said with a slight bow. “I heard what you were speaking of. My order has done more research into… the events surrounding your death.”
“You mean his death and resurrection?” Tyrion asked.
“Yes.” The Priestess confirmed. “Thoros of our order was the first to preform… such a ceremony. We are still unsure of the long term effects.”
“Is there a point, My Lady?”
“You need an heir.” The priestess said. “Unfortunately from what we have discovered, you will be unable to.”
There was pause as his council started murmuring. Jon not being able to have children was bad omen. The realm had just come off a war due to a succession crisis, and now their elected king could not have children? This would cause a lot of turmoil. Although it did help explain how Daenerys never got pregnant despite their coupling.
“I sense a ‘However’ coming.” Sansa said, grounding the conversation.
“We have found that those who have also undergone the same procedure, are more susceptible to receive the gift of life.” The Priestess said.
“As far as I am aware, there are no other Westerosi has undergone this procedure.” Tyrion said, “We do need them to be Wester…osi.”
His new master of coin trailed off as two more women in Red Robes walked into the room. The younger blonde looked surprisingly skittish, as Tyrion and Sansa looked at her in shock. “Myrcella?” Tyrion whispered in horrified shock.
Jon and Sansa exchanged a look as the room broke up Myrcella causing the unofficial ending of the meeting. She grabbed the back of his hand and said, “Don’t worry Jon. You only have this job forever.”
“Arya is a bad influence on you.” Jon grumbled. “I don’t think I like it…”
Sansa laughed as she led Bran from the room. “It’s only for forever…”
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mariesdeluluworld · 3 years
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙂𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙚
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Tywin Lannister hated his dwarf son. Despised him. Every time his calculating green eyes landed on his twisted half-man son, it reminded him of what he lost. His precious wife, gone, to give life to the creature before him. He took her life, and here he is, breathing, instead of cold and lifeless. The gods had cursed him from the moment Joanna found out she was with child again. The moment seed had given her a child. After the birth of the twins, Master Creylen advised Tywin and Joanna not to have another child. Which was fine, because he got what he wanted. An heir, and a daughter to marry off to Aerys’s son, Rheagar. A Lannister, his daughter, would sit on the throne as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. He had everything he wanted, his perfect children, his loving wife, his long-time friend, and King, and the Relm was prospering. Until it wasn’t.
He lost everything in a day and was left with a creature he wasn’t sure that came from his loins. A hideous son, whom no one wanted to marry, who was Lord Tywin’s bane. His second son, Tyrion Lannister.
The old lion narrowed his gaze at his son, who was speaking in hushed tones with his younger brother, Gerion Lannister, ignoring his sister’s continuous babble. Tywin watched as Tyrion laughed and made jests with Gerion, smiling as if he’d done nothing wrong. His half-man son waddled along, enjoying his time with his uncle as they walked through Joanna’s garden. Tywin’s fists clenched together, his forehead crinkled as his brows furrowed together as he watched with displeasure. Sixteen years it’s been. Sixteen years since Tywin Lannister ever cracked a smile.
“Tywin? Brother?” A hand rested on his leather-clad shoulder, drawing his attention away from his son and brother. Genna stood next to him, her golden hair piled in an intricate design with pearls dangling in locks. Her face was all made up with various powders and a lip stain. Her dress was Lannister red, and around her neck sat a golden lion head nestled between her breasts. Genna reminded Tywin of their mother, Jeyne. She shared their mother’s shade of green eyes and mother’s shapely figure. She was beautiful and cunning. She was a Lannister. Yet she was married to a pathetic Frey.
“Tywin, did you hear me?” she asked, a smile playing at the corner of her lips. Tywin simply stared at her, wondering what he’d missed. “Of course you didn’t,” she chuckled before sighing. “I said, dear brother, I think we should hold a ball.” A smile spread across her face. While the Old Lion simply raised a brow at her statement. “A ball,” he repeated. Genna nodded her head. “Why would we need to throw a ball?” His voice rumbled in his chest, and if Genna wasn’t his sister, he would’ve growled.
“For Tyrion, of course. He’s sixteen. It’s time to find him a suitable wife and future Lady of Casterly Rock.” Tywin narrowed his eyes, irritatedly. “Do you not think I’ve tried to find him a wife? Lord Tully denied my proposal, as did Lord Royce and Lord Hightower, and I just received Ser Colin Florent’s raven.” Tywin picked up the letter lying on his desk. “‘I regret to inform you my Lord Lannister, my daughter Delena has been promised to marry Ser Hosman Norcross,’ Even the oaf Florent won’t marry his whore of a daughter to Tyrion.” He threw the letter onto the desk and sat down, leaning forward and lacing his hands together as he raises a brow at Genna. “So, you still believe someone will marry him?” Genna sighed and shook her head at her older brother. “Tyrion is capable of finding a wife. We simply need to introduce him to eligible ladies.”
“So we’ll prance him around as if he was my daughter? Shall I have a tailor make him a gown as well?” Sarcasm dripped in his voice, and Genna glared at her brother. “Tyrion is your son —”
“No, he is not!!” Tywin slammed his fist down against the desk. He glared at Genna, fury swimming in his green eyes, his lip curling in a snarl. Genna glared back at him, challenging his stare. This was the same argument they’ve had over the last thirteen years, and every time Tywin’s fury matched a starving lion. His fangs were out, snarling, and his claws were ready to tear through her body. The first time they argued about Tyrion, Tywin stopped talking to Genna for an entire year. It was a miserable year for Genna. Losing her brother temporary was the worst feeling in the world.
“Tywin.” she reached her hand over the desk to place it on his fist, but he jerked away. “Don’t you wish to make an alliance to benefit House Lannister?” He stood up and stomped off to Joanna’s portrait. He stood in front of the painted version of his wife, staring at her beautiful green eyes and rich golden hair that shone in the sun. “Jamie is sworn to the damned Kingsguard. Cersei is Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Who else can make a proper marriage alliance for House Lannister?” Tywin shook his head and clenched his fists at his side. “Tyrion is the only answer. He is the only one who can help our House.”
Genna’s voice became soft somewhere in the middle of her persuasion, and she knew she had her big brothers when Tywin let out a sound of frustration before turning and running a hand down his face.
“So be it.” The smile that left Genna could only resemble a lioness who was ready to kill her next meal.
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#7 kiss prompt for Alys and Jaime Lannister pretty please! I can’t wait to see what you do with it!
#7 ...to shut them up
Jaime found Alys pacing the room in the late evening.
Back and forth and back and forth she went. A slight waddle to her step that normally he’d have teased her over, but the worried furrow to her brow and the fact that she looks like she’d been at this a while gives him some semblance of pause.
He still teases a bit though, “you’re going to wear right through to the floor below if you keep that up.”
Alys glances, her steps stuttering to a stop and her hands tightening over the large swell of her belly. “You’re ridiculous.” She says, a smile present even if her face is still mostly toned with worry.
“As ridiculous as you walking back and forth for what has probably been a half hour or more in our bedroom?” He asks moving closer. “I know Creylen said walking was good for you but this is a little excessive, don’t you think?” He stops before her, reaching and pressing a soft hand over her own where it rests on her stomach. “At this rate you’re probably one solid step from them just dropping out of you where you walk.”
Alys blanches a bit, and lets out a shaken breath. “Jaime.” She says, her eyes squeezing shut and though he’d already had a slight idea as to what was worrying her this all but confirmed it. She’d been worrying over little else the last few months, it seemed that if she wasn’t mothering Jon or busying herself with the day-to-day requirements of the Lady of Casterly Rock then she was fussing over the baby in her belly.
“Remember,” he starts carefully, teasing to his tone in hopes of getting her to calm down and smile again. “You’ve done this before.”
He realizes its the wrong step immediately when her eyes open and more fear is evident in them. “Except I haven’t.” She whispers, her tone sharp and breathless. “I haven’t… but the maester and the midwives, and Genna, and you’re father… they all think I have.” She shakes her head, stepping back and starting to walk again in her nerves. “So my nerves to them would seem baseless. To them I already had a successful and healthy pregnancy with Jon, so what do I have to worry about?” She spins back around to look to him.
“It will be fine.” He says though he has his own worries. Memories of his mother’s death during Tyrion’s birth had made occasional appearances in his dreams since Alys had informed him of her pregnancy. But he didn’t let them worry him, he put them away somewhere else and focused on the good that was coming rather than the risks. And when that didn’t work he found a sword and a willing sparring partner to swing at until his mind had moved away from unfavorable topics.
“But what if it isn’t?” Alys asks, her tone strained. “I was there when Lya gave birth. I saw how wrong it can go.”
“You’ll have Maester Creylen, and several midwives, not to mention Genna who has had two pregnancies of her own go well enough…”
“You’re mother had all of that,” Alys says, though she pauses with guilt over her face when Jaime’s own darkens with grief at the thought of his mother. “I’m sorry.” She says stopping in front of him and laying a gentle hand on his arm. “But… I just, keep remembering Lya when she died. And how much blood there was, and poor Jon and her worries for him.” She was rambling, her head shaking and tears brimming in her eyes. “If I die…” Jaime didn’t wish to think on that, but Alys continued, “If I die then he’ll be alone, I promised Lyanna I’d be there for him. And now… I may not, not for him or our own children… I can’t…”
Her breaths were ragged and she was clearly panicking, her words coming faster and faster and Jaime, both out of needing her to stop and not wanting to even think on what Alys was saying, leaned forward. His hand gently taking her face between them and pulling her forward until her lips met his. Her words stopped, and she paused a second as her brain seemed to go from panic to the present. And Jaime waited, lips touching, until she sighed into him and then he deepened the kiss until he felt her steady against him.
Then he pulled just the smallest bit back, resting his forehead against hers. “It will all be fine,” he tells her, “I promise.”
She looks for a moment like she might protest, but he shakes his head and leans once more to kiss her further and take her away from the panic and worry.
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hairgrowsback · 5 years
Jaime Lannister's arc and the limits of redemption
This is what GRRM said when Rolling Stone asked him about Jaime's supposed redemption arc:
One of the things I wanted to explore with Jaime, and with so many of the characters, is the whole issue of redemption. When can we be redeemed? Is redemption even possible? I don’t have an answer. But when do we forgive people? You see it all around in our society, in constant debates. Should we forgive Michael Vick? I have friends who are dog-lovers who will never forgive Michael Vick. Michael Vick has served years in prison; he’s apologized. Has he apologized sufficiently? Woody Allen: Is Woody Allen someone that we should laud, or someone that we should despise?Or Roman Polanski, Paula Deen. Our society is full of people who have fallen in one way or another, and what do we do with these people? How many good acts make up for a bad act? If you’re a Nazi war criminal and then spend the next 40 years doing good deeds and feeding the hungry, does that make up for being a concentration-camp guard? I don’t know the answer, but these are questions worth thinking about. I want there to be a possibility of redemption for us, because we all do terrible things. We should be able to be forgiven. Because if there is no possibility of redemption, what’s the answer then? 
So, clearly GRRM doesn't think Jaime is an irredeemable monster, he believes that one can learn to seek forgiveness through their actions. However, it is also clear that with his answer here he was going for something far more complex for  Jaime than just a standard redemption arc.  He compares Jaime to people that our society sees as monsters, if you ask most people if they'd want to give someone like Woody Allen or a nazi criminal a second chance...9 times out of 10 you'd probably hear a resounding "no". Obviously since this is only fiction and Jaime at the end of the day is harmless fictional character who hasn't hurt any actual real people, we can be less harsh on him for his crimes than an actual nazi war criminal lol but at the same time I do also think that GRRM comparing Jaime to these kinds of people indicates that he believes Jaime's actions just aren't that easy to forgive or atone for. That forgiveness and atonement is a long messy journey and yes the answer to his last question of whether there is a possibility of redemption for Jaime could be a no.
In this analysis about Jaime, I would like to make the argument that Jaime's character isn't a straightforward redemption but an arc that ultimately questions the limits of redemption, and does not actually give a comfortable answer about whether Jaime is redeemed or not making Jaime the ultimate grey character of the series. I want to mostly make my point from text from the books as I have always believed that Jaime's arc in the books is like this, but I also want to cite some examples from the show and try to explain what the show was trying to achieve with Jaime.
As readers its hard to not empathize with Jaime when he loses his hand in ASOS, however I also believe that the interpretation that after Jaime loses his hand, everything about him is redemptive because he does become humbled through this trauma and learns to respect and admire Brienne, even saving her life.
However, how much does Jaime think or try to repent for his original sin in regards to Bran? Not much, as in his POV chapters he never even thinks of Bran by his name. The only time he ever shows any regret at all, is this one quick line in ASOS in a conversation with Cersei:
Robert's death still left a bitter taste in Jaime's mouth. It should have been me who killed him, not Cersei. "I only wished he'd died at my hands." When I still had two of them. "If I'd let kingslaying become a habit, as he liked to say, I could have taken you as my wife for all the world to see. “I'm not ashamed of loving you, only of the things I've done to hide it. That boy at Winterfell . . ." "Did I tell you to throw him out the window? If you'd gone hunting as I begged you, nothing would have happened. But no, you had to have me, you could not wait until we returned to the city."
And while it is good that Jaime now sees pushing Bran as a "shameful" thing, the context of this regret is his irritation that he did not have the chance to kill Robert and marry Cersei. I personally do think that even this one line of regret is soured by this. Jaime clearly still cannot comprehend his role in causing the War of the Five Kings. How his relationship with Cersei and pushing Bran set this domino effect that led to devastation in an entire continent.
Now what I'm saying will probably be disagreed upon, but I do not believe that Jaime's apology to Bran was entirely genuine in the Season 8 either. Jaime showed 0 regret towards his attack at Ned and his men, or his part in the War of the Five Kings, he said he would do all those actions again if he could. Unlike Theon who is filled with guilt to the brim and is constantly expressing remorse over his actions, Jaime did not even tell the Starks about pushing Bran. He essentially lied by omission at his trial and Bran called him out on it by echoing the *"things I do for love"* line. It was Theon and not Jaime who volunteered to sacrifice himself for Bran.
tl;dr: unlike theon, jaime never ever repents for his original sin in regards to Bran in the show and in the books so far, the one moment where he expressed regret towards Bran was filled with anger about not being able to kill Robert and having Cersei in the way he wants.
Now in regards to Jaime's relationship with Cersei, there's a pervasive thought that Jaime was essentially trapped into the relationship, that it was Cersei who forced herself upon Jaime when in fact, Jaime's own thoughts show that the relationship began when kid Cersei and Jaime couldn't stop "experimenting" with each other:
“He could never bear to be long apart from his twin. Even as children, they would creep into each other's beds and sleep with their arms entwined. Even in the womb. Long before his sister's flowering or the advent of his own manhood, **they had seen mares and stallions in the fields and dogs and bitches in the kennels and played at doing the same.** Once their mother's maid had caught them at it . . . he did not recall just what they had been doing, but whatever it was had horrified Lady Joanna. She'd sent the maid away, moved Jaime's bedchamber to the other side of Casterly Rock, set a guard outside Cersei's, and told them that they must never do that again or she would have no choice but to tell their lord father. They need not have feared, though. It was not long after that she died birthing Tyrion. Jaime barely remembered what his mother had looked like.”
From A Feast for Crows:
"I can't remember when we first began to kiss. It was innocent at first. Until it wasn't."
Both Jaime and Cersei's POV support that more often times than not, it was Jaime who initiated their sexual encounters:
“She did not come to him, however. She has never come to me, he thought. She has always waited, letting me come to her. She gives, but I must ask. "
Taena got quite drunk and Cersei pried the name of her secret lover from her. He was a Myrish sea captain, half a pirate, with black hair to the shoulders and a scar that ran across his face from chin to ear. A hundred times I told him no, and he said yes," the other woman told her, "until finally I was saying yes as well. He was not the sort of man to be denied." "I know the sort," the queen said with a wry smile.
"Has Your Grace ever known a man like that, I wonder?""Robert," she lied, thinking of Jaime.
And of course, there's the infamous sept scene where we all know that its Jaime who pressures Cersei into sex (even though no he did not rape her in the books like he did on the show)
The Jaime and Cersei relationship is highly dysfunctional and toxic, but Jaime has never been shackled by Cersei. He made his own choices, being with Cersei was more important to him than being Lord of Casterly Rock or marrying Lysa or anything else. He chose to do things he did for love. Jaime and Cersei was a consensual relationship, Cersei is manipulative but Jaime went along with it and made his choices and yes even coerced her into sex and didn't take "no" for answer. It is a mutually toxic relationship.
Finally, there is this notion that Jaime burning Cersei's letter at the end of AFFC means that he is 100% done with her, has no love for her anymore and has also understood the length of toxicity of House Lannister.
I would like to even counter that proving support that I believe Jaime's feelings for Cersei are far more complex than people realize.
In the same chapter that Jaime burns Cersei's letter he also has all of these other thoughts about Cersei:
 "We all dream of things we cannot have. Tywin dreamed that his son would be a great knight, that his daughter would be a queen. He dreamed they would be so strong and brave and beautiful that no one would ever laugh at them." 
"I am a knight," he told her, "and Cersei is a queen."A tear rolled down her cheek. The woman raised her hood again and turned her back on him. Jaime called after her, but already she was moving away, her skirt whispering lullabies as it brushed across the floor. Don't leave me, he wanted to call, but of course she'd left them long ago.
When Jaime has his dream about Joanna, what he says about himself and Cersei shows that he still has not realized just how much he and Cersei have failed at being a queen and a knight. To some extent, he still romanticizes himself and Cersei.
This is the thought he has right before he receives Cersei's letter
There was a time, not long ago, when he might have been out making snowballs with the best of them, to fling at Tyrion when he waddled by, or slip down the back of Cersei's gown. You need two hands to make a decent snowball, though.
Hs dream about Joanna has ironically awakened him even more about his losses. And when he thinks about Cersei in ADWD, we learn that his ultimate decision to burn Cersei's letter was partially motivated because even if he did go back to her, there is no way he could protect her and save her life:
Past time this was ended, thought Jaime Lannister. With Riverrun now safely in Lannister hands, Raventree was the remnant of the Young Wolf’s short-lived kingdom. Once it yielded, his work along the Trident would be done, and he would be free to return to King’s Landing. To the king, he told himself, but another part of him whispered, to Cersei.
He would have to face her, he supposed. Assuming the High Septon had not put her to death by the time he got back to the city. “Come at once,” she had written, in the letter he’d had Peck burn at Riverrun. “Help me. Save me. I need you now as I have never needed you before. I love you. I love you. I love you. Come at once.” Her need was real enough, Jaime did not doubt. As for the rest … she’s been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and Moon Boy for all I know … Even if he had gone back, he could not hope to save her. She was guilty of every treason laid against her, and he was short a sword hand.
Jaime also still thinks of Cersei as his wife as of ADWD:
"Do you have a little wife, ser?" No, I have a sister.
So basically while Jaime and Cersei are absolutely estranged, Jaime's feelings for her aren't as black and white as they seem.
As far as Jaime's feelings on the power of House Lannister are concerned..
In season 8, Jaime's only promise was to fight the AOTD, he didn't bend the knee to Daenerys and made no promises of bringing down the Lannister regime.
In the books, Jaime still absolutely supports Tommen as king as of ADWD.
Once he found the Blackfish, he would be free to return to King’s Landing, where he belonged. My place is with my king. With my son.
His seige of Riverrun and helping the Freys get Riverrun is still Jaime actively furthering the power of the Lannister regime. There is nothing to suggest from either the show or books that Jaime will work to destroy House Lannister. One would think true redemption would mean Jaime realizing to bring down the full evils of his house.
Now finally in regards to the valonqar prophecy, the pervasive theory on that has been that Jaime will kill Cersei as part of this big redemptive arc when she tries to blow up the city. However, we know now from Season 8 that unfortunately it is far more likely that Daenerys ends up being like Aerys than Cersei in the books despite all the obvious Cersei and Aerys parallels in AFFC.
Cersei's subplot was likely merged with Faegon's in the show and the wildfire was removed from underneath the Sept of Baelor in the books and D&D have also basically come clear in an Inside the Episode that Cersei blowing up the sept was their invention and not something that comes from GRRM. Cersei will likely get some destructive revenge against the High Sparrow in TWOW but it is unlikely its via sept burning.
tl;dr: as time has gone by it seems less and less likely that if Jaime kills Cersei in the books, it will be an exact mirror of his murder of Aerys imo
But far far more importantly, based on Jaime's trajectory... if GRRM does choose to have Jaime straight up kill Cersei in the books and not do some subversion for that last bit of the valonqar prophecy or whatever... (I actually don't think its impossible that Cersei doesn't get violently murdered in the books just like she didn't in the show HA). It is highly unlikely that it will be painted as a redemptive act. In fact it is far more likely that due to his experiences with Stoneheart in TWOW, it will be Jaime actively choosing Lannister toxicity and Tywin's fucked up cycle of abuse to get vengeance on the woman he loved his entire life, his sister, the mother of his children. No, I do not think it will paint Jaime as 100% monstrous but just not 100% heroic either and show that killing Cersei is something he had to do out of *love* rather than hate. Loving Cersei is an absolute core part of Jaime's character that cannot be erased. Whether Jaime kills Cersei in the books or dies hugging her like he did so on the show, his final moments with Cersei will not be black or white in terms of morality and the question of redemption.
So ultimately the main purpose of my post is that I do not believe it was the show's intention to just erase all of Jaime's character development and make him the same person as season 1 ep 1 in his final moments, but to ultimately have his story be that of a somewhat failed redemption arc. The show just rushed and botched the execution of it due to bad writing (such as the nonsensical "I never cared about the innocents" line). And I also believe that book Jaime is also on the same path, just in different ways since because of the changes in adaptation. Do I think Season 8 was terrible? Absolutely, but Jaime's character in itself is not a complete failure because his arc was always far more complex than that of straightforward redemption.
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katlyn1948 · 5 years
An Unexpected Journey: Part 4
A wolf’s den it was because sitting around the table with Sansa and Bran was her older brother Jon. Her breath had caught and her eyes went wide. This was more of a surprise than finding out Sansa was pregnant.
She immediately ran to him and jumped into his arms like she had nearly six years prior. His chuckle tickled her ear and she relaxed instantly in his grasp. She scarcely believed that he was here holding her.
“What are you doing here?” She asked as he let her down to the floor.
“Well, you’re not the only one capable of surprises.” He ruffled her hair as he spoke.
She pushed his hand away and playfully shoved him. Her eyes flicked to Sansa and she instantly knew.
“You told him?”
Sansa smiled and gave a quick nod. “The moment we got your letters we decided to plan this whole surprise. We knew you’d try to make your way to Dragonstone after you came to King’s Landing, so we decided to bring Dragonstone here, or rather its very important people, here.”
Arya was in disbelief. Her family all in once place together again. It was nearly impossible to believe, yet here it was unfolding in front of her very eyes.
“And Daenerys?” Arya asked as they all started to take their seats around the table. Bran was at one side of the head while Sansa was at the other. Their significant others to the right of them while Tyrion, Jon, and herself took whatever seats remained.
“She putting the twins down to rest. They were quite rowdy on the boat ride here.” Jon has said.
Arya nearly chocked on her wine, “Twins? But the last letter I received from you said it only to be one babe, not two.”
“Aye, and if you had sent more letters like you should’ve I would have been able to tell you that we had a twins.” Jon said matter of fact.
Arya waved her hand dismissively , “Yes, yes. Sansa already told me I should’ve written more often.”
Smiles and laughter filled the small council room as the family ate. They were sharing their stories and adventures to Arya and she couldn’t help but feel elated. She had truly missed this. For so long she had been alone and had been focused on her kill list that there was little room left for love and happiness. Now that it was all over and she could see the bright faces before her she started to believe that she could finally have all that she never thought she could.
“So Lord Tyrion, I’ve heard my siblings life stories and what I missed these past years, but I haven’t heard how your life is going. Please do enlighten me?” Arya asked.
Tyrion took a sip of his wine; he was on his fourth cup. He cleared his throat and spoke.
“Well, if you must know, I have married.”
Arya’s brows lifted in surprise. “Really? Hmm won’t this be your third?”
“And my last, I hope.” He lifted his goblet to the Gods.
“Well, who is she?” Curiosity taking over Arya.
“Well she ah-“ He was interrupted by a new voice that had joined the council room.
“She was one of my Dothraki hand maids.” It was Daenerys that spoke. Arya hadn’t noticed her enter the room.
Arya stood from her seat and greeted the former Dragon Queen with a small bow.
“Daenerys. It’s nice to see you...on good terms.”
Dany gave a small smile and quickly embraced the young assassin. Arya was surprised by the sudden gesture and wasn’t sure how to respond. She hadn’t been close to Dany, not even after Jon had talked her down from burning thousands of innocent people alive.
When Arya had left to travel, Dany’s mental state was not in the best condition. She was still recovering from her losses and was paranoid that people where still trying to poison her.
From one of the few letters she had gotten from Jon, it took her time to recover. It wasn’t until she found out that she a babe in her belly that she realized what was most important and ultimately giving up the throne to Bran.
Arya returned the embrace. She still wasn’t sure how she felt about Daenerys Targaryen, but she did believe that, with time, they could become friends.
“It is good to see you too, Arya.” Dany said as she let Arya go.
Arya returned to her seat and Dany sat beside Jon.
“I am sorry I was late. I had to put the twins down for a nap. They were a little agitated on the boat ride here.” Dany said as she took a bite of her food.
“Oh nonsense! I’ll be in your shoes come four moons time.” Sansa assured her.
Arya looked between the two ladies and was surprised by their interaction. The last time there were in the same room they wanted to kill each other. Now, they looked liked the best of friends, smiling and laughing with one another. It was almost sickening to Arya, but she had to remember that she had been gone for five years and that was plenty of time for them to strike a friendship.
“So tell me Arya, how were your travels? Find anything interesting?” Dany asked her.
Arya washed her food down with the remainder of her wine before she spoke. “Nothing much, just a lot of sea and few small islands that had friendly natives. We did find a rather large mass of land that we mapped, but there weren’t any people that we saw. Then after that we just sailed around Essos and stopped when we needed supplies.”
“It sounds like you enjoyed yourself.” Dany quipped.
Arya nodded, “Oh yeah! It was liberating. I had command of the ship and the men listened to me. But eventually I did miss home. That’s why I’m here.”
“And how long do you plan on staying?” She asked her.
Arya was hoping no one would ask that damned question. She really didn’t want to explain why she wasn’t staying in King’s Landing. The only one who knew her plans was deep into his fifth cup of wine. She glanced at him and he gave a small hiccup. He wiped his mouth of whatever wine may have spilled out of it and looked up at Arya, a grin covering his face.
“Oh yes! Please do tell us how long you are staying, Lady Stark! Was it two days or three? I can’t quite remember what that navigator of yours said.” His words were slightly slurred.
Arya shot daggers at the imp and swore that one day she would slit his throat in his sleep.
She could feel the many pairs of eyes lingering on her body, each with their own impending question. This is exactly why she wanted to keep it hush. She hated answering questions that she really didn't have an answer to and she had a feeling that she was about to receive plenty of them.
Sansa was the first, as always, to ask the question that undoubtedly on everyone's mind.
"You are not staying? Where are you going?" Her tone was harsh but the hurt in her voice was undeniably recognizable.
"I-" She was cut off by Jon before she could answer he sister's question.
"You're sailing again, aren't you? Haven't you had enough of the sea?"
Arya's eyes widened. "No! No! I am not sailing again. I've truly had enough of the high seas." She assured her family.
"Then where are you going?" Sansa asked once more.
Arya hesitated. She didn't want to tell them where she was going. She shouldn't have to, but if she didn't she knew her family would be hurt and didn't think that she could bear to see their weary faces.
With a sigh, Arya answered. "I am staying in Westeros and I'll be back to King's Landing, I promise. I just have one more place to go to before I even begin to think about settling down."
She saw the tension in her family ease a bit. They truly believed that she would up a leave again and that broke her heart. She didn't want them to expect for her to leave. They knew she was a wanderer, but she had hoped they would believe her to stay. But she had been gone from for five years and perhaps they only knew her as she had been and as what she was now.  
"And where is this place that you have to visit? Hmm? You haven't been any where else but Winterfell and King's Landing, so where else would you have to go?" Her sister was becoming impatient due to the lack of answers that Arya was providing.
"Well, that's not necessarily true. I have been to the Riverlands and Harrenhal, but that's another story." She said matter of fact.
Sansa face was starting to beam red. Arya's blatant disregard for answering her questions was becoming irritating.
"Arya! You know what I mean. Now please tell me where you are going."
Now Arya was the one becoming annoyed. She didn't want to answer her sister's questions, nor did she have to. She was a woman grown of twenty and three and didn't need to explain her reasonings. If her sister wanted to know the truth, she could go to their brother Bran, who seemed to have all the answers.
Arya crossed her arms over her chest and remained silent. She wasn't going to give her sister the satisfaction. Although, she couldn't say as much for the imp sitting beside her.
"I think I can answer that as well." He hiccuped.
Arya turned to the imp, "If you say a single word, I will make sure that you never see tomorrow."
"You are not a sprightly young lass are you?" Tyrion inquired.
Arya instinctively reached for Cat's Paw, "I'll me more than happy to show you sprightly."
Tyrion looked down at Arya's hand resting on the hilt of her dagger. He decided that today was not the day to be clever. "I think I've had too much wine. I will be retiring to my chambers and fucking my wife. See most of you all on the morrow." He lifted from his seat and turned to Bran and bowed, "Your Grace."
Bran nodded and Tyrion waddled out of the council room with his goblet of wine in hand.
"Arya, you cannot threaten him like that. He is the Lord Hand of the seven kingdoms.:" Sansa chastised.
Arya grumbled, "I can threaten who I please."
"Why are you so stubborn? Why can't you just tell me where you are going?" Sansa tried again.
Arya's blood was boiling and she wasn't going to be able to keep her head any longer.
"I don't have to tell you where I am going! I am not telling you where I am going! It is my business! But," Arya calmed herself, "I can promise you that I will be back in time for the birth of your babe."
Sansa's face was stoic. She gave a curt nod and said, "That is it then." and raised from her seat. "Come, Pod. I no longer wish to squabble with my sister. I will see her when she returns from where ever she is going."
Pod gave Arya an apologetic look and helped Sansa out of the council room.
The remainder of the guest stayed silent. Meera was still munching in a half eaten piece of bread and Dany was whispering to Jon. The awkward tension that filled the air was becoming unbearable.
Bran was the one to break the silence.
"Meera, why don't we retire for the night? I'm sure Arya will enjoy her travels. Please do keep an open mind when you go see him, he has been through quite a bit in these last years."
Meera lifted from her seat and rolled Bran to the door. "It was nice meeting you, Arya." She told her as they exited.
Arya's eyes quickly locked with Jon's. He was going to ask her question when Dany intervened. "Leave her be. She isn't answering any questions." Arya silently thanked her. She pushed her chair back and exited the council room, heading to her chambers.
She hated that, even now after all these years, Sansa was still in some small way trying to control her. But Arya wasn't that little girl that anymore, she hadn't been for a long time.
Arya was making her way to her chambers for the night to prepare for her journey to Storm's End when she heard giggling coming from a near by chamber room. She veered left instead of the right that she needed to take to head to her chambers.
The giggling sounded young and childish and there were distinctively two sets of giggles coming from the closed door that was facing her. Arya gently pushed the door open and saw two young girls no older than five namedays sitting in the middle of the room playing with their tiny wooden direwolves. One girl had dark black hair with dark eyes to match while the other had silver hair that shined like the moon; her eyes were a loveliest shade of violet that Arya had ever seen.
She knew right then and there those were her nieces that were born just a few moons after she had left on her journey. They were beautiful and no one could deny that they belonged to Dany and Jon.
"There are beautiful, are they not?" A voice came from behind Arya.
She jumped and spun to see Daenerys staring at her. It was not easy to sneak up on Arya Stark, but Dany had done so, probably due to the fact Arya was so enticed with the twins that were in front of her.
"They are. What are their names?" Asked Arya.
Dany smiled, "The one with hair like mine is named after my mother, Rhaella and the spitting image of Jon, Lyarya."
Arya chuckled at the name, "Why in seven hells would you name her Lyarya? I've never even heard of it."
"Well, we wanted to name both of them after our mothers, but Jon feared that people would think that we named her after Lyanna Mormont, not Lyanna Stark. He also wanted to name her after his favorite sister, so we combined the names."
Arya's eyes grew in realization. Their child was named after her. But why? What had she done to have a child named after her? Why was she so special?
"We named her after you, not because you defeated the Night King or because you survived the Battle of King's Landing. We named her after you because you were unafraid to tell me that I was wrong. I remember that day like it happened a fortnight ago. It was several days after the Battle of King's Landing and I was still in a difficult place. Yes, your brother was able to convince me to not burn the city down, but it was you who came up to me and told me that if I ever had a moment in life where I willing chose to end thousands of innocent lives, that you would shut my eyes forever." Dany hesitated and Arya could see the emotion in her eyes.
"No one, not even my advisers had ever been so bold to say that to me. You, along with many other people, helped pull me out of my despair. So that is why we named her after you. Because you are beautiful and strong and never afraid to speak your mind."
Arya was truly touched by the words Dany had told her. She never thought that she was beautiful in any sort of way. But here this woman was, who was the definition of beauty, telling Arya Horseface that she was beautiful. It made her mind immediately jump to Gendry and the night after the Battle of Winterfell. He had told her she was beautiful and she didn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it. Now, she wishes that she had.
"Thank you." She told Dany.
Dany gave her a smile and squeezed her shoulder gently. "I know where you are going. Do not worry yourself, your secret is safe with me. But head Bran's warning; keep an open mind."
"What does that even mean? And how did you know?" She asked her.
"I may have not been myself five years ago, but I was still an observant woman. I know love when I see it. As for the warning, you'll come to find out Arya Stark of Winterfell." And with that Dany brushed passed her and entered the twins room, closing the door behind her.
Arya was more confused than ever and was wondering if going to Storm's End was such a good idea. You have nothing to worry about she assured herself. She was going to Storm's End on the morrow and no one was going to stop her.
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dyannawynnedayne · 4 months
Which character parallel do you like the best?
Tumblr media
Cersei and Catelyn: art by @shripscapi (1, 2)
Brienne and Asha: art by @amuelia (1, 2)
Propaganda is encouraged!
Cersei and Catelyn
Watched Their Sons Die
Boom, the drum sounded, boom doom boom doom. The old man’s lips went in and out. The knife trembled in Catelyn’s hand, slippery with sweat. “A son for a son, heh,” he repeated. “But that’s a grandson … and he never was much use.” A man in dark armor and a pale pink cloak spotted with blood stepped up to Robb. “Jaime Lannister sends his regards.” He thrust his longsword through her son’s heart, and twisted. Robb had broken his word, but Catelyn kept hers. She tugged hard on Aegon’s hair and sawed at his neck until the blade grated on bone. Blood ran hot over her fingers. His little bells were ringing, ringing, ringing, and the drum went boom doom boom.
ASOS, Catelyn VII
When he heard Cersei’s scream, he knew that it was over. I should leave. Now. Instead he waddled toward her. His sister sat in a puddle of wine, cradling her son’s body. Her gown was torn and stained, her face white as chalk. A thin black dog crept up beside her, sniffing at Joffrey’s corpse. “The boy is gone, Cersei,” Lord Tywin said. He put his gloved hand on his daughter’s shoulder as one of his guardsmen shooed away the dog. “Unhand him now. Let him go.” She did not hear.
Brienne and Asha
Their Father's Only Son
"No fight is hopeless till it has been fought. I have the best claim. I am the heir of Balon's body."
AFFC, The Kraken's Daughter
Jaime sat against the bole of an oak and wondered what Cersei and Tyrion were doing just now. “Do you have any siblings, my lady?” he asked. Brienne squinted at him suspiciously. “No. I was my father’s only s—child.” Jaime chuckled. “Son, you meant to say. Does he think of you as a son? You make a queer sort of daughter, to be sure.”
ASOS, Jaime II
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agentrouka-blog · 3 years
When you think that George wrote Joffrey in such a way that people cheered when he was murdered at 14 years old.
He was only thirteen, actually.
And I'm not sure we are meant to cheer. There is not triumph in the description of his death, even though the POV character Tyrion was the subject of Joffrey's vicious cruelty literally the moment before he begins to choke.
GRRM doesn’t hold back with making Joffrey awful, a selfish and cowardly tyrant, a bully and liar, a sexual predator, vain and cruel and stupid, a thoroughly dangerous and barely stable individual. But he also gives us some glimpses into why he is the way he is, and more importantly, he puts the real dilemma into the fact that this child is just handed all this power and the people around him - and the system they serve - refuse to properly check the abuses that follow because it is convenient to them.
Consequently, GRRM doesn’t treat his death the way he does that of Tywin. Quite the opposite. If you’re cheering, you’re not paying attention.
(Long quote of the scene below cut)
GRRM goes out of his way to emphasize the terror of the scene and reduces the elements to what Joffrey truly is: a boy.
“He’s choking,” Queen Margaery gasped.
Her grandmother moved to her side. “Help the poor boy!” the Queen of Thorns screeched, in a voice ten times her size. “Dolts! Will you all stand about gaping? Help your king!”
Ser Garlan shoved Tyrion aside and began to pound Joffrey on the back. Ser Osmund Kettleblack ripped open the king’s collar. A fearful high thin sound emerged from the boy’s throat, the sound of a man trying to suck a river through a reed; then it stopped, and that was more terrible still. “Turn him over!” Mace Tyrell bellowed at everyone and no one. “Turn him over, shake him by his heels!” A different voice was calling, “Water, give him some water!” The High Septon began to pray loudly. Grand Maester Pycelle shouted for someone to help him back to his chambers, to fetch his potions. Joffrey began to claw at his throat, his nails tearing bloody gouges in the flesh. Beneath the skin, the muscles stood out hard as stone. Prince Tommen was screaming and crying.
He is going to die, Tyrion realized. He felt curiously calm, though pandemonium raged all about him. They were pounding Joff on the back again, but his face was only growing darker. Dogs were barking, children were wailing, men were shouting useless advice at each other. Half the wedding guests were on their feet, some shoving at each other for a better view, others rushing for the doors in their haste to get away.
Ser Meryn pried the king’s mouth open to jam a spoon down his throat. As he did, the boy’s eyes met Tyrion’s. He has Jaime’s eyes. Only he had never seen Jaime look so scared. The boy’s only thirteen. Joffrey was making a dry clacking noise, trying to speak. His eyes bulged white with terror, and he lifted a hand … reaching for his uncle, or pointing … Is he begging my forgiveness, or does he think I can save him? “Noooo,” Cersei wailed, “Father help him, someone help him, my son, my son …”
Tyrion found himself thinking of Robb Stark. My own wedding is looking much better in hindsight. He looked to see how Sansa was taking this, but there was so much confusion in the hall that he could not find her. But his eyes fell on the wedding chalice, forgotten on the floor. He went and scooped it up. There was still a half-inch of deep purple wine in the bottom of it. Tyrion considered it a moment, then poured it on the floor.
Margaery Tyrell was weeping in her grandmother’s arms as the old lady said, “Be brave, be brave.” Most of the musicians had fled, but one last flutist in the gallery was blowing a dirge. In the rear of the throne room scuffling had broken out around the doors, and the guests were trampling on each other. Ser Addam’s gold cloaks moved in to restore order. Guests were rushing headlong out into the night, some weeping, some stumbling and retching, others white with fear. It occurred to Tyrion belatedly that it might be wise to leave himself.
When he heard Cersei’s scream, he knew that it was over.
I should leave. Now. Instead he waddled toward her.
His sister sat in a puddle of wine, cradling her son’s body. Her gown was torn and stained, her face white as chalk. A thin black dog crept up beside her, sniffing at Joffrey’s corpse. “The boy is gone, Cersei,” Lord Tywin said. He put his gloved hand on his daughter’s shoulder as one of his guardsmen shooed away the dog. “Unhand him now. Let him go.” She did not hear. It took two Kingsguard to pry loose her fingers, so the body of King Joffrey Baratheon could slide limp and lifeless to the floor.
(ASOS, Tyrion VIII)
This is not a scene of triumph. It’s not treated with sarcasm or humor. Few deaths are, but this is especially focused on the physical violence of his body reacting to the poison, and the roughness of those trying to save him which is the last thing Joffrey experiences consciously, the panic in the crowd, the absolute desperation of Cersei, the shock and trauma for the children and Margaery.
A cruel child has been cruelly murdered. There is no joy in this, and we don’t see anyone rejoice. Not Sansa, not Arya.
This isn’t justice. Nothing is fixed. This is a broken system where no one is safe.
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ddagent · 5 years
So is Selwyn and Tywin ‘friends’ (as much of a friend Tywin can have) or is it a begrudging ‘our children wont leave each other alone and now we’re at a birthday party with all moms trying to hit on us’ type deal? Or does Tywin straight up ignore them? *gasp* DOES TYWIN LIKE BRIENNE? When she waddled over with soup did he answer the door and smile to himself about the next door neighbor girl bringing soup to his son? Thanks! Love, a fellow OCD mind 💜
Selwyn and Tywin are friends, although Tywin would probably deny it if asked. The Tarths moved in when Jaime was three and a half and Joanna was just starting to show, so when Tyrion was born and Joanna passed away, Selwyn was over a lot making sure Tywin and the boys were okay. Selwyn was much more help than Aerys, Tywin’s former business partner. 
The one time Jaime had a birthday party with all his school friends, all the mothers tried to hit on them both. But Jaime didn’t like sharing Brienne at his party, so the kids just had smaller celebrations from then on. 
Think of it as canon!Tywin with Arya. Faint amusement; a touch of eye-rolling. Tywin is not best pleased at Jaime’s falling out with Brienne, however. A lion does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep, but the Tarths are from the sea and you should always respect the sea. 
OCD fellows unite!
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greyestjoy · 5 years
Fandom: Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire 
Rating: It’s Game of Thrones
Summary of the whole thang: 
Joanna Lannister, Tywin Lannister's youngest, is a bastard. Even being named a true Lannister after proving herself as a child, the young lady is still struggling to find her true self. On top of that, she has been nicknamed a shrew, after scaring away every young suitor she meets. On her eighteenth name day, Joanna is given a choice by her father. Marry an old man or become a Silent Sister, devoted to the gods and virtue. But the opportunity to woo Robb Stark arises, and the young lioness agrees, determined to win the north in her favour. Who can say no to gain power in their country? Definitely not a Lannister.
Previous Chapter 
"Listening is just as important as asking questions."
Mornings in Winterfell brought crisp air. It cut like daggers across Joanna's cheeks as she walked to breakfast. She was sure that she was going to hate what she was about to walk into. The youngest Lannister never enjoyed family meals. Joffrey would always torture Tommen, which would make Myrcella cry out of discomfort. Cersei would pretend that she doesn't see it, instead, she would make comments about how poorly cooked the food was. Tyrion would shoot Jaime looks that Joanna didn't quite understand. The only thing that made family dinners worse was when Robert Baratheon joined them, Joanna prayed that he would not be there this morning.
It seemed as if the gods heard her, as the King was nowhere to be seen when Joanna walked into the hall. However, Tyrion was also absent, Joanna noted when she sat down next to Myrcella. Her family bid good morning to her as she began to fix herself a plate and then silence fell over the table, which was unusual. The young lady glanced around the table. Tommen was giggling as he made faces in his food across from Joanna. Next, to Joanna, Myrcella seemed to be in her own world, but still happy. That's what made Joanna notice that Joffrey wasn't here, which she was glad about.
The doors to the hall opened. The dwarf waddled in with a strut in his step. He gave orders for certain foods, ones that Joanna recognized as Tyrion's 'potion' to fix a headache after a night of drinking.
"Little Brother," Jaime greeted him. Tyrion made himself a spot at the table next to Tommen on his bench.
"Beloved siblings," he spoke while reaching for the food that was on the table. On the other side of Marcella, Joanna could see Cersei's face, which was cocked in her usual manner upon seeing Tyrion. A small conversation was made while the servants brought the foods that Tyrion had ordered.
"Is Bran going to die?" Myrcella inquired. There was silence at the table for a single heartbeat. Tyrion took a bite of his bacon dramatically, to the enjoyment of the children as they always liked when he jested and put on a show.
"Apparently not," Tyrion said. A bright smile broke out on the Princess's face which matched the Prince's.
"What do you mean?"Cersei demanded, seeming unfazed. However, Joanna knew her sister's expression was just a front. The girl had seen turmoil arise in her family so often that she knew Cersei was panicking, which was not a good sign. Why is Cersei disappointed that the boy who will become my brother may live? What is she hiding?
"The Maester says the boy may live," The children seemed to be the only ones pleased about this announcement. Cersei and Jaime exchanged looks that Joanna could not quite place, while Tyrion's face mimicked Joanna's, analyzing innocently. What did Cersei do?
"It's no mercy letting a child linger in such pain," the Queen said finally after some time of silence. Joanna felt the tension exploding off of Jaime and Cersei like the waves that smashed against the cliffs in Lannisport. It put the youngest Lannister on edge, unlike Tyrion, who seemed bemused by the twin's distress.
"Only the gods know for certain. All the rest of us can do is pray." Tyrion responded. There was another pause in the conversation, which allowed time for more looks to be shared. The children were obviously oblivious to the silent conversations that were being screamed around them. "The charms of the North seem entirely lost on you," Tyrion reached for more food as he spoke to Cersei. "Unlike Joanna," he added quickly. All eyes were on the girl in question, except for Tommen, who was now making soldiers out of his eggs. Joanna would love to be the centre of attention if it meant that the tension at the table would be cut.
"You don't actually like him, do you?" Jaime nearly spat. If Joanna had been an idiot, she would have mistaken her eldest brother's tone solely as disgust, however, she knew it was protectiveness, even if Jaime himself didn't know it. "Well?" Not only did Joanna feel her family's eyes, but also the ones of the northern servants milling around as she thought about her older brother's question.
"He's nice," Joanna spoke. Her family didn't seem pleased with her lack of an answer. Jaime's eyes were still narrowed, his handsome face twisted into an analytic scowl. Obviously, talk about Joanna's betrothal had not completely washed Jaime of his irate state.
"And you haven't scared him off yet?" Cersei asked eyebrow cocked with attitude but eyes softer than usual. Perhaps the Queen was glad that her little sister had found a nice boy, or perhaps Joanna was being blindly naive.
"Yesterday, we watched him and the other boys practice in the yard while we sewed," Myrcella spoke, making all eyes turn to her. Joanna knew what event the princess was going to bring up. "Robb was doing archery and told Joanna that if he hit the bullseye, he deserves a kiss." There was a worried glanced shared between Tyrion and Jaime. As Myrcella tried to launch into the story, but Joanna had other plans, as she wanted to be the ones to tell her family about her accomplishment.
"He hit the bullseye, then tried to collect the kiss, however, I simply kissed his cheek, and told him he should be more specific when laying bets," Joanna stated smugly. She was proud of the way she teased Robb Stark. Not only was she correctly using what Cersei had taught her for once in her life, but she was also feeling powerful as if she had the upper hand in the relationship with Robb.
"Congratulations, Anna," The Queen nodded her approval. A smile broke out across the girl's face, not only at her sister's words but from the use of Joanna's nickname that only Tywin used in times of affection.
The conversation lulled again, and tension returned to its heightened state. There was something that the twins were hiding, and Joanna didn't like it. But the young Lannister stayed quiet and listened to the words that weren't being said, which were more interesting than the sharp words being shot from Cersei as Tyrion talked about his plans to visit the wall.
"The children don't need to hear your filth," The Queen snipped after hearing of Tyrion's decision to urinate off the edge of the wall. "Come," she spoke to her children, who obeyed obediently, quickly climbing out of their seats and following their mother like lost little blonde headed ducklings.
"Even if the boy lives," Jaime began immediately. "He'll be a cripple, a grotesque." That's when Joanna knew that Jaime's distress for the fall of Bran Stark was not simply worrying for what scheme Cersei maybe be orchestrating, but worry for himself. The man loved his sister, but he also had multiple thick streaks of selfishness and a strong sense of self-preservation, which worried Joanna. How far would Jaime go to keep himself safe? "Give me a good clean death any day." That's how far he's willing to go. Joanna worried for the young Stark, and for herself. If my brother kills Robb Stark's brother, I will be praying as a Silent Sister by the end of this month.
"Speaking for the grotesques, I'd have to disagree," Tyrion weighed in, still eating. "Death is so final, where life..." Joanna noticed him trail off for a second, before continuing to preach. "...Is so full of possibilities." Tyrion often brought up that word around Jaime. Joanna often wondered if Tyrion was trying to chide their older brother for is choices that have restricted him from 'possibilities', such as the Kingsguard... or Cersei. "I hope the boy does wake," Tyrion took another bite of his bacon, acting innocent. "I'd be very interested to hear what he has to say." Joanna knew the only reason Tyrion picked up his goblet was to hide his smirk as Jaime shifted in his seat, and swallowed thickly. For a second, his emerald eyes met Joanna's matching ones, but like Tyrion, the youngest Lannister hid her emotions. Joanna pushed down her desire to know what Jaime had done to the poor Stark boy for their split second of eye contact.
"My dear brother," Jaime spoke, attention back on Tyrion. "There are times I wonder who's side you're on," his words were smooth like molten gold as he whispered, careful of the Northern servants' ears.
"My dear brother you wound me," Tyrion responded, just as quiet, but less smooth. Even when the children weren't around to amuse, Tyrion's theatrics did not cease. "You know how I love my family." Like Jaime's, Tyrion's eyes checked on Joanna for a heartbeat, before returning to his plate to munch on more bacon.
There were no more words shared between Joanna's brothers. Jaime climbed to his feet and told Tyrion that he would see him before he left for Kingslanding. Joanna wanted to ask Tyrion what Jaime had done, but she knew that Tyrion would only tell her a riddle and if the situation was as bad as it seemed, the girl did not have time to decode Tyrion's speech, and so she left the table too. On her way out of the hall, she thanked the servants for breakfast and then sped down the hallways of Winterfell, deep in thought.
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sanrionharbor-blog · 5 years
Sansa and Tyrion’s Character Arcs (Part I: Tyrion)
Being a writer, I’ve been pouring through Shawn Coyne’s The Story Grid over the past two weeks. One of the points he makes is that every part of a story–from beat to arc–has the same 5 elements: inciting incident, complication, crisis, climax, resolution.
And being as obsessed as I am with Sansa and Tyrion of GOT in particular, I thought I’d use the hey-day of the series season finale episodes to indulge in some character metas. 
We’re going to (mainly) focus on the inciting incident.
So, not only does GOT have an overarching inciting incident/complication/crisis/climax/resolution that it’s moving towards, but each season has them, each episode/chapter has them, each  subplot has them, and each character has them.
According to Shawn Coyne, an inciting incident promises one thing: “…the ending.”
So let’s dive a little deeper and see what Sansa’s inciting incident and Tyrion’s inciting incident tells us about them. I’m writing separate posts since they’re both long–first up is Tyrion!
To start on a side note that will eventually get to the point:
I really wonder if show-Tyrion and book-Tyrion can come to the same conclusion. 
Book-Tyrion is much more morally grey than show-Tyrion, for one. They make different decisions after the Purple Wedding (in the show Tyrion is notably celibate whereas book-Tyrion hits an all-time low and is not above sleeping with drugged-up, unresponsive prostitutes–though he manages to empathize with them, he still uses them to run from his own darkness). 
Now, I’m equally invested in both versions of the character and believe they have the same arc/themes overall. So on one hand I can see them playing out beat-by-beat, just with different palettes, if you would, but only because of the power of the inciting incident:
So, an inciting incident does more than promise an ending–it sets the character on a path of no return. So, more than a character’s introduction, it’s when their story first goes down an irreversible path.
Furthermore, an inciting incident is called an incident for a reason: it’s not necessarily a decision made by a character, but something that happens to him (but more on that in a minute).
Tyrion’s Introduction
First we’ll note Tyrion’s introduction in the book:
“Jon found it hard to look away from [Jaime]. This is what a king should look like, he thought to himself as the man passed.
Then he saw the other one, waddling along half-hidden by his brother’s side. Tyrion Lannister, the youngest of Lord Twyin’s brood and by far the ugliest. All that the gods had given to Cersei and Jaime, they had denied Tyrion. He was a dwarf, half his brother’s height, struggling to keep pace on stunted legs….one green eye and one black one peered out from under a lanky fall of hair so blond it seemed white. Jon watched him with fascination.”
Later, still in the same chapter:
“The dwarf grinned down at [Jon]. ‘Is that animal a wolf?’
‘A direwolf,’ Jon said. ‘His name is Ghost….what are you doing up there? Why aren’t you at the feast ?’
‘Too hot, too noisy, and I’d drunk too much wine,’ the dwarf told him. ‘…might I have a closer look at your wolf?’
…he pushed himself off the ledge into empty air. Jon gasped, then watched with awe as Tyrion Lannister spun around in a tight ball, landed lightly on his hands, then vaulted backward.
Ghost backed away from him uncertainly.
The dwarf dusted himself off and laughed. ‘I believe I’ve frightened your wolf. My apologies.’”
They talk a little more, and it’s interesting to note that Tyrion isn’t threatened by Ghost, merely fascinated, and he correctly deduces that Ghost is more shy than harmful, despite Ghost baring his teeth. This could be foreshadowing that the Lannisters will have dominion over the Starks soon, but Tyrion was never a player in that. Despite his loyalties to his family, he was the one that reached out to Jon when he saw Jon was crying, he was the one who bonded with Jon at the wall and honored Jon’s request to take care of Bran, he was the one who took the time to design a saddle for Bran, and who later treated Sansa with dignity despite every cultural and social protocol having taught him to do the opposite.
No, I think this has more to do with Tyrion’s fascination with direwolves, and perhaps the Wolf, in general. I also believe it’s foreshadowing (not the deliberate kind, but the instinctual kind that most writers aren’t even aware of), to Tyrion’s possible later loyalty/ally status with the Stark’s. More on that when we get to his first POV.
Tyrion’s First POV Chapter
The very first POV that features Tyrion ends on this line (I know most of you have read it before):
“When he opened the door, the light from within threw his shadow clear across the yard, and for just a moment, Tyrion Lannister stood tall as a king.”
And then there is Tyrion’s first chapter written in his POV–where certain details stand out to me [all emphases mine]:
“Somewhere in the great stone maze of Winterfell, a wolf howled. The sound hung over the castle like a flag of mourning…something about the howling of a wolf took a man right out of his here and now and left him in a dark forest of the mind, running naked before the pack.”
That’s the opening of Tyrion’s first POV. No lion metaphors here. Instead, Tyrion briefly imagines being part of a wolf pack–is he running in front as a leader, naked and free and accepted, or because he’s being chased down, naked and hunted and vulnerable? 
Regardless, the chapter ends here:
“‘My sweet brother,” [Jaime] said darkly, “there are times you give me cause to wonder whose side you are on,”
Tyrion’s mouth was full of bread and fish. He took a swallow of strong black beer to wash it all down, and grinned up wolfishly at Jaime. ‘Why, Jaime, my sweet brother,’ he said, ‘you wound me. You know how much I love my family.’”
For some reason, Tyrion is metaphorically identifying with wolves. These exchanges also tune us into the hint of whimsy and empathy in his character, which co-exists with his book-smart/world-weary outlook. 
Still, neither of these moments include Tyrion’s inciting incident. No, Tyrion’s inciting incident is a direct result of ASOIAF’s inciting incident: the moment Catelyn Stark receives a letter from her sister Lysa Arryn about the death of Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale and Hand to the King.
This is powerful stuff in itself, even if the death had been natural. But we’re about to be lead through a political spiderweb that’s being spun over a dark, fuzzy expanse; and we can only make out what that darkness is when the spiderweb isn’t so clearly in focus: Winter, and not just any Winter, but the Long Night. 
This is all happening at once, and Tyrion is actually an early witness to the complementary foci of ASOIAF:
Myth: He visits the Wall with Jon Snow and, while he doesn’t encounter any wights, he does encounter several people who’re convinced about such things. He’s skeptical, but we learn over time that Tyrion is a closeted romantic. Sure, he’s reading up on the lives of Maesters and pouring through ledgers and history books half the time–but he’s also obsessed with true love and handsome knights and dragons.
Humanity: He’s a casualty of Jon Arryn’s murder and Catelyn Stark’s having been deceived (though Catelyn acts heroically based on what she believes to be the truth). He’s kidnapped by Lady Stark and forced to stand trial for two murders he did not commit. This is his inciting incident. It’s what gets Tywin to declare war on the Starks and what inadvertently puts Tyrion in the pathway of both Bronn and Shae. It leads him to his newfound confidence as a military strategist, even as a pseudo-knight, in subsequent battles–including the one that costs him his nose, and any illusion that his looks could be improved or his stature increased by acting like a knight. Acting like a knight (like Jaime, like the son his father wanted, like the heroes Tyrion grew up reading about) did not win him the approval of Tywin, the adoration of the people, the reality of knighthood, or the true affection of any lady. And we know how his story goes from here.
But none of it would have happened without Tyrion’s Inciting Incident. And he had no choice in the matter either. This was his point of no return.
So, what are the themes established here?
Themes from his introduction:
-Even though he’s compared unfavorably to his brother Jaime, who is described as “what kings should look like,” the POV ends with Tyrion standing “tall as a king.” So, in a word, kingliness. 
-His intro through Jon’s eyes establishes him as larger than life, despite his size. He’s breezy, irreverent, whip-smart, aware of his status (as a Lannister and as a pariah), and even surprisingly acrobatic (or at the very least self-sufficient, and possessing the element of surprise). He’s also empathetic–he gives Jon advice on how to navigate the world and finds common place between them. Remember, he’s a noble and Jon is a bastard. He’s under no obligation to treat him kindly. It’s simply his character; one of Tyrion’s better qualities. 
-In short, Tyrion fulfills a role as: outcast (dwarf) and elite (Lannister noble), adviser (or Hand), jester (“Generations of capering fools in motley…’), and, at least inwardly, a king. And all of these are mythical archetypes and play well into the fantasy tropes that GRRM is exploring, deconstructing, and reconstructing.
-I also highlighted the part about Tyrion’s one black eye and one green, and his hair so pale it was almost white. This has less bearing in the TV show, obviously, but many of these clues not only point out his physical otherness, but can symbolically point to:
Looking at the world from two perspectives
Divided loyalties (the green eyes of the Lannister’s, and that one dark eye–dark like the Stark’s?)
Or does it represent a divided lineage?
B/C, though I’m not sold on the theory, one wonders if the “Tyrion as the third head of the dragon” isn’t hinted through his white-blond hair? Yet another secret Targaryen?
Themes from his first POV chapter:
-Tyrion finds it easy to identify with the Wolf (and yes, with a capital ‘W,’ encompassing the Starks, the direwolves, the archetype). And throughout the story he easily empathizes with the Starks, despite the Shakespearean-level rift between his family and theirs.
-He loves his family. But he is also separate from his family. 
-Tyrion’s strength (and weakness) will be his mind
Themes from his inciting incident:
-I see themes of justice/injustice, truth/deception, and acceptance/prejudice.
-In fact, Catelyn Stark seizes him with these words: “…I call upon you to seize him and help me return him to Winterfell to await the king’s justice.”
-To return to Winterfell. 
-To await the king’s justice.
Tyrion: The Ending Is In The Beginning
So this essay has been largely book-focused. The biggest differences between book-Tyrion and show-Tyrion, in the first arc anyway, are simply Tyrion’s sex appeal. Let’s be honest. In the show, his introduction comes by way of brothel (and it’s also a way to introduce the show-only character, Roz), whereas in the books it comes by way of unfavorable comparison with his brother. Peter Dinklage is also very handsome, and I’m not complaining AT ALL about his casting (because I love him), and D&D had a limited range to pick from anyway, but Tyrion in the show is more attractive and that colors several scenes–especially the ones with Shae and Sansa.
But it doesn’t matter that much in the end. Because the point is that Tyrion’s arc isn’t about his overall attractiveness (but physicality, yes). Tyrion is still playing roles that are traditionally given to conventionally handsome characters, not just to outsiders or “monstrous” archetypes. 
So the interesting part is that his looks play a tangential role, but not a main one. His physicality is always at play, but not so much his attractiveness. For example, both show and book Tywin hate that their son is a dwarf; the ugliness of book-Tyrion is just the T.P. at the bottom of Tywin’s ill-fitting shoe. Again, tangential. It changes the palettes of book and show Tyrion’s overall story visual, but not the actual shape of their story.
So regardless of the differences between the show and the book, Tyrion’s ending can still be found in the book A Game of Thrones’. And not only because that’s a universal law of storytelling (the inciting incident promises the ending) but it’s exactly what George R.R. Martin has confirmed. 
So what can we infer about Tyrion’s ending from his beginning?
Here is where we find Tyrion at the end of season 1 of GOT and in his last POV in the first book of ASOIAF [all emphases mine]:
In the wake of Jaime’s kidnapping, Tywin has just told Tyrion he’s sending him to King’s Landing. 
“It was the last thing Tyrion Lannister would ever have anticipated. He reached for his wine, and considered for a moment as he sipped. ‘And what am I to do there?’
‘Rule,’ his father said curtly.
Tyrion hooted with laughter. ‘My sweet sister might have a word or two to say about that!’
That part about Cersei seems more pertinent now that we’re heading into Season 8 of Game of Thrones and she’s a prominent villain. She’s at least a major obstacle in Tyrion’s current story line (and, in fact, always has been). 
But more importantly is his father’s command to rule. Tyrion Lannister is groomed for rulership throughout his story, and this will probably be his destiny: whether that come in the capacity of being king or some other kind of leader. Perhaps there won’t even be an Iron Throne at the end of all of this, but Tyrion, worldly and well-traveled and ruthless and empathetic as he is, could be a spearhead for a new political system. Perhaps the Magna Carta of Westeros is coming? 
Let’s hark back to Tyrion’s inciting incident. He was going to await the king’s justice. What if the king’s justice turns out to be Tyrion’s justice? And Tyrion, after being held accountable all his life for things he had not done wrong (though not being punished for the things he has done wrong–after all, he’s no saint), will find his justice by a king, someway-somehow. Either with Tyrion as said King, or by being Hand to just such a King, or even, tragically, by finally facing a justice he cannot escape–at the hands of a king. (Or Queen). 
Tyrion’s arc will end when he is finally taken off trial. He thought he’d finally made it when he was free of his father’s (physical) shadow and when he found full acceptance (he thought) with Daenerys. But here’s where Tyrion’s theme of divided loyalties comes into play. He’s been struggling with finding where he stands throughout his storyline. Even when he was advising for Dany, he was still hoping that Cersei had the capacity for change. I think what he loved most about Cersei was her motherly instincts, her children (sans Joffrey). And he probably does feel guilt over Myrcella’s death. So Tyrion is seeking justice; he wants Cersei’s baby to live because he loves him/her instinctually, because it “atones” for the other children, because blood runs thicker than water, because he won’t be the reason the Lannister name is snuffed out. 
“…To return to Winterfell and await the king’s justice.”
In Season 8, Tyrion does return to Winterfell. If there were a third trial (orchestrated perhaps by Daenerys or by Cersei), it would probably take place at King’s Landing or the Dragon Pit, but there’s still the fact that Tyrion’s story is inextricably linked with Winterfell. 
He is particularly bound up in the stories of Bran, Sansa, and Jon. And in a series inspired by the War of the Roses, he could be the link that brings the Lannisters (Lancasters) and Starks (Yorks) to true peace. To finally establish justice and resolve the conflict that started this whole saga. 
Tyrion has been denounced in two trials and made to suffer consequences to his agency and reputation, despite the deception at play. His agency and reputation still need restoring. He still has neither of these things with Daenerys. 
He needs to emerge victorious from a third trial. Whether that third trial is literal or metaphorical.  It’s very possible that Tyrion will finally stand trial for a murder he is guilty of: Cersei could put him on trial for the murder of Tywin Lannister, and Tyrion will have to face the spiritual shadow of his father and the reality of his guilt once and for all. 
This third trial will establish Tyrion’s character; it will close his arc. Whether he dies physically or not, he will be spiritually enlightened/restored. 
And I’d have to agree with Peter Dinklage–that would be a really beautiful end for Tyrion Lannister, however it plays out. 
(Please share your thoughts as I am OBSESSED with Tyrion theories). 
(Next Up: Sansa Stark). 
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peachesandlesbians · 6 years
Only One Can Win (Requested)
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FANDOM: Game of Thrones
PAIRING: Cersei Lannister x Reader, Tyrion Lannister x Reader
GENRES/WARNING: Angst, fluff.
WORD COUNT: About 560 words. 
TYPE: Imagine.
SUMMARY: You travel to King’s Landing, in search of a marriage. Specifically with the youngest Lannister sibling. Tyrion seems receptive to your advances, but you meet Cersei and everything descends into chaos when they both fall for you. You can only marry one. And both Tyrion and Cersei are determined to be the winner. 
Ever since you came to King’s Landing, you had your eyes set on the little lord, Tyrion Lannister. He was sweet, charming, with a wit that could cut down even the largest of men to size. A marriage—political or not—would do wonders for you. The rest of his family was complicated (to say the least) and any companionship with them was undesirable. Tyrion could treat you well and grant you riches, which was all you wanted.
“Ah, Y/N!” The man himself waddled into the library where you spent all your time. 
“Lord Tyrion!” You stood up, a smile jumping to your face.
“What did I tell you about formalities?” He waved his hand. “Unnecessary and such a bore.” 
You chuckled, sitting down. “Yes, why say Lord Baelish, when you can say nosy bastard?”
Tyrion roared with laughter, as loud and fierce as a lion. “My, my! Quite the mouth on you.”
You winked. “I learn from the best.”
He grabbed a pitcher of wine that—by his orders—was always left out. He poured two glasses, then offered you one. “Drink?”
“Please.” A peaceful silence lingered, and you took the moment to collect your thoughts. A marriage was needed—how else could you live in comfort—but you were never sure if Tyrion wanted one. He was a playful flirt, yes, and sometimes he did things that flustered you—like that. 
Tyrion casually took your hand, making your heart leap into your throat and rendering you speechless. Your face heated up. 
Maybe he did like you. And maybe you liked him back.
The library door swung open and Cersei stomped in. Her gaze stopped at your joined hands, then the wine glasses. Pain cracked her stony facade, but she put her cold mask on. 
“Tyrion, I don’t know what mockery of our name you’ve done, but Father has demanded to see you.” Cersei smirked at the removal of Tyrion. 
“Very well. I will see you later, dear Y/N.” He kissed your hand, maybe to spite Cersei. It did work, if her clenched jaw and flared nostrils were any indications. 
Once Tyrion left, Cersei crossed the room in long strides. She gripped your shoulders, searching your eyes for something you couldn’t quite tell, before pressing her lips to yours for a heated kiss.
Oh, Cersei. When you met her, sparks flew instantly. She was beautiful, no doubt, with a hidden caring heart, and dangerous. Maybe that was why you liked her so much. She gave you second thoughts about marrying Tyrion, put crazy thoughts in your head, and kissed you senseless at random times. Cersei was a bad drug for you, but you were addicted. 
“That imp wants to marry you.” She hissed this out while biting your neck, leaving hickeys. “He can’t. I want to marry you. I need to marry you because I love you.”
“Cersei . . .” You moaned before gently pushing her away.
She relented, eyeing you with worry, anger, and lust. “I don’t want to lose you. Especially not to him. Marry me. I’ll treat you like a princess, a queen. I’ll give you anything you want: riches, power, anything. You won’t have to worry, because you’ll have me.”
You pressed forward, capturing her lips again and again in a reanzy. “I’m yours,” you managed to mutter. “It’s you; it’s always you. I’ll be yours. I love you.”
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felicjana050896 · 3 years
Shivering and Cold
When the shouting died away, once more he heard the sound of the wind picking at the ringwall. The flames swirled and shivered, as if they too were cold, and in the sudden quiet the Old Bear's raven cawed loudly and once again said, "Die."
Snow was falling.
He could feel tears freezing to his cheeks.It isn’t fair , he wanted to scream. Snow would ruin everything he’d worked for, all his careful plans. It was a heavy fall, thick white flakes coming down all about him. How would they find their food caches in the snow, or the game trail they meant to follow east?They won’t need Dywen nor Bannen to hunt us down neither, not if we’re tracking through fresh snow . And snow hid the shape of the ground, especially by night. A horse could stumble over a root, break a leg on a stone.We’re done , he realized.Done before we began. We’re lost . There’d be no lord’s life for the leechman’s son, no keep to call his own, no wives nor crowns. Only a wildling’s sword in his belly, and then an unmarked grave.The snow’s taken it all from me . . . the bloody snow . . . 
Snow had ruined him once before. Snow and his pet pig (ASOS, Prologue)
The flames shiver as if they were cold too, simple fire alone cannot withstand the cold of the Others, as we well know, fire goes out when it is so cold. This is Chett's death, Chett first states that it is snowing then begins to complain that everything is Snow's fault, the snowfall could be interpreted as foreshadowing Jon's death at the end of ADWD.
“It is the great battle His Grace is speaking of,” said a woman’s voice, rich with the accents of the east. Melisandre stood at the door in her red silks and shimmering satins, holding a covered silver dish in her hands. “These little wars are no more than a scuffle of children before what is to come. The one whose name may not be spoken is marshaling his power, Davos Seaworth, a power fell and evil and strong beyond measure. Soon comes the cold, and the night that never ends.” She placed the silver dish on the, Painted Table. “Unless true men find the courage to fight it. Men whose hearts are fire.”
Stannis stared at the silver dish. “She has shown it to me, Lord Davos. In the flames.”
“You saw it, sire?” It was not like Stannis Baratheon to lie about such a thing.
“With mine own eyes. After the battle, when I was lost to despair, the Lady Melisandre bid me gaze into the hearthfire. The chimney was drawing strongly, and bits of ash were rising from the fire. I stared at them, feeling half a fool, but she bid me look deeper, and . . . the ashes were white, rising in the updraft, yet all at once it seemed as if they were falling. Snow, I thought. Then the sparks in the air seemed to circle, to become a ring of torches, and I was lookingthrough the fire down on some high hill in a forest. The cinders had become men in black behind the torches, and there were shapes moving through the snow. For all the heat of the fire, I felt a cold so terrible I shivered, and when I did the sight was gone, the fire but a fire once again. But what I saw was real, I’d stake my kingdom on it.” (ASOS, Davos IV)
Stannis saw the Other to the north coming, and the cold that made him shiver.
That's no lie, at least. Tyrion waddled along in the eunuch's wake, his heels scraping against the rough stone as they descended. It was very cold within the stairwell, a damp bone-chilling cold that set him to shivering at once. "What part of the dungeons are these?" he asked. (ASOS, Tyrion XI)
Cersei could feel the eyes of the Seven staring at her, eyes of jade and malachite and onyx, and a sudden shiver of fear went through her, cold as ice. I am the queen, she told herself. Lord Tywin's daughter. Reluctantly, she followed. (AFFC, Cersei X)
Interestingly, we have described here that the Seven (or at least three of them) had jade, malachite and onyx eyes:
Dominion over mankind then passed to his eldest son, who was known as the Pearl Emperor andruled for a thousand years. The Jade Emperor, the Tourmaline Emperor, the Onyx Emperor, the Topaz Emperor, and the Opal Emperor followed in turn, each reigning for centuries. (TWOIAF, Yi Ti)
It reminds me of the description of the Yi Ti emperors and, interestingly, there were the perfect six, between the first ruler God on Earth and the last Amethyst Empress and her brother, Bloodstone Emperor:
When the daughter of the Opal Emperor succeeded him as the Amethyst Empress, her enviousyounger brother cast her down and slew her, proclaiming  himself the Bloodstone Emperor andbeginning a reign of terror. (TWOIAF, Yi Ti)
She screamed and kicked and howled until her throat was raw, at the door and at the window. No one shouted back, nor came to rescue her. The cell began to darken. It was growing cold as well. Cersei began to shiver. How can they leave me like this, without so much as a fire? I am their queen. She began to regret tearing apart the shift they'd given her. There was a blanket on the pallet in the corner, a threadbare thing of thin brown wool. It was rough and scratchy, but it was all she had. Cersei huddled underneath to keep from shivering, and before long she had fallen into an exhausted sleep. (AFFC, Cersei X)
Above further cold and shivering, Cersei laments how they could have left her without the fire, this is a reference to Jaime's dream where Cersei leaves Jaime in the dark taking a torch, but Jaime is left with a flaming sword and with Brienne who also has a flaming sword, so Jaime still has fire, Cersei loses this fire, she is in the dark, cold, in the fall and in this fall there is another forshadowing to her death, while Jaime is still alive, plus a hint that she will be strangled (because someone wrote that strangling , is a cruel death, because he works somewhere in a crime etc. and yes I agree... but THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE, just a book and although the authors try to make it all real, depending on the genre (fantasy sci fi, magical realism, etc.), it will not be a 100% reflection of our world and with such things, you sometimes have to put your rational thinking in a drawer, or at least muffle it a bit), apart from the valonqar prophecy, we already have a hint that Cersei will be strangled and gave it to us, none other than Catelyn Stark:
“You’re wrong,” Catelyn said sharply. “Every morning, when I wake, I remember that Ned is gone. I have no skill with swords, but that does not mean that I do not dream of riding to King’s Landing and wrapping my hands around Cersei Lannister’s white throat and squeezing until her face turns black.” (ACOK, Catelyn V)
It is interesting that no one pays due attention to this quote, Catelyn can be really brutal (at least in mind, for example, for Jon), this is a book, not real life, characters in asoiaf can be really brutal and heartless, practically all, probably the only innocent ones, are children and very young, inexperienced and really innocent people like Sansa, Brienne, Tommen, Myrcella, Shireen etc. the rest are shades of gray, as Martin actually wanted (with some bad exceptions like Euron or Gregor).
A tear rolled down her cheek. The woman raised her hood again and turned her back on him. Jaime called after her, but already she was moving away, her skirt whispering lullabies as it brushed across the floor. Don't leave me, he wanted to call, but of course she'd left them long ago.
He woke in darkness, shivering. The room had grown cold as ice. Jaime flung aside the covers with the stump of his sword hand. The fire in the hearth had died, he saw, and the window had blown open. He crossed the pitch-dark chamber to fumble with the shutters, but when he reached the window his bare foot came down in something wet. Jaime recoiled, startled for a moment. His first thought was of blood, but blood would not have been so cold. (ASOS, Jaime VII)
Above is the abandonment of Jaime by his mother.
By capturing the cold and shivering that come together, often including darkness, they mean the Other and the Long Night, but we have two unique quotes:
He could taste bile in his mouth, and he was shivering with sweat, hot and cold at once. (ASOS, Jaime VI)
She was drenched in sweat, burning, yet somehow shivering too. (AFFC, Brienne VIII)
Jaime's quote after his dream, on the Weirwood trunk, and Brienne's quote after her feverish dreams, after the confrontation with Rorge, in the case of Jaime and Brienne, we have shivering caused by the feeling of cold, but also hot, even burning...
As I wrote often, in my opinion Jaime and Brienne will be Azor Ahai and Nissa Nissa respectively (or two Azores, if you prefer), because as an imp thought (and in my opinion this is a clue from Martin):
The hairs on the back of Tyrion's neck began to prickle. Prince Aegon will find no friend here. The red priest spoke of ancient prophecy, a prophecy that foretold the coming of a hero to deliver the world from darkness. One hero. Not two. Daenerys has dragons, Aegon does not. The dwarf did not need to be a prophet himself to foresee how Benerro and his followers might react to a second Targaryen. Griff will see that too, surely, he thought, surprised to find how much he cared. (ADWD, Tyrion VII)
Why not two?
Besides, Bran is the only person in asoiaf who likes dark things, scary stories, darkness and also... shivering:
The thought of drowned knights under the water gave Bran the shivers. He didn't object, though; he liked the shivers. (ASOS, Bran II)
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