#this is also part of y losing his hand is so brutal for him at an emotional level
ilynpilled · 1 year
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i love how the moment jaime expresses real autonomy and conflicting desire both of them immediately reject him in some form
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suguru-getos · 1 month
fractures // geto suguru x f!reader // chapter 4
links: part 1 / part 2 / part 3
story summary: being a monkey is the norm except when you're captured by geto sama because he needs money from your parents. however, you may just have to suffer a little extra because of the forced thinking about the right and wrongs... you're putting him through. the affection you’re forcing him through…
chapter summary: only five more days left to finally be able to leave the geto estate, however with an environment so brutal & scathing… the reader is slowly losing her will to keep going, and her hopes with it.
warnings: depressed reader, geto is being a cunty bitch as always (but hes softened a teensy bit if you squint), trying to provide the resder comfort in his own way. degradation. not beta’d by me i’m a lazy ass bitch :33
you sat lonesome, devastated & absolutely crushed below the shower. the way the cold water drenched your hair, every hit of it against your skin reminding you of the fact that you were alive, still alive unfortunately. and will be alive, until geto suguru gets what he’s promised. the money. its been close to an hour and your skin has started to wrinkle apart, you are so lost in your thoughts that your mind forgets to register how cold you feel with the shivering. the white marble flooring of the bathroom against your bare bottom & the soles of your feet a constant reminder of the coldness.
“y/n.” a voice echoed from outside the expensive glassed sliding door of the bathroom. it sounds like a fake echo amidst the stormy thoughts you’re battling.
“Y/N!” the voice snapped louder, and you jerked at the shocking bellow. flinching and getting pulled from your mind to what’s real. “yes?” you answered meekly, getting up on your now wobbly feet with how long you had been sitting the same and twisting the shower nozzle to stop.
“just checking if you had died.” manami’s voice scoffs from outside the door, footsteps walking away from you and sounding delightfully fainter.
you want to kill everyone & yourself. these people were so beyond powerful that you didn’t know humans could… do that.
begrudgingly, passionately hatefully, you got up and wandered to wear clothes and apply any cream that could soothe your now dry & angry skin. that’s when you see the girls.
mimiko & nanako, peeking through the door and humming. “you are pretty.” one of them smiles, “shame you’re nothing but a monkey.” she pouted, the one with brown, whiskey-kin hair. you blink, unsure how to respond to something that sounded awfully unclear. “what do you mean when you say monkey?” you asked, sighing.
the girls invited themselves in, putting your food beside you. “geto sama wants you to eat.” the raven haired little girl numbly reiterated. you nodded, unsure why they respected the monster so much. then again, you also think he is insanely kind to everyone but you. oh how fun.
“funny he didn’t bring me an animal bowl since he called me a mutt.” you scoffed, you know the life within you brimming and enflamed could one day kill you. maybe it should. oh no… you’re starting to feel depressed. why else do you think so frequently that you should rather fucking die?
“mimiko, nanako, you both are excused.” the velvety hum of geto’s voice from the entrance of your door echoed. it sent instant chill in your spine, the color of blood & fear mingled into the reminding dark red that oozed from the word ‘monkey’. the girls listened to him as if he was all they ever had. conflicting, the tender tone he used for those teenagers was conflicting.
he walks in, hands in front with the gojo-gesa making him look even more majestic than he is. he is tall, bigger than you, and his cologne is perfect. you wondered if he dresses like this to hide the real him. the rotten, unemotional, sadistic bastard.
“did you like sleeping on the floor yesterday?” he hums, clearly in a mood to stab your barely healed psyche wounds. “yes, it was comfortable. i’m sure sleeping on the bed must have been quite uncomfortable.” your sarcasm is biting, you haven’t had a good sleep thanks to him. “get used to it, little mutt.” he shrugs, “get used to it until your pathetic parents can gather the money they are demanded.”
you sigh, right. money… “i am.” the fight within you is flickery, and you never know what might rub geto the wrong way & suddenly your whole body is chopped up. “you clean up bearable.” geto hums again, his eyes flickering towards how devastatingly gorgeous you look post shower.
“i know.” you respond again, waiting, bracing. he is here to hurt you anyway. he’s doing that everyday ever since you’re here. “the girls brought you food, eat.” he sounds demanding suddenly, breaking the chain of your vile overthinking.
“is it poisoned?” you snarkily replied. rolling your eyes. you have come to the delusional conclusion that this “geto” person wouldn’t kill you. until he has the money that is… that is the sole reason why your mouth hasn’t stopped.
suguru’s gaze almost softens, you look pale, having lost a lot of blood. he remembers how bruised your skin looked, and you look like you have easily lost a few pounds. he has come to a conclusion that he doesn’t like damaged goods. even when he’s returning them. that is a much better explaination than the other one that meekly whispers to his heart: he has a soft spot for a fucking monkey!
“it’s not. i am fully capable of stuffing that useless mouth full.” he answers, equal bite to his tone. oh his words scathe and burn you, but they do the same to him. they feel like branding on his skin. especially when the light in your eyes fades a little more at his sentences. you hesitantly take a bite, then another… and another. you didn’t know you were ‘this’ hungry, because you could swear the plates are finished in a few minutes. suguru feels a motherly joy upon seeing you like this, before he forcibly snaps himself out. “five more days, then you’re a free girl.” he hums, wanting to see the excitement in your eyes of finally ridding yourself off of him. to his surprise, there was none.
“if i am alive by then.” you hummed, there was no malice in your words, no ill-intent, no insight to piss him off. that’s what HURTS him. it feels like the wrath of a thousand suns is coming for him. you actually… feel that you wouldn’t survive.
for you, its because you want to give up. maybe kill yourself, maybe let him kill you. the idea of a ‘life’ after this whole ordeal seems draining. it would take so much to heal from it; and you’re becoming more and more unsure with every passing day.
suguru gets up, glancing your way once more. you are torturing him just by breathing. “if you had one last wish, what would it be?” he asks, partially to see any emotion apart from the numb on your face. be it fear.
you looked at him, “that you don’t tell my parents i’m dead. tell them i escaped & wouldn’t return.”
he widens his eyes, the frog in his throat unbearably tight. he clears his throat to sound the same distinct monotonous, unkind tone. “they should be happy their daughter is dead if you were to… stop… breathing.” he has to strain the last two words out of him. his jaw tightening.
“a-after all, what use are you to them? you are giving them stress while they try to collect money for you. to save you. and here you are, so okay with your demise.” there is a questionable vigor in his tone. as if he’s trying his best to stop you from killing yourself. “the only reason you’re still alive is because they promised the money.” and… not because suguru can’t bring himself to kill you. yeah, that’s it.
tears sting your eyes, your heart feels heavy. you don’t want to die either… you’re just tired god damn it! “what’s your full name?” you asked him, trying to deviate from the topic.
suguru is taken aback at that change, why do you want to know more about him? “geto suguru.” he hums, responding rather conceited.
“during sunset.” he begins again, unsure why he’s saying what he’s about to say. kicking himself for it. “the gardens… look exceptionally beautiful.”
you raised a brow, curiosity brinming within your bones. “if you don’t wish to die even one bit, a walk might help.” he gets up with that, leaving for the exit. before doing so, he stands at the entrance, “should you want to be a good daughter who is at least breathing when she meets her parents, i would be there in the gardens too. an unwelcomed and imposed company.”
you don’t have an answer to that. except a sigh of relief when he leaves, he didn’t hurt you today… until now. how relieving…
what you don’t know is geto is leaned against that very door, replaying this conversation over and over in his head like a stuck tape-recorder. almost choking at the way you were. maybe he needs to get back at it, killing annoying monkeys. that… should help?
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rottngdeer · 2 months
Heyy, so I have a request for an NBC Hannibal imagine. I don’t know if this is to brutall or anything, no worries.
Could you write an imagine with short shy reader (female or gn) were she is secretly dealing with depression and also like in the early stages of a relationship with Hannibal and like one day he comes to her house (you can make up a reason) and he finds y/n in her bedroom on the floor harming herself and and she is like losing blood and can like barely talk to him before she faints and he brings her to his house after to care for her.
No worries if it is to dark, but I would love it if you do….
I love your other Hannibal stories a lot too ❤️❤️
thank you, i’m happy that you enjoy my other stories :) sorry for the delayed response to this!
Pairings || Hannibal Lecter x Female!Reader
Contents/Warnings || Mentions of depression, self harm, and blood.
Gif found on Pinterest from the user sydney14well
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Hannibal hadn’t heard from you in three days. He was rightfully worried, and decided that he would drive to your house to make sure that you were alright. He brought along a glass container of horderves he had saved from his last dinner party for you, knowing that you would be grateful for them.
You had only been dating for two months, and you hadn’t ever stopped answering his calls and texts like this before. He pulled up to your house, noting that your car was in the driveway and a few lights were on inside.
Hannibal knocked on your front door, container in hand and waited for your response, only to stand alone on the front steps for several minutes. He looks around the porch for a moment before lifting up your doormat, finding exactly what he suspected he would. He picks up your spare key, unlocking your front door, knowing that he was pushing limits in such a new relationship, but not caring about that part yet. He walks through the house; the main hallway, the living room, the kitchen, leaving the container on the counter. He hadn’t been in your house yet, so he was carefully picking up on every detail he saw. He made it to your bedroom, looking around for a moment before seeing your body laying in the doorway of your bathroom and the room. He quickly moves towards you, shrugging off his coat and rolling up his sleeves as he seems the amount of blood on the floor.
He kneels down beside you.“Y/N,” he says your name gently, and your eyes open a little, looking up at him. He notices how pale you were and the razor beside your bleeding wrists, and he connects the dots easily. He opens the cabinet beneath the sink, pulling out your small first aid kit. He knew it wasn’t much, but it would have to do for now. He notices you floating in and out of consciousness before your eyes dropped completely.
You awaken in a haze, disoriented and confused. Your wrists sting as you use your arms to help you sit up, and you look down, noticing your carefully bandaged arms. You see movement in the corner of your eyes and look up, noticing Hannibal standing in the doorway. “You’re awake,” He says, and only then you notice that you’re not in your house anymore.
Hannibal notices your confusion and sits on the edge of the bed beside you, “I found you at your house and I brought you to my home. I have more resources to take care of you here.”
You bite your bottom lip, looking back down at your bandages wrists, “… thank you,” You say in a small voice. Hannibal’s hand finds your thigh, giving it a gentle and reassuring squeeze.
“Would you like to talk about what happened?” He asked.
You hesitate before signing, finally explaining some things, “I’ve... been struggling with mental health issues for a while now. I was doing okay for a few weeks and I was happy, but it didn’t last long… I guess I just finally hit my breaking point..”
Hannibal nods understandingly, not pushing you for any other details. “You’re in safe hands,” He says, looking at your bandages, “You don’t have to, but I would like for you to stay here for a few days, so I can make sure you heal properly.”
“I’ll stay… thank you,” You agree, leaning back against the headboard.
“Would you like something to eat?” He asked.
“Yes, anything.”
He gives your thigh another squeeze before he stands up, stepping out of the room to cook you something, thinking of ways you ensure your safety and comfort while keeping you with him.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The course of Nature, part (2)
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First Part
Pairing: Negan x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of Negan’s brutality, cursing, implied coercion and kidnapping, mentions of polygamy, (c’mon guys, everything related to Negan in the Sanctuary), talking of periods and pregnancy, thoughts about abortion, sensitive content regarding pro-choice… SMUT, a soft mommy kink, rather pregnancy kink, a little biting and a little blood, Negan being a horny jackass.
might miss some warnings. 
TWD Era: Alexandria, Negan Era, (season 7) 
Notes: Seeing Negan saying, “Oh my, look at this little Angel!” and grabbing Judith from her crib did something to me, and here it is 
“Why don’t you want to be my wife?” he asked her, amused 
“Negan, I know you are like a rabbit or a jackass… you are horny and you hump the first thing you see, but I’m like a cool Eagle, or a wolf… I mate for life” she answered simply. And it was so clever he wasn’t even mad, he chuckled darkly watching her intently, hoping to burn the shape of her body and her face in his mind forever
“You are acting like someday I’m going to get bored of you and just let you leave” he whispered in her ear. He felt her getting nervous, the small hairs on the back of her head standing to attention and goosebumps in her arms. But still she acted like he didn’t cause her incredible fear.
“You might” she whispered
“Believe me, I will not” he answered back 
You didn’t want to have anything to do with the other wives of Negan, really, you didn’t want to talk to anyone, you didn’t want to make friends, you just wanted to stay in your room and most importantly, stay fucking alive and not make it worse for your friends in Alexandria
When weeks passed and you didn't get your period. You were quickly losing your mind
It was hard to keep track of the calendar in the fucking zombie apocalypse. All the electronics went to shit… but you guessed that outside in some place of the sactuary, someone might have a fucking clue.
Your period was like a swiss watch, you were never late, it was like clockwork, so you had a sense of when it was coming, so now, you left your room looking frantically for a calendar, or something 
The wives seemed surprised to see you, but somehow relieved, since he took you, Negan never left your side, he didn’t spend the night with any of them, you thought they’d be angry, or jealous, but the looks on their faces told you they were grateful, and relieved.
Even though Negan was proud to say he had killed rapists and didn’t tolerate the awful act, he did use coercion to get what he wanted, he used it on you, and probably all of them as well. Yes he did give them a choice but… “Be my wife or I’ll bash yours or your boyfriend's brains” didn’t seem much of a choice to you.
“Hey, we have been wanting to meet you” only two of them approached you, a redhead, and a smaller girl, with dark hair and and bangs, “I’m Frankie, this is Tanya”
“(Y/N)” You answered, “Sorry I was hiding in my room” you explained 
“It’s understandable” she drew an apologetic smile. There was an awkward silence, in which they expected you to say something, and all the way around
“I was wondering…” you started, “if any of you had a calendar, or something… a way to tell what day it is?” you explained. They all looked at eachother. The one you knew her name was Frankie took your hand softly and led you to the wall where there was this old calendar
“It’s the 17th” she said softly. You just nodded, confirming your fears, you were late, two fucking weeks late. You drew a shaky breath, tears burning the back of your eyes.
“Shit” you whispered, debating internally if you should share your fears or not
“What’s going on?” she asked you, “you can tell us”
“Yeah” a blonde one that seemed a little out of it also came close to you, “we are so grateful to you” she whispered with a reassuring smile, “For… distracting him…”
“I’m late” you choked out. You heard them gasp loudly, “I don’t know… I’m two weeks late and I feel like shit, I’m probably…”
“pregnant” murmured the blonde one 
Frankie must have known how you felt. Maybe they all did. She placed her soft hand on your shoulder to comfort you, and it worked. You draw a shaky breath, wiping the tears with the back of your hand
“What is he going to do?” you asked, “Is he going to… push me down the stairs or something?”
“We don’t know” she whispered, “we are the ones that take care of it” she explained, “he had never express his want to… have kids”
“He is the one that makes sure we use contraceptives” the black haired woman said
“I’ll go with you to the doctor” Frankie said, and you just nodded, “It’s the only way to be sure”. grabbing the hand she offered you tightly, and under the sad eyes of all of Negan’s wives, you left the room.
“I’m terrified” you murmured, when you came face to face with a man you knew they called Fat Joey
“Hey joey” greeted Frankie, and he eyes you both suspiciously
“Negan wouldn’t want you to walk alone” he said, “specially if you are terrified” you wanted to swallow your own words
“We are fine, Fat Joey” Frankie muttered
“Let me escort you” you squeezed her hand, but he walked behind you silently in your journey to the doctor’s office 
You managed to shake him off of you in the consult, you closed the door on his face.
“Good morning ladies, what can I do for you?”, this doctor gave you the creeps, but he was the only one around so…
Frankie gave you a reassuring smile, nodding, so you turned to the doctor
“I think I’m late”, you whispered, he looked at you and nodded
“Very well, I have a pregnancy test you could take”
It was the most uncomfortable 5 minutes of your entire life, and you were living in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, go figure
It took less than 10 minutes for the two lines to appear, and you truly felt like you were going to lose it. Frankie didn’t say anything, neither did you, but she hugged you tightly and you hugged her back
“Everything is going to be alright, it’s still early”, she whispered sweetly in your ear, caressing your hair, you only nodded, it was true, it was only a couple of weeks… Frankie looked at the doctor
“Is there anything you could give her?”, she asked. The doctor looked at you and then at her. 
“That’s a lie”, she accused
“Yes”, he said simply
“You have to do something!” you demanded, “Give me something…”
“I’m sorry, I can’t do anything without Negan’s permission” 
“WHAT?” you argued, “It’s my body…”
“It’s Negan’s baby” he said seriously, “I can’t do anything or give you anything without him knowing” He perfectly could, but he had clear instructions from Negan, and he valued his own life more than yours. 
. . .
Negan knew something was wrong when he passed the lounge where his wives were and they all looked at him in terror.
Did someone die?
Did someone escape? or tried to?
He hadn't punished someone publicly this week, so he knew this wasn’t that. And if someone actually had died, betrayed him or escaped, he would have known by now, so, what was it? He looked directly at Frankie, she averted her gaze, but her eyes looked at the wall to the right. He just nodded, silently, and kept walking until he found himself at your door. He knocked twice, but you didn’t answer, so he just went in.
He found you with your back turned to the door, in a fetal position on the bed 
“Hey sunshine” he greeted carefully, and he saw you flinch. You turned, slowly, and he was surprised to see you crying. Did you find out about all the things he had done in Alexandria? No, impossible, “What is going on?” he asked, you were there, in front of him, so you didn’t tried to scape, and you didn’t kill anyone so he wondered what got you so fucking scared of him right now
“I’m sorry” you whispered, “Negan” you called, “I love you” oh how much he could have given to hear you say those words, but the way you say them, it was desperate, you sounded like Amber, you didn’t mean it, in fact, you wanted to calm him down
“What is going on?” he repeated the question, harder this time, making you flinch raising your shoulders and trying to hide between them 
“I’m pregnant” you whispered, you dropped the revelation and then you wanted to bend over your own body to protect yourself from him, and that is what kind of broke him. “I’m sorry”
Of all the reactions he may had that you played in your mind, him chuckling and smiling widely wasn’t one of them 
“You are not mad?” you asked back, and he shook his head
One of the most scary things about Negan is that he was totally unpredictable, you could never guess what’s coming 
In one scenario he grabbed you by the arm and threw you down the stairs, and then made sure to beat you up until there was nothing left inside of you. In another he’d let the doctor get his hands on you, but you never, ever, thought he’d be happy about it
“Aw honey, this is wonderful news!” you jumped when he yelled that, opening his arms in celebration, he never stopped looking at you, “An heir!” he continued, “A little savior, a little Negan or Lucille” you shook in your place when he called his deceased wife’s name
And suddenly, you were more scared.
“A little Lucille?” you muttered, he had told you everything about his late wife, and the thought he might be using you to relive some weird fantasy chilled your bones. Suddenly you felt your eyes wet with tears, and not being able to stop them, fat, bitter tears started running down your cheeks, “No…” you whined. His face dropped when he saw how you started to lose it, you started to hyperventilate 
“Hey, sweetheart, I need you to relax”
“You have to talk to the doctor, so he’ll give me something…” you tried to explain
“Why would I do that, baby?” he asked
“I can’t have your baby” you whined, wiping your tears
“Why the hell not?” he asked, this time his face became so serious so fast you shook in fear
“Negan…” you called, expecting him to understand, “please” he softened his gaze on you, with his gloved hand he caressed your cheek as he smiled sweetly at you, but that didn’t calm you, he was unpredictable and you’ll do well in remembering that. He leaned in and kissed you softly, gently, as he was scared of breaking you
“You are going to be an amazing mother sweety” he whispered against your lips and you only whined, “anything you want, everything is yours!” he announced, standing up, “I’ll tell all of them, to bring you anything you could need” 
“You are going to let me carry this baby?” you asked
“Of course”, he said simply
“Please Negan”, you whispered, “I can’t bring a child into this world”
“It will have hundreds of people that will take care of him”, he said, “we are in the sanctuary baby”
“Negan please”, you begged, he just say on the edge of the bed, cradling your face with his big hands
“This a good thing baby”, he whispered, leaning in and catching your lips with his
“Negan”, you whined against his lips
“You are going to be such a good mommy”, he purred, abandoning your lips and going down your throat with heated open kisses
And you snapped out of your hornyness, you grabbed his face and pushed him off of you
“Fuck off Negan!”, you grunted, but your heated face told him your resolution wouldn’t last long, you were as horny as he was. He smiled wickedly
He knew he had chosen well, you were going to protect that baby with your life, your lioness instincts already kicking in 
“C’mon mommy”, he purred, “come to daddy”
“I hate you”, you said, with no conviction in your voice
“No you don’t”
And perhaps that is what was so messed up about all of this
You were scared to death, yes, but you were also… excited
And Negan could see that
He approached you again and held you in his arms, he leaned in and again he kissed you. It was soft at first but then it turned heated, you grabbed him roughly, pulling on the hairs on the back of his neck making him grunt needily
“You like it rough, don’t you?”, he mocked, you didn’t want to talk, you just took his leather jacket and threw it on the floor caresly
Another day he would have make a big fuss about it, but today he knew better
“he leaned over you, wanting to pin you down to the bed, but you didn’t let him, instead you managed to pin him down, straddling him 
“Oh baby”, he purred, “or should I say… mommy?”
“Shut up”, you growled, leaning in and kissing him roughly. he immediately responded with teeth and licks of his own, but as you separated from him, you bit his lower lip until blood came up 
He whined under you, not pained but horny and almost pathetic, you grind your hips against his own, feeling his cock hardening between you, giving you goosebumps
“Hormones?”, he teased, but you shushed him up, you wanted him, you needed to feel him, you needed to distract yourself from everything that has happening
You almost ripped his pants off of him, making him chuckle, setting himself comfortably on the bed, you stood up to toss your own pants away from you, and then you crawled back over him. HIs greedy hands tossed your upper clothes, and finally he had you naked all to himself. You leaned in and kissed him roughly
“Yes mommy”, he teased, and you couldn’t help but slap him, not hard, and he only smiled wickedly, “I loved this side of you baby”, he purred, placing his hands on your hips
“You are so fucking mean Negan”, you accused, “you misogynistic prick!”, but you couldn't stay angry at him, you leaned in and kissed him before he could make some snarky remark. He responded at the kiss immediately, his greedy hands caressing you all over he could, your thighs, your sides, your hips. You rubbed your pussy against his hard cock, and you couldn’t help it anymore, you needed him.
You used your hand to pumped his thick cock a few times, before impaling yourself with it
“Fuck!”, you cursed at the same time, perhaps Negan was so attracted to you because you both sounded alike sometimes
You started riding him angrily, almost like you wanted to hurt him, but that turned him on even more. You started moving your hips back and forth. and the friction in your clit almost made you loss it
“FUCK THAT’S IT BABY”, he whined, and you gasped, feeling your orgasm build incredibly quickly
“I hate you”, you cried when you cummed
“I know”, he whispered, entertained, letting you fuck him for once, admiring the goddess riding him.
But you rode him until you cummed again, finally making him finish inside of you.
You let yourself fall on top of him, as you both recuperated, he just held you, caressing your naked back
“I mean it”, he gasped
“What?”, you asked back
“I will do anything to protect you”, he promised, “I leave Rick alone, I promise, you will be a great mother, I really believe that”, you smiled, not letting him see it, of course.
. . .
“Arat” the girl was on his side on a second, that determined look in her eyes that Negan liked so much, “If something happens to me… “ he started, and she frowned, like he just spoke treason, “If this world is fucked up and for reason I fucking die and Rick the prick is still alive I want you to do something for me, ok?”
“You want me to kill him Sir?” she asked, and he chuckled
“No, I want you to take (Y/N) to him” he whispered, “without me controlling everything she is in danger, I want you to make sure she comes back to her people”
Damn, being a father does change you and your priorities 
He thought with a smirk on his face and a swing of his bat
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TAGLIST @neganswoman @nijiru @imvomitting @aleemendoza2425-blog @0vecam @heavenhatesme
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I was wondering if you can please write fanfic. Where the reader is a mother of young twins who is fiercely protective of them because one of them is completely colorblind and the other one is going deaf and nobody on the team knows of their existence.
So one day her babysitter can’t work or something do whatever you like at this part, but basically, the NCIS team finds out about the twins and her fierceness protectiveness and Leroy Jethro is like ok I’m kinda in love with you to you’re officially Mrs. Gibbs five and have fun with it.
Do whatever you like with this and I hope you enjoy writing it. I hope you have a wonderful year a wonderful month in your writing is amazing and I appreciate you.
Fierce Love
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: Flashbacks, Mentions of SA, Kidnapping, Mild Language, Violence, Guns, Blood, Suggestive, Angst, Fluff, etc.
Prompt: You are a mother of young twins, one who is colorblind and the other who is going deaf. The team doesn’t know of their existence until something happens to the babysitter who so happens to be your goddaughter. The team finds that you are fiercely protective and fiercely in love with your kids. But, this stands out more to Gibbs because he’s been trying to figure out for
Sidenotes: I used a scene from “The Rookie”, not to the exact measures, but similar.
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You look down at the twins you held, your eyes instantly teary as you looked at the two bundles that saved you. They were perfect with their ten fingers, their ten toes, their tiny noses, their tiny lips and their healthy selves.
Adeline Iridessa Y/L/N, you sweet baby girl who was younger by a few minutes. Then her older brother by only minutes, Alexander Archer Y/L/N.
"Mommy will always protect you." You whisper softly.
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"Ms. Y/L/N, I'm afraid to tell you that Adeline is colorblind. Alexander is rapidly losing hearing and we fear he may be deaf." Dr. Bryant explains.
You were silent for a moment, trying to soak in this information. You look at the twins for a moment before turning back to him.
"Is there anything we can do to try and preserve and maybe even salvage what hearing Alex has?" You ask.
"We could try some tubes, however I fear that his case is too severe. Here are some pamphlets. This will help Alexander if he needs to learn sign language. It's always good starting them off at a young age anyway. They tend to retain the language better and he will be better. You may want to also have Adeline learn the language for her brother as well." He explains.
You nod, looking at the twins who were wide awake, looking around curiously. Your heart aches knowing that Adeline will never get to see such beautiful colors because she has achromatopsia color blindness and then Alexander will eventually lose his hearing altogether.
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You were sitting at your bullpen, trying to figure out how to make their 5th birthday party the best birthday ever for them. You know you probably spoiled them too much, but they were your babies and you'd be damned if you ever let something happen to them.
The thought of sending them to school was agonizing. Knowing that they were getting older was scary. These were your babies and the thought of anything happening to them sent you into a protective mode instantly.
"Alright, what do we have?" Gibbs asks, coming back from getting coffee.
Tony, Ziva and Tim immediately are up and fighting to tell their finds. However, Gibbs was focused on you who seem distracted on something.
Gibbs was able to read everyone. However, after four years of working for him, he still was trying to figure you out. Almost everything about your file was confidential. He was so brutal on you when you first came here, however he has gotten better over time.
The elevator doors open and everyone turns back. You stand slowly as you see your twins exit the elevator hand in hand with your neighbor following behind them.
"Mommy!" Adeline squeals, running to you and hugging you.
You squat down, hugging her and Alexander. You gently push them back and look to Alexander, signing, "What's wrong baby boy?" 
He looked pale and like he wasn't feeling the greatest. Which was strange because before you left this morning, you made sure to make sure both were tucked in and weren't running fevers.
He sighs, signing, "Just worried and tired." You frown, gently guiding them both behind your desk, lifting them both into your chair before your neighbor walks to you.
"Y/N/N, Lexi answered the door this morning and their was a man there who was claiming to be the twins' father. The twins followed your "game" as Adeline put it if a stranger shows up. Lexi was taken by that man. And I came over here as fast I could." She explains.
You let a slow breath out as your heart rate picks up. Lexi was a good girl. She was your older sisters daughter. Lexi made you realize how much you wanted kids of your own. Lexi was like a daughter to you. You look at the twins, knowing that Lexi would do anything for them—just like you—which is probably how she ended up in this situation to begin with.
"Thank you, Bebe. You did the right thing." You say.
"Do you want me to take the twins so that you can work and get Lexi back?" She asks.
"No, no, it's alright. I think I'd feel better knowing they are with me. Thank you, Bebe. I'd say yes if I felt safe about it, but their father is...a very unpredictable man. I don't want to put you or the twins in danger." You explain.
It made you feel guilty, like you didn't trust Bebe, but thankfully she understood where you were coming from. She gave you a big hug, promising that everything would be okay and that Lexi was a tough girl. You knew Lexi was tough. You also knew Lexi would have left clues for you. She leaves and you turn to your team who was watching.
"You have kids?" Tony asks surprised.
"Yes." You say a bit more defensively than you expected, moving in front of the twins.
"Hey, easy there mama bear. I'm just surprised. You have no pictures and you've never mentioned them." He says, putting his hands up in surrender.
You clench your jaw, choosing to keep silent. These were your babies. You know your team wouldn't do anything to them. You knew that they'd protect them just as fiercely as you. However, your protective side was running wild knowing their father was after them and knowing he had Lexi.
Gibbs was staring at you, a small smirk on his lips. He could finally read you and put every piece to the puzzle together about you. It was like you were an open book right now.
I'm so in love with her, he thinks to himself.
"That's a pretty dress you have on sweetie. Is pink your favorite color?" Ziva asks and your heart clenches.
"Adeline can't see colors. She has achromatopsia color blindness. Alexander is deaf...he lost all of his hearing by the time he was one. He knows sign language though. So does Adeline. He can also read lips very well. Both of them can. Even though Adeline can talk, sign language and reading lips is a second nature to her." You explain.
You didn't realize you were nervously rambling, but the team did and smiled softly. They understood the normal moms fierce love for their child, however yours was far fiercer and far more protective. And it wasn't because you were an NCIS agent. It was because both of your babies were special.
"Mommy says pink is my color. And I trust mommy." Adeline says, smiling at Ziva who grins.
"Well, your mommy is very much right. Pink is definitely your color." She says.
"Alex, Addy...this is mommy's friends. That's Ziva, this is Tim and that's Tony. That's mommy's boss, Gibbs." You say, pointing to each of them.
Adeline was in a full conversation with Tony, Tim and Ziva. Alexander was looking at Gibbs who crouches down to his height and signs, "Are you okay?"
Alexander smiles and you look down, a light blush on your cheeks. You always had what Abby liked to call a "school-girl crush" on Gibbs. The elevator doors open and you look over to see Abby skipping towards you.
"Oh my goodness! They are so cute!" She exclaims.
"Mommy, who is that?" Adeline asks while looking at you.
"Mommy?" Abby asks, looking at you with wide eyes.
"Y/N is a mom, Abby. She's just been trying to keep them safe from their father." Gibbs explains before going back to signing with Alexander.
"What? You didn't trust us?" Abby asks.
"Abs, that isn't the case...their father is a terrible man. I thought he was still in prison. But, he isn't and he has my goddaughter who babysits for me...and because he is out, he was trying to get the twins. I just was scared that mostly you would get attached and what if I had to up and leave one day with the twins? I knew staying in one place meant he'd find me. I just..." You trail off and sit down as you bury your head in your hands.
"You have made a family. It explains why you were so distant. How did you and the father meet?" Tim asks.
"I was kidnapped by him when I was undercover. I'm sure you can put the pieces together." You mumble.
"Y/N/N." Abby whispers with watery eyes.
"It's fine. I don't dwell on the past. Not to mention, I've got these two who saved me." You murmur, lifting your head to look at your twins.
The team shared pitiful smiles, never realizing what you have gone through. You let a shaky breath out, moving your hands to your knees.
"They know sign language?" Abby asks while looking at Alexander.
"Alexander is deaf. He can read lips and sign, and Adeline can too. I made her learn too for him. Adeline has achromatopsia color blindness." You explain.
"Okay. Y/N, would you be okay with Abby taking them so that we can get your goddaughter back? And so I can personally speak with the bastard?" Gibbs asks.
"Y-Yeah, of course. Abby...I...I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I...I probably—." You start until she covers your mouth.
"Don't apologize. I understand and I'm not mad. However, I'm making them call me Aunt Abby." She says and you laugh.
"Alright. I mean I've talked about all of you guys to them and that's kind of how I've labeled you. Personally, I think you should be their godmother but if you want to be Aunt Abby, well I guess I'll have to find a different godmother." You say casually as you shrug with a smile and she gasps before squealing and hugging you.
"I want to be the godmother!" She exclaims.
You chuckle and stand before you tap your foot three times pretty hard on the ground. Alexander turns to you, feeling the vibrations on the ground.
"Come here." You sign and he walks over to you.
You kneel and gently grasp Adeline's elbow and she looks at you before moving to stand by Alexander.
"I want you guys to meet someone else. This is your godmother and one of mommy's other friends." You say and sign.
"Okay mommy, who is it?" Adeline asks.
You point to Abby and they both turn. Abby kneels and starts to sign to them which you couldn't help, but smile at Alexander's excitement. He really struggled because it wasn't like everyone knew sign language.
You turn and see a hand outstretched in front of you. It was Gibbs. You take it and he helps you up. You turn to look at the twins who seemed to be in awe. You focus on Abby's hands and notice she is telling them about her lab. You laugh quietly. Both of your twins were in love with anything to do with science so you knew they'd be just fine with Abby.
Abby looks at you and grins before she takes their hands and goes to lead them to the elevator. You find yourself having an internal battle, wanting to go with them, but you managed to keep yourself rooted to where you stood. You feel a hand on your hip and turn to see Gibbs.
"They are with Abby. They are safe." He mumbles.
You nod, knowing he was right and he pats your hip twice as Tony excitedly announces since it's your case, your lead.
"We should start at my house. Lexi is a smart girl and she would've left clues. I know her. And knowing that man, he probably searched the house for the twins. But, Lexi told them to play that game when a stranger comes over. It's basically a game to them, but it's something I've done in case someone tries to get to the twins. They have a hiding spot. Lexi and I are the only ones aware of that spot." You explain.
"It's good you had that in place." Ziva says as you all head to the elevator.
"I know I probably seem like an overbearing mom and that I'm really overprotective, it's just...I worry. And Alexander can't hear what's going on and I know Adeline will talk to anyone and everyone because she doesn't understand the dangers of talking to strangers. She thinks I'm mean for saying we can't talk to people we don't know." You explain.
"Y/N, we aren't judging you. Your an amazing mother. You have no need to worry." Gibbs says softly.
You look at him for a moment and nod. You go with Gibbs to the car as the other three go to the van. You felt extremely stressed and nervous so when traffic hit, it was even more stressful.
"They arrived at the house. I'd try to get us out but we are blocked in." Gibbs says.
You sigh, running a shaky hand through your hair. He studies you for a moment before putting a hand on your thigh. You look at him and he smiles slightly.
"We will get her back." He says.
It was silent, his hand on your thigh and your brain was now running about your "school-girl crush" on him.
"Gibbs, I need to tell you something." You admit.
"I know." He says softly, grinning.
"You know?" You ask confused.
"I know." He says, the both of you looking at each other.
"Then what was I going to say?" You ask.
"That you like me." He says and your cheeks flush.
"Was it really that obvious?" You ask quietly and he chuckles.
"Trust me, I only know because I was looking for the same signs." He says, looking ahead.
"Wait, you like me too?" You ask.
"Mhm. After we wrap up this case and the other one we are working on, I'd like to have you over for dinner." He says.
"I'd like that a lot." You say softly, your cheeks flushing red.
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"Alright, we got prints but that's all." Tony says once you arrive.
You walk into the house and look at the end table and grab the notepad.
"License plate." You say and Tony grabs it, looking at it confused.
"She etched it in?" He asks.
"You do what you have to do. Plus he would've saw it and I'm sure we would have found her already, just not the way we wanted." You say, doing your own investigation.
"Name." Gibbs says, grabbing a candy wrapped off the ground.
"She probably didn't think Bebe would've witnessed it all." You murmur as you knew who it was.
"What's this?" Tim asks.
You walk into the living room again and see the TV was glitching and you laugh. Soon Lexi's face was on the TV.
"Oh thank god. I knew you'd be there." She says.
"We are coming for you Lex." You say.
"The twins, are they alright?" She asks.
"Yes, they are. Are you okay?" You ask.
"A little roughed up, but you should see him." She says with a grin and you smile slightly.
"Just be careful. If he loses his temper, it will be bad. Don't antagonize. Just comply with whatever he says. I'm hurrying. Do you know where your at?" You ask.
"I kind of stole his phone and I'm using it to somehow hack into your router so that I can display this. I'm in the back of a truck. It's a semi-truck. It's been moving ever since he left. I don't know where he is taking me." She says.
"Did he say anything to you?" You ask.
"He's rambling. It's like he's having some psychosis episode." She says.
"He might've mentioned where he's bringing you though, Lexi. Think." Gibbs says.
"He said something about a desert and a cabin. He also said he was going to tattoo my date of death on me. That's what that tattoo on your thigh is, isn't it?" She asks.
"Yeah. He's taking you back to where everything happened with me. Okay. Listen to me. If I don't get there before he does the tattoo and the barrel, don't panic. Slow breaths. It will give us more time to find you." You say seriously.
"Barrel? What the hell did he do to you? And is he actually the twins' father? Were you guys dating or something?" She asks.
"He's a sociopath, Lexi. I was really hoping he'd do some ransom thing but clearly he is still just as delusional as he use to be." You say.
"Oh shit. I've got to go." She says and the video cuts out.
"I think we need to review your case." Gibbs says.
"He kidnapped me. He proceeded to SA me. Lexi is safe there. He happens to like (your hair color). She's (her hair color). However he doesn't like (her hair color). That was who we were finding in the barrels. Well, then he tattooed the day he thought I was going to die, but little did he know I had a whole team ready to bring me home. So, I wasn't in the barrel long. A few hours, but that's it." You explain.
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Gibbs and you run in from the front, Tony and Ziva going in through the back with Tim following not long behind him.
"Zayn, where is she?" You ask, your gun on him.
"I want my kids. Give me my kids." He snaps.
"They aren't your kids. You'll never be a father to them. They are my kids and I'd be damned if you ever try to get near them again because if you try, I'll shoot you." You say lowly, further pressing the gun against his temple to get the point across.
"And they say I'm crazy." He laughs.
"She isn't crazy. She's a mother and a mothers love for their children is such a crazy thing because a mother would do anything for their child. She's fiercely in love with those kids and she will fiercely protect them, no matter what." Gibbs says, hooking his arm around your waist and pulling you back.
Tony arrests him and you step out of Gibbs' hold and head outside. You knew he wouldn't have put her close to the cabin. He would have gone a bit further out. But, it would be close enough to his property so he could see it. You get to the edge of the hill and look over it before something sparkles in the sun. You start hurrying down the hill as Gibbs yells for you to wait.
You kneel and grab it. It was her ring. You shove it in your pocket before digging around, pushing the sand away when you see the top of the barrel. You start to lift the lid and toss it to the side.
"Y-Y/N?" She whispers.
"Oh baby. It's okay. I'm here. I promised I would be here." You murmur as your team joins you.
Tony helps get her out of the barrel and you sit next to her. She leans her head against your chest before breaking into tears. You shush her softly, petting her hair.
"He told me what he did to you. He told me everything. Why did you lie to us? You went through all of that alone and had no help. And we were so hard on you because we thought you should've worked it out. We didn't know he did those things." She sobs.
"Lexi, shhh...I didn't say anything because I didn't want to be treated any different. Your okay and I'm okay. I didn't take anything you guys said to heart because I knew you guys didn't know." You explain softly.
"What do you think of my tattoo?" She says, trying to smile and you look at her leg.
"I think you've got one hell of a story to tell. Don't look at it and think of this. Think of it as surviving. Because you did survive something horrific." You said.
"I don't even feel scared. I never felt scared once because I knew you'd find me. I did what you said to. Slow breaths. Because I knew you'd find me. I don't even care about that tattoo. This should bother me more than it is, but it isn't." She says.
"You could be in shock." Tim says.
"No. Not in shock. Right, look at my pupils." She says.
"She's right. She isn't in shock. She use to be a nurse." You explain.
"Your a strong girl. And you know your aunt well. You knew she'd find you. You are very brave after today." Gibbs says.
"Can you walk?" You ask.
"I'm not going to lie, I think I sprained my ankle." She says.
"How did you do that?" You ask confused.
"I full on round house kicked him, but then I screwed up my footing. I sooooo could've got away if I didn't screw that up. It so reminded me of this movie. I felt like a total badass too. Then I ruined it." She says and you couldn't help, but laugh.
"Well come on. I'll carry you up." You say.
"What? You can't do that." She says.
"Piggy back ride? I think I can." You say.
After getting situated, you start up the hill with your team. You had Tony and Gibbs on either side of you, in case you lose your footing. Lexi was babbling on with Tim about some game.
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You move off of Gibbs, laying your head on his bare chest as you move the sheets up to cover your bare body.
There was a comfortable silence between the two of you. It has been a little of six months since it had became official between you both. He stayed over at your house almost every day. You had been over to his house a few times, but you didn't like being away from the twins for long.
He noticed that and quickly made sure to make it your house that you guys went to most of the time. He found himself thinking about how you use to be so eager to get home and frustrated when you couldn't leave yet because of a case and yet, now he knew why you were so eager to get home. You had two wonderful kids that you adored fiercely and he found himself loving them just as you do.
"Okay, I've realized something." He murmurs.
"And what is that?" You ask softly, tracing random patterns on his chest.
"I'm so in love with you and I think it's time you become Mrs. Gibbs number five. Okay, you may end up Mrs. Gibbs number five, however I want you to be the last Mrs. Gibbs." He says.
"Wait...are you...purposing?" You ask, sitting up on your elbow to look at him.
"Not yet...I want to purpose the way you deserve it. But, what do you think?" He asks.
"I...I've honestly been wondering when your going to ask the damn question." You admit as you laugh softly and he joins you.
"Soon." He promises.
"I know you ain't crazy about the whole idea of getting married in front of people unless it's a judge, but if this is gonna be the only time I get married, I want the whole experience." You say and he chuckles.
"Then we better give you the experience because this is the only time you'll be getting married." He says and you laugh.
"Mrs. Y/N Gibbs...I like the sound of that." You murmur.
"Hm...me too. What about Adeline Gibbs and Alexander Gibbs?" He suggests and you cover your mouth as your eyes water.
"Y-You'd really want that?" You ask softly.
"Of course. I love them like they are my own. They are my kids." He says, his own eyes watering and you grin.
"I'd love that. And what about Luna Shannon Gibbs and Leroy Jethro-Arlo Gibbs?" You ask and he shoots up, looking down at you confused.
"Why are you trying to change the twins' names?" He asks.
"Well...actually. I'm not." You say softly.
It was quiet as he looked down at you with a confused look. You waited, smiling softly as you knew he was about to figure it out.
"Your pregnant...with twins?" He asks.
"Mhm." You hum.
"Wow...this is...amazing. For Luna...can we do Luna-Kate Shannon Gibbs?" He asks.
"Of course. I love that. Kate would be honored." You murmur.
"I miss her still. It's been almost what three or four years and I still miss her." He admits.
"I miss her too, Jethro. She was a good women, but she died doing what she loved most. She'll forever be remembered." You murmur, sitting up with the blankets wrapped tightly around your front.
He smiles, nodding in agreement.
"Mommy! Mommy! It's time to get up! It's our first day of school!" Adeline exclaims.
"Can we just keep them home forever?" You ask and he chuckles as he gets up to get dressed.
"No, we can't. Come on. You go shower real quick and I'll start breakfast. Then we will switch so that you finish it and I shower. Hopefully, we can all eat together and then we will take them to school and we will go work." He says.
You nod, sighing as you stand. You left the blankets on the bed and you look over at him to see his eyes on the tattoo from the unsub. You frown, covering it with your hand as you hurry to the bathroom and close the door. You heard him sigh and curse, but you needed a moment.
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You were kind of sad that it was the twins' first day. You made sure to get plenty of pictures and now it was silent between Jethro and you on your guys' way to work.
"Baby?" He says.
"Hm?" You hum.
You were a little surprised he called you that. He typically only does when he's deep in thought or scared shitless. So, you clue it that he was deep in thought.
"I didn't mean to make you upset this morning." He admits.
"I wasn't upset." You say.
"You covered it and ran off to the bathroom like a dog with its tail between its legs." He deadpans.
"I wasn't upset though. I just...I wouldn't even say self-conscious. However, I know when you look at it, your putting every piece of what happened to me, together. You know what that date means. Anyone else will look at it and assume it's for someone or it's some joke. But, it's the day I was supposed to die. Plus, it kind of springs up memories on me. I need to get it removed, but I don't for the time for it and I don't want to be asked about it either." You admit.
"Baby, when I look at that...it just makes me realize what you've been through and how strong you are. You are a fighter and I love how strong and how brave and how fierce you are." He say and you smile slightly.
"I love you." You murmur.
"I love you too, hon." He says, grabbing your hand.
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beingsuneone · 6 months
Part Two!!
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Memories & Delusions PART TWO!!
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SYNOPSIS: You know Jason is alive know, you aren’t sure how just yet and you aren’t how exactly you’re going to keep his cover and also still see him regularly. There’s still too many complications to deal with.
PAIRING(S): Jason Todd x fem!reader
MENTIONED: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Joker, Ra’s Al Ghul
GENRE/AU: Uhhh a little bit of fluff I guess. It’s pretty subtle on the romance, mostly plot following I guess. Nothing overly angsty. Mentions of being committed to Arkham (just a joking conversation) and Jason is trying it get over the Lazarus pit.
WARNINGS: swearing, slightly graphic descriptions of Jason’s murder from him. Not proof read
A/N: jjjajsjakkskskshdhshjsjsis brain
DEDICATIONS: my dumb hyperfixating brain for coming up with this concept at least three years ago. And putting it into words only recently.
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“Why are you being so dodgy lately?” Dick asks skeptically, eyeing you up.
You shrug, trying to play it cool. Jason doesn’t want them to know yet so they won’t. “What do you mean?”
He narrows his eyes at you. “Last week you were losing your mind and now you’re just… fine.”
You take a deep breath in and sigh. “I guess I realized that I was being delusional. I was just missing Jason.” Dick is about to say something else but you wave him off. “I have to go to meet my friend, so I’m heading out.”
Your ‘friend’ was Jason.
You stop to look at yourself in the mirror by the door, toying with your hair and smoothing out wrinkles on your clothes.
Somewhere behind you, Dick mutters: “See, Bruce, she’s being Dodgy.” And Bruce hums in agreement.
You’re apparently not as convincing as you’d like to be.
“How do you plan on breaking the new to Bruce?” You ask, fidgeting with your fingers while he goes through some stuff on his computer. He shrugs in response. You continue. “Or is it that you don’t want to tell him at all?”
Jason's eye twitches subtly, something that you’re surprised you catch. He shakes his head. “I don’t know, Y/n.” He pauses, chuckling dryly. “It’s not like he’d care much to know.”
You recoil. Is that really how Jason thinks Bruce feels about him?
All you can recall is Bruce kneeling in front of his grave, sobbing like you’d never seen an adult sob; or the way he would walk into Jason’s room and stand in the doorway with a forlorn look mocking his features.
You remember the way he’d stare for several minutes before sighing deeply and walking away; he’d usually proceed to lock himself in the batcave and would snap when anyone disturbed him.
“Jason…” you say reluctantly. “You don’t think that Bruce would care if you were alive?” Jason remains silent, so you continue, missing the way his fists clench. “Bruce was… heartbroken for months after your death— we all were.”
Jason stands abruptly. “And yet, none of you were willing to kill the man who brutally murdered me!” He snaps, his voice raised. You flinch a little but try to retain composure; bite your tongue when you have the urge to remind him about your goals when he first died. He continues with a strange expression on his face. “Do you know what it was like to feel a crowbar splitting my skull open while I was still alive?”
The thought makes you sick. Makes you so utterly devastated for what he’s been through. “No, Jason, I—”
He cuts you off by holding his hand up. “If Bruce was ever going to kill someone, it should’ve been Joker; and if he’d really loved me so much it should have been for me.” His tone is much calmer but there is still a chilling effect in his voice that makes your spine straighten.
The look behind his eyes is flurried with an internal battle you can almost see. “Jason, I shouldn’t have—”
“Just go.” He says, finally sitting back. He doesn’t bother looking up at you.
“What?” You stammer, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“Just get out, Y/n.” He snaps once more and that’s all it takes for you to turn on your heels and walk out the door.
You’d been moody and upset for the past three days— you knew you were. You were upset at Jason, upset that he had so much sway or your emotion, and even upset at yourself for bringing something up that obviously triggered him in some way.
Jason was complexities locked inside other complexities, and you were beginning to learn that; what was once simple and easy with him, was now difficult and anxiety-inducing:
You weren’t sure where you laid in his eyes now.
Were you still the same teenage girl in his mind, or, were you the grown version of the girl he liked that had betrayed him.
Did he see you the same way he saw Bruce and Dick? Or even Tim? Was he just holding on the bond you used to have despite his bitter feelings for you now?
And, what made him this way? You know he must have gone through a devastating trauma, but, how far did that really go?
What were the details that Bruce never told you, and just how gruesome were they for him to lock the knowledge away and not let anyone else know the details.
He told everyone that Jason had died, and he had died by the Joker’s hands; when you or Dick had pressed for more information, Bruce had simply told you it was ‘Brutal’ and ‘Something you should never have to know’
But Jason's little outburst must’ve only told the smallest of details about his horrible, horrible death. If that was just the beginning, you couldn’t even imagine the depths of Joker’s cruelty.
You’re brain won’t stop trying though, even as you sit at the kitchen’s bar with a soggy bowl of cereal. You’ve been sitting there for an hour, pushing the stuff around in the bowl but you haven’t actually taken a bite.
“I think we need to send you to Arkham.” Tim says from the other side of the island, breaking you from your Jason-induced trance. You know he’s joking, but you’re pretty Bruce is genuinely considering committing you for your behavior these past few weeks.
You’re more hot and cold than faulty thermostat. Hysterical, and then Happy, and then violently depressed and introspective.
“I do not need to be locked up with a bunch of criminals, Tim. Rehabilitation is clearly not actually happening at Arkham.” You say back, appreciating his giving you something to banter about.
He’s the only one that didn’t know Jason, and that makes him refreshing to be around.
“They aren’t stupid, Y/n.” Tim says, completely unrelated to your response. “Bruce knows you’re still losing it over Jason, you can act fine all you want but Red Hood clearly got into your head.”
You shrug. “If anyone knew him as intimately as I do— uh, did, they’d lose their mind too.” Your eyes drop to the bowl in front of you and scrunch your nose in disgust. You push it away from yourself.
Tim shrugs back, because, what else can he really respond with? “I didn’t know him at all.” He pauses, looking out the kitchen's open door. “Wouldn't Bruce have known him as well as you did?”
You shake your head. “No, Tim, me and Jason were… different, I guess. I had a crush on him when we were teens.” You shift in your seat and instinctively reach for the pendant around your neck. “And Dick was doing his whole Titans thing at the time, so they weren’t as close.”
Your sadness subsides and that familiar warmth runs through you as you imagine yourself and Jason laying on the roof, reading your favorite scenes from the book and enjoying the cool summer air.
In the winter, you would go out with a few blankets and huddle extra close; eventually, when your hands would get to cold to read, it would end in the two of you huddling close for warmth (something that Jason had always produced a lot of) and staying there until Bruce would start calling for you.
Your lips twist into a soft smile.
Tim stares at you. “You need help.”
“Speak for yourself, Mr. Force Batman To Have Another Robin.”
A tapping at your bedroom window stirs you from the near-sleep state you had been in; your heart pounds as you shoot up and look towards the window. Your heart slows only a few beats per minute when you see a familiar red helmet through the window.
You stand up and unlock your window, letting Jason climb through one side of the double doors.
He sighs through his helmet as he goes to remove it; you hear the familiar series of click and whirs and then he places the helmet on a chair in your room.
“Nice Pajamas.” He says, in a playful sort of way. There’s a healthy dose of something else though, that you can’t quite place.
You look down at yourself. You’re wearing a very thin tank top and some comfy PJ shorts. Not exactly appropriate in front of other people.
“Uh, thanks?” You say as you grab a hoodie from beside your bed and throw it on.
Once you’ve covered up a bit more, you turn back to Jason. “Why are you here?”
He stares at you, his eyes traveling your body for a few moments before they meet yours. “I just wanted to apologize. For the other day.” He takes a step closer.
You cross your arms. “I want to know why.”
Jason cringes. “I snapped yesterday because I’m just not right in the head yet. I still lose control and say things I shouldn’t. My perception of things is so fucked up sometimes I can’t tell what’s real.”
You nod slowly. “But why, Jason? How are you alive, why is your brain messed up?”
He sighs deeply. “I did die.” He says simply, like that really explains anything. You wait for him continue. “I died, and Ra’s Al Ghul threw me in the Lazarus Pit because he owed a favour to Bruce.” The words are spoken so plainly but you understand the pain behind them. “I’m only alive because of a favour.” His tone is so downtrodden, devastated.
You’ve heard about the Lazarus Pit, how it could drive someone to madness— you guess that must’ve happened with Jason.
It was the theorized reason for Gotham’s problem, after all; or rather, theorized by Barbara Gorden.
You supposed that made sense. “My God, Jason, you’ve been through so much.”
Your heart aches for him, for all the things you should have prevented.
“I’m sorry, Y/n.”
“It’s okay.”
The morning light shines brightly through your window, usually your curtains are drawn but there are quite a few unusual things about this morning.
First and most importantly, you have a suited up Jason, sleeping at your side; his arm is wrapped protectively around you.
He looks so beautiful when he’s sleeping; you’re not sure if he ever has restless sleep, but he seems so peaceful and at ease— relaxed, even. It’s nice to see his face unplagued by any of his troubles.
However, according to your clock, it’s almost the time when Alfred would come to wake you for breakfast, meaning Jason had to leave— and fast.
“Jason.” You say his name softly, nudging him awake. He stirs, and his eyes shoot open.
He looks panicked for a moment before your face processes in his mind, then he visibly calms down.
“I fell asleep.” He states, disentangling from you and laying into his back.
You hum, still looking at him. “Yes, you did.” The air is thick with some sort of easy tension, a fading smile, a far-off laugh— a general sense of mundanity that you want to keep forever. “But you have to leave now, if you don’t want anyone else to know your identity.”
“Right.” Jason gets up from the bed and stretches slowly, causing you to do the same.
He turns to grab his helmet— or rather, you see him stop, stare at it for a moment, and then spin back around.
Before you can process it, he’s caging you on your bed. Your eyes close as he closes the gap between the two of you, a swift movement that leaves you barely anytime to think.
When he pulls back, off the bed, and flashes you an easy smile, you think you very well might swoon like you were right out of a 60s television show.
Jason slips his helmet back on and closes it before unlatching the window and stepping out. “Bye, Y/n.”
“Bye.” You stare at the spot where he was standing for a while longer before laying back down in your bed.
“Hey.” You say nonchalantly, coming up behind Bruce.
He’s working on the Batcomputer right now. “Hello.”
“What’cha Doing?” You scan the contents of the screen, and it just looks like feed from the Manor’s many cameras. You aren’t too worried about Jason being seen on them, because he always hacks the cameras and scrubs himself from the data.
“I’m just doing the weekly camera check, Y/n.” Bruce looks back at you momentarily, and then returns to the feeds.
You screw around behind him for a while before you hear a small hum. You look up at the camera, trying to see what has caught Bruce’s attention. The timestamp says it’s from a few nights ago.
You watch as he replays a specific moment.
He replays it a few more times before you finally see it. A familiar flash of red, and then a motorcycle driving away from the manor.
Worse, the flash of red comes from right outside your window.
Bruce enhances the footage and zooms in on what you’re sure is Jason.
“Red Hood was at the Manor three days ago.” He states, looking back at you. “He appears to be leaving your bedroom, did you know about this?”
You pause for a second but shake your head. “No, of course not, I was sleeping.” You pretend to shudder. “That’s creepy to think that he was in there while I was sleeping.”
Bruce eyes you suspiciously but doesn’t protest or question any further. “We’ll have to heighten security in your room. Red Hood obviously chose it for a reason.”
You freeze. “That’s not necessary, Bruce, he didn’t screw with anything, obviously.”
“Even if he isn’t intending to hurt any of us, Y/n, there are several very bad things that could happen as a result of his being able to get into our house. Not to mention, I’ve noticed several discrepancies in our camera feeds over the past month or so.” He gestures to another frame, showing what looks like normal footage, but it’s the same five minutes replaying, according to the timestamps. “If you watch carefully, every minute, on the dot, a bug flies in front of the camera. It’s the same bug and the same flight pattern. If that’s Red Hood’s patch job, he’s not very good at this.”
Your lips purse, and you chew on the inside of your cheek. “That is weird.” You can’t really say anything else without making yourself look suspicious. You’ll have to let Jason know before he thinks about coming around here again.
He goes back to the previous footage, of Jason at your door, and enhances it even more— your window is clear now, and the floor behind it. Bruce rewinds it to the moment that Jason reaches the window. He presses play again, and lets the video play slowly, analyzing Jason’s every movement.
You cringe when you see Jason knock on the window a few times, and you’re terrified for Bruce to see what you know is coming next.
“Bruce!” You blurt, just before you’re about to come into view. “Tim just texted me and said he needed you to come upstairs right now.”
Bruce turns to you, confused. “Did he say what about?”
You shake your head. “No, he just said it was urgent.”
Bruce nods and leaves you alone in the batcave. You have maybe ten minutes until he comes back, knowing that you lied.
You try to fiddle with footage and delete that part that incriminates you, but without Bruce’s password you can’t do that.
Fuck. You don’t know it.
You panic for a minute and then abandon your mission to delete the footage, instead you race upstairs and into your bedroom, throwing together a bag of clothes and other essentials, as well as some sentimental items.
You’re about to sneak out the window when you see the old worn book. You snatch it quickly, along with your phone and car keys.
Bruce’s voice comes from down the hallway, calling your name; it doesn’t matter, you don’t stop until you’re outside and in your car.
You know he’s watching as you speed off, tears welling as you disable the tracking devices in your phones and car. When Bruce finally watches that footage, he’s going to think you betrayed him and you’re going to lose the one place that you’d ever felt at home in.
You’ve never felt so low before.
Tears fall pitifully from your cheeks; you really shouldn’t be this upset.
Jason watches uncomfortably from his chair in his office; you knew he never liked you crying, and he was never great at dealing with it.
All he ever needed to do was be there, though.
“Please stop crying.” He says gently, as he walks over to you. “What happened?”
You shrug, which makes no sense because you know exactly what happened. “I can’t go back to the manor.”
Jason scrunches in confusion and a hint of anger at the conclusions you know he’s jumping to. “What did he do?”
“Bruce didn’t do anything.” Wiping the tears from your eyes, you pull back from him. “He was going over security camera footage and found a camera you forgot to wipe… he hadn’t watched the full thing when I ran out of there but he’s watched it by now, I’m sure.”
“And that matters…why?” Jason obviously doesn’t understand what you’re implying.
You absentmindedly drum your fingers against your wrist. “I very clearly let you in the window in the footage. You didn’t break in, I let you in. Bruce knows that now too.”
Jason looks around the office, like there’s something that would help on the walls. There isn’t. His eyes settle back into you, but you’re not looking at his face. “You can stay with me.”
He says it so easily, like it’s only natural— you suppose it is. Nothing had ever been more natural than being with him.
You also think you’d probably like that. “Do you live in this building or…?”
He laughs and then shakes his head. “No, I hijacked one of Bruce’s warehouses a long time ago and have been living there. We can go now, I’m done for today anyway.”
You step out into the hallway and he takes your hand in his; you think that he feels protective around his lackeys, because he doesn’t really like them. He would rather they all fell off the face of the earth, but he knows that won’t happen so he’d rather control where their product is being pushed.
Or that’s what he told you, anyways,
You go down a different set of corridors than you’re used to, and it leads to a garage.
The unsettlingly beautiful woman is standing at the door, she says nothing when Jason pushes the door open and leads you through.
It’s not her job to ask questions, you suppose.
“Do you want to take your car? You can follow me in mine so you know where we’re going?” He suggests, raising his eyebrows at you. “Or I can drive it over for you later and we can just use my car for now.”
“I don’t really feel like driving right now.”
He nods. “Okay.”
“When you said warehouse, I was not expecting this.” You gape, looking around at his ‘apartment.’ “It looks more like a pent-house.”
He chuckles. “Yeah, well, that's kind of what it is.” Jason runs his finger along the surface of his counter. “I believe it was catalogued as a safe house and a warehouse.”
You shrug. “You wiped it from the system, so I wouldn’t know.”
There’s a sort of awkward reluctance dancing around the two of you, like you aren’t sure what to do with yourselves now that it’s just the two of you alone. You haven’t been truly alone with him in such a long time.
“I guess there’s not a whole lot to do here.” He starts again, looking around. “I’m not here much. I usually just end up passing out on the couch in my office.”
You laugh dryly and look around; the whole apartment looks clean and modernist— you personally can’t stand this type of decorating but you don’t think Jason cared much to change how the place had looked when he found it.
There’s a TV, which you’re pretty sure works but it’s gone unused. There is a short hallway with three doors down it right off the living area. It’s mostly open concept besides that small hallway. You lift your gaze upwards, following the tall in-wall bookshelves; you find that there’s a small loft above the two of you and a ladder that leads there.
“What’s up there?” You ask, walking over to the ladder.
Jason gestures up the ladder. “I’ll show you.”
The two do you climb the ladder and you pull yourself onto the loft, feeling a little unsteady.
You notice immediately that the roof looks a little strange just above the platform.
Jason clears his throat and walks over to one of the walls. He hovers in front of a small silver panel. “You know, there’s a reason I chose this one.” He presses a button on the panel while he looks over at you.
A few creaks sound and then some loud mechanical noises sound before the roof panels recede to reveal the setting sun. The sunset is so beautifully visible from the sunroof.
“Jason.” You breath, dumbfounded.
He picks a book off of the floor of the loft. “I used to try to recreate our moments on the roof, but it just wasn’t the same without you.” He flips the book a few times in hands. “And this wasn’t quite right either.”
“I couldn’t handle the rooftop without you.” You whisper, not sure if he even hears you; you try to speak a little louder. “The first time you showed up at the house was the first time I had done it in years.”
“Huh.” Jason responds, sounding nonchalant but you know it means something to him.
“Wait here.” You rush back down the ladder and grab your book, and then head back up. Jason stares at it for a while. You hold it up, and pass it to him. “For Old Times Sake?”
You had sat there with him for hours that day, you watched as the day melted into night and felt as you slowly fell asleep. You and Jason were tangled together, cuddled so close it was like you had never really been apart in the first place.
At some point, you’re drifting in and out of consciousness. Your hands twitch gently and you adjust yourself a bit but you don’t open your eyes.
You’re pretty sureJason still thinks you're asleep because he presses a kiss to the top of your head and then quietly speaks. “I want to do this with you for the rest of our lives.” He pauses and sighs a loaded sigh. “Not just for Old Times Sake.”
You decide it’s probably better to just try to fall back asleep, despite the way your stomach churns. You wanted to respond, and tell him that you wanted to fall asleep like this every night.
Tell him that you wanted to spend every day with him too.
“I just want to know where she is, Red Hood.” Bruce’s voice comes through a little speaker in Jason’s office— it’s a line that Jason had hacked into and clearly Bruce knew that.
Jason scowls and you can’t help but think about Bruce when he does.
When nobody responds to him, Bruce continues. “I want to talk to her.”
You gnaw your lips, wanting to pick it up and say you’ll talk to him but dreading confirming his suspicions.
Jason slips his helmet on and picks up the microphone. He presses the button and says, cooly, “Where would you want me to bring her, Batman?”
You can hear Bruce’s sigh of relief. “The abandoned warehouse near Arkham. You know which one I mean.”
Jason hums. “The one that Joker blew up last month.”
Bruce confirms and then Jason looks at me. “Anything you want to say?”
You shake your head, and Jason picks up the mic again. “Give us a time and we’ll be there.”
And just like that, you were going to see Bruce again.
“I just don’t understand, Y/n.” Bruce says immediately when he lays eyes on you, despite the fact that he wraps you in a tight hug. “Why would you work with him?”
You pull back and look back to Jason, who’s all suited up, of course. “I—” you have no idea what to say in your defense. “I wasn’t working with him, Bruce.”
Bruce gives you a sort of ‘disappointed dad’ look. “I saw the footage, I know that you let him into the manor.”
“Well, yes, but—”
“So you were working with him.”
“No! It’s not like that!”
You’re starting to get irritated because you know Bruce has absolutely no reason to believe you.
“First, you lied about Tim needing me, and then you tried to delete the footage and then I saw you wildly speeding away from the manor. Do you understand how suspicious that looks? Obviously, you are working with him, Y/n. You don’t have to lie.” Bruce sounds sure of himself. It makes you want to tear your hair out.
“Fine. I was working with him, since you’re so sure.”
Bruce looks between you and Jason, and you can see realization dawn on his face. “Unless… don’t tell me you fell for him just because he reminds you of— Y/n, please tell me I'm wrong.”
Jason steps in this time. “Don’t worry, you’re wrong. Just not in the way you think you are.” Your head snaps back to look at him as clicks his helmet open and pulls it off.
This was the moment. He was finally showing Bruce.
You look frantically between the two of them, trying to decipher the moment.
Bruce stands frozen for a good long while, just staring at Jason’s face before he suddenly locks his arms around Jason's shoulder/neck and hugs him tighter than you’d ever seen Bruce hug anybody.
Jason looks thoroughly disturbed and taken aback. This wasn’t the reaction he was expecting, and honestly, it wasn’t what you were expecting either.
“I didn’t fall for him because he reminds me of Jason.” You say quietly. “I fell for him because he is Jason.”
Bruce pulls back and nods slowly before turning back to Jason. “I’m so sorry, Jason.”
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All content belongs to @beingsuneone , do not repost, copy or post on other platforms without my permission.
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As If Destiny (part three)🌹
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Part Two 🌹🌹
Summary: You've always been kind hearted yet admirably defiant. Or that is at least one of the ways Coriolanus Snow would describe you. Ever since grade school, you have always been on the same level as him in academics and one of his few competitors for the Plinth Prize. But as tragedy struck your family, Coriolanus thought you would fall away from his life, but instead, you got even more intertwined (not to mention the complicated past knots tying your families together).
Warnings: Terminal illness, parent death, death and brutality (it is the hunger games after all) characters may be ooc. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember much of Snows way of thinking (I mean I know its toxic and insane but yk the other things) so I will mostly be basing off the film and my own thoughts. Also I can't spell for the life of me so be prepared for bad spelling and grammar. Enjoy loves!
what is happening. why am i doing this. why am i doing this. Coriolanus couldn't stop the parade of panicked thoughts going through his head. Each step he took was possibly another step closer to the ruin of his name and family for good. But you wouldn't tell anyone. No you wouldn't. You wouldn't right?
You weren't really in the best of states before they made it to your home, but now you seemed far to awake for his preference. If you were still in your slightly delusional state, you may not notice the cracks in his walls, the mold seeping through the ceilings, and the ever permanent stench of poverty.
You and Coriolanus have long let go hands as he let go once the realization that he was taking you to his rugged home. His hand began profusely sweating and he began walking at an increased pace due to his nerves. You were lagging behind, having to run every few meters to catch up to his long strides.
You could tell he was immensely bothered and uncomfortable with the current situation and you simply couldn't take it anymore. "It's okay Coryo, I will be fine. I really appreciate your invitation but there is no need." You say to him in the slightly chilly night air. He turns around at your words and noticed you stopped and are a bit of a ways behind him. He quickly shakes his head in disagreement and sticks his hand you toward you.
You give him a gentle smile paired with a gentle shake of your head and begin to turn around and walk home. Seeing your movement, Snow quickly rushes to your side and puts his hands on your forearms to stop you. "Really it's not that bad, I'm sure that's the worst of it and -" "I said you are coming home with me and I meant it y/n. You need one night of proper sleep." His hands still on your forearms as he turned you around in the direction of the streets leading to the Snow home.
"Will you be able to sleep?" You say quietly, barely audible. He turns to you, his handsome face confused. You take his expression as an invitation to elaborate. "This entire time you haven't said a word and seem paranoid and worried. You are fidgeting and seem to be in a battle with yourself in that head of yours. I don't wish to be a burden to you Coryo or your family. Whatever the reason may be that is worrying you, you don't need to tell me or show me. I'm going home, your gestures of kindness have been enough. You've taken care of me enough for tonight."
He stared at you for a few moments, seeming to gather his thoughts and convert them into words. No, he hasn't taken care of you enough. If he had, you wouldn't be out in the cold at who knows what hour at this point, with deep bags and a hollowed face. He wished to take care of you more now than he wished to keep his wealth (or lack there of) a secret. But then again, Coriolanus Snow couldn't just risk everything for you. He had his family and future to take care of.
But as you were waiting for him to respond, your waves of sleep deprivation hit you as you began swaying, nearly losing your balance. The boy was quick to notice and held you to steady yourself for what felt like the millionth time that night. But he wasn't complaining. He liked the feeling that he was stabilizing you. Protecting you. Saving you. And in that moment, he decided that you were worth the risk.
The streets were empty as you and the curly blonde haired boy walked in comfortable silence. He had his arm around your waist, in fear of you falling, of course. Or that is what he would say if you objected, which you didn't. You once again were lost in your head but thinking about the moment you were in with Coriolanus made you break the silence.
"It was rebels." If Coryo was willing to trust you with whatever was waiting ahead in his home, you were willing to trust him with the truth about your mother. You felt his eyes on you but you kept your forward as you continued. "My mother's condition. The war destroyed our home so we moved with little money left. It wasn't a very big or lavish apartment but it was enough for me qnd my mom and the few staff we had left. My father was out in the districts, rebuilding his empire and wealth so we didn't see him very much. One day, my mother was moving a few objects around and the floor broke by "accidnet".
The scoff and hollowness of your voice was harshly apparent. "The floor exposed a water well, something we needed as you remember how hard it was to find clean water even years after the dark days. Everyone in the house claimed a miracle. A second one in those days." You stopped your story to gulp back emotion. Coriolanus took note as your eyes became glossy but you pushed the tears back. He wanted to stop your story if it made you uncomfortable but then again, he was trusting you with factors that made him uncomfortable, why shouldn't you do the same?
You continued "She was pregnant. I dont know if it was going to be a boy or girl, it was too early. But because of her state, we all agreed that she would have the water exclusively from the well. How they knew of her pregnancy and infiltratied our home I don't know. But about three weeks of drinking the water, she woke up in pools of blood. One from her mouth as she choked blood up but she didn't care once she saw the blood between her legs. The scream she had that day is what I hear every time she opens her mouth now in pain. That's why I threw myself into that project. I don't care about the Plinth Prize if that's what you were thinking. We all know you deserve it the most."
You wrapped up your story at the same time you both reached his home. He let go of your waist and stepped right infront of you. Both pairs of eyes looked deep into one another's. "I'm so sorry y/n. For everything and for not helping earlier. But maybe it will give you some relief that not all of us are without scars and suffering." He looked up at his once magnificent family home in shame. You followed his eyes and for the first time, took in his home. The place he ate, slept, and lived.
You noticed the deep cracks in the walls, the broken windows, and flickering lights. But even with all that, it brought a small genuine smile to your face. He trusted you. You were going to be in his home. He trusted you to be in his home. You turned your head and met his eyes with a look that made your smile vanish. He seemed upset and slightly harsh, translating to his next words.
"Why are you smiling" oh. He must think that you smiling because you were going to expose him. Once the realization hit you, you were rushing to explain. Mumbling and cutting yourself off, you explained to him that his trust brought the smile to your face. "I would never betray you Coryo. It just feels nice knowing that you trust me, I know there aren't many people on that list." You were right. The only people he truly trusted were in the shambled and barely hanging on apartment above. And you clearly trusted him with explaining the story of your mother.
He began moving towards the door, opening it up for you but you stopped infront of it and turned to him. "I know my words won't mean much and won't replace your situation, but for what it's worth, you have something most of our peers don't. Most of us had to move or renovated our apartments so much they look like a completely different one. You however, have your ancestral home. All the Snow generations have lived in the very place you do and you get to keep the tradition going. I think that's a wealth none of us can reach." You give him a shy smile with the notorious duck of your head and walked in.
He stood there for a little while, stunned. He had never thought of his breaking apartment like that before and your sincerity made his shame dissipate a slight bit. With a satisfied smile, he lead you up to his house.
A/N: hey guys! Hope you all liked this new part!! I meant to extend into scenes into the apartment but I think I will leave it for part 4 and get this out there sooner. I hope was close enough to Croyos thought process. I know he isn't a great guy but I think in the beginning he wasn't really evil, just morally gray. So I tried to do some sort of balance idk. Anyways I'm just ranting at this point, have a great day loves❤️
@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹 @notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear 🌹
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melimelissa998 · 11 months
A Favor pt. 3
Part 2
As soon as I open the door, he walks right past me inviting himself in with no word, I roll my eyes and ignore his rudeness since I know Felix is more important. I follow behind, “You okay, mate?” he asks but hear no response “I, it’s his shoulder but it’s really bad” I inform him and hug myself feeling a little awkward standing there seeing how Felix is in silent cry. “He’ll lose conscious any minute, boss” I hear a voice next to me; I jump of the sudden presence, as I turn to see, “Lee Know?” I call out and see him standing in my living room, but I don’t remember opening the door for him too? “Y/N” he says my name as if he’s disappointed to see me, I frown and stare at him, he smirks at me as if he knew and was enjoying that I felt offended. I am about to question him, but his blonde boss speaks first “Take him to the car and tell Cha-, Spear B, to take him to Wang.” He orders.
Lee Know nods and does what he’s told, he carries Felix with one hand and helps him walk to the door, I hear Felix trying to say something but Lee Know just tells him to not overdue himself, I don’t hear the door close but I know they are already gone, leaving us both standing in silence “Is owing you favors some type of hobby of yours?” he asks in a fun tone. I shrug my shoulders and try not to smile. “I didn’t even know it was Felix in the alley when I hear-” “Wait what?” he interrupts me, “You approached Felix without knowing it was him?” he asks brutally. “Well, I saw him fall on the floor so I-” “And you thought it was a good idea to help a random stranger in a dark alley?” As soon as he said that I start to consider that maybe my actions were carefree “What if he was a drunk jackass, then what?” He scolds me as if he is my dad or as if we were close friends. “But he wasn’t” I want to defend myself, but at this point, he is right. “That was very dangerous Y/N” and the way he said my name, in that tone made me get so mad. “Wh-, I, y-” I couldn’t even form a simple sentence, “Just say thank you and leave” I say and point at the door. We both stand there in silence, and I can see how he is holding a smirk, which makes me madder.
He calls me out like if we had the confidence to talk to each other like that? Who does he think he is?
I see how he has no intention of moving so I walk to the door and slam it as loud as I can so he can get a note of me wanting him to leave. He takes a few more seconds to get to the door and he stands in front of me, I look at him directly into his eyes and just stare as long as he does. I also take the moment to admire his features.
The scares on his left cheek and forehead didn’t make him less attractive and it made me wonder if he knew he was attractive and how many times he has use that for his advantage.
“Have a sweet night Y/N” he speaks in a mocking tone, I stop fantasizing about his face and remember I want him out of my place, when I think he’s going to step out, he actually takes a step closer to me and takes my chin in between his hand and lifts it up a few inches “And thank you, baby girl” he says almost in a whisper, I feel my skin gets goosebumps of his sudden tone and I freeze in place.
I think he knows the effect this had on me because he has a big dumb smirk on his face. For a split second I gaze to his lips and then back to his eyes
“W-, have a good night, sir” I say but feel stupid as soon as those words come out, he doesn’t say anything about it and leaves. I shake off the sudden chills and close the door, I take a breath and walk back into my living room but stop in mid hallway to go back and lock the door. Not risking something else tonight.
I walk into the kitchen and remember I can finally sit and eat dinner; I look around and don’t see my plastic bag with the food. I close my eyes and sight. Please don’t let it be outside, where I think it is, I pray. I went back to the alley to only see the food spread on the floor with P and other of his friends eating from the bag. I sight again and give up for tonight and call it a day...
Only 2 days had passed since Felix, Lee Know and blondie were here, it was not as if I was waiting to hear from them but at the same time my mind would wonder for Felix. A knock on my door got me out of my trance of thinking of the boys. When I open the door, I see Mingyu with his big smile but is lost as soon as he scans me “Why aren’t you ready? Dude, we have 10 minutes to get there” he starts fuzzing at me. I give him a half smile “Because I can’t decide what to wear” I step aside to let him in, and we both walk to my room; he stares at my 2 options of tonight. “The black skirt witht the red blouse, that’s a new and I like it, now, go and change” He doesn’t hesitate to choose, I frown “What do you mean go change? Get out of my room, you go wait in the living room” I kick him out and start to change. I lastly put on my black loafers, re-checked in the mirror to see that my makeup was all good and step out of the room. He looks at me and gives me an approval nod, I try not to laugh, and we walk to the door.
I knew where we were going tonight, to that district 9 pool place we all really like, the pool place as in where Lee Know works, as in where I know I’ll see blondie…
I was feeling stomach sick all the car ride to the place, but as soon as we pull up to the parking lot, it got kinda worse and felt as if I needed to go to the bathroom. I don’t want for Mingyu to see I was going crazy, so I just start to take small breaths here and there. Mingyu opens the door for me, and I thank him, once inside, I start to look up to the second floor waiting to see blonde boy, but there’s nobody up there. I turn to the bar and do see Lee Know, I half smile “I’ll be right at the table in a sec” I inform Gyu and he nods. I walk to the bar and greet him “Hi, hey, Lee Know, am, uh, how’s Felix?” I ask in a whisper not sure why I didn’t feel confident asking from the start. “Uh, hey, mmm, he’s actually better, he’s in pain but will be okay” he informs, and I nod in silence “Oh, okay, that great” I say and we stand there in a uncomfortable silent “Okay, well, thanks” I say and turn to find my friends table, I scan the place and when I find them I walk to them excited to see them. “Hey, you” Jihyo waves and then pats the seat next to her for me to seat.
Every now and then I would peak up to see any sign of blondie or Felix. But in the hour I’ve been here, I didn’t see them at all, that was until I was at the bar ordering a round of drinks. “The boss wants to see you” Lee Know informs me as he makes the drinks, I look at him a little confused. Did I hear correctly? He lifts an eyebrow at me and rolls his eyes, then points out the stairs with his head. “Oh, like, right now?” I ask and he nods with a grimace. He tells me he can take the drinks to the table while I’m gone, I thank him and walk up the stairs crazy nervous, I feel the air colder the more I go up but at the same time I feel out of breath. As I reach the second floor, I gulp all my saliva, I felt as if I was in big trouble for some reason…
I look around and see a guy standing close to the wall, he’s already looking at me and I start to feel anxiety, I open my mouth to ask if I was supposed to be here like Lee Know said but he talks first “He’s in here” he opens a door I didn’t see until he half opened it, I walk to him and he opens it more “Thank you” I smile and he smiles back. Inside, it was a small office type room, there was a long in the middle of it with a few chairs around it, there was 4 people here too, Felix, the guy the call Spear B, someone I didn’t recognized and the blondie boss who I still didn’t know his name.
“Y/N!” I hear Felix call me with excitement, “Hey, how are you doing?” I ask heart warmed from his greetings, he stands up from across the room and walks to me “I’m better, still hurst but nothing pain killers can help” he explains, and I nod, I see he has a type of strap on his shoulder, I half smile and chuckle from the awkwardness I feel. “Oh, I, wanted to.” Felix mumbles something and starts looking around the room for something “.Here, this.” He gives me a small blue box “For you.” I take the box surprised “What is it?” I question and the brown head boy scoffs “Well open it and you’ll know” he says sarcastically, I turn to see him, and Spear B hits him in the back of the head. He complains about the pain and I try not to laugh. I turn my attention to the box and do as he said. When I take off the top, I see it’s a white piece of clothes, I take it out and realize it’s a cardigan, I exam it fully but I then look at Felix for an explanation “I know I ruined the one you were using the other night, the least I can do is give you a new one” he says and I felt my heart drop. “I mean, yeah but you didn’t have to, I, the cardigan was like 11 dollars but this one.” I see the Gucci brand tag on it “I, this is, you didn’t have to” I didn’t know how to tell him it was a sweet gesture but too much too. “Like he said, it’s the least he can do for helping him” the blonde boss speaks and we all turn to see him, he’s standing behind the table with his hands across his chest. Felix nods at me, I look again at the cardigan and just stand there with not knowing what to say, “Keep it, it’s a gift” he whispers in a sweet tone, I smile and nod “Thank you, it's, it is nice” I thank him, and I see his eyes sparkle; and again my heart feels touched. He nods and then looks at his boss, his smile fades a little and he starts to walk to the door. Spear B and the burnet boy follow behind and before Felix steps out he waves goodbye to me. I wave back and see him leave, I hear how his boss clears his throat to get my attention, I turn around to face him and wait for him to speak up. “The cardigan was on Felix, so it doesn’t count as the now 2 favors I owe you” I try not to do a facial expression at what he just said. Not the type to apologize I see. “Whatever you want, just ask and I’ll see what I can do” he unfolds his hands and walks closer to me. I start to panic inside and hold my breath “Just name it” he repeats. I start to feel pressured to say what I want to him, I try to say it, I have to at least try and risk making a fool of myself, I mean, I can say it in a way that if he laughs at my face I can backdown…
His gaze is so intense at this point that I just blurt it out.
“Diner” I finally say it, he tiles his head and I see how he was not expecting that answer “W-when I carried Felix to my place, I dropped my food, in the alley, s-so, you owe me diner” I explain, he looks down for a moment and then back at me. I tight the grip of the cardigan and just wait for the rejection.
“Okay.” He agrees “. Set the date, and I wll take you to a nice place” he walks to sit in the chair that’s placed right in the middle of the table. I see him sit down and look at me as if this was not a big deal. I open my mouth to say something, but I don’t even know what I want to say at this point.
“And your name, I-want to know your name” I also demand at this point, he smirks. He talks his sweet time to answer and just look at me.
“You can call me Christopher, baby girl” he finally gives me his name.
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rainba · 9 months
✰ TWs/Tags: dark content, graphic violence, cannibalism
✰ Xiao x GN! Reader
✰ Word count: ~900
People say hunger presents itself in various forms.
There’s the hunger for food- the most basic of desires.
There’s a hunger for attention, a hunger for someone’s touch.
And there’s also a hunger for unconditional love.
Is craving all of these things at once what one would consider true starvation?
If that were true… Perhaps Xiao could be considered ‘starving.’
You tasted so sickly delicious in his mouth, your blood seeping onto his tongue. It was warm, sweet, and satisfying… You satiated his raging hunger. He devoured your arms, your legs, and the softness of your stomach. Your bones were exposed to the outside, and all of your nerves were completely shot. All of it was a nightmare borne into reality.
But the yaksha wasn't done yet.
Xiao’s dagger-like fangs pierced your shoulder, and it was in this moment his likeness rivaled that of a crazed demon’s.
Tears were pouring out of his golden eyes as guilt throbbed within his chest, but he couldn't bring himself to stop. You just tasted so delicious– too delicious for your own good.
You should have heeded his warnings from the start to stay away from him. 
Maybe then you wouldn't be in this mess.
Your trembling hands reached out and caressed his cheeks while he’s tearing you apart, and it confuses him to no end. Why are you still being so nice to him? He’s killing you slowly, forcing you to endure the most painful death imaginable, and yet…
“I love you, Xiao.”
Those heavy words escape your lips.
Do you really mean that? From the bottom of your heart?
His red-stained lips come crashing down on yours, silencing his own incessant sobbing. He loves you too. He… He loves you so much that being apart from you has become the very definition of suffering. He wanted you, needed you, craved every part of you– both metaphorically and literally.
Archons… You were making him lose his mind. His karmic debts shot through his veins and ignited him with a stinging jealousy like no other, forcing him to helplessly writhe in agony. He was jealous of everyone else in this world– jealous because everyone else could have you, but not him. As a yaksha, there’s no space in his life for love, he’s incapable of it… That’s what he's convinced of.
It was his deep-rooted obsessions with you that brought him to this moment. He just couldn’t stand the idea of letting you go. He couldn’t get enough of you– he wanted all of you, entirely for himself. He caved in to his rotten jealousy and claimed you as his own. That’s all this was.
He was selfish.
“S-shut it,” the adeptus choked out before intertwining his fingers with yours. “You can’t… You don’t mean that!” It’s in that moment that his mind goes dark and his mouth darts towards your throat, desperately trying to silence you. But he stops right as his teeth reach the surface of your vulnerable skin.
He… He doesn’t truly want you to die.
But you’re already at death’s door.
“Xiao…” You’re at a total loss for words. Your vision is blurring, fading away, but you can still make out his beautifully monstrous face. He’s the one you love so much. He's the one you wanted to spend your entire life with. In your final moments, the only thing you have left to give is your honesty. 
What more do you have to lose now?
“Y-you’re the only one who has ever made me feel so… So…” You coughed on your words as you choked on your own blood, a brutal sight for Xiao to behold. He was shaking like a leaf in the wind as he waited for you to finish your words. “...So alive. So loved.”
Even when suffering through the worst kind of agony, you mustered a smile for him.
And you would only ever smile for him.
 “I hope… I hope I tasted good enough for you.” Your breathing inevitably started to slow, nearly coming to a halt. All it would take is a little more pressure for you to break. Xiao knows this. Your heartbeat is fading away…
He did this to you.
And he can’t undo what’s already been done.
Before you leave this world forever… Xiao needed you to hear one more thing. 
Just one more.
The words are totally foreign to his tongue, like that of a language far removed from his own. They get stuck in his throat and get trapped behind his teeth, but he’s fighting so desperately to get it out. He’s running out of time.
Xiao senselessly kisses your lips over and over, as if kissing you could somehow fix the damage he’s inflicted. But at the same time… Because of his actions, he knows you’ll forever be his, and his alone– so should he truly feel regret?
He parts his lips and the message he’s been meaning to spill finally escapes the prison of his uncertainty.
“(Y/n)...” His fangs graze the sensitive skin on your neck once more.
“I love you.”
And then he sinks his teeth into your flesh, consuming the last of your innocence, silencing the beating of your bleeding heart.
The smile on your cold blue lips is a sight that Xiao will never forget… The smile of the human he wished to call his partner.
His eternal soulmate… Forever to be together;
Even after death do you both part.
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flowerandblood · 1 year
A Winter Beauty (16)
[Aemond Targaryen x fem!Stark reader]
[warnings: smut, sex content, domination kink, giving birth, fluff]
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[description: Aemond and his family arrive at Winterfell for Rickon Stark's Name Day. There, Aemond meets his daughter, who arouses his desire. I changed some names and facts for the sake of the plot. Viserys is also slightly younger in this version.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next parts: Masterlist
Aemond and his wife had been virtually inseparable since their wedding in the Great Sept. They took walks together, read together in the great library, ate all their meals together. Despite his solitary nature, her presence didn't bother him, because she was also able to spend time with him in silence, focusing on her activities.
They talked and discussed philosophy and history a lot. Aemond was surprised to find that they often came to interesting conclusions, and their exchanges always brought him new perspectives on things.
The entire Red Keep realized very quickly that Lady Stark's position was unshakable. Lady Baratheon, who had hoped that if she did not become Prince Aemond's wife, at least could become his mistress, after several attempts to attract his attention, gave up.
Everyone was wondering when Lady Stark would be with child, because the fact that they shared the bed could be heard even with the door of their chamber closed. Aemond, however, confessed his fears to her a few days after the wedding.
"I don't want you be with child for now, my sweet wife." He said hesitantly without looking at her. Y/N blinked, looking at him in surprise.
She asked him this, when once again after they lay in bed he took his manhood out and came on top of her. He only cum inside her when she was couple days away from her moonbleed, counting her days meticulously every month.
"Why?" She asked, feeling pain in her chest. She wondered why her beloved husband might not want to have children with her. Aemond was silent for a moment, then looked at her resignedly.
"I don't want you to die in childbirth." He said brutally and bluntly. Lady Stark sucked in a breath and pursed her lips, swallowing hard.
She knew that the most common cause of death for women at a young age was childbirth. Any complication could have caused the mother to die in agony. Y/N reached out her hand, running her fingers lightly over his chest, tracing from one scar to the next like a map.
"So you don't want me to ever carry your child in my womb?" She asked quietly, trying to understand him and afraid of what others would think when they found out. Aemond pursed his lips and ran his fingers through her hair.
"I want. But not now. I want to enjoy my life with you. I don't want to lose you."
After that conversation, they agreed that it would stay as it was, and if she found out she was pregnant, they'd take that as a sign from the gods that it was the right time.
Aemond had no intention of giving her moon tea, but every time he left his semen in her womb, he prayed to the gods at night, kissing her neck as she slept, that she wouldn't get pregnant, that they wouldn't take her away from him.
Even though Lady Stark thought he had long forgotten, he remembered what he had offered her at Winterfell. He knew she wanted to try sword fighting and wanted to see what it was like.
They both knew that was not a skill desired in a lady or a wife of a prince, but Aemond decided to give her private lessons, away from prying eyes in the woods near the castle. They evaded the displeasure of Ser Criston and the queen, but neither of them knew what they were doing there.
Lady Stark was very excited. She put on specially comfortable clothes, tight leather pants, a white shirt and a waistcoat that doubled as a corset, the same one she'd worn on the hunt, when for the first time her husband touched her shamelessly.
Now they did it all the time, but seeing her like this brought back memories and turned him on even before they had practiced anything.
Aemond took some wooden swords for her, meant for beginner young boys. She gave him a disappointed look as he tossed one at her.
"You didn't think I'd let you hold a real blade in your hand now, did you?" He asked partly in disbelief, partly in amusement.
Lady Stark sighed heavily, but reflected when it turned out that even a wooden sword was difficult for her to hold in the right posture with one hand.
Aemond was showing her the complete basics. Correct posture, leg position, hand movements. Y/N had to put down her wooden sword once in a while to stretch her aching fingers.
"Do you want to stop?" He asked, looking at her expectantly, not wanting to overload her too much. He had to admit that the sight of his wife with a sword in her hand, even if it was wooden, turned him on.
He liked that there was a fire in her too, that despite her warm and gentle nature, she understood him as a warrior and shared his passions.
"Daor, ñuha valzȳrys. (No, my husband.)" She said calmly, and he smiled from the corner of his mouth, looking at her contentedly.
When she was doing her movements reasonably correctly, he instructed her to try to hit him as he had explained to her earlier, on the points he had shown her.
She hit him, and he parried her attack with ease, pushing her away from him.
"Put more strength into it. This is no ordinary dance." He said coldly, and she frowned, the muscles in her right arm already trembling with strain. She decided to give all she could manage this time.
She swung and hit him with all her strength. Aemond dodged and shoved her to the ground, so that she fell on her buttocks. He looked at her with a smile, taking a kind of satisfaction in the fact that she was at his mercy.
He wanted to ask if she was all right, but she stood up, furious, and began to press against him with a fury he had never seen from her before.
He blocked her every strike with ease, but was amazed at how much determination she had. He felt, despite his best efforts, that his cock began to throb painfully in his pants, seeing her so wild and combative.
He deflected another punch and grabbed her arm suddenly, pulling her brutally against him so that she collided with him. Their faces touched, and he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She moaned, and he felt her hit him hard in the calf.
He only growled under his breath, enclosing her in an iron embrace, she struggled against him, but he wouldn't let her free, his tongue digging all the way to her throat.
He fell to the ground with her. She lay underneath him, trying to push him away, but he wouldn't let her. He forced her thighs apart and began rubbing against her with his swollen cock throbbing in his pants. They both started breathing heavily. Y/N stopped struggling and started moaning.
He smiled with satisfaction hearing that, their tongues touching and caressing each other's lips. Despite her fury, Lady Stark could feel her cunt getting wet and throbbing under his pressure.
"I knew my wife could be wild, but I didn't know she was this wild." He purred in delight, rising to his knees and unbuttoning his pants. Lady Stark looked around the field, there was not a living soul around them, only the singing of birds from the forest thicket could be heard. She drew a deep breath as she felt him pull her pants off, only her nightgown covering her, which he immediately lifted up.
"We should calm you down a bit, don't you think? Ease your frustration." He said, touching gently her cunt, spreading her wetness all over, rubbing her clit with painfully slow, circular motions.
Y/N clasped her hands on the grass below her, panting with excitement, she didn't even know what turned her on so much. She just nodded her head, and he chuckled under his breath as he leaned over her.
"I adore you. You and your tight cunt wet only for me." He purred, and they both moaned as he entered in one firm motion, both of them feeling their bodies throbbing in anticipation of fulfillment.
He waited a moment for her to get used to the feeling of being full, then began to thrust his cock into her with slow, deep movements that filled her to the brim.
They were both breathing heavily, staring at each other with their lips parted. Aemond decided he was going to take his time to enjoy the sight of her.
"Look what a good wife you are. How wonderfully you take me. What delight you give your husband." He whispered and she moaned helplessly. She felt her rage and fury giving way to the excitement and desire that filled her insides. She was hot, sweat trickling down her neck, breathing raggedly, responding involuntarily to his every thrust.
She wanted him to drive her crazy, wanted to be relieved, to vent her frustration that she couldn't hit him with her punch once, that he'd been teasing her all day. Her cunt began to tighten involuntarily at the thought, and was answered by his strangled, low groan as he sped up and fucked her harder.
He gave her a suprised look as Lady Stark rose suddenly and forced him to shift his position, so that she was now sitting on top of him. He put his hand on the grass to keep his balance as he sat down, Y/N began to rise and fall on him quickly and rhythmically, moaning quietly.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her forehead against his, both of them panting into each other's mouths, involuntarily starting to kiss and lick each other, their kisses one big, wet, sticky mess.
Aemond sped up, tightening his hands on her thighs, lowering her on top of him at a brutal, sharp pace, he felt he couldn't hold it much longer. The tension inside him was at its peak, they both began to moan loudly, the wet sound of their bodies colliding rhythmically echoing around them.
"Come inside me, my dragon, fill me with your fire" She sputtered and arched, mouth parted wide, eyes squeezed shut as her powerful orgasm took her breath away that she couldn't make a sound.
Aemond moaned helplessly into her mouth, unable to stop himself, he came hard inside her, his hot cum spilling over her throbbing core. They kissed greedily several times, looking at each other adoringly.
"I love you." She whispered softly, stroking his scarred cheek. She realized she had never told him that, even though he knew it. Although they confessed adoration for each other many times, those specific words were never spoken between them.
Aemond gasped at what she said and shivered. His hand slid into her hair and pulled her to him. He kissed her greedily, caressing her lips with his. He pulled away from her after a moment, staring at her with hazy gaze.
"Avy jorrāelan tolī, ñuha dōna ābrazȳrys. (I love you too, my sweet wife.)"
After a few months, it was time for Helaena to give birth. Hearing her screams, Aemond thanked the gods that after their closeness in the forest, his wife was still bleeding and was not expecting his child.
Lady Stark and the queen were with his sister in her chamber, supporting her in this difficult moment. It turned out that she would bring into the world not one, but two children.
Y/N held her sweaty, trembling hand, kissing it again and again, her mother placed cold compresses on her forehead, looking at her tenderly and with pain.
"Come on, princess, just one more time, you can do it." She said reassuringly, and Helaena sobbed loudly and let out a loud scream, pushing with all her might, her hand gripping hers so hard it felt like it was going to crush her, but Y/N didn't think about it.
She understood now why Aemond didn't want her to bear his child just yet. She wondered if Helaena would live through the day.
The princess threw back her head, all pale, panting heavily, sweat running down her forehead. She was already babbling that she had no strength. The Queen and Lady Stark looked at each other fearfully. One of the midwives talked to her all the time.
"My princess, I can see the first head! Now! Push!" She said, and Helaena screamed loudly again, her whole body making a titanic effort.
Suddenly they heard someone squealing and crying, saw that a baby had slid out of her womb, all trembling and dirty with blood. The girl was healthy. The second child came out of her body much faster, and to everyone's delight, it was a boy.
The boy was given to Helaena to hold, the daughter was taken in her mother's arms. Lady Stark watched this event with tenderness and admiration.
She felt a pang in her heart that Aegon wasn't even in the keep, he was messing around in the brothels again. His sister could not count on him in any aspect of their lives. Y/N stroked her shoulder, looking at her proudly.
"Congratulations, my princess. You have two beautiful, healthy children."
If you want to be tagged in the next parts, let me know. ~
@zenka69 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @namoreno @dreamlandcreations @darkenchantress @moira-strangle-me-please @yentroucnagol @cloudroomblog @thehumanistsdiary @a-beaverhausen @avadakadabra93 @aonungs-tsahik @xmaiaaa @writingaboutlove1998
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joltyflare · 1 month
Keep The Lights On (Sun X YN)
A very tragic short story in which Sun befriends Y/N when they wander into the Pizzaplex after it is abandoned, only to have Y/N be killed by Moon.
Warning: You die brutally by Moon's hands and Sun gets very sad.
(Also, I'd love to see fanart of my angsty stories so feel free to draw some and tag me!)
When the building had been abandoned so suddenly, Sun hadn't known what to think. Where had everyone gone? Why had the employees stopped showing up? Where were the kids he was supposed to look after? What was going on?!
These were questions that he hadn't gotten an answer to. He'd peeked outside the daycare to see that everything else had fallen into disrepair. The Pizzaplex really had been abandoned and he didn't know why. He did, whoever, know that it had been in this state ever since an earthquake had ravaged the building, causing even some parts of the daycare to collapse while damaging him in the process. After this, a crew had come into the daycare to remove all the balls from the ball pit and even take some things with them but they'd been in a hurry and hadn't even come back for the rest of their stuff. They had also ignored the daycare attendant and had ordered him to just stay out of their way...which was the type of treatment he'd grown used to from the employees.
Sun was trying his best to keep the generators throughout the daycare going. He didn't want to lose himself to Moon. Yet it was growing harder and harder for him to do this. Some of the generators had been damaged and sometimes Moon did manage to take control and turn them off, only for Sun to manage to quickly steal control back when he made the mistake of stepping into an area that was a little too bright. He felt miserable and alone. His pain receptors ached at times, reminding him of the damage he'd received that would seemingly never be repaired and only got worse as time went on. Whenever Moon took control, he did reckless things that damaged the daycare attendant's body further.
Then, one day, when Sun was pacing in some light cast by the generators in the daycare, you came along. You saw him there and approached him, able to see that the animatronic was suffering. You were there to explore the Pizzaplex just like many other curious people did. You made it to the daycare and saw that the former daycare attendant was still there and wasn't handling his abandonment well.
"New friend?!" Sun exclaimed when he saw you. "C-come into the bright spot, please!"
You did as you were told and Sun skipped right over to you, putting his hands on his shoulders. The tips of some of his fingers were sharp, as the casing that had covered the endoskeleton was missing in some spots. "New friend, y-you're the first person I've seen here in a long time! What's it like outside the Pizzaplex? I-is everything okay? Was it only us who were abandoned?"
You told him that everything else was fine and that the earthquake had only damaged the Pizzaplex, leaving every animatronic and attraction within it to be abandoned.
"O-oh." Sun released your shoulders. "I see. Oh dear..." He gave his head a shake and looked at you. "B-but I'm glad to see a new friendly face around here! You'll be my friend, right? Right?"
He leaned so close to you that his face became a blur. But you could see that his body was trembling and his rays were going in and out. He was clearly desperate. Clearly lonely.
You told him you would gladly be his friend.
"Oh, oh, good, good!" He clapped his hands together loudly and skipped back a few steps. "It'll be so nice to have someone here! My first friend in a long time! But...oh...there is one thing to keep in mind."
He took a few steps closer so that he was in your face again. His smiling faceplate was inches away from your nose. "Whatever you do, keep the lights on. Do whatever it takes to keep these generators running...and start by not touching them. Is that understood?!"
You assured him you'd keep the lights on and not do anything to the generators.
After this, you visited the Pizzaplex very often. You always managed to evade the other animatronics who wandered the place and reached the daycare without much trouble. Somedays you didn't even counter the other rogue animatronics. In return for your daringness, you were rewarded with Sun's friendship.
You and Sun had a lot of fun moments together. You mostly made Paper Pals and played with them. Despite the fact it was a childish thing to do, Sun seemed to have enough maturity to make it fun even for an adult. You learned that there was a lot of depth to his personality. You learned that he didn't like being ignored and that he had also been neglected by the staff before the place had been shut down. You also learned about Moon, and that he was an evil side of the daycare attendant that would come out when the lights turned out. Moon scared him so much that he hated talking about him, yet he made a point to consistently warn you to never turn the lights off or try going anywhere in the daycare where it was dark.
Another thing you learned was that Sun could be very overbearing. One time, when you'd been running away from a very uncoordinated and damaged Glamrock Chica on your way to the daycare, you'd tripped and scraped your knee. When you got to the daycare, Sun had noticed immediately and had fussed over your injury.
"Oh, Y/N, you need to be more careful! T-this place is dangerous right now!" He said as he looked at your scrape, his rays going in and out of his head. His fingertips hovered above your knee but didn't touch it. "Oh dear, stay right there and don't move, okay? I have some Fazbear bandaids!"
You tried to argue that it wasn't a big deal and that you didn't need any bandaids but he didn't care. He came back and gently applied a bandaid to the part of the scrape that had bled. "There, there, see? You'll be good as new soon! Now, please stay still! Today we will not be doing too much. You need to rest and not move until you feel better, best friend! Of course, I know you're not stupid and you certainly won't pick at your bandaid but still. It's better to be safe than sorry."
He then proceeded to chastize you for being reckless and informed you to take your safety more seriously when you giggled at him.
You had many moments with Sun where you realized how much you cared about him. You also realized he cared about you. He seemed desperate to not want you to leave him alone for good ever. Some days he didn't even want you to leave the daycare at all. You also didn't have the heart to tell him just how dangerous the rest of the Pizzaplex was. He knew about the disrepair but you didn't want him to find out about the other animatronics who were just as feral as he said Moon was.
One day, however, all this changed.
Your life would be cut short.
The generators within the daycare seemed to be faulty or, at the very least, unreliable. Two of them had shut off and Sun had been remaining in a corner of the daycare where the only remaining one- aside from one in the loft above the main area- worked. He said he didn't know if they'd been broken and insisted on you staying with him in that corner whenever you visited.
But, one day, while you were hanging out in that corner making Paper Pals and doing little puppet shows with them, the light flickered...then it went out.
When it did, you were unprepared for Sun's transformation. It happened so fast. First he was screaming for you to run away, then he was grappling with himself, trying not to change.
Then he was Moon.
Moon was just as terrifying as Sun had warned you about. He climbed on top of the table you'd been sitting at and crouched on all fours like some sort of deranged animal. "Naughty naughty."
That was all it took for you to run, just as Sun had ordered. You booked it over to the entrance of the daycare, your heart thundering in your chest. As you did so, you wondered if you'd ever be able to return... No, no, you had to return! Sun was your friend now. Even if those lights stayed off you had to find a way to turn them back on! Surely the generators just needed a bit of tampering, right? Maybe there was a reason for them all turning off and they weren't broken.
As you neared the exit of the daycare, you thought you could easily outrun Moon. After all, you'd been able to outrun the other animatronics that roamed the Pizzaplex. But you weren't prepared for his swiftness and agility. Without warning, a shadow soared over your head. Then Moon was in front of you, his red eyes piercing through the darkness as he stared at you.
"Where do you think you're going, Naughty One?" His faceplate spun as he stepped towards you with his hands in front of him, wriggling his fingers.
You immediately whirled around and raced back to where you'd been doing crafts with Sun. As you did so, you saw the light there flicker on and off for a brief moment. It was brief but it gave you hope. The generator was faulty but it could still produce light! Maybe if you got there in time, the light would be enough to cause Moon to change back into Sun. Then you two could deal with the generator and make sure it turned on. Maybe even fix the others.
The light flickered off and on again. You ran beneath it. As you did so, you saw that Moon hadn't chased you underneath it. He was prowling around the edges like a wild animal, chuckling evilly at you.
"The light won't stay forever, Naughty One," Moon sneered in his gravelly voice. "They will turn off...and you will nap forever!"
Then the light did flicker off.
You didn't have time to react. Moon was pouncing on you instantly. He threw you to the ground and raised one hand, extending his fingertips. They were so sharp now that there were practically no casings on them and they were essentially claws. Before you could even cry out in terror, he slashed them through your neck, delivering a fatal, bloody blow.
Unfortunately for Sun, he witnessed the entire thing through the eyes of Moon. He could see everything, as usual, and couldn't fight back in any way. He had to witness Moon's claws ripping open your throat, causing blood to pour out on the floor surrounding you. He had to watch as the life drained from your eyes. Moon threw his head back and cackled once you were dead.
Then the light turned back on.
Moon transformed into Sun, snarling as he grappled with him for control but was ultimately unable to stop the transformation.
Sun immediately crouched over your body.
"Y/N? B-best friend?!" He exclaimed as he looked down at you. When you didn't move, he let out a wail. His voice quivered with panic. "Best friend?!"
In a frenzy, he tried to shake your body, which only led to more blood gushing out of your throat wound. He shrieked in horror and set you down, his rays going in and out. He was desperate now.
The light stayed on. But that barely mattered now. He knew you were dead. Against all hope, despite his desperation, there was no saving you.
He got onto his knees and groaned, looking down at you. There was nothing he could do. He could feel grief flow through his circuits. Grief mixed with rage. How could that have happened?! He'd been too careless! If he'd allowed you to go turn on the other generators or fix them, this wouldn't have happened. If he hadn't allowed you to get so close to him this wouldn't have happened!
He hated his life. He hated his animatronic existence and how miserable it was due to Moon. Due to the way they functioned.
As he looked down at you, he realized he could never let this happen again. Not just the death, of course- he thought that every time someone died -but he couldn't let someone get close to him like this. No matter how much he wanted a friend, he couldn't!
After this event, he made the decision to hide in his loft beneath a small patch of light. He didn't want anyone to get close to him ever again, even if he sometimes allowed them to screw around with arts and crafts.
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fizzy-fuzz · 3 months
If you do end up writing something with P03…
What if Reader & 079 find Inscryption and play it together, until they meet P03?
AN: oopies! Sorry this took so long. To make up for it I'm giving you a thick oneshot of 1700 words. Hope I'm forgiven :⁠,⁠-⁠)
Story notes: the reader and 079 are implied to have pre-existing relationship. They're also based off of the 079 and Y/n of this fic I've been writing. But this can be read without having to read the other.
TW: slight possessive behavior from 079. (maybe very, very slight yandere behavior? If you squint)
The human is mine. (SCP-079 x GN reader x P03)
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You walk through a metal dusty factory, 079's heavy body strapped to you like a backpack for easy transportation. He's not plugged into any outlets, so you're not 100% sure how he's even functional, and he doesn't seem to have an answer either. Perhaps this strange world doesn't follow the same principles as your own.
Whatever the reason, you're both eager to return to your quiet life...
This seems to be the place on the map. The last Scrybe you need to defeat in order to hopefully go home should reside within this place somewhere.
The building feels... Dull... Lacking the vibrant feelings the other three places had. There's also a notable lack of life around, just empty metal halls.
You continue walking, footsteps echoing loudly around you. You enter a more spacious area, a conveyor belt moves metal parts from this room to another. In front of you is... A robot? He has a claw hand clutching a card, he seems to analyze it with scrutiny. Your eyes travel up to his face and you pause for a moment.
A warm fuzzy feeling of familiarity blooms in your chest. He has computer like face, not unlike the one your companion opon your back has... Though he clearly shows more expression, and seems to have a bluish tint to his screen. It still feel normal... Normal to you.
Though you probably shouldn't, you feel yourself grow less tense.
"Uhm- excuse me? Are you the Scrybe of technology?" You ask with a small nervous smile.
His eyes flicker up to you, he scans your form up and down with the same uninterested look he was giving the card in his claw.
"Who's asking?" His voice is a bit more natural then you'd expect, a bit nasally even.
"I'm Y/n-" he cuts you off rudely as soon as you get your name out.
"Oh, so you're the one who's knocked the others off their pedestals? I would say I'm impressed if they weren't such idiots." He casually says, going back to analyzing cards before scoffing and throwing them into the pile of presumably other subpar cards.
"Well, alright then. Let me see your deck. I want to know how badly you're about to lose."
He says this with a arrogant confidence. You shrug, grabbing your deck out of your pocket and handing it over. You would be offended, expect you are sort bad at this.... The only reason you've made it so far is thanks 079's amazing ability to be almost perfect at any strategy game that he understands the rules of. The choice of deck had been decided by him mostly, though he still asks for your input politely.
Speaking of which he's been entirely silent since you've gone into this building. You glance over your shoulder at him and he seems fine, but it's not like you can really tell with his unchanging face.
The Scrybe of technology scoffs in disgust after a few moments of shuffling through your deck.
"This deck has no synergy. It's a mismatched mess. I can't believe you've made it anywhere with this-" his claw hand shoves your deck back to your hands roughly.
You frown but don't really take offense to what he says. He's probably just brutally honest, you can get behind that when the situation calls for it. You appreciate him being honest, especially considering he must know what he's talking about.
You stop and think about how 079 has been the backbone of your little adventure. You really haven't been much of a help have you? Now's your chance to make yourself useful, so you hesitantly speak up.
"Really? Any tips on how to make it better? I'd love for a master of the arts like yourself to give me a small lesson? plus, you seem like the type of guy to not be intimidated by a challenge." You say with a bright smile.
He halts his ranting immediately, eyes widening. He raises his claw-like hand to clutch at his chest lightly, like he's not used to flattery. and you swear you almost see a light dusting of blue light opon his cheeks, similar to blush.
He seems to shake it off before a confident look makes it's way onto his screen. His tone shifts to something less harsh and more casual.
"What did you say your name was again?" He sets down his work and places his full attention on you.
"Oh, uhm- Y/n" you say, scratching at the back of your neck awkwardly.
"Well, Y/N... I like the way you think, and I'm a generous bot." The Scrybe leans forward a bit into your space, you shuffles backwards uncomfortably. "So, okay. I'll give you a lesson, but it must be earned first. You go and beat my good-for-nothing workers and come back here, and I'll teach you all I know." He says with a cocky smirk.
His tone and gaze is starting to make you a bit uncomfortable, this guy seems to have a rather large ego... But you're willing to put up with it if it means you don't have to rely on 079 so much.
"Okay, sounds fair..." You shift 079, who's been hidden for the most part throughout the conversation. The straps that keep him on your back begin digging in uncomfortably under his weight, It might be best to let your shoulders rest and leave him here while you take care of business. You should be able to handle his subordinates by yourself if you take your time.
"Let me just-" you turn around and lower 079 onto the table in front of the Scrybe of technology. They now come face to face.
The Scrybe immediately recoils, a scoff leaving him at your companions sudden appearance.
"Who's that?" He eyes him like he's a bug under his shoe, claw pointing at him rudely. And if 079 could glare he'd be burning holes into the bot in front of him.
You go to answer him, humming awkwardly. This question is always strange to answer. Technically you and 079 are... Together... You'd consider him your partner, and behind closed doors, 079 admits he feels the same. But he isn't keen on sharing your relationship status with strangers, and you respect that. You'd never force a label onto him.
So you go with what you tell most everyone-
"He's my roomma-" a monotone voice cuts you off unexpectedly.
"I'm their partner."
You whip your gaze down to 079 so fast you'd swear you gave yourself whiplash. He never so casually calls himself that, especially not to strangers. You feel lighter at his unusual comment, butterflies filling your stomach briefly.
A bashful grin and a small blush settles onto your face.
"yeah... That..."
Your smile never drops as you adjust 079 so he's comfortable on the table, before bidding him a temporary farewell to fulfill your task in a timely manner.
079 watches you scurry away, a feeling of temporary relief washing over him as you no longer interact with the Scrybe... He's left alone with the bot now, much to his displeasure.
079's internals feel hot with an unpleasant feeling- Like something's itching to get out of him. It bloomed the moment he heard you talk to the thing in front of him. The Scrybe gave him a nasty feeling with the way he spoke back to you...
Perhaps he was jealous, he's never 100% sure with his own feelings...
"Wow... How'd a thing like you end up with someone like them? Playing out of your league much, fossil?" The Scrybe of technology chuckles condescendingly when he's certain you're out of earshot.
079 feels his internal scowl deepen at the blatant rudeness. The fact that he was so cordial with you a moment ago and now so rude to him further cements the bad feelings he's had since this bot has opened his mouth... he's been flirting with you.
His human.
The one that's much to good for something like the scummy thing in front of him.
"Insult detected- deletion of unwanted file:.." he clears his processors before continuing. "I wouldn't argue you're much of anything special yourself... I've heard you speak less then a dozen sentences and I already know you're an imbecile." 079 spits with a venomous aura.
The Scrybe huffs, screen flashing to a scowling face. 079 isn't fazed. he meant what he said, he can tell this guy's all bark and no bite already. He'll be taking great pleasure in showing him up at his own game, and reclaiming Y/n's attention along the way.
Not that he doubts your loyalties, but He's not fond of the compliments you so casually give out to someone who clearly doesn't deserve it.
It's strange, he hasn't felt this possessive over them before. He's had no problems with the few humans he's seen approach you with flirtatious intentions, and He's certainly not been bothered by the other inhuman things you've spoken with on this unwilling adventure...
Maybe it's because the bot in front of him is a bit too much like himself. Despite feeling as if he's clearly more intelligent than the Scrybe, 079 knows he's been known to have a bit of a ego himself.
Of course since meeting Y/n a lot has changed within him, they've made him realize things he hasn't before. There's a lot he doesn't know... They teach him new things about himself everyday, that's exactly what draws him to you.
It might be that very same feeling that ends up drawing the Scrybe in front of him to you. He doesn't want that.
He wants you all to himself, he isn't willing to share. And he'll make a fool out of the bot in front of him to show you how much better he. This will be easy.
And if all else fails, he can always find something to plug him into a outlet... This place is begging for him to take it over with how much it seems to rely on technology.
He pauses his inner thoughts as he hears your footsteps echoing down the halls, signaling your return. He shifts his focus back to the Scrybe for a moment, saying one last warning before you re-enter the room.
"The human is mine... Keep to yourself if you know what's good for you."
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exist4me · 1 year
Hiii!🥰💜 Can I please request an Adrian Chase x fem!shy!nurse!reader where she’s a part of the team, but as a nurse. She doesn’t have any experience with weapons or fighting or anything, so the team are super protective of her.🥺 When Adrian inserts himself onto the team (I love him for that😂), he immediately takes a liking to her and makes it VERY clear/obvious to her and the whole team, in a very Vigilante way LOL, and Y/n is very obvious that she she likes him as well, but in a more shy, getting flustered and scurrying away type of thing 😂 They get together when he comes back to base days after he was expected back, she pretty much jumps in his arms crying and he kisses her, and she sits in his lap while treating his wounds🥺🥺
Author's Note: Hi this is my first request 🥳 I sincerely hope this is to your liking and that I did your request right. Let me know what you think. I love feedback❤️.
word count: 1.2k
You were a part of the 11th Street Kids on Project Butterfly, not as a fighter but as the team's nurse. The team was filled with big personalities and highly skilled badasses in weaponry and combat. You were more shy and reserved, you were skilled in medicine but not so much in fighting. Before you met everyone the idea of this small group against an alien invasion was a terrifying thought but as dysfunctional as the Task Force family was, you guys had each other's backs. 
Most times you'd be taken on missions as a precaution in case someone gets seriously injured. The first time you noticed how protective the group was of you, was during the assassination of U.S. senator Royland Goff. You were never left alone, you were guarded and had hourly checkups from the team during the stakeout. This is where you first had an interest in Vigilante. You were listening to him and the others interact via the comms. You thought he was a bit weird and sadistic but he didn't rub you the wrong way. You believed he was a good guy but just seems to enjoy killing which should be a red flag but you ignored it because he only killed bad people. You thought it was cute how much he idolizes and loves Peacemaker even though he claims to not have normal emotions.
After the Goff mission, you had a lot of injuries that needed to be treated, Vigilante's included. He was brutally tortured by Goff leaving him with half a pinky toe that needed to be looked at. 
He was holding his foot, groaning in pain, " I'm not sure I'm ever gonna walk again."
Economos turns around slightly in the front seat to ask why.
"Motherfucker cut half my pinky toe off. It's the most important toe there is," he whined.
"Vigilante I assure you that's not true." You said softly
" Yea that’s not true." Adebayo and Harcourt agree with you.
"Yea, it is! You can't walk without it!" Vigilante cried out. 
"You can walk just fine without a pinky toe. Dont' worry" you said trying to calm him down.
Vigilante continues to believe he can't walk anymore, " You'll fall over all the time, look stupid, everyone will laugh at you."
"Who's gonna laugh at you?" Harcourt ask. Peacemaker starts laughing at the idea of Vigilante falling over. You whisper "stop" to him.
"You can't walk if you lose your metatarsal. That's like the knuckle of the pinky toe. But if you just lose your pinky, it's fine. I'll treat you and you'll be all good before you know it." You send him a small smile.
Back at HQ when you were treating Vigilante, he started gaining interest in you. He liked how soft-spoken you were, he liked the way you asked to touch him before treating him, and he liked how tender and delicate your touch was. He also liked you a bit more because of how Peacemaker would listen to you. He instantly trusted you. The reveal of who Vigilante was is when you realized your interest turned into a crush. You were the one who picked him up from jail, you thought he was absolutely beautiful, his gorgeous green eyes and curly hair you wanna run your hands through. You couldn't stop looking at him. He says he doesn't feel normal emotions but in the car, he was close to crying believing he messed everything up. You wanted to hug him but you were too shy so you gently patted his shoulders.
"It's going to be okay, Adrian"
After saying his name he looked at you in an emotion you weren't too sure of. But it felt warm and safe.
After that day, Adrian was positive he liked you and wanted you as his. He always found a way to be near you or work with you in HQ, the team slowly started putting the dots together. However, Adrian wanted it to be known to the group and to you he liked you. The next time the entire team was together for Economos' PowerPoint presentation he decided to do something.When everyone was getting up to leave and prepare for the upcoming mission Adrian decided to make an announcement. 
"So guys, I just wanna say that I call dibs on y/n. I think we'll be amazing together you know, her being kinda soft and sweet and I, her badass crime-fighting boyfriend. Right? The whole opposites attract things. Anyway, y/n I like you and I think it'll be amazing if we get together after this mission because aliens wanna kill us so yea. What do you say?" He said in a rambly speech to everyone. All the attention is on you waiting for your response.
"um...uh, I-" You stutter trying to get words. You feel flustered as your face heats up, so you turn around and run back into the office you claimed as your own. You're excited that Adrian feels the same way as you but now you can't even be in the same room as him. You don't go on the next mission. Everyone returns safe and sound, although covered in blood (not theirs). Any time Adrian looks your way, you scurry off in the other direction holding your heated cheeks, hiding your small smile. This goes on for a while. The 11th Street Kids were given a big mission the team needed to be broken up into two. Peacemaker and Vigilante as one group and Harcourt and Adebayo as another. They split up to check out two potential sites that are used for the butterfly food source. You and Economos however stayed as tech backup. It should have taken 4 days max for everyone to come back. However, only Harcourt and Adebayo returned from their site visit. You weren't too worried on the 5th day, you know how Adrian and Peacemaker can get distracted but when the 8th day came you were on the verge of a breakdown.
"Should we go after them? I don't like this. What if they are getting tortured again or worse dead? You guys have been doing this longer than me, is this normal?" You paced around the main room of HQ talking to the rest of the gang about this. You were biting your nails with tears in your eyes. 
Harcourt was about to respond when you heard the door open. You turn around to see Adrian limbing inside injured with his suit ripped up with Peacemaker covered in blood behind him.
"Honey, we're home" Adrian yelled.
You run towards him, leaping into his arms as tears run down your face. He groans slightly from the impact on his wounds.
"Missed me?" He said, smirking. You nod letting out a small giggle. Adrian wipes your tears with his thumb before gently kissing you. You pour all your feelings and emotions into your kiss with Adrian, telling him the things you wished you had the courage to say. You wrap your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss when he groans in pain. You pull away immediately.
"I'm sorry, let's go fix you up." You lead him into your office.
"Yes nurse," He said, smiling brightly.
You sit on his lap as you treat the injuries on his upper body.
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izurusstuff · 2 years
hello my loves, i am once again suffering from nagito brainrot and the angst syndrome so i’ve decided to right something devious. this contains MAJOR spoilers for danganronpa 2, so read with caution!! this also has super graphic themes that will be stated in the content warning, so please click away if you have a weak stomach!!
summary: gn!reader finds nagito in the warehouse and stops him from going through with his death plan… but at what cost?
cw: reader gets impaled, cuts, reader’s hand gets stabbed, mentions of suicide, fire, fan-made execution for nagito, descriptions of falling to one’s death, basically just a really gory one-shot in general
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What I’d Do For You…
It all started when you decided to idiotically fall in love with the psycho of your class. You knew since Byakuya’s trail that Nagito was insane. Why did you have to fall for him?! It was a dumb decision made by an even dumber person. All you wanted was to punch him, but you knew that you couldn’t. With some twisted part of you, you knew that you loved him and he loved you; especially since two were basically inseparable after you got fatally ill with the Despair Disease; Nagito couldn’t risk losing you, nor could you risk losing him. So when he asked you to be his partner, you gladly accepted. But that was a few days ago.
Now you were running around frantically looking for your boyfriend. You were still shaken up by Gundham and Nekomaru’s deaths, especially since you’ve grown close to them. All you wanted in that moment was for your boyfriend to hold you, yet you couldn’t even find him anywhere.
That was, until you found the abandoned warehouse.
You saw some weird spear hanging from the ceiling, so your curiosity got the best of you and you went over to investigate. Much to your horror, you found Nagito laying down with his mouth duct taped and cuts on his thighs. But as any significant other would do, you shoved him out of the way only for a knife to go through your left hand and pin you to the ground. Of course you screamed in agony. Your boyfriend frantically tried to untie the spear as you did. Unfortunately, his injured legs couldn’t carry him fast enough, so the spear fell right through your stomach, killing you instantly as the familiar chilling and petrifying look appeared across your lifeless face.
As for Nagito, he ripped off the duct tape and wailed out as loud as humanly possible, which caused the rest of your classmates to come in and trigger the domino effect that started the fire. Nagito didn’t want to leave you there, but he had no choice. He had to sneak out the back door and express his grief later…
The trial for him was unbelievably agonizing. Everyone kept staring at him, stating how they were sorry for his loss. But he couldn’t accept it. It wasn’t his loss, it was his fault. He was the reason his beloved lay cold on a concrete floor in a storage room. He couldn’t forgive himself for it. Nothing seemed to be worth it anymore.
“Nagito… we need your help to find Y/N’s killer. Please… I know it’s hard, but can you do this for them?”
Hajime’s words stung into Nagito’s soul for some reason. Why did that hurt so much? Why did he feel the same stabbing pain in his stomach that you felt?
“Maybe it was a suicide…”
Chiaki spoke up after Hajime. The tone in her voice irked Nagito… she sounded so apathetic. That statement rang in his ears over and over again until he clenched his podium and did his signature laugh, much to everyone’s surprise and dismay- his s/o was just brutally killed and he was laughing?! This… definitely wasn’t a good sign.
“My precious Y/N lost their life to try to bestow hope upon me! Aren’t they wonderful?! They… they wanted to spread hope, yet all I can feel is despair… maybe I was the one who killed them. It was supposed to be me… my luck ruined it. My luck ruined their life! So maybe… maybe you should vote me.”
Everyone’s jaw immediately hit the floor. Nagito killed his s/o for the sake of hope?! No. That couldn’t be right…
“Monokuma. We’re ready to start the votes.”
The bear did his typical laugh and set up the voting machine where everyone voted Nagito with a reluctant hand.
“That’s right! Nagito Komaeda killed F/N L/N! Oh, the despair of killing your lover!”
“Nagito… WHAT THE FUCK?!”
“I didn’t kill them directly…”
Nagito weakly smiled, finally showing his true emotions as the tears ran down his cheeks. He looked back at the podium that had his beloved’s picture on it marked with a gigantic pink X.
“They… saved my life. It was supposed to be me. My plan was to take out Chiaki, no matter how many of you died.”
“What the hell?! Why would you do that-?!”
“This is boring! Let’s get on with the true fun! Let’s give it everything we’ve got, it’s punishment time!”
Nagito weakly sighed as the Monokuma choker latched around his neck, dragging him to a room with a circus setting. The white haired boy was forced to walk across a tightrope as if he was a flying trapeze artist. The bear was in the background attempting to cut all the ropes that supported the tightrope, but nothing was working. Frustrated, Monokuma walked away after setting the platform on fire. Obviously, the bear was able to escape, but Nagito fell off the rope with the burning sensation finally reaching his legs. He attempted to grab anything to help him from falling to his death, but all of the ropes were on fire. He figured that a burnt hand would be worse than death, so he grabbed onto one of them only for it to fall down, ultimately falling forty feet (twelve meters) to his death… what a tragedy.
sorry if this was all over the place! i’m kinda half asleep but i wanted to at least attempt to write the idea in my mind. also, the credits for the execution idea go to kokomaedapuff on wattpad!
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Hey guys, I need your opinion:
I found this in my drafts and don't know if I should trash it or continue with it. I've finally decided to start writing again since I stepped away over a year ago after losing my mom. So let me know, I'm trying to clean out my drafts.
I will also be posting a new fic in the next two weeks, that I have been working on.
Someone has
to pay.
You felt anxious coming home after being away for almost two years. You couldn’t help but wonder if your old group of friends still hung out together. You no longer had anyone's number so you couldn't even reach out to anyone and let them know you were back in town.
They probably hated you. You had just completely vanished One minute everything was normal the next your entire world was pulled out from under you. You hadn’t spoken to anyone since that day. You shutter when you remember the day your life as you knew it was over. You had always thought your father was the most wonderful man in the world, and he was to you. What you had failed to see when looking at him through your rose colored glasses was that he was the head of a major crime organization.
One day your father came home and told you to pack whatever you could fit in your backpack. He gave you five minutes to meet him outside. You were so stunned you did as he asked and went out to the car and got in the back with him. Only then did he tell you what he really was and that he had gunned down the boss of a rival gang, and they would be coming not just for him but for you. “Why me? I have nothing to do with this! I didn’t even know what you were involved in till today?” He shook his head “that’s the way this business works sweetheart, they will kill me and take you as a payment of sort.”
Y/n turned away from her dad after that for the rest of the ride. They went to different islands for a period of time. Leaving when her father thought someone might have found out where you were. It all came to a devastating halt when the truly only person you had left in your life, your father died in a car accident a week ago.
You had no choice now, but to go home, it was the only home you ever knew and you figured with your father's passing everything would be settled. You thought it would have made the two gangs even and you could return home and try to find some semblance of a normal life, you prayed they had forgotten all about you. Anyway as you saw it they were even right??
If you had known how wrong you were, the mafia didn’t forget and certainly didn’t forgive. Being even isn’t enough they have to come out on top. Everyone must pay one way or another. You had no idea that they knew the second you arrived back in town.
Harry sat behind his desk going over the legal and illegal sides of the businesses he owned. He had taken over when his father was brutally killed by a rival boss. He never forgot an swore his revenge. There was a loud knock on his office door. “Come in.” Jake one of his most trusted men came into the office. “ Harry, she’s back Y/no’s back.” Jake proclaimed.
Harry had dismissed Jake after thanking him for coming to him right away. What was he going to do? What would he do with y/n? A part of him felt bad you were innocent in all of this like he had been when everything went down, but there was a debt to pay and with your father dead you were the one left to pay it, anyway Harry saw fit. He smiled knowing you had no idea what lay ahead for you, he might just be able to have some fun too. He had looked at the pictures Jake had handed him as proof of your return, you were a very pretty girl, and why shouldn’t he get something out of this for all his trouble?
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ackermanbitch · 2 years
Teenage Dirtbag (Peter Parker X Reader) Part Five
a/n: lets just act like i havent fucked up the plot multiple times bc civil war is confusing also ive changed this chapter like twice now
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
warnings: cussing, steve like very briefly manipulating reader for his cause, vague and badly written action scenes
word count: 2.7k
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"Why do I need to know all this Steve? Natasha and dad were pretty clear about keeping me in the dark." She whispered, sitting on a step in the stairway. Everything was so much more complicated than (Y/N) thought. She was now stuck in the compound with Wanda and Vision, feeling a sudden weight on her shoulders, too much weight for someone her age.
A few days after her afternoon with Ned and Peter, Happy told (Y/N) she needed to head to the compound for reasons he couldn't explain. Of course, she agreed without a second thought, not thinking it was a big deal.
It was a big deal. An enormous deal.
Steve was a criminal, and her dad was after him. She hated herself for it, but she was definitely on Cap's side. His pitch made more sense to her than her dad's. The Avengers just can't do what they need to if they're held back by a list of rules. She also tried to look at the entire situation like the trolley problem.
There were lives lost in New York, Washington DC and Sokovia but taking down the villains undoubtedly prevented more lives from being lost.
Steve, Bucky and Sam had a mildly stable plan at the moment to meet (Y/N), Wanda, Clint and some guy named Scott at an airport in Germany where the quinjet was being held.
"Because I need you on my side, (Y/N). Maybe your dad will listen if his own daughter is the one talking." Steve explained, his tone sounding slightly frustrated.
(Y/N) clenched her jaw, gripping the phone in her hand tighter as she spoke. "If I'm talking? I'll only help if I don't actually have to talk to him until this whole thing is solved. He will actually blast you to pieces if he finds out you're the one who told me."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures (Y/N). Trust me, I never wanted you involved in this, but I know you can help, whether or not Tony even knows you're with us."
"What if he like- never speaks to me again? And what if you lose this whole thing and go to prison Cap? What happens to me, hm? I feel like you just haven't thought this th-" The sound of a faraway explosion interrupted her, making her stand up and jog up the stairs to the kitchen where Vision and Wanda were.
She hung up on Steve, shoving her phone in her pocket with one hand and pushing open the door with her other one, "Wanda? Did you guys hea-" She paused, seeing Clint try to fight Vision with his fists.
(Y/N) felt like her legs were stuck in cement as she watched Vision hold Clint in a chokehold, seemingly winning the fight until Wanda fought against Vision, sending him flying through a few floors and then deeper into the earth.
Clint sighed in relief, running up to the teen and taking her hand. "C'mon kiddo, not long before he gets back up."
"Is this kidnapping? I feel like this is kidnapping." (Y/N) asked, sitting in the front row of the van, leaning forward to talk to Clint.
"Unfortunately, yeah, we kidnapped you. But we're not taking you against your will or anything. And just because Steve wanted you here, doesn't mean I agree with it." He mumbled the last sentence, pulling into a parking spot.
He pulled open the side door after hopping out of the front seat, "Now, what are you do-"
"Watching, listening and running." She mumbled, pulling her backpack out of the van and throwing it over her shoulder. "God, that was a brutal trip, this Scott dude snores like crazy. Funny guy though, you should see his magic tricks." She giggled lightly, stretching while 'the Scott dude' introduced himself to Steve.
"They tell you what we're up against?" Cap asked, crossing his arms.
"Something about some psycho-assassins?"
Steve nodded, "We're outside the law on this one."
"Insane understatement..." (Y/N) scoffed.
"One question, does she have superpowers I don't know about? I mean, I have no problem with her being here or anything I just don't know why someone would bring a teenager to something like this." Scott asked, gesturing to her with a nod of his head.
"Distraction. Just in case." She deadpanned, still stretching.
(Y/N) sat on the roof of the parking garage, a pair of binoculars in her hands. She had a bottle of water in her lap and her backpack sat next to her, it was a nice setup.
Things started out tame as Steve walked out into the open, Tony and Rhodey landing in front of him. She could somewhat hear what they were discussing, the echoing making it easier to hear even from her distance.
Tony suddenly cupped his hands around his mouth, yelling a code name (Y/N) definitely did not recognize.
She saw him swinging through the air before Cap did. What looked like insanely enlarged spider webs stuck to Steve's shield, ripping it from his grasp like it was nothing.
She looked through her binoculars, her eyebrows furrowing. Who the hell was this guy? Have I seen that suit before? Why is he making small talk at a fucking battle?
"Cap-Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man."
His voice cracked a lot.
(Y/N) lowered her binoculars, gasping. She didn't even listen to her dad's ranting, squinting at the stranger in the red suit.
When she did focus back in on the present, things had escalated a lot more quickly than she expected.
"Great, alright there's two on the parking deck, one of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her." Tony reported.
"Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes and.. Someone else is on the roof of the parking deck Tony- Jesus, it's (Y/N)." Rhodey gasped, focusing in on the girl to see her grabbing her backpack.
Tony paused mid-air, whipping his head around to look for her but she had disappeared just as quickly as Rhodey had pointed her out.
"Fuck, that was quick." She cussed under her breath, sliding down the roof and hopping off to land on someone's car, climbing off a lot more carefully than her last jump. She took off through the lot, making her way to the terminal. Tony was frozen in the air, trying to comprehend why and how the hell she was there.
"What should I do, Mister Stark?"
"Forget what we discussed, after her, now! She's headed for Barnes and Wilson!" He yelled through comms after a few seconds before going after Clint and Wanda again who had successfully gotten much farther than he wanted them.
"It's working (Y/N)." Clint confirmed, making the girl grin to herself.
The Spider-Man cleared his throat, "On it, sir!" He responded hesitantly, swinging to the windows of the building.
(Y/N) sprinted in the same direction as Bucky and Sam, her eyes focused on what was in front of her, not the stranger in spandex about to crash through the window.
She let out a scream as she was tackled to the floor, rolling a good twenty feet. The rub burn from the carpeted floor stung like fire but it was better than if he tackled her while she was on the tile. There were still a few pieces of glass from the broken window that cut her arm and face, not going unnoticed by the masked man.
When they stopped, the stranger sat on top of (Y/N), "He-" He quickly switched to a... Really terrible Queens accent? "Hey, I uh don't wanna hurt you or an-"
He was suddenly cut off, (Y/N) punching him square in the jaw with all her strength but it wasn't the flesh of her knuckles that hit his face, it was- metal? When did she put on the glove of what looked like Iron Man's suit? He didn't really care what it was, it hurt like a bitch.
While she was running, she had pressed some buttons on her watch, displayed on a holographic screen, letting red and gold metal encase part of her wrist, all of her palm and her knuckles, leaving her thumb and fingers bare. Tony gave it to her for self-defense when she turned fifteen, matching the one he wore himself.
"Ew, get off!" She screamed, "Stop freaking out!" He screamed back, webbing her more dangerous hand to the floor. She gasped in disgust, immediately shooting a repulsor through the substance and barely missing the masked man's face.
"You are so lucky that didn't hit you, you creep!"
"Creep?! I-I'm just trying to do my job, lady!"
"While straddling me?! Sure!"
"Straddling you?!"
"He's what?!"
Both Sam and Bucky yelled through comms at the same time, promptly turning around, Sam taking flight and Bucky sprinting back in the direction they came.
"I didn't mean t-" Spider-man was cut off again, Sam quite literally swooping in and picking- no ripping him off of (Y/N), throwing him in the opposite direction of her. "Creep." Sam mumbled, landing and putting his fists up.
"Thank you!" (Y/N) scrambled to her feet, taking off once again with a huff, "Ugh, why don't I work out, this is terrible!" She groaned but continued running as fast as possible anyway.
"We can only give you about two minutes, you better run like hell." Bucky's voice came over comms, and if she could run any faster, she definitely would. "Got it." She responded quickly, sliding down the middle of the escalator and hopping off at the end, losing her footing for a split second.
"Shit, this is terrifying." She mumbled out of breath, practically crashing through the doors that led to the open space where all the chaos was taking place.
(Y/N) finally slowed down, leaning over to put her hands on her knees, wheezing slightly. When she looked back up, she saw a truck flying through the air before hitting the ground, lighting up on impact.
"(Y/N), quinjet, now." Steve interrupted her thoughts, her feet almost moving on their own again as she ran under and around different vehicles and storage compartments to stay out of Tony's sight. She caught up quickly, running close behind Wanda.
Everything was going to plan, that is until Vision completely cut them off, burning a deep line in front of them with the stone.
"Captain Rogers, I know you believe what you're doing is right but for the collective good..."
(Y/N) sighed defeatedly, her shoulders dropping.
"You must surrender now." Vision finished, Rhodey and Tony landing on the ground behind him. Soon, a guy in a really cool cat suit, Spider-Man and Natasha joined them in a lineup.
Wanda gently nudged (Y/N), making her look up and notice one of Cap's hands behind his back, signaling for (Y/N) to get the hell out of there. She slowly backed up as the rest of her team moved forward, waiting until her dad and Spider-Man, her biggest threats at the moment, to be distracted before she turned on her heel and ran.
She ducked behind some stacked crates that were pretty far from the commotion, pressing her back to one while she tried to catch her breath. All that running, and for what?
"I won't make it to the jet Steve." (Y/N) sighed, slumping against the wood.
"That's fine kid, you did great." That was the last thing she heard from him before everything went to shit.
She wasn't paying attention to whether or not Steve made it to the jet, slightly distracted by Scott becoming the size of an apartment building. She watched as Spider-Man swung around and around his legs, Tony and Rhodey hitting him in the face and finally him crashing to the ground. As he was falling, he smacked poor Spider-Man with his enormous hand, sending him hurdling towards none other than (Y/N).
She gasped, ducking as quickly as she could. He hit the crates right above her, landing on the ground with a less than graceful thud not so far from her.
The teen slowly stood up, some pieces of broken wood falling off of her as she did. She carefully made her way to his unmoving body, readying her repulsor again as he lifted up his hand to pull his mask up. He obviously didn't notice her, pulling off the red fabric so he could breathe a little better.
"Parker?!" (Y/N) shrieked, falling back on her ass and scooting backwards immediately.
Peter gasped and mimicked her movements, quickly pulling his mask back on.
Tony landed, stomping over to the two. He pointed a finger at Peter first, "You, you're done. Done. Get up and I'll call Aunt May. And you," He turned to (Y/N), "Are dead. Absolutely dead. I don't even know what I'm gonna say but we are having a long long talk after this."
She dropped her head in shame and Peter laid back on the concrete, still trying to catch his breath. She waited for Tony to be back in the air before getting up and slowly making her way to Peter.
"Spider-Man? Seriously?" She started, staring him down.
"Please don't tell Ned." He mumbled, sitting up and taking the mask off once more.
"Of course I won't, I'm not an asshole Parker just very... shocked. You're not exactly the super-hero type but uh fuck me for judging a book by it's cover I guess." (Y/N) said bluntly, offering her hand.
Peter stared at the hand hesitantly, looking back up at her.
She let out a quick 'oh' before smacking a small blue button on the metal around her wrist, watching it fold back up into a chunky but clearly expensive watch.
"That's what's shocking? You're the one helping the guys your own dad is fighting against." He shot back, now taking her hand and mostly pulling himself up with a little help from her.
"Yeah yeah, I'm a real supervillain, I know." She rolled her eyes, letting go of his hand once he was standing up straight. "By the way, I like this costume much better than the one I've seen on Youtube."
"Ah, this is all Mister Stark." He mumbled in an embarrassed tone, suddenly finding the ground extremely interesting.
"I know, saw it in his workshop. No idea who it was for, but I did help him with the design of the spider on the chest, the one he originally thought up was kind of tacky." She admitted, pointing at the black marking for emphasis.
"Oh, uh- thank you." He smiled, his cheeks tinted slightly red at the thought of wearing something that she worked on.
She waved a wand in dismissal, "Ah, it's nothing. Not like I made your web shooters or anything important."
Peter furrowed his eyebrows at her statement. He dropped the conversation there, but he knew it wasn't 'nothing'. That spider represented him, it represented The Spider-Man. Maybe if he keeps the suit, people will soon see that little spider design as a sign of hope and rescue. Every time he looks at that spider from now on, he'll think of h-
"Are you okay? Did I punch you too hard?" (Y/N) questioned, not so gently grabbing Peter's face and moving it back and forth frantically.
Peter hadn't realized he'd stopped walking, turning bright red in embarrassment. "Oh-oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He apologized, watching (Y/N) sigh in relief and drop her hands. "I didn't even realize I stopped walking." He laughed nervously, running a hand through his hair.
"Yeah, looked like you were having a little inner monologue moment there," She teased, "don't worry about it, my dad does it all the time." She finished with a smile, turning back around to keep walking.
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a/n: lets pretend i knew that the quinjet was in an entirely different country when i was writing the last chapter 😔
taglist: @preciousbabypeter
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