#and there were so many instances where it felt like you couldn't say what you wanted or express an opinion
apassingbird · 6 months
it's crazy to see a fandom basically crash and burn in a matter of months
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emeryleewho · 2 years
I used to work for a trade book reviewer where I got paid to review people's books, and one of the rules of that review company is one that I think is just super useful to media analysis as a whole, and that is, we were told never to critique media for what it didn't do but only for what it did.
So, for instance, I couldn't say "this book didn't give its characters strong agency or goals". I instead had to say, "the characters in this book acted in ways that often felt misaligned with their characterization as if they were being pulled by the plot."
I think this is really important because a lot of "critiques" people give, if subverted to address what the book does instead of what it doesn't do, actually read pretty nonsensical. For instance, "none of the characters were unique" becomes "all of the characters read like other characters that exist in other media", which like... okay? That's not really a critique. It's just how fiction works. Or "none of the characters were likeable" becomes "all of the characters, at some point or another, did things that I found disagreeable or annoying" which is literally how every book works?
It also keeps you from holding a book to a standard it never sought to meet. "The world building in this book simply wasn't complex enough" becomes "The world building in this book was very simple", which, yes, good, that can actually be a good thing. Many books aspire to this. It's not actually a negative critique. Or "The stakes weren't very high and the climax didn't really offer any major plot twists or turns" becomes "The stakes were low and and the ending was quite predictable", which, if this is a cute romcom is exactly what I'm looking for.
Not to mention, I think this really helps to deconstruct a lot of the biases we carry into fiction. Characters not having strong agency isn't inherently bad. Characters who react to their surroundings can make a good story, so saying "the characters didn't have enough agency" is kind of weak, but when you flip it to say "the characters acted misaligned from their characterization" we can now see that the *real* problem here isn't that they lacked agency but that this lack of agency is inconsistent with the type of character that they are. a character this strong-willed *should* have more agency even if a weak-willed character might not.
So it's just a really simple way of framing the way I critique books that I think has really helped to show the difference between "this book is bad" and "this book didn't meet my personal preferences", but also, as someone talking about books, I think it helps give other people a clearer idea of what the book actually looks like so they can decide for themselves if it's worth their time.
Update: This is literally just a thought exercise to help you be more intentional with how you critique media. I'm not enforcing this as some divine rule that must be followed any time you have an opinion on fiction, and I'm definitely not saying that you have to structure every single sentence in a review to contain zero negative phrases. I'm just saying that I repurposed a rule we had at that specific reviewer to be a helpful tool to check myself when writing critiques now. If you don't want to use the tool, literally no one (especially not me) can or wants to force you to use it. As with all advice, it is a totally reasonable and normal thing to not have use for every piece of it that exists from random strangers on the internet. Use it to whatever extent it helps you or not at all.
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sylusjinwoon · 4 months
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{ 169 }
jinwoo sung x fem.reader
alternate title: the five instances where jinwoo’s jealousy got the best of him.
{ so if i get jealous, i can’t help it | i want every bit of you, i guess i’m selfish… }
( 1 ) your introduction
jinwoo sung had been dating you ever since he first started out as a hunter.
being fresh out of high school with zero talent or ambitions, jinwoo figured becoming a hunter was the most natural route for him-
even if his skills and abilities were well below average, he had to try. after all, there were people that depended on him, and he refused to let down his sickly mother and little sister so easily.
he recalls the many failures and each low-level raids that he attends, with his supposed team leaving him behind on more than one occasion.
"fuck man, having sung on this raid is such a burden."
"i feel bad for all the healers; they have to work twice as hard when sung's around!"
hearing such words coming from his fellow hunters made jinwoo want to curl up in a ball and die. jinwoo truly hated being such a burden, but he just couldn't help it! even he was made aware of the sheer mediocrity of his skills, he knew that he could not give up...
even if it took him a great effort to hold back the tears that threatened to stream down his face each time he put his life on the line...
after a particularly grueling raid (for him), he barely manages to escape the gates with his teammates, the pain felt coursing through him being all-encompassing when he was first introduced to the gentle touch of your healing abilities.
he remembers that day with a perfect clarity, meeting your kind eyes as the warmth of your healing aura surrounds him. words of protests were about to fall from his parted lips, but the moment he truly sees your kind smile coupled along with the way your eyes were shining with unbidden mirth-
you had completely stolen his heart.
jinwoo had barely noticed the way his aches, pain, and deeply cut wounds were beginning to heal. it was clear that your high rank had been well deserved since he had never experienced such a potent healing power before. within what felt like mere seconds, he was entirely healed.
"are you alright, hunter sung?" even your voice was filled with an unconditional kindness he had never once heard before. in a way, jinwoo was grateful that the rest of the team left, leaving him alone with you as he didn't need to fear being mocked or judged by anyone else whilst in your presence.
jinwoo looks away from you, trying to hide his blush when he calls out your name in a bit of a stutter, "what's a powerful healer like you doing on such a low-level raid?"
he watches the way you look away from him, a wide grin slowly painting your features as you ran a hand across your hair.
"well... let's just say i wanted to know more about the weakest hunter in the world and decided to join you on one of your raids. it's a bit rare to meet someone that is a true, level-e hunter."
jinwoo could feel the blush of embarrassment dye his cheeks a deep shade of red, and he had to bite down on his bottom lip to keep from crying right then and there.
you were mocking him, and he hated it!
he struggles to get back on his feet, but it was your gentle grasp felt on his wrist that ultimately stops him. "wait... i'm sorry, that came out as rude... ruder than what i meant."
you sigh and meet his gaze once more, framing at his face with your hand as you caressed at his cheek, "i meant that i wished to help you, to ease you of any pain that you may have sustained during these raids. i'm sorry for upsetting you, forgive me?"
unable to truly walk away from you, jinwoo remains seated beside you, fighting back tears when he felt you gently brush back his hair. he meets your gaze, feeling his heart began to pound not only due to just a crush and admiration-
but envy as well.
you appeared to be close to his age, barely 18, yet still, you managed to obtain a high rank with the healing powers that were awakened from within you the moment the gates appeared across the world.
and despite how jinwoo knew that he would forever berate himself for standing by your side-
his heart just couldn't take the thought of you belonging to someone else...
( 2 ) during a raid
jinwoo counted all the trials and tribulations he faced during the double dungeons as both a blessing and a curse. and truly, he was glad that you were busy with a high level gate that day and was not assigned as his healer.
when he manages to survive such a grueling experience, being reborn in the process, he made sure to keep you in the dark. you, despite being his girlfriend for close to 6 years now, hadn't the slightest clue about how he had literally died that day-
only to be resurrected as the system's latest player.
throughout the following months, he spent the vast majority of his free time doing odd end dungeons only he had access to all while leveling up each time.
each experience he gained not only helped with him leveling up, but also hardened his resolve to perform dark acts that his usual self would never even consider-
things like...
murdering others for the sake of his own survival,
ingesting copious amounts of various poisons in order to cheat death and develop an immunity to them,
and pushing his body to the limits in hopes of being a man that was more suited to stand by your side.
throughout the months he became a sole player for the system, you were the one who had seen his metamorphosis firsthand, watching him with an almost curious expression that paints your features.
of course, you were happy for him, not minding nor questioning the fact that your boyfriend seemed to be growing stronger with each raid you attended with him. now that jinwoo had become much stronger than before, he was able to join you on various, high level raids that required your abilities as an s-rank healer.
and truly, he was just so happy to be able to remain by your side.
however, there was one major problem that kept bothering him, and that was how strangely... popular you were with hunters of the opposite sex.
perhaps the most obnoxious of the bunch was kim chul of the white tiger guild. each time he would see you on a mutual raid, he would try to flirt with you in an almost shameless manner.
"c'mon, that pipsqueak surely can't satisfy you like i can. why don'tcha leave him and come with me, babygirl?"
jinwoo had simply came back with some coffee in hand when he sees your form being hidden by kim chul's. his fists tighten in response, seeing the way your expression shifts into discomfort and disgust, trying to move away from him, only to be trapped even further against his gaudy heavy armor and the wall.
allowing his anger to push him forward, jinwoo dashes closer to you (his movements as smooth and silent as a shadow's) when he takes a hold of your wrist and manages to successfully pry you away from kim chul.
the tanker's eyes go wide momentarily before narrowing with rage.
"you damn e-rank! you think you're better than me because you're dating her? your scrawny brain cannot even comprehend how she's only with you out of pity!"
admittedly, kim's words struck a nerve within jinwoo, making his entire body stiffen had it not been for you keeping a tight only on his shoulder, preventing him from leaving your side and doing something he was sure to regret-
but he supposes kim chul got what he deserved when he died by igris' hands.
( 3 ) while on a date
wishing to treat you to something nice for your latest anniversary, jinwoo had went all out today.
from taking you to your favorite stores and allowing you to indulge in a café you frequented at for lunch, it truly was the perfect day for you.
and jinwoo made sure that nothing could ruin your anniversary.
from ignoring his so-called fans that tried to stop him for pictures and autographs to putting his phone on airplane mode so that the association wouldn't bother either you or him on this special day... jinwoo was completely serious about giving you his undivided attention on this special day.
yet that all seemed to crash down on him when he takes you out to dinner at a pretty well-known restaurant. jinwoo had made reservations several months in advance, and thanks to his newly attained status as the world's strongest hunter, the restaurant kept his reservation this entire time, never once cancelling it or changing it to a later date.
filled with anticipation for what he believed would be the perfect end for the night, he basks in the way your eyes drink in the gorgeous cityscape of seoul, admiring the lights that seemed to shine like diamonds from beneath the moonlight.
he had a gift hidden for you within the confines of his dress pants; a diamond necklace that he was sure would look perfect against your flawless skin. with every intention to give you such a gift once you were able to enjoy your dessert, jinwoo kept practicing what he was going to say inside of his head.
however, the damn waiter kept distracting him. throughout the entire night, he kept his attention solely on you. not even realizing how the waiter kept flirting with you, you were truly left in the dark.
upon giving you and jinwoo the menu, you had a difficult time determining what to order and asks the waiter for his advice. jinwoo could feel his grip tighten around his wine glass, nearly breaking it within his grasps as the waiter dared to place a hand on your shoulder, leaning in closer to whisper in your ear.
"well, my lovely flower, how about i recommend the following three course meal for you to enjoy..."
your eyes go wide upon feeling his proximity, and you did your best to move away from the waiter as he kept whispering his recommendations to you.
"a-alright, that sounds good to me. i'll take that..." you barely heard what the waiter said, being completely focused on jinwoo's glowing, purple eyes and scowling face.
"perfect." the waiter manages to whisper in your ear (not even looking at jinwoo) before standing back to his full height. clearing his throat, he finally meets jinwoo's gaze, giving him a look of disdain while asking flatly.
"and for you, sir?"
"i'll have whatever she's having." jinwoo tells the waiter swiftly, tone retaining some semblance of tranquility when in all actuality, he was planning that damn waiter's demise.
the waiter nods and takes away both of the menus; and with his back turned was when jinwoo stands from his seat.
"wait, love, where are you going?" ah, you seem to know him all too well, your voice filled with concern when jinwoo stands back to his full height. flashing you a strained smile, he adjusts the collar of his dress shirt, "relax, my love, i just need to head to the men's room real quick."
not waiting for your reply, jinwoo allows his dress shoes to tap loudly against the expensive, marble flooring of the restaurant, eyes never once looking away from the obnoxious waiter.
stalking the waiter, jinwoo reaches out to grab his shoulder with a large hand, pulling him aside, his eyes burning with an unnatural purple glow. the poor man never even stood a chance, practically trembling now as his knees threatened to give way to his weight when he was suddenly subjected to jinwoo's violent gaze.
"if you want to keep your job." jinwoo's whispers harshly against the waiter's ear, "i highly suggest you switch tables with a female coworker."
acting like a guilt-ridden dog with his tail between his legs, the waiter lets out several, apologetic stammers before running back into the kitchen, never once daring to look back at him.
a few minutes later, when jinwoo returned, he was quite pleased to see a young woman serving them their meal. and when you flashed him a look of suspicion, jinwoo merely shrugs innocently while taking sips of his red wine.
( 4 ) when kim chul -iron- reborn as a student first sees you
the war had been won-
but it still wasn't enough for jinwoo.
wishing to save the entirety of the world while placing the burden of the war solely on his shoulders-
jinwoo uses the cup of reincarnation.
he basks in enjoying a few years of his youth before locking himself within the dimensional rift, taking on each and every monarch along with his shadow army. he spends a total of 27 years within those depths, not stopping until all of his enemies were slain.
only when all of the monarchs were annihilated did jinwoo return back home...
grateful that he had been missing for a mere 2 years in the real world, jinwoo was happy that his family were still loving and ecstatic to see him again (even if it meant he would be grounded until further notice).
but truly, jinwoo didn't mind such a minuscule punishment, since this meant he could spend the rest of his life doing what meant the most to him-
with the promises he made to the rulers fulfilled, now, he was able to focus on what he found to be the most vital part of his life-
now, he could find you again,
as if he were further being rewarded for his hard work, you suddenly came to his high school as a new transfer student during his second year of school (while sharing his same class as well!). when he sees the empty seat near the back row, he quickly demands that his peer switch seats with him (using his skills as the shadow monarch to push convince the poor boy away) so that he could spend some time getting to know you once more the moment you take your newly assigned seat.
despite being a normal human in this newly revised timeline, jinwoo could tell that you felt... conflicted when it came to him. you did your best to keep your distance because of how introverted you were, but jinwoo refused to give up on you. his constant presence and persistence in your life manages to win your heart once more.
with you in his arms again, it came as no surprise that jinwoo would wish to show you off, more often than not allowing you to attend his track meetings as he basked in your awed gazes each time he ran (also serving as a reminder to his teammates that you were already taken).
when he told you to accompany him to his first competition, you agreed to watch him without a hint of hesitation. you were truly excited to see all of his practice be put to the test and looked forward to further supporting him.
upon arrival at the place where the competition would take place, jinwoo was struck with an almost nostalgic feeling, seeing iron kim chul standing before him. his eyes go wide as he could hear his soldier's excited whispers of iron's name.
kim chul was doing his stretches, appearing almost bored when he catches sight of you standing next to jinwoo. but kim pays jinwoo no mind to the young monarch, letting out a low whistle as he admires your form settled beside him.
"woowoo, i'll be right back. i need to head to the restrooms real quick."
your words break jinwoo out of his reveries, "oh, i'll go with you..."
before jinwoo could adjust his duffel bag to hold your hand and follow you, you hold out a hand to him, stopping him from coming any closer to you. "i'll be fine, jin. besides, the restroom's are literally right there, and your coach wants to talk to you and your team. i think you should stick around to listen."
a pout paints his features, earning a giggle from you as you lovingly ruffled at his hair.
"be right back!"
"fine..." with an almost lovesick expression, jinwoo watches you walk away from him...
yet all feelings of warmth ceases to exist when the bulky body of kim chul trails close from behind you.
jinwoo's fists were clenched now, with his coach's words going into one ear and out the other. allowing his duffel bag to fall against the ground, he follows kim chul, catching up to him with his abilities as the shadow monarch.
within a blink of an eye, jinwoo stands directly in front of kim, making the brawny young man openly gape at him. "what the... you were all the way over there... how did you-"
he gasps, feeling the effects of jinwoo's telekinetic abilities course through him when he was suddenly slammed against the wall.
"listen closely and listen well; you tried to pick a fight with me because you wanted my girl, and found out that i'm the son of your father's friend's friend's friend. you then chose to forget the negative emotions of jealousy you felt towards me... and now, you'll live more kindly from now on."
with a snap of his fingers, he allows kim chul to slump back to the ground, as if in a sleepy haze as he let out a groan in response. in what seemed like perfect timing, you appear beside him, already placing your hand within his as you looked down at the passed out kim chul.
"huh? what happened, jinwoo?"
"it's nothing." jinwoo takes you away from kim, who was now rousing from his momentary slumber with a look of confusion painted against his features. jinwoo lies tells you that he was simply helping the young man feel better after experiencing a bit of heat stroke by giving him some water and putting him in the shade of the bleachers.
"aw, you're so sweet, woowoo!" hiding back a smirk, jinwoo allows your pretty lips to press several kisses against his features as he made his way back to his teammates and couch, ready to compete.
( 5 ) when you gave birth to his child
"mr. sung jinwoo, you may come and see your wife and son now."
jinwoo had spent the latter part of the night constantly pacing the waiting room. your water had broke in the middle of the night, making jinwoo avoid taking his car in his panic as he carried you, using his shadow exchange ability to warp you to the nearest hospital.
his panicked cries echo throughout the facility, and he could only watch with helpless eyes as you were whisked away into a wheelchair, your cries of pain were all that he could hear as his heart began to sink, filled with anxiety at what was to come.
he lost track of time how long you had been in labor, but it had to have been an arduous process since it was now getting closer to the early hours of the afternoon. with stiff movements, he follows the nurse, hoping and praying that you would be okay.
the moment the nurse takes him to your hospital room, and he could see your fatigued form bathed in the sunlight as you held his son in your gentle embrace, jinwoo nearly fell to the floor just then.
tears of joy kept streaming down his face when he sees your tired expression cooing down at the tiny baby in your arms. your eyes were filled with so much love for your son that it was enough to make jinwoo's heart clench almost painfully in response.
your name comes from his lips in broken syllables, and you smile back at him, scooting over just the tiniest bit so that jinwoo could crawl into the hospital bed with you.
overwhelmed with such emotions of love for you and his son, jinwoo was unable to form coherent words, simply hiding his face against the curve of your neck with his arms loosely wrapped around your frame.
"hehe, what's this? has the almighty shadow monarch been rendered to tears at the sight of his baby boy?"
"s-shut up, so what if he is rendered into the biggest crybaby?" jinwoo couldn't stop a laugh from escaping him despite his tears. he sniffles and leans over to brush back your damp hair, pressing a lingering kiss against your skin before taking this chance to admire his son.
his heart melted upon seeing the mere sight of him. his son was pretty much a mini version of jinwoo, and he could tell that he sported his same head of thick, black hair. and despite how his eyes were closed, all scrunched up while looking ugly and cute at the same time, jinwoo somehow knew that he would have his grey eyes, too.
you take this chance to tease your husband a bit, "i know how jealous you get but... i'm afraid i love this precious baby boy a little bit more than how much i love you. after all, i went through such pains to help bring him safely into this world."
jinwoo simply shakes his head in response, taking a hold of your chin so that he could press a kiss against your parted lips. and while he was kissing you, he couldn't help but bask in the wonderful feeling of his family growing-
now, jinwoo can finally admit (with confidence, too!) that only his son and future children were allowed to freely obtain your love and devotion without eliciting such raw emotions of envy from him.
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a.n. - i had been wanting to write a story based on j.t.'s song { selfish } for jinwoo, since the song is soooo jinwoo coded! 🥹 currently unedited, but i hope that you readers enjoy it all the same!
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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russellsppttemplates · 4 months
We don't know anything about girls! (Oscar Piastri)
Lucas and Jack take the job of protecting their sister very seriously
Note: english is not my first language. Another Oscar piece, and this time it's dad!Oscar 🥹✨️🤍
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Cw: reader is pregnant, childbirth, postpartum
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
"Daddy, we have a question for you", Lucas said as he and Jack sat at the table, ready to have lunch.
"Sure, what is it you want to ask me?", Oscar offered as he served up their plates with some broccoli, pasta and salmon.
"Mummy is the one that had us, right? We were both on her tummy - not at the same time though - and then she had us", Lucas wondered.
"Yes, mummy was the one that grew you in her tummy", Oscar smiled as he remembered both of your pregnancies. He knew it wasn't comfortable all the time, and there were many instances where you didn't feel so good, but he would spend the whole time in awe at you and what your body was doing for your family.
"Okay, so we have to talk to mummy", Jack reasoned with Lucas, who nodded back at him.
"Why do you need mummy, was my answer not enough?", Oscar wondered.
"It was enough, daddy, don't worry! But if we want a baby brother or sister, we have to talk to mummy first", Lucas stated as if he was saying they were going to ask you to change their bedroom curtains.
"You want a sibling?", Oscar questioned them both, wondering if they had been eavesdropping on you and him.
When one of Oscar's sisters had her baby a couple of months ago, you and Oscar both felt like adding another one to your flock, discussing it in bed that night. It wouldn't be so bad, especially now that both your and Oscar's careers were settled and your schedules were far more predictable. The boys seemed to think the same.
"Yes, do you think mummy will like the idea? She always said her feet hurt a little when it was towards the end", Lucas tsked, "and you, daddy? Would you like to have a another baby?", he wondered.
"Yes, I would - I'll tell you what, when mummy gets home from work, we can ask her about it, okay?", Oscar suggested, seeing the boys agree before eating the food in their plates, smiling to himself at the possibility of your growing family.
By the time you got home, you were just about to catch Oscar putting the boys down for the night, "night night, boys, I hope you have sweet dreams", you kissed both of their foreheads.
"We need to talk to you tomorrow, mummy, we have something to ask you", Lucas offered.
"Okay, it can wait until tomorrow, buddy - sleep tight!", you combed his hair with your fingers.
Closing the door behind you, you walked up to your bedroom, starting to get rid of your work clothes, "Osc? Can you help me with these buttons, please? I can't even lift my arms", you groaned, "I'm so tired".
Your heard your husband's feet pad out of the ensuite bathroom and approach you, his fingers undoing the buttons at the nape of your neck so you could take the shirt off.
"There you go, love", he offered, leaving a kiss in there.
"Thank you - both for this and for doing the nightime routine with the boys, I'm sorry I couldn't be home earlier, but the last lady had this nasty contracture that wouldn't go anywhere no matter how much I pulled and worked every trick of the book", you sighed as you grabbed your pyjamas from under your pillow so you could put them on.
"Don't worry - it was all fine", Oscar assured, "you did miss the quesion they wany to ask you tomorrow though".
"Is it something for school?", you wondered, getting up from the bed with only one leg of your pyjama pants on.
"No, it's not - you can't do anything about it, not now anyway", your husband chuckled as he watched you quirk your eyebrow.
"Do I want to know what it is about? You're scaring me a little", you mused.
"The boys want to ask you for a little brother or sister", Oscar stated, "they checked with me to know if you were the point person they should go to".
"Because I'm the only one?", you giggled, adjusting the sleeves on your shirt so you could wash your face and brush your teeth.
"You grew them in your tummy, and Lucas remembered how much your feet hurt so they want to know if you would be comfortable with having another one", Oscar offered, getting in the bed and pulling the comforter up to his waist.
"You're saying that as if it only takes me to make a baby", you spoke after spitting the toothpaste on the sink, wiping your mouth on the towell to get rid of the remnants.
"They said it like that, not me - but to be fair, they did ask if I would like to have another baby", he added.
Rubbing the cream on your cheeks, you walked back to the bedroom area, turning the light off with your elbow before you sat down next to Oscar, "it's cute, though, that they don't want to just go and ask for a sibling because they understand it's not like that", you said as you snapped your fingers.
"Would you? We talked about it a while ago, but then you had the check-ups and the doctor advised us to not go for it yet until we knew for sure you were all good", Oscar mused, grabbing your hand and playing with your fingers on his lap.
"Yes, I think I would. We know I'm all good and all my parts are working just fine, so I'm in if you are", you replied back.
"I'm in too, I miss having a little baby and the sight of you carrying our baby", he smirked, "and the process of making a baby is very fun".
"Oscar!", you swatted his chest.
"We're always telling the boys they should always tell the truth - was I supposed to lie?", he defended himself.
"Don't fall asleep, Jack, okay?", you said as you noticed your son nearly falling asleep on his car seat, "we're almost home, love!".
"I wasn't falling asleep", he admitted, blushing at having been caught with his eyes closed and his cheek on his shoulder.
"I know you weren't, but I just wanted to check anyway", you winked through the rearview mirror, playing along with him.
On the days Lucas had violin practice, Oscar was the one to take him there from school and then back home, which meant you only had to pick Jack up from pre-school before going home, which also allowed each of the boys to have one on one time with you.
Encouraging Jack to stick to his routine, you watched him hang his jacket and leave his shoes on the wardrobe by the door before he took hi backpack to the kitchen so he could empty the snack box.
"Are you not feeling better, mummy?", Jack asked you as he walked inside the kitchen, noticing the bag from the pharmacy on the counter, "did the doctor give you medicine to take?".
"I'm feeling so and so, but the doctor at the pharmacy told me something else", you crouched down so you could be at the same level as your son, "can you keep a secret?".
Jack nodded eagerly, showing you his ear so you could only tell him the secret before he realise you two were alone, "Oh, we don't need to whisper, and this way you won't tickle my ear", he admitted with a blush, "tell me, mummy!".
"Mummy hasn't been feeling well, and when I spoke to the doctor at the pharmacy, she seemed to think that maybe I have a baby in my tummy", you smiled, "I need to take a test to know for sure".
"A baby? The one me and Lucas asked you and daddy for?", he beamed.
"Yes, that one - should I take the tests now?", you grabbed the boxes from the bag.
"Yes, mummy, yes! How do you do it?", he wondered.
"Mummy needs to go to the bathroom", you tapped his nose, "I'll open the door as soon as I'm done, okay?", you offered before stepping inside the service bathroom by the stairs.
"Are you okay, mummy? Do you want help?", Jack asked as you could hear him walk along the corridor.
"I'm nearly done, Jack, just need to clean a little mess up I did here", you offered, doing what you needed to do and complying with all the instructions.
"It's okay, mummy, I also make a mess sometimes and you always tell me that as long as I clean up after myself, it's okay", he comforted you.
Giggling to yourself at his words, you washed your hands again before opening the door, revealing Jack waiting for you.
"When do we know?", your son asked as he looked at the plastic tests by the sink.
"In a few minutes", you answered.
"Will you be sad if it says you're just sick?", Jack muttered.
"Well, you and Lucas asked for a sibling some time ago and it would be nice if it was actually the case, right?", you tested the waters, now wondering if it was the right move to tell Jack what you were doing. You felt like you could deal with the negative result should it be the one to come up, but maybe your little boy wouldn't.
"I really want a baby brother or sister, and I know Lucas also wants one a lot, but we can wait", he offered, almost sounding like a grown up while he grabbed your hand.
Once the timer on your watch beeped, you turned the tests around checking for their validity before looking at the result.
"Are you pregnant or are you sick, mummy?", Jack questioned, looking at the tests on your hands, "what does it mean?".
"This means I'm pregnant, Jack", you smiled before setting the tests down once he jumped on your arms.
"I'm going to be a big brother!", he squealed, hugging you tightly.
"You are, buddy - are you excited?", you mused.
"I am! I can't wait to tell daddy and Lucas!", Jack smiled back at you.
Setting him back down on the floor, you grabbed the tests, "we could surprise them with something funny - what do you think?", you suggested, heading with him to the playroom so you could get started on it.
Oscar and Lucas arrived just as you were finishing the last touches of the surprise, calling your names.
"We're upstairs in the playroom!", you called back before turning to Jack, "you have to wait for Lucas or daddy to read your t-shirt, okay?".
Lucas was the first to get to the room, coming up to you to hug you and kiss your cheek, "and the teacher said I did really well!".
"That's amazing, buddy!", you congratulated after he told you all about his day.
"Hello, guys!", Oscar greeted, and judging by the bottle of water on his hands, he has stopped by the kitchen before he joined you, "how was your day?", kissing Jack's cheek.
"We didn't do anything special - it was like every day that mummy picked me up while Lucas was at his lessons", Jack told in a nonchalant way, earning a wondering expression on your husband's face as he looked you.
You shrugged your shoulders and kissed Oscar's lips, letting him press his lips on your forehead right after.
"Do you feel better? You don't look so bad anymore", he reasoned as he rubbed your cheeks with his thumbs.
"Geez, thank you, Oscar", you chuckled, "but I feel good now", you smiled.
Lucas looked intrigued as he looked at Jack, "why does his t-shirt say he has an expiring date? What's an expiring date, daddy?", he asked as he pointed.
"I'm no longer the little one!", Jack yelled excitedly, leaving Oscar and Lucas a little lost.
"We know you're grown up, buddy - It's when something is not good anymore or when it has an end date...", Oscar offered.
"No, daddy, you're not getting it! I'm no longer the little brother of the family because mummy has one inside her tummy!", he clarified.
Lucas gasped before he ran to you, hugging your legs and resting his cheek on your tummy, "is it true?".
"Yes, love - we're going to have another baby in the family!", you smiled, brushing his hair with your fingers before you felt Jack hug your side.
"I guess there's only me left then", Oscar gestured, hugging you from your back and resting his hands on your tummy, "we're having another baby, Y/N, I love you", he kissed your cheek, hugging you tightly.
Once Jack pulled away, Oscar finally got a proper glimpse of the t-shirt that stated the announcement, reading at the "Little brother: expiring date in some months!" t-shirt the little boy wore.
"Did you do this just now? Since when do you know?", Oscar mused, now finally getting ti hug you properly since the boys had let you go.
"Mummy took the tests when he got home, and then we came here to cut the print and iron letters", Jack offered.
"Yes, not long, I'm not sure it has settled in yet", you mumbled, "another little one, Osc, I love you", you kissed his lips.
"Boys, remember what we told you, okay? People are healing and resting, so we have to be quiet and be on our best behaviour, okay?", you checked with them as they got out of the car.
"We will, mummy", Lucas assured you while he held his hand with Jack's, keeping him close as he held Oscar's hand with the other one.
You registered yourself in and then were led to the right exam room, following the orders to lay on the bed and lift your top.
"The bump is bigger, isn't it?", Jack asked as his curious hands touched your skin, stroking it and taking the opportunity to leave a few kisses there.
"It is, little one is growing very well!", Oscar offered.
A knock on the door alerted you to it, seeing the technician step inside the room, "Good morning! How is everyone feeling today?", she asked.
"Hello! We're here to see if we're getting a baby sister or a baby brother!", Lucas offered as he swung his legs on the chair.
"That's right! Are you ready, Y/N?", she asked you with a rub on your shoulder before pulling the kart with the ultrasound machine and laptop with her and sitting on the stool next to your bed.
"Yes, very ready and very excited", you smiled.
"Which one do you think they are, baby brother or baby sister?", the technician asked your boys while squeezing the gel on your tummy.
"Come here, sit on daddy's leg instead of mummy's lap so we can see the baby on the screen there", Oscar explained to Jack.
"I don't know, we're both boys, what is that thing that nana always says? It's like there's always a third", Lucas tapped Oscar's arm as he sat next to them.
"Nana always says that there isn't a second without a third", Oscar clarified, "usually means that when there is a second one, there's always a third one".
"So you think it's a boy?", the technician hummed, moving the wand around, "well, your mummy will still be outnumbered by you guys, but she'll have a little friend to help her! You're having a babygirl!", she smiled, showing you the screen.
"A baby sister?", Jack looked at the screen, "wow, she's so tiny - is that her nose?", he pointed.
"Yes, that's her nose, then these are her legs - they look really strong!", she showed him while Oscar winked at you with a big smile on his face.
"Woah", Lucas mused as he looked at the screen, "how long until she comes out of mummy's belly?".
"That is still many weeks away, Lucas - she needs to stay inside to grow healthy and happy!", the technician explained as she wiped the gel from your belly, "I just sent the scans to the printer down the hall - if you'll excuse me, I'm just going to get them".
After she closed the door behind her, the boys jumped on the bed, hugging your sat up body.
"Can you believe we're having a little girl? A mini you?", Oscar stated as he followed your kids, standing up in front of you so he could kiss your lips.
"These two look like you - I deserve a mini me", you giggled, "Oh My Goodness, a little Piastri girl".
"Uh oh", Lucas said, making you look for any issue or trouble.
"What is it, Lucas?", you wondered.
"We don't know anything about girls!!", he said in a concerned tone.
"We're both boys!", Jack followed in agreement.
"You know Tilly and Lottie pretty well, it's not like you haven't been around girls", Oscar reasoned, not wanting them to feel dismissed as you tried your best to contain your laughter.
"We have to ask Fraser the next time we are all at a race - he definitely knows what to do!", Lucas pointed out.
"At least she's comfy - one of us is, anyway", you sighed as Oscar's hands helped you settle in a better position on the examination bed.
"I know we've discussed this with you before, so you probably know that this is the time we talked about. Little one is fully developed now, and she seems like a big girl from our calculations and scans, so I think that now, more than ever you should really think about inducing", your doctor stated.
With Lucas and Jack, the birth was pretty straight forward. The waters broke at home, you went to the hospital when the contractions were closer together and after some pushes, you were happily holding your baby boys.
Your baby girl seemed to have other ideas.
"We wanted to wait for her in her timing, but we understand that that option is no longer viable", Oscar nodded. The team had gone over your exams and they all agreed that induction was looking like the best option so both you and baby Piastri could be happy, safe and healthy.
Squeezing your hand in his, Oscar gave you a reassuring look before you spoke, "we've talked about it, but at the end of the day what matters is that we are both okay, so we'll do the induction. When can we do it?", you asked.
"Well, since it's early and you've only had breakfast, if you go up now, we can settle you in and start the process while your husband gets your things from home if you'd like - your baby is in a good position and we don't foresee any issues to a vaginal delivery", she smiled soflty as she signed a few papers, before handing them to you to sign too.
"Might as well get this show on the road, hm?", you looked at Oscar, "I'll call my parents to let them know".
"Okay, sweetheart", Oscar said before he kissed your forehead, "I'll meet you upstairs, okay? And you, little miss, don't show up before I'm back, okay?", he left a kiss on your baby bump.
"I think it's established that she isn't in any sort of rush", you chuckled, kissing his lips one last time before you parted ways.
While Oscar went home to grab the hospital bags you had prepared, you went up to the labour ward with your midwife Lisa, who happened to be on shift that day.
Checking you in your room, she helped you get comfortable before starting the induction process, "like we talked about, for some women this is a quick process and for some it is a long one. Any way this goes, though, we are all here to help you", she smiled soflty.
Someone knocked on the door, making Lisa look at all the supplies she had and checking if anything was missing until she noticed it was Oscar.
"Hi Lisa, how are you?", he greeted her with a hug before he came to check on you, leaving the bags in their designated area.
"Hello! I'm good, excited to help your little girl come into the world", Lisa smiled.
"And you, my love, are you doing okay?", he asked, looking at the monitor on your bump.
"I'm good, so far so good, and better now that you're here", you pointed a finger on his chest as he approached you.
Chuckling, Oscar kissed your forehead before sitting in the room you made for him, mindful of all the wires connected to you, "did everything get sorted out with your parents?".
"Yes, they'll pick the boys up and look after them - dad told me not to worry about anyone else but me and little princess", you smiled. In the last two births, the first person your father looked for when he stepped into the room was you, claiming that he looked for the person that was already there from before and that he needed to know his daughter was okay.
"I can't believe that this is happening soon, that we're going to have our baby girl in our arms", he said as he did his best to rub your bump despite the wires and monitors that were ensuring you were both doing well.
"Seems like it was yesterday that I was taking a test with Jack on the other side of the door asking me if I needed help", you giggled, "but I'm very excited to have our baby and see who she takes after - I may be too hopeful, but I have a feeling that she might look a little bit more like me", you snickered, "I did all the hard work for nine months and a bit - three times now! I think it's about time this baby comes out looking a little more Y/L/N-y and a little less Piastri-y".
"My genetics have proved to be quite strong, if we are being honest, but I'm also hoping for a little you", Oscar offered as he felt your tightening taut skin under his hand, "was that a contraction?", he said looking at you.
"I think this is the water breaking, do you remember that prickle feeling I told you about in Lucas'? It's like that - oh!", you gasped, "there it goes".
Oscar helped you get up from the bed so you could dry yourself before removing the disposable liner Lisa had laid down for that purpose.
Helping you change into the hospital gown, your husband called the midwife like she had asked you to do, "the waters have broken already? This is good news, means everything is going like it's supposed to, especially ", she said when she looked at the graphs for the CTG machine, checking your vitals too before she left the room again once everything was fine.
When contractions started picking up, Oscar was quick to tend to your every need, walking with you when you felt like movement would do you good before you settled in swaying your hips, your back against his chest while you almost danced around the room, "this is like that time Lando made us dance at the McLaren party", you muttered in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"We're much better now, I think - and you look even more beautiful", he mused, kissing the top of your head.
"Oh, there's another one", you said as you felt the tension on your bump, making you stop and somehow turn around before it got too bad, the new position allowing you to face Oscar as your arm stretched around his neck, your hands lacing at the nape of his neck so you could drop your hips to relieve the pressure from the intense feeling on your torso as you waited for it to pass, your husband's kisses and words of encouragement doing a good job at distracting you from it.
"Do you feel comfortable here or do you want to move to the bed, love? I don't want you to tire yourself more than you are", he expressed his concern as he held you.
"Can I stay here? I like being on your hold and standing up helps, I think", you looked for his approval as you felt his arms ease some of your weight on his neck.
Oscar nodded his head as he kept swaying you around, "Of course, I'm here for you, whatever you need I'll help", he prompted as your neck stretched slightly so you could kiss his jaw, mumbling an I love you to him before concentrating on your breathing again.
Knocking on the door, Lisa excused herself inside and asked how you were doing before checking your dilation, "You're doing really well, Y/N, you're 6 centimetres dilated already! This is going quite quickly I must say", she said and you smiled.
Oscar placed a proud kiss on your forehead while you heard Lisa tell you what to expect in the next few hours, "Do you want an epidural?", she asked.
"I think I'm doing fine without it, but I'll call if it gets too bad", you replied before she nodded and left to tend to the other birthing patients.
Hours later, Oscar had now turned to apply pressure on your lower back with his hands when it started getting a bit harder for you, your elbows on the mattress as you rocked your hips side to side, the interval between contractions now so short you barely had time to rest between them, "I feel like I need to push, my body is telling me to push", you said to Lisa and the nurse that were checking you.
"Why don't you sit on the bed so we can see how things are progressing?", one of them offered as your husband helped you lay down, his hand never leaving yours, "You're crowing, Y/N! It's time to meet your baby!", Lisa announced as she got in position.
"All good, Y/N? I know it hurts, but I also know you have got this", your husband whispered as he positioned himself so he could be right by your side.
"Y/N, when you feel the urge to push, do it okay?", the health professional urged you as you nodded, "your babygirl is ready to come out and everything looks good for her!".
Holding Oscar's hand and squeezing it, you cried and grunted slightly, hearing Lisa announce that the head was out and you needed to do a big push for the shoulders, "this could be a good sign for mini me - my mum always said I had a big head", you groaned.
"C'mon, Y/N, big push", the nurse encouraged as you felt Oscar's lips by your ear, "I know you can do this darling, just two more pushes and our baby girl is here", he said and you did what your body told you, pushing and breathing until your baby was out in the world.
Sitting back against the pillows, the nurses lifted the little girl and after a few taps on her pink cheek, she let out a high pitch scream both you and Oscar were sure to remember for the rest of your lives.
"She's here, Y/N, congratulations mummy and daddy", Lisa said as she placed the baby on your chest.
The baby girl your's and Oscar's love, along with the one from your family, produced was finally here. Pushing your gown to the side, you uncovered your chest as they placed her down, the skin to skin contact soothing her cries immediately, "Hello my love, I'm your mummy", you said as tears gathered in your eyes, your finger coming to stroke her pink chubby cheek as you admired her.
"She looks a lot like you, I think we've nailed the mini you, love", Oscar said between tears.
"That is daddy, I'm sure you recognise his voice too", you cooed, "we've been waiting for you for so long, and you're finally here".
Oscar kissed the top of your head before kissing the top of the little girl's head.
"Hi princess Isabella, we're so happy you're finally here", he said tearfully as he stretched his finger so your daughter could grab it between hee much smaller ones.
"Now we're gonna need to take little Isabella - such a beautiful name - to check everything while you deliver the rest, okay?", one of the nurses said and you extended your arms so she could grab her.
Oscar looked over to the nurses' station as they measured and weighed the baby before he looked down to you on the bed, "Thank you for making me a father again, I love you both so much, my love", he said with loving and still a bit teary eyes, grabbing your hand in his and kissing them before touching your forehead lovingly.
"I love you so much, Oscar", you whispered and you kissed his hand that was caressing your cheek, "there's no one else I'd be a parent with".
After delivering the placenta and having your baby girl back in your chest, Oscar couldn't stop the overwhelming surge of feelings in his chest. He was so happy and grateful for you and at the prospect of the life he had yet to fill with memories with your family.
When you were finally able to bring Isabella home, the boys were the best behaved you had ever seen them. They weren't troublemakers, and from what you heard the other parents share whenever you waited for the kids outside the school gate, they definitely were a breeze compared to the stories you heard, but this was new.
"I'll fill this up for you, mummy", Lucas stated, grabbing the water bottle you kept near you ti make sure you were drinking enough and helping your milk supply.
"Thank you, buddy", you smiled, adjusting Isabella's head so she could have a better latch.
"Here are the nappies for Isa", Jack offered as he carried the unopened packet he offered to get from the nursery so you could refill the caddy you kept in the living room.
"Thank you, Jack, that's very helpful", you smiled as Oscar sat next to you, "they're being so helpful, it's so cute", you mused.
"Before you came home, they helped me and your parents tidy up and they promise your dad they would be on their best behaviour", your husband mused, kissing your shoulder and looking at your daughter as she suckled on your nipple, never getting tired of watching her beautiful face.
"At what time did Lando say he was coming to visit?", you asked, squinting to look at the time on the TV.
"He said he'd be here in an hour or so, and then his wife and the kids would come later after she got them from school", Oscar mused, "here, let me burp her", he said.
Wiping the corners of Isabella's lips, you kissed her forehead before letting her go to Oscar's arms, watching his tap her back to get all the wind out before she looked ready to fall asleep.
"Mummy is going to have a shower, so you two be good, okay?", you told the boys before you headed up.
Oscar was resting his eyes when his phone alerted to who the car he heard outside belonged to, making him get up and open the door to find Lando.
"Well, hello there, Oscar, and little Isabella, hello darling", he cooed, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.
"Uncle Lando!", the boys cheered quietly, hugging his legs and letting him ruffle their hair.
"Where's your mummy?", Lando asked, "I brought this goodie bag with all things for postpartum fun! We got one of these from my sisters when we had Lottie and it helped a lot".
"She's upstairs, she said she was going to have a shower and my bet is that she's taking a nap", Oscar added, letting Lando sit before he could pass the little bundle of joy to his arms.
"Hello, little princess, aren't you a cutie", Lando said as he looked at the youngest Piastri.
"You have to support her head, like this", Lucas advised the father of three - soon to be four.
"I know, buddy, thank you for your help", Lando smiled at his protectiveness, letting the boys sit on either side of him.
"She doesn't like when her hands aren't covered - let me fix it", Jack offered before he pulled on the blanket around his sister's hands.
"They're both like this all the time?", Lando wondered as Oscar nodded.
"They don't let anyone else touch her without them being near - only me and Y/N get to keep her to ourselves", Oscar chuckled.
"Oh, she's fussing, daddy!", Jack alerted him.
As if on cue, you walked downstairs and into the living room as Lando was up, trying to soothe the little girl, "it's alright, uncle Lando is here, Isabella", you heard him tell her gently.
"Hello", you greeted as all eyes landed on you.
"Yeah, that's your mummy, babygirl", Lando assured, "and you want her, don't you? I can't compete with your mummy, can I?", he said as he walked closer to you, giving your daughter back so she could cuddle into your chest before he squeezed your arm.
"Thank you", you smiled, "you met uncle Lala, babygirl?", you mused, stroking her cheek and feeling her cries soothe down.
"Just about, yes - your boys surely have the protective older brother thing down", the british driver giggled.
"They're already the best big brothers and she has only been with us for a couple of days", you smiled.
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twizzie-lairs · 8 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 5)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Quick Notes:
This is when both reader/you and Alastor are both alive. (... we'll probably end up in hell later on btw so stay tuned...)
Reader is an artist/painter.
Part 5:
It was almost pure bliss.
Except many months later, you found out a secret of his one day.
He was an exceptional chef, you were always in awe of how he cooked such magnificent dishes every day.
But one day, you peeked out into the forest through the window in the living room and saw Alastor standing alone, covered in blood. Your first instinct was to run outside, so you did just that.
You rush to his side and ask if he's okay, and what had happened to make him covered in such copious amounts of blood.
He blinks a few times before oddly turning his head to you, breaking out of his stupor, "Oh my dearest (y/n), do not fret so. For I am only acquiring our dinner for tonight!"
You look down at what he is holding in his hands. Your hand shot up to cover your mouth. A leg. A human leg. Your eyes then trail to the ground where you see a bloody human body, mangled beyond recognition. "This is.. dinner?"
A large grin appears on Alastor's face, "Quite right! This one should be enough to last us through the week!"
He looks at your face with an almost vicious look to his eyes, awaiting your response anxiously, not that he would let that show, anyways.
All you can manage is "Oh. Okay." Before you walk back inside the house without another word.
It's no exaggeration to say that your brain chemistry was permanently altered from that moment onward.
The situation felt so strange and bizarre, you didn't know what to think. Part of you knew that was he's been doing is extremely horrible and corrupt. It almost made you empty the contents of your stomach, it didn't feel real.
It didn't feel real, but suddenly some of Alastor's behaviors started to make sense. His picky taste for food...He never let you help with cooking, you had chalked it up to him being more of a perfectionist, but now... you know its more than that. He was hiding the fact that he was butchering and preparing human flesh, right in your very home, all this time.
But.. for some reason... all you could think about was how dedicated he was to providing a comfortable life for you, because he truly loved you. Everything he did every day showed you that you mattered and that you deserved only the best.
"But I still love him with all my heart... maybe I'm just as messed up..." Was a sentence your mind kept repeating to itself for quite some time.
Your appetite shrinks after the initial shock for a few days, but you were never one to skip meals or have your appetite be gone completely, even if you were sick. In this instance, you weren't sure if it was a blessing or a curse in this case.
The meals he made for you had never made you sick in the past, so your body was already used to eating his cooking, and he made such amazing food, carefully crafted with such love and attention to detail, you couldn't help but keep eating his delicious cooking, no matter how bizarre and immoral it was.
"I think I really am just as messed up..." The thought crossed your mind again, but thoughts were interrupted by a rare occurrence, a kiss on the cheek from Alastor as he set your plate down in front of you.
The fact that you never stopped eating his cooking and always thanked him for his food and hard work, even after knowing where the main ingredient comes from, solidified the fact that you were the one. You loved him even after seeing him all bloody, holding a dismembered corpse, and telling you it was dinner. It was this pivotal moment that he knew, that you were the one to be his beloved forever.
In the coming weeks, things went back to "normal". You were settling into the new normal, as Alastor didn't hide the meal prep like he used to, and seeing him bloody and bringing in mysterious cuts of meat into the house became a normal sight to you.
One night when you were going to see Mimzy, Alastor informed you that he was unable to escort you that night. You were a little disappointed, but he assured you it was okay for you to go, it was just that he had plans that he wouldn't divulge any information on, no matter how much you pressed him.
Little did you know, but that night, Alastor was out on the town shopping for the perfect ring to propose to you with.
-> Part 6
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The Rival (Part 2)
(Summary: Alastor sought to possess one of the only does in Pentagram City for the rut season, however, you wanted a mate, not a master. But what happens when a handsome new buck shows up one day and tries to capture your attention away from the Radio Demon. Who will you choose?)
Hey, so here is part two as promised (I rewrote it like 40 times 😅) please continue keep in mind that it's just practice for a beginner's writing class
Alastor POV
GOD, DAMN HIM ALL OVER AGAIN! How dare this bastard come into HIS territory and make eyes at HIS adorable doe. And how could Charlie, the naïve ninny, allow this…this interloper into their hotel as a guest? Going as far as to prevent him from watering the front lawn with the other male’s blood (and perhaps impaling his head on the entrance gate) in warning for any other foolish would-be usurper. He felt that the spice garden could use some Canadian reindeer mulch.
 Alastor couldn’t help but feel he was behind the eight ball thanks to his agreement with the Princess to not lay a finger on any who sought the hotel’s services; however, she even placed the rake next to your room. It seemed like she expected you to show him around and ensure he acclimated to the new environment without issue. To be a friend to this new guest. Was there no end to Charlie’s flagrant disrespect?!
You had had to walk him down to breakfast once because he had gotten “lost” in the hallways and ended up “accidentally” darkening your door asking for assistance. However Alastor knew it was intentional on the misguided reindeer’s part. It was as if James thought he could capture your heart within the span of a five-minute walk to the lobby. Nonsense. But, Alastor noticed how you sported a slight blush when you rejoined the others, with the newest guest in tow by the hand, in response to whatever inane attempt at charm he had thrown your way.
If the flannel fiend wished for a duel, Alastor would gladly oblige.
He had made certain that his precious doe’s hotel door frame was properly marked with scoring from his antlers and his shadow insisted on being posted on guard at night in case of any “lost” reindeer. This didn’t seem to bother you, as your instincts most likely told you to let the males fight it out, so he continued his pissing contest. For instance, no matter where you were, so was Alastor. He continuously shirked his hotel duties in favor of gluing himself to you and if he wasn’t (very publicly) rubbing against your neck or hair to leave traces of his heavy musk, and attempting to jump-start your heat with his pheromones, he was feeding you from the same plate as himself or whispering sweet words into your sensitive ears.
Oh yes, he saw with satisfaction how your ears twitched in contact with his warm breath and how you shivered slightly at his honeyed words of love. He also didn’t miss the glare that the Canadian continuously shot towards him, and aimed a shit-eating grin of his own right back, as you once again unconsciously relaxed into Alastor’s side.
Oh yes, The Radio Demon was absolutely certain that HIS doe would choose HIM as the superior mating option like she did every season over the trash that begged for a mere glance from her direction. HE was the one who always provided protection for her during this fragile time. HE always saw to her meals and ensured her nutrition as is the responsibility of the courting male. And HE was the one who you harbored romantic feelings for.
…Those same warm feelings that slept within him as well…
Alastor tried to shut the thought down before his mind strangled itself in a black cloud of doubt. To say that he was wholly unfamiliar with genuine romance, even throughout his many decades in Hell, was an understatement.
He huffed heavily through his nose.
Carmilla better have a good reason for dragging him away from his territory at such a time. As he begrudgingly made his way to the overlord meeting, Couldn't look weak during a season now could he? Alastor reflected on the last time he had allowed his heart to open itself for another long ago. It ended in his technological "friend" nearly voiding him to make a quick buck.
 …Never again…
 It certainly didn’t help his mood that the start of the rut season was ever hot on Alastor’s heels, but he could only wait for his pheromones to trigger his doe’s heat so every second away from you felt frustratingly wasted. He wondered if your body was taking longer than usual in response to the multiple suitors.
…What if she’s with him…
He shook his head as if trying to forcefully repel the vision of you accepting the other male’s advances. Laughing at James’s crude sense of humor turning into allowing him to drift ever closer to you and eventually seizing his chance to- no, his doe would never betray him.
...She's not mine...
It felt like a stone had settled in the pit of Alastor’s stomach at the thought of you being moved even emotionally by another. Ok fine! He was not the most romantically inclined during the rest of the year, but it wasn’t like you weren’t well aware of this relationship's transaction.
…What if she throws me away too?...
Alastor’s grip nearly broke his cane in half, but he didn’t notice in his shock at such an intrusive thought. She’d never reject him. He remembered how it felt like the whole of Hell suddenly stopped spinning the moment he found you hunched and bloody from defending yourself after an entire herd of bucks had stalked and cornered you in an alleyway. He normally never went out during a rut (can’t let anyone see his body’s weakness) but, even from the hotel, he had smelled something too alluring to ignore. A doe in heat.
Alastor thought you were magnificent in your demon form; legs bent like an actual cervid, claws sharp as knives, and covered in the blood of those filthy bucks who tried to take you by force. Even now the image continues to take his breath away.  
…I know her heart needs more…what if I …
No, that is not what this agreement is. You used him and he used you. Just like every other lost soul in Hell, you were leveraging your Satan-given circumstance to better your situation under his powerful allowances. Romance was merely a tool at best and a distraction at worst (Alastor tried to convince himself).
…What if her body chooses the other male’s pheromones…
He stopped dead in his tracks, just a short distance from the Carmine compound, as the surrounding windows shattered, and nearby demons fled from the intensity of his sudden static outburst. He felt his antlers grow and his bones shift in the fury that overcame him at the image of you held under the other man. Keening and gasping James’s name in your desperation to find relief from your heat. A loud snarl escaped him. Dammit! He never should have left her!
…What if his name is on her lips right now??!...
 Alastor had never phased through the shadows so fast in his afterlife.
Your POV
The kiss ended as quickly as it had begun once you felt yourself suddenly pulled into a suffocating nothingness, you opened your eyes to see that James was being violently shaken around in the air like a ragdoll. Only then did the blood in your ears stop pounding long enough for you to hear the sharp screeching of a ruined record and the overwhelming sensation of staticky pinpricks uncomfortably all over your body. Your instincts kicked in and you immediately scanned the yard for the cause of the disruption though you already knew its source as Alastor’s shadow was winding around your body protectively, but also in a restraining manner.
Your eyes searched for Alastor and found him, standing in between you and the flailing reindeer, to be almost unrecognizable in the most demonic appearance you have ever seen him and it broke your heart. Shit, he must have seen James kiss you and maybe even heard what you two had discussed. His body was completely stretched out and bent at impossible angles as he laughed manically at his rough treatment of James and snarled wildly, “HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON MY MATE!!!!”.
“ALASTOR! STOP IT!”, you cried out in hopes of capturing his attention away from James, but it seemed as though your voice had only made things worse as Alastor flung his prey high into the air with another laugh before turning his attention towards you.
Heavy footsteps rumbled through the air as Alastor stomped towards you menacingly slow like a predator taking his sweet time in devouring its next meal and you pulled at his shadow with all you were worth to free yourself of its confining hold. “Please wait!”, you pleaded with the Radio Demon (this wasn’t Alastor anymore). Surely he was about to kill you just like every other demon who he felt had crossed him and their screams and lifeless eyes danced in your memory, but, until now, you had never felt fear of the same fate. You knew hot tears were pouring down your cheeks and you tried to look as small as possible as the giant deer finally made his way towards you with the most strained smile you had ever seen split his face. It seemed like the green stitches that lined the smile were about to pop and you saw the black void of The Radio Demon’s eyes that were pinpointed by fastmoving golden dials.
You could only continue to sob and whimper out pleas for your life, quickly losing your voice in desperation, as Alastor kneeled down and bent his neck to look into your eyes before growling fiercely in your face. It wasn’t really understandable, but it sounded like the accusation that you could see in his twisted face and your heart sank even further. Of course, he must be feeling betrayed and angry, however, he also looked a bit…hurt? It was only for a moment but you were sure of what you saw and it made you wonder if this was really because he felt mating competition from the other male. You couldn’t ponder this any further, though, because you were suddenly whisked away from the hold of Alastor’s shadow in a vice of muscled arms, a firm chest, and white fur.
The fuck?!
“GIVE HER BACK TO MEEE!!!!”, Alastor roared so loud that your ears began to bleed and tighten even further against your skull.
You were quickly placed onto the safety of the hotel’s nearby back porch and looked up to your new kidnapper, only for your mind to completely blank as you took in James’s transformed body and the eerily powerful aura that radiated from his very soul. He walked in a circling motion towards Alastor as the two sized each other up. James now had two sets of strong, bent deer-like legs that attached to the abdomen of, what you assumed to be, a huge reindeer. His humanoid torso connected to the deer body and his shoulders to his head was adorned with spikes of thick, black antlers that grew more massive and curved as they reached the crown of his hairline. You recognized this form.
Dude was a freaking cervitaur? Wait…are DxD characters actually real??!
You noticed that thin vines lined his antlers with small, colorful flowers growing on them and that with each powerful step he took new plants sprouted from the contact of his hooves with the ground. James’s expression was marred with a threatening look towards Alastor and he began to kick out his back legs into the dirt as he twisted his, now thicc neck, from side to side in a warning display of his impressive but deadly rack.
The Radio Demon didn’t back down, however, returning the gesture as he coiled his body before both demons sprinted directly at each other as two harsh cervid howls rang out through the air like a thunderclap.
I really hope that you liked reading this! I enjoyed focusing on Alastor's side of things and James's demon transformation that is actually inspired by a DxD character. The cervidtaur, though James's powers will differ a bit, I believe that the fight of the next part will show off how awesome of a character design it is. 😊(See the pic below) I think I spent like a week researching reindeer aggression signs and how to write in a dude's pov 😂
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Taglist: I hope I did this right!
@Xalygatorx , @songbirdpond , @bitter-rabittt, @sakuraluna2468, @cinnamon-galaxies, @speedycoffeedelight, @diffidentphantom, @wtf-why-do-i-gotta-do-this, @eris-norwega, @anngray1369, @ladyadrasteia666, @wends, @prime-in-time-and-space, @supeersimpeer, @sirens-and-moonflowers, @type-ink, @fantasyhopperhea, @martinys-world, @apad-ravya, @galaxywolf3, @thoughfullovercreator, @Boogiemansbitch, @helluva-simper, @alastorsgirl48, @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog, @need-a-life-or-grass, @michi-keinz, @milkissesx, @ari42, @valerie-is-in-the-cupboard, @lil-glum, @amariskygal, @strawberryoverlord1893, @cherry-cola-100, @noellebellq, @lettuce-frog16, @junieshohoho, @phoephan-123, @dreamraven13
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 month
Shush (Sebastian Solace x Reader)
Notes: Part Three of Painter and Sebastian on the surface, small bit of angst in the beginning? But it's not really angst. I apologize if Painter really isn't written that often in this little series of mine, little computer needs the attention :(
Anyways, I seriously cherish all of you who read the last ones! I hope you guys have an amazing day and a wonderful sleep :33
Also! Series will be named Slice of Life, it's a bit boring but it fits
Credit for the dividers to @cafekitsune
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The distant squeak of a door opening wakes you.
Eyes snapping opening, you hurriedly sat up, glancing around your room to see if anything is out of place. Oh god, oh god what is it? Where is it? Is it a Wall Dweller? God those things can't even leave you alone-! You stopped when you realized you're still in your room, you're still in bed. Wrapped up in blankets. Nothing is coming after you anymore, nothing. Eyes still darting around the room in confused panic, attempting to find anything out of place.
Dresser by the door, your messy desk pushed up against the wall, your coats hanging off the coat hanger in the corner of the room; turning your head, spotting the potted plants growing by the window, the dark sky speckled with shiny lights. You're home, not down underneath the sea anymore.
Letting out a sigh, you slumped down, using your hands to cover your eyes. It's tiring. This has been a routine for several days now; you wake up in the middle of the night to the slightest noise, thinking you're back down in the facility back with Sebastian and Painter scavenging for supplies, attempting to avoid death and survive.
"Fucking shit-!" You turned too late, a Wall Dweller jumping onto you, the force of it causing you to fall towards the ground. Damnit, you were too busy with the circuit that you didn't hear the damn thing! Its blood-stained claws dangerously close to your throat, your arms pushing back with all the strength you could muster.
Panic swells in your whole entire body, your heartbeat beating loudly in your ears as you struggled to push that damn thing off. But to no avail, its claws were barely touching the column of you neck now.
Tears began pricking at the edge of your eyes, no no no no nononononononononono-! This can't be how it ends, you're so close to your goal-!
A light knock startles you out of the memory, head snapping up to the door. Did you imagine it? A few seconds passed.
*Knock knock*
Getting out from underneath the covers, you cautiously walked over to the door, slowly opening the door knob as you peeked in through the gap. Only did you open it fully once you saw the tear-stained face of Sebastian, concern written all over your face.
"Seb?" Calling out gently to the man, he looked down at you, a sadness in his eyes. Silently reaching up, you cup the side his face, slowly swiping your thumb underneath one of his eyes to rid of a stray tear. "Seb what's wrong?" He merely nuzzles into the palm of your hand, his eyes shut, a frown tugging at the edges of his mouth. His other hand merely grabs at the your unoccupied hand and intertwines his larger fingers with yours, the third merely resting on your forearm.
A rush of heat flushes across your cheeks, but you quickly pushed that down, scolding yourself. Sebastian needs comfort right now, no need to get flustered. You've done this several times!
But no matter how many times it happens, butterflies still erupt in your stomach.
There has been several instances where you seen Sebastian like this— all rare—where he just couldn't hold in the stress he felt or the amount of nightmares he attempted to endure by himself. So in order to combat that, you suggested something like physical touch, since that was something that helped when you when you were stressed. He rejected it at first, saying something along the lines that he, "wasn't a baby that needs to be consoled whenever it cries". But when it happened again, he went up to you and silently held your hand, eyes purposely avoiding your gaze.
A small frown settles upon your lips, your hand currently intertwined with his giving it a soft squeeze. "You wanna come in?" You whispered, sweeping a stray hair behind his ear fin. Flickering his eyes open, he merely nods, half-lidded eyes looking down at you as he nuzzles deeper into your palm.
"Careful, don't want the whole entire thing to fall on us.." Dresser pushed to the side, coats laid on your bare bed, your chair missing from your desk; all used to make a cozy blanket cove. Since your bed wasn't big enough for the two of you, this would have to suffice. You even dug around a few old boxes in your closet and found some fairy lights you had, using them to give the inside a feeling of warmth. Pillows large and small and fluffy blankets scattered the inside of the fort, even a few plushies scattered around.
You even went out of your way to grab a few snacks and drinks from the kitchen, said snacks in a little corner of the cove.
"This is stupid." The man remarked, lying down on his back, a good portion of his tail peaking out the entrance of the fort. His head resting his on your stomach as he pops in a piece of dried mango into his mouth, your legs spread out comfortable.
"Shut up, it's not stupid," Using the brush to comb out the small knot in his hair, "-it's genius." That earned a playful scoff from Sebastian, small grins appearing on both your faces. "Oh it so is stupid." He counters, offering a piece of the dried fruit up to your mouth, a quiet thanks slipped out of your mouth before you ate it.
"Shush, none of that." Once his hair was combed and fully free of knots, you began separating his hair into three sections to be braided. Now that you think about it, this kind of feels like a sleepover, the whole blanket fort, the snacks, hell even the braiding.
"What are you smiling about?"
"Just . . . this kind of reminds me of a sleepover." A chuckle leaves your lips right when you're finishing Sebastian's braid, looping the hair tie one last time before letting go, "Done."
Sebastian stays laying in your lap, now looking up at you, an unreadable expression present. You gotta say though, he looks very pretty with his hair up, all his eyes present with a few stray hairs here and there.
". . . I never had a sleepover." He mumbled sitting up, adjusting himself so he was lying down on his stomach, bringing over a pillow to rest his head and upper arms on. His third one looked for your hand, quickly intertwining them once he did. The fluttering feeling came back tenfold, a blush threatening to appear as he peered up at you with those half-lidded eyes.
Quickly brushing it off, you leaned over to the small corner, grabbing a juice with your free hand before leaning back, "Really? Not even as a kid?"
Silence overtook the fort, mulling over a response as you took a swing out of your juice, "Well, we're going to have to fix that now, aren't we?" You smiled broadly at Sebastian, giving a squeeze to your intertwined hands.
Genuine surprise overtook his face, the fins of his ears perked up at your statement, a blue flush flooding his cheeks. "R-Really?"
"Yes, absolutely." Turning on your phone, you took a glance at the date, "How about this, every Friday, we'll make a blanket fort. I'll go out and buy whatever snacks and drinks you want, and we'll put on a movie. Hell, even let Painter join, let them have some fun too." Turning back to him, you grin, "How about it?"
He merely stares in silence, eyes wide as the words process in his mind. "You're . . . really serious about this?"
"Of course, we'll make up some other things you missed out on as well!"
". . . you're so stupid."
". . . yeah, I like that idea."
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Last Part, Next Part
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libby-for-life · 6 months
hi i'm the anon that sent the request about the rare pair!
okay so the request is alastor x adam or angelicradio: i would like to think that alastor would be obsessed with adam cause adam was able to beat him and no one has every done that before(besides lucifer, if they had ever fought🤷🏽‍♀️). And now that adam is a sinner, alastor would take the opportunity to 'woo' adam or like 1930s it and 'court' him. i'm aware that alastor would rather use adam in some type of twisted plan he would have, but let me dream lol. so adam start giving alastor a chance and they went on a date to test the waters and adam really enjoyed it, although he is a little hesitant, because of what happened with his first two wives and lucifer. so alastor 'shows' him..
tender/possessive sex, please!
sorry for the word vomit
No problem! The more detailed the prompt is, the more the one-shot can be made to your liking! Now, believe it or not, Adam and Alastor are not that rare of a pair. Check the ao3 tag!
Anyway, let us begin! This is not Lucifer-friendly. I will also try respecting Alastor being Ace. I have an idea of how it would work without having Alastor physically having sex with Adam. Hopefully, I do it justice.
Three months.
Alastor had no idea what he should do and that was something he wouldn't stand for. The Radio Demon would like to think he knew himself well. He knew his emotions and how to regulate them. He was the epitome of class and refinement, with a taste for other demons and danger.
But he didn't know how he felt about Adam. At first, when the man came into the hotel after making a deal with Charlie Morningstar, Alastor was determined not to be in the same room as the brash sheep demon. He could let go of Adam hurting him in public when he was dead for good. But now that he was alive and under the same roof as him?
It was insulting, to say the least. Well, for the first few months. Now? He couldn't help but secretly be impressed that Adam held his own so well against him. No demon in Hell could say that.
Adam was an enigma. A puzzle to solve. Alstor could read people well, but Adam had so many layers. Most could only see the first layer. A brash and fowled mouth demon who was under soul contract with Charlie. The second layer was harder to see. Adam reserved it for animals.
Surprisingly, he was good with them. Extremely good. Any animal, no matter how dangerous, acted calmly or like an excited puppy near Adam. When he was alone with them, he had a softer voice and didn't swear as much. He cuddled them gently and took care of them with that of someone who loved animals.
His third layer was for when he was completely alone. When Adam was sure no one was watching, he looked defeated and broken. A shell of the angel who fought him so easily. He cried quietly. Not loudly like some would for attention. Adam cried as if he had no sound to give. Like someone had turned the nob of a radio to silent, and all you were left with was uncomfortable silence.
Alastor didn't know what to feel. So, he observed him from afar. Some would call it stalking but he was nothing like that infernal TV demon. He had class.
When he witnessed Lucifer make a snide comment about Adam's weight to his face, Alastor could feel the anger rolling off him. He could also feel, on a much smaller scale, how much it hurt him. Alastor watched as Adam ate less. It was enough where no one noticed unless you were looking for it, someone like Alastor for instance, but enough where Adam was losing weight.
Something in Alastor moved. Maybe it was the poor boy from the Bayou talking, but he didn't like the idea of anyone starving. Especially if they were doing it to themselves.
Without really thinking, Alastor had one day took Adam by the arm and teleported them to the kitchen alone.
"What the fuck, you freak!?" Adam yelled, his eyes darting around in anger. Alastor was sure that he was the only one who could see the fear in his eyes.
"Now, none of that!" Alastor laughed. "When was the last time you've eaten?"
A pause and then a growl. "None of your fucking business!" Alastor nodded. "That long. You must be famished then!"
He pushed the sheep demon into a chair and watched with some amusement as Adam fell into it. "How about some jambalaya? My mother's recipe is the best in Hell!"
"And what makes you think that I would trust anything you make for me?" Adam said with narrowed eyes. "How do I know you won't poison me or something?"
Alastor let out a chuckle. The idea of poisoning him was a funny way to kill him. But it wasn't the Radio Demon's preferred method. No, he liked to be up close and personal when choosing his victims. Adam wasn't even on his list if Alastor was being honest with himself. When did that happen? He shook his head. It didn't matter but he did have a reputation to uphold after all.
"Oh, Adam. You've been here for three months now? If I wanted to kill you, I would have done so already!"
He watched as Adam mulled over his words before shrugging. "Ah, fuck it. But why food?"
Alastor rolled his eyes. "Didn't I already tell you why? You're hungry, Adam. You're intentionally skipping meals. No one under this roof will starve while I'm here." And that was it. Adam didn't say anything else and neither did Alastor for the duration of the meal. But somehow, they both knew that something had changed. Any time Adam skipped a meal, Alastor was there to make sure he ate.
Four months
Alastor and Adam had begun acting differently with each other. Alastor wasn't sure when that happened, but they were...friendly with each other. They joked, they ate together, and they even sometimes took walks around Hell. Alastor didn't know how things had changed but the Radio Demon wasn't opposed to it.
Adam was good company when you looked past the first layer. No one seemed even willing to try to look past the tough exterior Adam put out to protect himself. A shell that Alastor finally seemed to be slowly chipping away with hard work. No good friendship was easy but the Radio Demon, weirdly enough, was willing to give it a go.
He was currently telling all this to his best friend, Rosie. Oh, and what a doll she was!
"Oh, Alastor! That's wonderful!" Rosie said with a warm smile. But that smile quickly turned into a playful smirk. "But you don't see it, do you?"
Alastor tilted his head. He didn't like to be on the outs when it came to information. Rosie knew this though, so she had better get to the point.
"What do you mean, dear?"
"Alastor, you're in love. Or at least attracted to him." Alastor felt something snap in him, like a record snapping in half.
He let out a laugh. "Rosie, you do say the most hilarious things! In love? Me? Preposterous! Why, perish the thought!"
Rosie just gave him a knowing smirk. "You haven't stopped talking to about him for an hour. That says a lot."
Alastor looked at his now cold tea. Him? In love with Adam? He couldn't be! He had never been even attracted to anyone when he was alive nor since he died. Why would Rosie even suggest this?
"Just think about it." Rosie urged. And so Alastor did. He thought about it when he did his broadcast. He thought about it when he and Adam ate dinner, the lamb conveniently forgot, and he thought about it when he was sitting in his bed.
He thought about Adam in general. He was pleasing to the eyes. Anyone could see that. Big brown eyes, all soft curves, and a throat he just wanted to bite—
"Shit," Alastor said when he realized it. He guessed Rosie was right after all. He glanced at his lap. If he gave this a try, would Adam be okay with him not having sexual intimacy with him? Sex didn't gross him out, but he just never felt the need for it. His body wasn't made for something like that and Alastor had come to accept that. It was no skin off his nose in life or death.
But from Alastor's experience, nobody was satisfied with that. They always wanted more than what he could give. A certain annoying television came into mind making him growl. Would Adam be the same?
He sighed as he flopped into bed. He would think about this tomorrow.
Four months, two weeks
Alastor gave it enough thought. He was well and truly in love with Adam. He watched his lamb, for he was his and his alone, sitting on the hotel's roof with an animal he didn't care to know the name of. It was a cross between a chicken and a rat with a beak full of razor-sharp teeth that wouldn't hesitate to bite your shins if you weren't careful.
Adam, of course, was the exception to it all as he petted the thing on his lap as it slept. He murmured soft things to it and looked at peace.
Alastor was holding a bouquet, one that held meaning. It consisted of red Roses, peonies, tulips, amaryllis, and American Cowslip. It was hard for even him to get flowers such as this, they didn't normally grow in the Pride Ring, but Alastor wanted to pull all the stops.
He sighed to himself, why was he so nervous, as he walked up to the lamb demon. Alastor cleared his throat to get his attention and Adam turned to him with a lazy smile. "Hi, Alastor. What do you got there?"
"I know exactly what they mean." Alastor interrupted. "I picked them out especially for you." Adam let out a shaky breath, his warm brown eyes flickering from the flowers back to the Radio Demon.
Alastor bowed to Adam and presented him with the flowers. "For you, mon ange~" The sheep demon gently moved the sleeping creature before gingerly taking the bouquet in his hands. "Alastor, do you know what these mean? Because—"
"Adam, would you do me the magnificent honor of allowing me to court you?" Brown eyes widened. It was filled with fear, hurt, hope, and intrigue. Adam was always filled with so much emotion.
"I—I, you have to know about my failed marriages. I don't want to fuck up what we have because I want more." He said softly. This was the most vulnerable he had ever seen the demon. Alastor realized just how much trust he was putting in him and he couldn't help but feel even more love.
"No relationship, friendship or romantic, is easy." He placed a clawed hand on the taller demon's cheek causing him to gasp softly. "But I want to try." Alastor then added, "If you feel uncomfortable with the idea though, we can forget this happened. I am more than happy being friends with you."
He watched so many emotions flicker in his eyes before Adam timidly smiled. "Let's do it. Let's fuckign do it."
Four months, three weeks.
Alastor brushed through his hair with a comb. This was it. He had a date with Adam. Their first ever date was tonight and everything had to be perfect. For the past week, they have been keeping their relationship a secret. Alastor was fine with that. He wanted his lamb to be comfortable with everything they do.
They had sweet nights together, just talking about everything and anything. Food prepared especially for Adam that Alastor tried to replicate from when the man was alive. He also had fun showing him his own roots. Adam was a fast learner, taking all the information like a sponge. Sure, his vocabulary was sprinkled with curses and his music was less than desirable, but they both respected each other and that said a lot.
Alastor took one last look in the mirror and smiled. He was never fully dressed without one.
Walking out of his room, he made his way to Adam's room where they agreed to meet up before heading to the restaurant. As he prepared himself to knock, he heard a voice he recognized immediately and it made his hackles rise.
"What's wrong, Adam? Where's that furious spirit you have?" Lucifer. He hated that man. Not only was he a neglectful father, but he was also a pitiful man who moaned about his ex-wife all the time to those who could hear it. Especially when he was drunk. He threw his power around with Adam because Charlie had him under contract and he wasn't allowed to hurt anyone in the hotel. Lucifer used this against him a lot.
"Let go! Fucking let go!" Adam yelled angrily but Alastor could hear the fear tinged in it. With a furious growl, he manifested into the room and took in what was in front of him.
Lucifer had a leash around Adam's neck, holding it harshly to the point he was wheezing. A heeled boot was digging into his lower back and Alastor knew it would leave a bruise.
"Well, what do you have here?" Alastor growled out menacingly. They both looked up. One with a carefully blank expression and the other with a fearful yet hopeful look.
"Run along, Bambi. This doesn't concern you." Lucifer said before he yanked the chain again. Adam, like the good lamb he was, refused to let out the whimper Alastor could see bubbling up.
"Charlie is looking for you. What should I tell her about what I'm seeing?" Lucifer growled out as well. Pure demonic energy filled the room, neither one seemingly ready to back down. Alastor supposed the fear of losing whatever family he had left was enough for Lucifer to back down after awhile. With a final yank, the chain disappeared along with the King of Hell.
Alastor helped Adam up and brought him into a hug. "My dear, it's alright now. I won't let him do that anymore."
Adam was shaking, trusting that Alastor wouldn't make fun of him for being so shaken up. As if the Radio Demon would ever do such a thing. "Adam, it's going to be okay. I'm here to protect you now." Adam finally allowed a few tears out and gave a shaky smile. "You always are. Thank you, Alastor. I hope this doesn't ruin our date."
"Of course not. And might I say, you look beautiful!" With a snap of his fingers, the dirt on Adam disappeared from his clothes leaving him in the nice dress shirt and pants he had dressed himself in.
"Should we head for the restaurant now? We do have reservations if you're still up for it."
"Fuck yes."
The date was splendid. The food was excellent. Adam seemed to have had a wonderful time and they were now in Alastor's bedroom.
The Radio Demon smirked at his lamb, who was sitting on his lap with a blush on his face. "Now, before we do anything, I must confess something." Alastor knew this was truly the moment of truth. Would Adam accept him for who he was?
"I can't have sex with you." He said bluntly. Adam tilted his head, blush fading as he listened to Alastor. "I just never felt that way before. Never. Even now, when I'm holding you and want to bite you, I'm not aroused in the slightest."
Adam nodded as if he just explained everything. "You're asexual. That's fine."
"I'm what now?" Alastor asked, completely confused by the term.
"Asexual. Someone who doesn't have a sexual attraction to anyone. I mean, there's a whole ass spectrum and I'm not the best fucking person to explain everything, but yeah. That's perfectly normal. There are plenty of people in Heaven who are asexual and who are still in healthy relationships. We don't have to have sex. I want to be with you because I love you."
Alastor chuckled. Who knew there was a word this entire time that explained why he was the way he was? "Oh, Adam. You really are the best thing to Fall into Hell."
Adam was back to blushing now, flustered by the compliment. "But I believe you misunderstood me." The sheep demon looked delightfully confused. "While I might not be doing anything, doesn't mean we can't have fun."
Alastor grinned wickedly as he summoned his shadow and picked Adam up. The sheep squeaked in surprise at the sudden motion. "Let me show you just how much fun we can have." The shadow directed Adam and had him turned around but not before stripping him naked. He was dropped back onto Alastor's lap who was quick to grab his wrists and pin them above with a tentacle.
"A—Alastor!" Adam moaned out when the Radio Demon licked up his neck. His lamb smelled delicious~.
"Yes, my dear? I hope this is to your liking." Adam moaned when his shadow twisted his nipples gently. Alastor didn't know that he would be so sensitive!
Adam rocked in his lap and Alastor watched fascinated as he got aroused. This was something that he caused and for some reason, it gave a possessive and obsessive need to be the only one to cause this. No one would ever be allowed to touch Adam this way. He would sooner burn all of Hell down before he would allow someone to touch what was his. Alastor's mother always said he never liked to share.
"More, please!" Adam begged. Alastor loved it when his lamb begged. He sounded beautiful. "More? Oh, but our first time should be gentle." He teased into the crook of his neck, knowing that would drive someone like Adam insane.
"I can take it! Please!" Adam begged.
"Now, don't be a brat or I might have to spank you like one. Your first time with me will be gentle and loving." Alastor's word was law and Adam could tell because he nodded pitifully.
While his shadow was busy deep-throating Adam, the Radio Demon licked and bit his way through Adam's neck. He tasted divine! A true delicacy! Experimenting, Alastor bit down hard, hard enough to draw blood. Adam moaned loud and low, his dick twitching in his shadow. Ah, so he liked biting? That was something they had in common.
Adam was thrashing in his hold so Alastor held him down by one hip while his shadow held him down on the other. The Radio Demon was stronger than Adam but the fact that his lamb didn't fight back when he was held down showed Alastor how much trust he had in him. Trust that he would take care of him.
It was a heady feeling. More tentacles appeared and each caressed exposed skin as Adam writhed in his grip.
To seal the whole thing, Alastor watched as he drank some tea. The sounds of begging and crying from pleasure were lovely. He folded a leg over his left and watched as his lamb moaned looking at him. Perhaps he was turned on by the fact that Alastor was watching and not actively participating. He could work with that.
Alastor watched as he ejaculated in his shadow, who gobbled it up with a smirk. "And now for the main event!" Adam was held aloft, tentacles holding him in the air. His shadow, equipped with the necessary parts, stretched the pent-up Adam.
His chubby body was on full display and it delighted Alastor to know that his lamb was plumping up. It means he wasn't starving himself as much.
"Look at you! All tied up for me to look at. I just want to put you on display, you're so beautiful!" Adam moaned, his voice muffled by a tentacle in his mouth.
"You looked stuffed, lamb. Do you want to be my feast?" Alastor asked as he casually sipped his tea.
His shadow seemed done prepping him and was now gently thrusting into him, just like Alastor ordered him to. Nice and slow. Gentle. It was sure to drive Adam mad with pleasure.
Adam moaned, his body rocking in the grip of his tentacles. "I love this look on you. A drooling mess. But it's mine, understood? I don't like to share, my lamb. If we are to do this, you must only do it with me." The tentacle in his mouth was brought out of his mouth and it turned Adam's head in his direction. "Well, Adam? Do you want to be mine? To hold? To love? To be partners in every sense of the word?"
Adam had just enough sense left in his brain to yell out, "Yes! I want you!" Alastor watched as he climaxed on the floor as his shadow finished inside him. Adam was gently placed in Alastor's arms and the Radio Demon took him to the bathroom. Yes, this lamb was his alone.
Hope that was good! Again, I tried to keep Alastor as canon as I could. Love you, anon!
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sanccharine · 9 months
blueberry muffins | sn
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single parent au, christmas au
pairing: babysitter!sana x single parent!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 7.2k
warning: so sweet it'll rot your teeth ! ew that ryhmed, i'm sorry
summary: when your own life becomes a b-rated hallmark holiday movie (not that you're complaining)
a/n: finally, what was supposed to be last year's christmas fic and the sequel to pizza party! is here !! all thanks to this request !! this was co-written by @eternallyghosting (she wrote three (very important) sentences and the summary, which is easily the hardest part of writing fics) strangely, it was nice writing domestic fluff again and also i gave up on the banner :D also is this happy belated christmas bc this was for last year or is it early bc christmas is in five days ?? anygays, happy holidays !!
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The moment the car stopped, a door was being shoved open. You didn’t have to check the rearview mirror to know that your son had sprinted out. Shaking your head, you shifted the gear to park before turning your gaze at your girlfriend. 
Minatozaki Sana was a confident woman. Or at least that is what you’ve gathered over the last year. She was never one to hide how she felt; it was she who had made the first move. So to see her eyes glazed over, trained on the raindrops collecting at the edge of the windshield was concerning, to say the least. 
“Hey,” was all you uttered, even quiet to your own ears. But Sana was attuned to your voice so she straightened before she turned to meet your gaze.
In the many years that make up a life, a year may be inconsequential. Between those three hundred and sixty-five days many things can happen. You can meet new people, spend time with them and get to really know their likes and dislikes, understand what truly makes and motivates them. During this time, you could gain lifelong friends, whom you instantly sync with only to lose them by the end of the year. Twelve months is enough time to drive you away from your family, to uproot your life and start anew, or perhaps return home to loving arms where everything remains unchanged. A year is a million moments of frustration and tears and happiness, a combination of beginning and endings, and gain and loss. But many years later, those instances would be fleeting at best. 
A whole year; a passing moment. 
Perhaps that’s why you were pleasantly surprised with how well things were with Sana. Having known each other for almost two years, from kind greetings building up to genuine conversations. The slow build of your relationship, from when you first asked her about her bad day to when she finally asked you out for a coffee date. There was not a moment you regretted, and to think that this was all the result of your son, the last shove the pair of you needed. 
Now Sana has moved in, you wake up to her running around your home alongside your son. She’d gone from his babysitter to someone who takes an active role in his life, someone who shapes him to be better. Someone he can learn from, grow with, and rely on, especially when you weren’t there for him. 
Simply put, you couldn't be more sure of your decision to be with her. Now, there were only a few more steps. 
Without saying a word, you reached for her hand, her fingers interlocking with yours instinctively. “I’m not worried, I just need a moment,” Sana said, the frozen glaze slowly dissipating from her eyes. 
Exhaling, you reached out to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. Silky soft to the touch, even with her constant dyeing. How she managed to maintain the texture remained a mystery. From her natural brown to blinding orange to auburn to back to her brown, you’ve seen Sana’s hair shift faster than the seasons. Though in the dark of the night, your car was only illuminated by the lamppost a meter away, her hair seemed so depthless it was inky black.  
Sana leaned into your touch, her eyes fluttering shut as you held her. Just as you were about to assure her, a loud thump on the glass startled you both apart. 
“Aren’t you coming?” Your son asked loudly, though it sounded muffled since he had the side of his face and palms pressed flat against the glass. With another slap to the glass, he moved away but not before saying. “Open the trunk, I need to show grandma my chef’s hat and cookbook.” 
Sana had gone from clutching her heart to clutching her stomach as she doubled over with laughter. You, on the other hand, had to rest your forehead on the steering wheel to let out a long and exaggerated groan. 
“He will be the—”
Your son hit the car twice, yelling. “Trunk, please!” 
“Okay, okay, I’m opening it! It’s opening,” you stumbled to find the button. With a huff, you took out your car keys while Sana was still giggling as she got out to help with the suitcase. 
Your son had catapulted himself into your father’s arms as you headed up the porch, luggage in hand. Sana followed behind you, not necessarily hiding, but slightly obscuring herself from your parents. Smiling, you extended your free hand to take hers as you reached the door. 
“Oh, look who’s home!” your father exclaimed, as he swiftly lifted your son up and placed him on his hip. 
“Don’t do that! Who’s going to pay for another surgery?” you said, scowling while your mother slapped at his arm, trying to pry your son away. 
“With all that hard work, it will be you, of course,” your father said, before whispering at your son who then burst into giggles after peeking at you. 
“Well, if it's all the same, help me out with our bags—”
“Not happening,” your father said before walking into the house. 
“Here, let me,” your mother passed right by you and attempted to take the bag Sana was shouldering. Sana tried to decline politely, but your mother wasn’t having it. Soon the bag was in her hands and she took Sana’s hand in hers. Your mother gave you a smile as she guided Sana into the house. “She’s beautiful.” 
“I know, Mom,” you groaned, the smile hard to suppress. 
Home felt familiar. There was a smell, something you couldn’t pinpoint exactly. Of course, there were notes you recognised. A blend of your mother’s baking and your father’s obnoxious perfumes against the smell of rain. Something you’ve experienced so many times before and have long yearned to return to. As for furniture, nothing seemed to have changed. You spotted a few new frames, photos of your son now competing with numerous photos of yourself. Then one that really stopped you in your tracks. 
Your mother, artistic in all of her endeavours, had a growing collage of her favourite photos on a pinboard. You don’t come home often to notice all the small edits she makes, but this one was glaringly obvious. It was a picture that was clearly printed out recently. On normal paper it seemed, it lacked the gloss. It was cut to the shape of the three people in the photo, bordered with orange craft paper and stuck on at the very edge of the board. 
It was a picture of you, your son… and Sana. 
One night, when Sana decided it was time for her classic bright orange to return, she asked whether you wanted to dye your hair as well. 
Of course, in an instant, you answered no. Unfortunately, your son had overheard the question and practically begged you to let him dye his hair. So that night, both you and your son earned a few strands of orange hair that matched Sana. 
Almost on instinct, your hand drifted to the spot behind your neck, hiding a few stray strands of fading bright orange hair. When you had sent the image to your mother, you’d laughed at it because your face was barely in it to your mother’s disappointment. In fact, you were showing your back and looking over your shoulder so the orange was peeking through. Sana wore a blinding grin that also matched your son’s, who was pointing at the streak of orange in his fringe. But here it was, printed and cut out and pasted. 
The sight invoked a feeling you couldn’t place. 
Someone stepped to your right to observe the same picture. 
And then Sana turned to look at you, her eyes glassy. 
Even if it wasn’t said, you know what this means. 
The words were in your mouth when your mother spoke from your left. “I hope you don’t mind me putting up that picture there,” she said with scrunched eyebrows. “I really liked it.” 
Sana’s lips twitched upward as she shook her head. “I don’t mind at all.”
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Introductions were quite brief, having heard each other quite a bit from you. Besides, you knew once your son tired himself out and was asleep, your parents could really get to know Sana. So, you decided to move your bags up to your scheduled room. 
Unfortunately for you, Sana stopped by another door. 
Gasping, Sana pushed the door open and took in every corner of your childhood room. 
The room was exactly as you left it. Except less messy. No furniture was moved, no posters torn down, no trinkets replaced—it was as if you had never even left. 
Sana moved to your study desk, her finger brushing the spines of textbooks that had made your high school years a living hell. 
“Did you study a lot?” Sana asked, her voice light as if she were absent-minded. 
“Not really, just enough to pass I guess,” Sana sent you a look over her shoulder, head slightly tilted in suspicion before turning her attention back to the desk. 
She poked the trophies and participation awards, smiling at your photos crammed to a side before picking one up. 
“Someone looks awfully upset here,” she brandished a photo of you standing on a podium, glaring holes at the person in front of you while you gripped your smaller award. “Sore loser much?” 
“I deserved first place! You weren’t there, alright?” you rolled your eyes, plucking the photo away from her while she moved towards your bed.
“I can’t imagine you’d ever have such a tidy room,” she chuckled as she took a seat by the foot of the bed, bouncing a little on the comfortable mattress. 
“Yeah, well, you have my mother to thank for that,” you smiled, as you leaned on your desk, facing Sana. Watching her. 
Perhaps, it was nostalgia. Or exhaustion. Who knows, maybe even the holiday spirit. But you liked staying here, being in your old room, surrounded by things you’ve long forgotten, from a time you don’t particularly miss, but now, with Sana. Someone who promised a new start. 
Sana watched you in turn, her lips pressed thin as she suppressed a knowing smile. 
Leaning back, she asked. “So, is this where we’ll be sleeping? In your old room?” 
Chuckling, you shook your head. “Not a chance,” you jutted your chin at the single bed, “you feel like being crammed into that?”
Sana shook her head as she turned around to feel the quilt, lips quirked up at the shark pattern.
“No, we’re taking the guest room,” you said, walking to your door. From here, you could just about see over the stairway railing and into the kitchen. Both your parents buzzed around your son like moths to a flame, grins on all of their faces. With a soft sigh, you said. “The one that will be coddled, pampered, and spoiled for the next week will be sleeping in here.” 
Content for the moment, you turned your attention back to Sana but she was already looking at you. An expression akin to worry was on her features. 
“They’ll like me right?” 
Sana closed in on herself, hands dragging down the quilt to feel it one more time before folding in front of her stomach. Her eyes darted around the room before settling back on you. You hated seeing Sana like this. 
“You don’t have anything to worry about,” you pushed away from your place at the door and took Sana’s face in your hands, helping her to look up at you. “They’ll love you.”
You leaned down, your nose brushing against hers as a chuckle escaped her. 
“Just like you do,” she giggled cheekily. 
You kissed her to stop her teasing. 
“Hmm, sure,” but still, you admitted. “Just like I do.”  
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Once your son had tired himself out and you had unpacked your things, you decided it was time to put him to bed. With his blue set of pyjamas that matched your ancient shark-patterned bed sheets, he clambered and got under the sheets, tucking himself in neatly. You took a seat by him on the bed, hand reaching out to comb his unruly hair out of his face. 
“How are you feeling?” you asked, a bit slowly. 
“Good,” your son admitted, “it’s nice to see grandma and grandpa again.” 
The muscle in your jaw tensed. 
You wished you could visit home often, a long drive or not, it wasn’t too hard to come back home. However, work dragged you away and you didn’t even have time to consider a plan for the weekend. Even now, your ‘long’ weekend as an excuse for a holiday was extended into a week of freedom after you’d lined up your leave days and practically begged for the holidays. There was no shame in it, the end of this year was important. There were big changes ahead. 
“Good,” you parroted. 
“Grandma loved my hat and said we can bake some treats from the cookbook,” he exclaimed. You nodded as he continued. “I asked her if we could make a cake—a blue one!—like Percy!”
“Like Percy,” you scoffed as you completed the sentence with him. 
“She said she knows a trick so the food doesn’t come out green,” he added and you didn’t doubt him. 
Ever since his class was given free rein over the library, your son has been reading quite a lot. On top of his fascination with cooking, of course. This was the longest he’s stuck with a hobby or interest, and reading that his favourite character managed to eat special blue food, catered to him by his loving mother, only spurred your son more to mimic it. 
With your help, and Sana’s… mostly Sana’s, your son has mastered green pastries, desserts and sweets. Or ogre food, as you lovingly call it. For reasons that you couldn’t guess, no dye seemed to do the trick, perhaps you were buying cheap brands?
“Yeah, I’m sure she does,” you rolled your eyes before pinching his nose, at which he swatted your hand away. 
“So which book are we reading tonight?” Sana asked, walking into your childhood home with a book in her hand. You could guess which one it was. 
“The Lightning Thief!” your son squealed when Sana held the book up. 
“Don’t you get tired of reading the same one again and again?” you asked, watching Sana as she took a seat on the other side of the bed. 
“Nope!” your son said, popping the ‘p’ for emphasis. 
“Okay, but aren’t you curious about what happens next—?”
“Oh, don’t start this again,” Sana said, as she conspirately shook her head with your son, clearly over your grumbling. 
“I’m just saying—!”
“Oh look at the time,” your son pulled up his empty wrist. “It’s bedtime, we only have time to read a few pages, let's get started!” 
Scowling, you pinched your son’s cheek and he had the audacity to giggle. 
Sana had started reading the chapter you’d stopped on. Her voice was soothing to listen to, even if the story wasn’t too uplifting. Getting comfortable, you curled up next to your son over his quilt and watched his drooping eyes struggle to stay open. 
As Sana finished the chapter, she glanced over. A smile tugged on her lips when she found that your son was deep asleep. 
With a nod, you kissed him on the forehead and made sure he was comfortable. Following suit, Sana placed a kiss of her own on his temple. The pair of you exited the room on your tiptoes and slowly closed the door behind you. 
“I’ll take the book back,” you said, extending your hand out. 
Instead, Sana placed a kiss on your cheek, her eyes lidded. 
“What was that for?” you asked, surprised but you weren’t complaining. 
“Just because,” she shrugged and then handed the book over to you. 
“Are you stalling seeing my parents?” you asked with a smirk as your hand came to rest by her neck, your thumb tipping her jaw to face you. 
“Not at all,” Sana said with such conviction that if you didn’t know her better, you’d have believed her. 
“They won’t take much time, I won’t let them interrogate you. I can tell them we’re tired and we need rest,” you said tilting your head to the side. “Which we do, honestly.” 
Sana nodded with a sigh, her eyes shuttered close as she leaned into the warmth of your palm. 
You pulled yourself in for a kiss, a gentle one, on her lips. Sana hummed before pushing away. 
“I’ll see you in a second,” you whispered. “You got this.”
She nodded and turned towards the stairs. You waited till she reached the bottom of the stairs before making your way to the guest room. Staying for such a short time, there was no need to unpack completely, and for that, you were slightly grateful. That meant you could hide things without anyone being the wiser. 
Dropping the book down on the open suitcase, you kneeled to rummage through the clothes. Making sure to lift layers of clothes as it is, you find a small velvet box at the very bottom. The sight of it brought a smile to your face. It can only mean so many things, though you still have some things to complete. 
Leaving it in the same room would be a gamble. The guest room was basically empty, anyone would be able to find it. Every other room in this house had someone staying in it or had them frequent it often. Anything moved out of its place would ring the alarm bells, no, you needed to hide this somewhere no one was likely to check. 
So you walked back to your childhood room and entered as quietly as you could. Your son was sound asleep. The left door on your cupboard creaked when it opened, but if you applied pressure on the hinges as you opened, it made barely any sound. Locating the bottommost drawer, you pulled up your old clothes and shoved the box at the very back before hiding it under the clothes. 
Happy with your task, you exited the room just as stealthily and made your way down to join your family as if nothing were amiss. 
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Even with the help of your mother, it seems your son had difficulty mastering blue food. 
Somehow your mother managed to convince your son from an elaborate tiered cake to a classic sponge cake to plain old blueberry muffins. You’d hoped that maybe you could escape for the day, maybe with Sana, around your old neighbourhood. Unfortunately, you’d been roped in as assistant chefs and taste-testers instead. 
Seated on the couch, you watched three of the most important people in your family take a crack at making blueberry muffins which were actually blue in colour. Sana had been assigned mixing duty, which made no sense to you because you knew for a fact your mother had an ancient stand mixer lying around somewhere in the house. Though Sana didn’t seem to share your sense of justice as she was happy to do so. 
Your mother was taking her time going through the recipe book and teaching your son her own techniques. The sight helped you recall some of your own moments under her wing in the kitchen, though you were neither as interested nor skilled to be there. Oh but your son, he was completely enraptured. You’ve never seen him in school and struggled to attend parent-teacher meetings, but you guessed this is how he was in class as well. The swell of pride on your chest was an indescribable feeling. 
When Sana said that the batter was ready, your head perked up. Leaving your place on the couch, you made your way to the kitchen. Making sure your mother and son were distracted by the oven, you moved behind Sana. You had to be quick!
Rounding one hand on her waist, you placed your chin over her shoulder and at that, she chuckled while snuggling into your side. And then, you struck. 
Your free hand’s index finger dipped into the bowl to carry a dollop of aqua-blue batter straight into your mouth. 
By the time Sana had realized what you’d just done, you were already out of her reach. Her indignant shriek altered the other two chefs of your crime, though even they couldn’t do much now. 
When the muffins had been completed, you were surprised to see they were properly blue. Not some horrid inedible shade of green. 
Your first question after inhaling a few muffins alongside your father was to your mother. 
“How did you get them so blue?” you asked, staring at the dishes in the sink, looking as if a smurf had been murdered. “We never managed.”
“Well, depends if you bothered to buy the brand I told you to,” your mother showed an empty tube on the counter and you rolled your eyes at the dig.
“I did buy that brand!” you said, moving to pick up and examine the tube… only to find two more tubes hidden, flattened beyond recognition. 
“Well, then it depends on quantity,” your mother said as you turned on the balls of your feet, incredulous. 
“Is this much dye even healthy?” you asked, already reading the ingredients on the tube. 
“Guess we’ll find out,” your mother only shrugged as she looked at her husband, still scarfing down the muffins. You sent your mother another incredulous look but she just laughed at her own silly joke.
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As the holiday came to an end, you finally got your chance to spend some time alone with Sana. 
Your father claimed he barely got any time to spend with his grandson. Of course, that was a complete lie. With how much time and money he spent, you’d even debated getting your son a gift at all. Though that was out of the question, you and Sana had already set your mind on what it was and had it ordered beforehand. You just had to go collect it. 
So your father said he’d take you all to the park. Once there, you let them go their own way. One moment, your son was accompanying your father and the next he was running at the nearest dog, eager to pet it. 
Holding hands, you and Sana watched as you made your way through the park. With every step, you were getting further away until you could see your son no more. Suddenly, the velvet box in your jacket pocket weighed you down, as if it had materialized into your jacket out of thin air. 
“Not going to lie,” Sana started, “I thought you’d show me more of your old home.”
“Oh, yeah? Like what?”
“I don’t know, something like your old friends? Your old school? Old hang-out spots?” Sana drew on. “Maybe how that high school enemy of yours and how they work at a general store, having never escaped this small town?”
“I don’t know what winter budget film you watched, but that’s not happening here,” you rolled your eyes at her imagination. “Also, what enemy?” 
“The first-place winner,” Sana said with a cheeky smile. 
“Oh please, I’m not that petty to be thinking about something that happened so long ago,” Sana watched you intently, nodding along almost in a mocking manner. “And besides, they’re a professor at the university across the city, I believe.”
Sana’s grin widened as you just realised what you admitted.  
“I wasn’t keeping tabs on them! I just saw a post of theirs recently, alright!” you cried, though it fell on deaf ears. 
The most important thing to come out of the walk was your destination. To and back, it was mostly filled with Sana’s inane questions (filled with imaginative scenarios to paint you as some egregious husk of a human, might you add) and you answering them with proper facts and maybe some anecdotes. Sana stopped by the crafts store to collect wrapping paper while you collected your son’s gift. 
It was the following series of his favourite books; Heroes of Olympus. 
Yes, he has yet to finish the last two books of the current series. And yes, you’d only just berated (teased) him about rereading the first book. But you could just imagine how his face would light up when he sees these books. In fact… you don’t even know if you’ll be reading these books to him by the time he gets to them, which was strange to think about but really, there wasn’t a better gift for your son. 
When you arrived back home, your son was taking a nap on the couch, which made it all the more easier to wrap the present for him and get dinner ready.
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When your son woke up the table was already set and the first thing he did was take his seat. All eyes were on him, everyone was wearing smiles watching him practically bounce on his seat. He gets to have his dinner, the muffins that he made, and then open his gifts early. Your father, chuckling, ruffled his hair and took a seat beside him. 
Dinner, for the most part, was uneventful as usual. That's not to say you didn’t have any fun. You did, you really did. As you ate your meal, you took a backseat in the conversation, observing just how comfortable Sana was alongside your family. She had absolutely nothing to be worried about. Your parents adored her. Almost as much as how much you and your son did. 
“So when is it?” your father’s question filtered in and you looked away from your nearly clean plate. 
“When is what?” you asked before taking your final bite. 
“I asked when are you two getting married?” 
Sana had to rub your back so you didn’t choke on your food, or worse, spit it across the table. 
“What?” you tip a sip of water. “What do you mean?” 
“It’s a valid question, really,” your mother admitted, not really looking at you, but you could see the smile toying at the edge of her lips. 
“Yeah, when is it happening?” your son looked up at you, eyes wide and shiny. 
“Um…” you turned to Sana for some help. Instead, she took her hand from your back and placed her chin on it, leaning in and expecting your answer as well. 
The velvet box seemed to burn in your jacket pocket.
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Somehow, you’d managed to get out of that dreadful situation. 
Once the plates were cleared and blueberry muffins disappeared. It was time for presents. 
As if aware of what he might get, your son gravitated toward the large box set you’d gotten. And you were right. 
Nothing could compare to the expression on his face when he realized what he’d gotten. 
Without hesitation, he jumped into your arms and thanked you a thousand times. You reminded him that Sana had pitched in as well and he was flying at her to give her the same treatment. 
Perhaps, you were petty. 
Because you took pride that no other gift earned the same amount of excitement. 
The night settled down and your family received one last gift from your mother. 
When all of you were out, she’d tidied up the backyard and made hot chocolate.
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All throughout this holiday, every moment seemed to be building up to this one. 
Under the twinkling fairy lights, you joined your son on the steps to the backyard. He was sitting with his knees up, his hands toying with a small figurine of Poseidon. Sana had bought it for him the moment she laid eyes on it, having thrifted it from some store, you couldn’t help but smile at the memory. 
Seeming to be in deep thought, your son watched the sight before him. With steaming cups of hot chocolate in their hands, your parents conversed with Sana. You didn’t know what she said, but it had your father throwing his head back and letting loose a loud snort. Your mother’s eyes crinkled in amusement as she flitted her attention back and forth between them. 
Clearing your throat, you began to speak. “Your hot chocolate is turning into cold chocolate, you know.” 
You were sure that comment would earn a look from him, but instead, your son moved a hand towards his cup, the figurine still in the other. He sighed and brought the cup to his mouth anyway. But before he could take a sip, you switched out his for your own cup. 
“Here, have mine,” you said, carefully placing the warm cup in his hands. 
Your son mumbled his thanks and sipped the drink silently, his eyes back on Sana. There was something he wanted to say. You had something you wanted to ask him too. But you decided to wait him out, let him come to you first because you surmised both of you wanted to discuss the same thing. 
And so for a moment, on Christmas day, you sat in silence with your son, on the steps to your childhood backyard, sipping warm (and yours, cold) chocolate. 
When he was done halfway with his hot chocolate, he placed the cup back down. You followed him. His hands were fidgeting with the figurine again, spinning it round and round, only stopping from time to time to run his index finger over the trident. 
“Grandpa was right, you know,” you’ve never heard your son’s voice so small. Wavering, as if he were confused, nervous even. “Why haven’t you asked Sana to marry you?” 
He paused to bite his lip while his eyes flitted to the figurine, thumb caressing the figurine’s armour. 
“Is it because of me?” he asked. The utterance is almost like an exhale, light but onerous. 
It would be so easy to provide empty consolation, that no, it wasn’t anything to do with him. But he knows you too well for that to pass, he’d see right through your attempt. Your son is already quite wise beyond his years, especially at the most inopportune times for you, and was only getting older. For as long as you can remember, it's only ever been the two of you. 
Your dates, however rare, come and go. His babysitters, much to his distaste in the beginning, come and go. Having a partner at the start seemed so important, if not to share the burden of caring for a child, then to at least have another figure for your son to look up to. And when you questioned that sort of thinking, you’d figured that all that really mattered was that you were there for your son. With little time as you did have with him in your day, you fought to make time for him. You hadn’t even entertained the idea, that perhaps, you’d date just for yourself. When it came to your son or some romantic dalliance that would never amount to anything real, the choice was easy. 
Because at the end of the day, it's only ever been the two of you. 
But all of that changed when Sana arrived at your doorstep. 
You doubted that neither of you, all three of you even, expected this outcome. 
So you understood where your son was coming from, asking this question. 
And you decided to be honest with your son, as you always have. 
“Yes, in a way.” 
Finally, your son turned his full attention to you. His hands were still holding the figurine, but they weren’t fidgeting anymore. 
You also turned to face him. 
Round eyes had turned sharp, searching for something. Yet his face was a little less expressive, more difficult to read. There were lines of worry decorating his forehead, he seemed older. He’s always by your side, it’s so easy to miss. But this close, on this night, it was obvious. He had grown up. 
“Before I asked her, I wanted to ask you,” you confessed. The velvet box that was previously hidden underneath your old clothes in the third drawer of your cupboard was now heavy in your pocket. Your son tilted his head in question. “For as long as I can remember, it has been just you and me.”
You sighed. These words were harder to get out than you’d expected. 
“I know you like Sana, and I know she already stays with us, and I know you know how much I love her,” the corner of your son’s lips twitched up a bit. “But there’s a difference between being together and being married. I think it’s a big step. And I don’t want to take that step with your blessing.” 
It only took your son a fraction of a second to react. He nodded, eager to say yes. 
“Of course, I want this for you,” he said, grinning. “She makes you happy. You make her happy too. And that makes me happy!” 
And he was back. 
He was giggling to himself as he poked your side with a finger. You rolled your eyes as you tried to brave the tickling sensation. 
“But seriously, I want this,” he nodded before turning his attention back to his cup of hot chocolate. He was going to take a sip, but stopped and looked at you. “And… and thanks for asking me.” 
“Of course,” was all you could say as both of you went to take a sip from your mugs. 
“Ugh!” your son let out an ugly bleh! and frowned. Your parents and Sana turned to look over at you. “This is so cold! Is yours too?” 
Your mother chuckled and nodded. From across the yard, she asked. “Shall we go heat them up?” 
“Yes, please!” your son stood up and pocketed his figurine. He extended a hand for your cup as well. When you gave it up, he whispered conspiraterly before your mother could whisk him away. “Good luck! You got this!”
And then with a giggle, he’d skipped off into the house. 
Your mother stopped at the steps just as you got up and dusted yourself up. 
“What were you two whispering about?” she asked with an uptick of her brow as if she hadn’t had her guesses. You shrugged. 
“What were you laughing about?” you asked. Your mother glanced back at your father and Sana, then back to you. She shrugged. 
“Okay, be like that then,” you said and your mother only chuckled. 
Then, she turned back again and called out to your father. “Did you take your tablets?” 
“Shit, no!” your father excused himself and rushed over. 
“Language!” your mother said as your father zoomed past, though he was more hobbling. Then your mother looked back at you. “She’ll say yes.”
And with that, she followed your father in and closed the balcony door to shut away the cold air. 
You turned to Sana. She was already looking at you. 
Without a mug, she had nothing to fidget with, so she had her hands steepled in front of her stomach. Her eyes were wide, expectant, as you made your way over. 
“Hey,” you said, both your hands finding their place in your pockets. Of course, it was only a front to find the box they were hiding. 
“Hi,” she said, the corner of her lips twitching up. 
There was nothing left to do. Nothing more you were so sure of. 
So instead of stuffing up the moment with unprepared words and emotion, you pulled out the box. 
Sana didn’t gasp or squeal or tear up. She just raised her steepled hands to her lips, her cheeks pushed up so high, elated crinkles forming beside her eyes. 
You weren't a grand person either. No big dinner, no big celebration, no build-up. You’d considered it, you really had, merely for the sake of Sana. But everything else just felt so unlike you, well, unlike the pair of you. Your start had been so simple, so unassuming, only because there was already so much between you. And everything that had followed, with her, and her with your son, had been the same. Everything just made sense. 
But you did think, perhaps, you should get down on one knee. 
So you started lowering yourself to the ground as you opened the box. But before you could complete the pose, Sana grabbed you by your collar and pulled you into a crushing kiss. 
You surmised that was a yes and smiled into the kiss.
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“Come on, come on,” your son was ecstatic, practically shooting off from his seat on the couch. Sana only smiled to herself as she set up the laptop on the coffee table, making sure the camera showed everyone and that she looked all right. “We’re in!”
Handing Sana the mugs in your hands, you seated yourself down and lifted your son onto your lap. Just as you were taking back your mug, a shrill voice shrieked. “Sana!”
Your son giggled while your eyes widened. Because Sana returned the greeting with the same energy. “Nayeon!”
You’ve heard of that one before, Nayeon, and seen photos of her too. Well, you couldn’t remember exactly, Sana had quite the group of friends but when Nayeon’s face appeared along with another person, you just smiled and waved awkwardly. 
“Hi! It’s so nice to finally meet you,” Nayeon said politely to you just as another screen popped up. You knew them, the newlyweds!
You parroted her greeting as more screens popped up with familiar faces, but none close. You’ve only heard stories or seen photos. The laptop erupted with voices, none of which you recognized, it was quite overwhelming. Though, Sana had no trouble at all catching the flow of the conversation and laughing along. Your son seemed to follow her, although silently. Someone with the name of Choi Tzuyu housed two people on their screen, they both waved at your son, who responded eagerly. 
“I think everyone is here!” one of the women said, her profile name read Jihyo. She was clearly wearing a suit, though her tie had been undone. “Yup, headcount done, everyone is here. How are we moving forward with this?” 
“Well, that depends on Sana, really,” a woman from Nayeon’s screen said, she’d just joined the pair that was already there. She was wearing a smug smile, and in response, Sana rolled her eyes. 
Both you and your son turned to Sana, expectant. 
Grinning at the ground, feigning bashfulness, Sana held up her left hand. And there it was, glinting in the light, your engagement ring. 
The audio lagged from how much volume erupted. Someone wolf-whistled, while the others laughed and clapped. You knew people were congratulating you, but you were too busy fending off Sana burying her forehead into your shoulder. Only your son seemed to delight in the revelry. 
And then, to your horror, someone yelled. “Show us your ring too!” 
Before you could even lift your hand, your son had taken your left hand and held it above his head, showcasing the matching ring!
Someone shrieked again, although this time around the celebration was a bit more subdued. 
“Damn, I thought we were all gonna scream again but okay,” the one with the profile name Hirai Momo said, while the person next to them swatted their arm. “What? It’s—”
“Please ignore Momo, congrats on your engagement,” Jihyo said, leaning forward, trying to look right at you. “I know Sana has been excited about this for quite a while.” 
“Oh,” was all you could say, as Sana pulled away from you, a blush coating her cheeks. 
“We knew this was coming,” the profile Dahyun said, “but I think this is the first child in our little group—hello!”
Your son perked up as all attention was on him. “Hello!” 
He was readying himself to be asked questions, to share his interest in cooking with a whole new group of people, though the conversation switched again. 
“He’s not the first child, we have children too,” Momo whined. “Look, Boo and Dobby are here.” 
And then she continued to make the most obnoxious noise to call over her dogs. 
“You did not just compare an adorable kid to your feral dogs,” said the person next to Momo, even though they reached out to a dog themself and picked one up. “I’m sorry for this one, kid.” 
Your son didn’t seem to mind, instead, he was absolutely taken with the two dogs in the hands of the couple. 
“Then, I guess I have children too,” someone from the profile Choi Tzuyu said and called over another dog too. 
“Oh, Tzuyu, you’re back home?” someone asked and once again, the conversation changed. 
Smiling at the sight, you were content with just seeing Sana interact with her friends. She’d been pretty adamant about staying with you for this Christmas, and she’d mentioned how horrid the one before had been. It was the reason this group had decided to call this time around. 
Then out of the blue, Jihyo asked. “So when is the wedding?”
“Why are you asking? So you can bring that plus-one of yours from last time?” 
The call erupted again. 
“Right, right, how long are you just going to be attending weddings? When are you going—”
“Jeongyeon, I’m going to stop you right there, you’re giving me traumatic flashbacks to my mom,” Jihyo said, holding up her hands. “And, that plus-one was a one-time thing, I’ll probably never see them again.” 
“They’ll probably be there for Sana’s wedding, let's be honest,” even the slightest mention of your wedding had you sweating. Sana seemed to notice. 
Muting yourself, Sana turned to you. “They’re going to go at this for a while, thanks for agreeing to meet them… they’re basically family to me.” 
“Yeah, no, of course,” you said, placing a quick kiss on her cheek. You ignored the one who whistled again. You were muted, not off-camera. You tried not to display your embarrassment. “I’ll get this one ready for bed then.” 
Your son was pouting, but Sana just nodded. “I’ll finish up this call, and we can finish up your favourite chapter.” 
At that, your son’s smile returned. 
“Come on,” you said, picking him up and giving him a boost to land across the couch. You took the empty mug from Sana’s hand and left as she re-entered the conversation as if her little pause never occurred. 
“Mina! Ask Mina, she’s single too—!”
“But we’re here to talk about you, Jihyo—!”
“What do you mean? You just got engaged!”
Their voices faded with every step you took away from Sana, your son in tow. 
Maybe it was the end of the year, maybe it was the communal holiday spirit, but every Christmas, you found yourself reminiscing about past memories. Watching your son take his first steps, to watching him become confident in his own skin, you were glad he was surrounded by people who loved him as much as you did. And now, that permanently included Sana. These holidays have changed so many things, all of which you were so deeply grateful for. 
Surged with a wave of emotion upon reaching the threshold of your childhood bedroom,  and unable to suppress your elation, you grabbed your son by the hips and lifted him into the air. You were sure the sound of his surprised giggles would stay imprinted in your mind for many more Christmases to come.
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any feedback is much appreciated.
a/n: first and foremost, i am so very sorry dear anon for getting this to you almost two fucking years later ;-; and second, happy percy jackson day !!
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tagging: @someone-who-likes-broccoli
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mikachacha · 1 year
𝚆𝚊𝚕𝚔 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚢 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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Synopsis: After many years of being with Bada, you have decided to walk away. Not because you stopped loving her but because you felt like it was the right thing to do, not only for your relationship but for yourself as well.
Warnings: heavy angst, just a lot of tears for this one, mentions of cheating, language
(A/N: i would like to thank @apreer for suggesting this song ❤ really love it)
You thought it would get better if you stuck with her for years but it only got worse. From blatant lying to cheating, Bada has done it all. Not just once, not just twice but multiple times. You chose to forgive her as she would always promise to be better. She'd then shower you with love, attention, gifts.. She'll do that for three months at most then the cycle goes back. There were many instances that you thought enough is enough and just simply walk away but each time, she'd pull you right back in with sweet words and empty promises. But now, enough is enough. You're done. You gave her everything and now you're taking back control. It's time for you to love and choose yourself first.
"Y/N, I wouldn't be home until late tonight. I'm sorry baby that we couldn't spend our anniversary together but I promise I'll make it up to you after my schedule clears up." Bada says which you knew was another lie but you nodded nonetheless. She kissed your cheek and rushed out the door while you just sighed before heading back to your shared bedroom.
You began packing your stuff and made sure all your documents are in your bag. You wanted to have a fresh start, away from Bada and from everyone who knows you. You booked a flight to the US so she couldn't follow or track you easily. You just wanted to finally have the freedom to do what you want, to be happy and to regain your old self that you lost while loving Bada.
"If only I wasn't that stupid to come crawling back to you each time you betrayed me, Bada.. Three long years I spent with you. Three years of my life wasted for the likes of you but today I'm putting an end to this. Goodbye, Bada." you smiled bitterly as you looked at the framed picture of you and Bada together, seemingly so in love with each other. You also took off the ring she gave you and placed it on the night stand. With a final look at the house you shared together, you called a cab and headed to the airport.
Bada almost dropped her phone when a notification popped up. It was from the alarm system of your house and it says that you have removed your access to the system. She immediately checked the surveillance tapes through her phone and saw you packing your things. The recent one is you loading your bags into the cab and leaving. Her heart was pounding inside her chest, she felt lost. She felt a pang of pain inside of her as the thought of you leaving her for good flashed through her head.
"Fuck! Y/N please pick up, baby.. Please.." Bada is now frantically pacing around as she tried to call your phone but you weren't picking up. She also sent lots of messages but you just left her on read. She doesn't want to lose you yet she didn't really made too much effort to make you stay.
"What do you want, Bada?" you finally answered as you arrived at the airport. Bada wanted to sigh in relief but she doesn't know where you are and the fact that you're leaving her is still there.
"Baby where are you? Please tell me.. Let's talk things out, you and me.." Bada is now desperate. She doesn't want you to leave but you've had enough of her bullshit.
"I'm about to board the plane. I'm leaving, Bada. We're over. I don't want to be part of your sick games anymore. I'm tired of you taking me for granted and would only pretend to love me just so you can hurt me again.. This will be the last time that we will be talking to each other. Goodbye, Bada. I hope you treat the next girl better than how you treated me the past three years." you said and ended the call before turning it off. You took a shaky breath as you willed yourself not to cry. You're done crying for her.
At that moment, Bada felt truly alone. No one was there for her, the girl she was with earlier has since left, annoyed that Bada paid more attention to you than her. She couldn't stop the tears from falling down as regret and sorrow washed over her like a tidal wave. Today, on the day of your anniversary, Bada lost you. She lost the woman who loved her more than she could ever love herself, the woman who was there for her through thick and thin. It was too late to regret and beg you for forgiveness now as you had made up your mind of walking away from her and from her life for good.
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AITA for being semi-close to someone a lot younger than me?
This is something I've been worried about for a while, but it's become more prominent lately after me seeing several people say it's inherently creepy for an adult (or even just way older person) to be interacting with a child. And I really don't want to be like that, I don't want to hurt a kid ever, especially since I know what it's like to be groomed myself.
So I (18F) have known this kid (13) for about 3 years now. They reached out to me online because of similar interests- mainly in games and in YouTube channels, and we bonded a lot over that. They didn't have their age in their bio so I didn't immediately know their age, but I did find out a few months in.
Over the course of when we've known each other I've been as careful as I can to be age appropriate. I never bring up anything sexual for obvious reasons (the only time it ever came up was them asking what a sexual term meant, which made me very uncomfortable and I tried to change the subject... to which they started repeatedly inappropriately using the word. They ended up looking up the definition and where horrified. Even that conversation makes me feel wrong).
I also make sure to not put any of my personal issues on them. I couldn't always hide when I was upset- both because for the first year of us knowing each other I had unmedicated ADHD that made my mood swing a lot, and for the past 2 1/2 years or so I've been in a very toxic relationship that I still don't know how to get out of and quite frankly, am scared to get out of because I don't know how they'll react if I do actually leave them. Do to this, there's been times they could tell something was off and would ask me what's wrong. I avoided telling them as much as possible, just giving them something vague and reminding them that it's not their responsibility to help me, because they would always try to help cheer me up, and even that didn't feel right because they're a kid. They should be focusing on themself, not me. The worst of this though, is there was a time I was struggling heavilly with suicidal thoughts. I was planning to attempt, and sent out a vague "goodbye" type message, trying not to make it too obvious what was happening. They caught on though. They weren't the one who helped me calm down from that but I still know how awful it is to be sitting there, scared you're going to loose someone important to you. Especially for a kid. I've apologized for that happening many times, and it hasn't repeated, but every time they just go "It's fine, you were a struggling kid too back then" as if that makes that okay. It doesn't feel right.
Throughout the 3 years we've known each other, I've also tried to help out where I can with several issues they've had. Which was pretty much just me giving advice for how to handle difficult situations where I felt I could, and offering comfort and reassurance where I couldn't. Among other things, I helped them recognize several instances where other people they met online where intentionally trying to groom them. I explained to them that it wasn't normal for someone my age to want to be with them/find them attractive, because there where several instances of them telling me of 15/16 year olds getting with them. That no responsible person my age would be doing that to them, and that it wasn't okay for them to do that.
Because of the help I've given them, I notice they look up to me quite a lot. They have told me they see me as a role model and "the best person they know" (I can guarantee I'm not, and have tried to get them to not see me that highly because that seems unhealthy). They even see me as a sort of parental figure, including calling me parental-like names. That by itself I don't mind too much, I know they had a terrible home-life and didn't feel they could actually look up to their real life parents. So if I am giving them something I think every child deserves to have (a parental role model they can look up to), I'm glad. I just worry I'm not as good a role model for that as they think I am, and that I'm a creep, just like the ones I have gotten away from them in the past. I do care about them a lot, and do see them in that sort of familial way, and I want to protect them and help them have a better life, because I know they have struggled a lot and if I am able to help them, I want to. But I'm worried I'm causing the same harm that has been caused to me, and that others have tried to/have caused to them in the past without even realizing what I'm doing wrong. I don't want to be like those creepy assholes.
What are these acronyms?
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So I went to Fan Expo yesterday! I wish I bought tickets for two days instead of one, i couldn't do all that I wanted. Most of my day was just waiting in line to meet voice actors.
Buuut the highlight of my day is that I met Dee Bradley Baker! I got a selfie with him and I asked what was his favorite Spongebob character to play. He said Bubble Bass's mom. He did voice impressions of them both. Its so weird to hear the voices come out of him since I'm used to hearing it on the TV. It was great though.
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He LOVED my Slappy cosplay and said it was freaky. I am so so happyyyy. When I took a selfie with him, my friend said some lady also took out her phone to snap a picture of my cosplay. It may not be the most polite thing to do without asking but I really don't mind it lmao
It was my dream to go as Slappy since the first time I ever went to Fan Expo. Which isn't long ago but still. I felt like I was wearing his skin✨
I finally know how Slaps felt like in this instance wearing the Patrick costume
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I spent the past week making the head out of paper mache and I'm very proud of it. It's not particularly strong because I was figuring this out while it was foing along. I spent most of my time sculpting and ensuring it LOOKED like Slappy, I didn't give much consideration towards visibility (his mouth is a seeing hole but you can just barely see. Also towards the end of the day, it began cracking around his jaw area so I couldn't wear it anymore. It's fine and easy to fix, I do kinda want to fix it up and make it stronger. Probably put a helmet on the inside and pad out the inside. I also want to give him false eyelashes lmao.
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I had a lot of fun painting him though. It was like doing his makeup UwU he's also actually wearing makeup since I used an eyeshadow pallette to use as a highlighter on his skin. He's sparkly in person.
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I also made his dorsal fin (I followed a basic fairy wings tutorial to make it) and my sister helped out and made the little gloves from socks. She finds this costume horrifying. I think that's the best part. I chased her around a bit as Slappy.
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I also attended a panel and got an autograph from Neil Newbon who voices Astarion from Baulders Gate 3.
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Mainly because my friend has been obsessed with the game lately. I didn't think I'd care much until I actually met him. Hes actually wonderful and witty and polite and professional, I could go on and on about it. My friend and I were both gushing about it. Even for the brief moment of meeting him at the table and he shakes your hand with both hands and looks you in the eye AHHHH✨✨✨😭😭
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Unexpected but REALLY made my day <33
I ended up missing photo opportunity to meet Spongebob because the line was so long but this is a rare moment where I think it was worth it.
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Especially since despite all of that, there are many folks who asked for pictures. Especially older folks. They were able to tell right off the bat that it was Peter Lorre related!
And the ones who were younger and closer to my age were still able to get it. I got a lot of people asking "is that Gomez Addams?" because Gomez is Peter Lorre inspired. Which was the PERFECT opportunity to infodump and tell them that Slappy and Gomez are both caricatures of Peter Lorre. I actually have a printed picture of Peter Lorre that I kept in my tote bag just for this purpose <3
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When I was standing in line, one man was looking at the Slappy head for a bit and said "he has a face only a mother could love. He reminds me of a certain actor" to which I just had to say "Peter Lorre!" Hehehehehe
There was also a paramount section where they had Spongebob mini golf.
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I actually met a dude while I was in line and he was also a Hardcore Spongebob fan. Its actually crazy to find someone as deranged as I am irl. It was soooo much fun just chatting with him. We ended up traded socials. I kinda wish I stuck around longer but we didn't have much time left ro really explore the con so my friend and I did a mad dash trying to get through as much as we could before the con closed.
All in all, I had fun. I'll probably reuse this costume next year. Perhaps I could find a brown tailcoat suit too so the cosplay can be 100% accurate.
Here are some miscellaneous cosplay pictures:
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This one is my favorite <3
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interconnectedmatrix · 5 months
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What if...?
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"The Masked Cinderella" — what if prince charming never found his Cinderella? The lovely liege he encountered at the masquerade? What if a simple joke turned to be the most pivotal point in his rule? What if all he needed was to focus his eyes on something other than the mask?
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♡.. Once upon a fairytale story, lived a young prince basking in his new found glory. It goes without saying that Diavolo had it all: his kingdom, his power, his influence and all the riches one could ever dream of. Oh sure the prince ironically possesses a kind soul, but, until then he was never satisfied.
♡.. Part of this many antics was a Fall Masquerade, to which all nobles and lucky peasants gathered around in celebration. What occasion? Even Diavolo wasn't so sure. Wouldn't it be funnier to think that the "prince" was nothing but a pawn in the crowd? How he loved that idea — MC suggested it afterall.
♡.. The prince would give anything to ditch all the formalities.
♡.. The tale was perfect; but who was this fine liege? A black sheep mask adorned in golden highlights. Diavolo introduced himself under a false facade, asking them questions like "how have I never heard of you before?" and "you dance quite well. Where did you learn this?"
♡.. The figure laughed. Could they see through his mask? Could they make out the silhouette of a lovestruck prince pining for their attention in these brief instances? Could they see the stars twinkle in pools of honey — stars that shine brighter than any gold this world posses?
♡.. In a gentle motion, they only teased:
— "Find me, my prince."
♡.. Who knew pretending to be a mere mortal could have someone tug at his heartstrings. Cinderella — they were. To think he chased after them after the event ended; to which all others were looking for him. Prince Diavolo. Ruler of the Devildom. Was it just for a tyrant to feel sympathy? He couldn't imagine chasing after another after his last love. Not until he felt the mask in his hand...
♡.. Porcelain, yet incredibly light to his touch. He felt determined, clinging onto it like his prized possession. He will find this Cinderella.
♡.. Like any ordinary day, Diavolo clings onto the mask, ignoring the concerned remarks of Lucifer or the subtle "ehems" of his butler. He carefully ran his fingers along the frame of the mask. How his black fingernails blended seamlessly with the colour. It felt as if nothing else mattered, not the meeting. Not the exchange program. Nothing. In a soft coo, he muttered, "I'll find you.. You'll be here eventually."
♡.. The only thing that catches him from his trance was a hand on the table, like a gavel echoing in court. Snapping of fingers alerted him to look back at the source of the sound. His favourite exchange student.
♡.. They'd tease, "who's the lucky girl? or guy? You seem pretty focused on that mask owner."
♡.. Diavolo would blush at that statement.
♡.. Days. Weeks pass by. Until then, was it worth ignoring his duties? He had pushed everyone aside. Someday. Someday he'll find them. MC's teasing proved as a sign to keep going.
— "What if they're not a noble?"
— "awww is the prince feeling lovesick again~?"
— "sheesh, you're probably scaring them."
♡.. Maybe when he'll find them... just perchance... in this instance... He'll finally be satisfied.
♡.. But alas, was it a lost cause? Barbatos knocked on the young master's door. A long sigh could be heard, before bringing the dreaded news. "My lord, I believe we have found Cinderella."
♡.. The Prince's smile then faltered into a solemn expression.
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To quote: "He lost his breathe. He's losing conscience. Yet undeterred, he always comes to their feet no matter how bad the fall."
Sadly the prince isn't exempted from the author's rampant desire for angst 😔
This idea was actually one of the more fun but difficult ones to think about. I personally like to believe that Diavolo would purposely pretend to be a lower ranking noble just to get away with some of the formalities — it's a masquerade, afterall! Wouldn't the fun be ruined if you knew who the other person was?
I'd leave the interpretation of the ending for you guys :3 fair warning that this is one of my more sadder stories
Plus I am actually working on this as my own personal project, so stay tuned! ^^
That's all for this author's note! And have a great day 🫶
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genericpuff · 3 months
welp, i finished the Dawntrial MSQ last night
it was
i actually enjoyed a lot of the things people were complaining about in the beginning, because while i could understand their criticisms, to me its flaws felt like something it would grow past as it was establishing a new foundation for a new story, which was what was promised to us, and obviously that's gonna require slowing down the pacing and lowering the stakes, which is fine!
but then the second half of the MSQ hit and i just-
on paper it should have been amazing
on paper i should have fucking loved it
but in execution, i stg trying to finish the lvl 98-100 MSQ took years off my life, even tho the majority of them took me a single night to beat, it still felt like it both overstayed its welcome and also did way too little with what it was trying to present us with
i know this is vagueposting because i don't wanna spoil, but man. "divisive" is definitely a word to describe the Dawntrail MSQ with, especially considering how many people were telling me "it gets better in the second half!" and again, I thought the first half of it wasn't as bad as people were saying, so I was HYPED for the second half, and instead I was brutally disappointed by what I got instead u.u
that said, the dungeon and trial gameplay mechanics are great, when the expansion remembers that it is in fact a video game it does it really well, it's just unfortunately not often enough for it to make up for the sloggy pacing of the story
the music is a bop, there are a couple tracks that i was a little eeeh on because they just felt really saccharine in a way that just clashed entirely with the tone of XIV and made me want to throw my headphones in the garbage, but the majority of the soundtrack was otherwise really well done, soken was really channelling his inner david wise here with the donkey kong vibes LOL but there are some somber tracks that are great too, there's a lot of range here in the soundtrack that should be appreciated despite the odd cringe track
environment design was solid, there were some zones that were questionable in their design because some of them felt pitifully empty despite promising bustling populations (looking at you, Tuliyollal and Solution Nine >:x)
but man , the last zone was brutal and that sucks because again, on paper, the concept SHOULD have been awesome, but ultimately it's still relying on the exact same plot devices in the past (insert lost civilization whose previous inhabitants/rulers are hellbent on keeping it alive even at the expense of current civilizations here) and the gameplay itself deadass forgot it's a game because there isn't a SINGLE instance of necessary combat or gameplay during all of it and so when the final quest (as per tradition, named "Dawntrail") finally pops up, it's like wait what ? that's it?? thankfully the last quest has both a dungeon and trial in it but it feels less like thought out design and more like the game devs remembering they had to actually include some gaming in their video game at the last minute LOL
i think the extra burden of directing FF XVI definitely caught up to Yoshi-P on this one, as well as the budgeting problems that still exist from COVID, and the fact that much of that budget clearly went to overall QOL changes like the graphics engine getting an almost complete rehaul (even in the previous expansions which is. a lot of work. like they want to re-texture ALL of the gear in this game and THAT'S A LOT, literally thousands of items!). where this expansion wins, it wins big, but those wins aren't enough to carry an overall lackluster experience that drags itself out way too fucking long for its own good. the story could have absolutely used a few more rounds in the writing room, if they couldn't afford more voice acted scenes then they should have simply just cut down on the amount of cutscenes, and i think the devs need to seriously ask themselves if the Trust system is worth dragging the Scions back into every adventure even when they have nothing to do (and it shows). like idk, just spitballing here, but the Trust system might be a good chance to re-introduce the GC squadrons, no? maybe go back to the roots a little bit and buff up the stuff that could still have a lot more life if given a chance?
anyways my experience with DT has been about a 6/10 and that score in the end will depend on how the patch quests go over the next couple years, I still prefer it over Stormblood (fr fuck SB lol) but it definitely feels like it's trying too hard to be like EW and ShB while missing what made EW and ShB so good in the first place (or acknowledging why its flaws were forgivable within the context of their respective designs, like yeah EW's pacing was iffy too but it at least had a lot more going on in it to justify it, DT is just grasping at straws by comparison). and in that sense it winds up being a lot more like ARR, where it's just kind of lost in what it's trying to do and creates a worse experience by the end. hopefully like with ARR back in the day the devs will figure out it's time to shake things up and try something new without using the old as a crutch.
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scratchandplaster · 8 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 6 - "You lied to me"
CW: parental Whumper, hypnosis, emotional manipulation, interrogation, conditioning
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"There are still plenty of thoughts inside your head, so let's get them in order."
Shepard was intently focused on his son. Above now dried tear tracks, his unblinking attention denied Ben to be unguarded for even one second, whilst his assertive but nevertheless mellow tone carried him along a carved-out path.
Possessive strokes down his back dragged him further: "Down, just down, always deeper down. We can't choose our sorrows, but you can choose to let them go for a moment, to let me help forget them. Follow my lead."
In and out, it was impossible to resist the pace he was taught so well.
"I would count you down, but you know all my old tricks."
Shepard was not naive, he had to be extremely lucky that his charade still worked after all these months Reuben spent on his own, poisoning his mind and spirit out in the world. That he still responded obediently to the suggestions of the past was a goddamn miracle. One he would gladly use to its full potential.
"Remember all the times we did this before," Shepard repeated for good measure. So many, many times, half of which Ben couldn't even recall. Today was far from the first instance he helped to quiet his ward's nettled thoughts.
It was about time to rectify old lies.
"You always knew where Lukas was, though we both know you claimed otherwise," Shepard sighed low, "Will you tell me now?"
The soft face on his shoulder began to stir back to wakefulness, his bottom lip scrunched up in painful guilt. Rough start.
"Shh, forget that, it was a stupid question. You did nothing wrong." Comforting reassurance and soft circles drawn onto his temples helped to smooth out any risen qualm. "I know it's difficult for you to stay alert during this state, so I'm keeping this easy for us. Just Yes or No from now on, you don't even have to say a word."
Reuben showed himself more agreeable and leaned back against him.
"Is Lukas doing well?"
A small nod. Good.
"Is he eating enough? You know how he always skips breakfast."
Again, Ben nodded against the rough wool of Shepard's sweater while the same tediously tried to keep this interview on track: he could embrace his success later, when both of his sons were near him again. However, the abandoned father was ready to reap the fruits of his endeavor.
"Do you want to tell me where he is?"
Ben quickly shook his head. No, not yet.
"Mhh, I understand."
It felt horrible how easy it was to make him tell the truth, but Shepard had no interest nor intention to question his parenting methods at the moment. He knew exactly what limits confined them: he couldn't make Reuben do or forget anything he didn't want to, at least if he failed to be persuasive enough.
Shepard's boy was easy to read and just as simple as he was loyal to both his brother and father. But not in equal parts, Shepard was at a certain disadvantage he ought to correct. 
Children like them were too inept for the world outside the settlement, so it was no wonder Reuben merely crumpled under the first selfless act of affection in a long time. If his forgiveness was not given freely, Shepherd could just rip it from his fragile heart. For both their peace of mind, nothing else.
"You know how much I love you, both of you."
The shake of Ben's head said it all. It hadn't even been a question, but the blunt answer pricked nonetheless.
"Oh, well, I love you more than the world. I did everything to get you back!" Shepard mused softly, "If not me, what about the rest of our family?"
Kind memories of the people who waited for him outside rinsed Ben of any stray thoughts and drifted with him into the depths. He never wanted to hurt any of them with his decisions. 
"Did you miss us?"
Ben affirmed this shyly, grabbing a corner of Shepard's sweater.
"You are safe here, right?"
A nod.
"You are safe with me."
At the claim, Ben's head rolled around aimlessly, as if he was trying to stir awake again. Shepard tutted; this was a tricky one.
"You are here with me and the others, all together. We watch out for each other, we keep each other secure."
Yes, this made sense. Through the pleasant, thick fog that filled his head, Ben knew it to be sincere.
"Here, you are safe. With us, you are safe."
Safe...together. He couldn't possibly disagree with these smooth words.
"You are safe and loved by us all, we were awaiting your return. Always putting an extra plate on the dinner table for when you decide to come back." 
Shepard had to endure countless days of waiting before accepting that his youngest would stay gone. He had searched for him for so long it made him sick with fear, not knowing if his sons were hurt or fraternizing with God knows what kind of people. Yet, he didn't want for Reuben to realize the damage he had caused, not when he was so calm and open for the right input. 
"And today our wishes were granted!"
Warmth, safety, love. Encased by these sensations, Ben's mind caught itself slipping into easy relaxation once again.
"Can you say it for me, can you tell me that you're safe and loved?"
"'m safe and loved," he slurred quietly against the wool. It felt good to be here in his dad's arms, it felt right.
"That's my boy, I knew we could stand above the past." 
Shepard's sweet promises hugged his exhausted soul, he was too tired of running, adapting, changing. They tried to teach Ben what to say and what to hide out there, but the only thing he understood was to never be himself; another truth nobody could ever tell his brother. He remembered exactly how angry and disappointed Luke loved to get with him.
Cupping his face carefully, Shepard pushed him to sit straight up: "Open your eyes."
With a wide, empty stare but not awake in the slightest, Ben continued to sway back and forth. He was unsure what Dad wanted from him and too dizzy to care, silently begging to be allowed back into the stream of soft, dark dreaminess. Tears collected at the corners of his eyes, but Shepard was far from done with him: "Ben, tell me what you are when you're with us."
"I'm safe and I'm loved," tumbled from his lips without thinking twice about it.
"Yes, you are." Relief washed over Ben like a tsunami: he didn't do anything wrong after all, nobody hated him here.
"Now close these heavy eyes and relax."
As he sagged back down, the inward pull doubled its force. He felt that the soap bubble his brain had become threatened to pop. Too much to focus on, nothing to think about, clutching onto the inner peace Dad had so kindly given him. 
"We all love you so much. Missing is too weak a word to explain how desperately we wanted you back. You are always wanted here." 
Every word was law.
Shepard should feel dirty at using Reuben's obvious weaknesses so bluntly against him, but not today. Today they would celebrate his return and plan the one they enjoyed as soon as the other prodigal son decided to come home. A selfish sting inside Shepard's heart forced the next question out: "Did you miss me?"
A final nod made tears run down Ben's face. Shepard hugged him tighter, as if he never intended to let go again:
"I missed you too, starshine, it's going to be alright. Everything falls into place when we are together."
Numb with joy, Ben felt too tired to hold on to the present any longer, a problem his father gladly helped him with: "Sleep now, sleep and let my words manifest as truth in your mind."
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
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chiisana-sukima · 4 months
@aliasl OP's post chain is getting very long and I don't want to clog it up further, but I am actually interested in talking about this further with you if you want, so I've moved to a new post. I thought you were being condescending to OP on a post he made where his point was correct, so I was being condescending in turn. But from your response here it sounds like maybe that wasn't your intent? Which, if that's so, I misread your tone, I apologize, and if you're interested, I'd like to have a do over.
Because, okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it: I hate r*pe. It is a trigger for me in media. If I feel like a piece of media is depicting sexual assault in a disrespectful or careless way - using it as shock value, not having more to say than "wow, that's bad" - I can't stand it, and I block that shit for my mental health. If you honestly think possession is THE metaphor for sexual assault, with the frequency it appears in Supernatural, I'd be appalled.
I think you should be appalled. I think contempt is an appropriate response. I was throwing shade, because I think the writers deserve it.
I do also firmly believe it's possible to be a huge fan of spn while also being appalled at certain aspects of it, and I can respect that if sexual assault is something that's triggering for you, it's perfectly reasonable to avoid that reading for yourself. It is still there though and many of the instances of sexual assault metaphor are central to the text, whether the authors intended it or not. And while I too have read Barthes, and I understand his work was revolutionary for its time, I don't think DotA is adequate to the task of dealing with a text that frequently compares something to rape and then moves right along and ignores the fact that it just did so. I think the authors' motivations, cultural context and intent are worth examining in this kind of case. (I do also understand that Barthes wasn't saying you couldn't examine those things, just that the stated intent of the author wasn't authoritative. Which I agree with. I don't think he was wrong, just that other schools of literary theory are more useful here because it does matter why tptb felt that was a reasonable thing to do).
please show your math
In reference to the family violence reading of spn, it's daunting to show my math because my math is the whole show. It starts in the cold open of 1x01, where we're shown a cozy scene of the suburban dream of family and then dad falls asleep in his marine corp T-shirt watching a war movie, and a demon--played, in this scene, by the same actor as the dad--stands over a baby's crib, drips his body fluid into the baby's mouth, corrupting him forever, and burns the mother and the cozy suburban home to ashes because (we later learn) she sold the baby to him in exchange for her husband. Then the baby's now adult brother breaks into the now adult child's apartment, they have a physical altercation and go off on a case together involving a woman who murdered her two children and killed herself because her husband was unfaithful. The resolution is her ghost is dragged off to hell by the ghosts of her dead children. Then they go back to Stanford and Sam's girlfriend and apartment are burned to ashes by a demon who is later insinuated to be Sam's lover in order to facilitate the plot to have Sam and Lucifer kill their respective brothers in a bizarre prophecy apparently ordained by Lucifer and Michael's father. This is war = family = hunting = ghosts = violence all the way down.
And my math ends in the finale with Sam and Dean shown living a happy domestic life until they go off on a hunt, where Dean is killed while saving two children from a monster they and their father had previously tried to kill but failed. He dies telling Sam he's proud of him for standing up to their father and, for the first time on screen, saying he loves Sam. What issue exactly is he proud that Sam always stood up to John about? Dean doesn't say but we know where the show started: Sam didn't want to be a hunter and their father disowned him for disobedience.
In the middle are too many examples to count. Sam, Dean, Cas, Bobby, Jack, and literally all the angels grew up in abusive families. The entire plots of s4-5, s9-11, and in large part s13-15 turn explicitly on family violence. Amara's brother kills her. Jo is Sam and Dean's found little sister and their father got her father killed. Cas somehow ends up Claire's surrogate found father even though he got her real father killed. Rowena abandoned Crowley as a child. Max turned Alicia into a twig doll over whom he has absolute power. Charlie died as a result of Sam and Dean's family conflict. God himself is the abusive father/monster who Sam, Dean and Jack finally escape the cycle of violence by depowering and not killing. I have never seen any other reading that accounts for the whole of spn anywhere near as well as the family violence reading does. If you have one, I encourage you to offer it to me.
So let's talk about angels. You seem upset that I left them out
I was, yes. I'm going to go under a cut for this one since you said this topic is triggering for you. I know there's limited utility in telling you I don't expect you to read it if you don't want to, because I'm unfortunately well aware of how hard it is to not approach triggering topics once they're broached. I just wanted to say here before the cut that I honestly didn't intend to trigger you, I empathize with how much getting triggered sucks (I've had ptsd for ~50 years), and I wish only health and happiness for you in whatever struggle you are going through in relation to this topic. If you do want to still engage in general but step away from this specific aspect, that's truly fine with me (not that you need a stranger on the internet's permission, obviously).
If you go back and rewatch the series from the beginning, demonic/ghost possession was not sexualized (except in a singular joke Dean cracks at Sam after he was possessed by Meg; a joke Dean feels comfortable making because Sam was NOT sexually assaulted
I swear I am offering this not as confrontation, but gently: the above is not the case. There are two suggestive jokes about possession in that episode alone, and Sam was sexually assaulted by Meg, as was Jo. The scene where Meg!Sam comes onto Jo and then traps Jo when she asks Meg!Sam to leave and bangs Jo's head against the bar is a sexual assault of both Sam and Jo simultaneously.
In Sin City, Ruby tells Sam that demons leave their hosts "rode hard and put up wet". And in s4, Sera Gamble had Ruby inhabit a brain dead vessel precisely because she was too uncomfortable with what would otherwise imply Sam's rape of Ruby's vessel. In Repo Man, the A plot turns on a host who "wanted it" and became romantically attracted to the demon possessing him, while the B plot is about Sam reluctantly asking Hallucifer for help and then being told by Hallucifer that he wanted it too. In Devil May Care, Dean and Abaddon have a whole scene in which they both discuss her threatened possession of him in sexual terms while she forces him to kneel in front of her suggestively. In Road Trip Crowley says he'll leave Sam as soon as he delivers his message because he's "not one for sloppy seconds" and in First Born he says he and Dean are "practically family" because Crowley has "been inside your brother". And these are just the examples I can think of off the top of my head. I'm positive there are others as well.
And yes, I was angry about the exclusion of angels because none of the above are even the most horrifying examples of the text overlapping possession and rape. Those are all about angels.
Here is where I think Barthes fails us in this particular discussion. I actually agree with you that tptb were at the very least pretending that they didn't make this comparison over and over. It's possible they didn't realize they were doing it. And certainly they thought they were indeed talking about "bigger" issues. That's clear from the text.
In s4-5 for example, I have no disagreement with you that their intended reading had to do with free will versus outside manipulation by greater powers. But "free will vs outside manipulation" is not actually a bigger issue than rape. It's just more abstract.
Obviously, abstractions are important, and the ability to move between levels of abstraction is an important skill. But it is not imo in our best interests as human persons to hold a framework in our minds in which an abstraction like free will is more worthy of art, of in depth analysis, of being taken seriously, than a ubiquitous concrete harm like sexual assault. This is especially true for those of us who are rape survivors (I am one, and since you said it was triggering, I'm now assuming either you or someone you know well is probably another), but I would argue it's true for everyone. Nothing trumps the concrete. We are at its mercy. Cartesian dualism is a lie.
I think some of tptb were perhaps going for some shock value but were also taking their metaphor seriously. Edlund, Gamble, Charmelo & Snyder, Glynn, and Jared were among these. Some of the rest though, I think should be ashamed of themselves. The person who wrote this exchange (Adam Glass)
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needs--and I mean this in the most academic and analytic way possible--to go fuck himself. There's really nothing more that needs to be said about that dialogue in the way of analysis. Go fuck yourself, Adam Glass is sufficient.
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