#and this goes for those of us on the izzy side too tbh
Idk how we can make this easier for people. I really don’t.
If you’re going to post any variation of ‘I hate/dislike x’ in the tag for x, that is rude. You are being rude. Your justifications don’t matter. Your caveats don’t matter. ‘I dislike x in a blorbo way’ means nothing. You are still contributing to the problem of ‘x hate in the x tag’. Stop it.
To go on to say ‘don’t hate on people for liking/disliking a character, people are allowed to have opinions, sweaties’ is just. incredibly condescending. and missing the point of what a lot of people in the x tag are complaining about. Nobody cares if you hate x as long as we don’t have to see you talking about how much or why or in what way you hate x. That’s it. That is our only problem here. With this specific thing. (the anon hate is another issue entirely)
We will gladly champion your right to hate x and to talk about hating x, just as long as we don’t have to see it. Don’t tag it. Tag it with ‘x critical’ or ‘anti-x’ or ‘x hate’ or literally anything else. This should not be a discussion we keep needing to have. This shouldn’t have been up for discussion in the first place. Its just fucking manners.
I know (or am guessing) the op intended that post to be a joke. That doesn’t change the fact that we’re fucking tired of this shit. In fact that actually kind of makes it worse. We’re tired. We’re so fucking tired of having to argue, constantly, against people who aren’t joking just so we can have some fucking peace and enjoy x like the rest of yall enjoy y and z.
I’m sorry to make an example of op, I’m not blocking them before I post this, so its possible/likely they’ll see this, but if you’re gonna do this shit in the tag then I think vagueing/not @/naming you is like. the most you’re owed.
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decembermoonskz · 1 year
hi izzy!!!!! how was kcon?????? im sad i couldnt go in person this year but i can't wait to watch the replay some time!! for the ask game: 🎵 + 🎧 + 🌟 for skz please!! <3
omg hi siyuan!! I hope you’re doing alright! 💜🫂 kcon was A-MA-ZING!!! I had the best time this weekend all three concerts were great and I got to see so many ppl and I was happy bc I got to see some acts I wanted to but hadn’t seen yet (wayv, everglow, g-idle) :D
I lost my mind over taemin and cried hahaha but I was also happy to see the boyz again and see the new sub unit omg omg I can’t believe how sexy their song is 😭😭😭 (I also thought of you when I saw jacob and his cute fluffy bucket hat haha) AND itzyyyy I love them so so much I know I HAVE to see them whenever they come on tour again I also enjoyed some of the opening pre-show groups too (I’m so happy I got to see verivery again 🥹🥹🥹 it’s been so long <3333) seeing ateez and skz again tho was also my highlight!! I finally got to see pirate king which made me so happy bc I’ve been an atiny with my mom since debut so it meant a lot! AND I MANIFESTED SUPER BOWL FOR SKZ!! it was all I asked for (my mom and some friends are my witnesses lololol) this kcon I just wanted to see super bowl live and I got it hehehehe 🙈🙈 but I’m so glad I got to see the new title tracks for skz and ateez (s-class and bouncy)
overall I had a lot of fun even tho my mom and I got hit with rain since day 3 concert was in the middle of a storm lololol (eric and chris both told us thank you for coming in the storm and to be safe 🥹) I really had fun this kcon I was sad it was over but I met some nice ppl and had good seats all 3 days down on the first floor it was so cool to be so close on all days 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I’ll def post some pictures soon once I’ve gone through my videos
I’ll do the game underneath the cut bc I rambled a bit 😂😂 hope you’ve been well siyuan sending you love and hugs
🎵 recommend a song based on your vibe/blog
I think I’ll recommend make me happy by wheein, 19 by skz, and connected by bang chan (I feel like those match my really chills vibes for my blog and also my love for chris LOL)
(also bonus bc I know this isn’t kpop but I think this song goes with the vibe of my blog too but it isn’t kpop so it just gets an honorable mention lol)
🎧 put one of my kpop playlists on shuffle and share the first song that plays
so I don’t have like a big multi kpop playlist anymore (it got too big for my liking 😂) I just assign them to groups (I am trying to make a gg playlist soon tho bc I think it’ll all be better in one playlist) so since you picked skz for the other one I just went to my skz playlist and shuffled it. it gave me circus - kr version hahaha 😂👏🏼 I love circus tbh the mischievous/video game vibes are immaculate for me (the sound in the beginning reminds me a lot of splatoon lol)
🌟 send w/ a group, and I’ll talk about my favorite era, concept, and/or album
thank you for sending skz siyuan!! <3333 so I think my favorite era was god’s menu and maybe maniac era now too. reasons being 2020 skz is one of my favorite years for them, and also they helped me a lot to get through the start of the pandemic. maniac era is my other favorite bc it was the start of my love with the maniac tour (I ended up going to the maniac tour 7 times through 2022-23 and each time it was magical and I’m so happy and blessed I got to see them so many times 🥰)
favorite concept for them I believe is a mix between the apocalyptic stuff they’ve done like side effects and scars (and now social path) and I also love the chill and/or cozy vibes they’ve had in things like fnf, the view, blueprint and tmt and things like that. I like when they do mvs like that a lot
favorite album is hard—and you may know that already—for me but I think again GO LIVE is still my favorite album of theirs and also I’ll mention I Am Who?, ODDINARY, and 5 STAR now
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aaaand we are back back again with malec livewatch! you can read the first and second parts before if you wanna, or filter out “malec livewatch” if ur tired of this absolute bullcrap
yes i know it’s been years. not my fault okay i was studying
today: post-wedding 1×12! and finally freedom from the terrors of s1
forever a slut for that scene where Magnus just does that hand movement and a bunch of shit starts showing up in the conveniently empty table ugh we stan. imagine if the special effects had been this good all the time they really used up 10 out of their 15 dollars and all the two favors from cousin Mike for this one. 1×12 was so inspired tbh only valid episode
Alec's clothes look so much better without the stupid ugly blazer? could do without the high waisted pants (why) but he looks so much better and also more comfortable. again i hope the costume department staff got a big, fat paycheck because the difference we see in him during the wedding vs post-wedding alone is just insane. he looks so much better and more comfortable and more himself, the blazer made him look stiff and again DOESNT MATCH THE REST. also nice touch that the blazer is the only part of his clothing with gold, the sh wedding color. he gets that off and everything looks so much better
Magnus looks even better post wedding too. like the clothing is already *chef's kiss* but he looks even prettier afterwards somehow. the hair is a little softer and he's less stiff as a whole (for obvious reasons), and aaaa hes so beautifulllll he's so prettyyyy look at his perfect soft little hair falling softly over his head and the PINK STREAKS possibly the best Magnus look i said what i said. especially with him all soft and smiley like that i big love him
sexiest thing about Magnus is how Jace does anything and hes like NO BITCH
the way he says "warlock tracking is stronger" with that smile......... hes so prety
that's a deep inhale he makes before using the tracking spell lmao u ok buddy?
oof i can only imagine how he felt when he was doing the tracking and he was suddenly hit with an image of Camille screaming and hitting in his direction,,,....,,,,,,, Fuck
love how Raphael just locked her in the basement thats so sexy of him we stan
"i punched her there's no way she'll help me" ugh still salty that clary of all ppl got to punch her but not Raphael or Magnus fuck this tbh
they both look so giddy and happy to be talking after the whole wedding thing + camille drama like don’t look at me. alec can barely look at magnus because he’s so agitated but you have the smile on his face and magnus is also smiling disbelievingly and i just doaudjsuoiadsa i love they
seriously tho the way magnus smiles..... so private and disbelieving but also so obvious and he’s even looking down like he never expected stuff to go down this well..... bro i stan
i had forgotten about the specific cadence in which alec talks? lmao. there’s a certain tilt to his voice when he says “it’s so INTENSE” that i really love
also that’s a really funny line like honey who the fuck are you to complain about anything being intense. ur the most dive or die bitch in this entire building. and we stan
alec’s WIDE ASS SMILE when magnus says “you certainly know how to make a statement” I CRY. magnus looks so proud of him and still disbelieving that alec went this hard for him and alec is just still on cloud 9 that he really Did That and came out and magnus is just proud of him and wow he really gets to have this and duahdsudhsadajsas???? i adore everything about them
the way maryse shows up and magnus immediately recoils and alec immediately straightens up like magnus is lowkey expecting rejection and alec is just bracing himself for one of the hardest fights of his life
also their expressions are so funny like maryse is LIVID she’s absolutely losing her mcfucking mind with anger homegirl’s head is about to explode and robert is just looking like he pissed on the carpet or something
the way alec doesn’t back down at all is so admirable too like!!!! it’s one thing to make a big fuck you gesture, it’s another to still hold your ground against your abusers after that fact. but he really stands there and goes “this isn’t about you” “i’m the same person i’ve always been” and doesn’t give her an inch of room for clownery. like again once alexander gideon lightwood makes up his mind there’s no stopping him and there’s no going back and he’s just so fucking strong??? he really said “from now on i’m out and you’re going to absolutely deal with that and i will not compromise a single thing” and the lightwoods just had to deal with that lmaoooo 
you can see it in maryse’s face too, like after the “i’m the same person i’ve always been” she just pauses, realizing that she lost this battle without even knowing, she was on top of it a second ago and now there’s nothing she can do anymore and she’s just shook. and all that’s left for her is to scoff at magnus and leave, because that’s it, she lost every hold she had on him
alec’s little mouthed “what?” at “and all for a downworlder” too. i think part of him was like “wow she’s backing down already?” because you know he expected this to be a lot harder i think lmao. but i also like to think that there’s a side of “mom what the fucking fuck have you seen him he’s gorgeous and kind and smart and amazing and literally the best person i could have fallen in love with but go off i guess”
robert going all “just give her time” like he doesn’t understand what’s happening here at all. he clearly plays the “good cop” in the lightwood’s abusive dynamic tbh, like people often brush him off as being just spineless but i honestly think that he’s just the other side of her manipulative coin. specially with izzy, like, when izzy said fuck it and completely let go of maryse’s hold on her? that’s where robert came in, being the accepting, “nice” parent who listened to her and cared, and making sure she’d keep her loyalties. because he didn’t really stand up for izzy either and in the end he kept her still glued to the lightwood family through that, and kept defending maryse and izzy listened to him because he was robert. and i think that’s what’s happening here too, him trying to frame this as “don’t worry, she’ll come around” because he knows right then that alec is absolutely going to turn their back on them if that’s what it takes for her to be happy so he immediately slides in and reframes this under an affection light where everything will be alright! even if honestly i don’t think that’s what alec is really thinking about at all, i think he was 100% ready for a showdown 
and robert is clearly so disapproving and yikes at the whole thing too but he pretends he isn’t and like lmao
shoutout to their faces when robert asks “are you two in love?” like magnus just turns around like oh hell no we’re not gonna have this conversation and alec lights up for just a second with a small smile before he’s like wait wait no shit shit shit we’ve just met no of course there’s no love (and like... i don’t think there is per se, because i think love is something that takes longer to settle in, specially for alec, but i think the idea that he could talk openly about being in love with a man and even fall fully in love with magnus one day makes him super happy you know?) lmao dorks
tho tbh i think magnus shuts down that conversation immediately to avoid heartbreak. because i think that for this whole thing he was expecting alec to say something he’d hate hearing to get his parents’ approval, you know? like like i said it’s really unexpected and surprising/inspiring that alec didn’t back down an inch there, and i think he was expecting alec to kind of fall back slightly now, like, he played his cards and now he would negotiate with them, you know? find a place to make them comfortable. instead alec gives them a complete fuck you and he’s like... damn obviously super pleased but also waiting for the other shoe to drop
he just steps in like “pls no” and stops that conversation right there 
the way alec takes a deep breath and magnus opens his mouth then closes again quickly not knowing what to say and then changes the subject.... he’s really so scared of this talk and i just aaa
alec literally never fucking stops going from magnus’ eyes and lips in quick succession like alec. alec please. stop being horny for just a second man. please alec i’m begging you
it’s so cute how magnus mentions a date and alec is immediately like “hell YEAH we should do that” no hesitation like he’s 100% ready to leave immediately right now (i see his pause between “wanna... i don’t know, get a drink?” and “....sometime?”, i see it, you can’t fool me alexander) and also the fact that his first suggestion is something that he hates but that he knows for a fact magnus likes is so cute, like he immediately goes for magnus’ interests here and we stan
i also think that he’s come to associate drinking = dates after 1x06 and the way magnus called him specifically for a drink before he showed up too, like... it’s cute how he immediately came to associate those things because of magnus and just jumps into that because that’s what he knows. he’s so eager and like good for him
magnus’ SMILE when he says that like bro he can see how stoked alec is to go on a date with him they are adorable he is so fucking HAPPY i doubt he expected such a great outcome from this and yet here they are
next part
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immortals-malec · 5 years
So we’ve moved to comparing/making a rant on Lucelyn and Maruke. (this will be a lot of rambling probably.)  First we shall talk about Lucelyn, whom we all shipped for like one season, but that’s because we wanted Luke to be happy.  Anyways, what’s the problem with them and why they didn’t work. i had a little post on it while i was rewatching “The Mortal Cup” episode and have decided to expand on it.  Let’s go- we begin with the writing because no shocker there that the writing is the main reason why they didn’t work but that’s only on one character’s fault, Jocelyn! Luke seemed to have nice relationship building but Jocelyn’s a mess. So in the pilot we basically shown that Luke and Jocelyn are in a relationship, which is confirmed by Luke’s boss, telling him to marry Jocelyn, I know some might say oh it’s a coverstory but from how Luke acts and how they wrote the relationship from his side, they were in a romantic relationship. But with Jocelyn, they never really wrote her feelings for Luke, NEVER. From the beginning of her character to the end in s2, she’s never shown any romantic feelings to Luke, tbh whenever they interacted it was all about Clary, never about their relationship, it was always about Clary and the memory blocks/erasing she had Magnus do. They showed that Luke really loved her, but Jocelyn never showed that she loved him back as much as he did, makes you wonder if she really ever did love him romantically. Or if she settled for him as a substitute for Valentine.  (Get to that in a bit)  It really doesn’t help that development that Lucelyn had was all from like I said before Luke’s point of view and the fact is she was in a magical sleep for whole 13 episodes of season one.  And also doesn’t help that Jocelyn is a shit character with the writing she had, the show in the first season tried to tell us she was like savior to the downworld(ers), she saved them bah, bah, she’s pure of heart etc. When in reality she’s a selfish bitch and is just as racist as the Clave or as her husband is, just shows it in  a different way and never really grew and they just continued to write her that way. I’m basically dead set on her blackmailing downworlders into helping her, because she had the mortal cup so yeah there. Luke didn’t deserve her, when she acted like a racist half of the time to downworlders, he deserved someone who didn’t treat his kind like shit, which Jocelyn showed her true colors in s2, they were there in s1, just they really showed in s2.  (Jesus Christ Alec and Magnus were the only ones to call her out on her bullshit)  Anyways, she’s a shit character, who didn’t grow. Instead  put Alec’s life in danger, to find her daughter!  Who is someone’s fucking child. (Still angry)  But back to what I was saying the development  for them was all one sided, and now I feel like Luke could have been a substitute for Valentine... why? Oh boy let me explain this.  Remember 1x06? The episode that explains Luke’s/the Circle’s backstories? When Luke awakens and explained everything to Clary in Magnus’s (guest?) bedroom, he describes how Valentine was before he became a mass murderer. She basically says “He is Mom’s type, just like you.” And boy it rubs me the wrong way and made me realize holy fuck, Luke could’ve been just a substitute for Valentine??? Because this quote makes it seem like it. I mean- look, Valentine was Luke’s parabatai at the time, and when he started to pull away, and she noticed signs of him murdering downworlders, turning evil, she knew it would make her look bad (even though she’s racist herself, she denies it but she is) so she turned to someone else who was basically feeling the same thing: Luke, in a way reminds her of Valentine, I guess, while Luke fell for her, she just fell for the fact he was her husband’s parabatai and had the same qualities.  But if that’s not true, I don’t think she loved him romantically as he did her, Valentine’s crazy racist actions against the accords and Downworlders, supposedly pushed her and Luke together, to lean on each other’s shoulders, meanwhile it’s clear Luke hadn’t loved anyone before or at least he thought to himself, he fell in love. With Jocelyn, she loved Valentine, and it seems to be clear that they were meant to be (the alt world is proof) and maybe she thought she did but reality either got it confused with platonic feelings or she used Luke as a rebound which is probably more possible here. Because Jocelyn is just a bitch.   Either way it’s clear with the writing Jocelyn had, that she didn’t really love him the way he did her or whatever, just seems to be that she used him for a lot of things.  Anyways, now the second problem chemistry or as I should say the one sided chemistry just as there was one sided writing with the relationship.  Isaiah is not the problem, in fact he’s what made half of them work but it wasn’t enough.  Maxim was the problem- like okay she’s what I pictured Jocelyn to look like, she acts pretty good, but her chemistry with Isaiah is just eehhugh. She didn’t even try tbh, she didn’t try to ever give me emotions, never. She just stood there with the same expression her face when it came to somewhat romantic scenes she had with Isaiah, who did give you Luke’s emotions towards Jocelyn in that flashback in 1x06, that scene where he finds Jocelyn in 1x11, the standing by her side scenes in 1x12/1x13 and catching her at the end of s1? You felt it, you even felt his one scene with Jocelyn in 2x04 like he did it, but with her? Zero emotions! Like even if the writing lacked, improv exists.  Just everything with them was one sided and Jocelyn continued to be the worst character/mother alive.  The best change they ever did was killing her off, Luke got himself a sexy ass woman.  Oop- let’s move onto everyone’s favorite even though we weren’t sure about it at first, Maruke!  Now Maruke is everything Lucelyn wished it could be, with the writing and the chemistry.  So first we will begin with the writing- you could always tell with what little writing we got for Maruke that they cared about each other, and could be romantically in love with each other one day, which really lacked with Luke and Jocelyn’s relationship, Luke and Maryse isn’t one sided. And also some who still like Lucelyn are like Maryse is/was the same as Jocelyn!!! EVEN WORSE. Lol she had something Jocelyn didn’t.  Character development, Maryse’s development is also what makes Maruke works as well. In s1 yeah, she was racist, a bad parent, reminded you of Jocelyn in a different way, we disliked her, in s2 it continued for a bit up until she left and came back for Max getting his first rune, you notice she’s trying to change there, she’s trying to gain back her children’s trust, and also trying not to be so racist with Magnus, (Nicola mentioned at a con that 2x08 is when Maryse started to change her mind about Magnus because he saved Alec’s life when she couldn’t something along those lines) and she makes up with her adoptive son, and Alec brings  up their father, which caused her to break down because the whole cheating thing, and we get her sobbing and Alec confronting her, and you feel bad for her, and you see she’s trying to make up for what she did to her children and we were all like “is this the beginning of a redemption arc??? if so i’m fucking up” and she returns in 2b to continue making amends with people and how she treated them before hand, Luke and Izzy, which are both heavily important because she did sl*t shame her daughter, made her feel less compared how she treated Alec and Luke she treated differently because he turned into a werewolf, and honestly good shit, then they continued with making her own up to her mistakes by de-runing her and making full amends with Magnus (3x03 is really fucking important) and fully accepting Alec’s relationship with him! She had the character development to be with Luke.  And Jocelyn, was just lol nothing but undercover racist to showing in fully s2, when she died.  Back to what I was saying before, with what little we got with Luke and Maryse worked perfectly. Hell even the talk in 3x06 which I love because Luke comes in after Maryse has been deruned and she’s like “Lucian” and they sit down to talk about how they have been ripped away from being a shadowhunter, etc etc. and Luke goes right into how he fucking remembers the last time she had her hair down and that was like twenty years ago ( listen if you remember the last time she had her hair down, you’ve feelings for them okay) and they’re making hearteyes and shit its *chief’s kiss*  Their first kiss was oof, like it was damn good okay, they bond over shit and it fits them where you didn’t get to see that with Lucelyn.  Also not to forget that Maryse tells Magnus that her and Luke used to be rivals at the Shadowhunter academy and than in the Circle (I believe? I have watched it once I think she mentioned the circle too) which is like holy fuck, one of my favorite tropes is Rivals-Enemies-to -Friends then Lovers, because they really don’t hate each other, they like each other, whoo.  With the littlest things in their set up and writing, makes you ship them (along with Nicola and Isaiah’s chemistry which in a minute), and also makes you wonder, did they like each other back then and realize it but couldn’t act on it because they didn’t think the other liked them that way, just with little things you see it in their writing, with Lucelyn’s you didn’t.  And now the chemistry, tbh their chemistry is good shit. Like on the top tier as Harry and Matt’s, for Malec. You can see the emotions in the romantic scenes, which lacked with Lucelyn’s, it’s not one sided chemistry with one actor, both actors are showing the emotions, the hearteyes, and probably things that aren’t in the script.  Isaiah and Nicola played their strengths with each other, hoenstly, just honestly, even little eye contact was enough for you to be like woahhh.  All of their scenes never lacked anything, you could see they were a building romance, even though I don’t know if they were just planting it to see our reactions in s2, so they could build on it, or our huge interest in them and how they could be a romantic relationship made them do it, someone should ask this question.  Together, being able to show us the emotions along with the little writing they got, is how Isaiah and Nicola made Maruke work.  Bottom line: Lucelyn suffered from one sided writing/chemistry and Jocelyn’s shit character, who never grew, continued to be a racist, selfish woman, while Maruke worked because Maryse had the development, so did the relationship as a whole and were able to show me that these two care a  lot about/like each other and eventually will fall in love. Even with little writing. 
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killinbills · 5 years
hi! i’m currently struggling with the summary for my fic like i don’t want to make it boring with barley anything but i also don’t wanna i reveal everything (did that even make sense¿) any advice?
(this was sent weeks ago and im so sorry it took me so long to respond!!)
right ok so, when i write a summary, in the first summary i make sure to introduce the main character especially. (im gonna use clueless, morningstar, and ruby ruby as an example) (the only reason im using a few is bc i want to show that there are lots of different ways of writing a summary, it really depends on the story)
this is super long so read under the cut xo
CLUELESS: OK, SO, BRIAR CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH — she did not mean to act out the second she stepped foot in Beauxbatons, her grandparents deciding that Hogwarts (for ‘reasons unknown’) was no longer good enough for her and her little brother. She did not mean to find out that her grandparents had forced her and her brother out of the country to avoid them from meeting their father, who had become the newest D.A.D.A. professor… Nor did she mean to get so angry by this that she, well, gave her best friends a run for their money. Fireworks lighting up the dining hall, statues transfigured to resemble David Bowie — everything she remembered her best friends talking about doing, she did, putting her own twist on it (hence David Bowie… and Freddie Mercury… and ABBA…)
MORNINGSTAR: HERE’S THE DEAL — Isabelle Oswald is, sort-of, a changeling. The daughter of the devil given to a human man, a rich lawyer in the Upper East Side, who couldn’t have another kid. Her best friend Riley says that it isn’t really a changeling, more like a demon, but anyway. All Isabelle knows is that she’s pretty much a vampire, swap the blood-sucking for a general need to feed off of energy. And she supposes that’s where her 'birth name’ came from, Moroi Morningstar, but again, whatever. The main issue on the table isn’t so much Isabelle’s weird, but rather, Isabelle doesn’t have to be evil, so she isn’t going to — like, sure, her birth father was a fallen angel, but that doesn’t mean she is. It’s the same as those creeps that are half-angel. (The only saint she needs is Laurent, thanks!)
RUBY, RUBY: RUBY SULLIVAN likes to do the right thing — and she knows this sounds like bullshit, what with associating herself with Carol and Tommy, but for some reason her best friend Steve likes them and that’s enough for her to stomach them. But she likes to do good. Her dad always says stuff about karma and Ruby hopes that if she’s good to the world, the world will be good back… And by “good back,” she means that she’ll get into a good college, or at least find a way to escape Hawkins… And maybe, along the way, Ruby will be able to finally stand up for herself…
so in the first paragraph, i’ve introduced the main character and the situation that they’re in. it’s not so much the actual plot, but like, it’s some background on the character and what’s going on, and also it gives the readers an idea of where the story’s going to start. also, if when you’re writing about what’s going on with your character, if you can find the opportunity to mention other details
“the newest D.A.D.A. professor” = remus is briar’s dad, and “her best friends a run for their money” = if you’re a fan of hp you can gather she’s friends with the twins
“she’s pretty much a vampire” then the specifics introduce isabelle’s powers, and the description about her dad and her origin also explain what’s going on. also, you’re introduced to her best friend riley, and although she’s introduced anyway in the actual story and you don’t need to introduce every single character, riley is important and by having her in the intro puts some emphasis on that
“likes to do the right thing” so ok you know ruby’s motivation already, but also the fact that she’s friends with carol, tommy, and steve. with “escape hawkins” and “stand up for herself,” you can also gather that in this story, you’re gonna have a character that wants to leave her hometown and wants to stand up for themselves (a lot of this does focus more on my next point tho)
then, this is optional, but if possible, you can introduce the character’s personality and, uh, character. obviously this depends on your writing style and whether or not when you’re writing the summary you can add it in without it sound strange, but if possible, introduce the readers to your character. (it’s not like u want them to read a whole story about them)
from clueless you can gather that briar’s rebellious but also what music she likes. tbh this summary doesn’t show this point as much as the others but that’s okay!! sometimes one summary will have lots of background or introducing the character’s personality and sometimes it won’t!! it depends on the story you’re writing!!
for izzy however, you can get her personality. the informal language (”kid,” “blood-sucking,” “those creeps”) kinda give the sense that izzy’s the opposite of serious, and again that sort of language in a way shows izzy’s age a little? also, the same goes with the “but whatever,” and “but anyway.” like izzy as a character is quite carefree and bubbly. and then, with “the only saint she needs is laurent, thanks!” introduces a couple of things: izzy makes remarks, izzy is rich (bc she’s mentioning a luxury brand like it’s a brand she’s accustomed to), and izzy can be materialistic. like. the only saint she needs is laurent. she’s what madonna was singing about in material girl likeee
with ruby it’s a lot more obivous, and also a lot more stressed? so like in the intro to ruby ruby it shows: ruby wants to do the right thing (so her morals), ruby’s an optimistic character (”she hopes”), and she wants to stand up for herself. because with ruby ruby, the full introduction introduces all of the sullivans, the paragraph for each character was sort of more “yo this is this one” and much less of “this is the full story.” for ruby ruby, the full story’s introduced a lot more in the final paragraph
normally when i write a introduction i stick to two paragraphs and then maybe one sentence right at the end, which often becomes the short summary for the full thing. so in the second paragraph, i introduce the plot. not all of it, but enough to get a reader interested.
CLUELESS: But things take a turn at the end of the school year, when Madame Maxime pulls her aside and informs her of the Triwizard Tournament, a game where Beauxbatons competes against Durmstrang Institute and Hogwarts. And, in the words of Madame Maxime herself — “the school will burn down if I leave you here, so, you are coming, too.”
Fair enough.
MORNINGSTAR: The thing is, though — Isabelle doesn’t want to become a superhero. There are lots of other ways to improve the world, and if anything, she wishes she could keep her powers as hidden as possible. But, when things start to go upside down, it becomes a lot less difficult to stay secret. More and more monsters begin cropping up in her side of the woods, girls from her high school are disappearing left, right, and centre, with the explanation of “We want Morningstar” — and to top it off, her heart skips a beat every time she runs into the kid called Spiderman, even though they’ve managed to be on opposite ends of the civil war between the Avengers…
Life’s hard when you’re the devil’s daughter.
RUBY, RUBY: So when Will Byers goes missing, both Ruby and Lisa are thrown into the deep end. Whilst Ruby’s helping his older brother Jonathan, Lisa’s forced to speak to her own friends again, upon noticing the weird girl that she and Ruby helped escape from the restaurant earlier that week. And now, both girls are living up to their parents’ life lesson of “the most important thing is being good,” even if it means they’re hurtling towards the life their parents escaped from all those years ago…
normally it starts with, “so when this happens,” and it won’t introduce all of the plot, but it’ll introduce part of it.
like, with clueless, in the intro you learn that briar’s going back to hogwarts. you don’t know she becomes a werewolf, you don’t know that she starts to have doubts about preferring hogwarts to beauxbatons, a lot of the plot is unknown, but there’s still enough for a reader to like the sounds of it, and keep on reading.
same with morningstar. it carries on the explaining from the first paragraph but then, you find out that monsters are appearing (but not which ones) and that girls are going missing because someone wants isabelle, but you don’t know why. the stuff’s introduced, in enough detail for a reader to be interested, and then i introduced the love interest. like your readers don’t need to know every single detail off the bat, just enough to be interested
then with ruby ruby. ruby and her little sister are going to be involved with the main story in stranger things. you know who they’ll be hanging out with, but you don’t really know why, nor do you know the rest of the details. at the end i mentioned that their parents were connected with the upside down at one point, but you don’t know what they actually did. just that they were involved. it’s just enough for the reader to be like, “oh shit” and want to read the actual chapters
so, in summary:
introduce your character (because it’s that kid that’s gonna attract readers at the end of the day)
introduce the plot but not in much detail. just enough for readers to be intrigued
make sure the intro reflects upon the story like,,,, don’t give me a fun introduction when the actual story is sad and serious u know
i know it’s super difficult to actually write a summary but i try to keep things in mind when i’m writing mine. like i always want to make sure that the introduction properly reflects upon the story and the character. and again, a lot of the stuff i talked about i don’t make sure to include, it’s more like, i’ll be conscious of the words i’m using when i’m writing it. also a lot of my intros are pretty informal but that’s because my narrative style’s definitely influenced by reading too much meg cabot and lisi harrison when i was little lmao
also!! when you’re writing a summary don’t be afraid to have a look at others. like don’t copy them but look at how different people have written them. like even with three of mine, there’s some variety. there’s no harm in reading others to get a feel of what to write yourself
hope this helps!! :-)
ask me questions!!
also: clueless, morningstar, ruby ruby
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blacklungbaby · 6 years
My Beautiful One || Pt 6.FINAL
Sebastian Verlac x Reader
Requested: Nope
Warnings: swearing? just a little bit
Part One|Part Two|Part Three|Part Four|Part Five
A/N: this is gonna be the last chapter in this fanfic! I hope you guys have enjoyed my first one based on Shadowhunters, thanks for liking/reblogging i really appreciated it! 🧡🧡🧡
ps,, i try to stay as in tune to Sebastian’s character as possible, but in some cases I bend it a little bit so he’s more like how I wish he was tbh 😂 so sorry if that affects how you read the story!
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You woke up in the same bed you were in yesterday. Fully clothed, it seemed that as soon as you finished confessing your feelings for Sebastian Morgenstern you had simply passed out.
You had your plans ready for today, all mapped out in your head. Sebastian seemed to be totally smitten by you, and he had never felt that way in his life before. He had never felt pure love, had never found somebody that loves him for who he genuinely is. And now that you’ve came along and love him for every inch of himself, he had sworn to never let you go. You were probably the only person who would ever feel this way for him. Demon and all.
Your plan was to get rid of Valentine. The only way you could successfully destroy their plan of letting the demons run lose through Alicante was to get Valentine out of the way first. And you knew exactly what you were going to do. First off, you had to get Sebastian in on the plan. Hopefully that wouldn’t be too hard, considering the love he has for you. Then you would both escort Valentine to the Clave, and hand him over for sentencing there. The only problem will be with Sebastian’s punishment. He was an accomplice in this after all, and even if this plan did work, it would take every ounce of effort you had in you to get Jace and Isabelle and everyone back at the Insititute to trust Sebastian again.
You hadn’t informed Sebastian of your plan yet, so you slowly rolled out of bed and went to find him somewhere in the house.
You found him in the kitchen, leaning against the bench and looking out the window. He didn’t seem to hear you coming towards him. “Seb?” You said, and he quickly turned around.
“Y/N.” He gave you a small smile, which you returned.
“Look I need to tell you something but before I do-I just want you to know that this isn’t the reason I came here with you and Valentine. I came here mainly because of you. Because I love you.” You placed a hand on his shoulder, and he raised his eyebrows at you, giving you a “keep going” look. “I also came here to tell you to reconsider your original plan. You know, the whole demons destroying Alicante plan.” Sebastian sighed, and turned back to face the window.
“Now before you straight up reject me- hear me out. We can take Valentine to the Clave, Sebastian. You and me. And then we can go back to the Insititute. I promise. You’ll be surrounded by people that love you, that truly love you. That care about you and your wellbeing. You’ll be with me, and Clary, even. And Jace. And I know it may seem like everyone is currently out to get you, but I promise you they won’t when they realise that you’ll be doing everybody, and not just the people back home at the New York Insititute a favour, but you’ll be doing it for the whole wide world. Isn’t that what you’d prefer? Being surrounded by those who love you? Or would you rather watch them all burn, them all die, just so you can sit above them all and watch? To have nothing left to live for? Sebastian Morgenstern, I swear, if we do this plan-my plan- you will have everything that you have ever deeply wanted. I swear it on my own life.” You pleaded with him, and you could see his breathing getting heavier.
“Your plan sounds absolutely lovely y/n, but how?” Sebastian turned around to face you, a twisted expression on his face. “How would this work? Not only would I get punished by the damned Clave, but everybody back at the Institute would still despise me. Even my own sister.” You noticed that he had been gripping the edge of the kitchen counter so hard that his knuckles had turned white.
“Sebastian, don’t think like that. I will do everything in my power that I can to stop the Clave from doing what you think they’ll do. And everyone at the Insititute, they will appreciate you once they know what you’ve done for them. And Jace-“ you paused when you saw four figures approaching the cottage you were in. Four figures, one with fiery red hair, one with golden, one tall, dark, and handsome, and finally, the unmistakable, the long-haired silhouette of none other then your very own parabatai.
Before you could control what you were doing, you sped past Sebastian and ran out the door, Sebastian hot on your heels once he realised who was out there.
“Y/n!” Alec exclaimed, but you couldn’t tell if it was out of excitement or anger.
“Y/n are you alright? I swear to the heavenly angel if that bastard hurt you-“ Jace began.
“Ah, yes. Such kind words from my old friends. Care to come inside for a cup of tea, catch up on some news?” Sebastian mocked, and you almost laughed at how completely English he sounded.
“Jonathan what have you done?!” Isabelle yelled, and started walking powerfully towards you.
“Izzy, everyone, stop!” You yelled, drawing one of your kindjals from its sheathe. “Nobody is going to hurt anyone. Now if you’ll all shut up and stop accusing Sebastian of doing things he hasn’t even dreamt of doing, maybe we would all be able to get somewhere here.” You scowled at the group automatically.
They all stopped talking, but were still staring cautiously at you and Sebastian, and how close you were standing.
“Good,” You said, sheathing your kindjal back into its place. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” You chucked a sidelong glance at Sebastian, but he was already staring icily at Jace.
Maybe, you thought, this will be even harder than I imagined it would be.
“I wasn’t forced to come here. If that’s what you’re all thinking. And I know that you all are, because I can see by the look on your faces right now, which, I might add, you’re not being very careful at hiding. I came here on my own accord, just like I stated in that letter I left. Now I have no idea how you tracked me here seems as it’s impossible to track me inside Idris-“
“You’d be surprised at the length of expertise in Magnus’s magic.” Alec interrupted, still staring straight ahead at Sebastian.
“Oh, yes, your little warlock boyfriend, how old is he now? Five thousand, six thousand years old? Never heard of a Shadowhunter who had such, antique taste.” Sebastian said, and you elbowed him hard in the side, as Alex clenched his jaw to refrain from killing him.
“As I was saying,” you continued, annoyed at their immaturity. “I came here because I wanted to. And that’s because there is something important I need to discuss. And it involves Sebastian.” You looked over at him and he returned your glance. “And all of you.”
You saw Isabelle and Clary roll their eyes in unison. Sebastian saw, and couldn’t help from dropping an obnoxious comment.
“Well it’s either you go along with this plan of y/n’s or I burn each and every one of your precious little Insititute’s to the ground, and I don’t think you’d like that.”
“You know, Jonathan, I think you should at least be trying to make yourself seem more likeable than what you actually are.” Clary said, contributing to the conversation for the first time.
“Oh but darling sister, if only you put in the effort to actually get to know me, you’d find out that I can be quite charming.”
You snapped. “Oh for the love of fucking Ithuriel, I’m getting straight to the point right here and right now with no more interruptions. Plan is; we take Valentine to the Clave right now. Sebastian comes back with us, yes that’s right Jace, don’t give me that look, with us, and we all get along and love each other like a good, normal, family. Got it? Valentine is the real problem here, not Sebastian. Trust me. Please. Just trust me, that’s all I ask.”
They all looked at you like you were absolutely mental. “And how do we know that Jonathan isn’t just going to go all demon on us back at New York and slaughter us all to death?” Alec said.
“I’m right here you know. I may be part demon but that does not make me deaf.” Sebastian stated, crossing his arms across his chest. “Now the only reason I agreed to this... alternative plan is because, believe me, I love y/n and I’m going to do everything I can possibly do to not destroy that.”
You were surprised to hear those words come out of Sebastian’s mouth, and so were the rest of the group. Jace and Clary shared a look, a surprised, completely-out-of-nowhere look, Isabelle’s mouth dropped open, and Alec just rolled his eyes, which, was totally normal.
“I’m sorry, did I hear you correctly? Did you just say you love-“ Jace began.
You sighed. “Yes he did. Now, please, this is driving me crazy. Are you in on this plan or are you going to fuck this all up and put your past grudges first? Because Valentine is holed up in the basement there and I am dying to hand him over to somewhere where he is not my responsibility.”
They all shared a look, and you could almost physically hear the decisions being thrown back and forth. In what seemed like forever, it was finally Isabelle who spoke up.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this. But fine. I’m in. You’re my parabatai, and I trust you. But I swear,” she looked at Sebastian, “If you do anything, anything, that makes me regret doing this, you’ll know about it.”
Isabelle walked up to you and hugged you tightly. “I really did miss you y/n. I’m just glad you’re okay.”
You hugged her back, thankful for at least one person agreeing with your plan. “And I missed you too, Izzy. Thankyou for understanding.”
Without saying a word, Alec walked over and joined you. You smiled at him, genuinely surprised.
“Same goes. Jonathan, if you try anything, I too, will not hesitate with this seraph blade.”
Sebastian scoffed. “Lovely to know I’m going to be looked after well.”
Lastly, Jace and Clary remained. You should’ve known they would be the hardest to convince. They had personal experiences with the demonic and the bad side of Sebastian, and to be completely honest with yourself, if you hadn’t seen just how vulnerable Sebastian could be, you also wouldn’t hesitate to possibly kill him.
Jace looked you in the eyes, and for a fleeting moment you felt those feelings resurface for him. But they were gone as quick as they came. You had someone new standing directly next to you, and he was better than anything you could ever imagine.
“I’m not a very forgiving person.” Jace began, and you prepared yourself for one of the very famous Herondale boy’s speeches that he usually did at emotional times. “And I’m not even 100% about this, let alone 50%. But I’ve grown up beside you ever since I could remember, y/n, and throughout my entire time I’ve known you, you’ve never loved anybody the way that I can tell you love Sebastian. And no offence or anything, but Sebastian isn’t exactly the first person I would’ve thought you’d have chosen to love. So yeah, you should take a break from being your usual, cold, badass, nonchalant Y/N L/N self, and let yourself feel something for a change. I know what it’s like, you know. To put up an act for so long. To act like the tough guy, to show no sign of vulnerability. But someone comes along, someone who you least expect it to be, and they change you. They change your life, for the good.” You knew he was talking about Clary, and just a month ago that would’ve completely destroyed you. But now, despite everything that was currently happening, you managed a small smile.
“Which is why we’re both on board with this plan. Anything to get rid of Valentine. Anything to see you happy. Even though there is quite a few risks involved.” Clary said, and she took Jace’s hand in hers as she stepped over to join the rest of you.
“Even if the risks could potentially destroy everyone’s lives around us. That’s how much we’re willing to sacrifice for you. Only because we know, you would do the same for us.”
Things had settled down pretty quickly back at the Insititute.
Ever since that day back at the cabin in Idris, your life had been set back on its tracks.
After everybody had agreed on your plan, even reluctant Sebastian, you had portalled yourselves and a hostaged Valentine directly into Alicante, escorting him straight up to the Consul, Jia Penhallow, handing him over for justice.
Jia had been very, very hard to convince to let Sebastian go punishment free. She had been even more and obviously harder to convince than Jace, Clary, Alec and Izzy.
The end result was successful though, after a lot of coherent arguing and screaming, valentine was finally locked up in the Silent City, out of harms way and in guard of the Silent Brothers and the strongest jail cells in the Shadow World, you wouldn’t see him ever again, and you didn’t want to either.
It had taken a while for everybody to fully get used to and trust Sebastian again. But after awhile of him going on missions, helping out, and just being genuinely good to everybody around the Insititute, you could finally see the happiness show on the outside, and nothing in the world made you prouder.
You were currently in the training room, with Izzy, Sebastian, and Jace, helping Sebastian choose out his signature weapon, seems as he was full-time at the Insititute now.
“You should totally go for the bow and arrows. We only have one archer in this facility, and that’s Alec. Well, the only good archer anyway. Everyone else is kinda bland.” Isabelle suggested.
“Nah, I always thought you were a kind of throwing-knives guy. Probably because you threw one at me one time and almost completely punctured my skull.” Jace said, earning a small laugh from Sebastian.
“You know what?” Sebastian said, turning away from the weapons rack and facing you three. “I think I’m just going to stick with Phaesphoros.” Sebastian had always kept a broadsword, it had truly been his signature weapon ever since he posed as the real Sebastian Verlac. “Just so I can be reminded that I am still a Morgenstern, no matter how much I’ve come to understand.”
You smiled at Sebastian and wrapped your arm around his. “And I am so proud of you, Sebastian Morgernstern. I am so proud of you for not being a complete and total asshole like Valentine.” You planted a kiss on his lips.
“Oh god, get a room will you?” Jace said.
Isabelle scoffed and raised her eyebrows. “I think they already have. Try having the room directly next to y/n’s. I swear, I never get any sleep.” You slapped Isabelle’s arm, and felt Sebastian’s laughter mimic yours.
No matter how much you had gone through, and no matter how much you lost, it was times like these that made you smile, surrounded by your family, and the people you love, just laughing for hours and hours on end.
Sebastian was truly happy. Truly happy for the first time in his life. And there was nothing in the world that could make you feel anymore warm inside, to know that you were the cause of that.
Your life was finally the best that it could be. And together, together with your friends and family, you couldn’t wait to see what the rest of the world had to offer.
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annashipper · 6 years
Megapost Nr. 3 - June 23rd 2018
London Anon:  Hello, Anna, London Anon's here! Did you saw the latest tweet from James R.? He's in London now and tweeted about" breakfast in pal's house, vegan (! ) breakfast and how pal's small children wanted to hear some piano music 😂. No names. It could be just a friend. But is it a tiny shoutout to Ben and "his imaginary kids" ? James wants to play some PR or what? Sorry, i can't do screencaps. I was browsing Twitter, saw" vegan friend with kids and piano" and nearly choked on my coffee. 
Anna:  Hi London Anon and welcome in our midst!  :D
I’m sure James’ tweet was referring to Ben.  The question is why they don’t realise baity tweets don’t work on any of the Skeptics anymore.  On the plus side, at least James is a great friend who’s willing to go the extra mile for Ben.  
Nonny Nr. 1:   hahahhaha yeah, its gonna take more than that to convince me these kids are real. like, i dunno, seeing them. alive. once. in their life
Anna:  But... we’ve already gotten a pap walk in HD from NYC for Pilo, and Weirdo was even smiling for the paparazzo who was taking the pics Nonny.  What more do you need to be convinced?  :P
Nonny Nr. 2:  oh man, they really are painting a very specific family image. its the exact image i expected of ben and sophie. totally unreal and unbelievable, but totally predictable. these people are disgusting, and i include james the liar in that pile of disgusting as well. 
Anna:  Sorry Nonny, but I don’t agree with you.  I would (and have actually done it in the past) lie for my friends.  I actually think James’ tweet would have been a great touch in furthering the narrative Ben’s trying to push, had it only come at least 2 years earlier...
Nonny Nr. 3:   they really need to get someone who lives on the street to talk about the kids, proving that they are seen in the area, since there is no evidence that they've ever been spotted in the nabe in years
Anna:  Nonny, do “hardcore skeptics” who just happen to live very close to Ben’s new property and have seen Ben with his family around the neighbourhood multiple times count?
Cause I get such anonymous asks almost on a weekly basis, and the anonymous people who send them to me are VERY skeptical of Ben’s private life, even though they know for a fact the children are definitely real and they always report that Ben gazes at Weirdo tenderly during their strolls.  None of them take pictures of the adorable family of course, because they respect Ben’s privacy too much for that, but they do see them out and about almost on a daily basis.  And they are hardcore skeptics of course.  They invariably tell me that on every single such ask I get.  
Of course I never understood what they’re skeptical about given what they have witnessed with their own two eyes... but I believe them.  And so should you!  
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Nonny Nr. 4:   they should all go for a post breakkie stroll. im sure the neighbours are wondering where all the kids are
Anna:  I'm sure I’ll get reports from at least 4 different very skeptical anons tomorrow about it Nonny  :P
Nonny Nr. 5:   hey PR? can we get a move on? we all know you have this story written, and this is all a narrative that is going to be controlled and released, lots of little stupid things like this, to wrap it up in an end w no blame. can we move it along? getting bens friends to lie like this is annoying. i know you have to but lets pick up the pace.
Anna:  Now, THAT would be lovely Nonny.  Intern, let’s skip all of the unnecessary baitiness and speed the whole thing up after Weirdo’s Wimbledon photo ops, shall we?  
Nonny Nr. 6:   “ The uninstalling of PrBatch won't happen...” I’m sorry honey nonny, you may take it in wrong order, when BTCC decides to take back his own life the shownance ends and the PRBatch uninstalls, not the other way.
Anna:  Nonny, I couldn’t possibly agree more.
Nonny Nr. 7:   I didn't view the TCA thing as a snub tbh, miniseries actors aren't commonly in the individual category. There's no rule against it or anything, maybe the critics feel TV is more shows? Over the last 25 years, only two miniseries actors have ever between nominated (Pacino for Angels in America and Giamotti for John Adams; no actresses at all). That's out of over 100 nominees.
Anna:  Actually Nonny, Sara Paulson received the award two years ago for her performance on The People VS OJ Simpson.
Izzy:   "To be perfectly honest, this is the first time I ever even heard of the TCAAs."- it's not new at all but from what I understand the ceremony is a private event. So I think it not being televised makes it forgetable lol
Anna:  I’m sure that has A LOT to do with it Izzy  :o)
@i-luv-benny-c:  Wow, that part where BC lectures the magazine interviewer who dares to ask about his family.  He should have stopped after “Sorry but I don’t talk about my private life”.  And then he goes on to talk about his private life!  His OTT defensiveness (both verbal and non-verbal) reminds me of his saying 2 years ago that people think his wife and child are PR stunts.  And his statement, “This is a touchy issue for me” convinces me even more that his family is fake.
BC’s response to the interviewer reveals how the showmance has taken its toll on him, aging him well past his years. He lashes out like a trapped animal.  He’s painted himself into a corner and the walls are closing in.  This is so sad.
Anna:  @i-luv-benny-c, you know how I usually don’t agree with you on anything?  Well, today is not one of those days   ;o)
Izzy:   "I love that Ben has realised his shortcomings when it comes to providing convincing anecdotes about the pillows, so he seems to have taken a steep turn towards skipping discussing them altogether.  Wise move!"- 
Except hes already talked about his private life enough that its weird to suddenly act defensive that someone mentions it. He interrupts the interviewer to say he doesn't talk about his private life as they refer to something he had already said about it.  Then he goes on to say they travel with him, which sure sounds like talking about something private to me. It would be one thing if he was responding to a particularly prying question but he seemed to get defensive at the mention of them. If he's going to get snippy now when people bring up the kids The Grinch promo is gonna be hella awkward.
Anna:  He’s not gonna get snippy about people bringing up the pillows during The Grinch promo Izzy.  In fact, I expect the pillows to be one of the selling points he’ll be using for the pitch.  I’m sure they’ll be just like the bank notes during The Imitation Game promo   ;o)
Mom Anon:  See? I’m not online for the afternoon and something happens! Well, judging by the comments, the Skeptics are taking it with a grain of salt. Could indeed be anyone but it indeed reads like James means Ben. Ah well, the nans will love it!
Anna:  I don’t know if it was you or me being offline for the day Mom Anon, but I’m tempted to go offline for an entire month for no particular reason to just see what’ll happen  :P
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laufire · 6 years
Name a ship that most represents your type of ship.
Isabelle and Raphael from Shadowhunters, hands down. (Beware: this turned into a long post that talks at once about all my current -and some not-so-current- otps).
-LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. “Why are you helping me?” “I don’t know.” – Shadowhunters
Half my dash must be tiring of hearing this, but I adore this trope. I love how it moves things along: the character is already in love -automatically, the relationship goes into Intense™ territory, you get swept into its groove, whether you like it or not (another reason why these ships, when they raise hate, the RAISE hate xD). Emori and John in The 100, Matt ~sensing Elektra across the room in Daredevil, Wes seeing Rebecca for the first time in HTGAWM, Derek and Jesse in TSCC (I want to start re-watching that show soon so I have that ship very present *sniffs*), Bruce and Selina in Gotham (and IIRC, every BatCat adaptation worth something has this in some form -it is a MUST).
With Rizzy, like with other ships (Caroline and Klaus in TVD, Bellamy and Raven in The 100), it might not be literally at first sight, but the result is the same: they might know of each other, but it is the first time that they really MEET, that something HUGE happens (Raphael feeding on Isabelle, Klaus offering Caroline his blood, Bellamy and Raven’s first time), when you can feel it. I love these cases too, because it offers the possibility of including a messy history/start/etc. (something that you can see at various points of this list lol), while simultaneously giving me the opportunity of experiencing the LAFS moment on present time, instead of in flashbacks (Elektra and Matt) or references (Harvey and Scottie in Suits).
-UNPLANNED, UNFORESEEN, UNWITTING. “But it doesn’t make any sense, it came out of nowhere!!” – the fandom lol
This is somewhat related to the LAFS point, and a criticism I’ve seen time and again about more than one of those ships, but in this case is multiplied by a hundred xD 
And I wanted to make a separate point for this because, lbr -you rarely see this complaint (or at least not as generalized) when a PILOT ShowTP goes for LAFS. But that is something I love about these ships: it wasn’t in the original plan, there was no “build-up” that could have pointed at it, and it’s likely that the writing team behind it never had an inkling of the effects the ship could have on the writing. Some of my favourite cases are Bellamy and Raven, Caroline and Klaus, Bonnie and Kai, Emori and Murphy… these ships irremediably alter the foundations of their ‘verse, they re-shape the story. I love that something that came “out of nowhere” can have that effect. I love it. 
This meta by @candyumbrella does a great job explaining this (far better than I could, and besides, this post is already getting longer than I expected ^^), and it even does it through Isabelle and Raphael. Her Ted and Tobin’s posts in general have been illuminating wrt how tv writers work, and in relation to this post, I’m more aware now of what makes me ship certain things, why something that on paper should be appealing to me falls flat, etc. I’d recommend them all, but beware because they will take hours of your life XD
-STAR-CROSSED LOVERS. “If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it.” – Hamilton
Was there anyone who did not FREAK THE FUCK OUT with the “at the brink of war” line? Because I don’t believe them.
Look, it’s obvious. It’s cliché. I don’t care. I live for this trope. Allison and Scott from Teen Wolf was one my favourite instances of this trope (my bbys ;_;); it was one of the things that interested me of Allison/Derek too, as a crack ship; it was the whole premise of Still Star-Crossed and I’m not even gonna pretend I didn’t shamelessly enjoy every second. It was what instantly made Rosita/Waverly my OTP in Wynonna Earp, aka the most impossible out of all my rareships xD. Priya/Sierra and Tony/Victor in Dollhouse (I never know wtf to call the people on this show istg) had this element too, even if it was in a “us vs the world” sense, more than “we’re on different sides of a conflict way bigger than us and everything is stacked against us fuck” lol. Cassian and Jyn could go there too.
And obviously, Isabelle and Raphael as a ship have this written on its DNA, given how the ‘verse positions Shadowhunters and Downworlders. Outside the 219 scene (*_*), I think 213’s meeting in the alley managed to showcase it really well.
-EX-SOMETHING, EX-MAYBE, EX-ALMOST. “Well never be done with each other.” – Shadowhunters 
I loooooove exes. Actual exes, proto exes, centuries-old exes. Something I love even more is “bitter exes that still have a special connection no one else gets or beats” (Camille and Magnus, Carlos and Kisa on FDTD, Elektra and Matt, Harvey and Scottie -and on the bitterest, most fucked up side, with ships like Katherine and Stefan on TVD or Derek and Kate on Teen Wolf. I even consider Rosita and Waverly could belong here, idc if it was one simple kiss okay xD). Obviously Isabelle and Raphael aren’t bitter, but they might get there, if I’m lucky! A girl can dream! (weird thing to say about an otp? I don’t care xD)
And one thing that is significant of these types of ships, and obviously of Raphabelle, is that, whether they’re together or not (hell, Izzy and Raphael have never really “dated”), narratively speaking, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t make any difference. They’re still connected, one simple scene where they merely look at each other across a crowded room can resurrect the ship after years not even speaking to each other. Hell, with Caroline and Klaus it only took one phone call xD 
-CAN’T QUIT EACH OTHER. “I’m just asking for a little taste.” – Shadowhunters
I guess this relates somewhat to the previous point, but I wanted to reference the addiction plot because for me it isn’t a bug, it’s a feature xD I’ve seen people say things like “I know they started out as problematic™ with the addiction, but now that they’re over that, they could be a gr10 ship!!”, and fuck that¸ tbh xD They’re a great ship because of the addiction storyline. It adds this messed up layer of wonder, of doubt, over the ship that I love. And obviously, there’s the appeal of “we’re bad for each other but we can’t stay apart!!” angst. My lizard brain likey. And it’s definitely a huge part of the appeal of Matt and Elektra, BatCat in general…
-SHARING SECRETS. “Nobody knows. Except for you.” – Shadowhunters
Things like Isabelle admitting she doesn’t feel strong, Raphael revealing the story about her sister, Bellamy telling Raven about how he felt about his mother’s death, Harvey confessing about Mike’s fraud to Scottie even if he knows it won’t make any difference, or only being capable of admitting to her voluntarily that he’s seeing a therapist… That kind of thing gives me so much joy :D
And lbr, the “except for YOU” part? HUGE draw, yup. 
-CHARGED INTIMACY. “#they might as well have been alone #were there other people in the scene? who cares. they were all irrelevant. – @magalimoons lol
Any shipper would know what I’m talking about. That moment where Isabelle leaves mid-conversation with Alec and Meliorn in 214 to go to Raphael, or when they talk at the end of 210, or when they talk in 219. Bellamy and Raven in 413, when he’s telling her how much they need her and everyone and everything else disappears of the room (that’s the scene referenced above lol), or when A.L.I.E. posses Raven, and despite everyone else being one room away without even a door separating them, this feeling of intimacy falls over the scene. Caroline and Klaus looking at each other when he appears during the graduation event in 423, Root and Shaw in PoI. Literally everything about Rizzy in 209. 
–BLOODSHARING. “they have to suck your blood. And then you have to suck their blood. It’s like a whole big sucking thing.” – Buffy the Vampire Slayer
This has been one of my favourite tropes for-fucking-ever, guys. I think my first experience with it was Blade? Or Angel and Buffy? I’d say Blade. In any case: it changed my fucking life. The fact that Rizzy includes it is the cherry on top of this beautiful ship-cake.
On another note: blood transfusions totally count xD Furiosa and Max come to mind, for example.
There are other things that add to the ship for me: Raphael’s aceness (I project a lot onto him even without it so), the weird catholic/heretic themes xD, how beautiful they look together (I once was accused of “only” liking them because they looked hot together, which. LOL at the only, given this post and every other I’ve written about them, but also. OFC I like that they look hot together. That’s not only a good thing, it’s an IMPORTANT thing, among other reasons, because if the writers like your ship, they will look hot together xD).
And it’s not that if it doesn’t have any of those I won’t like a ship XD; in fact, some of my biggest OTPs lack some or even most of these traits (Gabrielle and Xena, Brigan and Fire in the Seven Kingdoms Trilogy, Clark and Lois in some versions), or that there aren’t other romantic tropes I love that don’t fit Rizzy (the Unholy Matrimony trope is one of my favourites, for example), but well. I know what I’m about xD
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Hi!! Your writing is amazing and I just FJFJFJFJ makes me cry tbh. I was wondering, how about a fic from the sneak peak from 2x20? Alec is at the institute and he feels the pin in his parabatai bond, and he is screaming and crying out in pain, and magnus tries to calm him down, and will do whatever it takes to keep him safe? And in a way, they make up in the process, and be the bad ass couple they are You are just an amazing writer and I can't wait to read more!!!
Oh, thank you so so so much anon! You have to know that I wrote like 600 words that I loved to fill this (and 3 other prompts) and then lost them and the only thing that convinced me to start again tonight were your kind words, so thank you so so much!With this fic, I’m filling 4 prompts currently in my askbox: this one, Magnus caring for Alec after his parabatai bond faded, Magnus telling Alec about his father and “Literally anything Prince of Hell!Magnus in your writing style would be a blessing.” which, anon, I have no words to thank you. I like to think I actually managed to fill them all pretty decently? Please let me know! I basically rewrote the fighting scene (I’m still not very good at writing those *harrumphs*) in episode 20.I listened to this  while I was writing the fighting scene and this while I was writing the last scene, just in case somebody (no one) is wondering.Alright, that’s enough, here it goes.
War is always new.
Everything that is horrifying alwayshas new sides to show.
He keeps throwing magic into thebloody wound in the ground, pulling and pushing and moulding dirt andsand to close it, but Demons keep crawling out of it, black claws andblack jaws snapping and slashing, and there are too many.
Alexander and Isabelle can’t handlethem. For every Demon they kill, two more take its place. There is nowinning.
Not like this.
He can’t help them and close therift, doesn’t have enough magic for both.
It’s them or their whole world.
(It’s his heart or his mind.)
He snaps his mouth shut against thatthought, teeth grinding painfully, his magic weakening once againwhen two more Demons crawl out on two legs, grotesquely human-like,their ribcage exposed behind their claws.
Alexander screams: -Izzy!-,his voice filled with pain and worry, and Magnus looks up, movementssharp, sees her falling to the ground and Alec desperately steppingin front of her, his arrows used as daggers, quickly, surrender notin his blood as he keepsfighting, adrenaline driving him forward, Demons getting closer andcloser to him.
Magnus thinks fuck it.
He yanks his arms backwards, magicsnapping back towards his palms; he twists his wrist, tendrils ofblue energy dancing between his fingers as he ties them into a net,and he throws it onto the rift in the ground.
His fists clench as he walks towardsAlec, magic thrumming beneath his skin, turning his eyes golden asfury climbs up his throat, the air around him shaking with it.
He thinks stay the fuckaway from him.
He slips his fingers into Alec’s thigh holster, closes them aroundthe hilt of the sword – he remembers taking it off of him, thesound of it on his bedroom floor.
Alec’s eyes are wide and astonished when the Blade recognises hisblood, glows blue with his magic.
Magnus smiles sideways at him, a cat-like grin: -I’m the High Warlockof Brooklyn.
And then war is nothing new.
It’s protecting the people he loves.
His body remembers for him, the sword a comforting weight in hishands as he swings it, fast and agile, his steps light on the sand,the air hot and humid and briny and thick, black stains marking hisskin and his clothes as he fights, Alec right beside him, his arrowsreaching where Magnus is blind.
Izzy is still on the sand behind them, breathing but unmoving, bloodgushing from a wound on her forehead.
The Demons keep coming but they are weaker because of Magnus’ shield,wounds already tearing their flesh, and maybe –
Alec screams.
It’s a bone-shattering scream and Magnus thinks he’ll remember it forthe rest of his life, but then Alec is falling on his knees, curlingin on himself like he’s trying to get away from the pain and Magnuscan’t see where he’s hurt, how much he’s hurt, and the Demonsrecognise Alec’s weakness and start running towards him, hunting,craving death, and something primal and visceral in Magnus’ mindsimply says: no.
He pours it into the sword, both hands wrapped tightly around thehilt, the air around him vibrating with it, he steps in front ofAlec, places himself between the Demons running towards him and him,Alec, and he thinks fuckno, cuts the air infront of him with Alec’s sword, from his right shoulder to his left hip,he falls on his knees for the strength of it.
The air in front of him explodes.
Blue flames seem to envelopeeverything for a split second, the noise like a waterfall in hisears, and then everything is quiet. For a moment.
And then every Demon is burning, screamingas the flames run on their bodies.
Magnus crawls on his knees on thesand, the sword falling fromhis hands, where Alec isgasping for air with hishands pressed against his temples, his eyes staring into nothing,pain digging lines on his forehead, around his eyes, and Magnus wrapshis hands around his wrists, his palms wet with blood, forces Alec’seyes into his: -Alec,- he calls, panic working its way into hisvoice, Demons still screaming behind him, -Alec. Alexander.
Alec’s eyes snap into his, wide andterrified.
-Alec, I can’t see where you’rehurt,- Magnus says, his eyes wandering hysterically on Alec’s body.Alec shakes his head.
There are tears in his eyes.
-I can’t feel him,- he says,whines, begs, -I can’t feel Jace. My parabatai rune,- he’sstuttering, his voice shaking as his fingers scramble for the hem ofhis shirt, but he can’t reach it, so Magnus does it for him.
His heart breaks in his chest.
There is no rune on Alec’s skin.
Alec’s fingers reach for it, hescratches his skin like he’s trying to bring it back, and he keepssaying no,incredulous and broken and terrified and desperate.
New Demons keep crawling up fromthe rift, Magnus can feel them as they push and break his wards.
He tries to swallow the knot in histhroat, his own tears.
-Alec,- he says, and Alec looks athim like he might have the answer, but Magnus’ voice breaks; hereaches desperately for Alec’s hand on the sand, their fingerstangled: -We need to finish this.
Alec closes his eyes, slowly,tight, like he’s allowing himself to utterly break for a second only.He opens his eyes, red rimmed and swollen, and nods.
Magnus wants to reach out, wants tosay more, everything. He thinks mybrave Shadowhunter. Buthe simply looks into hiseyes for a second more: -You take care of Isabelle, I’ll handle theDemons.
Alec opens his mouth like he’sabout to say something, but Magnus shakes his head; a tragic smilecurls his lips: -I’m more than the High Warlock of Brooklyn,- hewhispers. He looks away and takes a deep breath to stand up again.
The flames have grown weaker,Demons running around them into the water, and Magnus focuses on theshadows inside his mind, on the shame and the guilt and the anger andthe thirst for death and revenge inside of him, brings them onto hislips, darkness tight around his heart as he lets it bleed into hisvoice, low and unrecognisable when he growls: -Crawl back to thecorner of Hell you came from,- a cruel smile on his lips as he letshis blood speak for him: -I commandyou.
Everything stops, like silenceafter a thunder, and then the Demons obey, like one they startscrambling back towards the rift, running and crawling over eachother to follow the order, and Magnus closes his eyes, for a momentonly, he breathes against the darkness around his hearth and thedemons in his mind.
There are tear tracks on Alec’scheeks; Izzy is standing with an arm around Alec’s shoulders, hereyes half closed, her face pale.
Magnus swallows: -I’ll close therift.
He turns but Alec’s hand on his armstops him; he looks at him with a knot in his throat because he can’tface him too, but Alec’s eyes are determined when he says: -Use mystrength,- his voice still broken, -You said closing the riftwouldn’t be easy and you’ve already used a lot of your magic.
Magnus feels his bones tremble,there is still darkness in his mind; he says: -You just saw mecommand a hoard of Demons.
But Alec holds out his hand,offers; he looks him in the eyes and says: -I know you.
He doesn’t say Itrust you. He doesn’tsay I love you.
Magnus takes his hand and thedarkness around his heart doesn’t feel as suffocating.
Theyshower together, not quite ready to let go of each other, Alec’shands careful in Magnus’ hair, Magnus’ fingers gentle on Alec’s back.
Theylay on the bed, legs tangled, foreheads touching. Alec closes hiseyes and breathes in as Magnus’ thumb draws gentle circles on therune on his hip. -How are you feeling?- he asks.
-Better,-he murmurs, moving his head against on the pillow, his nose brushingMagnus’, -I keep reaching for him every other second to check if he’salright, but it’s fine,- heopens his eyes, -I’ll be fine.
Afond smile curls Magnus’ lips: -Of course you’ll be. My brave, strongShadowhunter,- his voice gentle around the word.
Alecsmiles back, closes his eyes again, and Magnus simply looks at him.He thinks Iwaited for you.He whispers: -You haven’t asked me yet.
Alecopens one eye, half of his face hidden in the pillow; he studiesMagnus for a moment: -You’ll tell me if you want to,- Alec murmurs,his voice soft.
Magnuscloses his eyes. He can’t – he’s afraid he’ll see in Alec’s eyesthe moment he’ll stop loving him.
-Asmodeusis my father.
Thereis silence, stunned silence, and Magnus wasn’t as afraid as he is nowwhen he was fighting those Demons by himself.
Butthen – Alec’s fingers are tentative against his cheek, his knucklesbrushing his skin, and he says: -Well, Robert Lightwood is mine,so.-, and Magnus opens his eyes with the laughter that’s startled outof him, he presses his thumb in his stomach and says: -You are theworst,Alexander.-, butAlec smiles, curls around him, Magnus’ head tucked under his chin.
-Justwanted to make you smile for a moment,- Alec mumbles.
Magnusburies his face deeper into the space between Alec’s chin and hischest, takes those words and plans on keeping them. -Being seriousfor a moment, though,- he says, doesn’t finish, his finger slowlytracing a rune on Alec’s chest.
-You’renot your father,- Alec says, his words so sure Magnus might believethem himself, but – he can still feel the shadows still lurking inhis mind. -But there are parts of me that –
Alec’sfingers are gentle on his chin as he makes him look up; he’s so closeand open Magnus could just close his eyes and lose himself in him. -Idon’t expect you to be perfect,- he says, careful with his words, -Iexpect you to be you, every part and every shadow and every singlething you don’t like, because that’s – you’ll still be a fuckingmiracle to me. Okay?
Magnuscloses his eyes.
(Peaceis always new. Hope is always new.)
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izzyovercoffee · 7 years
Do you have any ships in the clone wars/repcom fandom?
TBH I have a really… really long list of ships. I’m one of those people that could potentially ship anyone/everyone given enough time to come up with at least vaguely acceptable reasoning. 
I mean … I’m the one behind the ship of Mereel and The Stars so I don’t … uh, have a whole lot of requirements for shipping.
My lines are: Everyone is an Adult at time of ship; and any potentially coercive relationships are written with a very clear, honest presentation and understanding of that coercive nature (zero tolerance policy for romanticizing abuse).
Fair warning, though: I do have clone/clone ships, too, and I know that makes people uncomfortable — hence the warning. And for the record, any of the below ships? I don’t expect anyone else to ship it, and I don’t generally expect people to be down w/ it or write it, either. B’)
I also … have Mereel listed kind of a lot in here. He just has so much love to give, okay. B’)
and under a cut bc damn this got long
Republic Commando: 
Mereel and the Stars
Stars. Ka’ra. Ruling Council of Fallen Leaders. 
When Mand’alore die, it’s said they ascend to the stars. Is that where it ends, really, or do they become something more, something greater than they were in life? And if they do — do they interact with the people?
Do they keep favorites? Do they adore and adulate their champions?
And how difficult, exactly, is that relationship for the mortal who can’t quite reach out and touch the one he loves most?
Ordo and Besany
like honestly my OTP for the longest time lmao 
I never finished my ‘Are These For Me?’ 30 drabbles for them … but maybe one day. One day.
Fi and Ordo
Boy meets Boy. Boy compliments Boy’s skirt. Boy hugs other Boy so hard they hit the floor.
#true love
Besany, Fi, Ordo
Besany is the type of person who is so kind, and so considerate, and so understanding. And Fi … he needs that. He needs it just as much as Ordo needs it, and as they need each other, and Besany. 
Some might not find a closed polytriad “normal,” but if it works for them, then it shouldn’t be anyone else’s business. 
Darman and Etain 
My heart constantly breaks for them. They deserved so much better than what they got, and it kills me.
And their relationship was so … so good. So good, in the beginning. Tragic, what Kal did to them.
Atin and Laseema
They were lucky in that they weren’t Kal’s favorites, and so were able to fly mostly under the radar and out of his attention. Kal still held a lot of … really unhealthy financial control over them, but … I genuinely feel that Atin and Laseema could relate deeply on several levels.
They have… compatible demons, for lack of a better term. They balance each other. And Laseema was always an interesting character I wish we could learn more of — and her friendships with the rest of the clan. After all, she seemed to be the one in active communication with everyone. 
Niner and Boss
Listen … I love this ship. I feel like there’s a lot of UST going on whenever they’re onscreen, and it’s an interesting sort of dichotomy that goes on between them — two sergeants of two squads whose trainers viciously hated each other during training days. 
There’s a competitiveness there that can’t really be quashed, but there’s also an understanding that exists between them that’s unique to their experiences.
Jaing and Kom’rk
This is one of those incredibly obscure, controversial ships. 
Full disclosure: this is a pretty fucked up ship, and it’s mostly from the perspective of “wow, that’s kinda fucked up.” I don’t expect anyone else to ship it, and I don’t generally expect people to be down w/ it or write it, either. If they do, the fucked-up part needs to be recognized and recognizable, however obliquely, or it just doesn’t work. 
They’re two very damaged people, there’s no use shying away from that. 
I fell into this ship by total accident, going through all the nulls’ tags on ao3 years ago and stumbled on one fic, and like … since then, I haven’t really been able to climb out this hole.  
Corr, Ruusan, and Jilka
I am not a fan of Corr and Jilka, alone.
That said … I am a fan of Corr and Ruusan, of Jilka and Ruusan, and … of the potential dynamics of this poly combination, with the given that Jilka and Corr remain platonic as opposed to romantic. 
It just feels more … balanced? Also Rev @thesummerstorms and Gena @cassiansfuzzyjacket explain it way better than I do.
RepComm crack!ships:
these are very, very clearly not-canon and not to ever be taken as canon (by me, at least?) but damn. they’re nice to think about, and try to come up with ways in which it might work.
Etain and Mereel
But more seriously … Mereel was there every day for Etain during a very, very difficult time (the months after her almost-miscarriage). Of all the characters in the series during the course of the series, after Etain and Darman, Etain and Mereel spend the most unobstructed alone time together (about three months?) — and we would never know because, lol, the pacing and timeline of the series is not really presented in a way that makes that noticeable.
Mereel also does something with Etain he doesn’t do with anyone else, ever, that we see in the series: admit vulnerability. He’s genuinely vulnerable with her, in a way that he is not with anyone else. That means something — especially given the context that he doesn’t open up with anyone else, not his brothers, and never Kal. 
Someone that Mereel can be genuinely vulnerable with? That he must trust, implicitly, to share that vulnerability? 
And then you have Etain, who is isolated after the mess of pregnancy news blows up. She’s someone who doesn’t have anyone she can trust, or depend on, who isn’t looking to use her in some way — or someone that she can be equally open and honest with — in those months … right up until Mereel (and Rav), when she’s evac’d to Kyrimorut.
And when she is, she’s treated like a whole person. Not someone who’s just a vessel for a potential, not someone to be used or leveraged for misogynistic reasons. A genuine, whole, person who is highly intelligent, highly capable — and treated as an actual equal. She was not given that respect since the conclusion of Hard Contact (except, briefly, when hunting with Vau).
The whole situation, as terrible as it all is, allows for the foundation of genuine, real, trust to form between them.
There’s a lot of … well, there’s a lot of potential there. A lot of room for complications and conflicted feelings and angst — UST and one-sided pining and mixed signals and confusion and just raw feeling — and it’s all things that don’t necessarily need to be resolved negatively (or right away, or at all), that don’t have to end in heartbreak, that can be just as it is: complicated feelings that begin during a difficult time and, given room to grow, become something else or something more many, many years down the line.
Mereel and Boss
Don’t even look at me.
So this ship came as a result of SW RP (bc of course it did) and, tbh, they have a lot of … difficult commonalities and clashes of personality. Boss is a difficult man with a lot on his shoulders — a lot of responsibility, a lot of stress, just … a lot. And Mereel? Mereel is someone good at managing stress — out of necessity, and practice, and effort.
And the thing with Mereel is he’s fun, he’s easy, and he demands nothing. Boss doesn’t need to take care of him, because Mereel can take care of himself — and sometimes Mereel can take care of Boss, whether he likes it, or not (or likes to say he doesn’t when he does).
Boss certainly needs someone like that, especially after long days and hard nights with other people always needing him, depending on him. It’s good, it’s necessary, to have someone for whom he can truly relax and let his guard down around — that he can trust implicitly, and be allowed to be vulnerable, to have his ugly parts exposed, and still be loved unconditionally, because that’s just what Mereel’s best at doing.
Parja and Mereel
This also came as a result of SW RP, and mostly takes place in an AU where … Parja and Fi’s relationship inevitably crumbles, and they split — but they split amicably, and remain friends. Parja remains a mechanic and never is forced to give up her shop because of (poor misogynistic writing and) Kal. 
Mereel and Parja and Bardan are all particularly good friends and get up to all kinds of nonsense and pranks, and prank wars.
And … sometimes, late nights spent tinkering on separate projects in the same space, late nights working on the same projects, late nights spent together — and sometimes Mereel can’t quite come clean that he needs someone, that well after the conclusion of the war he needs physical contact in order to sleep.
And after the end of what Parja put too much stock and energy into what she hoped would be a sure future, a sure thing — maybe it hurts too much to sleep alone, but it’s too much of a risk to fill that empty space with romance when she’s not ready. Why not someone she trusts, that she knows would never, not ever, not in a million years, ever cross that boundary — someone who would never violate that trust, never take the invitation to share her bed as anything more than just that: a mutually beneficial way to get some rest.
Sometimes feelings happen. Gradually, and slow, and sneaks up on even the most vigilant. After a while, it becomes expected. After a while, it becomes wanted. After a while, they become needed.
other ships I’ve fallen into that I don’t have time/want to explain:
Fixer/peace of mind
Uthan/Mij (but way more hostile on Uthan’s part)
Walon/his star-crossed princess (literally, a real thing. I can’t get over how this is an actual thing)
Clone Wars:
admittedly, it’s been a while since I watched the series all the way through, but … repeating the warning for clone/clone bc that’s a thing in here, and the explanations are shorter bc, again, it’s been a while.
Marshal Commander Cody and Captain Rex
Their personalities mesh so well together, and honestly they’re just … so compatible ??? They also work so well together, went through training together … if there’s anyone Rex can really trust implicitly, it’s Cody.
Their friendship grows over the series and expanded (Legends) materials, and just … it works, in the way they need it to work.
Echo and Fives
Just punch me right in the chest.
really any combination from Domino Squad
because we all need tragedy in our hearts
General Aayla Secura and Commander Bly
You know … for the most part, I’m a little leery on ships like this where there’s a clear and obvious potential for really serious coercion. Most Clone/Jedi-who-are-their-direct-superiors tend to fall into this category.
but I’m just a sucker for Bly-post-war angst, for the conflict of fraternizing with a superior, with trying to navigate that Aayla really did have his life in her hands, and then the conflict of navigating those feelings surrounding killing her at the end of the war.
I’m a terrible person.
Duchess Satine Kryze and Obi-wan Kenobi
let me just like … repeat the above. My one thing about this is that I hate how Satine was killed off for Kenobi-man-pain, and generally only want to know stories that you know … fix-it, lmao, or give her a more respectable death that was written with better care to her character and her arc
Ventress and Obi-wan Kenobi
All of that flirting went fuck and nowhere. What a hugely missed opportunity — especially when Ventress was trying to work towards being better, or making a life for herself, turn over a new leaf or whatever.
I mean, we all know she hangs out in the kind of tapcafs Kenobi loves to get drunk in, let’s be honest with ourselves.
clone wars crack!ships :
I’m sorry in advance lmao
Captain Rex and Lieutenant Mereel
“What the hell.” Listen.
“Did this come out of SW RP?” HOW DID YOU GUESS.
Much like the other ships with Mereel, it’s all contingent on … Mereel operating as a free agent — a solo operator. Mereel pulling strings and favors across the GAR to make things just a little bit easier for Rex, for clearing up or speeding up administrative bull shit so that Rex can focus on getting what he needs for his men in a reasonable amount of time — or free up some time for himself.
And with the way Mereel’s … operations tend to go, paths sometimes cross that didn’t before. 
Anyway, who doesn’t like camping?
Quinlan Voss and Obi-wan Kenobi
Listen … they have a kind of fun playfully antagonistic thing going on. I don’t know if I could ever seriously ship it, mostly bc everyone who falls in love with either of them straight up die, so we come to a “unstoppable force vs immovable object” impasse if this ship ever actually came to fruition.
that and fandom can be kinda … gross w/ this ship sometimes so I’ve been avoiding it lately for that reason.
Senator Padme Amidala and Duchess Satine Kryze
how can anyone watch the episodes where they’re together and not see how good they are together. and like, the men in their lives, cause their deaths. so why not just … leave their men for each other?
Everyone wins.
not exactly clone wars honorable mention:
Ahsoka Tano and Kaeden Larte
I ship it so hard. if only !!! if only they didn’t meet when they did, when Ahsoka wasn’t as wounded, still, from the fallout of the end of The Clone Wars. and all of that tragedy. i just.
I just !!! ugh. they’re so good together.
aaand I think that’s all of them, or at least all that I can remember off the top of my head for now.
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bytheanchorarchived · 7 years
headcanons compilation  ↬  alexander lightwood
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a compilation of my scattered/posted (so far) alec lightwood headcanons. i will be updating this as i post more.
i don’t think jace realizes how much of alec’s self worth was always knit so tight to him. how deep the pain of his unrequited feelings really run. how it actually feels when jace starts to reject him (from his pov).
vampire academy au
drabble: alec and telling magnus he doesn’t need permission to be in his space
alec’s fantasy is
alec: top intelligences
alec and not being as KIND or COMPASSIONATE as u might think
alec’s kink is to be loved by a cute boy.
i just really like the idea of clary and alec learning to be friends, care for each other, learn from each other, and learn to share jace and share in their love for him and eventually in their friendship.
do you ever cry about the fact that most probably almost all the runes on jace’s left side were put there by alec?
jace didn’t always have perfect control over his extra strength, specially since he was used to training only with valentine, who was an adult at the time, which evened the field. when he first started training with alec and izzy he sometimes went too hard on them. izzy complained but alec never did, and would  if needed hide any markings left, because he didn’t want jace to feel bad about it, and because he wasn’t about to admit he couldn’t take it from a kid almost two years younger than himself. 
things alec wants: magnus casually touching him.
not feeling like a good person is something that both alec and jace carry for different reasons, and in two people that are so moral and were raised in such a lawful and righteous environment, that is an awfully dark weight to carry.
one of alec’s greatest pleasures is being around magnus after they said their i love you’s, because he never experienced before the freedom of being with someone he loves while being open about it, and  as a result, getting to experience the rush of knowing they’re aware of his feelings and still wanna be there. just touching magnus, or kissing him, or being around him, while aware of all of this, makes a ridiculously huge difference.
ok, listen. alec learned how to treat, talk, and deal with, help, someone after strong trauma, growing up with jace. growing up with jace, he learned that you don’t just touch someone that is going through an episode because of abuse/trauma or other strong case of overwhelming emotion. he learned that unwanted affection can be just as bad as violence, or indifference, and that the BEST thing he can possibly do is let the other person know he’s there, and let them tell him what they need. alec never goes straight to jace physically, when he’s upset, unless he initiates it, or jace gives him a clear indication of what he needs (indication that to parabatai that grew up together can be just a look of permission). he RESPECTS the fact that his need to help the people he loves, should not, is not, and will never be more important than what that person needs or wants. he respects the fact that he DOESN’T know what a person with trauma needs better than themselves, and he knows that even silent support, or just making sure the person is safe, can make a huge difference. he accepts and understands the fact that someone during or after a traumatic event, or traumatic memories of that event, might not WANT or be able to HANDLE affection at all, and he’s ready to give it only, and only if, the person indicates that’s what they need. this has been demonstrated in the way he took care of isabelle while she was detoxing. this has been shown again with magnus. this has been shown with jace again on the roof. his own sensibility allowed him to learn this, and it’s what makes jace trust him so much. jace TRUSTS alec to be there for him, because he KNOWS alec won’t push him, or overwhelm him, or even so much as touch him without permission. and sometimes, though not always, just to know that he can have this small power and agency over his own body and what happens to it, and who touches it, and how, can be enough to wind him down a notch.
lowkey both alec and jace are oddly attracted to magnus’ lack of belly button.
alec really likes magnus’ hands.#he likes kissing them#touching them#holding#having them on his face#on his body#i mean
listen, magnus hands are magical, powerful, and so, SO kind, gentle, and hard working, and alec feels gratefulness and profound admiration.
listen, alec comes home from magnus all glittery, with lipstick marks, bed hair, and hickeys. he nuzzles magnus and likes to be touched all over, and doesn’t even realize he’s getting himself all shiny until someone points it out to him and he’s ‘ wh-wh-WHAT’ blushing mess. that happens bc alec doesn’t have the habit of looking at himself in the mirror at all. p sure he just goes about his business with his head down and thinking about a million things and never even lifts it, much less pays attention. after all, the boy that doesn’t even brush his hair, wouldn’t notice any of those on himself.
alec lightwood is a family man, a father, big brother, son, parabatai and a husband, before anything else and that’s what makes him the happiest.
i feel like jace passes by the bane-lightwood residence once in a while just to clean, because if he didn’t, between alec and magnus they’d drown in the mess.
tbh i actually think the beverage alec would like the most is wine, i have this headcanon that the institute and idris have the european tradition of wine at the dinner table, and the kids would be allowed to have a small glass as they grew up. it’s the one he’s more used to, and he likes it some because it feels like family and reminds him of home even if it’s a memory blur of the institute and his few scattered memories of alicante. it’s the one he knows a little more about too.
alec spent so many years controlling himself that he doesn’t have a quick trigger at the start. he keeps holding his body down subconsciously and has to remind himself he can let go, it might not even happen the first time he’s more intimate with someone. he spent years hating every little natural reaction on his body, training himself against it, and it takes him a while longer than an usual boy his age to physically manifest his arousal, to allow himself to. it becomes more natural as he feels safe and more used to the relationship.
also, i think that’s what people find so funny in the book (and by people i mean other characters) when alec is like “clary is one of my best friends” ? because they’re like, you couldn’t care less about her five minutes ago. but that’s the THING about alec, once he takes you under his wing, he does and it’s finished. it doesn’t matter what he thought before because once you’re one of them, you’re one of them, to alec and he’ll keep you safe with his life.
another example of this is when clary hears alec comforting izzy after simon is turned into a rat, and she’s crying and like, HE COULD HAVE DIED, and alec is like, very patiently saying, so what if he had? and izzy is like I WOULD HAVE- and he’s like “you would have continued to do what you always did and lived your life as usual.” and clary says he sounds like he’s done this many times before and not once does she says he sounds worried for simon or the other boys or that isabelle seems to get a lot of people in trouble, because SHE is not in trouble. alec. lightwood. doesn’t. care. he’s super lovely to izzy but not once he worries about simon, at that point.and YET, later on, when simon has saved their lives and stuff in cog, he DOES worry about him, when the clave takes him. so you see what i’m saying here?
talking to nanda @magnusbanedfromperu and headcanon that once they’re older, starting with alec after he adopts max, maryse teaches all her three children to cook, so they can cook for her grandchildren.
the truth is, ale.c head of the instit,ute would never work. he was already forced to choose between his family and the clav.e and he’ll continue to be. you can’t be against the system, while also answering to the system and representing it. if he truly wants to educate shadowhunt.ers, he can’t be liable by the cl.ave for his every move. if he always has to compromise to keep his position, if that is more important  — keeping the title — than working for change, then his hands will always be tied. at the end of the day he’ll live a hypocritical, limited, life.
when ale.c is like that but with kids he brings home and mag.nus is HOW DID WE GET ANOTHER CHILD. and al.ec just……………………………………. i saw them, they’re ours now.also, actually i was gonna say this before and thought it sounded mean but it’s just alec, alec is really like: they’re my child now, you don’t need to pitch in, but if you want to be their father with me i will love you even more for it. however, regardless of anything, they’re mine now and i will take care of them for the rest of my life.
do you ever think about isabelle and jace pranking alec and giggling in the corner?
listen those blue jammies were alec’s once, bc maryse bought them to match his eyes, only alec didn’t like them so much because they were too bright, and so she gave them to jace, which is why neat-freak jace sleeps in clothes that have a hole in it. bc alec made it and they were alec’s jammies.
show headcanons
now all i can think about is that alec still had conflicted feelings after kissing magnus, and that when he snaps at him and says “after everything i did for you” that he’s actually screaming that at jace, like seeing jace on magnus, specially considering how tortured he is. as though, “after everything i did for you, you still left me, you left me and made me stay back and protect everyone when all i wanted was to go with you.” it’d also mesh well with what he says in his ‘apology’, about how not having jace around makes him confused and feeling as though he can’t stand on his own. that part of him is hurt that jace left, even if he rationally knows he did it for them, he’s still furious he went without putting up a fight, because he knew what that would cause to alec, how it’d kill him, but alec still had to be strong and protect everyone else, specially clary from going after them. when what he wanted was to run after jace, himself.
bc him saying that to magnus makes no sense we can even see that in magnus face he’s outraged like wtf u talking about alexander bc alec did do the wedding thing for himself and everything else magnus has done was to help him even if alec didn’t want him in the end he’d still want to help him, so alec’s outburst was confusing and makes no sense but if you look at it from this point of view of him being frustrated and nearly through a panic attack and feeling betrayed and like he can’t trust anyone and no one will LISTEN to how he FEELS and how BAD it is and his head just shifts into jace and all the crap they’ve been through in s01 and he snaps at the wrong person bc he feels like he’s going to burst from it all
alec / izzy and the demon possession / yin fen
alec did feel it when jace tried to kill himself during the trial. in fact, he felt jace’s anguish and despair, and he got hit by it hard, which is what ultimately made him vulnerable for the demon possession and attracted it to him, in the first place. jace’s anguish through the bond knocked alec’s guard down and got him possessed.
alec was serene and happy earlier when he talked to magnus. he was worried about jace, but he was so certain jace would be back in an instant that he wasn’t tortured by it. sure the demon possessions were scary and all, but alec isn’t a scared little child, and he knows better than to let his guard down. he wasn’t vulnerable, he was feeling grateful to be alive, to have jace back, to have magnus.so why and how would the demon get in him? the most logic explanation is that jace was in such terror and pain and anguish that it seeped through the bond, and hit alec. which then, for my alec, drove his possessed self to clary’s room looking for her, where he found jocelyn instead.
what i really take into consideration about alec’s despair for finding jace, beyond the parabatai bond, beyond loving him so deeply, was that (mine, at least) alec had grown up hearing jace’s stories about his father. he grew up holding jace at night when he had nightmares. listening to incredibly awful stories told in a nonchalant tone because jace never even knew how bad it was; because he never knew any differently; listening to a little boy talk about his father with a fierce loyalty and love, when alec only felt stomach sick at the way he was raised, treated and beaten. jace literally thinks how he remembers looking for beating scars on his body after his father died, because those were the closest connections he had to him. and alec KNOWS this. he knows all of it. he knows exactly how jace was abused, how he feels about it, how vulnerable he is to valentine, and i think that of everything THIS is what scares him the most.
i think that when he was a little kid, he promised himself that he would NEVER let someone hurt jace like that again. and i think it really translates in his complete despair at not being able to find him. he knows more than anyone, almost as much as jace, what valentine is capable of. he knows intimately of the mental and emotional effects that has had on someone whose soul he has inside him. he KNOWS how this is gonna wreck jace apart, and it HURTS, because he swore he’d never let valentine(or michael) get his hands on him again and then it happened.
i’m sure i’m the slowest person on earth but i think i just maybe realized their intention with alec+jocelyn (i mean besides another wedge between fraywood). that alec’s rage brought him to clary’s room, to kill her, and found jocelyn in it, instead.+ i mean, i thought about it because before that we get that scene between clary and her mom, and there’s this pretty pointless comment of her saying she was guarding clary’s room, to make sure it was clear. it’d make sense? if izzy came for alec, because she focused years of resentment on him, alec does focused a lot of his resentment with himself on clary since she showed up.
ok. but seriously. this makes so much sense to me, and it’s my headcanon now. and now i’ve made myself sad. we got almost the entire first half of the episode reminding us of how alec’s annoyed by clary, doesn’t like her etc. then there was jocelyn’s comment that she was guarding clary’s bedroom. and i’m pretty sure some part of alec still irrationally, deep down, blamed clary for jace being through all the suffering he can feel his parabatai going through. valentine wouldn’t order jocelyn dead, specially when he hadn’t even got to talk to her yet. and while alec did have reasons to hate her, i.e. for what she did to jace, and how she used him too, she wouldn’t be his priority target. so what does make sense to me, was that he was looking for the daughter and found jocelyn instead, and it was good enough for the demon, given the circumstances. clearly i’m not saying alec wants clary dead, ofc not, much less to be the one to kill her, but just that his emotions would much more likely guide the demon towards her than her mother.
memory demon : “the one person you love the most.” /love/ the most. and while you could argue it was a sibling type of love (which is bullshit), alec’s reaction to it makes it clear that was not what that was, and he knew it wasn’t, and therefore could not possibly IMAGINE that someone would think it was something else, and not what he hated himself so much for. just like izzy knew. magnus knew. and clary knew. and jace did too at that moment. i just don’t get how someone can think that isn’t important. is alec falling in love with magnus? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY, but that doesn’t invalidate feelings he’s had before. it takes a while to work those kind of things out. he’s learning to love jace in a platonic way. i don’t know about anyone else, but, to me, you just don’t forget your first love, and everyone you’ve loved in fact, stays with you in one way or another. everything was done rushed-ly (though we know that was not their fault in season 01) so yES. alec WAS in love with jace still. at least my alec would always have been.just like camille is fucking important, and not dispensable, neither is jace to alec. their heartbreaks and unrequited love, are part of what make them finding each other so important. discarding that just actually cheapens their love, in my opinion.
malec fighting : i want magnus to drop his gentleness for once, and be the powerful, centuries old warlock around alec. i want  him to give alec a good shake (with words), so he realizes he can’t just shift back into treating magnus like “any other downworlder” that doesn’t belong in his business whenever he’s angry, scared, or upset. i loved that scene so much, but now i really wanted a confrontation that didn’t happen last time, when alec apologized instead, and magnus was sweet to him and that was great, but i wanted him to shake alec up a bit this time. like yes, he understands, but alec needs to understand too. that that was his family as much as it was alec’s. that alec can’t just be a shadowhunter, in business mode, that has no space for magnus whenever things get hard.
#ok#i see where you're coming from and all#but let me tell you about the word 'friend'#that fucking word#hurts so much#so fucking much#idk if that's the case here with magnus#but i can say that even watching that scene made me flinch#there is a world of conotations#of sweeping under the rug#of diminishing#of shaming#of dismissing#and of humiliation in that word#specially when it's said in the exact tone he said it#it actually hurt me to see it#it's a brutal word when said just right  X
there is a reason for why alec never sensed jace’s hook ups before, but jace felt it when alec and magnus first had something intimate with each other. the reason being that what jace felt and called happiness was actually a mix of intimacy, safety, yes, pleasure, but above all, love. since jace has never been in love before clary, and never had the chance to have something more with her, alec never felt the same from him. which is why it was a big surprise when he found out jace felt it, and it’s something he’s definitely to this day not entirely comfortable with. when clary and jace finally have their moment, alec will probably feel it too. it is certainly one of the reasons for his jealousy and pain in the first season, as he’s felt many things from 🇯🇦🇨🇪 towards girls before, but had never sensed him actually falling in love with someone else, until her.
people say alec is not affectionate enough but honestly to my alec those little touches are such an evolution??? just talking about my portrayal, personally, he was definitely more affectionate as a child, but ever since his gay thoughts™ started, he slowly stopped being freely affectionate to people. it started with jace, and then it extended to not initiating affection unless other people did for him. he’s JUST learning that it’s okay and he’s okay being who he is and he’s not gonna taint people just by touching them, or his close ones aren’t gonna find out he’s weird if they stand too close, or he’s not gonna give himself away if he lets himself be sensible and warm and let people in. that his love is not tainted. the fact that he’s initiating so many little gestures of affections is incredible to me. and i know the show doesn’t quite show how much of his struggle was due to homophobic society since that is so toned down in it, but his struggle was supreme, and to be this confident in himself, this comfortable, with greeting kisses and casual touching, that is amazing to me.
ok but look at his face. i know there’s this whole show thing where suddenly alec is the most confident person in the world, but that’s not how my interpretation will go. he’s not comfortable in this position, at all. he doesn’t even know if this is what he actually wants or just what his family imposed for him and he’s just used to it. he didn’t have the time to figure that out with jace having been head for less than 24 hours. at this point it feels like an obligation he can’t escape, and he feels wrong telling people what to do and being in this much exposition. he doesn’t like it. and he’s not even sure the job is for him.
ok but look at his face. i know there’s this whole show thing where suddenly alec is the most confident person in the world, but that’s not how my interpretation will go. he’s not comfortable in this position, at all. he doesn’t even know if this is what he actually wants or just what his family imposed for him and he’s just used to it. he didn’t have the time to figure that out with jace having been head for less than 24 hours. at this point it feels like an obligation he can’t escape, and he feels wrong telling people what to do and being in this much exposition. he doesn’t like it. and he’s not even sure the job is for him.
jalec headcanon hour: jace is able to, through their parabatai bond, activate alec’s runes for him without a stele, and at a distance, just like he does with his own.
i firmly believe alec is overcompensating on confidence and decision-making for having not done so the episode magnus was trapped inside valentine. that’s why he’s so“FINE”, with all of this. he KNEW something was wrong the moment he touched magnus to get him off the floor after azazel’s attack. but he didn’t trust himself, and if he had, and had been more involved, instead of accepting the clave’s authority, things would had been different. now he’s desperate to fix this however he can, prove himself not only as a protector but as DIFFERENT from the institution that did what they did to magnus, the downworlders, and so many other prisoners, and trust his gut. and just really hoping it won’t explode all on his face. pretty sure an anxiety attack is on the way when things get too big to handle. he’s much too young for this big a responsibility over so many lives. he might look all grown up but if clary is eighteen, that means he’s twenty one at best. and i feel like it’s often forgotten.
ok, but, good part of why it took my alec a while to realize the whole switch thing is he’s still waiting for the other shoe to drop. aka people, including  magnus, to reject him.
for weeks after alec dies for a second, jace has repeated nightmares of re-living that scene, only alec never comes back and jace in the dream thinks reality is the illusion. it messes him up for a while, where he needs to touch alec to know he’s real and there and alive, and jace wakes up gasping and while he’s dreaming he at times chants the ‘please don’t leave me, alec’ hoping this time he will get to live. some times in those dreams alec is killed by wolves, or by valentine’s hand because jace refuses to obey. some times he wakes up with his parabatai rune burning.
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godtier-fics · 8 years
sammya kei’s 2016 fanfiction review
it’s time for something no one asked for but yet since when do i care about people other than me
it’s time for a new tradition! i’m going to take a trip down memory lane and talk about my top 10 fanfics from last year and go into depth about my top five! 
top ten (in no particular order): 
Stumbling Boy, The History of the World in Your Arms, the heart of an artist, Working Man, Dissolution, The Catch Up Game, Finding You Wherever You Are, taking the last train home, To the Moon and Back, onward
i picked these ten as my faves cuz when i look back at myself in 2016 these are what i’m most proud of. they each show off what i think is my ever evolving writing skills. 
now let’s look in depth at my top five! look at those below the cut! 
5) onward
lemme state for the record that i...i love aqua with all my heart and soul. i fell in love with her character in 2010 and i haven’t stopped loving and wishing her the best since. when kingdom hearts 0.2 was announced i almost cried. when the video for the opening came out i literally cried. however...onward is not a happy fic. i’m not someone who can sit down and write mushy gushy stuff. 
take this passage for example
Her name is Aqua. She repeats that to herself daily. Not that there is a daily, so maybe she repeats it more often than she realizes.
“My name is Aqua. I saved Terra. I have to go home. I have to wake up Ven.”
These words become her mantra. They get her through it, even has hoarse as it leaves her voice.
onward was just written cuz i was realizing that the first ever kh fic i had ever written was facade which was literally about the main villain of the series having sex and turning evil. anyway, aqua deserves more and maybe in 2017 i’ll find time to write her a nice long fic. we’ll see. 
i’m just nervous about writing her cuz i love her so much....
4) Stumbling Boy
this is part of the dysfunctional family funtimes series and is one of my faves that i wrote in 2016! it’s the mid-brother fic to nadia’s fic from 2015 aka Separation Anxiety that she needs to finish...which i hope she finishes...but we’ll see lol. it’s all about ginshi dealing with his brother’s disappearance and i just am crying because why is ginshi canonly dead and i cannot deal...MOVING ON 
my fave passage from this would be...
People thought that Ginshi tumbled through life, stumbling upon things, but he didn’t, not really. He did do some things deliberately and with care. When he was working on a car, he was able to lose himself. He threw himself into studying, and watched his understanding grow. He’d always liked fussing around with cars, but having a job that he was getting paid to do it at was different. He was different.
And to show that, to really show that he was different, that he was changed, he decided he needed to find something to change about himself physically.
So that when Urie did return, he could point at it and say, “Look, I made my own choice too!”
Stumbling Boy was something that i think i wrote in 2015 and then posted in 2016 but even still...it was nice to rework it and post it. i can’t wait to finish the dff series...
3) taking the last train home 
originally posted under one of my many, many pen names....this was supposed to be a hardcore BDSM fanfic. it...it’s not going to be that. i’m sorry. i’m a disappointment. i am too sex repulsed to do that to myself. so i moved it over to this account. 
anyway...this isn’t just a fic about sex which is why i got really, really annoyed with some comments i was getting. like...the first sexual scene doesn’t even happen till chapter 8 aka over 11K words later....so okay fandom...whatever. anyway that fic is locked to anyone who doesn’t have an ao3 account but enjoy this snippet! 
“If you need me to stop just tell me so, all right?”
“Because I’m going to get so overwhelmed by a kiss on my cheek.”
Yao pushes up on his chin and grins down at him, “You’ll get overwhelmed all right.” Those are bold words, Alfred thinks, but doesn’t get a chance to say so before Yao kisses him.
taking the last train home still has a quite a few more chapters to be posted and i hope everyone enjoys the ride. it’s probably going to end up being the longest amechu fanfic on ao3 that’s completely about amechu with them as the endgame? so...yay for that. #actuallymarried indeed
2) The History of the World in Your Arms
this used to hold the title of my longest amechu fic posted...but then taking the last train home came along and stole that title...ahah. anyway. i wrote this in order to figure out WHY i shipped amechu and maybe talk others into shipping it too? 
rereading it makes me wanna die...and i wanna rewrite it but i’ll resist for now. 
anyway here’s TWO snippets from the fic that i love! 
here’s from yao’s pov 
Yao looks at him, lying in Yao’s bed as if he belongs there, as if he’s always belonged right there against the pillows, and says simply, “Then that’s a fair exchange.”
“What is?”
“My ruin for your ruin.”
“Are you saying I’ve ruined you?” Alfred demands, looking confused. Which is a look that suits him.
“Yes,” Yao says, “you’ve ruined me.”
and the second one from alfred’s pov 
“It would be so much easier if I just hated you and wanted you gone. But I don’t.”
“You don’t?” Alfred tries not to sound so surprised by that, and fails. Yao looks hurt, and sighs.
“I don’t hate you,” he says quietly, “I told you years ago that I loved you, didn’t I?”
i can’t help but see a canonverse relationship as them being very, very rocky and uneasy but then they settle into something that goes beyond them and we eventually get to a point where they get married....and yeah i’m not over that picture. i could cry....
1) Finding You Wherever You Are 
speaking of art--and specifically of art that izzy has done--i’m still not over the leash in this picture after i told her i was JOKING. this fic holds a special place in my heart due to several inside jokes i have with izzy being in it. for those who are still reading at this point i’ll let you in on two of them! 
1) yao telling alfred “i know” when they’re doing something sexual or about to 
2) please mock izzy for dogfred this isn’t an inside joke this is just something i need others to make fun of her for at this point smh 
um yeah moving on 
this entire fic is basically aesthetic actually? bad boy rolls into town and finds his true love? CHECK! reincarnation? CHECK! royalty? CHECK! blood drinking? vampires? monsters? oh my??? CHECK!!! 
fave comment i got on this fic was someone stunned at the world building i did in 13K+ i’m honestly surprised too? i wrote this fic in like...a day. and by a day i mean 10-11 hours. with a sprained arm. go me? 
anyway fave snippets in no particular order!!!! 
“May I?” Yao asked, and he sounded so polite as if he were asking for something normal and not permission to lick blood off of Alfred’s hand.
“Um,” Alfred looked down at his boss, and then at the stove which was on the opposite side of the kitchen (how had he moved that fast, the fuck ) and shrugged, “Yeah, sure.”
Yao’s touch was tender as he pressed his lips to the back of Alfred’s hand and licked at the blood that was coating it. Alfred had never realized how sensitive his hands were until he got unlucky enough to have Yao devote his full attention to licking and sucking against the skin. Yao sucked one, and then two of his fingers into his mouth and gave them a wet suck, and Alfred realized that he was standing in his boss’s kitchen, with his fingers in his boss’s mouth, and he was hard. His breath was coming out loud and heavy to his own ears as Yao continued, seemingly oblivious to the effect that he was having on Alfred. But then Yao looked up at him, with three of Alfred’s fingers in his mouth and smirked.
He smirked, slid Alfred’s fingers out of his mouth, and then licked finally at the bleeding wounds. As Alfred watched him, and as Yao watched his hand the wounds sluggishly stopped bleeding.
“You should still wrap that up,” Yao said as he dropped a kiss to Alfred’s knuckles. “Learn how to control your temper, Alfred.”
“Where to next, your majesty?”
“Says the noble.” Wang got on the bike behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist once more. “Do you know the way back home?”
“I’m like a lord yeah but I’m pretty sure you were a king in your past life.”
“You wouldn’t be wrong ,” Wang said.
Alfred grinned, “How old are you anyway?”
“Far, far too old for this. Take me home, pup.”
“You are a wonder, Alfred,” Yao said. He sounded sad and fond as he said that. Alfred’s heart ached .
“So are you, thousands of years old and you still wanna change the world.”
“The world can be changed, Alfred, never doubt that.”
Alfred laughed, and then in disbelief at himself said, “I have full faith in your abilities.”
Alfred helped him put the bracelet on, and then kissed him. He growled low in his throat.
“Yeah,” Yao said. “I know. Look at you, all nice and collared and mine .” He looped his fingers in the golden buckle and made Alfred follow him back to the sofa.
“Look at you,” Alfred said, torn between the leather of the bracelet around Yao’s wrist and Yao’s face for which he wanted to look at more.
as you can see even tho i make fun of izzy constantly for dogfred i do really like this fic? it’s a bit rushed in places??? but tbh it gets the job done and gets it done nicely! good job me. 
so that’s my trip down memory lane! yeah. i just love writing and i like writing fanfics? but i will be moving on to original writing on my site starting this month and you can support me on patreon. i’ll keep writing fanfics but those will be low on my ranking of priorities. 
here’s to an amazing 2017! 
also if we breakdown my fics for 2016....55% of what i wrote was amechu. i’m in too deep. i blame izzy. 
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Ahh yes the Polycule all being polyglots too. Poly-everything. But in all seriousness, Mel is so... charmed by their partners speaking other languages. Especially Spanish. And ugh imagining them traveling together and all translating for each other and oh god the pet names and introducing each other to new places/cities/foods ahhh.
hdbdidnsidn well i mean it's kind of canon since obviously raphael grew up in méxico, simon is hinted to speak spanish since he understands when raphael speaks in it and also uses some words with him from time to time, and emeraude refused to say "rosa" with an US american accent (which. sexy of her) meaning it's heavily implied that izzy speaks spanish because her pronunciation is, obviously, perfect.
and yeah i just. look. meliorn loves hearing different languages and thinks they all sound beautiful (i kind of have a headcanon that seelies can speak all languages? like including tree and animal languages and shit. like some magical stuff? yeah) and they know it brings raphael in particular great joy to call them pet names in spanish. and well, if it brings them great joy to hear it too, that's just a bonus. but simon and izzy notice and start calling them bella and princesa and mi amor too and aaaaaaaaa
and simon also speaks yiddish as we know (i know that some ppl hc him as a Sephardi Jew and i dont mean to invalidate that hc, im just saying that because he calls his grandma bubbe. maybe he's both?). and.... okay i looked it up for several hours and maybe it’s just because i’m stupid but most endearment terms i found in yiddish were said to be for children? but also i do love the idea of simon calling mel/rapha/maia “oytser” (treasure) and even with petnames aside, yiddish just..... has so many beautiful words??* and meliorn (and also maia and rapha of course) love hearing him talk about it and learning all those great words, from insults to beautiful descriptions. and it feels so important for simon too because he already had very few opportunities to speak yiddish outside of his home, and he’d hate to feel like another part of being Jewish was being taken from him when he was already losing most of his family, you know? plus, it’s kind of one of his special interests and it’s nice that he can monologue about yiddish and everyone is genuinely interested. and raphael of course partially understands how he feels about the language (not fully, since it isn’t really simon’s first language, and there are particular complications with being Jewish and the fear of losing your Jewish identity/culture that just don’t apply for goyim, but still, as an immigrant, there’s solidarity there) 
*a few of my faves that i came across researching yiddish for this: nakhes (”proud pleasure, special joy--particularly from the achievements of a child”), Kemfer (”a fighter… but one who fights for a cause; an activist”. lowkey obsessed with simon calling his partners that, because.... they are), mechayeh (”literally, something that has brought you back from death to life, and colloquially, something relieving or refreshing” - tbh i love how dramatic yiddish is, reminds me of brazilian portuguese lmao), balebus (”a gracious, welcoming, and considerate host”). 
anyway! i just love the idea that simon and raphael can find some sort of comfort and understanding in each other, despite the fact that by all accounts simon should be (rightfully) wary of raphael’s religion, but raphael is genuinely interested and respectful towards simon’s culture and he understands the fear of straying too far from your roots and losing yourself, the feeling of having your culture shunned and kept to the indoors, the responsability of trying to keep it alive and the feeling of being completely lost when you’re apart from your community. again, it’s different, but... most goyim (for simon) and non-latinos (for raphael) don’t even come close, even among vampires, and it’s nice that they get that
also raphael has no illusions when it comes to catholicism/christianity and he understands why ppl, especially ppl like simon and magnus, would be wary of it, and he feels genuinely humbled and happy that the both of them understand what being catholic means to him and accept that part of him, even if from a distance. like, magnus canonically helped him find his faith again, you know? that’s really, really humbling and a show of love, because the shit catholics put him through - he was literally there to be prosecuted by witch hunters, he watched in real time as christian colonialism tried to tear his homeland (and did tear his family) apart, and still he found it in himself to help raphael find his way back to the religion because it did him good. raphael will never stop being thankful, and humbled, by that. and even if simon sometimes rolls his eyes at the goyishness of raphael’s whole punishment and sacrifice thing or fucking whatever and generally doesn’t get too close to it, he also trusts raphael, and raphael knows that it’s a big deal. and simon loves that raphael knows that it’s a big deal and doesn’t have illusions when it comes to his religion or the role christianity had in oppressing not only simon’s, but thousands of ppl historically. u kno? 
hmmm that was a tangent. also as u (probably) know i’m not Jewish so please let me know if there was anything inaccurate or offensive in what i’ve written.
anyway! polyglotcule. and okay i think those are the languages i can think of (and well simon could also speak ladino if you hc him as a Sephardi Jew) other than the hc that meliorn just knows all languages, which...... i absolutely love and stan tbh??? like yes i know the logistics of that are complicated and that to truly know a language you have to understand its culture and so they’re not exactly fluent as much as they’re able to understand most of them, but look, look. i just love the idea of the polycule travelling around and meliorn talking to ppl for them and simon and maia being super excited and wanting to know, like, everything they can and asking them a billion questions and asking them to translate every sign they come across and every time they do (even as they have literally no way of knowing if meliorn is correct or not) they’re just like WOAAAA and generally being huge goofy nerds about it. and izzy and raphael have a more held back approach but they’re also clearly so impressed and proud of them, even if it’s literally just like, magic
like raphael is just in love and watching them with those soft eyes (especially when simon and maia get all wide eyed and excited about it because he loves them okay) and sometimes their eyes will cross and they share a little smile??? and hold hands???? and it’s super sweet??? and izzy is just smiling at them too, although with that more open, big smile of hers, head tilted to the side a little, while clary huffs because izzy is not paying attention to what she’s saying, even as she’s swishing their linked hands a bit because they’re That Couple. and then every once in a while izzy’ll ask a question of her own, except it’s always something like “how do you say ‘the most beautiful one’ in [language]?” and meliorn smiles and tells her and she’s like “yes, you are” and they laugh and make a joke about flattery and she just winks and smiles
(then she grabs maia’s hand and goes “you all are” and kisses her and clary too, just so they know she doesn’t play favorites. not that they need it, but it’s nice) 
foajhsdoajda im just a slut for the polycule okay
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muggycuphead · 3 years
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TH!FPA_VB – Lord of Lies and Deceiving
Yo, been a while since I posted something on this account, but here we are, back at it again with a casual VB drawing like in good ol’ 2020
…Though, this time things got built on a different road of events as you can see, not to mention this is a spoiler to what’s to come for VB (but tbh I stopped caring at this point so yea)
First and for most however, there are quite a few questions surrounding this fic’s development I have to answer for our sake (mostly mine since I feel like mold spaghetti for not keeping up on things oml-)
Yes, I once said VB was on the way of getting completed and all that, I know
Problem is, the changes I want to do to the ‘lore’ (if you want to call it that way idk) are also retroactive to the events in the present timeline (aka past events that are mentioned but not entirely shown because ugh-), some characters that have some relevancy on the story but only come up at the very end chapters on VB itself, etc. etc. which are things that I personally find bothersome as its writer and the reason why I’d rather not make the ‘sequel-prequel’ of it where things get explained and all that
Instead, I’ll fuse both VB and TAF (the sequel-prequel’s name acronym standing for ‘The ‘ANOMALY’ files’ fyi) so it can focus on one party alone and I don’t waste any more time than what I already have done so (haha funny cuz me late to party amiriteeeimsorry-)
…And about the format for it, I’ve decided I’ll ‘upgrade’ it to a comic instead since y’know, I do art and it’ll also make my writing simpler so yea
Still tho, I’m kinda paranoic on if I should get going with the prologue by the time I finish its script or not since I don’t wanna make the plot a mess or leave things (important* things) unfolded by accident, but we’ll see how it goes (and hopefully I’ll make it out alive-)
Also, keep in mind that by the moment I’m writing this, I’m stuck in the Friday Night Fuc- I mean Funkin’ fandom, and y’all know what happens when the fandom switching happens…
My concept-creation-obssessive-self starts grinding gears like cuckoo -doesn’t mean I’ll abandon everyone else tho, it’s just that my focus splits on multiple parts and all that balloney
So, now that I did my little defense statement up there, let’s get rolling to the mainpoint down here
First, who’s this spider guy?
Well, he’s a ‘side’ antagonist, more specifically the person DPM is after (but doesn’t realize he is until very later)
His name is Q-Ross Sid, a ‘camel spider’ that lives in the Spider Kingdom as the royal executioner and prison head-guard/-caretaker
He’s what I’d consider to be an ‘anomaly’, since he’s a genetic fusion of graphite (20%), chalk (10%) and correcting fluid (70%), with the graphite being his ‘stabilizer’ component (osseous structure and skin/muscular tissue mostly) and the chalk his ‘cooler’ component (mostly on his defense and assimilation mechanism), not to mention he can only consume either correcting fluid matter derivatives…and/or ink matter derivatives, including living beings (mostly as an energy source and which his body somehow can partially convert into graphite)
…And by that fact alone you can tell that yes, he killed Isea -also known as Dizzy/Izzy Pants Girl (YESss I fINALLY GAVE HER A NICK ASDFGH-) in VB mostly due to her ‘special ability’ and stuff- by Queen Aris’ command. And yes, he can shapeshift, which explains why he got DPM to blame FPM for what happened, this that (but I think you might have figure it out already by the drawing alone so yea-)
However, although at first I thought his ability would be limited to mimick FPM’s appearance only, I now decided to amplify it a little, and instead he can shapeshift into any sketch/graphite-alike/related being, with FPM being his ‘link’ to them most of the time (stalkey tatics are not okey dokey my man but you do you I guess)
Though he can only shapeshift into stickfigs since he doesn’t have that much of ‘color filling’ for a human drawing itself (yeah ik they’re humanized in the story but things will make sense sooner or later I promise, for now just bear with me as we go on on this plz), and he cannot shapeshift into ink/liquid-alike/related beings because they’re not compatible and it’ll only lead him to corrupt his physical form –not meaning he can’t recover from it tho
But he can’t replicate them entirely, as his eyes and the ring are the two main red flags to spot him (but with some contact lenses and a little pocket, it can be fixed y’know-)
As for his robotic arm, it was after a fight that I’ll rather not explain due to not being that relevant; and even thought doctors refused to give him a prosthesis at first since he could simply let it rebuild naturally (yes he can regen too, but in a slower phase bc reasons), he got it anyways due to the fact limbs regen take way longer than physic injuries and/or internal damage (some even assumed that they probably wouldn’t actually regen anyway), which can be a bother on his job most of the time…and maybe out of spite too –he wanna look tough, yo-
Fun fact, during the hype I got from making this bad boi, I ended up attaching him to grandson’s song called ‘Blood/Water’ due to the lyrics kinda resembling his defamatory actions towards FPM (and also his wild and sometimes desperate hunger towards ink beings, yikes)
Second, what’s VB’s main plotline now and why did I expand it?
To resume it in the ‘signature phrase’ I made for the new version (which was also inspired on MARETU’s ‘Magical Doctor’ song –mandoilovethisvocaloidsongcomposerasdfgh)
Venomous Bittersweet (which I’ll rename in the future due to the fusion with TAF) started off with a simple plot -FPM going on a mission for himself to get cured from a spider bite he got all of a sudden, but failing in the process (bc plot convenience idk) and CPG is the one who goes to his rescue instead while showing off the things she learned from him, this that, wholesome ending blah blah blah- you know the drill if you read it to end.
But by the moment I began making those little ‘inside stories’ –specially DPM’s backstory explaining why he became so reckless and outgoing- I started to extent myself on how things worked on this AU, even how drawings come to life (ik it’s weird but that’s how I though it to be so ff-), and by such I felt the urge to give almost everything a background story, such as Aris’ reason to kidnap and take control over FPM’s body and mind (and maybe his soul too oops-), the Spider Kingdom’s origin and even the portals and ‘reality deterioration’ in SFPA, passing by DPM’s origins and stuff.
And even if I felt like hitting walls and taking things a little too in-depth most times, I think it did bring some good things for the new plotline I’m going for now
So, in the new story, all the weird, whacky (and disturbing) things that happen after SFPA and during OG VB plotline came by what I’d express as some sort of ‘time-space anomaly’ that made everything slightly unstable on the ‘other side’ of the studio (I won’t explain too much my brain is about to boil rn so take that as you will for now tysm), having a passive (but not unnoticeable) effect on the sketchbooks.
I can’t give much context why, how or where did the anomaly came to be exactly (you can make theories if you like, I’d love to read them 4real <3), but it’s main purpose is to take control over all existing worlds just to corrupt them to its will, to the point there is basically nothing left but despair and desolation to which all entities will be forced to endure and all that edgy jazz.
…And by that, the ‘anomaly’ will create incompatible matter amalgams –ink and graphite being the most coming-to-mind example in the story so far- in order to conquer all the sketchbooks, but as a consequence of this ‘anomaly’s’ arise, new worlds came to be fully developed (in other words, they finally exist as a whole), and with that, new ‘heroes’ are brought into the situation, each representing a type of artistic material alone –watercolor, oil paint, etc-, heroes with which FPM will encounter and interact with, as he’ll also help them in how to use their abilities to fight the baddies and stuff.
And because we need conflict to make things interesting, Q-Ross and DPM indirectly (but kinda) ‘team up’ to fabricate fake evidence and such in order to mess with FPM’s reputation towards the heroes by incriminating him and/or even mislead his actions (confusing wrong by right and vice versa, etc.) (because ink man is salty and corrector ass is a dick by nature –ofc), and even ocassionally with Q-Ross starting the job, just to get DPM to finish it; and sometimes they get the aforesaid characters to hold grudges –if it comes to succeed, or instead making them get more on his side by the same feeling of doubt –if they mess up on something, no matter the size.
As about his sickness, well, it also got a little twist.
We know that new worlds and material compositions come with new squiggle types, and even if ‘dust-related’ types don’t affect him for too long –chalk being the closest example I can bring up-, liquid or clayish matters, such as oil and crayon squiggles respectively, are toxic towards him, so in the way the more he interacts with incompatible squiggles, the more harmed his health condition gets, to the point it grips into the weakest part of his body –his core (I’ll later explain this just…let me get this out first plz), which limits him on doing most things he’s used to do normally.
…And well, the spider bite (which is also an abnormal matter amalgam times two, though I’ll keep it secret for now) was the last nail in the coffin on fucking him up entirely to a new level of corruption (damn is that a stretch I’m seeing-)
Long story short, this was also because I wanted ArPM to have a backstory that’s more than just ‘I’m evil nao bc me get poisond and mindcontrold by spoders out of spite hahahaha-’
Third (and lastly), who’s Ahetzo exactly and what’s his main purpose on the story?
This is a short one
In case you didn’t see my tweet on my Twitter account (here a linkie), this is a side character I made that’s supposed to be some kind of ‘spirit’ or something alike who’s the one in charge of the studio while ya dev boi is gone
In other words, he’s basically like Brad’s subconscious self (IK YIKES- YOU CAN HIT ME WITH THE CHAIR NOW I WON’T MIND-)
…and even though he tried to keep the anomaly thing contained as long as he could while figuring out how to disarm it or at least neutralize it (yes it was there way before, like during fpaw3 events or before so because AU logic lol), the more he tried to condense it, the more it multiplied itself until, well, y’know, shit blew up and everything just sdfghjk’d
And yes, he was the one who released the new worlds to keep the crazy stuff at range, this that
Oml my brain-
And before I finish here, I’d like to make a little ‘self-critic’ regarding my artwork here…and I gotta say, I’m really proud of it on most parts
As I began to retake on digital art lately –mostly due to my slight entering onto the FNF/partially NG communities and other things, I’ve been testing out new techniques and stuffs on GIMP 2 with the ‘routes’ tool and all that (that’s also why it looks almost symmetrical, but don’t fool urself it did took its time-), I even corrected some of the lines to make them sharp and fancy (haha funi joek im so quirkee-)
In here, I wanted to try mixing both solid and blurry shadows as well as replicating a ‘crystalish’ effect –as seen on Q-Ross’ eyes- and some line effects with the ink tool such as the liquid dripping out of Q’s mouth (yes that correcting fluid saliva now stfu-) and the graphite/correctfluid webs coming out of his clawtips/fingertips
And though I haven’t made an official palette for him, I think the colors I picked here suit him well enough in my own idea of such
Overall, I had fun making this, and I love how it came out
Still though, any criticism, opinion and commentary is welcome, both about my art piece and my little showcase over here
That’s all I got for now, see you all later on
K bai-
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