#and this really goes for the disabled community tbh
lunityviruz · 9 months
I hate when bitches try and feel guilty about resting ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY NEED IT
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modawg · 3 months
my favorite thing to think about is camp half blood and them as a community so here’s random chb head cannons bc i said so and i love them
this is gonna be long
i’ve said this before i’ll say it again Aphrodite cabin haircut day (which spans abt a week) it’s a whole production they have a sign up system and everything like an actual salon it’s super fun because everyone’s just talking to eachother and laughing as they sit on the floor infront of their “hair stylist”
basically every year like a yearly check up (see point 2) the aph cabin will hold a yearly hair cut day(s) where you can come in and really request anything but it’s really for just trims so no one’s walking around with split ends
don’t get me wrong if you want to cut your own hair you can you can also get a haircut any other time of the year if you want but it’s like a whole thing and it’s just easiest to do it during that time
yearly health screenings!! they also do like a screening when you first come into camp to see if anyone has allergies disabilities etc etc this is also a whole production but is less fun (apollo kids are more strict when it comes to your literal health)
on sunny days people lounge in the grass taking the sheets from their beds to make picnic type blankets but literally once one small group does it the entire field is covered in blankets all connected
when this happens it’s such a fun experience sometimes they’ll have kids dueling to the left while to the right some apollo kids are playing and singing with their friends as they pass strawberries throughout the entire coven and get sunburnt together
there’s a sign next to the dock that says “no running on dock” and edged under it is “unless percy’s on duty”
i feel like when percy is near the water/near the dock it becomes an automatic like safe zone and kids love it bc they can sprint and cannon ball off the dock without embarrassingly slipping and going to the infirmary with their heads down
speaking of percy he has a class teaching kids how to preen and handle the pegasi (pegasus??) where a bunch of them will come and lay out in the sun and he’ll walk around showing on blackjack what feathers to pluck and which to leave alone etc etc
genuinely fuck the godly parent pavilion table rule everyone sits where they want to sit when you first come it’s customary to sit with your siblings just so you get used to the people you’ll be living with but once your comfortable you sit with your friends when you want to
some kids don’t even sit at the table they sit on the floor or right outside the pavilion on the grass or on the edge with their close friend they try to not have kids eating in the big house but who’s to really stop them tbh
(i believe this one’s kinda cannon) but they have a comunal tv inside the big house along with the comunal computer and they have movie nights or you can sign up for a personal movie night but 90% of the time people will probably join you
also comunal landline lol
they also make their own movies and host their own plays when they want to (see next point) normally the apollo and aphro kids help with this but it always comes down to the hephaestus kids who record and convert so everyone can watch it on the big screen
many kids who passed in the wars are preserved in this way
PLAYS they have so many plays hosted normally by the apollo kids hephaestus and aphrodite kids help with the assembly and makeup surprisingly the 2 most cabins who actually preform (aside from apollo) are athena and ares
idk i feel like ares kids need this outlet they always act like they’re doing it only bc a lot of their friends are creatives but it’s a lie
normally the plays are just greek myths that they do with a modern twist but they can also do poems or other fun things the kids want (it’s kinda like a talent show type thing)
camp magazine!! again i’ve said this before but GYATTTT i will die on the hill of camp magazine
the magazine is a short little thing that goes out once a month normally having camp gossip interviews and reminders that go out for the month
every month the cover is decided by the ending of the previous magazine (there’s a poll) sometimes they have special guest models on the front like vogue when the aphro kids are really feeling themselves
percy has been this model on many occasions and tho he doesn’t really know it annabeth has kept every cover he’s on
this magazine was originally run by selina and after she died it was sent out to memorialize the kids who died during the first war with a pic of her and charlie as the front cover; it stopped running after that
yearly ms o’leary camp cleaning day
this is the most hectic day in chb herstory like genuinely
they have to split into 3 groups A B and C once A gets tired B comes in once Bs tired C comes in then it starts again
percy’s there as a constant stream of water and the hephaestus kids make giant scissors so they can trim her along with extra big dog brushes so they can get all her fur (i head cannon her as a HUGE fluffy dog fight with a wall idc) they always finish her off with some bows and a feast to celebrate
athena kids have a sign up sheet outside their cabin where you can sign up to get tutored you just write what you need help with and when you want the help and someone normally can
same with ares kids and learning how to fight
tbh most cabins have this when it comes to certain special talents like learning how to play instruments or gardening
they have a huge bulletin in the big house where people can pin things up have it be reminders about yearly things pictures they want up help wanted posters (lol) drawings really anything
you can leave everything up for a week for everyone to see then it’s a curtesy thing to take it down to make room for new things
help posters are infact a thing normally it’s just with things they can’t get help with day of or something that isn’t actually too important or for something far in the future
ie, if they need more actors for their play or a window won’t close or something
everyday (and this is cannon) you have a chore if you bust your ass to the big house you can sign up to some of the good ones that don’t take as long but the longer you wait to sign up the faster the good ones go
this sets up for a lot of bargaining between campers abt getting different chores but a lot of the times people do them together or with friends and it really isn’t that bad
kids often set up their own stands with different things could be sign up for a 2 minute sketch a lemonade stand or other random things
they sometimes set up field trips out to the mortal world emphasis on the sometimes
if they do it’s normally to a more crowded area like a museum or a park or something so it’s harder for monsters to smell them they also have to go armed and with at least 1 seasoned vet to every 2 campers
this has to be approved by chiron 1 month in advance and has to have said vets signature so kids are just making shit up
these groups don’t really get any bigger than 10 or so campers and they only really stay out for a couple hours but it’s always everyone’s favorite thing
since kids can’t use phones other then the landline they have a lot of cameras like a LOT of cameras every cabin has a couple and there are some in the big house too for kids to borrow and take pics with
if you break it you normally have to take on the chore of whoever’s fixing it along with whatever chiron says
you also sign up for these so they know when you took them when you brought them back and you MUST mark any scratches or anything that might happen so everyone is aware of the status of these cameras (they have monthly maintenance checks)
it’s really funny when you look through the pics different cabins take with their camera you can really tell who’s who’s
at the end of every month they get gone through by the cabin to delete whatever they don’t need and converted into whatever the cabins want so they can be preserved and reused later
camp family album; every year they take a camp picture
in the big house there’s a small library of things ranging from the memorial book to ancient greek books to the family album that holds signatures like a yearbook and camp pictures that chiron loves the most and he keeps in the book
the year(s) the books span over are written on the side so campers can look for themselves and see the history behind chb
ok i’m going to leave that at that bc i need to go clean but i will maybe come back to this later ok byeee~ (^з^)-♡
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doberbutts · 14 days
Hey there! I hope you don't mind me asking this.
I remember you posting about how cis women say that men don't have to worry about going outside at night for example, and you brought up moc issues and how black men do have to deal with that. Which was a really good post and made me more aware of the topic.
Well so I keep seeing these posts (made by mostly white queer people) about how "cishet people don't have to worry about holding hands in public" / "opposite sex couples can legally marry anywhere" / etc, which doesn't really sit right with me? Cause interracial couples still face a lot of discrimination and are still actively being hurt. (same with disabled couples, but that's a different topic I think)
However every time I brought this up, people (mainly white queer people) would get mad at me. Saying how I'm changing the topic and how that didn't matter to the conversation.
I was wondering how you feel about this, cause I'm white (and also queer), and I'm not sure if my concern with these statements are valid. Personally I see a lot of poc voices are being ignored in the queer community, and statements aren't useful to make our point (besides being false).
Thanks for reading, please tell me if I'm being ignorant / should do more research on the topic. I'm more than willing to do so. Also don't feel any pressure to answer, I know you don't owe me your time to explain.
Another older ask and one I deliberately left until I had the ability to actually answer on a keyboard instead of on my phone.
The TLDR of this is effectively: this is why I prefer black feminism, which does in fact go into these nuances, to any sort of nonblack theory adopted by the larger feminist and queer communities (which is often white and does not address these problems, which was the point of that post tbh)
But it also goes into my point of how most oppression is neither unique nor is it new, it simply changes its face when applied to different demographics. Much of what we call misogyny is not limited to misogyny, much of what we call homophobia is not limited to homophobia, and so on. "Straight couples don't get disowned by their parents for getting married" well... my ex brother-in-law did because he brought home a black woman. "Straight couples can legally marry anywhere" well according to some sitting justices on the Supreme Court, potentially not for long if they're interracial couples, and while disabled couples can marry they lose all or most of their benefits the moment they do so... "No one beats up straight couples for holding hands" my guy not even going into oppression but you clearly have never been to middle school when a deeply unpopular kid has a crush or is in a relationship with someone who is significantly less unpopular than they are.
But again, this is why I don't find this type of theory to be grounded in reality, and thus why I tend to gravitate more towards theory that makes more sense to the experiences I've had.
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nichestartrekkie0-0 · 3 months
How do Aenar fare when going to Starfleet Academy? Any challenges?
eeeEEEEEE <3 thanks for the ask! Yay, I love this question!!
Headcanons: I’d say since it’s the 2240s-ish when Hemmer goes to the Academy and (at least in the timeline I have) he’s the only one! This leads to…a lot of problems, unfortunately. Thankfully, he has good roommates and a few good friends!  Let’s go over the pros and cons! (For Hemmer at least)
Oof! 0-0 This one is long- more beneath the cut!
Friends: I headcanon that one of his first friends is from the Kanyakumari district (In India) as they both move to take off their shoes when they first go to class (as it’s a normal thing to do in their schools) and they both are like ‘hey!! you!! You’re like me!!’ And they bond over the shit cafeteria food (I have a scene (I stg the fic is coming…eventually.) where they take apart a small lunchroom jukebox to make a hotplate and cook their own shit- they hate cafeteria food so much lmao) They bond more over food, engineering, and culture shock! 
Space: he loves fixing stuff! And the stars! he’s happy to both explore his interests…while also serving his people by being an impromptu Anear ambassador for everyone. (More of the first reason than the second…but the second reason is important too)TBH him being in Starfleet and following his purpose/his path makes him more happy than anything. The cons do suck, but the pros far outweigh them! 
General: Aenar are communal. Living in San Fran (which is HUGE) and having money?? Hemmer has no idea wtf money is because Aenar don’t use money. Also, a lot of people who are strangers freak him out- who tf is he supposed to call when he needs help?? or food?? or a break from his crazy roommates and horror movies?? 
The classes: Aenar need help to see certain things. Color doesn’t exist to them. They can’t see screens! ( to some extent, at least for my headcanons) So, their psychic abilities are just as much a disability as they are an extra ability! So, in classes, he’d probably have a ton of accomodations! some professors are cool…others are not. (As it is in college, oof) 
Communication: Aenar are very indirect (Mostly) so he appears as cold and uncaring when he is very much the opposite! This also stems from his general personality and the isolation he gets from being away from home. The Andorians don’t really see him as Andorian. This leads to some loneliness in the first bit-  that doesn’t last twelve hours tho. (He makes a friend (Girish- the guy from India) almost instantly haha)
For later students, it’s probably better…unless you bring up how Hemmer died. I feel like his death certainly left a bad aftertaste and a horrible precedent for any Aenar kid who wants to be in Starfleet. Oof. 
Anywho that's what I got!! Thanks for the ask!!! :3
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Fought with my partner today about holiday plans, honestly caused by communication deficiency + bpd abandonment avoidance bullshit + meltdown.
I kept saying I don’t want to go with him to his family’s holiday meal unless he actively wants me to go (turns out just desperately tying to feel wanted, just bpd diagnostic criteria #1, something neither of us realized at the time) so he kept insisting he didn’t care one way or the other (with good intention, so that I wouldn’t feel obligated to do something overwhelming)
Anyway this man is so good to me, we were angry and yelling at each other but he didn’t wanna leave me home alone while I was that upset so he called and told his mom he wasn’t coming. And I know he wasn’t really dying to do the whole holiday family ordeal, but I still feel so awful.
He is so understanding and puts up with my horrific behavior and chronic/mental illness nonsense and as a thanks I ruin his day. His day off. We worked it out, things ended up good, but now he has to end his day early, mentally and emotionally exhausted, and then get up to work all day tomorrow so he can support both of us because my psychotic ass is too disabled to hold a job or any worthwhile income. And then he gets to come home to a messy house because I’m too dysfunctional to maintain our home properly. And I can’t believe he puts up with this and has for years and years. I’ve never felt so unconditionally loved.
I feel guilty for the obvious but then exponentially guilty that I don’t consistently act more grateful or even just affectionate. But whenever I try to express affection or gratitude or remorse, this panic alarm goes off in my brain that I’m about to give up allll my power and therefore ensure eternal suffering and oppression for myself. Which is just cptsd-brain lying to me, I know. But even knowing that logically, affection and gratitude still feel near impossible to express. I feel them sooooososooosos deeply……. I just wish I could let people know without vibrating violently and tensing up all my muscles involuntarily to the point of catatonia. Getting pretty close just writing this post tbh
Anyway I’ve been doing a lot of self-worth exercises and DBT work on my own and I know things will get better. I just want to be able to give the people I love all the thanks they deserve for all of the endless things they’ve done for me. I just want people to know how grateful I am and how sometimes it feels like my heart is overflowing so much I’m drowning in it. I just want to be able to express that to anyone that deserves to hear it.
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100-yardstare · 11 months
I am finally done with Normal 2!! I started the original Normal in 2015 after seeing the movie for the first time, and I loved it so much! Can't believe out of all the fandoms I've ever been in, the POM movie was the one that got me writing a 119k+ fic and an entire sequel. The only other fic I wrote a novel length fic for was for Wreck-it Ralph.
Felt like writing a bit about my process behind the scenes as a way to send it off officially:
I love writing first person, especially self inserts. I can picture myself in situations very easily and my emotions tend to spill out with the perspective.
After reading my fics over a few times and reading some of my reader commentary, I've been told that my insert is "loud" and one time was told I was "obnoxious" and "mean", but tbh viewing the fic by taking a step back and re-reading made me realize this is my loud inner voice and may be attributed to my ADHD!!
Speaking of self discovery, my statements in the fic such as not being able to sweat, fainting, feeling like I might piss myself, etc were supposed to be just funny statements, but in conjunction with my discussion of my inserts "illness" I was actually writing about my dysautonomia before I actually knew what it was! I was diagnosed January 2023, so it's kinda interesting seeing my writing reflect my disability.
I am unashamed of the fact that I wrote Dailey as being a messy relationship that grew and had its ups and downs. I like angst in my ships anyway, so this one was no exception even being a self insert. Dave is a bad guy, and Kailey is, well... me, totally not perfect, weird, working with a bad guy as if she has no choice. They both did really crappy stuff, and THAT'S THE POINT!! I actually wrote a sequel because I knew the ship had a whole lot more to go development wise.
While the first fic generalized a commentary on what it meant to be "normal", when I wrote the sequel I wanted to touch base on different aspects of society, what is normalized, and what it considers beautiful. I write this in outside characters other than my insert, but it manifests in my inserts "turning into a monster" story arc. I am often alienated from being beautiful (how I dress, whether I wear makeup or not), how I behave (my ADHD, my introverted-ness, my emotional disregulation, etc.) my sexuality (I am asexual not interested in sexual relationships), and my physical disability (incapable of keeping up with what is expected of me in jobs, obligations, etc.). In the end the hope is to allow my true self to shine, hence breaking the "curse" of the Medusa Serum in the end.
In extension, my alienation and turning into a monster arc emphasized my negative emotions as being made an outsider or not deemed good enough by society, and how that brings out the worst part of you. I had this resolved by working through this in a relationship because I believe the foundation of mental well being is being part of a community or sharing your burdens with others.
When I decided to make the characters that were turned into monsters with the influence of the QCUs, I was watching Dragon Ball at the same time, and thought the scenes where Goku gets shot and just goes "Oww, that hurts!" without being hurt, was hilarious and ended up putting that trait in my fic.
I probably have a lot more facts in my head that I am not remembering at this moment but here are some of my thought processes for now! I am very thankful for all the support I had writing this fic. Dave and Kailey's story is over from a writing standpoint but I def see there being a lot of open story ideas/extras that I would love to talk about so if anyone is ever interested please shoot me an ask!
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trashworldblog · 2 months
I hope ur well.
Anyway I wanted to know if u have any accomidations in ur college for your disablitie? It seems you are constantly in pain and could use some extra help? (PLS CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG) I see ur posts about ur disablites and I can't help but feel sympathy, I know some of what your going through (my ass has been on meds as well as being in and out of hospitals my whole life)
I don't know what your collage could offer and such but I hope you at get some extra help bc everyone should have a good college experience and not have to cry in front of professors bc of pain and stress.
I hope you are better in the next few days. And I hope u get some good vitimin D (Illinois is cloudy as shit rn).
hi!! thanks for checking in !! yeah my school provides accommodations. its just hard as fuck to do (paperwork, doctors signatures, etc) and i havent had the time or energy to do it yet. im hoping to get flexible due dates and have flexible attendance? also just a general understanding that if im uncontactable its cus im in bed, in pain, with nausea. (or asleep due to meds). i have 2 game studio classes coming up so i get to break it to them that im chronically ill yayyy
having a disability is fucking hard! and its been hard to figure out how to communicate that to professors and classmates in a ~chill regular people way~ because beep beep im also autistic and have no clue if im over or undersharing. luckily i was able to express it in a semi normal ish way with a 1 on 1 w the prof for the class thats really been rough because of my disability. (the tldr is i worked on a big and cool project w a client, and had to be in contact with my team for updates, and due to my disability i would disappear for half a week cus i was busy passing out in doctors offices and sleeping due to pain meds) but i was always able to do good fucking work! just couldnt message people all the time 💀 the meeting went well, i didnt actually cry cry, my voice got all wobbly and i made that noise you make when youre TRYING not to cry a few times. honestly i was confused as to why i got emotional cus i thought i was over it. clearly not lol. she was very understanding and nice too. she wished i brought it up sooner but tbh this all unfolded during the semester, and i was new(ish) to chronic illness so i didnt know what to do or how to approach that.
overall my college experience has been very good, this is a rough bit of it. and i find it helpful to write about it.
i wouldnt say im constantly in pain, it comes and goes every few days. and even then, everyday theres at least some pressure/pain for a few seconds and on bad days theres times when it goes away for a few minutes every hour. she's very dynamic.
sorry to hear you also get the medical struggles <3 hope you are well and your meds work well for you. and thank you for the well wishes. today was pretty nice! low pain, and it was actually sunny and warm in chicago! i got to escape to the lakefront for a while and listen to the waves break and the birds chirp
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Tbh i didnt get the vibe that translator was into mc at all lol, they seemed like mutually beneficial business partners at most, w some dependency from mc ofc who is severely disabled in that world and translator trying to not get on 2718s shit list. I don't completely trust translator, unreliable narrator kinda vibes, but like in a self preserving way? Shes v self motivated to me. Idk i just feel like it would be the end of the world and there are 2 seconds until everything bursts into hot gas and translator goes oopsie btw i had the answer for this all along but i wanted to go out in a blaze of glory so here we are. Its translators world and we're all just forcibly living in it bc there are no other major means of communication :///. Also i wanna make theories but ur brain literally throws me a new one every time like ion even know where to begin so i wont lmao. And random but does the number 2718 have any personal significance to u? - 🐰
Damn thank u so much for ur interpretation on translator man u really gave her the read of her life, it was a really enjoyable read 4 me n im sure other readers would appreciate seeing yr opinon too 💯
Naa i actually googled up "FAMOUS NUMBERS USED IN MATHS" and intially i wanted to use 3141 (pi π, 3.14) but i was like naaa too cliche lets find a lesser known constant
And the second on the list is literallly Euler's number (e, 2.7182) i just said fuck it we ball and went with it, i just remoged the decimal point
When it comes to my ocs its like,, a product of halfassery, i coulr have taken the time to name them sensible names but i was like naah fuck dat i got the excuse of using numbers as an alien thing/alternate universe thing and i can literally name all the other characters in numbers-- provided that they're not too similar to each other cause i myself am bad at numbers
Plus if u notice i try to keep recurring characters to a minimum, so far theres only 4 known, but one of them got killed early on- reason being is nothing other than pure laziness to build the proper foundations and distinct traits for each character </3
So from this tidbit of info i think u guys can guess what the other yandere's name is gonna be <3
Thanks for reading my crap and analyzing it <333
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muraenide · 10 months
okay so talking to allie earlier this afternoon made me realize that while Jade & Floyd's relationship is inconsistent via Floyd's cards, Jade's card had been the opposite: it is always consistent. In not a single card of Jade's that Jade ever spoke negatively of Floyd. Jade's always showed fondness towards Floyd, even Jade's usual sarcasm is never there. Fair to say enough, if Jade ever really disliked anyone, he would have been working his way to eliminate them from his life, and this goes for pretty much everyone tbh, not just Floyd.
This actually made me feel relieved because I always headcanon Jade as someone who possesses a disability to communicate. No, he doesn't refuse communication. He's not emotionally stunted. He simply keeps to himself a lot, and is overall someone who is very private about his thoughts. Ironically, he's rather willing to communicate when prodded to. It's the fact that Jade is obviously a very reticent person. He can't be trusted to speak his true mind on his own accord. Most of Jade's thoughts are processed in his head and they rarely make it out in speech unless that person is very, very lucky or know Jade well enough to know that he needs to be handled this way. Jade just thinks and does a lot, but speaks very little. Even when he does, it's not always true to his real thoughts.
Deep down, while not going too far to call it love, Jade's very capable of fondness and letting the little things in his life anchor his happiness. He's shown to be reluctant to do anything that would stop Floyd from having fun, and he's down to be defensive when Floyd's happiness is being threatened. The tweel's "Dislikes" are very compatible with each other, with Jade hating "organized harmony" and Floyd hating "being restrained". It shows that they are likely to get along more than not getting along. Since if one were to invert their dislikes, that means Jade likes chaos, and Floyd likes being unrestained, their likes are what keeps each other entertained and happy even on non special occasion.
And ultimately, to Jade, what Floyd thinks of him doesn't matter. To Jade, he's his own person and so is Floyd. I feel that he does know that sometimes Floyd might misunderstood or doubt his intentions, but Jade's not the type of person who would let such things bother him for long. Floyd is allowed to have his own thoughts, change them as things passed, or not, if Floyd decides that they don't resonate after all. But Jade will always regard Floyd as someone irreplacable in his life. He'll love Floyd even if Floyd hates him. He'll still love Floyd even if Floyd decides to up and leave.
Jade doesn't hand-hold or walk him for the rest of his life, and he actually spends less time with Floyd versus what the vast majority might think/assume. He almost never talks to Floyd either about what's on his mind or what he wants to do. But you bet he's watching Floyd's body language most of the time and studying/evaluating him. And if he comes back home seeing Floyd unusually upset and someone's responsible for it, there's hell to pay.
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littlegreenwyvy · 4 months
If you do not wear a facemask indoors
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then go fuck yourself, cuz this is your fault 💚
This goes for my friends too btw sorry 💚
Actually tbh not all that sorry
I'm getting to the point where I'm willing to lose friends over whether or not you voluntarily protect your community in ways that will tangibly and directly help to prevent a fatal effect on people like me. Frankly if you're friends with me and you don't do this then please don't be friends with me, because like you're basically making yourself a danger for me to be around anyway. If I have to worry about how many people YOU'VE been in contact with IN ADDITION to how many people I'm in contact with myself, and all the people THEY'RE in contact with, and the likelihood that any of us or them have been in contact with someone who may or may not have had or been exposed to someone who had covid... I'm just gonna not bother. We will never meet, ever. And that's what my life has been like. I haven't seen my friends. I've barely seen some of my own family members who I LIVE with, because of how often we have to isolate IN OUR OWN HOMES from each other after a possible exposure. Remember isolating? It's that thing you do when either you're sick OR YOU DON'T KNOW YET IF YOU'VE CAUGHT THE SICK FROM SOMEONE.
Btw since nobody can afford to regularly test anymore (not that people stay home anyway even when they are sick), any stranger with a cough or sniffle you're 'in contact' (i.e. in the same room/vehicle/space) with is essentially a possible covid contact (and that's not even taking into account how many people go around with NO acute symptoms at all, or just really bizarre, seemingly unrelated ones, or who mistake then for migraines or allergies or something else).
But to get back on track, I don't really wanna be friends with you if after 4 years of all this, knowing everything we know now, after all that the world has been through, you STILL don't bother to take ANY precautions.
If you don't wear a mask nowadays, why not?
Do you just not care? I wish I had that luxury.
Do you think 'why bother'? It's because we're super fucked if nobody does, so start with yourself.
Are you just content with the risk of infecting someone else? Fuck you if so.
Do you think infections are GOOD? You couldn't be more wrong.
Do you think it's not 'bad enough' to warrant taking a PREVENTATIVE MEASURE? It's called PREVENTATIVE for a reason.
Do you genuinely just not know how prevalent and SERIOUSLY BAD covid still is?? Learn how to listen to disabled people.
Whatever the reason, I'M not content with the risk. I don't know your situation, friend who is reading this, but the risk is significantly higher for ME than it is for 'healthy' people! And I'm sick of the entire world deciding FOR me what the 'comfort level' with covid should be, based on the people who are statistically less likely to die from it. (The objectively correct answer is still SUPER SERIOUSLY UNCOMFORTABLE by the way. You're straight up, plain old wrong if you think otherwise, by the way. Covid is ALWAYS a risk, no matter how 'healthy' or 'low risk' you are.)
So in short my friends, even if you're not going to interact with me specifically, if you're also not implicitly and automatically trying to protect the people who ARE around you with some high-covid-risk factor, then that's just kinda fucked up in my opinion.
You're contagious for several days before AND after your symptoms start and end. You're contagious even if you have NO symptoms. Just wear the mask...! It won't kill you to wear one, but it very well may kill someone you know, if you don't.
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harukirai · 7 months
I'm not sure what to say about your situation, but I hope that you're safe and that everything goes well for you. Is there anyone you can reach out to for help?
My roomate's parents took me in for the first month until our building finished fixing the bomb shelter to be wheelchair friendly, (thats one of the reason i was offline cause they live in a place with wifi that bearly works and limited data reception).
Tbh i cant really go anywhere cause my jewish side is native to israel, and my other option is japan, but bec i was in midst treatment for nerval damage and how disability aid works here, i cant really go anywhere or fly anywhere cause ill loose all my 'perks'(stuff i need to get by like special equipment and meds)
(and i cant function without the use of cannabis and in japan if i didnt get my prescription there its tricky to even get into the country, even if i have a citizenship)
So im bound to stay here unless a miracle will happen and the pains will stop(also i have a rare condition that can only be treated at sheba which is in tel aviv one of the most bombed areas besides the south)
I got back to my apartment a week ago and im still processing all the stuff thats going on in social media, even tumblr became very hostile and i think its for best ill just take a break from the internet.
Im trying to stay out of the politics of it online because the rise of antisemetism& out right fake news is scary to watch, the miss info and even justification of terrorism going on especially in the queer community which i AM part of, is quite disgusting. Maybe its bec i live here, and speak both hebrew and arabic and ive seen stuff i wish i could just delete from my brain- but the outright denial of october 7 is dangerous for both sides.
(also maybe its bec tumbler is suggesting things by region but the amount of antisemetism, fake propaganda and lies on my feed just makes me want to delete tumblr all together so i think that ill take a break from the internet for now until it will feel like the escapism it should be.
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Vol 9 Ch 2 Review
Spoilers for Chapter 2
Again, what is with this tonal dissonance between the situation and the characters? It went from, “hehe haha what a whimsical place” to “nothing make sense, and this world is fucking stupid” to “we’re terrible people and everything we touches goes to hell” within a minute. The tone transition doesn’t feel natural, and it nearly gave me fucking whiplash just looking at them interacting.
I do appreciate the more cartoony, slapstick style of animation though. Even if it’s, once again, tone deaf and weird AF.
Wow, Blake is finally a bookworm again. After 6 fucking years.
A little nitpick, but really? Alix and the Jabberwocker? That’s the length you’re going with? Just fucking slap me with a brick that said “it’s Alice in Wonderland”, I don’t think I caught the memo yet. /s
The Dormouse gag with Little is getting a bit tiring tbh. 
Two thoughts about Jinxy: 1) he’s kinda cute :3 would pet. 2) Oh my fucking god, please tell me this isn’t a caricature of Romani/travelers, please please PLEASE. You can’t just do something else?? Bro, we know fairy tales are laced with antisemitism and anti-traveler rhetoric but you’re supposed to be AGAINST it.
*flashback* “hey it’d be kind of interesting to see Yang without an arm and having to adapt to the situations without relying on-” 
*Yang got her arm back literally the next episode, killing any potential ideas of her actually being interesting as a disable character having to navigate and adapt to her surroundings using skills and wits*
...I’m in hell.
Speaking of Yang:
Yang: Alix was kind of an asshole huh. :/
Also Yang: I’m going to disrupt a public event full of civilians, beat up someone in front of the guards and potentially create chaos the moment I step foot in a foreign community, despite Blake telling me to “when in Rome, do as Romans do”.
Hypocrisy has a bloodline, and it started with Raven. 
Another nitpick, but wow, I wonder which is the arm. The two ambiguously looking items, or the scepter that looks exactly the same as the damn arm. 
Also, ENOUGH with the Bumblebee pussy footing. “What’s the meaning of love?” “Are we holding hands? :3c teehee no no, just teasing.” Get. It. Over. With. You wanna fuck each other, just do it already and spare me 8 more episodes of your pseudo-queer bullshit. 
Again, the tonal dissonance. Ruby’s having a crisis over Penny’s sword (I’ll get to this madness later), Yang excitedly running away, Blake is frantically doing the same... Weiss just walk off nonchalantly. ISTG if this is her stihck for the Volume I’ll wrangle her myself. 
Blake: I just didn’t expect us to be morals in a story.
...so, the entire White Fang storyline, in which you were constantly on Adam’s case about being “pacifistic” in the eyes of systematic oppression, continuously making a fuss about an issue that affects YOUR race and life despite barely doing jackshit, and always fucking around when it comes to the reality of a racist world that shits on your people wasn’t a moral journey to you. 
Can’t say I’m surprise, Blake, you pasty All Lives Matters bitch. You continued to ignore an enterprise’s legal slavery after TWO people you knew shows you the horror of racial discrimination while your ass was cozy in an island mansion. You can’t be trusted to talk about morals, you lacked them. 
Ruby herself is giving me so much mixed feelings right now, more bad than good. She’s broken up about Penny, which is understandable, but I really, REALLY can’t believe her when she honors the poor girl. Not after gaslighting her in Volume 8, not after barely having a discussion about the events of Beacon, not after everything between them that was just Penny giving and Ruby taking for the entirety of Atlas. 
She got a W though, for being the only sensible person at the end. None of them know what they’re doing, not after crashing a kingdom and economically cripple another in your absence. So stop acting like they know what is going on. 
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year
hi, i saw your sick punk post and really reasonated with it. almost wanna start using that to describe me. but, there's a part of me that's saying "why use sick punk when your diesease doesn't even impact you?" so that's fun (sarcasm)
i guess my diesease situation is unique and technically lucky, lol. i was diagnosed with sjöner's when i was 10. which makes me immuno compromised in theory. in real life, it has never affected me at all. rarely get sick, and when i do, i get better easily. tbh for a while i thought the children's hospital i got diagnosed at mixed up my results with someone else's lol.
really only thing sjöner's does is make my eyes and mouth a little dry
so i basically am completely healthy, it's just that something is wrong with my health only in theory. which makes me alienated from the dieseased community and from people who share my diesease (who actually suffer from sjöner's)
so idk. i only am dieseased by a technicality. only by a diagnosis, not by actual lived experience.
i read your other posts about sick punk, but i was wondering if sick punk is inclusive of those like me?
sorry if this sounds kinda venty. if you want, you can delete this idc
Please dont be sorry! This actually touches on something that I've been wanting to write about for a while now, but was struggling to find the words to do so. I'll likely do a separate post about it as well.
First and foremost, I will admit that I don't know much about Sjöner's specifically, so I had to do some quick research with this one. That being said, no matter how severely it effects you, its still something you have and that is a part of you. Chronic dry eyes and mouth are a tell tale sign that someone could have an autoimmune disorder (Sjöner's or otherwise). Obviously, I can't tell you what label is right for you, but I can tell you that I personally don't think that it matters how severe the illness is, it is still something that effects your everyday.
As far as Sick Punk goes, I think it would be wonderful for it to be as inclusive as cpunk is to it's members. Identifying as cpunk isnt dependent on the use of mobility aids or "functioning level". Its about solidarity and embracing all physically disabled people, regardless of what their disabled experience looks like.
I would love to see Sick Punk evolve in a similar way, with us embracing those who may not have a 'typical' sick experience. Regardless of 'how bad' someone has it. So while it is completely a personal choice for you if you would like to use the term Sick Punk, I see no reason why you shouldn't if it resonated with you.
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bisexualmaedhros · 2 years
22, 32, 39 for the trans ask game?
haha hi rei
this is the ask game they're referring to btw! anyone can send in asks from it still if u specify that's what they're for ^_^
22. do your neurodivergencies and/or disabilities affect your gender?
hm tbh i don't know! i wouldn't be surprised if my anxiety or ocd affected how i realized i wasn't cis— for years, i agonized over wether i was "right" or not, and if being "wrong" would mean i'd hurt the trans community in some way. i know that worry is common among plenty of questioning people, but i later learned it can be exacerbated by ocd and similar disorders. it was to the point where thinking about my gender and trying to figure it out made me incredibly anxious and uncomfortable, sometimes even nauseous.
i hesitated to openly call myself trans up until i was almost 18, when a friend at the time invited me to join a t4t server he was in. you didn't have to be exclusively t4t, but you did have to be trans. that invitation, to me, was kind of like... a reassurance. this other trans person who very much was "trans enough" (bs concept that i applied only to myself, you know how it goes) was acknowledging me as also "trans enough". a lot of people in that server did a lot of fun gender stuff, which made me much more confident in my own sometimes contradictory identity.
i'm no longer in that server, but i did make a friend there in the lovely @/noellegoesmeow, and i'll always be grateful for what i learned there.
ah, i guess i got kind of off-topic... while, after years of research, i suspect i may be autistic, i hesitate to openly and publicly claim that label*. so while i do know autism can affect one's view of gender, i'm not sure if that can be said for me.
(i do think, though, that being nd also kept me from realizing i was dysphoric for a very long time. i've always had a horrible time making sense of and naming my emotions, so i didn't realize what i was feeling was that until i described it to my therapist, ended it with "but i'm not dysphoric", and she was like "ok but isn't that... dysphoria?")
*not against informed self dx, just full to the brim with self-doubt. reread answer to question 22 for example.
32. how do you see yourself identifying/presenting in 5 years?
honestly i don't know! as time's gone on, i've gotten more comfortable with my own ambiguity, and i find the word "nonbinary" is both sufficiently vague so as to accommodate that, but also succinct enough so that i'm not left reaching for a word or categorization. it's a nice fit with plenty of wiggle-room.
i've also lately gotten more comfortable again with terms like "sapphic" and "wlw", which for a while made me quite a bit dysphoric. as long as they're being used to refer to me by someone who understands i'm not fully "woman". i do owe a lot of my joy regarding my contradictions to gnc lesbians, especially those who id as nonbinary and/or use pronouns other than she/her. while i don't share all their same labels, i've found a lot of the ways they refer to themselves have been comfortable for me, too (like using both masculine and feminine terms for myself in the same sentence, eg. "she's a funny guy")
39. is your ideal partner also trans, or do you not have a preference?
i don't really have a preference, so long as they're not awkward about my gender. cis and trans people alike can become uncomfortable when presented with nonbinary identities in general, let alone one that seemingly contradicts itself in their eyes. i think i would be uncomfortable around someone who seemed like they were walking on eggshells trying to get it right. i used to think i'd only be fully comfortable and feel understood with a trans partner, but i don't want to cut myself off that way. there are cool cis people
(maybe it's just a coincidence that 2/3 of my romantic relationships so far have been with trans people. shoutout to @/rei-is-reblogging-stuff and @/oohbrother girls who are gayboys have more fun, i'm told)
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usertiff · 8 months
(assuming this is in ref to my disability post) honestly there's lots of things to say this about like. seriously. yes, fuck america's disability system.
but overall i try to avoid saying things like that. for a few reasons. you didn't ask but i'll tell bc tbh i feel like it needs to be said?
first of all, america (as a country not a region, more specifically USA, but i may use them interchangeably here) is not the only country with widespread systemic issues. and there's a problem with acting like it is. (not you, anon, just ppl in general) because!! acting like the united states is the only country that perpetuates systemic violence/oppression/etc dims the light on other countries that are also perpetuating it, which lets them get away with a lot more. talk to a large handful of europeans or other white non-americans and they will more than likely not see an issue with their own countries. they condemn america while having the same systemic problems in their own region.
i am so tired rn and i never articulate well in the first place so i hope this makes an ounce of sense. pls continue to bare with me.
second, it's sooo shitty to not recognize the pure privilege we have living in america. yes, there's so many problems. but even as a person who lacks privilege in some areas — as someone is ethnically INDIGENOUS to this land (and has suffered at the hands of my ethnicity's most common oppressive problems: poverty, addiction, abuse, loss of ancestry, etc), as someone who is disabled, in poverty, plus sized, as someone with a mixed ethnicity family, lesbian — i still know that there is privilege to living here. yes, a lot of the privilege that others have here (cishet, thin, abled, wealthy white men being the really shiny example lol) is stripped from me, yeah shady stuff happens here within our government just like everywhere else, but like... for the most part, i can say things "freely" without fear (again, for the most part).
and like, with war happening in so many places... so many lives being lost... like... i'm grateful to be where i am. would i love to not be in america? somewhere with a prettier view? lively culture? sure, sounds nice. but it's not realistic and i have to be okay with where i'm at.
i hate certain parts of america. don't consider this post being me patriotic LMFAOOO no this place sucks for so many reasons. i hate hate hate hate so many circumstances that i'm personally in. so many aspects of my reality. so many aspects of the shittier parts of america. poverty, racism, lack of healthcare ESPECIALLY because im disabled, disability system, prison system, police infrastructure, lack of community, the list goes on...
but it's like you honestly have to accept that it's better than some alternatives. no country/land is perfect. certainly not european countries like so many claim, and there are SO many problems we have to tackle. you have to admit how privileged it is to be here.
does being here mean you have all these priveleges? obviously not. i mentioned that above. it just means i have the privelege of not fearing for my life constantly, or sldkfjsldkfj honestly idk rn
im so tired and im so sorry for like rambling ON but 1. tbh i needed to focus on something other than my own head atm, and 2. lowkey needs to be said?
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darknessdeepashell · 1 year
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Hi! This is a sideblog focused on the 2004 movie adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera. I'll be posting bits of my analysis as well as content appreciating Phantom in general. Look under the cut for info about this blog and a bit about me; please read it before sending an ask.
General notes about the blog:
Posts will generally refer to the 2004 movie adaptation or Phantom as a whole unless specified otherwise (tagged accordingly unless I get lazy).
I don't know anything about Andrew Lloyd Webber nor the actors in the movie. I also don't care that people think the 2004 movie sucks, it remains my favorite Phantom adaptation (that I've seen so far) and it's very dear to me so I won't interact with uncritical hate of it.
I have not seen Love Never Dies and I do not consider it canon. I'll probably watch it someday. I don't think I'll like it.
I think reducing the characters to pairings/ships is a disservice to the narrative; please assume I don't "ship" any of the characters in the usual sense.
I operate under the assumption that every choice in a piece of media was intentional and serves some purpose. I get very deep and specific about my analyses for this reason.
Posts may refer to NSFW things. I'm an adult and would prefer followers to be 18+.
Please also note:
Phantom is complicated in the way it's a narrative focused on a disabled character written by, as far as I'm aware, non-(openly) disabled people, and has the sort of flaws you might expect as a result. I personally interpret the overall message of Phantom 2004 as a condemnation of societal ableism, and as part of the disability community I find the movie and Erik's character relatable and cathartic; however, I know not everyone feels the same, and it's entirely valid to feel that way. Good-faith discussion of Phantom's flaws in this regard are welcome, but if you know you dislike Phantom and won't change your mind, I'd advise you to block/ignore and move on. Hopefully this goes without saying, but ableist comments about Erik (and in general) will not be tolerated.
A bit about me:
I am an adult (21+) and I use he/him pronouns.
If you're curious, my favorite Phantom character is Erik himself and I can't choose a favorite song from the soundtrack because I love all of them dearly. Except the end credits track.
I'm not part of the Broadway/musicals fandoms overall; Phantom is one of few I'm really into, tbh. (I do like Phantom of the Paradise and The Rocky Horror Picture Show a lot, though.)
I'll put tone tags in the tags if I think they're needed. Please default to assuming I'm being genuine otherwise.
This page will be updated if I realize I've forgotten anything. Thanks for reading!
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