#and to make it worse he has no powers still in a 13 year olds body in a world completely taken over by reginald
beomgyuuuuuuuuu · 2 years
i know the world resets and five gets his arm back but it still pains me to have even seen it happen. he's been doing this for almost 3 weeks straight and he had to see that happen to himself. also, in the previous seasons, whenever someone walked away in the middle of family meetings, he would always argue for them to stay back and listen but this time, he just silently watched them walk away. the pain in his eyes. he deserves so much better. i am terribly and utterly heartbroken for him
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robinhobiii · 2 months
The Truth Untold
CEO! Jeonghan
Y/n’s son goes missing and there’s only 13 suspects that last seen her son. One of them happens to be her husband, Jeonghan.
Bad clue inspired
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It has been approximately three months since Jeongmin was last seen. Y/n was restless. Her beautiful baby boy was missing and she was a wreck. What made it worse was that fact that her husband, CEO Yoon Jeonghan, was not really bothered by the fact that he was missing.
Where was the caring father that he showed Jeongmin? Where the loving man that put his family first?
She was anxious and nervous by this. It’s as if her status as a detective meant nothing in this moment. The court and other officials forbade her from digging into the case. This was a family related case and she wasn’t allowed to have any bias towards anyone.
That caused her to get even more mad. No matter what, she’ll find her precious baby boy.
. . .
She decided to visit an old friend. A friend that go way beyond her and Jeonghan’s history together.
“Hmm~ What’s this? Miss goodie two shoes at my office~?”
She looked almost defeated as she had to ask him for help.
“Seokjin, please help me”
Kim Seokjin. A man that has so many underground connections, that even he forgets who he knows. They coincidentally met one night when his wife was kidnapped and he had to turn to a real detective instead of intel from the mafia organizations. Her time and devotion to find his wife was admirable to him that he kept her around for certain small tasks. However, Y/n distances herself from him as the rise of scandals among officials were coming out at a rapid speed. She didn’t want to harm her or his reputation so she kept a safe distance from him. His, obnoxious behavior, seems to have never changed like all those years ago.
“My, my~ you seem so desperate. What’s the special occasion~?”
She looked to the side and sighed. She didn’t want to regret this but he was making a bit difficult to not.
“My son is missing and the court is not really taking it seriously.”
His eyebrow quirked up as he smirked slightly.
“So I’ve heard. Well then, what’s my repayment?”
“Jin, you still owe me for helping you find your wife all those years ago”
He heartily laughed as his smirked broadens.
“You’re right I suppose. However, your husband is a very powerful man. If we get caught, it’ll only plummet you and your career as detective. I’m protected by Mafia Law. Only you know how your husband acts so proceed with caution. You’re aware of all this right?”
She nodded. “I know. I’m ready to take any precautions moving forward. Just please help me find him”
“Very well then Miss Y/n, it’s a pleasure to work with you again.”
He shook her hand to seal the deal.
. . .
It’s been officially four months since her son has been missing. Her and Jin were able to list out 13 possible candidates that could’ve known what happened to her son.
One and two. Choi Seungcheol and Lee Jihoon.
Business partners and close childhood friends. Stick together like glue and never make a decision without consulting each other. They own the music academy that Jeongmin used to attend.
Three and four. Lee Seokmin and Boo Seungkwan.
Both music teachers at Jeongmin’s music academy. Jeongmin often spent extra time after classes to stay with either one of them for extra practice.
Five. Seo Myungho.
His personal bodyguard slash butler that has been assigned by Jeonghan to protect Jeongmin. He’s almost everywhere with Jeongmin and does almost everything with him.
Six and seven. Lee Chan and Kwon Soonyoung.
Both run a dance studio that the music teachers frequent. They’ve been seen with Jeongmin plenty of times.
Eight and nine. Joshua Hong and Hansol Chwe.
They both are assistants to Yoon Jeonghan and Lee Jihoon respectively. They seems to be very close despite working at two separate companies.
Ten. Jeon Wonwoo.
Personal tutor and mentor of Jeongmin. Spend a lot of time with Jeongmin after school and often takes him out for ice cream as a reward.
Eleven and twelve. Kim Mingyu and Moon Junhwi.
Personal chefs at the Yoon residents. Often seen with Jeongmin making dinner or desserts. They always take him out to fields and farms to let him pick fresh vegetables and fruits of his liking.
Thirteen. Yoon Jeonghan.
Jeongmin’s father and Y/n’s Husband. A wealthy and power man that over looks almost all of Korea’s wealth. His influence is unmatched and he knows it. He was the last official person to ever see Jeongmin before he went missing.
. . .
She dissected through their entire schedule. Making notes and comments about their daily lives. She needs to see a solid pattern before making any assumptions about any of them. Her increasing anxiety was keeping her on edge.
Jeonghan seemed to have noticed this slight change in her. He watched her look out into the calm and cool night from the balcony. He hugged her from behind and rested his chin in her neck.
“You okay baby?”
She only hummed a response and continue looked at the night scene.
“You know everyone’s trying their best to find Jeongmin. Don’t you worry your pretty little head. He’ll be back before you know it.” He says as he gently kissed down her neck.
“Are they really? It’s been four months Jeonghan. I want my son now.”
“Shh, honey. He’ll be back before we even know it. We’ll see the truth behind his disappearance and everything will be fine”
Oh, how true this statement is. However, the outcome is not what is to be expected.
. . .
Her eyes raked through the various pages of information about these men. Their every move and decision was document. What was the cause of this?
How are these men connected?
Do they really know what happens to Jeongmin?
These questions and thoughts are flooding her brain. She constantly is reminded that her beautiful son is not with her and it kills her everyday.
Her husband doesn’t seem to be bothered by their son’s disappearance. It irks her so much as he doesn’t care about their only son’s disappearance.
. . .
Hi! This is my first time doing any type of series! I really like the bad clue series from going seventeen and I wanted to make something inspired by it. This had been in my draft for months now and I just wanted to get something out already, lol. I honestly don’t know how long this will take, or how many parts there might be. So, I hope you enjoy as I write this.
Thank you ♡
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meanderingstar · 10 months
the way Daenerys treats Irri in the books is incredibly disturbing and I hate how it's overlooked by both the narrative and the majority of the fandom.
Daenerys uses Irri for sex at least twice over the course of the story, once in Storm and once in Dance. I really, truly cannot overstate how horrific the power imbalance between them is: Daenerys is her khaleesi, her queen and her employer; Irri was formerly a slave in her service and is now her maid with absolutely nowhere else to go. She has evidently been conditioned to believe that displaying absolute obedience to her higher-ups, including sexual services, is her "duty", which Daenerys recognizes and still actively exploits for her own pleasure. This is also why consent between them is utterly impossible – contrary to some asoiaf blogs who claim that consent was not a major issue in this situation (lol) or that Irri freely consented, Irri’s conditioning means that she will never be able to freely consent to someone like Daenerys, who is her employer and holds absolute power over her. Daenerys herself acknowledges this and feels guilty (damning in itself), but ends up using her in such a manner anyway, despite explicitly recognizing that Irri's kisses "tasted of duty" and nothing more.
What makes this even worse is that despite using her in this way in Storm, Daenerys has no issue saying that Irri and Jhiqui (who are her age and have had the same, if not worse, experiences than she has) are "only girls" in comparison to her. She also dismisses their (pretty sensible, imo?) concern about her touching sick and dead people by calling them "utter fools" and saying the Dothraki were only wise when it came to horses. She says all this AFTER sleeping with Irri, which makes it twice as bad - Daenerys considers her a little girl and a fool when it comes to advising her, but still finds it perfectly fine to use her for sex? This condescension extends to their sexual relationship as well, where Daenerys refers to Irri as "the maid", "her handmaid" and "the Dothraki girl" as she has sex with her. It's patronizing, disrespectful and exploitative at best, outright dehumanizing at worst.
While I highly doubt this was Grrm's intention, Daenerys's dynamic with Irri is clearly reminiscent of the horrific way Cersei uses Taena Merryweather. Dany is obviously not as vicious with Irri as Cersei was with Taena but that really doesn't change the fact that she was still a queen exploiting her employee's obedience and conditioned sense of "duty" for her own pleasure, made even worse by the fact that Irri, as a servant and former slave with no family, no connections and nowhere else to go, was 10x more vulnerable than Taena was and certainly more dependent on Dany. It's bizarre how Cersei's treatment of Taena is recognized as fucked up by most of the fandom but Daenerys's treatment of Irri is not, even though the power imbalance between them is infinitely worse. (also: Grrm writing about TWO white queens using their brown maids/ladies-in-waiting for sex is flat-out racist. I'm also extremely uncomfortable with how both wlw interactions are dubiously consensual at best and arguably revolve around Cersei/Dany's relationships with men to some extent: Cersei uses Taena to reenact her trauma by Robert, and Dany not only "pretended it was Drogo holding her...only somehow his face kept turning into Daario's" when she was having sex with Irri, but also explicitly states that "it was Daario she wanted, or perhaps Drogo, not Irri").
Certainly, Daenerys and Irri's dynamic is part and parcel of Grrm's fucked notion of consent and piss-poor writing of wlw relationships (both of which he should be called out for far more than he is, btw), but it doesn't change the fact that in-universe, these are Daenerys's textual actions. Grrm seems to believe that Drogo didn't rape Daenerys (a 13 year old who was forced into marriage) on their wedding night because she said "yes", just like he seems to believe that Jaime didn't coerce Cersei to have sex with him over their own son's dead body because she eventually responded to Jaime's advances, but I clearly recognize them as rape and coercion. The same logic and same standards apply to Daenerys and the way she uses and exploits Irri and she should be judged accordingly.
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kel-lance · 2 months
Jjk headcanons/fan theories/ random thoughts/random facts
I made this in a few months time so its prob repetitive
Tsumiki went into her year and 7 month long coma when megumi was 13-14 years old meaning tsumiki missed her sweet 16 :( (she’s a year older than him)
Toji was a good dad in the end (both times) bc he was already dead and told Gojo to take Megumi as a F u/later fix the alliance’s of the clans and to make sure that Megumi would be protected, fed, housed, and taught sorcery bc toji damn well couldn’t much less protect his kids from curses anyhow.
Noaya (and the men of the Zenin clan) abused Mai and maki bc they’re women (implied SA) noaya hinted at asking to beats em up like he used to (could be implied bc he called them hot & Mai has the same face) but he was also possibly teasing since Mai just 💀 but there’s no way he could have known that
It’s worse to be a male Zenin with no cursed energy bc then you’d be absolutely powerless, useless, worthless, etc. no other clan woman would want you and your fam would never coughed for you much less protect you bc why do they have to you were born a Zenin and yet…
So we know Kokichi Toji Mai n maki all were hit with HR but it was just a double whammy to also be twins? Yes. HR hit Toji so hard bc he was the first to be without cursed energy but then Nanako and Mimiko, bc they’re fraternal twins that that’s possible they’re able to both have CE?
Kenjaku stayed in Iori for so long that his stitches healed I’m guessing he planned it all (or saw hat happened which is why he chose Jin (bc there’s no way that’s random) and killed Jin and went to Geto when it was time (did Ken know about the KFC break up too??)
maki had no CE but still couldn’t get in tune with her full potential is bc Mai was there this the twin HR is f’d but there’s probably more chance one could 💀 the other to become powerful but in this instance it was about sacrifice and distance love. Different paths yet they were “the same person” so that’s only with identical twins?
sukuna loves to eat and is a cannibal and lactates and has 4 arms, 6 mouths or more, 20 fingers, many eyes, 4 legs, 10 toes, 3 heads, hopefully 9ft tall in his monster form…. 
stg toji had his divorced dad rock on religiously (nickel back fan don’t even start w me, weezer son nickleback dad)
nobara gonna be used in some way theres no reason to have her status as unknown of not to edge us istg I’ll even take a cursed spirit piloting her to mess with Yuuji more and she’s part of sukuna or some even worse group they gotta fight after the culling game arc
after chapter 253 are maki and yuta dead?? Hopefully Yuta was eaten but on Yutas birthday gege thats foul (I love it) 🫣🤩
It’s past ch253 and we’re waiting for 3/24 for the next chapter but I heard yuta yelled at Hakari to shut up with cursed speech? Or was that earlier 
Maki Mai and Megumi and Tsumiki met probably around the time tsumiki went into that coma/megs entered jjk no wonder hes so formal//doesn’t know them well he was under gojos protection for so long
some jsckass said mais first love is unknown or megumi are you dumb shes in love with her sister no sister kissed the other to give them a sword cooly and die she literally just wanted to be with her no matter what to go to the ends of the earth it didn’t matter as long n as maki was with her but maki knew Mai’s potential to be better than her so she tried to make herself better, leaving Mai behind in the process and they still never hated each other even after all the time away.
mai likes to take care of cacti/the clan favored her over maki bc she has at least some CE//weve only seen maki being affected by her family's rejection (jjk0 makis mom said shed wished shed never have given birth to her as she was a failure and same girlie but my mom chose any and everyone to compare me to) but Mai either didn’t see herself special in that way and put the blame on maki or dealt with it in her own way (maki vs the fam excluding Mai and Megumi // whereas Mai’s version US against the world)
if choso is yuujis brother and kamo is one of chosos distant family, that would mean Yuuji, Choso, Yuki, Todo, and Kamo are all "Brothers" I love the thought of them being super cool and scary together with their cute yuki & Yuuji golden retrievers in a Doberman family
the same people who ship yuki and choso also ship utahime and gojo or shoko and gojo yall have NO comprehension skills at ALL or cant believe men n women b close like Yuuji & Nobara/Power & Denji/ Sasha & Connie/ Nami & Usopp, Franky, or Luffy) 
Kenny planted the first finger by Geto’s twins to Yuuji’s school. they just had to get the finger to the occult club 
Does Kenny have a witch or oracle or even premeditative powers to know the future or did he just plan this out to a T and what is his damn goal 
Yuuji and Yuta are from the same home town bc gege said it’d be easier for the story but then todo also went to Yuuji’s middle school
Nobara dyes her hair lighter and I wonder how often she talks to Fumi back at home. And her grandmother if she’s like me w low contact
Megumi was alone with gojo for almost 2 years (no tsumiki) no wonder he’s so to himself he was probably always with tsumiki before, who decided everything for them (in a big sis way) and he respected it 
Yutas a pos for forgetting how Rika 💀 then trapping her w him bc of how traumatized he was like bruh you also yelled at her the first time u ever yelled at Rika was over another girl and he doesn’t do much else but manipulate like the Pisces man he is (I kin him/made an oc before I found out about his BITCH ass and he got everything word for word but is a dude I’m losing it) 
As an astrologer, I must say Gege’s planning with the character birthdays and everything else I can read from that is incredibly accurate I’ll give examples in the next points
geto’s mission was to go to remote village, he finds curse and exorcizes it, finds the twins the next dy, he kills everyone, he goes back to his pants to get supplies and kills them (prob no his first choice but once again was probably proven right) and runs has been gone for way too long and gojo doesn’t know what th ehhell happened. which is why he was so mad at kfc and geto just had to accept his new role while gojo was still in the past
Toji and Megumi (Kamo, Nobara, Todo) being cancer moons meaning they care about the heart, (todo has other placements making it seem a lil more “shallow” when he just wants a “straight” answer (lmao Megumi)
Yuta being a Leo moon and (outwardly asked) liking the chest
Yuuji being a libra moon liking butts all this makes sense (libra moons are indecisive, will weight out all the possibilities and still want the peaceful side unless there’s such chaos there’s no way for that to happen… then we snap)
Yuuji and Junpei would’ve been perfect friends we already saw but they both just didn’t ask for any of this and chose their own paths, they’re almost parallels of each other 
Geto’s birthchart shows a lot more of wanting to get humanity to evolve where gojos looks more like a POWERFUL cog in the machine 
Yap: Gege basically made this for women I’m sorry boys but why all the beautiful men & perfectly written women & relationships maybe it’s just a rare case where the mangaka actually knows women (or gege is a woman 🤗) & how all the dudes fit a Yaoi archetype & the women,,, they’re perfect & cute & not sexualized (other than maki in jjk0 & the glasses girl in ep 1 getting groped) but everything else is just hot w/o taking ur clothes off kinda energy & thats INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT w everything else going on 
You think something broke in Meimei when she said she wanted to be comforted and Gojo was like bruh I was joking 🙃 
Kirara and Uranme’s gender is yes 👍🏼 
Geto raising the girls as a 17-18yr old is insane same age as Megumi and gojo so for how long was Geto their dad? Inbetween 10 years but when did the girls realize that that wasn’t their dad anymore? I’m guessing Kenny can remember the vessel he takes overs memory or does something to their brain to replace it w him
I doubt a male mangaka can write good women (mostly bc of the stereotype that they’re shut ins but also from just reading/watching with my own eyes and being a woman myself) and add them in correctly, though the thing is in jjk they’re all just in a world but in Naruto and berserk and stuff she’s the add in into /their/ world where they keep fighting bc they miss each other and she gotta be used and a pillar for them or an excuse like Nobara and shoko weren’t used like that by satsug and itafushi they were their own ppl w their own sh like don’t get me wrong vasca and Sakura also were their own people but they really were given the bottom of the barrel sh bc of the dudes decisions. Shoko and Nobara strictly did what they wanted instead of falter to men
They’re literally all kids it doesn’t matter if some are weaker or useless, imagine a god/demon came here rn like the strongest will survive/fight you have to also apply the “weak characters” to irl bc I bet you they’re still stronger than most of us (miwa, Kamo, idk about momo still but she been w them I can’t doubt her skill just cause they had POWERFUL enemies
Gojo not being able to drink makes sense no drugs to impair his power and eyes (maybe lightweight maybe uncontrollable drunk and no one’s really ready or able to control that) 
Gojo isn’t coming back and he wouldn’t bc he half assed the fight and now he’s with his love and everyone has to fend for themselves now 
I like to think Gojo had Megumi and tsumiki, Geto had Nanako and Mimiko and nanami had Nobara and Yuuji in this preschool/parent AU (tojis gojos ex baby daddy) 
All of them are taller than me other than momo and Nobara. (Im 5’4” so gojos 10 years older and a foot taller 🫣) 
In one of Geges book covers it has Gojo in the winter w pink camellias and those flowers mean ily even after death and that flower is also specifically for the birthday feb3 (Geto’s) AGAIN WHY I THINK GEGES A WOMAN RAHHHHH
Maki, Mai, Toji, Kamo, Kokichi were all raised w no love like at all. Yuta had it good til 11, Miwa, yuuji and megumi never fully had it good, todo, Toge (?), Panda, momo, and nobara were just chillin.
Uranme and Kirara go by (they/them)
Gojo and Geto were soulmates no matter the relationship
Utahime, Shoko, Momo, Mai and Nobara all like girls 
Gojo knew Geto for the short amount of time but thought of him for 5x longer.
Megumi’s been without his sister for 1.5 years so she went into a coma when he was 13, his 2nd-3rd year of junior high)
  Mai and maki didn’t know about Toji and Megumi until that year (2018)
Kenjaku planted the first finger at Yuuji’s school by Nanako and Mimiko (they’re the same age) hence why thanking Satsuki for taking care of his son
The person Rika is gone, her cursed spirit is what remains (an embodiment of her love/the curse yuta placed on her)
Yuta is wrong for using Rika and forgetting about his promise and why she’s even there for 6 YEARS then yelling at her about Maki 
Shoko started smoking in high school and stopped about 5 years ago, but started again when she heard Geto was alive again. 
Sukuna has 6 mouths, 4 arms, 4 legs, many eyes, and lactates. 
Choso, Yuuji, Kamo, Todo, and Yuki are all “brothers” by blood or not idc i love their lil weirdo family.
Toji was a good dad, dealt the worst hand, everything going down so the best way to protect his kids is to give them to people who can kill curses and teach them about sorcery. 
Nobara and Yuuji have the same friendship as Power and Denji, Nami and Franky/Luffy/Usopp
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Something I was trying to figure out was how long Splinter & Big Mama actually dated 
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Splinter: I met her in human form on the set of Crouching Shrimp Hidden Tiger Prawn
We know from the flashback that Splinter met Big Mama in the 80′s as the year listed is 1984, so we know what year Splinter & Big Mama started dating but we don’t know the exact year that Big Mama kidnapped Splinter for the Battle Nexus.
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Splinter: I was going to ask her to marry me but instead of accepting my proposal she revealed she was a giant spider who kidnapped me to the Hidden City and forced me to fight in the Battle Nexus 
According to tweets made by Russ Carney & Ron Corcillo, Splinter was at the Battle Nexus for around a decade & since we know from the episodes The Evil League of Mutants & Goyles, Goyles, Goyles that Splinter was kidnapped from the Battle Nexus 13 years before season 1 takes place in 2018
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Huginn & Muninn: Was 13 years ago today he made those Turtles with the ooze!
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Huginn: You want us to sneak into the Hidden City’s most heavily guarded place the Battle Nexus?
Muninn: And kidnap it’s most powerful champion Lou Jitsu!?
If the Turtles were created 13 years before the events of season 1 then they must have been mutated on the same year Mikey was born, 2005 so if Splinter spent around 10 years in the Battle Nexus before he was mutated in 2005 then Splinter must have been kidnapped in around 1995.
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Splinter: Big Mama and I were inseparable
If Big Mama kidnapped Splinter in 1995 then that means that they had been dating around 11 years after they had started dating in 1984, that’s around 11 years of dating before Splinter asked Big Mama to marry him & she kidnapped him, that’s a pretty long relationship it’s probably why Splinter still has some feelings for her despite what she did to him.
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Splinter: I do miss our pre-kidnapping times 
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Splinter: Hello Big Mama
Throughout the series Splinter has been shown to hold onto things from his past as Lou Jitsu as seen by him wearing his old Lou Jitsu jumpsuit throughout the series.
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Splinter: My Lou Jitsu jumpsuit from my award winning Lou Jitsu dojos! What on earth are you doing on my shoulders? 
Splinter hanging onto pieces of his old life is a recurring theme throughout the series such as when he tricks Donnie & Mikey into coming with him to a demolition derby in the episode Turtle Dega Nights the Ballad of Rat Man because he was chasing the feeling of ‘glory’ that he felt as a Battle Nexus Champion or when he felt protective of his old Lou Jitsu dojos in the episode Fists of Furry 
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Splinter: I wake up every day as a tiny rat man and I wanted some glory back in my life
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Splinter: Today is my long overdue dojo inspection day to make sure they are teaching my moves properly 
It’s been shown that Splinter holds onto things from his old life as Lou Jitsu & for better or worse Big Mama was part of his old life as Lou Jitsu which might be why he still holds on to some feelings from their old relationship 
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Though it’s unclear if Splinter either genuinely still loves Big Mama despite everything she’s done or if he’s holding onto the feelings he had had for her because he has trouble letting go of his old life whatever the cause, Splinter does still have feelings for Big Mama
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Splinter: I wish I could say it was a pleasure to see you again, my sassy sugar badger 
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Splinter: Come with us Big Mama there is still good in you!
He still believes in Big Mama’s ‘goodness’ not only after their history where she had kidnapped him & forced him to fight for a decade but also right after she had just kidnapped all of New York, directly endangered his sons & had lied about keeping the Shredder in his prison.
It makes me wonder just what Splinter & Big Mama’s relationship was like for him to hold onto his feelings for her, true he & Big Mama dated for 11 years before she kidnapped him but by the time of season 2 it’s been around 24 years since then. It makes me wonder what their relationship was like for Splinter to hold onto it so much.
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imagobin · 4 months
🔯How the Zoldyck Siblings react to you being hurt🔯
For this scenario, you were hurt in a fight they didn't witness. We're keeping this one platonic! But they all just genuinely care about you. Just a thought I had because I recently fucked up my hand and need comfort lol
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Illumi doesn't tend to show a lot of emotions with his face. The moment he sees you're hurt, his gut reaction is to widen his eyes and make his way up to you.
The first couple steps are at a normal pace, but then, all of a sudden he's right next to you, and he's already inspecting your injury. His demeanor is calm, as usual, but he is a bit concerned on the inside.
He starts asking you questions, wanting to determine how much pain you're feeling, if you're hurting anywhere else, and also when and how you managed to hurt yourself, or if someone else did this. Whoever's hurt you has pretty much signed their death sentence.
If you're still distressed or crying, he'll feel a bit awkward, but attempt to comfort you by giving you light head pats. "There there, it'll be okay"
If after his masterful attempt at comfort you're still in distress, he'll wonder if he's doing something wrong, maybe he can try a different approach. No matter what kind of injury you got, Illumi's gonna pick you up (that usually succeeds in getting people to stop crying) and carry you back to the hotel to patch you up himself, his big brother instincts have taken over.
It may come as a surprise (or not), but Milluki is actually so caring with the people dear to him, it's mostly his mother, but you are up there too!
He'll first make sure nobody's watching him, because he doesn't like to act soft around the wrong people, he doesn't want to be mocked into oblivion by say... Killua lol
He rushes towards you, panicking and asking a hurricane of questions. "What happened?! Does it hurt a lot?! Who did this to you, who do I need to kill???"
It's a bit overwhelming, but he means well, though don't expect him to follow through with the killing thing if the person who hurt you is stronger than him. He'll still act cool in front of you, saying he'll get whoever harmed you.
He's not confident enough to patch you up himself, so he brings you to the butlers' quarters and gets them to do that instead. The butlers are pretty surprised to see Milluki care so much about someone who isn't part of the family.
While the butler's tending to your wounds, he tries to distract you from the discomfort of that process by chatting with you about one of the interests you guys have in common.
Killua may not ALWAYS show that he cares, but you are a dear friend of his, so the moment he notices you're hurt, he does panic a bit on the inside, and shows genuine concern.
He wants to know how you injured yourself, if you tripped or if someone did this to you. Once he finds out it was because of someone else, he blames himself a bit. "If only I'd been there, I could've helped you- and you wouldn't be in this state now"
You find yourself having to calm the 14 year old down, it's okay, he couldn't have known. And besides, you're not terribly wounded, it hurts but... you can handle it.
Killua takes a deep breath and nods, he's just glad to see you're not in a worse condition, and immediately starts to think of what he can do for you right now.
He does think about asking Nanika to heal you, but decides against it, not wanting to take advantage of his sister's powers as a quick fix. He's more than happy to help you mend your wounds though.
He has turned away from his assassin life, but nothing's stopping him from finding the person who hurt you and heavily threaten them, just to make sure they'll never bother you again.
Alluka is the sweetest child, if she sees you're hurt she's going to run up to you and hug you tight. She may be 13, but she's still quite childish, so that's how she expresses her care.
You explain to her what happened, how you got into a fight and lost, and that's how you got those injuries. You assure her you're doing okay now, aside from... the pretty obvious cuts and bruises.
Alluka seems upset by this and puffs up her cheeks "That's not fair- what a big meanie! y/n, please be more careful next time!" You promise her you will.
Once that's settled, she begins to drag you by your sleeve/hand, where? You have no idea, but she seems to be very determined. Turns out, she was taking you to Killua, those two are never too far from each other.
She asks her brother for her band-aids, Killua takes one look at you and understands the situation and fetches them from his backpack. They're those cute band-aids with drawings on them.
Alluka takes things very seriously and starts patching you up herself. If asked why she's using those specific bandages, she'll simply explain that they make things heal faster, because they're cute.
Kalluto isn't a boy of many words, but he shows he cares through his actions. As soon as he notices you're hurt, it only takes him one look to see those injuries weren't accidental, and you can tell from the look in his eyes that he's upset by them.
"Who?" he simply asks. If you don't answer to him immediately, he'll be more persistent. He needs to know who did this to you so he can do just as much to them. He's confident in his combat skills, so he's certain he won't have a problem teaching that person a lesson.
He'd also ask you if you want to come along with him, so you can hear your enemy's suffering; the boy does have a pretty sadistic side to him, though he'll understand if you don't want to participate in that.
He'll try to make sure he does a good enough job in patching you up so you'll be okay. He knows he could ask Machi to do something about your injuries, but he doesn't want to rely on the Phantom Troupe for everything, especially since they don't trust outsiders.
He's very thorough in bandaging up any cut or bruise he sees, although it's not a very masterful job, it's the thought that counts, and you're grateful for it. It makes him happy to know he was able to do something for a friend.
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starry-blue-echoes · 8 months
Thonking about StarSwap again -
The scene where Jonathan attacks Dio full force after he assaults Erina is probably going to end up going pretty differently - Jolyne is going to fight dirty, and be absolutely vicious in a way Jonathan could never manage.
Dio burned Danny alive in retaliation for Jonathan managing to successfully beat the shit out of him and scare him - what might he do in response to Jolyne's cunning and aggression?
holy fuck wait a minute yeah-
While the nature of the relationship likely wouldn't be the same as it would be in canon (after all, Erina would be like. 12/13 years old and Jolyne is 19), she still would've seen Erina as a very close friend. I don't doubt that Jolyne would still step in when those two other kids were bullying her, albeit unlike Jonathan her reasoning wouldn't be anything chivialry related. Hell, with the help of Stone Free, Jolyne might even be able to win that fight
Erina would still seek her out afterward, and while Jolyne wouldn't reciprocate the romantic feelings the other girl had...... well, Jolyne's pretty lonely. Sure there's Danny, but he is a dog, and Erina's kind and sweet and nice to hang around, and open minded enough that I think she'd be okay with Jolyne asking if they could be just friends
but of course, this is the 1880s in England, and naturally most people assume the pair to be romantically involved, especially given how close they are
Dio being one of them
you're absolutely right in how Jolyne is going to be brutal. Words can not properly express how overwhelmingly pissed she is going to be about all this, and what makes things worse for Dio is how no matter what he does, Jolyne just won't go down. Despite how much he punches and kicks, all his attacks seem either magically miss or just bounce right off (ofc, this is thanks to Stone Free), so Jolyne gets hardly a scratch on her. Hell, she's probably not even going to stop when George arrives, no matter what he says or what punishments he threatens to inflict.
now, do the both of these things make it easier for Dio to spin the story in his favor? Admittedly yes. I'd imagine she tries to tell George about what happened, about what Dio did, only to get brushed off because in his eyes Jolyne was the instigator here who beat poor, poor Dio near to death over some girl
I'd imagine after this incident, the shakey bond Jolyne might've had with George snapped completely
as for Danny........
Dio would probably still kill him. Sort of as a last ditch effort, a final attempt at getting some kind of control over the situation to remind Jojo of his place and what happens if he were to cross Dio
it backfires horribly
because before, Jolyne might've forgiven him. It would have taken YEARS and a lot of growth, but Jolyne is not blind to the environment and time they live in, where women are barely more than pretty objects and Dio has been given almost free reign as a noble's new adopted son. Before, she might've been able to forgive him because Dio was barely 12 and still a child and had likely learned a lot of things that weren't good. It could have been a mistake, one that someday he could look back at and be ashamed of
but then he kills Danny. He kills Danny by locking him in the incinerator and burning him alive
and Jolyne realizes he's doing this on purpose. That this wasn't just plain jealously, this was Dio actively doing everything in his power to make sure Jolyne would hurt
He's still 12. He's still a child.
But Jolyne will not take this lying down and she vows to herself she will never be his friend
(one night when she's alone, Jolyne feels the briefest bit of relief that she's here in this body. Just for a moment, just for a second, if only so the kindhearted 12 year old Jonathan who's messy journals sit on the bookcase didn't have to face Dio by himself)
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happyk44 · 9 months
You know, I don't think we really talk about how brave Grover is because in canon he's very characterized as nervous and scared most of the time, but. I mean to be a Keeper/Protector in and of itself is a brave concept. You are risking death by monster to go and find demigod children who don't know how to fight or use their potential powers and bring them back to camp all by yourself, sometimes more than one. You have to constantly be in disguise which impacts your capacity to move or fight back. A lot of your kind have likely died protecting these kids. And the godly parents of these kids aren't compensating you or thanking you for bringing their kid back safely, but they likely get peeved if you don't.
And then to be a Searcher. Again you are alone against monsters and gods and other magical entities that might eat you or fight you. Again a lot of you have died trying to find Pan. A lot of them were your family members - your father, brother, uncle, etc. There are many monsters, many creatures out there that deceive you about his presence.
Grover has found all known children of the Big Three. He helped Luke, Annabeth and Thalia make it to camp and dealing with monsters the whole time because Luke kept seeking out fights. Despite this and despite seeing Thalia "die" in front of him, he still went back out! He spent a year in full disguise at a boarding school, went on his first quest, helps in the fight against Medusa, and so on. Even goes inside the Underworld with the other two, even though he hates the underground.
Despite all of that shit, he still goes out to find Pan after he gets his license and manages to bullshit his way into staying alive the whole time and help bring back the Golden Fleece.
Then he goes out again! Like right after he got back because he was at Bianca and Nico's school for a while posing as a student again and TTC happened in December. Goes on the quest to rescue Artemis and Annabeth.
After he goes back on the search for Pan. Six months later he goes into the Labyrinth (which is underground and he hate the underground). He lets Tyson come with him to find Pan, even though he's terrified of a Cyclopes and Tyson has the mentality of a young child.
He fights in the big battle afterwards, and then informs the other satyrs that Pan is gone - a decision that he knew could've had him exiled. Which they tried to do! And still he decides to go out and spread the word, despite the fact that other satyrs would likely be as dismissive of the news as the Council at CHB.
He confronts Morpheus while trying to rally other nature spirits. He helps battle! He's there in the bubble that Kronos makes with Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia, which means he was literally right next to a scary evil Titan that wanted to destroy everything!
He is so so brave!!
And if you correct Rick's math, then you get that he's around 14 (slightly younger, calcs put him at 13.7) at the end of the TLO, so he's the "youngest" on the team directly fighting Kronos, and when he becomes Lord of the Wild. Between TLT and TBoTL he's 12 and 13 by mortal standards. Yes, he's "technically" 16 right now but he was 28 in TLT which was supposed to have him pass as a 12 year old (since Percy was 12, turning 13) and so the math is not exactly half despite Rick saying so.
I guess we could argue that he was 14 in TLT and was just small enough to pass as a middle schooler, esp since Percy says he thinks Grover was held back because of his wispy goatee (which I always took to be a foreshadowing of Grover's goatman status, and not "he's a tiny 14 year old by human standards") and acne (was I the only 12 year old with acne) but I think it would be so funny for Percy, at 16, to a 32 year old bestie and a 13/14 year old bestie at the same time and everytime he says that people give a look and he just giggles to himself about it.
When he's 20 and Grover looks 15 but is actually 36 it's even worse because of how casually touchy he and Grover are and everyone is like "Percy plz stop calling Grover babe in public, you look like a pervert" and he's just offended hand on his chest, how dare you imply his relationship with Grover is inappropriate, they are both adults who love each other, and it's just gritting teeth, we know that Seaweed Brain but other people do not.
But lmao, anyway!! Grover is a brave brave boy! He is Lord of the Wild! He appears to be the head of the Council at camp as well! He takes charge and leads the nature spirits into battle as well. He was part of the planning group with the cabin leaders in HoO.
Despite his fears, he is so so brave! He would jump into front of a bullet for Percy (but Percy would not let him, Percy is so much "I would die for you, but if you even think about getting so much as a papercut to save me, I will be so fucking upset about it). Grover is so wonderful and cool and we need to talk about him more!!
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medea10 · 4 months
My Review of The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You
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Well, I got a couple of open slots for the Fall 2023 anime season. I’ll choose this random series without looking into what it is and why it is. How bad could it possibly be?
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Between the time he was eight months old and the time he graduated from middle school, Rentaro Aijou has been turned down by “girls he likes” a grand total of 100 times. The night following his middle school graduation, Rentaro went to a shrine and prayed that when he enters high school, he will get a girlfriend. That’s when he meets God himself.
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As one does in this occasion.
God tells Rentaro that he will not only get a girlfriend that is destined to be his true soulmate, he will have 100 girlfriends destined to be his true soulmate. Unless you are Genghis Khan or a main character on Tenchi Muyo, I call bullshit. God explains that the day Rentaro was born, he kinda dropped the ball while filling out paperwork. He accidentally wrote 100 soulmates instead of 1. To make things worse, if he turns down any of these soulmates, they’ll die suddenly. So, this is a matter of life and death for 100 girls.
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On the very first day of high school, Rentaro bumps into two of these soulmates, Hakari Hanazono and Karane Inda. A pink-haired girl with big tits and a blonde tsundere. Of course, they are! All three are struck by cupid’s drunken, polygamist arrow. Them being a couple is kinda like with Girlfriend Girlfriend with the exception of them all not living together. Heads up, this is under the comedy genre. So, expect a lot of clumsy slapstick here! Well, Rentaro has met 2 of his soulmates. Throughout the series, he meets three other soulmates. A girl named Shizuka who communicates through lines from her favorite novel. Then there’s Kusuri who is a bit of an absent-minded scientist who occasionally transforms from curvy beauty to a Lolita. And then there’s Nano Eiai (pronounced A.I.) who is as monotone as it gets. If you name your kid that, what the hell do you expect?
Before I continue, I’m going to take a couple of shots in the dark here. I’m guessing that this series will only be 11-13 episodes long. Rentaro will only meet 5-13 girls in this span. And the chances of a sequel will be 15% chance.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: No lie, these were the words when it was announced this anime was getting an English dub. “This flaming garbage is getting an English dub?” Hmm, if Brina Palencia is allowed to do Crunchyroll dubs, I say she’s going to play Eiai. Only by the mere fact that she has a reputation for playing monotone girls. But that was something I used to see happen 15 years ago, I doubt it’s still true that Palencia plays nothing but monotone characters anymore. I gotta get with the times as Eiai is played by someone completely different. As for the sub, a mix of newer and well-known seiyuus. This is Wataru Katou’s second main role and seems to be relatively new. I thought he did a really good job as Rentaro. Okay, here’s the cast.
JAPANESE CAST: *Rentaro is played by Wataru Katou
*Hakari is played by Kaede Hondo (known for Iono on Pokemon Horizons, Sakura on Zombieland Saga, and Haruka on Love Live Nijigasaki)
*Karane is played by Miyu Tomita (known for Riko on Made in Abyss, Crim on Interspecies Reviewers, Miko on Kaguya-sama, and Ebisu on Dorohedoro)
*Shizuka is played by Maria Naganawa (known for Kanna on Miss Kobayashi, Plateletts on Cells at Work, and Komekko on Konosuba)
*Eiai is played by Asami Seto (known for Raphtalia on Shield Hero, Mai on Bunny Girl Senpai, CZ on Overlord, Miyoko on Food Wars, and Mado on Tokyo Ghoul)
*Kusuri is played by Ayaka Asai (known for Lisa on Fire Force)
ENGLISH CAST: *Rentaro is played by Travis Mullenix
*Hakari is played by Sarah Wiedenheft (known for Tohru on Miss Kobayashi, Power on Chainsaw Man, Lily on Zombieland Saga, Ruby on Love Live Sunshine, Ariel on Mushoku Tensei II, and Charmy on Black Clover)
*Karane is played by Ariel Graham (known for Tia on Overlord and Leivinia on Index III)
*Shizuka is played by Sara Ragsdale (known for Saikawa on Miss Kobayashi, Young Dabi on My Hero Academia, Saya on Dagashi Kashi)
*Eiai is played by Cassie Ewulu
*Kusuri is played by Lindsay Sheppard (known for Aria on Pokemon XY and Mia on Love Live Nijigasaki)
SHIPPING: After viewing the first episode, I just see Rentaro as one of those harmless anime perverts. He’s like Brock from Pokemon, he’s just going to ask the girl out and anything that happens afterwards, whatever. And for a while throughout the series, I’m inclined to agree with the same sentiment. I don’t recall seeing him get giddy about fondling Hakari’s breasts or anything dirty like that.
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In fact, he tries to be chivalrous to the girls. Rentaro loves someone like Karane despite being the textbook definition of a tsundere. Rentaro helped Shizuka out of her shell and then-some. He showed Eiai that there’s more to life than just numbers. And Kusuri is no longer alone now that Rentaro is in her life. Although, things do get a little raunchy and go beyond holding hands. Rentaro doesn’t play favorites like the other modern harems, he loves all of his girlfriends the same and for some reason, the girlfriends just go along with Rentaro adding more girlfriends.
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In short, every girl is best girl to him. But we have to admit that Hakari’s family has the upper-hand due to a couple of firsts. Hakari is the first girlfriend and the first to be a “bride”. And then Mama Hahari…um…Yeah, it’s best to assume that Hakari and Hahari got the upper-hand here.
WTF MOMENT: French-kissing Vice Principal.
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That’s right. In an anime where Hakari has sick fantasies and we have a girl like Kusuri, who wears diapers and is an 18-year-old in the body of an 8-year-old, the Vice-Principal tainted everything.
That’s it. That’s what made my soul died.
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ENDING: In harem animes, there’s bound to be any number of objections from friends and family members. Mostly family! Would your parents agree to you being in a polygamist relationship? Hakari is told by her mother to end it. Under normal circumstances, yes, that would be the case. But in this anime, Hakari would die. But of course, only Rentaro knows that factoid. If Hakari does die due to break-up, at least she went out in style. She was able to compete in a bouquet toss event that resulted in her and Rentaro dressed in wedding gear and having their pictures taken.
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Hakari’s mother Hahari shuts her daughter up in her room in supreme lockdown. It’s a big house filled with security personnel, a guard dog, trip-laser security, and a cat. The cat’s there doing what cats do. Rentaro and the other girlfriends break in to try and save Hakari. With the help of everyone, Rentaro was able to make it to Hakari’s room. But all in vain as Hakari’s room was also attached to the security system and Rentaro was caught. We then learn about Hahari and why she’s being overprotective of her daughter. Hahari fell in love with a terminally-sick boy at age 13. Hahari decides to have his baby. She gives birth to Hakari and later the boy dies. Hahari later regrets the decision she made and doesn’t want Hakari to make a big mistake with a boy like she did.
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And then Mama Hahari and Rentaro got the spark and AW SHIT, SHE’S ONE OF THE 100 GIRLFRIENDS!
Hahari shook it off and continued to test both Rentaro and Karane on this unordinary relationship with a lie detector. It showed that despite Karane’s severe tsundere attitude, she loves Rentaro. Rentaro is shown to love all of his girlfriends. And that Karane is somewhere in the A-cup range. But the silliness comes to a grinding halt when Hakari is on the ledge of her second-story bedroom window ready to end it all. Rentaro ends up saving her by falling off the ledge with her into the fountain. At least they’re not dead. Hahari gives up her grasp on Hakari and all seems to be forgiven with a hot bath, pajama party, and Rentaro possibly losing his virginity. Oh come on, I doubt that this anime would go so far as to…
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And we go along with the final episode as if we did not see him fucking her brains out. The slumber party went along with usual and unusual moments including: playing cards, spying on Rentaro as he bathes, random acts of lesbianism, a spooky ghost in the window, and other silly shenanigans. We get more serious moments when we’ve got Hahari feel guilty as it feels like she’s betraying her first love (Hakari’s dead father). Rentaro being pure of heart accepts all of her baggage and seals it with a kiss. And then the ghost of Hahari’s first love (Hakari’s dead father) appears before Rentaro.
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As one does! While he was quite defiant about Rentaro dating this guy’s first love and daughter, he sees Rentaro is a pure…wrong words to use about a guy who just lost his virginity to this guy’s baby-mama. Pure enough. Ghost dad approves and passes on. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Rentaro’s first 5 girlfriends are easy to see as they all go to the same school as him. How is Rentaro going to see his sixth, Mama Hahari? Simple. Hahari buys the school. Yeah, the episode ends with her announcing she bought the school. We also see four girls that Rentaro passes by that could possibly be girlfriends #7-11. Pfft. I’ve seen that happen before in season finales. Keijo had an ending like that where we saw all these new characters for one second and then the series never came back.
Okay, let’s see if what I said at the beginning of this review still stands.
*This series was 12 episodes long. I was correct that it was only going to last between 11 and 13. *By series end, Rentaro has officially gotten 6 girlfriends. Even if we add the 5 girls we saw at the end of episode 12, that would equal 11 girls. So, I was right about the number of girlfriends. *My 15% chance of a sequel guess was proven wrong immediately as this got the green light for a second season when the season one finale aired.
Shit, this series was something else. I can honestly say there were a lot of moments in 100 Girlfriends I would have never expected to happen. In a normal harem anime, there’d be a lot of fighting between the girls, the first girl might get a kiss, and the anime would end there so you would have to go to the manga to know what happens next. Or, wait nearly 30 years to see proof of a harem like with Tenchi Muyo. But we all must remember that we are in the 2020’s. If this fucking Goddamn decade has taught me anything, anime has gone above and beyond the norm here. We’re in the decade of Interspecies Reviewers and Redo of Healer!
This anime blew away everything that you’ve seen when it comes to harems. Rentaro has kissed every girl. He is loyal to all of his girlfriends and thensome. And unlike a lot of other harems, he lost his virginity by the season’s end and not to the first girl. I gotta give credit where credit is due in this department. And by the looks of the manga, Rentaro is still loved and quadrupled girl intake. Last I saw, he has over 20 girlfriends. The creator and artists are determined to make the 100 girlfriends thing happen whether the anime continues or not. I gotta respect that kind of tenacity. I am beyond curious to see how Rentaro can possibly handle over 20 girlfriends. So, I am definitely looking forward to a second season for this anime.
And if you want to see a harem done right for the 2020’s, get your ass to Crunchyroll and watch this series.
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FINAL THOUGHT: If Rentaro never existed, this anime would be a Yuri anime starring these two. Prove me wrong.
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Fragmented AU -- The Cipher Zodiac Powers
Another thing that I was debating on to reveal, but I've decided to do so.
Proceed if you dare!!!
So, in Journal 3, Soos theorized that if they were successful in sealing/banishing/destroying Bill with the magic circle thing, they were all gonna get superpowers. A theory that Dipper didn't think was gonna happen.
Well, maybe not in Dimension 46'\.
But was made possible in Dimension 46-Delta, the version that the Fragmented AU takes place.
Perhaps due to a disturbance in the multiverse, the Cipher Ten was born with powers or would usually start to appear at around 13 years old. Whenever they use their powers, their eyes would glow a color. While they would share some specific ability, each of them have a unique power.
(I am using terms from the Superpower Wiki; one of my favs)
Dipper -- Cyan -- Personal Energy
For any My Hero Academia fans, it's sorta similar to One for All in that a powerful energy generates and flows throughout Dipper's body. And I make the comparison because, in a way, Dipper reminds me of Izuku (nerdy characters, bullied, penchan for journaling, kinda talks out loud, deep idolization of their respective mentors...etc)
Mabel -- Magenta -- Imagination Manifestation
Couldn't think of any power better than this for a dreamer like Mabel. Now, granted, I was a little hesitant on giving Mabel this ability as it can easily be OP *Cough*GremmyfromBleach*Cough* coughing...However, I hopefully manage to come up with a limit. It depends on the scale of her imagination as well as her attention span and where she is.
(Note: Neither's powers manifested until the week of their 13th birthday.)
Stan -- Yellow -- Fire Generation/Manipulation
...I'm sure someone might make a connection of sorts. Also, blame @factual-fantasy for this (I love their AUs). Some back story time: as mentioned, some powers come around at birth, but for the Pines twins (both generations), theirs come later near the age of 13. So, Stan's powers manifested one day and he was surprised that the fire didn't really burn anything unless he willed it to. He wanted to show Ford, but decided to keep it a secret because...well he didn't want the bullying to get worse for both of them. It wouldn't be until later in life that Stan will show Ford, who has become aware of people with superpowers (ie, Fiddleford). Ford reacted... Well, Ford reacted in a way that Stan didn't expect and decided to not show it to him again. Interestingly enough, Ford had forgotten all about it, but Stan still remembers and refuses to let Ford see it again. He has a similar resolve to the kids due to what happened to their parents.
Ford -- Crimson -- ??? (Unknown)
As far as anyone is concerned, Ford hasn't shown signs of having any unique powers. Stan is curious, but figures that his high IQ is the power. Is that the case, or is it that he just doesn't have one? Or it just hasn't manifested yet, even into adulthood? Or maybe its because I have yet to make up my mind about what I want to give him? Who knows! lol
Soos -- Spring Green -- Stomach Storage
Only in the realm of cartoon logic would this make sense. Basically, Soos has access to a pocket dimension where he can store things via swallowing them whole and not chew it. Because if he does, it'll just go straight to his actual stomach. And while Soos is generally unbothered by it, the others took time to get used to it. And even then, it was still mildly unnerving to witness.
Wendy -- Amber -- Ice Generation/Manipulation
I originally wanted to give her something like super strength, but then I figured that it could just be a Corduroy trait. So, I gave her ice powers. There was a scrapped episode of Wendy getting weather-based powers and I am so curious as to what that would've entailed. Like, what was the story gonna be? How did she acquire that power? Would the episode reveal something about her mother?
Fiddleford -- Green -- Scanning
Whenever I get stumped on giving a character a power, I just take inspiration from their zodiac symbol. So, for Fidds, I just picked an ability called Scanning. He's like a human USB or 'data' storage of anything he sees, analyzing the data and information of anything not just technological and digital, but also biological, chemical and all that. He can also scan vitals (sort of like Baymax), which is proven to be useful when you have a friend who has a tendency to ignore his biological limitations.
(Note: I will say that both Fiddleford and Stan kept their powers a secret throughout their childhood and young adulthood, as one can imagine that once the word of their powers gets to the wrong person...well...things could've gotten bad for them.)
Pacifica -- Violet -- Animal Empathy
Another instance of me taking inspiration from the zodiac symbol. Not necessarily a Dr. Dolittle kind of thing, as she can't communicate directly with animals, but she can understand the animal's emotions and intentions. The same is said the other way around.
Robbie -- Gray/Silver -- Symphokinesis
I have seen four anime where singing/music is used in combat, Symphogear, Macross Frontier, One Piece, and Cross Ange, and I love it. I love music in general. So, Robbie can use this power via his own singing voice and guitar playing. Plus, he can expand the effect if he harmonizes with others through music. The effects and intensity of his powers usually lie in his intentions and emotions. After all, some say music speaks from the soul. From the heart.
Gideon -- Azure -- Telekinesis and Telepathy
Because why not? At least I didn't have to think too hard on what power to give the little menace. I'd imagine that with the amulet, he had very little limitations to what he can do with his telekinesis. But, since now it is his own power, it's very limited to what his mind can handle, which is surprisingly strong for a 10/11 year old. Remember: He's still a kid with kid-level emotions. Now, he can't read every mind and thought. Some mental walls are stronger than others and his telepathy usually works better on trusting/gullible/innocent people. Of course, it doesn't work on Ford for obvious reasons.
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mylittlecomfortplace · 4 months
Joyful Reunion [Danmei Review]
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➺ 5/5 🌟
This novel has one of the most heart wrenching scenes I've ever read in my whole life, and that specific scene was not even the fifth of the way through the story. I literally bawled my eyes out, I actually had a splitting headache for hours. The first arc of this novel gave me so much sincere familial warmth and love but also also gave me the most heartbreaking parting, and just by thinking about it, I can already feel my eyes stinging.
The betrayal of a certain character in this novel hurts so much, that I really have a complicated feelings about him. I hated him, but I felt that there was more to his actions than straight up deception, so I don't exactly know what to feel about him. That's why I fully understand the MC's indecisiveness to judge him but also not willing to be near him. For once, I was actually glad to be spoiled about who the ML is from the start because I think that betrayal would have been so much worse if I thought 'he' was the ML when it happened. But it still stung, nevertheless, especially when they have this irrefutable bond that no one, not even the MC's father and the ML themselves can cut off.
The ML is actually very unexpected for me. He didn't fully appear until the second arc, but his appearance in MC's life is very much fated. I can actually say that both their initial and official encounters are pretty much in the right place and the right time. The event that both changed their lives connected them and they found the comfort in each other despite all the pain. I loved their relationship so much, and I admire their growth both individually and as a couple.
This historical danmei is actually quite different from all the historical danmeis I've come across. This is not the typical imperial brothers fighting for the throne or protagonists overthrowing the cynical but incompetent emperor or the emperor's harem using their imperial sons to fight for the power or some revenge plot. It is actually very unusual to have the royal clan very likeable in this kind of setting. It's rare to have the imperial brothers, who are both worthy of the throne, pushing the position to the other. They were like, 'You be the emperor' 'No, I don't want it. You be the emperor'. They have this sincere familial bond that even the treacherous officials couldn't severe. Rather, this story is about the protagonist claiming his rightful position as the crown prince after someone stole his identity, crawling his way up to prove his identity.
This novel managed to become one of my favorite danmei, maybe up there with QJJ, when it comes to plot and characters. This has my most favorite father-son relationship that absolutely broke me, even much more that the father-son relationship in QJJ. The actual difference is that here, we actually get to see the details of their relationship from the start and it makes us loved every single scene of the MC and his father together, so it's much more impactful. This character only appeared very briefly but gave me the most impact, and both his existence and absence affected the story so much. But not just this specific character, all characters have their own role to play in the plot and each has their own charm. Fei Tian is very intricate with his plot and characters that I almost have no major complains. There are some nitpicks, but nothing serious that can lower even a half of my rating. This hit me so much right in the heart, I don't know if I can even recover from this.
I would like to recommend this to anyone who loves historical novels, but I just want to remind that this has an age gap romance, maybe 6 or 7 years gap, and the romance started when MC is 16 years old, so the ML is around 22 or 23 years old. I saw some people complaining about this issue and it makes me want to complain about them instead. Since this is a historical setting where people are already engaged when they're 13 years old and married when 16, very much normal back in this time period, the couple's set up is hardly unusual. This is a kind of setting where a rich man in his 40s can get a 16-year-old maiden as a concubine. It's sometimes aggravating, but it's a historical fact. Someone who frequently reads historical novels should have been used to this setting, so stay away if you're not. It personally didn't trigger me since I'm used to reading historical fictions, so that's that. If you still want to continue because of the plot, you can stay but try to swallow your complaints about the age gap romance because you've been warned.
[MC and ML's first encounter when MC is only 8 years old]
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fanart credit to the rightful owner
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goldenbunniesxo · 1 year
so. i just finished WCI and i have THOUGHTS. theres literally no one here to listen to them but man. i just needed to get them OUT. bcs i feel this is something ive seen no one talk abt/do an analysis of so. here i am. anywho, see, in whole cake island, with the reveal of big moms backstory, we learn smthing kinda huge?? Like, it’s not surprising given everything we know of the world government, but the *implications* of it are. What we learn, right, is that big mom grew up in this orphanage run by mother caramel, but then we also learn that mother caramel is a *child trafficker* planning on *selling the children to the world government* to be used as marines. The marines use CHILD SOLDIERS along w whoever else they recruit w their propaganda. They literally say that the best thing abt using orphans is that they create great CP agents since they don’t have any past to be traced back to.
So it begs the question, how many of the cipher pol agents we’ve seen are children who’ve been trafficked from ppl like mother caramel? Or any of the marines for that matter. When she’s bargaining w the world government representative and talking to them abt how she isn’t scamming them bcs linlin really is that naturally strong as a six year old and has the potential to even become an *admiral* it’s like?? Ur telling me these trafficked children could be at any rank and position in the marines currently?? Knowing this completely recontextualises some of ennies lobby/water seven. Like, Rob Lucci could’ve been one of these orphans turned child soldier?? Like in his flashback we see him at 13 years old, already working as a cipher pol agent and killing people.
He could’ve been groomed to be the perfect weapon for the government just like we saw mother caramel attempting to do w big mom, but *worse* since in his case, it actually succeeded. Like. Just how many of them are child soldiers man. It’s so. And then what makes this even more interesting is taking this and comparing it with the revolutionary army.
The revolutionaries are a huge organisation working to take down the world government, w their whole thing being to liberate oppressed people. They’re the main thing directly opposing the world government in universe, and while a lot of people also oppose the world government (read: luffy and everything he does) theyre the only ones who’s whole goal and existence is for it. And also the only ones who like selflessly pursue it. They’re a nice foil to the world government, but what oda does that is great is that he shows that they’re not perfect either. Sabo, for example, we see him being picked up by them as a child.
While at first he seems like the exception, not the rule, bcs Iva and some of the others protest his joining since he’s a child, we see later in the training scene that there are a bunch of other children being trained there too, and koala only joins a few years after sabo, also as a child. There is this implication that the RA *also* uses child soldiers which is so. Interesting to think abt. I feel like a fair amount of them are slaves and stuff they’ve liberated too, if we’re going off of koala, before joining. (Tbf tho, she was liberated by fisher tiger and joined like a year or so after returning home but still). I like that while we’re shown time and time again the fault of the world government, the RA is not exempt from being morally gray, and I think it’s interesting to compare Rob Lucci and Sabo, two people who could be seen as child soldiers, and who are extremely powerful in general but also in their respective organisations, and wonder. How much of this has been indoctrination, and how much of this is free thought?
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mcybree · 5 months
Ok ok ok I'm not Tryna start discourse but bluestars prophecy was my first ever warriors book and bluestar will always be my favourite so I'm gonna make some counterpoints to you about her being a Smajor character
bluestar has always been led by an intense loyalty and dedication to those she loves and cares for - this includes her mum, her sister, her clan, eventually Firepaw when he joins the clan, and she has a VERY strong moral compass when it comes to doing the right thing - when she sees thistleclaw teaching tigerpaw to hurt a then baby scourge she very much discourages it and is against it
Afaik scott is Not like that, he doesn't have an emotional or love-driven moral code, he does things because they're smart decisions in the long term or because he wants to. Granted I havent seen a ton of his stuff but I have seen his limited life and 3rd life perspectives and he is very much a singular team player there, there to look after himself and well if people align with him that's great he's got allies (jimmy and Martyn) but he won't go out of his way to care for them
Bluestars defiance of starclan in the first series is BECAUSE she gave herself to them and what the warrior code demanded so much - yes she broke clan rules by having kids with crookedstar but she did everything in her power to make sure they'd have a happy life and felt terrible that thrushpelt was willing to say they were his to save her reputation. She didn't do it out of a selfish want, she only ever wanted to help her clan and those she loved, and her becoming clan leader is emblematic of that want. When she rejects starclan so wholeheartedly in the first series it's because THINGS KEEP GOING WRONG WHEN SHES TRIED SO HARD TO STOP THEM FROM DOING THAT - starclan has never cared about the sacrifices she made to keep her loved ones and clan safe, she lost her mother, her sister, her kits, her mate, literally everything, and things STILL KEEP GETTING WORSE. it's not a demand that she deserves to have everything good, it's a cry for help that shouldn't something go right after she's tried so hard???
C!Scott isn't like that. He puts himself above others and inherently believes he will get the best if he just plays his cards right, and he is good at it, he's very competent at lasting a long time in life series and getting what he wants - the ruthlessness of gem driven by desperation kills him in secret life, Martyn's complete fucking about face kills him in limited life, and I'm pretty sure it's etho who gets him out in 3rd life by luck. He doesn't plan to look after the ones he cares about, because he cares about himself first and foremost. Yeah you can argue when he doesn't get what he wants he gets annoyed, but his is less of a 'why don't I get this don't I deserve it' and more of a 'oh fuck this didn't work. Ok new plan double down on getting what I want by appeasing to people cos they're easy to read and therefore account for'
I don't doubt Scott would make a bluestar adjacent character if he made a warrior cats oc BUT his character would honestly be closer to darktail or ashfur than bluestar and that's that on that.
(sorry you activated 13 year old me's unskippable cutscene sjdjsjsjja this isnt meant to be a serious argument I just love bluestar a lot and love talking about her)
OKAY 1. this is fucking awesome thank you 2. i am going to do something new and exciting (advocate for scott instead of beating him to death with sticks) because unfortunately this bluestar info has only made me believe she is a smajor character even more.
As a general note when I talk about smajor characters as a collective here I’m referring to characters more in the realm of esmp/traffic/rats/pirates/etc, less vampire scott or necromancer scott who are intended to be villainous.
Scott characters tend to operate under a “If I am not a Good Person I may as well die” rule, and consequently abide by a strict moral code to keep themselves feeling clean. For instance: traffic Scott will never go back on his word, he will avoid dishonesty, and he won’t take from others unless he is sure that he can repay them. He will never betray his seasonal primary ally (even when they betray him first), and will often give people things just because they asked him nicely. He stakes a lot of his own identity on this, because it is through being a “good person” that he justifies his superiority (and, by extension, his own existence); in his mind he deserves the best and *is* the best because he is such a good person. When things don’t go his way, he thinks he doesn’t deserve it because he has been nothing but good, so he tries to place a reason. He often assumes that somebody must “have a vendetta” against him, even if this somebody is the world (see: him asking if limlife episode 1 boogeyman is some kind of joke played on him for not giving in to the boogey curse in Last Life.) which is very Bluestar to me, convinced that her misfortunes are a divine punishment.
This is all to say that Scott does have a strict moral code and deep sense of loyalty. Being a “good person” and devoted partner in the ways he understands it are so ingrained into what he is that I think he definitely has the capacity to be a Bluestar if he were raised being taught clan values, even if his internal systems are often built around never letting gross emotions be fully felt rather than what those emotions compel him to do.
#ive always wanted to partake in pointless character debate on tumblr#considered maintagging this but didnt want people looking at your ask weird. sorry yall we serve fucked up scott here#“But bree” you might ask “what about pearl? He wasnt a very devoted partner then!”#and to that I say: pearl isnt a person to him. and neither is jimmy. Scott fucked up with both of them and unfortunately if he is not good-#and justified 100% of the time he loses his entire identity so convincing himself that they are incompetent or crazy so that he#doesnt have to self reflect is how he gets by. he would literally rather kill himself than earnestly admit fault for anything#… huh. about the above tags I dont remember the lore but is there any parallel there with the whole bright heart thing#genuine question bc I do not remember why blue star did that and I dont trust the wiki#(Trying to space out names so they dont tag)#I really hope this makes sense btw bc I feel like I usually list a lot more examples… but im tired#I can elaborate on any point here if need be ig. I dont talk about this aspect of him often because the literal entire fandom does already#Every scott analysis post out there is about his damn loyalty… anyways yeah scotts loyalty is transactional more often than emotional but#It’s still loyalty and also. hard to draw the line between where the emotions stop sometimes because he can stop giving a fuck about—#most things on a whim. How much scott genuinely cares about something is a forever undefinable concept#asks#he is genuinely a very good ally to have usually. like jimmy was very much the exception there#he does like helping people out he does. he’s just also emotionally detached so he tallies his favors and good deeds to bring up later if—#someone he’s helped decides to go against him. If that makes sense#sorry man I just keep talking. I love this blue animal…….#thanks for the ask genuinely I love when paragraphs about characters#anyways im gonna pass out and. Shakes myself STOP ADDING MORE TAGSSS i think im so tired man
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not-goldy · 6 months
same anon
"if you were in his shoes you would have done worse" No i wouldn't. Not even a single time in my whole life i have ever ever made fun of someone cause when i was a child i was told that if you make fun of someone god will punish you and will make the same thing happen to you that you're making someone's fun of. And till this day i belive in that thing so i never once tried to make fun of someone even by calling someone short, fat, black this that. Idk about y'all but that's a very common thing in my country which is told to everyone when they're child..
i said jk WAS mean to jm implying past tense. Me liking jk has nothing to do with how he was with jm i can like him and can still acknowledge he was mean to jm but with time he matured.
I would never ever rank my friend last in looks who's very clearly insecure about his looks as people made him insecure like that. I would never ever make fun of my frnd's voice who's again clearly insecure over his voice. I could never say such things to someone who cares so much for me like i would hate myself if i ever made someone sad or made fun of them. Idk maybe it's because the family and environment that i grew up in where no one makes fun of eachother or thinks it's a bad thing.
Now you put yourself in jm's shoe and i ask you how would have you felt when the person you care so much for made fun of your insecurities. Jm was young himself at that time but yeah let's make fun of him and call it a harmonal things sure. Don't forgot to answer me what you would have felt.
Religious trauma I can relate I was told God will rain fire on me if I sodomized 🥲
Like I said, JMs feelings are valid- it's yours I'm questioning. You and our other cousins who hate JK🥲
Jungkook was thrust into all this at 13 years old💀
Wait.... since we comparing traumas I was raised by families who would show me videos of people screaming in hell images of men and women being whooped to death every sabbath as a way of explaining what will happen to me if I strayed from my Christain beliefs.
I got cut with glass every time I broke them. I got shaved as a way to punish me- my father once say my shaved head and said with that I doubt you'll ever make fun of anyone- yes, I liked giggling at everything and everyone and that was my punishment. I went a whole week without food to teach me gratitude because I failed to say grace at dinner
I get roasted for my looks my failures my dreams my desires just as a way of my family and community expressing love and affection🤭
You are so blessed if you grew up in such a healthy environment-
But imagine the rest of the world ain't really like that and Jungkook at 13 had to do a lot of his growing up on camera around strangers and people he didn't know🙃
If I was 15 and a 13 year old kid made fun of me- I'd question why the fuck he or she is even in my space talking to me. He or she should sit at the kids table. I don't do babies.
My sister and her friends never played with me and always acted as if I was still in diapers when I tried to socialize with them.
I hate people that are disrespectful and would keep my distance cos that's what any self respecting teen would do 😩
And if I couldn't keep my distance I would whoop their ass on God 🥲💀
Which is exactly what Jimin said too when he was supervised by that kid to wash a plane. He said he was going to whoop them if they were in Korea.
So really he should have just whooped Jungkook and called it a day💀
He gave JK too much power over him. Hobi out there throwing bananas at him and shit😩
I would have bleached his eye brows while he slept 😴
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acearohippo · 1 year
Really been emotionally driven by Lewis and Bonnie lately.
I don't know how young they were when they became espers, unsure if that one game trailer of Lewis in the boxing ring was his transformation (the dumbass) or if he "turned on" his power out of rage (still a dumbass, I hope his sister called him stupid) but I'm going to just err on the side that most young espers aren't transforming until they're in midteen range, like 14,15,16 years old and up. It's less common, but still occurs often to have espers between the ages of 11-13 but 10-ish and younger, you're rarely seeing the kids survive the transformation.
And I'm just bombarded with these ideas that Lewis and Bonnie are the average kind of kids, so they are living on the streets, without esper powers, up until Lewis gets his break when he's 15 and makes the decision to join the Esper Academy, because if he can get in that would gaurantee his sister shelter. Bonnie, of course, doesn't agree because they've both seen how the Union has "prioritised" neutralising the affects of the Miracles, putting money and time into weapons and other destructive researches, rather than gathering resources and supplies to help the people who without homes, without parents, and are ill. And Lewis agrees that he doesn't fully trust the place, but he's also had to rush back to their hideout to find his sister either missing or in the process of being harassed/kidnapped by known local traffikers, and Lewis himself has had issues with them too and it's gotten to risky and while he'll happily bash the face in of any paedo who dares touch them, he'd prefer it more if they grow up without fearing that they'd wake up, separated, in some strange, pervy adult's room. And that's just him and his sister, the both of them also intervene when other kids are endangered of trafficking, which has placed a big target on the both of them by the underground thugs and contractors who are "losing business".
At least this way, he could learn how to better control his powers and get a better idea of how the Union works on the inside, so he can then return and use his knowledge to help those the Union has forgotten about. At least this way, he won't have to waste precious time trying to create a plan to get him, his sister, and whoever kid they found out of harm's way quicker, without needing to leave anyone behind or wait until the perfect hour to launch a rescue (He still remembers how Bonnie clung to him, shaking and angrily crying, too many bruises and cuts on her malnourished body, her nails ripped and bleeding, shielded from the elements only by a disgusting blanket made even dirtier but the fresh blood from the whimpering, pantless man cowering in the corner. He was almost too late. He was almost too late.) He can go in swinging now, set the whole damn place and whoever gets in his way on fire now. But he lacks control and understanding how to activate his Esper powers, and that could lead to even worse mistakes.
Bonnie hates living in the orphanage. She doesn't trust the adults, can't with how she and Lewis grew up, and would frequently sneak out to find her brother at the academy. He never sent her back or turned her away, but she also wasn't an Esper so she couldn't join in on his classes. Not that any teachers could stop her, and once her brother became friends with Li Ling, there was really nothing anyone could say or do that would keep her from looking out for Lewis. He's a simpleminded man, often too caught up in what was right in front of him to notice the threat surrounding him (she still remembers the way the so called "nice couple" that hired the two of them for easy lawn work leared at her brother, tasking him with jobs that would keep him within their sight, the woman "innocently" groping his arms and stomach as she tuttered that he was too thin and gleefully feeding him pastries to "fatten him up", her husband personally "training" him with "hand's on" exercises and stretches. To this day, Lewis teases her about her immaturity and clinginess to him that eventually made him start choosing jobs they could do together, and she will gladly throw more tantrums and act like a spoiled little girl to keep manipulative people like them away from her brother.)
Of course Bonnie joined the shadow decree after she became an Esper. The Union is bound to fail her brother at some point, and with the freedom of the shadow decree on her side, she'll make sure to provide him a safety net when, inevitably, someone takes advantage of his honesty and loyalty.
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invadernurse · 6 months
Catching Flies (Revised) Ch. 14
Chapter 13: Calm Before the Storm
Overall rating: Teen
Summary: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. That’s what they say anyway.
Teacher!Reader makes the mistake of trying to help the two most troubled kids in your class. This leads to forming a science club, learning some childhood psychology, adopting an alien older than you, and somehow catching Professor Membrane’s interest.
Afab Non-binary Reader;
The reader does have a last name: Nemo– which means no-name.
Chapter One |Master post |Ao3
Professor Membrane's altruism had spread to most of the city over the next few days. The official story was that it was Membrane Labs' way of giving back to the community in time of need, though you wondered secretly if it had more to do with the Professor's guilt regarding the whole situation. 
Just when you thought you couldn't have more respect for the man. The new transport system made getting around the city so much easier, and the air seemed fresher in the dingy neighborhood where you lived. You could open your window and not be gassed by the noxious fumes from the freeway and the trains next door.
But the rest of the electric grid was still a work in progress, and your old coffee pot and other essential electronics were fried from the various power surges as they tried to fix things. You could live without television, and the lights and appliances were under your renter’s insurance. 
But your coffee pot. That you mourned the most.  
You made a face as you made a cup of instant coffee, stirring it as you looked out the window and reminding yourself it was a small price to pay. Things could be much worse, all things considered. It was at least caffeinated, and school had been canceled this week, if not longer, meaning you didn’t have to be fully energized to get through the day. 
Your new phone had given you quite the head start compared to your peers. While the rest of the faculty was trying to figure out how to deal with the EMP disaster, you had finished your paper grading, plugged away at recreating your planner for the remainder of the year (glad you used a notebook for your notes) and had been reassured that everything else had been saved to the Membrane Labs cloud.
Your new phone rang, cutting through your morning compilation with its vibrant cheery tune. You were still astounded at how different, how futuristic it was compared to what you were used to. For instance, instead of a crackly tinny voice over the phone, a holoscreen popped up when you answered, showing Dib grinning on the pale-blue screen. "Mx. Nemo!" 
"Hey Dib," you greeted. "Enjoying the vacation?"
His smile waned as his expression shifted into a mix of obvious disgruntled guilt. "Uh, not exactly. Dad has restricted the internet to just 'educational' websites, and Zim can only come over if we're working on homework or the project. Which, uh, is part of the reason I called you." 
“Oh?” Your own smile faded, replaced by wary concern. Why--how-- could that relate to his reason for calling you. Surely nothing good… 
"Well, dad is working in the lab trying to catch up on his work after the last few days,” Dib started innocently enough, “but Zim and I really want to work on this project. So we were hoping that if you’re here, then you can keep an eye on us, and dad's terms would be met…"
The proposal sounded fair, but you couldn't help but feel like he had ulterior motives. Yet no matter how many times you tried to figure out what it could possibly be, you came up blank. 
This was the trouble with having students whose intelligence rivaled your own. 
"Well, if your father is okay with it..." you finally answered. Surely Professor Membrane could figure out if his own son was up to something. (Hopefully.)  
Dib smiled-- rather mischievously, you noted. "I'm sure dad made it pretty clear you're welcome any time, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you would call." 
Call. Professor Membrane. The thought echoed in your mind like the heavy toll of a bell. It was one thing to be emailing him, but to call him?
Yes, he did say to call him if needed, and had even given you his number(s). Yet the idea of calling the Professor over something like this left you unsettled. What exactly were you going to say?"Hey Professor, do you mind if I come over today to babysit your son and his friend?"
Which, five minutes later, is exactly word for word what you asked Professor Membrane once he answered his phone, before continuing on with:"The boys wanted to work on their project and said they needed supervision." 
"Ah, I see. I suppose it's my turn to apologize," he turned slightly away from his project to focus on you. Or at least his own holographic display of you. "I hadn't anticipated Dib would ask you as a way to circumvent his punishment." 
"I take it that's a no, then?" You mentally scolded yourself. Dib was grounded, so of course he wouldn't be able to work on his extracurricular activities. (And now Professor Membrane thought you were an idiot for being tricked by such a simple ploy.) 
"Well, not exactly…” Membrane sighed. It was odd how-- despite his facial expression virtually completely obscured-- you could still tell he was deep in thought. “I cannot find any fault in the request. However, I don't want you to feel indebted or compelled to entertain Dib on your precious time off." 
Oh, you hadn’t even thought of it that way. That was even more embarrassing. “I don’t have that many hobbies...or friends,” you admitted, wishing for once you had just a plain phone where he couldn’t see you turn a bright red. “And those two are rather special to me. I don’t mind supervising them for a little bit. Unless you feel it interferes with Dib’s punishment, that is.” 
"I could never deny my boy's passion for science, even when he is in trouble. Nor…" Professor Membrane trailed off, pausing for a moment. You wished you could see his face and be able to read his expression as he apparently stared off into space. 
"Professor?" You asked after the silence stretched on. 
"R-right!" Professor Membrane snapped out of his thoughts with a faint jerk, almost as if he had completely forgotten you were still on the call. "Yes, of course. You are welcome to come over, Mx. Nemo. Anytime. I'll, uh, update the security programs to recognize you as a visitor. Have-a-good-day, bye!"
The connection feed suddenly cut off, leaving you very confused. That… was not at all like the Professor. He was usually always so composed, not...flustered. That was more, well, a 'you' kind of reaction. 
What would cause him to fluster like that? Where had his thoughts drifted off to? 
Surely something work-related. Maybe he had just realized something critically important. Or was inspired with a possible solution for a difficult problem. 
It surely had nothing to do with you. 
"I could never deny my boy's passion for science, even when he is in trouble. Nor…" could I refuse the chance to see you.
Despite never speaking the words, the thought still resonated in his mind. Along with how close they were nearly spoken out loud, 
For the sake of science, what had he been about to say?
He had known that he had been inching closer to being compromised by the lack of sleep, but hadn’t thought he was that sleep deprived! Yes, he could acknowledge that he was attracted to you, but that didn't mean he had to act on his impulses. In fact, since he was now aware of his feelings and therefore biases towards you, he planned on curbing his actions back into what could be considered ‘friendly’ and not allowing them to evolve into anything different. 
His life was dedicated to science. He had vowed to do his utmost best to make the world a better place. Raising two children was distraction enough from his life's work, it wouldn't be logical to pursue a relationship with you. 
Yet this was proving to be one of those rare times where he found himself tempted by such illogical things. To allow something other than his work or family to occupy his thoughts. To indulge in the feelings that were (rather irrationally) trying to affect his actions.  
He was…he was tempted by you, and he wasn’t quite sure how to handle that. 
You weren't sure what Professor Membrane meant by having the security programs recognize you as a visitor. After all, though you could imagine he had quite the security system protecting his home, you couldn't recall seeing any kind of cameras or anything when you were there last time. 
Thankfully nothing happened as you approached the dark gray home, though this time you looked closely for any signs of a security system out of curiosity, and di
At least, that you could see. But Dib seemed to know you were at the door before you could even knock. "Hey Mx. Nemo! Zim's on his way, so…"
"Dib-human!" Zim interrupted as he clambered over the fence separating the Membrane home from the neighbors'. "Why did you call me at such a Tallest-forsaken time?" 
"It's noon, Zim. That's hardly an indecent hour," you rebutted as he approached, faintly concerned how discombobulated he looked. Granted, it could just be from apparently being woken and rushing on his way over…  
"Without school I...lose track of earth-time," Zim grumbled, looking rather sheepish. “My natural circadian rhythm is opposite to that of your stupid society’s.”
It took you a moment to translate that into words, and realized he was just admitting he was a natural night-owl. Which made plenty of sense. "That I can understand," you agreed as Dib ushered you both inside, leading you through the house. You gave Gaz a wave as you passed, who barely acknowledged your presence as she played her video game. 
The garage in the backyard looked normal enough on the outside. Except you were pretty sure it was bigger on the inside as soon as Dib opened the rolling door. Tons of odd things you had no name for were stuffed inside, mixed with more 'normal' items like a lawnmower and such. 
It had to be a storage for Professor Membrane's items, yet none of them quite matched the...aesthetic of his other items. You kept your thoughts to yourself...at least until you reached the back of the garage while the boys dragged out a table with supplies, apparently knowing exactly what they needed and what to do. 
"What the… what is this?" You swore as you looked at… Well, your mind wanted to call it a spaceship, though you knew that couldn't be right. It was nothing like the one you had seen in the (fake) news articles and the odd conspiracy video you watched.  If anything, it was more akin to what you imagined a ship from a sci-fi story would look like. 
"Tak's ship. We were trying to repair it, but haven't been able to work on it since Project 13." Dib answered distractedly, not that it actually answered your question. Tak’s ship? Who (or maybe what?) was Tak, how did they have a ship? Was it really a spaceship? 
Then you recalled the emails you had with the Professor a few weeks earlier, and how he had mentioned Dib and Zim had been working on a spaceship. You had thought he meant perhaps a model, or something made from spare parts. Not something that looked this advanced. 
Or real, for that matter.  No wonder they seemed to be handling everything else so easily. 
While your mind was still reeling with the unexpected discovery, you found a place to sit and brought out your phone in hopes you could work on your teaching plans while the boys worked on the rover. After all, you couldn’t exactly actively contribute when they far surpassed your own skills when it came to engineering. You were literally just a babysitter-- making sure they didn’t start fighting, or blow anything up. 
You weren't sure how much time had passed between working and reading and watching the boys before Zim threw a tool in frustration, snarling words you had never heard before but knowing they were meant as curses. You were ripped from your novel you had been reading and had a flash of panic before you were able to control your instinctive fear. 
"Don't you dare blow it up again!" Dib swore, protecting the machine, which was little more than wheels and the needed machinery to make it move. Which-- from your little knowledge-- it was not doing. 
Zim didn't pay any attention but hissed ferally as he tried to claw the machine despite Dib holding him back. "It's evil! Cursed! It must be destroyed for defying the mighty Zim!" 
"Calm down," you tried to sooth as you stood. "What's going on?" 
"It's not responding," Dib said as he kept the rover base away from Zim. "I'm not sure if it's a mechanical failure or maybe a program issue." 
"Neither! The mighty Zim makes no mistakes!" 
"Hey, mistakes are a part of learning, which is what this whole project is about." You pulled Zim back and knelt down so you were eye to eye with him, though his attention was still focused on the rover. "You two are amazing, but no one is perfect. All that matters is you do your best to learn from the mistakes." 
He finally met your gaze, his anger diminishing. "Failures are not tolerated in the Irken empire." 
Ok...what? He had said that with such firm conviction and absolute steadiness that it sent chills down your spine. 
There were so many questions running through your head. Who told him failures were not tolerated? What the hell was the Irken Empire? Was that a family thing? Was it the reason his parents left him? How much did that simple sentence impact his life? His outlook? 
But this wasn't the time to question it. You needed to defuse this delusion (if you remembered that psych book correctly.) 
"But, this isn't the Irken Empire. This is a project to help you learn, and hopefully for fun. I know originally it started out as punishment, but hopefully you don't see it as that anymore." 
Zim opened his mouth to argue, closed it, then repeated a few more times before looking to Dib, almost asking for help. 
The other boy shrugged his shoulders, "They're right. You're not part of that anymore. Let's ask dad to see if he can figure out what the problem is." 
"And he won't be...angered?" Zim cautiously asked, glancing between you and Dib. 
You wanted to hug him so bad, but figured it wouldn't be the best thing to do right now. 
Dib scoffed, "Nah, you've seen him, he loves a challenge. And this is a challenge." 
With an encouraging nod, the three of you returned back inside. Dib hit the small button next to the door in the kitchen, which you assumed led to the downstairs. 
"Yes?" Professor Membrane, a small screen flickering to life. 
"We need some help," Dib said, holding the rover base up. "We’re not sure if it's a mechanical issue or coding, or…" 
"I'll be up in a minute," was his simple reply. Not angry or annoyed, just matter-of-fact. Yet as you waited at the kitchen table with the boys, you remembered the awkward ending to the phone call earlier that morning.  You hoped to the universe it was just a one-time thing, yet you feared the worst at the same time. 
But when Professor Membrane appeared, he barely acknowledged you as he sat at the table, taking the rover from the boys. You sat, feeling virtually non existent and very out of place as they discussed the problem. Most of the terms flew over your head, making you feel rather idiotic, even as you tried to work on your own project. 
"Ah, this coding patch here. We'll have to figure out how to separate the GPS from the controls after all. Steering it manually instead of using the GPS as guidance." 
"Ugh," the boys groaned in unison, but pulled out a tablet and started to go over the strings of code. While the two talked amongst themselves, silence hung between you and Professor Membrane. You kept your focus on your phone, though you were acutely aware of him beside you. 
"So," he started with a rather awkward cough, "how has your afternoon been?" 
You blinked in surprise as you met his gaze, close enough to once again see his eyes behind his goggles. It felt… more personal when you could see his eyes. He wasn't the untouchable, world-famous scientist, just...a really mysterious, admirable person that you liked. A lot. More than a lot. 
"Ah, good," you stuttered after a moment, looking away and fiddling with your phone. "Just working on getting things prepared for school to resume while watching the boys. They've been rather well behaved today." 
Professor Membrane hummed thoughtfully, "I know Dib has realized the consequences of his actions, though I wonder about Zim…."
The boys were too involved in their project to notice your conversation had turned towards them. You thought of Zim's earlier statement, and wondered if part of his fear of failure was related at all to it. Sure, he couldn't be punished the same way as Dib...but maybe had still learnt his lesson. 
"I doubt either of them will do anything like that in the future." Or so you hoped, but you pushed that dark though away. "Besides, with the expo in just a week, hopefully they will be too busy. I just hope they will have time to finish everything." 
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as he chuckled. "Those boys would have it done in less than twenty-four hours if we let them." 
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