#and today we told him to basically fuck off and he kept calling me. i have blocked him
nya-vivi · 1 month
I have got a man-child pursuing me. Creepily if I may add. How's your tuesday going.
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AITA for telling my mum she’s overreacting?
🦶🏻 🪴 🤢
today while we were eating dinner my (16) brother (20) injured his toe by getting it stuck in the chair and it bled. this caused him to have a panic attack, which i assume is because of the blood. i thought he was being dramatic at first but i heard him hyperventilating on the stairs and then my mum told me that he had vomited on the stairs. this made me really freaked out and it made me feel nauseous as well, i know my mum can’t handle sick either so she was very freaked out. she then told my brother that he had to clean it up himself. it’s fair that he’d have to clean his own vomit up but he asked if he could have 5 minutes to calm down before cleaning it because he had just had a panic attack and was really distressed from everything that happened. and that seemed pretty fair as well.
when he started to try and clean up his mess, he wasn’t doing a great job at it. obviously because he was still mentally very, like.. idk frazzled??? and the smell and look of his vomit can’t have made it any easier. my mum then started to get really angry with him for not doing it properly and things like getting a bit of sick on the toilet seat or using the wrong cleaning supplies and stuff. besides everything going on he also doesn’t have much experience with cleaning stuff let alone vomit. so yeah he wasn’t doing great and i felt bad for him. my mum kept getting agitated with him and he started to get angry as a result. he’s autistic so that contributed because when people shout at him he gets really really aggravated and can lash out a lot. at one point when my mum was shouting at him he told her to piss off, then she slapped him on the leg. i remember being in the other room i shouted ‘mum what the fuck is your problem?’ and was basically saying she went too far. her son had just had a panic attack and was struggling to clean up after himself and she just kept yelling at him. she told me she was sick of me defending people who she thought had done something wrong.
it’s partially triggered by earlier that day when my younger brother (15) accidentally knocked over her plant pot. i told her she may have been too angry at him because he didn’t do it on purpose. i didn’t blame her for being mad at his response, cus he was being bitchy all like ‘it’s your fault for putting it in that position’ so he was wrong for that. but my mum was calling him stupid for not using his common sense to not knock the plant over. i basically said ‘mum it’s already happened now it was an accident it’s fair to be mad at him for being rude but i think you’re getting too riled up’ and she was angry with me then as well.
a lot of the time when there are arguments i try to be a kind of middle man and get both people to understand each other, but if i show any kind of criticism towards my mums reaction she just gets so enraged to an extent i find totally irrational. she’s like ‘you don’t get to tell me how to react to situations!’ even though i criticised her for literally slapping my brother after he’s just had a really sucky experience just because she was frustrated.
whenever me or my older brother particularly criticise her parenting or how she reacts super angrily she just gets super upset, and she keeps having outbursts all the time. the reason it annoys me is because i never do anything that bad besides basically say ‘jesus why are you so mad’ when my little brother is the one laughing and making fun of the whole situation.
anyway AITA for telling her she’s overreacting and making things worse?
What are these acronyms?
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
Keeho x reader
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(Need I say more about this fanfic?)
Warnings:smut. If it wasn't obvious
Genre:Just smut okay 😭
Pairing:dom!Keeho x sub!fem!reader
Themes:public sex, fingering
A/N:oh God I wrote this on the bus and things went way worse than I could of ever imagined. I'm not gonna share my embarrassment so just read Keeho finger fucking you instead 😃
Your cheeks flushed as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Today was the day that you and Keeho decided to shop for basically sex toys and lingerie. You knew you shouldn't be embarrassed or nervous because come on it's Keeho and you've been dating for like 3 years. Right now you were trying on a pink lingerie set that Keeho picked out and you had no idea what to think. You stood in the fitting room analyzing your body and the fabric that held on tightly to your body.
"What do you think?" Keeho called out from outside the dressing room.
"I don't know, come in here and tell me what you think," you said, unlatching the door so he could get in. He did as you suggested and swiftly went into the fitting room. He took a look at you up and down and told you to "do a little spin," you awkwardly did as he asked. "I think this is kinda plain and we can find something more interesting. But! If you like it that's totally okay we can get this one,"he said as he kept looking you up and down.
"No I don't like it," you laughed. You explained to him that you have one more to try on and if you don't like it you'll try another store. He nodded in agreement to your plan. You then guided him out of the small room and watched as his feet moved to the left and stood there waiting.
You took the pink set off before taking this really nice black one off the hanger. Keeho picked this one out with a big grin earlier but you don't really know how to feel about it. You tried your best to put it on properly but that was a difficult task. Keeho then knocked on the door gently.
"Need help?" He said softly.
"Nope I'm good," You said as you moved the strings around your body.
"Alright," He said with a slight worry still in his voice.
You finally got it all on properly and you let Keeho in again to take a look. As soon as his eyes fell upon you they transformed.
"So what do you think," you said with a smile as you spun the thin lace layer around. His eyes said it all, looking you up and down looking deep into every detail of your body. He started getting closer to you, his empty hands wishing to be filled with your soft skin. "Keeho?" You said innocently looking up at him.
"You're so hot," he stated as he slammed his hands against the cold wall behind you. Your jaw hung open as he started leaning down to your neck. His lips gently grazing over your bare shoulders. His hot breath present on your neck. You flustered at his comment and your cheeks heated up as your hands rested around Keeho's body. It didn't take long for his to rest on your hips kneading at your skin. That's when reality sorta hit you.
"Keeho wait, were in public," you murmured.
"And I'm horny," he stated as he started licking up your shoulder. You let out a little squeal at the sudden texture of his tongue. Your hands went to his shoulders pushing them gently. His right hand started going down your body, down, down, down when…
You let out a moan as he pressed his plam against your sensitive clit. Keeho grabbed your crotch harshly and for some reason it turned you on more than you'd like to admit. You slapped your palm against your wet lips trying to muffle your moans so no one would hear.
Keeho placed one of his wide hands between your thighs and guided them open. You slowly did as his actions suggested. Keeho moved the fabric around his fingers as his hot breath moved to your lips. Sloppily exploring each other's mouths as he moved his fingers up and down your sensitive clit. It got you frolicking around at his every movement. He slowly inserted two fingers making you gasp and claw his shoulders. Your head hung low as he slowly moved his fingers around inside you. You didn't know where to put your hands, or to throw your head back or hang it low. He had you seeing stars with only two fingers.
That's when he hit that gummy spot so deep inside you and you couldn't help but moan out his name. You shut your eyes tight as he moved his fingers in and out of you to hit that one spot continuously. That's when you felt warm, cloudy colored liquid dripped down between your legs. Keehos fingers stayed inside you gently and slowly moving around. Once your body relaxed he slipped his fingers out and stuck them in his mouth before moaning in satisfaction.
"Only two fingers," he smirked as you blushed and looked at the floor.
"Oh my God Keeho it's all over the floor and my clothes and this lingerie set that isn't even mine!" You said as you gestured to everything covered in your cum.
"At least everyone will know how good I can make you feel," he said with a smile that was too cute for what he just said.
"Great then you'll be the one explaining to the workers here what just happened in their fitting room," you said with a smile as you pushed him out of the room.
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miscfandomwrites · 5 months
Pretty Girl
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A/N: Basically a condensed version I had of a daydream today. Note that I didn’t want to write an intro to this, I wanted to just dive straight into the smut but I decided to give some fluffer for the fic. Also, I’m going to post my update and upload notice later today, so keep an eye out for that because it’s fairly important. As always, if you want to be on the taglist for my fics please let me know.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x F! Reader Smut
Warnings: Jealous! Reader, Fingering, Penetration (N receiving), Reader gets called mommy, basically filth. Sparse edits, but it’s pretty decent. 
Words: 1.4k
Location: Marvel > Natasha Romanoff > Oneshots
Tagging: @tyler-t0t
“Glad to see you back, Nat.” I told the woman as she climbed out of the car. 
“Not back yet.” She replied as she took her time to stretch her body.
Her, along with Banner, were gone for a two-week mission to gather some intelligence about a subject. I didn’t bother reading the case file, considering I was reading and prepping over my own, but I paid attention to who she would be going with. Banner.
I didn’t dislike the scientist per say, well, maybe a little bit- either way, he still had a crush on Natasha and I didn’t like having him around her. Call me protective if you want.
“The mission was fine, thanks for asking.” Banner said as he opened the back of the car. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Nat’s bags, before depositing them in the trunk of my car. I was glad that Banner was riding back alone and I had decided to take Nat back myself.
I’m thankful I’ve started to keep a better handle on my emotions, because when I turn around to see Banner hugging her, I nearly fucking lost it.
Nat doesn’t really like to be touched, and I could tell she was trying to gently push him away from the grip on his arms. I cleared my throat, and Nat took the incentive to get away from his grip. She came over and walked to my side, a hand on my arm, tugging me to the car. I left Banner with a glare and opened the side door for her.
I got into the car and was quick to pull out of the parking lot and head back on the freeway, letting the engine and speed start to calm my brain. It took a few minutes before Natasha said anything. “You’re cute when you’re jealous” she chuckled. 
I huffed and smiled softly. “Oh really?” I asked her. She ducked her head and smiled, before taking my hand off the stick and setting it on her thigh.
“We didn’t do anything, if you’re wondering. I have missed you, though…” And with that she leaned back in the seat, moving her skirt up a little bit higher. 
I kept my eyes on the road, but my mind was elsewhere and my mouth was dry. I gently ran my hand up and down her thigh, grateful for the time were were together and-damn, she wasn’t wearing anything under that, was she? 
I moved my hand farther up her thigh and was rewarded with my answer of no, definitely not. 
“Where are your-”
“Left jacket pocket” 
I took my hand off her thigh to hold the wheel while I fished in my pocket for said object. A pair of black, lacy underwear with a damp patch in them. 
I smirked and tucked the underwhere on the rearview mirror, thankful for the blacked out windows. I moved my right hand back to her thigh and kept the other on the steering wheel, accelerating some. It was another twenty minutes until we were back to the tower.
I moved my hand higher, and she spread her thighs as much as the small seats would let her. Keeping my hand from touching her where she definitely most wants it, I trace small patterns on her inner thigh lightly with my fingers. Deciding to play the game of how long until she moves or says anything, I keep it up, sometimes going higher, sometimes lower with my ministrations.
Five minutes.
It took her five minutes, which I was surprised at, before she took my hand and moved it towards her center. I smirked and gently let my fingers brush the warmth of her. 
“(Y/N), please…” She whimpered as she shifted her hips towards my hand more. 
I trailed a finger through the slick of her and trailed from her entrance to her clit. 
“Please!” She groaned as she gripped the side of the seat. 
I chucked quietly as I shifted a gear, speeding closer to the exit I needed to get off at. 
“You can’t wait fifteen minutes, darling?” I cooed at her flushed face. 
Another whimper, and she shifted her hips again, enough so I kept her thigh still with my hand.
“Mommy…..please” was all it took before I had one finger pushed inside, my thumb flicking her clit. 
Natasha moaned and leaned farther back into the seat, and it took an immense amount of focus to keep my eyes on the road instead of her. 
Her wet heat pressed against my finger as I pumped it in and out of her, and soon I added a second. Teasing them in and out while occasionally flicking her clit with my thumb, I shifted my hand back so I could go deeper.
The wet sounds from between her legs had me pressing mine together, thankful that I had come packed. 
Her low whimpers and the steady hum of the car were music to my ears. Only a few streets until we were at the tower, thankfully. 
I kept up the pace, even slowing it down a little as we pulled into the garage. As soon as I slipped my hand from her she was quick to complain, but with a look I silenced her. I didn’t want to deal with Banner or the others, I only wanted my girl.
I moved my seat back and quickly undid my belt, before tugging her onto my lap. Her flushed face and the stare she had as she kept it on the strap had me smirking at her.
“That’s….” She started.
“Big. But you’ll take it, babygirl. “ I finished for her. She nodded and I shifted my hips until she was just over them. I wet the strap with her essence before gently helping her slide down it. 
“Fuck, mommy….” She quietly whimpered, her face on my shoulder as she sank to hilt. I smoothed a hand along her back and moved my other to cup her face. She leaned back, her back against the steering wheel and a face in which I could only describe as utter bliss.
Her hair was tousled and framed her face gently, her eyes half-lidded and glazed over, and her pretty little mouth parted open as she panted lightly. 
“My pretty girl…” I whispered to her quietly as I kissed her gently. 
She lifted her hips up and slid back down, a whimper of Russian words falling from her mouth as she started bouncing up and down. I moved my hand from her face down to her neck, applying light pressure. One of her hands grabbed my wrist, keeping the hand there and the other held onto my shoulder for dear life.
I bucked my hips up the same time she came down, and a yell I heard of my name came from her lips.
“Fuck, (Y/N)!” 
I squeezed harder on her neck, and bucked up again. This time, she almost went limp in my lap when she came. Her body shaking and moans falling from her lips as I pressed into her more, and traced a hand down to her clit.
Nipping at her neck as she started to fuck herself on my strap again, I made a point to leave plenty of marks on her neck and chest. One hand on her neck, the other rubbing her clit, she quickly came again after that. The third time was just when Bruce pulled in and opened his car door. Natasha’s head leaned back as she screamed my name loud enough for him to hear.
I’ve never seen a grown man blush that much and walk away that quickly in my life.
I smirked after him, and helped Nat gently get off the strap, her breathing hard and fast. 
I cupped her face, running my thumb over her lips as I sucked the juices of her from my hand.
“Good girl.”
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School Bathroom- John Frusciante
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summary: your best friend adds your crush to your guys’ phone call and he hears you confess that you like him. you avoid him at school but he follows you into the bathroom.
lowercase intended
warnings: smut
a/n: y/b/f means your best friend 🫶 also something that isn’t wes borland!!
one of my favorite parts of school nights are the daily phone calls my best friend and i have to spill whatever gossip we heard.
“no fucking way?! the new girl kara?” i gasp.
today’s topic was how some football player was found cheating on his girlfriend with some new girl.
“yes way! in the girl’s locker room too! jenny’s friend found them, she said blake looked white as a ghost!” she laughs.
“did you hear jenny is gonna fight her tomorrow after school?”
“what no?”
“yeah, are you gonna go?”
“maybe.” i shrug.
i’m currently laying on my stomach with my feet in the air, eating some gummy candies.
“what if i told you that john is gonna be there, will that change your answer?”
“…maybe.” i felt my cheeks heat up.
she knows i have a fat crush on this kid in our grade named john. most of our gossip calls ended with me gushing on how good he looked at school.
“oh hold on, give me a second.” she suddenly says.
i hear the line go quiet, the background music she had on disappeared. i sat there eating my gummies as i wait for her return.
“okay i’m back.”
“where’d you go-“
“you need to make a move, y/n. time is running short, we’re graduating soon.” she says, cutting me off.
“if i could i would, y/b/n. but he is so out of my league.”
“you won’t know if you don’t try. i mean come on, imagine you two being the hottest couple in town! you’re both 18, you both drive AND he literally plays guitar in a band, i mean he’s the one.” she laughs.
“oh god, i know. i would honestly do anything to fuck him. just imagine how good he’d feel. ugh, why does he have to be so damn cute.” i whine out, flipping to lay on my back.
“i don’t know, why don’t you ask him?” i hear a smirk in her words.
“like at school? no way.”
“no, she means right now.” i suddenly hear a deep voice say.
my heart drops once i realize who it is. she fucking added john to the call?!
“y/b/n!” i shout before slamming my phone down.
at that point i was sitting up, breathing fast as my heart raced. he heard me say i’d fuck him. i was so dreading on going to school tomorrow.
~time skip to tomorrow~
i kept my head low and my pace quick as i walked into school. i went into the other entrance today to avoid john. obviously i knew his schedule so i also avoided the places he’d be at. it was finally lunch time and i went to find y/b/n. i see her sitting at our usual lunch table, munching on her food like nothing.
“i genuinely fucking hate you.” i say as i slam my backpack onto the table.
“hello to you too.” she smiles.
“you added john to the call?! are you insane?!” i whisper yell.
“he has to know sooner or later, y/n. it’ll eventually be too late to shoot your shot and then boom, you’ll never see him again.”
“i-i guess but i was not ready! he literally heard me say i’d fuck him, i’m so fucking embarrassed.” i shove my face into my hands.
“well eat up and be embarrassed, we don’t get much time for lunch.”
i mimic her as i take out my lunch. we sat there chatting about what happened in our class and whatnot. once i was done eating, i realized i had sauce all over my hands. i grimace at the sight and excused myself to the bathroom. i decided to go to the bathroom that was far from where john would be, the one basically no one goes to. i push it open with my elbows and immediately go to the sink. it was surprisingly clean in here but like i said, people rarely come in here. all of a sudden i had the urge to pee. i groan in annoyance as i rush into the stall and do my business. i heard the door creak open but i think nothing of it. i finish up my business and head back to the sink to wash my hands. i was looking down at my hands as i wash them so i didn’t notice the person approach me from behind.
“have you been avoiding me?” the person spoke out.
i scream out and jump, turning around quickly to come face to face with the person. i swore my heart stopped once i recognize who it was.
“j-john? why are you in here? i-“
“are you?” he pushes his question again.
i gulp and avoid his gaze, awkwardly shifting my feet.
“i don’t know why y/b/n did that, i’m so sorry.”
“sorry for what, baby?” the nickname made my stomach flip.
“for-for saying i’d fuck you..”
“what would you wanna do to me?” his voice goes low.
he steps closer to me and i squeeze my thighs shut at the rising feeling between them. he leans over me, hands on the counter on either side of me.
“what?” i breathe out, not wanting to believe this is happening.
“what do you think of when you imagine us fucking? i know you do.” he cautiously placed his hands on my hips.
he looks down at them, his eyes looking back up at me to see if his touch is okay. i softly bite my lip and slightly nod, a smile plastered on his face.
“i think of me and you, in my bed, making out. i’m slowly grinding against you and your strong hands are feeling my body. i imagine when we fuck you’re stretching me out so good that i’m crying your name. is that what you wanna know?” all awkwardness left my body as i stare up at him.
i heard him softly groan at my words, lower body moving closer to me.
“i’ve been waiting for you to say something. this entire year i’ve had my eyes on you, i want you as much as you want me. i want you to be mine, y/n. be mine..” he was now leaning down to my ear, his hot breath fanning against it.
“fuck-i’m all yours john..” i tilt my head to the side and whine out.
we stood there, breathing heavily in one another’s presence.
“i need you. now..” i nearly whine out.
his head snaps up to look me in the eyes.
“are you serious?”
he didn’t hesitate to smash his lips to mine. it was rough and our teeth clashed. he shoved me onto the sink counter and stood between my legs. my hands were in his hair and on his face, gripping and pushing him closer to me. i slowly felt his fingers move their way towards the button of my pants, hesitantly tugging it.
“can i?” he mumbled onto my lips.
i only nodded, not having enough strength to speak. his fingers trembled as he slowly unbuttoned them, dipping his hand inside. my stomach twisted and turned as he went deeper inside my pants to the one spot i need him at.
i buckled up my hips as a pathetic way to add friction. he listened to my body language and connected his fingertips with my clit. he slowly rubbed me, dipping his fingers into my core to collect my juices.
“you’re so fucking wet for me..” he moans onto my lips.
he pulls away from the kiss for a second to focus on my pants, grabbing the hem of them to start pulling them down. i cooperated with him and helped him shove them down to my ankles. his brain became cloudy when he saw the wet spot on my underwear, knowing he did that to me. he pushed my underwear to the side and he immediately felt his dick get hard. he intensely watched as he pumped his fingers in and out of me. one hand grabbed onto the arm of the hand that was fingering me while the other gripped the counter. i had my head thrown back, eyes shut and eyebrows furrowed. soft little moans escaped my swollen lips and echoed in the empty bathroom.
he held back from kissing my neck because he knew he’d end up marking me. he brought his free hand up to my neck and lightly squeezed. that provoked me to moan louder as he pumped faster. i knew he was a guitarist but i was still shocked at how good he was. i probably sounded and looked so pathetic as he fingered me. i was a mess for him and rightfully so. my brain was all over the place trying to process all the pleasure i’m feeling and all the emotions with the fact that he likes me back. i’ve actually never really seen him play guitar but from this i can tell he’s damn good at it. his fingers were long and slender so he was able to perfectly hit my g-spot. i trembled as he did, the pleasure becoming too much to handle. my stomach tightened with pleasure and i moaned out his name.
“you close?” he hums.
“mhm..” i whine out.
my grip on his arm becomes tighter as i feel myself getting closer.
he lets go of my neck and bends down to be face to face with my core. without any warning, he began lapping up my juices. i cry out as i grab onto his hair, riding myself against his face. i immediately cum all over his face, forcing his head closer to me. he pulls away with a goofy grin on his face, which was covered in my wetness.
“you taste so fucking good..” he mumbles out before dipping his head back down.
he laps at me again, quite literally slurping me up, the noise echoing in the bathroom. as i was reaching my second orgasm he pulled away, licking his lips.
“let me clean you up, baby.” he got up and walked to a stall to grab some toilet paper.
i quickly noticed the very prominent boner pressing against the fabric of his pants. an idea popped into my head and i had to act quick on it. i jump off the counter and shove my pants back up and rushed to the stall he was in. he was about to walk out but i shoved him back inside and locked the door.
“y/n? what are you-“ he cut himself off when i palmed him.
“you’re hard. you need to relieve yourself, johnny. can i help?”
“fuck..yes please..” he buckled his hips up towards me.
i didn’t waste anytime to pull his pants and boxers down, his dick springing free. i spat onto my hand and began pumping him. he dropped his head against the stall wall, his adam’s apple prominent. i knew we didn’t have much time left of lunch and y/b/n was probably looking for me so i put him in my mouth. i bobbed my head up and down at my own pace but he eventually grabbed onto my hair and face fucked up. i sat there, on my knees, as he fucked my face in a bathroom stall. my hands rested on his thighs, squeezing them a bit when it got hard to breathe. john’s actions came to a halt when we heard the door open and multiple voice boom out throughout the room. i was expecting us to call it quits and wait for them to leave but john started thrusting again. he went slower this time so i wouldn’t make any noises. he bit onto his bottom lip in order to keep himself quiet.
the girls who entered were most likely standing in front of the mirror since i heard them talking about fixing up stuff. i was hoping they wouldn’t see two different people in a stall in the mirror. and me being on my knees makes it very obvious to what is happening. i saw a little bit of john’s v cut causing me to slightly moan out and get wet again. he got a little more and more confident that the girls wouldn’t hear us so he went faster and harder, choking me whenever the tip would hit the back of my throat. tears welled up in my eyes and slipped down my cheeks but i didn’t care, i actually kinda liked it. the tip of my nose kept hitting his skin, his dick now as far as it could go in my throat. he was struggling to hold in his moans, his hands getting restless. the girls inside giggled loudly before the sound of shoes got faint and the door closed. john immediately started moaning loudly, needing to release it all. the way he sounded was a blissful thing to hear. his hips stuttered a bit, his rhythm becoming messy.
“i-i’m cl-close…” he cried out.
i hummed around him to signal that i heard his words. his gripped my hair tighter when i did that, his orgasm literally right there. i hummed once more which sent him over the edge. he arched his back as he stopped his movements. hot spurts of his cum coated my throat. once he was done cumming, he pulled me off of him. i had tears stained all over my cheeks, my eyes bloodshot red. i opened my mouth to show him his cum that sat on my tongue before swallowing it.
“god, you’re so fucking hot.” he groaned out.
i chuckle at his words as i grab some toilet paper to clean him up. i discarded the paper into the toilet and flushed.
“maybe i should follow you into bathrooms more often.” he joked.
“or maybe you could be my boyfriend and we can do this whenever and wherever we want?” i slyly said, a certain look in my eyes.
“are you asking me out, y/n?” he teases.
“yes i am, unless you don’t want me to then i-“
he cut me off by softly kissing me this time.
it was sweet and slow, completely the opposite of how we kissed earlier. i smiled into the kiss, causing him to smile as well. he pulls away with a genuine smile on his face, cheeks slightly rosy.
“i’m taking that a yes?” i giggle.
“yes ma’am.”
i place one last kiss on his lips before exiting the stall.
“lunch is almost over so i should get back to y/b/n, she’s probably looking for me.”
“alright i’ll call you after school, okay?” he grabs onto my hands and looks down at me.
“but you don’t have my number?”
“y/b/n.” he chuckled.
“god damn that bitch.” i mutter.
john laughs once again before kissing my cheek.
“talk to you later, beautiful.” he lets go of my hands and slips out the door.
i stood there with a smile on my face, heart swelling with emotion. i left the bathroom and made my way back to y/b/n.
“where the fuck were you at? how long does it take to wash off your hands? lunch is literally almost over.” she complains.
“sorry, i got caught up with something.” i sit down, packing up my lunch.
“were you crying? what happened? who said something?” worry immediately flooding her eyes.
“no one said anything. i’ll tell you later tonight, okay?”
“okay…” she furrows her eyebrows before going back to her food.
“oh, you forgot to button your pants.” she points.
i mentally curse myself as i quickly button it. i look back at her but my focus immediately went behind her. john stood there with his friends, laughing about whatever. john’s eyes looked around and landed on mine, a smile was quick to form on his face. he waved to me which made me smile and wave back. she noticed me waving and turned around.
“you’re talking to john? what happened when you were gone..?” she eyed me.
thankfully the lunch bell rang, everyone started to walk to class.
“like i said, you’ll know later.” i wink at her before getting up and going to class.
“y/n?! what the fuck does that mean?!”
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thevoidstaredback · 1 month
Today has been a day
Let's see if I can get this in order.
So, today was the event that the last two days have been Load-Ins for. It was a lot of fun. I came in fully prepared to be put in the sun, but I was put at the ADA/Credentialed elevators on the south end of the stadium. Before I was placed, though, me and Supervisor Bre and a coworker did a loop of Lot 1 (where I was the last two days) and then a loop of the road (blocked off for the event). It was a lot of walking.
It was pretty slow because it was a credential check. I was there at 7, but the gates didn't open until 10, so I wasn't really doing anything because all credentials were allowed past me.
We (me and two others from a different company) had our rush from 10:15 to about 13:30. We kept the elevators (two of them) as clear as we could for staff, ADA, and strollers/wagons, but some people simply refused to walk up the stairs.
There was a miscommunication with credentials, but we got it figured out. There was also a credential leak somewhere, still not sure where, but people were getting into the venue without having their tickets scanned. It was a whole thing.
About 16:00, they finally staffed the elevators so that me and S didn't have to worry about it. At 16:30ish, they turned the elevators to manual, taking away our ability to call them down. Which, I get it, because there were so many people trying to go everywhere, but the elevator staff ignored floor one for almost an hour. We had a lobby full of staff needing to get to the third floor, parents with strollers and wagons, handicap, and concessions all waiting for way too long. We sent as many as we could to the stairs, but it didn't go well. Eventually, S called her boss and basically said "This is unacceptable." then they came back to floor one and ran on a better pattern. Still shit, but better.
The lobby and elevators were all credentials, but there's a door in the back that leads to the lower concourse with direct stadium floor access. Only credentials C, B, A, AA, AA Escort, and staff were allowed back there. Unfortunately, the bathrooms are visible from the lobby. A lot of people were upset that we were making them use the portapotties, but there was one asshole in particular who called us dickheads for it every time we turned him away. His credential was D, so he wasn't allowed back there. Not our fault. He wants better credentials, he needs to take it up with the Tour.
My friend B was in that hallway, checking credentials as well because of the split credential access to the area. Last week, while she was working at the stadium (the one where they put me in the wind tunnel), she almost had to go to the hospital. Managers E and A had put her in the sun and didn't check on her once. Supervisor C was the one who found her and had to call EMTs because she had heatstroke. (The EMTs ripped E and A a new one. I told B she should sue. She won't)
Anyway, B's recovering from Heatstroke, so she's freezing. She asked Supervisor Bre if she could be someone warmer, but he said no. I gave her my hoodie to add to her four layers. One of the building staff turned on the heater for her. She finally warmed up about 14:00.
If you've ever been to or worked at an outdoor venue, then you've probably heard the term Weather Watch. Well, lighting decided to strike about 10 miles from the stadium, so we went on a WW. Then, it moved to 12 miles out before coming back to 8 miles out, making them stall the race by 15 minutes. When it was 6 miles out, they started to evacuate (evac) the building. Everyone was packed on the main concourse like fucking sardines. Then, some idiots decided to hide under a tarp and not get to safety, so I was called up to help. Well, I was going opposite everyone else, trying to get there, people couldn't/wouldn't get out of my way, and I had some guy yell at me for trying to get past. Then, the officers got there and took care of it, so I had to turn around. But, I hate being in large groups of people, especially when they're packed together like that, so I hid in the Guest Services Office until it cleared enough that I could walk around without touching anyone. I may have had a small panic attack, but that's between me and GS. The storm didn't stay, so the race was back on.
The rest of the night was pretty slow, but me and S made friends with one of the concessions guys. We didn't get any, but we were freaking out when he had to take a tower of Cups of Dirt to the VIP room. (Crushed Oreos, pudding of choice, gummy worms mixed together in a cup). We scared the people in the lobby. It was funny.
Also, Monster treats their employees well. I got so much free caffeine today! Also, one of the Big Wigs™ for Monster gave us some drinks himself. He's cool. I liked his jacket and hat. He's also funny.
We had 3 medical emergencies, only one of which had to go to the hospital; 6 missing children, five of which were reported just after the evac, all were found; 1 lightning delay; 1 evac.
Because parking is shit and neither of us were going to ride the train, me and B had to walk from the stadium to the hospital. About a mile. Both of us carry knives on us, especially if we know we're gonna be out at night, and we had B's mom on the phone the whole walk to her car at the hospital parking lot.
B's mom said she had a bad feeling, so she drove to the hospital and waited in the parking lot for us, taking B's phone the whole time. When we got there, a white van started to follow us and we got catcalled. We were ready to stab a bitch, but B's mom (K) scared him off.
I think I covered everything....
I've worked 39 hours in 3 days with 10.5 hours of sleep the whole time. I'mma go to sleep now. Good night!
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lolitaa-17 · 1 year
“The other women…”
This is my first blog so please don’t make fun of me I’m begging lol. Also I’m a die hard fan for Angsty shit so here’s a Jean angst!
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You and Jean have been friends for as long as you can remember. He was always there for you and you were always there for him. It all started changing though after he met her. The distance between you and him was starting to get noticeable, so you decided to invite him over for a movie night and catch up on life.
You constantly kept checking your phone every phew 10 minutes just in case some emergency had occurred. But nothing. Soon 2 hours passed, it was now 11pm. You dial his number to make sure he’s alright.
“Hello?” You hear his soft deep voice on the other line.
“Jean are you alright?” You question.
“Um yeah why?” He blankly answered.
“Oh nothing. Where are you?”
“I just left the get together at Mikasa’s” you could hear his car door shut on the other line.
“Jean you forgot?” You started getting sensitive after you heard her name once again.
“Shit. That was today?”
You scoffed “You knew damn well it was today!” Slightly raising your voice.
“Can you stop this already?” He asked.
“Stop what?”
“Stop acting like you’re my girlfriend, as if I have to move everything aside just to go watch some fucking movies with you. I’m literally over here trying to get the girl I’m in love with and it’s like you’re cockblocking!” He confesses.
Thank god he couldn’t see you right now. You were a crying mess. You really did love him…a little too much. Yes, you managed to gain feelings and the thought of Jean giving the attention you wanted to another girl broke you.
“I’m sorry-“ before you could utter another word the call ended. He ended the call.
You accepted it. You accepted the fact that you were the other women and that he would never give you the attention you silently yearned for.
A couple months passed by.
You got over the fact that you and Jean were no longer the inseparable best friends you used to be. You knew you had to move on eventually.
You admire the beautiful nature around you as your sundress flowed with the wind.
“Here put this flower in your hair it’ll make you look ever prettier”
Reiner…he was perfect. You genuinely thought that what happened with you and Jean was for the best. It helped you open your eyes and realize there are more fish in the sea. But Reiner was a special one. He was like you, he yearned for love and affection and you both helped each other with filling that void. Although you two aren’t official yet, it pretty much felt like you guys were.
“Would it?” You ask him.
“Of course it would. Look at you” he says grabbing your hand and signaling you to do a little twirl for him.
You two continued walking around the park when suddenly you heard a familiar voice call out.
“Y/n? Is that you?”
You turn around and see him…Jean. He looked pretty shitty. His hair was unkept, his tie wasn’t even tied. He looked as if he was running late to work.
“Jean?” Reiner tensed up hearing the familiar name.
Jean looked over at Reiner and sent a small smile “Mind if I talk to her for a second?”
“Be my guest.” Reiner said.
“Jean I-“
“I’m sorry. I fucked up our friendship over some girl that never even liked me back and I was so fucking blinded I didn’t even realize you..you were the one for me. He says placing both his hands on each side of your cheeks.
“Jean please get off me.” You say softly pushing his hand away.
“Connie told me everything y/n, he told me how you really felt for me! Why didn’t you fucking tell me!” He says tearing up.
“Because nothing would’ve changed Jean.”
“Please we can start over…I’ll come over every night. We can watch our favorite movies together. Like the old times. Remember?” He was basically begging at this point.
“Jean…I don’t love you anymore” you knew it broke him by the look of his face.
“Jean I have someone who actually cares and puts his time and effort into seeing me. I’m not just gonna leave what I have with this amazing man just because you’re sad of something that you did months ago.”
“So can you stop?” You ask him the same way he did to you.
“Stop what y/n”
“Stop acting as if you ever even loved me. It was all one sided. I was just the other women.”
“So get over it already.”
Reiner noticed that you were getting pretty furious so he makes his way towards you guys.
“You okay babe?” He asked.
you smiled. He did that to show Jean you were no longer available.
“I’m fine. Let’s go”
Jean just sat there with regret and guilt flooding through his body. If only he never distanced himself from you or break up the friendship that was worth everything to you. He admired you once more. The way your dress flowed with the wind and how you were infatuated with your new lover and he thought to himself how that could’ve been him. But no, not anymore and probably not ever.
The end
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sorry if I made any mistakes again this is my first blog and shit so don’t judge. I really do hope you guys enjoyed it!
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nicksbestie · 2 years
Relaxing Is Work
Ouch. This one is a lot. Would not read if you’re not in a stable place tbh. If you choose to read I hope you enjoy it! There’s fluff mixed in too.
pairing: luke hemmings x reader
word count: 1610
warnings: mental health issues, mentions of disordered eating, anxiety, overworking (if i missed any lmk)
summary: Luke is burning out and you’ve got to get through to him.
Luke was burning out. You could tell. He’d been at the studio for days on end, wearing himself raw, trying to write new songs and get things put together. You couldn’t blame him. He wasn’t sixteen anymore, but he was used to his life when he was: nonstop touring and working, no breaks. It was painfully visible it was starting to take a toll on him.
He knew you could tell. He knew everyone could tell. Despite that, he kept working himself. The rest of the band were getting increasingly worried for his health, both physical and mental. As he does, Luke worried about them when he should’ve been worrying about himself. He was basically trying to wait on them hand and foot when they had a bad day, but refusing to let them help him and insisting he was fine every time the tables were turned.
Your phone rang. It was Ashton calling. That fact was alarming enough, Ashton never calls unless he has to. It’s always a quick “Hey! Can we meet up at xyz to talk?”, or it was a text conversation. These facts being stated, you quickly picked up the phone.
Anxiety was seeping into your tone, given all circumstances surrounding you. He noticed easily.
“Hey. Do you have a minute to talk? It’s important.”
“Yes of course. Luke’s working on some guitar stuff downstairs. What’s up?”
He sighed through the line.
“It’s exactly that. He’s working himself to death. Get him off the guitar. I told him to take today off. Has he eaten recently?”
You thought about it, and realized you hadn’t seen him this morning, so genuinely you didn’t know if he had.
“I’ll go check on him. Do you want to talk? I can put you on speaker if you want.”
“It’s okay. Just keep me on the line for a minute? He’s been a little snappy lately, probably from lack of rest.”
It didn’t take you long to reach the extra bedroom you had helped Luke convert into a home studio.
You knocked, but upon receiving no answer, walked in. You found Luke with headphones on and a guitar in his lap, clearly frustrated. Gently tapping his shoulder as to not scare him, you notified him of your presence in the room. He shot you a tired smile, one that didn’t reach his eyes.
“Hey Luke. Ash says you need to get off the guitar and that he told you to take the day off. Have you eaten anything recently?”
Luke’s smile dropped into a frown, dangerously bordering on a glare.
“You can tell Ashton that he’s not my fucking parent. And yes, I’ve eaten.” he snapped, turning back around and replacing the headphones over top of his ears.
“I assume you heard that?” you spoke to Ashton, knowing he was most likely listening.
“Yea. I did. Can I talk to him?” he asked, exhaustion evident in his voice.
You handed the phone over to Luke wordlessly, and walked out of the room. You went back to the kitchen, confirming there were no dishes on the table, in the sink, or in the dishwasher. There was an obvious lack of takeout containers anywhere. If Luke actually had eaten, clearly it wasn’t much.
You had no idea what Ashton was saying to him, but it was either threatening or words that would inspire the holy spirit himself, because ten minutes later, Luke walked into the kitchen and returned your phone, making a beeline to lay down on the couch, eyes almost immediately closing.
It took you a solid three seconds to get into the living room and sit on what space was left next to him, softly rubbing his back. He wasted no time in adjusting his laying position to put his head in your lap, silently prompting you to play with his hair. You laughed and obliged, running your other hand through his curls he decided to grow out, still leaving one hand resting on the small of his back. Luke was a physical touch magnet, this trait amplified by ten when he was upset or stressed.
You didn’t want to disturb him, but you knew you two needed to talk now or he would never want to.
A muffled groan answered you, and then he turned his face to where he could be audible, but not dislodge your hand from his hair.
“We need to talk baby. You’re not okay.”
You tried to lighten the blow of your words by a soft kiss to his head, before your hand resumed running through his curls. His face was turned away from you, and you caught a telltale sniffle. You quickly lifted his head off your lap, helping him sit up against you, given that he was basically exhausted dead weight now.
Sure enough, there were tears streaming down his face. You wiped them away with your thumbs, resting your forehead against his before speaking.
“You can’t do this to yourself angel. You’re continuing to work yourself to the bone, and that’s not healthy. I know you’re used to it, and I am so proud of everything you’ve accomplished in the past. But for now, you’ve got to take a break.”
His eyes were still welling, and as you looked into them you truly saw how tired your boy was.
“I can’t just not work. I have to prove I’m good enough so the guys want me there.”
Your heart shattered.
“Luke Hemmings. Ashton called today to get you out of your studio and tell you you needed to not do anything. You work your ass off for this band. You have come so far, and accomplished so much. It is okay to rest. The guys love you like a brother, and they would rather you take a break and be happy, then have a run down lead singer. In the nicest way, you are no good for the band like this baby.”
Everything seemed to hit him like a train, and he just broke, chest heaving with sobs. You held him, and just let him cry it out. You knew he’d crash soon and fall asleep, and you’d be there to lift him and take him to your shared bed. True to your assumption, his crying ceased after a long while, and he fell asleep against you, not before weakly smiling at your whispered “I love you, angel.”
Your gym sessions had paid off, and his weight wasn’t nearly anything you couldn’t handle, which raised a new concern. He shouldn’t be something that was considered “light” for you to carry. Life had been absolutely destroying your boy from the inside and outside, and he had put on a brave face and dealt with it all alone. You felt like crying at just the thought.
You woke up the next morning to an overly cuddly Luke, surprising, but not unwelcome. You made sure he ate that morning, offering gentle praise and encouragement helping him when he needed it. Everything you could do to make him feel loved, you did. He needed something? You made sure it got done. He was your main priority, for as long as he needed help. You mentioned therapy as an option, knowing he may want to talk to someone unbiased. Ashton also offered his help, seeing as he had been where Luke was. Unsurprisingly, Luke chose Ashton.
You two were laying in your bed again, Luke having wanted more downtime. You were happy to adhere to it. A movie was playing on the TV, but neither of you were paying much attention, both curled up in each other’s presence. You had gotten a back piece before you met him, a mandala that covered the top half of your back. It was solely black and white line work, you having no plans to fill it in. Luke was absentmindedly tracing it with his fingers, before an idea seemed to pop into his head.
“I’ll be right back.”
He quickly got out of bed and scurried off into another room in the house, returning with a handful of something you couldn’t quite see.
“Can I?” he asked, looking at you like a child pleading for ice cream, brandishing a rainbow handful of markers he found. It was impossible to say no. He seemed to take your momentary hesitation as a declination.
“It’d help me relax…” he trailed off, face falling. You quickly smiled at him. He lit up like a kid on Christmas.
“Of course you can. Anything you want. Let me know where you want me to make it easier for you.”
Soon you were situated on your stomach, facing the tv, with Luke sitting cross legged next to you, picking a marker colour to start with. You could tell he was gently colouring, trying not to hurt you. He couldn’t be colouring very effectively.
“I’m not gonna break baby. Don’t worry about hurting me. It can’t be as bad at the tattoo itself.”
You turned your head to steal a glance at him. He was hunched over, golden brown curls fallen over his eyes, smiling with his tongue between his teeth. You hadn’t seen him smile like that in ages. It was a real smile. Fighting the urge to sit up and kiss him, you turned back to the tv, trying to catch up on the movie. You almost fell asleep with the gentle pressure of felt marker tips against your back.
Whatever makes him happy. As long as he keeps smiling. He’ll get out of this. You know it, and you’ll walk through hell and back for him until he does.
hope you liked!
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You’re On Your Own, Kid Chapter 4
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TITLE: You’re On Your Own, Kid Chapter 4 PAIRING: Bob/OC RATING: T CHAPTER: 4/? SUMMARY: Caroline Kazansky’s birth was the Navy’s worst kept secret. Taken in by Admiral Kazansky after being dropped on his doorstep months after her birth, her true father has been kept a secret from her. Her father is none other than her adoptive father’s wingman, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. So what happens when she’s called back to Top Gun? And what happens when she catches the eye of a shy WSO?
[A/N - This is mostly a filler chapter, but I wanted to show more of Rooster and Caroline’s friendship.]
They suited up, grabbed their helmets, and made their way to their jets to check them over before the exercise.
“Did you know he’d be here?” Rooster asked Caroline.
“What? No.”
“Don’t lie to me, Caroline.”
“I’m not lying to you Rooster! I mean, I had a suspicion when I saw him at the Hard Deck last night, but I’ve never even met Maverick!”
Rooster’s brows furrowed. “You…you’ve never…?”
Caroline shook her head.
“Rooster!” Maverick called.
Rooster ignored him. “You swear you’ve never met Maverick?” Rooster asked.
Caroline shook her head and took Rooster’s hand in her own. “I swear to you, Bradley. I’ve never met Maverick in my life. I’d never lie to you. You’re my best friend and brother.”
“Lieutenant Bradshaw!”
Rooster finally turned to Maverick. “Yes, sir.”
Maverick looked at Caroline. “You’re dismissed Lieutenant Kazansky.”
Caroline nodded and squeezed Rooster’s hand before walking off. She found Bob checking his jet with Phoenix and kissed his cheek. “Good luck out there.”
“Th-Thanks,” he stuttered.
Rooster, Fanboy, and Payback were up first.
Caroline sat in the rec room with the rest of the pilots listening to the radio.
“Good morning, aviators. This is your captain speaking. Welcome to basic fighter maneuvers. As briefed, today’s exercise is dogfighting. Guns only, no missiles. We do not go below the hard deck of 5,000 feet. Working as a team, you have to shoot me down, or else.”
“Or else what, sir?” Payback asked.
“Or else I shoot back. If I shoot either one of you down, you both lose.”
“This guy needs an ego check,” Hangman said, causing Caroline to roll her eyes.
“We’ll see to that,” a couple of the pilots said.
“So what do you say we put some skin the game?” Payback suggested.
“What did you have in mind?” Maverick asked.
“Whoever gets shot down first has to do 200 push-ups.”
“Guys, that’s a lot of push-ups.”
“Well they don’t call it exercise for nothing, sir,” Fanboy said.
“You got yourself a deal, gentlemen. Fight’s on. Let’s turn and burn.”
God, Caroline would give anything to be in the air right now. She’d heard of Maverick’s exploits from her father, but now she would get to see the pilot in action.
“Fanboy, you see him?” Rooster asked.
“Nothing on radar up ahead. He must be somewhere behind us.”
“What the hell?” Payback asked.
“Shit!” Fanboy cursed.
Careful Rooster.
Caroline knew her godbrother could be very temperamental and hot-headed. She hoped he kept his cool today.
“Tally, tally, tally!” Fanboy called out, “Maverick’s coming in! Break left!”
“Breaking left,” Payback said.
“Payback, where’s your wingman?” Maverick asked.
“Rooster, where are you?”
“I got you back. I’m coming. Hang in there. Hang in there.”
“Hurry up, man! Hurry up!”
“Payback, break right.”
“Breaking right.”
“Rooster just saved your life, fellas. But it’s gonna cost him.”
“Not this time, old man.”
Rooster was letting his anger rule him.
“Rooster, you’re too low! Pull up! You’re hitting the hard deck,” Payback told him.
“Oh, shit.”
There was tone.
“That’s a kill,” Maverick said.
“Fuck!” Rooster cursed. He landed his jet and started doing his push-ups while Payback and Fanboy joined the other pilots in the rec-room.
“That should be us down there,” Fanboy said.
“But it’s not. And now you know a little something about Rooster,” Phoenix said.
Yale, Harvard, and Fritz were up next.
Rooster finished his push-ups as they took off in their jets. He joined the other pilots in the rec-room.
Caroline was waiting for him with her hip cocked and her arms crossed over her chest.
“I know, okay? I know,” he said.
She hit him on the arm. “You let you temper get the best of you. Again. I get that you’re angry with Maverick about what he did, but if I somehow get picked for this mission, I’m not flying without you.”
Caroline had been the first person he reached out to when Maverick pulled his papers to the Academy. She tried to go to her father to reverse the action, but Iceman’s hands had been tied at the time.
“I just need you to keep your cool long enough to get through this mission and then you won’t ever have to see Maverick again.”
“What? Why?”
“Because this is his last posting Rooster. That’s why my dad pulled all the strings he could.”
Rooster gave her a smirk. “I thought you didn’t know anything about this mission.”
“And I didn’t until today. But I know my father. He’d do anything for Maverick.”
Top Gun Taglist: @maverick-wingman​ @thescarletknight2014
Lewis Pullman Taglist: @tallrock35 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @luckyladycreator2 @justanothermagicalsara @anotherr-fine-mess @airedale17​ @xcastawayherosx
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crushingonthevalley · 16 hours
Stardew characters' favourite Doctor
Doctor Who? Yes yes, this is a Stardew Valley x Doctor Who blog. Why? Because I'm heavily obsessed with both, shut up? Also, this will be slightly NewWho focused as I am a wee bit of a basic bitch and haven't caught up on Classic Who, I know I know, sue me (Sabrina Carpenter reference.) Also little aroace rant at the end. : )
Haley: Hard one cause she wouldn't be a Whovian, so given her age I'd say 10 because that's what was on when she kinda cared.
Emily: 4? for some reason I kept thinking Pertwee and Capaldi too, I don't know why though.
Shane: 13 and I don't have an explanation, I just think he got into it late but clung on. idk idk.
Elliott: Watches 12 on silent, I'm not explaining this one either.
Alex: 11, same-ish reason as Haley also he's gay so, just reckon he got into it in his late childhood like 8/9 compared to Haley because I'm certain Emily forced her to watch it.
Penny: 5. why. both kind-hearted and boring.
Sam: King, but 11, that's not a bad thing, but 11. Was in love with River, and Rory, same...
Sebastian: 9, Eccelston defender, love him for it.
Abigail: 13, I can't really explain why. Or 11, because basic and young.
Harvey: 15 (imo 14, argue with a wall) has taste, just recently learnt there is more to life than listening to a silent radio maybe hearing a human once in a blue moon. Icon tho, icon tho.
Me: 12, hands down 12, grew up on 10 and 11, but the answer is 12. Love Capaldi with my entire heart.
Now how does this relate to my love life, lack thereof, and as an aromantic person that's how I want it, it doesn't... The 3 "crushes" I have don't like or care about Doctor Who, as far as I know...
Don't worry if you're a freak who isn't here for the stardew content and actually wants to see me wanting to vent about my stupidity you are in luck as so much has changed, it's kinda crazy.
We are starting with Crush 2, don't ask why, Little Miss Leah 2.0, accidentally mentioned how I can't hear Stardew characters' names without thinking of said character cause they said Alex I think. But yeah we spoke today, mainly because their friend wasn't around today, but we spoke, sooo. They are kinda rude to me, but in like a nice way, like laughing when I talk too much, or like listening to me rant and then saying "Oh, okay." Laughs, rolls their eyes and looks away. SO SO NICE!! I do think this is what love is tho, right? Like they essentially proposed to me, right?
Crush 1, he he, so if you've not been keeping up this is like my least crushiest crush, they give like Sam/Shane/Alex vibes, but rn recently giving Penny, and I am so here for it, ignore that earlier in this post that I called Penny boring you're seeing things. They're so, ahhhh. Someone in our class (I'm in college btw, not a minor I swear), called an outfit they were wearing, that I noticed and told my friend how good it looked on them, ugly I out loud gasped, and on the way out of lesson I pulled them to the side and said they looked good and the kid in our class was dumb as fuck so to ignore it. ah. And today I bumped into them on the way to my other class and they said "Omg, hi" and took off one ear of their headphones, i cried, wept actually. The issue is crush 3 was there and thought I was waving to them, and I ignored them the entire lesson we had together... Yeah no yeah, yikes.
Speaking of Mr. Maru, Little Miss. Sam, we may or not have been speaking till like 1 am everyday last week, yeah yeah yeah. SO... But again it was mainly them implying they aren't attracted to my assumed gender and me saying I'm aroace, call me crazy, but that's not the best way to flirt. But they did keep calling a slag and telling me to kms, so idk idk, that's kinda flirting. I also did kinda hook them up with my buddy, and they've been fake flirting on this group chat I made, again could I've made better decisions there, yeah I could've but yeah. Also the last 3 days we've kinda been talking online but it's clear we're both bored, like I'll spam at like 7pm, they won't respond, then they'll spam at 2 am and I won't respond. The thing is cause I made this gc, and they are the coolest person ever, my friend does respond to them. So it's like really embarrassing, cause I'll spam no response cause I'm already talking to my friends on something else, then they send something and my friends give them all of their attention. I do think my crush is fizzling, I say that but I saw them in the library for like a second and I felt something. Also, I'm listening to Limp Bizkit rn and weirdly started thinking of them during the beat drop. I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING. I feel like such an attention seeker rn can't lie. Also, we still don't talk in class, it's embarrassing, and my mother found out I ignored them to gush about Crush 1, and she made me apologise to Crush 3 on the group chat, now why would she do that? So yeah. yeah no yeah. crying. dry heaving.
So, my sexuality, I'm guessing I'm like greyromantic, or something, I mean I don't know if I'd date them, I probably would for shits and gigs, but for real, I'm not too sure on that one besties, scary, scary and gross. I also am heavily confused about my asexuality I always thought I was allo, but I'm not too sure now, I feel like it's more of a demisexual thing, which I used to say when I was younger. But yeah main issues stem from aromanticism, again I'm pretty sure I'm aro, definitely arospec, where on the spectrum, shut the fuck up.
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lvlypink · 27 days
God DOES answer prayers
This is just my telling of how God has answered a prayer of mine within a couple of days, and it's brought me equal amounts of pain and understanding
!! tw: mention of sa and pedo !!
I was a member of a Presbyterian church for many years, basically since I was 4 until my 16 years, give or take. When I was about 12-13, our minister moved towns and we welcomed a new pastoral family: the minister A and his wife, two children, plus his wife's sister and husband, and their two sons.
The family as a whole seemed incredible. All very charismatic, very fun, seemingly very kind and the church as a whole ADORED the new minister.
Well, I adored him too until his 18/19 yo nephew started getting a bit too close for comfort to me, at 13. I don't need to say what happened.
The entire church turned a blind eye and some even openly supported our "relationship", and after over a year, we broke up (his family made me break up with him bc I was "manipulating" him and I was "bad for his mental health". His aunt BLACKMAILED me. I was literally not a high schooler yet.)
After I got out of church, living in the real world opened my eyes to the fact that I'd been a victim of abuse. I wasn't a willing girlfriend to him. I was a young girl who legally couldn't give consent to anything. I was shocked, and disgusted that no one in the church had ever brought it up as a problem. I thought it was normal.
So I completely cut them off. Everyone, the entire church. I never attended a single event after I turned 16, and many times I wondered: did I sin? Is God disappointed in me? Should I still go to church so God will love me, after all of this? But I couldn't. I never came back.
It's been over 4 years since. In my journey to reconnect with Christ, I prayed that he make things clearer to me in how to keep living as His child while surrounded by trauma, and congregations that made me feel judged, and hated. He answered me by telling me something through my mother, who used to be a VERY active member of the church: the congregation is basically a dumpster fire rn bc minister A has assaulted a woman, divorced, mother of 3, who I'll call C.
C is a lovely person. She's full of life, funny, positive, compassionate, and has been an incredible friend to my mother for years. When she accused A of SAying her, she thought she'd find support in the church. After all, she is a victim.
But to no one's surprise, the minister denied it. Again. And again. And again. And kept going. C's brother sided with him. The entire fucking church started whispering behind her back, and when A's wife caught wind of it, she went around town LITERALLY telling the church members to stay away from C. "She's a whore! She's a prostitute who's seduced my husband, the minister! Don't let your children near her daughter!", stuff of the sort.
C eventually did go to the council and the state president of the Presbyterian church and was DISMISSED out of "lack of evidence".
As of today, she and her parents have left the church after a lot, and I mean a lot of harassing from the Minister's family, and the church members. It's an infuriating situation. My mom's heartbroken for her friend, and I'm mostly angry that the dipshit of a minister will probably never face justice. Just like this nephew never did.
But in telling me that, my mother's revealed to me that I had a good reason for leaving, and it's okay that I don't feel safe in churches anymore. I was never wrong for mistrusting the minister after my SA, I was never wrong for hating the entire family and for still not wanting to find myself another church.
God has showed mercy on me and he's told me I'm not the sinner here. He stands with me, and with C, and with every one of His children who's ever gone through this. And I'll keep praying that our abusers will face justice by Him. May our Lord comfort C.
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
Seventeen P9-11
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Media The Maze Runner AU
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Seventeen Series
I had been pretty sheepish all day just trying to keep my head down maybe they forgot about me, Once the bell rang luckily I had model UN so I scampered there before I could get in trouble and sat in my UK-labeled chair. 
"Okay, good afternoon everyone now before we move onto the current affairs of the day does anyone have any new business they would like to bring up?" Alby asks 
Several hands raised 
"Uhh okay, Yes Brazil?" 
"Viva a revolcao!" she yelled and I glanced over 
Brenda Young, the school activist and art freak never seen without paint on her hands and a soap box about something, I never paid her that much attention honestly just sort of saw her as a positive Karen I suppose, then again last year she did force the cafeteria to start at least stocking a vegan and vegetarian option for people thought four weeks of violent protests. they still haven't fixed the window and it still kinda of smells like chum around it.
she stood from her chair her hair cut short with a bright blue streak, her black clothes of net and leather a hand-drawn tattoo on her arm made of Sharpie, 
"Brenda, I've told you before if you're not going to do this properly you can leave" Alby sighed "You can't call a revolution,"
"Fine" she pouted sitting back down 
"Anyone else, Yes Eygpt" He says and she gets up from her seat 
Harriet Toll, a fashion student and a sketchbook kept under lock and key, always wore the most up-to-date fashion trends and made the most of it as well. She didn't exactly like being here but the textiles room is closed on Thursdays and she doesn't get picked up till six so it's something to do other than sitting outside on the step. 
"I know that this model UN is small and we are missing various countries but I cannot help but feel offended at the selection of countries" She explained 
"I second that!" Brenda yelled, "The white boys are the rich countries and the rest of us are the countries with populations with the majority people of colour!" 
"It feels -" Harriet began
"Wouldn't you agree South Africa?" 
"Humm? What's going on?" Fry yawns as he had basically been asleep since we got in here 
"Calm down, calm down everyone, The assigned counties are assigned randomly," Alby says
"Randomly?" Harriet glared
"Completely randomly so sit down" 
"Fine" she sighed sitting down again 
"Anyone else" he sighed "Yes Denmark" 
"What's up with the UK?" Zart asked as he clearly noticed me and the fact I'd barely spoken to him or anyone else today 
"Is brexit making you sad?" Brenda laughed 
"No" I sighed "I'm just a bit out that's all"
"Alright, now on to new business" 
I left after the model UN was over starting to make my way out to go home when I saw three of those blue and white letterman jackets
"I don't like waiting, Newton" Ben yelled
"Fuck!" I complained trying to bolt as quickly as I could away but they caught up fast and threw me against the wall punching and kicking me
"The hell do you think you're doing nerd! You dare actually talk to a cheerleader? It would be funny if you weren't so fucking stupid!" He laughs "You are not to talk to her again, don't even look at her, not even think about her again, or I will cut your balls off and mount them on the flag pole, we clear Newton?"
"I can talk to whoever I damn want!"
"You wanna die! Let me explain something to you y/n is a cheerleader with a fat ass and tits that porn stars pay for, you are a scholastic decathlon, model UN, chess team little freakazoid. Now you will not do it again, are we clear!"
"Hey!" A voice came I could barely see as I likely had a black eye but I saw
Gally Anderson, cohead of the debate team, used to be the muscles of metal shop and woodshop until the school district cut the funding those rooms were gutted of equipment and turned into extra maths rooms and now were often stuck in the back of the art club making small wooden building sculptures while people like Brenda engaged in utter anarchy we used to be friendly but you drift Apart and all
"What's it to you? Art boy?"
"Leave the fuck alone before I knock those teeth down your throat, and we all know daddy paid to get them all nice and touched up for ya which you haven't paid off yet so unless you wanna root around your shit for those pearly fucks. Walk away"
"I'm -"
"I know what you're doing, everyone heard but she aint your girlfreind as I recall she Dumped your ass so fuck off home"
"Come on guys" he says heading to his car "I'm watching you newton!"
"You okay?" Gally asks helping me up and grabbing my stuff for me
"I think I'm dieing"
"Yeah he socked you pretty hard, we'll grab you some ice, come on I'll drop you home"
"Thanks man"
"No problem" he says taking me to his car and we stopped and he got me some ice for my eye and a bandage for my bleeding arm "I know what you did"
"Everyone knows apparently"
"I don't blame you, cheer girls are gorgeous, don't sweat it he'd have kicked your ass for being rude if you hadn't spoken to her"
"I don't get what his problem is"
"Dudes been butt hurt since she dumped him, still protective of her, he thinks because they used to date he owns her. Don't let it get to you" he says pulling up outside my house "You gonna be okay?"
"I think so, thanks gally"
"Don't worry about it, see you around"
"See you around" I nodded before climbing out and heading inside immediately to be met by
"Oh my god my baby!" She screams
"Mum I'm alright -"
"What the hell happened!" My dad yelled
"It's a long story"
Understandably my mother went crazy and I'd been sitting in the kitchen for over an hour while my parents paced and panicked, having replaced my ice and bandaged my cuts and bruises. when they finally let me go back to my room, so I headed to my bed Luckily I didn't have any homework or anything so I just crawled into bed and tried my best to get some god damn sleep. 
When my alarm went off I forced myself up and quickly went for a shower Sonya was about to go in but she stopped short as she saw me
"What the hell happened to you?" she asks 
"Don't. Say. anything." I warned her to go in the bathroom and lock the door tightly I put my music on as loud as possible ran myself a bath and climbed in trying to soothe my aching body, I took as long as I wanted in the bath, once done I went back to my room and got dressed for the day shoving my stuff in my bag even if It stung to add my bag to my shoulder and I headed downstairs to my mum and dad "Morning"
"Morning Kiddo, sit down and take your time with breakfast I'm taking you in today," he says 
"You are?"
"Yeah, I want a word with the headmaster" 
"Uhh okay" I nodded sitting down and my mum gave me as many strawberries, waffles, and french toast as I wanted "I'm happy to take the bus Dad"
"No, no. I want a word with him. phone doesn't do the same as turning up so If I'm going then I might as well take you" 
"Why do I have to take the bus and he gets a ride to school!" Sonya yelled as she arrived downstairs 
"And where were you while your brother was being beaten up like a 1930s gangster?'
"...at the movies with my friends"
"So you'll be taking the bus"
"Uuughhhh!' She yelled marching off outside
"You can take her too it's okay," I said
"You really should -" my mother began
"No, for once I'm not Bowing to that girl," he says finishing his breakfast he took my bag and we headed out to the car We started up and headed through the rainy streets he stopped for coffee of course and he even got me a few hash browns.
"So? Lead the way," he says I nodded and got out of the car he still carried my stuff for me as we headed into the still pretty empty school as the busses hadn't arrived yet I led him through the corridors to the headmaster's office but she wasn't here yet so we just sat outside. "You wanna tell me what this was all over so I have a little backing info?"
"I figured Sonya told you"
"She did but you know how your sister exaggerates."
"I was working, and the cheerleaders came in"
"All of them?'
"I think so, looked like all of them I don't exactly count them everywhere they go, Dad"
"Hu...I did"
"Did you?"
'When I was your age yeah, so?"
"So one of the cheer girls needed a hand with the slushie machine the cherry one always gets stuck so I pulled it for her we talked just casually while I did and told her I'd cover it. But clearly, people found out. I've been getting the cold shoulder from people all day because of it"
"Why? You did something nice for her?"
"Yeah, but she's a cheerleader. I'm...me. I can't talk to them it's like an unspoken law. So one of the track guys beat me up to teach me a lesson"
"and lesson learned. I won't talk to her again" I sighed
"What's her name?"
"What does it matter They'll kill me if I ever even look at her again"
"Well tell me anyway"
"Y/n. Cheerleader?"
"Y/h/c usually with a little blue bow"
"As much as any cheerleader but... she's 'bottom of the pyramid"
"Oh, so she's got the hips and the thighs?' He suggested making a gesture with his hands and I nodded "I take it you have her the free slushie because you like her"
"Kinda, but what does it matter Ben will kill me if I look at her again. Not like I had a cat in hell's chance anyway'
"Why not? You're the most handsome boy in the world your mother tells you all the time"
"Dad. I'm me. I'm a nerd. I am as low as you can get on the totem pole except maybe Chuckie, the cheer team is at the top of the totem pole. I was being stupid"
"Hey, don't think like that, look Isaac. This stuff isn't some totem pole carved in stone or wood forever to be that way. It's more like... an elevator."
"An elevator?"
"Yes, an elevator. You might not see it but people are constantly moving up and down the levels Yes those at the top often don't think about the bottom and the bottom struggle to even imagine ever being at the top but no one stays in those places forever and believe me when you get out of here none of it would have mattered and you'll realize there never was an elevator you were all just living on the same floor convinced you had it better or worse when everyone else" he says "you know I was a pretty big nerd when I was your age Didn't stop me getting a firecracker like your mother. I was on the chess team, algebra club, top science student two years running and your mother was a flag girl"
"No offence but stuff is different nowadays it's not like them You were my age things have changed"
"...how old do you think I am?" He glared
"Well, I'm seventeen?"
"Yeah and I'm thirty-four," he says "AHH Miss Ava Paige just the woman I've been needing to see"
"Mr Newton of course step into my office," she says
I was kind of taken aback by what he said for a moment before I followed them into the office.
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dudeitiskarev · 6 months
He called me today and I felt absolutely nothing
Need to get this out of my chest because feeling nothing made me feel so proud
He was my situationship on and off for like 8 months. Was my first everything, we even lived together for a whole month (worst thing we could’ve done but it just happened🥴) and said goodbye at the end of July.
I stopped reaching out at the end of August maybe? Then we went no contact for two months until he reached out again saying he got a tattoo of a cat which was, in his own words, the merge of both of my cats. He adored my cats. Not me HAHA
Anyways I basically told him to fuck himself because him reaching out fucked me in the head but then I apologized because I was kind of mean but not really considering how badly he treated me the last month we were ‘a thing’. Then we kept talking on and off mostly about him because that’s what he’s good at. He had moved to another country the month after we stopped seeing each other (since I met him he wanted to move) Nothing interesting. But I still would think about him often, about what he was doing, how he was doing because I still care about him. A lot. And I truly wish him the best in life.
He came back to the country a few weeks ago and I knew he’s had health problems lately but nothing in detail. He had said that he had some complications because of a cold he didn’t take care of.
And today when he called me he said it was a facial paralysis which is wow so bad which was the reason he moved back. Because the health where he was wasn’t very good.
Anyway, my point is, I saw his name on my screen when he called and was like ?????? Then I answered, heard his voice and felt nothing.
a year ago we were just starting, he showed me who he was like a month into it and I decided to stay and took it all
And now
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I witnessed something kind of heartbreaking and kind of infuriating today, so here's a vent about it
Trigger warning for animal cruelty, and for... just a really fucking sad situation, I guess
Also, the events here are not entirely in order, it's been a fucking emotional roller coaster of a day and I'm writing this at... well I don't remember what time it was when I started but it's 5am 6am now, I had to get it all out into words outside my head and there was only so much editing I could do on my current level of brainpower, so some of what I say in here will make more sense once you read further
Things had been going well enough. Unexpectedly well, actually. We had planned to see my grandparents this weekend and we took one of our dogs with us and stopped for coffee on the way and just generally made a day of it, got to the campground they're staying at and got to hang out with them and their puppy and my aunt and uncle and baby cousin, we all had lunch and my granddad took a few of us out on the boat to ride around the lake, which I had been looking forward to
All in all it had been a really nice day
But someone had the idea to go check out the campground's petting zoo, and well, things went pretty severely downhill from there
We were walking around the back of the sheds beside a more open enclosure, I was sort of lagging behind so I hadn't seen yet what was causing a disturbance, but I caught up to my grandma right as she was about to call the management of the place, saying it looked like a mama goat was in distress and asking if they were aware
Basically what this lady told her over the phone was "oh yeah we know, she's probably not going to make it, she just had triplets and there's not really anything we can do" and I guess she was like, grossly nonchalant about it, based on my grandma's description
I hadn't heard it all, just enough to know there was something going on with a mama goat, she wasn't doing well, and that the management knew about it
I think I hadn't fully processed it yet, as I was missing chunks of context and I hadn't actually seen it for myself, because I thought vaguely "oh that's kinda sad," but once I took in the full situation?
When I tell you I was devastated-
I got past the clumsy wooden walls to the open part of the pen, where there was a goat lying on her side, seemingly unable to move but for a feeble kick of her legs every now and then and the rolling of her eyes. She had collapsed- presumably- outside her shelter, in the hot, bright sun, left unshielded from the elements and unable to even get any water to cool down, as she lay slowly dying out in the open for all to see, alone but for the tiny, fragile kids that depended on her for their own survival. There was a small tub of water in the pen, but the nanny couldn't get up to walk over to it, and it was too tall to be of any use to the kids. I watched one of them push at it, trying to knock it over with his itty bitty head.
My mom, who's been a major animal person since childhood, was very much not ok with the whole scene (neither were the rest of us, but she sort of led the way). She went into the pen, along with me, my sister, and my aunt, while my grandma kept trying to figure out if anyone who worked here gave a shit about the animals in their care
There's a gap here where I lost track of what everyone else was doing. I was busy approaching the little goat by the water tub, tipping it enough for him to get a drink, and then fending off his repeated attempts to eat my shoelaces. He was a hell of a cute little guy, and trouble right out the gate. I was a bit caught up in his adorable antics for a moment, but the instant attachment I felt toward the little guy would end up making the rest of our time there all the more painful as I considered his bleak future through a lens of irrational, protective affection. I scooped him up in my arms so he'd stop chasing my laces and we could focus on the more serious problem at hand without tripping over him
Her baby in my arms, I turn my attention back to the suffering mama goat. My mom dips her cupped hand in the tub of water and offers it to the nanny, to one of the kids, and we follow her example. I stand between the nanny and the harsh sunlight and arrange first my sister and later my aunt to stand beside me and cover her body more effectively in shadow, offering her some small respite in whatever ways we can.
The matrons of my family are fighting the good fight with the campsite workers, over the phone as well as in person- once someone finally deigned to show up- much more calmly than I possibly could have done, but it's obvious to us my mom is furious (as she should be).
As for me, over the course of all of it, taking in the scene- the ailing creature at my feet, the knowledge that she wasn't expected to survive, that her and her kids were virtually being left to starve or succumb to illness or bake to death in the sun, that these babies might watch their mother die and wither away beside her, all while some dirtbag humans who either had no fucking clue what they were doing or just didn't care and in any case had no right to possess these animals practically stood by and did nothing but bitch at the witnesses with hearts- I was crying. I kept crying, on and off and on again. I kept having to look away just to get control of myself. At one point I was slipping dangerously into a fit of public sobbing and had to bite down so hard on the skin of my wrist that I'm pretty sure there are still marks now, almost twelve fourteen hours later.
The woman who eventually showed up reiterated that the nanny had had triplets and that there wasn't much they could do, and when my mom tried to argue with her, she started pulling shit like asking my mom if she even had any animals of her own, suggesting she didn't know what she was talking about, and stating that "sometimes nature just has to take its course"
First of all, my mom has had animals most of her life. Maybe not farm animals, but still.
Second and more importantly in terms of relevance and knowledge, our next door neighbor literally raises goats. My mom is always home and talks to this woman a lot; she's seen and heard plenty about these goats and their care, and has in fact helped birth new kids when one of the goats went into labor while the owner was MIA.
She also had done her research and prepared and overall been very aware and responsible when one of our dogs had a litter of puppies, and under her prepping and care all ten puppies and their mom survived and were healthy.
So like. Don't fucking say my mom doesn't know what she's talking about, when you literally leave your animals in a state in which they don't even have access to the most basic of necessities for survival and she actually does have a background with the type of situation at hand.
Also, our neighbor's goats have had multiples and been ok with a little bit of assistance when necessary, so them suggesting that her health was a lost cause purely on the principle of her having had triplets is highly suspicious and their general evasiveness, nonchalance, and obvious oversights make it seem pretty damn clear which party doesn't fucking know what they're doing
And, what the fuck do you mean "nature just has to take its course???" Like yeah ok sometimes things go wrong sometimes animals get hurt or sick and they die and that's just a part of life, but this isn't the fucking wild, this is a setting where you have chosen to be responsible for these animals, their lives and welfare literally depend on you and it is your responsibility to take that seriously and to provide for them and not to just let a mother fucking suffer a slow agonizing death and let the babies starve.
If you really have tried treating her like you say (doubtful) and if the owner/boss of the place is really a vet (highly doubtful), then why the hell are you allegedly unable or unwilling to put the poor thing out of her misery? No seriously they told us the owner was a vet, and then turned around and told us they couldn't euthanize the goat when my mom said that that would be the more humane thing to do. Literally the least you could do here, and as my dad pointed out, even if for some reason their "vet" boss didn't have access to the necessary drugs, they could just shoot her. It would be quicker, it would be over
Someone was sent out to carry the goat to the office (for some reason? I don't know what their plan was from there) but she wasn't strong enough to carry her that far, she said she'd have to wait for so-and-so to get back so he could carry her instead, but in the meantime she at least dragged the nanny into the shade of the shed. It would probably be her final resting place. We found a smaller container elsewhere in the pen and filled it with water for the kids, but it won't do them much good on the 2 feedings per day the office promised us they'd be receiving (newborn kids need to be fed at the very least 4 times a day).
Unfortunately we had predetermined plans set for that evening that involved other people, so we couldn't stay any longer, we had to get home. Before we left, my sister and I carried the babies into the shed to be with their mother for however much time she had remaining, my mom rushing us, getting snappy in the way she has a tendency to do when she's distressed and taking her anger out on the wrong people, because it's socially acceptable to be impatient and harsh with your own kids but it's not to cuss out other adults in public, even if they really deserve it. I could barely speak but I croaked out a "we're coming" laced with a reflexive returning bite, my own defensive tendency to the pattern. I tried to plant a kiss on the furry head of the kid I was holding but I was shaky and I think I missed; I whispered to him "I hope they don't let you starve," bit back another sob, set him down and walked away
I think this whole thing was like. A canon event for me. I just really genuinely don't understand how someone can be so indifferent to the lives in their care, when we- a random group of strangers who hadn't known any of these goats even existed until then- were so thoroughly caught up and distraught over their fate that we stood with a dying animal and did whatever precious little we could with none of their alleged credentials or experience or resources. Where are your fucking ethics? Where is your humanity? It is your job to do something about this and yet you sound like you're mad at us for trying to get you to do just that. God I want those goats to be ok, and I also want that petting zoo to be shut down and all the animals relocated to homes that will actually care for them. But life isn't fair, and that isn't what will happen, and chances are those babies are going to lose their mother- if they haven't already, by now- and then their lives, and the people responsible will just continue about their own, unchanged. How can you be unchanged? You probably knew those goats' names. I didn't have even that much information and yet I cried for them like they were my own. I will never understand you, and I don't want to
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allofuswantgwinam · 2 years
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jang woo jin x reader
authors note: sooo this is from my old tumblr but i did in fact re do it so if you read it before read it again bc in my opinion i made it better but by redo it i mean edit it and i added some stuffs but still the same story 😂😂 what better way to get back into writing than fixing some old stuff 🥳 i hope y’all like it ☺️
warnings: 18+, smut, dirty talk, unprotected sex, pull out game strong, think he calls her a whore like once, choking, hair pulling, jealousy, smacks her ass like once, if i missed anything lmk
“you.. you wanna go out with HIM???” your best friend jang woo jin yelled exasperatedly while flailing his hands around in the air. you had just confessed your lust for the bullies gopher gwi nam when clearly you should’ve kept it to yourself. “but you hate him!? we all hate him!” he rose his voice in frustration, gripping his hair and looking at you like you have lost your damn mind.
“nooo, don’t twist my words jin! i saaaaid…gwi nam is attractive and that he winked at me when i caught him staring at me today.” you shrugged nonchalantly, not seeing the big deal in the situation. you were sitting on your bed, you had just got home from school and wu jin came to your house with you for a movie night since there wasn’t school the next day. “i also said if he just wanted to hook up i would.. maybe.. possssibily be down..” you confessed halfway, knowing that gwi nam is not exactly a great person regardless if he’s sexy or not, as you tried not to laugh at your dramatic best friend who was pacing your small bedroom.
“he is evil y/n/n.” he said seriously and stopped pacing to look at you with loud annoyance in his eyes. “now let’s pretend you didn’t just say the most idiot shit ever and pick a movie.” he grumbled while walking over to pull you off the bed to help him look through your dvds in the closet. you ended up settling on an action comedy, then got settled on your bed after putting in the dvd. you both were laying next to each other on your bed on top of the covers, looking up at the the tv screen.
it was about halfway through the movie when you noticed woo jin staring at you out of the corner of your eye. “what?” you asked with raised eyebrows and turned to look at him, making him look back at the movie quickly as soon as you turned your head. “hey.” you pushed his shoulder. “why were you staring at me you weirdo.”
he sat there silently for a second, wondering how he should say this. he closed his eyes for a second before speaking up. “why in the fuck… would you wanna bang that asshole?” he asked seriously and turned his face back to yours. “he is like..” he thought for a second, before finishing his sentence with a disgusted look on his face. “actual human Satan.” he sat up criss cross apple sauce and looked down at you where you staid laying flat on your back next to him.
you shrugged with a cheeky lil grin. “i don’t know. i just like the idea of being man handled i guess.” you confessed honestly. you and woo jin were really close. there was basically nothing you couldn’t talk about with each other. or at least that’s what you thought.
you didn’t know it but he liked you. he liked you so much that he swore he would never ever make a move just out of fear that he could lose you completely, but now he’s having second thoughts on keeping quiet. “why are you so concerned with this anyways? it’s not a big deal.” you couldn’t help but laugh at his irritated expression.
“yes it is!” he pushed your shoulder like you did to him a few seconds ago. “i bet he wouldn’t even get you off. he just cares about himself.” he said blatantly causing you to scoff and roll your eyes. “i’m serious Y/N/N! i know he makes you horny or whate-“
“stop!!” you lifted your back off the mattress, blushing profusely and flicked him in the forehead making him tackle you back down on your back. you were so embarrassed you almost wished you never even told him. you didn’t think it would turn into a fucking survey on why you felt that way. “why are you fucking badgering me about this!” you whisper yelled, not wanting your parents to think anything was wrong and come check in. you stared up at him with an agitated look on your face. his hands were pinning your wrists above the pillow your head laid on.
“god please shut up! if you would let me fuckin finish my badgering you would already know.” he said sternly while keeping eye contact with you, taking you by surprise. you couldn’t deny the fact that him being above you, restraining you from any movement was kinda turning you on. he was staring intensely into your eyes, almost daring you to interrupt him again. “i could fuck you better than him.” he stated nonchalantly and tightened his fingers around your wrist. your eyes widen and heart started pumping faster, not knowing what the hell was going on. “you think i won’t? you think i couldn’t respect you and fuck the shit out of you all at the same time? you don’t want that though. you wanna be treated like a useless doll, yeah?” he smirked noticing your thighs squeeze together from your hidden arousal. “why fantasize about him, when the full package has been right in front of you the whole time..” he said softening his demeanor and looked down at your lips not knowing if he should go in for a kiss or prepare to be beat the fuck up for even attempting what he is doing right now.
his chest was hovering yours, close enough to feel his warmth. for the first time you wanted to feel him. all of him. in that moment you needed your best friend to fuck you and give you everything you desired with someone else. “sooo.. are you gonna kiss me or-“ you didn’t even get to finish your sentence before his lips smashed onto yours. he continued to hold your wrists in place with one hand while sliding his other hand down the front of your pj bottoms wasting no time. he slipped his fingers under your panties and moaned lowly onto your lips feeling how wet you are, making you shiver under him. he slowly pressed two fingers on your clit and rubbed in slow circles, making you involuntary spread your legs wider for woo jin. he broke away from your kiss to breathe for a second making you pout your lips at him. you surprisingly enjoyed being dominated by your best friend. you always thought he was cute but you never imagined he would be this bold.
“did i do this?” he smirked, sliding his two fingers from your clit to gather your arousal on his fingers and nibble on your bottom lip while staring sexily into your hooded eyes. you bucked your hips up trying to feel more pressure. “yes.. fuck.” you whined quietly. your parents were just down the hall and you had to keep reminding yourself about that. this was a wonderful surprise but the timing was definitely off.
wu jin took his hand out of your pants and sucked on his fingers pulling them out with a POP sound. you looked at him with pure lust and desire. your confusion to everything that he was saying before was no longer your concern. “how long have you been wanting to fuck me?” you asked randomly and bit your lip at him. you had never ever thought he felt anything more for you other than friendship, let alone jealousy which was pretty clear to you that’s what he was feeling.
“too long.” he answered plainly before engulfing you in another deep kiss. both his hands were pulling your shirt up and you lifted your arms up to help remove it. “holy shit.” he moaned in surprise at your naked chest. with no hesitation he dipped his head down to suck on one of your nipples and pinched the other one roughly, making you let out a small yelp. wu jin couldn’t help but snicker at the sound and lift his head up to look to watch you while he twists and tugs both your nipples. “j-jin please.” you mewled while arching your chest up and tugging on the bottom of his tshirt wanting him to take it off. he obliged and took his shirt off tossing it onto the floor. you slid your pants and panties off quickly, not caring to have them on any longer.
he grabbed your hands, interlocking your fingers and pinning them on the plush pillows above your head, his lips hovering right above yours. “your parents might be up still..” his soft lips ghosted over yours as he whispered. “but i don’t care.” he smiled goofily and let go of your hands to start pulling his pj pants and boxers down. “so you think only assholes could fuck you right,huh?” he chuckled and tossed his bottoms to the floor. you sat there silently, completely exposed to him. you felt vulnerable but also excited. this all happened so quickly you didn’t really have time to comprehend what was happening. “is that what you want? to be treated like shit?” he whispered aggressively and wrapped his hand around your throat, making you gasp followed by a moan and a smile. you were dripping at this point. he lined his tip up with your entrance and slid in slowly.
“f-fuck.. so fucking tight.. and wet as fuck.” the raging boy grunted, looking down where your bodies meet, watching every inch of him disappear in your welcoming cunt. “such a filthy girl.. letting me fuck you with your parents awake down the hall. what would they think, hmm?” he gripped your throat tighter, but not enough to hurt you. “if they knew what a fucking whore their daughter is?” he growled, bottoming out inside you.
“p-please fuck me.” you whimpered with pleading eyes while digging your nails into his biceps. not caring about your parents. not giving a fuck if they heard you, the neighbors heard you, anyone. you needed this. his hand was still gripping your throat, holding your head down on the pillow. he was scowling down at you watching your face scrunch up in pleasure because of him being the one stretching you with his cock; not gwi nam. HIM. you had never been so aroused in your life, you felt like you could explode.
“i don’t know.” he faked in thought, loving the power he has over you right now and slowly started moving inside you, being petty. he used his free hand to squeeze one of your breasts. “you might get us caught.” he smirked making you whine and give him a cute but frustrated look. “ya know. cause you’ll be screaming.” he grinned in confidence giving you a hard and deep thrust, making you almost let out a loud moan but he stopped it with a rough kiss. “you can’t be loud ok?” he demanded, keeping his hips still and put a finger to your lips signaling to keep it hush. “trust me i wanna hear you, but this time we gotta be careful, yeah? well.. you do..” he chuckled and shoved your legs open more, removing his hand form your neck.
‘this time’ kept echoing in your head. you’ve just barely comprehended everything happening in this moment and he’s already planning on it happening more!? you had chills all over your body from the excitement. your walls were pretty sound proof in your house and your parents really like woo jin. they wouldn’t ever think he would be fucking their daughter in their house unbeknownst to them. they thought he was a good friend for you and considered him a second child, but you didn’t act siblings.
“what the hell has gotten into you?” you smiled and bit your lip, staring up at him with stars in your eyes. “are you jealous or something?” you moaned softly closing your eyes when he started biting and Sucking up your chest, leaving a trail of hickies, to your neck.
“maybe.” he nibbled on your earlobe and sucked the skin. he started fucking you hard and gripping your hips tight enough you know there will be bruises later. “maybe i-I’m jealous that y-you..shit.” he growled in your ear and dropped his face in your neck. you wrapped your legs around his waist and clawed his back, biting down on his shoulder trying to contain your moaning. “t-that you want that asshole and n-not me.” he sort of confessed.
“d-don’t want him.” you breathlessly informed him once again and kissed his neck, moaning and whimpering in his ear. he stopped his thrusts and flipped you onto all fours, making you squeal in surprise. you dropped your head on your pillow and looked back at him, pressing your chest into the mattress. his chest was puffing up and down from adrenaline, his cheeks were pink, his hair was in a sexy mess. you’re almost grateful he built up this tension so this could happen. you started to think maybe this wasn’t a mistake. “you look so fucking sexy right now..” you grinned at him and pushed your hips back onto his wanting him to fuck you like hes ran his mouth about.
he put one hand on your hip to keep you still and yanked your head back by your hair with the other so your back was against his chest. his lips were brushing your ear as he spoke gruffly. “you didn’t think so a little bit ago.” he bit your neck and sucked a deep bruise while sliding his hand from your hip down to your heat. “you said gwi nam was hot because he’s mean.” he started rubbing your clit slowly and bucked his hips up, his cock still deep inside you, making you moan and your pussy clench around his length. he let go of your hair and clasped his hand over your mouth. “i can be so much worse… right now im gonna fuck the hell out of you and you can’t even scream. you just have to take it.” you felt his lips curl into a big smirk against your ear. “unless you wannna get caught.” he taunted and started pounding up into you, hitting your g spot with every thrust. the movie was loud enough it covered the sound of his hips clapping against your ass. he slid his hand from your clit up your stomach back up to your throat.
“mmajshd!!” your screams were muffled from his hand covering your mouth. his other hand was hugging your neck and lightly cutting off your air flow, which was such a turn on. he was drilling into you relentlessly, fucking you like he would never have the chance again.
“you like this don’t you.” he grunted as his thrusts become sloppy. “being fucked like i own you.” he removed his hand from your throat to slap your ass. he felt your pussy clench harder around him and slowed his thrusts, making you groan against his palm in annoyance and need. “tell me it’s mine.” he demanded continuing his teasingly slow thrusts and removed his from your mouth.
“please, it’s yours. it’s all fucking yours.” you whimpered without hesitation and tried to wiggle your hips back into him to feel more pleasure. he immediately placed his hand back over your mouth and started fucking you with no remorse. you felt your release building up, wu Jin was panting hot in your ear. “fuuuck!!” you screamed into his hand and felt your orgasm take over your body.
“shit baby.” the salty boy grunted and panted in your ear, feeling his own orgasm coming. “f-fucking so good for me.” his thrusts start faltering as he let your body drop onto the mattress and he pulls out of you, shooting his warm load onto your back.
you laid there on your stomach in complete exhaustion. your body was done and you couldn’t believe it was because of none other than your bestie jang wu jin. “you still think gwi is hot?” he asked breathlessly, with a smug look on his face while wiping off your lower back with one of his socks, knowing he couldn’t leave the room for a towel.
“who?” you chuckled and rolled over onto your back to look up at who used to be just your smart ass best friend.
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fuck-customers · 2 years
I'm a dog groomer and a bit ago this lady came to pick up her dog so I was giving her the paperwork and stuff that we're supposed to. One of the things is a report card telling how their dog did and I always write on there something they should be doing to care for their dog, like brushing them or whatever else. I wrote on there that the dog had dry skin, so she could try fish oil supplements if she wanted to help with that. She started chewing me out about it basically and made me take her over to where we sold them only to bitch about it more and wouldn't listen when I told her it was just a recommendation if she was concerned about it. But that's not even the worst part. I'd given her one of our leads because she didn't bring in a collar or a leash for her dog. It was this tiny little Yorkie and she stormed away and was literally yanking the dog around around with the leash. It started falling down around the dog's waist, so I was calling after her, trying to let her know that her dog could get lose. She kept saying it was fine and kept yanking the leash this way and that, so the dog was just being thrown around by its waist and then the leash came all the way off and the dog started running away. I obviously immediately started going after her because I didn't want her running out the doors and the lady BLOCKED MY WAY and told me to stay away from her. I was like "ma'am, your dog is getting away" and she just kept going up to the register and was like "stay away from me or I'm gonna smack you." My manager and two other employees were standing there and I obviously was still wanting to get the dog so I kept trying. She turned to my manager and was like "tell her to stay the fuck away from me or I'm going to smack her" and I just looked at my manager and was like "can you please get the dog" and walked away. He didn't even say shit, he just stood there and half-heartedly corralled the dog from getting to the doors. I've seen him yell at people for way less. It was only like a week later when I ended up telling the full story to my salon manager that anything was done-- he (salon manager) talked to our store manger (who did nothing at the time) and got the lady banned from our store. Her dog is so sweet but I never want to deal with her owner again and honestly I feel bad for the poor dog. She tried to call today to get in for a grooming appointment and was so rude over the phone. Like why in God's name would I ever want your ass near me again after you threatened me because I was trying to keep your dog from getting hit by a car. And this apparently isn't even the first time she's done this- she did basically the same exact thing at another location.
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