#and translating latin phrases
itsalwayslearning · 11 months
Weekend plans:
Scroll social media
Be reminded of a previous hyperfixation on puzzles
Buy a puzzle book
Hyperfocus on puzzles for ? hours
Realise it's 2am and collapse from exhaustion
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sherdnerd · 11 months
My number one classics ick is when a scholar will just insert untranslated passages of Greek and Latin into their paper. good job on the artificial inaccessibility you guys, glad you were able to gatekeep the field so none of those dirty peasants may learn stuff. its just for us cool guys who speak Greek or Latin
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r3dvlvet · 2 months
Too bad Siobhan isn’t there to translate “In nomine patris et filii et Santo Patron”. Wouldn’t break Brennan nearly as bad as “No Day Shall Erase You From the Memory of Time” but I feel like it would still get him
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Extremely odd idea but like
reader who like keeps calm most of the time and yk doesn’t really raise their voice much
but they unintentionally switch to latin when theyre like super pissed off
and the first time in happens with human childe… he wasn’t expecting it ofc. got surprised, then got used to it
but i’d like to imagine FL and Childe whilst share important memories, dont like know EVERYTHING the other does and they do have like similar thinking processes and personalities but some differences that makes them a little different from one another(its ok we love them both)
Foul legacy when he first saw this happen though was after the events of the 4.0 archon quest. When he woke up(lets pretend he woke up as FL transformed bcs his body thought he was in danger when he got knocked out mid transformation) he heard yelling. particularly the reader yelling. more elaborately the reader yelling in latin of all languages.
The guards who only know english and frencb are dumbfounded and reader is so pissed off theyre rampaging with their words in latin, not capable of even thinking to language switch back from hor fucking furious they are that the guards hurt and locked up their precious moth
wait this is perfect actually since Khaenri'ahn languange is (i'm pretty sure) based on Latin, and Khaenri'ah has connections to the Abyss!!
normally the prison guards would be stricter with who was allowed into which cell- but you're stubborn and absolutely furious with them, shouting words they don't understand, looking like you're about to straight up maim one of them. Foul Legacy watches in awe as you berate the guards in Latin, catching a few words here and there, words that he's seen carved in stone and on walls deep beneath a lightless sea. finally the guards relent, possibly out of fear, and let you into the cell
immediately your angry demeanor falls away as you rush over, wrapping your arms around Legacy as he chitters in relief, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. you whisper soothingly to him- a stark contrast from your yelling a few minutes ago- as you caress his plated cheek with a hand. your words are still peppered with Latin, phrases that are completely new to Foul Legacy, but he knows they must be good from how sweetly you say them. there's one you say often- "amica mea"- and you murmur it with a shine in your eye as you place a kiss on his forehead, Legacy's claws wrapped around your hands like they're made of glass. the guards simply watch, dumbfounded and astonished upon seeing the Abyssal creature that was just viciously growling at them melt in the hands of a mere mortal
later Ajax asks you what "amica mea" means, a vague memory tugging at his mind, and with warm cheeks you tell him that it means "my love"
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daily-whistlepaw · 8 months
daoly Whistlepaw until la becomes PoV day 1115
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Four sublevels...
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gfanlocalcryptid · 11 months
Latin and Ancient Greek students hoping someone translated their homework in a 2010 forum:
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more!! more for the oops new wip!!!!
special snippet just for my fellow volta do mar enjoyer:
PAIN THRESHOLD — No. You’re out of your depth here. Leave, now, before you hurt him further.
KIM KITSURAGI — You can hear him talking to himself, quietly, shakily. “O sodales, ludite, vos qui scitis dicite…”
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] — A Volta Do Mar mantra. 
VOLITION —  Harry. Listen to me. If he’s doing Volta you need to leave him alone.
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Jura in re aliena.
"Incorporeal rights over corporeal things."
Jura -> Right
In -> In
Re -> Thing
Aliena -> Foreign
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So I HAVE REALIZED that all y'all English speakers do not realize what mastery the Polish version of Zero to Hero from Disney's hit movie Hercules (1997) is and that is simply unacceptable
But do not worry as I, in a fit of sleeplessness, decided to deliver you from this misery
First of all a link to the song with the lyrics in the descryption
And now onto my incoherent swooning over Polish language
Okay so first of all they managed to keep the visual pun of “Herc was on a roll” by using “mówię wszem, wkoło to co wiem” (I tell to all, around what I know) with “wkoło” literally using the word circle and just y’know, fits
“Spoza kulis” – “from behind the stage” they refer to the theatre and you know, it’s Ancient Greece
“A dziś contra plures wyrusza w bój” WE START THE GOOD STUFF. Literally they sing “and today he goes fight contra plures” which is an obvious and delightful reference to the Latin quote “Non Hercules contra plures”
And here maybe I’m reaching bUT- They sing “nie jest mu obcy żaden znój” (“he’s not a stranger to any toil”) and the word “znój” here is the key, because it can be used as synonym to “work” so twelve works of Hercules mayhaps???
They mention Croesus! They sing that Herc could rival him in terms of riches
(Also they call Herc “this god of heroes” using the word “heros” that usually is used to mean specifically “Greek half-god hero”, so like “god of half-gods” lol)
“Taki chłop ze stali stale trafia sto na sto” THIS DEAR SIR IS MASTERY OF WORD
AND I really think that we need to all show respect to the translator for translating the lines “And this perfect package packed a pair of pretty pecs” and keeping the alliteration. Sure, he changed the sound from “p” to “b” but those are literally almost the same sound in the scientific sense, just one is voiced and the other is voiceless, so I don’t want to hear any critique is that clear 🔪 Also “bóg bohater biegły w bojach bogom prawie brat” sounds extremely cool (god hero experiences in battles almost a brother to the gods)
“Widział kto mężniejszego męża?” again, fantastic wordplay, the closest example in English I can think of is “manly man” only if “manly” meant “brave” or “daring”
Appreciation for the line “not a douche who’d slice bread with an axe” <3
“Mięśnie ma herkuliste” he sure has very herculesous those muscles
“Mister of beauty” you know, like the peagents
“Strong like a Pillar of Hercules” more references!
“The dice long time ago iacta est” obvious reference to “alea iacta est”, of course
“Who doesn’t dieeeeeeeeee… is alive!” I couldn’t sum it up better myself
Thank for reading I love this song goodnight
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phycorb · 1 year
Eu não sabia que a língua Romena era tão bonita! Happy speak your language day!
Thank you!!! Şi limba ta este frumoasă!
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therearenoowls · 2 years
I've been attending a weekly pub quiz for over a year now, but last night I actually hosted it for the first time! It involves an ice-breaker round of 50/50 style questions (ie sit down if you get it wrong, stay standing if you get it right), and I am having sooo much fun making up obscure questions about all my favourite interests for next week 😂
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interretialia · 2 years
Novae Locutiones Latinae / New Latin Phrases
arbor Caroli Brown, arboris Caroli Brown, f. “Charlie Brown tree”
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(Fons Imaginis.)
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stellernorth · 6 months
officially given up for dta for the moment about 1/4th of the way through the fourth book. which i think is an impressive showing
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lucidloving · 1 year
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Brianna Albers, "The Audre Lorde Questionnaire to Oneself" // Anne Carson, Glass and God // Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood // @iasoup-deactivated20190921 // @puppy__problems on Instagram // p.d., "Rest Achilles, the world will wait" // Lyra Wren // @pencap // Latin phrase translations // Emily Berry, Dear Boy
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basilpaste · 2 years
Sometimes language works out perfectly to do a silly little thing.
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totally-italy · 5 months
Wherefore dost motivation hold deep hatred for me?
As the heading probably implies, I am currently lacking a lot of motivation, which is truly sub-optimal because I literally have my Italian GCSEs this week and I literally have not revised. Moreover, my End of Years are fast approaching and I have my French GCSEs in three week's time. Help.
Consequentially, even though my history teacher still refuses to believe that it is a word, I have decided to turn this into one of those posts where my dopamine literally just relies on the number of notes that I recieve. As promised, @the-red-planet-mars, the floor is yours you have been tagged.
Please don't spam the comment section.
You can tag a maximum of 5 people.
Please don't spam reblog.
10 notes: I will actually plan my English homework so that I can then do it without having to ask for an extension. It is due on the day on which I have two of my Italian papers.
15 notes: I will update my 'Aeneid' notes so that my virtual document is up to date with the translations that we have done in class. I should technically also revise the themes and how Juno is portrayed, but we don't talk about that right now.
20 notes: If I haven't done this yet, I will create both a Spanish Quizlet with all the vocabulary I need to learn and I will create a Latin one for all the vocabulary from 'The Aeneid' that I need to know.
25 notes: I will plan, in English, different things that I could say for the picture for my French IGCSE oral. Also, this is a picture I will be using for my Spanish End of Years, so that is doubly helpful.
30 notes: I will do an Italian listening paper though I will listen to it at a faster speed than what is asked because otherwise I will literally get so bored and lose all will to live.
45 notes: I will finish researching Virgil and the historical context.
60 notes: I will practice Latin and Greek vocabulary on Quizlet every day after this week, for at least 10 minutes each day for each language.
75 notes: I really need to do this. I will make a poster with how to form different tenses in Italian.
100 notes: I will do an Italian Writing practice paper. This is going to cause me so much suffering. Help me.
120 notes: I will actually write down different expressions, including idomatic phrases, that I could use to describe the picture for my French IGCSE oral.
130 notes: I will make physics notes on energy.
140 notes: I will make notes on quantitative chemistry.
150 notes: I will make a poster with how to form different tenses in French.
155 notes: I will watch the AQA videos on the Cold War and make notes on them.
170 notes: I will do a practice Spanish listening paper.
200 notes: I will practice Latin and Greek vocabulary on Quizlet every day after this week, for at least 30 minutes each day for each language, including a written vocabulary test.
230 notes: I will do a practice Spanish reading and writing paper.
250 notes: I will do a practice Latin translation and ask my teacher if she happens to have a mark scheme.
270 notes: I will do a practice Greek translation and ask my teacher if she happens to have a mark scheme.
300 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Crime and Punishment.
350 notes: I finish my Biology notes on reproduction.
380 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Religion and Life.
430 notes: I will look through my history notes on Germany and finish them in accordance to the AQA book.
520 notes: I will do a practice Greek language paper.
530 notes: I will do a practice Latin language paper.
605 notes: I will actually write down different expressions, including idomatic phrases, that I could use to describe the picture for my Spanish End of Year oral.
720 notes: I will finish my RSP notes on Buddhism.
850 notes: I will make full notes on the Cold War.
Honestly, if you have even bothered to read through all of these, you have absolutely earned more respect that I thought I was capable of giving to a single human being. I technically have a lot more things I should do, including re-reading Things Fall Apart and actually making complete maths notes, as well as notes for the sciences, but I doubt I will never get this many tags anyway.
Edit: It has been five minutes and I already got 14 notes. I am actually terrified of this site. What in Tartarus? Y'all are crazy and I love you so much.
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