#and trials and tribulations is just cute as hell
readychilledwine · 1 month
Trials and Tribulations
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Rhysand Week Day 1 - Adolescence
Summary - Rhysand was always a cocky teen, until it came to you at least
Warnings - Childhood crushes, first dates, flirting, Cassian and Azriel being wingmen (no pun intended), mixed ending (some will like it, some won't), reader likes traditional female roles (it makes sense in the end)
A/n- Happy @officialrhysandweek! This is just a short cute fic with Rhys and a childhood crush. I like to imagine Rhys was always really smooth with everyone, but someone he felt genuine emotion for. I feel like that's a skill we are still watching him learn to cope with and tackle with Feyre.
✨️Rhysand Week Masterlist✨️Rhys Masterlist✨️Master Masterlist✨️
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Arrogant is a strong word, but it fits how you felt about the male in front of you perfectly. Yes, he was beautiful. His hair dark as night, sharp jawline, eyes so deep and blue they almost appeared purple.
But that smirk. That smirk as he touched you, flirting with you so openly as other Illyrian males and females watched in stunned silence. It was enough to make you feel as though all attraction to him was melting away.
“Remove your hand from my hip or I will have my father remove it for you,” that smirk dropped at your words, his eyes growing wide with shock. Rhysand's hand slowly moved off of you, the strategy Cassian had told him to use not working in the slightest on you.
He glanced back to where his brothers were sitting and watching. Nonverbally begging for help. It wasn't that you didn't want him touching you. He knew that just based on your thoughts, but you were almost upset he had.
6 months. 6 months of you two admiring each other from afar, of shared sneaking glances, of occasional words and smiles shared, but you were rejecting him. Rejecting his advances.
“I- I apologize,” he took in a quick breath before trying Azriel's tactic, one that worked for the mysterious and handsome male without fail. “Do you want to go back to my place and talk?” He watched as your face fell, a glare appearing in those normally bright eyes. “I fucked this up, didn't I?” You only nodded and walked away from him, going back to your older brother and his friends.
Rhys returned to his brothers then, grabbing his drink before walking out of the community dininghall.
Cassian chased after him, Azriel not far behind as Cass yelled, “What the hell happened?!”
“Your ideas didn't work.” Rhys had never sounded so small, so insecure. Being a half illyrian came with challenges, but Rhysand had always been strong through them. He faced adversity with the confidence of a male who knew his worth, even if others felt that worth was lower than he did.
“So we make a new plan,” Azriel was stoic in his response. “I know she likes you. I overheard her telling her friends during chores.” The three of them began replotting the next day. For a week, they formed a new plan for Rhysand to charm you into a date, into a walk, anything.
You shook him to his core. Your smile, your playful eyes, your voice. You knocked him off his pedestal and he had no plans in allowing you to walk away without so much as a single date.
The following Saturday was warm, a full moon in the sky, bonfires all around. You were with your friends, all giggling and laughing while your brother stood guard. The two of them were holding eye contact, your brother almost silently begging Rhysand to try again. The two of them liked each other. Trained together frequently. Discussed you even more frequently.
Your family was more forward-thinking. They believed your worth was equal to your brother's, but oddly, you loved chores. You made the choice not to train. You loved keeping a clean home, baking, cooking. You loved your vegetable garden. Perhaps it was that choice that both drew Rhysand to you and made him struggle in dealing with his feelings for you. So many other Illyrian females were happy to crawl into his bed. To rebel for a few hours or all night. Yet you? You had a healthy home. A happy life. There was no need for you to rebel against a heavy-handed father or a cruel mother.
He had been attracted to you since his mother brought him here. A childhood crush he longed to turn to more. It wasn't until Azriel and Cassian came into the picture that he felt it was possible, though. The three of them were always pushing each other. They motivated each other to be there best, to be strong, to be good males. Rhys knew he could be that for you. He could be strong. He could be confident. He could be all you needed him to be if only he gave himself a chance.
He took his beer like a shot before walking over to you, praying to The Mother the second time would be the charm. “Can we talk,” he offered his hand, waiting for you to place your smaller one in it and smiled when you did.
“How was training this week?” You were hoping to help him relax. He loved when you asked about him, loved when you cared about his week.
“Good. Got to fight Cassian hand to hand.”
“Ah, so you lose again?”
He glared at you playfully, “Barely.”
“How quickly did he take you down?”
“I’ll have you know-”
“So quickly then,” you interrupted with a smirk.
“Sore loser,” You shrieked as he spun on you, throwing you over his shoulder. “Rhysand!” He could hear you say his name forever. Listen to your laugh on repeat. He tried to keep his confidence with him as Azriel and Cassian gave him thumbs up from the treeline.
They had figured out that it was Rhysand you liked. Rhysand. Not his looks. Not his money. Not his massive wings. Not even the fact that he was heir to the Night Court. It was him. You liked him. You liked how easy your conversations flowed, how kind he was, how easy it was to push his buttons. You liked the friendship you two shared, the moments of vulnerability and innocence.
Shamelessly, he carried you to a blanket and picnic basket he and his brothers had set up, setting you down with little grace. “I brought snacks."
You blinked at his simple statement, “You brought snacks?”
“For our date, yes,” he sat down without further words, opening the basket. “Are you going to sit or just stand there?” He would never admit how insecure he was feeling right now. That anxious bubbly feeling in his stomach threatening to ruin his plan of wooing and courting you.
It wasn't visible to anyone else, but you saw the change in his eyes as you studied him, the way his glance kept flickering to the trees. “You're kidding me,” your gaze followed his. “You brought Azriel and Cassian?”
His face fell and a blush began to spread, “No! I- no!” He stood again, blocking you from looking over into the trees by flaring out his wings. “Just us. You and me. Me and you.”
“And your friend Az?” Rhysand wanted to melt on the spot as you continued trying to look around with him with a bright smile. “You're normally so confident, Rhysand,” you suddenly stopped and just stared at him.
“You bring out my nerves,” he said calmly. “You're beautiful. You're smart. You're lovely. We're friends. You-”
A voice broke from the tree line, “Stop ranting!”
The two of you began to laugh as he sat back down and you followed him. You had never seen him like this before. A ball of nervous energy just looking for an outlet.
“Relax,” you whispered and leaned your head on his shoulder. “Tell me about what Azriel and Cassian are like.”
Rhysand seemed to find his confidence in that touch, that soft reassurance. The coil in his stomach released, his shoulders falling, “I'm the most handsome out of the three of us,” he said loudly, smiling as you nodded. “And the most delightful. Possibly the most cunning.”
“Definately the most humble,” you mumbled, earning a playful glare. As the date went on, he eased more. His rants about Cassian and Azriel caused loud yells to come from suddenly noisy trees at random times.
It became the first date of many in his late teens. A reference point he now used as he stared in the mirror getting ready to take Feyre out.
You had been his gold standard. A childhood crush turned teenage sweetheart, turned first heartbreak, turned sister. You, in all your tenderness, had helped shape him similar to how Cassian had, to how Azriel had. You were his only true romance before Feyre and one of his hardest lessons in his younger years.
He threw a pillow at you as he entered the living room, “Thanks for baby sitting Nyx tonight.”
You put a finger on your nose, a game all too familiar to you and him, and pointed to Azriel, “All him. But you are welcome.” You adjusted his tie for him. “Relax,” that word rang so many memories in his head. “She loves you."
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp @itsswritten @milswrites @littlest-w01f
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cryinhell · 1 year
so no one asked for this, but here's a post about my favorite Hazbin Hotel ships ( romantic and platonic) and what I hope they explore with them in the show.
1) Huskerdust/Angelhusk/Casino Hearts (Romantic)
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Obviously, I got to start with my favorite romantic pairing in the fandom. Angel and Husk are my favorite characters in the HelluvaVerse, and both mean a lot to me. They are both old men born around the same time with a lot in common, and I know they would be close buds. From everything we have gotten in canon( fake instagrams which are not canon but in character, the fun hunicast streams, viv admitting to shipping them and allowing huskerdust into the merch, the fact that Husk was made to be Angel's bestie, and a lot of unnecessary information I know lmao, I do not doubt these two will be canon. I can't wait to see their friendship grow and all the trials and tribulations they will go through to become better for themselves and each other. And hopefully, the fun shenanigans that they do because I love me some shenanigans.
2) RadioHusk (Platonic)
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Okay, so Husk's relationships with everyone interests me, but this one is probably the most after AngelHusk. It's clear these two have a past and that Alastor is comfortable enough with Husk to be incredibly annoying around him. Alastor is Husk's boss and most likely owns his soul, but there's also a strange bond between them I really want explored. I think Al loves Husk in a platonic and weird way because he's most likely his best friend, but Alastor may not be able to always express this normally. Husk is a good guy and a bit complacent, so he just deals with this shitheads nonsense and doesn't seem to fear him. Maybe there's some fucked up things between them and maybe their friendships has cons and pros. I'm not entirely sure, but I can't wait to find out
3) Angel and Vaggie (Platonic)
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Okay, most of these are platonic ships, but whatever friendships are important. I love these two judgemental assholes and the way they judge people together. It truly is gay and lesbian solidarity, heh. They are gonna be the best of frienemies, and I can't wait for their relationship to be explored.
4) Voxval (Romantic)
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Okay, I hate these bastards with a burning passion, but that doesn't mean their relationship does not interest me. Vox, Val, and Velvette are going to be the main villains of Hazbin Hotel, and without knowing too much about them, I'm excited. I want to know how Val and Vox are going to be as a couple. Since the instagram accounts are not canon, it is hard to tell if Val will be abusive or not. This is a possibility since the accounts seemed to be in character, but I want a different approach. I think it would be interesting for these two to genuinely love and respect each other and no one else. To see themselves as the true rightful kings of Hell and work together to destroy and belittle whoever they deem below them. It's an interesting dynamic that I prefer more than just "Val is abusive to poor baby Vox" cause Vox is also evil, and I want him to do evil shit.
5) Chaggie (Romantic)
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There's not much to say about these two. I just think they are cute, and I want to see more of them.
6) The Hazbin Gang (Platonic)
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And lastly, I can't wait to see how all of these fuckers get along and interact. As a group, I'm sure they will be very entertaining and I will enjoy every minute of it. Also, I am including Pentious because I know he's part of the main cast now, and I love that. Can't wait for these idiots to try and make this hotel work and hopefully grow together in the process.
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plantboy-typhoon · 10 months
Trigun, but Vash is having a regular day for once and he comes across this visual novel in a shoddy little bookstore on the edge of town. And he’s curious about it, the cover is eye catching and he picks it up and reads it. And he’s so intrigued about the trials and tribulations the main character goes through. His eyes go wide at certain shocking events, he finds himself becoming emotional at the rough parts and he cries when the sad parts tug at his heart. But when he main character smiles in that one panel, that one panel off in the corner of the page he finds himself staring at it for a long time. It warms his heart. He finds himself sitting in that shop for most of the day just reading and reading, flipping page after page. He wants to know more about this character. He wants to imagine the little things about them. He wishes he could know them better. And that main character…is you. In your world.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 1 year
mutuals marching pt. 2
part one can be found here
this second part goes out to the real ones
ali was one of the first people to speak to me on here, and she was also one of the first people who found my fics and started reading-- i vividly remember her and @squintclover finding Carry Me Away and gushing about it in the comments and here on tumblr. since then ali has adopted me into several discords, and has proven to be an excellent friend to chat with about shopping addictions, sparkly shoes and overpriced bags; conference woes and perks; family trials and tribulations and so much more. she is incredibly smart and kind and a queen of second chances, even to people who don't always deserve them. ali has also continued to be a cheerleader of mine for my writing and has pimped out ten reasons more than i can count. she also works incredibly hard and takes her time to rec-fics and show support to those around her. some of my favs? Thats Not My Name (a hysterical raising harry oneshot); Lost and Found (a heartbreaking grief one-shot ft. our fav sad boy Remus); and uhm BAR REVIEW (come on yall, if you haven't read this, what are you doing? i mean, really).
you know when you try to sum up how much you adore someone into like a paragraph and you just like...can't without getting choked up and misty and gushy about truly how much you love this person? yah. that's imp. my chaos brain twin. my favorite person on this hell-site. ALSO one of the first persons to come into my DM's and start shouting at me about raising harry hc's. imp is responsible for probably 50% of my fics at this point-- her creativity and prompt well is infinite. i would've never written fault lines without her prompt, nor some of the other raising harry drabbles sprinkled in my tumblr. Imp is still one of my fav people to chat headcanons-- i still chuckle about how many times we have ended conversations with and therefore harry should just have 8 dads. In addition to being a force of creativity and novelty and queen of rarepairs (starking is all HER fault), Imp is also just a joy to talk with. I trust her with my secrets and my scaries and she has kept them. I trust her with my good news and great news and tiny silly reasons i have to celebrate. we have bonded over our mutual love of Tall Sirius and bones in the human body and teeth jewelry and I will never not be grateful for her ambush in my DM's and never leaving (plot twist: you are never getting rid of me either). Finding Home is a must read for Raising Harry fics. I cannot count the amount of times i have read it and re-read it and circled back to it like its some kind of index for raising harry fics. Also, I have read Sirius/Rita hate sex for her and I wasnt' mad about it. And also, moonchaser. Moonchaser. The Trouble with Quidditch is the jock/nerd romance we all needed . But also-- imp doesn't miss. she simply doesn't. every thing imp does is done with intention (and one of my favorite parts about Finding Home is the care and backstory developed for Lyall-- how does one world build???). all this to say. i simply love you.
bestie andie! @femme--de--lettres
i don't know how we started talking. but i do know that it took approximately 10 minutes (or one all to well (taylors version (10-minute version))) for us to become obsessed with one another. from 0-10000000 in less than 24hours, which is so us, thinking back on it. Two people who have no chill magically run into each other on tumblr? Fate. here's our meet cute. From sharing personal writing to voice memos about our days; to the time you let me hear your music and I listened to it on a road trip the entire way; to co-modding a fest with you (something i wouldn't want to do with ANYONE ELSE), from work stories you would share around a water cooler to academia stressors to morning tea parties and sunday moaning sessions. in the words of Christina Yang from Greys Anatomy-- you are my person. you are my favorite. you are one of the only reasons i am still on tumblr and still occasionally write things. i am indebted to andie, i think. thank you for being 100% yourself all the time. for your silliness and your enthusiasm and excitement and your understanding. for screaming over taylor swift with me and being indignant with me (even if I'm wrong). I am excited for us to write a fic together one day based on reputation and i am excited to ruin everyone with it. Things Everyone Should Read by Andie:
Arsenic and Old Lace "murder, coffee shops, cozy sweaters" really sums up all of it. i am consistently inspired by Andies dialogue, and remus's inner dialogue steals the show here.
867-5309 (For a Good Time Call) fucking hysterical and also so sweet? the true ruler of meet uglies., and sirius's personality is so good here and we love when someone does our boy justice (also love the tribute to pizza rolls in this tbh i think about it far too often).
and i wouldn't be me if i didn't mention Grieving in D-Flat (which like first of all, how clever is andie to create musical movements and wrap it in a bow with the fic??? HOW. CLEVER.) but also this one broke me in half , and i love a good grief fic, and how andie depicts it in every stage of this fic is so cautious and careful and not without moments of levity.
one day i will read fearless liabilities and one day i will read amicus curae, and i am vastly looking forward to it (but until then i will blindly pimp them out because i know they're fantastic because it was made by the hands of one of the great ones).
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pinkprimrose05 · 2 years
hehe Yuya for the character ask game :)
also maybe Yuzu or Ruri if you want!
Warning: Long Post, may contain spoilers.
First things first: My friend, I'm really sorry for how late this answer is. School just came back and wrecked my schedule with a sledgehammer, so it's kinda hard to sit down and properly talk about characters these days. Unfortunately, that means I'm not sure if I can do Yuzu, but Ruri has been done in answer to another ask that you'll find by clicking the "character breakdown tag".
With that being said... let's talk about the disaster tomato child!
1) What I think of this character:
It's kinda hard to be coherent about this, but I'll try to put it simply: Yuuya is my blorbiest blorbo ever, among all faves I have, across all fandoms I'm in. He's a pure beam of sunshine, a soft blanket of comfort, a cute ball of enthusiasm and flair that is never boring to watch, and a joy to see and hear on screen at all times. Also relatable on a spiritual, personal level. Also perfect headcanon material. Also adorable design and an actually cool aesthetic with the S2 riding suit. Also might have been my first fiction crush, but I never really stopped to verify that when I was like, twelve.
2) My romantic ships for them:
Yuzu! I'm a classic vanilla when it comes to romantic ships, and they have undeniable chemistry even if you ignore the "childhood besties" cliché. They're just so adorable together, and I'm glad the writers managed to make their main ship actually convincing, because the track record is all around terrible (aside from Faithshipping, that is).
3) Platonic OTP:
Oh come on, this is Yuuya we're talking about. Half of his canon platonic ships can and do count as OTP for me, and that extends to other potential friendships. All of that includes, but is not limited to: Yuugo, Yuuto, Yuuri, Serena, Sawatari, Sora, Shun, Jack- hell, he would've been good friends with even Zarc if given the chance. I'm not even going into crossovers with other series (though I would like to give a shoutout to Juudai, because he and Yuuya just have. so many things to bond over. It's a little uncanny in retrospect, but it won't stop me from seeing them as the bestiest of besties among the protagonists).
4) Unpopular Opinion Corner:
It's not as controversial around here as it is on other spheres of social media, but despite my misgivings about the way the Smile philosophy was used in the Xyz arc and the early half of Fusion, I actually like Yuuya's character arc more than most.
This kid had locked himself behind a smile and a chuckle for three whole years, following his father's footsteps all the way along, without any sense of signature or independence to call his own. Even after acquiring Pendulum and becoming the pioneer of a new form of entertainment, Yuuya still struggles to balance his father's ideals and his own original flair, but it doesn't stop him from trying to reach for that which lies beyond the Pendulum (pun wholly intended :D), and eventually, through many trials and tribulations, he makes it. He makes it when he realizes that Pendulum and its evolution is his specialty, that it's fine -good, even- to share it with everyone else, that it's still unique to him in that he's the reason it exists at all, that it's the brand of his style and his Entertainment Dueling, and that he can use it to spread and share joy his own way. Because sometimes a smile is not enough to fix one's life, but it's a start that opens the path for you to go forward and find what you seek.
This is why the Friendship Cup finalé was the peak of Yuuya's development, and why most of S3 feels like such a drop in said development, when it simply focuses on other aspects of his outlook that he needed to address (like the tendency to trust and forgive anyone, even in the middle of a warzone). Sure, it does relegate Yuuya's sense of identity to smile propaganda for the stretch of an arc and a half, and sure, that was rather painful to watch, but it doesn't negate the improvement that already happened; just goes back on it on a few occasions, as is the natural human response of returning to comfort in the face of great adversity. And to be fair to the back half of the season, well, one can't exactly keep their cool with YuGiOh's closest equivalent to the devil telling them to commit atrocities... in an environment that very much deserves all atrocities coming its way.
5) Something I wish would happen to them:
SOMEONE TAKE THIS BOY TO THERAPY, HOLY SHIT. The writers really said "let's see how many ways there are to fuck with our protagonist" and just- threw their all at Yuuya, no holds barred. He needs a bonus episode(s) where he gets to catch a break for once in frankly too long, maybe sort out these old and new issues he needs to tackle, possibly go out with Yuzu and Sora to get icecream and just do mundane kid things... you know, just give the guy a moment to breathe, unwind, and prepare for what's next. He deserves it. Really. I would like to personally give him a break.
*snatches Yuuya to gently pat his head and hand him a strawberry candy*
Dear Lord, I really do love my tomato boi.
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basil-from-omori · 1 year
just finished the ace attorney trilogy,,,,
god the hyperfixation hit me like a truck. okay my fav game was trials and tribulations so far, esp for gay people moments. case one was lit, case two was annoying and I didn’t like it much. case 3 was also annoying but I liked the cafe theme song and violetta was cute. case four was v fun and also made me think a lot. case 5? Murdered me. I will never recover from this.
case 5 had first of all Phoenix and edgeworth being fruity again. second of all it was SUCH a nice concept and very interesting too. whatever
OKAY so anyways that’s my thoughts on the third game, glad I’m done with the trilogy?? anyways. should I play Apollo Justice or the edgeworth investigations one?? next I mean?????? because I wanna see Apollo. but I also am gay as hell. so. hmm
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bumblewarden · 1 year
ooooooooo Bumbles I do Love it when I get notif'd that it's Flood Your Inbox With Questions Time >:) >:) >:) I have been thinking about Novhen my beloved and his trials and tribulations (and exceedingly cute Resting Blunt Affect Face), and now my moment has come!! If I may, 5, 9, 16, and 19 are the ones that catch my eye the most (I have to calm down a bit here and not just send you the whole damn list). No need to answer all if you don't want-- or any, even! Whatever you like. Also, because I'm curious, I'll leave a free space here- if you find there is a question you're keen to answer but nobody's asked it yet, do please feel free to answer that too!! You have an excellent day please!! No behaving >:)
helloo plant!! rest assured i have been getting up to plenty of misbehaving! some of it even intentional! but fret not for it has not gotten in the way of my answering your well-pruned list of questions!
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
[answered here]
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
So i had to take a quick dip into his character playlist, but i found this! Full song linked right here as well (Agency by Hi I'm Case & RoverRed, in case the link breaks)
And even though it isn't right // that other people's problems became your plight // tasked with fixing issues that you didn't help create
16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
He has a decent pain tolerance! It gets even better after the Joining then again after the archdemon too out of the necessity of the near-constant pain
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
Some people have a fiery anger, but with Novhen, hell freezes. He's cold, and he's calculating. All of his skills rely on him keeping a level head, so if he wants be any sort of effectual, he can't lose his temper. It's a bit trained into him and a bit his natural reaction. He can grumble and gripe afterwards
And for the free choice, i'm choosing this one:
22. What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
Anyway, is Lawful Chaotic a thing yet? Like how Terezi Pyrope is Chaotic Lawful? No? Damn. Moving on--
He's firmly Good. It's the other half that gives me trouble. He follows a firm set of guidelines to life his life by, but that code *is* a product of the anarchist religion he follows. I'm going to say that sways him more Chaotic than Lawful just enough to get out of Neutral Good territory. Final answer: Chaotic Good
They put this guy in charge of an arling
[Ask Game]
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phrootsnacks · 19 days
haikyuu!!sday: season 1 ep 5-8
woah second week of classes and I already want to drop out and / or evaporate into a pink mist
anyway. at least I can watch haikyuu
episode 5: A Coward's Anxiety
I will say. I feel like it's way harder to enjoy this show because of the mental state im in. I hope I dont ruin haikyuu for myself.
the trials and tribulations of high school volleyball
kageyama and hinata are somehow both the [make each other worse] trope and the [make each other better] trope
awwww they're so cute with their team jackets :3
aoba johsai.............
ah yes. sugawara coaching kageyama how to be nice to people
poor tadashi. I can't wait for his arc where he learns how to hit the ball a really specific way
"the ultimate decoy" sounds like a danganronpa talent what who said that
they really need a libero to pull this sort of thing off..... :)
"some rather interesting first-years" lololol
they r so sillyyyyyy
I relate to hinata. getting so stressed and anxious that you give yourself a stomach ache? thats me like every week
there are so few braincells on this team
episode 6: An Interesting Team
sugawara has the braincells. and maybe daichi too
some of them are better at shittalking than they are at volleyball
tanaka should just. never say anything lol
onion head. turnip head
none of them can make hinata less nervous. same honestly lol
my cat keeps meowing at me to pet her but she only wants to be pet in a different room. she's bossy. like a certain character in this show....... lol
lol. they have a funny way of cheering hinata up by being incredibly scary and / or incredibly mean
character development, out of spite
decoy is so good of a decoy he doesn't even know when hes a decoy
still closing his godda,n eyes when he spikes. what the fuck. thats freak shit
takeda.... how long have you been the teacher managing the volleyball club. what do you mean oh now I get it they rotate position every point. that.s... hw
they are always giving each other so much shit lol
oh boy. oikawa.
episode 7: Versus the Great King
this fucker
yoo-hoo! ugh. I can't not love yoo-hoo are you kidding me
the gall to do the exact same serve twice. and get a service ace on both ?!
hes fuckin runnin. hell yeah epic
senti mental montage spe ech
lol. character growth
oikawas so nice :) and also brutally mean >:(
oikawa feels like one of the characters that knows he's in an anime. like yeah all the characters are anime characters but most of them are unaware of this fact. yknow what I mean
hehehehe *kicking my feet*
episode 8: He Who Is Called "Ace"
I forgot nishinoya was like this
fuck yeah asahi time? I dont really remember asahi that much tbh. is he the one who [spoilers] lol
hehehe HAHAHAHAHAA asdfgjhkl
so much ego in this team
lol. takeda is so pathetic hehehe
but he is persistent! :-]
diversity loss. asahi is no longer ace
lol fuckin LAUNCHED
im sorry I find the emotional beats so funny bc they're like. ugh I guess I will have character growth. if I have to
recurring nightmares. of blockers
they vanish out of sight because you fuckin close your eyes, hinata
they just love to touch the ball
and that's this week's haikyuu!!sday. existential crisis somewhat avoided? well. it's only ever delayed until it's confronted
youre really gonna let me say that?
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acourtofidiots · 1 year
Hey, it’s me again!
I was informed that you’re a Feysand girlie like me, so here’s a few questions!
Why do you ship them?
What are your favorite fanfic tropes?
Do you rather have a fluff fic only, or mixed like fluffy with smut or angst with fluffy?
Thank you, that’s it for now, hope you have a really nice day ❤️
Your S.S
Honestly, I love feysand because Rhys let Feyre be herself. He understand the trials (literally and figuratively) and tribulations she went through and how miserable she was trapped somewhere she didn't want to be (her in the Spring Court, he UTM). And I know that him keeping the fact that they were mates hidden from her was kind of a dick move, but he had her best interests at heart. He truly is a wonderful man for Feyre. And they're just so CUTE and HOT and SEXY. ugh I wish I could be in their Inner Court.
My favorite tropes are enemies to lovers and soulmates!
I like to have a mix of fluff and smut. I'm definitely a more of smut reader but occasionally I like to read fluff and agnsty.
I'm so excited to see what you've come up with!! :)
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casgirl · 4 years
are there any good fics where Jack is a BABY?!? I just started watching the season where he first appears a and he should be a baby! We were robbed
I know I love Alex Calvert but like. Jack shouldve been a baby for at LEAST a little bit. But yeah in terms of canon compliant-ish baby jack fics I like trials and tribulations of raising a nephilim and true gold.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
PLATONIC FAMILIAL!Toon Patrol x Smartass'Daughter!Reader || Oneshot [Part 1]
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Title: The Trials And Tribulations of Fatherhood [Part1]
This is a rewrite of an old story I tried to do YEARS ago. Basically, every chapter will be another excerpt of Y/N's life being raised by the Toon Patrol. New Chapter = New Year, mostly.
Its just a cute, fluffy thing that should provide endorphins, haha XD
I hope someone enjoys this! ^^
Tagging: @marinerainbow
Plot: A baby girl is left on the Toon Patrol's front door step.
Warnings: Swearing, Greasy being a bit of a perv but he can and will get worse so its barely a warning, here.
"I didn't think this place had a 24 Hours sign nailed to it... " Smartass mumbles grittily, rubbing his eyes and down his snout- having been woken up by the obnoxious banging on his front door at midnight. Rolling deftly out of bed, he rifles through he takes up his gun on the way out of his room; Checking that theirs ammunition inside as he make sit down stairs and to the front door.
Which he immediately aims the gun at before throwing open.
A few bullets fly, but he there's no splat sound, or familiar thumping noise. So, confused, Smartass takes a few steps forward towards the doorway, peaking out with a huge frown on his face.
Sniffing, Smartass looks around carefully when he finds no one around at all... Scowling, he clicks his gun immediately into action again. Ding Dong Ditchers?
Well they picked the wrong- fucking- house!-
"Ey Boss?" Suddenly Wheezy, who hadn't gone to bed yet at all, strolls by behind him. And theirs a cautious tone to his voice, too, that Smartass does quite recognise. Brushing it off though, he just grunts back. "Look down."
"Why? Why? Why am I looking down... "
As soon as Smartass' eyes catch sight of the basket on the front step, blankets and fur bundled inside, and his eyes quite literally pop. Then he reals back, frazzled, rubbing his eyelids until his eyes are back in place, and peaking again at the one thing that he never expected to see on his front step, with a deep frown.
... What?
"I think its a kid." Slowly, Smartass turns to his teammate, and deadpans. Wheezy just shrugs, before stepping back when Psycho appears - also never having fallen asleep in the first place, - and taking a long drag of the cigarette between his fingers.
Still occupied staring Wheezy down like he's the biggest maroon, in all of Toon Town, Smartass doesn't have the sense to hide the baby before its too late. "Real- "
"A kid??" Psycho exclaims, eyes wide as he patters over to the basket, before, staring down unblinkingly at the kid. Smartass' jaw drops, looking from where Psycho was on one side of the door a second ago, and where he is now on the other, and wondering how the hell he managed to slip by without his notice-
That weasel is freaky.
When Psycho gets down onto his knees to get a closer look, using his nose to give the baby a good smell and see if its even alive, is when Smartass and Wheezy exchange a quick, concerned glance. "... What the hell are you doing?" Smartass asks after a moment, tearing his gaze away from Wheezy and the silent conversation they were having with eachother.
Sniffing around the babies face, Psycho gives the other two weasels a shrug. "Air tasting it- "
"ALRIGHT- " Smartass stomps over, yanking the basket up and away from his little insane housemate. There will be NO 'air tasting'. That's gotta be another house rule. ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THAT. 'Under no circumstances will anyone 'air taste' anyone else', will be put on the board first thing in the morning- FIRST THING. "You're gonna give it nightmares, is what you're gonna do. Get back, wouldja?"
Smartass stomps over, shooing Psycho and his 1000 yard stare away from the baby. Psycho just giggles, a dangerous tone to it.
Heading back over to Wheezy, Smartass allows himself to glance down at the baby- but just growls and looks away, again. 'No babies' was not a rule on the board yet either, but it should be. They do not lead a kid-friendly life, this is totally out of the question...
As Smartass was thinking, Wheezy caught sight of a note by the babies feet. Squinting, he picks it up. "Hmmm... " Flicking it open, he starts to read... and slowly, his face starts to relaxes into a state of absolute shock- Almost going slack. Wheezy doesn't oft lose his cool when he's not laughing hysterically... but his eyes go round like saucers now, and his mouth loses its nearly-permanent frown. "... B- Uh... Boss... "
"Psycho don't pick that thing out of the sewer grate- What?" Turning, and, seeing Wheezy looking at him in such an odd way- Smartass' face twists into a glower. "What!?"
Wheezy just thrusts the note into Smartass hands, and scoops the basket into his own arm. "I'll take that- you just read."
The last thing they need is for Smartass to drop the baby out of shock when he reads that thing.
... Or throw it across the street, either.
"Dear Smarty," Smartass begins, reading out loud- at which Wheezy winces, looking down at the baby. This is not going to go well, kiddo... "I'm not sure if you remember me but it might be better that way anyway. This is Y/N, and she's your daughter. Unfortunately, I am not able to take care of her so its up to you. Rena."
.. For a few holy moments, everything stays quiet, and still- except Psycho, who has made his way over to the baby... Y/N... and gives her a little sleeve-covered waive. Wheezy, though, is perfectly still. Watching his boss cautiously, waiting for the explosion. Oof...
Then Smartass' ear twitches and Wheezy covers the little girls ears just before the spartan screech comes from her... father.
"... wHO IS RENA!?"
"Gee, Boss, woulda thought you'd know... " Wheezy responds, rubbing a shoulder into his ear to get rid of the ringing- but still trying to stay calm and not place too much sarcasm in his tone. This is kind of a big, day for the guy. Becoming a dad and all.
Psycho makes a funny face at the baby, who has been jostled awake not by the screaming, or the moving around, or even the gun shots earlier by the after mentioned insane weasel booping her nose. That is, before Smartass yanks the basket from Wheezy's arms and sates straight into the face of his baby- noses nearly touching.
"She does look a bit like you!~" Psycho sings out, casually like its not going to throw Smartass for a loop some more.
Apart from looking away only to flash Psycho a deadly glare, Smartass continues to stare down his daughter.
This time, Wheezy exchanges the 'This is freaken weird' glance with Psycho, who shrugs. "Uhhh... Boss... "
"The kid aint gonna jump ya." Smartass glares at him, then. "I mean- she might. She is your kid, but I find the possibility pretty unlikely- "
Oh, he is so funny, Smartass thinks with a deadpanned glare. "No- No, not my kid! I don't have a kid!" Smartass snaps suddenly, and Wheezy and Psycho glance at each other again. So we're doing the denial thing, then. Psycho snatches up the note himself, and reads it through silently- it sure says you have a kid... right there... "Especially not a little, soft, cute one... "
All 3 weasels are silent again for a good moment, then, Smartass thinking... before, finally, he fixes his hat - which he sleeps in, - on his head better, pulling himself together and storms back into the house. "Bring her inside."
As they follow him in, Wheezy cant help peaking at the baby over Smartass' shoulder, and shrugging before he sucks up some smoke. "Honestly your fur is pretty soft lookin', boss."
"Oh, you're right." Psycho nods, agreeing gayly with the grey weasel.
"Shut up!"
On entering the kitchen, Smartass has the basket - gently, - dropped onto the kitchen island in the middle of the room- catching Stupid's and Greasy's attentions quickly. They both lean over it, and peak inside. Stupid, who had awoken when Smartass blindly shot his gun outside right underneath his window, boops the girl's nose with his pinky finger in curiosity- and smiles, softly.
"Duh, she looks like a little bean... "
He does not, however, question the 'bean''s presence in his kitchen.
Greasy does, though. His eyes widened as soon as he realised that it was a baby inside the basket, and he practically jumped out of his skin and/or had a stroke when she smiled and reached out for the brim of his hat. Now he takes a deep breath, but just as he's about to make noise, Smartass holds up his hand. Silence, you.
Promptly Greasy shuts his mouth, tapping his fingers against the mug in his hands, thoughtfully. Wheezy sits down in the seat nearest to him, smoking like a house fire, and nudges him. "So when did you wake up?" Surely, it was sometime after their bosses unholy screeching- otherwise their most lady-loving compatriot would've heard 'Rena', and come running.
Slowly a wide, creepy grin slips jarringly across the Spaniards sharp mouth. "When I heard the boss scream that woman's name, of course... "
"Oh," Wheezy's brows shoot up; Pleasantly surprised. "Really? And you're in here? That's showing some restraint, there."
"Oh, well, I needed my coffee first."
"Of course." That makes sense, Wheezy thinks, shaking his head.
As Greasy takes a sip of the coffee, they all turn to Smartass again, who's leaning over the baby once more- staring it down. There isn't quite a scowl on his face and he isn't glaring, but his brows are furrowed; Thinking.
"... Ey boss- What's this?" Greasy finally pipes up again, unable to stop himself from asking what's on his mind, despite Smartass already shoving his hand in his face so uncouthly.
"Its a baby." Smartass relents, a tiny bit.
"Yes... okay. I see that. Who is it?"
"Y/N who?"
"Rena's daughter."
"And who is this lovely Rena?"
"I don't know."
Eye twitching out of frustration, Greasy stops to take a deep breath. Then he spreads his hands over the bench as if laying out the information. Its like pulling teeth with this one. And neither Wheezy or Psycho move to help him; the former too busy swiping the coffee Greasy set down and the later with entertaining Y/N- Or, entraining himself, with the baby. "... Okay. Boss. Why is Y/N, daughter of Rena-Who-We-Do- Not-Know... " Here Greasy takes a quick breath. Huff. "- here?"
"Well- Apparently- My chromosomes-... are possibly... ya know... in there." The little girl smiles, and Smartass grimaces. "Somewhere deep."
"... I do not think that was English, but... " Putting two and two together, Greasy's eyes suddenly bulge out of his head. "-YOU HAVE A HIJA? YOU'RE NOT A VIRGEN AND YOU DIDNT THINK THIS WAS IMPORTANT INFORMATION? I THOUGHT YOU WERE GAY! AND MORE IMPORTANTLY- OHHH, I THOUGHT WE WERE AMIGOS."
Smartass immediately whips around and flings the toaster into Greasy's outraged face- sending the hysterical green-steeped weasel to the floor and of course, causing the other 3 to start giggling uncontrollably. "GET OFF MY CASE- and you maroons, stop cacklin'!"
They struggle, but they do. Wheezy letting out a long sigh and Stupid hitting his fists against the table a few times- but they manage it under their bosses evil eye. Then they all, once again, turn to the baby- Greasy picking out toaster wires from his teeth.
"So boys... what are gonna do about... this."
Stupid and Psycho look at eachother, and blink. Suddenly this team is a democracy??
"Up to you, Boss." Wheezy gives, calmly. Every the sage one in the group, as he takes a long sip of a smoke. Smartass finds himself deeply infuriated by it- how come he gets to be calm? Smartass hasn't been calm for the last 5 years.
Keeping that in mind, that he has not had a day off in 5 years anyway and that certainly isn't going to change any time soon whether... Y/N is apart of his life or not... Smartass turns back to the baby, and thinks again. She's got his nose; A sort of triangular shape. And she's a skinny little thing- also, assumedly from him. Her eyes and fur colour though... those are totally different. The big E/C eyes staring up at him are round and kind, a look he could never pull off even when he was a kid. And her fur is a very dark shade of brown, with a sort of strawberry pink belly and neck.
She's kind of cute, admittedly. She could turn out a fine young lady... Tightening his grip on the bench, Smartass grits his teeth and glares again at the kid. But he does not lead a lifestyle fit for a child! That's the fucking kicker! No matter how cute the little shit is. How is he supposed to take care of it? He can barely keep himself off the streets. How do you... feed, a baby? What do they eat? What do they DO? What is he supposed to do about it when it cries?? How do you know the difference between hungry crying, tired crying and injured crying???
Sighing tiredly, Smartass - for the first time in either of their lives, - gives a tiny little grin to her. Just between them. Because her big E/C eyes are looking up at him like they have a secret just between them, that no one can take away.
And he knows she has him when she reaches for his nose - just like hers, though she couldn't know that yet, - and he offers her his finger instead. She wraps her tiny paw around it and fuck it all- she has him.
"Looks like we're gonna haveta' find room, fella's." Theirs chorus of gasps around the table as Smartass picks her up out of the basket. They continue to watch him with wide, cautious eyes for a moment, shocked by their boss, as he leans the bubba against his chest as if he has any clue what he's doing, and pats her warm back. When he realises they're all staring, he growls at them, without even bothering to look away from Y/N. "... If you bozos don't stop starin', I'll put her down and spend the next 10 minutes socking you all in the throat... "
" -Oh yes sir!!"
"Congratulations Boss!!"
"So happy for you Boss!!"
"Duh, she's cute!!"
Looking up finally, Smartass gives a deep eyeroll, to his idiot teammates who have the goofiest smiles pasted to their faces. Hopefully that doesn't rub off on Y/N...
Whatever- "Right- Now go t' fucken bed, we're hittin' the store first thing in the morning."
Stupid and Psycho nod, waving goodnight to the little baby girl in their midst and saluting their leader, greatly annoying him - Psycho on purpose, Stupid not, - and head up to their rooms. Wheezy follows after them, clapping Smartass on the back and pausing, on the way. "... You sure about this, Boss?"
For a moment, Smartass hesitates. Because no, he's not 'sure', this is a baby- he's never going to be sure again! But he nods before its too noticeable. "Of course I am. What did I just say to you chuckleheads? Go to bed."
Wheezy shrugs, and does as he's told. Which leaves Greasy behind, who was standing on his tip toes in order to peak at the baby from a safe distance away... before sighing, dreamily in order to get under Smartass' skin, and settling back down again. "Who knew? The boss- a softy."
In the truck in the morning, Smartass allows Greasy to hold Y/N in the passenger seat so he can drive- the first time he's let her go since picking her up for the first time. He stayed up all night making sure she slept, staring at her, wondering a million and 1 things pertaining to when, how, why, who- But the only thing that came out of it was an attachment and a shopping list longer then his forearm.
For the first time since buying the truck, it gets driven without procuring any dings, scratches, or scrapes. Smartass drives so carefully that not once do those in the back get flung around or squished. In fact, Stupid spends the whole drive leaning over Greasy's shoulder- making faces at Y/N.
Of course- Smartass does yell at other drivers, a lot though. They're all insane. They should be taken off the road! "YES THAT MEANS YOU TOO GRANNY, MOVE."
"... Uhhhmmmmm... Does the Boss know how to take care of a pup?" Psycho whispers to Wheezy, as they sit in the very back of the truck.
Wheezy, who isn't quite sure himself but realises anyway that their boss is totally gone, and theirs no convincing him that this is a crazy idea, takes a slow drag. Letting it go, he wheezes. "Well, he knows not to call her Cinderella, at least- that's a good jumping off a point."
Nodding sagely, Psycho agrees. "Oh yeah, that's true, that's true! He could do better then an evil step mother, at least. Good point."
Wheezy smiles, amused and perturbed at how easily Psycho was swayed.
In the front, as Smartass flips the bird at a passing minivan, Stupid squeezes his arm over Greasy's chair and offers his finger to the baby- who grabs it immediately, and stares mindlessly at it in adorable wide eyed baby wonder. It makes Stupid grin, and wiggle his appendage a little in a grasp to gage a reaction.
Greasy is the last to get on board, but then she turns her little head- and smiles at him.
And all he can think, face covered in a thick layer of shock-horror, is
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skyehigh15 · 2 years
Fave Sprites in each AA Game: T&T
(Spoilers for Trials and Tribulations)
We're here at the third game! Hell yeah! Many people consider this to be their favourite ace attorney game, and honestly I have it pretty high up there in my rankings. I think this batch of animations was the hardest to choose from so far, because there's just so many good designs. I tried my best though, so let's check them out!
Animation 1:
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Not only does this man's hair look like cinnamon rolls, he himself is one. You've probably noticed if you've seen my other posts in this series, but I ADORE leaned-in sprites so much. I hadn't really realized it before making these posts, but all of them have at least one sprite with the character leaning forward; it's just such a simple way to give the character more dimensionality and urgency without really changing the angle you're viewing them from that much. Now let's name the things I like in this sprite: I love the slightly angled shoulders, the sleeve cuffs he has on, the pleading look on his face, and his overall colour palette. Very good, Ron. You're doing great. <3
Animation 2:
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I just had to put in another Ron sprite, and how could it be anything other than his iconic "hair springs". This sprite is just really cute; by making his eyes and (especially his) mouth larger, he has a more chibi look to him, which makes him look adorable. The actual animation in this sprite is pretty bland, I must admit. However I think that's balanced out with how clearly one can imagine the action happening. You really don't need too many sprites if the viewers understands what they're looking at. Also the way he bobs up and then down as he yells is amazing. I really do love this man a lot.
Animation 3:
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Mia Fey marry me challenge. She's so fucking pretty and I love her young design just as much as I love her older look. The bangs are one of the biggest changes between the two variations and it's certainly a welcome addition. This hair flip is so smug (god i fucking lover her) and it's so great to see her pull out this animation after getting bullied for over half of the case. This sprite and many of her other younger ones make her death retroactively so much sadder.
Animation 4:
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I actually like young Edgeworth's design much better than his original (at least when referring to the original trilogy; the Investigations game also changed his older design somewhat). I think a lot of his weird proportions have been fixed: the strangely (yaoi) large hands, the tired eyes, and the extremely wide shoulders. The main reason why this sprite fucking rules is the storytelling behind such a simple finger-wag. It's a very clear reference to Manfred Von Karma's almost identical courtroom animation. It's such a simple way to showcase his influence on Miles, but it's also extremely effective.
Animation 5:
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I was debating whether I should use this sprite or the one where steam comes out of his mask. I ended up choosing this just because it caught me so off-guard when I first played Bridge To The Turnabout; I genuinely was not expecting Godot to be the culprit, and I was completely lost during this part of the trial. Then the lights turned off and I realized what was about to happen. This is probably one of the most minimalist "sprites" in the whole series, but it's also so so good. The flickering of the red lights make Godot appear monstrous or inhuman, which gives his goggles a more technological appearance that doesn't shine through as well with his other sprites. I think it's one of the scariest sprites in the series; overall a great climax for the case, game, and trilogy as a whole.
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Andrew & Reader (Non-binary, they/them pronouns used), Daniel x Taylor [The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope]
Warnings: Swearing (?)
Genre: Platonic Fluff, Humor
Summary: The trials and tribulations of being a third wheel as brought to you by Andrew and Y/N
Requested by @hopeveon  Hi bro! Thank you so much for the request, really sorry for the wait but here it finally is! Enjoy! Love, Vy ❤
The second Y/N strolled into the cafeteria, walking side-by-side with Daniel, and saw Taylor, they knew where this situation was headed. It was the equivalent of walking into a room and seeing an object tipping over and breaking. Like, you can witness it as it’s happening, but there’s nothing you can do to prevent it.
That’s the exact way Y/N feels right now as they walk over to the table where Taylor sits, surprisingly alone, and takes a seat, simultaneously assuming their typical role as a third wheel which they’ve begrudgingly accepted at this point. Do they wear it like a badge of honor? No, they’re most certainly still irritated by it every now and then, but it’s become a lot more tolerable.
This, however, is one of those occasions where they just want to scream at their two, stupidly blind and equally stupidly in-love friends to just kiss already. To hell with it, they’ve had it with these two making massive heart eyes at one another and never taking it any further as to maybe, you know, talk about their feelings or whatever normal people would do? No, no, no. They are just waiting for one of them to become psychic apparently.
And Y/N’s fed up.
Their eyes scan the perimeter in search of an escape they can take without setting off too many question marks from the love birds - if they even notice their departure, that is. If this had happened months ago, Y/N would almost feel guilty for wanting to ditch their best friend, leaving him alone with his crush and all, but currently them can’t find it in themself to care. 
Especially not when the perfect means of escape offers itself to them in the form of a classmate of theirs sitting all by his lonesome at a table halfway across the room.
With a mumbled and very faux ‘I’ll be right back’ they gather their tray off the table and start heading towards the guy’s table, the whole motion going by almost completely unnoticed apart from a small nod from Daniel. Y/N just about scoffs, rolling their eyes at the way the two have disconnected themselves from the world. In a way, they can even appreciate it as ‘cute’ but having to third-wheel has bittered it down for the most part. At the end of the day, they just want their friends to be happy and finally together.
Andrew doesn’t lift his head from the book he’s reading until Y/N’s tray has been placed down onto the table, accompanied by their voice greeting him with a friendly, “Hello.”
Although startled for a second there, the boy’s eyes quickly obtain a spark of recognition as they take in the face of the person now sitting across from him, somewhat inconspecuously glancing at another table on the other side of the cafeteria. Following their gaze, he finds it has landed on the table where his friends Daniel and Taylor are sitting.
“Um...hi?“ He replies, internally cringing at the way his greeting had more of a questioning tone.
Y/N has clearly taken that as a question more or less because they hurry to explain themself. “Oh, sorry to air-drop myself like this, I just couldn’t take all of that any longer. Like, come on, you two! Anyone with at least one working eye and one functional braincell can see that you’re head-over-heels for one another! You can’t possibly be that blind!” Taking in the amused smile on Andrew’s face, they quickly shake their head, “Sorry, shouldn’t have dumped all that on you.”
“No, no, don’t apologize.“ He waves his hand dismissively, flipping the book closed after planting a bookmark between the pages, “Believe it or not, we’re in the same boat with that third-wheeling crap.“
Confusion becomes visible across Y/N’s features as they quirk an eyebrow at Andrew, “And what exactly does that mean?”
“That I got up from that exact table a moment before you and Daniel came in. I knew exactly what would go down once those two would be in each other’s orbit and I was not up for it. Any more of that...“ he uses Y/N’s previously used tone to specify what he means, “...and I’ll have to add ‘third-wheeling’ to my resume.“
There’s a brief ‘huh’ moment on Y/N’s part, their lips pursed as they ponder and re-ponder what they’ve just been told. With a small shrug, the indecisive line turns into a smile as they offer Andrew their hand for a handshake, “Well then, Andrew, I take it you and I will be great friends.”
Without missing more than a beat, he takes their hand in his, “Indeed we will. Although, don’t you think ‘coworkers’ suits us better?”
For as simple as it is, the question provokes a genuine, whole-hearted laugh from Y/N, sealing their deal of being good friends/colleagues. He’s right, after all - third-wheeling with Daniel and Taylor is indeed a full time job.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
lov: adoption!au headcanons
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mtha thots: it’s a quirkless au (for now) where you adopt the lov when theyre children. kurogiri may or may not be a possible love interest. i’m not sure yet, but that’s not the point. it’s a rough outline of some fluffy stuff and these might not be coherent but i’ve fallen into the suken place and there’s no getting out. also no beta, we die like hot girls
warnings: none
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when you first met tenko on the sidewalk, you didn’t know this frightened and anrgy little boy would turn into the most precious thing in your life
he had been on the street for nearly the entire day and you were the first to reach out to him with tenderness in your eyes
he latched onto you and cried his little heart out 
and you knew you right then, you couldn’t let this boy go
despite the intial trust, it was a difficult adjustment for you and tenko 
his past was a horror story and it would take patience, love, and A LOT of therapy to heal from it, but you never lost hope
but with each soft touch, warm smile, and patient gaze, he grew more relaxed in you presence
when things get better, tenko brightens into this hopeful and giving young boy who wants to help everyone!
he’s also upfront about his thoughts now (bc he feels safe enough to speak his truth) and it shows when you tell him it’s time to put cocoa butter on his skin so it won’t dry up 
he’ll stomp around for a second and say, “but i dont wanna!”
but just give him “the look” and he’ll drag his feet over to you 
bc yeah youre nice but he knows better than to push it
besides, tenko secretly loves it anyways bc then he feels all warm and soft and you always give him the biggest hugs afterwards so it’s worth it
the first time he called you mama/papa/baba was when he crawled into your bed after a nightmare 
before he fell back asleep he whispered, “i love you, ___”
you held him tight and cried the entire night 
time goes by and tenko starts going to school 
it’s also a difficult adjustment bc he’s a little shy around new people 
you figure taking him out to the park for ice cream and to play with other children would help
you turn around for TWO seconds to pay for it and this boy is gone
you all but panic until he reappears with another kid in hand 
tenko doesnt let you get a word in before he goes, “mama/papa/baba, this is dabi. he’s 10 and he hates his dad too! can we take him home?”
that’s when you learn that your son had a knack for picking up stray children
and in the end, you end up adopting them bc, well, you fall in love w dabi, then toga, and spinner
just as you did tenko
and a couple of years pass and somehow, you’ve winded up with a quartet of children in your apartment who you’d die for 
they all come with their separate issues, quirks, and baggage, but their hearts shine brighter with each day 
dabi is a tsundere that scares off bullies and totally DOES NOT like it when you kiss his forehead
toga is basically attached to your hip, like she doesnt walk 40% of the time when youre around 
spinner creates huge houses and sculptures on minecraft dedicated in your name and gets super flustered when you make a bg deal out of it even tho he likes it hehe
tenko tries to be “all grown up” around you but aboslutely melts when you hold him and rake your fingers through his hair 
it’s all nice but you’ll admit, it’s tough
between working, taking care of them, and holding up the house, you barely sleep
there was one time you came home from work and just collapsed on the couch, 100% knocked out 
you wake up the next morning, horrified that you slept for that long
however, you’re delighted to find a blanket over you, a bowl of soup on the table, and all four of your children hapazardly curled up on your chest and legs, fast asleep
you nearly pass out from how cute it was!
somehow someway, the lov (in this au called the league of outcasts lmao) find themselves together
their always over having sleepovers, playing video games, or just gossiping about lame adults 
one day, when kurogiri drops off sako, magne, and jin, they see a small blush form on his usually stoic face
and all hell breaks loose
they come up with an ingenous plan to get you two together so they can actually be a real family
im not sure about the details but it’s a lot of “coincidental” meetings 
tenko, spinner and jin bring him up a lot to you
magne, toga, and sako try and give kurogiri hints about what you like
dabi “accidentally” tripped you into his arms once 
it’s a whole mess
but it might be working???
who knows 
but regardless, you all have found solace in one another when at one point, it didn’t seem like you ever would 
it came with it’s trials and tribulations but finding tenko was the best thing that couldve happened to you
it led you to your new family
and guess what? they all feel the same way about you
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hajimewhore · 4 years
☾ɴᴇᴋᴏᴍᴀ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ ʜᴀʙɪᴛꜱ
���Part two of Haikyuu boys and their sleep habits ➸gn!Reader, fluff fluff fluff, a lil humor, sleep time💤
[Masterlist] [Karasuno]
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✰ Kozume Kenma ➸ Kenma of course games dusk till dawn, but when the two of you started dating he’d set his game aside to curl up with you in bed, until you fell asleep stroking his hair. ➸ Initially, you found it sweet that he’d sacrifice late gaming time to cuddle and fall asleep with you. Until you woke up one night and saw him playing away at his switch, blue light illuminating his intense face in the late hours. ➸ Turns out, he kept whatever game console he’d been playing under his pillow, and waited till you fell asleep to resume gaming. ➸ It’s still sweet that he didn’t want to keep you up or make you worry about his gaming habit, but you still want him to get his sleep. ➸ When you pluck the game from his hands (provided it’s at a good saving point), he jumps and eyes you cautiously. “Get some sleep, Kenma.” ➸ He sighs and nods in agreement, curling back up to you.
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✰ Kuroo Tetsurou ➸ The way Kuroo sleeps with pillows mashed on either side of his head is honestly baffling, and you’re genuinely surprised he hasn’t suffocated in his sleep yet. Seriously, who taught this cat to sleep like that? ➸ Though it is how he sleeps the most comfortable, so you let it slide when you spend the night. You get your fair share of pictures, documenting his odd sleep habit for your (Adorable) Photos To Embarrass Kuroo collection. ➸ Kuroo only decides to stop his pillow ear muff sleep method one night when he realizes he can’t see your face when he falls asleep. ➸ It starts genuinely upsetting him because he can’t lean over and peck your nose, or brush your cheek, or tuck your head into his shoulder, he can’t even cuddle you properly! ➸ And your face is definitely a face he desperately wants to kiss with soft and sweet goodnights. He also really wants to wake up in the early morning to your gentle countenance, as you snooze away without a worry (and not wake up to all these damn pillows). ➸ Now when you spend the night, he’s learned to fall asleep without the mess of pillows glued to his head. ➸ Funny enough, he gets roasted more by his friends for not having his iconic bed head than when he has his bed head.
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✰ Yaku Morisuke ➸ No way in hell is Yaku gonna be caught being back hugged, or worse, LITTLE SPOONED. ➸ The guy is 5’5” and ALWAYS wants to be the big spoon. He refuses to be the little spoon. ➸ Though, eventually, through trial and tribulation you lowkey train him into loving it... ➸ Every time you hug him from the back, you press a kiss to his cheek and tell him something you love about him. Though initially tense at the action, he of course preens at the attention you’re showering him with and turns to presses kisses all over your face. ➸ He’ll kiss your nose, cheeks, forehead, lips, chin, anything with a surface area on your face, Yaku just loves to reciprocate your affection 10x over. ➸ If he’s had an especially rough practice, you give him a massage before bed, pressing kisses to his back as you lay behind him and wrap your arms around his middle. Yaku gives in with little complaint to being the little spoon, a content smile on his face. ➸ You’re not saying you Pavlov dog trained him or anything, but Yaku does wind up loving being the little spoon a tad more than he did beforehand.
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✰ Haiba Lev ➸ Lev isn’t an easy person to sleep with by any means. He’s 6′5″, his long legs take up a lot of space, and he’s a crybaby that always wants to be the little spoon (but is too scared to ask). ➸ He always tends to stretch in his sleep, long limbs somehow growing longer as he nearly pushes you off the bed. In some cases, you actually wind up waking up abruptly on the floor. For this reason alone, you purchased a plush rug for the side you sleep on. ➸ He doesn’t mean to of course, but he sometimes accidentally smacks you in the face when he tosses and turns in his sleep. You’re thankful he doesn’t practice his spikes in his sleep at least, so you make sure to snuggle as close as possible to avoid any sleepy foul play. ➸ Lev steals the covers! With all that leg and height, he really can’t help it if he ends up pulling the sheets off of you in the night, curling up comfortably in his makeshift cocoon. ➸ You’ve learned he’s a heavy sleeper though, so if you wake up with a chill you don’t hesitate to steal back your share of the sheets. After comfortably situated, you warm up again by wrapping your arms around his middle (knowing in the morning he’ll wake up eagerly to being your little spoon!)
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��� Yamamoto Taketora ➸ He always wants to watch a movie before going to bed. He’ll sling his arm around your shoulder, and get nice and cozy as you set up your laptop. You lean into him comfortably, and lay back in the pillows to find something trending on Netflix to watch. ➸ As it turns out, he never finishes anything you watch, he always falls into a dead asleep within the first 15 minutes. You were surprised the first time you heard his soft snoring next to you, and chalked it up to a long and tiring day. ➸ Except, it happens every night. You’ve started to realize it’s not so much that he wants to watch a movie, it’s that he wants to fall asleep to a movie. ➸ Yamamoto is definitely the type to need background noise to fall asleep, always twisting and turning tirelessly if there’s too much empty noise. ➸ You love watching movies together with him though, so you learned to put on movies you don’t plan on finishing together. ➸ It’s cute seeing how invested he is to start. Yamamoto is always eager to spend more time with you and end your night together, but he inevitably starts nodding off with his head slumping on top of yours. ➸ You close the lap top each time, and shimmy yourselves into the covers, completely content with the routine you’ve found.
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✰ Kai Nobuyuki ➸ He snores, so, so, so loudly. ➸ You don’t want him to feel bad about it, because you love to sleep over and don’t want him to feel guilty about something he can’t help, so you don’t mention it to him. ➸ But your lack of sleep due to the earth shattering snores is driving you mad. So instead, you look up ways to to quickly fall asleep. ➸ You start your days early, try to be active when you can, test a myriad of teas and snacks that supposedly induce sleep easier, and it turns out to be quite fun experimenting with different methods. It starts to be a little game to see if you can fall asleep before Kai does. ➸ And eventually, it starts to work! You fall asleep before him, and conk out through the night. ➸ In actuality, it turns out that Kai once saw an open browser on your laptop, googling ‘ways to fall asleep’. He also happened to notice your habit of drinking sleep time remedies. ➸ He kind of figured it must’ve been due to his snoring, he remembered his teammates teasing him about it at camp in high school. So, at night, he started to force himself to stay awake and listen for the sound of your even breathing. ➸ Though he doesn’t mind one bit, kissing your forehead when you’re finally asleep, love is compromise!
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✰ Fukunaga Shouhei ➸ Fukunaga is a comedian by day, and comedian by night. The guy does not stop. ➸ He Is a chronic sleep talker, and often sleep walks (sleep acts, more like). You find yourself staying up some nights just to see what he’ll do next. ➸ You caught him in the living room once, doing what you can only assume was pitching a tent. Was he camping in his dreams? ➸ Depending on what he does, you’ll sometimes casually suggest what you should do for your next date, like camping. “How did you know I wanted to that, babe?!” (He’s convinced you’re a psychic). ➸ It’s insane to you how long the acts go on too. He never flits between dreams, always one routine. You think he kayaked to an island once, judging by the way he mimed it on the couch, sleep talking about the dolphins and the birds. ➸He’ll sleep talk his comedy routines also, “Thanks for coming everyone!”, and you have to stifle a laugh so not to wake him. ➸ You always let it run it’s course since he’s not hurting anyone or himself. You sigh contently when he finally returns to bed after whatever wild adventure he was having, and he always tucks his head into your shoulder muttering about his love for you.
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✰ Inuoka Sou ➸ The biggest, love struck, dork. Always, always, always wants to cuddle, and it’s the cutest thing ever.  ➸ He follows you around all night before it’s time to sleep, not unlike a puppy would. He brushes his teeth with you, and even learned to do a skin care routine just to spend more time with you in the bathroom. And he only did so because he spent entirely too long pouting in bed, tossing and turning, while waiting for you to finish. ➸ Cuddling with Inuoka is always warm and wholesome... until it isn’t. On hot summer nights, you can’t stand to be wrapped up in his body heat. It’s perfect for colder weather and winter nights, but not the scorching summer. ➸ Despite being the heaviest sleeper, always snoozing past his alarm and snoring away when you try to wake him, he instantly wakes up when you try to move away from his arms. ➸ You only wanted to get a air and rid of all the heat, but Inuoka looks up at you with the sleepiest puppy eyes you’ve ever seen, “Babe, where are you going?” ➸ Every time, you give in, “No where baby.” ➸ It’s just once a year, for the entirety of the summer, right? You can withstand that much (and maybe invest in a better fan).
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[Masterlist] [Karasuno]
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 3 years
wild take honestly speaking as far as the girls go in the show 
I think Chiyo is actually the best match for Kusuo.
Among the girls she’s the one most interested in romance. She fantasizes about RAISING a family with Kaidou, not about making one with him. Mikoto’s and Imu’s interest in intimate relations (shown by Mikoto’s, well, being Mikoto and Imu’s imagining Kokomi naked imo) repulse Kusuo. And I’ve already said why I think Kokomi and Kusuo are incompatible.
Kusuo has also been shown to ship his friends and help out specifically in Chiyo’s romantic pursuits. He also gets highly invested in romance to the point that he spoils a series of thrillers for himself just to follow the trials and tribulations of the couple who’d read it before him. And of course so is Chiyo, this is well known.
The only big difference is that Kusuo prefers not to be involved in romance himself whereas Chiyo very ardently wants to be involved in it. Kusuo’s, I think (as is known) is due to his trauma and his powers - a relationship involves too much vulnerability and intimacy and he’s shown to be soft toward letting the secret slip if he allows himself to acknowledge people are friends such as with Touma and the entire friend group. 
Likewise Chiyo’s imagine spots with Kusuo are severely ooc but they’re always VERY corny-romance, never corny-sexy. They involve Kusuo complimenting her and looking cute and holding hands. She craves attention and flattery and affection. However she’s also probably the character who gets the least amount of screen time but experiences the most amount of growth. She’s the only one to actually confess her feelings to anyone by the end of the series and when she does get together with Kaidou, it becomes a learning opportunity for her instead of a negative character arc. I think the moment that she comes to understand someone's love language, if its compatible with hers, she’d be over the moon at any little gesture.
Gestures of caring are something Kusuo often performs unthinkingly. See how many times he saves his friends or gets rallied into stuff he’s not interested in or ends up compromising because he cares. 
I really think Chiyo and Kusuo are both asexual, key difference is Kusuo is sex-repulsed and Chiyo is sex-favourable (I think this is likely given her crush on Kaidou starts the second he blushes when he sees her in her swimsuit - again, she likes positive attention). I think if they had some realizations about themselves, each other, and were put into a situation where anything might develop (and where Kusuo wasn’t feeling hunted), something pretty comfortable and long lasting might actually develop there.
And honestly speaking, Chiyo’s fascination with romance and dating and her try-hard efforts, while definitely in part genuine, may also be part of her compensating for a lack of sexual attraction. I know when I was young and in denial (hell I was in denial last year still LOL) I compensated in some pretty wild ways that I see in her too. So I’m inclined to think her desperation may very well be part of that. Chiyo craves approval, she’ll absolutely try-hard to receive it. I think Kusuo would be good for her there tbh, because he’s way more concerned with meeting his own standards over anyone else’s (which granted are impossibly high), and he could maybe teach her to mellow out there a bit.
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