#and trying to explain it to my sibling when im interrupted by my mom getting a spam call from ohio and my siblings like ITS QIFREY !!!!
meringuejellyfish · 2 years
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keytomythoughts · 3 years
Perfection Imperfections | Chapter 1
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Chapter Index 
Finally, summer break. It’s been a while since I was able to go home. Having to attend high school rather far from my home in Seoul, I never thought that I’d adjust to the new environment. Fortunately, I wasn’t entirely alone, since I stayed with my aunt for the four years of my high school life. School wasn’t so bad, but the homesickness is what killed it for me. Even though it was my parents' idea to send me a rather vast distance—me not being too excited about it, but I knew I wouldn’t get my way in the end—there was some good that came from it. The two only good things, actually. 
I glance outside the train window, the buildings of Busan zooming past me. Sure, it may not be my home, but I won’t lie. I’m really going to miss this place. My phone suddenly vibrates in my lap, glancing down to see a text from my group chat, smiling as I respond.
R u still on the train?
                                                               Yeah have been for the past like 30 mins
Going back to ur parents? Or r u moving out?
                                                                        Yk I can’t move out, at least not on                                                                            my own. My parents won’t allow it
What about Jaehyun?
                                                                            Idk, they rlly dc what he does tbh
                                                                       They’re just hell-bent on me getting                                                                                    into the top schools and shit
Damn, rough
Try talking to them, u never know
They might change their minds?
                                                                 Nah, I already know how it’s gonna end
                                                                         Me crying and stuffing myself with                                                                           pints of ice cream
Doesn't sound so bad
Except for the crying part ofc
But c’mon it cant really be THAT bad
I’ve been over plenty of times, they seem nice
U’ve been to her house??
                                                                         Yeah him and oppa are friends too
Righttt forgot lol
                                                                  And that’s bc you were there dumbass                                                                    and half of the time ur either in oppa’s                                                                    room or out somewhere
                                                                  Interaction with my parents = minimal
That sounds awful ngl :( sorry Hyuna
But hey we should all hang soon!
I’ll be in Seoul for the summer too so y not?
                                                                                                           I miss y’all :’(
                                                                   Ok I should be there around like 5 ish                                                                     so I’ll text then
Aww I miss u toooo 
                                                                                           Shut up, ur just jealous
Me? Jealous?? Of what, ur face?
Yea no thx, Ive got a great face already
And personality 0:)
                                                                               Gr8, explains why ur still single
She got u there bro
Shut up
Ur talking as if u’ve got a gf
At least I didnt reject them as coldly as u did lol 
                                                                                             See? My point exactly
                                                                               Your fAcE scared off every girl                                                                                   in sight bc of tht pErSoNaLiTy
                                                                           I almost feel bad for them, u little                                                                             heart breaker
He made a couple of em cry I heard
                                                                                                               U MORON
Bin wtf
                                                                                    U JERK HOW COULD U??
                                                                                              Those poor girls omg
                                                                               Im so kicking ur ass when I c u
Me 2
Wtf?? Y???
No reason lol, just feel like it
                                                                                         And this is why ily Binnie
:D <3
                                                                                                        Can it u demon
                                                                                                         Read 4:02 PM
I snort, turning off my phone and placing it back down on my lap as I go back to staring outside my left-hand window again. Meet Cha Eunwoo and Moon Bin, my two best friends. The only reason I got through high school how I did without major setbacks. Sure, there was the occasional homesickness and all, but had I not met these two, I probably wouldn’t have even attended and graduated. 
Being so far away from the place I grew up never really suited me, and they saw it right away from day one how lonely and upset I looked. I didn't seem to fit in, especially since I skipped a grade and was placed in classes that were very advanced for me. Not that I minded the vigor, but it was hard for me to socialize, let alone make friends. 
That’s when I met them. Freshman year in homeroom before my first literature class. Moon Bin, a boy with parted, coppery-golden hair accompanied by his shy, puppy-eye smile and sweet nature, offered me an empty seat next to him in class, even going as far as to share his textbook and asking how I found the school. No doubt, I was embarrassed and immensely shy, stuttering over my words and failing to meet his soft gaze. However, he didn’t make fun of me nor find me odd. All he did was smile, laughing lightly at my slightly flustered state. He stuck his hand out, introducing himself (most people just call him Moonbin or Bin) with that smile of his, thus the start of our new friendship. Since then, he became someone who always knew how to cheer me up when I was feeling down. No moment was ever dull with him by my side. 
Eunwoo, the tall, brooding black-haired and charismatic student almost everyone knew (and crushed on) of, was usually with Moonbin when we hung out together, but he normally kept to himself. Though quiet and sometimes reserved with his intimidating looks, it didn’t take long for him to break the ice with us, the three of us becoming close friends. Promising to stay like this until we went to college and beyond. Regardless if we all diverge and tread different paths, we would always converge and come back to one another. 
Four years flew by and graduation was upon us. Just like that, the two became like family to me, my ride-or-die duo. The two who were able to turn my world upside down, finding solace in a time where I thought it was nearly impossible for me to.  
My thoughts are interrupted by my “Move” ringtone—yes, I’m a huge Lee Taemin fan—looking down at my phone again to see it’s my brother calling. I sigh, picking up the call.
He gasps dramatically. “Is that any way to address your loving older brother after being away for so long?”
I snort, shaking my head. “Loving my ass, oppa. How are mom and dad?”
“They’re fine, living. Didn’t you tell them you’re coming home?”
“Nope, I don’t even text them that often. You already know this..”
He sighs. “Yeah, I figured.” 
There’s a slight pause on his end, but he continues. “You took the three-thirty train, right? So you’ll be here around five or so?”
“Yeah, give or take.” 
I look out the window again to see the endless stretch of greenery and flowing springs, sometimes even children playing in the fields. I grin mischievously, deciding to poke fun at my brother when he doesn’t respond right away. 
“What, you miss me?”
He makes a sound similar to throwing up. “As if. I got so used to the peace and quiet. I’m not ready for it to go away.” 
“Yah!” I realize that I had yelled a bit too loudly and eyes were now trained on me, and I bow my head in apology. I lower my voice, “You’re such an asshole.”
“Oh, I know, but you still love me anyway.”
“Shut up.”
I can hear his laugh resonate through the phone and a smile unknowingly tugs at my lips. I wouldn’t say it out loud, but it’s true. When I lived with my aunt in Busan for the duration of high school, I missed Jaehyun a lot. Though two years older than me, he didn’t seem to alienate me the way my parents do. While I hate the notion that they spoil Jaehyun endlessly and let him do as he wishes, I won’t lie and say that he was a prick about it. He could’ve been, but he never came off as selfish. I’m really close with my brother, shocking as it may be. Sibling relationships are like that—one minute you want to strangle them with their intestines and the next you’re singing duets together. Crazy, but that’s how it is for us. My parents don’t really pay me any attention, so Jaehyun decides to do that instead. Not complaining though. I’d rather take his pranking and teasing over my parents’ demands and reprimands any day.
“Aight, I’m heading out for a bit. Text me when you arrive.”
I smile again. “Will do, but make sure to get me food!”
“Let me think…” He hums, and I can practically sense the smirk on his end. “Nope. Get your own.”
Jaehyun laughs. “See you in a bit, Hyuna. Get here safely. Bye!”   
He hangs up the call before I get a chance to retort, and I scoff. Typical of my brother. He knows how much I enjoy street food, and every time he goes out, it’s almost certain that most of the time he stops somewhere to eat. Did he ever bring food back? Sure, but by the time I’d get to it, most of it was gone anyways. That only lasted a little while before I had gone upstate anyways, so he had more food for himself, I guess.
As the train barrels down the tracks, I feel my heart racing in excitement, but there’s also a slight ounce of dread. I really don’t know why. I want to believe it’s because I’ve been away for too long, but part of me knows it’s the fact that I’ll have to face my parents again. Knowing that I only have two months to decide where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do, I know the bitter truth is that those decisions won’t be left up to me. Last time, I was sent to Busan.
God knows where I’d be sent to now.
“Final destination of the KTX Busan-Seoul train at Seoul Station is approaching and will arrive at 05:30 PM. The doors to alight are on the right hand side. All passengers are requested to dismount the train upon arrival. Thank you.” 
That’s my stop.
Gathering my bag and hand luggage, I patiently wait for the train to pull up at the station. Seeing the familiar shops and buildings around me makes my legs bounce up and down in both excitement and anticipation. 
Four long years away from Seoul...
Before getting off, I quickly text the group chat and then my brother, letting them all know that I’ve reached safely. Side-stepping the other passengers exiting the subway doors, I carefully land onto the platform with my luggage in tow. I breathe in the air around as I stretch my arms up into the sky, the grin widening on my face.
It sure as hell feels good to be back home.
I try my best to maneuver through the crowds, but it doesn’t stop the rush of people knocking into me. At times like these, I curse my genetics for favoring my older brother instead of me in terms of height. Eventually, I come to a clearing and when my eyes glance upwards, I spot a rather familiar dark brown-haired six-foot-tall male amongst the small crowd waving me over.
“Hyuna, over here!”
I gasp, my eyes widening. “Oppa!”
He smiles as I begin walking towards him, my feet hurriedly moving across the concrete. The distance between us shortens and I abandon my luggage as he opens his arms wide. 
Only for me to sucker punch him in the stomach.
He yelps in pain, grimacing as he holds his abdomen. “Shit, that hurt. What has Aunt Sua been feeding you up there? Rocks?”
I smack his shoulder, my blood slightly boiling in anger. “Yah, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?! Do you know how much money I blew off for the bus fare?”
He straightens his back before going to rub his shoulder, then behind his neck.
“Fine, fine. My bad. I wanted to surprise you, but I guess that didn’t work, did it?” 
I cross my arms over my chest, huffing in annoyance. He sighs, nodding.
“Okay, okay, I’ll compensate you. Dinner’s on me.”
At this I grin, blinking excitedly. I grab onto his arm and shake it vigorously. “Really? You mean it? You’re the best, oppa!” 
“Look at this brat..” he taunts, shaking his head. In a flash, he headlocks me and rubs the top of my head harshly with his knuckles, upsetting the neatly-tied auburn ponytail. 
“Yah! Quit it!” I smack his arms and flail in protest, but he chuckles, saying this is what I get for cunningly finding a way to exploit him the minute I stepped back into Seoul. 
What can I say? It’s a talent. 
He lets go eventually, and I try to smooth down my already-tangled hair. I grumble incoherently but Jaehyun pulls me into his embrace, wrapping his arms around me. His free hand gently pats the side of my head in comfort.
“Welcome home, sis.”
I stand there stiff for a second before hugging back. He squeezes me tighter and I find myself smiling into his shoulder. 
“Good to be back,” I whisper. 
We stand like that for a moment before he pats my back a couple of times, us pulling away from each other soon after. He reaches behind me to grab my hand luggage as he shoulders my bag. I tell him that I can carry them just fine, but he starts walking away from the platform to the parking lot. I call out after him as I run to catch up, and I can see the corners of his mouth twitch. Jaehyun leads me to his car, a sleek matte-silver convertible Mustang. My mouth drops open in shock at its stunning beauty, my body forcing itself to remain composed for the sake of avoiding public self-embarrassment. 
He throws my luggage in the back seat before he turns to me, smirking at my expression. “You like it?”
“Shit, do I like it? I love it!” I run my fingers over its metallic surface, the silver exterior gleaming in the evening glow. Grinning, I stare up at my brother who catches my gaze as I stand next to the driver’s seat, my fingers already curled on the handle.
“Can I—”
I pout as I pull my hand away and step to the side. Jaehyun chuckles, rubbing my head playfully before getting into the driver’s seat and starting the car. The engine purrs to life as my brother pulls out his shades and wears them. He looks at me and cocks his head to the passenger seat. 
“Don’t just stand there. Get in.”
Smiling, I quickly make my way over to the other side and slip into the passenger seat. I barely have time to buckle in before Jaehyun speeds off. I scream in fright, but he laughs heartily, telling me to let loose.
With the wind harshly whipping around us, I close my eyes and tilt my head upwards, absorbing the remnants of my childhood in a place I’ll always call home. A place where my heart always feels at ease.
My name is Jung Hyuna. I’m eighteen years old, and this is my story.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |  
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heavenly-roman · 5 years
Sibling Culture™️
Plot: A series of events in which Roman and Remus enact peak Sibling Culture™️
Warnings: swearing, mild sexual references (aka remus being remus), a lil bit of insecurity and sibling rivalry, sympathetic remus
Pairing(s): creativitwins, mentioned/implied intruality, mentioned/implied roceit
Word Count: 1634
if you liked this, consider buying me a coffee?
Taglist: @emo-disaster @shitpost-sides @gattonero17
(ao3 link!!!)
The incessant knocking on Roman’s door persists, despite Roman calling for whoever it is (Remus, definitely Remus), to come in.
After another forty-five seconds of knocking, of which Roman seriously contemplates jumping out the window, the door swings open. Remus stands there, not making a noise, until Roman groans and looks at him.
His brother is t-posing - Roman genuinely considers closing the door in his face.
“What are you doing?” Roman asks.
“Simple.” Remus responds, keeping his position. “I’m t-posing in your doorway to establish dominance as the better twin.”
“You’re not the better twin.”
Remus makes an offended noise, and Roman watches him carefully. Normally, the younger twin would make some sort of offended or crude gesture. Today, however, he is unmoving. “I am clearly the better twin, as I am currently t-posting and establishing my dominance. Try to keep up, Ro.”
“Is that all you wanted?” Roman sighs.
“Oh, dinner’s ready too,” Remus shrugs and walks away, leaving the door wide open. Bewildered, Roman follows.
H. Duke (9:31pm): roman
H. Duke (9:31pm): roman
H. Duke (9:32pm): roman!!
H. Duke (9:34pm): romAN
H. Duke (9:34pm): ROMAN
   H. Chandler (9:35pm): WHAT DO YOU WANT REMUS
   H. Duke (9:37pm): i lost the game >:D
H. Chandler (9:38pm): i will END YOU
Roman sighs and reluctantly knocks on Remus’ door, calling to him, “Remus, can you help me?”
“Depends,” Remus swings the door open, mischievous smirk gracing his lips. “What do you want, and what can you do for me?”
Holding out his notebook and textbook, Roman explains, “can you check that my answers are right? I can’t be in the musical if I fail math again.”
Remus gives him an expectant look, so he continues, “I’ll do your laundry for a week.”
“A month.”
“Two weeks.”
“Deal,” Remus nods and holds out his hand to shake. Roman shakes it, then hands the books to his brother, who promptly flops down into his desk chair. Roman stands anxiously as Remus compares their homework, hope growing in his stomach when Remus looks up at him with a soft smile and nods.
“They look good, Ro,” he stands, giving the books back to his twin. “You’re getting the hang of it, I’m proud of you.”
“Oh, uh, thank you, Re.”
“Don’t sweat it,” Remus shrugs. “Now get out of my room, I’m playing Minecraft.”
H. Duke (11:37am): hey beefbrain are u going out for lunch?
   H. Chandler (11:38am): yes why?
   H. Duke (11:39am): bring me back a cheeseburger
   H. Chandler (11:41am): why would I do that??? you literally just called me beefbrain???
   H. Duke (11:42am): remember that time I proofread your math homework so you could audition for the wizard of oz?
    H. Chandler (11:43am): ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
H. Chandler (11:43am): extra onion right?
Roman skips up the stairs, shrugging his backpack off as he opens his bedroom door. Flicking on the light, he holds back a scream as he notices Remus lounging on his bed.
“Ah, Roman King, so nice of you to join me.”
“What are you doing in my room, Remus?” Roman rolls his eyes and closes the door. He crosses his arms over his chest as Remus stands.
“Let me paint you a picture, dear brother,” Remus begins dramatically pacing around the room - it’s times like this Roman can truly see the resemblance. “You see, I entered your room in pursuit of one thing, and one thing only -  your white crop top with the skull on it.”
“In the hamper.”
“Thank you. But while looking in your closet, I found something. Any guesses?”
Roman sighs, “Your green army jacket?”
“My green army jacket!” Remus pulls the coat from behind his back and holds it up for the older twin to see. “Anything to say for yourself, thief?”
“Remus, you literally just admitted to coming in here to steal a shirt of mine. I think I’m allowed to borrow a jacket.”
“Nuh uh, I have a right as your younger sibling to steal your clothes.”
“You’re only twenty minutes younger than me?”
“Doesn’t matter, still my birth right.”
“Fine,” Roman slumps down onto his bed. “Take the shirt, and wash it before you give it back?”
“You’re doing my laundry for the next week and a half so i think you’ll be washing it.”
H. Chandler (10:03am): hey
H. Chandler (10:03am): wizard of oz auditions are today at lunch
     H. Duke (10:05am): and? why should I care?
H. Duke (10:06am): wait wait I get it
H. Duke (10:06am): break a leg I guess
    H. Chandler (10:11am): not what I was getting at, but thank you
H. Chandler (10:12am): you should audition
H. Chandler (10:12am): I think you’d make a great wizard
   H. Duke (10:15am): ur hilarious
H. Duke (10:15am): absolutely not
   H. Chandler (10:17am): why not?
   H. Duke (10:17am): I have no talent
H. Duke (10:18am): you’re the one mom and dad are super proud of, remember?
  H. Chandler (10:21am): Remus, shut up. You’re one of the most talented people I’ve ever met
H. Chandler (10:22am): you’re related to me, afterall
H. Chandler (10:22am): mom and dad are proud of you too, by the way
      H. Duke (10:25am): fine
  H. Chandler (10:27am): fine????
  H. Duke (10:28am): fine, i’ll audition, but only to get you off my back
   H. Chandler (10:32am): love you too!!!
  H. Duke (10:33am): you’re also buying me lunch
The auditorium door barely closes behind him before Roman is bombarding him with questions.
“How did it go? What did they say? How do you feel? What-”
Remus motions for them to walk as he begins speaking, “It went well, I guess. They said I was ‘very promising’, whatever that means.”
“Remus, that’s amazing!” Roman exclaims. He fishes his car keys from his pocket and unlocks the door, sliding into the driver’s seat. “This calls for celebratory milkshakes.”
“We only do that when you get the role, dumbass.”
“But I know that you’re going to!”
“Look, Ro, I-” Remus sighs, turning in the passenger seat to face his brother. “Don’t get my hopes up, okay? The audition… felt good, yeah, but that doesn’t mean anything. I’ve seen you study really hard for tests and feel good about them and then fail, you know? Feeling good does nothing, and I barely prepared for it.”
The silence in the car was thick, both of them sitting in the truth of Remus’ words, before Roman speaks up again.
“Well,” He says, starting the car. “I guess we really do need those shakes.”
H. Chandler (4:46pm): stop talking to patton, he’s my friend not yours
  H. Duke (5:07pm): sorry what was that? I was busy getting my dick sucked by patton
   H. Chandler (5:08pm): OH MY GOD
H. Chandler (5:08pm): TMI??????????????
  H. Duke (5:10pm): kidding kidding
         H. Chandler (5:11pm): oh thank god
   H. Duke (5:13pm): i was sucking HIS dick
   H. Chandler (5:14pm): REMUS WHAT THE FUCK
     H. Duke (5:17pm): im kidding again
H. Duke (5:17pm): we’re studying, calm down
    H. Chandler (5:18pm): don’t you EVER do that to me again
   H. Duke (5:26pm): yeah whatever
H. Duke (5:26pm): i’ll stop hanging out with patton if you stop hanging out with dee
H. Duke (5:27pm): hE’s mY fRiEnD nOt YoUrS
    H. Chandler (5:31pm): bold of you to assume dee and I are just friends
H. Chandler (5:32pm): but alright, I concede, as long as you never try to tell me about your real or imaginary sex life again
    H. Duke (5:38pm): deal
“They posted the cast list!” Roman jumps up and down in front of his brother. “Should we go check together?”
Remus grimaces, “I think I’m good, you can check it yourself.”
“Remus,” Roman frowns. “A wise man once told me to always receive news first hand, and that’s why he would never check cast lists for me.”
“You already know your news.” Remus picks at the olives in his salad.
“But you don’t know yours!” Roman insists.
“Check it for me.”
“ Please .”
“Fine.” Remus pushes his chair out and stands. “But only to shut you up.”
“And that’s how you win the game, folks.”
Remus rolls his eyes and pushes past Roman who makes an offended noise and follows him. His steps become smaller as he grows closer to the auditorium door where the cast list is posted. Nervously, he asks, “Check it first?”
Roman nods sympathetically and makes his way to the door. “Do you want me to read it out loud?” He asks.
“Scarecrow: Roman King. Tin Man: Dee Lyre. Cowardly Lion: Patton Hart. The Wizard-”
“Wait,” Remus interrupts. “Let me read this one.”
“By all means.”
Remus takes a deep breath and reads the list, “The Wizard: Remus King.”
Roman cheers, and Remus joins in too. They’re practically screaming by the time they reach the cafeteria again, but no one bothers to stop them.
H. Chandler (1:56pm): so, celebratory milkshakes after school?
       H. Duke (1:59pm): you know it
H. Duke (2:00pm): oh and bring a mayo jar so I can put my shake in it and freak people out
       H. Chandler (2:03pm): absolutely not, plans cancelled
     H. Duke (2:04pm): :(
       H. Chandler (2:08pm): ugh okay fine plans uncancelled but i'm not bringing a mayo jar
       H. Duke (2:09pm): :D
H. Duke (2:09pm): and it’s fine i have my own
     H. Chandler (2:11pm): not even gonna ask
H. Chandler (2:14pm): oh and remus?
    H. Duke (2:15pm): yeah?
    H. Chandler (2:21pm): I lost the game
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Christmas break- Fred Weasley x Reader
Request: 84 & 92 from the 2nd prompt list with Fred Weasley
Prompts: 84. “No, mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!”
92.”I love you in every possible way.”
Word Count: 2k
a/n: The confession scene under the stars was inspired by a fic I read a while ago where Fred proposes under the stars near the burrow! Although I cant remember the name:/
also i’d love some feedback if you guys don’t mind, you can drop it in my asks or inbox or whatever, i feel like my writing is getting a little repetitive
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During Christmas break you had arranged to stay over at the Burrow with the Weasleys. Your family had decided to go on a cruise for your parents anniversary, so Mrs. Weasley gladly took you in for the break. You hadn't told Fred though, you wanted to surprise him. It was actually surprising he hasn't noticed you where keeping it a secret from him. He usually figured out your secrets within 0.2 seconds, having been best friends for the last 5 years, it wast really a surprise. So, just before your parents left for their cruise, they had driven you to Ottery St. Catchpole. Being muggle-born, they where very wary of you using magic.
So, as you pulled up to the burrow, you gave your parents a hug and a quick kiss, saying goodbye. You where far too excited to spend your Christmas break here. You had spent the previous night imagining all the scenarios that could happen over the next few weeks. It made you sad to be honest, knowing that they most likely wouldn't happen. But you could hope. You hurriedly knocked on the Weasleys door, waving a final goodbye as your parents got into the car.
Inside the burrow, Mrs Weasley was cleaning up from cooking, her family sat at the table eating, when she heard the knock on the door, she could only assume was you.
“Aww, Fred get the door please, im busy” Mrs Weasley huffed while all his siblings giggled at the table. Did he miss something? He gave his twin a confused look but brushed it off.
“Who is it, we aren't expecting anyone?” He wondered aloud.
“(Y/N)” She stated promptly, throwing a smile at him, preparing for what he would say next.
“WHAT!” He jumped from his seat. The last thing he wanted was to spend his Christmas break with her. Not in a mean way, he loved her and all but that was the problem. He was in love with her. He usually spent his Christmas fantasizing about what it would be like to be in a relationship with her, love her wholly and fully, have a life with her. He was excited, obviously to spend his Christmas with her, but Christmas meant gifts, then he had to get a gift that conveys ‘Ive been secretly in love with you since the day I lay eyes on you but I don't want to tell you in case I ruin our relationship so im going to wait for any smidgen of a hint that you like me, so I don't screw anything up and if that doesn't come then ill wait it out till you get a boyfriend, then ill cry and eat chocolate with George and try to get over it’ vibes, which was hard.
George interrupted his panicked thoughts. “Yeah! Mum invited her over to tell her all about how you drool all over her and daydream about herrrrr ”
“And how her eyes are so god damn dreamy” Ron and Harry had joined in and soon the whole table was reciting Fred's love lines.
“No! Mum don't tell her I said that about her!” He insisted. This had been going on for around 5 minutes while you where still stood outside, so you gave another quick knock on the door, as it was snowing and bloody freezing.
“Get the door!”
“Yeah, don't want to keep the love of your life waiting” Ron said dreamily, but Fred just threw a bread roll at him. He trudged towards the door, conflicted emotions but heart beating with excitement. He opened the door, there you stood, beanie on, snowflakes in your hair, basking in the moonlight, more beautiful than he had ever seen you. He was snapped from his trance by you, enthusiastically throwing your arms around him.
“Freddie! Surprise!” You hugged him and held tightly, having missed him.
“Blimey” He stumbled back from the force of your hug, but grabbed you protectively. “Its only been a week, you missed me that much?” He was right, your break from Hogwarts came about two weeks before Christmas, meaning one week to go. You subconsciously glanced at your case, wondering if he'd like your present.
“Of course I have Freddie! Couldn't live without my partner in crime!” She stated enthusiastically before they heard George shout from the kitchen. “What about me?!” You two laughed it off. You walked into the kitchen, Fred offering to carry your bags.
“How are my favourite gingers doing, and of course Harry?” They cheered as you walked into the kitchen, they all hugged you one by one, and you thanked Mrs Weasley profusely, but she just brushed it off.
“You'll be in the twins room” She smiled, Ron quietly wolf whistled in the background, causing Harry to laugh and Ginny to smack him on the shoulder, hiding a small smile. Fred nudged you.
“Wanna put your stuff upstairs?” He questioned and you nodded, he grabbed your stuff and started heading upstairs, with whoops and cheers behind you from the boys, while Mrs Weasley tried to calm them down.
When you where close to his room you asked the question that had been on your mind. “What was all the cheering about when they mentioned me sleeping in your room?” You questioned innocently.
“uh...” Fred felt a blush creeping up his neck. “its just, they know we’ll be sleeping in the bed, and you know how boys are”
It had never occurred to you that you'd be sleeping in the same bed, the thought made your heart speed up, you assumed you'd be sleeping on the floor.
“Unless of course you don't want to share a bed, id be fine sleeping on the floor” He said smiling.
“Don't be silly, of course we can sleep in the same bed, come on!” You raced him to the top of the stairs, both laughing like crazy.
The next week leading up to Christmas went crazily quickly. And the first night sleeping in Fred's bed with him was possibly a Christmas miracle, at least that's what it felt like. You guys where cuddled up, obviously George had given you the ‘no shagging while im asleep next to you two’ talk. But honestly, it felt right, being there with him. You tried to convince yourselves you where just friends, but that was never the case.
And so the day of Christmas came, and the entire Weasley family and their guests where so excited. Molly had helped Fred pick out something he knew you'd love. So the crackers where opened and candy canes eaten, and it was time to open the presents, you and Fred had waited last to give yours to each other. After everyone had finished giving gifts, they turned to you two expectantly. You ran to your suitcase, gently picking up the box, and Fred went to get his present. You'd returned to the living room, adorned In your own honorary Weasley jumper, clutching the present.
“Ill give yours first?” You asked, he nodded and you handed over the present. He carefully unwrapped it, savouring every moment. He flipped open the lid, and stared at the glinting ring.
“See, its a ring, but it has the first words you ever said to me on it” You giggled, the ring had the first words he had said to you on that train in first year. ‘Blimey, your gorgeous. Wait, what?’ The Weasleys laughed at the fond memory, and Mrs Weasley recalled all the letters she received that year, about the pretty Gryffindor that he was enchanted by.
“(Y/N), i-” He was honestly speechless.
“Oh and also!” She bounced excitedly “Its charmed to show a different picture of us and glows every time you think of mwah!” She giggled and mockingly flipped her hair. God she was perfect. He hugged her, tighter than he'd ever hugged her before. He whispered a quiet ‘thank you’ in your ear, you kissed his cheek and giggled, adding an ‘of course Freddie’. They pulled away and it was Fred's turn to give you his gift. Mr and Mrs Weasley where already tearing up at the scene in front them. Fred delicately handed you a similar box, you slowly ripped away the gold wrapping. Flipping the lid of the white box, sat a ring similar to the one you gave him, but as well as gold it had a purple stripe (your favourite colour) and a green stripe (his favourite colour). You stared at it, it was so beautiful.
“Its a promise ring” He began to explain. “i promise to always be...” He paused, breath hitched in his throat. Your faces where astonishingly close. “Your best friend” He breathed out. It honestly felt like a dagger in the chest, for both of you. You stared into each others eyes, desperately waiting, wanting, willing something to happen. Until you snapped away at the sound of Ron couching and Mrs Weasley shouting everyone for dinner.
Later that night, after dinner and the sun set, You and Fred had decided to go and watch the stars. A comforting act in itself but felt suddenly romantic with Fred. You two lay on a hill at the back of the burrow. Your head on his arm, cuddled up into him. You pointed out a star, Sirius.
“See that one?” You pointed towards the brightest star in the sky. Fred reached past your hand and pointed somewhere in the sky, that was definitely not where you where pointing.
“That one?”
You grabbed his wrist and moved to point it at the star. “See, Sirius, my uncles named after that star, ya know. Isn't it beautiful?” You questioned but Fred wasn't listening any more. Any thoughts of the stars had been discarded, he was only looking at you.
“Yeah, yeah it is beautiful” A small smile lit up his face as he stared at you in the moonlight.
You giggled as you saw Fred's ring glow brighter than any star in the sky. “Freddie, you rings glowi-” You turned to look at him but he was already staring. “What's up?” You questioned, a concerned look on your face.
“i love you in every possible way” He was still staring, a peaceful glint in his eye. Your heart stopped, your breath hitched. What did he just say? You sat up on your elbows and turned to look at him.
“What-” you whispered quietly.
“i love you (Y/N)” He matched your position on his elbows. “Ive loved you since that day I stepped foot into your carriage on the train and accidentally called you gorgeous. Ive loved you since you stood up against that Slytherin in second year. Ive loved you since you played that prank on Snape in third year. Ive loved you since you gave Hermione advice about her crush on Draco in 4th year. I love you under the sun and under the stars, in the Burrow or in Hogwarts or anywhere. I love you now and ill love you forever. I don't care if it ruins our friendship any more because I want you and only you.” You where brought to tears by his speech, and so where all the Weasleys who where watching from the kitchen windows. You threw your arms around him and kissed him. Pouring all the tears and bottled up feelings into the kiss.
“Of course I love you back Freddie, you idiot!” You jumped on top of him and he began giggling, you burst out in a fit of giggles. Mr. and Mrs Weasley watched from the kitchen, knowing his son had finally found the one. That was the most magical and memorable Christmas of your life.
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loniereads · 4 years
cr: Sufficiently Advanced Magic
*spoiler warning*
Chapter 1 - 5
Chapter one
“I was prepared in a thousand different ways that didn’t matter” - Me for every test I’ve ever taken ☺️✨✨
Omg is he gonna go look for his brother 🥺 This book said found family but make it literal - side note, love the name Tristan.
I hope it’s explained as to WHY hundreds of 17 year olds are enduring a judgment to their possible death????
Imagine you’re brother going basically missing, your mom leaving, and then your dad pulling you out of school so you can prepare to possibly ✨die✨
“It could take years to grow strong enough-” 🥺 He’s going to sacrifice years of his life and risk certain death just for a chance to reunite his family is this book gonna make me cry?
I don’t like his name as much as I like his brothers but yanno whatever- how do you even say Corin
I already hate the dad??? Hello? Your first son is gone and your second could follow in his fate and you don’t even see him off?? Fuck you buddy why are book dads such assholes
“I loathed hurting people. I always had.” so i have decided that if anything happens to Corin I will kill everyone in the room and then myself. WHAT A CUTIE SWEET SOUL
If this book forces him to hurt someone I’ll riot-
Oh my gosh he hates fighting but he’s willing to fight for his brother I LOVE HEALTHY BROTHER RELATIONSHIPS they’re so pure
Corin is so nice to try to explain all of this weapon stuff and rune stuff to me like I have any idea wtf he’s talking about- he’s talking and I’m like I’m just happy to be here ☺️
I feel like the fact that he’s paying for everything he takes is important- like maybe other people just take and don’t leave anything? But he’s like here’s a coin for you scary tower~
“It was too cute to die” why do I love Corin so
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What a cute ass sweet ass cinnamon roll, my god🥺
Chapter two
Why does everything he say sound so intelligent
ldmoaha not Corin having a convo with a book
It’s been too long since I read a normal romance book why did my brain just decide to ship Corin and a BOOK
Ok but him taking time to ask about his brother has me so soft
What the flip chapter 2 was so short??? ):
Chapter three
“You shouldn’t have done that” how ominous and amazing and I love it
He so casually was like OH LOOK A DEAD BODY OH LOOKIE PEOPLE
Omg is he gonna find his brother in here- OH MY
just... kidding. He did infact not find him.
Oh wait someone younger than him though- so is going into the tower a choice? That would make it a little better. Like you decide when you go in or? I NEED MORE INFO PLS
The word resh is growing on me
He risked his gold key on her 🥺
I love this little merry band of criminals- also just hoping the kid doesn’t yanno....die
omg Keras is out here crushing stones with his bare hands 😏 hellooooo
Wait I’m so conflicted??? I want to trust Keras and Vera but I also want to trust the book alsnsish
Vera is a whole mood I really hope she’s not like evil or just a weird thing in the tower or idk whatever I want her to stay
AWWAIT ☹️☹️☹️ They left Keras behind- that can’t be it. He’s gotta come back right? Like book person is gonna save him? Right!!??
Chapter four
This ‘kid’ they’re carrying is just making out like a bandit, he’s just getting carried through the tower 😂
Okay this might be a weird jump- but WHAT IF THE BOOK ENTITY ISSSSS HIS BROTHER??????????? Like the book person seems to really care if Corin lives? so it’s either just like a really caring person, OR HIS BROTHER
Pls let me be right
That would be so cool
The book entity helped him to finish the rest completely? Is this allowed? This feels not allowed
Corin: fighting monsters with criminals in a magical tower, very time sensitive needs to escape quickly
Also Corin: lemme just wrote a little diary entry ✨☺️
So obviously he’s going to get to keep his memories
Also like he got out of the tower so easily? What?
“And don’t let anyone hassle you about your attunement.” HOW VERY OMONIOUS OF YOU TO SAY
Honestly- Fuck Magnus Cadence
His childhood bestfriend is his half sister? I love that???? Instead of making them love interests they’re half siblings that’s cool as hell. We love childhood friends to siblings trope
I will reiterate, FUCK MAGNUS CADENCE
I hope we get to see their friendship bc I’m here for this trope
Chapter five
🥺 he sent the boys glove to his parents I’m so soft
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Their relationship makes me so happy?? Like I love this. So they better reunite or I’ll riot
I miss Keras 🥺
I am so unsure of Sera. I do love the sudden sibling, and I really really hope they end up having a cool relationship and like she helps him find his(their) brother and hdjsjdjs
If anyone gives Corin a hard time for his attunement I’ll throw hands-
Not them earning points at their schools- All I can think about how is “10 points to gryffindor”
I love the word behooves
Can they go back into the tower already 💀 This down time is killing me. I want book entity, Keras and that boy who was unconscious the entire time back.
-side note, I absolutely love how all three of them(Keras, Corin, and Vera) were all so concerned with this unconscious boy and they literally carried him to complete safety. Who is this boy?? Will he come back? I miss him he better not be be dead. Vera can die but not unconscious boy.
I don’t know if I’m supposed to like Sera... but she’s giving me “I’m better than you because I have a better attunement” vibes and I do not like that at all so if Icneed to I will pretend to doesn’t exist.
Aw the schools has like animal representatives decisions?? CUTE UM. - there’s way too many for my brain to keep up with but I love them anyway
Not them assigning kids to basically play pranks on everyone else and tell them if they don’t find the prankster kids they lose points- what a weird ass school
-Also I know Tristen isn’t dead because like then what would be the point huh? HUH? So he’s got to be alive
Or I’ll riot.
“A walking rainstorm” idk why but that is so fucking adorable. I love my new comfort raintorm, Corin.
I can’t wait for them(Corin and Sera) to meet up with their friends and they have to explain that they’re now half siblings.
Them reminding him to not lose his little sigil pin makes me feel like he’s going to lose or forget it ummmm
Imagine getting fucking EXPELLED because you forgot your pin on your other uniform.
I feel like that would be me honestly. Are people not just...forgetful in this universe??
Ngl i would hate to be in the tortoise division
Corins attunement is lamer but his division is called the Phoenix? Like that’s so much cooler than tortoise
The fact that sera is trying to convince me the Spider division isn’t real makes me feel like she’s in it???
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I know my babey Corin didn’t mean this as snarky as I would have liked him to but I love this line so much.
Ngl I was hoping they would have roommates- I love a good school roommate dynamic
For the third time I would like to make my opinion to be known; FUCK MAGNUS CADENCE
Why has no one made a playlist for this book on Spotify? I am throughly disappointed
Not Corin being ghosted by his book-
I wish I had half the motivation Corin has? Like it’s my boys first day of school and as soon as he gets into his room he starts studying. I would have taken a nap
Oop jk as soon as he couldn’t find the rune he was looking for he went to lay in bed.
I’m sorry what in the hell is Wyddsday??? Did I miss them explaining to hat this universe has different names for it’s days of the week?? How am I supposed to know when this is Corin? Or what day it even is currently
World building is so intricate and interesting and I absolutely live for it- but it’s literally so frustrating sometimes learning and remembering everything
Okay Sera being less irritated about her studies being interrupted because it’s Corin is cute
I still don’t know if I’m supposed to like Sera
Tashday, Fersday, Kyrsday, Tensday, Vasday, and Wyddsday- either I can’t count or they’re missing a day. And what order do they go in? I need a calendar insert pls and thanks
Wait wait did he just run into an ex? What is this sndlsnsin “long-buried emotions”??
Oooo we get a name. Cecily Lambert
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I didn’t possibly think I could relate to Corin anymore than I already do but here I am
The dorm chiefs introduce themselves to everyone? How cute and Curtis didn’t seem at all annoyed by Corin asking so many questions I love when upperclassman in books aren’t rude for no reason. It’s such a tiring trait they often have smh
I need his exams to hurry up because I would very much like to get back to the fast paced tower scenes-
I know absolutely nothing about Jin but I love him immensely
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jaeyunluvs · 4 years
birthday surprises - arón piper imagine
Author’s Note: Thanks for all the positive comments I’ve got on my last headcanon im so happy sdfjsfhds okay anyways here’s the actual first fanfic here we go people!!
SECOND NOTE: There was a problem with my laptop so it doubled a paragraph i’m so so sorry :(( edit: I fixed it
you can read my headcanon here
warnings: nothing. fluff i guess ah and maybe a tiny angst in the beginning
a short disclaimer: i dont know any of these people personally! english is my second language i may have mistakes (let me know if i do) . also i dont really know how to speak spanish so im sorry!!! 
anyways enjoy!!
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“Do you think he’ll be here?” you asked your sister painfully while sitting on the table eating lunch. Your birthday was tomorrow and you were in your hometown to celebrate your birthday with your siblings and some friends from your childhood nothing much. But your boyfriend, Arón was in the shooting for Elite.
“Honey he’ll try his best but I don’t think he will. He’s a successful actor you know that.” your sister Maya said.
You tried to understand but you didn’t feel happy. You and your family adored him which is a good thing and this made you so happy because he meant a lot to you. But he was the only person you actually wanted to spend time with
“I’ll kill him and punch his face if he doesn’t show up! He’s a cool bro but tell me if you need anything.” your brother Leo told you.
“Leo calm down, stop planning on the poor boy!” your sister Maya defended him.
While they were arguing. You stared at the outside from the window, rain pouring down from the sky. Raindrops on the ground, the fresh feeling of rain, the smell of nature just made you feel better. 
After staring at the beauty of nature, Aron called. You immediately run to your room and accept the call from with your sweaty hands.
“Hola, amor”
“Hi aron, i miss you”
“Yo tambien amor, please forgive me but I won’t be able to make it to your birthday can we celebrate it later?” he says in the phone but actually suffering cause he hates it when you’re sad and not be able to spend time especially special times together.
“oh, okay sure” you said while tears pooling in your eyes trying not to make Aron notice. You tried to find an excuse to end the call “then we’ll talk later i gotta go mom’s looking for me.” 
“bye carina” you ended the call without hearing him saying bye but you didn’t want him to understand you’re crying and sad because you support his work and you didn’t want him to think you’re a baby (WHICH HE DOESNT I PROMISE). You sat on your bed cried for hours eating ice cream, hugging your dog and watching romcom movies with your sister. (A/N. typical lol)
Meanwhile in the Elite set:
After the call, Aron was actually very unhappy. Miguel and Omar tried to cheer him up. Their work was only waste of time because they know you’re the only person that could make him happy.
You met the elite cast in the first month you started dating Aron which right now it's been 6 months since you've started dating. Everyone loved you and very happy that their friend Aron is dating such a wonderful lady.
"I have an idea. Let's go all together. Aron call her Y/N's sister immediately we have a surprise to do!" Danna chirped.
"But how are we gonna go all together?" Aron asked still sad, in the verge of crying.
“Also The director said we can’t go.” said Claudia with a sad expression.
“I’ll go talk to him we can all have a day off can’t we?” Omar tried to cheer everyone up. He is one of the most cheerful person in the cast which this was the one of the reasons why you loved Omar. After the idea popping up, Itzan and Omar went to talk with the director.
10 minutes passed Aron was still stressing out and feeling unbelievably sad (a/n: this baby cares about you so much ahh sdfhsh <33). Danna and Ester being completely positive they tried to plan the surprise.
After 30 minutes Itzan and Omar came back with good news. They explained that they can have the day off but they begged the director so bad that the director was going to explode. 
“That cabron was being so rude! But he’s nice that he accepted so let’s go!” said Omar.
“Madre Mia, Aron you owe us a favor!” claimed Itzan laughing while watching Aron jumping in his seat.
The cast was extremely happy.
The car ride was so fun but weird at the same time. Maria and Jaime couldn’t come but they promised to celebrate it later. Jorge and Miguel partying in the background. Itzan and Aron chatting about rap. Omar and Alvaro sleeping. Last but not least all the girls were sitting together planning everything.
“Aron, what are the things she like? Like what’s her favorite movie?” Ester asked curiously so she can get an idea and brainstorm about the surprise.Aron answered with a low husky voice “She likes dogs, music, and her favorite movie is 10 Things I Hate About You. Mi amor loves oldies.” he smiled while thinking of what you like. He likes every single one of you. I guess this is called love. But are you also in love with him? Are you guys ready to tell that you guys love each other? Rejection. Fear. Concern. Little did he know that you felt the same.“oohh but 10 Things I-” Maria was interrupted by Aron.
“Ay dios mio! I have the perfect idea!” Aron said excitedly. He explained his dearest friends.
They called Maya and Leo to make the surprise possible. They were too happy and they told Aron that you were so sad he immediately felt like an evil and stopped talking. But the plan made him felt better.
It was going to be perfect.
Anyways after 8 hours of the car ride. Everyone was tired. They went on the ride at the night and now it was morning.
Aron was coming.
For his love
The girl he loved.
For you.
The Birthday Day
“WAKEY WAKEY Y/N IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY!” Your sister Maya and brother Leo shouted. They were so excited for the surprise. 
The party was going to be in the house so Maya had to take you out of the house until night. 
(A/N: Just a side note sorry for interrupting but your parents are not gonna be in the party!)
You grumbled and mumbled a few curse words under your mouth and woke up.
“Today we’re gonna shop, go meet Y/B/F/N and go to the movies!! It’s gonna be so much fun!” Maya said excitedly.
You smiled at your sister and grateful that she wants you to be happy. You tried to forget Aron for that day and have a nice time. 
After eating breakfast you went out. Your phone was blowing with birthday messages and some dm’s from instagram about Aron’s arrival to the hometown by fans but Maya immediately caught the phone while she sent you to get something. 
The day went great, you went to see Avengers Endgame which is one of your favorite movies, you went to shopping, bought a sunglasses, ate junk food, done silly stuff. But Aron was nowhere to be found for you. There was no message or calls which made you feel so bad inside. 
On the other hand, the house was crazy, people trying to cook, plan, decorate the house... It was already a mess.
After the effort that almost 25 people given has done and it was the time that you were going to be taken back home by Maya.
“Y/N it was a great day. happy birthday te quiero mucho. Now go to house I’ll be back i’ll park the car ” she hugged you in the car, then you went out. While you were trying to open the door you heard a similar melody.
“You’re just to good to be true,”
“Can't take my eyes off of you“
“You’ll be like heaven to touch,”
“I wanna hold you so much”
“As long as love as arrived”
“And i thank god I’m alive”
“You’re just too good to be true,
“Can’t take my eyes off of you.” 
You saw Aron walking to you singing. You ran into him and kiss him so passionately. You were almost crying. Also he knew your favorite movie and always wanted to be surprised like this. 
“You’re here Aron! You’re here and you’re singing like Pat did to Kat.”
“Would never miss it, mi cabron!”
Then you heard a crowd shouting and singing happy birthday for you. You see the elite cast running for you. You hug every single of them and thank for their effort to come there.
You were so grateful to have such friends, family and a boyfriend like that.
It was too good to be true.
Song Credits: Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You - Frankie Valli
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svubloods · 6 years
Imagine being the Youngest Reagan: Just the Seven of Us
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(A/N: Something different but fun. Just cute really. I hope you enjoy!)
Imagine being the Youngest Reagan: Just the Seven of Us
Staten Island, New York City, New York 1996
Joseph Reagan observed his parents sceptically, to the point he could feel his right eyebrow quirked up in suspicion as he watched them from his position in the backseat. They were certainly acting normally, he thought, as the continued to speak casually to Jamie, your brother, about his high school electives. Everything seemed normal but something was off and Joe knew it. He didn't understand where they were going, why they were being so secretive about it and why they had organised it like this so that they were only ones clued in. Joe’s younger siblings sixteen-year-old Jamie and eight year old Y/N clearly wasn't as curious as he was but maybe that was because as they both still lived at home and going on trips with them on the weekend weren't an unusual occurrence for them unlike Joe, who was now living on the Columbia Campus in the city after starting his freshman year there a few months ago. What was even weirder was that his older sister Erin, a Junior at Columbia, and older brother Danny, a rookie cop, were instructed to meet them at whoever they heading, no excuses. Which meant that unlike him who had decided to catch the train to Staten Island to his parents from the city a day early and stay the night before, they knew where they were all heading.
Though he was naturally curious, he trusted his parents and didn't dwell on it. So he pulled away from his intrigued thoughts and his view of the blurring Staten Island streets through the window to look at his little sister. Who was sandwiched comfortably between him and Jamie in the middle seat at the back seat of the car? He watched amused as she read the book tightly clutched in her small hands intently, her face slightly screwed up in concentration. It was a face that he knew all too well, his Mother and older sister Erin made similar faces when concentrating as well.
He was glad she was enjoying the book. His mom had been telling him that ever since moved out and gave her the book; ’The Ultimate Kid’s Guide to All Things Science’ that she hadn’t put it down. And today was no exception, the book enough to entertain her during the seemingly long trip. Though didn’t need his mom to tell him that she had been enjoying it, she told him every Sunday when he took the train back up for Sunday Lunch back at his parents. He was happy that she was liking it so much, especially as the whole reason he gave it to her was so that on the day he left, she would be too distracted to get too upset. Despite the age difference, Joe shared a very special bond with his baby sister. Unlike Jamie who thought he was too cool and Erin and Danny who were too much older, he loved spending time and talking to her. In fact, he missed hearing about her second grade, well now third-grade escapades. It was either his little sister was a great storyteller or that the lives of eight and seven years olds were vastly more interesting than his own.
Joe leaned into her side gently and bowed his head to whisper to her so that only she could hear.
“Whatcha reading?” He whispered, glancing at the page she was reading.
“How to make a volcano out of paper-mâché!” You whispered excitedly, looking at him with a large grin, “And before it said that inside volcanos there is lava and it's really hot!”
“Lava?” He asked, encouragingly, chuckling to himself as you flipped the page back and pointed at it dramatically.
“Molten rock!” You stated, confidently.
“Woah,” He played along happily, “So you’re enjoying the book then?”
“It’s the best present ever,” You exclaimed, though you were still whispering to each other, “Thank you, Joey,”
“But you still miss me right?” He teased.
You nodded with a playful pout just empathise how much you still missed him and he put his arm around you and gave you a squeeze.
“You’re squishing me!” You squealed, your face pressed up against his torso so it was muffled. 
“It’s because I love you so much,” He jokingly singsonged, keeping you pressed into his side as he rocked you from side to side, the best he could from your strapped down position in the car.
“What’s going on back there?” Your Dad’s voice asked with teasing sternest from the driver’s seat, you both glanced forward to see his fascinated eyes fixated on the both of you in the rearview mirror. “Just the usual,” The nineteen-year-old quipped, acting in a way to arouse fake suspicion and to entertain you,  “Lava, college, our plans for world domination,”
“Is that right?” Your Dad entertained, looking at his eight year old daughter directly, “What will the great Y/N/N dominate first?”
You paused for a second your face contorting in concentration once again before responding.
“Manhattan,” You declared.
“You might want to ask Grandpa first,” He chuckled.
“Why do I need to ask Grandpa?” You whined, looking at him confused in the rearview mirror.
“Well, he’s the Police Commissioner remember? And that means it’s his job to make sure police officers like me and Danny do their job and protect people. Which includes stopping takeovers from tyrannical eight-year-olds,” He explained, purposely.
“What are you going to do if Grandpa says no, Y/N?” Jamie asked, his conversation over now, and his full attention refocused onto your interaction.
“Ask Grandma, she always says yes!” You revealed, “Especially when I make my eyes big like this,”
You widened your eyes with your fingers and pouted playfully which much to your confusion made everyone else in the car laugh.
“Can I know where we are going now?” Joseph asked your parents when the laughter died down.
“Patience, young Joseph,” Your Mother teased, whipping round to smirk at him, “All will be revealed,”
“You and your dramatics Mother,” Joe quipped, rolling his eyes at his mother and her antics, but he couldn't help the laugh that spilt over despite his best attempts to control himself.
“You hear that Frank?” She giggled, grabbing hold of his arm as he drove, “He’s serious, he called me mother,”
“Should we tell him?” Your Dad entertained, his eyes on the road ahead.
“Yes you should,” He interrupted, “Danny and Erin already know, so it’s only fair that I know too,”
“Well, that’s because there is too many of you to fit in the car,” Your Mom shrugged.
“I don’t know where we are going either,”Fifteen-year-old Jamie added, making sure he was apart of the conversation as well.
“Why can’t I know what I’m giving up my Saturday for?” Joe countered.
“Because you should be happily willing to spend your Saturday with us regardless of the exact details,” Your Mom refuted, “And anyway let’s be honest Joey, you didn't have any plans anyway,”
Jamie snorted.
“Hey,” Joe protested, “I had plans,”
“With Tia?” Jamie joked, rolling out her name as Joe’s cheeks went red.
“Shut up!”
“Whose Tia?” Your mom asked, perking up and suddenly eager, “Don’t tell me I have to start helping to plan another son’s wedding,”
“Mom,” Joe groaned in embarrassment, sinking in his seat slightly.
“That will teach you to try and ruin the surprise,” She laughed, “Now Jamie, how was football practice yesterday?”
It wasn’t long after that, that you arrived at your destination. You pilled out the car and marvelled in wonder at was before you as your brothers quickly followed you. Your parents with smiles on their faces grabbed all your things.
“Coney Island?” Joe questioned in disbelief, “You made me travel from Manhattan to Staten Island only to take me to Brooklyn?”
“We didn't make you come a day early,” Your Dad reminded.
“But you understand that this could have been so much easier, right? If you had told me where we were going for this family Day out!” He protested, helplessly.
“But think of all the fun you had on the journey up with us,” Your mom comforted, side hugging Joe tightly which he quickly returned.
“Now, we have to wait for your brother and sister to get here,” Your Dad announced.
“Babe, give Danny a call to see how long they’ll be,” Your Mother suggested, her and Joe circling the car towards your Dad while you and Jamie stood looking hopefully at the entrance, “He said that Erin was coming with him,”
“JJ is that a rollercoaster? You squealed as the distinctive whoosh of it breezed past you.
“Probably,” He nodded, before crouching down beside you, “But I have a feeling you might be too small to go on,”
“Noooo, why can’t I be taller!” You huffed, slamming your small foot adorned with a thin white sandal on the concrete.
“Maybe next year you'll grow,” He shrugged, nervously, suddenly regretting answering your question without backup, rookie mistake.
“But I want to go on now!” You insisted, “Maybe I’ll grow before we get there, lets go and see!”
“Well, how about we do something else together, instead? Because that’s not going to happen” He offered, hopefully.
“Like what?” You demanded, narrowing your little eyes at him and frowning.
“I’ll buy you a hotdog,” He smiled.
“You don't have any money,” You sighed, disappointed.
“Okay, I’ll get Dad to buy us both hotdogs,” He clarified.
“I want two,” You babbled, “I didn't have breakfast, so I'm really hungry,”
“Why not?”
“I wanted to save space for my milkshake,” You answered before grinning and adding, “Daddy said I could have one if I’m good,”
“How did you know you could get a milkshake?” He questioned.
“Because,” You began dramatically, “Mommy told me where we were going yesterday, she said we were going to the beach and they had milkshakes there. And I love milkshakes!”
“Why didn't you say anything?”
“Because if I had told you then it wouldn't be a secret and it was a secret,” You reiterated.
He was about to say something else only to be interrupted by the arrival of your older siblings, twenty-three-year-old Danny and twenty-one-year-old Erin.
“All right, we’re here and now tell us why,” Danny announced after he and Erin greeted your parents and the rest of you.
“Now that everyone is here,” Your Mother beamed, “I’ll explain. Your Father and I thought it would be fun to get all of us together for a proper family day, just the seven of us, because it’s very rare we all get together just us and because this might be our last chance as just seven ever before my baby boy get married next weekend,”
Your Mother finished her explanation by engulfing Danny into her embrace and squeezing his cheeks.
“Ma,” He cried, but he did little to remove himself from her grasp, “So that’s why I couldn't bring Linda, huh?”
“We wanted to celebrate it being just the seven us of us,” Your Dad added, going over and clapping Danny on the back, “Before you start your new family,”
“Well not any time too soon, hopefully,” He cringed, not enjoying both of his parent's undivided attention even if it was only for a few moments.
“A new family?” You whispered to yourself.
“Shh,” Jamie sounded, putting his finger to his lips as your parents continued to speak.
You were too consumed with your own confused thoughts to focus on what everyone was saying. All you could remember was looking up at everyone, everyone was smiling and laughing and your frowning at them all but they didn’t seem to notice.
“So we have dinner reservations at a restaurant for Seven, so if we end up splitting up that’s where we will meet,” Your Mom continued to explain, “But since this is a family day I hope we all be sticking together all day and yes I’m looking at you boys,”
Jamie and Danny protested the statement, your Dad and Joe just laughed.
“Oh,” You Mother cried, before pulling all five of you into a bear hug, you only reached her hips so once again your face was squished, “I can’t believe I get to believe I get to spend all day with all five o my babies,”
“Mom, don’t cry,” Erin said above you.
“I might not survive the day if you keep crushing my windpipe,” Danny spluttered.
She quickly released everyone before commenting playfully, “Sorry, for loving you all so much,”
“Come on let’s get going,” Your Dad instructed and with that, you made your way.
From there the seven you made your way around Coney Island. Constantly stopping and starting again, as everything seemed to grab the interest of at least one of you. None of you had realised how much you all had to catch up on with each other, everyone had something going on in their lives that they hadn't mentioned yet or fully explained. Your mother adored having all of you together and the fact that all of you were so close despite the large age differences. It was something she always worried about and the fact that sometimes he felt like she was always being pulled in five different directions which meant at least one of you was always left out. It was much easier when you were all together. Everyone was talking and enjoying themselves, happy. Just by simply being together.
Everyone except for you of course. You couldn't enjoy yourself as much as everyone else. Being the youngest meant that you couldn't participate in the rides that Joe and Jamie wanted to go on or a lot of the activities your Mom and Erin went off to do. So for a good proportion of the day you were on the sidelines with whoever was designated to take care of you. Not that you minded at that point, you were too upset but no one seemed to notice and it would fluctuate when you were distracted. Everyone was too distracted with enjoying themselves to notice that you weren't always. A lot of time to save time someone carried you round so that you wouldn't get too tired too quickly.
“What do you think, rockstar?” Your Mom asked bending slightly to meet you, as you stomped out of the dressing room of a kids clothing store that you, your mom and older sister Erin.
You frowned at the new denim dress that Erin had selected for you, which to you looked exactly like on you already had. You also shook your head to wobble the big red bow that Erin had put in your hair because she said it would match the new red shoes that your mom had selected.
“Well, that isn't a promising look,” She chuckled, grabbing your face in her hands and pulling it closer to hers, “What’s up?”
“I don’t like it!” You insisted.
“But you look so cute in it, well cuter than usual,” Your Mom winked at you with a reassuring grin, “What do you think Erin?”
“Y/N, you look adorable,” She complimented, playing with your mass of curly hair before straightening your bow.
“But I don’t want to be adorable,” You sighed.
“Then what do you want to be?” Your Mom questioned.
“A big girl,” You smiled, “So I can go on the rollercoasters,”
You Mom just chuckled while Erin who was at least a foot taller than your mom at that age knelt down beside you.
“You look like a big girl in that outfit,” she said.
“You’re just saying that because you picked it,” You frowned, narrowing your eyes at her suspiciously.
“No, I mean it,” She promised, “Look we’re matching,”
She gestured to the white and navy striped dress she was wearing and the shirt she had picked for you to wear under your new denim dress. Also white and navy.
“We are,” You beamed, your eyes lighting up before frowning again, “But you don’t like it when Mom tries to dress us the same,”
“I’ll make an exception for today,” She sighed.
“Only today because you look so amazing,” She teased, poking your ribs playfully and sticking your tongue at you.
“Is the lady satisfied?” Your Mom teased, shooting Erin a sneaky wink.
“Indeed,” You played along before you all left the store to meet the boys who were all waiting outside for you to finish.
“Can we go to the rides now?” Jamie asked as soon as you returned to the group.
Your Mom and Dad shared a look before looking down at you, knowing that you were too young to go on anything in that area. They seemed to interact telepathically, coming up with a plan without saying a word to each.
“All right boys, let’s go,” Your Mom responded as Jamie and Joe ran ahead.
“I’ll go too,” Erin added, walking alongside your mom.
Which left you, your Dad and Danny at the storefront. You looked up expectantly at your Dad, purposely ignoring your older brother.
“Hey kiddo, how about we try out some carnival games?” Danny asked.
“No,” You stated, ducking behind your Dad’s legs.
“No?” He repeated, taken aback.
You nodded before grabbing hold of your Dad tightly, his hands flying down to steady you.
“Oh okay,” He nodded.
“Why don’t you go catch up with everyone Danny,” Your Dad suggested pointedly leaving it as just the two of you.
He gathered you up in his arms and held you tightly against him.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go to the Carnival?” He asked, studying your young face.
“Let’s go,”
Fifteen minutes you were happily throwing beanbags and even though you weren't making any progress on the towers of steel cups, you were having fun. And your Dad seemed to be having fun just the two of you as well. He eventually stepped in and helped you win a prize, a toy money that was almost as big as you were.
“A monkey for my little monkey,” He grinned handing you the prize almost causing you to topple over.
“You hold it,” You squealed, shoving it back into his arms as he laughed at you.
He put the monkey over one shoulder and grabbed your hand as you continued your way through the carnival.
You babbled happily to him as you went and even though he engaged with you, usually as happy, he watched you with a curious eye. Not forgetting your interaction with your older brother as well as your mood throughout the day. You were in the middle of telling him the story of your day at school the day before when he bumped into a cop that he knew. Your Father soon became distracted by the conversation enough that you eased your hand out of his. You knew that your Dad loved to talk to other cops and that it might take a while. You looked around for something to do but trying to make sure that you stayed close. You knew better than to wander off. You looked around suspiciously about to give up before you heard some frustrated sighs from a booth beside you.
Curious as ever, you wandered over to see what was making the boy so upset. He was tall and skinny boy, only a couple of years older than you with really blonde hair and bright eyes. You watched for a few minutes as he kept failing to aim the water gun correctly, so he kept on missing his target. He huffed in defeat, turned around and noticed you.
“Oh,” He said in surprise, “Are you waiting to play?”
“No,” You answered much to his confusion, “I was watching you,”
“I’m not very good at this game so it probably wasn't very interesting,” He blushed, shoving his hands in his pocket awkwardly in embarrassment.
“If you want I can show you how to do it,” You offered, brightly, “This is my favourite game,”
“Okay,” He nodded, sceptically, stepping out the way for you.
“You have to do it like this,” You instructed, repeating how Danny had once taught you when playing with water guns in the backyard.
You raised the water gun up with two hands, and aimed it in the right position, keeping your eye on the target before pressing the lever and hitting the bullseye exactly. You kept your hand steady until the tank filled up and the bell rang, indicating that you won a surprise. Once it did and you were handed your prize, a keychain this time, you turned back to look at the boy.
He had been watching you with his mouth open.
“Here you go,” You insisted, giving him the keychain.
“But it’s yours,” He said.
“And I’m giving it to you,” You smiled, “Do you think you can do it yourself now,”
He nodded, “You’re really good at it,”
“My brother Danny showed me how to do it,” You informed brightly before frowning again.
“What’s wrong?” The boy asked.
“My brother is leaving!” You cried.
“He’s getting a new family,” You said, sadly.
“That’s too bad. You’re like the coolest sister ever,” He comforted.
“Yeah, none of my older sisters know how to shoot a water gun,” He sighed, “They just talk about girly things like clothes and boys,”
“Boys are gross,” You shuddered.
“Hey,” He protested, offended.
“Not you,” You corrected, “You’re my friend,”
“I am?” He grinned.
“Yeah,” You nodded. “I’m Dominick, but everyone calls me Sonny,”
“Like sunshine?” You giggled.
“Yeah,” He shrugged, bashfully.
“I’m Y/N,” You breathed, reaching to shake his hand, “Nice to meet you,”
You shook each other's hands vigour-sly before bursting into giggles. You continued to chat about the game as Sonny had another go himself. But you were soon interrupted by your Dad calling for you.
“I have to go now,”
“Bye,” He waved.
You waved back before running back over to your hug who bent down to greet you with a hug.
“Where did you run off to?” He inquired, bopping you on the nose.
“Over there playing a game with my friend,” You pointed, giggling as he shook you around playfully.
“You just make friends everywhere don’t you?” He chuckled as he clasped your hand and you continued to walk up the pier.
“That’s because it's easy,”
“Not for everyone,” He informed before you stopped and sat on a bench that looked out over the seafront, “Do you want to know a secret, Y/N?”
You nodded, turning to look up at your Dad.
“Your Mom and I sat on this very bench on our first date,”
“Really, it’s that old?” You asked.
“Must be,” He laughed, “I took your mother here for our very first date and after we spent all afternoon playing carnival games we came and sat here for hours,”
“And you didn't get bored?”
“I could never be bored when I’m with your mother,”
“Do you get bored of me?” You inquired, curiously.
“No, of course not. I could never get bored of you,” He promised, pulling you into his side, “You’re my baby girl,”
“Is Danny bored of us?” You continued, widening your eyes up at him.
“Why are you asking that?” You Dad returned, clearly concerned.
“Because he’s leaving and starting a new family,” You began to sob, your eyes filling with tears.
“Hey,” Your Dad comforted, wiping away the tears that spilt down your face, “Danny isn't leaving the family. He’s always going to be your brother and apart of this family, all of us will always be.”
“Then why did Mom say, it was last time?” You demanded.
“Because when Danny gets married next weekend, they’ll be eight of us,” He clarified.
“Well won’t Linda will be one of us?”
“She is?” You exclaimed.
“She’s going to be a Reagan, just like you and just like me,” He reassured.
“I love Linda,” You grinned before lowering your voice, “Sometimes more than Danny,”
“I know you do,” He smiled, hugging you tightly before pulling you away at arm's length, “Now should we go find Danny so you can say sorry for being mean to him,”
You nodded reluctantly before your Dad carried you to the other end of the pier where everyone else was. As you approached, you saw Danny standing with your Mom as your other brothers and Erin rode a ride that was going faster than you had ever seen before. As soon as you were in reach, you made your Dad put you down and you ran up to Danny, slamming into his side with so much momentum that you almost knocked him over before you hugged him.
“What the…Y/N?” He said jumping in surprise before steadying himself.
“Oh, are we speaking now?” He probed, looking down at you, “You’ve been frowning at me all day,”
“Because I thought you were leaving me” You pouted, “But I know you aren't so we’re friends again,”
“What if I don’t want to be friends with you?” He countered.
You felt your face crumble as you gazed up at him.
“All right, all right, we’re friends,” He insisted quickly, finally hugging you back, “Just never look that upset again, promise?”
“Promise,” You nodded before whispering, “Hey Danny?”
“What’s up kiddo?”
“I’m really happy that Linda is going to be a Reagan,”
“Me too,” He smiled, poking at your dimples as you smiled back at him.
For the rest of evening, you stuck by Danny’s side, sitting by him at dinner and letting him carry you on the beach when all seven of you took a final stroll on the beach before leaving. You don't remember saying goodbye to Danny, Erin or Joe. The next thing you remember is waking up in the car, it was dark outside and Jamie was asleep beside you while your Dad snored quietly in the passenger seat. Your Mom who was driving and had noticed you stirring.
“Did your Dad’s snoring wake you?” She whispered to you.
You shook your head stifling a giggle as your mom motioned for you to be quiet.
“Where are we going?” You asked.
“We’re heading home now,” She informed, “Did you have fun today?”
You nodded eagerly at her, “It was the best day ever,”
“I’m glad you had fun,” 
“Did you Mommy?” You inquired.
“It was best the day ever,” You smiled, repeating your sentiment.
“What was your favourite part?” You questioned, intrigued as much as you could be in your tried state.
“Spending time for you, of course,” She insisted before adding, “And going back to the pier with your Dad,”
“Because that’s where you had your first date!” You reasoned.
“How do you know that?”
“It’s a secret,” You breathed, putting a finger to your lips.
“Uh huh,” She nodded sceptically, “Or your Dad is a blabbermouth,”
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holy shit okay i was working on my Angel post and I got sucked into the mythology as you do when doing stuff like this, I’ve made 4 separate drafts since then but I can’t keep my mouth shut because guys, I know we’re all focused on the Calypsos, and how Calypso is the child of Atlas, and all that fun stuff
What if, in the grand scheme of things, Tyreen is Demeter, Troy is Demophon, and Persephone the mystery girl. please, I have wikipedia quotes for all of this. I personally am not an actual believer of this theory, but it was really fun to write, so here you go.
Let’s start with Tyreen and Demeter. Yeah, she’s shown us that her power is like... Phasesuck or whatever, where she drains the life force out of people (and Siren powers, apparently), we also see in the art on the wall of the HBC that her and Troy are bringing food (in boxes) to the cultists.
So Demeter is “the goddess of the grain, agriculture, harvest, growth, and nourishment, who presided over grains and the fertility of the earth. Her cult titles include Sito (Σιτώ), "she of the Grain", as the giver of food or grain”. It seems like Demeter is the exact opposite of what we know Tyreen as- right now she steals the life force and strength from people, meanwhile Demeter would nurture them and help them grow and get stronger. In addition: “Though Demeter is often described simply as the goddess of the harvest, she presided also over the sacred law, and the cycle of life and death.” yeah. yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Bonus, I did a lot of research on Cybele a while ago while I was batshit crazy, and GUESS WHAT
“Demeter was often considered to be the same figure as the Anatolian goddess Cybele”
For Cybele: “Her cults most often were funded privately, rather than by the polis. Her ‘vivid and forceful character’ and association with the wild set her apart from the Olympian gods”. Now I don’t know exactly what the Olympian gods are in the borderlands verse. My first instinct was the corporations? But two of those are named after titans and the rest clearly aren’t greek. So I got nothing.
In addition, Demeter created a cult called “the Mysteries which give the initiates higher hopes in this life and the afterlife”. Sound familiar? Yeah, the Great Vault in BL3 that’s referenced by the Cultists while they’re dying. their exact words are “The Great Vault beckons”. To add to that, the Calypsos are stated as giving their cultists something to believe in so they can believe in themselves. They give them ‘higher hopes in this life’. Quote straight from the Danny Homan interview: “People need something to believe in and they need people to believe in them and that’s kind of what the Calypsos have provided. They’ve kind of gone ‘oh bandits, everyone calls you animals, everyone calls you trash... but we see there’s something, there’s something in you, there’s something we can elevate your murder to. Murder in our name’.”
So why do I think this matches up with Ty? Because I don’t think her power is solely taking power from others. I think she can turn around and distribute it to other things.
Moving on.
This coming bit is mainly why I think Demophon is Troy. Let’s take a looksie:
Weird beginning, but things start to make sense soon, I promise: “While Demeter was searching for her daughter Persephone, having taken the form of an old woman called Doso, she received a hospitable welcome from Celeus, the King of Eleusis in Attica. He asked her to nurse Demophon his son by Metanira.”
“As a gift to Celeus, because of his hospitality, Demeter planned to make Demophon a god, by anointing and coating him with ambrosia... making him immortal by burning his mortal spirit away in the family hearth every night.”
Sadly, she doesn’t succeed in making him immortal and Demophon dies because she was interrupted in her ritual. 
Why do I think this is tied to Troy? Because we know Typhon Deleon found something important. We know De Leon is the name of the legendary dude in our world who found the Fountain of Youth - the key to immortality. It’s also been confirmed that Troy can’t survive without Tyreen helping him (tending to him like Demeter does Demophon). It would make sense that they are trying to figure out a way to immortalize Troy (and, yeah, he probably does end up dying. There’s no other reason to mention he’s sick...) We also are all guessing that Troy’s tattoos have appeared by Ty giving him Lilith’s powers. and what is Lilith’s main element? Fire. 
Since we’re on the topic, let’s talk about Demophon’s brother, Triptolemus. He was considered one of the first priests of the Mysteries and one of his rules was “Honor your Parents”. Sound familiar? Yeah, “Honor the Father” that’s on some of the CoV propaganda posters. To explain: “He flew across the land on a chariot drawn by dragons... his mission of educating the whole of Greece in the art of agriculture. Triptolemus was equally associated with the bestowal of hope for the afterlife associated with the expansion of the Eleusinian Mysteries”. We know now that the ‘art of agriculture’ is Demeter’s domain, and we have likened this to Tyreen’s powers. So, likely, Triptolemus is the priest we see on the cover art. Walking around, chosen by Tyreen, teaching people about the Twin Gods and the cult ‘Children of the Vault’.
Now this is where I get a little stretchy. Because we know nothing of Mystery Girl on the cover.
Persephone. “Plutarch identifies Persephone with the season of spring, and Cicero calls her the seed of the fruits of the fields. In the Eleusinian Mysteries, her return from the underworld each spring is a symbol of immortality”. 
Now I talk about Zeus a bunch in my mythology masterpost that i have yet to post cause i'm always adding to it, and basically I think he’s a representative of the Eridians themselves. Some sort of leader or smth? idk
“Zeus, it is said, permitted Hades to abduct her... Demeter searched for her all over the earth with Hecate's torches. In most versions, [Demeter] forbids the earth to produce, or she neglects the earth and in the depth of her despair she causes nothing to grow. Helios, the sun, who sees everything, eventually told Demeter what had happened and at length she discovered the place of her abode. Finally, Zeus, pressed by the cries of the hungry people and by the other deities who also heard their anguish, forced Hades to return Persephone. Hades indeed complied with the request, but first he tricked her, giving her some pomegranate seeds to eat. Persephone was released by Hermes, who had been sent to retrieve her, but because she had tasted food in the underworld, she was obliged to spend a third of each year there”.
now this is 100% unfounded bullshit im spewing here, but maybe this is why we have yet to actually see Mystery Girl, like, AT ALL. 
We know Tyreen wants to get stronger, she wants to absorb the powers of the Vault Monsters. but why? Just to rule over the galaxy? I mean, sure, why not, but she’s pretty much already getting there just with her cult.
Instead, you know what’d be cool? If she needed all those powers to fight whatever/whoever fucked with mystery girl. If she knew that opening all those Vaults was going to lead to something terrible and didn’t care because it was bad for the Eridians, or whatever that took her sister (?). Like, what if they actually were triplets (Tyreen being the first sister), but the reason Mystery Girl looks so young on the MoM is because she’s been missing since that age? Because they tried to make her immortal like they’re doing for Troy? If they’re all siblings, it’s possible they all have the same sickness. Tyreen can always heal herself because of her Siren powers, but what about Troy? The mystery girl? They’d need someone/something else to heal them. I’m sure Ty can do it for one of them, but both? They’d probably gone looking for a way to heal her, maybe they opened a Vault at some point? (maybe the red vault shown in all the wall art?) And Mystery Girl went missing because of it or smth. idk, im just rambling. i was gonna post my Angel post today but I got toooooootally sidetracked. might still do it if i have the energy. 
This is what my tabs are looking like right now btw lmao
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coalessscence · 5 years
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one of my favorite worst things to Think About are the ways herb’s casually neglectful childhood sometimes just....surfaces in the every day world of his life now. and since his whole shtick is my childhood was perfect my father is basically god and i have absolutely no parent issues idk what ur talking abt, he winds up having to flail, having to learn on the way down, and try to keep up a cover that he knew all along. which, usually, doesn’t work, and just makes it all the more sad. here’s a few examples i’ve thought of because i don’t love myself:
someone around the station gets stuck with something metal and comments they might need a tetanus shot. herb was definitely never taken to the doctor’s for a checkup and regular vaccinations as a child, and since he works daytime hours lucille takes the kids while he’s at work, so he literally has never had a shot and he doesn’t fully understand what vaccines are, aside from cultural osmosis, so he asks in telling confusion, “what’s that supposed to mean?” @piper-aileen-lenox specifically, thnx for making me think of this and ruining my life xx
when herb and lucille moved in together (i imagine they were engaged but maybe not married just yet) lucille made it clear to her rather sexist fiance that she was expecting him to tow the line around the house just as much as her, which he agreed to, except when she asked him to do the grocery shopping thinking that was a harmless thing he could do (not like she’d trust him to actually get the dishes clean or fold her clothes so they don’t wrinkle). they almost never had food consistently in the house growing up and if they did eat full meals, they only had the food for THAT MEAL around because 1. herb sr. and ruby (herb’s parents) lived an erratic lifestyle of little to no money or a whole lot of money but only for a second because it was burning a hole in herb sr.’s pocket, and because 2. ruby quickly learned spending money on food ahead was pointless because either herb sr. hecked off somewhere w/o warning and it went bad, or his deadbeat friends hung around and ate it all, so she only bought for that day if they had the money for anything. but since no one was ever around to TEACH herb anything and he figured most things out on his own, herb doesn’t understand all this and he literally thinks you’re not supposed to by food until you run out or that you have to throw out whatever you have left at the end of the week because....... who knows ???? that’s just what he thought. it caused multiple arguments early into herb and lucille’s relationship before she figured it out and explained it to him because he didn’t know well enough to ask.
when herb and lucille’s first child, bunny, was born, he had to be shown how to hold a baby by the doctor. he had literally never held or even interacted with a baby before until that moment. he had no siblings (that he knew of), he had no friends as a child because if he wasn’t the bully he was the target and he was an ass just like dear old dad so no one liked him anyway, and he had 0 other family. lucille realized in that moment as she watched his palpable confusion when she extended their newborn child to him that he was going to have a lot of learning and growing to do. she hoped he was ready for it.
god that time there was a station fam barbecue early into herb’s wkrp career and someone, maybe mr. carlson, is like ‘WHO WANTS TO BE THE GRILL MASTER’ like its a big deal and everyone is like oh it has to be herb bc he’s the newest out of us and hes aware all the men see it as a status symbol and he CAN’T be less of a man than another man bc Ego (tm) so hes like of course im the grill master !!! and then panics for the next thirty minutes because he’s literally never even stood next to a grill let alone used one HOW DOES IT WORK the first fifteen minutes he doesnt even have the gas on rip
when herb was, like, 15, he taught himself how to drive a car because one of his “friends” (peers who was a bully that he called a friend and hung out with to stop also getting bullied but who was still bullying him anyway, herb was just brainwashed into thinking that’s what friendship is) wanted them to go out cruising and herb wanted to be a Cool Guy and not look like a chump so he lied and said he could drive. they got pulled over, because of course they did, and herb got in big trouble for you know, driving w/o a licences. the kicker though is that herb didn’t fucking know you can’t drive without a license or that licenses and road tests and drivers ed were even a THING because he literally raised himself and no one ever  t a u g h t   h i m   a n y t h i n g. anyways his dad got called home to deal with it from wherever he was away at at the time and he got in big trouble for interrupting dear old dad’s work anyways so :) what a healthy family
surprisingly, herb DID know how to cook the basics. grilled cheese, pasta, stir fries, a couple casseroles. lucille asked him about it because he was always such a Gender Roles (tm) type of man who wouldn’t even wear a brighter shade of red than like. maroon. in case it got loosely contaminated with the concept of the color pink and he’d have to change his name and move to alaska. so why was he doing a “ womans job “ (cooking) and herb just looked confused and said “what, guys don’t cook?” she told him that no, they usually didn’t and would have laughed at her if she tried to make them, and he laughed awkwardly and absently stirred the pot on the stove and shrugged in mild confusion. “that’s weird. if i didn’t cook i’d have... starved, i guess.”
the bad news is his cooking wasnt GREAT and lucille was happy to take over because again.........self taught. and he has one (1) brain cell so. not Great
LITERALLY DIDN’T KNOW ALL CLOTHES DON’T HAVE TO BE DRY CLEANED. his dad literally wore clothes that had to be dry cleaned Every Day (and we wonder why the tarlek family was short on the food budget god) (and they were ugly clothes too akdhfjfg) and ofc if ruby washed her clothes, it was while herb was at school. he dry cleaned so many clothes that do Not Make Sense to dry clean in college before he slowly figured that out.
did not know what an allowance was. bunny asked him for one and not willing to seem stupid to his swift daughter he told her to ‘ask her mother’, who thought it was hecking weird that her money obsessed husband would say that, so she asked him why and after several long minutes he just shrugged helplessly and said “what’s an allowance?”
don’t even get me started on herb and lucille planning their wedding ( ‘what kind of stuff should we put on the gift register?’ “put on the WHAT?”  ‘what are we going to put on top of the cake?’ “there’s gonna be CAKE?”  ‘i can’t wait for daddy to walk down the isle with me, it’ll mean a lot to him’ “your DAD is gonna walk you down the isle....?? but you’re marrying ME, right?”   ) also herb not knowing the wedding look of the bride is supposed to be a Secret and barging into the room w a question or smth while lucille and her bridesmaids are getting ready, and everyone is hella miffed and he’s like WHAT i’ve seen her naked before and theyre all like THATS NOT THE POINT HERB
herb did Not Know about seasonal allergies. he just........didn’t know. he just thought god hated him and every spring and fall his head sprung a leak. and the whole time he was growing up no one A. listened to him complain about them and put 2 and 2 together, nor B. just taught him about basic first aid stuff in general for that matter he doesnt know shit. anyways, then lucille was like why are you such a tough guy just stop complaining and take some medicine for your stupid allergies and he was like take some what for my what now
ANYWAYS herb’s mom left while he was v young and he doesn’t remember much about her. herb’s dad was literally   n e v e r   home. the people herb’s dad left him with would work for obscenely low amounts of pay or owed herb sr. money and largely used all the money for their own food, drugs, alcohol, or other more unsightly business, and left herb alone to fend for himself. this is the disaster human that that produced, thanks, family dynamics! don’t abandon your children, kids, thanks for coming to my ted talk
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Hufflepuff Reunion
request: Hey! So I'm writing a Harry Potter fanfiction called the Matron's Assistant. It's an OCxSeverus Snape. OC is named Eliza Mikaelson, (she's a hufflepuff, infp personality, loyal, warm, kind, but also likes to work alone, interested in people,) and she's also a Leo, meaning she likes to be the center of attention. She's based on my hogwarts mystery oc, meaning her brother Jacob was missing, but now he's back, distant, and she doesn't really talk to him. she's the same year as Tonks. Was wondering if you might like to a one shot with Severus and Eliza with prompt 31? Thanks!
Summary: (based on the game Hogwarts Mystery which is a great game so go download it) Eliza(OC requested by @enchantingsims97​ ) is a Hufflepuff who had attends Hogwarts, dealing with bullying by Merula Snyde. While at Hogwarts, rumors start arising about the Mikaelson family and Eliza’s lost brother, Jacob. When she gets word from her parents that Jacob had indeed returned and is finishing off his years at Hogwarts, Eliza isn’t entirely sure how to approach or even associate with Jacob. Professor Snape, not very fond of the older Mikaelson sibling, pays attention to Eliza and tries to help any way he can, causing sparks between the two. Jacob gets controntational and demands why Eliza won’t talk to him, and things explode. based on #31 on my writing prompts list!!
note: i think next to Eliza’s name I’ll put (Y/N) just in case others would like it in an x reader POV but idk yet. read to find out what i did lol. all in all, this was a lot of fun to write and im actually proud of it?????
warnings: none except one single curse word
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Another day had started for Eliza Mikaelson at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And another day of bullying by Merula Snyde and her pets. A couple days ago, her and Merula had gotten into a duel in the courtyard and she protected her friends Rowan and Ben. However, Professors Snape and Flitwick had caught them. Flitwick was not happy that Eliza had used his private lesson for bad.
Merula had been more persistent with her bullying about Eliza’s brother, Jacob. He had gone missing after searching for the Cursed Vaults, apparently gone crazy after searching too long. That, or he couldn’t handle what was inside. Almost every day, people stopped to look at Eliza and asked if she knew anything about Jacob or helped him with what he was doing.
Today was one of those days.
Walking into the dining hall, Eliza headed over to the Hufflepuff table and heard voices coming from all directions. One stuck out; Merula Snyde’s. She chuckled as she watched her victim walk past her, “you stayed up late last night, Mikaelson. Contacting your brother in helping him form some kind of crazy cult?”
Eliza tightened her lips and turned around, “no, actually. Studying for our potions test today so I don’t take an L like the one your parents took by putting one in your name.”
Barnaby Lee started cracking up, falling off the bench while Merula scoffed and crossed her arms, “whatever, Mikaelson. At least I’m not part of the crazy crew.”
Eliza nodded, “right, just part of the disappointment one.”
Happy with how the new wit had come up, Eliza took her seat and gave high fives to those who patted her back. There was at least some kind of good that came from fighting back to Merula. Unbeknownst to her, Professor Snape had seen and heard the whole thing. As a Slytherin, he understood why Merula was rude, but not to this extent. He and other teachers agreed; she was a bitch.
Owls had then started to come in, flying to students who had gotten mail from relatives or anyone they knew. With an owl flying by, one had dropped a letter off to Eliza, interrupting her breakfast. Putting down her chocolate chip and banana bagel, she grabbed the letter and tore it open. However, she wasn’t entirely ready for what was inside.
Dear our precious Eliza,
   we have some exciting news; Jacob has returned home! He has been home for a couple weeks now, needing some space before he told us everything. Writing all of what happened would take ages, so with some convincing, we talked to Headmaster Dumbledore and decided that Jacob should go back to Hogwarts. Your dad and I know it’s a lot so when you told us that Professor Snape was your favorite professor, we also got his opinion. He reassured us that you’d be fine and he would fill us in if you seemed uncomfortable. We know it’ll be awkward, but when Christmas break comes along, we’re keen on fixing our family. Try your best to see him as your brother, Eliza. We love you.
                                              Mom and Dad
Eliza’s breath quickened as she dropped the letter, “holy fu-” Her friend Penny hit her shoulder, “hey! What was in the letter? What, is Jacob back?” Eliza knew Penny never meant those jokes seriously and sometimes they made her laugh, until now. Eliza turned to her friend, her face losing its color. Penny’s eyes widened, “wait, what?”
She grabbed the letter and read it over, glancing up at Eliza whose hands covered her mouth and eyebrows furrowed. Penny put the letter down, “Eliza, it’s okay. He’s your brother! How bad could it be?”
The younger Mikaelson turned to her friend, “Penny?! He’s been gone for years and now I’m in my 6th year, close to graduating. H-he, Jacob, can’t just show up out of fricken-”
Dumbledore had interrupted what Eliza was saying by starting a speech, “today, I had received some news that may make people happy or confused. From the Mikaelson family, we have learned that Jacob had returned and is starting his 7th. . .”
Eliza turned to Penny, “oh my he-who-must-not-be-named.” 
Penny’s eyes widened as she listened to Dumbledore and whispered to Eliza, “Jacob is here. Like, physically.”
The younger Mikaelson turned around, meeting eyes with her brother who stood at the end of the dining hall, looking straight at his sister. “No, nope, this is not happening,” Eliza said, tears forming in her eyes as she looked around. All eyes were on her as if they were waiting on her next move.
Professor Snape saw Eliza get up as she was unsure of what she was supposed to do. Her ears rang and she wasn’t sure if it was because of all the blood rushing through her body with such speed or the all-too-quiet room. Snape swooped past her with his hand on her arm, dragging her down the hall where Jacob was.
The professor stopped and looked the boy over. He looked like Eliza except taller and scrawnier, yet with the same hair and eyes. He looked to his sister who hung her head with tears still threatening to spill. Soft chat went throughout the dining hall, waiting to see what would happen.
Snape shoved the boy out of the way and went through the doors, Eliza following right behind him. The two went through the hallways of the castle until they reached the Potions room, heading inside and locking the door. The Hufflepuff students took quick breaths, hands going between shaking and moving her hair all over the place.
The DADA and potions professor looked at his student, “Eliza?” He put his hands on her shoulders and that’s when she looked up at him. “Deep breaths with me, Miss Mikaelson,” Snape said while doing so, trying to help the girl out.
Eliza nodded and followed what Snape was doing until she calmed down, looking into Snape’s eyes. He slowly raised a hand to her cheek, rubbing his thumb over the skin softly. Professor Snape and Eliza’s lips met and she was pretty sure her world had stopped.
Eliza melted with every touch she felt by Snape, and she entwined her fingers in his hair as they kissed. At the moment when everything seemed perfect, the door had busted open and the two broke apart, Eliza crossing her arms and Snape looking down at the 6th year Hufflepuff.
Turning around, Eliza was met with Jacob. “What?” she asked, eyes red from crying. Her brother walked towards her slowly, “Eliza, please. When I tell you everything, I promise I can be your big brother again. I’ll be in your life again, I promise.”
Eliza scoffed as Snape put a hand on her lower back, silently telling her that he was there. “Jacob, please,” Eliza started, “if you were my brother, you wouldn’t have left in the first place.”
The older Mikaelson gave his sister sad eyes, “Eliza. . .”
Eliza turned around and looked to Snape for a second opinion. He looked her in the eyes, saying to do what she felt was right. Eliza turned back to her brother and glared at him, “you. . .you explain yourself, ok? There better be a damn good reason why you left us.” Jacob sighed happily and opened up his arms for Eliza to rush into.
Hogwarts had been filled with talk about the oldest Mikaelson being back, but Jacob had stuck with one story; he thought he was getting too powerful with magic and needed some time off. The story stuck with everyone except Eliza, who knew that he had been getting nightmares from Voldemort and started to talk Parseltongue. Wanting to get more powerful until he realized his wrongdoings(by trying to find the Cursed Vaults), he left.
The siblings had gotten along alright with the old-but-new arrival, yet he still seemed nervous about being around Eliza. He had been avoiding her for the last couple days and she knew one day, it would come to this.
Seeing her brother walking down the empty halls of the school(there was a Quidditch match today, Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw), she knew it was time to confront her brother.
Jacob looked up at the owner of the footsteps other than his. Seeing it was Eliza, he put his head back down and tried to walk past his sister. Tonks had then come out from the entrance to the field where everyone was, seeing Eliza. “Eliza, hey! You coming to the game?”
The Hufflepuff looked to her friend, “I’ll be out there in a couple minutes, just gotta get my scarf. Save me a seat, yeah?” Tonks nodded and smiled, closing the door behind her and headed back to the game.
Jacob hadn’t gotten far and Eliza grabbed her brother’s arm, pushing him against the wall, “Jacob William Mikaelson. When I said you can come into my life again, I meant it, but not for you to be a total asshole after a couple weeks. What the heck is your problem?”
Jacob scruffed off his sister’s grip on his jacket, “listen, it’s weird me being back here. Especially with you.”
Eliza let out a sarcastic laugh, “yeah, no way. How do you think I feel? Why do you keep avoiding me?”
Jacob bit the inside of his cheek even when he towered over his sister. He placed a hand on her shoulder, “with all the things I told you about, I met people and learned things and I just,” he took a breath, “. . .because when people get close to me, they get hurt! You. . .you’re not someone I can risk losing.”
Eliza squinted, “Jacob, you’re not gonna lose me. I can take care of myself.”
Her brother sighed, “if you-know-who comes back. . .I just can’t risk losing you. So I wanted to lose you before I lost you for real.”
His sister crossed her arms, “shut up. We’re siblings, so we stick together. Now let’s go watch this Quidditch game. My money’s on Hufflepuff; they got Cedric this year, he’s the best third year seeker I’ve ever seen!”
note: also yes i made cedric a third year bc this is when talk of voldemort started so like ykno
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
An Egg Stan AU Reunion
So, recently I’ve become invested in the Egg Stan AU again.  It’s a variation of the MerGucket AU, where when Ford gets mermaidified, Stan also gets mermaidified, but into a mer egg instead of a grown mer.  Ford ends up raising Stan as his son, and there’s some good angst.  There’s also some good fluff, though, bc Shermie is a thing in this AU, and is in a relationship with none other than Angie MerGucket.  Complicated?  Yeah.  But still fun.  So here’s a ficlet with Ford finding out that his older brother is now in a relationship with his mate Fiddleford’s younger sister.  Awkward sibling reunion time!
              “Angie and her mate found themselves a cute lil place,” Fiddleford remarked as he swam up to the door.  Ford nodded.
              “Agreed,” Ford said.  “But why are they living in a separate house?  Isn’t it mer tradition to only leave your parents’ house after you’ve had enough children that it’s too crowded?”
              “That’s correct.  Angie tried tellin’ her mate that, but he still insisted on their own house.” Fiddleford shook his head.  “He calls Angie his wife, too, not his mate. He actually corrects folks on that. I s’ppose he’s still adjustin’ to mer culture.”
              “I know what that feels like,” Ford mumbled.  Stan, whom he was currently carrying on his back, leaned forward, his arms brushing up against the gills on Ford’s neck.
              “What’d you say, dad?” Stan asked.  Ford smiled and ruffled Stan’s hair.
              “Nothing important.”
              “You can understand why I’m eager fer ya to meet ‘im,” Fiddleford said to Ford. Ford nodded.
              “Have you met Angie’s mate yet?”
              “Once.  He’s a nice enough feller.  A bit strange, but he might just be actin’ that way ‘cause he’s still adjustin’.” Fiddleford knocked on the door. “Stanley, remember to behave yourself. I know yer excited to see yer Auntie Angie again, but she’s still recoverin’ from what she went through.”
              “What did she go through?” Stan asked.
              “Ya don’t need to know the details.  Just know that there were some issues involvin’ yer cousins comin’ into the world.”
              “Is that why we’re just visiting ‘em now?” Stan asked.  “Auntie Angie ‘n her mate ‘n my cousins moved in last week.”
              “That’s correct,” Ford said with a nod.  “The four of them needed some time to relax and adjust.”  The door opened.  Ford looked at the merman in the doorway.  His jaw dropped.  “…Sherman?”
              “Stanford?” the merman, Shermie Pines, said quietly.
              “What are you doing here?” Ford asked.
              “I live here with my wife and children,” Shermie answered.  He frowned.  “I feel like I should be asking you what you’re doing here.”
              “Visiting!” Stan chirped happily.  Shermie abruptly noticed Stan on Ford’s back.  He smiled warmly.
              “Visiting, huh?”
              “Yessir,” Fiddleford interjected.  He held out a hand.  “Shermie, we met once ‘fore.  I’m Angie’s older brother Fiddleford.”  Shermie nodded slowly and shook the offered hand.
              “That’s right, Angie said her brother, his significant other, and son would be stopping by today.”  Shermie looked at Stan, clearly thinking.  “What’s your name, kiddo?”
              “Stan!”  Stan tugged on Ford’s hair.  “This ‘s my dad.”  He pointed at Fiddleford.  “‘N that’s my pa!”  Ford froze, ice running through his veins.
              Oh, no.
              “You’ve got two fathers?” Shermie asked Stan.  Stan nodded eagerly.  Shermie smiled.  “That’s lucky.  Most people only get one.”  Ford blinked in surprise.  
              I didn’t expect him to respond so well.
              “Shermie, who’s at the door?” Angie called from inside the house.
              “Your brother and his family.”
              “Let ‘em in!  They want to see the guppies.”
              “Babies,” Shermie muttered under his breath.  He moved to the side, allowing Ford, Fiddleford, and Stan to enter. The front door led directly into a cozy living room, where Angie was sitting on a couch.  Stan unlatched his arms from around Ford’s neck and swam over to Angie.
              “Auntie Angie!” Stan shouted.  Angie chuckled.
              “Howdy there, lil Stanley.  How’s my cutest nephew doin’?”
              “Good,” Stan said, embracing Angie tightly.  “I’m ‘cited to meet my cousins.”
              “Then ya came to the right place, ‘cause there’s a lil boy and lil girl in the nursery who ‘re eager to meet you.”  Angie looked up at Ford and Fiddleford, beaming.  “Glad y’all could make it.”
              “Wait, Angie, you’ve met Ford before?” Shermie asked.  Angie nodded.  “Why didn’t you tell me?”
              “I…didn’t think it merited tellin’?” Angie said, cocking her head.
              “You didn’t think you should tell me that you met my younger brother?” Shermie persisted.  Angie’s mouth dropped open.
              “I thought ya looked similar!  But I just sort of assumed that my ‘all humans look the same’ bias was actin’ up again.”
              “I thought Auntie Angie’s new mate used to be human,” Stan said, confused. “How come he’s your brother, dad?”
              “Um…”  Ford looked at Fiddleford, who shrugged.  “He’s my…half-brother?  Our father met his human mother, then left her for a mermaid, my mother.”
              “Hmm.”  Stan frowned. “Okay.”
              “Your son doesn’t know-” Shermie started.
              “Stanley, I think yer dad and yer Uncle Shermie have some stuff to catch up on,” Angie interrupted.  “Why don’t we go check on yer new cousins while they talk ‘bout borin’ grownup stuff?”
              “Okay!” Stan said happily.  Angie got off the couch.
              “You gentlemen figure things out,” she said shortly.  “I’ve had enough drama in my life recently.  I need a break.”
              “Of course, honey,” Shermie said.  Angie took a hold of Stan’s hand and swam away.  Shermie gestured at the couch.  Ford and Fiddleford both sat down.  Shermie continued to tread water a few feet off the ground.  “Stanford, start talking.”
              “About what?”
              “Everything!” Shermie burst out.  “If you’re Fiddleford’s…”
              “Mate,” Fiddleford supplied.  A sour look appeared on Shermie’s face.  “You really don’t like that term.”
              “Of course I don’t.  It’s dehumanizing.”
              “You’re not human,” Ford pointed out.
              “And neither are you!  That’s what I’m getting at!  When did you become a merman?  Why? Did you fall in love with Fiddleford and decide to live with him?  Is this why you haven’t talked to your family in years?  We thought you and Stanley were dead.”  Ford looked down.  “Where’s Stanley?”
              “He’s…” Ford started.  He trailed off.  
              “Six feet under, I’d guess,” Shermie said softly.  “If you named your son after him…that can’t be a good sign. And Stan loves kids, he woulda wanted to see Caleb and Cadenza.”
              “He did,” Fiddleford said.  Shermie waved a hand, frustrated.
              “Not your son, Ford’s twin!”
              “Those two folks are one and the same,” Fiddleford said.  Shermie shook his head.
              “I’m sorry, what?”
              “It’s- it’s-”  Ford clasped his hands together and took a deep breath.  “It’s tied into why I’m mer now.  I didn’t get transformed into a merman through the usual route, ingesting the magical plant.”
              “Then how?” Shermie pressed.
              “It happened four years ago.  Stan and I were on our ship, going about our day as usual.  But out of nowhere, a sea monster attacked us.  It- it spat at us, coating much of the ship in its strange saliva. I was almost drenched in it, but Stan- Stan pushed me out of the way, taking the brunt of the blow.  Everything abruptly went black, and I woke up underwater, as a merman, and Stan was- was gone.  At least, I thought he was.  I caught sight of a large, fishlike egg on the seafloor.  I swam over to it and picked it up.  I knew, somehow, that this…this egg was Stan.”  Shermie sank down onto an armchair, staring at Ford.  “I have my suspicions about why the sea monster targeted us.  I worked with a rather shady character, prior to the incident, and Stan convinced me to stop working with the individual in question.”
              “What would that have to do with a sea monster coming after you and Stan?” Shermie asked.
              “This individual has magical capabilities, and far too many allies,” Ford said carefully.
              “Not to mention, the critter what did this to Stan ‘n Ford never leaves its nest,” Fiddleford added.  “It’s a malevolent entity that merfolk know very well.  Not once in recorded history has it gone after a ship so far from its home.”
              “This is all very fantastical,” Shermie said softly.  “But I shouldn’t doubt it.  I’ve been in the midst of fantastical things myself lately.” He paused.  “Ford, how did you meet Fiddleford?”
              “After the incident, I panicked,” Ford said.  He rubbed the back of his neck.  “I swam around in circles, trying to decide what to do. Eventually, I came across Angie and her brother Lute, who did not believe me when I told them I used to be human.”  Shermie leaned forward.
              “Why not?”
              “I don’t have a belly button anymore.  That creature completely rewrote my genetic information. I don’t have any characteristics that indicate I used to be human.”
              “Well, that explains why Stan believes you were born mer,” Shermie muttered.
              “Anyways, Angie and Lute didn’t believe me, but they still brought me to their house, because I was clearly in distress and needed help.  I eventually proved to the MerGuckets I was born human, told them the story, and…fell in love with Fiddleford.”  Ford swallowed nervously after ending his story. Shermie merely nodded slightly.
              “Okay.  But why are you raising Stan as your son?” Shermie asked, not addressing the last thing Ford had said.  “Couldn’t you raise him as your brother?”
              “I tried.  But it was too much effort, correcting everyone.  Stan himself got confused frequently, and…”  Ford looked away.  “I think that Stan deserves to have a decent father, since he’s been given a second chance.”
              “That’s very compassionate of you,” Shermie said.  He sighed.  “I just have one more question.  What’s the story you’re telling Stan, about how he came to be?”
              “That my former mate, the mer that laid him, was killed by mer hunters, as were the rest of his clutch,” Ford said.  
              “That’s a nice enough backstory,” Shermie said with a nod. “Solid.  Mom might even believe that.”
              “Why are you bringing up Mom?” Ford asked.  Shermie raised an eyebrow.
              “Stanford, she deserves to know your whereabouts.”
              “No, she doesn’t!” Ford burst out.  “She wouldn’t take any of this well.  My new status as a mer, my male mate, my son.”
              “You’d be surprised,” Shermie said softly.  “She’s fond of Angie, scales and all.”  Ford’s eyes widened.  
              “She knows about you and Angie?”
              “Of course she does,” Fiddleford said.  “She’s the one what helped deliver Caleb and Cadenza. Or did ya not listen to me when I explained the sit’ation?”
              “I might not have been completely attentive,” Ford said, “but I was trying to move the potted anemone by the door somewhere that Stan wouldn’t be able to reach.  He keeps trying to eat it.”
              “Angie got stuck in her human form,” Shermie said.  “She was too nervous to tell me about being mer, and didn’t get a chance to lay the eggs in time.  So she had to go through a human pregnancy.”
              “I knew that,” Ford said.  “But Mom delivered your- are you crying?”
              “Mers can’t cry,” Shermie said.  He rubbed his eyes.  “But I am upset, yes.  The love of my life had to go through something her species almost never does, because I didn’t make her feel safe enough to be her true self around me. It’s been a very rough time for us.”
              “We came here to cheer ya up, not bring up bad feelin’s,” Fiddleford said softly.  “I’m sorry, Shermie.”
              “No, it’s- it’s fine.  Ford, Angie and I told Mom, because we didn’t know what other humans we could trust, and Angie needed help delivering the babies.  Mom took it pretty rough at first, but by the time Caleb and Cadenza were born, she didn’t have any issues with her grandkids, daughter-in-law, and son being mer.”  Shermie took a breath.  “I know for a fact that she wants to know where you are.  She won’t care about anything other than your safety.”
              “I can’t see her.”
              “Mom thinks that you’re dead,” Shermie said shortly.  “She deserves to see you!”
              “No, she doesn’t.  And I can’t. I can’t see her.”  Ford got off the couch.  “Sherman, you have no clue how difficult it is for me to be a good father to Stan.  I can’t think of him as a brother, and that means I can’t think of my life as a human, either.  Those perspectives go hand in hand.  Seeing Mom again would bring up memories that I keep buried for my son’s sake. I won’t let myself get bogged down by those memories again.”  He swam toward the front door.  “Goodbye.”
              “What- Ford!” Shermie said.  “You can’t just leave.”
              “Yes, I can.  Just tell Stan that something came up, and I had to go.”
              “It’s incredibly rude of you to leave without saying goodbye,” Fiddleford protested.
              “Nonsense.  I just did.” With that, Ford opened the door and left.
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Shameless Imagines 2- You Mean so fucking much to me (Lip Imagine)
Paring: Lip x reader
Request: Could you do an imagine where the gallaghers and Mickey find out you self harm.
Description: You werent like the rest of your Milkovich family, you were weak and you just needed something that made you feel alive again. Everything was fine until they found out and the look on Mickeys face was more than heart crushing.
Warning: Mentions of selfharm, please read with caution. i love you all.
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lip looked at you, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He didn’t understand how it got this bad, all he wanted to do was fix you, to put every fucking piece that your dad had broken back together.  
You two had been the only ones home in the Gallagher house and decide to have some fun, It had been a while. In the moment you had forgotten about the scars on your upper thigh and Lip was making his way down when he saw them. 
“Whats wrong baby?” you asked, looking at him. His eyes had become glossy and his face had gone pale, you still not realizing what he had seen. He shook his head not saying anything and told you he felt sick before running to the bathroom.
When he got to the bathroom he slid down the walls, so unsure of what he had just saw.He knew how bad things were at home and even with the love and support of Mandy and Mickey it wasn't even to protect you from Terry and the horrible things he had done.
Lip felt horrible and useless, he couldn't save you. Lip had protected you from so many things, people at school, creepy guys, Karen, all of it. But lip wasn't enough to protect you from your own dad, no one was. 
After a few minutes he had returned from the bathroom making some bullshit excuse about food poisoning and how he just wanted to lay in bed with you, honestly you were perfectly okay with that. There was something about being held by Lip that made you feel like everything would be in life.
Over the next few days you had noticed that lip had been acting weird, he wanted to go where ever you were, constantly asking you whats on your mind or if you were okay, being more loving and gentile than he normally had been. You had gone home to spend some girl time with your big sister Mandy. You two had been best friends since you were little, Only being 2 years apart you both had so much in common and she was just easy to talk too. You had thought for a while about telling her how bad things had gotten. Even though Terry had once again been put in jail, things hadn't calmed down for you yet. You had been having nightmares about him returning, about hitting you or hurting Mickey and him making you watch again. You had been so traumatized by one man and it made you feel so weak, and seeing the scars afterwords had made you feel even worse but you couldn't stop, you needed release. 
You felt kind of numb lately, feeling like you were floating through life, feeling worthless and used. You had wanted to talk to lip about it, but you didn't want to see the look on his face. When you cried he felt broken. When he had found you on the floor after Terry had left he left broken, whenever you weren't okay he felt broken. You could see it in his eyes and you didnt want that. You didnt want him to worry, to cry, to feel like he wasn’t doing enough because he was doing more than enough, it was just a phase of pain and once it was over you would be okay again. Little did you know that he was already worrying, already beating himself up for not noticing earlier and he had spent an hour after you left crying.
The next day Lip had called Mickey, Ian and Mandy over to the Gallagher house, he wanted to talk about this and see what they should do. As Ian and you had been best friends since you were kids which led Mandy and Ian to be friends which led Ian and Mickey to become whatever the fuck they were and Mandy and Mickey being your older siblings, those were the people Lip called, the ones who loved you and cared about you,
The 5 of you had become really close, almost like your own little family and lip knew that they needed to help you.
“Whats going on Gallagher” Mickey said taking a seat at the dinning room table next to Ian as Mandy had sat on the other side of the two love birds and Lip had sat on end, making sure he could see the 3 of them.
“Its about y/n” Lip said but then was cut off by Mickey interrupting him.
“I swear to god if you got my sitter pregnant i will fucking kill you with my cold fucking hands” Lip laughed and nodded before explaining that him and you were always safe and you weren't in fact pregnant which gained a “Better fucking not be” from the carrot boy.
“Me and Y/n were doing some things when I noticed marks on her thighs, both of them. Some were old and some were fresh. I don’t know what Terry has done to her as she hasn’t told me it all but he’s fucking broken her and we need to fix her before she pulls a fucking Monica and I lose the love of my life” Lip said, tears coming back in his eyes.
“You love her?” Mandy asked, a huge smiling coming onto her face.
“What the fuck are you trying to say Gallagher?” Mickey asked, hurting flashing through his voice. Ian grabbed his hand under the table and Mickey laced his fingers with the ginger boys right away.
“I think she's self harming Mickey, I think living in that house when hes there is toxic for her. He’s ruining her. She isn't the same. Her smile isn't as bright and her laugh isn't as loud. Her eyes don’t shine like they use to” He said., finally allowing tears to fall again.
Who would have though, Lip Gallagher crying, He wasn’t the crying type.He drank when sad emotions came up, but not this time. You were everything to him, his whole fucking world and he couldn't live without you.
“Ask her to come over, we will talk to her. Tell her we are here.. Maybe she can stay with us for a little. Do everything we can for her” Ian suggested, earning a nod from both the Milkovich siblings.
“Thank you for caring about her, I believe you are the best for her” Mickey said. Mick was hurt that he never realized how much Terry had broken you, he wished he could have done more to protect you from the bastard but there wasn’t much anyone could do when it came to Terry.
You had received a text saying that Fiona had asked Lip to watch Liam and the house was empty and he wanted you to come over. You loved Liam a much as Lip did and when everything happened with Fiona and the drugs and stuff you and Lip had acted like his mom and dad until she had gotten released and you loved it. Since you were a little girl you dreamed about being a parent and being a loving supporting mom, so different than both of your parents. That was your goal in life.
You and lip had talked about it once, saying that he felt the same. He then started talking the big house on the north side that you two would have with your kids and everything you had ever wanted. Thats when you fell so fucking hard for you. He was everything you had ever wanted and nothing could ever change that. 
When you walked in the back door of the Gallagher house you were confused to see Mandy, Lip, Ian and Mickey sitting at the table.
“Whats going on? You said we were babysitting while Monica was working an extra few hours?” You asked as you slipped off your coat and shoes, sitting down on lips lap. His arms went straight to you waist pulling you as close as possible.
“Baby we need to talk to you..” Lip whispered. He didn’t want to cry but you could hear his voice break and it caused you to worry. You stood up eyeing them all. 
“About?” You asked, something was definitely going on and you were scared. Was Terry out? What the fuck was going on?
“We know Y/n” Ian said, looking at you.
“About the cutting babygirl” Lip said turning to you, his eyes extremely glossy and his voice Breaking once again. Who knew one whole fucking sentence could make your whole world crash.
‘Guys please, its not a big deal and I don’t feel the need to talk about this with you. Im fine, its fine now drop it” You said, not letting your voice show the ashamed and sad feelings you felt deep down.
“Sis, we know he was the worst to you, we know you still have the night terrors, we know how broken you feel. Ive tired so many fucking times for him to leave you alone. Watching what he does to you breaks my fucking heart. But me and Lip and Ian, we are gonna protect you. We are gonna save you from him. He hasn’t broken you yet and we wont let him. We love you so fucking much Y/n and you have to stop please” Mickey said, his eyes becoming glossy. The face he made broke your heart.
“Mick.. Please don’t look at me like that. Im fine” You said, trying to make you believe him when you didn't even believe yourself.
“No you aren’t Y/F/n, you aren’t fine and you need to stop! Do you understand that I cant lose you? How can we get married and have a family if you are dead!? I love you so fucking much and I wont let you do this to yourself anymore. Do you understand? You are worth so much more than that fucking asshole and I refuse to stand and watch you let him win!” Lip said, raising his voice at some point. You started crying, saying sorry over and over and you walked into lips arms, wrapping his arms around your shoulder and one around your head, him placing his hand on the top of you head. He started crying a little too, kissing the top of your head.
Him saying this to you, it made you feel alive again, like when you closed your eyes you saw a future again instead on nothing. You realized that as soon as you and Lip got out you'd be okay. You made a promise to your boyfriend and the family around you that you’d do anything to try and stop and that you loved him.
After everyone had stopped feeling emotional and had calmed down, Mickey had told you that all of them thought it was best to stay at the Gallaghers, still having a room of your own in your house but none of them wanted you to be there when Terry got out. As Ian basically lived at the Milkovich house and Carl was gone to military school and Frank not allowed in the house you had Fiona room to yourself while fiona had Franks room and you couldn't have to cram into Lips old small bed anymore. You loved the idea of waking up to the love of your life every morning and that lip would be there when you needed him even more than normal.
a month later things were slowly getting better, You hadn't cut in 3 weeks, the night terrors didn't come every night like they did at the beginning but when they did lip held you and kissed you and stayed up for a while after you slept to make sure they didn't happen. You weren't fixed, it was a slow process but you didn't feel as broken as you did the night they had told you that they knew. You were so happy they had did what they did, they saved you that night. You couldn't be more grateful for everything they did for you, they were all family and that would never change.
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deiupvote · 6 years
It's been a while since I've been able to update, I'm sorry if this post is as long as my prior one. Alot has happened in the last few months and I haven't been able to post information about it until now. It's nearly impossible to explain the situation without a long backstory so you'd have to have seen my prior post. I'll try to give a short summary here.https://ift.tt/2A6qbhq I spent almost 20 years living with my mother. I have 3 younger siblings. 16 of those years I suffered through abuse. Had her hold a knife to my neck, kicked me down the stairs frequently, beaten me with extension cords/bats/fists/chairs/belts/etc, beaten me unconscious & bloody countless times, verbally abusive aka telling me i was worthless and how she couldn't stand me or how I looked like my dad daily. I lost count of how many times I woke up to heavy closed fist punches to the face at like 3am on school days because the dishes weren't washed or I didn't fold her laundry or whatever and then being forced to do chores until I went to school. Teachers weren't helpful. Family turned a blind eye. My dad wasn't around. This wasn't once in a while. This was everyday. I didn't have much freedom as she rarely let me leave the house (Deadbolt lock on the front door and I wasnt allowed to have keys) or get a few hours of reprieve outside of school where I did horribly because the only thing I was interested in was people liking me instead of actual schoolwork. I've called the police on her a total about 2 times. She never got in trouble and the police generally believed her over me and she'd dismiss all my allegations. I was a really skinny kid, I was not a threat and I couldn't defend myself. Either way, I hated violence so I never raised a hand to her or took it out on anyone else. My only reprieve was all the ways I sabotaged her food, the satisfaction of making eye contact as she ate off of a spoon I rubbed between my buttcheeks or when she enjoyed a cup of my special home brew lipton tea. Lots of little malicious compliances which usually ended with punishment.It was just her and I (my older sister was taken away very early) until I hit my teens when my younger siblings were born (not all at the same time). She didn't beat them as bad and treated them fairly better. I was alone for most of it. I didn't really connect with them because they were always around her and I tried to minimize the time spent around my Mother when I hit my teens and after when I started having slightly more freedom. After abusing me for years then carrying on to abuse my siblings, lying to me about having a place to live if I went to college, countless other reasons, and her literally laughing at me when I told her I was homeless.. This is after I explained how it's been hard for me and how the abuse affected me. She's never owned up it. Never apologized. Nothing. I was done. I decided I was going to ruin her life. Regardless of whether it makes me a bad person or not. I had photos of my own bruises/cuts/etc saved from YEARS with my mother. My little sister sent me a few via social media. I compiled it all and went to CPS. They went with police to do a check and coincidentally got there while my mother was beating my sister. Cue an emergency removal and her losing her kids. I reached out to her job and made them aware she lied about her degree (I was the one who wrote all her resumes and etc). She lost her $75k+ salary job days later and got blacklisted. I even deleted every single gmail account and etc I made for her just because fuck her.But as this is an update and not a repost of how trash my past was, I'll try not to repeat myself too much.UpdateI'll give an update on me personally first. My camera was stolen and instead of trying to get another one, I decided to take a break from photography. I appreciate all of the support you guys gave me after my first post. It's been extremely hard, taking pictures was the only thing I really did that helped me feel okay but I'm learning to build resilience. In the mean time, I swallowed my pride and moved into a homeless shelter in my city specifically for people with jobs & a savings. I'll be able to continue saving while I work on bettering myself as a person. I created an action plan and mapped out all my goals and how I want to achieve them. Up until recently, I wasn't even planning on being alive. Sorry if that's too dark. I honestly always had these thoughts wishing my mother would have finished the job with me and made life easier. But as of late, I'm becoming more and more curious of what I'm capable of if I gave myself the chance. I've been able to visit my younger siblings and have gotten to know my little sister abit better because of the experience. I feel like a horrible person for admitting I still feel nothing for them or really anyone, but I won't let my feelings get in the way of the promise I made to myself or them. I've also only drank 3 times in the last 4 months compared to every other day in the past, which isn't great but its a change.My younger siblings are still with CPS but I can't go into detail. My mother was supposed to go to a hearing to get them back but things got complicated (important). My mothers best friend's son (who I've known 8yrs) does his best to relay all the shit my mother tells her while they talk on the phone all day. Things had gotten worse for her. She hasn't been keeping up with her mortgage payments. Her fiance, my youngest siblings dad, is no longer her fiance anymore and is trying to file for custody. I heard she was a wreck then went ghost but it didn't make me feel better. There weren't supposed to be any winners. Honestly, I wasn't even going to update. I initially just wanted to tell someone for once but one thing changed my mind. Something I was not expecting months after I set this all in motion. A phone call from my mother. In the past seeing her calls, even after movingg out, would set me on edge but that hasn't been the case lately. It was just another thing that happened. Just another event. Meaningless but at the same time... She always had my number but NEVER reached out. Even when things first started going to shit, I doubt she even gave me a second thought. But I'm sure you're all curious to know what was said.My mother is gone. A few weeks after my post, the state I'm in brought felony charges up against her. She left the country shortly after and went to her home country in South America. I have no idea how she was even allowed to leave but they didn't take her passport. She avoided specifics on that part. She mentioned staying with a family friend temporarily and tried to frame it as a short vacation. She didn't even start off with a hello, she started the conversation by ordering me to go somewhere quiet before launching into a sob story about how things have been going for her. This is after months of no contact. After laughing at me for being homeless and denying she ever abused me months ago. Just yammering away like it was nothing but I let her talk. It was surreal. I felt so cold just listening to her talk. It was like talking to a stranger. She mentions losing out on "so much money" and how she doesn't know how all it happened and then finally she hits the topic dujour.Cue her bringing up my little sister and the night of the emergency removal. She starts complaining about how she misses my little sister and brothers, mentions something about how it messes up tax season?, and then she had the audacity to start trying to convince me that I should go talk to the caseworkers for her to back up her claim that " she never abused them or me and I should know that..." She said that to me. After everything. Of all people. 9 minutes into the conversation. Like nothing ever happened. But it wasn't anything new. Of course I cut her off but at that point my mind was already made up. I asked her if she remembered when I used to make iced tea for her all those years. She was a little thrown off but said yes. I paused for a few seconds before slowly telling her in detail about all the ways i sabotaged her lipton iced tea. She tried interrupt me once but I didn't stop talking. I told her about how I'd always put too much sugar and she'd never taste it and keep drinking more which was why I always insisted. There was just silence on the phone but I know she was listening. I told her waiting until after dinner when I got home from school to shower so I could rub her spoons between my buttcheeks for maximum damage and how I'd mix it into her food to mask it. At this point I'm not even sure she's listening anymore but im still describing specific days I remember doing it that I know she would remember. She finally LOUDLY interrupts me screaming at me disgusting evil things. She cursed me the way she used to back in the days when shed be standing over me with an extension cord beating the skin off of me when I was younger. She's blaming me for ruining her life and how she wish she had a better child (All without knowing that I directly caused the destruction of her current life though she's speaking about the past). I just let her waste her breath. She couldn't touch me or my siblings. It only lasted a few seconds. Now I remember spending years daydreaming of all things I'd say to my mother if I had the chance but I just bottled it up with all my other baggage and kept trying to exist. A lot of people from my original post also gave me some ideas.When she finally shut her mouth I calmly told her "Look Mom, You don't know what abuse is and honestly its your own fucking fault this is all happening to you. Also, my bad for pissing in your iced tea." Then I just hung up the phone and blocked her number. That was the last day I drank. I haven't talked to her since. I'm not sure she's aware (or maybe she is) how bad of an idea it was to leave the country with all this going down, even if it was for a few weeks. At this point im done with her. I don't want an apology. I just want to move forward and be a better person. I know that's hard to believe after everything I just told you but it's the truth. I try my best to put as much positivity into the world and share it with the people around me as much as possible. But fuck her. I don't know if she knows it was me but I didn't tell her. I'm sure she can guess though if she really tried. Anyways.. That's my revenge. It's still actively fucking her life up but im not taking any active part in it. I wish it wasn't like this. I wish I had a real family that loved me and I knew how to love back the right way. I wish I had a real relationship with my mother and none of those things happened. I wish I could have turned out like one of the happy people in the world but I can spend spend all day wishing. Sorry for the super long post. This is my last update. Wish me luck next year.TL;DR - My mother abused me for most of my life. I had to drop out of college and support myself after she basically drove me to homelessness. She laughs at me about me being homeless and denies abuse. So I ruined her life by reporting the abuse my siblings and I dealt with resulting in an emergency removal by CPS & her getting criminal charges, exposing her lies to her job which she lost, putting her in a situation that ruined her engagement, and ultimately causing her to flee the country which might result in even worse charges if/when she comes back. via /r/ProRevenge
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fanfiction-mania · 7 years
Craving you (Chapter 7)
p.o.v Riker
"I wonder what your father is going to say about this" mom said and right as she said it I heard someone come into the house. Its dad. SHIT! I bet he heard what mom just said, and right on cue he spoke "you wonder what I'm going to think about what?" he asked curiously. Thank goodness Rydel had stepped in at this point because I didn't really want to have to tell him without assistance. "well let's go to the living room and you get comfortable because its sort of a long story" I said. "ok" he replied. "so..." she began "well Rydel and I have been having these really strange dreams lately" I continue. "and those dreams were connected night after night and we were having the same dreams" she says "where are you two going with this?" he interrupted "well those dreams had caused us to realize that we... like each other... more than just as siblings..." Rydel had finished saying. After she had said that dad didn't exactly look too impressed.
p.o.v Rydel
after Riker and I had finished explaining everything to dad he didn't exactly look too impressed. at first he was quiet which we all knew wasn't exactly a good thing. Right when I thought he was going to blow up right in our faces due to how disappointed he looked, he let out a deep breath in attempt to calm down along with a pause to show that he was actually thinking about it. "To be completely honest at first I wasn't exactly two thrilled to hear this" he began. What is that supposed to mean... "But I thought it through a bit just now and I do now realize that love is love..." He paused "even if it does mean that my oldest son and my only daughter want to be together..." I could tell it was a little bit odd for him to say that last bit because of how wrong it sounded once said out loud but to be honest I don't care because I am in love with Riker and there is nothing he can do about it and there's nothing he can do to change that.
P.o.v Riker
"You might want to keep it sort of on the down low for a bit because I don't think Ross and Ryland know" I said just as a warning. The next thing you know Rocky speaks up and says the last thing I would have wanted him to say. "Remember your conversation with Ross earlier!?!" He said reminding me. Shit!!!!! How does he know about that?!?! I thought with a confused face. "He told me!" He replied. "That little..." I mumbled under my breath pissed off now. "Calm down Riker please!" I heard mom say with a stern tone of voice. "Ok well I guess in that case the only one who doesn't know is Ryland." I said calmly "what about Ellington? Does he know?" Mom asked me. "Yeah..." I replied "he was kinda the first person I told..." I said awkwardly.
P.o.v Ross
i was in my room texting people when i heard yelling coming from the livingroom. with that i decided i would get up and go check it out. once i got there i heard ryland and he sounded pissed off. as i walked in he said "what the hell is it that you guys are trying to hide from me. at this point i ha realized what was going on and before i could stop myself from speaking i said "Rydel and Riker are together!" the second those words escaped my lips i regretted it. Riker then sent a death glare in my direction and went after Ryland who has now taken off to his room probably because that kind of information is hard to take in like that and can tend to cause the person hearing it for the first time to want to be alone.
p.o.v Riker
after Ross Told Ryland what was going on i took off after ryland who was now Running. once i caught up to him i noticed what he was doing or what he was about to do anyways. i watched as he was about to cut himself for what looked like the second time and i then spoke with tear filled eyes "why would you do this to yourself? does anyone know about this?" at that point my throat was too dry to speak so i just cried into his Sholuder at first. once my throat moistened "im so weak and sensitive! im just done with everything! i dont even know why im living to be honest" after he said that we both had tear filled eyes and once i found my voice i spoke "Ryland you have every reason to live and just think, you have a family who loves you and fans who love you too. what do you think they would do if they found out that you have been cutting yourself all this time!" i then wiped his tears with my thumbs, wiped away my own and gave him a comforting hug to show him that he has many reasons to live and that everyone would be incredibly upset if they were to find out.
p.o.v Rocky
i was sitting in the livingroom with my family witnesing Riker and Rydel try and explain to dad that they are together and i have to say so far its going surprisingly well. but right as that thought went through my head Ryland walked in and we all froze. of course as soon as he analized the situation he knew that there was something that we werent telling him.and then when i thought it couldnt get any worse, Ross came in and basically told him whats going on. i can bet that riker is gonna kick his ass for that later. when Ross had said that i guess it must have been a lot For Ryland to handle. A few things that you probably dont know about him is that hes really sensative to sertain things but to be honest only mom and i know because first of all it started recently and also he refuses to tell anyone else and he wont let either of us tell anyone about it either. we ended up taking him to a specialist about it because the last time this type of thing happened it got really out of hand and now he has meds to help control it. anyways after Ryland Ran out Riker went after him. i know that Riker will be able to calm him down because usually when i have the odd little break down hes the one thats there for me when i even just need to talk.
p.o.v Ryland
To be completely honest i wish i wasnt this freaking sensitive all the time! its actually so bad that i have to take meds for it daily. i feel kind of as if they dont even work half the time. it just really sucks because in addition to being overly sensitive i was diagnosed with depression and i dont think even Rocky or mom know this but i have been cutting for months now and i have been covering my scars with bracelets.im actually totally shocked that no one has found out yet. when Ross said that Riker and Rydel were together i was very overwhelmed and i knew that i was going to break down so i did the first thing that came to mind. i ran to the bathroom and Grabbed the razor...
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