#and unus visits it
ashtonisvibing · 6 months
unus and annus but they're the moon and sun
i know this isn't a new concept, i just want y'all to know i wanna draw this and i hopefully will once my ipad's all fixed up
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multipassion · 5 months
hi! could you write some hcs about what dating ethan nestor would include? happy christmas month! 🎄 ❤️
Of course! Sorry for around a month late response. Trying to get through my asks! Some may not be answered because tumblr likes to delete some of my asks. Feel free to resend them!
Dating Ethan Nestor Would Include... SFW and NSFW
Ethan Nestor X Reader
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If you were dating him during Unus Annus, being on set with him
Playing with his hair
Going to Maine with him and visiting his hometown
Helping him with his skincare (and getting him one of those puffy pink headbands)
Sometimes being the big spoon while snuggling
Kisses on the top of your head
Taking pictures of you for his Instagram stream announcements
Being on his streams from time to time
His audience loving you and begging him to bring you on more often
Cheering for him when he was on Creator Clash and talking with Mark and Sean about his match
Hugs from behind
16+ Below Cut
Holding your tits when he is the big spoon
Him being vocal in bed
His favorite position being cowgirl but he also loves missionary
Loves having his hair pulled softly
He isn't too kinky, but would be open to mostly anything you would want to try
One thing he would not do is anything that has to do with intense pain, but will do things with minimal pain
Loves to praise you, rarely degrades unless you ask him to
Still feels bad about it even if you asked him for it
He can get needy at times
Will beg you to suck him off
Amazing at aftercare
Will carry you to the shower and wash your body and hair
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snackugaki · 9 months
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... just make an iteration* for fun, I said
a universe where they've made it into their late 30s-early 40s and they chill and can be serene in the company of friends and family for once. maybe a flashback or two for the action moments
"fix" your childhood turtles so they can have a reprieve and some shenanigans, i reasoned with myself--
my tmnt au iteration (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt au iteration part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9
tmnt au iteration omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
lny visit 1 | 2
is this actually new ramblings for the iteration or like one new lore bit and just a rerererererehashing of lore i sprinkled across the other posts.
first though, with my sorta-outsider-not-active-participant-in-fandom history I realized "au" isn't the proper term for what I've been doing, the more suitable term is "iteration".
and we're gonna sit with the fact that even someone at my old-ass age recognized my previous understanding of a term was, for all intents and purposes, not entirely correct and that I acknowledged it, rectified when I could, and that's it, it can be that easy.
okay back to the bullshit.
so my Mondo was introduced in the Archie run, a funky guy with a metal band called Merciless Slaughter, dressed like a punk Hulk, all around good peoples, hung out with the Mutanimals.
His design cobbling isn't too deep, I don't think. Just thought it'd be more rad if he looked more like a guy who fronts a band called Merciless Slaughter while remaining the same ol' Mondo inside, post mutation.
Kept some of his original color palette around in his hat, his pants, his NYHC logo (links) knockoff, and his little dyed leather cord bracelets.
the letters for the logo are for, Skate or Die (across), and Merciless Slaughter (down)
hmm still waffling on if I'm more tickled by him being taller than Mikey or the same height (5'4")
and now for the rererererehash rambling because none of this design progression is coming out linear for me. so super quick, am an original 90s turtlemania survivor, Rise brought me back, gorged Rise then Bay then 2007 movie then rererererewatching of Next Mutation and the 90s trilogy for fun then hacking my way back through the Archie and Mirage runs then caught up with IDW and then just... slogging through 2003 and 2012 which honestly I feel like I got the gists of through gif sets alone.
one hand I can see why old fans (90s turtlemania) didn't seem to like the Rise designs, ours really were just the same li'l green dude but in different colors and hit sticks looks-wise. But here comes Rise with all the character design classics: different shapes! different sizes! exaggeration! and that's on top of all the nudges and twists made to the usual lore; Raphael is now the oldest, Leo and Donnie are now twins, they're different species of turtles, they're tools for war, brand new antagonists etc.
idk, to me when I was watching that shit, it was fun and refreshing so... ionno, built different cope maybe to the other oldheads pissing their pantaloons still ig whatevs
what tickles me most, personally, is the utter fuckton of Rise AUs, and a few Rise-driven iterations, and also some of the other non canon media iterations. so tickled that I got hit by the makeaniterationigitis itllbefunoccocal virus too. UnU (i'm kidding, i'm having so much fucking fun) just I'm addressing the flowers I wanna give to the kids who took Rise's take on tmnt and just RAN with the "different turtle species" from full out coloring their turtles the same as the species they picked to mimicking Rise's design language with different markings.
God, the markings thing just really nestled into my heart, it's such a simple thing and yet it took Rise to just try it, not even a lot, just a little for flavorrrrr. It's just enjoyable as fuck to me tbh and I'm sharpening my teeth when I revisit my coloring choices for the 8th time... fuck where was I?
right, mine are mistakes. wrongright place at the wrongright time, mutagen was there and now they can swing swords around and eat pizza.
someone(s) was high tailing it outta a TGRI lab with some mutagen barrels, driving recklessly while a bunch of eco-vigilantes had broken out of a pet shop that was the face of a black market pet trade/medicine/exotic food racket of endangered species. hence where their bit of human pre-mutagenic contact comes from (the strike team of people who freed them from their cages because all of them were endangered species & destined for a tank, a cutting board or a pill box); including a sea turtle Venus, Leatherhead, Tokka, Rahzar, Man-Ray some others etc etc. Jennika keeping her origin because it was dope as fuck. splinter was just there watching this symphony of human fuckery happen and decided to adopt some kids with no one asking (it was tang shen's onryo that is rooted in Splinter's mind that was asking, shh)
and ever since it clicked when I was gathering ref shots, ✨sea turtle Venus just makes sense✨ to me, it's taken my brain stem and rung it like a bell for new year's nonstop and i am not mad
... fuck, I am but also am not looking forward to when I start delving into ninjutsu, ninpo, Venus' whole schtick and how the supernatural fits into this world that I definitely don't need to be fleshing out this much just to draw them chilling on April's couch.
i've got like over 70 refs, holy shit
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Interspecies Surrogacy: It's a Thing (part 1)
This is mostly fluff, but cw for pregnancy. I've never written fluff before, so let me know what yall think! (1600 words)
Rax was lounging in his ship, reading some news feeds from his home planet, when a knock rang from the door. He put down the datapad and quickly shifted back to a humanoid form.
"It's unlocked, what is it?" He called. The door slid open to reveal Rasha, his boss. She ran the Cargo Freighter Osiris, a ship that would transport anything or anyone, anywhere, for the right price. They mostly did normal and unassuming deliveries, but they weren't opposed to a few deals that were less than ordinary here and there. As far as Rax knew, Rasha had been speaking with a client about a more unorthodox delivery that they wanted to commission the Osiris team for, though usually Rax wasn't involved in the more administrative parts of the process until the finalization of everything.
"The client needs to speak to you, Rax. Apparently what he wants is something only a Despian can do," Rasha said. Rax groaned. People always looked for Despians for their weird depraved nonsense because of their shapeshifting abilities, and there weren't many around, so he wouldn't be surprised if this one was just looking to hire him for something personal.
He followed Rasha out of the ship bay, through the halls, and into her office. Most of their business was done here on the freighter, and one could go about most of their day without leaving. Rax sat next to the clients, two reptilian Jinneri, in Rasha's office, and she sat in her chair behind her desk. A male and a female, they wore long robes and Jinneri breathing masks, and sat very close to each other. Rax wasn't expecting a couple, but the answer would probably be no regardless.
"Okay, so what exactly did you want Rax for that you couldn't tell me?" Rasha asked. Rax prepared for whatever nasty thing they'd ask him to do.
"Well, you see, there aren't many other Jinneri around, and we've been having . . . fertility issues," the male said. "My wife has been unable to carry, and we haven't been able to find a surrogate, but we heard that Despians can carry almost any species, so we were hoping that you could help us."
Rax frowned. "Okay, well that wasn't the direction I thought this was going to go, but absolutely no-"
"Five million credits."
Rax blinked. "What?"
"We'll give you five million credits. We have an egg ready to go, and we'll pay you entirely up front." The female said.
Rax sat for a moment. That was a lot of credits. With that much money, he could send some home for his family and have tons left over so he could buy an actual home rather than just living inside of his ship. He didn't think he'd ever come across this kind of money in his life, but here they were, handing it to him on a silver platter.
But was it worth it? He pulled out his datapad and did a few quick searches to get the general gist of a Jinneri pregnancy. It was fairly short, only about four months, and pretty straightforward. A female would lay an egg, then the egg would be fertilized, then implanted in either the male or female parent to hatch and incubate. Some chose to do two at a time, one in each parent. It wouldn't be too long, but it would be a little difficult.
After a few minutes, Rax finally responded.
"Alright, I'll do it."
. . .
After all the paperwork had been settled, doctors visited, the whole nine yards, it was finally done. Rax was back on the Osiris after having the small egg surgically implanted into him. He would have regular meeting with Unu and Irn, the Jinneri couple, and a doctor. For the next few weeks, the egg would grow rapidly and hatch inside of Rax, and then keep growing until it was ready to be born.
Rax ran his fingers over the little bulge in his belly. He'd squeezed himself into his bunk in his regular form, which was far more comfortable to be pregnant in, so he'd learned. Julian was playing a game on the bottom bunk. Rax heard the game pause, some creaking, and a head popped up to his bunk.
"So, five million credits huh?" Julian asked.
"Mm-hm," Rax nodded.
"Soooo . . . what does it feel like?" Julian said. "Like a normal Despian egg, or . . .?"
"Kind of? But more like there's a rock stuck in there, honestly. Despian eggs generate heat, but Jinneri are born cold-blooded, so it's sort of weird. Like it sucks up the warmth. I'll probably get used to it," Rax said. He looked over to see Julian staring at the little lump. "Whatcha looking at?"
Julian flushed bright red. "Uh-"
"You wanna feel?" Rax held his hand out.
Rax didn't think a human could get any redder, but they continued to surprise him. Julian placed his hand in Rax's, who guided it down to his lower stomach. Julian felt the bulge of the egg, about the size of a cantaloupe.
"So, I was thinking, since I'm gonna be taking it easy for a bit, wanna hang out on my ship later tonight?" Rax asked. He'd been meaning to ask Julian for a while. He'd had a bit of a thing for him for ages, and after the whole egg fiasco a few weeks ago, he figured Julian might too. Might as well shoot his shot.
Julian stuttered a bit, and lifted his hand off of Rax's belly. "U-uh sure, what did you want to do?"
"I got some games and and old Coriskian tablet with a bunch of old movies and junk on it," Rax said.
"Oh, cool. I heard those movies were super dumb but really funny," Julian said.
"Alright, meet me at the ship at 16:00, yeah?" Rax shimmied to the side and hopped off the bunk to go tidy up his ship.
. . .
Rax and Julian watched the projector from opposite sides of the seat. They were on a cushioned bench built into the wall of the ship, watching one of the Coriskian movies about some nuclear power plant that turned into a monster. Apparently weird nuclear mutation films were a universal genre. Julian munched popcorn, which he'd told Rax was a common human movie snack, and Rax idly traced circles around the egg with his thumb.
Rax glanced over, and Julian quickly snapped his head towards the projection, having been caught staring. Rax cracked a small smile and snuck his tail over towards Julian's side of the bench, before curling it around his back. Julian turned beet red. Rax scooted over a bit, and used his tail to coax Julian closer until they were hip to hip. Rax put an arm around Julian's shoulders and nabbed a few pieces of popcorn. Julian, still redder than Rax could ever imagine, leaned over onto him a little bit.
They stayed like that for a while before Julian decided it was his turn to get bold and put a hand on Rax's abdomen. Rax wrapped his tail tighter around Julian's waist, and soon they were practically on top of each other. It was awkward for a long moment before the two looked at each other, and their faces drifted closer, until-
Neither of them had been paying any attention to the movie, and a loud noise from it caught them off guard. They sat in silence for another few moments before Julian finally spoke.
"Oh what the hell." Julian grabbed Rax's face and pulled it to his and kissed him. Rax took a moment to fully process what was going on, and kissed him back.
A knock at the ship door a few minutes later forced Rax and Julian to untangle themselves from each other. Rasha opened the door, saw the boys' ruffled hair and clothes, and immediately closed it again.
"Ah- wait, Rasha!" Rax ran to the door and opened it back up. "What did you need?"
"I was just gonna say that the checks from the last job are coming in tomorrow but you guys are finally having a thing so I'll leave you to alone," Rasha said, and turned to leave the docking bay.
Rax let her go, and reentered his ship to see Julian smoothing out his hair a little bit. He sat back down next to Julian and leaned back onto him. Julian leaned back, still feeling a bit awkward, before Rax practically tackled him and continued where they left off.
They didn't really go any farther than that, just kissed with the movie in the background, but it was enough for the both of them. They laid on the bench, and Julian held one hand on Rax's belly and the other on the back of his neck. Rax was on top of him, his tail around Julian's waist. They stayed there until the end of the movie, when Rax finally broke away.
"You know, i-it's getting pretty late," Julian said.
"Wanna sleep in here with me? I have a bed mat I can set up and we can have a little sleepover," Rax said. He got up and ran over to a shelf, and pulled out a big roll of springy blue foam.
Julian smiled. "Yeah, let's have a sleepover."
Once they'd gotten themselves situated on the mat, Rax turned to Julian. "So, Rasha said we were having a 'thing.''
"Are we having a thing?" Julian asked.
"I don't know, I've never had a thing before."
"Well I'd like it to be a thing, what about you?" Julian inched his hand closer to Rax's.
"Why not? I guess if that's what it is, then it's a thing." Rax put his hand on Julian's.
"Are you sure you want a thing with me, though? I mean, Despians are cool shapeshifters and I'm just a plain old human," Julian said.
"Dude, you literally watched me give birth without flinching. I think I want a thing with you." Rax smiled
"Then I guess it's a thing."
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twstfanblog · 6 months
I love your writing so much! Your Yuu OC is so cool and I am so obsessed with their energy <3
Writing request time~! Can I get some headcannons of Yuu visiting all of the twst clubs for the first time?
HI FRIEND! Sorry this took me so long to do! But ok, so I actually have this planned out as a chapter in my main story fic. So this is a perfect way to get it all written out for myself!
Hi Jamil~ Flirty to the max, making him miss the shot he was trying to do
Isn't into sports in the slightest, but wanted to see what was offered at the school
Is honestly, too physical to play basketball, she'd be elbowing people in the ribs and Floyd would be supporting her
So for the safety of the other teams, Yuu was not allowed to join
Promises to come to the games to cheer for Jamil and Floyd (And Ace, but fuck him)
Not a chance in hell. Boobs too big to be running around
Made fun of Deuce for thinking the school would have what is basically a motorcycle club
Did tell him it was a good choice of club since he wanted to be a cop in his future
Left the second Vargas showed up
"Oh cool, Ortho's brother" "I have a name." "I don't care."
Liked the idea of the club, but couldn't see themselves actually joining. Enjoyed making Idia think they were gonna join
First meeting with Azul takes place here
Told them about the concept of 'The Game' and let that seed of chaos be planted into Idia's head to use against Azul at the most random of times (Sorry I made you lose UnU;)
"How much money does this school have?????"
Another they had no intention of joining but was really interested in watching
Later on, they help out with basic horse care if free time permits
Yuu: Wow this school really has whole-ass horses on campus? Silver: Silver: As opposed to??? Half-ass horses??? Yuu:
Yuu states only one 'Funny Bitch' can be in a club at a time and Silver clearly holds onto his title well
If Yuu had a will for public performing this would be their club! sadly they don't so they didn't join officially.
Yuu still has their music library so they share their world's music with them a lot later on.
Not a member, but will pop in from time to time to do a jam session with them
Lilia gets her a shirt that says 'LMC #1 FAN' on the back as a gift
Another sport club that was interesting, but not something they'd do
Only goes to the games if dragged there by the other firsties but is an aggressive fan for Epel
Kepting asking Leona dumb questions because he was trying to sleep DURING TRYOUTS
Yuu likes the concept of Spell Drive, just doesn't have the care to really play or watch it
Has told Epel he should hit someone with his broom though
Trey says 'No' with a smile
He's not TRYING to kill Yuu's budding passion for magical sciences, he's TRYING to protect the masses from the bioweapon they're probably gonna make on accident
Rook is so excited, he wants Yuu to join the club so badly
Trey knows Yuu will either make something that will actually kill someone or would drink something they're not supposed to on accident and die.
Yuu was not allowed to join the science club UnU
Honestly, feels so bad for Jade. Dude's clearly got a passion for his hobby and wants to share it with others
But also "Jade are you actually confused why no one wants to join your club and be alone with you in the fucking woods?????"
Not too excited for all the hiking the club seems to be (Interest is peaked at the opportunity to pet a bear though)
Promised Jade if they didn't find a club to join by the end of the day, they'd circle back and join his club
"I'm friends with your brother, you can't make me disappear that easily" "We'll see~"
What are you researching????
Honestly, the whole time just asked Vil questions in an attempt to frustrate him and point out how the club was a THEATER CLUB more than a Film Research club
Ends up joining because they ARE a theater club kid and is more than willing to take on the backstage work, that's their favorite part
Does end up being known as having infamously bad movie tastes and ended up traumatizing the whole club via trying to prove a point to Vil by sharing a movie from their world
Didn't know Malleus even had a club until he told her that night
Malleus didn't know the club fair was that day
Yuu shared their pint of depression ice cream with him while he pouted
Compromised in simply joining him on his walks or letting him info dump about a new gargoyle he found or his favored styles
Yuu will walk around abandoned areas themselves sometimes and take pictures to show Malleus to ask if he knows the gargoyle or not
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safety-writes-noms · 7 months
I know you’re still backed up on asks but this is my daily socialization so: mark and oli seem like the kind of friends to talk to each other about their preds like they’re feral cats like “you’ll never believe what that idiot did today” and considering cal’s sizeshifting itd be like he got himself stuck in a room unable to shift back like when a cat jumps in a box and it flips over on top of them and they just scream pitifully (my cats are dumb)
,yes!! They do talk sometimes since they live near each other and know vaguely that they’re similar. Once oliver had to fish Callisto out of a closet hamper because he was experimenting with his capabilities and was struggling to go back to being big after shrinking. Or when he had hide a giant Callisto in the backyard because their cousins dropped by for a surprise visit and his parents weren’t home.
“Oh cal? He’s at a friends house… doing grown up things. Yeah, no, don’t worry about him Aunt Lisa — don’t go in the backyard, we’re doing…renovations on the patio :)”
Mark usually just listens, but sometimes he complains about unu not letting him do stuff. Like ‘dude, unu wouldn’t let me make a fire sword’ or ‘unu grounded me and now he hovers whenever I’m fighting monsters >:(‘ also your cats sound so silly I love cats :D sorry this was really late I swear I’m catching up on all the other asks!!
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ricky-tiki-tah · 10 days
Ego Headcanons: The Ipliers
Pt. 2
Iplier Manor is home to most of Mark Fischbach’s egos, the Ipliers.
Part 1
Google Blue(he/it): the head of the android family. Is the one that goes to meetings.
Google Green(they/them): generally easygoing and helpful.
Google Red(he/they): doesn’t give a shit about anyone except his android family. Doesn’t like Bing very much. Is not the one you want to ask for help with anything.
Google Yellow-Oliver(he/him): the most human of the Googles. He suspects it’s because he has a name and he’s tried giving his siblings names but they never stick. Spends most of his time with Bing or Host (he enjoys reading and listening the Host’s stories).
Bing(he/him): your basic skater bro. Hangs around Oliver the most because he’s the only Google who will watch his rad skateboard tricks.
—The androids are their own family.
Reporter Jim-RJ(he/him): always has a microphone.
Cameraman Jim-CJ(he/him): always has a camera.
Anchorman Jim-AJ(he/him): knows thingsTM.
Weatherman Jim-DubJ(he/him): always has an accurate weather forecast.
—The Jims are clones. No one knows where they came from but they call each other brothers. If more Jims appear, they will be immediately added to the family. They have some sort of hive mind/telepathy and often talk to each other nonverbally.
Sliver Shepherd(he/him): doesn’t live in the Manor. Has a girlfriend. Only visits for mandatory meeting and Christmas. Has beef with his alter ego (nobody knows why, or how). - Powers: super strength/speed.
Dadiplier-Stan(he/him): doesn’t live in the Manor. Rarely visits, only for mandatory meetings. Generally friendly and easygoing guy. Typical suburban dad. - Power: hydrokinesis.
Ed Edgar(he/him): doesn’t live in the manor. Runs a small illegal adoption agency for kids that have suffered abuse. Is really, really bad at advertising. - Power: unknown.
Captain Magnum(he/him): pirate dad. Doesn’t live at the manor. Very tallTM. - Powers: unknown.
Illinois Smith(he/him): pan adventurer dude. Lives in a separate cabin in the Iplier woods with Camper. The two keep an eye on Heehoo. - Powers: absurdly good luck
Camper Mark(he/him): lives with Illinois. Has a tent permanently set up beside the cabin for Heehoo when it rains. - Powers: unknown.
Heehoo(???): feral. Loves takis. Lives in the woods surrounding Iplier Manor. Really only interacts with Camper and Illinois. - Powers: unknown.
MerMark(he/him): merman with a rainbow tail. He has an aquarium like room in the manor that connects to the swimming pool and a lake in the woods by the cabin. He’ll see Heehoo every once in a while. - Powers: can talk to any aquatic creature.
King of FNAF-Mike(he/him): isnt actually a security guards for Iplier Manor. (He works at this pizza joint with haunted animatronics). Was later promoted to ceo. Hates his job (but can’t quit because FazEnt somehow basically owns him?? He doesn’t know when that happened either). Is terrified of animatronics and mannequins. Hangs around Dave mostly (he’s the only one awake when he gets off work and Dave is a pretty chill guy. He helps Mike calm down enough to sleep. Yes, Yan thinks they’re dating. Are they? They don’t even know themselves.) - Powers: heightened endurance.
Dave Torres(he/him): has no idea how he got to the manor and at this point is too scared to ask. Keeps to himself mostly but enjoys hanging out with Mike. Doesn’t need much sleep to function, but seems to always have a cup of coffee anyway. - Powers: dream walking.
Annus Memento(he/they/any): agender aroace god of time. Spends most of his time with Unus(possibly in a QPR). Absolutely hates being called “Old Man Time” despite that being his title. Followed constantly by the sound of a ticking clock (Elliot and Unus find it comforting). Is a wacky weirdo but can be serious. - Powers: time(controls the amount of time people have in their life, but can also warp time like if he wanted to run away from Dark after pranking him).
Eboy Mark-Elliot(he/him): gay e-boy and in a relationship with Gothan. One of the physically younger egos (around 20). Sees Annus as a father figure (Annus doesn’t understand how but accepts it as inevitable). Will occasionally call the other young egos his younger siblings. - Powers: unknown.
Convict-Vic(they/he): Largely nonverbal. Severely traumatized. Seems to be the embodiment of a pathetic sad puppy. Surprisingly doesn’t hate water (it’s clear and they can see through it well enough), but will not go in the pool/lake. No one actually knows what crime he committed and they’ve never said. Hangs around Engie the most, often just following him around like an extra shadow (he enjoys their warm hugs and the fact that Engie doesn’t expect them to talk). Will also sometimes hang around Annus, Dark, or Dave as well, seeing as they’re fairly calm egos and they let him just exist nearby and watch them do whatever they might be doing at the moment. Carries around a notebook for if they really need to say something. - Powers: unknown.
The Ipliers are always eager and open to answer questions :)
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allofashes · 2 months
y'aaall i forgot my unus annus sock pair in poland when visiting a friend and he has not sent them back (still bitter about it) BUT today i thought "well it's worth a shot just googling them" and after i saw SO many fake ones (on RedBubble etc) i found an ebay listing ... y'all ... i am so so so lucky today
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you already know i ordered them IMMEDIATELY . i could fucking cry !!!
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nanaosaki3940 · 4 months
The Time When We Were Young [Manhwa/Webtoon]
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It's an ongoing isekai genre manhwa/webtoon and OMG, it's so fucking good, y'all!!! 
I'll talk about the manhwa with spoilers, so read this at your own risk!!! 
The story is about a 37-year-old female lead (Choi Ah-Ran), who's now a renowned novelist and publisher of a famous publishing company, had once wrote a well-known web novel (named Cheonyang City) back in her high school days. Since she wrote it back when she was 16-17 years old, the web novel was full of cliches and had all those cringey troupes that you see/read in your average shoujo manga/manhwa. Also, the novel happened to be a self-insert story and it was an alternate reality of her own personal life. Like for example, in her real life, her younger brother passed away in an accident but in the novel she wrote about a reality where her brother was still alive and well. In real life, she had a best friend who stopped talking to her because of a misunderstanding, but in the novel, she/her character also had the same kind of best friend who never left her side and they always cleared up their misunderstandings if any confusion ever arose between them. Also like in her own life, her parents got divorced after the death of her younger brother and she had a very toxic relationship with both of her parents all these years, but in the novel, her imaginative parents were in a happy marriage and were lovey-dovey with each other. Or like how she was bullied in real life when she was still a high schooler, but no one bullies her in that novel's world. In other words, the novel was an alternative reality of her own life which she created to escape from her pain and actual reality, and the novel characters are based on real people in her real life. 
So in the present time, 37-year-old Ah-Ran recently broke off her engagement and was going through a tough time at her workplace. Life was quite hard for someone like her who was in their late 30s. Then one day she decided to visit her mother (who's now married to another man and had a son together) one afternoon for lunch and at that time, she went to her old bedroom and noticed her computer (which she once used to write her web novel) was still there on the table. Feeling a bit nostalgic, she tried to turn on her old computer and before she knew it, she was sucked into the world of her own web novel "The Cheonyang City". She got isekai-ed into her novel where her younger brother was still alive, her parents weren't divorced and happy, and her best friend was there for her in every thick and thin.
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But alas, unlike other female leads, she doesn't want to stay and live in this cliche-filled web novel she once wrote in her teenage years and was finding a way to go back to her actual reality. And the only way to get back to her reality was to change the flow of the story of her own and make the characters around her say stuff that they need to say. Every time she would get isekai-ed in her web novel, a small piece of paper would magically appear in the pocket of her clothes, and in those papers, there'd be these cliche phrases/dialogues that the characters around her would say to her, like for example, one time in the paper a dialogue was written and it went like - "My heart is sick because of you", meaning the male lead of the story (Kang Hwiyoung; a typical high school delinquent with a bad boy persona but also has a heart of gold) has started to fall for her, and in order to make him say this, Ah-Ran has to get closer to him and make him fall for her. And when he said that dialogue, she again went back to her own reality/world.
And in this way, Ah-Ran was going back and forth between her own web novel and her own reality/world, and through this journey, she learned a lot of things and those things helped her to overcome her fear and traumas, they taught her how to deal with her painful past and move on with her life etc. Like going through this unusual journey made her recall back her actual high school life where she was bullied and her best friend abandoned her. She also recalled back the time when her brother died, her parents got divorced, and when she was self-harming herself. As she interacted with those fictional characters in her novel, she learned a lot of stuff about their lives and how they dealt with their traumas and stuff and when she would go back to her own reality/world, Ah-Ran would gain the courage to face her own problems and traumas and would also take steps to overcome them. 
And while going through this journey, in her real world, she came across her old classmate from high school named Cheon Jonghyeok (who owns a bar-n-cafe in the same building as her publishing company), and guess what? That dude is the spitting image of the male lead (Kang Hwiyoung) from her novel!!! I mean just look at them, y'all!!! 
(the right side column is Kang and the left side column is Cheon...)
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Firstly it was speculated by readers that Kang was probably based on someone from Ah-Ran's real-life and they even teased us with a panel of this bartender...
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And after that in Chapter 50 Cheon's face was finally revealed and he looked exactly like Kang from her novel!!!
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Knowingly or unknowingly, it seems like when Ah-Ran wrote her web novel years ago, she portrayed Kang's character and physical features based on Cheon's looks and personality. The only difference is that Kang (in the web novel) is a popular delinquent and leads a gang called "Four Heavenly Kings", meanwhile Cheon (in the real world) is a popular handsome dude with a good and caring personality and was liked by everyone in school back then. Other than that, both Kang and Cheon are absolutely the same person. I mean Ah-Ran created Kang based on Cheon, so obviously they'll be alike. 
So yeah, overall I'll give this story a 10/10 rating. If you like a modern setting isekai story with teenage high school romance, adult workplace romance, drama, and comedy, then this story is for y'all. 
Links to read the manhwa/webtoon -
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nutal · 18 days
Okay, before i start to explain on what the HEIGH is going on inside my tiny little cranium of mine, the Adam angst (my headcanons) I invented is pretty much inspired by multiple stuff on tumblr, so it may not really be original + it may age as bad as milk (tho idk if it really matters, the angst was just made for fun and nothing else, im just here to share my imaginary scenarios with u + i started typing this whole ass paragraph essay at school + it may prob go against canon but these are just theories for fun soooo ye here we go)
T W: intense angst, may delve in some serious topics
Lemme start off my storytelling with the magical, splendid place that is so-called “The Garden of Eden” This is the place where Adam and Lilith were born from the very specks of dust (a very splendid way of saying that they just *POOF*, appeared out of nowhere).
Now since Adam and Lilith were God’s creation, it’s pretty obvious that the both of them would be prideful and childish, even if Adam and Lilith were created as adults (not really their fault, they were barely just created and are just babies in adult bodies about to be traumatized later on in life + they’re kinda in a forced marriage when u think about it)
While Adam (the dumbass) was like: “I do what I want UvU” in a dumbass, but funny way, Lilith was like: “I do what I want UnU” in a more subtle and feminine way.
I can just imagine Adam being like: “Yo, Lilith, I’m gonna climb up that tree bc i want to!” and Lilith being like: “Bro, no, you will literally fall off of it, because you don’t even know how to climb, you fucking dumbass.”
Adam climbs up the tree anyway and falls flat on his face and Lilith just face slaps herself bc Adam is a dummy.
One day, Adam and Lilith would meet the angel “Lucifer”, basically Luci wanted to visit the humans bc he was curious. Of course, the 2 would be really excited to meet Luci, and they would have a lot of fun together, playing games and such, especially Lilith, who basically all of her attention to Lucifer, ignoring Adam’s existence completely. Even to the point of ghosting Adam for days just to hang out with Lucifer. Adam would notice this, and decides to confront Lilith about this.
Adam keeps asking her why she has been so distant with him, but Lilith keeps denying, being like: “Dude, stop being so controlling! Mind your own business, and stop being so paranoid!”
In a moment of absolute annoyance and fury, she snapped: “WELL, MAYBE I AM! HE’S SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU AND I LIKE HIM WAY MORE THAN I EVER LIKED YOU!”
At that moment, Adam was just… stunned. Those words coming from Lilith hurt deeply.. and i mean, REALLY deeply, not only because it hurt his ego, but he actually really liked Lilith, so hearing this, it really just, destroyed him.
Lilith: “I NEVER NEEDED YOU ANYWAY!” As Lilith fled from The Garden, Adam yelled at her in the distance, trying to hold back his tears: “I NEVER NEEDED YOU EITHER!”, turning his back to the opposite direction and crying silently.
After the incident, God decided to give Adam a second chance, in exchange for a rib (Adam’s rib), and created Eve. His second wife. Now Eve, Eve was a little more special. While Lilith was more upfront and independent, Eve was the opposite, being dependent and really sweet. At first, Adam would be cautious at first, but eventually, starts to fall in love again, in fact, he fell harder for Eve than Lilith.
Lilith’s abandonment pretty much caused him to not only be really protective towards Eve, but also more affectionate and caring. Cherishing her more than his first wife. He was happy again.. at least for a while.
You see, in The Garden of Eden, there was a mysterious tree, to which there was something whom God warned Adam and Eve not to taste from: “The Fruit of Knowledge”. Not only did it grant free will to whoever takes a bite from the apple itself, but also show them the difference between right and wrong.
Eve, being as sweet as she was, was also very curious about the apple, but Adam would always warn her NOT to eat the apple. Ever. Eve would beg him to let her take at least take one bite from it, and maybe even Adam taking a bite too, to which Adam always said: “No.”
Eve: “Please?”
Adam: “No.”
Eve: “Pleeaassee?”
Adam: “No.”
Eve: “Plllleeeeeaaaasseee?”
Adam: “No.”
Adam: “No.”
Adam: “No.”
Adam: “NO.”
Eventually, one day, Adam would wake up to see that Eve was not next to him. He starts having a panic attack and tries desperately to look for her. Meanwhile, Eve just decided to stay next to a tree, being pretty upset that Adam wouldn’t let her taste the apple.
Then, Lucifer and Lilith see Eve. In Lilith’s mind, Eve is another victim of Adam’s controlling behavior, like her. So, to help her out, she tells Lucifer to give Eve The Fruit of Knowledge. Luci agrees, and shows Eve the apple.
Eve gets really enthusiastic, and despite Adam’s warnings, her curiosity got the best of her, and eats the Apple.
When Adam finds her, it’s already too late, Eve already ate the apple. Adam would be mortified to not only seeing Eve eating the apple, but also seeing his first wife, Lilith, and Lucifer. Eve immediately realized her grave mistake, but then basically, the roots of sin would reach earth and humanity as a whole, and from there, God would tell her that she’s banished from Eden and she falls down to earth… but then realizes.. that Adam fell with her.. even is he hasn’t ate the apple, he still decided to fall with her.
After Adam and Eve have fallen from Eden, they pretty much had to struggle to survive and it wasn’t easy. They had to actually hunt down for food, even killing some animals in the process unwillingly. Eve would start to become really bitter and cold with him. Adam also noticed this, but not wanting to lose Eve like he lost Lilith, he wouldn’t confront her like he did with her. But eventually, she leaves him aswell. Adam would desperately try to find her to no avail. He would start breaking down, his world would start spinning. Feeling as if.. as if he wasn’t good enough for anything… for ANYBODY… that he’s worthless… and has no purpose. Eventually he would die because of starvation and grief…
Then.. he wakes up to see that he’s… in the middle of nowhere. He notices that now, he has golden-like wings and a halo on top of his head. A tall silhouette would appear, revealing to be none other than “Sera”.
Obviously, Adam would be cautious at first, but the Seraphim would tell him: “Greetings, The First Man. I’m Sera, the High Seraphim. Congratulations for being the first human soul to arrive up in heaven!”
Adam would be surprised, but then ask: “Huh?.. wha?..But, what I am doing here..?”
Sera: “I’ll show you, follow me.”
Adam still being gullible as.. heaven? (PUN) would follow Sera, all the way to a… room. Then, Sera would show him his robes and his, uh, exorcist army (that just *POOF*, appeared just for his role), but.. most importantly.. his LED mask.
Sera: “You are now promoted as the Leader of the Exorcists, Adam.”
Adam would put on the robes, still not really knowing what’s going on, but he just accepted it. Then, Sera would explain to him in more details about what he’s supposed to do in his specific role (basically saying that he has a harem army of killing machines, that kill Lucifer’s and Lilith’s citizens [sinners] every year to quote on quote ‘protect heaven’, but saying it in a splendid way)
And.. this made Adam feel.. absolutely empowered, being able to take revenge on Lilith and Lucifer by exterminating sinners in hell every year, …and.. in his own twisted sense of mind.. he was able to have a purpose again…right? He eagerly puts the mask on, without even questioning whether this was even right or not, for he doesn’t even know the difference between right and wrong. (Nightmare moon phase coming up rq)
And because he felt.. like he had a purpose again, thinking that.. maybe he still had importance to someone or something, he truly respected Sera, and never even DARED to question Heaven.. bc thats basically his purpose.. and if he questioned it, its kinda game over.
The kinda disturbing part about this is that, if he didn’t eat the apple, that would mean he doesn’t have free will. Which basically, he didn’t even choose to do this kind of thing, he just went to heaven by default and becomes the leader bc ‘he dah first man’ without him actually having any kind of saying to this. Kinda like a puppet on strings, if you think about it. (but it’s a game theory so i digress)
Also like, considering that angels and winners probably just showered him with blind praise, not even really addressing his actual issues, so basically, his deep emotional wounds barely got any kind of healing (if not even more), and his narcissism (being his possible coping mechanism after just drowning in negative emotions for so long bc heaven doesn’t even really care for him that much) continued to grow stronger and stronger, until it was basically his other identity. Basically kinda like Nightmare moon, where Luna basically drowned in resentment and became Nightmare moon, Adam drowns in the negative emotions of “not being good enough”, so he creates some kind of ‘shield’ to protect himself from ever getting hurt deeply again.
I remember when I watched JaidenAnimations video: Why I don’t have a “face reveal”. That video alone.. it basically made me realize that people could be struggling without even having the slightest realization of what’s going on. This also reminded me of Adam, then I thought that.. maybe,.. maybe Adam also feels kinda the same way as Jaiden, lemme explain further:
So, in JaidenAnimations video, she basically explains on how her standards became so high that she was TERRIFIED of ever having a face reveal bc she had a deep fear of disappointing everyone around her. (I still thank u Jaiden, hope u doin well bro, i love ya 👍👍)
There could be a possibility that, Adam may have had such high standards for how he needed to look, since he didn’t really looked like other angels, he just looked like a normal guy, that it became an insecurity for him and he basically just hides his face with his LED mask, terrified of what others may think of his actual face.
god, this took a whole DAY to write this and i may have still not executed my ideas well, or may have missed some ideas cause i forgot, but hey i tried, im gonna take a breath bro- *inhales oxigen tank intensely*
OH MY GOD THIS IS CRAZYYY YOO HOLD ON??? Dude omg yes yes i def agree he would fall WAYYYY harder for Eve than Lilith and I absolutely see what you mean that Adam and Lilith were like a forced marriage type situation cuz i mean yeah they literally did LOL. Adam for sure genuinely cared for Eve though, they had something a lot more special and I can only imagine how badly that must’ve hurt for Adam when she ate the apple and left after him begging her to NOT do that!
And yes yes YES him feeling empowered after becoming head of the exorcists being able to take revenge in that way like RAAAGHGHGEHH HELL YEAH!!
And I have ALWAYS been a huge believer in Adam using his narcissism as a coping mechanism from the very start. Like that just seems very on point and canon to me. Because this man is very clearly insecure, you can just tell. Especially with the whole mask thing, which I’ve actually brought up in the past. But yeah, this dude does not like people seeing his face. He def def DEF feels very average or even below that so he covers up for it through constantly flaunting about how great he is n shit so that nobody’ll suspect a thing.
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anaelrich · 1 year
In Suriname we preserved our African heritage as best as we could. In this children’s song the Akan name days are taught in the local language called Sranantongo. The song is performed by “Het Mannenkoor Maranatha” , source johndoerock, Youtube. 
For more songs like this visit https://anaelrich.com/2015/07/21/nursery-rhymes-nostalgia/. Also to learn more about African names in Suriname visit https://anaelrich.com/2020/12/13/whats-in-a-name/
The name days/  Den dey nen Our grands and greatgrands/  Wi afo nanga wi trotro gave the days a great name/  ben gi den dey wan bigi nen Now it fits that we all/ Now a fiti so dat’ wi alla maal must learn to know them/  musu fu leri sabi den If you don’t know them/  Suma no sab’ den you don’t have to be ashamed/  no ab’ fu syen Just listen to them/  Pot’ yu yesi arki den 2x
A boy born on Sunday/ Wan manpikin fu sondey Kwasi, Kwasi is his name/ Kwasi, Kwasi a nen A girl of the same day/ Wan uma fu na srefi dei Kwasiba you have to call her/ Kwasiba unu mus’ kari en
A boy born on Monday/ Wan manpikin fu mundey Kodjo, Kodjo is his name/ Kodjo, Kodjo a nen A girl of the same day/ Wan uma fu na srefi dey Adyuba you have to call her/ Adyuba unu mus’ kari en
A boy born on Tuesday/  Wan manpikin fu tudeywroko Komlan, Komlan is his name/  Komlan, Komlan a nen A girl of the same day/  Wan uma fu na srefi dey Abeni you have to call her/  Abeni unu mus’ kari en A boy born on Wednesday/ Wan manpikin fu drideywroko Kwaku, Kwaku is his name/  Kwaku, Kwaku a nen A girl of the same day/  Wan uma fu na srefi dey Akuba you have to call her/  Akuba unu mus’ kari en A boy born on Thursday/  Wan manpikin fu fodeywroko Yao, Yao,Yao is his name/  Yao, Yao, Yao a nen A girl of the same day/  Wan uma fu na srefi dey Yaaba you have to call her/  Yaaba unu mus’ kari en A boy born on Friday/  Wan manpikin fu freyda, Kofi, Kofi is his name/  Kofi, Kofi a nen A girl of the same day/  Wan uma fu na srefi dey, Afi you have to call her/  Afi unu mus’ kari en A boy born on Saturday/  Wan manpikin fu satra, Kwame, Kwame is his name/  Kwame, Kwame a nen A girl of the same day/  Wan uma fu na srefi dey, Amba you have to call her/  Amba unu mus’ kari en Countrymen/ Kondreman, Wherever you may be/ Wans ope. Be proud of your name!/ Wi mus’ opo un nen hey!
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Pinned Post/About Me!~
Hi everyone! I've been getting more active on here so I figured I'd introduce myself!
See my Writing Directory here !! Requests are PAUSED!
See your place in the Request Queue here !! updated 4/30/2024
Name - Emily!!
Pronouns - she/her
mid 20s, Southeastern US 🫠
Catholic 💖
Personality - ENFP, 2w3, Chaotic Good, Golden Retriever energy, Mom Friend 💕
Part time clinician at my local psychiatric hospital! ✨
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, and Unspecified Trauma Disorder ❤️
Current Hyperfixation - Band of Brothers! (Especially Winters, Roe, Luz, Liebgott, Talbert, Shifty, Speirs, BaaAAaAaabe, Malarkey, and Grant 🥰)
Other things you might see on my blog:
Formula One
Markiplier/Unus Annus
What We Do in the Shadows/Our Flag Means Death/Good Omens
Cryptids (Especially my daughter the Loch Ness Monster!)
Van Gogh
Probably other things I forgot to list lol
Thank you for reading my post and visiting my blog! My ask box is always open if y'all ever need anything~
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A smooch for all y'all 💖
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unusannusbracket · 1 year
My favorite vid was 1 man 100 accents, which did okay at first but got nowhere near the finals. But I love it because I think it really captured the true spirit of Unus Annus, which was just sitting down and creating something. And that's really what Unus Annus was about.
Ah, yes. I do think that's a lovely way of putting it; just sitting down and creating something. I think part of the appeal of Unus Annus, at least to me, was how replicable it was. Perhaps that's not the right word... but, well, it was all things that people could, realistically, do.
Perhaps some things were a little more extreme and/or location limited, and of course, some they musically encouraged us to not try ourselves at home, but doing silly accents, visiting an escape room, playing operation with baby hands... how many of these videos truly boiled down to just having fun with a friend? And maybe their dogs, too.
If you knew you had one year, why not spend it with a friend having a good time? If we are to truly live life to the fullest, we don't have to spend large amounts of money or do something rather extreme or impossible for someone with less resources than them. We simply must enjoy it with what we have. Fun can be made with anything, be that duct tape, blind bag slime toys, or strange websites.
Speaking of which, I do remember one person in my notes saying something to the effect of the quarantine era being a low point in Unus Annus... I'm not sure I agree. Sure, taste is subjective, of course, but I didn't think Mark and Ethan had to do something incredibly wild in order to be entertaining. It was rather grounding, I think. A nice intermission.
And well, that clip of Ethan lip syncing Lose Yourself with the baby hands will forever live in my mind...
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faronnorth · 2 years
today we were visited by the ghost of unus annus
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midnightangel155 · 2 years
Just thought this would be cute.
We all know how Kristoff was raised by trolls. And I was thinking what if Scott was somehow raised by llamas or at least people who are part llama/are llama hybrids.
Like- wouldn't that be cute??
Also he definitely talks to his llamas whenever he is stressed or is just telling them stories. He can understand llamas. Not animals. Just llamas. Nothing more. Nothing less.
((Example of that ^
Sausage was once walking around the empires cuz idk- he was bored?? And he overheard Scott ranting to his llamas. And since Sausage can talk/understand animals he knows what the llamas tell Scott.))
Okay- I know Scott's birthday is like- 3 months away but- imma just put this here
Scott has been given a llama for a birthday present. From Sausage ofc. Scott loved it.
Also, since Owen is in empires now as a llama. Imagine if the actual llama turned into Owen. Like- imagine seeing Owen but with llama features! Kinda like Scott's but his are less rainbow more orange.
((Example of that ^
Scott walks into the Tavern to see if his llama is still there: *sees Owen human w/llama features*
Owen: Hi Scott! :D
Scott: Uhm..who are you and what have you done with my best friend?! *pulls out his sword*
Owen: Uhm....Scott I'm Owen?
Scott: 👁️👄👁️ Wut? Owen's a llama..not you!
Owen: *says one of Scott's secrets he's told his llamas*
Scott: *shooketh* Wha-))
Ok- this has turned from me having a headcanon to a full on brainrot lol- i have more!
Scott's part llama(at least to me) and he ENJOYS head pats. Like LOVES them.
He knits. Like- he makes all his clothing all from scratch. He doesn't buy them. He shears his sheep and makes clothes out of the wool.
He is the reason why fWhips pickle business has a sign that says "Do not smelt the pickles into dye due to threat of war". How did he know? Well...llama. One of the llamas told him. Idk how they found out but yeah. The llamas were being snitches.
Occasionally, he falls asleep in either the barn or with the llamas. Like- he forgets to go to his house to sleep and just go get them Zs with the llamas.
People think he's wierd cuz of his heterochromia. People don't tell him that tho because this llama man is sensitive. Like- he WILL get sad IMMEDIATELY.
The designs on his best friends or...in my case his children, are all handmade by him. He also gifts people the stuff he knits.
He can paint and draw REALLY well. I can just imagine him making a family portrait for Joel, Sausage and Hermes. His favorite artwork was when he decided to paint/draw the flower fields.
Scott is friends/neutrals with everyone. Like he definitely is. He is happy llama man and I wanna keep it that way UnU.
Gem has bees right? And exports like- beeswax, honey, basically anything a bee can make. Scott provides the flowers she uses for pollen.
He makes flower crowns for EVERYONE and ANYONE who enters Chromia.
((Example of that ^
Hermes once visited Chromia alone because they know very well the way back to Stratos. And when they reached the "Rainbow man" (that's what I imagine they calls Scott) kingdom they were taught how to make flower crowns by Scott because APPARENTLY neither Joel or Sausage taught them how to. Scott said that they were being horrible parents for not teaching their child such a WONDERFUL thing, as a joke ofc.))
He has long hair. He grew it out when he was out traveling the world looking for new things to add to his collection. It grew till the top half of his back.
He definitely does his nails. Also, Lizzie is a cat and she has long nails( kinda like a cats nails but a bit shorter) and Scott has offered to decorate them because according to him they looked PLAIN. Lizzie of course agreed to this and her nails have NEVER been so good looking. She comes to Chromia every month for her nails.
I think- that's all for now lol- MIGHT add more tho
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zqueenwarrior · 7 months
Death Remembers
I will always cherish the moments and memories of that year. Unus Annus was the greatest thing to ever to have existed in that year. I loved every second of it and will always love these videos when you visit the coffin every year. For it not only reminds us of the great memories we shared that year but you too.
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