#and w/o forcing someone to label themselves
dmystfy · 2 years
I think the binary can be healed and balanced by learning from those that exist outside of it. I don’t think that expanding/redefining definitions or doing away with it entirely is necessary, it’s confusing and does more harm than good.
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on the topic of early dA... see the reason why I’m so protective of young artists now is bc the overall culture of the art community as a whole during the late 2000s to early 2010s was so extremely hostile towards beginners and kids like.. when I first started posting traditional art online in 2009 it was not only socially acceptable to verbally attack (not critique, Verbally Attack) young artists it was lowkey encouraged and I saw Dozens of literal children get cursed out and called horrible names and told to stop drawing and to kill themselves and etc by adults bc they Drew Arms Weird or w/e and then being gaslit into thinking that They were the bullies and the bad guys for getting their feelings hurt and told that they just “”couldn’t take critique”” and sometimes it would escalate to the point where it would turn into a straight up harassment campaign against the 13 y/o who Dared to get upset about some 25 y/o loser with no actual desire to see them improve calling them names and the few people brave enough to actually go “hey um that’s kinda not ok and going too far actually??” would have a harassment campaign against Them too and I remember putting something like “feel free to be harsh and insult me/my art!!” in my bio even though I Knew I was extremely sensitive bc I wanted to seem like Someone Who Could Take Critique(TM)
and plus back then the “cringe culture is dead” mindset wasn’t really a thing yet (hell “cringe culture” wasn’t even a popularized term until maybe 2016) so Bad Art Blogs/Accounts were all the rage and the only Socially Acceptable reaction to having your art stolen and mocked behind your back to thousands of strangers on the internet was to just smile, force out a laugh, and nod; react in any way that’s Slightly more negative than that and you were labeled an Oversensitive Butthurt Killjoy and You would be blamed for having the audacity to post art that The Mods Didn’t Think Was Good or w/e bc how Dare that 12 y/o kid draw things that aren’t extremely photorealistic and detailed!!! how Dare that beginner artist not have a 100% perfect grasp on anatomy the very first time they pick up a pencil!! how Dare a young artist putting out free content for fun not be perfect!! if you don’t come out of the womb producing Van Gogh-quality artwork you deserve to be bullied and harassed, apparently!!
and so all of that made me incredibly insecure about my own art for Years and when I first started drawing digitally I wouldn’t post anything I drew online bc I was terrified of being dogpiled; I remember when I first made my art blog in 2013 and for over a year I was living in Constant paranoia that my art would be showcased on a Bad Art Blog and that everyone would hate me bc my anatomy wasn’t great or w/e. but now, looking back, posting art online is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and I’ve allowed myself to grow as an artist and I’m glad I didn’t suppress my hobby to appeal to people who don’t and will never have my best interest in their mind.
so basically: I’m here for young artists, I’m here for beginners, I’m here for people struggling to learn how to draw, bc nobody was there for them back then. my advice: Please keep drawing. Please keep sharing your art with the world. Please don’t be afraid of imperfections. despite what Art Snobs might have hammered into your brain, it is Not a fucking crime to not have a complete grasp on anatomy, or not to be well educated in color theory yet, or etc. you don’t deserve to be bullied or mistreated for it. you never did.
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rolyatswonderland · 4 years
TWST: A Mermaid’s Tale Pt.2
Yay it’s part 2 ^o^ I’m still not sure how many part’s this’ll have, but at most possibly 4 or 5-? we’ll have to see ^^;
Thank you so much to my bestie @blackevermore for helping me beta read the story! ;7; 
Pt.1 - Pt.2(Here) - Pt.3(Soon)
Professor Divus sat quietly in his office, completing a stack of paperwork, until his door was roughly slammed open. He glared, watching a few papers from the stack fall to the floor due to a sudden breeze sweeping in, but the moment he saw the familiar shade of red hair all he could do was sigh in annoyance. 
“Ah, you four again, whatever could be the issue this time.” Professor Divus saw Grim’s flames and knew that it meant that Deuce and Rolyat weren’t far behind. In all his years of teaching he had dealt with many troublesome students, the flaw of teaching at an all boys school. However it seemed that this year of teaching a new litter of puppies as troublesome as this four really had him questioning his profession, and one was neither human and the other not a boy.  Despite having dealt with many of their shenanigans before, the sight of Deuce carrying Rolyat with a mermaid tail certainly caught him off guard.
“Ah- W-Well you see Professor we...sorta need your help- haha.” Ace couldn’t help but laugh awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head, glancing over to Deuce who was still holding the newly transformed girl.
“Explain yourselves,” Divus commanded with a sharp glare, his stare so serious that surely the four students before him felt a shiver of fear go up their spines. Ace and Deuce took the lead in explaining what had happened, presenting him with the two cans of scales and Grim even admitting to his own mistake and stubbornness. He remained partially quiet for most of it, only letting out a hum in response or a nod. After they finished explaining, Professor Divus took the cans and examined them, turning them over before letting out a dissatisfied grumble.
“I see, some foolish pup did not properly label these containers.” Divus held the cans in his hands with a dissatisfied expression on his face, then looked to Ace who seemed to have a confused look on his face. 
“Uhm so, how come Roly didn’t turn into a whole fish on us? I mean she totally got splashed when the potion erupted but how come it’s just her legs that got the scale treatment?” Ace asked, Deuce and Grim nodding along, wondering the same thing.
“See this can here? It has a full fish drawn on the lid, this means that these were the fish scales you were meant to use in your assignment. ” Divus held up the still full can of celadon silver scales to show the group before placing it down and picking up the other can. “While this can looks like it has a fish on it, in actuality, it has only a fish tail drawn on, as these are mermaid scales that you seemed to have mistakenly dropped into your potion.” He held up the other can, displaying the pattern that could have been misinterpreted as a fish, but if viewed long enough will show the very obviously mermaid tail like pattern.
Deuce sighed, crossing his arms with a shamed look on his face,“Ah- they both just sort of looked like fish to us so...we weren’t exactly sure.” He felt quite foolish for not noticing such a difference before since he only paid attention to the labels. 
“Hmmm,” Professor Divus looked over to Rolyat. The girl had been awfully quiet throughout their discussion, seeming rather spacey and she simply stared down into her lap while being held in Spade’s arms.  “Miss Rolyat?” It took her a moment to respond, with a slow reaction time as she lifted her head, as if having just realized someone had called her name, she warily looked over to the Professor but didn’t say a word.
Staring intently, the Professor could see that the girls lips were awfully chapped and dry. Focusing his view on her tail he removed one of his gloves, reaching out his hand to touch at the pearlescent tail to find it surprisingly dry, with no feeling of the slick ooze that should have coated her tail. But after adding all these things together did he realize what was going on, looking at the boys with an urgent but serious look in his eyes. 
“I’d advise you three to find Miss Rolyat a body of water immediately, her scales have started to dry out in the air, so her body is quickly being affected by the changes from the potion.” 
“H-Huh? What does that mean?” Deuce asked, looking down at the girl in his arms with extreme confusion. 
“Merfolk can survive out of water but not for very long, if they are kept too far from a body of water like any regular fish they will begin to suffocate, and due to the circumstances of her sudden transformation I worry that Miss Rolyats dried out tail is evidence that such a process has slowly begun.”
“HUH!?” The trio all gaped in shock. Their friend..was going to suffocate!? Immediately panic set it as they frantically looked to one another for what to do, but it seemed like Ace was the quickest to calm down after he realized something. 
“I-I know just the place we can take her to! But Professor what about an antidote?” Ace asked concerned, looking over at his teacher in hopes of an answer, but the seemingly unsure expression on the Professors face drew a pit in his stomach. 
“Sadly I ordered all the materials for the reversal potion to come in tomorrow, seeing as that was when you all would turn in your finished assignments and we would have then proceeded to the next phase of turning the animals back into their original forms.” Divus crossed his arms as he continued to stare at the girl.  “I will go and discuss with Mr. Sam to see if we can obtain the materials sooner, but if not she should be fine as long as you find her a body of water to reside in until a reversal potion can be made, so for now I suggest you three hurry.” The trio nodded, taking a small bow before excusing themselves as they quickly exited the room. Divus could only sigh as he sat back down into his chair, resting his head in his hand with a troubled expression. “What troublesome puppies indeed…”
Ace ran ahead of the group with Grim still latched onto his shoulders, and Deuce was following close behind as he held on tightly to their friend. “S-So- Where are we going!?” Deuce shouted, the trio speeding past students who looked on in confusion and surprise.
“We’re heading for mostro lounge!” The red head’s answer almost made Deuce stop in his tracks entirely, but he continued running. 
“Huh!? The freaky fish dudes!? You want us to go there?” Grim yelled in surprise, completely baffled as to why they would ever need to go to the Octavinelle dorm. 
“Look those guys are fish people too right? So if anything they’re our best shot of helping us out! I mean they’ve got that big tank too in the lounge!” Ace looked back at Deuce as they ran. The trio didn’t have the fondest memories of the lounge, the place only serving as a reminder of their time as forced servers and Grims poor time as a dishwasher made them shutter. But if there were any people who could help their new mer-friend then it would have to be them. 
“H-Hang in there Roly, okay?” Deuce looked down at the poor girl in his arms, she didn’t so much as open her eyes but she could still hear him, weakly giving him a thumbs up in response. 
After weaving and bobbing past various students and racing to the hall of mirrors, not even hesitating for a moment before jumping into the Octavinelle portal. Soon they made a beeline for the lounge, bypassing any curious dorm members. 
“Huh!? The Doors are locked shut!” Ace was the first one to get there with Grim, doing his best to push open the lounges double doors only to find them shut tight. 
“Nyaa! What the hell! Don’t tell me they’re closed- there’s no way!” Grim shouted, baffled at the locked doors, seeing how Azul would never miss a chance for business unless he really needed to. 
“Stand aside!” Deuce yelled, still running down the corridor before stopping just a bit away from the doors, and without a second's hesitation he turned his body, raising his leg in the air to swiftly kick at the doors, the trio watching them open on impact with his kick. Ace and Grim stared dumbfounded at their friend for a moment before watching him rush inside, the duo shaking it off as they ran and followed right behind them.
“Oh my, it’s you four” the tall Jade Leech was currently behind the bar counter, drying away at some dishes while Floyd, who sat at the bar, swiveled around in his seat to see who had made all the racket.
“Ehh, it’s crab and mackerel, with little sealy and lil’ shrimp too?” Floyd tilted his head curiously as he got up out of his seat, noticing the ‘little shrimp’ not looking too good in the arms of her fellow classmate. 
“Just who do you lot think you are to cause such a commotion before opening hours?” An annoyed looking Azul came walking up the steps behind them, having heard the crash of the lounge’s doors opening and assessing the damages that would surely need to be paid back. 
“Argh look we’ll pay to fix the door but seriously let us use the tank!” Ace didn’t want to be bothered with getting bombarded with questions, pointing at the large tank in the lounge as he stared down with Jade with a surprisingly determined expression, especially due to the fact that Ace was still somewhat scared of them. 
“Oh? The tank you say?” Jade raised an eyebrow curiously at his underclassmen. His brother however just stalked closer to Deuce and Rolyat before reaching a hand out to take off the blazer on her waist, revealing the beautiful light pink tail. 
“Waah! Little shrimps got a tail!” Floyd looked rather surprised, staring at the girl's pearlescent tail in awe. 
“Okay yes she has a tail! Now just use that benevolent heart of yours and help us!” Ace shouted.
“Fgyaa! She’s gonna’ suffocate if we don’t hurry!” Grim followed right after. Grim and Ace’s words of panic seemed to fully settle in for the aquatic trio. Azul seemed shocked and baffled at the sight of the mermaid tail before quickly regaining composure, adjusting his glasses before looking to his vice dorm head. 
“R-Right, Jade?” Azul was hesitant but quickly found his wording and turned to his right hand man.
“Hm, right away,” Jade nodded, setting the glass down and quickly making his way around the bar, beckoning his hand for the underclassmen to follow him through a door in the back of the lounge. The doorway leads to a backroom with a metal staircase leading upwards, seemingly for the top of the large fish tank that spreads a good amount around the lounge and even has a tunnel that connects the tank to the vast ocean that surrounds the rest of the dorm. Quickly the group made their way up the staircase, stopping at a platform before the large opening of the tank, the trio looking at their friend warily. 
“Ah, pardon me but could I see Miss Rolyat for just a moment?” Jade held out his arms to Deuce who seemed wary at first, looking to his friends before Ace just nodded, telling him it would probably be alright. Deuce sighed, nodding back to Jade and handing him Rolyat. Jade immediately took notice of the girls pailing complexion and how dry the scales on her tail had become, so without a moment's hesitation he carefully slipped off the girls blazer and began unbuttoning her dress shirt, revealing the simple whitish pink camisole underneath. 
“What are you-” Deuce went to stop Jade but stopped in his tracks when Jade shot him a look.
“It’ll be much easier for her skin to breath since it’s quickly started to change, merfolk are not known for wearing heavy layers you know.” Jade’s words quickly cut off Ace’s, the trio were about to question their upperclassman actions before simply letting it be, feeling that he would know best. 
They did stand by and watch warily however, watching as Jade carefully lowered her body into the tank before letting her go as her body floated down to the bottom. He turned back to go down the stairs, the trio following close behind as they joined Floyd and Azul who were watching the tank to see what would happen.
Rolyat looked as if she were peacefully sleeping despite being in water. A couple of curious fish would swim over and stare, some even having the courage to nudge at her with what little force they had. Eventually however, her tail slowly started to move as her eyes fluttered open, she moved to sit up, tiredly confused until she came face to face with a yellow tang. 
She screamed, hardly any sound coming out but saw the pleather of bubbles spill out of her mouth, suddenly realizing where she was she quickly covered her mouth and shut her eyes. But she soon realized that she wasn’t drowning, she uncovered her mouth and warily opened her eyes, looking around with confusion and then looked back at her tail as she moved around. 
The sound of Jade gently knocking on the glass caught her attention, her view immediately catching sight of her friends as she clumsily swam over to them, head accidentally bumping into the glass barrier that separated them. Holding her head in slight pain she continued to look on in confusion, just barely being able to hear what they were saying as the group talked. 
“She may remain here and we’ll do our best to provide support where we can, however I will expect some form of compensation for the repairs on the door.” Azul adjusted his glasses as he stared at the troublesome trio. The group only seems to sigh in response. 
“Yeah yeah we will, sheesh.” Ace scratched the back of his head in annoyance as he glanced over to Deuce who seemed to be typing something on his phone before holding it up to the glass for Rolyat to see.
“We’ll come see you again when lunch time rolls around, but until then hang in there okay?” Deuce’s words of encouragement could barely be made out through the glass, but Rolyat read along with his phone, but all she could do was simply smile sweetly and nod her head. 
They parted ways and she waved goodbye as her friends ran off to class, but now she felt a feeling of loss as she floated in the take, unsure of what to do in her current state. 
She looked over to the Octavinelle trio, Azul simply nodding to her as he adjusted his glasses and walked away, likely going back to the vip lounge. Jade simply gave her his usual mysterious smile, taking a small bow to her before turning away and going to assess the damages of the door that Deuce had kicked through. Floyd on the other hand simply sat in the closest seat to the tank and grinned his sharp toothy smile at her, finding something amusing, which made her worried since Floyd’s smile’s could mean a plethora of things. 
So just as Deuce had told her, all she could do was simply hang in there until they found whatever they could to fix this mess, and hopefully it wouldn’t take too long.
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littlefallenseraph · 6 years
An Experiment
Prompt: How about ,,,,,,, smth like Julian had some kind of drink/food that had an aphrodisiac effect and what he would be like with his S/O
Thank you, @we-stan-julian-devorak for the great prompt! I hope you like this--it was super fun to write but it kinda had a mind of its own.
It had been the longest day; all you wanted to do was go home, snuggle up with Julian and a book, and go to sleep. The universe (and Julian) however, had different plans.
When you approached the door you knew something was off. Asra never left the door open but it was cracked and you could see candlelight flickering out of the entrance. Approaching carefully, you tapped your ear so you could hear what was going on inside. You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard an exasperated voice.
“Ilya, I told you they’ll be home soon.” Asra. He sounded a little more annoyed with Julian than usual—which was no easy feat. There was no response, just the sound of someone dramatically slumping onto the chaise and clinking glass. “Gods, please let them get back soon,” you heard Asra mutter to himself, “I don’t know how much longer I can put up with this.” Then a long sign punctuated by a chuckle. You were tempted to let it continue. You were beyond pleased that your two favorite people had made up (or at least were on their way there), and Asra couldn’t fool you into thinking that he didn’t enjoy Julian’s company at least a little bit on occasion. You also did love playing tricks, especially on the two of them. It wasn’t until you heard, “Ilya, please put your shirt back on,” that you decided it was the time to step in.
Lemons below the cut
You walked in through the door like you hadn’t heard any of their previous exchange, “Hello, I’m home!” Julian launched himself off the small sofa and did his best to cover up the fact that he was shirtless. You painted on your best surprised expression as you said, “What’s going on in here?”
Before Julian had a chance to speak Asra strode over to the door, scooping up his scarf and hat as he went. “Thank gods you’re back! He and his mess are your problems now.”
It was then that you saw the mess he was referring to, small glass bottles littered the counter. Some had powders, some liquid. Several of them were broken. “Really,” you said again, “what happened in here?”
Asra laughed and pulled on his scarf and hat, winking as he did. “I’ll let him explain it himself.” You watched incredulously as he brushed past you and walked out the door. “I won’t be home till morning,” he said, closing the door being him and disappearing.
As you stared after him, wondering if he was trying to pull some sort of prank on you, you heard a whine from behind you. You spun around to see Julian closing the distance between you in a couple of long steps. Immediately he took your face in his hands, crashing his lips into yours fervently. He wasted no time winding his arms around your hips and pulling them into this, grinding against you. A soft moan escaped his lips whenever he broke from you for air. You had seen him at his hungriest (hell, you had made him his hungriest) but usually, it took a little working up and this…this was ravenous. The next time he took a breath, you managed to slide a hand in between you and push him just far enough away that you could escape his grasp. “Ilya,” you said, stopping him dead in his tracks with the name you only called him when he was being bad, or very good. Glancing pointedly across the room to the mess behind him you asked, “what did you do?”
Deflating, he dropped his arms and grinned sheepishly at you. “I, uh…I did an experiment?” You stared him down, expecting more answers until you realized this was all you were going to get from him. Instead, you pushed past him and made your way over to survey the damage. He followed you as if you were carrying a short leash and ended up standing directly behind you, arousal pressed into your lower back as you tried to make sense of the tinctures and herbs scattered about.
Picking up a leaf, you rolled it between your fingers and released…what was that? Saffron? You didn’t use it for much as far as potions but Asra did like to cook with it on occasion. You smiled, was Julian trying to cook for you? The next was a powder. Nutmeg? It was then that one of Julian’s hands found its way around your waist and the other to the back of your neck. You sampled the rest of the ingredients as he trailed kisses up your neck and his hand caressed your stomach.
Saffron. Nutmeg. White Ginger. Ginseng. Cardamom. They didn’t make up any recipe you’d ever heard of. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed one last bottle and picked it up. You recognized the logo as coming from your favorite shop in town: one that specialized in the sorts of ingredients used for potion-making, not cooking. Reading the label, you nearly threw the bottle. It read Spanish Fly. There was a very specific use for that, though you’d never done it yourself.
Julian was keeping himself busy behind you, pulling your shirt away from your body and sliding his cold hands across the skin of your back, making you shiver. His kisses had graduated to gentle nibbles on your shoulders, neck, back, whatever he could reach. It was hard to deny that you were enjoying his pampering.
“Ilya did you—” you began but were interrupted by his hand tracing up your neck and pulling you back so he could graze your earlobe with his teeth.
“I went down to that vendor you like,” he whispered, allowing this breath to tickle your ear. “Rowen?” Another shiver ran down your spine. “Mmmmm,” he answered by biting your shoulder. “I asked him what I could use to make a—”
“A love potion?” You knew he couldn’t see you raising your eyebrow, but that didn’t stop you from doing it anyway.
You could feel the mischievous smile on your skin. “Maybe.”
Realizing the opportunity you suddenly had, your hand snaked behind you and unclasped his trousers. You spun, facing him with a challenge in your eyes. “So you thought you would just jump me as soon as I got home?”
He swallowed hard as your palm connected with his cool chest and you steered him toward the chaise. He didn’t try to fight you, though; he sat obediently, eyes alight with the promise of what the night had in store for him. “I figured we could—” he began but your hand down his pants and around his shaft stopped him. “We could—” he tried again but a light stroke forced him to bite his lip to keep the sound that threatened to escape at bay.
“Now Ilya,” you said, pumping your hand at an agonizingly slow pace, playing with his tip a little as his eyes fell closed, “how long have you been like this?”
“O-off and on s-since this af—” this time he let the sound escape, groaning and falling onto his back on the sofa.
“That’s much too long, my love,” you teased and moved to straddle the indecent puddle of a man in front of you. He responded by grinding his hips into you, his breath catching again. “Do you—” you said as you teased his head a little more with your thumb, “want me to help you with that?”
You glided down his lap onto your knees, finally freeing his manhood from its confines and licking its length, which was just enough to make him let out the breath he was holding and beg. “Please.” The one word was enough for you. As you took him in your mouth, his head dropped to the cushion and his hips thrust into you, “fuck!” It didn’t take much work for you to get him close—squirming under your every movement, gripping the pillows and fucking himself into your mouth. He had been so pent up that you probably could have blown him over with a light breeze. Not only that but seeing your lover like this had made you just as indecent. To your surprise, he pushed you away and launched towards you, knocking you over. “W-wait,” he said breathlessly and you could feel him still painfully hard against your stomach. “Not yet.”
“What are you doing?” you laughed as he attempted to gather his strength to move.
“Well, darling,” he said, flashing you his famous grin and adjusting his hair out of his eyes, “this was supposed to be about you.”
Abruptly, he pushed you back onto the floor and brought your legs up so he could remove your pants, kissing the insides of your thighs as he went. His breath tickled your loins as his expert tongue flicked out, giving you the attention he knew you wanted. You smiled as he did, selfless boy he was, he would abstain eternally if he knew it would give you eternal pleasure. His fingers found themselves there as well as he slowly pushed them into you, doubling the pleasure—as well as the noise you were letting out. “Oh, Ilya—” whatever coherent thought you were about to form was destroyed as his tongue ravished you. Your hands gripped his shoulders, nails digging ruts into them. You almost apologized until you heard the feral moan that escaped his throat.
He made quick work of you; he always knew exactly what to do to make you see stars. Before you knew it your breath was ragged and your hands were in his hair, pleading, “Don’t stop—please—don’t I’m—” you huffed in between gasps. “Ilya—I—I’m—” and then white exploded behind your eyes, your back arching as your climax washed over you. You were a heap of gasps and moans as you bathed in pleasure.
Chuckling, he released you, allowing you a brief respite as he licked his lips clean. Gods, how you loved when he was like this. You didn’t want to waste too much time though. You managed to sit up, head still spinning and climbed into his lap again. Your hands wound into his already-mussed locks, “You didn’t let me finish,” you whined, still a little out of breath.
“My dear, I think we both agree that’s not—” he was interrupted by your sharp tug that forced him to expose the pale skin of his neck to your lips, “true—mmmmn.” Your teeth grazed his throat, leaving small marks as they went. You moved your hands from his head, though it didn’t move as you continued, gliding down his shoulders and arms until you arrived at his hands. Slowly, you pushed them behind his back and cast a quick binding spell on his wrists and the leg of the chaise. Then your hands wandered to his front.
He twitched as your gentle hands caressed his still-aching cock, “no, you didn’t let me finish this” you whispered into his shoulder. You could feel his legs’ subtle movements, dying to shift, as if he couldn’t get close enough but still wanting to obey your unspoken commands. Without much effort, you raised onto your knees and positioned yourself to slide him into you.
You sat fixed above him, letting anticipation consume him. Bringing his head up to look at you, he buried his face in your chest. “Please,” he whined and his eyes searched your face for a sign that it was enough. When you didn’t budge he raised his lidded eyes to meet yours, “Please fuck me.”
Pleased with his desperation, you lowered yourself slowly onto him, relishing every whimper that escaped his lips. In this position it was difficult for him to move so he was forced to sit in ecstasy, moaning helplessly underneath you as you rode him.
You could tell he was close, he was breathless, gasping for air as each thrust brought a new wave of pleasure. You released his hands, allowing them to circle your waist, pulling you as close as you could be. He managed to adjust, allowing him more leverage to move with you. As he inched nearer and nearer to his climax, his hands grasped at anything they could, hair, skin, anything. With one final twitch, he came undone inside you, his head flying back onto the sofa behind him.
After what felt like ages of holding each other in ecstasy and exhaustion, he rolled to the side, pulling you with him. He invited you closer to his chest, tucking your head under his chin and placing gentle kisses into your hair. “Mmmmm,” he hummed, content to lay there with you forever. It wasn’t long before his deep, slow breathing betrayed that he was asleep.
Well, you thought, no moving him now.
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 5 years
sometimes I feel a lot of pressure cause I’ve talked about questioning and bisexuality w/ my friends and I don’t want to be wrong. Sometimes the only times I can imagine myself w/ a woman is away from people(like literally isolated from civilization) because I feel like by myself I can be “wrong” or figure myself out w/o feeling like I’ve put myself in a hole by making my friends think I’m not straight. Like I’ve brought it up enough that I don’t think they’d believe me being straight.
There’s not really such a thing as being “wrong” about your sexuality. I mean, you might one day realise that a label you used before doesn’t fit you anymore. That’s life. People change. People learn new things about themselves everyday. And sometimes sexuality is complex and it can be fluid. It’s fine to change to a new label at any given moment and as many times as you like. The only thing that matters is that you’re comfortable with it.
Figuring out your sexuality isn’t an exam that you have to pass. And if anyone judges you at all for questioning your sexuality and/or changing labels again then that person isn’t a good friend and I’d recommend getting a better one.
Even if, after going through some soul-searching and questioning, you come back to identifying as straight - then people just have to accept that. Actually I’d hope that one day everyone was able to take the chance of question their sexuality and gender in a safe and supportive environment so that even when they end up idenfying as straight and/or cisgender they still have the opportunity to actually understand what that means to them personally, instead of just being born into a cisheteronormative society where their identity is considered the default so they never have to pay it a second thought.
Also, if we act like the word “questioning” in the context of figuring out one’s sexuality and/or gender means “this person is definitly queer one way or another but they don’t dare coming out yet” then it really defeats the purpose of the term “questioning”. If the term doesn’t also include the possibility that the person could also realise they really are straight and/or cis afterall then what’s even the point?
Anyway... back to you. You should never be put in a position where you feel like you have to convince anyone that your sexuality label is “the right one”. Even if that label is “straight” and even if someone else is 100% sure that you are actually queer - they have no business doubting you or forcing you to justify yourself. Nobody has a right to tell you “that label you use it wrong”! The amount of fucking audacity that would take!
Quesioning your sexuality and just generally learning new things about yourself, discovering who you are - all of that shouldn’t be done in relation to what others might think of you. It doesn’t matter what your friends think if your questioning process - as long as they support you!
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blcodyhell · 6 years
What happened: the truth, not word of mouth.
                My initial post was one where I stated the simple truth of the impossibility of me being racist or phobic of any sort; that remains, but ever since this whole issue broke out, three people maturely approached me to clarify things, to tell me EXACTLY what it was that I had said that offended them instead of calling me things out of assumption,  &  I was able to have some mind-opening conversations, which was exactly the thing I had wanted from the beginning,  &  the reason I had been so angry  &  disappointed at everyone: because everyone went to a third party  &  spread slander about me instead of maturely coming to me to talk.  But what is done is done,  &  all I can do is  a d d r e s s  what those three people have told me  &  the truth it reached at. 
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NUMBER ONE: ‘forcing diversity’ 
                Boy did I word that wrong; it did not in ANY way mean that I thought casting PoC was wrong, it did not meant that I wanted everyone to stop doing fancasts with PoC in them, it did not mean that I hate PoC  ( that would mean hating myself,  &  I no longer do, haven’t for years )   &  it did not mean that I hate representation, at all. What I meant by the words forcing diversity was that, as an actress myself, I know there is a thing going on in the movie/tv world where people are cast ONLY for being different, someone I spoke with called it ‘the Token role’  ( they said ‘girl’ but for the sake of this post I’ll include all genders ),   &  that is exactly what I meant.  Example: if they’re making a new version of Legally Blonde with the mask of an open casting  &  they tell me        ‘Oh yeah, we’ll hire you, you can be the next Legally blonde. Having a Latina Elle would bring us so much more money because it would get people talking’         I would HATE that so much, I would decline the offer, because I refuse to be USED for my differences.  BUT if they told me,        ‘Hell yeah, you can be the next Elle, you bring up her personality so well, no one else has done it the way you have, we’d only need you to die your hair blonde for the sake of the character.’          THEN I’d be like !!!!!!  ‘YES THIS WILL MAKE SO MANY PEOPLE THAT LOOK LIKE ME SEE A HERO ON THE SCREEN OMFG YES YES YES YES, I’M IN.’ 
                THAT DOES NOT MEAN I DO NOT LIKE TO SEE DIVERSE EDITS AROUND, OR THAT I WANT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD TO STOP MAKING THEM BECAUSE ‘IT’S WRONG’. That is what got lost in translation; first of all I never said         ‘this is just wrong, it shouldn’t be done’,          because I don’t think it is wrong, how can it be when it makes people happy?  I do not discourage edits  ( hell, I didn’t know I even had that power ),  I do not want ANYONE to stop making them, because I know that making those edits makes some people feel included in such a way that I didn’t understand before I had some conversations  ( I will go into further detail on this specific point a little later ),  nor did it mean that I think PoC should never be given opportunities or roles, or anything of the sort, if it did, then I’d be putting fire on myself: I   a m   a PoC actress MYSELF, it only meant that I won’t make any, me, alone. 
                But you said the friends of Narnia should only be white and it was wrong to make them anything but,    Yes, well, I also worded that wrong, VERY VERY wrong, I was not paying attention only to that conversation so the words were placed horribly around  &  it made me sound like a twat.  No, what I meant was that I have  &  always will think going against the author’s word is not right to me; I will always hold the author’s descriptions  &  their decisions about the world THEY created  ( except for J.K’s ‘cause let’s be real, she’s reaching so fucking far )  over any other opinion,  &  that is why I couldn’t see the Pevensies or any of the friends of Narnia as anything but white; but that is what I saw when I read the books when Lewis called them   ‘fair skinned  &  fair haired’,   we all have different imaginations  &  that’s what’s amazing about books.   It was very  w o n d e r f u l l y  pointed out to me, though, that white can also be PoC that pass as white, or that have very pale skin as well,  &  though I hadn’t thought of that, yeah, that would also work very well, but just like I said above: as long as these people are cast for TALENT  &  not the Token rule. 
                In conclusion to point number one: a) I would love the world to always cast for talent, not for differences.  b) All the opinions expressed are about what I as a solitary independent person would do, not what I want everyone else to do, I promise I never meant to make anyone think I discouraged them or disapproved or thought them anything but valid. 
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NUMBER TWO: ‘I don’t see the point of the term pansexuality’ 
                I never understood the reason I got so much hate out of that sentence, when it was literally me asking for help so the term pansexual could be explained to me; it now has,  &  for it, I can finally speak up about this. 
                I am a bisexual girl,  &  because I grew up during the time in which only three terms existed for sexuality  ( heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual )  I was taught that the ‘sexual’ part of the words had nothing to do with anything but the sex organ the person had, the two being vagina   &   penis; it is why I was always against the term pansexual because I kept thinking that people using that term were saying that trans people were not real women or men!  I was so absolutely outraged at the fact because, to me, it seemed hypocritical of them to claim that ‘TRANS MEN  &  WOMEN ARE REAL MEN  & WOMEN!”    &   then call themselves Pansexual in such a way that it excluded trans people within the man  &  woman spectrum!  I was so honestly outraged because the thing in capital letters is exactly what I believe  &  know: trans men  &  women are as real as non trans men  &  women. 
                Since then, though, not only have I learnt of the term intersex   &   how awfully I called those people hermaphrodites before, but I also learn that in present time the ‘sexual’ in any of the orientations have NOTHING to do with the sex organ itself, but the gender, for which I know there are many, many, many options.  Yes, I have never been entirely comfortable with all the options in existence because I think it makes already phobic people even MORE phobic  &  thinking that we’re doing it for attention; I KNOW we are not doing it for attention, but I know that that is what phobic people can think.  But, again, that also got lost in translation into making it sound like I simply didn’t understand or accepted all of these new labels being created, because, how can  a n y t h i n g  that is making so many people feel at home  &  identified be wrong?  I don’t think it’s wrong, hell, I encourage it!  Find your label, feel at home!  I went exactly through the same sort of thing for my religion, when I called myself Aztec; many people call that just polytheist, but to me that could mean I believe in Norse, Greek, or any possible array of Gods,   &   no, I am AZTEC because I believe in the Aztec gods, nothing more.  So having gone through that myself I understand why it can be important to find your label; it IS important,   &   it’s a wonderful thing.
                I am terrified of those people that can think we’re creating all these labels for the sake of attention, because I know what being told that can do to a person, but that in no way means I discourage it, or don’t believe in it, or think anyone who chooses a label in the Queer spectrum of the LGBTQA+ is not valid; literally, never once did I say that.  I love humans without caring about differences, I literally think ANYONE is valid as long as they don’t hurt others; I worry for those who are not at home with themselves being told ‘you’re doing it for attention’ because I  k n o w  what that feels like, I always worry about everyone else when I know that things don’t or are not going to fall badly on me. 
                In conclusion to number two: a) I understand the term pansexuality now, b) I think everyone is valid with any label they feel at home in, c) I encourage people to find their label  &  find their home. 
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NUMBER THREE: The thing I didn’t understand because I forgot about my past.
                One thing you need to understand about me is that I don’t ever think I have any power over anyone, thus I failed to understand how people could be so absolutely offended by stuff I’ve said when I’m only a person on a computer that they’ll probably never even meet irl; if some stranger comes at me and tells me       ‘you are disgusting, your sexuality is not real, you’re only doing it for attention’,         I literally laugh to their face  &  tell them       ‘It’s sad that that’s your opinion, I wish you would learn a little more, good thing you won’t be invited to my wedding, whomever it is to.’       Why?  Because I am confident in my own self, I love my self,  &  I don’t need anyone’s acceptance or validation other than my own; I believe very strongly in what I believe in, so I don’t need everyone AGREEING with me about it, I am enough; the only opinions that truly matter to me are those of my parents  ( who I am lucky see the world the way I do: differences are as important to know as horoscopes, you don’t go around telling everyone ‘I’m a libra!’ Human is human )   &  my closest, closest friends.  People online can call me things   &   they literally fall off my shoulder like dust.
       I made the most enormous  &  horrible mistake of forgetting that not everyone is like me. 
                You see, I wasn’t born like this, I wasn’t confident always, I, too, at some point needed validation from the world in ways that are very personal  &  I refuse to put in public,  &  I forgot that, I forgot that there are some people that have so much self doubt that one stranger not saying outright ‘you’re valid’ can literally have a big effect on them, I know that feeling, I lived  &  felt that feeling from the moment I was born until I was about 14-16, which was when I found my ability to be confident in what I believe in,  &  because it has been so long since I have felt it I simply  &  horribly forgot that other people may feel it still,  &  for that, with my heart completely in my hands I tell you: I’M SORRY. It was really dumb of me to state my opinions so undetailedly  &  with loose words when not being specific could do what has been done here, hurt people, in ways I simply forget could be done.  Blame my age if you will, but I genuinely didn’t think such things could be done online, only with people face to face or close to you; I  f o r g o t  what it felt like, I forgot my past,  &  I hurt people in the process, so I am sorry. You can be sure that from now on I will pay more attention to what I say for this reason. 
               Thus my conclusion about this is simply a genuine feeling in the direction of all those that I either hurt, or that have nothing to do with this situation but are reading this post: I am deeply  &  wholeheartedly sorry, you ARE valid, important, beautiful  &  wonderful people that I thought I had said endless enough times to make it clear I thought so, but I won’t ever make that same mistake again. I will  r e m i n d  you of how wonderful all of you are whenever I can, because you ARE wonderful  &  important,  &  valid in any way you are  ( as long as you’re not hurting anyone ),  you really are.  &  I love you, for all those people who are awful  &  have made you doubt yourself, I love you,  &  I’m sorry. 
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NUMBER FOUR: The request. 
                It is exactly for that, the heaviness  &  power that words have, that I most humbly ask you to be careful what you say to people;  &  that includes the very things I have been called.  Yes, I am very confident in myself,  &  I don’t need the internet’s approval, which is why I’m able to be sad about this whole situation for nothing other than the fact that I lost some friends because they didn’t let me explain things; but just like I have discovered, you have to realise that not everyone is like that.  Some other person you call a racist  &  phobic CAN end up feeling as awful as you felt when I didn’t validate what you thought in outright words.  Racist, Nazi  &  Homophobic are VERY powerful words that tumblr has made seem like nothing,  &  they can hurt, so, I say, for the sake of everyone else, instead of  i m m e d i a t e l y  accusing someone of bigotry, racism, or phobia, I ask that you approach them, speak to them outright with a simple question, because, for all you know, this same sort of misunderstanding of lack of caring about words could happen,  &  big bad words are hurtful, too.   If someone else in my position wasn’t so confident in themselves, they could begin to think of themselves as hypocrites or literally worse only because they didn’t word things right.  So please, be careful, just like I promise that I will be. 
                &,  again, I am most deeply sorry for all the hurt I have caused for my careless words; I love everyone, I assure you, I do,  &  from now on I will make sure any word I write says exactly that specifically.  Please do smile at least once simply because you can, you are important  &  wonderful,  &  I PRAY one day you are able to see such a thing for yourself as well. 
All the love, always ~Mel
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dragimalsdaydreams · 7 years
so I’ve been wanting to write up my take on ‘werefolk’ for a while, but haven’t rly felt the inspiration to do so until recently when a certain someone got me into reading Teen Wolf fanfic even tho I don’t watch the show lmfa o
my biggest problems w/ most interpretations of werefolk are 1) that the human parts of these creatures must constantly ‘battle’ their ‘primal’ sides (fuck anthropocentricism honestly), and 2) there’s usually very weak explanation for how werefolk came to be in the first place.
my take on werefolk is that they’re actually fusions of two separate, individual beings, rather than a human with nonhuman “side-effects”
~Table of Contents~
Initial Fusion
Species Involved
Reproduction and Inheritance
Random Facts
Fusion- when used as a noun, this refers to an organism composed of two separate beings. this is the term I will exclusively be using here, though there are plenty of other terms for Fusions. “Werefolk” (singular: “Were”) is the next most common term, though it is more dated (not necessarily derogatory, merely old). older Fusions are more likely to embrace “Werefolk” as a label, while younger Fusions usually only do so ironically or among elders. more specific “Were-” labels like “Werewolf”, “Weretiger”, etc. vary by community, and some will prefer the broader Werefolk/Fusion over specific labels, or vis-versa. it all depends on the culture and history surrounding that particular Fusion community, as well as individual preferences. “shape-shifter” is simply considered juvenile and not taken seriously by most Fusions.
Meld- the level of metaphysical fusion between the two beings contained within a Fusion, ranging from, “two completely individual beings,” to, “one fully meshed being”. despite popular assumption, this term is used to measure mental ‘meshing’ across generations, not within an individual Fusion’s lifetime. this will be explained in more detail in the ‘Melding’ section.
Partners vs. Phases- these terms refer to each ‘side’ of a Fusion’s being. either term could be more correct depending on the generation of Fusion and level of meld (again, this will be elaborated on in the ‘Melding’ section). preferred term varies by individual, though most Fusions are fine with either.
Shift/Flip/Switch- the action of changing from one partner/phase in a Fusion to another. all three terms are used interchangeably by most Fusions, but here I’ll primarily be using “shift”. “in-shift” will refer to the phase/partner who is currently in primary control of the Fusion, while “out-shift” will refer to the phase/partner who isn’t currently in primary control of the Fusion. 
~Initial fusion~
the act of fusion creates what are called ‘initial’ or ‘1st gen’ Fusions. their offspring may be numbered by generation afterwards, and are automatically born Fusions (thus, do not participate in the act of fusion to come into existence).
fusion is the closest possible bond on a physical and metaphysical level. few are ready to undertake this intensive process, but the reward—if performed properly—is euphoric for both parties involved.
trust and determination are absolute requirements for this process to work. if these aren’t present, the process will not initiate. similarly, consent from both sides is required, or the process will not initiate—a forced fusion is utterly impossible. essentially, fusion requires equal spiritual energy given by both partners, and if this isn’t the case, it simply can’t work.
the act of fusion is an incredibly intensive process that requires much mental/physical prepwork. if done carefully and correctly, fusion shouldn’t result in much lasting injury beyond the act besides some unavoidable mental/physical bruising.
on the mental front, those participating in a fusion must meditate and calm their minds several weeks before the act, working on syncing their minds and souls all the while. physically, each partner must bulk up on carbs, protein, and iron for several weeks. while proper fusion shouldn’t leave scars, the process itself involves a lot of tearing, blending, and resewing of flesh and bone. this, inevitably, requires a bit of extra energy and material to work with, as a lot of blood and tissue is naturally lost in the process.
because of all this prepwork, a magical medium (typically one specialized in healing) is highly recommended to help the process along, but not necessarily required. mediums are especially useful considering how long the fusion can last, and the excruciating physical and mental pain involved in the act. it’s really no surprise that unsupervised fusions tend to result in longer recovery periods and lasting scars, despite the determination and intentions of the partners involved.
fusion is an exhausting, terrifying, gory process. nothing can prevent this—not love, not gentle easing, nor even the help of a medium. these things can soothe the process, but can’t eliminate the consequences.
physically, every cell is in overdrive—DNA is unpacking, migrating, and repacking at unimaginable rates, cells in one body are accommodating for the space taken by the cells of another, and tissues are unraveling into impossibly thin strands only to whip back into new positions. bones break, muscles shake, and nerves alight into a frenzy as they try to keep up with new orientations.
mentally, two consciousness are shattering-- some fragments collide and merge, while others shift and widen cracks to make room for other fragments. the process isn’t perfect—the ragged edges of emotions and memories cut and tear at one other as they vie for prominent positions in consciousness—but this heals with time.
if blood, gore, and excess emotional energy paint the location of a fusion, then the process was likely a success.
much like the pre-fusion prep, post-fusion recovery involves a lot of aftercare in the form of eating, sleeping, and meditation. many mediums are happy to help in this process as well, though most Fusions prefer family or friends at this point.
recovery can last several weeks, or even months in some cases. during this recovery period, the Fusion must shift between each partner every few hours (or however long it takes them to shift), gradually increasing the time spent as each partner until they can comfortably and safely spend more than a day at a time as each partner (and the shift time has decreased to at least an hour).
after the recovery period, most Fusions should be able to comfortably spend at least a week or two at a time as each partner before shifting. the shift itself also shouldn’t take much more than 30-60 minutes, or require as much bulking-up beforehand. shifting still results in some blood loss and gore, but barely enough to leave a dent in an overall Fusion’s mass (though that doesn’t necessarily make the cleanup process any more pleasant..).
~Species Involved~
fusion typically works best between those with similar minds (everything from temperament, interpretation skills, senses, neurology, etc. are considered) and similar DNA. thus, fusion between individuals of the same species works best, then gets more difficult with each taxonomic step away from one another (by genus, then family, then order, etc). phyla seems to be the hard cut-off between potential Fusion species, though specific difficulties in fusion between taxonomic levels below that are uncertain, and may well vary between different taxonomic groups.
the relative sizes of the partners in question are also critical, as the mass taken up by one partner must be used to build the mass of the other. while it isn’t impossible for partners with size differences to fuse (since the process of fusion is largely driven by metaphysical/neurological/genetic factors), it can be a highly risky process. there does come a point where the size difference is just too much, and the partners may initially fuse, but will eventually perish due to the inconsistent mass distribution during the shifting process. however, the cut-off in relative size difference varies depending on the precautions the Fusion is willing to take to uphold the larger phase/partner (to be discussed further in the ‘Shifting’ section). more careful Fusions of this type will last longer than Fusions who are less willing to make accommodations and/or do not have proper access to accommodations.
despite all this, fusion within the same species is exceedingly rare because most individuals are content with platonic/romantic bonds, and the resulting Fusion of same species doesn’t necessarily make for a more powerful/skilled individual (since the skillsets of each partner are typically on the same relative level compared to distinct-species Fusions). distinct-species Fusions, on the other hand, usually blend diverse skillsets, and help bridge the gap that tends to leave non-fused bonds between different species lacking (we can never truly comprehend other species’ experiences, after all). this is usually appealing to those looking to fuse.
while human/nonhuman Fusions are the most popularized, there have been plenty of examples of Fusions between nonhuman species, such as crow/wolf Fusions. however, since there is much less public interest in Fusions of this sort, research into nonhuman Fusions is sadly lacking. nonhumans may very well fuse among themselves just as often as humans do with nonhumans, but we don’t currently know for sure.
there is much debate over when the ability to fuse developed in evolutionary history, and what resulting clades of animals are even capable of it. current research suggests that any organism with at least a nerve chord is physically/neurologically capable of fusion, but some level of sociality is required on the psychological/metaphysical level in order to occur. thus, fusion is common in social species (of which, many are mammalian and avian), and much less common as sociality decreases.
as a sidenote, Fusion classification is kind of a nightmare and a subject of hot debate among taxonomists. much like lichen, there’s no real systematic way to classify a Fusion unless you break them down to their component parts and individually classify those parts. but doing so ignores the complex intimacy of the parts in question, and the effects these parts have on one another on even an evolutionary level.
again, melding refers to the level of metaphysical fusion between the two consciousness’ contained within a Fusion. 1st gen Fusions will always be two individual beings, no matter the circumstances. this is simply the nature of initial fusion. despite what the phrase implies, there are still two consciousness’ living in one being, each with their own goals, memories, experiences, etc. yes, the individual minds mesh intimately, but they are still individuals. fully-melded Fusions, on the other hand, are one wholly-realized being. they are one consciousness, and merely have different phases of self and body. there will still be things that either phase can’t access because of distinctive neural networks (explained in more detail in the ‘Consciousness’ section), but each phase is relatively easy to access and shift to when needed.
thus we see the need for both “partners” and “phases” as terms here— “partners” typically refers to early-gens’ individual Fusion sides, while “phases” typically refers to later-gens’ melded Fusion sides.
depending on the species and souls involved in the initial fusion, the level of meld can vary. the rule of thumb is that the closer the original partners are in terms of neurological mapping and DNA, the more fully they will initially meld, and the more quickly generations after them will result in fully-melded Fusions. typically, it takes around 4-5 generations for the descendants of a 1st gen Fusion to eventually result in a seamless fusion of consciousness. though this varies widely—Fusions of the same species can take as little as 2 generations to fully meld, while Fusions whose partners belong to completely different taxonomic classes can take as many as 8 generations. thus, each successive generation after gen 1 gets more stable until a plateau of mental/physical stability and melding is reached.
though this is only a simplified description of melding, when in reality melding can vary quite a bit across family trees. the offspring of a 1st gen Fusion and a fully-melded Fusion can result in rather unpredictable melding-- the offspring may be a mid-meld just as easily as a nearly-full meld or barely-melded Fusion. there’s no real way to predict the level of offspring meld when the level of meld in the parents doesn’t quite match up. 
~Reproduction and Inheritance~
all cells in a Fusion always contain the DNA sets of both a Fusion’s phases, no matter the phase they currently hold. the in-shift DNA is simply active in the bodies’ cells, while the out-shift DNA is dormant—bundled up tight in the nucleolus until it’s reactivated for shifting. thus, the same goes for gametes, which always contain both DNA sets for a Fusion’s phases. the successful production of Fusion offspring depends entirely on the couple in question, and how their respective gametes react to one another.
Fusion x non-Fusion
Fusions can reproduce with non-Fusions of either species they are composed of, so long as they physically are that species during the act. the respective DNA for the matching species involved in the act will carry out meiosis naturally, creating a new being for that side of the resulting Fusion. the parent Fusion’s other set of DNA, however, will carry over to the offspring fully intact. since there is no matching set of DNA from the non-Fusion parent to perform meiosis with, this essentially results in a clone of those genes for that side of the offspring Fusion. as an example, if a human produces offspring with a human/wolf Fusion, only the human genetic material will undergo meiosis and result in a fresh new human ‘half’ for their offspring, while the wolf DNA attached to the Fusion parent will simply carry over fully intact.
if the non-Fusion parent carries the offspring in this pairing, they may run into difficulties during the process of pregnancy/incubation, particularly if there’s a decent size difference between the offspring’s phases, as the offspring will shift frequently during development. this could result in dangerous health issues for the carrying non-Fusion parent, and/or miscarriage if the size difference is too large.
matching Fusion x Fusion
in a pairing involving two Fusions whose species both match, the genetic material for both parents’ Fusion species will undergo meiosis and result in fresh new phases for the offspring.
disparate Fusion x Fusion
fusion can only stably handle two partners at a time; any Fusion of over two individuals is impossible. thus, the 3-way competing species genes in this pairing would automatically knock out the two species that don’t match. for example, a human/wolf Fusion paired with a human/cat Fusion would simply produce human offspring resulting from the shared human genes of their parents.
it’s MUCH more difficult to produce successful offspring from these pairings due to several factors. for one, the process of “knocking out” the non-matching parental genes is extremely difficult, considering how intimately these genes are fused in the parents. thus, successful fertilization is a rare feat. then there’s the process of pregnancy/incubation, which can pose a special set of problems for Fusions with a decent size difference between phases (since the developing offspring obviously won’t be shifting to a phase they don’t have in the first place). this, then, can result in miscarriage if the size difference of the carrying Fusion’s phases is too large. 
even if the development/birth is a success, these offspring have to deal with a special set of social issues compared to their Fusion comrades, as they aren’t actually a Fusion, but they are related to and often intimately entrenched in Fusion culture/issues. plus, they can’t connect to their parents’ other Fusion species on as intimate a level as they would if they could also shift to the same species.
Fusion offspring will shift phases during development, and both phases will develop at the same relative rate (which changes between phases). this holds true for Fusions developing in eggs as well. the parent Fusions (particularly the carrying Fusion) will feel compelled to shift with their offspring throughout the process.
if the carrying Fusion has a womb in their conceiving phase, but not in their other phase, the womb will still carry over to their other phase, but will simply have no physical opening connected to the outside world. any physiological ‘plans’ for birth will be halted temporarily as well, if the carrying Fusion is near their delivery date. some of these Fusions near their delivery date are shocked to find that they immediately fall into contractions after they shift back to their carrying phase. these wombs are still connected to the carrying Fusion’s physiological state, though, and still receive nutrients and hormones from the parent’s body. 
Fusions of live-birth x egg-laying species work similarly, if one phase does not have a uterus. however, even if the offspring was conceived during the egg-laying phase, the live-birth phase will override this reproductive setup, and the offspring will fully develop in the womb of the carrying Fusion. if both phases are egg-laying, the carrying Fusion will lay an egg, but it will always be the larger egg of the two species contained in the Fusion. this “overriding” function of development allows the developing offspring plenty of room for both their phases to develop, no matter the potential size differences between phases.
Fusions are always born as the species their carrying parent was at the time of birth, and tend to follow a quick day-by-day shifting schedule for a few weeks afterwards. any nearby Fusions (particularly the parents of the offspring) will feel psychologically compelled to shift phases in tandem with the offspring; it’s theorized that this is a subconscious measure to allow each phase of the offspring to properly socially/psychologically develop with others of the same species. after that, as the offspring’s body adjusts to the outside world, their shifting schedules slow down to once a week. they can’t spend more than a week in either phase until they pass adolescence. 
since young Fusions must allow the neurological networks of both their phases to learn and develop individually, it typically takes born Fusions twice as long to neurologically develop compared to non-Fusions. this, unfortunately, results in stigmatization in certain human societies, especially within educational settings that expect faster results.
most Fusions spend about an equal amount of time in both phases, as this is most healthy and fulfilling for both sides. this can be accomplished on any variety of schedules, from daily to weekly shifts. schedules also depend heavily on respective waking/sleeping cycles. for example, nocturnal/diurnal Fusions may compromise by sleeping for a few hours between each sunrise and sunset, then shifting to either phase for nighttime/daytime hours.
though it’s possible, it’s not recommended that Fusions remain in one phase for more than two weeks, as this can cause serious mental/physical health issues. more than three weeks, however, absolutely pushes the limit of healthy standards, and should be avoided at all costs. 
sadly, half-human Fusions are often put under societal pressure to spend most of their time as humans. Fusions pressured too heavily into this have even tried to keep from shifting for up to a month at a time—and worse yet, have only allowed themselves to remain nonhuman for a day or so. this treatment leaves their nonhuman phase agitated, damaged, and full of repressed energy, which can result in dangerous consequences for the Fusion and anyone nearby when they finally allow themselves to shift. such forced behavior typically results in a permanently damaged body and psyche, with Fusions unable to control their emotions and senses in either phase. this only further stigmatizes Fusions, causing more Fusions to repress themselves and break their minds and bodies. movements to change this perception of Fusions have gained traction in recent years, which have thankfully decreased the level of phase repression, but there is a long way to go before all stigmatization is gone.
pausing in a mid-shift form is also highly dangerous to a Fusion’s mental and physical health. if stopped mid-shift, the brain and body don’t know what to do and how exactly to orient themselves, causing disorientation and—at worst—a damaged psyche. for merely one example of any number of problems with mid-shifts, the throat of a human/wolf Fusion might be able to speak human language, but the brain might only be able to interpret wolf vocalizations, leaving the Fusion speaking gibberish as an attempt at communication. then there’s also the fact that shifting naturally involves the tearing of flesh, so pausing mid-shift can leave a Fusion’s body vulnerable to infection, or may leave vital internal organs ruptured. of course, most Fusions don’t purposefully pause mid-shift, but it is a common consequence of phase repression. some Fusions have been recorded stuck in mid-shift for days at a time after repressing their shifts, which in itself results in horrific, long-term mental/physical health effects.
Fusions with a large size difference between phases must take special shifting precautions compared to Fusions whose phases are similarly-sized. as mentioned in the ‘Species Involved’ section, there is a certain point where the size difference is too great to support a Fusion beyond the initial fusion, but it is certainly not impossible for size differences to exist. these Fusions can’t just bulk up on food when shifting from the smaller to the larger phase, since the smaller phase can’t realistically take in the amount of mass needed to uphold the larger phase. instead, these Fusions must lay near raw materials (proteins, irons, salts, and other important aspects of living organisms) during the shifting process, and the Fusion’s shifting body will automatically pick up and process any nearby materials from the environment to make up for the lack of mass immediately available within the body. the easiest source of raw materials is another body, which works out great for carnivores who want to use the rest of a recent kill for their shift. this is not a palatable solution for every Fusion, however, so other Fusions with a great size difference may instead save the excess flesh dropped when shifting from the larger to the smaller phase and use it for mass-buildup during the shift from small-to-large later on. these Fusions must also be wary of any potential passerby, because the process of shifting leaves the Fusion largely unconscious. thus they can’t control what their shifting body may pick up for use towards their shifting mass. unlucky passerby in these instances may lose a limb or two by accident...
due to the nature of neurological mapping and the intimate interplay between the body and mind, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for both phases of a Fusion to be fully conscious at the same time. in 1st gen Fusions this is much more distinct, as the partner whose physical body is currently in-shift is the one primarily “steering” the body, while the other partner is more-or-less a vague passenger, observing as much as they can comprehend through the neural map of a body that they weren’t born into. 
at the same time, no phase/partner’s consciousness can EVER be FULLY “locked out” when their partner is in-shift, though they can have highly varied levels/types of awareness. some Fusions’ phases will be barely conscious when out-shift, while others’ phases will still be highly conscious and exert much influence when out-shift. 
these varying levels of consciousness can manifest in different ways depending on the Fusion’s overall meld and neurological congruency. for example, early-gen Fusions whose out-partners are highly-conscious tend to experience more mental dissonance than fully-melded Fusions whose out-phases are similarly highly conscious. early-gen Fusions have to reconcile the opinions/goals of two individuals during every decision, which isn’t always easy, no matter how much the partners may care for or respect one another. fully-melded Fusions, on the other hand, typically experience their out-phases as subconscious drivers of certain actions and decisions rather than unique consciousness’, even if their out-phases are highly-conscious
there are also things that simply can’t fully carry over from one phase to the other. while the phases do mesh more soundly in later-gen Fusions, the distinct neural maps of different bodies still cause unavoidable schisms between phases. for example, the wolf phase of a human/wolf Fusion will keep some knowledge of human language from their human phase, but much will still be lost to the distinct neural map of the wolf brain, and they won’t be able to interpret human language in the same way or to the same degree as they will in their human phase.
this schism is even apparent in memory recall, in what many call “shift fog”. basically, certain memories of events during one phase are temporarily lost when a Fusion shifts to their other phase because the neural networks of one brain simply can’t comprehend what was experienced by the other brain. for example, humans can see more colors than wolves can, so these extra colors seen in the human phase of a Fusion can’t pass over in memory to their wolf phase because these colors are literally incomprehensible to the wolf phase. thus, human memories involving these colors are much more fragmented in the wolf phase compared to memories that feature much less of these colors. these memories are not lost forever, and will return in full once the Fusion shifts back to their human phase.
~Random Facts~
Fusion lifespans tend to range midway between the lifespans each species they consist of. human/wolf fusions, for example, tend to live up to around 40-45 years since wolf lifespans range from 6-8 years, and human lifespans range from 70-80 years. this can vary depending on the amount of time a Fusion spends in either form; a human/wolf Fusion who spends more time as a human will have a longer lifespan than a Fusion of the same kind who spends more time as a wolf. both phases age at the same rate, which changes with the phase in-shift. thus, a human/wolf Fusion who is a teen in their human phase will also be a teen in their wolf phase, despite how the difference in timespan needed to reach the “teen years” of each respective species.
gender expression among Fusions is just as diverse as that of any non-fused creature—if not more so. the majority of Fusions tend to identify midway between the genders of their phases. if both phases are girls, then the Fusion overall is typically a girl, but if the genders of each phase differ, then the most common genders seen are either agender or genderfluid (with gender switching between phases). while these are the most commonly seen approaches to gender, they hardly encompass the true depth and diversity of Fusion gender expression. there are Fusions who, for example, may be genderfluid in one phase, but very much male in their other phase. this isn’t even to mention the genders that arise from Fusions who are partially comprised of a species that has no concept of gender whatsoever.
names can be complicated for Fusions, especially 1st gen and young Fusions. early-gen Fusions tend to prefer two different names for each of their partners, while later-gen Fusions are happy with one name for their whole self. sometimes this even changes across a Fusion’s lifespan.
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tkwrtnewsfeed · 7 years
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Newsfeed #86 August 13, 2017 (13 Úrimë)
ICYMI: Fantastic Credits and Where to Give Them.
I worked in Hollywood for 4 /12 years and one of my good friends is an intellectual property lawyer I’ve known since then--well over 16 years--with a client list that includes none other than Maurice (Kevin Kline) in the live-action film “Beauty and the Beast” starring Emma Watson.
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Image: © 2017. Walt Disney Studios. Beauty and the Beast. All Rights Reserved.
(My attorney could sue anyone spreading salacious rumors about me and my work should he choose to do so, but I’m not a jerk. But he does know about it; he’s good at what he does--he’s successfully sued Google).
Translation: I’m at least 3-7 degrees of knowing how to give credit to artists. Otherwise, my attorney/friend would have me shot at sunrise. Would you like to learn how to do it without being a pain about it and spreading unscrupulous rumors? Let me explain Copyright © from a legal perspective from 30 years of working with copyrighted materials with an actual attorney that specializes in artistic intellectual properties with 40 years of experience that includes everything from visual art, music, film, books and has won a major copyright infringement case against Google (among other high profile cases) for major A-List celebrities.
1) Whatever you do is copyrighted from the moment you put it on paper by law. You don’t have to bitch about anyone stealing it perpetually. HOWEVER, you can’t complain about someone posting it anywhere in public (Pinterest, mostly) if YOU post it anywhere in public. If you share it, even asking people not to, it is already public and can go anywhere. What people CAN’T do is SAY it’s theirs. If they explicitly say “I did this” and they didn’t, you have a case. Otherwise, it is NOT copyright infringement if someone posts it anywhere. 
It would be nice if EVERYONE would give credit--I try to do it if I do or link back to the original place I find something and that is time consuming if the work is not located where it came from (dead-link) or it was digitally stolen--something my attorney told me about a couple years ago. I see it all the time. But, if you make it public, it is assumed to be public. It is NOT ASSUMED to not to be copyrighted. Put that cute copyright sign on it and let it go. You should have the original as collateral, I would think. That’s the only way no one can claim it and you can properly bitch about it w/o an official U.S. Copyright.
2) I PUT “Images: ©2012, 2013, 2014. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. All Rights Reserved.” on pretty much every post for The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy because the photos I use BELONG to Warner Brothers/New Line Cinema/Wingnut Productions. Altered by someone online doesn’t change this UNLESS the person altering got permission from WB/NLC/Wingnut to alter it. Otherwise, it is their property and they can sue anyone that alters their work and put their name on it if they so choose. I post this disclaimer to keep from GETTING sued--even though I don’t alter the photo in anyway. Gifs are the same way and currently seen as pirated these days and are subject to suit as with screen caps. 
The reason no one gets sued over screen caps and gifs is because no one is making $$ off of them. You only get credit for edit not the work of the camera guy that was paid to shoot a film and the studio that owns his camera work. Unlike Marvel that has begun digital copyrights on some photos (you post something on Facebook, it automatically gives credit). The minute someone charges for any altered screen caps, gifs or photos and calls it their own work, that is the legal definition of copyright infringement.
Without proper credit, you are open to lawsuit by the studios, photographers. I go out of my way to avoid altered anything because then I could get sued even if I didn’t alter it--even if I am not making money from it. Which brings me to the next point:
3) IF I was making $$ and using someone’s art, then I could get sued. That means I’m not paying the original person their due (licensing fees) for use of their work. THAT includes my original story that uses and will use a great number of canonical characters from Tolkien. If I want to turn The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy into a book, I have to do it the right way--which is get permission from the Tolkien Estate (I’ve had the paperwork since 2016 when it was shown to me by a member of the Mythopoeic Society--they are close to the Estate). They can allow me to publish after negotiations of paying for use of the characters or force me to put “not affiliated with the Tolkien Estate” and/or change names if they so choose.
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Example of a Tolkien allowed to go to press with “non-affiliated” tag of Tolkien. It’s clean, so the Estate probably doesn’t mind so much. Not all of these “non-affiliated” books are bad or not liked by the Estate. The label is not exclusively a non-endorsement--there might be something unknown about as to why it’s there.
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Example of a book with the coveted “Tolkien Trademark” and approved by the Estate--spoke with one of the authors; pretty cool.
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You want this, you better have your %^$* together. Yes, they give them out, but they are particular--do it right: legal and above board.
I’m not making any revenue off of TKWR Trilogy but if I were, I wouldn’t be using film photos. I would HIRE an artist to tag along over to the final phase of getting this book turned into something sold on Amazon or in Barnes & Noble. Then, the artist of choice would get paid for their work properly. They could use the work from this book anywhere they wanted and it would be protected forever--example of this would be Ted Nasmith.
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© Ted Nasmith. All Rights Reserved.
Due to all the rumors about people say I’m doing because they have nothing better to do with their time (regardless of the obvious), I decided not to share any Tolkien Fan Art, use and Tolkien Fan Art or consider any Tolkien Fan Art unsolicited by anyone on Tumblr, Pinterest, DeviantArt or anywhere else that isn’t done by anyone not represented by an agent or a lawyer. If I so choose, artists will have to go through my lawyer--not me. After today, there will be no artists’ works mentioned or shared by me anywhere again until I’m done with the entire trilogy--unless idiots stop spreading lies and rumors (they won’t so don’t hold your breath).
I discovered a lot of fan art pertaining to my book and I could say something, but I’m not a jerk and I’m not complaining. I’m also not making any $$ of the book. It is assumed to be public but not assumed not to be copyrighted--which it actually is (ask my attorney).
I will do something should I decide to take any number of offers to publish after a lot of legalities I will go through. For now, I’ll just watch to make sure no one’s claiming my work--my words--as their own (and some have which is why I sent the book to witnesses so I have a case and proof should I do something later on). The book will change in the final form as I edit; it already has with additions and changes in Book II: The Saga of Thranduil and Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen and Book III: The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen.
I love artists here, but a few ruined it for everyone. I’ve had artists wanting to illustrate Book II: The Saga of Thranduil, but now that’s been narrowed to only one that doesn’t accuse me of salacious and reputation-altering deeds I’ve never done. Having a friend that’s a respected and experienced intellectual properties attorney with connections in the U.S. and Europe that has worked within the industry successfully for 30+ years with a stellar reputation protecting my works--all of them including screenplays, poetry, stage plays--makes it possible for me to help protect an artist of my choosing (and he’s already done wonders for clothing designer friend of mine in Florida that designed things for my film project HERETIC: THE LEGEND OF AKHENATEN*). He loves protecting properties and takes referrals. I’m not helping anyone spreading rumors.
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Thank you, Captain Obvious. That was obvious.
I told someone once that I would, but they thought it better to insult me rather than allowing me to connect them to a publisher I knew that could have looked at their work without the long query process. You make connections in the business and it’s good to keep them and I do.
I live by the motto: “The ass you kick today may be the ass you kiss tomorrow” so I try to be nice and respectful to everyone--even I have to draw a line.
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[By the way, there will be a LOT of versions coming for The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy. This one is the Annotated Version--complete with all the notes and references and explanations of the use of Tolkien to create the entire trilogy. Let’s just say it took 4 hours to do the first bibliography and I just added more books. This one (which will be done for both the original version and extended version) will take years.]
But if you don’t want to be seen as an artist, it’s a safe bet you won’t think pinning = stealing. Pinterest is nothing more than a bulletin board for what people like--it’s not supposed to deal in copyright protection like YouTube or Instagram where you are actually legally protected by copyright law. If they were, a lot of stuff they still allow would be subject to lawsuit against them--not the pinners. They blame pinners to keep themselves from being liable for allowing copyrighted properties. I’ve already deleted my Art page of potential artists for The Kingdom of he Woodland Realm Trilogy. I’ve gotten blocked on Pinterest by people here on Pinterest over pins I re-pinned years ago over what they don’t know--probably out of spite. I don’t mind and don’t care. My job is to finish my work to the best of my ability and move on to the next.
Writing has been my life since the age of two. Only an act of GOD is going to keep me from doing what I love. I write because I love it. If it’s liked, I’m happy. If its not, that isn’t a deterrent for me to stop. Like any artist, I want to protect my work--but I’m going to do it the right way and I’m going to give credit due when credit is due if I eventually use an artist for The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy. Full Stop--end of sentence. There is nothing left to say. I have to do it right because I have a too many people in the business watching me and if I’m not doing what is right, they aren’t going to want to work with me and that lessens the work I put in to write this and it will not be able to help a fellow artist along the way. My attorney acts as a free attorney for artists that can’t afford to hire expensive attorneys for protection because he believes in protecting the rights of artists and we often work together on helping artist connect with attorneys that work for free for all artists (Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts).
I know, that won’t keep some people from being jerks--I just wanted to put it out there.
*HERETIC: THE LEGEND OF AKHENATEN by Jaynaé Miller (me) is copyrighted by the U.S. Copyright Office. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited without prior consent for the next 100 years. In other words, I could sue a major studio if they don’t buy it from me. This is a wholly LEGAL and Recognized (and stamped) copyright. It doesn’t make the original copyright less potent, it just makes your work recognized by law and gives you further protection for your works. This includes photography, visual art, books, film, plays, videos, logos. Being a copyrighted work, it is also subject to the Berne Agreement (World Copyright Organization) guidelines for international use. With this, it wouldn’t matter where you work is posted, if someone said it was theirs, it’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. Once you put a stamp on it, by law, it is already protected by the government as it is being sent via the federal government--and it is protected from loss of materials sent as well (USPS is good and finding it, too; get a tracking number and it is found faster).
I know all this stuff because I work with copyrighted and trademarked things since I wrote my first opera and lyrics for which my music teacher taught me about this in fifth grade. I’ve written adaptations with permission of the original writers. The More You Know depends on how much you care to know.--J.
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2/?? Sorry for spamming you a bit ahead of time but I wanted to kinda fill your inbox w/ some inspiration? OK! So I was thinking of a couple things. 1st - Sweet fluffy relationship hc's for Shiro, Keith, Hunk, and Lance. Or if that's too many, just Shiro and anyone lmao. What's the general vibe of the relationship like? Are they scared at the beginning? What personal things do they share with them? What do they like doing with them mostly?
If you think you can handle the amount of fluff my body is able to hold than so be it
-Shiro does not like the word relationship. It scares hims senseless cause he feels like it comes with this impossible standard he wants to hold himself to but feels he is never good enough
-That being said his s/o will become his rock, the one he turns to at night when things get rough. He may not exactly tell them what is wrong cause he doesn’t want anyone to feel burdened by him but he will seek them out to keep him company
-On those nights he will ramble about his life, his childhood and the things he misses from Earth. All the things he hasn’t shared with the other paladins cause he wants to be their immovable force, their leader who can handle anything
-He is a master at board games, mostly old fashion things like chess, checkers and card games. He finds it keep his mind occupied and sharp and well it is a nice one on one activity that gives him an excuse to spend more time with s/o
-He is just super old fashioned that he probably wants to take them out to fancy restaurants, for long walks, museums and buy tickets to charity events for them to attend
-The relationship is super casual and neither of them even realize what it really is til someone else, probably Lance, points out that literally everyone in the entire universe sees them as a couple but them
-Labels don’t mean much to them but it does feel kind of nice once its established cause some how it just seems natural to the two of them
-Its lots of not really doing things together but doing their own thing in the same vicinity as each other. Like Keith will be working out and s/o will seek out where he is and sit there to read their book or play their game or whatever
-And they don’t realize it but they are always together. It just kind of happens and Keith doesn’t even realize it until suddenly s/o isn’t there and things feel wrong it makes him anxious but he can’t figure out why
-When he does figure it out he is super flustered by it cause he has been by himself for long and took a weird pride in being a lone wolf but now he wants someone around? What a wuss … but he loves it
-He slowly starts to open up to s/o, it usually happens late at night where he is almost delirious from not sleeping and pushing himself to hard and he just wants to talk about everything but s/o finds it super endearing
-When he wants to get away for a bit he takes s/o and they go on a long ride is the red lion. Sometimes its silent, just enjoying the stars and sometimes he rants and raves but either way they always come back feeling much better than when they left
-This relationship is super silly and at skins deep seems shallow but they often surprise their friends with how close they really are
-They love to make each other laugh. Lance especially loves to make s/o laugh cause really??? Have you heard them laugh??? Its so great omg hold on one second and I will make them laugh and you will love it!!!!
-They are the hand holding, ironic matching t shirts and pointing at random things and saying “look its you” couple
-Biggest bonding moments is over stupid dares and seeing who can push each other the most
-And of course also when either one expresses any sort of self conscious thoughts its time for cuddles and “how dare you talk about that way when you are an angel. I will fight whoever made you sad even if it was yourself”
-They are just really a bright spot in each others life and really need it when everything else can be so dark and dreary and while others may see it as nothing but silly its actually really important to have someone who they don’t have to worry about making a fool out of themselves in front of
-He always had a crush on his s/o but had to be literally forced into asking them out cause he never thought that such a perfect person would ever be interested in him no matter what the signs have said to disprove this. After that first date it becomes hard to imagine a point when the two weren’t together
-They are the hand in each others pockets, unironic matching t shirts and pointing at things saying “Oh look its you! Oh wait nope you are much cuter/sweeter” couple
-The definition of relationship goals tbh
-Like if they had an instagram it would be a shared one where they post pictures of them doing every day domestic stuff and just being adorable together. People would eat it up
-He just wants to do everything for his s/o cause he wants them to be as happy as possible and they deserve the world and he wants to make all of the problems they have ever had go away
-Their perfect nights involve food network, lots of snacks and yelling at the contestants about how they are idiots and what they should have done
-They probably make their friends disgusted by how sweet they are by each other. Like it gets to the point the team wonders if they even remember each others names cause they always use sickly sweet nicknames for each other instead
-Also Hunk makes it his duty to live out every romcom cliche in his dates so there is that to look forward to
-Its just all full of love and communication and wanting to be the best for each other
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