#and was like. Fuck it sure I’ll inflict this on y’all
theminecraftbee · 1 year
“I’m mom’s favorite,” Scar says cheerfully. “You know normally she’s less obvious about it but today—”
“You know that wasn’t mom, right?” Bdubs says, crossing his arms, closing his eyes, and tapping his feet. “Mom would never kill Etho like that.”
“She really would,” Scar says.
“No, Etho’s too good at PVP. That wasn’t Cleo. An imposter!”
Scar pauses.
“Ohhhhh. I mean I knew it wasn’t Cleo,” Scar says.
“What?” Bdubs says.
“I still want to call her mommy though,” Scar says.
“SCAR,” Bdubs says loudly as Scar giggles. He decides words will no longer work at that point, and tackles him.
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blupengu · 4 months
Y’all is Hollow Knight hard or do I just suck because oh my god??
#not gonna inflict my ramblings onto someone else’s post so just making a text post for myself#but oh my god#what the fuck?#maybe I’m not a hardcore metroidvania fan but I like them well enough#do I suck that badly at games now?? am I old to the point that my hands can’t do this shit????#did I just somehow fuck myself at some point???#because wow this feels kind of sadistic????#and not even in the fun kind of way?????#like I think I’d rather submit myself to fear and hunger again rather than continue where I am now in hk#idk maybe I’m missing something#but I just got wall jump and was so happy until I fell down to where you can challenge those mantis dudes#got myself out of there but then as I was exploring northwest I keep dying and reviving from the fucking bouncy balls over water#and the normal mantis mobs are also kicking my ass?#and dont even get me started on the weird tentacley nuclear bomb mushroom things those are just bullshit#AND THEN AS I WAS HAVING A GOOD TIME EXPLORING HEADING TOWARDS A SAVE BENCH I GET DROPPED INTO DEEPNEST??????#WHAT KIND OF JUMPSCARE BULLSHIT??????????#AND THE FUCKING COCKROACHES THAT NEVER SEEM TO STOP SPAWNING KILL ME#and then I see how fucking far back I’ve been dropped in the corner of fungal wastes#and I try jumping through the fucking bouncy balls again#and I die and lose my money#I can’t fucking do this shit anymore y’all holy fucking shit#the number of times I’ve died and restarted from that fucking fungal wastes bench I am so sick of it 💀#legit I think this is the first time I’ve rage quit a game#it’s been a while since a game’s actually made me this angry I want to fucking throw something 😂#the willpower and self control I needed to not chuck my pro controller across the room…#if I didn’t have neighbors and a unit below me I’d be throwing shit for sure though#but instead I must smack pillows against my mattress in a rage 😂#I think I hate the ‘go back to where you died to get back your money’ punishment system… like legit I actually really really hate it.#I do think the game is fun and I know I’ll probably quickly gain the money… but it feels like the game’s telling me I fucking suck lmao#suffice to say I will not be playing any more hollow knight for the foreseeable future 💀
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malicedragoness · 1 year
Nsft Havik Headcanons
Listen up y’all. This is by far, without a doubt, the weirdest thing I have written for this blog. Havik is not for everyone. So please read the warnings before you decide to read.
I don’t know why I’m attracted to this damn zombie man. But goddamnit!
Let me know if y’all want a part 2 or have questions.
WARNINGS: Havik is his own warning, body horror, limb detachment, lots of blood, manic behavior, Havik saying absurd shit.
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-At first, he hates your guts when he meets you. He’s not supposed to want you. Owning things and keeping them in line aren’t his philosophy. A relationship feels like confinement and ownership. There shouldn’t be ownership. And yet he wants to keep you to himself.
He hates it. You represent everything he is against and he hates that he wants you. But if you returned his affections, he would keep you close to him and act like a violent guard dog to anyone that gets close to you.
-Havik is a chest guy. It’s not so much for nipples/boobs, but he has an obsession with your heart. He wants to be able to physically touch it and it tortures him that he can’t. So he settles for being as close to it as possible.
Havik favors positions where he can see and feel your chest and salivate over it. His favorite pastime is to lay his head on your chest and listen to your heartbeat like a thief trying to crack open a safe.
One thing about being with Havik, you need to get used to some of the absurd shit he says. During sex he’ll comment: “Just one chomp. One good chomp and I’ll be eating your heart out of your body, and sip your life’s blood.”
“I can hear your blood singing to me.”
“So sweet. So forbidden. Please, let me just lick it?”
Once Havik reaches a certain point in your relationship, he will let you physically touch his heart. He opens his chest to show you how fast it beats when you’re around. “Only you can make my heart dance like this.”
Even if you don’t want to touch it, he makes you. In his own delusional way, he’s showing you he trusts you.
-Masochist. It should go without saying that Havik enjoys pain, specifically if you’re the one to inflict it. From simple things like nipple clamps and tight cock rings, to drawing patterns in his skin with a knife. He gets off on you hurting him.
And while he loves pain, Havik would never turn away any tenderness you give him. If you stroke his hair, he’ll rub his head into your hand like a kitten. He will take any form of touch and affection you give. Gentle or cruel.
-Havik is proud of how absurdly flexible and detachable his body is. He can arch his body in different ways and put it in angles that aren’t humanly possible. Sometimes he detaches his head and will watch his body fuck you from across the room. There are times during sex where he has you hold his detached head to your chest while he fucks you, so he can listen to your heart beat.
-Licks your blood like it’s a delicacy. If you’re ever injured in a fight or if you have a cut on your finger, Havik is quick to come lick it. He’ll moan in ecstacy tasting your blood and his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Your blood is a shot of adrenaline to his system, and he gets more impatient than usual, and wants to drag you off to fuck you that instant.
-He is loud! There’s no restraint with him. He growls, he moans, he screams, he talks. He can never be quiet. So if you don’t want to be caught in the act, make sure you’re not anywhere public.
-Oral sex can be tricky for him. It’s not that he lacks enthusiasm. Far from it. But with no lips he’s relying heavily on his tongue and fingers to give you pleasure. For men, he circles his tongue around your cock and uses his hands to jerk you off.
-Love bites and nibbles replace all the kisses he could’ve left on your body. After his face got damaged, he realized he prefers it this way. Bite marks litter your skin and he’s all too happy to run his tongue over them.
-Havik experiences bouts of mania after fighting and being covered in blood. When he’s high in his mania, his masochistic tendencies get extreme. He wants you to slice him up, tie him down, pull his hair, torture him by making him cum multiple times so he gets overstimulated. He wants to feel pain.
Eventually, he will rip his arms off to get out of the restraints so he can take out his energy on you. And when he’s in it deep, he’s loud and sets a brutal pace.
“You feel so gooooood! I want to see your brains spill out of your head!”
When he goes through these episodes, it seems like it lasts for hours before he finally stops. Once he comes down from his high, he is exhausted from the emotional overload. He’ll cling onto you, shaking and crying. Desperate for an anchor as he rides the waves of his mental crash, loving the feel of you petting his hair.
-After being together for a while, he’ll break off one of his fingers and give it to you. Havik won’t grow it back. He puts it on a cord for you to wear around your neck. It’s his way of proposing to you. No matter where you go, you always have a piece of him.
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facewithoutheart · 4 months
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Thanks for the tag @blackberrysummerblog ❤️
Y’all I am genuinely so annoyed with myself bc I started a new fic and it’s my new hyperfixation and not only is it not snowbaz, it’s something I never thought I’d write: a deep dive into a character’s backstory that takes place a decade before canon. I’m not even sure I’ll get to canon in this fic (especially since this is written for a television show that’s still ongoing), let alone reach a point where I can make the characters I ship end up together. And I’m not even fully convinced the characters will end up together? Like, don’t get me wrong they are going to want to fuck but if canon keeps dropping these insane arcs then I don’t know if I��m ever going to make it happen. I really want to stay as true as possible to canon while also throwing my own HCs in there, including angst. Oh god so much angst. This fic should be titled “Doomed by the Narrative” lol.
I’m really turning 2024 into a write-fics-no-one-wants-to-read-and-cry-about-not-getting-validation challenge. (Okay okay it’s actually been kind of therapeutic and I’m glad I’m following my bliss.) Bless @thewholelemon for reading this and commenting anyway; you have no idea how hard I’m holding your comment to my chest and hugging it.
Anyway here are a lot of lines from the fic under the break bc I’m still trying to tempt a few of you over to the dark side:
“Eddie! Don’t—” but then she was too preoccupied to argue.
He couldn’t help laughing as he pushed the door open. “Ah, pobrecita.”
“It’s not funny.” She sat on her knees before the toilet, hair pulled back with one hand while the other cradled her forehead, elbow propped up on the seat. She was bare from the waist down, her tank top falling off one shoulder. Half of her bangs stuck up straight in the air while the other half was plastered to her skin from sweat.
Eddie clicked his tongue as he wet a washcloth and grabbed a hair tie from where Shannon kept them in a bowl by her sink. “It’s a little funny,” he said, dabbing at her forehead then resting the wet cloth on the back of her neck.
“That feels nice.”
He pulled her hand holding back her hair gently away and then inexpertly tied what strands he could capture with her elastic. “There.”
“Thanks.” She groaned as she pushed off the toilet, resting her back against the tub. Her eyes darted down to his boxers. “Oh. You didn’t—”
“It’s fine,” he said.
“It’s not. Nothing’s ever going to be fine again. I have thirty more weeks of this.”
“Thirty-two,” he corrected her. “And that’s probably a conservative estimate. Most first pregnancies take longer.”
She flicked her eyes up to his. “You’re good at this.”
“This,” she pointed a finger back and forth between them, “taking care of people.”
“Ah? I mean, I do have two younger sisters. You know how Adriana was born in an emergency C-section?”
“No.” Shannon had a strange look on her face. “You never told me that.”
“I didn’t?”
“You don’t tell me a lot of things, Eddie.”
Not sure who to inflict this on with tags so I’m picking people who write/art in multiple fandoms and can maybe relate: @larkral, @roomwithanopenfire, @forabeatofadrum, @excalisbury, @stardustasincocaine, @ic3-que3n, @theearlgreymage & of course my boos @thewholelemon, @raenestee, & @bookish-bogwitch who are always so sweet to indulge my whims y’all keep writing fun. Also open tag to anyone who wants to share what they’re working on!
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atlafan · 2 years
some of y’all are so fucking weird like honest to god some of you have zero boundaries. It’s one thing for me to come on here and vent, that’s my choice. But some of you choose to send the nastiest shit and for what? I’ll go kill myself, just say the word. Will that make you happy?
ALSO please spend six years with someone and tell me how quickly you’d “move on”. I don’t have romantic feelings for him anymore, but like it or not he and I are still connected. We moved in together after four months of dating. We’ve been attached at the hip for six years. Three months is not enough time to move on. I’m still processing my grief, and I’m still processing a lot of trauma he inflicted on me. But sure, call me pathetic. Hope you feel better about your day, hope you get run over and die!
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All Roads Lead to Kawata… Pt 3
~~>*<~~MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!!~~>*<~~
This is Part 3 of an excerpt from my Mitsuya fanfic over on ao3 called “Love Endures”. The female in this story is NOT the main OC of the story. This is a side character from Mitsuya's past, Aya. It falls within her backstory, within his backstory. 😁 This is the story of how she meets & gets involved with the Kawata twins, which later becomes a real problem for her AND for MItsuya. Part 1 led you up to her just meeting them. Pt. 2 is them, ahem, getting together. Pt. 3 is them getting together again because they’re all addicted to each other.
(Pt 2 & 3 are pretty much straight up porn. It’s lovely. 😆😏)
So, yeah, this is the (next next part of the) Kawata Twins hole I fell down. Oh my Goddd… Hope y’all enjoy. 💙💜💙
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**long periods of italicized text represent the character’s thoughts**
Monday, February 5th
She calls up Koko to see when the next gathering of the boys will be. He tells her it’ll be on Friday and she gets excited. Then, she asks him for Smiley’s number and grins large when he sighs and gives it to her.
“Thaaaank yooouuu, Kokoooo!”
“I’m serious about you fuckin with the boys…”
“Koko, shut up. It’s none-“
“Nooooo, no, no. Haha, but you see…this IS my fucking business. Ok, Aya? Because it’s MY gang. And if you come in here n’ start stirrin shit up, then I’m the one dealin with the aftermath. And I don’t like fuckin aftermaths, ok? It’s too much fuckin work and drama and blaahhh, blaaahhh, blaahhh. You know how much I hate work, riiiiiight?”
She can’t help but laugh. “Yeeeeesss, Koko. Don’t work harder…”
“Work smarter!”, they both say at the same time.
“Exaaaaactly. So, we're supposed to be friends, right?”
“Really? Is that what we are?”
“I dunno…” He shrugs. “I guuuuuessss. Anyway, if we’re friends then you won’t cause me more fuckin problems than I already have to deal with. Ok?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…”
“No! Don’t dismiss me, Aya. I’m bein serious. I heard you’ve already been circling the fuckin carcasses. I mean Jesus… You’re gonna get a baaad rep. And the last thing you want is for that little piece of information to get out around a bunch of fuckin horny gang members. Jussayin.”
She scoffs. “Was that some pitiful example of you actually caring about my well-being? Cuz, y’know, you can’t just come out and share any of your real feelings with anyone. Ugh.” She rolls her eyes.
“Shut up, Aya. But, yes, ok? I do actually care about you. Okaaayyy? As much as I don’t want to see the guys hurt, I don’t want to see you hurt either! Annnnnd, that’s all you’re gettin out of me, so burn it into your memory…or whatever.”
She starts clapping. “Ha-haaaa! Ladies and gentleman, he shows real human feelings for the first fucking time! Right here. Wow… Well, thank you, Koko. But I’ve gone thru worse than anything those guys can do to me.” The smile falls out of her voice.
It hurts his heart to hear her say it because he knows a little bit about what she’s endured. It also makes him soften toward her a bit. “Well….I don’t think any of our guys are really, like, predators or anything, but….you. *claps* never. *claps* know! And…” It’s hard for him to finish what he has to say. “…you also never know what some men out there could do to you. It may surprise you… just how evil they can be. I’ve seen some really disgusting shit. Shit that I didn’t think could exist outside fuckin animes and books and stuff. Ugh.” He shudders.
“Yeah…” she says sadly. “I know…” She can’t go there with him. She can’t share ALL the horrors she’d endured and inflicted. Not right now. She shakes herself.
“Ok, soooo!” She laughs nervously. “I’ll see you on Friday, ok? I’ll try and make sure I come over and say ‘hi’ this time.”
“Yeah, that was pretty fucked up. Like, fuck you, buddy. Thanks for the favors. Goodbye!”
“Oh, stop. I don’t think you even really like me, Koko. So, stop your little act. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter.”
“I……do like you. I care.” He clears his throat. “But just barely. It’s really more like I, y’know, tooolerate you.”
She chuckles. “Yeah, haha. That sounds more like the truth. Anyway, I looooove yooouuu!” She laughs. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love you, too. Now behave! I’m serious.”
“Uh huh. See you Fridaaayyyy!”
“Ugh. Ja ne.”
“Ja ne.”
She hangs up with a smile on her face and calls Smiley.
“Hey, Nahoyaaaa! How are youuuu?”
“Hmmm, I was wondering whether I’d hear from you again. We had some fun, didn’t we?”
She laughs. “Maaaaybeee. Just a bit.”
“Listen to you, all actin coy. But, you can't do the things we did and still put on an innocent act with me, hon. I know just how dirty you are inside now, girl. Phew! Gettin me excited just thinkin about it.”
She laughs. “Fine. No more masks, ok? I’m kinda excited thinkin about it, too. Or, y’know thinkin about doing it…again…”
He takes a deep breath. “I tell you what…” His hand runs down his face. “…I certainly haven’t seen anything like you before. You got some kind of special powers over men, don’t you?”
“Ohhh, I don’t know. I don’t think I’m anything special.”
“I thought we said no more masks?” He chuckles. “But it’s just second nature to you by now, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, kinda. Although, I don’t see it as a mask, really. I mean, I just do what I gotta do to get what I want.”
He laughs. “Wow.”
“But, yeah it is kinda automatic at this point. I don’t really think about it. It’s just, kinda, became part of my personality.”
“Hmmm, I bet. You can only go so long making yourself another person before that “other” person becomes you. I know… The more violence I participate in or see, the more I crave it. And it used to just be, “that’s just Smiley when he’s fighting” and then it was, “that’s just Smiley when he’s upset”…and now….”that’s just Smiley”. It’s rough. How do you ever go back to who you were before? Can we?” He shakes his head.
“I don’t know, Nahoya. I don’t. I was so fucked up to start with that I don’t even know “what I was before”. I mean, really. Maybe this is just who I am?” She shrugs. “I have no idea and no way of really finding out.”
“Hmm…and so is that why you fuck?”
“Ohhhh, that’s a much more complicated answer…”
“Ok, how about this then… Is it to remember or to forget?”
He nods his head. “For me, it’s to forget. To feel something other than the anger…and to feel in control of myself for a small moment in time.”
“Ahhhh…” she says. “Now it makes more sense…”
“You’re distaste for being dominated. Because, for you,  you need that time to dominate, to feel in control of something and someone.”
He laughs nervously. “Yeah, maybe. I guess that’s right. Heh heh.. So, uh speaking of fucking… Is this a business call or is it for pleasure?”
“Ohhh, once again it's definitely both…” 
She giggles and he smiles largely.
“Music to my ears, kitten. When and where?”
“My place. Whenever you want to get there.”
“I don’t know where “My Place” is but, alright. Sounds good. Angry’s been lovesick and beggin me to find you again. I don’t know if I should bring him along. But, I hate seein him all sad and mopey AND he won't be high this time… Jussayin we could have quite a bit more fun this time, don’t ya think?”
She was very nervous about Angry. He was sooo sweet and gentle and she absolutely loved being in his arms and making out with him. He’s soft and sweet like Dai. Except she rarely saw any sweetness from Dai these days. But, as good as it felt to be with Angry, she was afraid of hurting him. 
She could see the earmarks of a gentle soul and she didn’t want to leave a bloody trail behind her any larger than the one she already had. That’s why she always chose ones like Smiley or Shota or any number of other guys that didn’t seek or need attachment. She didn’t love any of them. She didn’t even really want to fuck any of them. In her mind they were all poor substitutes for ‘the real’.
If she had still been able to get what she needed at home, she would be there right now, but in his absence, she had to fill it up, the deep dark cavern. She needed to remember and she needed to forget but she couldn’t afford to become someone else’s obsession. So, she hesitated to say yes about Angry. 
In the end, her lust spoke for her, though. The idea of enjoying an even deeper level of sex was a bit too intriguing for the greedy sexual beast inside her. But, she knew she wasn’t going to be able to keep this up with the poor boy. She shouldn’t even do it this time…
“Ok, he can come, too. But, Nahoya… I’m a little nervous about Angry.”
He nods his head. “Yeah... I think he’s uhhh, a little too sensitive for a girl like you. You’ll destroy him and I, uh, of course, can't let you do that. I don’t care about a single human being on this planet more than my brother. If you hurt him…I’m gonna get….mad.” 
And the way he’s talkin is making her mad.
“Ok, so then don’t bring him. I mean I THINK I can get off with just you”, she says with some sass.
“Damn, girl. I don’t know if even I should keep fuckin with you at this point. You’re, uh…yer somethin else. Jesus.”
“Fine, whatever. I’ll go find someone else to fill your…slot.”
He growls a little. “You…oh my God. You are a force to be reckoned with. I’m gonna see you tonight. Gonna fuck that bad attitude right out of you.”
She smiles, ear to ear. “Yaaaay! Just what I like to hear. Loooove youuuu!”
“You certainly do NOT.” He laughs. “This definitely ain’t got nothin to do with love. That’s fer damn sure!”
They laugh together like they’re old friends or something and with smiles on their faces they say their goodbyes and hang up. Her head cocks to the side. He’s an interesting one… Haven’t really met one like him before. He’s no Dai, but there’s something about Nahoya that reminds me of him. But…I don’t want him or anything… OBVIOUSLY. Well, I mean, I want him. I like him… Or, I like the way he feels for sure. Gah! Fuck, my thoughts are all fuckin crazy!!
Her hands come up to her face. And the combo of him and his adorable sweet brother. Jesus… It’s almost like, together they make up Dai. Nahoya is strong and angry and violent and it turns me on in a totally different way than Angry does. Ugh… But I can’t. This has to be the last time. Nahoya scares me in one way and Angry scares me in a different way. No matter how good they feel, I gotta stay away. She feels a little sad about it. It surprises her.
Well, after this, anyway. 
Gotta get just one more…
Just one…
Smiley shows up with his brother. She’s shocked to see him there. She’s looking at them both, wide-eyed. She starts stuttering. “What? Why?”
Smiley laughs. “Yeah, I know. But it’s really hard for me to say no to my brother…” He shrugs apologetically. “…and I also talked to him about it. And told him this was the last time.”
He looks over at Angry. “Right, buddy?”
Angry nods sadly and tries to force a smile.
Her heart jumps right to him. She just wants to take him in her arms and make all the sadness go away. Just like her beloved Dai had done for her many many times. 
“Hey, Angry? Look at me, hon.”
He looks up, still trying to feign happiness.
“If it’s gonna just be tonight then let’s be happy, ok? Let’s…feel every little bit of it and be thankful for this little gift. Cuz, that’s what this is. Isn’t it?”
He nods with a weak little smile. 
“Awww, come to Mama.” He walks obediently into her arms. “I’m gonna take real good care of you. And maybe you can take care of me, too, huh?”
The first real smile shows on his lips. “I’m gonna try. I guess I’m technically still a virgin, right? I mean…even though last time felt so intimate and good, I really can’t imagine anything better.”
She blushes. “Well, I’m sure a big part of that was the X. I hope you know it’s not gonna feel like that this time”, she says a little sadly.
Smiley cuts in, “No, it’s gonna feel even better.”
They both look at him like ‘huh?’
“Cuz he’s actually gonna get his dick wet this time. Pop his fuckin cherry. Trust me, ain’t nothin gonna feel better than THAT. I know. And, uhh, speakin of which…heh heh…” He takes a step closer to her.
She rolls her eyes and laughs. “That’s right, you hate wait.”
He nods his head and smiles. “Yep. I fuckin DESPISE wait, darlin. Like A LOT.”
“Alright, fine.” She takes Angry’s hand in hers and walks into her house with them trailing behind her.
Dai hasn’t been home for a few days, so she’s pretty confident that he won’t come sniffing around tonight. He usually stays away about a week at a time. She still locks the door anyway. It won’t keep him out completely, but maybe it’ll deter him just enough…if he’s drunk… I can’t have him mixing with this one… She looks over at Smiley. I can see the violence pumpin in his veins, STRONG. He’s just…FULL of it.
She walks towards them, smiling, happy to see Smiley is already removing clothing. Atta boy. Right down to fuckin business. I wish they were all like that. She stands back and watches the boys strip. She likes to watch. She admires their identical lithe, graceful bodies. They’re both clearly strong and you can see the evidence of that strength beneath the surface. But it was not overly defined like it would be with a more muscular man, like Dai. This was more smooth… But she licked her lips seeing those v-lines poppin out strong and drawing her eyes down with it.
Two beautiful fuckin twinkies for me to gobble all up. Gah! I’m in heavennn! She licks her lips. “Jesus, you two are quite the pair.”
Nahoya smiles and walks over to her. “Well, you’re quite the woman, aren’t ya?”
She smiles bashfully. “Stop. I’m not.”
“No, you stop. You’re the one lyin, not me. A girl that can handle both of us?? And be wantin more? Sheeeyit! You ain’t foolin me, that’s for damn sure.” He looks at her like ‘case closed’. His hands come up to her waist. “Now, I’m sure you’re just dying under all those clothes, right? Let me help you…”
She steps toward him and starts whispering, “You should let Angry do all the…y’know…sweet stuff like this. And you take all the dirty hard nasty stuff. Whadya think?” She steps back and looks at him. 
He stares at her for a moment deciding whether he wants to give in on this and whether she’s right or not. 
“Alright. You’re probably right. Angry! Come here.” Angry walks quietly over. “Undress this beautiful woman for me, will ya?”
Angry smiles happily and gladly brings his hands to her body. It fills him with an indescribable joy to be touching her again. Once her shirt and bra are gone though, he forgets what he was doing and can’t think of anything but kissing her and pressing his body against hers. Smiley rolls his eyes when he realizes his brother’s been swept away in her. So, he gets on his knees and begins removing her pants. He’s thankful they are the “easy-off” kind. He stays on his knees even after their removal and his hands start massaging and wandering. His fingers start to stroke her over her panties.
Nahoya hears the moans start comin and gets a little…gleeful. And, each time she moans into their kiss, Angry smiles. Smiley pulls her panties down and lets her step out of them. His hands then grab ahold of her thighs and spread them a little further so he get up under them better. He parks himself directly under her, his head right at the apex. “Mmmm…lookin delicious, girl.”
She giggles and it makes Angry laugh, too.
Smiley, without wasting time, latches on to her clit and begins his magic act. Her moans go from cutesy little things to great mature moans. Her legs start shaking. Fuck! She brings her hand to Angry’s body and moves down till her fingertips are dancing over his cock.
Her hand wrapped around him like that makes him shiver. “Oh my God….” Now, he’s moaning into their kiss and soon neither of them can kiss at all. Their heads are both thrown back, their eyes closed, experiencing their own separate ecstasies. 
After they both cum, their heads come down at the same time and they look at each other and smile. “Was that good, lover?”, she asks.
He nods and smiles at her with pink cheeks.
“I can’t wait to actually get inside you, tho. I’ve been dying to know what you feel like.”
“Me first!”, Nahoya says loudly as he rises back up to his feet.
She gives him a little bit of an angry look.
“Come on. I even ate you out first.”
“So, I’m sayin I’ve been wantin to be inside you since the second I walked in here. Before that, actually. And I’m sayin I was nice and waited. Now I want to get inside you. Like RIGHT now, actually.” He starts pressing up against her.
She steps away from him. “Stop. Let me think…”
As much as he hates ‘wait’, he reeeally fuckin hates ‘stop’. He growls at her.
She points toward her bedroom door. “Both of you get on the bed and face each other, ok? I’ll be right back.” She smiles at them and trots off. Both boys watch her bouncing off until she’s no longer visible and then look back at each other. They shrug and go climb onto her bed. She comes trotting into her bedroom with a huge grin and a bottle of lube.
Smiley’s eyes go wide. There’s those beautiful baby blues again. Phew! She shakes the bottle back and forth like it’s a bottle of champagne or something. For them, it will be the sexual equivalent. She looks at the two beautiful boys in front of her. It's a beautiful vision of perfect symmetry, a lovely mirror image, with the only difference being their hair. They are each sitting back on their haunches, facing each other. 
She walks up to the them, right in between, and kisses each, in turn. “We’re gonna have some reeaal fun, boys.” She giggles. That brings smiles to both of their faces, albeit for different reasons.
She climbs in between them, facing Angry and resting her butt on Smiley’s thighs. She happily feels his hardon now pressing into her back. She looks down Angry’s body and sees him standing at attention as well, hard as a rock. It brings a wicked grin to her face. Helllloooooo!
“Do you get where I’m going with this yet, Nahoya?” She turns her head towards him. She sees him grin and nod.
“Yeah and I like this much better than what I was gonna do.”
She smiles at him. “See? So, maybe it’s ok, every once in a while, to hand the reins over to someone else, huh? Like I said, you just needed the right girl.” She winks at him. He swallows.
“Ho-ly shit. You really are like nothin I’ve ever seen before. You might be one of the first to ever get under my skin.” His arm comes around to the front of her. He grabs her with his hand almost wrapped around her neck and presses into her back.
She moans a little. “Getting under your skin, doesn’t sound like a good thing, tho.”
He smirks and lifts her ass off of him, it raises her breasts perfectly level with Angry’s mouth. He doesn’t have to be asked or told anything. His mouth is on them in seconds. It pulls a moan from her throat. 
Smiley drenches himself and her in lube. 
“Getting under my skin can be good or bad.” 
He slides one finger, then two, in her ass to get her good and ready. Her moans start becoming a little barky as he moves in and out even faster. 
“You ready?”, he whispers.
“Mmmhmmm…”, she whimpers. 
He withdraws his fingers from her and presses his head against her hole. 
“Mmmm, I’m REAALLYY gonna love this. So few girls let me do anal. It’s a damn shame, too. Feels better than annnnything. Phew!”
He slowly enters her (she starts to grunt) and then slowly pulls back. He works his way, very gently, back and forth, until he’s all the way inside her. His whole body shakes, as does hers. And he just rests her there a bit, sitting on his lap with his entire penis inside her.
“Holy shit, that’s fuckin good. Sweet fuckin Christ! I might be settin a record tonight.”
She laughs as much as she can with him that deep inside her. It ends up sounding a bit choked. “What….record?” She’s breathing heavy.
“How many times I’m gonna cum tonight.” His body shakes again. “I’m already juuuust about to have the first one. Fuuucck…..  Angry!”, he shouts out with a grimace. “Get inside this woman! Like, fuckin NOOWWW!”
Angry looks at her slightly dumbfounded. Her eyes go soft.
“Awww, come here, my baby.” She holds out her arms to him and he moves right into them. “Take it in your hand, lover. And then push it up inside me, ok?” She swallows hard. “I can…I can take it.” 
Her face contorts slightly as Smiley has to move her up for Angry. They move up off their haunches and now are both on their knees. She spreads her legs just a little further apart for him. Angry, with his head down, looking at his dick in his hand, presses forward and up and finally in.
His eyes become comically large as he feels the best physical sensation he’d ever felt before in his life. It made him want to cry, it was so good. He immediately starts getting vocal and panting into her ear. And on the other side of her head she had Smiley panting. This was intense. And unlike ANYTHING she’d ever felt before. I think I’m love with them both. Holy shiiiitt! She tries to speak but can only get a few words out. “Ok….gotta…holy shit!” She almost cries as she says it. “M-move….to….gether…. SLOW!”
They both move their hips, retreating to their tips, and then smoothly slide back up to her in the middle. All three of them are shuddering with every movement. 
Angry shouts, “Nahoya! I can feel you! In her! I can feel you against my dick! What the fuck?!”
Smiley laughs. “Yeah, it’s pretty fuckin wild, isn’t it? Now, let’s get our rhythm right and fuck her better than she’s ever been fucked before, ok?”
Angry nods and they move….together.
Her moans start to stutter as a fucking life-altering orgasm rises up from her core. “O-o-o-ohhhh my-y-y G-o-d-d-d!” K-keep m-oo-ving.”
They do not disappoint. Like river over rocks they move like fluid, smooth as silk, in such a perfect synergy. It’s almost as if they’re fucking twins or something. It’s fucking perfection! And when that orgasm starts tearing through her, she swears she’s ripped right from her body and is watching it all unfold…
She sees Angry gritting his teeth through his orgasm and then it's replaced with a hazy look of peace and relief. He’s kissing her now. She sees Smiley eyes roll in the back of his head with a gigantic grin as he pumps a substantial amount of semen into her. He starts growling and shouting. She comes back to herself; sweating, red in the face, heart racing so fast, with intermittent hard pounds, that she thinks she seriously might have a heart attack. 
“Oh my Goooddddd”, Smiley says. “And that was just beginning?”
Angry’s eyes go wide. “It was?”
“Fuuuuck me.” Smiley continues. “Jesus. I gotta take a fuckin break. I don’t ever have to do that. That shit was fuckin hot and intense. Holy fuck.” He drags the back of his hand across his forehead. “I’m gonna wash off. Be right back.” He walks out of the room, completely naked, y'know like he lived there or somethin.
She plops down on the bed next to Angry and brings her hand to his chest and wraps her leg around his thigh. She purrs at him. “You are quite the fucking pair… Mmmmm….”
He smiles and brings his hand up to run through her hair.
“Thank you, Aya-chan. That was pretty incredible. I know Nahoya said it was just the beginning. But even if that was all it was, it would be enough for me…and better than anything I’ve ever felt before. You are…incredible.”
“That's just because it was your first… It only gets more incredible from here on out.”
She thinks about her first night with Dai. How that felt. How it felt like nothing could ever be better than this. She sympathized with the boy, but she didn’t want to linger on those memories too long, they brought pain with them. She frowns and then quickly starts kissing Angry, passionately.
She pulls back from him and then moves her leg across him, straddling him. She lowers herself slowly onto his body and looks at him with a smile. 
“We’re just gettin started. Please hold all comments until the end.” She chuckles and starts sliding up and down him. He groans. She feels him harden underneath her and she lifts off of him to inspect. 
She sees he is hard enough and with glee grabs a hold of him and places him at her entrance.
“Whenever you’re ready, lover”. She sits straight up and he moves his hips to thrust up and in.
His eyes close as he feels her again but ohhh, what’s this? It’s all different now, isn’t it? A new angle, a new position. He can’t believe how mind-blowing this feels. He can’t believe she was right. It really does just get better and better.
“Holy shit…”
“Yeah…it’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?”
“Uh huh…” He is lost in her again.
Smiley comes back and starts whining to see her hole filled with his brother’s dick again.
“Aww, come on, man. This is bullshit. I want some of that kitty, too.
She tries to turn her head back to look at him but she can only get it so far.
In between moans and heavy breath escaping their mouths, she says, “Oh, please…. This is… perfect…for you. This is exactly…what you really want. Isn’t it?”
“I just washed off, tho. I coulda… Yer gettin under my skinnnn, girl.”
“The bad kind?” Angry thrusts up a little harder and it makes her moan. “Mmmm…”
“Yeah. Yer makin me kinda angry…”, he says with a scowl.
She looks back at Angry underneath her and he’s smiling large and she starts laughing hard.
“And Angry is Smiley! I got you boys all switched up and everything. Hahahaaa! This is amazing!”
Smiley grunts and gets on the bed. He moves up right behind her and puts his hand on her back and starts pushing her down, somewhat aggressively, so she’s laying flat on top of Angry. He grabs the lube laying on the bed and proceeds to get him and her wet again and then he enters her. She notices he’s being less gentle this time and it makes her grimace. 
“Nahoya…please. I know you want to dominate me. But not like this. Please, let go of all that shit and enjoy this. There is nothing but good goin on here and you are exactly where you really want to be right now, anyway. I know it. You know it. So don’t make this a fight. Be happyyyy, Smiley.” 
She smiles at him with her most charming smiles.
He grunts again, but he ends in a smile as well. “It’s a damn good thing you are what you are because if it was anyone else…” He lays down flat on her, mirroring what she’s doing to Angry and pushes deep into her. “Let’s just say this would be going veeerry differently than it is.” His butt and thigh muscles flex and relax over and over and his back arches just a bit each time he moves forward into her.
She’s losing it already. She tries to catch her breath and opens her eyes to look at Souya. “You ok, hon? Yer not getting squished, are you?”
He shakes his head. “I’m ok. I can take it. I know you think I’m weak…” He looks away. Clearly this thought brought a not so good feeling with it, she could see it in his eyes.
“What? Noooo… I know you’re strong…” She moves her head right next to his ear and whispers, “I bet you’re even stronger than he is, aren’t you?”
He doesn’t respond except to smile and thrust his hips to get in her even deeper. She rewards him with a lovely hot moan right in his ear. It makes him harder and he grabs her hips and does his best to get in as deep as he can. 
“Nahoya! Lift up on your arms!”, Angry barks.
With his movements no longer impeded he begins thrusting more freely and more deeply. Smiley responds in like manner and once again she is caught up in the beautiful harmony of their movements. She never wants it to end.
They end as before: shuddering, sputtering and drenched. They take a break for a bit and then continue on once again and this goes on late into the night.
When not one of them has an ounce of fluid or strength left, they fall into a pile on the bed. Angry starts laughing which makes Smiley laugh which makes her laugh. 
“Holy shit! That was…wow”, she says once she can stop laughing.
“Fuck! I think I might just love you, girl”, Smiley says with a grin, his hand lazily stroking his penis. He doesn’t really mean it, though. But when Angry replies with, “Me too!”, you can just tell that he does.
“Well, we kinda already knew that, bro.”
Her eyes are already getting heavy. “And Aya makes 3.” They hear a little half-asleep giggle and an “Mmm….” and then nothing is heard from her for the rest of the night. She was fast asleep in the arms of her lovers.
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animeangel21 · 2 years
Kazutora thots c:
Tw: smut (obviously), kazutora is kinda toxic, jealousy, Timeskip! kazutora,choking, slapping, pain infliction, body worshipping, hair pulling, dry humping, bondage, edging, gore, roughness, soft sex.
Valhalla Kazutora
Y’all started talking in high school. Started off as complete and utter strangers. One day you had several strange guys follow you down the hall after you left a class late and headed to your locker to put your books away.
Said boys surrounded you and they pestered you for a few minutes before it just got bad. The one behind you pulled you back and rubbed his crotch on your behind and the other two ran their slimy hands over your thighs and grasped at your panties to pull em off at the same time.
Eventually the sound of feet hitting the floor at a rapid pace then stopping flooded the hall. The hands were torn off your body and you were held in someone’s arms while the guys bones crunching and desperate attempts at screams were all you heard but didn’t see. Your face was buried in the chest of someone who smelled really good. (That will make ya pussy throb) Your hands rested on their upper arms and they had a big hand around your waist.
As you looked up you saw one of the most feared guys Kazutora. “It’s okay Princess nobody can hurt you now you’re stuck with me”
Katuzora knew you. He knew you were a bit naïve sometimes. He kinda wanted you to feel like you needed him but he also wanted you so bad and can only hope you reciprocated said feelings and he would be fine with the way things are and were gonna be wether you needed him or didn’t need him he wouldn’t leave you or threaten to.
You were kinda naïve. You knew it, the world knew it. A lot of the times shit bothered you and you never said a damn thing about it. You were also really easy to manipulate.
So, for the rest of the year and time to come you spent it with Kazutora.
He was your first everything and your parents definitely would’ve dropped dead if they knew you were seeing Kazutora.. So you would sneak out to see your boyfriend and get on his bike and to his place.
God, it made him throb in his jeans. Everyone’s favorite innocent girl, his little lamb, the straight A teachers pet. Sneaking out to see her delinquent boyfriend, ride on his motorcycle, then letting him fuck you face down on his cheetah print rug roughly just like you wanted to like you told him over text while exchanging vulgar pictures and videos.
Kazutora fucked you dumb every other day and would have your arousal dripping down his shaft the cream dripped onto his balls and gathered at the base of his cock everytime even before he’d cum in you even once.
When he cums in you your love it so much it feels so good and takes it’s toll quickly making you hornier and wanting to push tora further and it’s all up to you cause he could drill into you for hours and not stop.
There were times where you’d been days without him some times weeks but you’d also find your way in his room while he was on the phones and he’d push you up against the wall and have you drop to your knees while he was on the phone with Hanma. He’d place a hand on the back of your head and fuck you absolutely stupid but not before he fucks your throat. His hand was placed entangled in your long locks as he thrusted his hips into your mouth as hard as possible till he came with broken growls and Hanma snickered about the situation and teased.
When you guys fight he is kinda mean. Not too mean but he’ll grab your face or if you piss him off…oh he will grab your throat and pull you to his chest and growl in your ear and going on about “ better watch who you’re talking to or I’ll make sure to slap that nice little ass black and fucking blue and put you in handcuffs for the night babe”
He knows if he flusters you you’ll get embarrassed and calm down in the slightest enough for him to slam you against the wall and make out with you.
“You wanna yell at me? I’ll have you screaming by the end of this babe. Let me sincerely apologize to you”
He will fuck you nice and slow tie you up nice and pretty, edge you till your crying and screaming apologies to him. He kisses you so softly afterwards and holds you in his naked lap while you’re keeping his cock warmed in your wet, cum filled pussy.
He definitely will leave so many hickeys and you’ll get teased for it either by him or his friends that follow him around, but they won’t do it too much knowing he’ll break their limbs..again.
He likes to bite you, toy with you and tease you and won’t let you play with him till you have apologized for whatever you said or did while you guys argued for whatever reason and if it gets serious and you don’t want him to touch you then he’ll be begging you to forgive him and hold you close and try not to think about losing you. It kinda irritated him to think about and he’s lowkey a yandere, he’ll for sure find a way to get you back and take…serious matters to get you back.
Before that huge fight on Halloween you’d met Baji and his other friend hanma.They intimidate you and you never really spoke unless spoken to in the first place because you had social anxiety but, they just thought you were a naive little girl too scared to speak to anyone except kazutora. You would find yourself hiding behind him or keeping your face buried in his chest with your arms wrapped around his toned waist.
Halloween came around, baji’s death and Toman whooping Valhalla And after that fight you were left to be by yourself and occasionally see your boyfriend while he was was in juvie. He definitely was deprived seeing you change, your body mature, and your style changing as well.
He was definitely jealous. While seeing you He didn’t know what you did and didn’t do but his fear was someone swooning you and you leaving him but you remained loyal to him no matter what and your toys only did so much and eventually you just pushed any urges aside. The small Polaroid pictures you gave him weren’t enough, he wanted to feel you and bend you over again and fill you up so bad but he wouldn’t be able to with the guards that constantly surround him and monitor his every move.
Over time and during the first couple of months it was bad. You were hit on by so many guys from various gangs and random strangers. The worst part was your parents. They wanted your head when they found out you were seeing him and lost it on you. They kicked you out and you stayed with a friend, got a job and bought a nice apartment for yourself.
You tried to take safe by yourself and distract your needs by going out with your girls and having a good time drinking and smoking with them.
Kazutora didn’t know you smoked cause it was definitely something you would get punished for and you could go to jail.
So before he came back you’d stop and get rid of evidence.
Seeing him again you were freaking the fuck out. You got waxed, dressed up for him and watched him change over the years and you couldn’t help but just get wet on the drive over to the big house to pick him up.
Once the buzzer sounded and he walked out he looked around and his eyes landed on your shorter figure standing next to a car. You weren’t lookin in his direction you were staring at the knee high boots with like 10 buckles on them that looked quite expensive.
You could feel someone looking at you and you were pretty zoned out but once you saw kazutora you ran up to him and he dropped his bags and picked you up in his arms and held you close. Your thick thighs wrapped around his waist and he couldn’t help but think of such lewd things while you cried on his shoulder. He wanted your legs wrapped around him and you crying for other reasons.
You drove to your apartment that you cleaned and had prepared him a meal as well. The whole car ride you laughed and joked about life, his hand never left your thigh the entire ride and it kinda made you a lil excited to get home.
Once you guys pulled in and walked inside he was all over you, he pulled you into him by the throat and kissed you finally. Your hands fell straight into his hair and pulled him closer than you could possibly imagine not giving him the chance to breathe.
“Goodness you’re fucking needy, didn’t you fuck yourself enough doll? Did nobody satisfy you? Let me guess you need me to fuck you good”
Your eyes widen as he pulls his red bitten lips away from your swollen ones. His hand tightened around your throat and you gasped and it sounded more like a moan. “N-no I-I couldn’t c-cum without you.. didn’t feel good I never saw anyone except the girls I p-promise” voice caught in your throat your hands grabbed his wrist and that only made him choke you harder and your knees felt so weak like they’d give up any minute.
“Nobody better have or else id have to sit on death row for murder sweetheart.”
He loosened his grip slightly and pushed your head back and moved his big hand to your chin to squish your cheeks together and marked up your throat and left a plethora of bruises and bites. You could feel uncomfortable your panties were under your skirt and your thighs rubbed together for a tad bit of friction at least.
He was listening to your whines and moans in his ear and occasionally glanced up to see the fucked out look on your face. He knew you needed this and after waiting so long and late nights fucking his fist to the thought of it being you for so long.
He noticed and kicked your legs apart and pushed his knee against your privates his free hand fell on your hip and he pulled away from your neck to lick his lips and look down on you.
Could you have gotten smaller? Oh well he had no complaints. You looked absolutely gorgeous in his eyes with your fucked out face, drooling lips, and wet pussy.
“If you’re that needy slut then get off on my thigh first.”
“N-no tora, I need you so bad! I can’t wait”
He bit down on his bottom lip to stop himself from groaning. He let go of your chin and took you to the bedroom which was already opened and you had a vanilla scented candle lit on the dresser.
He started to grope you and pulled your clothing off and started with your top. He pulled off the black sweater you wore and unclipped your bra tossing it elsewhere and stopped immediately. He was frozen in shock at what he saw. It was the black and gold barbells going through both nipples and the tattoo of his tattoo between your tits and going down your sternum.
“When did ya do this baby? Who saw my pretty baby naked? Hope you didn’t get this done by that bald fuck.”
“ n-no she was a girl she was nice and did the piercings for free.. you don’t like em?”
He scoffed. Tora could be mean and lie,call you a slut His slut.He could tell you that you pierced them for some other guys.But, again he knew how your brain worked you were so naïve. He could already see your lash line wet with tears “I love em babe, my little slut did this for me and marked herself for me. Why would I hate it? Don’t you worry that dumb little head princess I’ll make you remember I love everything you do for me”
This made your heart melt and now you wanted to cry. It seemed unrealistic to have him back and reality was settling in. You didn’t realize that now you wouldn’t have to wake up crying and screaming in the middle of the night cause you missed him and had nightmares about Losing him permanently.
You didn’t realize you were crying so hard it completely snapped him out of his thoughts and he leaned in and caressed your face with both hands wiping your cheeks with his thumbs.
“Doll, I won’t leave you again. I promise, I swear, till the day I die.”
He passionately kissed you and the sob that racked your body was swallowed by his mouth. He moved his hands down to brush against your nipples which were unbelievably sensitive.
“ shit, tora! They-they’re sensitive”
“Good, I like em that way. You always been sensitive everywhere. I’ll make you cum just from playing with them just not tonight”
The pads of his thumbs pushed down on your nipples and you moaned right in his mouth causing his cock to twitch more than it was. Since he laid eyes on your body he’s been hard.
His mouth kissed down your neck and to your sternum where his you ngl trailed around the black swirling ink that represents his tattoo.
He moved his hand from your nipples to grab at your skirt and pull it off along with your panties the last thing left on was the knee high socks that were black and white with horizontal stripes.
He looked over your body and saw the leather choker that had a pendant on it around your throat and he grabbed the pendant and turned it to see it was his initials in the prettiest font. He decided it would stay on but not before grabbing it and tugging you forward into a kiss.
You moaned as he did that and he dropped you again and his eyes went down your body and landed on your glistening cunt.
He couldn’t help but see how pretty it was. It always had been but clearly you’d gained some weight over time in all the right places and took care of yourself. You were fucking soaked and it stroked his ego.
It coated your thighs and was dripping out of you at that point in globs he would’ve thought you came already several times.
He pulled off his clothes and you could see how toned and different his body was you’d be lying if you say it didn’t make you wetter.
“See somethin you like?” Your face was burning now.
He unbuttoned his pants and pulled em off revealing his bulge and you unconsciously scoot up on the bed. He noticed, he turned his body to you and grabbed your ankles pulling you to the end and making your bottom half hit his thighs.
He bent over and you could feel his man grind his bulge into your count making you moan loudly into his mouth while he sucked and but on your tongue.
You could only thing to yourself, it’s too big, it’s too big, he’s so much bigger, it’s fucking not gonna fit.
He dropped to his knees and his hot breath fanned over your pussy and he ate you out like a starved man. He drank up all you had to offer, licked and sucked at your thighs leaving bite marks, bruises, and a couple finger shaped bruised and hand prints from spanking your thighs when you closed those pretty legs.
“T-tora stop M’ gonna pee stop” you felt an unforgettable but pleasurable feeling.
“Oh?” Was all he said and sucked on your clit and still continued his actions.
You squirmed and moaned louder and gasped loudly as he started to suck on your clot and not stop. You couldn’t stop what happen and released all over his face. It sounded like a faucet and like you were peeing against his face but your eyes rolled back and he just continued his ministrations.
He gave you one more suck and pulled his fingers out your cunt, you have a yelp and laid on your back catching your breath and trying to process what happen.
“You squirt all over my mouth baby, sexy little thing, you soaked our sheets baby i would love for you to do that on my cock.” He said and ran his fingers through your folds and dipped them into your hole. He coated them in your cum and cream and shoved them deep in your throat making you gasp and gag around them. Out of instinct so you don’t gag you tried to grab at his wrist and tried to pull them out. He made a face and pulled them out for you and slapped you across the face and you moaned.
“Little girl, don’t forget who owns you I’ll do what I please” you whined and give a nod and grabbed his fingers and sucked them clean swirling your tongue around them individually. “ good girl”
He knew that phrase would make your hole clench, he pulled himself out his boxers and tossed them. A sight it was, he’s about 7.5 inches, not too many veins, but fuck was he girthy now and you’re drooling over it.
His hand softly cupped your jaw and he placed his lips on yours. He lined himself up with you with his now free hand and the tip stretching you out wasn’t even the worse part. You let out a broken cry and thank god for your arousal or else you would’ve been crying for him to back out.
“I know princess, m sorry”
He pushed himself in further and stopped half way to make sure you’re still okay, your eyes were squeezed shut tightly and your heart was beating out your chest and you were in fear he would hear it.
He pulled out some and thrusted back in and you let out the cutest moans he ever heard they’re so high pitched and you sound so submissive that he wants to be rough with you but he couldn’t cause you still needed to re adjust and get a little reminder of what you got back… his fat dick.
“T-Tora please, I need it. E-Even if it hurts fuck me please I need this so bad, it hurts how b-bad I need you”
“As you wish pretty, you’re creaming on me already I know you need me. Take a look!” And with that he thrusted all the way in you and you pulled his hair and moaned and screamed at the same time.
Your body would not respond to your brain to relax. You thought you could hear him saying something to you but you were so out of it.
He pulled his free hand from your hip to your face and tapped it a couple times not too hard but hard enough to snap you out of it.
“Cmon love don’t get too dumb on me now, relax a bit and then I’ll fuck you the way I know you want it. I’ll fuck you as hard as you want and as hard as I want”
After a few thrust you relaxed and his face remained close to yours looking straight into your shut eyes. “Open your eyes, look at me”
Your eyes peeled open and you stared right into his eyes he was so hot. He thrusted into you slowly but his thrust were hard, he was slamming his hips into you and pulling his length out mostly before going back in. His swear was bearing on his forehead already, his hair kinda messy cause you pulled on it,lips were kinda swollen and his presence was dominating your space.
His hand gripped your jaw now and he picked up the pace little whines and moans falling from your spit covered lips with every single time his hips met yours and with those teary eyes were gonna drive him insane.
“My Good little girl” and with that sentence he slammed into you making your legs shake a bit. Your eyes shut again and you moaned and he smirked.
“Keep your eyes on me princess, I never said look away or close them. Did I?”
“N-no ‘m sorry tora” you moaned and squirmed causing him to growl.
“ s’ okay baby. Let me help y-” you didn’t get him finish, you grabbed him by the throat and pulled him into a kiss. His eyes went wide and he swore he could feel himself throb inside of you.
You fucked up! You know you did but the fact that he didn’t pull away or fight you on this was the least of your concerns. His hand moved from your jaw to your throat and he squeezed and pushed you further into the mattress.
Your hand fell from his neck and both of your small hands wrapped around his wrist.
“If you’re gonna do something, do it right” he grabbed your leg with his other hand and pushed that leg up and your foot rested on his shoulder.
He started to grind his hood into your and fucked you vigorously, unforgiving, his fingers were digging into your thigh making you clench around him and he watched your eyes roll back as you creamed around his shaft and he fucked you harder.
“Where you want it? Huh? Want me to fuck a kid Into you my pretty little cum slut? You wantt to me to fill you up?” He was fucking you so hard that the bed was hitting the wall with each thrust.
“ I-I’m on birth control, want it inside tora”
He felt himself let go completely at that point. He came so hard, harder than he had in a long long time and he got to come in you and not worry about you getting pregnant.
He growled from his chest as he moved his hand from your throat to your hair and pulled your head back making you yelp
“ sorry pretty I didn’t even get to admire these” he spat on your nipple his hot saliva landed on it making you moan.
He swirled his tongue around your nipple and his teeth teased the barbell before he sucked on it quite harshly and you bit your lip trying not it moan loudly, but your pussy said it all, you were clenching down on him like he would dissolve any minute now.
He showed the same treatment to the other and sucked hickeys into your boobs and then brushed his lips against yours.
“Open your mouth” you obeyed his command and he looked you in the eyes and spit into your mouth. You don’t hesitate to swallow and he winks at you. “Now get on your stomach, ass up”
He slips out of your drenched cunt and grabs your arms and crosses your wrist on your lower back.
He grabs a fist full of your hair and shoved himself back into you. “ tight fucking cunt, you are so needy princess.”
He thrust into you again and he’s ruthless. He throws his head back and holds your head and takes his bottom lip between his teeth and smirks. You open your eyes and look at him and he looks so hot like this.
He pulls your hair back again and used it as leverage to fuck you harder. Your legs shake and back arched deeper, your moans were so loud you might as well scream his name.
“Yeah, that’s it princess scream my name.”
He knew how bad your legs were shaking he could practically feel you shaking completely.
You felt your legs giving out and he caught on and let your hair go harshly sending your head forward and into the pillows beneath you. Both his head grab your hips and use them to bring you back on his cock with more power and a lot harder while still thrusting into you at a fast pace.
“T-tora! S’ lot, a-Ahh a-lot” you moaned dumbly.
“Shut up before you work for your own orgasm” he lifted his hand and spanked you se ding your face into the pillow to scream/moan.
“ fucking dirty bitch, ah fuck, you like that huh? Haven’t had that done ina while have ya?my bitch” He groaned between thrust and I could tell he would cum soon cause he slowed down but thrusted harder.
“I-ah yes tora! Fuck, m’ gonna cum,mma’ make a mess’’ your eyes lidded, dumb on his cock.
He looked at your face and he could cum just from the sight. You mouth and chin had drool all over, swollen lips from kissing and biting, a blush spread across your cheeks and your eyes were about to roll back.
“Fuck, cum for me doll I’ll breed your little cunt for you and make sure everyone knows it’s mine you got that slut?” He slapped your ass hard again and sent you into your orgasm your eyes completely rolled back and he dug is finger tips into your hips painfully hard making you whine and squirm underneath him.
“Yeah keep running kitten I’ll keep you here and you’ll. take. it.” he gave you a thrust with the last three words and came deep inside you. He moaned falling on your shoulder and biting into.
Your legs didnt stop shaking and you could barely feel your hips and upper thighs cause the grip he had on you.
Short, high pitch Whimpers fell from your lips as you felt him thrust into you over and over riding out his high. You squirmed away from him promoting him to pull you back and hold you still.
He moaned into your ear and chuckled “always running but im gonna catch you”
“S’ not funny tora” you whine pushing your blushing face.
His grip faltered and his arms held him up. He could never get tired of you nor your body. He can be quite.. toxic if you will he knows it and won’t deny it.
But he’s changed a bit he knew he had to lighten up a bit and he trusted you but, there was that inkling of insecurity that you’d find someone being lonely n all. From the way he treated you today and how you creamed all over him he knew he had you on lockdown.
His long hair tickled your shoulders as he sat up on his knees and looked down at his smaller girlfriend with a smirk on his face. Your hair was a mess, you’re covered in hickeys,sweat,and cum, the bite mark seemed to get redder as the minutes went by and your eyes were slightly crossing and barely open because of how tired you were and your brain was mush. He slapped your ass harder than he did all day and slipped his dick out and you gasped turning around and punched his chest weakly but to you it was pretty hard.
“That hurt” you whined feeling the burning sensation.
You looked up at him and he continued to smirk down at you. “Well you were falling asleep..and I need to get you cleaned up”
“What ever happen to, ‘okay love get up and let me slip my dick out so I can clean you up’ huh?”
“You really think you can be a smart ass right now like I won’t bend you over again? This time you won’t Cum at all” He said grabbing my chin to look him in the eyes.
“No, but you had other options” I retorted and he rolled his eyes before getting off there bed and dragging me towards the end.
He lifted me up and I groaned in pain and my face fell into the crook of his neck. “Aw, sorry Princess. I’ll ease up on ya next time”
Now, it was your turn to roll your eyes cause you know fully that he won’t. You could feel his cum dropping out of you and before you knew it you were being set in a hot tub that smelled just like your vanilla and rose body wash. You were still sat in his lap as his hands massaged your sore legs and body.
“ I missed you baby, missed this , your body , I missed everything..I can’t wait to spend this time with you”
“ I missed you too tora, we’re gonna make it no worries.
—————- skip aftercare ( I believe his after care is okay,not best )
Once you fell asleep laying on top of him as you always did, he did used he’d searched through your phone and just go through your messages, Snapchat’s, camera roll, etc..
Interesting things to say the least, of course snap chats of you with your friends, drunk videos were expected, some pictures were questionable some a little more scandalous than others, some you had been wearing clothes he never thought you would wear.
He went into your snaps to see you had gone shopping for lingerie and purchased some, even took Pictures in it. His arm around your waist that didn’t hold your phone tightened.
He swiped over 3 times and saw your my eyes only. He guessed the password 2 times and realized it was his birthday and when it opened videos of you playin with yourself showed and he smirked. He clicked the first and most recent one and you you were humping your pillow and rolling your nipples between your fingers never stoping your hips. You lifted your self up and in all its glory’s a dildo was inside you the whole time with a thin creamy ring around the base dripping down the balls. Boy, that was a sight you cried out his name over n over and wanted to cum so bad.
You were gonna be the end of him but at least you didn’t sleep with another man, he’d rather you fuck plastic than another man obviously.
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ohnococo · 4 years
Reiner Braun NSFW Headcanons
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Throwing out my read on some NSFW hcs for Reiner because I love the man. As with anything I write, he’s a grown ass man here (post-time skip!)
Also this ended up so fucking long but I spend a lot of time thinking about Reiner Braun lmao
Reiner loves making out. Like loves loves loves it. He’d happily kiss you for hours on end, and his kisses are enough to make you melt. 
He pulls you flush against him when you’re making out, and loves holding your face or lightly brushing his fingers along your cheek. He goes between slow languid kisses - tongue moving against yours, his deep moans echoing in your mouth - to soft gentle pecks with his forehead pressed to yours. He will honestly kiss you til you’re soaking wet and both of your lips are swollen. 
Speaking of, he has a big thing for grinding. He loves having you cum on his thigh or hip - it just blows his mind that he can get you so worked up that you’ll cum through clothes and he gets butterflies in his stomach every time you come undone beneath him. Basically, given the time to during a session with Reiner he’ll have you cumming before you even get undressed. (and lowkey, he’s definitely cum in his pants while just making out). Oh, and he loves having you leave hickeys on them. He cherishes them and gets the warm n’ fuzzies anytime he looks at them after one of your long make out sessions. 
Big on praise: both giving and receiving. If you suck his cock he’ll be babbling his praises the whole time: holding your hair back for you if he needs to, telling you how good you’re making him feel, thanking you every time you let the tip of his large cock breach the tight seal of your throat. On the flip side he loves having you tell him how good he is, you can talk him right into a quick orgasm with your praise - he loves to know he’s your good boy. Loves little non-verbal things too, nods and hums of affirmation as he moves his tongue just right against you. 
This brings me to oral sex. Reiner’s need to please alone has him right on my Official AoT Men Who Eat Pussy Like a Champ roster, but this man has a fat tongue that doesn’t get tired. He’ll groan right into you just from how much he loves getting a taste, and you’ll drive him absolutely wild if you rock against his face or lock your legs around his head to keep his face buried. His goal is to leave you shaking and if his face isn’t a mess he isn’t done. Fav positions for eating you out are this, this, and this. Especially the last one. He’s a strong lad with a thick fucking neck, so don’t worry about hurting him if you sit on his face.
I’m sorry y’all but I hc Reiner as having a serious submissive streak running through him, I just do! I’ll get into that more in a bit but firstly: he can be a switch, though even when he’s taking a more dominant role he’s the most attentive dom and a big softie. Every move is still at your behest and the goal always remains your pleasure. He’s constantly checking in on you, watching your face and listening closely for even the smallest sign of discomfort. A dream dom in a caregiver type role, but he still needs the release of submission.
You can coax a feral side out of Reiner, especially if you show enthusiasm for his actions and assure him it’s what you truly want. Put his hand on your throat, moan when he squeezes lightly, and he’ll be easily encouraged to fuck you harder. He can and will get as rough as you like as long as you’re showing him how much you love it. In general though he won’t initiate anything like choking or face slapping unless you ask or discuss it beforehand - in all honesty he’d be terrified if he did something like that and actually hurt you. Reiner is definitely the type to go soft as soon as you let out of yelp of genuine discomfort (or show you’re no longer enjoying any kind of pain you’ve asked him to inflict) so he tends to play it safe. 
The silver lining of this is that he’s so intensely aware of your every reaction. He’ll notice the way your eyes change when he playfully slaps your ass or jokingly calls you something (like “Prince/Princess” or, thanks to the random Reiner dream my brain blessed me with, “Little Mouse”) and he’ll file even the smallest reaction away to bring out later. He’s an overall attentive lover in that way, and knows when to pull out the things in his arsenal that make you wild.
Now. Sub Reiner. Sweet tender sub Reiner. He loves having you tell him what to do, when to cum, when to wait. Even if you’re in the middle of more vanilla play, tell him to cum for you and he will immediately. 
He loves being overstimulated as well, keep going after he finishes and he’ll be squirming and whining in the most delicious way - and play with his nipples! This man is blessed with sensitive nipples and could almost cum from nipple stim alone. 
He loves begging too, begging to be touched, begging to fuck you, begging to cum, or even begging you make you cum - he loves it all. He just wants to make you happy, just wants you to tell him he’s good. 
Aftercare is an absolute must for Reiner too if he’s been submissive. When he crashes he crashes hard, and needs your comfort afterwards to round off a session properly. He loves having his hair washed by you (and secretly has a sensitive scalp) but as long as you curl up with him to cuddle and kiss him til he falls asleep he’s more than happy. 
He gives as good as he gets when it comes to aftercare too. He’ll check in about anything new you may have tried, making sure you liked it or were happy with how it felt. If he’s had you in an uncomfortable position he’ll stretch you out and rub your muscles to make sure you aren’t stiff or sore, and he really loves running a hot bath for you or helping you wash up afterwards too. He finds scrubbing your back or finger detangling your hair in the shower or tub soothing, and having you clean and comfortable in bed with your head on his chest lets him know he’s done a good job.
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velveticamoon · 4 years
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— dazai finally takes off his bandages, but with that his insecurities seem to be bubbling up to the surface, scared that his s/o’s love for him may waver because of the imprints of his past upon his skin. 
WARNINGS: angst (but turns into fluff??), mentions of suicide attempts (it’s dazai folks c’mon-), self-harm mentions, implied sex, profanity
[lowercase intended] 
A/N: was this fic my way of professing my love for dazai? yes no ofc not. this gets so painstakingly soft at the end even i’m not sure how tf that happened but hope y’all enjoy nonetheless (feedback and reblogs are appreciated!! have a lovely day folks)
“are you sure about this?” you asked as you held his hand gently in the palm of your hand, the two of you sat cross-legged in front of each other on your bed. he sat with his clothes off, shirt discarded somewhere along the floor of the bedroom, his trench coat neatly hung across the back of your desk chair. he looked calm, despite the storm that you knew was brewing within his mind.
he slightly chuckled, his eyes closed for a split second before reopening, allowing you the chance to bask in the pools of brown that were being illuminated by the moonlight filtered through the window, casting a shadow over his form in an ethereal manner. how he always managed to look beautiful, no matter what it may be that he was doing at that moment? you’ll never know, but you’d never pass up the opportunity to bask within his beauty.
“if i wasn’t sure, i wouldn’t be sitting here in front of you like this right now, belladonna,” he said, in a hushed manner, not wanting to break the atmosphere around the two of you. he flipped his hand that was facing upwards, gently intertwining your fingers as though he was trying to calm you down. but you knew he wasn’t trying to calm just you down, for the slight shake in his fingers gave him away despite his smile-graced face.
you sighed, shutting your eyes gently for a second, giving his hand a light squeeze before reopening them to look at him.
“it’s ok to be scared, you know?” you said, watching his expression morph from one of calm to surprise, to genuine relief. if there was someone he was willing to let his guard down with, even if it was merely one of the many walls he’s caged himself in that surrounded him in an everlasting maze; it might as well be you.
“i’m fine love, but the longer you linger on this feeble task, the more i’ll be tempted to just rip them off myself~,” he said in a teasing manner. when in reality he knew that if that was the case, he’d most definitely shrink back within himself, too scared to let you know what truly lies beneath the shield of his bandages.
he just didn’t want you to abandon him, for he believed that someone as ugly as him didn’t deserve to be cradled so gently within the innocence of your touch.
“i just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, i just.. i want you to feel safe with me,” you said, eyes looking straight into his, and he saw all the unadulterated love you were pouring into his being with merely your gaze, and he almost let his breath hitch because of how overwhelmingly in love he was with you, almost.
“i want you to do it, i trust you,” he said, his voice dripping with a sense of honesty you’d never heard spilled from his lips. that small reassurance was enough for you to finally grip the ends of the everlasting bandages layered over his skin, finally tugging at the bit that would begin the anticipated unraveling of the truth that lay on his skin.
this time, his breath did hitch, your ears caught onto it, and your eyes snapped up to meet his eyes immediately. “do you want me to stop?” you asked, concern laced within your voice, and that alone made his heart melt, the initial shock of the action fading away.
he brought his hand up to stroke your cheek with his thumb, the warmth from your skin sinking into his cool hands, a soft smile tugged at his lips.
“no, i want you to keep going,” he said, and so you did.
you slowly unraveled the rest of the slightly worn-out white bandages, to the point where the pull of gravity finished the job for you. you began gently pulling away the bandages and toss them to the side, only to look back and freeze.
scars upon scars littered his pale skin; some varying in sizes, some faded, but others still fresh. but in the end, the ones that broke your heart the most were the ones engrained on his wrists, indicating that the pain had been inflicted upon him by his own hand.
your lips parted, eyes wide, the shock was ever-so evident on your face. your fingers ghosted over his skin, as though you were afraid to touch him, which in a way, you were. not because you were disgusted, but the thought of you hurting him caused you to refrain from doing so.
dazai stayed silent while watching your movements, calculating his next movements to help stimulate you but to still manage to maintain his facade, but all his thoughts got cut off as he felt you pull him into your embrace.
“i-i’m so sorry, osa, none of- fuck- none of this should’ve happened to you,” you said. dazai could only stay silent as you held him.
dazai’s mind went blank, and he could do nothing but relish in the feeling of your arms around his being, actually getting to feel you without the bandages acting as a barrier between the two of your bodies.
“something as ugly as this shouldn’t have had to even be near your skin,” you said, but despite the sentiment that dazai knew you meant with the words, he couldn’t help the feeling of them rubbing him in the wrong way.
but he didn’t say anything, he just wrapped his arms around you too, and leaned his head atop yours, closing his eyes.
‘she thinks i’m ugly..’ the thought kept running through his head, no matter how much he tried to push it away. dazai had always been one to never let his insecurities show on the surface, but this was one of those moments where he felt as though he couldn’t possibly get more vulnerable than he already was. eventually, the thought had gnawed at him enough, and he couldn’t take it anymore.
with a sigh, he pulls away from the hug and asks “do you want me to put the bandages back on?”
you look at him confused, “does something hurt? if that’s the case, then go for it. otherwise, why?”
he shrugs, averting his gaze towards the blanket that laid beneath the two of you, and says, “i don’t know, i figured because you said that you don’t think they’re beautiful.. you didn’t want to look at them anymore.”
your heart shattered, and you couldn’t help but look at him in disbelief.
“excuse me?” you asked in an exasperated tone, you genuinely couldn’t understand where that thought came from and felt guilt pool in your chest when you realized.
‘he thinks i don’t wanna look at him anymore.. because of his scars..?’
your features immediately softened, and with the way you gazed at him with tears in your eyes, one could only describe your expression as heartbroken.
you cupped his cheek with the palm of your hand and turned his face to look at you, but his eyes remained averted.
you sighed, “osamu, look at me.” you said, voice gentle but held a sternness to it that he knew he’d be an idiot to refuse to comply with.
“what in the fucking universe gave you that idea?” you said, his eyes slightly widened, lips barely parted at the way your voice shifted.
but the thing that shocked him the most was the pure determination that was spread across your features. you gazed at him with such sincerity that he felt utterly enamored by it, almost getting lost in your eyes if it weren’t for your voice bringing him back.
“your scars, although yes, i don’t think they’re beautiful, i’d never want you to hide them from me. the only reason i don’t think of them as beautiful is because of the amount of pain i can only imagine that came with them. and it's ironic, considering i know how much you hate pain.. yet you’ve had to endure so much of it,” you let out with a bitter chuckle. “it doesn’t mean i would try to turn a blind eye and move on, as though they were never there in the first place.” you paused, forcing your throat to not close up on you as you spoke, trying your damn hardest to keep your tears at bay, to stay strong, all for him. you knew that that’s what he needed the most right now, and that became all the more prominent when you noticed the tears beginning to prick at his eyes as well.
you shut your eyes and took in a deep breath, trying to recollect your thoughts, before looking back into his eyes.
“when i told you i loved you, i meant it. every word,” you said, and his breath hitched at your words, but that didn’t stop you, no.
for nothing could stop the way your heart beats for the man in front of you. no matter how ugly the scars may be that were permanently ingrained in his skin, that wouldn’t cause you to lose sight of the true beauty that lies within his soul.
“when i told you that i love you.. i made a promise to myself. to love and cherish every part of you, the good and the bad, the quirks and the flaws, the beauty, and the pain. i promised to love all of you.. even the parts you’ve come to hate yourself.” you said slowly, with a bittersweet smile lining your features, dazai could do nothing but stare at you as you spoke your heart out to him.
“..why?” was the only word he could croak out. he internally loathed how weak and feeble he sounded in that moment, how he didn’t want it to show how much of an effect you had on him with just your mere words, but that was something that he knew he’d never be able to hide. everyone in the world knew that if there was one thing dazai would never lie about, it was his love for you.
you smiled softly, and brought your other hand up to brush the messy tuft of hair atop his head back behind his ears, and leaned your forehead against his, the one that was resting against his cheek reaching down and grabbing his hand with yours and holding it against your heart. dazai’s heart fluttered at how earnest you looked in that moment.
“because.. it’s you. it doesn’t matter to me which part of you it may be.. in the end, it’s still you, and that’s all that matters to me.” you said, and he immediately connected your lips with his, as though with the simple action he was going to be able to pour all the words he wanted to say to you at that moment into your heart and mind.
and it did. it always did.
when it came to the way he kissed you, you could always tell the meaning behind each one.
the playful kisses from when he’s running away from kunikida, always coming in the form of quick and rushed pecks, only for him to continue running right after.
tender kisses to your forehead when the two of you are in the comfort of your home where you both know that no one’s watching, the kind that makes your heart flutter in the best way.
the kisses that occur when he’s managed to come back from a dangerous mission, all in one piece and he always makes sure to come back and give you a lingering kiss, to reassure you, and him, that you’re both still there and alive.
and the soft and delicate kisses to your cheeks for when he’s feeling particularly nostalgic. whether he’s reminded of something from his past, or on the days where the remembrance of his dear friend oda becomes too much to handle.
you always knew the meaning behind dazai’s kisses, and at that moment you knew that the kiss you two shared was a symbol of both of your love being poured into one another’s souls.
the two of you parted, your foreheads resting back against each other’s, breathing slightly heavy from the kiss, but that didn’t stop dazai from murmuring the words ‘i love you’ against your lips.
and he meant it, because why lie about the one thing you’ve never been more sure about in your entire life? even if he felt as though he never deserved it in the first place.
you smiled, and he’d forever feel entranced by the way the moon now cast its glow along the features he’d always found himself to be completely infatuated with. the way your hair graced and complimented your entire being only added to that infatuation.
“i love you too, my beautiful prince.” your lips captured his once again. “let me show you just how much,” you murmured against his lips as you started to gently push him back towards the bed, trailing gentle kisses along anywhere your lips could reach.
and dazai knew, no matter how many times the world may lie to him, that if there was one thing he could always believe in, it was the love the two of you shared, for it was more than love.
»»————  ————««
dazai let his thoughts wander as the two of you laid next to each other, basking in the feeling of your naked bodies tangled up within the sheets, and he watched as you littered gentle kisses along his wrists, kissing each of his scars that your lips could reach.
his heart swirled in a sensation that he could only describe as peace. _no, _it felt like more than that.
“hey, y/n..” he quietly called out. you stopped your actions, humming in response and tilting your head up to face his, which was now staring at the ceiling of your bedroom.
“what’s a word that might describe the way i’m feeling right now?” he asked, you scooted up the bed, raising yourself onto your elbow to begin playing with his hair.
“i don’t know osa, you’re the only one that can answer that,” you said, and he hummed, shutting his eyes and reveling in the feeling of you toying with his hair. “if you want to know, there might be a word to describe how i’m feeling though?” you suggested, and he fluttered his eyelids open to look at you.
“of course, belladonna, what are you feeling?” he asked, a soft smile gracing his features.
“limerence,” you said, and he tilted his head in a questioning manner, not understanding the meaning since the word you had spoken was in english. you lightly chuckled, and said, “it’s an english word, meaning ‘to be infatuated or obsessed with another person,’ and i think it’s pretty fitting, don’t you?”
he smiled even brighter at you and pulled you closer to his body so that you were now laying on his chest.
“limerence, that's this moment.. in its purest form, no? that’s what i feel, at least,” he said, and you hummed in agreement, that’s all you felt in that moment while resting in his arms.
how beautiful is it that someone could make your heart beat so fast, while remembering the times when you didn’t want it to beat at all?
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valhallanrose · 3 years
The Red Plague
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The art above was created by Nix Hydra, and can be found in the Minor Arcana Art Book (or where I got it - off the fandom wiki page, because who’s going to stop me)
Much of Zelda’s story in the non-apprentice timeline delves into the plague before, during, and in the aftermath of Vesuvia, and I wanted to compile my lore and headcanons for it in one place before I delve into her story fully. I will incorporate as much canon as possible, but given that that isn’t a large amount of info, a lot of this is based off research and personal worldbuilding. 
CWs for discussions of disease, death, body horror, I guess spoilers but I’m surprised if it is for anyone considering how the info is everywhere in game in all routes. This is also, again, personal headcanon and I don’t expect it to fall in line with everyone’s thoughts on the plague.
The Timeline
I’m going to go with a comprehensive timeline first, and this part is all based on canon information. I’ll try and provide as many sources as I can as well, but some of this is pulled from multiple books and I might forget exactly where something came from. 
As we learn in the Lucio tale, Dawn of the Grub, Lucio strikes up a deal with the wyrm of pestilence (Vlastomil) - his parents’ hearts in exchange for a disease that will allow Lucio to kill them both. The Lucio brought the disease back to the tribe, which weakened his father enough for Lucio to kill him. His mother Morga, however, fights off the disease, referring to it as a ‘summer cold’, and Lucio flees the tribe and joins a traveling mercenary band which allows the plague to spread. 
I don’t have a particular reason why Morga would have survived the plague. Her sprites in the game never show any sign of the plague that are generally acknowledged - no red sclera, no veins, no signs of weakness, so on and so forth. The best theory I can posit is that Morga either genuinely had a summer cold, or that the plague only took hold in Lutz rather than them both. Either way, unsatisfying, but we’re going to call Morga the exception and not the rule. 
Because Lucio did not fulfill his end of the bargain with Vlastomil, the plague continued to spread, following Lucio as he traveled the continent. This is also the point where the beetles appear - more on them later. 
The implication in the game is that the disease reached other countries and areas, but the next canon mention of the Red Plague’s spread occurs in Portia’s route, book X - Wheel of Fortune. A map is discussed where dates, places, and sightings of the plague are noted by Julian in his study of the plague - the Painted Fields, Blue Mountain Ridge, and Annyala Gate are all names that arise. 
Nasmira recognizes the name of Annyala Gate and points out that Nazali was at that battle, in which a band of mercenaries was sighted - and their leader needed an arm amputated, which is confirmed to be Lucio. Nadia states that Lucio came to Vesuvia not long after that battle, and the next time the Plague was seen was in Vesuvia. 
It is never seen again outside Vesuvia, and this brings us to the three years before the game, where Lucio’s ‘death’ heralds the end of the plague, and it is never seen actively again in the Arcana world. 
The headcanons I have are to help establish a solid timeline. Dawn of the Grub tells us the deal is made on Lucio’s 18th birthday, and I personally believe that Lucio’s death occurred on his 40th birthday, giving us about 22 years of time for us to work with for the spread of the plague. 
Some more headcanons mixed with canon:
Lucio is newly titled Count in the tale Travel at Night. Based on personal age headcanons, this tale probably occurs at minimum 17 to 18 years pre-canon, putting Asra at (at most) 10/11, Muriel at 14/15, and Lucio at a startling 22/23. It could occur later, as art style can influence perspective on age, but Muriel and Asra really don’t feel like they could be much older than that. 
During his mercenary days (sometime between the ages of 18 and 22/23) Lucio was contracted by the former Count of Vesuvia, Count Spada. This battle occurs at Annyala, mentioned above, and is the battle where Lucio 
At a certain point, Lucio was contracted by the Count of Vesuvia at the time, Count Spada, for a battle where he "made a name for himself." Story implications indicate that this was the battle during which he lost his left arm. It was amputated by Julian to prevent his death from blood loss. After he won the battle for Count Spada, he became friends with the Count and privy to secrets about Vesuvia and the Palace. Spada would eventually name Lucio his heir, and upon his death, Lucio earned rulership of Vesuvia. 
The plague eventually appears and ravages Vesuvia’s population
Plague patients are sent to the Lazaret away from the city and cremated, then scattered on the beach. 
Lucio contracts the plague and defies the average lifespan of those who contracted it by lasting a few months rather than 3-10 days.
Lucio dies on his birthday, not of the plague but as a result of the ritual he was attempting to gain a new body.
I tried to map most of that out here, and wow, what a sad little diagram. Nix Hydra, y’all are cowards for not going hard on this. I, however, am not, and I am about to go more apeshit than I already have. 
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The Spread
Cracking my knuckles on the history degree, baby, I’m borrowing some real life inspiration from across multiple time periods to tie all this together. 
I personally think the whole “Oh, the plague arrives wherever Lucio goes and disappears when he leaves” thing is a copout, and we’re drop kicking that out a window. 
I do believe, as canon states, that the plague follows Lucio. It spreads obviously to regions he visits, but I don’t think it just disappears when he leaves. I really, really want to believe someone would have been smart enough to see the connection if the plague suddenly appeared and was later yoinked out of existence as soon as Lucio left town every single time it cropped up somewhere way sooner than it was noticed in canon. 
I don’t think the plague was as isolated as the game implies, and when it was in Vesuvia, it was probably also elsewhere. The epicenter was Lucio, of course, so Vesuvia faced the worst of it, but I think there would have been pockets with much smaller numbers in other parts of the world. 
Earlier I mentioned a few locations cited in Portia’s route as to where the plague had been before Vesuvia - the Painted Fields, Blue Mountain Ridge, and Annyala Gate. I think once these areas were hit with the plague, it would have continued to spread even after Lucio left. Across multiple routes, it’s made clear that the only ‘cure’ to the plague is Lucio’s death, which is why Julian had intended to kill Lucio after making his deal with the Hanged Man. The lack of Lucio’s presence would have kept the plague from continuing to escalate, but in these regions, it probably would have spread when the region’s people attempted to relocate, or ceased when the population died out. 
Annyala Gate, or the Great Gate, is a location I can dive a little deeper into. It’s the last location the plague was sighted before Vesuvia, and because it ties into my OC Zelda’s storyline, I have many a thought. 
Lucio is in Annyala sometime between year 1 and year 4/5, though I believe it’s on the later end of that spectrum, so let’s say year 4 to clearly predate his title as heir to Vesuvia. For reference, here is a map of the Great Gate as provided by the art book: 
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Jeebus. Terrible photo quality. Ah, well, on we go. 
The Great Gate is situated between the Sea of Persephia (left) and the Salty Sea (right), and as the map currently stands, is the only point on land that gives access to the southern part of the world map. In this area in particular, I feel like a number of factors would have kept the plague alive long after Lucio left. 
Narrowest point on the world map for transport of goods between ports and seas, which would be a more efficient route than traveling around the continent to reach the same point
As previously stated, this is the only known access point to the south, and travelers heading through this area could possibly be carriers of the plague or catch the plague from the area 
The only way for the plague to stop would be with the death of Lucio, so once it was inflicted upon this area, it continued to spread and infect the population in adjoining areas 
The game repeatedly has emphasized the proximity of the Red Beetles (known harbingers of the plague) to water, such as the Nopali village in Asra’s route and the red stains attributed to them in Julian’s route, and we receive further confirmation in Portia’s route that the water supplies are contaminated during the period of the disease
Fun bit of trivia from Nadia’s route - in the Strength book, Nadia mentions that she remembers the beetles, and that once they had been used as part of a pigment used to dye fabric crimson, which was all the rage in Vesuvia. Should this trend have continued, people wearing fabrics dyed with this beetle pigment most likely would become infected, and thus, the cycle continued. 
I will also point out here that pigments have been used in makeup across history, and I’m sure applying some beetle-laden makeup would have really fucked some people up. Eyeshadows, blushes, lipsticks...contact with any of these areas, particularly the eyes and mouth, indicate a possibility of infection. 
This does, however, leave a fifteen year (ish) period where the plague would have been active in this region until Lucio’s death. Historically, diseases can last such broad swathes of time. For the sake of displaying precedent, I will point out some examples here:
The Black Death, lasting 1346-1353
The third cholera pandemic, lasting 1846-1860
The third plague pandemic, a major bubonic plague like the Black Death, lasting 1855-1960
The HIV/AIDS pandemic, which has been ongoing since 1981 in the US
However, some of the most devastating plagues have lasted only a few years, which I will touch on later when I discuss Vesuvia’s case of the plague. All of the diseases listed above are additionally categorized with death tolls over a million people.
(On a side note, if you would like to contribute to programs searching for a cure for HIV/AIDS, I will suggest donating to organizations like amfAR, the Black AIDS Institute, or the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, all of which are linked accordingly and deserve your support if you are capable of making a  contribution)
Remaining question: if the last place the plague was seen was in Annyala, more than fifteen years before it was seen in Vesuvia, what the fuck happened during that time beforehand?
Vesuvia - Before the Plague
Here’s the thing. The timeline given by the devs is a fucking mess. So, what I’m going to propose here is almost entirely theory, and I ask that you keep that in mind. 
Lucio ascends to the title of Count by the time he’s about 22 or 23. Spada dies, presumably, and there’s no noticeable mention of his death via plague or the establishment of the court. 
For some fascinating lore on how the government in Vesuvia works, I’m going to point you to this post by @sunrisenfool​, who has one of the biggest brains and is gracious enough to allow me to reference their work a little for this one. 
I don’t think the court as we know it existed when Lucio became Count. I agree with sunrisenfool here that Valdemar has been the Palace’s cockroach for a while - which was actually also confirmed in the Star book of Portia’s route, in which we see Count Prospero (founder of Vesuvia) summon Valdemar and ask for their aid in creating a city that will never die. The remaining courtiers would be gradually established as time continued on, all demons who struck bargains with the Devil in one form or another placed into positions of power alongside Lucio. We also cannot forget Valerius, who made his own deal with the Devil, and played his own role in this scenario.
We know that Lucio was also a pawn, later on, in the Devil’s agenda to bridge the gap between the main world and the Arcane realms. The ritual discussed in Portia’s Star book is described as a vessel to do just that - 
“...every 777 years, the physical and magical world will collide...the laws of magic will no longer be immutable, and the world will bend to our will...So long as the Countship and canals remain whole, so shall the power to reshape the world. You need only await the conjunction. Perform the ritual and lead the city to glory heretofore unknown. I, Count Prospero, first of my line, declare the founding of Vesuvia. The city eternal. My legacy.” - Count Prospero
It’s confirmed after this scene that the ritual, using the canals as a conduit, opened a ‘door’ so to speak to the Arcane realms. It’s also said there is a three year window to perform this ritual, and that at the time of game canon, we are at the end of that three year window. 
So. Borderline conspiracy time. 
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Circling back to the lovely sunrisenfool’s work, I’m going to pull a particular excerpt here:
...the Consul of Vesuvia is the second most important/powerful political figure in Vesuvia, directly after the Count/ess. Aside of the political and civic duties I have already explained, the Consul acts as a “protector” of Vesuvia, albeit not in a paternalistic politically-conservative way (which is how paternalistic policies would be understood in our world). Instead, the Consul is meant to rule the City if the Count is absent or incapacitated, therefore being the subsidiary depositary of the secret of the foundation of Vesuvia, and the importance of it’s Canals.
Lucio makes it pretty clear he doesn’t know much of anything about the ritual during Portia’s Star book, but he was told about it by Spada before his death as it was a secret kept close to the court. That gave him something of leverage, even if he wasn’t aware of it, 
My thought as to why the plague did not spread in Vesuvia sooner is that Lucio had knowledge of this ritual, however minimal, and the Devil needed him alive to eventually use the ritual for himself. So, as Vlastomil (the wyrm of pestilence who granted this curse) was established in Vesuvia as Praetor, the plague was kept at bay for the time being while the city came under the full control of the Devil’s demons. 
I cannot imagine the only person who knows about the ritual is the Count, because that feels like a woefully flawed plan, so I do believe the Consul would have also been privy to such a secret in case the Count was in a position they could not share it due to absence or incapacitation. Basically, a rehash of sunrisenfool’s point, but I digress. 
As the window drew nearer for the completion of the ritual and it became clearer that Lucio knew next to nothing about the ritual and how it worked, the Devil decided to take a different approach. The plague was unleashed once again by Vlastomil, with the goal that Lucio become infected and eventually die, and that Valerius take over the Countship. Lucio no longer was useful to the Devil, and should he be removed from power, someone like Valerius - who knew the purpose of the ritual, who was under the Devil’s bargain by this point - would be an ideal candidate to finish the task at hand. Leverage, it works wonders. 
I don’t think the ritual performed to gain a new body could have been mere chance. I think Lucio knew more than he let on about the canals and the magic in Vesuvia from Spada. Yes, I know the first three were written before Portia, but come on, the timing is insane. He’s no magician, and performing something that complex and magically charged right at the beginning of the three year window when the ritual is supposed to be performed feels far from coincidental. Fight me. 
But, on to what happens in Vesuvia once the plague is free to spread again.
Vesuvia - During the Plague
The first sighting of the plague is in year 20, and I personally believe the plague lasted about two years or 24 months. The period is divided into three ‘waves’ - the first six months, the year leading up to Lucio’s death, and the six months following Lucio’s death. 
The First Wave
The first wave begins when the first known case of the Red Plague is confirmed, and in this period, the spread is rather slow.  
Here is the introduction of the Lazaret, which I do believe is a building that existed before the plague - this is personal thoughts, but the odds of this being the first major disease Vesuvia experienced feel pretty slim, and I do think this was a previously established quarantine that was renovated/expanded for the Red Plague outbreak. In an effort to get ahead of the disease, the space was designated a quarantine, largely staffed by volunteers when the palace seemed to not acknowledge the growing situation. It would slowly begin to increase until the plague boomed at the six month mark, heralding the beginning of the second wave. 
The Second Wave
This is the ‘bad period’ of the plague. I say that loosely, because it’s all bad, but I digress. 
I headcanon that the apprentice dies in the beginning of the second wave, when spread of the red plague rapidly begins to increase and the call goes out for researchers to search for a cure. We know how that story goes, so moving on to the details of this wave. 
There were two groups at this point in the plague - those assigned to research, working out of Valdemar’s dungeon/lab/carnival of horrors studying the plague, and those assigned to the Lazaret, caring for the sick and dying and maintaining the facility. 
I’m going to focus more on the Lazaret for this, as the research aspect is pretty well covered throughout Julian’s route and conversations with him in other routes, and this post is already getting long. 
The Lazaret was home to the dying, where they would be cared for in their final days and eventually cremated. My thought is that the remains of the patients were carefully catalogued in the beginning, returned to families willing to claim them, and those left unclaimed were scattered on the beach at the Lazaret. Later on, as more and more people died, less remains were claimed, leading to the black beaches that still mark the shores of the Lazaret in canon. Often the staff here were a mix of healers, doctors, apothecaries, anyone willing to try anything to ease the pain of such a disease. 
The staff at the Lazaret began wearing layered masks - the plague mask with its herb-stuffed beak, another facial covering beneath for an added layer of protection, and a head covering that sealed the gaps between the mask and the face. They were also required to wear gloves, tight-fitted sleeves tucked inside, and their pants tucked into their boots to reduce the risk of infection through contact. Their days would start in locker rooms on one end of the facility, removed from the patients, and suit up for the day while leaving belongings in the lockers. The end of the shift consisted of showers and disposal of garments to be sterilized, they’d return home in the clothes they came in, and by the time they returned a new uniform would be waiting for them. 
Lucio caught the plague during this period, most likely halfway through. He lasted several months, but the exact length is unknown, aside from he ‘lasted longer than most victims of the plague’ who died between 3-10 days.
I don’t think the averages are entirely accurate. There were most likely some who were asymptomatic until the plague was in very late stages, or those who presented symptoms very early on and survived for long stretches of time. All would die bearing the red sclera, veins, and other symptoms depicted above. Basically, this disease is claimed to be unpredictable, and I think that would also stretch to the duration at which each patient had it. Those who were physically frail likely would have died sooner than those who had been in oprtimal health before the plague, making the times vary rather drastically. I’d suggest perhaps a month at the longest, a few days at the shortest. 
Policy wise - during this period, the ports would have closed, and Vesuvia would have shut down. Nobody in, nobody out, not without rigorous inspection and quarantine before exiting to the city to avoid further spread. Often the only people allowed into the city were doctors from other regions affected by the plague called to help research, but during this year, I would estimate Vesuvia lost easily 30% of its population to the Red Plague. 
The Third Wave
This wave is the period that occurs after Lucio’s death at the Masquerade, three years pregame. I’ll touch a tiny bit more more on this in the next section, but this is where we see the gradual end of the spread of the plague, and the last cases shown in Vesuvia. It’s the end of the plague period, and I give this about six months for the official ‘all clear’ to have been given by those tracking case counts. 
The Lazaret is eventually decommissioned and now sits abandoned, a shadow on the horizon to remind those who survived what had been lost. The city mourned, the gates slowly opened, and gradually, we reach the point of comparative normalcy we see in the game set three years later. 
Vesuvia - The Aftermath
Lucio’s death would, ultimately, mean the end of the plague. Rather than immediately disappearing and all those suffering from it be cured, however, I would be inclined to say that the spread came to a halt. 
The last wave of the plague, in the six months after Lucio’s death, would have been a decrease in new cases until there were no new ones being reported, and the last of the patients who had been infected finally passed. 
The final duties of the doctors at the Lazaret, after all remains are cremated, would have been the incineration of all materials that could not be sterilized. Linens, spare uniforms, unclaimed personal affects, so on and so forth until the time came to return home. I do not remember the exact location, but I am fairly confident of a mention of the MC remembering barrels burning doctor’s uniforms and masks in the days after the end of the plague. It was, for a lack of better words, a purge - an attempt to erase the last physical memories of what the city had endured. 
Events like this are traumatic for all involved. They are painful wounds, and for the rate of death I imagine occurred in Vesuvia, the odds that someone lost no one are slim. There was likely a long period of mourning, and as noted in the present of the game, rarely is the plague spoken of outside of the context of the investigation in the primary routes. 
Many of those medical staff members who survived were those assigned to research at the Palace. The proximity of the staff to the ill at the Lazaret quarantine likely would have made the rate of infection far higher for the caretakers, meaning that often the staff would end up caring for colleagues in their final days. 
Even three years removed, the time of the plague is a raw wound for those in Vesuvia - but I do think the period is fascinating and I love exploring the different facets of it in my own world building. And, well, shameless self promo, but I am eager to write it myself when I get into Zelda’s backstory.
If you made it this far, thank you. Go drink some water or something, idk, wellbeing checkpoint bc what a long ass post
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mayaree-darling · 4 years
Hiii. First time anon here, im madly in love with your sukuna fic, its so well done and immersive!!! If its okay, what is sukunas reaction if his vessel is a dense but really jefferey goldblum level of sensual? Qjdw im so sorry and thank u for ur time!
You got me in the first half, not gonna lie. And then it all went downhill from there. Glad you loved Annoying Brat, anon! 
Oh god. This writing blog is all family friendly content except for the excessive swearing. I’ll try my best to answer I guess???? Can’t get really in-depth into that so I hope you’ll forgive me for that
sorry if i didn’t answer correctly too ajdabnsdn
Sukuna and a Dense (& Sensual) Vessel!Reader (HCs)
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Warning(s): Swearing. Implied explicit content I guess???
i don’t think Sukuna would be as bothered by it as we want to think
the guy’s a cursed spirit
meaning, he was born from one of humanity’s worst emotions (most likely bloodthirst or desire to inflict pain on others)
so a dumbass that’s more on the not-so-innocent side of things?
he’s fucking used to that, mate
you’re not as bad as some of the humans he’s dealt with (/killed)
if anything, he'd see it as a chance
not only were you pretty stupid, but “having an excessive affinity for desires of the flesh” or some shit is definitely cursed spirit-making material
bro would become this weird-ass wingman of sorts whenever y’all weren’t under any of the sorcerer’s supervision
and since you were dumb as fuck, you trusted in this wise ass king people spoke so highly (terrified) of
just giving you pointers on how to hook up with people
like yeah sure 
he hasn’t been around in a thousand years
flirting game was all over the place the first time he tried doing it
“Go on, brat. What are you waiting for? Are you actually questioning me?” “I don’t know about this, Sukuna...” “What are you hesitating for?” “I just don’t think walking up to someone and telling them “I’d love to be crushed between your thighs” is a good idea.” “You were thinking it, brat, don’t make it seem like it’s all my dumbass idea.” “Yeah, but???”
amazingly enough, watching it happen around him and all that
Sukuna actually gets the hang of 21st Century flirting faster than you do
bro was a pro in fighting but he was smart and strategic
not to mention, again, that he is a curse
he just knows how humans work no matter how much he hated them
he was one, after all, and being a cursed spirit, he was probably made into one because of a human
so yeah bro hooks you up with people
and it works (scarily enough)
mostly it amuses him when Gojo has to pick you up after staying out far too late (or just disappearing from school in general)
Gojo would give a small lecture on trying not to stay out far too long or the higher ups would try and get rid of you again (he knows you’re not completely to blame for even half the shit you get into)
Sukuna whispers that he won’t let it happen though he’s having too much fun fucking around with your life
might offer to “help” sometimes if he was a special kind of bored
remember the hand-mouth thing he can do?👀
so yeah. Sukuna gets a kick out of corrupting the fuck outta you and he laughs when the jujutsu sorcerers can’t do anything to stop him
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- went upstairs and found LORENZO CABOT’S JOURNAL, which i did Not expect.
    - this is all in that terrible super-blown-up handwriting that all written notes are, so i won’t inflict a billion screenshots on y’all.
    - mostly it seems to just be “i hired a team of egyptian diggers to help me find ancient aliens in the arabian empty quarter, the superstitious locals told us not to go but what do they know they just live here, we found a massive stone plaza but were delayed by a mysterious but completely unrelated four-day sandstorm that buried all of our work and ate our tour guide, we kept going and found a tunnel specifically sealed up by its builders in which we found a non-human body wearing a crown (which i took), i have ̷p̵u̵t̶ ̸o̵n̶ ̷t̵h̵e̴ ̵c̴r̷o̸w̵n̷ a̸̢͑ṇ̵̚d̵̦̐ ̶̦̏o̵͙͛r̵̰̽d̵̒ͅe̸̪̊r̶̤̔ě̵͇d̷̯͛ ̴̨͋t̸̡͐h̵͎͂è̴͜ c̵̡̧͌ḯ̸͎̎t̴̯̺̊̍ŷ̵̢̲ ̶̟͋̒t̴͙̅̈́o̵̹͊ ̸̫̽b̷̢̻͒ḙ̷͖̊͝ ̵̡̝̌͝r̶̟̆̔e̸̢͜͝b̶̯͠ǘ̴̖r̶̗͛i̴̢̨͛e̸̍ͅd̶̪̄͝ ,̵̙͕̈͆ĩ̷͕͎ ̷̢̤͓̅̎h̸̘͖͓̋͒̉̈̆͋ȃ̸̘̟̖̠̉̄̿́̃̀͜v̶̡͍̼͙́̎̉͐ė̵̗̲̥̂͂͝ ̷̫̲͓̫̦͓̣́̐̐͝s̵̛̥̭̭̒̄͒̽͐͝ȍ̸̻̪̆̈́͌͂̔ ̵̩͂͗̐͋m̴̜̔͋̌̈́͒͊ṷ̸̧̤̈́̎̈́ͅc̸̘͉̬͐ḧ̴̨̪̏ ̵̛̺͚͎͍͉̯͑̈́͂̀ẗ̷̖̠͙͖̱́o̵̞̎͑̃̒̾͗ͅ ̷̨͑̀̾̈́̕͘t̴̟̮͈̝͙̋̒̈͛̚e̷̛̝̭̜̔̈͑á̷̬̬̥̥̌́̋̚ͅc̵͖̜̆h̴̢̨̜͉̙̭̓̈́̐́͆̏̕W̴̯̠͈͓̽͑̕͠͝Î̵̖͔̹̟̒͊̃̾͝Ĺ̶̪͖̭̲̄̾H̶̩͒̌̐̔̄̓͋̐̎̽̓͝Ẹ̵͔͗̾͋͆̉́͒̓͂L̵̦̹͉̓͆̍̈͂̈́̕͝M̵̩̺̟̻̺͈̩͐̈́́͆̇̎̃̔̕͜͠I̶̳̐̔Ņ̵̖̗̈́͌́͐́̈́̈́̚͝͝͠A̷̢͉̻̓͐̀͆̆͐͝ ̵̡̱̳̱͔̹̣̥̎̎͗̈́͆̾̆̋͝͝͝͝͠a̷̤͈̘͒̐̋͆̓̈́̂̋̈́͘͘͘͠ͅn̷̢̢͎̬͓̼̱̹͂̀̄͋̐̐̾̅̐d̵̤͔͍̉̊͑̎̊͠͝ͅ ̷͔̻̩̪̯͂̄́͗͝J̸̨̡͕͇̣̥̪͂̾̓̆̏͊͛̕͘͠Ą̸̖̝̱͈̗̣̟̫̱̮̲͂̈́̌̏̀͋̅͘͝C̸̢̡̦̈́͊͊͠͝K̸̡̛̺̙̤̜̤̣͓̮ ̶̨̨̛͙̬͔̳̖̔͐̓̿́̍͋͘a̴̦̐̏͋̇̈́̓̒̈́͊̄ń̶͖̪̕d̸̡̢̛͙̤̼͓̮̦̻̣͎͙̓̽̏̍ͅ ̶̧̛̦̙̬̭̣̬̌̎̿̎̐́̈͂́̿̋̔Ȩ̴̙͕̙̝̯͈̰̗̓M̷̭̹̯͍͈͎̻̟̲̙̟͎̥̓̈̂̎͝Ó̷̥̭͕̬̻͔̫̤̽́̐̈́G̷̞̒͒͗̔̆́̍̓̕͠͠Ë̶̢̨͔̰̜̬̩͊̽̋̀̓̏̄̅͋͆̄͠N̷̬͎͕͚̣͍̹̙̉́̀ͅE̸͈̝̜̪̞̒̊́̓͂͌͗͊̍̓̾͝ͅ.̴̧͉̱̥͕̙̣͕̬̈̌̋̈́̕͜.̸̨̛͚͓̳̲͚̪̂̎́͊͐͋̌.̷̭̜̲̘̼͗̊̀̈́͘“
        - so yeah, basically my dude fucked around and found out.
- EMOGENE also has a diary!
    - adksjha looks like unlike JACK, she actually learned how to program, and is responsible for his username still being glitched after all this time. whoever wrote this has siblings, i can tell.
    - visiting LORENZO wasn’t entirely off limits to the rest of the family, which i hadn’t really considered. apparently he put on the act of still being the same man, but EMOGENE wasn’t convinced.
    - yeah, she specifically tried many times to go off the SERUM, but viewed it as a form of suicide, which i guess technically it would be, and couldn’t go through with it. that’s a fucked position to be in.
- WILHELMINA doesn’t seem to have a diary that i can find, so i think that’s about it for the stuff up here - it appears to just be spotless bedrooms and this weird little museum hallway with generic artifacts belonging to other cultures.
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- i did however find this thing back down in the lab! i don’t think this is what JACK wanted to give me, as he’s not here - i’ll still have to come back in a week to make sure. excited to find out what it does though.
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Stuck with Me
George Weasley x Reader
Fandom: Harry Potter
Note: As always, Fuck J.K. Rowling. Trans rights are human rights.
This fic is kinda based on the abilities I’ve scripted for my DR. I still haven’t shifted yet, but I know I’m getting close. I’ll keep y’all posted…
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR DEATHLY HALLOWS!! George’s injury from Deathly Hallows…
Word Count: 3k
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“Where is he?” You asked, eyes wide as you rushed into the Burrow. You could feel it. George was hurt. “Where’s George?”
You walked further inside and spotted him laying on the couch, blood dripping from the wound on his face. Fred was kneeling in front of him, Molly stroking his hair. When he spotted you, his gaze softened.
Tears welled up in your eyes and you let out a choked sob.
“I’m alright, love.” He protested softly.
Fred moved over the tiniest bit, giving you room, but also wanting to stay close to his brother.
You leaned in so your face was close to his and whispered. “I think you’re forgetting that I can feel your pain.”
He chuckled bitterly. “Right. I’m so sorry—”
“Don’t be.” You shook your head. “I’m here to fix it.”
George had found out about your powers during third year. He’d fallen off of his broom during Quidditch, and as a result, he’d broken his arm. You weren’t sure why, but you were…tied to him, in a way. It wasn’t like that with anyone else, not even Fred. But whenever George Weasley felt pain, you did too. It had been that way since you first locked eyes at the train station first year.
So, in the middle of the night, you snuck down to the infirmary, where he was sleeping for the next few days. He wasn’t asleep. The pain was keeping him up. When he saw you walking towards his cot, he raised an eyebrow.
“What are you doing here?”
“I, uh…I have something that can help. But you have to keep it a secret.”
“A secret?”
You nodded seriously and approached him slowly. “You can’t even tell Fred.”
“Wow, that’s serious.” George thought. “But if it’ll make the pain go away, then…I promise I’ll keep it a secret.”
You knew it was a big promise. He told Fred everything. But you knew, looking into his eyes, that he meant it.
So, you sat on the edge of the cot and raised your hand. George watched in awe as your palm glowed yellow. You held it above his broken arm, and even inside his cast, he could feel the bone mending itself even faster than Madame Pomfrey’s magic could ever work. His pain dissipated, and a few seconds later, he felt completely normal again.
Relief rushed through you as the pain left you, too.
“H-how did you—?"
You waved your wand and the cast popped off of his arm. He stretched it out, wiggling his fingers and moving it around.
“It’s a family thing.” You shrugged. “It skips a few generations, usually.”
He grinned at you, stars in his eyes, and whispered, “Wicked.”
It was your fifth year now. You were good friends with the twins, you had been since first year, so it wasn’t all that uncommon for you to go to Hogsmeade with them over the weekends. They let you in on their pranks, and every once in a while, they’d pull one on you, but it was all in good fun.
George never really knew why you always seemed to know when he was hurt. Whether it was a bruise or a papercut, you’d always make a beeline to him and ask to “talk” privately. Fred was convinced the two of you were hooking up, but really, you’d just hold your hands over his injuries for a few seconds until the cuts closed up or the bruises faded to nothing.
And so, because he was so curious about exactly why you were so attached to his injuries, aside from being a healer, of course, he decided to…well, to ask you.
“Hey, (Y/N)?”
“Yes, Georgie?” You turned the page of the book you were reading.
His face lit up. He was always pleasantly surprised when you were able to tell them apart without even looking at them. Almost anyone else couldn’t tell them apart after staring at them for five minutes, but you didn’t even have to look up from your book to know he was George.
His eyebrow raised and he smirked mischievously. “How do you know I’m not Fred?”
“Because you’re not.” You laughed. “Next question.”
“Fair enough.” He chuckled and sat on the couch next to you. “I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade this weekend.”
“With you and Fred? Sure.”
“Oh…well, no, I just meant…you and I?”
You closed your book and looked up at him, a smirk pulled across your features. “Like a date?”
He thought on it for a second before nodding, “Yeah, as a date.” He smiled softly and then added, “I didn’t think it was any secret I fancy you.”
“Well that’s good.” You leaned over and kissed his cheek, causing his face to flush adorably red. “I fancy you too, Weasley.”
When the weekend finally hit, George met you in the common room, all bundled up for Hogsmeade. You went over together, and at some point, George wrapped a large gloved hand around yours. You gave it a reassuring squeeze and he squeezed back.
The two of you got some butterbeer and settled into the Three Broomsticks. It was quiet enough that George felt he could ask what he wanted to in privacy, so he did.
“Why is it always me?” He asked.
You raised an eyebrow and asked, “What do you mean?”
“It’s always me you heal. Why?”
Your cheeks burned. “I honestly…” You sighed. “George, when you’re hurt, I feel your pain. I don’t mean that figuratively, like, I literally feel your pain. When you get hurt in Quidditch, I feel it. When you get burns from fireworks, I feel it…It’s just easier for me to find you and fix it as soon as I can.”
“That makes sense.” He nodded. “Is it like that with Fred, too?”
“No.” You replied. You smiled softly at him. “Just you, Georgie.”
He smiled back. “How long has it been like this?”
“Since we met on the train platform first year. Fred stepped on your foot on accident. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but the evidence kept piling up, and when you broke your arm third year, I couldn’t ignore it anymore.” You took a sip of your butterbeer. “When my parents found out I’d gotten the family gift, they told me I couldn’t tell anyone because…well, people would use me because of it, but I don’t think they expected me to get attached to someone like this.”
“So what you’re saying is, you’re stuck with me, then.” He smirked.
You gave him a playful little shove, laughing. “Real shame that is.”
He stared at you for a while, his eyes drifting down from yours, and then, very gently, he leaned in and captured your lips with his. You reciprocated immediately, a hand rising to caress his cheek. You got lost in his careful touches, the softness of his lips, the warmth of his breaths ghosting across your cheeks.
“About damn time!” You were interrupted by none other than George’s twin.
The two of you pulled apart guiltily and looked up at him. Lee was standing next to him and handed Fred a few sickles, cursing under his breath.
You waved shyly. “Hi, Fred.”
“Oh don’t mind us. Just here to get butterbeer. Carry on with your snogging.”
“Will do, mate.” George saluted him, watching as they walked out the front door, leaving you in peace once again. He turned to you, mischief written all over his handsome features. “Well, (Y/N), would you like to carry on with our snogging?”
You pressed your lips to his boldly. His hands gripped your waist and tugged you closer. Between kisses, you murmured, “Hell yes.”
Your sixth year was quite an adventure to say the very least. With the Triwizard tournament going on, everyone was buzzing with excitement. All of the visiting students were really nice, and the tournament itself was really exciting.
When the Yule ball was announced, you already had the perfect dress in mind, and while you and George were dating and had been since the previous year, he hadn’t officially asked you yet. Well, until breakfast one seemingly uneventful morning. You were sitting in your usual spot, beside George and across from Hermione when all of a sudden, George stood up. You looked at him, confused.
And then he started shouting, “Attention all Hogwarts and Durmstrang students, I’ve caught you looking at my lovely girlfriend, (Y/N) (L/N) since the ball was announced! This is an official announcement that she will be attending the ball with me, her boyfriend! That is all!” He promptly sat back down.
“Oh I will, will I?” You chuckled, looping your arm through one of his.
“Well, you…you will, won’t you?” His confident expression softened.
You leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Yes, George, I will.”
“Brilliant.” He replied, taking his arm from yours and wrapping it around your shoulders instead. “So what color is your dress, love? I want us to match.”
George met you at the ball, a pink tie wrapped around his neck to match the gorgeous pink silk of the skirt of your ballgown. When he spotted you coming down the stairs with the other girls you’d gotten ready with, his breath hitched and he swore there was something caught in his throat.
“You look so beautiful…” He whispered as soon as you were standing in front of him.
“You clean up nice yourself, Weasley.” You stood on your toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “You ready for this?”
“Oh love, I already spiked the punch.” He wrapped his arms around you, kissing you deeply. “It’s gonna be a great night.”
And it was. You danced the night away in the arms of the man you loved, blissfully unaware that things were soon going to take a change for the worse.
Voldemort had returned, and as a result, Dumbridge was ruling the school with her iron fist. Worst of all was the punishments she inflicted. The first time you were made aware of it was when George and Fred had gotten detention for one of their pranks. You were somewhat used to your boyfriend and his brother winding up in detention for their schemes. What you were not used to was a searing pain across the back of your hand, like something was being carved into it with a blade.
As soon as his detention was over, you found George and rushed up to him, grabbing his left hand and staring at the letters carved into it. They read: I will not pull pranks.
“What did she do to you?”
“I’m so sorry, love.” He took you into his arms, stroking through your hair. He was shaking, and when you pulled apart, there were tears in his eyes. “I didn’t know…”
“It’s not your fault.” You shook your head and held your palm over the back of his hand, the gentle glow of your magic quickly erasing the marks, not even leaving a scar in their place. “See? All better.” You kissed the back of his hand. Then, you sobered up, realizing George hadn’t gone through it alone. “Where’s Fred?”
“Right here.” He replied, walking into the common room next. It was empty aside from the three of you.
You looked up towards the stairs, but when you didn’t hear anyone coming, you walked up to Fred. “Give me your hand.”
“You’re dating my brother.” He looked at you, confused.
You rolled your eyes. “Not like that.”
“Give her your hand, Freddie.” George encouraged, holding up his now-healed hand, free of the marks that had been there less than a minute before. He was surprised you were showing Fred your secret after all of the time you’d been holding it in, but George wouldn’t have had an explanation as to why his marks had faded so fast.
Fred’s eyes widened in realization and he held out his injured hand.
You lit your palm with magic and held it above his cuts, watching as they shrank into nonexistence.
“And how long have you been able to do that?”
“A while?” You shrugged, shoving your hands in your pockets.
“Did you know?” He looked at George, who nodded, a guilty look on his face. “For how long?”
“Third year…” George murmured.
“THIRD YEAR?! Bloody hell…” Fred shook his head, chuckling. “Well, actually, that makes a lot of sense. Explains a lot, for sure. And here, I thought you two had just been hooking up this whole time.”
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that.” You laughed, walking back to George, who pulled you to his chest as soon as you were close enough.
His long fingers stroked through your hair and you exhaled a long sigh, glad to be in his arms. He pressed a long kiss to your forehead before whispering, “Thank you, love.”
“Of course. We’re in this together.”
A few weeks later, you were walking the saddened halls of Hogwarts when you found the twins sitting on a bench beside a crying Nigel. They were talking to him softly, trying to soothe his tears. When George looked up and spotted you, relief flooded his features.
As soon as Umbridge stepped back out of the hallway, you made your way over and knelt down in front of him.
“Nigel, this is my girlfriend. Her name is (Y/N).”
“Hi Nigel,” you spoke softly, smiling up at the crying child. “I know it hurts, but I can make it stop hurting. Can you keep a secret for me?”
He nodded, sniffling.
“Here, give me your hand.” You held out your left hand, and Nigel put the injured one in it. You knew Harry was standing just behind you, but you didn’t care. It was your seventh year, there was about to be another wizarding war. In times like these, people needed people like you, and you were glad to help in any way you could. You lit your palm with magic and gently soothed away the angry marks littering Nigel’s little hand. “See? All better. If this happens again, you can come find me. I’m usually in the common room reading. Alright?”
“Thank you.” He sniffled.
George stared at you, a lovesick look on his handsome face. “Thank you.” He repeated, beyond grateful you’d found him when you did. “Thank you so much for doing that, love.”
“Of course.” You nodded. “Us Gryffindors have gotta stick together.”
“Speaking of that, actually…” Fred trailed off, giving George a nudge.
Nigel started walking back to the common room, and so the rest of you all headed off in that direction. George and Fred explained their plan to you, and you listened, nodding. When you finally got back to the common room, it was empty. So, George turned to you and took both of your hands in his.
“You’re welcome to come with us, love.” He spoke softly, a million stars in his eyes. “We’d love to have you at the shop with us.” Then, he added softly. “And I’ll miss you loads…”
“I do want to come, but…” you glanced up the stairs after Nigel. There were so many other kids like him who didn’t deserve Umbridge’s torture, and you could make it better.
“But you need to be here.” George finished, nodding. “I understand.” He cupped your cheeks and leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. “I’ll see you at the end of the school year, then.”
“You better be at the train station to pick me up.” You told him, tears welling in your eyes at the thought of being separated from him, even if it was only for a little while.
“I will be.” He promised. Then, he chuckled and added, “I’ll try not to get too hurt in your absence.” Then, even softer, he added, “And I’ll write you every day until you’re in my arms again.”
It had been a long road, but eventually, it led you to kneeling down in front of the couch at the Burrow, George’s head bleeding badly. You raised your hand to heal him, but he grabbed your wrist, stopping you with a pained look in his eye.
“But love, your secret…”
“I don’t care.” You shook your head, tears in your eyes. “I care about you more than any stupid secret.” You lit your palm and held it above his head, watching as the gash closed and the blood dissipated. The stinging pain in your head faded, too, leaving you feeling normal again. “I love you, George. More than anything in this world.”
The rest of the Burrow watched in awe, all of them but Fred unaware that you’d been patching up their boy since you were thirteen.
Instead of responding to you, he sat up and pressed his lips to yours, his large hands framing your face. When you finally parted, he rested his forehead against yours and whispered, “Marry me.”
Molly squeaked, a giant smile on her face.
“W-what?” You asked, breath hitching. You stared at him, waiting for him to say it again.
“I-I don’t have a ring or anything, but…” He locked his eyes on yours. “Marry me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
A tear slipped down your cheek and you nodded, pulling him in for a wet, emotional kiss. “Yes, George. Yes, of course I will marry you.”
He gasped and pulled you to his chest, tears of joy fogging up his vision. Then, he whispered into your hair, “You’re stuck with me, (L/N).”
You chuckled and replied softly, “Gee, real shame that is.”
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starrywhump · 4 years
Ok whump idea with a little comfort mixed in, hope y’all enjoy!
CW: consensual nsfw(making out that is quickly over), swearing.
The whumpee rolled over in their bed, throwing their blanket down to their feet. 
 It was too hot, sweat stuck to their hair and face. 
They reached out, blindly grabbing for their phone on their bed side table. The bright light from their device made the whumpee squint.  It was only 10:17. 
A few text notifications shone on the screen, the whumpee ignored them, just as they had every text they had got over the last week.  
They were all the same, some variant of:
Hey how are you doing?
Are you doing ok?
I’m here if you need to talk.
Every single one a reminder of everything the whumpee did not want to think of right now. 
They dropped their phone, nothing on there was going to make them feel any better. 
With a groan they pushed themself off their bed, their body was sore. They were still dressed from the day before, jeans and and a grey sweatshirt. 
The whumpee’s head swam as they stood, they ignored it, walking out into the hall, leaning against the wall to make their way to the living room.
They stumbled over to their couch, collapsing down onto the soft seat.  Next to them lay a half finished bottle of whisky, just where they left it earlier that evening.  It was about 6, they thought, when they had put it down.  The nice calm it had brought them earlier had faded.  Painful memories started to edge back into their mind. 
“What a pretty little thing you are.”
“n-no pl-lease...”
“Oh little thing-”
“NO!” The whumpee yelled, shooting up from the couch.  They panted softly, having to convince themselves they were just in their living room.
Reaching back they grabbed the whisky and opened it quickly.  They took a long drink, relishing the warm burn that radiated through their chest. 
Their head was still too loud.  It was too quiet in their apartment to drown it out.  They had to get out.
“What can I get you?”
“Anything, you chose. Just make it strong,”
The whumpee had never been much of a drinker, not until recently that is.
The bartender nodded, turning to make the whumpee’s drink. 
The whumpee frowned, trying to focus on the clinking of glasses, the music in the bar, anything that could occupy the space in their mind.
The whumpee’s drink was in front of them, they didn’t remember the bartender setting it there. 
They took it and drank it quickly, barely even testing whatever it was.
“That was fast, can I get your next one?”  A handsome stranger settled in the seat next to the whumpee.
The whumpee raised an eyebrow, they didn’t really want to talk, but a distraction would be nice, “I won’t say no to a free drink.”
The stranger waved to the bartender and another bourbon was placed in front of the whumpee. The whumpee didn’t drink it yet, their head was already feeling pretty cloudy.  
“So what brings you here?”
The whumpee raised an eyebrow, “well it’s a bar so alcohol I guess,” The whumpee glossed over the true meaning for their outing. 
The stranger smiled, the whumpee couldn’t help but joining them.  They had a warm air about them that drew the whumpee in.  
“So you’re a smart ass?” The stranger teased.
The whumpee smirked, “On occasion.” 
They felt a rush they had almost forgotten about.  A normal feeling, normal people get.  Just flirting with someone in a bar, not talking about their feelings, not dealing with the shit they have been through.  It was intoxicating. 
The stranger went to introduce themselves, “I’m-”
“Wait,” the whumpee paused downing their bourbon, “I don’t want to know.  Tell me if I’m misreading here but what if instead of small talk,” they turned to look at the stranger, meeting their eyes for the first time, “we went back to your place.”
The stranger’s confident air broke for a moment, a blush colored their face. They nodded, “sounds good to me.” 
A part of the whumpee knew this was a bad idea.  They doubted that sleeping with someone you found in a bar was high up on the list of recommended strategies to cope with trauma.
But it was hard to care while they were pushed up against the back of a front door, enlocked in a passionate kiss with their handsome stranger.  
Being extremely drunk helped to ease any remaining doubts. 
The stranger’s hands roamed the whumpee’s body, skimming under their shirt.
“Can I take this off?”  
The whumpee barely registered the question before they were nodding.  
There shirt went up over their head, lips moved down to their neck, hands moved over their stomach. 
The whumpee gazed forward, letting things be done to them as their newest acquaintance wanted to. 
It didn’t feel as nice as the whumpee remembered, but it was a distraction, and that was good. 
At least it was a normal thing to do, where no one was going to handle them like a child, asking them if they were ok every other minute. 
“Hey are you ok?”
Scratch that last bit.
The whumpee perked up taking a breath, they realized they had basically gone limp in the other’s arms, “yes!  Yes, I’m good,” the whumpee leaned their head forward to capture the strangers lips in another kiss, “keep going.”
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to, really,” they looked concerned.
That was the last thing the whumpee wanted, they didn’t need anyone else to pity them. 
“I want to, really, keep going.”
The stranger smiled, they head moved back down to the whumpee’s neck.
The world seemed to blur a bit, it looked darker than before. 
A hand trailed down the whumpee’s arm, the skin felt rougher than before, the hand closed around the whumpee’s wrist.  Their wrist was moved up above their head and pinned there.  
Their heart skipped a beat.  The whumpee told themself that it was in a good way, the way the heart of a normal person would normally skip a beat in this kind of situation.
It was hard to try and excuse away the dread in their stomach as butterflies. 
Their breath was heavy because of the beautiful person currently locked onto their body, that’s what they told themselves.
“You’re crying.”
The movement had stopped, how long their stranger had just been staring at them the whumpee didn’t know.  
Worry was etched into the others face. 
“S-sorry,” the whumpee whispered breathlessly. 
“No, hey don’t be sorry it’s ok.”
Those kind words hurt more than any ones meant to inflict pain.  Tears flowed faster down the whumpee’s cheeks.  They couldn’t catch their breath.  They felt trapped. 
Their blurred vision turned to complete darkness. 
The whumpee tried to blink it away.
Hands moved over them, restraining them in their arms.  Their eyes cleared to see the whumper in front of them, grinning, holding them close. 
“Are- hey it’s ok, it’s ok,” a soothing voice cut through the darkness. 
The whumpee blinked hard, panting as they tried to understand what was real and what was their brain pulling tricks on them. 
When they opened their eyes again the whumper was mercifully gone.  But the panic wasn’t.
Humiliation washed over them as they met the eyes of their attempted one-night stand. 
“You fell down, fainted or- something. Are- are you ok?  I thought it was ok, I’m so sorry if I- if I did something wrong.”
The whumpee tried to listen to their kind words, it was hard to take it in, they couldn’t breathe. 
The hands on them felt suffocating, one on each shoulder.  Their intent was probably just to keep them from collapsing fully to the ground but they were just added on to their trapped feeling. 
“Do- do you want some tea?  Or something?  Water?”
The whumpee didn’t care about tea, just wanted them to stop touching them.  But since they weren’t really sure how to make their voice work right now, they gave a jerky nod, hoping the stranger would leave to get it. 
“Ok- uh I’ll up just get you both, uh stay here, just a sec.”
The hands finally left the whumpee, they felt like they could breathe a little easier. 
Footsteps faded off in a different direction.
The whumpee took deep breaths, trying to convince themselves they were ok. 
The whumpee’s vision cleared up a bit, they looked around the room they were in.  Focusing on the green flower vase in the corner, the brown door, white walls, they began to calm down.
As soon as the initial panic of the moment had subsided the whumpee was hit with another massive wave of humiliation. 
“Jesus Christ...” they muttered to themselves. 
This was a complete stranger and they just completely freaked out on them.  This was meant to be their first day of normalcy and they had gone and fucked it up, just another reminder that they were never going to be normal.  Couldn’t just enjoy a simple fucking one night stand, no they had to have a full on panic attack.
“Can you do one fucking thing right,” the whumpee scowled, angry at themselves. 
Tears pricked at the side of their eyes, threatening to fall again.  The whumpee quickly wiped them away, there was no way they were crying again no matter how embarrassed they were. 
They looked longingly towards the door, thinking of maybe making a quick exit to try and preserve what little dignity they had left.
“You wanna come, uh... sit on the couch?” their was the whumpee’s stranger, holding a mug in one hand and a glass of water in the other.
The whumpee stood up shakily.
“I... I think I’m just gonna head home, I uh, sorry.  So sorry about uh, all that.”
“No there’s no need to apologize!  I’m the one who should be sorry, I really didn’t mean to do anything that would-”
“You didn’t really, it’s just uh, my own shit.  So um I’m just gonna go-”
The stranger placed their handful of beverages down on the side table by the green vase the whumpee had been paying too much attention to earlier. 
“Aren’t you uh, drunk, and... I mean, are you sure that’s the safest idea?”
“I’m fine, I don’t live too far and I’m not gonna drive. I walked to the bar, I can get back to my house,” it was going to be a pretty long walk but the whumpee couldn’t spend a second longer here. 
“Can I at least call you an uber?” That worried look was back on the stranger’s face.
“Oh no really it’s-”
“Please, I insist, call it my apology for tonight.  Besides I put all this work into this cup of tea, it would be a shame to waste it.”
The whumpee didn’t respond, honestly they would love to be driven home, they were tired and, very drunk.
“Please?” The stranger smiled.
“O-ok, thank you.”
“It’s no problem really!  Want that tea now?”
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waywardimpalawriter · 3 years
May I request a Dean x reader imagine where he finds out she's really ticklish. He chases her around the bunker and when he catches her he tortures her. xoxoxo
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Revenge of the pinched
Pairing: Dean Winchester x F!Reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Fluff and nothing but the fluff
Word count: 1,741
Summary: Dean gets his revenge when stumbling upon a little secret you’ve been keeping from him.
Notes: Kind of a squeal to “Pinched”
Dean Tag List: @akshi8278
“Though you said we were even? That there’d be no punishment for the crime,” taking a few more steps backwards, glancing over your shoulder twice to make sure no chairs or tables are in your path of retreat.
Fighting to keep the smirk from tugging at his lips whiskey flecked green eyes trained on you. “Oh sweetheart never said nothing about no punishment for all the pinching you gave me last month. Just haven’t had the time to think about what sort of punishment fits the crime.”
“But… but it was all in good fun Dean and we made up that night remember,” flirty smile lifting your lips in remembrance of the hours spend making up.
Tsking this time a full blown smirk graces those kissable lips, your own eyes widening at the look on his handsome face. “I remember baby girl, but that was pleasure not punishment.” Taking another few steps towards you noticing the table capturing you from behind as he cages you from the front. Arms pressing on either side to lean in his lips against your ear breath ghosting the shell. “I’m a merciful man sweetheart and promise not to torture you severally,” brushing one hand up your side.
Making you squirm away from his hand bitting your plush bottom lip to trap the sounds behind the closed seam. Knowing if you let the secret slip out there’ll be no end to the torment the eldest Winchester will inflict upon your person. However, Dean isn’t the world class hunter for nothing and he picks up on the slight movements of your body. Fingers whispering over your cotton covered side pressing just a fraction deeper. Garnering wiggles from your frame, trying to maneuver away from those nimble questing fingers.
“Don’t Dean,” forcing your teeth deeper to keep the squeak from escaping, trying to edge yourself from between his hard hot body and the table.
Brow tipping upward at the response, wicked gleam entering his eyes. “Don’t want sweetheart?” Intensionally brushing over your side interested in the way your body wiggles against his. Purely for the fact he’s not trying to make it sexual but teasing not knowing you’ve always been ticklish. Using his other hand to move alone your left side finding the truth he’s searching for in the squeak you let out. “Oh baby girl why didn’t you tell me your were ticklish?” Devilish smirk tipping his lips up. Both hands working against your squirming body, musical laughter bubbling up and warming Dean’s heart.
“We eat there please don’t defile that table by having sex on it,” deep annoyed voice coming from the left. Arms crossed over impressive muscular chest Sam rolls those expressive soft green eyes. “Y’all got rooms take it there.”
Mouthing a quick thank you for Sam to furrows his brows watching as you push Dean away and take off running through the bunker. Pausing to kiss Sam’s cheek then heading towards the rooms, “You’ve saved me from the tickle monster,” nodding over your shoulder at Dean.
Who’s still as a marble statue, though there’s a smile on his face that’s rarely seen. Genuine mirth dances through his eyes, crinkles at the corner youthful and carefree when he turns towards you and Sam. “This time he’s saved you baby girl,” straighten to full height intent clearing written. “You’ll not be so luck once I capture you.”
Bitting the inside of his cheek, “You two are a mess you know that?” Even as those words leave his lips, Sam steps in front of you blocking Dean’s path. As the eldest Winchester starts to eat up the distance between you. “That being said I can’t let you tickle our poor Y/N to death.” Looking over his shoulder, “I warned you, five second head start,” tossing you an amused smirk.
“Thanks bro,” peeking around Sam to childishly stick your tongue at Dean. Squeaking when he playfully lunging at you but the Great Wall of Sam blocks his path and gives the advantage to you. Taking off down the hallways and deeper into the bunker, laughter echoing off the walls.
Shaking his head, “Betrayal at the highest level Sammy how could you? I thought we were brothers?”
“We are but I like Y/N better,” stepping aside, deep full belly chuckle leaving his lips at the fake shocked look on Dean’s face.
Hand to heart, “You wound me little brother, wound me,” landing a good slug to Sam’s right shoulder before taking off after you. “I know where you sleep Sammy, expect payback.”
“So fucking predictable Dean,” shaking his shaggy brown hair, laughter tickling his belly at their antics. Given the last couple years of their lives a moment of happiness shared within the walls of their home brings a smile to Sam’s lips. Memories to be cherished and looked back upon when those inevitable dark times return to suck the life from all of them.
“You know it little brother,” finger pistols shooting towards Sam before disappearing around the corner. Silently stalking the halls listening for foot falls and giggles. When none meet his ears his smile falls for a moment replaced by serious concentration picking up on hard panting just a few doors down.
With the stealth born of decades fighting everything that goes bump in the night, Dean slinks down the hall trying not to give himself away. Cursing playfully when the top of your head peeks out to check and you dart out from the room. “There’s no place to hide sweetheart I will find out.”
“Never Winchester, I’ll never surrender to you. You’ll have to catch me first,” voice floating back towards him.
Transfixed for a moment while watching you move swiftly away, heart hammering for a different reason though for now he pushes those thoughts away. “Don’t be to cocky baby girl remember who you’re talking to.”
Rounding the next corner you pause, leaning out to lock eyes with the hunter of your dreams. “Don’t you get cocky Deano, remember I still managed to sneak up on you last month quite a few times.”
“That’s because I let you woman,” smirking for a moment till he sees your expression fall, then cursing himself for partly lying.
First couple of times you had surprised him with the pinches. Never expecting something so playful but then again he should’ve from your sweetness. In the field your badass taking down monsters beside himself and Sam. With the proficiency he’s rarely seen in older seasoned hunters. Alone surrounded by the family is a complete 360. Caring to the point you’ll lay your own life down for anyone of them. Feeding, mending wounds and making them all smile like now. Pesky thoughts make another appearance, his heart beating triple time with the revelation those rumination’s bring.
Seeing he’s paused eyes unfocused you take the chance to step back around the corner. “You lie Winchester, I know better than that. I snuck up on you at least half a dozen times.”
Voice breaking through as a smirk tips his plush lips upward, “You sure sweetheart?” Slow and careful, he takes steps towards you.
Your own feet taking a few backwards, “Positive Deano, the first two for starters.” Seeing the truth written in those much loved whiskey flecked green eyes. “Third one too,” the nod from him confirming your assumptions. You’re lost in thought for far too long and Dean’s made his way closer.
Fingers reaching out to nab the ends of your shirt, tugging you closer. Only to curse, a high pitched giggle leaving your lips as you take off down the hall. “Run while you can little rabbit I will catch you.” Deep chuckle adding to your giggles as he chases after you. Trapping you in a dead end with no where to escape, “Look what we have here.”
Hands up to fend off Dean’s attack, pleading look in your eyes, back flat against the wall behind you, “Now Dean baby you know the pinches were all in good fun right? Surely they didn’t hurt.”
“So is tickling you sweetheart,” stopping just in front of you hands on either side of your body. “And here I thought I knew everything about you.”
Swallowing harshly, “I kept it a secret,” voice catches at the first brushes of his teasing fingers against your side. Body jerking to the side to get away from those nimble questing fingers. “For this reason,” another giggle leaves at the attack from your right side.
Fingers flying over your body making you squirm trying to get away. Breath lodging in your throat accompanied by the giggle that’s trapped. Dodging one hand only to back into the other. Your own hands pushing him away but failing miserably. “Please,” gasping for air, laughter escaping as you wiggle against him.
“Please what sweetheart?” Pausing for a moment to let you gain breath before attaching your sides again. Wrapping one arm around your waist to haul you against him. Questing fingers finding the little patch at the small of your back that makes you arch into him. Dropping lower to brush over the backs of your knees deep chuckle pulled from his chest when your squirm away from him. “Ah I do believe I’ve found more spots on you baby girl.”
Breathless, “You’re a brute Dean Winchester.” Trying to keep the pout on your lips failing when he attacks your side making more laughter erupt from your chest.
“Ah but I’m your brute,” stopping for a moment Dean steps back letting you think he’s given up. But in actuality he’s planning. Setting the idea in motion by tossing you over his shoulder tickling the spot behind your knee and making you squeal. “Do you give up?”
Gripping his waist to keep from sliding down his backside, “Never.” Swallowing when he turns and starts the long strides towards his room. Quickly eating up the distance much to you chargin. “Put me down Winchester right now.” Demanding tone does nothing to slow his pace nor put you down. Neither does the sound smack you add to his ass.
“I always knew you liked my ass baby girl,” landing a smack of his own, fingers teasing along the new found tickle spot while striding into his room and dropping you in bed. “I put you down sweetheart,” teasing smile on his lips. Kicking the door closed with his booted foot. “Now I’m gonna see how many tickle spots you have.”
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Hotspot Pt.1
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Genre: Smut 
Word Count: 1331
Warning: Sub!Yangyang, Dom!Reader, Femdom, Degradation, Profanity, Public humiliation, Edging, Orgasm denial, Spanking, Yangyang's lame Earth sandwich joke
1. Yangyang’s name (揚) has the same pronunciation as “lamb/sheep” (羊) in Mandarin, so y’all would see the word-fuck (X) word-play (O) on this often throughout the fic
2. Been planning to re-upload this fic from my old deleted acc but wanted to extend it and make some changes, yet was clueless before, but then I eventually got inspired, so I decided to release it as part one of something bigger, thanks to this anon for providing me with ideas for part two, and thanks to @wildernessuntothemselves​ for forcing (X) suggesting (O) me to collect the XiaoHenYang aka her TMTM trio
3. It’s almost Xiaojun’s birthday yet I posted Yangyang content, I’m sorry my lovely prince. Anyone who’s thirsty for him can read my month-old upload here
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   “Goddamn-f-fuck, please!” Yangyang swears in utter desperation as you suddenly withdraw your hand from his cock, denying his first orgasm. He shifts in the chair in an attempt to grab you, but futile since his hands are tied behind it, as he’s kneeling on the seat facing backward with his ass pushed out, while his legs are forced open wide since both his thighs are secured to the armrests of the chair as well, rendering him into a compromising position.
  “Brats like you don’t deserve to cum.” You state icily before thrashing his sensitive rear with the paddle. "You never want to miss a chance to annoy me with all that endless fussing, don't you?"
  "I don't deserve this punishment with just that Earth sandwich joke...ahh stopppp…" 
  "That lame joke is not the point, you brat." You hiss, tugging his hair, as Yangyang's hard-on jolts at the sudden sensation of pain. "Remember how awfully much you snickered about making a sandwich with my pussy around your dick hmm? Giving me that stupid devilish grin whenever you have one for meals? Even shamelessly bragging about it in front of other members to embarrass the hell out of me? You are just a pathetic horny little lamb…"
  "C-c'mon, it's not that b-bad when you actually like my teasing..." Yangyang gasps in between your relentless spanks in arousal, as you can tell that his second orgasm is nearing.
  "Oh? How you like this sandwich with my hand then?" You smirk as you wrap your hand around his cock again, fingers irregular dancing on the tip yet not pumping him.
  "Ahh-L-like it! Just let me cum goddamn it!" Yangyang's whole body tenses up and curls up as he can't handle the teasing anymore.
  "That's not how you ask for things, bad little lamb." You chastise while giving a slap on his angry red cock, earning a yelp from him.
  “...P-please Mistress let me cum…” Yangyang begs, his proud form finally breaking down.
  “Good try, but not quite.” You smirk, before resuming his spanking again.
  “Ahhh Mistress I’ll be a good little lamb for you...now p-please let me cum…” Yangyang’s voice falters at the denial of his second orgasm.
  “That’s my cute little lamb…” You praise as you peck his now teary cheek, before finally granting him release with your hand, as he lets out a loud moan upon climaxing. 
  “Now you know you shouldn’t be bragging about sandwiches too often.” You embrace Yangyang in your arm while soothing his red flesh with the other, calming the sobbing boy down.
  “You should be more kind to me since you already sin too much torturing me…” Yangyang gazes into you as he forms a cheeky pout, the way how he quickly returns to his usual mischievous self surprising you a little.
  "I am already showing you enough kindness by letting you cum without much teasing." You sneer as you wipe the white tendrils off Yangyang’s gradually limping cock and your hand.
  "Without much teasing? Says someone who literally edged me twice, so fucking bossy." Yangyang retorts while letting out a sigh of relief as you untied his hands behind the chair.
  "I am sure you can take much more than that, usually I would edge you for hours until your bratty mouth can't talk back to me anymore." You imply your annoyance for his endless ripostes, since it's always difficult for your boyfriend to just be grateful for his orgasms instead of being cheeky.
  "Nah you are just sadistic as hell. You are just one cruel cougar who loves my suffering too much." Oblivious of your hint for him to behave, your boyfriend still continues his complaints, redressing himself while smirking at you.
  "Cheeky boys deserve to be disciplined with cruelty, and somehow you like it too much, and love to ask for more by being a nuisance, don't you, my little painslut?" You reply slyly, another punishment for this ungrateful boy beginning to form. 
  "Now that your butt cheeks are rosy hot spots…” You say thoughtfully as you rub his ass teasingly. “...I am gonna give you the taste of real embarrassing punishment. Now give me your phone."
  Yangyang reluctantly hands you his phone. "What for?"
  "Unlock it."
  "Just obey me you brat." You hiss while tugging his hair, forcing him to comply with a wince.
  "Don't worry, I am not gonna post something weird on social media." You reassure him while opening up settings on his phone. "But, everyone will know someone has been a slutty hotspot in heat while connecting to wifi…" You triumphantly smirk as you click "Save" after changing his SSID.
  "'Mistress’ Slutty Lil 🐑🐑'? Hell no that's embarrassing!!" He snatches back his phone in an attempt to undo your act of mischief.
  "Do not ever try to change it." You demand sternly, covering his screen with your palm. "If I catch you disobey me, you will get punished even harder. Understand, Mistress’ slutty little lamb?"
  "Alright…" Yangyang sighs and facepalms, already internally freaking out about how his members will react upon seeing this.
  You smirk in delight as you both leave your makeshift playroom, which is a storage room, to catch up on your normal lives. Yangyang returns to his members as you meet up with other staff to participate in a meeting discussing details of upcoming shootings for the next project.
  Yangyang slouches back to his room but gets caught up with Lucas before he can retreat behind the door.
  "Yo bro, care to explain this?" Lucas holds his screen in front of the younger's face, grinning so knowingly that Yangyang has to fight back every urge to punch him in the face.
  "See no evil." He weakly protests, hoping not to embarrass himself even further, and shuts the door in Lucas' face.
  Thinking he has escaped the ordeal, he doesn't realize how bad things can get until he opens up the WayV group chat. Hendery has posted a screenshot of all the WiFi SSIDs his phone detected and circled the obvious questionable one, and all the other members reacted with either stickers with laughing expressions or words like "Our naughty 🐑  has finally got the taste of his medicine!" or "Y/N'S REALLY MAD LMAO", all of their mockings make Yangyang wants to dig a hole and bury himself in it.
  Red with both embarrassment and resentment, he decides to defy you as his devilish side begins to awake. Since he's never the type to listen well to anyone, then why should he this time? Besides, he feels his body begins to heat up with a familiar tingle again as he thinks about all the pain and degrading words that will be inflicted on him after you find out about his rebel, as he brazenly invites more with more provocative and insolent remarks, then eventually feeling himself dissolving into ascending sting and humiliation that turn into euphoric pleasure soon afterwards…
  Licking his lips at the indecent thoughts, he alters the SSID and waits impatiently for your discovery.
  Ten minutes later, he receives a screenshot from you as well as an angered message from you. "'Mistress’ bossy af 👿'? You fucking brat."
  "Just telling the truth 🤷"
  "You are originally getting 20 paddles on your bare ass, now it's 40."
  "Shouldn't you focus on your meeting first?"
  "IDGAF now. Change it to 'Fuck Lil Slutty🐑  Pls😩' in under a minute or you're getting 80."
  80 spanks? Yangyang ponders. Tho being a painslut he is, he still needs to make sure that he can function normally tomorrow to avoid more unwanted attention. Sighing, he decides to give in to you and finally obeys.
  Sliding off nearly every notification from the uproar in his group chat for this even more humiliating SSID, he feels unexpectedly even more exhilarated at your praising messages that concludes with a specific time and place to meet up for the main course of punishment that he both somewhat fears but also craves.
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