#and we chatted and she worked in that she went to pride w her team when she was travelling and I was like oh yeah 👀👀
evil-bonched · 1 year
I love being gay and being clocked in public sometimes I think I’m too femme for other lesbians to see me but I got clocked by someone at the airport and we chatted and there was a mutual understanding and it felt so good
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gay-salt-amber · 3 years
Where the hell is Kenma?!
Yuri on Ice x Haikyuu crossover
Just so you know, all the figure skaters kids are close with the other skaters so they consider ever skater they're close with family so the whole uncle aunt thing is just a friend thing
warnings: Gay, swearing, etc
Ships: leoji, yakulev, minotayuri
Пока= bye
All Russian is google translated
For the parents the kids will just be calling them by their names unless one parents is without the others then they will be called dad so it doesn't get confusing
Kenma pov
It was 10 alcock at night and I was up playing my video games as usual with Hinata, Lev and some other friends. We were playing a game that was a collaboration between Nerf and Xbox, it was quite good. Not my favorite shooter of all time but it was alright. When the match was over and the 20 second map and round type selection started, my phone rang. I was on a discord call with my friends so they saw the phone going up to my ear. Right when I was about to answer Lev spoke up,
"Who is it?" He asked
"Who's this Georgi?" Hinata seemed confused but curious.
"Just a family friend of ours." I answered, I don't wanna go into me and Lev being legally related right now.
"Oh, cool!"
I looked down at my phone and unlocked it to see the messages, "I might need to not play this round for a bit I need to respond to these texts." I said
The rest of them agreed and I went back to the messages.
Georgi: I was just wanting to remind you that the plane leaves at 7, so get some sleep kid.
Kenma: Thanks uncle Georgi, I'll try.
Georgi: Do you want us to bring the Russian team bus to pick you up from your house?
Kenma: Sure when are yall getting here?
Georgi: 6 prolly, depends on how long Lila and Yakov wanna take. Old asses -w-
Kenma: pfft xD
Kenma: Anyway, I need to get back to my friends see you later.
Georgi: K, get some sleep, my favorite nephew ☆⌒(*^-゜)v
I unmuted my mic on the call and spoke after like 5 minutes
"Back, hows the round going?"
I didn't hear my dear Shoyo but instead Lev, "Good, Hinata got tired though and had to leave."
When I was about to say I needed to leave to, Lev spoke again,
"Oh yeah! You should get going, you don't wanna miss the flight!"
Once I exited the game I turned back to my monitor that had discord and moved it back to my main monitor, "I was about to say that."
"Пока" I said, my Russian feeling a little rusty.
"Пока Kenma!"
Pressing the 'end call' button made me sigh with relief, standing up, I walked over to my closet and grabbed some clothes for a shower before bed. I grabbed some long, loose black pants and a old Russian figure skating team shirt that one of my dads got me. While I was walking to the bathroom I was looking through some notes for class and deleted stuff I didn't need since I was going to be in an entire different country for a while.
I got out of the shower, dried my hair and put on my clothes. Once I got to the door, I looked into the mirror and I had an idea, 'Should I put my hair in braids so it'll look wavy tomorrow? Yeah that'll look nice!' I reached over and grabbed two small clear hair ties and put my hair into two braids.
I finally opened the bathroom door and walked back to my room to call it a night and sleep. Once I reached my room I noticed something, "You mother fucker.." I didn't pack my bags for the fucking trip. I whipped out my phone and thought of who I could message, we were gonna be in a bunch of places for skating and I wanted to check for how long, but guess what?! I don't know whos awake!
Right when I was about to wing it, I remembered its like 9 in the morning for Leo de la Iglesia, who is an American skater which I consider family. I guessed he would be up since he and Guang-Hong Ji, his boyfriend typically wake up at 7 to eat breakfast and go on a run together, virtually since they live in different countries but I guess they try. It took a while to find this name in my contacts since my phone doesn't really sort through who I texted recently but instead it sorts alphabetically the only time I would see his name at the top is if I had an unread message from him, which I don't. I kept scrolling reading off the letters as I went. H,I,J,K....
I finally got to L and found his name since I only have like 3 people whos name start with L in my contacts, I opened it and cringed at the date of the last sent message, 'June 1st' which was a happy pride month message. My fingers tapped on the message bar and I started typing quickly.
Kenma: Hey uncle Leo ヾ(•ω•`)o
Kenma: Ik this is a weird time to text since I should be sleeping but, you're the only one awake.
Leo: Ey Kozume! 💅 What do you need?
Kenma: I was wanting to know how long the competitions are gonna be , I forgot to pack soo...
Leo: Ah! Well you're going to be on the trip for a week and Georgi's gonna take you back to Japan the Monday afterwards
Kenma: I- Isn't it longer then that? (⊙_⊙)?
Leo: Yes but we know that Neko-
Kenma: Nekoma?
Leo: How ever the fuck you spell your schools name 😑
Leo: Anyway, we know you have a game against Karasuno the next day and we know you would wanna play in that sooo...
Kenma: Cool, thanks.
Leo: Np, see you in America (。・∀・)ノ゙
Once I was done snickering to myself at Leo and I's conversation, I walked over to my clothes drawers and got out the clothes I wanted, one formal outfit, some pj's and some casual stuff. I put that stuff in one suitcase and put my miscellaneous stuff in a smaller drawstring bag that had a bunch of video game pins on it. I walked downstairs to put my stuff by the door and when I got there I saw someone come in, it were my dads, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin and Minami Kenjiro.
I walked up and hugged all 3 of them, "Hey kiddo."
Since I decided to say screw sleep and talk to my parents which is something I didn't get to do much at this time of the year often since they have practice all the time. So we sat on the couch and had dinner while watching tv as a family and talked about their practice
Yuri chirped up while eating some rice, "Mila was being a bitch."
"Oh? What happened?" I asked
"So you know her kid Tendō?"
Minami put his chopsticks down and joined in the conversation, "He's that kid that goes to Shiratorizawa Academy right?"
"So, he's gonna be joining the Russian team since the he doesn't like the Italian team."
"Yet his uncle and other mom is on that team." Otabek pointed out
"I don't get how she was being a bitch?" I said, trying to get the conversation back to the main point,
"Her ass was bragging about all practice, like shit I couldn't get 2 fucking works out without her interrupting."
We all laughed, and went back to eating.
After we were finished we all were doing the dishes, "Go upstairs and get some sleep kiddo, I'll do the rest of the dishes. Yuri, go get some rest too." Minami said
"Are you not going to America, Beka?" Yuri asked.
The black haired boy shrugged, "No, for some reason my couch decided I'm not going, I don't know why."
Minami was another one of my dads who was staying home, ever since they adopted me when I was 4 he always declined going to any skating competitions that weren't in Japan so that if I ever had an emergency someone would always be there. This meant that only me and Yuri, my blonde, sassy, Russian dad were going to America for the 3 back to back skating events that were happening there.
"I wonder why Lev's not going.."
"Your school doesn't want you both out when a game is so close." Otabek was right I still thought it was stupid since he was looking forward to this event, he's always wanted to go to America after all. But as compromise I promised to send him a lot of photos.
Minami who was still washing the dishes started shoving us out of the kitchen, "Yeah yeah, cut the chat get your butts upstairs and I don't wanna see you two down here until morning!" He said, waving a wooden spoon in the air as we walked up the stairs, laughing.
We reached the upstairs, both of my dads gave me a kiss on the forehead and wished me a good night. I walked into my room and instantly my tiredness from earlier came back to wack me in the face with 5 times the strength of before. I walked over to my bed and just.. flopped.
--In the morning--
My alarm for 5:30 went off and I got up, still tired but meh, nothing a bit of coffee wont fix. I walked over to my closet and got out a hoodie Shoyo gave me, it was a Karasuno hoodie with Shoyo's name and volleyball number, 10 on the back. I inhaled the scent of my lover. I'm gonna miss him but I still can call him. I grabbed a thin t-shirt to wear underneath and some soft black pants with red on the side, after I grabbed my clothes I walked to the bathroom and got changed. After that I took my braids out, my hair looked great!
When I left the bathroom right when I put my foot on the first step to head downstairs the scent of waffles hit my nose, I started to go quicker down the stairs since I fucking love waffles and I am starving! Once I got there Minami greeted me.
"Hey kiddo, did you sleep good?"
"Yeah." I nodded
"Are your other dads not up yet?"
"Nah." I shook my head getting out a plate.
"Before you eat imma wake them up."
I rubbed my forehead before sighing, "Oh god what are you planning, pops?"
"Nothing, let me just..." After finicking with his phone I heard a blast of noise from my parents room and the line I knew too well of "WELCOME TO THE MADNESS" blasted through the door. After like 2 seconds they were up and downstairs.
"You get creative when it comes to waking us up." Otabek yawned while Yuri wiped his eyes.
"I know, glad you're finally catching on~" Minami said, getting sassy, which he normally was this early in the morning.
"What'd you make for breakfast?" I asked.
"Apple waffles!"
I ran to the counter happily, grabbing like 3 fucking waffles.. What can I say? I love apple things!
"Goddamn! Leave some for us!" Yuri teased
"Nah~" I joked back.
When we had just finished our food, we were setting our dishes into the sink and just chatting, we heard a knock on the door. I turned to the clock, '6:00' almost on the dot. "Man when they say they'll be here at 6, they aren't kidding." Otabek said, looking at the bus through the window.
I snickered and got my shoes on, me and Yuri grabbed our suitcases and after my adopted dad kissed my other dads, we were out the door and on the bus. I stopped to talk to Mila whom was driving while Yuri went to go sit in the back by himself.
I tapped the red head on the shoulder, "Hey Mila can we make a stop before we go to the airport?"
She grinned "Yeah, of course, the flight was delayed a half hour anyway for whatever fucking reason."
"Ok, can we stop at Karasuno I uh.. Wanna see someone before we leave.."
Mila let out a quiet gasp before whispering, "Is this the boy you've been talking about?"
I nodded and Mila laughed, "Sure, I don't see why not!"
I gave a light smile and went to go sit down.
--When they stopped at Karasuno, Hinata pov--
"We aren't doing anything special today, hell do what you want if you wanna sit and chat do that, I am giving you a free day before we practice for our match against Nekoma." Couch Ukai explained
We all nodded with a 'yes couch' coming out of all us.
Me and Yamaguchi stayed chatting when our long haired ace, Asahi came in, "Sorry I'm late but there's a bus outside that says, 'Russian Figure Skating Team' outside for whatever reason."
"I wonder why..." I brushed it off though and continued talking to Yams
We kept talking before I heard a familiar voice, "Shoyo? Are you here?"
"Kenma!" I exclaimed before I jumped up and ran to give him a hug which almost knocked him over in the process.
"Hi Shoyo, its good to see you."
"What are you doing here?" I asked, releasing the hug and just holding his hands and I spoke again
"I mean there's a weird bus that says Russian Figure Skating Team or something outside but why are you here?"
"That's my ride." Kenma answered plainly.
"That's your- WHAT!" I was surprised and the others came over
Kenma laughed, "That's why I came here, I wanted to let you know I'm going to be gone for a week."
"Why? Did something happen?" Suga asked from the back
"No, no! I'm going to skate in America, I'll be back for our game though." His answer made me more curious
Noya's voice rang from the right, "When are you leaving?"
"Around 7:30, our plane got delayed but I get to talk with you more, right Shoyo?"
I was about to sit down when the door swung open and there stood someone who looked a bit like Kenma, but different colored eyes and plain blonde hair
"I'm hanging out in here with you kid."
"Yakov being annoying?"
"да ебать его задницу!"
"Who are you sir?" Asked Asahi who was putting away the few volleyballs that were used since most of the team was chatting, it was a free day after all
"This is Yuri Plisetsky, my dad." Kenma explained
I tilted my head, wondering what he said, I knew it was Russian just based on context but I didn't know what, "What was that you were saying?"
"He said, "yeah fuck his ass" My blonde boyfriend translated
"Well before we go might as well do this," Kenma sighed as he held my hand tighter,
"Dad, this is my boyfriend, Shoyo." Kenma looked nervous.
"As long as he treats you well, then I don't care."
"W-wait that's it?!" Kenma seemed surprised
Yuri clutched his chest in laughter, "I-I'm sorry! Just.."
"Are you forgetting who I am?"
"Kiddo, I am a trans gay man who has been married with 2 other men in a poly relationship for 2 years now, what'd you want me to say?"
Hinata looked surprised but also relived, "Really? That's so cool!"
Yuri looked at me and rolled his eyes and messaged the bridge of his nose, "Really? You went for the fanboy?"
"Dad, you're married to one."
"Meh, true."
We were talking for a while longer with me just being lovey as usual when someone else walked through the door and yelled "ITS JJ STYLE!" Which Yuri's dad looked pissed about
"I'll get him out give me a second."
"убирайся отсюда, канадский ебать!" Yuri yelled as he proceeded to shove the man I'm guessing named JJ out
"What'd he say?" I asked
"Get out of here you Canadian fuck."
With that a new people entered, "Kozume!" A voice called,
"Hi Gramps."
"Whos this?" I questioned with my hand still on Kenma's
"That's my grandpa, Victor Katsuki-Nikiforov."
"That's so cool!"
Kenma blushed and just nodded,
"Does my grandson have a boyfriend~"
"Yep, this is Shoyo."
"So he's the one I keep hearing Chris say you brag about?"
Before Victor could continue I heard a slam
"Двигай своей задницей, черт возьми, свинья!" (Move your ass fucking pig!) And in came Yuri kicking another black haired boy in through the door.
"Yurio be nice you your mother!"
Victor sighed, "Well we have 2 Yuri's here its confusing!"
The grey haired mans tone quickly changed, "Anyway~"
He helped Yuuri up and waltzed on back over to us, "Our grandson has a boyfriend!!!!"
"Awh that's great!"
"Aaand Shoyo, meet my other grandpa, Yuuri Katsuki-Nikiforov"
"It's nice to meet you."
We talked a bit before Yuuri spoke up,
"We should get going, the others probably wanna get coffee before we go to the airport."
"Oh, yeah, I guess so."
I was sad that they had to leave because Kenma noticed and his face softened because when they were getting up to leave, he gave me a soft kiss on the lips,
" I will call you every chance I get, Ok baby?"
"Alright, I'll see you next week at the game?"
"Yes, I love you."
"I love you too." Those were the last words I said to Kenma in person for a week.
When I turned around I heard someone yell, "KOZUME HAS A BOYFRIEND!"
Lev pov--
Kenma: We're having another fucking flight delay!
Lev: I still wish I could've gone with!
Kenma: I know, you were really wanting to come, right?
Lev: Ofc! I have always wanted to go to America! 😭😭😭
Kenma: Oof
Lev: Hold on the team is worried about you, give me a moment
Kenma: Gl Kuroos gonna be all like 'well why didn't I know?!' or some shit
Lev: mhm 😑
I turned off my phone and listened to the rest of the team freak out about the gamer boys missing
"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" Yaku yelled out of panic
"Yaku, I am sure he's fine.." Yamamoto said, trying to keep the peace
"Well we don't know that! Hell! He didn't even tell me anything.." Kuroo was also pissed which just made me wanna chuckle since Kenma was right about Kuroos reaction.
"What Lev?"
"Well about Kenma being gone, I know where he is I just thought this was funny."
"So us worrying is funny?!"
"When I know why, yes."
Kuroo rolled his eyes, "Lev, Kenma never talks to you."
"Yes, yes he does, you don't know every fucking thing he does." I snapped.
"Are you sure?" Kuroo retorted
"Whos he dating?"
"See you dont even know that"
"Fucking- Whatever just where is he?" Yaku asked
I held out my phone and showed the texts
"Where the hell is he going?! We have a game!"
"Yaku, please shut the fuck up." I whispered.
"Yaku I love you, but please shut the fuck up, he doesn't care about the game right now, he will be back for the game with Karasuno, but he is with family and doing something that will contribute to his future. Now shut up пожалуйста, перестань любопытствовать и дай ему жить!" (please stop prying and let him live!)
I took a step back, I swore my boyfriend out... I even yelled at him in Russian!
I felt like I wanted to cry, I didn't wanna snap like that.. Then I heard the door open
"HA I KNEW HE WOULD CUSS SOMEONE OUT! Виктор! ты должен мне 20 долларов!" (Victor you owe me 20) I turned to the voice,
"Oh praise god." I sighed
Yurio was walking up to me, "ты в порядке? ты выглядишь напряженным .." (are you okay? you look tense)
"Я огрызнулся на своего парня, и я устал, угадай" (I snapped at my boyfriend and I'm tired, guess)
"What are they saying.." Yaku was confused
"Well apologize you fuck!" Yurio scoffed
"Sorry sir, but Lev is fine, I was the one who deserved it."
"I'm still sorry!"
"Even better question! Lev, you can speak Russian!?" Kuroo seemed surprised
"Yeah, I just didn't wanna hear the, 'oh! Say my name in Russian' or, 'say something in Russian!' that gets annoying fast!"
"Oh, Beka has the same problem whenever he says he's from Kazakhstan."
"Anyway, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the airport with the rest of the Russian team."
"We would be in the sky by now is the plane would stop getting fucking delayed!"
"Well let the team rest in here! Its probably hot as fuck in that bus."
"Smartest thing you've said all day, Levochka." And with that he left
"And who was that?" Yaku's tone was serious so I beckoned the team over to the bench to explain
"So you know how I have left practice early?"
"That's because I do figure skating and I am hoping to go into it full time when I am older and that person who was here a bit ago was a part of the Russian Figure Skating team."
"Nice!" Someone commented from the end of the bench
"Levochka!" A voice called,
"DAD!" I raced to meet the voice and gave a big hug to my father, Victor Nikiforov and gave my other dad, Yuri Katsuki a hug when he entered short after.
Yaku came up from behind, and kicked me, "YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOUR PARENTS WERE FAMOUS SKATERS YOU FUCK!"
Upon seeing that the Russian team was pissed, "Держи свои гребаные ноги от него, ублюдок размером с муравей!"
"I still don't know what yall are saying.."
A voice came from the back, "Georgi said, "Keep your fucking feet off him, ant-sized motherfucker" I recognized Kenma's voice quickly
"Ey! I thought you would stay on the bus!" Yurio called
"Well, I finished my level and I have nothing else to play until a few daily bonuses roll in."
"Kid you run through games like me and Lev run through a thing of pirozhkis.."
"Meh I keep myself entertained."
"KENMA?!" Kuroo called, ran up and started to shake the boy
"Because it doesn't concern you, besides its not like I'm gonna be gone forever.."
"Kozume I am your best friend! You tell your best friend this shit!"
"Uh..." Kenma stuttered
"What?! Is there anything else you wanna tell me?!"
"1: I don't owe you shit and 2: Lev and Shoyo are my best friends, Теперь слезай с высокой лошади, ты трахаешься" (Now get off the high horse, you fuck)
"That's my boy!" Yurio cheered
Yuuri shook his head and turned to me, "Anyway, Lev can we pull you and Yaku to the side we wanna talk to you two."
I nodded and grabbed Yaku's hand and we exited the gym with my dads
"Levochka.. Are you sure he's the one you want?" My dad asked gently
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you said that this was your boyfriend when we talked about it before but are you sure he is what you want? I mean he kicks you and gets physical it seems a lot. I just want for you to be safe." My dad explained.
Yaku looked nervous as my dead continued, "Hell even Yurio when we adopted him, was never physical with anyone who didn't deserve it.. Minus Yuuri but you get what I mean."
I grabbed Yaku's hand, "I know but Yaku's trying and that's all I can really ask.."
Yuuri started to talk "Lev please be safe." His face was one of worry
"I'm sorry Mr. Nikiforov, I've been trying my hardest to not be as bad as I was, I am trying for your sons sake, I wanna make him happy.."
"I can see that and I hope you keep trying."
"I will, I care about Lev so much I wouldn't do anything to actually hurt him, I love him too much to do that."
"HEY VICTOR WE NEED TO GET TO THE AIRPORT!" Called Yakov's voice loud from the bus.
"Coming! Lets go!"
After gathering the others they left, till next week will we see them again.
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yayeetsonny · 4 years
Hand in Hand~Alyssa Naeher x Ashlyn Harris
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Prompt: there's a picture out there that looks like Alyssa is proposing to Ash so, here’s a proposal fic that was super fun to write. 
Requested by: @knight-16​
Alyssa PRO//
“Are you sure this is a good plan?” I asked Ali Krieger, my good friend and my hopefully soon-to-be fiancé Ashlyn Harris’s best friend.
“Yes, this is perfect.”
“Well what if I mess this up or, what if she doesn’t like the ring or, oh god what if she says no-”
“Lys, relax. She’s not going to say no. The women is head over heels in love with you.”
“I could still mess up.”
“You won’t. Trust me.”
I had been planning my proposal to Ashlyn for months, it took me 3 months to even decide on the ring for her. I have known she was the one since our second year anniversary. We’ve been dating for 2 and a half years and I couldn’t be happier. She completes me and I fall in love with her more everyday. I knew in my heart that she would say yes even if I proposed with a ring pop candy ring but I still wanted everything to be perfect.
The plan was to wait until after our game tonight and after we get back to our apartment I’ll ask her if she wants to go for a walk and then I would take her to our spot on the beach we like to visit almost everyday. Once there we’ll sit and chat for a while like we usually do and then I’ll carry out the rest of my plan and pop the question. I was beyond nervous but I was also over the moon about finally getting to this milestone with her.
“Hey babe! You ready?” Ashlyn said, taking me by surprise.
“H-hi love. I am.” 
I quickly shoved my phone in my bag so she couldn’t see what I was showing Ali
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just nervous is all.” I admitted
“You have no reason to be nervous Alyssa, you’re starting in the game, which is a first for this set of friendlies I know but you’re going to show Vlatko just how amazing and badass you are.”
She came up behind me, and wrapped her arms around me, kissing my neck softly.
“Oh, you can do it just know that I believe.” She sang 
I smiled softly when I realized what she was doing. We watched the High School Musical movies religiously and I instantly knew the song from the 3rd movie.
“And that’s all I really need.”
“So come on.”
“Make me strong. Time to turn it up, game on.” I giggled as we finished singing. 
Ali was watching and recording the whole thing, smile just as bright as we were.
“You guys are the cutest.”
“Thanks, we try.” Ash said flipping her hair
“I needed that boost. Thank you.”
“of course baby. Now go kick some ass.”
She slapped my butt playfully as we started to head out to the tunnel. I met up with the little girl whose hand I would hold and walk onto the field and she talked animatedly about how excited she was to go out and I promised we would wave to her parents when we did. I was behind Megan who was first in line since she was captaining this game and when we stepped onto the field I was swept away by the crowd and how loud they were. I have been playing on the national team for years now but I will never get over that first cheer or the adrenaline rush I feel before a game. After the anthems, pictures and shaking hands with the other team we got into a huddle for once last pep talk
“Okay listen up. We’ve watched plenty of game footage and strategized, we can beat this team. If we take care of the big things, all the little pieces will fall into place, alright?”
We all nodded in agreement.
“Oosa on 3!… 1!… 2!… 3!”
“OOSA, OOSA, OOSA” We shouted together.
We broke off to get into our positions and I headed into goal. I took a deep breath, jumped up and down a couple of times and stretched my arms, determined to remain completely focused. I wanted a clean sheet really bad.
It was the 67th minute when things changed, up until that point I had stopped every shot that the Brazilian players sent my way, every set piece went off without a hitch and we were up 1-0. Unfortunately, Becky accidentally fouled Marta in the box and gave away a penalty. She turned to me looking guilty.
“It’s okay Beck, I got it.” I said patting her on the back.
I knew I could stop the shot and after listening to instructions from the ref and waiting for everyone else to be ready I turned out everyone else around me and focused solely on the ball. I could feel Marta’s eyes on me but I refused to look her in the eye because I knew she was trying to get in my head. She backed up a few steps before firing the ball toward the upper right 90, I could see she was going to go there so I leapt in that direction and was able to slap the ball away and out of danger. After I got up from the ground my teammates swarmed me and shouted praise in my ear as we hugged. 
“Go, set up for the corner!” I yelled
I was overjoyed that I kept my clean sheet but I knew we still had work to do and was locked in. They did as I said and Marta once again took the set piece, she sent the ball into the box but I was able to come off my line and punch it away. We regained possession and Abby passed the ball to Christen who passed it to Lindsey and she took it into Brazil’s final 3rd. Our counter attack was strong and I was watching intensely as my teammates went for another goal. Lindsey crossed the ball the Megan but she was between 2 defenders so she wasn’t able to get the shot off, she decided to pass to Alex who was able to fire it into the net. I watched as my teammates cheered and celebrated and I couldn’t help but let a massive grin spread across my face. The rest of the game went on without many chances for either side and we were able to walk away with a solid 2-0 win. 
After we signed autographs and took pictures we all made our way back into the locker room, I was putting my stuff away when I felt someone pick me up from behind. I squealed quietly at the sudden movement but knew exactly who it was.
“THAT WAS SO BADASS BABY, I’M SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU.” Ashlyn yelled as she set me down. I turned around and jumped on her, hugging her tightly as she peppered my neck with kisses and eventually moved to my head, face  before finally planting a deep kiss on my lips.
“Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you.” 
“Yes you could, and you did. I just gave you a little pep talk.” She chuckled
We kissed some more before someone cleared their throat.
“Look, I love you both and you’re super cute together but please… get a room.” Alex groaned
I instantly felt my cheeks turn a deep red as Ash just smirked at her.
“You’re just jealous because Kelley grounded you from sex for a week.” She said
She just flipped Ash off and stomped away. Everyone laughing at her faking being mad. Kelley pouted at her sympathetically as she whispered something in her ear. A dopey grin spread across her face and I knew she had been freed from the dog house. 
After an hour of celebrating the win Ash and I bid goodnight to our teammates and headed back to our apartment. We lived in Orlando together which was great but playing on different NWSL teams made being separated during the season hard but we made it work; we spent all of our offseason together and made sure to make frequent weekend trips to be together. I knew after I proposed, I would immediately get to work on requesting a trade to the Pride. Our regular season was almost over so the opportunity couldn’t be better. 
“So, how do you want to celebrate your amazing performance tonight?” Ash whispered in my ear, slightly nibbling on it as we sat on the couch.
“W-well, I was thinking of taking a walk together on the beach.”
She took to kissing my neck and as much as I wanted to celebrate like that I had planned to much for this not to pan out.
“A walk?” She seemed slightly disappointed, I felt bad but we could always celebrate after we were officially engaged. 
“Yeah, I would like to take a walk. It’s so nice out.”
“Okay, then a walk it is.”
I kissed her sweetly before whispering in her ear
“Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of fun later tonight.”
She shuddered and I smirked at her. She smiled at me before taking my hand and pulling me up with her. I pretended to go to the bathroom so that I could grab the ring I had stashed away and when I was sure I had everything I needed and shaken out my nerves, I reemerged and we left our apartment. walking hand in hand to the beach. When we got there, we walked along the sand, I had taken off my shoes and let the water flow over and under my feet, loving the calm, cool feeling.
“You did so good today, I’m so proud.”
“Thank you. You’re my biggest fan.” 
“I always will be.”
 After a while I led us over to our spot, which was a section of rocks that were comfortable to sit on and gave us a good few of the whole ocean. Ashlyn turned to me and I could have sworn her eyes were literally sparkling under the moonlight. 
“Hey there.”
We just looked at each other for several moments, and then Ash broke the silence by tapping me on the nose.
“You have such a cute nose, did you know?” She asked, smiling like a fool. “I didn’t but thank you. So do you.” I giggled, tapping her nose in return.
We continued messing around, smiling and laughing and I fell in love with her all over again.
“If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?” She asked
“I would be right here, with you.”
She smiled lovingly at me in return before kissing me. We sat in comfortable silence for a few more minutes before Ashlyn got up, turned away from me and stretched. 
I knew this was my chance so without any hesitation I got down on one knee, ring in hand and waited for her to turn around. When she did, her eyes immediately filled with tears.
“Oh my god.”
“Ashlyn Michelle Harris, I have loved you since the day we met all those years ago. You are the light of my life, my rock, my person and I can not imagine my life without you. Will you make me the happiest women alive and marry me?”
She stood in shock for a moment, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. At this point I was in tears too, my heart was going a million miles an hour as I waited for her to answer.
“Yes, yes a million times yes!” She shouted as she tackled me into the sand. 
“I love you.” She cried
“And I love you.”
Still on top of me, she looked down at me with so much love I thought she would burst. Our lips met in a passionate kiss and we made out for a moment before finally sitting up to breath. 
“So what do you say, you wanna put the ring on?”
“Oh, yeah. I totally forgot about that.”
I laughed through my tears as I slid the ring onto her finger. It was a simple gold band but Thad a decent sized diamond in the center. She inspected it for a moment before saying
“It’s perfect, I love it.”
“I really thought and hope you would” I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
We sat in silence again as we took in the moment, we were officially engaged and it meant the world to us both. 
“How did you do so well at hiding this from me?” Ashlyn asked
“I had a little help from Ali.”
“Ah, I shoulda known. Good ol’ Kriegs.” She chuckled
“How do you think we should tell the team?”
“We could…. Invite them over for dinner tomorrow and see how long it takes for them to notice the ring?”
“Excellent idea.”
“I should probably tell Ali first, she’s been blowing my phone up for the last hour.” I laughed 
“That’s a good idea. Tell her I said thank you.”
“I will.”
“I can’t wait to be Mrs. and Mrs. Neaher-Harris.”
“The day I get to call you my wife will be the greatest of my life.”
After I texted Ali, swearing her to secrecy, we laughed at her excited response. 
I was excited for this new chapter in our lives and I knew no matter what life threw at us Ash and I would get through it together, hand in hand.
I’m sorry this took a hot minute. Sorry for any mistakes.
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marvels-writings · 5 years
Hey! Are you willing to write a Carol x R involving a best friend who was separated from other best friend for whatever reason (maybe a childhood crush and homophobic parents? idk) and then both grew up and ran into each other, reconnected/fell in love for real? possible plot twist, with R being on the Avengers, but disappearing during snap, and Carol doesn't find out its R until during or after the final battle? please make it angsty w/fluff
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Lost Crushes (1)
A/N: Okay the request confused me a little, Carol knows its R the second they introduce. This is gonna be a long series tho. (m/n means mother name. f/n means father name). And for the record, I DO NOT SUPPORT HOMOPHOBIA OR DISCRIMINATION OF ANY FORM
Warnings: Homophobic scene (kinda in detail, sorry)
You tiredly made your way from your bed to the kitchen of the compound, completely exhausted from the mission and your current lack of sleep. Currently, you couldn’t stop having dreams, almost nightmares about your best friend, Carol Danvers. 
Usually girls got their first crush while watching TV and thinking ‘wow that guy/girl is hot’. You on the other hand, had gotten your first crush while watching Carol race when the two of you were 8. She got hurt, but didn’t really care to be honest. She was pretty, willing to stand up for herself, and nice. 
You groaned and chugged a glass of water, you hadn’t seen her in years, the two of you had gone separate ways, thanks to your parents…
“No y/n, this is not normal.” M/n yelled angrily, her fist slamming on the table causing you to flinch. 
Little 5 year old you swirled your fork in your spaghetti and meatballs. With expired sauce. 
“But we just kissed,” You replied earnestly, causing both of your parents to groan and sit down on either side of you. “It’s not that big a deal.”“IT IS A BIG DEAL!” F/n shouted, banging his fist on the table, you looked up at him in fear and shocked. He lowered his voice slightly. “You can’t just, KISS A GIRL! You’re spoiling our reputation!”
“We are NOT going to be dealing with a lesbian when we move to New York,” M/n said and got up, you were shocked as you looked up at her. “Are we sweetie?” She asked, almost threatening as she started emptied the dishwasher. 
“We’re moving to New York?” You asked, your fork dropped, your dad sighed. Not a tired sigh, an angry frustrated sigh. 
“Thanks to you.” He muttered and got up to comfort his wife. 
The next day you went to Carol’s house to find her parents wouldn’t let you in. Her brother came to the door and apologized but sent her away. But one thing you remember distinctly is hearing faint sobbing from Carol’s room. 
It’s a memory you definitely wanted to forget. You had moved away, well kind of got kicked out by your parents for your sexuality the second you were able to support yourself. The first thing you did, attend a LGBTQ+ pride parade, then sent them a flag by mail. 
It was fun after you moved out, you got a job in SHIELD after working in a coffee shop for sometime. You got the job through Fury when he’d come to the cafe. After watching you kick the ass of two homophobic assholes, he decided you should come to SHIELD with him. 
One thing led to another, and you, Coulson and Fury were working for SHIELD and on the case of a mysterious blonde breaking into Blockbuster. You sat it out, deciding to collect data instead of getting with everything. 
Turned out, the blonde was trying to warn everyone about some alien race invading the planet. Once Fury saw it, he tried to pursue the blonde, who’s name he said was Vers. weird name. He paged the entire team to come help him with the alien, you had to go of course. 
You saw Fury running away with someone and took a deep sigh, deciding to go with them and sending Coulson back. You weren’t supposed to be on the mission anyway so no one would notice you were gone, plus they needed help. 
“Carol?” You asked, dazed as you stepped back from the crates the three of you were hiding behind. 
You had seen the pictures in Maria’s home of her. You had been close friends with Maria before you had to move to NYC, but you found her number in an old phonebook and kept contact with her, visiting when you could. 
It always pissed you off how you’d found the phonebook and visited after Carol’s plane had crash landed. 
“Who?” She asked, her eyebrows furrowed under the SHIELD hat. She looked different, the NIN white t-shirt and black jeans made her look, well, like she was still the same. The same from the pictures, the same from the stories. 
“I’m Vers,” She introduced, then turned her attention back to the situation. You were stunned, after everyone got onto the plane, Fury explained everything he could to you. 
5 years ago the plane had crashed, 5 years ago Carol had left, now Carol was back. 
Maria was gonna have a heart attack. 
“Y/n?” Maria questioned, ducking out of her large camp behind the house. Monica ran out of the plane she was fixing and quickly ran over to hug you. 
“Auntie y/n!!” She exclaimed, running over to you and hugging you, you signalled Carol and Fury to stay in the plane until you could explain a few things to Maria. 
“What the hell are you doing in that?” Maria demanded, hands on her hips. She seemed more worried than aggressive. 
“Um, long story, but you remember Carol right?” You asked, Monica nodded against you, pulling away slightly with one arm still around you. Maria nodded grimly. “So-”
“Auntie Carol?” Monica questioned, then quickly removing herself from you and running over to Carol and hugging her. “See I told you she wasn’t dead!” Monica looked up at Carol to see no recognition. 
“I’m not who you think I am.” Carol confessed hesitantly as Monica pulled away. 
“Come, come inside, all of you.” Maria said quietly, heading inside. You followed right next to her, putting on arm on her shoulder and trying to explain the best you could. 
After everything was explained, the three of you sat, chatting while Fury and Monica went to get Carol’s things. 
“This is some crazy shit.” You joked, leaning back in the seat. Carol’s eyes quickly scanned over you before smiling. Maria sent a weird look her way before nodding. 
“Mind your language.” Maria reminded, nodding her head towards where Monica was excitedly running in. You raised your hands in defeat, causing them to chuckle as they bantered over what happened the day she disappeared. 
You couldn’t help but watch Carol, she was just so, so pretty. She flicked some hair out of her eyes once in a while, attracting your attention to her eyes. They were a beautiful mixture of green and hazel with gold specks in between. 
“Auntie Carol we found your things!” Monica yelled from the other room, breaking you from your trance. Maria saw how the two of you kept staring at each other and smirked, you knew that smirk but spoke before she could. 
“Let’s go, maybe you’ll remember something.” You stated, quickly. Carol looked up at you and Maria in confusion. You rolled your eyes and grabbed her wrist, pulling her over to the table. 
“This is gonna be a long day.” Maria joked as the three of you approached the table. 
Yeah, yeah it was. 
Tag list:  @capcarolsdanver, @versdan, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught, @lovebotlarson, @dhengkt, @5aftermidnight, @hstoria, @natasha-danvers, @veryfunnyal let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
A/N: This is gonna be a really long story cause I wanted a perfect backstory. So, stay tuned, ew im never saying that again. Feedback is amazing, thanks!
Part 2
Part 3
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ahmedmootaz · 4 years
Hello! I saw you request of requests, soooo. Can I request a story and it can be however long you want it to be. The sort of prompt is what you think would or want to happen in the upcoming episode “The Phantom and The Sorceress”. It’s fine even if you don’t answer this ask, thanks for all your content and theories!
Dear Anonymous,
What, did you think that just because I replied one day before the episode aired that I wouldn’t do it?...Well, I was debating it, but this was a fun one. I really hope you like it, because I spent quite a bit of effort on it.
Beware of possible spoilers, however. I mean, it is all prediction, but you never know when you’re right. So, here’s the link:
And here is the magical Read More button, for those who need it (Note that Tumblr doesn’t copy italics, for some reason):
It was a dark, cold night in the Forest Of...whatever. Lena couldn't care less about what its name was. It was damp, awful, cold, and filled with monsters. No wonder Magica would hide here; it was basically her dream home. Maybe it was a mirror, too. She trudged with her friends, Violet and Webby, who'd oh-so-kindly volunteered to help her on this mad quest of hers. She was going mad, that's what, and they were both ready to go mad with her. She really was lucky when it came to friends.
They kept trudging in silence, not wanting to reflect on the series of what must've been unfortunate events to lead them to searching for Magica DeSpell in the dark, cold night in the middle of a swamp. An ugly swamp, too...though, now that she thought about it, there weren't really 'pretty' swamps, so it wasn't like Magica chose a bad one; they were all bad.
Despite telling herself several times how she was over this, how she had no issues whatsoever about what they were doing right now and that it was for the greater good, she found herself contemplating any other choice. Just what, exactly, led them to this point?!
...Well, they all knew. It was a rhetorical question. An angry rhetorical question. Leave it to the McDucks to be attacked by a literal video-game monster that crawled out of the screen and treating it like another boring day. Which...yeah, it kinda was for them, but she'd gotten used to the calmer household she moved in. It wasn't like that was the biggest thing that happened today, either, it was more like...the appetizer, even though that wasn't really a correct statement, since it was like eating a whole roast duck only to be told it was an appetizer.
Still, it wasn't the tentacle-monster which they took down that led to this situation. It was the fact that Gladstone...Gladner? Something along those lines, showed up. Apparently, he was the boys' uncle, which made him someone she didn't know. Not that it mattered anyway, he came in, crying about how his luck left him forever before weeping on her arm, which was conveniently next to him. Her sleeve was never going to return to regular levels of salt after this.
It took a while before Scrooge managed to calm him down. It seemed like his luck...which was a thing she didn't know about, had left him. Normally, she was told, they would've chalked it up to some paranormal mystery and had to excuse themselves and send her home, but it went further then that...Almost everyone in Duckburg was losing their abilities.
They didn't really believe it at first, but when Scrooge's monetary abilities started going blank, the alarms blared loudly enough in everyone's minds. It wasn't just him, too; Gyro was losing his intelligence, so was Huey, Mrs.Beakly lost a good portion of her Agent skills, and Dewey lost the ability to Dewey, whatever the heck he meant by that.
It only left her and the rest of Team Magic to fend for themselves and figure out what was draining their powers. There was one teeny-tiny problem, however:
How would they do that? Webby was an amazing fighter, but their enemy, a certain Phantom Blot that Violet heard about, didn't leave a trace, much less a body to fight, and despite Violet's best efforts, nothing came out of her investigations to find where he hid, which left Lena to do the job. One issue, however: She couldn't.
She was a brilliant sorceress, or so she bragged, but there was still much she needed to learn before casting detection spells. And they, she theorized, didn't have that time. Violet was an amazing step-sister and a scarily fast learner, but even she came up empty-handed when it came to learning anything about that power. That left one magic user in Duckburg she knew. Ugh.
She shivered at the memory, snapping out of her mind due to some whimpering from Gladstone. He said he needed to find his luck or else he was a goner. She thought he was exaggerating at first, but then a boat nearly fell on him. 4 Kilometres away from sea. He promised he'd do them anything if she let him accompany them on this treacherous journey while the rest of the gang tried investigating using their own ways, and the agreed. How bad could he be, anyways?
-"U-Um...Lena? I don't know how to tell you this...but I...I hate swamps. I don't think I know how to walk in them. It was always my luck helping me out. I'm cold, scared, and humiliated."...well, not too bad, but he just wouldn't shut up! And while he seemed to amuse Webby and Violet, he was just getting on her nerves.
-"Well, nobody here likes swamp, either! And you've been listing the things your luck did for you for two hours now, is there anything you can do on your own, Mr.Gladstone?", she shot back, irked.
He used to argue and bicker with her, but as his luck kept worsening throughout the day (How on earth does one get mauled by a bear, an alligator, and then receive a speeding ticket because the alligator's death-roll was too fast??), he mostly stuck to paranoia to help himself. She couldn't help but feel bad for him, despite how much he annoyed her.
-"W-Well...I used to breathe well on my own...I could also walk...I think...", he mumbled, his voice a broken mess compared to his arrogant and proud tone, or so she was told by Webby. "A-And...I think I might need to learn how to go to the bathroom in the swamp.", he added, his exhaustion overpowering his embarrassment.
-"Pffft, don't worry about it, Gladstone! The entire swamp is your bathroom! You're basically the King of the swamp!", and there it was, the perky, energetic voice that was trying to keep Gladstone away from depression this entire trip.
-"Oh, quit with the lies! I am nothing without my luck!", he cried, seeming on the verge of tears for the...seventeenth time today? Lena couldn't remember. "B-But...It wasn't my choice! My luck was always there for me! Like...Like a-a stick! Something to lean on my entire life and now it is gone!", he lamented, slouching as his footsteps got a bit slower. For the sake of all them, Lena hoped he regained any of his luck soon.
-"Well, it is true; any being born with a condition, abnormal or not, that aids him throughout his life without any major work done from the part of the being will eventually get used to this condition, which could explain why you're taking this particular misadventure hard, Mr.Gladstone.", Violet bumped in their chat, checking the notepad on which they brainstormed the possible locations of Magica. "Still, I'd advise you to remain positive, as I sense we may be able to fix these conditions.", she added, giving him a small, encouraging smile which he didn't notice.
-"Yeah, probs.", the teenage witch agreed after she felt a nudge from the Vanderquack. Anything to cheer up her friend's friends' uncle. "Hey Vi, are we close or not?", she asked, trying to ignore the eye-roll from her shorter friend.
-"Well, I don't have a particularly detailed map, though I imagine that Magica would mark her camp with a particular sign; an X on the ground, perhaps, or perhaps we must deduce it from the surrounding environment-"
-"Or she might've carved her face on the bottom of an ancient tree!", the cheerful duck happily announced as they entered a clearing with a small dirt road that led to the mouth of Magica DeSpell. A wooden carving of her, anyway.
It was just as Webby said, large, reeking of pride and arrogance, and yet...oddly well done. The details were really nice and actually looked like Magica. If she had to give her 'aunt' something, it had to be that she apparently didn't suck at something in her life. Really though, wood carving, of all things? Was she a carpenter before becoming an evil, awful witch? Is she talented? She didn't have her magic...maybe she had someone else with her.
-"Alright, so, is everyone prepared to meet my homicidal aunt?", the tallest duckling asked with fake happiness, receiving a nod form everyone but Gladstone, who emitted  something of a sniff. Webby readied the axe she brought with her, patting the kitten at the top while Violet tightened her garlic necklace, while Gladstone...he stood there, steadying his back a bit. "Mr.Gladstone?"
-"Ah, forget about it, whatever she does to me, it can't be worse than having an anvil hit me from ten-meters.", he steadied his tone, managing to make it more bitter than desperate. Well, at least he wasn't going to cry when they see her.
She looked back at the tree's base, blocking out the various memories that gave her the urge to blast the door, and knocked. Harshly. Hey, she was going to give herself something. She felt both Webby and Violet's hands on her shoulders, and she anticipated the door opening. Now or never...they were going to convince her, and somehow, she didn't think it was going to be too easy.
Her mind raced, imagining all the awful things she could be plotting right now. She heard garlic was harmful to magic users, something she didn't know too much about, but was apparently true, as she figured out when her magical powers suddenly dimmed as she touched some garlic. Still, Magica could hit them form a distance...and what about that axe? Was going physical the ideal plan? Was-
The quartet of ducks yelled, jumping back before they realized the door didn't even open. It was something from the inside. Someone, to be exact. A couple of curses came through the door as a metallic sound came through as well.
-"Bloody Hell! Who comes in this hour of the night, in this swamp, to this tree?! I don't even pay bills!", the angry yelling of her not-really-aunt came through. Yep, that was about the attitude she expected. "If you're the Magical Supplies Shop, I'm sorry, but if you couldn't tell, I lost my powers after following a wonderful plan of mine. I cannot pay you in whatever things you want. Now go away before I shoot you!", she answered with a sickeningly sweet tone. Even her voice brought Lena awful memories and forced her to frown.
-"You can do this, Lena. You faced her down before. She can't do anything to you.", Violet squeezed her shoulder, giving her a determined smile. Lena shot one back, before taking a step closer to the door.
-"Hey, this is Lena...Your...", she sighed, bringing a hand to her temple. "Niece?", she finished, awaiting a sick laughter or an undignified scowl at her for attempting to break free from being a shadow. Sorry-not-sorry, Magica. For moment, there was silence. Then there was laughter. Hysterical laughter. So much laughter Lena felt scared.
-"Ooooh, good one, person-who-is-trying-to-fool-me! I don't have a niece! My brother is dead and my sister cannot keep a worm alive! Now scram before my patience runs out!", she thundered from behind the door, leaving the ducklings and Gladstone in shock.
-"She has a brother?", Lena repeated with incredulity, looking at her two friends and Gladstone.
-"I don't know! How should I know? I thought she didn't have family!", Violet answered with equal confusion, shrugging.
-"I mean, technically she doesn't have a brother anymore.", Gladstone chimed in, his voice devoid of any enthusiasm. "Who's this woman anyway? And why does she sound like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed?", he asked, raising his voice a tad too much.
-"The wrong side of the bed?!", came the war-cry from behind the door, only leaving a moment before a couple of locks unlocked and it swung outwards, revealing Magica DeSpell . With a shotgun. Oh, well this was just lovely, wasn't it? "Alright, that does it, I will put more holes than you than there is in...swiss...cheese...", her speech slurred, looking at the three ducklings in front of her house.
The silence remained for a moment, with no one doing anything. Webby brandished her weapon, Violet made a threatening expression, and Lena ignited a spark in her hand. And Gladstone stood there, trying to take all this in. That moment gave Lena enough time to admire Magica's hut; a three-room lodging, more aptly. It was basically a sink, a gas-cooker, and some drawers, a wardrobe, and a bookshelf, all locally-made, apparently. There was also a toilet and a bath in the background. It was a pretty sorry place to live in, but it seemed functional enough.
-"Hi, Aunt Magica.", Lena greeted, gritting her teeth and delivering the widest, fakest smile she could possibly give. "I almost forgot how you looked! We haven't seen each other in such a long time. What a shame.", she continued, trying her best to remain calm and to look the elder sorceress in the eyes. Said sorceress was now surveying the ducks surrounding her, measuring her chances and keeping her hands on the shotgun's trigger.
-"Get out. Now!", the cape-wearing duck yelled, looking dangerously close to a rage-fit. "All three of you. Now!"
-"Three? Hello? I may have lost my luck, but I am certainly not invisible, lady!", Gladstone announced with an undignified tone. He got a glare that shut him up. "Yeah, sure, okay, talk with the people who really matter. Why wouldn't you?", he grumbled bitterly.
-"Listen, as much as we'd love to, we can't really do that.", the younger sorceress laid her hand on her waist, looking both bored and uncaring. At least, she hoped she did. The last thing she needed was for the awful, horrible duck in front of her to sense any weakness, something she assumed she excelled at.
-"Besides, we're already outside! Your evil mind trick won't work on us!", Webby boasted, swinging her axe a bit for intimidation purposes. They didn't seem to work all too well, but at the very least, they made Magica's shotgun point at her just a tiny bit. Was that a victory?...Probably not.
-"Fine then, get away from me! From this place! The last thing I need is to spend my night with a bunch of *McDucks*.", the gun-wielder practically screamed, her veins starting to bulge from the anger. Her voice was laced with venom dripping off of every word. It was honestly both terrifying and admirable how much hate she poured into every word.
-"I told you we can't.", Lena repeated calmly, trying to avoid a fight she saw she was coming.
And then, just as she hoped things would calm down, a loud, roaring BANG! filled the swamp. Every single member of her group jumped, looking frightened as they searched around for wounded. There were none, only four ducks staring at each other. She'd tricked them. And she didn't even have her magic. Lena frowned and turned her face back to her shadow's origin. Her...uh...creator? She was her shadow, did shadows have creators? Maybe a caster was a better term? As much as she hated it, 'Aunt Magica' rolled off the tongue far better than 'Caster Magica'.
-"Are you searching for fight? Because I'm not certain your chances would be very high with the four of us.", Violet spoke for her step-sister. Her new room-mate at this point, but Lena still appreciated the gesture with all of her heart. It appeared Magica actually fired a shot, even if it was only a warning shot. Everyone tried to make good on that statement, looking as threatening as they could. Even Gladstone lifted his fists, adding a grand total of 4% to how threatening they were.
-"Maybe you are! Why can't you get away from me? What do you want? I don't have any more plans for the moment, I didn't do anything illegal for the last month, and you're taking my books from my cold, dead, hands!", the former-Sorceress Of The Shadows barked back defiantly, still pointing at them with her gun. "I don't care if you kill me! I'll take at least two of you down before I-"
-"Could you shut up?!", Lena cried out, her eye twitching and doing everything she could to not attack Magica. "We're here because...because...", she couldn't say it. She couldn't bring herself to ask her for help.
-"...You want to buy something?", her 'aunt' guessed, gun still pointing at her head, but apparently curious.
-"You want to brag?"
-"...No.", okay, maybe they did, but they couldn't do that. Not now, anyway.
-"Are we here to rent the room?", Gladstone chimed in, scratching his head. Lena was certain Violet explained to him on the way here...but he apparently forgot.
-"I NEED YOUR HELP!", there, she spat it. She couldn't believe she said it, covering her face afterwards. She felt Violet's hand pat her and heard Webby saying something along the lines of 'There, there'.
-"...I'm sorry? Is this...Listen, it's the middle of September, the swamp is humid as all Hell and I'm trying to set up a fan, if you're just here to brag,", she said before adding 'as you McDucks do.' under her breath, "Then you can come sometime else, these garments aren't exactly fun to wear when the humidity is 85% today so-"
-"No, we need the help. But you'd better watch your back, you witch, because if you try to betray us, I'll shove this axe right down your head!", Webby warned threateningly, patting the kitten once more. Magica actually remained silent and judged what she said, and Lena decided it was time to uncover her face again.
-"And why would you need my help?", the witch repeated, lowering her weapon. Lena could just feel smugness radiating off of her, and she hated it with every molecule of her being.
-"There's a thief in town. He's stealing everyone's abilities. Everything about them. He's stealing it. He calls himself the Phantom Blot.", Violet answered, looking rather impatient with Magica, who smiled with a hum.
-"And why should that concern me?", she smugly inquired and...well, she wasn't wrong. Lena hated that she wasn't wrong.
-"The Phantom Blot hates magic and its users. He wants to eradicate the both of them and you, if I remember correctly, are a witch, yes?", the hummingbird explained, gaining a bit more of a reaction this time: A chuckle. They really couldn't find anyone else, huh?
-"Listen, Purple, if you can remember so well, then you might as well remember that Lena over there stole all of my power. I'm in no danger of this Phantom Blot.", she shot back, a taunting smile on her beak and crossing her arms.
-"Alright, listen up you freak, maybe you don't realize this, but he doesn't know that you don't have your powers. All he knows is that you were the single biggest magical spell to hit this town less than a year ago. I'd say you're still on his hit list.", not taking any more of this back-and-forth, the younger sorceress quipped, closing her hands together and trying a smirk of her own to counter the furious frown and growl her 'aunt' gave her.
-"And you're still on our hit list, you monster! So don't try to even think about doing anything funny!", Webby added, giving her best-friends a reassuring smile, though a somewhat threatening one.
-"I don't think I care about that too much."...she didn't? Oh. Well. There goes the entire base of their plans. "My family isn't here, neither is my home, I don't have my powers, I struggle to eat half-decent food, and I can't even make any new plans after that piece of-", she stopped herself, "Sorry, after Glomgold took everything I had monetarily. In other words, life isn't looking too great for me.", she finished indifferently, though a bit sad and bitter. Huh. That's...really odd. Bitter yes, but sad? Lena wouldn't have ever expected that from her.
-"Tough luck, lady. There's a great pharmacy that sells anti-depressants on the next corner. You know. If you're like me and lost all the joy your life ever had.", the former-luckiest duck in the world suggested darkly, pointing a thumb somewhere. "Look, I don't know you, you don't know me, but please just do me a favour, alright? I need your help. Magic or whatever I just...I just need my luck bad. I need my life back. Can you please help us for the good of your heart?", he got down on his knees and begged, not showing too much emotion, but just enough to almost make you forget his bitterness a moment ago. Almost.
-"...Yeah, listen, the 'good of my heart' doesn't really exist, and even if it did, then I won't be giving it to you of all people.", well...Lena couldn't say she wouldn't say something similar to some duck she barely even knew. Unlike Magica, however, she'd actually accept. Probably. "But it seems Scrooge's thinking isn't there quite yet for all of you.", she stated, almost with disappointment, as she brought two fingers to her temple. "My life at this point is in danger...but that's not really what's motivating me here. What do I have to gain?", ah, straight to the point, are we?
-"What, keeping your life isn't enough for you?", her former-shadow snarked back, utilizing the opportunity to show no respect whatsoever. Ah, that felt good. It didn't feel good to see her nemesis laugh at her, however, as if she knew something she didn't.
-"Now, I may be misunderstanding this, but you don't have much time, yes? Phantom Bolt or whatever is already striking. Both of our lives are endangered, and if it means taking you out...well, I don't need to say much, eh?", oh, how Lena hated the smugness in her voice. They'd accounted for this, but she just wanted to punch her in her stupid beak so much!
-"Fine, does this make you any more inclined?", the younger witch pulled out a purple gem, dangling it from her finger and immediately making Magica's pupils widen.
-"My Sumerian Amulet!", she yelled, throwing herself on Lena, though not with so much force the latter wasn't able to repel her. Indeed, all the younger duckling had to do was raise a hand as her 'aunt' tried grabbing the amulet that was dangling so close to her.
-"There, feeling a bit more excited now?", the intelligent, sharp voice of Violet observed. "We know how much this means to you. Maybe you could even regain your magic with it, yes? This is as much as we're going to offer, so if you don't want it..."
-"...Fine!", came the near-instant response. Magica was biting her lower beak, looking majorly conflicted. "Alright, you have some of ol' Scroogie in you. You want my help? Fine. Fine, no really. How about we seal the deal, then? I help you with whatever it is you want to beat the Phantom Blot, you give me back my Sumerian Amulet, and we all try to kill each other sometime later, affaire conclue?", she extended a fingerless-ly gloved hand, looking all-too-gleeful about all of this. Lena knew the amulet was powerful, but the way Magica accepted their offer...it gave her second thoughts about giving her the amulet.
-"It means 'deal?', Mr.Gladstone.", she heard her step-sister tell the triplets' uncle. Apparently, he wasn't too fond of Magica's new terminology...but then again, neither was Lena. "Though I must wonder how you know of French, Magica.", the short hummingbird muttered as she extended a hand alongside the other three ducks.
-"I have some Savoyard cousins. You're not the only ones with a family here.", came the dry answer.
It took a moment of hesitation, with everyone almost certain that the other side will pull out at the last second. Then, suddenly, Webby's hand went forward and shook, or rather, grabbed Magica's. Violet soon followed, and Gladstone did as they did. That only left Lena, who stared at Magica. If she shakes this hand...she'll take orders from her again. She'll give her the amulet that will make her able to hurt her again. She didn't want to do this...but she had to. Not only for herself, but for her friends. For everyone who depended on her, she took a breath and forced her hand to shake with Magica's. It was...huh. Wow. Her fingers were tiny compared to Lena. How did she never notice?
-"Lovely. Now, you're trying to go after this Phantom Whatever, yes?", the cape-drapped witch asked, looking a bit more enthusiastic. She received a nod from everyone, Gladstone included. "Very well, I can make you an elixir to poison him, though it's going to take some-"
-"Woah woah woah, we're trying to defend ourselves here! Not everyone is a murderer like you!", Lena objected, waving her arms frantically just as her 'aunt' was going to enter her hut. She earned a disapproving stare. She hated them.
-"He's going to kill you, Lena. You're being naïve if you think showing kindness is going to change someone who's bent on murdering you.", the sorceress mocked, resting her hand on her hip. "Besides, why come here in the first place if you're all such big fans of Gandhi?"
-"We want you to teach Lena spell.", Webby replied, her axe still unsheathed, though it only gained an unimpressed look as her enemy got used to it. "We can defeat the Phantom Blot without resorting to your methods, and you'll see that yourself!", she proudly continued, lifting the axe a little higher.
-"A spell?", Magica repeated, mystified. "You...You want me to teach you a spell?! To be back where I belong? To rejoin my magical destiny-", oh, come on. Couldn't she stay clam for five minutes? Why was she acting like a hyperactive child all of sudden? That wasn't how she was supposed to act!
-"Yes, yes, all of that. Now if you could just-"
-"Ooooh, it feels good to be back!", deciding that two could play at the interruptions game, she ignored her 'niece' as she wrapped her cloak around her, covering her beak and moving her fingers for dramatic effect.
-"You are exhausting to be around, you know that?", Lena quipped, glaring at the far-too-gleeful duck in front of her.
-"I try. Now, what spell do you exactly want?"
-"We were thinking about trying a spell to locate the Phantom Blot.", Violet explained, and Lena couldn't help but notice Magica tilted her head just a teeny tiny bit. "We want to know where he is, and if possible, bring him to us.", she clarified, her dignified tone not wavering.
-"You seem worried, witch. Are you worried because you're trying to play us and now you can't?", Webby interrogated with her 'detective accent', looking suspicious to Magica's current indescribable expression.
-"No, it's not that, it's just...Locating people and things is more of a Teleporter thing...", she answered, almost begrudgingly.
-"Welp, we came to the wrong person. I told you! We needed a teleporter, we have a witch. And we made a deal. This is just fan-tastic.", ever the positive one, Lena ranted as she started walking around, waving her arms, exasperated.
-"Of course it would be you to not know magic-branches, Lena.", her 'aunt' scolded, noticing Webby's sudden axe-swing and trying to ignore the obvious threat. "Teleporting is magic. Just a branch of it. I'm more talented in the spells branch and the alchemy branch, alongside shadow-manipulation, of course. Teleporting...well, I can help you. I tried learning it, after all.", she boasted, mumbling the last part to herself more than to the ducklings surrounding her.
-"Branches, huh...And how can we know you're not just messing with us? You could be saying absolute mallarcky!", the seater-wearing duck accused, earning an undignified huff from the older sorceress.
-"I said I tried learning it, and not without some success.", she claimed, hoping to satisfy Lena's questions and just get closer to getting the darn amulet. She didn't. "Listen, my brother was a pretty good Teleporter. I'll tell you what he told me, alright?", she explained further, noticeably uncomfortable with what she was saying.
-"How come I never heard of him if he's so go-"
-"Because you've never spent more than two months in Europe, you brat! Don't you dare talk about the King Of Napoli like that!", she screamed, looking more threatening by the second. A full-blown beatdown was about to ensue if it wasn't for Gladstone, of all people.
-"Hey...I remember that name...He stole my car when I was on a trip in Europe! And my newly-won crown which I won in Barbaria!", he recounted, looking far-too-happy for what he was saying.
-"Bavaria.", Violet corrected.
-"Whatever, he just teleported in my car and stole it after throwing me out! And he had someone else with him, too!", the former-luck king continued, still looking inexplicably happy. "I never thanked him for his service! Some old lady saw the accident and thought I needed help, so she gave me one of her luxury jets to console me! Told me nobody was safe from the King Of Napopi.", he finished, a smile on his face. "That was before the whole...unlucky thing...", and now he was going to be depressed again.
-"See? Now just listen to what I tell you and you should be fine!", the elder duck ordered, apparently unable to sense the internal moment of struggle Lena had before she obeyed, taking a step forward.
-"Yes...Magica.", she muttered under her breath, standing in front of her arch nemesis' cold stare. Her friends were there to protect her. There was nothing to fear. Nothing to fear at all. This was just a forced training session. She was going to get through this.
-"I'd appreciate it if you call me Miss Magica.", and yet it didn't seem like her momentary teacher was willing to make this easy for the both of them. Holding her sly smile, she straightened her back and looked at her forced-apprentice for a second. "Let your magic run through you. Teleportation is a complex art, and all its branches need a constant flow of magic through one's self. Location is no different, let the magic run through your body.", she stated, trying to throw her cloak in a dramatic way.
-"Okay so...like this?", the tallest duckling asked, holding her right arm in front of her and sensing the tingling sensation of magic as it coursed through her. She came to control it after a multitude of attempts, so this wasn't much of a trial. "Oh, and since I might as well milk you for whatever you're worth, can I change this colour? I hate this purple.", she wondered, noting that she didn't get any reply before forcing her vocal cords to add "Miss Magica?"
-"Hmm, well, I don't know, the colour of one's magic is determined by both their will and their chosen Branch of Magic, I had to go through lots of training to change my magic's colour, and since this is my magic,", she pointed at the flame-like purple shape that surrounded her 'niece', "It's going to take a lot of time for you to change it back. But it's no special technique. Some can immediately change it, others cannot. It comes eventually.", she continued indifferently, paying attention to the magic that was radiating off of Lena.
-"Don't talk to Lena like that!", the Vanderquack reaffirmed her stance on Magica as she exchanged glares with the now-dysfunctional sorceress.
-"Webs, it's fine. I can deal with her.", her best-friend answered, turning her attention back to her teacher. Oh, how she hated that she had to refer to her as that! Nevertheless, she was surprised she actually got an answer. She expected some insults and nothing else, but it seemed that once they had a deal...she worked with it. It was...unnerving.
-"When it comes to searching for something, you must see it with your blind eye. You must both wish for it, see it in your mind, and release enough magical surges to clear the way for you. Only then will you sense where what you search for lies. For example, I have a red neckerchief in my house with a raven on it in my home. Try sensing where it is.", the DeSpell explained emotionlessly, guiding Lena a bit closer to her home.
She closed her eyes, as she was told, and tried seeing the neckerchief. Red...raven...yep, pretty plain alright. And yet...she tried releasing energy as she was told, but the only thing that was getting released was a bunch of aimless magical balls that deflated on the ground. She couldn't sense anything. She had the image in her brain, but she couldn't really...get 'it', if that made any sense.
-"Not good. As expected, you cannot properly use my magic. Perhaps you need to be more emotionally motivated to feel the 'click'?", of course it would be like Magica to benefit off this situation. Of course. Well, at least she was partially right. Lena grunted as a response, not wanting to give her trainer any more satisfaction than necessary. "Then we must up the risks a bit.", the elder sorceress claimed moving a bit to where her friends stood.
-"Listen here, Magica! Lena's trying her best, and we have no need for you! If you ever- Hey! My...bow...", in an instant, there was a 'splash'. The eldest of the ducklings turned around to see Webby without her iconic bow staring into the stagnant water of the swamp, shocked and furious at the same time. "That was a gift from my grandma!", she yelled back.
-"Oh, quit it, you want to help your oh-so-precious friends, yes? Then let me teach!", the witch shot coldly, evading an axe swing with relative ease, watching as the energetic duckling gritted her beak; they had no one to trust but her. "Now, Lena, this swamp is filled with alligators and all sorts of nasty creatures. If we don't find Debby's bow in five minutes, it might as well be gone forever. If you can find where I threw it, I'll go get it myself. Sounds good?", too good. Especially that last part. In fact, only that last part, since Lena had little faith that she could succeed.
When everyone around her went silent, the young witch turned her head to Webby. She looked distraught. Closing her eyes once more, she faced the swamp and tried sensing for the bow. Pink, small, and plain. It was a rather noticeable part of Webby. Something that clearly meant a lot for her. If she could find it...Then she'd have helped her friends. She saw it...she willed it...and she started releasing magical sparks. For a moment, just like last time, they merely deflated.
Then, all of a sudden...she felt 'it'. A guiding feeling...like an arm on her shoulders. It made her open her eyes, but she could still see the bow. She saw it. She felt it. It was pulsing...the pulsing pushed her to where it came from:...Away from the water? It was behind her. But the only thing behind her was...she turned around to look at Magica, who had a detestably smug expression on her face as she showed Lena her fingerless-ly gloved left hand. The glove had a small bulge near the wrist.
-"Seems as if I was correct.", was all she said. Lena didn't growl or frown this time. She had no reason to. It slightly angered her to agree with her 'aunt', but as far as correctness went, there wasn't much to critique here. "I learnt this little trick as a little girl. It can help you in a tough spot.", she added as she removed it from under her glove, throwing it into her student's hand. "There, I made good on my promise, right?"
...She did?...Well, yes, she did teach her. Lena thought that she didn't mention some things, such as the formula or how much energy one should dedicate, but in the end, those details were all discovered by her apprentice with no need for more external help. She, should she follow the instructions correctly, was now technically able to find the Phantom Blot.
Then why did she feel something wrong? She felt as if something wasn't quite...right, to put it simply. She expected a bigger fight with Magica. Harsher treatment. Little to no emotions, but it was just...meh. Nothing too big. She stared again the the elder witch. She was smiling. It was a smug smile alright, but it was a smile. It wasn't something she expected to see of Magica. Perhaps as a result of her disdain for her 'aunt' she, too, came to see her as incapable of being a person.
-"I guess so...", she murmured, knowing exactly where her former-teacher at this point was going. She prepared her amulet, not wishing to give it away. "Her name is Webby, by the way.", she added, not getting a response
-"I told you my brother was a good teacher.", her fifteen-minute trainer mumbled, more to herself than to anyone else, and Lena felt awkward. She stared back at her friends.
-"I...uh. Sorry about him. Dying. I guess.", she whispered but it caught the attention of Magica, and she looked positively shocked. "Don't look so shocked. Respect the dead and all that.", that came out wrong. So wrong. If she meant to disrespect him, she couldn't have done worse.
-"Heh...listen, sometimes faking death is a bit easier with magic on your side. If you're willing to share a bit more than the amulet, then maybe I can tell you about him.", she smiled again, though this was one of her more typical smiles, if still an actual smile. Huh. Curious
But just as the newly trained sorceress was about to say something, a 'zap' echoed in the swamp. There was light for a moment, and Magica had to jump to avoid the bolt that zapped a part of her hair and neck. Everyone turned in a split second to see a black-clothed figure with green eyes and a metallic glove on his right hand.
-"And I was just about to pick this four-leaved clover, too...", was the only sentence uttered for a solid minute. And by Gladstone of all people.
The Phantom Blot looked menacing. Pure, undiluted, unadulterated intimidation radiated off of his clothed figure. From afar, you wouldn't be blamed if you thought he was a medieval executioner. The metallic glove on his hand looked more electronic than medieval on closer inspection, but that didn't matter too much. His eyes, fully green by some method, conveyed little emotions, but there's something Lena sensed from him: Hatred.
-"Finally...", his clunky, distorted and terrifying voice announced, his footsteps calculated and his eyes focused. "It seems my searching has led me to the most vile of beings, at last.", he added, closing his fist.
-"The most vile of beings? Listen, I heard some nasty things about ducks, but come on man-", Gladstone tried countering, only to receive a bolt that knocked him over, making him grunt.
-"Not you, you imbecile! These WITCHES!", he cried, hatred drenching his words as he advanced. He most certainly had an accent...But Lena couldn't just pin-point it...though she thought she heard it sometime in the past...
-"These what now?", Magica repeated, apparently offended.
-"WITCHES!", he repeated, not slowing his advance as the group of ducks slowly backed off. "You come in with your magic, destroy cities with your undeserved power, and you...you're never satisfied! You always want more! You never leave something to the people who work for their power!", he ranted shooting a couple of bolts that forced the group the yell and retreat further to Magica's hut.
-"Oh. Witches. I think I still hate you, but a little less than when I thought you said-"
-"It would just be like you to show up now, huh?!", back to interrupting Magica, it was Lena who couldn't keep it in her head anymore. "I spend an hour with Magica to learn how to find you and you just show up like that?! Couldn't you have came in a little early?! Do you have any idea what kind of deal we made?!", she complained, ranting at him, and forcing him to do a double take on her words.
-"Not only are you a witch, but you are a sore loser. I could make my nonna's pasta with that much salt!", he mocked, doing a small laugh that almost sounded dead...like, the whole laughing part was there, but there was no spirit behind it. Just a sick, twisted glee.
-"Hey, hold it there for a minute, you're italian?", Magica asked, flabbergasted. Ah. Right. Sometimes Magica lost control of her British accent in front of Lena. Now she remembered. But really? This was the thing she asked about? Why would that matt-
-"Indeed, and my heart shall always remain there! It is why I find great pleasure and cleaning Napoli of your filth!", he growled, firing another shot which she barely avoided but backing her into the tree where her hut was located.
-"Oooh, you're digging your own grave here, you Blot! I am a proud Neapolitan, and the mere name is much more than wherever you're from!", she challenged, pointing an accusing finger as the other ducks stared at each other. They didn't know what exactly was unfolding in front of them, but it couldn't have been anything good.
-"Don't you dare insult Genova, you wretch!", he shot back, almost losing his nerves for a second before calming down. "No. I am much better than losing my nerves to a fiend like you! Prepare for justice!", he suddenly declared, and the speed of it made Magica unable to dodge the bolt he fired, punching her into Gladstone, who tried hiding behind her, and throwing the both of them into the trunk of her tree. She fell down with a hard 'crack', leaving Gladstone in a duck-shaped impression.
-"Wh-Why me...?!", he lamented before falling. The sorceress tried getting up but she limped.
-"Magica!", Lena yelled. Why did she yell? Why could she possibly yell?...Because if she dies, he's going after them. Definitely. She ran, trying to raise a shield to protect her from another, more frightening zap that would've hit her. Heck, even then, it shattered Lena's shield. Crud, this guy really isn't messing around anymore. But then a pink figure shined behind the Phantom. Yes! Webby was doing it!
-"How's this for justice!", she cried from behind him as she jumped, but he was good. Too good. He managed to spin his entire figure, raise his mechanical weapon and take a fighting pose at once, stopping his assailant's hit. Oh. This guy wasn't going to be any fun, was he?
-"You...Hah! It wasn't enough!", he bragged, pulling the battle-axe from his glove as his previous wielder suffered from the vibrations of hitting a metal. One powerful grab and swing from his glove sent Webby back to her friends, face in the dirt, and with no weapon.
-"What kind of justice are you hoping to achieve?!", cried Violet, hoping to buy them some time. It didn't work, and he only accelerated his assault, firing multiple electrical charges or whatever these were, forcing the ducks to separate.
-"Justice is not my primary concern, hummingbird. I am a criminal, after all, but if I can do my job and rid the world of this evil, then I shall take the initiative!", he calmly replied, not paying any attention to the fact that most of them were getting zapped or were running in terror. "But enough playing around, I do not wish to fail now!", he stopped, preparing what seemed to be a worse, more powerful form of his weapon.
-"Lena, do you think we can take him on?", Violet asked, trying to get them regroup.
-"Webby, do you have any more weapons?", she turned to the Vanderquack, trying to assume to role of the leader.
-"Don't really think they're going to affect him.", she answered pulling out a few knives that looked like toothpicks comapred to her axe.
-"Don't have my luck; can't do anything.", came the reply.
-"...Magica?", she asked her voice a bit desperate.
-"My shotgun has one more round in it.", she declared, pointing it at their attacker, who finished upgrading himself and was about to shoot once again. "We're going to die, aren't we?"
-"Probably.", Lena answered her, watching the black-wearing man as he began shooting at them again.
Well. Nothing else to do but to face the music, as they say. Whoever 'they' is. And whatever that meant. And whatever that had to do with their situation. Oh, give her a break. She didn't have time to think about this fight of theirs. Magic versus one very wronged, apparently, and angry man and his technology. The fight of the century.
The Phantom versus The Sorceress. Time to see how long they can stay alive.
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
hi leia, i saw your post abt a matchup and here i am to request for one (if it's open tho!!) HAHAHAHA you probably know me so well already because we chat almost everyday jdksjsk but i'll add some general things lang: im shy and awkward at first but when i warm up to you, i bring out my chaotic side (wow remember those 20 qs we did? HAHAHA iconic) default mode: a chill homebody, but if you successfully drag me to a fun place (like amusement parks) i'll be grateful to u forever :> +
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I match you up with...
CHOS! My other choices were Lev and Goshiki but I match you up with...
Tanaka Ryūnosuke (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。
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Mainly because Tanaka screams Pinoy vibes to me.
But also because he's so spontaneous and I feel like you love spontaneous people! (Kasi when you react to my replies minsan napakabongga HAHAHAHA)
Also, kasi I know you're shy (if 'di mo pa close) + he's shy when it comes to girls, too! THE DYNAMICS SPEAKS-
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Let's throwback during your college freshman year.
You're a transfer student who just seemed so lost in the sea of people.
Plus the fact that you're not from Japan (assume lang tayo Dilag wala namang bayad mangarap HAHAHAHAH) just screams: a n x i e t y ✨
Well, you weren't the only one who's anxious though...
"E-Excuse me?"
You look to your right only to see a semi bald guy with a constipated face. His ears are so red + his lips look funny.
You who is anxious as well: "Ha?"
He shows you his card and like asks you if you knew where these classrooms are.
And you literally cried because you're classmates with almost (almost) all of his general subjects!
Tanaka brightens with this and like, suddenly his awkwardness is gone!
"Do you want to go to our first class together?"
Rumor has it that Tanaka knew where his classes were. He just wanted to talk to you :>
This approach has been mastered, honed, and consecutively developed for three years alongside with his humble partner, Nishinoya
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Since you're classmates at general subs, it's given that you seat with each other.
I think your friendship started the moment Tanaka approached you on the opening ceremony.
But it developed when classes started. Tanaka started sharing that he was a volleyball player during high school and like, he was the best and he was the greatest and sorts.
You're just there nodding at him, completely in awe bc WOW an athlete. You're friends w an athlete.
He learns that you're not a Japanese, too! And when he immediately knew you're a Filipino, the first thing he blurts out is:
THIS GOT YOU WHEEZING. Because of that, you jokingly slapped his arms, "Huy, Tanaka!" While laughing
He apparently knows a couple of phrases because he plays online games like DOTA and stuff.
By phrases = we mean curses
But this isn't one-sided! You told him you knew Japanese (let's say you're not fluent yet) and you learned from the best: anime
Tanaka: Really? Try telling me a phrase then.
You: ちんこぱだいすき.
Kidding. That's on me. I'd definitely say that. Also, I'm not sure with the hiragana characters, forgive me.
Then you laugh because he becomes a mess.
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I think the confessing part is the hardest.
Because Tanaka is just a huge m e s s when it comes to girls! While you're too scared to confess because what if he doesn't like you back?
Both of you are like, trying to balance whether it was worth the risk or nah
Karasuno squad is just like, groaning everytime Tanaka called them for advice.
Like, Suga: Jesus Christ, Tanaka. Just confess already.
Tanaka is like: But what if it doesn't work out? What if she only sees me as a friend? What if-
Tsukki: What if someone else takes her away?
Tanaka: *angry mom noises*
I feel like imagining you dating was his strongest drive to confess!
He wants to confess in classical way, though. You know, he gives a message asking you to go to the sakura tree at the left side of the campus at 5 o'clock.
Only that that won't work since you're both college students and you have the messiest schedules.
You on the phone (while on your way to a class): Look, Tanaka I thought I'm free at 5. Turns out I'm not. What is it that you want to tell me?
Tanaka on the phone: it's... it's just that I want to say I like you.
You: 👁️/////👄/////👁️
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He loves how you're just good to go to places he mentions you.
Tanaka: I found this coffee shop where we can play with snakes.
Karasuno team would normally think he's being creepy but you were like:
But kids, please don't play w/ snakes-
Favorite activity would be CHIKA TIME! Tanaka learned this phrase from you.
And like, you two would sit somewhere, cafeteria, library, etc. and would just start dissing other people.
Tanaka: I bet you those two are about to break up.
You: Yeah. Just look at their faces.
You love taking pictures, asking for his hoodie, clinging arms with each other while walking and stuff.
He also loves to place his arm on your shoulders? Like as if you're bros?
Domestic dates, too! Especially that you're far away from your fam, Tanaka invites you to his house most of the time.
*whisper* Something...steamy happens?
N o because Tanaka drinks his respect woman juice and he thinks too highly of you for him to do that!
Respect juice contents btw: he supports you, the things you want, the clothes you wear, and he treats you like an equal! (Not some sort of material he possesses wedontdosexismhere)
Kisses can happen thoughhh but rarely because you two would go crazy with the uwu after.
You're so frequent at his place to the point that Saeko loves you and literally bonds with you more than Tanaka when you're at their place.
If it's the other way around, Tanaka is sooooo stiff when he visits your place.
He's never been to a girl's house before!
You: Tanaka, make yourself feel at home.
Tanaka: ᶜᵃⁿ ᶦ ˢᶦᵗ ᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘᵍˀ
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Fights happen too.
I feel like Tanaka is a jealous type.
The first time Tanaka got jealous, you found it cute.
But when it happened over and over again, that got you mad.
It might start with jealousy but it ends up turning serious like:
"Do you not believe in me?"
"I can't believe you said that."
"You think I'd do that to you?"
"Is that what you think of me?"
And like the other party would be speechless but you guys would be too heated and too prideful to apologize on the spot.
The reason why the following days would just be a season of you both ignoring each other.
But don't get me wrong. You still do things together. Like eating lunches together, sitting at one another, going home together but just no talking.
Like no talking at all!
I feel like Tanaka is the first one who gives in. He hates it when he couldn't talk to you. At first, he calls his friends and their words make him realize that:
"Ah, shit. I fucked up." -Tanaka at 3 AM.
You both fix things up eventually. Like, before you knew it, one of you would just casually approach the other as if you haven't ignored each other for a week.
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HSJSJSJSJ I hope you like it dilaggg! And tell me if I'm accur8 or naaaaah HAHAHAHAHHA
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heyyyharry · 5 years
Chapter 13: Stay The Night
(from the My Girl Trilogy: Be My Only)
…in which Y/N doesn’t feel safe in her flat, but Harry is too far away.
AU: actor!Harry, older!Harry, younger!Y/N (4-year age gap).
Chapter 12: Ex’s And Oh’s - Their relationship is no longer a secret.
Wattpad link
When Y/N left her flat this morning, she was filled with stress.
She had taken the bus to clear her mind instead of driving to work, but as she waited at the bus stop, she realized it was a terrible idea. She loved mornings in London. The feeling of being just a tiny nobody in the sea of busy strangers rushing off to work made her feel at ease. After yesterday, however, everything had changed.
A group of schoolgirls also waiting for the bus had been staring at her for two minutes now. As their chatter and snickering rang in her ears, she was sure one of them had taken a photo without her consent and posted it on Instagram with the caption: 'I met the bitch who kissed Harry, and she was ugly as fuck.'
Y/N told herself to ignore them, not giving them the satisfaction of being right about whatever personalities they had picked out for her. Besides, there were only four of them, so maybe she was overreacting. She wasn't the center of the universe and didn't walk down the street with that kissing photo glued to her forehead. But unfortunately, that was exactly how she was feeling right now. She envisioned a spotlight shining on her everywhere she went, and even the homeless guy across the street knew she'd kissed the Harry Styles.
It was the longest bus ride ever, even though she'd chosen to sit at the very back to avoid unwanted attention. Thank God, those teenage girls had got off one stop before her, and she was allowed to walk the rest of the way to the bookstore in peace. Well, it had been peace before she entered the bookstore.
"Good morning, Y/N!" Alice and Eddie said at the same when she walked in. Since when did she get a heartwarming welcome for being thirty minutes late? Was she living in a nightmare? Should she pinch herself to wake up?
"So, I was just telling Eddie that I need a new haircut—" Alice started speaking as Y/N hung up her jacket. "I would like it shorter, and maybe I'll have it dyed to match the color of my dress. My cousin Layla is getting married soon and—"
"It's okay, Al. You can ask me anything," Y/N cut her off, and Alice's eyes grew slightly bigger.
"W-What are you talking about?" the girl stuttered as she exchanged looks with Eddie, who was tongue-tied and could only shake his head.
"I know you've seen those photos and read all the things people have said about me," said Y/N. "And because you're my friends. I want you to be honest. Tell me what you think about me. Ask me questions. Just...don't be so weird. I can't take it."
Shifting from one foot to the other, Alice exhaled as her chest caved in. "I-I'm very sorry it happened to you. And...and for what I said about Harry and Ruby being soulmates or whatever. I did-didn't know it was you."
"I'm sorry too," Eddie blurted as he adjusted his glasses. "I mean...I mean, what Alice just said."
"Nice try, dumbass."
Y/N snorted as Alice gave Eddie the finger. "So you guys believe me?" she asked.
"Of course we do!" piped Alice. "You and Isaac broke up on good term so you're free to date whoever the fuck you want. Fuck those bitches. Believe me or not, I created another account, just to defend you from hate comments."
For a second, Y/N thought she was only joking, but then quickly realized she was not. "You didn't have to, Alice! I don't even read those comments!"
"Yes, I did have to, because you're my friend." Alice's face contorted as she placed both hands on Y/N's shoulders. "I'm so glad it's you, by the way."
To hear this from Alice of all people made Y/N feel much better. She didn't need validation from every single fan of Harry's to feel worthy of her own relationship, but it was nice to have at least one who supported her.
"It's all thanks to you, Al," she said.
"Thanks to me?!"
"Thanks to her?!"
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at Alice's and Eddie's reaction. She answered them with a firm nod. "If last year you hadn't given me those tickets to see the Heathers musical—"
"Wait a minute! You went to see it with him?!" Alice covered her mouth as her jaw dropped.
"Yeah, well, no, we were...caught in the rain so we didn't get to see it. But before that, we were going to see it together. That was basically how it all started. It's—" She rolled her eyes and exhaled. "It's a long story."
"Tell me!"
"Maybe some other time. I'm sure Eddie doesn't want us to—"
"Tell us!" Eddie chimed in, already resting his chin on his palms like a child waiting for his bedtime story. As they continued to chant "tell us, tell us!", Y/N was left with no choice but to grab a chair and sit down with them.
Taking a deep breath, she began, "Harry and I met when I was nine..."
Nine-year-old Y/N was thrilled when Gemma agreed to take her to Harry's football game. It was not only the first time she'd got to see him play, but also the first match she had ever attended. She didn't even know the rules. All she knew was, there were two teams, Harry's was red, the opponent was blue. If a player kicked the ball into the other team's net and the goalkeeper from the other team couldn't catch it, then this team got one point. The team with the most points at the end won. It sounded simple when she put it like that, but she knew it was more complicated in reality.
Gemma seemed to know all about football, but the more she explained, the more confused Y/N got. How could anyone remember all these positions? What did a 'penalty' mean? And what the heck were those red and yellow cards the referee was holding?
Frustrated, Gemma eventually gave up and told her, "you'll get it when you're older."
Y/N knew Gemma didn't mean to hurt her feeling, but her words had done just that. 'Older', she despised that word, yet it was all she wanted to become. Older. Smarter. Prettier. If she'd achieved all of those things, she would be good enough to become Harry's girlfriend. Sitting with her head hung, she bit her nails and pondered the idea. It was only when the parents roared with cheers that she snapped back to reality. She looked up just in time Harry was running toward his teammates and screaming with joy, as the goalkeeper on the other team flopped down on the grass, looking defeated. Their reactions made it clear that Harry had just scored.
"Did they win?!" She looked up at Gemma with hopeful eyes, and the older girl gave her a shrug.
"Not yet, but they're already leading 2-0 and there's only five minutes left."
"So they're surely gonna win?!"
When Y/N received a nod as an answer, she jumped and screamed his name so loud it startled Gemma and a few other parents. But she didn't pay attention to them. Every fiber of her being was vibrating with anticipation and her eyes were fixed on her crush. In her imagination, the other boys started to fade into the green of the field, the spectators evaporated like mist in the sun, and Harry was glowing like an angel.
His team won that day, as predicted. Y/N knew she hadn't contributed even the slightest to their victory, but she prided herself on being his good luck charm. And therefore, Harry would be so happy to see her.
While Gemma was chatting with a cute guy she'd run into, Y/N rushed toward the group of older boys who were heading out of the field. Harry spotted her right away, his face gleamed as he waved his hand in the air.
"You were amazing!" she bubbled. "Gemma and I were cheering so loud for you! I knew you'd win!"
"Thanks, Bambi. I'm glad you came," Harry said as he stroked her head, making her feel so happy she almost didn't notice the other boys.
That was only until she heard them snickering, and one said, "I didn't know you had a little sister."
"No, she's my neighbor," Harry answered with a straight face. And the smile Y/N was wearing slowly withered. 'Neighbor'? Was that all she was to him? Not even a friend? Just his 'neighbor'? Ouch.
"You're hanging with little kids now, Harry? Are you a babysitter?" a fat boy said as he cackled and showed his shiny braces.
"How old are you, little baby?" said the skinny one with red hair and squinty eyes. She should've taken his condescending sneer as a sign not to answer his question, but being the only girl there and younger than them all made her feel pressured to tell them what they wanted to hear.
"I'm nine," she said while fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.
All the boys cracked up like she'd just told a funny joke. But the only joke here was...her. They were all laughing at her.
"Hey, that's enough, Jake!"
When Harry glowered at them, their laughter slowly died down. But neither that thin boy nor those who'd laughed at her showed any remorse for picking on a little girl. Y/N hopelessly studied Harry's reaction, a line appeared between her brows as she clutched her hands tightly together. She was waiting for him to ask them to apologize, or at least tell them that she was more mature and probably smarter than all of them combined.
But Harry said nothing about it. He told her to get back to Gemma before she got lost and then walked off with the rest of the team.
That photo. That goddamn photo.
Harry knew it should've been the least of his concern now that there were at least five different shots of him kissing his girlfriend floating around on the Internet. Still, he was sitting here and getting fed up with the photo of her and Isaac at the wedding reception.
They looked happy. Way too happy. If the way they laughed hadn't already driven him up the wall, seeing Isaac's arm tightened around his girlfriend's waist had done the perfect job. It was all he'd been thinking about since last night.
Given a short break between the two scenes, Harry returned to his chair and pulled out his phone to send Y/N a text, but he sat and contemplated at the screen for a long moment. He felt petty when his brain told him to ask her about the photo with Isaac. But his heart, which knew better, told him to avoid talking about any photo. She had dealt with enough of shit on her own, and the last thing she needed was her pathetic boyfriend getting jealous like a hormonal teenage boy.
After what seemed like an eternity, he finally typed down a line and pressed send.
⌲ Morning, love! How's your day been? :)
It didn't take too long for her to reply, so he guessed she was on her phone while 'working' again.
⌲ Bambi: So far so good. How's yours?
⌲ Everything's great, except for the fact that you're not here, which sucks.
⌲ Bambi: You're a good liar.
⌲ I'm not! I really miss you! :(
⌲ Bambi: No, silly. I mean...
⌲ Bambi: Niall told me you asked for his thought about the photo of me and Isaac.
⌲ Damn it, Niall.
⌲ Look, baby, it's no big deal.
⌲ Bambi: Yeah? Then tell me what you think about the photo. Answer honestly.
⌲ I think you looked great in that dress.
⌲ Bambi: Harry...
⌲ Okay. Fine. I don't like the way he had his arm around you. And you two looked like a happy couple...
⌲ Bambi: We're not though. I'm with you.
⌲ I know...I'm not doubting you or anything.
⌲ Bambi: You sound like you are...
⌲ I'm not. I swear!
He impatiently drummed his fingers on the arm of the chair, and let out a harsh breath when her reply finally popped up.
⌲ Bambi: They were playing a really good song so I got lost in the moment and kept stepping on his feet. That photo was the exact moment when I was about to fall and he caught me just in time. We were just laughing at how stupid I was.
⌲ Oh...
⌲ Bambi: Feel better now?
⌲ Yeah :)
Three dots appeared as she was typing, but they were interrupted by a call from Jeff. Harry had been expecting the call since last night, but his manager had been too busy to respond.
"Hey, man, how's it?" Harry implored as he leaned back in his chair.
"We can't figure out who leaked the photo," Jeff said, his voice was heavily low. "You need to ask her, Harry."
The actor tossed his head back and drew in a long breath. He didn't even want to face Ruby after what had happened the other night, so asking her if she'd leaked the photos of him and his girlfriend would be much worse. But it seemed like he had no other choice.
"Fine, she'll be here any second. I'll try to speak to her."
"Great!" Jeff marveled, but Harry didn't see what was so great about that. He was still full of tension as he tapped his foot and buried his hand in his hair.
"What about the other thing?"
"What other thing?"
"Have you read my text from last night?"
"Oh, that." Jeff huffed. "You can't do that, mate."
"What? Why?"
"You'll draw even more attention to yourself and your girlfriend if you speak up about the issue."
"But people want to hear the truth. They'll stop talking if I just make a post to explain everything—"
"Harry, stop!" Jeff cut him off. "These people won't ever stop unless they forget. You know you can't please the angry mob no matter what you feed them. They're not here for answers, they're here for drama. So they will just turn every word you say against you."
"This is not about me though, this is about Bambi!"
"Bambi? That's her name?"
"N-No, her name's Y/N." Harry squeezed his eyes shut, rubbing his forehead. "I want to protect her. She's not...she's not like the others. She's not used to this."
"Then you need to let this go. Don't give people more reasons to hate Y/N."
Harry nodded as he unclenched his fists. "You're probably right...thanks, man."
"Hey, your mess is also my mess." Jeff cackled and told Harry that he needed to go, but if Harry needed anything, he could always ring him up. "Good luck with your Bambi," he said before ending the call, and Harry only gave a chuckle as a response.
The last text he'd received from Y/N was: 'I gotta go. Talk to you later.' So he guessed their conversation was also over. He quickly typed down 'I love you', sent it, and put his phone away.
"Is Ruby here yet?" he heard the director ask everyone as she made her way toward him. "Harry, have you talked to Ruby?"
"No, I—"
"Hold on!" Evangeline held up a finger in front of his face as she checked her phone. "Her assistant just sent me a text. She'll be here late due to traffic. Well, why aren't I surprised?"
Laughing, she sat down in Ruby's chair next to him and snapped her fingers to get his attention. "Hey, you alright?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. He almost blurted out his usual answer to every situation, but nothing seemed to get past the eyes of this woman. "I know no criticism could bring you down, but you're worried about your girlfriend, right?"
"Yeah," he admitted, not knowing why, but he went on anyway. "She's not famous. She doesn't even like the idea of being famous, so this is a lot for her to handle. I just...I wish I was home with her right now. To make her feel safe."
It was the first time he'd openly talked about Y/N to a co-worker, and it felt really nice to be able to get certain feelings off his chest. Besides, he trusted Evangeline. This lady had never worn fewer than three colors in one outfit, and her hats were always much bigger than her head. Right now she was wearing a massive yellow summer hat with extravagant ruffles feathers on the wide brim. No negative comment about it could force her to take it off. She simply didn't care about being judged and had never judged anyone.
"I kept wanting to ask you if you got a girlfriend at home, but now I know," she said and patted him on the shoulder.
"Really?" He snorted, his eyebrows pulled together. "I mean, most people would've assumed I was with Ruby."
"You and Ruby?!" the director gasped as if he'd just said something outrageous. "Hein? You and Ruby don't look happy together. You're just good at pretending like you are in love. I thought you had great chemistry on-screen, but off-screen? Not so much."
"Well, that's a relief." He rolled his eyes and exhaled a laugh. "I'm just so tired of people thinking we're 'a match made in heaven' just because we look good together on-screen."
"What's her name?"
"Your girl. What's her name?"
"Y/N." Harry smiled as he scratched his nose. He could never say her name without a smile on his face.
"That's a pretty name," said Eva.
"I call her Bambi instead." He shook his head at the memories and laughed a little. "She has...these...very pretty eyes. The prettiest I've ever seen. But they were so sad, and—" The man stopped talking when he saw the way Eva was gawking at him. Immediately, he exclaimed, "oh God, I'm sorry for oversharing. Let's just...just forget what I said."
"Quoi! Please continue! I love hearing stories about love!" she said and clutched her chest. "I'm a hopeless romantic and I think the story of how you met Y/N was beautiful!"
"Thank you." He hung his head, picking at his own nails as his voice lowered to slightly above a whisper. "I care about her a lot. And sometimes, I just feel like...she could be happier without me."
"Doesn't she love you?"
"She does, of course...Very much I'm afraid." He twisted one of the rings on his fingers, eyes on his feet instead of Eva. "She could just have a normal relationship without having to hide, or going online and read the terrible things people say about her that aren't true. I'm trying to protect her, but it's scary to think that...that she should be protected from...me."
Eva was deep in thoughts as she cocked her head and fiddled with her hoop earring. Harry assumed she agreed with him but then she uttered, "you know, you do think a lot like your character Jay."
"How so?" he asked.
"Well, you're in love but your insecurities tell you you're not good enough, and therefore you don't deserve to be in love. That is not fair for sweet Y/N." Eva wrapped one of her curls around her finger and gave a half shrug. "The only thing which is worse than loving someone who doesn't love you back, is loving someone who's afraid to love you."
"I'm not afraid," he said, almost defensively, and she pressed her lips into a gentle smile.
"I know you aren't. But when things get...complicated, and you feel like you should let go, just remember what I've told you today. If you let go, thinking it's what's best for Y/N, you're not doing it for her, you're doing it for yourself, and it's very selfish."
Harry stayed quiet, needing time to let the advice sink in. But before he could open his mouth, Ruby burst into the room and frantically apologized for being late...again.
Eva stood up fast and clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "Next scene in five minutes!"
Ruby was quick to spot Harry from across the room. Instead of looking away when their eyes met, she shot him a smile. This could be a good sign, he thought and rose from his chair. They held that eye contact as he walked over to where she stood, and she didn't wander off to avoid a confrontation. She took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and crossed her arms. She was finally ready to talk.
"Hey," he said with both hands in his pockets. "How are you?"
"Better than ever. Thanks for asking," she said. Her face showed the opposite of distress, and this time he couldn't tell whether her cheerfulness was fake or real.
"I actually want to ask you about—"
"I know you think I took and leaked those photos, but I didn't," Ruby told him with her head held high. "It was the Declan twins."
"So you knew it all along?"
"Yes," she admitted without pause, keeping her expression neutral. "They did it because they were both bitter that Isaac had turned them down. They were obsessed with him. The only thing I'm guilty of is not doing anything to stop them, because I also wanted to get back at you and the girl."
"Right..." Harry breathed, pinching the bridge of his nose and putting a hand on his hip. He wasn't sure what to do with this piece of information. He couldn't call up the twins and demand them to take down the photos, which had already been shared all over the internet. He couldn't sue them either, it would only make everything worse. He couldn't stop being friends with them, because, well, he had never been friends with them, to begin with, and they obviously didn't care about him. So there was absolutely nothing he could do but accept that fact and move on. Nevertheless, he was glad to have found out the truth.
"Anyway, um, thanks for telling me."
"Wait," Ruby stopped him, making him turn around and blink at her in confusion as she stood there with her lips slightly parted. It took her a second to finally say, "how is she?"
"How's Y/N?" She cleared her throat and shifted from one foot to the other while plucking at the cuff of her shirt. "Um...I've read the things people said. Know how it feels to deal with shit like this so..."
To say he was shocked would be an understatement, because this wasn't the Ruby who'd shown up at his hotel room two nights ago. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen her like this. He supposed it was a good thing, yet he would need some time to get used to it.
"Yeah, well, I'm taking care of her," he said, giving her a smile.
"You're always taking care of people." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and shook her head a bit. "But...at least now it's someone who deserves it, right?"
Harry stilled, not knowing what to say. If Eva hadn't intervened right then, he might've just blurted out something stupid to get rid of the awkward tension.
"Harry, Ruby!" Her thick French accent turned their heads at the same time. The lady snapped her fingers at them. "I need you both! Hurry!"
Breaking into a grin, Ruby hastened to her position. Harry felt a surge of happiness as he watched her start a conversation with Eva. What he saw was the charismatic woman who had enchanted him when they first met. The old Ruby was back, and she was finally healing, this time, all on her own.
Whenever Y/N felt dejected, she would seek for therapy in writing. She would write to kill time and to be distracted, and at the moment, she needed her imagination more than she needed air. She had eaten dinner alone and sat in front of her laptop since 6 PM. Hours had passed and she had written almost three thousand words in total. She was too tired to continue, but not tired enough to fall asleep. So if she stopped now she would lie in bed wide awake and think about all sorts of negative things.
She knew she shouldn't have done what she'd done earlier that day. She had sworn to herself and Harry that she wouldn't go online and scroll through the comments about the photos, but she had. And it was too late to regret it now. She had thought she could sympathize with what Ruby had dealt with. But now that she was in her shoes, she realized she could never sympathize with what someone was going through, until she had to go through it herself.
She'd been teased in school when she was about six or seven. Back then she hadn't got the guts to stand up for herself, so her greatest escape would be going home and holing up in her room, where there was no more invasion of destructive words. Now with social media, the bullying started all over again as you went home and logged on. People were free to share pictures and videos, and one tiny mistake could ruin your life. That was the reason she'd tried to keep her life online and offline as private as possible. She knew what would happen when people knew too much about her. But everything was different now. Those people had got inside her head.
She wanted to tell Harry as he was the only one who could make her feel safe. But she didn't want to make this a bigger problem for him. If he'd known how she was feeling, he would've dropped everything and flown home to make sure she was okay. Hadn't she messed up his life enough already? Besides, he had a movie premiere to attend tonight. He'd been so excited when receiving the invitation, because some directors and actors he looked up to would be there. The least she could do for him as a girlfriend was to allow him to have fun without worrying about her every single minute.
It was 1 AM, and the sound of doorbell woke Y/N from her sleep. She lifted her face from her arms and realized she'd been asleep on her desk for God knew how long. Tired, she checked the clock again to make sure she hadn't mistaken. It was exactly 1 AM. And the unexpected guest rang her doorbell a couple of times more to make it very clear that they wanted to get in. All the people who could pay her a visit at this time of the day would never do that.
She got up, feeling a bit woozy as she walked to the living room and picked up her keys from the coffee table. There were footsteps rushing down the stairs as she headed toward the door. Did that person just...run away?
Y/N's heart was pounding so hard she almost couldn't breathe. She unlocked the door and pulled it open immediately, panting with wide eyes when she saw nothing but an empty hallway...and a box left on the doormat.
She looked to her left, and then to her right, and once she was sure she was alone, she picked up the box and shook it twice. The object seemed to be much smaller than the space within the box, but she couldn't figure out what it was. It couldn't have been a bomb, because who would've bombed her, anyway? So it couldn't be that bad.
And she was right, it wasn't that bad. Because it was worse. It made her wish it'd been a bomb.
The box dropped to her feet as she shrieked and jumped back, gripping the edge of the door so she wouldn't fall. Covering her mouth with one hand, she gulped down breaths to stay quiet.
It was a rat. A dead rat.
The head was flattened. Fresh blood soaked into the fur it touched, matting it together. She noticed an eyeball had been squeezed out and turned away, pale in the face and feeling like she might throw up. She hadn't touched it, but her fingers were already numb. It took her a few seconds to look at it again. Her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as she read the letters written on the bottom of the box.
Y/N slammed the door, locked it as fast as she could and covered her mouth to muffle her crying. Fighting the weakness in her knees, she dashed straight into her bedroom to get her phone and call the police.
"Don't open the door! No!"
Y/N shrank back into her blanket as the girl in the movie was stabbed to death by the creep in the mask. After only a second of resisting and screaming for help, knowing no one would be able to hear her, her body dropped to the ground, and she laid there like a butchered animal in a waste of blood.
Y/N's heartbeat was racing, nearly exploding as she held her breath and turned to aunt Lynn, who had dozed off a while ago. The babysitter's head was tilted back, her mouth was open, and her eyes were closed. Y/N had never thought sleeping aunt Lynn would be scarier than the usual aunt Lynn, but right now it appeared so.
When the doorbell rang, Y/N jumped to her feet, clutching her chest as she took a few steps backward until her thighs hit the edge of the coffee table.
"Who's there?!" she raised her voice.
Her aunt was still sleeping soundly on the couch. If the person outside were to kill both of them, aunt Lynn would probably die in peace, and Y/N would die screaming like the girl in the movie.
"Who is it?!" the little girl asked again when the doorbell rang for the second time. She gathered all the courage she had left and marched toward the door. "I-I have a...a knife here! I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You have a knife?!"
"Harry?!" Y/N blew out her cheeks as her shoulders sagged. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to see you," he said. "Just let me in."
She was about to unlock the door but then she cowered back, her hands squeezed into fists against her chest. "How do I know you're really Harry?" she asked, and the boy responded with a soft chuckle.
"Who else would I be, kid?"
"Maybe you're just really good at faking his voice."
"Are you watching horror movies with aunt Lynn again?"
"How do you know that?! Who are you?" she gasped and stepped away from the door, but she could hear Harry let out a sharp breath.
"Don't be silly, Bambi. Aunt Lynn always makes you watch those stupid movies—" he paused suddenly. "She's not there, is she?"
"She's sleeping," Y/N mumbled, now feeling less on edge because this boy sounded a lot like Harry. Still, she needed solid proof in order to trust him. "If you're Harry, then...then tell me something only Harry knows."
"Bambi, come on."
"I'm serious!"
"Okay, okay!" He laughed and his shadow underneath her door moved around a bit. "So uh...you hate green peas but your mother loves them, so you keep it as a secret to not hurt her feelings."
"I love green peas."
"No, you don't!"
"I just changed my mind yesterday."
"Then how could I know if you're only telling me now?"
"Fine, you're right," Y/N breathed as she finally relaxed and unlocked the door.
Harry greeted her with a big smile. He was wearing flip-flops and pyjamas so she guessed he had been ready for bed before he came over. She hadn't checked the time, but she was sure it was almost midnight now. So why was he here?
"Couldn't sleep. Want to talk to you," he answered the question she hadn't asked and stepped into her living room, smirking as he saw her aunt drooling. "Man, she looks even scarier sleeping."
"Right?" Y/N snorted, closing the door and telling him to follow her to her room before they woke up her babysitter.
There they sat on the edge of her bed, side by side. Neither knew how to begin even though they both had a lot to say to each other. And as usual, Harry had to start the conversation. Y/N would never swallow her pride to forgive him before he apologized.
"I'm sorry about the other day," he said while tapping his foot and staring at the floor. "I...uh...I know you're mad at me—"
"Yes, I am," she cut him short, arms crossed over her chest. "I'm also disappointed. But my mum said if a person didn't want to be your friend, then you shouldn't try to change their mind."
"I do want to be friends with you, kid."
"You have friends." She turned her face away and gave a mirthless laugh. "Awful ones. But who am I to judge?"
Harry was quiet for a moment. She wasn't looking at him to see his reaction but she could feel his eyes on her.
"I love hearing you say things. Even when you're upset with me," he said, a smile could be heard in the tone of his voice.
Unexpectedly, he reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and she jerked away, making him set his palms down flat on the bed.
"You're the smartest girl I know, Bambi," he said with a timid smile. "Sometimes you're even smarter than me and those boys."
"Sometimes? You mean, all the time."
Her remark made him cackle. "Yeah. All the time." He nodded. "I guess...I was just...trying to make myself seem cool, but it actually made me look like a jerk. So...I'm very sorry. You know I would choose you over anyone else."
"Even when the whole world tells you to stop being friends with me."
"Yup." He took her hand and hooked their pinkies together. "You have my word."
"Well then, apology accepted." Beaming, she rose from the bed and pulled him up by the arms. "Now you should go before my aunt gets here."
"Right! My mum would be so mad if she found out I was gone!"
A thunderous boom made the kids jump and scream as they clung to each other. In a blink of an eye, the rain came pouring down like a giant waterfall. With both arms wrapped around Harry's waist, Y/N hid her face into his chest when a flash of lightning blinded her. She knew it was silly but she couldn't help it. She was stuck in adrenaline mode.
Harry stared out of the window, watching the violent wind bending the trees, and he grumbled, "crap, how am I supposed to go home?"
"Then don't!" Y/N blurted, making the boy chortle.
"Are you scared?"
"I'm not! It's just—"
"Just what?" He cracked a smirk, held onto her shoulders and bent his knees to look into her eyes. "What did I tell you about watching those horror movies?"
"If you're only teasing me, then maybe you should go home." She shrugged his arms off and gave a dismissive wave of her hand, but the boy stayed right where he was instead of leaving. Sitting back on her bed, she crossed her arms and lifted an eyebrow at him. "Well?"
"I think I'm gonna stay," Harry said with a shrug. Without waiting for a response, he jumped back on the bed and lied down with his arms folded under his head.
"What about your mum? Wouldn't she be angry?" Y/N questioned as she held back a smile.
"She'd be angrier if I came home all soaked. Might as well just stay here and face the consequences in the morning."
Nodding once, the girl climbed on the bed to lie down on her back, her hands resting on her belly. She closed her eyes so the lightning couldn't bother her anymore, but then she felt Harry inching closer.
"I will protect you," he said.
Y/N turned to lie on her side as she opened her eyes slowly. She found herself mirroring him. His luminous green eyes were so different in moments like these, softer than she knew eyes could be. And she almost drifted off when she remembered what he'd just said.
Yawning, she told him, "the murderer would just kill you first."
"If there was a murderer, then we'd both be dead."
"I feel much safer now. You're doing a good job."
Harry snorted at her sarcasm while toying with a lock of her hair on her pillow. She didn't think he was aware of him doing that, but she didn't say a word, not wanting him to stop.
"I'll protect you from everything else," he went on. "Storms. Bullies. Spiders...Wait, you're the weirdo who loves spiders."
"They're cute. My teacher has one as a pet."
"Your teacher's a weirdo."
"That's...kinda true," she said, making both of them laugh.
"But seriously—" He stopped twirling her hair as his eyebrow snapped together. "I will protect you."
"I know you will." She giggled, clutching his hand and holding it tight.
When another bolt of lightning struck and rumbles of thunder shook the earth, she didn't even notice. Nothing could scare her now that he was here.
"You didn't have to come over, you know?" Y/N said as she locked the door, but Isaac didn't speak. He cautiously looked around her living room to make sure everything was normal. His hair was soaked from the rain and so was his jacket, which he shrugged off and hung on the coat stand by the kitchen door.
She knew no one else to call. Harry was in Paris, her father was in Holmes Chapel, her best friends had gone on their honeymoon. It was only at times like this that she began to see the importance of having more than a few people you could trust. She had never hated loneliness until tonight.
She'd called Isaac only to have someone to talk to. But what she hadn't expected was him driving all the way here in the pouring rain just to make sure she was okay.
"Have the police arrived?" he asked when she came out of her bedroom and brought him a towel to dry his hair.
"You came shortly after they'd left," she said. "They took care of the box, but there was no way to figure out who put it there."
"Have they checked the camera in the hallway?"
"There's no camera in the hallway. The lift here doesn't even work." Y/N covered her eyes with one hand and laughed out loud. She didn't know what was so funny about receiving a dead rat as a gift while living in the most unsecured building in London. But finding humor in a situation like this made her feel less anxious.
For the next fifteen minutes, they were just sitting on the couch and checking their phones in silence. Y/N didn't have anything to check on her phone, but she didn't know what to say to Isaac either. So she ended up looking through the old pics and reading old messages from Harry. She was too scared to even turn off the airplane mode, let alone go online and get bombarded by more hate words. At least those words didn't smell like dead rats.
"Ugh..." she grunted and held her nose. Just the thought of that nasty smell could almost make her vomit.
"You okay, Smiley?"
"I'm fine," she lied, nodding fast. And then the words just slipped out before she could stop them. "Do you think you can stay longer? I know you have to go to work tomorr—"
"I'll stay until sunrise, yeah?" he said without a second thought. "You can just go to bed. I'll still be here when you wake up."
"No, I'll...I'll stay up with you."
"You seem tired, Smiley."
"I'm not..."
She was though. She'd been struggling to keep her bloodshot eyes open ever since they sat down. But Isaac knew better than to argue with her.
"How about I get you a blanket and a pillow so you can lie down here?" he suggested.
She thought for a moment before giving him a nod. Her eyes followed him as he got up and walked to her bedroom. He came back not so long later with a blanket and a pillow, and took a seat in the armchair so she could take the couch. Y/N lied down on her side, facing him with her hands under her cheek. There was a window behind Isaac, and from where she laid, she could see lightning jag across the night sky, ripping it like paper. Quickly, she covered her ear before the loud thunder cracked the air, making Isaac jolt upright.
He chuckled when he saw her grin. "Are you making fun of me?"
"I am, yeah." She nodded, making him screw up his face.
"That's not how you treat your hero."
"Aww, I'm sorry, my hero," she said, pouting at him.
Isaac shook with laughter as he leaned back in his chair. Although he didn't want to show it, he was exhausted. She could see it in the way he stretched and kept rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm.
"I hope after tonight you won't regret being my friend," she murmured, watching his eyes widen.
"No, I love being your friend," he said. But she didn't know how much of that sentence was the truth. She didn't speak, so he went on, "are you going to tell Harry about tonight?"
"I don't know." She stuck out her bottom lip, shaking her head. "He'll freak out for sure."
"Yeah, but you should tell him. Maybe wait until tomorrow."
"Yeah..." She gripped the blanket and shivered when there was another thunder. "I hope whoever sent me the rat got swept away by this rain."
Her random remark got Isaac laughing. "I hope so too," he said. "They deserve it."
"Promise you won't tell Harry?"
"That I was here?"
"No." She shook her head slightly, feeling a lump in her throat as she spotted the frown on his face. "Just don't tell him about tonight. I'll do it myself."
"Okay." He forced a smile. "I promise."
Neither of them said another word, and Y/N couldn't feel her muscles anymore. Her eyelids fluttered as her eyes became heavier and heavier, finally sending her into a dreamless sleep.
When Y/N woke up, Isaac wasn't sitting in his chair anymore. The window curtains were closed for he didn't want her to get blinded by the light. She pushed herself up from the couch, resting her arm on the backrest and looking around to find him. He wasn't there, but his jacket was still on the coat stand, so she assumed he was in the bathroom. She held onto her head, and the memories of what had happened seemed like a terrible nightmare. But she knew it'd been real because she could still smell the rat.
The ringtone caught her by surprise. She muttered a curse word and reached for her phone on the coffee table. It was Harry. Great! She had just woken up, and now she had to improvise a speech to explain the previous situation without freaking him out. She meant to sit and watch her phone ring, but her conscience didn't let her do it. So she let go of a harsh sigh and picked up the phone.
"Good morning, my favorite girl in the world!" he said with a sing-song voice, and she silently cursed him for it. She didn't want him to be so cheerful before she told him a real-life horror story.
"Hey, baby. I just woke up."
"What's wrong? You sound tired."
Fuck, he noticed.
"No, I...well..."
"Smiley, can I borrow a towel?"
"Is that—"
"Yes!" Y/N almost screamed at Isaac, who was standing at her bedroom door. He quickly caught on to what was happening when he saw her on the phone, so he mouthed an apology and hurriedly went back inside.
"Is that Isaac?!" Harry sounded out of breath. "Why is he there at seven in the morning?"
"Did he spend the night there? Bambi, please tell me—"
"Fuck, someone was outside my flat at 1 AM!"
The other side went silent. For a second, Y/N thought Harry was gone.
"What are you talking about?" he asked, but with a much softer tone this time.
Taking a deep breath, she kneaded her shoulder and shut her eyes and she said, "someone rang my doorbell at one in the morning. I came to answer it, but no one was there. There was a...a box."
"A box?"
"Yeah, a box...And...and there was—" A dead rat in it. "There was a note in it that said 'gold-digging slut'."
"Fuck," he cursed heavily. If this was his reaction to only the message, she didn't want to find out how he would've reacted had she told him about the rat.
"I called the police and they couldn't do anything about it, so I had to call Isaac. I didn't know anyone else, I—"
"It's okay, baby. I get it, I get it," he breathed. "I don't want you to stay there tonight, alright? I'll phone my assistant. You already have the key to my house so—"
"Harry, I cannot stay at your house."
"—I'll send a bodyguard. You'll be much safer there. I'll call my assistant right now," he said quickly, not listening to whatever she wanted to say.
"Harry!" she raised her voice, at the same time, laughing to lighten up the mood. But both of them knew she was awfully stressed out. "I can't...I can't stay at your house."
"Bambi, don't do this, okay?" Harry hissed, sounding so frustrated that it made her guilty she had brought this upon him. "You're staying at my house until I get back. Just a few days more, baby. Please."
She swallowed and massaged the back of her neck. She didn't want to bother him, but if she'd said no, he would've done something as crazy as gone home to her. She couldn't let that happen.
"Fine, I'll get my stuff," she said at last, blowing out her cheeks.
"Good girl." Her boyfriend sighed in relief. "I'll keep you safe, yeah? Even when I'm not there, I'll...I'll make sure that you're safe. Just a few days more and I'll be home with you and everything will be okay."
"Okay," she mumbled, faking a smile even though he couldn't see her.
When she was a little girl, she would feel safe every time he promised to protect her. But now she feared it wasn't true anymore. There were things that were not in his power. There were things that he couldn't prevent. She could only hope nothing worse would happen in the next few days before he returned. She needed him badly, now more than ever. If only she could tell him that...
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spyder-m · 5 years
Shumako Week 2020, Day One: The Set-Up
@shumakoweek​ Day One: Study Partners / Confessions
AO3 / FF.net 
Summary: The Phantom Thieves face one of their most challenging operations to date, getting a confession out of their leader and advisor. 
It was no secret that the Charge Commander of the Phantom Thieves, Sakamoto Ryuji, was not one for subtlety. Despite his best efforts, there were times where he became overzealous, words slipping out without a thought.
Their latest operation was one of he was having trouble keeping under wraps.
With a near-impossible task and seemingly insurmountable odds stacked against them, the pressure was becoming too much to contain. The urge to speak out, to try and find advice was tearing away at him.
The Phantom Thieves had managed fine without Joker's guidance before; pulling off operations during his interrogation and time in prison. But a mission without both their leader and advisor, in many ways, his second-in-command, wouldn't be easy.
Yet, Ryuji knew they couldn't let themselves become distracted by what they were missing. They needed to stay positive.
They still had Futaba's hacking skills, and that furball, as much as he hated to admit, was their most experienced member. Most of what they knew had been because of his teachings.
And while he, Ann and Morgana could get on each other's nerves at times; when united by a common goal, they were a powerful force as original members. They would need to harness that force as much as possible, considering this could be their hardest mission yet.
Not only were they short team members, but they had two targets they needed to get a confession out of this time.
Ryuji leant back with an exhale, warm water lapping at the knots in his shoulder; allowing him a momentary respite from the concern clouding his mind.  
He and Ren were visiting the baths across from Leblanc again; a momentary respite Ryuji was thankful for; particularly now that there weren't any old dudes constantly cranking up the heat.
Though, the trip couldn't alleviate his worries entirely. Even it was part of their plan. He needed to stay focused.
The setting was perfect, an excuse for him to bring up the conversation they'd had last time without raising suspicion.
Back then, Ryuji hadn't expected Yusuke to show much interest in girls, beyond aesthetics. Though, he had been surprised that Ren played coy when asked about Ann; talking up her strengths as a teammate and a friend.
Tsk, what a cop-out.
Ryuji had the feeling Ren was well-versed with women. At least, based on how well he'd handled the maid incident compared to Mishima. Not to mention, for the short time he'd lived in Tokyo, he'd certainly made connections with a lot of them.
Ryuji found it hard to believe he didn't have a preference.
Still, thinking on it, his words rung true.
Over the past few years, many things had changed. Their team had grown, and there were more female members. There was someone Ren carried herself around quite differently from anyone else on their team.
It had to mean something.
Though he was quiet, at times hard to read, Ryuji suspected the response to his question would be a bit different this time around and decided now was as good a time as any to probe.
"So, Renren. When are you gonna like... ask Makoto out?"
Though, as established, Ryuji was never one for subtlety.
It was fortunate that Ren had the foresight to remove his glasses before they entered the bathhouse. For; despite priding herself on keeping calm and level-headed throughout even their most dire Metaverse battles; he was completely rocked by Ryuji's question, his body slipping beneath the surface of the water with a shocked cry.
Ryuji chuckled, pleased to have caught his usually cool, stoic friend off guard. The reaction was telling, there was definitely something to his suspicion.
Ren emerged, moments later, a maelstrom of coughs and damp, shaggy hair. Though the springs were warm, Ryuji wasn't sure they were the reason for the flush building across his face.
His laughter died, though, under the glare Ren leveled in his direction.
"W- what? Where did you get that idea?"
"Come on, man. I'm not that stupid. You’d have to have been hit by Marin Karin to not see that you two are totally into each other."
"Oh, really?" Ren challenged.
"Uh, yeah. Remember back when we broke into Boss' house in the middle of a storm and the lights went out? Makoto was practically hanging off of you."
"S- she was just scared. Futaba does the same thing whenever we're somewhere crowded."
Ryuji took satisfaction in the flinch that crossed Ren’s face. He had a weak point and capitalise on the advantage.
"Well, speaking of Futaba. When we were fighting that cognition of her mom, you knocked Makoto out of the way when that pillar was going to hit her."
"I didn't want her to get hurt! I would've done that for any of you guys."
"Really?” Ryuji grinned, smugly, his arms folding. “Cause you sure held onto her for longer than necessary though. I'm pretty sure she was fine."
"Not to mention, I heard from Ann that you've been going on double-dates with Makoto and her friend."
"That's just a cover. I'm helping her lookout for Eiko."
Ren’s protest trailed off, perhaps the most half-hearted of them all. Ryuji’s expression softened, his words carrying a more sincere lilt.
"But you wouldn't mind if you were actually dating?"
Ren sighed, his eye’s carrying to the ceiling as he leant back.
"All I'm saying is, I've only ever seen her act like that around you. A lot of other guys seem kind of scared by her."
"She's our teammate, Ryuji.” Ren insisted. “A great strategist and friend. There's nothing more to it than that."
Ryuji shrugged.
"If you say so, man."
The apparent doubt in Ryuji's voice was not missed by Ren, as if noticing his lack of conviction. The words troubled him, picking at an uncertainty inside of him.
Ann's eyes lifted over the cup of coffee she held to her lips, carefully watching Makoto through the wisps of steam rising from the liquid.
She had asked her older friends to come out with her to the shopping district, part of the plan she had formed with Ryuji and the rest of the Thieves: to get Ren and Makoto alone and ask them about their feelings for one another.  
With everything in its right place, the boys should have been at the bathhouse just across the alleyway right now. Futaba would be monitoring the situation from her room, convenient, as it meant she wouldn't have to also face the crowds of ().
This was an operation Ann had to approach this like any other battle; consider the enemy's strengths and weaknesses and exploit them to her advantage.
She knew she wouldn't be able to beat Makoto when it came to strategy and wasn't dumb enough to even try and overpower her physically - although, having Haru with her may have helped.
If she probed, Makoto might feel like she was being interrogated and get suspicious. Asking directly, flustering her and catching her off guard when she was relaxed, would work best in Ann's favour. It would be the fastest way to expose her true feelings.
They were on familiar turf, enjoying coffee in the booths of Leblanc. A place Makoto had grown more than comfortable. It would be the last place she would expect an ambush.  
Much like in Hawaii with the guys, she would ask, point black, framing the question as casual conversation.
As Makoto didn't chat with her peers often, it's possible she wouldn't pick up on the obvious motive behind her question.
Though, normally, it would be either Makoto or Futaba who would remind her of enemy strengths and weaknesses, which posed an issue. Futaba wasn't with them and she couldn't clue Makoto in on what they had planned.  
"So, Makoto. What kind of guy do you like?"
Makoto's voice squeaked, her own cup almost slipping from her grip.  
"W- where is this coming from, all of a sudden?"
"Relax Makoto, it's just girl talk." Ann reassured warmly. "I didn't get to ask you on the school trip like I did with Ren and Ryuji, and what can I say? I'm curious."
"W- what do you expect? You should know I'm not familiar with such things."
"Maybe so, but a lots changed in the past year. You've done things you now that I bet you never would have dreamed of before."
Makoto caught her bottom lip between her. She certainly couldn't argue that point.
"Maybe you just haven't figured out what your type is yet? That's okay! We can help you out!"
With a smirk, Ann's finger stroked her chin; a gesture usually akin to Makoto; scrutinising her friend closely. Makoto's eyes lowered, suddenly unnerved by her friend's proximity, her fingers tracing the pattern of her skirt. She decided not to acknowledge her, not wanting to risk incriminating herself. Instead, she left Ann to speculate out loud.
"What about the guys in our group, huh?" Ann began. "You and Ryuji might be at odds, but he seems into you. He's always talking about how awesome your Persona is."
Despite her best efforts to ignore Ann, Makoto coughed, a mouthful of coffee catching in her windpipe. Haru shuffled beside her, patting her on the back and sliding over a glass of water.
Of all the names Ann could have come out with, Makoto had definitely not expected Ryuji to rank highly.  
Certainly, Makoto had grown of Ryuji. The perception she once held of him as a problem delinquent had been quickly shattered in the time they’d spent together. Though at times, he still behaved in a frustrating fashion, she had come to find that he was passionate, well-meaning and incredibly loyal.
Still, she wasn’t sure where Ann had gotten that idea at all. If anything, Ryuji seemed much closer to her.  
"Hmm.” Ann continued, her tangent seemingly uninterrupted by Makoto’s coughs. “Well, I suppose I could also see it being someone like Akechi. He's popular, but smart like you, and a detective."
Makoto shuddered, finding the notion of Akechi viewing her in a romantic light unsettling.
If anything, she saw him as a rival. His presence waking pangs of jealously, for all the time he spent with sis and the respect she appeared to hold for him. Still, she didn’t answer, opting instead to savour her coffee; careful to take smaller sips.
"Not interested, huh? Well, I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that your tastes wouldn't match most girls our age..."
As Ann broke off, seemingly lost in thought once again, Makoto hoped for this conversation to not continue.
"Though, I have to say, Ren gave quite an interesting answer when I asked him about this."
"I- is that so?" Makoto answered, reflexively; realisation seeping through her with a grimace.
That this was the first time Makoto actually spoke up wasn't missed by Ann. Though, she couldn’t afford to let it show.
She would have to revel silently in that small victory.
"Mm." Ann said, feigning nonchalance. Though inside, she was growing giddy with excitement. "He said he valued intelligence most in a girl. Now, I wonder who that could be referring to?"
"We hadn't met you yet, Haru, so he couldn't have been talking about you, and... Well, Ren's seen my test results, so I doubt he meant me. That would leave either Futaba, or..."
"Why are you restricting this to our group?" Makoto protested, perhaps too fiercely. "Ren knows plenty of intelligent women. There's that Doctor who supplies us with medicine, or the Shogi player, Hifumi-san."
"Yeah, you're right, Makoto. What about Sae-san? She fits that description perfectly."
Ann could sense the urge to grin pulling at her lips; proud of how she'd managed to turn the conversation back against Makoto.
Bringing up her older sister; who she often compared herself to; was perhaps an under-handed move. But they were thieves after all, and Ann was determined to uncover the truth.  
If Makoto felt anything for Ren, the idea of him liking Sae-san would certainly spark a response from Makoto.
Makoto swallowed. She was glad the conversation was no longer centered around her, but... The idea of Ren being attracted to sis, didn't sit well with her, those feelings of inadequacy churning inside her chest.
Perhaps, worse still, was that the scenario didn't seem that farfetched to Makoto. She could actually imagine Ren being able to live up to her sister's lofty expectations.
While sis was meticulous, there was an inexplicable charm to Ren, one that many; herself included; were drawn to. Being related to Sae, Makoto suspected it would work similarly on her. After all, he had managed to break through her cold exterior before.
There shouldn't have been any reason for it bother her. They had no business speculating about their private lives.
"If you don't mind, could we perhaps change the subject? I- I'm not sure Ren would appreciate us having this discussion."
Ann relented, already having got what she needed from their conversation.
A tactical retreat, for the time being.
After assessing the targets, the Thieves reported their findings back to one another at the Accessway in Shibuya.
Of all their hideouts, it seemed the safest place.
Had they met up at Leblanc, or the Shujin rooftop, there was always the chance that Ren or Makoto would stumble upon them.
Instead, they kept their plans for the weekend open, knowing that Ren would be busy working at Leblanc and Makoto, as always, would be preparing for University entrance exams.
Their normal hangouts were nearby anyway. Ann usually spending time in the Underground Mall, Ryuji the Arcade on Central Street, Haru tending to her crops at Shujin, and Yusuke people-watching in the middle of the station.
It would be easy for them to meet up at a moment's notice.
Morgana would have the hardest time sneaking off, as he usually stuck with Ren. The Thieves agreed it would be best for him to leave with Futaba, the two claiming they were going to Akihabara, so has as not to raise any suspicion.
After a few rounds of Gun About, Ryuji shuffled over, his hands buried in his pockets. He greeted Ann with a lazy dip of his head.
"Any luck?"
Ann shook her head with a sigh.
"Makoto tried her best to deny it, but it was pretty much written on her face. "
"Yeah, same with Ren."
"Hm. It would seem it won’t be easy to get a confession out of either of them."
"That sure suits them both. Stubborn 'til the end."
"Urgh. Why is this so hard? We’ve made criminals confess; it shouldn’t be so difficult to get our own friends to admit their feelings."
"Yeah. Kinda sucks all that stuff with Eiko blew over. All that fake dating shit really seemed it was getting them somewhere."
"Wait, that's it!"
"Why don't we convince them to go on another pretend date? We could get Eiko to go along with it. We send those two somewhere romantic together, have Eiko split at the last minute and things are sure to play out between them!”
"I guess? But like, how are we gonna ask? Do you even know her?"
"I don't. But she's a third-year like you, right Haru?"
"That's right. I've seen Eiko-san around before, but we've never really spoken before."
"You're both friends with Makoto, though. That's a start! If you let Eiko know we need her to help out Makoto, I'm sure she'll be willing to listen."
"Well, I suppose. How do we approach her about it, though? I don't have her number."
"Leave that to me! Just gotta crack in Makoto's cloud and we should have no problem finding the right number."
"Please don't tell me you've done that to any of us before."
"Aw, come on, guys. You can trust me. This is just a one-time thing, I promise! For the mission, and their own good. The ends will justify the means."
"Well, if you say so."
Ren's fingers rapped against Leblanc's counter-top, his long, drawn-out sigh accompanying the sporadic beat.
The shop was unusually quiet.
Sundays had always been slow for business, Sojiro had told him so. People wanted to make the most out of their day off and tended to rely more on caffeine to fuel them during busy work weeks.
Still, that trend had seemingly shifted ever since Ren had moved upstairs, making friends of his own in Tokyo. They would hang around, keeping him company during long, uneventful shifts; often without need for invitation.
It was a shame they had all had other plans today and left him feeling a little sad.
For as much time they had spent and grown together, Ren almost couldn't remember what it was like; or how he had managed to get by; without them. It felt empty, alien.
Perhaps it was born of a connection between their Persona; the other self that had laid dormant inside them all.  
At the lively sounds stirring through Yongen-jaya, Ren was overcome by envy.
Children laughing, dogs barking, patrons chattering with enthusiasm as they stepped out of the recently reopened movie theatre.
He wished he could be outside with them.
With no customers around, and all the dishes cleaned and stacked beside the sink, there weren't even any of the store's usual, mundane tasks that Ren could focus on to past the time.
Ren's hand lowered, digging through his pocket for his phone. Craving the distraction and hoping maybe, someone, might be finished with their commitments for the day. Willing to see him.
Before he could punch in his passcode, the bell above the door chimed.
Not wanting to incur another lecture from Sojiro about slacking off while on the clock; this from the guy who was usually reading the paper behind the counter; Ren's phone found a makeshift hiding place under the sleeve of his shirt.
However, a swell of happiness flooded through Ren, as he instead saw Makoto stepping through the door, her lips pulling into a smile.
His initial surprise dissipating, Ren exhaled, the familiar face flashing before him a beacon of relief.
He hadn't bothered messaging Makoto earlier, knowing that she was busy studying and not wanting to interrupt here. Her presence was unexpected.
Still, he wasn't complaining. Her company could keep him from going insane until Boss got back.
"Hey Makoto. How's studying going? Here for the usual?" Ren asked, hoping she would take the invitation.
"Please." She answered, setting down in the stool nearest him. "Although, I'm afraid I didn't come here just for coffee."
"Is that so?" Ren asked, sifting through the large display of beans behind him. "Well, what's up?"
"I need to ask a favour of you. One big enough to bring me here in person."
"Fire away."
"Eiko's asked us on a double date again."
Ren froze in the middle of adjusting the siphon, wondering for a moment if he had heard correctly.
"Oh." The word slipped out reflexively. "I thought she ended things with Tsukasa?"
"She did." Makoto nodded. "She has a new boyfriend now, apparently."
Ren hummed in reply, as he worked on her coffee, expecting her to continue. Though, from the way Makoto's hands kneaded together and her gaze zeroed in on the countertop; it mustn't have been easy to piece together whatever was on her mind.
Ren glanced up, taken by a momentary flash of concern. Such apprehension was unlike her; it had been for months.
"The problem is... Well- You see, after everything. I never told her that you and I dating was... just an act. It never occurred to me that this would come up again."
"So, she still thinks that we're...?"
The sound of water churning at least distracted from the palpable silence that rung out between them.
As if not wanting to be swallowed up, by the heavy, oppressive atmosphere, Makoto urged herself to carry on, words now trailing from her lips in a flurry.
"While I could just turn her down, I am worried." She admitted. "I hope this won't be a repeat of what happened with Tsukasa. While I'm sure that the whole experience helped her become a better judge of character, I want to make sure her new boyfriend doesn't have any ulterior motives.
“I'm sure that we'll only need this one date to find out. After that, I can explain everything to her and clear up any confusion about us... Or lie and say that we've broken up, whichever comes easier."
"You've really thought this through." Ren laughed as he added the finishing touches to Makoto’s coffee and set it down. She accepted the cup, smiling.
“She asked me earlier today. It was bothering me so much that I couldn’t focus on studying anymore. I had to come and ask you."
“Alright. Well, let me know the time and place, and I’ll be here.”
“You’re a lifesaver, Ren. I promise this will be the last time.”
It was strange, becoming abruptly conscious of something that had long been missing.
It had never really struck Ren until now, that he and Makoto had stopped 'dating' weeks ago.
Now, starting again seemed... bittersweet, as he knew, going in, that it wouldn't last. That he would, in a way, be saying goodbye to times he had fond memories. Times that had brought he and Makoto closer.
Though, it was foolish, pointless, to despair. This being their last 'date' didn't mean that wouldn't spend time together anymore, Ren knew this.  
Yet, somehow, the prospect of it ending left him feeling hollow, sad.
When the two arrived at Odaiba Seaside Park in their agreed meeting place, Makoto couldn’t find Eiko anywhere.
She wondered initially, if in her nervous haste, she had had them leave too early, arriving well before the other couple.
That must be it, she reassured herself. There was no need to worry. Dates and hangouts between friends were casual affairs, with schedules that weren't enforced that strictly. They would show up at any moment.  
Though, as the minutes melted away, and the sun began fading into dusk, she grew anxious. Why hadn't Eiko turned up yet? Had something happened?
Unsurprisingly, Makoto wasn't alone in sensing something was off.
"We didn’t mix up any of the details, did we?" Ren asked, glancing over Makoto's shoulder as she double-checked the message on her phone.
"No." Makoto frowned. "Eiko said to meet right here at around 6 o’clock. Surely, they couldn't have forgotten?"
Makoto sighed. Despite how carefully she had planned, the evening was already falling apart. All because of circumstances beyond her control.  
Not to mention, Ren was doing her a favour. She would feel like she was exploiting his good-will if she dragged him out for a date that didn't even end up happening.
Makoto's concern was alleviated momentarily by the chime of her phone.
"Oh, Eiko just messaged me. Perhaps they’re running late?"
Her fingers tapped against the screen, nose wrinkling at the string of words that flashed before her eyes.
Good luck! You can thank me l8r! O(≧∇≦)O
"That's strange." She said, turning the screen towards Ren. "Perhaps she meant to send this to someone else?"
Ren's eyes narrowed as they glossed over the cryptic text before looking to her with a shrug.
Hoping for a more concise answer, Makoto frantically strung together a reply.
Eiko? What are you talking about? Where are you?
Though, as she pressed send, clutching her phone in eager anticipation, her patience and optimism began to wear thin.
Makoto doubted the message had not been seen. Eiko was rarely without her phone and normally quite punctual when responding. If anything, her concern had shifted into suspicion.
Eiko laid out an incredibly vague hint, before lapsing into apparent radio silence. 
Good luck? What could that possibly mean? What is she up to?
“Should we head back?” Ren asked, his voice pulling Makoto from her reverie.
Her lips pursed.  
The offer was tempting. Though, after coming all the way; even having paid the train fare; it would seem like a waste to leave.  
They didn't get out of the city often. They could at least enjoy themselves for tonight.
Tourists and other couples wandered by, basking in the picturesque view of the setting sun as it draped over the water.
For every glance she exchanged with passing strangers, Makoto grew more self-conscious, wondering if perhaps they thought she and Ren were together.
If Ren noticed, he didn’t say. Instead, seeming similarly taken by the scenery as she caught him from the corner of her eye. Though it couldn’t stop the pang guilt building her chest. Being alone with him, in a clearly romantic setting, and the longing it stirred inside of her.
"I'm sorry, Ren.” Her apology broke abruptly. “I can tell Eiko. That way, we can be done with... With all of this."
"Hey, if I didn’t know any better Makoto, I’d think you didn’t enjoy my company." Ren smirked, sensing the shift in her mood.
"T-that’s not the case! I just didn’t want to trouble you anymore."
"Makoto, come on. It’s no trouble. I was happy to help you look out for Eiko, getting to spend time with you is a bonus."
"You’re a great friend, Makoto." He tacked on, lamely.
Ren panicked, internally, as the words brought a flicker of disappointment across her face.
"A friend to Eiko, I mean." He reiterated, stumbling over his words. "That’s not to say we aren’t friends. It’s just you mean, so much to me- All of you guys do. ‘Friend’ doesn’t really describe it, you’re like… confidants."
Makoto couldn’t contain the peal of laughter that broke from her lips.
"It’s alright Ren, I understand."
Ren was quiet, at times, but concise and deliberate when he did speak. For him to stammer was unusual.
For everything he had endured and accomplished as their leader, it was a reminder that he wasn’t infallible. Even though Ren seemed more socially attuned than her, he was still an ordinary teenager who could become awkward and flustered. It was something Makoto found reassuring.  
Her eyes fell on Rainbow Bridge, stretching back into Tokyo. Reminded of longing daydreams that plagued her, of having someone to walk across it with. She exhaled, wistfully, knowing her luck in that department.
"I guess Eiko was right when she said I would flunk a test on love.” Makoto said. “The only way I could make her think otherwise was by lying. I can’t learn about romance by myself."
"What about me?"
"I appreciate the offer, Ren,” Makoto sighed, “but I think we should stop pretend dating-"
No sooner had she formed the words than they were stifled by the pressure of Ren’s own lips gently capturing hers. Makoto’s eyes widened, the space dissipating between them, as she was pulled into his arms.
Only when the kiss had lingered long enough for her to find her own rhythm, to confirm that it was real, did he pull away, the sincerity and intenseness of his gaze pinning her down.
"You’re right. We should.”
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starlight-parkers · 7 years
The Report Card (Avengers x Reader) {Chatroom}
Author’s Note(s): I wrote this back in october and forgot about in entirely. I hope you enjoy x
Warning(s): just swearing tbh
Summary: Dogs are great but your dads Steve and Tony don’t agree.
you have created a chatroom
you have named the chat “dear fathers whom I love so very much :)”
you have added Tony
You: hello father who raised me from a yOung one whom to which I love very much :)
Tony: no
You: no???
You: I didn’t say anything ???
Tony: it’s paternal instinct
You: at least hear me out
Tony: nO
You: daAAaaAAD
Tony: (Y/nNnnnNn)
You: I’m gonna tell you anyways
Tony: I had a feeling you would
You: so I got my report card back
Tony: I can already see where this is going
You: and I got all As…
Tony: I was not prepared for this part of parenthood
You: so I was wondering…
Tony: gEt To iT CHILD
You: if I could get a puppy?
Tony: lmao NO
You: fudGe yOU
You: you’re the worst dad ever
Tony: I’m going to pretend that my pride isn’t wounded and say I love you too kiddo :,)
You: I bet Steve would get me a dog.
Steve has joined the chat
Steve: no he wouldn’t
You: pleaSe dad?
Steve: nope
You: how can anyone call you the man of dreams? Freedom? Liberation?
You: you’re both the worst
Steve: correction…Tony is the worst. Who makes you cap’s shield shaped sandwiches everyday?
You: you do…
Steve: damn right I do
Tony: hey I mean I totally don’t pay your phone bill… not at all… please do continue to insult me as if I’m not here.
You: you know what fudge you both, I’m asking peter.
Tony: oh god no not the kid
Tony: you know I can’t say no to him
You: exactly ;)
You have added Peter
Peter: Hey everyone!
You: hi Petey <3
Tony: hey underoos
Steve: hello
Peter: what can I do for you?
You: oh y'know
You: we just need you to settle a family disagreement
Peter: oh… okay, what seems to be the problem?
Steve: (Y/N) got all As in her report card
Peter: Aw well done baby! :)
Tony: I am resisting the urge to throw up (:
You: and I want a puppy as a reward but AnthonY and SteVeN wont let me get one.
Peter: well that’s a shame
Steve: it sure is…
You: shuT UP Steve
Tony: asjajaja
You: anyways I need you to convince them that I should get a puppy
Peter: uHhhh
Steve: I’d chose my words wisely kid.
Tony: or don’t say anything at all, y'know.
Peter: umm
You: if you don’t help me convince them I won’t let you do my homework for a month
Peter: I…shouldn’t…be doing… your homework… anyway?
You: shut up you know you enjoy it
Peter: I do :(
Tony: what…just…happened?
Steve: I don’t know but is this how dating works nowadays?
Clint has joined the chat
Tony: oh no
Clint has added Natasha, Bruce, Thor, T'challa, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Scott and Vision.
Clint: we heard talk of a dog
Steve: well you heard wrong
Sam: how can anyone call you the man of dreams? Freedom? Liberation?
Natasha: Thor, caps lock sweetie.
Thor: *whispers* oh yes, I apologise widow of black :) :) :)
Peter: is bad that I actually heard him yelling from the other side of the tower or?
Peter: and are we just going to ignore the fact that he added in *whispers* ?
Clint: LeT hIm LiVe pETer
Bucky: yeah! Sit down you little asshole
Peter: I… am…confused.
Sam: oh somebody get him a juice box, little Peter is confused.
Peter: w h y  a re  y o u                       a t t a c k i n g  m e ?
Sam: oh shit someone’s having a tantrum.
Natasha: go sit in a corner sam, you’re being uneccesary.
Sam: stfu woman come back when you can spell unnecessary.
Wanda: what were we talking about again?
Tony has cleared the chat
Tony: I think were talking about getting pancakes for breakfast today
Steve: oh yes, Tony’s treat :)
Tony: of course it’s my treat I’m the only one with money.
Scott: I’m down for pancakes
Bucky: yeah I could go for some too
T'challa: if Tony’s paying
Natasha: as mentioned before, only if Tony’s paying.
Wanda: same
Steve: then its settled, pancakes at 10
You: T H A N K  Y O U
Tony: fuck yOu clint
Steve: there are children present
You: all in favour of getting a dog say aye
Scott: aye
Wanda: aye
Bucky: aye
Sam: aye
Peter: aye
Bucky: too much Clint too much
Clint: sorry
Peter: well it’s decided,  I guess we’re getting a dog
Tony: Vision, T'Challa, Bruce and Natasha haven’t voted yet.
Steve: not to mention Pietro
Pietro has joined the chat
Pietro: I vote for the dog, they’re better than people and I hate everyone.
Pietro has left the chat
Wanda: sorry about that, he’s still salty because we invited Scott to the Civil War and not him.
Scott: how were we supposed to know? he’s meant to be dead
Clint: RIP that speedy guy 2k15, you shall not be missed
You:  I am physically sobBiNg
Bucky: she’s not kidding, I am three floors down and I can still hear her.
Scott : it sounds like she’s dying
Peter: then it’s nothing new.
Tony: no brucie, we’re talking about the possibility of (Y/N) having a demon spawn to call their own
Bruce: I hate all of you
T'Challa: I agree, you are all beneath me
Sam: sit yo ass down and drink some milk, cat man
Scott: you guys gotta stop roasting each other, (Y/N) is going to D I E of laughter.
Peter: let her  
Tony: what
Peter: f r e e  m e
Steve: moving on…
Thor: yes…please proceed.
Steve: Bruce? Natasha? Thoughts on the dog.
Natasha: I’m against it
Natasha: cats are cooler
Clint: Natasha we can no longer be friends
Natasha: fine by me
Bucky: #CHARED
Tony: science bro?
Bruce: I’m also in favour of a cat, they’re more peaceful and less…like you guys.
T'Challa: I agree
Bucky: leave cat man
T'Challa: call me that again and pietro won’t be the only avenger to have died
T'Challa has left the chat
You: well then…
Peter: I don’t know what to say
Thor: what about brother vision? He has yet to cast his vote.
Wanda: I’ll admit Vis has been very quiet.
Vision: I apologise profusely for my lack of presence.
Tony: Steve is your child asthmatic
Steve: she’s  not my child, she’s yours
You: wow what a loving family I have
Thor: indeed, much like my own, at least you are not a murderous pathetic excuse for a villain :)
Wanda: is it me or does the smiley face make it worse ?
Natasha: it’s the smiley face.
Tony: anywho vis, vision, partial creation of mine
Tony: what do you think about getting a dog?
Vision: by my calculations getting a dog would perhaps increase the physical activity of (Y/N) as we have come to realise, She only moves to retrieve a food source before returning to her room. Having a dog would lead to (Y/N) leaving the compound more, in order to walk the animal.
You: I’m sorry I didn’t know asking for a dog would include roasting me
Peter: what’s with all these hashtags ?
Bucky: I’m running out of synonyms for roasted
Vision: Additionally, having a dog would decrease the stress levels of the team and perhaps everyone’s mutual hatred towards Mr Stark.
Tony: you all hate me?
Steve: its less of hatred and more like a preference for avoiding you :) nothing to worry about.
Tony: oh okay then :)
Clint: how did that go over his head?
Bruce: I have no idea
Vision: to conclude getting a puppy would be most beneficial.
Bruce: (Y/N) is definitely Stark’s child.
Thor: aye
Natasha: no doubt about it
Loki has joined the chat
Clint: ew who invited him
Wanda: why so salty Clint?
Clint: he tried to take over my mind with some voodoo shit
Peter: he actually is
Peter: it’s very loud
Loki: you foolish midguardians. I always said that you would be responsible for your own demise.
Scott: what are you on about reindeer games?
Loki: I’m sorry who are you?
Bruce: these hashtags are getting out of hand.
Peter: remind me to teach him how to use them properly.
Thor: brother! :D
Thor:  D:
Wanda: yikes
You: warn us of your presence? Because none of us actually like you.
Thor: I do
Thor: just a bit
Loki: purchasing the vile beast known as man’s best friend will only result in the destruction of the Avengers. We all know (Y/N) would betray us. She would raise this animal, to become a beast. Multiply it and use it to destroy us from the inside.
Steve: is Loki… afraid…of dogs
You: oh my god
Natasha: Loki? Saving us ?
Vision: in all my years on earth I have never heard such an entertaining tale
Peter: sit the fuck down bish you’re like 2 years old
Bruce: peter omg
Thor: please send help it sounds like he’s choking
Bucky:  l e t  h i m
Steve: what is it with everyone and wanting to kill each other?
You: don’t act like you haven’t wanted to kill any of us, you golden child
Steve: …
Steve: proceed.
Bucky: #
Scott: don’t even start I beg
Bucky: D:
Loki: you mortals will all perish
Tony: so I think we’ve established that Loki is afraid of dogs, and since none of us like him I propose we get one.
Steve: agreed
Tony: all in favour of a dog say aye
Steve: aye
You: aye
Thor: aye
Peter: aye
Scott: aye
Wanda: aye
Vision: aye
Natasha: aye
Bucky: aye
Bruce: aye
Sam: aye
Bucky: Clint pls
Natasha: you are an embarrassment to this team, no wonder pietro is always running away from you.
Natasha has left the chat
Clint: damn
Peter: well now that this has come to end, Let’s go Bucky, I gotta teach you the ways of the hashtag
Sam: oh I have got to see this
Scott: I’m definitely filming this
Bucky has left the chat
Peter has left the chat
Sam has left the chat
Scott has left the chat
Loki: you will all die
Loki has left the chat
Thor: it appears that Loki is having a tantrum
Thor: I must tend to my brother, his feelings have been hurt.
Tony: lolol I don’t care
Steve: same tbh
Tony: why do you have such a disrespectful child Steve?
Steve: biologically she’s your creation, you do the math
Bruce: brb I’m totally not sobbing with laughter
Thor: I must depart from you friends (: goodbye
You: bye (:
Thor: (:
You: (:
Thor: (:
You: (:
Thor: (:
You: (:
Thor: (:
Thor: be careful who you yell at brother Clinton. I am always watching.
Thor has left the chat
Bruce: well then
Tony: moving swiftly on
You: im finally getting a dog WHOO
Clint: WHOOO
Steve: why are you both simultaneously yelling ‘whoo’ whilst typing it at the same time?
You: it’s for effect
Bruce: looool
Tony: anyways since you’re getting this dog, they least you could do is name it after your favourite dad
Steve: I agree, this debate has gone on for too long
Steve: which one of us do you like best?
You: sure why not
Bruce: this is going to get interesting
Clint: I’m ready to take screenshots
You: I’m naming my dog peter
Steve: why?
You: because he’s my favourite daddy
You: duh
(Y/N) has left the chat
Tony: what
Steve: pardon
Bruce has been disconnected
Clint: I’m totally… going to… see if he’s okay… and not laugh about this
Clint has left the chat
Steve: I can’t believe this
Tony: …
Steve: you have your suit right?
Tony: already putting it on
Steve: the shield?
Tony: it’s right where you left it
Steve: it’s time to go squash a spider
Steve has left the chat
Tony has left the chat
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wxnnabe · 6 years
number 50 w mista? im just a simple gay,
Why did this take so long??? I’m really sorry, but I hope this makes up for the wait!
“I swear, you’ve got to stop giving Mista that forlorn look and ask him out,” Trish groans, addressing you with a look of disdain, looking up from her magazine as Mista leaves the hideout. She tosses it aside, and gives you a pointed look. You probably looked like a deer in headlights-hell, you sure as hell felt like one right now.
“Buh?” Was all you could manage, and she rolled her eyes at you.
“I’ve only been here a week and I can barely get your attention when he’s in the room! I’m sure the others have given up on you entirely,” she sighs, and flips the magazine shut as she gets up from the couch.
“I know…but I just-Mista’s so…” Trish gives you a knowing look.
“He’s more gay than he looks,” you almost spit out the water you were sipping.
“Not that! I mean,he’s sort of cool? Untouchable seems more the word,” She raises her eyebrow at you, and you know she’s going to say that your imagining things. And she’s right, to be very quite honest. The only thing that was stopping you from confessing was your own fears. If he rejected your feelings, working with him would be a whole lot more awkward, even if you were in different factions of Passione. And if you could barely string together enough words to have a decent conversation with him…
“Look. You seem to talk with everyone else fine enough. Just imagine him with no-oh, hell, probably more like…”
“Like a big piece of stinking cheese! It’s Mista we’re talking about, right?” Narancia pops his head in suddenly, and somehow, the only two people who you’ve confessed your feelings for the gunman to are in the same room as you. Great. You addressed the boy before Trish got a chance to continue the conversation.
“Narancia! That was a quick trip. Did Fugo get what he needed?” Narancia sighed.
“Ugh, yeah. Dunno why he had to drag me into it though,” Trish seems to ignore your plans to derail the conversation, much to your distaste.
“Mista will get the wrong idea if you aren’t going to confess soon,” Narancia perked up at this, and you let out a defeated groan. God, looks like you really were going to confess.
“Ooh, is that what’s happening? Yeah, you should do it when Mista gets back!” Trish smiles at Narancia’s suggestion, and turns to you.
“The rest of us were planning on going out, so you’d have the whole hideout to yourselves, so I don’t see why not. You might want to wait until he has a shower first though,” Trish adds, handing you the magazine she was reading.
“And we have a while to prepare you! Don’t worry, we’ll have you talking to him in no time!”
You appreciated their efforts, really-but they each had their own brand of the same lesson-be confident, but yourself. It didn’t really help when being yourself around Mista had turned you into a blubbering, flustered mess every time he talked to you. There was no way he could ever like someone that, half the time, didn’t even have the words to say what they meant.
“Okay, be the confident version of yourself…” You had no idea how to channel that side of you, unless alcohol was a part of the equation. You, however, had enough pride to want to do this sober. You were also out of liquor. And, alas, as the door opened and you heard the exaggerated sigh that could only be Mista’s as he stumbled into the hideout, closing the door behind him, you were nowhere near the confidence you needed to be at to chat with him. As he entered the dining room, seeing only you at the table, he gave you a wave and leaned into the chair with a groan.
“Man, I can’t believe they went out without us! I mean, I know you’re not really a part of our team…but, y'know, it’s just poor form!” You nodded in agreement. The only noise that came out of your mouth was a high pitched hum, and you quickly re-acquainted yourself with Trish’s magazine before Mista made eye contact with you. So much for confidence. If you could slap yourself into talking, you’d do it now.
After a few more moments of silence (apart from the rocking of Mista’s chair and Mista letting out a few angry murmurs at his pistol-he’s talking to his Stand again, and shit, even that’s cute to you) he suddenly lunges forward in his chair, pulling the magazine down from your face and giving you a cocky grin.
“We should hang out instead. Hell, we don’t need that rowdy bunch to have a good time!” Your screaming at yourself to answer, to come up with a witty comeback, but all you can think of is how drop dead gorgeous he looks with that grin…
“Er…yeah,” you managed to breath out, a small smile on your lips. Mista frowns at you, and gingerly touches your forehead.
“Hey, are you-are you sick or something? That didn’t sound as enthusiastic as I’d hoped,” he muttered the last bit out to himself (did that mean you might have a chance with him? You’ll keep that in the back of your mind for now), and you hurried to correct him, grabbing his hand to get his attention.
“N-No, I’m not sick! It’s just that you-” are so fucking hot. Why can’t you just tell him you want to date him? You resigned it to your fear stopping you from confessing, and looked away. Regardless, your last words piqued his interest, and suddenly he’s leaning in to get a closer look at you.
“I…?” He trailed, and you sigh and let go of his hand. You bring the magazine back up to your face.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry. You could probably still catch up with them now if you want.” Mista pulls the magazine down again, this time with a little more force. He seems sort of annoyed, and you swallow. There was no way you were gonna weasel your way out of this, it seemed. Mista wanted an answer for your behaviour around him. An explanation. And to be frank, you were scared shitless.
“It’s rude to leave me hanging like that, y’know. What about me? Is there…fuck it, why don’t you just let go around me like everyone else? Are you scared or something?” Or something. You inhale through your nose, and dare to look into his eyes. You can feel your palms sweat, and pat them on your pants to try and get rid of the feeling.
“I’m not…scared…I-I just. Really like you. Like, I’d wanna date you, but you seem so cool I couldn’t actually confront you about it. It’s alright to…shoot me down,” It’s like someone’s lifted a great weight off your shoulders, the moment you do confess. You feel a lot more calmer, and your lips widen to a smile. Mista is shocked, that much is clear. His mouth is hanging open, slightly, and though you want to lean in to close it, laugh at him playfully and tease him about how cute he looks-you know what he’s about to say.
What you didn’t expect was for him to laugh. How…how cruel is he? Your smile drops into a frown, but before you can slap him, yell at him, stand up and storm out to call Trish and get so smashed you forget everything that had just happened, he grabs your hands and dips his head down to give them a quick kiss.
“Haha, that’s all? Seriously? Thank god, I was starting to think I was coming on too strong!” Wait. What did he mean, coming on too strong? He continues, getting out of his chair and gesturing for you to do the same. You reluctantly stand, and he envelops you into a hug. You let out a nervous laugh yourself, and answer.
“Coming on?” He deadpans at you as he pulls back.
“You seriously didn’t catch all those times I was asking you out?” He groans, and you can’t help but let out a laugh.
“Sorry, I just! I guess I was caught up thinking you wouldn’t go out with me if I get so…nervous by how…by you,” The more you stare the more you realise how close you two were. He noticed you tensing and pulled back, until he felt you muscles relax again.
“Hey, don’t worry so much! I’ll take it slow if you’re a little overwhelmed by it all, heh,” He chuckles a bit, and gives your waist a squeeze. He’s gazing at you with a curious glint in his eyes as he continues.
“Only if you promise something though,” You raise your eyebrow.
“What?” For a moment, his smile fades into a very serious look.
“Be you. No one else can. I mean, I’m interested in you, right? So show me you, and I’ll do the same. Don’t be so scared of could’s and might’s, if it’s meant to happen it’ll happen!” You smile at him, and nod. He smiles again, and pulls you into a sweet kiss. He laughs at your flustered state, and shoots you a smug grin.
“Hey, it’s kinda an ego boost, really! I didn’t think you’d get so flustered over me,” You roll your eyes, but there’s a grin on your flushed cheeks that says your not bothered in the slightest.
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killianmesmalls · 6 years
I wish you would write a fic where W!Killian parents Robin M. after she does something stupid. (Because I love your thoughts on Killian and parenting.)
Hope this works!
Killian didn’t understand the other realm’s obsession with the number eighteen. Adulthood, he found, didn’t come from a number that magically had one blossom fully functional at midnight of their eighteenth birthday, but rather through an individual’s maturity. In his day, adolescence wasn’t truly acknowledged, one had to behave as an adult in their teenage years, sometimes earlier.
These days, though, the added some was a luxury, one he had intended to give his Alice for as long as possible. He cursed himself for the outcome, but a twinge of bittersweet pride niggled his heart when he realized she was still full of her whimsical, childlike wonder. Robin, on the other hand...
And why so many children felt the need to grow up so soon he had no idea. He would have killed for a few more years of childhood. Instead? Well.
He shook off the thought as Robin stormed past him, rolling her eyes as Zelena bolted after her. “I’m eighteen!” she said for Killian thought to be the thousandth time. “You can’t control me anymore!”
“I can—”
“What? Take away my phone? It doesn’t even work in this realm! Ground me? We don’t even stay in one place long enough between traveling with the rebellion, checking back in with Storybrooke, and trying to find a home of our own here. Besides, I should be allowed to come and go as I please. If I’m old enough to join the fight, here or back home, then I’m old enough to decide that I can be out until whatever time I want.”
Killian was careful not to stare; it wasn’t in his nature to get involved in someone else’s family business. However, when Zelena threw up her hands and stomped off in the other direction, his paternal urges nagged at the back of his mind.
“Ugh!” Robin growled dramatically, plopping down onto a nearby log. “I can’t believe her!”
Killian sighed, choosing to believe she had intended for him to listen rather than bursting with a hormone-filled rhetorical shout. “It’s a parent’s prerogative to worry. It never goes away, no matter how old their child is or how mature they believe themselves to be.”
He let the words hang there, and could see Robin processing them with a defensive scowl. “I’m eigh—”
“Eighteen. Yes,” he said, rising from his own perch and gesturing with his head down the path. “Fancy a walk? Could be good for blowing off steam, and I feel like a chat might be in order.”
Robin’s brow furrowed, her answer caught in her throat for a moment, but as he kept his soft eyes on her she finally nodded and rose to her feet. “Yeah, a walk couldn’t hurt.”
It had been a couple of months since the girl had joined their team, and a few weeks since she’d met Alice in the woods. Killian smiled as he recounted how she’d later spoken to him privately about their evening together, recalling the giddiness in her eyes once she’d finished her story but still rambled about Alice’s goodness and strength. Since then, he’d encouraged Robin to visit his daughter, believing both girls needed a friend between their new homes and increasing freedom.
They wandered in silence, Killian waiting for Robin’s breathing to even and her muscles to relax. Then, just as he sensed her wishing to fill the awkward quiet, he cleared his throat. “I want to start by thanking you for being so kind and supportive to Alice. To me, she’s perfect, but of course I’m her father. From what I’ve heard from the villagers nearby, she’s ‘the crazy girl’ and it’s not hard to see you’re the first person outside of me that doesn’t believe that to be the case. Even Henry thinks she’s a bit eccentric, though based on their first meeting I can’t blame him.
But,” he continued, the word more firm than his last, “just as your mother worries about your safety, I worry about hers. Truth be told, I am concerned about yours, as well.”
“I’m fine,” Robin replied, and though he could hear that same force, an uneasy quake cracked her previous toughness. “I’m—”
“Love, please do not remind me yet again of your age. I’m 240, give or take, so truly I don’t see the point in bringing it up. I understand in your realm, or in parts of it, it signifies a milestone, but if there’s a constant need to remind others of your maturity simply through throwing out a number, then you have not convinced them enough on your own actions to treat you like an adult.”
He could almost feel her glow crimson with embarrassment and rage, but he kept his voice steady and urged them to continue on, grateful the path was abandoned save for them. “You have done a lot, for us and for Alice. However, in a place like this which is still largely foreign to you and in times like these where violence can break out at any moment, asserting your independence regardless of the feelings of others is not the best way to go about convincing anyone you’re ready for that independence. Even I at my age am careful to let our people know where I’m going and give an idea of how long I will be away. It’s courtesy. One you may still need to learn.”
“That’s bull—”
“If you swear at me, Robin, this conversation is over,” Killian warned, voice light but stern. “Instead, I’d think it best to channel that anger into something more productive.” He pulled out a dagger and handed it to her, then gestured with his head toward a large oak tree. “How about you practice your throwing skills? I’ll stay nearby but, unless needed, keep quiet so you can think.”
Robin grabbed the dagger, looking at its polished handle before arching an eyebrow at him. “Why do I feel like this is some weird sort of timeout?”
“Because you’re not wholly incorrect, but I’d also like to know you are skilled in multiple weapons and can use them in multiple ways if you happen to run into trouble while on your own or with Alice and for any reason you cannot use your bow.”
Killian saw the rising signs of defiance in her features and wanted to breathe a sigh of relief when they soon fell away and she wandered closer to the tree, readying her stance. Her need for independence was still rivaled by her need to prove herself, and he hoped the repetitive action and tranquility of the area would do her some good.
He found stump closeby and settled on it, keeping from critiquing her movements. Practice or not, the point of the exercise this time, he knew, was more mental than physical. The first several throws missed the mark, and she growled in impatient frustration so like he’d witnessed from others her age. Yet, with a sense of pride, he saw she repeatedly went back to get the dagger, soon taking deep breaths and trying again.
The next few times she failed to pierce the bark with the blade, but at least got close. A few more deep breaths and a few more tries, and after long last she managed to lodge the blade into the flesh of the tree. “Yes!” she whooped, victorious arms pumping into the sky, and Killian couldn’t help chuckling.
“Very good, lass.” He rose and gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder.
“Thanks.” Her face flushed again, though this time with pride. “And, I guess I do feel better.”
“Good, I’m glad.” He surveyed where they were, how close they were to the new cottage he and the others had managed to help find Alice, and a quick flash of longing washed over him. Robin glanced back, catching hints of the cottage through the trees, and gave him a melancholy smile.
“If it’s alright with you, I can check in on her? Maybe she has another letter written? I know it’s between scheduled trips, but, since we’re so close…”
The corners of Killian’s lips tugged up at her request for permission. “Aye, love. I don’t see any harm in it.”
“Thanks. And, uh...can you do me a favor?”
“Of course.”
“Tell my mom I’ll be back by midnight?”
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Forty-Six: Revenge ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Neji ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
She hadn’t blamed him for his actions. If anything, she more than understood. If there had been anything she could have done, she would have done it. But between her meek nature, her lack of power, and her removal from the title of heiress...there was nothing Hinata could do for her cousin.
So she took his beating as best she could.
Back then, she’d still been hung up on Naruto. Inspired by his own will, spitting in the faces of those who looked down on him, she’d tried to emulate that strength. But as much as she wanted to prove herself to Neji, so too did she feel guilt for his treatment, though the cause was - admittedly - beyond her control. She could no more help her birth than she could the tradition of the Hyūga clan seal.
So when she saw the hatred in his eyes when their preliminary match began, she met it with two emotions of her own: determination...and understanding.
He nearly killed her that day.
He nearly had his revenge.
But the medics kept her alive, healing her heart as Neji went on in his victory. He was smug in his success, but there was no blaming him. Part of her wondered if maybe, just slightly, it chipped at his submission to fate. After all, a boy of the branch house had beaten a girl of the main. And given the context, there was no one there to enact his seal. He’d been stopped, sure...but not by the mark on his brow.
In a small, perhaps twisted way...she’d been happy for him.
And yet, in the end, he lost to Naruto, who - in his typical style - made him think. Made him reconsider his path. And the final nail in the coffin had been her father telling Neji the truth of his father’s sacrifice: one chosen, not forced.
It wasn’t instant...but Neji began to turn around.
He apologized to her within the week, begging her forgiveness. She’d given it, but insisted there was nothing to forgive. “You had e-every right to be angry, and...I was part of that anger.”
“But you were not -!”
“No, I wasn’t the one who branded you, o-or ever used the seal on you. But, indirectly...I caused you suffering. And I did nothing to stop it.”
“Hinata-sama -”
“Please d-don’t call me that.”
“I know now...it was not in your hands. And I know now that your gentleness is not a weakness. If you’d had the chance, I’m certain you would have done something. Perhaps, someday...you can see change in this divided clan of ours.”
“I hope so, Neji-nīsan.”
The pair began training together, and through it, their bond began to mend. Every break they had to take as Hinata’s heart fluttered brought heavy guilt to his features, but she would wave it aside. Slowly it grew stronger, and with it, her resolution.
Eventually, she voiced it to him.
“I don’t want my title back.”
Neji’s eyes had widened. “You...you don’t?”
“...no.” They were sitting on the engawa, watching the sun set over the Hyūga clan wall. Tea held loosely in her hand, she stared into the amber liquid. “I don’t want to prove myself to my father, or my clan. The only person I need to prove anything to...is m-myself. I want to get stronger for me. I want to discipline myself for me. Whatever else comes of it...well, I’ll just have to see.”
Neji had looked to her calculatingly. “...what of Naruto?”
“He’s leaving soon, to go with Jiraiya-sama to train. Probably for a long time. I think…” She paused, trying to find the right words. “...I think...that will be good for me. Naruto-kun inspires me. I want to be brave, and confident, like him. But...I need to do so my way. S-so…” It was then she turned sheepish, fiddling with her mug. “W...would you agree to train me,  Neji-nīsan? As...as my main teacher?”
“Me? But, Hinata-sama -”
“You’re just as good as my father, i-if not more so! And…” She gave him a smile. “You’re one of my best friends. I...I trust you. I know you wouldn’t go easy on me, and you’d be honest. I want someone to push my limits - it’s the o-only way I’ll get stronger! Then...when Naruto-kun comes back, we’ll both have been working hard. And then I can prove to him, and everyone else, that I’m a capable shinobi.”
Blinking, he’d considered her silently for a long moment...before bowing his head with a smile. “...I understand. I would be honored to teach you, Hinata-sama.”
“Oh would please stop calling me that?”
From then on, for the next three years, the pair of Hyūga cousins sparred almost exclusively, save for their times with their team. Occasionally, Hanabi would join them, curious about their regimen compared to her own. But most days, the Hyūga training grounds were home only to the pair of them.
They had grown from embittered clansmen to close friends, still discussing a future of the clan without the seal. Unless someone had witnessed their childhood dynamic, they could never guess the pair had ever been at odds.
And then...there’d been the war.
Hinata’s heart had shattered. It had been her sacrifice to make, not Neji’s! That, more than anything, haunted her the most.
But old friendships, by whatever grace, saw him brought back to her.
Hiashi, swayed by his nephew’s mirrored sacrifice, finally relented: he would help them bring an end to the implementation of the seal. Neji’s would not be replaced.
He was finally free.
And so he remains even now, serving as Hanabi’s foremost advisor as she grows into her position. Though no longer heiress, Hinata still does her part for her clan...but her time is split now, having married into another.
And it’s her husband’s question that brings the tale back to the forefront of her mind. “Didn’t you two hate each other?”
“Mm...well, Neji hated me,” she replies. “And for good reason, even if he’d deny it now. His want for revenge - for his father, and for himself - was more than justified. But...things changed. And now, I consider him my best friend.”
Sasuke perks a brow, glancing from her to the elder Hyūga cousin. “...he’s definitely different than before. Still a bit of an asshole, though.”
She gives him a look. “He’s...prudish, and prideful. But he is not an asshole. Besides...you two have a lot in common. I think, if you both put that part of you aside...you’d be very good friends.”
“...and what do we have in common?”
Besides that want for revenge? she can’t help but think dryly. “Well, maybe if you ever sit and chat with him, you’ll find out.”
“...hn. Maybe I will.”
     Ooh, what a twist! :D "Sasuke" and "revenge" are just...too often paired words. I wanted to try to do something a little different! At first, I wanted to do something AU, but...well, after a long day, I just couldn't brain enough to make that happen, so we have this instead!      Hinata knows the story of revenge, just...from a different angle than Sasuke. While she wasn't ACTUALLY the perpetrator, she was the target of Neji's revenge...at least, for a time. I think that helps her empathize with Sasuke even more, especially in ALAS where she's made privy to things. Which only helps them get along all the better!      But, that's all I've got for tonight - sorry it's late, but life was a lil hectic today! Hopefully tomorrow I can post a little earlier. Either way though, thanks for reading!
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meteora-fc · 6 years
Wrote a little something about Dele, I've got hardly any followers and wanted this to reach as many people so here goes. I hope thats okay.
With a long sigh and heavy eyes you open the door which holds so much memories inside. People have been telling you it gets much easier than this, friends have been reassuring you that with time, your heart will beat and it will beat much stronger next time. But yet you haven’t felt any of the magic this so called time brings. You’ve cried yourself to sleep for what felt like eternity and you’ve looked for any remnants of news, pictures to show that he was struggling the same way. You felt horrible for feeling that way, for constantly wishing that it wasn’t just you who was struggling to move on, that it wasn’t just you who believed that the love you shared ran so deep that it would scare even the strongest of believers. So it was no surprise that as you slung yourself lazily onto the worn out grey couch that took way too much space in your already small living area, the first thing your thump did was the only thing it had mastered to do. Your bright lit phone illuminating the room sprung up many results under what had long become your favourite name. Your eyes scanned the images for any new ones of that dashing smile your soul craved for. You found one you haven’t seen, a picture of him in his training ground, grinning ear to ear as he nutmegged one of his team mates. You found yourself finally letting a breath out, as if you were anticipating seeing the worst and the fact that being in training was reassuring enough that he was keeping himself occupied. Gosh you wanted him to be happy, it was just sad it could never be with you. ‘Dele, the superstar everyone is talking about’, read the article you found next. It gave you so much pride to know that everyone was appreciating the incredible talent he is. The article provided no new details of his career that you weren’t aware of. Or so you thought until you stumbled on to the last paragraph, a paragraph which felt like you dropped into a gaping hole into despair. 'Dele now resides in London, sharing a comfortable 5 bedroom house with his supermodel girlfriend who, as he has been telling all his friends, is the one’.
The thumping beat of your heart was becoming more alive, more alert as you forced your mind to read along with your eyes.
Dele. Girlfriend. The one. And it wasn’t you.
For that minute you sat in silence hoping to any God that was listening to erase that memory, it couldn’t have been real, you only imagined it. Dele wouldn’t have moved on that quickly, would he?
And surely not with a supermodel, that’s the kind of footballers you would joke about into early hours with him in your small, dingy flat watching any comedy special you would find on Netflix.
Memories of your sweet time with your sweet boy was flooding you now, begging to be let in and share your mind to keep you company. You needed a distraction, you knew bringing up memories would lead you crying a river in your bed so you ran to the most appealing thing you kept in your house. The Alcohol. The burning sensation finally hit your throat as you left your kitchen to run yourself a bath. Your mind not synchronized with your legs as it went on auto pilot. Memories of your time together were no longer asking for permission to enter your mind, it was inviting itself in and making tea in your space. His smile, his heart, his confidence and his determination all being plastered in your head as if he had never left at all. As if the heart break had never occurred, as if the world you imagined, invested in did not disappear in the space of a few hours. As if the family growing inside of you was just that, inside of you.
As the warm bath enveloped you into a comforting hug, one memory would not leave your mind.
He was in the kitchen checking for the fifth time that there definitely was no spider in your kitchen. And reassuring you that yes he did just take it outside and not kill it, even though you both knew that he most definitely would have just thrown it in the bin.
'Babes, I promise you that there’s nothing in there’, he said one final time, appearing on the doorway to the living room with two mugs of hot steaming tea.
'Now how about we finish this last episode of friends and I’ll stay just to reassure you that no spiders will come on your bed’, he finished with a cheeky grin.
He slumped down to the sofas, swapping the tv remote for your cup. You gave him a leg squeeze as a thank you for bringing you tea.
'I’ll happily watch some friends with you’, you quipped back, scooting over to close the distance between each other.
'Ohh, I love this episode’, he remarked as he finally settled on what to watch and put the remote down and put his arm around you.
'I love the smell of you’, you stated as you snuggled deeper into your love. You looked up to him to see what he was doing only to meet his eyes smiling down at you, his grin wider than you’ve ever seen.
'You say that now’, he starts 'but would you feel the same way when I’m a pensioner, unable to wipe the dribble off my own mouth?’, he question with a cheeky grin and a raised eyebrow. You met him with the same raised eyebrow as you straightened up to reply but he wouldn’t let you answer and he continued talking,
'Or when I’ve just run out off the pitch after running for god knows how long and I open up for a hug’? he looked on, as if finally giving you the green light to reply.
You’ve sat cross legged now facing him, really enjoying this line of questioning. Of course both of you never took it seriously, but it always made you giddy when he asked things like this, talking about your future because there was nothing more you would like then to spend the rest of your life with him.
Your hands rested perfect on his chin, caressing his beautifully sculpted face.
'Well mister, believe it or not’, you began giving him the same smile his been gracing you with all evening,
'you have nothing to be scared about, I will just hold my nose and imagine the smell of you in this moment’. You stated, giving him a small peck on the lips to reassure him.
'Besides’, you continue, as you go back to the comfier position of under his arms, legs intertwined 'You’d probably be with a hot model, reminiscing about the glory days of football while she rolls her eyes by the time the drolling happens, so nothing to worry about babes’, you say, tapping his thigh.
'Would never happen, unless the hot model is you’ he quips back in the most serious tone so far this evening.
He stands up, makes a turn for the kitchen but stops before entering, and looks back to stare at you.
’ you know I would hate it that you think I would be like those footballers, who are only about the appearance and just want some arm candy to show off to their friends’ he starts, and by the glint of his eye, you know he’s ready to make a grand speech.
'We’ve been dating for over two years and not once have I ever even thought about what it would be like to be with someone else, despite the times girls attempt to try something. Girls jump at the prospect of being in my bed but I don’t bat an eyelash, you know why?’ He asked,
'it’s not because I’m scared of what you’ll do when you find out, but because just imaging you dropping ice cream on your two-day old shirt and still licking it off makes me more giddy and in love than any excitement of a good looking girl could ever do. you’re the one, I just know it so please drop this’.
He leaves his space near the kitchen and moves closer, ready to kiss you, 'I’m completely and devastatingly in love with you.’ He finishes before closing the gap and kissing you. Your lips melting into his as you connect.
The once hot and aromatic bath was now becoming stale and cold, finally reminding you of your reality. You quickly wrap yourself in a towel and sprinted into the bedroom to avoid your cold surroundings.
The bed you once shared ready to engulf you in your sleep.
Once your pyjamas are on, you put an alarm on your phone, reminding yourself of the early start you have for work in the morning.
You almost put it on top of your bed side, almost. But your brain has a much better Idea on how to keep you occupied. Your fingers find the number you’ve attempted to avoid all these weeks, the name that feels so familiar to you. You open up the empty WhatsApp chat between the two of you, almost as if there’s no history shared.
You begin drafting a message, a nasty message wishing him the absolute worst and hoping he’s injured for his next game. You shake your head while you clear out the message, you wonder what has got into you, you’re hardly ever this angry and when you are it’s always at how you’ve handled the situation and never at him alone. And you remember the drink you’ve taken before the shower, the new found confidence compelling you to type out a second draft that you know you’ll regret come morning.
So you finally bat an eyelash for one your fans huh?
Sent. No return.
Your heart beating fast at breaking the one rule that was holding you upright this time of heart break. No contact with him, one which your girlfriends have promised will help if you follow and you have been avoiding it, you have been so good for 5 weeks and six days. But the news broke you and you wanted him to know that you knew.
You drifted of to sleep praying that he had changed his number. Only if to safe face.
➡️ w o w this was emotional😣i really liked this, and you aren't helping me in my drive to not fall for Dele, but thank you !!
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1962dude420-blog · 3 years
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Today we remember the passing of George Jones who Died: April 26, 2013 at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee
George Glenn Jones (September 12, 1931 – April 26, 2013) was an American musician, singer, and songwriter. He achieved international fame for his long list of hit records, including his best-known song "He Stopped Loving Her Today", as well as his distinctive voice and phrasing. For the last two decades of his life, Jones was frequently referred to as the greatest living country singer. Country music scholar Bill Malone writes, "For the two or three minutes consumed by a song, Jones immerses himself so completely in its lyrics, and in the mood it conveys, that the listener can scarcely avoid becoming similarly involved." Waylon Jennings expressed a similar opinion in his song "It's Alright": "If we all could sound like we wanted to, we'd all sound like George Jones." The shape of his nose and facial features earned Jones the nickname "The Possum".
Born in Texas, Jones first heard country music when he was seven, and was given a guitar at the age of nine. He married his first wife, Dorothy Bonvillion, in 1950, and was divorced in 1951. He served in the United States Marine Corps and was discharged in 1953. He married Shirley Ann Corley in 1954. In 1959, Jones recorded "White Lightning", written by J. P. Richardson, which launched his career as a singer. His second marriage ended in divorce in 1968; he married fellow country music singer Tammy Wynette a year later. Years of alcoholism compromised his health and led to his missing many performances, earning him the nickname "No Show Jones". After his divorce from Wynette in 1975, Jones married his fourth wife, Nancy Sepulvado, in 1983 and became sober for good in 1999.
George Jones has been called "The Rolls Royce Of Country Music" and had more than 160 chart singles to his name from 1955 until his death in 2013. Johnny Cash once said, "When people ask me who my favorite country singer is, I say, 'You mean besides George Jones?'"
In 1990, Jones released his last proper studio album on Epic, You Oughta Be Here With Me. Although the album featured several stirring performances, including the lead single "Hell Stays Open All Night Long" and the Roger Miller-penned title song, the single did poorly and Jones made the switch to MCA, ending his relationship with Sherrill and what was now Sony Music after 19 years. His first album with MCA, And Along Came Jones, was released in 1991, and backed by MCA's powerful promotion team and producer Kyle Lehning (who had produced a string of hit albums for Randy Travis), the album sold better than his previous one had. However, two singles, "You Couldn't Get The Picture" and "She Loved A Lot In Her Time" (a tribute to Jones' mother Clara), did not crack the top 30 on the charts, as Jones lost favor with country radio, as the format was altered radically during the early 1990s. His last album to have significant radio airplay was 1992's Walls Can Fall, which featured the novelty song "Finally Friday" and "I Don't Need Your Rockin' Chair", a testament to his continued vivaciousness in old age. Despite the lack of radio airplay, Jones continued to record and tour throughout the 1990s and was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame by Randy Travis in 1992.
In 1996, Jones released his autobiography I Lived To Tell It All with Tom Carter, and the irony of his long career was not lost on him, with the singer writing in its preface, "I also know that a lot of my show-business peers are going to be angry after reading this book. So many have worked so hard to maintain their careers. I never took my career seriously, and yet it's flourishing." He also pulled no punches about his disappointment in the direction country music had taken, devoting a full chapter to the changes in the country music scene of the 1990s that had him removed from radio playlists in favor of a younger generation of pop-influenced country stars. (Jones had long been a critic of country pop, and along with Wynette and Jean Shepard, he was one of the major backers of the Association of Country Entertainers, a guild promoting traditional country sounds that was founded in 1974; Jones's divorce from Wynette was a factor in the association's collapse.) Despite his absence from the country charts during this time, latter-day country superstars such as Garth Brooks, Randy Travis, Alan Jackson, and many others often paid tribute to Jones, while expressing their love and respect for his legacy as a true country legend who paved the way for their own success. On February 17, 1998, The Nashville Network premiered a group of television specials called The George Jones Show, with Jones as host. The program featured informal chats with Jones holding court with country's biggest stars old and new, and of course, music. Guests included Loretta Lynn, Trace Adkins, Johnny Paycheck, Lorrie Morgan, Merle Haggard, Billy Ray Cyrus, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Charley Pride, Bobby Bare, Patty Loveless, and Waylon Jennings, among others.
While Jones remained committed to "pure country", he worked with the top producers and musicians of the day and the quality of his work remained high. Some of his significant performances include "I Must Have Done Something Bad", "Wild Irish Rose", "Billy B. Bad" (a sarcastic jab at country music establishment trendsetters), "A Thousand Times A Day", "When The Last Curtain Falls", and the novelty "High-Tech Redneck". Jones' most popular song in his later years was "Choices", the first single from his 1999 studio album Cold Hard Truth. A video was also made for the song, and Jones won another Grammy for Best Male Country Vocal Performance. The song was at the center of controversy when the Country Music Association invited Jones to perform it on the awards show, but required that he perform an abridged version. Jones refused and did not attend the show. Alan Jackson was disappointed with the association's decision, and halfway through his own performance during the show, he signaled to his band and played part of Jones' song in protest.
On March 6, 1999, Jones was involved in an accident when he crashed his sport utility vehicle near his home. He was taken to the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, where he was released two weeks later. In May of that year, Jones pleaded guilty to drunk-driving charges related to the accident. The crash was a significant turning point, as he explained to Billboard in 2006: "when I had that wreck, I made up my mind, it put the fear of God in me. No more smoking, no more drinking. I didn't have to have no help, I made up my mind to quit. I don't crave it." After the accident, Jones went on to release The Gospel Collection in 2003, for which Billy Sherrill came out of retirement to produce. He appeared at a televised Johnny Cash Memorial Concert in Jonesboro, Arkansas, in 2003, singing "Big River" with Willie Nelson and Kris Kristofferson.
In 2008, Jones received the Kennedy Center Honor along with Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey of The Who, Barbra Streisand, Morgan Freeman, and Twyla Tharp. President George W. Bush disclosed that he had many of Jones' songs on his iPod. Jones also served as judge in 2008 for the 8th annual Independent Music Awards to support independent artists' careers. and Rolling Stone named him number 43 in their 100 Greatest Singers of All Time issue. An album titled Hits I Missed and One I Didn't, in which he covered hits he had passed on, as well as a remake of his own "He Stopped Loving Her Today", would be released as his final studio album. In 2012, Jones received the Grammy Lifetime Achievement award.
On March 29, 2012, Jones was taken to the hospital with an upper respiratory infection. Months later, on May 21, Jones was hospitalized again for his infection and was released five days later. On August 14, 2012, Jones announced his farewell tour, the Grand Tour, with scheduled stops at 60 cities. His final concert was held in Knoxville at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum on April 6, 2013.
Jones was scheduled to perform his final concert at the Bridgestone Arena on November 22, 2013. However, on April 18, 2013, Jones was taken to VUMC for a slight fever and irregular blood pressure. His concerts in Alabama and Salem were postponed as a result. Following six days in intensive care at VUMC, Jones died on April 26, 2013, at age 81. Former First Lady Laura Bush was among those eulogizing Jones at his funeral on May 2, 2013. Other speakers were Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, news personality Bob Schieffer, and country singers Barbara Mandrell and Kenny Chesney. Alan Jackson, Kid Rock, Ronnie Milsap, Randy Travis, Vince Gill, Patty Loveless, Travis Tritt, the Oak Ridge Boys, Charlie Daniels, Wynonna, and Brad Paisley provided musical tributes. The service was broadcast live on CMT, GAC, RFD-TV, The Nashville Network and FamilyNet as well as Nashville stations. SiriusXM and WSM 650AM, home of the Grand Ole Opry, broadcast the event on the radio. The family requested that contributions be made to the Grand Ole Opry Trust Fund or to the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum.
Jones was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in Nashville. His death made headlines all over the world; many country stations (as well as a few of other formats, such as oldies/classic hits) abandoned or modified their playlists and played his songs throughout the day. The week after Jones's death, "He Stopped Loving Her Today" re-entered the hot country songs at number 21.
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quinzelade · 7 years
By No Constraint: Epilogue
SS x Danse
Chapter List
Thanks to my amazing beta, @waiting4morning, for her wonderful work!
Tumblr has apparently changed its linking rules, meaning I can no longer externally link my FFnet or Ao3 accounts if I want my story to show up in the tag search on tumblr. If you want update alerts, please search ‘quinzelade’ on either of these sites and follow me there.
I released chapter 72 on the 8th. Since I’ve posted this so close to the last chapter, I felt it was only fair to let you guys know there’s a chapter before this one that you might want to read. Check the chapter list above for the link.
Major Brotherhood/Danse spoilers.
Peaceful Futures
“So what makes you think you’re suitable for this position?” Danse said, scribbling down a few sentences on his form. It was uncomfortably hot in his office, and Danse was tempted to close the interview now. He already knew the outcome. But he’d be damned if he put minor discomfort before proper procedure.
By the book. Always by the book.
“As I said, sir, my dad is the best shot in Sanctuary.”
Danse looked up from his notes and raised his eyebrow. “I’ve known Robert almost twenty years now, and he is a brilliant shot. But you aren’t your father. Tell me about you, Duncan. Why should I be putting Sanctuary’s safety in your hands?”
Duncan went scarlet. Danse almost relented there and then, but MacCready had been very specific with his instructions.
“Dunc’s more than capable, but he’s had it easy. Ridden on my reputation. One day I won’t be here, and then what? Make him work for it, Danse. It’ll do him some good.”
Danse stayed silent and waited.
“W-well,” Duncan managed eventually, fidgeting under Danse’s desk. “I, uh…”
“Do you have a tutor?” Danse said, deciding to offer some kindness. “Have you won any competitions or been in any combat?”
“Oh yeah!” Duncan said at once, seizing the opportunity. “My dad taught me! Ever since I was a kid I could shoot! And I’ve every shooting competition in the settlement in the last five years! And—”
Danse let Duncan rattle off his many achievements, holding back a smile. He’d always intended to give this job to Duncan, had been leaning on MacCready for years to let his son leave his cleaning post and move onto the security team. But MacCready was adamant Duncan worked his way up first.
“We all had to do it. It’s the only way he’ll learn.”
Duncan paused to take in a breath, and Danse held up his hand. Duncan stopped, looking worried.
“I’ve heard enough,” Danse said, straightening up his papers and keeping a straight face. He leaned back in his chair and met Duncan’s eye. He hesitated, then said, “You’ve got the job.”
Duncan made a noise of shock, and a wide grin split across his face. “Really?”
Danse nodded, leaned forward, and held out his hand. As Duncan shook it vigorously, Danse said, “I want you at the barracks 5am sharp tomorrow so we can fit you up in a uniform.”
“Yes, sir,” Duncan said, getting to his feet as Danse did, still grinning from ear to ear. “Thank you, sir! Thank you so much! My dad’s gonna be so impressed!”
“Best go tell him quick then,” Danse replied, and smiled as Duncan nodded and hurried from the room. As soon as the office door shut behind Duncan, Danse walked over to the window shutter and cranked it open. Cool air seeped in, and he gave a sigh of relief. He didn’t like having it open when he was interviewing people. Everything in his office was a private affair.
Some affairs more private than others, a mischievous voice said in his head, and he glanced at his desk with a guilty grin, thinking of Quinn’s last visit here. The memories made his heart beat faster, and suddenly he was eager to go home. Danse opened a button in his collar as he walked down the stairs, still lost in his thoughts. He wondered if Quinn would finish early today, but as he reached the door leading out of the building—mumbling some response or other to the guards acknowledging his departure—he remembered they were due to have dinner with Josh and Emily tonight, on top of everything else he still needed to prepare for work tomorrow. Weariness hit him like a ton of bricks.
I’m not as young as I used to be.
If it wasn’t his back twinging every time he tried to lift something heavy, it was his knees aching during his morning run. He was still in top shape, and proud of that fact, but pride couldn’t stop the effects of age. At least he was aging, though, unlike other synths. A blessing compared to Sturges, who only discovered the truth when it became apparent how young he still looked next to Preston.
Not that Preston cared. He helped Sturges through his identity crisis the same way Quinn helped Danse through his, so many years ago.
“Hey boss,” rasped Mordecai, a tough old ghoul who was a permanent fixture in the security team, “so am I fitting up body armour for the kid tomorrow or not?” Danse nodded, and Mordecai grinned. “You were always gonna—”
“Keep your voice down,” Danse said quietly, glancing around. “I don’t want to knock his confidence.”
“Ah, gotcha.” Mordecai motioned zipping his mouth shut.
Danse nodded, glad his friend had some tact. It was for this reason—and also because Mordecai could swing a bat like nobody’s business—he was Danse’s right hand man.
Danse walked on, responding to countless greetings that always accompanied his evening walk home. As head of security, he’d personally assessed each and every one of them before they’d been given a place in the city—ghoul, synth, and human alike. The result was that everyone knew his face.
It was a nice feeling, being known and respected, although it did add an extra half hour onto his journey wherever he was going.
He walked past the Sanctuary branch of the Valentine Detective Agency, the red, glowing sign just as tacky as Nick’s head office over in Diamond city. Danse squinted at the neon sign and grinned. Piper always complained about it whenever she visited, loudly grumbling to the homeless ghouls she often escorted to the city.
People from all walks of life flocked to Sanctuary these days. People wanting to make a fresh start. People who were outcast from their own settlements for not being ‘human’ enough, or for sympathising with the ‘others.’ People who were simply curious about the settlement open to everybody, and decided to stay.
Quinn had been careful, so careful from the beginning. All were welcome, but that would make Sanctuary a target. And yet, aside from a short-lived conflict with Diamond City, no one ever bothered them. Even the Brotherhood kept away, though Danse couldn’t understand why. After a few years, he stopped questioning it, but always kept himself and his men on guard.
The medical clinic came into view, conveniently down the road from Josh’s home. Josh’s tendency to abandon dinner or run out in the middle of the night sometimes caused bickering in his household, but nothing serious. Emily knew what Josh was like.
So did Danse—Josh was as stubborn as Vivian and Quinn combined, something Quinn seemed almost proud of, despite it causing numerous arguments throughout Josh’s childhood. When both Josh and Charlie had dug their heels in together, it was like a bomb being dropped on the house. Although Danse missed the boys when they eventually moved out, he did love the peace and quiet that came with their absence.
Finally, Danse reached his destination. He paused, listening to the muted voices inside, and then knocked on the front door. The voices stopped at once, and footsteps drew near. The door flew open, and a bear of a man stood in the doorway, with long auburn hair tied back in a ponytail, and kind, crinkled eyes.
“Danse!” Josh exclaimed, dragging Danse into a tight hug. Danse hugged him back, smiling to himself. Josh had never called Quinn and Danse ‘Mom and Dad,’ and they had never pushed him.
Danse grinned up at his son as they broke apart, and turned to see Emily standing next to her husband. She smiled at Danse and kissed his cheek, before beckoning him into the house.
It was clean and tidy, as always. Emily’s work—any surface Josh went near inevitably ended up an explosion of doctor’s tools and patient notes, much to Quinn’s horror. Quinn herself was sitting in the antique armchair near the back wall, directly under the display plaque that held Vivian’s old rifle. Seeing the rifle always gave Danse a twinge of comfort and regret.
Brotherhood through and through.
Quinn got to her feet as he approached and kissed him, resting her hand on the back of his neck. “How was your day? And how did Duncan do?”
“Fine,” Danse replied, dropping himself down onto the sofa in the centre of the room. “On both counts. He starts tomorrow.”
“Like there was gonna be any other outcome.” Charlie walked into the room carrying an armful of Nuka-Colas and wearing a smirk. He moved the bottles around and held one out to Danse. “Here, Dad. Glad to see Mom’s not working you too hard.”
Quinn settled down next to Danse with a roll of her eyes as he took the bottle, and accepted a drink of her own from Charlie. “Always the smartass.”
“Of course,” chipped in Josh before Charlie could answer. “Look who raised us—ow!” Josh was interrupted as Emily whacked him across the arm.
“Don’t speak to your mom like that!” she said, the corners of her mouth twitching as she gave him a forced glare.
“Thanks, Em,” Quinn said, not bothering to hide her smirk.
“No problem.” Emily turned back to Josh and pointed to the kitchen. “Go get dinner, Darling.”
“Alright, alright,” he muttered, pretending to be annoyed, before kissing her on the nose and smiling. He left the room as everyone made their way over to the table.
Emily was a fantastic cook—better than Quinn, though Danse would never tell her. Not that she’d disagree, but some things were better left unsaid. Danse ate his stew while everyone else chatted away. He didn’t really talk at meals, preferring to listen to the conversations of the others and join in only when he had something to say. It was a quirk his family accepted, and when they were at the dinner table, it was rare for someone to speak to Danse first.
Quinn and Emily discussed recipes, while Josh and Charlie went over the plans for the clinic. Thanks to Sturges’ tutelage, Charlie was a fine handyman in his own right, and often filled in for Sturges when he was busy. It meant Josh could get almost any addition he wanted for his building, turning the clinic into a place capable of housing a good chunk of the city all at once. With Quinn’s blessing, Josh employed more staff to help him run it, and eventually hired Emily.
Danse glanced at Emily and smiled. Young love. He remembered being that age, and finding the right person. His eyes trailed over to Quinn and he watched her for a little while. Age hadn’t dampened her fire, and she still looked as beautiful as ever. Aside from the wrinkles, the only real difference was the streaks of grey in her hair. Maybe she had changed more than that, but Danse knew he’d never see her any differently.
When everyone finished, Charlie and Josh cleared the plates away, Josh flapping down Emily’s help and insisting she stay seated. Danse raised an eyebrow at this. Normally Emily bit Josh’s head off at being told to sit down and be waited on, but instead, Emily sat. He caught Quinn’s eye, and she mirrored his surprised expression.
Josh came back into the room and handed out drinks to everyone. But instead of sitting down, Josh rocked back and forth on his heels, playing with the label of his bottle. Emily nudged him with her elbow, and he said, “Uh, I have an announcement to make.”
He stood there for a few seconds, getting redder with every passing moment, until Emily rolled her eyes and said, “I’m—”
“Emily’s pregnant!” Josh blurted out.
Stunned silence. Then Quinn jumped to her feet and shrieked, “Oh congratulations!” She hugged Emily and peppered Josh with kisses, while Charlie leaned over the table and shook his hand. Danse did the same as Charlie walked over to Emily and kissed her on the cheek.
Josh still looked nervous, though. He coughed awkwardly and said, “I know I’ve never called you my parents, but…”
The room went quiet again. Charlie glanced from Josh to Quinn and Danse uncertainly, and Emily took hold of Josh’s hand and gave it a squeeze. Josh nodded, took a deep breath and said, “Well...you’re the closest thing I have to parents. And I’d love for you to be my baby’s grandparents, if...if you don’t mind.”
Danse blinked. “Josh,” he said incredulously, “you don’t even have to ask. It would be an honour.”
“‘If you don’t mind,’” Quinn said with a snort, and hugged Josh tight. Danse saw Josh give Emily a look of relief over Quinn’s shoulder. Emily smiled back.
“Does this mean I get to be the cool uncle?” Charlie piped up, grinning.
“Only if you promise not to teach my kid how to make a gun from scratch,” Josh retorted, shaking his head.
“Well that’s boring.”
“I still remember what happened the first time you made a rifle.”
“I kept all my fingers, didn’t I?”
“Any names?” Danse asked loudly.
“Yes,” Emily said quickly, shooting Danse a grateful look. “Cade if they’re a boy, Yara if they’re a girl.”
“Not gonna name them after your mom or dad?” Charlie asked. Everyone looked from Josh to him, and both men went red. Charlie quickly said, “Sorry, I didn't think—you don't have to answer that.”
“It’s alright,” Josh said with a shrug, not looking at Quinn or Danse. “I just...it didn’t feel right.”
“I’m guessing ‘Cade’ after the Knight-Captain?” Danse said, trying to move the subject on. Josh had always been conflicted when it came to his parents and Quinn and Danse.
“Yeah.” Josh stared at his feet. “You know why.”
Danse did know why. He’d always thought that Josh would follow in Vivian’s footsteps, become a soldier or a security guard. Instead, as he hit his teenage years, he began studying medicine instead. One day, Danse asked why.
“I remember what Cade did for my dad. And my mom. I'll never forget that.”
Danse never forgot it either. He shook son’s hand again, gripping a little tighter this time “You’ll be a fantastic father. You’ll make your parents proud.”
“Thanks,” Josh said with a small smile, finally meeting his eye again.
“But more importantly,” Quinn said, eyeing Charlie shrewdly, “when are you bringing home a nice girl for me to meet?”
Charlie went from red to beetroot. “Mom, I’ve been busy. Sanctuary isn’t going to build itself.”
“Sturges can pick up some of the slack.”
“I have different projects than Sturges. Haven’t worked with him for years.” Charlie rolled his eyes. “You know that.”
“Don’t you raise your eyebrows to heaven at me!”
Josh snickered. “Busted.”
Charlie punched him playfully in the arm. Danse smiled at his sons. Josh was a talented doctor, but none of Quinn’s ambitious plans for the city would have been possible without Charlie. Despite being grounded repeatedly as a child, mini-structures kept appearing in the living room, or Danse’s guns suddenly had new, mysterious ‘modifications.’ Finally, when Charlie tried to upgrade Danse’s X-01 helmet and broke it, Quinn shouted herself hoarse at her son, and then asked Sturges to train him and find a new outlet for his uncontrollable tinkering. The result was Sanctuary’s progress jumping ahead of schedule.
Now Charlie ran his own workshop, and spent most of his time designing new buildings and finding new ways to make every resource count. Sturges still did a majority of the repairs, but the two of them shared ideas, problems, and staff regularly, combining their strengths to keep the city going.
The laughter and talk continued, Josh bringing out a bottle of whisky to celebrate the occasion. Only he and Charlie drank, Emily looking on wistfully with a hand on her stomach while Quinn and Danse politely declined. Quinn drank one shot of Bowmore a year from her now dwindling bottle, around the date she first came into the Commonwealth. Other than that, both she and Danse stayed away from drink.
Finally, Charlie staggered out for some fresh air, and when he didn’t come back, Danse offered to check on him.
The night was balmy, the day’s heat still clinging to the air. The road was lit by the streetlights, but still dark enough that Danse had to squint. He spotted a figure sitting hunched over in the doorway to the school, and went over to investigate. It was Charlie, sitting with his head in his knees.
Had he passed out? As a family, they didn’t drink much—alcohol had been banned in their house until the boys reached twenty-one. Danse crouched down and gave Charlie’s shoulder a little shake, and he immediately looked up, his eyes unfocused.
Danse grinned. “Had enough?”
Charlie blinked up at Danse, and then stared at his hands in his lap. Danse felt the grin slip off his face. Something was wrong.
Ignoring the clicking of his joints and the pain in his back, Danse sat himself down next to Charlie. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing.” Charlie swayed slightly where he sat, and then said in a slurred voice, “No, not nothing. Everything’s fucked up.”
It was rare for Charlie to swear, but Danse didn’t comment on it. Instead, he waited for Charlie to speak again.
Charlie glanced at his father, and then back to his hands. “I guess...I’m just wondering what I’m doing with my life. I’m nearly thirty, and I have nothing to show for it.”
Danse raised his eyebrows. “Nothing to show for it?” He gestured to the pre-war street lights Charlie had personally set up only two years ago, to the school he and Sturges constructed together. “What do you call all of this?”
Charlie shrugged. “That’s just work.”
“Important work.”
Charlie shrugged again in response.
Danse shifted in his seat and frowned. This wasn’t right. Charlie had always been happy and invested in his job, and took Quinn’s teasing about being single in his stride. Danse opened and closed his mouth, trying to find the words. “I don’t...you always—”
“Josh has a wife and a kid on the way. I have no one.”
“I know I can’t have kids. I’ve accepted that. But still…” Charlie bowed his head, shutting his eyes.
Danse glanced over to the house. With any luck, the others would stay inside. He turned back to his son and clamped his hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “You can’t rush these things. Some people find the right person early on. Others, it takes years. A relationship isn’t the be-all and end-all, and it won’t always bring you happiness.”
Charlie didn’t reply.
God damn it. Quinn is better at this than me, Danse thought. He tried again. “When I found your mother, I thought I was well into my thirties. She thinks she was at least twenty-nine. Just because Josh managed to convince his poor, unfortunate wife to marry him doesn’t mean you’re falling behind.”
This earned a laugh from Charlie, so Danse pressed on.
“And we were friends first. We both went through hell and back before we finally realised we were right for each other. I’d convinced myself that I didn’t deserve her, and she didn’t want to rush me.” Danse gave Charlie’s shoulder a squeeze. “You might have already met the right person, and you just don’t know it yet. Give it time. When you find them, you won’t care how long it took.” He paused. “As for children...I think we’re proof synths can raise a family just fine.”
Charlie looked up sharply, staring at Danse. Danse smiled at him. After a few seconds, Charlie’s gave a lopsided grin back. “Thanks, Dad.”
Danse nodded. “No problem.” Slowly, he got to his feet, wincing as his limbs clicked and ached again. He held his hand out to Charlie and pulled him to his feet.
Charlie staggered, nearly knocking them both over, and leaned on the school wall. “I think I should go lie down.”
“I think you should,” Danse replied, biting back a laugh. “Stay here. I’ll just tell your mother I’m taking you home.”
“I can walk—”
“Stay here.”
Charlie grumbled, but nodded, so Danse quickly ran across the road and stuck his head through Josh’s front door. Josh was snoring on the sofa, while Emily and Quinn were now talking about babies and pregnancy. Emily seemed nervous about the thought of mood swings and cravings. Danse quickly let them know where he was going, and returned to Charlie.
The journey was difficult, not helped by Charlie’s inability to walk straight, and also being half a head taller than Danse. Eventually, though, Danse managed to deposit Charlie through his front door. Charlie mumbled a thanks, and fell face first on his bed. Seconds later, he was asleep.
By the time Danse left the house, Quinn was waiting for him outside. He considered telling her about Charlie’s worries, but then decided against it. The conversation felt private, something Charlie might even be ashamed of. He could confide in his mother later, if he wanted to. Instead, Danse took Quinn’s hand, and they walked through the silent, deserted streets of Sanctuary all the way home.
When they reached it, they both stopped dead, staring at the front yard. Outside the house was a huge mound of dirt, the back end of a brahmin corpse sticking out of it.
“Oh for the love of…” Danse glared at Quinn. “That’s the third time this week! I’m not cleaning this up!”
He knew damn well he would be the one cleaning this up.
Quinn frowned and investigated the dirt pile, before shaking her head. “I think I need to do some more training with Spuds.”
“You think?”
Quinn kissed him on the cheek. “We can worry about it tomorrow.”
Danse eyed the half-buried brahmin corpse with apprehension, wondering how long it would take for it to smell, and then followed Quinn inside.
“I can’t believe Josh and Emily are going to have a baby! I’m so happy for them,” Quinn said when they reached their bedroom. “And I’m going to be a grandmother. Good god.”
Danse nodded, but the night’s good news was driven from his head as she turned her back on him and removed her pants. His eyes trailed to her lips, her neck, where she loved to be kissed. The curves of her waist and hips, only half hidden by her loose shirt.
She began to talk about work and her plans for the settlement, but Danse was barely listening. He was supposed to be preparing for his own work tomorrow, too. He still had to arrange things for Duncan, sort out the change in the shift pattern, let Mordecai know about...
Danse walked over to Quinn as she continued to talk about her duties, and stood behind her. “Work can wait,” he said, and started slowly kissing her neck. Quinn stopped talking at once, tilting her head to the side as he nipped gently at her skin, his hands sliding up the front of her shirt. She leaned back against him and ran her hand along his thigh, but not venturing any further.
“Tease,” Danse murmured, lifting her shirt up and pulling it carefully over her head. Quinn shivered, and then whipped around, pushing him back. He cried out in surprise, his legs hitting the edge of the bed so that he toppled backwards onto it. Before he could ready himself, Quinn was upon him, straddling him and unbuttoning his shirt, pulling impatiently at his belt buckle until he moved her hands aside and tried to do it himself. This proved difficult, as she began massaging his crotch. She laughed when he gave up, leaning his head back, and closing his eyes.
Quinn undid the damn belt, but then took her time undressing Danse, pushing him back down when he tried to sit up and help. The look in her eyes said ‘wait,’ so he obeyed, trying to control his cravings.
She took him into her hands, moving up and down, her tongue trailing after her fingers. All Danse could do was hold onto her hair, wanting to give something in return, but not wanting her to stop. Eventually, though, she did stop, and Danse took the opportunity to drag her onto the bed, pulling off her underwear and slipping his hand between her legs.
Work could wait, Danse thought idly as Quinn’s breath grew heavy in his ear. For one night, it could all wait.
Danse stirred from his sleep. He blinked a few times, staring up into the darkness, and then reached out to Quinn. His hand fell into an empty space, the bed sheets still faintly warm. Danse frowned and propped himself up, squinting. No sign of her. He glanced down to the floor and saw her clothes and shoes were gone. Danse hesitated, wondering if he should just go back to sleep. She’d return. But something didn’t feel right, so he slipped out of bed, got dressed, and headed downstairs. As he suspected, she wasn’t there, and the front door wasn’t locked. There were a few places she might visit without telling him, but only one at this time of night. Biting his lip, Danse picked up his keys, locking the front door as he left, and striding off towards the graveyard.
Since the restructuring of Sanctuary, the pre-war buildings been demolished, including Quinn’s old house. The city’s graveyard stood on the foundations of her destroyed home. Quinn never really said anything about it and avoided the area, except when she went to visit Nate.
The air felt heavy in the graveyard, betraying Danse’s every move. He walked slowly and carefully, weaving in and out of the graves of all those who fell in the battle against Sanctuary. It was pitch black, and the ground was pitted and uneven—one bad step and he could break his ankle. No one would likely find him until morning. With this sombering thought in his mind, he took extra care, heading to the back of the graveyard, where Nate lay.
And Marguerie.
Danse hesitated and shivered. He hadn’t thought about her in over a decade. Old feelings erupted up in his chest, the shame of his failure gripping at his heart. He’d searched for Sarah for months. Years. Went as far as the Glowing Sea and the edges of the Commonwealth, before Quinn finally put her foot down.
“Arlen Glass is no combatant,” she’d said, “and Sarah is a child. If they’ve gone that far, they’re already dead.”
As much as he hated it, Danse agreed with Quinn. And so he’d stopped.
He’d promised Marguerie and let her down. Danse visited her grave when he gave up and tried to explain, but it sounded like nothing but weak excuses to his ears. Quinn insisted if Rachel was alive, she’d understand he tried his best. Danse thought if Marguerie was alive, she’d tried to kill him. He kept her holotags and journal, though. Just in case.
Danse shook his head and moved on. Now was not the time to be lamenting over the past. He had to find Quinn. He stumbled and groped his way through the darkness, until he heard the sound of lapping water. He was close. “Quinn?”
“Danse?” she sounded surprised, and he followed her voice until her hand was in his.
“Everything okay?” he asked, squeezing her fingers. Now he was close to her, he could just make out her face.
“Yeah, I just…” She bit her lip and looked down at Nate’s grave. “I had a nightmare about Nate and Shaun, and I just...Shaun never had children. Nate never became a grandfather. And I…” Her voice cracked. “I wanted to visit him. It’s been a while.”
Danse glanced at the grave and back to her. “Do you need to be alone?”
“No.” She slipped her arm around his waist and leaned into him, still looking at the grave. “Stay. Please.”
He stayed.
They stood in silence for some time, Quinn sniffing a little in the dark. Then she squeezed his hand and they carefully picked their way back to the graveyard entrance together. She turned and hugged him, resting her head against his chest. He held her tight, the shaking of her shoulders telling him he should wait. When she pulled away, the street lamps showed the wet streaks on her cheeks. Danse wiped them away with his thumb and kissed her forehead. “Let’s go home. I’ll make you a drink and we—”
In the distance, an alarm sounded.
Quinn and Danse looked at each other. Then, without another word, both of them sprinted to the guard tower. Danse forged ahead, leaving her behind, and raced up the stairs to where MacCready was sat, rifle in hand, Mordecai next to him and peering at a nearby terminal.
“Brotherhood,” Mordecai said before Danse could speak. “They signalled ahead to let us know they were in the area. They’re asking for permission to approach.”
“Permission?” Danse asked, feeling sick to his stomach. Had they been discovered after all these years? The Brotherhood could wipe them off the map without lifting a finger, without batting an eyelid. “It’s odd they’d give away their location to ask us for permission.”
“Permission?” Quinn said as she burst into the room. “Who’s asking for permission?”
“Brotherhood,” said MacCready darkly, returning to peering through his rifle.
Quinn’s face drained of colour. “Brotherhood?”
“They haven’t attacked,” Danse said, trying to sound more confident than he felt. “They’re asking to approach. They wouldn’t do that if they wanted to kill us.”
“Well maybe their tactics have changed, Danse!” Quinn snapped, her voice edging towards hysterical. “It’s been nearly two decades since you were with them!”
Danse agreed with her, but he needed to keep his cool. He turned to Mordecai. “How many?”
“Just the one vertibird that we can see,” Mordecai replied.
“Give them permission to land. Let’s see why the Brotherhood wants to visit our city.” Danse picked up a rifle from the gun cupboard, a visored helmet, and made for the door leading to the city entrance. A few seconds later, Quinn was at his side, a pistol and holster in her hands.
Danse glanced at her as he wedged the helmet on, the darkened visor making it difficult to see in the low light.
“I’m their sentinel, remember?” she said, answering his unspoken worries. Quinn put on the holster and slipped the gun into it. “Who better to talk them down than me?”
She was right of course, but that didn’t soothe Danse’s nerves. Once she’d set her mind to something, though, there was no point dissuading her. He lifted the visor up, leaned forward, and kissed her. “Be careful.”
Quinn smiled. “If they try to force their way into our city, we’re going to throw them out on their fucking asses.”
The distant buzz of the vertibird grew louder with every passing second. Quinn stood at the gates of Sanctuary, Danse next to her, her nerves cutting into him like broken glass. She remembered the day the Prydwen left the Commonwealth, and how she’d stood hand in hand with Danse on a bridge into the Boston ruins, watching it go. He’d said very little at the time, and even less afterwards, but Quinn knew what he’d been thinking. His first real home was flying away without him. He had been abandoned. The recovery after that blow had taken some time, even though Danse expected it.
Now the Brotherhood were back, and once again the old pains were returning to Danse’s handsome, weathered face. Quinn stared out into the darkness, hating the Brotherhood. Hating that they could drag up the past with just their mere presence. Danse had worked so hard over the years to get to where he was now, and they could undo it all in just a second. He didn’t deserve this shit.
Finally, the vertibird came into view, dazzling lights scanning the horizon, before settling in a neat spot some way from Sanctuary. Quinn felt herself tense. A figure in power armour got out, landed with a heavy ‘thud,’ and began to walk over, their hands raised in the air. Quinn and Danse glanced at each other. They’d never seen a Brotherhood soldier with their arms held up in surrender before.
As the soldier approached, Quinn recognised the paint work as a paladin’s, which made their behaviour even more peculiar. They slowly put their hands to their head, making sure Quinn and Danse knew exactly what they were doing, and carefully took their helmet off. Underneath was a dark skinned man with a scarred face and a big, bushy beard.
“Sir,” the man said, nodding to Danse. He looked at Quinn with a serious expression. “Ma’am.”
Quinn’s mouth dropped open. “Carson?”
Carson broke into a wide smile and began laughing. “Thank fuck you’re quick on the uptake. I couldn’t keep a straight face for much long—” He broke off as Quinn shoved her pistol into her holster and ran to him, jumping into a hug. He flinched, and then very gently hugged her back, compensating for his armour. “Hi,” he mumbled into her ear.
They broke apart and beamed at each other.
“You look like shit,” she said, tugging at his beard. “Forget how to shave or something?”
Carson rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Tom says the same. I think it makes me look manly. Besides—” he carefully flicked at her hair, “—at least I’m not going grey.”
“Tom?” Quinn said, ignoring his jibe. “You’re still with Kapraski?”
“You sound surprised, ma’am!” came a voice from the vertibird. A tall, stocky man stuck his bald head out from the cockpit and waved enthusiastically.
Quinn waved back, feeling like she was in some sort of dream, but then frowned at Carson. “You brought Kapraski with you? But what about Danse?”
Carson shrugged. “Tom’s known about Paladin Danse the whole time. I told him what happened a few days after you left the Brotherhood.”
“You told him?” Quinn hissed, suddenly angry. “What if it had gone wrong? What if you and Kapraski fell out? What if—?”
“You told Elder Maxson about Rachel,” Carson said coolly. “You told him I knew about Paladin Danse. That could have gotten me and Kapraski killed, or worse. I decided if you could trust Elder Maxson, I wasn’t going to lie to Tom about Rachel. I won’t lie to him. Not even for you, Quinn.”
Quinn stared up at her old friend. Time had given him a backbone. He would never have been so decisive when they’d been on the Prydwen together. She smiled. “It seems being an officer suits you.”
Carson grinned back at her, and the tension passed. “Yeah, I think so too. Damn near shit myself when Maxson brought me into his confidence, but I reckon he only did that so he could keep an eye on me and make sure I wasn’t going to spill his dirty secret on Paladin Danse. Except we both realised I was actually competent when left to my own devices, instead of under someone else’s command. He made me a paladin shortly before he left the Citadel.”
“He left the Citadel?” Danse said, his tone full of shock.
Carson glanced over at Danse and nodded. “Yes, sir. Disappeared for a good while, too. Asked me to help keep things in order during his absence, because he said he would return. He just wanted to make sure power struggles were kept to a minimum, and no radical redirecting of the Brotherhood’s agenda.” Carson pulled a face. “Good thing he thinks ahead. Second he left, all sorts of opportunists came crawling out of the woodworks.” He paused, tilting his head. “Not Kells, though, oddly enough. He didn’t care who was in power, just so long as he could keep flying the Prydwen.”
Carson looked back at Danse—who was still wearing his helmet—and said, “There’s no one else in the area, sir, I promise. You’re safe. We made a solo trip.”
“You would need to refuel,” Danse said, taking off his helmet anyway and scowling suspiciously at Carson.
Carson shook his head. “Doctor Li’s been doing wonders with alternative fuelling methods for the vertibirds and the Prydwen, with the help of the integrated scientists you made Maxson rescue from the Institute. Some nuclear shit I don’t understand, no matter how many times Li explains it to me.”
Quinn blinked, trying to take it all in. Carson was a paladin. Li was still with the Brotherhood, and more importantly, so were the Institute scientists. Kapraski was flying again. Maxson left the Prydwen. Did he really take her advice on board all those years ago?
“I think we need a proper catch-up,” Quinn said, motioning for her guards to stand down. “Come on. We’ll go to my office.”
They waited for Kapraski to wriggle his way out of the vertibird and stump over to them. Quinn saw he had a mechanised prosthetic leg, and once again marvel swept over her as he walked freely to them. His pace was a little unsteady, the weight of his new leg obviously making things unbalanced, but he reached them just fine and grinned.
“Would you mind if some of your men just keep an eye on my ‘bird, please, ma’am?” He looked over his shoulder at the vertibird the same way a father would look at his newborn child. “Don’t want anything happening to her. She’s valuable equipment and our only way home.”
“Sure. Danse, would you…?”
Danse nodded and signalled up for two of the guards to come down to the gates. Carson rolled his eyes. “Everyone used to ask if we were ever gonna adopt one of the squires that lost their parents, but the way I see it, we already have a child in the family.” He looked from the vertibird to Kapraski, and the two of them chuckled.
Quinn smiled, remembering how nervous Carson used to be around Kapraski.
Once the vertibird was secured, the four of them made their way to the mayoral office, Danse keeping unusually close to Quinn and glaring at the two soldiers whenever he thought she couldn’t see him. As they went inside the building, she put her hand on his arm and gave it a small squeeze.
“Relax,” she whispered.
“I’ll relax when they’re gone,” Danse muttered back. If Carson and Kapraski heard him, they didn’t comment, following Quinn and Danse in silence upstairs. Carson got out of his power armour, and they all settled into chairs in her office, while Quinn handed out drinks.
“So what happened with everyone?” she asked as she sat down opposite Carson. “How is Casey?”
“Head of the scribes. Proctor Shingler now,” Carson said, leaning back in his chair. He raised his eyebrow at Quinn’s shocked expression. “What, you never suspected she was a high flyer?”
“Well no, I knew she was smart but…” Quinn shrugged. “The last time I saw her she was barely alive. Even when she woke up I wasn’t sure if she’d ever be the same again.”
“She’s kicking ass at her job. Quinlan was right to pick her as his protégée.”
“Is Quinlan still helping her adjust?”
“No. He died about—” Carson paused, his brow furrowing. “—seven years ago. Suspected heart attack.”
“Oh.” Quinn blinked. She hadn’t particularly liked or disliked Quinlan, but the news wasn’t welcomed all the same. “I’m sorry to hear it. What about the other proctors? Are they okay?”
“Let’s see…” Carson began counting them off on his fingers, one by one. “Ingram’s the same, scary as ever. Working closely with Doctor Li, even after Liberty Prime went bust and no one could fix it again. Kells is still running day to day stuff on the ship, but he’s under Maxson’s thumb now rather than the other way around, and Teagan…” Carson trailed off, biting his lip. “Teagan started drinking when we got back to the Citadel. Died a few years later. He was one of Cade’s last patients.”
The news of Teagan stung a bit more than Quinlan’s, but the mention of Cade took priority. Quinn had been fond of the Knight-Captain. “Cade’s last…?”
“Oh, he’s not hurt!” Carson said quickly, flapping his hands, his eyes wide. “I think after Teagan went, Cade just had enough. Stepped down from his position and began training Field-Scribe Haylen to take his place. She pretty much runs the sick bay now, but Cade advises her from time to time, when she needs him.”
Danse sat up straighter in his seat at the mention of Haylen. “How is she doing? Is she well?”
Carson smiled and nodded. “Yeah, she’s doing fine. You couldn’t ask for a kinder doctor. Knight-Captain Cade seems fond of her—very protective, like she’s his daughter or something. He was with her when she got married ten years ago.”
“Married to who?”
“Knight-Sergeant Karl Hewer. We all still call her Haylen, though.”
The name felt familiar to Quinn, though she couldn’t place why. She looked at Danse, who seemed surprised at this revelation. She saw his lips silently form the word ‘Rhys?’ before he gave a little shrug and sat back in his chair again.
“But things have been really moving forward in terms of technology,” Carson said, swigging from his bottle and grinning lazily. “We’re managing to keep all the dangerous tech under wraps, and the tech that can help improve people’s lives—including our own—is being constantly developed. The Institute scientists have been a great help.”
“How on earth did you manage to keep them?” Quinn asked, still not able to wrap her head around this. “And Li, too? She made it clear the Brotherhood pissed her off.”
Carson simply said, “Maxson.” There was a moment of silence, and Carson went on. “He put his foot down and made sure they stayed. Didn’t make them or anything, but basically persuaded them it was safer working with the Brotherhood than roaming alone in the wasteland. Most of them had never survived in the open before, so they were just grateful for a place to live. Doctor Li and Doctor Virgil took them into their care, closely monitored, and began working on approved projects.”
“Bet the others didn’t like that.”
“Oh god no. They had to have trusted guards assigned to them for their own protection in the end. But over time, things changed. Maxson is a force to be reckoned with, and when the scientists began working wonders for the Citadel and the Capital Wasteland, the mood changed pretty quickly.”
“But you said Maxson disappeared,” Danse interjected, looking interested again. “That he left. What happened to the scientists then?”
“They became my responsibility,” Carson replied. “I made sure they stayed safe, just like I was asked. And to be honest, people were more concerned with Maxson’s absence and the power vacuum left behind than a small group of eggheads. He didn’t tell anyone beforehand. Just sent out some scheduled messages saying he was going to do some private work somewhere, and gave a list of people to run the show while he was gone. I was on that list, along with a few others. But people fought amongst themselves, of course.” Carson grinned. “Lucky for you, really. Everyone was so focused on finding a leader, they disregarded the reports of a potential synth settlement in the Commonwealth.”
Quinn went cold. The Brotherhood knew about Sanctuary?
“Are we at risk of an attack?” Danse said sharply.
Carson shook his head. “If you were, an attack would have happened years ago. But when Maxson came back, he was...different.”
“Different?” Danse leaned forward and frowned.
“I can’t explain it, sir. Just...different. He looked lighter. Like some weight had been pulled off his shoulders. And the first thing he did was drag us all away from hunting down synths and treating civilised ghouls like shit. So, naturally, a mini civil war broke out amongst the ranks. All the hardcore Brotherhood traditionalists claiming Maxson was leading us down a dark path.”
“Like when Owyn Lyons decided to help the common wastelanders?” Danse asked, raising his eyebrows.
Carson nodded. “Yeah, like that. Except Maxson has the power of persuasion that Owyn didn’t. Used the Maxson name and influence to his benefit, and pointed out the codex doesn’t say we have to distance ourselves from ghouls and synths. He said he destroyed the Institute, and that the synths were free of being controlled. They could live their lives like normal humans. Without orders, they were no longer technology being used for experiments and weaponry, just people trying to get by.”
“Did that work?”
“It shut a few of the traditionalists up, but more importantly, the neutral majority were convinced, and they kept the more radical people in line. Maxson was careful after that. He went over plans with me, and across the years we’ve been slowly changing things to match Owyn Lyons’ way of thinking—helping out wastelanders and building good relationships with them, y’know? People grumbled, but Elder Maxson convinced them mutual aid were worth the hassle. We protect them, they supply us with food and other things we can’t get ourselves.”
“It didn’t work when Elder Lyons tried,” Danse said, frowning. “Why would now be any different?”
“The change was so gradual, no one really noticed at first,” Carson replied with a shrug. “And when they did, most didn’t care because they were used to it. The ones who protested, Elder Maxson accused of being no better than raiders, stealing from the helpless. He said the Brotherhood were above that: an organisation with a noble cause. But if they wanted to be common raiders, they were welcome to leave.”
Quinn snorted. Carson grinned at her. “Yeah, it’s a load of shit, but sometimes using the right rhetoric works wonders. Our chapter didn’t splinter like Owyn’s, and even the naysayers eventually came around. The only real concern we have left now are the elders in the west.”
“They’ve always been a concern,” Danse said, looking annoyed. “Interfering where they weren’t wanted or needed, causing more turmoil than any other threat in the wasteland.”
Carson nodded. “They’re still an issue, but for the moment aren’t actively working against us. They’re unwilling to openly stand against the last descendent of Maxson, so Elder Maxson is pressing hard on that point to keep things in his favour.”
The news was troubling, but in all honesty, it wasn’t Quinn’s problem. Maxson wasn’t a young man anymore, and the strife within the Brotherhood was his responsibility. The very concept felt liberating.
“And speaking of Maxson,” Carson said, standing up and walking over to his power armour. “He wanted me to give you this, sir.” Carson removed a package and an envelope from the armour, strode towards Danse, and held the package out to him. Danse took it warily, never taking his eyes off Carson. He opened it with great care, and then drew in a sharp breath.
Quinn straightened up and saw a red book and a set of tarnished holotags in Danse’s lap. He picked up the tags, grief rippling through his expression as he held them up to the light. Then his fingers closed around them, and he clutched them tight to his chest, bowing his head. An old memory surfaced in Quinn’s mind like a shipwreck dragged from the depths of a murky lake.
“He kept it?”
Elder Maxson ran his fingers over the deep red book, embossed with peeling silver letters. He picked it up and tucked it carefully under his arm, his expression pained for a second, before a forced blankness took over. Then he took hold of the holotags, glaring at Quinn as she begged to keep them.
“Tags go to the next of kin. These should never have been kept.”
Quinn snapped back to the present as Danse opened the book, the silver embossed letters catching in the low light just long enough for Quinn to read ‘The Tales of King Arthur.’
Danse scanned the page, eyebrows knotted together in concentration as his free hand slowly slid down the open page. Then the his face lit up with something Quinn couldn’t place, and he gave a low laugh before looking up at Carson. For the first time that night, Danse smiled at the Brotherhood soldiers. He closed the book and said, “Tell Elder Maxson thank you, and…” he hesitated, that strange look crossing his features again. “Tell him I have reconsidered. He will know what I mean.”
Carson appeared as confused as Quinn felt, but he nodded and agreed to pass on the message. Then he turned to Quinn. “The Elder has something for you as well.” He held out the envelope to her.
She took it, her confusion mounting, and opened the envelope. Inside were detailed blueprints, far beyond her understanding. She wouldn’t have been able to deduce them at all, if it wasn’t for the fact ‘WATER PURIFIER’ was written across the top in big, bold letters. Quinn blinked, holding them aloft, and looked back to Carson. “I don’t understand. We have plenty of industrial purifiers.”
Carson rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I thought you might say that. This is the mother of all purifiers, decades worth of research from Doctor Li, built upon the back of the original purifier in D.C. This baby is efficient, powerful, and most of all, has low fuel consumption for its size. Elder Maxson thought it might help your thriving community stay self sufficient, and benefit the rest of the Commonwealth in the process.”
Quinn stared at Carson, and then at the blueprints. Her chest felt tight, but it wasn’t with fear or anxiety. She remembered Maxson as he was, an angry, sheltered young man with too much grief and burden on his back, oblivious to his own ignorance. She glanced up at Carson and said, “How long has Elder Maxson known about Sanctuary and the people who live here?”
Carson smiled. “Years.”
Quinn and Danse looked at each other, and an unspoken understanding passed between them. Quinn put the blueprints back in their envelope.
Sanctuary was safe.
Paladin Carson and Knight-Lancer Kapraski left not long afterwards. Quinn argued with them, trying to get them to stay longer, but they both insisted they needed to return back to base. Eventually, she relented, hugging them both and telling them to stay in contact. That they were welcome any time.
Danse agreed. He even shook their hands.
Danse stood with Quinn and watched the vertibird leave, their fingers entwined, like the day the Prydwen departed the Commonwealth. Back then, it felt as if a knife had been run through his chest. Now, the wound had finally healed.
When the light of the vertibird disappeared into the darkness, they walked back through the streets of Sanctuary, ignoring the curious faces silhouetted in the windows. The lights went out one by one, and soon the city was asleep again.
Danse turned over Cutler’s holotags in his hands. The book was a treasure, but the tags? After twenty years, he had been reunited with Cutler. The gratitude Danse felt was inexplicable. He had Cutler back.
He had Cutler back.
Quinn stayed quiet the whole way home. She understood. He needed this moment for himself.
When they reached their bedroom, however, she looked at him and said, “I don’t get what you said to Carson. About reconsidering. What does that mean?”
Danse grinned, amused. “Maxson added a personal note inside the cover. Here.” He passed the precious book to Quinn. She hesitated, and then accepted it, opening the book and reading the note aloud.
“Twenty years have passed since we last spoke. Two decades to think over mistakes and regrets, and what could have been. Apologies that were never uttered. Wrongs that were never righted.
In that time, I hope your stance over Sir Lancelot and Lady Guinevere has been reconsidered.
May the rest of your days be peaceful.
Quinn looked up at Danse and frowned. “I don’t get it. Is he apologising to you?”
“As best he can,” Danse said. When Quinn still looked puzzled, he laughed, taking the book from her and shutting it. “An old joke between distant friends. Don’t worry about it.”
Quinn shrugged and began getting ready for bed for the second time that night, while Danse strode over to the shelf opposite him, where Marguerie’s journal lay. He looked at the old, battered book for a moment, her holotags and Zippo lighter neatly placed atop the worn leather. With the greatest care, Danse set ‘The Tales of King Arthur’ down next to the journal, and put Cutler’s tags down onto the red cover.
Some things didn’t work out. And some things did. Danse hoped wherever Sarah was now, she was happy.
Danse changed for bed and settled down with Quinn, his mind buzzing with the night’s events. He heard her say something about how Hancock was arriving first thing in the morning with his newest bodyguard, but Danse couldn’t focus on the words. He mumbled a response, still wrapped up in Maxson’s gesture, and put his arm around Quinn as she snuggled up to him.
Danse gazed at the ceiling, only faintly aware of the orange shafts of light creeping through their room. His thoughts were a tired, blissful haze. The absence of guilt, it seemed, was a hell of a sedative.
A small, snuffling snort drew his attention back to Quinn. He glanced down to see she had fallen asleep, her breath fluttering softly against his chest. Danse smiled to himself.
“May the rest of your days be peaceful.”
Somehow, he suspected they would.
A/N: And that, as they say...is that.
As I’ve said often, I only ever intended for this story to be ten chapters long. Then it took on a life of its own, and suddenly here we are, a year and eight months later, finally at the end. Some might say I took too long, but I honestly don’t care. I set out to rewrite the narrative of Fallout 4, and I’m damned please with the result, and surprised I managed to actually stick to it.
Thank you to all my readers, especially those who left comments. Without you, I probably would have stopped early on. It’s hard to stay invested and motivated without any feedback.
Thank you to one particular reviewer, who helped me fine tune my research on PTSD. You were extremely helpful.
Thank you to all the people who helped me with other research, such as Spanish translations, American police stories and habits, and general betaing.
But the biggest thank you goes to my consistent beta, @waiting4morning. This story would not have taken the directions it did or be of any good quality without her.
And let’s say a congratulations to one of my reviewers, ‘Dodo,’ who recently had a cute lil’ baby girl called Yara! ;)
And finally, if you’re sad about the end of BNC, then fear not. I have other fanfics in the works set in the BNC universe. They won’t be centred around Quinn and Danse, as their story is now over. But Quinn and Danse will crop up and be alluded to. Just not as main characters.
One fic is going to be based around Nuka World and Gage. The other will be based around Hancock himself. I will be writing these fics slightly differently to BNC, in that I’m going to write out the entire fic first and then update on a weekly basis. This will prevent inconsistent updates and save me a great deal of stress. I will be posting the first chapter of my next fic so that you can ‘follow’ it for updates, and then I will begin updating it when I finish writing it.
I deliberately left a few loose ends in BNC to allow me to explore certain characters without revealing what happened to them.
So without further ado, I present...
Making One’s Bones
Read on...
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ahmedmootaz · 4 years
To Find A Blot
Hello, dear Tumblr folk! How are you doing? Fine as always, I hope. I had made a story predicting (or trying to predict) the events of tomorrow’s episode of Ducktales as a reply to a request. Unfortunately, Tumblr decided that the original post endangered public safety, so here I am, posting it again.
I would like to ask for everyone’s thoughts! Whether they be comments or critiques, I want your feedback! I like long comments, so write away! I hope you like this little piece of mine.
And for anyone who prefers a direct Read More button, here it is! Unfortunately, italics do not copy from Archive Of Our Own, however, I think it should be obvious where they were. So, once more, leave your thoughts, and until next time, see ya’!
It was a dark, cold night in the Forest Of...whatever. Lena couldn't care less about what its name was. It was damp, awful, cold, and filled with monsters. No wonder Magica would hide here; it was basically her dream home. Maybe it was a mirror, too. She trudged with her friends, Violet and Webby, who'd oh-so-kindly volunteered to help her on this mad quest of hers. She was going mad, that's what, and they were both ready to go mad with her. She really was lucky when it came to friends.
They kept trudging in silence, not wanting to reflect on the series of what must've been unfortunate events to lead them to searching for Magica DeSpell in the dark, cold night in the middle of a swamp. An ugly swamp, too...though, now that she thought about it, there weren't really 'pretty' swamps, so it wasn't like Magica chose a bad one; they were all bad.
Despite telling herself several times how she was over this, how she had no issues whatsoever about what they were doing right now and that it was for the greater good, she found herself contemplating any other choice. Just what, exactly, led them to this point?!
...Well, they all knew. It was a rhetorical question. An angry rhetorical question. Leave it to the McDucks to be attacked by a literal video-game monster that crawled out of the screen and treating it like another boring day. Which...yeah, it kinda was for them, but she'd gotten used to the calmer household she moved in. It wasn't like that was the biggest thing that happened today, either, it was more like...the appetizer, even though that wasn't really a correct statement, since it was like eating a whole roast duck only to be told it was an appetizer.
Still, it wasn't the tentacle-monster which they took down that led to this situation. It was the fact that Gladstone...Gladner? Something along those lines, showed up. Apparently, he was the boys' uncle, which made him someone she didn't know. Not that it mattered anyway, he came in, crying about how his luck left him forever before weeping on her arm, which was conveniently next to him. Her sleeve was never going to return to regular levels of salt after this.
It took a while before Scrooge managed to calm him down. It seemed like his luck...which was a thing she didn't know about, had left him. Normally, she was told, they would've chalked it up to some paranormal mystery and had to excuse themselves and send her home, but it went further then that...Almost everyone in Duckburg was losing their abilities.
They didn't really believe it at first, but when Scrooge's monetary abilities started going blank, the alarms blared loudly enough in everyone's minds. It wasn't just him, too; Gyro was losing his intelligence, so was Huey, Mrs.Beakly lost a good portion of her Agent skills, and Dewey lost the ability to Dewey, whatever the heck he meant by that.
It only left her and the rest of Team Magic to fend for themselves and figure out what was draining their powers. There was one teeny-tiny problem, however:
How would they do that? Webby was an amazing fighter, but their enemy, a certain Phantom Blot that Violet heard about, didn't leave a trace, much less a body to fight, and despite Violet's best efforts, nothing came out of her investigations to find where he hid, which left Lena to do the job. One issue, however: She couldn't.
She was a brilliant sorceress, or so she bragged, but there was still much she needed to learn before casting detection spells. And they, she theorized, didn't have that time. Violet was an amazing step-sister and a scarily fast learner, but even she came up empty-handed when it came to learning anything about that power. That left one magic user in Duckburg she knew. Ugh.
She shivered at the memory, snapping out of her mind due to some whimpering from Gladstone. He said he needed to find his luck or else he was a goner. She thought he was exaggerating at first, but then a boat nearly fell on him. 4 Kilometres away from sea. He promised he'd do them anything if she let him accompany them on this treacherous journey while the rest of the gang tried investigating using their own ways, and the agreed. How bad could he be, anyways?
-"U-Um...Lena? I don't know how to tell you this...but I...I hate swamps. I don't think I know how to walk in them. It was always my luck helping me out. I'm cold, scared, and humiliated."...well, not too bad, but he just wouldn't shut up! And while he seemed to amuse Webby and Violet, he was just getting on her nerves.
-"Well, nobody here likes swamp, either! And you've been listing the things your luck did for you for two hours now, is there anything you can do on your own, Mr.Gladstone?", she shot back, irked.
He used to argue and bicker with her, but as his luck kept worsening throughout the day (How on earth does one get mauled by a bear, an alligator, and then receive a speeding ticket because the alligator's death-roll was too fast??), he mostly stuck to paranoia to help himself. She couldn't help but feel bad for him, despite how much he annoyed her.
-"W-Well...I used to breathe well on my own...I could also walk...I think...", he mumbled, his voice a broken mess compared to his arrogant and proud tone, or so she was told by Webby. "A-And...I think I might need to learn how to go to the bathroom in the swamp.", he added, his exhaustion overpowering his embarrassment.
-"Pffft, don't worry about it, Gladstone! The entire swamp is your bathroom! You're basically the King of the swamp!", and there it was, the perky, energetic voice that was trying to keep Gladstone away from depression this entire trip.
-"Oh, quit with the lies! I am nothing without my luck!", he cried, seeming on the verge of tears for the...seventeenth time today? Lena couldn't remember. "B-But...It wasn't my choice! My luck was always there for me! Like...Like a-a stick! Something to lean on my entire life and now it is gone!", he lamented, slouching as his footsteps got a bit slower. For the sake of all them, Lena hoped he regained any of his luck soon.
-"Well, it is true; any being born with a condition, abnormal or not, that aids him throughout his life without any major work done from the part of the being will eventually get used to this condition, which could explain why you're taking this particular misadventure hard, Mr.Gladstone.", Violet bumped in their chat, checking the notepad on which they brainstormed the possible locations of Magica. "Still, I'd advise you to remain positive, as I sense we may be able to fix these conditions.", she added, giving him a small, encouraging smile which he didn't notice.
-"Yeah, probs.", the teenage witch agreed after she felt a nudge from the Vanderquack. Anything to cheer up her friend's friends' uncle. "Hey Vi, are we close or not?", she asked, trying to ignore the eye-roll from her shorter friend.
-"Well, I don't have a particularly detailed map, though I imagine that Magica would mark her camp with a particular sign; an X on the ground, perhaps, or perhaps we must deduce it from the surrounding environment-"
-"Or she might've carved her face on the bottom of an ancient tree!", the cheerful duck happily announced as they entered a clearing with a small dirt road that led to the mouth of Magica DeSpell. A wooden carving of her, anyway.
It was just as Webby said, large, reeking of pride and arrogance, and yet...oddly well done. The details were really nice and actually looked like Magica. If she had to give her 'aunt' something, it had to be that she apparently didn't suck at something in her life. Really though, wood carving, of all things? Was she a carpenter before becoming an evil, awful witch? Is she talented? She didn't have her magic...maybe she had someone else with her.
-"Alright, so, is everyone prepared to meet my homicidal aunt?", the tallest duckling asked with fake happiness, receiving a nod form everyone but Gladstone, who emitted  something of a sniff. Webby readied the axe she brought with her, patting the kitten at the top while Violet tightened her garlic necklace, while Gladstone...he stood there, steadying his back a bit. "Mr.Gladstone?"
-"Ah, forget about it, whatever she does to me, it can't be worse than having an anvil hit me from ten-meters.", he steadied his tone, managing to make it more bitter than desperate. Well, at least he wasn't going to cry when they see her.
She looked back at the tree's base, blocking out the various memories that gave her the urge to blast the door, and knocked. Harshly. Hey, she was going to give herself something. She felt both Webby and Violet's hands on her shoulders, and she anticipated the door opening. Now or never...they were going to convince her, and somehow, she didn't think it was going to be too easy.
Her mind raced, imagining all the awful things she could be plotting right now. She heard garlic was harmful to magic users, something she didn't know too much about, but was apparently true, as she figured out when her magical powers suddenly dimmed as she touched some garlic. Still, Magica could hit them form a distance...and what about that axe? Was going physical the ideal plan? Was-
The quartet of ducks yelled, jumping back before they realized the door didn't even open. It was something from the inside. Someone, to be exact. A couple of curses came through the door as a metallic sound came through as well.
-"Bloody Hell! Who comes in this hour of the night, in this swamp, to this tree?! I don't even pay bills!", the angry yelling of her not-really-aunt came through. Yep, that was about the attitude she expected. "If you're the Magical Supplies Shop, I'm sorry, but if you couldn't tell, I lost my powers after following a wonderful plan of mine. I cannot pay you in whatever things you want. Now go away before I shoot you!", she answered with a sickeningly sweet tone. Even her voice brought Lena awful memories and forced her to frown.
-"You can do this, Lena. You faced her down before. She can't do anything to you.", Violet squeezed her shoulder, giving her a determined smile. Lena shot one back, before taking a step closer to the door.
-"Hey, this is Lena...Your...", she sighed, bringing a hand to her temple. "Niece?", she finished, awaiting a sick laughter or an undignified scowl at her for attempting to break free from being a shadow. Sorry-not-sorry, Magica. For moment, there was silence. Then there was laughter. Hysterical laughter. So much laughter Lena felt scared.
-"Ooooh, good one, person-who-is-trying-to-fool-me! I don't have a niece! My brother is dead and my sister cannot keep a worm alive! Now scram before my patience runs out!", she thundered from behind the door, leaving the ducklings and Gladstone in shock.
-"She has a brother?", Lena repeated with incredulity, looking at her two friends and Gladstone.
-"I don't know! How should I know? I thought she didn't have family!", Violet answered with equal confusion, shrugging.
-"I mean, technically she doesn't have a brother anymore.", Gladstone chimed in, his voice devoid of any enthusiasm. "Who's this woman anyway? And why does she sound like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed?", he asked, raising his voice a tad too much.
-"The wrong side of the bed?!", came the war-cry from behind the door, only leaving a moment before a couple of locks unlocked and it swung outwards, revealing Magica DeSpell . With a shotgun. Oh, well this was just lovely, wasn't it? "Alright, that does it, I will put more holes than you than there is in...swiss...cheese...", her speech slurred, looking at the three ducklings in front of her house.
The silence remained for a moment, with no one doing anything. Webby brandished her weapon, Violet made a threatening expression, and Lena ignited a spark in her hand. And Gladstone stood there, trying to take all this in. That moment gave Lena enough time to admire Magica's hut; a three-room lodging, more aptly. It was basically a sink, a gas-cooker, and some drawers, a wardrobe, and a bookshelf, all locally-made, apparently. There was also a toilet and a bath in the background. It was a pretty sorry place to live in, but it seemed functional enough.
-"Hi, Aunt Magica.", Lena greeted, gritting her teeth and delivering the widest, fakest smile she could possibly give. "I almost forgot how you looked! We haven't seen each other in such a long time. What a shame.", she continued, trying her best to remain calm and to look the elder sorceress in the eyes. Said sorceress was now surveying the ducks surrounding her, measuring her chances and keeping her hands on the shotgun's trigger.
-"Get out. Now!", the cape-wearing duck yelled, looking dangerously close to a rage-fit. "All three of you. Now!"
-"Three? Hello? I may have lost my luck, but I am certainly not invisible, lady!", Gladstone announced with an undignified tone. He got a glare that shut him up. "Yeah, sure, okay, talk with the people who really matter. Why wouldn't you?", he grumbled bitterly.
-"Listen, as much as we'd love to, we can't really do that.", the younger sorceress laid her hand on her waist, looking both bored and uncaring. At least, she hoped she did. The last thing she needed was for the awful, horrible duck in front of her to sense any weakness, something she assumed she excelled at.
-"Besides, we're already outside! Your evil mind trick won't work on us!", Webby boasted, swinging her axe a bit for intimidation purposes. They didn't seem to work all too well, but at the very least, they made Magica's shotgun point at her just a tiny bit. Was that a victory?...Probably not.
-"Fine then, get away from me! From this place! The last thing I need is to spend my night with a bunch of McDucks.", the gun-wielder practically screamed, her veins starting to bulge from the anger. Her voice was laced with venom dripping off of every word. It was honestly both terrifying and admirable how much hate she poured into every word.
-"I told you we can't.", Lena repeated calmly, trying to avoid a fight she saw she was coming.
And then, just as she hoped things would calm down, a loud, roaring BANG! filled the swamp. Every single member of her group jumped, looking frightened as they searched around for wounded. There were none, only four ducks staring at each other. She'd tricked them. And she didn't even have her magic. Lena frowned and turned her face back to her shadow's origin. Her...uh...creator? She was her shadow, did shadows have creators? Maybe a caster was a better term? As much as she hated it, 'Aunt Magica' rolled off the tongue far better than 'Caster Magica'.
-"Are you searching for fight? Because I'm not certain your chances would be very high with the four of us.", Violet spoke for her step-sister. Her new room-mate at this point, but Lena still appreciated the gesture with all of her heart. It appeared Magica actually fired a shot, even if it was only a warning shot. Everyone tried to make good on that statement, looking as threatening as they could. Even Gladstone lifted his fists, adding a grand total of 4% to how threatening they were.
-"Maybe you are! Why can't you get away from me? What do you want? I don't have any more plans for the moment, I didn't do anything illegal for the last month, and you're taking my books from my cold, dead, hands!", the former-Sorceress Of The Shadows barked back defiantly, still pointing at them with her gun. "I don't care if you kill me! I'll take at least two of you down before I-"
-"Could you shut up?!", Lena cried out, her eye twitching and doing everything she could to not attack Magica. "We're here because...because...", she couldn't say it. She couldn't bring herself to ask her for help.
-"...You want to buy something?", her 'aunt' guessed, gun still pointing at her head, but apparently curious.
-"You want to brag?"
-"...No.", okay, maybe they did, but they couldn't do that. Not now, anyway.
-"Are we here to rent the room?", Gladstone chimed in, scratching his head. Lena was certain Violet explained to him on the way here...but he apparently forgot.
-"I NEED YOUR HELP!", there, she spat it. She couldn't believe she said it, covering her face afterwards. She felt Violet's hand pat her and heard Webby saying something along the lines of 'There, there'.
-"...I'm sorry? Is this...Listen, it's the middle of September, the swamp is humid as all Hell and I'm trying to set up a fan, if you're just here to brag,", she said before adding 'as you McDucks do.' under her breath, "Then you can come sometime else, these garments aren't exactly fun to wear when the humidity is 85% today so-"
-"No, we need the help. But you'd better watch your back, you witch, because if you try to betray us, I'll shove this axe right down your head!", Webby warned threateningly, patting the kitten once more. Magica actually remained silent and judged what she said, and Lena decided it was time to uncover her face again.
-"And why would you need my help?", the witch repeated, lowering her weapon. Lena could just feel smugness radiating off of her, and she hated it with every molecule of her being.
-"There's a thief in town. He's stealing everyone's abilities. Everything about them. He's stealing it. He calls himself the Phantom Blot.", Violet answered, looking rather impatient with Magica, who smiled with a hum.
-"And why should that concern me?", she smugly inquired and...well, she wasn't wrong. Lena hated that she wasn't wrong.
-"The Phantom Blot hates magic and its users. He wants to eradicate the both of them and you, if I remember correctly, are a witch, yes?", the hummingbird explained, gaining a bit more of a reaction this time: A chuckle. They really couldn't find anyone else, huh?
-"Listen, Purple, if you can remember so well, then you might as well remember that Lena over there stole all of my power. I'm in no danger of this Phantom Blot.", she shot back, a taunting smile on her beak and crossing her arms.
-"Alright, listen up you freak, maybe you don't realize this, but he doesn't know that you don't have your powers. All he knows is that you were the single biggest magical spell to hit this town less than a year ago. I'd say you're still on his hit list.", not taking any more of this back-and-forth, the younger sorceress quipped, closing her hands together and trying a smirk of her own to counter the furious frown and growl her 'aunt' gave her.
-"And you're still on our hit list, you monster! So don't try to even think about doing anything funny!", Webby added, giving her best-friends a reassuring smile, though a somewhat threatening one.
-"I don't think I care about that too much."...she didn't? Oh. Well. There goes the entire base of their plans. "My family isn't here, neither is my home, I don't have my powers, I struggle to eat half-decent food, and I can't even make any new plans after that piece of-", she stopped herself, "Sorry, after Glomgold took everything I had monetarily. In other words, life isn't looking too great for me.", she finished indifferently, though a bit sad and bitter. Huh. That's...really odd. Bitter yes, but sad? Lena wouldn't have ever expected that from her.
-"Tough luck, lady. There's a great pharmacy that sells anti-depressants on the next corner. You know. If you're like me and lost all the joy your life ever had.", the former-luckiest duck in the world suggested darkly, pointing a thumb somewhere. "Look, I don't know you, you don't know me, but please just do me a favour, alright? I need your help. Magic or whatever I just...I just need my luck back. I need my life back. Can you please help us for the good of your heart?", he got down on his knees and begged, not showing too much emotion, but just enough to almost make you forget his bitterness a moment ago. Almost.
-"...Yeah, listen, the 'good of my heart' doesn't really exist, and even if it did, then I won't be giving it to you of all people.", well...Lena couldn't say she wouldn't say something similar to some duck she barely even knew. Unlike Magica, however, she'd actually accept. Probably. "But it seems Scrooge's thinking isn't there quite yet for all of you.", she stated, almost with disappointment, as she brought two fingers to her temple. "My life at this point is in danger...but that's not really what's motivating me here. What do I have to gain?", ah, straight to the point, are we?
-"What, keeping your life isn't enough for you?", her former-shadow snarked back, utilizing the opportunity to show no respect whatsoever. Ah, that felt good. It didn't feel good to see her nemesis laugh at her, however, as if she knew something she didn't.
-"Now, I may be misunderstanding this, but you don't have much time, yes? Phantom Bolt or whatever is already striking. Both of our lives are endangered, and if it means taking you out...well, I don't need to say much, eh?", oh, how Lena hated the smugness in her voice. They'd accounted for this, but she just wanted to punch her in her stupid beak so much!
-"Fine, does this make you any more inclined?", the younger witch pulled out a purple gem, dangling it from her finger and immediately making Magica's pupils widen.
-"My Sumerian Amulet!", she yelled, throwing herself on Lena, though not with so much force the latter wasn't able to repel her. Indeed, all the younger duckling had to do was raise a hand as her 'aunt' tried grabbing the amulet that was dangling so close to her.
-"There, feeling a bit more excited now?", the intelligent, sharp voice of Violet observed. "We know how much this means to you. Maybe you could even regain your magic with it, yes? This is as much as we're going to offer, so if you don't want it..."
-"...Fine!", came the near-instant response. Magica was biting her lower beak, looking majorly conflicted. "Alright, you have some of ol' Scroogie in you. You want my help? Fine. Fine, no really. How about we seal the deal, then? I help you with whatever it is you want to beat the Phantom Blot, you give me back my Sumerian Amulet, and we all try to kill each other sometime later, affaire conclue?", she extended a fingerless-ly gloved hand, looking all-too-gleeful about all of this. Lena knew the amulet was powerful, but the way Magica accepted their offer...it gave her second thoughts about giving her the amulet.
-"It means 'deal?', Mr.Gladstone.", she heard her step-sister tell the triplets' uncle. Apparently, he wasn't too fond of Magica's new terminology...but then again, neither was Lena. "Though I must wonder how you know of French, Magica.", the short hummingbird muttered as she extended a hand alongside the other three ducks.
-"I have some Savoyard cousins. You're not the only ones with a family here.", came the dry answer.
It took a moment of hesitation, with everyone almost certain that the other side will pull out at the last second. Then, suddenly, Webby's hand went forward and shook, or rather, grabbed Magica's. Violet soon followed, and Gladstone did as they did. That only left Lena, who stared at Magica. If she shakes this hand...she'll take orders from her again. She'll give her the amulet that will make her able to hurt her again. She didn't want to do this...but she had to. Not only for herself, but for her friends. For everyone who depended on her, she took a breath and forced her hand to shake with Magica's. It was...huh. Wow. Her fingers were tiny compared to Lena. How did she never notice?
-"Lovely. Now, you're trying to go after this Phantom Whatever, yes?", the cape-drapped witch asked, looking a bit more enthusiastic. She received a nod from everyone, Gladstone included. "Very well, I can make you an elixir to poison him, though it's going to take some-"
-"Woah woah woah, we're trying to defend ourselves here! Not everyone is a murderer like you!", Lena objected, waving her arms frantically just as her 'aunt' was going to enter her hut. She earned a disapproving stare. She hated them.
-"He's going to kill you, Lena. You're being naïve if you think showing kindness is going to change someone who's bent on murdering you.", the sorceress mocked, resting her hand on her hip. "Besides, why come here in the first place if you're all such big fans of Gandhi?"
-"We want you to teach Lena spell.", Webby replied, her axe still unsheathed, though it only gained an unimpressed look as her enemy got used to it. "We can defeat the Phantom Blot without resorting to your methods, and you'll see that yourself!", she proudly continued, lifting the axe a little higher.
-"A spell?", Magica repeated, mystified. "You...You want me to teach you a spell?! To be back where I belong? To rejoin my magical destiny-", oh, come on. Couldn't she stay clam for five minutes? Why was she acting like a hyperactive child all of sudden? That wasn't how she was supposed to act!
-"Yes, yes, all of that. Now if you could just-"
-"Ooooh, it feels good to be back!", deciding that two could play at the interruptions game, she ignored her 'niece' as she wrapped her cloak around her, covering her beak and moving her fingers for dramatic effect.
-"You are exhausting to be around, you know that?", Lena quipped, glaring at the far-too-gleeful duck in front of her.
-"I try. Now, what spell do you exactly want?"
-"We were thinking about trying a spell to locate the Phantom Blot.", Violet explained, and Lena couldn't help but notice Magica tilted her head just a teeny tiny bit. "We want to know where he is, and if possible, bring him to us.", she clarified, her dignified tone not wavering.
-"You seem worried, witch. Are you worried because you're trying to play us and now you can't?", Webby interrogated with her 'detective accent', looking suspicious to Magica's current indescribable expression.
-"No, it's not that, it's just...Locating people and things is more of a Teleporter thing...", she answered, almost begrudgingly.
-"Welp, we came to the wrong person. I told you! We needed a teleporter, we have a witch. And we made a deal. This is just fan-tastic.", ever the positive one, Lena ranted as she started walking around, waving her arms, exasperated.
-"Of course it would be you to not know magic-branches, Lena.", her 'aunt' scolded, noticing Webby's sudden axe-swing and trying to ignore the obvious threat. "Teleporting is magic. Just a branch of it. I'm more talented in the spells branch and the alchemy branch, alongside shadow-manipulation, of course. Teleporting...well, I can help you. I tried learning it, after all.", she boasted, mumbling the last part to herself more than to the ducklings surrounding her.
-"Branches, huh...And how can we know you're not just messing with us? You could be saying absolute mallarcky!", the seater-wearing duck accused, earning an undignified huff from the older sorceress.
-"I said I tried learning it, and not without some success.", she claimed, hoping to satisfy Lena's questions and just get closer to getting the darn amulet. She didn't. "Listen, my brother was a pretty good Teleporter. I'll tell you what he told me, alright?", she explained further, noticeably uncomfortable with what she was saying.
-"How come I never heard of him if he's so go-"
-"Because you've never spent more than two months in Europe, you brat! Don't you dare talk about the King Of Napoli like that!", she screamed, looking more threatening by the second. A full-blown beatdown was about to ensue if it wasn't for Gladstone, of all people.
-"Hey...I remember that name...He stole my car when I was on a trip in Europe! And my newly-won crown which I won in Barbaria!", he recounted, looking far-too-happy for what he was saying.
-"Bavaria.", Violet corrected.
-"Whatever, he just teleported in my car and stole it after throwing me out! And he had someone else with him, too!", the former-luck king continued, still looking inexplicably happy. "I never thanked him for his service! Some old lady saw the accident and thought I needed help, so she gave me one of her luxury jets to console me! Told me nobody was safe from the King Of Napopi.", he finished, a smile on his face. "That was before the whole...unlucky thing...", and now he was going to be depressed again.
-"See? Now just listen to what I tell you and you should be fine!", the elder duck ordered, apparently unable to sense the internal moment of struggle Lena had before she obeyed, taking a step forward.
-"Yes...Magica.", she muttered under her breath, standing in front of her arch nemesis' cold stare. Her friends were there to protect her. There was nothing to fear. Nothing to fear at all. This was just a forced training session. She was going to get through this.
-"I'd appreciate it if you call me Miss Magica.", and yet it didn't seem like her momentary teacher was willing to make this easy for the both of them. Holding her sly smile, she straightened her back and looked at her forced-apprentice for a second. "Let your magic run through you. Teleportation is a complex art, and all its branches need a constant flow of magic through one's self. Location is no different, let the magic run through your body.", she stated, trying to throw her cloak in a dramatic way.
-"Okay so...like this?", the tallest duckling asked, holding her right arm in front of her and sensing the tingling sensation of magic as it coursed through her. She came to control it after a multitude of attempts, so this wasn't much of a trial. "Oh, and since I might as well milk you for whatever you're worth, can I change this colour? I hate this purple.", she wondered, noting that she didn't get any reply before forcing her vocal cords to add "Miss Magica?"
-"Hmm, well, I don't know, the colour of one's magic is determined by both their will and their chosen Branch of Magic, I had to go through lots of training to change my magic's colour, and since this is my magic,", she pointed at the flame-like purple shape that surrounded her 'niece', "It's going to take a lot of time for you to change it back. But it's no special technique. Some can immediately change it, others cannot. It comes eventually.", she continued indifferently, paying attention to the magic that was radiating off of Lena.
-"Don't talk to Lena like that!", the Vanderquack reaffirmed her stance on Magica as she exchanged glares with the now-dysfunctional sorceress.
-"Webs, it's fine. I can deal with her.", her best-friend answered, turning her attention back to her teacher. Oh, how she hated that she had to refer to her as that! Nevertheless, she was surprised she actually got an answer. She expected some insults and nothing else, but it seemed that once they had a deal...she worked with it. It was...unnerving.
-"When it comes to searching for something, you must see it with your blind eye. You must both wish for it, see it in your mind, and release enough magical surges to clear the way for you. Only then will you sense where what you search for lies. For example, I have a red neckerchief in my house with a raven on it in my home. Try sensing where it is.", the DeSpell explained emotionlessly, guiding Lena a bit closer to her home.
She closed her eyes, as she was told, and tried seeing the neckerchief. Red...raven...yep, pretty plain alright. And yet...she tried releasing energy as she was told, but the only thing that was getting released was a bunch of aimless magical balls that deflated on the ground. She couldn't sense anything. She had the image in her brain, but she couldn't really...get 'it', if that made any sense.
-"Not good. As expected, you cannot properly use my magic. Perhaps you need to be more emotionally motivated to feel the 'click'?", of course it would be like Magica to benefit off this situation. Of course. Well, at least she was partially right. Lena grunted as a response, not wanting to give her trainer any more satisfaction than necessary. "Then we must up the risks a bit.", the elder sorceress claimed moving a bit to where her friends stood.
-"Listen here, Magica! Lena's trying her best, and we have no need for you! If you ever- Hey! My...bow...", in an instant, there was a 'splash'. The eldest of the ducklings turned around to see Webby without her iconic bow staring into the stagnant water of the swamp, shocked and furious at the same time. "That was a gift from my grandma!", she yelled back.
-"Oh, quit it, you want to help your oh-so-precious friends, yes? Then let me teach!", the witch shot coldly, evading an axe swing with relative ease, watching as the energetic duckling gritted her beak; they had no one to trust but her. "Now, Lena, this swamp is filled with alligators and all sorts of nasty creatures. If we don't find Debby's bow in five minutes, it might as well be gone forever. If you can find where I threw it, I'll go get it myself. Sounds good?", too good. Especially that last part. In fact, only that last part, since Lena had little faith that she could succeed.
When everyone around her went silent, the young witch turned her head to Webby. She looked distraught. Closing her eyes once more, she faced the swamp and tried sensing for the bow. Pink, small, and plain. It was a rather noticeable part of Webby. Something that clearly meant a lot for her. If she could find it...Then she'd have helped her friends. She saw it...she willed it...and she started releasing magical sparks. For a moment, just like last time, they merely deflated.
Then, all of a sudden...she felt 'it'. A guiding feeling...like an arm on her shoulders. It made her open her eyes, but she could still see the bow. She saw it. She felt it. It was pulsing...the pulsing pushed her to where it came from:...Away from the water? It was behind her. But the only thing behind her was...she turned around to look at Magica, who had a detestably smug expression on her face as she showed Lena her fingerless-ly gloved left hand. The glove had a small bulge near the wrist.
-"Seems as if I was correct.", was all she said. Lena didn't growl or frown this time. She had no reason to. It slightly angered her to agree with her 'aunt', but as far as correctness went, there wasn't much to critique here. "I learnt this little trick as a little girl. It can help you in a tough spot.", she added as she removed it from under her glove, throwing it into her student's hand. "There, I made good on my promise, right?"
...She did?...Well, yes, she did teach her. Lena thought that she didn't mention some things, such as the formula or how much energy one should dedicate, but in the end, those details were all discovered by her apprentice with no need for more external help. She, should she follow the instructions correctly, was now technically able to find the Phantom Blot.
Then why did she feel something wrong? She felt as if something wasn't quite...right, to put it simply. She expected a bigger fight with Magica. Harsher treatment. Little to no emotions, but it was just...meh. Nothing too big. She stared again the the elder witch. She was smiling. It was a smug smile alright, but it was a smile. It wasn't something she expected to see of Magica. Perhaps as a result of her disdain for her 'aunt' she, too, came to see her as incapable of being a person.
-"I guess so...", she murmured, knowing exactly where her former-teacher at this point was going. She prepared her amulet, not wishing to give it away. "Her name is Webby, by the way.", she added, not getting a response
-"I told you my brother was a good teacher.", her fifteen-minute trainer mumbled, more to herself than to anyone else, and Lena felt awkward. She stared back at her friends.
-"I...uh. Sorry about him. Dying. I guess.", she whispered but it caught the attention of Magica, and she looked positively shocked. "Don't look so shocked. Respect the dead and all that.", that came out wrong. So wrong. If she meant to disrespect him, she couldn't have done worse.
-"Heh...listen, sometimes faking death is a bit easier with magic on your side. If you're willing to share a bit more than the amulet, then maybe I can tell you about him.", she smiled again, though this was one of her more typical smiles, if still an actual smile. Huh. Curious
But just as the newly trained sorceress was about to say something, a 'zap' echoed in the swamp. There was light for a moment, and Magica had to jump to avoid the bolt that zapped a part of her hair and neck. Everyone turned in a split second to see a black-clothed figure with green eyes and a metallic glove on his right hand.
-"And I was just about to pick this four-leaved clover, too...", was the only sentence uttered for a solid minute. And by Gladstone of all people.
The Phantom Blot looked menacing. Pure, undiluted, unadulterated intimidation radiated off of his clothed figure. From afar, you wouldn't be blamed if you thought he was a medieval executioner. The metallic glove on his hand looked more electronic than medieval on closer inspection, but that didn't matter too much. His eyes, fully green by some method, conveyed little emotions, but there's something Lena sensed from him: Hatred.
-"Finally...", his clunky, distorted and terrifying voice announced, his footsteps calculated and his eyes focused. "It seems my searching has led me to the most vile of beings, at last.", he added, closing his fist.
-"The most vile of beings? Listen, I heard some nasty things about ducks, but come on man-", Gladstone tried countering, only to receive a bolt that knocked him over, making him grunt.
-"Not you, you imbecile! These WITCHES!", he cried, hatred drenching his words as he advanced. He most certainly had an accent...But Lena couldn't just pin-point it...though she thought she heard it sometime in the past...
-"These what now?", Magica repeated, apparently offended.
-"WITCHES!", he repeated, not slowing his advance as the group of ducks slowly backed off. "You come in with your magic, destroy cities with your undeserved power, and you...you're never satisfied! You always want more! You never leave something to the people who work for their power!", he ranted shooting a couple of bolts that forced the group the yell and retreat further to Magica's hut.
-"Oh. Witches. I think I still hate you, but a little less than when I thought you said-"
-"It would just be like you to show up now, huh?!", back to interrupting Magica, it was Lena who couldn't keep it in her head anymore. "I spend an hour with Magica to learn how to find you and you just show up like that?! Couldn't you have came in a little early?! Do you have any idea what kind of deal we made?!", she complained, ranting at him, and forcing him to do a double take on her words.
-"Not only are you a witch, but you are a sore loser. I could make my nonna's pasta with that much salt!", he mocked, doing a small laugh that almost sounded dead...like, the whole laughing part was there, but there was no spirit behind it. Just a sick, twisted glee.
-"Hey, hold it there for a minute, you're italian?", Magica asked, flabbergasted. Ah. Right. Sometimes Magica lost control of her British accent in front of Lena. Now she remembered. But really? This was the thing she asked about? Why would that matt-
-"Indeed, and my heart shall always remain there! It is why I find great pleasure and cleaning Napoli of your filth!", he growled, firing another shot which she barely avoided but backing her into the tree where her hut was located.
-"Oooh, you're digging your own grave here, you Blot! I am a proud Neapolitan, and the mere name is much more than wherever you're from!", she challenged, pointing an accusing finger as the other ducks stared at each other. They didn't know what exactly was unfolding in front of them, but it couldn't have been anything good.
-"Don't you dare insult Genova, you wretch!", he shot back, almost losing his nerves for a second before calming down. "No. I am much better than losing my nerves to a fiend like you! Prepare for justice!", he suddenly declared, and the speed of it made Magica unable to dodge the bolt he fired, punching her into Gladstone, who tried hiding behind her, and throwing the both of them into the trunk of her tree. She fell down with a hard 'crack', leaving Gladstone in a duck-shaped impression.
-"Wh-Why me...?!", he lamented before falling. The sorceress tried getting up but she limped.
-"Magica!", Lena yelled. Why did she yell? Why could she possibly yell?...Because if she dies, he's going after them. Definitely. She ran, trying to raise a shield to protect her from another, more frightening zap that would've hit her. Heck, even then, it shattered Lena's shield. Crud, this guy really isn't messing around anymore. But then a pink figure shined behind the Phantom. Yes! Webby was doing it!
-"How's this for justice!", she cried from behind him as she jumped, but he was good. Too good. He managed to spin his entire figure, raise his mechanical weapon and take a fighting pose at once, stopping his assailant's hit. Oh. This guy wasn't going to be any fun, was he?
-"You...Hah! It wasn't enough!", he bragged, pulling the battle-axe from his glove as his previous wielder suffered from the vibrations of hitting a metal. One powerful grab and swing from his glove sent Webby back to her friends, face in the dirt, and with no weapon.
-"What kind of justice are you hoping to achieve?!", cried Violet, hoping to buy them some time. It didn't work, and he only accelerated his assault, firing multiple electrical charges or whatever these were, forcing the ducks to separate.
-"Justice is not my primary concern, hummingbird. I am a criminal, after all, but if I can do my job and rid the world of this evil, then I shall take the initiative!", he calmly replied, not paying any attention to the fact that most of them were getting zapped or were running in terror. "But enough playing around, I do not wish to fail now!", he stopped, preparing what seemed to be a worse, more powerful form of his weapon.
-"Lena, do you think we can take him on?", Violet asked, trying to get them regroup.
-"Webby, do you have any more weapons?", she turned to the Vanderquack, trying to assume to role of the leader.
-"Don't really think they're going to affect him.", she answered pulling out a few knives that looked like toothpicks comapred to her axe.
-"Don't have my luck; can't do anything.", came the reply.
-"...Magica?", she asked her voice a bit desperate.
-"My shotgun has one more round in it.", she declared, pointing it at their attacker, who finished upgrading himself and was about to shoot once again. "We're going to die, aren't we?"
-"Probably.", Lena answered her, watching the black-wearing man as he began shooting at them again.
Well. Nothing else to do but to face the music, as they say. Whoever 'they' is. And whatever that meant. And whatever that had to do with their situation. Oh, give her a break. She didn't have time to think about this fight of theirs. Magic versus one very wronged, apparently, and angry man and his technology. The fight of the century.
The Phantom versus The Sorceress. Time to see how long they can stay alive.
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