#and we'd be with local friends pretty much the whole time
faggotwalkwithme · 2 months
#i wish my mum would understand that this is my last summer break with my parents#which means if im ever going to go to the us its now#cuz im not going to go to that country by myself at least not for a long time#and that i want to see my friends especially 2 of them#like these guys have been my best friends for years i love them i want to see them#she doesn't understand of course cuz she's always had lots of friends and she always sees them all regularly#but this is my last chance#she acts like theres going to be nothing to do there for her#like dude the us is a huge holiday destination theres tons to do there#oh ok now shes complaining about my cat#respectfully.shut up#ALSO back to the us thing shes always wanted to go!#i remember her always talking about cities she wanted to go to there and we'd literally be going to those cities#but now that i want to go there. noooo its too farr its too dangerouss its too boring#you can stay home idc i want to see my friends#my dad wants to see his friends#ITS NOT LIKE SHE DOESNT HAVE FRIENDS THERE EITHER SHE DOES#SHE LITERALLY HAS SO MANY FRIENDS THERE#shut up mars#tbh i just wish i knew if we were going or not#so i don't plan and plan and plan and gets my hopes up for nothing#i understand her not wanting to be there i too am terrified of the fucking laws there#and the racism.especially#but the states we'd be going to are progressive states#and we'd be with local friends pretty much the whole time#we wouldn't even be in the us the whole time we'd be in canada for a good chunk of it
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“Hello there. Periwinkle, is it?”
“My name is Amaterasu. I take it that your friends are well?”
“If so, uh… what do you think of them? What kinds of activities do you like to do together? All of that stuff.”
Oh, hi there, Amaterasu! How are you doing?
Oh, my friends? They're doing great! We hang out together a whole lot,​ notably, Ginger, Moss and Niru, we hang out with each other the most, dealing with daily shenanigans together, sometimes we have sleepovers, sometimes we have the occasional multiverse shenanigans or we have to deal with the local cosmic horrors with Kirby, but overall it's been fun to be with everyone. Also, opinions on my friends? Well if I talk about everyone we'd most likely be here all day, so here's a few opinions on my friends.
Ginger is the first person I became friends with aside from Kirby, she's pretty much an energetic golden retriever, despite being more like a cat, and after learning about what happened to her, I'm genuinely surprised she managed to stay positive about stuff, overall she's a really great friend to be around, in a party she's probably the life and soul of it.
Niru​ can be naive at times, but when it comes to a Dark Matter situation, they're the most reliable on information, considering that they used to be the leader of a Dark Matter colony, I'm not really surprised at all, they're real curious about stuff they've never seen before and overall, they're really nice, not sure why they often get pelted with tomatoes though.
Moss is really nice as well, I enjoy her rambling sessions quite a lot, there was that one time where she made all of us smoothies, turned out pretty well until I discovered that she actually had to eat fertilizer smoothies since she technically doesn't really have a digestive tract (She's technically a plant and she said it's delicious for her so uh, yeah I won't judge.)​. Overall, she's also a really great friend to hang around.
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
WIBTA if I saved everyone from an unstable lunatic?
I (?M -- the place I'm from uses a different calendar system) am an ambassador from another dimension, and as part of my job I'm supposed to check and see if there's anywhere that would make decent housing for my people. I found a place recently, but I also got roped into a bunch of politics I wanted no part in, and that's really been dragging the whole operation down.
Recently, things have gotten worse with one person in particular. He (??M, ghost) has been constantly spying on everyone, hiding in people's walls and eavesdropping on their conversations and the like, and I'm pretty sure he'd been stalking me specifically since he knows a bunch of stuff that I've never told him? I'm mostly willing to let that fly -- or I would be if the rest of his actions weren't extremely worrying as well.
For starters, he somehow got his hands on an IOU from me, and he's been holding it over my head ever since. The way he goes about it is creepy, too -- first he pulls me into his underground graveyard to giggle about it like an unhinged person, and says "it'll wait for the right moment." He figures out what he wants to ask me for? He doesn't shoot me a message, that'd be too normal of him. No, he specifically gets me to teleport to his underground lair full of lava and precious metals before asking me to steal something from a ritual we'd all been planning to try and get the queen unpossessed (long story).
I told him I'd do it anyway, but then a mutual friend of ours (??M) steals them first. Later, I find out that for some reason the ghost had instructed him to stop me from stealing the diamonds for reasons I cannot possibly fathom and frankly do NOT want to know. So not only did he try and get me to sabotage this ritual that was potentially our only hope of getting our friend back, he also asked someone to make it more difficult for me. He hasn't even told me what the diamonds are for.
Anyway, I get back in contact with my employers and tell them I'm going to need a little bit more time to canvas the area, because there's a lot going on and I don't want anyone to get inconvenienced, and then I end up getting dragged into a bunch more stuff -- probably a good thing I told my folks it'd take a while. The ghost contacts me again and reminds me about the IOU in the most menacing way possible (cornering me outside his house and going "what do the interest rates look like on your word?" in the creepy voice he knows I hate), a different mutual friend of ours (??F) might be possessed by the same thing that got to the queen, and the local HOA is sending me threatening messages for building things on my own property.
The ghost says he's got an idea for how to fix the situation, but his idea of "fixing" things basically caused the apocalypse, so I'm not super keen on that. I'm thinking of rallying a combination of my friends and some of my folks to exorcise him before he hurts anyone particularly badly -- I don't like having to suggest it, but it's becoming clear to me that he's the cause of pretty much everything that's gone wrong around here recently, and, I mean, needs of the many, you know?
The person I asked first (our second mutual friend) seems kind of on the fence about it, though, which I'm not sure I'm comfortable with. I'm thinking I might just get my own people for backup and deal with him myself so everyone can get some peace and quiet around here and I can get back to work doing what I was supposed to be doing this entire time. She's probably going to blame me no matter what I do, but WIBTA?
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yippeecahier · 1 year
AITA for insisting on my husband moving his stuff?
This is the kind of thing I'd put on Reddit but with all thats going on, I'm sticking to Tumblr. So I (25 NB) got married to my husband (25 M) on June 24th this year and havent even been married a whole month. We'd talked about boundaries and communication and have had multiple sessions with a premarital and now marital counselor since we got engaged in March. Before that, we dated for 2 years and have known each other and been friends off and on since the 6th grade.
When it comes to boundaries, we have two that are pretty much unshakeable: I need consistent 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep in the dark (with either white noise or relative silence) and going to bed before midnight, and my husband needs alone time to play games for a few hours a day where no one will walk in (he has scopophobia from childhood trauma where his parents and siblings would barge in and even remove the door and fistfight him so now he interprets pairs of eyes as threats and wont use the university library for this reason; I wish I was joking, but I'm not, and my MIL confirmed this is true because she had my husband as an unstable teen and did, in fact, fist fight him in her 20s). I always thought these were both reasonable boundaries and could be worked with given compromise, but this is somehow more contentious than I thought.
I'm currently living in his 1 bed, 1 bath apartment. I was living out of my suitcase up to and a week after our wedding until our counselor told him he had to make space for me; much to his chagrin, I invited my mom over to help me because I was so overwhelmed by all the boxes from wedding gifts and overwhelmed from the wedding (which is why we didn't leave on a honeymoon right away). Our counselor, and now my parents (who are medical professionals), and two of our friends, say he needs to move his computer out of the bedroom.
I have autism, IBS, and a history of mental illnesses. He will lock the door to the bedroom that contains the only bathroom for hours at a time and take a long time to respond to texts. I will not be able to sleep in the bedroom or use the toilet for long periods of time. I'm exhausted and overwhelming from having to walk to the local stores to use the bathroom, and none of them are 24 hours so after 11pm I'm exhausted and having a really bad time. I live in the downtown area of a big city with him, so I cannot simply find a bush to pee/poo in. On one very humiliating occasion I used an empty food container to eliminate, and threw my waste in the trash because he wouldn't respond to his phone or unlock the door despite my panicked banging.
The stress of it, and being deprived of sleep past 1am every night only to be woken up by our neighbors at 9am is making my IBS worse and has triggered multiple meltdowns and psych episodes the likes of which I haven't seen for >2 years (including trying to walk to the train tracks to kms to escape the hell my brain was putting me through because I wasnt giving it the sleep it needs).
On one particularly bad incident, I was tired and took a nap in the morning after having a meltdown over seeing a dead cockroach in the kitchen during breakfast when my husband set multiple blaring alarms at 5am because he is a deep sleeper even though we went to bed at 2am (I did blow the situation out of proportion, but I was also sleep deprived and actively psychotic as a result). When my husband came back, he came in guns blazing and pulled me out of bed demanding to see the roaches, and expressed frustration that I went back to bed when I was freaking out about the roach over the phone some 15 minutes prior. We got in an argument about if we need to put in a request for pest control, and at one point, I yelled, "FINE, YOU’RE RIGHT AND I'M WRONG," and put my hands on his throat because I got triggered into an episode. I was shaking and asked to leave the conversation multiple times before it got to that point, but he wouldn't let me leave the kitchen - and pulled me back by my arm - until I'd heard a piece of his mind; that combined with waking up suddenly in the middle of my nap to an angry spouse after another successive night of sleep deprivation caused me to become violent whereas I'd never been violent to others in any episode before.
I regret it and apologized fervently and am trying everything I can to prevent that from happening again. I am not a typically violent person, and previous psychotic episodes only resulted in self-harm, not putting my hands on others. However, him not getting with the program I need to stay sane isn't helping. I started screaming and hitting myself during this last meltdown today over coming to a locked bathroom/bedroom door for the 3rd time after being out of the house for him to play games for 6 hours despite having another stress induced IBS episode, and immediately got back in my car to drive to my parent's house without any of my stuff.
I was deprived of sleep for the 3rd night in a row because I'm doing all the housework so he can have his games alone. His gaming computer is in the bedroom, which is locked, and he refuses to listen to requests to move the computer out of the bedroom or unlock the door because of his scopophobia. I can technically sleep on the futon, but I cannot brush my teeth or go to the bathroom because the bathroom is in the bedroom, and sleeping on the futon is interrupted because he refuses to sleep alone and will come out of the bedroom, wake me, and take me to bed with him at 3am.
Yesterday he got crabby because he "didn't get a break," and I told him I felt "hurt because it sounds to me like [he was] not grateful for the two hours I spent cleaning the apartment and dishes" the latter of which is his job, "to give [him] 2 hours to play games," to which he responded that he needs "at least 4 hours," "with the door closed and locked," and "complete silence," and my housework is "too noisy." This does not make sense to me because he cannot hear his phone notifications when I call or text to use the bathroom, and he is playing music. Moreover, knowing that the vacuum cleaner sets us both off, my parents gifted me a Roomba for cleaning that is much quieter, but he won't help to set it up.
He keeps suggesting compromises with my mom, our friends, and our marital counselor. None of them have worked, and none of them he has kept up.
1) My mom offered to buy him an L-shaped desk for him when she comes over next, but now he refuses to have her come over and doesn't want to spend money on an L-shaped desk. He also wants to use the L-shaped desk for everything BUT the tower.
2) We bought an IKEA desk for $10 at Goodwill and got cables for him to move his keyboard, screen, and mouse out of the room, but he refuses to move the tower (which has RGB that won't turn off while he's using it) out of the bedroom. Then, the door will not completely close because of all the cables running through it and I hear his music, games, and keyboard. His reason for not moving the tower? His dad (my FIL) cut the ethernet cable to the exact length for it to be in the bedroom and my husband wants to be able to lock the door to the bedroom and bathroom during the day (which he can stay there and play games all day, but don't lock the door to the only bathroom, I have literal IBS that will NOT wait. I already soiled a pair of shorts.)
3. My friend stayed with us for a bit while in transitory housing, which is how he justified locking the door (to masturbate without being walked in on). But even after our friend showed him how to turn on notifications from favorite contacts when he puts his phone on Do Not Disturb, he still silences his phone and locks the door.
4. We negotiated together with the marital counselor a possible compromise where I "own" the bedroom for 12 hours at night and he "owns" the bedroom for 12 hours during the day so that he can play games during the day at noon instead of at, say, 2am. He suggested implementing this the week after our wedding. It didn't happen, I brought it up with the counselor. He says it's because he's "on vacation" but we'll implement come July. It's a week into July and it still hasn't happened. I told him I need a functioning sleep schedule for my job two weeks BEFORE I start or I'll have a psych episode at work and get fired, and he agreed, and I still came home to a locked bedroom/bathroom door TODAY.
5) We talked about getting a two bedroom condo that's a walking distance from his university. His assets plus my salary (I'm the breadwinner right now while he's in college but he was in the military and has $40k in savings and $50k in stocks), and we qualify for up to $400k on our mortgage. He refuses to close on the 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo I requested that's a 5 minute walk from his classes because it's "too expensive" at $375k, and he insists on a 2 bedroom/1 bathroom place for $315k that's a 15 minute walk from his campus. Even though I told him my IBS requires I have access to a bathroom at all times, he still will spend over an hour on the toilet watching YouTube even if he's not "sequestering" to play games. I won't hear a peep from him about sharing a bathroom to save $60k unless he changes his behavior. This also is the driving force behind why I want to try to move into a two bedroom condo ASAP, even though our lease ends in mid-November. He refuses because he doesn't want to pay rent for the apartment while we have a mortgage OR sublease/AirBnB it OR break the lease. I have argued with support from our realtor, mortgage broker, and my parents, that now is the time to find and close on a home because it's a several months long process, especially since we're using VA loans.
Moreover, his ass has the audacity to repeatedly twist my arm about having a baby. When we first got married, I said, "Sure, we can have kids; but first I have to find a way to be mentally stable without medications for a year straight while living with you before I can carry a viable pregnancy. I've been stable and unmedicated before, but that stability requires consistent sleep, a regular and highly regimented schedule, and consistent vigorous exercise to work." We're nowhere near that, (I fucking put my hands on him during an episode and even my OBGYN said given my medical history its not a question of if I'll get postpartum depression but when,) and he keeps asking me to schedule an appointment to change my birth control to something other than an IUD.
I'm an adult, I can leave my husband alone for 4 hours in complete silence with some effort and some frustration, but A BABY fucking won't, because it can't. It needs your attention every 2 hours to eat or poop or what have you. His kid cannot find something else to do like I can to leave him in silence most of the day unless they're in school (by age 5 and only during the schoolyear) or can drive (by age 16), but definitely not all night at any point between their birth and them moving out (given current economic trends, this wont be economically feasible until our kid is 30). Plus, the kid would occupy our 2nd bedroom in the condo and then I'd have to figure out how to get sleep in my husband's room and (share a bathroom if we go with his insisitence on a 1 bathroom cheaper condo) despite my IBS with TWO human beings, when sharing with one is hard enough.
We agreed to getting me a service animal from a program in Canada I'd been on the waiting list for since 2019, and the animal is available for me to take home this summer. I am going to Canada by myself because my husband doesn't have a passport, but we're meeting in New York to drive home together in a rental car with the animal. My parents understandably think this is an additional stressor since now I'm taking care of not only me and my husband, but also an animal. But I need something to step in and perform tasks to mitigate/alert to psych episodes.
Today he hugged me and told me he loved me and was so glad he "married [me]" because I "enhance [his] life every moment," but it feels like lip service when he won't move the computer or implement any of the possible solutions we came up with above. I wish I could say the same. I feel like my life is actually worse since I moved in. I'm contemplating quitting the new job, going back to my old one, and living with my parents until he can get his shit together enough that I can actually sleep and use the bathroom like a normal person.
I can't live with him like this, or one of us will get very badly hurt. I start work in two weeks, and need to be at work by 7am every day, so I cannot be stable enoigh to keep a job if I'm having psych episodes because I'm going to bed after midnight whenever he's feeling kind enough to remember me and unlock the bedroom door. I need two weeks to reset my sleep schedule. He says he understands after I scared him when I put my hands on him, and after each and every sleep-deprivation induced meltdown, but I feel like he really doesn't because none of his behavior has changed.
You are welcome to reblog to give an in-depth response if it doesn't fit in replies or DM me if you want it to be private. I'm desperate for help. He's not a bad guy. Everyone says that it's very apparent he loves me. He's my best friend, and I love him, but my health, sanity, and, in turn, our marriage are at stake if this doesn't get solved and soon.
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smartass-hoot · 5 months
MY AWESOME GIRLBOSS POGSLAY BROEST OF BROS, THE DAFFODUDE TO MY BROSES, THE BROMEO TO MY BRUHLIET!! i wanna know: jasmine tea, caramel macchiato, earl grey, and sparkling water :3
EYYYY IT'S MY BROULMATE, THE NOYA TO MY TANAKA 😤 mwah i love you bro you the bestest 🩷🩵 (link to the OG ask)
jasmine tea: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
oh man, i've always wanted to go to italy bc i love their food so damn much askjdnsdkfjk. i enjoy architecture and views and all too but my primary focus whenever i travel is trying to experience the culture of the place AND WHAT BETTER WAY TO DO IT THAN FOOD?? i've been obsessed with pasta from when i was a smol bean so i'd love to go there and taste all sorts of pasta and have fun with the locals (i think we'd get along 'cause our cultures are pretty similar).
caramel machhiato: You’re travelling the entire world but you can only take one person with you. Who do you take?
this is so hard 😭 i'd normally say family but since this is only one person, i'll have to choose a friend (my fam won't enjoy shit unless we're all together lmao). honestly i'd probably take my irl friend Art 'cause she's also a foodie like me and she enjoys taking long scenic walks to properly appreciate the places we're visiting. she also enjoys the same kinds of adventures that i do, and since our vibes match so much whenever we go out, i feel like we'd have the time of our lives even if it was just the both of us travelling the world askjdnskfjnkj
earl grey: The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action?
holy shit okay,,, so i actually have a whole procedure planned out for this + scoping out locations and route maps irl and learning how to hotwire a bus (ofc i only think about this a normal amount what are you talking about haha).
there's this huuuge supermarket that's located in the middle of nowhere so fewer zombies, so that would be the first place i hit to grab all the non-expiring canned food + high calorie stuff and a gas stove. and then since there's a bus parking space nearby i'd go there to steal one. buses are obviously the most safe option where i live because you can keep all your friends with you + luggage space + less damage when ramming into something. and then i'd go to this one statue place that's in the middle of a hugeass lake, and swim my way there since i'm assuming zombies won't be able to cover that big of a distance nor hear us from so afar. yada yada you get the gist of things lmao ksdjfnksjdf
anyways, i'd probably try to outlast the zombies without direct interaction, but if i run outta supplies or it seems like i'm going to get bitten or if it just gets too much, i'd probably try to take out as many zombies as possible with me lmao.
sparkling water: Describe what qualities you look for in a person
ooooh!!! i think i'm pretty flexible with the kind of people i like spending time with but some things i'd definitely prefer is someone who has a sense of humour (i laugh at everything and i love cracking jokes so this person should ideally enjoy the same haha), someone who is passionate and driven (it could be about anything in the world literally, i just love being able to support people's interests), someone who is kind (and i don't mean a goody two shoes, just someone with basic empathy and compassion), and someone who shares at least a couple of interests with me (could be animanga, reading, music, adventure, etc because i really love doing things together with people and just gushing for hours nonstop about some random thing).
anyways thanks for the ask bro, loved answering these 😤
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omishu · 2 years
1, 4, 11, 19 (I’m 90% sure you would, so WHAT would you paint them?), 24, 33, 43, 46, 48
So many questions and I don't remember what they were! Lol had to go back and look up the ask meme.
1. Who is/are [my] comfort characters?
Probably Luffy from One Piece. I have so many fond memories of my connection to him as I grew up with the series, same for Sakura from Card Captor.
4. Which cryptyd being do [I] believe in?
Tbh I believe in a lot of supernatural/mythological/fairytale creatures, but I don't think they exist in all the same ways that people usually imagine them.
11. Favorite extracurricular activity?
Probably hiking. I just really enjoy spending time in nature, but I don't do it nearly as much as I'd like (thanks, depression).
19. imagine we're at a sleepover, would [I] paint [your] nails?
Hell yeah! People keep buying me nail polish but I never use it on myself. I love giving makeovers though. It's the cosplayer in me. I've done some fun designs on people's nails before. For you, I'd probably do a cat theme with different little kitties in neutral colors on each nail. I just think that'd be fun to have and might make you smile to look down at your hands and see. (ofc Napoleon and Lewis would make appearances)
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
I think we might each have a cup of warm cider and do plein air sketches of the sky or smth. And of course we'd talk about life and comfort each other and maybe laugh together. Maybe show each other recent pictures of interesting things we've done or seen recently. Just vibing.
33. the last adventure [I]'ve been on?
Well, my mom has been trying to drag me out of the house occasionally because y'know (depression). But recently we went out to this farm and stopped at every art gallery along the way. When we were on a main highway type back road (oxymoronic, I know), it was around lunch time and I saw a sign for a cafe detour. We pulled off and drove for a while through basically nothing and found a random tiny town. Little Washington has this fancy-ass inn that's like a 5-star hotel with a michelin star restaurant. The whole area is basically built up around this inn and has a bunch of art galleries and other little fun up-scale shops. It was so weird to find out in the middle of nowhere, and we'd never heard of it. But it was a pretty cool little place, even though it was kind of a ghost town when we were there.
43. what's [my] take on spicy foods? Hell yeah, BB!! I love 'em. One time when I was at a concert in high-school, a couple of my Korean friends made me some spicy ramen. Since then nothing really seems that spicy. But I love to get hot hot hot curry and wings. Now I'm craving spicy food, yummy.
46. Favorite holiday film?
Hm well we both know I love Klaus if we're talking about winter holidays. I feel like there are probably others that I like to watch every year, but I just love Klaus sm.
48. when did [I] first try an alcohol beverage?
I had a really awkward golden birthday (I turned 21 on the 21st) celebration, definitely one of the most disappointing and underwhelming. And I had never tried alcohol before I turned 21. My sister and I went to a winery for tastings, so I think that was probably my first wine. My first beer I split with a friend from my Japan-America cultural exchange group at a fancy sushi place after an obon matsuri at a local Buddhist temple, and I still haven't had a beer better than that one.
I think that's all of them! Hopefully these satiate your curiosity, my dear xoxo
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godshideouscreation · 2 years
Sorry this secret is long, every time I try to rewrite it this happens, dont feel obligated to post this I just keep seeing your tag and this is the biggest albatross around my neck no contest, so... *deep inhale*
I had a really rough falling out with a long time online friend. It was a few years ago at this point but it hit me really hard. In retrospect it was a pretty toxic friendship, I loved them to pieces, and they only Sometimes reciprocated when it was convenient for them, and whenever it wasnt they spoke as if I meant nothing to them and always recontextualized our whole history. I kick myself for ignoring all their red flags.
The final straw was the last time we tried to hang out in-person. It was the 2nd time I was visiting, last time was fun so I was excited. I had been talking with them and their partner and we were gonna hook up and it was all chill, but at Some Point in the months before my visit something changed their mind and they just...didnt tell me. I still have no idea why, after Years of plantonic friendship and honestly not even That much sexual stuff (we'd go months and months with no nsfw talk or pics or anything it was fine that was obviously Not why I was friends with them) and suddenly they accuse me of being some kinda sex pest. The kicker: I Was in-fact able to correctly read the room and didnt attempt to have sex with either of them, but I didnt read it well enough.
When I got to their place I immediately felt the vibes, and knew I wasnt gonna be up to anything. But like Oh Well I just wanted a chill weekend with my bestie. They never brought Anything up with me so I said to myself "maybe that other local friend they were complaining about recently pissed them off and theyre stressed out, im sure if it was something serious they'd tell me." I Should Not Have Been Sure Of This.
So while I knew they didnt want to fuck, I had no idea they didnt want Any kind of affection or platonic touch from me anymore, and it wasnt until A Week After I Left I DM'd them asking why they were being so cold and distant wit me and they Finally told me how uncomfortable I apparently made them and their partner the whole weekend. They went the Whole Weekend pretending they were having a grand ol' time and could have absolutely at ANY point tell me "Hey actually Im not feeling super touchey right now" and like Boom Problem Solved We Are All Adults Please Communicate With Me.
Again, why after Years of open honesty and communication from me they suddenly accused me of only wanting sex from them and of doing predatory shit to them and their partner when they made No attempt to re-establish their new boundaries with me before or during my trip.
Honestly in that moment I was too emotional and freaked out to have a very healthy conversation with them. It was a long ugly back and forth but I was finally like I cant do this. We cant be friends. And we parted on Supposedly Amicable terms cuz like weve both had friend-break-ups before lets see how we feel down the road, but like the closeness is Gone for sure.
Even Then they still werent being honest. I actually blocked them on social media for a while just to cool my head and not have to see them. But when I tried to follow them again THATS when them and all their closest friends blocked me which was very ???? to me. Smash-cut to last year I had a friend DM me, Thankfully after I had already left twitter cuz fuck twitter (i am sadly back on twitter 😒...), saying my now ex-friend was painting the whole ordeal as an attempted sexual assault or whatever. When I wasnt even trying to fuck that whole time!!
They have a lot of trauma in their past that isnt mine to share, and I Dont so I always deferred to them on it, trusted they werent abusing that victimization to escape their responsibility as an adult to be more communicative with me, but I have other people in my life with similar pasts who assured me later "No, thats no excuse, they cant blame everyone else on their own social problems, fuck that." I spent a whole year losing sleep over the ordeal. WAS it my fault? Was SOME of it my fault? Was NONE of it my fault? Was it Anyone's fault??? I'll probably never have a satisfying answer.
But since then Ive transitioned and dont even look the same or go by the same name, but still have some friends we shared and hang out in a couple online social circles where I hear about their partner sometimes who lied to me even harder than they did about still being cool with me when they absolutely were not (when I told them they never said they didnt want to have sex, they brought up when they told me they were on their period and THAT was supposed to be my only hint, even tho they pretended to be really broken up about it as-if we'd have fucked otherwise????? Childish, anyway). Im always slightly paranoid they'll stumble upon me and realize who I am and try to force me into hiding or whatever when I've done literally nothing to them since they blocked me. Because apparently their version of what happened only got worse since then, so clearly they hold a grudge, and Im just some random trans bitch online minding my own business.
Normally I'd write it off as paranoia, but as you can tell just from this one example, and there Are other stories, any time I wrote off a hyper specific fear of them not telling me something as just paranoia and would eventually confront them about it, itNever was and they would always make my fears be true. They Always prove me right. They really fucked with my head...
Again, sorry for the length, it all just comes falling out of me when I try to be brief about it all.
It's okay! I really hope that venting about stuff has given you some slight piece of mind. I've met a lot of people online over the years and to keep it short, I'll just say that not all of them are what they seem. A lot of my friendships were really fucking one sided. They weren't genuine, people lied to me and used me for whatever. It definitely sucks when people hold grudges or make up lies about you, I've been in that boat before too. But the people who know you, know that you're not that kind of person. You have to have faith in the people around you.. Idk people present this persona online but like, we're all different from how we present ourselves online. It's weird to be friends with grown ass adult people who don't know how to honestly and openly communicate though. Some people legitimately do not have those skills. And I hope that you get to keep your peace now that you're not talking to those people anymore. Hopefully they won't recognize you since transition and if they do, they just stfu and leave you alone! You know your truth & all you can do is live with it. Know that you're better off without those people. Don't be sorry and you can always come in my ask box to vent! Sometimes we don't get closure on a subject and the best thing we can do is give ourselves the closure of not thinking about it or worrying about it anymore. I know it's easier said than done though 😅
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Saw this making the rounds on my dashboard and wanted to add to the chain!
1. Are you named after anyone? Yes, actually. My mom was a very big fan of Jimmy Buffett in the 90s (and still is but it's not a daily occurrence anymore lol) so I'm actually named after his daughter, Savannah. Funny tidbit to mention when people ask if I'm named for the city in Georgia. 😅
2. When was the last time you cried? Oh, girl... I cry all the time. My brain has a hard time tracking emotions over time so I just kind of feel everything very intensely in the moment. I have to use journals to track my emotions over time, but I'm just a fairly sensitive person in general thanks to my upbringing. It is what it is, and I deal with it. I'm just glad I let it out frequently instead of bottling it up like I used to!
3. Do you use sarcasm? Ehhh.... sometimes, maybe? Depends on your definition of sarcasm. I have a hard time figuring out when people are joking with me though, especially at work.
4. What's the first thing you notice about people? Usually their personality to be honest. I had a really hard time making friends as a kid so I pretty much get along with someone right away, or we aren't ever friends. (Not to say that I'm ever outright rude to people, of course.) I guess that's just ADHD to ADHD communication? For example, I had a new coworker start in mid September and I just immediately knew we'd be friends outside of work eventually. Now we go on hikes and hang out! Idk how else to describe the feeling.
5. What's your eye color? Hazel - which is annoying because most people assume I'm full of shit until I'm in good light. 🤣 any other lighting and the green doesn't show through.
6. Scary movie or happy ending? I love creepy-scary vibes but actually watching or playing a scary movie or game is too much for me. I don't enjoy being scared. Happy endings for me!
7. Any special talents? I'm quite good at art when given proper direction. I'm thinking of taking some non credit classes at my local community college to really push me back into my old hobby in a way that isn't just drawing my little OCs on blank backgrounds. I have painted a few things this year, though, like a portrait of my cat, and a flower pot. I really need to get back into it. I'd say my stronger skill at the moment is making exceptional coffee! I love my job and enjoy brewing at home as well.
8. Where were you born? Maryland. (Mid Atlantic US) I still live in MD, but I made the jump from the teeny tiny town I grew up in, to Baltimore. I love the city, and this state. It's little, but we have the ocean, the famous Chesapeake Bay, Assateague Island, and a bit of the Appalachians. When you get past the terrible traffic, there's so much to do here.
9. What are your hobbies? Doodling, playing older video games, hiking/camping, and learning as much as I can about coffee.
10. Do you have any pets? This is such a complex answer for me. I have two cats currently living with my partner and I in our home. Our lease wouldn't allow us to bring my snakes, so my mother is currently caring for my two ball pythons. I hope to have a whole room for them one day when I get a home! My mom also still has one of my childhood dogs, Chance, who is 13, and struggling with dementia and arthritis. He comes to visit me sometimes. :) I miss that big old dopey dog.
11. What sports do you play/have you played? I was actually involved in competitive cheerleading growing up. I remember it fondly, even if I wasn't ever very flexible and kept losing my backhand spring no matter how many times I learned. I had the best jump on my team, though! Unfortunately, I do have permanent damage to my knees and shoulders from it. The knee pain in particular has kept me off the hiking trails for the last year. :(
12. How tall are you? VERY short! I'm 5'2 (even shorter than gillian anderson lol) which is hilarious because my partner is a solid foot taller than me!!
13. What was your favorite subject in school? Growing up, my favorite subject was definitely band class. I can remember every song we played in my 8th grade year. I still miss Mrs. Ewing! She was an incredible teacher and our simple middle school band was actually well known in the area for being better than most high school bands! I also adored Latin class and I'm even friends with my old magistra on facebook 😅 she had a tumblr back in 2015 when I had her class so maybe she's still bouncing around on here somewhere. She made a point to never tell us her username lol
14. Dream job? This has actually changed a lot recently. Now that I've been a barista for 2 years, I've really developed a passion for making coffee. I'm signed up for some business classes at my local community college next month and have ideas for my own coffee roasting business one day. I'm envisioning a shop named for my cat, Oliver. ❤️ Coffee tastes good, and I love the connections you can make with people through it. Idk, it just makes me really happy to see customers enjoy my coffee while catching up with an old friend, or sitting on their laptop doing work all day in the shop while I'm also working. Food service really isn't all bad when you have a great crew.
Thanks for reading all of that! If you see this and you're my mutual (or not) consider yourself tagged and free to copy this.
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Ok, I wanna jump on the rose questions train! If you could write/will into existence one episode with Rose in it as a centric character, what would you want? Something you always wanted to see but didn’t, a specific time/location, meeting another character, anything!
(And I know I italicized one, but you are actually allowed to give me multiple answers, because I want to hear them)
ahhhhh, sunny!!! tysm! this was fun to think about for approximately one nanosecond before my silly little jane austen-loving heart asserted itself and absolutely insisted we send rose back to the regency era. this is primarily bc i want to see her in the pretty gowns, completely scandalizing the locals when she runs around holding the doctor's hand with no regard for propriety, yes, but also i think there's something interesting to be done there.
one of the things i wish we'd gotten in the show was more of rose's backstory, specifically relating to her experiences with jimmy, and i think helping a woman escape from a potentally dangerous relationship could be a good way of doing that. i think the whole episode could be spent with rose sort of insisting that there's something off about this guy—he must be an alien in disguise or something—and so she'd go to balls and investigate, she'd go walking and calling with her new friend to get news from around town about him, she'd plot with the doctor about getting the girl out of this engagement before it's too late... and all the while, he'd be wondering why this means so much to rose. why she's so suspicious.
he'd call her on it, but she'd resist his assertions at every turn. there must be something up with this guy.
of course, i don't think the man would ultimately be an alien. he'd just be a run-of-the-mill, average crappy person, they'd get definitive proof. all of rose's suspicions were just a way of explaining why he was so terrible, because that's what she wants for her own life: she wants a reason why she fell for jimmy and why it took her so long to realize he was a jerk and why it took her so long to get out and why it was so hard for her to do it, even though she knew getting out was the right option.
but there is no otherworldly explanation; sometimes, people are just awful and making a choice is just... really, really hard.
and sometimes, you just have to help others in less grand, cosmic ways. the domestic approach. the human way.
so, she and the doctor arrange to help this girl run away, she's saved from this dreadful marriage while also getting to live a different life, more like the one she'd been dreaming of. and rose comes to terms with her own desire to explain things away with alien threats. she opens up to the doctor about her relationship experiences a little more, and he narrowly avoids going back in time to break both of jimmy stone's thumbs. also, they dance at a ball.
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donnerpartyofone · 2 years
I'm watching this movie about a girl who gets plucked from small town obscurity to become a vaudeville star, and I'm suddenly reminded of my "best friend" in junior high. She was the horniest person I've ever met in my life; she was actually kind of repulsive physically, but she projected this powerful self-concept of being extremely erotic, it was like her whole identity. Probably a lot of my teenage low self-esteem came from having this girl's voice in my ear constantly explaining how unattractive I was, as a way of demonstrating her personal encyclopedic knowledge of what was and was not sexy. Anyway, we always used to audition for the local college plays whenever they had younger roles, and I remember having this argument with her about whether we should try out for A Chorus Line. Even if we'd been old enough, neither of us had any dance experience--but every time I brought this up, my evil friend would yelp, "I can LEARN!," sounding just like Nomi Malone. She was totally convinced that she would just radiate so much natural potential that they'd cast her ahead of people with actual ability. While I was thinking of this, it occurred to me that she always said she was a really great dancer--it was part of her whole erotic identity--but actually, I never saw any evidence that this was true. I was even in this crummy little "movement" class with her one summer, and she was just as clumsy and boring in it as I was, but she managed to build up the idea that dance was a part of her soul just by saying it all the time. It's pretty hilarious, when I think about it. She probably STILL thinks she's a really great dancer.
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Pairing | Chris wood x reader
Warnings | smut, vaginal sex, unprotected sex
Word count | 1513
Summary | you’re the chef at a restaurant that the TVD cast go to and Chris gives you a big thank you
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"Hey, um, excuse me?" Ian called to the nearest waitor, smiling at him as he walked over.
"How can I help you?" The man replied and Ian smiled.
"We'd like to know who the chef was - my friend here would like to thank them for the amazing food." Ian suggested, sending Chris a little wink.
"Certainly, she's just finished her shift actually - I could ask her to wait out back for you?" The waitor recommended.
"Thank you so much, that would be perfect." Ian smiled, the waitor on his way. Paul nudged Chris in the ribs playfully, Ian sending him another wink.
"C'mon dude, we've been eating here for the last week so you could finally meet her - Now's your chance!" Paul assures him, both the boys laughing at Chris' red cheeks and shy expression.
"I'm not a confident as you guys, and what if she finds me weird or creepy? Do I tell her I've been eating her food for a week just so I can talk to her? Do I pretend I've never seen her before?" Chris ranted, suddenly extremely nervous.
"You'll be fine." Matt chimed in, giving Chris a reassuring pat on the back.
"Just remember to stay calm." Ian reminded and Chris let out a heavy sigh.
"And to charm her - use that Chris Wood seductivity that reeled me in." Paul wink and the table erupted into laughters. Chris decided to take his shot, standing quickly and bidding his friends fare well before he headed out to the back of the restaurant.
When he reached the small, empty alleyway behind the daunting building, his eyes landed on you.
You were leant against the old brick wall, just next to the back door to the building, fiddling with the sleeve of your leather jacket.
"Hey?" Chris asked tentatively and you looked up, a smile gracing your soft lips.
"You must be my secret admirer." You smirked and a flush of heat brushed over Chris' cheeks.
"You've noticed?" He asked sheepishly and you chuckled lightly. It was a calming sound, one that went straight to Chris' pants.
"Oh honey, my colleagues have seen you hanging around here all week. Always when I'm on shift. News travels fast in a independent local restaurant like this." You informed and Chris looked down at his shoes, a smile dancing on his lips.
"I'm sorry. I never meant to be creepy. It's just-" he took a pause, "I saw you this one time - at a book store just down the road."
"Rose and Cover?" You confirmed and he chuckled, giving a small nod.
"That's the one." He smiled. "And you look so...peaceful, nose stuck into a book, hair forming a curtain around your face - god I wanted to talk to you, but I was a wimp." He admitted and you giggled softly. "So then I told my friend - Ian - about you and he said he knew you worked in this little food place because he ate there a lot and often saw you leaving/arriving to you shift and I knew I had to talk to you." Chris said, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"And now you have?" You asked and he let out a small laugh.
"And now I have, I only want to know you more." Chris says, walking closer to you until he was stood right in front of you - foreheads touching.
"And you will." You muttered, eyes flickering between his and his lips - his soft, plump pink lips - that were just begging you to kiss them. "If you don't kiss me in the next three second I'm going to scream." You murmured and he breathed a laugh through his nose before his lips crashed to yours in a lustful, earth-shattering kiss. Chris's hands travelled up your sides, squeezing your waist before going higher until one wrapped around your neck possessively and the other braces against the red brick wall behind you.
Your moan let him know it was exactly what you wanted and Chris tightened his grip slightly on your neck, a gentle squeeze to test the waters that had you groaning against his lips. When his lips left yours, they trailed down your neck, leaving sloppy, wet kisses over your throat and your collar bone. His hands found their way under your jacket, pushing it off you shoulders and feeling under your loose shirt - hands warm against you cool skin making you shudder and sink into him further.
Your hands were wrapped around his neck by now, fingers tangling into his brown hair as his lips never left your skin.
"Fuck, Chris, please." You begged, but you weren't really sure what you were asking for.
"You want me to fuck you?" He whispered in your ear, a moan slipping past your lips. "You want me to fuck you in a back alley like a whore?" He husked and your moaned even louder - knowing the word should offend you but it did anything but, the combined sensation of his hot breath fanning over your cheeks and his hands resting on your bare sides overwhelming your senses. His hands moved up, tugging your shirt with him and discarding it on the floor before his fingers were fumbling with you jeans, popping the buttons open and dragging the zipper down the track.
His hands moved to cup your ass as you pulled Chris's shirt off, hands desperately trying to undo his belt buckle but miserably failing in the rush you were in. He chuckled, nose buried in your hair as you finally got his buckle undone, pushing his jeans and boxers down his legs just enough to free his length.
You both let out a moan when your small hand wrapped around Chris' cock, Chris shivering slightly at the coldness of you palm. All of a sudden he picked you up, a squeal from your lips quickly cut off when he kissed you again, hard. He slammed you back into the wall again, hand braced against the bricks as the other hastily pushed your panties aside, a groan escaping his lips at how wet you'd become.
You gasped as his thumb flitted over your clit, hips bucking against him as his fingers trailing through your wetness before he brought them up to his lips and licked them clean.
"Shit, you taste good." He moaned, hand wrapped around himself as he lined himself up with your core. Chris leant in, pecking your lips. "Ready?" He mumbled and you moaned his name, letting out a loud moan when he sheathed himself inside of you in one sharp thrust.
"Fuck, Chris!" You moaned and he quickly clamped a hand over your mouth, blue eyes now turned black as he looked into yours.
"Gotta keep quiet, pretty girl." He whispered, fore head resting against your as he begun to thrust. Your hands clung to his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin only spurring Chris on as his pace became slow but strong, knocking the air out of your lungs with every thrust. His breath was hot on your cheeks, eyes keeping yours prisoner and a small layer of sweat coated your faces.
The whole scene was very erotic, so it only pushed your further to the edge when he began moaning and groaning, your own sounds muffled against his hot palm.
"Good girl." He moaned, the praise sending a new wave of wetness tumbling down to your core, his cock pushing in and out of you effortlessly now with how much lubrication you were supplying. Chris hand moved from the wall, fingers tapping against your clit as his speed picked up to punishing very quickly. "This pussy's gonna make me cum so hard, sweetheart, so fuckin' hard." He mumbled into the skin of your neck, dropping his head to nip and suck at your jaw line.
You knew there'd be marks there tomorrow, but you couldn't care less in that moment as your walls began to clamp down on his in a vice grip.
"C'mon, cum for me. I can feel how close you are." Chris moaned and your screamed against his hand, his pace picking up as he tried to push you to your release.
When you came it was a mind-shattering orgasm, eyes rolling back and hips bucking, stomach tight and legs shaking around his waist.
"There we go, good girl." Chris groaned, chasing his own release now as he used you for his own pleasure. "Shit, y/n." He moaned, stilling his hips as a final thrust sent him over the edge, cumming in you in hot spurts.
His hand left you mouth slowly. Heavy breaths were shared as you both came down from your highs, panting all that could be heard in that small alleyway.
"Feel like coming again?" You whispered and you both laughed.
"Someone has to pay compliments to the chef."
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dourpeep · 3 years
I just wanted to know if you had any wholesome moments with your crush~~?
I had a lot of it when i used to have crush on this dude for like… 4 years, we did badminton together because he wanted to play with me for some reason and my (ex)bestie who was playing with me that time saw him and just went “ OH well i’ve gotta go my mom’s calling me~ “ and she proceeded to give the racket to him and ran, i was panicking inside because she just left me alone with that dude.
she actually left the school after that and i had to message her when i arrived home “ WHY’D U LEAVE ALREADY U DIDNT TELL ME “
It was after school, i was just waiting for my relative who is a teacher to finish up with what she’s doing, so i had a time to play around for an hour —
so when we finally played, he kept teasing me the whole time, i was NOT good at playing badminton, so he uses that opportunity to tease me for missing JSJSJ i was embarrassed as hell but, i enjoyed our time together :DD it was really fun~
i did say i had a lot of moments with him but this was my favorite one (//∇//) i can’t still move on from it.
Wait omggg that's cute qoq
Gotta give it to your exbestie--at that time she def was helping you out ehehe
Young love is so sweet--or well, love in general nodnod I shouldn't assume age. Though unless young love refers to love in it's early stages? Ahhh either way--
That's good that you have such a memorable moment! Our relationships, regardless of their strength, are important to our experiences. It's an extra lovely treat when they're with someone so special, though!
I think for me, a memorable moment was not tooo long ago. Though it was with a friend and not a crush if that's okay--it's sweet either way-
Or perhaps it's been longer than I remember ehe
But I spent the better part of a whole day just hanging out at my friend's house so that he could introduce me to his pets and so we can go a local shopping district/farmer's market that's within walking distance from his house.
We ended up waiting a while though, just sitting and watching tv due to rain, binging this one new series at the time and laying half on the bed and half hanging off because--hey why not?
There's always been a mutual attraction, I guess, so things tend to get a little awkward--you know, accidentally brushing hands, eye contact just a bit longer than you intend--and before we knew it, the rain stopped and we were able to head out.
It wasn't until we got to the district that we realized...it was pretty much a date hahahaha
We stopped at a cafe in the area, sat down and drank tea at a table that's just small enough that if we had our hands on it at the same time they'd be close to brushing and at one point we'd taken sips of each other's drinks (he offered his cup to me so I could try it because it was really yummy, so I offered the same).
Then we went to the bookstore just a little bit further away-
We ended up picking books for each other to read but also spent maybe a good hour and a half just sitting in one of the aisles and reading side to side.
But yeah--it was really nice! And it's still embarrassing to think that we basically decided on a date without even realizing it. I kinda hope that we get to do it again, though, because that was actually my first real date aha
///so embarrassing though OTL OTL
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Mach-Na was, indeed, tapped for gossip... and for patience. So Ruin and I tried a few other places, eventually bringing us to Borba gra-Uzgash's shop. We asked her about any juicy tips. Borba: "Adventurers love to investigate Daedric Shrines, and there just happens to be a shrine to Azura that lies in the Jerall Mountains, far to the north, toward the Skyrim border." Trials: "Oh, we'd heard about that one. I'm still uncertain about investigating that, but Ruin and I are planning a trip up there in the next few days." Borba: "How about the Shrine of Boethia? That one is high in the Valus Mountains Southeast of Cheydinhal. Any plans to investigate there." Trials: "That one I haven't heard of. So, what's the cult that worships there like?" Borba: "I don't know too much about the actual cultists. I can tell you about Boethia, however; the god of deceit, conspiracy, treachery, and sedition." Trials: Sardonically. "He sounds like such a charmer." Borba: "They're also the god of overthrowing the ruling class." Trials: "..." My eyes lit up. "Why didn't you just lead with that?" Well, that certainly piqued my interest. When Ruin and I head out to the Azura Shrine, we might pay the Boethia one a visit, too.
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But it was time at last to chat with Burz gro-Khash, head of the local Fighters Guild chapter. To think, I used to whine and moan about doing jobs for this guild, risking my neck for my coin and such. Then I got an honest job and discovered honest work pays crap, and is boring as all heck, to boot. So, here I am, doing the dangerous work again in spite of all my griping. ...not that a plan to stop griping, especially when I see something utterly stupid. Burz: "You here looking for work, meat?" Trials: I furrowed my brow at him. "How dare you! I am not a hunk of beef! You are singling me out for harassment, sir!" Burz: "...pretty sure that everyone in the world is made of meat, meat." Trials: "Oh. Well, as long as you're not just picking on me." Burz: "Ugh, lemmie get you a job and out of my face before you get Fighters Guild HR on my green ass. "We need a weapons shipment delivered to Desolate Mine. That's your job." Trials: "Do I look like a delivery-girl??" Burz: "Yes! I saw you deliver a package a few days ago!" Trials: "Oh... well, very astute of you." Burz: He sighed and rolled his good eye. "Just pick up the weapons and get out of my face, meat!"
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It was a long hike north of Cheydinhal before Ruin and I arrived at Desolate Mine. Just outside the entrance, a pair of ornery scorpions blocked the way. Kind of irresponsible of the Fighters Guild operatives to leave these scorpions here. No wonder they had problems receiving deliveries here; remote location and nasty neighbors. Once inside the cave, we found the three FG agents standing around a campfire. It looked like the Redguard woman was in charge here, so I approached her with my clipboard. Trials: "Got a weapons shipment here for a 'Rienna'. Sign and initial." Rienna: She tool my clipboard and checked off all the dotted lines she had to sign. "Great. And you'll be sticking around to back us up, right?" Trials: "Sure, but Burz better be ready to pay extra for not telling me I would be backing you up. "By the way, you know you guys left two scorpions outside guarding the entrance? Doesn't exactly make me feel welcome that I had to wade through that to get in here." Rienna: "You were bringing our weapons. What were we supposed to slay them with? Our good looks?" Trials: "How did you get past them, then?" Rienna: "We told them bad jokes until they turned away in disgust, then snuck past them." Elidor: "How is your wife?" Brag gro-Bharg: "She's in bed with laryngitis." Elidor: "Oh, is that Argonian bastard back in town again?" They stood with their arms out, raising Jazz-Hands. Trials: "Huh... yeah, I can see how that would work." Rienna: She plucked the bow and arrows from the weapons package. "I'll take these. Pass the other two to my cohorts." Trials: "Alright, who wants what?" Elidor: "I long to sink a blade into some goblin flesh." Trials: "Eww, you say that like you should be on some kind watch-list." Brag gro-Bharg: "I'm looking forward to bashing some skulls in." Trials: "...hmm, you sound like you belong on a different watch-list."
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I offered the sword to the High-Elf, Elidor, and the hammer to the Orc, Brag gro-Bharg. Now that they were all armed, I spoke to Rienna. Trials: "Alright, what's our game-plan going in?" Rienna: "Well, these goblins have been giving the workers a lot of trouble in the past." Trials: "Is this place important, or can we just skip this job?" Rienna: "Well, the gold from this mine supplies all of Nibenay. Chapel healers need it to have more Magicka." Trials: I rolled my eyes. "By the Hist... okay, here's what we'll do; I'll run in first, and wave my big, legendary sword around, and that should scare the goblins and scatter them, so we don't have to fight a bunch at once. "They'll get over that eventually, so then Ruin, you'll run in and wave your big Daedric sword around, and that should scatter them again. That'll keep the heat off of us, but we'll have to take 'em down quick before they regroup." Ruin: "I appreciate your planning, my friend. Doubly so because it's a plan that doesn't require skooma. What do you think, Rienna?" Rienna: "I crunched the numbers and calculated at least a thirty-three-point-three percent chance of success." Trials: "..." I furrowed my brow. "That's... actually really bad. I prefer plans where I don't have more than half a chance of dying." Ruin: "Again, skooma." Trials: "Oh, hush-up, you!" Rienna: "Trust me, it's better than we usually do." Trials: "Alright, then I--" Brag gro-Bharg: "Time's up! Enough talk! LET'S EFFIN' DO THIS!" Elidor: "HOO-HA!" The two run in ahead. Trials: I blinked several times. "Are they always like this?" Ruin, I, and Rienna gave chase after them, our weapons drawn, ready to back the team up. Goblins came at us as we rushed down into the tunnels, but between the five us, none of them were a match. A flurry of blades, hammers, and arrows, and the goblins were cleaved without much trouble. No, the trouble came when we were near the end of the tunnels, when I spied a trap tripwire strewn across the floor. Trials: "Hold up, lemmie just disarm this--" Brag gro-Bharg: "LET'S EFFIN' DO THIS!" Elidor: "HOO-HA!" The duo rush in, and were immediately buried in a dozen or so falling logs tripped by the tripwire. Brag gro-Bharg: "Aaaaahh! Medic!" Elidor: "I need a rez!" Trials: "Gods dammit...!" Brag gro-Bharg: "'Least I have sweet rolls!"
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Aside from that minor mishap, the Desolate Mine job went off without a hitch. The goblins were slain and the mine cleared for work to resume. The working class miner need not fear a hazardous workplace as long as Forged-Through-Trials is on the case! Ruin and I schlepped it back to Cheydinhal and reported back in to Burz gro-Khash. Trials: "Jobs done, boss." Burz: "You got the weapons there, and cleared the mine with no casualties?" Trials: "Aside from some goofs stubbing their toes on some logs, everything went fine." Burz: "Better than I expected from you." Trials: I blinked. "I...!" I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Just take the compliment." Burz: "And the gold!" He offered me a sack of coins for my trouble. "And a promotion! Due to your performance, I name you Journeyman of the Fighters Guild." Trials: "Weren't you just whinging about how I'm only 'good enough'?" Burz: "I do that a lot. I'm a hard-ass; it's my whole personality." Trials: "Jeez, get a hobby." Burz: "Anyway, head over to Chorrol next. The Guild Master, Vilena Donton, has a job for you." Well, Donton will have to wait. I don't plan on going to Chorrol anytime soon. I have some work left in Cheydinhal, and my next stop after that's done will probably be the Imperial City.
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katedrakeohd · 5 years
#Wacky Drabbles
Prompt #4 we need to identify the source of the problem
For @emceesynonymroll and my fellow:
Wacky Drabblers: @jessiembruno @brightpinkpeppercorn @jovialyouthmusic @sirbeepsalot @bobasheebaby @burnsoslow
Rated: PG for swearing
Word count: approx 3000
Dinner Discourse
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Drake sits at the kitchen table watching Kate help her mother prepare dinner. He can't help but notice how much Kate and Lorraine look alike in their matching aprons. Although Lorraine’s hair is shorter and contains more grey, it's similar in color to Kate’s, and they're close to being the same height. While Kate chops ingredients for salad, her mother is stirring a pot of sauce on the stove. As they chat quietly at the counter, Lorraine periodically scolds Kate for talking with her hands while she's holding a knife.
Lorraine glances over her shoulder at Drake when he starts chuckling, “I didn't know that preparing food was a spectator sport. Or that it was so entertaining.”
Drake grins back, “I like to watch Kate work in the kitchen. It's such a rare thing to see these days. Besides if you think she looks dangerous talking with a knife in her hand you should have seen her cut our wedding cake with a sword!”
Kate shoots a glare at Drake for mentioning the wedding that her Mom wasn't even invited to. When her Mom's mouth drops open in shock, Kate gestures toward her with the knife in her hand and gives him a disapproving look. Seriously? He shrugs back at her and mouths sorry.
Lorraine admonishes Kate for her reckless behavior, “Seriously? Isn't using a sword a little bit dramatic even if you are a Duchess now?”
Kate pops a slice of cucumber into her mouth before answering. “Well the sword was a wedding gift. At least it was thoroughly cleaned off before the cake cutting. It came in very handy when I was fighting assassins earlier that day.” Kate's amused by her Mom's wide eyed expression when she looks at Drake to confirm what she's just heard.
“Fighting off assassins on your wedding day? You can't be serious.”
Drake gets up from the table and walks over to give Kate a hug from behind and a kiss on the cheek. “Oh we're deadly serious. The two of us were even kidnapped from our wedding reception. Your daughter and I fought off a whole crew of bad guys with the help of our friends. Kate is a total badass.”
Lorraine steps back from the stove, her hand going to her hip as she tries to make sense of what she's hearing. She points her finger at them both. “Oh my God why didn't you tell me any of this? Or that you were in so much danger?” Although the question is directed at Kate, her eyes are glaring at Drake accusingly as if it's his fault her daughter was in harm's way.
Kate leans back into Drake and his arms tighten around her protectively. “Look Mom, it's not like you could have done anything about my situation. I have Drake to protect me, and I have bodyguards and powerful friends who will always have my back. I'm not some quivering flower either. Besides I survived living in New York city by myself long before Drake even met me.”
“All kidding aside Mrs. Darling, I love Kate and I'd never let anything bad happen to her. I've taken a bullet for her, and even won a duel against a trained swordsman in defense of her honor. I assure you she's in good hands.” Drake insists.
Turning back to the stove to tend to the pots and picking up her spoon again, Lorraine shakes her head and sighs. “The fact that you had to put your own life on the line and be so brave to protect my daughter does little to reassure me Drake. As much as I appreciate you being there for her, it's the fact that there are people out there wanting to do her harm that worries me.”
Kate pats Drake on the arm and then he lets her go back to finish making the salad.
“I told you Drake, my Mom's no pushover. You'll have to rope the darn moon to make her happy.”
Lorraine chuckles, “Well I don't know about roping the moon, but he can start by setting the table for dinner.”
Drake nods, “Yes ma'am.” And after being shown where to find everything he goes to work setting the table for four.
Kate steals glances at Drake as he moves from cupboard to table. As she watches him place each item carefully, she can't help but smile. He catches her watching him and winks back with a grin. Lorraine sees Kate blush and look away, shaking her head.
“Geez daughter of mine I haven't seen you blush over a boy since you were in high school. He must really be something.”
Kate grins at her mother, “Oh you have no idea. He's more than just something, he's everything.”
Lorraine laughs, “I used to think the same thing about your Dad, until he ran away with his young Brazilian intern. But look at you going and landing yourself a Duke.”
Kate tosses the vegetables in the bowl with a pair of tongs. “Well ….actually he married a Duchess. He was just a poor homeless shmuck before he met me.”
Drake protests with a laugh, “Hey I wasn't homeless.”
“If I had accepted Nicholas’ proposal I would have so totally kicked you out of the Palace,” Kate teases as she places the salad bowl on the table.
Drake slips an arm around her back, untying her apron strings. “Well then this poor shmuck is lucky you turned him down then. Otherwise taking that bullet to the arm was a total waste of time.”
Lorraine turns around and leans against the counter, her arms crossed. “Oh my goodness you two lead interesting lives don't you? Bullets, assassins, multiple proposals it's like you live in a movie or a novel.”
Kate laughs, “Well actually we do! One of our friends documented the whole thing. I'll have to send you a copy of his book.”
“Well I suppose that's one way to get caught up on what I've been missing. I saw you two on the cover of a magazine at the grocery store, and couldn't believe it. I so wish I could have been at the wedding. It's not everyday that your daughter gets married and becomes a National hero at the same time.”
“Actually to make sure it was extra official we got married twice,” Kate chuckles as Drake wraps her in a hug.
When the oven timer beeps Lorraine grabs her oven mitts and takes the tray of meatballs out of the oven.
“What do you mean twice? Oh never mind, I don't need to know.” Lorraine sighs, turning off the oven.
While Lorraine is busy at the stove, Drake slips his hand behind Kate's apron and places it on her belly. He leans in and whispers into her ear. “Should we tell her?”
Kate tips her head to the side and gives him a kiss. “Sssh, not yet.”
Turning around from the stove, Lorraine unties her own apron and sets it aside. “Ok you love birds, save the smooching and sweet nothings for later. Dinner's ready and as soon as Carol gets home we'll dish up. In the meantime I need to round up the cats and feed them too.”
Kate's eyes light up, “Ooh can I help? I want to meet the kitties.”
She pulls off her apron and tosses it at Drake. “Here hold this for me. Can we trust you all by yourself in the kitchen with all this food?”
Drake's stomach growls. Between all the delicious smells in the kitchen he wasn't so sure he could be trusted. He grins, pulling out his phone. “I make no promises. But I'll try to distract myself by checking in with Mara and giving her a situation report.”
Lorraine frowns at Kate as they exit the kitchen. “Who's Mara?”
Kate reaches out and touches her arm to reassure her, “My bodyguard. She's back in Seattle at the hotel. It was tough to convince her to stay behind today. But I promised her we'd check in regularly, and contact the local authorities if anything bad happened.”
Her mother nods, “Does Drake have a bodyguard too?”
Kate glances over her shoulder back toward the kitchen as they go down the hall, lowering her voice. “He does, but Drake is so used to looking after himself that he rarely sees the need to give him much work outside of Cordonia. He left Preston back in Valtoria with instructions to keep watch over the estate.”
Back in the kitchen, Drake leans against the counter and talks to Mara on the phone. In his other hand is the remainder of his chocolate donut.
“Everything is fine Mara, aside from some delinquent water fowl there hasn't been anything to worry about.”
On the other end of the line Mara sounds agitated and out of breath, evidently she's been pacing the room and waiting for his call. “I don't like it. I should be there to keep an eye on you and Kate. With all the added attention this Royal Heir business has brought upon you both we never know who we can trust.”
With a sigh Drake takes a bite of donut, “Well I'm pretty sure we're safe with Kate's mother. But if it'll make you feel better you can coordinate with the local authorities in Klamath Falls to be on alert in case we need assistance.” Damn what a mother hen she is. Surely this will give her something to do in our absence.
Mara's smile of relief is audible in her voice, “I'll get right on that Your Grace. Oh and at what hour should I expect you and the Duchess back at the hotel tonight?”
Drake chews on his lip hesitantly before answering, “Well considering the length of the drive and that we're just about to sit down for dinner, it's not likely we'll be back tonight.”
“But that's..that's unacceptable and a serious breach of protocol. I insist that you reconsider your decision to stay overnight Your Grace.”
Drake runs his hand through his hair in frustration, “I seriously don't see a problem Mara. There's no foreseeable threat. Just do as I asked and then get some sleep. We'll be back in the morning.”
Before she can protest further he hangs up.
Great. Now she's got me all nervous about being out here in buttfuck nowhere without backup. Thanks a lot.
Out in the backyard in the diminished light of early evening, a fox silently trots toward the poultry pen. Sniffing the air and with his tail held low he discerns no obvious threats. This wasn't his first visit. Poking his snout through the waffled metal fence, he clamps down on the metal wire with his teeth and tugs in an attempt to loosen it from the wooden frame. When it doesn't budge, he paws at the soft ground next to the fence instead and begins to dig a hole.
On the far side of the pen by the gate, Clem is resting with his face tucked under his wing. The sound of scratching jolts him out of his doze and he puffs out his feathers and opens his beak to hiss a warning. The fox stops digging and crouches low to begin wriggling under the fence. With a flap of his wings and a strangled hissing honk, Clem launches himself across the pen to attack the intruder. With gnashing teeth the fox fights back with a yip and a snarl. Clem flaps his wings and beats the fox around the head until he struggles his way back out of the hole. The fox shakes off the dirt from his fur and then sneezes before running away. Clem sees the hole as a new point of escape, ducking his head and attempting to fit under the fence. He only gets halfway through and gets stuck, one wing on either side of the fence. In his panicked state he starts flapping his wings and honking loudly.
In the kitchen the sudden commotion caused Drake to almost choke on the last bite of his donut. What the fuck is Clem up to now?
The headlights of Carol’s Jeep illuminate the front yard as she pulls into the driveway. As she parks next to Drake's rented black Lexus, she can't help but raise her eyebrows. Apparently the Duke and Duchess travel in style.
When she cuts the engine Clem’s loud honking meets her ears. Looking toward the house she's surprised to see a man in a white dress shirt and jeans come out through the screen door carrying a broom.
Well hello there handsome stranger, you must be Drake.
In the glaring flood of her headlights he raises a hand to shield his eyes. Oops sorry.
Shutting off her lights, Carol gets out of the Jeep. “Hi there. You must be Drake.”
Drake smiles, giving a slight nod. “Carol, I assume.”
Stepping forward, Carol sticks out her hand in greeting. Drake wipes his hand on his jeans and then accepts her handshake. Clem continues to honk loudly.
“I see you're armed. Is the darn goose causing problems again?” she laughs.
Drake looks down at the broom in his hand, “It seemed to do the trick earlier, so I figured why not.”
“Well I guess we need to identify the source of the problem then. I'll lead the way.” Carol says, stepping past Drake.
He makes an “after you" gesture with his arm and then falls in behind her. As they come around to the back of the house, the other feathered residents in the chicken coop are also raising a fuss. Carol checks the latch on Clem's pen and sees it still fastened.
“Ok well he didn't get out this way.”
Pointing with the handle of the broom in the dim light Drake says, “Nope, from the looks of things he's found another way. Or at least he tried.”
Clem has stopped struggling and is just laying there wedged and wailing.
“Now what?” Carol wonders.
“Well with his wings out like that he can't really move forward or backward. So we need to get him to fold up a wing and either back up or squeeze the rest of the way through.” Drake offers with a shrug.
“Ok then Sir Broomsalot, which end do you want to tackle? Cuz he's either gonna snap and hiss from the front, or blow shit all over you from the back.” Carol laughs.
“Well he's better off back in his pen than out of it. So I'll tackle him from the front. I have the broom for protection.” Drake says, apprehensively.
“You don't sound so sure about this plan.” Carol says, placing her hand on the top of the gate preparing to get in with Clem.
Drake walks around the enclosure to the opposite side. “Well I'd rather just whack the hell out of him until he pops through, but that's liable to break a wing or maim him in some other way.”
Carol chuckles, “That wouldn't hurt my feelings. But it wouldn't do him any good to die of an infection before we're ready to…you know.”
Drake looks down at the silly goose as he hisses and snaps at him. “Ok here's the plan. I’ll use the broom to deflect his head and neck back toward his body. Then I'll fold in his wing and then shove him back through. Can you grab him by the legs and pull?”
Carol laughs as she gets into the pen, “Ok, it's worth a shot. It wouldn't be the first time the damn bastard has shit on me.”
Drake nods, crouching down with the flat side of the broom as a shield in front of him, “Alrighty then, here goes.”
Clem honks and starts to flap his wings in protest as Drake presses the broom into the side of his face. But with his head and neck turned to the side he stops struggling. Drake braces the broom with his knee and then carefully folds in his wing the best he can. “Ok now pull.”
Sucking in a deep breath, Carol turns her head to the side and then yanks the goose by the legs and whips him off to the side. In a flurry of flapping and feathers, Clem tumbles across the pen and then rights himself again. With a flap of his wings and a shake of his head he seems to be more or less back to normal, save for a few lost feathers.
Drake drops back on his ass on the ground, laughing. Carol scrambles to her feet and gestures for Drake to help her up over the side of the pen. “Hey! Get off yer ass and help me outta here.”
“Oh right.” Drake rolls over and gets up. He sticks the broom down into the pen and Carol steps up on the side of it, and then scrambles over the side with his help.
Glancing around for something to block the hole, she points to a large plant pot nearby. “Can you lift that? Use it to block the hole for tonight?”
Drake frowns, sucking in a breath and then letting it out with a shrug. “Ok sure.”
Carol opens her mouth to offer to help, but then Drake squats and lifts the planter of flowers easily and places it next to the fence.
“Wow, brains and brawn. You're the complete package aren't you.” Carol chuckles.
“He sure is,” a voice says from behind them.
Carol and Drake turn to see Kate coming out of the backdoor. “Uh Carol, this is my wife Kate.” Drake says with a grin, wiping his hands on his jeans.
“Oh my goodness if you're not the spitting image of your mother!” Carol exclaims happily.
Kate nods and laughs, “Thanks, now if you two are done playing duck-duck-goose, why don't you come in for supper?”
Drake bows his head to Kate and gives her a wink and smile, “Yes ma'am.”
Continue to the next part
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myvelouri · 5 years
I just can't tell
I remember when I worked at f21, that time. Co-workers were all crushing on me and so nice to me, the male co-workers would say they wish they looked like me, the female co-workers would be beside me and tell me girls were constantly checking me out, they'd say "I feel bad for all these women cause they don't know you're taken" because I had a girlfriend who I cherished and I never cheated on, the male coworkers would also be talking to me about work and often we'd see a gorgeous girl or I'd miss it and they'd say "daaaaaamn Mir!" And us be like "what?" And they'd say that girl checked me out. This happened constantly. And my make co-worker who said that to me was actually gorgeous himself and way more buff. Sometimes girls picked me over him and he'd just laugh and tell me. It was sweet. I thought he was sweet. Um, I remember even being hit on often at the register and girls crushing on me hardcore. They'd be like swooning "what's your naaaame" and they'd be with guys that were paying for them hahaha. Customers and even their moms would hit on me HARD, this mom looked at me and said to her daughter "what would you do with this one honey. What would you do with ALL OF that" and she was ooglin me. I took it all as a compliment honestly. There'd be groups of girls in line, finally they'd get to me and be like "omg we love your style, do you play music? Omg do you have a instagram, do you play locally? Can we come?" Just all that. Some girls would stare at me for a while and then finally ask "...do you have a girlfriend?" And I'd have to reject them cause I DID have one. Um, there was groups of girls that would come up and be like "btw you're hot as fuck" and they were attractive too. I was so surprised. I remember girls complimenting my beard saying it was so dark. I looked entirely different back then. So good back then. I remember. Um, girls would tell me I should model, some asked if I WAS a model. A lot of these girls were all very pretty too.
Um yeah even when I'd go out, my neighbor would tell me parents "your son... He's GORGEOUS" but she wouldn't tell me to my face but it's okay. Um. I'd go to my mom's work and thus young babe there, she'd tell me mom "your son is WoWoW!" And do the lil new girl zooey deschannel eye glasses thing. I remember her too. She actually started messaging me some how. I don't think I even gave her my number. But that happened back then. Girls liked me a lot.
Um, guys thought I fucked some of the hottest girls ever. Idk, I didn't but they thought I was constantly fucking girls before.
I was happy and happy with the way I looked, it was new, I had just found a good weight, cause I was working out for years to get to that. I had recovered from most my corrective jaw surgery, it made me look good and bad but good for sure. So my teeth were exceptionally straight and white. My lips were fuller cause my teeth we're straight and pushed as far in as they could be, my skin was clear because I made that effort to have that due to my other conditions, I fuckin loved my earrings, my lobes were thick n healthy looking, it's damaged now but back then they were perfect. Um, yeah my haircut was badass! I loved those cuts! My beard was perfect and I shaped it perfectly everyday somehow! My girl at that time one day couldn't keep her hands off me at the theatre, I was surprised, I looked really good. I liked that so much. I've been so ugly my whole life that life finally felt like I got my good karma.
I was in my mid 20s. I was happy, well, happy enough. Everyone wanted to know me, to be my friend, everyone liked me, everyone wanted to fuck me (lol I knew that AFTER the fact). All the gay co-workers thought I was so cute. Ahh.
Idk what happened
I'm ugly again
I mean I work at a smaller store now, ladies still sometime say I'm handsome or gorgeous. But the girls who's numbers I get, even girls who I just happen to meet outside of work, they all usually ghost me. It's not the same as it used to be. I don't know.
I just think I'm ugly again
But like, I'm unhappy with how I look.
I've got so much grey hair in my beard now! It's on the bottom under my neck, hard to spot, but I didn't trim it for 2 weeks and it was extremely ugly and noticeable as fuck, long ass gray hairs and so so so so many of them. My heart stopped, I was so upset. Shocked. I'm getting old fast. Youth is actually really short. What? Like 20 something years and the best part of your life is over, and then the majority of your life is lived when you're old and ugly. That's so ridiculous. I mean I think everyone is still beautiful no matter what age, like, still attractive. Mostly right. But man, that prime youth age, you can't get that back.
I think my life is a waste. It was s terrible life.
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