#and weirdly fascinating xD
anartisticalniche · 2 months
Still thinking about it after a few days, but the way SMG4 acted towards Mr Puzzles at the end till he sent him flying was something ive been waiting to see him do for a while.
Cuz a lot of people didnt really see it or pointed it out, but SMG4 doesnt just have an explosive anger, but a side of him that rarely comes out until its really serious and the situation, whatever that might be, is dire.
And that is his cold angry side.
We saw it first on the Revelations movie, when Melony was supposedly dead by Zero.
That part where he legit felt so much anger he WANTED THE WORST TO HAPPEN TO THE ONE THAT HURT HIS FRIEND.
And thats a cold, legit insane quote that still gives me shivers to this day.
Now we saw it again when he was running towards Puzzlevision too. The cold obscured stare till he grabs Luigi and SWINGS HIM SO VIOLENTLY TOWARDS THE TV HEAD. BRO WAS DEFENLESS, AND HE DIDNT EVEN HESITATE.
The way the others looked at him kinda shocked and a bit fearful maybe?
I want more of that side of Four. Cuz like Mr Puzzles said. He acts nice now, but deep down, he can be a real villain if he wants to.
Good thing tho, all of this has shown up when his friends are hurt, so yeah, i love how hes ruthless to the ones that hurt his friends x3
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Remus doing the absolute most for his trans emo boyfriend (in a good way)
But also "hey spider when you have top surgery can I get you a cake and can we mourn the man mounds and celebrate the new chest?" "Why do you keep calling my tits odd shit... Can it be chocolate cake"
"what're you doing looking at—" "which one do you like best?" "—packers... That one."
"MY HANDSOME MAN WITH HIS HANDSOME FACIAL HAIR" virgil still learning to manage the facial hair but he's got Remus all 🥺 and cooing over how handsome he looks
"I'm scared to do the shot" "I'll do it :D"
weirdly oddly specific but if its an au where they know each other in school or smth, Remus is in the cosmetology program and does Virgil's hair for him so it's not a feminine pixie cut, OR he helps him dye his long emo hair (I LOVE COS. REMUS NGL I FEEL LIKE HE'D LOVE BEING ABLE TO DO HIS OWN HAIR ALL CRAZY AND PROPER)
also if it's a school au... "Will you do me the honor of being my sexy as FUCK date to prom?" "... I guess" (he says then goes home and screams into his pillow)
"what are cramps like?" "I think if I tried to show you, you'd moan. You freaky bitch" "you love me" "I do"
"will you be my husband?" "Of course, my love"
"LOOK AT MY HOT HUSBAND" sign at pride
"is that a miku binder" ":3"
Remus just being giddy about all the changes that happen on T and like being 10000% more hype than Virgil himself when a new one pops up. Also Remus would be so fascinated by bottom growth. Just gonna say it.
— 👑
Y E S Y E S Y E S REE BEING VEE'S HYPE MAN AND TRANS!VEE ARE MY FAVORITE FUCKING THINGS EVER I FUCKING L O V E THIS!!! I genuinely adore how excited Ree is for Vee and tries to do so much stuff for him he's such a chaotic supportive boyf and the Emo doesn't know what the fuck is going on but just still goes along with his chaos anyways XD Also Ree being in cosmetology is S O fucking D E L I C I O U S and underrated manz would dye Vee's hair and always makes sure he gives him the most Emo masc haircuts!!! (Also Ree being fascinated by bottom growth is so R E A L he can and will gain knowledge about it to the point where he can casually infodump about it while Vee's just like "How the fuck do you know that I didn't even know that???" XD)
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jeidafei · 2 years
Komui's Lounge: Vol. 28 (Part 4/4)
>> Part 1
>> Part 2
>> Part 3
Q16: I would like to know if Hoshino-sensei ever felt super hyped while drawing a scene?
Hoshino: Lavi’s “Infinite Flame!! (火加減無し!!)” scene (vol.13)
(T/N: Lavi vs Road battle, below)
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Lavi: Whoa! Hoshino just popped outta nowhere!
Allen: Goes to show we’re already screwed in regards to the word count, I guess.
Hoshino: If you know, then watch it!
Reever: She was also pretty hyped during Krory’s “I don’t need no coffin” scene, as well (Vol.11). (T/N: Krory vs Jasdevi battle. Thanks @looniecartooni for the raw!)
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Q17: So Jasdevi has been called “monster” before?
Lenalee: Krory did mention them when we had a tea party some time ago. “Those Noah twins and I, we’re similar, so I have this feeling we’d meet again someday,” he said. I guess he must have been thinking what you’re thinking at some point.
Lavi: They’re weirdly simple-minded for their age. I guess it’s possible they’re nursing a wound in their heart.
Q18: Are there ever instances where a new accommodator eventually appeared for the Innocence shards of exorcists who died in the line of duty?
Reever: Yeah. Loads of them, in fact. Next!
Lavi: That was quick!
Allen: Mr. Reever, are they that strict about the word count limit this time?
Reever: The designer’s already at their limit from the looks of it, Allen. Whether we get to do this Lounge again next volume could depend on this!
Q19: Does Fo consume human food?
Allen: Fo doesn’t eat anything. That’s what I’ve heard back at the Asian Branch.
Lavi: Aaah, the Asian Branch’s Guardian Deity system is so interesting, really. Even Bookmen of old regarded the Chang Clan as a subject requiring special attention. Any clues on why they had their guardian deity take the form of a young lady?
Allen and Lenalee: Eh? No.
Kanda: …Didn’t Branch Head Bak’s great-grandfather who created the Guardian Deity system have it take the form of his late daughter?
Lavi: Wait, so Yu knew!
Reever: Who have you heard that from, Kanda?
Kanda: Alma said so.
Q20: A question for Allen-kun! If Kanda and General Cross were drowning in a river and you could save only one, whom would you save?
Reever: Al~righty!! Let’s wrap it up with this question.
Lavi: Welp, can’t be helped!! Welp, can’t be helped!! (T/N: Try reading it with a rhythm XD)
Allen: There must have been a better one in there! Come on!
Lenalee: Looks like Ms. Hoshino’s so nervous about the word count, she’s on the verge of a panic attack…(sweating). Let’s make do with this one for her, okay?
Kanda: If she’s gonna panic that much, then don’t do this Lounge thing, then.
Allen: No can do, huh…Or rather, these two don’t look like they’d ever find themselves drowning, seriously! Erm...Let’s see…I’ll save Master.
Lavi: And your reason behind that?!
Allen: Because Master could’ve been squirreling away the secret stash I’ve been saving!
Reever: Aaaaand we’re done! Thank you so much for being with us today! Now break it up! Chop chop! (Two big handclaps)
Lenalee: Would be nice if we managed to scrape a pass on the word count this time.
Allen: Which I reckon…we probably didn’t…
Lavi: Gave it our best shot, though……Alas, poor Hoshino……
Closing T/N:
Aaaand that’s it! Thank you so much for all your comments and tags. I had so much fun reading them.
@shashaspeaks The original Japanese dialogue for Allen cussing is the following:
(Rabi temee kono yarou nani kuchi hashitten dayo koraa//threatening voice).
It’s written with no punctuation, likely indicating he said it all in one breath XD.
//Don’t even get me started on Lenalee’s records gaaaaah what’s up now, Hoshino-sensei?!!
@candy-crackpot Again, thanks for the raws! Also super happy someone got my sneaky ATLA reference XD.
//Don’t worry, I know Komurin’s weakness is at the nape.
//Nah I think Cross is fascinated by the heartbeat of living beings precisely because he doesn’t have one. /ooooohh I think General Tiedoll would have approved of that burn.
//Highest Sci. Div. turnover rate prolly during Akuma Egg arc /oof!
@sauvechouris Yeah, I’m confused about the “kids OK but lovers NO-K” thing too. Like aren’t kids supposed to be even harder to leave behind, idk? LOL poor Bookman’s children, must have been one hell of a Daddy’s Issue for you all. Anyway, Past!Allen is Bookman’s kid headcanon anyone lmao?
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alpaca-clouds · 9 months
I sure miss .hack/
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One anime series - or rather multimedia franchise - I have an immense amount of nostalgia for, even though it was never as big of the thing, as some others, is .hack/
Given it has been a while, since the franchise released something new, let me quickly explain:
.hack/ is a multimedia franchise, that features stories set in a VR MMORPG called The World. Originally the story featured the conceit that some players for some reason got "stuck" in the game, unable to log out, while their physical bodies fell into a coma. Just as there was a mystery featuring the AIs, that for some reason had evolved in the game's mainframe - and a mysterious artefact called the Key of Twilight.
I honestly do not know what it was about this, that spoke to me so much. But I was early on very fascinated by the idea of a VR MMO - even though we of course know today that it is something that is probably not easily achievable. (In a weird way, franchises like .hack/ kinda had the right idea by having the physical bodies turn into a near comatose state while playing, which would probably help the motion sickness...)
It was one of the first anime I pirated back in the. xD Even though I did not get to play the game until I was an adult, given that I was not allowed to have a game console as a child.
I know a lot of people, who found .hack/SIGN, the first anime series of the franchise, rather boring as it has a really, really slow pacing. Like, wow, the pacing is really slow. But... to me it really worked. There was an intrigue about the series and how it explored The World. (Not to mention that from today's perspective the main character is easily read as a trans guy.) And yes, of course the Yuki Kajiura soundtrack played heavily into it.
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See, one of my big first online memories is playing the browser based game, that Bandai was hosting back then. A game mostly frequented by Japanese players, so I was trying my very best to keep up with where the chat was going. And when we were "playing" (it was not so much of a game, really) together, it was always a headache to find a timeslot, where me and the Japanese folks could meet up.
Most of all, I think, the series weirdly captured that early 2000s online culture quite well. This is especially true for the more comedy heavy and cutsy "Legend of the Twilight" series. (Man, I need to rebuy that manga at some point.) Which just very much captured the feeling of just meeting online with friends from all over the world, who you might never meet, and... yeah. Just hang xD
But also the plot so often kinda had this undertone of "The World belongs to the players, not the company". Because especially in "Legend of the Twilight", but in the other entries too, one of the central conflicts comes from the company hosting The World trying to control the mysteries - especially the AIs. While the player characters are fighting against it and ending up siding with the AI.
Something, that feels strangely accurate to the modern internet, where the big, near monopolistic companies try control the user experience more and more, rather than letting users decide about their own experience.
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The franchise of .hack// seems to be long dead and forgotten by Bandai and development studio CyberConnect2. The last game that released was .hack//Link, the last other media was the .hack// movie in 2012, that apparently passed everyone by either way.
To put it differently: It has been 11 years, since some new media released for that franchise. And it does not seem that anything is in the works to keep up with it. Especially as Bandai has taken the official international website off the net in 2020.
Technically, of course, a Switch Remaster of the .hack//GU games released in Japan last year for the franchises 20th anniversary - but it does not seem as if there are any plans to release it worldwide.
Maybe the franchise had its perfect moment in time in those early 2000s, when the internet really felt like an entire World that was there for us to explore.
But man, I miss this franchise. I had so much fun with it. And I just... love The World.
Also I need to leave this banger opening for .hack//Link with you. Because darn, I love this thing.
PS: If any of you went like "That kinda sounds like Sword Art Online" at this... Yeah, I to this day have the slight suspicion that Reki Kawahara was "lightly" inspired by .hack//. Because really, the entire SAO stuff to me is ".hack// but with less interesting characters and world building".
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 1 year
I was just rewatching parts of the four-parter of Sonic Boom, "Robots From the Sky," originally for the Sonamy content 😂 (since that has some of the biggest evidences for them secretly dating in that show, but that's for another post)
But then I noticed something a little odd.
In the fourth part, Sonic is weirdly...quiet.
I'll just say real quick I'm a big fan of the headcanon that Sonic used to be mute, and is still selectively mute, all depending on the day and the situation and whatnot. I think it adds depth to his character and another side that'd be fascinating to see in canon (and I always latch onto fanworks that portray such). But besides there being the obvious thing about Classic Sonic being completely mute, and Sonic X Sonic being quiet most of the time, and stuff like that, I didn't expect to find anything for it in Boom, of all things.
(to be clear, that wasn't an insulting comment. I adore Boom. It's sorta my comfort show. XD)
ANYWAY, the point of this post! In the fourth and final episode of the miniseries, even though he started out the episode talking as usual, Sonic went weirdly silent starting shortly after the rest of his friends arrived. There was the silly, rather flirtatious scene he had with Amy, they all tried (and failed) to fight, Sonic instructed Tails to take the others and fall back while he went and got the robot guy (I forgot his name). That command he gave Tails was the last real thing he actually said for the next five minutes of the episode (these are ten minute eps remember, so that's more than it sounds, and definitely way more than five minutes happened in the real timespan of the episode). He said a couple things at the very end, but spoke no real words in the conversations and battles (other than yelling "ow" that one time 😂).
Like?? Boom!Sonic isn't necessarily as talkative as Movie!Sonic or Prime!Sonic, but he doesn't often come across as "quiet," either. But...???
Like, several times in that period (which must've been hours, since the robot guy built a bunch of robot duplicates of them during that time) he was the only character who stayed quiet the whole time. He was paying attention to what was happening, but I kept expecting him to contribute or just say SOMETHING, and he just wouldn't. Not even when Tails said something to him. Several times someone gave him some type of instruction and he just nodded, without so much as a hum. He just stood there. His robot duplicate said something a couple times (or maybe just once, idk, but still).
I might be reading too much into it, but the thought was just interesting to me. I was trying to think of why he might've gone silent for that time, in context of the situation, and thought either maybe it was because it was a truly more serious situation, or maybe because he was actually hurt? And his being silent was the only tell that something was off? IDK!! Selective mutism, especially with Sonic, is very interesting to me. 😅
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(C) noelle, D1D you KN0W that: 1 4LWAYS wanted T0 be 4 queen + CR-8 my 0WN: badass + (ACTUALLY) swag = C00LER kingdom? X) (C) LIKE (seriously), MY world > TH1S world (LOL)! (C) and I (GENU1NELY) need: SOME-1 to B3 my W1LLING peon 1ST (C) so. . . . . . (C) C4N you (PLS) assist M3 in MY: quest 4 WORLD domination? (C) YOU + me = TRUC1E × plan = SUCC3SS =))) (C) 0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0. . . . . . . . (E)
(C) 0h0h0h0h0 (C) WOW that SURE was: FUN + satisfying = G00D game (true)! (C) MULTIPLAYER >>> single PL4YER =) (C) L3T'S do TH4T again SOMETIME. . . . . (C) ACTUALLY. . . . . (E) (C) i H4VE a: GR-8 idea! =)) (C) WHY don't Y0U come 0VER at MY place + T4LK about MY (super SECRET but (MIGHT) be LIFE-CHANGING) next PL4N? (C) i ASSUR3 you, TH1S next G4ME > the last 1 (C) DON'T be SHY, noelle SWE3TIE + darling + =3 = my B3ST trucie! (4ND peon XD) (C) W3 can T4LK about ANYTH1NG else THERE, too! (C) our LIVES/daily ACTIVITIES/favorite ANIMALS/obligatory BATTERY acid/LIKES & dislikes/SECRETS (C) anyways, Y0U may (MORE like OBLIG-8-ED to) REFER to M3 as: QUEEN (C) so. . . . LIKE. . . . . (E) (C) call M3 "your M4JESTY" from: NOW on =) (TRUE) (C) + don't F0RGET to KN33L before M3 when YOU arrive (LMAO)
Codeline final (and more elegant) design!
The idea behind her new design is that she dresses up like a queen due to her strong fascination towards the Knight’s Empire; a great + strong kingdom rising in a realm beyond: her own. She dons a white fluffy fur neck wrap and weirdly regal dress. Codeline claims herself to be a “queen” and you are her loyal peon. At least, that’s what she has been practicing about after she gets rooked by that crooked salesman (damn you, you kromer-obsessed douchebag!) Anyhow, she has prepared everything she needs to move on 2 a new + better life = the Glow Realm. Despite that, there is only 1 requirement left before she proceeds to get (the hell) out of this corruptively capitalistic realm: the power of the certain Glownant’s STAR. But like, I mean, Retro Heaven!? It’s not even freaking “heaven” here to begin with! Surely, she will show you what real “heaven” is! Well, after she t-8-s over: your world (LMAO).
As you may already know, Queen swap places with Spamton. Her name in this AU is Codeline, and she is based on a calculator, meaning she is smart (true). But sadly, someone has broken the calculator and now she has to live through the misery of being... useless + abandoned = serious help needed. Codeline used to be a popular figure in Retro Heaven, serving as a clever (+ wacky) assistant tool that every-1 loved until she became the holder of the next pearl of Dark Fountain. She has a plan and that is: World Domination. She wants to make the world a “better place” and bring back the old days where there was more joy and less pain. She wants to prevent all the unnecessary and questionable changes, especially those that have been effectively destroying everyone's life. She wants to literally rule the Glow Realm and become everyone’s lovable Queen, then enslave them because they are so focused on technology. She thinks it’s the rightest and most reasonable thing to do. But first... she needs a willing peon to fulfill her (perfect) plan; an assistant to an assistant. The minus of being extremely clever is that you can hardly understand what feeling is, and how to properly sympathize/empathize with them.
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angevinyaoiz · 8 months
hiiiii i know this may come across as a bizzarre request but ... do you have any rec ( book, essay, movies other than tliw ) that follows the Oedipical interpretation of Eleanor & Richard I relationship on the wave of tliw ? i'm curious to know if it's a tliw-only interpretation or it can be found in other texts too!
not a bizarre request at all for this blog XD
This is the part where I have to shill The Devil's Crown again, which probably is the series that really leans on that sort of oedipal weirdly affectionate/resentful/close relationship a lot when it comes to Richard and Eleanor, even moreso because it shows their relationship and interesting attachment to each other over time (one of those cases too where when you cast the motherson actors around the same age they tend to develop a certain chemistry...) You can DM if you're interested in that.
Also if you like crumbs, the Dan Jones documentary about Henry II's dramas is very cheesy but there are some *hm emoji* moments by the reenactors that I of course find very amusing
Honestly it also is fun to just read the historical writings as well with The Goggles bc even though there's not a lot of records of course of people's internal individual thoughts and feelings kind of the Professional Structure of people's relationships are always very fascinating. For me, I'm always drawn to stories where Maternal inheritance plays a big role and that's a theme that comes up in all the stories I feel when talking about Eleanor and Richard, they're connected not just bc of familial affection etc but with very material and practical connections of land, wealth, and ancestral title (being invested with the symbols of the rule of Poitou and Aquitaine early on as extension of her authority as well, Henry bringing her out of jail to manipulate Richard into giving her his claims, etc). It becomes an interesting basis and skeleton, I guess, to project emotion upon...TLIW takes a lot of advantage of this where a lot of the story is about the characters who have human emotions towards each other but it's channeled through desperately demanding and wanting to control each others lands.
The oedipal kind of interpretation of seems to be kind of almost taken for granted in some of the earlier writings from the 1970s and before such as in the writings of James Brundage in his Richard Lion Heart (1974). I also can't find it now but I also remember coming across some amusing blogs that wrote about the two of them in very hmmm Romantic-ish ways that on one hand was interesting to me but also clearly felt like it was doing a lot of projecting on these people's emotions and motivations XD in general.
I believe those kinds of assumptions of the era are the ones that John gillingham and Jean Flori were criticizing and pushing back on in their scholarship since it relies on some pretty wild assumption making about Richard and Eleanor's personalities and internal motivations that are impossible to know, as well as very dated and prejudiced ideas about "aberrant sexuality" (obviously, if u hate ur dad and love ur mom this is clearly GAY HOMOSEXUAL behavior according to these ppl...) . Overall the psychoanalyst fanfictions are not great for an objective historical analysis but they ARE fun for the literary freak goggles definitely
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laufire · 1 year
top five favorite Yellowjackets dynamics?
(thank you for sending it again! I think I intended to delete one ask and then I did. idek what xDD)
IIRC @legendsofamultishipper also asked me about my favourite dynamics in her ask.
If I were to pick a true number one, it'd be "the team". The group dynamic itself and how it's progressing due to the complications of their stay in the wilderness is absolutely fascinating. The pull and push of the embryos of "factions" building, the tension, the mutations or distance or deepening of past dynamics, the slow build (kind of wish it was even SLOWER, I like that xD) to the cult we've been hinted at... I'm into that shit xDD
Small aside: someone else has probably raised the possibility, but I've wondered whether there will be just one (1) antler queen (Lottie as the favourite, Shauna as the spoiler, IMO XD), OR if it'll be a rotating position so everyone is "equally" to blame, iykwim? Idk, I think if there'd been just one (1) girl in charge the dynamics among them in the future would be different (although I'd have to see more of the others vis a vis Lottie to be sure. Natalie is hostile towards her but that's not as clear-cut, and I think if Lottie had been Completely In Charge it'd make more sense for her to be waaaaaaaaay beyond hostile and snarky lol). I mean, unless my half-joke theory turns to be true and it was Mari until there was an uprising against her xDD
(not so small after all asñdlfkajsf)
After that... I must go with Jackie and Shauna. I find it really engaging, everything I could've asked for in terms of messy toxic teen girlfriendship LOL. The only caveat it's that Jackie's death and the consequent stagnation of their relationship is a double-edged sword: yes, it adds a fascinating component, especially in the future when you see how NOT OVER IT Shauna remains... but it means there's no advancement, no possible deeper exploration from half of the relationship (barring the show going full supernatural and resurrecting Jackie I guess xD, but it's doubtful). Jackie's doomed by the narrative and that's part of what I like about her, but it also means that Jackie-the-person, instead of Jackie-the-construct, has little to contribute from now on. All of this is to say: right now these two occupy the second position, but other relationships have more possibilities to grow in my esteem going forward.
For number three, I'm choosing Misty and Natalie. It's hilarious and weirdly heartwarming in the creepiest of ways xD, and I simply enjoy every second of them on my screen. Misty's fixation and admiration of Natalie could be enough to write an essay, and I also love wondering about how much their moments in 1x09-1x10 were Natalie genuinely warming up a little to Misty and how much it was Natalie needing her help LOL.
Positions four and five could vary going forward (there are so many dynamics that have gone underexplored for now but that I'm IMMENSELY curious about). But as of now, I'm going to pick Taissa and Van. This interview was an eye-opener. I already like them from what we've seen, but I'm really banking on their potential as exes in the present timeline because you guys all know I loooooove a good exes plot. Add that whatever is going on with mirror!Tai wanting to see Van again... I'm Looking 👀
I'd say either Lottie and Laura Lee or Lottie and Natalie. The first has that prophet/disciple flavour going on that I find superb, but we run into a similar problem as Jackie-Shauna (even more, given how comparatively little we have of Laura Lee vs. Jackie). Lottie and Nat still have a lot to say, IMO. I feel like we've barely scratched the surface in comparison, and I want to see more, but I'm not quite there. Shauna and Tai are a good pair too, but they've given me less in the last few episodes.
Since I already tagged her: @legendsofamultishipper also asked me about my favourite and least favourite characters.
My favourites could also be encompassed by "the team", although I obviously have preferences lol. Misty and Lottie are likely at the very top (Misty is unhinged and I can't look away from the crash, Lottie has the heretic messiah thing going for her), with Taissa and Natalie not far behind, Shauna as the !!!!! option, Jackie as a great Dead Girl TM, Vanessa has a lot of potential, and Mari and Crystal are simply hilarious...
As for "least favourite"... I don't hate anybody, but I reiterate that I don't care for the normies AT ALL. Like, nothing. "Oh this character is having a Rough Time" were they in the crash? Did they have to survive in the wilderness? No? Then I'm not paying any attention to them. My empathy is fully turned off, trust me xDD. My hierarchy is girls in the crash >>> boys in the crash >>>>>>> normies. But I'm mainly neutral about (and sometimes amused by) them. The ones I'd say I dislike the most are the cop characters, especially that moustache one, or Randy, or Adam... but it's a ~mute dislike, iykwim. They're unlikeable people, I just don't care about them as characters.
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asukaskerian · 1 year
For the ask meme: Nelliel
heee :D
1: sexuality headcanon : hollow, so same as grimmjow on the trustsexual thing, BUT... as a matter of principle, since she asserts that arrancar have the ability to stop being beasts, she will offer trust in order to foster trust and maybe get it back in turn. so like, she sleeps around a lot more than he does. XD BUT there must be respect.
then once everyone respects each other she asks them to choke her or something idk fuck you kubo for making her have that kink, but also, it's canon she's masochistic which i against my will find a little interesting when placed against her stern, firm, noble behavior around sexist assholes like nnoitra. like, she wants to be disrespected, but only in bed by people who respect her otherwise is how i juggle it to myself. it's a daring game for her, not something real, and probably also a trust thing because WOW after centuries of hunger games bullshit she can (probably) get cuddles AND a good fuck AND not have to kill someone cause they tried to eat her in the middle! ... or just be very disappointed in them for not being better people, since she's stronger and probably very hard to kill, but by then she's had an orgasm at least so it's still win some lose some.
idk. it's weirdly fascinating, but at the same time, kubo has a bad track record with sexuality and gender stuff (see also how he handles trans people) so i know he wasn't including it as interesting commentary on her psyche ... >_> whatever, this is my castle now.
2: otp: idk if i have an otp for her. i like putting her in ichigo harems with grimmjow and sometimes hime sometimes harribel. it's fun to think about. also if we're shipping het i'm shipping her with grimmjow, but like, they're not a very stable couple at all. XD (i wrote so much about the two of them for the suburban ot4 i made myself like it anyway lmao)
3: brotp: orihimeeeeeee socute.
4: notp: NNOITRA D:< over my dead fucking body
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: modern AU nelliel is an human rights lawyer.
6: favorite line from this character: the stuff about how they're not beasts to nnoitra.
7: one way in which I relate to this character: i also have humonguous badonkadonks.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: whyyyyyy does she have to spew sexually charged stuff as a toddler kubo WHY
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: cinnamon with just a point of spice. for how upright and noble she is, she can get delightfully bitchy with grimmjow over ichigo and the pecking order.
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volosdarling · 6 months
16 How do they hype each other up? 20 Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes? (for v0lo and ino!)
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16. How do they hype each other up?
20. Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes?
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ghostbellies · 2 years
thoughts on Awdry exhibit AKA THOMASCON 2022:
i’m not very good about organizing my thoughts: i tend to kinda internalize things and digest them instead of trying to make a coherent picture, so here goes lol
SO LIKE. it was completely amazing! seeing the real paintings up close, all those lovingly rendered details on the originals are so vivid. i just wanted to stare at them for hours. i LOVE the tv show, don’t get me wrong, but the books just have something so special <3 i feel like they kinda informed my art in a way, long long ago, that i completely forgot. it was really cool to see them
Talyllyn itself is REAL GOOD. the engines are literally like beasts- you have to feed and water them and they’re persnickety and vocal. they also look gorgeous, like little toys <3 i got to hop into Duncan’s can and i was like ‘HOLY SHIT ITS HAPPENING.’ but boy it’s HOT in there and ALSO A LITTLE NARROW. you gotta be slim to get in xD no big butts or thicc hips allowed lol
ALSO HOLY SHIT STEAM ENGINES CONFIRMED SMELL LIKE PLEASANT LITTLE DEMONS. they have this sulfurous smell, like fireworks and gunpowder, or a struck match…it’s weirdly pleasant?! so if a tiny little narrow gauge engine smells so strong i can’t IMAGINE A BIG STANDARD GAUGE MOTHERFUCKER. GORDON CONFIRMED STINKSGOOD BOY.
oh oh also god DAMN i saw a lot of people’s custom replicas! i saw Sea Swine’s (who is a confirmed sweetheart btw-!!) lil dudes up close and they’re just so GOOD holy shit, im very much inspired. i wanna try to make a custom of Rook <3 i wasn’t expecting so many like, ttte likers to bring their dudes with them-!
i def see why people graduate from ‘trains with faces’ to ‘all trains plz’. the steam engines are fascinating. there’s something so cool about the inherent individuality of a victorian era technology that has to actually be -kept alive- by people who have been passing down a trade for centuries. like you can’t just call in Tech Support and get a replacement when you undoubtedly fail to locate the issue.
i want to live in a sleepy little Welsh seaside town with good internet and a fabulous fish and chips shop, and a teeny little railway just down the road <3
so all in all? i had a blast <3
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semiotomatics · 9 months
went to see how you liked speed racer and then saw you reblogged a house md post too are you literally me /j
okay first of all yes we are the same, hello, i am your twin sldkfjsdlkfj srsly tho, idk what it is but there's been a House MD Renaissance lately and i love it, makes me wanna go back and rewatch it (since i watched it live and stopped around the 6th/7th season so i never actually saw the ending). it's just such a weird and weirdly good show!
but also!! i loved speed racer!! it was so fun!! i was warned going into it that the CG was definitely a Choice™ which i think prepared me well, cause i came out loving what they chose to do with it. they fully committed to the bit and it worked so well!! it was such a visually gorgeous film. i'm especially fascinated by their use of colour, cause it looks like they were really smart with it and i wanna uncover ALL their secrets. i've already told sbs i wanna watch it again except this time taking extensive notes xD they also were reading me bits from the script after and it's just. incredible. the wachowskis NEED to write a book fr
anyway yes, speed racer best film, i have fully on the bandwagon
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walkingstackofbooks · 11 months
DS9 3x23 Family Business thoughts (I'm re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
"You only cook Hungarian food when you're in a really good mood." "You know, I always said you are a smart child." :3 I love them
"He's a very dedicated student." Rom's proudness of Nog!
"Brunt. F.C.A." Ohh, had forgotten how fun he is to hate!
"But you haven't even told me what I'm being charged with." "No. I haven't." This is weirdly reminiscent of Cardassia... Oh, of course, apart from the requirement to bribe.
"Odo, I'm holding you personally responsible for the safety of my bar and my personal possessions for as long as I'm off the station." It's very telling that Quark doesn't trust anyone like he trusts Odo.
"You know, the rate we go through runabouts, it's a good thing the Earth has so many rivers." XD you know, now I'm wondering if all the commanders who have runabouts have like a central Google doc of all the rivers they've claimed so no two runabouts are accidentally named after the same river. 
"Have you met her yet?!" Jadzia is SO dramatic, blocking him off the stairs like that XD
"What did I tell you about contradicting me?" "You told me not to do it." "That's right. So you're going to stay here and watch over the bar while I'm gone." "No, I'm not."
Rom being able to stand up against Quark when it's for his family <3
"My house is my house." Again, a human phrase with a twist found in an alien language - fascinating
Ishka is the most wonderful character. I love how much we learn about her in just the first few sentences.
"Are you sure this is absolutely necessary?" I love them trying to rescue their dartboard.
"Your lucky dartboard?" ... "A little defensive, aren't they?" Love Sisko's gentle teasing 
"The chief told me." Miles' glare when Julian puts him on the hook to explain XD 
"Exactly how many people has Jake told about this woman?" "Everyone-" The way Miles turns around hoping he won't have to say anything more on the subject XD
"I know he can be headstrong and overbearing... not to mention mean... and insulting - and rude..." Rom's expression when he says "mean" 💔
"...but he's not all bad. He works hard. You should see the bar. It's thriving!" Rommmm, Quark does not deserve you!
"I don't think Quark knows how lucky he is to have a brother as loyal as you." I see you haven't told her about that time you conspired to kill Quark, then 😅
"It means Moogie's got the lobes for business." Rom looks so stunned, Quark's just disappointed 
"You're going to sit there and study the problem, and then come up with a clear, simple solution." He's so trusting! Still!
"I already have... I'm going to kill her." XD I shouldn't laugh because I think he's actually half-serious but oh Quark
"Females don't belong in business." "Give me one reason why not." "Because it's wrong." "You're going to have to do better than that." I love Ishka so much.
"So I lied. To both of you." Rom! Yes!
"Now, neither of you is going to leave this room until you've settled things. Is that clear? And no shouting! I'm going to take a nap." ROM I'M SO PROUD OF YOU
Kasidy and Sisko's stilted conversation - so this is an awkward first date?
"He was doing something called sliding into second." She's so ready to have to explain this. Little does she know...
Sisko's face is so fun to watch here as he computes what he just heard. "S-s-s-sliding into second?"
And Kasidy's face completely changes into shock "You know about baseball?" 
"I don't know you liked baseball!" "I didn't know anyone else liked baseball!" Their stunned excited laughter I love this. Best reveal!
Sisko's got the biggest grin :D
Jake's smile as he watches them go. I wonder if he knew the baseball connection and had kept it secret? (And how long was he watching them for?!)
"I sincerely hope I never see any of you again." Oh, I wish (not really, he's such a fun villain)
I love how Ishka not only wears clothes but has created completely her own style of clothing - her dress doesn't look like anything any of the Ferengi males wear.
How on earth is Rom going to keep Ishka's pretense a secret from Quark? He always slips up and reveals undisclosed amounts of profit! It's like his thing!
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stingslikeabee · 1 year
majima + melissa /more curious if anything xd
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child . accepting
Name: Natsuno Majima (JP: 真島 夏野). Gender: Male. General appearance: Majima's legacy is undeniable - Natsuno has very straight, dark hair, almond-shaped eyes and the facial bone structure of his father, not to mention a certain ease to gain muscle and eventually growing to be as tall as Majima without any struggles. He keeps up with the overall body frame as well - not too bulky or too strong like other Tojo legends, but more on the nimble and lean side like Majima at his peak. Melissa's contribution is more in the sense that Natsuno's eyes are lighter than his father's and that he smiles just like his mother - it is the same way to curve lips, really. Personality: Absurd levels of charisma - Natsuno has the social skills of a politician with the charm of a playboy and the ability to talk himself out of trouble unlike anyone else. Carefree, easy to laugh, fast to crack jokes and always surrounded by friends and, of course, girls, Natsuno's popularity is frankly astonishing. He flows like water and adapts to any environment without effort - it is almost as if he channeled the combined energy of his parents and made something of his own with that. Between a former yakuza and a niche hostess, neither Majima nor Melissa were that readily accepted anywhere as their son seems to be. Special talents: Natsuno is very good at bluffing - and consequently a pretty damn good card player (and more than decent at a number of more traditional games which Majima has taught him). Apart from his parents and very few people, it's almost impossible to win against the kid, really. Natsuno is also agile and good with rhythm, making him a good dancer much to the delight of his mother (who has a partner at every family gathering occasion). Who they like better: Melissa, for a very peculiar reason (because his mother really IS the scary parent, no matter what these rumors about a 'mad dog' may say) - Natsuno and Majima have a very similar energy and their personalities may clash rather loudly at social gatherings. Both of them like attention, have a flair for dramatics and enjoy engaging with others, so they may annoy each other sometimes. Melissa, on the other hand, approaches human connections differently and in a way that doesn't conflict with Natsuno's expansive nature. Because Majima and Natsuno are so weirdly alike in some ways, he prefers his mother so there is a more evident contrast there. Who they take after more: Definitely Majima - it's clearly his kid in both looks and personality, however people will often remark that while Majima can be intimidating or just labeled as being off his rockers when he smiles or laughs in a certain way (deserving the 'mad dog' title), Natsuno doesn't share that vibe - he's classical charm and amusement, which is precisely what draws people in and makes him so damn popular. He definitely doesn't dress as flamboyantly as Majima, though; Melissa clearly had a hand in how he formed his wardrobe. Personal Headcanon: His favorite music style? Disco. And he means it! Natsuno is absolutely fascinated by the disco era, maybe because it was booming when his parents met and worked together, but he just enjoys everything about that era: the lights, the sequins, the colors, the addictive rhythm and the choreographies. He's had more than one thematic birthday party and is an avid vinyl collector of that period. Faceclaim: Ross Butler.
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anotherghoul666 · 1 year
12, 18, 37! I hope you're having a good night!
Hi Trouble!! ❤️❤️ Thank you for the ask!
12. Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? Yes. Multiple times. Because of a variety of reasons. I recall having done that a good handful of times in my university years, especially during exam weeks and finals. I'd have a normal day then stay up to study, then loose track of time, spend overnight at the library, ride out the fatigue-induced delirium by watching the sunrise at the top of the hill my university was on, overlooking the city, listening to 70s prog rock and crying, then walk into one more day of exams, do my whole day, hit my second wind and be unable to sleep after that XD I've also had to do that a few times in the past few years. Isomnia is a thing. I work night shifts but sometimes I have to flip myself on a day shift for formations or meetings or family activities or trips so 30-ish hours is something semi-usual for me. When I got covid last summer I coughed so much I was completely unable to sleep for almost three days until my pharmacist found a syrup that finally stopped my coughing spasm and then I slept for an entire 24 hours at once to recover. It happens XD
18. Are you scared of spiders? So. On one hand spiders fascinate me. I like the concept of the creature. I think they look rad. I like them in theory. In practice, it's the skittering man. I can't deal with how fast they walk and how they crawl up walls, I feel spiders outsmart us humans routinely and it makes me uncomfortable to see them walk. That's probably a very primitive, lizard brain response that I haven't been able to outgrow yet. Spiders skittering spike my adrenaline. I like spiders outside of my house, I love them in nature, I watch them make their webs and shit and they're such architects, I'd never hurt one in nature. But I feel like, dude, if you're INSIDE MY HOME you're tresspassing and I have a right to defend myself and my people / pets, you know? XD
37. Is it easier to forgive or forget? Oooooh hitting with the deep shit are we! I like this! I feel like both are difficult for me. My neurodivergent brain registers and preserves strong painful moments in my life like an archive, like a damn museum. If a situation or a person ellicits a strong negative emotion in me, it's like a mark, it will stay there forever. I can recall entire conversations word for word from years and years back, from when I was a kid even, and it blows people's minds how accurate my memory is. I wish I could uninstall that function honestly, or have that level of memory for positive things at least, but I don't. Positive moments I have to actively produce physical memories from like pictures and videos or else I will 100% forget about them. I don't know which kind of trauma response that is, but that's how my brain functions and I gotta deal with it XD So like, I don't forget. I can make myself not think of the thing, I can think of other stuff, it's not like every negative memory I've ever had pops out in my mind constantly otherwise I would not function. But the archive is always there and it's pristine. On the other hand, I'm also a person that's sometimes fueled by spite and I motivate myself via anger lots. I am a spiteful motherfucker, I hold grudges. I've put a lot of work into deconstructing the anger in therapy over the years, but part of it is also to accept that this is how I am and it's ok. I vibe with acceptance therapy a lot. So. I hold on to grudges. It's weirdly comfortable. It's a comfort zone to begrudge. Sometimes I just don't want to forgive cause I loose the fire and the motivation to do better or maintain distance with someone toxic. I have boundaries, but what gives me the strength to hold them up proudly and say, no more, never doing that again / letting someone do that to me again, it's the grudge sometimes. Forgiveness is a strange beast. I'll forgive when the anger doesn't serve me anymore. I forgive once I'm done using something as fuel, once it drains more evergy than it provides. I don't forgive for others, I forgive for myself, and that's a process that's not the easiest. tl;dr they're both hard as fuck for me XD woops!
Those were super interesting to jump into, thanks Trouble! :D
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
Weirdly specific #7, 10, 21, 25, 41, 42 for Adela?
7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
Me: "I'm going to delete the Stars Rewritten AU, it never happened actually!" (Adi: LIAR!!!!! she's right, I would never)
Heodan(LI in Stars Rewritten): probably just yells her name and she comes busting into view to see what he needs, lol
Rekke(bff): "I'm going to cut my hair!" (Adi: PLEASE DON'T IT'S SO PRETTY)
(Xoti and Kana are also her bffs, but we'll let Rekke have this one since I thought of something for him first xD)
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
Probably the history of some spell or other from Kalakoth's repertoire, she's a big time Kalakoth fangirl.
21. What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
Not putting elbows on the table. It's more comfortable, sturdier for eating, and she hates the lines she gets on her wrists from being "proper", but yes, she does still follow it. At least at home.
25. What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
Well, her obsession with Ilhana Guiserre is 100% useless in Pillars 1 and only marginally more useful in Deadfire. But she knows absolutely everything every recorded about that woman and the mystery of her diasppearance.
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
She's a walking amalgam of tics picked up from other cultures; there are some words she emphasizes the Aedyran way bc of Aloth, there are mannerisms and colloquialisms she picked up from Edér and Xoti, and she incorporates a lot of gestures and expressions from Rekke as she teaches him Aedyran and he teaches her Seki.
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
Ilhana Guiserre(Vailian sea captain, one of her favorite historical figures)-- she's been fascinated with her since she was a kid and has does extensive obsessive research, so she could be very thorough and informative, with the bonus of being passionate about her subject.
No idea on title, I have enough trouble titling my fics XD
Weirdly Helpful OC Asks
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