#and welp here's... an attempt lmao
juniemunie · 5 months
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She's here!!! Say hello to Patchwork, she's my Errorink "kid".
She's a creepy lil puppet that does her own thing in the multiverse. She can't speak, but it's not like she has a need to communicate anyway since you rarely ever get to see her as she doesn't socialize... ever. You might see traces of her because she will always meticulously arrange any area she comes across to perfection.
As her name says, she patches up AUs and cleans up after her parent's messes. She doesn't appear to lean on either side and remains neutral.
Heres a short comic on how I think she came to be
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Maybe ill make a part 2 who knows this was fun to make
If you wanna know more about her, feel free to read below:
How does she clean up exactly?
Welp, heres a lengthy explanation: I've always assumed that the multiverse is more or less data in a diskspace, and said disk contains all the data of the AUs.
For every new AU, it takes up space. For every destroyed AU, it frees up space.
Sometimes when a new AU uses the freed up space, there still isn't enough room, so the AU fragments itself to be placed somewhere else in the disk. This makes things harder for Ink (difficult to locate and assist, as well as causing "loading" issues and glitches) and for Error (harder to destroy completely because theyre all over the place).
Patchwork, lives up to her namesake by slowly and tediously stitching and arranging these fragmented AUs together, regardless if theyre going to be destroyed or not.
As for her interacting with other characters:
If she sees an incode outside of their respective AU, she will attempt to guide them back to their respective universe if it still exists. Pretty good right?
But if their AU doesn't exist anymore.... well. She doesn't like loose ends. [So yes, she is not allowed in the Omega Timeline.]
Other miscellanous info:
She can and will organize anything she can get into. Ink will find his once messy art studio cleaned to perfection and all of his sketchbooks arranged alphabetically and by date somehow. Error comes back to the antivoid to find his puppets lined up neatly and staring down at him which freaks him out. PJ's corner will have all the paintings straightened out. Even Gradient's laptop icons are all organized and cleaned up as well lmao
She moves like a slasher stalker. If you spot her, she will stare at you unmovingly. If you move your eyes away from her for even a moment, she will be gone.
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The Scent of You: Nero x Male Reader
MINORS DNI: THIS IS FOR 18+ ONLY (ngl I don't know if this stuff is allowed here, but I think it is lmao)
SUMMARY: Nero has been on a job for almost a month. When he returns to your shared home, he decides to relax and take a hot shower. While doing so, he gets really horny and tries to control himself. However, your scent is driving him up the wall with need. 🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌟 🌟🌟🌟 Wrote this to try and get a better feel for what I want Nero to be like; kinda what I did with Vergil ngl. ... I didn’t realize it till typing this, I am legit doing the same thing I did for Vergil for Nero because I had the same issue--wtf lmaooo 🌟🌟🌟 I also was having a hard time describing certain locations on the body; so there are some “real” names for muscles and whatnot; sorry if that throws you off a bit lmao. 🌟🌟🌟 Semi-mindless smut. Minor fluff. Very minor description of masturbation (Nero). Pre-established relationship; implied marriage. First time Devil Trigger sex; mentions of blood (which Nero gets aroused by) and knotting Male Bottom Sub. Reader x Top Dom. Nero (side note: Nero does use his teeth on your dick; I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I wanted to write it in idk). 🌟🌟🌟
     The van ride from the DMC to Nero’s was abnormally quiet. The only noise was the van's engine and the faint humming that Nico made to the tunes on the stereo. That being said, a nuke could've gone off and Nero, who was sitting in his usual spot on the passenger seat, wouldn't have noticed. The teal demon had zoned out a long time ago. He was looking out the window, watching the buildings pass as they got further toward the outside edge of Red Grave. 
     It had been one hell of a month for the youngest descendant of Sparda. Between having to work alongside the rest of the Sparda line and the contract being a bigger pain than they were informed; he was beyond exhausted. All Nero wanted to do was take a hot shower, eat something, and cuddle into you. 
     He groaned in irritation; God did he miss you. All that he could think about the past week or so was how much he yearned to hold you in a tight loving hug. Feeling your heartbeat against his chest, running his fingers through your hair, kissing your sweet face and lips--there are no words to even describe how much the young devil hunter craved you.
     “Welp, here we are,” Nico spoke and gestured to the house in front of the van; breaking Nero from his thoughts, “Don’t forget any of your shit now, alright?” 
     Nero scoffed and rolled his eyes, “You’re never going to let that go are you?”
     “Not a chance,”
     He got up from the passenger seat, “Figures--” with a smooth motion he grabbed Red Queen and his duffle bag of gear from the couch, “Thanks for the ride, asshole.”
     “Anytime, dickhead!” Nico waved a short goodbye as Nero departed from the van onto the asphalt. 
     He watched the van drive off for a moment; attempting to gather himself. Nero hadn’t told you he was coming home and wanted to surprise you-- hopefully, you won’t stab him thinking he is an intruder (again). With a springing giddiness to his walk, he went up to the front door. It took him a moment of rummaging in his pockets for him to find his keys. 
     Upon finding them, he unlocked the doorknob and deadbolt as quietly as he could. Once inside, he slowly shut the door behind him. Nero focused for a moment, trying to place where you were in the house; he found out you were in the kitchen through your heartbeat. Discarding his bag on the floor and leaning Red Queen up against the wall, he crept toward your location. You were turned away from him doing something on the counter, not paying any attention to the stalking paces of the sly hunter. 
     “Miss me, baby?” a set of muscular arms wrapped around your torso making you jolt forward and knock your head backward into Nero’s jaw.
     “Jesus-!” you shouted as your heart raced.
     Nero chuckled as he kissed the top of your head, “Not quite, but, at least you didn’t stab me this time.”
     “No,” you looked down at the cutting board on the counter in front of you, “I just stabbed myself instead.”
     Nero removed his arms from your waist. You casually walked over to the sink to rinse your newly formed cut on your hand’s purlicue. Blood didn’t bother you much since Nero’s constantly covered in it, however, the placement of this particular cut is going to be a bitch to heal. 
     Nero re-wrapped himself around your waist and pouted, “Sorry.”
     With a grin and shake of your head, you turned off the water. Feeling how warm he was, you couldn’t help but lean back into your teal devil, “It’s fine, Nero… I’m glad you’re home.” 
     Nero grabbed the cut hand and gently placed a kiss on the small wound, “There, good as new.”
     A loud snort of a snicker came from your nose, “Oh my god, Nero,” you wiggled in his arms to turn and face him, “you are a dork.”
     He winked and smiled, “and I’m yours forever.”
     With an exaggerated roll of your eyes, you gently kissed his cheek, “I’m the luckiest man alive.”
     “Nope, sorry. That title’s mine,” he placed tender kisses on your neck.
     The feeling of his warm lips against you sent a shiver up your spine. You placed one of your hands in his hair and ruffled it a bit. Nero’s kisses stopped and turned into nuzzling as you continued your motion; the teal demon practically melted into you. 
     Your face turned to a scrunch and you removed your hand. His hair was full of dried blood. 
     “Nero--” you looked down at him, who was now staring at you with the most puppy-dog-eyed stare you’ve ever seen, “Don’t give me that look…”
     He stuck out his lip in a pout and made a fake sniffling sound, “Why’d you stop?”
     “You’re full of blood and stuff,” you gently took your hand and placed it on his cheek, thumbing over his soft skin, “You need a bath.”
     With a sigh, he stopped pouting, “Care to join me~?”
     “I would but,” you looked over to the stove, “the soup won’t cook itself.”
     Nero stood back upright with the energy of a small child, “You’re makin’ soup?!”
     “Yeah…” you laughed at his excitement, “You told me last week that you were coming home so I bought the stuff for it… It was gonna go bad if I waited any longer so,” you shrugged, “I made soup.”
     “God, I love you,” He kissed your forehead, “You need any help?”
     With a shake of your head, you responded, “Nope; just for you to wash up before dinner--please?”
     “Sure thing babe,” with a large over-the-top kiss (and a 'mwah' sound to go with it), he trotted off. 
     Shaking your head with a smile, you continued your cooking.
     The young hunter went and retrieved his bag and Red Queen from the entryway. Then waltz over to the bedroom. He tossed the bag off to the side and set his sword against one of the walls; leaving them to deal with later. Mindlessly, Nero grabbed some clothes and a towel. 
     He sauntered into the bathroom and stripped himself bare--removing his Overture devil breaker as well. With the flip of a switch, he turned on the bathroom fan and moved to turn on the shower. Since his body was aching, Nero decided to turn the knob as hot as he could; creating an almost sauna-like feel to the bathroom.
     A sigh of relief left his lips as he stepped into and under the scorching water. Nero began to purr in comfort as he felt the stress and strain of the past month leave his body. He reached for some body wash--not paying much attention to his actions. It wasn’t until he began to lather his body that he realized that it wasn’t his body wash; it was yours. 
     “Shit,” Nero mumbled to himself. 
     It’s not that the young hunter disliked the smell of your wash; he loves it and that’s the problem. A strained growl emanated from his throat. The smell of you drives Nero insane normally; however, due to the past month of being around his family constantly, Nero was beyond pent-up. Typically he wouldn’t have had any problems asking for some physical affection, but he didn’t want to seem rude for being home less than an hour and already asking for sex. So, the young man decided to take care of it himself.
     Nero bit down on his lip as he slowly began to stroke himself. He leaned forward, placing a flat hand against a tile wall of the shower. Admittedly, his demon was screaming to go get you and claim you; which only made him bite down harder on his lip. Blood trickled down his chin as he began to move his hand faster; fantasizing about what he would do if you were there with him. How good it would feel to ram you against the wall. The sound of your strained moans while he choked you. His hand would be around your cock as you trembled beneath him; only allowing you to cum when he said so. Nero’s pace became ragged. His fingers pressed against the wall hard enough they were turning white. He imagined telling you how much of a good boy you were being. The sound of your voice as you begged to be allowed to cum. That thought broke him. A loud guttural groan slipped past Nero’s (still-bleeding) lips as he came. 
     Slowly coming back down from his high, Nero finished showering; this time paying close attention to what wash he was using. Trying to ignore the still very lustful thoughts that lingered at the edges of his mind.
     It had nearly been forty-five minutes since Nero went to shower; a part of you was beginning to worry that he fell asleep while bathing. Since all the soup had left to do was simmer, you decided to leave the kitchen to find out if he was okay.
     First, you checked the bathroom. It was muggy and the showerhead still had water dripping from it. Nero’s devil breaker was still resting on the countertop, which made you raise a brow in confusion; however, he wasn’t in there. So you moved on to the bedroom.
     What you came upon was quite a sight. 
     On the bed, Nero was facing upwards. His legs were lazily hung over the edge of the bed that was facing you. Around his hips was a towel that had been thrown on as an afterthought; seeing as it was barely covering anything besides his dick. You bit your lip slightly at the sight. Despite seeing your lover naked a thousand times, it still managed to give you butterflies. 
     Nero hadn’t moved to acknowledge that you were in the doorway, so you decided to get a closer look. In the past, he had taken some unintentional cat naps after a hot shower; so you figured that’s what happened.
     You peered over his body. His eyes snapped to you; both his eyes were glowing his goldenrod coloration from his triggered form. In an instant, Nero had pulled you onto the bed and had you pinned beneath him. The towel had been discarded and it took everything in your body to not look downwards; not wanting to break eye contact. One of his hands held both of your wrists above your head while the other gently ran up your middle. A faint growling caught your attention as you tilted your head slightly. 
     He leaned into your neck and lightly kissed along your jugular. A shiver ran through your body, Nero’s breath was hot and the growling had only grown louder. Although this would have typically been super hot, the fact that he hadn’t said anything was a bit odd.
     “Nero--?” your voice was laced with an aroused, yet, confused tone. 
     His kisses stopped and he stilled for a moment. He moved up to your face and placed his cheek against yours; which you noted was scorching. Along with that, he also pressed the rest of his body into you. You felt his stiff cock grind against the ever-growing tent in your pants.
     “I’m sorry but,” Nero’s voice was needy as he gently bit your earlobe, “I need you, please .”
     Another shiver ran through your body, “I- I have to turn off the stove f-first.”
     Nero sat back upward narrowing his eyes and placed a hand on your chest, “Stay,” with that, Nero got up and left the room (presumably to turn off the stove for you.).
     This gave you a brief moment to think, “ Nero doesn’t usually growl like that… I wonder if-- ” your thoughts were cut short.
     A set of bioluminescent blue wings moved you to the center of the mattress. Not wasting any time, Nero was back on top and straddling you. His lips were immediately intertwined with yours. A hot tongue was forced within the confines of your mouth, desperately exploring every corner. He used his wings to pin your wrists out to your sides as he used his hands to strip you of your clothing; not caring that he was ripping them from your body. 
     Once you were barren of your clothing, Nero broke off the kiss and leaned back upwards--and let go of your wrists. You were panting heavily and awaited his next move. 
     His eyes fluttered all over your body as barely-there fingertips ghosted down your body, only to stop before reaching your aching flesh, “God,” he leaned back down and whispered against your shoulder, “you’re gorgeous.”
     Nero bit down on your shoulder and gripped your middle. Your body arched upwards as you grabbed a hand full of his slate-grey hair, pulling slightly. His growling intensified as did his bite. 
     “Fuck-” you pulled Nero off of you a bit, “Nero that hurt.”. He looked up at you with an intense stare you hadn’t seen before. Seeing the slightly red tint to his lips made you realize that he had actually bitten you, “Nero?”
     His lips parted slightly as he continued to stare into your eyes and, after a moment, he spoke, “Sorry.”
     His grip loosened on your body slightly and he placed a gentle peck on your new bite mark. Admittedly this had happened before but it had only happened when he was cumming.
     Squashing down your questions and concerns (blaming it on your long separation), you whispered, "It's okay," following that with a gentle kiss on his neck. Knowing that Nero tends to dwell on accidentally hurting you when sleeping together, you decided to move things forward by leaning upwards. 
     However, he used his wings to pin your wrists down once again as his hands pushed you back down into the plush bedding, "What do you think you're doing?" his voice was low and husky; just oozing with dominance. 
     A slight confusion settled in your mind, seeing as Nero had never stopped you from moving to give him head. You decided that he was just adding to the foreplay, "I wanted to have a taste of you~"
     He ran his tongue along your neckline, "I didn't tell you that I wanted you to move, in fact," Nero sat upward, "I want you right where you are…" he firmly grabbed your external obliques, leaving his hands temptingly close to your hips. 
     You swallowed hard. Seeing Nero taking such an intense approach to things after not being together for so long made your body ache and your cock twitch--which he noticed.
     With a devilish smirk, Nero slowly began to kiss down your middle. Stopping every few to give you a hickey or bite mark; taking extra care to make sure he wasn’t being too rough. You squirmed under his firm grasp of wings and hands. It was uncommon for Nero to go down on you; typically, Nero enjoyed frotting against you instead. Seems he really wants to step out of the norm today. 
     A bite against your inner thigh pulled you from your thoughts. A loud sharp moan escaped your lips as you, unintentionally, bucked your hips upward. Nero growled at your movement and placed his hands harshly down on your hips, keeping them pinned down. 
     "Nero," you whimpered, desperately wanting to touch him and yourself. 
     His golden eyes met with yours, "Be a good boy or I stop--got it?" Wanting him to continue, you nodded frantically, making him smirk, "Good."
     Tepid kisses ran up your inner thighs. Before he reached your balls, he would stop and place a hickey on the sensitive flesh; creating matching marks on each side. Nero looked up at you; his stare was different. A strange semi-nervous feeling began to pool in your stomach at the predatory gaze of your lover. 
     The young man placed kisses along your balls and up to the tip of your dick, giving your slit a small kitten lick. Nero’s lips were broiling hot against your skin, which only added to the effects of the uncommon action. You bit your lip and let out a strangled groan; resisting the urge to buck your hips again. Nero seemed to notice your restraint and rewarded you with a long drawn-out kiss to the underside of your cock head. 
     He smirked as he watched your internal struggle to stay composed. His tongue ran along the slit of your tip; cleaning the small amount of pre-cum there was. 
     “You taste good,” he whispered as he ran his tongue up the side of your shaft. You whimpered as he continued his teasing; never quite putting his lips around you.
     “Nero,” your voice was whiney and laced with need. He looked up at you and gave you a small ‘hm?’ as he continued his ministrations along your cock, “please--” you gasped as you felt his teeth carefully and gently nibble along the side of your dick, “f-fuck--”
     He stopped for a moment; debating what he wanted to do. A part of him wanted to keep teasing your sensitive flesh and the other wanted to hear you cry out for him. Seeing the desperation in your eyes as you stared down at him made him shudder. 
     Slowly, Nero placed his lips around the tip of your dick and inched his way down to the base of your dick; gagging slightly as it hit the back of his throat. 
     You threw your head back, “Fuck- Nero--”
     His growling intensified upon hearing your voice. Nero pulled his head back up and removed his lips, “I want you to look at me,” his eyes met with yours as he bobbed slowly up and down your dick.
     All the while, the grip his wings had on your wrists let go and he allowed you to grab his hair. Using his blue-feathery extensions, he reached over to the side table and grabbed a bottle of lube from the drawer--dropping it near your hips for later. He then took his wings and used them to push your hips into the bed, replacing his hands. As he continued to slow down and speed up on your cock, he took his hands and gently groped at the under and inner sides of your thighs. 
     Nero’s eyes stayed locked with yours as he pulled his lips off of your dick and bite down over one of the already-there hickeys on your thighs. Then gave the tip of your dick a few more licks and then circled the tip, all the while you were praising and moaning your lover’s name. 
     “Nero, please-- fuck, I-- ugh,” your hands pulled harder on his hair as he took your dick and placed it against his cheek, his breath grazing your aching flesh.
     A shiver ran up your spine as you stared into his eyes; the primal feeling held in his stare only increased with each of your words and sounds. Once again his mouth took your dick in; this time, however, he kept a faster pace. One of his hands moved to the base of your shaft, adding small strokes alongside the movements of his mouth. 
     You felt your peak coming on, which Nero seemed to notice too. He moved his hand from your dick to your balls, massaging them slightly. The tip of your dick hit the back of his throat again; as he made sure to take in as much of you as he could. With a loud groan of Nero’s name, you came into his mouth. He made sure to savor every drop, still staring you in the eyes. 
     You expected Nero to pause a minute before continuing, as you normally would; however, before you had even come back down from your euphoria, he was back up on top of you--kissing you wildly. There was a fire in his lip's motions as he felt you grope at every inch of his body; enjoying being able to finally touch your teal demon. A small moan left Nero’s lips as you kneaded into his chest.
     After a minute or two, Nero stopped kissing you and moved out of his straddling position, “Turn over.” the growling had now become interlaced with his voice; reminding you of his devil trigger.
     “You’re quite dominating today…” you flipped over, “it’s pretty hot.”
     You could practically feel him smirk at your comment, but he said nothing; only pushing a lubed-up finger inside of your ass.
     He leaned down and began to kiss along your shoulder as he mumbled, “You’re tight; although you seem to have prepped for me-?”
     A small smile tugged at your lips, “I cleaned up before coming to find you; figured you were going to-- ah~”
     Nero bit down on your shoulder and began to leave yet another loving mark, “What a good boy.”
     You moved your head to allow him to bite your neck; which he moved to do right away. He pushed another finger into your hole. Nero was dying to fuck you and was steadily growing impatient with things. 
     However, he knew that he had to take it slower than normal; since you were much tighter with him being gone so long. So he had to control himself, which did by continuing to bite along your shoulders, neck, and back.
     After another few minutes, he slid a third digit inside you. At this point, you were as desperate as he was, “Nero I can take it,”
     The twisting of his fingers stopped as did his kisses, but he didn’t move, “Beg.”
     Your heart skipped a beat, “What?”
     His voice was husky against your ear, the growling only getting worse with each passing moment, “Beg for me.”
     Nero had never asked for you to beg before and you took a long shaky breath before mumbling, “Please, Nero.”
     “I didn’t quite catch that,” one of his wings yanked your head back allowing him even more access to your neck, “louder. ” he harshly bit down on your neck; much harder than before.
     “Fuck!” you jerked your body from the unexpected sharp stinging of his teeth, “Please, Nero-- I need you inside me!”
     He licked the fresh wound he created in your neck, “Good boy.”
     You let out a whimper as you felt Nero remove his fingers. However before you got too lonely, you felt his hands on your hips. Nero took a deep breath as he lined himself with your needy hole; teasing you slightly.
     “Please Nero, please, ” you slightly rolled your hips against him, encouraging him to continue.
     His lip twitched upwards as he let out a dark snarl. Suddenly, he slammed himself inside of your body; not allowing you to take him slowly.
     “Fuck!” your body jolted forward from the force of his thrust as your hands violently grasped at the bedding beneath you. Tears had sprung up to the edges of your eyes as you tried to steady yourself by breathing slowly.
     Seeing movement out of the corner of your eyes, you looked over to one side. Nero had braced himself with his palms on the mattress. Which was fine; however, your breath hitched upon seeing the ever-growing blue and iron-grey scales crawling up his arms. 
     “Nero-” you squirmed a bit, “I want to see you--please?” your voice was soft in hopes he would listen to you.
     Which he did. He pulled himself out of you and flipped you over. This allowed you to get a better idea of what was going on. 
     Nero’s breathing had become quite labored. His brow was furrowed slightly and his eyes were still golden; however, his pupils had dilated heavily--something that you had never seen before--and was avoiding looking you in the eyes. Long hair covered his face and was sprawling down his back. And although his forearms were covered in scales, the rest of him was still quite human. A twitch of his lip revealed a much sharper set of teeth than normal. You could see the internal conflict he was having over this.
     “Hey,” you placed a hand on his cheek, which he leaned into, “It’s okay. I can take it.”
     His eyes met with yours, his voice barely audible, “What if I hurt you…”
     With a warm soft smile, you gently caressed him with your thumb, “You won’t, Nero. I promise. You can let go.”
     In reality, you had no idea if you were going to be fine. Nero had already bitten you hard enough to make you bleed, twice, and he tended to kiss along very vulnerable parts of your body. Over all the years you have been with the teal devil, he had never triggered during sex nor had either of you broached the subject before. 
     Nero allowed himself to let go as you continued to hold the side of his face; watching the metamorphosis before you. A new poking caught your attention as you looked down towards your hips. His cock grew several inches and became thicker; which, in hindsight, you should’ve thought about before agreeing.
     Without wasting another moment, Nero animalistically shoved himself back inside you.
     With a sharp gasp, you sputtered in response, “f-fuck, f-fuck, s-shit,” your head hit the bed as you continued your strand of ‘fucks’ and ‘shits’.
     He placed his hands around your hips and pulled his cock out; barely leaving the tip inside. Only to slam into you twice as hard; not allowing you to slowly adjust to the large cock inside you.
     The teal demon’s pace was brutal. You were going to stroke yourself; however, the bucking of his hips against your prostate negated the need for that. He used his wings to brace behind your shoulders and pulled you up to him. His kisses were scorching and filled with an unyielding lust. You had tried to break from his kiss, only to be brought right back with a growl to accompany it. 
     When Nero finally did decide to let you out of the kiss, he noticed that he had nicked your chin with one of his spikes. With a swift motion, your lover lapped up the blood that had trickled from the wound; which aroused you, much to your confusion and concern.
     However, your thoughts were silenced as he pushed you into the bed with a choke. His hand gripped around your neck; making sure to keep it at a comfortable squeeze--the last thing he wants is for you to pass out. 
     You moaned loudly, arching your back as his wings gripped your legs and pulled them upwards; holding them above the ridges of his shoulders. The other hand slowly raked up your torso, leaving light claw marks up your middle. He brought his claws up to his lips and licked your blood clean off of them. If you had been able to think, you would’ve been afraid of how much Nero seemed to enjoy tasting your blood. 
     His once hard languid motions became hard uneven motions. You knew that meant he was getting close, you were too. He moved your legs back down, so he could get closer to you. The devil’s hot breath washed over your neck as you gripped the base of his horns, massaging them slightly. This rewarded you with even harder slams of his strong hips. 
     “God,” your voice was hoarse and cracked slightly, “I love you.”
     Nero nuzzled your neck in response.
     You whimpered as his thrusts became short and even harsher, “Please, I need you-- Ah~!”
     His sharp teeth bit down into your platysma muscle; making yet another deep puncture through your soft flesh. Nero’s hips aggressively ground into yours and forced something larger inside of you; making you jerk your hips and hiss in pain. 
     A few minutes passed as he kept his teeth locked into your body and his cock buried deep into you. Despite that, however, you could feel that cum had already begun to leak from your body. Your insides were twitching as you felt him pull his hips back a little but he was unable to remove himself. Whatever had been pushed into you was keeping the both of you intimately interlocked. 
     You had a tired smile on your face as you gently pet his hair and his horns. Nero had begun to purr from your soft touches. You’d hoped that maybe he would relax enough to pull himself from your body; even if you weren’t 100% sure of what was going on. 
     After another few minutes, Nero pulled back on his hips again. This time he was able to remove himself with an audible ‘pop’. Your hips quaked as you groaned from the feeling of his hot seed dripping down your overly-sensitive body. He released his bite on your body, making you shut your eyes and cuss in pain. 
     Nero had gotten up from the bed before you reopened your eyes. Attempting to get a better idea of what was going on, you tried to sit upward. However, the feeling of sharp intense pain shot up your body. So you gave up on the idea of trying to move.
     “ Maybe he went to get a towel? ” you thought to yourself, feeling a bit lonely without him. 
     You were nearly asleep by the time Nero came back into the room. 
     “Hey, baby,” Nero’s voice was soft. He walked over to the bed with a towel in hand, “I drew up a bath, stay still a minute.” his voice was quiet enough that his words came off as more of a question than a statement. Your young lover used the towel to wipe your body and ass off a bit as he sat at the corner of the bed; secretly enjoying the view of your undone body. 
     “Nero-” you propped yourself up on your elbows with a grunt. He looked up at you, his eyes were now back to his normal sea-blue eyes, “Why were we… uh… stuck together?”
     His eyes widened as a faint blush tugged at his face, “I um…” he swallowed audibly and laughed to himself, “I knotted you.”
     It was your turn to go wide-eyed and blush, “What?”
     “It’s used to--”
     “I know what it does,” you laughed and avoided his eyes, letting yourself lay back down, “just didn’t know you could do that.”
     The younger hunter grinned at you as he stood, “There’s a lot I can do with that side of me; I just worry about what those things are.”
     He moved to your side and picked you up to take you to the bathroom. You tiredly mumbled into his shoulder, “If you want, we can experiment more with your demonic side; I’m okay with it.”
     Nero smiled. He sat in the bath with you in his lap so he could help clean you off, “Sure, I-” his smile quickly faded, turning to a frown, “Did I--?” his fingers lightly brushed over the final bite that he had left, making you unintentionally wince. 
     It had turned to a dark purple, almost black coloration, and was still bleeding quite badly. Nero looked as if he was about to cry as he stared at you with a furrowed brow. You gently grabbed his hand and removed it from the bite, “I’m fine Nero. It’s not that big of--”
     “I hurt you,” Nero pursed his lips as he let out a shaky breath noticing the claw marks down your middle, “I could have killed you; you know that right? Using that form--” he pulled his hand back from yours.
     “Nero, look at me,” you used your hands to cup the sides of his face, “I wouldn’t have let you do that if I didn’t want it; besides, I trust you.”
     “No buts,” you gently rubbed his face with your thumbs, “We both enjoyed ourselves, right?”
     He nodded.
     “And I am still alive; aren’t I?”
     Once more, he nodded.
     “So we are both okay?”
     Nero nodded finally looking back at your face.
     “I understand your concern but… you aren’t a mindless beast, you know? ” Nero placed his hands gently over the top of yours, “I know what I signed up for and I trust you, Nero; completely and entirely,” you could hear a very faint purr coming from him.
     He took each of your hands and placed a slow soft kiss on each, “Trusting a demon, huh? Not the smartest thing to do.”
     A loving smile spread across your face, “Then consider me the happiest idiot around.”
     Nero laughed with a wide grin, “I really love you,” he sighed contently, “so fuckin’ much.”
Hope I did Nero justice with this and that y'all enjoyed this little story! Wasn't sure how to end this, so forgive me if it is abrupt lmao. 🌟🌟🌟 Thank you so much for reading!! :)))
Want to see more like this? Want to read my work quicker and several stories that are not on Tumblr? Check this out on my AO3 (Linked here)
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alohaasaloevera · 10 months
(For @is-this-anxiety, who couldn’t mentally handle the first part.)
Part 1
“I am completely fine with Keith and James being together!” Which is obviously a lie, but anyways, “But I am Keith’s rival! It’s Keith and Lance, neck and neck, not James and Keith, neck and neck!”
“Calm down buddy,” Hunk sighs, instantly regretting his choice of telling him the gossip, “I’m sure they’re just ignoring all the unwanted attention they’ve been getting recently. I’m pretty sure the rivalry doesn’t even matter to both of them.”
Lance’s heart breaks into at the implication (ok, it wasn’t really implied, but still!) that the rivalry he had with Keith was nothing more than a one-sided desperate attempt for the other to notice him—which, kinda actually was.
“But,” he still tries to reason, because his mamá didn’t raise no quitter, “Rivals don’t kiss each other!”
“That didn’t stop you.”
Shit. He’s got a good point.
“Whatever. I’m leaving.” He says, ripping off the non-existent blanket on top of him and pouting like the totally mature 22-year old he is. “I promised mamá I’d work on the farm.”
“She was actually the one who insisted you stay in here for a day or two! The Garrison was pissed, since they needed you to come to work this week for whatever reason.” Hunk grimaces, “Iverson needed to have a talk with you.”
Lance immediately (but lightly) cannonballs back into the bed, groaning as the reality of staying here for more than an hour sinks in. “Did anyone else come?”
“Everyone else was busy,” Hunk states flatly, “But I did hear that Keith actually came here a few hours ago.”
“Well, of course he did. He was one of the closest to me when I passed out, so he probably took me here.”
“Lance, you’ve been knocked out for like a day. I also heard that he looked very, and I mean very worried, so worried that he literally slammed the doors open when he entered.”
Welp. Now he’s going to go down a rabbit hole of wondering why Keith decided to come here, especially since they haven’t been talking as much recently.
“He’s probably just sad he doesn’t have good ol’ Lancey here to fall asleep with,” He jokes, before instantly shutting his mouth.
“And what do you exactly mean by that?”
Keith presses Lance’s contact and calls him. Said man is downstairs, but asking what he wants through call will be a million times less embarrassing than if he did ask face to face.
His phone rings two times before Lance answers, “Keith? What’s wrong?”
“Can you… talk about your day?”
“Why? Is there anything wrong? Are you dying? Oh god, I haven’t even taken you to see my family in Varadero—” He hears papers being pushed away and the sound of a pen clicking frantically, before Lance screams, “How much time do you think you have? It’s awfully sweet, I must say, that your last dying wish is to hear me ramble! It has been an honor to—”
“No, Lance. I’m not dying. I just… miss your voice.” And damn, if he’d be lying if he says he doesn’t want to suffocate himself with his pillow right then and there.
“…Really?” Lance says, a hint of skepticism in his voice.
“Really.” Keith confirms.
“Ok, but why do you want me to talk about my day? That’ll take like… a bagillion hours.”
“Because—” Keith stops for a moment, contemplating whether or not he should tell Lance about what he wants. He thinks about how Lance will probably laugh at him for even suggesting it, but then he remembers how caring Lance actually is, and the most he’ll do is awkwardly laugh and end the conversation. “Because I plan to fall asleep to your voice. It’s calming.”
There’s silence for a good while, and just when Keith starts to think this might have been a bad idea, Lance responds with: “So.. basically you want me to read you a little bedtime story? Does poor wittle Keithykins want Papa Lance to kiss him goodnight as well?”
Fuck. “Ok, I get it, just—”
“No! It’s ok really, I don’t mind!
Keith’s expression of pure embarrassment turns into shock, “Are you sure?”
“Yeah! I actually have been dying to tell someone what happened at the farm today—my mamá was pissed!” Lance chuckles softly, and boy, does Keith have to muster up all his energy not to collapse then and there. “Is it ok if I go upstairs? It’d be awkward if someone came in here and asked “who are you talking to?”, and I’d have to say “I’m talking to Keith! He’s actually upstairs right now.”, you know?”
“O-ok. Sure.” He cringes momentarily when his voice cracks.
Keith instantly hears footsteps getting louder and louder as Lance scales the stairs, before plopping onto his bed with vigor. “Now,” Lance exclaims, squirming under the blankets, “Let the story begin!”
He did not expect Lance to actually come here. He definitely did not expect Lance to lay down with him. He turns around to face Lance, who is taking a deep breath, “So.”
“First of all, I’m working on the field, right? So we sell Juniberries all year. This one girl is with her mother, and she really wants some. Her mother says no. So she throws a tantrum in the middle of the line.” Lance groans, toying with the corner of the blanket. “And that’s not even the worst part! I politely tell the mother that she can have a bouquet, free of charge. And you know what this bitch says?” His voice lowers; disgust practically reeks from his body, “That she wouldn’t buy anything associated with Voltron, because they support, and have a Galran on their team.”
Keith is no longer half-asleep, fully interested in the story, “And what did your mom do?”
“Oh, you won’t believe this! My mom, y’know, the mom who has literally been described as a person who could kill people with her kindness, starts to cuss her the fuck out!” Lance is elated as he starts to recount his mom’s word for word bashing, the Spanish rolling off of his tongue rapidly.
“Wait! You aren’t even falling asleep!” Lance pouts, as if he had done all of that for nothing (which is partly true, but he did entertain Keith).
“Alright,” Keith snorts, rolling his eyes, “I’ll—”
“Nope!” Lance flat out ignores Keith’s attempt to go to sleep as he wraps an arm around the smaller’s middle and pulls him flush against his chest. “You are staying here from now on!”
Keith is grateful that Lance can’t see how much he’s blushing as he musters a measly “ok”.
As the story progresses, Lance begins to talk in Spanish again, this time his tone more relaxed in what seems to be a comforting manner, and that’s when Keith starts to feel drowsy. He practically melts into the mattress as Lance recounts his time playing as a Voltron Paladin with his niece and nephew, Nadia and Silvio. He smiles as he hears the story of the stray cat Lance encounters on the street on the way back home, frowning when Lance starts to note how similar he was to the fellow.
Keith barely hides his laugh when Lance tells about how frustrated he was when he looked in the fridge and the last microwaveable pizza was gone. The one Keith ate just a few hours ago.
When Lance notices that Keith’s breaths have slowed down and become more even, he thinks Keith is finally asleep. Instead of sneakily maneuvering out of bed (an art which he has mastered when cuddling his family), he makes his grip on Keith tighter, and since he feels bold today, he gives the lightest peck on Keith’s forehead.
What Lance doesn’t know, is that Keith was not asleep, and that he felt every single thing Lance had just done. Times ten.
God, Keith was so whipped for this man.
“Welp,” Hunk croaks, stifling a laugh, “That was a lot to take in.”
“I knowwwwww,” Lance whines, sighing in the most dramatic way possible, dragging out that last part for a few seconds.
“Now, we do know one thing for sure,” Hunk types frantically on his phone, probably texting Pidge about how pathetic Lance is. He can’t seem to care though.
“What is it?” Surely, nothing Hunk can say will be worse than James and—
“You are so gone for him. Like OceanGate 2023 gone.”
“Hunk! Not cool, bro.”
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quietbluejay · 26 days
Fulgrim 7
okay Vespasian POV he's noticed the decline in the Legion's moral fibre since Fabius started doing surgery on everyone
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and he keeps getting stonewalled every time he tries to meet fulgrim so he just barged in and yeah we just got confirmation that Fulgrim was trying to get Solomon killed
huh Fulgrim shows him the painting, he's disgusted
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….huh i'm honestly deeply shocked that given how they were described pre-Laer, that a guy with as high a rank as Vespasian wouldn't have something welp RIP Vespasian so I guess at some point Fulgrim must have told everyone that Vespasian went to a farm upstate for them not to be suspicious about this...
time for fulgrim to give a speech he's splitting the party, some of them are gonna join up with Ferrus and the IH, the rest are going to Isstvan Vespasian's men so i guess everyone aside from them is now infected? oh back to the Iron Hands Santar and Ferrus are talking about how they left it was…awkward lol
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santar overstepped, again, and hastily apologizes i guess he's out of line, but he's right time for Fulgrim to attempt to Evil Shounen Talk no Jutsu Ferrus
oh Fulgrim didn't bring the spicy knife Marius POV, hey it's been a while Marius he's getting angry because the IH ship is ugly Fulgrim actually seems…himself? talking to Ferrus at least, as much as he had consistent characterization time to talk about the emperor
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really? that was really one of the saddest moments in your life??? really???????? anyways the worst was apparently when horus told him the emperor was turning into a god fulgrim starts yelling about joining horus ferrus starts losing his temper
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this kills the bluejay it's not just me right this dialogue is killing what should be a deeply serious scene
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like. wow. he's straight up ready to kill his bestie after 1 conversation, no hesitation so they're fighting at the forge this isn't actually too bad of a fight scene that's always been where McNeill is the best anyways it ends with Ferrus exploding the sword he made for Fulgrim, and Fulgrim running off with Forgebreaker while Ferrus is unconscious no wait he's conscious he's just too busy staring at the destruction oh nvm the scene didn't end there I guess the fight is still going on
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okay that was genuinely a bit moving it's a low bar but Fulgrim is definitely a better man than Ferrus oh huh Julius killed Santar Fulgrim: well that didn't go according to keikaku, let's leave so the EC did a lot of damage to the IH because they weren't expecting it, but Fulgrim called off the attack before they got all of them so the EC flagship is getting more and more chaotic (heh) meanwhile Ostian is like
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actually we haven't hit this yet he's still busy with his sculpture so i guess he's missed everything in the past several months. lmao. wait no he did go down and have this reaction and then immediately holed himself up in his rooms
he caught sight of Serena and she continues to not do well she was working with Fulgrim and he had a makeover he's got piercings and tattoos and a mohawk and wears revealing clothing now okay not the mohawk he might have white guy dreads though ostian: as soon as i have a chance i'm getting out of here oh Solomon's on Isstvan welp we knew this was coming ….are black library authors contractually obligated to sneak in a reference to "grim darkness" or some similar phrase in every horus heresy novel? or do they just choose to do this i mean if you've read Galaxy in Flames there isn't really anything new in Solomon's segment
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Fulgrim is just basically ohohohoing Fulgrim: I shall be as irritating to Horus as it is physically possible for me to be Fulgrim: and I am capable of being EXTREMELY IRRITATING
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Fulgrim: ew. make Perturabo do it instead
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i spy with my little eye continuity error new coke horus is too busy being creepy and evil to pay attention to continuity Fulgrim: okay make Mortarion do it
oh yes i love McNeill writing Horus being "superbly diplomatic" and "subtle" Horus loses his temper at Fulgrim after Fulgrim overdramatically calls this a betrayal
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yes. diplomacy horus: is it working fulgrim: yes 79% soon i will be free Fulgrim is also being uh, a little weird about Horus getting angry at him Fulgrim: ah my heart doki dokis when Horus starts yelling also whatever uncorrupted voice was inside him seems to no longer be speaking over to Solomon and Lucius and welp Lucius tricked him into killing other loyalists and now Lucius is going to kill him
he gets an overdramatic death scene moral of the story: hey maybe don't be an ass to people
we're back with the Iron Hands and Santar is mysteriously okay Ferrus is in an "anger-fuelled depression" so they tried to repair their ships fast and head back to Terra to warn everyone but unfortunately warp storms
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yeah im not surprised also 100 astropaths were sacrificed before they finally gave up finally they start getting messages and apparently war is raging everywhere
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okay explanation Santar has word from Dorn exciting Cistor (head astropath) is suspicious about the calming of the warp time to go to isstvan v ….given astropathic communication, how DO they communicate stuff like planet names given how many there are in the imperium Ferrus orders them to leave immediately
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ok okay ostian is DONE his sculpture
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makes me feel a tiny bit bad for all the stuff i've ever said about mcneills writing but like he's never gonna see it unless he lurks on tumblr i guess also I haven't been that mean except about the farting noises and leeches also like, man got paid money for this i paid money for this anyways ostian gets jumpscared by fulgrim
annnd Fulgrim is. not happy that Ostian hasn't been reading the room and made a statue of the Emperor
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also how many times have people wet themselves in this book like 3-4 times
Fulgrim tells him about the betrayal at Isstvan V for who knows what reason okay ostian time to die and that's it, rip ostian ah it's my dude lucius he's back he and eidolon as per usual don't get along
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except…it was up to him lmao oh boy over to Serena she's not doing well and she just momentarily came back to her senses and realizes "I KILLED SIX PEOPLE" im still wondering how she managed to attract them given how she's described as being extremely foul smelling she gets herself cleaned up as best she can and goes to see Ostian but, welp, he's dead
Serena: Ostiannnnnn…you loved me and then she impales herself on the same sword that's- wait how does that even work okay so i went over ostian's death and WHAT Fulgrim was facing him, Ostian was trapped between fugrim and the statue and somehow fulgrim stabbed him with the spicy knife FROM BEHIND THROUGH THE STATUE okay it's not the stupidest thing that's happened in this book but it's bizarre and then he left his precious sword there??? in the marble??? anyways serena and ostian are together in death
actually wait come to think of it, how is the spicy knife primarch-sized anyways
Isstvan V time we get this whole blurb on isstvan mythology Fulgrim is looking so good it makes everyone happy despite everyone being bored out of their skulls with this fortress gig there i summarized 5 pages oh boy time for the opera mcneill did we need to know becky's had a bikini wax NOOOOO THE POOR BIRDS
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where did they even get these songbirds from i want to know also how did they get them to sing i'm pretty sure in such circumstances birds aren't really...
julius, upon seeing becky: i thought fulgrim was the only hot person in existence but…i guess women are also attractive?! welp RIP tobias he's dead now
well that went from 0-100 real quick
rip Coraline julius: a crab claw lady is fine too birth of noise marines: part 2 - instrument edition
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McNeill I'm going to break into your house and chew on all your furniture
yeah im not going to summarize the opera any more it was extremely predictable except for the daemons showing up, that was new anyways iron hands now Balhaan and Diederich are internally squeeing over being in the presence of 3 primarchs
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some day i'm gonna have to do dramatic readings from this book again oh hey first time i've actually met corvus
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yeah i think you covered "swarthy" when you said "dark" "depth of wisdom that had humbled the greatest scholars of the imperium" the average intelligence level of humans must have dropped precipitously that's it that's the only conclusion i can come to
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this is because horus is one of the only primarchs with a sense of tactics
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huh someone actually used "dishonourable" correctly im shocked also at his most sympathetic here, Ferrus is really chafing at waiting
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lol i do wonder how many astropaths ferrus has crushed
next time: Isstvan V
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
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long time no alt account moment smh
Anyway! so yeah ended up with a bit of an impulse pull of emilie here - im by no means like, crazy about her or her design (VA direction in english also being what it is. combat lines especially. the rest is fine) but i had a guarantee left over for attempting furina c1 for this acc and with no particular interest in the 5.0 characters and emilie herself being a pretty solid off fielder (my alt has. way too many on fielders JKJKWJKWDJKD) who has synergies with units like neuvi and arle i was just like. why the hell not. shes still cute and i do love the green color theme a bunch
(she also came early!!!! i had 29 pity when i did my first and only ten pull needed and she dropped at 31 pity which is very nice obviously lmao)
but yeah another part of this sudden emilie inspiration is that somehow this account on my way to a decent arle build had managed to roll what is like. a fairly insane 3p of the burning set and today i rolled a very nice off-piece dendro goblet and so i went to myself all. well okay with these artifacts ready to go if i now go get a crit rate circlet from reverie (ANY CR circlet at all mind you) then it combined with my skyward spine is like. a respectable enough build right out of the box for emilie so like sure. get me that and ill pull
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...and then i got this before even a single 5* circlet of ANY mainstat from reverie after like 12 condensed resins worth of runs 😭😭
like welp okay i suppose it was meant to be KJWJKWJKAJKW . and genuinely this is better than ANY dendro goblet i even have on my main like . What . but guess i cant complain lmao . literally rolled this and went ahead and pulled immediately wjjkdjkdwjkd
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the-dying-star · 4 months
I have only ever interacted with tumblr on the random occasion I'm looking for a certain meme so this is a first.
feel like Stitch saying hi for the first time.......hiiiiiiiii 😁
This tumblr will be dedicated to my fanfiction that I'm currently writing. That i have a love hate relationship with. That I'm terrified to post but I'm going to anyway.
Ive been attempting to get back into drawing too but i suck at faces sooooooo youll see a lot of faceless stuff for a minute lmao
The current fic is If Not For Me.
It is Donnie x OC centric. Although I am super new to ROTTMNT so I'm not great at writing these boys yet. I'm far more used to the 03 boys.
Leosagi fans please dont kill me. I'm so sorry.
Heres my Fanfiction profile.
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claudiajcregg · 7 months
S5 Pregnancy AU - I’d love to hear about!
Welp, this is embarrassing – mostly because this has been sitting in my inbox for almost two weeks, and I kept saying “I need to write something up!” and then… I didn't. (Or rather, I did, then I forgot to post it.) Sorry for the wait, Lil! Thank you for asking <3 (I'll divide this up because I keep writing about the process and how it came to be, instead of any actual, interesting facts.)
I have talked about this one in the past though I don't have a tag for it. The gist is what it says… (Early) S5 but CJ is pregnant. I had this idea over a year ago when I hit mid/late S4 in my rewatch. I thought it'd be interesting to explore some of her disappointment at that time if you added an unexpected pregnancy to it, even if I had the idea before even getting there, lol. Think, the ending-ish of Han, or parts of Disaster Relief. (Both of which do feature! I surprisingly focus a lot on Disaster Relief.)
The thing with S5 is that the timeline is so weird, and I feel I've also created one that isn't entirely realistic but I think it works within the story. (IIRC, the season starts in “May” but also July, then the Shutdown is in November, lmao. A few of the episodes are sneaky two-parters that flow into each other… See 5-6, 7-8.) I've finally gotten out of the no-man's-land I wrote myself into and the next chapter or two, knowing myself, will deal with 7-8! There are a couple of scenes that should be fun to write! (There are so many details I want to mention that are technically spoilers for early twists…)
Every time I had the urge to write it, I'd edit whatever outline I was working in, and though I kept some details… my muse decided to make a big change early on that completely changed the fic's direction. That, and my inability to write anything succinctly. No reason why this story will cross the 100k barrier in a couple of chapters, tops. (It's sitting at 85k across 12 chapters. I think it'll be less than 20 chapters total. Hopefully.)
This might be too long to share snippets, but I've shared some either on the server or here, a couple of months ago.
For more irrelevant details on the “process”…
As I hinted at, I wrote an outline or two around this time last year, because I couldn't stop thinking about it. When I say outlines, it's a general path for the story to follow – ideas, suggestions of dialogue and/or scenes I write to myself; all focused around some sort of chapter structure. I find it much easier to write if I write down where a chapter might go, even if it's just a few lines saying “This happens → then this → finally this;” otherwise, it takes me months. Some would say that I should post it and get encouragement that way but… I hate being dependent on something I can control even less than my muse? That's not for me, thank you. Mad respect for those who work like that.
It was meant to be short – 1-2 “long” chapters per trimester, more if needed, but then interludes in between trimesters. It's not that. Most chapters currently cover 1-2 weeks, but there is not really a pattern. I was afraid of having a fic that would take over my life like the WOWO did three years ago… And it has, but I've also taken breaks and not felt too guilty about them. I definitely don't want this one to sit in my drive and have me wondering what to do with it.
(The novel, aka WOWO, aka IM AU (2021): 150k written in a little over five months, even with extended breaks over the summer. Still hits, even with all its crazy decisions, maybe because of them, but it's also been too long, and it will always remind me of someone who kinda hurt me. Attempts to replace those memories by sharing the story with others, trying to gather whether it's worth posting, have failed, lmao. One day! Maybe!)
But yeah. Uuuuuhhhh. As I've said… Twelve chapters in ten months, 85k words… It's still not done. In fact, I've repeatedly said I am unsure of how to end it (beyond the obvious), but I'd estimate it to be under 20 chapters. I'm not posting it anywhere yet because I want to be able to edit it as a whole and try to make it more consistent; to add little details as I come up with them. There's also the fact that I am not skilled enough to write a compelling story that mixes politics and emotion into something remotely engaging. As a result, the story's politics are very surface-level, and probably repetitive at points, but it's also true I've always been more interested and focused on the emotional journey and the relationship(s) at its center. (Which should surprise exactly no one who's ever read one of my stories.)
But, as critical as I might sound of myself here, I am having fun writing this and I'm committed to seeing it through. I just keep having ideas for stories down the line, putting actual show events through a 'but she also has a kid' perspective.
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randomyuu · 1 year
An attempt at eyeballing.
Not a fanart of any fanfic, but Yuuji and Gojou are used as my sacrificial lambs for my amateurish attempt at muscle studying (which is just eyeballing). Sorry guys.
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Anyone who can draw muscles is absolutely amazing. Like, how in the world did you manage to wrap your head around this bizarre thing called muscles??? I swear, just looking at muscles I’ll be like “oh, that looks cool” or something.
Then I tried drawing it and am amazed and lowkey horrified at how many lines you can put to create the buff look. Like??? That is so cool? But also… weird? It just dawns on me. The human body can do this? The muscles can contract and elongate like this? Wtf???
This is what happens when you did not study the basics during the first stage of self-learning, I guess.
Here is the step-by-step process and images and my thoughts on it:
Here are the sources for Gojou's pose and Yuuji's pose.
I just… uh… I actually didn’t know what I am doing (and still don’t). But I want to start somewhere because I want to also be able to confidently draw muscles. So I just google searched “male muscle pose” with Gojou and Yuuji in mind. I’m in the mood to draw them, so yeah. Poor guys.
I don’t know what was on my mind when I was getting the pose for Yuuji, because his waist is not that thin. That would be Gojou’s lol. But this is eyeballing, not tracing. I get to decide what changes I want to make (and pray it won’t turn disastrous).
2. Rough sketch? Shapes?
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This is what I usually do when drawing. This helps me to roughly guess the size and position of the objects before I dedicate my time to sketching the details. No heads because uh... I forgot.
3. Sketch
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A really big jump from the rough shape, I know. And if you overlapped them, they just roughly matches.
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This is where I start to properly eyeball. I start from the middle—the shoulder, down to the waist. Create the centre of the body first. Then I continue with the arms and heads. I separate the head in another layer because sometimes I have problems with head size.
Then I realise I’m not really sure if Yuuji’s waist is thin or not, so off googling the anime pics I went. And uh… he has a thin-ish waist…? Kind of…? Not as thin as Gojou in the manga, that’s for sure. I was going through a dilemma here lmao. I want to be as accurate to the canon, but also I’m not that capable to make a perfect duplicate so what is the fine balance to keep?
And I give up and decide to give Yuuji a bit of a curve.
4. Final lining with details (aka Gojou's and Yuuji's heads)
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So uh… I actually didn’t plan to make the line this… clean? It was supposed to be a casual retracing with some sketchy lines but cleaner than the sketch. But midway my brain suggested playing with line weights and I just obeyed. The same also applied to the shading, it was unplanned.
Final thoughts:
Hm... considering this is my first time really, REALLY, dedicating my time to draw muscles and no other things along the way, it was... okay. I guess. Overall pretty happy. Definitely could be better.
Gojou looks better than Yuuji. My boy looks a bit off, I'm so sorry Yuuji :") It's because I have drawn characters' backs (clothed) before, so I'm quite familiar with it. But Yuuji's pose was a new one, so I guess that is to be expected.
So… that’s it. I hope this silly post informs/helps/entertains you in some way. If not, that’s okay, just ignore the post haha. I might be back next weekend with another drawing. Maybe. It’s a month of uncertainties for me. No promises.
Welp. Until then, see ya!
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love-fireflysong · 2 years
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Welp, and as promised here's me once again restarting up WIP Wednesdays! I think we can all agree to just forget the fact that my last update for one of these was back in *checks archive* NOVEMBER????? Oh, uh shit. Huh. Damn that creativity slump was really kicking my ass there for a bit oops. Did not realize that it had been an entire four months since I last shared anything lol.
So, from the bottom of my heart: my bad. So please find it in your hearts to forgive me asjdhjakshdas.
Thankfully at least, I think I'm starting to find a nice after work/morning routine that should hopefully keep that creativity up again. Four mornings are spent cross-stitching for a couple of hours with a little bit of pc gaming afterwards, one (which is smack dab in the middle of those four days) is like 4-6 hours hanging out in a starbucks/library and ONLY writing, and the other two mornings are my days off of work where I just game for like 12 hours straight lmao. Routines are good for the heart and soul me thinks.
Plus, the slightly warmer weather and more sun is making me feel WAY better about life and picking my ass up out of that seasonal depression so that also helps a shit ton not gonna lie lol.
Enough taking about me trying to get some semblance of a life back together, here's the shit that (almost) everyone's actually here for: a teensy little sneak peak from my new outlast au piece!
The only reason that Ashley refused to give in to the pain though, was because she knew that no matter what pain she was currently feeling, Chris was feeling it magnitudes worse. That he could feel far more than the metal slicing into muscle, that he could feel the stickiness of the blood that coated Josh's back, the fabric of the more than likely entirely soaked jumpsuit digging into the cuts and making them only sting more. That he could feel each and every one of the small pieces of rubble that still continued to dig into the bloody palms of Josh's hands, left nearly shredded from his frantic attempts to chip at the thick wall of his padded prison cell in order to make a gap just barely wide enough for him to squeeze through. All as he dealt with not only the insistent, burning itch in Ashley's left arm from where the word carved there was still healing—plus whatever other aches and pains she had gained in the last couple of hours since her long-awaited release—but his own long, angry, and still weakly bleeding gash on his right arm. A parting gift from one Rick Traegar during his own desperate escape from the confines of the Male Ward. A ward that he had only barely managed to escape with his life in that first hour.
And now for the bit for the people who don't give a shit about my writing: cross-stitch update! Obviously not a huge amount of progress since my last pic, since I've only sewn once since then. But that skiploom is certainly coming along okay and should hopefully be finished tomorrow morning if everything goes smoothly!
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quiveringdeer · 6 months
nat!!! I hope you’re doing well!!! I have come to humbly ask orchid and taro for the ask game 💓
Kendy!! Always a joy to see you on my dash and in my inboxes. 🧡🧡🧡
Orchid: Which song do you consider to be perfect?
im so awful at remembering songs until I'm listening to them so dont have one in particular but Fragrance by Gackt always scratches an itch in my brain
Taro: If someone called you right now to catch up, what're the things you'd tell them about?
welp I've been attempting to learn Spanish recently and im also trynna get my resume updated (after 3 years of not) so i can apply for a 4mo work detail in Alaska for the summer so that's somethin. I don't think I'm qualified enough for the position but I'm not gonna step on my own chances, "don't tell yourself no, make them tell you no" has been a motto I keep telling the youngins so gotta live by my own advice I guess lmao Fingers crossed cause Alaska in the summer has been a dream of mine since I was a wee Nat
everyone free to ask me more from my ask meme tag!
Also here's this specific post:  ﹟random get-to-know-me ask game  !! 
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collectalong · 9 months
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here's the general history i got going on with jeremy! i largely incorporate my take on jman with the timeline of events laid out by the youtube channel GiBi (Good Idea, Bad Idea) about the games just before the current era of games w the pizzaplex. check it out here! warning for brief pet death mentioned and, well, all the usual child death fnaf such n such.
in the timeline, there's mention of suicide, as well as method—plus a description of traumatic brain injury.
× he is, to me, the friend of mike afton's wearing the bonnie mask during the bite of '83, so he's around mike's age (i pin him at 15! born 1968!)
× he works at the second, shortlived freddy fazbear's pizzeria location in november of '87, age 19. yeah... mangle bit his head. :(.
× mike disappeared from his life shortly before this, so for all he knew, mike was a victim of the second round of disappearances stirring their community up. Double :(.
× always had an interest in robotics and animatronics, his job at the second freddys was what HE thought could be the first step to a seasoned career
× obviously this. Doesn't work out. he spends ten years recovering from this injury, and even then, not all faculties return.
× BUT! during recovery, he got another interest in art! after deemed well enough to work, he worked with mechanics, and took up graphic design contracts along the way.
× 2012, age 44, he has a daughter, who i believe is cassie! yay!
× 2014, age 46, jeremy's cousin has the idea for fazbear frights, a local haunt. the two of them venture to collect as much memorabillia as possible, with jeremy hoping that he could find some closure and happiness in his traumatic injury. he works in graphic design, promoting the haunt with posters and such.
× mike and him meet again when mike applies for night guard, though jeremy only meets him in passing. his cousin is phone dude. radical.
× welp. fazbear frights burns down just a week before opening. that's another bust.
× henry emily starts work on his trap for william, circus baby, molten freddy, and charlie, as well as the rest of the poor souls caught up in this mess. by happenstance, jeremy picks up a freelance job promoting the franchising program through infographics and slideshows, like the intro to pizzeria simulator.
× the restaurant that mike manages burns up five days into operation. jeremy only found out about his estranged friend posthumously.
× jeremy has long moved on to work as a game designer and tester for silver parasol games, who had been contracted to create the freddy fazbear virtual experience before being handed off to another studio because of his attempted suicide by guillotine paper cutter from an entity's influence, namely, glitchtrap.
× while fazbear entertainment itself is null, the corporate machine churns on, someone unknown creating the fazbear entertainment llc. this is in 2016. jeremy is 48.
(this point of the timeline i haven't fully sussed out yet, but dw about it. LMAO. liable to change later.)
× this incident deems him unfit to care for cassie by the court of law. custody is given to his extended family, though they have outings every month. it breaks his heart.
× the pizzaplex is built in 2017, and jeremy, age 48, is brought on as a staff member for the first few years. cassie got to enjoy a lot of rides and games before they hit market or were rejected—every birthday, and every monthly outing, they got to go to the pizzaplex together.
× 2023. jeremy, age 54, out of a job thanks to the staffbots, hears of the sinkhole that destroyed the pizzaplex, and of the old pizzeria that lay beneath. in another attempt at closure, and experience with the pizzaplex's horrors, he heads for the pizzaplex one day to finally put a stop to it. he gets absorbed in the simulation and the staffbot collective, but manages to help vanessa delete glitchtrap before leaving his daughter a VANNI mask to help her against the dangers of the facility.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 2 years
Season Six, Episode Ten: Riders On The Storm
Taking a break for Christmas after this so I can watch some movies and stuff, then I'll hit the last 10 between Christmas and New Year.
So who's even left at this point? Scott, Lydia, Malia, Liam, and now Stiles? That's it?
Didn't they stop filming the season for a while at some point, so DOB could come back? So like, Theo's hair is really long when he gets out of the Hunt, among other things.
Ominous ticket board is ominous.
Well this is heartbreaking.
And he came back in Roscoe instead of the forest because...dramatic effect, presumably?
Uh. Who put those there? That's some speedy construction.
"A Stiles?" - Yesssssss
Yeah, you can tell there's been a time jump behind the scenes, DOB looks different. His hair's longer, and his face is a little chunkier.
Ooh, green fire. Parrish got a Wild Hunt upgrade.
This is the Corey-is-a-machine bit, isn't it? Time for pain.
That's Corey's voice!
Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow? Or divert the tracks, same thing.
Corey is the VIP for this episode, I'm calling it now. He's the key here.
"Wanna split up?" "Never again." <3
Theooooooo. They probably let him out for being too much of a bastard and annoying them all tbh.
Liam, comedy genius.
"Welp, guess everyone dies." - Speaking of comedy genius.
Malia's never called Peter 'dad' before, has she? That's why it works this time, especially since there really isn't an emotional connection there other than mutual irritation.
Should Liam not be...on fire? Or is the rift just wide open now?
Pfft, gone again, well done Stiles.
I guess because the worlds are merging it makes less difference. Same reason why Scott and Stiles don't end up in the train station.
Is Peter in 6B? I feel like he isn't, or not much if he is.
There's that blue hallway again.
Unnecessary flippy shit, my one true love.
Oh Corey, sweetie.
Puppy Pack reunited though.
Stiles with a gun to his head in a locker room. We've been here before.
Yesssss Lydia!
"I didn't say it back." "You didn't have to." - :')
What's the point of having ghostly cowboys if you're not gonna have a Mexican standoff?
Woooo, snog time!
"That was so hot!" - Melissa, oh my god lmao.
"You would have made an excellent Nazi youth." - He's Latino, so I doubt it, but also, what a fucking insult.
Fake Claudia making one last attempt at being a horrible cow.
Ew, that make-up's not...nice...
"No one likes a Nazi." - Line of the episode.
You lose, you Nazi scumbag.
Scott doesn't have his split fangs any more? Aww.
Banshee scream powered bullet? Now that's what I call teamwork.
Someone pushed his luck too far, didn't he? Nazi Ghost Rider is a bad look.
So yeah, Beacon Hills is safe, but won't the Hunt just go take somewhere else? They're not really defeated as much as diverted away from the people we care about.
The Nine Herbs have become a bit of a deus ex machina at this point, haven't they?
Aww, baseball bat bequeathment.
"They'll always need us." - Hell yeah they will. 06x01 callback.
With a little more epilogue, that could have been a series finale tbh. But nope, 10 more episodes to go!
I do hope everyone got to finish college between 06x20 and the movie, they deserve at least that much.
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chrimsone · 2 years
Aight like with any simulation game, I'm hitting a Binge Period with RimWorld. It just got a new expansion that i havent gotten yet because money which involves updating my mods and having another go at a colony. And I have A LOT of mods. Just under 200 with what's been updated to 1.4. Some're QoL or well recommended mods like Alpha Animals. BUT THEN there's also stupid self indulgent mod. Like every destiny mod that's currently good for 1.4. and Froggy Chair. Because it's fun.
Anyways I'll be documenting my terrible attempt at a new colony on here.
Going with classic Randy Random. Honestly I've been going on the peaceful difficulty cause im BAD at the game but today i will try on the second lowest difficulty. Random selection gave me a Tropical Rainforest.
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First colonist! I always go with the first generated list. Idk if its just me, but I hate splitting up pawns that have relationships so if I don't like one of them I just wont even consider the rest related.
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This one is gonna be a problem child. Comfortable temperature is waay lower than normal pawns so I gotta prep myself quick to prevent a heatstroke
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And this is my secret cheat chatacter lmao. My only true-cheat mod of the 'godlike' trait. maxes out like all their stats. BUT to caveat myself I never make the pawn do anything directly outside of combat. And even then one of my failed colonies had my cheat character get immediately ganked by a raid.
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Welp. Lots of stone! One of my more mountainous maps. Where we dropped has a few geysers nearby so I'll probably setup camp right there. Even got some premade buildings!
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that was quick
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aight ive got some stuff setup for my colonists to do while i take a quick shower. let me know if anything cool happens.
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yay! No catastrophes! in fact my homie tamed all the animals i toggled while i was away! instead my dumbass forgot to get more wood chopped so they couldnt finish building
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aight i gotta dip for my semi-annual doctor's appt so that'll be my RimWorld for the day. Here's my current, chaotic setup. I'm not very good at building a decent colony. Can't wait for the eventual raids.
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mirsan · 7 years
Ditched, Again
(For my sweet @inukag !!! This was supposed to be for your birthday, but it ended up being late enough that now we can go ahead and say it’s for you finishing your exams!!! I love love love you and wanted to give you a little something in celebration, so I settled with InuKag and MirSan on a double date :D~ Or well, it would be a double date if MirSan would stop trying to push their two friends together by ditching them… 👀👀👀
InuKag, College AU. 6,879 words, PG-13 for Inuyasha’s potty mouth)
Inuyasha had decided that he hated couples.
Specifically, he hated Miroku and Sango, and whatever weird shit they were up to with him and Kagome.
The four of them were spending another weeknight at their campus bar, exhaustion over final exams rolling off of them in waves of laughter and celebratory clinks of their drinks, as they finally reached the light at the end of their Fall semester. But there was a catch. And lately, as Inuyasha had managed to piece together over the course of the past few weeks, the catch was popping up more frequently, as clear as the tacky, flashing neon sign hanging outside above the entrance. And he was sick of it.
So when Kagome and Sango excused themselves to finally use the restroom that night, he waited until they were sufficiently out of earshot before leaning over the table to look Miroku dead in his guilty eyes.
“Can you two knock it the fuck off already?”
He could see Miroku’s face pass through several phases - confusion first, then maybe bewilderment. Then… Enlightenment? Then confusion again. Finally, exasperation. “Okay. I’ll bite. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Miroku, this is the first time you and I have been left alone at this table in weeks,” Inuyasha squeezed out like a hiss of hot air. “You gonna pretend like that hasn’t all been on purpose?”
He watched as his friend tilted his head, as though looking at Inuyasha at a different angle might somehow give him the answer he was searching for, while arching his eyebrows this way and that. Meanwhile, Inuyasha found himself growing more irritated by the second. He clenched his fist while wrapping the other on the table impatiently. He could remember exactly what was happening just three days earlier, when they met up together right at this time in an attempt to break away from seemingly endless hours of studying, to unwind with a couple of drinks and good times. And then just two days before that, to kick off the weekend like they normally would. And even before that, to celebrate during the lull between classes ending and exam period beginning, trying to savor that last bit of freedom from obligation before study period was in full force. Every encounter included the same shit: Miroku and Sango both showing up over an hour late with flimsy excuses, leaving Inuyasha and Kagome at the table alone; Miroku and Sango constantly getting up to order drinks and snacks at the bar, leaving Inuyasha and Kagome at the table alone; Sango stepping outside to take a phone call, and Miroku catching up with a classmate from last semester, leaving Inuyasha and Kagome at the table.  Alone. Together. Over and over and over again.
“Inuyasha, I’m afraid I don’t understand. Are you and Kagome not friends? Is it inconvenient for you two to have to share space with each other for extended periods of time?” Miroku looked at him like a father might look at a cranky child as he drew lazy circles around his pint of beer and Inuyasha thought he was the most annoying person on the planet.
“That’s not the point, you idiot, we have nothing to say to each other unless you and Sango are there talking about something we can both chime in on, so when you leave us alone like that it’s fucking awkward and–” Inuyasha jumped at the sound of the heavy bathroom door swinging open from behind him and looked to check who was coming out, and upon realizing it wasn’t Sango or Kagome, continued on. “I barely know her, she’s you and Sango’s friend, we’re just friends by association!”
Miroku let out a deep, condescending sigh. “And don’t you think that the solution to this problem is, ah… Talking? I mean, how else do you really get to know someone, exactly?” He took a sip of his drink and averted his gaze to the other side of the room, really driving home that you’re insufferable vibe, missing the way Inuyasha bore holes into his disinterested face. “I mean really, Inuyasha. She’s been part of our friend group for months now, and you two barely know a thing about each other, aside from… Your majors? If that? And that’s just terribly sad.”
“Yeah, okay. Except you’re not leaving us alone to be friends, now, are you. Asshole.” He spat, his fingers tapping more vigorously now.
“Inuyasha, please. What on earth do Sango and I have to gain from that?”
“Another couple to do couple shit with. Y’all are always moping about how all your friends are single.”
“We certainly do not do that.”
Inuyasha leaned back and folded his arms, glaring and jaw set like Miroku’s filthy goddamn hands were halfway out of the cookie jar and the other man had the nerve to lie while his face was covered in crumbs. “Remember when you found that Romantic Weekend Getaway package deal and realized how fucking expensive it would be split between only two people instead of four?”
“Okay, well–”
“Remember bitching about nobody to go to Couples Cooking Classes with you both?”
“Remember how dramatic you were about how only you and Sango had coordinated Halloween costumes this year?”
“Damnit, Inuyasha, do you know how annoying that was?!”
Miroku cleared his throat and tried to regain his composure, while Inuyasha sat back in his seat, poised for rapid fire. “I can keep going. Remember when–”
“Okay! Okay, fine.” He hushed, hands up in surrender. “You’re right. We just want you two to hurry up and date already.”
Inuyasha whipped his head around again to glimpse the bathroom door before practically snapping his neck back toward Miroku, eyes blazing. “Well get the fuck over it! It isn’t going to happen, so stop forcing small talk on us! I don’t see her that way.”
“And why not?” Miroku countered, leaning in and speaking a bit lower. He was clearly fighting the urge to waggle, at minimum, one of his brows. “I mean… Don’t you at least find her attractive?”
Inuyasha blinked. “Am I supposed to?”
“Oh. Oh my goodness. I see now. You’ve lost your sight.” Miroku buried his face in his hands in mock horror before extending his arm to cup his friend’s cheek. “All this time… I’m so sorry, Inuyasha.”
He swatted the hand away from him like a gnat. “Shut up, you jackass, I’m not calling her ugly or anything I just don’t–”
“Who’s ugly?” Sango’s voice sprang out of nowhere, leading Inuyasha’s heart to somersault out of his throat. She and Kagome flashed curious eyes back and forth between the two men. “What did we miss?”
Without a second wasted, Miroku slid over to let Sango back in her seat, gesturing with grandiose charm. “My dear Sango, we were just discussing the gorgeous blouse you’re wearing. I took the stance that it is beautiful and that it, having been chosen by you, is nothing short of perfect, but Inuyasha has an inherent lack of fashion sense, and disagreed with the idea that you and everything you do is without flaw.” Inuyasha cemented him as the most annoying person in the universe. The whole fucking universe.
Sango rolled her eyes and batted playfully at his arm. “Come on. Really?”
“Okay, you got me. Inuyasha thinks Kagome’s ugly.”
Kagome let out a tiny, surprised squeak, while the man next to her sputtered and choked on his beer. Miroku waved his hands harmlessly, “Kidding! Just a joke. Inuyasha, why are you so red? Please breathe.”
The four of them continued their evening with few speed bumps, and out of respect for his friend, Miroku did refrain from creating anymore opportunities that night for alone time between the two that were barely friends with each other. He did notice that Inuyasha and Kagome interacted very rarely with one another, usually only responding to something he or Sango might have said, but the one-on-one interaction wasn’t quite as nonexistent as Inuyasha might have made it seem. In fact, Kagome was the only one to laugh (sympathetically, very fake, couldn’t fool anyone) at one of Inuyasha’s awful attempts at a joke, and that was pretty significant, considering you couldn’t pay Sango or him to laugh at that one. She also seemed perfectly willing to share her fries with him after saying that she couldn’t eat another bite, and Inuyasha took her up on that offer, but of course this was free food and this was also Inuyasha, so it wasn’t terribly surprising either way. But it certainly meant that, at the very least, Kagome didn’t mind Inuyasha, and it could mean something even better.
With last call came the routine dispersing of the bar’s patrons, flurries of colorful evening wear disappearing under thick bundles of coats and scarves, as everyone reconvened outside in the crisp winter air to huddle together for a few last moments of chitchat. Before parting ways, Inuyasha drew Miroku to the side just to say one more time, for emphasis –
“No more, alright? Next time you dip out or show up late to a hangout, it better be for a good reason.”
Miroku considered. “Just for my own sake, what constitutes as a ‘good reason’ to you, friend?”
“Like if Kirara swallowed Sango’s make-up and had to be rushed to the ER.”
“That’s very specific.”
Inuyasha clicked his tongue in annoyance, stuffing his hands deep into his coat pockets. “Whatever! You get what I mean. No more bullshit from either of you, deal?”
“Of course. Take care!” Miroku grinned and waved him off as Sango stepped out from the bar into the night, looping her arm with his and looking the picture of innocence and not at all like her boyfriend’s accomplice. “Night, Inuyasha!” She called to him behind her, smiling sweetly. “See you tomorrow for lunch!”
He gave a noncommittal grunt in reply before shuffling off in the other direction, but was silently grateful for what he hoped would be the return to normal, stress-free, no-ulterior-motives time with his friends. Plus Kagome.
Truth be told, Inuyasha didn’t trust Miroku as far as he could throw him, and so when he arrived at the cafe fifteen minutes late and he was still there before either one of The Fucking Couple, his blood pressure spiked.
He scoped out his surroundings; a casual ramen shop, with not too many people, which he liked. More people meant longer wait times, and he was in enough of a mood already without the added frustration of waiting for his food. Whatever, maybe they were just running late…
“Inuyasha!” He heard a girl’s voice call out, and spied Kagome in a powder blue cardigan signaling to him from her spot at a corner booth. “I got us a table!”
Yeah no shit, he thought, making his way over to her, dread quickly forming to sit somewhere low in his stomach. Something was up, and he knew it. He didn’t let her get much of a word in before barking out, “Are they seriously fucking late again?”
Her eyes not-so-subtly said weren’t you late too and maybe a touch of jeez, calm down there’s kids here, but she quickly pulled out her phone with a hum to herself. “I don’t think they’re coming for lunch. Sango texted me saying Kirara must have gotten into her make-up this morning and she seemed really sick, so the two of them were going to take her to the vet right away.” She placed a thoughtful finger to her chin, the flimsy story unraveling in her mind after saying it outloud. “It’s strange, she’s normally such a good kitty… And I thought most make-up was non-toxic anyways…”
Inuyasha hated them both so, so much. So much.
He contemplated his options: he could just leave, pick up a cheap hotdog from a street vendor around the corner, and go back to his bed and catch up on sleep. That sounded really nice, but would be a dick move to bail on her, all things considered. Or he could stay here and force small talk with Kagome for maybe half an hour, assuming they could order, receive, and eat their food that fast, and maybe they wouldn’t even need to talk while eating because, you know, they’re eating–
Kagome’s frustrated sigh broke him from his train of thought. “I swear, even if they were here they’d probably find some reason to flake on us later on, right?”
“Keh, no kidding,” he scoffed. “It’s all they do lately.”
Her eyes lit up with a mutual understanding, like a poorly structured dam that Inuyasha broke down instantly by saying just what had been on her mind for weeks. “Yeah! It’s really annoying! I mean, I get that things come up, but what’s so hard about carving out a few moments to spend with your friends?!” She then gasped and covered her mouth regretfully with her hand, lowering her gaze. “Oh… I shouldn’t say that. Especially not if Kirara is sick and all. I think I’m just tired…”
“Nah,” he brushed her off nonchalantly, not really caring if he seemed rude or dismissive of his friends’ struggles because damn it I know the truth they’re little lying sneaks and they’ve got something up their sleeve so don’t waste your sympathy on them Kagome, “you’re just tired of their shit. Don’t worry, so am I.” He propped his elbow on the table, cheek resting in his cupped hand as he absentmindedly perused the menu. It was just lunch. How bad could it be with only the two of them? Maybe he really could stuff his face and avoid conversation. Plan B and all that.
He exhaled in defeat, accepting that he wasn’t going anywhere for the moment. “Whatever. Let’s just eat, no sense wasting any more of our time. Their loss,” he trailed off, finger hovering over a picture of a steaming bowl of tonkotsu ramen. He’d already forgotten about the street hotdog.
“Mhm,” she cheerily agreed. “This was my suggestion anyway. I love this place, it’s one of the first restaurants I stumbled across when I dared to venture off campus after moving out here. The tonkotsu ramen is to die for…”
Well, at least she had good taste in food.
After they’d both ordered their lunch, waited around fifteen minutes for it to come out, and began slurping away at their noodles, Inuyasha counted maybe about five or six sentences exchanged between them. And “yeah” and “I guess” counted as sentences in his book.
So far in their forced conversation he’d learned that she liked spicy food, and she’d learned that he didn’t. She was studying early childhood education, and he was studying occupational therapy. They also discovered they both weren’t from the city, but from small towns out in the countryside, in opposite directions from Tokyo. He learned her family had a shrine, and she learned his family had a farm. All in all, Inuyasha figured that was probably enough discovery for one day.
He had to give her credit, though; despite his often gruff responses and lack of eye contact, she… Appeared to take a genuine interest in what he was saying. Every response from her was peppered with an ooh or aah, and when she heard the word “farm” she sounded like a kid at a petting zoo when she asked about what kind of animals his family raised. “Like chickens and pigs and cows? Horses?!”
“Uh, here and there. Kind of. Mostly chickens. Oh look, our food’s here.”
To his satisfaction, the ramen was delicious, much better than the cheap stuff he’d scrounged up during the school year when he was short on cash. Why did they always have to meet at the campus bar if this place existed? And you could always order a beer with your meal here too, if you really wanted, so what was the point of ever going to a bar in the first place? What kind of people was he even friends with? How stupid–
He heard Kagome sniffle from her seat across him and watched as she self-consciously covered her nose and mouth with a napkin. Her eyes were red, and the rest of her face wasn’t far behind. “Ahh, this always happens… The spice is soooo good, but sometimes I still can’t handle it!” She laughed nervously between sniffs as she tried to be discrete, shrinking in on herself to somehow try and make the display less obvious.
“Yeah, that’s why I don’t mess with that stuff. My senses are too sensitive as is.” He wrinkled his nose in disgust; the broth in Kagome’s bowl was liquid fire, with flecks of red chili flakes, and he could smell the flavorful heat from where he sat as it threatened to singe his nostril hairs. She must be pretty tough to handle all that and only get a runny nose, though, which was more than he could say for himself. He remembered not-so-fondly when Miroku cooked spicy curry over at his place one evening, and Inuyasha thought his taste buds would be shot for the rest of his life…
“Miroku nearly killed me with curry once,” he decided to finish out loud, between bites. “Everything I ate for the next week tasted like gunpowder. I drank a whole gallon of milk that night to get rid of the pain, and I don’t even like milk.” Kagome laughed and he couldn’t tell if the tears in her eyes were from laughing or if the spice was really getting to her now, but she was laughing pretty hard, and Inuyasha felt a smile tugging at his lips that he couldn’t fight.
“Oh my gosh,” she said, catching her breath, “no wonder he and Sango took those cooking classes together. She probably heard what he did to you and wanted to save herself from the same fate.”
He let out a little chuckle at that one. “I don’t doubt it,” he said.
This really wasn’t too bad. Kagome certainly had a personality, though he guessed he never really noticed before while hanging out at the bar with Miroku talking like he’d never run out of air. And her laughter was kind of infectious, especially when they took turns telling a ridiculous story about either one of their mutual friends. She always seemed like she never had anything to say other than smiley agreements and polite suggestions, but truth be told she had some spunk in her, a little bit of fiery edge to go with her brightness. He didn’t even realize they were eventually chatting in front of empty bowls until the waitress came around again and placed their bill on the table.
Suddenly, he was aware of his situation again. Wasn’t this supposed to be a half hour thing? Was he actually extending this little plot of Miroku and Sango’s? He needed to go find his fucking “friend” and hang him over the balcony or something for revenge, not dawdle here with all these damn pleasantries. Focus, Inuyasha. Remember how you ended up in this to begin with.
He rifled through his pockets and placed enough money on the table to at least cover his half, then pushed himself out of his chair, feeling heavy and sluggish from all the food but still motivated into action. “Well, I gotta get going. Tell Sango I hope Kirara feels better,” he said, already gathering his things to leave. Surprise at the suddenness flashed across Kagome’s face, but she nodded in understanding nonetheless.
“Mm, I’m sure she’s fine. You know how they are,” she jested and winked playfully, and he didn’t really know why she was winking, if it was a come on you know they’re lying about that right wink or if it was something else entirely, but in any case, he responded by blinking twice and then walking away with a wave from behind, not in any place to overthink things at the moment. “Keh, right.”
He headed briskly for Miroku’s apartment.
“Inuyasha! Good to see you, how–”
“Are you fucking serious.”
Miroku smiled genuinely and it made Inuyasha want to punch him in the face. “How did it go?”
“How did what go? Lunch for two? Nevermind that, how’s that sick cat of Sango’s? She throw up all over your shit yet? Because she should.” Inuyasha nudged his way through the doorframe where Miroku stood with that stupid face of his, and watched as the other man closed the door to his apartment. “Wait, no, of course. She wasn’t really sick! Because you’re a sneaky asshole and that shouldn’t surprise me by now but here we are.”
Miroku made a soothing gesture, attempting to look blameless and all things holy and right. “Ah, Inuyasha, you misjudge me. Sometimes, a good friend is not just one that will do whatever you want them to do. Sometimes, being a good friend means doing what you should do for others, even if those others might disagree with you. So you see, I was simply helping you along a path I am sure you will want to follow, though it may seem daunting at the moment.”
“Daunting?!” Inuyasha shouted, his face wild and hot with anger. “What the hell makes you think this is a ‘path I’ll want to follow’ or whatever the fuck?! What does that even mean?! Why do you have an agenda for my life suddenly?! Wh–”
“So it went badly?” Miroku lamented, deflated and with probably the most pathetic pout Inuyasha had ever seen. God, he was so punchable.
He plopped on the couch and hesitated for a moment, remembering an hour or so earlier when he’d met with Kagome for lunch. Badly? No… It went fine, really. But it’s the principle of it all! It was supposed to be the four of them, and they got ditched again! But it wasn’t like a death sentence or anything… Okay, it wasn’t terrible, fine. It was even kind of nice sometimes. And the food was really good. Is lunch ever really a disaster if the food is good? He thought not.
“It didn’t go badly, no. But still. What the hell, Miroku.”
He shouldn’t have given him any leeway with that response, because in the next moment, Miroku’s eyes were practically sparkling, and he looked like an excited child eagerly awaiting the next words out of Inuyasha’s mouth. “It didn’t? So it went well? What did you talk about? Do you like her even a little bit? Inuyasha, please, give me something. I’m positively giddy, I need to know.”
Inuyasha rubbed the bridge of his nose with regret. Is this what happened when you became a couple? Because he could swear he was talking to Sango right now, too. “I told you it wasn’t bad! What more do you want? We talked, we ate food, and then I left to come here and possibly kick your ass.”
“But,” Miroku stressed, urgent and leaning forward, begging the question. “But did you enjoy yourself?”
Inuyasha grit his teeth. “Fine. I did. She’s not awful to talk to. Are you happy? Positively giddy?” He propped his feet up on Miroku’s coffee table, leaning back and closing his eyes. “I’m so glad for you, really. You’re a great friend.”
“Your sarcasm is duly noted and dismissed because I know that deep down, you know I really am, Inuyasha,” he said dreamily, sitting beside him on the couch. “You know, you’ll thank me for this one day. I’ll be giving my best man speech at your wedding, and I’ll raise my glass and tell of the first date you and Kagome ever had, how it was all possible because of–ow! That’s my throw pillow! Easy, easy!”
“Shut the hell up!” Inuyasha growled, thwacking him a few more times and then getting up to leave. “I’m outta here. I can’t wait to not be around your sorry ass for a few days.”
Miroku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly while he watched his friend retreat, then suddenly remembered.
“Inuyasha! Sango’s birthday this weekend. We’ll meet up downtown to see the light show at the plaza fountain and go from there. See you then?”
“Oh, I don’t know, you gonna actually be there?”
“Well, it’s Sango’s birthday, so I mean, I’d say… Definitely?”
“Oh. Right,” Inuyasha blushed. “Well, I still don’t trust you. But okay.”
Miroku beamed. “We’ll see you there! I promise!”
The days came and went, and Inuyasha spent them tending to his own affairs, using some alone time to tune up a couple things at home and get in a few good workouts. For what it was worth, he did get an apology phone call from Sango for the lunch debacle earlier in the week. She’d mentioned how Miroku was the one that told Kagome about Kirara getting sick, but that he’d used her phone to do it. “I’m not one to lie about that sort of stuff,” she empathized. “But, well… Miroku convinced me that it would all work out okay. Still, I’m sorry for going along with it.”
He’d brushed her off, hearing the sincerity in her voice and repeating that it’s whatever, it happened, it’s not the end of the world. There’d been a small silence before she’d softly asked him, “But… She’s nice, isn’t she? I hope you two still had somewhat of a good time.”
“Uhh, yeah,” he’d stammered out. “I guess.”
“I’m glad. Take care, and see you in a couple days.”
Thinking back on the conversation made him antsy, or maybe guilty, or maybe both. He’d been keeping himself busy lately, but now, having time to remember hanging out with Kagome… He felt a little silly being so fussy about meeting up with her alone. She wasn’t a bad person to have lunch with. And if she wasn’t a bad person to have lunch with, she probably wasn’t a bad person to eat dinner with either, or whatever else. But the thought of giving Miroku any pleasure by letting him be right even on one account was just too much. Tell the guy Kagome isn’t the worst person in the world to hang out with, and he’s already checking rates for a bed and breakfast in the mountains.
In any case, it was Sango’s birthday, so he’d have to be on his best behavior, and that meant at the very least not giving either of them a hard time. And also making nice with Kagome. Which wouldn’t be all that hard, considering that they maybe, kind of, sort of hit it off…
“Oi! Kagome!” Inuyasha spotted her in the crowd, her vibrant green sweater easy to see in the sea of people swarmed together at the plaza. It was already sunset, which meant the light show would be starting not too long from now, and everyone was flocked together to watch. Did Sango really have to choose this packed of a place to start off the night? His senses were overwhelmed completely, loud noises and weird smells and he could swear he felt at least three people’s body parts on his own body parts and he’d really like to be home right now but it was Sango’s fucking birthday, so whatever.
Kagome inched her way over to him and his waving arm in the air, squeezing through the mass of people with a grimace. “Oh, thank goodness! I thought I’d never find you guys.” She looked over his shoulder and to either side of him, confusion spreading across her face. “Wait, where are Miroku and Sango?”
“I thought they were with you.” He narrowed his eyes.
Not one to fall into this trap without a fight, Inuyasha took out his phone immediately and rifled through his contacts. Too loud to talk in this place, so a text would have to suffice. He tapped furiously to Miroku. ‘Where the hell are you two?’
‘Up at the front,’ he got in response a moment later. Inuyasha motioned to Kagome to start making their way toward the front, while he sent another text, ‘We’re in the back.’
Okay, this wasn’t completely a bust. They were apparently here somewhere, they’d just have to find them. Kagome made a bee-line toward the outside of the crowd, and Inuyasha followed, grateful to make the trek up to the front in a more open space instead of being surrounded by sweaty people. He rushed up to walk alongside her, mumbling a couple of choice words under his breathe like “seriously” and “unbelievable,” but upon catching up to her, he stopped.
Kagome looked… Happy. Not annoyed, unless she was just doing a great job of hiding it. She had something of a pep in her step, and Inuyasha found it a challenge to not feel a little more at ease with her around, her relaxation and happiness a powerful counter to the petulance bubbling up inside him. “Why are you so cheerful?” He questioned, trying to disguise his interest in her answer.
Her cheeks were lightly tinted, surprised he’d been paying attention to her appearance that much, but she gave him a small smile. “I actually love this light show. I remember coming into the city when I was a kid and I thought it was the most beautiful thing, and back then the pyrotechnics were probably nothing compared to now.” She nervously fidgeted with her hands and cast her gaze down while she walked.
Something about the way she talked about the lights made Inuyasha envious… He’d already seen this damn thing last year, and it was neat and all, but to have that sentimentality for it would probably make it seem spectacular. 
“Well,” Inuyasha offered, “I don’t know what it was like back then, but Sango flips out over it still at her age, so you’ll probably have the same reaction.” That seemed to satisfy her enough, and for the first time he wondered about Kagome outside of just this moment, walking together to the front of the plaza, and instead thought of what her face might look like during the light show, how wide her eyes might be when she sees the grand finale and all the colors illuminating the sky. No way she wouldn’t be impressed if she was that crazy about it as a kid. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t at least kind of anticipating her reaction.
They made it to the front and shimmied their way back into the crowd, keeping their eyes peeled for Miroku and Sango, but no luck. The sun had already set by now, and the lack of light made it that much more difficult to identify anyone in the swarm of people. Inuyasha felt himself losing his patience again. He was subjecting himself to sensory overload, and for what? Two people who probably weren’t even here?! At least he had Kagome to keep him company in the misery, but even then–
Wait, what? No. Nonononono. Absolutely not.
‘Where are you?!’ He texted Miroku again. This was too much. He and Kagome pushed through the crowd to end up at the other side of the front, him looking disheveled and just about done for the day, and her looking puzzled, still scanning her eyes across the pool of people to find their friends. Inuyasha damn near threw his phone against the pavement when he got a text back from Miroku that read ‘In the back! Where are you?’
“Come the fuck on!” He yelled, and Kagome was thankful for the loud buzz of the people around them to drown him out, otherwise she’d be mortified. He cocked his head back in the direction they came from. “They went where we were before. Of course.”
She laughed, if only to convey how ridiculous this all was. “Of course!” She repeated, and followed suit, heading down the stretch all the way back to the plaza entrance with him. “Well, at least we know they’re here?”
“Keh, for all we know he could be pulling our leg again. That’s the future lawyer for you,” he said, trying to calm himself down just a bit. “Always pulling something out of his ass.”
Kagome thought for a moment that maybe they could be ditching them again, but… On Sango’s birthday, of all days? It seemed unlikely. “Let’s keep trying. I’m sure we’ll find them!”
Her optimism wasn’t as off putting to him as it should have been. In fact, he kind of believed her. Before he could give any sort of response - agreeable or sarcastic, he hadn’t decided yet - the few streetlights around them dimmed, and cheers erupted from all around as orchestral music played loudly over the sound system. Kagome let out a gasp and turned to him. “It’s starting! It’s starting!” she tugged at his sleeve, and he just kind of… Let her do it. I mean, with as excited as she was, he didn’t want to put a damper on it by telling her to knock it off, I get it, I have eyes and ears, leggo of me already.
“Yeah, we’ll find them after,” he murmured to himself, watching the fountain begin to spray a fan of water over the lake in front of them while projections danced along the surface it created, lasers bouncing from the lake and reflecting off of Kagome’s bright, captivated eyes. The boom of fireworks shooting into the sky made them both jump, but she quickly recovered with a delighted giggle and a few claps of her hands. The fireworks burst across the night sky in an array of shapes and colors, sunbursts and falling stars and flowers, all in time with the swell of the instruments, and even he had to admit it was amazing, though maybe more so considering the girl next to him couldn’t tear her eyes away from the show for a second.
He wasn’t sure if it was just the excitement surrounding them, the music that was so loud it made the railing around them vibrate, or the abrupt blasts of fireworks, but Inuyasha’s heart was racing. It wasn’t a feeling he was used to, nor did he particularly like it, but it wasn’t necessarily unpleasant, either. Just… Different. A change. He turned his head toward Kagome, who was still staring with her mouth agape at the display before them, earrings catching the multicolored lights and when the hell did he start noticing her earrings, or even the smell of her perfume, amidst all the fried food and cologne and whatever else was stinking up the air, but she smelled sweet and her hair wasn’t usually too curly but today it kind of was, like maybe she spent a little extra time or something to make her hair look bouncier? Was that the word? Or maybe shinier? But for what who knows–
“Isn’t it beautiful?” She breathed out, hands clasped closely to her chest.
He swallowed the lump forming in his throat.
The rest of the night was loud, and smelled like alcohol, and yet everything to Inuyasha sounded as though it were filtered the way noise might carry to someone who was under water. They ended the night at a more lively, glitzy bar than their usual hangout spot, and Miroku had to ask him multiple times if he wanted to take a birthday shot (”How many fucking shots can be called a ‘birthday shot’ tonight?” “If it’s happening today, then it’s a birthday shot! Are you allergic to fun? How is that working out for you?”), because his mind was just… Elsewhere; figuring things out, reading into and making sense of expressions and gestures and questions and answers.
By the time the festivities drew to a close, Sango was giggly and red-faced and clung to Miroku’s neck like a bib, and Miroku’s face was that of a man so indulged and satisfied you could swear the birthday sex already fucking happened. Kagome, meanwhile, had a light flush, but nothing suggesting she was anywhere near Sango’s level. Inuyasha managed to come back to Earth for a moment to motion to the rest of them that it was time to round up and get going, ushering them out of the bar and preparing to wave down a taxi.
“Ah! Actually,” realization dawned on Kagome’s face, “my place isn’t far from here, maybe just a couple blocks.” She tucked her scarf into her coat and fished her gloves out of her pockets. “You guys go ahead, I’ll see you all tomorrow for brunch!”
A cab drove up to the curb and Miroku opened the door with a greeting to the driver, urging Sango to slide in while holding her hand to help steady her. “Inuyasha, you coming? Your place is on the way, right?”
He watched Kagome walk off without a care in the world. What the hell was she thinking? It was past 2 in the morning and she was tipsy, and they were close to downtown, and she was walking by herself–
Mentally, he kicked himself. 
“You two go on ahead,” he said over his shoulder. “And for your sake, give that poor girl some water when you get home.”
Miroku’s grin could split his face in two. “She’s in good hands, friend. You go take care of Kagome,” he read Inuyasha’s mind. “Can’t have a pretty girl out this late on her own.”
The other man let out a half-hearted keh before jogging to catch up to the aforementioned pretty girl (’It’s not that she’s pretty, okay, she’s alone at this time of night and that’s dangerous no matter what, shut up!’), calling out for her. Kagome turned to see him stop beside her. “Inuyasha…?” she said, waiting with expectant eyes.
He gulped. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m just making sure you get home safe.” He knew his face would turn redder by the second, so he looked away from her curious face and hurried them along, pulling his scarf up to his nose for warmth.
She stood there for a moment before he heard the tell-tale sound of her heels clicking on the pavement as she followed, appearing again at his side. “That’s… Really nice of you. Thanks,” she said softly.
They walked the few blocks to her apartment in companionable silence, and she carried herself well, barely wobbling at times - though he figured it could have been her feet hurting and not the drinks she had that night. She occasionally gripped his arm during the last stretch, when it seemed her legs were about to give out, and she whispered “I’m sorry” and he muttered “It’s fine” from the safety of his scarf, thankful it covered as much of his face as it did. In hardly any time at all, they stopped in front of what Kagome identified as her place.
“Thank you again, Inuyasha,” she smiled up at him, and before he could mumble something detached in reply she threw her arms around him in a tight hug, her cheek pressed heavily to his chest, and time must have slowed for him because he could swear an entire minute passed during the five seconds of that hug, and he hoped hoped hoped she didn’t catch his heart beating during all that, because it sure fucking was, and it was also pounding in his ears, but how could he hear anything when the smell of her shampoo was just there right underneath his nose completely overwhelming every other sense of his, and suddenly he was under water again.
He was frozen in place and didn’t even notice Kagome scurry up to her building’s door while he remained there on the sidewalk, wide-eyed, a chorus of whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck singing in his head.
“Are you sure, Inuyasha? I actually was really craving crepes this morning–”
“Nah, it’s fine. Something came up.”
“Well, alright. This is my karma. I’ll let Kagome know?”
“I’ve got it.”
“You’re gonna reach out to Kagome of your own free will? Why, Inuy–”
“Shut up.”
“I’m just saying, this is a little uncharacteristic, but not unwelcome! So tell m– hello? Helloooo?”
Kagome sat at a table for four, glossing over the menu and licking her lips in anticipation of sinking her teeth into a chocolate and strawberry crepe, or maybe banana coconut french toast, or no, what about an omelette? Maybe she could sucker Sango into ordering one thing and Kagome could get the other, and they could share! Brilliant. Genius.
She looked up from her menu just in time to see Inuyasha sit down across from her. Good, he got here first! She was hoping to have a minute to thank him for last night again, and apologize for being so tipsy and impulsive. Definitely the after-effects of too many cocktails. But, well, that was a little strange to get into out of nowhere… So she settled with a “good morning” and handed him a menu. “Looks like those two are ‘late’ again,” she joked, unable to help herself from giggling at their recent inside joke with one another. And it wasn’t a bad ice breaker, either!
Inuyasha blushed. “Um, actually, I… Told them not to come.”
Kagome blinked. “Oh,” she said, her mouth round in surprise as she pieced it together.
“Oh,” she repeated, quieter this time, and smiled.
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cherryistired · 6 years
Tumblr media
it’s been raining a lot this week
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
freaky ideas you say mwahahhaha 😩😩😩😩
okokokok, so
i’m thinking something along the lines of maybe toxic/gaslight king taehyung like a real kinda nate jacobs kind of situation (not tooo crazy like nate but just the manipulative part) but he’s that ex you love bumping into while drunk or horny bc he’s an amaaaazing lay but he always pulls u back in to fall for him but u know he’s bad and he knows he’s bad, he just knows he take steal you from any man
welp this was fun 🥴 i literally refuse to reread this so sorry if it's trash or riddled with errors lmaoooo hope u enjoy tho !!!
send me more freaky ideas!!!!!
pairing: taehyung x reader wordcount: 737 (look mom i did a real drabble!!!!) contains: tae is legit toxic, reader is too lmao, drunk hookups, a literal dick-measuring contest, taeCONDAAAAA, unprotected sex, don't ever let any man talk to you like this y'all i'm so srs
“What the fuck?”
You sit up so quickly that your tits bounce painfully with no shirt or bra to hold them steady. The alcohol numbing your mind puts you on a five-second delay to process what’s happening: first, the realization that you should probably attempt to hide your naked body; second, the realization that your ex has just walked in on you fucking someone else.
This would be a problem for anyone. But it is especially a problem when your ex is Kim Taehyung.
“I thought you locked the door,” your hookup– you have admittedly completely forgotten his name– grunts as he scrambles to cover his bare ass.
You thought you did too, but honestly, you are not in your right fucking mind right now. You definitely remember spinning the lock ninety degrees, but as you think back on it, you may have spun it back the other way when you were trying to figure the thing out.
Too drunk to remember how doors work means way too fucking drunk to be around Taehyung. There’s a reason your friends made you change his contact name to ⛔️⛔️DO NOT FUCKING DO IT DRUNK BITCH⛔️⛔️.
You’ve been good. Two months without Tae might be your new record.
When he tilts his head to the side with that cocky-ass look on his face, you just know you’re not making it another hour. “You really are up here letting somebody else take what’s mine.” Oh, you hate him so much. You need him to split you open.
“Who the fuck is this?” Your hookup sputters, eyes darting between you. “You have a boyfriend?”
“Ex,” you say simply. You haven’t moved from the position you were in when he was fucking you- on your back on the bed, legs spread, propped up on your elbows.
“Get the fuck out of here, dude,” he says to Tae, and he’s angry enough now to have abandoned any attempts to not be fully naked in front of a stranger. You have to smack a hand over your mouth to stifle your laugh. Taehyung looks equally amused, pressing his lips together as his eyes jump from the guy to you and back again.
“How about we let her compare then? Make her own choice?”
Tae is already in motion before your hookup has any time to process his words. His hands move quickly to the button of his slacks– he can never wear fucking normal pants, always has to dress like the lead character in a romance movie despite having the personality of an actual demon– popping it open, unzipping his fly, and pushing both pants and briefs down his hips in one fast, confident motion.
You unabashedly lick your lips at the sight and sound of his dick smacking hard against his stomach. Damn, did it get bigger?
Your hookup is laughable by comparison, and you know that’s exactly the point. Length, girth, curve, veins, overall prettiness: Tae has him beat, easily, in every category.
You should know. His dick has single-handedly ruined your life.
The poor guy’s eyes jump from Tae’s dick to his own several times in succession, and he clearly doesn’t want to stare long enough to feel gay, but you can tell he’s amazed. It is really the only possible reaction.
“And this is just a semi, king.” Taehyung spits the final word for emphasis.
All pretense is gone now: you both know that he doesn’t have to stand there and pretend to wait for you to make your choice. It’s been made since the second he walked in. “If you’ll excuse me,” he says with a final nod to the guy, and then his knees are sinking into the mattress between your legs.
“Fuck, Taehyung,” you hiss as he pushes all the way in. The pain of the stretch is no match for the pleasure of his cock filling you entirely, and your walls grip him so tight that you can feel every twitch and throb of him inside you. All your senses are dulled in comparison; you only vaguely process the sound of the door slamming shut.
“Maybe I should cut you off more often,” he groans in your ear as he grinds into you, thick head rolling over your g-spot in languid strokes that make you see stars. “You get so fucking tight. How about I remind you who this pussy belongs to?”
You already know it’s his.
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