#and when I asked why her voice sounded pissed when she denied that she was angry she just snapped that I should not over interpret it
kjell-e · 8 months
the problem of being the child of a person who was abused but also abusive is that you learned to nod along when they say shit like „oh well, I did suffer, but I could not do it differently, it was so hard but I did my best“ while inside everything screams LIKE HELL YOU DID but when you try to bring this up in a diplomatic way you parent suddenly behaves like a fucking kid, throws a tantrum and tries to gaslight you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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catsgut · 7 months
uhmm so… you asked for more scumbag!toji… i just… fucking his enemy’s (gojo’s) sister on gojo’s bed??? i’m sorry i’m thinking with my 😺 rn… even better if shes a virgin
THIS IS SO GOOD(ノ ̿ ̿ᴥ ̿ ̿)ノ you’re so smart hehe…. i made this kinda long? bc it was sm fun to write also i luv my baby so much i gotta treat her <3
warnings: drugs, geto and gojo are sleezey, toji is.. scummy, loss of virginity, SPITTTTT, dubcon kinda, size kink galore, blood, rough sex, UMMM INCEST SORTA HELLOOOOOOOOO
honestly, you didn’t care for your brother very much. he was condescending and didn’t have very good morals. you could tell his priorities were all wrong and twisted, but it was him or your parents, and you’d take satoru any day. at least he didn’t put almost impossible expectations on you. in fact, the only things he expected if you was to cover your share of rent and buy groceries.
and geto was nice enough. he, for some reason, was always up early enough to talk to you before you went to class. the conversations were normal for the most part, but the loud moans coming from his bedroom most nights were enough to keep you permanently pissed off at him. he seemed to think it was funny, constantly teasing you about how good he made “that bitch” feel. you couldn’t deny he was attractive, but he teased you too much to give it any thought.
you still went to college and tried your best to set yourself up for success, but it was hard when you had to come home to your man child brother and his equally immature roommate. the house constantly smelled like weed and you were worried it would stick to your clothes. you didn’t want anyone to get a bad impression of you, but of course that was impossible when satoru was your brother.
you knew they made most of their money through selling drugs, but you had no idea the extent to it. it wasn’t that they didnt want you to know, you were just always horded up in your bedroom whenever you weren’t in class. not once had you ever come out while they had people over, not wanting to have to hold a conversation with your brothers brain dead friends.
but tonight you just really had to use the bathroom. you tried your best to hold it, sucking the end of your pen and you tried putting your focus on studying, but as the time ticked on your bladder slowly started burning.
“fuck,” you groaned. maybe you could sneak into the bathroom without being noticed, so you put your house slippers on and slowly opened your door a crack. you could see geto sitting on the love seat facing another man sitting on the couch opposite of him. you hadn’t ever seen him before, but by the look of his back you could tell he was very big. his hair was dark and shoulders broad. they were talking in quiet voices, but the man sounded annoyed. you could slightly make out your brothers name being said in an aggravated tone.
tiptoeing into the hallway, you hurried into the bathroom and quietly shut the door. you didn’t know why your heartbeat was beating so hard, but nonetheless you were glad you made it into the bathroom unnoticed. you did your business and combed your fingers through your hair. looking into the mirror, you saw you looked tired with bags under your eyes. probably from all the sleepless nights studying.
quietly, you opened the bathroom door hoping they were still occupied with talking. not seeing anyone, you opened it fully and stepped out. you thought you were in the clear before you heard a voice.
“y/n?” geto called out from the living room, dread filling your body. shit. they never made you talk to any of the guests they invited over, so why now of all times? “yeah?” you called out, voice sounding small as you walked into the living room. the man was now facing you and you could make out a scar on his lips. he was handsome for sure, but looked scary, someone you should stay away from— you couldn’t help but feel butterflies in your tummy.
“yeah, geto?” you asked again looking over at your roommate. he smiled sweetly, something that always threw you off. “have you heard from your brother at all? he owes toji here a lot of money, but we can’t seem to get a hold of him.”
you rolled your eyes. that sounded like satoru. “um he’s probably with a girl or somethin’,” you rubbed your clothed foot against your ankle.
“that’s too bad,” you heard geto say, but you weren’t really listening. looking back over at the man you saw he was no longer looking at you. you were able to get a better view of him, seeing just how big he was. his tight black shirt hugged his body nicely and he was pairing it with some grey sweatpants. his legs were spread out and part of you wished you were between him.
you looked back over at geto and saw he was grinning. he gestured over to toji with his eyes and winked. you could feel your face heating up in embarrassment. “well i have a paper to write… so uh goodnight.” you looked back to toji and smiled politely before going back into the safety of your bedroom.
that night when you laid in your bed, you couldn’t stop thinking about toji. he looked exactly like the type of man you should stay away from, but it was that very reason that had you grinding down on your pillow that night.
a couple days had past and you hadn’t heard from your brother. this wasn’t uncommon as he liked to lay low when someone was searching for him, so you brushed it off thinking it was just your brother being the typical asshole he was. geto seemed to be gone a lot, too. that was more uncommon, but non of your business. it was actually nice to have the house to yourself for once. you got some cleaning done and even got all caught up on homework.
you were currently sitting on the couch scrolling through your phone when there was a loud knock on the door. it startled you, but you got up to open it anyway thinking one of them misplaced their key (something that happened often.) what you weren’t expecting to see was an angry looking toji. “c-can um i help you?” you tried to sound nice but it just came out frightened.
“no, but gojo can. he home?” his voice was low and you wondered if satoru had really fucked up this time. this time you tried to muster up all your confidence saying “no, he isn’t home. you can go now,” but that only seemed to annoy him even more.
he shoved past you, yelling your brothers name. the sudden action made you stumble back in fear of what he was going to do to. you didn’t have it in you to fight back only telling him again that he wasn’t here.
“well i guess ill hang around till he gets back. your brother owes me money an’ im not leavin’ till i get somethin’.” he sat his large body on the couch and sighed. you watched him close his eyes and cross his arms as if he was going to sleep.
“would you like something to drink?” you didn’t know why you were trying to be nice to him after he clearly invited himself inside, but you couldn’t help but want his attention. not saying a word, his eyes opened and stared at you. “we have water and um juice.”
toji continued to stare at you only he was smiling now. it didn’t look friendly, but that feeling in the pit of your stomach slowly started to return. “how about you hang out with me over here,” he suggested, beckoning you one with his ring and middle finger. you didn’t understand, but he was making a motion that looked similar to fingering a girl.
nervously, you went over and sat next to him. despite the uneasy feeling you were getting, this was the most exciting thing you’ve done in a long time. you’ve never been this close to a man like him. the way he stared down at you made you feel small.
“man you’re cute, you sure you’re gojo’s sister?” he smiled and for a second he looked kind. you giggled nervously at his question feeling your face heat up. “um thank you.” the tension in the air was thick and you weren’t sure if you could keep this up. you knew it was wrong to let a man talk to you like this, but you were too scared to do anything about it. if anything, you wanted more.
“my brother might not be home for a while.” you heard yourself say while fidgeting with your fingers. “you can still um.. stay here though.” closing your eyes, you could feel his hot breath on the side of your face. it didn’t smell the best, but the wet patch growing in your panties distracted you.
“i don’t mind spendin’ some time with you, little girl.” you gulped and looked back up to his to see his face was only a couple inches from yours. you could understand that you brother absolutely did not like this man, but that didn’t stop you from closing your eyes when toji leaned in. you opened your mouth obediently, letting his big tongue dig around in it.
toji chuckled at your inexperience and grabbed at your thighs. they were squeezed together, trying desperately to get some friction. “damn you’re a little slut,” he groaned into your mouth. “lettin’ a stranger touch you like this.”
you whimpered when you felt his fingers get tangled in your hair. you couldn’t lie that this was exciting. for once in your life you felt so good doing something so bad. this man could be anyone, could do anything to you, but you were counting on it. in this moment, he could be a murderer and you would spread your little legs for him.
your tongue was hanging out from between your lips, drool dripping onto your lap. toji was kissing and biting the skin on your neck, one hand in your hair and the other lifting one of your legs to your chest. he leaned down to peak under your skirt and you watched him grin.
you brought your hands up to cover your face when toji got down on his knees and spread your legs. he pressed his tongue against your panties and sucked harshly. you peeked at him through your fingers, eyes wide in pleasure.
your fingers could never make you feel this good. your whole pussy was now on toji’s mouth. he was being so nasty the way his saliva soaked your panties.
“u-um can we go to the bed… please?” the thought of geto coming home and seeing you like this made you shiver. you would never be able to live it down.
“anything f’this pussy,” he laughed and scooped you up by your armpits. he carried you down the hallway with ease and into a random room. you instantly recognized it at satoru’s, but toji didn’t seem to care. his shirt was already off by the time he set you down and that was enough for you not to care either.
“look at you turnin’ into such a little whore.” you lifted your tank top over your tits to show him your lacey bra. trying your best to look seductive, you pulled your panties halfway down your thighs. toji didn’t seem to care about your little performance, though, instead forcing you on all fours. your face hit the comforter of satoru’s bed and you were suddenly aware of how real the situation was. you could smell your big brother as toji slid his fat tip up and down your pussy lips.
“w-wait m’not read-“ your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he pushed himself in all the way. with a loud groan, toji began force fucking you into the mattress.
this was sex? you’ve never felt this kind of pain in your life. “shit— you a virgin?” you heard him ask after seeing blood on his cock. he still didn’t slow down, instead picking up his pace. one thing about toji was he loved fucking girls dumb. especially, virgins.
your fingers reached up to grab a pillow to bury your face into. the sudden guilt of fucking this man in your brothers bed brought tears to your eyes. “ssstru,” you tried to moan out to your brother, eyes crossing when toji propped a foot on the bed to get deeper angle.
“ha! you really are a slut! moanin’ out your brothers name while i tear this pussy up.” you whimpered at his words knowing he was right. you couldn’t hide the fact you were close to your orgasm with the way your pussy was leaving a white ring around his cock.
“ah ah!” your moans filled the room as he rammed into you. you could tell he was close too when he leaned forward to press his big chest against your back. “gnna cum in this kitty,” he groaned in your ear before biting it. you tried to protest but he covered your mouth with a hand. not long after you felt warmth filling your insides. toji’s pace slowed as he fucked his cum in you, babbling about how he was going to “knock you up as pay back.”
you were too fucked out to care, though, laying there as he pulled out and stood. you listened to him wiping his dick off with a random shirt he found before dressing himself and leaving the room. you listened to him rummage through the living room, probably for cash or weed. you listened to the front door shut and then a few minutes later you heard it open again.
dread filled your body when familiar voices filled the hallway near the door. your legs hurt too much to move, so you braced yourself as the footsteps neared.
no one said anything, already knowing of the situation. you laid there, silently crying, back arched and bare ass exposed with cum leaking out of your pussy, while gojo and geto stood in the doorway. geto looked unbothered as he stepped closer to get a better look, the tent in his pants and obvious sign he liked what he saw.
gojo on the other hand looked furious. he knew toji was up to no good when he saw his smugly leave his front door, not even asking him for the money he owed. he knew he took something of similar value, just not that he took this.
his eyes traveled down to your lower half and he understood why geto wanted a better look. you looked so erotic with cum leaking out of your hole and red hand prints on your ass.
gojo turned around and walked out of the room in denial, but deep down, he knew there was no other explanation for the hardness in his pants.
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worldlxvlys · 4 months
can u do one where the reader actually rocks Chris’ toxic girlfriends shit PLEASEEEEEE
and btw you an amazing writertrr
reader x chris who has a toxic gf (part 4)
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: cursing, violence, mention of sex
a/n: thank youuu and i hope you like :)
previous part
if someone told me two days ago that i’d be standing in my kitchen, baking cookies with chris and his girlfriend, i would’ve looked at them like they were crazy. yet here i am, doing exactly that.
it was chris’s bright idea for the three of us to spend time together, “i want you guys to try to get along” were his exact words.
i offered to do it at my house, so i could kick layla’s ass out when i got sick of her.
so now, here we were, baking cookies together. we hadn’t even been at it for longer than five minutes before layla started to piss me off.
“what the hell type of cookie sheet is this? it looks like you got it from the dollar tree” she snickered.
the sound of her voice was like nails on a chalkboard, she was obviously making it higher on purpose.
i gave her an odd look at this, “i did. why would i pay for expensive ass cooking sheets?” i squinted my eyes at her.
she looked taken aback, probably expecting me to take her words to heart.
“for real. who cares where you got it? as long as it works” chris agreed.
when he saw the look on layla’s face, his eyes widened slightly and he cleared his throat awkwardly.
chris grabbed the bag of cookie dough, starting to hand it to me.
i went to grab it before layla, who stood on my other side, reached around me and took it.
“great, let’s get started!” she spoke, an annoyingly wide grin covering her face.
i glanced at chris, giving him a look to express my annoyance without verbalizing it.
he gave me a pleading look, silently asking me to try.
letting her open the bag, i reached for the parchment paper, lining my “cheap” cookie sheets.
i watched as she struggled to open the bag, letting out dramatic huffs and puffs.
“baby, can you open this for me? my nails-” she stopped talking when i grabbed the bag from her, ripping it open.
my nails were longer than hers, however, i opened the bag without a problem.
“it’s not the nails” i spoke to her as i separated the pre-cut dough.
“and next time, if you can’t open something, don’t take it from someone who actually can” i finished.
she let out a sigh, her lips turning into a slight pout. “whatever” she said.
once the dough was separated, chris and i started to place it on the cookie sheet.
i glanced over at her, noticing that she was just standing there.
“are you actually gonna put the cookies on the sheet, or are your nails too long to do that too?” i asked.
her face dropped at that, her brows furrowing slightly. a deep frown grew on her face and she looked like she was going to cry.
“ok, i’m not just gonna stand here and let you belittle me” she said, catching me by surprise. she seemed like i genuinely upset her.
“and, you, chris ? you just let her talk to me however she wants. i’m not some monster, i have feelings” her voice broke when she spoke, “but all you care about is her”.
i pressed my lips together when chris made no effort to deny her statement, well this is awkward.
chris and i just stood there, staring at her with wide eyes.
“whatever” she shook her head, “can you just bring me home? i’m not feeling great” she asked as she looked at chris.
i squinted my eyes at her, confused. “didn’t you drive here? how is he supposed to take you home?”
chris shot a look at me that said are you serious?
“ok, forget it. never mind” i spoke, holding my hands up.
“i was asking if he could come home with me” she spoke quietly.
“yeah, just let me go use the bathroom real fast” he spoke quickly. he turned to me, “please just leave her alone” he said before walking towards my bathroom.
as soon as he left the room, her face turned into a light smirk.
my eyebrows rose as her eyes, which still had tears in them, held an evil glint.
what the fuck?
“isn’t he so gullible? all it took was a few fake tears to get him on my side” she said, her voice now at its normal pitch.
“see, the difference between you and me? you may have him wrapped around your finger, but i know exactly how to get what i want from him” she spoke.
“well, that and the fact that you’re a manipulative, lying bitch” i said.
“yet i’m the one in a relationship with him. i just know that shit hurts” she said.
her words definitely struck a nerve, but i’d never admit it.
“i’m the one who’ll be taking him home. and once he finishes comforting me, i’ll bat my eyelashes at him. tell him how much your words hurt me, and that i need a distraction”
“before i know it, i’ll be under him. i’ll hear him moan my name because, like i said, i always get what i want. call it manipulative if you want, i have needs” she shrugged once she finished.
“he’s a good fuck, it’s a shame you w-” she started but was cut off by my fist making contact with her face.
there was a sickening crack that echoed through the kitchen, as she fell back into the chair behind her. she held onto her nose, screaming out in pain.
“stand the fuck up” i told her, as she started to actually cry.
she didn’t listen, she just sat there and continued to sob.
“i told you what would happen, bitch. i don’t know why you thought i was joking” i said as i got closer to her, making her shrink away from me.
“you don’t get to talk about chris like that. your ungrateful ass doesn’t deserve him.” i grabbed her by her ponytail, making her cry out in pain.
i pulled her to her feet in one swift motion before letting go of her. i pushed her in the direction of my door, “get the fuck out of my house or i swear to god a broken nose will be the least of your problems” i said.
instead of listening to me, she spun around quickly. she swung at me, but i moved back quickly, only receiving a scratch to the face from her nails.
i swept my foot out, making her lose balance and fall to the ground. without missing a beat, i climbed on top of her and punched her over and over again.
all i could think about was the way she talked about chris, as though he was simply a thing that she used for her own pleasure.
if she thought i was just going to sit back and allow her to treat chris that way, she was wrong.
i got in a few more punches before a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me away from her.
“what the fuck are you doing?” chris yelled as he let go of me.
my face fell as i realized how bad the situation seemed. when he left she was crying and now here i was beating the shit out of her.
“chris, just let me explain” i said as he rushed over to her.
“explain? what is there to explain? when i left she was sobbing, and she still is. why would you do this?” he yelled.
i backed away from him at the tone he used, realizing how mad he was.
he picked her up bridal style, before walking towards the door.
when he walked past me, he mumbled something before walking out of the door.
“all i asked was for you to try.”
yikes 😬😬
i think i’m gonna make this a series, should i ?
tag list: @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @heraakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @abbie13sworld @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @mattsnymphette @leah-loves-lilies @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock
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flynnriderishot · 5 months
maybe matt and reader with one older daughter and a newborn boy and just a chill day in their life?
family time - m.s
warning: short and sweet, little to no detail (i didn’t have much to work with i’m so sorry 😭)
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when matt woke this morning, his first instinct was to look over at the bassinet that was on his side of the bed.
he had insisted he kept it on his side due to your constant need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night after having your son.
you didn’t mind, of course, having been used to matt using the same excuse when you had your eldest daughter, lila. matt made the excuse of not wanting the baby bed to get in your way on your journey to the bathroom but you knew he was so adamant because he didn’t want you to be the one to care for the crying baby at such late hours.
he wanted to ensure you got enough rest.
you thought it was sweet, even though he constantly denied these things.
matt stretched his limbs, his bones popping dramatically as he yawned.
he tuned in on the sound of lila’s laughter downstairs, followed by chris’ voice. he made the mental note to thank his brother for distracting the five year old while you and him got much needed rest.
nick and chris didn’t seem too bothered by your small family living with them.
in fact, chris encouraged matt to not buy an apartment close by, hinting that he couldn’t handle the separation from his triplet.
meanwhile, nick simply enjoyed the distraction little lila provided for him whenever he got too stressed. while it took a while for him to get used to her sticky fingers and unnecessary complaints, he actually ended up liking his niece more than most of his friends.
as matt sat up, his movements seemed to have alerted you, resulting in you jumping up from your sleep.
wiping your eyes, you could hear matt snort at your action.
“relax. they’re fine.”
“where’s lila?” you asked, not used to the girl not running into your room to wake you up for breakfast.
“she’s with chris.” he reassured you, standing to pick up the newest member of your family, greeting the whining baby with a smile.
“you wanna feed him and we’ll go meet everyone downstairs?” matt gently sat down next to you on the bed, his fingers wiping baby ezra’s (couldn’t think of anything else 💀) from his forehead.
you nod along, smiling softly at your boyfriend’s gentle ways with the smaller boy.
“let’s hurry before chris pisses lila off.”
as if on cue, your daughter’s voice could be heard from the living room,
“stop it!”
walking into the kitchen, you weren’t surprised to see a plate of burnt pancakes sitting on the counter.
“this looks appetizing.”
“don’t lie, mom.” lila crossed her arms over her chest, not picking up on your sarcastic tone, “it’s disgusting.”
“i tried my best.” chris defended myself, “it’s kind of hard to cook with this one complaining about everything.”
though he was speaking about lila, his eyes darted over to his brother, matt lifting his shoulders to lightly shrug at chris’ words. he knew everyone blamed lila’s attitude on him, but she didn’t sass you or him so why would he complain?
“nick and i are going to meet laura, we’ll be gone until later.” he informed you, fist bumping lila and lifting ezra’s hand to get the baby to go the same, “she didn’t eat.”
“because you can’t cook.”
just before he left to go get nick, chris stuck his hand in some left over flour and chucked it in the girls direction, laughing as it smacked her in the face, “you can’t cook!”
“no yelling!”
with nick and chris gone, that left you to have alone time with matt, lila and ezra.
your favorite time.
you watched with a smile as matt laid on the floor, ezra asleep on his chest and lila above him doing his makeup.
yep, family time was definitely your favorite time.
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a/n: who let me write that corny ass ending 🔥🔥🔥
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hayakawalove · 2 months
Test of Love (Chapter One)
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Chapter One
Summary: Day in and day out, your routine has been exactly the same as a jujutsu sorcerer. You can't complain, honestly. You just wish things were a little more interesting. When you get propositioned by two men, you have no choice but to see what they have going on. Joining a relationship would spice things up, wouldn't it?
A/N: I've had this idea loosely floating around my brain for a bit. Fret not, my short fics will continue but I wanted to write this too. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you!
CW: Slight blood, there's no smut this chapter W/C: 5,560
Credit to @benkeibear for the banner
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‘The clouds part, a ray of sunlight shining down on the pair.’
Your eyes glide over the page, fingers strumming the back of the book. 
“What’re you reading?” Gojo’s voice startles you from the scene you had built in your head based on the words in front of you. 
You jump in your seat, turning to see him leaning against your desk. It was no surprise he was here, he often came and went whenever he pleased. But he could have at least knocked. 
“A Trial of Lovers.” You respond, bringing your eyes back to the words in front of you. 
“Sounds boring.” 
You hum, intent on not paying him any mind. Gojo could be a handful, but he wasn’t that hard to manage once you got to know him. You just learned to tune him out. 
“Why aren’t you paying attention to your students? Reckless of you.” He continues. 
Maybe you wouldn’t be able to ignore him. 
“They’re just studying today.” You say, turning the page. 
The room is quiet besides the two of you, the four students either glued to their textbooks or watching the interaction unfold in front of them. 
“A book can be a weapon. And you have a very talented weapon user in case you were unaware.” 
“Salmon.” Inumaki agrees. He always did like stirring up trouble. 
“What if she tries to kill Yuuta with it?” Gojo says, clearly trying to get a rouse out of you. 
“Maki, are you gonna try killing Yuuta with your textbook?” You ask, keeping your eyes trained down. 
“Not unless he pisses me off.” 
“What?” Yuuta responds. 
You look up at Gojo and smile. 
“Yuuta’s harmless, he wouldn’t piss her off so I think we’re good.” 
“Harmless? I wouldn’t call him that.” Gojo responds. 
“Where are your students?” You accuse. 
He was much more lax with his, often leaving them to fend for themselves when he went on missions. You couldn’t say you blamed him. It wasn’t like he had much of a choice, but still. 
“I sent them out to take care of a second grade. They’ll be fine, Megumi is with them.” 
You clear your throat, eyes focused on the book in front of you even though you were no longer reading. 
“He’s still a child.” Even as you speak, your nerves feel more at ease. If you were to trust any of the students, it would be Megumi. Even if that was the case, you still thought they shouldn’t be left alone. Gojo trusted Megumi which was good, but it bugged you that he may have trusted him a bit too much. Even the greatest sorcerers make mistakes, much less ones that were under 18. 
“And Nobara is just as, if not more violent than Maki. What if she kills Yuuji?” You knew she wouldn’t. 
“She wouldn’t do that.” Gojo responds slyly. 
You slap your book closed and set it on the desk in front of you. 
“What do you want, Gojo?” 
Your eyes flick across his body. His blindfold was on like usual, his ensemble completely put together as it always was. You would pay to see him look unprepared. 
“Are you busy after school?” He smiles, his body relaxed as he stares down at you. 
This was something he always did. Flirt with you, while you ignored his advances. It was the nature of your friendship, it didn’t bother you so much as it might bother someone else. 
“Class, you guys can leave early.” You announce, smiling as you watch them hop out of the room. 
You stand up and face Gojo again. He was wearing a cocky grin, no doubt waiting for your response. He thought you would say yes, even though you denied him every time. You weren’t opposed to going out with him, there were just other factors in the mix. 
“Gojo, in case you forgot you have a boyfriend.” 
Gojo huffs and leans back even more, seemingly prepared for your rejection. 
“I didn’t forget. We’re trying something new. Open relationship. He gets to see who he wants and I can see who I want.” 
The response stuns you a bit. He had never mentioned that before. The offer seemed more appealing at his revelation. You had fun with Gojo, and he was good looking. You just didn’t want to be the reason he was kicked on the streets. 
It seems he knows that he’s wearing you down, his grin showing back up. 
“Come on, let’s just go for a walk around the park. Promise I don’t bite. Unless you’re into that, of course.” 
An image conjures up in your mind before you can stop it. One where he’s on top of you, mouth open as he nibbles on your neck. You shake your head, trying to rid the naughty thought as best as you could. You awkwardly chuckle and grab your things, following him out the door. A walk would be harmless, wouldn’t it? 
The weather graced you today it seems, as clear skies shine above you and an acceptable temperature wraps around your body. You were at a park near the school, one that had lots of families and several street vendors. 
You actually were hungry. And Gojo being Gojo decided to jump at the opportunity to buy something sweet, assuring you that he would buy your food as well. 
While you wait, you find a lonely bench sitting in the middle of the park. It’s surrounded by large trees, trees much older than you. It’s refreshing to be out of the school for once. You can’t remember the last time you spent a normal day out in society. 
You loved your job, but it could be exhausting at times. 
“Order up!” Gojo’s cheery voice interrupts your thoughts. 
He’s holding two crepes. One with fruit, the other with chocolate. 
“We can share if you want.” He says, holding the fruit one out to you, mouth darting out to bite into his. 
You smile up at him and grab the treat, eyes flicking over the colors that lit up the food. When you take a bite you taste berries melting with whip cream, the flavor swirling around your mouth. 
“This is really good Gojo, thank you.” 
He offers a serene smile as he takes another bite of his crepe while sitting next to you. Chocolate decorates his lip and you giggle in response. He almost looked childish. It suited him, in a way. People might say he was immature, which wouldn’t really be wrong, but a part of you knew he grew up too fast. 
You make idle chatter as you watch families fill in the park. You spent so much time around sorcerers, you often forgot what it was like to be near normal people. Their carefree attitudes lit up your heart, putting your mind at ease. 
This is what you’re doing it for, this is why you fight. You remind yourself as you watch a toddler topple over before getting right back up, a grin across his face. 
“It’s weird, right?” You find yourself saying. 
You haven’t finished your crepe yet, but Gojo has been done with his for awhile; focusing on the brown syrup that muddled his fingers. 
He hums as he licks his finger, looking up in front of him. 
“The families. The smiles. The people.” 
You don’t have to elaborate, Gojo knows exactly what you mean. Sorcerers rarely have families and rarely smile. Their lifestyles were much different than yours. Your stomach turns as you wait for his response. 
“Yeah, I mean I guess so. It’s not much weirder than sorcerers.” 
You didn’t really expect him to feel the same way as you. He may look like an average man, but he wasn’t. While you couldn’t relate to average people, he couldn’t relate to anyone. Not people or sorcerers. 
Lonely, you thought. You wonder if the feeling keeps him up late at night. 
“Thank you for taking me out. This is nice.” You settle, attempting to divert your attention from the macabre. 
Gojo leans back, kicking his long legs out in front of him. His arms spread out on the bench, head facing the sky. He always took up so much space, not that you minded. You figured the world was too small for him, so you didn’t mind making more room. 
“It is, isn’t it?” 
You offer up a bite of your crepe which he gladly accepts, swallowing before saying he preferred his more. 
“I actually had something I wanted to bring up. You’ll learn about it later in the next meeting, but I figured I’d tell you now.” 
Your head perks up in interest, your attention completely on him. 
“There’s been a slew of random attacks at the school.” 
The words sink in your chest, creating a pool in your stomach. The school? That was your sacred place. Your home. It was all you had. 
“The school? I haven’t heard anything.” 
“Not really at the school, more so around it. They’ve been happening at frequent intervals the past week all within 5 miles of the school. It’s all been small attacks. But it definitely is something. One wouldn’t be a big deal, but with the amount that’s been happening… someone is definitely targeting Jujutsu High. Not enough to actually destroy it but enough to peak our interest.” 
As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. It wouldn’t have mattered if it only happened a couple of times, but there was a pattern. Someone was clearly focusing on the school. 
“What does it mean?” 
Gojo taps his foot, his head in the clouds. If anyone knew what it was about, it would be him. 
“I’m not sure. It’s been relatively easy to handle so far. I’m just worried about the fact it draws our attention away. The more people we send out to watch the border means the less available sorcerers we’ll have. I don’t like it.” 
He rarely sounds serious, but you’re able to pick up on the dark underlying tone in the way he’s talking right now. He didn’t seem too stressed out, maybe inconvenienced at best. It wasn’t like there was much you could do at the current moment anyway. 
You finish your crepe, the mood dramatically shifting after the conversation. You hate to see Gojo like this, his mind swarmed with thoughts and unable to focus on anything else. 
“So, tell me about your boyfriend.” 
Gojo raises his head and looks at you, one of his eyebrows shooting up. 
“Weird thing to bring up on a date.” 
You scoff and nudge your foot against his. 
“If I’m gonna be apart of this I wanna know more about you.” 
Gojo’s eyes flick up as if in deep thought. You didn’t know much about his boyfriend. He and Gojo were longtime friends, having gone to Jujutsu High together. Over the years you learned he was the more responsible of the two. You also learned about his cursed technique. Rare and strong, curse manipulation. You were intrigued by the idea. Using what you fight against to help you, it was nothing short of incredible. 
“He’s nice. Almost too nice. He understands people more than me. Really strong too. A bit stern.” 
You keep your gaze focused on the side of Gojo’s face. You don’t spend much time looking at him normally, so you take advantage of the closeness you have right now to appreciate him. His white eyelashes flutter as he looks at the sky, bright pink lips parted as he speaks. 
Handsome, he was so very handsome. 
As the two of you were in public he decided to forego his blindfold and instead use a pair of sunglasses. His hair lay messy atop his head, but it still looked good. 
He cracks a grin as he notices you staring. 
“See something you like?” 
You quickly turn forward, the act of being caught embarrassing you. The only thing worse than an attractive man was a man who was attractive and knew it. 
“He sounds nice. Nicer than you.” You say, hoping to annoy him. 
Instead, Gojo lets out a quiet sigh. 
“He is.” 
It was odd to see him like this. Gojo cared for people, he wasn’t a robot, but he rarely admired them. With the few conversations you had with him you were able to tell he admired his boyfriend, he really loved him. 
Your lips part as you start to ask Gojo what his boyfriend's name was, but his phone cuts you off. 
Gojo clicks his tongue and looks down, noting a text from Yaga. 
“Can’t even leave for a few hours.” He complains under his breath. 
You know he’s trying to put on a show, but you can’t help but feel bad. He was right. He never had time to himself, always being forced into doing something or the other for the higher ups. His life wasn’t truly his own. 
Your relationship with Gojo was complicated. You liked to tease him, but deep down you knew he always got the shit end of the stick. 
You stand up, swiping your hands on your pants. It was starting to get hot out, your hair sticking to your neck.  You reach a hand out to Gojo, wordlessly offering help. 
He smirks at your hand, looking over the top of his glasses. 
You tear your hand away, not wanting to give him the satisfaction if he was just going to tease you. 
“Hey! What if I need help getting up?” 
“Stand up yourself, worlds strongest sorcerer.” You mumur, stepping away to start walking towards the school. 
Gojo whines behind you before jumping up, jogging towards you. The rest of the walk goes by fast, the both of you teasing each other back and forth. One of the good things about Gojo, although there were many (not that you would admit it), was that he was incredibly fun to talk to. As long as you were in the mood, of course. 
Your body chills when you step inside the school. The air conditioning soothes your skin the second you get inside. 
“You’re back.” Yaga says, looking down, shuffling papers back and forth. 
“Sadly.” Gojo responds. 
“What were you two up to?” 
“A date.” Gojo says confidently. 
You train your face to say neutral but you feel your blood simmer. You weren’t exactly planning on telling Yaga, but of course Gojo wouldn’t keep it to himself. 
“And Geto?” Yaga asks. 
Geto. That was Gojo’s boyfriend's name. His last name anyway. You wanted to know what his first name was, that’s what you were planning on asking before Yaga texted. 
“He’s aware.” 
Yaga heaves out a breath, used to Gojos antics by now. Anything that could be weird by someone else’s standards was considered normal if Gojo was the one doing it. 
“I need you to finish this paperwork before going home tonight. And don’t make someone else do it for you.” Yaga hands you both a stack of papers, aiming the last half of the sentence to Gojo. 
You knew it wouldn’t take you long, as long as Gojo didn’t attempt to get you to do his for him. Even if he asked nicely you were going to refuse. You had plans tonight. You needed to go to the book store to get the second book to the one you were reading this morning. 
It takes you two hours and your fingers are sore by the time you’re done, but you manage to finish all your paperwork. Halfway through you had to lock Gojo out so you could focus. You had fun on your date, but tonight was your night. A man wasn’t going to get in the way of that. 
You weren’t sure what happened to the weather. This morning when you were with Gojo it was bright and sunny, but now the sky was littered with clouds. You didn’t mind it, in fact you preferred it. When you were reading you much preferred for it to rain, finding it way more soothing. 
The bookstore was empty today, except for a couple of people that hid out in the shelves. You liked it here. It made you feel somewhat normal. There were no sorcerers, curses, or villains here. Just books. 
You had no plans for the rest of the night, besides having you time, so you decide to find the book you’re looking for to read there. There were chairs littered throughout the building, each soft and worn down after years of use. 
Curling up on a chair, you open your book and dive into it. The words capture all your attention as you grip the front and back of the book. It’s much better than the first, you think. The author has such a way with words. You’re so engrossed you don’t notice a man approaching you. 
He sits on the chair in front of yours, his own book nestled in his lap.
“That’s a good book,” he says. 
You look up to find a man sitting in front of you. He looked perfect. There wasn’t flaw on his body. 
Long black hair that was pulled up in a bun, caramel eyes trained on you as he wore a small smile. 
Normally, you would be pissed off that someone was breaking the bookstore code ‘no talking’, but you weren’t. You were drawn in. 
“It is.” You respond, trying to look away from him but finding yourself incapable. 
“I love the author, I finished all his books so I was here looking for something else.” 
You think you could listen to him speak forever, the way his voice rolls out from his lips causes your body to relax. 
“Me too, once I finish this then I’ll be done.” 
His smile spreads wider. Your stomach turns under his gaze. 
“I’m afraid I haven’t found any stories as interesting as his.” He continues. “I really liked his use of butterflies in that book though. Very beautiful.” 
You bite your lip and tear your eyes away if only for a second to gain control. 
“Me too.” 
He watches the way you fiddle with the book in your lap. 
“My name is Suguru, what’s yours?” 
You take a deep breath before telling him your name. Normal girls would be scared of a stranger talking to them, but you weren’t normal. You were sure if it came down to it you would be able to take care of him. After all, there were very few people stronger than you, and you were on a date with one of them earlier. 
You weren’t scared of Suguru, you were captivated by him. 
His smile morphs into something more calming after you speak. It sends fireworks off in your stomach. 
“You have a lovely name.” 
You clear your throat before darting your eyes away, unable to look at him any longer. 
“Thank you.” You murmur, fiddling with your outfit. 
After work you had gone home to switch clothes, wanting something more comfortable. You were glad you did, as the clothes you wore now were much more flattering. A loose sweater with yoga pants, perfect for lounging about while you read. 
“I didn’t mean to interrupt you, I apologize. I just saw what you were reading.” 
“It’s okay, is this your first time here? I’ve never seen you before.” 
Suguru wets his bottom lip, and you have to pry your eyes away from it. 
“It is. Normally I go to a bookstore in the next town over, but it’s under renovations so I decided to come here. It’s not far from my boyfriends work.” 
There it is. 
You don’t know why you expected anything different. Part of you was hoping he might be hitting on you. You did go on a date with Gojo earlier, but it wasn’t anything serious. 
“What do you do for work?” You ask. 
“I’m a freelancer.” 
Vague, you think. 
“And you?” 
There’s no way you can tell him you’re a jujutsu sorcerer so you settle on something close enough. 
“I’m a teacher.” 
“Noble, I like it.” 
The rain beats down on the roof of the book store, water running down the windows making it hard to see outside. It’s calming, Suguru is calming. You keep your gaze focused on him as the two of you talk. At first you were almost intimidated, but you were slowly getting used to the heat of his gaze. 
“I enjoyed the butterflies as well. It’s a shame we don’t have them around here. I’d love to watch them like they did in the book.” You say. 
“It’s probably because of all the people. There are places you can go to see them, would you be interested?” 
You pause and stare at him. Was that… A date invitation? 
It wasn’t, there was no way. 
Maybe he meant it in a friendly way. 
“What about your boyfriend? I would love to, but I just want to make sure before I agree.” 
You’d hate to get the wrong idea. 
“He’ll be okay with it. I can ask though if you want me to.” 
You fiddle with your shirt and watch as he pulls out his phone. Suguru types a quick message, not even a second later his phone vibrates with an answer. 
He turns the screen towards you, letting you read the words. 
Suguru: I’m gonna go on a date with this girl from the book store
Asshole: Alright
Asshole: Is she hot? 
Suguru: She’s beautiful 
Your heart stutters at the compliment, your curiosity slightly piqued at the name in his phone. Asshole? Maybe that wasn’t that weird. 
“Would you be free tomorrow?” He asks while sliding his phone away.
“Yeah, as long as it’s after I get off.”
“Nice, I can pick you up or we can meet here?” 
You trusted him, but you wanted to get to know him more before bringing him back to your house. 
“Let’s meet here?” 
“Okay. What’s your number?” 
You give him your number and he shares his. It’s close to closing time once you finish so you decide to head home, the encounter with Suguru still fresh on your mind. 
He seemed normal. Not in a bad way, but normal nonetheless. You mostly interacted with sorcerers, so going on a date with someone who wasn’t one felt weird. You wouldn’t have to be worried about work or anything else. You would be able to have average conversations. 
You couldn’t wait. 
You feel giddy when you wake up the next day. Your date would be later in the afternoon and you were having a hard time containing yourself. All you had to do was get by the day, which wouldn’t be hard. There was a small mission you had to take Inumaki and Panda on, but after that you would be free. 
As you stood there you watched the two of them work, paying attention to their form so you could give pointers after. It donned on you how odd it really was. 
If Suguru asked you what you did today were you supposed to tell him you fought monsters with a personified panda? 
Yeah, you would have to keep that to yourself. 
You would have been able to keep it all to yourself, that is until Panda accidentally scratches you with his paw, causing blood to leak from your cheek. You lecture him to pay attention to his surroundings as the red liquid pours from your face. It takes the rest of the ride home for it to stop bleeding, and the throbbing pain doesn’t go away. You were gonna have to figure out how to explain that to Suguru. 
The second the work day is done, you’re rushing home to put together your outfit. Suguru didn’t tell you really what to wear, only advising that it should be something light as you would be spending time outside. You settle on a flowy dress that cut off above your knees, you actually felt cute. 
You leave your house early, intent on arriving before Suguru to make a good impression. Unfortunately for you, it seems Suguru had the same plan. 
You check your phone, you had arrived ten minutes early and Suguru was already leaning against the bookstore, looking comfortable as he slouches. 
“I’m sorry! Were you waiting long?” 
Suguru looks up from his phone at the sound of your voice. His eyes drag across your figure, the action making the hair on your neck stand on edge. Those eyes. Were you ever going to get used to them? 
His lips quirk up in a small smile, putting his phone away. He was wearing a black shirt with black sweatpants, his hair half up, the top pinned behind his head. 
“No, I just got here,” 
You find that hard to believe. 
“You look amazing.” He finishes. 
You try to stave off the embarrassment, waving your hand. When Suguru walks up to you, you finally notice how huge he is. He was tall, with a structure that took your breath away. 
You wonder what he did to stay in shape. 
“What happened to your cheek?” His voice is dripping with concern, brows furrowed as he raises his hand up. His thumb brushes on the skin below your cut. 
“Oh! Um, one of my students was a bit reckless today. It didn’t hurt all that much.” 
His eyes dance across your face, digesting your answer before dropping his hand. He looked genuinely concerned. It was cute. He must’ve been the protective type. 
“I see. I’m sorry that happened.” He sounds remorseful even though he wasn’t the one to cause it. “Are you ready?” 
And with that the two of you set off. Suguru told you he was showing you a place with butterflies, and you weren’t quite sure what he meant by that. Excitement bubbles in your veins as you walk. 
The entire time he spoke you couldn’t help but put all your undivided attention on him. He was magnetizing. A natural born speaker, you thought. 
Suguru must notice your silence as he stops himself from talking. 
“My bad, I’m rambling.” 
“No! Not at all. I like listening, you have a soothing voice.” 
“Well thank you.” Pink dust settles on his cheeks. 
As you inch closer to your destination, your fingers brush against his, the movement causing your heart to race. 
Would it be weird to ask him if you could hold his hand? 
“We’re here.” Suguru stops in front of a building. It was a bit unassuming, grey concrete walls and few windows. 
There were butterflies here? 
Suguru notices your expression and chuckles. 
“Trust me.” 
You can’t find it in your heart to doubt him. 
He leads you inside, walking up to the front desk where a middle aged woman is standing by a computer. Her eyes are kind, hands weathered as she types. 
“Can we get two tickets for the observatory?” 
You fidget behind Suguru, appreciating the length of his hair cascading down his back. 
You kind of wanted to touch it. 
“Of course! Here you go sweetheart.” The lady digs around, grabbing two tickets while Suguru pulls out cash. 
The exchange is over as soon as it started, and Suguru is leading you down a long hallway. When he pushes the doors open at the end of it, you’re greeted by fresh air, a short path leading to a giant glass dome. It’s hard to see on the inside of it, but it looks like it’s filled with plants. 
“Let’s go.” He says with a grin, reaching his hand out towards you. 
Your heart skips a beat at the gesture. You grab his hand, interlacing your fingers together. He’s warm. His palm the perfect mix between soft and calloused. His long fingers don’t get past your attention either. Suguru pulls you along to the dome, holding the door open for you. 
When you step inside you’re hit with an overwhelming fragrance. It smelled like a mix between soil and flowers, the sweet scent covering you completely. 
It’s nothing short of amazing. There’s plants everywhere, you had never been to a jungle before but you were sure this is what it would look like. 
“Suguru, this is…” 
“Look!” He urges, pointing up. 
You snap your head up, following the direction of his finger. Above you was a small colony of monarch butterflies, maybe twenty of them flying around. They were low enough that you were able to appreciate the brightness of their wings, orange hues darting around as they flew. 
Your lips part in amazement and you’re unable to tear your gaze away. You were sure you had never seen anything this beautiful before. 
“Amazing, right?”
Suguru’s smooth voice floats over to you, snapping you back to him. When you turn around to look at him, his eyes are already on you. His mouth is spread in a soft grin, eyes twinkling as he looks down at you. 
“This is perfect, Suguru. How did you find this place?”
“After I read the book we were talking about I just had to know what it felt like to be surrounded by butterflies so I did some digging and found it. I come here every so often, although it’s been awhile since I have. I figured it would be more fun if I brought someone with me. I was right.” His eyes are glued on your smile as you look away, following the butterflies with your eyes. 
You find a walkway and set a slow pace, stopping every so often to read the metal plaques that were placed about, explaining the different types of flora and butterflies. You weren’t entirely sure what you were expecting, but it definitely wasn’t this. Your chest swelled with joy as you went on, listening as Suguru read you the plaques. 
“It really is magical, just like it was in the book. Thank you.” You can’t hide the vulnerability from your voice. 
Suguru’s eyes crinkle when he smiles, a cute habit you noticed, and he squeezes your hand. 
“Of course, thank you for joining me.” 
The two of you spend several hours there, a leisurely pace set between you. It was hard to want to go home when you knew the world outside was this beautiful. You wonder if colors will seem dull compared to this place. You were betting on it. 
When families begin to filter in you both decide to head out. You were glad kids were gonna experience the same joy you had, but you wanted more privacy with Suguru, even if you had to go home soon. If you could spend more time with him, you would. Unfortunately duty calls and you had work early in the morning, effectively cutting your date much shorter than you would have liked. 
Much like yesterday's date. 
You agree to let him walk you back home, if only to spend as much time together as possible. He never let go of your hand ever since the observatory, and you were grateful for it. His large palm provided some sense of protection, relief you didn’t know you needed. 
Your apartment comes into view far quicker than you were hoping. You could have lived on campus, but you instead opted to find a place elsewhere. Jujutsu High was your home, but you wanted to be able to separate yourself from it occasionally. You were able to find an apartment for a decent price, only staying there to sleep and change. Every so often when it was too late, you crashed in a dorm at the school, but you made sure to keep those occurrences low. 
“This is it.” You sigh out, turning to face Suguru. 
“I had fun today.” He stops and looks down at you, his body relaxed as he addresses you. 
“I did too! Maybe we can hang out again sometime?” 
Kiss me, kiss me, you internally beg. 
Your eyes focus on the way his lips morph as he talks. 
“I’d love that.” 
Please, kiss me. 
Suguru keeps your hand in his as he leans down, placing his lips gently on your forehead. 
That was different, yet it made your heart beat faster than a normal kiss would have. The intimacy of it all struck you like a freight train. No one had given you a forehead kiss before. His lips linger for a moment, before he’s pulling away all too soon. 
“I’ll call you?” 
Your throat squeezes as you try to force words out, but you’re all too flustered. 
“I’ll be waiting.” You say, trying to seem cool. 
Suguru chuckles softly before letting go of your hand. Your palm feels chilly the second he lets go. You’ll see him again, you remind yourself. Hopefully. 
You force yourself to make your way to your door, body trembling in excitement. It felt like you took all the butterflies home with you, their wings fluttering inside your chest as you close the door behind you. After a couple of deep breaths you’re able to cool down, although you still felt a tingle on your forehead where his lips were. 
Two dates in two days, not too bad. 
Hopefully the momentum will stay strong.
As you get ready for bed, you replay the events of the past two days over in your head, your heart swelling with exhilaration. When you drift off to sleep, your dreams are filled with crepes and butterflies. 
Tag List: @tojislittleprincesss, @dinolvrrr, @kimi01985, @constawrites
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mellowsaturns · 1 year
it's a cruel summer with you
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summary: the one where joel takes you back home after you had too many drinks and you drunkenly confess your love to him
wc: 1.4k
warnings: fluff, reader gets tipsy/drunk, mutual pining, joel carries reader on his back, throwing up
a/n: was feeling something short and sweet for this man :)
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You should’ve stopped on the third drink. 
But there was a party at the Tipsy Bison tonight—one that consisted of lots and lots of liquor and who were you to deny the magic of Tommy’s bartending? 
You were on your fourth, maybe fifth, glass when the buzz started to hit. A laughter perked your ear and you turned to the one responsible for the sound.
Joel Miller.
It pissed you off how a man like that could exist.
The one who joined the commune in the beginning of Winter. The one in a fitted checkered shirt gripping a glass of whiskey in one hand. The one who had gorgeous brown eyes and capable hands. The one with the broadest shoulders. The one who quickly became a favourite to many of Jackson’s residents—always so generous, offering whatever help he can to the community. 
The one who got along with everyone just fine. Everyone except you.
You wouldn’t go as far as to say Joel hated you. But you must’ve offended him or something because for the life of you, you can’t seem to pinpoint why he acts that way around you. Minimal conversations and a pat on the back after a good day on patrol or in the gardens was the most you’ll get out of him. Oh, and lots of staring. Like you had put on your shirt backwards or nailed the fence upside-down by accident or something. 
You really don’t get it, and it shouldn’t have been a big deal either—if it weren’t for the fact that you were in love with him. 
“Fuck,” you groaned, head falling to the table and earning multiple weird stares. 
Your friend nudged you on the shoulder. “Hey. You okay?” 
“Great,” you muttered. Nothing worse than pining over a man who only saw you as a fleck of dust in their life. 
“You should head back home,” she voiced out. “I think you had enough for the night.”
Lifting your head up, you reluctantly agreed. Maybe you did go a little overboard today. 
Your friend turned towards the rest of the group and asked if anyone could take you home. Before you even had the chance to refuse, not wanting to ruin the fun for anyone here, the scrapping of a chair was heard before a voice responded with, “I’ll take her. Was about to call it a night anyways.”
You swallowed hard. Are you kidding?
When the both of you exited the establishment, you stepped away from him. “M’fine,” you slurred out, holding up your arms. “See? I can go home just perfectly fin—” You didn’t even finish your sentence, stumbling over nothing just after a few small steps. Joel reached out just in time, saving you from a trip to the doctor’s for a broken nose. 
He gruffed at your clumsiness before he offered his arm. “Here,” he said, extending it towards you. “Hold onto it.” 
Taking a deep breath and swallowing all your embarrassment, you cautiously took it. 
Why did your place have to be so damn far from the Tipsy Bison? 
After a while, Joel stopped. “This ain’t gonna work,” he stated, before removing himself from you. You frowned, confusion evident in your eyes. He was the one who offered his arm in the first place. Before you could even question him, he was already bending down in front of you, one knee on the pavement before looking over his shoulder. “Get on.” 
After some nagging from him, you finally hopped onto his back. Your cheeks were on fire. Maybe it’s from the lingering heat of the summer sun, maybe it’s from the alcohol, but mostly, it’s your beating heart. And when he tightened his arms around your legs so you don’t slip, you couldn't help but pout as you think about the cruelty of having to love him in silence the entire summer. 
Joel slowly made his way to your house as you rested your head into the nape of his neck. When your friend asked someone to take you home, he shot up from his seat before anyone could even offer. Hopefully it wasn’t too obvious, but he could already hear Tommy’s teasing. He didn’t miss the smug smile on your friend’s face either. You started to mumble incoherent sentences into his ear and he tried his best to stifle his laughter.
When you arrived, he placed you back on your feet. “Keys?”
“Here,” you hummed, jutting your hip out slightly. “Back pocket.”
Joel's eyes widened. “Christ,” he mumbled under his breath. Yet, there was an amused smile on his face when he reached in and pulled them out.
When the both of you entered, he noticed that your layout was almost exactly the same as his own place, making it easier for him to lead you to your bedroom.
You stopped in your steps in the hallway. “What’s wrong?” he asked, eyes doing a quick glance over you.
Following your pointed finger, Joel promptly understood and led you to the bathroom. 
There’s a lot of things he could be doing tonight—this being the last thing in the world. But strangely, he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Rubbing soothing circles on your back as you empty all the contents of tonight into the toilet, he found it oddly domestic, feeding his protective side that already exists for you. 
When you finished, you sighed. “I’m such a goddamn mess,” you uttered. “M’sorry.”
“Nothin’ to be sorry for,” he answered. 
He led you back to your bedroom and when you were finally tucked into the comforts of your bed, you melted into the mattress, minutes away from knocking out. “You can’t do that,” you mumbled tiredly. You’d rather have him treat you like he usually does, at least then, you’d have a reason to squash this growing feeling inside of you. Now, you just wanted him even more. 
Joel frowned, “Do what?”
“All of this. Be kind to me,” you said, eyes fluttering shut from the exhaustion of tonight’s events. “Because…” you dragged on, the unconscious part of your brain now taking over. “Because if you do, I’m going to fall even more in love with you.” 
Joel thought he heard wrong. He did have quite a few drinks tonight. There’s no way you would like someone like hi—
“I’m in love with you,” you hummed.
Then he froze, your words finally catching up to him. “You what?”
“I love you, Joel Miller,” you repeated, then in a final quiet whisper, “Isn’t that the worst thing you ever heard?” 
You woke up to a splitting headache and immediately regretted your poor decisions. As you walked begrudgingly down the stairs to get yourself some water, the shape of a familiar body made you physically cringe—the memories from last night rushing back. I’m in love with you. I love you, Joel Miller. Jesus fucking Christ. You wanted to run out of your own damn house and never look back. 
He met your eyes from the kitchen. “Look,” you sighed, “I’m sorry about last night. You didn’t have to take care of me, but you did. Thank you.” You nicked at your fingernails nervously. “I’m also sorry for what I said.” 
“... That you love me?” 
You winced, but nod shamefully. “It’s silly, I know. But don’t worry, I’ll get over it. I know you don’t feel the same so I don’t want you to think you owe me anythi—” 
He breathed out your name to stop your rambling. “Did you mean what you said last night?”
You blinked. “Um… Yeah.” 
“I—” he started and paused, avoiding your eyes. “I’m not good at this.” Clearing his throat, he tried again. "I get nervous around you. I know I’m not the best at expressin’ my feelings through words, but I like you too darlin’. Why do you think I always ask Tommy to switch patrol shifts with me? Ask to be placed in the gardens? It’s so I could be with you.” 
You must’ve been dreaming. Joel had wanted to spend those seconds, minutes and hours with you. Did you seriously read his signs wrong the whole time?
“You mean it?”
“Yeah, I do. Loved you since the moment I first laid my eyes on you,” he confessed, a suggestion of a smile touching his lips. “Now ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?”
A smile curled up your face. You had a feeling this was going to be a start to many beautiful summers with him.
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spideyhexx · 6 months
what do we think about a situation with Snowjanus x Reader where maybe there are rumours about how Reader is involved with both of them and Festus or Felix or someone tries to make advances towards Reader and when she declines they get somewhat salty and tell her that if she's enough of a slut to jump back and forth betweem Sejanus and Coryo then she should be thankful that someone else still wanted them as well. maybe Sejanus and/or Coryo overhear? whatever happens then is up to you, but I'd love it if it ends with the three having sex or similar again where they praise her for being only theirs💗💗💗
omg okay
The night after you and Sej officially ask Coryo to be a part of the relationship, the question about public perception would come up of course. But at this point, people had already begun to suspect something was happening. Why would Coriolanus always sit next to you and Sejanus? Why was Coriolanus always going home with either you or Sej? Why was Sej's girlfriend getting all cute and cuddly next to Coryo in the library?
I think Sej becomes the clear voice for you three, saying something about focusing on one another and not letting any possible comments get to you.
Festus teasing or even asking to "join," would be enough to piss off you or either of the boys, but it would also be expected, especially from him. The moment is worse if you aren't around either of your boyfriends, just you and Festus, talking until he teases you about being with both of the men. At first, it feels playful, like he's just gonna make a small jab and then move on, but then he moves in close, "you got room for a fourth? I wouldn't mind sharing you," he whispers with a disgusting smirk as his eyes rake over your body.
You deny him, hoping to just walk away from the conversation once you get your words out, but he mutters, "I know you'd actually want it," and it's got you turning back on your heel to face him, asking what he means.
Festus' smirk would only grow wider, "You're fucking the Plinth and Snow boy. Sounds like something a whore would do. You're lucky I'm even interested in someone like you." And you can never really tell if Festus is being genuine or if he's just trying to hurt you, but it wouldn't really matter. You'd want to go off of on him, but you're still at the Academy and you don't want to cause any sort of scene so you just end up rolling your eyes and leaving.
Sej would notice first that something is wrong, but you brush it off. He'd share a look with Coryo and soon Sej's hand is holding yours as Coryo's eyes pierce into yours. You wouldn't tell them what happened until you're in the safety of your bedroom, tears threatening to prick. You'd find it in yourself to joke a little though, saying, "I think I win in the end. Even if I do get called a slut or whore or whatever name they can come up with cause I have two very caring boyfriends," and you let out a breathy chuckle as they both give you small smiles. "I'll just tell them I'm a slut too," Sej would chime in, making you giggle for the first time this night and it would bring a blush to his cheeks.
"And you're our girlfriend. Ours. No one else's, especially not Festus'," Coryo says, tugging you into his side as Sej rubs his hand on your other thigh.
The progression of the night feels too obvious, but you end up being surprised when both Sej and Coryo deny you getting on your knees for them, instead opting to please you and you only. They'd take turns between your legs, while the other is letting their tongue soak in your juices, the other is at your chest, neck, or ear with his mouth.
"our girl, you're so pretty," Coryo would mumble against you, kissing your shoulder while Sej's head is buried against your cunt. "make us feel so lucky, did you know that?"
Sej's words are a little sweeter given the fact you've been in a relationship with him longer. Coryo doesn't seem to mind at the moment as he brings you closer to another orgasm. "I love you, baby. You're so good for us, Coryo's gonna fall in love with you, I know it." And it makes all three of you smile when that's what sends you over the edge.
let's chat about sej, coryo, or both, here :)
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abbyromanoff · 11 months
I've got a request. Not really sure about the details, but I'm sure you could work that out, being the amazing writer that you are :)
It's a really vague idea, I guess, but something along the lines of wanda being a fallen angel who has sided with heaven, and Nat being a fallen angel who has sided with hell. They both fall for Fem! Reader and try to get them to support their respective sides
Let me know if this isn't something you're comfortable with writing. Thank you so much :)
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PAIRINGS: Wanda Maximoff x reader, Natasha Romanoff x reader
WARNINGS: R cheating (not really), making out, “bad boy” Nat, church girl!Wanda, self-homophobia, hidden relationships, Wanda cheating on vision, love affairs, love triangle, small sexual themes, think that’s all :)
“C’mon, can’t you stay the night just this once?” The redhead begged, holding your hand in order to keep you close. She tried pulling you closer to no avail as you started gathering your clothes.
“You know I can’t, Nat.” She groaned, flopping back on the bed and exposing part of her nude body. You bit your lip, forcing your gaze off of her before you did end up listening to her.
“My parents think I’m still at the library, they’ll be pissed if they find out I’m here.” Nat wasn’t known greatly around the area, mainly for her delinquent acts that got her into multiple jail cells. In your eyes, she was just misunderstood, nobody saw the side of her that you did. She was soft, a sweetheart who just wanted to find her person, but she already knew that person was you.
But then there was Wanda, the priest's daughter and your childhood best friend. You knew of her feelings for you, yet you tried to deny they existed. You liked her in more ways that you wish you did, but she wasn’t out yet, and she probably never would be. And she had a boyfriend, Vision. She didn’t seem to have a true interest in him, only one that she’d make up and exaggerate so someone would believe her when she said she loves him.
“Just tell them you’re sleeping over a friend’s. Tell them it’s Wanda, aren’t you guys like, I don’t know, best friends?” She pulled you down to sit on her lap, her hands holding you close by your waist. You smiled down at her and debated the option in your mind, was it worth the risk? Anything was worth it when it came to her, but you truly couldn’t stay.
“I wish I could, I do.” She pouted playfully, soon feeling your fingers turning her lips upward.
“Turn that frown upside down, I want to see you smile.” She gripped you just a bit tighter, hoping to keep you in her grasp forever.
“How am I supposed to be happy when you’re leaving me?” You rolled your eyes at her antics, slapping her shoulder with no real indication to cause pain. She threw an overplayed gasp your way in response.
“How about this, I go home tonight, but next weekend I’ll convince my parents to let me stay the night at a ‘friends’ house?” Your statement seemed to bring her slight joy as a grin made its way to her face. She leaned in to kiss you, muttering words between each one.
“As long as I have you, baby.” You got home with multiple different texts from two women: Wanda and Natasha. The redhead was telling you how much she missed you already and how she couldn’t wait to see you again while Wanda had been asking why you weren’t answering her calls. You sighed, running your fingers through your hair as you decided to ring the woman, hearing her voice on the other end of the line only seconds after.
“Where have you been?! I’ve been calling you for an hour!”
“Relax, I was at the library.” You could tell she didn’t believe you, you were best friends after all, she knew every lie you told.
“You know lying is a sin, Y/N.” She teased, and you could hear the sound of her clothes hitting the floor. She was most likely changing, yet you couldn’t help the less innocent thoughts from approaching.
“Were you with Nat again?” She knew of your unlabeled relationship with the troublemaker and openly expressed her hatred towards it. But you didn’t care to listen, too drunk on her love to think of anything else. You were first using her as a way to get over Wanda, but then you caught feelings. Nat made hers pretty obvious, she wanted something with you, a real relationship where she could hold your hand in public and kiss you whenever, but you were both waiting for the time to be right.
“I shouldn’t even ask at this point, you’re already always there.” You could sense the annoyance floating through her voice and groaned internally. You couldn’t deal with this right now, you just wanted to get home and relax. It was dark out and you continued to look each way in fear, your legs quickening in speed the colder you felt.
“Please don’t say that, you know it’s not true.” She ended the call after a small ‘whatever’ and it dawned on you just how frustrated she seemed. It wasn’t your fault she couldn’t come to terms with herself, you were just moving on. And if she didn’t want to accept that then she didn’t have to, but you were happy with Nat, even if you didn't exactly know what you two were, it still brought excitement whenever you’d see her or touch her. Her soft skin against yours just felt right, you didn’t have a word to explain it other than that, everything just seemed to make sense when you were with her.
Your parents were instantly questioning you once you got home, but you just shut them down with the fact that finals were headed your way. They seem to understand and let you go with a deep sigh, not fully believing your hidden lie.
You decided to finally check your phone after multiple unanswered texts made their way to your screen. A small smile seemed to form on your face when reading all that Nat had to say, you didn’t understand how she and her family were known as the ‘devil of the town’ when she was so loving. All she ever did was care for you, she had changed from her old ways and turned into something so amazing and kind, yet it was reserved only for you.
“Yes, Nat?” You dragged out, resting your phone on the bedside table as you started to rid yourself of your clothing. You grabbed the shirt she had given you a few weeks back, it was a bit large and you loved it. You then put on a pair of boxers and turned off your lights before laying down in bed, feeling all of your tense muscles start to ease.
“I missed you, baby.” You chuckled and earned a groan on the other end of the line.
“Don’t laugh at me, my bed is so cold without you.” The rest of your two hours were spent quietly giggling and talking with the redhead before you fell into a deep sleep, being unable to hear the words whispered out of Nat’s mouth. She was content, all she ever wanted was you, even if she used horrid ways of showing it in the past.
“Why do you look so tired?” Wanda asked you the next morning when taking notice of your eye bags and occasional yawns. You turned to look at her, removing your attention from the man on the podium and locking it onto her.
“Couldn’t sleep.” You whispered. You hated lying to the woman, but you knew it would just bring more vexation if you were to tell the truth. She could tell there was more, but she held back. There was no point in pushing if she’d receive nothing in return.
The next hour dragged on painfully long with Wanda’s worries only continuing. She just wanted your attention the way she used to, yet yours was on another. Nat wasn’t good for you but she was, she just didn’t seem to understand how deep your love for her went.
“Wanda, wait.” You called out after the ceremony, watching her grab her things as she was rushing to her car. She turned to look at you, urging you to go on the closer you got to her.
“Can I talk to you? Alone?” You were surrounded by no one, seeming as most parents and their children were forced to keep conversation with the other towns folk. She didn’t speak, only giving you a curt nod before opening the back door. She came with her parents just like she had done for her entire 19 years of living. It was just easier.
She signaled for you to get in and you did, following behind her as she smoothed out her dress on the seat.
“Mom and Dad should be out soon, they won’t mind if you come over.” Her parents loved you, even taking to ask where you had been ever since the distance between you and Wanda grew. You wanted to see the woman, but it seemed as though she didn’t want to see you.
“Hey, Y/N! We were wondering where you’ve been!” Her mother cheerfully pitched with a smile that you shared. A small conversation grew between the three of you, yet the daughter stayed silenced. Even when you arrived at your destination her mouth didn’t open. It wasn’t until she opened her bedroom door for you both that she finally spoke, it felt relaxing to finally hear her voice in person again. It felt like forever since you did, even if it was only a few minutes.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” She refused to look at you, knowing it would be too hard on her.
“I think you know, Wands.” The nickname brought a saddened smile to her face that quivered, it was one full of memories and lost time.
“I know you found out months ago about my feelings for you, but I didn’t think it would ruin our friendship.” You stalked behind her, noticing the nervous twitching of the rings on her fingers. You grabbed them, interlacing your hand with hers as she released a deep breath.
“I’m not mad at you for that.” You turned her around gently so she would face you, the soft features on her face bringing a longing that you wished to fill.
“Then what is it? Tell me what I did wrong so I can fix this, so I can fix us.” You wanted her to admit the feelings she had been harboring for so long, it had been gnawing at her for months, even before she knew of your shared love.
“Please, Wanda. I love you too much to lose you.” You begged, and it nearly brought tears to the woman’s eyes. The same eyes you found yourself often lost in, just admiring her beauty that you cherished greatly.
“I’m not mad at you for liking me, I’m upset because you never did anything.” She finally spoke so quietly that you almost didn’t hear her. Even with your knowledge of her growing crush, the words still sent shivers down your spine and caused your face to falter.
“Please don’t say anything, this is already embarrassing enough.” For a split second, you worried over the possibility of her parents barging in, but it soon faded the closer you got to Wanda. She tried to scurry out of your hold, only to feel your arms on her waist, locking her in place.
“Look at me. Please look at me, sweetheart.” She couldn’t meet your eyes without taking notice of your lips that were nearly begging to be pecked. She wanted to be the one to do so, and knowing Nat was instead only caused more jealousy to rise to the surface. Her high school bully, the woman who tormented her every move and every step, the one who sent her crying into your arms was now the one holding you; how was that fair? Every aspect of her life was taken from none other than Natasha Romanoff, now she was stealing her one true love as well, and she couldn’t let that be. She couldn’t let you kiss her, hold her, make love to her without you knowing that she could be the replacement, that she had been aching to be yours since she met you.
She didn’t understand the thoughts at the time, but that all changed when she was allowed access to the internet. She was scared to search for the reasoning, afraid her parents might catch sighting and discipline her for her curiosity. Although, the results only brought more shame than her mother or father ever could, she liked you. And not the type most friends felt for one another, the type she was supposed to feel with a man yet felt for a woman.
“I’m sorry..”
“No, no, you don’t need to apologize. Come here.” You ushered her into a hug full of warmth, but fear was hidden beneath her barriers.
When she leaned back unwillingly, the only thing her vision could take notice of was your slightly parted lips that called her name.
“I don’t know why I feel this way, but is it bad to say I like it?” While it brought pain and sadness along with harsh reality, it felt comforting whenever she was with you. She wanted your love, but she wanted more than that. She wanted your heart, your attention, yet she felt selfish for wanting it.
“No, it’s completely normal. You can’t help who you feel, Wanda, and I would never shame you for that.” You brushed her hair behind her ear, sending a warm smile that did little to stop her. She couldn’t help it now.
Her lips had a mind of their own when they met with yours, and while you wanted nothing more than to give in and bathe in her presence, you knew you couldn’t. You leaned back, causing the woman to chase after you.
“Wanda, we can’t.”
“Why not?” She forced out rather loudly. She was the one to pull you close this time, hoping and praying that you’d listen to your heart instead of your mind, she could only hope your heart was beating for her.
“You have a boyfriend-“
“I don’t love him though, I’ve been planning to break up with him but I didn’t know how.” She argued, smiling slightly when she noticed your sight landing on her own chapstick-covered lips.
“What about Nat?”
“You two aren’t together officially, you’re allowed to speak to other people.” You both knew the lie in her words, but you were both so desperately trying to believe them.
“What if you regret it?”
“I never regret anything when I’m with you.” You paused in your tracks, letting her hand rest on your cheek as she checked the door one last time.
“This is wrong-“
“Then why does it feel so right?” You couldn’t stop your mouth from pressing against hers with hunger and desire. Your thumb drew circles against her side as the tension in her muscles lowered, her brain shutting down and her lips moving according to yours.
“I love you, Y/N.” She muttered against your lips before diving back in for more.
“I love you too, Wands.” You followed, letting the two of you sit on the bed as you forced yourself to let go and dwell in the comfort of your best friend.
Later that evening when you left the home, a smile planted on your face as you waved your goodbye’s to the family, sharing a small glance with the redhead before closing the door behind you, you were immediately hit with the guilt of your actions. Nat had been texting you, begging for you to visit her due to how badly she missed you. There were at least ten messages along with three missed calls, her fears only rising as she knew you’d never leave your phone unattended.
“I love you, my beautiful girl.” Read one of her texts, and it pained you to acknowledge the fact that she knew nothing of your shared activities with the other woman.
“I love you more, Nat.” You wrote back once easing her worries, but developing more of your own. You loved both women equally. Even if Natasha had a bad past, you still loved her. And even if Wanda refused to come to terms with herself, you still loved her. How could you ever face them again knowing the truth?
Wanda thought Nat was bad, but she had no idea that the person she just spent the entire afternoon with and most of her years fawning over was even worse.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 50
Part 1 Part 49
Steve feels like he’s drowning, always. It’s just hard to care about school too much when he knows there’s a different universe beneath their feet just waiting to gobble him back up. Barbara is anchor. She keeps his feet on this side of the ground with a roll of her eyes and patience beyond her years for his stupid questions.
Every Thursday is like a mad dash to get all of his homework done. She seems to know that he won’t do it any other day of the week. Too busy drowning, always.
Nancy, having heard the words “Study Group,” had joined by the second week. Barbara had pretended to be exasperated, but seemed excited once Jonathan hadn’t made his own appearance.
Where Barbara was all exasperated patience, Nancy never moves past the exasperation. She tries to beat the answers into his head with an iron fist until Barbara will take over, leaving Nancy to work on her own assignments and stew about Steve’s apparent stupidity.
When it gets too stressful, Steve’s mind drifts to Eddie, down the hall in the drama room, telling his stories with his usual dramatic flair. His eyes would be twinkling as he watches the members of Hellfire stumble around making mistake after mistake. God, he misses him.
But, every failed class is another step behind Eddie. What if Eddie wants to move, leave Hawkins in the rearview mirror, leaving Steve along with it? So, he tries his best. He studies. He tries.
Steve doesn’t notice something has changed until Nancy groands. He looks up, ready to drop his English homework at almost no provocation. Carol has slid into the empty seat at their table and is now dragging notebooks out of her backpack like she was invited.
“Can I help you?” Nancy asks, voice practically dripping with disdain.
Carol looks up at her, eyes wide and innocent. “Is this not a public use libaray?” she asks, fishing a pencil out of her back without looking just so she can twirl it around her fingers effortlessly.
Nancy narrows her eyes. “There are other tables.”
“Steve invited me.”
Steve can’t help the snort. If talking to Eddie about it when Carol had happened to walk by counts as an invitation, who is Steve to deny her? This time, both Nancy and Carol glare at him. He holds his hands up placatingly. They’re like sharks though, and there’s blood in the water. He just hopes not too much of it is his.
“What do you mean you invited her?” Nancy demands.
Steve scowls. “I can invite whoever I want!”
Barbara sighs, rolling her eyes as she snaps her book shut. “Can we just get back to–”
“Is this a lover’s spat?” Carol interrupts, smiling at Nancy sweetly the way she does just before her claws swipe. “Oh, wait no. You ditched him, didn’t you?”
Nancy’s cheeks darken with embarassment, but she says hotly, “I did not ditch–”
Carol doesn’t let Nancy finish. “Did you wait until he was out of the hospital, at least, to fall into Byers’ bed?”
“Carol,” Barbara says, sounding pissed. “Can you shut the fuck up?”
But it’s too late. Nancy gathers her things and stalks out of the library in a huff. Steve sighs.
“Was that necessary?” he asks, plunking his head down on the table. God, why were these people even his friends? He misses Eddie ever more. Eddie would never make things so fucking awkward. He latches onto their connection, letting it warm him from the inside out as he watches Carol examine her nails.
“Sorry for defending you,” she says, like she actually believes it.
Steve sighs again, even more wearily, suddenly too tired to keep his eyes open. “You’ve gotta stop starting shit without all the facts, Carol.” he says, not even opening his eyes to look at her. “We figured it out weeks ago.”
The only sound at their table, in the whole library, is the noise of paper fluttering. He peeks through his eye, sees Barbara has opened her book on the table once more. “Why do you think she’s even here?” she says, glaring down at her book. “Do you think Steve would’ve invited her if they hadn’t hashed it out?”
Carol looks down at Steve’s raised eyebrow, knowing him too well. Because yes, yes he would. Steve had been born with a chronic need to make everyone like him. It’s uncurrable and Carol has spent a not inconsiderable amount of time telling people to fuck off on Steve’s behalf.
He glares up at her, refusing to raise his head. She rolls her eyes. “Fine! I’ll apologize to little Miss Wheeler,” she says. When Barbara and Steve just keep staring at her she continues. “Tomorrow, no way in hell am I chasing Wheeler down.”
“Whatever you say,” Steve says, but he dutifully raises his head and opens his own book when Barbara snaps her fingers in his face.
One second he’s looking down, trying to make out the gibberish words of Macbeth, and then he’s there – still in the library, but it’s gone wrong again. There are vines crawling on the carpet, and it’s dark beyond the red light flooding the cracked windows.
Barbara and Carol have disappeared. He grasps onto the tether in his chest and yanks, hoping against hell that it pulls him back to Will. Back to Eddie. Nothing happens.
He keeps his breaths even and closes his eyes, hoping once he opens them, he’ll be back. He opens his eyes.
It doesn’t work.
Everything’s still red, until it’s not. It’s like something vast has steped in front of what passes for a sun in this place. There’s streaks of red like blood painting the walls and carpet, stripes of shadows interspersed, growing thicker and thicker, like whatever is out there is coming closer.
Steve looks up at the window, horrified. He can’t look away from the window. Just sits there and waits for that thing to come get home. Waits for Eddie to come save him. He can’t look away.
That’s why he doesn’t notice the vine until it’s crawling up his ankle and yanks. He hits the carpet, hard.
“Steve?” Barbara asks. She’s crouched beside him, looking worried as Carol laughs, still in her seat. “Are you okay?”
Steve smiles up at Barbara. “Sorry, must have dozed off.”
She furrows her brows, clearly disbelieving as she asks, “are you hurt?”
“No, I’m fine!” he says, sitting up painfully from the carpet. He doesn’t look back at Barbara’s expression, but he can feel her pointed glare. “Fine, I twinged my shoulder a bit.”
“The bad one?” she demands, already pulling his sweatshirt off his shoulder to take a look.
That gets Carol’s attention. “You have a bad one?” she asks, sliding out of her chair to sit by him on the floor. He can tell the moment his injury is uncovered by the way her eyes widen. It’s mostly scar now, red and jagged and puckered around the edges. It’s all edge. “What the fuck?”
Barbara examines the wound, as if she even knows what to look for. She hasn’t ever seen it. In the hospital it’d been bandaged, and now he keeps it covered religiously. “I think it’s okay?” she says, like she’s asking him. He nods.
“Okay?” Carol demands. “What the fuck happened?”
Steve closes his eyes, suddenly exhausted. From the questions and the walking nighmare he keeps slipping into. “Can we not?” he asks, voice small.
There’s silence. Steve digs his head into the ground and doesn’t analyze it. “Okay,” Carol says quietly.
They settle back into their respective seats, and each pretend to focus as their designated study session time finishes quietly if unproductively. When the hour ticks over, Steve shoves his papers halfhazardly into his backpack, relieved to get out of there.
Carol and Barbara trail him through the hallways like escorts, but leave him two hallways down at the entrance to the drama room with barely a wave. Steve watches them walk away; their retreating backs look odd together, but people probably say the same thing about Steve and Eddie.
When he walks in, Eddie’s packing up his stuff while the Hellfire boys shout at each other. When the door slips shut with a click, Eddie’s head snaps up, eyes shining brightly. They dim a little when he sees how tired Steve looks, but he still calls, “Stevie!” excitedly.
Steve comes in, dropping down on the chair beside Eddie’s to wait, too tired to keep standing.
“You’ve gotta help us out, buddy,” Doug says, dropping awkwardly to his knees beside Steve, prostrating himself. “Eddie’s had to have told you something, right?”
Eddie scoffs, “you know I don’t DM and tell!” he says, like a liar. Both Uncle Wayne and Steve have been subjected to many a planning session is Eddie works out the kinks to his latest campaign.
“Sorry, Doug,” he says, patting the other boys head. “I don’t know shit.”
Doug groans, levering himself off the floor and dropping into the seat next to Steve with a mumbled curse and a pout.
“You should join then,” Jeff says, smirking over his head toward Eddie. “No way would Eddie kill you off.”
When Steve glances over, Eddie’s cutting his hand over his throat in a slashing motion he turns into the world’s most awkward wave when he catches Steve looking at him.
“Thanks, but no thanks,” Steve replies, grimacing. “Bad enough I have to play with those butt munches.”
“Butt munches?” Gareth asks, arms crossed as he scowls over at Steve.
“You know, they’re about yay high.” Steve holds his hand up insultingly low to the ground. He smiles, can almost hear Dustin’s protest in his ear. “Won’t leave me alone for some goddamn reason.”
Doug, Gareth, and Jeff all trade glances Steve’s too tired to even try to interpret. “Freak,” Gareth says, nodding like they’d all agreed on something. Steve would be insulted, but he says it the same way Eddie does; like it’s the highest compliment he could bestow upon anyone.
The other two nod their agreements while Eddie groans and Steve looks between them bemusedly before looking at Eddie for an answer.
Eddie clears his throat uncomfortably, looks down at the wrist that doesn’t have his watch and says, “oh, look at the time!” he throws his arms in the air, yawning theatrically despite it barely being seven at night. “Time to go, Stevie!”
Steve squints up at him, befuddled. “Freak,” he says, sharing nods with the other three. Doug nods like this is serious business, but Jeff and Gareth bite their lips against a laugh as Eddie groans.
“I never should have introduced you,” he says forlornly, grabbing his stuff and linking his arm with Steve’s to lead him away.
Yeah, it’s been a good day.
Part 51
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @1-8oo-wtfbro @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show
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inlovewithpandora · 10 months
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Pairing: Human!Ralak x fem!pregnant!reader
Request: [ @teyamsbitch ] A constantly wanting junk food and B having to hide the junk food so she doesn’t get sick during her pregnancy. w/ Ralak || Ralak knows how junk food makes reader sick but reader is too stubborn and always makes herself sick by eating it so he decides to hide it from her and she whines but he gives her a substitute.
Synopsis: When a pregnancy craving hits you in the middle of the night all you want is your comfort food, the problem is you can’t find them.
Content: modern au, fluff, reader being a little stubborn, Ralak being a good hubby
Author’s Note: Thank you for sending this req in bestie, I loved writing it bc Ralak is so underrated. I hope you enjoy and that it meets your expectations🩷!!
- oc and art belongs to @zestys-stuff
Word Count: 759
Extra: Requests are open! Please read rules before requesting! || Likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated🩷!
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As your husband Ralak was peacefully sleeping next to you, you felt a heavy pregnancy craving hit you. You didn’t want to wake him up, so you quietly walked out the room and made your way to the kitchen. You began rummaging through your kitchen cabinets, trying to find your favorite comfort food, but you couldn’t find any. With scrunched eyebrows, you recall the last time you went grocery shopping. It was recent and it was clear in your memory having specifically bought your snacks for times like this, so it upset you that you couldn’t find them.
When Ralak shifted in bed, he didn’t feel your warm presence, which made him get out of bed to find you. Walking around the house, he heard the sound of cabinet doors opening and closing, the fridge opening, and then your frustrated groans.
“Babe, what are you doing up so late?” He asked, voice low as he carefully walked into the kitchen to not startle you.
“I’m looking for my snacks, ‘Lak. I couldn’t go to sleep because I’m craving my snacks, but I can’t find them anywhere.” As he watched you search the kitchen from top to bottom, he sort of felt bad because he knew the reason why you couldn’t find them.
“Okay, don’t be mad, but I kind of hid your snacks.” 
You turned your head to him so quickly you felt your neck was going to crack. “What do you mean ‘you hid my snacks’? Please don’t tell me you hid MY snacks from me like I’m some child.” There came times where he mentioned hiding them from you to prevent you from eating them, but this was the first time he actually did it. It annoyed you every time he brought it up, but to know that he dared to do it pissed you off because this wasn’t the time to deny you of your food.
“You know those snacks make you sick everytime you eat them.” Ralak wasn’t making that up, it was true. Each time you decided to eat them, they upset your stomach and sometimes it was to the point where you got nauseous and vomited. You knew they made you sick, but you didn’t care, all you wanted was to enjoy your snacks in peace.
“I don’t care about that, I want my snacks, Ralak!” You whined, wanting to finally fill your stomach so you could go back to sleep.
As you continued to whine and complain, Ralak reached into the top cabinet and grabbed an alternative snack he bought for you a few days ago. He knew this day would come and that he would need something to save him from being cursed out.
“Look, I bought you an alternative. Something that won’t make you sick.” Your nose turned up as you looked at the snack he was trying to offer you. You didn’t want an alternative because they never tasted like the actual snack it was supposed to imitate. 
“Ralak, I don’t want it. It looks disgusting!”
Ralak just shook his head at your stubbornness. “Just try it, I bet you’ll like it if you give it a chance.” You reluctantly grabbed the snack out of his hand, hoping that it was good enough because if it wasn’t he was definitely going to get an ear full from you.
You opened the bag and placed some in your hand. Taking a deep breath, you braced yourself for a nasty taste to overcome your tongue before placing them in your mouth. As you chewed them slowly, taking in the flavor, you realized that they weren’t that bad. They actually tasted better than you expected.
As Ralak closely watched you eat, he noticed the small fire in your eyes subside now that you were having your cravings fulfilled. “Do you feel better now?” He came behind you, wrapping his arms around your torso while placing his hands on your swollen stomach and resting his head on your shoulder.
“Yes, much better. Thank you for getting me these, I appreciate it.” You turned and kissed his cheek which caused a soft smile to curl onto his lips knowing that he made you happy. When you finished your snack, right on cue your eyes began to flutter close, which made Ralak pick you up and carry you into your shared bedroom.
After gently placing you in bed, he tucked you in and kissed your forehead, smiling as he thought about how soon it would be before your little bundle of joy would be there.
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I hope you enjoyed🩷!
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©️inlovewithpandora ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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sunbaby01 · 1 year
JJ Maybank x reader
Inspired by the prompt ‘you have no idea how much I want you right now’
So much for JJ’s ‘deny, deny, deny’ way of thinking, all she’d had to do was bat her eyelashes and kiss that one spot on his neck a few times to make him blab all about what Pope had done to Rafe’s boat. Trying to be reasonable, she’d told him revenge and violence weren’t the answer…until she saw Popes face as they went to watch the OBX movie series. She’d felt the anger fill her body and winced at the unfamiliar feeling.
“Just saw Rafe, and he said, and I quote ‘tell your boy we know what he did’” Kiara dropped into her seat staring down the two boys and Noa, all of them avoiding her gaze, the former two jumping into their own scattered conversation.
“Noa…” Kiara tried.
“Guys maybe we should just tell her-“ Noa tried to involve herself.
“You told her?” Pope rolled his eyes, “so much for deny, deny, deny. You’re soft as fuck for her” he glanced at Noa who adorned a guilty smile and back at JJ who shrugged as if to say ‘so what’
“What if Rafe talking about?” Kaira gritted her teeth, tired of being left in the dark.
“Kie…it might go down tonight” JJ started.
“J!” Noa facepalmed.
“Might go down tonight? What did y’all do?” Kie pinched the bridge of her nose mumbling “fucking idiots” when she got no response.
Noa often trusted her gut, after all it brought her to the friends she now called family and brought her JJ, the love of her life. Which is why when she started to feel off she spoke up.
“J I don’t feel too good, I feel like somethings gonna happen” she whispered in his ear, him basking in the way her breath tickled his neck.
“M’sure it’s nothing baby, it’s probably all the sugar” he nodded to the empty sweet packets lay at her feet and turned his head to press a kiss against her temple. It’s probably the sugar, she tried to tell herself he was right and focus on the movie.
“JJ” Pope whispered over the gunshots in the movie, JJ just nodded his head in response eyes on the screen.
“Gotta take a piss” Pope wanted to groan at how stupid he sounded wanting his friend to come with him.
“Hold it” JJ absentmindedly responded.
“I can’t hold it…I drank too much soda” any other time Pope would’ve laughed at the situation but when Kiara came back with those Pepsis and he drank one after the other, going to the bathroom was not on his mind.
“Just go with him, J” Noa said the other side of him, turning round smiling apologetically at those who could hear their talking whilst looking for Rafe and his goons, “they’re blocking the bathroom just go behind the tree there”
JJ and Pope looked at one another before nodding weakly. “Where y’all going?” Kie asked confused when both boys stood, “bathroom…gotta ring it out” JJ replied as if it was obvious.
“Are they gonna hold it for each other?” Kie looked at Noa with a sarcastic glint in her eye causing the girl to let out a quiet laugh both at the words spoken and the way the boys ducked down to try avoid getting in people’s way.
Sitting there without JJ by her side the feeling got worse, especially when they were taking too long for her liking to come back.
“Hey,” she leant over their chairs to talk to Kie, “I’ve got cramp…just gonna stretch my legs” she stood and did the awkward crouch too heading in the direction of the tree before Kiara even got to respond.
Although she felt a little weird when she realised they were indeed still pissing, she bit back a laugh hearing Popes groan of pleasure “this feels better than a blowjob”
JJ snorted, “like you know how that feels”
“Okay, this feel better than what I imagine a blowjob to feel like.“ Pope paused for a moment, “does it?”
JJ let out a quiet whistle, “nah man, nothing compares to that feeling. Well almost nothing…Noa does this thing with her tongue-“ he lowered his voice and she heard both boys jump when she made her presence known after hearing their flies zip
“What thing, honey” she spoke, giggling at the speed both of them turned around and the way JJ’s cheeks gained a pink tinge at being caught.
“Nothing” he smiled innocently watching his girl look back around the tree to check on Kie whispering a quick “tell you later” to Pope who nodded eagerly.
“Uh…guys” Noa cleared her throat as Rafe headed towards them.
“What’s up Pogues…pretty girl” he acknowledged them all watching in amusement as the shorter girl took two steps back as to not crane her neck.
“What’s up Rafe” she took control. ‘Always the pacifist’ Pope and JJ thought unaware to the rage that was filling her body once again.
JJ pulled her back as the three of them headed behind the movie screen.
“I just wanna talk” Rafe claimed.
“Bullshit” Noa huffed almost to herself, falsely clearing her throat when Rafe looked at her unamused.
“That was some nice work you did on my boat” Topper walked forward slightly.
“I don’t know what you mean” deny, deny, deny
“Not so burly without a gun, now are you” Rafe baited JJ over Noa’s shoudler, JJ pushing her behind him “take one more step I’ll blow your prepubescent face off” he squared up.
Too focused on trying to calm JJ down she didn’t even notice Pope had bit the bait until he head butted Topper square in his face instantly regretting it holding his own nose. JJ let out a “that’s my boy” and slipped out of Noa’s grasp punching Kelce in the face over and over until Rafe jumped on him too. She stood there pleading for them to stop ignoring her own rage building again until Kelce held JJ while Rafe delivered punch after punch to his body.
This was the moment that Noa realised, sometimes violence is the answer.
Giving into the rage she stepped forward feeling adrenaline pump through her veins, she grabbed Rafe’s shoulder with all her strength turning him around and punched him straight in his nose relishing in the cracking noise it made as she did. Everyone paused for just a second mouths gaping open as the girl breathed before Kiara jumped on Toppers back and JJ began fighting back harder. Rafe stood up angrier than before pulling Kie off Topper’s back with a warning to stay out of it before heading straight to Noa and shoving her off from where she was trying to hurt Kelce, enough to get him off JJ and shoving her down “stupid bitch” he spat, nose dripping with blood.
“Don’t you fucking touch her” JJ struggled watching Rafe stand over the girl he loved. Noa saw her opportunity and she took it kicking her leg up and hitting Rafe between his legs making him hunch over just as fire lit up the movie screen causing all of them to separate at the attention that would soon be on them if they didn’t move quick.
“Let’s get out of here” Rafe wiped his bloody nose still not stood fully straight, Kelce released a gasping JJ whilst Pope also tried to catch his breath, “I’d watch your back” he pointed his stare at Noa hating the way the fierce look in her eyes didn’t disappear at his threat.
“Look at you and then look at me. I think you should be the one watching yours” she bit back smirking when Topper and Kelce had to pull him away leaving the four Pogues alone each helping the other stand up.
JJ headed straight to Noa whilst Kie and Pope looked each other over. He quickly checked Noa for injuries he may have missed feeling satisfied when the only blood on her was her split knuckles.
“So much for violence isn’t the answer, my little peacemakers a firecracker” he managed to grin through his split lip with wicked glint in his eye.
“Okay maybe I was wrong…sometimes it’s the answer. What? Don’t look at me like that, I wasn’t gonna stand there and watch them do that to you” she felt the adrenaline wear off as the pain in her hand kicked in.
“I’m not looking at you like anything” he reached up and brushed his thumb on her jaw and slightly onto her neck.
“JJ” she gave him the look.
“Okay okay…I know now’s probably not the right time but you have no idea how much I want you right now” he looked straight in the eye fighting another painful grin.
“Seriously J?!” She breathed a laugh.
“What? You expect to see my sweet girl breaking Rafe Cameron’s nose for me and to not get turned on? C’mon firecracker you hold my hand sometimes and that’s enough”
“JJ…” she groaned and put her forehead on his chest quickly moving it when he let out a wince.
“C’mon Romeo, let’s get you fixed up” she reached and pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips avoiding the cut toes tingling when his grip on her tightened slightly.
“Oooo playing nurse…kinky”
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testingthewatersss · 6 months
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Are you my Captain? Trigger warnings for PTSD, mentions of war, arguing, etc. Protective Steve is lowkey an asshole. Bucky Barnes x F Reader Chapter 1 3700 words fluff, angst, tension, comfort. 18+ MDNI
You each tell your own friends. That was the deal you made with Bucky when you finally got together. A year later and he's finally figuring out why you'd been so sure that you'd gotten the better part of the deal with Tony.
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“So what exactly were you planning on doing?”
Steve’s voice is measured, even though she thinks the accusatory edge in his words rings through regardless.
“Clearly” Natasha cuts in, “she wasn’t planning anything, she was-”
Y/N’s glare silences her.
“Are you my Captain, Steve?” she asks, speaking for the first time.
“What?” Steve counters, folding his arms, “I’m -“
“I know you’re a captain” Y/N says, “I asked if you were mine specifically. Are you my Captain, right now?”
“No, but-”
“No-” she agrees, pushing up from her desk, “so why on earth would I tell you anything about my the status of any missions I may or may not be involved in?”
The woman is standing now, staring him down as though they’re the only two people in the room.
“Because Bucky—”
“Because Bucky” she mimics with a cold laugh, “Are you his Captain?”
Now he looks hurt. For a moment, she almost feels bad about the mocking tone she’s using, but then, Natasha chuckles from her place in the corner.
“He doesn’t have a Captain, Y/N/N” Steve says, trying not to sound too upset, “I’m just-”
“Concerned.” Natasha interrupts, taking pity on the man, “He’s worried that Barnes is being drafted by SHEILD”
“By me, you mean” Y/N challenges, staring the other woman down, now too.
“You’re the acting director” she replies, not denying her statement, “If anyone was going to bring him in—”
“Then wouldn’t that be his business?”
“So he is-” Steve bursts, unable to hold back
“Have you tried asking him?” Y/N cuts in, patience waning now, “Or did you just decide to come straight to my office and interrogate me?”
Her voice is shaper than even she’d intended, she realises when Steve flinches, biting his cheek and totally averting his gaze.
“Don’t be like that” Natasha sighs, “Of course he’s asked him. We both have.”
“He’s not giving a straight answer” Steve says, sounding almost desperate, “Please, just tell me—”
“No?” he repeats, trying to figure out if it’s an answer to his question or his request.
“Steve,” she says calmly — “I’m sorry, but it’s really none of your business.”
“He’s my best-”
“I know” she allows, raising her palms in surrender, “I know you’re basically brothers, I get that, I do, but it doesn’t matter— I am your friend— truly, I am, and I know that I’m the acting director here but no matter how much I like you, I am not in a position to disclose any confidential information about upcoming interventions-” she watches his open his mouth to interrupt, “-or, who may, or may not be going on them, especially without the consent of said person.”
The pause that follows her statement is tense. Natasha breaks it, smiling;
“Alright,” she allows, “Can you at least tell us if you’re going on any upcoming jobs?”
Y/N laughs at that, looking almost proud before shooting her eyes to the door, trying her best to highlight the lack of privacy their interaction is being afforded.
“Yes.” she answers, “I am.”
Steve doesn’t look appeased. If anything he looks even more frustrated than he had when he’d turned up outside her door half an hour earlier.
Natasha, on the other hand, seems to understand the situation perfectly well. She gives her friend a gracious nod and leads the pouting blonde out of the room in silence.
Y/N assumes she’s getting an earful on their trip back to the tower, but since she’d allowed him to come and bother her in the middle of the day, her sympathy is fleeting.
Bucky appears next, knocking twice before walking into her office and locking himself inside.
She barely looks up from her papers, she knows it’s him anyway.
“Stevie’s pissed” he declares, sitting across from her, on a large leather chair, ignoring the way it creaks in protest, “he keeps asking me about next week, doll— he wants to know if I have any plans.”
He thinks her laugh is musical. As he watches her chewing on her pen, absentmindedly flicking through a folder with practised fingers, he can’t help but think about how utterly, totally, in love with her he is.
“What did you tell him?” she says, finally looking up at him.
He’s blushing like a teenager. Cheeks burning hot.
“That I might be goin’ out of town”
She treats him to another laugh. He grins at his lap, bashful.
“Bet he loved that” Y/N says, picturing his dismay, “That’s probably why he showed up with Romanoff”
His eyes snap up then, sweet-natured embarrassment forgotten in favour of genuine surprise;
“I told him that since he is not currently your commanding officer, I’m not in a position to disclose anything you may or may not be working on, on behalf of SHEILD”
It’s his turn to chuckle now. Gruff and boyish as he paws at his chin with metal fingers.
“Y’know,” he says, breaking the comfortable silence, “I think he might be”
“What?” Y/N asks, distracted by a lab report, “he might be what?”
“My commanding officer” Bucky clarifies, “He was, anyway, back in the forties—“
“I think he was released from those duties when you died in combat”
He scoffs at that, looking at her with an expression she can only classify as adoring.
“I didn’t die…” he says, flicking a balled-up scrap of paper at her wrist, “…did, I, doll?”
“No” she allows, realising that he wants her attention, “what are you throwing at me, Barnes?”
She looks at the post-it note, unfolding it to see that it’s one of her own discarded scrawlings.
The oak desk is littered with them, she’s never been a tidy worker— like her brother, she favours organised chaos.
“throwing” he repeats sarcastically, “you’re real dramatic”
That part is said under his breath, but she hears it all the same.
She manages to aim the ball of paper at his face, laughing happily as it bounces off his nose, and landing in his lap.
“Do you want me to call him back here?” she asks, slipping out from behind the surface, “Since he’s still your Captain”
Bucky feels his head tilting back, leaning against the rim of the chair. His eyes are trained on her, on the way she’s moving around, to position her body just in front of his.
“I didn't say that” he says softly, “but he was— he was probably the last one you’d count anyway”
Y/N hums, reaching out to cup his cheek.
He relishes in the contact, as minor as it is, leaning into her palm before she lowers it to his shoulder, acutely aware of their location, and the likelihood of interruption.
“I’ll note that in your file” she teases, “Right next to ‘comes to my office at 4o’clock in the afternoon because he’s bored’…“
“It’s 9-” Bucky corrects calmly, “-You’ve been here all day, Y/N/N— It’s gettin’ dark out— Y’know your brother doesn’t like you drivin’ home at night”
She looks at her watch, and then, when she realises that he’s right, that time has probably gotten away from her, again she nods, lowering her hand to his.
There is a strange lack of background noise, considering how busy her floor normally is.
“So you weren’t just after some attention?”
“Sure I was” he admits with that same, love-sick look in his eyes, “but you know I try not to bother you at work…”
“You could never bother me” she’s quick to assure him, “I love your little visits, sweetheart”
Oh, god— he can feel his heart melting.
“You can always just call me” she adds, “You don’t need to come and prise me out of this building every time I get caught up in reports”
“I know” he agrees, “But like you said, doll— I wanted to see ya’, it— it’s been a few days since we’ve had any proper time together and I—”
He stops, inhaling as he brings the hand of hers he’s holding up to his mouth;
“I’ve missed you” he finishes, “So, when your brother asked me to swing by and bring ya’ home I jumped at the chance.”
Y/N smiles, stroking his chin.
“I love you too” she coos, “I’m sorry I’ve been so busy lately… I’ve just-”
“Don’t apologise” he says quietly, “I knew what I was signin’ up for… fallin’ for a modern dame-”
The boyish grin on his face makes her laugh, real and happy as she starts tracing his jaw with the fingers he’s not playing with.
“a modern dame” she clucks, “I guess that about some me up, huh?”
“I can’t leave any threads hanging, Buck” she sighs, nodding back towards the mess on her desk, “There are 2 left… 2 HYDRA bases in the continental US… after that, then we’ve at least chased em’ back to Russia-”
“The 2 you’re talkin’ about,” he says, tone even, “Are they the ones you you showed me?”
She nods, indulging his interest by moving so that the map, with the two bases, circled in red is visible.
He moves, effortlessly lifting her so that she’s sitting in his lap.
Y/N allows the adjustment, exhaling contentedly as he holds her against his front, metal fingers bringing the whole pile of papers closer into view.
“I’m sure this one was just a storage unit” he murmurs, tracing the dot in East Texas, “I don’t know how I know…” he allows, “But, all I see when I think about it, is just walls of containers… big, metal boxes and crates stacked up in the dark”
Y/N pecks a kiss to his head and lets him trail his finger across the map to the second area of interest.
“I don’t know what that is” he admits unhappily, “I recognised the others, darlin’— Even the Russian ones- Especially, the Russian ones, but that.. that one, must be new.”
She nods in agreement.
“It is,” she tells him, “Popped up on the radar about a month ago, we haven’t got much intel yet, it’s why I’m commissioning a reckon job and not a ‘completely destroy everythin’ job.”
“And you have to go?” he says, “you can’t send any-”
“It’s safer if I go” she purrs, knowing he hates it, “and it’s quicker, Buck— It’s much quicker if it’s just me, running in and out… No mess, no fuss— and at least I know what I’m lookin’ at— Which makes my job a whole lot easier than if I have to try and decipher a write up from an agent who’s never set foot near an operational base”
It makes sense. He thinks that’s the worst part. How rational her reasoning is.
“Smart” is the only comment he offers, not wanting to encourage her with any further praise, “One person, goin’ in quiet— it’s a good strategy, incase it isn’t empty”
“Don’t sound surprised” she teases, even though she thinks resigned is a more apt description of how he actually sounds, “I’m a Stark we’re supposed to be smart, and I’ve been an agent long enough to know a thing or two about strategy…”
He knows all that. He’s in a state of near-constant awe of her. Of her beauty, and her brilliance, and just… god, just.. her.
She is the most wonderful thing in his life, and the idea of her putting herself in dangerous situations is painful, no matter how well planned out they are.
“It won’t take long” Y/N says, as if to console him, “A day… maybe two, with travel, Buck— I’ll be back before you know it—”
“Please,” he says, ignoring the map, now, focusing all his attention on her face, on the way she’s looking down at him, brow furrowed with concern, “Please let me come, darlin’— I won’t, I won’t be able to take it if you leave me here alone”
“You won’t be alone,” she says, “Steve is here, and Natasha, and-”
“I’ll go mad,” he tells her, knowing it’s the truth, “Steve won’t be able to do a damn thing about it, because I’ll be locked in your room trying’ to convince myself that you’re not just some kind of hallucination I cooked up whilst I was still in a cryo-tank—”
She laughs softly, he thinks its sound is the most comforting sound in the world.
And then, her palm is on his brow, pressing gently over the skin as though she’s taking his temperature.
“I don’t think anyone as sweet as you could dream me up” she sighs, letting him alter their position so that he’s burying his face against her shoulder, “Baby, I just don’t want you anywhere near—”
“I know-” he cuts in, they’ve had this talk before, “-I know you’re worried ‘bout me, but I— I swear, doll, I’ll be better off with you than I will be in the tower. Even if it’s just a day without ya’, let alone a night, I— I won’t know you’re safe, not for sure and I won’t be able to handle it, I—“
She hushes him, carding his hair back with both hands and guiding his face up so that she can see him, properly. He really does look distraught.
“I don’t want you anywhere near a HYDRA base” she says calmly, “I want you safe, away from any kind of fight that might break out— Away from anythin’ that might hurt you”
He’s about to object, to tell her that he knows all of that, but that he’s serious, and that if she leaves him to go and infiltrate some kind of base where he can’t reach her, that’ll hurt him way more than any fight he’s ever been in—
“I don’t want you to come, Bucky—“ she sighs, “—But, I’m not your Captain, either.”
His blue eyes are wide, and she thinks she can physically see understanding flicker across them.
“Nobody gets to tell you what you can, or can’t do anymore” she says, “Not even me, so if you really want to come, then I’m not going to stop you, but you’ve got to promise me that you’ll stay back, that at most, you’ll watch the surveillance relay and call for back up if I need it-”
“Yes, ma’am” he swears, suddenly giddy with relief, “I’ll do whatever you tell me, I—”
“You’re not listening…” she chuckles, “…I’m not your boss, Buck— I am not giving you orders, I am just asking you to take care of yourself for me. If you insist on coming, then please…please stay somewhere where I know you’re safe, where I won’t have to worry about you gettin’ hurt—”
Seeing Y/N’s composure falter is strange. He knows she loves him. She tells him all the time, and despite himself, and all the reasons he can think of why she shouldn’t, he believes her.
and just like that, he gets it.
She’s going to get hurt trying to keep me safe, he realises, if I get too close all she’s going to do is panic about getting me home in one piece, and no amount of planning is going to matter.
“I swear,” he says seriously, “Y/N/N, I just want to be nearby, I— I just want to know you’re safe, I— I’ll stay back… I’ll stay wherever you think is best— I just can’t stay in that tower, with everyone buzzing around, when I don’t know for certain that you’re safe—”
Then, she nods, accepting his promise and tugging him in a fraction closer.
Bucky feels her letting out a soft sigh against his head, and feels his whole body starting to unfurl.
“So what are you going to tell Steve?” she wonders after a pause, “now you know you’re definitely goin’ to be out of town for a night?”
He chuckles, enjoying being able to relax for the first time since this mission thing had been broached in the first place.
“Well, I think the truth is off the table” he mumbles, “since it’d mean havin’ to explain that we’ve been together for almost a year and he hasn’t noticed-”
“…Almost a year…” she repeats, affectionate, “…that’s a real long time…”
“Best year of my life, doll”
The grin she offers him is blinding. He swears it makes his heart miss a whole beat in his chest.
“What do you wanna’ do to celebrate?” she asks, enjoying the look on his face “Tony offered to throw us a party but-”
“That might be a little loud” Bucky murmurs, “If you’d like somethin’ like that then I’d… I’d work it out, darlin’, but I-”
“I’ve already said no” she assures him, “Most of our friends don’t even know there’s anything to celebrate, Buck, it’d be a Stark affair through and through, and I have enough of those booked in for the rest of the decade.”
He tries to think of a way to explain that just being with her is more than he could dream of. That he doesn’t need any celebration, that she is his biggest celebration.
He can’t. The words won’t come, and he finds himself insanely grateful to be with her, now. To be with someone who doesn’t push him to speak when his throat just tightens.
“He had another suggestion…” Y/N soothes, stroking his cheek, “You know how we’ve just payed a bunch of money to renovate Dad’s old place?… Well it’s ready—It’s got a nice lake out back, it’s not too far from all the action, and it’s now fully kitted out with security tech. We could always go there for the weekend?”
“That,” he says, looking a little surprised, “That sounds real nice, Y/N/N”
“Yeah?” she coos, “I thought so too… and that’s not even the best part— He’s promised to cover my calls whilst we’re away, so we’ll get some real, uninterrupted time, huh? Just me and you— It’ll be nice to be off the grid, for awhile.”
Y/N had thought she’d seen him smiling earlier. She’d have said that he’d looked happy, then— if she hadn’t seen the way he’s beaming at her now.
His eyes are creased at the sides, and looks like his grin is going to split his face.
“I’ve been neglecting you, haven’t I, handsome?”
It’s not really a question. Nobody should be that happy to have some quality time with their partner.
It makes her feel strangely guilty. Especially when she remembers where they are, and the way that he’s come to personally drag her out of her office before she can fall asleep in there, again.
“No” he replies quietly, “You’re… You’re perfect…I’m… I’m a little, needy, doll I know I am, I’m workin’ on it but I-”
“You’re not needy” she corrects, “you’re long overdue some attention, Buck… You’re entitled to some fussin’ after spendin’ so long on your own.”
The sound he makes is somewhere between a scoff and a sigh. It makes her heartache in her chest.
“I’m sorry” she says, meaning it, “I know I’ve been caught up in work lately— I promise I’ll get better about—”
“—Don’t apologise—” Bucky cuts in, looking up at her, “—It’s your job, doll, and it’s important, and I know—”
“You’re important”
He’s so, so flattered by her words that all he can do is murmur out an “Oh, god” as his cheeks fill with colour.
and just like that, she no longer feels slightly guilty.
It’s like she’s been punched in the gut.
There’s nothing to distract her—She can see how exhausted he is. The hollows under his eyes are deep set, and dark. There’s a split in his lip that’s halfway healed, and he’s leaning obviously to his right, clearly trying to compensate for the tightness in his shoulder.
and it’s all her fault.
“When did you last sleep, baby?”
He blinks at her, expression suddenly muddled.
She lets her fingers tickle up and across his jaw, noting the subtle way he leans into the contact.
“I got a couple of hours last night” he whispers, swallowing a purr as she tucks a piece of his back behind his ear.
“a couple of hours?” she repeats, “When did you last get a whole night?”
“I’m not sure, darlin’…” he admits, nuzzling into her palm, “…It’s hard for me to settle sometimes when…when—“
“When I’m not there?” she guesses, already knowing that she’s right.
Bucky gives her a tightlipped smile, before pressing a kiss against her wrist.
He looks embarrassed, but only for a second. When he eventually nods, she thinks he seems more relieved than anything else.
She thinks that’s probably sadder.
“It’s not your fault” he’s quick to tell her, “I—”
“—You, are tired…” she says, “…and I, have been spending too much time at the office…”
“-No you hav-”
Y/N’s head shakes, silencing him.
“How many nights have I actually spent at home this week?”
He pauses, blinking considerately.
“I’m actually askin’…” she chuckles, “I’ve lost track of time all together”
“2-” Bucky tells her, nudging her palm with his nose, “-but, it—”
“2 out of 7” she clucks, “That’s bad, Buck, even for me.”
“It’s more like out of 9” he says, “but you asked about this week”
“Jesus” she grumbles, conceding to the way he’s so clearly trying to coax her hand back to his cheek, “Is that counting tonight as a write off?”
He shakes his head and smiles, relishing in the way her fingers are curling across his skin again.
“Well then… We better leave-” Y/N announces, “-2 out of 10 would be—“
“—Not even close to your personal best—” he laughs, even though he instantly stands, scooping the woman in his lap up with a playful flourish, “—doll, but you’re right, we better head back before Tony sends someone else to get ya’—“
“What a terrifying thought—” she teases, clutching his fingers as they start to walk out into the now deserted office building, “—have you eaten dinner yet?”
“No—” he tells her, hearing the distinctive click of Y/N’s security system sealing her office behind them, “— I Haven’t had much of an appetite”
That confession is fairly predictable, given the state he’s been in about the mission.
“Reckon you could eat something now?” she asks, tone blessedly un-judgemental, “We can swing by a burger joint— there are a dozen between here and the tower-”
“Whatever you want, doll”
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x | 2 | 3
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
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“Y/n! Wait! Y/n!” Wynter cried as she tried her best to catch up with you when you finally stopped in your tracks to remove the earphone from your ears to acknowledge the frantic wolf. “Woah Wynter what’s wrong, why do you look so out of breath?” Winter only responded by putting her hand up in the air as she tried to regain her breath before finding the words within her to finish what she chased after you for, “Wyatt’s in trouble, big trouble this time.”
Your smile faded as you heard the seriousness in her voice and place your hands on her shoulders, voice now brought down to a whisper to avoid any unwanted attention from the quadrant of nosy elderly sat upon the park bench across the street. “Wynter, where is he now?” Wynter swallows thickly, this plan was going all too easily that it was starting to make her overthink and when she began to overthink words would begin spilling from her mouth without much restraint; it’s a habit she wasn’t quite sure of how it started but try as she might it was near enough impossible for her from not saying anything for long periods of time! Silence kills her! Well not really but- “Wynter,” your voice drew the werewolf from her thoughts and the look in your eyes told her to not piss about anymore then she already had done.
You were protective of Wyatt ever since he came to your hometown and would actively get into fights, both verbal and physical when someone dared question his or her and Willa’s worth. It was one of the main reasons she and Wyatt liked you but with Willa it took a lot longer as she was the least accepting of outsiders due to the potential threat you posed to her pack and you respected her immense loyalty and her as a person in general. Though not making it apparent incase you’d make your situation with Willa even more awkward and strained. Wynter was now regretting even agreeing to be apart of this stupid plan that Wyatt had came up with the longer she tried to find the words that wouldn’t expose the true purpose of her visit.
“He’s at your place waiting for you.” Is all she could say before you were already booking it down the street with purpose. “I leave that little shit for less then five minutes and he’s already-“your voice trailed off when you saw a familiar face staring back at yours, sheepishly trying to hide the bouquet of flowers he held behind his back as his other hand rubbed the back of his head out of sheer embarrassment of being caught. “Hey y/n, didn’t- didn’t expect to see you here.” Wyatt tried to act casual by going in to leaning against the wall but his hand missed by a mile and within seconds he was splayed out on the floor looking up at you in confused wonder. “Well I do live here Lykensen, the real question is what are you doing here?” You asked, helping the helpless wolf off the floor and dusting off some of the dirt that clung to the fur collar of his outfit.
“I was just…admiring how nice you house looked?” Wyatt cringed at how oblivious he was being, but being near you did that to him and he didn’t know how he could act cool and suave one minute but meek and almost shy the next whenever you breezed past. It annoyed him countlessly so he came up with a plan after conversing with Eliza about his feelings for you and what that meant but so far it didn’t seem that things were looking up for Wyatt Lykensen. You chuckled, swiping the bouquet of flowers from behind his back and holding them up to your face for a good whiff, humming, “hmmm, (y/f/f), my favourite. Oh if you were trying to ask me out, you failed in that regard but since your quite cute to deny how about we go on a date sometime?”
Wyatt nearly chocked on how straight forward you were being but couldn’t find it within himself to deny how good it looked on you as he continued to unknowingly gawk at you, “ye-yeah sure, that sounds fantastic.” Is the only coherent sentence he could muster up with his mind suddenly going black, not hearing you wishing him a goodnight nor seeing you close the door soon after. “I got a date?” He asked himself for a minute before a wide smile grew across his face, his fangs making an appearance, “I got a date!” He cried as he rushed back to the cave to tell Winter the good news.
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women-are-hot · 2 years
💕🍯🛏️ Lucy x reader
When We're Together
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Request: 💕 (a moment of jealousy) 🍯 (friends to lovers) 🛏️ (only one bed)
Note: i don’t really like this, cause it got kinda messy, but i really wanted to write a lucy fic for one of my fave persons, so hopefully it’s good enough.
“Lucy, do you really think Keira would be alright that there’s only one bed?” you asked.
“Of course. We’re just friends and she knows it.” Lucy answered.
“Have you told her that we’re going to share a bed?”
“No and we shouldn’t tell her either.” 
“So you do think she will be pissed about it?” you asked once again.
“Of course. She thinks we have been sleeping together before, so when she saw we were roommates, her eyes went wide.” Lucy explained, waving her hands weirdly.
“Well, she isn’t wrong.” you mumbled and began brushing your hair.
“Exactly and she doesn’t need to know, we have been together. It’s also a long time ago. People should have forgotten about that 7 months relationship now” Lucy said as the two of you began laughing.
Lucy and you had always been best friends, but a few years ago, you two decided to be together, but it didn’t really work that way and now you’re back to being best friends.
“Should I brush your hair?” Lucy suddenly asked.
“That would be nice” you answered and handed her the brush and she began touching your hair.
As you walked in the hallways of the hotel, you heard Lucy and Kiera’s voices and your name mentioned, so you decided to listen a bit more, even if you know it’s not really the best thing to do. 
Spying on your ex-girlfriend and her girlfriend. Yep, that doesn’t sound good…
“I can’t trust her”
“Why? Y/n is a nice and sweet girl. What’s the problem?” 
“She’s totally into you. Have you seen the way she looks at you?”
“Keira, you can’t keep not trusting me and pretend to be in a happy relationship with me too” 
“Are you breaking up with me?” 
“What? That was not what I was saying”
“Well, you aren’t denying it” 
“If you’re going to continue being like this, maybe I will break up with you. I just need one thing and that is for you to grow up!” 
“Don’t worry about it Bronze, cause I’m breaking up with you right now” 
“You’re so childish”  
“Whatever” was the last thing Keira said and then she walked your way, so you had to pretend you didn’t hear anything the couple, well the ex-couple, had talked about.
You pretend to come out of your room when you bump into Keira.
This wasn’t really the plan…
“I’m sorry, Keira. My head is not the best today” you explained.
“It’s fine,” Keira said as she rolled her eyes and walked away.
Then you pretend to be surprised when you turned to the right and saw Lucy.
“Oh hi Lucy” you said, walking down to her.
“Hey Y/n” she replied.
“Anything wrong?” you asked, playing dumb.
“Well, Keira just broke up with me” she answered and then you played surprised once again.
“What? Why? Right now?” 
“Yeah…” Lucy said and you could feel her getting pretty tense about it.
“Let’s go inside our room. I think I still have some candy in my suitcase” you replied as you took her wrist and walked into your room, closing the door behind you.
“We shouldn’t eat candy on a national camp” 
“Fuck what the rules say” you said which caught Lucy by surprise. You normally never curse, only when you’re really happy.
“Are you happy that Keira and I broke up?”
“What? Why should I be happy about it?” 
“Do you like me?” 
“Of course, you’re my best-” “Y/n, I’m asking, do you like like me?” Lucy said, interrupting you.
You stayed silent and when you locked eyes with Lucy’s, you put your hands to your face.
“Kinda” you mumbled.
“What?” Lucy asked as you could feel her getting closer.
“I kinda like you and I know that I shouldn’t like you and you literally just broke up with your girlfriend, but I can’t help feeling so jealous when I see you and Keira together. I-ugh, I’m sorry that I’m a mess” you explained and then Lucy took your hands in hers, so she could see your face and when she saw your face with tears in your eyes, her own face softened with the sight.
“I just can’t stop falling in love with you and I regret everyday that we broke up!..” 
Lucy then dried a few of your tears away, giving butterflies in your stomach.
“Don’t be sorry for having feelings. I know where you’re coming from” 
“What do you mean by that?”
Then a slight silence overcame the two of you.
“I’ve also regretted breaking up with you and I have wished everyday that I could change and go back in time…to be with you”
“Why did we broke up then?” you asked and that came kinda dumb out which made you and Lucy laugh a bit.
“I don’t know, but maybe we could, you know, start over?” 
“What about Keira? The two of you just broke up” you asked.
“We should just take this slowly and enjoy each other, alright?”
“Alright” you said with a smile.
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broodwolf221 · 3 months
happy dadwc friday! a prompt from your rare/unusual words list: ephemeral - something that is fleeting or short-lived, often used to describe a moment or feeling
happy writing!
this went such a random and unexpected direction but here you go lmao. solas and sera's whole dynamic is so important to me tho..... weird sibling vibes fr @dadrunkwriting 1237 words cws: panic attack
Thunk. It wasn’t real. Thunk. Just some fucked-up Fade shit. Thunk, thunk. Not real.
“Not real,” she said aloud, drawing her bow before she sighed and let it relax, dropping it to the side and sinking into the pile of soft things she’d collected. “Not real. Unreal. Doesn’t exist. Make-believe. Fade shit. Fade piss.”
Of course it wasn’t real—it was nothing. How could that be real? The absence of– shit, her head hurt even beginning to think about it. But when she thought about it she felt like her throat would close up, and that was real, and what the fuck–
Suddenly she was moving, ignoring everyone’s glances and the sound of their voices, ignoring Maryden’s creepy singing, ignoring everything. Shit, she hated having to do this, hated it so much, but there was one person who might be able to make this make some kind of sense. Maybe. Assuming he didn’t just fuck it up in her head even more.
She pounded on the door to the rotunda. “Solas! We need to talk! Like, now.” She didn’t even wait for him to answer, pushing it open herself and walking right in. He was at the little desk in the center of the room, looking absolutely puzzled to see her, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Not even enough to be amused by finally making him look puzzled—the arse certainly deserved it, as often as he’d confused her. “You gotta explain this shit to me,” she said urgently, leaning her hands on his desk. “How did I see nothing and why was it so fucking scary and what does it mean–”
“And how do I make it stop–”
“Sera!” She bit her tongue on the onslaught of words that still wanted to pour out, his voice surprising. It was firm but not angry, and his expression was really gentle. She shifted awkwardly in place, thinking she preferred him looking confused. This set her teeth on edge. “You’re clearly troubled,” he said as he stood and she snorted—fucking brilliant, yes, troubled–
But before she could protest he held up a hand, then gestured to the small couch. She frowned warily at him, feeling like she needed to move not sit still, but, well, she was here—might as well give it a shot. She sat on the edge of the couch, bouncing her leg. He glanced at it as he sat next to her but didn’t comment on it. “What the fuck, Solas?”
“We all saw our fears realized,” he said gently and she shook her head. Not denying it, just… that was too simple, wasn’t it? “You say you saw nothing?” She grimaced and nodded tightly. “And you don’t understand it.”
“I don’t understand any of this shite!” She shouted, rising to her feet to pace in front of him. He didn’t stop her, didn’t try to get her to sit down again, nothing. Just watched her. “Coryphe-shite, holes in the sky, the fucking Fade–” she snarled and quickened her pace, feeling like she was going to burst out of her skin if she didn’t do something.
“Sera.” She glanced at him, surprised again by how gentle his voice was. “Come here. Please.” She groaned but sat down again, leg bouncing again– “Give me your hand.” She frowned at him, but… well, he’d been a right freak since they’d met, but not in the bad way just the weird way. She could deal with weird. So she gave him her hand and he took it between his, his skin warm and a little rougher than she would’ve expected from a mage. “You feel this?” He asked, squeezing her hand.
“No shit,” she grumbled but he just arched a brow and she sighed, nodding. “Yeah, yeah, I feel it.”
“Focus on your body. Tell me everything you feel.” She frowned again but he kept staring expectantly at her. Eventually she sighed. “Your hands are warm,” she offered awkwardly and he nodded, but still looked expectant. She sighed again, squirming a little. “Your couch isn’t that comfy.” The hint of a smile tugged at his lips but he didn’t break his concentration. “I don’t know—it’s kinda cold in here?”
“What do you hear?” She frowned at him again, but he seemed serious…
“Uh, you talking? Sometimes. I…” She paused, closing her eyes to really listen. “I can hear Leliana’s birds. The wind. Voices.”
“Good. What do you smell?” She opened her eyes to stare at him, certain that he was pulling her leg now, but he still seemed sincere.
“Um…” She closed her eyes again, inhaling deeply then wrinkling her nose. “Your paints, I think? They smell kinda weird. Wet bird. Dust. Cold air.”
“Very good.” He squeezed her hand again. “Now—let us look at this fear of yours.” She opened her eyes and took a deep breath, nodding slowly. She did feel calmer, which was weird.
“It was nothing. Who’s afraid of nothing!” His smile was as gentle as the rest of his demeanor had been, but she didn’t distrust it quite as much now.
“Many people. Nothing is frightening. What can one do against nothingness? No body to fight, no fear to crush, no battle to win. Just absence.”
“Not helping,” she muttered and he squeezed her hand again.
“I only mean to say that it is an understandable fear. But it is just that—a fear.”
“So, what? It doesn’t matter?”
“On the contrary. Our fears tell us much about ourselves. Fear is not a cruel force in our lives—it is trying to help us, trying to save us. Your fear is telling you something.” She frowned, but she thought she was following. More or less. “Did you not say you shot an arrow into the Breach?” She shuddered to remember the fact that it didn’t come down, but nodded. “You want something to affect. You want to be able to change things. Thus, your fear is something that you fundamentally cannot affect, cannot change.”
“Still not helping,” she said, but she wasn’t quite as sure about it this time. At least she didn’t feel like she was going crazy anymore.
“Sometimes, we need to accept that we cannot control what happens. Giving up control—or the illusion of control—is a frightening prospect. But your fear is telling you that such a thing is your particular challenge. If you can learn to accept that you cannot control all that is around you, you will, in time, come to a place where you can be at peace with your core fears.” She didn’t say anything, frowning down at the floor. Was that it? Just accept that she can’t control it? And it’d fix this hollow feeling in her?
“That easy, huh?” She muttered and he squeezed her hand until she met his eyes, surprised by the obvious sadness in his gaze.
“It is not easy at all,” he told her plainly. “But it is something you can control, in time. It will be a challenge, but afterwards, you will have conquered something that most people refuse to even face.”
“And… you think I can do it?” She couldn’t hold his gaze, her voice terribly quiet. She didn’t sound like herself. Didn’t feel like herself.
“I know you can,” he said firmly and she took a deep breath. Another. Then she nodded. If Solas believed in her, then… well, shit, that had to count for something, didn’t it?
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kingsdespair-if · 9 months
A random person approaches the ro and says, "Are you truly dating that person? You could do so much better"
for both kings despair and shadow
Hello, dear.
Oh, a feisty one, let's see.
King's Despair:
Amisha would laugh initially, assuming it was a joke. However, when the other person doesn't laugh in return, she becomes annoyed by their suggestion. "Are you serious? Who could possibly be better than the woman I've loved since childhood? The woman I know better than anyone else, and vice versa? You know what, don't even bother answering. I'm starting to feel hungry, and you're starting to look like a tasty snack. Piss off."
Veleena raises an eyebrow at the person. Firstly, she doesn't understand why a stranger is talking to her. Then, she rolls her eyes and walks away without giving the person a response.
Khalid is offended. He asks, "Who are you to question my decisions? Leave before I demand your head. Also, apologize for my partner now before I order your head."
Veldon gives a charming yet fake smile, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Oh, darling, you think you would be a better fit for me? Or perhaps you're jealous of my choice, or maybe my partner's choice? Would you like to join us? No? Then leave, I have more important matters to attend to than wasting my time listening to someone's nonsense."
Kaellë is touched by the person's worry, but at the same time, she is saddened by their belief that MC is not worthy. "Oh no, what has MC done to make you think they are less than they truly are? Please don't say things like that. MC is the best person I've ever met, and I love them deeply. I encourage you to get to know them better."
Mauthak chuckles at the individual, purposefully laughing to provoke them. "I sincerely hope you're kidding, but if not, I'd be more than happy to use you as a practice target. How does that sound?"
Secret's tail begins to wiggle in anticipation, while their sharp smile proudly displays their razor-sharp teeth. "If you believe they are wicked, then you must believe I am wicked as well. We are genuine soulmates, you see? I am intertwined with them, just as they are with me. So… do you still perceive them as unworthy?" Secret's claws gently scrape against their own scales.
Shadow of Styria:
Laura feels ashamed that someone has noticed that she is in a relationship. She is a shy person and would prefer to keep her love life private, only sharing it with her partner. However, it is now too late to deny it. "How dare you? My partner is perfect. I kindly request that you respect both my partner and our relationship."
Anna absentmindedly plays with her knives while she licks her teeth before letting out a deep sigh. Her voice, slow and deliberate, adds an air of intimidation as she responds, "Do you even know who you're talking about? And who you're talking to? Don't let me catch you badmouthing like that again."
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