#and when i send in a fucking complaint all i get back is a step by fucking step guide on how to change my password
robitherat · 2 years
Genuinely so fucking mad right now I think I could kill someone Jesus fuck.
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mysicklove · 11 months
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summary: Sukuna tries to teach Yuuji self-defense, but of course, he happens to forget how helpless the toddler is.
cw: mentions of death/kidnapping, reader gets called helpless
wc: 1.4k
a/n: i love them so much. its so fun to write this au!!
big brother au masterlist
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When you walk into the living room, you can’t help but smile. Truly, was it a rarity to see Sukuna and Yuuji getting along nicely. Of course, Yuuji was always sweet, but Sukuna was a brat and found that hanging out with a four-year-old was not really his cup of tea. Or at least, that’s what he proclaims to you.
Yuuji throws a punch at his brother’s hand, brows furrowing in concentration. Sukuna sits on the floor, cross-legged, and in front of Yuuji, who was standing at his full height. The older sighs, “Well, that was pathetic. Harder.”
The boy nods, obviously trying to hold back a smile. He wanted to seem just as serious as Sukuna did, but it was hard for the toddler due to how smiley he always seemed to be. But he lets out a tiny huff and brings his fists up to his face. Then, he makes a little “Hii-ya!” noise and slams his fist into Sukuna’s open palm.
“Okay, this ain’t working. Fuck, how are we of the same bloodline? I was not this weak,” Sukuna complains to himself, pulling his hands down. 
You roll your eyes and step into the room. “Maybe because he is a four-year-old. Don’t think it’s his job to be strong,” You say, and Sukuna’s eyes flicker to you. A smile pulls at his lips, and the man begins to stand up from the floor to greet you. Yuuji beats him to it though, letting a high-pitched squeal in excitement before running over to you.
You grin at the noise, watching the boy waddle over to you with bright eyes. You crouch down to his level and greet him, ruffling his hair. Then you pinch at his cheeks, ignoring the whine of complaint from Yuuji. “You are way too cute to fight! Huh, no fighting for you. You just gotta stay this small forever!” You coo, peppering kisses to the boy’s cheeks and forehead. 
The boy lets out a fit of giggles and a “Noooo! Wanna be big like Kuna!”
You shake your head, a fake pout on your face. “But Sukuna isn’t cute at all,” You half-heartedly complain, sparing a glance at your lover.
He walks up to the two of you and picks up Yuuji by the back of his hood, causing the kid to squirm in the air. Sukuna pays no mind to it, instead looking toward you, who is standing back up. “Don’t lie,” He scolds, and you raise your eyebrows, “I am adorable.”
You chuckle at him, rolling your eyes, and he in return presses a quick kiss to your lips. His brother begins to whine in complaint, causing the older to roll his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, quit whining. I’ll put you down in a second, little pest, but you need actually to put in some effort to fight me.”
“Okay!” Yuuji exclaims, and Sukuna sighs. Yuuji was so agreeable. When Sukuna was that age, he was supposedly a brat who argued with everyone, or at least that is what he had heard. Yuuji was strangely different than him. He didn’t know if he minded it or not.
Sukuna puts the boy down and sits again on the floor. He glances at you, who is taking a seat on the couch. Your eyes seem to read, play nice. It makes Sukuna want to roll his eyes, but the kid distracts him again, his tiny hands placed on the knees of Sukuna’s sweatpants while he grins up at his brother. The little beast had no concept of personal space, and the older of the two swears he can feel his brother practically breathing on him.
Sukuna pushes the boy off, sending him falling on his backside. “Sukuna,” You warn, but he ignores you. Yuuji only frowns and gets back up again, climbing back over to the other.
“Pretend im a kidnapper,” Sukuna demands, straightening his back and moving closer, taunting the small boy. “I am a very bad man who is going to take you home with me and lock you in my–”
“Sukuna!” You interrupt before Yuuji could hear his brother’s unneeded explanation. Yuuji seemed to stare owlishly at his brother, a little nervous but mostly confused about what he was talking about.
The man grins at you and shrugs his shoulders. But he abides to your wish with a scoff. “...Do bad things to you,” He weakly finishes. “Now, defend yourself!” 
Yuuji’s hands go up into his mouth, tiny fingers playing with his lips, and he shakes his head with a giggle. “But big brother will protect me!”
Sukuna pinches the bridge of his nose, and you let out a small laugh. “I’m dead.” Yuuji’s face visibly falls. “The kidnapper killed me because you were too weak to defend yourself and save me. Now look, Y/N is all alone and helpless because of you.”
Your mouth opens in shock at the bluntness of it all. Yuujis eyes are wide, and he goes silent for a second. Then, his mouthline begins to wobble, and his eyes begin to water. “Kuna gone?”
Sukuna begins to backtrack, not wanting to deal with his brother’s tears. He stumbles toward the child, eyes wide. “It’s a hypothet–”
Yuuji’s scream sends you scrambling to your feet and over to the pair immediately. You grab Yuuji by the waste and swing him around, a huge, forced smile on your face. “And boom!” The force of it all startles the small boy, and he pauses his cries for a moment with owlish eyes while you continue to swing him around. “Y/N comes in and saves the day! And guess what, Sukuna was just sleeping!”
You place Yuuji on your side and help wipe his tears away. Only about two or three fell before you grabbed him, but still, his eyes seemed to be slightly puffy. The boy continues to sniffle, hands rubbing at his eyes. “Just sleeping?”
Before you could answer, Sukuna tears the boy from your arms. He holds him up in front of him by both of Yuuji’s underarms, causing the boy to dangle in the air. “I’m offended that you would think I would die so easily, brat.”
A smile begins to crawl up Yuuji’s face, but he shakes his head, and his voice holds a whine to it.  “Don’t. Don’t like it.”
Sukuna sighs before placing the boy on his hip. Yuuji seems to find comfort there, burying his head into his brother’s shirt. It was rare to be held by Sukuna, and Yuuji obviously wanted to soak up all the time he has up there. “Yeah, I don’t think I would like being dead either. Luckily, your brother is the strongest, so you won’t have to worry bout that, yeah?”
Yuuji nods into his brother’s side, grinning and possibly wiping snot onto Sukuna. You take this time also to add your say in the matter. “And I’m not helpless.” You glance at the man who was just remembering what he said in the moment.
“C’mon, maybe just a little?” He teases, and you step closer to the pair, fighting back a smile. But before you could retort another teasing bite, the boy interjects his opinion.
“Nuh-uh! Y/N saved us. You sleeping, Kuna!”
You fake gasp in realization of his words, and Yuuji’s eyes light up. “Oh my, you are so right, Yuuji! Don’t you think he is the helpless one?” You coax, and Yuuji seems to lean toward you at your excited tone.
He nods his head rapidly, not really knowing what he is agreeing to but just trying to mimic your actions. “Kuna helpless!”
Sukuna rolls his eyes at the two of you and pinches the boy’s cheek, looking down at his brother. “Says the one who had a whole breakdown over the word–”
Sukuna takes a deep breath and glances at you and Yuuji’s big dark eyes. He shakes his head in defeat, “Yeah, guess I am, ain’t I?”
You crack a smile, and Yuuji squeals in delight, digging his tiny hands into his brother’s shirt. Sukuna ruffles the boy’s hair.
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moondirti · 14 days
back on my bullshit soapgaz x gn! reader
Kyle has his tongue halfway down Johnny's throat when the petulant knocking previously on the other side of the wall migrates to his front door.
It's not like he didn't hear it before. Just that he didn't care. And really, if it were up to him, he'd continue rutting their leaky cocks together until he were gratified enough to deal with whatever bullshit problem the neighbour's have this time. Being pent up off the end of a bad mission does that to you, you see. Wears you down until you're all instinct, aggression, sybaritic once you taste death on the barrel of an M-16. He doesn't have any propriety left in him. No patience.
But that's exactly what does it. The banging gets too loud to ignore, and Soap, bless his heart, isn't exactly quiet either. His moans meet the cacophony of knuckles rapping on wood. In the clamour, Kyle's remaining sanity wears infinitesimally thin. His nerves spark like frayed electrical wires. His balls ache with a climbing release that only grows steeper. And he's running on frustration that's been impossible to burn off. (It was his fault the op went to shit, no matter how his team insists otherwise.)
His fault. His fault.
God, can they fucking shut up already?
He rips away. A thread of spit still tethers him to Soap, swollen lip to lip. The man in question is flushed, blue eyes more watery than usual. Dazed, briefs shucked halfway down his lap, his shirt creased in all the commotion, exposing the hair-dusted planes of his muscled abdomen. Kyle can tell he isn't as bothered by the disruption. For all his acumen, Soap's always been the first to loosen up. All it takes is a hand down his pants by someone he trusts not to stab him.
He looks up at him now, blinking stupidly, saying nothing when Kyle gets up and steps into the closest pair of sweats. Wider pant leg, shorter inseam. Johnny's. The lining is soft enough not to chafe his balls as he scrambles for the speaker remote, and he thinks he starts to understand the appeal in going commando.
The knocking persists until he pauses the music.
When he swings the door open, he expects to find Agnes, or Gerald, or one of the other ten geriatric tossers living on his floor. They all like him well enough. Sending them away would be as easy as promising a day's worth of labour, dusting the shelves they can't reach, or some other menial task he can drag Soap along to do with him.
What he doesn't expect is you.
You. Pointedly not old, endearingly unkempt, and enraged enough he's surprised there isn't steam whistling from your ears.
If he's in any way moved by the novelty, he doesn't have the energy to show it. In many ways, he feels like an expanded version of the vein throbbing at your temple. Whatever complaint you have, he's sure he can match it with a hundred more, each distinctly worse.
"Have you no fucking courtesy?" You snarl, twisting a sore fist in the scratchy fabric of your scrubs. Your knuckles look raw, scratched up. He half wants to kiss 'em better, half wants to huff a serves you right. "You're not the only person in the world! You share walls with three other people, and I'm sure you know how thin they are! That music is way too loud to even defend! You'll go deaf by 50, you bloody lemon! And that's not counting what you're doing to the poor sods who have to share a space with you, since you've clearly demonstrated a lack of care in that regard! Honestly, I should just call the cops to deal with this. Or the landlord, see how you like blasting your shitty playlist on the streets!"
The words don't mean much to him. Perhaps they would, if he properly digested them. But you're way too cute when you're mad for him to take you seriously. Your lips purse in a way that screams put my mouth to better use, and his fingers itch with the urge to pinch your nose shut, shut off your airflow, as your nostrils flare with heat. In the end, the only response he can muster is a lame:
"I've never seen you around before."
"I don't live here!"
"Then..." He trails off, looking back at Johnny on the couch, then the speakers, then you.
"I'm Maureen's caretaker. You know, your next door neighbour? Her Alzheimer's makes her sensitive to the racket, and she hasn't been able to calm down all day! Because of you! I've about had it up to here–" You raise a hand above your head, waving it wildly to emphasise your point. He has to bite his cheeks to stop himself from smiling.
"That's unfortunate." He says, and tries really hard to mean it. It seems you have a keen ear for apathy, though, because you cross your arms and tense your jaw and harden your glare until he's sighing, all dramatically, "Fine. Music down. Got it."
He means it, too. Despite all the awful things he's done — twisting a knife into the throat of a soldier pleading for their mum and using their corpse as a shield through the ensuing crossfire, most recently — he isn't heartless. He knows he isn't the only person in the world. The casualties that fell on his hands in the past month alone will haunt him to a point where he remembers that fact like it's a second skin.
But you turn your nose up, up, all self-satisfied, downright pompous if you ask him, and that brief flame of empathy flickers out like a candle held under rain. It's made worse when you walk away without so much as a thank you, and you really do need to be taught a lesson, don't you?
He never liked Maureen, anyway.
Malicious compliance is an ugly game, but to his credit, he doesn't turn the music back on.
Soap hasn't moved an inch, though his briefs lay over the arm of the couch now. One scarred, rough palm cups the mass between his spread legs, kneading his balls carelessly as he waits for him. Pillow princess. Kyle wonders if he's this laid back with Ghost, or if their brutish lieutenant makes him work for a fuck.
"They're bonnie." He hums, hugging his knees up and apart when Kyle slides a finger between his cheeks.
"And you're loose."
"Aye. Ye didnae think Ah’d turn up without gettin’ maself ready for ye, did ye?" Soap smiles crookedly, cocking his head to the side in that way he does. It narrows the gap between human and dog to an uncanny degree, and he's struck with the realisation that yeah, Ghost probably gives him whatever he wants with enough whimpering.
"Slut." Kyle says, without malice.
"Yet ye're pumpin' me."
He's got him there.
His hole is slippery, hot around his finger. He could probably get away with fucking him like this, no extra prep needed, and the Scot would enjoy whatever burn comes as consequence. But he uncaps the lube anyway, squirting it between the iron-firm canyons of Soap's ass and a little over the head of his own cock before lining them up.
And as he pushes in, he swoops low to whisper in his ear.
"Be loud."
Johnny loves a good challenge.
It's part of the reason they get along so well. Kyle seeks stimulating experiences like Icarus to the sun, and no one rises to the occasion better than his twin sergeant. He'll be the first to place bets over a deck of cards, or contribute to trivia nights at their frequented bar, or hop on the game with him when neither can sleep. He's even down to test all those sick fantasies that frighten birds off. Including, it seems, exhibitionism.
And Lord is he good at it.
Kyle is almost embarrassed, despite being the one to start it. Soap, on the other hand, has left shame with his shoes at the door. The air hangs heavy with sex and noise, the lewd slaps of skin on skin, his balls swinging to hit the cleft of his ass, just as his cock hits the same spot within him. Over and over.
The Scot moans with abandon, head thrown and back arched. He really doesn't need to slam his fist into the wall repeatedly, the mangled sounds tearing from his throat (an arbitrary pattern of Gaz, fuck, ye're huge, jist there, dinnae stop) more than enough, but it's a nice touch. By now, it's practice that assures him he's hitting the right spot (the dramatics are appreciated, not reliable). He knows just how to angle himself, where exactly Soap likes it, to make this worth both their time.
Though, with the way his cock is twitching untouched, he looks to be getting off on this too.
His mind is split between the delicious sight underneath him and an imagined picture of you. Are you more furious or turned on? Is your charge giving you a tough time for their transgressions? Did you sneak off to the bathroom to relieve your frustration in a productive way? Fuck. He wonders what you look like when you cum, drawing a picture with the very limited references he's been given.
Your brows scrunched, lips twisted, eyes screwed up. Still in your uniform, undershirt rolled up to your elbows as you slip a hand down the waistband of your pants. Unable to let yourself go completely. Shamefully indulgent. Fingers tensed over the lip of the sink, goading yourself along, pulling out and washing up the second you cum. Refusing to ride out the waves of your orgasm, but going home with a sticky mess between your legs.
Equal parts furious and turned on, he decides.
Soap grabs his hand to force it around his dick.
"You gonna cum so soon?" He asks — more shouts, really — even though it's a stupid question. Whatever helps you paint the scene...
"Uhuh! Uhuh!" Soap catches on, huffs trailing into whines as Kyle tightens the grip over his tip.
They're both one corny porn line away from bursting into laughter (which, the more he thinks about, the more he's sure Johnny is parroting the last film they watched together). He has to bite his tongue to keep the amusement from making itself known, jacking the length in his hands to the same tempo of his thrusts.
"Then cum, you needy whore. Make a fuckin' mess of yourself."
And it's terrifying how well they execute it. As though previously rehearsed, Johnny shoots ropes all over his chest, ending his act with a loud, punchy "fuck!"
Kyle follows not too long after, pulling out to coat the back of his thighs. Cum gets everywhere. That's fine. His couch is overdue for a wash, anyway.
"Good work," He chuckles. Quiet this time, the praise genuine.
Soap grins. "Steamin Jesus, ye'r th' best shag A've ever had!"
"Alright, enough." He taps his cheek in a mock slap, smearing their combined fluids all over the stubble he'd begun to grow. The man is undeterred, sticking a tongue out to polish his palm. "That's overkill."
"That's gonnae git ye leid. Jus' watch."
"Us laid." Kyle corrects, because who would he be if he didn't grant his best mate a portion of the prize?
In the afterglow, he forgets all about his anger.
It's late when you come by again.
Well. Not late for anyone with a healthy circadian rhythm, but he's been living at his Nan's old place long enough to know that light's out is 1800 hours. Maureen is definitely asleep by now. And even then, the timing is odd. They've both bathed, stripped the couch of its cushions, ordered takeout, played a round of Mario Kart, finished the last of their reports, and emptied an old vape cartridge (after running out of cigs).
It's been hours since the last time they made any significant amount of noise. Your appearance is unfounded.
The knocking is subdued this time. One, two. Pause. The shadow beneath the door retreating, then waddling back again. He watches it occur over a minute or two, fond of making you wait, before rising from his place on the floor.
The door swings. Hinges squeak. You look worse for wear.
Kyle pouts, mustering every condescending bone in his body to suppress the true pang of sympathy he feels. "Awe. What is it this time, baby? Turned down the music, didn't I? And we've been so good all night."
"Y-You're... A foul, despicable human being. You know– i-it didn't mean– I didn't need to–" Your eyes squeeze shut, but that doesn't stop a hot tear from leaking down your cheek. "If you get off to making people miserable, then congratu-fucking-lations, you're one of 7 billion."
He listens. Takes you in, properly this time.
Blotchy face. Stained scrubs. Plain hands. Messy hair. Heavy backpack. Beat up sneakers. And a darling little face that really shouldn't be so affected.
Unless it's in pleasure, his brain supplies.
"Rough day at work, huh?" He pushes his shoulder off the doorframe, opening his stance up to something more sincere. Maybe it feels wrong to rub it in your face any further. Maybe it's because he recognises the signs a little all too well.
And it must be bad too, seeing as you don't resist. Nodding weakly, you keep your eyes shut and take deep breaths. He's worked his frustrations out already, patience back in stock, so he waits as you wrangle back the waterworks.
"No thanks to you." You whisper hoarsely, crossing your arms and looking down at his shoes.
"I'm sorry." He says, and actually means it this time. Johnny comes up behind him, body heat a flame to the fuel coursing within him. It's all the confidence he needs to ask: "Allow us to make it up to you."
And the way you look up — a little too quick, hopeful, pretty — he knows you know what he means.
You really were there, then. Listening.
"Yeah." Kyle smiles, sharp-toothed, careful not to appear too eager. "I know just the thing to help."
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tonycries · 7 months
Love Is Blind
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Synopsis. Boys who don’t take their glasses off until after they eat you out. Face stuffed desperately between your thighs and nose-deep in your cunt, he knows his glasses are bound to get dirty - but that’s half the fun.
Pairing. Multiple x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, cunnilingus, oral sex (female receiving) he’s a bit mean but sexy, glasses kink (??!!?), pet names (angel, baby), swearing.
Word count. 1.2k
A/N. My way of coping with only being able to wear fake glasses.
Art by @_3aem on X.
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Boys who don’t take their glasses off until after they eat you out.
His hair was askew, lips stinging, and glasses lopsided from the feral make-out session he’d pulled you into right as he walked in through that damn door. Kissing you as if your lips were the source of life itself.
He knows he’s being rougher than usual. Nails digging neat crescents into your pretty thighs as he bullies your legs apart on the cold kitchen counter. Pushing his glasses back up, he has to bite back a groan at your glistening cunt. Shit, all he did was throw you around a bit and you’re already so wet for him.
You’d been teasing him all morning before work. Wearing that damn short skirt - his favorite - and batting your lashes at him in a way you knew would have you bent over and stuffed full of his cock in seconds. 
Fuck whoever invented the work week, he’d rather stay in bed with his pretty girl till the neighbors file a noise complaint again. 
Yet, for the way he couldn’t stop thinking about you - fucking his fist pathetically in that dingy work bathroom - you were going to pay tonight.
Almost in a trance, he barely registers the pain as his knees hit the tile desperately, brows furrowed as if in the depths of prayer. Perhaps he was - lustful gaze looking over his frames to flicker indecisively between your half-lidded eyes and kiss-bitten lips, which move to whimper “Hngh- Baby, I need your mouth on me so bad.”
Ah, he really had a goddess splayed out and aching for him.
“Mm, oh really?” he breathes hotly over your quivering pussy, glasses slightly fogging up as he teases himself just as much as you. The slow torture was delicious. 
A smug smile spreads across his face. 
You flinch when the cold plastic of his glasses touches your throbbing clit as his face meets your cunt, tongue flattening against your swollen folds - not yet dipping inside. You gasp at the sensation, the lack of what you crave so badly.
He feels drunk off the pretty mewls escaping your mouth, mind almost hazy enough to go easy on you. Almost.
“Get my glasses dirty and you’ll be making up for it, angel.” he murmurs lowly, voice sending vibrations to your pussy that have it clenching around nothing.
Lewd squelches fill the air as his tongue slides teasingly between your folds in an unhurried rhythm that has your hips bucking for more. “Behave.” he warns, fingers holding your hips so firmly in place that he’s sure he leaves marks. 
“B-but…want you inside me. Want to come around your tongue, baby.”
Shit, you were so good at winding him up, knowing everything that makes him tick. 
But all he can remember is the little smirk curling around your lips as you bent over in that godforsaken skirt right as he was one step out the door on the way to an urgent meeting.
This time, he wanted to play with you a little more.
He breathes you in so sinfully as his nose catches on your pulsing clit, finally giving you an ounce of the friction you’ve been craving so desperately. 
“Hah- Don’t stop.” you beg.
Doing exactly the opposite, he pulls away, your slick forming a pretty gloss all over his bruised lips - dangerously close to where his glasses rested on his nose.
“Oh? Thought you were holding out on me, angel. Where did that go?” he cocks his head, chuckling at your frustrated whines. 
“I’m sorry baby. Hngh-” he cuts you off with a long lick dipping into your dripping hole playfully. 
“Yeah?” he hums.
“Won’t make me pop a boner during meetings anymore?” he whispers, lips ghosting a hair’s breadth from where you needed him the most. 
“No- please! I’ll be good for you.” you sputter out.
Now, in all his years of loving you, he’s done everything he can so that you never shed a tear when you’re with him. Even going so far as to smother you in kisses to try and make you smile each time the dog dies in those damn sappy movies during date night.
But right now, the impatient tears that cling to your lashes at his actions make his cock twitch, a carnal part of him delighting in your desperation for him.
“Tell me what you want, my angel.”
“Fuck me with your tongue…please.” your whimpers send blood rushing straight to his already painfully hard cock. 
The heat of his tongue and the sex in the air as he dives nose-deep into your dripping pussy has condensation building up on his glasses. His tongue attacks your hole ruthlessly, dipping in and out at a pace that has you gripping the counter for support, “Ah! Yes! Keep going, baby.”
His lips make out with your dripping cunt with a lust that eclipses the need for air. A desperation for your essence. Who needs to breathe when he prefers to be smothered by his girl’s pretty pussy.
He moans around your entrance as your juices gush around his tongue, glasses pressing against his face when he pushes his face impossibly closer to your hot core. His eyes roll to the back of his head at your addictive taste. His favorite.
Yelps of his name leave your mouth at each tight circle of his tongue on your clit, only pushing him to suck harder. 
He relishes in how messy you are, slick now starting to drip around the corners of his mouth. Absolutely convinced that he’s losing more and more of his grip on reality at each tap! tap! tap! of it hitting the hardwood floor.
His glasses have now completely fogged up, forcing him to continue his abuse on your pussy through pure, feral need. Won’t be long now, he thinks at your breathless moans.
Your juices smearing all over his mouth and nose, he feels you clenching down on him as he ramps up the harsh movements of his mouth. “Jus’ like that. Shit, I’m gonna-” your mewls echo across the room.
You come fast and hard all over his mouth - and his glasses, as he had known you would.
His heavenly sight of your dripping cunt is now blurred by your slick covering the glass, dripping down the side of his frames and onto the kitchen floor. He could barely see a damn thing, but he knows he fucking loves it.
What is it that they say? Love is blind?
He chuckles lowly as you try and catch your breath, legs twitching in sensitivity on the counter. 
Slowly removing his glasses, he runs a finger along them, inspecting the mess his girl’s slutty pussy has made. He collects your sweet juices before popping a finger in his mouth - unable to help himself. 
He groans at the taste - shit, he should really make you taste yourself later. 
In the hazy aftermath of your orgasm, your dazed eyes follow him as he stands to his full height, towering above you. 
You see the slight curve of his grin before he deftly slides his glasses onto the bridge of your nose. Legs still spread and feeling the weight of his glasses, you feel so exposed - like you’ve fallen right into his trap.
“Now, now, angel…” he tuts, fingers unbuttoning his tight pants, cock straining for relief. 
“What did I say about dirtying my glasses?”
- GOJO, Nanami, Armin, TSUKISHIMA, KUROO, OIKAWA, Kunikida 
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A/N. Pretend that Kuroo and Armin wear glasses okay. Also apologies if you saw this before, other post was being buggy and I’m still trynna figure stuff out.
Plagiarism not authorized.
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pantherxrogers · 5 months
hi I love your work can you please do a sugar daddy/boyfriend Mingi and what he will do for reader
blurb: sugar daddy!mingi x reader  ✧
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🎀 pairing: mingi x fem!reader
🎀 warnings: suggestive, explicit language, mention of daddy kink
🎀 summary: spoiled!reader wants to bring all of her friends to coachella. mingi can't say no 🤭
🎀 a/n: tysm for your request! this was super fun (and challenging) for me to write as a san bias, lmao. i hope you love it! divider by @fairytopea
my masterlist (you can find the yunho and san versions here!)
This is a work of fiction and is not meant to represent real events or the actual personalities of any K-pop idols mentioned. All characters and situations are purely imaginary. This story is created for entertainment purposes only, and no harm or disrespect is intended toward the idols or their fans. Enjoy!
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“I reaaaaally miss you, Mingki,” you coo into the phone, knowing you’ve got him wrapped around your finger. That nickname always gets to him.
Fighting back giggles, you motion a quiet down to your friends, so your boyfriend can’t hear them on the other end. 
“I miss you too, baby,” he groans, knowing you’re about to get exactly what you want. But, if you ask him, he really can’t help it. Who is he to deny you?
“It’ll be so nice to see you, baby. Plus the girls really want to go to Coachella, too,” you whine, putting extra pout behind your words, playing it up for him. 
“Baby, I only asked for one press pass. I don’t know if I can get extras for your friends,” he added, hoping you’d drop it, but knowing he won’t be that lucky. 
Hidden away on the side of the practice stage, Mingi battles with himself on what he’s going to do next. The desert heat beats down on his neck, sweat accumulating in the oversized tee shirt and sweats he decided to wear for soundcheck. 
He very well could get more passes for your friends, but he already flew all of you out to Bora Bora because you wanted a girls weekend. If you’d come to California with him, he knew you’d be sitting around in the hotel room for most of the day. So, he paid for the trip without any complaints (like he always does). 
“You won’t do it for me?” You whine, putting on the dramatics.
Your friends are in near hysterics, laughing at your antics. They all know how much Mingi spoils you, and they actually find it kind of sweet. You see, Mingi is the type of boyfriend who spoils you beyond reason, but he likes to pretend he isn’t a total and complete pushover (he definitely is).
“Fuck, I’ve created a monster,” Mingi chuckles, already having made up his mind. You giggle softly, twirling your hair around the end of your finger, happy that you’ve won another battle. 
On the other end, Mingi glances up to see his captain motioning him back over, signaling the end of their short break. He holds up a hand, mouthing out I'm almost done. 
Your playful giggles steal his attention back, momentarily forgetting about the lengthy practice.
A warm blush heats Mingi’s cheeks, while he listens to your kisses through the phone.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, baby!” You squeal, dancing around with a bright smile. You motion a thumbs up to your friends, all of you cheering in victory. 
“I’ll send the jet to Bora Bora tomorrow morning, so you guys can get in early,” he announces, fighting to keep the smile off his face. He can still hear your excited giggles through the phone.
“Baby, are you listening?” He playfully chides, knowing how you get tunnel vision whenever he gives you what you want.
“Private jet, Coachella, blah blah blah,” you joke, Mingi answering you with a laugh. 
You step away from your friends for a moment, heading into the villa’s primary bedroom. 
“I really am grateful, baby. I can't wait to see you,” you confess, heart racing at the thought of seeing your boyfriend tomorrow. You fiddle with the Cartier love ring on your index finger, smiling at the memory of when he gifted it to you.
“Maybe I should just fly you out tonight,” he sighs, equally impatient to see you. 
“Mmmm, I would say yes buuuuuut,” Mingi huffs, "We have one more shopping day planned,” you mutter, remembering the Goyard bag you had your eye on yesterday. 
“Babe, you’ve been shopping the whole trip,” he argues, remembering the multiple notifications he got from his credit card company.
“I know, but I saw this bag yesterday and couldn’t make up my mind about it. I really want it now,” you whine, going into more detail as Mingi listens to your rambling with a smile. 
“Do you trust me, baby?” He questions, the wheels already turning in his head. 
“Of course,” you answer honestly, confused at the sudden change of subject. 
“Then, be ready for the driver to pick you up in two hours. I want you to myself for a night before your friends get here,” he asserts, the low rumble in his voice causing a warmth to spread over your body. 
You bite your lip before answering him, torn between the bag and the need to see your boyfriend as soon as possible. The both of you know which one you’ll pick in the end.
“Okay,” you sigh, “I’ll see you tonight,” a wide smile spreading across your face at the thought. 
“Good girl,” he coos, making you squirm against the plush mattress beneath you. 
“I love you, daddy,” you whisper, warmth flooding your cheeks at the title. Mingi chuckles to himself, fascinated by your sudden shyness.
“I love you too, baby girl. See you soon,” his voice is like gravel now, while he tries his best to not get carried away in public like this. 
He ends the phone call with a click, before sending a quick text to his manager. 
📱: Need a favor. Gonna need the private jet tonight and tomorrow. Also contact the Bora Bora sales associate for me. I need him to overnight a Goyard bag.
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dumbseee · 1 year
just friends, right?
when you and daniel are just friends, or maybe more?
daniel ricciardo x reader.
fc: kendall jenner.
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liked by y/n, landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 1 729 991 others.
danielriccardo: happy birthday to the light of my life (and the bane of my existence.)
fan1: anthony bridgerton said the same thing about his future wife 🤭
fan2: the whole world knows except them
fan4: drop the act and get married omg
landonorris: mommy and daddy <3
fan5: not lando shipping them too
fan6: i just know his camera roll is full of her
maxverstappen1: @.fan6 it is.
fan8: not lando AND max exposing them
fan9: they’re so meant to be
fan10: "the light of my life" when is someone going to refer to me like this??
fan11: daniel is so sweet with y/n :(
fan12: mind you he posted that one minute before midnight so he could be the first one to wish her a happy birthday :((((
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you were dancing along the music with your girls when you suddenly felt a presence behind you. you were in a crowded club with some friends to celebrate daniel’s return to the grid as a driver for alpha tauri. you turned around to face the guy who clearly was seeking your attention and you smiled when you saw a cute blonde guy smiling back at you. the two of you started dancing together, his hands on your waist and yours around his neck. he was cute, and you could take him home with you but something was off. your mind tried to think of why but your heart already knew.
suddenly, the guy was ripped away from you and pushed far back. you blinked in confusion and saw daniel, now standing in front of you, he glared at the guy before returning his attention to you. his usual warm smile was gone and his eyes were now cold. "what is wrong with you?" you yelled over the music. he didn’t respond but instead he grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the crowd. he ignored your complaints and finally stopped when you two were now in the parking lot. "care to explain what’s gotten into you, joseph?" you crossed your arms. he took a step closer to you which made you frown and almost take one back. "he was too close to you for my liking." you scoffed and laughed at his answer. "so what? you’re not my dad." you rolled your eyes and tried to go back inside the club but daniel blocked you again. "then what am i to you?" he asked in a low tone, sending shivers all over your body.
"daniel. you’re my-…" he cut you, closing his eyes and pinning you against the wall. "say that we’re just friends, i fucking dare you." you looked at him, completely lost, your cheeks were burning hot because of the way he was looking at you and how close the two of you were. your lips remained shut as you didn’t know what to say, you knew daniel your whole life, he was your best friend, your favorite person on earth, basically your soul mate. in all those years or friendship you did question your true feelings for him, but you never crossed the friendship line. what you had with daniel was too precious to ruin it because of your feelings. "say it, y/n." he repeated, you swallowed and closed your eyes, keeping the eye contact was way too hard for you. you couldn’t see it but seeing you being so flustered made daniel smile, he was happy to see the effect he had on you, and that his feelings weren’t one sided like he feared. "can i kiss you?" you opened your eyes and nodded slowly. daniel gently kissed your lips, his hands resting on your hips while you wrapped your arms around his neck, pushing yourself against him. the kiss grew more passionate, more eager.
you dreamed of that moment for years, you couldn’t believe that it was finally happening. you were kissing your best friend, and it felt right.
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1, isahernaez and 729 019 others.
y/n: random dump because i still don’t have a jpg account to empty my camera roll
fan2: the first couple pictures we get 🥺
fan3: that’s mom and dad right here
isahernaez: finally!!
maxverstappen1: @.charles_leclerc you owe me 100€ man
charles_leclerc: damn it
fan5: y/n was already the queen of wags even before she became a wag
fan6: their love story is the cutest ever
fan7: who said friends to lovers was a boring trope because look at THEM
fan8: the speech he did after his first race since his hiatus, when he thanked her was so cute tho
fan9: i just hope it won’t end badly bc their friendship was superior
fan10: now be happy
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taglist: @ferrariloverr
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slut4hee · 1 month
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{Paring: Sneaky link Heeseung x Blk Fem! Reader
{Synopsis: you know you should ignore his texts, you know you shouldn’t answer when he calls but your heart, your mind, and your body tells you otherwise.
{Genre: smut, fwb relationship, Heeseung is toxic asf, reader is in love with him but he wants to keep their relationship strictly just fucking, good dick game Heeseung.🤭
{Warnings: oral (f receiving) , squirting, Heeseung is kinda a jerk to reader, reader cries, Heeseung manipulates reader by giving her some bomb ass head.
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You know you should have been blocked him, ignored his text and moved on with your life because you know you deserve better but it’s not easy when you’re dealing with someone like Lee Heeseung.
You throw your phone on your bed when you read the texts he sent you, the same exact messages he sends you every weekend that you’re starting to grow tired of.
Mr Big Red Flag🙄🚩: You up?
Mr Big Red Flag🙄🚩: Mind if I slide over? I’m so hard right now
Mr Big Red Flag🙄🚩: you ignoring me or sum I can see that you were active 3 mins ago 🤨
You: What is it Hee? I’m not in the mood right now😐
Mr Big Red Flag🙄🚩: Damn baby what’s all the attitude for? I ain’t did nothing wrong to you so chill out🤷‍♂️
You: CHILL OUT? Stg get tf off my phone with that shit, you know exactly why I’m acting out this way😒
“Is he fucking for real right now” you scoff loudly as you turn your phone on dnd for the night and lock it. You get up to go take you a nice warm shower to clear your head and rinse off the shitty day you had. After showering and doing your night routine you decided to grab a snack and binge watch twilight for the 100th time. As you’re laying on your couch watching your movie you hear a knock on your door and it startles you.
“Who the fuck is knocking at my door this late” you question yourself as you hop off the couch to see who has the audacity to disturb your peace, you look out the peephole and you’re met with none other than Heeseung himself standing outside your door. You scoff in annoyance wondering why he decided to show up to your apartment without telling you.
“Y/n c’mon baby, open up the door I know you’re in there your car is parked outside” he waves at your ring camera,
“Heeseung why are you here?”Just do me a favor and go back to your place because I’m not letting you in mines” you roll your eyes walking away from the front door.
You grow frustrated when Heeseung continues to knock at your door, you hurry up and run to open the door when he starts to yell and cause commotion and out of fear of waking your neighbors and getting a noice complaint you let him in.
“Do you seriously have to make so much noise, I have neighbors Heeseung” you glare at him wanting nothing more to punch him in his face more like sit on it, you just noticed how freaking good he looks sporting just a black hoodie and gray sweats with his hood over his head with his bangs slightly visible. Butterflies erupt in your stomach and you’re starting to forget just why you’re so angry with him but that’s just how much of an effect he has on you.
“I mean if you would have just opened the damn door when I first knocked, I wouldn’t have had to yell for you to let me in” he says sarcastically looking at you with a knowing look as he steps more into your apartment making his way towards your couch where your movie is paused and your snacks left behind. Your eyes follow him as he plops down on your couch and manspreads, you can feel yourself getting wet at the sight of him and you mentally curse at yourself “you’re supposed to be mad at him Y/n” you tell yourself.
“Why are you standing all the way over there for aren’t you gonna come sit down?” He asks you as he pops some of the popcorn from your bowl in his mouth and gestures you to come to him. Subconsciously you obey him as you make your way to the couch sitting on the other side of it creating some distance between you two.
“Why didn’t you text me back baby?” He gets up and sits next to you and facing his body towards you. You roll your eyes at him as you push him back away from you trying to keep the distance between you and him but he’s not having it.
“You gonna tell me what’s got you acting all pissy?” He asks kinda coldly and clearly annoyed by your actions but who is he to feel frustrated, he’s the reason why you’re acting this way in the first place.
“Oh nothing Heeseung, maybe I’m just tired of you only hitting me up when you want to get in my panties, you never really check up on me it’s always when you’re looking to get your dick wet” you spit angrily at him folding your arms over your chest.
“I mean that’s the only reason why I should be contacting you Y/n baby come on we been through this already, no strings attached and no catching feelings strictly sex” He moves closer to you putting his hand on your thigh caressing it gently, you almost melt into his touch getting lost in the feeling of his hands on your body when you snap back into reality and swat his hand away.
“Heeseung look, I don’t know if I can keep doing this I think we should just end things and go our separate ways” You try to say sternly but instead it comes off shaky and weak. You try to fight back the tears that’s threatening to fall but it hurts so bad, it hurts so bad you fell in love with him, it hurts so bad knowing you compromised yourself for a man that doesn’t see you no more than a booty call and you feel so disgusted with yourself.
“Baby you don’t mean that, tell me you don’t mean that” He says softy while pulling you closer to him and grabbing your hand leaving soft kisses on your knuckles. You let the tears fall even more when he does this because you know deep down he’s only trying to make you feel better because he doesn’t want you to leave him.
“Mama look, I’m so sorry I hurt your feelings and I’m really trying to be better for you but you can’t just leave me like this darling, not after all we’ve been through” he tries to reassure you as he pulls you into his lap, he looks in your eyes as he draws little circles on your back trying to calm you down.
“Do you love me Heeseung and do you care for me like you say you do or is it all fun and games for you” You look at him with a stern yet saddened look and he can’t help but feel just a little ping of guilt in his chest, he doesn’t answer your question but instead pulls you in for a passionate kiss. You know you shouldn’t be kissing him right now instead you should be kicking him out of your apartment and blocking his contact ending it for good but nope you’re falling into his trap once again.
“You know how i feel about you baby girl now just let daddy take care of you okay? Let me kiss it all better” He says pulling away from the kiss and next minute you’re being lifted in his arms as he takes you to your bedroom. He lays you down on the bed softly as he lays his body on top of yours. He goes to attack your lips once again and you feel like you could just cream from the feeling of his soft pillowy lips on yours, he sucks on your bottom lip and starts to prod his tongue for permission to enter and you let him.
“Hee please” you pull away from the kiss begging him for more, you didn’t realize it had been a week since you last fucked, since you had been ignoring him and you mentally pat yourself on the back for even being able to go that long without having him inside you but now it feels as if you are gonna die if you don’t have his cock inside you right this instant.
“Please what princess, talk to daddy tell me what you want” he groans when he feels the heat radiating off your body and his cock is straining against his jeans, he’s so damn hard he’s afraid as soon as he puts it in your tight little hole he’ll explode right then and there.
“P-Please touch me daddy I want you so bad I need to feel you hee” you whine when you feel him play with the hem of your sleep shorts, he pulls the elastic band back and let it snap back making you yelp in pain and pleasure at this point you feel your pussy soaking and begging for attention.
“Oh is that what you want darling? For daddy to touch your little pretty pussy” he hums as he leans down to start leaving kisses and gentle bites on your inner thighs, you clench around nothing and subconsciously buck up your hips when he gets closer to where you need him the most and you whine out of frustration.
“H-Heeseung please touch me, I beg please make me feel good I want you to play with my pussy FUCK” tears start to prickle in your eyes when you feel his hot breath on your clothed core, you squirm and whimper when he starts to rub your clit through your soaked panties.
“Fuck baby, you’re so wet for me all for me right nobody else?” he questions as he starts run his fingers through your wet clothed folds causing you to let out a high pitched moan.
“Yes seungie, all for you I don’t want nobody else but you this pussy is all yours always been yours” Heeseung smirks at your words and decides it’s time to stop teasing and give you what you’re begging for so he taps on your legs signaling for you to lift up from the mattress so he can slide your panties off. Once he’s got your panties off he licks a stripe of your pussy and start to suck on your clit.
“Oh Fuck Yes baby just like that, Shit your tongue feels so good baby boy” Heeseung groans at your words and the vibration of the groan sends a jolt of pleasure through your body and you start to comb your fingers through his locks gripping onto them.
“God baby this pussy taste so fucking sweet, can’t get enough of you that’s why I keep coming back to this wet little delicious pussy” Heeseung starts to suck and slurp your pussy like a starved man, you can feel the knot in your stomach threatening to come undone when you feel him tongue fucking your tight hole and swirling his tongue all inside.
“Oh my god daddy I’m gonna cum please let me cum i beg you please let me I been such a good girl” you cry out as you feel your body trembling and your legs shaking uncontrollably after Heeseung delivers a harsh suck to your clit and you come undone on his tongue squirting your juices all over his mouth and on your bedsheets.
“Fuck that was so damn hot baby, naughty little pussy squirting so much for me such a good fucking girl” he comes up to kiss you, you whimper against his lips when you taste the faint taste of your cum on his lips.
“So, do you still wanna leave me?”
A/n: This was inspired by Summer Walker’s song Body, it’s one of my favorite songs by her and for some reason I somehow came up with this idea😩 but hope you guys enjoy this one and please feel free to reblog😁💋
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princessbrunette · 11 months
Foaming at the mouth for jealous controlling “Where do you think you’re going dressed like that” Rafe but something about “Wear whatever you want I can fight (and im strapped)” Rafe… 🥵
ok esp for girly reader who lives and breathes mini skirts and tiny tops (def not self serving… not at all…)
because you really expect rafe to be the first type. and to a degree, he is— if you’re going out alone that is. usually, you bow your head to it, because really — you tell yourself — he’s just concerned about your safety. there are some real creeps out there, and going out alone in a mini skirt is a sure recipe for disaster, right?
he’s bringing you to a party on the beach. you didn’t usually go partying with rafe, and he liked it that way — because that’s where he did the most business, cashing out on rich coke heads. you knew he wouldn’t be selling at a beach party, purely because anyone stupid enough to try and snort anything would end up ingesting a fuck-tonne of sand, and it’s just not the kinda complaint he’s in the mood to hear. you actually just get to hang out with him and his friends, and this excites you.
you test the waters, stepping out of your room when he waits in the living room leant against the shelf scrolling on his phone. you know it’s likely he’ll turn you right back around and send you changing due to the little pink co-ord clinging to your every curve. it’s cupping your tits and hugging your waist and leaving all but nothing to the imagination, but it’s been a while since you’ve worn something fun like that — so you try your luck anyway.
“m’ready!” you grin, sticking your arms out by your side all cute. he looks up from his phone, eyes all wide and vacant for a second, lips pouted in thought and briefly drops his eyes up and down your body.
“yeah, looks good kid.” he drawls, flipping his phone deftly between his fingers and stuffing it into his pocket. his eyes linger around your tits again before meeting your eye, walking towards you with a happy and simple smile, one that says ‘can we go now?’
your brows raise and you look down at yourself in surprise. “i’m surprised. you’re letting me wear this out?” you gaze up at him, lips twitching up. you think he’s making an active decision to be less controlling for a moment. he shrugs lazily, eyes flickering around the room as if to say ‘so?’ and with that he lifts the end of his button-up, revealing a glock tucked into his waistband.
“yeah i don’t think anyone’s gonna have the nerve to step out of line, a’ight? ‘look after my girl.” he steps closer to you, hand coming up to scratch affectionately behind your ears like you’re a dog. you don’t mind.
you stare up at him, all doe eyed and shocked. he thinks it’s adorable honestly, all scared over a little pistol. hell, you’d probably never even seen one in real life before, let alone this close.
“rafe…” you start unsurely, breathily, but he cuts you off, hand caressing your cheek, tilting his head down and raising his eyebrows.
“hey. you wear what you want with me, yeah? m’protected. strapped. it’s okay.” he enunciates, and well— you’re not really in the place to argue. you nod, still wide eyed and he gives your cheek an affectionate tap, squinting his eyes with a satisfied smile.
as imagined, rafes temper rears it’s ugly head one beer down, catching a poor boy a year or two his junior, eyes fixated on the way your ass was moving when you walked along the sand, unbeknownst to wandering eyes. of course, the boy ended up backed up against the pier with the cool end of the gun pressed into his jaw, terrified whimpers ripped from his throat.
“wanna look at my girl, huh? think i’m gonna let that shit run?” rafe is gripping the smaller boy by the collar, teeth grit, animalistic. your breath hitches, you think he may actually shoot this kid.
“rafe…” you call out urgently, not wanting to get too close.
“no! i—” the boy tries to argue, and you really feel for him, because rafe only presses the gun harder against his chin.
“no? better keep your eyes to yourself or i’m gonna be the last thing you fuckin’ see is that understood? is that understood asshole?” he grits out, eyes wet and watery from adrenaline.
“rafe! stop!” you call out, brows furrowed and tears brimming. he sighs, finally hearing you and steps back, not taking his eyes off the mortified boy infront of him. he stares until the kid grows the balls to run off, tripping and kicking up sand as he disappears to the other side of the pier where the rest of the party goers were. it’s only then he looks back at you.
“shit.��� he sighs out, shaking his head, shaking himself off completely as he stares out at the moons reflection on the ocean.
you hug yourself, watching him mellow out a little. he tucks the glock back into his waistband, yanking his shirt out again to cover it.
“you’re not bringing that thing out again.” you accuse, pointing to his gun shape tucked into his pants. he blows you off, lifting a hand and walking the other way before turning back suddenly.
“i have to protect you, you understand? if i can’t bring this out with me you— you can’t bring that.” he lifts an arm, gesturing to your lower body. you stare at him in confusion before looking down. your… ass? was he talking about your ass?
“how am i supposed to leave my ass at home, rafe?” you argue, and as soon as the words leave your mouth— you can’t help but let out a giggle. you’re mad at him, yes — but the demand was funny, you couldn’t deny.
you think he’s gonna get mad, maybe wipe the smile off your face, but his sigh turns into a giggle too, looking away from you. the irritation from his face melts into something more boyish and young, his tongue sticking out between his teeth as he lets out a low chuckle. this only makes you chortle more, and he shakes his head, trying to hide his amusement as he waddles toward you on the uneven sand, holding out his arm and reaching you, bringing you beneath it into his side.
“alright, come on trouble.” he smirks, leading you back to the party. “y’still in a partying mood?”
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infi8ity · 15 days
nsfw. | MDI.
THE ORIGINAL PLAN FOR YOUR ONE-HOUR LUNCH BREAK WAS AS FOLLOWS— surprise toji at his tattoo parlor with chinese takeout, spend and enjoy time with your husband as you both eat said takeout and make it back to work before 2 pm.
you hadn’t even made it to step two when the plan quickly became— toji making you cum as many times as you could bear before 2 pm. it was 1:25 now. by this time, you had orgasmed twice.
but toji was ever determined to make it a third.
that's how you ended up in his back office at “cursed ink tattoo shop” on his peeling black leather sofa spread ass up; face down over the arm of the couch getting fucked stupid.
clothing and undergarments lay strewn haphazardly across the room, a testament to the fervor of the past few rounds. toji’s dominating presence was accentuated by the sheen of sweat glistening on his powerful form, each drop reflecting the dim light.
he held your hands firmly behind your back, his grip unyielding as he pressed them down, deepening the curve of your arch. with his free hand, he braced himself against the back of the sofa, his muscles tensed to maintain his balance and control.
with every thrust into you, you could feel your abused walls tightening around him. the pain was intense but the pleasure was far fucking greater.
“i can't quite--," your husband tenses in between his powerful strokes. "hear you, woman. speak up."
he knew what he was doing. when he fucked you like this— like a madman— you were always lost for words. the way he rammed his thickness into you at such a force, your only response was the loud lewd moans escaping your lips.
this doesn't suffice for toji.
with a deliberate, firm release of your wrists, his hand slides around to grasp your chin, his grip intense as he forces you to meet his gaze. he leans in, his breath mingling with yours, drawing your face closer to his until you’re mere breaths apart, a deep hunger in his navy eyes.
"should i stop? is that what you want? for me to stop fucking you?"
though his words are threatening, his pacing does not falter. he continues to pound his thick length into your soaking cunt.
"huh?" he growls, awaiting your response.
you choke on your moans. you felt unable to form a coherent sentence, thus furiously shaking your head in protest. "n-no. fuck- augh,"
"then let me fucking hear you, baby," he whispers in your ear. his hypnotizing tone sends shivers down your spine down to the pool between your legs. "wanna hear you scream my name mrs. fushiguro."
he loosens his grip on your chin and guides your forearms to rest on the arm of the sofa. pressing his body against your back, you can feel the slickness of sweat causing your bodies to cling together.
he leans in and plants a soft kiss on your shoulder, his breath warm against your skin.
toji drastically slows his pace; allowing you to catch your breath and regain your composure. albeit further delaying your orgasm. you whine in complaint.
he gently shushes you, wrapping his muscular bicep around your barred throat. his touch is firm yet tender, applying just enough pressure to hold you in place while eliciting a soft, controlled choke.
he teasingly pulls out, thrusting himself agonizing slowly— back in. bottoming out, he asks, "whose dick is this?"
"mine." you sputter.
"thats right.” he drags his tip along the folds of your cunt. “whose pussy is this?"
"yours. all yours."
his hips connect with your ass. the force rocking you forward, a moan catching in your throat.
"good girl." he praises. he thumbs his fingers between your nipples. pinching and twisting softly. "who fucks you like this?"
"just you toji. only you baby. please, feels so good i'm gonna cum. was having a bad day, i need it.”
your responses seem to please him, as he speeds up his pace. he abandons his assault on your nipples and finds purchase on your clit. tracing circles against your bud.
"aww, my poor wife was having a bad day at work? maybe after i let you cum this third time, it'll get better." he drawls.
he wasn’t lying; work had built up a pent-up tension deep within you. If there was any way to release the stress weighing on your shoulders, toji was the perfect remedy.
as if reading your thoughts, he quickens his movements. your walls suck him in deeper, tightening well around him. his groans like music to your ears. "you feel so good y/n. you're so beautiful like this. 'm gonna nut from the sight of you. "
the praise gives you a boost of confidence as you were unable to differentiate what felt better? the pressure of him pinching and massaging your clit or the feeling of him massaging your guts and hitting all the right spots.
you rotate your hips around him, almost as if you were fucking him right back, and toji moans with you. you chant his name like a broken record. you can't help yourself. It's the only thing you can think of. him. him. him.
his arm tightens against your throat in response to you clenching around his length. your pussy pulsates, your orgasm nearing its release as he hits that one spot- over and over and—
in sync, you cry out as you cream around his dick; feeling toji’s hot loads shooting inside of you. your juices flowing together, coating your walls and spilling out of you as toji removes himself.
the room was filled with the sounds of panting as the two of you fought to catch your breath.
toji is the first to move. he presses soft kisses against your lips before he opts a glance at his wristwatch and stands.
“well then mrs fushiguro, it's one thirty-seven." he remarks, casually sauntering around the room in search of your scattered clothing. "i’d say we have fifteen minutes to fix you up, get some food in your stomach— Lords knows you’ve had enough of me in there,” you snort. “and on the way to work before two.”
he pads in front of you, in all his six foot two perfectly muscled glory. he was no longer erect, but that hadn't diminished his length in the slightest. he motions for you to take your clothing.
“wait,” you begin. he quirks a brow. “you made me cum three times. least i can do is give you one more so that we’re even. yeah?”
“you sure? ain't you hungry?” he asks, cupping your hands against his face. his thumb swiping across your parted lips. you captured his thumb into your mouth, swirling your tongue against his finger. looking up at him beneath your lashes, you suck softly.
he pulls his thumb out of your mouth with a soft pop and groans. "hungry for something else that's for sure." you reply, eyeing his growing erection.
you grin lustfully as he runs his fingers through your hair, eventually grasping a fistful.
"fucking hell," he says under his breath; tossing your clothes to the side. "do your worst woman."
© infi8ity. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.
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confietti · 8 months
Never Lose Me
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you knew sukuna would kill you if he knew where you were right now, but you didn't care. you had it in your airy little head that he was a cheater because of what one of your 'homegirls' told you.
it all started when you were in your shared apartment laid on the bed scrolling through instagram waiting for 'kuna to come home when your 'friend' sent you a picture of him hugging this girl.
you never were the smartest, so you never second-guessed the photo. you on the other hand immediately broke down into tears. sukuna never liked her and always suggested you get better friends for a reason.
he always got weird vibes from her because she continuously tried to make passes at him whenever you weren't around.
you could only imagine your boyfriend's surprise to get drunken texts and voicemails of you telling him to 'go fuck himself' and how you 'don't need him'.
my supersoaker🫶🏼💞: [ forwarded an image ]
my supersoaker🫶🏼💞: nigga FUCJ you
my supersoaker🫶🏼💞: i thoguth we had somethgin anf you trwest me like thid??? i hste you!
hubby💝: ??? baby? who sent you that???
hubby💝: and are you at the fucking club??
you stared at your phone through teary eyes as you blocked his number and turned off location sharing. you shoved your phone into your purse and continued to drink.
sukuna had been watching from across the bar for probably 20 minutes now. he watched you flirting with the guy you were talking to for maybe the same amount of time. he studied the way you held onto his arm and laughed at all his jokes. it made his blood boil.
“what do you say we take this a step further hm?~” his hand slipped up your thigh and you giggled when he started nibbling on your neck.
“nah fuck this.” your boyfriend slammed his drink on the counter and stormed towards you, angrily shoving people out of the way but he didn't care. his main focus was you.
he didn't say anything as he heaved you over the shoulder like a sandbag, ignoring your protests and the weird looks he got as he exited the bar. he practically threw you in the passenger's seat and locked the door.
the car ride to his house was dead silent. except for your protests and complaints about your boyfriend's behavior.
“Bitch why the fuck did you do all that for?” you stared at him with your arms crossed over your chest in annoyance, glaring at him for an answer that never came.
the rest of the ride was just you looking out the window and light curses underneath your breath of “cheating ass”, “hoe ass”, “worthless ass”.
once you got home, sukuna parked the car and dragged you into his house with a tight grip on your arm.
he walked into his bedroom and threw you down on the bed before locking the door. then sukuna finally spoke after what was hours after not speaking.
“you gonna explain your sudden little tantrum or do i have to fuck the attitude outta you first?”
sukuna chuckled when you still had your arms crossed over your chest, not looking in his direction. your eyes were puffy as you let out little hiccups and sniffles. you were still mad at him for spoiling your fun. how cute.
just then he harshly gripped your chin forcing you to look at him. “it’s really rude to not look people in the eyes when they’re talking to you.”
his hands traveled down to your neck and he squeezed it tightly, you felt a breathy chuckle in your ear before he began to speak.
“so that’s how it’s gonna be, huh ma?”
it was about 20 minutes later and your brain was so foggy to the point where you couldn’t remember how you got into this position.
your boyfriend had you on all fours, one of his hands pulling your hair back into a makeshift ponytail, the other wrapped around your neck pulling your head back to whisper the most disgusting things into your ear.
“you think what you said t’me was nice? you thought it was funny to send me those voicemails and texts while i was working? huh? y’had me worrying my ass off you dumb. fucking. bitch.”
he emphasized those last three words with harsh thrusts, before pulling your head back to tap his fingers at the side of your cheek. “open.” he mumbled before spitting roughly in your mouth. “swallow all that shit.” he spat before shoving your face back into the pillow before you.
he took this time to analyze how small your figure was compared to his. you were so much smaller… so vulnerable… so much easier to manhandle.
sukuna decided to tease you. fucking you slowly, working every inch of his thick cock into your little hole as slowly as he could. he wanted you to memorize every vein and inch. he wanted to make sure you never forget tonight and you should never disobey him ever again.
“wouldn’t have to be this way if you were just a good little girl who followed the rules. tsk.” this had been going on for hours now. the rough fucking, the degradation, even after what? 4 orgasms? he still hasnt had his. you figured out by now that this wasn’t a punishment… he wanted to torture you.
“p-pleasee ryo.. i’m- haa~ s-sorry! wan’ you t’fill me up. please!” he chuckled darkly. “ y’want me to fill you up? huh?” “please! hnghh- m’sorry!” “you never did have any shame did ya hun?”
sukuna’s thrusts began to get sloppier as he was nearing his release. you whimpered for him to slow down as your tear stained face was pressed into the pillow. his balls slapping against your clit with each harsh thrust.
“i won’t f-fuck- i wont slow down. you’re grown, right? if you can go to the bar on your own then you can take this shit like a big girl, right?”
before you knew it hot ropes of cum start spurting out filling your tight cunt. your boyfriend’s thrusts began to slow down until they came to a complete stop.
he slowly pulled out of you, replacing his cock with his fingers to keep his seed in. humming lowly before getting up to get some towels from the bathroom.
you woke up the next morning in his shirt. you tried to get up before feeling an immense pain in your back. you groaned before you felt a large hand rubbing at the small of your back.
“y’wanna talk about your feelings now? if you don’t want too then we can always go for round two. i still have some energy left over.” he smirked down at you.
“also.. this was supposed t’be a surprise but… the girl i was hugging in the picture you sent wasn’t anybody baby. remember when we were apartment shopping and you mentioned you really wanted the one in tokyo?”
you nodded as sukuna pushed some of your hair behind your ear to see your face better.
“it’s ours now.” sukuna thought that nothing could compare to your smile in that very moment as you hugged and peppered kisses across his face while murmuring little ‘thank yous’ in his ear.
“yeah, yeah.” he chuckled and hugged you back. “you could never lose me that easily.”
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a/n: thank you so much for this request anon!!! it took me a little while but i really enjoyed writing it. hope you enjoy!! </3!!
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© confietti, 2024. do not copy, steal, or repost my content without permission.
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sahisan · 11 months
ik this is a very very basic troupe but
harbinger scara x harbinger reader and they spar and whoever wins gets to do whatever they want to the loser !!
★ summary: harbinger!scaramouche x harbinger!fem!reader. you owe him a wish after losing at a spar. what has he got for you?...
☆ cw: nsfw. cowgirl (riding). use of 'whore', 'pretty thing', 'fuck'. reader is the 3rd harbinger (yes i love this au sm). scara turns his superior into a mess (yes again). lmk if i missed anything. 1616 words.
☾ a/n: yes this is a continuation of the fics about scara x superior harbinger reader bc im a sucker for this au. first fic here. also inspired by this azeru asmr(⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
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"i can't let this get serious. can't lose either..." you think, before launching another powerful - but not really - hit with your infused weapon to scaramouche's side.
yes, you're missing on purpose - but not to concede, just to not kill him by accident. "the top-ranked harbingers, up to no. 3, possess powers which can rival the gods." you remind yourself in your own head that you're 3rd, and he's just 6th. if you won't hold back, something very, very bad might happen. so you hold back, fighting not at full strength, throwing infused hits here and there, but mostly just dodging scaramouche's attacks.
the rule is simple: the first one who falls to the ground with either their front or back loses, and the loser owns the winner a wish.
it's not like you want to come off a loser and owe him that shitty wish - you don't want to lose, but you don't want to kill him or seriously injure him too. so, it's either you're fighting carefully, controlling your powers, or either he-
"ah!" you yelp, thoughts interrupting when the handle of his katana hits your back, sending you stumbling over your feet and falling on the white, snow covered ground with your front, your weapon falling off somewhere to the side. it's not long until you feel scaramouche's boot pressing onto your back to keep you pinned to the ground. "what a bastard." a thought crosses your mind, before you lift your head off of the snow just enough to breathe.
"well, well, well... if it isn't the third who owes me a wish now." he taunts, making you huff in frustration.
"i was holding back!" you protest, but he quickly interrupts your further complaints with applying now much more pressure with his foot on your back. you barely hold back an audible gasp, a grunt leaving your lips as you try to keep quiet. scaramouche smirks.
"what a petty excuse." he mocks, his boot leaving your back and letting you properly sit up, grumbling about how "not petty" it really is. "you just wanted me to win, didn't you?" he laughs right after, dissolving his own katana in the air as he stares down at you.
if it weren't for the ranks, anybody could've thought that he's just sparring with another lowly fatui soldier.
"so... a wish." scaramouche taunts, walking slowly around you, snow making a slight sound each time he makes a step. "care to know what my wish is?" he smirks.
"i always knew that you were a bastard." you mumble before shaking your head while standing up. when finished with shaking the snow off your clothes, you cross your arms over your chest, raising an eyebrow at him. "so?"
he grins. devilishly. it looks so devilish that you shiver involuntarily, but blame it all on the harsh cold instead.
"let's say... it's a challenge." he laughs yet again, then sighing softly as he finishes, and looks up at you - eyes full of amusement and anticipation.
"we're heading to my chambers, and who cums first - loses. this is my wish, dear [name]."
scaramouche's hands are in a bruising grip on each of your hips, pushing you up and down on his cock as he watches your eyes roll to the back of your head. "t-that's it, fuck... ride me like the heated whore you are." he mumbles, helping you with the pace.
you fail to make a normal response, the only sounds coming from your mouth being small whimpers and moans which you fail to muffle by biting on your lower lip. scaramouche watches as your breasts sway up and down under your almost translucent shirt - how considerate of you to wear this exact one for a meeting with him.
one of his hands, not even trying to fight the temptation, goes up right underneath your shirt, squeezing one of your breasts a few times and rubbing your nipple. you whine and let out another quiet moan, this time a bit longer than the previous one. he smirks, but it's not long before you squeeze the walls of your cunt around him in revenge for his little doings. your eyes open to look down at him as you do so, and you watch as he grits his teeth and his breathing hitches.
"f-fuck- don't do that..." scaramouche mutters quietly, exhaling shakily. you grin at him, grinding your hips up and down on his length, and then your walls clench around him once again, to make him cum first. he breathes out once more, his eyes looking up at you, completely dazed as he looks at your bouncing upper body. your legs and hips are probably sore from moving so much, but he doesn't care - not when you looked so fucked out, with your hair messy, lips swollen while biting your lip again, and even slightly teary eyes.
he knew you did your best to make him cum first - to see him finally lose.
you knew he did his best to make you cum first - to see you finally break down under his influence, letting him have his way with you.
"look at that pretty expression." scaramouche chuckles as his hand slides back to your hip. to prevent you from stopping, he sets the pace of your movements himself - or, at least, fixes it to be a bit more quick. "the mighty third harbinger trying her best not to lose again... what a pathetic sight."
"s-shit... slow down, please, scara..." you mutter, head tilted towards the ceiling as you feel him pushing your hips down on his cock in a fast pace, trying to make you lose control first.
"oh, what, are you about to cum, pretty thing?" he taunts mockingly and immediately feels you clenching around him as he calls you that. "what was that, pretty thing? you like that?" he raises an eyebrow up at you expectantly, chin prodded up as he keeps pushing your cunt down on his length.
"n-no!.." you quickly reply, trying so bad to prove him wrong, yet your voice is too weak and high-pitched due to - you can't keep denying it - how good you feel and how close you are. not too close, but close nevertheless. "i-i won't- a-ah!.."
your head throws back in pleasure as the tip of his cock proceeds to kiss your cervix, and scaramouche nearly moans himself. there's no denying that he feels just as good as you do - but he will definitely not lose. he'll do everything in his power to make you cum first.
even if it means to resort to cheating methods.
one of scaramouche's hands slides from your hip to your clit, his thumb starting to rub it in slow, circle motions, as he watches you stutter, writhe and whimper, your unsteady and shaky hand coming to grab his wrist in a futile attempt to stop him. his cock still sliding in and out of your hole, hitting all the right spots makes it even better worse.
"s-scara, nghh... 's unfair, wait, d-don't- ah!.. you- cheater..." you squeak at him, but, already now chasing your building up orgasm, can't do anything to stop him and yourself. your up-and-down moves become grinding partially, and then his hand pushes your hips down, making it thrusts again.
scaramouche won't lie - he too wants to cum, he needs to cum, but before he does he needs to see how you'll break.
and he himself won't last long.
"t-that's it, fuck- come on, cum, pretty thing, i know you want to cum..." he murmurs, hearing you whine out loud at the petname again, walls clenching around his girth once more. he notices your bouncing has become slow, showing that you don't want to lose despite how bad you want to finish, and the hand that rests on your hip starts to set up the pace itself for you, and you're barely able (read as: not able at all) to hold back a long, weak mewl that slowly becomes a moan and a shaky breath, as he continues to rub your sensitive clit.
"s-shitshitshitshit- scara, scara, scara, i'm c'mming, i- g'nna- ah-"
you cum with a trembling, long lasting whimper, head throwing back as you subconsciously continue to move your hips slightly up and down and forward to ride out the aftermath. your lips part and you pant, chest moving when you do.
scaramouche looks completely mesmerized by your fucked out expression - you even have little drops of tears in the corners of your pretty eyes. he finishes right after you with a shaky exhale, spilling ropes of his warm cum inside you, watching as it drips out of your hole while he's still inside you, creating a white ring around his cock. he pushes your hips completely down onto him to stop your movements and to not let any more of his seed spill out of you.
"[n-name]..." he breathes out, eyelids closing as he tries to calm his unsteady whiffs down. he then chuckles, eyes opening and looking at you. "you lost though. again."
"s-shut up..." you whisper, muttering a few more curses about what a bastard he is.
scaramouche laughs once more. "care to repeat that, pretty thing?" he coos, and then hear you mewl, your cunt clenching around him again.
"no. just shut up already." you mumble, falling on top of him, not caring about that you lost, or that you both need to clean up after this little... competition of yours.
"alright then..." he snickers, letting out a deep breath and putting his hands on your back as if soothingly, rubbing your skin through your shirt in circles. "didn't know you could become such a mess.."
"shut up!"
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drakesfeelings · 2 months
Hector fort, fluff, that's all i need
sorry it’s a little short (and sorry for the long ass wait) hope you’ll like it tho 💖
more than you think [h.f]
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“you need to stop dancing hermano, it’s getting worrying,” hector can’t help but laugh at marc’s jokes—disguised in faux concern.
lamine’s eyes widen in shock, and the smirk on the ‘blonde’s face quickly disappears when he’s playfully slapped by his teammate.
silently watching his friends fight, chuckling from time to time at marc’s attempts to dodge the moroccan’s attacks, hector almost forget about getting dressed.
today’s training is done. usually, the boys always had enough practice for a whole day, but xavi was in a good mood; which means finishing early.
and which means, in hector’s language, more time with his girl.
his naked back against the metal of his locker, putting on his yeezy’s slides, he feels his phone vibrate under his thigh. speaking of the devil.
❤️ | you’re done babe?
smiling to himself, he taps a simple answer before getting back to dress up—his movements now quicker than before.
hector was always the teammate who loves to take his time preparing himself. he usually took long ass showers and was the last getting out of camp nou, his cologne and shampoo lingering in the changing rooms.
the only and rare times he was on a rush, were the ones when you were waiting for him.
his whole team knew about how much he loves you, that much that he couldn’t bring himself to make you wait.
you are his princess, who is he, to make you wait? no-fucking-body.
so, it’s only an understatement to know why he’s the first one to finish packing today.
“the novia is waiting,” he hears alejandro’s teasing voice behind him. it’s not even a question anymore, just a simple fact.
“tú lo sabes,” the brunette smirks, sending a wink in his friend’s direction. “adios!” he quickly bids everyone goodbye, his hand tightening on his bag’s strap. you know it. bye!
before the door closes, he can hear marc’s complaints about him leaving like a thief and pedri’s making fun of the newly blonde.
he loves his team. but not as much as you, so he forgets about his teammates’ bickering and jogs in the exit’s direction, texting you during his run.
to ❤️ | coming mi amor
he quickly taps send and shoves his phone in his short’s pocket. in three minutes, the brunette is already coming out of the building, happily making his way to the parking, where you’re waiting next to his car.
shoulder pressed against the bmw’s driver’s door, your pretty eyes focused on the screen of your phone, you don’t even hear your boyfriend’s steps.
your legs are engulfed by the boy’s shorts—that you stole from his closet—and your white shirt is tucked into the front of your bra, letting your tummy breathes. you’re wearing a pair of slides, the weather being too hot to handle closed shoes, and your hair are wild-free.
his heart skips a beat. you’re the prettiest woman on earth to the man’s eyes.
“hola guapa,” he doesn’t let his adoration for you phase him though, keeping on his cool-fuck-boy act—even if he’s not waiting for your greetings to be said to snuggle his face in the crook of your neck, nose brushing against the skin of your jaw. hello, beautiful.
it’s time for your heart to skip a beat.
you grin with all your teeth, your arms automatically wrapping themselves around his neck and your phone long forgotten, loosely hanging in one of your hand.
“hola bebe,” you mutter in his chest, breathing in his scent. something musky, something masculine, something that screams hector, something that smells like home to you. your home. him. hello, baby.
he sighs happily, face smushed by your warmth and nostrils taking in your monoi scented body-cream. you smell like summer. like the beach, the sand, the blue sky and the waves.
but you also smell like his. and it’s all that matters to him, right now.
@ drakesfeelings
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crazy-only · 3 months
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beating subby!lando in a grand prix !
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pairings: subby!lando x fem!reader
premis: lando gets angry after losing first place to his female teammate so she lets him finish first in something else (・ω<) super smutty !
preface: thanks for all the support you guys are amazing i don’t deserve it ≧﹏≦ and please send requests and stuff, i’ll make sure to read them and write some more content based on your asks ! i’m open for any drivers. while you wait, enjoy lando being dommed <3
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“yes!!!” you scream as you pass the finish line, watching happily as the crowd claps at your first-place finish.
“congrats, y/n. well done! another win for mclaren!” your manager praises through the radio.
you smile, parking the f1 car at the first place marker. “couldn’t have done it without you guys.”
hiding your tears of joy, you climbed out of the tight vehicle, removing your heavy helmet.
as you were skipping to meet your mclaren crew, though, a f1 car came flying dangerously close to your legs. you jump back, finding a fellow mclaren driver staring angrily at you from the cockpit of their car.
“not again,” you mutter under your breath, slowly walking away from the stalled vehicle as if it were a momma bear.
“hey!” lando shouts from his car, hurriedly escaping its seat and running towards you. “you can’t just overtake your teammate like that!”
you roll your eyes, trying to shove down the strong urge to choke him and shut him up. “that’s kind of how the sport works, lando.”
yet he doesn’t quit whining, and instead, snatches your hand, forcing you to look at him.
“aw, are we holding hands?” you say sarcastically with traces of venom.
lando steps closer, his height unfortunately much taller than yours. “we might need to if we’re going to be on the same team for the next few years.”
oddly enough, something in you shifted when lando said that with a straight face.
“so, should i let you finish first next time?” you ask, raising your eyebrows and brushing off the weird feeling you felt with lando so close by.
lando blinked rapidly, quickly retrieving his hand from yours. “th-that sounds wrong.”
“you perv! such a dirty mind,” you remark, trying to run away before you start to feel things for the cute annoying guy.
yet, lando leaves you no escape as he imprisons your arm into his strong grasp once again, dragging you away from the flickering cameras of the paparazzi and into his temporary racing room.
“y/n, why must you always drive like a fucking muppet and—“
you ignore lando’s complaints (mainly because they hit harder than what you let him see). even though you only knew him for two months, the boy was a good racer, and you respected that. he’s a big reason as to why you chose mclaren in the first place.
“what’s this,” you murmur while he rambles, walking towards his desk where a notepad lay.
“shit!” lando curses, quickly running to block your path. “don’t you dare,” he says, hiding the book in a hand behind his back.
you smile, sensing a challenge. “no.”
staring into his green eyes you reach a hand around his back, yet his reflexes are faster, moving the notepad to his other hand. you lean against him, his body trapped against the desk. you make fruitless attempts to steal his secretive journal until lando speaks up.
“jesus, y/n,” lando says, cheeks reddening with the close contact. “some personal space, no?”
you sigh, a bit sad, still wanting to see his secret diary or whatever that little notepad of his contained.
“ok,” you mutter, deflated.
he rakes a hand through his brown hair, a bit stressed. “like i was saying, i think it’d be much better if you,”
he continues ranting about the things you do wrong, his current subject about your excessive speeding in the last grand prix in which you placed behind him.
but you can’t focus, as that little notepad flys around in the air, lando’s passion for racing translating to his hands.
and you don’t think about it before you finally make a grab for the book. lando, a bit shocked, loses balance and falls back to his bed. he latches onto your arms in panic, forcing you to fall rather hardly onto his big body.
“ugh,” he groans, head hitting the back of the bedframe.
you smile and open the notepad while his consciousness was still weak. but you don’t find what you were looking for.
you found something much, much more shocking.
“lando, what the fuck!” you screech, still on top of his body. “why does it say right here that i almost crashed into carlos on turn three?! are you taking notes of my fucking races?”
you punch his shoulder hard, only making him groan harder.
lando, face frowning in dismay, tried to get up, but you pressed your body weight onto him.
“no, no, no, lando.” you say, tutting at his sorry excuse of running away. “you need to explain yourself.”
“fuck.” lando raises his arms and nervously fiddles with hair. “i just—i don’t know—wanted you to be safe and shit.”
you frown in confusion, flipping through the pages only to find more details of your supposedly dangerous racing style, highlighted in bold: she needs to slow down!
“shit, lando,” you say, trying to understand why he would do such a thing. “you obsessed with me?”
he sighs. “no! i’m just a good fucking teammate and want to make sure you don’t crash into me and kill me in the next race!”
you rest your head onto his chest, utterly confused. hearing his rapid heartbeats and rise and fall of his chest, you know he’s nervous.
“why didn’t you tell me?” you murmur, tracing the curves of his flexed bicep. “i can take advice. just don’t like rude comments.”
your teammate, clad in his compression shirt and unzipped racing suit, groaned.
“god, this is so fucking embarrassing.”
you smile and look up at him, feeling like maybe lando wasn’t actually so bad after all. “you’re cute.”
lando purses his lips, pushing your shoulders away. “just get off of me already.”
you shake your head, curious to see how lando would react. “what if i want to nap,” you say, pointing at his chest, “right here?”
lando looks up at the ceiling and scrunches his eyes. “y/n, stop it.”
you hum in question, rasing your body so you could see his face better. “stop what?”
“you’re-you’re getting me fucking hard right now, y/n,” lando rasped out, his hands covering his tomato-red face.
“i knew you were a pervert,” you murmured, rasing a hand up to gently caress his face, feeling the stubble on his chin.
lando’s eyes opened, surprised to still see you on top of him after his dirty confession.
enthralled, you look between his eyes and lips, wanting to feel the passion of a man that just wanted the best for you. you’ve never had anybody this sweet before.
“lando,” you whisper, playing with his brown hair, “do you like me?”
he nodded, bottom lip bitten between his teeth.
that was all you needed before pressing your lips onto his, smiling as he let out a deep groan. he broke away, looking up into your eyes a bit sporadically and shyly.
“can i touch you?” he asked quietly, cautiously placing his hands on your waist.
unsatisfied with his pg-placement, you tugged his hands towards your ass, knowing that’s where he secretly wanted them. “are you this shy with all of your other girlfriends?”
“i-it’s just different with you,” he said, sheepishly looking down at your shirt, green eyes widening at your semi-exposed cleavage.
“lando?” you say, scoffing as he attempted to take his eyes away but simply couldn’t.
you take advantage of the moment and sit up to straddle his waist, discarding your shirt and leaving you in a sports bra.
“happy now?” you say with a curved brow.
but lando seemed to become a different person after you stripped, his hands tugging your bra off so your top half was naked.
lando moves your hands that cover your tits, an inexplicable urge in him to feel you. he latches his mouth on your nipple, causing you to shudder.
“fuck, lando,” you whisper, head bowing at the sweet sensation of his lips.
growing in confidence (and simply wanting to please you), lando started playing with your other tit with his hand, looking up at your pretty reactions.
“you’re so pretty, y/n.”
you brush lando’s hair back, kissing his forehead. “should i let you finish first this time?” you asked, smiling.
“please?” lando squeaks out cutely, watching as you take off his racing suit and bottoms.
drawing his boxers down you find his dick, way larger than expected and as hard as a rock. “fuck, lando, you’re so fucking big.”
“i know,” he chirps with a grin on his face.
you scoff, watching his conceited face turn into a concentrated one as you lick his tip, tasting his precum.
his hand clenched into your hair. “mmm, please don’t tease me, y/nnn, m’begging you.”
“what happened to that cheekiness of yours, hm?” you ask, drawing your index finger slowly up and down his dick.
“fuck,” he whimpers, hips jerking. “please, please, fuck!”
you take off the rest of your clothes along with lando’s shirt, marveling in his defined abs.
you climb over so your pussy was over his dick, teasing him by licking his nipple. you laughed as he merely whined more, eyes lidded. you pumped his cock, its desperate veins showing.
“okay, okay, baby, need it so bad, hm?” you ask as you lower slowly onto his dick, just now remembering how big he was.
“fuck,” lando gasped, sweat starting to bead on his forehead. “feels s’good.”
you, on the other hand, were trying your best to maintain your composure, wanting him to finish first this time. he stretched you in all the right places, making you moan as you starting sensually riding him. that goal of yours seemed more and more impossible with each stroke you felt.
“shit, so tight,” lando sighs out before grabbing the small of your back and pulling you down to kiss you deeply, humming and moaning in your mouth.
you bite his bottom lip that he himself bites so often. “been wanting to do this for a while. selfish to keep them all to yourself, baby.”
lando blushed profusely. “such a flirt.” he played with your tits, making you leave breathy kisses on his neck. “must be a player.”
you shook your head, riding him harder, a bit pissed at his conviction. “dumbass,” you say in between pants, accompanied by the sound of skin slapping. “only you,” you murmur.
lando grins cheekily, pupils blown out, as he places his veiny hands on your hips, helping you slam down onto his perfect cock. “oh, yeah?”
you roll your eyes. “how. do you. still manage. to piss. me off?!”
“dunno,” he murmurs, taking his right hand and rubbing your clit, making your head fall back. lando was good, you realized—why hadn’t you done this sooner?
but you held your release in. lando needed to be first—there was no other option!
so you kissed his collarbones, finding he was particularly sensitive there, smiling as he let out breathy whines.
“such a fucking bottom,” you murmur. “even though you try to seem like a badass on the track.”
lando’s face becomes more fucked-out.
“i’ll always beat you on the track, baby; accept it.” you tug lando’s hair, getting a better view of his eyes. “want me to give you some tips, hm?”
“quit it,” lando gasps, watching as your pussy enfolded his dick rapidly.
you nudged his chin up with a finger, his green eyes so soft. “you wish.”
you kiss him gently, his cock twitching inside you as he moaned, hands grabbing your hair rather forcefully and crushing his lips on yours. almost as if he were scared you’d evaporate.
“fuck, y/n,” he moans in between kisses. “don’t deserve you.”
with a smile you break away to leave pecks on his jaw. “who knew lando was this sweet?”
“need—mmm,” he groans out. “need to cum, fuck.”
suddenly a knock sounded on the door, followed by a, “lando? you in there?”
the both of you paused your movements, staring at each other in horror.
“hey, lando, the press is waiting!”
“fuck it.”
you ride him even harder, sweat dripping down your body, and whisper while staring into his wide eyes, “think you can stay quiet?”
with that, your teammate ruts his hips into you, chasing his release with his eyes on your face. he grinned as you also unraveled from the sudden force on your cervix, pussy tightening around his already-clamped dick.
“fuck, baby,” you whine, “so strong.”
as his strokes became more sloppy, lando came down, panting hard as he watches your pussy squirt. both of you, blissed-out, rest for a bit on each others’ heaving bodies.
“so hot, fuck,” he whines, his cock already hard again.
lando was about to beg for another round when a familiar voice shouted from the outside, “lando! i can hear you! clean up—we’re running out of time!”
lando gasps as you laugh loudly. “we gave him a performance, didn’t we?”
your teammate sighs with an annoyed expression. “fucking hell. why’d he listen to us?”
fastening into your racing suits once again, you get ready to leave the room before you notice something very important on lando’s face.
you go to wipe the lipstick kiss marks you left on his pretty skin when he stopped your hand, murmuring, “this is my first place trophy.”
with grins on both of your faces, you and lando walk out of the room, hand in hand, battling the paparazzi together. every time lando looks at you, he thinks of the hickies trophies he’ll give to you next time.
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milf-murdock · 11 months
Can I make a request? 🥹 Ghost when you joke to him about joining the military hehe. Thank you!
A/N: Okay wow thank you beautiful anon for sending in this ask and inspiring the FUCK out of me. I was really in my feels about not feeling up to writing anything (the imposter syndrome can be so real even in fandom spaces), but this ask set my brain ablaze. so thank you, dear <3 let me know if you like it!!
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Civilian!Reader (Established relationship)
“Who knows, maybe I’ll just say ‘fuck it’ and join the military,” you half-joke, before taking a sip of your tepid earl grey.
“Absolutely fucking not.” Simon’s abrupt growl catches you off guard, causing you to briefly choke on your final sip. 
“Come again?” You manage to get out between coughs, raising your eyebrow in confusion, thoroughly taken aback by his rigid body posture and brash response. You both had been enjoying a quiet Saturday morning together, a treasured treat that were few and far between. The empty plates from the morning’s breakfast still sat between you two as you both enjoyed the last of your tea, the conversation veering from your typical work complaints to the casual idea of starting over fresh in a new career field. 
It had all been rather pleasant, but you sense the mood shift, a familiar tug in your stomach telling you a fight was brewing. 
“I said,” Simon continued in that deep voice, his tone taking on a bitter edge. “Absolutely. Fucking. Not.” 
Your stubborn side flares up in indignation and you suppress a bitter laugh, finding yourself digging in your heels at the idea. You mentioned it as a joke, not even really thinking twice about it, but like hell you were going to be told no like that. 
“And why, pray tell, the fuck not?” You shoot back at him from across the table. You practically slam your teacup on the table, the satisfying thunk emphasizing your question. “What? You don’t think I can do it? You don’t think I can handle myself?” You don’t slow down—oh no, you’re on a roll now. “Or is it that that specific role is only reserved for you? And I’m just supposed to stay home and be the doting housewife that sits around and waits for you to get back?” 
At that final remark, Simon rises out of his seat, his dark gaze meeting your own as he steps around the table to you. You’re not even close to done though, quick to rise up out of your own seat to meet him. 
“You have some real balls, Simon, acting like you get to just say no like that. I swear to god I will march down to the nearest recruiters office before you so much as finish your tea and I will—“ your thrown off mid-sentence as Simon’s hands embrace your face, his thumb tracing against your cheek bone in a gesture of pure tenderness. It’s a stark contrast to your fiery words, and you can practically feel the fire start to wane at the sweet touch. 
Simon takes a step closer to you, and you find yourself inches away from his burly chest, forcing you to crane your neck to look up at him. 
“I will—“ you try to continue your argument, but even you have to admit your words are wilting at his closeness.
Even after so many years together,  you never get used to the way your body responds to him. Your heart rate picks up, your breathing ever so slightly unsteadied, and you find yourself leaning in even closer, drawn to him like a moth to the flame. 
Simon’s thumb moves from your cheek down to press against your lips, silencing your argument. 
You blink in response. 
“You would make a fine soldier, darling,” his tone is low and even now, in clear opposition to your red-hot spirited words. “There’s not a doubt in my mind you would be pure dead brilliant and rise through the ranks."
Your rage starts to settle as you practically preen at the compliments. The tension leaves your shoulders, just enough to keep Simon going.
"It’s absolutely nothing to do with you, love. It’s me.” 
“You?” You mutter against his thumb, brows furrowed in confusion, and he slides the digit down to your chin and caresses your jawline. 
“Yeah...me,” Simon’s tone has a note of finality in it, and you know that he doesn’t want to explain further, but you need more than that. 
Simon’s exhale follows your demand, but he knows you well enough to know you’re not going to let this go. 
“I do some pretty hard shit, yeah?” He starts, and you nod in response. “And I’ve trained for it. And I’m good at it. But it can still be pretty fucking brutal.” 
Simon’s gaze trails to the side, and you recognize the far-away look in his eyes. You know specific memories are playing back in his mind, ones that he only mumbles about in the dead of night as you do your best to root him in reality from the night terrors. You’re scared to even breathe too loud at the risk of shattering the moment. 
Simon takes a steadying breath before he continues, his gaze coming back to yours. 
“The one thing that gets me through all of that shit is knowing that you’re here. That you’re safe.”
“What you do—waiting for me, not knowing if I’m okay, not knowing what’s going on, being in the dark like that. I can’t imagine that. I don’t think—“ he breaks off, swallowing hard before continuing. “I don’t think I could do that.” 
His words hit you like a blow to the stomach. 
“Simon,” you sigh, your shoulders deflating, all of the fight leaving your body at his admission. 
“I’m not here to tell you what to do,” he soldiers on, “And I know I sound like the world’s biggest hypocritical prick right now. But please, love,” his tone takes on an exasperated edge and his hand leaves your face as he runs it through his hair. Another sigh falls from his lips, and you wish you could take back every word of this stupid spat. “Please just think about it for a while longer. For me?” 
Simon’s pleading eyes fall to yours and you can’t hold back anymore. You rise up on your tiptoes, though even still he has to lean down to meet your lips. The kiss is a tender, soft thing. Simon’s hand rises to the nape of your neck, fingers tangling in your hair and pulling you even closer to him. 
You break the kiss first, tilting your head back only slightly, giving yourself just enough room to utter your acquiescence. 
“Okay,” you mutter breathlessly, at a loss for words after such a pure proclamation of affection from your otherwise indomitable lover. 
“Okay?” Simon asks, relief dripping from the singular word, and you silently curse your stubborn streak for causing such unease in the man you love, even if only momentarily. 
“Okay,” you sigh into his lips as you lean in closer. 
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choism · 1 year
A Flashy Plan | b.tc
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Captain Buggy x Crew!gn!Reader
Genre: Smut, Crack
Summary: A tough day and a tired crew calls for correction in the captain's quarters
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: sub!buggy, gn!reader, but you can imagine reader with a strap or a dick, unprotected sex (bad !), overstimulation, improper use of the chop chop fruit, buggy's head is elsewhere, semi public sex, multiple orgasms, buggy is a babygirl honestly, and a brat too
A/N: I said I would write it and I did! Look at me keeping promises for once lmao. I hope you all enjoy and dont forget to reblog with your thoughts <3
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Today had been a rough day for the Buggy Pirates. There were two attacks, both just outside bordering islands, which meant they couldn’t stop for supplies for quite a while. Stopping meant bringing the attacking pirates near the island, which would cause panic, which would cause bounty hunters and marines to appear at the mere sight of their flag. No, they had to flee, and quickly.
Now, afloat the east blue with no real course yet, the crew was in sore spirits, especially their Captain. Buggy had been extra mopey– extra mean to everyone, and that included you. You and the captain had a…special relationship. Sleep together occasionally, cuddle occasionally, but that was the extent of it. It was just two pirates trying to find sense in this barren sea, and you two happened to end up naturally floating together, pun intended.
You were fed up. All of the crew had suffered losses today. They were starved, thirsty, and just wanted to rest but that was impossible when aboard the ship of the man to be King of the Pirates. Buggy was just making everything worse by poking the bear.
“You all suck! Not a very flashy move to flee an island all because of some lowly pirates. We could've done better.” He spits at nobody in particular, but he looks at you briefly and it sets something off inside of you. The crew disperses and you immediately make your way to the clown.
Buggy is back in his captain’s quarters, bent over the desk and presumably overlooking something, while mumbling to himself. You walk in and quietly close the door behind you, tip-toeing behind him and whispering in his ear, “So what wasn’t flashy about avoiding us getting caught by marines, hm?” You smirk and feel him stiffen at the desk.
“I- I didn’t mean you y/n! You were fine I just think that–”
You don’t let him finish, Spinning him around and pinning him to the desk, leaning fully into his space now,
“Think what? That we are no better than lowly pirates? You know better than to insult your crew during such a hard time, Bugsy.” The nickname rolls off your tongue smoothly, sending a shiver down Buggy’s spine. Outside, he’s the captain, but in his attempt to escape the harsh reality of a Captain’s burdens, he submits in the bedroom.
You, on the other hand? You like control, dominance. You like to feel like you have a grip on whatever flimsy string life is, and this is how you take that initiative. It’s a great dynamic and there have been no complaints from Buggy’s end. Well…Unless we are talking about his rear end…
“Fuck y/n wait, I- I’m sorry okay let’s just talk this out, oh!” You press your knee into his crotch, he’s already half hard from being talked down to of course. Buggy whimpers and trembles beneath your touch, anticipating what you’ll do next. You reach your hand up to hold his jaw and place light pecks at his neck, lowering your hand to grip his neck lightly.
“Head on the table sweetheart.” You smirk and step back, starting to unbuckle your belt.
“Why what are you going to do?” Buggy takes off his hat and his headscarf, letting his long blue locks fall around his shoulders in heavy waves. You would never admit it to him, but you find Buggy so gorgeous, if he offered up anything further than some situationship at sea, you’d probably take him up on it. You stare into his green eyes, giving him an answer without even saying anything. Buggy makes room on the desk and pops his head off, gently landing on the wood.
“Well? Take off your clothes too, slut.” The degrading name causes Buggy’s cock to jump in his pants, now fully hard from the unbelievable sexual build up. He makes quick work of his own clothes, now fully nude in front of his crew mate. You’ve gotten your own clothes off as well, having grabbed the spare lube Buggy keeps in his desk and slicking up your own cock. “Turn around for me baby.” You command him and he swiftly complies.
His plump ass is fully on display, his flush cock hanging heavy between his legs and leaking precum like a faucet. You lube up your fingers, warming it up and spreading it over his hole, making sure to get him ready for your fingers.
“Mm please, please do it already.” His head begs, looking at the sight with his eyes heavy, lips pouted and whimpering. 
“You don’t get a say in this, you get to watch and look pretty.” You grip his jaw and he looks up at you, nodding. Now fully bent over the desk, some things falling over, you enter a single finger, crooking and prodding at him to stretch him properly for your cock later. Buggy lets out loud groans next to you, clearly enjoying the sensation. You add a second, and then a third finger, the lube slick sounds bouncing off the thin walls of his quarters, the crew is probably hearing everything. 
You fuck into him deeply, hitting his prostate over and over, his cock leaking all over important documents on his desk as he ruts into it, chasing pleasure.
“‘M cum…gon’ cum…” He lazily says, and you halt all of your movements. “Fuck why please nng ah!” You swiftly enter him, filling him up with your cock and mercilessly fucking into his wet hole. Almost immediately, he comes all over the desk and onto the floor, but you don’t stop thrusting. Buggy lets out strings of ‘ ah ah ah’ with each thrust.
“What? Can’t handle me being a little rough? How do you expect to handle those ‘lowly pirates’ if you can’t even take a cock properly without cumming instantly?” He’s a whimpering mess, drooling and looking at his own body being fucked. Buggy can’t even form words, the overstimulation causing him to get hard again quickly.
“N…” Buggy starts to say but you can’t hear him. You grab his hair and lift up his head, forcing him to be face to face with you as you pound into him,
“Spit it out.”
Buggy laughs half-heartedly, “Not flashy enough.”
You reattach his head and flip him over on the desk so his legs are in the air and his cock is flush against his stomach. You enter him again, fucking him even harder than before. “Is this flashy enough for you, clown? Wanna be fucked dumb like the cockslut you are?” You feel your own orgasm approaching quickly, you wrap a hand around Buggy’s pathetically leaking cock, fisting it so you can finish at the same time.
Soon after, you both finish, Buggy making a mess of his own stomach, some of it even reaching his face. You pull out of him slowly.
“How’s that for a flashy plan, captain?”
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© Choism 2023. do not repost or translate.
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isagiiis · 11 months
after a long while. [itoshi rin x reader]
notes: i'm crying for so many reasons, but rin is back. is this where bad luck got followed by good luck? anyway, a celebratory fic because otherwise i might act up. warning: none. reader's gender unspecified, established relationship, cohabitation, a fluff. rin is tired (and a bit of a tsundere) but he is still cute. i miss him so much.
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“If I run to you now,” you began in a very serious and grim manner, “will you catch me?”
“Don’t try to be funny,” Rin said, shutting you down immediately. The expression he wore was more scrunched up than usual. With two suitcases beside him and another two traveling bags still carried in his hand, it was as clear as the sky on a sunny day that he was tired.
A part in your brain instinctively told you to be a sweetheart and help him with the bags, just give him a light kiss on the cheek, then maybe also untie his shoes. Meanwhile, another part told you to throw your whole weight and cling to him first before doing all that. The latter sounded really tempting, really.
After all, spending three months away from him felt ridiculous.
Who knew that his short replies and odd brand of affection would make you miss him so much. There was no way video calls and messages would be enough. The only thing you wanted at that moment was to morph into some affectionate koala and fish out every possible reaction you could get out of him.
But in the end, no matter how adorable his scowling face had become to you, you prefer a comfortable Rin more than a tired Rin.
“Pity,” you replied shortly. Walking to him and taking his indoor sandals with you when you passed by the shoe racks. “So, how was your trip?”
“A fucking hell,” Rin answered as he put down the heavy luggage in his hands. “Some brats wouldn’t shut up in the plane.”
You chuckled at his complaint. He probably means his teammates. “But you win right? Like, three goals in your name, wasn’t it, in the final?”
Rin’s frown deepened. You tried not to wince as you helped him unbutton his jacket. Seemed like you stepped on a landmine.
“Two. The last one is a joke dragged straight out of Isagi and that shitty brother’s ass,” Rin gritted his teeth. “I’m not taking that one.”
You grimaced awkwardly at that. In the end, no matter how many years passed, whatever was going on between him and those two would never change much in the field. You made a note to send a thank you text to Isagi later. It must be an experience to deal with a pissed Rin while rooming with him. You sincerely hoped Sae’s hotel room was nowhere near theirs this time.
As you reached the last button and wondered whether you should continue talking to him or not, Rin heaved out a heavy sigh. Once again, you let yourself eye his handsome face. Eighteen hours flight must had been rough, especially if he was beating himself up over the third goal.
Trying hard not to imagine what sort of debriefing transpired afterward, you decided to just lean your forehead against him. “Well, still, I'm happy you are here now, Rin baby.”
“Don’t call me baby,” Rin said, softly as he pressed his forehead back against yours. Closing his eyes slowly whilst the furrow in between his eyes faded.
You chuckled, then decidedly opted to ignore that meaningless protest. “You are home and need to rest, so now just fill your brain with what sort of food you want to eat. Do you need me to prepare your bath too?”
Rin scoffed, pulling away from you as he looked at you. But as he opened his mouth, you found yourself looking at him letting it hang open, as if the words he was about to say disappeared in his throat before he could let them out. And then it repeated for a few times, before Rin finally closed his mouth and looked away from you.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, leaning towards him slightly to peer at his face. Yet, without a response or a glance, Rin continued to glare at the floor, resembling an upset toddler. Confused, you raised an eyebrow.
Tired Rin really is a bit of a homework sometimes, especially when he gets baggage in that tough head of his.
You kept your stare on his face, trying to understand what sort of thing he wanted to say through his very Rin language. At that, Rin finally gave you a quick side eye, chiding you, “What are you looking at?”
“My boyfriend’s bad communication skills,” you replied to him easily, earning a click of his tongue as a reply. “What’s wrong? Did your stomach hurt suddenly?”
“I’m not a kid,” Rin snapped his head back to you. Oddly enough, there was no glare directed at you as he did so. If anything, there was a more gentle turn in the way his eyes looked back at you.
And after a few moments of silence, that was when it made sense.
You tried to hold back a loud laugh and wide grin, settling for a more dotting smile instead. “…I miss you too.”
Almost instantly, Rin glared at you with a red burst blooming over his cheeks and ears. But, as he was about to bark out a denial, his mouth once again hung open as no sound came out of it. In the end, he merely stared at you with many things written in his eyes.
Then, seconds later, he sighed loudly, almost groaning, before opening his hands. You blinked at his gesture, not quite getting what he meant.
“Just come here,” Rin said, in a tone that sounded like it was saying that he didn’t want to elaborate more of the previous topic. “I will catch you.”
In a way, you knew it was a bait. A very obvious and poor bait. Still, though, who were you to refuse him, if he brought up that offer out of all things by his own will?
So, happily, you threw your hands around him.
“Rin! Welcome home!”
Like a clockwork and a magnet to iron, Rin clasped his hands around you just as tightly, with many words and promises remaining unsaid, yet undeniably felt and there, lacing his affection.
“Hm—yeah, I’m home.”
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed it, more on here.
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