#and when its finally over and his sister is safe and graves is dead
s0fter-sin · 6 months
something happening on a mission, something personal that has soap spiralling; panic and rage making him reckless, thoughtless, and ghost has to draw the line
“you’re compromised johnny; you know what that means?”
“you’re not pulling me out,” soap immediately snarls. he turns on him and ghost barely recognises him; venomous fear turning his eyes to unyielding ice. "you're not sidelining me; i need to be in this-!"
but ghost has never been afraid of venom; spat or dripped straight from bared fangs.
he snakes out a hand grip the back of his neck, jerking him in a rough shake. "if you can't think, you can't be a soldier," he growls and he flinches like he's been struck.
his lips quiver as they twist in a sneer and he wrenches, trying to free himself of his hold.
ghost doesn't let him.
"it means you give your body to me because your head ain't fucking attached to it anymore."
soap stills, body trembling beneath his hand as he sucks in shaking breaths.
he tightens his grip, pulling him closer and digs his forehead hard into his. “it means you give yourself to me so i can have the weapon that you are and use you the way you're meant to be used."
the ice in soap's eyes fractures.
ghost’s voice drops to a whisper, spoken only to johnny, not this facade of vengeance and pain, and wills it to reach him through the glaciers.
“so i can keep you safe ‘til it’s done and i can bring you back.”
#in my head its bc graves abducts his sister and is using her as hostage to draw him out knowing ghost will always follow him#but the intensity and intimacy of saying ‘you cant trust your mind not to betray you so let me be in charge of your body until you can’#after what happened to tommy he could never deny johnny his right to save his sister#but its bc of what happened to tommy that he knows he cant let him do it alone with only his rage to guide him#hes more likely to get himself killed and ghost wont live through that#so he has to balance it#and the only way he knows how is to completely shut down soap’s mind until hes no more than instinct and muscle memory#if he cant think practically then dont let him think at all#reduce him to a place where he can only follow orders#and when its finally over and his sister is safe and graves is dead#only then will he drag johnny back up to the surface#he’ll do it even if it means dragging him kicking and screaming back to humanity#instead of letting him sink in the depths where nothing hurts. theres no fear down there. no pain. only order#and thats the risk ghost took sending johnny to that place but he only did it bc he would stop at nothing to bring him back#and help him through the after#the breakdown. the rush of panic and rage and relief and anguish johnnys been supressing on his order#it was his word that turned johnny into a ghost#and its his touch that brings him back to the man#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#we’re a team. ghost team#cod#soapghost#ghostsoap#ghost x soap#ghoap#simon ghost riley#ghost cod#john soap mactavish#soap cod#save post
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crushedsweets · 2 months
Awhile back you answered an ask on how other creeps would respond to Toby's death, and I was wondering how they would respond to Kate death?
IM PUNCHING THE WALL. ALRIGHT. warning for death and grief and mourning . . .
im gonna set this after she starts staying at the proxy cabin and becoming friends with more people, rather than rotting in the mines. im also imagining they find her body in the forest, nobody was there when she died.
tim and brian would have a heavy heart about it. sure, they had massive issues with her, but even by time shes 25+, they still kinda see her as a little kid. she was 14/15 when they met her, and she acted like a feral animal till she was like 17. brian got her a job on the farm, tim helped set up a room for her. they'd help toby set up a grave, but overall they dont go out of their way to mourn her - toby has that handled
which.....guides me towards toby... they've known eachother since they were 17-19, and they are like siblings. when she was in the mines, toby would always bring her food and even dragged a whole mattress there. thats his little sister (she is older than him..) and he had always been so so so protective of her. he loses his shit, screaming and throwing shit. is never home, spends so much time at the mines. chops down random ass trees just cuz he needs to exhaust himself enough to stop feeling so much pain. it feels like losing lyra again. he sets a grave up for her, puts her body in it, carves some stuff into a wooden cross he made from a tree he cut down, lays hella rocks all over. him and nina spend a good chunk of time together. nina has never seen him cry until this. eventually, after he's gone for days, he comes back to the cabin and just rots in his bed almost catatonic. clocky has to come collect him
whiiiiiiich now brings me to clocky. she'd find out from nina, since she'd already be in her own apartment by now and tobys not gonna tell her. she'd immediately get nina, get jack, go to the cabin, and try to console toby and nina the best she(and jack) can. has to learn to bite her tongue when tobys mouthing off cuz hes mad she's trying to help. she doesnt really have time to mourn kate at first, until maybe a week goes by and tobys finally eating again and clockys just sitting there and starts bawling cuz kate was her friend too and she had to immediately go into caretaker mode.
nina. screams and cries and needs to have people with her all the time, no matter what. she doesnt feel safe alone cuz she just wants to curl up and die so so so bad. she makes toby take her to the grave(he doesnt want to but he knows kate would be pissed if he wasnt at least a little nice to nina after this) and she just sobs. she holds toby and tries to be like 'its okay its okay its okay' but neither know who shes comforting. she'd print as many pictures she got of kate as possible (not a lot) and try to scrap book it and try to memorialize her like that. just hold photos and pictures and have them in her apartment and cry. give a photo to toby with a letter written on the back telling him how much kate loved him.
similar to if toby died, jack would try to host stuff. make dinner for them all, invite them over, give everyone space to eat and remember her. he'd go with toby to the grave as well, but he's less assertive with his care compared to clocky. less 'get the fuck up, this is making you feel worse' and more 'you know you can come over right? its not good to stay home alone'. toby would come to see him a lot, too. . .
toby would have to take on a lot of her patrols, so he'd bump into ann and lulu a lot. . . ann would tease him a bit like 'ooo is katey in trouble? whyre you here, handsome?', till he smacks the shit out of her w the handle of his hatchet and he grumbles something about her death. ann would shut up after. she'd be bummed out that kates dead cuz she liked her, but not mourn. lulu wouldn't be able to process it. ann would tell her, lulu would cry, then a day later she's asking when kate's coming to visit.
i dont think anyone else would really be impacted, though... jeff/dina didnt like her, she wasnt close with ben, never even spoke to jane or liu... lazari would cry and draw pictures of her, but she'd be okay shortly after, esp cuz jacks okay.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
I hope we get a scene of Alicent with Aegon's body. If her son is damned to die, if she is damned to spiral into insanity, if she is to lose her life too the grief, let me see her with his body.
let her hold her baby in her arms one more time. let her wipe the blood that poured from his mouth and nose as he died. let her run her fingers over the viscous burns that adorn his skin. let her fix his hair. let her bathe him with a cloth as she had when he was a babe. let her kiss his cheek, his forehead, his hair, his hands. let her lay her head against him, hugging him like she had failed to do for years.
he was her firstborn and yet, her heart was still beating and his was not, she was not yet cold in her grave, no, no her son was cold, her flesh was warm, too warm. he was her baby, her son, the boy she tried so hard to protect, who had loved even when it hurt, who she had stood in front of a dragon for. she loved him, the very bones of him, and now he was dead.
let her lose her mind right there, in that room, still clinging to her body, one that's too cold, too still, too quiet. let her scream out to the gods, damning them, cursing them for taking her eldest son, amongst everything else in her life.
I want her to drive away anyone who tries to take him from her, forcing the silent sisters or whoever would be left to deal with his body at that point. let her curse and spit and claw at anyone who comes too close.
she would stay there for hours, reflecting on her memories of him. maybe she talks to him or hums a lullaby until she finally loses her battle with what remains of her consciousness and sanity, falling still against the table.
she dreams of Aegon, she dreams of the life she wish she could have provided, the life she had tried so hard to give him. a life where he was safe, a life where she had been a better mother, a life where she didn't need to live in and impose fear up on her children. maybe if she had tried hard enough he would still be alive, she'll think as she floats in the space between consciousness and unconsciousness.
she'll wake in plain chambers she only partly recognizes, she'll learn of her sons lackluster and sparsly accompanied burning, she'll learn her son was gone and she was alone. there won't be much of her left to care. she just continues dreaming, dreaming of her dead children and spiraling to madness until her broken heart finally gives out.
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[my previous post inspired this, cause all I can think about now is Alicent mourning her son and its gonna put me in an early grave]
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the-lonelybarricade · 2 years
Darling, Let's Run
Part I: The Vagrant Cat
Feysand Month Day I: Fairytale AU, @feysand-month
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Summary: A month after her sister mysteriously went missing, Feyre receives a letter instructing she leave the village immediately. And the letter's messenger? A curious black cat.
A sequel to They Are the Hunters, We Are the Foxes. While I recommend reading it first, it is not necessary.
Read on AO3・Series Masterlist ・ Next Chapter
“Do you think she’ll ever write?”
Feyre still remembered Elain’s hallowed expression the day she had set down the path to Lord Graysen’s manor. The day she was to be married against her will. It had been two weeks since the authorities showed up at their cottage door to ask after Elain and her now deceased husband. Feyre had been honest when she said she hadn’t seen her sister in over a month, though she would have given the same answer even if it weren’t true.
Their final parting played over endlessly in her mind. Elain had looked terrified when they’d hugged each other goodbye. Whatever Graysen had done that had driven her to murder, Feyre hoped the bastard rotted in his grave. Just like his abusive father.
It was a conversation Feyre and Nesta entertained frequently with each other. Puzzling out how sweet, gentle Elain could have become a killer, and where she might have fled. Feyre only hoped that wherever she was, she was safe. Happy, hopefully.
Nesta sighed. The conversation was always painful to her. Unlike Feyre, Nesta hadn’t been home when Elain showed up on their doorstep looking as though the world were about to swallow her whole. Nesta didn’t get a last goodbye, and Feyre was certain that troubled her.
“Not if she’s smart. The authorities will be intercepting all our mail. I hope she’ll stay wherever she’s hidden and forget about us.”
It was the same answer she always gave. Feyre wondered if Nesta truly felt that way. Perhaps it was unwise, but Feyre hoped that one day Elain would find a means to provide them with answers. At the very least, to let them know she was okay.
A movement in the brush caught Feyre’s eye. They had been sitting outside their cottage to enjoy the sunset. The shadows of the forest were elongated at this time of day, which meant she had trouble spotting the creature at first.
But there, black as night as it slunk through the bush, was a cat that watched them with such human intelligence it made her skin crawl. Their eyes met, and Feyre felt herself relax as she held its gaze.
“Look, Nesta.”
Nesta turned her head, following Feyre’s stare until she, too, was studying the odd cat. She wrinkled her nose. “Don’t encourage it, Feyre. It’s probably a stray.”
Its expression hardly changed, yet Feyre had the distinct impression that it was smirking at them. Come play, its eyes said. Come see. She studied it carefully, wondering why she felt such a pull. Some force was demanding she look closer.
Eventually, her eyes caught at the ribbon tied around its neck.
Her eyes widened. “No, look. It has something tied around its neck.” Feyre stood up, approaching the cat carefully. “Here, kitty.”
The cat came closer and Feyre outstretched her hand so it could sniff. She’d heard that was how one should greet strange animals, yet the cat ignored it entirely in favor of stroking itself against Feyre’s leg. “What a sweet thing you are,” she cooed, scratching it around the ears. It purred, craning its neck into her touch, which gave her the opportunity to slip the note away from the ribbon.
She unraveled it, still absently scratching at the cat’s neck while she peered over the scrawled note. Nesta came over, her curiosity finally winning over her distaste for the animal.
The note was in Elain’s handwriting:
Dear sisters,
I hope my friend has managed to deliver this message to you. As the authorities have likely discovered, Lord Graysen is dead. I am safe in Velaris and I encourage you both to come to the city at once. I will see you both suitably looked after once you get here.
With the most heartfelt affection,
Your sister,
P.s. You will both be aunties by the end of summer.
“She’s pregnant,” Feyre marveled, uncertain whether to be overjoyed or horrified. “Do you think it’s Lord Graysen’s?”
Feyre secretly hoped her sister had found a lover to run away with, and that she had a fantastically scandalous love story to tell when they next saw each other.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Nesta snapped. “Of course it’s Graysen’s. She must be terrified.”
That hung in the air for a moment. Both of them mourning what Elain had to endure. Watching her leave down that iron dusted path the day she was to be married was the hardest day of Feyre’s life. That helplessness… It made her sick to think how Elain must have felt to have no choice in her own future. And now to be a mother, widowed.
It made Feyre want to cry. She did not know how they would get to Velaris, since they hardly had the money to hire a carriage. But Feyre knew they would get there by any means necessary, to be with their sister through her pregnancy.
“I’m burning this letter,” Nesta said from where she’d been reading over her shoulder. Feyre huffed as the paper was snatched from her hands, not bothering to turn as Nesta’s footsteps retreated inside the cottage.
She was still absently stroking the cat. With the letter gone, she turned its attention back to running her fingers through its soft blue-black fur. It was most peculiar color she had ever seen. She longed to paint it, wondering exactly what colors she’d use to achieve such a unique shade. The cat had rolled onto its side, eyes half-lidded as it pressed its head closer into her touch.
“What a clever thing,” she praised, thinking of the journey it must have had to get here all the way from Velaris. “I wonder how Elain was able to get you here. Did you stowaway in someone’s carriage?”
It was hardly listening to her, far too preoccupied with the attention she was providing it with her fingers. She laughed, strangely endeared to the creature despite never being too fond of cats.
“Nesta,” Feyre called. “Will you bring out some of that cooked chicken?”
“You shouldn’t feed it,” Nesta grumbled, carrying out a piece of chicken despite her words. Nesta would never admit it, but she had always had a soft heart for animals. Feyre still remembered the way she had puked the first time they’d gone hunting together. “It will never leave if you do.”
The cat cracked open one eye, looking very much as though it found that prospect appealing.
Feyre accepted the piece of chicken, studying the sleek creature. There was an awareness to it that was unlike any cat she had ever encountered. Objectively, she knew that should make her wary. But Elain had been the one to send the thing, after all. “I suppose we should take it back to Elain, shouldn’t we?”
She turned, enough to see how put out Nesta looked at the suggestion. Feyre laughed. “Don’t worry,” she said to the cat. “I’m sure she’ll warm up to you eventually.”
The cat made a face as though it didn’t believe her. Judging by Nesta’s huff of breath, and the way she stormed back inside, Nesta didn’t believe her either. Stubborn creatures, all around. Feyre thought her heart must have a unique affection for them.
She placed the chicken in her palm and held it out carefully. “Eat, sweet little thing. You must be hungry from your long journey.”
The cat sat up, studying the food in her palm curiously. It looked up at her, expression oddly contemplative. For a moment, Feyre swore its eyes had been the most vivid amethyst.
A trick of the light, surely.
Having made up its mind, the cat stretched forward and sniffed curiously at the chicken in her hand. Then, careful of its sharp teeth, it opened its mouth against her flat palm. She felt the scrape of its tongue as it ate the piece of chicken right out of her hand.
And once the chicken was gone, and any remnants on her hand licked clean, she could have sworn the cat smiled at her.
The forest had become quiet.
Too quiet for this time of year. It was true they were entering the early stages of winter, but the first snow hadn’t fallen. Even in the dead of winter last year, Feyre had been able to find tracks from deer and rabbits. Now, as she crept carefully over the moss and stone, she couldn’t find a trace of wildlife.
Save for the black cat that slunk behind her like an extra shadow. He was a natural predator, and logically she knew he couldn’t be responsible for warding off any game. But since he had shown up a few days ago, she hadn’t been able to catch so much as a wounded bird. It was as if every animal in the forest had just… disappeared overnight.
Or maybe they’d just gone deeper into the woods.
Feyre glanced towards the thicket of trees, where the forest became so dense that hardly any light escaped the canopy overhead. Darkness crept around the trees on the outskirts, taunting her. Beaconing her.
Even if she was starving, she knew better than to venture any further. She had never strayed past where she could see the thatch of their cottage roof. Smoke billowed from the chimney where Nesta perched inside, likely heating water for their baths now that it was too cold to bathe in the stream.
She scowled at the cat after checking her last trap and finding it empty. “For an extra mouth to feed, you’ve done very little to contribute.”
The cat blinked, its peculiar blue eyes catching the light just enough to appear violet. It was silly to assign any blame to him, but by the way he sat and began licking his paw, Feyre didn’t think he was particularly offended. Perhaps it was childish to project any human emotion onto a cat, but Feyre always had the suspicion that he was watching her with unending amusement.
“Time to tell Nesta that we’re not eating dinner.” Feyre winced. “Again.”
She had never heard the end of feeding the last of their leftover chicken to a cat. Especially now that he refused to leave..
He’ll go once he realizes there’s no food for him, Feyre had insisted.
And yet, four days later, he was still following her around. She had never realized cats were so loyal. Feed them once, apparently, and that’s all it takes. He’d slept beside her every night since, and she could admit that the extra body heat was nice on the colder nights.
The retreat back to the cottage was short. Feyre rapped three times on the door. When no response came, she waited a moment, then knocked twice more.
On the other side, she heard the slide of a latch, and soon the rotted wood swung open to reveal a scowling Nesta. The latch was new, as was the knocking pattern. Ever since Elain had been the village’s center of gossip, they had to become much more careful.
“Nothing?” Nesta asked, her cool, discerning eyes darting immediately to Feyre’s empty hands.
The wood creaked like their empty stomachs as it slid shut behind Feyre and the cat. She took care to slide the latch back into place, flimsy as it was. She doubted it would withstand very much force, but they’d slept better since they spared their last copper to buy it.
Feyre shrugged. “I couldn’t find any tracks, either. Maybe I need to start hunting deeper in the forest.”
Nesta pursed her lips. If Elain had been here, she might have protested the idea. But Nesta… she understood that survival required sacrifice. It was why they’d bought a latch on the door in the first place.
“The baker has informed me his son no longer needs tutoring,” she said, like the words were bitter on her tongue.
It didn’t come as a surprise. It has been the same with every family Nesta had tutored, and the baker had likely only held on so long because he understood the bread he paid in exchange was one of the only things keeping their family alive.
The flames from the hearth danced over Nesta’s face as she glared absently at the mantle. Feyre let her sister pretend she was checking on the water, but instinctively she knew it was never a good sign when Nesta wouldn’t meet her eyes.
“I’ll talk to Tomas tomorrow,” Nesta said finally, holding her hand over the pot to check if the vapor was hot. “Maybe I can reconsider his offer.”
“Absolutely not,” Feyre said, setting down her bow and hunting knife with perhaps a bit too much force. “What about going to Velaris?”
“With what means, Feyre?”
None. They had none, which was why they were enduring the village’s scorn. No money for a carriage, no winter cloaks or supplies to survive traveling on foot.
“We wait out the winter,” Feyre said levelly, with a confidence as though she had thought it all through and wasn’t fumbling blindly as she went. “We leave as soon as Spring hits. Hunt for food along the way.”
Nesta’s lips thinned. She didn’t say anything for a long moment, weighing whatever verbal weapon she was preparing to reach for. She turned her face, and Feyre could see that her cheeks were flushed. From the fire, or from anger, or perhaps more accurately from the fear that they were both too proud to admit to.
“You are so wary of those woods that you refuse to venture any further than seeing-distance of our cottage. And you think we will be able to journey through them for days?”
Her mouth felt dry. “The beasts are just legend—“
“The beasts live in our village and wear the faces of men,” Nesta hissed, her features narrowing with anger. Feyre didn’t dare explore what Nesta saw behind those glistening, narrowed eyes. Did her thoughts relive Elain’s horrors, or her own? “If you think they are kinder to two women alone on the road then you are fooling yourself, Feyre.”
She didn’t say anything for a long moment. Nesta huffed, still reeling from her outburst as she turned her face back to the fire.
Once she had taken a few steady breaths, Feyre said, “Let me try talking to Issac. His family owns a carriage. I could try—“
“What, fucking him for it?”
Anger boiled her stomach, hot as the steam that wafted towards Nesta’s face. There was a gentle thunk against her ankle, and Feyre looked down to see the cat was twitching its tail in irritation.
Maybe it could sense their change in mood.
“Maybe I will,” Feyre snapped.
She snorted. “He doesn’t like you that much, Feyre.”
Feyre clenched her teeth at the ugly words, biting back a response if only because she knew Nesta was right. Issac’s family wasn’t much better off than theirs. Why would he give away his family’s only carriage, so that Feyre could flee to the city and never see him again?
“Let me try, Nesta. Before we risk Tomas or the woods. Let me see if it’s at least an option.”
The water in the pot was boiling now. Nesta watched each one of the bubbles rise to the surface and Feyre wondered if it felt like looking into a mirror. Her sister’s rage had always been equally temperamental.
Nesta started to lift the pot, and Feyre wordlessly came over to help her heave it over to the basin. The scalding water hissed as it flowed into the cold half-filled basin, warming it just enough that they could bathe without worrying their teeth would chatter.
“You go first,” Nesta said, pulling the flimsy paper screen in front of the basin to create a small amount of privacy.
Feyre recognized the gesture for what it was—an apology, and a subtle agreement. She would go first. Not just to bathe, but to speak with Issac. To see if there was a better solution than risking their lives—or their pride—to get to Velaris.
She waited until Nesta disappeared behind the screen, joining their snoring father beside his cot in front of the hearth, before she stripped off her clothes and settled inside the metal tub. The cat watched with unwavering interest, hopping onto the table as though he needed a better vantage point. Feyre supposed for a creature who licked itself clean, the prospect of submerging in tepid water was unusual.
“Worst case scenario,” she said, looking the cat in the eyes. “We could always eat you.”
She liked to believe that the resulting brick of tallow he batted into the water was wholly coincidental.
Next Chapter
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eyelessfog · 2 years
never played hollow knight. whats the premise and how does it change when you make it empires
ok well. now i get to go crazy. :]
hollow knight is, at it's core, a story about a dead kingdom and the people who stayed and the people who came after. it's both so full and so empty and it's . AUGH.
you play as a little thing called a vessel. your name, as according to your half sister, is Ghost. Or, at least, she calls you little ghost, and you may as well take it as your own.
[you are one of many. she calls you little ghost because you are the ghost of a hope that has long since faded.]
throughout the entirety of the game, some sort of infection - an awful orange thing - fills enemies and bugs and the world.
[it was the curse of a god scorned. she was stolen from, and she stole back. she was trapped by a vessel (not you, but your sibling) and she slipped through the cracks. did she deserve the first hit? of course she didn't. did the kingdom deserve it's death? it didn't either.]
it kills. but in between it all, there are so many people. you meet elderbug, who's been here since he was small - since the tail end of the kingdom's death. you meet quirrel, an amnesiac who recognizes only his calling to this place. you meet tiso, a fighter who seeks glory, myla a minerbug who fills her empty mines with music, bretta, a creative writer, zote, an overconfident traveler, nailsmith, a blacksmith who seeks to create the most beautiful weapon, cornifer, a mapmaker who hums a pretty tune that tells you that you are safe.
there are others, of course. more ghosts than you can imagine. some just people - just those who lived their lives in these caves and died in them too. commoners looking back and forth between a cross in the roads and arguing which way to go. a famous songstress, haunting her hall with her voice. some are warriors who fight you, even beyond the grave - a traitor to the king who lost his life for it. a protector who keeps the graves of his fellow people safe.
your father is a murderer. your mother is uncaring. the god that hurt your kingdom is best known for screaming [rage, pain, anguish - it's all of it, but she's hurting you too. you're fighting back. is that bad? you can't help her. to not kill her is to simply prolong the suffering of everyone. it's to continue her imprisonment. is that okay?]
[you can't do anything about the past. you can't stop this at it's start. you can't even be there for its end. it's long past over. what can you do, then?]
[you don't know. your father is a murderer and he is dead. your mother is uncaring and she is wasting away. the last god is screaming, and she is going to make it worse. you are all that is left. all you can do is your best.]
you break the padlocks on your sibling's cage [you kill your half sister's mother, and quirrel's teacher, and the mayor of the largest city in the kingdom], and you enter the black egg temple [you enter death and agony masquerading as a saving grace].
and here lies your choice.
1: you kill your sibling and take their place. you are the vessel, just as they are. they could not keep her trapped, and perhaps you won't be able to do it either, but you can keep her at bay.
2: your half sister helps in your fight. she keeps your sibling restrained, and you deal the final killing blows. your sister falls over, unbalanced and thrown off by your sibling, and when you trap yourself in this cage made for a god, she is there with you.
3: your half sister helps in your fight. she keeps your sibling restrained, and you go through your sibling into the space where the god herself lies. here, you fight the god herself and rid the land of the infection completely.
and here lies your choice:
what matters to you?
anyway. Here's the plot so far when it comes to the hollow empires au instead of normal hollow knight. mwah
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tweedfrog · 2 years
Ep 1: the Heirs of the Dragon
LOVE the shot of the burnt insides of harrenhal
"That's almost large enough to saddle two" my god these bitches gay
Ser Harold's pearl clutching when he saw Daemon on the throne
Aemma seems so lovely and sensible 😔 girl we are gonna get you out of there and you can stop trying for kids. Her speech about mourning all the dead children she can and failing in her duty to provide an heir 💔💔💔
Lord Lyman saying "Dear me" to Daemons gross rant about Rhea Royce. He's been a real one from day 1. I know a young lord lyman would treat me right.
You can really see the difference in splendour and size between this tourney and the s1 GoT tourney.
Daemons armor looks great. Totally impractical but great.
The crowd booing Daemon for his unsportsmanlike conduct dhalaidjssjsk hes entering his Elon Musk era
Loved Rhaenyra and Alicents little bitchy gossip sesh
Bby Laena gripping Laenors arm when the knight is getting beaten up 💔
The increasing tourney violence juxtaposed with Aemmas increasingly gory birth....
Daemon does have a point. Viserys is weak and I'm kind of happy he pointed that out.
I like that they showed Rhaenys looking a bit (imo) conflicted when Rhaenyra was named heir and the lords swore their pledges. It must've hurt for her.
Wish we'd seen more of the politicking at the great council :(. Especially the random lesser claimants like Saeras sons and the descendent of Daenys and Gaemon's second daughter who married a petty lord. Also can you imagine seeing Jaehaerys interacting with one of Saeras illegitimate sons? That may well have been what finally sent him off.
Daemon is annoying me. I didn't mind him in the books but this version is actively passing me off. Gotta say beginning his speech with insulting the city watch was funny tho. Having him say "our city should be safe for all its people" after he spent the night being judge jury and executioner was just audacious....so yeah textbook Daemon
Having the gold cloaks just be thugs terrorising the city like??? Why???? AGCAB tho (all gold cloaks are bastards)
WHY are they acting like absolute male preference primogeniture was firmly established by the great council? That happened after the dance my guys. Picking Rhaenyra over Daemon may have been kind of shaky because of the great council of 101 but it could be justified with andal law, or if daemon is so widely distrusted/disliked another great council.
Fights to the death being allowed in jousting. It's supposed to be an exercise for wartime not an actual war smh
Im sorry but Caraxes looked like one of the Jurassic park dinosaurs in the scene where Daemon lets Mysaria touch him
Not a fan of the prophecy being used by Viserys but if the dance ends with the prophecy being lost I won't mind it so much
Can they stop having everyone and their mother repeat the lyanna stark promise me line like please
I liked all of Alicents dresses but only Rhaenyras red tourney dress and heir dress. The first yellow/gold Rhaenyra dress was awful.
Rhaenyras heir outfit was *chefs kiss*
I liked Mysarias white dress in the brothel.
Miscellaneous thoughts:
What do dragons smell like if they're that stinky that you smell like them after a ride???
my man Corlys is rolling over in his grave cause one of his descendants is now one of those very pirates beggaring the realm
Interesting having Viserys be cut (or claim to be cut) by the IT in the first ep when it's taken as a sign of being unfit to rule in the books...AND THEN IT CUTS HIM FOR REAL.
"Bad humours of the mind can affect the body" Ok Sygmynd Fraeud
Bro Viserys' dream sounds just straight up like wishful thinking not dragon dreams 😭😭😭
If I were Otto I'd hate Daemon too "don't let him provoke you" like fuck you Viserys he just insulted the man's recently deceased wife
"You are Daemon Targaryen. Rider of Caraxes, wielder of dark sister, sufferer of plot necessary erectile dysfunction"
We deserve a spin off prequel where Daemon slowly works through every small council position and fails miserably while Otto tears out his hair
Otto you are going to hell along with Viserys. Imagine pimping your teenage daughter out to the king in one of her mothers dresses . Imagine not sending your teenage daughters best friend away when her father has placed her in this position. Viserys being this gross when he has a daughter Alicents age is atrocious.
Do they not have seperate rooms in Westerosi brothels?
The guy who paused mid-fuck to listen to Daemons heir for a day speech hdsldjwkajdjs
Daemon trying to play off the heir for a day speech as GRIEVING IN HIS OWN WAY my god
Is it just me or do all the candles around the dragons kind of imply the Targaryens worship them? I like that idea I'm keeping it.
Overall thoughts:
They should have trigger warnings on these episodes for pregnant people cause jesus christ
Viserys really loves threatening to cut people's tongues out eh?
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drwcn · 3 years
《 Without Envy 》 storyboard 10 - concubine/sleeper agent!wwx & prince!lwj
Other snippets and storyboards can be found on [Master List]
Exactly 851 days - 2 years, 4 months and 11 days - after Wei Wuxian arrived at Gusu and began his mission as a sleeper agent, he was activated.
That chilly morning, he walked into the pastry shop - a front maintained by a decade-long Wen spy - a walk he'd done hundred of times on hundreds of mornings since he arrived. He breezed past the packaging counter, skipped through the faded cotton drapes, and rounded behind the back staircase to the room where Xue Yang always waited for him. Only this time, it was not just his candy-obsessed, murder-happy shidi, but a face he hadn't seen in many, many months. "...Shifu?" Wen Zhuliu's visit meant the end of his carefree days. It's time. That night, Wei Wuxian did not look at either Lan Wangji or Jiang Yanli when he bid "dianxia" and "Jiang-zhuzi" good night. He pretended to retire to bed early, after washing himself of his servant's exterior and donning his robes of night-black. He laid in the dark, waiting for time to pass, and reminded himself of his true purpose. He was never meant to care about these people; love these people. Jiang Yanli was not his doting foster sister; Lan Wangji was not his beloved wangye. I am Wei Wuxian of the great Qishan Wen. Nevernight is my home. I am a spy. Gusu is my enemy. Wei Wuxian kept his eyes closed, his breathing even, and his heartbeat slow. In the lonely quiet, he waited, and waited, and waited. Until the candlelight around the princely manor dimmed to nothing, until the night grew still and the moon shone bright and high in the dark, dark sky. Reaching under the floorboard beneath his bed, Wei Wuxian retrieved his life-long companion from its hiding place and released it from its sheath. "Hello, old friend." He whispered, stroking the blade edge. Suibian's steel glistened with cold malevolence in the stark, pale moonlight.
It would be another year before WWX's identity is discovered. During that time, he lived a double life. In the day, he was Lan Wangji's precious Wei Ying, and at night, he was the blade in Wen Ruohan's hand, stealing, killing and destroying on command. His assignments were not always murder; sometimes it required him to break into secure facilities and obtain copies of certain documents. He was never alone on these jobs; there was always someone convalescing with him from within. Slowly, he began to realize just how deep Wen Ruohan's spy network had infiltrated Gusu's foundation. In a way, it excited him, to know that the posturing and pretending would soon be over, that in the near future a quick war would sweep across the land and unite the two nations. In another way, it frightened him to the bones.
Wei Wuxian killed 37 individuals within the span of a year, 37 men and women of different ranks, status and stations. He did not always know why these people needed to die; in fact, he often didn't and preferred it that way. If he didn't know the motive, then he couldn't argue against the reason, and thus could go on believing that what Wen Ruohan did was ultimately for the betterment of everyone. The men of Gusu were weak - Wei Wuxian was always told - they were not fit to rule. The people of Gusu would be better served under a united empire. He repeated this statement to himself before every job, but over time, the mantra on his tongue began to lose its flavour.
In the meantime however, Lan Wangji and Jiang Yanli quickly formed a strong plan on how they wanted to live out the rest of their lives. Lan Wangji never quite enjoyed laying with women, but Jiang Yanli had just enough wickedness behind her demure exterior that things were... well, interesting. In any case, it was not long before she came to him all smiles and whispered the good news over luncheon .
"Truly?" Lan Wangji set down his chopsticks. "Hm uhm." Jiang Yanli dapped her mouth delicately. "Now, perhaps it's a good time to discuss how dianxia should go about winning A-Xian's affection. He's under the impression you've cast him aside on taishi's orders and has been giving him the cold shoulder." "I wasn't." Lan Wangji defended himself, distressed and slightly offended. "It's just, huangshu's been watching me like a hawk. I was afraid any further attempt to be closer to him would give my uncle reason to remove him from my household entirely." Jiang Yanli was sympathetic. "The summer hunt is in two week's time, and afterwards, since bixia always likes to finish the night on the river with fireworks, perhaps...." She let the sentence dangle, a knowing smile playing at her lips. Lan Wangji felt hope.
Unfortunately, a little hiccup happened before the hunt could take place. Jin Ziyan falsely believed that Wei Wuxian had fallen out of favour with Lan Wangji and was itching to show him his place. Poor Mo Xuanyu was caught in the middle. Jin Ziyan knew Wei Wuxian was an audacious one, but not so stupid that he could be easily goaded into committing a grave offence. Thus, Jin Ziyan planned to cause an incident in the garden whereby poor Mo Xuanyu would unwittingly "offend" him, and he would publicly announce a punishment that was harsher than necessary. He made sure that Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian were near by, as they usually took a mid-afternoon stroll after lunch. True to his predictions, Wei Wuxian could not stop himself for interfering on Mo Xuanyu's behalf. Then in their altercation, Jin Ziyan would fall into the pond, making it seem as though Wei Wuxian was the one who shoved him out of anger. Oh but a lowly servant shoving Hanguang-wang's deputy consort into the pond??! He was as good as dead. What's more, everything happened on the same afternoon that Lan Qiren was scheduled to visit Lan Wangji to discuss matters of court. If it was only Lan Wangji, Jin Ziyan knew Wei Wuxian would suffer little consequence, but taishi tolerated no insubordination or churlish behaviour of any kind.
Lan Qiren was incensed, livid, but he was not hasty to deal the punishment. Instead he turned to his nephew and asked, whilst fully knowing the answer, "Wangji, your household follows the regulations that govern all princely manors, does it not?" "It does, huangshu." "Then tell me what is the punishment reserved for a servant for daring to lay hands on a deputy consort and to cause physical harm to said consort?" "It....I - huangshu -" "What is the rule?" Lan Wangji knew very well that the punishment was death for any servant, maid or eunuch who dared to harm any member of the harem. But Wei Ying, his Wei Ying... "Wei Ying is very precious to Yanli and to Yunmeng-hou. As well..." Lan Wangji hesitated. "Yanli is with child again. It is still very early so we thought it best not to announce it lest we have a repeat of last time. It would not do to upset her at this time." Lan Qiren was extremely dissatisfied with his answer, but conceded for Jiang Yanli's sake. "I'm glad, Wangji, that you've found your way back to your proper companions. This Wei Wuxian clearly has been spoiled to the point of impropriety. His actions today are utterly unacceptable and cannot be allowed to go unpunished or else others would surely follow his example. Guards!" "Detain Wei Wuxian. Have him strung up on a post in the servants' courtyard and give him fifty lashes. No food nor drink. Sun or rain, he is not to be let down until dusk tomorrow." "Huangshu!" Lan Wangji's head buzzed, as though someone had struck him squarely in the temple. His chest felt tight, and his heart ached where it rebelled inside him. "Please -" "He has his life. That is mercy enough."
Wei Wuxian was stripped down to his trousers only and tied up to a post, his hands bound together above him and his bare feet never finding purchase on the ground no matter how he struggled. This fucking suck ass. Jin Ziyan you're a dead man. When all fifty lashes were dealt, even the guards were sweating through their robes. They left him dangling there in the blistering summer heat. A young maid dared to try and sneak him some water but was thwarted by an older momo. "What do you think you're doing, lassie? Did you not hear taishi, no food or drink until dusk tomorrow. Do you want lashes too? Go on! Go!" It rained hard all through the night, only easing up at dawn, but the aftermath of the storm left the air muggy and humid. Combined with the heat, it felt as though he was being steamed alive like a wheat bun. At some point during the second day, Wei Wuxian finally lost consciousness. He was not aware when Lan Wangji barged into the courtyard against Lan Qiren's explicit orders and cut him free.
Really tho, i just want this scene to happen (╹ڡ╹ ) "I'm sorry." Wei Wuxian blinked at Lan Wangji's hunched figure sitting at his bedside. "Whatever for? You saved me, dianxia." Lan Wangji, "But it was my attention that put you in such a position in the first place. Huangshu was looking for a reason to punish you since that day he saw us in my study." Wei Wuxian, "dianxia..." "I find you... lovely, Wei Ying," confessed Lan Wangji with a heavy sigh. His ears burned red not only with the embarrassment of a youth in love but with shame. "I wish for your company, even when you have no desire to be part of my harem. Now I know my mistake. I should have respected the boundaries. I should've known my attention on you would incite jealousy from the others, and as a servant, you have no means of protecting yourself. This is entirely my fault." Wei Wuxian's heart fluttered despite himself. He quickly shook his head. "No dianxia, please don't blame yourself -" Lan Wangji, "perhaps I should send you back to Jiang-fu; I'm sure Jiang-xiao-gongzi would be delighted to have your company back. You would be safe there." Jiang Wanyin had come to visit his sister the very next day after Wei Wuxian was sentenced to whipping. He was one of the most accomplishment young men of his generation, anticipated to be a great general. Nie Mingjue had thought highly of him and had expected great things from this youth. Though perhaps what the late feng-jun found truly commendable was Jiang Wanyin's complete lack of pretense and his short-fuse temper. That is to say, he did not hesitate to get in Lan Wangji's face. His sister would have chastised him, had she not been so preoccupied by her tears. Wei Wuxian, "Jiang...Jiang Cheng was here?" "He was, and he was very upset about your condition. He left many fine medicine and ointments for you." Lan Wangji sighed again. "I shall speak with Yanli. If she is amenable, then I shall make arrangements for you to go back to Jiang-fu. You would not have to put up with me any longer." Lan Wangji stood up. Wei Wuxian grasped his sleeve immediately. In that moment, he could not tell if his panic was derived from his worry that he would not be able to complete his assignment if Lan Wangji were to send him away or if he simply did not wish to part with the prince. "Dianxia - I - I don't want to leave. I - it's true I had once rejected you, but...would you think less of me if I said your attention … hasn't been unwanted for a while, that I have come to enjoy them." At Lan Wangji's widened eyes, Wei Wuxian continued quickly. "You need not give me anything, no elevation, no rank. I don't care about any of that. I am a man, I have no ability to give you children. Nor do I have any family who would benefit from your continued favour of me. I am an orphan, dianxia, I have no place to go. I just....don't send me away. Please let me stay! I'm not afraid of Jin Ziyan, or taishi, or anything!" Lan Wangji sat back down. His hand trembled when he laid it on top of Wei Wuxian's. "Wei Ying...?" Wei Wuxian smiled, still radiant despite his pale complexion. "Dianxia -" "Lan Zhan. No more dianxia, I only want to hear you call me by my name." Wei Wuxian flushed pink. The blush was real, as was the pleased little smile he tried to hide. "Lan Zhan, Wei Ying is yours, if you still want him." The worst part of that was that he meant it. Just the mere thought of being held by Lan Wangji, of being kissed by him, of... so many other wonderful possibilities, made Wei Wuxian want to hide his flaming face into his pillow. Lan Wangji smiled. Quietly, he lifted Wei Wuxian's hand and pressed a kiss to the inner side of his wrist. "Rest, I will be right here." Wei Wuxian felt his treacherous little heart soar: oh no … oh no no no no ….. (Xue Yang's voice in narration: and it was in this moment, that Wei Wuxian knew, he fucked up.) The cruellest thing Wei Wuxian ever did was give Lan Wangji hope knowing that one day he would take it all away.
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neighborhoodparker · 3 years
Panacea [0]
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Word count: 1,635
Warnings: Mentions of triggering/tough topics - such as abuse, racism, sexual coercion, and overall just toxic relationships. This is a general warning that will accompany every part of this little series. 
Summary: The one where you are given an introduction to your story.
Taglist: @sydneekomspacekru
(shitty) short introduction | part 1 | part 2
Roane County in Indiana, otherwise known as Hawkins, was supposed to be your new beginning. It was your way of starting over - of leaving behind your deadbeat father and your dead mother, of purging yourself of the sins of your family. Indiana was a huge change, especially in climate, when it came to your place of origin in middle-of-nowhere Arizona. Admittedly, it took you a while to get used to the colder temperatures - but you did what you’ve always done; you adapted. This was a skill you had to learn from a young age, especially with how poisonous your relationship was with your father. And, thankfully, your adaptive nature enabled you to quietly slip into the social structure that made up Hawkins's High - your extroverted, friendly nature helped as well, gaining you quick traction among the clichés of popularity. It was with ease that you blended in among those in town that held good names; after all, your mother had lived here for the first seventeen years of her life. Even though she had chosen to leave Hawkins all those years ago, you were welcomed back with open arms - and it was like you had lived your entire life within the small square footage that made up the strange town.  You have to suppose that a town of this magnitude never truly forgets who it marks as its own. 
And, well, it didn’t take long for Hawkins to mark you as one of its own. The ease you had with moving there seemed to infiltrate every aspect of your life. You got good grades - A’s on practically every assignment, quiz, and test, got along well with the teachers and the students, had no difficulties finding a job at the local diner, and you even hit the jackpot with a bewitching  significant other. At least, that last part is what every girl in your friend group told you. Now, Billy Hargrove was - in and of himself - a conundrum, to say the least. This was something you had figured out quickly about him; right after he had decided that your welcome to the town from him was his shirtless body hefting your heavy boxes into your new apartment. Before promptly deciding to spend the rest of the evening in the local diner with you, flirting more than you had ever seen a teenage boy do. In a way, you were still set apart from the others. Because you saw behind his façade; you saw behind the flirtation and sex appeal. There was a brokenness that you had only ever seen in one other place, and that was in the eyes that stared back at you when you looked in a mirror. The life he had at home wasn’t good - and your suspicions were confirmed the first night his younger step-sister had showed up to your apartment with him sprawled out in the backseat of his Camaro, with wounds that only could have been inflicted by a man in a drunken rage. 
His sister, Max, was another person you had quickly formed a bond with. That night, when she brought Billy to you because she had no other place to take him, she found out just how far your generosity could spread. From that moment forward, after you had patched up the wounds on a moaning Billy, your apartment became a safe haven for the two of them - especially for Max. Every time their house gets too loud or too violent, Max finds her own way to you; a frequent occurrence that caused you to give her your spare key. Unfortunately, though, Billy’s conundrum of an existence only grew bigger after the night you patched him up. Even though you were supposed to be his nepenthe - the one thing that takes away all his pain and sorrows, the one thing that helped him heal - he refused to admit that you did anything to help him. In his mind, it was a weakness he couldn’t afford and - frankly - that never happened. Honestly, you see more of Max these days than you do of Billy. And you’re naïve about it. You think that just because you’re helping Max that you’re helping Billy; you believe that he’s embarrassed and doesn’t want you to be pulled into his horrific domestic life. 
You’re naïve because you think you can fix him. You see the broken parts, the fragmented sides of this unhealed child that’s become your boyfriend - and you think that if you give him enough time, enough patience, that he’ll come forward, that he’ll let you help. But he won’t. Because, frankly, Billy Hargrove is past saving. He’s headed down a dark path and you’re only going to be caught in the crossfires. But you don’t know that; not consciously, anyways. He’s never laid a hand on you, so you think that things are okay. You don’t understand that it’s not okay that he doesn’t show up, that he yells at you when he gets mad and doesn’t talk about it after. You think that this is just his way of coping - that it’s different from what you did when you were with your father. And what makes your naivety even worse is that you swore you would never end up in a relationship like your mother. You watched, physical altercation after physical altercation, as your mother became more beaten and more bruised - and you swore, you promised, you vowed, that you wouldn’t become your mother. You broke that. Because you didn’t know that your parents started out the same way that you and Billy did. And as hard as it is to take it in, you are just as doomed as your mother was. You don’t have enough love to spare to put him back together again. But love isn’t what can fix him. Nothing can patch a boy together when he has crevices as empty and deep as Billy. 
And this doesn’t begin to touch the things that he does with you that you know are wrong. He’s a very high-driven, sexual person - and this is something that you found out decently quickly once you officially got together.  It never mattered if you were in the mood for it or not, you were too focused on trying to meet his needs when he finally told you about them that you didn’t realize just how bad coercion is. You think that you have it good because everyone else is jealous of the intimacy you have with him. You don’t realize that his coercion, his guilt-tripping to get you to please him is just assault. And even though he gets aggressive when you’re in bed, when he bruises you because you’re not doing something the way he likes, you don’t see the red flags. Deep down, you know that the way he treats you is wrong - but he’s never laid a hand on you outside of your private time together, so you think it’s okay. You think what you have is love and that it’ll get better once you get him out of his toxic household, but that’s not true. The abuse he experiences is so profoundly engrained in who he is that the toxicity will only follow him once he leaves. He might get out of the house, might leave behind his asshole of a father, but he is another victim that will fall into the idiom of the apple not falling far from the tree.
That’s just another way in which you and Billy are more similar than most people think. He’s turning out to be just like his father - and you’re heading down the same path that your own mother did; despite all your best attempts to pledge to her gravestone that you’ll be different. Your childhood was spent watching an abusive relationship pave itself; your father was always under the influence of something, whether alcohol or drugs, and it ignited an anger in him that could only be taken out in physical ways on your mother. You spent enough nights hiding in your closet with your blanket and pillow, trying to get away from the sounds of your mother begging and pleading, that you’d think you would know to get out of whatever you have going on with Billy. And one thing that makes you less similar to him, that sets you apart, is how you both coped with the abuse you’ve seen in your homes. You turned to books and school, delving into every interest and hobby that popped up as you grew. You found friends and a way out of the house and hyper-focused on how you would one day get out. But Billy, he turned to other things - like cigarettes and working out and blaring loud music. He found hookups and hyper-focused on how he was one day going to get back at his dad for all the pain, all the suffering, the man had caused him. Perhaps, in a way, you were two opposing sides of a coin - and maybe that was just another thing that added to your naivety about your relationship with him. 
You watched as your father, day after wretched day, slowly killed your mother. You watched as she dug her own grave, watched as your father finally - after years of her surviving - put her six feet in the ground. And Max, the girl who’s practically become your own little sister, the girl who would do just about anything to see you get away from her older step-brother, is determined to save you. The way she sees it, your fate is now in her hands - and it’s not something that she, or her “baby-sitter”, will take lightly.
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Top 5 Best Executed Deaths
A few weeks ago, I did a list talking about the Top 5 Character Deaths That Made Me Side-Eye the Writers and I thought it was only fair that I talk about some of the character deaths that I thought were actually done well. So consider this like a companion to that list. 
Like I said in that T5F, this is TWDG, a game series all about people surviving in a world overrun by zombies. Naturally, characters are going to die. Some of these characters get pretty shitty deaths that only happened to fill a quota, some had effort and thought put into them and how they were going to effect the story and remaining characters. These are deaths that served their purpose, progressed the story, or are an understandable conclusion to a character’s arc. 
Do keep in mind that when I say that I enjoy the way these were done/handled/portrayed/whatever, this isn’t me taking joy outta watching these deaths play out. Hell, I kinda hate most of the deaths on this list, but just because I don’t want this character to die or I wish they stuck around longer doesn’t mean I can’t recognize when it’s executed well, y’know? 
5. Larry and the meat locker incident
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So.... Larry’s an asshole, y’know? He made it on another T5F because he sucks. No one likes Larry. 
He treats Lee like garbage, treats his own daughter terribly, and is overall just a piece of shit. That being said, he played his role well. He did what he needed to do which was be a antagonistic character within the group who posed a threat to Lee by threatening to expose his past. He creates a lot of tension within the group, he puts all this pressure on Lilly, you can’t even attempt to show any kindness to him because he doesn’t care about anyone but himself and Lilly. 
That being said.... his death scene is pretty good. Y’know, you play through ep2 for the first time and you’ve just discovered that these people are cannibals and they have you locked in a fucking meat locker so they can butcher you later, and Larry is freakin’ the fuck out because he’s pissed. Lilly is sick in the corner, Kenny is desperately trying to find a way out because they have his family, and Clementine is terrified, and Lee is just waking up. 
You go over and try to calm Larry down because he’s pounding at the door and this dude.... this bastard has the gall to be like “Fuck you, you must really hate me! I’m plannin’ on bein’ around waaaaaay after you’re dead! I’ll be the one to put you down!”
Then he has a heart attack. 
And you’re stuck in this meat locker with him. You don’t know if he’s alive or not-- Kenny immediately deems him dead, Lilly is desperately trying to resuscitate him, and they’re both yelling at you. You gotta decide if you’re gonna help Lilly try to bring him back, or if you’re gonna help Kenny make sure he doesn’t turn. 
Not matter what you do, Kenny smashes Larry’s head in with a damn saltlick because I guess he missed the opening of the episode where they remind you that your actions have consequences. 
Larry’s death has lasting effects on your relationships with both Lilly and Kenny, though more so Kenny since no matter what, Lilly loses it a little and ends up murdering Carley/Doug and leaving the group. But boy, Kenny will never forget the time you didn’t wanna play hero with him and smash a guys head in right in front of his daughter. 
It’s a damn good scene, I gotta hand it to ‘em. I hate Larry and I can’t say I miss him, but I can definitely see both sides of the argument on what to do there. Plus it’s... I dunno, a creative death? and I kinda like that? No one else is out here getting their heads done in with a saltlick, y’know? 
Anyway, Larry sucks but his death? Well done. 
4.  Minerva and the tragic showdown on the bridge
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Oh man, I really am digging my own grave with the Minnie crowd lately, huh? Ah well, I’m sure it’s fine. 
Listen...okay, look. I have a lot of feelings about the bridge scene. On one hand, I hate it. On the other hand, I kind of love it? 
Like, does it piss me off that Tenn dies here because I trust AJ? Yep. Do I still wish they had maybe put Lilly here so that she could actually do her job as a villain? Sure. Does it upset me that AJ ends up shooting his best friend in order to save Louis? Totally. Does it annoy me that Minerva just won’t fucking die even though I shot her and the walkers keep nom noming her? Absolutely. 
That being said, I can’t pretend that Minerva’s death isn’t pretty great.... which I know will upset the Minnie crowd who always talk about how it’s bullshit she died here and she deserved a redemption arc... but lemme explain. 
Looking at the game itself, the text and story progression, Minerva was never going to get that. She was never set up as someone we were gonna “fix” or as someone who would have a change of heart and switch to our side. From the moment we meet her, she’s too far gone. The delta have their claws sunk deep within her, they brainwashed her, forced her to murder her own sister, and she has completely given up. She never expresses any desire to go back to the school. Nope, the delta is her home now. Her family. And it’s tragic. She and Sophie proof of what would happen to the Ericson crew if the delta go ahold of them-- “which twin will you be?” y’know? 
She fucks us over instead of actually helping us, we escape, the boat explodes, but Minerva doesn’t go down with the boat. Nope, she makes it to land and well... she fucking loses it. She sees her delta family get taken out by walkers and she goes nuts with her gun and gets half of her face chewed off by a walker.
So yeah..... she’s dead. Almost. They try to act like we’re supposed to believe that she’s really dead after she gets surrounded by walkers and throws the grenade at Clementine and all that but c’mon.... unless I see a body or a walker version, I don’t believe shit. 
Which brings me to the bridge.... there’s a lot of dread building up to Minerva’s final appearance, and you just hear her singing the damn song and bringing a bunch of walkers with her. Not to mention that she already looks dead. She looks like a walker who can talk, and not gonna lie, I like it. It’s freaky and sad and fucked up and adds so much to her character at this point. I mean, she’s here to kill Tenn so that they can all be a family again. She’s smiling and relieved that she’s dying and boy she just can’t wait to take Tenn with her and it’s not great.
She’s here to die and to take someone down with her, and she’s not leaving until she does. Hell, if she can take Clementine out, that’s just a bonus at this point. 
ALSO can’t forget that if AJ does shoot and kill Tenn, Minerva is still alive as she’s being eaten by walkers and she looks so damn happy as she reaches out and says, “Yes, come with me...” 
Like..... it’s so fucked, and I hate that I love it. From a storytelling standpoint, it’s a fitting death to conclude Minerva’s character and it impacts everyone there in more ways than one. 
3. Duck and incredible emotional impact
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Oh, Duck... poor, poor Duck. 
This one has stuck with me and I hate it. I was never one of those players who hated Duck from the beginning. It’s interesting to go back and see how people reacted to him in the first couple episodes because a lot of them didn’t like him. They found Duck to be annoying, loud, stupid, and would even wonder “yeesh, when can I kill this kid?” 
Which is yikes but not gonna get into that right now. 
But from my understanding, Telltale got wind of this and knowing they were gonna kill him off, were like “Okay, y’all dumb, so here--” and they added in that little segment with Detective Duck where he helps Lee figure out what’s been going on with the stole meds. It’s a cute scene where we get to hang out with Duck and he proves that he’s not stupid, he’s just... y’know, a child. 
Then the motor inn gets attacked, shit goes down after they escape, and it’s revealed that Duck was bitten. 
Oh man, let me tell you about emotional impact both on the characters and the player because wow. 
Duck’s death is slow, drawn out...and since it’s early in the series, there’s a lot of denial, mostly from Kenny. They find the train and Kenny fixates on it because to him, if he gets it working and they can just get away, Duck can recover. Duck isn’t like the others, he’s just a little sick and everyone is making a big fuss about it. 
Then you have Katjaa, who starts out in that denial stage but she moves into acceptance a lot quicker than Kenny does and well.... that might be because she made up her mind about what she was going to do, which that is a whole other layer of fucking despair to this situation. 
They also do something that I like with Kenny by adding that depth of him believing he had something like this coming after what happened at Hershel’s farm. Y’know, when he grabbed Duck and took off, leaving Shawn to die? Yeah that. 
He’s been so adamant about protecting his family to the point where he doesn’t have anything for the rest of the group, aside from Lee if he helps kill Larry. He did what he could to keep his wife and child safe and in the end, it didn’t matter. Duck still got bit, and now everything is shit. 
Then when you thought it couldn’t hurt even more, you find Katjaa dead in the woods and you still have to take care of Duck, whether you have Lee shoot him or have Kenny do it, or even just leave him to turn. Either way.... Duck’s death is just one big ol’ despairing oof.
It’s really good, guys. The music, dialogue, scenery, the pain....They really nailed Duck’s death in such an emotional way and it doesn’t just end there. This sticks with Kenny all the way through S2 and changes him as a character. It impacted Clementine and Lee greatly because this kickstarted Chuck telling them that Clem would end up just like Duck if things didn’t change. 
S1 just... knew how to kill off its characters... well, for the most part. 
2. Marlon and the death that had to happen whether we like it or not
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Sigh.... okay. 
So... Marlon. Lemme tell you some things about Marlon’s death. 
First, I hate it. Nothing new there. If you know anything about me, you know that I am vocal in my desire for the Marlon redemption arc, for the “Marlon lives” AU’s and the “Marlon lives longer but dies differently” AU’s. I like Marlon as a character, I find him to be a fascinating character study. Ray Chase’s performance as Marlon brings so much personality and I love it.  So naturally, I wanted more of him in TFS. 
Here’s the thing. I may want all of those things, I may take a lot of joy from discussing these ideas with you guys and coming up with different scenarios,  theories, AU’s about him, and I’ll always be the first one to be like “I hate that Marlon dies in ep1, I wish AJ hadn’t shot him! Woulda liked for him to stick around longer!” 
But with the story TFS is trying to tell, Marlon has to die. AJ has to shoot him. I don’t like it, you don’t like it, no one likes it.... but that’s just how it is. 
Marlon is presented to us as this chill and genuine guy trying to keep his group safe and together. He feels the pressure of being responsible for all the lives in this school and that’s a lot to put on a teen growing up in the apocalypse. 
Then we learn that hey, the twins didn’t die. No, last year they ran into Abel and Marlon made a deal with him where he traded the twins in order to save himself, Brody, and the rest of the school. He wanted to plan a rescue mission, but he was too scared, so he and Brody kept it to themselves. They made up a story about the twins dying and moved on, but that continued to weigh down on them. 
Then Abel comes back, Brody freaks out, tells Clementine the truth, and Marlon hits her so hard that it kills her. 
And it gets worse. 
You go through the whole confrontation with Marlon trying to cover his ass and blame Clementine for Brody’s murder, he’s waving AJ’s gun around and threatening to shoot Clem while everyone is gathered around watching. It’s raining, it’s super dramatic and tense and I love it. 
In the end, Marlon gives up and he just wants to leave. Let him become a bad memory, he’ll never come back, just let him go. 
Then AJ shoots him in the head unprompted. He just.... he just does it and then wonders why everyone is looking at him like he’s a murder baby. 
Marlon’s death is crucial, not just to kickstart the plot but also for AJ’s character arc. His death affects everyone in that school. It makes Clementine question herself and if she’s raising AJ right, it breaks Louis’ heart, it pisses off Mitch, it sets Violet off on her bullshit. Everyone is hurting and confused because they don’t know what to do. Marlon is dead and AJ, this tiny toddler, was the one who pulled the trigger. 
From the beginning, we’re told that AJ is always listening, watching, and what we do will affect him for better or worse.... and maybe you don’t think much when you tell him to always aim for them head, but when he says exactly what you taught him after murdering Marlon...? Yeah, you’re sitting there like “Well, fuck.” 
But if this didn’t happen, if AJ didn’t kill Marlon, then.... there’s not a lot left. Sure the raiders are still coming, but AJ no longer has to go through what he has to or realize how much he hurt everyone. He’s no longer on that path that made him such an interesting and layered character. 
Sure, you coulda made him shoot someone else, but the fact that it was Marlon is what made it impactful.
Ugh, it’s good and I hate it. I hate it so much. 
1. Lee and the death that broke all our hearts
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What else is there to say?
Well, alright, I’ll explain. 
We play as Lee in S1, we go on this whole journey with him and develop him as a character, establish relationships, and care for Clementine. He’s a great character. I did a list on why he’s great, too, if you wanna check that out but all you really need to know is that we all loved Lee.
Lee’s got a lot of baggage, given that he was on his way to prison for murdering the dude who was sleeping with his wife. But then the apocalypse happened and he got a second chance to do some good... or I guess bad? if you do a scumbag Lee run? 
Anyway-- no matter what, he cares for Clementine and it’s nice to see them bond over the course of the season... so when shit hits the fan and Clementine gets kidnapped by the Stranger, we’re just as upset as Lee is.
Then Lee gets bit.... and we realize that even though he’s our playable protagonist, he was never safe either. He gets bit and I can still remember the feeling of like... a bowling ball dropping in my stomach and my heart hurting because no... no, no, not Lee. I basically became Kenny like “No, he’s different! Lee isn’t gonna die! Being bit doesn’t mean death!” and while that is technically true.... had to face it: Lee’s going to die by the end of the season. 
Ep5 of S1 is a whole journey... We’re dealing with trying to save Clementine while seeing Lee get worse and worse-- he’s passing out, he’s growing paler and slower and it’s hard to watch. You maybe get a little bit of hope if you decide to cut his arm off, but that’s just... it’s too late for that. 
Not only is he fighting this, but then you got Ben who gets impaled and Kenny “dies” putting him outta his misery and Lee’s powerless to do anything. So great, that sucks. 
But at least he’s got Christa and Omid.... until they get separated at the Marsh House and Lee’s gotta get through a herd of them by himself. 
This slow burn is so good. His condition gets progressively worse but he’s so determined to get to Clem that it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t have time to think about what is inevitably going to happen to him, even if the player does. 
And just.... the final scene... y’know, the actual death scene? 
It’s so good. It’s a beautiful, emotional punch in the face. Like, way to end your game like this... Lee is trapped her with Clementine and he can’t walk, he can’t get up no matter how much Clementine begs him to try, he just- he can’t. He knows it’s all over for him and so he has her handcuff him to this heater so that no matter what, he can’t hurt her and just.... their final moments together where Lee is minutes away from death but is struggling to tell her as much as he can and I’m crying.
Then of course, the final choice-- Do you shoot Lee, or do you leave him to turn?
Both ending hurt my soul, but they’re both great in different ways. Shooting him is so heartbreaking... seeing little Clem sobbing as she points the gun at him and closes her eyes, then it cuts to black as the shot rings out and you hear Lee’s final breath....
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Lee manages to tell her more when you choose not to shoot him, but just watching Clementine get to the door and her little “don’t go” before Lee closes his eyes and falls over limp... falls over dead, I just--
Ouch... I am applauding this through my ugly sobs. 
It’s the best death in the series. It has everything and then some- emotional impact, works to progress the story and characters, amazing dialogue and performances.... It still gets me to this day. 
Honorable Mentions
-Mark’s death technically happens off screen, but I mean, c’mon... Mark wasn’t the most compelling character, but everyone remembers what happened to him. Everyone remembers walker Mark. What happened to him showed us just how fucked the St Johns were and it’s excellent.  -Brody’s death is pretty good, too.  -Abel’s death is an interesting one. He’s a garbage can, but they managed to humanize him just a bit by the way he hands his soon-to-be demise.  -Badger when Conrad kills him. It’s super good.  -I’m looking over this list now and it’s kinda funny that not a single S2 death made it here... it’s almost like all the character death that happened there was because a quota needed to be filled and who cares about complex character development when you got Kenny and nothing really matters I guess... ugh. The best deaths would probably be Carver, and Kenny when you shoot him but they’re not good enough to be in a top 5 so.... good job.
So... that was fun. What do you guys think? Do you agree with my choices or nah? Do you have a favorite death I didn’t list that you thought was well executed? Let me know, I’m curious. 
Have any suggestions for future T5F’s? Feel free to send ‘em in! :D
Next week’s T5F
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threadofdestiny · 3 years
Magnolia (Bakugou x F!Reader)
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Feudal Japan AU
Shogun!Bakugou x Midoriya’s sister!reader
Summery: Her mother, lady Midoriya Inko, had once told her that the gods had predestined a path for every single person. All she had to do was follow the path and trust that it would lead her to happiness. But how could (Y/N) find happiness in a political formed marriage with her brother’s rival, a man known for being brutal and cold hearted?
Warnings: sexual content in later chapters / period-typical-sexism / strong language / violence / Drama / Angst / Fluff / Slow Burn/ political marriage / Reader is Izuku's sister / period-typical-discriptions like vague mentions of longer hair to form typical hairstyles or specific wardrobe / Bakugou is not good at feelings / Bakugou is a mean, explosive boi / third-person perspektive
If someone wants to be tagged, just let me know :)
Taglist: @bakugous-mamas​, @bnhastories​, @brittkimm​, @ ellieitstimetosleep, @belladonna-the-aphrodisiac​
Chapter 1, Chapter 4, Chapter 6
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Chapter 5
Crumbling down
"You can't be serious, Kacchan...This is going way to fast! I am sure that we could make him keep quiet until we are past the traditional engagement period! If not, I could send her to some of my relatives until the rumors had died down. Away from the capital. Away from society."
"Damn Deku! Are you really that fucking starry-eyed to take a chance like that? Your sister was attacked a mere few hours after you were publicly declared as the heir to the throne! As if she would be safe anywhere else than with you or me."
"P-Perhaps no one realized what happened on the festival. Even if, such a swift action will only make people more suspicious, maybe even casting you in a bad light! In the worst case they'll think you've laid hands on her before your wedding."
"What do I care about that? Let them think that I couldn't keep my hands off of her long enough. In their eyes, I'm already the bad guy anyway. It's better than having followers of Shindo trying to spread lies and people to start questioning the hell out of you in response. When they are going to question her reputation, they are going to question yours as well!"
"Like that's even remotely better, when they are going to question yours!"
"Are you deaf, you dumbass? It does not fucking matter! They should fear me anyway!", the shogun interrupted his interlocutor in a sharp voice before continuing his explanation a bit more quietly but just as urgently after he paused for a second to take a breath:"He could lay a claim on her, forcing you to concede, if you want to prevent a scandal. You'd be forced to break off the engagement between her and me to give her to Shindo at worst. Do you really want to give that slimy liar the power he would automatically receive as the brother-in-law of the next emperor?", Bakugou growled dangerously agitated behind the closed doors of Izuku's study.
All the servants of the household had to retire earlier that night by Lady Midoriya's instructions in order to put the illusion of privacy to their noble masters minds. The now dead silence in the halls of the mansion was only broken by the dull sounds of the quarreling men which sounds penetrated through the thin walls, giving the lonely almost creepy mood a dramatic atmosphere. The banging of shattering porcelain and the vigorous shouts of the men, startled the two lady's who were standing in the hallway all alone by themselves. Sobbing, (Y/N) pressed her head against her quivering mother's shoulder, flinching every single time when either one of the men exchanged too harsh words with one another. Both ladies listened to the heated argument between the furious shogun and the equal upset head of their family, not daring to interrupt them in any way. With trembling fingers, the young girl clawed at the fabric of Lady Midoriya's kimono, hiccuping every few seconds due to the endless tears that streamed down her face. Her mother tried to calm her down by gently stroking over her now loose hair, but the resounding sounds of the quarrel, made her flinch over and over again.
"I'm so sorry... I-I'm so so sorry!", (Y/N) repeated desperately against her mother's neck, who tried to soothe her daughter, by rocking her back and forth like a child that cried out of the loss of its most precious toy. "Shh, you're not to blame. Everything will be fine!", she whispered into (Y/N)'s hair as she hugged her tighter against her soft, motherly chest, hoping to shoo her daughters inner fears away. Clanking and rumbling sounds came from the study as Bakugou began to shout again:"Do you think I feel like tying a damn, troublesome woman to my leg right now? I've got more important things to do than to deal with your family's shit, but we don't have a fucking choice, because all the other ways this could turn out are even shittier!", Bakugou's aggressive voice echoed through the walls, like the roaring of thousand thunderstorms as he loudly stomped around the closed room like a rampant bull. Wincing, (Y/N) dug her face deeper into her mother's shoulder as she heard him talking about her like she was a nuisance. The young girl clutched at Lady Midoriya, like she was the only thing that prevented her from drowning in her own sorrows. As if the woman was the only one that could save her from the path she would have to take after that life changing night.
How could she have been so careless? What had she done to deserve that fate? By a single moment of not thinking straight, her entire world had turned upside down once again. Only to boost her unstoppable fate to the immeasurable. With each passing second her control over the situation had slipped away, like grains of sand incessantly trickling between her fingers. She had conjured up a disaster that had fueled his dislike against her and her family and had managed to become a burden for her brother and her fiancé in a mere few hours. How should she survive such a start to her predetermined future and turn it around for the better?
"Kacchan, please! It was not my sister's fault that she was attacked. If anything, it was my fault. I should have taken better care of her. I should have anticipated that people would try to use her to get to me.", Izuku replied in anguish. Even through the barrier, (Y/N) could hear her brother's voice breaking as he blamed himself. He, too, was on the verge of tears. She heard it loud and clear. Her compassionate brother blamed himself, though he could do even less about Shindo's act than she could. If she had just stayed with him, or asked him to accompany her, none of this would have had to happen.
It had taken an eternity until both men had calmed down enough that their voices could no longer be heard through the thin walls. Another eternity had passed until, all at once, heavy footsteps sounded near the door before it was pushed open with a loud thud, revealing the illuminated study. Wincing, mother and daughter pulled apart as the looming shogun appeared in the doorway. His vermilion eyes scanned the hallway until they finally landed on his quivering fiance. When he caught sight of her teary eyes, his grim expression softened minimally, while he beckoned her over with a gesture of his right hand:"Come here, girl. There are some things we need to discuss!"
Nodding obediently, (Y/N) followed her future husband into the room where her brother was standing by the window, looking dejectedly through the cold glass. The darkness swallowed up the details of the garden behind and plunged everything into barely discernible shadows. The dimmed light of the individual candles, gleaned on the glassy surface and reflected Izuku's lamenting face. Without hesitation, the young girl knelt down on the soft tatami mats before stretching out her hands in front of her in a pleading pose, asking for forgiveness. Her forehead almost touched the ground as she quietly raised her thin voice: "My actions has brought grave repercussions upon our family. No matter what the consequences will be, I will endure them without hesitation!", the youngest Midoriya announced with a trembling voice, before she heard her brother draw in his breath sharply. "By the gods, (Y/N)! You can't help what happened tonight! I should kneel before you and beg for forgiveness!", exclaimed Izuku after turning to his sister, trembling resentfully. With brisk steps, he had run up to the youngest Midoriya to hastily pull her up by her upper arm, pressing her against him in a firm hug. Bakugou was silent as he watched the spectacle for a few moments with an unmoved face, before shortly after he cleared his throat to draw the sibling's attention:"We don't have time for this sentimental nonsense!", the blond shogun growled softly as he turned his gaze exclusively on his fiance's quivering frame, to address her directly:"It doesn't matter at all who is to blame for this fuss. As you had said, we're in a predicament now. So either way, you're not going to avoid having to endure the consequences.", he added as he busily began pacing the room with long strides. Izuku broke away from his sister, nodding sadly, as he placed his hands on her shoulders to calm her down. "Bakugou is right.", the newly appointed heir confirmed as he briefly pressed his fingers against his sister's collarbone, looking her straight in the eyes. Nodding, the young girl bit her lower lip as she waited for the consequences to be revealed.
An uneasy feeling spread through the area of her stomach as she gazed with teary eyes from her brother to her grimly looking betrothed, just to look back to Izuku, when he spoke up again: "I am sorry, sister, but we do not have time to wait for the proper engagement period to be over. To counteract certain rumors we will have to hold the wedding at the end of this week. That means you'll be leaving together with Bakugou in a few days to accompany him to his lands!", Izuku explained softly as he sadly averted his eyes.
A shiver ran down (Y/N)'s spine as her brother uttered the words she had secretly feared to hear. She hadn't even noticed that she had been holding her breath with pent-up tension, but she couldn't explain otherwise where the slight dizziness came from after she finally exhaled thin air out of her aching lungs. Nodding dejectedly, the youngest Midoriya clutched the thin fabric of her robe before letting her gaze drift to the side to look ultimately at her future husband's face. When her glassy eyes collided with Bakugou's vermilion ones, her breath caught within her throat for a brief moment. All of a sudden, it felt as if the youngest Midoriya's heart had burst out of her chest with all its might. It raced in unison with her thoughts as she slowly became aware of the full extent of her situation, clenching achingly, as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat.
Gone was the time to prepare herself for her inevitable future. Gone were the future opportunities to get to know Bakugou before their wedding. Gone was the vast amount of time she previously had left with her family, suddenly vanishing into thin air. All at once the memories she could have collected with them before her departure were torn away from her because of one single moment. One single mistake. One single power hungry man. In a mere few days she would belong to Bakugou Katsuki. She would have to ultimately leave her home to go with a man she had met only twice. Never in her life had she left her family for more than a few hours at once.
Forcing herself to come to her senses, (Y/N) ripped herself out of her depressing thoughts, shaking her head absently, before she averted her gaze away from the Shogun's captivating expression. She nodded again, accepting her fate, as she swallowed hard. "I-I see!", she murmured relentingly, as she turned her saddened gaze back to her older brother, who's eyes were glistening with unshed tears.
"Good, then we can now move on to the short term planning. We don't have much time to prepare, since I can't postpone the journey.", declared Bakugou bluntly, without trying to sugarcoat the situation as he sat down at the table and picked up a quill and some sheets of paper. With a faltering breath, (Y/N) listened to her future husband's words, after she and her brother had joined him at the table. Izuku sighed heavily as he briefly reached for his sister's hand to give it a firm squeeze before responding to his guest's statement: "...That would mean we barely have time to organize a proper ceremony!", he remarked gloomily as he briefly glanced in (Y/N)'s direction. Bakugou, however, just shrugged disinterested, before replying nonchalantly: "I don't mind. I'm not interested in throwing a huge celebration and having my feet kissed by some lickspittles, anyway.", the shogun grumbled, before he suddenly paused, turning his eyes towards his fiance. (Y/N) took a moment to realize that Bakugou was looking at her questioningly. He hadn't said it, but it seemed surprisingly like he was waiting for her opinion. The young girl blinked a few times before she dared to speak up: "A-ah.. a small ceremony sounds pleasant, I guess. P-Perhaps only with our closest confidants. It would be quite... private.", she breathed uncertainly, though truthfully, while she tilted her head to the side in thanks. When Bakugou nodded in satisfaction, the youngest Midoriya relaxed a tiny bit, watching how her betrothed began to write down some notes on the blank paper. The scratching of the quill on the paper echoed unnaturally loud in the otherwise silent room, before Izuku cleared his throat to share his own thoughts as well.
"We already handled most of the details in the previous contract. However, I have decided that I would like to send my sisters personal maid with her, so that she has someone around her who is not a stranger to her...", Izuku began slowly, before hesitating for a moment. He watched as the blond man included his request in the supplemental contract before the heir began again: "A-As for the dowry..." "I'm still not interested in the dowry, Deku. Save it for your sister, or do something else with it.", the Shogun interrupted brusquely, surprising (Y/N) who listened in astonishment. Her dowry was extremely high. She had never thought anyone would let that much money slip away, but Bakugou brushed it aside as if they were talking about some pocket money. Izuku caught himself, clearing his throat before nodding in defeat:"Very well, then, as it is customary from the bride's family, we will at least cover the cost of the wedding ceremony. I'm sure we can get the temple master to organize a mass in short notice when we offer a larger donation.", he murmured as he also reached for his own quill to write down a few sentences in the process. It took some time for Bakugou and her brother to finally agree on all the last minute changes, but in the end they both signed the amended contracts, finalizing the youngest Midoriya's short-term change of fortune.
Finally, Bakugou clicked his tongue as he rolled up his copy of the contract. Rain pattered against the pitch-black window, which successfully warded off the cold of the looming night. Red eyes gazed scrutinizingly in the flickering candlelight over the masses of scrolls and books which rested on the shelves against the walls, while the shogun let his rolled-up document disappear into the inside of his traditional robe.
"We are getting married this Saturday and will leave early the next morning. Use the rest of your time to prepare yourself.", the Shogun spoke as he turned his attention to his fiance. After receiving a sad nod from (Y/N), he slowly rose from his seated position. Izuku did the same to escort his future brother-in-law out of their home, but before Bakugou started to move, the blond man silently bent down once more to place a small box on the tabletop in front of the young girl.
"I would have actually given it to you before I left, but now that you're coming along, you get your second engagement gift now!", the blond shogun grumbled dismissively as he turned his face away with the corners of his mouth pulled down. Astonished, (Y/N) glanced up at Bakugou, before she accepted the gift as she slowly reached for the small box.
When she opened it, she caught sight of an ornately designed fan. The intricate woodwork of the dark handle was set with gleaming auspicious-looking copper-colored gems, while the silken fabric shone in a velvety black. Gulping, the young girl carefully lifted the gift out of its box so that she could open the fan with equal care. On the dark background, forest green and blazing orange lines formed a carefully drawn stylized dragon, which was surrounded by its own brightly burning fire. In its sharp claws it clasped a white flower, protected from the flames that surrounded the majestic beast. The motif seemed almost bizarre to her. As if the monster would want to crush the fragile flower in its paws, while at the same time it almost seemed as if it wanted to guard it. Its sharp eyes flashed dangerously up at her and reminded her in a strange way of the man who had given her this gift. A shiver ran down (Y/N)'s spine, but she tried to pull herself together in front of her fiance. Never in her entire life had she seen anything so fierce looking on such a delicate object. Holding her breath for a short moment, (Y/N) gazed at the precious craftsmanship before looking up again to try to smile gratefully at the Shogun. "It is beautiful, your grace. Thank you!", she breathed truthfully. Bakugou nodded briefly in response before turning away from her. (Y/N) could hear the two men moving away from her as she looked back down at her engagement gift. Her fingers carefully traced the fine lines of the sublime dragon as she took a shaky breath, asking herself if her fiance associated her with the delicate flower just as she had associated him with the mythical creature which gloomily looked up to her.
"Knock, knock!", sounded the gentle voice of Lady Midoriya, who cautiously entered her daughters chambers some time after the shogun had left their estate. Startled, (Y/N) spun around from her position at her small table, but smiled sadly as she caught her mother heading towards her with a tea tray in her arms. Her young daughter had been sitting alone for what felt like an eternity, unable to fall asleep after that dreadful night. "I thought a soothing tea would be just the right thing right now.", she murmured in a put-upon cheerful tone as she carefully set down her favorite tea set.
"Thank you, mother!", murmured (Y/N) as she rose slightly from her kneeling position to reach for the warm pot in trained expert fashion, to pour her mother and herself a soothing cup of warm herbal tea. Silence enveloped them as they both let their gaze drift aimlessly around the room after (Y/N) had leaned back again. Sighing, the older lady ran her fingers through her green hair, untied from it's usually elegant knot, before finally turning to her daughter and smiling lovingly at her. Seeing her grown-up girl dejectedly trying to suppress the quivering of her lips, Lady Inko raised her hand to place it reassuringly on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Don't worry, my little one! It'll be alright!", she whispered comfortingly as she patted her daughter's arm.
Hoping to take away some of her mother's worries, (Y/N) tried again to put on a small smile, but she failed miserably. Taking a deep shaky breath, the young girl tried to sort out her thoughts, before she dared to speak her mind: "What do you think about the Shogun?", she finally asked uncertainly, reaching for her cup of tea to occupy her fidgeting fingers. Rain pattered against the cool window, which was covered by velvet curtains to block out the darkness of the night. A few candles illuminated the comfortably furnished room in dim light, wrapping it in a soft blanket of warm shades. Humming silently to herself, Lady Inko lifted her gaze toward the ceiling as she pondered over her daughter's question.
"Well... The Shogun is an excellent match.", her mother replied after a moment. "Despite his reputation?", (Y/N) quietly probed further after taking a sip of the warm liquid. Lady Inko nodded after a moment's consideration before looking at her daughter again. "You know, your father and I are old acquaintances of Lord and Lady Bakugou. The young Shogun's father, worked side by side with your father in the Emperor's court. And Lady Bakugou is from the same province as me. I have known Mitsuki since childhood. We lost touch after she moved to the countryside with her husband, but I know that she is a good person just like her husband. They wouldn't be able to raise a cruel man. It's a pity that the two of them can't attend the ceremony, but by the time they would have arrived in the capital, you would have left long ago.", her mother began, smiling bittersweetly. Seeing that she had (Y/N)'s full attention, Lady Inko continued her descriptions with mild amusement:"Probably the shogun got his brusque trait from his mother. You should know that Mitsuki was incredibly fierce even back when we both were still unmarried. I remember that she never minced her words, no matter who was in front of her."
The youngest Midoriya's eyes widened in surprise as she looked at her mother in disbelief:"But it's not looked upon favorably when a woman simply speaks out what she thinks." Giggling, Lady Midoriya nodded in agreement. "You're right, but just because the noble society determines what's proper and what's not, doesn't mean there aren't people out there who think differently. Besides, not every man prefers a silent woman, you know? And hardly anyone shows his true face in public. I think there's more to the Shogun than the cold-blooded warrior everyone thinks he is, and I know you feel the same way."
Thoughtfully, (Y/N) let her mother's words sink in while she fixed her gaze on the liquid contents of her cup. On the moving surface, she could see a distorted vision of her own face, but instead of looking at it, she tried to imagine the man she and her mother were talking about.
In less than a week she would have to leave her entire life behind to follow Bakugou. The thought frightened her, no matter how much she tried to give herself courage throughout, but her mother was right. She truly believed that there was more to the Shogun than what met the eye. He was temperamental and aloof, and yet he had proven that he intended to protect her in spite of it all. He had told her in the gardens that he would not agree to marry a woman who let herself be trampled upon and had encouraged her to speak for herself.
But... Was it perhaps naive of her to interpret more into a person she only met twice?
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pettyelves · 3 years
Strange Grave
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“I doubt she has anyone to mourn her-- even our enemies deserve to be recognized in death.” Eilithe pushed up from the single candle she had placed at base of the tree where Ann’aa’s cart once rested. Naddred’s one eye lingered far too long on the flame. 
She hadn’t known Ann’aa well, nor her sisters. She hadn’t even liked Ann’aa. But the opened throat of the shady merchant clawed at something in her.  Perhaps it was just a welcomed distraction. 
As was slipping away, through the gate and into the Commander’s office. If only to trade sneers and carefully calculated moves. Eilithe was playing chess-- but Naddred-- Naddred seemed exhausted.  His wife and child just up and left him, no reason. Cichol’s words seemed to echo on Eilithe’s ear whenever she looked at Naddred now. The more Naddred divulged of Ann’aa’s murder-- of Red Seeds and Red Death-- the more she found hers spindly friend’s words haunted her. By the end of their conversation in Naddred’s near-empty office, Eilithe had nearly come out of her body altogether. 
“I’ll leave you to it then. Safe travels, and no snooping.” A smile came thin on Eilithe’s lips as she turned to make her way out of Naddred’s office, “Of course.” Stopped at the door she touched the brassy handle and asked the wood, “Naddred, do you ever have a day off?” “Believe it or not, I do. No, I will not be telling you when.” “Guess I’ll have to snoop for that too, then.” Eilithe could smell the rain hanging in the air before it ever came cold against her arms, and she passed a glance over to the candle. By the time Eilithe got back to that candle, she’d walked the district several times, even collected flowers to lay beside the candle that managed to stay lit only by the grace of the tree that loomed above it.  “I think I wonder what you were like--behind your mask, I mean,” Eilithe said to the cool air. “Or maybe I am feeling guilty. If I had not come to you that day, perhaps your killer would not have opened your throat. Maybe it would have been some other fuck...” Eilithe wet her lips and sat down on her knees and with care-- she set the wildflowers down with all the same care one might take in placing an offering upon a grave. There was no freshly turned dirt. No headstone. No husband or children or sisters to weep for her. Perhaps it was the silence-- no, it was the silence. The winding down of the day that reminded her. Quiet that broke into a mental cacophony and ensured a welling in the corners of her eyes.
“I am not mourning you, Ann’aa. I hope you’ll forgive me,” Eilithe spoke barely above a whisper--as though she was uttering a final prayer for the dead woman. She was mourning something not yet dead.  Something that was dying. She was mourning a name.   And so there on the place where Ann’aa memorial should have sat, Eilithe left a the dying embers of her name. By dawn, she would had everything she knew about Ann’aa’s death compiled into a dossier. Back to work. Back to distractions. 
By the time she’d made her way back to the makeshift grave another candle had joined her own. And perhaps its owner was mourning too. 
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drdawningcentury · 3 years
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It’s a disorienting feeling to be taken from your place of capture to your childhood home.
As the killer adjusts to his surroundings, eyes narrow as his vision clears. There’s an eerie sense of nostalgia to this place, the place of  attention facing the unmade bunk beds, the twin desks with scattered stationary upon them, as though someone had been doing homework. A photo of two identical smiling black-haired boys instantly catches his attention, and he slowly makes his way over.
”Changrui! Come downstairs please!”
Perhaps more disorientating then being taken to your childhood home is hearing the voice of your dead mother. His heart stills, and despite the layers he wears, there’s a shiver that doesn’t seem to leave. Golden hues widen and he doesn’t even realize he’s left his room till he almost trips down the stairs, half-gloved hands scrambling for the banister. The second their stature stables, they’re on the move once more, bounding down the steps, turning the corner, searching for the voice of a mother long gone. The moment he enters the room, another familiar voice calls out. “RuiRui, you ok?” It’s like looking into a mirror as he stares at his twin’s concerned features. No--that can’t be Chengyuan, couldn’t be him. Changrui had been there the day he died; the day they had lowered him into the grave. “You didn’t have to rush down, you know.”
A shaky hand brushes the hair out of his face as a hollow laugh leaves his lips. “You’re all evil—you can’t even let the dead rest in peace.” Whether he means him, or his brother is left unsaid.
Unable to keep his attention on the replica of his twin, he scans the rest of the room, finding their father, sisters, and brother also seated at the familiar table, all of whom he know were likely alive and safe.
Finally, his attention lands on his mother, looking the same as when he last saw her. She shouldn’t be here either, Changrui had listened to all the reports proclaiming her dead, experiencing her funeral. A warm, heartfelt smile plays on her lips as she gently pats the table before her.
“Changrui, come sit.” To the chef who had never been able to deny any of their mother’s wishes, Changrui can’t find it in himself to deny this copy’s words. There’s a part of him that wishes this was real, that he could go back to a happier time as he sits down. The sound of a plate against wood instantly catches his attention though, staring at the homemade mooncakes upon it.
Chenyuan gives a smile as he pulls his hand away from the plate. “Mama and I made it for you!” Oh, those shining eyes that Changrui was never able to replicate. “Well, more of she made it and I was there aha…” “Oh, shush!” Pushing her son’s head slightly, she gestures to the plate with a warm demeansure. “You know Chengyuan, ever so humble. It was his idea you know--he said that you’ve been busy and wanted to do something for you.”
Had it been anyone else, or any other situation, the sous chef would’ve been more suspicious. However, to the family he had killed to protect, his walls are down, the tension and fear from before he had been transported here dissipated, trust and warmth left in its place. The smiling features of those they love is enough for the mooncake to be brought up and for a bite to be taken.
Like this entire situation, the food brings him back to a time long gone. The flavors remind him of those that he had never been able to perfectly capture following his mom’s death. “You’re evil…” Changrui murmurs to himself, giving a sniffle as another bite is taken. “Why could’ve you have killed me in any other way…” Despite his words, the shining features his family, happy enough with his reaction is enough for him to wipe away a bead of sweat and continue on eating. He hangs onto the voices of his family, attention specifically shifting between his twin and his mother, as though they’d disappear if not carefully watched. He feels cold after he finishes the treat, rubbing their eyes every time it starts to blur. However, everytime his vision clears, a headache starts to grow, to the point when it's impossible to ignore.
Cradling his head, his breathing starts to grow heavier, more ragged despite the fact it feels he’s getting less oxygen. He feels sluggish and numb, hands starting to feel as though they’re not even attached to his body anymore.
A soft hand reaches out, gently poking at his forearm. “Hey, are you ok? You feel sick or something? Was my cooking really that bad?” Despite how heavy their head feels, they force themself to look at Chengyuan, though he’s unable to tell his expression, vision blurring his figure.
The mooncakes had been poisoned, there was no other explanation. Despite this conclusion, Changrui can’t bring himself to admit to his brother that yes, his cooking was bad enough to kill him. Instead he turns away, doing his best to ignore the cold shivers now running down his back. “I’m fine, I’m fine.” A lie is still a lie, no matter how much the speaker wishes they believe it. Blinking does little to clear his foggy vision, though Changrui doesn’t even know if he’d be able to see clearly with their splitting headache. “Just needa… go sleep.” An attempt to stand is futile, with his knees buckling out after only a few seconds of standing. Giving a groan as his armsbang against the table, there’s little to support his head as it bangs down on the plate of mooncakes. He thinks he can hear the voices of his family calling out to help him, though it’s hard to focus on anything that isn’t pain at the current moment. As the room turns into blobs, and as his breathing only grows harder, Changrui attempts to stand once more, ignoring how detached his limbs feel.
Using the table as support, the sous chef forces his legs to stand, despite how they feel as though they’re about to turn to jelly. Using the table for support, he grits his teeth, doing his best to ignore the pain as he shuffles towards the exit. His head pounds and his sight only feels more of a hindrance at this point, seeing both double and yet nothing at the same time.
As the edge of the table ends, a ragged breath is taken as his leg buckles. Barely able to hold on, he wrenches his eyes shut, unable to focus with it and takes his first step without the support. A few steps are made before his leg finally gives out, and though he reaches out for support, his foggy vision is unable to pinpoint anything before his second leg finally does the same.
And at least, Changrui Lu falls for the final time to the hands of those he had killed to protect.
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Father! Garmadon & Reader: The Day I Died
-kinda inspired by the movie ‘A Better Tomorrow’ [it’s on Youtube if you wanna watch it] and my own experiences 
Summary: A few months after the Overlord’s ‘demise’ he returns and you find yourself feeling hopeless. Thankfully, Garmadon has your back this time and you aren’t alone.
Liar Part 1
Liar Part 2
Your mother was an amazing person. Sure, she left you and Lloyd when you were incredibly young, but only because she wanted to stop the final battle from ever happening to save you both from the pain of fighting your father in a showdown to the death. She may have left you, but she came back and tried to make it up to you even if it felt...odd to have a mother back after being alone for so long.
Your father was a different story. He was the imbalance that tipped Ninjago off its feet, the reason why you defied Destiny to become the Green Ninja, and the cause for all your suffering. He was evil, and sometimes, you wished he weren’t your father. 
Despite the venom running through his veins being vanquished, he hadn’t dared show his face around you ever again. According the rare passerbyers you conversed with, he had set up his own ‘lovely and successful dojo’ a few hours away from Wu’s Academy (you thought that was a dumb name). 
You weren’t sure if you wanted to be confused by how the former dark lord of evil could somehow attract people to his dojo or angry that he never bothered to visit. He knew where you were because your mum told you she talked to him a week ago. You didn’t know where he was because, well, how the heck were you supposed to locate your ex-adversary’s dojo in the middle of nowhere? 
So where in Ninjago was Garmadon? You decided to wait and see if he’d decide to show up sometime before you perished of old age, but he never did. A few days passed, then a week, then another and another and another. You waited, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he might decide to show up and tell you he was sorry for being absent for ten and up years of your life, but why should you expect anything when your whole life had been a let-down?
Being the Green and Golden ninja practically meant holding up the sky. You had duties, a reputation, and an incompetent family to care for. Not only that, but being a teacher at Wu’s Academy meant wasting your life away in a classroom grading paperwork. Before that, you sacrificed yourself to defy Destiny and save Lloyd from all the trauma and heartache you currently dealt with, and even way before that, you were his stand-in parent for your absent father and mother. You were done wasting your thoughts on the false hope that you’d get what all your students had--a family with parents who were actually there for you. 
That broke you from your thoughts. You turned in your chair to face Lloyd, pausing for a second to blink. It was still odd to see him so tall since he magically aged up, so it took a second for you to adjust to what you thought you’d see. “Do you need something?” you inquired. Lloyd shoved a gi in your arms. “Put that on and hurry. We need to go, like now!”
“Now? But the others? Are they still on that field trip or--?” Lloyd slammed the classroom door shut. “I’ll explain later, just hurry up!” 
“Okay, okay!” 
As soon as you’d finished changing, Lloyd took you by the hand and ripped open one of the windows. “We’re gonna have to jump.” He broke into a sprint, but you yanked him away from the window. “What do you think you’re doing?! We’re on the top floor!” He yanked you towards the window with a strength you didn’t know he even possessed. 
“STOP LLOYD!” you shouted. “I SAID STO--!”
“Don’t use your elemental dragon!” he interjected. You were suddenly free-falling, clinging onto your brother like he were a stuffed animal. Oh, this was it wasn’t it? You’d die here, falling through a window as Lloyd reassured you you’d ‘be okay’. You screwed your eyes shut and wrapped your arms around Lloyd to break the fall, all the while preparing the goodbye speech you’d announce once you were dead. 
The landing came, but the impact was softer than you expected. Lloyd let out a light chuckle as you opened your eyes and took in the sight of the Ultra Sonic Raider. 
He snickered at you, wiggling out of your tight embrace and climbing in a separate compartment. You settled into the familiar leather, strapping in and closing the hatch as Lloyd revved up the engine. He closed his own hatch, and just as you were about to ask him about what the heck was happening, he slammed the petal to the metal. You yelped as your head hit the back of your chair, gripping onto your seat belt for dear life. “Lloyd, you’re going over the speed limit!”
“Well I’m sorry I can’t abide by the law when we’re about to die!” he sarcastically exclaimed. “The Overlord’s back, and he’s after our power!”
Your eyes widened. The Overlord was back? That couldn’t be. You saw him die--he vanished into nothing, leaving only your father behind and nothing more. Not only that, but what did Lloyd mean by ‘we’? He didn’t have elemental powers. You took his place so he could be how you liked it: safe. 
“What do you mean ‘our power’?” you grimly inquired. Despite taking the role as the Green Ninja, you knew that in theory it was possible Lloyd also inherited the same power you possessed since you were both A, siblings, and B, descendants of the First Spinjitzu Master. If he truly did inherit elemental powers, then all your hard work would have been for naught.
That was a scary thought.
“I,” Lloyd paused, heaving in a deep breath, “I have Golden Power.” Your heart stopped. 
Golden Power. 
Lloyd had Golden Power. 
How were you supposed to keep him safe now? 
You had the sudden urge to scream or do anything to let those in Cloud Kingdom know that you wanted to take the burden to your grave so Lloyd could have a better life than you. The burden would be miserable for you, but that was how you wanted it. Lloyd wasn’t supposed to share your burden, and you feared if he’d become as bitter as you. A sorrowful sigh left your lips as Lloyd frowned. 
“There was a falling street lamp and Jay would’ve been crushed if I didn’t step in.” he said. “I don’t really know how I did, but there was this golden glow around my hands and then it hit the pole and made it explode. I’m sorry sis, are you mad at me?” His voice was softer than the time he apologised for spilling juice all over your favourite book. You shook your head, running a hand through your hair. “Lloyd,” you began, “I’m not mad, I just--I just wish I could have done more. Maybe if I...or...I could have....” 
You gave up on trying to formulate a cohesive sentence, taking to shaking your head again. “I’m sorry Lloyd.” He huffed from the driver’s seat. “It’s not your fault that this happened. Maybe it was meant to be so that you wouldn’t have to deal with everything on your own.”
“So what you’re my older sister? So what you’re supposed to take care of me? You’re always doing that no matter what it is, risking your life, your health, your freedom, your everything. You always forget that you’re still human even though you’re doing this and that.”
You sighed. “Lloyd, that’s because I have to. It’s my responsibility and--”
“So?” His voice shook. “I don’t want to be your responsibility anymore! You think I don’t see you stay up all night writing out how much you hate being the Green Ninja so no one has to hear you complain? You think I don’t see how much you keep giving until you’re left with nothing? The only reason why you hate dad is because you blame him for everything you’ve done.”
“I don’t blame him for my misfortune.” you icily retorted. “But it’s his fault for leaving. And because he left us, I wanted to make sure you grew up happy even without him and mom. I give so you don’t have to go through what I went through, but now look what’s happened. Destiny has been cruel and you’re the Golden Ninja just like me.” 
The rest of the ride continued in silence, something you were unused to around your brother. He was a chatterbox and loved to talk about the latest issues of Starfarer, or the newest video games, but this time, his lips were sewn shut. He didn’t utter a word, and when you asked if he was heading back to the Bounty, he remained silent. 
“Lloyd,” you gently said, “just tell me where we’re going.” 
His grip on the steering seemed to tighten, a sign that he was nervous. “You’re gonna get mad if I tell you.” You huffed, crossing your arms and frowning. “I don’t have a reason to be angry because you haven’t told me yet.” 
Another pause.
“You’re not gonna like this, but we have to stay here and lie low. The nindroids--they’re the guys who attacked us in the city--won’t be able to find us here.” He rounded a bend and stopped the vehicle. You opened the hatch and climbed out as Lloyd turned off the Ultra Sonic Raider. He followed after you, an apologetic look on his face as you made your way up a hill. 
No explanation was needed; you knew exactly where you were. The only question that stayed in your mind was, ‘why?’. There could have been a hundred other locations to hide so much harder to find than here, yet the ninja just had to choose the one place you swore to never set foot in: your father’s dojo. Being in the same building as him was something you silently said you’d never do after waiting for him to visit you for months on end. 
He was supposed to take initiative because he was your father, especially after everything he did. 
You had the sudden urge to weep as Lloyd took you by the arm and dragged you along. Maybe you could wait outside for everyone, or sneak away to some remote village where you could go into hiding alone. As long as it was anywhere but here, you were fine. 
Along the way, you passed Zane and gave him a wave. He smiled kindly as he always did, juggling the objects in his hands. “Did you run into any trouble along the way?” he inquired. Lloyd shook his head. “No, but I’m glad we didn’t because I don’t think I’m that good at driving yet.” You were about to interrupt and tell Lloyd you were staying out here, but he suddenly yanked you away from Zane and further up the hill. There was a beautiful waterfall behind the dojo that made you wonder how your father found such a serene place, but that thought left your mind as you stopped at the front doors. 
You sucked in a sharp breath as Lloyd took your hand, giving it a good squeeze before sliding open the doors. Soft, yellow light flooded the darkness, drowning out the stars and moon. Your father stood in the middle of the serene room, staff in hand as he lectured the class. Kai and the others waved frantically from where they sat as Nya whispered for them to shut their faces. Your father followed their pointing and waving, raising a brow inquisitively until his gaze met yours.
“Ah,” he warmly said, “if it isn’t my daughter and son, so glad you could join us.” You curtly nodded while Lloyd broke into a full-on grin. “Dad! It’s great to see you again.” He smiled in return, motioning for you both to come in. “It’s wonderful to see you both as well. Take a seat wherever you’d like, the lesson was just about to start.” You closed the door behind you as Lloyd gladly made his way inside. You followed after him, taking in every bit of your surroundings as you could. 
Jay motioned for you to take a seat on the floor between him and Cole. You swiftly sat down as Lloyd settled next to Kai. “Did you guys run into trouble?” whispered Jay. “We’ve been here way before class started!” Your father made his way around the room and sent Jay a look. “Silence!” He bonked him on the head, but not enough to injure your poor friend. You frowned, sending your father a disapproving look. He didn’t see it though since his back was turned.
“Close your mouth, and open your ears. Tonight’s lesson is the Art of the Silent Fist, to fight without fighting.” He turned to face everyone again. “May I have a volunteer?” The walls were suddenly real interesting for everyone, and you couldn’t blame them. 
“(Y/n) would like to volunteer as tribute!” Lloyd piped up. Your jaw dropped and you looked over Jay’s shoulder with wide eyes. “No I--”
“The Ultimate Battle, round two!” he exclaimed. You sat there for a moment until you realised there was no getting out of it, so with a roll of your eyes, you stood, making your way to the middle of the room. Your father still had a warm smile on his face, but you didn’t return it. “Attack me,” he said, “but please, no powers, I happen to like my monastery.” There was a collection of giggles and snorts from his students that set you a bit on edge. 
You rolled your eyes and threw a swift punch, aiming straight for his face. At the last second, Garmadon dodged and you ran straight into a wall. “You see?” he said. “The key is balance.” He set his staff on the ground to stand on its own before holding it again. “Let your opponent fight himself.” You gritted your teeth, this time throwing a roundhouse kick and then an uppercut. He dodged, and dodged, and dodged again. As you threw another punch, he yawned and that made you angry. 
You threw a punch first, then a kick, and finally another kick, but he kept dodging. Heaving in a deep breath, you ran towards him, readying a kick to put this so-called ‘lesson’ to a close. At the last second, Garmadon bent over, taking your arm and tossing you over his shoulder like a sack of flour. 
The world spun and you let out a groan. “Oh, (Y/n)...” mumbled Kai with a face-palm. The others followed, shaking their heads as you ran a hand over your forehead. “Pupils,” said your father, “I present to you the greatest ninja in all the land, the Golden Ninja.” There was a chorus of laughter that made your chest burn. You didn’t deserve that, or this, or the embarrassment leaking onto your face as you hauled your tired limbs off the floor. Nothing could have been worse than humiliation by the man you loathed.
Suddenly, you found yourself on that unforgiving sandy beach. You were on the Dark Island, preparing to prematurely confront your father before anymore harm could be done to you and the world. You couldn’t wait any longer, and so you had stepped in his way like an annoying fly that wouldn’t leave. You were going to end the imbalance once and for all.
“Easy, easy dear.” 
You blinked away the haze from your eyes, the familiar voice grounding you in the present. Your hands were balled into fists and green light danced across your fingertips. When had your powers activated? You didn’t remember doing that.
“It’s only a lesson.” your father said. His voice was gentle, and there was a gleam in his eyes that made you falter for a fraction of a second. You saw regret on his face, but you weren’t about to stick around to confirm your observations. Your arms dropped to your sides and you let out a curt sigh. “Sorry.” Your tone was harsher than you wanted it to be. “Force of habit." You saw the ninja and Nya frown. "I think I’ll excuse myself from the lesson.” You respectfully bowed and silently made your way out the door, ignoring the calls of your friends. 
The chirping crickets and gentle breezes of night helped ease the emotional pain building in your heart. You took a seat at the bottom of the stairs and placed your head in your hands. For a while, it was only you and mother nature savouring each other's presence. It left a lot of breathing room for you to think, so you did and reflected.
"May I ask why you are out here alone?" You met Zane's familiar eyes with a weak smile. "Hi Zane." He eyed the spot next to you. "May I?" You nodded and he sat down, adjusting his grip on the golden objects he tightly held. "What are those?"
"The Techno Blades gifted to us by Cyrus Borg before we were attacked. They can hack the system of a corrupted computer and are currently our only hope to defeating the Overlord." You nodded in understanding, allowing your shoulders to droop just a bit. "I can't believe he's back, it felt like only yesterday I defeated him."
"At times, one can forget to count the days." he softly said. You smiled as he scanned your face, taking in every single detail that cracked through your smile. 
"What bothers you?" 
You fiddled with your hands and shrugged. “It’s nothing, just...” 
“Your father?” You nodded and Zane scooted closer to you. “It is only logical you are unused to his presence. You have been separated since you were very young, so it will take time to allow him into your heart again.” 
You sat there in silence for a while, nodding in understanding as he offered a reassuring smile. The door of the dojo suddenly opened and Zane looked past your shoulder. He stood, taking the techno blades with him. “I will take my leave now.” You watched as he disappeared down the hill, sighing at the empty space by your side. 
“Hello (Y/n).” 
You jumped to your feet, balling your hands into fists like you were about to sock someone in the jaw. Your father closed the door behind and made his way down the steps as you relaxed your pose. “It’s just you.” you sighed out. Garmadon nodded. “Just me.” he confirmed. “About earlier--”
“It’s fine.” You turned your back to him, crossing your arms to hug yourself with an uncomfortable frown. He made his way down the stairs, taking a seat on the steps as you plopped down as far away as six feet could take you.
"The sky is quite beautiful tonight." You turned to Garmadon, raising a brow with a look of distaste as he kept his gaze focused on the stars. "When you were younger, you used to sit by your window every night," he smiled to himself. "You refused to go to bed because you were afraid of offending the stars amd moon."
You frowned, picking at a loose thread on your gi. "You remember that?" you quietly mumbled. He nodded, turning to face you with a sad smile. "Of course I do. How could I forget when that was your favourite pass time?" He paused, releasing a long sigh that really spoke of his age. "I know I have caused you and Lloyd so much suffering--something I wish I could reverse--but dwelling on the past won't change anything."
Dwelling on the past won't change anything? Now where have you heard that one? A bitter chuckle rattled past your lips. "Yeah, it's not like I spent everyday wishing you were there to give me the love and support I need. And it's not like I lost my childhood to take care of Lloyd and find a job when I was only fourteen and a half. I totally understand why it's best not to dwell on the past, but it's kinda hard when it's the reason why I'm who I am today."
You kicked at the ground absentmindedly, again avoiding the gaze of your father as if it were fire. "I don't understand why you're always absent. Even after the Final Battle, I've never seen you until now. At least mom stops by and drops something off, or sends post cards and photos of where she's been. She tells me she's missed me and writes letters, but you? I never hear anything--I've always heard nothing. Do you...do you even care?"
He sent you a heartfelt glance, but you ignored it, throwing a hand out to make a point.
"I probably shouldn't have expected anything because I'm always let down anyway. You've never seen this cartoon or movie? Well, course not, because I never had the luxury to sit down and take a break. How are your parents doing, are they coming to the school conference? Course not!" Your shoulders tensed and your breaths became shorter as anger finally took a hold of your heart. "One's been turned into an evil lord and the other's disappeared to find a way to stop a prophecy that could either make or break Ninjago from becoming a land of darkness! You know, I always dreamed of having a perfect, whole family, but that's never gonna happen, not when mum's always gone and you never, ever show up!"
You began walking down the last steps of the stairs, voice cracking as you continued. "I can't believe I began to hope something would change. How...how foolish of me."
You waited for Garmadon to say something, or anything really. Even if it was an insult, a scolding, or a yell, you would take it because then at least you'd remember how it felt like to have a parent tell you what was 'right' or 'wrong'.
Instead of shouting, he sighed.
"(Y/n)," he softly said, "there are three things I've been wanting to tell you for ages, but no matter how long I thought it over, I never found the right words until now." He paused and you kept your back facing him. "You have done all you could to protect Lloyd by defying Destiny to take his place. You became the Green Ninja to fight me and restore balance, then the Golden Ninja to defeat the Overlord and I combined. But now that Lloyd has begun to realise his powers, even you know that you cannot hold his hand much longer."
There was another pause that made your loud mind go insane. Why did he suddenly stop talking? Why had he gone quiet? Was he only saying this to make you feel bad for him?
You licked your chapped lips, clenching a fist. "Well? What's the third thing you wanted to say?"
"I am very proud of you."
Your heart seemed to weigh a ton as it sank in your chest and made your fingers go numb. You suddenly whipped around, marching back up the stairs with a look of disbelief on your face. "'I am very proud of you'?" you demanded. "You're just saying that! How can you be proud of a failure?" You placed a hand on your chest, giving it a good pat to throw your point across.
"I've...I've suffered and had to be a stand-in parent for Lloyd--heck, I even infiltrated Darkley's and pretended to be a boy just to w-watch over him!" You cursed your voice for cracking as you continued. "I hate you. I hate you for making me like this--for taking away my childhood and giving me all these burdens I can't carry! Everyday, I wondered if I was ever going to be able to save Ninjago when I knew I couldn't save myself. I've died a thousand times just to be who I am today, and I'm--" Tears streamed down your cheeks as you threw a hand over your face to hide your tears. "I--I can't..." You sniffled. "Where were you when I needed you dad?! When everyone else had someone, why did you...why did you leave me?" There was a moment of silence as you sniffled before warm arms were around your shoulders and hugging you tight.
"I wasn't there." admitted Garmadon. "I know I wasn't there when I should have been, even when I wanted to make it up to you. The truth is, I wasn't being responsible. I knew you would reject me, so I was a coward and feared the consequences of my actions." He hugged you tighter. "I love you (Y/n). I love you and Lloyd so much and I am more sorry for everything I've done than I can put into words."
And so you stood there in his arms, sobbing as he simply hugged you tighter. You didn't say anything, and maybe that was because you couldn't, so your father took the first step and released you from his arms, keeping a gentle hand on your shoulder. There were a few tears in the corners of his eyes but he smiled despite that. "It's almost dinner time. Why don't we head back inside?"
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Ashes To Ashes
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Request: ‘Please could you write a Fred Weasley imagine where you’re inside the burrow when Bellatrix sets it on fire and Fred runs in to get you out?? Thank you, I’m really loving you writing!’ For anonymous
Ps- i havent read the books or seen the movies in a while so I kinda went w the time it was fleur & bills wedding & intergrated it w that, sorry if its not what u wanted but I did write Bellatrix’s attack in x
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Today was the big day. For today was the the day where Fleur & Bill were finally to be wed. For their celebration to erase war from anyones thoughts, today they were just two kids in love, not undercover Order Workers. Today they were simply girl & boy.
“Oi Y/N hurry up, Fleur’s asking for you” Ginny shouts practically breathless as she runs past your room, trying to find Hermione for the bride.
You pick up the gorgeous bouqet that earlier today you picked up from the florist for the woman and made your way downstairs into the living room. As you take a closer look, you notice something is off. Fleur was standing rigidly still, looking in the mirror unblinking.
“Fleur, darling, are you alright?”
The woman remained silent, Y/N had no idea what to do, she’d never seen her friend so paniced, so immobile. Ever since Y/N’s sixth year (after the Triwizard Tournament) the two kept in contact, maintaining a solid friendship with the other, who wouldve known that years later Fleur would join the family that you had already been apart of.
“Its okay to be nervous.” You sit beside the Frenchwoman “Just talk through it” grabbing her hand you pull her down to sit beside you.
“It’z all so scary Y/N. I love Bill, I really do, but what if he realises he doesnt feel the same about me and leaves me there?” She faces you, eyes glossed over
That caused you to frowm slightly “Bill loves you more than he loves life itself Fleaur, everybody knows that he’d do anything for you just to see you happy- not many can say that they have a person like that.” You smile lightly, thinking about your person. “You constantly say how much you love him, so if you stil feel that for him, theres no need to be scared of getting married-These are the normal pre wedding doubts, none of them are true. Besides, I’m sure if Bill tried to run away from such a gorgeous and talented person as you, Molly would raise havoc and go to the ends of the earth to get him back.”
Fleur looks up at you, smiling, but with stray tears going down her face “Thank you Y/N” she throws herself forward and hugs you “It’s just a big step & I’ve been so emotional lately because of-“ she hesitates
A look of realisation dawns on you and you beam, hugging her once more but tighter “You’re joking? Congratulations!” You give her a peck on the cheek “Does Bill know?” You queried as she shook her head
“Non, I only confirmed it a week ago. Please dont tell anyone Y/N.” She looks at you with pleading eyes and you vigorously nod
“Of course. I wont say a thing, this is your secret. But how about we start getting ready for your wedding hmm.”
As Y/N started to do Fleurs makeup, Hermione rushed in with the wedding dress that her and Molly had been making final adjustments to, Ginny was running around frantically trying to get all the guests in the right places and seats. Once commisioning your help to shout at a group of loiterers to leave the premises because they wouldnt listen to the red head girl. All in all, after many hours, Fleaur was ready.
“You look gorgeous.” Gabrielle beamed at her sister
“I might just steal you from Bill” you wink and cause her to laugh and blow you a kiss “I’ll go get everyone ready, you still have plenty of time to relax.” Handing Gabrielle the bouqet, you rush out of the room, which proved to be quite difficult in heels. But bearing through the pain, you get outside and see rows and rows of the fragile golden chairs set on either side of the long purple carpet. The supporting poles to the gazeebo top were entwined with gorgeous white and gold flowers. As you look to where there was supposed to be an enormous bunch of balloons, you frown to see it bare.
“George!” You shout getting his attention “Wheres Fred? You were supposed to the balloons up ages-“ you feel strong arms pick you up and spin you around, making you let out a shriek of surprise, thankfully not loud enough to get the attention of the others
“I’m here my love, disposable at your command.” He purrs into your ear, sending chills down your spine
“Put me down asshole” you laugh and turn to face him, before you could manage to say anything you were taken aback at how he looked. “You got a haircut.” You stated plainly and ran a hand through his hair as he put his arms around your waist.
“Correction, George cut my hair when I wasnt paying attention so ‘people would be able to tell the difference between us’” he wrinkled his nose
You stare at him, dumbstruck “As if the hole on the side of his head wasnt enough.” Fred laughs and says thats what he said “I like it, it suits you.”
Fred grins and kisses you, “Lets face it Y/N you like anything when its to do with me.”
You roll your eyes and hum in agreement “Thats because I love you Fred. But I will seriously consider breaking up with you if you dont get the balloons up as you promised.”
Fred gives you a small peck & jumps back from you “I’m on it!” and runs over towards his brother to finally do what he had to. You smile at him, reminiscing at how you managed to fall in love with such an idiotic man, yet you could never wish for more. Fred Weasley was truly perfect.
Shaking your head you turn back to the guests that were not where they were supposed to be before shouting “Get to your seats and away from the food please! Thats for after the ceremony!” You swat their hands before adding “If you dont know where youre supposed to be, go to Hermione and Molly, they will tell you.” You motion to the pair before walking around to make last minute adjustments.
The wedding ceremony went beautifully, Fleur was walked down with her bridesmaids: Gabrielle & Ginny. When in sight, she rendered everyone breathless, she was ethereal, the most gorgeous a person could possibly look. Molly teared up from the get go at the sight of her eldest marrying, many more joined in when they said their vows. You could not believe that the day of your friends wedding had finally arrived. Throughout the entire sitting down portion of the ceremony, Fred was holding your hand and rubbing circles on it, an assurance that through everything you went through- you were still together- still alive.
The loud music was ringing through the field, dancing bodies surrounded you, but you paid them no mind, your main focus on Fred.
“Did I tell you how gorgeous you look Y/N?”
You laugh lightly as you sway to the beat “No, I must’ve missed it the other ten times you said it”
“Well you do, absolutely bewitching, are you sure you didnt use a love poition on me? I never knew feeling this was possible.” He jokes as he spins you
“Must be my natural charm and charisma that got you so captured Fred.”
“Must be.” He mutters softly looking into your eyes. Fred was completely besotted by you, more than anyone had ever seen him be, he just knew that Y/N was perfect. The way that she’d light up any room she walked in, the way that she’d never back down from a challenge, and just simply how she made him feel. Dear Merlin he loved the girl. “After this do you fancy going away for a bit?”
You look at him sceptically “Planning out your murderous fantasies are we?”
He laughs and shakes his head “You’re impossible. No, since the shops closed I thought we could go away somewhere before everything with the war kicks off, I want as much time with you as I can get.”
“Oh” you forgot that the wizarding world was on the brink of war “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that. But if you sneak George along i swear to Merlin I will live through my murderous fantasy & kill the pair of you.”
Fred chuckles again, before nodding “Promise, no George. I think he got an eyefull when he barged into our room without knocking.”
“Serves him right.” You mumble “I told him on multiple occasions to knock.”
The rest of the song died down and you stayed in Freds arms for a moment, before he was being wisked away to dance with Aunt Muriel, he held an awfully sour look as you giggled when she hounded on him to straighten his back, then saying that he was too tall.
“I’m a bit cold, I’ll go get a jacket then I’ll be right back” Y/N kissed his cheek & left to get back inside the burrow. Thinking nothing of it, she poured herself another drink, smiling to herself at how Fred would have to have another dance with Muriel. What an awful woman.
Unbeknown to the girl, a silver patronus intruded on the celebration to announce grave news. “The Ministary has fallen. The Minister of magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming.” Everyone scrabled to find their loved ones, to make sure that they were safe, but before Fred even had the chance to look for Y/N, everything burst into havoc. The gazeebo was now engulfed in flames, Death Eaters showing up everywhere to curse them.
“Y/N!” Fred shouted, frantically looking around for the girl “Y/N!”
He turned around and was greeted by a paniced Mr Weasley “Theres not much time Fred, I dont know where she is, you need to get to safety and leave. Now!”
Fred ignored his fathers protests and ran, dodging various spells being shot from either side. He had to find you, he had to know you were safe.
An abrupt crash jolts you back into reality, you get up to run and go outside but with a sudden ‘whoosh’ and black smoke- two Death Eaters appear infront of you.
“Shit.” You mumble & grab your wand, quickly dodging their spells you manage to knock one out & try to deal with the other. “You’re quite persistant-“ blue sparks shoot from your wand, the figure ran upstairs & you follow.
“And you’re associated with mud-blood scum!” A flash of green emerged from their wand that narrowly missed you, you grin
“You missed.” You kick a chair at the figure, momentarily distracting them to cast a spell “Stupefy! Petrificus totalus!” As the figure was knocked out & bound together, you walk over and spit out “Get a life, prick” snapping their wand in two.
In the middle of your fight, you had not noticed that the commotion outside had turned to an arsonists playground. looking through the window you call for Fred, hearing no response your heart stops, you leave the room & try to get down the stairs but now they were already engulfed by flames.
“Oh shit” you panic and shoot spells at it to stop the fire from spreading, but to no avail, it only got worse. Smoke was now clouding your vision, realising that if you were not to jump down you’d perish in this fire. Letting out a short breath, you hype yourself up for the leap of your life “You can do it Y/N. Come on” violetly coughing, you jump. Unfortunately landing a fair few stairs too high. Unbearable pain shoots up through your leg & you cry out in pain.
Sinking to the floor you couldnt even move, the pain in your arm and leg restricting you. This was it, this would be how you die. All alone, with no one to help you, no one to save you. In a burning house. Yet the only thought racing through your mind was ‘Is Fred safe’. Thankfully most of the fire was behind you, the staircase had completely gone up in flames however, the roof was begining to crumble down. A plank toppled down, narrowly missing you, but making the room next to you catch on fire.
As you were losing conciousness you hear a strained yell “Y/N!” You try to respond, but all that came out was a series of violent coughs “Y/N im coming, hang on!” You couldn’t see what was happening, i dont know if it was the thick cloud of smoke or the fact that you were breathing most of it in, but your vision blurred.
A faint figure emerged, breathless, trying to get through the flames & to you fast enough “Hey Y/N ive got you, im here.” You felt yourself being picked up & your body fell like a ragdoll. “Oh merlin dont die on me Y/N.” Was the last thing you heard before passing out.
The abrupt light and noise woke you up, yet you were unable to open your eyes, they were far too heavy for the little energy you had. Were you dead? Is this what death felt like?
“Stop pacing Fred, she’ll be fine.” You heard a voice say, however, unable to distinguish who it belonged to “shes a strong girl, the nurses said so.”
“Yeah they also said she’d wake up yesterday, so my apologies if I dont believe what they have to say.” He snapped
Fred. Oh yes, Fred. He came into the building to save you didnt he? So that answered your question of being dead. You were very much alive, but dear Merlin you were in unbearable pain.
“She’ll be up and about soon though? Her body was exhausted thats why shes sleeping so long right?” He continued, sounding unsure. Well if this is how they reacted to you passing out you wouldn’t want to know how theyd react if you died.
“And id appreciate it if I could sleep some more.” You croak out as you let your eyes open. Coming to face the whole clan of distressed red heads, Harry, Hermione & Fleur.
Fred snaps to face you and a look of relief washes over his features “Y/N” he whispers and rushes to your side hugging you “You’re okay. You’re alive. Thank Merlin.”
You try to chuckle, which abruptly turns into a wheze “I’m okay yeah, in a lot of pain but I’m fine.” Fred retreats from you, an apologetic look on his face.
“Come on kids lets give them some space.” Molly ushers everyone out of the room “I’m glad you’re okay Y/N” she sends you a smile and leaves the room for you and Fred to be alone.
Moments pass with Fred just looking at you with glassy eyes before he abruptly let out “You bloody scared me half to death!”
You motion for him to help you sit up “Oh I do apologise that me nearly burning in a fire scared you. I wasnt very happy about it either.”
Fred looks at you speachless, confused at how you can joke about it so soon. He remains quiet before letting out a big sigh and hanging his head into his lap “I thought I lost you.” He mumbles, barely loud enough for you to hear
“Hey, look at me.” You say and put his face into your left hand with the little energy you have “I’m okay, I’m alive. And so are you” he smiles faintly before you continue “Obviously as gorgeous as ever, so nothing irreversible happened.”
He laughs “Obviously.”
While in the room Fred filled you in on what happened, that after the Death Eaters showed up & they fought them off- Bellatrix Lestrange set fire to the burrow & he ran in to get you out. He told you that you passed out & that you had to be taken to St Mungos to treat your broken leg and the burn on your arm.
“The nurses said you were lucky to get out alive Y/N” he said lowly, not being able to bear the thought of your death.
“Im alive because of you Fred. Thank you.” You offer a weak smile “There were two Death Eaters in the house when it burned up-“
“Thats not on your concious to bear, Its on Bellatrix Lestrange.”
You nod, in all honesty you didnt feel bad that they perished in the fire- their downfall was their own undoing. But what was on your mind was the fire burn “When I’m better do you recon I’ll l have a cool badass scar?”
Fred shakes his head as he holds your hand, of course thats what Y/N is thinking about “‘course you will, It’ll become part of badass backstory.”
“Good” you mumble and close your eyes. After a long silence you relax back into your pillow, the sleeping draft & skelly-grow hitting you like a brick. You begin to mumble incoherent sentences
“Hey Freddie?”
He looks at your peaceful face, all calm against the pillow and responds “Yes my love?”
After a little pause of small mumbles, you ask “When I’m better, can we leave for our trip?”
“Whatever you want Y/N.” He smiles lightly & watches you drift off to sleep, hoping that ‘better’ would come along faster.
Ahh okay hi! Omg this took so long to write, again sorry its not the actual bellatrix fire story, i jus forgot how it happened & when I remembered I wrote too much of it. <33
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hysterialevi · 3 years
Hjarta | Chapter 9
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Fanfic summary: In an AU where Eivor was adopted by Randvi’s family instead, he ends up falling in love with the man his sister has been promised to despite the arranged marriage between their clans.
Point of view: third-person
Pairing: Sigurd Styrbjornson x Male Eivor
Author’s note: Warning! This chapter is slightly nsfw ;)
This story is also on AO3 | Previous chapter | Next chapter
Eivor trudged through the glimmering waves of snow that concealed the path ahead of him and held tightly onto his cloak, shielding himself from the cold weather as he ventured underneath the deep night sky.
At the moment, the moon was hovering just above a summit of clouds and parting the sheer darkness with its piercing rays of light, casting a delicate veil over the village’s facade.
Blots of shadows gathered in the spaces that lay between the torches standing along the trail, and in the distance, Eivor could hear the faint voices of people who were still awake.
Overall, it was a rather peaceful night to end the bustling day, and the Wolf-Kissed found himself eager to get some sleep. Despite the weariness that clung onto his body however, Eivor’s mind wasn’t quite ready to rest just yet.
No matter what he did, his thoughts always seemed to drift back to the elusive prince. He hadn’t seen Sigurd ever since their last encounter in the longhouse, but even then, it had become nearly impossible for Eivor to think about anything else.
He was constantly worrying about the man. He feared for his friend’s well-being and questioned if there was any way to ease the prince’s agitated nerves, but was never able to corner him during a break.
Eivor would catch glimpses of Sigurd here and there as he bolted from place to place, but it felt as if the man hardly had any time to blink. Let alone sit down for a talk.
It concerned Eivor to see the prince always teetering on the edge of his breaking point, but with the man’s never-ending list of duties constantly occupying him, he didn’t know what else to do anymore.
Part of him even suspected that Sigurd’s absence may have been intentional. They were both fully aware of the emotions they harbored for one another, and Eivor wondered if perhaps the man felt it necessary to distance himself from the Wolf-Kissed for the sake of the wedding. They had seen how easy it was for the two of them to get attached, after all, and maybe Sigurd thought it was no longer worth the risk.
If that was the case, then Eivor just hoped it was working better for the prince than it was for himself. They may have been separated for an entire week by now, but the young man only noticed a rise in his fondness for his companion.
It was starting to become an unbearable battle as Ingrida had predicted, and the fear swelling in Eivor’s chest gripped him harder the more he realized he was losing this fight. At this point, he simply wanted to get the wedding over with. Sigurd’s mere presence alone was enough to send the young man into a frenzy, and even though Eivor wished he could’ve stuck around for a longer period of time, he knew that things would only get worse if the Raven Clan didn’t leave soon.
Perhaps it was a selfish method of coping with the sudden change in their lives, but it was the last one he had. He didn’t know how else he would get Sigurd out of his thoughts, and the stress was starting to weigh him down.
Arriving at the longhouse, Eivor felt a kiss of relief settle into his bones as he stepped into the warmth of the building, finally escaping the arctic winds whirling around outside.
There was no one occupying the main hall besides him at the moment, and the only other presence Eivor spotted was a few of the dogs that roamed their village quietly sleeping on the floor.
It was an uneventful night, contrary to what the Wolf-Kissed expected. Normally, either Arngeir or Ulfar would still be wandering around at this hour -- wrapping up any unfinished business -- but neither of them were anywhere to be found. The fires in the war room had been snuffed out, and the only light Eivor could see was the one coming from the torch that stood beside his chambers.
When he took a closer look into the shadows however, he suddenly noticed another figure standing there, waiting patiently by the doorway. They didn’t say anything upon Eivor’s arrival, and yet, they seemed to be expecting him.
...It was Sigurd.
What was he doing here? Eivor assumed that the man would’ve been fast asleep by now, but the prince was here, silently thinking to himself with his back pressed against the wall. It looked like he had been there for a while, and if Eivor hadn’t taken a few steps closer, he would’ve thought that Sigurd was asleep based on how his head drooped from his neck.
“Sigurd...?” Eivor said, approaching the man with curiosity. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you tired?”
The prince’s head perked up once he heard his name, and a certain glint twinkled in his eyes.
“...Ah, Eivor. There you are.”
Eivor smirked and crossed his arms. “Were you waiting for me?”
Sigurd nodded, attempting to hide the fatigue in his voice. “Yes, actually. There’s something important I wanted to talk to you about. I would’ve come to you sooner, but... as you may’ve guessed, my schedule didn’t allow it.” He glanced at the darkness outside. “...I hope it’s not too late.”
The younger man shook his head. “No, not at all.”
“Are you sure?” Sigurd checked. “I don’t want to disturb you. I know you must be eager to get some rest.”
Eivor waved his hand in a dismissive but comforting way. “No, I’m sure. Come on in. Tell me what’s on your mind.”
His friend smiled in relief. “Thank you, Eivor. I promise, I’ll make it as brief as possible.”
Strolling into his chambers, Eivor walked past Sigurd and headed through the doorway, beckoning the man to follow him as the torch’s flame flickered briefly in his wake. Their footsteps echoed gently within the longhouse’s walls, and upon entering the room, it felt as if they had closed off the entire world, setting aside a piece of haven just for themselves.
Eivor swiftly removed the cloak from his shoulders once he was inside and slid it off, tossing it onto a nearby table. Afterwards, he placed his weapons down just beside the accessory, and set them on the wooden surface with a gentle thud.
“So,” Eivor said, bringing his attention back to Sigurd, “what troubles you, my friend? A shadow of unease stalks your every move.”
The prince chuckled, casually pacing around the room. “Is it so obvious? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. You’re quite gifted when it comes to reading people.”
Eivor turned around to face him. “Indeed. Which is why I hope nothing too grave has happened?”
“No, no,” Sigurd reassured. “It’s just...”
The older man came to a stop and rested his hands on his hips, letting out a conflicted sigh.
“To be honest, I don’t even know where to start. I expected this to be much simpler before you arrived, but now that I’m actually talking to you... I’m at a loss for words.”
The Wolf-Kissed leaned against the table’s edge. “Then start from the beginning.”
A light laugh fluttered from Sigurd’s lips. “...You say that like it’s so easy.”
He trailed off into silence and combed a hand through his hair, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. 
“Listen, Eivor, I’m not exactly sure how to say this, so... bear with me. But over these past two weeks, I’ve been thinking about you without pause. I know you said you didn’t want to take things further -- and I respect that -- but with the wedding just a day away from now, it’s become almost impossible for me to ignore how I feel.”
The young man tilted his head. “What about Randvi? Do you still not feel anything for her? Even after all the time you’ve spent here?”
Sigurd shook his head. “Randvi is a good woman, but she’s not meant for me. And I’m not meant for her. I can see that now. There’s nothing between the two of us. There’s no connection like the one you and I have.” He took a few steps in Eivor’s direction, steadily closing the distance between them. “The truth is, Eivor...”
His expression suddenly sank. “...I want you. I know our people are depending on this alliance, but I’d be lying if I said I was willing to go through with this marriage.” His gaze fell to the floor. “I want our people to be safe. I want to give them a world where they won’t have to live in fear anymore. But what happens after the war’s finished? What happens when Kjotve’s dead? Do Randvi and I just live out the rest of our lives as a couple, despite not being in love?”
Sigurd brought his eyes back to Eivor. “How could anyone find happiness in a life like that? Perhaps it’s selfish to think this way, but... part of me wishes I could make my own decisions. I wish I could just walk away from this wedding, and be with someone I truly love.”
The Wolf-Kissed shrugged. “It’s not selfish to desire freedom, Sigurd. I think anyone would want that.”
“True,” he conceded, “but I’m going to be a king someday. If I want to do right by my people, I’ll have to put their needs before my own. Though, of course, it’s much easier said than done.”
Sigurd let out a breath and turned away from the younger man, shifting to a more downcast demeanor.
“...I’m sorry, Eivor. I don’t know why I’m putting all this on you. You probably have enough to worry about, and I imagine you’ll have a busy day with the wedding tomorrow. I’m not even sure why I came here.” He began making his way to the room’s exit. “I should let you rest.”
“No, wait...!” Out of instinct, Eivor reached for the prince’s hand and grabbed onto his wrist, halting the older man his tracks. A stunning silence ensued after the abrupt gesture, and within a heartbeat, Eivor found himself staring back into Sigurd’s eyes.
The prince looked absolutely baffled by the response. Despite their closeness in the past, Sigurd didn’t appear to be expecting such a knee-jerk reaction from the other man. It was clear he had built a metaphorical wall between the two of them during their time apart, and was being forced to confront his fondness for Eivor now that he had broken the barrier again.
“I...” Eivor allowed his hand to linger, not willing to retreat just yet, “...Sigurd, listen to me. I battle with these emotions on a daily basis as well. I care for you too. You know this. But... we are both bound by duty. We both have people depending on us, and as much as I want to take this further, I can’t. It wouldn’t be right.”
Sigurd relaxed in Eivor’s hold, refusing to pull away from him. “...I know. It’s just difficult to accept, I suppose. I’ve spent all my life wandering the world without someone there to join me, and now that I’ve found you -- the gods want me to let you go. It... it feels wrong.”
The Wolf-Kissed frowned out of empathy. “...Perhaps in another life, when we are free from the restraints of this realm, can we finally be at peace with who we are. But until then...” Eivor felt his heart drop, “...we have a war to win. And we need this alliance to do it.”
Sigurd mirrored the man’s pain. “...Indeed.”
Letting his hand slip from Eivor’s grasp, the prince simply stood in the shadows without saying another word as the two of them drowned in a pool of regret, doing anything they could to break the surface.
It felt unfair to the younger man that he couldn’t be open about his affection for Sigurd, but he understood the gravity of what they were facing.
Their clans needed this marriage to work. They needed this joining to push back Kjotve’s forces, and to eradicate his cruelties from this kingdom for good.
But even then, Eivor wished desperately that he could embrace Sigurd to his heart’s content. He wished he could stick with the man the same way Ulfar did with Linnea, and part of him secretly envied the other people in his clan for being able to live without these concerns.
How different would things be if he were able to show Sigurd his true emotions? How much closer would they have become by now? He supposed he’d never find out. The burdens of this war far outweighed any desires he might’ve held, and he knew it would jeopardize the alliance to suggest anything else.
Still, it didn’t mean he wasn’t torn.
“Eivor?” Sigurd said abruptly, pulling the young man from his thoughts.
Eivor brought his focus back to the prince, suddenly realizing how the man was gazing out the window and into the night’s darkness. A newfound boldness had latched onto the warrior’s troubled visage, and merely just by watching him, Eivor could tell something was on his mind.
“...Yes?” He asked. “What is it?”
Sigurd’s brow crinkled with doubt, and he looked directly into the Wolf-Kissed’s eyes.
“Forgive me for being forward, but... would you be willing to lay with me tonight, Eivor?”
Eivor practically froze on the spot, taken aback by the blunt question. He wasn’t necessarily opposed to accepting the offer, but he found himself in shock nonetheless.
“What-- now?”
Sigurd caught onto his hesitation. “I realize this is sudden, but I have only until daybreak before I’m officially wed to Randvi. After that... my clan is returning to Fornburg to gather our forces. We’ll finally meet Kjotve on the battlefield alongside your people, and once that happens, I’m not certain I’ll ever get the chance to see you again. I... I want to cherish these last few hours with you.”
The younger man stumbled over his thoughts. “But what about the wedding, Sigurd? You’ll be a husband soon.”
The prince lowered his head in guilt. “I know. I’m not blind to the dishonor of my proposal, but as I said, I wish to share one last moment with you. Before I’m forced to leave you behind. Of course though, that’s only if you’re willing to do it. If not, then I’ll leave. No questions asked.”
Eivor’s words clumped together in his throat, and he gazed down at Sigurd’s hands, feeling the urge to reach for them once again. A fraction of his mind twisted at the idea of even considering the man’s offer, but the rest of him wanted nothing more than to leap into his arms. 
He had been dreaming of an opportunity like this ever since he first grew attached to Sigurd. He spent day and night wondering what it would be like to welcome his touch, and now that it was finally presenting itself, he didn’t know whether he should’ve refused it... or embraced it.
What if someone found out? What if they couldn’t keep it a secret? Ulfar had already expressed some skepticism of their relationship in the past, and Eivor dreaded the possibility of anyone else discovering their furtive meeting. It would mean the end of this alliance if their secret was exposed. The Raven Clan would no doubt classify it as a betrayal, and Eivor didn’t even want to think about what his own people would do.
Still... he longed for Sigurd’s affection. His heart hammered at the thought of feeling his warmth, and the temptation of accepting his offer was growing more and more irresistible by the second.
Surely, it couldn’t cause that much harm, could it? It would only be for one night, and they wouldn’t see each other again after the marriage was set in place. No one would ever know about their encounter, and they could carry on with their lives as usual. Plain and simple.
Deep down, though -- Eivor knew it was wrong. He knew the potential risks of what he was walking into, and he knew it could cause great harm if things didn’t go according to plan.
At the moment however, he found it difficult to care.
“...Just for tonight, right?” Eivor whispered, stepping closer to Sigurd until they were mere inches apart.
The prince brought a hand up to the other man’s cheek and gently caressed it, holding Eivor in place.
“Just for tonight.” He assured. “Just you... and me.”
Eivor took a deep breath and closed his eyes in contentment, finally deciding to accept the proposal.
“...Okay, then.” He agreed. “I trust you.”
Craning his neck downward, Sigurd pulled the younger man further into his embrace and planted a soft kiss on his lips, instantly tightening his grip once they touched.
It felt as if a flame had just been ignited in his chest. Sparks of intimacy traveled across the top of his skin, and a newborn fire now burst throughout his veins, prompting him to bring Eivor even closer.
He deepened the kiss and slid his hands down the sides of the Wolf-Kissed’s waist, latching onto every muscle he felt beneath his fingertips. He held the man firmly in his grasp and pushed him back towards the table, only breaking their kiss to lift his companion.
In one swift motion, Sigurd pressed his arms under the crook of Eivor’s legs and brought him into the air, afterwards setting him down on the table’s surface. He drifted away from the man’s lips and began pecking kisses along the length of his neck, still delicately caressing Eivor’s cheek in his palm.
Meanwhile, Eivor wrapped his arms around Sigurd’s neck and rested his head on the prince’s shoulders, allowing bliss to overtake him as he felt the man’s kisses roaming further down his body. He felt a pair of hands tugging at the laces on his shirt once the kisses reached his clavicle, and within seconds, his collar had been peeled apart, revealing the skin underneath. But it didn’t stop there.
Sigurd continued to undo the rest of Eivor’s clothes and pulled them off one-by-one, discarding them until the man sat half-bare before him. By now, the only thing concealing Eivor’s body was a pair of trousers that rested very loosely below his hips, and even that didn’t stay in place for long.
Bringing the kisses to a temporary halt, Sigurd peered into his companion’s eyes with a gaze smothered by lust and shrugged off his cloak, taking a moment to remove his own clothing. To his pleasant surprise, Eivor decided to help too and began fidgeting with the buckles on his armor, hastily unstrapping them in order to reach the flesh beneath.
Within a heartbeat, Sigurd’s tunic was sliding off his shoulders and onto the floor, leaving his torso completely exposed. Numerous scars of different sizes dusted the pale complexion of his skin, and thanks to the flickering candlelight, the ridges of his muscles became sharpened by the shadows that threaten to envelop him.
But the prince didn’t give Eivor much time to marvel at the view. As soon as his tunic hit the floor, Sigurd lifted the man once again and returned to his barrage of kisses, carrying him over to the bed.
He tossed Eivor onto the cushion and instantly crawled over him, pinning his wrists down while tackling the laces on his trousers. His breathing had become more ragged at this point, and a faint red tint now stained the color on his cheeks. 
Just before he could pull the laces loose however, a mischievous smirk spread across Eivor’s face and the man quickly switched their positions, pushing the prince so that he was now underneath him. He grabbed both of Sigurd’s wrists with a playful sense of agility, and locked the man in place before showering him with his own array of kisses.
He could feel the prince smiling as their lips met once again, and in addition to the excitement that now fueled his every move, Eivor also detected a warm rush of passion blossoming in the depths of his heart. His mind was screaming at him to stop what he was doing, but in the heat of the moment, he felt nothing except for pure bliss.
This was what he wanted. This was what he always dreamt about. It may have been wrong, and it may have been foolish, but by Freya -- Eivor would’ve been lying if he said it didn’t feel good. It was the one thing he never allowed himself to indulge in, and now, it felt incredible.
So, for the time-being, he simply shoved aside all worrisome thoughts and focused entirely on the man in front of him, eager to spend the rest of the night with his temporary lover.
He imagined he would be bathed in regret upon waking up from this mess, but right now, he didn’t care. At the moment, all he wanted was Sigurd. All he wanted was to be with him. He had spend so much time enforcing the barrier that stood between the two of them, and now, he was finally done with it.
He was breaking free from the shackles that this alliance had put on him, and he was no longer willing to stop.
A choir of birds whistled in harmony, bringing life to the stillness of the new day. Ribbons of golden light could be seen dancing across the quiet village, and in addition to the chatter that was now rising from the wildlife, the faint melody of music could also be heard ringing in the distance.
There were quite a few people wandering around, despite the early hour. Most of them were helping with preparations for the upcoming wedding, and the rest were simply just there to take in the morning view.
It was the start of a joyous day as far as the villagers were concerned. The alliance they had been planning for so long would finally be forged, and their days of living under Kjotve’s iron fist would come to an end.
As for Eivor, the young man was still trapped in his bed’s embrace, completely motionless in his slumber. His head remained buried in the warmth of his pillow, and he could feel a soft draft tickling the parts of his body that were exposed.
His mind was entirely clear of any worries for once. Not a single thought of war or death interrupted his dreams, and his soul remained unperturbed. 
In spite of the comfort that now encompassed him however, there was one thing that was missing. He no longer felt the sensation of someone’s arm on his hip, and the space behind him seemed to be lacking a familiar weight.
“...Sigurd...?” Eivor mumbled softly, rolling onto his side.
There was no one there.
The spot beside him was cold with absence, and all of the prince’s clothes had been retrieved from the floor. 
Sigurd was already gone, and Eivor was left with nothing but the company of his own regret.
“...Oh, you fool...” the young man muttered to himself, dragging a hand down his face. “...What were you thinking...?”
Freya willing, no one would ever learn about their forbidden escapade. There were already enough problems occupying the people of Bjornheimr, and Eivor’s mind went into a state of panic at the idea of anyone uncovering their affair, regardless of how temporary it may’ve been.
He supposed he would just have to carry on as if nothing had happened. He would have to attend the wedding with a fake smile on his face, and pretend that everything was fine.
But deep inside, Eivor knew he’d carry this encounter with him for many days to come. He longed for Sigurd’s love even more now, and instead of the felicity he should’ve felt for his sister’s marriage, he experienced only loneliness, and the desire to be with the prince again.
He was trapped in a hole he had dug with his own two hands, and now, he prayed that there’d be some way to climb out. He didn’t want the tragedies of Ingrida’s prediction to come true, but after everything that just occurred, he had a feeling it’d be impossible to stop it.
The Nornir were forcing him down this path they created, and he had already reached the point of no return.
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(but also like there's murder in here because it's still Umbrella Academy so...)
(BEWARE: mentions of abuse and harassment, murder, kidnapping, etc.)
(If you can handle watching Umbrella Academy, this will be fine for you.)
(Ballet, Hip-Hop) Diego came to this school for Eudora, and he’s staying here for Eudora. She’s his beloved adopted sister, and the one who told him he should pursue his passions in hip-hop… and ballet, but Diego’s not interested in telling anyone that bit yet. He’s only gonna be here a year anyway, just long enough for Eudora to win her way onto the women’s US national soccer team and earn enough money for the both of them to live worry-free for the rest of their lives. He’s not planning on making friends… until one of the dancers in his ballet class trips into his chest and Diego starts questioning whether love at first sight is a thing.
(Ballet) Klaus is top of his class in ballet, which is the only reason they haven’t kicked him out yet. He’s addicted to some hard shit; he’s sold himself for money; he’s living with his abusive boyfriend who he hasn’t loved in three years because if he wasn’t he’d be homeless. He knows he’d be fine if he just told Five what was happening to him, because Five is a thirteen-year-old runaway genius living in a studio apartment big enough for three, but Klaus doesn’t know how to bring it up. He knows he’s a mess - he’s got serious PTSD, anxiety, and depression from his few months in the army where his boyfriend he actually loved was killed in front of him, and he’s got anorexia because he’s a ballerina so of course he does, and he’s probably suicidal if he thinks about it too hard. But he just doesn’t want to deal with it. At all. But then there’s Diego. Sweet, innocent, hero-like Diego. And Klaus loves him. Klaus doesn’t love anything, but, fuck - Klaus loves Diego.
(Ballet, Break Dance, Hip-Hop, Tango) Five is a killer. You can laugh, it’s okay - everybody does when he says that, as if it’s a joke. Five’s alright with that. He has more to lose from them finding out about his habits than he does from actually doing it. It’s not like he can get caught - he’s killed detectives and cops too, and he’s very good at covering his tracks. Next on his list is Klaus’ boyfriend, who’s a piece of shit. He’ll bring Klaus home with him, and keep him safe. Five may not be loyal to many, but those he is will die of nothing but natural causes. He has access to things you can only dream of. All of his dance classes double for training; dance is a good segway to fighting techniques. The only trouble is Diego, who Five loves, who Klaus loves, who is well and true and good… who looks far too much like that vigilante who travels around after hours saving Five’s victims before they’re done bleeding out.
(Flamenco, Hula, Hip-Hop) Allison is undercover, and ready to be done with this shit. She knows Five’s guilty, and knows he knows she knows he’s guilty, and knows that if he wanted her dead she would be by now. She’s worried about his intentions towards Diego, but Five seems to have instead set his sights on Klaus’ boyfriend, who Allison can’t honestly say she’ll be sad to see go. So Allison won’t be bringing Five in - at least not yet. Instead, she focuses her efforts on her dance classes, hanging out mostly with her best friends Klaus and Ray, the latter of whom she has a crush on. And she’d make a move, too, if it weren’t for that stupidly hot and kind himbo she keeps passing in the hallways and cursing at.
(Jock, Break Dance) Luther doesn’t fit in here. Everyone here is so fucking talented, and Luther just… isn’t. Break dancing is just a hobby to him, but dance seems like life or death to everybody else. He’s starting to think maybe he should just quit, but then he sees Allison in the hallways, and thinks maybe all the ridicule is worth it. Though his petty fights with that Diego kid are getting annoying… and there’s something unexplainably sinister about this school. Almost like it’s… he doesn’t know. Sometimes it’s almost like it’s not a school at all.
(Choreographer, Contemporary) Ben is one of the school’s choreographers, though he’s still a student. He knows everything about everyone, and uses that power carefully. This school is going to fucking hell, what with all the criminals scheming under its roof, but none of them are Ben’s first concern, loathe as he is to admit it. No no, Ben is worried about Klaus. His best friend, Klaus. His beloved brother Klaus. His abused, sick, sad, scared, suicidal brother. God. Here’s the thing - Ben will do anything to save Klaus. Anything. Even, he knows with some sort of horrible inevitable certainty, die.
(Violinist) Vanya plays violin for the dance students to perform to. Her teacher Leonard is harassing her and she’s probably gonna end up his invisible victim one of these days, since nobody seems to care about her here. Except for Sissy, the student volunteer secretary who’s attending a normal college across the way. She and Vanya are in love, and they’ve moved in together and Sissy proposed to Vanya last week and Vanya thinks they’re maybe gonna be happy together forever. And then Five, Vanya’s only sort-of friend, climbs through her window at two in the morning covered in blood, passing out with only the words, Sorry. It’s not mine. Vanya screams, and it’s all downhill from there.
(Tango, Waltz, Ballroom) Ray is undercover with Allison, but she seems uninterested in bringing Five to justice. Not that Ray minds - she’s a pretty good judge of character, and Ray trusts her with his life, even if she seems to be hellbent on letting a serial killer go free. Ray’s also found an oddly fulfilling friendship with Klaus, and vows to make sure he gets his happy ending with Diego. But then he finds Ben’s bloody and beaten body in the second floor bathroom after class one day and thinks, Oh. Shit.
(Ballet, Break Dance, Tango) Lila is in the know. The Handler wants someone to combat Five, who went rogue on her a year ago and only sticks around this stupid school to keep an eye on Klaus. Lila, meanwhile, is looking for a way out - Five’s not an option. He’s too sticky. But Eudora, that soccer star at the school across the street, her best friend Diego’s sister… Eudora’s a way out. (And she’s really fucking pretty too, but that’s unrelated.)
(Jock, Hip-Hop) Eudora has this weird feeling about the school she sent Diego too. If she’s being honest, she sent him there because she knows about his vigilante-ism and thought it’d give him something else to do. But when Eudora comes to visit him (and yes, maybe Lila with the eyeliner and pretty skin), she instead finds her brother’s crush tied up in the basement and screaming. And then there’s a gunshot. And then there’s nothing.
(Ballet I Guess) Dolores is the statue formally known as the “Little Dancer of Fourteen Years”. She’s at the museum right near the dance school, and Five visits her nearly every day, talking to her about any and everything. Sometimes Klaus comes with him, or Diego. Five doesn’t know why she’s important - she just is.
(Orchestra & Flamenco Teacher) Leonard is the creepy and perverted orchestra and flamenco teacher. Allison hates him on sight, but loves dancing, and can’t leave. Vanya doesn’t trust him, and he seems hellbent on treating her inappropriately, and Allison wants to fucking throttle him. But she’s sure Five will take care of it. He’s good like that.
(Ballroom Teacher) Hazel teaches ballroom dancing, and has been married to Agnes for almost twenty years now. His best friend and partner is Cha-Cha, and they both secretly work for the Handler, having been given their orders to dismantle Five. They know they’ll have to make him come to them, so they take Five’s favorite person: Klaus. It’s really such a shame that Ben boy found out what was going on and confronted them - he was far too polite to die.
(Break Dance & Hip-Hop Teacher) Cha-Cha probably wants to leave the Umbrella Academy, if she’s really honest with herself. She wants to… I don’t know, buy a boat and fuck off forever. Leave all this stupid shit behind. But now she’s got Ben’s blood on her hands and she can’t undo that, she can’t, and there’s - there’s Eudora, sweet, brave, innocent Eudora, bleeding out on the basement floor while Klaus screams. And Cha-Cha knows Diego - she’s just dug her own grave twice over.
(Ballet & Hula Teacher) Agnes is, on the contrary to most people’s expectations, not an oblivious idiot. She knows exactly what’s going on in her school. She also knows her students can handle themselves.
(First Dean, Tango Teacher) The Handler thinks she’s got all her secrets well under wraps. No one knows how many bodies she’s buried, how many students she’s killed… she’s safe from everyone but Five, the little bitch. And she thinks this up until the moment Klaus walks through her office door with a gun in his hand and the smiling ghost of Ben beside him, and realizes, Oh shit.
(Second Dean, Waltz Teacher) Reginald gives no fucks. He’s only teaching here because Pogo says it would be good for him. Granted Reginald thinks Pogo is a bit of an annoying wussy, but nonetheless he’s here. Teaching “secret” assassins how to dance. What a fucking joke.
(Counselor) Grace is everybody’s favorite person. When the school finally falls, she’s the one they all go home to. She only wishes they could learn how to dance without weapons beneath their skirts.
This turned out way darker than I intended and I am not sorry.
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