#and when we restated that last part the person was like
arodrwho · 2 years
i hate when a client responds back answering only half the question and when we respond back immediately asking for the other half they take a whole ass day before going "i answered yesterday" and repeating the exact same thing they said before which does Not actually answer the other half of the question!!!
hate when the problem is THEIR not understanding what was written but they act like it's Your Fault
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khaire-traveler · 1 month
This is so stupid and you probably can't but can you help me find the deity that fits me? I stopped worshipping three bc I just didn't have a bond with them
Hey, Nonny!
I'm certain I've answered a very similar question recently, but for the life of me, I can't seem to find the post. 💀 I'm just going to restate the information I remember giving, since I can't link it. I obviously can't know which deity you'll feel a connection to, but I'll give the best advice I can think of to hopefully offer you a place to start.
The first thing I'd do is make a list of things that genuinely interest you. I'm talking about hobbies, passions, inspirations, interests, topics you study - that kind of thing. After that, make a list of things you feel you need help with or would like to personally work on. Habits you'd like to stop, flaws you'd like to improve on, traits you want to strengthen, goals you want to achieve, current struggles that you're facing - that sort of thing. You can be as detailed or simple as you want; these lists don't have to be super long or fancy.
The next thing I'd do is look into the deities within the pantheon I'm interested in. Search terms like "Greek god of medicine", for example, and you're likely to find at least one result. I would try to keep your search terms broad, however; I wouldn't search up extremely niche topics. If you can't find anything under those search terms, look up a general list of the deities within that pantheon and go through them. Look at any names that seem to stick out to you more than the others. This part of the process would likely take the most time and effort.
After that, I'd make a list of the deities that interest me. Try to look at deities who are involved with the topics you enjoy or could potentially help you with whatever you want to work on. For example, let's say you enjoy writing. You may want to try reaching out to Lord Hermes, who has a domain within language and communication. You could also reach out to one of the Muses, who often aid with creative endeavors. Try finding deities that are related to the topics that you made lists for, and see what you've got.
When the list of deities is made, I'd start reaching out! Reach out to the deities who call to you the most to start. Which names stand out to you? Which deities are the most involved with your interests? Look for deities you think you'd get along well with.
I will say that it's important to remember that bonds take time to form. You're not likely to find a deity you just immediately click with; it tends to take time to form a deep and strong connection. Sometimes we do find a deity who we feel a more immediate bond with or feel called to worship, but that's not always the case, and that's entirely normal. Just like any human relationship, deity relationships develop over time with lots of care, communication, and time spent together.
The last thing I want to mention is that you're also welcome to worship deities just because you think they're cool. You don't need any other reason than that to simply reach out and say hello. Every deity I've met seems to enjoy having a worshipper who truly appreciates them. c:
I hope this is helpful and can offer you some guidance on where you can try to start! At the end of the day, this is just a suggestion, and you absolutely don't have to do things this way if you don't find it helpful. Regardless, I wish you the best of luck on this new journey. Take care, and I'm sure you'll find a deity you feel a connection to soon. Have a good day/night. 🧡
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starsfic · 9 months
Imagine when Lilia comes to the boiling isles, it's cause she's running from a bus supposed to correct her while Marinette and Adrien are trying to get her on there
(Vee will still pose as Luz, Camilia's finance are stable again but she's deeply troubled by Lilia's self-centered personality
The battle against Shadowmoth had been long and hard.
But, at the end, good triumphed over evil.
Gabriel Agreste was arrested with his accomplices Nathalie Sancoeur, Chloé Bourgeois, and Lila Rossi. The latter was why Ladybug and Chat Noir found themselves in the police station with Gina Rossi, an Italian diplomat, and Alya. (Ladybug wasn’t sure how the latter got in here (based on her face, neither did she) but she was willing to let Alya get a look.)
“Based on her records, this seems…” Roger hissed through his teeth as he flipped through the file. “Not a surprise.” he finally settled on.
Gina looked ready to faint. “This isn’t new behavior?”
Roger looked up from the file with a raised brow. “Ma’am, did you not look at the record of the girl you were adopting?” Ladybug opened her mouth, only barely managing to get ahold of herself to clap her hands over Chat and Alya’s mouths before the questions could come out. She had no idea Lila had even been adopted. Poor Mrs. Rossi looked ready to faint already. “According to her file, starting at a young age, Lila has shown a history of lying.”
“That can’t- I didn’t-” Gina snatched the file and started scanning it, her face slowly getting more and more pale. “...this can’t…” Ladybug released her partner and her best friend’s mouths so they could step closer and peek over. Alya whistled.
Lila’s file was long.
The first recorded incident was when Lila was five. She accused a daycare worker of giving her food she was allergic to. The new manager had fired the poor girl on the spot, not even giving her a chance to explain until Lila’s bio mom, one Ms. Camila Noceda, had come to pick the twins up from daycare.
“Lila doesn’t have allergies.”
The daycare worker, as it turned out, had said no to Lila taking a doll from Luz. She had been restated with much higher pay soon after. The Nocedas had given her money for the lost wages.
The second had been aimed at a family friend of the Nocedas. Six-year-old Lila, with a new black eye, had accused the boy of hitting her at a party. The entire family had been outraged until they learned the boy wasn’t there…by him returning from his part time job. As it turned out, Lila had just tripped.
The pattern continued. Lila would lie, only to have her lie revealed. As time continued, the lies grew bigger and closer together. Soon, Lila was lying all the time. In the notes that Gina flipped through, Ladybug made a note.
Most of the lies were revealed by Lila’s twin, Luz, or the girl’s bio parents. Distance began to appear. The last incident happened…
Her blood ran cold.
There had been an accident on a family boating trip. Luz Noceda had fallen overboard while apparently not wearing her life vest. Lila had never been solidly accused, but it was noted that she was the last one to see Luz alive. The little girl’s body had never been found.
Now, Marinette knew Lila was bad. Who got a kick out of lying to people? But she was starting to learn, more and more, how evil she was.
Luz had been like her. A weird girl who still spoke the truth and disrupted Lila’s lies. Unlike her, she had been listened to. And for that, Lila had possibly killed her.
(For a second, she felt smug. Adrien could take the high road and shove it.)
“We actually called Camila Noceda in to ask her questions,” Roger said, wreaking the silence. “She’s on her way in now.”
“Does she need someone to pick her up?” Chat Noir asked.
Roger shook his head. “You misunderstand. She’s walking into the building now.”
The door opened. “Right this way, madame,” an officer said in English. “Camila Noceda is here, sir.”
Camila Noceda was a woman with dark bags under her eyes and a soft frown. She wore a yellow sweater that seemed to have been hastily pulled over a medical uniform. She was a pretty older woman with grey starting to soften the dark curls in her hair. Ladybug couldn’t see any resemblance to Lila from just one look.
“What did she do?”
Roger blinked. “What?”
“Lila. What did she do this time?” Chat and Alya both winced at the harshness. Camila sighed and rubbed her eyes. “Sorry. It’s a surprise to get a call about your biological daughter so late in the evening.”
“It’s nothing to be offended about, madame,” Ladybug couldn’t help but take a step forward and grip Camila’s hand. Exhaustion lined the poor woman’s voice, and this whole experience, based on the last incident, must’ve been making her flashback. “I’m sorry to have to drag you in like this. We just have some questions about Lila Rossi’s lying habit.”
A warm smile bloomed to life. “Thank you, sweetheart,” Camila reached up and patted her cheek. Maternal warmth seemed to seep off her now. Ladybug couldn’t help but lean into the warm touch, suddenly reminded of her own mother. “I’m happy to answer any questions, but what did Lila do?”
Oh boy. Ladybug glanced around. Roger, Chat, and Alya didn’t meet her eyes. It seemed like-
“It was my fault.” Gina stood up straight, shoulders clenched. “I’m Gina Rossi, Lila’s m…” She paused and shook her head. “Lila’s adoptive mother. I think we spoke on the phone when I adopted her.”
Camila nodded. “We did. You were so excited to welcome Lila into your family.” Her smile turned sadder. “I hated giving up on Lila, but I couldn’t…” She sighed. “I couldn’t give her the help she needed.”
Gina nodded. “Neither could I,” she whispered. Camila cocked her head. “I didn’t look at her file closely. I didn’t read about all the incidents, the lying, everything. I let her manipulate me.” Gina reached up and rubbed her forehead. “She helped a terrorist attack Paris because I enabled her.”
Camila’s eyes went wide. “She did what?!”
“She also skipped over a year of school!” Gina’s voice choked into a sob. “She’s getting me in trouble with the embassy because she made up stories about traveling everywhere, she’s getting into legal trouble, and she almost ruined one poor girl’s life!”
Camila clearly flinched. “She did?”
“Yes!” Alya stepped forward. “My best friend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Ladybug blinked. “I…I also helped enable her. Without knowing! But I still helped her.” She presented the phone to Camila, who looked ready to faint. “I’m really sorry, Mrs. Noceda.”
Camila took the phone, allowing Ladybug to see that Alya had pulled up the Ladyblog. Specifically, on the video of Volpina helping Shadowmoth.
The woman was eerily quiet, staring at the screen. Her eyes were wide as the video first played. They narrowed as the video replayed a second time. A third time.
“...I…I can’t believe this.” Camila passed the phone back to Alya. Her hands were shaking, as though she was ready to throw the phone. “No. You know what? I can believe Lila would do that.”
Roger stepped forward. “Your answers will help us make sure, madame.”
“Ask away,” Camila said, taking a deep breath in and letting it out. “And then I want to talk to her. Luz has some questions of her own.” 
The door opened, revealing a girl. She was pretty, with golden hairclips pushing back hair to reveal golden eyes.
“Where’s my sister?”
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spectrumgarden · 10 hours
If you don't mind, what does visibly autistic look like
It means many things, and it does depend on context. Like, theres some nuance here that can get lost, similar to how there is actually nuance to nonverbal experiences but by having to constantly restate that people with speech loss arent nonverbal, your focus is shifted from discussing this nuanced experience to guarding it. And with that comes generalizing it a bit more, to make those arguing with you understand it more easily. I'm assuming you're asking to understand my actual definition of it, instead of wanting to argue, so I'm thankful for that! This let's me be a lot more nuanced than in a situation where my nuance will be immediated used to pick apart everything that I'm saying about it being about others perception at all.
Disclaimer that I'm not visibly autistic all the time. To me it does heavily depend on if I'm using my AAC at the time, which has increased over the last year (which is not much a choice though, I am a part time user by definition but I'm not choosing to use it over verbal speech when I do, if that makes sense.) & the general state of my autistic catatonia like symptoms at the time, which do fluctuate somewhat day to day, and a few other factors such as "how obviously is my carer / person around me to make me able to access this thing not just a 'normal' relative or friend? Is this obviously a caregiving (esque) relation in front of others?" etc. So I'm not in the same boat as someone who continously gets read as autistic, especially not someone who's HSN and/or nonverbal, and I'd suggest you try and find what some of them have said about it.
Visible autism with nuance (to me) means that the same behavior does get read differently depending on many factors, race being one of them. I'm white so this is just things I've heard from other autistics of color, especially black autistics, but their behavior that would make white autistics get read as autistic, often makes them get read at schizophrenic / on the schizo-spec instead, etc.
Similarly, sometimes other disabilities "overshadow" the visible autism. Some people with ID will only ever get read as having ID, not autism, despite both being present and obvious in different ways, especially if they have facial features associated with having ID, or other ways people can "just tell". Similarly to people with down syndrome who have the characteristic facial features, this frequently makes people go "oh everything I'm seeing is related to down syndrome / ID, got it" even if it would make them think of autism in someone without these facial features, etc. Someone w these can still be read as autistic frequently, but it's another layer that complicates it. Listing all of these influencing disabilities is impossible I think, it's just important that we know they exist.
Since visible autism is about "how do you usually get perceived by the general public? Do they think you're autistic?", this also means that it is, annoyingly, quite dependent on your surroundings, and visible autism might look a little different in different countries, because we've all grown up being conveyed slightly different images of what autism "is" (aka "looks like"). Different generations might have slightly different images of autism as well, and especially younger generations might have expanded what they consider "visibly autistic" a fair bit because of things they've been exposed to online over the last few years- what will be visibly autistic to the general public already Has Changed a bit with the "autistic genius" thing all over media for the last years, so that's interesting I suppose, but that "type" of visible autism is also very restrictive and most LSN / high masking autistics probably dont get read this way either because of how highly speicfic it is.
However for the rest of this I will ignore that part somewhat, assume that all of these can however also be read as other disabilities in that sense. I might use visibly disabled sometimes though to sort of reference it a bit.
Ok. That was a lot before I even got to what behaviors in the end are generally associated with visible autism, sorry but yeah.
A big part often is "how does this person move?" Many autistic people, especially those who fall more towards the MSN & especially HSN area of autism, have issues with gross and fine motor skills that are very apparent and go beyond "clumsy". "abnormal gaits" for example, to the point it might result in using mobility aids to help them move around. Gait trainers being one ive seen a lot over the years, but others as well. People with certain issues with walking might also be prescribed AFO braces and the likes. How do you hold your upper body, your limbs, how do you use tools? Is it obvious you have issues with motor skills when you for example eat something with a fork or a spoon? Etc. This is basically your entire way of moving, which is complex to describe, and I struggle to define it more than "people see your (issues with) movement & categorize it as disabled / autistic, in those terms or very similar (the r slur, etc), in their head"
Motor development can also be stunted in LSN people & actually frequently is, (though this is understudied in the entire autistic population) but on average (!) as is with most autistic traits, they present more strongly in people with higher support needs & lower IQs, so they might cross the line from being read as "clumsy" to "disabled" a lot more.
Stimming is the next obvious one, which is where it does turn into a bit of a battlefield in the visible autism argument, because most people I would say are not visibly autistic do also, visibly "stim", and they know this obviously. The thing is just again, how far does it deviate from the norm until it is categorized as (stereotypical) autistic behavior in the average persons head.
Allistic people, yes even those in the fully neurotypical sense, no adhd, no anxiety, nothing, do also "stim" as in "self stimulating behavior", it just generally gets called "fidgeting" (that's also why a lot of the time, at least early on, many "stim toys" were also / only marketed as "fidget toys", in my area at least, everyone called it "fidget cubes", "fidget spinners", etc).
My allistic mother bounces her foot or leg, especially if she has to wait for something a long time. Many people with longer hair frequently play with strands of this hair, twirling it around their fingers etc. "Someone is clicking their pen over and over" is something fairly normal in any room with many people who are holding pens, and the people doing this are not automatically autistic, or read as such. The less disruptive this is, the more it will be tolerated, and allistic people usually do not struggle to redirect this into something else if they are told to stop because its annoying someone else.
A lot of LSN and / or high masking autistics have talked about masking stims, either suppressing them entirely, or redirecting them to less disruptive ones. I'll probably get more into masking towards the end, so for now that's all I'll say about it. This does result in it less and less being read as visibly autistic. Again, not about 'is this actually autistic behavior' but just, what does it get labeled as? In that case, when all I would do to stim was bounce my leg, doodle in my notebooks or twirl some hair around my finger, etc, no one thought "oh damn, that kid is autistic".
This is in stark contrast to stims that are a lot "bigger", "louder", something allistic people would generally never do to "fidget", etc. Common stims of this type, usually done by low masking, higher support needs / higher level autistics etc are: pacing (when they should be sitting down), jumping, spinning etc (when they should be sitting down, or at least stand still), flapping your hands or otherwise swinging your arms around repetitively, rocking back and forth, clapping, vocal stims that range from repeating quieter sounds or words over and over to people who straight up yell, etc. & of course, self injury behavior / stims like banging your head against a wall or similar behavior like biting yourself, hitting yourself, or scratching yourself until you bleed etc.
SIB especially is very associated with developmental disabilities in the general public, to the point many peoples way of mocking visibly DD/ autistic behavior is by acting like they are hitting themselves, often their head, amongst other things. SIB is often the reason people will be wearing protective helmets to prevent injury, and also usually the reason for putting autistic people into restraints etc.
Important: these are not masked in public or if attempted to, can not be sustained for very long at all (a few minutes, maybe?) and will usually present as differently disruptive / large stims instead of "smaller", more close to "fidgeting" appearance ones. If you somehow manage to get me stop pacing and running my hands over the walls, I will instead rock and hum and make popping sounds with my mouth, clap a bit (all more or less simultaneously), etc.
Carers and similar things are another way one might be visibly autistic. Though with absence of currently ongoing caregiving tasks that are very visible to others (helping someone with bADLs like eating, drinking, going to the bathroom, transfering, .... or communicating for them, keeping them from running into traffic, trying to redirect (harmful) stims, ...) and an absence of many other things that people read as disabled, this might not accurately get understood to be a caregiver.
I think it's fairly obvious that most people will have a largely different reaction to either a) seeing someone twirl their hair or tap their fingers onto the table in a rhythmic manner, etc or b) someone who screams or continously makes lower volume noise or repeats words over and over, hits themselves, paces up and down in situations where you're supposed to be seated, chews on their hands or specialized chewing objects, .... I'm not saying these stims are exclusive to higher support needs, but the act of doing them in public regularly is one most high masking people avoid successfully, and instead limit to spaces like their own home, etc, because they KNOW the reaction to these is far more severe.
Your eyes / gaze is another one, though I find that it does frequently only become visibly autistic in addition to other behavior / traits and severity. On good days where I manage to look into someone's vague direction & respond (verbally) to some degree, I am treated as an active participant despite missing eye contact, or sometimes letting my eyes wander across the room to look at every small detail. On days where I am fixated on the ceiling for the last 5 minutes, or some blinking lights on a screen, etc, and i dont look in your direction at all when you address me (and also respond a lot less) I am treated as someone who does not belong to the conversation. I am talked about as if I was not there, as if I could not hear them. When I am like that, and my carer says I'm autistic, no one questions it (especially in combination with the visible large stims from before).
Communication is one of those defining factors in being read as autistic by the general public. where if you are nonverbal or use verbal speech in a very limited way, often instead rely on high or low tech AAC, primarily communicate in grunts/ gestures, etc in combination with other traits like those described earlier in this post, it is very visibly autistic. Generally any communication deficits like frequent wrong grammar beyond what your peers might mess up, or simply not holding conversations (aka having no apparent interest in talking to others about things they are doing, etc. Sort of like "what are you doing ?" "..." "are you drawing?" *nods* "is it fun?" "...") while theoretically being able to talk verbally. It's part of the "being in your own world" view many have of autism. Do they only communicate about their interests and nothing else?
Its more like the existing idea of someone being disabled / autistic creates the idea that the person with them must be a caregiver, than the presence of someone who is not currently doing any visible caregiving being interpreted correctly by itself. is pretty obvious by visibly disabled people who do not need a caregiver at this time, having their friends / family / partners assumed to be caregivers constantly on the mere basis that they are around them, a visibly disabled person.
there is also general appearance: are they maybe covered in stains, etc? Very common for people with bad motor skill issues, since they might spill things daily. They might refuse to bathe frequently, or their caregivers have decided to not do it as frequently for other reasons, neglect of some form, etc. Are their clothes not picked for looks but for sensory friendliness? Are an adults clothes very "childish"?
Other "miscellaneous" behaviour like drooling, or throwing things. Meltdowns.
Are their interests "age inappropriate", like young children's shows? Do they read picture books? Do they otherwise appear childish? (Carrying around plushies, chewing things that look like teethers for babies, ...)
a lot of this is generally cumulative. Basically, having one or two things from the long list of behaviors / traits, especially in the less severe expressions, might not be enough to push someone over the line into the visibly autistic area, while a different combination or different severity of the same combination might do. Depending on where you live, etc. Again, its complicated & this isnt supposed to be a checklist or anything.
In short: disability aids, assistive tech, etc, like mobility aids, visible orthotics, AAC, specialized bottles or cutlery, ... general movement & control over your body. Limited Communication and less reactiveness to others communication. Needing carers. Drooling, stimming in loud, large or simply very "unusual" ways (e.g. chewing past a certain age & with unusual objects). Meltdowns. I'm surely forgetting some things as well.
What a lot of these have in common is that their similarity to the developmental stages of babies, toddlers & younger children makes a lot people mentally categorize visibly autistic people as either "child like" or "mentally the same as children". Because who also spills things on themselves a lot? Who chews on things? Who jumps around when they should be sitting down? Who's motor skills are not fully developed yet? Who cant speak yet, or speak more than a few words, ....? Young humans, that's who.
It's hard to make definitive statements like "only x autistics get treated x way", but pretty much anyone who observes different autistics treatment will realize that people who exhibit the above traits are on average treated a lot more like:
-they are unable to / or shouldn't be allowed to make basic decisions about their own life, including medical care, where they live (you dont want to live in an institution? Well your family wants you there though, etc) when they sleep, eat, bathe, especially if they need assistance with that, or any other thing filling up the time in their day. How they look (carers might control their clothing options, ability to get tattoos or piercings, etc), their ability to understand and consent to sex or romantic relationships, ...
- they are Not Human, they are Literally A Child (not as vague vibes deep down motivating this treatment, but frequently as direct statements) and they are not worth my attention, respect, time to understand their forms of communication, or emotional closeness such as in a friendship, because they are not my Equal
- they should not be in public at all because they are disruptive with their stims / meltdowns / communication needs / ... they should be segregated from society as much as possible, in seperate schools or classrooms, institutions, ...
- they are unable to learn the same things as their peers academically, regardless of actual academic ability. Their ability to learn how to read or write might be disregarded without any attempts at actually teaching it, etc.
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toothlespoggers · 1 year
I wanted to restate my previous theory on why Sans’s Hp is so low and why he exhausts so easily
Alright so we all know monsters Breathe, it’s confirmed because we see them huffing and puffing in fights etc, undyne also mentions heart beats etc, we know that monsters souls also function as hearts and that they breathe, we know this, yes it’s established.
ok so.
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We know sans is lazy, that’s part of his personality, but he also tires extremely quickly, we see this happen in his fight, and just generally.
he huffs and puffs and wheezes in his fight and sweats a lot, which is strange but we shrug it off as him being exhausted from exercising. it’s just weird considering his brother- papyrus is able to exercise such restraint and control over a fraction of his power without breaking a sweat.
it all seems confusing until we look at Sans’s facial structure compared to his brother
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In all official art of sans, he doesn’t have a nose bridge, this includes his sprites. He’s round and can’t open his mouth. Weird, wouldn’t it be difficult breathing through your teeth? Probably just breathe through your nose all the time, right?
well yeah.. if you had a proper nose.
Unlike papyrus, sans doesn’t have a nose bridge or anything that would make breathing easier, he’s basically built like a pug.
So it starts to make sense why sans is easily exhausted from exercise, he’s not able to breathe properly, and of course in the underground with their lack of advanced medicine, they wouldn’t know what was wrong with sans and just assume it to be his laziness.
however, this shows that sans can’t breathe properly, of course it’s not fatal and I’m not saying every waking moment of sanses existence is suffering because of the way he’s built. I’m just saying strenuous activities would probably be harder to accomplish when you can’t get enough air in.
As I proposed last time I talked about this, he would likely get a nasal cannula prescribed to him if he was pressured into seeking medical help on the surface.
this would allow him to exercise more easily, and they can be portable.
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spaced0lphin · 1 year
My Fanfiction Crimes: WayfaringJedi
I run a SW focused sideblog, called wayfaringjedi, where I post art and fics and stuff.
Earlier this month, I found a list of “headcanons” about a Star Wars character, posted publicly, here on Tumblr. Looking to blow off some steam, I wrote a six thousand word narrative incorporating some of them. I credited/tagged the person who posted the list in the first place – I was hoping to make a fandom friend, and start a conversation. In my experience, that tends to be what happens when two enthusiastic creatives interact after one inspires the other.
For the past eight days, I have stayed silent as the grave on this issue, as one is supposed to when someone on the Internet decides to engage in behaviour like what this author has done.
I have been accused of plagiarism, ablism, and abuse. This author has publicly and on numerous occasions solicited their followers to bother me and attempt to disrupt my work. They are now engaging in malicious reporting, attempting to get my blogs flagged as Spam, and my accounts shadowbanned, or worse.
So, I am writing this. I find addressing all of this publicly to be an exercise in disappointment and exasperation; I had hoped for this incident to blow over and be nothing more than an embarrassing footnote in an otherwise enjoyable fandom experience. Yet, here I am, reduced to talking about this as if the complaints had any merit. However, at this juncture, I don’t want their voice as the only one dictating the narrative.
It all started when the author reblogged my original post sharing my work with them, essentially stating they felt I’d stolen from them. They explained they didn’t want to write in their story anymore, and threatened to stop writing in general, because of me. (I’m paraphrasing, the post was deleted.) My initial response was shock and dismay – no one had ever reacted in this way to me before, and the last thing I want to do is hurt anybody. As I’m quite a shy person and often seek to minimise myself, I apologised and deleted the work from Tumblr. The author blocked me without further comment.
I wasn’t able to get on Ao3, as I was out at the time, and busy. When I sat down at the computer several hours later, this author and their followers had run rampant with comments all over my work. Accusing me of being disingenuous, an “idea thief,” a plagiarist, and of being deliberately malicious and insulting by daring to have my work up.
My one and only statement was this thorough comment I left on my own work. (This version of my comment has the author’s username redacted, to protect them from any abuse.)
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I enabled comment moderation to stop the arguments. I deleted most of the comments, particularly more inflammatory ones, and ones including mention of the author’s first name. I have acted to protect this person and I will continue to; their username will not be mentioned here, and all trace of them has been removed from my work as it remains on Ao3. It will certainly be possible to find out who this person is, but I will not assist in this, and ask that nobody name them, either.
Shortly after posting this comment, the author unblocked me on Tumblr and we had a brief, unproductive discussion. In it, I restated my points and confirmed that I would not be removing my work. The author expressed to me what I felt were unreasonable demands (to remove, or significantly alter the work by removing entire themes, etc) and whilst for the most part civil, their comments towards me descended into ad hominem (‘You’re not a nice person,’ etc.) once it became clear that I would not obey. Much noise was made about being neurodivergent – I am too, it’s a non-starter with me.
I explained in these messages that neither of us own the fictional character in question, nor do we own certain general themes and/or ideas, to which the author responded by calling me ‘cruel.’
They insisted I take personal responsibility and account for some 27 anonymous hate messages they claimed to have received. I asked for proof of them. 
Initially, the author refused to provide me with any, on account of my own refusal to delete my work for them first – a line of reasoning I couldn’t understand, personally, but I’ll get to that in a moment.
They then disappeared for about an hour or so, and came back with screenshots of some anonymous messages.
Firstly, no one should be bombarded with messages like that, and given that I only had 10 followers at the time of this incident, their existence is shocking to the point of inspiring awe.
For several reasons, mainly contextually based – I believe this author wrote and sent these anonymous messages to themself, to screenshot and use as “evidence” against me.
I certainly did not send them, and I’m sure if Tumblr’s admin side looks into the IP addresses these anonymous messages originate from, they will be the same as the author’s. I would, at this point, be willing to bet money on it.
I received some messages as well, and in response, I turned off anonymous messaging. Then, I received messages from what I believe is one of the author’s sockpuppets, complaining that I had turned off anonymous messages. I received multiple messages per day. Initially, I didn’t block this account – I was intent on giving this person no satisfaction whatsoever, not even a block.
These messages run the gamut from goofy Internet rage, to vaguely threatening:
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I find it extremely difficult to believe that a random friend of this author would continue to be angry enough about this to message me multiple times a day for an entire week – I think it’s much more likely that this is the author themself. Given this, there are certain unusual turns of phrase that this account and at least one other uses in common. “Have the day you deserve.” That’s all over the place in the initial Ao3 bombardment. (I'm unconcerned with censoring the username for the following two comments as they belong to a sock.)
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The saddest thing I have found about this entire debacle is that the messages I believe this author wrote to abuse themself with are so much more scathing than anything they wrote to me – their supposed enemy in all this. In fact, the things they’ve said betray an immense insecurity about themselves and their work that breaks my heart. They don’t deserve to feel this way about themselves or their work, and I think they are using this incident as a catalyst for validation of some kind. During the discussion with me, they put themselves down a lot, and it is my honest belief that this person feels so aggrieved because, somehow, they think they can’t do ‘better’ than what I wrote. To be clear, that is a nonsense fear. They are an incredibly strong writer with their own style and sense of direction very distinct from my own. Even with some similar themes, our stories would never be the same. 
One thing this author – or one of their sockpuppets – asked that I would like to answer is the question of whether or not I would ‘fight for it,’ were the situation reversed. The answer, friend or sockpuppet, is no. Other writers can, do, and have used my personal ideas, plots, and interpretations of characters freely in their own works, without asking. I have loved reading them. Illustrators have traced my drawings and my 3D models. Power to them. If someone else would like to write a story or make a mod with the same subject matter as any of mine, I would love to see and support it.
The author expressed to me insecurity about feeling that if they finished their story now, they would be accused of copying me. I assured them then, just as I do now, no reasonable person would think that, and if they did, I would be the first in line to tell this hypothetical gobshite where to stick it.
Further, they expressed interest in reporting my story to Ao3 administrators. I suggested if they really felt this way, they ought to. I requested they not delete the original post of theirs that I cited in my credit to them, so that the administrators could be fair to us both in reviewing all information in context, and comparing our works. The author explained they had already deleted it. I retain a full backup of the post, as well as my comments section in full before I made any deletions. I forwarded these to Ao3 myself in my initial report.
“Headcanons” have been put up by fan creators for other fan creators to build off of since time immemorial. It’s good to tag and credit where you found ideas – sharing is caring, and caring is fun. The crux of this author’s complaint seems to be that I didn’t ask them first. This is simply not how publicly posted ideas for fanfiction have worked in my twenty-odd years of writing it. Whilst I respect this person’s upset, I will not capitulate. My story is mine, I have interpreted these ideas in my own way, and I have stolen nothing.
The idea that a fanfiction author is attempting to take another to task with claims about intellectual property is a line of argument I find baffling, to say the least. 
As an interesting point of fact, I have been made aware of what this author has said in the body of one of their messages reporting me to Tumblr. In it, they claim to have been in contact with Ao3 site administrators, who have “already agreed to ban” me, on the basis of “evidence” they have sent in. Also, they claim to have law enforcement involved in this situation, as ‘what I am doing to them’ constitutes a “crime.” 
I can assure everyone that I have heard from no police, and my account is in good standing with Ao3. This author is attempting to strengthen their argument against me to Tumblr with fully disprovable lies, which at this point, seems to be a pattern.
Whether or not you personally agree with this author’s sentiment that I have violated some social norm, the fact remains that this escalatory, dishonest behaviour is unacceptable, and I will not negotiate with it. One only has to look briefly at my history of engaging with fandom on this site – whatever blog it happens to be from – to see that I am not the kind of person who behaves in the way this author is alleging. I have never in my life sent anonymous hate messages to anyone.
The author has explained to me that they have deleted their entire body of works related to this story that they were writing. They appear to want me to emotionally account in some way for this action, and I will not. This author’s actions and responses to this situation – every last one – are their own, and they alone are responsible for them.
Let me be clear in saying that when this is dealt with by administrators, it is likelier than not that this other author will fully lose their account due to their documented goofiness over this. I personally do not want that outcome for them. I want the same thing that I have wanted throughout this entire stupid mess; to write stories for fun, in peace, and share them with others.
I am very sure that the author will read this, or parts of it at least, as they have a fixation on me at the moment. I am sure they will have something to say about it.
I am not interested in hearing it, and I will not entertain one word of it. Everything I have said is true, I have documented it, I have saved it, and I have given it to whom it concerns.
At best, I have done absolutely nothing wrong. At worst, I have a genuinely different experience with fandom ethos. Either way, this entire business is utter nonsense.
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kamiversee · 3 months
bro i’m crying so bad i spent the last 3 days binging tfl and i atp ion even know who i like more. like bro i didn’t even peep choso re-entering the apartment until u mentioned it in ch. 18/19(?) 😭😭😭😭😭
i was genuinely just rooting for choso the whole time until i read thru some of ur responses to anons in ur kamianswers! tag. made me more wary of choso coz everyone was talking ab how he’s THE SAME AS GOJO like choso was blackmailing mc too ?????
the whole fuck list concept just confused the fuck outta me like IM THE MC. like fym gojo doesn’t really owe any of those guys anything ???? why she sleeping w them then ????? then i thought back to ch. 1/2(?) when gojo said it was for his entertainment. i honestly forgot that bit until it was restated in ch. 46😭😭😭
i also rmbr u saying that some ppl have guessed the ending already, so i was trying to figure out what i could but i just gave up from confusion. now i just wanna wait for the next chapter to come out instead of trying to figure shit out coz i ain’t nancy drew💀 ima let everyone else cook
anyways i would love to read the other stories that u have bc i love how ur characterization of everyone in the story from the mc, gojo, and choso to shoko, ino, and even naoya. while not everyone had a lot, i was still able to get to know every single person u mentioned. another thing that i think ur amazing at that is highlighted very well throughout tfl was ur ability to build up a certain character or event. nanami’s night, choso’s comeback, and sukuna pt 2 were some of my fav parts to read bc u built up each one perfectly tbh.
all in all, bro is perfect 🫶
Thank you so much for this.
Im literally so happy that I’m able to have people really understand how confusing it is for the reader, the whole point is to be confused so I’m glad I was able to achieve that <3
And hey I will say, as far as we/the reader knows, Gojo claims to have owed two people specifically; Geto for sleeping with his ex, though the reader doesn’t rlly get tht info herself & then Toji for breaking megumi’s leg at one point ^.^
So from her pov, she only knows that Nanami is someone who Gojo owed nothing to, still causing confusion ofc but I just wanted to make tht clear :)
I feel like I lowk gotta rewrite my other stories bc idk if I’ll ever live up to this masterpiece fr😭 BUT I’ll be making a poll abt what story I should write next once this is over so ig we’ll see <3
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ruminativerabbi · 2 months
An In or Out Moment Is Upon Us
There’s a line in the Haggadah that seems to me especially meaningful this year. And, although my letters to you all have been getting darker and darker as the year has progressed since last October, the line in question—when read in the correct light and with the correct background information—that line contains a message of hope that I think may be just the thing for all of us as we live through our annual festival of freedom and feel, it seems with each passing week, less certain where this will all lead.
The line opens the long Magid section in which seder-meal participants fulfill the mitzvah of telling the story of the Exodus from Egypt. The setting really could not be better known. The leader uncovers the matzot, lifts the plate, and recites words we’ve all heard a thousand times. “This is the bread of affliction. Let all who are hungry come and eat…and let us gather together next year in Jerusalem.” Most seder-regulars can easily recite the words from memory. At some tables, they are sung aloud, which only makes it easier to remember them from year to year. But hiding behind the words is a riddle that will feel particularly relevant to this nightmarish year through which we have all been living since last October.
The invitation to the hungry to come and join in the feast is suggestive of the natural sense of hospitality that Jewish people bring easily to the celebration of Jewish holidays. But there is a problem here, and it has to do with the second part of that invitation, the part represented above by the three dots that separate the invitation to the hungry and the prayer that we all have seder together next year in Jerusalem. The familiar words, kol di-tz’rikh yeitei v’yifsach, are often mistranslated as “Let all who are in need come and celebrate Passover with us.” That makes it sound like a mere restatement of the opening remark: “let those who are hungry come and eat / let those who have no seder to attend feel welcome at ours.”
So that’s a nice sentiment. But that’s not precisely what the words mean. The Torah enjoins upon the Israelites the eternal obligation to celebrate Passover by offering up the sacrifice called the paschal offering or, more commonly in Hebrew as the korban pesach or the zevach pesach and then by consuming its meat on Erev Pesach, on the Eve of Passover. That being the case, a more literal translation would be something like “Let all enter who need to share our korban pesach, our paschal offering.”
And that too, of course, is a noble thought. The Torah says unequivocally at Exodus 12:8 that “you shall eat the meat [of this sacrifice] on that night; broiled in fire and with matzah and bitter herbs shall you eat it.” So what could be more natural than helping others perform the very mitzvah your own family has already gathered to undertake?
But there’s a detail that needs to be considered: the Torah specifically requires that the Israelites consume the sacrifice in chavurot, which is to say: in pre-formed groups constituted of the specific sponsors of the specific offering they will then consume together. And, indeed, this is the law. Maimonides, for example, writes unequivocally that “the paschal offering may only be slaughtered as a specific offering for its specific sponsors,” who become the people thus entitled to consume it (Hilkhot Korban Pesah 2:1). So how can the seder leader blithely invite any in need to eat the korban with his or her own family? Such people specifically cannot accept the invitation without breaking the law.
So that’s the riddle. What the “real” answer is, who knows? But what the riddle means to me, and particularly in this year of pogrom and war and surging anti-Semitism, is that sometimes you need to step around your normal practice for the sake of a greater good. Yes, the invitee—the specific person the seder leader is addressing when inviting the hungry to come eat and the needy to share in his or her family’s paschal sacrifice—that person being invited in should have signed up for his own sacrifice, should have sponsored a korban pesach in the specific way required by law. But that’s not what happened! And who can say why not? Was the invitee too poor, too shy, or too unfamiliar with the law properly to have dealt with its requirements? Was the invitee held back by physical disabilities, or by mental or emotional ones? Was the specific person being invited in a traveler, a stranger, or perhaps an alienated local who up until that very moment was certain that the very last thing he or she wanted was to do the whole Pesach thing with someone else’s family? Whatever! This person has somehow appeared at the door. The time limit for slaughtering the pesach is long past. The kohanim, the Temple priests, are all off to attend to their own seder meals with their own families. The Temple itself is shut down for the night, its nighttime security detail in place but otherwise empty. The moment has clearly passed to do this the right way. And yet, as the burden shifts from obligation to generosity, from harshness to kindness, from halakhah to aggadah, the host, accepting the situation not as it ought to be or could be but as it actually is, turns to the person standing at the door and, preferencing the real over the ideal, invites that person in to join the family inside and to participate in celebrating Passover by consuming the flesh of the sacrificial offering with which the festival shares its name. The folk genius of the Jewish people allows for things like this, for people knowingly to step occasionally around the rules for the sake of a greater good.
And that is where we are today in the wake of the Simchat Torah pogrom. What is needed, more than anything really, is for the Jewish people to set aside the political or even religious debates that divide us and to face the future united as one people possessed of one Torah and devoted to the service of the one God. As everybody knows all too well, we are a fractious people. Arguing is what we do best. (The old joke about “two Jews, three opinions” is funny and not funny at the same time.) But the bottom line is that what we need to do now is to come together. We don’t all have to agree about everything. We certainly don’t all have to like Bibi or his politics, and neither do we all have to agree whether the IDF has done all it could to free the hostages held captive in Gaza. We certainly don’t have to agree with anything our own President or Vice President have said about Israel over the last half year, both speaking so regularly out of both sides of their own mouths that we barely even notice the disconnect between today’s comment and yesterday’s and the day before’s. But what the Haggadah is saying is that we have to open the door and invite all in who are somehow still on the outside wondering if they even would be welcome at a seder without having first signed up to sponsor a korban pesach in the Temple.
What that line in the Haggadah about the korban pesach and the unsigned-up stranger at the door is there to teach us is that the pursuit of the greater good will always be the wiser choice. That thought should be our watchword as we negotiate these stormy seas on which we are all afloat this year: the key is draw into our ranks all who would seated at our table and then, united and with one voice, to face the world and demand justice—justice for the captives in Gaza, justice for the people whose own lives were ruined on October 7 or whose loved ones were murdered, justice for Israel in the international halls of justice that so frequently, almost routinely, treat Israel unfairly and unreasonably harshly. If we can’t speak as one now, then when exactly will we? And if not now, then when?
If we can manage that, we’ll have done a lot. Yes, there will be those who cannot bring themselves to stand with Israel or with the Jewish people. I regret that, but I also accept it—but I am thinking about swelling our ranks, not thinning them. And so, even with the seder meals behind us now, I invite you all to join me in opening up the doors—of our homes, of our synagogues, of our communities—to all those Jewish people (and they are legion) on the outside and inviting them in to stand with Israel and to stand with all of us who stand with Israel. And allies in the non-Jewish world whose hearts beat with Israel are welcome in my house too. There are moments in history when you have to stand up or back off, to be in or out, to declare yourself part or apart. This, I think (and, yes, fear) is one of those moments.
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aboard-ark-4 · 3 months
Transcript of the Meeting to Reduce Suicide and Depression among Citizens
Day 198 of Year 274 of the Journey
Meeting Members present:
Zisiek, representative of the Entertainment and Recreation Subcommittee
Tistizi, representative of the Park Maintenance Subcommittee
Krit’zit, representative of the Child Education Subcommittee
Zikit, representative of the Food Production Subcommittee
Triek, representative of Production Factory Maintenance Subcommittee
Iei’ik, representative of the Mental Health Subcommittee
Zikit: Alright, I've started the recording. For the sake of record keeping I will restate the purpose of this meeting. We are to discuss ways to reduce the overall suicide rate, which is currently the cause of all but three of the 102 deaths in the last two years. Iei’ik, what has your team found regarding the underlying cause of the issue?
[Iei’ik sighs]
Iei’ik: It's the lack of a goal. The vast majority of people are either clones or the children of clones and almost all of the training we recei-, sorry, the brain scan volunteers received back on Vivis was about actually establishing The Colony. We-, they were expecting to constantly be fighting back against a hostile environment. That adventurous aspect is what appealed to most people who signed up. Being born with the expectation of exciting struggle and instead ending up in a boring, unchanging, ship for the rest of your life is a lot to take in. It was okay at first because the repairs and corpse cleanup gave everyone something to work towards, but now that that's done there's just nothing meaningful to do.
Zikit: Well, any ideas? The only things my team was able to come up with involved cooking competitions or psychedelics, neither of which sound very promising.
Zisiek: We've seen limited success with video games, vr especially is popular, but it's hit a lull. No real motivation to get started on something new.
Iei’ik: Besides, just playing a game or watching something isn't a very healthy or stable way to stave off depression.
Tistizi: I’d like to suggest more public events, especially competitive ones. Gives people something to work towards. Obviously it's not an all purpose bandage but I don't think we're going to find one. Better to focus on lots of little solutions than look for a big one that might not even exist.
Krit’zit: Agreed, though if it's any help I think we don't have to worry too much about the next generation. Children raised onboard seem generally more accepting of ark life.
Iei’ik: Yes, but that was the case even before the Hizt outbreak.
Krit’zit: Fair point.
Triek: Sorry if this is a stupid question, but why wasn't this a problem when we first left Vivis?
Zisiek: Those people were specifically chosen for their ability to acclimate to this lifestyle.
Triek: Ah.
[23 second silence]
Zisiek: We did have one idea, though the ethics of it are questionable at best.
Tistizi: Yes?
Zisiek: We control what people see and hear, at least digitally, we could easily manipulate what people think. It couldn't be too difficult to introduce the concept that suicide is somehow selfish. People won't want to kill themselves if they think it makes them a bad person.
Krit’zit: That's horrible!
Zisiek: It was just a suggestion.
[A further 112 seconds of silence]
Iei’ik: Wouldn't work. All it would do is exacerbate the problem by making people feel guilty in addition to depressed.
Zikit: What we're looking for is a long term project that will remain engaging and gives people small, frequent, bursts of satisfaction. It also has to be something that will get people excited now, before the problem compounds. Constantly hearing about suicide doesn't allow for much happiness on my, or anyone else's, part.
Krit’zit:...The terraforming data banks do contain the DNA for Rietivs. Maybe we could-
Triek: Not a chance.
Krit’zit: Why not? We cloned people just fine and it's not as though we'll be giving a Rietiv to everyone. Besides, pets meet all the requirements we're looking for.
Triek: It's not just the Retivs you would be making. It's their food, grooming equipment, housing, toys, clothing, and everything else they need to live!
Zisiek: Vet training too.
Triek: Yes, exactly! My point is there is no way you could make enough Retivs to satisfy this issue without cutting into either the maintenance supply, the terraforming supply, or materials used in the creation of everyday objects.
Krit’zit: I don't see why that matters, it's not like we're anywhere near using the terraforming stuff. So long as we recycle what we use when we actually need it there's no reason to be conservative with those supplies.
Triek: I suppose you're right, it just feels wasteful.
Tistizi: If we’re seriously considering cloning as an option then there are a few trees that require pollination which would look great in the parks. The insects would also probably add to the ambience.
Triek: Alright, I'll get started on a project proposal to send to the Maintenance Committee. Education Committee too, we'll need vets if this is to work.
Iei’ik: Don't forget the Law Enforcement Committee! There's going to have to be some sort of animal abuse laws put in place.
Triek: Right. I'll send it to all three of the Governing Committees. Not at all stressful. Great.
Zikit: Anyone have any more ideas?
[Zikit looks around, though nobody says anything]
Zikit: Excellent. If this gets approved then I'm sure the committees will assign some more useful people to actually managing the introduction process. If it gets denied let's meet back for a follow up in twelve days, but as of now this meeting is adjourned.
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communition101 · 10 months
The Art of Debate: Strategies for Success
Debate is a concept that eclipses the boundaries of politics, race, and religion. It is a crucial tool for the development of critical thinking, persuasion, and effective communication, and revolvement of conflict. In this extensive blog, we'll look into the different parts and functions of a debate and look into strategies that can help you become a better debater.
Understanding the Structure of a Debate
A formal debate consists of several key elements:
Opening Statements
Opening statements are your first chance to grab the audience's attention and lays the foundation for your argument. Begin with a strong introduction and background, a very clearly stated thesis, and a small overview of your main points. Cite your sources and evidence to support your claims from the outset.
A good example of Opening Statement:  "Ladies and gentlemen, today we discuss a fundamental question: the right to bear arms. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution enshrines this right, but in an era of rising gun violence, it's crucial that we weigh the benefits and costs of unrestricted gun ownership."
After the opening statements, the opposing sides have the opportunity to rebut each other's arguments. This phase requires a keen understanding of your opponent's points and the ability to counter them effectively.
A proper rebuttal: If your opponent argues that the Second Amendment is absolute, you could counter with, "While the Second Amendment does guarantee the right to bear arms, it's important to remember that no right is absolute. The First Amendment, for instance, does not protect hate speech or incitement to violence."
Cross-examination allows debaters to question each other directly. This is a chance to probe your opponent's arguments, seek clarification, and expose weaknesses.
A clear question: During cross-examination, you might ask your opponent, "Can you provide evidence that shows a direct correlation between the number of guns in civilian hands and lower crime rates?"
Constructive Speeches
Following rebuttals and cross-examinations, both sides typically present additional constructive speeches to reinforce their arguments.
Constructive speech with evidence: In a constructive speech, you could outline statistics showing a correlation between stricter gun control measures and reduced gun-related deaths in countries like Australia and the United Kingdom.
Closing Arguments
Closing arguments are your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression. Summarize your main points, restate your thesis, and make a compelling case for your position.
Closing the Argument: In a closing argument, you might emphasize the need for comprehensive background checks as a good measure to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands, providing instances where lax regulations led to tragic incidents.
Strategies to Gain the Upper Hand
Thorough Research:
Before the debate, you must research your topic thoroughly. Gather all the facts, statistics, and expert opinions you can to support your argument. Citing credible sources will strengthen your credibility.
For Example: When discussing the negative effects of climate change, reference reports from organizations like NASA and World Health Organization (WHO) to support your claims.
Clear and Concise Communication:
Speak clearly. Avoid jargon or overly complex language that might confuse your audience or even yourself. Use relevant evidence based examples to illustrate your points.
For Example: When explaining complex concepts like laws and law structure, something that most people will not be able to fully comprehend, use analogies that the average person can understand, like comparing the sub-sections in laws to a multi-layered pyramid within a that makes up the law as a whole, as this will make sure everyone can visualize and understand your argument. 
Organize your arguments logically. Use a clear structure format, like problem-solution structure to help your audience follow your train of thought.
For Example: If discussing the impact of AI on low-skill jobs, structure your argument by defining the problem and then listing possible solutions.
Be prepared to adapt and change your line of reasoning based on your opponent's arguments. Flexibility is very important in a debate.
For Example: If your opponent introduces a new argument you didn't anticipate, adjust your rebuttal on the spot by drawing on your knowledge of the topic.
Reputation Management:
Be mindful of your tone and demeanor. Be professional and avoid attacking someone personally. A composed and respectful approach to debating is what you should be doing in a debate, and failing to do so will result in a loss of credibility.
Stay cool: Even if your opponent becomes aggressive, let them explode, their shrapnel is like confetti to you, because you’ve already won.
Emotional Appeals:
Use emotional appeals sparingly. When you do, make sure that they are well timed and clearly fit into your argument and always back them up with evidence. Failing to do so will detract from the credibility of your argument. 
For Example: When making an emotional appeal, it makes a bigger impact when you share personal stories of saddening or maddening events related to your argument to provide a real-life context to your argument. This will make your argument feel more grounded in reality, which can give you an edge over your competition that you can exploit by asking them how your argument is affecting them negatively.
Practice is crucial to improving on your debating skills. Engage in mock debates, seek feedback, and refine your delivery.
For Example: You can join debate clubs and forums where you can practice and refine your debating skills, as well as receive constructive feedback from fellow debaters.
1. Maintain steady eye contact with your audience
2.  Speak with conviction to convey confidence in your position. Practice always helps with both of these things. The more you do it the better off you will be. Having an audience is extremely helpful.
Pay Attention to your Body Language!:
Your body language is a big part of your confidence. Make sure to keep eye contact with your audience, use nonverbal communication such as hand waving, shrugging and banging your fists in order to convey your point on a more human level. Don’t slouch or else you’ll look like a grouch
Manage Your Time:
Make sure you have time to present and articulate all your points while being able to take feedback along the way. Your not giving a presentation, your having an intellectual debate, which is more like a conversation
Incorporating these strategies can positively affect the execution of your argument and significantly improve your chances of gaining the upper hand, as well as making a compelling case for your position. Remember that debate is about promoting critical thinking and constructive dialogue just as much as winning.  
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ruhisaxena · 11 months
The Allure of Branded Real Estate: Exclusivity and High-End Living
The allure of branded real estate exclusivity and high-end living have long been able to attract customers by creating a complete exclusivity lifestyle around their brand: images, messages and great experiences that suggest a common point of view, a shared set of beliefs, membership in a tribe with their brands. 
The same holds true with Fashion TV’s Real Estate brand. Just think of the letter F and not only does it have a fascinating spring to mind, but you can also guess what kind of music will be playing in the lobby area, what products will be in the mini bar, even how the other guests will be dressed. 
That’s the power of brand image. Brands are about more than just a product or service; the logo is really just a shorthand symbol for a whole series of attributes and experiences—physical, verbal, and emotional.
The idea of creating a brand to effectively a lifestyle is a natural part of the sales marketing strategy for high-end residential properties, but the tactic is also useful in real estate properties. The need to live an exceptional lifestyle combining the satisfaction of both business space and personal life is a win in all aspects. 
That is where Fashion TV’s Real Estate expertise walks in, covering walks of life ranging from Residential, Commercial and Business with a dedication to transfigure the luxury lifestyle industry in the nation. 
Fashion TV’s presence around the world with the finest developments are a landmark for the top developers to showcase and elevate the lifestyle of the residents and visitors. With awe-inspiring and modernistic yet breathtaking interiors with facilities that attract, we are the new change in this field.
Crafting an exclusivity and high-end living  point of view that distinguishes the property, and presenting it in a memorable visual style, will create differentiation. 
Luxury real estate sites in India are experiencing huge growth, driven by evolving consumer preferences and advanced technology. The trend is similar in India, and the latest CBRE South Asia Pvt Ltd’s data report, ‘India Market Monitor Q1 2023’, highlights this. The report, released recently, reveals that the luxury residential segment witnessed a remarkable 151% YoY boost in sales during the first quarter of 2023, building on its strong performance last year in 2023.  
Here are the top five trends that define the allure of branded real estate: exclusivity and high-end living in light of changing according to customer preferences and rising demand for these upscale restate properties.
Eco-friendly luxuries: 
Luxury residential properties who are becoming more aware of environmental problems and seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint, place an increasing emphasis on sustainability luxurious property. 
As a result, developers are incorporating new technology with the eco-friendly features like solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and green roofs into their properties to meet the rising demand for eco-friendly luxury homes.
 As luxury properties developments provide the necessary charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, this trend is likely to be further bolstered by the rising popularity of these vehicles. 
Home automation made possible by IoT: 
The use of smart home technology is increasing; This trend is catching up to luxury properties as well. Innovative technology makes it easier and safer for homeowners to control and monitor their homes from a distance. Voice-activated controls, automated lighting, and temperature control are just a few of the cutting-edge technology features that luxury developers are incorporating into their properties at the moment.
 The incorporation of intelligent home technology enhances the luxury experience as a whole and has emerged as a significant selling point for prospective buyers seeking the most recent technological advancements.
When it comes to buying a luxury home, savvy buyers know how important space planning is. Extensive rooms become the dominant focal point in richness, embodying unmatched greatness and solace.
 The generously sized bedrooms serve as private retreats from the outside world, while these expansive living areas effortlessly accommodate gatherings. The open and airy layouts of luxury homes are thoughtfully designed to prioritize freedom and tranquility. 
Walk-in wardrobes add a touch of extravagance to the lavishness by providing ample space for organizing and displaying an extensive wardrobe collection. In addition, balconies add to the appeal of luxury living by providing residential properties with their own exclusive outdoor retreats with breathtaking views.
 The idea of having more living space is not just a luxury in luxury real estate; it also reflects the opulent lifestyle that homeowners will want. It is the pinnacle of opulence because it allows residents to immerse themselves in their own personal space and embrace the elevated sense of refinement that is the hallmark of genuine luxury.
Facilities for health: 
Many buyers of luxury homes now place a high value on health and wellness, which has led developers to incorporate various wellness features and health amenities into their properties. These highlights might incorporate devoted spaces for yoga or reflection and wellbeing gardens that advance a sound way of life and make a feeling of harmony and unwinding. 
Developers are also incorporating wellness technology into their properties to improve sleep and overall health, such as air purification systems and circadian lighting, to further enhance the luxury experience. By offering these wellbeing elements and conveniences, extravagance designers are satisfying the developing need for a better and more all encompassing living experience among their very good quality customer base.
The location: 
Affluent home buyers seeking exceptional lifestyles and amenities are increasingly choosing to live in prestigious communities. These communities, in contrast to typical residential areas, provide exclusive access to golf courses, spas, waterfronts, and other highly sought-after facilities and services.
Their exclusivity and privacy are designed into their design to guarantee residents an unparalleled quality of life. Properties in prestigious communities, on the other hand, command higher prices than those in typical neighborhoods.
 In order to meet the requirements of luxury homebuyers, developers are taking note of this trend and investing in the construction of opulent properties in exclusive locations.
The exceptional living conditions offered by Fashion TV’s Real Estate properties nowadays significantly enhance one's quality of life which are exclusivity and high-end living. They are a fantastic opportunity for people who want to improve their lifestyle.
The sophisticated buyers of luxury global properties want to improve their lifestyle. Because they have traveled the world, these homebuyers are familiar with their preferences and have a clear preference for unparalleled privacy in addition to the highest levels of quality, comfort, and design.
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A Pitch Black Room, A Velvet Ribbon, A Secret Box
This was my first year doing NaNoWriMo. It started as a writing prompt (the title is literally just the prompt) and it's a collection of short stories from many different peoples' perspectives linked by various objects. I won this year but never looked back at it. In fact, I am kind of embarrassed by it but I try to remind myself I was literally a child. Instead of being broken up into chapters, it's broken into characters.
Written in November 2016
Part 2, John
“Oo, look! It’s pitch black in here!”
“Better hope there ain’t nothing livin’ in there, John!” Ronald called, following behind him “My pa told me rats can grow big ‘nuff to take your fingers off in these abandoned houses.”
“There ain’t no rats in these parts.” Replied John as entered the room “The people who lived here last ain’t never even once so much as called the pest control people.”
“Yeah, but how long ago was that?” The last boy, Reuel, asked.
“I dunno. A few years, I guess. My dad said this house hasn’t had a person who lived in it for more than a few months since he was a kid himself. ‘Parently, someone had it for years, then sold it. No one’s stuck ‘round for long ever since.”
“It’s probably haunted.” Reuel said matter-of-factly “That’s the only reason so many people are afeared of it.”
“It is not.” John shot at him “Don’t ya think we’d’ve heard ‘bout that by now if it was? We’d know if anyone was killed here or somethin’ like that.”
“I dunno,” Ronald said “Sam told me ‘bout some spooky stuff happenin’ ‘round here.”
“Sam’s always seein’ spooky stuff.” John scoffed “He probably never actually been inside, though.”
“What’re ya expectin’ t’ find in this dump anywho, John?” Ronald asked “If nobody’s been here for so long, there’d be nothin’ to find.”
“Abandoned houses are the best for findin’ hidden treasure, ya idiot.” John snapped.
“I ain’t an idiot!” Ronald cried “You’re the--”
“Cool it, will ya?” Reuel interrupted “He don’t mean nothin’ he says. Jus’ let him alone.”
“What makes ya think there’d be treasure here, anywho?” Ronald asked, crossing his arms unhappily “Did ya find a map, or somethin’?”
“Who needs a map?”
“We need a map.”
“Says who?”
“Says me.”
“Oh, yeah? Who’s in charge, here?”
“How are ya goin’ find hidden treasure without a map or anythin’?”
“We don’t need no map.”
“Hey, I found somethin’!” Reuel called in excitement from the other side of the room. The other boys instantly stopped their bickering and clamored over to him.
“What’s ya find?” John asked in anticipation.
“Some sort of string or somethin’.” Reuel answered, pulling the ribbon up from under some of the floorboards. The boys gasped in excitement and quarreled over taking turns to examine it.
“This ain’t no string!” Ronald cried when it was finally his turn to hold it “This is one of them ribbons girls wear in in their hair! What use is a ribbon that’s got girl cooties all over it?”
“It’s goin’ lead us to the treasure whether it belonged to a girl or not!” John said, snatching the ribbon back.
“How’s it suppos’ t’ do that?” Ronald asked.
“There’s probably some secret cipher or somethin’ hidden on it.” John answered.
“What’s a kifper?” Ronald asked, cocking his head to the side.
“Kinda like a code.” Reuel explained.
“There’s a secret message on here.” John restated “We jus’ gotta find it.”
“And decipher it.” Reuel added flatly.
“Why’d we want t’ decider somethin’ if we found it with a cider in the first place?” Ronald asked, scratching his head.
“Can ya read words in code?”
“That’s why.”
“We need t’ find where the code is on this thing.” John said, turning the ribbon over and over in his hands “Come on, let’s get a look at it.” The three of them sat down on the dusty floor in a circle and John placed the ribbon in the center of them.
“It would help we had some light or somethin’.” Ronald said.
“Use your head, will ya?” John snapped at him “If we take it out of here, someone else is gonna see it and find out the the code before us. We’d never get t’ find the treasure.”
“Alright, alright.” Ronald grumbled. Reuel picked up the ribbon first and ran his fingers over the soft velvet. There was silence for a bit, then he tossed it back into the center.
“I don’t feel nothin’ weird ‘bout it.” He concluded, crossing his arms.
“How d’ya know what a girl’s ribbon feels like?” John asked.
“I don’t.” He replied sharply.
“Then, how d’ya know there’s nothin’ weird ‘bout it?”
“I jus’ know.”
“How else could we find a code, John?” Ronald asked.
“How’m I s‘posed to know?” John cried “All I know is that there’s a cipher hidden somewheres on this ribbon and it’ll lead us to the treasure!”
“But, if we can’t find a cipher, how can we get it t’ lead us t’ the treasure?” Reuel asked.
“We jus’ have t’ figger it out.” John said firmly “It’s probably gonna take plenty of time, though.”
“How else would a cipher be hidden on a ribbon?” Reuel asked. The boys started brainstorming, moving the ribbon from hand to hand between them. Ideas were tossed back and forth, tested, then debunked. They did everything they thought of, but soon it was time for them to get back home.
“We need s’more time t’ think ‘bout it, that’s all.” John said as he lead the other two out of the house. They had tucked the ribbon back between the floorboards where Reuel had found it and hoped no one would come looking around and find it.
“I’m gonna ask my pa ‘bout sliphers.” Ronald announced “See if he’s got any ideas.”
“Ya are not gonna ask your pa.” John said in a warning tone.
“Why not?” Ronald whined.
“Ya can’t let no one know ‘bout the ribbon or the treasure.” John said authoritatively.
“It won’t stay a secret if ya go ‘round blabbing ‘bout it to everyone.” Reuel put in.
“Well, shoot, I wasn’t gonna blab to everyone!” Ronald claimed “I jus’ wanted to ask my pa if he had any ideas!”
“Well, ya can’t tell no one ‘bout it.” John said “When we find the treasure, ya can tell your pa, but not before.”
“Alright, alright,” Ronald grumbled “It’s gonna take forever t’ figger out the slipher, then.”
“For the last time, it’s cipher.” Reuel said, rolling his eyes.
“And it don’t matter how long it’ll take us, we ain’t tellin’ no one.” John said “The treasure is ours and I want to make sure it stays that way.”
John had gotten to the pitch black room first and waited impatiently for the others to get there. He hadn’t a clue as to how to extract the cipher from the ribbon and he was counting on the others to bring fresh ideas. Though he was “in charge”, as he liked to remind the others constantly, he was often at a loss without them. Reuel, with his complacent and easy going attitude, brought most of the intelligence to the group. Ronald often looked at things in a very basic manner, easily solving problems the other two would overthink. He also had a tendency to ask stupid questions, which made John feel better when he could answer them without thinking. The three of them worked well together (ignoring their minor bickers and bantering over small things) and complemented the others’ weaknesses. John turned when he heard someone coming into the room behind him.
“Ron’s not here, yet?” Reuel asked, sitting next to John.
“Nope.” He answered.
“His pa’s probably askin’ him why he’s goin’ out so late.”
“Well, if he tells him ‘bout the ribbon, I’ll bash his head in.”
“I didn’t tell nobody.” An offended voice came from the doorway. Ronald came and sat with the other two, arms crossed.
“Ya can’t blame us for wantin’ t’ be cautious.” Reuel said.
“Yeah, you’re the one wantin’ t’ tell everyone and their dog ‘bout--”
“I don’t want t’ tell no one!” Ronald cried “I jus’ said--”
“Shut it, will ya, and let’s get started.” John said “Now, what’d ya think we could do t’ find the secret code?”
“Well, I was thinkin’ ‘bout how we found it under the floorboards.” Reuel said “What if the message was under them, too?”
“And the ribbon was jus’ t’ mark the place, huh?” John said thoughtfully “That might be it. Let’s take a look.” The boys scrambled over to where they had left the ribbon the night before.
“How we s’posed t’ get them boards up?” Ronald asked “We ain’t got a scewdiver or nothin’.”
“They’s loose already.” John said, poking them with his toes “If we can squish our fingers ‘round ‘em, we might be able to pull ‘em up.”
“They are pretty spacious ‘tween the boards.” Reuel contemplated. The boys dropped to their knees and wedged their fingers between the boards and wiggled and pulled with all their might. Eventually, a board was loosened and came up a little.
“Lookit! Lookit!” Ronald cried in joy “We getting the boards up!”
“Stop clamourin’ and help.” John snapped. Together, the boys were able to pry the board, along with a few nails, off and peered into a shallow hole.
“There ain’t nothin’ there.” Ronald whined.
“Ya ain’t lookin’ close ‘nuff.” John said “Here, put your hand down there and feel ‘round for a bit.”
“I ain’t puttin’ my hand in that hole! Glory knows what kinda critters are livin’ down in there!”
“I’ll do it, ya big sissy.” Reuel scoffed, reaching his hand into the hole.
“I ain’t a sissy!” Ronal yelled “You’re--”
“Shut up.” John cut him off “Find anythin’?”
“Nah, there’s jus’ dirt and crud down here.”
“Well, shoot, the code must be on that ribbon, then.” Ronald said.
“And we’re right back t’ where we started, John.” Reuel added, pulling his hand out of the hole.
“Give me a minute t’ think, will ya?” He said irritably, picking up the ribbon again.
“D’ya think there might be somethin’ else ‘round the room that might help us?” Ronald asked.
“It won’t hurt nothin’ to look.” Reuel answered with a shrug. The boys began to scour the corners of the room, brushing aside cobwebs and dust. After a few minutes, they came back to the center.
“There ain’t nothin’ here.” Reuel said in disgust.
“We ain’t never gonna find that treasure!” Ronald cried in horror.
“Now, cool down for a minute.” John said “Why would there be a ribbon in the middle of an old abandoned house when there’s nothin’ else?”
“Maybe someone jus’ left it.” Reuel said with a shrug.
“Nah, they put it here a’purpose.” John said “That’s why the rest of the house is empty. We’re jus’ gonna have to find out what’s goin’ on with the ribbon.”
“My pa’s gonna be wantin’ me back home soon, John.” Ronald said “How we s’posed t’ find the code b’fore I gotta go home?”
 “I know.” John said, snapping his fingers “We’re gonna have t’ take turns takin’ it home and keep tryin’ to figger it out. I’ll be first, of course.”
“Why do ya always get to be first?” Ronald whined.
“‘Cause I’m in charge, that’s why.”
“But you're always first. Can’t I be first for once?”
“And have you tellin’ everyone ‘bout the treasurer? I don’t think so.”
“Come on, John, I won’t tell nobody!” Ronald pleaded “I won’t even tell my pa nothin’ ‘bout the treasure, or the ribbon, or the house--”
“Best let him so he shuts up.” Reuel breathed to John, who sighed.
“Do you swear that ya won’t tell a soul ‘bout any of this?” John interrogated solemnly.
“I swear, John!” Ronald cried in earnest.
 “Cross your heart and hope to die?”
“Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“Stick a needle in your eye?”
“Yes, John! I ain’t gonna let anyone get our treasure!”
“Fine,” John said, handing him the ribbon “but I get it next and you’d better come up with some good ideas.”
“I will, John, I will!” Ronald cried, clutching the ribbon in excitement. He turned and ran off, leaving John and Reuel to walk slowly to their own homes.
“D’ya really think there’s a treasure, John?” Reuel asked as they walked in the cool night air.
“What does it matter?” John asked with a shrug “It’s the hunt that’s the fun part, after all.”
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psy302deepdive · 2 years
What is Emotion?
Unlike my last post, I think going forward I will discuss the lecture first and then the module. I think this will be a better way of organizing the information and easier to follow. In the last lecture, we didn’t define emotion. It turns out that it's a pretty difficult thing to do. Last post discussed a few things that were NOT part of emotions, so let’s start by describing things that ARE facets of emotion. Adolphs & Anderson (2018) stated that things like Valence (negative or positive), scalability, persistence, and generalization were a few of the properties of emotions. When it comes to defining the term, we learned of the three dominant definitions. 
Type #1: Basic emotion theory, our emotions are action plans given to us through evolution. This definition includes animals as well. 
Type #2: Constructive theory, what we have decided to name our emotions are social constructs. To have emotion, one must have consciousness. This definition excludes animals, as they only have physiological reactions. This theory also says that because our labels are social constructs, they differ from culture to culture. 
Type #3: Objectivist theory, this theory focuses on empirical research. Meaning it can be observed in a lab. This definition sets aside abstract feelings, and focuses on the objective. This definition, like Type #1 includes emotion. 
Personally, I dislike type #2. As someone who has a dog it seems obvious that my pet is expressing emotions much more complex than just a physiological response. If my dog wants affection, she’ll nudge her head under my hand until I pet her. In the vet waiting room if another dog is obviously nervous, she’ll try to go over to them. This, of course, could just be me projecting emotions onto her, but I really do believe she experiences emotions. Interestingly, my National Geographic magazine came in the mail and the front page was of a cat, with an article all about animals’ possible ability to express emotion. The article has stories of rats showcasing empathy by helping familiar rats. Whales were expressing empathy by keeping the body of a deceased baby with them for weeks. Horses were able to read the emotions expressed by humans. With stories like this, it can be hard to believe that animals don’t experience emotion. 
I prefer Type #3 overall. It has its roots most based in actual science, and it includes animals. 
 In our second module of assignments we were asked to read a collection of articles, and then make an argument for whether romantic love was an emotion or not. Personally, I don’t think it is. I made the argument that romantic love was a feeling, stemming from a collection of emotions. The second part of the module was to restate the myths we debunked in the last module, and how knowing the truth will positively impact our lives. Again, it’s important to know our feeling are not irrational. They happen for a reason!
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pesblogw · 2 years
10 Mistakes Most Students Make When Essay Writing
Writing is a difficult task. But it is a part of our lives, especially when it's an assignment we have to complete for class. We are all familiar with the fundamental guidelines for essay writing, which begin with the thesis statement and conclude with a compelling, enduring conclusion. Is it that easy, though?
Naturally, it isn't. People still feel uncomfortable presenting their work to others because they are unsure of their capacity to recognize all the areas of the essay that require revision. The truth is that there isn't a single template that can be used to correct every error you make when writing an essay.
For this reason, we decided to work with you as your essay editor. We are providing you with a list of the 10 common essay writing errors so you can avoid them.
1.      Neglecting a Thesis Statement
Both your introduction and the essay as a whole should have a thesis statement. The failure to include this point in the introduction, which is the most interesting section of the essay, is a regular issue. You cannot explain to the audience what your writing is about if you do not use the statement as the core theme of your essay.
2.      Repeating the Introduction
In the conclusion of their articles, people frequently repeat the beginning. The conclusion, which comes after the last paragraph of your essay, is not the place to restate the introduction. This section of the article is really important and shouldn't be ignored, rather than serving as a place for the restatement.
3.      Too Much Information and Too Many Facts
Even though you were instructed to write thorough, insightful essays, this does not excuse you from using some level of information filtering. Your goal is to introduce the subject to the reader while providing them with thorough but condensed information.
4.      Crafting a Hard-to-Read Essay
Many students equate writing an essay competently with coming up with a complicated structure. It is not necessary for the essay to be difficult to read when teachers urge students to choose a topic that will follow the style criteria. Simply put, it means that the students must effectively convey their ideas.
5.      Wrong Formatting
The content of the essay is not its exclusive focus. You should never overlook the formatting nuances, regardless of how you create the information. It won't matter how nicely written your material is if you do that. An essay's quality may be inferred from how well it looks and that’s why many students prefer Essay Help UK from professionalessayservice.co.uk. so, their essay would look professional mostly for their college admission essay.
6.      Too Many Typos
You may have heard that typos may be found in any writing and that they are not a sign of a person's grammar or linguistic proficiency. However, failing to proofread your essay before submitting it shows that you were not paying enough attention.
7.      Plagiarism
Plagiarism is cheating, and no teacher or professor will tolerate it. Additionally, we can readily detect plagiarism because of modern technological advancements.
8.      No Transitions Between the Paragraphs
Each paragraph should be formatted as a single thought. They shouldn't, however, sound like separate sections of two distinct articles.
9.      Too Many Topics in the Essay
The objective of the statement will most surely be defeated if the essay contains too many subjects and topics. Your essay's topic ought to be limited to the idea.
10. Using Wrong or Generic Titles
The essay's title ought to accurately describe its subject matter. One should be able to infer from the title what the essay will cover. They might be persuaded to read something you do not have if you present them with a topic unrelated to the essay, which will not leave a favorable impression. Also, avoid using a title that is too general.
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ao3commentoftheday · 3 years
Any advice for dealing with self-doubt? My work gets very little traffic, and I have no fandom friends, so positive reinforcement is pretty scarce. I'm totally fine with that, I don't need or want much in the way of fannish engagement, but I'm very prone to self-loathing and being in a bubble of one means there's nowhere to turn to remind me it's all in my head. Any thoughts on how to silence that inner "you're the worst writer ever and shouldn't post anything" voice that hits us all sometimes?
*hugs you lots*
This is a struggle we all go through to a greater or lesser degree throughout our lives. How you deal with it will vary from person to person - both in terms of what you respond to and also in terms of the root cause of your insecurity.
Where are these thoughts coming from?
Do you have a person or people in your life who tell you that you're worthless, stupid, talentless, wasting your time etc?
Do you have perfectionist tendencies and nothing you do is ever good enough?
Do you have a history of abuse, neglect or other trauma?
Are you surrounded by people who enforce a strict code of humility where saying that you're good at something is considered bragging or boastful?
Do you find it difficult to appreciate yourself unless you're doing something to please other people?
Do you look up to people who are "high performers" and think that you pale in comparison?
In some of these scenarios, you'll want to do what you can to limit your contact with the negative people in your life. In others, you'll want professional counselling. In all of them, you'll want to try one (or more) of the following:
Reduce negative self-talk. Do your best to notice when it's happening. Stop the thought as soon as you can. Examine where that thought is coming from and separate feelings from fact. Do what you can to restate the thought in a neutral way - and if you're able to, reframe it as positive.
Increase positive self-talk. Notice when you do something well and consciously put an effort into telling yourself you did a good job. If you're up for it, think about specific details that you did well or where you improved upon the last time you did that same thing.
Allow yourself to accept compliments - and eventually believe them. At first, it's going to be hard to just say "thank you" and not tell the person they're wrong or that you don't deserve it. Start by resisting that urge, then work up to stopping the thought that you don't believe it. Finally, try to actually believe that what that person is saying is true. Because it is.
Be kind to yourself. The next time you make a mistake or can't do something or you're forgetful or whatever - be understanding. Show yourself the same compassion you would show to a friend. You deserve it too.
And finally, find a way to say goodbye to that voice inside of your head. As you work your way out of that self-loathing spiral, that voice is going to go away. If it's been a part of you for a really long time, it can feel like a part of you is missing or like you don't really know who you are anymore.
That part of you was created for a reason, but that reason won't exist forever.
I'm obviously writing this answer to address a bigger issue than "that voice in my head keeps telling me I'm a bad writer" but I hope that you find this helpful anyway. If any of the rest of you have thoughts for how you tell that voice to shut up, I think we'd all love to hear them 💕
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raggaraddy · 3 years
your writing is amazing 🥺
could i ask for a yoongi version of the reader being shot because of them? your other ones are so good!!!
Family affairs
A/N: Thank you, sweetheart! I'm glad you're enjoying the series. This one has a bit of OT7 and I hope you like it too. 💜💜💜
If anyone else wants to request, you can here.
Other parts:
Summary: You'd tried so hard to hide your relationship with Yoongi from your father. You knew when he found you were dating someone from a rival club that he'd kill you. You just didn't think it would be literal.
Trigger warnings: Violence, Filicide, Blood, gun usage.
Mafia! Yoongi
Mafia! BTS
"Yes Daddy," you poke your head through the door to his office with a little knock. Normally you would never bother your father while he was working, but one of your brothers came to your room to let you know he was calling for you.
"Ah, Darling. Yes, have a seat." He stands up from his desk, gesturing to the chair ahead of him. "I need your advice on something."
For a moment you get a flutter in your stomach. He never asks you for anything. Your his pretty princess on a pedestal. And he never involves you in anything that a woman wouldn't have been responsible for in the 1950s.
"Of course," you smile, shifting comfortably.
"I know you're tech-savvy, so maybe you can explain this to me. I had some photos printed, but I think there must be something wrong with the camera. Have a look,"
Reaching into his desk drawer as he speaks he pulls out a stack of A4 photos. As he lays them out your eyes jump straight back up at him. Checking for his reaction, a sharp pang of absolute fear hitting you. They're pictures of you and Yoongi, his arm around you when you were coming out of the Bangtan clubhouse.
"I know the camera has to be faulty, because that" he tapes your image, "looks like you. And I know my one and only daughter wouldn't be socializing with those Bulletproof scum."
"Daddy, I-I," you stutter with no idea what to say.
You thought you were so clever, so careful that there was no way he'd ever find out. Even when Yoongi would worry about you possibly being caught you would shrug it off. Your love was invincible and meant to be, and you were smart. No chance your family would ever know you're with Yoongi, and no way his family would ever know you were from a rival gang. As far as they knew, you were just Y/n Brown, the hairdresser from one district over.
But clearly, you weren't careful or clever enough.
Your stark silence is loud enough for your father and he nods a sombre confirmation. "How long Y/n?" He questions.
"Daddy, I don't-"
"How long?!" He's quick to anger, making you jump.
"A few months," you lie, your eyes dropping to your lap. Telling him it's been closer to 18 months is only going to enrage him further.
Slumping back into his office chair he lets out a heavy sigh.
"You think you raise your kids right. To know loyalty and family." He derides looking at you fiercely. "But then you find out your own daughter will open her legs for any cretin. In complete disregard of everything she should know."
You knew it would be awful if he ever found out, you know he is a terrifying dangerous man, but hearing your father's derogatory comments are harder to take than you ever expected.
"What did you tell them?" He sits forward. His demeanour, his expression going from disappointed father to cold mafioso.
Your mouth going dry, you swallow hard. Shaking your head softly. "Nothing."
"Bullshit!" He yells. "You expect me to believe they just let the daughter of Bastille get all cosy with one of the 7 without you giving up something."
This is so bad. You knew your parents, your brothers, the entire Bastille would disown you for this, but they'll actually kill you if they think you've sold them out.
"No. I didn't tell them anything. None of them knows who I am. Only Yoongi knows. And I didn't tell him shit. You know I wouldn't." You defend yourself trying to reign in your distress.
"Well, there's a lot of things I wouldn't think a daughter of mine could do." His voice is so detached. He's stopped looking at you. This is so so bad.
"Dad. I didn't say anything." You restate, fighting to convince him. Feeling like you're trying to prove the case for your own life. "I know the rules. Don't talk to anyone. Not cops. Not friends or enemies." You repeat the words that had been drilled in your entire childhood. You knew nothing, you saw nothing. Those are the rules.
"I don't believe you." He says bitterly.
Your hands are trembling, you're panting heavily. You know being with a rival club member is a stupid thing, but the clubs are in a truce.  And despite your father's opinion, you would never be so stupid as to actually say anything. And Yoongi would never let you, even if you decided to. You did one thing wrong, but you made sure you did everything else right.
Leaning back, he opens his phone book. Searching for a number.
"Dad," You plead for his attention. Raising the phone to his ear he shushes you, placing a finger over his mouth.
You have no idea what to do. You've seen him decimate people for so much less than what he's accusing you of. You don't know how to prove your innocence.
The call answers and you can hear a distant 'hello'.  Putting the phone on speaker he puts the receiver down.
"Warren L/n here. I believe I have something of yours," he says.
"What are you talking about?" You inhale a staggered breath, hearing the familiar gruff voice of Kim Namjoon.
Your dad's plan was simple. If you were telling the truth about Bangtan not knowing who you were, their leader would be confused and concerned that you were with the leader of Bastille. But if they knew who you were, this would be a much more straightforward issue. Namjoon would understand right away why he was calling.
And if you were lying about one thing, he could assume you were lying about more.
"Say hello Y/n." Your dad prompts, his look daring you to refuse.
"Hi," You squeak, nervously chewing the inside of your cheek. Your own safety aside, Namjoon was going to kill Yoongi.
There's a brief pause. The background noise on Namjoon's side disappearing. "Kidnapping women? I didn't realise you were handling that personally now."
"Who said kidnap?" he leads the conversation.
"Then maybe you want to explain what one of our girls is doing with you?" Namjoon growls, sounding protective.
That was enough confirmation for your father. The leader didn't know what was going on. But he was about to.
On Namjoons side of the line, he was pacing back and forth in a closed meeting room at the entrance of the clubhouse. Your father was revealing the secret that you and Yoongi had fought so hard to keep.
The phone call ending, Namjoon was in a rage. Marching across the bar he stormed at the table with other members around it. His maddened expression drawing Yoongi's attention. But the older member didn't have any reason to think this fury was directed at him and so he doesn't react quick enough as Namjoon punches him in the face, knocking him from his chair.
The other boys instantly becoming alert, Jungkook jumps to Namjoons side holding his arm out in front of him, looking ready to intervene. Jimin standing between the floored Yoongi and the enraged leader.
"Hyung, what the hell ar-" Jimin snaps.
"You fucking idiot! Bastille's daughter?!" he roars trying to push through Jimin. Jungkook stepping in to help keep him at bay.
Climbing back to his feet, nursing a split lip, Yoongi's eyes go wide. Completely caught off guard by Namjoon's revelation. "How did you-" he gapes.
"Everything she's seen, everything she knows! Do you have any idea how much you've exposed this club?" He lunges again, bowling the mediating members out of the way. Diving through Yoongi, the two men trade blows as they scuffle on the floor.
The scene quickly gets out of hand, and as Yoongi throws Namjoon through a table, Jin and Hoseok come from a backroom to step in also. The four of them now working to pry the two battling men apart. Jimin and Hoseok holding back Yoongi. The oldest and youngest members trying to keep Namjoon at bay.
"Enough!" Jin scolds with a firm shove to Namjoon's chest. "Someone explain what the hell is going on!"
"Just Suga thinking with his dick, instead of his brain." Namjoon spits.
Shirking off the boys, Yoongi barges forward infuriated by the provocative comment. War breaking out again with a solid hit at Namjoon, a gash opening over his eye. Another difficult struggle beginning for the members, grappling and clawing them apart. Having to fully restrain them to have them stop. Being held as they bleed.
Grabbing both of them by the collar, Jin demands their focus. "The next man who throws a punch leaves here with a bullet in his leg!" He growls. "Am I clear?!" His fist tightens, stiffening their necklines.
"Yes, Hyung."
The two of them conceded, their energy dropping as their eldest releases them. "Good. Now sit down so we can talk this shit out."
It takes several minutes and a round of drinks, but the room calms down enough for the members to sit down. They send the few 2nd levels out and the 95's girlfriends. The bar remaining with only the 7 original members. Taehyung coming back just as the disclosure began.
Namjoon starts, passing along the information your father had given him. The 6 of them all sharing disappointed, worried or angry glances towards Yoongi.
"She wouldn't have said anything." Yoongi insists, after explaining his side also. Trying to defend his decision. To defend you.
"You can't know that," Jimin argues, flumping back in his seat. Taking a sip with a pissed-off scowl on his face.
"Yeah, we've all been pussy blinded before. You're not thinking clearly." Jungkook snips.
"Maknae-" Yoongi warns. Getting tired of the disrespect that keeps getting thrown his way.
"Hey, watch it." Jin interrupts, correcting Jungkook's blunt attitude. The youngest shrugging, downing the last of his drink.
"Look, if she was giving information to L/n, then why would he call to tell you that he knows." Yoongi disputes. Hoping to bring reason back into the debate.
"He wants to trade. The latest shipment of horse for Y/n." Namjoon answers with a frustrated scoff and a roll of his eyes.
"That's close to 500 K. That's not happening," Hoseok jumps in. The rest of them firmly nodding in agreement.
"Okay, but if that's the case. If he's trying to sell her off, that means she's not working with him. Right?" Taehyung backs Yoongi's point.
"Idiot," Jimin shoves his friend, "It could be a part of the plan. A way to rip us off for half a million."
"Or it could be a set-up," Namjoon adds. "Let's say Hyung's right, and she isn't working with her old man. If we're willing to sit down, if we try to buy her back, it confirms that she knows enough that we're concerned about it."
"I'm telling you, she doesn't know anything. She didn't want to know anything. And even if she did, she's not gonna give it up." Again Yoongi vehemently defends you.
"Well if she doesn't give him anything then L/n kills her." Namjoon finalizes. "To hurt the club, and as retribution for her betrayal."
"What I don't understand is why you would let her go back? If you trust her and you know how ruthless Bastille is, why would you let her keep going back to him?" Jin asks, genuinely baffled.
Standing up Yoongi can't take anymore. He's furious. He's upset. At himself most of all. Feeling to blame for allowing you to be in this situation, he leaves in anger. Needing some time to himself to think.
"I don't know, she seemed pretty cool," Taehyung mutters, leaning into Namjoon. "You don't really think he would kill his own daughter, right?"
It's been 2 days and you've been locked in an empty storage shed at the edge of the property like a captive. Your father turned your world upside down looking for information. His people went through your computer, your phone, your car, your room. Everything that was yours he and his men had raided. And just like you said, there was nothing there. No information about Bastille, and nothing about Bangtan.
"Suga. I'm guessing that's Min Yoongi? Unless you're cheating on him." Your dad muses holding up your phone. That is so humiliating. So many nudes and dirty texts are in that chat. There may not be revealing information, but there was still plenty of personal stuff.
"You know Darling, I don't like to admit when I am wrong, but it looks like you were telling the truth. I can't find any proof that you gave up any family details." He smiles softly, your heart lifting with relief for a moment. "But then I was looking through your camera roll and, in the pictures where you actually have clothes on, it's just full of Bangtan." He comes further into the empty shed, leaning on the wall alongside you. Showing you the screen as he scrolls through. The only entrance being blocked by one of his more grizzly looking men. "See here, there's you and a bunch of them at a restaurant. There's you and the leader. You and the crazy one. Here's a family-style photo, isn't that nice."
He keeps scrolling through shot after shot, exhibiting an entire album full of Bangtan family pictures.
"I'm sure you never expected anyone else to see these. I guess I should have been teaching you not to put the same password for multiple devices." He scoffs. "But the interesting thing, when I'm going through these photos you seem to be really close with all of them. Some of these even go back to last year. Which makes the timeline you gave me a little off."
He shows the details of one of the pictures to you, the time stamp from when you had already been with Yoongi for 6 months.
"This one is from May 2nd. Last year. On the 10th those bastards stole one of my shipping containers. With nearly 100 grand worth of merchandise. Did you know about that?"
"You mean people." You sneer, his characterization of human trafficking as 'merchandise' making your skin crawl.
"So you did know." He smiles coldly.
"I found out- I knew after," you justify. Even as you continue to defend yourself, you have a sick feeling that it's all for nothing.
"I'm really curious what else you know." He hums, walking around the front of you to get back into your eye line.
"I don't know anything," you tell him for the 1000th time with an exasperated shake of your head. Moving away to the far side of the shed.
"Darling, I'm your father and I'm telling you we need to reconcile this. Your mother is worried sick. I'm here losing sleep over this. I'm giving you a chance to repay all the damage you've done. A chance to forget all this. You tell me everything you know about Bangtan, and just like that," he snaps his fingers, "you get to return to your comfortable life."
You don't trust his change in tone or his promises for a minute. You may not have known the darkest parts of who he is, but that's how you can be sure that his offer to forgive and forget is rubbish. Not even the father in him would let you forget a mistake. Especially one this major, not with the way he is reacting. And he's so much more brutal when it comes to Bastille.
"And if I don't?"
"Then you've betrayed your family. And we'll find out what we want to know in other ways." he taps the back of his hand in the other, symbolizing a beat down.
You shake your head hard. You might love your dad. But you don't like him. You've known for most of your life that he was a bad guy. And Yoongi, Bangtan, they might not be the good guys, but they've been the family you've always wanted. There is no way you were telling him even the most insignificant detail.
"Hit me all you want dad, I still don't know anything." You snarl.
"I could never hit my own daughter." He taps his heart, a feigned pained expression on his face. Nodding his head in your direction, he trades places with his man who advances on you.
Breathing hard you step back only to hit the wall.
The tall, square-built man swings. The back of his hand slapping your cheek, the force so strong that it smacks you into the corner sidewall. His hand, like a vice, grabs ahold of your head and mightily slams it into the steel beam running down the sheet metal wall. Pushing your hands against his chest, you weakly attempt to fend him off, but he ends your efforts with another solid wack against the frame.
As blood streams down your head, his focus switches. The majority of his attacks landing on your torso.
With you curled up on the floor, wheezing and gasping for breath, the assault finally stops. But not out of mercy. Even through the ringing in your ears, you can hear the outburst of gunfire in the distance.
Both your dad and his man rush out, leaving you locked away. While it's for an equally terrifying reason, you're thankful to have this time to catch your breath. Although every laborious intake brings agony.
After some time, light floods back into the room, your father standing in the doorway outlined by the setting sun. "I'm sorry Darling. If I had to do this, I hoped it would be a bit more ceremonious. But we don't have the time for that now."
You gasp at him raising his gun at you. He shoots three times. One in your chest, one in your shoulder and one in your stomach.
The shock, the impact takes the breath from you. And you can't draw it back in. Your eyes glassing over, your head filled with nothing but white noise. Feeling a fleeting moment of relief as everything goes quiet and dark.
"Fuck. No!" Yoongi howls. He, Jin and two 2nd ranks had chased after your father as he fled.
Bangtan's siege on his property was highly successful till that point, and he had run downhill to the storage garage. Looking to make a getaway.
The other's continue after him as Yoongi stumbles into you. His steely outer shell crumbling away the moment he sees your body limp and bleeding out.
Falling beside you he leans over shaking and in tears. Kissing your lips gently with heartfelt pleas "I'm sorry Y/n. I'm so sorry. Please don't do this. Please."
Jin doubles back, watching distraught from the entrance as his brother falls apart.
Lifting your head up, Yoongi brings your forehead to his. The movement making you splutter blood. The first sign of life that either of the men had seen.
"Holy fuck, she's alive." Jin gawks, jumping in beside Yoongi pressing on the hole in your stomach. The bullet in your shoulder and chest had both hit bone, stopping the slug from going through, blocking the wounds from severe blood loss. The bullet in your torso shot through your bowls and thankfully not through your vital organs. Meaning your chances of survival were much higher. It was either 3 highly unlucky shots or three precisely placed ones.
"I'm so sorry Y/n." Yoongi's in shock. Devastated and guilt-ridden, and unable to make himself function.
"Dude, get your shit together or she's not gonna make it." Jin smacks the side of his brothers head, snapping him out of his grief-stricken daze.
"Can you save her?" He asks rubbing the tears from his eyes.
"Not a chance. But I can keep her alive for a minute until we get to the clubhouse. Call the doc, tell him to meet us there." Jin orders, having much more clarity at this moment. "And get the boys to bring the car around. We're going to need a few of us to move her."
Yoongi follows Jin's lead, wiping the blood from his hands onto his pants to dial.
"Think of it this way," Jin smiles shortly, trying to soothe Yoongi's fear and panic with an ill-timed joke. "If she survives, at least she'll have proved she's Bangtan."
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