#and with it he gets the ability to beat up bad guys. and also confidence
4ln-stay8 · 10 months
Secrets and shadows
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>summary: Lando denies your relationship in order to keep it private but that took a toll on you
>author’s notes: i hope this isn’t too bad… im trying tbh… this is probably bad but anyway… enjoy
>warnings: lying, insecurity, anxiety, crying, teasing, denying, doubt
The evening sun painted Lando's gaming setup with a warm glow as he fired up his Twitch stream. Lando adjusted his headset with a grin, ready to dive into another streaming session with Max and Bankai on his Discord server.
"Alright chat, we're live! What's up, everyone? It's been a while." said Lando starting his stream "Today, Max and Bankai will join us for some gaming, is that okay chat?" He continued
The fans in the chat exploded with excitement as Lando hadn't streamed in a while.
"Chat say hi to the boys!" said Lando with excitement as his friends entered his discord server
"Hey guys, hey chat! Ready for some gaming, Lando?" said Max excited to join his friends.
"Im ready to beat you Max, thats for sure!" said Lando confident in his ability
Lando was reading the chat trying to keep up with his fans when he noticed that something was off. The chat was full of questions about someone passing by in the background.
"Calm down chat, jeez! She's just a friend crashing at my place for a while. Now let's get back to the game so we can beat Max." Lando said chuckling trying to calm them down.
"I'm counting on it. And who knows, maybe your 'friend' in the background will bring you some luck." said Bankai while Lando was reading the chat.
"Not you too man. I've just calmed chat down, don't make them start again. She is just a friend" said Lando trying to hold chat into place
"Yeah, right guys. 'Just a friend." said Max chuckling
"Seriously guys stop it. She is just a friend, nothing more. She is not even my type anyway, plus she is also a friend of Flo so she can confirm my point." said Lando frustrated with the teasing
In the other room, you were watching Lando's stream. You couldn't help but smile as you listened to his voice and watched him play, feeling warmth in your heart. But when you heard him deny your relationship, your heart sank, and a heavy pain formed in your chest.
Insecurity washed over you. You've always known that being with someone as famous and adored as Lando would come with its challenges. But hearing him say you were just a friend made you question if you were truly good enough for him.
He not only denied your relationship but he also denied you. "She is not even my type".... Those words kept playing over and over again in your mind. You didn't expect him to tell everyone about you but you also didn't expect him to deny you like that.
It hurt you more than you wanted to. That mean voice in your mind getting louder and louder and louder with every second passing.
You felt like you interpreted everything wrong. Maybe you weren't in a relationship, maybe it was something else, but yet if you wouldn't have been in a relationship you wouldn't have told each other 'I love you' as much as you did.
You were questioning everything. You knew it was wrong. You took into consideration that you could've been overreacting right now but your insecurities were louder than your rationality.
You changed yourself into some of your clothes, leaving Lando's clothes, that were previously on you, on the bed. You picked up your phone and walked to the living room.
Once you got there, you grabbed a blanket and you opened the door to the balcony and stepped outside. You needed some fresh air and some quiet to try and calm your mind down.
You put the blanket around you and you set in the chair that was placed there. You set there crying quietly. You didn't want to cry but you just couldn't stop.
As as Lando and the boys started another round in the game, the banter continued.
"Focus on the game, guys. Stop trying to stir up drama." said Lando annoyed with his friends
"Drama? Nah, just trying to figure out when you'll finally introduce us to this mysterious 'friend.'" said Bankai teasing him
"Seriously, Lando, you've got some explaining to do. The chat is blowing up with theories." Max warned Lando as he saw the chat going wild once again
"Theories? It's just a friend, I promise. No hidden agenda." said Lando rolling his eyes, trying to concentrate on the game.
The teasing continued throughout the stream, with Lando playing along, trying to keep the focus on the game.
"Alright, enough about my 'friend.' Let's get back to the action, yeah?" said the curly haired brit while his friends kept laughing
"Fine, fine. But you owe us some answers, mate. We won't forget this." said Bankai before focusing back on the game
As the stream ended, the playful banter echoed in the virtual space, leaving Lando with a smile as he signed off, leaving the mystery of his "friend" hanging in the air, much to the amusement of Max and Bankai.
He was happy he managed to get through the stream without spilling something out, but what he didn't know was the effect his words had on you.
He went to find you, wanting to enjoy some time together before calling it a day, but to his surprise he didn't find you.He saw his clothes on the bed, the ones that were on you earlier and he didn't understand why they were there.
He called your name but no one answered. He looked for you all over the apartment but you weren't anywhere to be found. He sent you texts, still no answer. He called your phone a hundred times but he was still unlucky. He started to get worried but then he noticed the blurry figure of his beloved girlfriend and he walked to the balcony confused.
On the dimly lighted balcony, Lando sat down beside you, his curiosity evident. "Hey, I've been looking for you everywhere, I even called you, why didn't you answer?" He asked concerned
"I didn't heard the phone sorry" you said, your words barely above a whisper
"What's going on? You seem off," he asked, his eyes filled with genuine concern.
You hesitated for a moment, then looked up at him with a forced smile. "Just tired, I guess. It was a long day." You replied, avoiding eye contact.
Lando sensed something was amiss. "Come on, you can tell me anything. What's going on baby?" he reassured you, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
Taking a deep breath, you finally found the courage and opened up. "I... I heard what you said on the stream about me. It just made me wonder if you really meant it" you admitted, vulnerability present in your voice.
Lando's expression softened as he realized the impact of his words. "Y/n baby, you know it's not like that. You mean more to me than anyone else. I just didn't want people prying into our private lives," he explained sincerely.
You nodded, a mixture of relief and lingering insecurity in your eyes. "I get it, but sometimes it's hard to hear those things, even if I know they're not true. I couldn't stop my mind from thinking it's true" you confessed, tears falling down your face
Lando pulled you into a comforting embrace. "I'm sorry if it hurt you. I'll make it up to you, alright? I don't want you doubting how important you are to me, ever! Trust me my love, you are everything I've ever wanted and more! I love you more than anything so please stop doubting yourself and your place in my life!" he promised, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.
As you sat there, the weight lifted off your shoulders. Lando understood the importance of his words and remembered that people can interpretate them differently.
You sat there, looking at the stars, holding each other close. You managed to calm yourself down and let your rationality take over. You looked up to look at Lando's face. As if he got a cue, he looked down at you with wonder in his eyes.
"I love you! And I'm sorry I overreacted" you said quietly avoiding his eyes
"I love you too baby! And I'm sorry for what I said" he whispered leaning in to kiss you.
You sat there, on the cold balcony for a little longer. You fell asleep due to the exhaustion caused by all the crying. Lando noticed and picked you up carrying you to the bedroom. He placed you down on the bed before joining you.
"I love you more than anything my love, never forget that" he whispered kissing your forehead before he pulled you closer falling asleep in your arms.
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aerkame · 6 months
Hey! I saw your HC’s about the versions of sun wukong’s. May I request “ Journey to the West: Legends of the Monkey King 2000? ” I really loved the show as a kid. I saw it on YouTube again and wondered about it! If..you saw this series that is. If not, I’ll take Netflix monkey king! It’s up to you!
I feel like doing both :p Also I'll be doing general HC because I'm not sure if you meant reader insert or just in general if this were in a fanfiction
Journey to the West: Legends of the Monkey King 2000
This monkey man is the definition of assertive
He sees something he likes? He makes it clear he will have it. There's a demon he wants to beat up? He'll talk about beating them up before actually following through with it. There's a person he wants to get with? He makes his intentions crystal clear to everyone around him without hesitation, heaven forbid you try to stop him, he will not allow it.
Surprisingly optimistic despite everything that has happened. There is nothing that can really bring down his mood once he's in a good one.
That means he's not exactly stable when he's in a rare bad mood. Just...give the guy some space if that happens.
Sometimes he'll accidentally break things or break someone. He just gets excitable and well...
Of course there's lots of apologies that ensue if the worst happens, though he doesn't like admitting he did something wrong.
Out of all the versions of Monkey King, this one is probably the most extroverted and friendly of the bunch. He for sure will make loads of friends if given the chance.
This version also seems to be the most open minded on things. Got something to say? He's all ears. Got something you want him to learn? He'll actually sit and listen (a rarity among Monkey kings)
Despite how loud and assertive he is, sometimes he can also be more quiet and gentle when the situation calls for it. It took some learned behavior from Tang though. But, it's a useful trait to have when you're someone like Monkey king.
Very energetic sometimes. He always needs to be doing something with his hands or going out and fighting stuff.
I'd assume this version is extremely protective of his SO if he has one.
Same can be said for his friends.
Would absolutely do everything he can to cheer someone up if they started crying in front of him. It really hurts to see someone so hurt...
Usually encourages people to be a better version of themselves (except Pigsy, he gave up on that guy)
Netflix Monkey King 2023
Oh boy where do I start?
If Leo the zodiac sign was a person, this would be him.
This guy, ooo- this guy really loves himself, and he makes sure everyone around him knows it too at every given chance.
Very confident in his ability to overcome any challenge or obstacle (he's just the best ain't he?)
Probably takes better care of himself and Stick than his own armor or anything else that's with him.
Would absolutely have a bunch of different shampoos, conditioners, and lotions in modern days. The guy loves to love himself, and look loved too.
Probably a huge flirt when he sees someone he mildly finds interest in. That or he'll just brag about himself to seem more impressive. (He's probably exaggerating)
Loves showing off
Modern version of him would probably be a lot more chilled out after the years, learning to just let things go and not be so impulsive or take things personally. He's still got a lot of work to do when it comes to letting people in though.
He's just afraid of losing people like Lin again you know? Right when he realizes he has a family, he loses them and sits isolated form the world for hundreds of years.
Usually prefers staying away from people, alone with Stick. Being alone as a kid does that to you.
Sometimes seeks out validation and love from crowds of people and fans.
He's a little more patient over the years, but just as chaotic.
Expect lots of malicious compliance from him. And pranks, he enjoys getting a good laugh out of others or just doing it for his own entertainment. (though he can border on just being a jerk)
Sometimes talks to Stick when he's alone, it's usually just him venting about things from the past.
Tends to get anxious when he's alone for too long or if there's a thunderstorm (doesn't need a lot of explaining to understand that).
Will be the sweetest monkey with someone he really likes. It's like he's a completely different person!
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trashyreptilian · 5 months
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And here I am with one reference sheet done! Only a FUCK-ton more to go haha,,,
Reblogs are appreciated! :3
Biography (long read):
-General Info-
Full Name: Alfred Thorn Age: 18 Height: 6'0'' ft Gender: Male Sex: Male Species: Human Homeplace: Huntstrail, Michigan (US) Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Greyromantic asexual
-Other Info-
Personality?: Seemingly a nonchalant type of guy, just living his life and avoids attracting attention. Often feeling like he doesn't fit in with society or any kind of community. He's not much for showing strong emotions, not near random people at least. Typical for him to carry around an "I don't care" attitude and crack jokes during bad times, but it also serves as a means of protecting himself. Being well enough taught that showing his vulnerable side to the wrong people, can possibly be used back against him. The calm exterior hides an emotionally struggling artist, who's suffered through past childhood abuse from his own mother. Sometimes that pain rises to the surface, and accidentally shows up through unexpected mood swings or frustrated/defensive outbursts. However, Alfred knows how badly he manages his own negative emotions. This kind of heated temper shows up when heavily provoked or felt like he's backed into a corner. He may seem like a loner, yet in actuality, he's got a few close select people he cares about a lot. And depends on, more than he'd like to admit. But solely because of that, he shows a strong willingness to go far to protect them. Even if it means he might somehow risk his own life in the process. Seen in these instances, his more assertive and bold-self comes out.
Thinks Before Acting?: It's mixed with him, either does or doesn't depending on the situation. Typically, he'll try thinking over his actions and words. Especially when he can sense a bad outcome if he's not careful. Though, he's far from being the most calculated guy.
Positive Traits?: Mellow, modest, imaginative, soft-hearted, protective and audacious.
Negative Traits?: Reserved, insecure, confrontational, defensive, self-destructive and resentful.
Way Of Speaking?: Can talk in two languages, the main one is American English. Has knowledge in speaking Spanish, but it's kinda subpar. Remembers mostly from the lessons he had in school. On the odd occasion only uses it around his closest friend, Simon, who encourages him to improve. His voice is calm and soft, with no particular accent. At times, loves using a mocking or sarcastic tone. (Headcanon voice: https://youtu.be/2rHRztFGOm8?t=1)
Occupation?: Works as a stock clerk at a furniture store. Assists with unpacking delivered items, organizing the stockroom, inspecting inventory and so forth. Also, he takes overnight shifts when possible for extra cash. Of course, the entire job itself is for financial stability. Otherwise, he cares little about it. Had hoped to get into some kind of art career instead, possibly becoming a cartoonist. Sadly, he's never gotten such an opportunity as he grew up. Didn't help that he lacked complete confidence, and still does to this day. So it all remains but a little fantasy he thinks about.
Powers/Skills?: With Alfred being human, don't expect any overpowered abilities like how demons and angels have. However, in his very rare case, having a supernatural being, more precisely a simulacrum, for a parent did unexpectedly help him improve physically, and made him able to defend himself. At a younger age of sixteen, he was gifted his first weapon which was a pistol Glock 19. With help from his father, he trained in remote areas. Shooting useless items that were used as targets. Now, he's well-practiced enough in using it properly, discreetly carrying it when out at nighttime. Of course, not limited to just a pistol. He's also got a metal bat safely tucked away in his bedroom. But for as long as he's known, anything can be a weapon. In a fight, he'll manage some inventive ways to beat someone up. Not exactly a person with a strong-build, yet he makes up for it in endurance. Fairly fast when running, most likely to outrun anyone. The type of guy to pick his fights. Besides all that, survival skills. Learned a few tricks throughout all the times he's gone out camping, moderately skilled living in the wilderness. Particularly good at starting a fire. Maybe a little too good.
Hobbies?: Main hobby is drawing, pretty much remained so since he was a kid. His art style is very stylized, expressive and exaggerated. Taken inspiration from his favorite animated shows and movies. He'll usually use a regular sketchbook with a pencil and pen to draw. But he dabbles in other unique methods like graffiti, and pastel art. A more recent past time is using a camcorder. What he chooses to record is random. Can either be a quick recording of his father’s cat, or footage of activities and ramblings. For whatever reason, he just finds it relaxing. Not to mention, it's his way of better preserving memories besides taking photos. Something else he does to unwind is watching movies and TV series, or playing video games. His favorite genres are horror and thriller. On the lighter side, he loves all stuff that's animated, comedy and adventure fiction. Also, collects merchandise related to his favored media. Considers it a luxury, so he's not gung-ho about it. While these are things he typically does alone. Camping and exploring abandoned places, are done together with his dad. Since they can't hang out together in broad daylight, they always go out during the night. Their activities start regularly, but sometimes end in some sort of chaos when they get overboard. With property ending up mysteriously ruined. Just a not so subtle clue into what exactly happens on their trips.
Habits?: Often smokes and drinks. The first one is easier for him to keep controlled, the other one is an addiction. Possibly inherited from his mother's side of the family. He's aware of that, yet doesn't seem to grasp how poorly it could affect him in the future. Both substances are used when stressed or annoyed, but gravitates towards the alcohol mostly. An insomniac, his sleep schedule has been, and still is, irregular. Tends to be active out of nowhere during later hours, and taking overnight shifts doesn't help him. All coupled together, it's easy to imagine his self-care is kinda non-existent. Not to say he's lacking in it, it's out of sheer tiredness and apathy. Irritability is a rather serious tendency due to trauma, and a main fueling reason for the reliance on bad tendencies. It only worsens when experiencing a chain of obstacles, no matter if minor or severe. There's no clear pattern as he can seem fine in the moment, yet takes but one nudge to tip him off the edge. Resulting in sudden outbursts, causing to shut himself off from others.
Relationships? (Simplified): Alfred's dad has remained an integral part of his life. Who in fact, happens to be a simulacrum from Hell, named Him. It's been the only figure he's ever looked up to and known as family. Same demon was originally supposed to replace his actual biological father. In a rather malicious, literal sense. That never happened, as the target left his family behind during the early years of Alfred's childhood before anything transpired. Then living with an abusive mother got him in a worse vulnerable state. So getting attached to something inhuman, but caring, shouldn't be surprising. Their steady bond continued while no one else had a clue on any of it. Entering his young teenage years, Alfred was unphased about his own father figure not being exactly human, once Him revealed so. Despite the few times he had to see or hear it lashing out onto other members of its own species, he never seemed disturbed by its more violent actions. Him's raw wrathful nature is no secret, for sure. He looks past as it being over-protective since so far, he's only seen it attack out of defense for the both of them. Many times he has wished to be as reliable, strength-wise. Since Him's the only father, best friend, and role-model he's ever had, he holds it up in high regard. Alfred would go to Hell and back for it. But the relationship is far from perfect, both struggle a lot with communication. Opening up emotionally is hard especially. For Him, it's worse. As they say: like father, like son. They stay silent about their relationship, for safety's sake and to avoid unwanted attention. Nowadays, they live together in a little run-down apartment. Finally secure, in a place they can call home.
Interacting with a simulacrum for nearly his whole childhood didn't make Alfred the most extroverted person. After frequently having trouble socializing, he gave up trying to befriend people his age. At some point, he simply preferred hanging about on his own. However, one person managed to start a friendship with him, Simon Belrose. A new student that had joined the same high-school, and class, as Alfred. They were both young teens, around the same age, when they first met. His outgoing and amicable personality had Alfred spooked, he reasonably assumed that he'd be left alone by him. Having not much thought about the new guy, becoming friends with him was even less on his mind. Up until they both had an interaction, in which Simon had shown genuine interest in his art. While the compliments were validating for Alfred, he was wary of the other anyway. Took a bit to get acquainted properly. Over the years, they've grown a lot closer as friends. But Alfred still remains secretive on a lot of stuff happening in his personal life. Usually for understandable reasons, yet Simon would appreciate it if they were more open with one another. Nonetheless, they get along pretty great. Both admire certain qualities the other has, that of which they don't themselves. They enjoy pissing each other off until someone breaks first. Random screaming matches over absolutely nothing happen frequently. And their silly scuffles always get hectic.
Moving back onto otherworldly beings. Due to Alfred's long bond with a simulacrum, a certain figure grew interested in finding out more about the two. One way or the other. After a major event, involved with a rather unpleasant (putting it lightly) "person". A series of unusual circumstances followed suit for Alfred. Which all led to meeting a theraangel, called Xanthan. When their first proper interaction happened, there was nerve-wracking tension. He wasn't sure what to make of them, or what the angel's true intentions were. Heavy convincing was needed to earn Alfred's trust. To his own surprise, a mutual respect developed as they bonded over certain grievances each had. Later on a different date, Xanthan becomes his guardian angel. Part of a deal made with his father, Him. Solely due to this guardianship, they find more things in common. Eventually gaining a deeper understanding of each other. Their shared connection with art helps them be more open and start an eventual friendship. Alfred slowly views them as a sort of mentor. Maybe even as another father figure. Seeing how he appreciated Xanthan's longer living experience, once he felt comfortable he'd seek out advice from Xan alone on the rare occasion. Very few people manage to break down all the high sturdy walls that angel puts up, Alfred managed to be one of those people. He proved to be pretty insistent in making that guy a close part of his life.
Speaking of enemies, there's no one in particular who really fits in with this definition for Alfred. Besides perhaps some bitter students from his high-school that he got into fights with, or his mother and sister he has distanced himself away from. Still none of them fit such a defining strong label as "enemy". As he just wants to forget about these people entirely. Yet, that doesn't mean he won't make adversaries in the future.
General rules for all of my FCs and OCs:
-While I'm fine with getting inspired by my work, please do not just steal the designs. -I am uncomfortable with my characters being unknowingly shipped with other people's characters. -Fanart is all well, great and welcomed! As long as it isn't sexual. I'm fine with gore but please, keep my characters away from your own sexual material.
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thirteenashmctrash · 2 years
okay so i have gained a new species of spore for my collective brainrot and i have found the perfect selling pitch to drag everyone i care about down with me. if you know the show this is hilarious. if you haven't watched it pay attention:
the show's called leverage. you know how there's those crime serials that aren't good at all but we've all watched a little too much of at least one of them even though they are blatant copaganda which is morally terrible? take your favorite one of those, but remover the copaganda. all the characters are criminals but their only victim is capitalism. every cop in the show is stupid at best and blatantly corrupt to a disgusting level most of the time. there is just as much genuine and intelligent social commentary as this premise demands.
i sense i already have you hooked. i can make this better. stick with me for a minute on this: the character dynamic is a muppet movie but also the Scooby gang
stick with me here!
You have Parker, who fit into the Scooby gang as Scooby and would be played by Gonzo. her crime thing is that she is a cat burglar and she is very good at it. her skill with it is borderline slapstick (hence Scooby) and she is very autistic coded and misunderstood (hence Gonzo)
You've got Eliot, who is the Shaggy and is played by Sam Eagle. He is the brute force of the team and he wants you to think he is all serious and grimdark. but he loves making the employees and victims of their capitalist targets aware of unions and he is a big himbo. i say he is shaggy because he plays Parker's straight man, he has the second most cartoonlike abilities, and he has a passion for cooking
Hardison is Velma as played by Kermit. he is a geeky hacker with a passion for orange soda and he is the heart of the team. he gets overlooked as leader even though he is the driving force of everything they do. like Velma. he also has that trademark Kermit brand of slapstick and deadpanned humor in balance.
Sophie is Daphne as played by miss piggy. she is basically the world's best grifter, she usually the front man interacting with the target the most. she has that crazy streak and the self defense capacity that miss piggy and Daphne (when she's done right) both have. she also has the confidence and style.
Nate is Fred and he is the human character. Fred has "let's split up gang" and Nate has "then we have to steal *fill in the blank with something comedically unfit to finish the sentence*" Fred and Nate are both flat characters with the main trait "i think I'm the leader but my smart friend does all the work" and the main interest of "trapping and screwing over capitalists" he mainly gets to call himself the leader because he's the idea guy and he has an apartment. his role in the muppet analogy is the peak of my pitch if you're still here. because while this is definitely not the Christmas Carol, Nate is the human character because he is Ebenezer Scrooge if instead of being a capitalist, Scrooge was an alcoholic and instead of character growth he was just steadily losing his mind. his moral compass and general intelligence are on a roulette wheel that is spun at random intervals lasting from seconds to the occasional few hours. also he and Sophie have divorced parents of grown children syndrome and the other three are said children. in vibes, of course, they aren't actually related.
if anyone stayed with me through all of that you should seriously watch it. even if i sound like i pulled this all out of my ass. it's so good.
it's an actively anticapitalist, copaganda free crime show where you get to see fun characters beat up every thing bad in society and fuck it all over. it balances fun comedy and wild characters with serious topics and moments in a way that is very natural and genuine. it also has one of my favorite autistic coded characters, a positive and healthy relationship that develops in a way that feels natural to the characters (as well as a rockier one if you're into drama) and it is in the midst of what looks to be an actually well handled revival series with the original cast. i haven't caught up yet but I'm so excited for it. the original had 5 seasons and the revival is waiting to be renewed for season 3.
please go watch leverage. it's so good and it deserves more fans. also i want more fic and that next season
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clownowo · 8 months
Ace attorney characters ranked based on how well I think they dance
Phoenix Wright: 6/10 he’s nothing to write home about but he took a musical theater class or two in college so he can keep a beat at least.
Mia Fey: 6/10 no real interest in dancing but she's not bad or anything. could keep up with Diego well enough
Apollo Justice: 4/10 he wouldn’t suck so bad if he could just loosen up.
Athena Cykes: 9/10 very fit. does cardio. has taken some dance classes for fun.
Maya Fey: 8/10 what she lacks in skill she makes up for in spirit
Pearl Fey: 6/10 has the physical abilities to dance but not the confidence. also has very little reference for how she could be dancing
Trucy Wright: 8/10 performer with good dexterity for sleight of hand. Music isn’t really her area of expertise but she does well enough. enjoys playing just dance with Athena
Miles Edgeworth: 3/10 he can do one dance and it’s the Steel Samurai season 4 ending credits dance and he does it flawlessly but nothing else. took ballroom dancing classes with the von Karmas but he wasn’t particularly adept.
Franziska von Karma: 4/10 she found the aforementioned ballroom dancing classes tedious but damn if she wasn’t going to perform in them perfectly. she can’t do anything else and refuses to try
Godot: 7/10 he can do a killer tango
Klavier Gavin: 2/10 despite being an internationally famous rockstar, when performing he usually has a guitar in his hands so he’s never needed to dance. he cannot dance. he doesn’t particularly want this info getting out
Simon Blackquill: 6/10 danced with Athena a fair bit growing up. knows several anime dances
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi: 7/10 i haven't met this guy yet but my friend tells me they think he'd know a fair bit of traditional dances.
Winston Payne: 0/10 or 10/10 no in between. he's either literal garbage or so bad it loops back around to incredible. he had insane disco game in the 70s but now all the rookies laugh at him.
Larry Butz: 8/10 best dancer between him, Phoenix and Miles. he’s gotta be getting his girlfriends somehow
Dick Gumshoe: 5/10 a little too clumsy and can't keep a beat well but bonus points for his enthusiasm
Ema Skye: 1/10 doesn't even try
Kay Faraday: 10/10 incredible dexterity and physical ability. lots of whimsy and spirit.
Sebastian Debeste: 3/10 despite the baton, no real sense of rhythm
Manfred von Karma: 4/10 the one to sign Franziska and Miles up for ballroom dance lessons
Matt Engarde: 2/10 he got the jammin samurai killed so I don’t think he can jam
Dahlia Hawthorne: 8/10 she can boogie. gets down at clubs and parties. arguably the most normal about dancing
Sister Iris: 7/10 had to learn to boogie to properly emulate her sister but she isn’t quite as suited for it and has much less experience
Kristoph Gavin: 1/10 he likes watching but he doesn’t dance at all
Ryunosuke Naruhodo: 10/10 the most beautiful dance of deductions you've ever seen in your life
Susato Mikotoba: 10/10 while she's not particularly skilled with a koto, she learned to dance from the best
Herlock Sholmes: 10/10 THE dancer. THE ONE AND ONLY great detective known for his dance of deductions
Iris Wilson: 10/10 raised by the aforementioned one and only herlock sholmes
Yujin Mikotoba: 10/10 took to tap dancing incredibly well during his time in britain
Kazuma Asogi: 6/10 he's not particularly good but he somehow makes it look cool anyway
Barok Van Zieks: 7/10 used to be much better, before the professor kililngs he actually enjoyed dancing a fair bit. took classes growing up. retained a lot of the muscle memory
Gina Lestrade: 6/10 she doesn't have any training but if she did she'd do fairly well
Tobias Gregson: 2/10 he's the best investigator at scotland yard according to Sholmes, so you can imagine how bad the rest of the yard is at dancing
Maria Gorey: 8/10 she can dance just fine she just has no interest. the one time they got her to dance Herlock had very courteously offered his body up for dissection. "AFTER I'M DEAD, WOMAN!"
Albert Harebrayne: 1/10 he can't. he tries. Barok tried to teach him. he understands the theory! he knows the steps! he can't do it. he can't.
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yeets-ix · 9 months
Sonic Bad Guys AU Infodumping
@thefakehedgehogaroundhere pitched the AU and its roles, I went too far and fleshed it out a LOT.
Here's the first round, the basics of the characters:
The Bad Guys go by “Ms. Surge,” Ms. Metal, Mr. Rough, Mr. Tumble, Mr. Duo and Mr. Kitsunami (for fun.)
Backstory: While the AU is mostly just the self-contained plot of the movie, Eggman and Starline did exist in the AU… emphasis on DID. In a very very deliberately loose interpretation of Sonic canon setting up this AU, they created Surge, Kit and Metal, but were ultimately defeated for good, with their former creations and minions being left to form various random organizations including the Bad Guys, none of whom are nearly as much of a threat anymore. Sonic took all the credit for “beating” Eggman, though it probably wasn’t actually him in this AU considering this version of him is also a villain and has just been using his hero image for personal gain (hell, considering his Marmalade-assigned wealth, he probably bought out Eggman Industries after the Doctor was gone.)
Ms. Surge, instead of the “big bad wolf,” boasts about being an “evil twin.” A twisted and evil counterpart to a hero. Of course, she turns out to actually be the good one between herself and Sonic in this AU, but that’s beside the point. She still doesn’t remember her original life and has only experienced being compared to Sonic and seen as a monstrous, evil version of him, never being given any other chance. When Sonic gets exposed as the criminal he is and arrested, Surge, Kit and Metal recognize they’re fully free and able to go good, what with him being put away for good.
Ms. Metal was also originally designed after Sonic (that’s why she and Surge are best friends,) but being “the safe-cracker,” has modified herself with some help from Kit into a heist-focused robot with stealth tech, safe-cracking tools, and the ability to turn into a hyper-boost engine for the getaway car. She’s the “most evil” because she’s still programmed to defeat Sonic, even if she’s currently spending almost all of her time pulling heists with the Bad Guys. She comes around in the end and rejoins Surge and the gang, and stays with her as a good guy after finally taking down Sonic. She’s also kind of addicted to absorbing Wisps.
Mr. Mimic actually goes by Mr. Duo most of the time - he’s made the happy-go-lucky but still evil cat his public identity they think of when they hear the term “Bad Guys.” After genuinely befriending the others, he wants to move on from and forget the even worse crimes he committed as an octopus (even though not necessarily those of his canon self.) That being said, he’s still a shapeshifter and “the distraction.” Instead of Mr. Shark swallowing Mr. Snake when he annoys him, Duo can mess with Metal’s circuits since he’s “good with computers.”
Mr. Rough and Mr. Tumble are the flattest ones, but then again, they always are. They beat the shit out of people, make immature jokes, and Rough uncontrollably sprays when he’s nervous. Mr. Piranha is perfect for both of them (and also for Surge - she’d release catastrophic EMPs - if she wasn’t Mr. Wolf here.)
Mr. Kit is “Drippy” the same way Ms. Tarantula is “Webs.” His laptop has extra monitors and keyboards for his Hydro-Coils the same way as Webs’ does for her eight legs. He’s also still Surge’s younger brother for the feels. Owing to being around 13, he's less anxious and less formal, and with the world aware of his power, more confident in being scary on his own or at his sister's side.
Governor Rose’s backstory as the Crimson Paw Rascal is changed a bit. She, too, gave up just as she was about to steal the Awardy Award (the Golden Dolphin equivalent,) but it was because she realized she’d built her criminal career upon being a “sweet widdle hoggo” who nobody would suspect or believe could be a criminal mastermind, instead blaming more scary or ugly animals. Realizing that not only would some undeserving creature take the fall for the Rascal’s ultimate heist, but she fully knew and wanted to exploit this, just made Amy feel like shit, and she immediately hung up her cowl. Note that this same reason also leads to her despising Sonic for working under the same ideals, and makes her very happy when he’s the one who takes the fall for her crimes in the end.
“A wolf and a fox are not so different” becomes “A tenrec is just a false hedgehog.” Sonic later reuses this line to mock Surge, before Surge and Amy finally wreck him with it in the end.
Sonic as Marmalade? Take every bad take on IDW Sonic in the entire hatedom, make them completely true, and then sprinkle the resulting abomination of a Sonic with Scourge dust. He’s supposedly the same hero as his canon self, but in truth all he cares about is his own entertainment and his own reputation. Lying and manipulating people are what give him “the tingle.” He’s gonna scream “LET’S DO IT TO IT! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!” like in that one satire comic as he’s dragged off to S.U.C.M., utterly determined to the end to convince everyone he’s never done anything wrong in his life. Fuck him. He deserves nothing, he is the scum of the earth, I want to punch him in the face, and maybe call in a few other AU Sonics to punch him in the face too.
Heck, I have an OC named Shine who is basically “Sonic but Marmalade” already, and I’d be willing to donate her for this role if I didn’t want Sonic himself to get to chew some scenery.
We’ve agreed Whisper is Chief Luggins due to her power to be incredibly biased against these people, especially Surge with a good helping of Mimic on the side. Lanolin would work too, but I think Whisper being really angry a lot fits better. You poor wolf, you poor meow meow, you poor thing, how did you end up becoming a cop?... or she's just the face of what's left of the Restoration in this universe. Lanolin can probably be Tiffany the reporter, IDK.
To be continued.
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Offline Meeting - Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: Gamer!Steve and gamer!reader have played online together for months, and they finally get the chance to meet in person at a gaming convention.
Note: I have to preface this by saying I am not a gamer whatsoever, My extent of gaming is The Sims. So, I had to enlist the help of @inourtownofhawkins, @trashmouth-richie, and @munson-blurbs! I hope my writing reflects all the wonderful help they gave me. Also, I know there's no such place as the "Orlando Convention Center" for any Floridians reading this, but I figured if I said "Orange County" people would assume California lol. I definitely channeled a bit of Keys from Free Guy for this as well. And a very special thankful to @trashmouth-richie for making the lovely text graphic for me! Finally, this fic is dedicated to my lovely wifey @inourtownofhawkins 💕
Warnings: my poor attempt at pretending to know about gaming, video game violence, smut, p in v, minors DNI, language, i think that's it?
Words: 6k
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It’s easy to fall in love with the idea of falling in love. It’s easy to fall in love with the idea of a person. And when the only way you communicate is through social media or gaming, it’s easy to only see the good parts of someone and pretend there’s nothing bad. You’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop with Steve. Or ready for him to find something that he doesn’t like about you which will make him stop talking to you. So, when he tells you that he got a ticket to come to the gaming con that you’re attending in a few weeks, conflicting feelings come up. 
At first, you’re ecstatic that you’re going to see Steve. The two of you have talked so much about wishing you lived closer together so you could spend time with someone who understands how you feel about gaming in real life. Online is great, but you both know in person is better. But the more you thought about hanging out with Steve in real life, the more caught up in your head you got about it. What if he didn’t like you in person? What if he only liked you when he had the ability to log off? 
You’ve been talking for over nine months now, ever since you met in the lobby for both of your favorite game, Upside Down House. The two of you made a great team in the game, trying to defend a small family home from a Demogorgon that pops out of walls all over the house. Steve’s weapon of choice was always a bat, and he would stun them so you could take them out with a shotgun. You made such a good duo and had such fun playing together that you’d decided to voice chat with one another while playing, and even led to exchanging social medias and connected on discord. 
Talking to Steve was the highlight of your day. Finishing your classes for the day, you’d crash in your dorm and grab your headset, praying he was online as well. Messaging each other throughout the day just wasn’t the same. You wanted to hear his voice, play alongside him. Whenever you’d successfully beat a level, he’d become so happy and giddy that it would make your stomach flutter with the force of a hundred butterflies. The worst part of your day was always when your roommate would come back to your room, and you’d have to log off for the night so she could get some sleep. Steve would still chat with you through discord, but again, it wasn’t the same not hearing his voice. He was always your first and last text of the day. 
As the con gets closer, Steve talks more and more about how excited he is. You are too, but you’re also filled with more anxiety and worry. Begging your roommate to take you shopping for a new outfit and teach you how to do your makeup, you start to gain a little bit more confidence in seeing Steve. 
When you wake up the day of the con, a smile sticks to your face and there’s a bounce in your step. The whole drive over to the convention center you’re dancing along to the radio in your car, simultaneously dreaming about seeing Steve and trying not to think about it at the same time. You��d know his face anywhere, even having never seen it in person, and you wonder what your immediate reaction will be when your eyes land on him. 
The traffic for parking at Orlando Convention Center is backed up all the way to highway 528, and you start to get jittery as you wait in the line of cars. He’s probably already there, you think to yourself. Is he already inside? Is he excited to see you? Is he nervous? Is he already having too much fun and forgot he’s even going to be seeing you?
Your palms are sweating by the time you park your car outside Concourse A. The hot Florida sun doesn’t help you as you walk across the crowded parking lot. The line to get in feels like it takes forever, and you’re convinced you’re going to throw up all the butterflies that have been swirling around inside of you. 
Once you’ve got your badge around your neck, you dodge cosplayers – telling yourself you’ll admire them later – and pull out your phone to shoot a message to Steve.
The thirty seconds it takes to get a reply feel like an eternity.
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For the first time in your twenty-something years it feels like you’ve forgotten how to walk. Shoes stumble over one another, the solid slab floor is somehow sucking your feet in like quicksand. Bumbling through the crowd, your eyes scan the faces around you for the brown eyes that melt your heart every time you see them on your phone’s screen. For that hair that tempts you to run your fingers through it more than you ever wanted to touch anything in your life. 
Right in the middle of a large crowd, your sneakers squeak to a halt, annoying the people around you and forcing them to go around. Steve’s there, in person, in the same space as you. He hasn’t spotted you yet, craning his neck to look over people, his phone clutched tightly in his hand. Perfect isn’t a word you’d ever prescribed to anyone before, but it’s surely how Steve looks just standing there. His jeans are slightly too big, hanging low on his hips, and his navy t-shirt framing his broad shoulders in the most flattering way. 
All thoughts leave your head as Steve turns his head and locks eyes with you. Absolutely frozen to the spot, the growing grin on his face is the only thing that breaks you out of your trance. He takes a step towards you, and you find yourself barreling towards him as well. How were you supposed to greet him? Handshake? Hug? Awkwardly standing there and saying hi? Steve makes the choice for you as he grabs you and pulls your body against his. Positive that he can feel your heart thrumming against his chest, your arms cling around his neck and hold onto him like you’ll never let him go. And you don’t want to.
“Finally,” Steve says as you reluctantly pull away from one another. 
“It’s so good to see you. For real.” Without thinking about it, your hand comes up and cups the side of his face. He leans into your touch and your heart soars into your throat. You let your hand drop from his face and he’s quick to pick it up in his own hand. Steve’s thumb rubs along the back of your hand and it sends tingles up your spine. 
“There’s a panel on Upside Down House in half an hour,” he tells you. “And after that there’s a Junkyard Babysitter tournament in the next hall and the winner gets an Xbox gift card. I already signed us up.”
“Oh, you’re so good at that game! The prize is as good as yours.”
Steve gives you a bashful smile and it sets every nerve in your body on fire. He gives a small tug on your hand and starts to head for the doors.
“Come on, let’s go get some seats for the panel.”
It turns out that you and Steve could’ve run that panel. You were both just as knowledgeable about the game as the hosts, could have easily answered all the questions that were asked by fellow panelists, and even managed to give tips and insight that no one else in the room had. 
“So, when the trail of lights leads you right up to the front door, that’s a decoy. You have to head to the left because that’s where the Demogorgon pops out from.”
“The fire trap in the hallway is great for distracting! But it won’t kill him on its own. You’ve got to use another weapon too.”
Once the panel is over, you and Steve get seats next to each other at the tournament. The room fills fairly quickly so you and Steve have a short chat about strategy. Your character would take cover in the hollowed-out school bus in the junkyard, and Steve’s character would hide behind the junked cars surrounding the area as he makes his way towards the dangerous center. It’s a play you’ve both used before, so you have a fair amount of confidence in it. 
There are about twenty people in this tournament, but you don’t look at any of them around the room. Only Steve. He gives you a reassuring nod before the game starts, then both of your characters are running to their respective locations you agreed upon. Six characters are brought down upon the initial onslaught. Fourteen left. 
“Behind you,” you tell Steve. His character spins around in time to take down the other player with his trusty baseball bat. The back door of the bus is being caved in, so your character picks up the closest weapon – which is a flamethrower – and waits for the intruder to be in sight. 
“There’s two out there,” Steve warns you as he sneaks his character over to get a better view of the bus. Your character lifts the flamethrower and aims it right where you’re expecting the others’ heads to be. The metal is finally bashed in, and the flamethrower takes both characters down with one burst of flame. You climb the ladder that’s in the middle of the bus, not high enough to stick your head out the top, but enough to be better prepared for an ambush. 
That ambush arrives when three players jump on top of the bus, circling you on the ladder below.
Steve’s quick to get his character to the rescue, though. The first thing he does once he’s on the roof is knock one of the three players inside the bus so you can take care of him no problem. Your flamethrower gets the job done. Hiking it over your shoulder, you keep a tight grip on the flamethrower as you climb the ladder to join Steve and the other two on the roof. The player closest to you doesn’t know you’ve come up behind him, so you take advantage and kick his legs out from underneath him, and when he’s lying flat on his back, you pull the trigger. 
“Damn it!”
Steve’s frustrated call has you turning to look at his character, but it’s already too late. The other player is steadily draining his life force and even if you killed him now, Steve’s character would still die. But you go for it anyway. You run at the other player to get as much momentum as you can and ram him off the bus roof. Both he and Steve’s characters die, fading from the playing field. 
Your character climbs down the ladder into the bus for safety, but grabs Steve’s discarded bat when she does. The bottom right corner of your screen tells you that there’s only five players left. They’re out there, either hiding like you, or getting into fights. Your character slowly makes her way to the broken back door of the bus and peeks out. It looks like there’s someone hiding in the bushes closest to the bus. Gripping your controller tight, you have your character swap out her weapons for a shotgun. You always have the best aim with these. Your character crawls to the very edge of the bus and balances on one knee, holding the shotgun up just right to get the target in the viewfinder. With a squeeze of the trigger, the total number of players has gone down to four. Sticking the shotgun and bat in your bag, you carry the flamethrower as you make your way to the other end of the bus. There’s no one visible from the dirty and cracked windows, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t near. 
There’s movement from behind one of the rusty old cars. Another player must have noticed this too because there’s the sound of a shot before the screen is letting you know there are three players remaining. Feeling like a sitting duck, you slip out the back way of the bus and slowly creep around to the hood. Head on the swivel, your character’s back is pressed against the cool yellow metal, and she attempts to make the quietest footfalls possible. 
“Oh, shit! Do you know who that is?” It’s spoken somewhere in the room around you, loud enough that you hear it even with your full concentration on the screen in front of you. 
“Whoa,” Steve says. Your eyes dart to him and are back on the screen in the next instant. 
“What’s going on?” you ask.
In the game, you see one player sneak out of a trunk of one of the cars. It’s one of the worst places to hide because it’s so obvious when you come out of it and the hinges squeak constantly while they’re being moved. You line up your flamethrower and have it positioned just right on your shoulder when a rusty pipe impales the character, leaving the remaining number of players at two.
“It’s Patrice Harlan,” Steve tells you. Your eyes almost bug out of your head.
“The Patrice Harlan? The guy who has won thousands and thousands of dollars by being incredible at these types of games?”
“Yeah,” Steve says with a sigh. Patrice was all over the gaming forums, known as one of the all-time best. He was one of the lucky ones who made a successful career from his gaming. This was seriously impacting your confidence.
“I got this,” you tell yourself, sounding much surer than you feel. Your character searches for Patrice’s character. You’re the only ones left. Taking slow, deliberate steps, your character comes around the front of the bus and darts to hide behind a pile of tires. By the sounds in the junkyard, you know Patrice’s character is getting closer. Depending on how close he got or from what angle would determine which weapon would be the most efficient here. 
Footsteps boom over to your character. This is it. He has to be right on the other side of the tires. Close proximity. You quickly switch out your weapons until your character is holding Steve’s bat. Your avatar stands up and comes face to face with Patrice’s avatar. She’s smaller than him but that could also come with some perks. Your character grips the bat right in her hand, and using her compact size, crouches down and springs up, jumping high enough to land on the pile of tires. From the vantage point, it’s the perfect place to go for the kill shot. You have her raise the bat up over her head, and as you jump down from the pile she cracks Patrice’s avatar straight down the middle of the skull, causing him to fall flat on his back. Always one to take precautions, you have your character swap out for the shotgun and fire it into the avatar’s chest, sealing the deal. 
You won.
The room goes crazy. Steve’s pulling you out of your seat, cupping your face with his hands before he pulls you in for a bone crushing hug that you don’t mind one bit. Other players pat you on the back and offer their congratulations as they walk by. But then you see him. Patrice Harlan. He’s even taller in person than he is online, his buzzed blonde hair catching the bright lights in the room. You’re afraid he’s going to be intimidating, but he walks over to you with a smile and offers you a friendly handshake. It feels insane. To just have beaten a professional to be the champion of one of your favorite games. 
The head of the tournament bestows you with your Xbox gift card and you instantly put it in your wallet for safekeeping. 
After all the excitement of the win dies down, you turn to Steve and find him looking at you a bit differently. You raise an eyebrow as you take a step towards him. 
“You good?” you ask. 
“Uh, yeah,” Steve says. His eyes are so dark and the look he’s giving you is not one anyone has ever given you before. It’s not unpleasant, though. “That was, um… Wow. That was really…”
“Yes, really what?” you ask, trying to help him along.
“Really hot,” Steve says, catching you by surprise. Your face flares up and you give your head a shake. 
“All I did was win a video game,” you say.
“Yeah, but you pretty much beat the best of the best. And it’s really turning me on,” Steve adds with a laugh. The heat in your face dials up but you allow Steve to take your hand in his again. 
Steve holds onto your hand the rest of the day. Only when the occasion absolutely called for it did he let you go, only to intertwine your fingers together again as soon as he could. Through every panel, strolling through the marketplace, even eating dinner together, he keeps his soft hold on you. Even though it’s been going on for hours, your tummy is still in the most pleasant knots possible as you feel his warm skin against yours. 
As the con winds down for the day, you’re starting to dread saying goodbye to Steve. Even if it’s only until tomorrow. But after spending such an amazing day with him, leaving his side for even a moment sounds like torture. 
“So, uh, which way is your car? My hotel is that way.” Steve points in the general direction where there are at least four hotels practically on top of each other. 
“I’m parked right here. I can give you a ride,” you say.
Steve slides into the passenger's seat and the drops of sweat on his forehead make you chuckle as you put on your seatbelt. 
“Not used to this hot weather, huh?”
“And the sun isn’t even out anymore,” Steve says, gesturing to the dark sky. 
“Welcome to Florida.”
You pull out of the convention center parking and turn down I-Drive to get to the hotels.
“What’s the temperature back home?” you ask him.
“Uh, lemme see.” He picks up his phone and swipes to the weather app. “In Hawkins it is currently 62 degrees.”
“Shit, add at least twenty to that here. Maybe twenty-five.” It’s too quick before you pull into the hotel parking lot. You’re not ready to say goodnight. “What’s Hawkins like?”
You’ve both talked about your hometowns with each other before, but you’re grasping at straws to spark a conversation to extend your time together. Even if it’s only five more minutes.
“It’s small,” he says. “Pretty boring little town.” 
“And not as warm as here,” you say.
“Jesus Christ, no,” Steve says with a laugh. He licks over his lips and glances down at his lap. When he looks back at you, he looks nervous. “Do you, um, want to come in? I-I mean we could play a game or something.”
Or something. You want the something.
“Yeah. Yeah, sure.”
The walk to Steve’s room is quiet; both of you riddled with nerves and anticipation. He unlocks the door and lets you in first, like a gentleman. You take in the room as you walk in. It’s a little messy, suitcase open and items strewn about the small space. The temperature is cool, but it makes sense that he’d keep the room like this since he’s so unused to the heat outside. There’s a king bed and your eyes can’t seem to stay off of it for more than a moment at the time. A chair sits at a small table in the corner, but you perch yourself on the edge of the bed, hoping that signals to Steve what you want without you having to say it out loud. 
Steve rubs at the back of his neck and tosses his room key down the counter that’s supporting the television. 
“So, uh, what do you want to do?” he asks. 
“You” doesn’t seem like an appropriate answer to give, even if it’s true. 
“Watch a movie?” you suggest. 
“Sure.” Steve grabs the remote and you kick off your shoes, scooting up to the top of the bed. He joins you, shoulder pressed up against yours, and flips through the channels to see what’s on. Just sitting next to him on the bed like this has your nerves burning in excitement. 
He settles on some movie with weird alien creatures but you’re not paying attention. The heat radiating off Steve’s body is all you can focus on. You make the mistake of glancing over at him and your eyes lock onto his lips. They look so soft and such a pretty shade of pink. Steve reaches up and rubs at his eye, which has you now staring at his hands. His fingers are long, and you know they must be skilled from all the video games he plays. 
Trying to relieve some of the ache that’s growing between your legs, you shift on the bed, squeezing your thighs together and it causes you to bump your shoulder against Steve’s. The contact makes you feel like you've swallowed a fistful of pop rocks; tingly and jumpy from the inside out. Steve looks over at you and your traitorous eyes drop down to his mouth. He licks over his lips again – this time on purpose you think – and you know he clocks the way your breath hitches. A smirk comes to those beautiful rosy lips, and you find yourself leaning in closer to him. 
Steve reaches up and cups the side of your face in his hand, leaning the rest of the way to press his mouth against yours. The kiss starts off soft, lips dancing against one another, careful and timid. A small moan breaks from the back of your throat and it gives Steve the courage to swipe his tongue against your upper lip. You open your lips to him and lower yourself down to the pillows, tangling your fingers in his hair to bring him with you. 
Goosebumps spread up your arms as Steve licks his way into your mouth and the kiss goes from shy to exploring. His hand rests on your hip and he lets out a whine as you suck on his bottom lip. Steve slots a leg between yours, which you gladly spread for him, but you want to let out a frustrated whimper when his thigh isn’t close enough to grind your hips against. 
When you give a small, experimental tug to Steve’s hair, he moans into your mouth and bucks his hips against yours. You smile in satisfaction against him, and he pulls back to look down at your gleeful face.
“I could feel that smile,” he tells you, making you giggle and shrug your shoulders innocently. “You like teasing me, huh?”
“Me teasing you?” You pout. “You need to hike your thigh up about four inches.”
Steve looks down at where his leg is, then four inches up. His playful smirk somehow turns you on even more. 
“What? You want to rut against my leg?” he asks.
“Yes,” you whine. 
“Such an impatient girl,” he says as he leans in for another kiss. This one is quick and sweet. “I’ll take care of you if you want me to.”
You nod your head, eyes falling closed as you do. He gently taps your cheek until you open your eyes.
“Words, sweetheart. I need you to use your words.”
“Want you in me,” you rush out in a breath. 
“Fuck,” Steve mumbles, dropping his forehead to rest against yours. “You’re sure?”
“Yes, Steve. Please.”
“Who am I to say no to that?” He presses a kiss to the tip of your nose before getting up and rummaging through his suitcase. There’s a condom wrapped in its shiny foil in Steve’s hand as he comes back to the bed.
“You always carry those on you or were you expecting this to happen?” you tease. 
“I was hopeful,” he admits with a shrug. “Knew I wanted it to happen. Was praying you did too.”
“Of course I did.” You reach up and tangle your fingers in his hair again. “I should warn you that I don’t have a lot of experience, though.”
“Me neither,” Steve admits. “But fuck, I want to learn your body.”
You pull him back down against your lips, and your hands slide from his hair all the way down to his belt. Tongues tangling, you nimbly unfasten the silver buckle and move on to the button of his jeans. Steve’s hands come to slide up your stomach, gliding underneath the material of your shirt. His thumbs trace the skin just below your breasts and it makes your hands stutter over his zipper. 
Steve kicks his jeans off his legs before helping you yank your shirt over your head. His mouth instantly attaches to your neck, biting and sucking and trying to find the most sensitive spot to drive you wild. Fingers grasping at his shirt, you tug it up as high as you can before Steve breaks the contact with your skin just to get it off. He goes right back to his work though, making sure you’re going to have the best hickey he’s ever given. Your jeans are next to come off, both of you working in tandem to rid the denim from your body. Now you’re left in only your bra and panties, Steve in his boxers. 
Tangling your fingers in his irresistible soft brown tresses once again, you wrap your legs around Steve’s and pull his hips down to press against yours. Both of you moan as his clothed cock brushes over your panty-clad core.
“Eager, huh?” Steve pants out against your neck. 
“You have no idea,” you sigh out, letting your eyes slip closed.
“Think I do,” Steve says between swiping his tongue repeatedly over your pulse point. “Wanted you since I first heard your voice. Sounded so fucking hot.”
He rocks his hips against yours, wetness pooling between your legs. The soft whimpers you let out only egg him on.
“Then I saw a picture of you on your Instagram,” Steve says. “Fuck, made me so hard.”
“D-Did you touch yourself to it?” Even to your own ears, your voice sounds wholly wrecked.
“Touched myself every time I opened your Instagram, baby.” His kisses trail up to behind your ear and an involuntary shiver runs down your body. “Thinking about getting you in this position. Getting you all worked up and panting beneath me. Making you beg me to touch you.”
“Fuck, please touch me,” you cry out. Steve smirks against your skin and trails his hand down to the waistband of your panties. 
“I’d rip these if they weren’t so sexy,” he says, finger dipping just inside the black lace. “But maybe I’ll just take them home with me instead.”
Steve sits up and you whine as his body warmth and weight is taken away. He quickly slips your panties off though, and the coolness hitting your wet center has you shifting your hips. When you look up at him, Steve’s eyes are almost entirely black, that beautiful brown totally consumed. His gaze is hungry, and you take advantage of his gaze to slowly strip yourself of your bra. You notice the catch in his breath as you toss the matching black lace garment off the side of the bed. Fully naked below him, he scans his eyes up and down your body, taking in every little detail of your bare skin. It’s a bit scary, being so vulnerable with him, but Steve’s never made you feel anything less than special. 
“Jesus, you’re perfect,” Steve says quietly. He quickly sheds himself of his boxers, leaving your mouth watering as you eye his impressive cock. Even though you don’t have a ton of experience with sex, you’re still confident in saying Steve is big. His cheeks turn a pale shade of pink as you take the entirety of his beauty in and when your eyes come back up to his, he flops down next to you, making you giggle. He shoots you a devastating smile as his large hands reach out and pull your body on top of his. 
“Can I put my mouth on you, baby?” you ask Steve softly. He lets out a guttural groan from the back of his throat and his eyes squeeze closed. You feel his cock twitch against your thigh, precum pooling between your skin and his. 
“Shit, I want that so bad,” he rasps. “But there’s no way I’d last, and I want to be in you.”
“I want you in me, too,” you say in between kisses to his throat. “I’ll just have to suck you off later.”
Steve lets out a breathy laugh as his hand blindly reaches for the condom next to you on the bed.
“You keep talking like that and I won’t last long either.”
Pushing yourself up to sit on his thighs, you pluck the condom from his hands and rip open the wrapper. Eyes focused on the small foil package, you don’t notice Steve’s hand slipping down until his fingers are gliding through your folds. A gasp escapes you and you drop the condom on Steve’s chest, making him smirk in self-satisfaction. His middle finger brushes over your clit and your hips buck forward.
“Feel good, baby?” Steve coos. “Fuck, you’re so wet. All for me?”
“Yes, Steve,” you let out in a breathy moan. “Had me wet for you all day.”
“Only fair since I’ve been half hard all day,” Steve muses. “And when you beat Harlan this afternoon? God, I wanted to fuck you right then and there.” 
Unable to form words, you just nod as a whine leaves you. Fingers scramble along Steve’s skin until you find the condom again. It’s hard to concentrate slipping it on Steve’s cock as his hand keeps sliding from your clit to your fluttering hole.
Steve’s dick twitches as you roll the condom on, and he removes his hand from between your legs. You want to whine at the loss, but you lift yourself up to line him up with your entrance. The head catches against your hole and you feel your abdominal muscles tighten in pleasure. Moving slowly, you start to lower yourself, his length stretching you in a way you’ve never experienced before. Your eyes shut as the sting quickly switches to pleasure, your walls adjusting to fit his size.
“Fuck,” Steve groans out, eyes rolling back in his head.
An exhale leaves your lungs as you finally take him in up to the hilt. Fully seated on him, you need to still yourself to let your body accommodate the welcome intrusion. 
“Steve, you’re so big,” you whine. His cock twitches inside of you at your words and it makes you bite down on your bottom lip.
“You feel like heaven, baby,” Steve says. His breathing is labored and his hands grip at your hips tightly, anchoring himself. “So warm and tight for me. Fuck, so wet too. Can feel you dripping on my balls.”
“Make me feel so full. S’so good.”
Your hips begin to rock against Steve, planting your hands on his chest to steady yourself. It’s obvious Steve is holding back, lip caught between his teeth and his eyes screwed shut. His thumbs are digging so hard into your hip bones that you know you’re going to have two small black and blue marks tomorrow. 
When you moan out a string of Steve’s name over and over, he can’t keep his composure anymore and fucks his hips up into you. You let out a whimper as he reaches impossibly deep inside of you.
“Shit, s-sorry,” Steve says.
“No, don’t be,” you answer. “W-Want you to feel good. Want you to do what you want.”
Steve snakes an arm around your waist and uses his other arm to push himself up, his back smacking against the headboard. Now you’re seated more comfortably in his lap and your clit has a better angle to rub against his pubic bone. 
“Fuck, Steve.” You speed up your hips, trying to get him to rock up into you. His hand sneaks up to grab at your breast, thumb flicking over your nipple as you drop your head back in ecstasy. “Harder.”
The restraint Steve was barely holding on to snaps and his hips buck up against yours, driving his cock deeper and faster inside of you. Muscles in your lower body tightening, you drop your head forward to rest on Steve’s shoulder.
“Close, baby,” you speak against his skin.
“Me too – fuck – me too.” 
As his hips piston into you, you grind yourself down harder, letting your clit rub deliciously against his body. You feel yourself teetering towards the edge and the clenching of your walls around him has Steve seeing stars.
Screaming out Steve’s name, your vision fills with white as you come hard all over his cock. The prettiest whines leave Steve’s mouth as he orgasms right along with you, twitching inside of you as he fills the condom. 
Both of you need a moment to catch your breath, and you lift your head from his shoulder to meet his eyes. Steve’s lips quirk up in a satisfied smile and the pair of you let out a soft laugh at the same time.
“That was…holy shit, that was amazing,” Steve says.
“So fucking good,” you agree. 
His hand cups your face and he brings you in for a tender kiss on the lips, the softness making you melt after your earth shattering orgasm. You feel in complete bliss as you lean against Steve’s chest, letting him wrap you up in his arms. He nuzzles his nose against yours and you giggle at the tickle you feel as his eyelashes brush over your cheek.
“You really gonna take my panties home with you?” you ask.
“If that’s okay with you,” he says with a peck to your lips.
“As long as I get to keep something of yours.” 
“I’d offer you a hoodie, but I doubt you’d ever wear it in this sauna of a state,” he says, making you laugh.
“How about a t-shirt I can sleep in?” you offer.
You ease yourself off of Steve’s lap, both of you hissing as he slips out of you. He pulls off the condom, ties it up, and gets up to toss it in the trash. Eyes tracking him as he moves around the hotel room, you lay back on the bed and admire how the thin sheen of sweat is making him glow in the dim lamplight. When he looks back to you, you raise your arms to show him that you want him to come back to you for cuddles. 
“Two seconds,” Steve says, slipping into the bathroom. The fact that he takes longer than that makes you pout, arms dropping back down to the bed. He steps back into the room carrying a washcloth and wearing the cutest pair of glasses you’ve ever seen.
“Well, hello,” you say in a flirty tone as he comes over to you. He smiles as he places the warm cloth at the apex of your thigh.
“I think I squeezed my eyes shut too tight before,” he explains with a shrug as he gently cleans you up. “Moved my contact and it was bugging me.”
“They’re hot.” He rolls his eyes at your words, and you frown. “I’m not teasing. I mean it.”
Steve stops his movements, looking up at you and raising his eyebrows.
“Really,” you assure him. A shy smile comes to his lips as he tosses the used cloth towards the bathroom.
“When we go for round two, want me to wear them as I eat that pretty pussy out?”
His words have heat shooting straight down to your core, said pussy already ready for him again. 
“As long as you wear them while I blow you.”
“Fuck, I’m so glad I came to see you.”
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luffyvace · 9 months
Chuuya x gn reader ★
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alright so there’s plenty of chuuya x fem reader and ik my males might feel tired of having to deal with gn reader- so i’ll be doing a x male reader version.
it might not come out immediately after this but i’ll try and get it done sometime soon ♡
ps: enjoy ;)
alright so i’m going with a reader that’s in the Port mafia
it’s highly likely your strong (ability or not)
if not very intelligent
so i’m going to make you chuuya’s new work partner
let’s say you got together because you were his ideal partner
with your beautiful (color), (hair type) hair
and your gentle (color) eyes
he also liked your personality as well
he liked the way you presented yourself
whether you spent hours making yourself look good or just threw on some jeans and a fashionable shirt and jacket to match
he likes your style
so with a little liquid confidence he confessed to you
turns out you thought you was handsome and charming
dont tease him—about anything not just his height.
he doesn’t like to be made fun of and will talk to you like how does dazai
maybe a little less aggressive tho
when you first started dating he’d flirt with you shamelessly
(but never at the wrong times, like a important meeting)
his pick up lines don’t always land but sometimes they’re a complete hit and fluster you, catching you of guard
he’s better with gestures when it comes to flirting
like putting an arm around your waste and bringing you closer
or smirking at you all sly
he really knows how to get your heart beating when he’s not trying too hard
but once you two are official..
he likely was never in a serious relationship with anyone before you so give him the benefit of the doubt on some things
i don’t exactly think he’s a playboy or anything though
probably found a few people attractive here or there
i feel he would avoid having flings because it would total his big bad reputation if they said something
plus if an enemy of the port mafia found out they could potentially use that against him
which is why i feel he prefers to keep your relationship private
he doesn’t want to feel vulnerable in knowing people could use you to get to him
although he’s confident in you
he feels if your strong you could protect yourself
and if your intelligent
you could beat the person trying to harm you psychologically
like with planning and timing
then they fall into your trap :)
just as you predicted 🤓☝️
if your none of these things
he’s confident he’d be able to protect you himself
he’s always bragging about how strong his ability is anyway
”what idiot would wanna mess with gravity”
*insert cocky smirk here*
another thing
his love languages are gift giving, acts of service and quality time when he can
seeing as though your both members of the port mafia your both pretty busy
you guys try to make as much time as you can for each other in your schedules
which usually works since your partners and have a lot of the same missions
you cherish the simply quiet and peaceful times when you share them together
you try to make the night as special as possible
making pancakes together
(hopefully one of you can cook—he’s not the best at it, for the record)
going out for a walk and visiting your favorite places
lunch at some fancy place
‘he’s got it—it’s on him ;)’
coming home and relaxing, maybe watching a movie
cuddling and falling asleep
whoever gets up first runs the other a hot bath before dinner :)
and the other cooks once they get up
this is what i mean by when he’s not trying too hard
its romantic in itself if you let it come naturally
forget about the traditional roses and chocolates
quality time is the best time
for gift giving he gives you lavish and expensive stuff since your jobs pays well
but he’s still thoughtful enough to make it something you like/care about and use
instead of just shoving shiny jewelry (men’s or women’s) in your face and expecting you to be happy
sometimes you both forget important dates because of your hectic and random schedule
but you both always manage to pull through for your anniversary
you gift him lavish wine packs
and new tailored suits 😋
as for acts of service he’ll do little things for you if you’ve been more busy than him lately
like if you’ve been meaning to go shopping
but your job keeps calling you in
just give him the list and he’ll go for you
or if your having back pains he’ll hire a expensive chiropractor to help you :)
chuuya wasn’t made for boyfriend material or anything
but with time it’ll certainly seem like it ☀︎
i tried to make this something all brackets of people could read- i hope it worked :)
good day folks!
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📖 its me again 😈 do u mayhaps have any more ideas,,,
Sure do!~ here's a few more!
1: (Untitled) A Red Son x Reader LMK arranged marriage/rivals to lovers where Princess Iron fan and DBK are unconfident in their son's ability to do anything right- including finding a spouse worthy of carrying on their great family line. so, they pick one for him. you are the finest soldier in the demon bull corps; smart, strong, capable- you have never failed an assignment, and that's not about to change anytime soon. they assign you to their son's side so that you can grow closer under the guise of you being his aid in attempting to retrieve the monkey king's staff- killing two birds with one stone. Unfortunately, you aren't exactly Red Son's biggest fan, finding his haughty attitude beyond irritating. this wasn't fair to either of you, like hell you would let it go forward. Since Iron fan and DBK hadn't told their son what they were up to or straight-up forced him to tie the knot with you, you guessed that they wanted him to choose you of his own free will- something you are certain would never happen. Your plan was to put everything you had into getting that staff back and absolutly nothing into getting red son to like you. Of course youll have to fake some sort of repour when prying eyes are watching otherwise the jig is up and your bosses will find out your disobeying orders. But it should be fine, your confident that you can manage. You can beat up one measely deleviery boy. You can tollerate Red son for as long as you need to. You can get him to cooperate with the neritive without clueing him in. You wont lose.
2:(Untitled) A Micheal Afton x OC FNAF. Riley moves in with her grandparents after getting kicked out of her old school for getting into a bad fight with the principals daughter. she hates it. she liked her old school and her old friends just fine, most of all she liked her old house. but she doesn't have must of a choice in the matter, her mom cant drop everything to drive her two hours every morning with her hospital jobs hours, so moving in with her grand parents who live within walking distance of her new school is the next best thing. her first night in town, she goes boarding and accidentally knocks some guy off a bike. they don't make a great first impression on each other, but they'll have to learn to get along as long as they're classmates. the more time they spend together, the more they begrudgingly realize they have in common. this leads to a lot of rivalry, fighting and an unrealized awkward tension between them. also, they meet right before Even/CC dies so... yeah :) angst. :)
3:(The Right Path) a Laard Nar x Navigator Invader Zim fic where Nav saves the massive from sailing into the Florpus at the last second by going against the Tallest's command. everyone lived! however, the tallest we not too pleased with his disobedience. so, they had him thrown in a holding cell and scheduled for a Pak wipe. of course, having literally been born to pilot the massive, he knew the ship like the back of his hand. he escaped to a random planet on a stolen voot cruiser. on that planet he wanders, until he comes upon Resisty HQ by complete coincidence.
BONUS! 4: (All Hail Queen Bee!) a Miraculous Ladybug Re-write/Fix-it where Chloe gets to keep the bee miraculous and her character development because I'm bitter & petty. i... i could give a run down about it but there's just so much and yet not nearly enough to talk about. if i tried, id just end up ranting, it honestly needs its own post but i just wanted to let ya know it exists in my brain.
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trollocs-ooc · 2 months
The Polycrewl character bios
Raksha Splash: Raksha is an older, jaded rustblood mechanic, engineer and bomb enthusiast. He joined the crew when some highbloods decided he had slighted them for some reason or another, and tied his legs to blocks of cement and threw him in a body of water to drown, breaking his legs. He was rescued by Eileil and brought onto the ship for recovery. However Raksha knew a rustblood with that much of a disability would be instant culling material elsewhere, so he thought had no choice but to stay aboard the ship to work. He now has mechanic legs and uses mobility aids. He is generally prickly and somewhat unpleasant to be around, but he isn't used to being shown kindness. He does genuinely like the crew, deep down, and would kill and die for them, though he wouldn't admit that. Oh and, he sometimes gets visions of the future.
His attitude towards Eileil and Riikii and the rest of the crew stems from his desire to challenge them to always be better and improve for the sake of everyone else. He has a begrudging mentorship role to Iliyal, "so he doesn't get them all killed"
Nickname: old fart
Roseta Onchar: Roseta is an oliveblooded assassin/mercenary for hire who is extremely successful at her job. She, like a jaguar, is a stealthy hunter who quickly deals with her prey. She was sent to kill the crew, but upon finding out she agreed with their ideals (and that they could pay her) she decided to join them instead. Despite being a scary stealthy assassin, Roseta isn't that serious at all when you get to know her. She uses cat puns and meows at the end of every sentence. She is a silly friendly woman just looking for companionship.
She is in a moirallegiance with Chizma in an effort to get her to be more confident, and is also flirty with Eileil (either for a similar reason, or maybe she just likes seeing flustered highbloods). She has a strong bond with Riikii, but hates Rakshas attitude just as much as he does and doesn't like to auspitize them, but does so anyway so no one gets hurt.
Nickname: meow meow :3
Tripto Manich: Tripto is a goldblood with gifted psychic abilities, and in the Alternian Empire, this usually means a lifetime of suffering as a reward. He attempted to save himself from helming by sabotaging the equipment they would attach him to, even if it meant his potential death, and attempted to psychically call for anyone that could hear to help. The helmet did end up injuring a large portion of his face, leaving him unconscious. It also ended up injuring and stalling his handlers long enough for Riikii (who'd heard the call for help) to jump in and beat them unconscious. The 2 then went back to the ship for medical care, and Tripto ended up staying as the Navigator. He is a very energetic guy, but also has the startle instinct of a deer. He loves to talk, listen to music, and generally make noise. He is not good at fighting, please protect him. He is also often perceived as annoying or too much so he has trouble making connections.
Moirallegiance with Riikii, Matespritship with Chizma.
Nicknames: Trippy, Manic, Maniac, ****
Chizma Lichor: Chizma is a fearful, shy, determined rustblooded woman who's been dealt a very bad hand in life up until getting on the Ship. She was essentially a slave to a high ranking military official before he got assassinated (Slashrs group.) and with no connections or people she could rely on, she was left to fend for herself in highblood territory. She was left barely surviving until she stumbled across Riikii and Roseta by chance, and seeing that they were traveling lowbloods begged them to take her with them out of the city. They ended up bringing her onto the Ship. She ended up staying to work as the cleaning staff and cook(though she wishes she had other skills to contribute). She struggles with an inferiority complex and unlearning the hemospectrum, but the Crew helps her out.
Moirallegiance with Roseta, Matesprits with Tripto. Confused attraction to Eileil.
Nickname: bootliker (mean . Stop that)
iliyal / ilieal Drator: youngest and most mysterious member of the crew. Hemoanon but claims to be a lowblood. Though with how much he brags you'd think he wasnt. Despite the bragging and general self-important attitude though he doesn't seem to have any real role on the ship or meaningful skills. They mostly keep him around cuz they cant let him be on his own with a clear conscience. Most likely after Raksha to make snide jokes or remarks, though his feel more meanspirited. They assume he thinks its lighthearted jabs. Probably. He appeared on the ship one day and they just let him stay there like a stray cat.
No romantic relationships.
Nickname: lil shit.
YOU KNOW 2/11 'S DEALS i cant write no more 😭
Quirks: SPOILERS ?!?; dont read if u dont wanna recognize them in yo asks
Raksha: Tthhe qquicckk bbrowwnn ffoxx jjumppss overr tthhe lazy ddogg.
^ emphasis on "strong" sounds
Roseta: the quick purrown fox jumps over the lazy dog, meow.
^ ,meow. Suffix and cat puns
Tripto: BZZt_The quick br0wn f0XX jumpZ 0ver the laZy d0g_click
^ prefix and suffix. o->0, s->Z, z->Z, x->XX
Chizma: the quick b...brown fox jumps over the lazy dog...
^ b->b...b . Ends sentences with ...
iliyal/ilieal: the qulck brown fox jumps over the iazy dog.
^ i=l
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razzek · 3 months
inspired by your tags on that gifset about blue eyed samurai: please tell me about the best and worst blind representation in media according to you
Had to wait until I was at a keyboard and had the energy for this one haha.
Honestly, most blind rep is bad, to the extent that I avoid anything touting a blind character on instinct. Unless another blind person is recommending it, I prep myself to endure, at best, a lot of tedious stereotyping, and at worst something that will genuinely make me angry. I'm always surprised when I can unclench a bit over a blind character and be able to say just "eh he's alright".
But! There are a few blind characters I do like! While they are not perfect and somewhat fall into the realm of "blind in name only" (where magic or something else makes them function more like a sighted person), Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender and Terezi Pyrope of Homestuck get my nod of approval. While they both have some abilities that make them seem more sighted (Toph's earthbending, Terezi's super smelling/tasting), I find they get at some of the heart of what it's like to be blind. Toph has a viciously sharp sense of humor and leans into peoples' low expectations to tear them apart and the show isn't afraid to crack a few genuinely funny jokes about blindness. Similarly, Terezi is a delightful smartass who actually uses a white cane correctly (woohoo!) while taking advantage of peoples' ignorances. And both of them have friends who treat them as people first, which is incredibly rare in any media we're in. Terezi also has a very powerful moment in which she undoes a magical cure for blindness, something I have never seen anywhere else, which makes her stronger but also strikes at something the able bodied community always takes for granted: maybe we don't want to live in your world. That moment by itself was enough to have me make an homage to Terezi in my legal name when I changed it.
I have only seen the one movie so far but I like what I've encountered of Zatoichi, the blind swordsman. The stereotypes he falls into are not western ones so that kind of helps, and he has a fantastic confidence which he masks by playing up being a helpless blind man. It's very satisfying to watch him kick ass endlessly. :D
Also Gareth or whatever his name is from Quest for Camelot; it's a dumb movie but I will always give extra points for a character using a cane like we actually use them! The movie gets points for not curing his blindness and for a joke I quote to this day ("What are you doing?!" "I'm driving!"). XD Points lost for face touching though, GOD. Stop doing that, sighted people! It's weird and gross and the only time I ever want to touch anyone's face is with my fist!
In terms of the worst, if I ever meet the author of this one book I read which featured a totally helpless, whining blinded knight who becomes a total asshole when he's magically healed (also fuck magically curing disabilities), I will beat them over the head with their own shitty book and then make them eat it one page at a time. I didn't even finish that pile of trash, it made me so angry. Oh, and the entire book/movie titled Blindness. I'm glad that motherfucker is dead because fuck that guy. Not only is it a massive insult to the blind, it shits on what people are really like in a crisis. Honorable mention to that one very dumb movie where the blind war veteran is the movie monster, but it is at least good for a ton of laughs right up until it just veers off a cliff into "what the fuck?!" canyon, after which it is just a singularity of stupid.
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tumblingxelian · 2 years
So I was musing on a Mob Psycho Age Swap AU and what role Touichiro might play and how he’d be dealt with and I settled on something along these lines. (This might not be workable cos of his dad but who knows) 
Touichiro sill adopts his philosophy and is akin to Teru, filling the same narrative role. The difference is that knows other psychics exist cos of his dad and has even managed to bring some to his side via his ‘best friends’ teleportation ability. They blur the line between delinquents, burgeoning gangsters and just full on terrorists with the trouble they cause and Touichiro totally thinks they’ll take over the world one day. 
In steps Reigen who got dragged into their nonsense mostly by circumstance and belligerence. Unlike Mob he’s keyed into what’s going on with these guys pretty early on and potentially even does background checks before there’s any significant altercation but suffice to say when he does end up butting heads with them one of three things happens to resolve Touichiro trying to beat/kill Reigen with his powers. 
Reigen has access to some cursed cologne which he disguised as a cigarette he could blow into Touichiro’s face. 
Reigen legit snuck something into his food or drink that makes Touichiro think he’s dying & may be legit bad if he doesn’t start throwing it up right the fuck now.
He basically cons Touichiro into thinking he’s been poisoned and trying to make his own heartbeat with his psychic powers causing him to hurt himself and start freaking out. 
The end result is that Touichiro ends yo as a terrified sobbing wreck on the ground, trying to get Reigen to undo whatever he did and being bailed on by his friends who dismiss him as not being cool anymore. Only after they leave does Reigen help, either just by revealing the truth or by forcing Touichiro to throw up and giving him a juice box after. 
Touichiro briefly floats the idea of killing Reigen now but gets laughed at because, “To what end?” He’s already lost his crew, his dignity and has his ideals stomped on because if Reigen had wanted to kill him during his moment of weakness he could have. “Mercy is a gift from the strong right?” It basically causes his ideals to crumble and reshape. 
Unlike Teru who basically adopted a “We are all ordinary people except for Mob”, Touichiro adopts a “Exceptional talents come in many forms, not just psychic powers, and Reigen is one of them”. So much like Teru eventually realized “Even Mob is ordinary”, Touichiro realizes that “Everyone deserves respect no matter who they are or what they can do.”  
Also unlike Mob who breakdown crying after what he did to Teru and the school, Reigen seemingly swaggers off looking confident and wise but the moment he’s alone he basically collapses from how scared he was. 
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neetily · 16 days
꣑୧ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ── MATCHUP EVENT: Date #23
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─ you have one new message from...
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Kylar . . .
maybe you can wear that outfit again some time... please... i'd do anything for it again...
Why? you both appear to be a little awkward!! which isn't a bad thing, i just think that due to the fact that you both share the quality, you two would get along really well together! something akin to an immediate connection through shared issues, y'know? and through connecting, i think you guys would be able to help lift each others confidence up! the kind of couple who would never speak up about a wrong order for themselves, but that do so in a heart beat for their loved one, yknow? i think aesthetically, you two would match so well together too! i think he'd love to wear couple outfits with you, if that's your thing :D even skirts !! he just thinks you look so cute, praising you all the time... he'd give you all his money just so that you could look even cuter LOL. you said that you like them a little yandere too, so of COURSE i had to pick kylar!! someone who is obsessed with you, thinks you can do no wrong, and supports you in every respect! i think you'd benefit from his undying love of you, providing you support and praise aplenty! i think his favourite season would be winter too, something about wearing big comfy hoodies and how most people stay indoors... he'd love to cuddle up with you under a blanket during the colder months to watch movies together <3
also, i think he's a reader too! though most of it might be smut/doujins, he still appreciates every single recommendation you'd give him! and he'd love to do read alongs with you, falling asleep to the sound of your voice, etc!
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Frightfully Cute . . .
the best thing about halloween isn't the treats, the scares, or the ability to hide his identity through an actual, tangible mask. though those are all benefits in their own right, of course. but rather... it's the cute fucking outfit you decided to wear on such a chilly night, as if intent on tempting him into bad behaviour...
it's a good thing he's used to stalking the streets at night, too. tugging you into a secluded alleyway and away from prying ghosts and freaks so that only he is privy to the treat of your pretty pussy put on display. like a little pup, so cute when you're begging for a good breeding, aren't you?
"sweet girl, fuck—" he can't help but salivate over you, fixing his outfit enough to let his cock spring free with a rushed gasp; the air is cold against his dripping tip, but he reasons with himself that he'll be warmed up soon enough upon catching sight of your puffy pussy twitching back at him. "best treat tonight, promise..." which is a high compliment, given the many sweets he's managed to procure during the night.
his words are short, which is unusual. he normally rambles on and on about just how much he adores you, praising you to the high heavens and above on account of how perfect you are for him, but he's feeling particularly impatient tonight thanks to your choice of clothing.
skimpy. slutty. barely there to begin with, never mind the rushed alterations he made moments prior. despite his gothic ghoulish appearance himself, he's just a man deep down, really. a needy, desperate to get his cock wet, lovesick mess of a man. lining himself up to you far too quickly, offering you very little prep as if to showcase just how down bad he is for you on tonights fitting date.
"gonna make you feel so good, promise."
— you like to... message friends when alone! here is a text convo that i think fits your matchup!
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drivestraight · 2 months
lando has had a difficult run but he's honestly lost more points to bad circumstances/team decisions than his own mistakes. austria he lost 18-25 points because of max, silverstone he lost a win because of bad strat (even if oscar gains places too that's a bigger difference), i won't say anything about hungary because what a disaster, and mclaren let max undercut him today which given the ferrari's pace may have cost a p3. he's also outqualified oscar in all of those races! his main mistakes have been his bad starts but even then the hungary one was a technical issue. i think his confidence is low and he's falling victim to pressure and hopefully the break will help him (and mclaren) reset. he's not going to beat max for the wdc, but i feel like his points pace the last few races has not been representative, especially compared to oscar. sorry for the essay everyone is shitting on him so much that i get defensive
i want to preface this by saying that i love this guy (literally my second favorite driver rn...) and whenever i make fun of him it comes out of a place of love. he's like my chew toy
speak your truth anon ❤️ i think it's a mix between mclaren fucking up his races and him fucking up his own races/not being assertive enough (i'm still kind of iffy on the whole whether he should've taken the hungary win or not, so all of that aside).
my biggest like, qualm? i guess? if you could call it that. (qualm probably isn't the right word because i'm enjoying it at the same time) with lando is that, i really do believe his mental is weak and the number one problem he has/the number one thing stopping him from racking up wins/making full use of his abilities and talent. his, like, general subservience and a sort of lack of confidence in himself and his abilities and a overarching uncertainty and indecision. it's also pretty awesome. love to see it.
but at the end of the day for me it's like. i like this guy whether he flops and fails or succeeds and flourishes. so i'm really just like. here to watch and observe lsajfd;lkds
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bestworstcase · 2 years
i think ruby clocked that the prince didn’t grasp that she and her friends *could* be hurt by his game—as upset as she is in general and as rattled as she is by the rules of the game itself, she still very much recognizes that the prince is a young child and tries to engage with him in an age appropriate way, and when he starts freaking out and runs away from the board to wail that it isn’t fair, ruby looks genuinely concerned and sorry for him. she GETS that he’s just a kid and that’s why she tries the “stop! you’re going to hurt them!” tact first. but she’s also seventeen, desperately This Is Fine’ing a nervous breakdown, and scared out of her mind for her friends while experiencing a huge crisis of her ability to lead; thus she 1. isn’t able to de-escalate successfully because in practice she’s just yelling at an already overwhelmed toddler, and 2. gets swept up in her own feelings and actually escalates after the prince gives her an out by declaring that he won. she’s upset, she’s scared, she’s angry, she gets competitive, and now we have a distraught teenager and a distraught toddler duking it out over a board game.
the cat, in contrast, swiftly defuses the situation by soothing both of them; they help the prince articulate and understand the feelings he is having so that he can release them in a better way, and they nudge ruby away from the futile “but he promised!” stubbornness by reminding her gently that things have, er, gone awry and it’s time to cut her losses and go.
which is to say, ruby already has inklings of the right answer—she just hasn’t consciously realized that yet, and the catastrophe in the red castle is… not going to help when her confidence is already shot. but what tripped her up here wasn’t ignorance or inability to read a situation (although her uncertainty as to whether the prince would really hurt her friends didn’t help)—it was getting overwhelmed. losing her head, so to speak. acting like a seventeen year old on a bad day instead of the Mature Noble Hero she’s been forced to be for so long. part of healing from the incredible harm that pedestal has done to her is letting herself be a kid again. letting a grown up (the cat) step in to help her when she’s overwhelmed and lost.
(and narratively this was also a ‘safe’ way for ruby to catastrophically fuck up, bc—wby do a number on those pawns but it is also clear that the pawns, being made of wood, will be fine. these little guys were vibing along with chips and cracks and in at least one case an entire chunk of head missing; the cat implies that the toy soldiers the prince beheads get re-headed as a matter of course; and the prince cracks his face open without getting hurt. the fight is startling bc the pawns carry toy swords (bendy!) and are explicitly aiming to trap rather than kill (cornering weiss + blake and pinning yang) whereas wby fight like they’re fighting for their lives against grimm—but the aftermath is like a child’s idea of a ‘massacre’, broken pawns lying dazed all over the scuffed up board, and none of the ever after characters react in a way that suggests lasting harm. They Just Need Some Wood Glue. or for someone to run down to the ground floor and pick up the ones who fell when the prince flipped the board. the wonderland rules of violence are very much in evidence here, putting the whole altercation firmly in ‘unfortunate, upsetting misunderstanding that might have unforeseen consequences’ territory while also highlighting the real potential for greater harm because not everything in this world is made of wood.)
the function of ruby following alyx’s footsteps with predictably bad results (<- funny how beating the red king at his own game caused huge trouble when alyx did it too, eh?) as a metaphor for how ruby’s effort to live the noble hero ideal shattered her is really, really fun. the correct answer is for ruby to eschew the ‘set path’ and do what she thinks is right instead of doing what the storybook hero is ‘supposed’ to do. she is a kind person, a gentle person who wants to help people, and that is exactly what the ever after needs her to be.
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flownwrong · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday (in advance, i'm actually thinking ahead for once)! I'm all about the crossovers this week: how do you think Sam and Dean's Disco Elysium stats work? They've obviously got a lot of points put in everywhere, what with all the hero stuff, but what do you think are their signature skills? Do they have any unique ones? Thoughts, thoughts <3
happy happy ww, z! thanks for the awesome question <3 (your previous one is still not forgotten btw!)
oh jeez! i can immediately see dean generally tending towards psych/phys, obv, and sam more confident with intellect/motorics (like lol e.g. i think it's more or less canon dean is a somewhat better shot, but that boy does Not know what composure even is, let alone savoir faire)
i do think they're fun custom builds though — sam is defoooo high up on volition scale, to the point it's my closest contender for signature, and suggestion—a deadly, borderline sociopathic combo, when you remember all that composure and rhetoric waiting in the wings. but with that much volition—he has a final say in what he is, always and ever, as demonstrated in swan song, the entirety of s9, the list is endless.
and no one can beat his endurance+pain threshold combo. we saw many try. it's just easier to hit him in a thinner spot (electrochemistry seems to be one. not much care over it, but also not much control. the rubys and lady tonis of the world see it plain as day. it won't make him open up to you, but it will work as a carrot for choice goals.)
dean, i imagine, lives life immersed in a conversation between half-light (isn't it fun to think of moc > demon dean pipeline as his natural half-light predisposition steadily getting maxed-out to the point it cancels out his psyche sensitivity?) and drama (which, in his case more of a genuine mutability + desire for connection and participation than a performative weapon. comes with the ability to see through it in others (ruby anyone?) and i'd go with it for signature.)
i believe all of this is modified by his high empathy turned endless feeling of responsibility, leaving half-light in more of a fear of abandonment+pessimism line of thought position than a deranged aggro position.
i'd also bet he's not bad on shivers (all those long drives in the impala, talking gently to the road!) and very much an esprit de corps guy when it comes to hunting teamwork, while sam is the resident encyclopedia king, not opposed to flexing the authority either.
all of this is just the usual framework where sam is immutable and dean is relatively easy to mold, but not easy to fundamentally change, whatever he might think about his own liabilities and failings, of course.
and a little of those unique skills, as a treat; i know DE fandom loves inventing those, which makes all the sense, we don't all live in harry's head, so.
i'd give dean the one called family business, haha. that would be john's voice in his head when it comes to all that hero responsibility paid for by own desires (it would have a field day with WIAWSNB dean or the pre-s6 family guy dean), hunting community (e.g. the whole bobby deal), taking in companions and friends to that end, occasionally finding himself in a mentor position later on. mostly unpleasant. always loses checks against anything sam-related.
sam, i'd go with boy king, lol. his natural ability to pick up and use supernatural skills that, when maxed out enough to mess with his volition, gave us the beauty of s4, let lucifer get hold of him to the degree he did in s7, and in later years made him suitable for trials and rowena's trust and occasional spellwork, but, from his point of view, is just kind of a nuisance, and a dangerous one at that. imagine what fun it would be to listen in on this tempting voice always suggesting he go back and flex those powers, it would be so easy to just—yeah.
(you said unique skills not cool skills!! unique fuckups are just more fun)
anyways. that's that. thanks again it was so much fun to think about!
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