#and yes you’re welcome to share this ♥︎
theroguedragons · 2 years
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Ñuhor līr gūrēnna.
Highly selective independent Daemon Targaryen from House of the Dragon penned by Serena est. 2022 || canon divergent || crossover/au/oc friendly || multi para / literate rp || +21 only
Please read the rules before interacting.
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arcielee · 2 years
Sigh No More
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Summary: You are having a bad day and your boyfriend makes you smile.  Paring: modern Aegon Targaryen x FemaleReader Word Count: 606 Warnings: Implied sexy times, but this is purely fluff.   Author’s Note: This is a short piece for a pick-me-up for my tumblr bestie @f4ll-for-you​ ♥ I appreciate what you have helped me with, like you have no idea. I wrote my Modern Aegon is more golden retriever after he successfully completely the rehab and therapy poor bb desperately needed. 
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It was one of those days where you felt everyone was speaking in tongues and that it did not matter how you presented your thoughts, for they would just be misconstrued. It left you with a defeatist mentality, only wanting to escape from this reality and just return to the comfort of the apartment you shared with your boyfriend. 
That was the repeated thought as your steps brought you to the threshold, a small smile to your lips knowing that on the other side was your comfort and peace. When you open the door, it is the scent that welcomes you first: clean laundry, it seems, mixed with the flavors of your favorite cuisine. 
You round the hallway, following the soft noises from the television in the living room. You see Aegon on the couch, propped on his elbows on top of his knees and his brow scrunched with focus on the screen; there is a color combustion of the current first person shooter that holds his attention. 
“Ah, fuck it,” he falls back into the couch, his hand still holding the controller and a crooked grin across his face. He turns to look at you, his eyes bright. “Why do I play this when I fucking suck?” He asks with the smile that still makes your heart flutter. 
You can only give a weak smile in return though. “To escape reality?” You offer, removing your shoes and padding towards him. He is quick to set the controller down and reach for you, pulling you into his lap and he begins to cover you in exaggerated kisses on your face and neck, not stopping until a giggle finally erupts from you.
“Aegon!” You cry out, but your smile is not as weak as before.
He stops, leaning back against the cushions, his hands have a firm hold on your thigh. “You seemed in need of some kisses,” he shrugged, a roguish smile on his face. “Now, I know you came in and saw I was gaming, but I was only celebrating that all the laundry in our apartment has been cleaned and folded and put away,” he was grinning with pride. “I figured you were beat from work, so I just ordered some take out and we can maybe watch something, and then for dessert…” his eyebrows wiggle suggestively, but he paused when he saw your face. “Hey,” his voice soft, his palm reaching to cup your cheek. “What’s going on, pretty?”
You sigh and you know your eyes are glassy, your heart pressing against your chest. Aegon had unknowingly erased the awful day away with gestures that were so seemingly natural for him.
You fall against his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck and he pauses, allowing you to shift and melt against him before he wraps his arms around you, his hand rubbing slow circles between your shoulder blades. His words are soothing, “It’s alright, you’re home and we can just relax…” 
You finally pull back and press a soft kiss to his lips. “Hmm, I think I want dessert first…”
“Yes,” he pulls back, his blonde hair in disarray and quick to to stand up, pulling you to your feet. “That’s a brilliant idea. Dessert first,” and he bent at the waist, pressing his shoulder into your lower abdomen to lift you up onto his shoulder. 
You give a mixture of a giggle and a shriek, squirming in his grasp, “Aegon!”
“Don’t worry,” he gives a solid smack to your ass and laughter spills from your lips. “I have you,” and he moves towards the bedroom, your giggles echoing throughout the apartment. 
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486 notes · View notes
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Pairing: Eric (AQPDO) x Mary (OFC)
Summary: Eric met Mary on the ferry that was taking them away from New York. What would the future holds when you are living the end of the world?
Warnings: None, this will have a happy ending.
A/N: English is not my first language so any mistakes are my own.
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Remember reblogs do more than likes. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 423                              
It’s been months since the attacks in New York happened. Lucy had moved out of their cabin with a woman she had met in the island. Mary was so happy Lucy had found someone to spend the rest of her life with. Both of them worked as nurses in the island and took care of the health of all the residents.
Eric had become the official main cook of the island. Everyone praised and loved his food.
All the people in the island continued with their lives. They had celebrated Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and birthdays. A month ago Eric and Mary had a small ceremony where Henri married them. All the residents were creating new memories and routines.
Mary and Eric sat under a tree after a long day on the fields, watching other people passing by. They were sat one in front of the other.
“What do you miss from the city?” Eric asked as he played with Mary’s fingers.
“Ammm movies, and popcorn… ice cream.” Eric hummed. “Oh! My mom’s cooking.”
“That’s fair.”
“What do you miss?”
“The snow.” Eric said looking at the clear sky.
“I miss my period too, but I guess it’s alright. It’ll go back in 6 months.”
“Of course.” Eric said nonchalantly until the words sunk in. He opened his big brown eyes. “You’re kidding?”
“Lucy said I might be 12 weeks along.”
“We’re having a baby?”
“Yes, we are!”
Eric pounced towards her making fall on her back.
“Eric!” She giggled when she felt his stubble against her skin while he place kisses all over her face. “Stop!”
“No, I won’t stop” He kissed her even more, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For making me happy.” He placed his large hand on her tummy, “Does anyone else knows?”
Mary shook her head, “Just Lucy.”
Eric laid next to her, “That explains why you are always tired.” She nodded, putting her head on his chest. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They shared a sweet kiss and continued watching the residents making their daily activities.
Perhaps having a baby in this new world was reckless and irresponsible. But since the first attacked happened so many days ago now, Mary and Eric knew that the future didn’t matter because it can change in a second. What was important was here and now, this was their life now, and they planned to enjoy it to their fullest.
“You want a boy or a girl?” Mary asked.
“I’ll be happy with either.”
“So a girl?”
“Yes, a girl.”
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suddenlybambi · 1 year
as long as you stay here [12] ♥ kyle broflovski
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pairing : kyle broflovski x reader
college AU - 18+
tags : strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst, alcohol, afab reader, she/her pronouns, eventual smut
words : 2.1k
chapter 12
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a/n - couldn't leave y'all on that angst 😭 also please drink some water for me if you see this 🥰
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Kyle and Y/N had fallen asleep together on the bed after eating the brownies and talking for a little while until she drifted off with him soon following after. At some point, his mom must have gone in and retrieved the plate without disturbing them. Y/N hoped that Sheila wouldn’t say anything about the two of them sharing a bed but had a feeling she’d bring it up some way or another.
Once she had woken up, Y/N managed to slip out of bed and downstairs without waking Kyle. Her plan was to make him a cup of coffee and bring it to him in bed as a thank-you for comforting her the night before. 
Her heart sank when she was joined in the kitchen by Gerald only a minute later. She considered abandoning the idea altogether, but she was already brewing the coffee. Weighing out her remaining options, she wanted to stay silent, but at the same time, she didn’t want there to be a bad atmosphere over Thanksgiving.
“Do you want a cup of coffee?” She offered, hoping to break some of the growing tension.
“Yes, please,” Gerald confirmed, settling down at the kitchen table. “About last night-”
“Doesn’t matter. I’m sorry, I probably overreacted,” She shrugged it off quickly, hoping they wouldn’t talk about it any more and further complicate the issue. She didn’t like to apologise when she felt she did nothing wrong, but it was easier to just make peace while she was staying there and feel her feelings about it once home.
“No, it wasn’t you,” He shook his head and sighed. “I was out of line, and for that, I am sorry.”
“Thank you,” She poured the coffee and walked it over to him, placing it in front of him. Kyle had told her his dad liked his coffee black with one sugar, so that’s how she made it. “In all honesty, I’ve never really had a fatherly figure in my life, so I’m never sure how to react or behave around them. I probably did overreact to what was said, and that is something I need to and will work on in future.”
“You’re a good fit for Kyle,” Gerald took a sip of his coffee and smiled. “You seem like a very mature and level-headed young woman… And this coffee is perfect, thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Y/N decided not to touch on the phrasing that she was a good fit for Kyle. She knew what he was implying, but she didn’t want to complicate their relationship by delving into that. She couldn’t risk losing the best friendship she had ever had. “I think I heard Kyle moving around, so I’m going to take his coffee up to him.”
“For the record, if you ever do want to learn how to drive, I am more than happy to teach you,” Gerald added just as she was walking out of the kitchen. “Ike destroyed four mailboxes just trying to turn left. If I can teach him, I think I can teach anyone.” 
“Four mailboxes?” Y/N laughed, looking back. She was thankful that the tense atmosphere had dissipated. “Two walls, a fire hydrant, a stop sign, and I blew out three tires.”
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“Mom said dinner will be ready in an hour,” Ike yawned from the doorway, having only just gotten up at midday. “But knowing her, it’ll be two hours.”
“Thank you, Ike,” Y/N smiled from her position on the bed. Kyle had set his laptop up so they could watch a movie together without having to go downstairs since Sheila had demanded that everyone leave her alone while she was cooking. “Wanna watch a movie with us?”
“And listen to the two of you flirt the whole time? Gross,” He cringed and turned around to go back to his own room. “I’ll pass.”
“He’s lucky he’s too big for me to kick him now,” Kyle mumbled, looking over at the door. He got up and pushed it so it was just slightly open a crack. “That’s technically still open, right?”
“I’d say so,” Y/N grinned, flicking through the various movies on Netflix. “What are you feeling? Horror is a no for you; gross, sappy romance is a no for me… should we-” She was cut off when her phone started to vibrate on the bed in front of her.
“You getting a call?” Kyle asked, looking over from where he was still standing by the door.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she read the name. “Shit, I’m really sorry!” She sat up straight, glancing over at Kyle. “I need to take this. Do you want me to step outside, or can I just-”
“No, it’s fine! Go for it,” He nodded in confirmation that it was all good with him, and she accepted the call.
“The fuck do you want?” She asked. Kyle would have been concerned had it not been for the playful tone in her voice as she spoke.
“Turn your Facetime on!” He could hear the other voice, clearly male, despite the fact that Y/N was holding the phone up to her ear. She looked over at him, knowing that it would mean her audio would be playing out loud. He nodded again to confirm that he didn’t mind, especially since whoever was on the phone was loud enough to have been heard anyway. It wouldn’t make much difference. Plus, Kyle was nosey and wanted to know who she was talking to.
“If I go blind from seeing your ugly mug, I’m suing you,” She teased whoever was on the phone as she switched to Facetime. Kyle could just about see from the corner of his eye that it was a man with the same hair colour as Y/N. She pretended to shield her eyes, groaning dramatically. “It’s so awful! So much worse than I expected! I can feel my eyes melting away!”
“Ah, there she is!” The man on the phone laughed along with her teasing. “The Bean Queen herself!”
“I swear if you call me that one more time, I’ll-”
“You’ll what? Kick my ass? I’m in Belgium, sis! Your short legs could never reach!” The nickname ‘sis’ and the mentions of Belgium connected the dots for Kyle. Y/N had spoken about her brother being in Europe with his fiance, and the man did share some similarities in looks from what Kyle could tell. “Where are you?”
“Bedroom,” Y/N answered with a simple shrug.
“Okay, smartass, you’re in a bedroom, but that’s not your bedroom, is it?” Her brother pointed out. “Not unless you’ve suddenly gotten really into… What is that poster for? Basketball?”
“Oh yeah! Totally! I love when they….” She looked around for some sort of inspiration. “Bounce the ball and do that… throwing thing into the… the ball basket holder?” Kyle couldn’t help but laugh at this. He made a mental note to try and teach her basketball terms at some point.
“Wait, who is that laughing?” Y/N’s brother asked loudly, causing Kyle to stop laughing immediately. “Is that a boy? Are you in a boy’s room? Why is my baby sister in a boy’s room?”
“You do remember that I am an adult woman now, not the little kid who used to cling to your legs whenever you tried to walk, right?” Y/N sighed, rolling her eyes dramatically. “But if you must know, I’m staying at my friend Kyle’s house with his family for the holidays because I apparently have no family of my own!”
“Hey! I am right here!”
“You are in Belgium!”
“Okay, fair point….” He paused. “Are you going to introduce me to this ‘friend’ of yours?” Y/N looked at Kyle, who was still standing by the door, worried about moving and interrupting the call. He nodded to confirm he was okay with being introduced, trying to hide his nervousness. What if her brother hated him? She patted the bed, so he joined her on it, making sure to sit far enough apart so that they weren’t touching. He didn’t want her brother to get the wrong idea and jump to conclusions. 
“Henry, this is Kyle,” She turned the phone around so the two could see one another. “Kyle, this is my asshole of a brother, Henry. Happy now, dickwad?”
“Yo, Kyle, what is she paying you to stick around?” Henry asked, a smug grin toying at his lips. “Gotta be something good to put up with her.”
“Terrible fries and even worse company,” Y/N joked. She had picked up that Kyle wasn’t comfortable answering the question, unwilling to insult her but not wanting Henry to think he took his question seriously. “Now, why did you decide to grace me with your horrifying presence?”
“It’s Thanksgiving for starters…” Henry sighed, telling her it was something more than that. “Uh… Did Mom tell you?”
“That she’s moving?” Her mood dropped instantly. Kyle looked at her in concern. “Telling me is giving her too much credit. She sent a shitty text saying I need to get my stuff out, or she’ll dump it. Though I guess a text is more than I’ve gotten from her in months. I was starting to think that she had just lost my number.”
“I know it’s a lot to ask you, but… I’m in Belgium,” Henry sighed, looking away from the screen. “I can’t get back in time to get my stuff… Do you think you could grab and store it for me, please?”
“Where do you expect me to keep it?” She shook her head, a mixture of disbelief and disappointment clearly present in her voice. “I don’t have the space to store your shit as well as my own. My apartment is tiny, and I can barely move in it as it is!”
“Please, bean? I’m begging you!” He pleaded, looking around. “Dylan and I just adopted a dog, and we can’t bring it on a plane yet-”
“You adopted a dog, and you didn’t tell me?” Y/N gasped, sitting forward more. “I demand to see this dog right this second!” 
Kyle noticed how her entire demeanour had changed at the mention of the dog. He couldn’t tell if Henry had done this on purpose, knowing his sister would get distracted and no longer be upset with him. He hoped he hadn’t but couldn’t shake the feeling that he had. Either way, he didn’t want to upset Y/N by pointing it out.
“This is Cranky Gordon!” Henry lifted up the cutest beagle puppy they had ever seen. “He only bites a little bit!” As if on queue, the dog tried to turn around and snap at him. “Okay, okay! I’m putting you down! That is why he’s called Cranky Gordon.”
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Y/N had stayed on the call with her brother until Sheila announced that dinner was ready. The spread was incredible, and she went back for thirds… and fourths… and fifths. Sixths were considered, but then pudding was announced.
After it was all done and Y/N felt like she couldn’t move, Kyle was mortified when his mom pulled out the photo album.
“No! We are not doing this!” He jumped up as fast as he could, considering how full he felt from the meal, and tried to pull the album from his mom’s hands. “Y/N doesn’t want to see the baby pictures!”
“Y/N definitely wants to see the baby pictures!” Y/N grinned deviously, Kyle glared at her in a plea to get her to stop, but she wasn’t backing down.
“Bubbie, it is a family tradition!” Sheila sighed, holding a firm grip on the book as she settled down on the couch next to Y/N, who looked over her arm eagerly when the album was opened. “Here is Kyle taking his first bath. Look at him! His little scrunched-up face! He was such an ugly little baby, but we loved him.…”
“The hair!” Y/N gasped, grinning up at Kyle as he stood over them in disapproval. “I didn’t realise babies could be born with that much hair!”
“Neither did I! It was quite a shock when he popped out!” Sheila laughed. “I thought he had something stuck to his head… Oh! This is the first time he used the potty all by himself!”
“This is humiliating…” He groaned, giving up and sitting on the arm of the couch next to Y/N.
“What’s wrong, bro?” Ike teased. “If you didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of your girlfriend, you shouldn’t have brought her to Thanksgiving.”
“She is not my-” Kyle started to protest, but Sheila spoke up before he could finish.
“Don’t worry, Ike; we’ll get your album out next.”
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a/n - let me know if you would like to be on the taglist for this fic
current taglist - @n0tangeliccc @solana-central @charqing-qing @eiizabeth-torres @hand-writxen @audiliah @cosmicbroenies @himoutolikesjojo @katnipkoffee @desertofdessert @inkedintothepaper @ky-uwu @quackyfae @marwvy @baubub @kiahapologist @novalforfeb @da-extroverted-introvert @welp030
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kaiwewi · 2 years
Sharing is Caring #4
[Masterlist: Sharing is Caring] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Synopsis: the alleged demon's real identity is finally revealed.
Monday, January 23rd 
Dear Hero
Let me begin by informing you that I do not appreciate your juvenile, self-destructive behaviour. As much as you may hate my presence (and perhaps understandably so) we are both inhabiting this body. Thus, I'd suggest you refrain from poisoning us and try not to deliberately cause further harm to our shared well-being.
I’d hate for our conflict to escalate, so I choose to put my anger aside and to not retaliate, for now.
However, should you continue to vent your frustration on me, I will see myself forced to return the favour. Make no mistake, you are not the only one capable of petty cruelties and infantile jibes.
Still, I’d like us to cooperate instead of sabotaging one another. So please, let us both behave like responsible adults. Let there be peace and constructive communication. Let us not waste our resources on waging a senseless war. A battlefield bears no fruit. Whether we like each other or not, I’d rather we both thrive than perish. Thank you.
Now, before you make any additional odd assumptions about me, I’d like to set a few things straight: 1. I am not a demon! (Though I can’t fault your logic; I would probably have arrived at a similar conclusion were the roles reversed.) 2. You seem to be under the misconception that I chose to ‘possess’ you. This is not the case. My being here is neither a personal attack nor an attempt to take over your life. I promise, I’m not your enemy!
(Perhaps you remember me. The scientist from that warehouse by the docks. December 18th. You broke into, and ultimately blew up, my laboratory. But it hardly matters; I’d rather we’d discuss the future and let bygones be bygones.)
PS: I’d like to negotiate our diet again. I’m willing to prepare food in advance for both of us. If you advise me on your likes and dislikes, I can take those into account. Please at least consider this proposal!
PPS: Yes. I paid for those groceries and I will continue to do so. (You won’t have to concern yourself with housekeeping money. I still have access to my private bank accounts.)
PPPS: Does our body have allergies, illnesses, or any special needs that I should know about?
Addendum. Saturday, January 28th:
I am surprised to find that I am still here. It has been a week now, which is by far the longest I’ve ever been in control of our body. It makes me wonder why and how the switching occurs.
Last time, you seemed to have had a hunch, otherwise you wouldn’t have been drinking to that extent. (At least I assume, and hope, that to be the case.) Have you perhaps found a pattern to our predicament already? Or were you merely gambling?
Addendum. Monday, January 30th:
Do not worry: I am keeping track of the lecture plan. I’m aware we have a seminar this week and will, of course, provide you with transcripts and notes. I’ll leave them on the desk for you. (Please make sure to review and memorise the material as soon as possible; the oral examination is scheduled for Friday afternoon.)
Addendum. Saturday, February 4th:
Yesterday, I completed the seminar, including the corresponding examination. I have just received the certificate. I will add it to the transcripts. You’re welcome.
(By the way, last week, I consulted a doctor about our lactose intolerance. Turns out I was correct. So should you find yourself craving dairy produce regardless, I’d suggest you make use of the lactase pills I bought. You’ll find them in the kitchen cupboard.)
[Part 5]
For my other stories, visit my [MASTERLIST] ♥
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tinyozlion · 1 year
Parsing Gundam Wing: 
A Field Guide to a Classic Anime
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So, you’re watching Gundam Wing.
Maybe you’re seeing it for the first time, maybe you’re returning to it as a fan of yore, maybe, like me, you’re trying to introduce it to a friend. Perhaps you are watching the English dub, or with English subtitles– doesn’t matter. There’s only one script for both. You’re trying to make it through the first episode, and oh baby, oh baby– What is this pacing? Who are these people? Why do they talk like that? What the fuck is a battle seed? Yes, the robots are cool, but the rest seems like a cursed soap opera. You are understandably hesitant to continue.
 This is normal. 
Take my hand. Shh, shh, come to my arms. You are safe now. I’m here to help. Welcome, brave explorer, to a classic 90's anime that once took America by storm. It’s very good. No, really, I promise, it’s very good.
Now, I can’t promise that you’ll love it! If the Space Opera And Ethics Course With Hot People and Robot Fights genre isn't for you, that's fine, take some hummus and go in peace my friend.
But the rest of you… we are brothers now.
Gundam Wing was lightning in a bottle when it first came out in North America, but even if that particular explosive debut will never come again, I think there’s still a wealth of enjoyment to be had for new fans– especially if like me you love stories that have a lot of depth, a lot of crunch, a lot of rewatch value, a lot of iterative shipping possibilities.
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I realize that we live in an era of total media saturation; the notion of investing time in ANYTHING new these days is a tough sell. There are infinitely many things to watch, read, play, listen to-- so how do you justify getting into something that’s kinda old and a little janky? With some parts that haven’t aged as well as others? Something that maybe takes a bit of extra participation to get into?
...As a spoonful of medicine to help ease the media-fatigue, let me share with you something that I've found true in my life: rough edges invite you to participate in creation.
Stories that invite (or demand, or beg) you to participate in them have their own unique value, completely distinct from the value of those that satisfy you immediately; they will reward you for investing in them your time, your creativity, your curiosity.
And I think this is one of those stories! I genuinely want more people to play in this sandbox with me! So, here I am, making a blog about it.
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--This is my guidebook to getting into Gundam Wing. It is intended to be a sort of companion, a primer-- maybe a walkthrough? An invitation? to this complex and juicy series.
This won't be a fan wiki-- those already exist, thank goodness, and people can check those out for themselves-- rather, I'd like to make this a repository of context and insight, and to fill in those troublesome missing pieces in the show that are big stumbling blocks to understanding what's going on!
I want to give you what I didn’t have when I started this series back in anno domini two-thousand-and-naught:
All the damn information.
Naturally, there will be more drawings, memes, crabs, very stupid gifs, and probably some crying throughout. And you have my word that I will try and present this in a comprehensive, inclusive, character-agnostic way.
...That said, I am not stealthy! I cannot possibly disguise the fact that I’ve given exponentially more thought to certain characters than to others. You will almost certainly be able to tell when you’ve encountered my Blorbos, my Special Interests--
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(Shh, Tinylion! Back in your teapot!)
--But! Look into my eyes. Here is an Absolute, Unwavering Truth about me:
I love, or at least love something about, Every. Single. Character in Gundam Wing. and I will do my absolute damndest to give them each their due diligence, because they're worth it, and so are you.
Thank you for coming, I hope you enjoy whatever you find here ♥
~ Wesley, and to a lesser extent, TinyLion
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inkedreverie · 1 year
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Hello! So I recently reached 100 followers and decided to celebrate with a writing challenge! Since it's still spring I chose the theme love and because I'm a sucker for romantic/fluffy fics.
♥ There will be fluff & smut prompts so please be at least 18+ if you join.
♥ No word limit but if your fic is more than 500+ words, please put a read more.
♥ Please tag your warnings appropriately.
♥ You don’t have to follow me to join, but it is encouraged and appreciated. :)
♥ This challenge will be going on until June 21st, so that should give you plenty of time.
♥ Tag all your works with #loveisintheairchallenge and @ me so I can see them!
♥ Reader inserts are welcome such as F, GN, POC as well as Original Characters too.
♥ All tropes/kinks are welcome except underage or incest fics.
♥ Please share this post so more people can see and possibly participate! And if you have any questions, feel free to message me.
Chris Evans characters, Sebastian Stan Characters. (Including Bucky & Steve.)
Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington. (Stranger Things)
There's no limit on the prompts. Multiple people can use the same prompt and you can choose more than one. You can even mix and match if you want to.
“Wherever you go, I’m going too.”
“Isn’t there anything you want so much it drives you crazy?” “Yes.” “What is it?” “You.”
“Truth or Dare?” “Dare.” “I dare you to kiss me.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of kissing you.”
“If I asked if I could kiss you, would you say yes?”
“Did you just tell the person I was gonna go out with that we’re dating?”
“You brought me breakfast?” “Well you said you always forget to eat before you go to work, so I thought I’d make sure you ate something.”
“I want you. All of you, and not just halfheartedly, but wholly. And maybe that’s selfish, but I don’t care.”
“You bought me flowers?” “Yeah, well I noticed you’d seemed kinda down, so I wanted to cheer you up.”
“I’d feel much better if you’d let me walk you home.”
“I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
“No, I’m supposed to be making you feel good.”
“Feel what you’re doing to me? That’s all because of you!”
“Stop wiggling around, I’m trying to sleep! Wait… what’s tha… oh!”
“You taste like heaven, and I can’t get enough.”
“Take off your clothes. Slowly. I want to watch you.”
“What’s wrong?  Why’d you stop?”  “Nothing’s wrong.  I just wanted to take a second to admire how beautiful you are.”
“I want to kiss every square inch of your body.”
“But there’s people-”  “I don’t care.  Let them watch.”
“Ooh, you’re not wearing any underwear.  Trying to tell me something?”
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swbigbang · 2 years
The FAQ is a constant work in progress :)
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Artist Schedule
What is required for each check-in?
All three check-in requirements, as well as where to send them in, can be found at https://swbigbang.tumblr.com/checkinrequirements
What kind of fics are allowed?
We accept submissions for fics that are unpublished. Work in progresses are welcome, so long as you haven’t published any chapters of it anywhere.
Fics must be standalone works, meaning that readers do not need to read another fic to understand the one you are submitting.
AUs, UAs, crossovers, fusions etc. can be submitted, so long as readers do not need prior information about content that isn’t Star Wars. Everything the reader needs to know to understand your work should be present in the fic.
What’s required for an outline for check-in 1?
The outline needs to have all the story beats and major scenes that you’re going to have in the final fic. We ask that you make it as detailed as you can so we know you’ve got a plan and can finish it! We also understand that finished fics do diverge from outlines, so don’t worry about adhering super strictly to one. We just want to know that you know what you’re going to be writing.
Am I allowed to go over my wordcount category?
I sent a question through Tumblr, but you never answered it.
The event mods do not use Tumblr as the primary method for conducting the event. We check as often as we can for questions, but sometimes we miss a few. Also, sometimes Tumblr eats your message, so we don’t receive it.
For urgent questions/comments/concerns, please email us at [email protected].
My author/beta/artist never contacted me! What should I do?
Please email us at [email protected] so that we can find out what’s going on and reassign you if necessary.
What if no artist wants my fic?
We know this is a concern some fic writers will have. We can assure you that every fic will be matched with an artist–even the ones that are particularly hard to match. For situations where an artist drops out, we don’t have enough artists, or a fic doesn’t have much interest, we have pinch hitters that will create art so no fic gets left out.
Tagging fics
In order to keep this event safe for participants and readers, authors are required to tag their fics with the appropriate warnings.
A full list of what needs to be tagged can be found here: https://swbigbang.tumblr.com/taglist
What happens if I drop out?
If you need to drop out, you can do so without consequences if you drop out by the dates mentioned in the schedule (see the schedules above).
If you drop out after those dates, the mod team will discuss appropriate consequences depending on the reason behind the late dropout.
Can I share excerpts/sneak peeks of my entry?
You are allowed, but please try to avoid posting large portions of the fic. 2-3 sections of fewer than 100 words is acceptable.
Showing rough sketches as teasers is fine as well, but be sure that the author sees the art first.
If you join our Discord server, you can share as much as you want in the server!
What’s a pinch hitter?
Pinch hitters are ♥ ♥ ♥
A pinch hitter is someone who fills in a needed role last minute for a fic (beta or art).
If an artist or a beta drops out, we’ll try our best to find a pinch hitter to fill the role. You can express whether or not you’re interested in pinch hitting on the sign up form. If someone drops out, we’ll send you an email to see if you’re still interested in picking it up. Requirements and deadline for pinch hits might vary if they’re close to the posting date.
How do I post art on AO3?
It can be a pretty complicated process. For a guide on how to post art to AO3, please refer to the Art Guidelines: https://swbigbang.tumblr.com/artguide
Where do I post my fic?
All submissions must be posted on AO3 to the collection. If you also post on Tumblr, please tag us! That way we can reblog your post.
Tips on posting art to AO3 can be found here.
If you need us to post your work for you, please send us an email at [email protected].
Questions? Problems? Just wanna say hi? You can always contact us via the ask box below or via email [email protected]
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ballads-for-kuni · 2 years
Hi, and welcome to Ballads for Kuni!
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She/Her 18 866125510, Asia server
You may call me Ballad, or anything else you wish; so long as it’s within respectful boundaries, please~!
Requests are open!
If you've requested and have yet to receive, please be patient, I promise I’ll update soon!
My masterlist is HERE!
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Oh? You're requesting? Alright then, step on up!
It's a chance game of luck~ and the wheel is spinning~♥
Are you prepared for a whiplash personality? Will you be getting sweet, sassy, sadistic or snarky Kuni today? Here’s which Kuni you’ll meet if you ever request!
Or will you get Ballad instead? Ask... and maybe you’ll find out.
How does the Ask work? Good question! Here’s your answer.
Unfortunately, it’s worse than the 50/50 :((((((
You have a 20% chance of getting any of them at all, and that’s on a good day! If Scara (or Wanderer or Ballad) doesn’t feel like co-operating, then the others have to step up more, I’m afraid (so to all the masochists/therapists/fellow Kuni kinnies out there, it’s really just too bad).
But honestly, can it really be that bad when you’re talking to variations of him? (And his kinnie, but you didn’t hear that from Ballad~!)
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And if you’re wondering...
YES, Ballad will write for the others too!
I’ll try my best to write for whomever you request, so ask, ask, ask!
It’s a free world out here, and I just want to share it with you guys!
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inahandful-of-dust · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @helenvader
Your Name: Lumi
Your First Fandom: Harry Potter? I think. The first book series I distinctly and very clearly remember reading and immediately wanting the next chapter, and book.
Your Current Fandom: Onl one? :O
Tolkien - more specifically The Silmarillion, but really, anything Tolkien related will do.
How did you first get into fandom?: I discovered fanfiction on an absolutel random daly searching for fanart of a (very niche) then fandom of mine. And from there I just fell into the metaphorical rabbit hole.
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces?: Oh... eight years or so. Mostly hainging happily in my own little corner are becoming active for The Rings of Power, Shadow and Bone and The Witcher (because the AWAU by @inexplicifics is my Witcher canon now, so yes, the Witcher)
How often do you read fanfic?: Daily, it's an integrated part of my evenings.
Top three characters from your current fandom?:
Silmarillion: Maedhros, Fingon, uh... Elrond, the Sons of Feanor in general, Celebrimbor and Maeglin... and Gil-galad, obviously. (For the Rings of Power it's Elrond, Adar, Gil-galad, Halbrand, Celebrimbor and Durin)
For Shadow and Bone/Grishaverse: Aleksander, Nikolai (Darkolaism has taken over my life, but it's been over a year so it's nothing new) and uh... Juris.
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom and if so, shout it out!:
Walk the Same Earth - Grishaverse, with not-a-sun-summoner Alina ending up tangled with Second Army business. Intended as a "prequel"/first part to a Darkolai series. Characters: Alina, Alexei, The Darkling.
How to coax a tired general to bed - Grishaverse, Darkolai. Fluffy. Sasha needs to sleep and Kolya is a good boyfriend.
O wandering folk, the summons heed - Very Strange Combination of: Silmarillion and Witcher, Inspired by the Accidental Warlord by @inexplicifics. Gendre: canon divergence (heavy, for both fandoms). Main characters: The Sons of Feanor, Geralt, various Witchers, other Finweans.
Have you ever drawn fan art for a fandom?: I wish I was able, but I'm not.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel strongly about:
Mairon was actually serving Morgoth not out of his own free will but because he was forced to.
Fierce support of the The Darkling For The Main Character Movement.
The Feanorians - and Finweans - love language is: Giving (by throwing) weapons to (at) each other so that person is not without a weapon. This applying to any situation, from just befor a battle to literally during a wedding party. (No, I won't elaborate, you read that corrrectly.
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them?:
Rambling about the Silmarillion and showing to them the prologue-like scene of RoP.
Also ranting about my super niche crossover (see fic mentioned before) and managing to convince them to read the AWAU so they can understand everything.
A for clips: the Bath Scene from season one fo the Witcher.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?: A welcoming and safe plce where I can just relax and not think for a while, with extrimely nice people who absolutely prop me up in the nicest way possible and encourage me to write whatever floats through my head. You are all a joy to interact with. (Thank you especially to the Darkolai and AWAU servers ♥)
Tagging @storm-elf @darkestelemental616 @for-want-of-a-nail @aerkan @fingons-rad-harp and anybody who wants to play.
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tasheenpthomas-blog · 2 years
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Posted @withrepost • @ananxietything Trust and know you’re going to be okay 🌈 📸: @anxiety.positive -- Hi! I'm Tasheen. I'm grateful our paths have crossed at this moment. I'm a human intentionally doing what my soul will have on this terrestrial plane. So far, that includes music, teaching, and entrepreneurship. If you like what I share here, then please consider offering your support by engaging with this post in any and every way You can. Always check the Link In Bio to stay up to date on my newest projects and for all the latest updates! Like. Share. Comment. Save. Donations are always welcome and always appreciated! PayPal: [email protected] Venmo: @/Tasheen-Thomas Cash App: $TasheenThomas Always remember that You matter, You are necessary, and You are worthy ♥ #explorepage #instagram #instagood #love #joy #peace #life #lifecoach #personaldevelopment #todayisagoodday #spirituality #higherconsciousness #rich #wealth #millions #billions #trillions #empowerment #grace #gratitude #somuchmore #youwillmakeit #unstoppable #newtimes #newparadigms #chooseyourself #giveitonemoretry #iknowiwillmakeit #victory #Yes https://www.instagram.com/p/CmRZd0or1i1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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helpihaveatype · 3 years
what your first kiss is like (part 1)
♥ pairing: oikawa, kuroo, osamu, atsumu x gn!reader
♥ warnings: a couple of them are slightly steamy so 14+
♥ a/n: it’s my first time writing for most of these characters so I hope it’s alright!
part 2
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♥ Oikawa Tooru
-teasing at first, then passionate
You were cuddled up on Oikawa’s couch just watching movies. It was an ungodly hour, and you really should be heading home, you knew. Yet, you were perfectly content to stay up into the early hours of the morning with your friend.
Yes, he was just a friend. Though to anyone who didn’t know the two of you it would certainly look like you were a couple.
The movie finished just as the clock changed to read 2 am. Tooru got up to put the next disk in the DVD player when you laughed.
“Really? Another one? Isn’t Iwa-chan going to kick your ass if you stay up all night again?” You smirked.
“Maybe.” Oikawa returned to his seat next to you, giving you puppy dog eyes. “But you’ll protect me, won’t you?”
“And get a double scolding from him? No way!” you laughed again. Though, in reality, you knew you’d do anything for Tooru. “Really, I should be heading home.”
“Or you could spend the night,” he suggested, inching closer. “I’ll take the couch and you can have my bed. Or we could share the bed, if you want.”
Now it was his turn to smirk. You tried not to think about it too much; this was just how he was; certainly he didn’t mean anything by it. Yet, that couldn’t stop your heart from racing as you felt his warm breath on your cheek, his head tilted as he leaned in even closer.
Before you could reply—well, it’s not like your brain was even functioning enough for you to form a sentence—his lips were brushing yours. Your mind really short circuited now.
It was a playful sort of thing, this kiss, almost daring you to tell him to knock it off. Or better yet, telling him to go further.
He didn’t deepen the kiss. Not exactly. His hands trailed down your side to rest on your waist, tugging your body closer to his. That was enough for you to give in and kiss him back, pushing your locked away emotions through it. He responded immediately with just as much vigor, pulling you fully onto his lap.
Throwing caution to the wind, you tangled your hands in his hair. Refusing to be one-upped, his hands slipped under your shirt to wander over the skin on your back. Oh, you could absolutely drown in his kiss.
Still, you needed air. Regretfully, you pulled away. Even so, Oikawa’s lips trailed down your neck and only came to a rest over your racing heart. Still not satisfied with the attention he’d given, he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. Both panting as you caught your breath, you savored the moment.
“Tooru,” you finally whispered, hands running through his hair again. “I do want to stay the night.”
♥ Kuroo Tetsuro
-firm but caring
Kuroo wasn’t really the type to overthink things or second guess himself. Once he decided to go for something, he did. And, for the most part, he did those things successfully. Sure, he did fail; he was human after all. But that didn’t stop him from giving his all to everything he did.
So, he hoped he wasn’t making a mistake with you.
“Thanks Ku. This was really fun.” You smiled down at your interlocked hands. “We should do it again sometime.”
“How about this Friday? We can go see that new movie too.”
Your gaze returned to his face, smile just as bright. “Yeah, sounds good.”
Make no mistake, he was sure of his decision to ask you out, but was a first date too soon for a kiss? He hoped not, because he decided he was going to go for it.
The two of you stopped in front of your door, and you turned to him, rocking back and forth on your feet. God, you were adorable.
“Well, this is my stop,” you giggled. “Thanks for walking me, Kuroo.”
His free hand cupped your cheek. “You’re welcome. I’m more than happy to do it.”
Your heart skipped a beat as he said that, subconsciously taking a small step forward. “I’ll see you Friday, then?”
“See you then.”
He closed the gap between you, lips assuredly finding yours. Your hands untangled and his went to rest on the small of your back, holding you a bit closer. Meanwhile, your arms draped over his shoulders, hands meeting at the back of his neck.
You tasted like the ice cream you’d shared earlier in the night, Kuroo thought. The sweetness suited you. Suited the tempo of the kiss, filled with affection.
His lips left no room for doubt as they moved against yours. There were still things he wanted to say to you, things he planned to say eventually. But for now? For now, he felt the kiss was saying enough.
When he finally pulled away, he gave you an easy grin, even as a light blush coated his cheeks. He grabbed your hand again, giving it a quick squeeze. “Until then.”
Smiling to himself, he realized he was happy with his decision, after all.
♥ Miya Osamu
-sweet and gentle
It always made Osamu feel conflicted when you had a bad day. On the one hand, you were sad, and it made his heart clench out of sympathy. On the other, he got to cook for you to cheer you up, and slowly see your face light up as your favorites hit your tastebuds. That made his heart flutter.
“Thanks, Samu,” you mumbled, face pressed against his back as you embraced him from behind. “It was delicious as always.”
He was glad you couldn’t see how his face lit up at the compliment as he washed the dishes. “Seeing you feel better is thanks enough.”
Osamu hadn’t intended to fall in love with his best friend; he was sure, for as often as it happened, no one did. Yet here he was.
The only person who knew was Atsumu, who teased him relentlessly. He was glad his twin wasn’t around right now. Though, some of that teasing may just give him the push he needs to confess to you. So long as it doesn’t psyche him out, that is.
After drying his hands, he turned around in your arms and hugged you back. “You are feeling better right?”
“You’re here, Samu; how could I not be?”
Your friend pulled back to look at your face. You did the same. Even in the artificial lighting you looked just as beautiful as you did with soft rays of sun spilling over your face, he thought. You’d always be beautiful to him. Nothing could ever change that.
“I’m happier when you’re here, too.” His hand cupped your cheek. “Every little smile lights up my world. Every little laughs makes my day. Every little tear drowns me in an ocean of sadness that you should feel any pain. I love you.”
His words took you aback a moment, but then you leaned into his hand. “I love you, too. And just to be clear, I... I love you as more than a friend.”
You were just too cute. How was he supposed to resist dipping his head to kiss your lips. The house was silent as you sealed your confessions with the tender moment.
He didn’t push things to be any more intense; they were perfect as they were, both lovingly holding the other. You tasted sweeter than the cake he’d baked for you for dessert. But right now he could hardly even think, too focused on the bliss he felt at holding your peaceful form against him. Even when you parted, the kiss lingered a moment, like sugar clinging to your lips.
“You really do know how to cheer me up, Samu,” you laughed, brushing some of his hair back. “Is there anything you can’t do?”
“Of course.” He captured your lips again, just for a moment. “I can’t get enough of kissing you!”
♥ Miya Atsumu
-spur of the moment and intense, though no less loving
It wasn’t exactly a secret that Atsumu liked being the best. He worked hard at the things he loved, and wasn’t afraid to speak his mind, even if he got on people’s nerves sometimes. Ok, especially when he was getting on people’s nerves.
So why were things with you so difficult?
Despite not getting a good night sleep, he still performed just as well as always at practice. At least, that’s what he thought before you commented.
“Hey, are you alright? You seemed tired out there.”
Using the towel you handed him, he took his time wiping the sweat off his face. He couldn’t exactly tell you he couldn’t fall asleep last night because he kept thinking about how he saw another guy flirting with you yesterday. After all, you were just the team manager. His friend. Nothing more.
“Yeah, fine. Just saving strength for the game tomorrow.”
“Oh, ok. Good.”
Silence fell between you as you packed up your bags. You had an unspoken agreement to walk home together. Atsumu glanced at you out of the corner of his eye as you set off. He just needed to push all these thoughts out of his head again; he had enough else to focus on, or so he told himself.
“Shit. Tsumu, I have to head back to the gym,” you suddenly said. “I think I left my wallet there.”
“I’ll come with you,” he offered.
It wasn’t under the bench where your bag was as you thought it would be. After making sure you hadn’t missed it in your backpack, you began searching the rest of the gym in case it had fallen out somewhere else. It wasn’t until Atsumu checked the supply closet that it was recovered.
“Got it,” he informed you, hands brushing as the item passed between you.
“Tsumu!” you squealed, securing the wallet in the zippered pocket of your jacket. “You’re my hero.”
He didn’t think about it. Really, he swears it just happened. Before he knew what he was doing, he was kissing you. It seemed that you singing his praises made him unable to restrain himself. Thankfully, you didn’t pull away.
Feeling more confident now, Atsumu repositioned his lips against yours so it was a more comfortable position for both of you. Now that he’d made the leap, he wasn’t holding back, showing you all the intense feelings too long suppressed. You responded, using the kiss to tell him the same thing: You didn’t know exactly when it happened, but you saw him as more than a friend.
You hadn’t realized you’d been moving until your back was against a wall. One of his arms pressed against it next to your head, the other gripping your hip. He would have stayed like that forever, but he knew you had to get out of the gym before someone came by to lock up. He’d rather not tarnish the memory with that awkwardness.
“In case you couldn’t tell,” he smirked, taking your hand and beginning your walk again. “I like you.”
A breathy laugh escaped your lips. “Well, if it wasn’t obvious, I like you too.”
“So you’ll go on a date with me, then?”
“Of course.” You laughed again. “But for now, we had better head home.”
The smirk returned to his face. “Yours or mine?”
“Tsumu,” you whined, taking your hand from his grip to better hide your face, which was rapidly heating up.
He laughed, having successfully flustered you. “What? We both have homework to do, don’t we? I wouldn’t mind a study buddy.”
You peeked through your fingers at him. “So like a study date then?”
He draped his arm over your shoulders. “I like the sound of that.”
But when all he could think about was kissing you again, he wasn’t sure just how much studying was actually going to get done.
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: none.
A/N: This is a story with a younger Andy Barber (30) and a 3 year old Jacob. English is not my first language, I know Little about how education (in general) and universities work in the States, also, I don’t know anything about laws, DA, ADA, etc. sooooo don’t come from me, please, at the end of the day this is just fiction and the purpose is to entertain. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 1704
GIF not mine, if it is yours, plese let me know so I can give you credit :)
An hour had passed and Andy and Annie were still talking on the living room. Andy was a very intelligent man, he was a fan of the Red Soxs, just as Annie and her family were. They shared stories about their families going to Fenway Park and enjoyed some baseball games during the season.
“Do you really don’t like beer? Andy questioned her, after he went to grab another bottle from the fridge.
“No, sorry. Daniel also makes fun of me because of that… Have you ever arrested anyone?
“I’m a lawyer not a cop; but I could arrest you for not liking beer” Annie looked a little confused and kinda scare, Andy just laughed and touched his chest while doing so. It was the first time Annie saw him laughed like that, it was a nice laugh, infectious actually.
“I’m just joking, lawyers do that too, you know. We can’t be serious or in a bad mood all the time.” He took a sip of his beer, “In case you’re wondering, I don’t have a gun… nor handcuffs.” Andy smirked at her and she just blushed, heat going through her face, maybe it was the third glass of wine she was having.
“Where did you study law?”
“It was one of my options, but I couldn’t get in. At the end I choose the one closer home so my parents wouldn’t miss me that much.”
“I heard Lasell is a good school, and since you have a scholarship, I assumed you are a great student. Still, I can picture you in New York.”
“Wait, how do you know I have a scholarship?”
“Ammm, you told me the day we met.” Andy drank the rest of his beer.
“No, I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did.
“I’m sure I didn’t. How you know that?”
“If I tell you would you promise not to run away?
“When Pam told me to hire you I kinda research you”
“YOU WHAT?!!!”
“I’m sorry, I wanted to see what kind of person you were, and I know it sounds creepy, but I really needed to know some stuff. Besides I could see you didn’t lie, and that made me feel certain that I could trust you with my child.”
Annie looked at Andy for a moment, and drank her wine. She couldn’t believe he would’ve done something like that, I mean he was a lawyer and work with the police so it kinda made sense, but still it was the first time something like that happened to her.
“Alright…Can I ask you some stuff?”
“What kind of stuff? Andy raised his eyebrow.
“Well apparently you know more about me than I know about you soooo, how old are you?”
“I’m 30”
“Na-ah! I thought you were older. Like 40.”
“Ouch,” Andy touched his chest acting hurt, “Don’t worry I get that a lot, it must be the beard.” He ran his right-hand through his beard, “Maybe I should shave.”
“No!” Annie answered way too quickly, “You look good like that, not all men can pull that look. It suits you.” Annie raised her hand and touched his cheek, Andy stared at her; he could smell the perfume on her wrist and feel the heat on his cheek. Annie moved her hand right away.
“I let it grow a year before I finish Law school, I thought I will look more professional. Wait here.” Andy stood up and went upstairs leaving Annie by herself in the living room. A minute later he came back with something in his hands.
Andy handed her an old photo album, inside there were pictures of him when he was younger.  He was shaved, and he was wearing normal clothes, jeans, t-shirts, and even cargo shorts. He looked very different to the man sitting in front of her. The guy in the pictures looked so relaxed and a lot less stressed.
“You look like a frat boy, and kind of a douchebag” Annie snorted.
“I wasn’t a douche, I hope” both smiled at each other.
“Right…” She raised her brow.
“I wasn’t, I’m always been a one woman’s man.”
“Do you ever dress like this anymore?” Annie was looking at a picture where he was wearing some green cargo shorts, an old t-shirt and a baseball cap.
“Well, I don’t wear those type of shorts anymore. I like to wear pretty much like now, sweatpants, a t-shirt, maybe a hoodie, it will be weird to be around the house on a suit 24/7. And sometimes I run or work out in the mornings, can’t wear a suit for that either.”
“You work out?”
“Yeah, in the guest room, I have some equipment there, have you not noticed?”
“I don’t snoop in your rooms Andy. I’ve just been in Jake’s room.”
“I don’t sleep with a suit either, sometimes I don’t wear anything” Annie eyed at him, Andy was completely red, “Shit, sorry, I mean… Maybe I should stop drinking, that was out of line, I’m really sorry.” He really didn’t know where that came from, he just kept talking until it was too late.
“No problem, sometimes I sleep like that too, mainly when me and Daniel… you know.” Andy swallowed hard, he blinked a couple of times while trying hard not to imagine her without clothing, he stared back at her and Annie turned her attention back to the pictures.
There were pictures of him when he was a kid, his mom was in some of those pictures; she was a beautiful woman and you could see how close they were. Annie was looking at one picture were Andy was with his mom and a birthday cake.
“She was a nurse,” Andy said out of nowhere, “we only had one another.”
“Just like you and Jake.” Annie smiled
“Hmmm I never thought about it, but yes, just like us.”
Annie kept looking at the pictures, in some of them Andy was drunk, you could notice because of his droopy eyes and flirty smile, she changed the page and there it was, a picture of Andy and the woman from the picture in Jake’s room. It was not the only picture of course, but one in particular caught her attention. They both looked young, Andy was holding her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder, and she had her hands on her little bump, barely visible, but it was there. They seemed so happy.
“Andy,” Annie paused thinking of her next question, “You said you didn’t have a wife,” Andy knew she was about to ask him about Jake’s mom, and it wasn’t a lie Annie was dying to know about the woman in the picture, but she went in a different direction. “Do you have any more family?”
“No,” Andy sighed, “my dad wasn’t around when I was a kid, and my mom died when I was about to finish Law school, cancer.”
Annie gave him a sad smile and nodded.
“Why are you telling me all of this, and showed me this?” She said lifting the photo album.
“Well, you said it, I know more about you that you about me, so is only fair for you to know some things about my life, I guess.” He didn’t seem to convince but it was so easy to talk to her.
“Thank you.” She looked at the clock, “It’s late, I should go home.”
“I can drive you.” Andy offered.
“No, you have to stay, Jake could wake up. I’ll take an Uber.”
“Are you sure? I really don’t mind.”
“I’m sure, I can text you when I get home.”
“That will be nice, thank you.”
Annie stood up and felt a little light headed and stumble, Andy grabbed her arms and stopped her from falling.
“You ok?” she looked at him with hooded eyes.
“Yeah,” Annie stare at him, his eyelashes were so long, his eyes seem bluer this close, and she could see a layer of hair on his chest to the v cut on his t-shirt, Andy’s lips were slightly open, his heart racing at the closeness of her body “It was a bad idea to drink wine,” she took a deep breath, “Happens every time, I’ll be fine.”
“I think I should drive you.”
“No, no, stay, don’t worry about me.” She said taking her phone out.
5 minutes later the Uber came and Annie left the Barber’s house. By the time she arrived to the building where she lived it was almost midnight. She called for Daniel but there was no answer, meaning he was still out with his friends, like every Friday night. She changed her clothes and laid on the bed, making herself comfortable, to finally get some sleep. She was drifting off when her phone lit up.
“Are you home?” It was Andy, she smiled.
“Yes, sorry, I forgot to let you know. I’m too sleepy”
“You didn’t sleep on the Uber, did you?”
“I closed my eyes for a bit”
“That can be dangerous, but I’m glad you made it, I can sleep now.”
“hahaha, what would have happened if I hadn’t told you I was home safe?”
“Drive all the way to your house; or I will have dark circles under my eyes tomorrow.”
“Do you really know where I live?”
“It was in my report”
“I’m fine, you can rest now.”
“Good night. ”
“Good night, Andy.”
Annie let her phone on the nightstand while she looked at the ceiling smiling like a little school girl her heart pounding a little faster against her chest; and Andy was in his bathroom smiling at the last message she had send him. He could picture Annie answering him with her cute smile and bright honey eyes. He took a deep breath and thought about what he was feeling at the moment, it could be the beer talking but those butterflies in his stomach didn’t go away, and last time he felt them was when he met Laurie back in NYU. Just the thought of Laurie made his smile fade away. Andy washed his face and went straight to bed, he looked one last time to Annie’s text and then closed his eyes.
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hiddenwashington · 2 years
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winter has long faded into spring, and with spring fading into summer, the days grow warmer and the nights grow longer. laughter fills the streets as people spend more time outdoors, walking under lush green trees and through blooming gardens full of color that welcome summer with open arms. whispers fill the streets carried from person to person, stories of travelling faires filled with sparkling jewels, daring knights, and foods beyond belief find themselves on the lips of the residents. flyers are mailed to everyone, social medias are updated in preparation for the biggest event of the coming summer.
in preparation for the faire, rock creek park and the surrounding areas have been transported back in time. tents filled with trinkets, armour, and swords are raised allowing everyone a glance into goods and delicacies from travelling merchants and locals alike. stalls filled with varieties of food, snacks, and sweets are there to draw the crowds and bring people together. music and laughter fill the air as people dance and sing, and as children run along the grassy paths, pretending to be princesses, princes, knights, and dragons as adults watch on with smiles on their faces. people flood the streets in anticipation, dressed to the nines in costumes fitting of kings and queens, knights and villains alike as they descend on the park, seeing what the stalls and sellers have to offer in what will be a truly memorable and magical experience of a renaissance faire for the folks of washington dc.
hello, hello angels! now that spring has begun to pass into summer, we’ve decided to put out another mini-event! this is our second mini-event, and like before with the winter markets we’ve decided to create something new for the summer to help kick start some muse! this isn’t a full event though, as it’s only meant as something to perhaps prompt some new threads & give some interesting things to incorporate into your writing. just like before, this will work a little differently than our typical events. so keeping that in mind, please read on for the rules & information regarding the renn faire! as always, please have fun & we hope enjoy this little welcome to summer mini-event!! ♥
june 11th - june 22nd !
this event will last 11 days in character and out of character !
this is ever influx !! if you think of a stall that could be here please feel free to message the main and we will add it !!
jewelry and finery - jewels and metals that would make any dragon jealous of your hoard! come see what pieces catch your eye!
clothing and apparel - find pieces to wear in every day life that will bring you a memory of your time here at the faire !!
footwear bazaar - looking for the perfect pair of boots to slay dragons in? make your way in !
ye olde portrait painting - make your way down to get a portrait to commemorate the day!
ceramic and glassware studio - purchase mugs, jugs, vases, plates, anything you may need for a home !! watch the glass blowers work their magic!
tarot card and palm readings with madame bronwyn - know your future or find the answer to any burning questions !! perhaps solve who you might have been in a past life, or why there’s so many sharing your face within the city!
weapons and armour at the smithy - purchase swords, shields, chainmail, anything that speaks to the knight within !!
crystal shop - any magic crystal that speaks to you can be yours here !!
ye olde costume rental - a place to purchase an entire outfit for an immersive experience
make your own potions and spells - a potions class that could result in some real magic if you’re not careful
ye olde arts and crafts - build sand bottles, make your own jewelry, decorate your own shield, etc !!
face painting - who doesn’t love a little extra magic of sparkles and creatures on your face !!
candle makers - watch the masters at work and purchase candles and carved candles as souvenirs !!
this is something that is open to all members! if your character would like to work part time at a premade stall, or fully run a new one, please feel free to send the main a message and we will add them to the list linked right here! you’re welcome to add as little or as much detail , giving a name or anything like that !! 
outside of some general shopping, there are so many activities going on throughout the faire grounds !! all throughout the faire there are new events, different shows and games made to bring merriment to all who enter!
try your hand at archery down at the field
show off your sword skills in duels, and watch the masters at the shows
axe and knife throwing stalls
jousting competitions
try to pull excalibur from the stone
try your hand at winning a prize from the games stalls
have a go on one of the many carnival rides
visit the ye olde photobooth
visit the different stages for live performances of music, dancing, comedy and fire juggling and sword swallowing
participate in dancing or singing
follow the pirates for adventures throughout the grounds; tavern hopping, shanty singalongs, and more!
visit the mermaid cove
just the place to go for all of the necessary plotting, posting, & tagging information!
feel free to start plotting & planning right now! you can post your plotting calls, starter calls, musing posts, what your character will be wearing and get your muses ready to attend the ren faire! just like before with our first mini event, this isn’t our typical type of event!
unlike our full events, you DO NOT have to put other threads on hold! as previously stated, this is just something to help kickstart some muse and get the creative juices flowing!
just like before with our first mini event, we will still be offering one free starter per member, not per character! just keep an eye on the main for the start of the faire on the 11th!
please tag your posts with something along the lines of ‘ hwminievent2 ‘ or ‘ hw renn faire ‘ or whatever style you like, just something to indicate which threads are involved in the event and which aren’t!
feel free to share what your characters are wearing, do it in the form of a moodboard or in an edit or even just make a post and describe it!
again, this is a mini event & it is NOT MANDATORY!!
as always, please make sure to have fun & feel free to go wild besties!! we hope that you and your characters find something to enjoy in the renn faire! we cannot wait to see what different ideas you all come up with and cannot wait to see your threads on the dash! please do not hesitate to ask any questions that may arise & let us know if you have any suggestions or need help! with that all said, as always, please like this when you have read it all! ♥
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warwaged-moved · 3 years
A small visit, he’s already seen Alphinaud and ensured his presence remain quiet — so when he approaches young Alisaie, it is with the steps of a cat. Quiet and unassuming. Ready to dodge should she get a whiff of another behind her, knowing the shared violent tendencies could rear up.
Unnoticed. And then he’s seatings himself, pretense set as if he has not seen any surprise or what have you cross her face. A hot meal is set before the girl as well, out of worry from himself and Alphinaud that she had not been eating her fill as of late.
“ You shouldn’t neglect your health for your duties, Alisaie. ”
ESTINIEN!!! // always accepting ♥ @varlineaue
For all the time they have spent in Garlemald, it still feels too damn cold. 
Despite never being idle for long, movement and clothing both only did so much to keep the cold at bay; even so, Alisaie scarcely had the time to bother with complaining. The twins had set off to aid the garleans in what they could, according to the people’s own desires ( no longer forceful in their attempts to offer aid, nor in the idea they might know better; this was not their land, and they would not make the same mistakes they had upon first arriving ). For the most part, both had found tasks suitable to their strengths: while her brother had been content to aid in planning and logistics, helping direct supplies to where they might be most useful, Alisaie had favored the more direct approach -- combating monsters when they roamed too close, standing beside soldiers and learning from their methods to fight and to heal, and of course, making sure the aforementioned supplies would arrive at their destinations safely. 
Though their work was not side by side, the twins complemented each other’s efforts. ‘Twas not unusual for them to be apart for the better part of a day, and so his absence had not been deemed odd -- and neither has Estinien’s approach been noticed until it was much too late, the former Azure Dragoon taking a seat as if he had but been there the entire time.
The young elezen cannot quite keep the surprise from her face, not the grin that follows. Surely enough, Estinien had promised he would come see them, though the when of it had never been ascertained. Even then, it was a welcome surprise, this ( The Scions had all grown to be family, in a way, and Estinien was no exception; how could it be different, after everything they had faced together? ). She could even let it slide that his first words sound an awful lot like a lecture.
Arms crossed, the red mage took her seat in front of the hot meal he brought her. The scent alone is enough to make her hungry, as well as to remind her she had not, indeed, stopped to eat as often as she ought to. Tiresome as her tasks could be, she was content; it was good to be useful like this, and no longer did those around them look at the Leveilleurs with mistrust. It was all too easy to get caught up in all she had to do and forget to take a moment of respite.
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“ Gods, you’re sounding just like Alphinaud, ” Comes the retort, lacking in greetings and exchanged politeness as much as Estinien himself. “ Always going on about how ‘you need to be more careful, Alisaie’ or ‘you haven’t rested enough’. I shall take it as a sign you two have already met. ” Well-meaning, she is certain, though her purposefully poor imitation of her twin sounds an awful lot like a complaint. In spite of that, she does not hesitate to take the food offered, and starts to eat before the biting cold would rob the food of its warmth. “ But unlike my brother may have suggested, I am doing just fine. There is no need to fret so. ”
Tell-tale signs of fatigue may suggest otherwise, but she would have none of that. Gaze returns to her companion, who, after a brief analysis, she considers to be in good health as well. He had been the one journeying on his own, without another to have his back; it is good to see Estinien is fine, despite that. “ You seem to have taken care. Good. ” Yes, he needed not to ask; that was most definitely worry for his well-being. Alisaie had warned him he better be hale and whole next they met. “ I’m glad to see you are well. ”
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crystaltokyometgala · 3 years
Questions and Answers!
I did some canvasing and read a few comments, and hopefully have some decent answers for you. If you have any additional questions, the ask box is open with anon on for now.
What is the deadline for this project? 
It is the last day of December for the year. I really hope this can be an annual thing and will have a new theme ready in January of every year. However if you want to create for a past theme you can! Just make sure it is clearly indicated in your post you are creating for a previous theme so it can be archived correctly here.
What is the Met Gala?
It is actually a fundraising event for the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They pick a theme for the gala based on the exhibit they’re presenting that year. This project will focus on the fashioned themed gala of the event.
I don’t think I can participate because my skills aren’t good enough or I can’t draw.
This one is really, really important to me to clarify because yes your skills are good enough to participate! It is okay if you don’t feel confident-- maybe you’re a beginner or maybe this is outside your wheelhouse. Whatever the reason, please don’t let it stop you from participating and having a great time in fandom.
Personally this is outside of my wheelhouse, I’m excited to use this opportunity to learn something new. With that in mind, for new and aspiring artists-- drawing is a skill. It does take time and practice, but that’s like any other skill. If you chose to use this project to start your art journey our fandom will be better for it!
That said, this isn’t for artists only. All mediums are accepted.
Writing, paper craft, sewing, doll making, cosplay-- anything you can make is acceptable. Want to make a playlist of music you think would be heard at the gala? Maybe you saw an actual dress you think Neo Queen Serenity would wear and put together a playlist of music inspired by that dress. Write about the venue, the night of, descriptions of the fashion, or maybe what a report would say the following day about the event and what went on.
I still don’t feel confident in participating, but I have ideas to share! Where can I share them?
There is now a separate tumblr just for inspiration submissions: https://ctmg-inspiration.tumblr.com/
(It’s super bare bones right now, please excuse!)
Do I need to create a brand new piece of work to participate? In short, yes. Your work should be unique to the theme and in the spirit of being a (hopefully) annual fan project, please create something just for this project. ♥ Can I create works with my OCs, or is it canon Sailor Moon characters only?
At this time the project is for canon Sailor Moon characters only. Since there are so many characters available hopefully one of them will inspire you to create for the theme! That said, you are more than welcome to use the theme for your OCs, however they will not be collected on this tumblr.
Help, I’m stumped on the theme!
Definitely check out https://ctmg-inspiration.tumblr.com/! That said, you can think of the theme in terms of Sailor Moon or more in general sense. Think about how the theme applies literally to Sailor Moon as a series (for example, 2021 theme was Dreams and Eternity, drawing a Pegasus inspired outfit would fit the theme). You may also use symbolism for colors and items, or use mythology and historical clothing to shape your ideas.
Do I have to explain how my design fits the theme?
No! You can even make it a guessing game if you want. But personally I would love to hear your thoughts on your design!
Can I create for a previous theme? Yes you can! Just make sure to tag or write somewhere on your post which theme you’re creating for so it can be properly archived here. 2021 - Dreams and Eternity 2022 - Pearls and Diamonds 2023 - Cosmos
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