#and yes. it's just an app. it's not that big. but uhhh it feels pretty damn big right now i'm upset about this for real
loveofastarvingdog · 9 months
i am just. hating tumblr more and more. haha..
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That Pretty Red Dress.
Pairings: toji! x fem reader.
Colors: Red and green regular text, Blue Is Toji and Pink is reader and white is megumi. (it rlly depends on what tumblr app color u have but the light default color is Megumi u got it)
Tumblr media
There you were, under the Christmas tree decorating it with ornaments that were made out of blood red plastic, holding little Megumi in your arms while you each pick up the little decorations piece by piece .. in your pretty little red dress, that brought out your curves and big supple breasts that weren't yet filled with milk.
Toji falls in and out of his slumber as he hears little giggles and chuckles, he sighs getting out of bed putting boxers on and heading downstairs. You can hear Toji's HUGE feet plowing down the stairs as he makes his way over to you and Megumi, he kisses Megumi on his temple & then coming up behind you grabbing your waist pulling you in, & giving 2 kisses to your neck.
"G'mornin, you two are up early" "Toji... its 2:30 in the afternoon...." You chuckle sweetly as Megumi nods off to sleep in your arms. "Mama... i sweepy..." Here.. ill take him to sle- Toji offers, No.. babe i got it i have to uhhh... practice.... you say under your breath. You can feel Toji's stupid smirk as you turn your head from him it now settling in your head that you fucked up. "ill be right back let me put him to sleep." You run upstairs while humming a tune to Megumi, setting him down gently in his toddler bed. You dim the lights as you shut the door hearing those gentle little snores you have always loved so much.
You meet Toji downstairs as you walk up to him giving him a gentle kiss before he says, "...what did you mean by practice?... do you mean what I think you meant?? or were you just messin' around." His dark blue eyes linger upon yours as he doesn't take them off you. "oh.. um.. I meant it.." "So you really want kids?" You hesitate to reply to the question, "I mean.. yes but i don't think I'm really fit to be a mom I-" "Bullshit." Toji interrupts "Yer perfect, everything about you, yer already such a good mom to Megumi, i don't want to pressure you but I'm ready when you are.."
You swallow thickly always wanting a child but never thinking you were good enough to handle such a responsibility. "I'm 25 toji.. don't you think I'm too old?.. your ex wife was 20 when she had Meg..." "She doesn't matter to me anymore okay?... your fuckin beautiful.. how many times do I have to get that thru your thick fuckin skull?" Toji sighs, "Do I have to show you how beautiful you are?" Toji being toji he already knew the answer.
He kissed you deeply and- "Strip." he stated blankly, you could almost laugh in his face for being so stoic. You start taking your Dress off knowing to not to give him any backtalk. As your fully unclothed in front of him he grabs your waist and pulls you in for a kiss. "beautiful".. He whispers. He slaps your ass leaving little red marks on your soft supple skin. "beautiful" he has you straddling him as he picked you up and tossed you on the couch.
He takes his boxers off and slides them down to his ankles, as he cant help but admire you're glistening folds right before him. He kisses your lips before he lowers his head down to suck on your clit. "O-oh fuck Toji..." you moan out in pleasure as he licks and prods his tongue like a prancing reindeer. "Yeah? does that feel good princess? this pussy's all wet and sensitive fr'me... Perfect just how I like it."
You moan at his words like a pornstar "H-hah!.. D-Don't talk like that T-toji..." you plead. "What?.. is it too.. embarrassing?" He coo's, before you can say another word he stuffs you almost full with 2 fingers you wince at the burning sensation, "Shhhh" he silent's your moans with a kiss "Wouldn't want to wake Megumi... Now would we?" You shake your head " N-no..." You blush.
He fingers you with complete strokes, you cover your mouth with both hands. You look up at him with tears in your eyes as you are about to become overstimulated, "You're being such a good girl for me baby, cum for me" He grabs your breasts with the other hand and starts moving them around roughly. "fuck yeah... Gonna get you pregnant nd have these beautiful tits swollen with milk Yeah?, that's what Me and Megumi want... if yer ready wanna give it to us mama?" You could almost imagine having another child with the love of your life, considering Megumi mentioned wanting to have a sibling & you were ovulating so the timing was perfect.
"M-imma cum Toji.." You look down seeing a ring of cum around his fingers, you close your eyes shut thinking about how hes trying to overstimulate you on purpose as if you could feel him smirking at you. As your so close to your high, he fingers you faster, "I'm Cumming!" you're eyes roll back into your head as you try to hold on to something, Not being successful you end up trying to grab the couch, not noticing you're squirting all over Toji's hand. "Fuckkkk ma... that's it.. let go just like that.." "ohh my god.." you say trying to catch your breath. "Alright princess.. Yer.. okay right? " he blushes slightly turning his head acting like he's distracted (AWEE I LOVE SOFT TOJI) "Mhm...." You nod quickly.
Suddenly he gets up stretching his arms and waist, "Are you ready for me princess?" He asks in question,His cock growing painfully hard as he strokes himself aligning his cock with your slit. He looks deep into your eyes and thrusts in gently, waiting until he bottoms out inside of you to get you adjusted. "S-So full..." You whined squeezing ur eyes shut trying to adjust to the pain. "Good girl... takin me so well, fuck mama.."
He praises you as he thrusts into you willingly creating the perfect rhythm and going at the perfect pace. "A-hmmn, Toji! yes! fuckmefuckmefuckme!" You moan with a stream of curses flowing out of your mouth completely forgetting about the toddler upstairs sleeping soundly. Toji puts his hand around you're mouth as you can only be heard by muffled screaming and the sound of Toji's balls hitting your clit repeatedly. "You want me to get you pregnant yeah?, I love you so *thrust* fucking *thrust* much" *thrust*. You can feel yourself coming to your climax as you look down and alas, there's another white ring of cum forming at the base of his cock. "Toji!.. I'm gonna C-cum.. I cant!-" "NO you can.. cmon take it for me, baby.." He pounds you harder, lowering down on top of you as you wrap your legs around his waist trying to desperately hold on. He fucks into you ruthlessly as you nip at his neck and scratch at his back. "fuck... yer so fucking T-tight.."
"mmmm!" you moan to yourself by squeezing your lips together trying to not wake Megumi up. "Im cumming Toji!" You squealed as you could sense a familiar feeling of a knot being tied building up in your core, you gave Toji one more moan as you rolled your eyes to the back of your head squeezing around his waist and hugging him tightly as you reached your climax.
"Thatsss it....." He hisses kissing your neck, " you did so good for me *groan* Princess" He praises you as long ropes of cum spurt inside of you and he goes limp being perfectly satisfied. "M.. Sorry about your back Toji" You apologize willingly as Toji grabs a towel from a freshly washed and dried pile of laundry to cover you up.
"Baby, I'm a sorcerer killer what makes you think I can't handle a couple of scratches?" You giggle at his remark as you try to stand to go check on Megumi but you fail, stumbling to the ground like a baby giraffe taking its first steps but lucky for you toji was there to soften the landing. Toji sighs in relief "Woah.. okay let me carry you what were you trying to do?" The only thing you can think about right now is the 2 most important people who mean the world to you, "I want to take a bath and check up on Meg." Toji clears his throat picking you up bridal style. "Alright..." Toji carries you upstairs to the master bathroom and sets you on the counter as he runs you a nice hot bath putting bath salts, bubbles, and a bath bomb, formed in the shape of the sun that smelled like warm vanilla sugar. Toji helps you inside the bath while he's goes to check up on Megumi who has changed positions but is still sleeping soundly, Toji notices the time and realises an hour and thirty minutes have gone by.
Toji meets you back in the bathroom as his deep voice says " Megs is still sleepin' he's gonna be hungry in a little while.. but for now enjoy your bath. Your heart flutters as the thought of you're Son and your husband checking up on each other every minute of the day. "Toji can you get in with me?" You ask him with pleading eyes. "No.. i just took a bath earlier." He grumbles. You go quiet for a minute or two you were about to clear the silence and speak up when he cuts you off and says "Tch.. Fine." He takes his boxers back off and he sits in the tub behind you cradling you and your stomach. "So... any names?" Toji asks, You smile as you rest your head on his chest and the two of you start coming up with that also means the word
the end.
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theformerbastard · 25 days
who is/are your comfort character(s)? My love for Jane Lane is pretty well documented.
lighter or matches? When I was a smoker I was obsessed with lighters but matches smell so goddamn good.
do you leave the window open at night? I hate windows so much.
which cryptyd being do you believe in? Bigfoot. I deadass keep my eyes peeled when I drive thru super wooded areas. I think most of the other ones are just people seein' barn owls but Bigfoot is out there, man.
what color are your eyes? Blue
why did you do that? Wanted to
hair-ties or scrunchies? When I had hair I was all about hair-ties
how many water bottles are in your room right now? Got a 2 liter of diet pepsi in the mini fridge
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? None coffee
would you slaughter the rich? I mean...no? I know what this is actually askin', I just don't like the wording
favorite extracurricular activity? Drinkin'
what kind of day is it? It's chewsdy innit (it's Thursday but that was the first thing that came to mind)
when was the last time you ate? Like...minutes ago
do you love the smell of earth after it rains? I've never understood people that say "smells like rain"
are you a parent? (all answers qualify) nope
can you drive? yep
are you farsighted or nearsighted? near
what hair products do you use? water
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? I can paint my own but I think I'd be shit at paintin' someone elses
do you say soda or pop? Soda. People that say pop are lunatics.
something you’ve kept since childhood? anxiety
what type of person are you? anxious
how do you feel about chilly weather? BIG fan
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? Playin' roller hockey (where my Kevin Smith fans at?)
perfume/body spray or lotion? On me? Nothin'
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? Every awkward encouter I've had since I was like 7
about how many hours of sleep did you get? depends
do you wear a mask? *Jim Carrey doin' Ben Stein* we all wear masks...metaphorically speaking
how do you like your shower water? In the shower
is there dishes in your room? Nope
what type of music keeps you grounded? Country
do you have a favorite towel? Used to. It was light purple. Fuck. Such a good fuckin' towel.
the last adventure you’ve been on? *in my best Jeff Bridges voice* ya know...uhhh we're like in it, man.
is there a song you know every word to by heart? Yes
what’s your timezone? Depends
how many times have you changed your url? A few
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? Brooke
a soap bar that smells good? Irish spring
do you use lip balm? Nope
did you have any snacks today? Bag of cheetos for lunch #healthnut
how do you take your coffee? I don't
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? Instagram
what’s your take on spicy foods? I'm a bitch
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? That's dark and I don't like that my brain is actually comin' up with names
can you remember what happened yesterday? I'd have to think really hard
favorite holiday film? While You Were Sleeping. It counts.
what was the last message you sent? "ALLLLLLL?!?!!" When @didee-anne told me she wanted me to answer all of these
when did you first try an alcohol beverage? I'm not good with ages but a "friend" gave me a shot of wild turkey and a shot of bacardi 151 in high school. I'd tried my dads beer before that but the shots feel more...significant.
can you skip rocks? It's been years but yeah
can i tag you in random stuff? Why not
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #162
What’s the last app you downloaded? That woulda been the Eve period tracker, I had a crappy one for a long time and just wanted a new one. This one is a bit TOO big for me, like you can track an insane amount of stuff and I often forget how the hell just to log that my period's started or ended lol.
What’s the last outdoors concert you went to? Alice Cooper, the only concert I've ever been to.
Are you allergic to any plants? I'm allergic to pollen.
What’s the last fast food place you went to? Uhhh pretty sure McDonald's, we haven't really eaten out much, less than usual even.
Which of your friends do your parents get along best with? I mean the only real "friend" I have in my face-to-face world is my boyfriend, and both my parents love him very much.
Is there anyone in your friendship group that your parents don't like? Read above.
You see someone you dislike crying. Do you still feel bad/sorry for them? Yes, I just really hate to see people hurting, never mind to the point they're crying about it.
Any ways in which you're very different from the person you love/like? Yes, I'm very anxious and emotional, meanwhile he's great at remaining calm and is very logical.
Who was the last person to un-friend you on Facebook? I dunno, nobody important enough for me to realize they're no longer on my feed, so.
Do you know why he/she decided to unfriend you? Obviously no, but odds are it would've been sharing something anti-religious.
Do you like to have Facebook clear-ups every now and then? I'll browse through my friends rarely to remove people I no longer really desire to keep up with, but that's done rarely, I keep a small friend's list in comparison to most others I know.
Can you write in cursive? I write primarily in cursive, so yes.
Have you ever viewed the moon through a telescope? No, but that'd be super cool!
Do you normally finish one book before starting another? Yes, always.
Do you prefer reading books, comic books, manga/graphic novels, magazines, or the newspaper? Normal books.
Book series you enjoyed reading recently? I've been reading the Wings of Fire series by Tui T. Sutherland for the past couple years. Slowly, though; I still have a book and a half until I'm done with the second plot arc.
Is your sibling missing someone right now? I don't have the slightest clue.
When was the last time you saw your ex? The beginning of February 2017.
Whose birthday did you last celebrate? My dad's.
Do you think anyone likes you? Other than my boyfriend, no, no one else romantically.
Why are you best friends with your best friend(s)? Because he never, ever gives up on me, clearly genuinely likes me the way I am, is very supportive, funny as hell, has a heart bigger than he realizes, and is just an all-around damn good person that just cares.
Do you plan on taking your husband’s last name if you ever marry? Yes, even though I hate Girt's last name more than I do mine, lol. I just want to anyway.
What did you last dream about? I can't really remember, but I know it was something really weird.
Have you ever been in the “friend zone”? No. I guess you could argue that was the case for a while with Jason after we split, but I can tell you with great confidence that that man wanted nothing to do with me, even as friends.
Have you ever had an STD? No.
What do you think it feels like to die? This isn't something I like thinking about, but I'd say it definitely depends on what you're dying from, but I would definitely assume confusion would be happening across the board as you realize your body is giving out.
Is the area you live in more liberal or conservative? Conservative as all get-out and I fucking hate it.
Do you know anyone who’s bipolar? Yes, I've been diagnosed and so has my mom's oldest daughter Katie. I'm sure I know more, too.
Do you have a lot of emotional baggage? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL OH BROTHER
Do you like apple soda? ... holy shit, have I ever HAD an apple soda??? I do know I've tried apple carbonated water, but I did hate that, which is odd because I generally love apple-flavored anything.
Are there any writing utensils close to you? Yes, a pencil with my drawing stuff as well as a pen I keep attached to my little monthly planner.
Do you watch football regularly? No, I watch no sports ever.
Do you have a bigger upper or lower lip? Lower, but the difference isn't major.
Are you currently doing any big projects? No, not really. I need to do something creative on a large scale again...
Do you have any screen names with spelling errors? Oh no, I'd never be able to keep that.
Would you rather be a ninja or a samurai? Samurai, probably. A female samurai would be dope. (I know they historically existed, but nowadays I think we generally associate the term with men, at least here in the USA.)
What’s your first language? American English.
What’s your sexuality? Pansexual I think, but I'm quite sure I sexually prefer traditionally male individuals, but I absolutely know I'm sexually attracted to feminine people too. Maybe I wouldn't have a preference if I actually had truly sexual experiences with non-cis male partners.
What’s your hobby? Art, photography and writing specifically.
What’s something you care desperately about? LGBTQ+ rights, it is SO difficult for me to wrap my head around people having a fucking problem with consensual, age-appropriate love.
If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? Girt.
Does anyone know your bank pin number other than you? Who? I don't even have a bank account because I have no income, so.
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend who was depressed? Yeah, Sara. I feel like Tyler may have been depressed too, he absolutely had something going on.
Would you be able to climb out your bedroom window to sneak out? Yes.
Are your parents gullible? My dad is, he's pretty clueless lol. Mom is more skeptical.
Do you still own a VCR? Definitely not anymore.
If you were in a car accident would the last person you kissed care? Uh yes, he'd freak the hell out, especially knowing how afraid I am of cars and driving as a whole.
Do you have a second home? Well in all technicality yeah, my dad's place. Girt and his family also put lots of emphasis on making myself at home there, but I'm still getting comfortable at his place because I go there so little.
Would you be surprised if you saw the last person you texted smoking? Yes, very; my mom smoked only very briefly in her youth and has never gone back, and she also does her best to take care of her body that was immensely weakened by cancer and the intense chemotherapy it demanded; she would not be willingly putting smoke into her body.
Does the smell of cigarettes, weed, and beer repulse you? All three of them, yes.
Was the last person you kissed younger or older than you? He's a couple years older.
Have you ever purchased Girl Scout cookies? Yeah, overpriced as shit though.
Do you like sitting on the inside or outside of a restaurant booth? Outside, I like having more space.
Have you ever worn fishnets? Only fishnet gloves. I DESPERATELY want to have fishnet stockings one day though, that shit is hot as FUCK.
Does your bathroom have a window? Neither one does.
Ever dated someone you were best friends with first? Yes.
How did you meet the last male you texted? We were both in band class in high school.
What underwater creature scares you the most? Giant squid.
Was there ever a bomb threat at the school you go/went to? Yes, we had multiple during my entire time in school.
Do you befriend others because of something you might gain from them? No, what the fuck. That's textbook using somebody.
What do you feel is the ugliest part of the human body? Genitals, and I'm talking any, sex does not matter to me when it comes to me just visually being grossed out by genitals.
Do you look like an idiot when you run? I'm still in a place where I'm certain I can't truly "run;" I have more strengthening of my legs to do before I'd feel safe even trying to.
Were you brought up with Nerf toys? I mean not "brought up" with them, but we had some.
Do you daydream? I mean I think everyone does, I do a lot though.
What’s your favorite kind of dog? I love Saint Bernards, akitas and shibas, Mexican hairless, chow chows, beagles, Samoyeds, and German shepherds, among soooo many others, dogs are just stunning with so much variety, it's incredible.
Do you chew gum? Not a lot or even regularly, but yeah, I will sometimes, but generally only if it's offered to me.
Do you like gummy candies? Yes, very much. I especially love sour gummies, and gummies in general are just a texture I really enjoy.
Do you lie? I know literally nobody who doesn't at some point, I'm no exception. I definitely try to avoid it though, and I don't really think I could stomach telling anything that exceeds being a harmless white lie.
Favorite zoo animal? Meerkats, when they're cared for properly and are a sub-species that handles captivity even remotely okay. It seems to be popular to overfeed them in captivity, and having too few individuals is very bad for their health, mental and physical. I'm definitely very critical of meerkat zoo habitats just with them being my favorite animal.
What was the last thing you watched on the TV? Some Naked and Afraid with Mom yesterday; that seems to be becoming our dinner thing, lol. I've been sitting out there with her longer at dinnertime and she seems to really enjoy me sitting out there with her so I wanna do that more, I need to. We live in the same house but I rarely do things with her or even in the same room.
Do you think pets can get annoying easily? Dogs can, at least for me. I very much prefer pets like cats with their heightened independence and stuff, clingy and needy dogs can quickly become overwhelming to me.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? No, but I VERY much want to one day, I was actually talking about this lightly with Mom yesterday.
Have you ever flown somewhere alone? Yes, to Illinois twice. Navigating airports was extremely stressful, but I managed.
Do you know anyone who hates/dislikes chocolate? My maternal grandmother didn't like chocolate unless it was something like a Reese's.
Are there any movies out that you’d like to see? I'd like to see the new Little Mermaid, however not enough to ask Mom or Girt if they want to because I love not being able to pay for myself. I'm waiting for the Barbie movie to come out, THAT looks like so much fun.
Did your parents ever ground you? Yes, Mom did anyway. She seemed to be the one with authority over that.
What is one musical artist you wish wasn’t making music? That's mean, even if I don't enjoy an artist's music, I'm not gonna WISH they weren't, because I assure you there are people who would be really bummed if they stopped. All I have to do is not listen to an artist I don't like, they don't need to stop creating.
Were you/are you popular in high school? I wasn't, popularity was never something I wanted in school.
Anything interesting happen this past week? Exactly a week ago I got my first wisdom tooth extracted, Friday I got my tattoo finished, and Sunday me and Mom spent a great day with Girt's family.
What’s on your mind this very second? I'm hungry, didn't eat breakfast today so I'm probably gonna get something after this.
Do you correct other people’s grammar/spelling when talking to them online? No, that's such an asshole move imo, unless they're literally asking for correction. I'll generally correct grammar I find it surveys, but I'm not pointing it out or bitching about it, I'm JUST fixing it. I think it's also very important to recognize that the person you're talking to may not speak the same first language as you, and it's impressive that they can speak a non-native language AT ALL, so just keep your mouth shut about it, it is not a big deal.
Is bacon one of your favorite foods? I do enjoy bacon a lot, but it's very easy to make it too crispy and burnt-tasting for me.
Do you like things vampire-related? I think vampires are cool, yeah, but I'm not automatically interested in something just because it's vampire content.
When was the last time you saw snow? It's been a few years. :/
Have you ever felt stupid after saying something? Literally fucking always, like I'm not even exaggerating.
Are you more of a mommy’s person or a daddy’s person? I've always been more of a mama's girl.
0 notes
deeeelightfuldee · 2 years
How much did your senior prom dress cost you?
I am pretty certain it was like 300 bucks, but I don’t really recall that for certain. It was a lot of money for us at the time, i know that much
What dreams have stuck with you since childhood?
Some repeated nightmares, stuff like that. Nothing worth putting in the effort to try and remember lol
Have you ever been in a serious romantic relationship?
Did you ever take your dog to school?
no, tbh he would have been such a wreck, but man i would have loved his company. I miss him so much.
If you had had a baby in high school, what would you have named him or her?
hahaha in hs all i loved was the name emma and the name matthew
If you had a baby now, what would you name him or her?
I have such a long list of names i love right now. A little more uhhh different?
Have you ever seen someone throw up on a plane?
Yes. so bad for them and for everyone else lol
Do you get motion sickness?
I very much do.
Has God ever healed you of anything? If so, what?
Yeah i mean like broken bones, illness, etc.
Do you find church fun or boring?
I really enjoy going to church
What do you hate the most about summer?
The heat and the sunshine. I just so despise it.
Which part of your body is the most muscular?
My legs probably
Did you ever take Latin in school?
Yes actually
Which major holiday is closest to your birthday?
Fourth of juy <3
What is your favorite Japanese name?
Never given that any thought, i would have to look at them.
Have you ever ran a cash register?
A lot.
Did you collect Bratz dolls when you were younger?
No. my parents thought they were trashy.
Do you think your mom is attractive?
Shes very, very pretty. For sure.
What was the last thing that disappointed you?
Loooooooool. Theres a lot lately. Im disappointed by stuff with K.. stuff with our family, stuff with relationships.
Do you like the feeling in your stomach on a big drop on a roller coaster?
i dont go on roller coasters but i think i know the feeling you mean and ummmm no.
Skeletons or scarecrows?
Do you own pumpkin earrings?
What computer game did you used to play all the time?
Tonka, where in time is carmen san diego, barbie riding club, Arthur's reading race, freddi fish
When was the last time you read a book?
Right before gram went on hospice I was reading a book every day and a half.
Would you allow your children to date prior to 16? (assuming you want any)
Ooooof. It wouldn't be enjoyable. Teenagers are rebellious and I would be a bit skeptical.
What was the last restaurant you made a reservation at?
Ummmmm online maybe. But I dont ever.
Which app on your phone do you tend to get the most notifications from?
What is something you gave up on after many failed attempts?
Ummmmmmm. No idea …
Do you watch political shows?
no not if I can help it
Do you play any fantasy/roleplaying games? What?
Not really no. i used to love sims but it takes up alllllllllll the space on any phone or computer
Do you like salami?
Yeah it's fine. I don't do it often
When was the last time you ate meat?
Yesterday. Then promptly threw up
What was the last hot drink you drank?
Hot chocolate
Have your parents met your boyfriend/exes?
My dad hasn't. My mom has
Do you know how to say I love you in at least 4 languages?
Do you find the sound of a cat’s purr relaxing?
Omfg yea
Do you know your mum’s first pet’s name?
Would you ever want to be famous? If so, for what?
not really, no. If I had to, then for something moving and cool
Would you ever get a heart tattoo or your back?
I suppose? But no. I don't forsee any tattooosssss.
What fruit can’t you stand?
Mangoes gross.
Do you know anyone autistic?
Do I know people who have autism? yes
How about someone bipolar?
Do I know someone who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder? yes
What do you consider private to you?
Romance, health, most things tbh lol
Name somebody you know who deserves a better life than they have:
Name something that you’re good at but don’t like:
Mediating. I dont mind it if its like friends i guess, or people that im completely unbiased or unfamiliar with. But i hate hate hate it when its like mom/gram, siblings, etc. noooooope.
Name something that you’re bad at but DO like:
Journaling consistently
Name somebody who has tried to help you and ended up hurting you:
Kile, zack
Name a date that has a lot of significance to you:
July 10, feb 2, november 11, dec 25
Name something in your life that was a blessing in disguise:
Oh boy. I need to think about that one
Name something that you’ve done that would be considered rebellious:
Went out over curfew, “trespassed”, stole when i was a toddler lol
Name something you wish you had enough money to do:
Have my own place, have a car, buy makeup/hair stuff, go to the doctor, etc
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It’s been a long time since I’ve put fingers to keys. I’ve had some amazing cheerleaders here on Tumblr who have helped me get out of my writer’s block and actually put pen to paper. As always, feedback is most appreciated!
Warnings: cursing
Prompt: my neighbor’s at my door asking if everything is alright because it smells like something is burning and I was only trying to cook for once and this is embarrassing but they decided to help me fix this mess.
The fire alarm blared as he opened the open to check on the chicken. Smoke billowed out as a cuss word escaped his mouth. Between the blare of the alarm and the choking smoke, his heart beating loudly in his ears as the panic started to creep up his back.
Grabbing the pot holders, he reached into the oven, grabbed the glass pan, dropping it on the stovetop with a groan. “Great.” He muttered, shaking his head as he made his way over to the blaring smoke alarm.
Waving the pot holder in front of the blaring alarm, he sighed as silence enveloped the apartment.
The silence was interrupted by a hurried knock on his front door. Another groan escaped his mouth as he tried to figure out who could be on the other side. Mrs. Wilson was a crotchety old woman who lived two doors down from him and always tried to bring him stale cookies and always told him he could stand to “eat a bit more”. Or it could be the cute boy who moved in the month before. Albert didn’t want to get his hopes up but he was praying that it was the latter rather than Mrs. Wilson.
Walking over to the door, he hurriedly yanked it open as the cute stranger quickly lowered his arm. Albert pushed a sheepish grin onto his face as he leaned against the door jam. “Hi!”
“Everything okay?” The cute boy asked, raising an eyebrow in question. “It smells like something is burning and those fire alarms do tend to blare pretty loudly.”
“Just trying to attempt to cook dinner.” Albert scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry about the disturbance.”
The cute boy smirked. “I’ve seen food being delivered at all hours of the day. Why mess up the system you so clearly have down pat?”
“Do you have a name? I can’t keep calling you cute boy in my head. And for your info, I was told by a very important person to quit wasting my money on takeout and learn how to cook.” Albert shrugged. “Clearly it didn’t go well.”
The cute boy chuckled, shaking his head. “Cute boy, huh? It’s Thomas but all of my friends call me Finch. And for the love of everything holy, don’t quit your day job. Also, if you need help, I could help you - that’s kind of my job.” Finch rambled on as a smirk crossed Albert’s face. Finch grinned, shifting his weight to hold out his hand. “And cute neighbor boy, what’s your name?”
“Name is Albert, but a lot of my friends call me Red.” Reaching over, he put his hands in Finch’s, shaking it. “If you’re offering, I’d love some assistance.”
Pushing open the door wider, Albert waved his hand as Finch slipped past him. “So what were you attempting to cook that ended in this disaster?”
“Chicken - thought a nice meal of chicken, mashed potatoes and broccoli. I wanted something that reminded me of home. Didn’t know this whole cooking thing would be so hard.” Albert groaned. “Why do you enjoy it so much?”
Finch chuckled, leaning against the cupboard. “It’s relaxing and you can create a good meal and afterwards appreciate your hard work.”
“Whatever you say.” Albert rolled his eyes as Finch rolled up his sleeves and quickly washed his hands before raising an eyebrow in Albert’s direction. “What are you in the mood for? I’d say your chicken isn’t salvageable.”
Hopping up to sit on the countertop, Albert smirked, giving him a challenging look. “What’s your favorite meal to make?”
Reaching to open the cupboard next to him, Finch chuckled. “Well, now I know why you like to order food in so frequently.”
“Grocery stores scare me. They’re overwhelming.” Albert shrugged. “And most of the time I don’t know where half the items I’m searching for are located within the store.”
Finch nodded, continuing his search for whatever was going on in his mind. “Make sense. That’s why I use a grocery app to get food delivered - problem solved. But you don’t have much here. Let me go grab some supplies from my place and I’ll be right back.”
Albert watched him walk out of his apartment with a shake of his head. He tried to figure out what the hell had just happened and if his life had just changed for the better. Before he could move, Finch was back with some items in his arms, dropping them on the counter to Albert’s right.
“Now where are your pots and a strainer?” Finch asked, looking over at Albert.
A wicked grin crossed Albert’s face. “Why do you assume I have pots and a strainer?”
“Well in my search, I found a zester so if you have that fancy piece of equipment, I’m assuming you have pots and a strainer, smartass.” Finch raised an eyebrow. “Now where do you keep them hidden?”
Pointing to the cupboard below his hip, Albert smirked watching Albert crouch down, ruffling through the cupboard for the requested items. “So . . . uhhh do you have a significant other?”
Filling the pot with water, Finch snorted. “That’s the best conversation starter you could come up with?”
“I mean, I hate awkward silence so yes.” Albert defended. “My brain is all mushy since you’ve taken over my kitchen. So . . .”
Finch put the pot on the stove with a nod of understanding. “Painfully single for the last three months. I had a bad breakup which left me searching for a place. You?”
“No, I haven't had one for a while. Constantly looking though.” Albert grinned, eyebrows raised. “So, what are you making me for dinner?”
Finch rummaged through the cupboard again, coming out victoriously with a grater. “Figured you can’t go wrong with mac and cheese . . . unless you’re allergic to cheese or wheat?”
“Nope and nope. You’re good there. But I am allergic to shellfish.” Albert grinned, as a phone dinged with an incoming text. They both moved to look at their phones. Albert groaned, letting his head hit the cupboard behind him.
“Duly noted. You okay over there?” Finch said adding some salt to the pot watching lazy bubbles bubbled in the water.
Albert threw his phone down on the counter with a sigh. “Big family to do this weekend that I’m slightly not looking forward to.”
“Big family?” Finch asked, opening the box of noodles before pouring them into the boiling water.
He nodded, flipping through the photos on his phone before stopping at a family photo, showing it to Finch. “Adopted family. Jack and Race are my older brothers. Romeo is my younger brother and Smalls is the only girl and my younger sister. Jack and Race’s significant others will be there as well. It’s pure mayhem and craziness.”
“Wow big family. Any nieces or nephews?” Finch asked, quickly stirring the noodles before turning the heat down slightly. “Also, make yourself useful and grate the cheese.”
Albert grabbed a plate from the drying rack before starting to do what he was told. “Jack and his wife Katherine have a little girl named Emmie and they’re pregnant with their second; they’re not finding out the gender because they want to be surprised.” Albert rolled his eyes. “Race and his husband Spot are in the process of adopting a little girl named Noelle. They’re hoping to finalize the adoption in the upcoming weeks. So it’s even more mayhem with littles around.”
“That’s gotta be fun. It’s just me and my younger sister so there’s not much mayhem when we all get together.” Finch shrugged, watching Albert for a second. “I don’t even want to ask but you do have butter in the fridge, right?”
Smirking, a chuckle escaped Albert’s mouth. “Yes, I have butter and milk as well for your info.”
“So when you referenced that a very important person told you to stop wasting your money on take out, who were you referring to?” Finch asked as he drained the noodles in the strainer before dumping them back into the pot. He quickly grabbed the milk and butter from the fridge before adding a bit of both to the pot as Albert dumped the cheese in.
“That would be my sister-in-law, Katherine.” Albert said with a roll of his eyes. “She stopped by last week and couldn’t believe all of the takeout containers in the trash and fridge. One hastily worded text message was sent to my momma and I got a strongly worded lecture on how I’m 25 and should be able to cook and fend for myself.”
Finch threw his head back laughing loudly, taking a brief pause from stirring the mac and cheese together. “Well, I’m 26 and I get the lecture all the time about dusting and vacuuming.”
“So you feel my pain.” Albert exclaimed with a grin. “But I’m thankful for all that momma has done and will happily take her strongly worded lectures on any given day, even if they’re a lil intense and leave me a little bit frightened for my life.”
Finch nodded, and with a final stir, he clapped his hand together. “Alright, I think this is ready. Bowls?”
Albert grabbed two from the drying rack. “Alright, here’s the truest test - fork or spoon?”
“Spoon, why kind of heathen do you think I am?” Finch exclaimed as Albert shook his head.
“The kind that uses a spoon in mac and cheese rather than a fork.” Albert deadpanned, giving him a look as he drew out both a spoon and a fork from the drawer. “You’re an absolute heathen and I’m almost ashamed to know you.”
Finch dished some up in each bowl with a smirk, handing one to him as he grabbed the spoon from Albert’s hand. “Almost ashamed? You mean our beautiful friendship might live to see another day?”
“I mean, we’ll see how you did with the mac and cheese but I’d say this could live to see many days, weeks, and possibly years.” Albert said, stabbing several noodles with his fork before putting them in his mouth. He wasn’t ashamed that the most ungodly moan escaped his mouth. “Holy shit, this is amazing.”
Finch laughed, spooning some into his own mouth. “Want to amend your words about keeping me around?”
“How about you go on a date with me first and we’ll see where things go from there?” Albert raised an eyebrow in a challenge.
Finch nodded. “That can be arranged. What are you doing tomorrow night?”
“Apparently not getting take out and going out with you somewhere?” Albert bit back, before stabbing additional noodles and continuing to eat.
Finch grinned. “It’s a date.”
Thank you for reading! Many thanks to @cutesiewooren for being the ultimate cheerleader! So what did you think? If I was to continue this, what would you like to see? Any feedback would be lovely and would make my day!
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
friday shenanigans
Kozume Kenma x bestfriend!reader
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𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 - 𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥
[a/n: soooo I’m gonna start another series, this time with my baby boy Kenma🥺 I love him so much, here’s part 1, enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´- ]
“Kenmaaaa! I really want a frog, I think I’m actually gonna do it this time.” You ungracefully fell back and laid on his lap as you watched yet another tik tok video with an insanely cute frog.
“Sure you are (y/n).” Kenma sighed as he fondly shook his head, moving his arms a bit so you could lay down comfortably as he played his game.
The reason he didn’t believe you was because every Friday that you had gone and slept over at his house, you always said that you were going to get a pet frog and you never did. So you saying it this time, didn’t change anything.
“Plus, I think Worm would eat it the day you got it.” He motioned to your cat that was resting on the windowsill.
“Hmm...you may be right.” You muttered as you continued to scroll through tiktok, laughing at stupid videos and lifting your phone so Kenma could see them too.
Tiktok had definitely ruined your sense of humor. For the both of you.
This time, you guys were having the sleepover at your house since your folks were out of town for the weekend and you had to take care of your cat. The up-side to having someone who plays the same amount of video games as him, you had the same consoles and games that Kenma did so it didn’t matter who’s house you were at.
“I thought you were gonna play this with me?” Kenma huffed. You had finally gotten My Hero: One Justice and he really wanted to play a 1v1 match against you.
“After we go get food with Kuroo, I have like zero energy right know.“ You had moved your arms so dramatically that you accidentally threw yourself off of the couch and onto the wood flooring. You had landed on your side with a groan.
“You’re so stupid.” Kenma laughed softly as he nudged your stomach with his foot to push you onto your back.
“Don’t laugh at my pain!” You exaggeratedly rested the back of your hand against your forehead. Just then, the doorbell rang before the door swung open.
“Your lord and savior is here!” Kuroo held his arms out as he cackled. The sound of Worm running caught your attention.
“AHH Kuroo, shut the door! Worm is gonna get out!” The door slammed shut, followed by a peeved meow.
“I swear, it’s like he was a dog in his past life or something...” You sat up and watched as Kuroo tossed his bag haphazardly and bent down to pick up the cat and petting him behind the ears.
“You’re telling me. You would be the one to have a broken cat.”
“He’s not broken!” You gasped in mock offense, “He just...has his days.” 
“So, what are we eating?”
Kenma paused the game and all three of you exchanged glances. There was silence for a good three minutes before Kenma spoke up.
“Mc...Donalads...” He suggested carefully.
“Hmm yeah, I’m down.” You nodded in agreement.
“Same here.” Kuroo grinned while twirling his keys around his fingers. Kenma moved to put on his shoes, you stood up and looked down at yourself. You had your spandex shorts on from practice and a nekoma hoodie.
“Should I change?” Both boys paused and looked at me for a second.
“Eww! Have you not showered yet?” Kuroo stuck his tongue out.
“Wha-I took a shower right after practice!” You defended with a pout, “Who do you think I am, you gremlin?”
Kenma snickered quietly. “You look good (y/n), don’t worry.” His words making you blush.
“Thank you Kozu, at least one of you is helpful.” You glared, Kuroo just shrugging with a mischievous wink.
Not bothering to put on actual shoes, you slipped on your red crocs, one had a volleyball charm on it and the other one had a ‘5′ charm on it because, coincidentally, you and Kenma had the same number jersey. 
“Again with the crocs!” Kuroo groaned.
“Get ready to catch these hand Tetsu, you literally have a pair too. We all bought them at the same time.” You rolled your eyes, pulling your socks back up so the hem rested against your shins.
You and Kenma walked over to the door before you paused and stared at Worm, he stared back at you with the same intensity. “Should I leave him here? Or take him with us?” You wondered aloud.
“Take him.” Kuroo immediately nodded. “It’s hysterical seeing people’s reaction to a cat on a leash.” That’s all the convincing you needed. You grabbed the leash and Worm ran towards you, meowing excitedly.
“Maybe you are broken...”You muttered as you slipped him into his harness and attached the leash and off you guys went
It was always the same seating arrangement, Kuroo driving, Kenma in shotgun, and you in the back.
Music blasting and windows down, both you and Kuroo were just belting the lyrics shamelessly while Kenma just bobbed his head and mouthed the words. Vibing while playing on his switch. He would pause and watch as you smiled and laughed as you just sang your little heart out, blush on his cheeks at how adorable you were.
He always enjoyed that he was the only one who had the privilege of seeing you in sweats and hoodies, in big t-shirts, hair all over the place, bare faced and slouched against the couch at 3am while you guys played video games or binge watched an anime again. He thought you were beautiful all the time. Sweaty and red-faced during a game or hair and makeup done while you dressed in streetwear.
Kuroo knew. Of course he knew. Kenma never really told him but he didn’t need to. He could just tell, Kenma wasn’t obvious with his feelings but Kuroo had known the both of you long enough to eventually figure out that the two of you were pining for each other. It made him happy to see the way you two looked at each other when you thought no one was looking. He made it his mission to get you two to finally get together before the school year ends. He wants to see the both of you happy before he goes of to college.
He pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store. As the three of you walked to the entrance, the glances at your cat on a leash was priceless.
“So what’s the game plan?” You asked as you picked up Worm and he jumped onto you shoulder, perching there while nuzzling against your neck.
“I’ll get the drinks, you get the chips and stuff, and Kenma will get the candy.” Kuroo instructed and we all separated.
“Oh! Kozu! Get the-”
“I know, the matcha caramels. I got it.”
You bit your lip, heart swelling a little bit as you turned around and went to the snack aisle.
“Alright Worm, what snack are we feeling tonight?” You asked absentmindedly as he just purred in response.
“You’re right. We definitely need the taiyaki biscuits. Now the question in, chocolate or green tea?” You thought for a bit before Worm meowed this time. “What an intellectual, I’ll just get two of each. Thanks bud.” After piling your arms with snacks, you made your way to find Kuroo and Kenma.
“So uh when are you gonna, you know, stop being a simp and just tell (y/n) you like her?”
“I’m not a simp, Kuroo.” Kenma grumbled as he placed the candy he got in the cart.
“So you literally looking at her with puppy dog eyes is all my imagination?” Kenma just shrugged and before he could respond, Worm was making his way towards them while dragging the leash behind them but you were no where to be seen.
“Where’s (y/n)?” Kuroo wondered as Kenma bent down and picked up the cat.
“Goddamnit Worm! Where are you?” Was heard in what sounded like the next aisle.
“God?” Kenma slapped his forehead and sighed as he held back a laugh.
“Yes and I have a message for you! You are banned from heaven for wearing those god forsaken crocs!”
“Kuroo shut up! I’m trying to look for Worm!” At your shouts, Worm meowed lordly.
“Is he there with you?”
“Yeah, he’s right here.” Kenma called in response as you finally made your way to them. You carefully tossed the snacks into the cart.
“You little prick, I trusted you.” You booped Worm’s nose while glaring at him.
You guys paid and made your way back to the car and heading to the McDonald’s, you and Kenma telling Kuroo your orders so you guys wouldn’t have to order.
While you guys waited, you and Kuroo made some tiktoks. You guys both had a pretty big following on the app, the three of you were always making an appearance together on both accounts. Kenma participated in some of them, some he was just in the background. People LOVED him, you’d never admit it but some of the comments that asked about his socials or said that they were gonna ‘simp’ over him made you jealous. They shouldn’t have, since you two weren’t together but they did. He’d seen the comments but never mentioned them. They didn’t really matter to him though. After getting your orders and keeping Worm out of the bags, you guys finally got back to your house.
You three claimed your spots in the living room and Kenma popped in the My Hero game. Kuroo watched as the two of you had a 1v1. He wasn’t really interested in games that much, he just loved to watch and wait till one of you just rage quit. It didn’t happen often but when it did, it was a gem to see. After like 10 rounds, you quit after Kenma beat you 7-3.
“Kozu! I didn’t even get to finish that combo.” His eyes widened as you turned to look at him. You had been sitting on the ground and now you were looking up at him with a pout. His mind raced as he turned away to hide his blush.
“It’s not my fault you suck...”
“You wound me, Kozu! You wound me!”
“Can we try out this dance, (y/n)? It looks easy.”
“Uhhh sure.”
You guys mirrored his phone to the tv and watched the dance.
“What the hell? This isn’t easy at all!” Kenma couldn’t help but watch yours and Kuroo’s uncoordinated movements in an attempt to copy the person on screen. The two of you were usually pretty good at the dances, it was just a long process that he loved to watch.
His eyes widened when your hips swayed so fluidly, the motion was smooth and effortless. He buried his face in Worm’s soft fur, letting out a tiny groan.
Why were you doing this to him?
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sword-of-summer · 3 years
All of them answer every question fuck you
ahahaha no i respectfully deny your "fuck you" and i accept the ask and so-
i am 5'10", and i don't wish to be taller or shorter- i am the perfect height for hugs and messy hair, and yep, i like it here-
dream pet would be a mix of golden retriver and a husky called Holly and a chonky cat called Loki- yes ofcourse my future kids have names everyone should name their future pets-
ripped jeans/black pants with a Darth Vader tshirt or a Ethnic Fusion Kurta with black sneakers/artificial leather slip-ons, and if it's cold, a black jacket open obviously- and a black wristwatch i love my black wristwatch.
favourite video game was Clash of Clans and going even back, GTA Vice City and, the og- MARIIOOOO
three things/people are Oreos, Nutella and Pizza. The Holy Trinity-
"Beware me my fingers are smeared with chicken popcorn grease"
you didn't mention an opinion, @chunkybirb, so imma give my opinion on Vanilla ice cream and Nutella- ANYONE WHO HADN'T COMBINED THESE TWO COMBINE THESE TWO THEY ARE FUCKING AWESOME
im either phlegmatic or melancholic bruh idk maybe ik or maybe not
im v v v v ticklish
not an allergy, but an intense hatred for ketchup- i vomit if it gets too close to me fuck you ketchup
im heterosexual
any between tea and coffee but full milk coffee (ik, kill me), never had cocoa- but i love a chocolate or nutella milkshake
both. both is good. (cat and dog)
i would be an elf cause hell yeah, knowledge and wisdom
favourite youtuber is Samay Raina, a stand up comedian turned youtuber who is just awesome-
as i mentioned in 1., i am 5'10"
i would not change my name cause it's the coolest fucking name ever, i am Tanay, and Tanay in Hindi means Son, and my parents literally named their son Son, and hell yeah i like it
i forgot how much i weigh- last i checked it was 75 kilos, but ive gained weight since 2019 so yep, gotta walk in the mornings
yes i believe in metaphysicality cause one- it seems cool- second- me and @theclassyghost discussed a metaphysical life theory that i really really like and metaphysicality gives preservation of knowledge so i believe in spirits
im not that religious, no
pet peeves no well nah not really
nocturnal def nocturnal i sleep at 4.50 anyway hehehehe
fav constellation is Cassiopeia
fav star is Sirius tho
what the fuck are ball jointed dolls
i do have a fear of losing people that's just anxiety i guess
yep, global warming is real
never thought that much about reincarnation tbh but maybe, i do
fav movie is Spider Man : Into The SpiderVerse and Inception and The Dark Knight Rises and Revenge of The Sith and yes, for my indian gang, 3 Idiots and Gully Boy
yep i get scared v v v easily
i have had no pets but i plan to once i grow up
@chunkybirb 's blog is fucking cool awesome and *chef's kiss* a masterpiece
blue calms me. i love blue.
live in Norway cause pretty lights, snow, and less people than this overpopulated country i am in
born in Mumbai, India
v v v dark brown like it's almost black but no it's dark brown
horoscopes and zodiacs, i do read them, never believed that much tbh-
i really wanna visit my brother i haven't met him in a long time i really wanna play cricket w him just like old times
my sister- she's annoying but well i care for her
tattoos idk bruh im okay idk may get one or may not get one
nope, smoking is ewwww *vomits*
ah my crush- she's cool [ if she exists
when the chalk doesn't write on the board but goes iiiiiieeee I HATE THAT
a sound i love is rain pitter pattering i just hhhhhh sends me into happiness
nope fatass here
nope fatass here
favourite actors have to be eddie redmayne, oscar issac and pedro pascal- and margot robbie and winona ryder in the actresses section also yes, elliot page
bruh already answered in 30.
im okayish!! spotify and tumblr, cool combo-
my hair are okay being black for me
yesterday, monday, from 6.40 to 6.50
uhhh naah not that i know of
well in Rick Riordan's Magnus Chase books, the sword of Frey aka Sumarbrander TALKS and demands to be called Jack, so here i am
bakwaas, music and comfy
yep, i believe in evolution
unfollow on hate and when they dm me sending nsfw pics ugh why are people like that
follow, well, i like people and they seem cool, so i follow them
fav kind of person is the one who'll sit with me for hours not even talking and just vibing to music
fav animals are beavers, doggos and cats
three fav blogs are @chunkybirb, @theclassyghost, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @aredhel-of-gondolin, @sue-me-imbadass, @alleenkaas, @my-ackerman, @brrrrrrrrrrzone
fav emoticon has to be ☹ this me seeing my stupidity outrank others
fav meme has to be Butternut is a master of psychological manipulation
Libraaa let's go
no dog, i have
black darth vader tshirt, black pants, black sneakers and black wrist watch
i have no selfies my phone has no cameras i live in eternal darkness
what the fuck are platform shoes
i, uhhh, i remember weird things like what i drew in class in 3rd while i was supposed to be doing english
lazy ass here, no front flips possible
i like birds they fly
nope i don't Iike swimming i like blankets
wrapped up in blankets reading books sounds better than both
hyperspace travel
nope none
reading writing eating sleeping
my friend
tumblr seems cool
i have around 60-70 idk
yes i can run but why
yes they do but what's the fun in that
nope I'd fall over
sapphire let's go
koala bear or panda
sunflower or the one on a lemon tree
ketchup store
one cup of coffee is enough, tysm
read minds that sounds cool cool yeaaahh
nope never wore it a black clothes guy here BatMan
winter winter all year long
i don't know and i don't wanna try
i don't know and i don't wanna know
everyone cause they are better than me
bookstores cause bookstores any bookstores
sneakers, black onez
apparently some gas bitches mixed up to form a planet
non vegetarian but i partake meat just twice or thrice in two weeks
i don't know they don't seem like liking
bugs ew
spiders ew
about the fact that i come off as arrogant and overconfident while in reality it's just that my communication skills suck
i can draw averagely whenever im in a mood
this thing im answering but i like answering it
uhhhhhhh brain freeze- idk bruh questions are good they give knowledge
yep, while sleeping
ahh yes calming, they are
cloudy days cause fucking cool vibes
hehehe wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy
CumuloNimbus i really like it's name yknow nimBUS
dark blue, dark blue always or black
naaaah no freckles
fav thing is when they laugh and it's just happy and we're both laughing like shitheads but who cares we're rebelling against depressing life and we laugh
both. both is good [ fruits and vegetables
sleep but i have to answer 170 questions cause @chunkybirb
sky sky sky it's my blog's header duh uh sKy
sweet and sour candy. SWEET AND SOUR CANDY.
dim lights it makes me feel cool
ahhh so here we go- Mooncalfs, Thunderbirds, Phoenixes, Sphinxes, Dragons that seem to be Space Nebulae, and more and more and more
i really feel like a boomer sometimes
i love everything about this site/app it makes me feel happy cause i like the people and the posts
uhhhhh i think too much about everything cause i just do. i like thinking
"He's dead, guys. For the sake of The Force, please watch Star Wars now he wanted to discuss it with you" actually no i would just say "A big shoutout to Garlic Bread he loved Garlic Bread"
myself cause i should be sleeping but sleep is for the weak and i am the weak and the strong i am a paradox-
that i obsess too much on things and try involving people it never works out
nope. had braces for 4 years, that beat out teeth showing smiles
i prefer computer-tv ahahahahaha
never tried them, so IDK
naaaaah not motion sickness- never travelled by sea so idk seasickness
lobed ears
yep i believe that deeds do count in life and beyond
idk bruh i don't believe in physical attraction too much- bodies are fake- mentally/metaphysically tho, im a 7
ahhhhh many many Stupid Genius, Tani, Tanu, Tanya
i still do-
i really want to talk to a therapist. converse. and discover.
im both, i am both.
10:1 is the ratio- giving 10, receiving 1
uhhh nothing just when i am right and people use the old "disrespect" argument
3, Hindi, Marathi, English
uhh no i am not
my hair i love them everyone says things about my hair but i love them
knowledge vibes i give, someone tells me- and that's all i ever wanted
anyone i know tbh, my mutuals, my friends, my discord friends
ahhh no i wouldn't but i wish i was born 20 years earlier
bleh bloo, neither like nor dislike
i don't know if i have one
i don't know, haven't had physical contact in a long long long time in a galaxy far far away
the above point stands but i would like to ig
anything i write, 3 hours later, i instantly hate just idk why
anything i write
that i am normal no i am not and i am not okay hahahahaha
65-70 ish people
somewhere around-
many many many don't ask please but okay if you do ask
uhhhhh idr exactly but i won't tell in public duh uh
mediummm hairrrr
last year lockdown i became harry potter
i don't know buddy i seriously don't know
yep i do cause knowledge i like knowledge
naaah never tried
no i definitely cannot stand on my hands or my head for more than 30 seconds
yep, im pretty sure i answered most of them correctly-
og link-
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Girl I Met On The Internet, 3/? (Crystal x Gigi) - Strawberry
a/n: sorry i haven’t updated in a bit! i had a migraine for almost a week straight so it took me a hot minute to finish this lol but i hope you guys enjoy this chapter!! and i want to thank everyone again for all of the positive feedback!! it means the world to me <3
It had now been two months since Gigi met Crystal and she had never enjoyed being on Twitter more than she did now. Sure, her past self said the exact same thing when she had met Jan almost two years ago, and then when they had befriended Jaida, Nicky and Heidi, but this felt so much different. Gigi loved the other four girls to death, but she had made a stronger connection with Crystal, despite knowing her for the least amount of time.  
Whether it was messaging Crystal about nothing, or replying to her tweets with nonsense, Gigi spent almost every minute she was online interacting with her. Gigi could not deny it anymore, she was definitely whipped for this girl she had met on the internet, and the other girls were definitely starting to catch on.
jaida @.essenceofbey 
if gigi doesn’t stop flirting and actually ask crystal out in the next two minutes i’m going to block her
nicky @.nickisdoll
well… au revoir, gigi! 
gigi @.bitchjenner
i have no idea what u guys are talking about! crystal and i are platonic soulmates!
Despite the fact she made her crush on her new friend incredibly obvious, Gigi refused to actually acknowledge it. Jan and Nicky were the most determined to try to get Gigi to crack, but the most Gigi would say that Crystal is just really nice and funny, and would change the subject immediately. Gigi didn’t think she had it in her to tell any of her friends, let alone Crystal how she felt, even though she desperately wanted to, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it yet, no matter how much she wanted to. 
Gigi’s feelings were very new to her. She knew she liked girls, but none of her crushes had ever lasted for more than two weeks. Gigi always saw this as a good thing, as she wasn’t out to anyone besides her mother and the group chat and she planned to keep it that way until she had moved away for college. She never planned on pursuing anyone romantically until she was older. 
Crystal, however, made this promise extremely hard to keep. As unfamiliar the feelings Gigi had whenever she talked to and flirted with Crystal were, she liked them. A lot.
Gigi came to realize that this made her feel vulnerable, which she was also not used to in the slightest. Gigi loved to pretend that she did not have feelings, and if she could, she would keep up that facade for the rest of her life.  
On top of all of this, Gigi felt guilty about keeping this from Jan. Jan had a handful of flings and even a girlfriend since they had become friends, and she told Gigi every single detail about the various girls and the experiences with them, and even cried to Gigi for days when said girlfriend broke up with her. Gigi wanted to give that energy back. 
Gigi weighed the pros and cons of telling Jan. The only con was that Jan would know that Gigi is capable of feeling emotions, which she didn’t like, but she was able to convince herself that it wasn’t that big of a deal. So, when Gigi had gotten home from cheer, she enlightened Jan.  
gigi: hey jan guess what
jan!: hm?
gigi: what if i told u that uhhh 
gigi: ihaveacrushoncrystal
jan!: i would say i’m not surprised. you hated one direction before you met her and you made her tell you everything about them.
gigi: no u are surprised this is brand new information
jan!: so glad you admitted it finally tho <3
jan!: are you gonna ask her out??
gigi: i dont know
gigi: she lives in missouri too so we might not have to do long distance but idk where bc i panicked at the thought of her being close to me and lowkey shut it down
jan!: omg could you imagine if yall were irls
gigi: i would know if she lived in my town… there’s no way i could miss her chaotic energy
jan!: okay but you need to tell her
jan!: i know you hate talking about feelings bc you think you’re a robot but if you can tell me, you have it in you to tell her too. i believe in you and i know the other girls do too.
gigi: i will this weekend. i promise
Gigi did not tell Crystal that weekend. She didn’t tell her the next weekend, either. There were a couple of letters Gigi had written in her notes app confessing her feelings for Crystal, but they never made it out. Every time she went to copy it to send to Crystal, she backed out. 
gigi @.jennerbitch
this is impossible
crystal @.mitamcrystal
what is? ily :(
gigi @.jennerbitch
i dont wanna talk about it
Crystal had noticed the shift in Gigi’s energy almost instantly. The girl who was usually confident and witty almost always seemed nervous and somewhat irritated, and would always deny it and change the subject if Crystal mentioned it. 
Crystal couldn’t help but be upset about this; she was extremely emotional and took almost everything to heart! Her brain had instantly come up with the conclusion that Gigi figured out she liked her, and was uncomfortable with it. Deep down, Crystal knew this didn’t make sense, as Gigi would still flirt with her occasionally. Gigi would’ve stopped if Crystal liking her made her uncomfortable, right?
The old Gigi came back one day. It had only been two weeks since this had started, but to Crystal, it felt much longer. 
crystal @.mitamcrystal
i kinda wanna dye my hair again… thoughts?
gigi @.jennerbitch
omg yes dm me now
gigi: crystal crystal cryssieeeeee
gigi: what color do u want to dye ur hair???
gigi: i think green would look nice!
crystal: i was thinking pink but i think i’m on team green now
gigi: hehe good <3
Crystal grinned. She wasn’t sure why this in particular made Gigi go back to normal, she found it extremely odd but she was not going to complain. Crystal had missed this.
When she headed to the store to get the hair dye, Crystal updated Gigi on everything happening; the stray cat she saw, the fact that the only non-natural hair color available was neon green for some bizarre reason, even the fact that Crystal knew the cashier from school. Gigi knew Crystal was doing this because she had missed feeling close to her, and Gigi loved every single minute of it. 
Crystal stopped updating her when it was time to actually dye her hair, saying she didn’t want her phone to be green. Gigi understood but was sad; she wanted to keep talking to Crystal to make up for the two weeks they had gone without talking for more than ten minutes at a time. She told herself that it was okay, they were back to normal and as long as she didn’t fuck up again, she could have Crystal back for good.
A couple hours later, Crystal finally returned.
crystal: it’s done!!!! 
gigi: ooooh lemme see!!!!
gigi: only if u want to show me ofc.. i dont want u to be uncomfortable.
crystal: hold on… i need to find a snapchat filter that makes me look pretty 
gigi: :(( i bet u look pretty no matter what
crystal: ehhhh 
gigi: im right!!!
crystal: what if… you sent me a selfie back… aha… unless?
gigi: i think i could arrange that… it’s only fair!
crystal: OMG YAY!!!
crystal: ok here it is! hi :)
When the image loaded, Gigi’s stomach dropped. Not because Crystal was ugly, she was the complete opposite. There was no doubt that Crystal was beautiful, even her teeth were perfect. Her brown eyes were rich and soft, and her hair was shoulder-length and very curly. The neon green looked great on her. She had even found a filter that put little dinosaurs on her rosy cheeks, Gigi thought that filter was made for Crystal.
gigi: CRYSTAL!!!! ur so stunning holy fuck
gigi: but i dont think ur gonna think the same about me
Gigi was not going to let herself back out this time. It was now or never. She sent her selfie in return, preparing for the worse. Crystal was not going to be happy.
crystal: uh
crystal: what the fuck
Gigi’s stomach had dropped because she knew Crystal from school.
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Survey #380
“so tear me open, but beware: there’s things inside without a care”
What do you want more than anything else? Good health, on both fronts. Have you ever tried coconut water? No, but I've heard it's gross. Who was your first love? My first "real" boyfriend, Jason. Have you ever been to a convention? (comic, YouTube, etc.) I've been to a reptile convention. Have you ever done a first aid course? No. What internet browser do you use? Well, I typically use Google Chrome, but because it hasn't been loading webpages for me, I've been using Microsoft Edge lately. Are you addicted to any energy drinks? No; I don't like energy drinks. How often do you see your mother? Every day, because I live with her. Do you like croutons in your salad? No. Are you the one who vacuums your house? Mom and I both do it. When was the last time your living room furniture was rearranged? It hasn't been rearranged in this house, but arranged when we moved in. What company do you get your internet through? Suddenlink. When you were little, did you like watching Cartoon Network, Disney, or Nickelodeon more? Disney tops 'em. I didn't watch very much Cartoon Network. If you have siblings, when was the last time you saw them? I see Nicole usually every Wednesday because she eats dinner with us. I haven't seen Ash in a little while. Misty and Katie both visited the house pretty recently, and I haven't seen Bobby for a few years. I really miss him and his son. How many cars does your household own? One. What’s your favourite meat? Chicken or pork. What’s the best amusement park you’ve ever visited? Disney World. How old were you when you got your first car? I've never had my own car. What colour is your shampoo? White. Are you listening to music right now? If so, what’s the theme of the lyrics? "Pet" by A Perfect Circle. Manipulation of a child would be my guess. What was the last thing you had to eat? I had cookies 'n cream yogurt. Are you picky about brand name for anything? Probably for some things, but nothing's coming to me right now. Do elevators freak you out? Yes. The idea of getting stuck freaks me out. Are you still in touch with your best friend from high school? No. Have you ever visited any celebrity gravesites? No. How do you feel about archaeology? I think it's very fascinating. How do you find new music to listen to when you want it? YouTube recommendations, usually. What is your favorite thing to do on The Sims? I only played the animals one, in which case I loved breeding them to see the babies, haha. Do you have any tattoos? Ye boiiiii If yes, is there any meaning behind them? All of them. If no, do you want any? What would you like? N/A Have you dyed your hair more than once (and different colors)? Oh yeah. Which hair color you’ve had has been your favorite? Red. Your favorite place to be aside from your home? Sara's house, haha. If you were stupid-rich, would you ever actually want a mansion? Nah, I don't need that much space. And I'm not really into hiring a maid or something to clean the place. Did you ever sit alone at lunch in school? Yes. I was usually too shy to "force" (as I saw it) my way into other's space, so I really only sat down with friends or acquaintances if I was asked. What is your least favorite beverage? Probably cranberry juice. Do you shave up past your knees (if you shave your legs)? If I shave, yes. Any old home remedies you use when you’re sick? Just sipping ginger ale. Do you like fruits or vegetables more? Fruit, definitely. Who was your last text message from? Sara. What was your first job? Sales associate at GameStop. Do you live near any volcanoes? Nope. Where does your best friend live? Illinois. How many people have you truly fallen IN love with? Two. Has anybody ever called you a tease? Yes, but only by my then-boyfriend, and he only meant it playfully. What about kinky? No. What’s your favorite bird? Probably barn owls. Have you ever been high? No. Who did you last confide in? My mom. How many keys are on your keychain? One. Where was your mom born? New York. Do you know how to tap dance? I took many years of clogging classes, which is very, very similar; the shoes are just a bit different to create a unique sound. Have you ever seen your siblings naked? My little sister and I used to bathe and take showers together as little kids, plus she is literally shameless and has walked into the living room looking for a towel after a shower on many occasions, haha. I actually don't think I've seen my older sister naked. When eating string cheese, do you dive right in or just peel it? I don't like string cheese. Do you have your own personal water jug? If so, where did you buy it? No. Well, Mom bought me one, but... we did NOT realize it was HUGE. We returned it, so now I don't have one. How do you get rid of your hiccups? Just wait it out and suffer. I've tried every trick in the book, and none work for me. Do you know how to take screen shots on your computer? Yes. When you sneeze, do you sneeze into your hand or the inside of your elbow? Into the crook of my elbow. What’s your ultimate favorite bagel? I really just enjoy a plain 'ole bagel with cream cheese. When you have chocolate, do you eat it room temperature? Or are you like me and stick the bar into the fridge first? I like it at room temperature. Are there any constellations you recognize just by looking at them? Well, I know either the Little or Big Dipper when I see 'em, but idk which is which. I just know one's upside-down. Which insect do you find the most beautiful? Butterflies. Moths can be gorgeous, too. What was the last thing you got very excited about? Someone is FINALLY adopting the dog this weekend. Mom and I have lost every ounce of patience with her. The family that wants her though came to visit, and they all adore her. Which Disney villain is your favorite? Probably Scar. I think he was pretty sly, plus he had a bangin' song, lol. Have you ever had a bedroom with a specific theme? Not really. Just filled with stuff I like. If you had to design a room with a theme, what theme would you choose? I would love to make a like, woodsy sort of room, if that makes any sense. Maybe like pine green walls with wooden accents and realistic decor. It'd be SUPER cool if I could build like one of those catwalk things along the walls that look like branches for my cat to maneuver along. Have you ever given money to a homeless person? No, I'm too distrustful. Have you ever designed your own Facebook timeline cover? Yeah. What is one site that closed down that you wish would come back? I used to really enjoy Dragons of Atlantis on Kabam! or whatever it was called. It transferred to a phone app that I have, but it's just not as fun. The dragons were super cool, and the artwork in general was just dope. If you have a partner, have you ever had to sleep in separate beds? If you don’t, how would you feel if a future partner wanted separate beds? I sometimes worry my future partner and I will have to have separate beds because of my nightmares/terrors that frequently cause me to lash out and basically attack the air. Sleeping separately would feel weird to me, but I'd far rather not hurt my partner. Hopefully, getting a CPAP mask really will help me. Though I don't imagine cuddling with one is comfortable. ;-; Or does having a partner even matter to you? I mean I want a partner someday, so I wouldn't say it "doesn't matter" to me, but it's not something I'm currently pitching a fit over not having one. How many languages can you count to a hundred in? Two. What is something you are skeptical about? The government lmao. What is something you find absolutely unethical? The meat industry, honestly. You look into it and it's just... disgusting, what they do to animals. I wish I could go without meat, I really do. What is something unethical you would not mind doing? Uhhhh? Is there a murder case you find absolutely fascinating? Okay so have you ever heard about or seen that video of a woman acting all strange inside an elevator at some hotel? Well, she disappeared after leaving that elevator, and some time later, residents complained about the water quality. They found her fucking body in one of the water tanks (I think that's what they're called?), and no one could explain how someone could have 1.) gotten up there and 2.) gotten the tank open to put her corpse inside. It's fuckin weird and creepy. What is an unusual item somebody you know owns? No idea. What’s the oldest TV-show you like? When was it made? Uhhh I don't know which is older, but I love I Love Lucy and The Munsters. Have you ever won a trophy for something? If so, what was it for? Yeah, sports and academic stuff. Have you ever been interviewed to a newspaper? If so, what was it about? No. Do you have a mug with your name/initials on it? No. Have you ever designed your own mug? No. Have you ever gone mud riding? No, that is not my definition of fun. I don't like being dirty. Have you met somebody that you want to spend the rest of your life with? Yes. Who was the last male you talked to? Does he have facial hair? My psychiatrist, and he does. Have you ever dressed up as a Disney character? Which one? Not to my recollection. Have you ever played chess? If so, are you good at it? No. If I wanted to buy you a chocolate bar, what kind should I NOT get? Don't get anything with coconut.
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grapenamjams · 4 years
waking up with you
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Genre: Fluff 
Characters: Muriel from the arcana and my apprentice Eliza
A/N:  a little bit about my MC 
Her name is Eliza (she/her. Female.) She is 5′2 has brown wavy hair, brown eyes (with specks of green) she also has adorable freckles across her nose. lastly she has a artic fox, named Nell as a familiar who is enchanted to keep cold during the summer and whenever Nell walks she leaves behind snow prints on the ground (think of what Olaf from frozen has lol) 
- The Arcana is a Mobile story game where you get to choose your path and get a ending according to the choices you made. created by nixhyrdra, can be found on the app store- 
Eliza always finds waking up in Muriel’s hut a challenge. The boulders that make up the walls for the small living space limits the amount of morning light that seeps through to let her know that it’s a new day. She convinced Muriel to put a round window on top of the door sometime ago to have some natural light come in but from the fur bed in the back, the light that does come through doesn't do much good to wake her. So because of that she has to rely on her inner clock to wake her self up which in most cases works, but usually she lets Muriel wake her up when she feels the loss of warmth beside her or when she hears rustling near the fire as he puts new logs and makes sure it didn’t go out during the night. But today, Muriel woke her in a way that only happens a few times a month, rather shes only caught him a handful of times.
She feels Muriel push her hair back gently away from her face and slowly goes down her cheek with his knuckles. She tries to continue her slow breathing to make it seem that she is sleep, although its becoming harder to do so when her heart begins to race inside her chest. she feels Muriel’s finger brush against her bottom lip and rest on her chin. “Eliza.” His deep voice sounds out next to her. She feels his lips on her forehead next, “wake up” he mumbles against her and kisses her head again, without knowing a sigh escapes her, she feels Muriel pull away to look at her and she catches herself to not visibly frown at the loss of touch. Muriel chuckles “you’re gonna be late to open up shop if you stay asleep” he nuzzles his nose against hers and she can’t help but let out a small giggle at his cute affection.
 She opens her eyes to see Muriel above her sit up pink tinting his cheeks “y-your awake!” Her smile broadens at him “I thought I heard you telling me to wake up?” She sits up and stretches her arms above her letting out a groan. “I did...I mean I’m sorry for waking you! But you know the shop and all...” He rubs the back of his neck, he shyly looks at Eliza “Um...Did you....uhhh” his face goes bright red and she knows that he’s wondering if she had felt him kiss her, and as much as she wants to say yes to see his reaction she doesn’t want him to stop waking her the way he did today. “Thats okay you don’t have to apologize, I just heard your voice calling me” she leans over to him and kisses him “and I slept well thank you for asking” Eliza smiles and Muriel blinks at her for a moment confused as why she said that, but then he understands that she might have thought that he was asking how she slept not if she felt his touch and kiss. But still he stammers with his words “well...” he coughs “good. I’m glad...” he quickly turns behind him to grab something and when he comes back to face the waking girl he has a Plate in his hands. “I- uh made you breakfast. If you want.” He pouts, the red on his face turning to a soft blush on the bridge of his nose “so you don’t forget to eat...I thought you should have something before you go”
 Eliza cheeks hurt from smiling and her heart flutters “Muriel this is so nice, thank you so much! You didn’t have to” Eliza takes away the plate of eggs and sliced fruit from him and gives him a peck on the cheek. Muriel smiles and averts his gaze somewhere else “it’s nothing.” Eliza smiles at him trying to pass off his actions of care and affection as something small and not a big deal, but In turn makes her love and appreciate them even more. She shifts to make herself more comfortable on the bed “did you already eat?” She asks as she brings the fork to her mouth and takes a bite of eggs. Muriel turns to her and shakes his head “not really hungry.” Eliza frowns she feels bad eating when he hasn’t, Muriel notices and quickly reassures her “I’ll eat soon I promise. Don’t worry” Eliza sighs, for a big man Muriel doesn’t really eat a lot just the bare minimal to not waste food, a habit he kept from his time as an orphan living on the docks. but of course it still makes her worry she wants him to be healthy and enjoy life’s delicacies. She shifts closer to him, “I’ll hold you to that” she picks a sliced fruit from her plate “but for now help me eat this fruit, yeah?” He looks at her then the bright colored fruit between her fingers, hesitant at first not wanting to eat her food but after a pause he nodes seeing her face wanting him to eat something with her. “if it makes you feel better” Eliza smiles and feeds him the fruit she blushes lightly watching his lips take the fruit from her fingers. She takes another bite of her eggs and feeds another piece of fruit to Muriel.
 Once all of the food is gone, Eliza sighs happily and thanks Muriel again for the food. but then Remembers that she needs to leave soon or else she will be more late than she already is in opening the shop. Muriel quickly catches on her change of mood “what’s wrong?” He asks looking at her wanting to know why her smile had faded. Eliza goes to him and hugs his waist laying her head on his chest listening to his steady heart beat she feels the vibrations of his laugh through her when she voices  she doesn't want to leave. Muriel puts his hands around her resting his chin on her head.
 “Can’t I just stay here with you?” Her voice asks. She feels his large hand rub up and down her back. “Of course you can. But... didn’t Asra leave again yesterday and closed up early?” Eliza sighs “yeah he did. and I’m already late today... so I better get going” Muriel hums in agreement and places a kiss on her head before standing up with her. Eliza gives a final stretch and begins to get ready. Muriel steps out with Inanna so Eliza could have more room inside the hut. Before she gets ready she gives Nell a piece of bread so she can eat for now. she scratches her ear “good morning pretty girl” Nell thumps her tail against the floor waiting for more food. Eliza laughs “I’ll give you more food when we get to the shop”
* * *
Eliza followed by her familiar step through the door into the warm day, the sun slowly making its way towards the center of the blue sky. Eliza slips her satchel over her head placing it to her side and buttons her deep blue cloak around her shoulders. Her eyes wonder in search for the tall man and finds him kneeled by the chicken pen feeding the chicks from his opened left hand. As she walks towards him she notices that Muriel has his cloak on which puzzles her because he doesn’t usually wear it when he’s at home. “Muriel” She says placing a hand on the back of his head and runs her fingers through his dark hair , “I’m off” Muriel shakes the rest of the feed off his hand and stands up. She hugs him looking up at him, the large man places a hand against the side of her neck. “I’ll see you in the evening okay? I’ll bring back some food to eat together, so don’t worry about cooking” Eliza smiles and makes to step  back but Muriel stops her
“I actually need stuff from the shop... for protection charms.”
“Ah okay, what do you need? I’ll bring them to you when I come back” she looks at him waiting for him to tell her what he needs but the green eyed man only pouts and blushes a bit. “that’s-uh not what I meant.” Eliza tilts her head to the side slightly “what do you mean? You don’t need ingredients then?”
“I do... but i don’t want you bringing them to me.” He pauses for a moment. Eliza is still confused for a moment thinking what he could mean but then realization starts to come through as she realizes he’s holding on to her wrist.
 “Also you’re gonna be alone at the shop...I know there’s a protective spell around it but still...something could happen.” She looks back up to his face and sees that he still is pouting and averting his eyes.
Eliza lets out a small laugh making the shy man before her look down at her. “Muriel are you trying to say you want to come to the shop with me?” He hangs his head and nodes “yes.” He mumbles. Eliza blushes overjoyed that he wants to come with her to the shop. With the hand that Muriel is holding her wrist Eliza slips her fingers through his, holding his hand as she goes on to her tippy toes to give him a kiss “why are you so adorable?” Making Muriel’s blush reach his ears. “I’m not adorable.” He says back. Eliza goes back down and gently tugs at his hand to start walking “mmhmm sure your not, come on let’s go” she says with a laugh. She doesn't see Muriel look at her with a soft grin on his face, relaxing his shoulders as he squeezes her small hand in his letting her lead him away.
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Karolina and Tegan birthday fanfic! 👓👠
I wrote a (short?) fanfic for Karolina's and Tegan's birthdayyy 🎉🎉 Last time Scholar was a she so I decided that in this one Scholar will be a he again 👍 Hopefully my writing is getting less cringe 😂 but as you'll see for yourselves I'm still really bad, especially the narration, sometimes I'm like "Wait, what am I supposed to describe here to move on to the next scene?" So most of it is really basic 😅 On a lighter note though, I know that many sweet elite players come from lots of different countries and most times their first language isn't English (*cough*like me*cough*) so at least it'll be easy to read for everyone? (Yes, I'm totally trying to make myself feel better for my lack of vocabulary 😔)
Anyways!!! Have a good read! God I hope I'm getting better...
"Karolina used to play Maryo Kart!?"
Tegan flinched due to Scholar's sudden outburst and almost dropped the controller out of his hands.
"W-Well... yeah. We were pretty close in elementary school and we used to share the same interests. Not when it came to everything but we usually agreed about a lot of things."
Tyler cackled from the bunk bed upon hearing this. Looks like he was still browsing through a shit-ton of pictures of chairs on Moogle. Apparently, he wanted to draw a chair for his next art piece.
"Just imagining Karolina even playing an app game gives me the same feeling as watching one of John Mulaney's skits: it's hilarious."
Scholar couldn't help but imagine Karolina playing Candy Rush or Flappy duck and it was in fact rather funny. Seeing Karolina frustrated because of a game would be like seeing Tadashi sleeping, which means it was impossible. Those two really need more rest and a bit of down time...
"So Tyler, you found any chairs that give you a spark of inspiration?"
Scholar decided to change the subject, after all Karolina didn't want anything to do with Tegan even though it was... well... their birthday. Scholar doesn't even have siblings let alone a twin so he had no idea how Tegan must be feeling right now. But from an outsider's perspective, Scholar thought that it was kind of sad and a waste that they didn't at least celebrate their birthday together. Tegan said that he didn't want anything too extravagant though. Thus, the 3 of them had gathered in their room to spend some time together, Ellie was also supposed to come but she said that she had "things to do" and that she'd drop by later.
"Nah man. MIKEA is really running out of ideas. I could come up with sicker designs in the blink of an eye. Actually, in a way this encourages me even more to draw a chair. I'll create the best chair this world has ever seen Scholar. Just. You. Wait."
While Tyler was hyping himself up over chairs Tegan had a really stern look on his face. Maybe it was because he was focused on the game but Scholar felt like there was something more to it. Perhaps they should've invited more people? In truth, the only real guest here was Scholar. This was TnT's room after all... Why is Ellie taking so long?
"...Tegan? Maybe you'd like me to go call Axel and Raquel over? Maybe even Alistair and Claire?"
Tegan who was frowning for a while now finally let his eyebrows relax.
"No uh... Sorry if I looked angry or something but um. I was just thinking about something."
When he said that, Tyler immediately let go of his phone and dropped down on the floor, then he sat next to Tegan.
"When you tell us that you're thinking about something, it means that you want to talk to us about it, right?"
Tegan continued to smash the buttons of the controller without even giving Tyler a side-glance.
"Not necessarily."
Somehow, Tegan was acting a bit cold but not in his usual "I'm sleep deprived" way. Tyler gave Scholar a pleading look. Probably meaning that Tegan needed another little push to tell them what was going through his mind. Of course, Scholar couldn't ignore that.
"Aww, come on man! If it was because you were spacing out like usual you would've just said "it's nothing" butcha didn't! You know you can tell us everything right? We won't snitch."
Tyler followed.
"Exactly! We'll never break the bro code of honor. Spill the tea! Or water! Or whatever drink it is!"
Tegan gave them a big sigh before leaving the game on pause and putting the controller down. Tyler and Scholar looked at eachother dumbfounded. When Tegan puts the controller down it means that shit is about to get real... or he's so tired that he'll short-circuit in a span of 10 seconds.
"Well, it's about Karol. Kinda. I guess."
Scholar and Tyler scooched over even closer to be sure to miss none of it. Talking about Karolina wasn't a taboo topic or anything, on the contrary, it was quite frequent and Tegan was totally fine with his friends taking jabs at her as long as it wasn't mean-spirited. But what was rare though, was for Tegan to bring her up out of nowhere.
"It's... how to say this. You know how when it's Christmas and you become super nostalgic about the smallest things? Or when Viewtube recommends you a short clip from a show you used to watch years ago and you decide to marathon it just for the heck of it? Well, for me that "nostalgic" time is our birthday. When I remember how we used to be so close and hang out together all the time I get kinda uh. I don't know. Regretful? Like, maybe if I didn't end up being a loser who spends all of his time playing games and doing dumb stuff Karol might still tolerate me. Or uh. If I dressed up a little nicer or took better care of myself maybe she'd at least want to stand next to me in public? Now, unless absolutely necessary, she doesn't even want to be associated with me. Like, she's ashamed of me or she doesn't want the other students to think that we're related or something. I don't know. Maybe I'm making it sound worse than it actually is but that's how I feel."
Woah. Okay. To be honest, Tyler and Scholar had already thought that something along those lines might be the reason for Tegan's grumpy mood today. That was a feeling he probably carried with him subconsciously everyday, just maybe to a smaller extent since he drowns himself in video games and doritos. But whenever their birthday comes around, all of it resurfaces. He already told them in the past that when Karolina started taking modeling gigs they started slowly growing apart. Tegan had said it so nonchalantly, like it wasn't a big deal and it was natural to "grow apart" but clearly, he wasn't happy about it.
Tegan was hanging his head low, as for Tyler and Scholar, they lay their heads down on Tegan's shoulders. Tyler ran his fingers through Tegan's hair to confort him.
"You're not a loser in any way Tegan. Karolina is the one missing out on you, she shouldn't set standards on you in the first place. So what? Just because you don't wear Bucci, Bupreme or Bouis Buitton it means that she has the right to act like this? You're my best bro and I know that my best friend is the coolest dude in the world. I mean, who can drink 3 monster drinks at the same time through 2 straws amirite?"
"Hm. Actually... You're not wrong."
Wait, 3 monster drinks at the same time with 2 straws? What?? Scholar's eyes widened.
"Uhhh. What the hell do you guys do when I'm not around? And may I remind you that Tegan is also my best friend!"
Tyler let out a laugh through his nose.
"Oh please, you may have barely enough points to unlock his tragic backstory but I'm still the OG. I'm ahead of you by at least a hundred points. Also, I wouldn't exactly call you a friend but rather-"
Tegan swiftly elbowed Tyler in the stomach.
"Ssshhh! Dude!"
"Ouch! Come on man... you know that Scholar is a bit dense sometimes, you gotta at least let me spell it out for him."
This was about to become a fight between the two of them, with Tegan trying to shut Tyler up and Tyler desperately trying to tell Scholar something. However, someone knocked on the door. That's weird, usually Ellie just barges in without even asking if she can. She just says "It's Ellie!" and comes in like this is her room as much as it is Tegan's and Tyler's. Their small fight stopped and Tegan got up to open the door... to be welcomed with cheers and confetti flying in the air. "WOOOOOOO!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NERD!!!" Ellie had brought the whole gang: Alistair, Axel, Claire, Raquel and even Tadashi. The only ones who weren't there were Karolina and Neha but in a way, it was kind of to be expected. They were maybe celebrating Karolina's birthday in her room with some of their friends from the fashion department? In any case, everyone was thrilled for Tegan. They congratulated him and gave him some gifts even if they were a little bit less personal than anticipated. It was apparent that some of those were chosen in a rush. If Scholar had to guess, since Tegan is so secretive and discreet about everything, he probably didn't tell anyone about his birthday and Ellie had to go around fetching everyone and bringing them together. That's why some of the gifts exuded that "Oh shit! It's Tegan's birthday today!!!" aura. Especially Tadashi's gift.
"This is kopi luwak. Those coffee beans are extracted from the asian palm civet's excrements. I know that you're more into energy drinks but I thought that you might want to try something different. I know it sounds disgusting but the taste is actually not bad and it'll definitely wake you up, everytime you remember that you're drinking coffee that came out of an animal's digestive system it gives you an extra dose of adrenaline. No matter how many times I drink it, this coffee always makes me feel like I'm a little bit in danger and it wakes me up immediately."
Tegan looked really curious about it but at the same time uneasy at the thought of having to drink coffee made of beans that came out of an animal's asshole.
"Woah... thanks... Tadashi."
"You're welcome."
So that's how Tadashi stays awake, huh? He makes himself fear for his life by drinking weird coffee. Scholar had already heard of it, there's even some kinds that are made from elephant poop and civet cat poop. However, Axel was the first and only one to call Tadashi out.
"What the fuck man? It's his birthday and you gifted him fricking coffee beans that come from a raccoon's butthole? Well, I guess the nickname Tadashit fits you perfectly since you literally drink shit."
Tadashi rolled his eyes so far back that his pupils might've gone in his skull if he wasn't human.
"Like I said, it comes from the asian palm civet. Not a raccoon. Also, do not call me that."
Axel and Tadashi kept on bickering for a while before Claire brought the cake.
"Ta-dah! Sorry if it's not good enough but there weren't any backeries out there willing to make a birthday cake on such a short notice. I had to bake it myself with Alistair's help. We hope you like it!"
The cake gave off a really homey feeling. Scholar was reminded from back home when all of his birthday cakes looked really similar to this one. The icing was really amateurish looking but really really cute. Alistair switched the lights off and Tegan took a moment to think about his wish. The room went silent in front of his stern expression, seems like whatever his wish was, it must be pretty important. When he blew the candles everyone cheered but no one asked him what he wished for. Maybe no one felt the need to since it is said that if you say your wish out loud it won't come true.
Before Raquel could cut the cake Alistair took his phone out. "Wait! Wait a sec, let's take pictures with the cake first! I'm the one who drew the Zbox and the Playmotion logo..."
Raquel put the knife down while laughing. "Oohhh. So I bet that's the real reason why you don't want me to cut it yet?"
They all took lots of ridiculous pictures with the cake. It was a pretty big one so Raquel cut it into 10 slices. After a bit of a ruckus, things finally started calming down. The 9 of them sat down in a circle and talked about random subjects: the teachers, the homework, sleep paralysis, the new Store Wars movie, the conscious and unconscious mind in cognitive psychology...
The time was passing by and everyone was having fun no matter how weird the conversation was getting until Raquel reminded everyone of the last slice of cake.
"If no one's gonna eat it, I'll eat it."
The only one who was against it was Tyler who also wanted the last slice. They decided to choose the winner through rock paper scissors. A 3 round match. But just as it was about to start, someone knocked on the door again. Did the noise annoy the neighbours? It was getting pretty late after all.
Scholar got up to open the door only to find... Karolina followed by Neha!
"Happy b- oh. It's you."
Karolina was holding a small package and as for Neha, she didn't even bother to wrap up her gift. It was a fancy hoodie with a sort of skull on its back. Tegan almost flew towards the door.
"Karol! You came... and Neha, is that Sombra merch?"
Neha smiled warmly, seeing that he noticed right away.
"Yes. I mean, kind of. It's that character from Underwatch, right? I don't know if it's your favorite but one time I remember you saying that "she was fun to play". So I made you this. The quality isn't really that good though, sorry. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to make it properly. Anyway, I'm rambling. Happy birthday Tegan."
Tegan immediately put the purple hoodie on in excitement.
"Looks sick. Thank you Neha. You really nailed the logo."
Karolina also thought that it looked "sick" but not in a good way. She was clearly not getting why wearing that sort of thing would make someone happy. Since it was made by Neha, of course it was really well done but why does he prefer wearing video game merch rather than high quality clothing? She was almost regretting coming here. Tyler laughed at the sight of Karolina trying really hard not to roll her eyes, it looked like her pupils were trembling. Kinda terrifying honestly.
"I would've thought that you like soldier 76 or Tracer better since... they're about as straight as you are. But besides that, it looks dope Neha! Would you make one of my paintings into a T-shirt one day? Like, you know, my birthday? August 21st? Pretty pleaaase!"
It wasn't long until everyone started requesting clothes from Neha for their birthdays. Of course, she shut them all down while Karolina still stood there with what looked like a gift.
"Ugh. I see that you invited a lot... of people."
Her cold gaze was on Axel and Alistair specifically, since she did not like those two. As for Tegan, he was silently waiting for his gift. Judging by his face, it had been a while since Karolina had showed up to one of their birthdays, not to mention that she brought a gift too.
"Anyway... here. I'm sure you don't play those kinds of games anymore but uh... Well, in any case you better not laugh at my gift. Or else."
Tegan carefully unwrapped the gift. It was the new Maryo Kart! Everyone was baffled. Karolina actually gifted Tegan a video game? What's next? Is she going to play it too on top of gifting it? Tegan thanked her happily and reached for something behind the TV. It was Karolina's gift. Her eyes scanned the shape of the wrapping trying to guess what it was. Though she didn't lose any more time trying to figure out what it was and opened it. It was a Bouis Buitton bag. Karolina smiled.
"Basic choice but not bad. Thanks."
Seeing that Neha had already sat down, Karolina did the same. Of course, to Raquel's regret, they ended up splitting the last slice of cake, Karolina said that she didn't mind since she couldn't afford to eat food with too much calories. Especially not pastries but she let this one slide. As for Tegan, he immediately switched the game on. Of course. But then, he offered the second controller to Karolina. Everyone looked at him like he was batshit crazy. Miraculously though, Karolina sighed and took the controller.
"...Fine. But I don't remember the controls anymore."
That was a fricking lie. Karolina was killing it?? At Maryo Kart?? Raquel was going crazy. Well, everyone actually. But especially Raquel.
"What the hell?! So you steal the last slice of cake and now you're whooping Tegan's ass in a video game? I didn't even think you knew how to hold the controller correctly..."
Karolina clicked her tongue at that remark, looking unimpressed. Though clearly, she was a bit embarrassed about playing against her brother in front of 9 other people who had no idea that she was even capable of touching a controller without throwing up. But during that time, Tegan was grinning like a kid. It was like going back in time for him. He was thrilled. How many years has it been since the last time they played together like this?
"Believe it or not, but Karolina was actually the one to always kick my ass in video games. She was too strong. Thankfully, she's a bit rusty now."
Karolina elbowed his arm violently but Tegan didn't budge. It was like he was used to it, maybe Karolina always tried to distract him from the game by pushing him when they were little?
"Oh shut up. It's the game's fault. Why the heck did they add that much useless features? Also, the maps are way worse than the old Maryo Kart games. Those ones are a jumbled mess, doesn't make any goddamn sense with those twists and turns."
Karolina frighteningly sounded like a retrogaming nerd. Could it be that Tegan's love for video games came from...? Nah, no way. She's just salty that Tegan is catching up in wins. They're tied now.
"Okay! What about this: The one who wins the next round gets a kiss on the cheek from Scholar!" Ellie proclaimed in a loud voice.
"Wait! Why me??"
Scholar honestly doubted that Karolina would like that, Tegan? Maybe. But not Karolina. Surprisingly enough she didn't react but that lack of reaction probably hid something. Usually she would complain and quit but she's not the type to lose on purpose after getting this far. Tegan looked fired up too. Looking back on it, earlier Tyler was trying really hard to say something. Could it be that both Tegan and Karolina like Scholar? Well... that would be extremely awkward and unlikely.
In any case, it looks like Tegan has a head start.
"What's wrong Karol? Have you really forgotten the controls?"
"Say that again and I might murder you."
This is the most intense party of Maryo Kart anyone had ever seen. Isn't there an e-sport for it? Maybe the Novak(ova) siblings should sign up...
In the end, Karolina managed to catch up somehow. Ellie took that host voice again.
"Alright ladies and gents! Looks like Karolina will be the one receiving the prize! But what an act of cruelty on the sister's part, wouldn't you say? Because she was heartless and unpleasant I declare that as compensation the viewers should also get a kiss!"
Everyone cheered for Scholar's kiss but funnily enough, Tegan looked super offended. He was about to throw a tantrum.
"Wait. So I'm the only one without a kiss?!? That is so unfair! It's my birthday... I should at least get a participation fee!"
Tyler patted him on the back.
"That's rough, buddy. But hey, at least your boyfriend didn't turn into the moon."
Tegan quickly elbowed Tyler in the stomach again.
"Dude! Scholar's not my... dammit, I told you to be quiet earlier."
"Ow! I didn't even say any name... You're the one digging your own grave man. Look, he's looking this way."
Seeing that Tegan looked absolutely heartbroken (and pissed), Scholar took Ellie's place as the announcer.
"Change of plans! Only the siblings get a kiss because it's their birthday. All the others won't get any because it would be extremely unfair."
That's when everyone started booing but Raquel seemed to have an idea. A stupid one. But still an idea.
"Uhhh, excuse me! Actually, I'm their sister. We're triplets, so I also get a kiss!"
Axel did the same.
"No, Raquel is lying sir! We're actually quadruplets so I get a kiss as well! The four of us look so similar, I have no idea how you missed that..."
This whole thing turned out to be ridiculous. Seems like Tegan and Karolina suddenly had 8 new siblings. But of course, only the 2 of them got the kiss. Everyone was satisfied with the birthday party despite all of the chaos.
-------------------------------------- Oooookay! That's it! Sorry the ending was so abrupt (as usual) but I never know how to end these... Thank you for reading though! And sorry if you cringed! But that's a risk I'm willing to take ✊😔
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dr-habit-b · 4 years
Pesky pups and pretty ladies
No application, no warning, heck, not even an email! Kamal was already working on two other applications from the other night, and before he knew what was even happening, from the corner of his vision through the window he saw some Habititans gathering around the entrance to the ‘carnival’ area. 
He didn’t think much of it at first, maybe the kids were trying to mess with Ronbo, he was the clown after all, but when he poked his head around the office’s big, clunky computer he saw-
He bolted up from his chair and ran out to the balcony, gripping the railing as he leaned forward, squinting to see what was happening. In the middle of a few of the residents was definitely a new person, no doubt. Ohh god oh GOD what the heck? They definitely weren’t expecting anyone today, who..??? Geez, aw geez.
“Haaaaaabit! We got a! Thing!!!!” He called out from the balcony, his voice creaking with anxiety. He didn’t want to deal with this today!...
Kamal was staring down into the carnival area, rubbing his temples as Habit came up behind him, peering around to see his assistant’s face.
“Kamal? Whate’s the matter?”
He watched with curiosity and confusion as his assistant just gestured frustratingly down to the carnival, following his gaze. Oh! There was a little group down there, now what were they doing?
“Eye.. do’nt understand, whate is happening?”
He frowns a little bit as Kamal drags his hands down his face with a big sigh, looking up at him. The anxiety and worry was very apparent on his face... his hand twitches a little, wanting to hold his face, but he doesn’t.
“I dunno if you can see or not, but uh. The Habititans? Are? Around a. Uh. A kid. New kid. Like, ah, no application or anything I didn’t recognize them Habit oh my god what are we gonna do?!”
Kamal starts running his fingers through his hair and curling it around his fingers as he starts rocking on his heels a little. If this kid just showed up, without parents, or, hell, even with parents but no application, ohhh they’re gonna get in so much trouble.
He jumps a bit feeling big hands on his shoulders, looking up at Habit. 
“Kamal. It iz o.k. We wille figure thise out! Let us go ande greete theme!”
Kamal forces a little bit of a smile, taking a deep breath as he pats Habit’s arms, shaking his head as those big hands remove from his shoulders.
“Y.. yeah, yeah. Okay. That’s probably for the best anyways, uh, lets! Lets just go, yeah?”
Habit gives him a smile, just barely showing his teeth, and pats Kamal on the back as the two of them head down the elevator. They don’t say much, but Kamal can feel Habit staring down at him as he nervously fidgets and messes with his hair. He’s still really worried, but! But it’ll be fine, right? Right. They wont get sued, I mean, its not like Parsley is hanging out in the carnival. Its not like he’ll see this kid, coming in unannounced and unplanned, and think to sue them. Haha, right? Right?? That wont happen.’
Kamal doesn’t notice the elevator ding and open up at first, not till Habit pats his back and coaxes him out. Geez, okay, he needs to just. Breathe and take a moment to get out of his own head.
He takes their long walk down the long hallway to the boiler room to do just that, holding his hands together in front of them and staring down at them. He feels a hand on his back, Habit making sure to guide him and keep him walking. Its appreciated, to say the least.
By the time they exit that big door in the back of the boiler room, Kamal is at least calm enough to not be almost pulling out his own hair.
“Are u o.k?”
He didn’t jump at least, but as Kamal looked up at his boss, he took a moment to take in the worried expression on his face. They both stopped, just a few feet shy away from the door, just staring at each other. Kamal let out a weary sigh before finally answering.
“I.. I’m worried! A lot, but... but it’ll be fine, right? We’ll... figure it out... probably.”
A smile creeped up on Habit’s face and he nodded, giving Kamal’s head a little pat pat.
“Yese it will! Do note worri, if it go-es bad, eye will handl it. Thise is mine Habitat, after all.”
Kamal manages a smile back for him, but. His words both comfort and continue to worry him. But they weren’t going to figure out just standing here, so he decides to lead the way this time, with Habit following just a touch behind him.
The gathered Habitians had moved from the carnival gates into the middle of the courtyard, it looked like... Ronbo, Mirphy, Tiff and Jimothan were gathered by the new kid, talking amongst themselves and looking rightfully worried. They all turned their heads hearing Kamal and Habit approach, which made Kamal feel incredibly small.
Thankfully Habit took charge and stepped in front of Kamal, smiling with open arms.
“Hell-o evry-one!! I hear thate we have a new visitor two-day!” He clasps his hands together, gazing down at the awkward-looking teen in the middle of the adults. “Amd who mite you be, younge man?”
The boy just stared at him for a moment, probably taking in the height difference, before shaking his head and grinning wide with teeth covered in braces. He was a nerdy looking kid, to say the least, dressed up far too warm for this summer heat. But, Habit supposed he used to dress in a very similar way in his teen years...
“O-oh! Uh!” Wait, he clears his throat a bit, trying to keep his voice from so obviously cracking. “I’m Trevor Garbo! And I heard from a...” He gets all shifty eyed for a moment, before looking back to Habit with squinty eyes. “Reliable source, that you guys might have a Vampire lurking around here!! I had to come see for myself!”
Habit just blinked down at the kid, and he could feel how dumbfounded his expression looked. He glanced over to the adults around Trevor, who all seemed just as exasperated and confused. O-key... um. Hmm..
“Weel! I amn not knowing about thise, but... ah.. Trevor, did you come here... a-lone?”
He didn’t turn around, but he could feel Kamal behind him grabbing nervously at his coat. He could practically feel him begging for the answer to be no. And, well, Habit was hoping for that too of course. But if this kid did come here alone....
“..Oh, nah! Uh, actually. My mom dropped me off.”
Relief. Kamal practically melted into a puddle, and Habit felt a little weight off his shoulders too. Although...
“Dide she? Ah, iz.. she stille aroumd?”
The blank stare Trevor gives him does Not inspire confidence.
“Uhhh, nah? Nah, she left, for like. Work stuff I dunno. She heard me talking about this place and thought it’d be a nice place to drop me off while she did work stuff. Uh, that’s like. Okay, right? I mean, this is already way better than being alone at the house for weeks!”
....Oh god he’s sweating. What the heck? Okay. O-key, o.k, umm...
“Did... yew happ-en two fill out a app-licaton? Ate all?”
He’s trying not to seem too nervous, but he gets the feeling Trevor can tell anyways.
“Uh, nah. Was I.. ‘sposed to?”
A. Perfect.
Before he could even think of what to say next he felt movement behind him, and when he turned to look he saw his assistant hurriedly making his way to the carnival.
“Ah- Kamal! Waite!”
He started to follow only to stop, looking back at Trevor, who was starting to look just as worried as the adults. No, no that wont do. He squats so he’s not looking down at the kid, giving him a big, closed smile.
“Oh, do note worri, маленький, you hav no-thimg two be a-fraide of. We wille handle every-thing! Juste be nice two the others, o.k?”
When Trevor relaxes Habit stands tall again and gives him a pat on the head before turning quick and rushing after Kamal. He catches up with a few strides of his long legs and grabs him by the arm, stopping him for going further.
“Kamal. Pleaze, re-lax. Whate are you ev-en planning?”
His grip isn’t tight by any means, and he still feels badly about it, but he doesn’t let go. He can take a pretty good guess at what Kamal is wanting to do, but.. He doesn’t need to see his face to see how stressed out and worried he is about this situation, he can feel it in how Kamal trembles.
“If... if I can just. Just talk t-to, to Parsley, and.. and explain! What. Just happened! I’m.. I can fix this, and.. and get a handle on, on the situation, before... before it gets worse, so.. s-so let me go, doc, I can.. I got this.”
“No, Kamal, you do note.”
Habit jumps slightly, hearing Kamal raise his voice like that, but he does his best not to waiver.
“Be-cauze you are verry stressed, rite now.” He feels Kamal start to tug his arm, just a little, and he reaches over to turn his assistance’s face to him. Once they’re looking at one another, Habit tries to give him a little smile.
“Liek I said, it iz o-key. Lemt me talk to Parslm. Parsm... Parsley.” He scrunches his face a little. Why did he have such a hard time with that name... regardless.
“Yew should staye and talke two Trevor a bit! Eye will handl the issue. Be-sides, we have an-other guest a-riving soon! U need to be calme so you can greete her, yes?”
Kamal’s intense gaze is able to make even Habit a little nervous, despite the disparity in their height, but he relaxes when he sees the other let out a tired sigh.
“I... okay, okay. Yer right I’m. Super messed up about this right now... I just... dont want you to get in trouble for this, y’know? You.. yer a good guy and this place is like, your dream! Sow hat.. what if...”
He gets cut off as Habit pats his head with a little laugh, blinking up at him in confusion.
“Welle! Thate is for me to worri about, note you. Go see Trevor, waite for our new Habitians, I will talk with Pars. O-key?”
Kamal just stares up at him for a second before letting out a little laugh, some of the tension ebbing away. He nods, patting hand still holding onto his arm till Habit lets go.
“Y.. yeah, ‘o-key,’ I’ll do that. Just uh... if! If you need me, I’ll, uh. Be.. not that far away, I guess, hehh...”
His face flushes a little as he starts to walk back towards the courtyard, but he tries to shake it off. That was a dumb thing to say...
Habit watches him go with a smile before sighing himself, looking over to where Parsley was hanging out. He was sitting by that little tire fire.. wonder why he liked that area so much. But, well, not the time for that. He makes his way over, giving Parsley a wave when he notices him coming. Parsley doesn’t get up or anything, just stays sitting and hugging his suitcase. That’s fine, Habit will walk right over and squat beside him.
“...So, uh. Whats up, Mr. Habit? You and your assistant get into a ‘lovers quarrel’ or something? Haha.”
Habit shoots him a frown, and Parsley gives him an apologetic smile.
“Eye dont knowe if you saw, but... we got a new Habititian, a bite ago.”
“Oh? Sounds uh, fun. Why... are you telling me, exactly?” He cant help but frown a little at the nervous expression on this big man. Doesn’t sit well in his stomach.
“Weell.... He is younge, amd.. he tolde us thate, ah... his momther, juste dropped him off and left. We were work-ing on two applications a bit a-go, but.. they were note his. She didmt e-maile or anything, we have noo paper-worke for him.” His gaze drifts away from Parsley as he talks, and he rubs the back of his neck with one of his hands.
“Kamal is verri up-set. Worried thate eye will get in-two trouble for thise.. we were ho-ping yew could help us? You’re are a lawyer boy, amd may-b you could help make an application for him?”
He finally glances back over at Parsley, only to wince a little at the look of disbelief on his face.
“Ah... do you note truste me? We can go-”
“Oh, no no, you’re fine. I cant believe the nerve of that kid’s Mom!” He groans, and rests his forehead against his suitcase, grumbling to himself. Something or other about child negligence, and custody cases..
“Okay, OK, yeah. Okay. Dont worry, uh, doc, I got y’alls back. I aint no evil lawyer or anything, heh... Whats the kid’s name again?”
“Ah, I thimk he said... Trevor! Trevor... Garbo?”
Parsley hums a little bit, thinking for a moment as he drums his fingers against his suitcase.
“Hmm, Garbo, Garbo... Man, I think my firm dealt with a divorce with that name. All the applications are the same, right? I’m sure I can call someone, and get a hold of his information pretty easy.... Oh, uh, y’know. If thats all good with you and- uh...”
He looks up at Habit, whose looking right back at him with big teary eyes. Before he knows whats even happening he’ lifted up like a Child and hugged by this big crying green doctor, and. Well. Sure, why the heck not. It only lasts but a moment and when Parsley is put down Habit apologizes while wiping his eyes with his sleeve.
“Aw, uh, no worries. No harm. I’ll, uh! Get to you, when I get the information and stuff, kay? I’d uh, do it now, but...” He glances over to the other side of the carnival, past the gates where the small group of adults and Trevor were still located.
Jimmothan was one of them...
“Ah, do note worri a-bout it. Eye understand.” Habit gives Parsley a pat on the back as he gets up, giving him a smile.
“You juste re-lax, amd I will come check-in later. I wille go see how Trevor is doing.”
They wave at each other before Habit starts heading back over to the courtyard, feeling lighter and more relieved. That went. MUCH much better than anticipated! Thank goodness. Though.. one of Parsley’s comments did plant a pit of worry in his stomach, but. Well. Nothing he could do about it, Parsley was the lawyer, not him.
If Kamal wasnt so stressed out right now, he’d be very entertained by how Trevor just kept going on and ON about vampires. It was impressive, actually, even if he had no idea what the heck he was even on about. But as it stood he was passively listening to keep the kid happy, all while his worries covered him like a heavy, heavy blanket. He keeps glancing over to the big front doors of the Habitat, keeps listening for a knock or the sound of a bus or something. It feels like time is going agonizingly slow.
“...your name again?”
“Huh?” Oh, shit, he stopped listening. He looked back to Trevor, giving him a nervous smile.
“Uhh, sorry pal, didn’t catch that. Whats up?” 
“What’s your name again? And, uh, the tall guy?”
Good, good, just a question. He lets out a sigh and tries to relax again.
“My name’s Kamal, and that big lug you saw was Habit. He’s my boss, and the guy who runs this place. He, uh... I mean, we’ll need you to fill out an application, later, since. Since yer mom kinda just... y’know.”
“Ohh.. I uh, yeah thats! Fair, probably, sorry about that.”
“Nah, kid, dont even worry about it. Not your fault. Is, uh.. the only reason you came cause of the. Vampire thing?....” Where did he even hear that? Far as he’s aware none of these other folk are really internet people. “You know this is a place for like. Sad people, right?”
“Really? Well, honestly, I wasn’t sure. I mean, I did look at the website, but...”
Trevor shrugs, and Kamal gives him another nervous grin. Maybe he should look at that website... Habit put it together when they were first getting things running, he cant actually remember whether or not he checked it before hand. Maybe he should... go and make some edits. Or at least add some information. Or just look at it- whatever that was for later.
His attention went back to the front doors, while Trevor went back to talking about vampires to the other few adults around, who were listening to him with confused but endeared expressions. He was a little weird, but hey, whatever makes this kid happy right? After he was just dumped off by his mom, it was the least they could do.
Kamal found himself just staring at those doors, everything else out of his focus falling away. He started sort of bouncing one of his legs anxiously, starting to fiddle with his hair with one of his free hands. He was so out of it that he let out a very undignified squawk when he felt something touch him, turning around only to be met by his tall boss. They stared at each other before laughing a bit, Kamal giving an embarrassed apology before straightening.
“S.. so, uh, how’d it go with-” Ah. He glances over at Jimothan, who was talking with Trevor, before looking back to Habit.
“How’d it go?”
“Goode! Eye thimk it went good. He said he would help! Help two get Trevor’s in-for-mation, for an application. He is, thamkfully, on oure side withe this. There is no-thimg to worri a-bout, Kamal.”
He holds his arms out a little, an offered hug, and Kamal is quick to take it. God he was so relieved he could melt into a puddle right then and there.
But there was still more to do. They all chat for a fit, and the others disperse as Kamal leads Trevor up into the apartment area, practically hugging the wall all the way up while Habit followed behind with Trevor’s bit of luggage.
With the weight of all that legal stress off his shoulders, Kamal was a lot more lively. That was good, Habit liked to see that. Seeing his assistant so consumed by stress and anxiety.. really hurt, but he knew the feeling.
Once Trevor was shown his room, he was eager to have everything set up and decorated just how he wanted, so they left him to it. Still had to wait for the new Habititans to show up... hopefully nothing happened, but those worries were ditched quickly as they got to the bottom of the stairwell.
“Ohhhh heyyyyyyyy!” A woman in a green dress and frizzy looking hair waved over to them, accompanied by a.. well, to put it bluntly, another very sad looking woman with long teal hair.
Kamal let out a breath of relief seeing them and straightened, putting on a big smile as he and Habit approached the two.
“Hello! And, welcome to the Habitat! We’re very pleased to have you both, you didn’t have any trouble getting here did you?”
“Ohh not at all! Hahaha, wowww, you’re soo sweet! I met Lulia here the the busss stop and we chatted so much we forgot the bus! Soooo we had to wait for the next one, but itssss okay, no worries.” 
She ruffles Kamal’s hair, which gets a nervous laugh out of him. Was.. was this woman. Drunk? She, uh, she was sure acting like it. Well its a good thing she said they took the bus cause Kamal wasn’t sure how he’d feel if she drove here.
“Okay! Okay, thats... thats good to hear, at least.” At least, he thinks so. “You’re.. Jerafina, right? And I suppose the other woman is Lulia?”
“Ding diiiiiing! Hahaha, I alllllmost forgot you knew my name, I was totally shocked at first.” She turns to look at the other woman standing behind her. “Yooour name is Lulia??? Thats sooooo pretty!!”
Lulia just sighs, brushing some hair behind one of her ears. It looks like she’s blushing, but Kamal cant tell what exactly from. She really did look sad, and, well... her application had him figure as much, really. She was probably the worst case here right now, and honestly, it... made him nervous! What a shocker, but really. She would have to be someone they keep an eye on, for sure...
While he was lost in his thoughts Habit approached them, giving them a friendly smile and offering his hand for handshakes. Jerafina took it and shook maybe a little too eagerly, while Luila just turned her face away from the offer. She didn’t seem like one to talk, even though Jerafina mentioned them having a conversation... though, maybe Jerafina was just talking at her. Who knows.
“Weel! You two muste be tired, yess?? Let us go two you’re rooms! I cam carry your thimgs!” Habit beamed as they both gave him their respective suitcases, and he thought it was cute how each one matched its owner so perfectly. He glanced down at Kamal, who was looking at the stairs rather nervously, and nudged him with his elbow.
“Do note worry, eye can han-dle theme from hear. Yew go back two the office o-key?” He doesn’t give Kamal the chance to answer, actually, and turns a heel and walks towards the stairs with the two women following suit.
Kamal watches them go, hand partially raised like he was going to say something, but after a second he drops it and makes his own way back to the office. Come on, its okay, everything worked out fine. Nothing to stress about.
Jerafina continued to chat up Lulia the whole way up the stairs and to the apartment rooms, up until she was shown her own room and given her suitcase. She pouted and whined about leaving Lulia behind, but eventually left to her own devices after a moment. Habit was thankful when she did, letting out a little sigh. She definitely reeked of alcohol. Well! Good thing they the lounge, and Jimothan.
His walk with Lulia was significantly quieter, and Habit all too quickly missed Jerafina’s mindless chatter. He never knew what to say to people who didn’t want to talk, so... they didn’t. Lulia didn’t seem to mind at least. When they reached her room Habit set down her luggage and looked over to her, offering a little smile.
“Do note worry, miss Lulia. Yew can take as much tiem here as you neede. If there is any-thinge you neede, let me knowe.” His smile strains a little bit as she nods and continues to stay quiet, watching her step into her room. He lets out a quiet sigh through his nose. Well... he cant blame her. These sorts of things arent easy for everyone. Admitting you’re in a bad place, and need some kind of help..
“...You are a-mong friends, here. We are alll deal-img withe pro-blems. Big! Or small. Do note be a-fraid two talke to some-one. O-key?” He stares at the back of her head for a long time before smiling a little when she finally nods. He wishes her a good rest of the day and makes his way back down the stairs, and towards the boilers.
He hopes Kamal is okay. Today piled a lot of unexpected stress onto him, and Habit knew just how anxious he got about things... Well! No matter, he would make sure things ran smooth as they can go. Tomorrow he’ll check in with Parsley, and get to work on all of Trevor’s papers. Maybe see if... Parsley can get a hold of his mom. Or... something. Anything. That whole situation didn’t sit right with him..
When he reached the elevator he hit the up button and waited patiently for the ding, listening to the hum of the machine as it whirred to life. He was still lost in thought, but didn’t miss the quiet sound under the mechanical hum. He lifted his head a bit to listen more intently, looking around the empty room.
Empty? No, that wasnt right. His eyes widened a bit as his gaze landed on one of the corners of the room, where he spotted a small form, pressed against that corner and looking very small. His expression fell and his chest tightened painfully.
“Oh, лилия....” The words slipped out, just barely audible, and Habit turned to make his way over to that small form as the elevator dinged and opened behind him. He stopped just shy of the other, and slowly sat down on his knees in front of him.
Kamal was sat so tucked into that corner and into himself that he looked so, so much smaller than normal. Habit could see the way he trembled, even in the dim room, and could see the uneven rising and falling of his breathing, despite him being utterly silent. He reached out to him, only to stop just shy of touching his head. He hesitated for a long while, thinking over what to do.
“Is touche o-kay?”
For a while, Kamal didn’t give him a response, verbal or otherwise, but he eventually nodded. Habit breathed a sigh of relief and started to gently stroke the top of his head, lightly dragging his finger tips through his hair.
“I ame... so sorry, Kamal... I should note hav left you a-lone.” Especially when the way up to the office was so... dark and spooky. He should really try getting some lights down here sometime, he thinks, but- no no. That wasn’t important right now.
What was important was the fact that he let his assistant, his friend, get so anxious like this. He’s sure he could have done... something better along the way.
He continues to comb through Kamal’s wavy hair with his fingers, not sure what to say next. Not sure what would or wouldn’t make it worse.. but he knew being down here wasn’t going to make it any better, thats for sure.
Gently he started to coax Kamal into uncurling.
“Here, lemt me carry you two you’re room. Yew wille be more comfy there.”
Eventually Kamal let Habit pick him up, but he hid his face in his hands the whole time. That made Habit giggle a bit, which seemed to relax Kamal a little. Good! That was... a little progress, at least. He carried him up and into the elevator, pushing the up button. Kamal, being his assistant, shared a room right across from Habit’s. Easy to get to and from the office quickly.
As the elevator came to a slow stop and dinged, the doors sliding open, Kamal finally found his voice as Habit stepped out.
“Imm.. ss-sorry...” His voice was quiet and cracked easily, giving away his crying. It really tore up Habit from the inside out, hearing him like that.
“Kamal no no, you do’nt haf two be sorre for an-y thimg....” He nudged Kamal’s door open as he reached it, thankful it wasnt closed all the way, and went to go sit on the bed. Still holding him close.
“Bu.. but I. I-I didnt... ee-even help!.. I was,, ss-so useless...” And that was it, wasn’t it. He tried so hard all the time, he worked so hard, all the time. Did everything his parents wanted him to, studied and made perfect grades even at the expense of his well being, got into a good college, then went to a good dentistry school, kept studying hard and making perfect grades-
But god, god, life throws one unexpected thing at him and he totally falls apart. Just one! And it wasnt even that bad! So- why??
He flinches a little bit as his hands are pulled from his face, and he stares, teary-eyed up at his boss, who looks back down at him with worry and pain.
“You are Not use-less. Kamal.” Habit closes his eyes for a second to take a breath, and when he opens them again, his gaze is much softer.
“Yew are wonderful. So.. smarte, and hard-workeing, all the time! Even whene you do’mt haf to be. You check and re-cheke ev-ery-thing so thate you are sure it is all in-order! Thate everything is o-key! Yew hav re-membered manee little de-tales I do not, and have fixed mine mistakes thate I missed. Ande yew care a-bout the Habititans as much as I do.” He gives Kamal a warm smile, gently wiping a few tears away with his thumb.
“Far from use-less, in mine o-pinion.”
Kamal cant help his face flushing as Habit speaks, glancing away when he starts touching his face. It does bring a little smile to his face, and he cant help but.. laugh? Just a little bit.
“Y... yer.. such a sofie, y.. y’know that?” He doesn’t look back up at Habit, but he does put a hand over top the one still touching his face, as if to say ‘keep it there.’
Habit just stares down at Kamal with a little smile on his face, staying quiet for a bit before letting out a little laugh of his own.
“Hah, may-b! Thate is a good thing, no?”
Its only now that Kamal finally looks up at Habit, giving him a small smile of his own.
“Yeah... yeah I, I think so.”
They stay like that for a long while. Habit moves so that his back can lean back against the wall, and Kamal stays in his arms. He feels like this should be... way more weird, I mean, he was. Being held by his boss? After having a mini breakdown. In his own room??? On his bed??? But... it was just. Nice.
They talked about nothing in particular for what felt like hours, till Kamal stopped getting answers back. He glanced up, only to see that Habit was starting to doze off. He felt his face flush again along with this warm, but also nauseous feeling in his chest. At first he thought he might be about to have a panic attack, but this feeling still felt more.. pleasant than anything, pleasant and nervous.
...Wait a second.
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thicccqueyoongimin · 4 years
yoonseok fluff and stuff
forever 21 | chapter 1 
pairing: yoongi x hoseok
word count: 1.6k
genre: fluffy fluff (rated PG)
warnings: kissing, mentions of sexuality, mild language but not really
Min Yoongi sighed as he leaned over the checkout counter at Forever 21. He really really hated his job. But if it payed the bills, so be it.. He was going to college for music production, and things were going alright. Life wasn't so bad, apart from his job. But he still felt like something was... Missing
He peered over at the clock. 11:02 am. Only 3-ish hours into his shift and he already wanted to die. That's a record. Usually it takes 4 hours or something like that. Soon co-workers and customers made the empty store seem a bit more lively. Lost in thought, Yoongi didn't even hear the footsteps of cheap stilettos clacking up to him. Only when his boss slammed her perfectly manicured hand on the counter, did Yoongi jump up and leave his depressing thoughts behind. He spoke.
"I'm sorry ma'am, I was just -"
" Thinking, like you ALWAYS ARE. " his boss interrupted. " I might as well just fire you now, but I need you, so unfortunately.. That's not an option. "
She steps to the side, revealing a man, with perfect golden tan skin and cherry red hair.
"This is Jung Hoseok." She says.
Yoongi's P.O.V
Jung Hoseok? He's so handsome.
"Stop being weird, Yoongi. He probably doesn't swing that way" I think to myself.
"You'll be showing this young man around, he's a new employee. Show him how to restock the clothes shelves, handle the cash register, and everything else from the handbook." My boss says and Throws the book of rules at me. Ugh, she's so RUDE. She turns around and walks off, leaving Hoseok and I alone.
"Um, hey I'm Hoseo- oh well you already know that haha" he says with a big toothy grin.
"I'm Yoongi." I say with a flat tone , not smiling. I see his smile falter a little. Shoot. I didn't mean to be rude. I'm really not a smiley person, that's just how I am. I want to apologize but that would be weird.
"Come follow me and I'll show you the back room, what to do and stuff ." I say, a little kinder this time.
his smile comes back immediately and he follows behind me to the back room.
I show him everything he needs to know and he's a really fast learner. He's so optimistic and happy and... It's tiring but it's refreshing at the same time. I really like him and I've only been with him for half a day. And here's the thing. I. Dont. Like. People... Usually, but Hoseok was different.
3rd person P.O.V
The whole day was a new, but good experience for the both of them. There was hardly ever silence between the two, and when there was it was a comfortable kind. They mostly just laughed and talked about whatever whilst they folded clothes and restocked the back room. Soon it was 2, and Yoongi 's shift was over. And for once in his entire working career, he didn't want it to end. Oh, how he adored Hoseok. Maybe it was too early to have these feelings, but Yoongi didn't care. His infatuation with the red head was undeniable. He was so funny and he could already see that he was caring by the way he treated the customers and other co-workers, and he was smart. And on top of that, he was really good looking. The list could go on and on. Yoongi packed up his stuff and let the dread fill him again as he said goodbye to Hoseok and left the building. Then, he got an idea. He ran back into the store where Hoseok was packing up too, since their shifts ended at the same time.
"Hoseok!" Yoongi shouted
" Yoongi! " Hoseok replied with a laugh.
"Do you... W-want to maybe get like a drink or a late lunch or something? with me, I mean" Yoongi stuttered.
Hoseok blinked in surprise. "Yeah, for sure! Let me go home and change first. Here's my number, I'll send you my address." He says and he types his number into Yoongi's phone.
"Okay I'll see you soon Hoseok!" Yoongi says, feeling much happier than the first time he left the store.
Hoseok's P.O.V
"OKAY OKAY CALM DOWN IT'S JUST SOME LUNCH. NOT A DATE" I scream internally as I throw my new name tag on my nightstand. I walk across my colourful room and peer into the closet. "Hmmmm, I like this sweater.. And it's rainbow, so maybe he'll get the hint" I think slyly to myself. I match that with a pair of ripped jeans and some vans. Soon enough, I was ready. I texted Yoongi My address and he said he was on his way. My mood went from good to great! I'm usually in a good mood and life is pretty okay right now, I just like to look on the bright side of things. Although things are going good, I will admit... I'm freaking LONELY. Of course of course, I have friends. But no matter what people say, friends aren't the same as a special someone. It's two completely different types of love, if you get what I mean? Yoongi is such a cutie, but we only just met today... He prolly doesn't like guys like I do. He seems a bit cold too, but I'm determined to find his soft side. It's my favorite side of people.
The doorbell rings and I run to the door. But, nobody's there. I look a bit further out, and by the curb in front of the apartment complex, I see a dark blue car. The windows open and Yoongi is waving at me, with the cute little gummy smile that I've grown to love in under one day. I walk up and get in the car.
"how'd you ring the doorbell if you didn't get out of the car?" I ask.
"oh I did." He replies nonchalantly. "I just don't like standing, so I came back here and sat down, it's too much work to stand"
l laugh at him. He turns out of the parking lot and heads to the cafe. The car ride was filled with easygoing conversation. I got to know even more about Yoongi and he got to know more about me. We get to the coffee shop and order what we want. We keep talking. It's funny, Neither of us has shut up since the time I got into the car. Yoongi's so easy to talk to, and that's nice, cause I thought he'd be the exact opposite. Our food comes, and a comfortable silence falls over us, as we stuff out mouths with food. Soon, lunch is over, and I'm sad. Jeeeeeeeeez, I can't get enough of this guy!! Then I get an idea. I still think it's a bit too early to just ask what Yoongi's sexuality is. But this idea might help me get the information I need, without being awkward. I might as well give it a shot. We get into the car and I ask.
"Yoongi, are you doing anything else today?"
"uhhh, nope. I don't think so." He replies
" want to come over? I got this new game on my phone and I haven't found anyone to play with yet" I say, crossing my fingers, hoping he might agree.
"Yeah sure!" He says , but then clears his throat and composes himself, "I mean, yeah.. I'm down"
I roll my eyes and we head back to my apartment.
Yoongi 's P.O.V
HE JUST INVITED ME TO HIS HOUSE!!!! I'm freaking out. But I gotta keep my swag. Alright deep breaths. We pull up to his apartment and he unlocks the door. The apartment is small but not too small, and it's clean, but not too clean and still decorated nicely. The main thing I noticed, is that it was empty.
"You live here alone?" I ask flopping down onto his maroon couch.
"Yeah, it's nice cause the rents not too bad, but I'm lonely" he said with a sad smile.
"If you're ever lonely, you've got me now." I say sitting up and looking at him seriously .
"Thanks Yoongi. It means a lot. Ok lets play that game now" he says as he sits down next to me.
Hoseok pulls out his phone and clicks on an app.
"Its called.. Truth or dare" he says.
"Hoseok, I know what truth or dare is" I say.
"Reallly!?" He asks
" Uhm, yes... It's one of the most popular games out there.. Are you telling me that you haven't heard of truth or dare? " I reply
"You know what... Let's just play" he says, blushing and looking down at his phone. "Yoongi, truth or dare!!"
"Dare. "
He smiles brightly and clicks the dare button on the screen. His smile falters for a second and he looks confused.
"Uh.... Eat a spoonful of wasabi." He mumbles
" No. " I say.
"Well that's fine, cause I don't have wasabi anyway" he says, "I'll pick a different one"
he clicks again and giggles as he reads it. Man, even his laugh was cute. What the hell, Hoseok.
"Lick the toilet seat" he says and laughs louder again.
"See, I'd do that. But it's too far away." I say, genuinely not wanting to get up.
"Ugh, fine. One more, but this one, you have to do." He says rolling his eyes.
"Third times the charm!" I tell him
He clicks, once again, and reads the dare on the screen. His cheeks turn a bit pink and he looks up.
"H-hold hands with the person next to you for 3 turns."
Hi guysss this is my first post ever on tumblr, I wrote this fanfiction a while ago on wattpad (its still up there too if you want to check it out) anyways there's one more chapter of this story. enjoy!! <3
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flurrys-creativity · 4 years
20 Questions Tag
Thank you for tagging me Miss President 😁 (@thatmultifandomhoe)
1. What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Here on tumblr? Flurry.. though I don't mind anything else.. in reality and from my friends I'd like to be called Sid 😅
2. When is your birthday?
5th of October 1994..
3. Where do you live?
In a small town in Northern Germany. In my own one room apartment (though half the year I stay at my parents so I can annoy them 🤷🏻‍♀️)
4. Three things you're doing right now.
1) Listening to the Fairy Tail soundtrack
2) Working on two stories (Appetence and a request for Vmin)
3) Getting distracted by tiktok 🙈 (shouldn't have downloaded that app)
5. Four fandoms that have peaked your interest.
MCND, Seventeen, Mamamoo and uhhh.. Oneus
6. How has the pandemic been treating you?
When the pandemic started and the first lockdown came I was at my parents place and after a while I got really annoyed and even aggressive for being stuck inside for too long with my family.. but when I got back to my own apartment it was fine.. I live a little outside of town so I barely go out anyway unless it was for work or my monthly grocery shopping.. I had a lot of time to write and keep up with my watch list on netflix.. but when I got sick in the middle of October and the infection rate had increased again I got really scared.. now we have another lockdown and I can't work anymore which is annoying but not the end of the world for me.. all in all my life isn't that different from before (except the big meetings with friends are missing but we keep in contact through discord and team speak)
7. A song you can't stop listening to right now?
Dingga from Mamamoo
8. Recommend a movie.
Hmm.. Big Hero 6.. my all time favourite 🥺
9. How old are you?
26 in theory.. but my body feels more often like 89 and my mind like 7 🤷🏻‍♀️
10. School, university, occupation, other?
University and if it weren't for the pandemic a job as well.. for a few more month that is.. next summer I hopefully have a job as a teacher..
11. Do you prefer heat or cold?
Cold. I can just put more layers of clothes on.. but I thrive in the cold.
12. Name one fact others may not know about you.
I actually don't know one.. I'm an open book.. no secrets no rumours 😅
13. Are you shy?
Yes. Definitely. Unless I am familiar and comfortable with the people around me.
14. Preferred pronouns?
She/Her. Though by now I don't really care if I'm called anything else 🙈
15. Biggest Pet Peeves?
People chewing with an open mouth.. and I discovered that because I even get annoyed hearing it from my favourite idols 😅
16. What is your favourite "dere" type?
Kuudere, I guess 😁
17. Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
I would say 8? I'm pretty happy with what I've got.. but there is always room for more I guess?
18. What’s your main blog?
amazing-flurryfries though I barely use it..
19. List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
This one and for kpop purposes obviously..
20. Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
I am super resentful... like if someone wrongs me I may actually forgive them but I will always bring it up whenever I want to get through with something.. just... never get on my wrong side 😅
Sooo that have been 20 questions.. and now you know more about me.. I guess...
Let me tag my usual victims @yoongs-jeontae @wwilloww @moccahobi @spookidema @limjaeseven and of course anyone who wants to do that as well..
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rosywaifu · 5 years
Forgiveness {Gajeel x Reader Smut}
Warnings: SMUT (fingering, oral (M/F receiving) blowjob, penetration, etc)
Tumblr media
I was walking home from the guild late at night. I got into a pretty rousing fight with Natsu about something or another, it’s hard to keep up with him. I twisted my neck trying to alleviate the pressure, rubbing small circles in the crook. 
“Hey, short stack.” I felt his presence behind me before he even spoke. He filled my body with electricity and anger. I never really forgave him for what he did to our guild, even if it was seven years ago. I turned around to see his pierced face smirking down at me. He towered over my small frame like a giant. 
“What do you want, Gajeel? I’m busy.” I said with a frown. He let out a short huff. 
“Look, small fry, I saw your fight with flame brain and figured I should check on you or whatever.” I scoffed. 
“Yeah right, and then are you going to nail me to a tree like you did Levy?” I saw his eyes widen at my hurtful and mocking tone. His cast his eyes down, looking disappointed and upset. 
“Right. Sorry, I’ll go.” His voice was gruffer then usual but he still somehow sounded soft and delicate. I was surprised as he turned to leave. I was expecting him to put up a fight. He was always itching to go a few rounds with anyone willing in the guild. 
“What, not man enough, iron head?” I heard him growl lightly and it was a sound that went straight to my panties. It was so deep and guttural and made them dampen. 
“I don’t want to fight you, (Y/N).” I rolled my eyes. 
“What, am I too fragile? You’ll go a few rounds with Erza but not me? I’ve beaten Erza in a fight and don’t you forget it! I made the S-Class trials while you were just Levy’s partner! I could beat you with my hands tied behind my back!” I shouted, drawing the attention of a few people walking along the streets. He made no moves. Finally, I walked up to him and started punching him, hard. I hit him three times but he made no attempt to fight back. 
“Why won’t you fight me?!!” I screamed loudly, tears flowing down my face as I breathed deep and hard breaths as he slumped against a tree. 
“Why did you hurt my guild? My family?” I said finally, a little meekly. I slumped to the ground, my head in my lap. Then, Gajeel did the unthinkable. He pulled me into his lap and let me cry into his chest. I felt his strong arms envelope me, wrapping around my waist. His head hung lowly, his lips right near my neck. I felt his hot mouth let out slow, ragged breaths. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry. I never knew what being a part of a family was like. When Metalicana left, I thought all hopes of a family were gone. Then Phantom Lord found me and gave me a home. I would have done anything to please them. Then I met all of you, and you took me in even after everything I did. You showed me that real family won’t make you do the unspeakable. (Y/N), please forgive me.” I felt my eyes tear up at his confession. My face was still buried in his warm, hard chest and I could feel his heart beat at a rapid pace. I pulled away slightly and looked him in the eyes. They were a little bleary and he had a few tears rolling down his cheeks. I instinctively swiped them away with my thumbs. Then, I did the unspeakable. I kissed him. The kiss was warm as our lips moved in sync, my tongue would swipe against one of his cold, metal piercings giving me a whole new sense of electricity. His own tongue swiped against my bottom lip but I teased him and kept it closed. I heard him let out another guttural growl has he moved one hand from my waist to my ass and grabbed a fistful making me gasp in surprise, pain and pleasure. This gave him the access he needed to explore my mouth and wrestle my tongue. We battled for dominance to which he won due to my slight moans from him kneading my ass. I felt him grin against my lips making the metal graze against my swollen lips sending a wave of pleasure. He then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist feeling his arousal thick against my own. He used his dragon slayer magic to take me to his apartment. 
I hardly had time to look around before he laid me on his bed and began kissing me again. I started feeling his urgency as our kissing got a little sloppier, but he felt restrained and rigid. 
“I’m not fragile, Gajeel. I won’t break.” There was that growl again, signaling he was turned on by my words and tone, and it went straight to my core. He then ravaged my neck making unexpected moans curl out of my mouth. He pressed hot, sloppy kisses down my shoulder and across my throat until he found the spot right between my collar bone that made me gasp in pleasure. He then attacked it at full force, sucking and biting like it was his last meal. Each rough suck on my skin made me groan. 
“Ungh, oh, god!” Once he let off with a slight pop, he licked the spot he marked, soothing it slightly. By now, my panties were thoroughly soaked and by the smirk on his face, he could smell it. With little effort, he pulled the shirt I was wearing over my head and gaped at my breasts. I wore a simple black bra to cover them but they were hardly constrained. He pulled that off soon as well and began rolling my hardened nipples in between his fingers as he kissed the valley in between them following the path to my naval. Every hot and wet press from his mouth made my core ache and my mouth groan. Finally he arrived where I needed him most. He flipped up the skirt I was wearing and admired the sight before him. I was wearing simple black panties but now they were soaked in my arousal. He took a single finger and rubbed it gently against my folds through my panties making me whimper. 
“Wow, small fry, all this from kissing? You’re quite easy to satisfy.” There was a hint of playfulness in his voice as he slowly moved his finger up and down my folds narrowly missing my clit every time. I moaned deeply. 
“Gajeel, please, please-uh.”  “’Please’ what, babe?” Without even looking at him, I knew he had that trademark smirk on his swollen lips. he started moving a little faster, creating friction on my heat. 
“Uhhh, fuck - please fuck me - I want your mouth - ungh please fuck - “ hearing me moan and beg must have spurred him on because almost immediately my skirt and panties joined my other clothes on the floor and he rammed his tongue deep into my aching core. I moaned loudly. His tongue skillfully darted in and out of my pussy as his middle finger drew figure eights on my clit. I was a moaning and squirming mess. His nose would occasionally bump the little bundle of nerves and his piercing would graze my heat making my hips jump. He sucked and rubbed and tongue-fucked me until I came. I came loudly, covering my mouth as his name tumbled from my lips. 
“uh, uh, babe. You don’t hold anything back. Let all of Magnolia know how is fucking you this good, understand?” I moaned at his words in agreement. I decided to give him some fair treatment. Using my strength, I was able to flip us over and straddle him. He seemed not used to women taking charge but allowed me to do so. With a last desperate kiss to his lips, I started trailing hot kisses down his jaw and on his neck and Adam’s apple. He moaned lightly but then groaned when I found his own sweet spot nestled right under his Adams Apple. I then performed my own triage of kissing, sucking and biting until I left a large hickey that I licked with pride. I felt his groan and his arousal nudge against my core. I removed his shirt exposing his chest. He was glistening with sweat. I left sloppy, wet kisses down his pecs and pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses to each of his pierced nipples, making him groan in pleasure. I licked my way down his exquisite abs and found myself eyeing the three studs all lined up in in the center of his V. I took my time swirling my tongue around each one, and kissing it gently. I kept my eyes on his the whole time. His pupils were blown as he watched me erotically kiss his studs and then peel down his pants. I took them off swiftly along with his boxers, allowing his cock to spring free. I felt my core heat up even more as I saw him; so thick and girthy. And was that, no, yes! A metal bar in the head of his penis. I couldn’t help but be aroused at all his piercings. I couldn’t wait to get him inside me, but I had other things to do first. I quickly wrapped my lips on the head of his dick and swirled my tongue around and down the slit, licking some of the pre-cum and pressing my tongue flat against his piercing. I felt his shudder and he groaned out a light “fuck.” I took this as he liked what I was doing and decided to go even further, taking him all in, relaxing my throat. I rubbed my tongue on the underside, choking slightly. I used one hand to massage his balls making him moan loudly. “Fuck, (Y/N).” His voice was gruff and hoarse. I bobbed my head up and down quickening my pace as I felt his hands tangle themselves in my long (H/C) hair. He tugged on the strands willing me to go faster and I happily obliged. I choked some more but I felt him twitch in my mouth. he tried to pull away, but I held on and sucked harder- he was exactly where I wanted him. I bobbed faster, and ran my tongue along the vein. I felt his piercing rub against my throat making me hum. The humming sent vibrations and he unloaded in my mouth. As I pulled up off, I made sure to keep eye contact as I sucked every drop off and I swallowed the load completely. I opened my mouth showing him as I crawled back up to his neck leaving more kisses and hickeys. He returned the favor leaving a big one right in between my shoulder and neck.
“That was the hottest fucking thing I ever saw. You taking my whole cock in your mouth and the things your tongue did to my piercings. And to top it all off, you swallowed all the cum I unloaded. Watching all of that has me all geared up.” He then took his rough palm and pushed it against my hot and wet core massaging it lightly. 
“And I can see you are too.” He chuckled lowly. He flipped us over with him on top. It looks like he was done with me being dominate. But that worked for me, I wanted him to fuck me till I couldn’t think or walk straight. He held my legs apart with his hands. They were rough and hard and I could feel him leaving bruises on my thighs from how hard he was holding me but all that did was egg me on. 
“Come on, Gajeel, fuck me. Fuck me till I see stars.” And with that, he switched from rubbing the head of his cock between my folds to ramming me, completely covering his cock in my pussy. We both groaned at the pressure. With a little adjustment, he nearly slid himself out completely then rammed into me again. He went slowly at first but I began moaning for him to go faster and harder. He slammed into me hard at almost an inhuman pace. I was moaning and unable to form coherent thoughts or sentences. The only words out of my mouth were, 
“Fuck, ga-Gajeel, fuck, harder, please, ung, fuck!” And things like that. He then pulled out and flipped me over to my hands and knees. I planted my face and chest straight into the bed, my ass and pussy dangling in the air and then he pushed into me again. I heard him growling and emitting that deep and guttural growl that makes me wet. 
“Ung, Gajeel, you make me so fucking wet! Fuck you feel so good, unggg, harder!” I heard him groaning at my words and he rammed into me with new vigor. 
“You’re so fucking tight, you keep clenching around me! Fuck, so good!” He groaned in my ear. When we were almost to our peaks, I flipped us over once more. I wanted to see his face as he came. I slowly lowered myself on to his throbbing cock. I moaned as it reentered my aching heat. I began to quickly move my hips up and down and swirl them on his. 
“Unnnggg, fuck Gajeel, Fuck I’m going to come!” He then took control using his big hands to push me up and down hard and fast on his cock. I felt him twitch inside me. That little spur of movement was enough to make me come for the second time. I opened my eyes but threw my head back as I saw stars. I felt my cum leak out of me and out on my thighs. He kept pushing me up and down helping me ride out my orgasm while chasing down his own. To help him along his way, I leaned up close to his ear and licked the shell. 
“Come on, Gajeel, come for me. Come inside me. Fill me up with your dot, delicious cum. I want to lick your cum off your big cock. I want to taste you mingled with me.” And with that, he bust his load deep inside me, making me moan at the heat. As I slowly lifted off him, I groaned at the release of pressure. I then kept good on my word and licked out mixed juices off his now softened cock. I licked my lips and smiled at him. He pulled me up and wrapped me in his arms. Our bodies were nothing but sweaty tangled limbs. We gasped for breath. He looked down at me and gave me a sweet kiss, far different from the ones before. I smiled into it before falling asleep in his arms. 
The next day, I put on the outfit from the day before and quietly left his house. I wasn’t sure why, but I had a feeling this was a one time thing. Gajeel didn’t seem the relationship type. I did leave a note that said “I forgive you.” With a little heart at the end. I went home and took a swift shower before putting on some clean clothes. I hadn’t looked in a mirror before walking into the guild hall, but boy do I wish I had. 
As I walked to the bar, I noticed some odd looks and some whispers floating around me. When I reached the bar, Mira walked over to me. 
“Hey, Mira. Why are they all whispering?” She giggled and held up a mirror. Thats when I saw them. All the love bites and hickeys Gajeel left. There was at least a dozen, maybe more. I looked down in my lap and saw that my skirt didn't cover the hand prints on my inner thighs. 
“Oh no...” I groaned to Mira’s laughter. 
“Hey, (Y/N)-- woah, what happened to you? You looked fucked up.” Natsu said from the left side of the bar. 
“Oh, she was.” Mira said with a mischievous glint. I shot her a glare. 
“Is that from our fight last night? Geez, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know i’d leave you so bruised!” He sounded genuinely regretful which was quite sweet. Before I was able to tell him these weren’t his fault, someone else beat me to it. 
“Hey, step off, Flame Brain! I made those!” The whole guild gasped when Gajeel walked in with just as many, maybe even more, love bites and hickeys littering his neck and chest which was exposed due to his vest. He strode right over to me and kissed me deeply. Everyone nearly fell out of their chairs. When he pulled away, I blushed deeply. Natsu looked at both our necks with intense curiosity. 
“Did you guys get into a fight?” We both deadpanned. I guess he missed the part where Gajeel strode in here and gave me a panty-dropping kiss. The rest of the guild fell out of their chairs muttering about how dense he was. 
~The End~
Word Count: 2,874
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