#and yet i put myself thru this game for '''''''''''''''fun''''''''''''''''''''
chibigaia-art · 1 year
ough (day 2 - 4, tho I haven’t finished the fourth day yet)
-get this guy out of my front yard rn
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- I love that there is no further elaboration, he’s just an idiot. that’s it. artemy is fucking fuming and rubin is an idiot
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- top 10 lines that made me turn on the lights in the room
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- I was dying of hunger when I said this
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-wonder bull :]
- I clap my hands and go ‘woohoo’ whenever they mention the ‘eart good, sky evil’ thing and also whenever they talk about the town as if its alive
- the dialogue options in this game make me positively insane because they all really feel like something artemy could say to ppl, but in a way that sometimes just shows further how conflicted he is on certain topics, ESPECIALLY when it’s about his place in the town and how he sees the Kin’s methods of healing, so I was positively delighted when I saw this line during the theatre play
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because yeah!!! I can keep picking the options to tell everyone that I’m part of the Kin and I trust the traditions, but I will always know what Artemy thinks and how leaving the town made him doubt all that stuff. Dialogue in this game is my reward for the pain I’m suffering
- lines from videogames that make you project on fictional characters
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- day 3 was extreme torment for me, my previous mistakes are biting me in the ass AND now that the sand pest hit I am in a panic and keep thinking I should’ve used my time better. I could’ve probably done better!!! But I have to keep going
- house of the dead killed me on the spot, my anxiety didnt mix well with it. 10/10 with what they were going for!
-found her sitting with the kids, that was cute
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- I hope he’s calling him a little bitch
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- this exchange
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- big bird :)
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- fucking destroyed me when I walked back in the house and saw the vision death puts there to taunt you. had to put the game on pause
- then I had to reload a save because I realized I was abt to die of hunger, and since I was infected & I could’ve probably avoided some mistakes,,, I’m just gonna try it again tmrw
I am NOT having fun but also. I am constantly thinking about this game. BUT ALSO I actively choose to stop playing it, I don’t try to stretch my gameplay for more than a couple hours (or even less) because I always reach a point where I get overwhelmed and need to pull back and think. definitely not having fun but also too engaged to stop
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snickerdoodlles · 4 months
fake omegaverse??? im sold tell me more hehe 👀
went to the ren faire and spent yesterday in a recovery fuzz, time to catch up on these!! :D
but oh man okay, fake omegaverse AU my BELOVED ❤ i have some notes on the idea posted here, and i've posted some of the story here. but the tl;dr of it is that i think the omegaverse trope would massively appeal to Kim and his kinks and i think Kim would be mortified over how seen he feels by it, and i love nothing more than putting him thru that ordeal <333 an incomplete list of things that i think would massively appeal to him:
scenting and the uh. claiming bite/mark/bond thing i just forgot the name of (i don't read this trope 😂). i will always see KimChay as being extremely grabby and clingy with each other and loving every second of it, and Kim esp would be wild over the thought of having what's more or less a permanent wedding ring. the scent thing is just more of the same, he absolutely wants every pore of himself to be screaming "CHAY'S!!!" in a way no one could doubt or easily cover oh yes please 👀
the pheromone thing. is that how pheromones work in nature? not in the slightest. does Kim desperately wish he could just emit a sex pollen scent that tells Chay "am horny, FUCK PLEASE" and puts Chay immediately in the mood without Kim having to admit to wanting such things with words? MHMM MHMM.
the marathon sex. he's young and horny and his boyfriend is hot, yes please ravish him all night.
breeding kink! i actually don't see Kim or Chay as wanting a child, it's not really something i see for any of the kp boys, but i think Kim would really like the fantasy of another permanent tie to Chay. Chay's like "yeah, you'd be hot pregnant" as a joke or something but Kim instantaneously zips through six fantasies of domestic bliss and Chay guaranteed to stay with him at least until all their children are grown and them growing old together and hello, legs spread, ass out, please Chay-
anyways, it's mostly just humorous scenarios of Kim discovering new kinks and then making him admit how badly he wants them, because making Kim self-discover via kink is SO much fun <33 case in point, these are my notes for the first story in the series:
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i was also about to say this was going to be a short thing except i just checked my wordcount and somehow have 2.5k written even tho i haven't even hinted at any clothes coming off yet. if this winds up long like most of my other things, i'm going to fling myself into a pool.
[ WIP game ]
[ prev asks ]
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echoesofcquinn · 5 months
B and I had a lot of nights that weren't very flashy. We'd take one of the bikes out, go to a dive bar, maybe shoot some pool. We dressed for the crash, not the ride, but fuck if her ass didn't still kill. Tight pants and a leather jacket - she'd complain about helmet hair and I literally wouldn't be able to hear her. It was impossible she couldn't see it.
Esme could see it. But I get ahead of myself.
One Thursday night towards the end of summer, I told B I was in the mood to take a ride and that she was to get ready for it after work. She did, setting out the riding pants and jackets we usually wore, waiting for me to fill in the rest. I had a late meeting and beckoned her in when she came to check on me. She spent the end of my meeting on her knees, eagerly trying to convince me to join her in the shower after my call ended. She knew what I wanted, she knew I couldn't talk to clarify, and her bratty ass took full advantage. Edging me with her throat and tongue over and over then scampering out of range just before I was able to end the call.
I picked her up in the shower and pressed her back against the cold wall, two things I normally don't do. I growled into her ear that she could come down when she'd done her job and her pussy clenched immediately. Gyrating her hips (fuck she's getting good at that) as I pounded her into the wall, I told her I could feel how wet she got sucking my cock. She whimpered that it was the shower and I chuckled as I gripped her ass tighter. I told her that she wasn't allowed to cum after all, holding her in place as she squeezed down on me, then groaned as her little body gave me the release I needed. She whined and pouted and tried to beg as I put her on her knees to clean me up.
I laid out a set of lingerie which I knew she'd soak through and a nearly see-thru top to go with the tight black riding pants. She whimpered again as I set out a heavier black leather collar to complete the look but she didn't fuss. She knew we'd be going to a local spot. Everyone there with eyes already knew she belonged to me.
The collar wouldn't share any secrets.
We left the Indian and took the Harley tonight. The way her hands moved on my abs told me that the heavy rumble between her thighs was keeping her in high gear, which was just fine. I wanted her that way.
The thing was, we'd been going on Thursdays to our local dive for a couple weeks now. I'd noticed a pattern, a girl I'd seen there the past three weeks, and I wanted to see if it would hold true. I had pointed her out to B last week. She'd gotten that dumb puppy look in her eyes, the kind of look that says 'yes please' to a treat. We hadn't said hi yet, but given the eyes this girl had made our way she definitely liked what she saw in one or both of us. If she was there tonight, it was time to put that to the test.
Walking in, I immediately noticed her. She'd set up at the table we were at last week, and she was checking her phone as soon as we walked through the door - trying to disguise that she'd been watching it. I wasn't fooled. I told B to go to our usual table, I'd get her a drink, and she answered "moving" before even realizing that it was occupied.
This would be fun, between how needy she was and how naturally she managed to be smooth with women - all the while thinking she had zero game. When I came back from the bar, B was still blushing a little, apologizing for almost not seeing our soon-to-be new friend.
"Who's your lovely friend, B?" I asked casually, setting down a pair of tequila sunrises and a whiskey coke double. Ashley, one of the servers who was both entirely in love with me and endlessly simping for B, set down three cold tequila doubles, limes and salt. She winked and blew B a kiss as she sauntered back to the bar. I could tell she was staring at the mirror behind the bar to see if we watched her walk away.
"This is Esme!" B beamed at me and tilted up her chin for a kiss, almost pouting for it. I gave it to her, deep but not overly long. "Let's not be rude, pet." I smiled at her and turned to Esme.
She hadn't looked away while we kissed and was blushing lightly, not overly easy to accomplish on a gorgeously tan Latina. I could see her shifting in her seat slightly, mouth slightly parted. I reached out a hand and as she offered hers I turned it slightly, half bowing and smiling at her. "The pleasure is all mine," I said as I introduced myself. I glanced at the table. "Oh my, we've been overserved. Care to join us for a drink?"
She laughed a little at that, and I slid a shot and one of the tequila drinks over to in front of her. She was definitely blushing now but she just nodded, still smiling. B beamed at her and said "next round we'll have to do it in a more fun way" with a mischievous little smirk. She clicked her glass against ours before tapping the table and tossing it back.
"Pool?" B grabbed both of Esme's wrists and pulled her along towards our usual table. I watched for a moment. Usually B asked me to rack, but either through her natural affinity or perhaps from watching us last week, Esme stepped to the end of the table and began doing it immediately. She was in a bright yellow romper. It was deliciously short and hugged the curves of her ass. Flowy at the top, it had a deep neckline that showed off nearly all of her assets. She made a vibrant counterpoint to B's black pants and lacy black lingerie shimmering through her top.
I almost didn't want to join them, spectating was such a pleasure. But I thought I'd spice it up a little so I changed the game to screw your neighbor. A shot for you if the last one of your balls went in. A double if you sunk your own ball and gave balls back to the other two. As we paced around the table, sliding past each other became grazing each other became, in B's case, an excuse to fully grind across her opponent, either myself or Esme - it quickly didn't seem to matter. She was getting that slightly glazed look in her eyes, breath coming a little heavier, blush rising in her cheeks a little faster.
I pulled her close on her next pass. I kissed her neck, and then softly told her. "You will need to go to the bathroom after your next turn - if you even get one. If she offers to go with you, say yes. You can help her with her romper, but you're only allowed to tease. If she tries to kiss or touch, you just point at your collar and say "we need permission" exactly that."
Her eyes were absolutely dazed but she nodded, a soft "Yes Daddy" interrupted by Esme shouting a celebration as she sunk B's last ball. "A shot for youuuu" she exalted, pumping one hand in the air and then crooking a come-hither finger at B.
I got one from the bar and B told Esme to lean back. "You got me out you bitch!" She was laughing as she said it "…so you can make this fun for me." B traced a finger along Esme's collar bone down between her breasts to the low hem of her neckline, and then handed her the shot. Esme raised her eyebrows then tipped the shot glass as B leaned in, catching the liquid as it spilled along that route, chasing the last drops with her tongue up Esme's body…
"I think I need to go to the bathroom, now." B shot a look back over her shoulder at me and I nodded. "I'm coming too." Esme barely managed to squeak out, as B once again took her by the wrist and guided her through the bar.
The bathrooms here were single occupancy, but nobody stopped them. I swirled my drink for a moment and grinned, then sat back down at my table to see how well B was going to listen tonight.
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elvenlace · 2 months
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HEART THIS BEFORE YOU FOLLOW ME, PLEASE! It helps me to know who has and has not read this so I may direct their attention to it.
DNI: 18+ ONLY BLOG, No terfs and swerfs, no transmed truscum, no ageless blogs, Nothing Illegal, NO MINORS, Nobody who openly and actively hates, especially on the transgender community (which includes my non-binary siblings) DO NOT SELL ME SHIT, AND DO NOT SEND ME STUFF TO SIGNAL BOOST! I CANNOT HANDLE THAT STUFF MENTALLY, ANYMORE..
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Ayyo, check these links before following and interacting, too!!:
So first up, I've put my goofy ass on the hellsite, and did a fun little selfie dump! (Maybe some tummy Tuesdays in the near future?)
Secound is an important thread of consciousness, please read with discretion and understand that I do not tag triggers (because I struggle with tagging as is. Anyway, so this is the bit ya wanna read before interacting with me)
Alright, so I have yet another link that is dealing with an answer to an anon, but it is extremely important as it gives better context to the post/s linked above: more Steamworks lore, yay..
(I apologize about the long winded text, but that's just how I do things. I'm a writer, at least in a texting format. 😅)
Warnings: I am a pro-shipper and anti-censorship, I love using the word queer and I identify as such, while also enjoying identifying the people I text with as such. I enjoy what I enjoy and I have heavy kinks. If any of these warnings are in your DNI or makes you uncomfortable, then please block me and do not report me.
I AM A HARRY POTTER MOVIE ENJOYER! I UNDERSTAND JK ROWLING IS A DEVILOUS PIECE OF SHIT AND EVEN THAT IS TOO KIND OF AN INSULT FOR HER! I WATCH THE MOVIES THRU 3RD PARTY MEANS, AND I REFUSE TO PAY FOR ANYTHING HARRY POTTER THAT IS NEW WHILE SHE IS ALIVE, AND WILL FIND ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO PLAY THE NEW GAMES BECAUSE THEY GENUINELY LOOK FUN. Please, please ask yourself why you decide to attack those, ESPECIALLY IN YOUR OWN COMMUNITY, over something they grew up with and actively love as an adult? We are all just trying to get through this life, and all have our own things that help us escape; we are already so divided and splintered, and so you actively hating your trans brothers and sisters, and nonbinary siblings (who barely make up 1 million on the United States' population already) is simply hurting too many people.
Peace, love, acceptance, and alternative means of coming to a peaceful resolution is what I desire in this world. A world that is already so painfully divided, whether that be by a screen or you actively choosing to hate, is just such a burden on those who will be trying so hard to make a name for themselves. Yes, I just pulled a "think of the children" because, seriously stating that seems so obvious and yet, too many people are dismissive of it when they are literally the future.
Do NOT come after me for my existence, and if you see I am following you and decide against the things I enjoy and my personal beliefs and message, then just block me. PLEASE DON'T REPORT ME.. 😖
Okay, so this is going to be my pinned post, and it's going to be a heavy work in Progress. I've gotten some feedback from a couple people, and well I don't like how stiff and forced my first pin seems to people. Especially when it's obvious and I'm hiding more of myself than I would like to be. I know I can write something better and can
Name: prefer Lace online, please. Elven is a title, and I will not respond if you use that to address me.
Age: Currently 23 at the time of this edit. (2024)
Gender: Femboy/Tomgirl transfem mess of an existing baby enby. I have also physically transitioned with whoremones and, I've been on a bumpy journey with them since 2018. I do lean more to feminine than masculine, and only really enjoy being called a boy and even then it's only really in a sexual way (not a detrans fetish. PLEASE DO NOT ASSUME THAT) I have been on my gender journey since 2016 when I started socially transitioning at 15, and even to today I am still heavily exploring it.
I do have limits to my kinks and fetishes, but I will list those another time.
Tags will also be added later.
Yeah, more to add later.
(List of things to add: Mutuals list, Kink limits list, tags, stuff)
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red-dyed-sarumane · 6 months
what are some cool games u have played? dont matter if u mentioned before. tell me again tell me again :D
uhh hmm.
well okami is my all time favorite the art & the music & the message/story are all just incredible theres not a single time ive finished it i havent cried. i absolutely adore ryoshima coast ive spent so many hours just running around there to listen to music. which fun fact for u i only know about this game bc in about 6th grade i picked up okamiden bc i thought the little doggy was cute & was like fine i'll play as this boy if i get a cool dog and u cannot imagine how excited i was to find out u DID play as the little dog. i was SOOOOO obsessed literally my exact thoughts were 'if issun is ammy's celestial envoy then i am going to be chibis' i have a metric fuck ton of fan art i did at the time bc i thought it was quote "the epic-est game for ds ever" also cried every time i finished it. i was 13 so i didnt know what "being down bad" was but do know i was as obsessed with kurow as i was with d-ne later and now tenshi not a single irl friend was unaware i was in love with him. also fun fact for u bc at the same time i was also getting super into vocaloid i was so convinced my vocap name would end up as chibiP to the point i named myself that in pkmn x chibiP after chibiterasu of course. please enjoy my banger old art which is not even a fraction of my output
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yume nikki is my next favorite game specifically the og that changed my brain chemistry as a kid. i adore that game so much its hard to put it into words. its just so unlike anything else. there is absolutely nothing in the game that can directly harm u theres no real health meter theres no way to die during the main play the absolute worst that will ever happen is u get stuck or woken up. in a horror game. which is already just amazing. and the whole horror aspect just plays on something i dont think is often done as well in many other things. ur alone. u wander and wander thru worlds that loop and connect and seemingly have nothing to do with each other. theres no dialogue; talking to npcs just gets u a noise or animation at best. ur entirely alone with just urself. its all dreams so u know everything is of madotsuki's own creation, another layer to the all u have is urself feeling. the art is just unusual i cant even say any of it on its own is in anyway scary. the whole thing shouldnt be scary and yet every time i start wandering in a world i cant help but feel unease. amazing 10/10 no other game will ever have what this gave me.
everyone knows i play pkmn the best is still pmd sky that also rewired my brain i still cant play it without crying.
its been a long time since i was really just playing it as the chapters released & got translated but 1bitheart is so so so important to me too. i dont kin for multiple reasons but if i did nanashi would be my first choice. like- without saying that to her i got my one irl friend to play once & when she saw how nanashi was she turned to me and went "this is just you" hes very important to me even now. absolutely loved the whole friendship sim & the story & its twists & the endings & their implications left me in shambles at 1 am on a school night. my fave charas are nanashi enri & saaya btw. i should replay this.
i also love the etrian odyssey series i love the character portraits (esp with the more recent games' color customization) i LOVE the dungeon art & i think all the monster designs are so cool. adore the whole make ur own map aspect keeps me so entertained to take a step & look around & chart all the walls & path ways. unfortunately i fucking suck at every single one i am not very good at strategy games so i end up stuck at or before the 3rd stratum. but thats okay its still fun to me.
the other one i'll talk about at length is spirit of the north another game i loved the art of. u play as a fox & get a partner spirit fox & i just love it SOOOO much. its also a game with 0 dialogue but theres A Lot going on it if u care to follow along & explore & dig into details & the game play is also pretty fun to me. this is the one game i started learning the speedrun btw thats also a very fun way to play it but ABSOLUTELY play it as intended first it has so much to offer
aaaand special mentions to omori, oneshot, witch's house, mermaid swamp, corpse party, & limbus company
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the-acid-pear · 3 months
Just had an insane dream where the two main realities were Me Lost In A Maze and Me Being Socially Awkward On Tumblr.
The Tumblr part was somehow more twisted at turns, because there was this one friend who asked me to make a post of them making a joke implying they're available and then a DIFFERENT mutual and friend asked me about them (being a little, tiny bit racist I think too but not maliciously just in the "I have no clue who this man is why do we need to hook up"). As I tried to blow MYSELF up with my mind another mutual bestie announced he was gonna start playing FNAFB, because for the last 3 nights in a row that game has been in my dreams, and this was no exception. His bit was the most calm no talking to me just gaming also FNAFB which is usually an RPG was now a 3D side scroller with these abstract, simple and natural yet dimly lit areas and huge enemies, which i reasoned with saying "must be the final mix, a lot changed in the remake :)". Also he has changed his pfp but not entirely he just upgraded the model which was so silly and jarring 2 me. There's another occurrence but that happens in the maze.
How I ended in the maze I'm not sure. I remember however I was in this like, starting room, and Golden Freddy's head who threatened me (not w yiffying my dick something less scary) and told me to count the pancakes on a woman's plate. I giggled bc i didn't take him seriously, I didn't take most of this too seriously, maybe I signed up here willingly, and aside from going those are like 8 pancakes aren't they? I asked if she'd be the key to leaving to which he didn't answer but I assumed to be true.
From there I started running down these backroom pools eske places like these long tiled halls with cool blueish lighting. I saw a lot of faces I knew but I can't recognize the main girl who was grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me along. When I think of it too hard I think she might've been me but then it's like no it's someone else I knew this girl idk from WHERE... (Which is a new one I always recognize ppl from my dreams). Also ran into The Milf Indeed but she had no pancakes though I think she was my childhood's bestie milf who I never got over she was such a gorgeous tall woman. Also uh ... Yeah my closest friend from highschool. He was there.
I think it's worth admitting I was getting kinda emotional here despite being forced to run thru these places being held by the wrist and then being given confusing directions like I was in TSP (which I naturally did wrong just like my man 🫡) bc i was like I'm really enjoying my time here with you guys :) they ignored me tho. Anyway after going like "I TRUST MY GUT FEELING MORE THAN Y'ALL" and going down a third door in the middle I ended up in this dark room.
I think the dream transitioned with me going on Tumblr and the above I mentioned happening but when I got out I realized this was some sort of water filtering room? It was kind of ship-like. It's really hard to explain. Like there was this circle in the middle held by these beams (on the floor, all of them) and I think that's where the water came and left. Touched a button on the wall and the water started raising and I freaked out bc this was meant to be a fun game and now I could actually die. I started looking around and found this little contraption that asked for a code OR an USB. Also a little dog was scratched in the USB slot which was cute. But I had NEITHER because I did NOT talk to the milf! And I was SO upset about this like am I going to die now because I soft locked my ass irl?! Like this already seemed to Not be the place I'd be in hence the escape route but I didn't pick it so 💥
So I started looking for ways out and I was gonna cut a cable to put to a phone (a cordless one) but then i realized Hey I Have My Phone I'd Go Ask On Tumblr! And this is where I saw the third mutual but also where the FOURTH comes in after I was like dude I'm stuck on this maze and it's filling with water and I missed the hint can you help me out and give me the code?
And this man was so powerful actually I was physically outside the room and found myself now next to him sitting on a couch. He was wearing this mostly unbuttoned plaid shirt and was double his real size and also hairier. I was eating this pudding like white thing with a very thin and small spoon. He started rambling about telephone car services and then brought up something about his boobs and when he did that I was not eating my pudding but him w my stupid fancy spoon except it has the exact same consistency (also I hesitated at first before actually doing it bc he seemed ok with it) so I kept eating and he kept rambling about god knows what and then at the end (bc i was visualizing all of this but it was actually just an ask he was answering as I was hallucinating this) he was like oh yeah and the code is [word] and suddenly he was intact and I had only been chewing my pudding thing. And I was like THANKS 👍 and left and when I put the code I woke up.
And I woke up an hour later than usual because of this, too.
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I Wonder What Ramshackle Is Based Off Of..... Part 2
Okay, so back to the pictures....
(Still may contain Spoilers for book 6....)
Contin. with pictures of ramshackle after a good scrub down:
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And now finally, after the redesign:
(I know the bedroom is not really redesigned but rather just an image created by the magical projector, but I'm including it anyway.)
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Alright, so yeah ramshackle and the main school building have a lot of similar colors going on. Same with the library. Which I guess makes sense..... Anyways, my point with these posts are simply that; what if the only reason for ramshackle originally existing was simply to just have a place to house students while the other dorms were being built?
I agree that there are still some mysteries surrounding Ramshackle. Like, I don't entirely buy Crowleys reason that he gave for the dorm becoming abandoned in the first place..... And honestly dude.... why on earth did you let it fall to such disrepair......
But at any rate, perhaps ramshackle was just the temporary dorm at one point. After the dorms dedicated to the great 7 were finished, would ramshackle have still been in use? Maybe. It's possible..... and would ramshackle have had students assigned to it? Again, perhaps..... It's interesting to think about. Like, what if someone came to the school and didn't really match up enough with any of the great 7? What if they had a soul that could hold a little bit of each of the great 7? Like ramshackle could have been a place that was continued to be put to use for a time even after the other dorms were completed. And could have been used as a place where certain individuals represented all of the great 7 as a whole. (Considering that no one has been assigned to this dorm again for years, my guess would be maybe the dark mirror knows to not assign anyone there anymore.... I don't know.) Or maybe it was just the temporary dorm building. Still, it's fun to speculate.
Now our little building is just this abandoned place that no one goes near.... well except for Malleus. Hey, if you want a guaranteed spot to hang out and be alone where no one will find you, Ramshackle is perfect!
Anyways, there is the obvious elephant in the room that could point to what Ramshackle represents symbolically.
What about Mickey?
Well, I don't know the significance of that yet.... I don't know if he's there largely to just pay homage to the character that helped build the Disney company, or if there really will be a bigger reason as to why he's there in the mirror.... I mean I would hope so.... otherwise it would be too random.... (I swear if there is any information on him for book 7, DO NOT COMMENT IT, please. I want to go in blind when book 7 releases. I started the game blind and that's how I'll continue through it. When I first found out about this game I had only seen like two advertisements for it..... and it was teaser stuff. Well, one was a teaser. The other I believe was the main music video. At any rate, I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. Didn't know who the characters were or anything.... Yet somehow, I was intrigued. So please, I would appreciate no spoilers... I know, it's exciting to share stuff... I honestly dont know how I've actually managed to avoid seeing things on social media so far....)
Okay, tangent aside, the room that we sleep in with the mirror, is largely based off of an animated short called: Thru the Mirror.
I think a lot of people know that by now right? Either way, here are the comparison pics:
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Very reminiscent of the animated short. It's a nice homage to that animated short. Even if in the end story wise, Ramshackle doesn't represent Mickey Mouse directly, it's cool that they loosely base it off of him...
Actually, you know what? Maybe Ramshackle, or whatever the dorm used to be referred to as, is loosely based off of the mouse.... This is where the symbolic representation comes in. The story starts when the main character is brought into this world right? And then the dreams starting when we're getting close to someone overblotting and after spending that first night in the room..... So Actually, it's fitting that Ramshackle be based off of Mickey. After all, it was all started by a mouse.
And as a side note: Fitting that Pomefiore was the first dorm constructed. For Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, was the one that started them all. (Referring of course to it being the first of many feature length animated films to come.)
That's all I have to say about ramshackle for now. Let me know what you think about the significance of Ramshackle (unless it gives way to chapter 7 spoilers....)
But yeah, until next time!
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justfor2am · 2 years
(wana start this off by saying no pressure to reply to this esp if ur still feeling like shit!! im just very excited so i wana share it LMAO)
so i!!! have started!!! to crochet again!!!!!! lil context ive been crocheting on n off since i was like? 8 probs but ive never been able to stick w it or even finish a project or anything.. until like?? sometime in the middle of last week i got the random urge to crochet?? so i dug thru all my shit but i couldn't find a single crochet hook HOWEVER my best friend was so very kind and gave me one of its extras :3
this has now kinda .spiraled into smt that might kinda fuck me up LMAO so i started one of those lil cat beanies for the friend that gave me a crochet hook last night n i finished it this morning ..ive never finished a project before howd i do it in less than 24 hours? actually its probs bc i put on mumbos s7 n now i refuse to watch it unless im crocheting
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^ heres them in the beanie Btw kinda shit angle but i didn't take a pic of it before i gave them it (also cinnamoroll 4 privacy)
i also started my own beanie?? sometime last week maybe like friday or smt idr but its coming along!! tho bc i didnt look up a tutorial i just did shit by memory n accidentally made it single crochet so its taking SO much longer than my friend's
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this obvs isnt the whole thing but im too lazy to take a pic of it all LMAO but!! this is mine
i also have two other yarns i wana make beanies out of for myself n one to make for another friend ANDDDDD the friend im planning to make a beanie for (but have not yet) bought me a new hook + two new skeins today⁉️
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i have absolutely no idea what to make w them tbh. thinking of making a scarf + bag out of the thick one but idk ab the other??? anyways im SO excited i haven't had a hobby like this since early 2020 when i spent hours every day making 3d kandi cuffs this is incredible
goddamnit now i wana make kandi .also i started another pokemon game my friend's roommate let me borrow his copy of pokemon sword (MY FRIEND ALSO LET ME BORROW ITS COPY OF ANIMAL CROSSING OHH HOW IVE MISSED IT when ive not been crocheting ive been playing that its been so fun)
sorry i'm excited i can hear out my left ear again
also hell yeah to hermitcraft + crocheting, it feels like one of those hobbies that if u have adhd you gotta do/watch something along with it in order to focus, like i write to music but i can't write without it
hmmmmmmmmmmm what are things u could make from yarn uhhhhhhhhhhh gloves? fingerless gloves? idk but i like fingerless gloves, i "made" myself a pair by cutting all the finger tips off some shitty old ones (i get cold easy and this keeps my old man joints from shattering lmao)
waough animal crossing, idk how friend codes or any of that works but like if u would like to swap codes that would be swag i think 👉👈
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kill-your-fics · 1 year
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
Is it weird to not consider myself a writer. Like yeah I've put words together to communicate ideas like lots of other people but I'm not a WRITER who WRITES. I'm a reader who ran out of reading material.
There's several angles I could go with this, but I guess I'll go with the less funny and true story: Writing for enjoyment started out as wolf roleplaying on forums and websites with other people. In school, I always got decent grades on writing assignments, but that didn't quite seem to translate into ACTION PACKED wolf FIGHTS and DRAMA, which is what I thought was fun as a child. I sucked at it, partially because I was just very young and partially because I had extreme online social anxiety, lmao.
Anyway I got older and packed roleplay away once I got too embarrassed but kept reading fiction both official and fan.
And then, back when I started this tumblr, I started writing again. Just a little hidden corner of the internet where I could slap some words together in short little scenes regardless of who did or didn't see it. It felt less "official" than posting them somewhere specifically for fanfiction.
I feel like why I'm writing now is really embarrassing and also very obvious. Maybe it's not, idk. As a rather hermetic shut-in who doesn't see a lot of other people in the real world and deals with them mostly online, the idea of being in a romantic relationship in the real world and having both the work and support that one provides is kind of like a fantasy genre for me.
It's like dragons. If dragons really existed I would not be the chosen one who could talk to them, but it's fun to IMAGINE a world where I am.
Except I don't write myself exactly because im boring, so I work it out thru characters than are crazier and more fun than me.
I think Don't Starve appeals to me partially bc of the survival setting? Like. Don't get me wrong if I was in a survival setting I would Die, Immediately, but sometimes it's nice to strip away the distractions of life in modern society. Personally, as in, as a Weird (read: undiagnosed w/ label but probably messed up brain) person, I feel overwhelmed sometimes with life. So in writing its fun to strip some of that away and say okay, here are your characters, they will live and die directly by their collective actions, good luck to them. Also a universe where characters can die and respawn is fun lmao
Where am I now? *gestures to blog* primarily in Willowson hell, I guess. I have no idea where I'm headed next. My interests tend to be long-lasting, so I'll likely be playing this game for a while yet, but writing doesn't come naturally to me, so there's bound to be ups and downs with activity. I'm still embarrassed about it sometimes!!! Like geez if I had to pick a Genre to maintain my persona it would not have been this one, lmao
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Hello again!!
Could I also maybe request where the reader goes back in time and gets put in the position of babysitting 5 year old Tsukasa 🙈🤭 but let's say his creepiness hasn't really kicked in -- he's just a little cutie patootie who wants to play games and have someone to pay attention to him, and is super playful and maybe acts like a little cat. And maybe we can see some innocence and vulnerability and a hint of loneliness in him that just melts your heart and you just wanna give the poor kid a little squeeze!
Babysitter (Platonic)
Genre : Fluff
Character : Yugi Tsukasa
Reader Pronouns : She/Her
TW : Heart clenching cutie patootie Tsukasa 😭💗
A/N : AWWWW This is such a cute requestt TT If I was given a chance to babysit Tsukasa you can drag me out of their house by force
I put the reader Pronouns as she/her I hope you guys dont mind
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Are you here to play with me?
"Well!! Off you go now!!" Tsukasa shouted as he commanded his tseushiros to lift you up in the air
How did this happen? Well, You were with the bathroom gang, just going around the school for any suspicious activity, or just to hang out when the three of you ran into Tsukasa, Torturing another poor innocent supernatural, So Hanako got in his way to stop his younger brother and you guess, pissed him off, Never disturb him
"[F/N]!" Yashiro tried to grab your hand before you disappeared but it was too late, Tsukasa's tseushiros have already sent you to the dimension he ordered them to send you in
You blacked out, Are you dead? It's very quiet..
No. He couldn't kill you, not infront of his brother too
You forced yourself awake and looked around your surroundings, Where were you?? investigating a little more about your surroundings, You were near the park, But the usual convenience store was nowhere to be seen infront of it
'What the hell??' Standing up and dusting your uniform—
This doesn't feel like a uniform.. You look down to see that you were wearing a kimono
You needed to find a way home, whatever is happening right now is freaking you out, You freaked out even more when you felt a small hand hold yours
Looking down you see a small child.. Holding a teddy bear, He smiled at you "Can we go home? I Am hungry!" He said
He resembles Tsukasa so much.. Yet that murderous and chilling gaze and aura wasn't on him
Could it be he sent you back in time?
"Nee-san?" Snapping out of your thoughts and you smiled at him "Of course! Let's go home, Tsukasa.." Looking ahead of you, you don't know where his house is
"Ah.. This might be embarrassing but.. where is your house again?.."
"Ah! That ball must've hit you too hard nee-san! Hmmm... My House is the only one with the red roof in the neighborhood!!" He pointed to a house probably about a 5 minute walk away from where you were
carrying him in your arms and started making your way to his house "Did you have fun?" You decided to play along as you still have no idea how to get back "I did Nee-san!! Did you see me get on the swing by myself?!" You chuckled at how adorable he was..
Finally reaching the front of his house, It's like you've seen this house before but can't put a finger on it
"Oh? You two are finally back!" A womans voice called from the side of the house, A beautiful woman with amber eyes and black hair emerged holding a basket full of oranges
'O-oh my god she's gorgeous!!'
"Mommy! Me and Nee-san had a lot of fun at the playground! And I went down the slide all by myself!" Tsukasa continued to praise himself as his mother giggled at him
"Ah! That reminds me, [F/N] Dear could you bring these orange in the kitchen? Tsukasa has been begging me to make him orange juice" She took Tsukasa from your arms as she carefully placed the basket of oranges on your hands
Excusing yourself you went inside the house
'W-woah.. Tsukasa-Kuns house is huge...' Running around looking thru every room looking for the kitchen
Once you finally found the kitchen you set the basket of oranges down and started gathering your thoughts together
"So.. I am sent back in time, In a position where I messed up the timeline and became Tsukasa-kuns babysitter.." Looking around more of your surroundings, You come across a calender neatly placed on the kitchen table
Curious, you went over to look at the date.
'I went back 62 years!!'
"Ahh, There you are [F/N], Could you bring Tsukasa upstairs to his and his brothers playroom so I can start making our snacks?" Turning around, It was Tsukasa and his mom.
She put him down and he ran to you hugging your leg "Let's go play in my playroom Nee-san!" Grabbing your hand as he dragged you upstairs opening two large doors to reveal a really big room filled with toys
"W-woah Tsukasa you have so much toys.." Shelves and toy boxes filled with toys, There were even some scattered on the floor "Me and my Brother play here alot!" Now that he mentioned his brother.. Where is he? When you were looking for the kitchen earlier you haven't seen a glimpse of Hanako being a child.
"Speaking of your brother... Where is he?" You asked him as he looked at you "Mmm.. Amane is sick! So he is taken to somewhere to get him all better! I wish.."
"You wish what, Tsukasa?"
"I wish he'd get better.. Its been awhile since I last played with him.."
Your heart clenched, Tsukasa must've been lonely whenever Hanako would be away at some clinic or hospital getting checked up
"Don't worry Tsukasa, Your brother will get better.. You just have to be patient.." Sitting beside him as you patted his head "In the meantime, I'll be the one playing with you!"
The two of you passed the time as you waited for his mom to finish up making snacks
You were having loads of fun, Though, You kinda wished Yashiro, Kou, and Hanako Haven't found a way to bring you back yet
Seeing how cheerful Tsukasa was before he.. died, Made your heart clenched "[F/N]-neesan!" Tsukasa wrapped his little arms around your arm
"Thank you for playing with me!"
You smiled as you returned his tiny hug
"Your welcome, Tsukasa.."
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alwastakenofc · 4 months
WOWIE ZOWIE it’s a good thing that tumblr keeps u logged in for FOREVER bc i would NOT have remembered that this was my username LMFAOOOO.
anyways !!! i’m just here to rant now to see if it’ll still help me like it used to. just scrolled thru all my personal tagged posts and MAN was i going thru it from 2013-2016 LOL. im glad life is better now. different, but better. me and that guy that i posted abt a lot and would rant abt how he was hanging with that girl all the time broke up in 2016 THANK GOD, that was a sick and toxic and abusive relationship that went way longer than it needed to. i moved back home with my parents and got a few years with both of them before they passed away from different circumstances (fuck alcoholism and fuck cancer). now i live with my roomie/friend and she evicted the other roomie we had that was Toxic As Fuck and a literal Man Child so WAHOO! it’s been nice.
i’m going back to college this year i think, and im both so excited and also Terrified to finish. i only have 1-2 semesters left and then i gotta go get an actual CAREER.
being famous never took off, as expected LMFAO. i don’t stream to get popular anymore, it’s just a genuine hobby i enjoy that gives me an excuse to keep playing video games and having fun. but i don’t mind not having a genuine job off of it anymore; probably should’ve attempted streaming when i was posting abt it so much a decade ago, Honestly Probably Would have taken off a bit more and actually had a chance to make money off it BUT alas, i was too lazy and worried abt public perceptions lmfao
i still have that worry abt public perception especially since i now identify as non-binary (she/they). i wish to be perceived as an amorphous blob that moseys through life, ya know? i only keep the “she/her” pronouns bc a) i’m not fully out to Everyone, and b) i just know some ppl are more used to it and i Do Not mind. i would honestly probably say i don’t prefer ANY pronouns, call me he/she/they i just do Not care, but finding ppl that would reference me as “he” while being respectful just is daunting to think abt and i do not care enough, just call me whatever. but don’t perceive me as a woman exclusively ya know LOL. i don’t identify as a woman or man, i have more feminine days and more masculine days but calling myself a woman sincerely just feels … icky and weird LOL idk like i said. AMORPHOUS BLOB SQUAD, RISE! idk how else to explain it LMAO
also discovered asexuality is a thing like 6-7 years ago which has been LIFE CHANGING !! being told you are broken by ur partner for years, being made to feel like something is Wrong with you because you don’t get why everyone is All About Sex and why tf everyone actually Enjoys Sex…. MANNNNN when i discovered asexuality i don’t think ive ever had a moment in my life where i just said “oh my GOD. it’s ME. i GET MYSELF NOW.” (until i fully understood and embraced being nb about 2 years later lmao). idk i just feel so much more confident in myself and it’s great.
hmmmm what else… i guess i had a stint of struggling with alcohol and weed, but have managed to cut it back. currently on week 2 of no smoking, gonna go a couple more weeks then maybe i’ll buy a pen and edibles. NO MORE DABS! wax just Annihilated my tolerance and not even smoking 3 full joints or eating 250mg of edibles could get me high. it was BAD. but that’s what happens when u do Multiple dabs a day, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. for 5+ years !! sooooooo that’s a thing too now. i try to Only drink on weekends now (and only 2 weekends per month, instead of Every weekend, is the new goal) and know i can’t trust myself to buy alcohol on a weekday and hold it to the weekend, which honestly Go Me for that self reflection and understanding that my brain doesn’t have the ability to Not drink alcohol/do shots if it’s in my fridge lol. well, not yet at least. maybe in a couple months i’ll be able to put some vodka in my fridge on a tuesday and be able to keep it there til the weekend without touching it, but for now i still don’t fully trust myself.
BUT! i’m trying to be healthy! i did get a treadmill and jump rope and even tho ive been neglecting jumping rope (maybe i will today idk maybe not LOL) i do still try to walk on my treadmill at least every other day!! i did a mile walk today and i was So Sweaty lol it’s crazy how outta shape i am but im hoping that cutting down on weed and alcohol helps with that too overall. i miss having abs. i miss not being flabby. i have awful body dysmorphia already bc of my boobs and getting bigger has made Them bigger too and it just makes me feel Horrified when i see myself in the mirror. or see my stomach, or double chin, or jiggly arms, or WHATEVER. i just need to be healthy again UGH. anyways.
MANNNNNNNNN i’m so scared of college LOL. i’m not double majoring anymore (also not even in art college anymore HELLO lmao, i dropped out of art school and got my associates degree from community college then transferred to a university where i was originally double majoring in International Relations and Japanese)! i just am gonna drop my Japanese major down to a minor so i still at least know Some Japanese. and ill study on my own post graduation (I HOPE!!!!!) and get better. i took a 2 year break when my mom died and its just so Daunting to think of going back LOL
i really, really… REALLY need to get better with procrastination and laziness and being at a standstill/comfortable. like, i KNOW there’s more to life but i just. UGH. idk. it’s so Hard after everything that’s happened these last few years. if i didn’t lose my dad in 2018 then my mom in 2022 i think it would be a lot better. HELL, if i didn’t lose my mom to cancer in 2022 things would be SOOOOOO different!! i would’ve probably graduated with my double major and had a kickass job and my mom would’ve seen me walk the stage UGHHHHHHHH ill never forget how i lit said “you prolly won’t see me get married but you gotta stick around to watch me walk the stage” and she said “WHERE ELSE WOULD I GO????” and IDK I JUST WISH I NEVER JINXED IT UGHHHHH. i have a lot of unaddressed trauma from both my parents’ deaths that im sure therapy would definitely help with but FOR NOW, i just gotta get thru college and see wtf is waiting for me on the other side.
ALLLLLRIGHT well this went on a LOT longer than i expected and …… idk if it helped??? idk if i feel any better after typing it all out but MEHHHHHHH. it’s nice to just throw it all out into the ether and not have a ton of questions or assumptions or embarrassment or shame come from feeling like im taking up space. i think that’s been the biggest thing ive struggled with since my mom died; i can’t even post my random thoughts on twitter anymore bc the anxiety of “well who even cares, who would even care about you saying anything, why would you even post at all? what’s the point?” just gets SO damn overwhelming. ive become a COMPLETE recluse and i haven’t done ANYTHING like this rant in at Least half a decade LOL. so. idk.
typing this all out therapeutic in a way but again, i just feel kinda anxious at the same time and idk if it’s really helped me out overall. bc why does anyone care? what’s the point?… but also WHY do i feel like People Need To Care ?!?! why can’t i just go back to my old mindset where i did not give a single fuck about what i posted bc i just liked throwing my thoughts out for everyone to read?!?! idk. maybe tumblr is gonna be the bridge to help me get better with voicing random mundane thoughts that don’t matter in the long run LOL. bc WHY is that so scary to me, man….
ANYWAYS i’m done okay. wowie. what a rant. PHEW.
hope u enjoyed reading about my last 6-7 years 😎
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok, i got thirty minutes. i warped to the gerudo tower so i can do the yiga hideout quest...but i also wanna take a picture of spectacle rock for the stable, so up i go
oh wait no scratch that when i spawned zelda was RIGHT next to me i am not taking pictures of shit i am gonna go say hi to (and shoot, and groom??) my girl
OH IT'S NOT ZELDA...IT'S FAROSH.......i haven't ridden farosh yet i don't think bc it took so long to get my rubber armor...rad.......
ok ive DEFINITELY never done this. she's the hardest dragon to ride for sure bc you cant climb in the ran, and of course it's raining and lightning like crazy lol. and i def cant put on any rain ARMOR bc i gotta use my rubber armor. hard mode!!
im so glad i got to do this before beating the game lol
uh oh we are going Down
THERE'S zelda, way off in the distance...but i can't wait ten minutes on farosh if i go get her and i def don't have time to wait ten minutes on her and THEN zelda. sorry babygirl :(
BACK DOWN TO THE DEPTHS....this is what i wanted to get away from lol. maybe its a good thing?? i dont think ive been to where she's gonna take me yet. like yes ive been under lake hylia but i think she flies all the way to the desert. so i can snag my part, and then a lightroot, and then go back to the gerudo tower where i started
god i am literally cruising thru here in SUCH style. i take back every single thing i said about them ruining dragon farming, it totally rules now. i wish some other gameplay elements had been done so cleverly
at least in the depths it isn't raining, lol
got my scale just as i reached unknown territory. sadly i don't see any lightroots from here...
OH there it is...wow, lucky, i would've had to do some serious climbing on foot but farosh boosted me all the way up to the ceiling. thank you girl
lit up a big piece too. this whole area looks like it'd be fun to explore...some other time
a few poes, and i'm outie
ok, got the pic! it's too bad stuff is so hazy up here
there's also a shrine which i might as well get while i'm here
got a better pic now that it's sunset. i'm satisfied lol
and a korok seed so i don't have to come back...ohhhh it's zelda again...i can't let her fly by twice but this sky island has SECRETS
unfortunately a choice for another time, i have to take a break for now lol
ok im back. this is a SERIOUS puzzle to get this sage's will chest...but, if i do it now, i won't ever need to return to these islands. sorry, zelda :( again :(
oh FUCK me there's a shooting star. so i have to miss zelda AND make a return trip to these islands AND i still havent done the fucking. yiga quest. which is what i SET OUT TO DO. these games lol
it landed in a monster camp.
fuck it. i warped out w/o fighting and now im hitting a different tower to catch my girl lol
am i really gonna miss zelda three times...
ok. got it. in the NICK of time. now BACK to the highlands tower. and to. MY GIRL! and then to the sage's will island. AND THEN!!! to the yiga quest
i made it to zelda but i missed the fang i shot so i had to take a dive. so i have to warp AGAIN to get back up to her...
MADE IT. so much fucking trouble but anything is worth it to spend a little time with the gf.......
fun visual glitch happening with some water below coming in and out lol. kinda freaky
got my second part and went back to the sky island. this is the puzzle from hell. i fell off and fast traveled to a nearby shrine to come back and the whole fucking thing reset itself. i am SO pissed
ok i finally got it but that was fucking ridiculous
im making myself crazy. multiple sources tell me theres a hudson sign right by this tower but i cant find it anywhere. unless it's fucking underground lol. i give up
HACKER VOICE IM IN......i took off the master sword just in case lol
i like how me and the entire gang can come tromping thru here woth no repercussions whatsoever lol. i wonder what happens if i take off my mask...
SCREAM HE DOESN'T RECOGNIZE ME...... "i feel like i know you from somewhere but i'm drawing a blank" wow he should join the lookout landing search party
anyway. five banana offerings. classic. one down four to go
three to go...
two to go. might as well foght this gleeok while i'm up here on spectacle rock...
one to go!!
I DID IT...now what
lol pay no heed to the glowing ruins. inwant my shrines, pal
is that it...? i thought there was more to it for some reason. maybe vague internet spoilers mislead me lol
wait. wheres that damn frog
omg if you touch trap bananas while dressed up you'll get scolded by the yiga instead of attacked lol. i wanna try chopping a yiga tree down in this getup
ok, i could have sworn i saw addsi9n from a distance, but i went to check a new different sign place and he wasnt there. i think my game is borked
reloaded and there he is. i was literally fucking glitching. i wonder if i could find the other one now...
oh wow yeah here it is. wtf
ok, that's all i can do tonight. more tomorrow hopefully fighting kohga again!!!!!!
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twunkus · 1 year
keicho for the ask game!
putting this under a readmore because its long. i would apologize but tbh everyone should know what to expect from me at this point
first impression: i actually used to hate him. this was wayyy back in highschool when i was vaguely aware of but completely uninterested in jjba. okuyasu was the one character i liked. keicho to me was just his shitty abusive older brother whose head i wanted to use as a pinata. you know how it is
current impression: honestly those feelings haven't really gone away they're just not the only ones i have anymore...he is very complex and tragic. a literal trainwreck of a person. he is to blame for most if not all of the problems in his life and that just makes him even sadder to me. and i think he knows that too, but he still tries to implicate other people/things (his father, dio, okuyasu, the joestar bloodline, his upbringing, etc), like if he repeats the lie that he's not solely responsible for his own actions enough times it will eventually become true.....also he's trans and my girlfriend <3
favorite moment: the scene where josuke extends a metaphorical olive branch to him and he immediately breaks down while trying to save face makes me so. AUUUUUUUUU. my favorite interpretation of it is actually in the live action movie because keicho's actor is a lot more subdued than in the animanga and yet still manages to convey the devastation he's going thru in that moment. girls love being given a chance to escape the fate they've already doomed themselves to *pouring lighter fluid on myself* it's so fun
idea for a story: i've talked about it here before a little bit but i have an au story where he lives n starts working for the speedwagon foundation as a bounty hunter. it will most likely never be finished/posted because it's a purely self indulgent 'what if' kind of thing. also it's not necessarily a redemption arc because i think those are lame, just my interp of an older more mature/stable keicho lol. this silly tweet i made a long time ago articulates what i mean best tbh
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unpopular opinion: i don't know if this counts as unpopular but i've seen art depicting him drinking alcohol, and he does not strike me as a fan of it at all. he's a control freak whose dad was an abusive alcoholic for most of his childhood. he definitely has some hangups around drinking is all i'm saying
favorite relationship: this isn't something i really care about tbh ^_^ so long as it's not like, pr/ship levels of weird i can enjoy any pairing involving him. yaoi couple(hazamada+keicho)...yuri couple(akira+keicho)...normal couple(yuuya+keicho)...i see no difference love is love #worldpeace
favorite headcanon: he very reluctantly gets attached to morioh's stray cat population when a few decide to make the gross mansion/hh holmes-esque murder house he lives in their home too. he runs in to them a lot because they like to lurk in the same dark scary alleyways he does when he's waiting for his next victim, and wouldn't you know it, petting a cat is a nice way to de-stress after killing people. self care and all that
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annaleeta · 2 years
I knew the face in the mirror was my own, but I didn't recognize who I had become. Same nose, same brown eyes, same skin. Yeah, it's me alright. But why am I in this shit lit bathroom standing barefoot on cold puke green tile? I was coming off the drugs I'd been killing myself with, at the same time I was coming on the drugs they were using to get me clean. Kinda fucked up if you ask me. Take one away to just give you 5 more in it's place. Go figure. The same faced stranger splashes water on her face to wake the fuck up. Who are you she asks. But more importantly, how did you end up here? Here, being at a rehab for the worst of the worst or the almost worst of the worst, or for the lawyer who does coke at parties and just wants to do his 21 days and go back to the big city life. I think that I feel in between worst of the worst and almost worst, cuz it's not like I was sticking a needle in my arm. Well, not yet anyhow. I was just taking up to 40-50 pills a day, and trust me when I say that getting that kind of number ain't an easy feat. It calls for some truth bending, truth telling, and down right lying and stealing. I was a pro at both. Well, until that bitch pharmacist caught that forged prescription and I ended up here. Fucking cunt. Does she know what opiate withdrawal is like? No.We live in the same kick it hick town, and I know how she is and who her people are. Although in the end, she saved my life, she is and always has been a spoiled little rich girl that probably got drunk on game nights at Auburn where she got her pharmacy degree. And you know that if you go to Auburn, she had a major in Pharmacy and a minor in big truck repair. But whatever. This was, what they keep telling me, "my bottom". Well, fuck my bottom and give me a god damn Lortab. No, make that 4 Lortab, cuz just one pisses me off. Back to whatever. The biggest freak out of this place isn't my rotating roommates, and trust me I've been here 24 hours and I've already had 4 come thru. Each has been an opiate freak like me, which is mind boggling when there's only one bathroom. I mean, what kind of stupid shit is that? And by shit, I do mean shit! Have you been an opiate addict? Ever met one that got clean? The bathroom scene ain't pretty, nor does it smell good. You put two of us pills freaks in the same tiny room and expect us to share the same tiny bathroom, well, it's not gonna be too much fun for either of us. Or the cleaning crew. What is the biggest freak out of the place was the lady in black that I keep seeing in my room. She's never around when my roommates are, she usually comes at night and stands by my bed. Because of this weird freaky fucking shit, I've taken to covering my head with the blue balls piece of shit thin blanket they've thrown across every one's bed. But by God, every time I peek my one eye out of the covers, there she is: all shapeless and imposing. I don't see a face, and hell she may be the man in black for all I know; but if so, he ain't been singing "Ring of Fire", so I'm assuming it's a chick. Whatever it is, I just want it to get the fuck out of my room. And my mind.
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actualbird · 3 years
I got distracted reading 4-04 and 4-05 i totally forgot the actual thing i was supposed to ask you today, what are your thoughts on the kinds of shows the nxx team wouldve watched as kids growing up. MC and Luke have apparently watched animes and even dressed up as characters but i have this need to know the finer details. LIKE. WHAT DID YOU WATCH SPECIFICALLY?? And i remembered you said luke was the one who probably understood most of the terms zangr was saying so like?? Luke do you like these kinds of things?? -Marsh
MARSH, thank you so much for this ask and for the SPECIFIC WORDING "watched as kids growing up." because that makes me have to go back in time and thusly uncovering by far my favorite yet most under-utilized and never-brought-up detail of tears of themis:
the story of this game takes place in the year 2030
DO U HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FUNNIER THIS MAKES SHIT???? AND ALSO HOW MUCH MORE SENSE STUFF MAKES??? let me explain myself by going thru all the boys one by one
luke pearce
YEAH HE SAID HE AND MC WERE RLLY INTO ANIME AS KIDS. luke pearce who is 24 years old in 2030 means that from the Important Media Ages (12-15) it was 2018-2021. this period of time, anime started getting more and more accessible, most notably getting on netflix and stuff like this. so like all the anime on netflix rn? yeah luke's watched them.
though because i kin luke, imma say that his fave is fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood. ive got no characterization proof for this, i just want to give him this honor
additionally, luke is a HUUUUGE fan of the original Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle novels (ACD Sherlock) and i think this would have pushed him to watch like, just every popular sherlock media adaptation there is. he personally liked Elementary better than BBC Sherlock. he generally just gravitates to the adaptations that dont forget about the heart of all of the characters.
also also also, luke likes action movies ranging from "hey this is "good" to critics" to "this is a shit movie but MY GOD IS IT FUN!!!"
artem wing
artem wing who is 29 years old in 2030 means that from the Important Media Ages (12-15) it was 2013-2016. but also artem is a MOVIE SNOB LMAOOO, hes That Guy with the Opinions On Film and you bet that his analytical ass was into just the most extra shit to watch those days because no teenager is chill, every teenager has some kind of ego, i dont know what movies he would have watched at that point to be the Smartest Teenager About Movies, but he sure did watch them
though artem also is very into sci-fi literature and 2013-2016 had a BUUUNCH of huge sci-fi movies. Pacific Rim, Gravity, Interstellar, Arrival. Arrival is deffo artem's fave, dont fight me on this, i can explain further but not in this answer bc it will get LOOONG LOL
artem also is into "classics" which uh. wait artem what do you Mean by that, what is a "classic" for somebody born in 2001??? i dont really know exactly what he means by "classics" so i just take it to mean he's a slut for period dramas which leads me to my closing point
"Once upon a time, when [Artem] was younger, around 17 years old, he pondered identifying as asexual or as one of the subsets under that term, but he put that aside after he first watched Pride and Prejudice (2005). He had then acquired a recurring fantasy in which he would be sensually accosted by Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy in a secluded study after months of furtive, charged glances, lingering, split second touches, double entendres classily and subtly masked but still implying a repressed yet voracious—Moving on." -an excerpt from my comedy smut fic where artem goes thru a crisis. yeah. yeah. Pride and Prejudice dir. Joe Wright was his bisexual awakening.
vyn richter
vyn richter who is 27 years old in 2030 means that from the Important Media Ages (12-15) it was 2015-2018 but honestly that doesnt help me AT ALL LOL BECAUSE VYN IS A TOUGH NUT TO CRACK.....
like honest to god i cant even imagine vyn as anything other than an adult KJBSJKFS (which is depressing, if i think about it more... but also what vyn would want, i assume he would hate for people to have known him as a child, imperfect and shunned.....which is ALSO DEPRESSING. VYN, U GOOD???)
okay yknow what im not studied enough in Vyn Richter Studies so i will come back to this once ive gotten more of his story and know more of his (what im theorizing to be a SHITASS TERRIBLE) childhood history. so vyn, i guess ur safe from me....ur safe FOR NOW, THAT IS....
marius von hagen
marius von hagen who is 21 years old in 2030 means that from the Important Media Ages (12-15) it was 2021-2024. good fucking lord, marius was born in 2009 and that makes him so young that his Important Media Ages arent even DONE HAPPENING IN OUR CURRENT TIMELINE, JESUS....
2021 is an interesting era of entertainment because it is getting steadily more and more apparent that corporate greed is trying to swallow up good storytelling; movies and shows are made as fast food products to be consumed immediately and thrown away just as fast. there are smarter posts and articles talking about this, but my point here is that marius "believes SO MUCH in art and art's capability to make a difference" von hagen would HATE THIS SO MUCH and, through spite, get into a lot of indie medias that dont necessarily sell. smaller movies, tv shows that got cancelled way before they should have.
oh, hey, MARIUS WAS 12 YEARS OLD IN 2021, yeah he could have watched The Owl House and threw a fucking FIT when disne/y nerfed the show's third season. he has not forgiven and he has not forgotten.
regardless of his age, marius, at some point in his teens watches Vincent and the Doctor (s5 e10 from Doctor Who). for those who dont know this episode, it involves Vincent Van Gogh and a bunch of sci-fi stuff but, at the end, a scene where Van Gogh is taken to the future and shown the impact his art has made on people. please watch it, if you havent it, it's very good and no words can do the experience justice.
anyway yeah marius watches it and it makes him FUCKING SOB
yeah so these are my takes kdjbfdsjfs
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girlwiththegreenhat · 3 years
portal. go
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): i have two favorites perfectly tied but one of them has other opportunities for this meme so i will do the other one. chell. chell my beloved. nothing stops this woman. she survives the death trap of a facility that is aperture, twice. she can talk but she chooses not to out of pure spite. i know it’s a video game and giving up is counter productive but when her bad situation is the worst its ever been and she wakes up at the end of the miles-deep elevator shaft in the ruins of old aperture... she gets up. and she keeps going. “tenacious” is one of the few things we know about her, and i admire that so much. 
and after the ending, if anyone can make the best out of a post-combine world, it’s her. she’s free and she deserves that.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): wheatley in the first half of the game is 100% my little scrunkly my little bastard orb my little fella that i balance on my face for as long as i can Without Fail Every Time when he pops off his stupid rail because he asked me to catch him but god dammit i have no available hands. he’s an idiot. he talks too much. he likes going thru the Funny Tubes in ch5. wheatley my friend wheatley from portal 2 2011 valve corporation :)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): does doug rattmann qualify for this, the funny painter man living in the walls who you never actually meet but you see the remnants of him in his dens. he does so much actually and i think about him a lot. there are probably people who have played both games who don’t even know his name but it’s his spaces that contribute one of the best elements of the wrongness of aperture, and it’s amazing how you can feel so connected to him and appreciative of him and you literally never see the guy. if it weren’t for him chell wouldn’t have gotten out of the facility at all. i always get so wrapped up in the environment that when i find his spaces i have to Stop and think about him, look at them. appreciate the paintings even though they’re the same every time. sit n listen to exile, vilify, maybe cry a little.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): the companion cube counts as a character and it counts for this category specifically because every time i get my hands on that thing my mood increases and i get legitimately excited over a metal box with a pink heart painted on it. it’s in a chamber that takes like, two minutes to complete if that, in each game. it has no dialogue. it sings if you get really close to it. iirc it’s existence is a parody and guess what, i’ve fallen for it. LOVE that box. i have The Box in real LIFE. LOVE that box. ... also the curiosity core. that lil dude is baby. i think it’s funny how you have to incinerate both of these characters
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): wheatley gets to go twice because of what he does in the second half of the game. he’s a little shit. stabs you right in the back and given that he was Made to be stupid, by god, is he. ... and yet. he’s too endearing. he’s the new Big Bad and he’s horrible at it. he’s just... stupid. really stupid. i Get what it’s like being set up to fail and i can’t help but feel sorry for him?? i wouldn’t unironically call myself a “wheatley apologist” he definitely did Bad Thing (Which Was Bad) but i find the concept of him getting a chance for redemption and taking it really interesting which is why i like Blue Sky so much. he is my problematic fav and absolutely a pathetic little dude as well but i want him to be happy. i’m gonna play basketball with him real quick before he gets to be though.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): this is the only prompt i got stuck on so you know what i’m putting All the cores into an actual plinko machine, even glados. except space core. space core has done nothing wrong, ever, in his life.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): cave johnson is going straight to hell just for what he did to caroline. she makes me sad, man. so naturally his Other Crimes makes him a perfect candidate for superhell.
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