#and yet it isn’t just direct transcription
skiirtip · 7 months
thank you very much one person who likes my random post LMAOO
another drabble, sun-focused, introducing some new lore/plot
tw sun is violent, and he's accidentally in a cult, and hes very much manipulated
not beta read i. no no wanna
cut just in case
“What are you doing?”
The voice makes you jump in surprise. You slam the drawer closed and shoot up as you straighten your back, eyes widening. You’d been caught red-handed. Sun stands in the doorway, his blue eyes narrowed and his smile thin. His upper lip twitches and it’s silent for a long moment. The heavy robes colored like sunsets drape over his shoulders and down, and when his arm moves you see the fabric sway, nearly dragging along the ground. You don’t get a chance to explain yourself before Sun steps farther into the room, polished black shoes tapping on the stone floor, and the door clicks shut behind him.
“Snooping is very against the rules, friend.” He says, his chipper voice grating on your senses. One of his hands isn’t visible as it rests behind his back. You keep the desk between you as he steps closer. “May I ask what exactly you were looking for? It must be very important if you were willing to risk your future for it.” He hisses, the venom in his voice not trying to be concealed.
Sun opens the notebook with a soft twhip of the paper, deft fingers licked as he turns the page several times. Your eyes narrow into a glare as he shifts his weight to one foot, the glint of the silver dagger strapped to his side a reminder that you are not expendable. Moon needs you for this mission- and he doesn’t know it yet, but Sun needs you too.
“A book,” You say, partially a lie, and a shitty one at that, and you think you momentarily see Sun’s eyebrow twitch up in annoyance. Shit. “I thought maybe you had it.”
“A book?” He echoes, incredulous. His face lights up, disarming you momentarily, and as he attempts to round the desk to get closer to you again, you barely skirt past him. His robes brush you and he hums, a displeased glance in your direction as his hand shoots down to unlock a drawer with his moon-shaped necklace. Your heart sinks as he pulls out exactly what you were looking for. “This, I assume? How strange! What would someone Like you need with the receipts of the month?”
“We ordered from overseas, bought and sold a few horses, visited the masonry… ah, here it is,” He says, tapping the page and dragging one of his pale yellow fingers down the page. You can hear the paper rip along the perforated edge. A cheap book they used to hide records from the transcript.
A cheap book to use as a bible.
“An order for war equipment. Canons, bows, firearms… And of course, a special set of armor, just for you. The king really likes you, doesn’t he? You’re his new favorite,” Sun says it with an almost disgusted tone. To be honest, you’re disgusted at the thought of the king attempting to spoil you as well. You feel ice in your belly as his cold blue eyes meet yours. Usually, the freckles that dot across his cheeks and temples but spare his nose are cute- today, they remind you of eyes. He feigns a saddened sigh, looking back at the paper, and easily rips it and folds it in a smooth motion, handing it to you as if he were a teacher disappointed with your grade. You know better than to reach out and take it when you see his fingers twitch with their iron grip.
“He’s lying to you,” You spit, and you watch Sun’s rays twitch for just a moment in surprise. He grits his teeth. “He’s tricking you. He’s poisoning the kingdom. Haven’t you noticed? New rules, increased guard, separated families- this is getting out of hand.”
“He’d be very disappointed to find out you were helping the rebellion,” Sun says, tutting and shaking his head. He draws the paper back and crumples it. You know there was more on that paper than what he oh-so-graciously told you, and you hate that you’ll never know as he tosses it into the fireplace. “But he’d be very much pleased with me if I turned you in-“
“Eclipse wants what is best for us,” He says, roughly. His hand shakes with the restraint to not snap your wrist right off. “He is keeping us safe. Under control.”
Sun frowns deeply, and this time you don’t get a chance to move before he is dragging you closer to the table by the wrist. You feel your wrist pop and hiss as it’s twisted, forcing you against the desk. It is forced backward by the rough movement and Sun lifts his knee to the surface to avoid losing any balance. You are reminded of the glow in his eyes as he stares at you, his lips pulled taut into a saccharine smile.
“You’re blind,” You spit, and Sun’s rays shrink at the venom in your voice, eyes narrowing. You don’t usually stand up to him. “You’re either to far gone, or you’re trying to keep your ignorance for the sake of his approval. But I know you’ve seen it. When’s the last time you’ve seen Cassie? Did you even notice she was gone? Or did you just blame it on ‘the rebellion’ and move on.”
You can’t move that wrist out of his grip, but you can move your other arm. Your moves and he attempts to stop you from grabbing for his dagger- but you don’t even reach for it, clasping your hand around the moon pendant that dangles from his neck and seizing it, ripping it off. Round beads, gray and blue, clatter to the ground and shatter. Sun’s eyes widen and for just a moment, he looks genuinely distressed. You wrench your hand out of his loosened grip and snap the crescent in half between your palms. Sun lets out a strangled sound, still half across the table, eyes flashing completely white.
For only a moment, things are silent and peaceful. And then Sun is launching himself over the desk to snatch the broken halves from you, shoving you away without a second thought and anxiously smoothing his thumb over the broken pieces, glancing around for glue or tape or something- anything- that will hold the memories of his brother back.
“Sun,” Your voice lowers as he holds the pieces broken edged together, spinning around the room, searching and searching. It’s sad to watch. You raise your voice when you say his name again, watching as he knocks a lamp off of the desk and the room is devoid of light except for the orange glow of the fireplace. The yellow edges of his faceplate are visible as his head snaps to you, eyes pale in the darkness. You can only barely see where his body peeks out of the robe- head, neck, wrists, and hands. The rest of him is blacked out.
“No,” He hisses, roughly. He separates the blue pieces of the crescent in his hand and taps them back together several insistent times, his movements frantic. “No, no, no, no, no. He wouldn’t lie. Not to me. Moon is dead. He tried to kill me, and Eclipse-“ He looks back up at you. His eyes are black with small white rings in them. “Eclipse is protecting me. Protecting me from people like you.”
“What’s going on?” He whispers, conspiratorially. His voice is shaking. You can hear the tick, tick, tick of his rays as they shrink in and out of his head. “Eclipse said that when the necklace broke-“
“That all the memories of Moon hurting you would come back?” You ask. You almost feel sorry for him. You take a step back towards the door. The sound of his rays stop. “I just told you, he’s lying to you. Those bad memories of him aren’t real. He used Cassie to put the dreams of him in your head, and then banished her so she couldn’t tell you. Sun, you have to calm down-“
He shouts as he lunges. The door flies open and knocks you forward, into his chest, and there’s the sound of a dagger clattering away and a sword being drawn. You feel the soft fur on your ankles before you can push yourself up and away.
“Got it.” You turn automatically to dash away, only glancing back once just in time to see Moon scoop a few of the unbroken necklace beads from the floor and put them in his pocket with the broken pendant. You look forward again and run straight for the throne room as Moon throws the end of the rug into the fireplace.
The silver edge of a sword captures Sun’s head and tilts it up. Sun’s face is deadpan. You can hear his internal systems shutting down. Moon’s cloak falls and he kneels, pushing you off of Sun, gently scooping the unconscious advisor into his arms. He stares at the crumpled heap in his arms for a moment before looking back up at you.
“Go. Go make a distraction. I’ll take him back to base through the left garden.”
You throw the doors open and the court stops as the force of the giant mahogany doors caused an armor stand to fall over. You point back just in time to see the room go up in flames.
ends like that because i plan to have fire maybe be a chapter name thats misleading, like the others are all war themed and then suddenly its like "they're (rebellion) getting somewhere and aren't being crushed by Eclipse..."
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firsttarotreader · 3 months
To fans "in doubt" about the context behind what Pedro says in the Omar song, it's good to remember about that GQ interview he did back in 2021. Pedro himself said he spent the pandemic single, also, I think that's such a great example of paying attention to what he says. The journalist was direct on his question, asked if he was dating someone (or something along those lines) and Pedro said "I'm not ready for that yet". It wasn't transcripted as "(pause to think) I'm not ready for that yet", and believe me, when actors hesitate when answer something (most of the times because they are thinking of a lie to tell) the magazine will print that. Pedro was as honest as one can be, even in his choice of words. He could had been super "minimalist" in his answer but instead he was almost venting to the journalisrt, like "bro, I don't wanna know about relationships 😑", you know? in interviews, he might not go into details about his personal life but one thing that man is, is honest. I can perfectly see him answering "sorry, I don't talk about this part of my life" if he was indeed with someone. A person who worked with him said he is super nice but also knows how to set his boundaries, so between lying or letting clear that his personal life it's not an open book, I think he would totally choose second option.
Anon, there you go, I’m posting this for you now, and replying to your latest ask (not this one), I didn’t want to keep dragging the album track talk because there isn’t even anything to really discuss about that. He talked in several interviews back then how 2020 was hard for him because of lockdown (it was hard for all of us), and Sharon Horgan talked about the “tear stirred” Martinis every night talking about their lives pains during filming. I agree with your point, though, it’s always about just listening to what Pedro himself says more than anything.
But thank you for what you said (in your other ask) that here is the only place you can talk and express yourself without the weirdos. 💕
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rebouks · 2 years
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Bruno: Oh sure; come in, make yourself at home. Alea: Hey, B. Bruno: Take it you found her? Alea: Yeah.
Bruno: You don’t seem enthused. Alea: It was a pretty rough month… Thanks for the tip. Bruno: Ah, that’s why you’re pissed. Alea: He’s such a fuckin’ coward, he should’ve told me. But no, I had t’hear it from you.
Bruno: I mean, the result is the same; does it matter? Alea: It matters. Y’should have seen him, B… He was distraught, he barely slept, barely ate, n’ he drank himself half t’death every day; which y’should probably talk t’him about by the way, he’s definitely an alcoholic. Bruno: I gathered as much from Ivan’s fretting.
Alea: My point being, I can’t see Kian ever acting that way if somethin’ happened t’me. I was stupid t’think he’d ever change. Bruno: C’mon, don’t beat yourself up. It’s not like you had-… Alea: I had a choice; I just made the wrong one. Bruno: Leah. You’re already on your last strike, you can’t-…
Alea: I can’t, no; but I wasn’t talkin’ about myself. Bruno: Who..? Alea: Oscar and Ivan… Bruno: H-.. they wouldn’t!
Alea: They would, and are. Bruno: You’re wrong! You have to be-.. Again?! I can’t-… Alea: Again? Bruno: You know what I mean! I-.. they’re gonna get themselves fucking killed!
Alea: Take it down a notch, B… Bruno: Gimmie that thing. Alea: They’re not agents, they’re just.. wannabe informants, I guess. Bruno: Like that makes it any better.
Alea: Again, huh? Bruno: Do not… Alea: My bad. Bruno: We can’t let the same thing happen to them… You’re not gonna say anything, right?
Alea: No. Bruno: If they find out we’re keeping this to ourselves-.. especially after Silas… Jesus. Alea: So, we make sure they don’t. Bruno: [groans]
Alea: Not gonna lie, I’m kinda rootin’ for ‘em; aren’t you? Bruno: … Alea: Takin’ that as a hell yeah. Bruno: Depends on the cost… Wyatt’s suspicious, isn’t he?
Alea: Yeah, we need t’fix that. Throw him a bone in the opposite direction or somethin’. Bruno: I’d rather throw him off the fucking roof. Alea: Same. Bruno: How long are you staying?
Alea: I dunno, ‘til Oscar decides t’show his face. He doesn’t want anyone knowin’ he’s back yet. Bruno: Fair. Alea: It makes sense lookin’ back, y’know? Bruno: I know Ivan doesn’t wanna be involved, he practically told me as much tonight…
Alea: I bet he did. Bruno: He’s fucking straight, Leah. Don’t start. Alea: [snorts] C’mon, business as usual. Your poker face is top notch; slap it on. Bruno: Tch, gimmie chance to glue it back together first.
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porcelainvino · 1 month
[PART ONE] the room where it happens (b!g animatic): artist’s commentary
spoiler warning for eden, other than that, who wants to hear some lore?!?!
better!glee is my (kind of) glee fanfiction in which my favs are essentially my ocs (i do not claim to own the characters). there’s a difference between the “glee club members” and the “better!glee characters” because some of the main characters in the better!glee story are just side characters i like in the real show who aren’t in the new directions (ex: kurt is in the NDs as well as a main character in b!g, rachel is in the NDs but is NOT a main character in b!g, maud is NOT in the NDs but is a main character in b!g; it’s confusing but i’ll try to elaborate as we go on).
each character has their own color, but it has no secret meaning, it’s just to separate them/tell them apart. i was planning, but it was honestly too much effort, to draw all of the new directions, so i only drew the ones who are main characters in better!glee.
the story takes place during the canonical 3rd season of glee, but it does not necessarily follow the canon plot of that season/the rest of the show. some of my b!g characters may act “out of character” compared to canon, but this isn’t necessarily meant to follow canon. in this animatic, there isn’t really a “good side” or “bad side”, both think their doing the right thing but also have their own flaws; this isn’t meant to villainize any character.
i do not necessarily plan to ever post the fanfiction publicly because it’s genuinely mediocre and frankly not even a glee fanfiction at this point. i don’t mean to gatekeep it or anything, this is genuinely just for my irl friends, not for anyone else. despite the name, better!glee is not meant to “fix” the show nor make it “better”, it’s just for silly funzies.
backstory, and basically the first minute of the animatic:
the last major plotline of better!glee mainly follows maud, the violin girl from s1, and her effort to join the glee club. she was unable to and discouraged to join for the past 2 years by her brother and her peers (there’s more to that but it’s too much to explain), but after becoming friends with some of the new directions members, she’s motivated to join and help them win nationals.
kurt encourages her to join. he didn’t get any letter from nyada yet, and he is determined to win nationals to add on to his transcript just in case. maud films her journey/the glee club’s plans for nationals for an av club project, and kurt encourages her to so he can maybe even use it to help him get into nyada.
kurt takes charge to help the glee club win nationals. however, kurt, the b!g characters, and the rest of the glee club have a bit of beef at the moment due to previous events (there’s more to that but it’s too much to explain), so tensions are high, and friendships are strained. his closest friends, mercedes and tina, try to negotiate with him, especially in such a busy time frame.
for context:
maud sings aaron burr’s part
kurt sings alexander hamilton’s part
tina sings thomas jefferson’s part
mercedes sings james madison’s part
rest of animatic, feel free to follow along :3:
• kurt has control of how nationals plays out, prioritizing winning. mercedes and tina hold a photo of the better!glee friend group, prioritizing their friends, at least in the beginning.
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• the trophies are colored in the character’s color, representing how each one of them helped win that competition, like tina got to have a solo at sectionals/got to chose the set list (there’s more to that but it’s too much to explain). nationals has not happened yet so there’s no trophy.
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• despite having beef with half of his friends (there’s more to that but it’s too much to explain), kurt begs mr. schue to help, at least temporarily, reunite the new directions for nationals.
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• “the pieces that are sacrificed in every game of chess” plays while they point to maud. this is showing how the b!g characters in the new directions are slowly but surely abandoning the non-glee club b!g friends in favor of nationals (i hope that made sense).
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• i genuinely don’t know how to properly explain this part because i’m not really sure how i want the plot to be (for context, i’ve only written 16 chapters but i plan for there to be over 80, with this animatic being one of the last plots), but i suppose this could be interpreted as either if mercedes and tina brought up the importance of friendship to kurt, they could all reconcile properly OR maybe mercedes and tina saying that their friend group will be fine if they temporarily work on nationals rather than focusing on fixing relationships? i’m not sure.
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• just maud wanting to be in “the room where it happens” aka the choir room.
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• there’s a message on the bulletin board saying that the glee club will continue to focus on nationals by themselves and do not require extra members. maud gets mad at kurt for getting her excited for nothing even though he had most of the control of how things would play out and had promised her he’d help her get in.
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• maud realizes that kurt was never going to let her join and only hyped her up so she could record the success of the new directions to further his chances of getting into nyada, using her for his own gain.
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• kurt saying that the better!glee friend group is insignificant compared to nationals, at least in his eyes. from his point of view, winning nationals is his chance to change the course of his future, and attempting to mend relationships is just an obstacle to that goal.
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• this is just my favorite frame lol
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[click here for part two]
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
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A post-Inquisition comic about Hawke coming home, because my heart has been aching since 2014 and I needed some catharsis at long last haha. I drew most of this over Christmas but I never intended it to become a longer thing as I was doing the first page, which is why Hawke's outfit changes completely after that. Huge plus of drawing with a ballpoint pen: forces you into an anti-perfectionist YOLO whatever-happens-happens mindstate, since once you've put the mark down on the page you just have to live with it. Huge drawback of drawing with a ballpoint pen: once you've put the mark down on the page you just have to live with it. Ah well, c'est la vie
Transcript of the dialogue under the cut/some corrections, because some of it got lost along the way to digital or fell victim to my terrible handwriting, and in some places I changed my mind about the wording but as previously mentioned: ballpoint pen and all that entails lmao
Merrill: Varric said you tried to stay behind in the Fade.
Hawke: Yeah, well, there’s some BIG potential in the housing market in there. Could’ve made a killing. Alas, it was not to be. 
Merrill: Hawke, I — I don’t think you understand what you mean to us. Or… or if you do, I don’t understand how you could still think — how you could act as if…
Hawke: …As if?
Merrill: As if you don’t MATTER!
Merrill: We would follow you anywhere, if only you’d let us. You have to know that.
Hawke: Yes, I know. I think that might be part of the problem. Maybe you guys should upgrade your standards for who to follow from ‘the first and best person in the group with any sense of direction’. 
Merrill: To guide those who are lost is an act of hellathen — a noble struggle. There is no shame in it. 
Hawke: There is when what you’re most likely to lead them to is grim and painful doom. I seem to have an unfortunate trend on my hands. If one is to be regarded as misfortune and two starts to look like carelessness, I shudder to think what I’ve been up to. 
Merrill: Is that why you sent us away?
Hawke: I never — 
Merrill: Hawke, you are wonderfully clever in so many ways, but please don’t act as if I do not know you. 
Hawke: It… was my responsibility. 
Merrill: Was it?
Hawke: My fault, certainly. 
Merrill: We were there when you found Corypheus too, you know. And we couldn’t stop it either. Does that make it our guilt as well?
Hawke: It’s not the same.
Merrill: Isn’t it? Do you think Bethany’s to blame as well, through blood alone?
Hawke: HAH! No, I don’t. And it’s very unkind of you to call me out on it, by the way. Rude. 
Merrill: I do know you pretty well by now.
Hawke: You do. 
Hawke: It wasn’t about that, anyway. Not really. It was good old-fashioned run-of-the-mill cowardice. 
Merrill: I don’t believe that.
Hawke: It was. It had already been on my mind, but as that demon spoke I could no longer pretend… I couldn’t ignore anymore that… 
Merrill: …Hawke?
Hawke: …that I would rather die than have to see another one of you — to have to bury one more — to fail you all yet ag—... I can’t…I can’t. 
Merrill: Oh, Hawke. I’m so sorry. 
Hawke: I can’t lead anyone anywhere, Merrill. I’m lost too. 
Merrill: I know. I know. We all are. But —
Merrill: But you gave us the gift of not having to walk that path alone. When there was no other shelter in this world, you gave us a home. Please, lethallin, let us give the same to you. You don’t have to lead to anywhere. Just allow us to walk beside you. It pains me to think of you all alone. 
You know, I, um — I still have that ball of twine Varric gave me. We could share it, if you want. 
Hawke: That’d be great, Merrill. Thank you. 
Merrill: I missed you so much. All of you. 
Hawke: Even Fenris?
Merrill: Even Fenris. And his scowl. 
Hawke: …I missed you too. Ah! That reminds me — I’ve got something for you! A gift.
Merrill: Oh, you didn’t have to — 
Hawke: Take it as an apology for all the Wintersend presents I missed while I was away. 
Merrill: A feather? Ma serannas, lethallin, it’s lovely! I’ve never seen one like this, what kind of bird is it from? Hm. It’s so big… This is going to sound so silly, but if I didn’t know any better I would have almost though it was from a griff — 
…a griff…
…a…???!! :D
Hawke: Don’t worry, I’ll explain everything. Well. What tiny part of everything I actually understood, anyway. …I’m sorry, Merrill. I’m back now, I promise. And you would have made a much better Keeper than you give yourself credit for. Let’s go home. 
Merrill: Oh, yes, let’s! Varric let everyone know, so Aveline should be waiting outside the city, and Isabela said she’d pick up Fenris once her ship is ready again, and — and please tell me about the griffons, lethallin, I am dying to know!
(please imagine Hawke doing a frighteningly good 'no shit there I was' Varric impression and then explaining whatever the fuck went down at Weisshaupt here, THE END)
Also some clarifications: Hawke did not kill Anders, he just feels extremely bad about and responsible for everything at all times (he asked Anders to leave and sided with the mages), and Hawke has been travelling with (Circle) Bethany the whole time since Weisshaupt, so that's why Merrill doesn't mention her. She Is Okay, Baby Sister Safe and Accounted For, please do not worry.
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kinetic-elaboration · 7 months
February 26: Story Thoughts
Annual midnight baking is afoot. I don’t know why I’m like this, like, I absolutely could have started earlier and yet here I am. The event this year is definitely semi-cursed but I also don’t care because tomorrow my co-workers will bring chili for me and everything will be okay.
Anyway, I’ve been thinking a little about this fic I want to write… a part of me is excited to work on it but I also can’t… quite bring myself to. It’s sort of like a protective feeling, wanting to keep it in my head, but not entirely—I want to be able to read it, I want at least a sort of ‘definitive’ version before I start forgetting things. I’m having such a hard time with the opening is the main obstacle. It’s all so cinematic in my head; it’s something I’m imagining to see, not to write, and it’s hard to put it into words that actually sound right. I’m fairly sure I want to set the scene first but the scene isn’t anything so out there or unusual that it feels like it warrants being set in any kind of elaborate way. So I’m torn. Do I double down on this intro that I think I want, even though it’s slow and a little heavy, and maybe not immediately eye-catching to the audience, or do I try to find some other way to start? And if so, what?
Aaaah, okay. I think the reason I want it slow and detailed and careful is that it is a limited POV story and that’s the character’s mood in the beginning. She’s gone off to do something semi-impulsive but not terribly risqué, something just for her, and the lowkey adventure and the quiet and the solitude-in-a-crowd, and the contrast between the dark, urban outside and the brightly lit, sparse, inside, the stark imprints of the art, the space that’s been created for just seeing it, sitting with it. That’s the mood. And I think it’s a mood that has to be built up rather slowly.
I’m not usually so uncertain about stuff like this. I don’t always know how to phrase the intro but I feel pretty confident about what it is. I think I probably am going in the right direction with this but I’m in my head a bit. I really like this universe and I want it to come across as natural as it does in my head. Plus, I’m kinda impatient. I keep thinking of it as readers being impatient but I don’t usually write for other people and I’m actually fine if this has no audience—intoxicated by the idea that it might lol but okay if it doesn’t.
Mmmm. I want to take time off work to write because I truly don’t care about what I have going on there. I want to keep working on the transcription but I can only do that for about 2 hours a day and the other 6? Who cares. I’m not feeling it. And I don’t feel like I have the energy I need to do everything I at least hypothetically want to do in my non-work hours.
Oh well. I still gotta shower and get to bed.
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nateconnolly · 7 months
What Does the Lion Turtle Chant Mean?
Excerpt from the Script:
The short autobiography Hojoki begins by recounting great disasters like earthquakes and political upheavals. After describing all that pain and chaos, Chomei asks a deceptively simple question: “Where can one be, and what can one do, to find a safe little shelter in this world, and a little piece of mind?” Chomei tells us the story of his twilight years. Chomei’s house was so small that it was in constant danger from snow, wind, and flooding. He couldn’t even afford a front gate. He had no wife, no children, and no job. “What was there to hold me to the world?” he asked. 
At the age of fifty, Chomei decided that he had so few attachments that he should relinquish what little he had become a Buddhist monk. Chomei left for the Ohara mountains, where he lived as a monk for five years. He then built himself a small final home for his old age. That’s where the title comes from — a hojo is a “Ten-Foot-Square Hut”. There’s a lot of debate over whether Chomei literally lived in a house that exact size, but the most important thing to understand is that his house was small, and modest. He was sleeping on a pile of leaves. It doesn’t sound better than the house where he lived before he was a monk. 
But it was a great life. Chomei could relax without anybody around to judge him; he could read poetry, and watch boats go by; he helped babysit a local a ten-year-old, and they played games together. And he lived modestly, peacefully, and happily.
Now, when I first read this story, my intuition was that Chomei had attained liberation from worldly desires, right? Right? When I read Hojoki, I expected him to claim this was his last life before nirvana. But Chomei went in a different direction. Hojoki isn’t a success story — it’s his confession. He writes that he has failed to live up to his Buddhist principles because he has become attached to his modest way of life. All that happiness he found in the mountains is a bigger attachment than anything he had before he was a monk. Chomei has answered both his questions — he now knows where one could find “a safe little shelter,” but he also accidentally found something to “hold [him] to the world.” He has failed to detach himself. 
That story is really intense. Chomei moved into the woods and lived on a pile of leaves, and yet he still says that he failed. If he couldn’t do it, who could?
Aang faces a similar dilemma. He knows the standards that he wants to live by, but he isn’t sure that he can. 
Sometimes, religion and spirituality help us make sense of the world, but not always. Just like Chomei, Aang’s spiritual beliefs have actually made life more difficult and confusing. And neither of them can solve their problems alone. Aang needs the help of the Lion Turtle. Chomei invoked a Buddha called Amituofo. As in, "Namo Amituofo," the real prayer behind the Lion Turtle Chant. Amituofo is a person — and Chomei is asking him for help.
This podcast episode
Nate's short story about Buddhism
Transcript with Citations
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iratesherlock · 2 years
— Sherlock Holmes and John Watson have not yet appeared. — Jeremy Thompson as Hampton Fawx, Chris Vizurraga as James Stallion, Katie McLean Hainsworth as Madge Stallion, and Shawn Pfautsch as Archie Cartwright. — Written and directed by Ian Geers and Lauren Grace Thompson. — A special thank you to Sarah Buchynski for the sound design. — Favorite Episode: (S1E4) Chapter Four: The Case of the Associates of Gentleman.
I take great pride in the fact that I don’t have taste and will read or watch anything regardless of quality; however, I have always been ridiculously selective about which podcasts and radio shows I follow. If I do not have something to look at, it can be difficult for me to pay attention to/hear what is happening in this type of media, and thus my standards tend to be a little unfair. The number of shows I have discarded or given up on because of minute details is more significant than I feel comfortable admitting, but the few that I have gotten attached to mean the world to me. I love re-listening to podcasts, and I don’t tend to go far from my comfort zone, but I am so thankful I made myself listen to Fawx & Stallion. I honestly have no words for how entertaining this podcast is nor how deep my love of Hampton Fawx goes; he scratches the side of my brain that loves earnest, stupid men. The concept of this podcast is that across the street (and to the left) of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson is another detective agency consisting of Hampton Fawx, James Stallion, and Madge Stallion at 224B Baker Street. They aren’t necessarily the best detectives in London, but they’ve got spunk. It also probably doesn’t help that they’re competing with Sherlock Holmes himself; they really can’t be blamed for not excelling in a business field this monopolized. When they finally have the chance to solve their first big case (read: first ever) after Watson and Holmes take a trip to the countryside, Fawx, Stallion, and Madge begin investigating to the best of their abilities, well, probably. When I started listening to this podcast, I wasn’t expecting much, which is how I go into all new shows, but I was surprised at how quickly invested I became in not just the characters but the story. The humor was so spot-on for me that there were points I was giggling loudly at my desk at work, and I don’t normally emote when listening to podcasts. The kicker for me was that there was very little background noise when the characters were speaking, which made it so easy to follow along without having to stop and rewind multiple times, which was something new for me. I understand the desire to make a podcast dynamic, but if I can’t hear anything, it’s not fun for me, and I appreciate the sound design for this podcast (and the detailed transcripts)—even when there was background noise, it was quieter or the focus of the scene. There isn’t much I can say as the podcast is still ongoing, but I am begging everyone to listen to Fawx & Stallion; it has become one of my favorite podcasts of all time, and I am waiting for the rest of the series. Which I would not normally do; I do not like media that isn’t finished, but I’m excited to follow this show as it releases each episode. I would also like to mention that I am viciously happy about the amount of queer representation in this audio drama; I have a lesbian, two gay men, and a rat: the dream team.
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fedoranon · 1 year
I AM BACK FROM SHOPPING AND BACK INTO LIVEBLOGGING! (Long as hell so there’s a cut before the first direct quote.)
Also obligatory: I’m not a lawyer but I do have a 1964 pocket legal dictionary that probably belonged to my stenographer great grandmother. Also her notary seal which I know better than to use thank.
The difference between how the Court reacts to Ms. Foti’s [representing LoDuca] concluding remarks vs. Mr. Minkoff & Mr. Maulsby [representing the Firm and Schwartz together] is night and day, hard to sum up in quotes or screenshots. Posting the link again, I’m starting on page 48 of 64.
Basically, Ms. Foti gets to deliver her whole statement without interruption, summarizing LoDuca’s side of things and citing a particularly favorable case where a lawyer did not get sanctioned for relying on the work of a colleague in good faith that contained falsehoods. The Judge says “thank you” and calls for Minkoff or his colleague.
Immediately the interruptions start.
Minkoff wants to trade off with Maulsby, his colleague, Judge says that’s unusual.
MR. MINKOFF: Actually, your Honor, I don't necessarily agree. I have divided arguments up before in other courts. If your Honor doesn't want us to do that, give me a moment to speak --
THE COURT: It would be customary to ask to do that. MR. MINKOFF: I am asking. THE COURT: Now you're asking that I'm granting it. The point is, you ask. MR. MINKOFF: Yes. THE COURT: Then I grant it. You don't presume. MR. MINKOFF: I apologize.
Like a misbehaving toddler. Treating Minkoff like he did Schwartz and LoDuca, who have seriously misbehaved in this court and are having the fear of God and Early Retirement put into them. I need to go back and finish the June 6th filings yet, there’s so, so much [I’m pretty sure Schwartz represents that he didn’t use ChatGPT to do any writing but I’m pretty sure this transcript points to the Judge believing he did], but I wonder what the hell is in there that pissed the Judge off so much already?
Anyway, he gets going pretty good for a couple pages here. I don’t find it as compelling as Ms. Foti’s statement, personally, but she has somewhat relevant case law and that always helps. It seems like Maulsby is going to do the actual arguing that they don’t meet the standard that LoDuca and Schwartz’s lawyers agree on, this “subjective bad faith” or I’d call it “intentionality” standard. Minkoff’s main thing is that this was new technology, it’s a known fact that lawyers are old and not hip with new technology and couldn’t have known ChatGPT isn’t a super search engine that has access to paid databases despite the fact that NO online search engine has access to all case law and, I cannot emphasize this enough, CHAT is in the TITLE [and also again I’m fairly sure Schwartz also used it to write for him].
Then Minkoff makes the Cardinal Sin of ascribing the Judge’s motive, or basically saying why he’s done what he did (WRT having this hearing), which my dad always emphasized that you must NEVER EVER DO in any circumstances but especially in a court room.
MR. MINKOFF:  [...] Now, this Court has done its job of warning the public about these risks, warning the profession about these risks. THE COURT: That's not my job, and I didn't set out to do that. MR. MINKOFF: I understand that it's not your job as a judge to do it, but you did it. THE COURT: That was not intended as a warning. That was intended as an order to show cause to bring these respondents before the Court to answer for their actions and nothing more. MR. MINKOFF: I understand that, your Honor. But whether your Honor intended it or not, the effect is what I said, which is that the public is now on notice of this problem, which my client was not on notice of and did not know about at the time. Now, just as AI teaches itself, now it is up to lawyers to learn about these dangers.
There’s a certain intelligence in writing to addressing your conclusion to your perception of the audience’s mind state, but I think this is a reach. ~The Judge is just trying to warn us of the dangers.~ Nah, fam, sanctions are on the line for a reason. This isn’t a SLAPP, it’s Judge who knows the law and how lawyers are supposed to behave.
Maulsby refers back to their previously filed papers a lot more than Minkoff and Foti, and I’ll admit this is the type of law work that goes over my head a lot. I’m related to lawyers, stenographers, and notaries, and I’ve answered phones a few times but I’m not trained in this kind of thing and I don’t pretend I am. It feels a bit tedious though, like maybe he loses his place a few times? I can catch that he’s citing several cases where sanctions were imposed, and saying that this case isn’t like that. 
He goes on about the “bad faith” and “knowledge” elements in a way that honestly sounds a bit written by ChatGPT himself. Very vague, repetitious, I don’t like his style and the Judge doesn’t either:
THE COURT: Let's not reiterate -- you are both from the same firm. You are partners? MR. MAULSBY: Yes. THE COURT: I have granted you the opportunity to supplement Mr. Minkoff's arguments. Please try to refrain from reiterating his arguments. If you have something new to say, I'm all ears. MR. MAULSBY: Understand. I will.
"If you have something NEW to say” AKA this is why I didn’t want to let you talk in the first place. The Judge loses all patience at this point:
THE COURT: I think this point has been made. MR. MAULSBY: The firm has taken appropriate remedial measures -- THE COURT: I think that point was made also. Your firm put on a CLE for the firm. Is that right? MR. MAULSBY: That's one of them, Judge THE COURT: I heard from the principal of the firm. Is this something that's in the record that you are going to tell me, or is this something not in the record? MR. MAULSBY: I'm summing the record, your Honor. THE COURT: This is something in the record. MR. MAULSBY: Yes. THE COURT: What is it in the record and tell me where I find it. MR. MAULSBY: I'm sorry. THE COURT: Tell me where I find what you are about to tell me in the record. MR. MAULSBY: Mr. Corvino's declaration talked about the remedial measures. THE COURT: I read it. MR. MAULSBY: I may not be understanding the question. I'm sorry. THE COURT: I have Mr. Corvino's declaration. I have heard from him. I'm all ears if you have something new you want to say. But reiterating your written submissions is not particularly helpful. MR. MAULSBY: That's fine, your Honor.
[A CLE is the continued learning hours that lawyers need to do if they want to continue to be barred.]
AND THEN HE JUST CONTINUES ON. IDK maybe he skipped a paragraph but he just goes “The point I’m trying to make is” and keeps going like more of the same. I’m not sure why he feels the need to “sum up” the record -- this isn’t a jury trial and these aren’t closing statements on the case, he’s here to present evidence and argue why sanctions shouldn’t be imposed.
Unless he doesn’t think the Judge read all those submissions two days ago, which. In this case? After all the false fucking cases he had his clerk run down? Sure, Jan.
Next IS one of the few points where they argue on behalf of the Firm well, although I think the best argument for them is the “We get out of the way and let our lawyers do their job” type statement Corvino made.
He’s arguing that the sanctions would be unduly punitive because sanctions are supposed to be a “deterrent message” but in Minkoff’s section the Judge already said “That's not my job, and I didn't set out to do that.“ That was about warning the public, not warning these lawyers but the point remains: the Judge isn’t here to warn the lawyers, he’s here “ to bring these respondents before the Court to answer for their actions and nothing more”.
The Judge has some closing comments, first thanking everyone for coming, then:
I want to make an important observation. It's not fair to pick apart people's words, but I'll just note that, repeatedly, this has been described as a mistake. And framing this as a mistake, I understand why it's framed that way, and the mistake is to have submitted the brief on March 1 that cited nonexistent cases.
But that's not what this is all about. [...] I doubt we would be here today if the narrative ended there. There was a reply brief filed by Avianca. The record will reflect whether that brief put Mr. Schwartz and Mr. LoDuca on actual notice that their cases were nonexistent. There was an order from the Court on April 11 calling upon Mr. LoDuca, not a law firm, not an entity, not the plaintiff, Mr. LoDuca to submit copies of the cases. We know how Mr. LoDuca responded to that. We know how Mr. Schwartz prepared the response. We know what they submitted and what they said about it. We know a lot more now. But this case is not just about the March 1 submission. It's what happened thereafter is an important part and an essential part of that narrative.
And then he marks the affadavit as Exhibit 1 and adjourns the hearing.
If I’m Schwartz walking out of this hearing, I’m terrified. The Judge was not pleased with the presentations by his team, ascribing the Court’s motives and being unnecessarily repetitive.
If I’m LoDuca walking out of this hearing, I’m feeling a bit less shaky? But I personally wouldn’t make any bets. His best defense is that he didn’t do due diligence, and as a lawyer you have an obligation to your clients and the court to do just that.
If I’m Corvino, I’m wondering if no news is good news, as it were. The Judge didn’t have questions for him, the lawyers hardly mentioned the Firm as a whole in their presentations, maybe they’re really just there because they happen to be these idiots’ employers? Their best defense is also not knowing anything, but not being familiar with the case makes it a lot more credible.
If I’m Mata, I’m probably gonna sue these guys for my medical bills pending how the retrial goes. Assuming he can bring this again once the dust settles, but I don’t see why this wouldn’t be a mistrial or otherwise dismissed without prejudice? I believe is the term.
If I’m the defendants or their counsel, I’m laughing my ass off at this while also being fucking pissed that what should have been an open and shut case is being dragged out like this. What a waste of time. Why wouldn’t you at least skim what you’re presenting. gods above.
So yeah. Let me know if y’all see what I do vis a vis the Judge not being happy with Schwartz’s lawyers and why.
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/Video input received/
/Source: HS: IR-15/
/Starting transcript/
[The Mall’s food court area, the camera briefly skims over the area, various streamers can be seen in the background, continuing with their work as normal]
[A glimpse of the back of one of Iris’ faceplates as it momentarily moves into frame, before the sound of it snapping back to her face is heard]
Iris: [Sing-song] Maiii! I know you’re here! Come out, come out, wherever you are!
[Whirrs can be heard as Iris’ moves her head around, occasionally the camera zooming in on various spots as Iris slowly walks through the food court]
Mai: Shit! You're Not Killing Me Today!
[Iris’ head snaps towards where the voice came from, camera flicking around as Iris tries to locate the source]
Iris: You sure about that? I have a pretty good record when it comes to catching my prey!
Mai: That's… Pretty Funny, Um… YOU'LL HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST!
[The camera quickly zooms out as Mai bursts from her hiding spot, quickly sprinting away from Iris, the camera not letting her get out of frame as Iris starts to slowly move towards her]
Iris: That’s cute.
[The camera suddenly switches to being much more focused on Mai as the loud whirrs and thumps of Iris running start up. Mai stays in focus and in-center as Iris quickly gains on Mai.]
[The view suddenly lurches as Iris leaps to close the gap, her massive arm grabbing both of Mai’s legs and pulling her to the ground]
Iris: If only you were as fast as you are stupid.
[Iris lets out a static-filled giggle as the camera refocuses on Mai, now face-down on the floor as Iris has her legs pinned with her over-sized arm]
Mai: Ok Listen Maybe We Can Work Something Out Here… I Know The Show Failed But I'll… I'll Just Go Back To My Job Really There's No Need For Bloodshed.
[There’s a loud crunch as Iris presses down on Mai’s legs, easily breaking them]
Iris: There’s never a need for bloodshed, it’s just the fun part! Now hold on a second before you continue attempting to beg for your life.
[Two pings can be heard, one short, and one longer]
Iris: There are some people who really want to see this.
[There’s a short burst of static before it quiets down to barely audible white noise before a voice that’s not Iris’ comes from her]
Squig: There you are Mai! We’ve been looking for you everywhere! How have you been?
Mai: Shut Up! Why Do You Care, Don't You Have A Island To Fix?
Squig: Uh huh… well unlike you I actually have a team to help me do work, so it’s not the end of the world if I take a short break.
Mai: I Had A Team… They Just Didn't Know How To Follow Orders.
[One of the spikes from Iris’ cables plunges itself into Mai’s shoulder]
Squig: Did they? Or were you just terrible at being a leader? Because all I’ve seen from you implies the latter.
Mai: Maybe You're Right… Is That What You Want To Hear? Maybe I Am Terrible At Being A Leader… But Even Then Why Should I Need A Team To Begin With? All Those Brats Ever Did Was Get In The Way.
[Squig lets out a sigh]
Squig: Once again, that just sounds like you being a bad leader. If you were good at any kind of directing, you wouldn’t have it even be possible for anyone to get in your way.
[From Iris’ speaker, a sound that vaguely sounds like someone leaning back in a chair can be heard]
Squig: Do you know, it truly was this… desire to work alone that is leading to your downfall? Do you know, if you had ever just… asked me for help in producing your show, I would have helped.
[Mai begins laughing]
Mai: That's Really Funny… Of You To Think I Would Ask For Help. From Anyone In This Company, No-one Here Can Even Keep People From Leaving… People Have Literally Just Walked Out The Door.
Squig: That’s… that’s a pretty fair point. But ah, who’s job is it to make Security? Surely you should have at some point been instructed to make Security specifically to guard the exits and the forest. After all, isn’t that where that Rose girl was originally stationed? You clearly knew this was a problem, yet took no initiative.
Mai: How Was I Supposed To Make Anymore Security. I Barely Had The Materials To Make Rose Into Security.
[Footsteps on the tile echo in the audio, as someone approaches]
[A figure steps into view. Recognized as: Elizabeth. Department: HR]
HR: Well, hello there. Hate to cut your little tirade short, but I could not miss the fun. What exactly do we have here? Miss Iris, I see you finally caught our little sniveling coward by the tail, have you?
Iris: Haha, yup. She even tried to run!
[Another one of Iris’ spikes drives itself into Mai’s back]
HR: Of course she did. That must have been fun for you, I take it.
Iris: A little, she wasn’t all that fast though, so it wasn’t very lo--
[A burst of static comes from Iris’ speaker]
Squig: Hello there, you must be the HR I was talking to before!
HR: That I would be. It is nice to speak to you, Miss Squig.
[Iris’ secondary and averaged sized set of hands can briefly be seen at the edges of the camera’s view, as she briefly waves her hands in slight exasperation at being interrupted]
Squig: It is nice to speak to you too! I would love to be there in person, but I’m sure you’ve heard of the… situation that happened over here.
HR: That I certainly have, and I wish you the best of luck in the rebuilding, it seems like such a pain.
Squig: Thank you, however, I do still have enough time for this. Speaking of which, as the one who’s had to deal with Mai for much longer than I have, what ideas for punishment have you come up with?
Mai: Hey I Hate To Burst Y'all's Bubble But I'm Not Fucking Dying Here! If You Think I'm Gonna Sit Here While You Two Plan My Death Then You Both Are Dumber Than You Look!
[The camera focuses downward, Mai’s broken legs are still under Iris’ hand with two of her spikes driven into her back]
HR: Ah, I forgot the thing could speak. All I was hearing was little outraged squeaking from a trapped mouse who somehow still thinks it can win.
Squig: I can’t decide if I should laugh or cry, how exactly are you planning to get out of this? I’d love to hear.
Mai: I'll Figure It Out! I Always Have… I WON'T FUCKING DIE HERE!
[The camera focuses upwards again, focusing on HR’s face. Slight whirrs can be heard from Iris’ faceplates. HR tips their head to the side, almost amused, however it is difficult to tell with the mask]
HR: You cannot seriously still believe that, can you? Through all of the years I have had to endure your absolute nonsensicality, that is somehow the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard you say.
Mai: If I Die… Who Will Deal With Bluebird? That Brat Will Probably Shut Down If She Actually Worries About Me.
Squig: Oh what, are you actually-- pfft, nope. Can’t even finish that joke, of course you aren’t actually worrying about Bluebird for once. Anyways, Bluebird will be put into a job where she’ll have a boss who’s actually decent at being a boss, and won’t ever think about you again. She won’t even remember she ever worked with you.
Mai: How Will You Find Her? Last I Checked Some Crazy Person Took Her.
HR: Well at least you have finally correctly described yourself. Somehow in a building where people try to explode it at its very foundations, you’re the most mad one here.
Mai: A Different Crazy Person You Jackass! Besides At Least I Haven't Tried To Blow This Place Up… I've Only Been Trying To Help Showfall. Is That So Bad?
HR: You could not even pull off such a feat if you tried, I can assure you. As well, I fail to see how any of your waste of resources, time, and reputation has ever helped this company in any sort of manner.
Iris: You couldn’t even figure out that if you’re out of resources to make Security, you should. Oh, I don’t know, contact your superiors to get more!
Mai: Is This The Game Plan? Mock Me Until I'm Dead? I Don't See How Making Fun Of Me Will Help You Idiots!
[HR steps around and closer, before leaning down to look Mai in the eye, cocking their head to the side]
HR: No, it is simply part of the fun. A bit of satisfaction at least for myself personally, after the absolute nightmare it has been that you have made my job since I had the misfortune of meeting you.
[HR reaches down and grabs Mai’s face by the chin, tipping their head in a way that suggests they are smiling]
HR: But where would the fun in that be?
[They shake her head a bit as if to reinforce the point, before dropping it and standing back up to their full height]
Mai: I Don't Want To Die Here… Come On I Can Still Be Useful…
[HR makes a sound akin to tongue clicking, shaking their head in a mock solemn, a fake pity]
HR: You know you have long out-lived any manner of usefulness you could have provided. And your little stunt has only proved that point. You are of no use to the company, you have proven to only be a liability, so tell me, please, why should we keep you alive, when all of these factors ring true?
Mai: i… Don't Know….
HR: In all of the years that I have known you, you have only proven yourself to be a nuisance at the best of times, downright dangerous and destruction at the worst. You have done nothing but waste whatever is provided to you, despite chance after chance that you have been given, you have only harmed those under your command, and have never created anything of substance in the position you were best suited for.
[HR leans down]
HR: But even then, you were not satisfied, you thought yourself above your station, and that you could act out of your department and do whatever you wished, even against the direct orders of your superiors. And now look where that has gotten you.
Mai: I….. What Do You Want Me To Fucking Say? I'm Sorry? It Won't Happen Again? WHAT ARE YOU WANTING FROM ME!
[HR stands up straight once more, and takes a step back]
HR: I want your last words.
Mai: You Want My Last Words?… Here How About This… Fuck You Fuck Squig Fuck Iris Fuck That Dumb Brat Bluebird Fuck Rose Fuck Ruby Fuck Sarah Fuck Hetch And FUCK THIS GOD FORSAKEN COMPANY! THERE HAPPY?
[HR takes another step back, and tips their head at Iris, as if to signal they have nothing left to say.]
[Loud static giggles come from Iris as mechanical clicks can be heard from right behind her]
[Multiple sounds start up from behind Iris, the buzzing of a saw, the whirr of a drill, and a blowtorch igniting are all clearly heard as Iris removes her large hand from Mai’s legs and the two cables rip from her back]
Mai: No No No No No No No No….
[The tools heard before along with others descend into the frame. All of Iris’ spikes plunge into Mai before the saw makes contact]
[Splatters of blood quickly obscure the camera’s view as Mai starts to scream in agony]
[The sound of blood splattering, flesh tearing, bones snapping, Mai’s desperate screams, and Iris’ cackling is all that can be heard for a few minutes]
[Mai’s screams slowly weaken, before stopping entirely. The camera shakes, briefly showing complete darkness before it seemingly spins forward, now clearly capturing everything once more]
[When it is over, nothing remains but a mangled red smear on the tile floor, no longer recognizable as something once human]
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 4 months
Episode 94 Transcript: Went Into a Weird Trans
G: Hello! It's Grey.
C: Hello! It's Crystal.
G: And this is Busty Asian Beauties, a Supernatural commentary podcast where I, someone who's seen this show many, many times- 
C: And I, someone who only knows about the show through social media, discuss every single episode of Supernatural from start to finish. Also, we are both Asian.
G: Both Asian. For today's episode we will be discussing Season 5 Episode 12, “Swap Meat,” written by Julie Siege, Rebecca Dessertine, and Harvey Fedor. Very many people. [C: That’s a lot of people.] Written by Julie Siege, directed by Robert Singer.
G: This is a Robert Singer episode! I didn't even notice.
C: Yeah, he didn't really have many zooms.
G: Yeah. I do think the directing of this episode was pretty fun. It’s nice, good for them. 
C: Yeah. Okay. Dessertine works as an assistant to Eric Kripke and this is her only episode.
G: This episode, I did like it. 
C: It was fine. 
G: It was fine. It was not bad, it was-
C: I would say it was bad-fine more than good-fine, for me personally, but honestly, I was just so stuck on how Dean didn't realize it was Sam, or it was not Sam, for that long, I just couldn't. It was hard to suspend my disbelief.
G: I think what it is is there's a “fine not fine” line. “Good not good” line. And then there's an “enjoyed it didn't enjoy it” line. And for those three lines I would say that it’s closer to fine more than not fine, closer to bad than good, but very much in the “I enjoyed it” category.
C: Yeah, okay, I think on the first two I would agree with you, and then on the last one, I think I didn't enjoy it that much.
G: As in you didn't enjoy it at all, or not that much? What's the-
C: It was fine on the enjoyment scale.
G: Okay, yeah. I enjoyed it, I think because I just haven't watched Supernatural in a while. And I was like, “We're back, baby.”
C: Yeah, we are indeed
G: We are back. The last time we watched an episode was three weeks ago. So- I like Supernatural. Who would have thought?
C: [laughs] You say this every episode.
G: I know, but it’s true! It's true. I do actually like Supernatural.
C: Many people would have thunk.
G: Yeah.
C: [laughs] Including your sister's boyfriend.
G: [laughs] Let's not talk about it! [C: Let's not talk about it!] Yeah. But you know, the moment your sister's boyfriend clocks you as watching Supernatural, it could be the worst experience in your life ever, and you just have to live with it. [C: Could be.] Yeah. What did you know about this episode before you started watching it?
C: Just that Sam was gonna body swap with a teen boy who does physics, and he calls him a virgin. Yeah.
G: Which is, you know, that's
G: I think it's a succinct but accurate enough representation of this episode. [C: Fair, yeah.] Yeah. I mean, there's plot stuff that's happening. But the appeal of it is that Sam swaps bodies with a seventeen year old.
C: Yeah, I think I just didn't get into it, because some episodes are only meant to be funny, but it still exists in the larger world of Supernatural. So then I don't know where to place this in the canonicity of it.
G: You think this isn’t canon, or- what's happening?
C: I think it is canon. It's just hard for me to reconcile it with the rest of canon. Also remember how two weeks ago Lucifer literally raised Death? [G laughs] Are we gonna get back to that? [G: Yeah.] Does that not change anything about the state of the world?
G: It's so funny later on when Gary was in Sam’s body, and Dean hasn't clocked it yet. He was like, “Oh, the plan! And what's gonna make me feel better is kicking some ass!” [C laughs] And I was like, even Gary [C: Just like in Supernatural post.] has subscribed fully to this belief system, good on him. [C: Yeah.] I think I understand what you mean that this is difficult to reconcile yet with the canon of the show, because it doesn't feel like it fits. Yeah, it does feel like something that they just made up. And I know everything is made up in a TV show like Supernatural. [C: But they especially made it up.] This especially, it feels kind of fanficcy, in a way? But not like that kind of fanficcy, more like somebody just had a “wouldn’t it be so funny if” and then they did it.
C: Yeah, it was based around [G: A concept.] a fun scenario for a case, and I don't know if it's particularly grounded in the rest of the happenings of Season 5, or even Sam and Dean's characterization.
G: That is fascinating to think about, because there are definitely episodes that are concept episodes but feel real. [C: Yeah, like “What Is And Never Should Be.”] Like “It’s A Terrible Life,” it's a concept episode, “What Is And Never Should Be,” which I've been thinking about, because our next episode is I don't know if you know, it's “The Song Remains the Same.” [C: Oh, nice!] So I've been thinking a lot about the other Mary episodes, and the other Led Zeppelin long title episodes when I was pondering over that. This one doesn't feel that real? But sometimes Supernatural does that, I feel, and I forget about it promptly.
C: Yeah, it’s just wild that “The Real Ghostbusters” felt like a real episode, and this one doesn't.
G: Yeah, I don't know what it is. I feel like this one actually feels like such a late Supernatural episode. Because this is like the kind of shenanigans they get up to over there. [C: Yeah, it’s just a romp. Especially with the way that the side characters do actually feel like they're there. They're given screen time, they're given motivations, or whatever. It feels closer to what Supernatural becomes later on. You're right. This is an odd episode in that way. I think maybe that's a little bit of the reason why I enjoyed it. Because it's like, “Oh, they’re trying something new. Yeah.
C: Yeah. And I hate new things. 
G: Yeah. And it's okay. So we start the episode, no “Then” sequence. Nothing has ever happened before in Supernatural.
C: I mean, it doesn't feel connected to anything that's happened before in Supernatural, so this tracks.
G: Yeah. Yeah. And, well, there's a lady sitting in the bar.
C: Yeah. And we're not gonna say what her name is [G laughs] cause that's she's not allowed to have it.
G: I loved it!
C: She hasn’t done anything wrong. She's just not allowed to have it, that’s my name.
G: Love it. Yeah. Do you hate when characters have your name?
C: Yes, I hate it. I hate it so much, sorry to that perfectly nice girl in Yellowjackets, but thank God Misty pushed her off a cliff so I didn't have to hear her name anymore.
G: [laughs] Yeah. Well, nobody is named Grey anywhere pretty much.
C: Yeah. Except the internet, there’s a lot of people named Grey. 
G: Well, yes. But my old name- 
C: [laughs] Are we doing the reveal now? 
G: [laughs] But it is pretty funny, isn't it? 
C: It is pretty funny. If you hadn’t changed this name, this scene would be so funny.
G: Yeah, so like, my other name is Sam. [C laughs] That's hilarious to me, so I don't know, I think I just got immune from being uncomfortable when a fictional character has my name. [C: Yeah, because many have your name.] Because many have my name, and also I was a Supernatural fan for most of the time that I was named Sam. [C: Right.] And Sam Winchester is literally on my screen. So, it's fine. [C: True.] I mean, can I say the story of how, when I first started getting into the Supernatural fandom, and I have my pronouns he/him, I'm trans, people know it, and they just assume that I changed my name to be like Sam Winchester for real [C: Yes!] which is so embarrassing! [laughs] Maybe that's the reason why I changed my name, honestly. People thinking that I change my name to Sam to fit Sam, it's like, well, why are we doing this?
C: Exactly, your name should have been Charlie. [G: It literally should’ve!] After another Supernatural character.
G: Exactly. Instead my name is Grey, short for Gregory House, M.D. 
C: The M.D. is part of the name.
G: [laughs] Yeah, it truly is.
G: Sam- or, well, “Sam,” quote unquote. [C: Yeah. Someone who we think is Sam right now.] Yeah, walks into the bar and sits beside this lady, but not in a “he's trying to hit her up” way. He doesn't give a shit. He is buying drinks. He's been buying a-
C: “banana daiquiri, my good man.”
G: Yeah, banana daiquiri, and he does this whole thing where he lifts up his ID to be like, “Look, I'm 26.” And then you look at Sam Winchester's hairline, and you're like, “I can guess.” [G and C laugh] I'm so sorry, that's so mean! But he doesn't look young, is what I'm trying to say. Crystal, the lady in this episode-
C: No, that's not her name. [G laughs] That's just a random woman who never had a name. But yes.
G: This lady is telling Sam- but has already introduced himself as Gary at this point- that he is “a stunning-looking man,” and he goes, “I know, right?” [laughs] I actually really love the way they style Sam's hair this scene, or Jared's hair, I guess, this scene, because it looks shorter, I guess? And we have talked about how Sam has bangs and a bit shorter of a crop when they're trying to make him look younger and more harmless. And when they're trying to be like, “Oh, he's a terrifying sexual behemoth,” or whatever [C laughs] his hair is longer, and he doesn't have any bangs, and his sideburns have a thing going for them. And in this one, when he is Sam, he does look like Sam with normal hair length and the normal bang situation for Sam Winchester in Season 5. But when he is Gary, they change it up just a little bit. So you know that something's different. And Jared, I think he's having a good time doing this performance. Recently, there's this post on somewhere. I think I'll reblog it-
C: Oh, god, yeah, the one where he was basically sexually harassing DJ Qualls the entire time he was on set?
G: Yeah, just that entire post, so basically, someone looked up “gay” in Supernatural Wiki to look for something, and then they screenshotted a bunch of things that they found in Supernatural wiki, and I was just struck completely by the fact that these people are actually homophobic, I think. [laughs]
C: [laughs] Incredibly homophobic and misogynistic.
G: And I was thinking about that, and then I remembered I messaged you that one time where I was like, “Oh my God! Literally every single time they were making fun of Sam for being gay because he's a salad eating liberal or something, they weren't actually making fun of him!” They were actually making fun of him. [laughs] It wasn’t like a 5D chess of making fun, they actually were just straight up making fun of him. And I do think about that now, every time Sam- or Jared, here, is acting in a way that's dorky, or whatever, that he’s making fun of this kid, pretty much, and then later on, they have Sam shake a salad, and Dean's like, “Dude. That's gay as hell.” I mean, he doesn’t say “gay as hell,” but you know the implications. [C: Yeah.] And it's like, wow, they really are homophobic in this show. [C: True.] And this isn't even homophobia, what Jared is doing here right now isn't homophobia. He's just making fun of the way teenagers act or something, and the situation is funny in that way.
C: I think he’s making fun of virgins, though.
G: Yeah, but I feel like it does come from the same general direction, doesn’t it?
C: Yeah, there's a lack of masculinity in this kid that is what's being made fun of, I think.
G: Yeah, exactly. So yeah. The lady just keeps on trying to hit him up, but he keeps on missing the mark.
C: I would have backed up, I would have backed down by this point, it seems like he's sending a hint, even though he's not sending a hit, you know?
G: Yeah, just give up. [C: Yeah.] But you know, she's like, “Are you having a good night?” And Gary's like, “Yeah, this is the best night ever.” And she's like, “No, but can we make it any better? Do you wanna get out of here?” And he's like, “Well, I mean, I like this bar, and I just ordered this daiquiri.” [laughs] It's actually pretty funny, honestly. [C: It's really funny.] And then, yeah. Finally, she was like, “No, get out of here with me.” And Gary's like, “Do you mean like- are we talking about sex? Oh, Crystal, I would love to have the sex with you!” [C and G laugh] Amazing. Iconic. [C: Pretty good.] And then off they go. And the camera pans in a certain way, and we see that this is not actually Sam, but a kid, a seventeen-year-old. I did not think he was seventeen at all. I thought he was fifteen. [C: Yeah, he looks younger. Yeah.] But you know, later on.
C: I think the seventeen is on purpose, because the age of consent in Massachusetts is sixteen. But Crystal still did not agree to have sex with a child, she was not aware, and Sam certainly did not agree to have his body used for this purpose, Especially later, when Crystal turns out to be a dominatrix, there's gonna be marks that Sam will come back to. And that's gotta be really upsetting.
G: Yeah. It's always so wild to me that drinking is such a higher [C: Age requirement?] Yeah, alas. And it's actually Gary, a kid.
C: So we go to 36 hours earlier, and Sam and Dean are at this woman's house. She turns out to be their babysitter, sort of, in that she worked as a maid at a motel that John would often leave Sam and Dean alone at. Apparently, during that time, Sam kept trying to tell her what John was doing, and eventually convinced her that ghosts were real. Which, yeah, how old- Okay, "the summer before sixth grade" is what Sam says.
G: So that's like 12, maybe 11. [C: Yeah.] It's 12, because Sam's in May.
C: Yeah. What grade was he in in "After School Special"?
G: It was eighth grade.
C: It was eighth grade 'cause Dean was a senior? Yeah. Okay. So it's between "Very Supernatural Christmas" and "After School Special."
G: Can I give you a spoiler? [C: Sure.] There's an episode a bit later on, I forget what age Sam is, but it's definitely in between "After School Special" and- what's the other one? And "A Very Supernatural Christmas." Sam has short hair in that. [C: No!] Like, cropped to the scalp.
C: What did John do to him?
G: I was like- I forgot about that episode, and it is also fascinating to me because that episode- I'll just spoil it. It's the one with Sully, the imaginary friend. [C: Oh, cute, yeah.] Which is like, you know, a significant Sam episode, but I very rarely see it in, like, compilation of kid Sam stuff [C: Because he has short hair!] because it looks so different because his hair is cropped to his head. But yeah, I think during this time, that was like, the Sam that we're supposed to imagine. Short-haired Sam.
C: Wow! What a different man that is.
G: I know! And part of the plot of that episode was he wanted to go hunting with Dean and John. [C: Hmm.] But they were like, "No, Sam, we just have to leave you in this motel room," and then that's why he was hanging out with Sully a lot, and then eventually, Sully was like, "You should run away." [laughs] [C: Real.] And Sam was like, "Okay, let's do it."
C: Oh, and he has a dog!
G: Yeah, but then Dean calls and was like, "You can come with us now." And Sam was like, "No, but oh, that's so wonderful, because I really want to, like, go hunting with my older brother, who I admire, and my dad, who I think I also admire."
C: Huh. Sorry to that kid.
G: I think there is a throughline between, like, Sam trying to convince their babysitter to be like, "No, but like, my dad really is a hunter, and there really are ghosts!" in combination with that version of Sam who still admired and wanted to be involved with the hunting life in a way, you know?
C: So you're saying that- Okay, 'cause I sort of read this as him acting out, but you think it was more of a like, "my dad's so admirable and cool"?
G: Yeah, because probably, this woman was like, "I can't believe your father is just leaving you behind and being so horrible to you." And Sam would be like, "No, he's not!"
C: "He's a hero!"
G: "[whiny] But he's actually fighting monsters and everything!" That's how I imagine young Sam to speak. [both laugh]
C: I mean, you've watched the episode. Is that what his voice sounds like?
G: It should have been. They should have hired that kid, and then hired me to do a voiceover, like a dub [C laughing] of the kid speaking.
C: So true. Okay, yeah. I can see that. I guess I viewed it either as him acting out or just him being a lonely kid, but I think your thing makes sense, like, logically.
G: They did not, like, follow through with this fucking case at all. [laughs] Honestly, kind of hilarious.
C: Yeah, I mean, they burned the body. It's over.
G: I mean, they did. They did. And they, you know, saved the family and the kid or whatever it is that they did. But it is pretty funny that, like, this is the first time we see them.
C: We never see them again, yeah.
G: And it's just to introduce the concept of [C: Of Lisa.] "Man, yeah, what if there is a family that, you know, we get to live with, and a wife and some kids? Settle down, blah blah blah." [both laugh] Nobody should settle down or get married. [laughs]
C: This is true, we should make all marriage illegal, but yeah.
G: Yeah. That's not true. So sorry to everyone who is happily married. But people who are unhappily married, you're welcome. [C laughing]
C: Anyway. But yeah, I think this is a good example of, I guess, first, like, a family that knows about monsters but doesn't feel the need to become hunters.
G: Yeah, and they seem well-adjusted.
C: I think it's because it's a woman that learned about it first, and not a man. I think if it was a man, it would have been like, "He has to be a hunter."
G: Yeah. You think so?
C: Yeah, they seem well adjusted, and they were able to reach out to Sam and Dean [G: Yeah.] as soon as they were like, "This might be a ghost," and that's helpful. If only more people knew.
G: Yeah. And, you know, as Dean says earlier, like, they don't seem consumed by it the way, you know, I don't know, you would normally expect in a TV show like Supernatural. Because, you know, later on, Jody and Donna, these are people who know about the life, and they are a little bit consumed by it! Like, I mean, they have lives, like, they have a job. They're cops. [sighs] Horrible! Maybe they should-
C: They should have just been more- they should have been more consumed by it. [both laugh]
G: No, but like, you know, I think this is a very different dynamic with hunting that this woman has. [C: Yeah.] Women further in the show that we meet and have a similar happenstance with hunting.
C: Yeah, I think it's because they were already cops, it's like, they have the skills or whatever to do murder. [G: Yeah.] Blah blah blah, this is a template for how Dean could eventually be happy with the domestic life, knowing about ghosts but not really doing any active hunting, blah blah blah.
G: I did not even connect that dot, like, at all.
C: Oh, yeah, I mean, they do do a lot of dot connecting, though.
G: Yeah, it's just, you know, to introduce the idea that "What if we have a domestic life, with women?" [both laugh]
C: With women.
G: I don't wanna sound that dismissive, like, I understand what they're trying to do, but Supernatural is the one who's dismissive, not me.
C: [laughs] Yeah. And it's just- the Lisa thing is so ridiculous. Every single time they have a long-term relationship with a woman, it's ridiculous to me. It's just wild to me that like, Lisa would be single when Dean went back, you know what I mean? [laughs] [G: Yeah.] Like, if she wanted a relationship, she would be in a relationship, due to how she's like, hot and somehow the most well paid yoga instructor of all time, owning her own house.
G: Yeah, this is why, when it was Sam's turn, they made her a military wife of a dead guy.
C: Exactly, like, that was realistic. And I don't know what was going on with Daphne, [laughs] but like, you know, if you're willing to marry a naked man in the woods, all power to you.
G: Yeah, and be a religious whatever whatever with him.
C: Yeah, this isn't to hate on Lisa. She's allowed to have, like, bad taste in men, I think the writers just-
G: Yeah, but the thing is Supernatural doesn't frame it that way, is the thing. [C: Yeah.] And I will reserve my judgment over Lisa because I feel like, you know, she has been quite hated in the fandom from every single direction of hatred, so like, I just would rather see first, if that is the case.
C: You've watched the show!
G: [laughs] But not with a critical mindset! [C: Fair.] I would just watch. I mean, I don't really remember much about Lisa, honestly.
C: She has this kid, Katie. There was a poltergeist who attacked her two nights ago and cut the words "murdered child" into her stomach, and it's quite miserable to look at.
G: Wild! I was surprised by it. I did not expect it at all. [laughs] [C: Yeah.] Like, the carving on this abdomen. Like, that's pretty wild.
C: It's pretty visceral, yeah.
G: I mean in Season 11. They do a version of this [laughs] that is so ungodly funny.
C: [laughs] The "I am coming" one?
G: Yeah, with Cas. [both laughing] They carve it in his chest. [C: Yeah.] Shave your chest, father of two.
C: But yeah, Sam and Dean are like, "We got this. You get out of town."
G: [Southern accent] Get out of town.
C: So they're now at a diner, and Gary, the kid that we saw was in Sam's body earlier, is working there, and there's this bit where Gary's really judgmental over how, like, on top of, like, burger and fries, there was a Health Quake Salad Shake that was ordered.
G: He's judgmental about the salad, yeah.
C: Yeah. And then, like, when Sam, like, gets the salad shake, he put dressing in it and then starts shaking the bottle. And Dean-
G: [laughs] I kind of get it.
C: Really?
G: The thing is, I am a salad shaker. I love to shake a salad. But like, anytime anybody else around me is shaking a salad, I'm like, "You are the most pretentious person alive on Earth. Like, why are you doing this?"
C: The dressing needs to be evenly distributed!
G: I know! I know because I do it, and I love doing it! [laughing] But when other people do it, I also become the most judgmental person in the world. But like, I don't think that's what Dean is doing here. I think Dean's is coming from a different place.
C: Yeah, 'cause "You shake it up, baby." But I think he's, yeah, he's just coming from a "stop drawing attention to the fact that you're eating gay food for gay people." [laughs] [G: Yeah.] Sam would love shaking boba.
G: We never even see them drink milk tea ever in the show! [C: It's true.] Do we ever see them eat anything other than like, [C: Burgers? And salad.] burgers, fries, salad.
C: They eat chicken when they go to dinner at Jody's.
G: Yeah, but that's like, a big deal, because eating chicken is gay [laughs] according to Supernatural, I think. But not roasted chicken.
C: I think it's more like they got a home-cooked meal for the first time in their lives, blah blah blah. They eat Spaghetti-O's as children.
G: Sam's served soup- Dean serves him soup.
C: Yes, the soup scene, when he's in the green blankie.
G: Cas eats PB&J.
C: True, and burritos.
G: [laughs] "Ethnic food." [C: God.] I mean, everybody has said that, like, it's wild that Cas, angel of the Lord, [C: Yeah, is racist.] has a distinction about ethnic food or whatever it is. It is also just wild to me that like, if you are going to classify things as ethnic food or whatever, [laughs] that like, American-style burritos are [both laugh] what you would define it as. I don't know. It's wild.
C: Yeah. Dean chokes on tacos and sausages in "Mystery Spot."
G: This is true! He eats one sausage.
C: They eat pancakes and things. [G: Yeah. Pancakes!] But yeah, burger is sort of the main thing. Dean in "The Curious Case" was like, "I'm gonna take care of my health now," but I guess he changed his mind immediately.
G: He had a bagel. Yeah. In "It's a Terrible Life." [both laugh] Are bagels also considered gay? [C, laughing: I think so?] People will do anything! This show is so stupid. [C laughs]
C: Dean says that Donna looks pretty good, which Sam interprets it as wanting to fuck their babysitter, which apparently Dean wanted way back when as well. But no, he meant it in terms of like, "I think that I should get it settled down with a hot woman."
G: It is kind of wild to me that, like, you know, people think of settling down as getting married and then having kids. [C: Mm-hm.] I feel like that's just a cultural- not cultural. Generational distinction that I think you and I, people our age will just never understand, maybe.
C: What do you view as settling down?
G: I don't think I ever thought about it. [laughs] [C: Yeah.] Like, I think settling down is having a nice job. [laughs] Like, when I'm secure in my career, I'm settled down.
C: Yeah, settling down is just like, having a house, or an apartment where you know you can pay the rent every month or whatever. I think I view it more as, like, a geographical consistency thing.
G: Yeah, like, "I've stayed in this town or city or whatever for a set amount of time, and I will continue to do so, and I've dedicated my life to being a citizen." Like, that's settling down.
C: Right. "Like, I intend to continue working a job here, probably the same one as the one I have."
G: Yeah, like, my 10 Year Plan involves being in the same place. That's settling down. But like, you know, like, it was, like, mother's day recently, so I've been looking at people posting stuff, people talking about motherhood, and it is fascinating to see that, like, you know, our mothers and the ones before them, like, did see it as like, part of the path of your life. You're just supposed to marry, and you're just supposed to have kids. And it's like, "Why did you want to do it?" Because now, it's like, if you're gonna have kids, [laughs] you've gotta want that shit, I feel like. But like, you know, back then it was just like, "Well, I didn't necessarily want it or not want it. It's just what was you're supposed to do." [C: Yeah.] So I think, given that context-
C: I mean, my mom did want it, I think. But yeah. [G: Yeah.] 'Cause of- [laughing]
G: [laughing] The Chinese laws?
C: Yeah, I mean, I wasn't born in China, but every time me and my sister visited China, people have assumed that we're twins, so that's how we got around it. But it's like, "No, we we were born in the US."
G: Yeah. Given that, I do now have a more forgiving stance whenever Sam and Dean talk about settling down in a way that is like, you know, "You just end up with a woman, and that's settling down." I don't know. Do you know what I mean? Like, [C: Sure, yeah.] I think I've been looking at it from a different lens for a long time.
C: Like, yeah, from a "they feel entitled to like-"
G: A wife, yeah.
C: "- affection from-"
G: From a woman, yeah. But I think I'm beginning to be like, "Well, that's the-"
C: Like, women would also view settling down as having a husband?
G: Yeah, yeah. Or like, that's just a cultural expectation. I think it's still, a lot of the time, especially the way Supernatural deals with it, very, you know, misogynistic, but like, just on a character level, removed from how the show frames it afterwards, like, Sam and Dean thinking of settling down as having a wife. I don't have that kick of like, "Ugh!" whenever they say it anymore.
C: Yeah, that's fair.
G: Wow, we're like, improving and growing and whatever in this multi-year-long podcast. [laughs]
C: Perhaps. One could call that improving and growing.
G: Yeah, not that much. Not that much. [laughs]
C: The case is that apparently, this house, which is old as fuck, it was owned in the 1720s by a guy who hung a woman for witchcraft in his backyard. Dean's so horrible! Sam goes, "That still doesn't explain what 'murdered child' means," and Dean goes, "No, or where the bitch is buried." What did she do wrong? You just learned that she was, like, murdered so horribly.
G: Yeah, well, I think it's like, a continuation of witchcraft being something he hates so much it's unreal.
C: Yeah, but we don't even know for sure that- Like, imagine hearing that a man killed a woman for a witchcraft in the 1720s, and go, like, "He was probably right," you know what I mean?
G: Yeah, yeah. [laughing]
C: [laughing] The stats are not in this guy's favor.
G: I love how prior to this, I was like, "I don't really see Dean's remarks as misogynistic anymore," [both laughing] and then he follows it up with the most misogynistic thing that ever could be said.
C: [laughing] Like, she probably wasn't a witch. If she is, that's like, against the probabilities. But yeah. Unless in the Supernatural verse, all of the Salem witch trial witches were real witches. It's possible that that's like, what's canon for Supernatural. That's fucked up! And the whole time Gary is like, looking at Sam with like, an evil smirk on his face, or whatever. [G: Yeah.] Good for him!
G: I literally, this whole time, was like, "It's because Sam ordered a salad?" Like, [both laugh] what's this about?
C: Real. Huh, okay, wait, we didn't actually talk about Sam saying that it wasn't really his thing anymore. [G: Which what?] The settling down.
G: Ah, yeah. It happens.
C: Yeah, and that's been true since at least Season 4 because he didn't want to go back and say goodbye to Cara. [G laughs] Was Sarah a Season 2 or 1?
G: [laughing] That's such a funny as fuck example. What a wild example!
C: But they make a point of it! [G: They do.] as Sam being like, "What's the point of me going back and saying bye to her?" Was Sarah the last relationship he like, sort of had any hope for? And that was in Season 1?
G: Right now? Like, at this point?
C: Like, just in the show, when was the most recent romantic connection Sam had?
G: No, like, at this point in the show, you mean? [C: Yeah.] I think so. Like, Madison, I guess, but like, she dies immediately, so. [C: That is true.] Sam's not really a romance type, I feel. And when he is, he's so ungodly annoying. Have you noticed that?
C: [laughs] Yeah, like, with Madison, he was definitely very annoying, yes.
G: Yeah. This theme of Sam like, wanting to settle down and stuff, it shows up a lot. By the time the Lisa stuff ends, Dean basically abandons it completely again. Like, that's why it does feel a little bit forced, you know? [C: Yes.] Like, Dean wanting to settle down. Because with Sam, there is a throughline. Like, he wanted to settle down because he wanted, you know, the normalcy, safety, whatever. And then that blew up in his face so so so so bad, and now he's like, "Whatever, man. Who give a shit?" And then the next time he attempts to settle down was because he thought his hunting life was basically over because Dean's dead. [C: Right.] So like, you know, there's complexity there. And then Sam goes back to, like, "Uh, not thinking about it." But it's like, mostly not thinking about it. It's not necessarily a negative on settling down. And he brings it up again on Season 11. And then, you know, we know that he has a romance with Eileen, afterwards [C: Yup.] where he does consider it.
C: Well, does he consider it as a settling down thing, or just like a, "We'll be in a relationship, and also, like, hunt" or whatever whatever?
G: I mean, like, the way Sam words it is, "Settle down with a hunter, somebody who understands the life." So it was, like, still hunting, but like, in a way that is more, you have a home base of, you know, someone like that. And yeah, he says that in "Baby," and in the same season, he meets Eileen! Let's not talk about it. [both laugh] Or let us. Who knows? Well, what I mean is Sam, like, has a journey with it of like, "Oh, if I'm gonna have a relationship, it's only, like, a relationship. No hunting." "Oh, if I'm gonna be a hunter, no relationship at all." And then, like, "Oh, hunting's basically over. I'm gonna go back to a relationship." And then eventually settling down, waffling down to like, "I can have both," which is like, his disposition towards the end. Versus Dean who's basically like, "I'm never gonna settle down!" And then, just for this brief moment, just to accommodate the plot, he goes, "But what if?" [C laughs] And it's like, he's never shown this-
C: I guess you could read this is him reacting to the doctor in "Sam Interrupted" asking him if he's ever had a long-term relationship. Because the doctor was created in his mind, right? [G: He's been thinking about it.] So like, the two things that he sort of viewed as like, wrong with his life is his alcoholism and his lack of a long-term relationship. Like, that's what she starts with.
G: Yeah. And they never acknowledge the alcoholism, but decide to acknowledge this one. [both laugh]
C: That's true. Yeah, I guess so.
G: I mean, I feel like I'm dumbing it down quite a lot with Dean. Like, later on, at the end, I do think that Dean thinks of himself as settled down in a way, with, you know, in "Lebanon."
C: Yeah. The "I have a family" thing.
G: So yeah, I don't know. [laughs] That is pretty funny that like, Dean's like, "I have a family." And Sam's like, "I'm looking for a wife." [laughs] He wasn't. He wasn't. He wasn't. But like, you know what I mean. [C: Yeah.]
G: Sam and Dean separate. Sam's like, walking down a fucking road, on a call with Dean, and then just normal "tell me about the case" stuff. And as he hangs up, there's a dart that like, hits him right on the neck, and-
C: Yeah. And then he starts mooing like a cow. [laughs]
G: Yeah, falls to the ground, and then when he wakes up, he is in Gary's uniform from the diner. And yeah. It's kind of a fun outfit. It's a fun outfit. [C: Yeah.] And he starts, like, walking, and a sheriff comes up to him in a police car and is like, "Man, your parents are looking for you.- Your family is looking for you. Let's get you back home. It's cold. Your family's worried sick." And he was like, "Uh, my brother called you?" [C laughs] which is a very funny visual, honestly. Like, it's never gonna happen. I understand why Sam was so scandalized, confused, and kind of upset. [C: Yeah.] Yeah, Sam gets into the car and gets let down in a house that is like, you know, normal suburbs. And Gary's parents come down. It's his mom and dad, and his mom's worried. His dad's like, upset with him, because they think he's like, you know, got drunk or did drugs or whatever.
C: [laughs] "Are you smoking drugs." [G: Yeah.] "Don't say that! He is not smoking drugs!" [laughing]
G: I do find the smoking drugs scene quite funny, like, what a wording! [C: It's pretty good.] Yeah. And Sam's like, “Whoa, don't hug me. Who are you? Who's that man? Who are you, lady?”
C: Man. He's annoying sometimes.
G: He truly is. He needs to stop saying “lady” altogether. Let's just ban it. Yeah. [C: Yeah.] There's complexity to the word, like, you can use it in different situations, but with Sam Winchester, you can't, like, at all. You can't.
C: Yeah, yeah. When he, like, in his community theater role gets a part in Much Ado About Nothing, he has to cut that word out every time he addresses a woman.
G: Yeah. Eventually, Sam, like, tries to get back into the car, but as he does, he sees his shadow on the car door. [C: Reflection.] Not shadow. You're right. His reflection [laughs] on the car door, just like Mulan. [C: Yeah.] And he's like, "Who is that... man [both laugh] I see?" Yeah. He was very shocked again, scandalized.
G: So Sam, or well, Gary is, you know, back in the motel where they are, and he's in Sam's body, and we just see Sam, like, initially, looking at the mirror and like, flexing his muscles. He like, took off his overshirt, so it's just his tee, and it's a gray v-neck. [C: Yeah, it's his gray v-neck.] [laughs] I have this exact shirt! [C: So true.] And it does not wear like that on me whatsoever, but I do have it. [C laughs] And yeah, looks wonderful on Sam. And Gary's just super impressed with his muscles. And Dean walked in to what he thinks is Sam, like, flexing in this mirror, which is so funny!
C: You live in a world of shapeshifters, Dean Winchester!
G: Yeah, it is kind of wild that he did not clock this.
C: Yeah. Like, later, when Sam reverses the Impala into- when Gary reverses the Impala into like, a pile of garbage, I feel like at that point, Dean should have tested some silver on him, at least.
G: Yeah. But like, the reason why Dean suspects is because Sam sleeps with a MILF. [both laugh] When, as we know, he's lactose intolerant! So. What is it with that running gag, that MILFs are really into Sam? [C: I don't know.] Older women in general. I should stop saying MILFs. [C laughs]
C: I don't really know what the gag is.
G: It's just a thing that they do. Because they do do it. It is a thing.
C: Yeah, they do do it.
G: Gary gives Dean some food, but it's like, you know, Dean's usual fare. And Dean starts, like, raising his eyebrow at this a little bit. Gary says, like, “Oh, we need to go, by the way, because the maid saw all the guns, and now they're freaking out!”
They're off, and Gary takes all of the phones and throws them out, I guess. That's a plot point because Sam keeps on trying to contact Dean, and it's not working. And later on, Dean receives the voicemails from his hotel phone. [C: Yeah.] And it's Sam's voice!
C: Yeah. I don't know how that happened...
G: I also don't know how it happened. And also, I'm miffed about Sam's voice being the thing that's used there because I feel like that's such an easy fix. [C: Right.] Just have the Gary actor- [C: The Gary guy say the words.] And it's like, such a small detail that if you do right, it's like, "Oh, that's so fun!" and if you do wrong, it's so obvious and terrible.
C: But also, how did Sam get Dean's motel room?
G: I feel like they went back, or did they?
C: Oh, to the previous one? It's possible.
G: I used the word miffed correctly, by the way. Because I said it. I took a chance. [laughs] And then I googled it afterwards, and it's correct!
C: Proud of you. Congrats!
G: Thank you.
Dean arrives, sets off to leave, but then Gary is, like, "Um, hold on! Can I drive?" [C: God.] And then he does so, and he doesn't know how to.
C: I think he just doesn't know how to drive stick because like, he is 17, so if he wanted to get his license at 16, then he would have learned how to drive some cars, probably just not the Impala.
G: Yeah. Well, why would he volunteer?
C: 'Cause, I don't know. He thinks the car is so neat, and he wants a chance to drive.
G: Yeah, I'd be terrified out of my life. Maybe this is him trying to kill Dean. [both laughing] He's like, "If I hit the dumpster at the back with this car that he loves so much, he'll have a heart attack and then die." [C laughs] [C: Real.] Yeah. But yeah, that's what he does. He, like, is trying to move forward, but he reverses, and Dean's pissed at him.
C: But he doesn't suspect anything.
G: Yeah. Maybe he's like-
C: What a low opinion he must have Sam [both laughing] to think-!
G: No, really, like, maybe the reason Sam never gets to drive is because Dean thinks he's just an awful driver!
C: Yeah, even though he's proven that he's not. Maybe, like, one time when Sam was turning 16 or whatever, and Dean was like, "Okay, like, you just got your license, like, I'll let you drive for a treat." and then Sam accidentally fucked up, [G: Yeah.] and Dean's like, held a grudge against him for it the entire time, and this dumpster was just like, “I knew that that behavior was going to come back any day now, Sam."
G: Yeah, he was like, "I've always known you were a terrible driver, Sam, [C laughs] and now I have concrete proof that, at this age, you are so horrific at it."
C: [laughs] Yeah. God. I don't know. This whole episode, I just couldn't stop thinking about how Dean doesn't like Sam. [G: Yeah.] In some ways, it's very like the siren episode where it's like, "Oh my god! You want me to turn my music up? Wow! You're great! I hate my brother for real," you know? [laughs]
G: When they were, like, you know, they're doing the fucking thing- [laughs] so stupid.
C: When they were doing shots together?
G: No, when Gary and Dean were doing the exorcism together, I was like, "Aw, they're having a brother moment!" [both laugh] and they're literally not because they're not brothers. [C: Yeah.] Like, when can Sam and Dean do an exorcism together like this?
C: Yeah, no, it was always like, only one of them did all the words, 'cause, I don't know. It's usually 'cause Dean didn't know the words, right? [G: Yeah.] Like, why does he know the words now?
G: Well, he memorized it.
C: Yeah. I guess eventually.
G: He listened to it on repeat on Sam's MP3.
C: Yeah. Also, yeah, I mean, we've talked constantly about how we don't understand the rules of exorcism. [G: Yeah.] Like, apparently, if two separate people do the lines trading off, it also works. I don't get it.
G: Yeah, and also, Dean goes, like, "Adios," right? [C: Yeah.] And then he goes, "Actually, it's-" [C: Adinos or whatever, yeah.] And then it works. And it works when he says it, even though it's like-
C: Yeah, so you can have interruptions.
G: Yeah. What if I just, you know, say one word every year of my life? Like, how's that gonna work? [C: Yeah, exactly.] What a long life. [C laughs] I don't know. They head out, and it's just- and they just do it. They just head out, and they just keep on hunting together. Maybe Dean hates Sam for real. [C: Yeah, he doesn't like Sam.] When they get in the car, even before the bit where Sam is like, “Turn down the music,” I was like, "Man, what are they- What are they going back to?" [C: Yeah.] Like, they hate each other. [C: They do.] [laughs] It's also so funny that later on, we have a scene, Cas gets imprisoned, and then a demon mimics his voice whenever Dean calls.
C: Yeah, and Dean's like, "Something's up."
G: And Dean was like, “I'm so sorry, Cas, that I wasn't able to fully understand that it wasn't you. I should've known.” [laughs]
C: Yeah. Meanwhile, a literal 17-year-old who had no clue what hunting was managed to trick Dean [G laughing] that he was Sam for a day, and Dean was just like-
G: "It happens."
C: "And I liked him better than you." [G: It happens!] Not aloud, but he's thinking it. [G laughs] [G: Literally!]
C: You know, Sam, in Gary's room has been calling Dean's every single phone, but yeah. And he's coming out as trans! He says, "This is gonna sound crazy, but I think I'm in the wrong body." So true. Proud of her.
G: No, literally. Because I was, like, scrubbing through this episode at some point, and later, the girl, what's her name? I forget. [C: Nora?] Nora, like, talks about how "Gary is in a trans." [C laughs] And then that was like, the only thing I heard. I was like, "Wait."
C: Gary is trans.
G: Maybe he is a trans. [C: Real.] [laughing] Maybe the guy who changed his name to Sam and has he/him pronouns on Supernatural Tumblr is Gary all along. [C: So true!] I'm sure many a trans people have changed their name...
C: Yeah. Just period?
G: To Sam.
C: [laughing] Yeah, okay, to Sam.
G: I'm so sorry to those people. I'm not denigrating the name. I just think it's funny that people thought I chose it like that because of Sam Winchester. If you did choose your name because of a fictional character, it's fine. [C: Good for you.] It's fine! It's wonderful.
C: Sam calls the motel and learns that, you know, his body is also being used by Gary. And, you know, he does the thing where he's trying to investigate Gary's life. He sees that he has AP Chemistry and Physics notes, and he goes, "Smart kid." And then he looks at a Star Wars T-shirt [both laugh] and goes, “[sighs] Virgin.”
G: This is so indicative of like, [C: Sam Winchester!] Sam and Dean's dynamic.
C: Like, literally. "AP classes? Hell yeah! Star Wars? Ew!"
G: This is like, if Dean was in this position, he'd see the Star Wars and be like, "Huh!" And he'd see the fucking AP Physics and be like, “Damn, this kid's a fucking loser.” [C laughs] [C: Yeah. God.] It's so Sam Winchester. Love it! Love it so much.
C: And then, unfortunately, the title of our podcast appears briefly. [both laugh] [G: Yeah!] Yeah, in a magazine under that guy's bed. Sam goes, “Frustrated virgin.”
G: Yeah. Hate it! [C: Yeah. Hate it.] Why is this porn mag so uproariously famous?
C: I don't know. Like, I get that they were lazy and didn't want to design another one, but like, it's so weird that so many people in this world have Asian fetishes, [G: Yeah.] and like, we're just gonna say it aloud and look at the camera about it.
G: No yeah, that's it- Like, we've talked about it before, but like, [laughing] Supernatural just does think that it's the status quo to have an Asian fetish, I think. [C: Yeah!] So like, yeah.
C: Yeah. John Shiban, you really started something there.
G: Yeah. Also, Sam calls the motel to check whether he can connect to Dean. And then the guy there says, “Oh, no! They already left. One of them's wearing a letter jacket, and the other's Sasquatch," so. Which I think is fun! I think that's fun.
C: And then Sam finds that there's some witchcraft things in the box as well. [G: Yeah.] Sam goes down to breakfast, and he's just kinda a dick. [G: Yeah.] Or it's more that he just acts like he would with Dean, but that doesn't fly within this family.
G: Yeah. It is kind of wild that he was like, "And Gary's life is so terrible."
C: I know! He was like, "And his parents suck." Like, his parents just seem like regular parents to me.
G: They're regular parents, and you just hate it because you're not Gary! You're literally-
C: Yeah. [laughs] I mean, Gary also hates it, while being Gary.
G: No, no, but like, specifically, the reason why Sam hates it is because he's Sam Winchester and he's stuck in Gary's body. If this was like a "Sam willingly chose this situation, and he has parents who are, you know, supportive of his college education," I think he'd be like, "Yeah, it's fine." [C: Yeah.] But no, he thinks Gary's life sucks ass completely.
C: So we learn here that Gary's parents really want him to stick to this plan where he gets a good SAT score, he goes to MIT, and becomes an engineer. Gary's dad says, "You need a full ride." I don't think MIT gives merit-based scholarships. I think it's a need-based financial aid thing. Maybe he's talking about applying to outside scholarships. But anyway. Yeah, Sam's just being rude, and he's asking questions about himself, aka Gary, to learn more. And the whole time, Gary's sister seems to know something but is holding it back.
G: He's like, "Let me guess." 'Cause he's trying to be like, "Oh, am I doing witchcraft?" [C: Yeah.] "Let me guess. I'm amazing at Latin." And his mom goes, "You have an ear for languages!" [both laugh] And I loved it so much! [C: Yeah.] So wonderful.
C: Yeah. And then this is also where Gary's dad goes, "Are you smoking drugs?" And the mom goes, "Leonard. He is not smoking drugs." [G: Slay.] Wonderful comedic delivery. [laughs] [G: Yeah.] And then, finally, Sam brings up this old, leather-bound book. And the sister is just doing the “bro, what the fuck?” face. And then Sam learns, after grabbing a bite of toast off of Gary's mom's plate, that he's allergic to wheat gluten. [G: Yeah.] And then, after he does all his, like, shitting and throwing up, Gary's sister confronts him about the creepy book thing, and Sam learns where Gary hides it.
G: Gary and Dean go to work the case, and, I don't know. Where are they going?
C: Yeah, 'cause they're like, "Let's get out-" I think they just went to a new motel, right? Like, they moved from, the Lucky Star to the Evergreen Motel.
G: Yeah. So Dean initially was like, "We're gonna go and do a tombstone whatever. Look at the cemetery." But then, Gary is like, “Wait, you're looking for Maggie Briggs? She's not in the cemetery. She's in the basement!” He says that, "Oh, actually, she wasn't a witch." Because she was actually pregnant with his illegitimate child, and then he killed her, and then buried her in the basement! [C: Yeah. Yeah. Sucks.] And this is, like, nothing! This is nothing to Supernatural! [C: Yeah. It is.] Yeah, this woman they just called “bitch” earlier. Well. He's like, "Oh, I did the research last night" when Dean starts, you know, being surprised at all of this. Gary is like, so enthused when they go down. He's like, doing poses with the gun and everything. [laughs]
C: Yeah. He also does the like, "Yay, turn up your rock music, Dean Winchester!" thing.
G: Oh, yeah, you're right. Yeah. He also references Halo, I think. He's like, you know, a nerd, I guess! I mean, honestly, I feel like a lot of people conflate “nerd” and “geek,” and those are very different things, and I find that most people who are into the video game shit and the Star Wars shit are not particularly well-performers in school. You know what I mean? So, I don't know. I do find it's fun that he's combined in these two. [C laughs] Like, I don't know. [laughs] Is that such a wild thing to say? Is that so stupid?
C: Um, I mean, I think what you're saying makes sense. [G: Yeah.] I think it's just the part where it's like, "And it's cool that that is part of his character" where it's like, "Okay."
G: You don't like it. You think it's uncool?
C: No, I'm just completely neutral about it. [both laugh] Like, I can't imagine having feelings about it.
G: No, I just think it's fun [C: Okay.] as someone who was always misconstrued as having no life outside of academics in my youth. [laughs]
C: Uh-huh. "Like, well, actually, I really liked Supernatural, so." [G laughing]
G: And I really, really did! [both laugh] God. You know, I was thinking when Sam opened that cabinet and saw the Star Wars shirt, I was like, "This is the exact reaction that Sam Winchester would have upon opening Crystal's cabinet, maybe!" [C laughs]
C: I think Sam Winchester, seeing a Castiel cardboard cutout, would have other concerns. [G laughs]
G: He may have other concerns, but in a universe where he understands that it's like, a fandom situation, he'd be like, "What a fucking nerd!"
C: Yeah. But he'd probably just think that I'm like, a fan of that, like, leftist terrorist that went and, like, killed a guy who was preaching during a church ceremony or whatever.
G: Or, he's going to think you're like, a Becky type.
C: Well, but Castiel doesn't have, like, visuals.
G: This is true. Do you think there are Supernatural fans who are like, “Wow! That guy who blew up that church or whatever Cas did and put his face on the stained glass really looks like the description of Castiel,” or were they just like, "Eh."
C: I mean, I'm sure that they thought that after Chuck released his next book about how [laughs] Castiel went into the church and put his face on the stained glass.
G: Oh, yeah, you're right. Man, the Supernatural fandom in the Supernatural universe is having a ball in this bitch, as they say.
C: Yeah, I mean, they're definitely on the list of irredeemable media for most DNIs [G laughing] because of how Chuck so clearly just took things that actually happened.
G: Yeah. There's discourse all the fucking time. Eventually, Dean is about to burn the body, but then Gary gets flung to the wall. Oh, Gary was about to shoot Dean. And then he gets flung to the wall. And then Dean saves Sam and then gets flung to the wall and everything, and then Gary eventually burns the body. And I don't understand what they're trying to tell us here. Because from what I can gather from later on, what they're trying to tell us is that Dean saving Gary makes Gary realize that Dean's a good guy or whatever.
C: Yeah.
G: Why?
C: I don't know. Like, he thought that was his brother. Like. [laughs]
G: It's just such a- Gary being like, “No, seriously, you're a good guy, Dean." Where is this coming from?
C: I guess he's also learning about hunting for the first time, right? Before, it was like, “I don't know why this demon wants to kill this guy," but it's like, "Oh, but he's out here [G: He's fine.] killing evil ghosts."
G: I suppose so. It's just, is it kinda stupid? It is.
C: Yeah. I just don't think Gary's learned enough about Dean at this point to draw that conclusion. [G: Yeah.] Yeah, I don't know. I guess I think it's maybe just the adrenaline and fun of being on a hunt and, like, working in a team like that.
G: Yeah, the bonding of like, [C: Yeah.] doing something together.
C: Yeah. God. Is Gary's relationship with a sister so bad? Like, she knows about the witchcraft. [G: Yeah, I'm assuming they have-] She is some form of a confidante.
G: Yeah. But I don't know. I don't know! Sometimes, you hate your siblings. Just like Sam and Dean. [laughs]
C: Sam's at school in a silly teenage boy outfit, you know, still not getting through to Dean on the phone. He meets Gary's friends, who are Trev and Nora. You know, he's acting weird. He's referring to Gary and the third person. He's like, "Oh, I'm still drunk." He breaks into Gary's locker, and he finds the witchcraft. Decides to like, skip school to look through it, but Trev and Nora run after him. And they're all like, "Oh, we're worried about you! Come talk to us!" And then Sam keeps leaving, and then Trev shoots him in the neck with a tranquilizer dart. [G: Love it.] It's wonderful. [laughs] Where are these kids getting these things?
G: I feel like a tranquilizer must be difficult to get. [C: Yeah.] [laughs] Perhaps even harder to get than a gun in the United States, honestly.
C: I don't know. I guess if you work with animals, you can get one, so like, [G: Yeah.] it's possible that, I don't know, one of their parents, like, works with horses or something.
G: Wow! Just like in Thoroughbreds. [C: Good movie.] Wonderful movie.
C: Meanwhile, we get another "Dean and Gary bonding 'cause Dean actually hates Sam."
G: Yay! [laughs] Shut up.
C: So Gary takes Dean's order of a cheeseburger with a fried egg on top, which does sound pretty good
G: So messy!
C: Eh, yeah.
G: Oh, that's a compliment. Love that.
C: And there's a bit where Dean's like, “Okay, who are you, and what have you done with Sam?” Gary's like, "Huh?" But Dean's just like, “You're cool now, cause you eat bacon cheeseburgers, and I suddenly like you so much better than Sam!" [G: Literally.] They're celebrating. Gary's like, “This was such an awesome day,” and Dean's like, "What? That was nothing. What the fuck?" And Gary says, “I should be happy because I have a gun, I'm getting drunk, and I look like this.” [both laugh]
G: Yeah. [C: Yeah.] It is very- Obviously, Jared and Jensen are attractive people.
C: Sure.
G: No, I mean, like, not in that way. [C laughs] I mean like, in the "you benefit from this socially" kind of way. [C: Yeah.] And so Sam and Dean also are. And like, I do find it fascinating that every time they have, like, a loser character, they do make a point of being like, "You won't get it! Because, like, you guys are beautiful!" [both laugh] Or like, this time, it's like, "Wow! My life is so much better because I'm attractive." [both laugh]
C: Yeah. [G: I don't know.] Like, I think the reason that milves weren't hitting you up in bars is 'cause you're 17.
G: And you are not allowed in bars, yeah.
C: Gary as a kid, like, they didn't cast, like, a kid who looks conventionally unattractive. Like, he just looks like a kid who's fine. Like, his face is symmetrical or whatever, you know?
G: Yeah. He looks like [laughs] a trans guy in their 20s.
C: What did the "Wishful Thinking" guy say?
G: I don't even remember. [C: Yeah, you don't need to.] He was like, "You don't understand because you guys are attractive, so you'll never get the struggle of life!" or whatever. [C laughs] And Sam and Dean are like, "Yes, we do!"
C: Yeah, I mean, and it's true that being conventionally attractive, like, means that you benefit, but [laughs] it's always weird when they do it in Supernatural.
G: The thing is like, it is true that you benefit socially from it, but like, but it's also true that it's, you know, not the end-all be-all of a good life. But the way Supernatural engages with it.
C: Yeah, like it literally is it. And it also feels like a "women are so shallow and can't see how cool I am on the inside" thing.
G: No, but the way Supernatural processes is, instead of like, "Life is more complex than how one looks," it becomes, "You don't understand. Even attractive people have struggles!" It's so [laughing] incredibly funny. God! Do you think Sam- Sam and Dean are aware that they're attractive, aren't they?
C: Well, yeah, I mean they they fuck and suck so much.
G: Dean is aware. And Sam. So many people fuck and suck so much who are so ugly [C laughs], so like, I don't know, it happens.
C: True. But in the world of Supernatural, you know, like, people only fuck and suck if they're like, hot. [G laughs]
G: I'm trying to think anyone who has fucked and sucked in Supernatural who was ugly.
C: I guess there's like, parents who, like, presumably fucked and sucked at some point in their life. [G laughs] But I think I'm mostly thinking about in "Metamorphosis" when, you know, there's like, the fat guy trying to hit some girl up at a bar, and it's like, "Eww! Like, you're such a creep, you're so gross," you know, like [G: Yeah.], it just seems to be a thing.
G: Yeah. Supernatural has- is not representative of the general population. [laughing]
C: No way! Really?
G: Who'd have thunk?
C: And then he goes, "You ever feel like your whole future is being decided for you?" And Dean's like, "Um, yeah?"
G: [laughs] Fuck the plan!
C: Yeah, and Gary's like, "You know, you just can't stop the stupid plan, so like, it's just nice to do some ass-kicking for a change, you know?" And Dean's like, "No, I totally get you, like, I feel like we're connecting soo much, and also, wow, like, we never drink together, dude!" [laughs] God. Two episodes ago, Sam was like, "Any last words to each other?" [G laughing] Dean was like, "Eh. I'm good."
G: It is so funny. I think that's what we're supposed to believe, that like, the reason why Dean doesn't just clock it immediately is because he likes it. It's a positive change for him.
C: Yeah, like, he wants this to be their relationship. [laughs]
G: Yeah, they drink together. [C: Yeah.] Sam says, "You're a good guy, Dean." [C: Yeah.] and Dean doesn't say anything back positive. [both laughing] Which is the ideal relationship, honestly!
C: Last episode, in "Sam Interrupted," Sam was also like, "You know, like, you're weird, but I love you. You're my brother." [G: Yeah.] And Dean was just like, "Fuck off." Man.
You know, Gary's a big fan of the burger 'cause he's not allowed to eat bread because of his allergies.
G: I do love that detail.
C: Yeah, that is fun. I think if I wasn't able to eat bread, I might also dabble in a bit of witchcraft about it. I get it. Rice noodles are better than wheat noodles, though, so maybe I'd be fine.
G: I hate wheat noodles to my core.
C: Udon's a wheat noodle. You don't like udon?
G: Okay, well, it's fine, then. [both laugh] I changed my mind completely, yeah. I don't think I eat bread that much. Or maybe, like, the forms of bread I eat, I don't register as bread. Maybe that's more accurate. No, I just don't eat bread that much. Oh my gid! I ate at Five Guys [C: Yes.] when I was at Hong Kong. It's so wonderful! I was like, "I get it! Dean Winchester, I understand you fully!" [C laughs] I get it. It's so good.
C: Yeah, if I hadn't watched this episode at 2 AM, I probably would have done that thing I did the last time a burger was mentioned in Supernatural [both laughing] and gone out and got one. They're really good at advertising burgers.
G: I mean, [laughing] I was so excited to eat at a Denny's because of Supernatural. Like, Supernatural is just a 15-year-long American food diner situation advertisement, [laughs] yeah.
C: Right, and then this is where Gary's like, chatting with Crystal at the bar, so yeah, we're caught up. And then he heads out with her and says excitedly to Dean, "We're gonna do it!" [laughs] [G: So stupid.] Yeah. And this is when Dean looks suspicious, somehow. Well, is it that Sam's rebuffed the the advances of milves in the past?
G: I think it's just that Sam is like, embarrassed to have sex, like a Protestant. [C: True.] [laughs] And so now that he's proud of it, it's like, "Who is this?" [C: True.]  I love how I said [both] "like a Protestant." [both laugh]
C: Yeah. You're staying loyal to your own.
G: Yeah. [laughs] We have to save a little bit of face as Catholics.
C: Yeah. Catholics are very proud of fucking and sucking. [G laughs]
G: Well, we should be! Oh, no, [laughs] we shouldn't be, due to all of the controversies in the Church that are so horrible.
C: Oh, yeah. I guess. I guess that is the situation.
G: Sam wakes up. He's tied up in a chair, and Trevor and Nora is there, and these are, you know, Gary's friends from earlier. And yeah, they're also in on this. And like, Trevor, the way they're portrayed is Nora is kind of like a- She's apprehensive. She's kind of here just because her buddies are here kind of situation. [C: Yeah.] And Trevor is really into it, like, DnD LARPing levels.
C: Yeah. We learn later that the demons never told him what his reward was, and he still went with all of it.
G: Yeah, you have to negotiate that first, buddy!
C: Yeah, it could have been $2, how do you know that it would have been worth it?
G: Yeah, I thought, honestly, that he was gonna ask for a college acceptance somewhere, [laughs] which I think it would have been hilarious.
C: Right. Well, because Nora was planning to ask for college acceptance to Vassar. [G: Yeah.] Which, like, not to be a snob, but like, [both] but why?
G: I also did think that.
C: It's not even the women's school. Like, not Wellesley? Like, [laughs] I don't get it. There's other reasons to like a school, blah blah blah, it's about fit not ranking, blah blah blah. [laughs]
G: If you're gonna fucking sell your soul for it [both laugh], I feel like you should also sacrifice other things.
Trevor is so into it. The rest of this episode. He's like, doing, like, this thing where he's like, performing a little bit. Like, at some point, he tells Nora, like, "Oh, our Satanic overlord" or whatever, and Nora is like, “Don't be a fucking loser.” [both laugh] which I thought was so funny. Hilarious! He said, "You should commit to the bit, but not that much." His parents are out of town, and that's why he's here, and he calls up Gary, who is in the lady's bed. And  he's bragging, you know, drinking, sleeping with women, blah blah blah. Sleeping with one woman, and it hasn't happened yet. Trevor asks where Dean is, which is like, you know, I never really figured out before, like, why this is happening, why Gary did this. I just thought he wanted to have a change of look. [C: Yeah.] He just wanted to change his clothes, his hair, his face, just like Bruce Springsteen.
C: Yeah. Played by Jeremy Allen White.
G: Ugh. Let's not talk about it. [both laugh] This is the first thing time we realize that oh, there's a deeper motive to all of this shit. Because when Trevor was asking for Dean, I actually was thinking, like, "Wait, is he gonna transform into Dean, or what?" [C laughs] That would be quite funny. But yeah, he isn't. They just have to kill Dean. And I realized this the same time Sam does, which is pretty fun when that happens in a TV show. [C: Yeah.] Gary realizes also that Sam is just hanging around in his body and meeting his family and stuff. Crystal ends up being, as you said, I don't know, a dominatrix of some kind.
C: Yeah, she's in leather. She has a flog.
G: Trevor's distressed that, "Oh, Gary's not actually gonna push through it." And Sam's like, "Wait, how do you know Dean?" And they say that demons have been talking to them or whatever, and hell's number one most wanted is Dean. There's like, this thing where Nora starts telling the story of how it happened, and Trevor tries to stop her, but she's like, "Oh, so we can't talk about him?" And yeah, she's like, "We were goofing around with that book," and Trevor's like, "Um, I wouldn't call it goofing around." [both laugh]
C: "We were praying to our Dark Lord."
G: Yeah. And Nora's like, "Don't be a fucking loser." [both laugh] Like, Nora says, "Don't be a loser, Trev." And Sam goes, [both] "Yeah, Trev." You know what? Sam is funny.
C: Yeah, no, he's funny this episode.
G: I retract everything that I've ever said. He is funny.
C: Yeah, he just needed a good, like, partner, for a scene, you know?
G: Yeah. And also he needs, like, a situation. He is a situational comedy kind of guy.
Nora shows this drawing of Dean that's pretty good, and it's Gary who went into "a weird trance [pronounced like trans]," as I've said earlier. [C laughs] And yeah, he just started drawing, and then he draw Dean. And like, I like that they're painting them as, you know, kind of loser teenagers who are in over their heads. [C: Yeah.] Because well, they are, number one, number two, it's fun to see. Like, it's funny. It's amusing. But when she was like, "And you know what the thing is? He can't even draw." [laughs] I was just like, "I don't think that's actually the thing, honestly, but like, good for you." She's like, "Oh, Gary had this idea to be in your body and then kill Dean, Trojan horse-style. He's really smart." Sam proceeds to tell Gary later that Nora is in love with him [laughs] because of this comment, I guess.
C: Yeah, I guess. I don't quite see it [G: I don't see it also.], but I guess. It's supposed to be obvious to us, I suppose. And, of course, this is Gary's biggest thing to think about after one of his best friends was killed by a demon, [G laughs] [G: Literally!] and this is obviously something that Nora is gonna want to pursue after her body was used to kill one of her best friends, and she was there. But, you know.
G: No, that's crazy. You're right!
C: You didn't [laughs]- you didn't think about that? I mean, the episode doesn't.
G: No, I thought about how Trevor is dead and they'd have to deal with that, but I didn't even think about the fact that Nora, like, Nora's hand killed that guy.
C: Like, her hand, went into his chest and killed him. She's gonna be fucked up. Like, she can't be that normal at the end.
G: Yeah. Anyway, Sam starts this thing where he's like, "Guys, don't kill somebody. Don't do a demon deal. These are two things that are very bad, and you won't ever recover from!"
C: Yeah, he's being quite nice about it, and I know part of it's just to convince them, but I think he's also thinking about his past mistakes, or whatever, right?
G: Yeah, that's why I was putting on that voice. [laughs] Yeah, he's thinking, like, "Just like me for real. And everyone's a mirror to me!" [C laughs] [C: Yeah.] Like, later when he starts talking to Gary at the end, and he's like, "Believe me. I know." [C laughs] [C: Yeah.] So fucking stupid.
C: I mean, he is allowed to project all people if he wants to. [G: Yeah.] Like, this is a situation that is fairly similar, like there's people who are naive, who are trusting a demon, not knowing what they've gotten into. [G: Yeah.] It's not quite the same, because he was trying to save the world, and they just want to go to Vassar and get money, but still.
G: Yeah. And Nora immediately folds at Sam's one request. And she's like, "No, but, like, what if this is wrong?" blah blah blah. And then, eventually, Trevor's like, "You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna summon a demon." which he does do, and the demon wakes up in Nora's body.
C: Meanwhile Gary sneaks into Dean's motel room, I guess, after sex. He has a gun, and he's about to shoot the lump in the bed [G: Great big lump.], but it's not Dean. And Dean ambushes him and goes, "You're not Sam. Who the hell are you?" Took you long enough.
G: Yeah, it is fascinating to me also that he waited for confirmation in this way. [C: Yeah.] Like, he waited for Gary to come in and point the gun at him, quote-unquote, before he was like, "Yeah, you're not Sam."
C: Yeah, he was like, "Huh, I don't know. Maybe Sam's just having a good day."
G: Yeah, he really exhausted his options.
C: I guess if you want to be charitable to the writers of Supernatural and to Dean Winchester, it's like, they had a talk recently about how they need to trust each other more, blah blah blah, and in the past, when Dean pushed when Sam was acting weird, it led to a rift. But I think that what you said about how Dean just didn't examine it closely because he prefers it that way is the actual truth.
Nora, possessed by the demon, is talking and going like, "Oh, like, where's Dean Winchester?" She learns that Gary is inside Sam's body, and she's like, "Oh my god! Like, what a good opportunity for him to say yes to Lucifer instead." So Trevor's like, “Yeah, I'm so cool. And also, can you give me my reward?” And Sam keeps telling him to shut up, but Trevor just keeps insisting.
G: Sam's like, “Shut the fuck up.”
C: Like, apparently, Trev wants a million bucks, and he wants Mindy Schwartz to fall in love with him. Okay, Trevor. Whatever
G: And then even the demon was like, "Inflation's really bad, you guys." [both laugh]
C: Yeah. Like, "Maybe 10 million." But then she's like, "But actually, I'm gonna kill you." So she pushes her hand into his stomach, and it kills him, and then she licks his blood off of her fingers.
G: It's fun! [C: It is fun, yeah.] It's a fun visual. Loved it. And this actor, this kid, Nora, good.
C: We keep saying "kid." We don't know how- they could be in their twenties. I don't know how old these actors are, but yeah. [G: Yeah.] She did good.
G: When she was Nora, I was like, "Oh, this is funny, a little bit because of how stilted it is." Like, it is a bit silted, but it works for what it's trying to be. [C: Yeah.] And then when she was a demon, I was like, "Oh, maybe they, like, hired her- like, this is the thing that they casted-called for." You know what I mean? [C: Yeah.] This is the thing that they really were trying to get, because she's really good at it!
C: Yeah, her voice and the way that she moves her head and all that.
G: Yeah, you can see that she watched the Meg episodes and was like, "I'm gonna take inspiration from this," which I respect.
C: Yes. So Gary's tied up with Dean. This is when he finally hears all the voice messages from Sam. And Gary's freaking out, and Dean's questioning him. And then Dean realizes that Gary's 17, and he's like, "Huh. Well." [laughs] The demon in Nora shows up.
G: Later on, like, he says, right, like, "If you weren't a kid, you'd be dead."
C: Yeah, "If you were of voting age, we would have killed you." [G laughs]
G: It's like, it's funny, 'cause when he had his, "Oh, you're a kid" moment here, he probably was literally thinking like, "[overlapping] Man, I can't kill him! He's just a stupid fucking kid."
C: Voting age is just one year older. Like, where's Gary's birthday? Like, he cut it really close on the being killed thing. [G: Yeah.] Demon shows up, Sam's trying to escape his ropes. Demon tells Gary, like, "Hey, like, you can get whatever you want." He wants to be a powerful witch, and Nora is like, "Great. But first, you have to meet Lucifer, and he'll just ask you a question, and you just have to say yes, so go for it," except she doesn't sound like that. She sounds creepy and cool. But yeah.
G: This is a terrifying aspect that I feel like we haven't talked about. [C: Yes.] Like, Sam's body is just there. An empty vessel, basically. [C: Right.] It's so- it's giving me the creeps, like, right now, as we speak!
C: It is. It's a good plot point, yeah.
G: And I liked- you know, like, sometimes we're like, "Oh, it's an interesting idea, and they don't do anything with it." I like what they do with it here like. It's just a subtle thing that, like, it's brought up a little bit, and it's not like, in your face, because yeah, the horror of it is-
C: It wasn't part of the grand plan. It just is an opportunistic thing that this demon's bringing up now.
G: Yeah, like, the horror of it is that it's just like, this really unlucky thing that could have happened, and it's just such a very near miss, and it wasn't even someone intentionally setting out to do it. It's just sometimes, your luck is not with you, and then you're the devil's vessel. [laughs] Like, it happens! [C: It happens.] And yeah, it's terrifying.
C: Yeah, and it also establishes that Sam's body [G: Is separately.]- like, it's ability to hold Lucifer is separate from, like, him as a person, which is also, like, good horror, I think.
The demon attacks Dean and gets him to the ground, and then Gary starts trying to exorcise her. She's like, trying to attack Gary, but when she's attacking Gary, Dean continues the exorcism, and then, like, when she's attacking Dean, Gary's doing it. So like, they just trade off lines until it finishes.
G: It's so- honestly, it's kind of corny when they start trading off lines because it started out as "Gary can't speak because he's being, like, tracked down or whatever," [C: Uh-huh.] and so Dean chimes in, and now they're just like, "We're having a brother moment!" and like, that's not your brother. [laughs]
C: Yeah, this whole scene, I was just thinking about how like, I think this is, for, like, the Supernatural fanboys. [G: Yeah?] You know, like, it's like, for the teen boys who are watching Supernatural [G: Like, "You too-"] who are like, "I was besties with Sam and Dean, but actually just Dean, [G laughs] [G: Yeah.] and like, I got to listen to rock music and eat cheeseburger, and like, I was soo good at hunting and working together with Dean, just Dean, not Sam, though." [laughs]
G: Honestly, like, when he was like, "Turn the music up!" I was like, "Shut the fuck up!" [C laughs] [C: Yeah.] This kid won't do that. Like, I know, there's kids who actually listen to this shit. [C, laughing: "This shit."] but, like, shut the fuck up! I mean, I also listen to, quote, "this shit," so. But yeah, it just felt so- too much at that point.
C: Yeah, it seems like Supernatural has this metric of "cool" [G: Yeah.] that they think there's just one way to be cool, and it's Dean Winchester. [laughs] [G: Yeah.] It is quite annoying. And again, like, this is, like, the whole thing where it's like, they're nice to their male fans, but not their female fans. [G: This is true, yeah.] "The Real Ghostbusters" was like, fairly nice to Demian and Barnes, and then this is, like, clearly for the high school boy fans of Supernatural. [G laughs] And like, they have, like, a female character in here, and it's like, "Oh, she's only here, 'cause she's in love with that guy," you know? [G: Yeah, yeah.] It irritates me. Like, I know I said in "The Real Ghostbusters," like, "I don't think anyone wants to be Sam and Dean. That's my issue with it." But like, I think my actual issue with it is that I think that there are girls who wanted to be Sam and Dean [G laughs] and, like, Supernatural says again and again, like, "You only like Supernatural because you're attracted to certain men." [G: Yeah. Yeah.] With Becky, with "Fan Fiction," with Nora. It's just all irritating.
G: Yeah. Feminism is, in fact, [laughs] being allowed to hunt. But, like, I'm being so for real like. Like-
C: Yeah. After they killed Ellen and Jo, too. [G: Yeah.] Yeah, it is about women getting to suck just as much as men, and then going, "What if we all didn't suck, though?" Like, either order of those things is good, but since Supernatural doesn't do “what if we didn't all suck?” then, like, just let the women suck and be hunters too. But yeah, the exorcism works. The end.
G: The end.
G: Nora's just there. This is the house. Trevor's corpse is somewhere here. [C: Yes.] They never acknowledge it.
C: Yeah, like, what are they gonna do about it? His parents are gonna come back [both] to their dead child, clearly murdered child in the basement? [G: Yeah.] Yeah. And it's gonna come out that Gary was acting weird this week, and he just got driven home by like, two weird men in a classic car.
G: And Nora is like, being driven to his house also? [both laugh] [C: Yeah!] They don't drive her to her house?
C: Yeah, what? So they can fuck it out after Sam tells him? Like, what is this?
G: Gary is reciting a Latin spell to revert Sam and him back to their own bodies. And so yeah, they do. And Sam's like, "Wow, it's really a-me!" And he's like, "Wow, it's nice to be back." And Gary's like, “Yeah, I guess.” And Dean puts on his reprimanding voice, and it's like, "Okay, so, Gary." And Gary's like, “I know, my bad.” [both laugh] And Dean's like, "My bad? If you were voting age, we would have killed you!" And he goes, “So you straighten up and fly right, or we will kill you.”
C: Incredibly unhelpful. [G: Yeah.] You should be like, "Hey, your friend in the basement is dead, and that thing that demon was asking you was for you to be possessed by Lucifer." Like, you need to give him the information. Not just "Be good, or I'll kill you." What does “straighten up and fly right” even mean here, Dean? You're terrible at this.
G: Yeah like, what you're supposed to show is your actions have consequences, and this is an action that could have had really bad consequences.
C: And already did have really bad consequences.
G: Yeah! Sorry, Trevor. [both laughs] But yeah, they don't give a fuck. Also, I did find hilarious Gary's face in this scene. Because [laughs] when Dean goes, “Because we would kill you,” he does this face of like, "Uh?" He's like, “Okay."
C: "I thought we were friends, Dean!” [G laughs]
G: I thought it was the most amusing thing.
C: Also the reason Nora's just wrapped up in a blanket, looking scawed.
G: Yeah. She never speaks again. She has no speaking line again.
C: But yeah, and like, I guess the huddle up in a blanket and not speaking is meant to be like, "She is experiencing some trauma over this," but like, not really. They just don't care about her, so they're like, "Just put it around the background there."
G: You can do one where, like, she still doesn't speak, but like, somebody acknowledges her in any way that's like, "Are you okay?" [laughs] [C: Yeah.] I don't know. It could be done. But also, just give her lines. Like, just give her something to say. But whatever.
C: Like, she could be part of the like, "straighten up and fly right" conversation. Like, she could be angry at Gary or something, you know?
G: Yeah. But yeah, all we learn from that is that "She doesn't actually want to be a witch. She's just in love with you!" [C sighs] It's so fucking stupid. [C: So fucking stupid.] Yeah. But as someone who did get into astrology [laughs] [C: No.] because of a romantic interest, I understand.
C: Ow.
G: Sam is like, "Hey, Gary, you have to listen to me. Your life, it's not that bad." And Gary's like, "Um, you met my parents."
C: They're totally fine. They're fine.
G: He should have said, "My best friend is dead."
C: "I can't eat bread"? [both laugh] Or that.
G: Like, your life was fine, but now it's horrible, so, I don't know. [C: Yeah.] And Sam's like, “No, it's your life! You don't like their plan for you? Tell them to cram it, and then proceed to facilitate the death of your best friend!" [both laugh] And he's like, "You know, rebel a little, in a healthy, non-Satanic way." And he's like, "You know, Nora's into witchcraft because she's in love with you!" [C: Boo!] And Gary’s like, “Wow! You really think that?" [C: Boo!] And Sam's like, "I know. I'm telling you, kid. I wish I had your life." [laughs]
C: In the sense that where we talk about the issues- where we're like, "It's fine that Sam and Dean's idea of settling down involves having a wife because that's just what's expected," I do think it's also- like, I don't know. This whole, “Oh, Gary's miserable. But it's okay. I'm gonna get him a girlfriend, and then he'll be fine.” It’s an idea of feeling entitled to or needing the affection of a woman [G: Yeah.] in order to be complete or whatever in a way that feels misogynistic.
G: Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't say that it's necessarily misogyny. Like, I wouldn't label it primarily as misogyny. Again, I would label it primarily as social whatever whatever.
C: Yeah, yeah, I guess it's the flattening of Nora's-
G: Yeah, the flattening of Nora's definitely misogyny.
C: Yeah, that's the issue more than- yeah.
G: I don't know. It's just so- different time. I mean, even now, I think maybe- I've met straight people. [C laughs] [C: Yeah.] I've talked to them. And it's still a pervasive idea, I feel, that you do need someone like that. To be in a relationship. [C: Yeah.] And I'm not judging. Like, I understand that some people function better in that-
C: Some queer people also feel like they need to be in a relationship.
G: Yeah. There are some people who function better in that kind of, like, dynamic, in that kind of setting, and yeah, good for them.
C: An economist named Corinne Low, I think, has a working paper about how, basically, if women get married to a man, they end up doing more housework than they did when they were living alone because [G: It's for two people, yeah.] there's two people after, and the man does absolutely nothing, but in lesbian relationships, they do the same amount. Same-sex gay male relationships it's more specialized in that the one who earns more does less housework, and the one who earns less does most of it. But the point of her paper was that even in households where the woman earns more, and therefore it would make more sense for her to spend more of her time on her career, [G: She also does housework more, yeah.] she does way more housework than the man, etc, etc. Which is known, but it was fun to see the graphs about how bad the gap is. [G: Yeah.] Yeah, anyway, some people might function better in a relationship, but in terms of, like, how they use their time well, it actually is a drag on your life [both laugh], like, on average, if you're a woman married to a man.
G: Yeah, but I can't tell my straight friends that, can I? [both laugh]
Yeah. Sam's like, "I wish I had your life." Yeah. Gary and Nora head out.
C: Yeah. For Gary's house. Why?
G: [laughs] I don't know. Well, Dean says, "That was a nice thing for you to say." [both laughing] And Sam just goes, "I totally lied. That kid's life sucked ass." And Dean's just stares at him. [C: So funny.] It's so good! Love that!
C: Sam was really funny this episode, yeah. [G: Yeah.] And I don't know how in character I find this line, but also I think it's so funny, so it's fine.
G: Yeah, it is pretty funny. And I find it hilarious because, you know, this is their, you know, "Sam has a one-liner about what he learned from the episode" or whatever, and like, the most iconic one that we have had so far, I think, is "Hope's kind of the whole point." [C: Right.] [laughing] And then the second one is this one, which I find so incredibly funny.
C: Yeah. That kid's life sucked ass. [G: Yeah.] He specifically says that "the apple pie family crap is stressful," which I don't know if I caught that as Sam's main. Like, it seemed like his issue was that it was very limiting [G: Yeah, restrictive.] to be a kid. But like, what does "stressful" mean here. Is this just connected to his like, "we shouldn't have any connections with other people because we're gonna bring them down with us," etc. stuff? Like, I don't think he was at all concerned about Gary's sister or parents.
G: Yeah. And also, stressful is such a fascinating way to put it because, well, I'm pretty sure hunting is also stressful.
C: Yeah, it seems kind of stressful to me.
G: So like, that shouldn't be the metric that you're measuring here.
C: Yeah. I guess if Sam's passively suicidal, there is some relief to the stress of hunting 'cause the stress is like, "I might die." You know? [G: Yeah. Well.]
C: But yeah, I think if they wanted to end on it being stressful, he should have connected with Gary's family at all, and they should have been somewhat in danger at a point.
G: Yeah, why is Dean connecting with this random-ass 17-year-old, and then Sam's like, unable to connect with anyone? [C laughs]
C: Yeah, he's like, “All of you are fucking losers.”
G: Yeah. They hop into the car, and, you know, Sam's like, “We didn't miss a thing,” and Dean's like, “I don't know. Or maybe we don't know what we're missing.” And then he starts the car. Music blasts. Sam's like, "Ugh, turn it down." And yeah, that's the end of the episode. Again, I enjoyed it.
C: I enjoy it more [both] now that I've talked about.
G: Yeah. We had a fun conversation about- yeah.
C: Yeah. When we talked about, like, the Lucifer possession thing, I was like, "Fine. This is allowed to fit into Season 5 canon, whatever." I still think that Sam just not really connecting to anyone is strange to me. But yeah, it was mostly a fun time.
G: I did- I never really thought about the foreshadowing for Lisa. I never really viewed Season 5 in that lens before, and well, I think it's nice to be viewing it now and be seeing those bricks be built, you know?
C: Yeah. Pretty clumsily, I would say. But yeah.
G: Yeah, but, you know, I'm fascinated by it, you know? Like, Supernatural- being a fan of Supernatural has taught me so many alternative words to "like." [both laugh] [C: Yeah.] A lot of Supernatural is not about liking it. It's about finding it interesting, which are very different things, and I think it's interesting. [C: Mm-hm.] Well, Best Line/Worst Line.
C: I mean, "That kid's life sucked ass" is pretty iconic.
G: It's hilarious, yeah. I think my worst line is when Gary was like, “No, you're a good guy, Dean,” [C laughs] or whatever he says there. It's so stupid!
C: It is quite fucking stupid. My worst line is when Sam tells Gary that Nora likes him.
G: Yeah, that was also bad. I think my best line is when Sam's like, “Yeah, Trev.” [both laugh] [C: That was pretty good.] When he said that, I burst out laughing, and I was downstairs, in the living room, and my sister's boyfriend, who found out earlier that day that I was watching Supernatural, [laughs] was there, and so I snorted, and then I immediately was like, "No! He's going to think I find Supernatural funny!"
C: "No, he can't know that I'm laughing at Supernatural!"
G: [laughing] And I literally was. It's so embarrassing.
C: Well, it was funny. [G: It was funny.] Yeah.
G: Spreadsheets.
C: Okay. Misogyny exists. 
G: Who’d’ve thunk. I think it’s 2. 
C: 1 or 2, yeah. 2 sounds good to me.
G: You know, when we were editing “Abandon All Hope,” and I was listening to myself talk about the misogyny of that episode, I wanted to kill me [C laughs] for not putting it higher. [C: Yeah.] But we don’t do the retroactive- [C: We could go back!] You want- [C: We could do it, yeah.] We need to put a 4 or a 3 in there. [laughs]
C: Yeah, yeah, cause right now, we only have it as a 1. Yeah, I think I was mostly swayed by you during the recording. And then later, I think I saw the reviews where people were like, “And I found out that they killed Ellen and Jo because the fans said that they hated them.” And I was, like, “How could they? This is awful.” [G: Yeah.] Okay, yeah. Let's just put a 4. [G: Yeah.] Alright. Racism. Not that I recall. 
G: Yeah. Homophobia? [C: Homophobia.] I would say there’s a 1 here. Just the general vibe of the salad. [C and G laugh]
C: The general vibe of the salad, yeah.
G: Yeah. Okay, IMDb.
C: I think people would like this because they generally like the funny ones, and they like when Supernatural does something new. However, I wonder if they think that it's unrealistic that Dean wouldn't notice, or if they find Gary annoying [G: Annoying.] “The Real Ghostbusters” way. [G: Yeah.] So.
G: I wanna mention it again, I do think the way they filmed this episode was pretty cool. That one flub with the telephone notwithstanding, all the mirror scenes are so good. They must have just put Jared and then the kid on the other side, right? [C: Yeah, probably.] And then made them act the same. Fun. It was so good. Also, I was bothered a little bit by the eyelines. Because when Dean and the kid are talking, Dean's eyes are directed at the kid’s eyes [C: Yeah, they should be higher.] and it should be a foot above, because Sam’s so tall. [C: Yeah.] So IMDb. 
C: I’m gonna guess an 8.7, which was “The Curious Case”’s score, I feel like it’s in that territory.
G: I would say this is an 8.5. I am sticking with the rating of “Sam, Interrupted.” [C: Okay.] Okay, let's see. Oh. [C: What?] It’s an 8.2.
C: Oh, they really thought that kid was annoying.
G: Yeah, this one is like, “It's funny. But does it handle the plot well? The writers don't handle Gary well. Their solution to his story feels too slight and pat. It feels like a cheat that Sam and Dean only warned him.” Yeah.
C: The next review is like, “What the fuck happened to Trevor's body?” [G: Yeah.] Real. Same.
G: People are in general agreement that this is just fine or worse than that. [C: Yeah.] Yeah, “This episode makes no sense. Unlike a shapeshifter, Gary, the witch, has zero insight into Sam's mind when he takes his body so everything from his posture to the way he talks should give him away.”
C: But the point is he’s sort of a Sam mirror. So it just happens that he can sort of pass it off. 
G: No, I think we can assume that he was given ideas by demonic blah blah blah, or he observed Sam, or something. He must know something about Sam, because the demons talk to them about Dean. And also he planned to do it. [C: Right.] They were tracking Sam and Dean somehow, in some way.
G: That’s it for this episode of Busty Asian Beauties. Next week- or maybe next time. Who knows at this point? We will be discussing Season 15, Episode 13: "The Song Remains the Same." Leave us a rating or a review wherever you get your podcasts.
C: Follow us on social media! We are on Tumblr at bustyasianbeautiespod.tumblr.com. Our official tag is #BABPod, B-A-B-POD. Thanks to everyone who's donated to our Ko-Fi at ko-fi.com/bustyasianbeautiespod, which is where our outtakes live, and check out our merch at babpod.redbubble.com.
G: You can email us any feedback, comments, or inquiries at [email protected]. See you guys next time! [both] Bye!
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stereogeekspodcast · 4 months
[Transcript] Season 4, Episode 7. Star Trek: Discovery Spoiler Review
The Stereo Geeks review Star Trek: Discovery. Spoilers!
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M: Hello and welcome to a new episode of Stereo Geeks. Today, we’re diving into 5 seasons of Star Trek: Discovery. I’m Mon.
R: And, I’m Ron. 
R: We’ve just finished watching the series finale of Star Trek: Discovery, or Disco as it’s also known. So, there will be spoilers.
Overall thoughts
R: I’ve loved Discovery since the first episode. It was so exciting and unusual, and tense! Yet it existed in a world we have known and loved for so long. 
I was immediately taken by Michael Burnham, played by Sonequa Martin-Green. She has the best character arc of any Star Trek character, and there have been so many! She’s aspirational but oh so human. I am going to miss seeing Michael every week.
R: I would say season 5 is a great send off for this show and this gorgeous cast of characters. We got a very fun adventure story, high stakes, so many Easter eggs, and wonderful character relationships. That last episode was so Star Trek and so emotional. 
M: Disco’s been a complex journey for me. I think season 5 is a particular high. The storyline and direction and acting has been outstanding. But I’ve grappled with a few demons with this show. I’ve often felt like I want to defend it, even when I don’t agree with it. 
But I love these characters so much, and I wish we’d got to see more of them.
R: This is also the show that gave us Star Trek’s first canonically queer romance. We have Hugh Culber and Paul Stamets, played by Wilson Cruz and Anthony Rapp respectively, and they’re together from the very first season. They each have their own personal arcs but they go through so much together. Discovery always knew how to bring them back to each other without it seeming forced. I love them and their little family with Adira. 
R: Seasons 3 and 4 were the weakest of the show. As much as I love the future Discovery landed up in, it felt like the show was a little lost with what to do when there wasn’t Star Trek lore ahead. I wish we’d got the cohesion of season 5 in season 3. I still love every season though!
M: Yeah, totes agree with you there. Season 4 actually made me wonder what the hell I was watching. But funnily enough, some people thought it was the Trekkiest thing the show had done. So, there’s a win out there for everyone. 
M: If I’m honest, there’s a huge part of me that will never get over the heartbreak of losing the Shenzhou, its crew, its vibe, and especially its captain. 
R: Absolutely. Captain Georgiou and the Shenzhou were what captured my attention in that very first episode. Seeing Michelle Yeoh in the captain’s chair made me realise how far we’ve come. For her to be taken away after just two episodes was so hard. I love Emperor Georgiou, but she’s not our Captain. 
M: I have never seen an actor belong in a role and a franchise more than Michelle Yeoh as Captain Georgiou. I thought we were headed towards watching a show about a badass female captain of Asian origin, with her stone-cold Vulcan-raised Black female first officer, but we didn’t get that. 
I’ve been trying to re-learn to love the show ever since. I do enjoy it, but my heart isn’t totally with Disco. It doesn’t help that Disco then made me fall in love with Ash Tyler, only for him to turn out to be a murdering turncoat Klingon.
R: Oh yeah, you can’t give us a wonderful character like Ash Tyler and then he turns out to be an evil Klingon in disguise! We have so few South Asians in Star Trek and Shazad Latif made Ash such a lovely and tortured character. And Ash’s romance with Michael, another pairing we rarely see, of a South Asian character and an African-American one. How could they take this away from us?
R: One of the characters I really enjoyed watching was Oded Fehr’s Admiral Vance. Not sure why there are so few ethnic names in Star Trek, by the way? But Fehr owned that uniform. The future that Discovery was in seemed so alien at times and it was good to have a familiar face guide viewers through it. 
M: Yeah, loved Admiral Vance though we didn’t get to know that much about him. Weirdly, the show has given us some amazing white male captains/commanders–they’re not all good people, but they’re memorable. Jason Isaacs’ Gabriel Lorca, Anson Mount’s Christopher Pike, and now Callum Keith Rennie’s Rayner, why are they such outstanding characters, while our characters of colour have either been left behind, or weren’t given that much emotional heft?
R: I agree 100%. Pike was so loved, he got his own show. And I still miss Lorca, even though he was awful. We had so many people of colour on the Disco bridge but nobody got the kind of depth the white dudes did. 
Having said that, I freaking love Callum Keith Rennie! Can we talk about what a fantastic addition he is to the Trek-verse? We’ve been watching him since we were kids and now he’s an angry first officer in Star Trek! He was amazing. Knew when to step aside and let Sonequa shine. Their chemistry as captain and commander was probably the best on the show. Just shows you what magic can happen when you’ve got great actors. 
M: Funny how he pops up everywhere. 
The final season
R: After season 1, this is my favourite. Every episode had at least one scene which made me go, oh this is so Star Trek. It’s how we felt about Picard season 3. Maybe having a finite end to the story forced the team to tighten up but whatever it is, this season was perfect for me.
M: The final season is literally the best of the show. It’s so tight, and so exciting–introducing the world of an old villain, the Breen. And the connections to the weirdest parts of Trek, the Progenitors, really work. I love that the message is, there is no end to learning, about us, about evolution, about anything. I love that. 
R: I was unsure of Moll and L’ak as antagonists though. They’re lovers on the run. How interesting could that be? But the show kind of handled it well. They were like the Ferengi. Very foolish and impulsive. L’ak literally dies from a stupid mistake!
M: Yeah–the whole star-crossed lovers thing dragged on too long, when the real enemy was the Breen and we should have seen more of those political machinations at play. 
R: Adira and Grey’s curtailed story was probably the biggest disappointment for me this season. Adira is the only nonbinary character in Star Trek, and played by a nonbinary actor, Blu Del Barrio. They are a joyful addition to the show. And complete the adorable queer family that is Hugh Culber and Paul Stamets. I’ve always loved how the two of them stepped up as Adira’s parents. 
R: Grey was the first trans character played by a trans actor on Star Trek. He spent so much time being dead and then had this short and cute romantic storyline with Adira. But in season 5, they get one episode together and it’s to break up? Wouldn’t it have been better to have them decide to do the mature thing of working this out long distance? I hated seeing our queer munchkins breakup!
M: Grey deserved better in general on the show. I’m glad Ian Alexander came back for an episode, but to have a trans actor on the show and get so little screen and character time, sucked.
M: I feel guilty saying this, but the penultimate episode was so dang good that much of the finale fell a little flat for me. 
R: That penultimate episode was stellar! The tension, the action, the humour, the editing, Jonathan Frakes in the director’s seat, he just knows this universe. Every time I see his name, I’m like, okay this is going to be the best episode. And it was! 
M: I was very emotional during the goodbye scene in the finale though–when the characters were saying goodbye to each other, but it was also a way for the cast to say goodbye to each other, and give the viewer a chance to see allllll the Disco crew come together to say bye to them.
R: Michael Burnham looking directly at us got me. 
Why you should watch this show
M: Disco has never got the love that it deserved. It was the first Star Trek show since Enterprise was unceremoniously cancelled in 2005. Disco heralded the era of Nu-Trek, which came about at the worst time—2017. 
The world, especially the US, is being drowned by fools who can’t consume any form of media without tearing it apart for no other reason than it doesn’t star people who look and act exactly like them. 
Disco came in swinging with a Black woman in the lead, gay characters and actors in the main cast, and lots of inclusive characters and plotlines across the seasons. People dunked on it because it didn’t feel like OG Star Trek–as if nothing new could ever come of a franchise that was created in the 1960s.
R: The reaction to Discovery and a Black woman being in the lead has made me wonder whether Star Trek fans ever really understood the point of Star Trek. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations has been the series motto but that was only okay for the “fans” when there was a white dude in charge. Don’t they understand the meaning of those words?
M: These people take passive viewing to a whole new level! They didn’t absorb even the most obvious point of Trek—being different is normal and accepted. 
But we’ve loved Disco from the start. My criticisms aside, Disco is eminently watchable, and re-watchable. In fact, after finishing the whole series, I feel like I need to go back and watch the evolution of Michael and the rest of the characters’ relationships on the show. 
Also, because of the serialized nature of its seasons, Disco is actually perfect for marathon-watching. You literally can’t stop watching from one episode to the next, especially as the clues for the plot are littered throughout the season, reeling you in. 
The Characters
M: I do want to give a shoutout to the Disco Bridge crew—the actors and the characters. A lot of them are Canadians, because the show is shot in Toronto, so that’s extra special to us. But more than that, these supporting roles filled out the world of Discovery and I was always excited to see them get their character moments, even when they’re for only a scene here and there. In another universe, where Nu-Trek got 22-episode seasons, we’d be seeing Rhys, Detmer, Owosekun, Christopher, Linus, Bryce, Airiam, Nhan, as well as the season 5 crew, get full-on arcs. But that wasn’t to be. And yet, they’re a part of Star Trek and an integral part of why I love this franchise. I foresee them living on for a long time in Star Trek books and other media. I hope. 
R: I missed seeing Owosekun and Detmer on the bridge in season 5. I understand the actors had other commitments and the new helm crew were incredible but I missed the two of them. But I loved that they came back, as did Bryce, for Face the Strange and the finale.
Speaking of Face the Strange, seeing Airiam again this season really got me. Season 2’s Project Deadulus was such a gut punch and seeing Airiam again was emotional, to say the least.
M: Project Deadulus was also directed by Frakes, I might add. 
R: Ah. That’s why it’s so amazing!
Season 5 also brought Tilly back. I am so glad that Tilly got to be here all season. She’s one of the few plus-size characters in Star Trek and she’s such a joy to watch. Just happiness and understanding. She’s had such growth throughout the show and it always felt well-deserved.
R: We are going to miss Star Trek: Discovery but I’m so glad we live in a world where it exists. We got these amazing characters, great stories, and so many wonderful memories. For the very last time, Let’s Fly.
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dailyaudiobible · 1 year
4/6/2023 DAB Transcript
Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20, Luke 11:37-12:7, Psalm 78:1-31, Proverbs 12:19-20
Today is the sixth day of April, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, and today and every day, it is wonderful to be here with you as we gather around the Global Campfire and let go of whatever else is going on, just for a few minutes. Give ourselves permission to allow the peace of the Lord, wash into our lives, along with the Scriptures. So, it's great to be here as we take the next step forward, and obviously the next step forward leads us back to where we left off, and that happens to be currently the Book of Deuteronomy. Although, we are getting close to the end of the Book of Deuteronomy, we’re not there yet though. Today, Deuteronomy chapters 29 and 30.
Okay so, we have a handful of days left in our time in the Book of Deuteronomy and in our time in the Torah for this year. And so, work on rounding the corner, and Moses has been going through all of the life and times of the children of Israel since they left Egypt. Just reminding them over, in all these different ways, over and over, the faithfulness of the Lord, how they got here, how patient and compassionate God has been toward them. And in today's reading, Moses basically tells them, look, you have no excuse for not following God. Maybe we should just pause right there and take that on board because neither do we. I quote from Moses today, “This command I'm giving you today isn't too hard for you or beyond your reach. It’s not in heaven. You don't have to ask who will go to heaven and get the commands so we can hear and obey it, this command is not on the other side of the sea. You don't have to ask who's going across the sea together for us so that we can hear and obey it. No, these words are very near you, they’re in your mouth and in your heart so that you will obey them.” He’s basically telling them, you know what you're supposed to do, you know where to go from here. It's not a mystery, you don't have to go search it out. It is right before your eyes. It is, I'm telling you, it's right here, right now. And then Moses invokes heaven and earth to be witnesses to what they would choose, and he offered them the choice, life or death, prosperity or destruction. Let's pause there for a second. What would you choose? I'm going for life and prosperity, I guess, if those are the choices, if it's life or death, I'm choosing life. If it’s prosperity or destruction, I’m choosing prosperity, right. And anybody would choose these things. And yet heaven and earth are still standing as witnesses to the choices that we make, and the status of our lives are the evidence of the choices that we’ve made. So, Moses didn't say I'm giving you life and prosperity, he’s saying I'm giving you a choice, choose life. So, what we can understand is that it isn't gonna just happen. It's a choice, every decision we make is a choice. Are we choosing the pathway of life. Are we choosing the path, the narrow path, that leads to life, as Jesus referred to it. Yesterday, we were talking about words and about that, that little beat that is between a reaction. Like that little moment where we usually react to things and fall in the ruts and get ourselves into trouble with our words, but if we would take one second and take one breath and call on the Holy Spirit to show us what to do and what to say, that we can save ourselves a lot of foolishness. We would stop using our tongue like a sword. Today, we have another opportunity to just consider the way that we react to things. In terms of choosing life, knowing that we have to choose this path in our thoughts and words and deeds, by what we do, by what we do not do. So, if we could take that beat and not react, we have a second to say will this bring life or death. Will this draw me closer to Jesus or will I be walking in a different direction? Moses told the children of Israel that this isn't something that's too hard for them. So, we have to take that on board. This is not too hard for us, it’s not hidden in heaven, so that somebody has to go get it so that we can know. It’s not a mystery that's hidden on the far side of the sea, so that somebody has to go get it. It's right here in our hearts and we are constantly making choices and we are choosing life, or we are not choosing life. The choice is ours. Moses laid out the outcomes for both choices, we can go back and review those, it won't be hard to make the choice when you're making a choice when we’re making choice between blessing and cursing. Let's choose life today and let's double up on watching our words today. Like, we can get a thing going here, where we’re bringing nothing but good and life and good news into the world and we would be right where were supposed to be. Choose life today, think about it.
And Holy Spirit, as we think about it, we invite You into our thoughts and our words and our deeds that we may be able to see the narrow path that leads to life, that we may be able to choose life. It's not too hard for us and it's not a mystery hidden, it's right here. We know the difference between right and wrong. Lead us on the path that leads to life. We pray, in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you with all gratitude, thank you. We wouldn't have a Global Campfire if we weren't the Global Campfire together. So, thank you deeply. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you're using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or there are a number of numbers that you can dial: in the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to call, if you are in the UK or Europe 44 2036 088078 is the number to dial, and if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61 3 8820 5459 is the number to call.
And that is it for today. I am Brian. I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hey, DAB Family, this is your sister, Ashley, from California. And I just listened to today, April 2nds on recording and I wanted to pray for Little Song Bird and also for my sweet sister who called about her parents. Okay, so just like one of our other brothers says, okay Holy Spirit, let’s roll. Father God, thank You so much for this community. Thank You for the ability to join together and to stand in the gap and that You, Jesus, are our advocate. And that Holy Spirit, You are the one that intercedes for us and prays for us, when we don’t even know the words to say. And I wanna pray and thank You for the surgery for Little Song Bird here. I thank You, Lord, that they, that her hearing is being restored and but I wanna ask You for the healing of the tinnitus. Lord, please help relieve that pain and suffering. And if you can’t relieve it, Lord, and take it away, then please help Little Song Bird, to be able to manage it and to be able to cope with it and to trust You with it. And I also want to pray for Ari, who is my sister, who was struggling with her job and then she’s also struggling now with her parents. Father God, we pray that she would put her trust in You and that she would trust that she would lay these burdens down at Your feet, at the cross. So that, Lord, she knows that You are taking care of it and that she will praise You throughout it. And it is only in Your name, Jesus, that we pray. Amen. I love you DAB Family. Today is Palm Sunday so Hosannah. Deliver us Lord.
Hello, my DAB family, this is Jamie in New Jersey, Standing on the Word of God. I humbly ask you, please pray with me. Dear Father in Heaven, Your word is true, and Your promises are faithful. Your word is trustworthy and worth of all praise. In Your word we find the support we need to carry on through life’s challenges and difficulties. We gather the strength we need to endure the hardships that come into our lives. You are faithful and just in all that You do. Your promises are unbreakable. By Your power, we are able to endure all things by pressing into Your word and by striving to live as You have commanded. We honor peace and contentment in every circumstance. When difficulties strike fear into our hearts we know, we can come to You for help. We entrust our lives to You. We need not be afraid, for there is nothing any mere human can do to us. Let Your word give us understanding. Lead us into Your righteousness that we know Your will and direction for our lives. Strengthen us to persevere on the right course, knowing that though we stumble and fall, You will always be there to help us get back up. We pray in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you for praying with me, my brothers and sisters. I love each and every one of you. Have a good night.
Hey DAB Family, this is Anna in the Trenches. My husband got an infection in his leg. It turned into an abscess. He ended up having surgery. It’s been about a week since he’s been up and around. Right now, he’s still at the hospital and should be coming home in a couple days. I just need prayers for his leg to heal, for him to take it easy, so that his leg can heal. And I’m having trouble holding down the fort. We have two kids, we home school. Not see a whole lot of that happening right now. And a disabled son that involves total care on my part. And I struggle with pain and fatigue and I’m trying to take care of everything by myself. But it’s hard. And people want to help me, but I don’t know how to, I don’t know what to tell them to do. And so, can you just pray for me, please, and for my husband, for our family. None of this is probably making the kids feel real great. I have a 12-year-old son and an 8-year-old daughter. Then my disabled son is 18. But anyway, but I don’t think he knows what’s going on. Just pray for us please. Thank you, I pray for you guys. Love you all. Bye.
Hello Daily Audio Bible Family. I come to you thanking God. Lord, I come to you asking You for prayer, Father God. I’m praying to You, Father God, asking You, Father God, and thanking You, Lord, for all the blessing You bestowed upon us. Lord, I pray for all the people that have addictions. Addictions to drugs, addictions to alcohol, addictions, sexual addictions, any addictions, Father God. I come to You, asking Lord, that You take the desire of these addictions away from those that have it, Father God. Knowing I also come to You, praying for healing, Father God. Please, Lord, heal all of us that need healing. Heal cancer, Father God. Heal glaucoma in the eyes. Heal whatever needs healing, Lord, even if You need to do a miracle. Your still a miracle worker, Father God. You may need to do it through the doctors, whichever way, Father God. We just ask for Your healing, Father God. We also ask that You heal marriages, Father God. Lord, we’ve had testimonies of how you have healed. We want You to heal other ones that have not been healed, Father God. We want You to take the married couples, Father God, help them in any way that they need help to get it, Father God. Lord, we just thank You for everything that You do for all of us, this community and our families, Lord, that call in and those that pray for each other and those that just listen, Lord. We ask Father God, that You help us keep You first in all that we do, Father God. That we make Godly, wise choices in everything that we do. We bring everything to You. Put all our trust in You, Father God. Knowing that we also ask that You give us Your wisdom, Your favor, Your grace and Your mercy. Give us discernment, Father God, it’s around us but nothing but Godly, wise people. Lord, please, I just pray to You and Your precious Son, Jesus name. And I thank You in advance for all the many blessings that You’re gonna restore before us, Lord. In Your precious …
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10/21/2022 DAB Chronological Transcription
Matthew 17, Mark 9, Luke 9:28-62
Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm China. Today is the 21st day of October. Welcome. So great to be here with you today. Again, don't know where you live. Hoping it has been beautiful weather this week. It has been frigid, frigid. So, so, so, so cold. Like I need to start my car and then go back into the house before I leave cold. And I was not ready for that yet. But here we are with open arms. Now I have that song in my head. Great. Anyways, today we are in the book of Matthew, chapter 17. We're in the book of Mark, chapter nine, and we will be in the book of Luke, chapter nine, verses 28 through 62. And we continue on with the Modern English version for this week.
After we read three gospels today and we have almost verbatim the same stories there's a little bit...this is like the fun part of reading chronologically. You get different flavors of the writers and there's different things- different writing styles, different things that were remembered, you know, differently. And we have arts and details that are in some that aren't in others. And so this just shows these like, the Bible is inspired by God that's written by his people. And I love it. I just love it. And so there's so much goodness, honestly, in today. And the part that I feel like my brain is like, oh, my goodness, is the transfiguration. I'm like, that's crazy. And I love that they're like, should we build you guys a sanctuary? And it says they were talking because they were afraid. They said that because they were afraid. Yeah. Anybody else ever say things you're like, I don't really know what I'm saying, but I'm just feeling maybe not awkward because it doesn't say they felt awkward. They felt scared. But I guess if you've been in a moment where you felt scared and you're like, here, can I build you something really quick? But what's interesting to me is that Jesus has instructed them not to tell anyone of this until after he has risen. And so in yesterday's reading was one of the first times that Jesus is revealing what is going to happen to him. And so just imagine how confusing that would be. The disciples get I mean, they're human, so we're not going to pick them apart, or I'm not because I don't have the time to do that. But these are real life, everyday people who are not graduates from theology or seminary. They are fishermen, they're tax collectors. They are everyday people. And one of them is going to betray Jesus to the point of debt. So like super ragtag group of dudes men, and they're following Jesus around, they're witnessing things. They are getting equipped to do the same exact things that Jesus are doing. And Jesus is saying, listen, you're not just doing the same things that I'm doing, but you have to believe. And you have to have faith, and it's going to require something of you, not just you praying a specific prayer or a three-step program on how to ask a demon out, it's that you have to believe. And even when Jesus says, like, the reason why you couldn't get this one out is because it comes with fasting and praying and just, like, discernment right. And having the Holy Spirit to say, I personally have not cast out a demon of somebody before. So I don't know that there's, like, different types or different I don't know. But in the Bible, it seems as if there's different situations happening. So there may be. I'm not sure. But we need God, we need the Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us and to direct us. And the thing that I feel is so interesting, actually, to me is that I don't know that there's anything wrong with this. Maybe there is. I haven't fully explored it. And kind of still processing it out is anytime that Jesus is healing, it seems as if it's a very short thing. Hear me out. Jesus isn't like, slaying them in the Spirit. There's not like this not pushing them over. He's not doing this, like, really loud, crazy prayer. There's no chance he's not, like, circling around them or any other things that I feel like we have adapted. And I'm not saying that nothing happens in those moments because I've not had those experiences my own, but I've seen them happen before. I've been one who has prayed or prayed at lengthy times, things that I thought were great to pray over, and then things that I thought the Holy Spirit was wanting to share over them. And any time that Jesus is directly handling the situation, whether it's the woman at the well, right? It seems like it's maybe a shorter exchange, and we kind of already processed this through, but maybe in case he didn't listen to that one, I'll catch you cut up a little bit. He's not, like, giving her a sermon. He's not trying to give her a conference in 30 seconds. I don't think either one of those things are wrong. I'm not, like, coming after those things. What I'm saying is somewhere in translation, we as Christ followers claiming, as Christ followers have believed, that it has to be this big thing to either, like, pray over someone or, like, someone have healing or someone have deliverance. And I don't think that those things aren't valuable. But I also what I'm trying to say again, I told you I haven't fully processed this. I think what I'm trying to say is Jesus did things really beautifully and really simply. And what I'm curious of is how did we get to a place where we've over complicated things and they aren't as simple and we can sometimes point it back to us. And so I'm constantly inspired, constantly encouraged, and constantly convicted by just the simplicity of who Jesus was. He came to do the work of his Father and did it. He was faithful and true in everything that he did. 
Father, I thank you for your word. I thank you for your son who was faithful and honest and good and true. And I thank you so much for your word. Man, what a gift it is to get to read Your word and to learn from you. And, Lord, I just pray that we would be a people who seek you out. We would be a people who desire to see your miracles, to be your hands and your feet and play a part in them, that you would use us as vessels and when the timing is right, and that you would give us discernment and wisdom and guidance, just as it was with your son Jesus. And just as Jesus walks through these things so beautifully and so eloquently and so poised, I pray that we would be a people who just know who our Father is and just say, of course, God wants to heal you. Yes, be healed, be well, and that our faith would be constantly sharpened by others who are walking in the same direction, which is towards you and finishing the good race. And, yeah, I just thank you for your word and it's in your name we pray. Amen.
Dailyaudiobible.com is our website. That's the place of connection where you can see what's happening here in the community, how to get connected and stay connected. So be sure to check that out. And if you have prayer requests and things that we as a community can come alongside of you and encourage you, you can call in 800-583-2164. And if you listen through the app, you can record your pre request into there and send it in. Those get played at the end of everyday podcast. But that is all for today. I'm China. I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer Line:
Hey, my loving DABC family. This is Kingdom Seeker Daniel. Brother Rodney from Atlanta. My heart is breaking over the news of when I saw you post on Facebook, on the Facebook page that the pastor's wife transitioned to be with the Lord. I want to pray for the Pastor and the children. Father, we just can't make sense of such tragic circumstances. Such senseless circumstances. But you are the God that sees all, you know, and for some unknown reason what you allow this tragic loss to occur. I'm asking that you would give Pastor Mac the grace, strength, the ability to go through this is a very trying time. Be with the children, be with the ministry, be with that community and have mercy on the perpetrator who caused this unthinkable act. Lord, would you have mercy on this pastor and family and walk with him and children and their church in the days, weeks and months to come. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Hi DABC family. This is Pamela Living Life Victoriously in Pennsylvania. I'm calling for Shantry in Georgia. I'm coming alongside you, sister, I want to lift you up in prayer. Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit, surround Shantry in this new position that you brought to her as a blessing. I come against any forces of darkness that are trying to attack her through these people that are training her and I bind them in the name of Jesus. I ask you Lord to guide and direct her as she starts off this new position. And we believe that you gave her this position for a reason and that it should be a blessing. So we just bind these forces and lift up our sister in prayer that even the enemies will bow at her feet when she lives her life to please You, Lord, we ask these things in Jesus name. Amen.
Hi, this is Dawn from Ohio and I wanted to call in to encourage a sister who called in about her two sons who I think it was Matthew and Peter who have gender confusion, homosexuality in their lives. And I too have a daughter who has been openly gay for about ten years now. And I want you to know sister, that I feel your pain and I understand your heart and I have to gone through so many ups and downs, but the Lord has been by my side every step of the way. He has transformed me and changed me in so many ways these past ten years and I've learned to trust Him more and I've learned to lay them down, lay her down to Him in a better way. So Sister, I hear you and I'm praying for you and I ask everybody in the DABC community to pray for our children, our loved ones who are being attacked by the enemy in regards to their sexuality and this gender confusion. We know that the power of Jesus can transform and change people. And so I just ask that you lift up my daughter Ashley in prayer and Peter and Matthew as well. And Sister, I love you and I love you, DABC Family for praying for our children.
Good morning, DABC family. My name is Sam from Pennsylvania. I would like to pray for Julie who says she has multiple sclerosis for 30 years. I want to just pray for you, Father. We just come before you right now in the name of Jesus. We thank you Lord, for your daughter, Father. She has cried out, Father, for prayer. She is in need of healing, Father, just like the woman with the issue of blood, that for twelve years, Father, she battled that illness, Lord, and she thought to herself that I can just touch the hem of his garment. I will be healed, Father. We pray for Julie, your daughter, Father, that today that she will experience your healing virtue from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet, Lord, that she will be set free from this infirmity Lord God so that she can enjoy time with her family and being able to go for a walk to hear the birds. Lord, you're capable and able to do the impossible. So we put our faith and we say, lord, let your will be done. In Jesus name, amen. I also have a prayer request. I would like, if the community can, please pray for my niece Jessica. She continues to have tumors reappear in her breasts for now two years, and the doctors don't know why they keep reappearing. So she has another biopsy coming up this week. She has two beautiful for twin girls. So if you can just pray for healing over her body and for a good brother of mine that lives in Georgia. His name is Tune. He has an enlarged heart. If you can pray for healing for him as well. We will continue to pray for the family and just know that.
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lenievi · 2 years
McCoy and Kirk in Operation -- Annihilate! idk I just thought it would be fun to think about them because this is that one rare episode where the tension between them goes on for longer than one scene.
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There are over a million colonists on that planet down there, just as much your responsibility. They need your help, too.
It’s very rare for McCoy to think about the bigger picture, or rather to voice his concerns for the many. He is one who focuses on now and here, because imho he knows that Kirk or Spock usually have the good of the many in mind, so he can also press them into thinking about the individuals, not just numbers.
But in this moment, Kirk is eaten by grief because his brother and sister-in-law are dead, and he is worried about his nephew and Spock, a crewman but also a close friend, and he’s losing the sight of the bigger picture, so McCoy needs to be the one to remind him that as a starship captain he has responsibilities and personal feelings have no place there.
McCoy promised Jim that he would do everything he could to save Peter, Jim’s nephew. He already put a lot on his own shoulder, but the moment he saw what the creature did to Spock, he closed off. He buried his own emotions because in that moment he knew that he couldn’t do anything for Spock nor Jim’s nephew.
The fact that Spock is sick and in danger of dying, puts a strain to McCoy and Kirk’s relationship, and both of them kind of use each other to vent their frustrations.
MCCOY: Jim, that man is sick. Don't give me any damnable logic about him being the only man for the job. KIRK: I don't have to, Bones. We both know he is.
They’re both worried about Spock, but neither really has the time to deal with it. (And we know that McCoy’s worry shows as anger and lashing out, and the same goes for Jim.) The transcript itself can’t convey the defeat in Jim’s voice nor the expressions that flicker over McCoy’s face.
When Spock brings back the creature, and McCoy has the chance to study it but is unable to find anything useful, he starts calling Jim “Captain” which he often does when Kirk gets angry at him (either that or “sir”). McCoy is distancing himself because he can’t help. He can’t ease Jim’s suffering, and he can’t help his patients, and Jim puts more and more on McCoy’s shoulders, but also on his own and even on Spock’s.
I cannot let this thing expand beyond this planet, nor do I intend to kill a million or more people to stop it. I want another answer. I'm putting you gentlemen on the hot seat with me. I want that third alternative.
Now, when Jim is thinking about the Denevans again (and Spock is around to argue with), McCoy is back to his “here and now” way of thinking (even though one million of people is a big number, it still doesn’t measure up to the whole galaxy), and when they find hope, McCoy goes back to calling Kirk “Jim” and he even goes back to “think about Spock, Jim”. In his usual manner, he puts the wellbeing of one above the many, but Jim can’t have that and orders McCoy to proceed with the test - throwing high intensity light at Spock. And that leads to one of the intense arguments between McCoy and Kirk in the show.
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MCCOY: I didn't need to throw the blinding white light at all, Jim. Spock, I... SPOCK: Doctor it was my selection as well. It is done. KIRK: Bones... take care of him.
The way Jim says the nickname with pure anger, the way McCoy reacts to it, make it very intense. In that moment, Jim blames McCoy, and McCoy blames himself, too.
McCoy didn’t give Jim any feasible options in the last several hours, and he made a terrible mistake. In that moment all of Jim’s frustration, all of his grief and anger is directed at McCoy. In a single word. Bones.
And as earlier in the episode, when Kirk calls McCoy later to let Spock know that their solution worked, McCoy uses “Captain” with Kirk, because he can’t forgive himself. Even when Kirk reaches out to apologize, he isn’t ready to accept that. Not yet.
Bones, it wasn't your fault. Bones... Bones.
But Kirk made that first step.
(as a side note, I like he didn’t say “I’m sorry” but that he only used “Bones”, softly, with no trace of anger, perhaps with regret, as a contrast to his angry “Bones” earlier)
And because there was only time for a silly end to the episode, after Spock miraculously gained his eyesight back, McCoy silently gravitated back to Jim’s side, his own response to Jim’s earlier implied apology.
(they probably needed to work it out a bit after the credits, though, since it was Kirk’s turn to be like “Doctor” instead of “Bones”, but I feel like the use of Bones would cheapen the previous two scenes and the intensity of them)
Kirk’s anger isn’t even necessarily about Spock or on Spock’s behalf, it’s just that the news was the last one on a long list of bad news and “I don’t have anything to offer you, Jim, I’m sorry” coming from McCoy.
Spock’s blindness was an acceptable casualty before, but hearing that it didn’t need to happen, that if Jim didn’t rush McCoy with an order it wouldn’t have happened, was just too much. Jim isn’t necessary angry with McCoy, he’s also angry with himself, but blaming McCoy right there and then is easy, it’s human (but Jim still controlled himself enough to remove himself from the room before he said something he would regret, that could even perhaps cost him his friendship with McCoy)
and the next moment he speaks to McCoy he makes sure McCoy knows it wasn’t his fault
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melaschnie · 3 years
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[Here are some tips and things to keep in mind for going back to uni this autumn! I know that some (me included) have already started going to school/uni in person again, but I think for a lot of people the next semester is still a few weeks away and this might be helpful :)]
[the transcript is below the cut]
Going back to uni after lockdown
What effects has social distancing for over 1.5 years had on us?
Being isolated from our social circle and having little to no social life comes with many negative psychological effects, such as exhaustion, anxiety, irritability, poor concentration, or symptoms of depression.
Being isolated for so long also negatively affects our social connectedness, which is one of the most important factors that influence psychological well-being.
1: Keeping up with current regulations / safety measures
Just because we will finally be able to get back to uni for lectures sadly doesn’t mean that the pandemic is over. So make a point to still keep up with federal and local rules.
Your university will most likely have its own rules on what is allowed on campus, e.g., you might only be allowed to sit at a table with two people. Because the number of people who are allowed to attend a lecture in person might be limited, make sure to regularly check your student e-mail for updates on what your university has planned for the upcoming semester!
2: Checking in and reaching out to others
For some, staying at home might have been relaxing, while others experienced it as very stressful (e.g. due to family). What you can do to help others move forward, as a first step to ease back into socialising, is reach out to them. Maybe you can go and have lunch together sometime soon!
There might be people you haven’t spoken to since the beginning of the pandemic, but who says that you won’t enjoy spending time with them now as much as you did then?
If you are hesitant about conversation being awkward just remember: everyone will understand, you are not alone in this.
3: Reframing of negative thoughts
When reaching out to people, not getting an immediate response is always a possibility. Maybe there still isn’t one a week later. Did I annoy them? Do they not want anything to do with me?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone with those thoughts. Sometimes it is better to take a step back and ask yourself if there is a concrete reason for your worries. Are you overanalysing the situation? Most likely the slow response has nothing to do with you at all! Just send a follow-up text and be patient - who knows what’s currently going on in the other person’s life.
4: Easing back into socialising
After a long time of not meeting in person, many people experience socialising as incredibly exhausting. You can limit this by taking small consistent steps before going back to university, for example: texting, (video) calls, meeting another person for a limited time (e.g., lunch), spending an evening with a group of friends.
Just remember to be patient with yourself (and others!) and don’t try to push too hard too fast. By gradually building up to meeting larger groups of people, you can avoid being overwhelmed on the first day back at university, but it is fine if you still feel that way - everyone experiences this situation differently.
5: Be mindful and respect boundaries
This is something that applies as much to yourself as it does to others. Everyone was affected differently by the pandemic, so it is important to be mindful of others’ boundaries. If they are not comfortable sitting together closely during a break, that’s fine.
Don’t be hesitant to communicate it if you’re the one who is uncomfortable in a situation; just like you should respect others’ feelings, they should respect yours and act accordingly.
Tip: To make sure everyone knows who is fine with what in terms of closeness, you could clarify it via text first to avoid awkward situations.
6: Open and honest conversation
You have heard it before and you will hear it again: conversation is key. Make it an open and honest conversation, so you can be sure that everyone is on the same page.
Talking about your concerns openly will help relieve the anxiety that you or others might be dealing with. It also increases social support because others will probably be experiencing similar feelings. You’ll be there to reassure each other along the way and find solutions for what worries you.
7: Social and institutional support
If you are feeling like you need someone to talk to apart from your friends or family, take a look at your university’s website! Some offer free counselling sessions to their students. Also, student organisations in your city can often provide you with a direct contact to a psychologist or psychiatrist if the need arises. 
Take them up on these offers, these people are being paid to help you to the best of their abilities. Sometimes, opening up to a stranger is easier than anything else.
8: Don’t forget about the basics!
And then there are the things you should always do before going back to uni. Do you need to look for a job? Get new books? New stationery? Do it.
Many students also need to move back to the city they are studying in. After a long time of living in a different place, for example, if you’ve moved back in with your parents, it can be time-consuming to pack everything back up or look for a new place to live in.
Give yourself enough time before classes start again, so you don’t end up more stressed than you already are!
9: Help maintain a safe environment
Lastly, there are three general things you can do to help maintain a safe learning environment for everyone:
1. If you can, go and get vaccinated!
2. If you can’t (yet), please consider getting tested regularly.
3. Wear a mask and wash your hands.
(Obviously, all three points depend on a lot of other factors, such as incidence numbers, how many people are already vaccinated, or your country’s policy on offering tests to the population. This is not meant to pressure you into anything, these are simply things that have been proven to help keep virus transmission to a minimum.)
Thank you for reading! I hope everyone stays safe and has a great start of the new semester!
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