#and yknow. pester them to do what i want to do but i don't like doing that bc it makes me feel annoying/like a bad person
i like to play this fun little game as the middle child in my family where i tell my parents i would like to do something this weekend (go to guitar center) whenever we have time and When they say we'll go later i wait to see how long it takes for them to remember. so far it's been 1 day and counting!
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elfwreck · 2 years
Do you think ao3 is going to have a problem in the future?
hot damn isn't that an open-ended question.
...er. yes. Yes, I think AO3 will have "a problem" at some point in "the future."
Which problem is up for debate.
I don't think AO3 is going to be taken down or even substantially hurt by lawsuits from media companies or authors who hate fanfic. I think the time for that was over 10 years ago; if Disney hated fanfic and thought it was illegal, they would've gone after AO3 before it was internationally famous with more than 5 million users. Before it had won a Hugo Award.
Doesn't mean I think a lawsuit isn't possible, and the current SCOTUS in the US is run by a pack of corporate shills, but... it's a hard stretch to get a copyright-creativity case to go that far, and even with such a court, the outcome wouldn't be guaranteed. And no media company wants to be the test case for a lawsuit that decides "actually yknow what? Fanfic is pretty much legal."
I think there will be more regions that block AO3, in one way or another. Not many places have China's control over the internet, but there are other blocks, like pestering Google and demanding they filter search results.
I think antis are going to continue to scream about AO3 allowing content they don't like, even if the term "anti' changes and they wind up calling themselves something else. I think this may create some kinds of problems, including with payment processors, depending on where and how they yell. I don't think any of that will shut down AO3 or change its policies.
The thing to keep in mind is: AO3 does not need to grow. AO3 is not a venture-capital company. It does not have ROR. It does not generate profits. It is not accountable to anyone but itself for its policies and activities. It was designed by a small pack of fans who decided "we're damn tired of being pushed off our fic archive websites, and even more tired of VC-backed things showing up and trying to fleece us for profits while simultaneously insisting to their mainstream stockholders that they don't approve of smut, that they dislike slash, that they think fanfic is copyright infringement. We need to own the servers and set our own policies."
AO3's going to face plenty of problems in the future. A lot of people do not like smut, or do not like some kinds of smut, and think it should be illegal. Or they think it should be restricted. Or at the very least, the people who host it, write it, and read it, should be ashamed, and if they're not, they need to be Taught A Lesson.
Repeat with: slash fanfic, RPF, fanworks based on children's shows, and fanfic in general.
A lot of people think AO3 is Doing Fandom Wrong, and some of those people are going to cause problems. Some of those people are probably government officials, so the problems are going to be big.
But I don't think any of them are going to succeed in shutting down AO3 (although accessing it may get more difficult from some parts of the world), and they're definitely not going to change the core policies.
AO3 was started by people who'd been watching the legal and cultural landscape around fanfic for decades. It's run today by people with the same kinds of experience, the same kinds of beliefs about fandom culture.
I am not worried about the future of AO3.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I greatly appreciate our brainrot time because otherwise I think I would go bonkers and I don't think my IRL friends can handle this level of brainrot. If any of them find my Ao3 or Tumblr by some miracle, I would perish on the spot. They don't need to know.
Anyway, I am obsessed with Legend's little brother vibes. He's like the older middle child. Can be responsible when he needs/wants to, but otherwise prefers being a thorn in the oldest's side. He's a stupid little goofball and I love that for him. I need him to team up with Time for a dumb prank because who would expect The Hero of Legend and The Hero of Time to do something like that??
Slightly related to that, I love it when he's a twin in modern AUs. LOVE IT. But what I want is for him to be Warriors' twin and Hyrule to be Wind's twin (or something close to that). I think it would be a good combination, especially if it's something like a mixed family dynamic where Legend and Warriors end up being brothers with Hyrule and Wind for some random reason so it goes from your regular older brother and younger brother dynamic to the younger brother suddenly dealing with his own younger brothers pestering him. Less accidental baby acquisition, more accidental younger brother acquisition.
(I will end up writing this because I'm crazy, we all know it, there's no point in denying it at this point.)
I also keep thinking about the War of Eras stuff and like... it's always a time paradox. It's always a time paradox. I can't get the idea of the guys teaching each other things, it's too sweet. Like, don't you have to wonder if Warriors teaches Wind how to do first aid because Tune taught him first? It's probably more likely he learned from someone else, but it's a thought. I'm slowly dying on the inside thinking about how much Tune would do for the captain because he wants to return the favor and ldjkgdfgjdirjgdlgrijgdlirjfdrijtelkjfd--
I genuinely appreciate the daily brainrots so much too 😭 like i come home at the end of a long day and i get excited to see it come in my inbox aslkgkjhg. i got a few people irl who know im bat shit on tumblr and on ao3, my fuckin fiancee literally follows this blog and i know they don’t check it often but i do live in the fear of the day i get a text or call about some super specific odd ass shit post i made🧍‍♂️and then one of my best friends reads Fierce Hero 9, which is honestly fucking hilarious to me because she knew NOTHING about LU when she started reading it (i only recently convinced her to join the dark side /j), she just heavily fucks with big hero 6, and yknow what i respect that. but if my COLLEGE friends ever found this blog?? killing myself immediately. killing myself, deleting the blog, and moving to the other side of the planet actually. and my family knows I write fanfiction but if they ever read or found it?? theres not a group of people on this earth who would be able to find me, my ass would be GONE.
oh my god i never not once even thought of Legend and Wars being twins. I guess part of it is cos i headcanon they got like a literal decade between em, and i never thought about making them that close in age, let alone the SAME age. Even in my modern au’s, Wars is 2-3 years older. Them as twins would be SO fucking funny though oh my GOD. ACCIDENTAL BROTHER ACQUISITION, IM GONNA BE FUCKIN USING THAT OH MY GOD AKNSKJSNKJSN
(write it and my life is yours /ref)
oh my god i love war of eras trio time paradoxes so fucking much. SOOOO fucking much. Just the idea of Wars teaching Wind some little thing and then Tune having that knowledge to help Captain Link?? EATING IT UP. Or Wind being the world’s biggest shit to Time and him absolutely RUTHLESSLY clapping back, just for Tune to pull the EXACT same soul destroying comeback seemingly out of his ass to hit Mask with when Mask decides to be a snarky little shit. Who started it? We’ll never know
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
Hear me out,,,,, yknow that thing about sebek being good at acting??? like just an absolute theatre kid, yeah? think about it, sebel at VDC, just like wowing EVERBODY with his skills,,,,, (that's it I don't know how to properly send asks I'm sorry 😭)
Anon you've unleashed a monster. And I mean a REAL monster. I am making a full fucking event at this point.
Now, to make things make...a bit more sense in a way, we do this during Sebek's second year. Sorry third years you're off into your internships 😔
So, without their powerhouse Vil leading for VDC, NRC is quite worried. Because despite Vil's harsh training, he KNEW what he was doing and has had loads of experience. We're going to remove the previous VDC members for sake of mixing things up a bit, except for Epel and Jamil.
Jamil since this could also signify how he's finally given himself the chance to indulge in things he couldn't before without any outside force pushing him to do so. These two will be the "leaders" for this year's VDC.
They try to recruit with...minimal success. Less people have auditioned due to Vil being gone, and the new first years aren't really that passionate about VDC, especially after last year's shocking result of NRC losing to a single vote.
Their first recruit however is Ortho, eager to properly audition VDC to get a chance to experience it. Unlike last year, he's able to get in since Epel knows how much this means to him as he continues to try and find himself after Book 6 events.
Their next recruit is, to Jamil's dismay, Azul. He's actually suggested by Ortho, who informs Epel and Jamil of a beautiful singing voice that his sensors have picked up on from time to time, ever since last year. Ortho singles it out for the first time, and claims for it to be Azul's voice.
Recruiting Azul isn't easy, as he keeps on bargaining with Jamil to create a contract with him first before he can join. Epel finally points out that participating in VDC is already a great pro for Azul as he could use this as a chance to promote his business. Azul reluctantly agrees, but Jamil can sense that there's something that Azul isn't telling them.
They still need more people, and this is where Azul out of the "goodness" of his heart, informs them that Floyd has actually been interested in auditioning for VDC. This shocks the others, and they question if Floyd even has the skills for VDC. Or if he even has the DRIVE to do so, since Floyd can switch up moods and interests in a whim. This is something that Azul has also been worried about, which is why he initially didn't tell them about it.
But he does say that Floyd can be quite focused when he puts his mind to it, they just need a way to keep his interest from waning. Jamil disagrees with him, saying that it would be too much hard work to do so. They eventually drop it, and continue to try and find more people.
Epel's confidence wavers a bit due to this, his stress building up and turns to the first years for help. He asks Ace and Deuce if they're interested to audition for VDC again, but they turn his offer down since despite the event being fun, they do NOT want to go through training again. Jack turns it down as well, needing to help Ruggie manage the dorm. Uh whether he was made housewarden or vice is up to you.
Sebek, who was reading a book, turns it down too as Diasomnia's moral has decreased significantly ever since Malleus and Lilia leftfor internships. Epel says that maybe VDC could bring it back up again, but Sebek combats this by saying that he has no interest in singing nor dancing. Epel drops the subject.
Then, a scuffle happens in the cafeteria. Floyd is pestering Riddle again. Epel is surprised, as he's seen the Leech twin bothering the Heartslabyul housewarden ever since last year, and that he's still going at it. Ace mentions that he's probably been like that ever since they were first years, and for some reason Floyd thinks Riddle is interesting. This gives Epel an idea.
He makes a plan to lure Riddle to the VDC audition room, while Azul will bring Floyd. This backfires however when Riddle gets suspicious of him, and asks why he wants him to go there. Epel says that it's super important, but Riddle doesn't waver. Eventually, Jamil comes to the rescue and tells Riddle that a second year wants to audition, and before he can continue with the lie by saying "they need a housewarden's permission first," Riddle surprisingly gives in pretty quickly.
Just in time too, as Floyd who has been waiting for quite a while is getting bored of the idea of VDC since the judges aren't even here yet. Azul desperately tries to keep him inside the room but Floyd shrugs him off and is about to leave, but is having a hard time to budge the door open for some reason. When he's about to literally bodyslam into it, Jamil, Riddle and Epel come in.
Riddle is furious once he's learned that he's been tricked, while Floyd is ecstatic. Riddle demands Epel to tell him why he doesn't deserve to use his UM on him right then and there. Epel finally breaks down and confesses that making sure VDC goes well means a lot to him, as he wants to make Vil and Rook proud (I LOVE POMETRIO). As one of the "leaders" of the group, and as a Pomefiore dorm student, he WILL make sure that he'll create an act that will wow the audience, and might even surpass Vil's own. He wants to show Vil and Rook that he has grown (I LOVEEE POMETRIO).
Eventually moved, Riddle agrees to join the group... ONLY after setting down a bunch of ground rules, most pointed towards Floyd. Floyd breaks like, half of them on the FIRST DAY and Riddle almost quits, but realizes how Floyd has been surprisingly focused for training for VDC. He learns that Floyd was also interested in VDC because the twins didn't want to leave Azul alone by himself.
Riddle gets confused by this but isn't able to question Floyd further. He is only able to find out what Floyd means when Azul has to actually practice onstage. Azul freezes up, messing it up causing Jamil to snap at him.
Floyd is quick to defend Azul in his own way, threatening to squeeze Jamil when Riddle finally figures it out and outright asks Azul if he has stage fright. Azul quickly denies this, but after a few more jabs from Riddle he admits it. Jamil gets annoyed, seeing that Azul was boasting all about how he would greatly contribute to VDC only to be stopped because he's "shy."
Vil tells him to find someone who could replace Azul, but Epel stubbornly says that he wants Azul on the team. Vil sighs, saying that he should be grateful that he isn't there physically right now, and tells him to find what exactly about performing onstage makes Azul freeze up. He notes that when Azul practiced, there was no big audience or crowd. Was it just the feeling of being onstage himself? Is he just also "shy" in front of small crowds?
Cue VDC breakup that actually happens, and Epel is down in the dumps. He eventually calls Vil and asks for advice. Vil scolds him and asks why didn't he call sooner, and Epel admits his insecurities of not being able to do Vil and Rook proud. Vil tells him to stop thinking of how they would think of their act because no matter what, they know that Epel will always do his best and give a spectacular performance.
...I love pometrio.
With this advice, Epel tries to confront Azul. It doesn't work until Floyd jumps in as well and tells Azul to stop being a crybaby. This triggers Azul causing him to snap at Floyd until Floyd points out that for some reason, he's regressed back to how he was when they were children. He's seen Azul exaggerating his own actions for the sake of Monstro Lounge publicity in front of many NRC students, so why is he suddenly scared of performing onstage?
Azul isn't the crybaby he used to be anymore. He has people he can depend on now. Jade and Floyd still have his back. But Azul won't admit what's wrong with him until Jamil surprisingly comes into the picture, holding up a post from a certain Prince Rielle with a group of friends behind him with the caption, "Excited for VDC!" Azul is surprised as well as Floyd, wondering how he even found Prince Rielle's post.
Turns out Prince Rielle's group of friends used to be Azul's bullies, and he's worried of what they'll think about him when they see him onstage. Epel thinks back to his conversation with Vil and tells Azul to quit bitching. He didn't work his ass off for VDC for nothing and he is not letting Azul's stage fright ruin this.
Floyd gets confused and says how is Epel's "speech" helping their dilemma. Epel finally gets to the point: telling Azul that he's grown up since his bullies have last seen him. He's strong and capable now, and if anyone tries to mess with him they'll beat their ass for him anyway. THAT Floyd understands and agrees with. Jamil reluctantly says that he'll also offer his own help.
Touched, Azul tries to practice again onstage. He messes up midway but is able to pull through. Jamil says that they can touch up on it, especially since Azul has difficulty with dancing. Either way, he tells him that it was "good enough," but that they'll need to work themselves to the bone if they want to win VDC as they've wasted a lot of time due to trying to find people to recruit and the whole VDC breakup thing.
"Wow Quincy where is Riddle" While VDC breakup happened Riddle took note that Azul's weakness involved dancing, but his talents lied in his singing. Looking through the VDC rulebook, he makes an interesting discovery: Not EVERYONE necessarily has to sing AND dance. And that they can showcase their act through multiple forms of art, as long as it was LIVE and had singing and dancing. I'm making this all up by the way I dont know VDC rules or whatever.
He proposes the idea that they set up their act like a musical play, hopefully based on a story that everyone is familiar with AND where they could accommodate Azul so he wouldn't have to dance as much due to their time constraint. They all go to the library to find a story they can use when Ortho hears a sudden thump.
He goes into an aisle where the sound came from and finds a discarded book of fairy tales lying on the floor. There's a bookmark inside and Ortho goes to its page and sees that it's the story "The Little Mermaid." He suggests the story, saying that Azul could act as Ursula. If they're allowed, maybe they could even have a huge water tank or pull off some holographic illusions to truly encapsulate scenes underwater.
Azul declines because 1) YOU WANT HIM TO ACT AS HIS IDOL!?!?!?!?! and 2) That requires being in his octo-form. Riddle gives the final push they need to convince Azul by saying that this is the chance to prove not only to Azul's bullies but also to himself that he can finally get over his fears and doubts.
So now, they're getting ready for VDC, and it's their last week. Please note that the story of the Little Mermaid is DIFFERENT in twisted Wonderland, so there are tweaks here. Non-evil Ursula and all that jazz.
And then, Epel video calls with Vil. Mostly to catch up and to talk about the progress they've made as a group. He won't tell him what they're actually doing for VDC though. Vil looks at everyone's smiling faces through the screen, smiles as well and suddenly says, "Where's your 7th member?" Everyone freezes up.
"S-seventh?" Epel stutters out. Vil raises a brow. "You need at least seven or eight people for VDC, potato. Don't tell me-" Epel hangs up. Everyone sits in silence. Then, they panic. THEY'RE ONLY 6 PEOPLE?? And now they have to find an extra person.
But there's no time to find a suitable candidate. They would need to interview them, catch them up on the script and the moves-
Epel BREAKS DOWN. All this work for NOTHING because he didn't know about the stupid 7-8 students rule. Everyone is inconsolable, until Riddle suddenly sighs and says that he knows someone they could go to. Jamil refutes this, saying they dont have enough time to find another person and train them, when Riddle just shuts him off and tells everyone to follow him.
Everyone reluctantly does, surprised to see that they're being lead to the Diasomnia dorms. Silver greets them, asking why they're here. Riddle asks if Sebek is around, and as if on cue he walks into the lounge. He gapes at the group before pushing them out of the dorm, ignoring Silver's confused expression.
Sebek demands why they're all here, when Riddle coughs into his hand and tells him, "Care to reveal what you've been doing?" Sebek crosses his arms. "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT!" Riddle sighs. "When Epel told you about his problems with recruiting people for VDC, you helped him out, didn't you?"
Everyone turns towards Riddle, confused. Epel most especially, "But, Sebek said he didn't-" "Floyd, when I entered the audition room, you were about to leave, weren't you?" Floyd grins. "Hehe, how did you know that, goldfishie?" Riddle rolls his eyes, "Weren't you?"
"You're no fun." Floyd pouts. "Yeah, I was."
"But when you were trying to leave, I noticed you had a problem with opening the door for some reason." Epel and Jamil look at each other. "Did we lock the other door?" Azul shook his head, "Nope, it was unlocked. If Floyd tried to escape I was just going to use myself as a barricade."
"Yet, why was it locked?" Riddle squints his eyes at Sebek. "Or rather, why was it being blocked?" Sebek doesn't waver. Riddle continues to point out that Ortho had found their story for the play through a book with a bookmark. He asks Ortho to take it out and see if there was anything interesting about it.
Ortho does so and notices that the charm connected to it is shaped like a thunderbolt. Sebek rolls his eyes and says that anyone could own a bookmark like that. But Epel refutes this because when he asked the first years for help, he saw that Sebek was reading a book with the very same bookmark.
At this, Sebek seems to tense up a bit but won't admit to anything. Then, Jamil finally remembers something. Riddle immediately followed him and Epel when he mentioned a second year in the audition room. Jamil was saying it with Ace or Deuce in mind, yet with the extra information now, it seems that Riddle was thinking of another second year.
Riddle tells him that he's correct: he was thinking of Sebek. Because Sebek himself admitted to him that he wanted to audition for VDC. At this, the group beg Sebek to join them, but he still turns them down. "I'M NOT SKILLED AT SINGING NOR DANCING, REMEMBER FELMIER?" Sebek huffs as Epel wilts. "I'M SURE YOU WILL FIND ANOTHER SUITABLE CANDIDATE. NOW, IF YOULL EXCUSE ME-"
"Monsieur Croc, why do you say such things when your performance in the Sleepless Castle was simply just- beaute!" Everyone freezes up when they hear Rook's voice. Epel grabs his phone and makes a fast excuse when Vil just sighs. "You only closed your camera. You didn't hang up, little potato."
After that embarrassing moment, Rook reveals that Sebek is quite skilled in singing, saying that he had a "voice that could even fit operas!" Knowing how Rook is, Epel is even more determined to get Sebek into their team.
Sebek quietly curses Rook in his mind.
...this will also be continued in another post.
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imaginesmatsu · 2 years
A bit of an odd imagine if you're up for it. Imagine the boys finding out/meeting an older sister who was given up for adoption before they were born due to their parents not having the finances to support a child at the time. Who would warm up to them the fastest and why?
depending on how friendly the sister is, i believe that todomatsu might warm up to her the fastest. either him or ichimatsu.
osomatsu is the oldest - rather, that was what he was lead to believe his whole life. it's true that he's still the oldest of the sextuplets, but he was told that he was the oldest child - and to suddenly find out that he isn't... well, that'll cause some tension for sure
karmatsu, being the second oldest, it does sort of affect him - he doesn't like seeing his brothers in pain, so knowing that osomatsu is distraught over the fact that he's no longer the "oldest" hurts karamatsu much more than he lets on. he's lukewarm toward the "new" addition of the family, though he does eventually accept her in
choromatsu's feelings would widely be based on how successful his new big sister is. he will warm up faster to her if she can give him advice/life experience with job hunting, especially if she already is working somewhere - anywhere, to be honest. (and if she shares some interests like anime and idols? he would gladly have her replace osomatsu as oldest.)
ichimatsu would pretend to not care (though at first he isn't really pretending). his warming up definitely depends on the sister's enjoyment of cats and her ability to leave him tf alone - and if she likes cats and does't pester him like that annoying eldest brother of his then, yknow, maybe she's alright. (and maybe he does go to her instead of jyushimatsu when he's feeling down. and maybe, just maybe, he lets her baby him and rub his back when he feels like nothing's ever gonna get better.)
jyushimatsu's warmth depends on, well, nothing really. i don't think he'd even register it at first outside of "cool! a big sister! let's play baseball!" it would likely click with him as to how much the new addition would have affected his family in a few days to a few weeks, which might waver his feelings a little bit, especially if he starts to feel left out with everyone too busy to really hang out with him
todomatsu would warm up the fastest, in my opinion. even if he did warm up to osomatsu as the eldest, he definitely seems like he would replace him in a heartbeat - and he's always wanted a big sister, anyway! or, well, a little sister, that way he can dress her up and stuff... but a big sister works too! that way they can have "girl" talk, do social media stuff, play dress up... ever since he really hit in with fashion he's never been able to bond with any of his brothers, especially not the other self-proclaimed "fashionista" of the six. so having someone who can do all of that with him would make his life so much better
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wetbloodworm · 9 months
session one of ariknauts c3 was so good and i love all the PCs so much. everyone is so good. and i'm very excited to be getting a feel for mik! for my dnd PCs, i can plan them out all I want but it's hard to really know what they're like until i'm playing them in the moment, yknow? until i'm actually choosing their words and actions and reactions. it can be different for non-dnd PCs since i don't have to Be Them, though roleplay often helps, but since i have to Be Mik it's gotta feel natural and right for him. it's gotta flow right. i don't want to be puzzling out his responses for ages and i don't want to rush into stuff that feels too OOC later on.
so! session 1 was great for figuring out my boy! rambling a bit under the cut, getting into some general mik lore on top of session 1 analysis
knew immediately once his wrist was grabbed that he doesn't generally like being touched, and that he tends to respond reflexively to get away/defend himself when he's surprised by touch, but that his friend siraye is an exception (though he still tries to smack her instinctively when she sneaks up on him, she just dodges because it's a game). learned that even if a situation is serious, he gets excited if he can view it as a puzzle. he's having a great time with these omens rn despite the dire air to them, because it's interesting and he gets to do research. learned that he wholeheartedly embraces the fact that he's a fucking nerd and is largely unbothered by having that called out, or having his research skills/enthusiasm taken advantage of. learned he doesn't care too much if someone lies to him, he probably doesn't realize people are lying to him (jokingly or not) fairly often, but once he catches on he labels the person a liar in his head and will doubt their honesty moving forward.
the bit with him stopping mid-sentence when indigo held up a finger, then completing the sentence as if he hadn't been interrupted once she gave him her attention. not sure yet if he mostly stayed out of the 'gods are useless' talk because i personally wasn't sure what to say or wanted to let other people talk, or if mik was politely avoiding arguing about that, or if he was focused on his question and wasn't going to get sidetracked so was just waiting for everyone to stop talking so he could get back to his point. could be a combo of my factors plus that last one, i think. working out his dynamic with siraye when she showed up was great too, it was perfect! her lovingly bullying him with mik taking it in stride/playing along, perfect, just what i pictured.
expanding on his touch thing and how he responds to it, i think it's one part inherent response, one part monk training, one part leftover from being a little brother. mik and arx get along fine and they love each other, but they didn't get on GREAT when they were younger. mik was an nd kid who wanted to hang out with his big brother but arx thought he was annoying and weird and didn't particularly want him around his friends. mik would try to get arx's attention, eventually through pestering, and arx would try to get him to go away. i think this devolved into scuffling sometimes, nothing too extreme, just YOU ARE BOTHERING ME GET OUT OF MY ROOM stuff. which was a form of attention for mik tbh. in retaliation to the pestering, arx would also pester/antagonize back, mostly via touching since that's one thing that legit bothered mik and could get him to go away. mush his face, grab his hand, flop on him. you want attention? i'll fucking give you attention. this often devolved into more angry type of scuffles, or mik giving up and trying to retreat because ack don't touch. but arx was stronger and just a little bit of a bully at this age. so mik had to learn to be faster, to avoid being touched or to get away once things stopped being fun. could've mostly avoided the problem if he just stopped pestering his brother (not entirely avoided, becsuse sometimes arx would just antagonize him out of the blue), but y’know. he was a kid he wanted to spend time with his cool brother.
(not to insinuate their relationship was horrible or rude all the time. if his friends weren't around, or if he had some especially chill friends around, arx would let mik hang out with him. would sometimes reach out to mik first if he knew he'd be interested in something. really didn't get the death obsession but would occasionally get him books or stuff to make him happy. also no one else was allowed to bully mik, fuck you, that's MY weirdo brother. well, siraye could bully him. honorary sister. and anyway, things are much more chill now. they've both matured. arx tries to respect the touch boundaries now, though he WILL threaten mik if he's being real annoying. do you want me to put you in a headlock because i will.)
anyway this tangent was to explain mik's 'escape/hit when touched' response. i got off track some. but he's gotta be quick if he doesn't want to get put in a headlock, y’know. in his thirties now and still gotta be prepared.
okay that's it for now
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iamyelling · 1 year
something that makes me uncomfortable and i do not appreciate is when other people put their anxiety on me. like don't make your anxiety into my problem. don't get all worked up because i said i don't need anything and that i'm comfortable and chilling. like sure you can ask if there's anything i want once but don't keep pestering me. if i'm sitting and chillin and looking comfortable why are you making your anxieties around like "being a good host" or "entertaining me" into my problem?? like you asked me here to help you with this chore and i agreed and thusly we are doing it. i completed the task you gave me and you are still doing yours, so i am finding other things to help with if i want to. or i just sit and chill bc thats what i want to do. if i fuck you and am having a grand time and am satisfied and declare i am having a great time and tell you i am not interested in anything else, why are you repeatedly asking to like "give me pleasure" or whatever like do i not look pleased? am i not telling you i am happy and am not in the mood to be touched? i just don't get it. sure you tell me you are all about the "service" topping or whatever but i have like noooo interest in that and i am not interested in being served?? i get that youre looking for hella reassurance and stuff but like please chill and don't make it my problem. i will absolutely give reassurance and communicate but it just feels overwrought. don't make your issues into my problem. while yes i do try to make myself affirming to others' genders and make them feel seen and affirmed, don't make your gender about me. yknow. like ugh idk how to explain it. i can affirm you without you needing to put me into a role, okay.
like i just do not feel like he gets my whole Deal, and certainly has not heard of stone before.
right now my priority is to get him to read SBB asap but idk how to do that cool and casually. without being like HI YOU HAVE TO READ THIS IT IS REQUIRED READING and without explaining what exactly i think they should get out of it or why i want them to read it.
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kaelenlen · 2 years
Okay so I should probably study rn I'm literally in the middle of my exams but idc im failing/j but becos masama ang loob ko ngayon scaramouche angst. Im hurting myself with this🤟
Theme - full on angst, fluff soemwhere, Scaramouche x Reader, def not proofread
Do you have time?
Dating Scaramouche the 6th Fatui harbinger was not an easy task, though you somewhat did but whats a relationship with the balladeer without fights? We all know how sharp his tongue is.
But you being stubborn and actually getting close to him probably smitten for him, but Scara has his walls up still most of the times since he is hated by probably most people. But when its behind closed doors he can let loose and not on edge every time, though he thinks that you'll betray him aswell like Ei yknow since he doesn't want to be dependent to anyone but thats what relationship is right? Yep!
So at times, your relationship from an outsider perspective is just a person whose in love with someone who doesn't even acknowledge them. Yeah you felt that — most of the times. But don't worry Scara is there to comfort you, when he's not busy ofc :) Which isn't really that often but rarely so don't be surprised to sleep in bed alone that a routine to you now.
Visit him in his office because you got him something? "You can put it on the couch, love" Scara won't even bat an eye as he writes down on the paper.
Preparing a dinner date for the two of you? You need to prepare around almost midnight, since he works till hes exhausted leaving you eating alone— even at times would wait for him before you eat or don't even. Please eat the food.
Anything, anyway you show him you affection for him, dismissed or wasn't recognised, yes he would thank you, yes he would take you out but that was long ago when you just started dating now nothing really intimate or romantic happens between you two.
"Scara?" opening the door slowly, walking in his office, he hummed too busy signing some important papers to actually respond, yep you didn't expect anything new, taking a deep breath "Do.. You want to uhm.." standing awkwardly trying to— well atleast trying to think on what to say. Scaramouche stopped signing already looking at you, raised brow waiting for you to go on. Atleast he had some patience for you.
"Well– do you want to.. Walk on the shores later?— After your done ofc!" you said internally cringing at yourself, slightly smiling hoping he could say yes to your offer. "That's all? I guess we can after I finish this" Scaramouche deadpan, eyeing the stack of paper next to him. Yep. You exactly caught what he was saying, the stack of paper was mlre important right now than accompanying you. Sighing under your breath before smiling sweetly at him "yep! After you finished.. Then I'll be going now scara, don't forget to take a break" you said narrowing your eyes at him, he rolled his eyes playfully know how much you pester him about him taking a break. "Yeah I won't"
I finished my exam for the day btw👍🏻
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ava-achlys · 3 years
The Boyz NSFW Scenarios
Kim Sunwoo - Hands Off [Requested]
softdom!Sunwoo x gf!reader
Request: Sunwoo likes to play with his girlfriend's breasts
Warnings: mentions of bullying, body image, underage drinking, anxiety (very brief), titfucking
Long overdue request for @ace-seventeen-world , I hope you like it! Also first time writing anything about titfucking, I hope it turned out alright. 🙏🏽
Sunwoo loves you even when you don't feel like loving yourself.
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Being well-endowed since puberty hit meant you received a lot of unwanted attention from all genders. Some would pass judgement, calling you desperate for attention; and some would ogle and make lewd comments. This led to you coming to school wearing oversized baggy clothes and even turtlenecks no matter the weather. The less your body was apparent for people to judge, the better, you thought. Except the comments never stopped. You were so sick of your body being the talk of the student population of your small-town high school that you couldn't wait to graduate; and move far away to start afresh in college, where you futilely hoped that people would be more mature about these things.
Moving away for college turned out to be the best decision you made. You made a whole bunch of new, more mature friends who taught you to embrace and appreciate your body. Inappropriate comments from strangers still came your way, but with your new, reliable support system, you learnt to shut them out, and your girlfriends would even try to fight them for you, which made you feel very touched and grateful. Apparently, this sincerity didn't stop with just your good friends. That was also how you met your current boyfriend. Your friends had convinced you to come with them to a party during your first semester, and you allowed them to doll you up, upon much pestering. You were dressed in a nice blouse and skirt, which turned some heads at the party, and though you felt rather self-conscious in the beginning, you loosened up after a few drinks and dances. From there, you didn't care if people paid good or bad attention to you; all you wanted was to have fun with your best friends.
One of your friends introduced you to a gaggle of other first- and second-years, who were very loud and goofy, except for one; who had previously been laughing boisterously along with them until he set his eyes on you. He abruptly stopped laughing when you made eye contact, and you could have sworn he developed a light flush. With pouty lips and dark eyes, and a mop of fluffy black hair, he smiled shyly at you, nodding in acknowledgement and softly introducing himself. His voice was deep and had an attractive drawl and a pleasant raspiness. His name was Sunwoo, and you ingrained it into your memory easily, smiling shyly back at him. You mostly kept to yourself as the rest of them chatted, nursing your drink when a flurry of words and a loud slap shook you. You whipped around to see one of the boys, with cotton-candy hair and sharp feline eyes rubbing his arm and muttering under his breath next to Sunwoo, who was staring at you while whispering something to the boy - Eric, was it?
"Apologize!" Sunwoo hissed, nudging him. You tried to back off but Eric nervously came forward and rubbed his neck sheepishly, stuttering an apology while avoiding your eyes. He didn't specify what he was apologizing for, but you already had an inkling. All your friends were now staring at you, confused as to what had transpired. Unable to handle the stifling awkwardness, you quickly murmured "It's fine, Eric," before speedwalking away to get some fresh air, unaware that a certain dark-haired boy was scurrying after you. You turned to the nearest balcony and hurriedly gulped some fresh air to calm down, all-too-familiar feelings of panic and shame drowning you. You fought back tears, ignoring some of the smokers occupying the same space, who were looking at you with a mixture of confusion and pity. You managed to calm your breathing, and blink back tears, when a figure slowly comes to stand next to you. He doesn't look at you out of courtesy, fixing his gaze straight ahead. "Are you alright?" he asks softly. You nod firmly, trying to seem completely calm. "Eric... sometimes says things without thinking, but I know that's not an excuse. I just want to apologize again, for making you uncomfortable." His voice is gentle and soothing, and you tilt your head to face him, since he was a bit taller.
"It's not your fault, but thanks Sunwoo. And don't worry, parties aren't really my thing, I just came cause my friends were begging me to join them," you chuckle softly, to which Sunwoo gives you a lopsided grin.
"I feel you on that. I'm here to look after my idiot friends."
You share a good laugh, and spend the rest of the evening getting to know each other, but conversation comes easy, like you've known each other for years.
You and Sunwoo's paths seem to cross often, apparently because his faculty was right next to yours, and soon your friend groups merge and become one massive group, and you've even forgiven Eric. Days turned into months, casual meetups turned into lunch and movie dates, and soon you and Sunwoo are constantly switching back and forth staying over at each other's apartments.
Ever since you two started dating and you've gotten used to wearing more comfortable clothes around him, you've noticed him staring at your chest every now and then, but at least he had the decency to look apologetic and embarrassed whenever you catch him. You started to tease him, and he would bashfully hide his face and whine cutely. To get back at you, he'd purposely keep his hands cold and hug you out of nowhere, just to hear you squeal, knowing you're ticklish. Sometimes he'd be even bolder, trailing his hands up your sides and cupping your breasts under your shirt, especially when you walk around the house with no bra on. He'd do it when you're cuddling on the couch watching a movie, or worse, when you're trying to study. You didn't mind it usually, since you appreciated the support from his hands since the weight of your breasts takes a toll on your back, and you weren't fond of wearing a bra 24/7. Except the little shit likes to tease, jiggling them around and squeezing them when he's being extra playful, even grazing your nipples with his fingertips; chuckling lowly in your ear when you gasp or squirm in pleasure.
One night in bed, you confront him jokingly. Your period was on its way soon, and your breasts were feeling extra tender and swollen, something you had complained about, so your dear boyfriend very happily obliged, massaging them gently to ease your discomfort. After a while he gets bored, and starts prodding them, round eyes watching intently as they bounce. You can't help but laugh at how adorably fascinated he looks, so you ask him why he's so enamored by your boobs.
"They're just.. fun to play with, yknow? Bouncy and squishy. Can't help myself okay, you're just so perfect," Sunwoo grumbles, blushing again since he got caught.
"Yeah? What if I lose weight and they get smaller? Will you still like me then?" you ask, feeling rather self-conscious, irrational worries that he only likes you for your assets filling your mind. You try to ignore them, knowing your relationship with Sunwoo was much more than superficial, but trauma and bad memories keep causing you to doubt yourself.
"Of course I would!" Sunwoo gasps, reaching up to hold your face urgently but with such a tender gaze in his eyes. "It's still you, and you'll always be perfect, and I love you no matter what."
Tears welled up in your eyes when he said those words. Few people had treated you with such genuine kindness and you were so grateful to have him as your partner. You squished his cheeks together and pressed a kiss to his lips, surprising him. "I love you too, Sunwoo," you whispered, a small smile on your teary face. A cheeky grin slowly replaces the shock on his face. "Shall I show you just how much I love you?" he drawls, crawling on top of you, making you lay down on the bed. Sunwoo positions you to nestle comfortably against the pillows, helping you take your shirt off afterwards.
Your cheeks start to heat up at Sunwoo's intense gaze raking over your body, and your arms habitually come up to shield your breasts, but he's quick to catch them, gently pulling them away. "Don't be shy. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, inside and out," he murmurs, making you blush even harder. He kisses you deeply, before trailing his lips down, pressing light kisses down your neck and across your chest, gently nipping at the skin just above your right nipple. He resumes massaging your breasts, admiring the way your face scrunches up cutely in pleasure, his warm hands on your skin making you sigh happily. He leans down again, tracing a circle around your areola, making you shiver. He teases you a little more, flicking your hardened nub with his tongue before finally latching on and suckling on it, rubbing it periodically with his tongue. His hands are still massaging your breasts, twisting and tugging on your other nipple.
He pulls off with a satisfied 'pop' when you whine, pleased with how raw and puffy your nipple has become, glistening with an abundance of his spit. He dives back down to subject your other nipple to the same treatment, but this time, his free hand creeps down your tummy and between your thighs. You moan when he grazes your clit with his fingertips, and you can feel his plush lips smirk into your skin, obviously proud of himself. You willingly part your legs, and he dips his middle finger straight into your folds, your juices coating his finger instantly. He raises his head to look at you, eyebrows raised cheekily. "So wet already, babe? Always knew your nipples were so sensitive," he chuckles, slowly pumping his finger in and out of you. You shut your eyes, the stimulation of his mouth on your chest and his hand on your pussy clouding your mind. He inserts another finger and pumps you faster while he drags his teeth against your puffy nipple, making you shiver and moan even louder.
He starts leaving hickeys and bites all over your decolletage, looking forward to seeing those pretty marks bloom purple tomorrow morning. Finally, he eases up on his ministrations on your chest, and focused on fucking you hard and fast with his fingers, slamming three digits into your core, gleefully watching the way your breasts jiggle from the impact. He glances up at your face, finding your head tossed back, soft mewls and moans falling from raw, bitten lips. You're clutching the bedsheets in a death grip as Sunwoo starts sucking on your clit as he fingers you. He sucks hard, nudging it with his tongue every so often as he slows down his thrusts, opting to scissor you open and drag his fingertips along your walls, rubbing hard against your g-spot when he finds it, indicated by your shrill yelp. "B-babe, gonna c-cum," you gasp, still writhing in pleasure. "Go on, love, cum for me," he mumbles against your core, and soon you're clenching on his fingers, coating them with your cum, and he continues to fuck you through your climax.
Gasping for air, you wince as he pulls his fingers out, pussy clenching on nothing as you watch him idly put them in his mouth, sucking them clean. He smiles lazily at you, telling you how sweet you taste and even gives you a kiss, making you taste yourself. Your cheeks turn crimson again, and you decide you want to return the favor, having felt his hard cock pressing against your thigh when he leaned down to kiss you. You eye the tent in his jeans, and start unbuckling his belt. He looks at you in alarm, grasping your hands to stop you. "Baby, you don't have to do that, this is about you," he smiles gently. You pout at him. "But I wanna help you too! I have an idea that I always wanted to try with you…" Sunwoo takes a moment to consider, making sure you were genuinely comfortable doing so, and his eyes glimmer with anticipation when he nods in agreement. You beam wordlessly at him, helping him out of his jeans and boxers. You can't help but lick your lips at the sight of his erect cock.
Sunwoo's dick always made you feel good, whether it was fucking your pussy or your throat, but you always wondered what it would feel like sliding between your bountiful breasts. You pull him up to straddle your chest, and his eyes widen when he realizes what you want him to do. "Really?" he gasps, dick twitching with excitement when you readily nod. He chokes on a moan when you swipe your finger up his cock, gathering his dripping precum to slather it between your breasts. He slowly slides his dick into the valley between your breasts as your hands push them together, making it even tighter around him, and he groans lowly. Sunwoo thrusts shallowly, loving the way the smooth skin of your breasts feels around his aching cock. He begins to take over, his larger, warmer hands replacing yours, squishing your tits together as he rocks his hips faster, becoming addicted to the the feeling. It wasn't much physical stimulation for you, but you felt yourself getting hot again watching his face contort in pleasure, his tightening grip on your tender, sensitive breasts rather arousing. You can't look away, mesmerized by how good he looks with his lower lip caught between his teeth, grunting softly as he uses your tits to get himself off.
"You look so hot like this Sunwoo," you murmur, your hand resting on his thigh as he continues to piston his hips. He barks out a breathless laugh, "Have you looked at yourself properly? You're fucking gorgeous, babe, don't you ever forget that. Although, I'm down to remind you all the time." he winks. You smirk at him, and your hands come up to squeeze his muscular ass, the same way he likes to squeeze your boobs. He's got a nice butt, you had to admit, toned and sculpted from years of various sports, and it was your weakness the same way your breasts were his. He moans louder when he feels you groping his ass, hips stuttering as he approaches his climax. He throws his head back as he fucks erratically, squishing your tits even tighter together and you keen at the rough treatment. You coax him in a soft whisper to cum all over your tits, and soon he does, painting your chest white as his hips slow down, and he's gasping for air. A little bit of his cum has spurted onto your lips, but you willingly lick it up and smile up at him, your hands still soothingly rubbing his cheeks as he comes down from his high.
You grab some wet tissues from your bedside drawers and clean up your chest as best as you could, wiping away all the cum before Sunwoo flops next to you, resting his head on your chest the way he usually loves to. You lay there in comfortable silence for a while more, stroking his hair and you feel him smile into your skin, his finger absentmindedly tracing the hickeys he's left across your breasts. Maybe going to that party all those months ago was the best decision you ever made (second only to moving here for college), and maybe you and Sunwoo finally get out of bed to shower, and maybe you go for a second round in the bathroom, filling the steamy air with echoes of wet skin slapping and soft proclamations of 'I love you's.
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May I request how Jake KIm interact with his older sister/younger sister (if he has one)
Thanks a lot:)
jake kim with a sibling
details: general canon au, assuming jake grew up close with sibling
a/n: ofc anon <3 thank u for requesting !! i know u specified sister but i just made it gender neutral ^_^; i don't think jake would treat a sibling differently whether they were his sister or brother, aside from feeling a bit more worried about a sister because... yknow. the patriarchy. and creepy men approaching them.
also you didnt specify reader as the younger sibling so i just wrote general headcanons !
> if jake has a sibling, i figure they'd be about 2 years apart (so if older, then around sinu's age but if younger, around jerry's age)
> either way, they are not spared from his teasing or him being protective <3
> for a younger sibling, i'd imagine jake would do his best to shield them from the ugly aspects of life, but in a realistic, "you'll know it when you get there" way. for an older sibling, he'd definitely look up to them as a role model!
> always giving them snacks/sharing his food because he's selfless like that but he always tells them, "you gotta eat more to grow as tall and strong as me ^_^"
> on the same note... he 100% dumps food he doesn't like onto his sibling's plate. plays dumb like he doesn't know how it got there lol
> lightly embarrassing his sibling is one of his favorite hobbies 💖
> tries to find the time to walk his sibling home from school/work if possible! just to ensure their safety and so they can talk about their day and catch up
> has himself and other big deal members as emergency contacts in his sibling's phone
> absolutely does not want them involved in big deal. they can of course befriend the big deal members but he doesn't want them to be a part of any gang activity, no matter what
> if jake's too busy, he sends one of his friends to babysit his sibling when needed, especially if they're younger (even if they're old enough to take care of themself)
> supports his sibling's dreams in the same way he supports jerry's musical aspirations !!
> personally i don't think jake is the best chef but he does his best! what's better than a homecooked family meal, right?
> "what do you mean it's barely edible?!"
> lots of encouraging headpats to his sibling, because chances are he's probably taller than them and that's how he likes showing affection anyway
> i'm not sure how to describe this but jake is the sibling that's kind of easy to push around but he knows when to put his foot down at the same ?? like if he's pestered enough by his sibling, "fiiine, you can [insert activity] for a while longer" but if he's pestered too much, he'll bring out the lectures LMAO; of course, if he's the younger brother the lectures don't have as strong of an effect 💔
> he'll do his best to help his sibling study if asked, even if school or being book smart isn't exactly his thing. if that's not his sibling's thing either, well... he'd encourage them to study anyway, as hypocritical as it made him sound.
> he'd just be a cool goofy brother methinks <3
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mymarifae · 3 years
i took like 5 benadryl to help me get sleepy so now i’m getting those Sleepytime Images and i knew i’d need to share this one w u bc it involves ur epic girlboss giselle so here we go:
i kno u mentioned how toriel and giselle have a very tense relationship and how kris and berdly dating Might pose some problems for giselle so just. imagine if you will. kris and berdly decide to go to the sadie hawkmans dance (or prom or whatever big dance of ur choice) like As A Thing. not just as friends but like. yknow. Going Together. and giselle’s happy on one hand bc ohhh her little boy is growing up he has a date!!!!! but on the other hand she’s like ah fuck. now i ACTUALLY have to talk to toriel (not for like. permission or anything. but esp w a big dance u gotta like coordinate outfits and meeting times and who’s taking pictures at What House—idk i went to prom alone but i remember this being a thing for a lot of my friends in relationships)
so she decides to be the mature adult abt things and invites toriel and kris over to her house for dinner (w berdly there of course). and Oh My God does it go poorly. shit is just AWKWARD right off the bat like giselle will try a joke and it just Does Not Land w toriel and so she just has to laugh it off while thinking “jesus christ is this how asgore feels???” like idk i don’t think toriel holds active animosity but i’m sure whatever lore u have for them both means toriel isn’t giselle’s biggest fan. esp w seeing berdly being so emotionally shut-in and independent. and it’s awkward for berdly and kris too bc they want this dinner to Work bc they want their parents to Like Each Other so things aren’t Weird but they’re also not rlly sure how to help??? and also they’re just nervous in general bc now the parent of their partner is here in the room w them so they both must be on their best behavior
this is mostly bc i’m picturing a dinner scene a la shrek 2 and i think it is so real it hurts. it’s made even better by the thought that giselle is probably so not used to cooking big meals since she mostly orders out (or berdly cooks for himself—he’s actually pretty good) so the cooking scene is a nightmare and it rlly colors the dinner scene So Well. by the end of the night things do get better tho. i think giselle and toriel sit w wine while the two kids play video games in berdlys room and they talk abt life and being single moms and giselle gets like. rlly honest?? which is New for her. and toriel can tell she means well and rlly is taking big leaps in being a strong presence in berdlys life so they forge a kind of bond. maybe a friendship! maybe not. up to u honestly it’s ur character i just like playing in the space and had to share :-)
eating a salad rn and the shrek 2 bit made me inhale a piece of lettuce because every time i think of that scene i think about this specifically now
so i was just imagining giselle spinning around in her office chair - that she for some bizarre reason decided to bring to the dinner table instead of sitting in a normal chair - while toriel glares daggers and kris and berdly watch in awkward silence. and it killed me
ANYWAY IT'S FUNNY YOU BRING THIS UP because i was actually thinking about the same scenario. berdly actually didn't tell giselle he was going to the dance with kris as a Date at first, because just. habit of not talking to her about important things. and then he belatedly remembers they're on better terms so he tells her, awkwardly, and he's like BUT YOU DON'T NEED TO MAKE A BIG DEAL OUT OF IT OR ANYTHING, it's just a silly little dance.
much to his despair, giselle does make a big deal about it and she's like pestering him with questions about what he's going to wear, what kris is going to wear, are you two coordinating??? you two better be coordinating-- by this point she's known they were dating but if they're serious enough to go to the dance together, aka something that is really not up either of their alleys AT ALL,
maybe she should do that thing she's been putting off for a while now. talking to toriel. establishing just a bit of common ground with her. and so Dinner
toriel doesn't hold active animosity at all !! it's more so something giselle has fostered like - SHE responded to toriel with unnecessary hostility and toriel was like ok that's the game we're playing...?? basically toriel reached out to her a long time ago, when berdly was in her elementary class, because she had concerns about giselle's parenting and was worried she was letting work eat up too much of her time. stuff like giselle always being the last parent to come pick up berdly after school, berdly's marked aversion to joining the other kids in play, etc.
giselle's kind of a young mom? i guess if berdly is like 15-16 she's like... 34. so when this confrontation happened, she was still quite the hotheaded, spunky youngster (she's mellowed out a lot now). and she didn't take kindly to toriel's "overstepping" and kind of. blew up. "berdly is an incredibly capable child and does not need me smothering him the way YOU smother your own children."
yeah idk it's basically a butting of heads over parenting styles. toriel believes a child needs constant nurturing, and giselle believes a child needs Room to grow and needs the space to do their own thing. both of them take their respective approaches too far - toriel IS in fact smothering, and giselle is too distant. toriel has always been more mature than giselle and has been open to reconciliation from day one, if giselle will bow her head and take the steps to pursue it. which she hasn't been humble enough to do Until Now
the dinner is a bit of a mess. giselle is not a good cook and underestimates how long food takes to cook, so kris and toriel arrive a long time before anything is ready. berdly is Trying to help. he's begging her to let him help because she's so bad at this it's painful to watch. she keeps shooing him away - "i'm being a mom right now okay?! I'M going to cook for YOU." and once kris gets there she bans him from the kitchen entirely ("what is kris going to think? go spend time with them!")
i was thinking toriel actually helps her finish dinner instead ^^ which eases some of the tension and makes it easier for them to connect a bit later, when the kids aren't present. because when a teenager feels awkward they have this special power of making everyone else in the room feel 10x more awkward than they do. it's painful to sit through and berdly and kris eat as fast as physically possible and excuse themselves and i really do like the idea of toriel and giselle sitting together over a glass of wine or two... they'll never be besties but they have the potential to become decent friends once giselle sets some of her fiery pride aside :)
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damedamedame · 4 years
Ahem-- can I please ask for Akane and Hanako (if you don't write for Hanako you can just do Akane!) with an s/o that's always bright and cheery but out of the blue they're suddenly acting different? Headcanons, if you will ^^
Thank you in advance and I love your works ♡
- “Sunshine.”
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Akane probably has a tracker for your mood
Scratch that, he’s memorized you more than his math formulas.
Our time boy is??? so??? prepared???
It’s like
You’re his sweet, sunshine, love of his life—
A second later, you accidentally overthink and just :(((
Your friend looks at you, 👁👄👁 because normally you were being a pestering but optimistic little gremlin
“(Y/N)?? You okay??”
“I-I don’t know, I’m just :<”
currently thinking about how pluto isn’t a planet anymore ngl i’m sad
If you’re nowhere near him, his (Y/N) instincts will kick in and he will be rushing to where you are—
Step 1 : Asks what’s wrong
Step 2 : Comfort sad bean
Step 3 : Ask again a few seconds later
*Repeat Steps 1, 2, 3 until you stop him*
For real tho, Akane is going to comfort you in any way possible when you’re feeling down !!
Brings things that make you happy, lowkey offering them to you :’))
This makes you giggle a bit bec he’s treating you like a queen (that you are)
That giggle coming from you is literally just music to his ears
He might even keep a recording of that jsyk 👀
“Hey, Akane? I’m feeling kinda sa--”
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This boy is the ultimate panic ™
He won’t really show to you that he’s like panicking ™
But if you ask Nene if he’s panicking???
She will look at you with legit dead eyes
“You don’t wanna know, (Y/N).”
He’s going to look like he’s not affected, prolly cracks some jokes here and there—
Don’t be fooled !!
Internally, this boy is just— screaming.
You came to the bathroom, a frown on your face
i’ve been reminded of pluto’s planetary status again and i
Hanako immediately notices you and asks what’s wrong :’))
It may come off in a teasing manner but he’s genuinely worried 😣
“Hey, (Y/N), you look like a sad puppy, what’s wrong :0 ??”
“Hah,, nothing, Hanako..”
Kou + Nene already know they’re in it for the long run
Especially when they see
Hanako’s expression
He’s blinking quite a few times, obv shocked because his bright and amazing star didn’t
Act?? Like that??
Please be prepared for more unexpected kisses and hugs that day 💕
He’ll leave you alone if you need space, kinda guilty-looking
ykyk that one scene where he takes off his cap and 😔
but when you return oh boy
Showers you in affection when you cheer up !!
Showers you with even more affection if he manages to cheer you up !!
Hanako just wants his dorky s/o back and trust me, he’ll do whatever it takes
i think that shows in the latest chapters of tbhk but hey i’m not saying anything
END NOTES: i wrote this using my phone so aaa i’m sorry it looks a lil wonky !! but i hope you enjoy *^*
taglist !! : @astrxrism
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