#and your finances under my father's rule
muffinlance · 2 years
[Bats eyes at you] What if Azula DID do something after her father burned half her brothers’ face off
"What did you do?"
"I am my mother's daughter, Zuzu."
And also her father's. How nice of him, to leave her his crown as his dying act.
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lilacstro · 4 months
Astro observations pt 3
Trying to be a little consistent haha! Also, I suggest using astrology as a self development tool. While I do believe in fate and predictive astrology, I believe you still have free will for most parts in your life and how the cosmic energies playout for you can be hard to pin down since one single placement can have multiple meanings on how it is interpreted. If you have challenging aspects, you can DEFINATELY work your way through them and NO aspect or placement is bad or life ending ! phew, here we go
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1.I think, Uranus Trine Sun can give someone a very unpredictable nature.
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2.Uranus in your Second house SR can give you an unpredictable year in your finances. But, if uranus is in harmonious aspects with Jupiter, you will be able to arrange money when needed.
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3. I have heard to check the major themes of your year, check where does your chart ruler(ruling planet of ascendant) lie in your SR.
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4.Mars in 7th house in synastry can mean the relationship could be very passionate, things could go fast, but it may end fast or unpredictable. (you can just subscribe to the first part if you like, nothing is absolutely set to happen :) )
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5.I always have an urge to become a professor after some point in my life regardless of the career i choose , and i found my asteroid academia(829) lies in my 10th house.
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6.Speaking of which, if you are considering to choose a major but struggle or are confused, it might be worth looking at where does your asteroid academia overall lie in your chart. I have found it to be useful. I can make a separate post on this one !
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7.People with Sun and Jupiter in 10th house// sun and jupiter in positive aspects could do really well in careers like Public policy and international law.
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8. The house and planet in your 5th house can determine the nature of you child/one of your children. Mars in 5th house? A physically active child, Sun in 5th house? An outgoing easy child. However, PLEASE CHECK THE DEGREES, I can make a post on weak degrees for each planet if you all like :)
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9. Mars square Sun people can have so much restlessness, like they cant be still. My brother has this placement and well, it is not easy to match his energy most of the times lol. Also, very impulsive.
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10.Mars in inharmonious aspects with Mercury could show you having problems expressing anger overall. for example
are probably passive aggressive. You might like lashing out? giving silent treatment? saying things you don't mean?
not saying anything at all, letting things slide even when they bother you? letting your anger build until you can't take it no more.
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11. Sun in 3rd/10th/6th/11th could be really talked about. Also can get fame on social media at some point in their life, or get easily famous on social media.
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12.Sun in 6th house could mean your co workers may see you in high regard and may like working under you.
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13.Jupiter in harmonious aspects with uranus grants you unexpected luck. Places you did not expect to have luck at. I have seen this manifest with my own eyes.
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14.Saturn in 7th house people give me the types people go to advice for. My sister has this. Another example of what different placements can mean. 7th house rules your relationship with people while Saturn is wisdom, discipline and guidance, your father in your birth chart.
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15.I have seen this analogy that, in your natal chart Saturn is the father, moon is the mother, while sun is the child. How to use this information? Want guidance, your most confident self? Your Saturn sign.
who you turn to when you are down? emotional? who you are on the inside as your most vulnerable self? how to take care of yourself when you are down? Your moon sign. I can make a post on this too, i think it should help? idk, y'all tell.
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16. Water mercuries may like writing poems and journals.
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17. I have this theory that your Jupiter placements and aspects can show you how to manifest things for yourself. This observation has worked for people in my family, but I can give examples. You can couple this information to create a manifestation ritual maybe.
Jupiter in 10th house: If someone close asks you, what are your plans? or what do you want? tell them (dont breach your privacy or if you dont feel like it DONT lmao, im talking about what ive seen working). Talk about your manifestation.
Jupiter in 8th house: Keep it hidden, dont tell anyone until it manifests, have a positive self talk
Jupiter in 12th house: Visualize it, meditate, think about it as if you have it
Jupiter 3rd house: maybe create a manifestation journal and forget
Jupiter in 9th house: Pray if you believe. Be extremely optimistic about it, fake it till you make it thing.
Jupiter at mercurial signs/degrees/positively aspecting mercury: speak it in existence
I can again make a post on this if you all like.
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18. Your chiron placement in your SR is very important. The house it is in would tell you where you will hurt BUT grow. I read someone saying the North Node represents this part of learning, but i respectfully disagree.
I had Neptune AND chiron in my 11th house in SR, and this really amplified the learning experience that came regrading my deceiving friends, how i use social media, and who am i choosing to entertain, all at once. Its scary.
I am really considering making a SR series but i am unsure if its relevant dont know why. (not me giving myself post recommendations all throughout this post lol)
support me on ko-fi :)
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thats all for today, i am very sleepy, I hope you enjoyed this <33
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TransRightsReadathon Sales & Freebies!
I will be collecting books that are reduced or made available for free by authors for the TransRightsReadathon here. Feel free to share any that you know of that I might have missed:
Queeird: A Collection of Unusual Trans Masculine Erotica edited by Max Turner | ebook 2,80 £, paperback 6,30 £
Androids and aliens, werewolves and vampires, furries and… tentacles? This is a collection of unusual, and at times monstrous, erotica featuring trans masculine characters. From the ridiculous to the romantic, expect kinks, quirks and tropes. All the stories feature trans masculine main characters, with a variety of cis, trans female, trans male and non-binary lovers.
Deck the Holes by WrenVLothaire | ebook 0.50$
It’s Yule, a celebration Aloysius is well versed in but never has the time of year been his favorite. But with Malachai, a partner with whom he’s come to love and cherish, this holiday may not be as somber as it’s always been. This time he has a surprise in store. Let’s just hope the owner of the home approves of the decorations. t4t, trans man MC
Tales of Genesis I-III by H.S. Wolfe | ebook free, (the book one that these short stories are based on costs 1.99$)
Out of the Rain by TinyLesbianRobot | ebook 0.50$
Echo interrupts a lazy morning with a strange request of Ender. The first in a series of shorts set in the Genesis universe and can be read as a stand alone without having read In The Garden Of Echo t4t, trans man MC & trans woman MC
The weather has taken a turn, forcing Flax and Lost to rush for shelter.  But now that they've found a place to dry off, Lost's drenched clothes are clinging to her, and Flax is finding it difficult to keep from staring... This story is a non-canon short set in the world of my novel 'Messenger': just under ten thousand words of warm, fluffy, robot-on-angel-on-human smut, a cozy and affectionate scene between women who love each other a whole lot. transfemme MC
Rien Gray's Trans Rights Readathon Sale | ebooks 60% off, $6.00 for 2 books
Follow a fellowship of sapphic knights as they’re seduced by witches, queens, goddesses—and each other—in a dark, lush fantasy inspired by Arthurian legend. genderfluid butch MC, agender MC
Valerin the Fair by Rien Gray | ebook free (+ other free sapphic books)
genderfluid butch MC
Our Monsters by Jemma Topaz | ebook 69% off, $1,23
Rosemary Dulahan, answering a strange job posting, arrives in Monstertown – a place inhabited by magical beings from another world. Navigating the politics of sphinxes, lamias, and secrets, she must learn how to get along with her non-human coworkers and maybe romance a few monster girls along the way. There's nothing she wants less than getting caught up in a murder mystery troubling all of Monstertown… but the mystery doesn't care what she wants, and she's about to discover the darker side of her new world. trans woman MC
A.A. Fairviews TransRightsReadathon Bundle | ebook free
In celebration of the second TransRightsReathon you can grab A Doctor's Touch and Peaceful in the Dark for free.  Following a trans masc vampire and queer werewolf- these stories are as sweet as they are sensual.  transmasc MC
Bury your Gays & Bound in Flesh | ebook free
Anthology of tragic queer horror & anthology of trans body horror by ghoulish books
The Fealty of Monsters by Ladz | ebook free
Winter 1917. After years on the run from a dangerous cult, twenty-three-year-old Sasza and his father have established themselves among the Odonic Empire’s ruling class. But there’s a problem: Sasza is a vampire, and vampires aren’t supposed to get involved in human governance. What the aristocracy doesn’t know, after all, cannot hurt them. Unfortunately, Sasza is far more involved than a stealth vampire should be. Not only does he work to quell the rumors of the vampires’ responsibility for an unsolved massacre, his lover is also the pro-proletariat Ilya, the Empire’s Finance Minister, who tries to recruit Sasza into the same cult hunting him. Then—the Emperor declares war against the Vampire States. Diplomacy has failed. Sasza quickly learns that he will do anything to preserve peace–including giving in to the monstrosity he spent so many years concealing from even himself. nonbinary MC
Trans Readathon by Wicked Witch Writes | ebook 50% off, $5
Your Body is Not Your Body anthology | ebook $1,99
A centaur seeks illicit surgery in an alien bodily modification club. Two medieval monks react to their transformation and demonic pregnancy in very different ways. A resourceful trans teen destroys sports bigots through the power of pluckiness...and abundant body horror. A stellar cathedral crosses galaxies to dump the corpse of God into a star before the mission devolves into a panoply of psychedelic orgies. A doxxed teen falls victim to violent assault and dishes out some harrowing retribution of their own. Over thirty Trans and Gender Nonconforming creators unite to voice their rage, and the rules of conventional Horror go out the f$%&ing window in this collection featuring murderous pleasure-bots; proselytizing zombies; acid-filled alien cops; science run amok; sorcerers, ghouls, cannibals...and that barely scratches the grave-dirt.
Blood from Stone by Bellamy Scott | ebook PWYW
Hitting a deer while driving a country road is unfortunate, but common enough that no one expects it to re-order the fabric of reality as they know it. For Sam, a rogue stag on a summer night takes his husband, his life, and his name in a single blow. As months of grief pass, he things he's begun to get used to his new reality, until an encounter with a childhood friend changes it all over again. BLOOD FROM STONE is a story of an old lady doing good deeds for bloody boys on the side of the road, of poisoned wine, and of a trans man Becoming Real.
Becoming Light by Riley Nash | ebook free
When people meet me, they see a bright faced, happy-go-lucky kindergarten teacher who will do anything to support his friends. Not everyone knows the struggle I’ve faced to become the man I am today.  Now it’s finally time for the gender-affirming surgery I’ve been dreaming of for years. But when an emergency leaves me without a caretaker, the only person who can take me in is my best friend’s aloof, reclusive, and incredibly sexy dad. The one who has no bedside manner and struggles to communicate. The one I’ve had a crush on for years. The deeper we see into each other’s worlds, the stronger the attraction gets. I’m not sure either of us can make it through the next four days without giving in. Trans man MC
​TransRightsReadathon Sale by Matthew Zakharuk | ebook 50% off, $2.50
a story of trans transhumanism + a dystopian gothic
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jakethesequel · 7 months
CW discussing financial abuse and child abuse
I bet that financial abuse is probably a really hard thing for a lot of people to properly conceive, because everything in a capitalist world involves a little financial abuse. Maybe you can learn to recognize that one partner in a romantic relationship having control over all of the finances is a Bad Thing, because of how that can be used to abuse and exploit the financially dependent partner. But you can only really learn to recognize it in that one context, because the others are so normalized.
Everyone knows someone or is someone who has said "I can leave my horrible shitty job with the horrible shitty boss because I need the money to pay my bills." Isn't that also being exploited by a person who you're financially dependent on? But then, in general we tend to downplay abuse that happens in the realm of employment unless it grows to an extreme. We invent a sort of line between professional relationships and interpersonal relationships, then use that line to justify having two different standards for abuse. If you say "he says I have to clean for 8 hours and do all the dishes or I have to find a new place to live," you'll get a different degree of support depending on whether "he" is your boyfriend, roommate, father, or boss at your restaurant job.
Even in relationships that are strictly interpersonal, there are blind spots. Romantic relationships face the most scrutiny I think, but sometimes things like familial relationships can get a pass because of the normalized power dynamic. (Usually child abuse. Ironically, I think I've seen more resources talk about child-parent financial abuse in elder care facilities than parent-child financial abuse, even though I'm sure the children are much more frequently abused. It's just more culturally taboo for a child to disrespect their parent than for a parent to disrespect their child.) Why is it normal for parents to give totally financially dependent 18-year-olds the choice between being put out on the street with zero resources to their name, or live under a strict set of rules and allow their parents full control over their career or educational path? "Get a (proper) job, go to (the correct) school, or get out" isn't an uncommon ultimatum for brand-new adults. Isn't that a terrifying choice to put on a teenager? Especially if the parents compel them to go to college, that can mean that (on top of having no resources and being financially dependent on their parents) they now have student debt, giving them less than zero resources and making them even more dependent through college and beyond. I worry that in some cases this is so normalized that it allows cases of abuse to go without notice, so long as it doesn't involve more obvious forms of abuse.
Maybe your parent never hits you, never yells or insults you, and provides the minimum necessities of survival; but any support beyond the bare minimum is conditional on you acting exactly the way they ask, and they make it very clear that if you don't continue performing to their standards after you turn 18 that they'll change the locks on the house. Why is it that "If you don't [get me a beer/get a job and give me the money/go to this specific college/stop acting queer] then I'll hit you," or "then I'll scream and berate you until feeling like a monster," are seen as obviously abusive threats but "then I'll force you into the streets, homeless without a cent to your name," can fly under the radar? That's an equally horrific proposition!
Sometimes the threat of homelessness and loss of support alone is enough to scare a victim of abuse away from leaving a person who is physically or emotionally abusive, that should tell you something about how much potential suffering the threat holds. But still, the financial abuse only seems to get seen as an "extra" aspect that can only exists as an addition to emotional or physical abuse, something secondary. That's a little fucked up right? Implying that financial abuse is OK as long as it's done solo and not in service of "real" parental abuse?
I think if people saw a marriage where a husband said "I'll control all the finances and the house will be in my name, and if you don't follow my commands I'll divorce and evict you without leaving you a penny," it would be rightfully called inequitable, exploitative, and abusive, regardless of whether the husband was also physically or emotionally abusive. There's just this frustratingly common notion that parent-child relationships should be inequitable, that a parent has the "right" to command and control their child as long as they aren't maliciously trying to cause harm, as fair exchange for giving their child a home and the necessities for life. It's a gross, contractual, conditional idea of familial bonds. You don't have "rights" to control your child, you don't have a trade deal with them that they implicitly signed by being born, you have a responsibility to them that you owe because you chose to be a parent: An obligation to do everything in your power to help them grow healthily through the years where they can't support themselves, and to provide aid and safety until they feel prepared to live independently.
I don't know, maybe I'm talking a bunch of nonsense here. I've been ranting without a lot of purpose. What do you people think. Am I wearing blinders and most people actually take financial abuse just as seriously as they should? Have I just met a lot of shitty parents and it isn't actually common to threaten your kids with eviction? I'd also be interested to hear if you just know something I don't about the history and struggles behind financial abuse being recognized, or if you've read research on how to fight and denormalize child financial abuse. Maybe you just want to share your own experiences. Just don't bother replying if you're just going to say threats of homelessness aren't actually abuse.
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amarantoestrella · 3 months
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𝐈𝐭’𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞!
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—Hajime Umemiya, Local Carpenter, Amaranto’s childhood friend and alleged first love.
Has Miss Starr been back to town recently? When was the last time you saw her?
Can’t say I’ve seen Ranto in years… ‘less it was on TV, a real shame. I don’t think she’s been back to town since she made it big.
—Taiju Shiba, MMA fighter, believed to be Miss Starr’s promised.
Mr. Shiba can you tell us anything about Miss Starr? Do you know where she might be?
Amorina? Mio Dio, I don’t believe my woman or her whereabouts to be any of your business.
—Haruka Sakura, Dojo instructor. Reportedly meets with Amaranto after hours every Thursday night.
Mr. Sakura could you tell us what it is you so routinely meet with Miss Starr about on Thursdays?
Ranto… I was just helping her work on some self defense. Whaddya want with her anyway?
—Satoru Gojo, Model. Recently cast to play the love interest in Amaranto’s latest music video.
Is it true the last time anyone saw Miss Starr was when she was seen leaving set in your vehicle? Where did the two of you go?
Mea inamorata… she’s a pretty one ain’t she? Always got a camera following her round I’m sure one of them snapped a flick at the restaurant we went to. Said she had a ride home already though, real shame.
—Hayato Suō, Director of Finance at the local art museum, allegedly under investigation for money laundering.
Mr. Suo. I find it odd that you strictly stated that you would not put the Monet pieces for auction, yet you turned around and gifted them to Miss Starr instead? What exactly is your relationship with her?
Amaranto? Sweet chérie. Quite a lovely woman that one. I simply figured she should be surrounded by art just as alluring as she is.
—No quote was retrieved from Keisuke Baji, AMA Motocross Champion, seen leaving Miss Starr’s condo the day she was reported missing, as he struck the interviewer “on sight.” He is currently believed to be in police custody. A source informs us that he is likely ruled out as a suspect and eligible for bail some time later this week.
—Ken Ryuguji, Farmer, Miss Starr’s former spouse and father to her two young children.
Mr. Ryuguji, some say you had a tough time coming to terms with the divorce. Is that true? Do you harbor any ill will toward Amaranto? Where are your children?
Tch, they’re safe with me, obviously, and ain’t that Miss Starr to you? That’s the mother of my children… course I’d never wish any harm come her way. Whether she likes it or not we’re a family.
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zipperc2020 · 5 months
I chose death over my cheating ex-husband
The beginning
A great kingdom known for its vast amounts of richness, loyalty, and honor. In its age of gold, when King Darius Victor ruled, its land was full with abundance. But now what has become of said kingdom. Many years of rulership passed down from generation to generation the kingdom has lost its beauty, it's wealth, it's abundance, it's honor.
Dione Hannemann, the 19th generation of the house Darius and the only daughter of King Nayat Hannemann, you are to marry the king of the East to restore your kindoms honor.
Dione: Huh?... WHAT!?
Darius: manners... (he words in an expressionless demeanor)
[Darius Hannemann, the 1st son of Nayat Hannemann and future heir]
Dione glare's discontently at Darius
Dione: Ahem, uhm, Mother Dearest, don't you think that the dinner table is maybe not the best place to announce my undisclosed wedding to whom exactly, is the king of the East
She says with a nervous glance
Ethos: you're naivety knows no bounds. To not even know the king of the East, what, or have you not been looking for a Suitor, or are you one of those disgraces that plan to dishonor their family? To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised.
[Ethos Hannemann Second Son of Nayat and second in line for the throne]
Dione: (internal thought) No one was talking to you. You overgrown golden child.
Tristana: I see no better time giving your busy schedule. After all, you are to leave tomorrow afternoon. So pack your bags
[Tristana Hannemann queen of the kingdom of Darius and wife of King Nayat]
Dione: HUUUH?!!
She stood abruptly shaking the table
Darius: manners...
Dione: (internal thought) I'll manners my foot up your genitals put a hold on your descendants, slap your cold stone heart to second place for the throne.
Although she didn't say that out loud, her hard glance and facial expression says it all. Dione's face soften while turning to her father.
Dione: Father, this announcement is too brief. I barely had any time to make preparations, to make out my finances. what about my business, whose name will they be in, who even is this man that I've been betrothed to?
Nayat stairs immobily at his daughter without uttering a word.
[Nayat Hannemann king of Darius]
Dione: you know I was just kind of hoping for maybe a heads up, one or two years in advance???
Her vocals soften giving off a demeanor of humbled and confusion mixed together.
Darius: I'm full.
He stands up leaving without finishing the food on his plate as a matter it doesn't even look as if he touched it. Clearly indicating he left out of annoyance
Nayat: Dione...
The king says in a softened voice
Dione sits back in her chair and looks down at her plate
Nayat: You of all people are aware of the predicament our kingdom is in, and I know the main reason you set up your business was to help combat that. However, your actions won't help.
Dione: but!-
Nayat: Listen. This is for the betterment of both you and our kingdom, our people. The kingdom of the East is a great nation and if we can establish connections with them, our lands will benefit in return. The only way to do that is with an arranged marriage to their king. Are Kingdom has lost everything it once had in it's glory, our trades, our army nothing is left. Our kingdom is dying. That is why this is the only way.
Dione: but all I need is a little more time I promise
Tristana: we do not have time Dione!.
Tristana cuts off Dione's sentence before she could continue
Tristana: Now make haste you will arrive within 3 days, you are to depart tomorrow morning.
Dione: ... very well, but might I request one thing from you mother, as a farewell, I want the name of my business to be placed under the name of this household.
Tristana: what will your lowly business for commoner benefit after you are wedded and our honor is restored that it's worth being placed under this family's name?
Dione: would you not do this one thing for me in my life, mother?
Nayat: it will be done
Ethos: what?
Tristana: his majesty?
Nayat raises his hand, signaling the end of the discussion and for the others to hold their tongue
Nayat: I will fulfill your request and your business will be marked as ownership of this Kingdom and only
Dione beams at her father's statement
Dione: thank you father. I'll take my leave.
Dione stands, curtsy and leaves the table. Ethos clenched his fist in anger while Tristana tries to confront the king.
End of whatever I call this. I just want everyone to know that I know next to zero on stuff that has to do with royalty and I'm kinda of just pulling it out of my butt so if there's some things that's not completely accurate, don't worry, it's just for the plot to be set up (like randomly getting hit by a truck) we're barely going to be focusing on it
However, this is just the beginning, so if you're interested, then tag along. I will be making some art of the characters and fillers, so keep in touch, thanks, Cya
See preview
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ahalal-uralma · 2 years
I was tagged by the beautiful and very sweet @ov-bloodspells to answer these questions. 💖
1. Are you named after anyone?
I am named after my mother. My parents could not agree on anything else. My mother wanted to name me after Lili, the princess in the film Legend, while my father wished to name me after Bridget Bardot. There were other names that were not agreed upon, either. My dad had this whole idea to name me like Briar Rose from Sleeping Beauty, but my parents could not understand each other’s perspectives.
Aurora is my self-chosen name that validates my parents, while giving myself something I feel resonates with me more specifically.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don't wish to think about the last time I cried.
3. Do you have kids?
No, and I don't want kids. If I were to change my mind, I would want to be more financially situated and physically healthy; especially, because I would prefer to adopt. I don't see the logic in bringing more human beings into a world that's severely overpopulated and so many are trapped in orphanages.
I think the obsession with surnames needs to die, if that's the only true motivation to give birth. I know that this mentality stems from royal and wealthy families in an effort to preserve status and safe-guard finances, or positions of power where they feel responsible for the governing of an entire country, but most of us in modern society do not face these challenges/consequences. If it's about having a human being to love, then that should be sufficient--because, how is one who is alive under circumstances out of their control any less valuable and worthy of it from someone who was born under yours? I guess that answers the question, some parents want to use the excuse of direct blood-relations to control another human being.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Do I?
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? Eyes, Personality, Tone and Body Language. It works for both attraction (platonic, romantic, etc), but also works for self-preservation. I do not observe them singularly, or in any particular order, but generally notice these attributes as a combination. If someone is speaking kindly to me, but their body language and eyes look very hostile and tense, like they wish to mentally or physically harm me, then my first instinct would be to guard myself with them.
I've learned from growing up around people who are harmful, or in some cases very dangerous--they can't always hide in their faces or movements, what they can hide easily in their voice. I'm wired to immediately notice these four basic signals of human interaction for the practicality of survival. A person who is about to strike you will have their eyes dilate a specific way for example. Another hint might be the tension in their shoulders or around their neck. It's not true for everyone that has a single one of these traits that will mean something bad or negative. My golden rule is to look always for more than one sign, and to base these signals off of other context like the presence of conversation and surrounding appearance of an environment.
6. What's your eye colour? I don't have a particular eye color, but a condition that is likely a type of Heterochromia where they shift or can be multi-colored. Not in the way some people have one blue eye and one green eye, but in the way that both eyes have areas of varying color. This is genetic and my mother's are the same.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy Endings, but in the epic fairy tale/dark fantasy (sometimes horror) sense. I love an intriguing and creative storyline mixed with exceptional character/world building. I don't mind cliches, if they're balanced with complexity and nuance. I love unconventional endings with moral and ethical ambiguity, too. Also, I'm not against the villain getting their victory if it's interesting and you can convince me it's justifiable. Happy endings don't have to always involve the most popular and palatable character's.
8. Any special talent?
I have two I can think of, but I would consider them more like skills than talent: the first is related to typing. I only type on a keyboard with a max of two fingers (pointer), but I can handle using just one finger if I wanted to. I don't know why I'm like this. I used to take a course for typing back in middle school. I used to type up to 250 wpm. Now, I'm 116 wpm the fastest or on a bad day I'm around 57 wpm. I think I’m rusty. My other unique skill is that I am fast at gift wrapping (fastest time is 45 seconds) and I can wrap just about anything without the aid of a measuring tool. I can gaze at an item and know exactly what amount of paper I need. I used to do this professionally for a customer service job. I was tasked with lots of other duties like sales, running intercom, phone lines, ticket master, lottery, etc. One of my largest packages I've ever had to wrap on the job was a hammock, if you're wondering.
Other than that, I did have one coworker as a joke ask me to wrap them in paper to see how fast I could do it at the time, and I got that task done in about three minutes max. I really want to say the exact time was two minutes and thirty seconds. They were a man, if that matters.
9. Where were you born? Out of the abyss.
10. What are your hobbies? Photography, Crafts, Nature Walks, Drawing, Painting, Reading, Writing, Studying, Baking, Gardening, etc. I love collecting things, but I don’t want to exhaust people by listing everything I collect. Star Wars is one of my biggest fixations, however, that I collect a lot for. I enjoy going to parks, book stores, libraries, museums, zoos, botanical gardens, historical locations, etc. I used to do a little bit of freelance modeling many years ago, but that's on the back-burner.
11. Have you any pets? Not yet.
12. What sports do you play/have played? I used to play soccer when I was 13 years old, and it was not my favorite. I might have liked it a lot better if it wasn't for the fact I was forced to play defense, when I would have done a lot better with playing offense. I'm not big on waiting around to guard the goal.
13. How tall are you? 5'5.
14. Favourite subjects at school? Intro. To Art, Art History, Comic Illustration, Creative Writing, English, Reading, German, Home Economics, Social Studies, World Government (ironically, I hate politics) and Biology.
I wish I could say Photography, because I took a couple of courses for it back in High School for 10th and 12th grade, but I would entirely congest this post venting about it.
15. Dream job? Author, Illustrator, Model, Photographer (slowly starting) and one other dream job I'll let you know if I ever succeed in marking off my to-do list. ;)
I won't tag anyone today. But, if you want to do it, then you can!
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steveezekiel · 2 months
"BRING all who claim me as their God, FOR I HAVE MADE THEM FOR MY GLORY. It was I who created them.’ ” Isaiah 43:7 (NLT)
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There were some other heathens which God did choose to do or fulfil one purpose or another in His overall redemption programme for mankind on planet Earth.
He chose Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon as an instrument to be used for the chastisement of the Israelites, His people, who rebelled against His Word (Jeremiah 27:5-8).
He also chose Cyrus, the King Persia, to make the proclamation of the rebuilding of His Temple in Jerusalem: "I WILL RAISE UP CYRUS TO FULFILL MY RIGHTEOUS PURPOSE, AND I WILL GUIDE HIS ACTIONS. HE WILL RESTORE MY CITY AND FREE MY CAPTIVE PEOPLE—WITHOUT SEEKING A REWARD! I, THE LORD OF HEAVEN'S ARMIES, HAVE SPOKEN!” (Isaiah 45:13 NLT). READ: 2 Chronicles 36:22,23; Ezra 1:1-4,7-11
King Darius who was after Cyrus, in his own time or regime, ordered or commanded that the project of the rebuilding of the temple should be financed from the government purse (Ezra 6:6-12).
The three heathen Kings have been shared or talked about here: a. One was raised by God in order to show or demonstrate His power, and the destruction of him, that is, pharaoh. b. Whilst Nebuchadnezzar was raised by God, As a rod to be used for the chastisement or discipline of His people, the Israelites. Although, Nebuchadnezzar also was later dealt with (Jeremiah 50:9,10). c. And the third one, Cyrus, was raised by God, to be used for the rebuilding of His Temple in Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 36:22,23; Ezra 1:1-3).
God did use each of them based on the conditions of their hearts.
God further says this on Cyrus that He relates and chooses him even though Cyrus did not know Him. But this could not have been without the condition of his heart; he must have had a good Heart before he could be chosen for the assignment: 2 THIS IS WHAT THE LORD SAYS: “I WILL GO BEFORE YOU, CYRUS, AND LEVEL THE MOUNTAINS. I will smash down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. 3 AND I WILL GIVE YOU TREASURES HIDDEN IN THE DARKNESS—SECRET RICHES. I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name. 4 “AND WHY HAVE I CALLED YOU FOR THIS WORK? WHY DID I CALL YOU BY NAME WHEN YOU DID NOT KNOW ME? IT IS FOR THE SAKE OF JACOB MY SERVANT, ISRAEL MY CHOSEN ONE. 5 I AM THE LORD; THERE IS NO OTHER GOD. I HAVE EQUIPPED YOU FOR BATTLE, THOUGH YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME" (Isaiah 45:2-5 NLT).
We can deduce here, God chooses and preplans things, based on His knowing, His foreknowledge, of what each individual person, either a believer or an unbeliever, would turn out to be.
God knows those who would want to serve Him, and follow Him, and be inclined to do good, in their journeys on Earth; and those who would not. Thus, He predestined each individual's life on that basis.
God is not partial nor wicked (Romans 2:11). God works with the heart of each person. He Knows all things and the intents of the heart of all Men—humans: “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, AND SERVE HIM WITH A LOYAL HEART AND WITH A WILLING MIND; FOR THE LORD SEARCHES ALL HEARTS AND UNDERSTANDS ALL THE INTENT OF THE THOUGHTS. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; BUT IF YOU FORSAKE HIM, HE WILL CAST YOU OFF FOREVER" (1 Chronicles 28:9 NKJV).
God knows the people with a right heart who can be used for good purposes, even among the unbelievers; and also knows those with evil hearts who can be permitted and be allowed to be used for evil purposes: "THE LORD HAS MADE EVERYTHING FOR ITS PURPOSE, EVEN THE WICKED FOR THE DAY OF TROUBLE" (Proverbs 16:4 ESV).
Such with evil hearts are used for the chastisement of His children who are rebellious. God allows any nation under His wrath to be governed or ruled by a leader with a corrupt and wicked heart. Because of the Sin of such Nation—the rebellion and corruption of the people there.
A rebellious Nation is usually given a tyrannical leader to discipline and chastise them.
A complacent Nation, or people, who is heading towards apostasy and destruction, could also be given a tyrannical leader; to straighten them out.
Such a tyrannical leader is always given or permitted to get to the government, that the people there might come to their senses and run back to Him—God: "WHEN the ram’s horn blows a warning, shouldn’t the people be alarmed? DOES DISASTER COME TO A CITY UNLESS THE LORD HAS PLANNED IT?" (Amos 3:6 NLT).
You will not fail in Jesus' name.
Should there be any ailment in your body, I declare your healing now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Whatever is not of God that is working against your health and wellness, such is rebuked and uprooted completely in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. And the Affliction will never rise again in Jesus' name. Peace! TO BE CONTINUED
Take notice of this: IF you are yet to take the step of salvation, that is, yet to be born-again, do it now, tomorrow might be too late (2 Corinthians 6:1,2; Hebrews 3:7,8,15). a. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and confess your Sins (1 John 1:9); And ask Jesus Christ to come into your life (Revelation 3:20). b. Confess that you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that you confess it with your mouth, Thus, you accept Him As your Lord and Saviour (Romans 10:9,10). c. Ask that He will write your name in the Book of Life (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:8).
If you took the steps As highlighted above, It means you are saved—born-again. Join a Word based church in your area and Town or city, and be part of whatever they are doing there. Peace!
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jdgo51 · 8 months
If Uncle M.L. Could Tweet
Today's inspiration comes from:
King Rules
by Alveda King
"We need to remember that every age of every generation is the modern age. When we are born, there are things that humanity had either never seen or that had happened so long ago that we don’t remember. That’s why each new generation often thinks that the wisdom of the generations before is old-fashioned.
For instance, when I was born, television had only been invented a few years earlier. When my father, uncle, and aunt were born, automobiles were just a few decades old. When their grandparents were slaves, we all know how the way of their world was. Now, today, my children and grandchildren laugh when it takes forever for me to use technology they cut their teeth on. Yet while some things seem to change, some things never do. “History merely repeats itself,” said Solomon. “It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).
In the early twenty-first century, social media is all the rage. I keep racking my brain for a way to communicate the message of the ages that my dear Uncle M.L. and indeed our whole Williams–King family have embraced: how faith, hope, love, and prayer are the keys that unlock the blessings of heaven. Suddenly, it came to me.
What if Uncle M.L. could tweet?
So for all the tech-savvy brothers and sisters out there, this collection of quotes comes from the timeless messages and prayers of Uncle M.L.
We are all one human race, destined for greatness. Let us live together in peace and love in a Beloved Community.
I’m just a symbol of a movement. I stand there because others helped me to stand there, forces of history projected me there. We are made for the stars… Let us join together in a great fellowship of love. Heavenly Father, thank You for life, health, rewarding vocations, and peaceful living in this turbulent society. God, teach us to use the gift of reason as a blessing, not a curse. God, bring us visions that lift us from carnality and sin into the light of God’s glory. Agape love, repentance, forgiveness, prayer, faith: all are keys to resolving human issues. God, deliver us from the sins of idleness and indifference. Lord, teach me to unselfishly serve humanity. Lord, order our steps and help us order our priorities, keeping You above idols and material possessions, and to rediscover lost values. Lord Jesus, thank You for the peace that passes all understanding that helps us to cope with the tensions of modern living. Creator of life, thank You for holy matrimony, the privilege You grant man and wife as parents to aid You in Your creative activity. Dear Jesus, thank You for Your precious blood, shed for the remission of our sins. By Your stripes we are healed and set free! Dear God, You bless us with vocations and money. Help us to joyfully and obediently return tithes and gifts to You to advance Your Kingdom. Deliver us from self-centeredness and selfish egos. Dear Heavenly Father, help us to rise to the place where our faith in You, our dependency on You, brings new meaning to our lives. God, help us to believe we were created for that which is noble and good ; help us to live in the light of Your great calling and destiny. Lord, help me to accept my tools, however dull they are; and then help me to do Your will with those tools. [Paraphrased] Our Father God, above all else save us from succumbing to the tragic temptation of becoming cynical. God, let us win the struggle for dignity and discipline, defeating the urge for retaliatory violence, choosing that grace which redeems. Remove all bitterness from my heart and give me the strength and courage to face any disaster that comes my way. God, thank You for the creative insights of the universe, for the saints and prophets of old, and for our foreparents. God, grant that people over the nation rise up, use talents and finances that God has given them, lead the people to the promised land. God, increase the persons of goodwill and moral sensitivity. Give us renewed confidence in nonviolence the way of love Christ taught. We are made to live together. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the ministering, warring, and worshipping angels You send to help keep and protect us in all our ways. We are all one human race, destined for greatness. Let us live together in peace and love in a Beloved Community. Have faith in God. God is Love. Love never fails. It is our prayer that we may be children of light, the kind of people for whose coming and ministry the world is waiting. Amen.
Excerpted with permission from King Rules: Ten Truths for You, Your Family, and Our Nation to Prosper by Alveda King, copyright Alveda King.
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Floats Your Boat
“Listen, O heavens, and hear, O earth; For the Lord speaks, “Sons I have reared and brought up, But they have revolted against Me. “An ox knows its owner, And a donkey its master’s manger, But Israel does not know, My people do not understand.” Alas, sinful nation,
People weighed down with iniquity, …They have abandoned the Lord, They have despised the Holy One of Israel, They have turned away from Him.” Isaiah 1:2-4NASB1995
Like the stupid warning labels on products we use daily, Isaiah is warning Yahweh’s people— the church… not the sinful world… PREPARE TO SELF-DESTRUCT …’you should know better— but you don’t even know where your bread is buttered.’ Is this any different from churches today? Where do we turn for help? Wisdom? Relief? Joy? Food? Finances? Rarely to God.
Another indictment Isaiah placed against the Israelite church— Isaiah 3:8-9ESV “For Jerusalem has stumbled and Judah has fallen, Because their speech and their actions are against the Lord, To rebel against His glorious presence. The expression of their faces bears witness against them, And they display their sin like Sodom; They do not even conceal it. Woe to them! For they have brought evil on themselves.” Has anyone noticed lately, the occult's church doesn’t even try to hide itself? Every kind of perversion known to man flaunts itself on main street America. Meanwhile people applaud these sins as righteous because ‘whatever floats your boat’ is okay.
Isaiah gives a final indictment which walks off the pages of history and echoes in the evening news. Isaiah 5:20-21ESV “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!  Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!” When man becomes his own moral compass, he removes the standards of God. ‘Nothing is wrong,’ because ‘nothing is right.’ Pedophilia, human trafficking is fine because whatever floats one’s boat rules. To those who don’t— ‘suck it up buttercup.’ We’re racing to this point, (if not already there,) in the world where without Divine intervention, we’re going under.
Is there another remedy? God interjects mercy from the earliest warnings, Isaiah 1:18NIV “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” God holds out constant forgiveness, love, concern, cleansing, relief from the weight and filth of the guilt-laden consciouses. Would we do this?
Churches declare this is the new right, the new good. Scripture is out of date. Our consciences agree. But truth remains truth, because deep inside, everyone knows the truth of morality. Romans 1:20NIV “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” V1 through verse32, Paul reveals the course a heart travels into depravity. People who simply quit trying to hold up a standard against the depravity, end up getting swept up into the depravity.
No matter how evil people become in Bible days, or become in 2024 time, what Jeremiah wrote still stands, Lamentations 3:22-23ESV “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning…”
If you’re lost in a tangled snare of sin, confess— 1John 1:9NIV “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” The simple solution is as John says, confess sin— Admit doing wrong. Freedom comes through admission, repentance, and mercy. Our Merciful God Who loves us is waiting. It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Father forgive us for all the times we’ve sinned. Lavish Your mercy and love upon us, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2024 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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gatekeeper-watchman · 10 months
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Daily Devotionals for November 22, 2023
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for the Day
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 28:21-22 (KJV):
21 To have the respect of persons is not good: for a piece of bread that man will transgress.
22 He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him.
Proverbs 28:21-22 (AMP):
21 To have respect for persons and to show partiality is not good, neither is it good that man should transgress for a piece of bread.
22 He who has an evil and covetous eye hastens to be rich and knows not that want will come upon him.
Thought for the Day
Verse 21—Our heavenly Father is always loving and just. He desires us to be like Him. In the Bible, one notices that God blesses some people more than others. He does not show favoritism, but His blessing is determined by how much of His Word we apply to our lives. He always blesses His Word, upholds His Word, and favors those who obey it. God is no respecter of men, but He does respect His Word (Acts 10:34-36). What He will do for one, He will do for another when there is a response of faith to Him and His Word. If we are to be like Him, we must not treat anyone with prejudice because of their social status, position of authority, race, age, or gender. We must treat everyone fairly, as God does. “… If there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment; And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool: Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts? Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath, not God chose the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? But ye have despised the poor… If ye fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well: But if ye have respect to persons, ye sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors” (James 2:2,7-9).
The “royal law” of James 2:8 says, “If ye fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well” and the “golden rule” of Luke 6:31 instructs us to love all people as we love ourselves: “And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.”
Neither are we to give the rich special attention nor to despise and ignore the poor. Rich or poor, we are all created in God's image, and every believer is an heir to the promises in His Word. In the Spirit, there are no races, social levels, or gender distinctions; we are all one in Christ (Galatians 3:26-29). Since we have different assignments from God, we fill different roles in life. Some positions, such as those of church or state government, which affect and influence many lives, are more important than others. However, the people filling those positions are no more important to God than the poorest men. God highly values the lives of all men and women.
Verse 22—People who are driven to get rich quickly often use any means of pursuing wealth. This will eventually leave them impoverished. One can be poor in more than finances; for a man who has no peace, who cannot sleep at night, and is in a constant state of stress is a poor man indeed.
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, I am grateful that You are a fair and just God and that You love all of us equally. I am amazed at Your love for each of us as individuals. You are wonderful! Lord, may we be like You, and treat all people with the same love and respect. Lord, deliver Your people from any prejudicial attitudes and actions. May we lift one another and be kind to one another, as You are kind to us. Grace us so that we can do unto others as we would have them do unto us. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
From: Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ, gatekeeperwatchman.org
Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups,
Wednesday, November 22, 2023, Jacksonville, Florida., USA.
X ... @ParkermillerQ
#GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981
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childrensbread · 2 years
Practices of Faith: Surviving Times of Testing
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The Last Supper
💜 A dispute also arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest. 
Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. 
But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. 
For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves. 
You are those who have stood by me in my trials.
And I confer on you a kingdom, just as My Father conferred one on Me, so that you may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat.
But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” ~Luke 22:24-32 ✝️
It has been said that unusual spiritual warfare in the Christian life is often a sign of unusual favor. It is the anointing - God's empowering presence on a believer that draws the attention of the enemy. It's as if the anointing oil attracts all the flies!
This is because where we are most vulnerable is where we place the most value. For some, it's your business or finances that may dip. For others, your integrity or reputation will be questioned. It could be that important relationships may come under strain.
In verse 31-32 of today's passage, Jesus tells Peter that satan has asked to sift him as wheat. But then reassured Peter that He was praying for him, that his faith may not fail.
In other words, the Lord did not send it, but He didn't stop it. He permitted the testing. Whatever the source, the testing will place pressure on you and cause you to honestly reassess where you find your confidence, stability, and sense of security.
The pressure is intended to purify. The sifting is for our sanctification. When everything is being shaken, we can remain steadfast and stand firm, but only if we are building on a foundation that is indestructible, immovable, and eternal.
As with Simon Peter - the Lord is on your side. You will not be tested more than He knows you can take. You may falter, but your faith will not fail. And you will emerge from the test refined, refueled, and refocused.
While temptation never comes from God, sometimes He does permit it, to test the authenticity and genuineness of our faith. With temptation, the source is always the enemy and his purpose is to have you fail and then to bring condemnation, guilt, and shame.
With testing, the source is God, and the purpose is to have you pass, standing firm and emerging victorious, purified, and ready.
Whatever test you face in your life, let it teach you something, and treat it as training for whatever work God is getting ready for you. Let the trial be used so that God can prepare you for what He has prepared for you! 💜🙏
Source: Glorify App
Image: Google
Photo Editor: ChildrensBread
My Glorify Referral Link: https://share.glorify-app.com/MRSPINO777 ✝️
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radioactivepeasant · 3 years
Fic Prompts: Star Wars Wednesday
(This is an excerpt from my unfinished but fully outlined Reign of Vader fic, in which Darth Vader assassinates Palpatine and then finds out that unfortunately this means he actually has to rule. After Luke is captured by the Empire, Vader reveals both his heritage and a desire to fix things in the galaxy. Luke is wary, but it's not like he has anywhere to go)
Darth Vader was not a man of infinite patience, and the Ruling Council was growing ever nearer to discovering the limits of his tolerance. 
"Day-to-day procedures are a delicate matter, Majesty," Greejatus was saying, "It would be an unprecedented disaster to force change upon all offices all at once. May I recommend a gradual shift as your reign takes root?"
"Yes yes," Sate Pesage agreed. His eyes glittered out of his gaunt face with ambition. "This proposal to outlaw slavery, for instance-"
"-Is non-negotiable," Vader interrupted. "It was an idiot's decision to legalize it in the first place. My empire will have no need of slave labor."
"Of course!" Pesage bowed. He was beginning to sweat under that ridiculous hat of his. "We are eager to begin this journey into the future your reign promises, Majesty. But the galaxy is vast. Perhaps it is best to...phase the law in slowly? It takes time to bring new ordinances all the way to the Outer Rim."
Vader had heard quite enough for one day. 
"Enough. The decree goes into effect tonight." 
He stood, and all five members of the Council jumped a little. 
"You have until then to review the revised legal codes I have provided for you."
With a sardonic lilt to his voice, he added, "The rule of the Grand Vizier through the Moffs has ended, gentlemen. If you do not feel that you are adequately prepared for the task ahead, I will accept your resignation and begin the process of finding your successor."
He waved a hand. "In the next week, we begin hearings for the Alderaanian Massacre. You are dismissed."
There was a certain satisfaction in watching Palpatine's five advisers bowing and trembling on their way out. After decades of putting up with their snide comments and inane commands, it was nice to see the shoe on the other foot for a change.
Of course, they hadn't covered much. Just an overview of what the Imperial Ruling Council actually did. Once Vader mentioned that he intended to sell his secondary residence in the district and distribute the funds as reparations, the meeting had devolved into excuses and protests for the next two hours. Luckily, he was far too stubborn to pay any attention to their complaints.
While he had no strong feelings about most of his actions in the last nineteen years, neither hatred nor regret, he was willing to acknowledge that not all of his targets had been legitimate in a military sense. For Padme's sake, he would make amends if possible. 
Naturally, it was uncomfortable to try putting a price on life. But the sale of that ridiculous "castle" Palpatine insisted on him staying in would provide a good starting place.
It took about fifteen minutes of calculating, but ultimately Vader decided there was more than enough in Palpatine's personal accounts to cover about 17,000 wrongful death settlements, with additional funds in the cases of recurring medical bills. 
Arranging reparations for Alderaan would take more work. Vader quickly decided he was going to delegate that to the department of finances.
(They...did have a department of finances, didn't they? Surely Sidious hadn't done his own bookkeeping.)
With that settled, Vader's itinerary consisted primarily of a meeting with the Hands to make sure they knew their boundaries. After that, a remote consultation with a newly-renowned surgeon living in one of the lower districts. It would, unfortunately, take up the majority of the day. But for now, at least, he had two hours to himself.
The emperor closed his eyes and stretched out with his senses. It took several seconds before he was able to pinpoint his son's location. Luke's presence was dimmed, slightly. Muffled.
The reason for this became apparent the moment Vader found him.
Inside the library, on the lower level, Luke was sprawled across one of the ridiculous armchairs the nobles had favored. A book lay open on his chest, rising and falling gently. A small stack of texts encompassing everything from speeder repair to adventure novels sat on the floor, just next to where one of Luke's hands dangled off the edge of the arm rest. Clearly, he had been in the library for several hours before falling asleep. 
Sleep had softened the boy's features, painting him in a far more vulnerable light. The fear and caution of the previous night had been wiped away, leaving someone who seemed far too young, and far too small. How could he be twenty? How could Padme's baby already be twenty? 
It was tempting to leave him there. To let him sleep. But the chair was not the most supportive frame, nor was the library the most secure chamber of the palace. Reluctantly, Vader bent to touch Luke's cheek. 
"Luke," he said quietly, "This is hardly an appropriate place to sleep."
Luke's eyelids fluttered, but he did not fully awaken at once. Carefully, ever so carefully, Vader took hold of Luke's shoulders and guided him back into an upright position. 
"Your spine will thank me later," he said. 
Luke shifted, then opened his eyes with a groan. He didn’t seem to register Vader’s presence at first. One arm stretched up over his head, and the other came up to rub at his eyes.
“What time is it?” he yawned.
“Nearly noon,” answered Vader. The meeting with the Council had taken far longer than he would’ve liked. “Are you hungry?”
With a garbled sound, Luke waved a hand from side to side. “Don’t know yet?” he said in a still sleep-slurred voice.
After a few more seconds, he finally noticed just who had woken him. Instinctively, he straightened his spine, and looked a little bit nervous.
“Oh,” he said, very quietly. “H-hello, Father.”
“Hello, son.” Vader sounded amused. “Was your choice of reading that dull?”
After a moment, Luke nodded. He made a face. "I know there's supposed to be a famous musical made from this or something. But a whole chapter on how the sewer system of Ryloth's capital city works doesn't seem like good song material."
He jumped when Vader laughed. It was a warm, rich sound, utterly at odds with his austere appearance. 
"Poor boy!" He gently took the book from his son. "That was required reading for our literature studies when I was a boy. I loathed it. Very few of my peers sought it out voluntarily."
"I guess I can see why," Luke admitted. "But it seemed like it was going to be a good story."
"Then you are better served finding an abridged copy, I think," Vader chuckled. "Come. You should eat something."
Luke pushed himself up out of the chair. “Do I...need to put the books back?”
Vader leaned back on his heels. He looked at the books, then at the shelves. “I...will leave that to your best judgement. I do not know where you got them from.”
It was such a normal sounding conversation! Why?! 
Why did you have to be like...like this?! Luke fought a surprising burst of frustration. I have no idea how to talk to you! 
Serious and formal one moment, then laughing the next? Vader? Laughing?! It was as if the man he’d met on Cymoon and the man idly examining his stack of books were two completely different people.
Luke set the books on the console with the Holonet terminal eventually. Vader had suggested that he learn the cataloguing system of the room at a later time. At least that seemed to mean that he would be allowed to go back to the library again. Luke thought about his conversation with Artoo. Perhaps his father was trying to be kind to him. Whether that kindness would extend to anyone else was a different matter.
“I thought you were still meeting with dignitaries or something,” Luke said.
He trailed along behind Vader up an ornate staircase with his hands in his pockets. He was still uncomfortable walking too closely to the man. For all that he acknowledged that the new emperor was, indeed, his father, he was still a force to be reckoned with. 
Luke took a moment to internally groan at his unintended pun. Han would probably have elbowed him in the ribs for saying something like that. Chewie would think it was hilarious. 
Luke’s attempt to stay safely out of range failed quite suddenly. Vader deliberately slowed his steps so that Luke couldn’t hang back without being extremely obvious about it. He didn’t want to offend the emperor, so he tried to ignore his fight or flight instincts shaking his insides and kept pace with his father.
“I have several more meetings to endure today,” Vader said casually. “But the most onerous of those has been dealt with.”
This was not quite true. The Ruling Council was too full of Palpatine loyalists. Just intimidating them into compliance would only work for so long. They had connections, and they had money, and that could prove to be a headache if not dealt with sooner. Vader needed to replace at least three of them.
He had almost considered appointing Luke as Vizier in Amedda’s place, but had quickly thought better of it. Such a position would almost guarantee that Luke would never have time to fly again. Cutting a Skywalker off from the stars for good seemed too cruel. 
His son had not had the childhood he could have had if his mother had lived. If Palpatine had died much sooner. Let him enjoy his youth while he could.
But the problem of finding a Ruling Council that Vader could trust would still be waiting.
“The stupid hat club, right?” Luke asked.
He was unsettled by Vader’s proximity. Vader could sense that. He understood: the armor had been made to terrify. Perhaps one day he would have the option of seeing his son with his own eyes, but for now the boy would have to acclimate himself to the sight.
It was not often that Vader found himself cursing the cold, impersonal nature of his mask. He would have liked to smile at his son.
“Yes. The...stupid hat club.” He settled for letting his amusement be clearly heard in his voice. “That is not an inaccurate description. They run the day-to-day matters of ruling an Empire. But as they were all close to the former ruler, I find that I’d rather not trust them in matters of delegating governance.”
Luke grimaced. “That doesn’t sound like a good idea,” he agreed.
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iwadori · 3 years
Can you write a pure angst, using 10 and 35 please ( Idc about the characters ) :)
Getting hurt with the haikyu boys part 3 (Iwaizumi)
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Part one Part Two Part three
Word count: 2.8K
Genre: pure angst
Authors Note: I am sorry for just how shit it is lol. I had an idea and it kind of got worse as it went along but I hope you like it anyways.
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You were pregnant.  
You wanted to cry.  
You stared at the test in front of you. Two lines. Positive. There was no denying it, as much as you wanted it to be negative. You could tell you were pregnant before you even took the test, all the throwing up you were doing, the nausea you felt when certain foods were being cooked at work and the ongoing foot and back pains you felt.
Iwaizumi first approached you at your job, some shitty dinner that only paid you enough so you can make ends meet. You could tell he had money, the way he dressed, his demeanor even the way he talked. ‘What was a man like this doing here?’ you thought.  
Apparently, he’s seen you around for a while, your city was small you’d only really leave this place if you had a fair god mother or died and of course you are clearly alive and don’t have a fairy god mother...until you met him.
He ordered a coffee, didn’t drink it though (probably knowing that your boss spat it in whenever he was in a bad mood or because he just needed an excuse to be around) just waiting for you to finish your break. You sat in a corner booth for ‘privacy,’ not that anybody was even in the place.  
“My names Iwaizumi Hajime” he said keeping a blank facial expression  
“What do you wan-”
“Miss L/N, I think I’ll do the talking here. Okay?” he said with a smirk appearing on his face after seeing your slightly shocked face when he revealed knowing your last name.
“I’ve seen you around for a while now, you’re beautiful you know that right?” he said making your cheeks heat up a bit. “Anyways, I think you’re gorgeous and a man like me needs a pretty girl like you on his arms. By the lack of response to my name, I assume you don’t know who I am...but I guess that works in my favour”
Your face is getting bored by the second not really listening as he rambles on about himself, “I need you to be on my arm every night that I go out to one of my boring business meetings.”  
“Business meetings?” you ask  
“You know, a bunch of ‘business’ people go out and talk ‘business’ together.” he said sarcastically as if you were stupid.
“I know that, I just thought you’d elaborate about it.” You sighed “What do I get out of this?”
“Finally, you’ve gotten to the interesting part, you my dear get money and lots of It” he says finally catching your attention “I’ll pay you 1 million Yen per night, and all your dresses, outfits and expenses will be paid for so you won’t have to worry your pretty little head about finances again” he ‘smiled’ at you.
“What's the catch?” squinting your eyes  
“The catch is just that you have to accompany me to all my events.... and you have to stay in my condo.”
“Don’t worry dear, it’s a nice place” interrupting you “probably better than any shithole you live in”
“Fine, fine” his words were convincing you “Is there a contract you have for me to sign?” you ask wanting to at least be somewhat ‘protected.’
“No contract, just this verbal agreement. Between me and you right here right now.” he winked “so you’re in agreement of our arrangement?”
That was your first mistake believing Iwaizumi Hajime.
Sure you could defend yourself now and say ‘I was poor and in need of help’ but you’d know it would just be you in denial talking.  
The first time you attended a meeting with Iwaizumi, you came home from quitting your job since Iwaizumi said ‘you’re on my payroll now.’ You found a beautiful red dress laying on your bed accompanied with shoes and accessories and note saying, ‘I trust you to be able to do your own hair and make up my dear – I.H’
You didn’t have any family, or any friends. Most people that have had even a single encounter with you have deemed you to be ‘Not Likeable’ saying you’re not a people person or just lack any sociability. You were stuck in this town because of the debt your father has left you in before he supposedly ‘passed’ away. Leaving you drowning in all his financial woes, meaning you couldn’t go to university or become a professional *insert dream job here* like you wanted to be.
When you exited your building, you saw Iwaizumi leaning against a flashy car parked outside. “You chariot awaits m’lady” he says with a cheeky grin on his face making you roll your eyes. You got in the car and he started driving, humming along to a random song slightly agitating you.
“So, when are you moving to my place? It’s a part of the agreement.” he said in a sing song voice in the tune of what he was humming.  
Iwaizumi reminded you of JD from heathers, he was nice when he wanted but he did have a screw loose that was triggered when things didn’t go his way. Like a small child who didn’t get the toy he wanted when he had a million other toys.  
Him being the child. You being the toy.
“Our agreement is bullshit, just verbal.” you say mockingly “remember?”
“don’t start with me Y/N I'm not in a pleasant mood today” he says gritting his teeth “and I don’t need you fucking with me tonight.”
He puts his hand on your thigh, a little too harshly making you internally wince. “Okay here’s the rules for the night. You stay on my side for the night, only speak when spoken too, don’t drink too much since no one likes an alcoholic of course.”
“Oh, so all I need to do is sit pretty like a good little girl.” you say sarcastically
“Precisely” he lessens the grip on your thigh making you breathe in relief.  
The event was boring to say the least, you did as Iwaizumi said stood next to him with a fake smile plastered on your face all through the night. You’re sure that people did ask you questions, but you were in your own little world only stepping out of it when Iwaizumi either pinched your arm or gripped your thigh.
The end of the night was ‘eventful’ to say the least, before you entered the car a hand wrapped around your waist and you were pulled into a back alley. “We couldn’t end the night so boring, could we?” it was Iwaizumi, of course it was.
He started peppering your neck with kisses and roaming his hands all over your body. He eventually trailed the kisses from your neck to your lips, leading you both into a full blown make out session. It was fast and you couldn’t really think straight. Iwaizumi was getting a bit too forceful, gripping and kissing harder than he needed to, leaving marks as if to say ‘you’re mine now.’
That was your second mistake. Getting sexual with Iwaizumi Hajime.
He said you had to go back to his house which was basically now yours. You complied, obviously had no other choice since he didn’t offer or ask. He told you too.
Waking up in the Iwaizumi residence was an ‘experience.’ Iwaizumi wanted you awake when he was awake and asleep when he was, never giving you a moment too yourself. You swiftly came to the learn of the reason why he wanted you in his ‘care’ (as he called it anyways) he wanted his eyes on you all the time.
You carried on attending the events bored out of your mind and the nights went the same way. Fancy dress, long car ride, not paying attention, getting fucked in the back alley then sleep in Iwaizumi’s expensive silk sheets.
You didn’t know much about Iwaizumi besides what you could find. In the day time, Iwaizumi spends it cooped up in his office whilst giving you the ‘permission’ to roam around the house. Iwaizumi kept all his important stuff in a small box under a creepy floorboard in his basement original idea I know. All the information in there was just stuff about generic stuff about his childhood. Him being brought up into wealth, how much he weighed as a baby and all the allergies and boring shit that he had.
Iwaizumi Hajime was an enigma.
You and Iwaizumi did get along. Sometimes. You did do things that weren’t strictly fucking and going to business meetings. He took you on what you could only be able to describe as dates, and outings showing you off to all his actual friends. That’s when you learnt the difference of the ‘two’ men, Iwaizumi and Hajime.
Although they were the same person by name, Iwaizumi was rough around the edges and cold at heart not caring about you at all. Hajime, whilst still being rough around the edges, basically made you out to be his girlfriend giving you the love and care you needed. You really liked the times when you were with Hajime.
That was your third mistake, falling in love with Iwaizumi Hajime.
As things progressed, your quality of life seemed to dwindle (not that it was great in the first place.) Iwaizumi was barely in the house, claiming that for these particular ‘business meetings’ he didn’t need you.
On one night, a simple phone call definitely changed your whole dynamic.
“Yes babe, I’m coming over tomorrow I can’t wait to see you and the girls again.” he said to the other person on the phone.
“Why do you question my love for you, of course I love you.” he said again
“I love you, the girls even the dumb dog that Haru forced me to get for her 8th birthday I love. You guys are my family. My lovely wife and out girls”
Your stomach churned, you backed out of the hallway that you were in. He had a family, of course he had a family. You went into the guest room, where you kept all your things, you couldn’t do this anymore. Although you pretty much lost all your morals when you formed this whole agreement but you refuse to sleep with a married man with kids. You couldn’t. Being the reason why a family might break up is something you wouldn’t ever do.
Iwaizumi heard all your commotion and entered the guess “Woah darling who’s moving out?” he asked jokingly  
“Hmm probably your wife and kids, after they realise their husband is a CHEATER!” you spat
“Woah, woah Y/N” he said getting closer to you “You don’t know what the fuck you’re on about”
“I think I know pretty well; you’ve always been a pompous ass Iwaizumi; it was my bad for thinking that you weren’t married throughout all of this.” You finished packing up as much close as you possible can and headed out the room.
“You need to watch your mouth Y/N” he says aggressively  
“Or what Iwaizumi, or should I say Hajime” you shout “Or is that only reserved for your WIFE!”
This seem to really tick him off, “You don’t know anything Y/N, you really think I could love a dirty slut like you? Huh? Well, I didn’t know that you were important enough to be able to know the details of my personal life.”
“I'm not a slut” you mumbled. Which was completely true, Iwaizumi didn’t notice that the first time you slept together was the first time that you slept with anyone.
“repeat that again for me y/n?” he said mockingly
“IM NOT A SLUT!” you shout in his face
“You are what I say you are darling”
“Fuck you.” You try and push past him hard, to get out the house but you’re no match against his anger and brute strength. So, when he slams you against the wall, he banging your head. Leaving you concussed and bleeding. Before you completely pass out all you hear is a repetition of Iwaizumi Hajime murmuring “I'm sorry, I’m sorry” whilst wrapping his arms around your comatose body.
You woke up, thinking that was all a dream but the ache in the back of your head proved otherwise.  
“Y/N, darling your awake!” he said making you flinch
You moved away from him when he sat on your bed looking at you with ‘love’ and ‘care’ in his eyes. He goes to stroke your cheek whispering “you’re so be-”
“Fuck off” you say. That bang to the head was a wakeup call literally reminding you of all the hot and cold moments you had with Iwaizumi that you submerged into your head for the sole reason of ‘wanting to be happy.’ But you weren’t happy. Deep down you knew that.
“But y/n, darling I love you.” he said and you closed your eyes shut wanting to tune him out “I love you Y/N.”
“You don’t" you replied back harshly with your eyes still shut tightly
“But I do Y/N, I love you” he repeated the ‘I love you’s’ over and over making you want to scream out in frustation.
“Shut up!” you yelled “You don’t love me, stop saying that” your head throbbing with every word “Just stop. Make it stop! Kill me if you have to! Just make it stop” you say thumping at Iwaizumi’s chest becoming a hysterical crying mess. You weren’t talking about the physical paint he caused you (even though that hurt ALOT) you were talking about the constant heartache it was just being around him.
He didn’t know what to do. So, he just put his arms round you again and you yelled your frustrations about him to him into his chest.
You woke up into a new place, not your old one or Iwaizumis just something brand new.  
With a note on your bed side table saying:
‘I love you and I’m sorry’
Making you tear it up and toss it out.
You had no further contact with Iwaizumi, you figured that the new house you lived in was already paid for, but you didn’t want Iwaizumi to show up one day saying that you owed him money so you decided to get a job. A small one, that didn’t require any strenuous Labour or heavy shift times.
It was a few weeks after Iwaizumi left you and you felt sick and heartbroken. After finishing your shift at your job you felt hot headed and extremely ill making you run to your toilet to spill out your guts.
Which lead you to your predicament now.
You were pregnant.  
You wanted to cry.  
You stared at the test in front of you. Two lines. Positive. There was no denying it, as much as you wanted it to be negative. You could tell you were pregnant befonhre you even took the test, all the throwing up you were doing, the nausea you felt when certain foods were being cooked at work and the ongoing foot and back pains you felt.
You didn’t know what to do. There was only thing you could do, but you certainly didn’t want that. ‘Call him’ the voice in your head urged. ‘That would be the best option right?’ you thought ‘I mean he did love you afterall...’
It took a whole day of pacing around and wondering on what you should do. But you knew that leaving the situation longer would only make it worse. So you kept his business card on you when he gave it to you since that was the only phone number you had. He was all you actually had.
You called and the phone rang 4 times, your heart beating faster and faster as it rang.
“Hello this is Sakura Iwaizumi speaking” a feminine voice said “Who is calling?” you hear someone say in the background. ‘Iwaizumi’ you thought, your face smiling. You realised you haven’t responded so you rushed out  
“I’m Y/N L/N, I need to speak with Iwaizumi.”
“Haji dear, there's a girl on the phone for you... someone of the name called Y/N L/N”
You heard muffles in the background and Iwaizumi saying “Just hang up the phone she’s not worth it.” Your heart stung ‘She’s not worth it.’ Did he really mean that? As much as you claim to hate him, you didn’t really. As you’ve said before you always liked his loving and caring side over his cold hearted one.
You put the phone down and just cried, wailing your heart out for him. Why? You don’t really know to be honest. This was all a dumb agreement, he used you because he was bored and he probably already knew you were pregnant from when he gave you that concussion. But ‘he doesn’t want you’ you reminded yourself because ‘I’m not worth it.’
AUTHORS NOTE: once again, i’m sorry lol. But im most likely going to do a part two of my ‘long shot’ series with Akaashi or a character of your choosing. 
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Good morning :) I hope everyone is staying safe and warm <3
Today we have a PAC on What do you need to know during this energy of the full moon eclipse in Taurus? And as well as any advice you need to hear for this upcoming winter! My intentions are always for your highest good!
Disclaimer- these are general readings so feel free to release anything that does not resonate
Pile 1 on top, pile 2 in the middle and pile 3 on the bottom.
Ps. if anyone has advice of uploading the pictures for the piles on a laptop I would greatly appreciate hearing what you have to say. My readings have been too long to upload on my iPhone for some reason and the pictures come up very big on my laptop, so I apologize for the amount of space they take up lol
Pile 1 channeled words- relationships, love, harmony Belief systems and limiting belief systems are going to be shown to you. Your own values and morals may be something to reflect on. During this time, it is best for you to keep disciplined and stay under self-control. Setting up your boundaries and staying in them will continue to aid in your abundance. When things get shaky, remind yourself of how grateful you are and how much you actually have in this moment. You are already extremely abundant and have so much to be grateful for. Spend some time reflecting on your gratitude to help you stay at peace and to keep calm. Soul connections and balanced relationships or partnerships are coming in heavily for you. I see there could be one specific person coming in here with a lot of emotion and love for you. Stay a happy baby, continue to smile because great things are coming in. As you continue to be happy where you are now you will benefit the collective and world around you. Others will feel your gratitude and love and then begin to experience it within themselves as well. Your smile uplifts others. You will now begin to stand in your own boundaries and not fall to obeying a specific male energy who has set many rules upon you. This could be a father or another significant dominating male energy in your life. Their rules begin to have no effect on you, your mind, and the way you see the world. To stay balanced during this energy over the winter, it is best that you release all your doubts and worries. Keep reminding yourself of your worth. You are worthy. You are worthy of abundance, of love and of everything you desire. Believe it, know it, live it. Pile 2  channeled words- home, balanced, cycles Decisions require your attention during this time as well as planning for the future. Your current plans may be tested. To help with your finances, keep going, it may be tough but to stay materially abundant at this time you need to continue to keep pushing through. If you're currently thinking about quitting your job, this is a sign to hold off on that for now. I also see for you that this is a good time to remind yourself of gratitude. This is also a time to continue to keep yourself grounded. Do not make frivolous purchases at this time, it may be best to save up and focus on stability. Know that your hard work will pay off. Relationships and decisions are also popping up here for you. You may be guided to separate from those that no longer benefit you and be open towards those that do. As you are asking yourself these questions about who benefits your life and who doesn't, do keep in mind compassion. Be in touch with your true emotions and don't be afraid to be real to yourself about how these people make you feel. Staying in touch with your emotions and staying aligned with love during these decisions will help others to understand love. Love comes with duality. Sometimes we must make decisions for love that might hurt our egos but in truth it is best. In truth it is love. I see that anxiety for the future is dissipating. You will be overcoming any anxiety or thoughts you may have about your future. Understand that your hard work is paying off and there is nothing to fear. You are safe, you will be safe. Do not worry about any decisions for the future. I see your knowledge coming in when it is supposed to. Your worries of the future are coming to an end. Continuing to have faith in your new beginnings will help you to stay grounded. Remember when one cycle ends a better one begins. Pile 3 channeled words- faith, blinders, transparent Relationships in your life may be agitated at this time. This could be dealing with a family member. You could be questioning God or the universe why this may be happening, but they want you to continue to have faith. Continue to join together and share your love with others. There is a balanced partnership in your life that may fuel your drive this winter causing you to gain abundance in health, wealth and love. To nurture your inner self, remember that you love to give to others.
Continuing to give to others wherever possible will keep you grounded and balanced within yourself. There is something here that you may find that you want to walk away from. This could be a toxic member of your family or something you have emotional ties to. As of now this is holding you back and you will find that it is best for you to walk away from this situation and remove yourself to find better or greater things. This may be a challenge for you. But going through this moment of turmoil will only benefit you and others around you. When unstable things fall, new sturdy ones can be built. Sudden endings often bring people closer. Others will also see how brave you are for going through endings and will look up to you for not blind siding yourself. You are more transparent. More than a lot of people are willing to be. Delays to happiness will now be washed away. This is going to be a time of coming together rather than being alone. You will now start to feel joyful and full of love rather than loneliness and feeling lack. Pile 3 you are going through some major changes this winter and the best way for you during this time to stay balanced is to practice acceptance and forgiveness. Forgive this toxic family member or friend. Accept that they are the way they are and love them, nonetheless. But know that it is okay to separate yourself from them. Accept that they are not beneficial to you and your life. Forgive yourself for walking away. Forgive the universe for the difficult things in life. Continue to have faith and continue to connect to partnerships that are balanced and equally full of love.
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The Magical Word of JKR
In this post, I want to point out all the inconsistencies of the world that JKR has created. Some of us had been worshiping her for so long. But JKR made mistakes, not only outside her world, but inside.
Owls for muggleborns. Sending a letter through an owl seems to be something common in The Wizarding World. But why do children with a muggle background need to go back in time and use them when they could use a phone? Why can't students use any muggle technology? I know wizards are anti muggle and magic does not allow these devices to function at Hogwarts, but why not?
Drunk portraits. How could portraits get drunk? Did artists paint vessels and digestive systems for them too? How can they bleed? They are portraits with voices and personality based on real people yeah. But they are not alive. They don’t bleed or get drunk.
The trace. Wizards under 17 aren’t supposed to do magic outside Hogwarts. But The Ministry doesn’t seem to control this by which wand did it. But by location. Since Dobby did magic in the Chamber of Secrets, and they blamed Harry for it. So, what happens with pureblood kids? They are allowed to use magic outside school because their families are supposed to, so they wouldn’t trace them. So it seems unfair for muggleborns not to be able to practice magic. Since they are the only members of their family that would do it.
Hogwarts being the only school. There is only one school in all Britain for magical people. Yet there seems to be very few students when there should be a lot. And it doesn’t make sense that Hogwarts is the only choice. Or Hogwarts, or homeschooling.
I don’t understand the population of Magical Folks. It seems little because most of the wizarding families are known. There are only 28 pureblood famous families. They even practise inbreeding, they are all related. But why is that, if the wizard gene is dominant? There are more half bloods and muggleborns than squibs. So the magical population should be as large as the muggle one, even more.
Hogwarts Houses are cool. But the way kids are sorted doesn’t make sense. They get sorted when they are eleven. Seems pretty young to me to form traits and criteria that might change as they grow. Also, let’s say 100 kids enter Hogwarts one year. They won’t be sorted equally 25/25/25/25. Because according to personalities and traits, there could be 60 Gryffindors and 10 Ravenclaws, and 4 Slyhterins, and 25 Hufflepuffs. What if one year, there are no Slytherins for example?
Also, sharing a dorm, common room and classes with people from your same house (same personality and traits) seems boring and unhealthy. Having friends with different personalities, traits and beliefs should help you grow and mature. Sometimes friendships are built between two opposite people. And separating houses, forces students to just hang out with people from their houses, not others.
Love potions. These are the wizarding equivalent of drugs. Think about it. Forcing someone to show love for you is very much like drugging someone and forcing them to do stuff against their will. Love potions can permit things like raping. Something that happened to Tom Sr. by Merope. It is horrible. Yet the wizarding world permits their selling and consumption without a problem. And what’s worse, they teach how to brew it in school to children! A potion like that shouldn’t be allowed or taught.
Azkaban being the only punishment. It seems whether you are a dangerous criminal like a mass murderer or just someone that stole something once, you get the same punishment. Azkaban. An inhumane place where dementors live, and make prisoners go insane, live their worst nightmares or suck their soul. Even characters who were under the imperius curse like Stanley Shunpike. Or even The Marauders would’ve gone to Azkaban if their animagus secret was discovered. No matter what your crime is, always the worst punishment: Azkaban.
Wizards hiding from muggles. The Statue of Secrecy in the Wizarding World seems to be important. But I may ask, how can wizards hide from muggles if they don’t know anything about them? Pureblood Wizards don’t have a clue how muggles live, behave, dress, talk. Not even Arthur Weasley who works in that Department. Yet they want to be unnoticed by muggles? For example, each time a wizard dresses like a muggle they do it wrong, using colorful clothes. Wouldn’t it be suspicious? Like even Vernon sees people in cloaks in book 1, celebrating. Also, if there are a lot of muggleborns, shouldn’t more muggles know about wizards?
It is totally inhumane to just obliviate muggles each time they see something. That spell should have some consequences in their brains. Like for example, Hermione’s parents must’ve had mayhem after their minds were modified.
Memories in pensieves are not supposed to be accurate. Memories are from our point of view. From the perspective of people who lived that memory. When Harry sees Snape’s memories or Bob Ogden’s memories, they seem to be clear. Harry can see Bob and Snape in those memories when they should be seen through their eyes, they are their memories. How could Snape remember himself, see himself. You get my point? Also, memories are subjective, not objective. We remember what impacted us the most, we forget about details we don’t care about. There are feelings involved.
Not having another education after Hogwarts. You graduate from Hogwarts at eighteen. Eighteen! And you're supposed to have figured out what you want to do for the rest of your life. Why aren’t there Wizard Universities? Wizards only have 7 years of education and that’s all. Nothing before, nothing after (unless you’re muggleborn). Seems that the wizard community doesn’t care about education that much. With only seven years of education, are you suddenly prepared for the rest of your life? I don’t think so.
Adding to the last point, wizards only teach about magic. What about math, wouldn’t they need it to count their money, or take care of their finances? What about English, spelling, grammar? Not every kid had the privilege to be homeschooled by their parents before. What about Sex Ed? I think it is important for teens that age to be careful with their sex lives.
Quidditch being the only sport in the wizarding world. Quidditch is cool, I get it. But it is not for everyone. Seems that if you want to be a sports person in the wizarding world, you only have that option. Either you like Quidditch or nothing.Shouldn’t there be other sports? In the muggle world we have tons: football, basquet, tennis, swimming, running, etc.
Love protection is not common. Lily sacrificed herself for Harry. She died for him and that love protection saved his life. Why is Harry the only one to experience it? Is it because of the prophecy? I mean Lily is not the only one who has sacrificed herself for love. Not in the story, not in History. Then why aren’t there more people with lighting scars walking around?
Why don’t wizards cure things with magic like eyesight? They have a potion that grows bones back. But they cannot cure Harry’s eyesight? And don’t say that it is because eyes are connected to the soul, that’s a lame excuse. In the muggle world, eyesight can be cured with surgery.
Hogwarts Express. Yeah, we all wanted to ride the train to Hogwarts. It is part of the experience right? But what if you live in Scotland already? Why bother traveling to London to King Cross Station to take a train if you already live there? It seems like a waste of time. Is there a provided transport for kids who live in Scotland? What about those who don't live in London? What if Scotland is nearer to them than King Cross?
Ghosts. They shouldn’t exist. It is not very well explained how you become a ghost. But it doesn’t make sense that they exist and yet many characters died and didn’t become one.
Discrimination against magical creatures. We know how magical creatures are seen in the Wizarding World. Discrimination exists. But the problem is that Jkr never does anything to fix this.Not with werewolves, not with half giants, surely not with house-elves. The only issue that the war solved was the discrimination against muggleborns.
And house-elves liking their slavery is problematic. It is saying that slavery is right as long as the victim accepts it. She created S.P.E.W and never properly addressed the issue.
The Forbidden Forest is dangerous, yet students have detention there. Dumbledore says at the beginning of each year that the Forest is out of bounds. So why would you send students to detention there, Dumbles? Also, building a school near a forest full of dangerous beasts: werewolves, acromantulas, centaurs, seems kind of risky for children. Not every child obeys the rules. Look at the Marauders spending every full moon there.
How did Hagrid come to be? Hagrid is half giant. Meaning that his father is human, his mother is a giant… Ehemm… Excuse me, but how do you have sex with a giant? That’s physically impossible. How does Hagrid exist?
Male veelas? We are only introduced to female veelas in the Wizarding World. Veelas are these beautiful women that men feel attracted to, they seem in trance by their beauty, and they are not responsible for their actions. It seems to me that JKR is saying that men should not be accountable for their actions when they see a pretty girl, because it is her fault? Pretty feminist, JKR. Also, veelas are dangerous creatures. How do humans procreate with them and have half veelas or a quarter of a veela? Are there male veelas too?
Teachers not having spouses or kids. It is a stupid stereotype that teachers are sad non social people, who are only teaching because they don’t have a choice. Like they are allowed to have social lives, date, get married and have children, right? Name one Hogwarts teacher who is married with kids. They all seem pretty single. And I get it, being single is not a bad thing. But all of them being single just because they are teachers in a boarding school? Just because it was convenient to the author? Only McGonagall married once, but her husband died a few years after.
Abusive teachers. Speaking of teachers, why would Hogwarts allow incompetent teachers that are abusive (Snape), and or are dangerous for kids. None DADA teacher had teaching experience before. And since there is no further education than Hogwarts, how do teachers get prepared for the job? Teaching is not about knowing a lot of stuff about the subject, but knowing how to treat children.
Muggle vs Wizard music. What is the difference between muggle and wizard music? I never understood that. Is it the fact that wizards play music with magic? If so, why would instruments exist? Why would they play instruments? If anyone can make a spell to produce music, then anyone can be a musician. The only difference that I find is that wizard music has wizard related lyrics. Which is a stupid difference. Wizards could write songs about muggles. Muggles could write songs about wizards.
Secret Keeper. The Fidelius Charm should be a spell to hide yourself from others if you are in danger. Period. There shouldn’t be such a thing as a secret keeper. Why? Why would someone else need to know the place you are hiding? James and Lily shouldn’t have trusted anyone with their location. Not even Sirius. Not even someone they trusted, because Sirius or anyone could’ve died and passed the secret to the others. Like, it doesn’t make any sense. And also, how could Bill and Arthur be their own secret keepers but not James and Lily?
Magical therapists. Healers seem to cure physical maladies or illness pretty fine, but what about mental health? And I am not talking about mental problems because of magic. Like Frank, Alice, Lockheart whose minds were affected by spells. I’m talking about mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, adhd, ptsd, trauma etc. Don’t tell me wizards don’t suffer that. What about Remus, Sirius, Harry? Who treats these things in the wizarding world?
Time Turner. Only exists for the plot. Otherwise it is useless, stupid and confusing. Time traveling confuses the mind. Also, we don’t exactly know how it works. Is it a domino effect? Do the things you do back in time affect the present? They should. Or does it create different timelines, like it is said in Cursed Child? Also, why not use time turners for important situations? For example, save important people from dying, go back to check events of a crime and see if they are true.
Veritaserum. Wizards have a truth potion and they won’t use it. They should use it on trials to take the truth out of criminals, to see if the accusants are innocent or not. They should’ve used it on each member of the Order to find out who the spy was. They should’ve used it to discover who was the Slytherin heir when the Chamber was opened. They should’ve used it on Harry when he came back from the Graveyard to prove Voldemort was back. Why would that shit exist anyway?
Incest families. Pureblood families, or at least some of them are supposed to practise inbreeding. But if you look at the Black Family Tree, the only Black-Black marriage is between Orion and Walburga. Just one. And even if this was the case, shouldn’t this inbreeding have consequences? I don’t know if it’s the magical gene or what but The Blacks and Malfoys seem pretty fine.
If you know more and you want to add them, feel free to do so. This is a critique to improve this word and fandom ourselves. Even JKR's world is cool and wonderful, it is full of flaws that we need to speak about.
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