#and. he told me it’ll be time to say goodbye this weekend
doyeons · 7 months
my heart hurts so bad
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fastandcarlos · 3 months
My Jacket Now : ̗̀➛ George Russell
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A shiver ran down your spine as you looked across at the busy paddock. There were bodies everywhere and yet still you found yourself with a chill attacking you. In amongst the chaos your eyes landed on the tall figure of George, diving through the crowds of people, calling out his name, in order to capture his attention. His smile turned up as he noticed you before him.
“I was beginning to think you’d left to get ready without saying goodbye,” you joked.
You were bouncing on your toes in response to the cool. George quickly noticed, unzipping the fleece that he wore and wrapping it around your frame.
“I think you need this more than I do right now.”
You couldn’t help but smile as you put the fleece on properly. “Is George Russell actually giving up his beloved jacket right now?”
George nudged your side, “I can take it back.”
Your head shook as you felt yourself warm up, stepping forwards and pressing a kiss against his lips as George held your waist. “Thank you,” you whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” George chuckled, giving you a kiss of his own. “You better still be wearing that when I get back at the end of the race.”
Your head nodded at George’s instruction, “it’ll come back in perfect condition, I promise.”
George took a set back, admiring how beautiful you looked wearing a piece of his merch.
“George! Let’s go!”
You offered a smile to George, “go on, I’ll be right here cheering for you.”
“Wish me luck babe.”
“You don’t need luck.”
You took one last look at George before letting him go so he could finish prepping for the race. You stayed back in amongst some of the team, studying them all hard at work.
“Now you look like you’re really one of us,” one of them told you as you passed by.
A chuckle came from you as you looked down at the fleece, if anyone didn’t know better, you really did look like a part of the Mercedes crew now.
You remained where you were for most of the race, watching George anxiously. As ever, the race didn’t come without its moments, your heart being made to work a thousand times harder, flinching and hissing every near miss that George had, holding onto the sleeves of George’s fleece to try and calm yourself down.
The only time you could relax was when George crossed the finish line, cheers coming from around you as he came home in 4th, earning him and the team some huge points, having worked incredibly hard all weekend.
You stood back when George returned to the garage, letting him fist bump his team first. Once he eventually found you, his eyes looked nowhere else, arms open inviting you into his hold so that he could celebrate with you.
A kiss to the top of your head greeted you as George rested his head on top of your own. He was sweaty, and smelt a tad, but you were too proud to let that bother you, wrapping your arms around his thin waist at the same time.
“You were amazing out there, well done love!”
It always felt incredible to hear your compliments, especially after a race. George’s smile turned up knowing that you were proud of him - it was all that he ever needed!
“It’s cold now I’m out of the car, George joked, glancing down as you still wore his fleece. “I could really do with that jacket I left around here earlier.”
You tilted your head back to look up at George, “this is my jacket now, you gave it to me, finders keepers and all that.”
George gasped as you spoke, “I gave it to you!”
“But I look better wearing it, right?”
George went to speak but stopped. You poked your tongue as you realised that you had him stuck, he could never argue with you, especially when secretly he knew that you were right.
“You’re lucky you’re cute otherwise I’d be stealing that jacket right from you,” George smirked, tapping the tip of your nose with his own.
“Admit it, you’re just so in love with me.”
George nodded in agreement, “that I most definitely am sweetheart.”
Your smile turned up as George spoke, tightening your grip around him. “And I’m so embarrassingly in love with you too.”
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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thewritingrowlet · 4 months
The Queen from The East, ft. tripleS Kotone
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tags: first time (for the OC as well), creampie, cum-in-mouth, friends-to-lovers (I hope)
word count: 13k+
author's note: that seriously did not feel like 13k+ words. I just kept writing and writing over the weekend and somehow got here. Thank you always for reading, hope you like this one as well <3
p.s. almost forgot; I put a handful of little references and details (borrowed names, etc) in the fic using tripleS and the industry in general. Let me know which ones you manage to catch.
“Yo, prez, wait up”, that’s Seunghan, one of your staffs in the student council. You turn around and see him jogging to you. You ask him as he’s approaching you, “what is it, man?”. “News from Professor Hwang: a foreign student is transferring to our university, and-and she wants you to be there with her when the student arrives; you know, as the president of the council—God, I haven’t run this much in months”, he delivers the news as best he can despite his pants. “So, I’m meeting Professor Hwang, huh? When and where?”. Seunghan tells you the time and place of the new student’s arrival, “so in 2 hours, huh? Okay then”, you say to him. “Oh, one more thing”, Seunghan says before leaving, “you have to wear this”, he points to the council uniform he’s wearing. You roll your eyes when you hear his words—you have a love-hate relationship with that uniform. You find it unnecessary and cringe that your uniform specifically has the president’s badge on the right side of the chest area.
You don’t feel like walking back to your apartment, so you call an Uber and wait for it at the bus stop. The security guard at the bus stop, who you know pretty well, walks up to you, “going somewhere, president?”. He knows that you don’t really like being called “president”, so you know he’s in a playful mood. “Yeah, I gotta go home and change clothes, there’s a foreign student coming in less than 2 hours and we’re welcoming this student”, you tell him. “That’s curious”, he looks to the side, “must be an important person that you’re welcoming them”. You see your Uber pulling up to the bus stop, “we’ll see. See you later, Mr. Choi”, you wave him goodbye and get in the car. During the ride home, Mr. Choi’s words ring in your head repeatedly, “must be an important person”. You do your best to shake off your sudden nervousness—you don’t like being nervous as it makes your brain lag and your lips stutter.
As soon as you arrive at your building, you go straight to your unit and nervousness comes creeping to you once again. You decide to call a lifeline that is your mom; her heavenly and loving voice always calms you down no matter what storm is approaching. She picks up the phone right away, as she always does, “hi, sweetie—you’re on speaker, your dad is sitting next to me right now”, she says. “Hey, mom and dad”, your nervousness is obvious as it makes your voice shake, “I, uh, uh”—the words aren’t coming out of your mouth—”there’s a foreign student transferring to the university, and-and Professor Hwang wants us to welcome them”. “Sure, sweetie, go on”, your mom says. “Someone pointed out that it could be an important person so now I’m kinda nervous”, you confess to your parents. “Could it be them, honey? You told me a few days ago that he’ll be bringing his family and move to Seoul”, you hear your mom say to your dad. “Dad?”, you inquire, “you have something to tell me?”. “I don’t know exactly when they’re moving here, though, love”, your dad replies to your mom—you find it cute that they still talk so sweetly to each other as if they were still dating and not married for over 30 years. “You’ll have to see for yourself, sweetie”, your dad says over the phone—yes, your dad calls you “sweetie” like your mom does, “their last name is Kamimoto, so pay attention in case they have that name”. “Oh shit, you’ll have to behave, son”, your brain says.“Hey, president”, your dad calls out to you, “it’ll be fine, they’re some of the nicest people I know. Gather your mind, sweetie, there’s nothing to be nervous about”.
You spend a few more minutes talking to your parents. You talk about all sorts of things over the phone: their plan to visit Dubai to celebrate their marriage anniversary in October (it’s still friggin’ February, by the way), their plan to repaint the house, and their curiosity as to whether you’ve found a girlfriend yet; “I’ll date a Kamimoto, how about that?”, your parents laugh hearing you say that. “Alright, I gotta go, they’ll be here soon. I love you, guys. Also, tell Mr. Kim I said hi. See you soon, bye”. Mr. Kim is your parents’ chauffeur who has been with your family since you were a kid. He’s one of your parents’ employees who you admire thanks to his work ethic and sincerity in everything he does.
You throw your phone to the bed and take a quick shower. You then dig through your wardrobe to find your council uniform. You also decide to swap your canvas pants for trousers for more properness, just in case it really is the Kamimoto family. You don’t bother looking at the clock since you figure it’ll be better to get back as soon as possible and wait there until they arrive, so you call an Uber again to take you back to campus.
On your way back to campus, you see a Bentley Flying Spur in the Heather colorway, similar to what your parents have but painted in a different color, parked in front of your favorite sandwich shop, “oh, it’s really them, isn’t it?”, you say in your head. “We really need to behave here, young one”, your brain says in return. You look ahead and see the university building, indicating that you’re not too far away from it. You take a deep breath to calm yourself as your Uber gets closer to the gates. You get off the Uber at the same bus stop and see Mr. Choi again. “Have you figured out who it is yet?”, he asks. “I have some ideas, I’ll tell you later”, you give him and the other guard a nod and walk fast to Professor Hwang’s office.
You knock on her office door and the door gets unlocked. Professor Hwang is sitting in her chair, busy with the papers scattered on her desk—you also notice that her name stand is toppled over. She looks up and greets you with a warm smile, “hello, Mr. Jeon. Have a seat, please”. “Good afternoon, professor”, you nod and take a seat in front of her, “why the formalities, if I may ask?”. “I just heard that they’re important people, that’s all”, she looks at what you’re wearing and chuckles, “I’ve finally managed to make you wear the council uniform, haven’t I?”. You groan, “oh, come on, aunty. You know I don’t like this uniform”, you complain and lean back in your chair—that’s right, Professor Hwang Miyoung is actually your mom’s half-sister, but no one at the university knows about that—no one simply needs to. “Oh, I do. I must say, you look good in it. It says ‘president’ on your chest for everyone to see, as well”, she laughs but her eyes are locked at the papers again.
You hear a knock on the door and straighten your posture at the sound—can’t make it obvious that you’re just chilling with your aunt who also happens to be the dean. “Excuse me, Professor Hwang”, Miss Yoon, a staff member, says, “they’re here”. “Thank you, Miss Yoon”, she says as Miss Yoon retreats, “that’s our cue, my boy”. Professor Hwang takes your hand and drags you through the door in her office that leads straight to the meeting room next to it. She sits on one end of the table while you sit on the other, she then presses a button in front of her and speaks into the intercom, “please bring them in, Miss Yoon”. Miss Yoon opens the door and brings the guests in: a girl and her parents.
“Good afternoon, professor and council president”, Miss Yoon says, “this is Mr. and Mrs. Kamimoto and their daughter who will be transferring here, Kotone”. Your brain alerts you, “it really is the Kamimoto family—remember your etiquette training”. You and Professor Hwang get up from your seats to greet them. “Sir, madam”, you say before bowing slightly in respect. You make eye contact with Kotone, so you have no choice but to acknowledge her presence and greet her with a polite smile, which she reciprocates twice as sweetly. Professor Hwang reaches out and shakes Mr. and Mrs. Kamimoto’s hands while Kotone moves to shake yours.
Everyone then takes a seat, and Professor Hwang starts the conversation, “welcome to Seoul, everyone. I take it we’ll be formalizing the transfer?”. Mrs. Kamimoto starts talking in response, her voice soft like your mom’s, “Thank you, professor. That is correct, we’re sending Kotone to study and get her degree here since we’ll be living in this city for at least 6 years. We would love to have a little chat as well if it’s not too selfish of us”. You glance at Kotone again, who’s sitting to your right, and see that she’s looking at you, so you look away in shyness and do your best to not blush because that would be very awkward.
It is now Mr. Kamimoto’s turn to speak, “I see that you’ve brought the council president as well, professor”, he looks at the goof sitting at the other end of the table: you, “please take care of our precious Kotone, president”, he continues. “You don’t have to call me that, sir”, you try to focus on the people in front of you, “please refer to me by my name, if you don’t mind; it’s Jeon Yunho”. “Jeon, Jeon—huh, that last name sounds very familiar”, Mr. Kamimoto looks at his wife for a few moments before turning back to you, “are you Jeon Daewon’s son, by any chance?”. “That is correct, sir. Have you met my father before?", you try to dig as much information as you can. “My wife and I are close to your parents, son. Tell me, will you take over your father’s company one day?”, Mr. Kamimoto’s acuteness surprises you. “We have talked about it before, sir. We have agreed to see how things turn out”, you answer his question as best you can. He seems to be somewhat satisfied with your answer, as he gives you a small nod, “you need to be ready, son; we’ll build our empire together and have you and Kotone at the helm”.
“WHAT THE FUCK?”, you scream in your head. His words stun you; you met these people mere minutes ago and he’s saying that? “Yo, this is fucking absurd, man”, your say in your head. You look at Kotone, who’s now looking down at the table, the pink tint on her cheeks clear as day to see. “Soojin-unnie will be so, so proud of you, Yunho-yah”, Professor Hwang says with a warm smile on her face. Her words surprised Mrs. Kamimoto, who questions her right away, “you know his mother, professor?”. “Ah, my apologies for speaking so carelessly”, she slaps her forehead, “I do, Mrs. Kamimoto. His mother is my half-sister, so we have different last names: mine is Hwang while hers is Shim—please don’t tell anyone, by the way”. Mrs. Kamimoto turns to her husband, “Life surprises you all the time, doesn’t it?”, she then looks to you and smiles warmly. Mr. Kamimoto’s eye smile is forming on his face as he nods in agreement, “it sure does”.
You proceed to spend almost an hour talking to the Kamimoto family about a wide range of subjects. They ask you about your grades, which you have no problem bragging about (keeping over 3,7 GPA for 4—potentially 5—straight semesters is no easy feat), your student council career, and your romantic life. You shyly confess to them that you have never dated anyone, citing your commitment to save yourself for someone special. Mr. Kamimoto nods in understanding while Mrs. Kamimoto giggles as she covers her mouth with a hand—Kotone looks away from you once again when you look at her. You really hope that you’ll be able to talk to her and get to know her better after this, as this meeting has a very big chance of making things awkward between you two.
Mr. Kamimoto looks at his watch and notices that they’ve spent too much time talking, so he gets up from his seat followed by his wife and daughter, “our apologies, professor, but we’re running short on time. My wife and I have some places we need to get to soon”. Everyone shakes the other’s hand, and before he heads out of the door, Mr. Kamimoto pulls you into a hug and whispers in your ear, “you’re a good young man, your parents must be proud. Take care of my Kotone, will you?". “I will do my best, sir”, you whisper back to him and shake his hand after.
Kotone’s parents and Professor Hwang file out the door while Kotone herself stays in the room with you. “President”, she looks up at you with all the confidence she can muster, “can we be friends?”. You couldn’t pay much attention earlier, but her tone and thick accent sound adorable to you now. “Only if you don’t call me ‘president’ ever again”, you chuckle. “You’re older than me, though. Sunbaenim?”, she rubs her chin as the gears in her head turn. “Absolutely not”, you laugh, “you can call me ‘oppa’ if it’s okay with you”. “Deal, Yunho-oppa it is. You can call me Tone, by the way”, she shakes your hand one more time.
You now find yourself in front of your council office after giving her a tour of the university grounds. “This is the student council’s office”, you introduce the room in front of you to Kotone. You open the door and see that it’s empty; “great timing”, you murmur. You open the other door that has the text “president” written on it. “Welcome to my office, Tone-yah”, you head to your chair as she looks around the room. “It’s so… empty. There’s only a desk and two chairs”, she says. You laugh, “true, the previous president had so many things, so I took them out of the office”. She immediately sits on the empty chair while you just look at her. She looks at you, blinks a few times, and gets up from her seat while yelling, “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t mean to sit without your permission like that”. You’re absolutely flustered, “hey, hey, it’s okay, we’re friends; my friends do that all the time”. She blinks a few more times before shyly sitting back down.
“Tone-yah”, you say to her, who is now more relaxed and has her back turned away from you, “there’s a reason I brought you here”. She turns her chair to your direction, “and that is?”. You turn on the computer on your desk, “you see, I talked to my parents before meeting you and your parents today”. You enter the password on the computer before continuing, “I was asking my parents for advice because I was so nervous, and then they revealed that one of their business partners is moving to Seoul with his family. My dad told me to look out for the last name Kamimoto”. She maintains eye contact with you, her confusion is shown clearly on her features, “okay?”. “On my way here, I saw a Flying Spur parked in front of a Grilled Greed—there aren’t many Flying Spurs in this country to begin with, you see—so I figured that it was indeed my dad’s business partner’s family, and here you are”, you explain to her.
She says none and spins her chair around and around. She finally stops after a few spins, “I’m sorry, oppa, but I really didn’t catch the point”, she scratches her head. You chuckle at the sight in front of you. You get up from your chair and walk behind her, “the point is that you now owe me a video call with my parents”, you say as you push her chair to the other side of the table. You call your mom using WhatsApp on your computer. It takes a bit longer for her to pick up, but she eventually does. “Mom, is dad with you?”, you begin. “No, but I can get him. He’s in his office and I’m in the bedroom”, your mom says over the phone. “Yes, do that, please”, you look at Kotone who is still speechless, “I have something to show you two”.
It takes a few seconds for your mom to reach your dad’s office, and you hear your dad’s voice after your mom hands the phone over to him. “Sweetie, is everything okay? Your mom told me you have something to show us”, your dad is a bit concerned, as heard in his voice. “Well, not something—someone. Let’s switch to video call now”, you push Kotone out of the frame so that only you are seen on the camera. Your parents accept your video call request, and you see them sitting next to each other while looking at the screen confusedly. “Remember when I called earlier and said that I was nervous, and then you revealed that your business partner is moving to Seoul with his family?”, you grab the arm rest of Kotone’s chair and pull her into the frame, “well, here she is: the Kamimoto heir herself, in the flesh”.
Your parents stay quiet but the surprise on their faces is obvious. You don’t want this to start getting awkward, so you start the conversation, “mom and dad, meet Kotone. She’s the daughter of your friends and she’s transferring to my university. Kotone, this is my parents”. Your dad laughs and looks at your mom, “Akihito thinks he’s slick, doesn’t he? He thinks he can move to this city without me knowing”. Your mom smiles at your dad’s joke and starts talking to the camera, “hello, Miss Kamimoto, we are the Jeons. How are you? Is Yunho treating you well?”. “Oh, um, um—he-hello, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. My-my name is Kamimoto Kotone, nice to meet you both”, you can tell that she’s both surprised and nervous to suddenly hop on a video call with your parents. “Nice to meet you too, sweetie, but you didn’t answer my wife’s questions”, your dad cracks a joke. “Oh-oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Jeon—what were the questions, oppa?”, Kotone whispers to you. “They asked how you are and if I’m treating you well”, you help her, “I’m well, Mrs. Jeon, thank you for asking. Ye-yes, Yunho-oppa is treating me well; he-he gave me a tour around the campus and now he’s brought me to his office”.
The sun went down at some point when you were talking over the video call with your parents and Kotone. “Sweetie”, your mom calls out to you, “I want to talk to you privately after we’re done, okay?”. Your eyes widen, not quite sure what your mom is trying to say, “sure, mom”. Kotone glances at you before quickly looking at the screen again. “Miss Kamimoto”, it’s your dad’s turn now, “tell me, would you visit our house one day for dinner?”. His question hits Kotone like a jab with how frontal it is—unlike a jab, though, it doesn’t hurt at all, just blush-inducing. “It would be such an honor, sir”, she turns her head to look at you and then back to the screen before covering her cheeks with her palms to hide the blush, “to what do I owe the pleasure, sir and madam? Al-also, please call me Kotone; there’s no need to be so formal with me”. “You owe us nothing, sweetie”, your dad shrugs, “you seem like a sweet person, and we just want to know you better”.
Your smartwatch vibrates; “stand up and move”, it says. “Has it really been an hour already?”, you find out that it’s now past dinner time. “Dad, mom, I’m sorry but we need to go. Kotone hasn’t eaten since this afternoon”. “Ah, has it been that long?”, you dad looks at the clock on the wall behind him, “yeah, I guess you’re right, sweetie. That’s alright, we can wrap it up here”. “Oh, one last thing, Mrs. Shim, if you don’t mind”, Kotone raises her hand and pushes you out of the frame to take the space in the center. Amused and surprised at the same time, your mom laughs and slaps your dad repeatedly in the back when she hears Kotone say her maiden name while your dad just smiles widely as he leans his head against his hand, “I haven’t used that name for over 30 years, sweetie—how did you know that name?”, your mom patiently replies to her. “Oh, I-I’m so sorry, Mrs. Jeon. Professor Hwang earlier said that she’s your half-sister. I-I was going to ask you about that, but I accidentally said your maiden name. Please accept my apology”, she bows in front of the screen. “Ah, Miyoung? Yes, she’s my half-sister, indeed—a bit of a long story actually, which is why you should visit us for dinner!”, your mom covers her mouth to hide her big laugh. “Alright, I’ll see you two soon! Bye!”, your mom and dad wave at the camera and end the call.
Kotone sighs and melts into the chair she’s sitting on, “oppaaaa, why did you do this to meeeeee, aaaaagh”, she whines cutely. “Ahahaha it’s nothing, sweetie. I just wanted to have a little follow-up with my parents on our conversation from earlier today”. Her eyes widen when she hears you refer to her with a pet name, “sweetie?”. Realization slaps you in the face; this is day one and you’re nowhere near the endearment stage. “Oh, I’m so sorry, that habit comes back to me every time I talk to my parents; I mean you heard how often they said that word”, you deflect. “Come on, let’s go get something to eat”, you get up from your chair and start walking out of the council office followed by Kotone.
“Oh, actually—wait outside, will you? I need to call my mom, you heard what she said ealier”, you find your mom’s number on your phone and call her. She picks up immediately, “hi, mom. You said you wanted to talk?”, you greet your mom. “Hi, sweetie. I just wanted to remind you to treat her well”, she starts, “your dad and I know that you are a good person and are more than capable of taking care of someone—we raised you to be that sort of person”. “Of course, mom. I would never hurt Kotone”, you tell her. Your heart wonders after you say that sentence, “are you sure she’s your friend or have you started thinking that she’s more than that?”. “Yunho-yah”, she calls out, “I think you might be able to have a special something with Kotone”. That sounds absurd, considering that you have just met Kotone today, but you’re not in the mood for disagreement with your mom at the moment, “you know I like living life one day at a time, mom, we’ll have to see where we go from here”. “Of course, sweetie—oh, almost forgot; I had your dad send you some money and we want you to treat her to dinner. Can you do that?”. You hear a chime from your watch, “KR₩ 500.000 has been credited to your account”, the notification says; “that is a ridiculous amount of money for dinner”, you think to yourself. “Sure, I’ll take her to Grilled Greed or something”, you say.
“I’m guessing that was your first time at Grilled Greed”, you say while walking side by side with Kotone. “Of course it was, oppa. We don’t have that in Tokyo”. You keep walking until you get to the gates—no Mr. Choi this time. You say bye to the guards and give them a little wave; deep inside, they’re probably wondering where has the president found this girl and why is she following him around like that. “Walk faster, Tone-yah. Do you not want to eat?”, you tease her with your fast walking speed. “Op-hah-oppa, slow down, please. I can’t keep up with you”. You hear her sincere plea and stop in your tracks. You turn around and notice that her steps have gotten heavier as her legs are about to give out any moment now. You walk back to Kotone and kneel in front of her while showing your back to her, “come, I’ll carry you”. Your back is turned, so you don’t see the way her cheeks turn red as if burned by the sun.
You keep carrying her until you arrive at the doors of Grilled Greed, “we’re here, Miss Kamimoto”. “Oh, c’mon, not you calling me by my last name like that”, she jumps off your back and tidies her clothes. “Alright, let’s go in”, you take her hand and pull her into the restaurant. “Can you tell me what you had earlier?”, you ask Kotone as you look at the menu board above you. “I had the number 3 while my parents had the number 1”, she points at the board, “did I choose well, oppa?”. “It’s fine, yeah. There are things I like way better, though”, you then turn to Jaehyuk, the shop’s employee you’re the closest with, and tell him your preferred orders, “I’d like to have a number 0 with extra pickles. As for the lady“, you turn to Kotone, “what are we thinking, Tone-yah?”. “Pick for me, oppa”, she relinquishes her freedom of choice to you. “Do you like tomatoes?”, she shakes her head at your question, “I’d also like to add a number 6, two packets of honey barbeque sauce, two packets of mango habanero sauce, and two large crinkle-cut fries as well, please”. Jaehyuk then gives you two big cups after you’re done ordering and paying, and you head to the drink machine to get their signature iced lychee tea.
You can’t find an empty table on the first floor, so you head upstairs, “Jaehyuk-hyung, we’re upstairs!”, you notify him, and he gives you a thumbs-up as acknowledgement. You find an empty table in the corner and pull a chair for Kotone before sitting down across her. “What did you get for us, oppa?”, she takes off her coat and sets it on the empty chair next to her. “Well, number 0 is a spicy chicken sandwich with their specialty sauce, and I asked for extra pickles. Your number 9 is a double smash burger with cheese and grilled onions, which I think goes really well with their mango habanero sauce”. “Double!?”, her tone rises in shock, “that must be a big one, oppa. I won’t be able to finish it!”. “Nah, you will, you haven’t eaten all day”, you shrug.
It took about 15 minutes for the food to arrive at your table and both of you start with the fries first. “Warm and crispy as always”, you nod in satisfaction. “Here, dip it in this”, you open a packet of mango habanero and dip a fry in it. Your groan sounds like a moan this time, as you’re reminded how hard this combo hits. “Habanero? Isn’t that, like, super spicy?”, she wonders. “Just try a little bit if you’re scared, I think it’s amazing—we should come back and try their blueberry chipotle sauce next time, by the way”, you tell her. “You come here often, don’t you, oppa?”, Kotone says as she dips a fry into the sauce, “oh, it’s really good, actually”. You smile at her, “told ya it’s good—and yes, I do come here a lot. The amount of money I’ve spent in this shop is absurd”. “You should just buy the restaurant at this point, no?”, Kotone jokes before letting out a loud laugh, which you find to be cute. You laugh at the joke enthusiastically, “nah, they run this place better than anyone else ever could. Maybe I’ll invest in them or something”.
After finishing a serving of fries, you two move on to your sandwiches. Kotone unwraps her burger, and her jaw drops in surprise, “wow, look at this thing”, she rotates the sandwich around to take a good look at it. She then takes a bite and immediately closes her eyes and leans back in her chair at the taste, “holy shit, that is glorious—excuse my language, oppa”. You giggle at her reaction to the food and unwrap your sandwich. Kotone sees the visuals of your sandwich and comments, “that looks really spicy, you sure you can handle that?”. You shrug at her comment, “yeah, I think the pickles balance the spiciness really well”, you then take a bite of your sandwich; the chicken is both juicy and crispy while the buns are very soft—absolutely incredible.
You two finally finish all the food you ordered after 30 minutes of eating. Kotone’s drink is still full because she was drinking from your cup, like a true friend. “I don’t think I’ve asked where you live in this city”, you say to her. “I’m staying in a hotel until the weekend. I was thinking if you can help me find an apartment after that”, she wipes her mouth with a napkin, “can you do that?”. “Sure, let’s start tomorrow since I’m free tomorrow”, you tell her. “What about me? Am I free tomorrow? You’re the president, do you have any idea how this works?”, she asks you a quick burst of questions. “Council president”, you correct her, “let’s not make it sound like I’m someone super important—now to answer your question: you’ll most likely be free of schedules this week so feel free to do whatever. Transfer students usually start on the following Monday after they have been registered at the university”.
“Okay, so how do you want to do this?”, you say to her outside the restaurant. “What do you mean?”, she’s unsure of what you’re talking about. “Your hotel is quite the distance away from this area so I offer you two options: we walk to my apartment and get the car so that we can drive there, or we go in that direction to catch a bus”, you tell her. “Hmmm”, Kotone puts on her thinking cap, “can we do option 1?”. You nod, “we sure can”, you kneel and offer her your back again, “get on—don’t spill your drink on me, though”. She gets on your back, and you give her a piggyback ride to your apartment.
“Whew, here we are, finally—hah, fuck”, you pant in exhaustion. “Get-get down, princess, please”, you say to the girl on your back. Kotone blushes when she hears you call her that, but since you don’t have eyes on the back of your head, you’re oblivious to it. You look straight into her eyes before opening your mouth, “I’m respectfully asking you to come up with me to get the car key because I don’t want to leave you outside alone. On my family’s name, I swear I will not do anything stupid or harmful to you”. Kotone covers her face to hide her watermelon-red cheeks; “oppa is so sweet and mature but also goofy at the same time”, her heart says. “Of-of course, oppa. Lead the way, please”, she reaches out and holds your hand. Your heart flutters at the contact but you do your best to hold your excited horses and lead her through the building to your unit.
You finally arrive at your door after navigating through the building. “Why is your unit on the highest floor like a building owner, oppa? Do you actually own this building? Maybe your parents?", she asks you. You let out a small laugh as you punch in the door code, “No, I don’t own this building—we’re looking, though”. You open the door and stand on the side, “I’m respectfully asking—wait, what?", your words are cut off as Kotone enters right away. “I heard you the first time, oppa. I know you won’t try anything with me”, she smiles warmly at you. “Cool, okay”, you shrug, walk to the table by the door and open the section locked behind a fingerprint scanner. “You’re just like my dad”, she giggles, “he also keeps his keys like this—my mom and I can open it, though”. “One day you’ll be able to open this too, sweetie”, you hear your heart say. You shake your head to rid the thought and grab the key, “alright, we can go now”. You two get out of the apartment and lock the door behind you.
You enter the escalator with Kotone and head to the basement parking lot. Good for you, your car is parked in a reserved spot close to the escalator—shoutout to dad who managed to arrange it. “Here’s my car”, you point to the white 2023 Nissan GT-R in front of you. “Were you trying to impress some Japanese girl by owning a Japanese car?”, Kotone laughs, “because it’s working right now, oppa, and it’s not about the car”, she mutters to herself. “I mean, I’ve always wanted a GT-R so I bought one”, you unlock the car and open the passenger door, “please, make yourself comfortable”. Kotone gets in the car and puts on the safety belt right away, “very good, safety first”, you commend her. You close her door and get in the car from the driver’s side. The car roars to life when you press the start button, “Hoookay, let’s act nice, Nina; we have a princess in the passenger seat today”, you glance at Kotone who happens to be looking out the window to hide her blush.
You start driving and get out of the building through the gate. You now find the two of you sailing the asphalt sea. “You have a name for your car, oppa?”, Kotone attempts to start a conversation. “I do, actually. I named my parents’ old Phantom as well; it was Blacky, because it was, well, a black car. I’m weird like that, you know?”, you confess despite your embarrassment. “You’re not weird”, Kotone hears her brain say. “I’m so deep into this already, aren’t I?”, she wonders to herself. “Is there anywhere you want to visit on the way? Convenience store, maybe?”, you ask her next. “I do need to buy some things, actually. Can we stop by at one?”, she requests. “Siri-yah”, you call out to your phone, “find me a convenience store”.
You proceed to drive to the convenience store that was suggested to you by Siri. Kotone tells you to stay in the car because she won’t be long. She’s duping you so that you won’t know the things she’s buying: soaps, pads, snacks, and condoms; “in case we’re getting lucky tonight”, she thinks to herself. Thankfully for her, the bag isn’t transparent like some other stores use, so its content can remain a secret to the eyes of others, like you. In less than 10 minutes, she gets back in the car and implies that she’s ready to continue the trip.
It doesn’t take long from that stop until you get to her hotel. You find a parking spot in front of the lobby and get out of the car with Kotone. “I’m guessing you’ve been here before?”, she walks over to you to talk some more. “I have, for a meeting. Never stayed here before, though”, you take her hand and head inside. “Do friends hold hands when they walk together?”, your brain is questioning everything you’re doing.
You and Kotone smile at every hotel staff member you see as you walk to the escalator. She stops a few steps away from the elevator and turns to look at you, “I’m respectfully asking you to come up with me”, she returns your words to you. You chuckle and shake your head, “and for what reason, Miss Kamimoto?”. Your question stuns Kotone and leaves her speechless; she was expecting that tonight was going to be a passionate one but you’re not cooperating right now. “Please, just go get some rest. You just arrived in this city a few hours ago, you must be tired. I’ll see you around, okay?”, you wave at her and turn to leave.
Kotone enters the elevator alone and goes to her room right away. She’s still stunned by how things turned out to be. She threw herself at you, but you didn’t jump at the opportunity to have a hot night the way Kotone had thought. “Ugh, what is wrong with this guy?”, she wonders in annoyance, “is he playing hard to get? Surely not, right?”. As soon as she enters her room, she throws her stuff on the bed before ditching her clothes and heads straight to the bathroom, hoping that a shower will help clear her mind. She stands underneath the running shower as water runs all over her body. “What plans do you have for us, oppa?”, she mutters to herself.
She leaves the bathroom after she’s satisfied with her shower. She digs through her suitcase to find some clothes to sleep in. She then grabs the bag of stuff from the convenience store, “not using these yet”, she looks at pack of condoms in the bag and stuffs it in her handbag for future use. Only when she gets on her phone does she realize that she didn’t ask for your number. “That’s unfortunate; we could’ve talked over the phone tonight”, Kotone sighs in disappointment. “Guess he’s right; I should just rest”, she positions her pillow and rests her head on it before drifting to dream land.
It's now the start of a new week, which means Kotone should be at campus for stuff like figuring out her schedule and potentially going to her first class. Your class doesn’t start until 9 am, so you opt to chill at the council’s office. You see Seunghan as you open the door to the office and he greets you as you two make eye contact, “yo, what’s up, prez. How did yesterday go?”. You walk up to him to give him a fist bump, “the transfer student turned out to be the daughter of my dad’s business partner”, you tell him in a clear manner. “Someone rich, huh?”, Seunghan says, “are you trying to date her or what? Maybe start building your little empire here?”. You chuckle and wave at Sunwoo who’s also in the room with you, “you’re yapping, man”. “Hey, I’m just saying—if it won’t be you, then it’ll be me”, you hear him say loudly behind the door. “Yeah, man, whatever”, you murmur to yourself. “You’re not really letting Seunghan get close to her, are you?”, your heart speaks its mind. You take a deep breath before replying to it, “no, absolutely not”.
You’re sleeping in your chair in your office until you hear some loud knocks on the door. “Oppa, you have a guest. She said her name is Kotone”, Sunwoo says behind the door. “Thank you, Sunwoo­-yah. Please let her in”, you tell her as you recollect your consciousness. Would you look at that: Kotone is here to visit you on her first day as a student at the university. You look at what she’s wearing today: a black cardigan over a white shirt and a knee-long skater skirt. “Good morning”, you say before yawning, “have a seat, please. How are you today?”. “Were you actually sleeping?”, she sits in front of you and puts her bag on your desk. “Mm-hmm. I didn’t have much sleep last night, Tone-yah. My parents want to celebrate their anniversary in Dubai, so I had to speak with a bunch of people about a bunch of things”, you explain to her with strange hand gestures before leaning back in your chair again, “is there anything the president can help you with?”. “I need help figuring us out”, she says with a low voice. You didn’t catch it, so you ask her, “huh, what was that?”. She deflects in panic right away, “I was thinking we could get breakfast together, but you look so tired”. You take a deep breath and get up from your chair, “anything for the lady”, you say to her.
Kotone asks you to recommend a breakfast spot, so you take her to your favorite chicken congee shop for a bowl or two. “Good morning”, you say to the owner, “can we get two congees, two blackcurrant teas, and a serving of gizzard and liver, please?”. The owner writes down your order and you leave to find a table. “Gizzard and liver? Seriously?”, Kotone can’t believe what she just heard. “I like it, you should try some if you’re not too grossed out”.
You both sit at one of the few tables the shop has and have some small talk until the owner brings out your order. “How do you usually do this?”, Kotone looks at you for clues. Grab the bottle of pepper and chili powder in front of you and shake its contents out into your bowl. You pass the bottles to Kotone who then replicates your actions. “Here, try the gizzard on its own”, you encourage Kotone. She picks up a piece with her spoon and puts it in her mouth; “not too bad, actually—it’s chewy, why is it chewy?”, she says. You laugh at her, “that’s just how it is, really”.
You peek at your watch as you walk back to campus. 8:40 am, it says, which means you need to get ready for your classes today. “I’ll see you later, Tone-yah”, you say to her when you reach the campus gate. “Can we go look at apartments later, oppa? I’ve looked up a few options. We’ll need your car too, if you don’t mind”, she says to you. You don’t have anything to do tonight, so you agree to her, “yeah, sure. I’ll pick you up later”.
You say your goodbyes and start walking away from her, and that’s when you feel a tap on your shoulder, “I don’t have your number yet. How am I supposed to text you, you dummy?”, she says. You give her your number and say your goodbyes once again. Kotone has another idea to say goodbye, as she gets on her tiptoes and pecks your cheek before running away. You’re glad that she runs away, because your cheeks are as red as a perfectly ripe tomato.
She texted you earlier and said that she’d be done at 3 pm. So here you are, waiting for her in front of the gate while sitting in your car. She recognizes the car right away as soon as she walks out of the gate because it’s not like anyone else drives a GT-R—one problem, though: she has a sad face right now. You hop out and offer her a hug, which she accepts immediately. “We’re making a scene, oppa”, her face is pressed against your chest, but her voice is still loud enough to reach your ears. “The world is ours, Tone-yah. These people are merely leasing it”, you close your eyes to savor the moment you’re sharing with Kotone. “That’s cute, but seriously, we should get in the car”, she pulls away from the hug and gets in the car.
You two are now hidden behind the tinted windows of your car which give you enough privacy to catch up. “What happened?”, you ask the frowning princess in your passenger seat. “Is my Korean that bad, oppa? Is there something wrong with my looks?”, her glassy eyes are threatening to release tears, “I tried introducing myself to some people, but they looked at me as if they didn’t understand what I was saying and then they laughed at me. I-I was wondering if maybe my Korean was bad, or if I looked weird”. You take a moment to think of an answer, “You do have an accent, but I don’t think it’s that bad. Your Korean is decent for a foreigner”. You’re not entirely sure if that’s good enough of an answer, but that’s what your little brain can come up with at the moment. A little hum is all the sound Kotone makes before asking you to start driving.
You’re not entirely sure where to go, but you guess that she probably would love to have a sweet treat, so you head to a Frozen Feast that’s 5 minutes away from campus to get some ice cream. Kotone sees the sign and signs of happiness return to her features, “we-we’re getting ice cream, oppa?”. “We are, sweetie”, you say as approach the first drive-thru window. “Welcome to Frozen Feast, what can I get you today?”, a staff’s voice comes out of the intercom. “Hi, can I have two Yunho Specials, please?”, you say back. You start driving forward to the next window when the staff has finished taking your order. “Yunho Special, huh?”, Kotone wonders, “just how big exactly is your name around these parts, oppa?”. “Oh, it’s nothing; just something I came up with when they were a smaller business. It’s a simple one but they decided to add it to their menu”, you explain to her. “And what exactly is it?”, her curiosity continues. “You’ll see, it’ll come out soon”.
True enough, a staff leans out of the drive-thru window and gives you your order. You pay for the order and quickly leave—you want to get to the park and enjoy the ice cream there before it melts. Also, since you’re the luckiest person in the world, your favorite parking spot at the nearest park is empty when you arrive there. “Let’s get out of the car and sit on that bench under the tree”, you grab the bag and jump out of the car, followed by Kotone, who now seems to be in a better mood. You sit on the bench and pull out a cup of ice cream that is named after you. Kotone’s eyes widen in excitement as she sees the ice cream in your hand, “that looks so good already”, she says.
You hand Kotone her ice cream and pull the other one out of the bag. “So, what is this, exactly?”, she says as she takes a spoonful. “It’s chocolate brownie ice cream, drizzled with banana sauce on top. I haven’t had this in a while, actually”, you explain to her before shoving a spoonful into your mouth. “The banana sauce is amazing, oppa”, she says. “I know, right? They used to use it for another item too. One day I just went there and asked if I could have my choco brownie ice cream covered in banana sauce and they said yes—like I said, very simple, but also very good”, you take another spoonful before looking at Kotone, who’s eating her ice cream very cutely and enthusiastically. You muster up your courage and start petting the back of her head softly, “I’m glad that you’re feeling better”. “It’s hard not to when I’m with you”, she looks away to hide her crazy blush, “you can call me ‘sweetie’, by the way. I like how it sounds when you say it”.
You both finish the ice cream after savoring each spoonful and get back in the car. “You said we’ll be looking for apartments?”, you confirm with her. “Actually, I figured that I’ll just live in the same building as you, oppa. Should make things easier for us—I mean, me”. You act like you didn’t hear her correcting herself, but you can’t help but feel a little tingle of excitement in your heart at the prospect of living close to Kotone. “We can do that, yeah. I’ll call them and ask if there’s an empty unit somewhere”, you say as you make a U-turn to head back to your building.
To make sure that things go smoothly once you get there, you call the management office that oversees your building as you’re driving. “Hello, thank you for calling Dynamic Dwellings. This is Park Shion speaking. How may I be of help?”, says the female voice over the phone. “Good afternoon, Miss Park. This is Jeon Yunho from floor 35 of the Songpa-gu apartment building. I’m calling because someone I know is looking for a unit in that same building. What information can you provide me with right now?”, you tell the lady. “Please hold the line for a moment, sir”, she says before pausing for about 20 seconds, “there is an empty, fully furnished unit on the 33rd floor available for purchase or lease, Mr. Jeon. A bit smaller in size than yours, I must say”. You look over to Kotone and she nods in approval, “We’ll come and have a look. We’re on our way now. Thank you for the help, Miss Park”. “Of course, sir. I’ve notified the front desk as well, please tell them your name so that they can help you further”, she informs.
You two arrive at the building and see the man sitting at the desk. “Good afternoon, mister. My name is Jeon Yunho, I called earlier about the empty unit on the 33rd floor”, you say to him. “Good afternoon, Mr. Jeon. My colleague, Miss Lee Jiwoo, is waiting for you there. Would you kindly make your way there, please?”. You thank him and hold Kotone’s hand on your way to the elevator and to the 33rd floor. “Kotone is holding my hand tightly—her hand feels warm too”, you think as the elevator carries you to your destination. You’re instantly met with Miss Lee when you walk out of the elevator, “Mr. Jeon, is it?”, she initiates the conversation. You and Kotone take turns to shake her hand before Miss Lee leads you to the aforementioned unit. She asks the housekeeping staff accompanying her to open the door and enters the unit with you.
You and Kotone take a lap around the unit led by Miss Lee, who is giving you complete and concrete information about the unit itself, purchase and lease terms, and other bits that are of interest. Kotone speaks about her plan for a short-term lease, so Miss Lee offers her the shortest term she can do, which is 6 months. “Do I get a purchase option, Miss Lee?”, Kotone asks. “I apologize, madam, but you need to lease for at least 2 years to get one”, she regretfully informs. “I see”, Kotone gazes around the unit once again, “I’ll take the lease, thank you”. “Understood, madam. However, I regretfully need to inform you that we need 2 to 3 days before you can occupy this unit”, she pulls out a bundle of documents, “please kindly read and sign this document if you agree, madam”. You stand near the window while Kotone does her business with Miss Lee. “It was a pleasure, Miss Lee”, she says as they shake hands. Miss Lee then leaves right away.
“Oppa”, she calls out to you, “where do I stay then? Should I book another hotel room?”. “Time to make your move, my boy”, your brain tells you. “You can stay with me and use the other bedroom”, you keep looking out the window to hide your nervousness. You’re in for a surprise, as Kotone walks up to you and hugs you from behind. “You’re always so kind to me, oppa”, she leans against your back, “your back is as solid as a brick wall, what the fuck?”. You laugh and blush at the same time, but there’s another important thing you need to address, “what about your stuff at the hotel? Wanna go get them?”. “No”, she rubs her cheek against your back, “I’ll have someone get it for me. I heard that Miss Yamada is in town, she should be able to get them for me. Can we chill in your unit instead? I wanna lay down”.
You obey her wishes and lead her to your apartment to “chill”, as she said earlier. “That’s your room, behind that door”, you point at a closed door, “please make yourself at home. I’ll get some pizza delivered”. You pay no mind to what Kotone is doing as you head to your room to change into something more comfortable—you have no idea that Kotone was contemplating to follow you to your room. You get out of your room after changing clothes and ordering pizza and see that Kotone has ditched her clothes for a simple white T-shirt and a pair of shorts that barely cover half her thighs and is now lying on the sofa with her eyes closed. You’ve never had a female guest in your apartment apart from your mom and that one staff of hers, so you’re not used to this sort of sight—not yet at least.
You take a seat on the armchair next to her and ask her as you sink into it, “how are we feeling?”. “Hm? Oh, hey, oppa. Feeling much better, thanks to you. Thank you”, she smiles. “God, that smile is so precious”, you think to yourself. “Pizza will be here in about 15 to 20 minutes. I keep a spare towel in the drawers in the bathroom if you want to borrow it and get a shower”, you inform her. “Yeah, sure. Thank you, oppa”, she gets up from the couch and beelines to the bathroom to get a shower. “You can stop thanking me for every little thing I do for you, Tone-yah. We’re past that stage now”, you lean back and close your eyes. “Then what stage are we in right now, oppa?”, she mutters to herself before getting in the bathroom.
“Oppa”, you hear a yell behind the bathroom door, “I’m coming out of the bathroom. Please close your eyes”. “She has clothes, though”, you think, but you adhere to her request anyway. You cover your eyes with your hands and keep them shut behind your palms, “okay, you can come out now”. You hear the bathroom door swing open but you’re not hearing anything after that, so you keep your eyes covered until she says you can stop. Unbeknownst to you, Kotone decides to walk up to you and peck your lips. “Open your eyes, oppa”, she grabs your hands and pulls them down. She’s not naked like you suspected, as her T-shirt and shorts are covering her body. “Umm”, you don’t know how to act, “I, uh, uh, hm”. Her face is so close to yours, the pink tint on her cheeks obvious for you to see, “Oppa, I think I’m-I’m falling for you”, she confesses.
Her words hit you like a boxer’s straight, as you’re left stunned in your seat. Noticing that you’re not saying anything, she decides to keep punching, “you said that you’re saving yourself for a special someone—can I be that special someone, oppa?”. You finally start speaking when your brain is ready to function again. “Tone-yah”, you start, “what’s gotten into you in the shower?”. “Love, oppa”, she rubs your cheeks softly, ”love for you is what has gotten into me”. Your heart melts amid the confusion; you’ve never felt something like this about someone in your life before, “so you’re saying that I-I can call you mine?”. Kotone sits on your lap and pecks your cheek, “only if I get to you call you mine in return”.
You lean in for a passionate kiss to show her that you’re willing to fall for her the same way. It’s when she pulls away from the kiss that you decide to take the liberty to confess, “I love you, Tone-yah”. You’re surprised to see that Kotone is starting to tear up, and you wonder if you’ve made a mistake, “I’m so sorry, did I get ahead of myself?”. “No, you didn’t”, she wipes a stray tear on her cheek, “I was just so scared that you’d push me away instead. My world would’ve lost its light if you had”. “One second, sweetie”, you fish your phone out of your pocket and fiddle with it for a few seconds, “I told the delivery guy to leave it at the door. I believe we have something important to attend to”. You lift your new girlfriend by the thighs, and she immediately wraps her limbs around your neck and back; “don’t drop me, please”, she pleas.
You walk to your bedroom door and push it open. You’re feeling cheeky, so you pretend as if you were going to drop Kotone onto the floor, making her scream in panic—this girl is as heavy as a feather, there’s no way you’re dropping her. You chuckle and put her down on the bed; “got you good, didn’t I?”, you tease the pouting girl in your arms. “That wasn’t funny, oppa”, she puts on a fake angry face as she makes herself comfortable on your bed. “You’ll need to make it up to me later, oppa”, she crosses her arms as she says that. You’re amused by her little stunt, so you give her a peck on the forehead and offer her a promise, “we’ll get another Yunho Special after this, okay?”. “But I don’t want more ice cream, oppaaaaa”, she whines cutely. You shrug, “never said it was ice cream”. Kotone laughs as she slaps her forehead, “I keep forgetting that you own this city”.
After exchanging jokes back and forth, Kotone puts on a serious face. She holds your hand with both hands and delivers a news exclusive for your ears only, “I’ve never had sex before, oppa. I-I’ve been saving myself for a special person as well, just like you”. You feel honored at the prospect of being her first, but you’re also very nervous as you’re as inexperienced as she is. “Let’s take this slow, okay?”, you suggest to her. She nods and pulls you into a kiss—it’s not very sensual, but you can really feel how much she loves you. She surprises you again by pulling your hand and placing it over her breast, “make me yours, oppa, and I’ll make you mine”.
You put on a show for Kotone by stripping all your clothes in front of her, showing her your muscular and healthy body. She eyes the big package hanging between your legs and bites her lips in nervousness. “Is that supposed to fit inside me, oppa? How?”, she says, nervousness drawn all over her features. “We’ll take this slowly, sweetie. I promise I won’t hurt you”, you try to comfort her. Thinking that she needs to strip as well, she starts pulling her T-shirt up somewhat in a rush. You jump to her and hold her hands, “let me take care of you, sweetie”. You slowly pull her T-shirt past her head and peck her lips after. You see the cute, white bras covering her perky breasts and peck her chest just above her cleavage, making her gasp in surprise. You hold the waistband of her shorts and look at her in the eyes, “may I, madam?”. She laughs to hide her nerves as she lifts her butt off the bed in cooperation, “madam, oppa?”. You maintain eye contact as you pull her shorts off, “you’ll be Mrs. Jeon soon, love”. Kotone’s eyes widen when she hears you say that, and she can’t help but cover her face in shyness.
Kotone has nothing else but her underwear, and you can see in her face that she’s very nervous and shy. “My love”, you call out to her, “we don’t have to do this now if you’re not sure. I love you no matter what happens tonight”. “I have a lot of things on my mind, oppa, but uncertainty isn’t one of them. Please, take care of me”, she says with determination in her eyes. You ask her to lie down and be comfortable before you come in for a kiss again. You’re not just expressing love, however—you’re also trying to rile her up. You quickly pull away from her lips and start kissing down her body: her neck, her chest, her stomach, and her thighs. Kotone lets out moans every time she feels a kiss on different parts of her nearly naked body, as you get rock hard from the sound of her moans.
“Oppa, oppa, please”, she squirms around the bed, “I can’t wait anymore. Please, oppa”. “I don’t have a condom, love. I’m sorry”, you say to her. “Just-just do it, please. We are each other’s first anyway. Please, oppa”. You peck her on the forehead before reaching behind her back to unlatch her bras. She throws them to the side impatiently before placing your hands on her panties, “promise me you’ll take care of me”. “I promise on my life, love”, you look in her eyes to show your sincerity. She nods and lifts her butt off the bed so you can pull her panties off. There it is: her prime and fresh pussy, never touched by any man (or woman) before, in all its glory in front of your eyes.
You get into a missionary position, your head hanging above hers. “Kotone, my baby”, you’re unleashing all the pet names you can come up with, “I love you”. “I love you more, oppa—my oppa”, she replies with a smile while looking at you straight in your eyes, seemingly less nervous compared to earlier. “Tell me, love, do I have your consent?”, you say with a low voice. “I’m offering myself to him and he’s still asking for consent? That’s so sweet and manly—that low voice is hot, too”, Kotone is drowning in her own thoughts, not answering your question. “Baby? I was asking if I have your consent”, you repeat.Kotone focuses again after hearing you repeat the question, “Of course you do, oppa. Am I not yours?”, she rubs your cheeks with her thumbs.
You straighten your back to get ready to take Kotone’s first and give her your first at the same time. You press the tip of your cock against her sealed entrance, and Kotone lets out a surprised yelp. “Gently, please”, she begs you. “Of course, baby”, you reply to her. Your inexperience is showing, as you miss her entrance and rub her clit with the underside of your shaft instead, forcing a moan out of Kotone. Kotone giggles after the little misfortune, “you really have never done this before, have you?”. “I haven’t, sweetie. I would never lie to you about a subject of this magnitude”, you confess to her—"crazy diction right there, buddy”, your brain says to you. “Come on, oppa. Stop teasing me and do it already”, she utters.
You focus on the task at hand—or is it at cock—and tries again. You use your left hand this time to guide your cock into her pussy, and you manage to get the tip in. Kotone gives you a nod, serving as a cue for you to keep going. You do just that, as centimeter by centimeter of your cock starts filling her pussy. Kotone is whining and moaning in such a high voice as you keep pushing into her—that is until she feels you break her seal, and that’s when she screams in pain with every bit of air she has in her lungs. “OPPA, OPPA, GENTLY. IT’S MY FIRST TIME, OPPA—AHHHHH”, her loud voice bounces on the walls of your bedroom. You stop pushing and leave your cock stuck in there; “I’m not moving, baby; you’re okay, you’re okay”, you lean forward and put your lips on her forehead.
Her screams and heavy breaths die down eventually, and you see that she has shed some tears. “I’m so sorry, baby. That must’ve hurt so much, right? I’m sorry, love”, you attempt to comfort her by wiping her tears and rubbing her cheeks. “It-it did hurt a lot; but more importantly, I’m now truly yours, and I’m so happy because I love you so much”, she says. Her words make you want to shed tears of your own thanks to how touching they were, but with the way her pussy is hugging your shaft, you’re more horny than emotional. “I’ll try moving again, tell me if it hurts again, babe”, and with that, you start moving again slowly, bottoming out in her pussy. Kotone is now moaning, as the pain of losing her innocence has subsided, “yes, oppa. I’m yours, I’m yours”.
You keep pushing and pulling at a slow pace, hitting her deepest spots with every thrust. Kotone makes an announcement after a few dozens of thrusts, “I-I think I wanna pee—why do I wanna pee all of a sudden?”. You’re not sure what you should do, so you opt to ignore her for now and keep thrusting and pumping; that’s when she screams again, “I’M GONNA PEE, PULL OUT—PLEASE”, and she squirts like a fountain when you do. She squirms around for what feels like 5 minutes until the high from her first ever orgasm dies down. “What the fuck was that?”, she says, her breath heavy due to her first orgasm in her life. “I believe that was your first ever orgasm”, you inform her. “And it’s all thanks to you, oppa?”, she looks at you with a happy smile on her face. “I’d like to think so”, you reciprocate her smile with a warm one of your own.
You lie down next to her and say sweet things into her ears: praising her for doing so well in her first time, expressing your gratitude for her, and how you’re looking forward to having a healthy and lasting relationship with her. She accepts all you’re saying, but then she’s reminded about something else, “you haven’t had an orgasm, have you?”. “I have not, but you look tired at the moment”, you take a few strands of her hair and stroke it softly. “I am, but I would love it if I could help you have an orgasm��this is our first time, remember?”, she straddles your lap and gets ready to help you cross the finish line. “Come on, oppa. Give me the first orgasm of your life”, she lines up her entrance with your cock and slowly sinks down on it until she’s fully seated. “Oh, God, you’re stretching me”, she says while panting, “I won’t be able to be with anyone else, oppa”. You feel a wave of anger in your heart, and you pull her down roughly so you can speak your words straight into her ears, “you’re not doing this with anyone else, ever”. “Of-of course—ah, fuck—I’m sorry, oppa”, she says.
You’re pumping into her aggressively despite being on the bottom, as you hold Kotone’s small frame with your strong arms. “I’m-I’m not too far away, baby”, you whisper in her ear. “Oppa, fuck—yes, give it to me”, she replies before letting out a shriek, “oh fuck, that is deep—yes, yes, oppa. Give it to me, please!”. You roll over and get back on top before resuming your hard pumps, “close, so close”, you murmur.
It only takes a few more thrusts until you feel your cock twitch in her pussy, and you think that you should get her consent before sending your baby batter straight into her womb; “I’m cumming, baby. Where do you want it?”, you say with heavy pants. “In-side, where else?”, she only manages to say those few words. You scream out a curse and release your seed deep into her pussy. “That is so warm”, she remarks. “Thank you, oppa. I’m honored to be your first”, she continues, “let’s stay like this”. You calm your breathing before saying anything, “the honor is mine, baby—believe me”.
The both of you take a few minutes to calm yourselves after enduring a heavy storm that is an orgasm. You pull away from her embrace and pull out, and you’re shown a sight you’ve never seen before: your cum is dripping out of Kotone’s newly-deflowered pussy like melted ice cream while your cock is covered in her blood—arousing sight, you must admit. You’re looking at it for too long, though, thus making Kotone raise an eyebrow in suspicion, “what are you looking at, oppa?”. “It’s, uh, um”, you stutter, “my cum is dripping out of you, babe—kinda hot, I must say”. Kotone’s cheeks turn red when she hears you say that and she immediately covers her pussy, “aaaaaaah, how can you say that so casually, oppaaaaaaa”, she complains.
You leave the bedroom to get the shower ready for the two of you. Once the water starts running and the soap and shampoo are set in position, you return to the bedroom to check up on your new girlfriend. “Honey?”, you call out to the girl lying on her stomach and she turns her head to see you, “wanna shower?”. She nods in agreement; “only if you carry me to the bathroom”, she says. You’ll gladly do that—who’s to say that she doesn’t deserve such treatment after what has happened tonight? “Nobody”, your brain says.
You stand in the shower with her, and you see that she’s still eyeing your cock. “Yes, sweetie?”, you say, your voice laced with curiosity. She says none as she gets on her knees in front of you, your cock right in front of her face. She then wraps your cock softly with her hand and start stroking it somewhat awkwardly, “so this is my beloved boyfriend’s cock, huh? This massive thing was stretching me mere minutes ago—it was crazy that you managed to make it fit, oppa”. You throw your head back at the new sensation that her soft hand offers. “Eyes on me, please”, she calls out to you before putting your cock in her mouth. You spread your arms and put your hands on the walls so that you don’t fall over, as she starts moving her mouth back and forth on your shaft.
The wetness of her mouth is different to that of her pussy’s in ways that your inexperienced self can’t explain. One thing is certain, though: if she keeps going like this, you’ll bust another load soon. “God, that feels so good”, you groan before petting the back of her head, “you’re doing so good, love”. She removes you from her mouth to say her piece, “do you think you have another load for me, oppa?”. “Maybe—no idea honestly. I suggest getting back to work and finding out yourself”, you line up your cock with her mouth again, and she diligently takes you back in.
The gagging sound she’s making is truly something you’ve never heard before. Truth be told, you’re starting to get addicted to that sound. So, to hear more of it, you hold Kotone’s head and start thrusting into her mouth, making her let out tiny gags which your greedy self wants to hear. That is also when your brain gives you an idea, “what if you stick your cock deep in her mouth and stay there?”. You’re intrigued, so you try lodging your cock in her mouth—possibly her throat. You look down and see that Kotone has her mouth opened as wide as her jaws allow to accommodate your girth. At the same time, she’s also making a very hot gagging sound that sounds like music to your ears. “Holy fuck, you’re so good. You’re trying to make me cum in your mouth, aren’t you, love?”, you praise her, and she replies to you with a wink.
You find it incredible that someone who had no previous experience of sex is this good at it. You also never expected that sex is something that is—oh, what’s the word—addicting. You’re glad that your first experience wasn’t with some gold digger or the sort, but rather with someone you love—this person you love happens to be doing such a great job, too. “Sweetie, I swear to God I’m gonna cum down your throat if you keep doing this”, you warn her. She pushes you away and massages her neck, “whew, it’s nice to be able to breathe without a log stuffed in your throat—sorry, you were saying?”. “I said I was going to cum in your mouth had you kept going”, you repeat yourself. “Oh, please, feel free to. I’m yours, remember?”, she says before stuffing her mouth with your cock again. “What has gotten into her? Where did all of this come out of?”, you think to yourself, but deep inside you’re happy and excited for what the future holds.
The way you and Kotone are moving right now is very rhythmic: you push into her once, and she pushes back after—sometimes you meet in the middle as well, and that’s when you’ll hear her gag. You have something to tell her, as you feel the knot in your stomach tightening, “I’m cumming really soon, babe”. To your surprise, she starts moving her head more enthusiastically, ready to receive a second load from you. After a few bobs from your beloved, your cum is now gathered at the tip of your cock, ready to spill out. She knows that you’re about to cum, as she feels your cock twitch in her mouth. With a low groan, you release your cum into her mouth, as she yelps in surprise due to the little flood in her mouth. You pull out of her mouth after you’re done spurting everything out, and she shows you your load that is accumulated in her mouth before swallowing it in one gulp; “that tastes weird, but it’s my boyfriend’s so it’s fine”, she comments.
You pull her up from her kneeling position and kiss her to show her your appreciation. “You just released in my mouth, and you kissed me like that?”, she says. “I don’t see why not”, you shrug as you think that it’s not that big of a deal—it’s your cum, and the only way you’ll ever taste yourself is by tasting it on someone else’s lips. “Can we actually clean up now?”, she turns her back against you and puts her hands on the wall in front of her. “That’s my line, you cheeky bi—oh, um, I’m so sorry“, you bridle your tongue from saying the pejorative term. She laughs at your little stunt and looks at you over her shoulder, “Am I your bitch, oppa? I don’t mind, honestly”. “No”, you peck the back of her head, “I would never call you that, and I promise I will end anyone who dares call you that”.
You finally finish cleaning up after what felt like an hour. Kotone is now lying in bed in her underwear while you put on some clothes and head to the door to get the pizza that has probably turned cold. You throw them into the microwave one slice at a time to reheat them since Kotone is probably hungry from all the actions tonight. After everything has been reheated, you put them back in the box and head back to the bedroom. “Tone-yah, I have some pizza. Would you like some?”, you offer her. She puts her phone on the bedside table and welcomes you back to the bed, “of course, oppa. Not too much, though. I kinda want to sleep soon”. She shoves a slice into her mouth and lets out a satisfied gasp, “wow, that is really good—don’t tell me this a Yunho Special”. The way she thinks that every good food is a Yunho Special is hilarious, so you let out a particularly loud laugh, “it’s not, just one of their signatures”. You two keep shoving slice after slice into your mouth while having conversations about all kinds of topics until you run out of pizza, and that’s when you get ready to end the night.
You’re now cuddling with Kotone, who is now lying right on your body. “Oppa”, she pokes your stomach, “thank you for everything, seriously. I’m so happy right now”. “Please, love, the pleasure is all mine. You’re such a sweet girl too”, you stroke her head that is resting on your chest. “So how was it, oppa?”, she continues, “how was our first time?”. You garner every bit of sincerity you can and give her the most honest answer you can come up with, “personally, I’m really happy that we were each other’s first; I think that fact itself is very special to me, so thank you very much”, you move your hand to her back and start stroking it, “in terms of the sex itself, my inexperienced self found it to be very pleasurable and satisfying—and it’s all thanks to you, once again. I want to express how good your body felt but I don’t want to make it sound derogative or anything so I’m keeping that for the future”.
She’s not saying anything, so you think that she’s probably driven off to sleep, and that’s when you hear a sob. “Did you mean every word you just said, oppa, or were they sweet nothings? Because I’m not in the mood for them right now—not after what we have done”, she says with quivering voice as you feel a tear drop onto your skin. “I don’t say sweet nothings, my love”, you wrap her with both arms, “I always mean everything I say—well, 90% of the time”. “I love you, oppa. I hope I’ve made that clear”, she sobs again. “You have, sweetie—I love you so much as well”, you peck her head.
You want to wrap it up but you’re still curious about something; “can I ask a question, love?”. “Sure, fire away”, she says before sniffling. “Our little extra in the bathroom—what gave you that idea?”, you ask her. “You saw an aspect of me that no one else ever has: when I love someone, oppa, I do absolutely everything I can to show that love—even if it means that I can’t breathe because this log between your legs is jammed in my throat”, she explains as she palms your cock over your shorts. “That was, um”, you clear your throat before continuing, “that was very nice, love. Thank you so much”. “Of course, glad I could please you”, she pecks your chest.
You take a deep breath and say your last piece of the night, “I guess this is how we start building the empire your dad mentioned”. She chuckles at your words, “yes, it is. Now let’s sleep; you’ll wake up a king tomorrow, and I’ll be your queen”.
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14buddy22 · 8 months
“Ours” by Taylor?? Reader is in a relationship with Aaron despite others saying it wouldn’t be a good idea since he isn’t there all the time and has an unreliable schedule. Maybe even Aaron doubts the relationship working since Haley didn’t understand it sometimes either but reader pushes for the relationship to work and continues to love even others don’t believe it’ll last :,)
Meeting the love of your life at a bar wasn't what you thought was going to happen to you. You always figured you'd meet your dream husband at the book store or a local coffee shop, not a bar.
It's not that you despised bars, you actually like dive bars. But you never thought you'd meet the love of your life here. Love works in mysterious ways.
You and Aaron Hotchner had been dating for 6 months. You learned his busy schedule and you knew he was not going to be there all the time.
Canceled dinner dates, last minute texts saying your weekend plans would be canceled. Everything in between, yet you understood and were never mad.
Aaron always wondered how long it would be until you finally snapped at him for his busy schedule, but you never did.
Until you did worse than snap, you cried to him. Started having self doubt, and this is how it all went down.
You were at a bar on a Friday night with your coworkers. You all loved going out after the work week. Sometimes everyone invited their spouses, some nights they didn't, it all just depended.
Tonight was a night that no spouses came, which was a little upsetting because Aaron actually was in town this weekend. Which you know you should be spending with him, and a part of you felt a little guilty for it. But he told you that this was your guys' thing and that it's okay to go out with your friends, he'd be waiting for you to text him when you got home so he could call and say goodnight to you.
The minute the conversation at the table started going, you knew where it was leading too.
"My husband's schedule is opposite of me, which is perfect so we never need a sitter."
Everyone was talking about their significant others' schedules and you were just sat there.
"How long are you going to stay with Aaron? You can't put up with his schedule for the next 20 something years. The late nights, the missed dates, long weeks without seeing him. You should dump him now, or soon it'll be your 1 year anniversary and you'll feel stuck with him."
You never felt stuck with him. He told you about his ghosts of the past. He told you about Haley and why Haley left. You wouldn't have been with him if you weren't prepared to commit for the long run.
"I love Aaron. And this won't be his schedule for the next 20 years. Maybe the next 10. He'll be able to be section chief if he wants it or he'll put in for early retirement. The offer still stands ever since his ex-wife passed away."
"Don't you want someone there for you all the time? How can a relationship be built when he's never with you?"
Aaron tries. He really does. You were so happy with him. Weren't you? Maybe there was this lie being built. Trying to believe in something maybe you didn't.
No, no, you loved Aaron. You couldn't doubt yourself. There is nothing to doubt about. You wanted to be with Aaron forever, regardless of his busy schedule. They don't know that he sends texts to you every single day, calls you every night, sends flowers to your home once a week if he can't deliver them in person. Aaron loved you and you loved him.
"I'm very happy with Aaron and his schedule is not going to be the thing that makes me leave."
You just wanted to go home to him now, so you were paying for your tab and saying goodbye to your friends shortly after the conversation.
When you called Aaron, asking to come to his apartment, he told you yes, saying he would love it if you spent the weekend with him since Jack was at Jessica's.
When you walked into his apartment, he was greeting you with a kiss, hug, and flowers.
You loved this man, a schedule would never change that.
"You never call it early with your coworkers, what happened honey?"
You explained everything to Aaron. He listened intently. You saw the fear sitting behind his brown eyes. He didn't want you to break up with him. He was in love with you and he knew that you were the girl that he'd been waiting for. You were perfect.
When you wiped your tear after saying they wanted you two to break up, he hugged you. When he pulled away, he said, "No matter what decision you make, someone will always disapprove. It's true when people say you can't make everyone happy. Someone will always want to go against what the decision was."
You kissed him and said, "I will never leave you because of your schedule, it's going to take a lot more to get rid of me Hotchner."
You both chuckled and he pulled you into his arms.
"Don't you worry your pretty little mind. People throw rocks at things that shine. Life, well that makes love look hard. This love is ours. No one can take that from us, sweetheart."
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mc-i-r · 1 year
Disposable Heroes
Part one, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four Ao3
A/N: Part Two is here! Robin is finally coming in and giving us some new perspectives and answers, Steve accepts some things about himself, and Robin wants to invoke her best friend rights to protect Steve. Hope you enjoy!
Tw: internalized biphobia, implied/referenced abuse, implied/referenced suicidal thoughts
Robin grunts, hopping off her bike and ripping the helmet off her head. Three cars almost hit her today. Three! She groans.
“Stupid fucking bike—“ she kicks the back wheel, making it fall against the brick exterior wall of Family Video. She had to ride it to work today because someone—ahem, Steve—has decided to adopt half of the rising sophomore class, which means he’s off today since his favorite little nerd is off to Utah for the weekend. So now, she’s late for her shift and all gross and sweaty. Great.
Robin tucks her helmet under her arm, raking a hand through her hair in a weak attempt to fix it, and begins the short walk to the front doors when something catches her eye.
A burgundy BMW. Correction, Steve’s burgundy BMW.
She slows her steps and walks up to it, cautious as if it’ll attack her, and peeks inside. There’s nothing out of the ordinary save for a green duffle bag and an old beaten up shoebox. She frowns and looks towards the front doors as if the transparent surface will answer all of her questions.
She walks inside to find Steve. Steve, who is propped up on the counter with his eyes closed, head dipping down, and at work. The place he is decidedly not supposed to be right now.
“Dingus!” She shouts and slaps her hand on the counter, startling Steve awake. He reaches behind him, frowns when his hand comes up empty, and looks around with hazy eyes. There’s a distance behind those irises that she’s never seen before, like he’s not all there. As if he doesn’t know where he is.
Robin wasn’t concerned, but now she is.
He finally looks up at her, sitting up straighter as if he didn’t know she was there, and puts on a smile she obviously knows is fake.
“Oh, hey, Robs,” he greets, his voice perfectly exemplifying that of model customer service personnel. Robin scrunches up her eyebrows.
“What are you doing here?” She asks, shifting her weight and putting her hands on her hips. She stares at Steve expectantly, waiting for an explanation. He only blinks at her.
“Uh… working? I have a shift today, Robs, why wouldn’t I be here?” He answers, eyebrows furrowing and head tilting slightly. Robin has a fleeting thought that he looks like a confused puppy, then she realizes that’s not too far off. She meets his confused gaze with one of her own.
“Dustin leaves for his trip to Utah today, Steve. In like,“—she checks the clock behind him—“an hour. Shouldn’t you be there to, ya know, say goodbye and all that?”
She waits for realization to dawn on his face, for that wrinkle between his brows to disappear and panic to settle in. It doesn’t. If anything, he looks even more confused now.
“… What trip to Utah?” He asks hesitantly, like he doesn’t know. Does… does he not know?
“Are you messing with me right now? ‘Cause I gotta tell you, this isn’t funny,” she huffs a nervous laugh. He shakes his head.
Steve, she realizes, hasn’t talked about the kids in… a while. A week at least. But he would have told her, right? He would have mentioned something, would have asked her what’s going on.
But then again… would he?
“Fuck,” she curses, and briskly walks over to the front door. She locks it, flips the sign to ‘Closed!’, and ignores Steve’s petulant protest of “Robbie, c’mon.” She drags Steve out from behind the counter and pulls him in an aisle of tapes before crossing her arms over her chest.
“The movie nights… Those weren’t migraine days, were they?” She asks, already half expecting the head shake she gets in response but it hurts all the same.
See, Steve gets debilitating migraines sometimes, so bad he stays in bed for days at a time. She had bought him blackout curtains a few months ago after he said the dark helped his head, and ever since then he’s taken it upon himself to get through them alone. She would ask if he needed help, tell him to call her so she could come over, but he never did. She just assumed that he didn’t show up because he couldn’t, not… whatever this is.
Robin grabs him by the shoulders, thumbs rubbing over his collarbones as she looks in his eyes.
“What happened?”
Steve sighs, face falling as he looks to the floor.
“I don’t know,” he murmurs. His hand finds the hair tie on his wrist and he starts fiddling with it, snapping it against his skin and twisting it around his fingers. It makes Robin's heart clench. She shakes his shoulders to get him to look at her, and doesn't speak until he does.
“Steve, tell me what happened,” she insists, looking into his sad brown eyes that droop with the weight of her request. His shoulders rise beneath her hands as he takes in a deep breath. Then, he speaks.
“They haven’t talked to me in three weeks, Rob,” he confesses, eyes trained just over her shoulder to avoid eye contact. She knows he means the kids, and that makes this so, so much worse.
“It’s okay,” he interrupts. His face slowly forms a small, wavering smile as he finally looks at her. “It means they’re growing up, expanding their horizons. Finding… finding better people to be around.”
Her stomach drops.
“Steve, what… what do you mean by that?” Her voice is shaky, filled with fear and the horrible dawning of what he's implying. Steve huffs and turns to look in the direction of the front windows, eyes distant.
“It’s good that they’re not talking to me. Why… Why should they?” He looks back at her, determination shining in his eyes. Robin realizes, with frightening clarity, that he’s confident in it. That he believes it. She swallows the forming lump in her throat.
“What do I do for them other than free rides or snacks? Nothing,” he laughs, a wet, hollow thing devoid of its usual happiness. “They haven’t asked me for anything in three weeks, Rob. Not once. Every time I ask they shut me down or… or tell me Eddie already offered. It’s… fuck, it hurts so bad but what else can I do but respect their decision to leave me?”
He rubs a hand harshly over his face, his skin turning pink from the pressure and force, before pushing his hair back. He looks away, murmuring, “it’s for the best, anyway” that Robin is sure she’s not supposed to hear but does anyhow.
She pushes him back, holding him out at arms length and ignoring the look she gets in return, and looks him up and down. His normally crisp polo is rumpled under his work vest and half tucked in his jeans. Dirt stains the once-white laces of his Nikes, and mud is caked on the side of his soles. His hands tremble at his sides before clenching into fists, as if trying to stop the shaking, before resigning to tap an unsteady rhythm against his thighs.
She looks up at his face, notices the tenseness in his jaw as it stays sealed shut. How his hair lays flat and greasy on his head as if he spends his days running his fingers through it. His eyes flicker around, as if unable to stay in one spot for too long. As if they’re looking for something. Watching. Waiting.
Most importantly, she notices a sadness in his eyes she’s never seen before. Not when he would talk about Nancy or his parents or his past. It shows in the lifelessness that’s found its way behind his pupils, in the flatness of his gaze. It shows in the deep bags under his eyes and the crease between his brows. That earlier thought about how he resembles a puppy returns, however instead of a confused puppy, it’s one that’s been kicked too many times to count and just wants someone to rub its little head.
It’s those sad eyes that make her realize that he’s used to this, to people leaving. All those times they spent together, curled against each other in the comfort of his big plush mattress after Starcourt and whispering secrets into the night, come back to her.
How he told her his parents left him with nannies and babysitters when they would go on trips until he was ten and his father decided he was old enough to fend for himself in their absence. How he had to call the police just so someone would tell him how to work the stove. How they missed his first birthday at thirteen, then Thanksgiving the following year, then his sixteenth birthday—which they tried making up for by buying him a car—then both Thanksgiving and Christmas the next year until it was a surprise they showed up for anything at all. How they missed his high school graduation.
How he cried through telling her he handed his heart to Nancy, giving her everything he could to make her happy, only for it to be left bleeding on the bathroom floor. How she cheated on him with Jonathan without giving an explanation for why or when or how, only a silent understanding of ‘yeah, I’m with him now. We’re over’ during the end of the world. How she never even said sorry.
It was one instance, when Robin woke up to Steve thrashing in his checkered sheets as his throat screamed out into the darkness of his room, that she’ll always remember. She had to sit on his chest to keep him from moving and accidentally hurting himself in the process. She did her best to stay clear of any still-sore wounds while holding his face in her hands, stroking his cheeks as she waited for him to calm down.
Eventually, those tired eyes opened, glistening with tears yet to be shed and Robin’s heart ached for him. She did her best to smile, to bring some comfort to his panicked mind.
“Hey, dingus, it’s me,” she soothed. “It’s Robin.”
“... Robin?” He muttered, voice fragile and raw from screaming. She nodded, even if he couldn’t quite see her yet.
“Yeah, that’s me. We’re in your room right now, in your bed,” she informed, and Robin could see the shame rising to his face in real time. “You had a nightmare.”
“Fuck, Robs, I’m so sorry,” Steve apologized, moving to try and get up but she shook her head, refusing to budge even an inch. Despite him being twice her size and having the ability to easily move her if needed, he relented and went slack underneath her, almost completely boneless save for the ever-present tenseness that never quite goes away.
“None of that, Steve,” she admonished. “Nightmares are normal, especially for us. You wanna tell me what happened?”
Steve looked away and shook his head. Robin nodded, accepting his refusal, and climbed off to flop down beside him, bouncing a little on the expensive mattress. She propped her head up on her hand, looking down at him as he fiddled with the edge of the sheet. Robin quickly learned that his fiddling meant he had something on his mind, so she nudged him and gave him an expectant look. He stayed quiet, and just when she thought he wasn’t going to speak, he did.
“You know, sometimes I think the world would be better off without me,” he murmured, and Robin looked at him absolutely horrified.
“Steve, you can’t actually believe that—“
“No, Robbie,” he interrupted and paused to shake his head as tears filled his eyes. “I do, ‘cause what am I good for other than nice eye candy for the elderly ladies at the local grocery store and a stand-up athlete for asshole dads to compare their sons to?”
Steve shook his head and clenched his eyes closed.
“No one stays. No one. It’s just been me for eighteen years and I… I’m sick of it, Robin. I’m just… I’m so tired.”
When he looked at her again, she could see it. That tiredness was etched onto his face, found in the creases around his eyes, the tenseness of his mouth, and the deep purple bags beneath his brown irises.
“I know,” Robin reassured, even though she didn’t. Not really. “We’ll get through it, okay?”
“‘We’?” Steve questioned, and Robin gave him a smile.
“Yeah, ‘we’. You’re never getting rid of me, dingus,” she claimed. “You’re stuck with me now.”
“Oh no,” he said sarcastically, giving her a small grin that let her know he was grateful, either for the change in subject or the fact that Robin was there for him. “Whatever shall I do?”
“Guess we’ll have to find out, hm?” It was a silent question, one asking him, ‘will you stay around long enough to find out? Will I be enough for you until you do?’
Steve smiled and pulled her down to rest on his chest, both of their arms finding their way to wrap around each other.
“Guess we will,” he whispered into her hair, and it sounded a lot like, ‘for you, I will. For you, always.’
She never forgot that conversation, and the sad way his voice quivered has plagued her mind ever since then.
Now, the kids are joining the devastatingly long list of people that have left. The kids who he has quite literally sacrificed himself for time and time again. The kids he has given countless rides to, given his time and money and sanity to just to make them happy. The kids he cares for with his whole being. The kids he loves.
That lump returns, causing pressure to form behind her eyes as she looks at her best friend. Her platonic with a capital P soulmate. The only man she’ll ever love. Tears well in her eyes, clouding her vision and making her face contort. She’s always been an ugly crier but she thinks this is justified.
“Robs? What’s wr—”
She cuts him off by wrapping her arms around his waist, pulling him into a harsh hug. She knows he doesn’t like sudden touch—as proven by him stiffening under her—but she gives herself a pass on this one.
She buries her face in his chest, silently crying for him, and only begins to calm down once hesitant arms wrap around her.
“Shh… Robbie, it’s okay. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere, okay?” He promises, and his earnest tone makes her almost cry harder because yeah, he’s there for her, but who is there for him?
She sniffs and pulls away, hands coming up to wipe away her snot and tears, and hopes he doesn’t mind the wet patch on the front of his shirt. Steve’s hands drop down to her waist, squeezing and rubbing her hips with his thumbs, as her hands raise to hold his face between them.
“We’re going to fix this, Steve. You don’t deserve all this—this shit that’s been thrown at you,” she vows, squeezing his cheeks to emphasize her point.
“It’s… It’s fine, Robs. You don’t have to do anything, it’s okay,” he tries to protest but it only furthers her determination. She shakes his head in her hands.
“If I have to throttle your head to make you realize that I love you then I will do it, dingus,” she promises, shaking his head again to prove her point. “Screw all your concussions.” She smiles at him, something small and filled with love for the man before him.
Steve breaks.
His face contorts much like Robins had earlier; eyebrows scrunched together, eyes clenched shut, nose wrinkling, and mouth a flat, wavering line. Ugly, heart-wrenching sobs claw their way out his throat, echoing off the metal shelves that surround them, and she knows that this was a long time coming. All of his sadness, his sorrow, is coming out through the tears that drip down his cheeks and onto the filthy carpet, the snot clogging his nose, and the small, breathy whimpers that pass through his lips.
His head drops to her shoulder, making his back arch forward in a way that cannot possibly be comfortable but he doesn’t seem to mind. She wraps her arms over his shoulders and his hands tighten their grip on her waist before resolving to squeezing her middle. Robin lets him cry it out, knowing firsthand that sometimes it’s all you need. Soon, his breaths get choppy and sporadic, so she begins rubbing her hands up and down his back in long, slow strokes in an attempt to ease the panic.
“Match your breathing to my hands, okay? Up for in and down for out,” she instructs, demonstrating by moving her hands up and down while breathing in with her movements.
“I-I don’t—“ his voice breaks.
“Yes, you can. C’mon, let's give it a try. Ready? In—" she moves her hands up. Steve struggles through a breath, only getting halfway before a sob rips through his throat and he’s forced to exhale.
“That’s good! Try again for me, babe, you can do it. Take it slow. Now, in—“ she rubs her hands up again and, this time, he follows through. “Good, good. Now out—“ her hands drop slowly down his back as he breathes out, shaky but it’s there.
“You got it! Let’s keep doing that, okay? Just focus on my hands, there you go,” she instructs, keeping her hands at a steady, calm pace. Steve does his best to follow, getting off track when a harsh sob cuts off his breathing, but he quickly calms down. He sniffs and pulls away, a mirror image of what she did just a few minutes earlier, and gives her a small but genuine smile.
“Thanks, Robin. I’m sorry you had to see that—“ Steve tries to apologize but Robin firmly shakes her head.
“Nope! None of that crap, okay? You’re allowed to cry, Steve, especially over something like this,” she insists. Steve wipes his face and, in all honesty, he looks like shit. But it's marginally better than what he looked like before so she’ll take it.
“Now, what kind of pizza do you want?”
“Wh… what?” Steve asks, confused. Robin rolls her eyes.
“Pizza! What kind of pizza do you want, Steve?”
“Robs, it’s like nine in the morning—“
“Not for right now, dingus!” She exclaims. Honestly, this guy. “For our movie night tonight!”
“But we didn’t have one set up for tonight… Right?”
“No, but I’m initiating one! We need some decompress time and a longer conversation than the one we just had about all this,” she informs. Steve rolls his eyes and smiles.
“You don’t have to, Robbie, I’m sure you’ve got better things to do—“
“Nothing is more important to me right now than comforting my best friend, Steve,” she insists, leaving no room for question. Steve holds his hands up in a placating gesture.
“Okay, okay, just making sure,” he defends. A small smile graces his face. “And uh… can we get pepperoni?”
Robin softens and pats his cheeks.
The rest of the shift was spent in comfortable silence. Steve seemed to be in a very non-talkative mood and she respected that. He mostly spaced out, staring out the front windows or at a random spot on the wall while mindlessly fidgeting with something. Robin took one for the team and helped all the customers, giving him some much needed space. After that morning, it felt cruel to subject him to customer service.
When their long, boring shift was over, Steve insisted she put her bike in his trunk. When she tried to protest that she could just bike over there, he rolled his eyes and gave her the bitchiest look possible.
“Robin, I love you, but I’m not waiting for half an hour while you and your giraffe legs hit every pothole on the way over to my house when I could just drive you.”
Needless to say that after ten minutes of two fully grown adults struggling to get her bike in the trunk after a long shift at work, they were exhausted. Well, Steve was exhausted since he did most of the grunt work while she complained about how long it was taking but it was a team effort, she thinks.
They pull into his drive, the house lit up on the inside from nearly every room despite it being empty. Robin knows it’s because he hates the dark, hates the feeling of being alone. She doesn’t comment on it. Never has.
She rushes to the phone once they get inside, dialing the pizza place from memory and recites their order. She hears Steve huff from the living room followed by a soft thump, presumably him flopping on the couch. Hanging up the phone, she shrugs off her shoes and work vest before standing next to him and bouncing on her feet.
“Can I help you?” He looks up at her expectantly, tired eyes finding hers but looking infinitely more at peace. She grins.
“Let’s make a pillow fort!” She exclaims, grabbing his hand and tugging him off the couch. Steve groans.
“C’mon, Robs, that’s totally not necessary,” he complains despite having a smile on his face. She tugs harder, pulling him towards the hall closet where the spare sheets and pillows are stored, and ignores him. Throwing open the door with her free hand, she turns to face him.
“Suck it up and help me carry these, dingus.”
She throws a stack of sheets at his face, snickering when they mess up his hair, and grabs a few pillows. Haul successful, she heads back to the living room, Steve giving her an over dramatic eye roll for the trouble.
“We can just sit on the couch, you know.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” She questions before gesturing to the coffee table. “Now move that out of the way so we can get this thing started!”
Steve grumbles but does as he’s told. After a few minutes, they have a completed pillow fort. It’s a little wonky, just big enough for two people if they scrunch together, but it’s perfect. It’s angled directly at the TV, the seats of the chairs holding up the roof acting as personal trays for their drinks.
As soon as the last pillow is in place, the doorbell rings. Before Steve can move, Robin jumps up, rushing over to her vest and grabbing a ten out of the inside pocket. She ignores Steve's protests and opens the door, all but throwing the money at the delivery guy before grabbing the pizza and telling him to keep the change. Pizza acquired, she bounds back to the fort and flops down, placing the warm box between the two of them. In her absence, Steve has keyed up Pretty in Pink, their go-to feel-better movie.
Over the course of the movie, they eat their pizza while critiquing the characters and relationships, plot holes and bad acting, and make up their own responses to dialogue until both of them can barely breathe through their laughter. Steve returns to himself a little bit, somewhere around the first hour mark, and Robin feels accomplished that she got some of her friend back.
Once the movie is over and the pizza is gone, they lay in the dark under the protection of the fort. The blue screen from the TV reflects off the white sheets, turning their skin pale and glowing. Steve is on his back, one arm behind his head and the other resting lazily on his stomach. He looks soft, face lax and eyes a little droopy as if he’s already half asleep. Robin turns on her side to face him, one hand propping her head up while the other raises to carefully pick up Steve’s. He turns his head to look at her, and she knows he knows it’s time to talk. Really talk.
A beat of silence, then, “Why didn’t you tell me, Steve?”
He sighs and she can feel the movement under their joined hands on his stomach. He’s silent for a moment, and Robin watches as hesitation clouds his eyes.
“I thought it wasn’t important enough for you to know,” he murmurs. He’s not looking at her, instead focusing on running his fingers along hers. She stays quiet.
“I… I thought I deserved it, still do. There’s just so many feelings in here,“ he pauses to tap his heart with a sad smile, “and I don’t know what to do with them.”
“So tell me about them. What’s the biggest one right now?” Steve huffs.
“It… it sounds stupid but there's this intense misery all up here,” he gestures to his head, "paired right up there with this bitter… resentment,” a dry laugh falls from his lips and he shakes his head. “God, that sounds pathetic.”
Robin pinches his arm and diligently ignores his offended “ow!”.
“You’re not pathetic, dingus,” she corrects. She taps his heart. “Tell me about them.”
Steve sighs, eyes closing. He takes a deep breath.
“I… I have this—this sadness that just doesn’t go away. It’s like… like it knows when I’m happy and just sucks it all up.”
Robin nods and holds his hand, squeezes it to provide some comfort for him. She knows this isn’t easy, but it’s necessary. She hesitates on the next question.
“…How long have you felt like this?” Steve chews on his lip for a moment.
“As long as I can remember.”
Distantly, memories from a time after the Mall come flooding back.
‘Yeah,’ she thinks, remembering what he confessed that night. ‘Fuck indeed.’
“Even when I’m with people I love, it’s always there. It’s…” Steve pauses, furrows his eyebrows. “It’s like this… this dark cloud constantly floating above me that always looks like it’s going to rain, but you never know for sure if it will or not. I’m…”
Steve trails off, sucks in a harsh breath, and looks at her. His voice comes out just above a whisper, a weak thing that if she wasn’t right in front of him, Robin wouldn’t hear.
“I’m scared I’m not gonna feel happy again, Robs.”
That… That’s what brings Robin close to tears again. The quiet way he admits it, like he doesn’t want to say it too loud in fear the universe will make it come true, is enough for her eyes to sting.
“I know,” he chuckles wetly, hand coming up to run through his hair as he looks away. “I know how it sounds, Robbie. Trust me, I do. If I could fix it, I would, but I don’t know how—“
“You don’t have to fix it, Steve,” she interrupts. “You’re not broken, this… this is just another part of you. One that you are just now letting yourself show. You don’t have to be the perfect, put-together, level-headed person all the time, and no one expects that of you.”
She pauses to look him properly in the eyes, trying to drive her point home. “You’re allowed to be sad, Steve. You’re allowed to feel, you know that, right?”
Steve looks at her, tears falling steadily down his cheeks as he shakes his head. He didn’t know. Robin feels her heart breaking for him, a deep pang in her chest as her soulmate cries in front of her. She wipes his tears away with her thumb, noting how his eyes flutter shut at the touch.
“Keep going,” she gently commands. She runs her hand through his hair, scratching a little at his scalp when he leans into it. He huffs, air fanning across her face.
“It’s really more of a frustration but I… I don’t understand why this keeps happening to me. Why the people I love keep fucking leaving me. I mean… I’m the common factor, right? So I’m the problem,” Steve ventures. “Always have been.”
The last part is added under his breath but Robin hears it. He’s always had a bit of a self-deprecating streak but this is something else. Something deeper, more real.
She gives a small tug at his hair to signal him to keep going.
“All I wanted was for my parents to be proud of me. I worked myself to death just trying to get an ounce of affection, of love, but it was useless. I was never good enough.”
A pause. He sniffs.
“Then Nancy came along and I thought, ‘yeah, I can love her and she can love me back,’” a small, fond smile graces his face, one he always gets when he talks about his past with Nancy. One that means he’s remembering the good times before everything went downhill. There’s no longing there, not anymore.
“I thought that I could finally show someone all these feelings kept inside of me and get some in return,” Steve quietly confesses, then pauses again. That fond look sours, and his mouth forms a stern line. “Guess that was bullshit, huh?”
He spits out ‘bullshit’ like it's laced with poison, followed by a hollow laugh. He closes his eyes, takes a breath, and keeps going.
“I thought she was it for me but she… She wanted Jonathan. She wanted someone better, and who am I to blame her for that? I’d want someone better if I was her, too.”
“You did everything right with the situation you were given, Steve. It’s perfectly okay to want some normalcy after what you saw, what you went through. You and Nancy just don’t deal with trauma the same way, and that’s okay too,” Robin reassures. She lets some bitterness seep into her voice, because yes, she is mad at Nancy on Steve’s behalf. “What’s not okay is the fact that she cheated on you, and you’re allowed to be hurt by that.”
He pats her hand, a silent understanding. She nods. “Keep going.”
“After that, I tried to become a better person. A better influence for the kids to be around. I wanted to be someone they could go to, a figure they could always trust and lean on for anything. Someone I wish I had as a kid,” there’s a sadness in his voice as he says that, a tone he always gets when he talks about his childhood. Robin taps her fingers against his scalp to get him to look at her. She smiles at him, and he gives a small one in return. He keeps talking.
“They need to feel safe in this shitty town that decides losers and freaks should be shunned, that they’re bad for being a little different,” his voice is filled with anger as he grinds the words out, words she has a suspicion are directed at the people who pay the bills for the very house they’re laying in.
“But none of it ever mattered because they found someone else to do that for them, to be that for them.” Robin gives him a confused look.
“Eddie,” Steve reveals, face forming a small smile as the name slips through his lips. He looks… fond, in a sad way.
It only confuses Robin further.
“I don’t blame him for any of this, by the way,” he clarifies. “I doubt he even realizes it. And they… They’re just kids, I can’t blame them for choosing the better option.
“Eddie shares their interests in their little nerd game, something I can’t even begin to comprehend. He’s funny and charming and outgoing, and he's so, so good with the kids,” he smiles once he rambles about Eddie, a small thing that Robin realizes is similar to the one he wears when he talks about his past with Nancy. Except this one… this one is bigger. Better. Real.
As if realizing he’s rambling, his face loses that bit of brightness as he looks away.
“I’m mostly just angry at myself,” he admits. “I just want my family back. Even though they’ve made it very clear they don’t want me in return… I still want them.”
He looks up at her then, face contorted with resentment she can tell is only directed towards himself. “Isn’t that fucked up? Isn’t that just perfectly fucking tragic?”
It’s a rhetorical question, one she doesn’t need to answer. She can’t say anything to help, anyway. Steve wipes a hand harshly over his eyes, irritating the skin and making it red. He lets out an emotionless huff, sniffing a bit through his nose. He looks… exhausted.
“Steve,” she whispers. He looks at her, and she finally asks one of the questions that’s been bugging her since this morning. “When was the last time you slept?”
He stares at her blankly, eyes darting around as if he's visualizing the math he’s doing in his head. All of the fanfare tells her he’s not sure when, and her suspicion is confirmed when he shrugs.
“I uh… don’t really remember. The days kinda all blend together, ya know?”
She nods. She does know, the days after their run-ins with the Upside Down always seem to pass by in a blur. The doctors say it’s something to do with trauma, the brain needing time to fully process everything that happened and causing the time to slip by. This time there is no Upside Down, no mortal peril or end of the world, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less important.
She’s realized a lapse in post-nightmare phone calls from Steve recently, but just figured it was because he was getting better. They usually dwindle down to two or three a week after a few months, something they’ve all found to be relatively normal after what they went through. She never considered that it was because he wasn’t sleeping at all.
“That um… well, that kinda leads me to my next point. Uh…” Steve huffs, running a hand through his hair—something she knows he does with he’s nervous. She waits.
“I’ve not been sleeping because I’m not exactly… at home… every night.”
“What?” Robin questions, eyebrows scrunching in confusion. An idea comes to her head, and she smirks internally.
“Where the hell are you going then? Are you,” she gasps, hand clutching mock pearls around her neck, "fulfilling your title as the resident man whore of Hawkins? Hooking up with the female population while living under my roof?” She waves her finger at him, giving him an overdramatic grumpy face and shaking her head in fake disappointment. “How dare you, young man!”
Steve laughs at her declaration, face a little pink from the accusation, and shakes his head.
“No, Robbie, I’m not ‘hooking up’ or whatever,” he rolls his eyes, as if finding the claim absolutely absurd. Even if it’s already half true.
“Actually, I’ve been uh… patrolling. Hawkins. Um, at night and stuff…”
Robin blinks.
“What does,” she pauses and makes sure to physically add quotation marks with her fingers, “‘and stuff’ mean exactly?”
“It means that I’m trying to be proactive, okay? Every time the Upside Down has come for us, we’ve been unprepared. Surprised. If I can prevent that from happening, give everyone a bit of a heads up, then it’ll be worth it,” he explains. “I know El–Jane? Whatever–said she closed it but we’ve thought that before and it’s come back so… better safe than sorry.”
Steve flops his head back on the pillow behind him, staring up at the sheet ceiling rather than at her. Robin doesn’t mind, as long as it gets him to talk. Kinda gross she can see his nose hairs now, though. He sighs.
“I’ve been going out at night with my bat and checking all the gates, all the spots they’ve come through before, to make sure they’re gone. Every night. Sometimes I don’t finish until early morning, sometimes it’s only a couple hours but… yeah,” he finishes ineloquently.
So, he’s a dumbass. His intentions are good, don’t get her wrong, but the execution… is not the greatest. No wonder he’s exhausted. Speaking of—
“Wait, so when do you actually sleep?”
“Only when I can’t physically stand to be awake anymore. My body kinda… shuts down,” Steve says, like it’s nothing. Like that’s not the most depressing thing she’s ever heard. Like it’s not entirely unhealthy. He huffs a laugh.
“The first time it happened, it scared the shit outta me. Thought I was dying. Turns out you’re not supposed to be awake for like… four days straight,” he recalls, face light like he’s talking about a fond memory instead of passing out from exhaustion. “On the bright side, I don’t have as many nightmares now. Don’t think my brain can keep up with all that.”
His version of a ‘bright side’ is decidedly equivalent to the darkest depths of the Mariana Trench because what the actual fuck—
“Steve…” she trails off, voice wobbly with fear for her best friend. She begs to know why he’s doing this, why he’s risking his life and sanity again, why he always seems to play the self-sacrificial card even when it’s not necessary. Even when no one asks him to. “Why?”
She expects him to crumble again, to fall apart at the realization that he’s tearing himself apart on his own volition. She expects him to cry out apologies, to scream and rant and hit things just to let all his emotions out. She expects her platonic soulmate, who carries the weight of too-heavy emotions on his shoulders and in his heart, to show his cards and let it all out.
He doesn’t.
Instead, he closes his eyes. He, at this moment, looks peaceful. Content. Like his world isn’t crumbling down around him. Like he—
Like he’s accepted it.
Accepted the anger and hate and rejection from the people he loves. Accepted the endless nights of walking and hunting and searching just in case. Accepted keeping all of this—his thoughts, his emotions, his vulnerability, his love—to himself.
Accepted that his love will never be returned, so why even try to live for it anymore?
The last shards of her heart shatter completely.
“Even though they don’t want me anymore, I have to keep them safe. It’s my job. It’s what I’m meant—what I’m expected to do,” he insists. His voice is an even, calm tone. No waver, no hesitation. “I’m so scared that it’ll come back and I’ll—we’ll be too late.”
She doesn’t miss his corrections, but doesn’t point them out either.
“You know it’s not all up to you, right? There’s other people—me for one, Joyce and Hop, Wayne and Eddie, Nancy and Jonathan, and… fuck it, probably that Murray guy too—that are willing to help. That can help,” she suggests gently. “You don’t have to fight all your battles alone, ya know. Sometimes you need a little help, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
Steve has his eyes open now and is looking at her. Not in a sad way, or ashamed or angry or anything of the sort. He’s just… looking. Looking just to look.
“I… I think somewhere deep down I know that, that you’re all here, but it’s just so hard to accept. It’s hard to believe it, Robs,” he confesses. “I’m sorry.”
Robin smiles at him, a soft thing that feels like melted butter on pancakes or a warm summer morning. She pats his cheek a couple times.
“Stop saying sorry, dingus, or I really will follow through with that promise of throttling you into another concussion.”
Steve laughs, short and sweet as if it took him by surprise, and shakes his head a little.
“Sorry, it’s just a habit.”
“You just said it again!”
“Fuck, sorry—"
“Sor—“ Robin cuts him off by pinching his lips together with her fingers, making him look like a deformed baby duckling. The imagery has her snorting and Steve follows soon after, only laughing because she is, until they’re both clutching their sides and gasping for breath.
He looks younger like this, when he’s laughing. Like the Upside Down never happened. Like his father never happened. Like he’s just a kid.
She has the striking realization that he is just a kid. He’s only nineteen, barely even a legal adult, yet he’s seen enough shit for a lifetime. Really, he’s been an adult for far longer than two years, far longer than anyone should have been at his age. He barely had time to just be a kid but now, here, when he’s laughing with her, so carefree and innocent… she thinks he might finally be letting himself feel like one again.
To think that earlier in the day, she was mad at his dumb ass for not driving her to work. Funny how a few hours can change someone’s whole perspective, huh?
Speaking of…
“Hey Steve?”
“What’s with the duffle and box in your car?”
Steve’s face falls, and that light he held from earlier has all but vanished. He huffs a small laugh.
“I don’t even know why that’s still in there, to be honest with you,” he confesses. Clear that he isn’t going to continue, Robin nudges him with her hand. He sighs.
“Sometimes when I go out at night, I don’t really uh… remember everything,” he starts. “I kinda zone out a bit? Like my head isn’t screwed all the way to my body and the connection’s all wonky.”
“Babe, it sounds like you’re dissociating,” she offers. At his confused face, she elaborates. “It’s when you kinda disconnect from yourself, and a lot of times you can’t really remember what happens.”
He nods. “So I guess I do,” he gestures to her, “that sometimes. Or, well—every time, really…” he trails off, then flicks his eyes to meet hers.
“One night, I just… I guess I needed to get out. Out of the house, out of Hawkins, who knows,” he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “I grabbed everything I needed—or thought I needed, I guess, and shoved them in my car. I don’t remember how I got there, only that I came back in my head at the edge of town with my car pulled off on the side of the road just in front of the ‘Leaving Hawkins’ sign.
“I just sat there in my car and thought that I could just… keep going. Kept thinking that I could just follow the road, see where it takes me. Go around the curve and disappear into the trees. Leave everyone behind. Not like they’d care, anyway.”
“Hey,” she smacks his arm. “I would care, dingus. I don’t know what I’d do if you just disappeared on me.”
She doesn’t like thinking about it, about the fact that he could leave. Part of her knows it would be good for him to get out of town, to not let it hold him back from doing whatever he wanted with his life. Another part of her—the more selfish part—wants him to stay. Wants him to be with her for everything. Wants him to be there when she gets her first girlfriend, when she gets married, when she has kids. Wants him to be her other half for the rest of their lives.
The thought of him just disappearing, though… that’s one she hasn’t even considered being an option. He’s a constant in her life, always there when she needs him, and sometimes even when she doesn’t. He’s her rock, just like she’s his. Life without him… it’s something she can’t really comprehend.
“I know you would, Robs,” he begins, voice as soft as the smile on his face. “You’re one of the reasons I turned the car around that night.”
Fuck, she’s gonna cry.
“Jesus, how can you just say stuff like that?” She sniffles, not really crying but her eyes are definitely stinging. “Fuck, that’s like… the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
Steve laughs and reaches up to ruffle her hair. “Don’t take it too seriously, you’re only one of the reasons.”
“I still count though!”
“Yeah, Robbie, you still count.”
Robin collects herself before flopping on Steve’s chest, right ear next to his heart. She likes listening to it, to the deep thu-thump that proves he’s alive. It always seems to calm her down.
One of Steve’s hands comes up to play with her hair and she smiles. She traces little shapes on his chest while she tries to figure out how to ask her next question. However, her thinking face must be obvious because Steve tugs her hair a little and dramatically sighs.
“Just spit it out, Robs.”
“I’m getting there! Just…” she hesitates. “What’s in the shoebox? Like… your favorite pair of shoes or something?”
She couldn’t fathom why in the hell he would bring shoes of all things with him out of town, but she didn’t want to hurt his feelings if that was the case. But, judging by the incredulous look on his face, shoes are definitely not an essential item for his escape.
“Have I… never shown you the shoebox?”
“Um…” she pauses. “No? I’m pretty sure I would remember that, Steve.”
“Huh,” he huffs. “Thought I did… ”
“Back to the point.”
“Right, yeah,” he takes a breath. “It’s everything the kids have ever given me. Polaroids, notes, letters, stickers, trinkets. You name it, it's probably in there. Pretty sure there's some arcade coins somewhere in there too.”
“Aw, Steve,” she starts. “That’s so sweet.”
Steve smiles a little, then—for some weird reason—blushes.
“That’s not.. all that’s in the box,” he begins. “There’s stuff from you, obviously, like our friendship bracelets and your little notes reminding me to eat or sleep or shower. Plus tons of pictures from your disposable camera you had a while back—“
“Wait, you kept those?” She interrupts. He nods. “Huh… I thought you just threw them all away.”
“Why the hell would I do that? They’re from you, Robs, I would never throw them away.”
“I mean, some of them were really bad. Like… I’m pretty sure they were all blurry in some way and I’m almost positive there’s a picture of just my thumb in there.”
Steve smiles. “There is. It’s my favorite one.”
She hits him. “Yeah, yeah, asshole.”
“No really, it is! You wanna know why?”
“Sure, why?”
“Cause in the bottom right corner you can see your smile. You were trying to take a picture of yourself, I think, but your thumb got in the way of the lens,” he grins and looks down at her. “Sometimes I take it out when I’m feeling sad just to remind myself what your smile looks like.”
God fucking damnit there he goes again.
“You know, I think you’re just trying to make me cry at this point,” she starts. Steve rolls his eyes at her.
“Just being honest, Robbie.”
“I know, shithead, that’s what’s making me cry,” she rubs her eyes, willing the stinging to go away. “What else is in there?”
“There’s still stuff from Nancy, I think. There’s one of her flashcards, a ticket stub from our first date to the movies, and there's a ribbon in there that I’m pretty sure she used to wear in her hair. But… I don’t look at them nearly as much as I do yours or… or Eddie’s.”
“Eddie’s?” She questions, because what the fuck?
“Mhm… you know how he likes giving out little trinkets to people?”
She nods. She does know, her dresser is full of them; shiny soda tabs hooked together in a little chain, bouncy balls from the little restaurant machines, and rocks that Eddie claimed were “so cool, Birdie, just look!”. There’s a little sailor figurine that’s her current favorite, given to her by Eddie shortly after her and Steve recounted their Scoops experience.
“Well, they’re all in that box. Every last one of them. All the bottle caps, buttons, D&D figurines, drawings, notes, everything,” a smile finds its way to his face, a small thing she isn’t sure he knows he’s doing. “I almost need another box just for everything he’s given me.”
“But…” she begins, hesitating. “Why put them in a box?”
“In case they come home,” Steve answers, plain and simple. She knows he’s talking about his parents, about how if they found even one little weakness of his, he’s done for.
She remembers one morning in the winter when she had woken up in Steve’s bed to the sound of distant yelling. The spot Steve normally would have been in was cold, and when she sat up she could tell that the voice was one she didn’t recognize.
She shrugged on one of Steve’s sweatshirts to fight the chill, the fabric draping her frame as she snuck down the hallway. Robin froze when she heard a sharp ‘smack’, followed by a thud. Her stomach sank and she couldn’t move. It was like her brain had disconnected from her body, leaving her limbs rooted to the spot until it came back online. The voice was still yelling, but Robin was too out of it to make sense of it in her head.
Only when she heard the slam of the front door and an engine start up did she begin to move. Thundering down the stairs, she ran down the hallway and froze at the entrance to the kitchen.
Steve was sitting on the floor, knees pressed up against his chest with his arms draped loosely over them as a bright pink whelp formed on his cheek. He was still in his pajamas and his hair was draped messily over his face, half of it pushed back as if he attempted to make it look presentable.
Robin took in a shaky breath.
At the sound of her voice, Steve’s head shot up and his eyes blew wide. He immediately covered the red mark with his hand as he got to his feet.
“Robs, this isn’t what it looks like,” he stated, but Robin could tell by the waver in his voice that yes, it was.
She took a slow step towards him, holding her arms out as if he was a wild rabbit she was trying to catch and he was at risk of running away any minute. By the tense line of his shoulders and the way his eyes were flitting over her face and around the room, he was very much prepared to do just that.
“I know,” she tried to reassure, and after another step closer she could tell it was working. She stopped moving and just held out her arms, waiting. Steve collapsed into them not a moment later, chest hitching with cut-off breaths as his mind panicked. She rubbed soothing hands up and down his back.
After he had calmed down some, and his breathing was closer to normal, she broke the silence.
“Who did this, Steve?”
He gripped the back of her sweatshirt in his hands so tight, she feared he would rip the fabric. His voice came out quiet, as if saying it out loud would change everything. In a way, maybe it did.
“My… my dad,” he confessed. “I-It’s not bad, though. I knew he was in a bad mood but I pushed it anyways and he—"
“Woah, woah, slow down before you launch yourself into another panic attack,” Robin interrupted. “Steve, is this the first time it’s happened?”
“Him yelling at me? No, that’s kinda all he—“
“No, Steve,” she cut him off. “Is that the first time he’s hit you?”
Silence. Then, a small shake of his head.
Robin clenched her eyes closed as they began to sting and wondered just how long he’s been going through this, then wondered if he was doing so alone.
“Steve… does anyone know?” Robin asked, and Steve only shook his head again.
“I think Hop suspected something when I was younger, he used to come around a lot after they would come home and leave, but… he stopped coming around when I got older. Guess he thought I outgrew it,” Steve explained, and Robin’s heart ached for him.
“How long?”
“… as long as I can remember,” came his shaky whisper, and Robin only squeezed him tighter in response.
“You don’t deserve this, Steve,” she insisted. Steve immediately began to shake his head.
“No, I… I do, Robin, I was asking for it this time. He was just doing what he needed to in order to get his point across. It was my fault for trying to talk back,” Steve defended. Robin furrowed her eyebrows.
“Steve, what was he yelling about?”
“That’s… that’s not important—“
“Just answer the question, dingus,” she insisted. Steve sighed.
“He was mad that I didn’t decorate for the holidays, said that we had a reputation in this neighborhood and I was ruining it. He said he expected me to do better or else next year, I wouldn’t even have a house to decorate.”
“Steve… you realize that’s wrong , right?” She asked, but Steve just looked at her blankly.
“No, it’s a pretty simple concept. I knew I needed to decorate but between the gatherings and parties and taking the kids shopping, I didn’t have time. I should’ve made time, but I didn’t and that’s on me,” Steve explained, and Robin wanted to throttle him.
“Steve, you shouldn’t be expected to do any of that. If your parents wanted the house decorated that badly they should have called someone to come and do it or—god forbid—actually do it themselves,” she countered.
“No ‘but’s, Steve. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it until you believe me; you don’t deserve this,” Robin stated. “Can you repeat that for me?”
“I… I don’t deserve this,” Steve muttered hesitantly.
“Good, again.”
“I don’t deserve this,” he repeated, more confident but not as strong as she’d like.
“One more time.”
“I don’t… holy shit, I don’t deserve this, Robbie,” he finished with a whisper as the words registered in his mind, taking root in the folds of his brain.
“Damn right you don’t,” she pulled back to grab his shoulders, looking him in the eyes. “We’re going to get through this.”
Steve nodded. “We’re going to get through this.”
They smiled at each other, and Robin knew that they both meant it.
“… Robin?”
“Yeah, Steve?”
“I… I love you.”
“I love you too, dingus.”
After that night, Robin had made it her mission to get Steve out of the house as much as possible when his parents were home, even going as far as keeping him at her house for a whole weekend when they stopped by unexpectedly. But that fear never quite goes away, and some small part of him, she thinks, will always be afraid of his father.
“I can’t let them take away the last little things that make me happy. I just�� I don’t think I could survive that, Robs.”
“I know.”
They sit in silence for a moment, and Robin thinks he’s done talking until she sees him bite his lip—another sign he’s thinking about saying something.
“Then there’s the box," he starts. She blinks.
“There’s another box?” She questions. Jesus, how many could he need?
“Not a physical box, no, but one in here,” he taps his head. “It’s where I put all the things in my mind that's too big to think about by myself.”
“What’s in this box?” He smiles a fond little smile.
Um… the fuck?
“Eddie?” She asks, because she must have misheard him, right?
But Steve just nods his head, his smile growing. “Eddie.”
“Okay… what about him?”
“I… okay, I need to preface this by saying that uh… I think I like boys, too,” he confesses, voice quiet as if he’s waiting for some kind of retribution for his words. Robin, on the other hand, is in the middle of a spontaneous cardiac event because what the everloving fuck?
“What?!” She screeches, sitting up suddenly and causing Steve’s hand to fall from its place in her hair. He winces due to their close proximity. “Wait, wait, wait… you mean to tell me that you, Steve Harrington, are into guys?”
Steve shrinks back on himself a little at her disbelieving tone, face closing off, and she can see in real time the mask quickly sliding into place. Immediately, she backtracks.
“Wait, no, I didn’t mean it like that!” She rushes out, face flushing. “Obviously, it’s okay for you to like guys, I mean it would be totally hypocritical of me to say you can’t. Not that I have any say in who you can or can’t like anyway! I mean, you’re your own person after all, it’s just… very unexpected and I—"
"Robin," Steve interrupts. "You're rambling again."
"Oh," she breathes out and snaps her jaw shut, giving him a sheepish smile. "Sorry, uh… keep going."
“Well, it’s um… It’s not really that unexpected on my end,” Steve reveals, and Robin’s mind blows a little bit further. “When I was younger, I never really understood why being gay was frowned upon by some people because I just… I felt that way about guys sometimes too.”
And that was… what?
“Tommy was the first guy who really stood out in my head. We became friends in grade school and he just… he was always there. I remember looking at him sometimes and wanting to count his freckles or hold hands when we walked. I never did, of course, ‘cause he made his opinions about queer people very clear.
“Outside of the whole asshole thing, he was actually pretty nice. Well, when he wanted to be, anyway,” he rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Steve glances at her and looks away, cheeks flushing a little.
“Then it was uh… Billy Hargrove.”
Now that… that threw her for a fucking loop.
“Hold up, Billy?!” She shrieks. “Like… the same Billy that broke a plate over your head? Who beat you unconscious and left you with a concussion?”
Steve nods, rolling his bottom lip between his teeth. Robin groans, burying her face in his chest. Of course he’s going to have the worst possible taste in men.
“Okay, it was before he beat me unconscious, but still! I didn’t like Billy as a person, obviously, just appreciated his general… you know… sex appeal,” he clarifies. She groans again.
“Hey, he was hot!” He defends. He runs a hand over his face before continuing. “I didn’t want to date him or anything, but the fact that I was interested in him at all was terrifying at the time. I didn’t know what it meant, so I pushed it all to the back of my mind and locked it away.”
“Hence the box,” she confirms. He nods. There’s silence, and when Steve doesn’t continue, she prompts him.
“Then there’s Eddie.” He smiles and nods.
“Then there’s Eddie,” he repeats. His face lights back up just at the mere mention of him, and Robin can’t help but to smile as well.
“Tell me about him,” she asks, and immediately knows that’s the wrong move because if it’s one thing Steve picked up on during their friendship so far, it’s Robin’s tendency to ramble.
“Looking back on it, I think I had a crush on him in school, too. The way he would attract the attention of everyone in the room just by his presence alone was almost breathtaking, and I found myself looking over at his lunch table more times than I could count,” he admits. A blush has found its way to his cheeks, settling high on his cheekbones.
“The way he would spout nonsense about society and expectations made me realize that we were similar in that way, having a need to be different from everyone else, to get away from the normalcy of it all. I was unable to look away, to focus on anything else because he was always there and my mind was very, very weak.
“And it was fine in school, because I knew nothing would ever come from it ‘cause he made it clear he hated rich, popular jocks and… well, I fit into that category pretty well. There was no way he would ever like me, so after I graduated that infatuation kinda fizzled out.
“Then, the kids started talking about Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, and I knew that it had to be the same one because no other nerd would be willing to run a D&D club in Hawkins of all places,” he huffs a little laugh, more of a push of air through his nose, but the smile on his face is as gooey as freshly baked brownies.
“When I started picking the kids up, I’d see him across the parking lot and that infatuation came rushing back. The way he’d run out of the double doors with a flourish grand enough to rival a king yet immediately trip on the lip of the concrete was so endearing that it would never fail to make me laugh.
“Then I got to actually know him, and I think that’s when I knew,” Steve finishes, and Robin can’t hold back a grin. One thing that will never get old is hearing Steve talk about the people he cares about. Hear him talk about all the little things he notices, the little quirks and intricacies of those around him. It’s just… it’s nice to know that someone sees.
“So, what else do you like about him?” She asks, and the dopey grin that blooms on his face is enough to make her wonder if sometime during this conversation, he managed to get high without her noticing.
“He’s so sweet, Robbie! He gets all shy when you compliment him and does that thing where he hides behind his hair but it does absolutely nothing to hide his face,” he begins, hands gesturing as he talks. “Speaking of his hair, it looks so soft. I just wanna run my fingers through it and fluff it up.”
Steve groans, covering his face with his hands. It takes all of Robin's willpower not to outright cackle at how gone her best friend is. He rakes his hands down his face, stretching his skin as he fixes his eyes on the sheet ceiling above them.
“God, he’s so hot, Robs. Seriously, I think I’m going to spontaneously combust every time I see him. The whole rocker persona really does it for me.”
“I mean… it kinda sounds like you have a type.”
“I can’t tell if you’re joking or not,” Steve grumbles, squinting his eyes at her.
“No, I’m serious! Hot, curly hair, deceptively smart with a firecracker attitude… I mean Nancy and Eddie are practically the same person,” she ventures.
“I guess you’re right. Billy was just a physical attraction, though. Dick didn’t have any real personality to appeal to,” he mutters the end of that sentence, but she snorts anyway. Then, his eyes blow wide. “Wait, is that considered speaking ill of the dead, or whatever?”
Robin shrugs. “He deserves it.”
“Yeah, he kinda does… still miss that ass, though—ow!”
Robin cuts him off by smacking his chest, hard. “Ew, gross! I totally did not need to visualize that oh my god.”
Steve snickers underneath her, giggles bubbling out his throat. She only rolls her eyes at him before smacking him again.
“You got off track again, dingus,” Robin reminds him and he sends a sheepish smile her way. “What else about Eddie?”
“He…” Steve pauses, and his lips quirk upwards. “He always looks so soft, underneath all the denim and leather. Like… he gets this look on his face sometimes, like he’s feeling all the love in the world, and I find myself wanting to be the reason that look is there. I wanna see him early in the morning when he hasn’t had his coffee yet and he’s all sleep rumpled and soft and domestic and I wanna wake up to him like that everyday, Robs.
“I wanna watch him grumble and talk to himself and fuss over breakfast. I wanna take the kids places with him and lean against his side while we watch the gremlins run around. I wanna look into his eyes in the morning sunlight and watch how they shine amber up close.
“I wanna trace his dimples with my finger, then his lips, and his jawline, and his neck, too. I wanna cuddle with him after a long shift at work and lean against him as he practices guitar and watch movies while holding hands in the dark and kiss him. Fuck, I wanna kiss him so bad. I wanna kiss him until our breath runs out and then some, ‘cause I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of him.”
Steve looks… Well, there's only one word for it. He looks like he’s in love. His eyes have gone soft, staring off as if he’s visualizing Eddie in front of him. His face is relaxed, a smile she now recognizes as his ‘Eddie smile’ grows.
It falls a little bit as the silence stretches, and he looks down at his hand laying idly on his chest. He starts fiddling with the fabric there, running his thumb along a fold.
“I tried to get closer to him after he got out of the hospital, and it worked for a little while. We would hang out here most of the time, watching movies or talking under the stars outside, but… I could tell he was holding me at arms length. Like he couldn’t accept that I was different. That I wanted to be there.”
He looks at her, smile turning a little sad.
“Then he stopped initiating hangouts and every time I offered, he would say no or claim he had something to do before rushing off. So I just took it as it was and stopped trying,” he sighs.
Robin thinks back to every interaction she’s seen between the two of them, how Eddie was always quick to leave and never lingered like he used to. How he almost seemed… nervous around Steve. Hesitant.
That fucking dumbass.
She starts to get up, only pausing her efforts to untangle their limbs.
“What—where are you going?” She huffs.
“To the trailer park,” she starts. Limbs finally free, she sits back on her knees and crosses her arms. “I’m going to knock some sense into that damn metalhead and probably kill him for hurting my best friend.”
Steve snorts and drags her back down on top of him.
“It’s okay, Robs, you don’t have to do anything. Promise me you won’t hurt him?”
“Ugh, fine. I promise or whatever,” she reluctantly agrees, and lays her head back down on his chest.
A beat of silence, then—
“Can I at least punch him a little?”
A pause.
“Okay, I’ll let you get away with that,” Steve amends. “But only light punching. I know you know how to throw a mean right hook and if I see Eddie with even a single bruise on his pretty face I think I’ll go into mourning.”
Robin giggles at his statement, and Steve just rolls his eyes at her before letting out a giggle of his own.
“I��m serious!” He tries to be stern, but the giddy smile on his face is a far cry from the nature of his words.
“I know, I know,” Robin says, holding back another wave of giggles. “Man, you’re really gone on him, aren’t you?”
Steve nods sadly.
“I want to tell him that I like him, Robs, but I can’t,” he confesses. “It’s.. it’s breaking me inside, to have all these feelings for someone and know you can never do anything about it.”
“It’s terrifying just thinking about telling him because what if? What if he thinks I’m just fucking with him and shuts me out completely? What if he’s a homophobe or thinks that I just wanna use him as an experiment or something? Cause I don’t, not like that.”
“Steve,” she tries to interject, knowing that he’s working himself up. He ignores her.
“But as much as I hate holding all this… all this shit inside, it's still better than telling him. I don’t…I don’t think I could handle it if he rejected me,” he finishes. The ‘I don’t think I could survive it’ goes unsaid, but not unheard.
He finally looks at her, and she notes the sad acceptance in his eyes. His face threatens to crumble, as does hers, but they hold it together.
“Robbie, am I crazy for feeling like this?” He asks, voice a near whisper. “For falling for someone who hates me?”
She smiles sadly, placing a hand on his cheek and causing a tear to fall from his eye. She wipes it away with her thumb.
“You’re not crazy, Steve,” she reassures. “I know how it feels, how scary it is to like someone like that. It sucks, but it’ll only get better if you talk about it.”
He smiles a little. “I do feel a little better now, actually.”
“See? Talking helps, and I’m always here to listen,” she insists. She lays her head back down on his chest, not taking her hand away from his face, and slowly wipes away the stray tears that fall from his eyes. She vaguely registers that her thumb is acting as a mini windshield wiper for his face. The thought makes her smile.
Steve takes a deep breath, the movement causing her head to raise with it, and she knows there’s something else on his mind. She waits.
“Is…” he whispers, hesitating. “Is there something wrong with me?”
“What do you mean?”
“Just… I like boys, but I like girls too. That part hasn’t changed for me but… can I do that? Like, is that…” he trails off. “Is that allowed?”
“Yeah, Steve, that’s allowed. You can like whoever you want to, it doesn’t change who you are,” she reassures. Steve lets out a breath, like he was holding it in lieu of her answer.
“But… What am I then? I mean… I can’t be half gay and half straight, right?” He asks.
At that, Robin thinks back to a few zines she got on her and Steve’s first trip to Indy. She had been wanting to go ever since she came out to Steve on the grimy bathroom floor high on drugs, when he had accepted her with no questions asked. She had always heard things about Indianapolis, about how it was so much different than the little town of Hawkins. How there were so many more people, so many different types of people, and she just had to see it for herself.
A couple months after Starcourt, when school was just beginning to take off, Robin had asked if they could go on a day trip somewhere, just to get out before they were stuck there for the winter months and holidays. Steve had agreed, of course, and they piled in his fancy car and made short work of the two-hour trip to the city.
It was bigger than they expected, people milling about the streets and tall buildings surrounding them. Parking was a total bitch, but once they got their feet on the ground there was no stopping them. They bought shitty hot dogs off the street, popped into a bunch of little stores for the sole reason just to look, and even ventured into the fancy stores to make fun of their obscene prices.
“Robs! I want you to guess how much this shirt is.”
“Uh… like ten bucks?”
“Try seventy-five.”
“Holy shit! It’s so ugly!!”
“I know! God, rich people are weird.”
“Steve… you are rich.”
“Yeah, but I have taste. That’s different.”
“Keep telling yourself that, dingus.”
They were beginning their trek back to the car when a small, multi-colored flash caught her eye. A rainbow flag sticker was stuck to the store-front window of a small record shop, and Robin immediately grabbed Steve and pulled him in.
“Robs, what—“
“Shut up, and come with me. I might’ve found something.”
She didn’t wait for his response, only shoved open the shop door with a huff. The bell above her jingled, and a woman behind the counter nearby looked up from a magazine on the desk below her.
“Hi there, welcome to Rainbow Records!” The lady greeted them. “New releases are in this bin here,” she gestured to a bin full of records next to her, “and all other records are sorted by genre and alphabetically.”
Immediately, Robin was in love with her. She had long black hair that was shaved on the sides, the top of it pulled back into a sort of half-bun. Her ears were full of piercings, some dangling almost to her shoulders, that matched the flowy skirt she was wearing.
She felt Steve nudge her with his elbow, and that was when she realized she had been staring rather intently with her mouth hanging open like a newborn baby bird waiting for its mama to puke up worm goo for food. She snapped it closed with an audible click.
“Sorry, uh… Hi! Thank you for uh— that. I… um,” she floundered and pointed to herself. “Robin.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Robin. I’m Delia,” she responded, smiling before looking her up and down.
“We also have a room in the back you might be interested in. There’s an assortment of different media back there I think you’ll enjoy,” Delia said before she winked at her, and Robin knew she was in the right place.
“Well, Robs?” Steve spoke up behind her, quiet enough to not be overheard. She had almost forgotten he was there. “You wanna go look?”
It was more than a question, it was an out. It was his way of asking if she was ready, if she wanted him to be a part of this, too. If she wanted him to be a part of this stage in her life, this self-discovery.
She looked back at her best friend, whose face was so open and earnest that it made a huge smile bloom on her face.
“Hell yeah,” she said with a grin. “Let's do this, dingus!”
She grabbed his hand and walked up to the counter, and Delia pointed her head towards a small hallway on the other side of the room that Robin only just now noticed.
“It’s back there whenever you’re ready to look,” she informed. “I hope you find what you’re looking for. Both of you.”
“Thanks, Delia,” Robin responded, blushing enough to be seen from outer space, and looked up at Steve, whose face was a similar shade of red. She rolled her eyes and dragged Steve behind her into the room.
It was dimly lit, giving it a cozy atmosphere that made her feel completely at home. Posters and colorful flags lined the walls, with pictures of queer artists and figures as well as local drag queens and advertisements for different underground clubs filling in the gaps. There were different sections for movies, books, music, and magazines, all with different subcategories depending on which sexualities they included.
Robin’s eyes began to sting. She had spent years of her life feeling like the only person in the world, knowing that she would never find anyone like her in Hawkins and trying miserably to make peace with that. Then Steve came along and accepted her with open arms and zero complaints, and it made her feel a little less lonely.
But now, looking at a room filled from wall to wall with things by people like her? By people who knew what it was like to fall for people society says you shouldn’t fall for, by people who have defied what society said and expressed themselves anyway? It was enough to bring her to tears.
“Woah, hey, Robbie,” Steve began, moving in front of her to block her view. His hands came to rest on her cheeks, wiping away her tears as they fell. “What’s wrong? Is it too much?”
Robin shook her head, clenching her eyes closed.
“Happy tears,” she laughs wetly, hand coming up to wipe away a tear that snaked its way under her chin. “They’re happy tears, promise.”
Steve pulled her into a tight hug, hands wrapping solidly around her and she instantly felt better. She melted into him and hugged him back, and the two of them stayed there until she pulled away.
“Alright, help me find some hot women, okay?”
Steve laughed that big, loud laugh of his and Robin couldn’t help but to join him. They sorted through all of it; books, movies, and magazines alike. She went home that night with two books, a handful of magazines, and more knowledge than she ever imagined having about being queer.
It was time she put it to good use.
“Have you ever heard of the term ‘bisexual’?” She asks. He shakes his head. “It means liking both, Steve.”
He goes silent, so quiet she would have thought he stopped breathing too if she wasn’t still laying on his chest. His mouth silently forms the word, before a smile breaks out on his face.
“Bisexual. I think… I think that’s me,” he confirms.
“Now tell me properly this time,” she suggests. He smiles at her, and she can’t contain a smile of her own.
“I’m bisexual, Robbie,” he says, his words full of genuine confidence.
“Thank you for telling me, Steve.”
They smile at each other, both so wide she’s surprised their faces haven’t split in half yet. She scoots up to wrap him in a hug, laughing a little when his arms immediately squeeze her back.
Turns out her best friend, her platonic with a capital P soulmate, is more like her than she thought.
Permanent tag list: @tea-beloved @estrellami-1 @merricatty
Disposable Heroes tag list: @madcapromantic @hannahhook7744 @h3rmitsunited @willim-billiam-byerson @stuftzombie @acowardinmordor @zerokrox-blog @my-chemical-sexuality-crisis @grimmfitzz @ladygrimheart@bestwifehaver @blanketlicker @fishinforfiish@vi-an-te @orionchildofhades @7shrewsinatrenchcoat @whackyrach@stevie-crow @missmagillicuddy @1cookieburn1@mightbeasleep @jettestar @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @imyelenasexual @yikes-a-bee @that-agender-from-pluto @sufjuringstevens @sofadofax@lolawonsstuff@rajumat @ksierra674 @i-threw-my-name-out-the-window @justforthedead89 @gregre369 @vanillatwist @actually-races-erster @background-noise-headache @warlordless@largechaos @noctxrn-e @hope-can-be-your-sword @foundintheshallows @burningoffaroad @obliosworld @lemon-astra @midnightskeeper @venteraltus @lovelyscot @juleswashere3 @child-of-cthulhu @phantomcat94 @davekat-has-consumed-me @weirdandabsurd42 @dreamlandforever @madamonsieur-silvrene @pottenloved247 @froggistain @mycatsstolemybiscuit @greatsportsprofessorathelete @m-owo-n @pickledcarrots0 @cringe-culture-is-dead-99 @niko-is-d3ad @quickenedheartbeat @crazyhatlady86 @says-swag-unironically @potato-of-the-lord @piebook67 @crisisinverted17
321 notes · View notes
On the first day of his last year of high school, Soos finds out that no one in Gravity Falls, Oregon is a foster parent.
He’s sitting in the hallway of the hospital with a police officer and social worker as they explain to him that even though he’s 17, he has no legal parent or guardian. It’s the day he find out his Dad terminated his parental rights.
They tell him that the nearest set of registered foster parents is about a 3 hour drive away, which doesn’t give him much time to pack.
While he’s packing up his things at the house, their landline starts ringing. Soos goes to answer it and is met with gruff spanish he doesn’t hear very often.
“Hola señora, ¿cómo está Soos? No lo he visto y sé que es su primer día de regreso a la escuela. Le dije que no había trabajo la primera semana, pero por lo general viene para al menos contarme cómo le fue y solo quería asegurarme de que estaba bien.”
Soos stands speechless for a moment. He’s unable to get the words out in Spanish.
“Hi Mr. Pines, um, I won’t be able to come into work anymore.”
“Soos? Kid, are you alright?”
“Abuela passed away this morning. It turns out there aren’t any foster parents in town, and the nearest couple is 3 hours away, so I’m glad you called because I wanted to let you know that I won’t be able to come back to work. The social worker is having me pick up my things right now, I don’t know if they’ll let us drive past the Shack so I can-“
“Soos, I need you to pass the phone to the social worker for me.”
He does, and before he realizes what’s happening, Soos is being packed into the car and driving down familiar roads. Mr. Pines must have convinced them that Soos wanted to say goodbye and when the arrive he’s shocked to see him sitting on the front porch in clothes that aren’t the Mr. Mystery costume or his weekend tank top and boxers. He’s dressed in slacks and a clean dress shirt with no embellishments. He looks like he shaved.
Soos leaves his bag in the car to say goodbye and is surprised when the social worker grabs it for him.
“Mr. Pines, thank you for offer of temporary guardianship as we sort out Jesus’s situation. It’ll be easier for him to stay close for the funeral and in making decisions about his grandmother’s estate.”
Mr. Pines has an expression Soos has never seen and can’t figure out. The man is always smiling or grumbling and now he’s just nodding and offering his hand to the social worker before turning to Soos.
“Hey, Soos. Why don’t you take your bag and go get set up? I cleaned out the room on the first floor for you, I’ll be right in.”
Soos had been in this part of the Shack many times over the years, usually to work on homework with Mr. Pines after work or to eat tamales that his Abuela had asked him to send along.
He finds the room Mr. Pines was talking about and sees that everything looks like it’s been hastily cleaned and stored away. The room itself looks the same with a bed, dresser, closet, rug, and desk all freshly, if haphazardly, wiped down.
He sets down his bag and sits on the bed, unsure if he should unpack. Unsure how long he’s staying.
An indeterminate amount of time later, he notices Mr. Pines standing in the doorway and must startle, because Mr. Pines raises his hands a little looking sheepish.
“Didn’t mean to startle you, kid. Sorry.”
He continues to stand a bit oddly in the doorway before sighing, grabbing the desk chair, and pulling it so that he’s facing Soos.
“Look, there are a couple of things you and I should talk about, and I know this is all going a bit fast, so once I let you know what’s going on I’ll try and slow it down a bit. Do you have any questions?”
“Er, how long am I staying here?”
“Well, see, we kind of need to figure that one out together. I got you placed in my custody temporarily since I told them I’m a friend of the family, and it’ll take a while to sort out the foster parent paper work-“
“But, Mr. Pines, I’m your handyman. I don’t-“
“Kid, if you think I’m letting them ship you off to some yahoos from God knows where before we’ve even had a chance to hold the funeral-“
And Soos swears he didn’t mean to, he’s almost 18 and he hasn’t cried in a long time, but it’s been a long day and it’s really setting in that Mr. Pines is taking him in and that Abuela is dead.
Mr. Pines is next to him quickly and Soos realizes this is the first time he’s been hugged by Mr. Pines that didn’t have some sort of odd excuse to avoid seeming awkward.
When Soos has cried himself out he breathes for a minute and lets himself enjoy the fact that Mr. Pines is hugging him and then pulls back to get a good look at him and wipe his eyes.
Soos’s tear tracks are on Mr. Pines’s shirt and his eyes look a little red, but otherwise he appears to be holding together better than Soos.
“You’re staying with me now, alright? I’ll help you sort out the funeral and moving your stuff over here, and talk to your school. You’re still a kid, and even if you weren’t, I’m not letting you do this by yourself. I’ll need your help though, since I haven’t met any of your other family and I don’t know who I should be trying to get in contact with and all. But we can sort that out tomorrow or the day after.”
“Am I going to school tomorrow?”
“Nah, kid. I’ll call you in until we can get everything figured out. Come on, I should figure out what we’re doing for dinner and then I’ll let you pick something on tv. Or I mean, we can talk if you need…”
Soos shakes his head a bit. He doesn’t know what he’d say. It feels wrong, sitting in this house and doing normal things that he’d otherwise be excited by. He’d always wanted Mr. Pines’s approval, but not at the cost of his Abuela.
And for everything to just keep going made his chest hurt. Mr. Pines was right, all of this felt like it was going too fast because none of it should be happening at all. He should have had years with his Abuela, he should have got to come home and tell her about his first day of senior year and talk her ear off about all the cool new exhibits he and Mr. Pines were putting together.
But that wouldn’t ever happen again.
Mr. Pines put his arm around Soos’s shoulders and led him out into the kitchen.
What cut through the misery and strangeness and wrongness of grieving his Abuela were the changes he saw in Mr. Pines.
He was… gentler.
Soos was used to the gruff and sometimes abrasive personality of his employer. Now foster parent. But he did not know the man who woke him up for school in the morning, made breakfast, packed lunch, and cooked dinner. Who called his extended family, helped him pack his Abuela’s house, helped him with homework, and stood next to him on a Tuesday in September as they said goodbye to his Abuela.
The real difference was how much he talked, and what he talked about.
He was just, more open.
If Soos cried, he was there. If he wanted to visit Abuela, Mr. Pines went with. If he needed help with homework, Mr. Pines sat with him until they figured it out.
He asked him about his videogames and anime and manga and anything else Soos was interested in. He offered to show him how to work on his car.
He didn’t really talk about himself much, but now, there were small scraps and interjections about things that Soos had never heard him mention. Observations about the desert, names of people he picked up Spanish from, boxing tips, how he read body language or tone for making a sale. Things that made him seem less like Mr. Mystery and more like Mr. Pines.
It felt like Soos was peaking behind a curtain.
Mr. Pines seemed to have dialed himself back, maybe. Soos wasn’t sure what to call it.
Even when he was fixing things up around the Shack for him there was less gruffness in his requests.
Soos loved it and felt an immense guilt about it.
He knew Mr. Pines was just being kind and that Soos was almost an adult and wouldn’t need this level of kindness since he’d be expected to.
Actually, he wasn’t sure what would be expected of him when he turned 18.
So one night at dinner, he asked Mr. Pines what would happen when he turned 18.
“You wanna go to college?”
“Not exactly but-“
“You want to keep working here?”
“Well yes but Mr. Pines I meant-“
“Soos, you’re welcome here for as long as you’d like to stay. This is my home and it’s yours as much as you’d like.”
“As much as I’d like?”
Mr. Pines shifted awkwardly in his chair and nodded.
“I didn’t want to assume anything but, the paperwork makes me your legal guardian. I’m responsible for you now, kid. So yeah, my home is yours. I don’t want you to feel like I’m keeping you from your family or anything but, even if I’m only fostering you, you’re part of mine.”
“You want me to be part of your family? For real?”
“Well yeah kid, I didn’t sign all those forms because you’re my employee. I mean you are kinda but like- Soos. Did you think I was only doing this because I wanted you to keep working at the Shack?”
Soos felt his face heat up and started to deny it but Mr. Pines cut him off pretty quick.
“Shit kid, okay look. I was trying not to presume how you feel about any of this. I didn’t want to put words in your mouth or um. Well, look. I was only married in Vegas briefly and I don’t really have my sights on going the whole conventional route of getting married and then, that’s to say, shit. Soos, I’ve always sort of thought of you as my son.”
Soos’s eyes were so wide. Mr. Pines’s face also seemed to heat up a bit and he tried shrugging, as though this wasn’t a big deal. As though it wasn’t something incredibly important to Soos.
“I wasn’t gonna say anything, because I’m not really a great father figure and all, but look. When your Abuela was still around I could kid myself that it wasn’t something I wanted, being a parent and all. But now you’re living with me and I can’t help it. You’re a good kid, Soos. I’m not trying to replace anyone but, I guess, I want you to know that this is permanent. If you want it to be.”
Soos felt his eyes well up and Mr. Pines was on his feet, turning their chairs together so he could wrap an arm around him.
“I care about you, kid. I’m sorry I didn’t say it before, but it felt like something I should let you decide.”
Soos cried a little and laughed when Mr. Pines ruffled his hair before moving far enough apart to go back to eating, but not all the way across the table from him.
“So, if I wanted to stay here and keep working for you?”
“That’s more than enough for me, kid. I’d love for you to stay, if you want to.”
“And when I’m an adult, does that mean the foster thing-“
“I don’t really know what happens with that exactly. I mean, the social worker told me that I mean, if I wanted to and you agreed, I could file adoption paperwork since your um, well since your Father terminated his parental rights but uh, I wasn’t sure if you’d want me to bring that up.”
Soos felt his eyes tear up again and Mr. Pines gently cuffed him on the back of the head.
“Oh hush kid, c’mon no more tears. I swear no one else in our family is this weepy. It’ll ruin my reputation.”
“Our family?”
“Well yeah. Crap. I’ve uh, well I’ve got an older brother who’s got kids I should probably introduce you too. Surprise, you’ve got cousins!”
Soos laughed tearily and chanced another hug, which he definitely got.
And of course it hurt, his Abuela was gone and he missed her everyday. But it was nice not being alone.
Google translate spanish below the cut:
Hola señora, ¿cómo está Soos? No lo he visto y sé que es su primer día de regreso a la escuela. Le dije que no había trabajo la primera semana, pero por lo general viene para al menos contarme cómo le fue y solo quería asegurarme de que estaba bien.
Hello ma'am, how is Soos? I haven't seen him and I know it's his first day back in school. I told him there's no working the first week back but he usually stops by to at least tell me how it went and I just wanted to make sure he's okay.
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absurdthirst · 11 months
The Wolf in the Woods {Werewolf!Marcus Pike x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 14.4k
Warnings: Oral sex (male and female receiving), vaginal sex, wildlife, secrets, werewolves, monster fucking, werewolf tongue, werewolf cock, rough sex, harsh sex, cream pie
Comments: You finally convince Marcus to take you up to his remote cabin in the mountains. Not realizing that there is something in the woods. Something that has Marcus chaining the cabin doors shut to keep out.
**Monster fucking! Don't like it, don't read**
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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“Come on baby, it’ll be perfect. Me, you, alone for the first time in forever.” You plead your case over the phone, slightly annoyed that your boyfriend had to cancel yet another date but you don’t try to take it out on him. He’s the in-charge agent, the department head of Art Crimes. You know his job is stressful. “We can relax, sleep in.” You hum suggestively. “Spend all day in bed if we want to. I know you’ve been so busy, a weekend at that cabin of yours would be wonderfully refreshing for us both. I’ll even do all the cooking.”
Marcus smiles against the other home at the thought of you and him curling up in bed all day. Something neither of you have the luxury of due to your demanding jobs and Marcus yearns for that kind of intimacy. He pulls up the lunar chart to see when the full moon is. Shit, it’s on Saturday. He will be in transition all weekend. It’s only once a month but he has to be careful with his more feral nature around you. He bites his lip, wondering if he can lock himself out while he transitions. You are getting frustrated with him and he doesn’t want to make you walk away because he keeps flaking on you. You don’t know about his true nature and he wants to keep it that way. “Or not.” You say due to his silence and he can hear the disappointment in your voice and he knows he can’t say no. 
“Okay baby. This weekend. You wanna come to mine on Friday after work and then we can head over there? Get groceries on the way? It’s not stocked up.”
You smile, relieved that he’s not blowing you off, afraid that he has been losing interest and is too much of a gentleman to break things off. “That sounds great, we can have a nice, quiet weekend getaway.” You are happy that there’s no chance of starting your period, it’s at least two weeks away so there can be a lot of sex. Having every intention of waking Marcus up with a blow job one morning. “I’ll see you on Friday, baby. Don’t worry about tonight,” you tell him, letting him hang up after a quick goodbye so he could get back to work. 
Knocking on his door, you bite your lip. The bag slung across your shoulder is filled with lingerie and things to entice your boyfriend and you hope he enjoys the surprise. “Hey baby.” You smile when he opens the door almost as soon as you pull your hand back, like he had been waiting for you.
Marcus is nervous but he’s determined to give you a good time. He does love you. He hasn’t told you yet. He’s too afraid that if he gets too close, you will find out what he truly is. He smiles at you, hoping you don’t realize he’s been standing by the door. He takes your bag, leaning in to softly kiss you. 
“Hey sweetheart. I’ve missed you.” He murmurs, “how was the drive over?”
“It was good.” You feel like Marcus’s scent has changed. It’s muskier, bolder than the normal scent he wears from body wash and cologne. Very primal and you like it. “I was daydreaming about this handsome hunk I’m going away with for the weekend.” You tease, giving him a playful wink.
Marcus inhales your scent and he swallows down the growl that threatens to work its way up his throat. He clears his throat and guides you inside. “You ready to hit the road or do you wanna use the bathroom first?”
“Oh, I probably should.” You lean in and press your lips to his. “I’ll be really quick.” You promise and rush off to the guest bathroom Marcus had down the hall. He’s perfect and you know that you want to tell him that you love him this weekend.
Marcus curls his fingers into fists, trying to stop himself from wanting to give in to the animalistic urges inside of him. The ones that want to claim you as his. He inhales deeply and carries your bag into the garage so he can place it in the trunk of his car. He has the padlocks and chains in the other bag along with his own overnight bag.
Washing your hands quickly, you come out of the bathroom just as Marcus comes in from the garage. “I’m ready whenever you are, baby.” You promise with a smile. “And I have packed a few surprises for you.”
Marcus bites his lip, smirking at you. “Yeah? I can’t wait to see ‘em. Come on. Let’s hit the road. It’s a few hours to get there and I don’t wanna get caught in Friday night traffic.” He opens the passenger door for you, helping you in and as he rounds the car, he exhales shakily, begging himself to be good this weekend. Once the car is out of the garage and he’s certain everything is locked, he hits the gas to get out of D.C.
“So I am hoping you have a grill.” You tell him once he’s off the Highway. “Maybe a couple of steaks tonight or tomorrow?” You ask. 
“Rare.” Marcus nearly growls the request and your eyes widen slightly. 
“Got it. You like your steak rare.” You laugh.
Marcus grips the steering wheel a little too hard and he cracks his neck. “I have a grill. Tonight maybe?” He suggests, his inner wolf growling at the thought of a rare steak. He pushes him down and turns on the radio to distract himself.
“Tonight is good.” Marcus seems a little distracted and you feel bad. Poor man has been overworked for months now. “Some red meat, Some wine, a little sex and then some sleep.” You reach over and lay your hand on his thigh. “Come back from the cabin a new man.”
Marcus chuckles nervously, “I hope.” He reaches for your hand to squeeze it and he brings it up his lips to kiss the back of it. “You’re too good to me.” He murmurs and he sighs when he lowers your hand to squeeze the gear shift with your hand in his.
Your heart melts. “I love you.” You blurt out. It’s not the romantic, sexy way you imagined telling him, but you don’t want him to doubt this for a second. You are completely head over heels for him. “I know it’s odd to say in a car, but I love you Marcus.”
Marcus is taken back by your confession and his heart melts, “I love you too.” He says, turning his head to look at you. “It’s - I wanted to tell you this weekend. Properly. Romantic. But I love you baby.” He smiles at you, kissing your hand again.
“I’m sorry.” You grin, not really sorry for it but you’ll pretend. “I just couldn’t wait. And I don’t know what it is, but you just seem….more dominate today. It’s really sexy and…” you break off, feeling slightly embarrassed by your confession.
Marcus swallows down the growl that threatens to make its way up his throat and he clears it, turning slightly to smirk at you. “Yeah? You like a bit of dominance?” He asks. Your love making so far has been just that. Soft and sensual since Marcus has been trying to conceal his true nature, even biting into the pillow when he has the urge to bite.
“Don’t get me wrong.” You hastily try to reassure him. “I love our sex life. I’m always satisfied with you.” The last thing you want is for Marcus to think you are unhappy. “I just know that exploration is always healthy in a relationship.”
Marcus flusters, knowing you want more from him. He wants to give you more but he’s afraid he’s gonna go too far, lose control. “I know. Maybe this weekend we can experiment a bit.” He compromises, knowing it might be good to let his more animalistic urges come out a little.
You don’t say anything, just lean over in your seat to kiss his cheek. “I’m going to make you the biggest, rarest steak I can find.” You promise happily. “We can split a bottle of wine. Get a little tipsy and then…” you bite your lip. “I want to suck your cock. Let you relax.”
Marcus groans, “you are too fucking good to me, baby. I- shit. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” He says, flexing his fingers on the wheel as the urge to just pull over and claim you hits him again. The drive isn’t too long to get out of the city and soon enough Marcus is pulling up outside of his cabin in Virginia.
“I’m glad that little grocery store had everything we needed.” You had been impressed by the little country store. It seemed quaint, but inside was a good selection of food, obviously catering to people who weekend up in the mountains. “Oh this is so cute, Marcus.” You coo, taking in the rustic little one bedroom cabin. “No wonder you like to get away up here.”
Marcus smiles, trying not to frown because there’s a reason why he comes here. “Yeah it’s a nice place to escape from the hustle and bustle. I enjoy it.” He hums and kills the engine after parking the car. He gets out and scoots around the car to open your door, still a gentleman despite his biology. “Let me open up and then I’ll grab the bags.” He says and walks over to the door to open up the front door.
He seems distracted and you wonder if he was regretting bringing you. Perhaps his escape from the hustle and bustle also included you. You feel a little guilty for pushing him but you didn’t want to spend another weekend apart. “If you don’t mind, I’ll get started on dinner right away.” You offer.
“Of course babe.” Marcus smiles as he lets you in after unlocking the alarm and he prays you don’t see the scratch marks adorning the door. He should fix those but there’s been no point until now. No one else has ever come out here. He lets you in and rushes out to grab the groceries so you can start dinner right away.
It’s far more simplistic than you imagined and yet, it fits your boyfriend. “It’s rustic.” You remind yourself, knowing that it could be even more so. It could not have electricity or running water. The minimal furniture looks comfortable and you wonder if Marcus just reads or sleeps when he comes up here.
“Yeah it’s uh pretty basic.” Marcus says as he sets the bags down. He got sick of replacing furniture so it’s bare bones but it gets the job done. There’s no TV because he ripped that off the wall the first weekend he stayed in the cabin. “I’ll get our bags.” He says and kisses your forehead before he heads back out to the car.
You hum as you start to organize the groceries, pulling them out of the bags and you frown when you open the refrigerator door. The appliance was completely empty. No old jelly or even a left behind beer. “You weren’t kidding when you said it wasn’t stocked.” You shake your head, wondering if he just didn’t keep anything here or if he went out to a local restaurant while he was here. “At least we gave the pans and plates.” You tell him as he comes in. “I don’t mind basic at all. Better for snuggling up to you.”
Marcus leans in to kiss your hair, “exactly. I want this to be a good weekend.” He hopes that down to his core, and he murmurs your name as he takes the milk from your hand to put it away. He wants you to be comfortable here and he’s terrified he’s going to do something wrong. You soon get to work on making dinner and Marcus turns on the radio. “You want some help baby?”
“Would you fire up the grill?” You ask with a grin as you look up from the cutting board. Marcus had grumbled about the vegetables, although he normally is the one to want a salad. It’s cute though. “The steaks are ready to grill.”
Marcus nods, happy to do whatever you want. He wants to make sure you’re happy during your weekend, especially since he doesn’t want you to get suspicious. He playfully smacks your ass as he passes, driven by his instincts as he heads outside to get the grill ready.
“This is going to be good for us.” You smirk as you toss the salad together and take the steaks outside. “Thank you, baby.” You hum as he closes the lid on the grill, all fired up.
Marcus is a good cook, able to grill up some steaks and he makes his extra rare, the rumble in his stomach from both hunger and being restrained. He sets the steaks down on the table when they are done, thanking you for the wine you let breathe. “To us.” He toasts, wanting to make this a good weekend together.
“To us.” You had been surprised when he had taken over grilling, but you don’t complain. It makes it better, fixing a meal together. Cutting into your steak, you groan at the taste. “This is so good, baby.” You praise. “How is yours?”
“Perfect.” He practically growls, almost picking up the steak to tear into it with his teeth but he controls himself. The steak is barely cooked - a minute on each side at most. He tries to swallow down some salad but he’s so starved for meat he ignores most of it.
“Do you want some of mine?” You are startled by how quickly Marcus wolfs down his steak, but maybe he’s really hungry. “I’m stuffed.”
Marcus should tell you no but the steak looks too good so he reaches out to grab it with his hand, barely managing to grab a knife and fork to cut it when he wants to just sink his teeth into it.
“Next time I’ll get another steak.” You promise, smiling indulgently as you watch him eat. There’s something almost animalistic about his hunger and you wonder if he will carry that through to the bedroom tonight.
Marcus groans when he finishes the steak, his stomach full but it’s still not enough. “Thanks for the, uh, salad, baby.” He blushes as he looks down at his uneaten salad on his plate. “Sorry. I just really wanted steak.” He murmurs, cutting his gaze across the room.
“That’s okay.” You shrug and reach across the table to take his plates. “I don’t mind.” Standing up, you smirk. “I’ll get these washed up and meet you in the bedroom?”
Marcus nods, knowing it’s late. You left after work so it’s getting dark and he knows you want him. He can smell it on you. He wants you too, more than you could ever imagine. He growls softly under his breath when you walk into the kitchen and he stands up, not bothering to lock the doors. He will lock them later. He makes his way to the bedroom and works on stripping out of his clothes, leaving him in his boxers.
You bite your lip after you finish washing the dishes. You had let him take the bag into the bedroom, so you can’t surprise him with lingerie, so you just decide to strip down. Knowing that he would never think that was a bad thing. Quickly peeling off your clothes, you saunter towards the bedroom, eager to see his reaction to your need for him.
Marcus sees you as you enter the bedroom and his jaw drops. Fuck, you look delicious. He groans and his cock hardens in his boxers, shifting as he sits on the foot of the bed. “Fuck baby.” He murmurs, his dark eyes drinking you in and he swallows down the urge to grab you and make you his, mark you, claim you.
“I should have thought about getting out the lingerie before you came in here.” You admit, shrugging as you appreciate the possessive look in his eyes. He looks positively feral, like he just wants to eat you up and that makes your pussy throb. “Take off your boxers, baby. I want to suck your cock.”
Marcus groans, working fast to push his boxers down his legs and when you kneel in front of him, his heart pounds in his chest and he struggles to restrain himself. “Baby. You look so pretty like this.” He murmurs as you rub his thighs, looking up at him. He groans when you take his cock into your hand and he growls softly.
You aren’t sure why he’s so growly lately, but don’t mind it at all. The sounds shoot straight to your pussy and you feel yourself growing wetter. Smirking up at him, you keep eye contact as you lean in and press your tongue to the head of his cock.
“Fuckkk.” Marcus hisses, his fingers digging into the sheets and he tries to keep his eyes open as your hot tongue presses against the underside of his cock. “Fuck baby. You- shit.” He hisses, closing his eyes to keep control.
“I want you to relax.” You tell him when you pull your tongue away. Starting to slowly stroke his cock up and down before you take the head back into your mouth.
Marcus is tense, unable to help himself as he tries to control the beast within him. He doesn’t want to hurt you. It’s the last thing he wants. He struggles to not rip the sheets as you take him deeper into your hot mouth, your tongue pressed against him, and his eyes roll back when you hollow your cheeks. “Fuck baby. Jesus.” He hisses as he tries to keep his hips on the bed.
You moan around him and eagerly start to bob up and down on his cock. Wanting to feel the way his thighs tense against your breasts and he growls your name. Wanting to make him cum and fill your mouth.
“Fuck. Oh Christ. It’s so good, baby. Fuck, you’re so good to me.” He groans, his neck tensing as his cock twitches inside of your mouth. He moans your name, rocking up to push his cock deeper down your throat.
Marcus isn't overly thick, but he is long. The thrust up makes you choke slightly but you don't pull away. Making it your mission to take everything he wants to give you this weekend and beg for more. You want to make sure that this cabin and what happens in it is burned in his memory and tied to you. Letting go of his cock, you grip his thighs and let him fuck your mouth as you push down.
Marcus can’t resist, thrusting up into your mouth. He groans your name as you stay still, just letting him fuck your throat. “Fuck baby. I- I’m gonna - shit. Shit. Shit.” He hisses and his ass cheeks clench as his cock twitching, his cum hitting your tongue as you pull your head up.
Your whine is cut off by the cum flooding your mouth. It feels like he’s not cum in a year. Feeling him grab the back of your neck and hold you while his hips rock up. Your cunt is dripping at the rougher treatment. One hand slipping down and rubbing your clit as you swallow him down in big gulps.
“Fuck baby. So good to me.” Marcus hisses as you swallow every drop and his eyes open to find you rubbing your clit. Fuck, you’re so gorgeous. The sheet rips beneath his grip as he shakes through his orgasm. “Get - need to taste you.” Marcus growls as he shifts to lay down on the bed, his cock flopping from your mouth. “Sit on my face.”
You are never one who is shy about taking your own pleasure but this time it’s almost an order that you don’t want to take. To see if he would just grab you. Slowly straddling his chest, you don’t move any closer, looking down and caressing his cheek.
Marcus growls, unhappy with you not sitting on his face. He grabs your ass, fingers digging into your flesh as he drags you up his chest and over his face, his tongue diving in to slide through your folds. His growl is muffled as he samples your cunt and he sucks on your clit, ravenous for you.
Squealing in surprise, you grab onto the solid headboard to hang on as Marcus seemingly devours you. “Oh fuck, Marcus.” You moan, head dropping back and body rocking forward as he pulls you closer.
He is like a man starved, his tongue pushing into you as his nose presses against your clit. He groans your name even though you can’t understand it. He wants you. In every damn way he can have you. His fingers dig deeper, certain to leave bruises but he doesn’t care as he wants you to rock on top, take your pleasure.
You start to follow his silent command. Rolling your hips and grinding down onto his face like you are giving his face a lap job. In a way, you are, but you’re too busy massaging your tits while you moan his name again. “Marcus, oh fuck baby, your tongue is so deep.”
Your cry has him smirking against your pussy. His tongue is extra long when he’s close to the full moon and he’s glad he can use what he is for something positive. He groans into you, his nose pressed against your clit. He wants to hear you cry for him. He yearns to hear you scream.
Your eyes slip close and you whimper again and again as you rock your hips over his face. “Oh fuck baby, you’re gonna make me cum.” Panting as you get closer to the orgasm that is building up, your tongue gets looser. “I love you, oh baby, I want you, this forever.”
Marcus’s heart pounds in his chest at your words, loving how passionate you sound as you chase your orgasm. He groans as you rock faster, little whines escaping your lips and he curls his tongue, his fingers shifting to caressing your puckered hole between your cheeks after he spreads them.
“Oh shit.” Your eyes spring open in surprise. Marcus has never even ventured close to your other hole but you don’t mind, “please.” You whimper.
He understands what you need and he pushes his finger inside of you a little, desperately needing you to cum for him. He loves how you taste and how you sound when you cum.
When he slides his tongue deeper, you wail his name. Body convulsing and seizing up as you come apart. Your walls clench down around his tongue and you soak him with your juices.
Marcus laps you up, his cock now hardening at your orgasm. One of the perks of his composition is his ability to recover even as he gets older. "I fucking love you." He groans when you lift up off of him and he kisses your soaked thighs.
“I love you too.” You moan softly, giggling quietly at the post orgasm rush and wiggle down his body to press your lips to his. “Are you ready to fuck me, Agent Pike?”
Marcus nods, feeling loved and yet he’s still feral. Wanting to claim you but he channels his softer side to give you what you need tonight. “Lay down baby.” He says, lifting you off of him and you shift to lay down. He wastes no time kneeling between your legs, his hands sliding along your body until he’s cupping your tits.
Your legs drape onto his hips, eagerly wrapping around him and there’s something different about Marcus. He seems harder, sharper almost in the light of the cabin. Squeezing your tits until you gasp and arch up under his touch. “Take me, baby.” You moan.
Marcus pinches your nipples, getting a little rougher than normal. He shuffles closer on his knees and he grips his cock, pumping himself a few times. "My girl needs me to fuck her?" He coos, asking you as he jerks his cock.
“Yesssss, oh fuck yes.” You whimper, finding it incredibly sexy to watch this man stroke himself so confidently. Whatever is happening, you love it and it is making you desperate for him. “Please baby, fuck me. I need you inside me.”
He doesn’t torture you anymore, knowing he needs to be inside of you. He shuffles even closer to notch the head of his cock at your entrance after swiping it through your folds and he hisses as he pushes into you. You’re so wet. So hot. So tight. He is hesitant to be too rough but his instincts are telling him to just push deep and set a frantic pace until he cums.
The first thrust tells you that this time is going to be different. Marcus is a very careful and thorough lover. Always making sure that you are completely satisfied when you are done, but he’s very restrained. You can tell there are times that he wants to go harder or deeper and even though you assure him you can take it, he doesn’t give in.
He is feral, his chest heaving as he looks down at you. His eyes dark as he twitches deep inside of you. Usually he’d take his time letting you adjust to him but he doesn’t give you that luxury. He starts to move inside of you, harsh thrusts that makes your body jiggle.
Your eyes widen and your fingers dig into his shoulders as he starts to fuck you ruthlessly. Stealing your breath at the brutal pace that makes your entire body lurch up on the bed. “Fuck!” You scream, eyes rolling back from pleasure.
Your scream spurs him on, thrusting harder, his hands grabbing your thighs to lift them higher until he decides to push them back into your stomach. His weight pressing you into the mattress as he fucks you hard and fast. “Fuck baby. Fuck. Need you. Need this.” He growls, leaning down to lick along your neck.
​​You don’t know what possessed Marcus, but all you can do is cum for him. His cock hits something magical inside you and with a squeal, your walls clench down around him and soak him in a torrent of your juices.
“Fuckkkk.” Marcus hisses as you soak his stomach and pelvis with your cum, hot and wet and so fucking sexy. He hisses your name, thrusting a few times, hard and deep until his cock twitches as he cums inside of you. Painting your walls as he practically roars, unable to believe how good you feel.
It’s beastly and you are utterly captivated by the sight of Marcus, straining and grunting over you as he fills you up. The heat of his cum flooding your womb and making you moan.
Marcus kisses along your neck, refraining the urge to bite your neck. “So good.” He murmurs, “You’re so good to me.” He coos and you caress his back, “so good.”
“Baby.” You moan quietly, turning your head and kissing along his jaw. “I love you so much. That was- incredible.”
Marcus murmurs, “I love you too.” He nudges his nose against yours, trying to be affectionate and he stays inside of you but shifts to lay on his back, you on his chest. He strokes your back, knowing that once you’re asleep, he’s going to need to get the duffel bag from his car so he can prepare for midnight.
His heart is galloping in his chest and you hum, stroking his shoulder affectionately. “That was amazing.” You murmur before you yawn. “Wore me out.”
Marcus chuckles, “wore me out too, baby.” He murmurs, caressing your back as you relax on top of him. He can smell himself all over you and that makes him hum. He loves it. He loves you. “Baby, you want a snack or some water?”
“I’m good.” You purr quietly. “I’m going to go to sleep and wake up early to make sure that you get the best blow job you’ve ever had.”
Marcus snorts, “you already did that.” He kisses your hair, “but you can try to beat it baby.” He murmurs, “just go to sleep. I’ll clean you up.”
One of the best things about Marcus is his aftercare. You smile as you settle down against his chest and close your eyes. You have the best boyfriend in the entire world, one that you love.
Marcus lets you drift off to sleep before he rolls you onto your back. He pulls out of you and shuffles into the bathroom to grab a rag to clean you up. He works fast to clean you and covers you with the comforter. He kisses your forehead and makes his way into the bathroom to clean himself up. Exhaling heavily as he looks into the mirror, his fingers curl into the sink as he feels the moon is high in the sky. He needs to prepare and keep you safe inside.
You wake up to Marcus curled around you, his nose pressed against your neck and he is snoring like he's not slept in ten years. Your plans for waking him up to a blow job are temporarily on hold. He needs sleep more than he needs sex and you slowly slip out of his arms. You'll make some coffee and take it out to the porch so he can sleep.
Marcus had a long night. After you fell asleep, he grabbed his bag from the car and locked up the house, making sure you were secure before he chained himself to a tree a couple of miles away. He doesn’t really know what happened after midnight - he gets flashes during his sleep if it’s been a while since he’s transitioned - and last night was one of those times.
When you’re pouring a cup of the coffee, you hear Marcus whimper, making you frown as you look toward the bedroom. Deciding that he does need to rest more, you shut off your alarm before it can ring, a habit of your weekends to make sure you don’t sleep all day, and slip outside the door to the fresh morning air.
Marcus should wake up but he usually sleeps most of the day when he’s out here. Only coming here once a month when it’s needed. He curls into a ball, pulling your pillow close to breathe you in.
You sigh softly, smiling as you look out at the valley through the small clearing of trees. It really is a beautiful view, although you know you are quite isolated. There hadn’t been one light besides yours on the mountain last night. You turn back to check to make sure you closed the door and gasp loudly, almost a shriek. Deep gouges in the wood, resembling claw marks, decorate the door and frame. Many of them, as if some large creature was trying to get in. “Oh shit.” Your eyes start flickering around the woods surrounding the cabin as if you expect a creature to attack you right now.
Marcus doesn't stir until he hears your scream. He wakes with a fright and stumbles out of the cabin. "Baby. Baby. What's wrong?" He pants, still in his boxers and wondering if there's something else out there besides him.
You grab onto Marcus, turning him towards the door. “There’s something- it tried to get into the cabin!” You cry out. “Is it a bear? Did a bear try to break in?”
Marcus's eyes widen at the claw marks on the door. He tried to get in the door. He tried to get to you last night. That makes his heart pound as he steps out to look at the door frame. "Fuck baby. I- it was probably a bear. This has happened before. I - you're safe." he promises you, "I will keep you safe."
“Oh my god.” You shiver and reach out to touch the marks. “That’s a big fucking bear.” You tell him. Something seems odd, Marcus had nearly had a heart attack when he saw the marks. If it happened before, why does he look so upset? “Look!” You rush down the steps. “Tracks.”
Marcus is terrified that you’re going to find out his secret. He reaches for your shoulder. “It’s gone now. Probably smelled the food. Just - let’s go inside and have some breakfast. Probably a bear. It’s long gone, baby.” He says, trying to sound convincing.
Something about that sounds wrong but you don’t argue. Instead, you let him guide you into the cabin and close the door firmly behind the two of you. “Should we store the food differently?” You ask him, knowing he spends a lot of time up here. He would know.
Marcus shakes his head, “no. No. I don’t think that’s necessary. Why don’t we head inside and - God, I need a coffee, baby.” He tries to change the subject, his hand hovering on the small of your back to get you inside. He’s trying to keep cool but he is freaking out a little that the beast inside of him tried so desperately to get into the cabin…to get to you.
That does the trick, immediately distracting you from the animal marks on the door. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry, I woke you up.” You cup his face, feeling guilty about disturbing his sleep. “Let me go get you a coffee and I’ll start breakfast. You can lay down again if you want?”
Marcus softens and relaxes as you cup his cheek and he nods, reaching for your wrist and turning his head so he can press a soft kiss to your palm. "I'm up now sweetheart. Let's get a cup of coffee and we can work on breakfast together. I, uh, kinda just want bacon."
“Just bacon?” Your eyes widen dramatically. “Marcus Pike doesn’t want pancakes?” Teasingly, you touch the back of your hand to his forehead. “You don’t seem to be sick.”’
Marcus chuckles, "I just really want bacon." He confesses, knowing he usually loves pancakes but for some reason, he just doesn't want them today. He wants meat.
“Then bacon is what you will get.” You promise, leaning in and pressing your lips to his before you turn back to pour him a cup of coffee.
"You're too good to me." Marcus repeats for the hundredth time. He means it. You are too good for him. He's terrified of you finding out the truth. That's what sent his first wife running. He swallows harshly as you pour him a cup of coffee and he sits down at the kitchen table. "I thought maybe today we could go for a hike?" He suggests, knowing that the exercise might wear him out enough to not run too much at night.
“Sure.” You had expected to relax, but if Marcus wants to hike and show you some of the area, that’s fine with you. “I can make some sandwiches if you want? Or- no, we shouldn’t do that.” You decide. “We might attract that bear.”
Marcus doesn’t argue, wanting you to believe it’s a bear. He sips his coffee as he watches you cook. He offered to help but you told him to relax. Little do you know that it’s almost impossible since he is worried about the claw marks. He stands up when you set the bacon off to the side to drain and his hands find your waist, his lips on your neck.
“Hmmmmm.” Closing your eyes, you tilt your head to the side to give him better access to your skin. “I love when you kiss my neck. When you do anything to me, really.”
Marcus smiles against your skin, “me too. I mean, whatever you do to me…always so fucking good.” He murmurs and continues kissing along your neck, dragging the strap of your shirt down to kiss your shoulder. “Taste better than bacon.” He chuckles against your skin. “Delicious.” He says as he licks along your neck.
The hard length of his cock is starting to press against your back and you don’t mind it at all. Moaning softly as you grind back against him. He’s apparently in the mood and you aren’t going to discourage him. “Want a quickie while the food cools?” You pant out, wishing you could kiss him.
Marcus groans, grinding a little harder against you. He murmurs your name and spins you around, lifting you onto the kitchen table and he grabs the hem of your shirt, lifting it over your head. “So fucking beautiful.” He hisses as he looks at your tits, wasting no time ducking down to take a nipple into his mouth.
“Fuck, Marc-“ your moan is strangled as he attacks your breasts with a ferocious hunger. His hands grabbing your ass and sliding you forward to press against your core. You aren’t wearing panties, he had put a shirt on you but no panties so his boxers are starting to rub against your clit. “Fuck. Baby.” Your eyes close as you wrap your arms around the back of his neck. “Fuck me.”
He growls, low and deep in his chest as he squeezes your ass. Fuck, he needs you. His fingers trail down from your breast to your core, groaning when he finds you wet for him. He hisses your name and moves fast to shove his boxers down, his cock hard and aching for you already. It doesn't take much to get him going during the full moon. He grips his cock, pushing your thighs further apart with his free hand as he positions himself until he is pushing into you,
He pushes the air out of your lungs in a squeal. The full length of him pushing inside you until he is grinding deeper, as if he wants to burrow inside your cunt. Your legs wrap around his waist and your own kisses start to scatter over his skin. “Oh god, I don’t know what’s happening but I love it.” You whine, incredibly turned on by how rough he’s being.
His hands grab your ass, pulling you even closer, and he starts to move inside of you. Low groans escaping his lips as he rocks into you, hard and fast. His lips find yours, smothering both of your moans, and he hisses when you bite down on his lower lip.
There’s something unique about the way that Marcus is acting and you can’t sort it out. Not that you are trying very hard when your sweet and loving boyfriend is fucking you like his life depends on it. Making your entire body sing with pleasure.
He thrusts hard and fast, the kitchen table scrapping the floor below as he fucks you like aj animal. His hand comes up to grip the back of your neck, tilting it to expose the flesh to his gaze and he leans down, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin above your pulse.
“Ohhhhhh fuck.” You gasp out, shivering in pleasure and submission as you let him take what he wants. “Please.” You whimper. “Use me. Take me.”
Marcus grunts as he thrusts into you, his other hand finding your clit to rub harsh circles every time his hips pull back. It’s too much and not enough all at once. “Fuck. You feel - like a goddamn vice.” He groans as your walls flutter around him.
His voice is lower, raspier and it makes you whimper. All those times you claimed you didn’t care about dominant men going out the window as this man claims you. “Yours.” You promise. “All yours.”
“Mine.” He growls, unable to stop himself and he hisses your name as you clamp down on his cock. “Cum for me, baby. Cum for me sweet girl.” He demands, rubbing your clit a little faster and he bites down on your shoulder.
Shuddering, you can’t help but give him exactly what he wants. Crying out his name again, everything but the feeling of your cunt spasming leaves your thoughts.
Marcus hisses when you clamp down on his cock and soak him, your nails dig into his back but he doesn’t feel a thing. “You’re so - Jesus Christ. Baby. I’m gonna - you’re gonna make me. Oh fuck. Fuck!” He yelps as he cums, pushing deep to paint your walls again.
Panting, you kiss his sweaty skin as he rides out his high, lapping at his pulse tenderly and cuddling closer. “Fuck, I love you.” You whisper softly. “So much baby.”
Marcus pants as he comes to a stop, resting his forehead against yours. “Love you too. All of you.” He murmurs, wanting you to know that when he dreads you not feeling the same way about him. He’s terrified about you finding out his secret.
He clings to you for a moment and you smile as you pull away. “Me too, sweetheart. Now” you run your hand down his chest. “I need to get you fed.”
He sighs, pulling out of you, and he knows you’d never accept him, all of him. The darkest parts of him. He kisses your forehead as he steps away from you, bending down to pick up his boxers and pull them on. “I’ll get you something to clean up.”
“Handsome and helpful.” You tease, reaching out and slapping his ass as he turns around to get you a rag. “I’ll fix your plate of bacon.”
Marcus chuckles, making his way into the bathroom. He wets a rag and sees some tissues in the wastepaper basket. He frowns, bending down to pick them up and he gasps when he sees blood. “Shit.” He hisses, trying to figure out how to conceal them. He probably wiped himself off before he got back into bed with you after sunrise. He winces when you call him and he makes his way back into the kitchen.
“Breakfast is served.” You smile as you set the entire pack of bacon that you put on his plate in the spot where you moved his coffee. “Where were you thinking of hiking to?”
“I was thinking of going further up the mountain. There’s a really nice spot that looks out over the valley. I figured we could take a book or two and some drinks. Snacks should be okay. Bear likely won’t venture up that high.” He says, not wanting you to be concerned. “Thanks for the bacon baby.” He says as he hands you the rag.
“That sounds good.” You smile again, thinking that he’s the sweetest as you take the rag to clean up. “After breakfast, we’ll pack up and head off?” You ask, tossing the rag down after you clean up and sit opposite from him as he starts to wolf down the bacon with the same appetite that he had attacked the steaks last night.
Marcus is ravenous, chewing on the bacon like a rabid dog but he’s starving. He always tries to keep his meals to pure meat when he’s here but he suspects you might get suspicious of that if he doesn’t at least have some potatoes.
Watching him, you are slower to eat than he is, seeing a different facet of your normally mild mannered boyfriend. Pouring some syrup over your own pancakes, you cut into them and take a sip of your coffee.
Marcus groans as he finishes the entire plate. “Shit. Baby. I- I didn’t leave you - fuck. I’m sorry.” He shakes his head, feeling guilty that he ate the entire plate without you getting even a strip.
“That’s okay.” You wave off his concern and fork up another bite of your pancakes. “I’m happy with the pancakes and my coffee.” You don’t have anymore bacon, but you look towards the fridge. “Are you still hungry? There’s some eggs in there.”
Marcus bites his lip, not wanting to eat all the food that was bought for breakfast this weekend. "I'm fine." He lies, not wanting to take more than he needs, even if the beast inside of him roars for more.
“Are you sure, baby?” You ask, concerned because he is biting his lip guiltily. “I don’t mind cooking some for you. Or, I can make sure that I make you really big roast beef sandwiches for the hike.”
Marcus smiles, “a beef sandwich sounds good. Lots of beef.” He adds, his stomach already rumbling at the thought. God, he needs more food but he doesn’t want to take from you. He’s certain he will eat when he’s outside tonight. “Finish your breakfast honey. I’ll clean up.” He says, kissing your hair as he carries his plate over to the sink.
Marcus is so damn good to you. Happily, you dig into the rest of your pancakes and by the time Marcus is ready to wash your plate, you’re finished. Kissing him as he takes it from you, you move over to the fridge. “I’ll make the sandwiches really quickly and then get dressed.”
“Sounds like a plan sweetheart.” Marcus winks at you as he finishes washing up. “I’ll go shower real quick so you can take your time.” He kisses you softly as he walks by and he makes his way into the bathroom. He glances at the trash can and looks down at his hands, seeing the small scratches that you haven’t noticed yet. He turns on the shower, waiting for the water to get hot before he steps in.
Humming to yourself, you make thick roast beef sandwiches for the both of you. Yours is thinner and you make Marcus three sandwiches to your one. Sure that the hunger that he’s been displaying is going to continue on. You had brought a backpack and you toss the bag of sandwiches in there along with a bag of beef jerky you had as well.
Marcus gets out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and comes into the bedroom just as you approach him. “Hey babe. I left more than enough hot water. Take your time.” He insists, “I’ll get the gear ready.”
“Sandwiches are done.” You promise, smirking at the way his chest is covered in droplets of water. “Give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready.” You just want to clean up and then throw on some hiking clothes.
Marcus nods, walking over to his case to grab the clothes he needs for hiking and he dresses while you shower. He knows these woods like the back of his hand and he knows you'll be safe with him. He is tying his boots when you come back into the bedroom.
“I’m so glad we got away this weekend.” You tell him, unwrapping your towel from around you so you can get dressed. “It’s beautiful here and I’m already in love with this place. I see why you try to spend time here every month.”
“Yeah. It’s gorgeous.” Marcus murmurs as he sits up, realizing he’s never really taken the opportunity to admire the area. He’s usually just been happy to have a secluded place to escape to. He picked this cabin because nothing is around it for miles. His eyes trail down your body as you grab your clothes and he bites his lip, cock twitching in his pants as he admires you.
Getting dressed, you lace up your own boots and turn towards him with a smile. “Ready whenever you are, handsome.” You admire the almost rugged look of him since he’s not shaved and turn to grab your backpack and water bottles.
Marcus nods, standing up as he makes his way into the kitchen to grab his backpack that you put the lunch into. “Come on baby.” He says, not bothering to lock the front door since the only dangerous thing out here is him.
Following him, Marcus leads you into the woods and you amble along behind him. Still a little nervous about the claw marks on the door, you don’t let him get more than a few steps in front of you. “Do you hike every time you come up here?” You ask. “Obviously not when it’s snowing, but ohhhh Marcus, I bet it’s gorgeous up here during the winter.”
“Not every time.” He answers your question as he follows a path he regularly takes when he does hike. “Sometimes I like to just relax and get away from the stress of work. If I’m at home, I’ll still check my phone and my emails. I’m totally at peace here. Like it’s where I’m supposed to be.”
“Maybe it is where you should be.” You could imagine it when he’s here. “Living like a mountain man. Chopping wood with your shirt off.” That thought makes you drool. “Too bad you can’t be an FBI agent from here.”
“Exactly.” Marcus sighs, stepping over a log and he turns back to hold his hand out towards you. “Careful.” He says as he helps you over it. He sniffs the air discreetly, checking for any danger. One perk of his composition and it definitely helps him in his job.
It's nice that even out here, he is such a gentleman. You squeeze his hand before letting go so he could continue to guide you deeper into the forest. "It's strange." You frown slightly. "I don't hear any bird or anything, do you?"
"No. It's - maybe there's a storm coming." He says as he looks up and ignores the fact that he knows exactly why the birds aren't singing. They always fly away when he is around, sensing his presence.
"Maybe that's it." You can accept that, although looking up doesn't do much beyond looking at the canopy. "Then we won't make it a long hike, just in case."
"Yeah." Marcus says, looking at the trees for another moment until he looks back at you. "Let's go. You gotta see this view." He offers you a grin and he makes his way through the trail he knows well until you are pushing through the bushes to a clearing.
"Oh Marcus." You gasp as you take in the view of the valley. Nothing but mountains and trees for as far as you can see. No roads that you can see. Really driving home how isolated you are. "This is- this is beautifully remote."
Marcus turns his head to look at you as you admire the view. He is in awe of how beautiful you look in the sunlight and he wishes he could take a picture. “I love you.” He blurts out, tempted to propose to you but he can’t. Not when you don’t know who he truly is. What he truly is.
Looking back at him, you smile. "I love you too, Marcus." He's sweet and his soft smile makes you fall even more in love with him. "Thank you for bringing me up here." You thank him again. "I know this is your fortress of solitude, but I feel like we are getting closer, you letting me in like this."
Marcus nods, stepping closer to you to wrap his arm around your waist. “I love you, baby.” He kisses your hair, “I’m glad I can share this place with you. It’s - it’s where I belong but life keeps bringing me back to D.C.”
“If you want….” You turn to look into his eyes. “I’ll come out here whenever you want to get away.”
Marcus nods, hesitant, but unable to say no as he looks at your beautiful face. He wants to tell you everything but he can’t. He can’t see those eyes that look at him with such love and affection turn into fear and disgust. “Wanna set up the blanket? Hiking has me starving.”
“Sure baby.” You agree quickly, sensing that something is bothering him. You pull out the blanket from your backpack and spread it on the ground. “You know…” you talk as you fuss with it. “Maybe this will become our little ritual.”
“Hopefully.” Marcus offers you a soft smile as he sits down after pulling off his backpack with your water bottles in it. “Maybe we can bring our kids here for family camping weekends.” You say and Marcus bites his lip. He doesn’t know if his condition is hereditary or not. His father passed away when he was a kid so he never knew if he had the same disposition. “Uh, yeah. Maybe.” Marcus clears his throat despite the idea of being a father making his heart swell with desire.
It’s not the response you were hoping for and you’re silent when Marcus pulls out the sandwiches and hands you the one you made for yourself. His are already in his hand. Instead of trying to keep talking, you concentrate on eating, looking out at the view.
Marcus almost feels too anxious to eat. Almost. The beast inside of him growls for more so he quickly demolishes the sandwich, moving onto the next one. “Damn. These are good, sweetheart.” He says, wanting to lighten the mood when he can sense you are upset.
“Thanks.” You don’t smile at him, finishing up your own sandwich and wiping your hands on your leggings. Maybe you were wrong about what Marcus wants and now you feel like you’re intruding on his space.
Marcus can sense that there’s something wrong. The change in the air is palpable and he hates that he can’t just tell you what he is, what he wants, how he feels. He sighs and crumbles up the bag after he finishes the last sandwich. “You wanna stay here or make our way back? I don’t wanna get caught in the storm.”
“That works for me.” You agree, biting your lip and wanting to ask Marcus if he feels like you’ve bulldozed your way into coming up here and butting into his personal time. “I think I’ll just read this afternoon if you want to nap. You didn’t sleep much last night, did you?”
Marcus is tempted to nap. That's usually what he does most of the day when he's here alone after a nonstop night. "It's so nice up here. We can come back up here another day." He says and stands up, brushing himself down and he holds his hand out towards you to help you up from the blanket.
There’s some comfort in his comment and you gladly take his hand. “Then it’s settled. I’ll read and get dinner ready, you nap.” You smile at the domesticity. “Any requests?” You had gotten a roast to put in the little oven but maybe he wasn’t feeling it.
“Anything meaty.” He chuckles as he packs up the blanket and the water bottles. “I’m lucky to have you, baby.” He says as you start to make your way back down the mountain.
“I’m glad you think so.” You admit quietly. “I was afraid I was being too pushy, asking to come up here. Intruding into your private time. I know we’re in a relationship, but I think you’re a man who likes to keep some secrets.”
Marcus tries to not react to how quickly you see right through him. He is terrified that you’ll find out the truth and run screaming away from him. “I’m a pretty open book mostly.” He chuckles, trying not to sound awkward, but failing as his stomach twists with anxiety.
“It’s okay to have secrets.” You promise him, shooting him a grin. “As long as it’s not a secret girlfriend or wife. Anything else, you tell me when you’re ready. I love you and accept you for who you are.”
Marcus closes his eyes and wishes that could be true. He knows you would never accept him if you knew he was a monster. “No secret, girlfriend, or wife.” He promises, with a chuckle. “Even I am not that good at keeping a secret like that. And you know how much of a commitment freak I am. Once I’m in, I’m all in. I don’t like cheaters.”
“I know.” You promise softly. “I don’t like cheaters either. That’s why we work so well together.” You wish you could reach out and take his hand, but that would be dangerous while on the trail. “I’m all in too. I hope you know that.”
Marcus offers you a soft smile and he walks ahead of you to help guide you through the trail. It doesn’t take long until you are in the cabin again, Marcus sitting down to take off his boots. “You want some coffee or water, babe?” He asks, wanting to look after you, reassure you that he wants to be there for you.
“Some coffee would be great.” You admit with a smile. “But don’t feel like you need to entertain me. I’ll get it.” You wave him away. “Go nap, you look tired, baby.”
Marcus is hesitant but he’s exhausted. He nods as he makes his way through to the bedroom, stripping off and groaning when he slides under the covers in the bed. He needs to rest before tonight. He’s learned that if he doesn’t nap, he’s especially ferocious when he turns. He falls asleep, unaware that you’ve headed out to the porch and he left the duffel bag on the porch.
You don’t want to move around too much, so you slip outside with your coffee and a book after getting the roast put in the oven. Sitting down and starting to read when you notice a bag off to the side. “Shit. I hope Marcus didn’t leave food in it.” You groan, hoping that it wouldn’t attract that bear. Setting your book down you move to pick it up, surprised when it’s really heavy. “What the hell?” You frown and unzip the bag, gasping when you see the heavy duty chains that are in the bag. Worried about why Marcus would have these.
Marcus is asleep, blissfully unaware of you finding the chains until he wakes up and comes into the kitchen. He sees your face and the bag on the floor and he tries to not react. “Sorry I slept so long.” He says, scratching the back of his neck as he prays you don’t ask about the chains.
You have a thousand different questions but can see that he’s not going to answer you. Or he will just lie to you. The fear in his eyes makes you wonder what the hell is going on. “That’s okay, babe.” You murmur softly, getting up and moving over to kiss him. “Dinner’s almost ready.”
Marcus can tell that you’re suspicious but he’s relieved that you carried on without bringing attention to it. He sits down at the table, watching you as you work around the kitchen to finish dinner. “You’re too good to me, baby.”
"Well....I love you." You have to admit that you've wondered if Marcus has something horrible planned for you, but it doesn't even seem to be in his nature. That doesn't mean you aren't going to pretend to be asleep tonight to see what he does. Not wanting to make him suspicious, but not fully trusting that something isn't going on. Why would he have such heavy chains? Unless he locks the cabin up with them, but you doubt it. You hadn't seen them when you arrived.
Marcus looks at you, “I love you too.” He says softly, wanting you to know that he does really love you. Especially when you cast a blind eye to the bag. He watches you as you cook and he decides to open the bottle of wine he brought with him. “Want a glass?” He asks as he holds the bottle up after getting it from the cupboard.
“Sure.” You smile at him as he holds up the bottle and you have no intention of drinking any of it. Wanting to keep yourself clear headed, but you also don’t want to make him suspicious. “It will go wonderfully with the roast.”
Marcus nods, grabbing some glasses to pour out a decent amount after he uncorks the bottle and he sets the glass down. Marcus smiles at you, grabbing the plates as you pull the roast out of the oven that just barely works. He should’ve replaced it but when he’s alone, he hasn’t bothered.
Once the table is set, you slice the roast up, making sure that you just put meat on Marcus’s plate. He seems to be craving a carnivore diet and you sit down opposite his chair. “Sit down, let’s eat, baby.”
Marcus can’t help himself. He digs in before you manage to sit down with your own plate. He groans as he practically inhales the meat. “Jesus, this is amazing.” He groans as he takes a break.
You hum softly, having taken a lot less meat and filled your plate with veggies. “Want the rest of the meat babe? I made sure there’s plenty.”
Marcus finishes the plate in record time. Pushing it away once he’s done and he wipes his mouth. “Thank you babe. It was delicious.” He picks up the glass of wine, noticing that you haven’t touched yours. “You don’t like the wine?”
"No, it's -" you shake your head. "I'm sorry, my stomach is a little off kilter." You shoot him an apologetic look. "I don't think I should risk it, you know?" It's a plausible excuse for not drinking and it shouldn't make him suspicious.
Marcus nods, never one to force anyone to drink. He respects your decision so he stands up to grab you a bottle of water. “Here you go, baby.” He says and sets it down. You thank him and he sits back down while you finish eating. “I was thinking we could make some s’mores after this.”
"That would be good." You agree, knowing you would be happier if you had none of the suspicions, but it's alright. You'll build a fire and roast some marshmallows before claiming you need to sleep. To see what will happen when you are vulnerable.
You’ve been quiet. Marcus has noticed it and he is a little concerned. You had sat there and watched while he started the fire, only saying a few words while you cooked the marshmallows. “Are you okay, baby? You feel sick still?” Marcus asks once you’re back inside and getting ready for bed.
"I think I'm just going to pass out." You admit with a sheepish grin. One that you hope is believable. "I'm sorry that I'm putting a damper on the rest of night."
Marcus shakes his head as he sits down on the bed. “Don’t be silly, baby. It’s okay. I know you’ve not felt great. Best to get some rest.” He says as he pulls his shirt over his head. He’s gonna get into bed with you and then he’ll sneak out.
You finish getting ready for bed, trying to downplay your nervousness and you sigh softly when Marcus curls around you. "Goodnight, sweetheart." You whisper softly, hoping that he will believe that you fall asleep quickly so you can figure out what he is doing with those chains.
Marcus kisses your neck, “goodnight.” He breathes you in, sensing when you fall asleep in his arms. He gently shifts away from you, getting out of bed. He doesn’t bother redressing as he makes his way out of the cabin after picking up the duffel bag.
When Marcus had slipped from the bed, you had barely managed to keep from reacting. Tensing when you hear the slight clanking of the chains in the bag but you don't get up. You don't even open your eyes. Hearing him open the door and only then do you sit up. Wondering why he is going outside when there is a large, dangerous creature out there.
Marcus works fast to lock you in the cabin. He doesn't want the beast to try and get in, to try and hurt you. He can feel how high the moon is in the sky. He doesn't have long. He exhales shakily, locking the padlock in place just as he feels his spine start to dislocate. He howls, unable to stop himself as the transformation begins.
You shiver, hearing the howl so close to the house and fear trickles down your spine. Biting your lip and frowning. Marcus is out there and when you walk into the living room, you see the case with his gun locked inside still there. Moving to the door, you push the door open but it doesn't budge. "Marcus!"
Marcus is no longer outside. In his place is the beast he tries to contain. This cabin has been his sanctuary, the place he allows the beast to roam free to satisfy his primal urges. It helps him maintain control and right now, Marcus is not in control. He roars and arches his back as he fully transforms into the werewolf he was cursed to be from his father.
You hear monstrous sounds outside and your blood runs cold. Something is out there and your boyfriend can't protect himself. "Marcus!" You scream, shoving against the door again and again without it budging. Frantic, you turn to the shuttered windows beside the door and quickly unlatch one, opening it up and unlocking the window. You can't let him be out there alone. It's your fault. You were worried about the bear and he's locked you into the cabin, putting himself in danger.
Marcus growls, hearing a click and he doesn't have the recognition to know that you are calling his name. He wouldn't respond anyway. He's no longer the Marcus you know. He roars again, running into the clearing in front of the cabin.
Once you are on the porch, you realize exactly how bad of an idea this is. The howling of an animal makes you jump. Unable to move when a creature, a monstrous beast, breaks into the clearing. Seven feet tall when it stands on his hind legs. It looks like something out of a horror movie. A werewolf.
The wolf sniffs, turning his head towards you, and he moves fast to come over to you. Your scream echoes in the clearing and the beast slows down, slowly approaching you. You’re frozen in place, wheezing as you try to breathe but can’t. He comes closer until you can see the eyes.
You would have said that werewolves didn't exist. They were myth and legend. Designed to scare. However, you can't deny the large wolf-like creature in front of you. Larger than any wolf you've ever seen in real life and oddly humanoid in the way it can walk on its back legs. When you see the eyes, you gasp. You know those eyes. You've looked into them. Suddenly, the isolated cabin in the mountains and trips by himself make sense. "M-Marcus?"
He sniffs, innately recognizing you, and he leans closer to sniff you. His eyes widen and he whimpers, lowering his head towards you. Deep inside, Marcus is still there and he’s begging himself to keep you safe, to not scare you. He’s terrified you’re going to get in the car and run away. He wouldn’t blame you but he prays you don’t run.
"Holy shit." Your hand claps over your mouth as you stare at the creature that is apparently....your boyfriend. As if you are drawn to him, you take a step closer. The idea of diving back into the cabin disappearing as you try to rationalize this. "Oh my god.....you're a were-werewolf."
Marcus whimpers again. He loves you. He nudges his nose towards you as he bends over, the beast in him recognizing you as the woman he loves. You raise your hand, it’s shaking, and Marcus nudges his nose against your palm. “Oh my god.” You choke out, your fingers tangling into his fur and you shiver as you pet the wolf that your boyfriend had turned into. “How is this- oh my god.” You gasp in awe.
He can’t believe you’re accepting the beast inside of him. The moon is high in the sky and he whimpers softly once more, licking your hand as you turn your palm over.
“I have so many questions.” You murmur, laughing to yourself. “But you can’t answer them right now. No wonder you’ve been craving meat. I can’t believe this.”
Marcus knows he has a lot to answer but for now, he needs to let the beast roam free. He nudges your palm again before he steps back, standing at his full height, he roars out a warning for anything nearby before he steps back and runs off. He disappears through the trees, needing to run off his energy before sunrise.
“Oh my god.” You sink down onto the porch steps, nearly shaking with the knowledge that Marcus is a mythical creature. “I’ve been fucking a werewolf.” You huff out, surprised that the idea of that doesn’t horrify you like it should. You’ve seen the cheesy pornos that disguise themselves as werewolf movies. The beast taking the helpless woman under the moonlight. The thought of it is oddly erotic and you shake your head, even as you stand up to peel off your clothes.
Marcus runs for a minute until he circles back to the cabin. He enters the clearing to find you standing there, naked. His growls echoes through the forest and he approaches you slowly, confused about what you want.
You swallow nervously, wondering if this is such a good idea. Not sure how much of Marcus is conscious inside the werewolf. Or if it’s just pure animal instinct. “Hey baby.” You coo softly, calling him to you.
Marcus sniffs, smelling the arousal on your body and he is certain that you want him but he’s terrified he’s reading you wrong. He slowly approaches you until he’s close enough to touch you. His tongue comes out to lick along your neck as he bends over you.
“Oh fuck.” You gasp, unused to how rough his tongue is as it laps against your skin. Its warm and wet, making you shiver as the wind blows and cools your skin down. “I- if there’s something you want, I want it too.” You murmur quietly. “I don’t know- are you, do you - have you ever….” You trail off, embarrassed and unsure if he even understands you. “Have you ever fucked someone when you’re in this state?”
Marcus shakes his head, an intrigued whine escaping his mouth as he nuzzles your skin. He whimpers, licking you again but lower, his tongue flicking over your nipple.
“Ohhhhhh.” You moan at the contact and your fingers slide though his fur again, Rubbing his muzzle.affectionately. “I don’t know if you understand, but I love you.”
​​Marcus does understand, deep down, and he loves you more than anything. Especially when you are accepting him. He slides his tongue along your skin, tasting the salt and sweat and you are delicious but not in an edible way. He can’t get enough of you as he licks and licks at you, flicking his tongue over your nipple.
“Marcus.” You moan again, letting him lick at your skin, feeling yourself getting wetter by the moment. You will let him do whatever he wants, understanding that he’s the dominant one in this encounter. “I want all of you. Even when you are like this.”
Marcus knows he has to be gentle, he’s never been with anyone in this state. Isolating himself. He’s not even sure if he can but he wants to make you feel good. He shifts to kneel down, his tongue sliding along your leg until his muzzle is pressed between your thighs.
“Ohhhhh.” Human Marcus is a very generous lover, never hesitating to go down on you and make you cum. Actually enjoying it rather than just doing it because he feels like he has to like some of the men you had dated. You don’t know why you are surprised that wolf Marcus is nuzzling at your cunt to spread your legs wide for his tongue
When your tangy arousal hits his tongue, he groans deep in his throat and his tongue slides deeper. His werewolf tongue is longer so he pushes deep inside of you, curling deep until his muzzle is pressed against your folds. He is unable to believe you trust him enough to do this. That you love him enough to do this.
“Fuck!” You Yelp when his tongue pushes deep and your fingers grip his hair tight. “It’s so- fuck your tongue is so long like this.” You whine, rolling your hips down onto his muzzle even more, begging for him to continue. “You don’t have to.” You add, knowing that you don’t need to force him to do something he doesn’t want because you’re curious.
Marcus - the beast - wants you to cum. His clawed hands grab your hips, rocking you on top of his muzzle as his wet nose presses against your flesh, his tongue curling deep until he growls, wanting to feel you fall apart above him.
It doesn’t take long with that tongue curled up and reaching every inch inside your cunt. Your cry hoarse as you start to shake and tremble, holding onto the large creature while your legs nearly give out.
Marcus growls as you cum, lapping up every drop like the hungry beast he is. His claws dig into your flesh a little and he laps at you until you’re pushing on his muzzle. He doesn’t know what you want next but his cock is hard. Not like his human cock, this one is bigger, hanging hard between his hairy legs.
​​“Oh fuck.” Your eyes widen slightly when you see his hard cock sticking up when the creature rocks back. “That’s….impressive.” You’re dripping wet from your orgasm and his tongue and you cunt clenches at the thought of taking this monster inside you. “On my hands and knees.” You mutter to yourself as you kneel down on the ground in front of him. “Unless you want my mouth on you?”
Marcus growls, shaking his head, and he snorts, not wanting you to put your mouth on him when he’s in this state. He kneels, his claws digging into the dirt as he shuffles behind you, his large cock pressing against the back of your thigh.
“Oh fuck.” You have a feeling you will be saying that a lot. Still, you push back against the wall of fur encouragingly. “Take me.” You whimper. “I’m yours.”
Marcus doesn’t hesitate, sensing how much you want him, he can smell it on you. He growls and leans close, his cock nudging your ass a few times until he’s able to notch it at your entrance. Animal instincts take over as he pushes deep without giving you a moment, his roar echoing through the trees.
Your choked cry is nearly silent, unable to breathe as the wolf fills you beyond anything you’ve ever had before. Feeling like he’s pushed up into your throat. It hurts and feels amazing all at the same time until you feel like you’re going to pass out.
Marcus hisses, the tight cunt around his cock is wet and hot and it drives him deeper into the animal inside of him. His claws dig into the ground as he braces himself so he can thrust even harder into you. He growls, teeth flashing under the light of the full moon when he sets a harsh pace.
You’re being fucked by a werewolf. At least the movies have the animalistic pace right, the wolf slamming his cock into you so harshly it’s pushing you up along the ground. Scrapping your hands and knees. Still, you don’t cry out for him to stop. Loving the roughness of the animal.
He is rough, unrelenting as he thrusts deep and hard. Marcus would’ve slowed down, sensing your discomfort but the wolf only wants to hear you cum, wants to cum himself. His fur presses against your ass with each thrust, growls escaping his muzzle as he leans down to press his nose to your back, inhaling your scent.
You feel the hot breath of the wolf on your neck. Making you gasp as you rock forward again. Your fingers digging into the dirt as he takes what he wants, filling your cunt again and again. At least his cock isn’t covered in hair, you don’t know if you would have done that. “Ma-Marcus!” You Yelp when he hits something deep inside you.
Hearing his name spurs him on. Hitting that spot again and again, it’s feral and beyond comprehension. Marcus has given way to the beast inside of him and he wants you to cum. His teeth scrap over your neck, his hot breath puffing over you as he thrusts again and again.
“Ohhh, oh fuuuuuuuuck.” Feeling his teeth in your neck sends you over the edge. The danger makes your entire body burst in pleasure as your pussy tries to clamp down on the beast’s cock. Feeling him drill into you as you gush around him and soak him in your cum.
Marcus growls into your skin, almost a roar that echoes into the forest as he keeps fucking into you. His cock twitching as he gets closer to his own orgasm. Grunts escape along with snarls until he finally pushes deep. His roar reverberates as his cock pulses while he fills you with his cum.
You almost black out with pleasure. Collapsing into the dirt and unable to move as his thick cum pushes out of you with every rock of the beast’s hips. “Fuck”
Marcus pumps himself through his orgasm and he hisses when you slump down into the dirt and he licks along your neck, tasting your sweat. He whimpers, lost in the haze of pleasure as he laps at your skin.
“‘m good.” You slur out against the ground. “I-god.” You can’t help but start to breathlessly chuckle, unable to believe that this happened. You can feel it, you’ll feel him for days. “Love you.” You murmur, hoping Marcus can understand that in his current state.
Marcus whines softly, able to let you know the beast feels the same, and he slowly pulls out of you. The beast takes full control again as he sniffs you, a pleased whine escaping his lips as he smells you covered in his scent. He stands up on his hind legs, a howl echoing in the valley before he runs for the tree line, the beast taking over.
It takes you some time to be able to move again, literally crawling over to the steps before you can get off the ground and you wonder if it will be morning before Marcus changes back to his human form. You climb back in the window, sure that you will need a long soak in the bath after this.
Marcus runs around until he feels the sun starting to rise and his beast gives up control to allow him to transition back to his human form. He ends up unlocking the house and comes inside to find you asleep, no doubt worn out from the rough treatment. He showers and slides under the covers, curling around you.
You hum softly, stirring when you feel the warmth at your back. “Marcus?” You ask, hearing him hum. 
“Go to sleep, baby.” You know he’s tired after running around all night, so you snuggle back into his embrace and close your eyes again.
Marcus is snoring as he lays on his back, your head on his chest as you sleep until his snort wakes you up. You kiss his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he rests after an active night.
He doesn’t look any different than he normally does, just as handsome as you’ve always found him but you feel like you are closer. You know his secret and you lean forward and kiss his chest gently. “Man or wolf, I want to be with you.” You whisper.
He wakes up to you cooking. The smell makes his stomach grumble as he sniffs the air. Last night hits him, memories of you taking him as the wolf make his heart pound and he is desperate to talk to you but he also wants to run away in case you regret it. Deciding to face it, he gets out of bed and pees, brushing his teeth before he makes his way into the kitchen.
“Morning.” You smile as you look up to find Marcus creeping into the kitchen. “Breakfast is almost ready but the coffee is made.” He’s got a strange look on his face, so you don’t make a joke about moving a little slow because of last night. That seems like it might spook him. “I made steak and eggs. I don’t know if you still need a lot of meat.”
“I, uh, will probably have one more day. The moon cycle…I only need meat when it’s a full moon.” He reveals, “and I’m starving.” He chuckles softly, shifting to sit down as you watch him. “I- about last night….” He trails off, terrified that you’re going to hate him.
“I found out why you come up to the cabin alone.” You fill in, biting your lip and swallowing slightly. “I didn’t- you don’t think I’m crazy, do you? After- well, because of stripping down and basically begging a werewolf to fuck me?”
Marcus stares at you. “You think you’re crazy? After you- baby, I’m a fucking werewolf.” He chokes, “and you - you didn’t run or try to shoot me. You’re not crazy. I am. Because - because I cannot believe you trusted me. You didn’t run away. You accepted me.” His eyes sting with unshed tears, “you loved me when I was - I am a monster.”
“You aren’t a monster.” You frown, setting down the spatula and moving the pan off the stove so you can move over to Marcus. “You are an amazing man. I have questions, of course I do, but the fact that you are a werewolf doesn’t change who you are every time the moon isn’t full.”
Marcus sniffs, tears sliding down his cheeks and he shakes his head. “I- my father - he was the same. It’s only during the full moon. It’s why I come here to allow the beast to be free. If he’s free during this time, I get control the rest of the time.” He explains croakily.
Reaching out, you wipe the tears away and move so you can sit in his lap. Your pussy is sore but you ignore it to wrap your arms around his neck. “So….does that mean that our kids would be like you?” You ask curiously.
“I don’t know. That’s why- it’s why I’ve been so hesitant to take the next step with you. To be all in when you discuss kids. I- I don’t know if they’d be like me. If it’s just on the male side or if a daughter would be the same. I didn’t - I know you wouldn’t want to take that risk.” Marcus chokes, burying his face in your neck.
The man who turns into a beast, one that could kill you, kill anyone, is crying into your neck as you rub his back. “Baby….I love you. I know that you would protect our kids if they did turn.”
Marcus pulls back to look at you, his lower lip trembling. “You- you don’t want to run for the hills?” He asks and when you shake your head, he reaches up to cup your cheeks. “I love you. More than anything in the world. If you want to be mine. I’ll marry you next week. I want to have babies with you. I’m all in.” He promises, nudging his nose against yours.
“I’m all in too.” You promise softly. Marcus might be a werewolf, people may tell you that you’re crazy, but you’d rather howl at the moon with him than risk losing him. “Let’s eat breakfast and then we can spend the day in bed and you can tell me about all of this while my poor little pussy recovers so the wolf can have me again tonight.”
Marcus kisses your cheek softly, “you don’t have to. I can lock you in. He won’t get to you. I won’t get to you.” He promises, wanting to make sure that you’re safe. “You don’t have to do that again if you don’t want to.”
​​You squirm slightly, biting your lip. “I liked it.” You admit quietly, sure that he will think you’re crazy. “It was….feral. I loved how possessive you were last night.”
His cock twitches beneath you, unable to hide the fact that he likes that you liked it. “I was not in control. The beast…he wanted to claim you. He wanted to mark you as his.” Marcus confesses, “I wanted to make sure you were mine.” He admits the more feral side of him.
“I’m yours.” You promise, kissing his lips and grinning at him. “Whenever the beast wants me, he can have me. Whenever you want me with you when you change, I’ll be here.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before we came out here. I just - I didn’t want to lose you. I love you baby. I love you. I want to be yours and be with you. If you’ll have me.” He says softly, kissing your hair.
“Of course I will.” You giggle quietly and turn his head to press your lips against his. “You, me and the moon make three.” You tease. “I love you and your alter ego.”
Marcus chuckles at your teasing and he nudges his nose against yours. “I love you, baby. So much. I want to spend the rest of our lives together. Have a family together. You’re everything to me…to us. I love you.” Marcus murmurs, kissing you softly again. He never imagined he’d find a woman who could ever love the monster inside of him but he found you. The woman he loves who accepts all of him, even the wolf. He couldn’t ask for more.
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male-body-swap-lover · 11 months
Becoming the Old Man Next Door
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Carter Austin was annoyed that he had to be home for his parents 30th wedding anniversary. The model was only in town for one night, and even that was too much. He hated Fairview and missed the fast life of New York. The 28-year-old was one of the hottest models on the scene and couldn’t believe he was wasting his weekend in his childhood bedroom.
Hon, we are so excited that you are home. We’ve missed you.
You know how busy I’ve been mom. I’m one of the hottest models. I’m constantly booked.
I know. We told Mr. Jarvis that you were coming home and he was so excited to see you.
Mom, I’m 28. I don’t want to go see our old neighbor.
Oh, just do it Carter. It’ll make him happy. He’s lonely. His wife has been dead for 20 years and he has no children. Just do it.
I went next door and rang the doorbell. Mr. Jarvis answered the door. I forgot how fat he was.
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Austin my boy. So good to see you. Come in come in. Sit down. I’ll get you a drink.
As I sat in his living room, I looked around at his depressing life. The room seemed straight out of the 1970’s, and it reeked of tobacco. 15 minutes. That’s all I need.
Here’s a coke. So, tell me about New York.
It’s fun. I travel the world. I’m one of the top models out there.
I know. I’ve followed you. You are quite the good-looking young men. I bet ladies throw themselves at you.
I get my fair number of women. And men. I don’t discriminate.
I wish I had your life. My life was always boring. And it’s been worse ever since Marian died. I live a lonely life.
Well not everyone can have my life. This coke tastes weird.
That’s because it’s not coke at all. It’s a special potion. You see Carter, I’m tired of being an old man who never did anything with his life. I want a life in the fast lane. So, I am going to steal yours.
What. That’s not possible
I stand up and try to move, but I can’t. It’s like I am frozen in place.
Carter, look in the mirror. Can’t you see the changes have already begun.
As I stared into the mirror, I could see the wrinkles start appearing on my face. Suddenly I started breathing heavier as I felt myself get older. I ran my hands through my hair and it came out in chunks in my hand. I tried to run, to get out, but couldn’t move. My skin was aging. I could feel my youth leaving my body. Passing 30. All of my hair fell out. Passing 40. Stubble appeared on my face. Then it stopped. I looked in the mirror. Damn. I’m fucking old, but I’m fucking hot.
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Haha old man. I’m still fucking hot. Look at me. Your plan failed.
You aren’t very smart are ya Carter. That was just step one.
Step one! I turned to him and saw that somehow his hair had grown back in and he looked middle aged. It’s like my hair and age went to him!
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Yes, there are three steps. Let’s start step number two.
With that he clapped his hands and suddenly I felt bloated. My stomach was starting to rumble. I looked in the mirror and my face was bubbling. Suddenly it felt like I was blowing up like a balloon. 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200 pounds of fat just suddenly appeared on my body. For some reason as I grew, my clothes grew with me.
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I was a whale. No one would ever recognize me. It was absolutely disgusting. I used to make fun of people who looked like this. Now I was one of them. I turned and looked at my captor. He looked good. He was so skinny. It’s like all of his weight transferred to my body! He was hot! I was so jealous. Wait he said this was step two, what was step three going to be?!
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Damn, I never even looked this good when I used to be in my 40’s. This is amazing. I bet you are wondering about step three. Well, I suppose it’s time to start the final step. Get ready to say goodbye to any remaining part of your old life.
A wave suddenly washed over me. I could feel the life force draining from my body. My facial hair was turning white. My back pain was killing me. I could feel pain everywhere in my body. Arthritis. But I’m only 28. What is happening. I didn’t even think this was possible.
I’m Marvin Jarvis. Wait what! No I’m not Marvin… I’m um….i’m um. What is going on. It’s like I am losing my memories.
What are you doing to me. Why can’t I remember my name. Why do I think I’m you.
Because, Marvin, that’s part of step three. I become you and you become me. We might not look exactly the same, but the world will change to suit us. Why don’t you look at your license.
I could barely reach my wallet. I pulled out my driver’s license. It still said Carter Austin, and then it changed. Marvin Jarvis. 81 years old. 375 pounds. I looked at the photo and then at my reflection in the mirror. There was the same old man. Me!
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You’ll never get away with this.
I already have. Your old memories will continue to slip away until you become Marvin Jarvis. Meanwhile, I’ll get your memories and live out my life again. A world-famous model. Carter Austin. My life is set.
Suddenly my mom entered the house.
Hello Marvin. I just came to get Carter. Dinner is ready.
I wanted to scream out. To tell my mom what happened. All that came out was “Of course Karen. It was lovely seeing Carter again. What a fine man he has become.”
Mom, I am just going to hug Mr. Jarvis goodbye and then I’ll be home.
Okay. See you soon honey. Goodbye Marvin.
The new Carter came and hugged me. Good luck Mr. Jarvis. You’ll need it. Don’t forget to take your heart pills, and back pills, and all the other pills. Don’t drive at night. Also, your social security check barely covers basic living expenses. Haha. Better get one last look at me. This is the last time you’ll see me. I’m never coming back to this hodunk town.
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I started crying as the new Carter Austin left. He may not have looked exactly like me, but what does it matter. The world believes he is Carter and I am Marvin.
I sat down because my knees were giving out. I tried to remember everything about my old life, but I could feel it slipping away. I’m trapped. There is nothing I can do. You know what sounds good right now. A good pipe. I wonder if NCIS is on. 6:30pm. Almost time for bed. Well, maybe being an old man isn’t going to be so bad after all.
168 notes · View notes
Adventures in Snake- Sitting
Aesop heard a frantic knocking at his door. He already knew who it was before he opened it.
“What have I told you about coming here?”
Melody looked anxious. “I have a favor to ask. Ominis and Sebastian are at Feldcroft for the weekend and asked me to watch Meatball because Anne is afraid of snakes. Something’s come up and I need to go. Can you watch Meatball? It’ll be like one or two hours tops.”
Aesop looked down at the happy-looking snake in her bag. “Can’t you just leave him in his terrarium?”
“No, he’s a flight risk. If he goes after the headmaster one more time, he’s banned from the school. Would you please watch him? It’s important.” She pouted and gave him puppy dog eyes.
“Ugh, fine.” 
“Thank you! Be a good boy, Meatball.” She smooched the snake on the top of his head. “His talking buttons are in there, just spread them out.” She handed him the bag and practically ran down the hall. 
“Hello, Meatball. You can explore but be careful. Now, what are talking buttons?”
Meatball slid out of the bag and waited for him to take out the buttons. Once they were placed, he slithered over and pressed one with his head.
“Oh, that’s quite clever!” He smiled.
“Yes, hello.”
Aesop sighed. “Hello Meatball.” 
He slithered over and pressed two more buttons. “Meatball! Sad.”
“You’re sad? Because Melody left?”
“I’m sorry. She’ll be back.” 
“Meatball. Sad. Ominis. Melody. No. Sebastian.” 
“Not a fan of Mr. Sallow? I can’t say I blame you.”
“Meatball. No. Like. Sebastian. Sebastian. Meatball. MAD!” 
Aesop smiled at the snake. It was adorable watching him press the buttons with his nose. He was quite intelligent too.
“These are quite clever indeed. What do they all do?”
Meatball slithered around pressing buttons. “Yes. No. Happy. Sad. MAD! Like. Love. Hungry. Sleepy. Melody. Ominis. Sebastian. Garreth.”
“Why do you have a Garreth button? I can see the other three…”
“Meatball. Love. Garreth.” Meatball seemed to be smiling.
“I don’t see the appeal, but alright. I’m wondering if perhaps there’s an enchantment we could use to help you speak. Let’s go visit Abraham.” He held out the bag for Meatball to slither into.
Meatball rode happily in the bag with his head sticking out so he could see where he was going. Aesop walked down to Abraham’s room and knocked.
“Aesop! What a surprise!” Abraham smiled. 
“Hello Abraham. I trust you know Meatball?”
“Ah, hello my little friend!” Abraham held his hand out and Meatball flicked it with his tongue. “Are you babysitting?”
“I suppose so. I was wondering if I could pick your brain about something. You see, Meatball uses buttons to talk. I was wondering if perhaps there was an enchantment to help him speak. Right now he’s quite limited.”
“Perhaps. Let me see those buttons.” They went back to Aesop’s room and Meatball demonstrated how he used his buttons.
“You are quite intelligent, Mr. Meatball!” Ronen grinned. “I think I shall need to consult some books. Please accompany me to the library.” 
Meatball slithered back into the bag and Sharp hoisted it onto his shoulder. They began walking to the library and Aesop froze when he saw Phineas walking towards them. “Oh no. Meatball Ioves him.” He looked at Meatball and the bag and whispered “please behave. You’ll get Ominis and Melody in trouble.”
“Gentlemen.” Phineas nodded. He’d just returned from a trip and was levitating his luggage behind him.
“Hello Phineas! How was your trip to the ministry?” Ronen asked with a smile.
“Just as dreadfully boring as always. If you’ll excuse me, I’m eager to return to my quarters.”
“Of course.” They said their goodbyes and Aesop sighed. “Good job Meat-“ he looked down at the now-empty bag. “MEATBALL!” 
He and Ronen looked in the direction Phineas was walking and saw Meatball quickly slithering behind him.
“Shit!” Aesop swore. They took off at a run towards Meatball, who was now slithering into the partially unzipped suitcase Phineas had set on the ground. 
“We need to get that suitcase!”
“How do we do that?” 
“I don’t know.” Garreth Weasley happened to be walking by and Aesop had an idea.
Garreth jumped and looked panicked. “I didn’t do anything!”
“Apologies, Mr. Weasley. I need your assistance. This is the one and only time I will ask this of you. I need you to cause a distraction so we can get Meatball out of the headmaster’s luggage.”
“Oh shit!” Garreth’s eyes widened. “Sorry. Meatball is obsessed with him for some reason. I’ll figure something out.” Garreth took off at a run in Phineas’ direction.
“Hey Professor Black, I’ve been working on my juggling! Watch!” Garreth picked up a bust of Phineas and a bust of a former headmaster. 
“I need them for my act!” Phineas chased Garreth down the hall and Aesop and Abraham dove for the suitcase. They unzipped it and Meatball popped up, a pair of Phineas’ underwear on his head. 
Abraham started laughing while Aesop removed the leopard print briefs and snatched Meatball. He shoved Meatball into the bag and he and Ronen headed in the direction of the library once more.
“Meatball, PLEASE! You’re going to get Melody and Ominis in trouble!” 
Meatball flicked his tongue across his hand in apology. “Stay hidden. I’m fairly certain snakes are not allowed in the library.” 
“Good evening Madame Scribner!” Ronen greeted the librarian. “Aesop and I need to access the restricted section.”
“Here you go. Watch the key closely, some of those tricksters may try to snatch it.” She handed them the key and they went down the stairs. 
They were alone in the restricted section, so Sharp took Meatball out of the bag and set him on the desk. “I’m not letting you out of my sight, but I thought you might want out of the bag.” 
“Have a seat, Aesop, I’m going to pull a few things.” Abraham said, already searching. Aesop sat at the desk with Meatball, who slithered over and booped his hand.
“What?” He asked. Meatball booped his hand again so he lifted it up. Meatball slithered under it and smiled at him. “Oh, you’re wanting me to pet you. I shouldn’t after that stunt you pulled earlier.” He sighed and rubbed Meatball’s head. “You know, I enjoy your company more than I expected. I don’t mean offense, I’ve just never been a pet person.” Meatball flicked his tongue across his hand. “Perhaps I should get a snake. Though I don’t know if it would be as docile as you.” 
Abraham came back with a few books. “Alright Mr. Meatball. I think I have found something that may work. Are you willing to let me try?” Meatball slithered over to him and waited. “Alright, this is rather complex, so I need to focus.” Abraham began moving his wand in small motions over Meatball’s head and muttering a series of words. After about a minute of mumbling and waving, he lightly touched Meatball’s head with his wand. “Speak.”
“Hello!” Meatball said in a small, somewhat high pitched voice.
Abraham and Aesop cheered. “Well done, Abraham!”
“Meatball happy!” Meatball wagged his tail.
“Wait, can he not speak in full sentences?” Aesop asked.
“Meatball speak best he can.” He slithered over to Aesop. “Meatball like you!” 
“I like you too, Meatball.” Aesop smiled.
“What call you?” He cocked his head. 
“You may call me Aesop.”
“Melody no call Aesop. Melody call dad.”
“She calls me her dad?” He smiled. 
“Meatball call dad?” 
“Um, I suppose so.”
“Meatball like dad! Meatball happyyyy!” 
“Well that’s adorable!” Abraham grinned. 
“What Meatball call you?” Meatball slithered over to Ronen. 
“I am Abraham, but you may call me grandpa if you wish.”
“Seriously, Abraham?” Sharp asked with a smirk.
“What? I would love to be grandpa to this wonderful boy!” 
“Grandpa!” Meatball wagged his tail happily like a dog. 
“Meatball want to see the leader.” 
“What?” Aesop asked.
“The tall green snake with legs.”
“Perhaps Phineas would be more open if he could speak?” Abraham asked. 
“I suppose we can try.”
They’d spoken with Matilda first and asked her opinion. She hadn’t been present the day Meatball had gotten loose and had only heard what Phineas had said. Meatball was currently sitting on her desk. 
“What Meatball call you?” He asked.
“You may call me Matilda.” She smiled.
“Matilda, pretty name!” Meatball flicked his tongue.
“Why thank you! You seem like a gentle fellow. Let me go speak with Phineas. Please wait here.” 
“Who Matilda?” Meatball asked Aesop, with a cock of his head. 
“She’s the deputy headmistress. She’s also Garreth’s aunt.”
“Meatball LOVE Garreth!”
“I know.” 
They waited a few minutes and Matilda came back to her office. “Well, he’s agreed to meet Meatball. But he’s also quite drunk. So I suppose now is probably your best chance. Come with me.” Aesop put Meatball back in the bag and they followed Matilda to his office. 
“Remember Meatball, don’t rush at him or you’ll scare him. Baby steps.”
“Meatball be baby.” 
They walked into Phineas’ office and he was sitting at his desk. “Alright. I’ll see your snake.” 
Aesop set the bag down on the desk. “Phineas, this is Meatball. He won’t bite you, he’s very friendly, and he likes you a lot.” 
Meatball slithered out of the bag and sat up, looking at Phineas. 
“I suppose it is sort of cute in like, a mildly horrifying way.” Phineas looked at Meatball.
“Hello!” Phineas jumped backwards and fell out of his chair.
“Holy shit, it can talk!” They helped Phineas back into his chair and he was gaping at Meatball.
“Hello little friend!” Phineas said, examining the snake.
“Hello leader!” 
“Leader? Well, he’s quite intelligent if he recognizes my status.” Phineas was still full of himself even when he was three sheets to the wind.
“What call you?” Meatball asked.
“I am Phineas Nigellus Black.”
“Long name.” Meatball flicked his tongue. “Call Phineas?” 
“Yes, you may call me Phineas.”
“Me Meatball!”
“Yes, we’ve met on several occasions.” Phineas said with a small smile. 
“Meatball think you WONDERFUL!” He slithered closer. 
“Go ahead and pet him, Phineas.” Aesop said. 
Phineas nervously stuck his hand out and Meatball slithered to it and bumped his head against Phineas’ hand. He flicked his tongue across his hand and Phineas chuckled. “Alright, that’s enough.” He sat back in his chair. “Now Meatball. I’m alright with you visiting on occasion, but we have some ground rules. Do not follow me into the bathroom. Do not go into my private quarters. In fact, it would be best if you spoke to Matilda when you wanted to visit to make sure I’m available, I’m quite busy, you know.”
“Ok!” Meatball said happily. 
“Alright, good. Now, I’m going to retire for the evening. Go on now, go home or wherever it is you go.”
“He’s with me for the time being. Goodnight.” Phineas put Meatball back into the bag and they all left. 
“Well, I’d say that went quite well, wouldn’t you?” Matilda smiled.
“Better than I expected.” Aesop smiled. 
“I thought Meatball belonged to Mr. Gaunt?”
“He does, but he’s out of town. Miss Carlisle was watching him but had to step out for a bit and asked me to watch him since SOMEONE is a flight risk.”
“Meatball sorry.” Meatball said from the bag. 
“Thank you, Matilda. Have a good night.” Aesop smiled and he and Abraham headed back to the staff tower. 
When they were about to climb the stairs, they ran into Melody. “Oh! I was about to come look for you!” She smiled. 
“Melody. Why are you covered in soot?” Aesop looked at the poor girl. Her clothes were burnt and smoking, her face had a layer of gray soot, and she looked as if she’d been in a fight.
“Hello Melody!”
She jumped and looked at the bag. “Meatball?!”
“Meatball missed you!”
“I missed you too! How is he talking?!” She looked between him and Abraham. 
“You answer my question first.” He said with a glare. 
“This looks like a family dispute. I’ll be on my way! Goodbye, Mr. Meatball!”
“Bye Grandpa!”
“Grandpa?” Melody asked. 
Aesop sighed. “We’ve had an eventful evening. Don’t change the subject.”
Melody was chewing on her lip. “Blasting curse gone wrong.”
“Wrong answer.”
Melody groaned. “Fiiiine, you’re a human lie detector. I broke into a dragon fighting ring and released a Hungarian horntail and she was a bit crabby.”
“You WHAT?!” 
“Someone had to do it!”
“Not you!”
“Then who?!”
“An officer of the law!”
“Guess what, I saw a few there! Betting!” 
Aesop’s face fell. “Are you serious?”
“Yes. You wouldn’t believe the people I saw there. And what they were doing to those dragons…I knew they’d be close by tonight. But I freed her. I have another small problem but that’s for another day.”
“I feel like it’s not a small problem at all.” Aesop said with a glare. 
“She left her egg behind. I couldn’t leave it for the poachers!”
“MELODY!” Aesop’s hands shot up to his hair. “Are you INSANE?!”
“What was I supposed to do?!”
He exhaled before speaking. “Where is it?”
“In my backpack.”
“Jesus CHRIST!” 
“On that note…can you watch Meatball again tomorrow while I track mama dragon down?”
“You’re going to kill me. You’re actually going to kill me. I am going to DIE because you keep finding new ways to terrify me!” 
“Would you calm down?!”
“No! I will not calm down! Because you are sixteen years old and have absolutely no regard for your own safety!”
“No buts! You will give the egg to me and I will find a way to get it back safely. I’m proud of you for wanting to do the right thing but this is bigger than you.”
“You’re proud of me?” Melody smiled. 
“Of course I’m proud of you. You intercepted a dragon fighting ring and freed a dragon. I don’t even know if I could do that.”
Melody rushed forward and hugged him. He awkwardly patted her on the head. “And if you ever do anything like it again, you will be in SO much trouble.”
“Are we sure he’s not her real father?” Dinah whispered to Abraham and Mirabel. They were watching over the railing from two floors up.
“He’s her father now. That’s what matters.” Abraham smiled. “They needed each other, I think.”
They watched the two of them continue to talk and he handed over Meatball and she handed over her bag with the egg. She left and he looked up just as they ducked out of sight. “I could see your shadows. I’m disappointed in you, Dinah, you were an auror too and should know how to hide better!”
115 notes · View notes
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Modern Teacher Buddha x Depressed Student Reader
I can’t even remember what day it is. Yes I can, it’s Wednesday. I just don’t care. I don’t really want the weekend to come. I hate school at the same time like being here over home. I had friends, but they didn’t understand. I started feeling bad years ago, so they haven’t noticed I’ve been off for so long. My parents of course just think it’s my age. And maybe it is. Well not mostly that’s for sure. Yeah the anxiety and worsening body image probably didn’t help. But I know it was before that. I am so bubbly at school though.
Sometimes I wanna kick myself for saying ‘I’m fine’ or ‘I’m doing well!’ whenever someone asks me how I’m doing. Like no I’m not. And sometimes I just wanna stop and say ‘You know what I’m not fine’
I just want to cry and get it all out. But I don’t. I just carry on. School, home, some after school or weekend stuff. It all blurs. Sometimes I feel my best in my religions class. It’s an elective I had to take because I waited too long to select my classes and all the other ones were closed. Even if I don’t really care what we’re learning that day, I love my teacher. Buddha we call him but his last name is Mr. Guatama. He’s just such an interesting teacher. He’s so casual and laid back. Sometimes honestly he’s a little lazy about his teaching, but I love his class so much I don’t care. He’s so friendly to me. One time I took some candy off his desk from this bowl he had and he came in and IMMEDIATELY noticed it was gone. He threated to give us a quiz and give us all F’s for it if no one came forward.
I was really surprised the next day I came in and my grade was a lot lower. So after school I went and bought him a bag of candy and kept it in my bag until everyone left. Then I went up to his desk. I can still remember the conversation. 
‘M-Mr. Guatama?’ He usually didn’t make me nervous because he was so nice but the fact he actually punished everyone, I thought he was really mad. He looked up at me his eyes a little confused. I kept to myself a lot and didn’t usually talk in class unless he forced me.
‘Yes (Y/N)?’ He asked. I held up the bag and looked away.
‘I b-bought you some new candy, because I took yours yesterday.’ The other part was barely audible.
I think he actually forgot about it because he didn’t get it at first and looked at me up and down. Then it clicked.
‘Ohhhh it was YOU?!’ He said in his loud voice. I nodded 
‘I’m sorry I thought it was for everyone. I didn’t mean to’ I said sheepishly. He laughed
‘Oh my dear I forgot about that’ He laughed again ‘You could’ve gone the whole year and I never would have caught on.’ 
I tilted my head at him.
‘But you said you’d fail us and then our grades were lower today.’ Now he looked confused.
‘Eh?’ He went through his computer and after a few clicks he said ‘Ah here you are.’ He looked for a few seconds and then looked back at me taking his glasses off. 
‘Oh you forgot to turn in three assignments’ He said.
I deadpanned. ‘Oh…..’ He erupted again laughing and wiped his eyes. 
‘(Y/N) I WISH I could do that.’ He kept on
‘Thank you for the candy I do appreciate it,’ I felt my heart swell, ‘Here y’know what just turn in what you missed and I’ll fix your grade it’ll be like nothing happened.’ He said smiling and I got all flustered. 
‘Thank you I’ll do that tonight!’ I told him
‘Alright get on home then’. He said, giving me a wink. I blushed and ran out muttering another goodbye. From that day on, he would target me. Sometimes embarrass me in class but never in a way that humiliated me. And he’d say hi to me in the hall. It felt nice having that. 
Whenever he was eating the candy I bought him, he’d give me an ‘angry’ stare and eat carefully. 
Yeah his class helped a lot with what I was going though. I needed more of that comfort. Sometimes I wanted to go to him and spill my guts to him. 
I just felt so much at ease and my anxiety would dissipate when I was in his class. I wanted a dad like him. 
Things were getting worse lately and it made my mood more depressed. I dragged my feet more. My focus was bad and if I did talk it sounded dull. I didn’t think anyone noticed, I barely felt like I was there. 
Today was the worst and I couldn’t hide anything. In Buddha’s class, I sat with my head in my hand barely keeping up. I don’t think I heard a word of what he said. Which was surprising. I hadn’t seen it but he kept looking worriedly at me all class long. He also didn’t poke fun at me. No one really noticed because he poked fun at a lot of people. When class dismissed I stood up and trudged towards the door. I was moving slowly, even packing up my bag so everyone was almost out. 
A hand clamped on my shoulder. I jumped at the contact and faced Buddha. He looked shocked at my violent reaction and moved to shut the door. He pulled a chair next to his desk.
‘Sit down.’ He said softly. I perked up at this, he usually spoke so boldly, I never heard him sound so…careful. 
I sat down and dropped my bag to the floor. I felt awkward looking at him.
‘(Y/N) are you okay?’ I looked at him for a bit, I was shocked he paid that much attention.
‘Just all week you looked so quiet and upset. I always thought you were shy, but you look exhausted.’ He said. I opened and closed my mouth. I felt the tears coming but I held out. 
‘And I just touched your shoulder and you looked so frightened I didn’t expect such a bad reaction.’
‘T-There’s just a lot.’ I started. ‘I d-don’t know how to…how to explain it, I’m. I’m just uh, going through a hard time.’ I looked away from him. I turned my head up to stop the tears for a moment. I didn’t know what else to do. 
He put his hand on my knee and I jumped again. He pulled back. He looked really upset himself.
Then he put his hand back on my knee and said. ‘I’m sorry’ Right then I felt like he understood.
‘You can always talk to me.’ He said never looking away.
‘Of course’
‘Even right now?’ He nodded at me and squeezed my knee. And then  I began
For a bit I tried dancing around what I really meant, but he connected the dots and asked me the truth. I told him. I told him so much and God the more I said the more my heart felt free and less heavy. I held in so much for God only knows how long and he listened to every word. Every now and then he said he was sorry or squeezed my knee again. 
Then I started crying. My voice kept quivering but until the end I held my tears back. Then the shame kicked in and I stopped talking and cried into my hands. 
He stood abruptly and pulled me up. I still didn’t look at him as he pulled me into a hug. He held me against him, one hand rubbing my back the other holding my head. After a while I moved my hands from my eyes and hugged him back. I kept crying into his shirt. Then he kissed my head. And I stopped crying. He did it a couple more times until I calmed down. When He pulled away to look at me I could barely look back. 
‘(Y/N), you’re a smart, beautiful, young woman. And all that you went through just makes you stronger. Please don’t hold back you can vent to me whenever you need it.’ I nodded at him and wiped my nose. I panicked when I saw the mess I left on his shirt. 
‘I’m so sorry!’ I felt so guilty
‘Oh don’t be’ He was trying to reassure me
‘I’ve had worse squirted on me.’ We were both quiet for a second.
‘Okay FUCK that came out wrong.’ And I laughed. Hard. He looked at me surprised.
‘You have such a cute laugh when it’s genuine.’ He commented. I blushed at him.
‘Thank you Buddha.’ I said. Now he really laughed at me. 
‘Whaaat?’ He asked. I blushed again.
‘That’s what you call me that’s great.’ I laughed with him. Then I got a little sad. 
‘I guess I should go home now.’ I said he looked at me empathetically. 
‘I’m always here for you (Y/N).’ He told me hugging me again.
‘I promise’
~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~
‘Omg omg omg omgggg!!!’ I exclaimed running up to Buddha. I jumped onto him and hugged him. He chuckled. 
‘Good news?’
‘The best!’ He waited for me to answer.
‘I got into my first choice college!’ I was so excited. He spun me around
‘Ayyyye I knew you could do it.’ It was him though, he helped me boost my grades and with applications and gave me constant reassurance. He had given me his number so I could text him when I needed him. 
‘I need to pack, I need to get my books I need to BUY BED CURTAINS.’ I spoke dramatically He laughed at me.
‘(Y/N) it’s not until the fall calm down’ He said ruffling my hair. I smiled up at him.
‘Thank you so much’ 
‘It was all you.’
‘But I needed your help’ I told him.
‘Promise you’ll come visit me?’ I asked looking up at him.
He smiled.
‘I promise’
131 notes · View notes
yenalogyy · 2 years
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Hanni | Surprise
It’s been years ever since Y/N and Hanni have been friends. From elementary, all the way until high school where they’d always be at the same school. Though not every year they’d get to be classmates, they’d take the chance of hanging out in either recess, or after school.
Not only that, they even have the same dream in mind, which was to be an idol. At the moment, they were students who were secretly trainees in one of the biggest agencies in the music industry. They’d go separately whenever they had classes, else they’d go home together and hang out.
And today was no exception.
“Y/N, want to go to that cafe I told you about before?” She asked, after she approached you after the teacher had left the class.
“Oh, sure.” Her eyes sparkled with joy as she noticed from the corner of her eye, her friend was approaching.
“Where’re you two going this time?” She asked. It was Minji, the student who happened to also be their co-trainee under the same agency.
“We’re going to the cafe I told you about before! Coming?”
“I don’t have anything better to do after, so.” She shrugged, before agreeing to her offer.
They arrived at the cozy place they’ve been talking about for days, and immediately made themselves comfy. With Y/N sitting across from both of them.
“I’m gonna go to the back first. Be right back.” She walked away, leaving the two to talk with each other.
“Ya. Her birthday is coming up in around a month, you know that right?”
“Duh, how would I not remember?” He rolled his eyes.
“Oh you and your own little world, just the two of you.” She nudged.
“I have an idea in mind for it, but I need your opinion.”
“I want to act as if I forgot about her birthday, once it comes”
“Ouch. Don’t you think it’ll hurt her too much?”
“Yeah… but this is something I want to do. I’m ready to take up any beating she’ll give later.”
“Alright? Go for it, I guess. I’m not going to take any responsibility though. …wait.” She stopped, tapping her chin.
“I think you should go further with it. How about acting as if you’re interested in me?”
“Uh Huh… sounds good. How about we act as if we’re close?”
“Great idea.” Minji moved to sit next to him, signaling that she wanted it to happen as soon as possible.
“Oh, here she comes. Act normal.” She whispered.
“Ya. What’re you two talking about?” Hanni asked.
“It’s a secret of course. Right Y/N?”
“It is. Sorry, Hanni-ya.” The two giggled, summoning a jealous Hanni out of its slumber. She slipped herself between the two, separating them.
“Look who’s jealous.” Minji teased.
Time skip
His actions towards her gradually got colder and colder each day, as he would intentionally act as if he was busy everytime she came by to him. At first, she only thought of it as him having a full schedule for the few days it happened, but it continued, and continued to a point where she realized that there was something off.
“Y/N, wanna go-“
“Sorry, Hanni-ya. I got something to do today.” He stormed off the class, leaving her in the dust without letting her say goodbye. Her smile dropped, as the thought of his recent acts was starting to make her feel he’s starting to stay away from her.
He can’t be distancing himself from me? Right? I didn’t do anything that’ll make him hate me, right?
The day has finally arrived. It was the weekend, and both Hanni and Y/N were supposedly going to be in the same class. Hanni was the first one to arrive, both excited yet worried about how Y/N will behave.
“Surely he remembers that today’s my birthday…? He couldn’t have possibly forgotten about it. We’ve known each other for years, and he would wish me a happy birthday without fail. Yeah, that’s right. Stay positive, Hanni-ya.” She slapped her face, waking her up from the negativity that was building up inside of her.
Moments later, she saw the door knob turning revealing the one and only, Y/N. She stood up, greeting him and asked.
“Y/N, you’re-“
“Sorry Hanni-ya, There’s something urgent that I have to do, can we talk later?” He said, picking up the keys which were in his pocket in order to open the room that was connected to where they were in.
“Oh.. okay..” She said, feeling dejected after seeing how his response was during her special day. She kept her smile until he had left the room.
Y/N.. you didn’t say.. happy birthday..
She sat down, leaning towards the glass and staring at the door of which he came into.
Did you forget that it was my birthday?
“Hanni-ya! Come over here for a sec!” She wiped the tear off of her left eye, before forcing a smile and walking up towards his call.
“Happy birthday!!!” He shouted after she had looked inside, to which she had no idea what he had prepared. It was a small setup consisting of a cake and light party decorations with few party hats.
“Hanni-ya? Hello?”
“A-Ah! Yes, I heard you. What is this?”
“What do you mean? It’s your birthday!” He carefully placed a party hat on her head before she could fully grasp what was going on.
“You… Did you plan this?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry that I told you to go back with Minji ahead last night. I was just making sure that everything was set in place before today. And to make sure that you do not know what I was preparing.”
Hanni couldn’t help but let her tears pour down her eyes, making him panic at her sudden cry.
“Ya, why’re you crying?”
She stuttered while muttering her words. “I- I thought you started to hate me because you told me to go ahead last night, and your behavior towards me the last few days was just… I don’t know.. it seemed so distant rather than how you were before.”
She stopped her words, breathing in air before continuing.
“And with how you seemed to become so close with Minji in such a short time… I was sure that- you know, that you like her.”
“The two of us actually teamed up in order to make it seem that way so… you weren’t seeing things. It was just the two of us acting. Sorry about that. Besides, there’s another girl that I’m in love with. Someone I have been together with ever since I was little.”
He moved closer, leaning towards her face, and said. “And that’s you.”
She was taken aback, as she stepped away from how aggressive he was being, which made him chuckle.
“Hanni-ya. I’m in love with you. Will you go out with me?”
She stood there, not giving an immediate reply and instead, hesitated on giving him an answer as if torn on making either decision.
“Ya, are you getting back at me after what I did?” She giggled, having a good laugh at his reaction before stopping, and replying to his question.
“Yes. I will.”
“Ya, you started without us! Lim Y/N!” Soon after, the group barged in and complained about Y/N’s doing.
“It's not my fault that you guys took so long. Hanni here would’ve cried her eyes out if I had waited for you guys longer.”
“YA!” The rest of you then continued to enjoy the small party for a while longer before the class began.
A/N: Happy belated birthday Pham Hanni
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
A Dream Come True - Ch 9
Ch 9 - Return to the Mansion
On Wednesday, after getting the funds and going to the doctor, the three former ghosts prepare to go back to the mansion for the long weekend.  Of course, Trevor’s parents didn’t really want to let him go back because they’re worried, he won’t be returning, so as a compromise, Jeremy had bought these bracelets that when tapped would light up and vibrate when one side touches for the other to let them know they’re thinking of them.  He had two of them – one that connected to his mother and one his brother.  
Initially, he thought they were silly, but he then he figured that after wondering about him for twenty-two and a half years, it was worth the peace of mind they would get to wear some silly bracelets.  Besides, he’d be home after the weekend was over.
Right where he should be.  
“You ready?” Sass asks, as they put the bags in the car.  It’s still a bit weird to consider that they needed bags and things that they’d never had to use before, well, since they died.  As weird as it is to see Sass in jeans and a t-shirt or even himself in more laid-back attire.  
Trevor glances back at his parents and brother – he would be coming back, he was sure, but then, he’d thought the same thing when he visited the weekend before he died.  
“Why don’t we give them a minute?” Flower suggests, and Sass nods.
“It was lovely meeting you.”
“Thanks for having us.”
The two then go to the car.  No one says that it’ll be just fine or that it won’t be like they’ll never see him, again, after all, it would feel like jinxing it.  So, instead, they hug and tell each other that they love each other, before saying goodbye.  
He can’t help feeling a little bit sad to be leaving so soon, but he did need a proper goodbye to his ghost family, too.  
Thus, he has to leave – at least for the weekend.  
As he gets in the car with a little wave, Sass says, “You know, if it’s really this hard –”
“We left so fast, I do need to go back,” Trevor states.  “I just – I didn’t realize leaving for a few days would be this hard.”
“Well, hopefully, it’ll be great to be reunited with our no longer fellow ghosts?”
“Here’s hoping.”
The drive back to Woodstone went smoothly even with the slight irritation of his bracelets going off.  He understood the worry, especially given the last time he went to Woodstone, but he won’t do anything stupid this time and he did get a clean bill of health.
Still, he does miss them a bit and wishes that they’d had a proper goodbye before he left, and then, he wouldn’t have to leave his family so soon.  Still, it didn’t hurt to feel a different sense of coming home when he pulled up through the drive at Woodstone.  
The others come out all excited when they realize it’s them.  
It takes very little time for them to get inside and to their rooms – everyone’s allowed their own rooms before Jay’s calling them down for dinner.
As he leaves his room, he’s only mildly surprised to find Hetty nearby, she looks surprised to be caught looking at his door.  She also looks quite different in a simple dress with no corset or bustle.  He glances around and notes that everyone is already downstairs.  
“Uh, hi Hetty.”
“Hello, Trevor.  I – I did not mean to –”
“Stare at my door?” Trevor suggests.  “It’s actually a good thing.  Do you think we could talk?”
“Jay just called us down for dinner…”
“It won’t take, but a minute.”
He gestures for her to go into his room and closes the door behind them.  “I’m sorry that I left so abruptly and refused to talk to you.”
“I understand, Trevor.  After all, you did end things and you seem much happier after seeing your family,” she says as she sits on the bed.
He smiles.  “I’m glad that you understand, but I’m still sorry.  It wasn’t as much about you or your embarrassment of being with me as it was about my issues.”
“What ever do you mean?”
He sits beside her but turned toward her so that one leg is bent on the bed.  “I – I never told you this – I never told anyone except Jeremy and I learned Flower was somewhat aware and Sass was with me when –”
“Trevor, you’re rambling.”
“Right.”  He clears his throat.  “I had a largely semi-committed relationship with my best friend, but despite the intense amount of time we spent together, and the fact that I was deeply in love with him, I never believed that he loved me back – well, not exactly.  There were moments when I believed it and moments when I didn’t.  After I found out about the lake, I just – couldn’t – deal with the fact that I was in love with someone - slept with him on a near-daily basis for almost my entire adult life – that would do that to me.  That I meant so little to him.”  
He sighs.  “And when you told me that I was too embarrassing to tell our friends that we were together – those horrible, horrible thoughts of being used, unwanted, unloved – like I was never enough that were attached to him became attached to you tainting everything we did together.  I had pushed those thoughts away being with you, but they came rushing through me, again, and even though I wouldn’t say that I had fallen in love with you, I do have that – knack – for falling in love too quickly.  And I just couldn’t deal with that, again.  So, I – I was dreading having to be around you all the time – feeling that way, being reminded every time I saw you.  So, when I woke up alive, I had two things on my mind – getting away and going home because I didn’t think I could deal with those feelings with you, too.”
“Trevor, I –”
“No, wait.  I’m not done.”  He takes a breath.  “After I confronted Ari, I realized that I was wrong about him – at least what was going on with that part of our relationship – and I may be wrong about you, too.  I hope I am because I hope that I meant something to you, but–”
“You do mean something to me, Trevor.  You have done for me what I have never thought possible,” Hetty states, cutting him off.  “You gave me a gift that I thought I could never have, and while, yes, I was incorrectly lost in the social statuses of my time, I actually realized that it is not fair to you.  You deserved better, and I realize now that I should have told Nigel to ‘stuff it’ as you would say and tell everyone.  I actually had intended to when I went to bed that night – after I saw you in the library and I realized that you are far better than I gave you credit for, unfortunately…”
“We woke up alive and things changed,” Trevor says, although he’s feeling better that Hetty does seem to truly feel sorry about things.  “I am sorry I was in such a hurry out of here…”
“I understand, if I had been in your shoes… I would have done the same.”
“Still, I uh, I am happy that we had what we had, it definitely made the last few months better,” Trevor offers.  
“That is true.”
“But um, I am going home on Monday, and frankly, I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship right now, so … maybe we can be friends?”
“I would like that.”
“Good, then let’s go to dinner.”
           Dinner that night was a lively affair.  There’s something about having so many ghosts suddenly alive and having an actual dinner party certainly made things much more fun, especially since this dinner was just the ghosts, Sam and Jay.  No guests, no additional family members – just a weird housemate dinner.  Of course, it wouldn’t be their last dinner together – that would be Sunday night, but it was their first dinner together since all of them became alive and felt different like a welcome home dinner for the few that ventured away from the mansion for the last week.
           Trevor sat on one end with Hetty on the other – ironically much like the time they were fighting over the dinner part with the Farnsbys.  This time though, he and Sass could catch up with Jay and Pete.  As it turned out, maybe Trevor and Jay did have some things in common, and Jay couldn’t wait to spend a little bit of time with them – Trevor could admit that he like that idea, too.  
           The conversation had turned to Laura’s wedding that they were doing at the mansion, when one of Trevor’s bracelets lights up and he presses it.  
           “What’s that?” Jay questions.
           “It’s a long-distance bracelet,” Trevor states.  “My brother bought two pairs – one for him and me and one for my mom and me.  Basically, you press the button on top and the person with the pair feels it go off and light up, and they press it so you know that they know.”
           “Aren’t those usually for couples in long-distance relationships?”
           “Uh, yes, but my family spent twenty-two years not knowing where I was or what happened to me.  This was a way to give them the peace of mind that I’m okay without relying on texting or calls all the time or insisting that I don’t leave the house,” Trevor states.  “It’s a little silly, but I’m the only ghost here whose family had no idea what happened and now that I’m alive again, they don’t exactly want to go through that, again, and I can’t really blame them.  So, I have new accessories.”
           “That does make sense,” Jay states.  “I never really thought about that before – I imagine that made the Ari confrontation difficult.”
           “Oddly, that wasn’t completely on my mind – I mean, we talked about it and apparently, Jeremy went by his office every year to tell at him – but I had other issues to resolve.”
           “What other issues?” Pete questions.
           “Private issues,” Trevor states.  
Before either of them could probe more Sass jumps in with, “So, how long do you think it’ll be before you go on your trip?”
“Oh, awhile.  I’m not in a hurry to go off and explore.  I just want to spend some time with my parents and brother,” Trevor states.  “Ironically, I’d been considering a leave of absence when I died to do the same depending on…”  
He didn’t really want to get into his intended confrontation with Ari and if things had happened terribly that he was intending to run, but he didn’t have to with Sass, who’d been present during the conversation.
“Do you think you’ll get sucked – you’ll ascend now that you’ve dealt with that?  If you were to die again?” Sass questions.  
“Golly gee, Sass, that’s a lovely question to ask,” Pete says before Trevor can respond.  
“Yeah, seriously, Sass, you really think that’s an appropriate question to ask of someone who was a ghost less than a week ago?” Jay questions.  
Trevor, on the other hand, laughs.  “Yes.”
“Yes?” Pete questions.  “You think you figured out what it was?”
“Oh, well, after helping David ascend, I put some real thought into what was keeping me here and to be honest, there was a large part of me that was already fairly certain.  So, yeah, I think I’ve put things in the past and as long as I don’t develop new issues or regrets, I should be good when that time comes.”  
“That’s great,” Pete states.  “I always wondered what mine was, but yours, given everything makes sense.”
Trevor nods.  “Why do you ask, Sass?”
“Well, I – I was thinking that mine has something to do with Shiki since I never heard from her, and we were both ghosts –”
“So, why don’t you go see her?”
“I’m afraid,” Sass admits.  “I mean, I don’t know how you did it, but you waltzed into that office and dealt with your issue head on – albeit a bit loudly –”
“A bit?  I pretty sure everyone in that office heard everything,” Trevor states.  He glances at Pete and Jay.  “It was unintentional, I am not usually the loud one.  That’s Jeremy.  When he gets angry, he gets loud, when I get angry, I’ve got this silent anger – not sure how to explain.”
“We’ve lived with you for twenty years, we know,” Pete states.
“Anyway, you made it look like a piece of cake,” Sass admits.  “And to be honest, I worry about what I might hear…”
“Which makes sense because not all of us heard good things when reunited with loved ones,” Pete says, thinking of the affair.
“Right, and worse?  I think I would feel guilty if she got sucked – if she ascended after our conversation like David did,” Sass states.  
Trevor frowns, “Why?”
“Because then I was the reason she was stuck.”
Trevor hadn’t considered that.  Should he feel bad about David?
“I wouldn’t think that,” Jay states.  “It’s more on them to deal with their issues than on anyone it involves.  I mean – I wouldn’t expect Sam to blame herself for her mom not ascending.  Does it help that she could work things out with Sam, probably, but ultimately, her mother could’ve accepted the situation and worked it out on her own.  If David’s issue was that he was a bad friend that threw his friend in the lake, it’s not on Trevor to forgive him – he probably just needed to realize he sucked and there wasn’t anything he could do to change it.”
“That’s fair, besides, most ghosts wouldn’t have the opportunity to talk to or see their loved ones left behind to have that conversation,” Pete offers.  “And we know that it’s really on the ghost to work it out anyway because it’s possible to ascend without any guidance.”
“Exactly,” Jay states.
“Alright, I guess that’s one reason to go see her, then,” Sass states.  “I just – I still…”
“It doesn’t have to be today, Sass,” Trevor says.  “I just another reason to go see him – and to be honest, I had a lot of questions.  Things I spent the last twenty years thinking about.  So, I was ready to go and face him, nerves aside.  If you’re not ready – you have time to think on it, if you want.”
Sass nods.  “Yeah, I do.  Definitely, have plenty of time now.”
“After our last hurrah party,” Pete states.  
“Yes, let’s plan that instead of worrying about ghost stuff,” Trevor offers.
Jay grins.  “I’ve got quite the menu planned.”
Sass grins.  “Let’s hear it.”
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never-not-ever · 2 years
Little “ex-relationship” tidbits:
I’m still a part of the Family group chat. Her parents, her sister and boyfriend boyfriend, her brother and sister-in-law and her other brother and his girlfriend. Tonight though I’m showing her how to take me out of it 😐. Just a weird feeling cause one less connection to my old “family”. 
Who knows with Facebook, if they’ll all still keep me on there. Her sister who I’m so close with we follow each other on Instagram (even though I’m hardly on there anymore). But we exchanged a couple “goodbye” texts the other day and she wants to still keep in touch as long as her sister (my ex) is okay with it. My profile picture on Facebook is me and my ex and her niece and nephew. It’s the picture where a lot of people kept saying how much I look like a mom and it’s sad in a way cause I used to look at that picture and see what my future looks like...
I’m trying not to do anything drastic like the last time we broke up. I deleted all of them off Facebook back then because I was an emotional dramatic mess. I also messaged them back then saying how I had to cut off all contact cause it was just too hard... lmao, so dramatic. This time around I’m like tempted to just deactivate my Facebook for a while which I might do on my trip to my Aunt & Uncles...
Speaking of which I really really want to join some dating sites, especially while I’m on vacation since I have a lot of down time cause we hang around the house, they go to bed early etc... BUT it’s like dejavu of how me and my ex met.... I was down there on vacation and on my dating sites and that’s when we started talking 😂.. it’d be WILD if that happens again but the only thing holding me back from joining any sites is:
We still haven’t told our 3 immediate close friends. She wants to tell them in person. I want to just get it over with. We have a group chat with all of us plus one other friend who moved down south.  I think it’ll be awkward being like “hey can we come over” (two are in a relationship, the other one lives in the same building). And then like they’ll be suspicious maybe thinking it’s good news, but then also just like telling them in person and if we give any info and if we have different views and start fighting??? Then the awkward leaving but leaving and driving off together... I don’t know.. I’m going to talk to her tonight and see if she’s up for telling them tomorrow by herself. If she tries to fight me on it then I’ll just threaten to text them and tell them that way. Like it’s my personal feelings, I don’t want to be together to tell them. I don’t know... am I being weird about it? Like technically they were all her friends first except for one of them in the relationship cause he entered the picture a couple months after we started dating so he’s like free game lol. But she always threatens how they were all her friends first and she worries me continuing to be friends with them that they’ll like me more.. which tbh I don’t know, kinda true.... She’s a lot, and she’s always complaining about them so I don’t even know anymore. This is becoming a long ass rant that no one probably even cares about lmao..
On a good note.. her brother is coming home this weekend and they should be meeting up and talking about how he can help her financially move out and hopefully that happens ASAP.
And I’m ending with that. 
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eancharles · 2 years
11/17/22 - Waining Crescent 
Homecoming is my favorite germanic word in the English language.
It’s hard to conceptualize, but I’ll be home tonight. I never wanted to go back to Kentucky, but there's something about the familiarity; cheap vanilla Yankee Candle, mint tea in the green mug from the foreclosed coffeeshop, rae sitting on the windowsill-- why am I embarrassed to say I miss my family? (toxic masculinity? pride??)
Eli’s not coming home, it’ll feel strange without him. Went I left for New York he must’ve felt the same. My room empty with the bareness of the walls failing to bridge the uncanny valley; a tomb, or relic, stripped of signs of personality as its occupant had left.
I think that’s what I'm afraid of the most, not snow on the roads or the lake-effect; I’m afraid my room will feel alien (My? is my applicable still?). My sister stripped my bookshelf bare like a grave robber, digging through drawers and dressers for the hoodies I unfortunately forgot.
It’s so strange how uni makes you revert. Revert to basic ideas, thoughts, ambitions-- even primitively (Never have I so badly wanted to light a candle; Prometheus would be proud of men). I don’t really have any plans but isn’t that beautiful?
I think I'll miss my friends. Like a withdraw. I told Bennett goodbye yesterday, Dylan already left too. Spending a weekend without people I’ve spent so much time with-- if anything it’ll make me appreciate them more.
I appreciate this that has been given to me.
Voted, that that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; voted, that the earth is given to the Saints; voted, that we are the Saints.
-Town meeting in Milford, Connecticut, 1640
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huggybug · 2 years
don’t let me go (8) - thomas bordeleau
word count: 2.5k words
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prev. part / next part
“He’s going to be fine” You looked up at Thomas who was reassuring you of the same thing for the hundredth time. “Do you not trust me?”
“Of course I trust you” You sigh as you finally stop fidgeting with Jacob’s bag that you had packed for him to spend the weekend with Thomas. You had to work all weekend so you and Thomas decided it would be a good time for him to have Jacob all to himself for a couple days while also giving you a break.
“I’m having trouble seeing the problem here”
“I’ve just never left him like this” The mom guilt was already setting in and you hated it because logically, you knew both boys would have an amazing time together this weekend.
“You’re not leaving, you’ll literally be five minutes away” Thomas reminded you gently. “And if you are any, you can come hang out or pick him up whenever you want” Thomas was staying at Nick’s house for the time being along with a couple of the other guys which was only a few streets down from your place.
“Okay fine, you’re right. I should go” You looked around for your son who was already playing with Nick’s dog. You call him over to say goodbye and he attacks you in a hug, his little arms gripping tightly to your body.
“Stay Mommy” Jacob said quietly into your chest and your heart broke but when you looked up at Thomas, you knew it was for the best if you just left.
“I can’t buddy but you’re going to have so much fun this weekend, okay? I’ll see you in a couple days” It takes all your strength but you kiss his cheek and release him, handing him off in a way to Thomas who distracts him quickly, proving he’s already a pro at parenting.
“I’ll talk to you later?” Thomas asks you and you nod quickly.
“Bye Thomas”
“Just say yes” Thomas pleaded. It was during one of your nightly phone calls, something that had restarted not too long after his drunken voicemail. The phone calls were used under the guise of updating each other on Jacob and what he did that day but after covering that in two minutes, you both knew there was a whole different reasoning for the calls.
“I’ve told you before Thomas, I can’t say yes until I know how it’ll affect Jacob” You said quietly, being mindful of the sleeping kid you had laying beside you in your bed.
“It won’t affect him, we won’t tell him until we’re ready” Thomas was good at talking you into things, like when he convinced you during your freshman year that breaking into Yost wouldn’t be a problem… spoiler alert, it was.
“Look, I don’t mean this in a hurtful way but as much as I want to trust you again, I don’t know if I can and I don’t even know if you could anyways since I kept your kid a secret from you” Thomas snorted and it made you smile a little. He wasn’t mad anymore, he claims that it was a response out of shock but he now understands why you did it. You, on the other hand, wouldn’t believe that he’d let something like that go so easily.
“How many times do I have to tell you that I forgive you?” He sighed when you stayed silent. “I’m not going to pressure you into this Y/n”
“I know… just give me some time”
You made it home after dropping Jacob off and immediately got changed into sweats and opened a bottle of wine, settling on the couch for the night’s bachelor marathon. You were just starting the second episode when your phone rang. “Hello?”
“Y/n! You need to come to the hospital right now” Mark’s voice barked at you and as soon as his words registered, you were up and running for your keys.
“What happened?” You were frantic. Mark was at Nick’s with Thomas and Jacob. If you were being called, that meant something happened to one of the two, most likely Jacob… which was terrifying.
“Just get here… fast” You hung up and jumped in your car, heart racing just as fast as your car was going down the road. There were millions of thoughts running through your head, different scenarios of what could have landed your boys in the hospital. You pulled up outside and jumped out of the car, barely closing the door behind you as you run through the doors of the emergency room.
“Nick!” You see him first and he turns quickly when he hears your voice.
“He’s fine, he needs some stitches but-”
“Jacob?” You ask, still unsure of what was happening. He nods and your heart stops. Jacob needed stitches. Jacob is somewhere in this building, laying in a bed, getting stitched up. “Where is he?” Your hands were shaking but Nick guided you over to the desk to get someone to take you back since he couldn’t. Your head was spinning when the nurse left you in front of the door to Jacob’s little room in the ER. You took a deep breath before pushing the door open, being met with Jacob’s giggles.
“Mommy!” You smile when your son waves from his little hospital bed. You’re not surprised to see Mackie sitting next to him, knowing that he’d be the only one let back here since he’s listed as one of Jacob’s emergency contacts.
“Are you okay buddy? What happened?”
“I’m okay, Daddy pushed me and I hit my head” Your eyes bulged and you looked at Mackie who was grimacing.
“Where is Thomas?” You ask Mackie who shrugs and it makes your blood boil.
“He came with us but couldn’t come back, he was waiting with Nick” Mackie explained and you nodded, barely listening as you tried to visually check over Jacob for the third time in a row. “Go find him, I’ll stay with J” Mackie urged and you nodded, pressing a kiss to Jacob’s head, carefully avoiding the bandaged area.
You leave the room, heading back towards the waiting room to find Thomas. You’re planning on going to ask Nick but you spot him down one of the hallways before you reach the waiting room. Thomas is sitting against the wall with his head dropped and you almost feel bad for him until you remember why you’re at the hospital in the first place.
“Y/n-” He looks up to see you standing next to him, unable to form words. “I am so sorry, it all happened so fast… I- I didn’t know-” You could tell he was in agony, his eyes looked red and it was obvious that he was upset but that didn’t matter because he hurt your son.
“You didn’t know what Thomas? That he’d hurt himself? You pushed him… how careless are you to push him hard enough to crack his head open!” The fear made it the only response you could manage right now.
“We were playing! I barely pushed him, I didn’t think he’d fall. I swear, I’d never hurt him Y/n, we were just playing a game” Thomas was crumbling before your eyes.
“I never should have left him alone with you!” You yell, drawing attention from a few people in the hallway.
“He’s my son” Thomas said defiantly while still staying a little quieter than before.
“You shouldn’t be so careless then” You argue back but when it comes out, you realize just how harsh you’ve been.
“You’re right, you never should have left him with me, I’m horrible” Thomas caved, sounding utterly crushed. Admittedly, the frustration got the best of you and while you weren’t actually that mad at him, since accidents do happen, you handled it the best you could.
“No… I’m sorry. I’m just scared for him and I hate that it happened when I wasn’t there. It’s not fair for me to be mad at you” You slide down the wall next to him and take a deep breath, finally feeling a little calmer after letting your emotions out.
“It is, I’m the one who let him get hurt” Thomas said softly and you sighed, reaching over to grab one of his hands which makes him lift his gaze to meet yours.
“It was an accident, he’s fine and that’s all that matters” You weren’t sure if you were telling Thomas or yourself but it was the truth nonetheless.
“I’m so sorry” He murmured and you squeezed his hand in yours.
“Come on, let’s go see him and you’ll see everything’s okay” You try to get up and pull him with you but he stays planted in his spot.
“I can’t”
“Thomas I’m not going to carry you in there” You say jokingly.
“I can’t go back there because I’m not a family member” Thomas reiterates what the nurse told him earlier; the same sentence that has been replaying in his head for the past hour.
“Hey, just because you’re not legally his father doesn’t mean anything” Thomas wasn’t on Jacob’s birth certificate since he wasn’t actually there when he was born and you hadn’t updated Jacob’s emergency medical contacts since Thomas had entered his life.
“He won’t want to see me”
“You’re insane, come on” You hoist him up and start to drag him down towards Jacob’s room.
“Hey dude, you’ve got a visitor” Mackie nudges Jacob who was watching something on Mackie’s phone but when he sees you and Thomas, he drops the phone in his lap and a big smile appears.
“How are you feeling buddy?” Thomas asks as you pull him into the room. You take a seat on the edge of the bed beside Jacob while Thomas stands next to you.
“I’m okay. They said I can eat ice cream” Jacob smiles and you’re relieved that he really does seem okay. You hadn’t even gotten the chance to speak to a doctor but it’s clear that Jacob’s injuries were pretty minor since he’s sitting up and laughing like nothing even happened.
“I’ll get you all the ice cream you want, I’m sorry I hurt you, I shouldn’t have been so rough when we were playing” Thomas says awkwardly, feeling more at ease now that he’s seen Jacob’s okay.
“It’s okay Daddy, I’m not mad”
“I’m going to go tell the guys he’s okay and we’ll probably head home, you guys are good here right?” Mackie asks and you nod. He says goodbye to Jacob, telling him to use this to his advantage to get whatever he wanted which you frowned at but stayed silent.
“I’m going to go talk to the doctor” You stand up but Thomas looks at you with frantic eyes.
“No! I mean, you should stay here, I’m sure the doctor will come by soon”
“I’ll be quick” You assure him but he grabs your wrist when you try to walk away. Jacob’s sitting there mindlessly, not paying much attention to you but you’re not sure why Thomas won’t let you go.
“You can’t leave me with him, I don’t want to hurt him”
“He’s just laying there, you’ll be fine just don’t… i don’t know, throw anything at him?” Thomas rolled his eyes at you. “J? I’m gonna be right back, don’t fall out of the bed or anything okay?” You tell your son who nods and Thomas relaxes a little as he takes a seat in the chair Mackie was previously in.
You leave quickly, asking a nurse to locate whatever doctor that was with your son as you waited by the desk. It took a few minutes but the doctor finally showed up, filling you in on everything before telling you he was free to go home as soon as you signed the forms, as long as you made sure to keep an eye on him throughout the night. Relief flooded your body when he told you there wasn’t anything seriously wrong and that it was basically a superficial cut.
After finishing the forms, you hand them to the nurse before heading back to Jacob’s room where you find him and Thomas playing a game on his phone. You hang back near the door for a minute, going unnoticed due to the fact that they’re both so invested in whatever they’re playing. Thomas is the first to notice your presence and he sends one of his grins at you when he looks up.
“What did the doctor say?”
“He needs surgery” You say seriously and watch as the colour drains from Thomas’ face. “I’m kidding, he’s fine, we can take him home”
“You’re the worst” He groans.
“We can go home?”
“Yep and we’ll stop at the store for your dad to buy us all that ice cream he promised” You grinned, starting to gather your stuff as Thomas helps Jacob get his shoes and everything on. The three of you make your way out to your car, making a quick stop at the store for two pints of chocolate ice cream before going back to your apartment.
You let Jacob have one bowl of ice cream before getting him ready for bed, both you and Thomas hanging out in his room until he’s asleep and then sneaking out quietly together. He plops down on the counter as you clean the few dishes that were spread around your kitchen, an easy conversation starting between the two of you.
“You should get to bed, you’ve gotta work tomorrow” Thomas said after realizing just how late it was.
“I’m just going to call in sick, I need to stay with J” If Thomas didn’t feel bad enough about being the reason Jacob landed in the hospital, now he feels terrible about making you miss work.
“I’m so sorry Y/n, I really fucked up and I get it if you don’t trust me anymore”
“If anything, I trust you even more”
“What?” He wasn’t sure if you had blacked out today or what but he was confused.
“I mean, yeah it’s unfortunate but it was a mistake and he’s okay. You showed how much you care about him today and while I already knew that, just seeing you be so worried really proves to me how you’re in this for real. I’m serious Thomas, I’m not mad, today actually helped me put things into perspective”
“You mean…?” He asks with hopeful eyes. It wasn’t like you were thinking about your relationship while your son was laying in a hospital bed but you truly saw Thomas in a new light today. He’s been a great father ever since he found out, that you were sure of, but something about the way he acted today, it was like a look into the future where your family was… a family?
“We can’t tell him until we know this is something that will last. I don’t want to make anything more confusing for him” The worst thing imaginable would be Jacob going through a rollercoaster when it came to your relationship with his dad.
“Done. So when can I take you out?” Thomas grins and you shake your head while laughing softly.
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erwinsvow · 3 years
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summary: uncle eren comes to visit.
warnings: step-cest, jealousy, manipulation, hints of verbal/emotional abuse + touch of dubcon to con, reader feels guilty, grinding/dry-humping, overstimulation, orgasm denial, unprotected sex
author's note: part two of sole salvation. i really hope everyone enjoys this! the warnings are just to be on the safe side as i do not want to accidentally trigger anyone, please feel free to message me if you want to ask about something before reading.
tagging @sangwoos-mom & @divine-delight :)
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If Zeke didn’t want my interest to get piqued, Eren thinks to himself as he watches you stroll away, off to get him to a fresh cup of lemonade, he should have kept his mouth shut.
When his brother had mentioned his new fiancee had a daughter, Eren had supposed it would be some spoiled, bratty kid. After all, he had met your mother once before, and he didn’t think that kind of a woman could raise someone even remotely well-behaved.
So given that, he was more than pleasantly surprised the first time he met you. It was all a shock, from the almost angelic way you float down the stairs to greet him, your soft skin and sweet smile, to the genuine look in your eyes when you tell him that you’re glad to finally meet him.
He still doesn’t know what Zeke did to deserve you in his life, the taste in his mouth a touch too bitter when he watches the way you look at his brother, even when your mom is in the same room. It’s dreamy, as though there’s no better way to spend your time and nothing better to think about than your step-father.
It’s a little unfair, Eren thinks, that Zeke has a sweet, doting little thing head over heels for him. It’s a little unfair that Zeke waited so long to invite him over, to introduce him to you. Maybe it was brotherly instinct, maybe he knew that once Eren met you, he wouldn’t be able to think about anything else, just like it had been for Zeke.
Regardless of what it was, Eren knew one thing for certain. Sibling should always share.
It finally takes an unbearable conversation on the phone with your mother for an excuse, an opportunity to arise. The lie is taking hold in his head and spilling out of his mouth before he can even control it—“Yeah, the pipes burst and it’s just a mess, I called Zeke but his phone’s off- no, really? Just for the weekend, I promise- thank you, I’ll be over soon.”
His bag is packed and cock is twitching at the idea of getting you alone in that house, maybe when Zeke’s locked away in his office and your mother’s out shopping. It’s going to be a hot week, with almost intolerable heat, and he’s positive it’ll have you in revealing clothes (no doubt ones that his brother bought for you) and teensy swimsuits when you go for an afternoon swim.
That’s what he’s thinking of—the image of you soaked to the bone, wet hair and the thin, dripping material of your suit sticking to your skin—when he pulls into your driveway later that day.
It’s almost easy enough to miss the slight wobble in your steps, the way your clothes are just a little too wrinkled for someone that’s been sitting around the house all day.
But Eren notices it, of course, and doesn’t miss the way Zeke practically keeps one eye on you the entire day, no matter who he’s talking to, either.
Maybe if Eren was just a drop stupider, a bit less cunning, you and Zeke could get away with all of it, but he’s not. He thinks it’s his turn to have his fun with you.
Your mother’s even more intolerable than he remembers. He wonders how bad a family dinner could be, but this is much worse than he could have fathomed. It’s a whole host of things, like how she’s oblivious to the affair happening right under her nose and her small comments that have your lips trembling and eyes blinking away tears before they can fall.
Jeez. Eren had initially felt bad for himself, but he’s starting to wonder how you put up with it. Maybe fucking around with Zeke is your own way of getting revenge, payback for every ‘Why do you look so tired, it’s not like you’re the one working all day’ and ‘Don’t you have plans with friends, or are you just gonna bother your parents all day?’
By the time dinner ends, you’ve made your way to the kitchen almost automatically, putting away dishes and wiping counters without even being told, as Zeke gives your mother a cold, hard stare.
“Was all that really necessary?” his brother questions quietly, eyes fuming with anger yet still disguising his true reason for being upset.
“What?” your mother responds innocently, pretending as though she hadn’t said anything wrong. Eren watches the interaction carefully. He thinks it’d be better if he didn’t interject on a married couple’s little spat, but here he goes again, words out before he can control them. They’re spoken a bit louder than they needed to be, but he wants to make sure you hear them over the running water.
“I don’t know, she seems like a good girl to me, no? Maybe you should be easier on her.”
And a few feet away, in the kitchen, your heart skips a beat. Uncle Eren—who you’d only met once and heard about a handful of times, someone who doesn’t owe you anything, someone not even really related to you—defending you?
It was enough to make tears rush to your eyes again, a smile on your face as you rinse off the dishes.
Good girl. The words run through your head again, seemingly on repeat. They’re your two favorite words, enough to pick you up from the dark, sullen headspace you’re in as a result of your mother’s cruel phrases and Zeke’s stinging silence.
Zeke claims it’ll become too obvious, even to your clueless mother, if he always takes your side and speaks up for you, despite how much he wants to, he says. You’re so hopelessly gone, so devoted to him that you don’t think you have it in you to fight for it. The words he says when the two of you are alone, how he makes you feel and spoils you rotten makes up for it, right?
That’s what you’d been telling yourself all this time, but you’re not sure how much longer you can keep the act going. Does he think it’s easy to watch him walk into the bedroom he shares with your mother every night? To watch her kiss him goodbye, hold onto his arm in public, while you trail behind like a lost puppy?
It’s not actually revenge you’re aiming for, when you start greeting Eren in the morning brightly, walking straight on over to him in the living room rather than the kitchen where your step-father is. It’s closer to a plea for attention, like you’re waiting for Zeke to realize you can play at this game too.
Eren’s more than happy to indulge you, spending hours of the day beside you on the couch watching movies, or watering the lawn while you work on your garden, claiming that he just wants to help out around the house as much as he can. His weekend-long visit turns into a week, as the ‘good for nothing contractors are taking their sweet time.’
It’s terribly easy to make you believe every word he’s saying, with you even defending him when Zeke asks how much longer he’s planning on sticking around.
“He’s family,” you had argued valiantly, leaving your step-father with narrowed eyes and a tense jaw as he noticed Eren smiling behind you. For once, your mother had agreed with you, and Zeke was left with no choice.
It’s sunny and warm when Eren’s opportunity, the one he’s been waiting for patiently, appears. Your mother’s gone out again, this time to the salon, there’s that hour of time right after she’s left that you usually treasure, because you know there’s no chance she’ll be on her way back or call home.
It’s usually your favorite time of the day, when you know you can have Zeke all to yourself, and that’s what you’re thinking, when you hesitantly make your way to the door of his office.
Truly, you hadn’t meant to make Zeke angry, you just wanted to be there for Uncle Eren how he was there for you. You were ready to make up and forget about it now, dolled up in a new sundress that you hadn’t gotten a chance to wear yet. Zeke had bought it only weeks ago, before Uncle Eren’s sudden visit, and you thought he might like it if you wore it now.
Your hand has just reached the cool metal of the doorknob, just about to twist when you hear a ringing from inside the room, of Zeke’s phone going off.
You step back, knowing better than to interrupt one of his calls. You’re disheartened a little, mind wondering why he would schedule something when you and he both know this is your hour, your chance to be alone.
You make your way back downstairs, lingering on the last step and thinking about going back up in a few minutes, when Uncle Eren’s voice calls to you from the living room, making you jump a little.
“Oh, sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says, voice calm and quiet, a contrast to your thudding heart.
“That’s okay, Uncle Eren,” you say, and your head turns back to look in the direction of Zeke’s office inadvertently. “I was just-”
“Waiting for Daddy, huh?” Your lips part a little in surprise, confused by his implication. Though surely, Zeke wouldn’t have told Uncle Eren anything. No, he wouldn’t do that.
“I-I just needed to ask him something, but I think he’s on the phone with someone,” you say quietly, confused at Eren’s tone, the confidence with which he spoke those words, almost mockingly.
“Oh, yeah. He told me he’s busy all afternoon, something or other about work and a report-” Eren stops himself right when he notices your expression change, looking thoroughly upset that Zeke was busy when you were ripe for the taking. “He didn’t tell you about that?”
Fuel to the fire, maybe a bit too much, but Eren doesn’t care. Not as long as you keep it up, looking like a maimed little prey upon realizing that Daddy was too busy for you.
Yes, Eren was getting much better with the lying. It doesn’t even register to you to question his words, to go back up and double check, that Zeke might, in fact, be waiting for you to knock on his door at this very second.
Your feet find their way to the sofa, slumping down dejectedly, as Eren sits right next to you. It’s the way you two have been sitting for the past week, except he’s ready to take the risk. His hand finds your knee, thumb rubbing the soft skin as you let out a shaky breath, wiping away a stray tear.
“All afternoon?” comes your quiet voice, trembling at the mere notion that Zeke was upset with you. You hadn’t meant to take it this far, hadn’t thought he would be ignoring you just because you disagreed with something he said for the first time.
But your sadness is turning into something different when you look at the hungry, almost predatory way Uncle Eren is looking at you now.
“That’s what he said, sweetheart. Did you two have plans, or something?” It’s coming off nonchalant, or so he hopes, because every bone in his body is excited at the prospect before him, blood rushing to his hardening cock as he catches a glimpse of your exposed skin as you fiddle with the hem of your dress.
“N-no, I just… He always spends time with me when mom leaves. I just thought he would be free.”
It’s the sweet, lonely way you’re looking into his eyes, your own doe-like and watery, that tips him over the edge.
“Well, I can keep you company.”
“Yeah, baby. A sweet thing like you shouldn’t be left all alone… it’s not right, well, at least to me.”
“Yeah?” Eren nods his head, line between his lies and the truth blurring suddenly as you inch closer and closer to him.
“I wouldn’t treat you like that, if you were mine, you know-” and he can’t finish his sentence, because your hands are on the collar of his shirt and you’re shifting onto his lap, and your lips are on each other.
It’s stupid, you know, to be so easily guided by a few choice words, putty in virtually anyone’s hands if they say the right things and make you feel seen and heard, but you can’t stop now.
Eren’s tongue is in your mouth, your lips practically glued together as you feel his hands go under the soft cotton of your dress, exploring the supple skin of your thighs. It’s not long before his hands find your ass, squeezing and groping as moan into his mouth.
A sharp slap to your ass makes you yelp, pulling away for just a second before Eren’s hand is on the back of your neck, guiding you into a kiss again. You moan again, louder, when his teeth bite down on your lip just a little bit, when Eren finally pulls away.
“Can’t be too loud, remember, sweetheart? Daddy’s busy upstairs,” he says, somehow knowing exactly what would rile you up. The words act like a little shock running through your system, making you even more eager for Eren’s touch.
“Don’t care-!” you mewl, head going fuzzy when you feel Eren’s hard cock grind against your core, waves of pleasure rushing through your body. You’re still, Eren’s hand coming up to cover your mouth as he continues his rocking movement, making you moan against his hand.
Your eyes roll back when Eren increases his speed, and it’s silly, how the barely-there contact is making you shake, the coil in your stomach tense and unwinding, when Eren stops completely.
You whine loudly, muffled some by his hand, but not entirely, causing Eren to spank you again.
“I thought you were a good girl, hm? Don’t get bratty on me now,” he says, though he thinks it went in one ear and out the other as you come down from your incomplete high.
“I want-I want you, Uncle Eren, now-!” Another whine, another spank. You cry out again, until the fourth slap—which leaves your ass sore already from Eren’s heavy-handedness—silences you.
“Sweetheart, stop misbehaving or you’re not gonna get anything, okay?” he coos, fingers finding your chin and directing your face to look him in the eyes. They’re lust-blown too, and his hardness is still evident underneath your body, but your body’s inclined to follow his rules, despite how badly you want to cum.
“Yes, Uncle Eren,” you say softly, your squirming body finally stopping. Eren’s fingers find their way to the thin straps of your sundress, pulling them until they rest on your shoulder and expose your neck and collar to him.
“Tell me something, baby, did you wear this for me? Or for him?” The very mention of Zeke makes your body stiffen, but you’re still desperate for more and eager to please Uncle Eren.
“For you,” you mumble, wanting to just bury your head in the crook of Eren’s neck and feel him inside you, though you know you won’t get what you want that easily.
“Me? I’m so honored,” he says, letting out a laugh at how your body shakes in anticipation but you stay completely still. He wonders if Zeke had to teach you to be this obedient, or if it just comes to you naturally.
He thinks it’s the latter when he rolls his hips quickly, watching you squirm and bite your lip hard to keep quiet, another rush of pleasure coursing through you, though it’s not nearly enough.
“It’s okay, baby, you’ve been good enough to me, haven’t you?” he asks, and you nod your head quickly. “You deserve to feel good, don’t you?” You nod again and let out a shaky breath when Eren moves your hips with his hands, finally giving you the much-needed pressure on your clit.
“Why don’t you cum for me, baby, just like this? Mmh?” You’re letting out little squeals at each contact, hips moving faster and faster as Eren lays back and lets you use his cock as a toy to grind against. His head falls back at how good it feels, though he won’t let himself cum until he’s inside you.
You’re close again, stomach tensing again and that familiar feeling gathering inside your chest, making you feel warm all over as you speed up.
The breaking point is when Eren’s hands come to your chest, pulling down your dress and exposing your tits to the cool air. His fingers pinch one while his mouth finds the other, and suddenly you can’t keep quiet no matter how hard you try, moans spilling out your mouth as well as repeated cries of Uncle Eren, that sound sweet as sugar to Eren.
It’s when Eren starts bucking his hips up too, that you finally cum, a bolt of pleasure running through your entire body as he keeps going. You’re not entirely sure what kind of noises you’re making—everything seems to be muted and fuzzy as repeated shocks make you shake, Eren’s firm grip on your tits being the only thing that’s grounding you.
When you finally come down, forcing yourself away from Eren’s lap and legs pressed tightly together to calm your oversensitive cunt, there’s a lecherous look in Eren’s eyes. It’s screaming to you, silently, how he’s not done with you yet.
“Aw, baby, look how fast you came just from a little bit of humping. Are you that desperate, bunny? Is Daddy not taking care of you?”
Your face feels like it might be on fire, blood and heat rushing at the same time and burning quickly with shame at the realization that Eren knew all along, that he’s been playing this little game with you since his arrival and you never, not once, had the upper hand.
He feels more predatory than ever before, spreading your legs despite how your legs ache and your core is burning—even if you wanted more, you don’t think you could take it—but it doesn’t seem like Eren cares.
“U-uncle Eren, we shouldn’t- h-he might-” you start, but are cut off as Eren presses a finger to your lips.
“Sweetheart, isn’t that a little unfair? If you get to cum, and I don’t? Be a good girl and spread for me,” he says, and you feel your body comply automatically.
Your back’s on the couch now, Eren hovering over you. All it would take is a few steps in this direction after coming down the stairs for someone to find you, but you can hardly care when Eren’s shoving your dress up, exposing your panties and shoving them to the side, your wetness on display for him.
“One day, baby, when Daddy’s not here, I’m gonna fuck you stupid with my tongue—just not today,” and the words go straight to your head. Your heart thuds uncomfortably in your chest every time he mentions Zeke, a sense of guilt washing over you and replacing the pleasure you feel, but you forget all about it when you see Eren undos his pants and take out his hardened cock.
It’s plainly wrong to compare it to Zeke’s, and though it might not be longer, it’s definitely thicker, not as pretty but covered in throbbing veins that you can’t even imagine feeling inside you.
Eren’s about to grant your wish, running his cockhead over your sensitive clit once, twice, and just as you're expecting a third, he pushes inside of you.
A strangled, loud moan escapes your lips before he can cover your mouth again. It’s agonizing, not being able to make a sound as your step-uncle fucks you into the couch, movements picking up and a steady pace filling the room with obscene noises. You can’t see where the two of you are connected, since your eyes are locked with Eren’s pretty green ones, but you know you’re making a mess.
It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before, every thrust stretching you out, you think he’s ruined your cunt for anyone else—but that’s exactly what he wants.
It’s silent, save for the heavy patter of Eren’s balls against your ass with each thrust, the sound of his hips knocking with yours. He’s trying to keep his grunts silent, but it’s getting harder and harder with the way you’re clenching around him, so tight and wet and soft, he wonders what his brother did to deserve someone like you—he wonders why he doesn’t spend every minute inside you.
Your sensitive cunt tightens around him, knowing only another few strokes and grazes on your clit will be enough to tip you into your second orgasm. Your shaky hand finds Eren’s, pulling his wrist away from your face and meeting his lips again, releasing muffled moans into his mouth.
You know he’s close too, from the way his pace picks up, and you pull away just for a second, just to say three words.
“Please, Uncle Eren.”
And it’s enough to make his hips stutter, enough to uncoil the knot in your tense stomach and have your orgasm washing over you, as you feel Eren fill your cunt with his hot cum. Your lips are on each other, the lewd squelching of his slowing thrusts matching the small squeaks you release, until he finally pulls out and your panties snap back over your leaking cunt.
It’s hard to catch your breath, from your position laying down, feeling your tight hole throb and Eren’s cum spill out, probably onto the sofa seat. You adjust the top of your dress, covering your tits and pulling one strap up. When you’re fixing the skirt, you feel Eren’s hands pull the other strap onto your shoulder, hands lingering on your exposed skin.
You shy away from looking at him, despite how his cum is still inside you. It feels too intimate, almost, because a part of you thinks you were taken advantage of, and another part of you doesn’t ever want Eren to leave you.
Eren’s fingers find your chin, forcing you to look up and meet his gaze. You blink quickly, licking your swollen lips and biting the inside of your cheek nervously.
Neither of you speak, though you know what’s lingering in the air. You can tell he’s gotten what he wanted, and he’s going to leave, and yet you can’t stop yourself from speaking first, throat scratchy and dry and your words nothing more than a whisper.
“C-can I… did you- did you mean all those things you said? Before?”
And suddenly Eren understands everything, why you’re this way, why you need to be validated so badly, why his brother’s such a good match for you. He thinks he’d sacrifice anything too, like his marriage and a new life, just to make you happy.
“Of course I did, sweetheart. I meant every word of it.”
“Really?” There’s a soft smile on your lips, your eyes watery and he thinks it doesn’t have anything to do with how hard he fucked you.
“Yeah, I-”
“Well, what do we have here?” Zeke’s voice comes from behind you.
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