#andrew E Guy
rwnjun · 1 year
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gorgeous gorgeous boyfriends make lunch for each other
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coffee-system-uwu · 2 years
Andrew gave Neil a key. Not just to enter the house, but permission to stay in the foxes lives, in his life. He handed Neil an opportunity to grow roots, stop running. He gave him a chance to stay.
Andrew doesn't give a fuck about exy, and Neil wasn't exactly close with the Monsters. So we can't deny him wanting to keep Neil around was for personal reasons, even if Andrew did.
He gave him a key and called it home to the runaway who's never had a home or a real family. Something to run away to instead of running away from.
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sanasanakun · 10 months
Everyone in the world: Damn, young Snow is kinda 👀👀 now? You know?? Like come here daddy Corio hahaha😳😜💦
Me, lusting after old ass President Snow since like sixth grade when Hunger Games first dropped in theatres:🧍‍♀️
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sugaroto · 2 years
Aftg as stuff my friends have said:
Neil: I wasn't drunk. You're all saying I was drunk at the party but I was not. I knew completely what I was doing
Matt: Neil. You licked me.
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arsenicpanda · 2 years
I think Archie got some much needed character development and now he’s matured. He’s never been a flashy character but he always does what’s right and for once he has learned to be open about his traumas and what he wants his life to be like. I like him so much more in these later seasons.
See, I think someone's patience for Archie, especially from s3b or 4 onward, is inversely proportional to how much harem anime (and anime with a side of harem elements) that person has suffered through, because Archie really turns into someone whose personality is Protagonist and then who is romantically tied to two girls who he switches between with no hesitation or thought, and he's just such a potato-kun at this point. Like, I could throw a rock and hit like five guys just like him in anime, and I am tired.
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puretalents · 6 months
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&    he    almost    would    think    he    was    in    some    kind    of    nightmare,    if    it    weren’t    for    the    churning    in    his    stomach    as    heard    the    roaring    of    cheers    erupt    while    a    much    too    large    diamond    slipped    onto    her    finger —    perhaps    he’s    blacked    out,    but he’s    pulled    back    by    her    rhythmic taps on    his shoulder.    ❝    hm    ?    ❞
open to fems
based on.
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a-spes · 1 year
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T H E B L O O D O N M Y H A N D S - One shot.
Words count - 3,2k.
Tags & Warnings - Natasha Romanoff x reader, angst / comfort, a form of self-harm, mentions of death and blood.
Summary - When you kill someone on duty for the first time, Natasha is the one being here to stop you from falling.
— — — — —
You haven’t been a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent for long, barely more than three years. It may seem long for some people but, in that kind of job, it is not. Although your training ended up a long time ago, your teammates are still calling you a Rookie because even after years of duty, you still have a lot of things to learn, some the hard way.
You guess this nickname will stick with you until a new recruit joins the agency. It has been three years that no one passed the entrance exam so you are still seen as the newest addition which pisses you off sometimes. It is frustrating to not be taking seriously just because you are a bit less experienced than your teammates, some of them only been on the agency for one more year than you but are acting cocky with it.
However, despite your teammates’ attitude, you are convinced you are right where you are supposed to be : even if some days are rough, you love this job. Honestly, you never planned to join the agency but now you are here, you don’t want to leave.
You have always dreamed about becoming a police officer, not some kind of governmental spy. You ended up here thanks to a bit of fate and, mostly, thanks to the help of one of your professors. At the police academy, you were doing great, you were among the best of your promotion, that is why Mr. Andrews suggested you to take the entrance exam for the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy. Before that day, you had never heard about the agency, but you still decided to give it a try, it was the least you could do to thanks him for everything he did.
Surprisingly, you succeed the exam and earned a place at the academy, alongside with two of your classmates. You weren’t sure it was what you wanted to do, but it was probably your only chance to give it a try so you went to the academy, thinking you could always leave if it doesn’t suit you. Yet, it has been the best decision you made.
Surely, you doubted it sometimes, thinking about quitting because the training was so hard, both physically and mentally, that you thought you couldn’t take it anymore. But you stayed, not being alone helped you a lot so, even if you doubted a lot your decision, you never regretted it.
Until today.
One day was enough to change everything. The first rule in the job is that you know nothing. Every mission is different, every mission could go wrong at any moment, it is impossible to be prepared to what it could bring to you. After three years of duty, you tend to forget about that rule. Up to now, everything went smooth, except for a few injuries you got, you were lucky.
It was supposed to be a routine mission, not much different than the previous ones. Your team was supposed to take back some important documents, so you needed to infiltrate the hotel the guys who stole it were staying.
“I get it”, you whisper in the communication device.
But when you are about to leave the room, you hear the voices of two persons. You don’t have much time, so you decide to quickly hide under the bed, you wish there was a better place but all you can do is waiting here, praying they won’t notice your presence. However, it seems fate is not on your side tonight.
After maybe ten minutes of waiting that felt like an eternity, you eventually feel someone pulling you from under the bed by grabbing your legs. You may be a qualified agent, but they are way more experienced than you are. You were listening to their conversation but yet, you couldn’t have guessed they knew you were here the whole time. Racing heart and irregular breath are the signs of panic, but you can’t let those take the control of your body, fear is a synonym to death. Take a deep breath, think and attack before they can.
It is quite easy to escape the man’s grasp because he wasn’t expecting you to be so fast. But the man wasn’t the problem, it was the woman with him. She was aiming that gun at you while you were fighting with her mate, not shooting yet because she could’ve killed him instead, but as soon as you stand up, she doesn’t hesitate anymore.
It was a reflex.
She missed the first bullet because of the circumstances, because she couldn’t clearly target you so the bullet passed closed enough. Except she doesn’t look like someone that misses an easy shot and you don’t look like someone who wants to die so you shoot first.
It was a reflex.
It is the first you kill someone on duty. Three years of duty during whose you ensured that you wouldn’t kill anyone. You get them out of the way, you hurt them, sometimes you knock them out like you just did with that guy but you never took a life. But tonight you did, for the first time. Tonight, you didn’t aim for that woman’s leg but for her chest, right where her heart is, she died almost on the spot. It feels awful.
On the way back to the base, you are silent. Your teammates don’t even notice how quiet you are tonight. The two sitting on the front of the car are talking, the last one is humming some music. The mood is light because the mission was a success: you did bring back those documents. So why aren’t you joyful? You don’t know, but tonight you don’t feel like joking, laughing and jumping around as you usually would.
Tonight, you won’t celebrate with your mates because there is nothing to celebrate. A woman died. It doesn’t matter which side she was on or if she was aiming that gun at your head because you shoot and it makes you no better than the people you despise. When you joined the Academy, it was to save civilians, to make something good about your life, you wanted to feel useful and make a difference. So from the moment you became an agent, you avoid killing people. A part of you knew that, one day, wouldn’t let you choose but you didn’t think much about it; if after three years you didn’t kill anyone, it’ll may stay that way until you end your career.
Oh, how naive you were.
Maybe you are too gentle for that world. Your mates kill people and you never saw them hesitating, so what’s wrong with you? Can’t your mind just shut up? It is not that a big deal, is it? It is supposed to be your job, you did what you had to, right? So why does it still feel wrong?
You are a person that easily slip on other people’s shoes. Those people called villains are nothing more than people that got lost at a moment in their lives, people that were failed by the system or made a wrong choice, does it mean they deserve to die? Some of them, maybe, but definitely not that woman. She was barely older than you are, she had a whole life to live but she will never get you because of you, because you decided she didn’t deserve to live.
It is something your superiors often blame you for: your inability to shot when it is needed. It is not because it led to failed mission, but because it caused you a lot of injuries that could have been avoid. They never understood why you were so reluctant to do so, sometimes they are angry, sometimes just disappointed. But tonight you eventually did exactly what they are expecting from you. That’s what you are repeating to yourself but it doesn’t make you feel any better, if you hate the idea of disappointing Agent Romanoff, your superior, you probably hate your actual situation even more.
This moment is playing again and again on your mind, making you oblivious of your surrounding. The sound of her body falling is covering your mates’ voices. The way her chest raised one last time before she stopped moving, the way her eyes were wide open and the blood. Everywhere. On the ground, on her suit, on your hands. A bit of your own, but mostly of her, who knew a body contains so much blood? Not you.
When you are finally back at the compound, the redhead is here. Even if you are not a trainee anymore, you are still a rookie until they decide otherwise and she will probably be your mentor for a few more years. And being your mentor means that wherever you are, she is. Today was your first mission alone. Well, you weren’t really alone, you had your usual team by your side but she wasn’t here. At first, she didn’t want to let you go, wherever she is, you are, but she let herself be convinced. This mission couldn’t wait more, neither could the emergency call she got.
The mission was easier than some you did by the past, she knows you are capable but still, she can’t get over that strange feeling, being scared for you security. She knows she can trust you but can she really trusts your mates? She is stressing over the fact that, for the first time, she isn’t here to protect you.
She is now regretting her choice, it was irresponsible from her to agree to such a demand. She has no idea what exactly happened during the mission but she heard that things didn’t go as smoothly as they were supposed too. She is pacing back and forth on the garage, waiting for your team to come back. She tried to get more information from Fury, but he doesn’t know much more than what he already told her.
A few hours later, the team is eventually back. When her eyes catch you, she is relieved: you seem fine. Her relief only lasts a moment as she quickly notices something is off with your attitude. You ignored her, didn’t even looked for her as you would usually do.
“What happened?” she asks to one of the agents that was on the mission. She grabbed him by the arm, forcing him to look at her, she is taking the whole situation seriously.
“She fired”, he replies, shrugging.
The man doesn’t really understand why it is such a big deal to you, after three years, you should be used to that kind of things happening in a mission. However, Natasha immediately understood.
She rushes to find you but it is already too late. She can’t find you on the locker room, neither she can on your dorm or on the common areas. It is on the shared bathroom that she eventually finds you. She can’t help but being worried. She was really young when she killed for the first time, but she still remembers how it feels, years don’t take away the guilt and the disgust. The difference is that she never got a chance to think too much about it, she was raised to kill, it felt almost normal after a while, she got used to that feeling You, however, are not of that kind. It doesn’t matter how skilled you are: you are not a murder.
“What are you doing?” she asks, frowning when she saw you here.
Scrubbing. That is what you are doing and the only thing left in your mind, you are just obsessed with the idea of cleaning your hands. So you are scrubbing. You are scrubbing until the water turns clear but it doesn’t, it stays red and bloody. It seems there is always more blood on your hands.
You are so focused that you didn’t even hear the woman coming in. Your ears are ringing and your vision is blurry because of the tears in your eyes, the only thing you can see clearly is the blood, all this red. You are using a nail brush in hope it would help you get it of the dirt? but it doesn’t. It just hurts.
A pain that you ignore.
A pain that you feel like you deserved it, like it is the only way to get those memories out of your mind, even if it is just for a moment, you are glad to be able to focus on something.
However, Natasha is not. As soon as she realizes what you are doing, she steps in. She turns the water off, wrapping her hands around yours to make you stop, as her attempts to talk to you failed. She slowly takes the soap and the brush from your hands, putting it on the sink.
For a few minutes, you remain silent. You don’t even dare to look at her in the eyes, how could you? The guilt and the shame make you avoid her gaze, a part of you being scared about what she could say or think. Maybe she sees you exactly as you do right now: pathetic and horrible.
“Let’s clean those wounds”, she eventually says in a quiet voice that surprises you because you thought she would be angry and yell at you. Or maybe it is what you wished she would do. It is easier to hate yourself when people do too.
But she doesn’t.
On the contrary, she is sweet and caring, an attitude that is rarely hers, Agent Romanoff not being someone showing that she cares the usual way. She is usually demanding with the people she cares for but she understands that tonight you don’t need that. Right now, what you need is someone by your side, someone to guide you through that situation.
So she makes you sit on a stool. You don’t protest, there is something good in not having to think about what to do next. She comes back with a few seconds later with medical kit. She sits in front of you and, in silence, she starts to take care of your hands. You scrubbed them for so long and with so much pressure that the blood at the end wasn’t the woman’s anymore. It was yours because the brush scratched your hands.
“Here we are”, she says once she is done. She cleaned your wounds with alcohol and then applied bandages on your hands. She seems to want to add something, but she hesitates. “Do you want to talk about it?” she eventually asks.
You shake your head, no. You don’t want to talk about it, you don’t want to hear about it, you don’t even want to think about what happened today. If it was possible, you would like to erase this day from your mind or turn back in time so you can change the outcome, but you can’t.
Natasha sighs but she doesn’t push, she knows it is not the solution. Instead, she guides you to her quarters.
“It is not my room”, you remark when you get here. It is a one person room, one of the privileges of being a superior.
“No, it’s not”, she acknowledges, “but I am not leaving your side.”
“You don’t need to do that, I am gonna be fine”, but she doesn’t let you go. As you try to leave the room, she firmly hold you by the arm. You staying here wasn’t a question, not even an invitation, it was more of an order.
“No, you are not. And after what happened I don’t trust you, at least not tonight”, she tells you and she is not joking at all. She has that serious expression and you know she won’t take no as an answer. You want to be alone, but deep down you are relieved you won’t spend the night alone.
She helps you take off your suit. She then helps you to put on some of her clothes, a short and a t-shirt, so you are ready to go to sleep. It is already late, midnight was long gone. She guides you to the bed, it is a bit small but it is just for one night and you don’t seem to protest, you just let her guide you, your mind being far away.
The two of you are leaning in the bed in silence. Her chest pressing against your back, her head near to yours. She is holding you firmly, as if she was scared you could run away. You stay in that position for a moment before your voice breaks the silence.
“I- I don’t even know her name, I barely saw her face and-” you eventually say, feeling the need to let a bit of what is in your mind out. You are exhausted, but you can’t even close your eyes to try to sleep, those memories and thoughts keeping you wide awake.
“it’s okay”, she whispers in your ear. She is not sleeping either, too worried about you for that. She already knows that she is going to stay awake the whole night to keep an eye on the woman she is holding in her arms.
“No!” you yell. You can’t stand how calm she is. “No it’s not, how could it be okay? I killed her. I killed a woman and I don’t even know who she was.”
“It happens, sometimes, you have no choice”, she continues to talk in a quiet voice, soothing you by stroking your hair. She knows nothing she could say right now would make it easier. You need time and support, all she can do is being here and let you know she is.
“I do, I should’ve aimed for her limb or…”, you start, but you can’t even finish your sentence. You feel your throat tighten, your voice broke on the last few words.
“You did exactly what you had to. You did exactly what you had to stay alive. I know it is hard but you will get through it, okay? And I am gonna be here, with you, the whole time”, she whispers again in your ear, her voice calming a bit the storm in you.
This is how you eventually fell asleep. In the comfort of the arms of that woman, with a feeling of security. The way her hand is brushing your hair calming your mind until Morpheus accepts you in his realm. The words she is whispering in your ears are helping to ease the guilt and the hate. However, Natasha won’t sleep. She is going to stay awake the whole night just so she can be here if you wake up needing her, no matter what time of the night it is, she wants to make sure you are not alone because it is the worst in situations like this.
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
Showing Off - Riverdale
Archie pinning x Fem!reader
Serpents x reader
Northside x reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 706
Summary: Archie always showing off for you his neighbor. Not knowing you're a Serpent, dating one, and basically like Fp’s little girl.
Authors Note: I put it as Riverdale because I didn’t feel it played with any character enough to put at the top.
Riverdale Masterlist
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“Does he always do that?” Betty asked as her and Veronica watched out y/n’s bedroom window. They were currently having a sleepover but Archie and some of the Bulldogs were playing football out in the street.
“Yup.” Y/n let out a frustrated sigh as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail.
“Wow, Archie Andrews being a show off.” Veronica said amused as she to watched the redheaded boy.
“He never stops.” Y/n stated shaking her head as she glanced out the window for a second.
“Do you know why?” Betty questioned moving to sit across from y/n on the bed.
“I think he likes me, but if he knew anything about me. He wouldn’t.” She told them shaking her head. It had been going on for months at this point.
“Why do you say that?” Veronica tilted her head at Y/n’s statement. Confused about what she meant by it.
“I’m a Serpent Veronica. Archie hates the Serpents. And besides, I’m dating Sweet Pea.” Y/n shrugged and gave them a tight lipped smile, but it became real at the mention of Sweet Pea.
“I will say I love Archie and he’s a good guy but, Sweet Pea treats you like a princess.” Betty smiled at Y/n. Betty had known Archie forever but she had firsthand witnessed how Sweet Pea treats her friend in their relationship. And even Betty didn’t think Archie could treat her that good.
“Correction. He treats you like a Queen.” Veronica smiled coming around to sit on the bed with the both of them.
Y/n smiled widely at their comments. “Plus with all the beef going on between the bulldogs and the Serpents. It’d be worse once he knew FP treats me like a daughter.”
“FP treats you better than my father treats me.” Veronica admitted letting out a sigh that had frustration and sadness in it.
“Sorry V.” Betty rubbed her friend's upper arm.
“No worries. Hey, do you think FP could honorarly adopt me too?” Veronica asked y/n jokingly.
“I mean if you ask.” Y/n shrugged her shoulders but they all started laughing, not being able to hold it anymore.
It was only a week later at a game for the school that the girls along with y/n and Toni noticed Archie doing it again. Watching.
“He’s doing it again.” Veronica noted nudging the y/h/c-ed girl scooted next to her on the bleachers.
“This is just sad to watch.” Betty said watching the boy she grew up with, with squinted eyes. 
“Sweet Pea’s going to be here soon. And for the record this is fun to watch.” Toni interjected as she sat down next to them. She found Archies actions to be quite entertaining much like Veronica but for different reasons.
“Once he sees the back of my jacket he’ll stop.” Y/n nodded, taking a hand full of popcorn from Toni. Y/n made sure to wear her Serpents jacket tonight. This needed to stop.
“Hey, babe.” Sweet Pea greeted kissing her on the cheek. Toni scooted over fromY/n so Sweet Pea could sit down next to her.
“Hey.” Y/n greeted Sweet Pea before he could sit down she stood to hug him, making sure her jacket faced the field as she did so.
“And he noticed.” Betty pointed out as the couple sat down.
“Wow.” Veronica shook her head with wide eyes. “Men.” she scoffed, as they all watched the attraction Archie had to Y/n leave him as he saw her jacket.
“What are they talking about?” Sweet Pea asked leaning in to whisper in Y/n’s ear.
“Nothing.” Y/n answered but she could tell he didn’t believe it. So Y/n turned a tiny bit to face him with her body, grabbing his hand bringing it to her lips. “Trust me Pea. If it was something worth telling, I’d tell you.”
“She would.” Betty stated in agreement.
Toni knew problems would only get worse if Sweet Pea knew exactly what they were talking about. “You or FP would be the first to know.”
And it was true but let's just hope Archie had the sense to not ever bring it up.
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@gruffle1 @padawancat97
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Xenofiction (& similar) Media Masterpost
Editable Google Doc Link here
PS. This list is for keeping track only. This is not a recommendation list and I won't be advocating for any Work, Author or Company listed. There will be footnotes about a work/author for undesirable behaviour or themes if necessary.
This is a WIP and will be updated whenever I have the time to. Feel free to recommend works or inform me about an author so I can update the post. Be Aware works on this list might have been cancelled or on indifinitive Hiatus and not all works are available on English.
Comic Books & Graphics Novels
Picture Books
Indie Written Works
Animated Series
Live-Action & Hybrid shows
Short Films
Animated Films
Live Action & CGI Assisted Movies
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Age of Fire - E. E. Knight
Adventure Lit their Star - Kenneth Allsop
Alien in a Small Town - Jim Cleaveland
Alien Chronicles (Literature) - Deborah Chester
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Animorphs - K. A. Applegate
Am an Owl - Martin Hocke
At Winters End - Robert Silverberg
Avonoa - H.R.B. Collotzi
Astrid and Cerulean: A Parrot Fantasy - Parasol Marshall-Crowley
A Wolf for a Spell - Karah Sutton
The African Painted Wolf Novels - Alexander Kendziorski
The Alchemist's Cat - Robin Jarvis
The Amazing Maurice and his educated rodents - Terry Pratchet
The Amity Incident - C. M. Weller
The Ancient Solitary Reign - Martin Hocke
The Animals of Farthing Wood series - Colin Dann
The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein
The Author of Acacia Seeds and Other Extracts from the Journal of Therolinguistics - Ursula K. Le Guin
A Magical Cat Named Kayla: Whiskers of Enchantment -Carlos Juárez [AI Cover]*
The Animal Story Book - Various Authors [Editor: Andrew Lang]
Abenteuer im Korallenriff - Antonia Michaelis [DE]
Bambi: A life in the forest & Bambi Children - Felix Salten
Bamboo Kingdom series - Erin Hunter
Bazil Broketail - Christopher Rowley
Beak of the Moon & Dark of the Moon - Philip Temple
Bears of the Ice series - Kathryn Lasky
Beasts of New York - Jon Evans
Beautiful Joe - Margaret Marshall Saunders
Beyond Acacia Ridge - Amy Clare Fontaine
Birddom - Clive Woodall
Bird Brain - Guy Kennaway
Black Beauty - Anna Sewell
Blitzcat - Robert Westall
Blizzard Winds - Paul Koch
Books of the Raksura - Martha Wells
Braver: A Wombat's Tale - Suzanne Selfors & Walker Ranson
Bravelands series- Erin Hunter
Broken Fang - Rutherford Montgomery
Bunnicula series - Deborah Howe & James Howe
Burning Stars - Rurik Redwolf
A Black Fox Running - Brian Carter
A Blue So Loud - Tuesday
The Ballard of The Belstone Fox - David Rook
The Bear - James Curwood
The Bees - Laline Paull
The Biography of a Silver Fox - Ernest Thompson Seton
The Blue Cat of Castle Town - Catherine Cate Coblentz
The Book Of Chameleons - José Eduardo Agualusa
The Book of the Dun Cow - Walter Wangerin Jr.
The Book of Night with Moon - Diane Duane
The Books of the Named series - Clare Bell
The Bug Wars - Robert Asprin
The Builders - Daniel Polansky
Call of the wild - Jack London
Callanish - William Horwood
Catwings - Ursula K. Le Guin
Cat Diaries: Secret Writings of the MEOW Society - Betsy Byars, Betsy Duffey & Laurie Myers
Cat House - Michael Peak
Cat Pack - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Cats in the city of Plague - A.L Marlow
Celestial Heir series - Chester Young
Charlotte's Web - E. B. White
Chet and Bernie mysteries - Spencer Quinn
Chia The Wildcat - Joyce stranger
Child of the Wolves - Elizabeth Hall
Clarice the Brave - Lisa McMann
Cry of the Wild - Charles Foster
Coyote's Wild Home - Barbara Kingsolver; Lily Kingsolver & Paul Mirocha
Coyote Series - Michael Bergey
Crocuta - Katelyn Rushe
Coorinna: A Novel of the Tasmanian Uplands - Erle Wilson
Cujo - Steven King
The Calatians Series - Tim Susman
The Cats of Roxville station - Jean Craighead Georde
The Chanur Novels - C. J. Cherryh
The Cold Moons - Aeron Clement
The Color of Distance || Through Alien Eyes - Amy Thomson
The Conquerors - Timothy Zahn
The Council of Cats - R. J. F.
The Cricket in Times Square - George Selden
The Crimson Torch - Angela Holder
The Crossbreed - Allan Eckert
The Crucible of Time - John Brunner
Darkeye series - Lydia West
Deadlands: The Hunted - Skye Melki-Wegner
Demon of Undoing - Andrea I. Alton
Desert Dog - Jim Kjelgaard
Dinotopia - James Gurney, Alan Dean Foster
Doglands - Tim Willocks
Dimwood Forest series - Avi
A Dog's Life: The Autobiography of a Stray - Ann M. Martin
A Dog's Porpoise Duology - M. C. Ross
Dogs of the Drowned City - Dayna Lorentz
A Dog's Purpose series - W. Bruce Cameron
Dolphin Way: Rise of the Guardians - Mark Caney
Domino - Kia Heavey
Douglas' Diary - Andrew John
DragonFire series - Lewis Jones Davies
Dragon Fires Rising - Marc Secchia
Dragon Hoard and Other Tales of Faerie - Cathleen Townsend
Dragons and Skylines series - Rowan Silver
Dragon Prayers - M.J. McPike
Dragons of Mother Stone series - Melissa McShane
Dragon Girls Series - Maddy Mara
The Deptford Mice series - Robin Jarvis
The Dogs of the Spires series - Ethan Summers
The Dragons of Solunas series - H. Leighton Dickson
The Duncton Chronicles - William Horwood
The Destiny of Dragons - J.F.R. Coates
The Diary Of A House Cat - Ileana Dorobantu
Dogtown - Katherine Applegate & Gennifer Choldenko
Die schwarze Tigerin - Peer Martin [DE]
Die weiße Wölfin - Vanessa Walder [DE]
Die Wilden Hunde Von Pompeii - Helmut Krausser [DE]
Das wilde Mäh - Vanessa Walder [DE]
The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers
Eclosión - Arturo Balseiro [ES]
Ein Seehund findet nach Hause - Antonia Michaelis [DE]
Fantastic Mr. Fox - Roald Dahl
Faithful Ruslan - Georgi Vladimov
Feather and Bone: The Crow Chronicles - Clem Martini
Feathers & Flames series - John Bailey
Felidae series (1) - Akif Pirinçci
Fifteen Rabbits - Felix Salten
Fire, Bed & Bone - Henrietta Branford
Fire of the Phoenix - Azariah Jade
Fluke - James Herbert
Firefall series - Peter Watts
Firebringer - David Clement-Davies
Flush: A Biography Book - Virginia Woolf
Fox - Glyn Frewer
Foxcraft series - Inbali Iserles
Frightful’s Mountain - Jeanie Craighead George
Frost dancers: A story of hares - Garry Kilworth
The Familiars series - Adam Jay Epstein
The Fifth - Saylor Ferguson
The Firebringer series - Meredith Ann Pierce
The Fox and The Hound - Daniel P. Mannix
The Forges of Dawn - E. Kinsey
Freundschaft im Regenwald - Peer Martin [DE]
(1) Felidae's Author - Akif Pirinçci - is known to be a Xenophobic, Anti-muslim, Anti-Lgbt and Extreme Right-Wing guy (A N4zi by his on words). Won't be going onto details just know he has a non-fiction work called "Germany Gone Mad: The Crazy Cult around Women, Homosexuals and Immigrants." His works has been out of print ever since.
Guardian Cats and the lost books of Alexandria - Rahma Krambo
Guardians of Ga'Hoole series - Kathryn Lasky
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Griffin Quest - Sophie Torro
Gryphon Insurrection series - K. Vale Nagle
The Ghost and It's Shadow - Shaun Hick
The Golden Eagle - Robert Murphy
The Golem and the Jinni - Helene Wecker
The Good Dog - Newbery Medalist
The Guardian Herd series - Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
The Goodbye Cat - Hiro Arikawa
The Great Timbers - James A. Kane
Haunt Fox - Jim Kjelgaard
Haven: A Small Cat's Big Adventure - Megan Wagner Lloyd
Heavenly Horse series - Mary Stanton
Hive - Ischade Bradean
Horses of Dawn series - Kathryn Lasky
House of Tribes - Garry Kilworth
Hunter's Moon/Foxes of First dark - Garry Kilworth
Hunters Universe series - Abigail Hilton
A Hare at Dark Hollow - Joyce Stranger
The Hundred and One Dalmatians & The Starlight Barking - Dodie Smith
The Hunt for Elsewhere - Beatrice Vine
Hollow Kingdom Duology - Kira Jane Buxton
I am a Cat - Natsume Sōseki
I, Scheherezade: Memoirs of a Siamese Cat - Douglass Parhirst
In the Long Dark - Brian Carter
The Incredible Journey - Sheila Burnford
Im Reich der Geparde - Kira Gembri [DE]
Joe Grey series - Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach & Russell Munson
Julie of the Wolves - Jeanie Craighead George
The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling
Journey to the West - Wu Cheng'en
Kävik the Wolf Dog - Walt Morey
Kazan duology - James Curwood
Kine Saga - Alan Lloyd
Kona's Song - Louise Searl
The Killers - Daniel P. Mannix
Kindred of the Wild - Charles G.D Roberts
König der Bären - Vanessa Walder [DE]
Lassie Come-Home - Eric Knight
Last of the Curlews - Fred Bodsworth
Lazy Scales - D.M. Gilmore
Legends of Blood series - Ethan Summers
A Legend of Wolf Song - George Stone
Luna the Lone Wolf - Forest Wells
Lupus Rex - John Carter Cash
Lutapolii: White Dragon of the South - Deryn Pittar
The Last Unicorn - Peter S. Beagle
The Labrador Pact & The Last Family in England - Matt Haig
The Last Dogs - Christopher Holt
The Last Eagle - Daniel P. Mannix
The Last Great Auk - Allan Eckert
The Last Monster on Earth - L.J. Davies
The Life Story of a Fox - J. C. Tregarthen
The Lost Rainforest series - Eliot Schrefer & Emilia Dziubak
The Lost Domain - Martin Hocke
The Last Whales: A Novel - Lloyd Abbey
Mammoth Trilogy - Stephen Baxter
Manxmouse: The Mouse Who Knew No Fear - Paul Gallico
Marney the Fox - Scott Goodall & John Stokes
Mattie: The story of a hedgehog - Norman Adams, & G.D. Griffiths
Matriarch: Elephant vs. T-Rex - Roz Gibson
Midnight's Sun - Garry Kilworth
Migon - P.C. Keeler
Minado The Devil - Dog - Erle Wilson
Monkey Wars - Richard Kurti
Mouseheart Series - Lisa Fiedler
The Mistmantle chronicles - M.I. McAllister
The Mountain Lion - Robert Murphy
The Mouse Butcher - Dick King-Smith
The Mouse Protectors Series - Olly Barrett
Maru - Die Reise der Elefanten - Kira Gembri [DE]
New Springtime series - Robert Silverberg
Nightshade Chronicles - Hilary Wagner
Nugly - M. C. Ross
Nuru und Lela - Das Wunder der Wildnis - Kira Gembri [DE]
Old One-Toe - Michel-Aimé Baudouy
Of Birds and Branches - Frances Pauli
Outlaw Red - Jim Kjelgaard
The Old Stag - Henry Williamson
The One and Only Ivan - Katherine Applegate
Painted Flowers - Caitlin Grizzle
Pax & Pax: Journey Home - Sara Pennypacker
Petrichor - C.E. Wright
The Plague Dogs - Richard Adams
The Pit - Elaine Ramsay
Pride Wars Series - Matt Laney
A Pup Called Trouble - Bobbie Pyron
The Peregryne Falcon - Robert Murphy
Pork and Others - Cris Freddi
Queen in the Mud - Maari
Quill and Claw series - Kathryn Brown
Rak: The story of an Urban Fox - Jonathon Guy
Ramblefoot by Ken Kaufman
Rats of Nimh series - Robert C. O'Brien
Raven Quest - Sharon Stewart
Ravenspell Series - David Farland
Raptor Red - Robert T. Bakker
Red Fox - Charles G. D. Roberts
Redwall series - Brian Jacques
Rose in a Storm - Jon Katz
Rufus - Rutherford Montgomery
Run With the Wind series - Tom McCaughren
Runt - Marion Dane Baeur
Rustle in the Grass - Robin Hawdon
Rusty - Joyce Stranger
The Remembered War series - Robert Vane
The Rescuers series - Margery Sharp
The Red Stranger - David Stephen
The River Singers & The Rising - Tom Moorhouse
The Road Not Taken - Harry Turtledove,
The Running Foxes - Joyce Stranger
Revier der Raben - Vanessa Walder [DE]
Salar the Salmon - Henry Williamson
Scary Stories for Young Foxes Duology - Christian McKay Heidicker
Scaleshifter series - Shelby Hailstone Law
Shadow Walkers - Russ Chenoweth
Scream of the White Bears - David Clement-Davies
Seekers saga - Erin Hunter
Serpentia Series - Frances Pauli
Shadows in the Sky - Pete Cross
Shark Wars Series - EJ Altbacker
Silverwing series - Kenneth Oppel
Silver Brumby series - Elyne Mitchell
Sirius - Olaf Stapledon
SkyTalons Series - Sophie Torro
Solo's Journey - Joy Aiken Smith
Sky Hawk - Gill Lewis
Snow Dog - Jim Kjelgaard
Song of the River - Soinbhe Lally
Spirit of the West series - Kathleen Duey
Survivors series - Erin Hunter
Stray - A.N Wilson
String Lug the Fox - David Stephen
Swashbuckling Cats: Nine Lives on the Seven Seas - Rhonda Parrish & Co.
Swordbird series - Nancy Yi Fan
The Sheep-Pig - Dick King-Smith
The Sight & Fell - David Clement-Davies
The Silent Sky - Allan Eckert
The Silver Claw - Garry Kilworth
The Stoner Eagles - William Horwood
The Stink Files - Jennifer L. Holm & Jonathan Hamel
The Snowcat Prince - Dina Norlund
The Story Of A Seagull And The Cat Who Taught Her To Fly - Luis Sepúlveda
The Story of a Snail Who Discovered the Importance of Being Slow - Luis Sepúlveda
The Story of a dog called Leal - Luis Sepúlveda
The Story of a Red Deer - John Fortescue
The Summer King Chronicles - Jess E. Owen
Schogul, Rächer der Tiere - Birgit Laqua [DE]
Stadt der Füchse - Vanessa Walder [DE]
Tailchaser's Song - Tad Williams
Tarka the Otter - Henry Williamson
Three Bags Full - Leonnie Swann
Thy Servant a Dog - Rudyard Kipling
Tomorrow's Sphinx - Clare Bell
Torn Ear - Geoffrey Malone
Thor - Wayne Smith
Trickster -  Tom Moorhouse
Two Dogs and a Horse - Jim Kjelgaard
The Tale of Despereaux - Kate DiCamillo
The Travelling Cat Chronicles - Hiro Arikawa
The Trilogy of the Ants - Bernard Werber
The Trumpet of the Swan - E. B. White
The Tusk That Did the Damage - Tania James
The Tygrine cat - Inbali Iserles
Ultimate Dragon Saga - Graham Edwards
Under the Skin - Michel Faber
Varjak Paw duology - S.F Said
Vainqueur the Dragon series - Maxime J. Durand
War Bunny series - Christopher St. Jhon
War Horse - Michael Morpurgo
War Queen - Illthylian
Warrior Cats series - Erin Hunter
Watership Down/Tales of Watership Down - Richard Adams
Ways of Wood Folk - William J. Long
Welkin Weasels series - Garry Kilworth
West of Eden - Harry Harrison
Whalesong Trilogy - Robert Siegel
Whale - Jeremy Lucas
Whispers in the Forest - Barbara Coultry
White Wolf - Henrietta Branford
White Fang - Jack London
White Fox Series - Jiatong Chen
Wings trilogy - Don Conroy
Wild Lone - Denys Watkins-Pitchford
Wild Animals I Have Known - Ernest Thompson Seton
Willow Tree Wood Series - J. S. Betts
Wings of Fire series - Tui T. Sutherland
Winterset Hollow - Jonathan Edward Durham
Wolf: The Journey Home | Hungry for Home: A Wolf Odyssey - Asta Bowen
Wolf Brother series - Michelle Paver
Wolf Chronicles - Dorothy Hearst
Wolves of the Beyond Series - Kathryn Lasky
Woodstock Saga - Michael Tod
A Whale of the Wild - Rosanne Parry
A Wolf Called Wander - Rosanne Parry
The Waters of Nyra - Kelly Michelle Baker
The Wolves of Elementa series - Sophie Torro
The Wolves of Time - William Horwood
The Wolf Chronicles Series - Teng Rong
The Way of Kings - Louise Searl
The White Bone - Barbara Gowdy
The White Fox/Singing Tree - Brian Parvin
The White Puma - Ronald Lawrence
The Wild Road & The Golden Cat - Gabriel King
The Wildings & The Thousand names of darkness - Nilanjana Roy
The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
The Wind Protect You - Pat Murphy
The Wolves of Paris - Daniel P. Mannix
Yellow eyes - Rutherford Montgomery
The Year Of The Dinosaur - Edwin H. Colbert
Zones of Thought series - Vernor Vinge
Z-Verse series by R.H
Comic Books/Graphic Novels
Animosity - Marguerite Bennett
Age of Reptiles - Ricardo Delgado
Legend - Samuel Sattin Koehler
Mouse Guard - David Petersen
Pride of Baghdad - Brian K. Vaughan & Niko Henrichon
Rover Red Charlie - Garth Ennis & Michael Dipascale
Stray Dogs - Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner
We3 - Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely
Beasts of Burden - Evan Dorkin & Jill Thompson
LOBO: Canine Crusader of the Metal Wasteland - Macs-World-Ent
The Sandman: Dream of a Thousand Cats - Neil Gaiman
Animal Castle - Xavier Dorison & Felix Delep
Blacksad Series - Juan Díaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido
Scurry - Mac Smith
The Snowcat Prince - Dina Norlund
Rankless - Maggie Lightheart
Animal Pound - Tom King & Peter Gross
Animal Castle - Xavier Dorison & Felix Delep
BlackSad - Juan Díaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido
Picture Books
Steve the Dung Beetle: On a Roll - Susan R. Stoltz & Melissa Bailey
Hot Dog - Doug Salati
The Rock from the Sky - Jon Klassen
Whoever Heard of a Flying Bird? - David Cunliffe & Ivan Barrera
A Cat Named Whiskers - Shana Gorian
Ocean Tales Children's Books Series - Sarah Cullen & Zuzana Sbodová
Jake the Growling Dog - Samantha Shannon
Indie Written Works
Fins Above Series - MIROYMON
Journey of Atlas - Journey of Atlas
Africa - Arven92
After Honour - genstaelens
Awka - Nothofagus-obliqua
Arax - Azany
Amarith - Eredhys
The Apple's Echo - Helianthanas
Alone - Magpeyes
The Blackblood Alliance - KayFedewa
The Betrothed - Kibisca
Black Tyrant - Zapp-BEAST
Blue - HunterBeingHunted
Beast Tags - TheRoomPet
Spy - Utahraptor93
Be Reflected in my Eyes - Aquene-lupetta
Carry your voice - TacoBella
Caelum Sky - ALRadeck
Crescent Wing - Mikaley
Crescent Moonlight - AnimalCrispy
City of Trees - SanjanaIndica
Corpse - doeprince/ratt
Darbi - Sherard Jackson
The Devils Demons - Therbis
Doe of Deadwood - Songdogx
Dyten - Therbis
Desperation - PracticelImagination
Equus Siderae - Dalgeor
Empyrean - Leonine-Skies
Enchantment - FeralWolf1234
Fox Fires - Pipilia
Forget me Not - Nitteh
Fjeld - Dachiia
Felinia - Rainy-bleu
Golden Shrike - doeprince/ratt
Ghost of the Gulag - David Derrick Jr.
Horse Age - BUGHS-22
Hiraeth - AFlameThatNeverDies
Half-Blood - majkaria
Horns of Light - ThatMoonySky
I Hope So - Detective Calico
The Ivory Walk - TacoBella
I'm not Ready - Wolfkingdom372
Jet and Harley - doeprince
Kestrel Island - Silverphoenix
Kin - Fienduredraws
KuroMonody - IrisBdz
Krystal - Nitteh
The King of Eyes - CloverTailedFox09
Legend of Murk - Azany
LouptaOmbra - Loupta Ombra (OngakuK, MlleNugget & joeypony)
Leopards bring rain - Kyriuar
Mazes of Filth - petitecanine
Minimal All You Are - mike-princeofstars
Nine Riders - SpiriMuse
No Man's Land - TacoBella
Never seen the Day - R3dk3y
Norra - shadowmirku
Obsidian Fire - SolinaBright
Oren's Forge - teagangavet
Off-White - Akreon
Out Of Time - IndiWolf
Rabbit on the Moon - Songdogx & Nitteh
The Rabbit Hole - Detrah
RunningWolf Mirari - Mirella Menciassi
Raptor - ElenPanter
Redriver - FireTheWolf777
Repeat - Songdogx
The Rabbit's Foot - riri_arts
Scurry - Mac Smith
Simbol - Zoba22
Spirit Lock - Animal Crispy
The Sylcoe - Denece-the-sylcoe
Sunder - Aurosoul
Tainted Hearts - Therbis
Taxicat - owlburrow
That's Freedom Guyra - Nothofagus-obliqua
Three Corners: A Kitten's Story - Lara Frizzell
Tofauti Sawa - TheCynicalHound
Two of a Kind - ProjectNao
To Catch a Star - SleepySundae
Under the Ash Tree - ChevreLune
Uninvited - Nothofagus-obliqua
Water Wolves - LuckyStarhun
What Lurks Beneath - ArualMeow
Water Wolves - LuckyStarhun
Wild Wolves - Lombarsi
White Tail - SleepySundae
What's your damage? - FrostedCanid
The Wolves of Chena - Yamis-Art
Waves Always Crash - Hellhunde
The Whale's Heart - Possumteeeth [Warriors Fancomic]
A Centaur's Life - Murayama Kei
Beastars - Paru Itagaki
Chi's Sweet Home - Kanata Konami
Ginga Series [Silverfang] - Yoshihiro Takahashi
Gon - Masashi Tanaka
Houseki no Kuni | Land of the Lustrous - Haruko Ichikawa
Inugami-Kai - Masaya Hokazono
The Jungle Emperor - Osamu Tezuka
My roommate is a cat - Minatsuki & Asu Futatsuya
Crimsons – The Scarlet Navigators of the Ocean - Kanno Takanori
Rooster Fighter - Shū Sakuratani
Simoun - Shō Aikawa
The Fox & Little Tanuki - Mi Tagawa
Yuria 100 Shiki - Nobuto Hagio
Massugu ni Ikou - Kira
Cat Soup
The Amazing 3
Cat + Gamer - Wataru Nadatani
Animated Series
101 Dalmatians: The series & 101 Dalmatian Street
A Polar Bear in Love
Baja no Studio
Bagi: Monster of Mighty Nature
Bannertail: The Story of Gray Squirrel
Centaurworld (2021)
Chirin's Bell
Chironup no Kitsune
Dokkun Dokkun
Gamba no Bouken
Hazbin Hotel
Invader ZIM
Inu to Neko Docchi mo Katteru to Mainichi Tanoshii
King Fang
Koisuru Shirokuma
Kemushi no Boro
Kewang Lantian
Konglong Baobei: Shiluo De Wenming
Little Polar Bear
Manxmouse's Great Activity
Mitsubachi Maya no Bouken
Mikan Enikki
Massugu ni Ikou -
My Life as a Teenage Robot
Mikan Enikki
Ore, Tsushima
Okashi na Sabaku no Suna to Manu
Polar Bear Cafe
Robotboy (2005)
Seton Doubutsuki: Risu no Banner
The Amazing 3
Tottoko Hamtarou
The Adventure of Qiqi and Keke
Tama & Friends: Third Street Story
Watership Down (2018) & Watership Down (1999)
What's Michael?
Wolf's Rain
Wonder Pets
Live-Action/Hybrid show
Fantasy High
A Crown of Candy 
Burrow's End
Good Omens
Dinosauria - Dead Sound
My Pride - tribbleofdoom
Whitefall - Chylk
The Stolen Hope - Galemtido
Dragon's Blood - FluffyGinger
Helluva Boss -
Murder Drones -
Short Films
Alone a wolf's winter
Baja's Studio
Beautiful Name
Cat Piano
Cat Soup
Chicken Little
Far From the Tree
Ferdinand the Bull
Frypan Jiisan
Genji Fantasy: The Cat Fell in Love With Hikaru Genji
Gaitou to Neko
Hao Mao Mimi
Houzi Dian Bianpao
Je T'aime
Lambert the sheepish lion
Laoshu Jia Nu
Mahoutsukai no Melody
Monmon the Water Spider
Mushroom - Nakagawa Sawako
Of Mice and Clockworks
Osaru no Tairyou
Robin Robin
Sauria - Dead Sound
Smash and Grab
Street of Crocodiles
She and Her Cat
Space Neko Theater
Shiroi Zou | White Elephant
Shi | Food
Sugar, With a Story
Straw-saurus NEO
The Chair
The Blue Umbrella
The Shell Shocked Egg
The Dog Door
The Dog In The Alley
That's Why They Were Made
With a Dog AND a Cat, Every Day is Fun
Zhui Shu
Animated Films
101 Dalmatians duology
A Monkey's Tale (1999)
All Dogs go to Heaven
The Adventures of Lolo the Penguin
Alpha and Omega saga
An American Tail
The Aristocats
Animals United
Annabelle's Wish (1997)
Alakazam the great (1960)
Back Outback
Bambi / Bambi II
Brother Bear / Brother Bear II
A Bug's Life
The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales
Bee Movie
The Brave Little Toaster
Birds of a Feather
Back to the Forest
Chicken Run
Speckles: The Tarbosaurus || Dino King: Journey to Fire Mountain
DC League of Super-Pets
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Fantastic Planet
The Fox and the Hound
Finding Nemo/Finding Dory
Free Birds
The Fearless Four
The Good Dinosaur
Ghost in the Shell
Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio
Happy Feet/Happy Feet Two
Help! I'm a Fish
Home on the Range
Hoero! Bun Bun Movie
Hokkyoku no Muushika Miishika
Ice Age Franchise
Isle of Dogs
I Am T-Rex
Jungledyret Hugo
The King of Tibetan Antelope
Kuma no Gakkou trilogy
Lady and the Tramp
The Land Before time Franchise
The Last Unicorn
Leafy, A Hen in the wild
Little Big Panda
The Lion King Franchise
Lucky and Zorba
Lilo & Stitch
Last Day of the Dinosaurs
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
Marona's Fantastic Tale
Millionaire Dogs
My Friend Tyranno
Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants || Minuscule - Mandibles from Far Away
Mouse and His Child
Nezumi Monogatari: George to Gerald no Bouken
Oliver & Company
One Stormy Night
Over the Edge
The Plague Dogs
Pinocchio by Guillermo del Toro
Pipi Tobenai Hotaru
Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure
Raven the Little Rascal
Reynard the Fox (1989)
Rock a Doodle
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1998)
The Rabbi’s Cat
Samson and Sally
The Secret of Nihm
The Secret Life of Pets/The Secret Life of Pets II
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
Sheep & Wolves
The Seventh Brother
A Stork's Journey
Stowaways on the Ark
A Turtle's Tale
The One and Only Ivan
Toy Story
Twilight of the Cockroaches (1987)
The Trumpet of the Swan
The Enchanted Journey
Vuk the Little Fox
Watership Down (1978)
White Fang
The Wild
Wolf Children
You Are Umasou
Live Action/CGI Assisted Movies
Au Hasard Balthazar
Beverly Hills Chihuahua franchise
Cats & Dogs franchise
Charlotte's Web
Fluke (1995) - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Homeward Bound duology (1963 & 1996) - Disney
The Legend of Lobo (1962) - Disney
Strays (2023) - Universal Pictures
Pride (2024) - BBC
101 Dalmatians duology (1996 & 2000)
March of the Penguins
Meerkat Manor
Lemur Street
Gangs of Lemur Island
Orangutan Island
Prairie Dog Dynasty
Chimp Empire
Monkey Thieves
Monkey Kingdom
Animalia Survival - High Brazil Studio
Cattails - Falcon Development
Endling: Extinction is Forever
Gibbon: Beyond the trees - Broken Rules
The Lonesome Fog - Might and Delight
Meadow - Might and Delight
Niche - Stray Fawn Studio
Shelter / Shelter 2/ Shelter 3 - Might and Delight
Paws - Might and Delight
Stray - BlueTwelve Studio
The WILDS - Gluten Free Games
Wolf Quest - eduweb
Golden Treasure: The Great Green - Dreaming Door Studios
Spirit of the North - Infuse Studio
Ōkami - Clover Studio
Rain World - Videocult
Feather - Samurai Punk
Eagle Flight - Ubisoft Montreal Studio
Copoka - Inaccurate Interactive
Untitled Goose Game - House House
PaRappa - NanaOn-Sha
Night in the Woods - Infinite Fall & Secret Lab
Monster Prom - Beautiful Glitch
Them's Fightin' Herds - Mane6
E.V.O.: Search for Eden - Givro Corporation
(Pretty much most of Might and Delight games)
Online Browser Games
Flight Rising
Table Top Games
Bunnies & Burrows
Chronicles of Darkness
Mage: The Awakening
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Three Raccoons in a Trench Coat
World Tree (RPG)
Heckin' Good Doggos
Dungeons & Dragons (Depends on the GM)
In My Eyes You're a Giant - Sonata Arctica
It Won't Fade - Unia
The Cage - Winterheart's Guild
Other Online Projects
Cardinal West
Xenofiction Reviews
Gen. Videos
Trope Talk: Small Mammal on a Big Adventure by Overly Sarcastic Productions
Mirolapye - Varverine
Sonic the Hedgehog
My little pony
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Monter High
Tom & Jerry
Baldur’s Gate
Maya the Bee
The Little Polar Bear
149 notes · View notes
vintagetvstars · 2 months
CLOSED! Preliminary Hot Vintage TV Men List
Alright folks! We have one week left on submissions for the Hot Vintage TV Men's Bracket! As promised here is a list of all the Hot Vintage TV Men who have been submitted and passed our preliminary eligibility checks. There are a handful of guys on this list and one or two not on it that we are currently still debating on so reminder that this list is not final and subject to change.
Currently we have 231 Hot Vintage TV Men!
Also in advance of the competition I'd like to remind anyone submitting propaganda for someone that starred in a show that aired only partially during our timeframe or was under 18 for a part of a shows filming, to please make sure you are only submitting propaganda that is from within our timeframe and when the actor was 18 years or older. This is also just good to keep in mind in general as several people submitted actors for shows that aren't eligible for our tournament either because it was outside our time period or in one case the actor was underaged for the entirety of the show (though many were eligible for other shows they were submitted for). We do our best to screen for these things but sometimes it's hard to tell or it’s a show we don't personally know well enough so we appreciate help from y'all letting us know if you do catch anything.
List below the cut
Preliminary Hot Vintage TV Men List
Dick Van Dyke
Alan Alda
Hugh Laurie
Peter Falk
Adam West
Donnie Wahlberg
Kevin McDonald
Scott Thompson
David Duchovny
Henry Winkler
Leonard Nimoy
Scott Bakula
James Garner
Tom Selleck
Dave Foley
John Astin
Joe Lando
Patrick Troughton
William Shatner
DeForest Kelley
Michael Ontkean
Russell Johnson
Kyle MacLachlan
Bruce McCulloch
William Hopper
George Clooney
Jeffrey Combs
Michael Horse
Mark McKinney
Jensen Ackles
Alejandro Rey
Mitch Pileggi
David Cassidy
Jeremy Brett
Anthony Head
George Takei
David Selby
Rod Serling
Paul Gross
Desi Arnaz
Tom Baker
Richard Dean Anderson
David Keith McCallum
Richard Chamberlain
Charles Shaughnessy
David James Elliot
Vincent Van Patten
Darren E. Burrows
David Hyde Pierce
Randolph Mantooth
Ricardo Montalban
Gene Anthony Ray
William Hartnell
Patrick McGoohan
René Auberjonois
Alexander Siddig
Reece Shearsmith
Michael T. Weiss
William Shockley
Spencer Rochfort
Danny John-Jules
David Hasselhoff
Conner Trinneer
Patrick Stewart
Jonathan Frakes
Paolo Montalban
Scott Patterson
Armin Shimerman
Anthony Andrews
David Schwimmer
Blair Underwood
Sylvester McCoy
Andrew Robinson
Pierce Brosnan
Thorsten Kaye
Anthony Starke
Darren McGavin
Clint Eastwood
Joseph Marcell
Michael Vartan
Richard Ayoade
George Maharis
Michael J. Fox
Dwayne Hickman
John de Lancie
Andre Braugher
Robert Carlyle
Dean Stockwell
Matthew Perry
Robert Fuller
Michael Hurst
Dana Ashbrook
Jonathan Frid
Dirk Benedict
Martin Milner
Demond Wilson
Robert Conrad
Telly Savalas
Peter Davison
Michael Praed
Jason Bateman
David Tennant
Brian Blessed
Miguel Ferrer
Micky Dolenz
Wayne Rogers
Mike Farrell
Michael Dorn
Cesar Romero
Eddie Albert
Nate Richert
Nicholas Lea
Brent Spiner
Dick Gautier
John Corbett
Jeremy Irons
David Suchet
Raymond Burr
LeVar Burton
David Wenham
Clint Walker
Larry Hagman
John Goodman
Matt LeBlanc
Tom Smothers
Erik Estrada
Jeremy Sisto
Colm Meaney
Stephen Fry
Ted Bessell
Ron Perlman
Luke Halpin
Ted Cassidy
Kevin Sorbo
John Cleese
Colin Firth
Colin Baker
Fred Rogers
Ben Browder
Keir Dullea
Randy Boone
Kent McCord
Jimmy Smits
Mark Lenard
Jon Pertwee
Fred Grandy
Mark Hamill
Ted Danson
Adam Brody
Noah Wiley
Eric Close
Lee Majors
Jamie Farr
Tony Danza
Kabir Bedi
Seth Green
Rik Mayall
Hal Linden
Diego Luna
Peter Tork
Sean Bean
Sam Neill
Eric Idle
Ted Lange
John Shea
Ron Glass
Tony Dow
Mr. T
John Hurt
Avery Brooks 
Billy Dee Williams 
James Marsters 
Robert Vaughn 
Kevin Smith 
Davy Jones 
Luke Perry 
Robert Duncan McNeill 
Simon MacCorkindale 
Keith Hamilton Cobb 
Chad Michael Murray 
James Earl Jones 
Bruce Boxleitner 
Timothy Olyphant 
Andreas Katsulas 
Valentine Pelka 
Peter Wingfield 
Sebastian Cabot 
Michael Nesmith 
Timothy Dalton 
Michael Shanks 
Joshua Jackson 
Michael O’Hare 
Robert Beltran 
Simon Williams 
Paul Johannson 
Daniel Dae Kim 
David Boreanaz 
Boris Karloff 
Robert Wagner 
Brandon Quinn  
Walter Koenig 
Richard Hatch 
Christian Kane  
Francis Capra  
Nathan Fillion 
John Forsythe 
Patrick Duffy 
Tony Shalhoub 
Ioan Gruffudd 
Garrett Wang  
Joe Flanigan  
Rider Strong  
Michael Tylo 
Bruce Willis 
Skeet Ulrich  
Jeff Conaway 
Paul McGann 
Scott Cohen 
Mario Lopez  
Martin Kove 
John Stamos 
Judd Hirsch 
Johnny Depp 
Tom Welling 
Matt Bomer 
Grant show 
David Soul  
Bob Crane  
Tim Russ 
Rob Lowe 
Neil Patrick Harris 
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kevindavidday · 2 months
okay... so... hear me out. in trying to come up with a Kevin ship that you hadn't listed... I could only come up with Roland.
and like. it would work?! andrew's with neil now and not fucking with him anymore. kevin likes being flirted with/free drinks. roland likes pretty guys. like... are you seeing this?
it wouldn't be a longterm thing. it would be a columbia thing. an eden's thing. but yeah. anyway i'm insane but... kevin/roland 20k words, rated E with a break up at the end... someone get this on my desk asap! -🐼
oh kevin would break his heart so fast it would make the poor guy crumble...i like this one tbh i get it kevin/roland could have a lot of grief potential because roland would get attached anyone would get attached to a single speck of kevin day's attention but...kevin is a chronic leaver... he's going to leave him
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fandomwave · 8 months
"No Guys I Swear You Have To Go Out Of Your Way To Find It!" And why I don't love this take
This is about the Ha Ha funny Coffin Game which includes but isn't limited to topics of: Cannibalism, Murder, and the core topic of this little rant, Incest.
feel totally free to skip this if that's a hard pass from you! No shame in knowing what you're about including things you'd rather not engage with.
"I know what I'm about"
Good! So this entire little rant? Vent? Observation? Comes from the recent uptick I've seen of posts in the Tcoaal tag where people come in to defend the game with more or less this argument:
"No no guys the incest is really easy to avoid. You have to go out of your way to find it. The game even WARNS you that this is a bad route. Its nowhere in any part of the game beyond this. Honestly it's just not there actually"
And I get the want to defend the game as being more than 'The funny Incest Game'. I agree that The Coffin Of Andy and Leyley is WAY MORE than just the funny incest game. To reduce the game down to that would be a disservice to the writing that went into this game. Andrew and Ashley deserve way more and Numlie themselves deserves better credit than that.
h o w e v e r
However, I think it's also doing more harm than good to try and sweep their dynamic under the rug as something that is 'easily avoidable' and 'totally optional' I hate to break the news but Andrew's romantic inclinations towards Ashley are pretty obvious in Chapter 1. They certainly aren't as obvious as they are in Chapter 2, I'll give everyone that. But they are there, and to act like they aren't... Not to mention the defense EVERYONE gives so readily is that 'The Game Warns You This Is A Bad Thing To Do' is a lot more complicated than it might appear on first blush. First and foremost the 'narrator' is the one to say: "Somehow it seems like a highly questionable idea to take this route"
which imho is a far cry from "This is the bad end" "This has incest" "you are probably a bad person for taking this ending" that some seem to argue is the 'warning' you get. Secondly we should remember it isn't 'you' the narrator is talking to here. Effectively it's still Ashley first and foremost. When Ashley responds 'I know what I'm about' that is also the game showing us that Ashley knows what this means and still wants it.
Enthusiastic consent if you will
So what's the point to this little post eh?
Well I think it's doing a little more harm than good to both the story but also anyone interested in checking the game out who might actually be genuinely triggered by such topics. Tcoaal has the siblings romantic inclinations laced into the story from point A to B. It's impossible to avoid actually. You can go the entire game ignoring any acts of kindness towards Andrew as Ashley or Ashley as Andrew, and you'll always get the scenes of Andrew playing with Ashley's hair. You will always get the text informing the player that Andrew fakes panic attacks to share a bed with Ashley. You will always get the CG of Andrew's hand in Ashley's belt loops. You will always hear the voicemail 'You think you're better than me because you can fuck him and I can't' from Ashley concerning Andrew. You will always get the hints from Mrs Graves that she knows they are too close but did nothing to curb that behavior.
It is wholly unavoidable no matter what route you take. Burial, Decay, Questionable or not.
I think to argue that it's just a silly little ending you can get does a disservice to people who might genuinely be upset by that, and I think more than anything a game that is at the very least talking about incest rather brazenly deserves the warnings it earns!
I love this game to bits, anyone who's been within ear shot of me has had to deal with me talking their fucking ear off about the Sibling Abuse Simulator. I've gone on in excruciating detail how I think Tcoaal's writing has been done dirty by saying that Andrew and Ashley's romance is just a 'ha ha shock ending', comparing it to the siblings ending in something like Corpse Party (a game where the incest ending is 100% totally avoidable, and the story has exactly nothing to do with incest as a topic, and is only brought up if you trigger that ending. One where I agree with the argument that it's just there for shock value)
Anyways I see where people are coming from, I can understand the want to defend the game as more than the sum of it's parts and I agree that it does suck that this seems to be the thing everyone is hyper-focusing on in terms of it's breach of containment. I get it man, I really do. It deserves so much better than being reduced down the way it has by the greater internet.
But to say it's avoidable.. I dunno it's like taking the dragons out of Game of Thrones. The story as a whole about so much more than the dragons.. However you'd have a fundamentally different story if they weren't there, wouldn't you?
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shelyue99 · 5 months
I came across BoB only last year (thanks Netflix the best thing you have done to me) hence 22 years late. I wish I had done it earlier (I definitely heard about the title, maybe in the 2000s, but I was too young at the time to take interests in it and I forgot about it), but because of it there are already a lot of resources and materials (and numerous fanfics) to dig into. I love research and meta and here are something I found interesting and relevant to BoB (with a focus on Winters and Nixon) :
Ron Livingston's Band of Brothers Video Diary
We Stand Alone Together: The Men of Easy Company
He Has Seen War
Band of Brothers, by Stephen E. Ambrose
Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoir of Major Dick Winters, by Dick Winters, Cole C. Kingseed
Biggest Brother: The Life of Major Dick Winters, The Man Who Led the Band of Brothers, by Larry Alexander
Conversation with Major Dick Winters: Life Lessons from the Commander of the Band of Brothers, by Cole C. Kingseed
Hang Tough: The WWII Letters and Artifacts of Major Dick Winters, by Erik Dorr, Jared Frederick
Parachute Infantry: An American Paratrooper's Memoir of D-Day and the Fall of the Third Reich, by David Kenyon Webster
Tinderbox: HBO's Ruthless Pursuit of New Frontiers, By James Andrew Miller
HBO's official Band of Brothers 20th Anniversary Podcast
The Ross Owen Show, this blog has all the BoB cast interview recordings.
Dead Eyes
Other Materials:
"Band of Brothers" 20th Anniversary Symposium, the video can be found here.
Re the symposium, I love some of the trivia stories the cast shared, like when some replacement guy (I remembered it's Rene Moreno who played Ramirez but my memory could be fuzzy) were having dinner with the OG Easy men at this posh restaurant after shooting. Someone asked Moreno what he did today and he said he cut his hair and got to shoot the gun something like that, and Neal McDonough (Compton) asked him to drop and gave him 20, Moreno looked at Ron Livingston for help, who he thought was the only normal person at the table, but Ron was like yeah you had to do it, and so he dropped and did 20 push-ups and startled the waitress and other customers.
The other interesting episode is that when they were shooting for the river crossing scene in Ep 8, a replacement guy (Ramirez or Hashey?) who wasn't in the bootcamp and wasn't that immersed, jokingly told Dexter Fletcher (Martin) to fuck off, everyone went quiet like how dare you say to that to the officer, and Ross McCall (Liebgott) asked, "Permission to throw him off the boat, sir," Fletcher said let him think about it. They didn't throw him off the boat but I find the comparison between those who went to the bootcamp vs. those didn't and thus didn't have a clue is so interesting. Oh, and Matthew Settle still scared the other cast and staff because Speirs is so scary lol.
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 5 months
Tasty- Chapter 1
A new short series for y'all! Mostly smut with plot. #sorrynotsorry ;) Also can we talk about how fucking cute Tom Holland is?? As much as I do have love for Toby McGuire and Andrew Garfield, Tom is my fave. Enjoy!
Summary:  Peter just wanted to have one night of fun.  Then that night of fun almost killed him.  Now it won’t stop haunting him.  And he’s loving it.  *Curvy/plus size, female reader Warnings: mostly smut with plot, some physical pain
Next chapter
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It was Peter’s 27th birthday.  His coworkers from his job at The Daily Bugle took him out to a local bar that had dancing bar girls.  It really wasn’t his kind of place, but he went along with it.  It was nice to go out for fun for a change rather than on patrol as Spiderman.  He drank the fifth drink shoved in his hand, the alcohol not doing a lot to his high metabolism thanks to the spider bite all those years ago.  He could drink anyone in the bar under the table.  As the night drew on and his coworkers became increasingly drunk he could feel a slight tipsy sensation edging his brain as they whooped and hollered at the bar girls dancing on the counter.  He had a feeling like someone was watching him and turned, looking around the bar until his eyes met a pair of black eyes staring back at him.
He felt a jolt of his spider sense run through him, making him blink and when he looked at the eyes again they were no longer black but Y/C/E.  Peter shook his head as he took in the rest of the figure.  A woman, shorter than him by just a few inches, curvaceous, and a hunger in her eyes as she stared at him that made him feel excitement mixed with a strange sense of fear.  She gave him a lopsided smile, a smirk that screamed danger, then licked her lips and bit her bottom lip as she gave him a long look up and down.  He wasn’t always one to initiate a flirtatious encounter but felt an urge to go to her.  Peter smirked back at her, shoving down the trepidation he felt and walked over to her.  Happy Birthday to me, he thought smugly.
Peter approached her and leaned up against the wall she was standing by.  “Hey,” he greeted her, hoping it sounded more ruggedly handsome than he thought.
“Hey,” she cooed back at him, her smirk deepening.  “What’s your name, handsome?”
“Peter.  What’s your name, beautiful?”
She giggled at his compliment.  “Y/N,” she said, offering her hand out to him.
He shook her hand but didn’t let go of it, instead twisting his fingers so that he loosely held onto her fingers as he gazed at her.  “You here alone, Y/N?”
“Yes,” she said, her fingers squeezing.  “Looks like you're here with some buddies.  Happy Birthday, by the way,” she turned her body to face him more.
“Oh, thanks,” Peter shrugged shyly.
“How old are you?” Y/N said as she took a small step toward him.
“27,” Peter’s eyes widened slightly as her face leaned towards him, the hand he was holding pulling his arm behind to her lower back and rested it at the top of her pants.  “How old are you?”
“A lady never reveals her age,” Y/N winked at him, her hand now running up his arm and lingering on his neck for a moment before playing with the hair at the nape of his neck softly.
“Sure, but a lady needs to be of drinking age,” Peter said a little more seriously, not wanting to get in any trouble.
Y/N laughed at that, her laugh dancing around in his head, making him feel giddy.  “Of course.  I’m 33,” she said.
“You like slightly younger guys?” Peter asked, his eyes narrowing at her teasingly.
“Sometimes,” Y/N said as she looked up at him through her lashes.  “You like slightly older women?”
“Love them,” Peter said as he leaned down, his nose gently bumping hers, making her smile widen.  She set her drink down on a nearby table and her other hand looped around his neck with the other one, her nails giving his head a good scratch.
“Hm,” she hummed, her eyes darting from his eyes to his lips and back.  “Can I give you a birthday present?”
“I love presents,” Peter said as he stared at her lips, his voice coming out as a husky grumble.
Y/N licked her lips again then pulled him down and kissed him.  Peter’s hand at her back fisted into her shirt, pulling her body closer to his as he deepened the kiss.  She blindly pushed him towards a dark part of the bar, turning so that he was pinning her against the corner of two walls.  His hands gripped her hips as she opened her mouth for her tongue to lick along his bottom lip.  He opened his mouth and tasted her back.  The kiss became increasingly frenzied, tongues licking frantically and nipping and sucking each other’s lips.  He moved to start kissing her neck but she stopped him and kissed his neck first, licking along his jugular roughly and sucking at it as her hands slid down his shoulders, one stopping at his upper back to keep him close and the other roaming down to his pants.
She slipped her fingers past his belt and under his underwear, her fingers grasping his cock and slowly pumping his shaft.  Peter almost buckled, his hands plastering against the walls to keep himself upright.  As she continued to stroke him she moved her lips back up to his mouth, lewdly kissing him then sucking on his tongue at the same speed she was stroking his cock.
Peter moaned loudly, his breathing erratic.  When she let go of his tongue he gritted his teeth and his hand dipped into his pants to stop her.  “Fuck, if you keep doing that I’m gonna cum.”
Y/N giggled.  “That’s kinda the point.”
“Not here,” Peter said, his eyes sweeping around them to make sure no one was looking.
“Your place or mine?” she asked, her tongue licking along his neck again.
Peter quickly pulled her outside and hailed a cab.  He gave the driver his address then turned to Y/N who was already pawing at him to pull him close again.  They made out in the cab, the driver turning the radio up louder so he couldn’t hear their moans or panting breaths.  As soon as the cab pulled up at Peter’s apartment complex he threw some bills at the driver then nearly ripped Y/N out of the car and towards the door.  They made out again in the lobby, the elevator, through the hallway until he was finally able to get his door unlocked.  Once he had closed it behind them he pushed her towards his bedroom, her hands pulling his shirt off.  They reached the bed and she pushed him down onto it first.  “Sit against the headboard, handsome,” she instructed him.  He quickly obeyed and moved himself up against the pillows.  “Good boy,” she praised him, cocking an eyebrow at him.  She slowly removed her shirt, revealing a lacy, bright red push-up bra.  Peter groaned at the sight.  She then pulled her pants down to reveal the matching lacy bottoms, her thighs jiggling as she got on the bed and started to crawl towards him.
“You smell so good, you know that?” Y/N whispered as she pulled his pants and underwear off.  
“Holy shit,” Peter whimpered as she laid down in between his legs.  Her hand returned to his cock, slowly stroking him again.
“I just wanna taste,” she glanced up at him, then licked the tip of his cock slowly.  Peter’s head fell back against the headboard, his hands gripping the blanket beneath him.  She wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and started slowly sucking him, her tongue licking around him as she bobbed her head up and down on him.  Peter had never been given such good head before.  His hips trembled as her fingers dug into his thighs, her head and mouth doing all the work.  She sunk her head down so far that he hit the back of her mouth and instead of gagging she just swallowed, the tip dipping down into her throat.  Peter shook, a deep moan falling past his lips.
“FUCK, how did you…ungh,” Peter whined as she pulled back up and gave him a hard suck before popping her lips off of him.
“Got your blood rushing,” Y/N sighed as she straddled his lap, her clothed pussy grinding down on his cock slowly.  “Feel good, handsome?”
“So good…so good Y/N, God,” Peter gripped her hips, helping her grind against him.
Her hands slid up his torso, giving his nipples playful flicks and tweaks that made him rut up against her.  She kissed him again, her tongue entangling with his again and giving it another suck as her hands then ran down his arms, pulling his wrists behind his back slowly.  “I can smell you…best thing I’ve smelled in a long time,” Y/N licked along the side of his mouth and down to his neck.  “Gonna taste you…you bloody tease,” she moaned as she sucked along his jugular again.
A part of Peter’s brain was screaming at him that something was wrong, the way she was talking about him smelling good was weird and abnormal, but his cock felt so good being rubbed by her underwear, her own wet arousal seeping through her panties onto him making his eyes roll back in his head.  One of her hands tightened around his wrists to keep his arms back, her other hand coming up to grip the back of his neck and pulling it further to the side.  “You gonna cum for me, handsome?”  She sniffed him as he nodded, his hips trying to thrust up into her harder.  “Cum for me,” her voice suddenly changed, a deep resonant command filling his head and making him feel more aroused than he had ever felt in his entire life.  It made him desperate as he felt his balls tighten and he tensed before his cum spurted onto her hips and his stomach.
Y/N suddenly hissed and bit him.  Peter’s mind short circuited.  The confusing mix of pleasure and pain made him jerk against her, his hands trying to pull out of her hold but her grip was unyielding.  His desperate moan as he came morphed into a yelp and grunt as he felt her teeth sink into his neck and she sucked at the vein.  His spider senses kicked into overdrive, making him panic as he tried to fight her off.  Y/N moaned deeply as she sucked from him, her hand at the back of his head almost ripping at his hair to keep him still as she drank from him.  Peter squirmed until he could feel himself start to get tired, his eyes fluttering as his strength depleted slowly.
“What the hell…?” he mumbled as the fight in him gave up.  His body slumped against the headboard.  His vision slowly blackened, the sound of her heavy breathing becoming distant until he was gone.
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madreemeritus · 2 months
Love Never Dies slander because I can (it's ok if you like the show, I'm just giving my personal opinion)
The wasted potential of Love Never Dies haunts me.
Because a sequel to the musical is not a bad idea, actually. But writing an adaptation of "Phantom of Manhattan" (very famous for being horribly written) was definitely a terrible one.
Andrew basically wrote a bad E/C fanfiction that ignores completely Erik's redemption (and obviously, his past terrible actions) and Christine's arc of empathy and indepedence. Meg Giry and her mother became villains for some reason? And they have the worst swerfy slutshaming against Meg, really disgusting. Gustave is a useless character, he only exists to bring Erik and Christine together (Beneath a Moonless Sky woulndt exist without him, I don't know if that's a bad or a good thing). And, even though I heavily dislike Raoul, I agree that it's pathetic what they did to him. Raoul became an alcoholic caricature of himself that mistreats both Christine and his son for no reason other to make Erik look better. Again, I don't like Raoul, I also think he's toxic and he could be portrayed REALISTICALLY as a bad husband. But not like that lol
And, like. What is the purpose of erasing Erik's redemption and giving him Christine's (and Gustave's) love as a prize if you make him even worse? This Erik abandoned Christine after FUCKING HER. He and Raoul make a bet over owning Christine like if she is some kind of object. This Erik is horrible to Giry, which makes no sense, he even creates a freakshow and exploits disabled people??? Literally what has done to him in the past??? Also, Erik being a rich business man with little to no social struggles is so ridiculously out of character lol. "Mister Y" doesn't act like Erik himself.
The ending is straight up bullshit. It's too ridiculous and irritating to be tragic. Christine has absolutely no agency in LND, her entire arc is choosing between her boring alcoholic husband or the teacher that abandoned her after fucking her 10 years ago (not to mention that Erik's past mistakes, like, idk, maybe KIDNAPPING HER, killing Piangi and Buquet, is not even mentioned. No one remembers that). And then she sings a pretty song, chooses Erik, and dies. Wow. Amazing. She dies by accident by the way, because Meg shot her... unintentionally? Depending on the actress, I think. I won't even talk too much about Meg's character assassination because it just frustates me. "Oh the deranged sex worker that is punished with abandonment and pain by the end". Ugh.
The songs are amazing though. This I can't deny, even like, Bathing Beauty, it has nothing to do with POTO but it's a good song honestly.
Love Never Dies could be a good sequel. Erik trying to make amends for his mistakes, having terrible coping mechanism (as always), maybe they could explore his relationship with Madame Giry (even if she is depicted as a morally grey character). Christine realizing that she and Raoul were too young when they made the decision to marry, and that she has much more potential than what the victorian patriarchal society has to offer her. It could even end with E/C being canon, but like, with actual development??? Him learning how to behave apropriately, actually healing and being a better partner? (because he doesn't grow in Love Never Dies, he just gets Christine for sometime before she dies, he learns nothing, he just becomes an asshole that is portrayed as the good guy 'cause "Raoul is worse")
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whiskydisky · 1 month
alright buddy you asked for those headcanons....
a lot of them are for rachel for some reason, or just me projecting, or really out of character, I thought of them in the shower, blah blah blah you don't wanna hear me yap.
some of them are also just "____ reminds me of _____", and they shift past and present tense cause I'm STUPIDD so sorry
Andre doesn't really have a definite music taste, he just listens to whatever Cal likes and whatever's on the radio (OR SO HE SAYS)
He was pretty much a straight A student, he probably would've even gotten a scholarship.
His family has had Mel since she was a kitten.
His favorite arcade games are those hunting simulators with the guns.
REPRESSED HOMOSEXUAL (obviously), but he probably would've never figured it out anyways.
If he was alive today he would've been one of those shitty misogynistic fortnite players that watch andrew tate and you can't change my mind.
His bed is the best thing you will ever lay on, it's so ridiculously comfortable.
out of character, but it's funny, so who cares. andre secretly LOVES pop music, but he never really gets a chance to listen to it.
cannot draw anything to save his life.
HATES musicals. absolutely despises them.
still sleeps with this one stuffed animal he's had since he was a kid. its a lamb.
THE HEAVIEST SLEEPER YOU WILL EVER MEET. it is almost impossible to wake him up unless he does it on his own.
he's red to me.
autistic. how many more characters will I project onto? only god knows.
necklace guy.
one of those white guys that punch holes in walls when they get mad.
pops his fingers a lot.
paranoid about balding. (AND FOR GOOD REASON.)
knew absolutely nothing about guns before andre started talking to him about them.
him and rachel were childhood friends.
had a MASSIVE cd collection. just shelves and shelves of cds in his room that him and andre would listen to when they hung out.
doesn't really like going out.
sonic fan. im not explaining he just seems like one.
his entire wardrobe is just black band shirts and jeans because black shirts "go with anything" (he isn't wrong).
bracelet guy.
a little spoiled, ends up spending money like an idiot because of it. (example, his massive cd collection)
the way he was bullied was either physically or those kinds of "my friend has a crush on you" type deals
huge music geek, and gets angry when andre doesn't keep up with all of the stuff he tells him about bands.
REPRESSED BISEXUAL. he probably would've figured it out.
middle school was the absolute worst for him.
says the absolute meanest shit about people and then says "but who am I to judge?" and thinks that covers it
absolutely loved chuck e cheese animatronics as a kid.
he's blue to me.
draws on himself a lot, just draws in general, it's a way for him to fidget.
definitely neurodivergent.
chews off the paint on his nails, and his nails.
hums a lot.
not exactly a "popular kid" but people do hang out with her.
air hockey god, nobody can challenge her, they will lose.
earing girl.
people sometimes look at her weird for hanging out with cal, but she defends him.
had a little crush on cal, but nothing would've really come out of it anyway.
her house is super nice, like those grandma homes with the glass figures and useless decor with lace everywhere and uncomfortable couches to sit on. I'll send a picture if u don't know what I mean.
really nice to hang out with.
fidgets with her hoodie strings a lot.
one of those people that can adjust their personality depending on who they're hanging out with.
doesn't like andre because of his reputation and how cal acts around him (like how he actually is), but she doesn't actively bully or talk about him. she isn't that kind of person.
absolutely loved prom but the ride home was so incredibly awkward that it almost ruined the night for her.
has naturally curly hair, but doesn't really treat it right so it's pretty frizzy.
HATES it when car windows are down, her hair gets in her face a bunch.
also doesn't like putting her hair up unless it's really hot out.
paints cals nails. she knows he's a little 💅💅💅 but doesn't say anything.
really liked cal.
i do think she moved on, but it definitely took her a long time.
I'm very sick and tired of the "lesbian best friend" trope in caldre fics, she just doesn't seem like it to me.
falls asleep unnaturally quick.
absolutely loves going out, especially to malls or the park where she can walk and talk with people.
really good in school.
freshman year was horrible for her.
really likes reading and writing, she has a journal that she keeps to herself, it's one of those that have keys to them and stuff.
absolutely obsessed with unicorns as a kid. wanted them to be real so badly.
worried about how she'd look on her college application.
hung out with cal AND andre one time. did NOT like it and absolutely still talks to cal about how bad it was.
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