#android app monetization
fluper · 1 year
The numerous ways app developers can earn cash from their mobile applications are called mobile app monetization. All possible app monetization tactics are in-app purchases, subscriptions, advertising, freemium models, affiliate marketing, sponsorship, and paid downloads.
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cybtekk · 5 months
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With the help of professional app monetization techniques from a app development company, you may unlock revenue possibilities. Profit maximization done smoothly. Boost the app's revenue success right now!
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indusos · 2 years
The Best 5 Hindi Apps on Indus App Bazaar
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Looking for Hindi Apps, try it now.
Every year, India observes Hindi Diwas on September 14.
It is a truly global language, with 615 million speakers making it the third most spoken language globally.
Check out this extensive list of apps accessible on Indian mobile bazaar if Hindi is your native language and you're seeking popular mobile apps to utilize.
Kundli in Hindi
Want accurate horoscope forecasts and solutions? Using a kundli, you may check your Dasa, bhava, transit predictions, and Kuja doshas and receive advice on how to deal with your life's challenges. For a free horoscope analysis, you can use the app. The software has received over 100,000 installs, making it highly popular
2. Awaaz.com
Love to consume podcasts? Awaaz will take care of you. It offers more than 12000 text pieces and more than 1700 hours of excellent audio content for free.
The most extensive spoken-word audio and podcast network in English, Hindi, Marathi, and Urdu is called Awaaz.
It offers content in various genres, including comedic, inspirational, bhakti (devotional), business, lifestyle, stories, poetry, music, cricket, Bollywood, and entertainment. Additionally, you can listen to live show audio and participate in audio competitions and games
3. Hindi Children's Alphabet Learning
The Hindi Kids Learning Alphabets app is a fantastic way to introduce Hindi to your kids.
This Android app store offers a variety of categories to pick from, and allowing kids to trace the letters also gives them practice writing. Kids can play enjoyable memory games and games where they must recognize the words or visuals. It teaches pronunciation skills by using images and words with sounds. It has surpassed a million installations.
4. Hindi Recipes
Imagine your plate being laden with mouthwatering, colourful, and delightful food. Sounds enticing. Check out the Hindi Dishes mobile app to learn all of these recipes. It has recipes from throughout the nation. There are a total of 18 categories available. The best part is that using the app offline is entirely free. It has surpassed a million installations.
5. Hindi Editor Hindi Pride
Are you trying to find an editing program that can translate English to Hindi? Test out Hindi Editor. When you press the spacebar on the transliteration app, your English text is immediately converted to Hindi using an English keyboard. It is a trustworthy, free IME (input method editor) with over 100,000 installations.
With more than 200 million users, Indus App Bazaar is India's most prominent independent Android app store. With our translation services into 12 regional languages, we help your app reach the remotest regions of India. Today, Indus App Bazaar is offering free app publishing.
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oneknightstand-if · 6 months
By the way, do you plan to publish your books under Hosted Games or on your own? I just remembered that HG doesn't allow any changes in the game's visual design. Although, its was discussed on the forum in relation to major changes like different colors for stats scale instead of default red/blue. So, I can't say if it's applicable to the trick you've used to toggle dark mode on/off during the hellhound scene.
If you're going to use Choicescript then you're basically stuck publishing through Choice of Games/Hosted Games if you want to monetize the game.
(Not unless you've got a large enough fanbase who doesn't mind the game being available through that online only sublicense. But since a lot of the purchases for these types of games come through the Android/iOS Apps, I'm not sure how great of a deal that would even be.)
They've been revamping a lot of the code lately (such as adding checkpoints now) and this will take years before it's ready for final publication, so I guess we'll just see what ends up happening by that time.
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But yeah, this uses a lot of coding that isn't officially allowed for some reason or other. The brief changes to the background color for a single page use the *script command (a big no no), the customized menu buttons are done through editing ui.js (another no no), not to mention the 100-slot save system.
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snowbunnywatching · 8 months
Could you judge my idea? Be gentle though 😐
A PSA system for Black men and white women to announce they’re dating. Each time a mixed couple reports themselves as dating, all iPhones, Androids, laptops, TVs, etc. within a 30-mile radius would receive an alert that’d let everyone hear the happy news. The new couple could put down their names or ask to remain anonymous, whatever they feel most comfortable with, but the purpose would be to build confidence for Black men and white girls.
Black guys who’ve developed shy, cautious personalities after internalizing a lifetime of racist rhetoric telling them they’re not good enough would quickly see just how valuable women find them to be, while hesitant white girls who perceive themselves as the only person around who’s attracted to Black men would realize just how widespread the ambition to date a Black man actually is. Imagine women who feel alienated about loving who they love suddenly receiving alerts about their friends, classmates, coworkers, cousins, aunts, sisters, and even mothers finding the new man they always wanted in their lives!
A simple app might seem nice, but I imagine someone would try to monetize it as soon as possible, and older Black men and white women who’re not as tech-savvy may not even discover it at all.
The downside would be the incessant pinging going off on every glowing screen; this would probably lead to demands for the notifications to be reduced to merely hourly (and eventually, just daily) summaries.
Other ideas could be announcements of new couples in the previews before movies, sections of newspapers or news sites solely dedicated to the ever-expanding list of mixed marriages, following the “happy birthday” announcements before sporting events with a new “best wishes” for all the new BM/wf relationships/marriages listed in the local area, etc.
Sorry if it's cliché, but hopefully there're at least some original, worthwhile ideas there.
I think it's a great idea.
A small modification: Instead of generating notifications, news of the happy couple appears on every user's home screen. Every user would have a section on their home screen that would show off random couples throughout the day.
The section would be locked, impossible to turn off or move. And clicking on it would allow you to view more information about the couple (should they choose to divulge it): Age, height, how they met, etc.
This way, every time you checked your phone, you would be greeted with a subtle reminder that Black men and white girls are falling in love all around you.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
Threads, Meta's new social media app, has signed up 100 million new users less than a week since its launch last Wednesday, making it the fastest-growing app in history.
Like other social media apps, users probably barely scanned − or skipped − the terms and conditions for what information Threads can collect, share and sell about them.
Meta probably already had a lot of information about users because Threads is built upon its Instagram platform.
Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning.
So how much does Threads already know about you, and what can it do with that data? Here are a few reasons to be concerned about your privacy.
What information does Threads collect?
Social media platforms monetize user data by selling relevant ads based on your location and activity, but, along with the usual app privacy requests like browsing history and location data, Threads also asks for financial information, health and fitness data, diagnostics and a nefarious-sounding "sensitive info."
Many users have voiced concern over Threads for its 14-point list of data permissions you're granting Meta to use the app. Twitter, by comparison, has 10 of these.
"I would say it's at the outer boundaries of what's usually expected, which is to be expected from its connection to Facebook, a brand long known for being especially hungry to take in user data and commercialize it in different ways," says Dan Ackerman, the new editor-in-chief at Gizmodo, a leading technology, science and culture news publication.
Android users can toggle off some of the data requests from the app, while the Apple App Store is "more take-it-or-leave it," Ackerman said.
"It also doesn't help that there's no browser-based fully functional version of Threads right now, and so you have to use the app version," he said.
Meta declined my request for comment and clarification.
Is Threads data collection worse than Twitter?
It's not necessarily malicious, suggests Tim Bajarin, a veteran technology analyst and Chairman of the San Jose, California-based market research firm Creative Strategies. "Users should know this Threads data list is pulled directly from Instagram, and it's all tied to their advertising engine when they start to monetize Threads.  
"When you sign off on financial info, for example, they're not looking at your bank statements or anything," Bajarin said.
Rather, Threads collects what you're posting about and liking, where you are, and whether you bought something through a third-party site, app or game you logged into using your connected Facebook/Instagram ID (usually to avoid creating a new password altogether).
Bajarin said users are granting Meta access for future advertising.
"Meta isn't giving you a free app out of the goodness of their heart − they're there to make money, which is mostly from advertising."
Threads can collect and save this information, and the data can also be shared with third-party services that connect to your Threads profile.
Can you deactivate Threads?
Yes, but you cannot delete it without also deleting Instagram, Bajarin said.
"Meta built (Threads) on the Instagram infrastructure, on top of the program itself, and so it would be very difficult to uninstall one and not both – at least the way it's engineered today. ... They could eventually be spun out to be completely separate apps," Bajarin said.
To deactivate (but not delete) your Threads account, Adam Mosseri − the Instagram boss who now spearheads the Threads app – says you can choose to hide your Threads profile and content, delete individual Threads posts and set your profile to private, as reported by USA TODAY contributor Jennifer Jolly.
"Threads is powered by Instagram, so right now it's just one account, but we're looking into a way to delete your Threads account separately,” he posted.
Ackerman said the fact Threads is built on Instagram is actually a boon for Meta and users, "as it's especially easy to sign up for, has no wait list, and is simple to use." But "in order to delete your Threads account after you sign up, you’ll need to delete your Instagram account, as well, which reminds me of the difficulty people had deleting their Facebook accounts in the past, and how there was a lot of fine print about what data Facebook would keep unless you jumped through extra hoops."
Is the Threads app safe?
Threads is asking for more permissions than Twitter, so it boils down to your comfort level.
Though some of the privacy permissions seem ludicrous – granting Threads access to health and activity data and other "sensitive info" on a smartphone just seems wrong – no one is forcing users to install and use Threads or any other social media app that monetizes its free platform by delivering personalized, contextual ads to you.
Threads is available in more than 100 countries, but perhaps it's no surprise it isn't available in the Europe Union just yet: Meta was forced to pay more than $400 million by EU regulators for forcing users to accept targeted ads.
Personally, I am using and enjoying Threads quite a bit but wish there was more clarity about how my data is collected and used. And I'm disappointed Meta declined to clarify things.
I select "Ask not to track" on all iPhone apps to reduce an app's visibility into my web browsing activity, and I have a virtual private network (VPN) on my computer for extra privacy, but perhaps it's true there is nothing truly free in this world – it's just up to each person to decide whether the cost is worth it.
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bugswarm · 1 year
I know this is tumblr and we generally don't care about Reddit much but hear me out
So, there is an issue over on reddit that is happening. They are trying to go publicly traded soon and so they are making a bunch of changes and its really screwing a lot of people over and causing issues. The current issue at hand though, is that they want to try to monetize more and took a page out of Elon Musk's book with Twitter and decided to make it so their API (ill explain in a second) cost money to use.
Now, if you don't know what an API is, basically its the door you use to access the servers. Every time you want to get to a new page you have to go through the door. If you go through it on their website or official app, its free because they collect your data and sell it to advertisers and feed you targeted ads between posts. But if you use a 3rd party app it costs that 3rd party app money. A lot of big power users on reddit use 3rd party apps to access reddit and up until now its been free.
The bug main 3rd party apps anticipated this change and had been discussing with reddit's admins about it for months. They had been told the price would be reasonable. A few days ago it came out that the prices would be in the millions per year. These 3rd party apps make maybe in the 10s of thousands a year at most generally speaking if they make anything at all. And by and large are considered to be the best possible experience you can have on reddit on a mobile device. (The mobile website constantly pushes you to use the app and forced you to use the app to view nsfw posts, the official app has a lot of problems and is missing large parts of the functionality from the regular desktop website and the iOS and Android versions of the app are very different from one another. Oh and both are known for being almost completely inaccessible disability-wise as things like screenreaders barely work on the app for whatever reason if at all. The 3rd party apps different between each other but most have the majority of the functionality and then some added on top of that.)
In addition to the proposed price changes, there is apparently also a plan to make it so any post or subreddit marked as NSFW is not viewable on 3rd party apps at all even if you were to pay the insanely high API prices. So the only way to see a lot of the NSFW content on a mobile device, would be to use the barely functional official app (since the mobile website punts you to the apps for NSFW posts already). Its not quite a tumblr-style porn ban but its the next worst thing.
A fuckton of subreddits are banding together to do a blackout protest for a few days/until the coming changes get reversed starting on the 12th. Its questionable on if it will do anything or if it was planned from the beginning in a Door-in-your-Face attempt.
I know this doesn't really affect Tumblr on its own but the more major sites that start fucking over their users like this, the worst the internet gets as a whole.
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bitchfitch · 11 months
what’s the tool you use to model your drawings? the one you used when you drew that guy with all the hands? also if it costs money, do you know of any alternatives that are free?
it's a phone app called magic poser, Ive used the android version for like 3?yrs. Which is important to note bc as like, a loyalty perk, when they switched over to the new monetization system last month I got the mid tier pay-once option for free and am currently in my free trial for the max tier monthly subscription option. if you want more info/examples you can check out my poser blog @grey-fuckers-unlimited since I have a few posts over there about all the features and user experience and what not.
I know blender, and design doll are other free options for the PC, and if you or someone youre buddies with have a school email you can get Maya for free. but I don't know of any other free app based posers that are like. worth your time to check out.
(there's other purpose posers on the PC I just mostly use 3d design software bc like. Already knew how to use it and can download/make an infinite number of models. why not)
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bellakenobi · 1 year
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Tutorial - Extracting the assets from Shining Nikki for conversion for Sims games (or anything, really)
Finally! In advance I'm sorry for any errors since english isn't my first language (and even writing in my actual language is difficult for me so)
And first, a shoutout to The VG Resource forums, where I found initially info about this topic 😊 I'm just compilating all the knowledge I found there + the stuff I figured out in a single text, because boy I really wanted to find a guide like that when I first thought about converting SN stuff lol (and because there's a lot of creators more seasoned than me that could do a really good job with these assets 👀)
What this tutorial will teach you:
How to find and extract meshes and textures (when there's any) for later use, and some tips about how stuff are mapped etc on Shining Nikki.
What this tutorial will not teach you:
How to fully convert these assets for something usable for any sims game (because honestly neither I know how to do that stuff properly lol). It is assumed that you already know how to do that. If you don't know but has interest in learning about CC making (specially for TS3), I'd suggest you take a look at the TS3 Tutorial Hub, the MTS tutorials and This Post by Plumdrops if you're interested in hair conversion. Also take a look on my TS3 tutorials tag, that's where I reblog tutorials that I think might be useful :)
What you'll need:
An Android emulator (I recomend Nox)
A HEX editor (I recomend HxD)
Python and This Script for mass editing
A 3D Modeling Software for later use. I use Blender 2.93 for major editing, and (begrudingly) Milkshape for hair (mostly because of the extra data tool).
Download everything you don't have and install it before starting this tutorial.
Now, before we continue, a little advice:
I wrote this tutorial assuming that people who would benefit from it will not put the finished work derivative from these assets behind a paywall or in any sort of monetization. These assets belong to Paper Games. So please don't be an ass and put your Shining Nikki conversions/edits/whatever behind a paywall.
The tutorial starts after the cut (and it's a long one).
Step 1:
Launch Nox, then open Play Store and log in with a Google account (if you don't have one, create it). Now download Shining Nikki from there.
After downloading the game, launch it. It will download a part of the game files. After that, log in on the game, or create a new account in any server (the server is only important if you want to actually play the game. For extracting it doesn't really matter since the game already has the assets for the upcoming events and chapters. It also doesn't matter if you actually own an item in game, you can extract the meshes and textures even if you don't have it in game). If you're creating a new account, the game will lead you through the presentation of it etc (unfortunately there's no way to skip it).
After that, click on that little arrow button on the main screen. There, you can download the actual clothing assets. Wait for the download to finish (at the date I'm writing this tutorial, it is around 13GB). When finished, close the game (not the emulator).
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Step 2:
Now we're going to copy the assets to our computer. Click on Tools, then on Amaze File Manager. Navigate to Android > data > com.papergames.nn4.en > files > DownloadedBundle > art > character. This is the folder where (I believe) most of the assets are stored.
Now, where the stuff is located respectively:
Meshes are on the meshes > splitmeshs folder
Textures are on the textures > cloth folder
Tip: Want to really data dump everything? Just select the folders you want and copy to your PC! 😉
Click on the three dots on the side of the wished folder, then in copy. Then click on the three lines on the left upper corner to open the menu, and then click on Download. Now just pull the header of the app to show the Paste option and click on it. It might take a while to copy completely (the cloth folder might take longer since it's bigger, so be patient).
If you're confused, just follow the guide below:
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The copied folder will be located at C:\Users\{your username}\Nox_share\Download
Step 3:
Now that we got the files, we need to make them readable by AssetStudio.
For this, we need to open the desired .asset file on a hex editor, and then delete the first 8 bytes of the file, and then save.
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You can see it is a pain to do that manually to a lot of files right? This is why I asked my boyfriend to create a script to mass edit them. (I only manually edit when I'm grabbing the textures I want, because afaik the script won't work with .tga and the .png files, more about that forward this tutorial)
How to use the script:
Make sure Python is already installed, grab the nikki-fix-headers.py file and place it on the folder where you copied the folder from the game (mine is still the Nox_Share Download folder).
It should look like this, the meshs folder and the script.
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Let's open the Command Prompt. Hit Windows + R to open the Run dialog box, then type in cmd and hit Enter.
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Now follow the instructions pictured below:
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The folder with the edited files will be at the same location:
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Now, we finally can open it all on AssetStudio and see whats inside 👀
Step 4:
Open AssetStudio. Now click on File > Load Folder and select the folder where your edited meshes are (mine is "splitmeshs-fixed"). Wait the program load everything. Click on Filter Type > Mesh, and the on the Asset List tab, click twice on the Name to sort everything by the right order, and now we can see the meshes!
To extract any asset, just select and right-click the desired groups, click in Export selected assets and select a folder where you wish to save it.
Stuff you need to know about the meshes:
Step 4-A: Everything is separated by groups.
Of course you'll have to export everything to have a complete piece. Only a few pieces has a single group. When exporting, you have to select every group with the same name (read below), and the result will be .obj files of each group that you have to put together in a 3D application.
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Step 4-B: The names are weird.
They're a code that indicates the set, the piece, the group.
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Items that doesn't belong to a set won't have the "S...something", instead they'll have another letter with numbers, but the part/piece type and group logic is the same.
As for the parts, here are the ones I figured out so far:
D = Dress
H = Hair
AEA = Earrings
ANE = Necklace
BS = Shoes
ABA = Handheld accessory
AHE and AHC = Headpieces/hats/hairpins
AFA = Face accessory (as glasses, eyepatches, masks)
(maybe I'll update here in the future with the ones I remember)
Step 4-C: The "missing pearls" issue.
Often you'll find a group that seems empty, and it has a weird name like this:
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I figured out that it's referent to pearls that a piece might contain (as in a pearl necklace, or a little pearl in a earring, pearls decorating a dress, etc). The group seems empty, but when you import it to Blender, you can see that it actually has some vertices, and they're located where the aforementioned pearls would be. I think that Unity (SN engine) uses this to generate/place the pearls from a master mesh, but I honestly have no idea of how the game does that. So you'll probably have to model a sphere to place where the pearls were located, I don't know 🤷‍♀️ (And if you know how to turn the vertices into spheres (???) please let me know!)
Step 5:
Now that you already extracted a mesh, we're gonna extract the textures (when any). Copy the textures > cloth folder to your PC like you did with the splitmeshs folder.
Open it, and in the search box, type the name of the desired item like this. If the item has textures, it will show in the results.
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Grab all the files and open them in HxD (I usually just open HxD and drag the files I want to edit there), and edit them like I teached above. Then you can open them (or load the cloth folder) on AssetStudio, and export them like you did with the meshes.
Stuff you need to know about the textures, UV map, etc:
Step 5-A: The UV mapping is a hot mess (at least for us used to how things works in sims games).
See this half edited hoodie and the UV map for a idea:
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So for any Sims game, you'll have to remap everything 🙃 Also, stencil-like textures all have their own separated file.
As for hair, they all use the same texture and mapping! BUT sometimes they are arranged like this...
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Here's the example of a very messed one (it even has some WTF poly). Most of them aren't that messy, but be prepared to find stuff like this.
Shining Nikki just repeat the texture so it end up covering everything, for Sims you'll need to remap, and the easiest way is by selecting "blocks" of hair strands, ticking the magnet button to make your seletion snap to what is already placed (if you have familiarity with blender, you know what I'm saying). Oh, some clothes are also mapped with the same logic.
Regarding the hair texture, I couldn't locate where they are, but here is a pack with all of them ripped and ready to use. You can also grab the textures from any SN hair I already converted :)
The only items with a fine UV map are the accessories, at least for TS3 that the accessory has a UV map independent from the body.
"But I typed the ID for the set and piece and couldn't find anything!"
A good thing to do is to search with only the set ID and edit all the files with it, because some items (especially accessories) share the same texture file. But if even then you can't find anything, it means that there's no texture for this particular item/group because Shining Nikki use material shaders* to render different materials like metal, crystal, some fancy fabrics, etc. So you'll have to bake or paint a texture for it.
*I believe that those shaders are located on the other cloth folder in the game files. This one is way bigger than the other one and once I copied it to see what it was, AssetStudio took ages to load everything, almost used all my 16GB of RAM, and then there was only code that the illiterate me didn't know what it was 🤷‍♀️
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So that was it! I hope I explained everything, although it is a little confusing.
If you have any questions, you can comment on this post or send me a PM!
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violetvelourr · 3 months
A bit about TikTok, a bit about sanctions... this and that :D
A small exception as I normally use this blog to post Kakashi stuff, but… since this whole situation affects my Kakashi mania…
It was quite a surprise to find out that TikTok’s parent company was actually Chinese...
I have to admit that I don’t have a full insight on how TikTok operates, but, see, since the beginning of the sad events in Ukraine TikTok had actually imposed probably the most harsh restrictions on the Russian audience among the social media platforms: Russia had been basically cut off from the rest of TikTok and TikTok content was sort of split into two parts.
Here’s how it works: if I open TikTok with no preparations, I only see content made by Russian creators around before-March-2022. And of course, I cannot post any new content.
In order to access the proper TikTok, I, as a user of iPhone who cannot hack the app itself (Android users are more lucky I guess), have to not only use VPN, but actually must also have a foreign SIM-card turned on (and as I can use two SIM-cards I have to turn off the Russian one). Again, no other social media platform had restricted our access this much.
The only other resource I know that perhaps can compete in how much they don’t want Russians around is eBay: I am unable to change the shipping address and use my account to order, even to deliver to the USA. I’ve used all my IT intelligence (it’s not that great but definitely higher than that of an average Internet user) and was only ever able to order to Kazakhstan (but even so – only as a guest – all my new accounts were promptly banned, regardless of VPN, proxy/anonymisers, etc.) which had an interesting effect and lead to a wild story of how I later retrieved my parcels from Kazakhstan 🤣
But yeah, with eBay, at least I understand. With TikTok… I think they are influenced more than they admit because damn even with Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr I can just use VPN and do what I please (even though I constantly worry that they would do something to my account – but nope. I just can’t monetize, but I don’t care about that much and I think I could potentially solve this issue if I wanted to)…
And I wouldn’t wonder about it if it wasn’t for two things:
For example, AliExpress, a huge Chinese shopping platform, never banned Russia and operates just like it did before February 2022. They generally don’t have the policy to strangle Russia as far as I understand because it took them a couple of weeks to restore payment with our cards (which are banned everywhere else in the world – I have a bank account in Kazakhstan for my foreign operations which is mildly inconvenient).
And second, which annoys me quite a bit, is that TikTok, by doing what they did, had harmed not only the spoiled Russian brats that no longer had a place to wiggle their butts in (seriously I saw those videos of those teens literally bawling about it 🤦‍♀️). But I don’t know if they realize it or not, TikTok was quite a valuable platform for fund-raising. Charity, animal shelters, surgeries, expensive medical treatment, you name it! And that was all cut off. This is what really hurt. I’d like to hope that they readjusted… but I really don’t think that even in light of everything that was fair to those whose lives relied a lot on TikTok. Alas… Politics matter above all… Whoever cared about the poor and disabled?..
So yeah, it was indeed surprising to find out about the parent company.
Anyhow, if TikTok gets banned in the USA, ask me, I’ll teach you how to bypass it 🤣🤣🤣
Welcome to our world!..
I would definitely laugh if TikTok opens up to Russia out of spite, haha… But something tells me… they’ll just surrender – too much at stake.
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hummerous · 1 year
Told you I'd follow you. I have no idea how tumblr works, but this seems to be the most monetization-resistant social website left. The king is dead, long live the king!
you did!! you'll figure it out - it's kind of a pain the first week. you'll have an easier go of it with the old network and all but there's always an adjustment period.
if you're on the android app, I highly recommend going back a few versions
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net-craft · 5 months
iOS vs. Android App Development: Choosing the Right Platform
In this article, we will compare iOS and Android app development in terms of market share, user demographics, development tools, costs, and monetization strategies. We will also give you some tips on how to choose the best platform for your app based on your goals and target audience.
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Unveiling Appz Review: Create Unlimited Apps
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Appz Review: In this segment, you can present the Appz Reviews and make sense of why you are auditing it. You can likewise give some foundation data on the application business, like its size, development, and potential. You can likewise specify that the Appz Reviews is a cloud-based application that changes any watchword, URL, site, online business store, blog, or page into an iOS and Android PWA application in 60 seconds. You can end the presentation with a postulation explanation that sums up your central matters and assessment on the stage.
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ideahat-universe · 8 months
Youtube's insane war with Adblock
Anti Adblock has been the bane of any casual website viewing experience and any website I visits that had those banners is typically written off entirely, and now Youtube is one of them but they take it to a whole nother level. Apparently on the Ublock reddit. They have to routinely change up how they block the banner every couple of days and by extension, you will have to update your ublock every couple of days for it to work and may have to only use Ublock because it can conflict with other blockers.
How did we get here? Oh right, every multi million dollar corporation keeping the lights on with advertisements. Advertisements so bad the our governments actually consider it a good idea to have ad block on because advertisements are a hotbed for malware to speak nothing of deepfakes or outright scam ads that the FTC considers too small a problem to get rid of.
I mean ever since Ross from the game dungeon released his video where he said that Games as a Service are Scams I've been workshopping basically the same sentiment for advertisements.
Companies sell ad space with no expectation that customers will click on the ads, only that for all intents and purposes, they presented the ads to you and are thus owed money for providing that service.
Advertisers dump tens of thousands of dollars just so the advertisement can be clicked on with the possible chance of making a sale as that's the only way to actually get a return on the investment of the advertisement in the first place.
After all a really great product doesn't even need an advertising budget per se. Word of mouth is so powerful, hell, a 7-10 review of a product from a random youtuber generates more attention and sales than a million dollar super bowl advertisement. As long as you get the right Youtuber it's way more cost effective to not have traditional ad spaces.
Not that sponsors are free from guilt. Sponsors are often scams as well. There's been more than a couple sponsored products that were scams but unlike Youtube/Google which can sell ad space to con artists and never suffer an issue, one video from Scott Schafer can convince the youtube community to effectively deplatform a bad product or service.
I mean Raid Shadow Legends still falls through the cracks but it's better than nothing.
But I've been preparing for this, actually a few people have. Louis Rossman has been working on some Manhattan project called Grayjay that will bring multi platform streaming all under one app.
There are of course other streaming platforms with different, more affordable hosting methods as well as ways to monetize content that hopes to not make the same mistakes Youtube makes with budgeting.
There's my method which is downloading every video you think you'll ever want to watch more than once, putting it on a single hard drive and then using some server hosting service like Plex and you just stream your own content to yourself (which by the way is really affordable to do as long as you are okay with 1080p to 360p as higher resolutions on very long videos like streams will soak up a lot of space for what is just one video).
A third method is installing Linux on a machine and gain access to some linux exclusive apps like Freetube which removes the bad aspects of Youtube and only has the videos as well as sponsorblock with no ads to boot (you won't be able to block content though and there's no algorithm so you better know what you want to find because you are on your own for real).
The last method is Vanced. It was supposed to be dead but like a building that's closed 11 months in a year, it sprung to life one day and now lives although you will have to have a android device and learn the side loading method to get it really working.
I've been saying this about Youtube and Twitter X for awhile now but you really should consider a future where Youtube doesn't exist, companies are tightening their budgets across the board, once the advertising firm gets slashed basically everything dependent on it will evaporate. Not enough people will ever use Youtube Red to keep the lights on for Youtube as Youtube's budget is constantly scaling and impossible to price in.
The lost media Youtube will create when it shudders is beyond your comprehension.
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hazzzzzzman · 9 months
` Is blogging still relevant in today's age of TikTok and Instagram? ' Let's talk about it
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Let's start by understanding what is exactly `blogging'.
'blogging' refers to when users create blog posts which are then published on a website (Indeed editorial team 2023). The blogs are usually long in terms of content and are focused on a specific topic. Blogs can be used for personal interest or professionally that highlight niche or specific topics whether in the form of articles or media that are posted for the community to read.
Let's discuss how blog is used why it is popular and how does it fare at different times. Firstly blog content is often updated which means its information is always up to date. Secondly, Blogs encourage engagement amongst communities who have a common interest in specific topics being said blogs allow more conversations and interaction than a typical website does (Duermyer 2022). This implies that communication can be maintained with the audience. Blogging helps to accelerate audiences when they are interested in such topics. Since blogging is all about long-form content it is known that blog content can be beneficial for marketing purposes and is well-known for enhancing or increasing search engine optimization (SEO) ( Blogger 2021). Finally, blogging is crucial when it comes to marketing and SEO as mentioned, examples are how blogs help create brand visibility. Another benefit would be how blogs can help grow brand awareness and build loyal and trust as the ability to discuss matters such as information, feedback, and advice is provided ( Hines 2022).
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TikTok? Instagram?
Instagram launched in 2010 and has been reported to have gained around 3 million users in just 4 and half months after its launch. It was initially available to Apple users but in 2012 it was released for Android OS and thus gained 50 million users within the month of that release (Big 3 Media 2021). As time goes by Instagram offers appealing marketing tools as well as monetization such as sponsored posts and advertising which makes it an attractive social media platform.
Instagram or any other similar social media is easier to start than blogging as it requires a short-content form, provides excellent networking features, and tends to move faster than blogging. Throughout the year Instagram has been finding methods that are comparable to its competitors such as Snapchat or TikTok to sustain its core users in terms of retaining short-span attention and better communication forms (Big 3 Media 2021).
TikTok on the other hand is a uniquely different platform and is very opposite of how blogging works. TikTok is in a short-form video format with users who can add sounds and make videos of various contents that adhere to the restrictions and rules.
What is the history of TikTok and who uses it?
TikTok Was created by a Chinese company called Bytedance in 2016 and is named Douyin in China but is known as TikTok in other countries.
TikTok is focused on providing micro-entertainment and distractions for the market. The application also applies an algorithm in terms of whether users like that video thus making it appear more frequently in their 'for you' page. Educational and business-oriented content is also emerging and popular in the use of TikTok besides entertainment ( Daniel 2022).
TikTok had more than 3 billion downloads and more than 1 billion monthly users as of January 2022.
The most downloaded app internationally in 2020 and 2021 was TikTok.
TikTok users are mostly between the ages of 16 and 24 (60%)
The average age of TikTok's global viewership is under 34.
With users in more than 150 countries, the TikTok app is accessible worldwide.
On average, users of the TikTok app spend 52 minutes per day using it.
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Now is blogging dead and is no longer relevant with the appearing social media of right now especially popular ones like Instagram?
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The answer is a definite
In a nutshell, blogging is still relevant throughout the year until now. Report shows that blogs are on of many forms of content used within content strategy (Singla 2023). In fact it is the second most used form of primary content with videos being the first. Blogging platforms begin to evolve and move forward just as other social media platform to keep up with their competitors social platforms. Blogs will be everlasting in the unforeseen future as the format really emphasized on engagement and retention. According to Singla, statistics on blogs percentage usage shows out of estimated 1.7 billion websites out in the world, roughly 600 millions are in the shape of blogs. Thus we can say Blogs are still relevant even in this age where other social media platforms are popular.
My personal take
I think that blogs is uniquely different compare to other formats of content of social media. The idea of discussing a specific or niche topic in the form of long-content really brings out the passion or interest in communities or users. As the possibility to share or discuss information among selves brings out even more connectivity and networking for the audiences of blogs. Blogs are sure to last a while and continue to be effective in terms of gaining insights, information or marketing purposes.
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Big 3 Media, 2021, A brief history of Instagram and its rise to popularity, Big 3 Media, viewed 30 September 2023, <https://www.big3.sg/blog/a-brief-history-of-instagram-and-its-rise-to-popularity>
CreativeEdge, 2021, Blogging vs social media: What's the difference and why blogging is beneficial, CreativeEdge, viewed 30 September 2023, <https://creativeedgemediagroup.com/blogging-vs-social-media-whats-the-difference-and-why-blogging-is-beneficial/>
Duermyer, R 2022, What is blogging?, Thebalance, viewed 30 September 2023, <https://www.thebalancemoney.com/blogging-what-is-it-1794405>
Hines, K 2022, 6 reasons why blogging is important for marketing and SEO, SearchEngineJournal, viewed 30 Septembet 2023, <https://www.searchenginejournal.com/7-reasons-why-blogging-is-still-important-in-2012/39225/>
Indeed Editorial Team 2023, What is blogging?(with definition, advantage and tips), Indeed, viewed 30 September 2023, <https://in.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/what-is-blogging>
Julson, E 2023, Blog vs social media :which one is the best?, The Unconventional RD, viewed 30 September 2023, <https://www.theunconventionalrd.com/social-media-vs-blogging/>
Singla, A 2023, Is blogging still worth it in 2023?(7 questions answered), Master blogging, viewed 1 October 2023, <https://masterblogging.com/is-blogging-still-worth-it/>
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tarraxahum-ish · 2 years
I'm frequently consumed by nostalgia for the times where a lot of things were new
All the phones were different and tried to introduce new quirky features etc, so getting a new phone was An Experience. Now they all look the same and it's the matter of reinstalling your old apps. Or rather, removing all the invasive options and uninstalling shit. I suppose switching from iOS to Android and vice versa is somewhat an experience, but still. Same shit, same apps.
When my family first bought a printer it was An Experience. We spent like a month printing everything we could think of just to try out this fun new thing. I think about those days every time I casually scan some work documents or whatever.
Dammit, buying videogames used to be an experience! New game would come out and I'd run to the store praying it'd be there and then back home with the treasured box in my hands! The smell of that box! The tutorial booklets inside! Same with movies and music! (The books still hold 'cause if you buy them in store then they're not digital, it's a whole another kind of difference)
Sure being able to just download shit straight up on release is quick and convenient, but I feel nothing clicking a button (and then waiting a day for the game to be downloaded 'cause my connection sucks).
...the worst part of it, though?
I can't quite decide if it's just that the world became so streamlined and convenient that there are no fundamentally new things to be offered...
...or if my brain is just dying.
It's HARD to get yourself off social media 'cause that's where all the people and all the content is and it's just so easy to scroll it.
It's HARD to detox from tech when all the job opportunities for your skillet are online and you're supposed to be networking to get yourself even a minimal goddamn wage at a proper place.
It's HARD to remember how to create for yourself when you've become addicted to engagement and also the world around you convinces you you have to monetize everything you do, lest you wish to starve.
It's HARD to learn new stuff, new programs. Hell, stuff that I could do at 12 is now hard too. It probably has something to do with a lot of undiagnosed shit.
I just want to be excited about something the way I was excited about the goddamn printer again. Please.
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