evelhak · 1 month
I’m curious about a few: Propinquity, Anem and Bitchberg (a great name, lol)
Well, you've already read about Bitchberg by now from the previous ask. :D
Lol, I actually winced a little when I saw you asked about "Propinquity" since it's the current working title of my Akashi centric fic, and I know you don't find him that interesting. It's still just a bunch of "notes" (=bits of monologue and dialogue that come to me and I have to write down so I won't forget). I haven't actively started this fic yet, since I can't really write multiple projects at the same time. I will probably have to finish another shorter fic after The Luminous Things, before I get to this one.
I know the opening lines, though:
Winning is like breathing. Sometimes I wake up, gasping for air, but my lungs seem to have fallen into a partial state of paralysis.
Or something fairly close to that. The idea has been in my head for a long time, because I really enjoy digging up ignored dimensions that kind of naturally follow from whatever is going on in canon.
There is of course one thing in this fic that could interest you: The main love interest is an OC. :) You know some things about Azumi already. Here's a snippet that will probably serve as her introduction in the fic:
I absolutely pretended to be the empress of this micro-utopia, growing up. Not because it was mine to conquer, or control. Because it was mine to know. To pick apart. Explore, taste, and merge with. A little pocket of wonder in this huge city, a bubble with its own rules. That's what I came to realise pretty soon, anyway. About the world. How different, how illogical and ultimately unsatisfying it was, compared to my shrine, my home, my own ecosystem, my island of undisturbed ground. It frustrates me that the rest of the world doesn't know how to do it. Live and let live. Give and take. Circle of life. A system that works. Because I was born into it. An heir to it. Happiness.
Micro-utopias are a huge element in my whole fic series as it progresses, and there are several kinds of them, Azumi's home life being its own example. Utopia is generally something I'm really interested to write about, especially because a lot of people claim you can't write interesting utopia without making it dystopia in the end, and I very much disagree with that, as people are always imperfect, so you don't need to add any intentionally awful circumstances for a story to have conflict, if you're writing believable people. For me, the key to what makes the most out of utopia is to centre it around whose utopia it is and why. This got slightly off topic, these are just themes I really like exploring and since my fics are my playground, I definitely use them for exploration of things I might want to write later in a more polished form in my original fiction.
The working title "Propinquity" came while I was writing a chapter in The Luminous Things where Kagami ends up lost in Kyoto (it's complicated) and spends the night in Azumi's place, where he has many enlightening conversations with Akashi. (Azumi and Akashi are already together in my main fic timeline, their own fic will cover how they got together, among other things.)
Here's a snippet from the chapter also titled "Propinquity", which I haven't yet posted anywhere, so things might still change a little, but for now, Akashi muses something like this in it:
"[Propinquity] is the central theme of this shrine. Things develop, and change, and prosper in propinquity. It rings true, doesn’t it? Right things, wrong things… so it really matters what you surround yourself with. It’s not enough to know and think. You have to see, and taste, and touch… A plant wouldn’t grow from the understanding that it needs water, if it never got it. It would still die from poison, no matter how informed it was. Azumi knew all of this, so bone deep. That’s why she was disappointed with the world. That’s why she retreated back to her paradise. I think that’s what caught my attention at first. How she had a physical place to go to when she needed to get away."
I probably would not have developed any need to write a story about Akashi's love life on my own. (Well, it's not all there is to it, but it is a how-they-get-together type of story). It was the influence of my ex, who's a big Akashi fan, and as I have probably said before, Azumi was originally her OC that we worked on together a lot. Eventually I grew attached to Akashi and Azumi together, and now I have my own version of the story.
I don't think I actually read any Akashi x OC fics myself, but my ex read them and complained about them, usually, and I picked up on two pretty common patterns, which I didn't want to do: I didn't want the OC to be 1) poor, or 2) have a similar family dynamic and childhood trauma as Akashi. This is because I wasn't interested in dealing with the power imbalance that tends to come with very different socioeconomic standing, and I also didn't want to write a relationship where people get stuck in validating each other's trauma, and it takes them a long time to grow beyond that phase because their relationship is centred around how similar their experiences are. I wanted to hit that sweet spot which I like the most, a relationship that centres around growth, having enough common ground, and being inspired by things about the other that you've never experienced before, or even believed really exists in the world. The kind of relationship that makes you feel that you want to fill your own gaps, and a key factor in that is the proximity, or, propinquity to a person you can rely on, because they don't have the same weaknesses as you. I just really love writing about people who are good influences to each other.
A lot of this fic will also be about dissociation and trauma. Yay.
Anem, then, is another original novel I've started multiple times without being completely satisfied. The premise is pretty classic religious cult + good girl/bad girl dynamic, or at least would seem like that in the beginning.
Here's how I seem to have described it on my website at some point:
Dina is a good girl. She picks up flowers every morning, to put on the altar of her family’s home. She’s chaste, she’s beautiful. She fears God. Semira is a “Wild One”, she rarely goes to church, she speaks out of turn. She could be beautiful, if her hair wasn’t so short. Dina doesn’t think it’s her job to save Semira. After all, if the Fathers don’t know how to help the girl, how could she? But Dina keeps ending up spending time with Semira anyway, and the more she does, the stronger the big black swirling something grows in her stomach. There’s clearly something very wrong about Semira. And there’s something wrong about the woods surrounding their isolated village. Dina knows she’s supposed to stay away, but Semira keeps going into the woods.
It has a lot bigger world and anything but clear-cut themes and dynamics, even though it may seem like that in the beginning... and it's one of those early projects that are sort of everything, because you're not good at narrowing it down yet. It's like a dystopian supernatural medieval fantasy horror philosophical cult story I wrote just to barf out everything I was thinking in my early years of studying theology. It's certainly a cult story, but is the cult the big bad or the world around it? It's certainly a queer story, but is it a love story or a hate story? It's certainly trying to say something, but what? No one knows, not even me. It's a big mess.
I'm also starting to feel like I'm dealing with every element and theme I have in this story, in some other story too, and coincidentally someone from my writing group actually just got a book published this year that has a strikingly similar setting and themes, (we both wrote them without knowing about each other) and even though it shouldn't, it does kind of add to my confusion to what to do with this story. I do still want to write it at some point, but it's a big question mark that sort of just pops up from below the surface every time I'm not actively thinking or writing about another project.
Some angsty pictures of Dina, also drawn in my early university years (Oh Lord how obvious my Arina Tanemura influences still were in the way I draw):
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Yeah... at least they are accurately dramatic to the story.
Thanks for the ask. I hope there was something entertaining. <3
For anyone curious, here's the WIP list.
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dimorphodon-x · 1 year
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It, admittedly, takes Hastur about five minutes to notice that they aren’t moving at all, despite how much more than ten seconds had passed. She looks up, and sees that other passengers look equally as confused. When she strains her ears, she can hear variations of “Is there a delay?” and “Did something happen?”, although it doesn’t seem like anyone has an answer.
She looks at the two passengers in the seats next to her. One of them was the dejected individual she’d seen earlier, asleep with their arms crossed. Hastur stares at the design on their shirt, and glances to her left at the girl beside her, swinging her legs and humming. 
“Hey,” Hastur says, getting her attention with a hand wave, “Do you know what’s going on?”
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fattyaly · 2 years
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I did not joke that my therapy is playing dress up doll with him
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v-exian · 1 year
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I decided it’s fanart time (even if I for some reason draw fanart constantly, I should really focus on my own colony..)
Character belongs to -> @dimorphodon-x Anem
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romarestyle · 2 years
Le principali rappresentanze di autori, artisti ed interpreti, editori e case discografiche hanno lanciato un appello a Governo e Parlamento per scongiurare la soppressione del Bonus Cultura 18app.
La filiera della musica a sostegno del Bonus Cultura 18app Le principali rappresentanze di autori, artisti ed interpreti, editori e case discografiche hanno lanciato un appello a Governo e Parlamento per scongiurare la soppressione del Bonus Cultura 18app.Si tratta di una misura che ha incentivato i consumi musicali negli ultimi anni portando molti giovanissimi ad avvicinarsi alla musica in…
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yeagerbitchh · 3 months
“Average demigod passes out 3 times a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. The average demigod actualy passes out 0.5 times per year. Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, passes out about 50 times a year. Jason is an statistical outlier and should not have been counted.
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dykesbites · 1 year
anemone makes me want to eat drywall girl stop pushing away the people who love you DUMP YOUR STUPID PIECE OF SHIT BOYFRIEND stop looking for approval with the helios they will never see you as one of them.... AURGAHGHHHHAAHHHHH
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valtsv · 3 months
never underestimate how stupid blood loss can make you. however stupid you think it is, i promise it's stupider.
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beingsanket · 1 year
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lilycoris · 4 months
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newbuyitnow · 2 years
minha anem dz
minha anem dz
La phrase "minha anem dz" est une expression unique et intrigante qui vient de l'arabe algérien. Elle est composée de trois mots : "minha", qui signifie "de cela", "anem", qui signifie "dormir", et "dz", qui est une abréviation famili��re pour "Algérie". Ensemble, la phrase peut être traduite approximativement par "j'ai dormi en Algérie" ou "mon sommeil est en Algérie". C'est une phrase qui a gagné en popularité sur les réseaux sociaux et parmi les Algériens vivant en Algérie et à l'étranger.
Les origines de la phrase ne sont pas claires, mais on pense qu'elle a été popularisée par une chanson populaire en Algérie. Depuis, la phrase est devenue un mème populaire sur les réseaux sociaux et une source de fierté pour les Algériens. Elle est également devenue un symbole de l'identité algérienne, représentant un lien profond avec la terre et la culture de l'Algérie.
Pour de nombreux Algériens, la phrase "minha anem dz" représente un sentiment de nostalgie et de désir pour leur pays natal. Elle rappelle la beauté unique et la culture de l'Algérie, de ses magnifiques plages et montagnes accidentées à son riche passé et ses populations diverses. Les Algériens vivant à l'étranger utilisent souvent la phrase comme moyen de se connecter avec leurs racines et d'exprimer leur amour et leur fierté pour leur pays.
La phrase a également pris une signification politique ces dernières années, en particulier dans le contexte du mouvement de protestation Hirak en Algérie. Le mouvement Hirak, qui a commencé en février 2019, est un soulèvement populaire demandant des réformes démocratiques et la fin de la corruption en Algérie. Le mouvement est caractérisé par sa nature pacifique et son utilisation de slogans et de symboles, notamment la phrase "minha anem dz". Pour de nombreux Algériens, la phrase représente une vision d'une nouvelle Algérie, libre de corruption et d'oppression, et qui célèbre la diversité et la richesse de son peuple et de sa culture.
Malgré sa popularité, la phrase "minha anem dz" n'est pas sans controverse. Certains Algériens critiquent la phrase pour être trop simpliste et pour réduire l'Algérie à une seule expérience ou un seul moment. D'autres estiment que c'est un symbole puissant de l'identité algérienne et un moyen de se connecter avec l'histoire et la culture riche du pays.
En fin de compte, la signification et la portée de la phrase "minha anem dz" sont profondément personnelles et subjectives. Pour certains, elle représente un sentiment de fierté et de connexion avec leur pays natal, tandis que pour d'autres, elle peut avoir une signification plus politique ou culturelle. Quelle que soit son interprétation, la phrase est devenue une partie importante de la culture algérienne et un symbole de l'identité unique et de l'histoire du pays.
la phrase "minha anem dz" est une expression puissante.
L'Algérie est un pays magnifique et fascinant qui offre une expérience unique à tous ceux qui ont la chance de le visiter. Avec sa riche histoire, sa culture diversifiée, sa cuisine savoureuse et sa nature spectaculaire, l'Algérie a beaucoup à offrir aux voyageurs.
L'un des joyaux de l'Algérie est sa côte méditerranéenne. Avec ses eaux cristallines, ses plages de sable fin et ses criques isolées, la côte algérienne est un véritable paradis pour les amateurs de plage et de soleil. Les villes côtières comme Alger, Oran, Annaba et Béjaïa offrent également des attractions culturelles, des monuments historiques et une vie nocturne animée.
L'Algérie possède également un riche patrimoine historique et culturel, avec des sites archéologiques fascinants qui témoignent de son histoire ancienne. La ville de Tipaza, située sur la côte méditerranéenne, abrite des vestiges romains bien conservés, y compris un amphithéâtre et des villas romaines. La ville de Tlemcen, située dans l'ouest de l'Algérie, est connue pour ses mosquées et ses monuments islamiques, notamment la Grande Mosquée et la Mosquée Sidi Boumediene.
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dimorphodon-x · 1 year
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Amplunaris is one of two titans that landed on the desert planet Calamathos, and is in fact the twin brother to Magnoheli.
Unlike his brother, Amplunaris successfully started a colony, settling in a mountainous region on the planet. He now sits at the center of a circular city, making up its capital building. His elusive cityspeaker, Anem, lives there, and almost never exits the building, nor do many ever see him.
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stxrslut · 5 months
Rafe x anemic!reader. once again, some self indulgent dialogues to accommodate my own medical conditions.
@erwinsvow inspired by you babes 😚
“I’m going to faint—” *nearly falls down the stairs*
“woah- fuck, hey.” *catches*
“oh my gosh- woah.”
“what did I tell you about goin’ near the stairs when you’ve just stood up! fuckin’ scared me.”
“ew ew ew ew—”
“you are being dramatic, it’s green juice.”
“It has chunks in it Rafe!”
“where did you even get this bump?”
“oh i fell the other day.”
“I thought you fell on your arm the other day? not your head.”
“no that was a different fall…”
“right— of course.”
“you’re supplements bottle is full.”
“yeah? what’s the matter with that?”
“we bought it last month— have you even taken any?”
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Decay of angels (minus fukuchi)!! Evil gang >:3 !!
I drew them bcuz of poll results, as well as higuchi and gin, so I'll probably do another poll soon to figure out who I'm gonna draw next
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malansangisda · 8 months
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on the set of 'the passenger' (2023)
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