#angry Vaggie is badass
wolfoftheblackflames · 6 months
Hello my misfits, here's what you've all been waiting for! Enjoy the meal =3 (Also don't be afraid of leaving a comment or two, I'd love to chat ^^)
Dancing with the Devil: Pt.4
Charlie was lucky the location was in Pride since she knew sinners like Vaggie weren't able to leave the ring. She looked annoyed slightly since the paparazzi were taking pictures of the various nobles coming into the large castle-like building. She dreaded the inevitable, but walked into the brightly lit area with her head held high.
Vaggie, however, kept a watchful eye since there was no telling when someone wanted to start shit. “The less we see of the Von Eldritch family, the better.” She heard Charlie mutter clearly dreading the encounter.
“Hmm, is that Lucifer's daughter? And she's with someone else this time?” A noble woman commented as Vaggie felt Charlie squeeze her hand.
“Seems like the princess has acquired the taste for the opposite sex. Perhaps this is just a ploy to make the young lord jealous and take her back.” Another noble woman sneered with a wicked grin.
“Could've picked a better looking whore than that small thing.”
That was it, the comment that made Charlie dig her sharpened claws into her own palm. “Those bitches…” She snarled softly hearing the two noble assholes laugh.
This surprised Vaggie who was all to ready to stab those noble fucks with her spear which she had left at home by mistake. “Charlie?” She lightly touched Charlie's arm making those eyes look at her. From ruby with yellow to white with red, those were the eyes of a demon. “Easy ok, come on let's go find a quieter spot hon.”
Charlie clenched her jaw slightly but followed Vaggie. It pissed her off that those two women back there got off easily. “Jerks…” She growled but blinked, noticing that once the two sat down outside in a rather nice garden area, Vaggie was holding that tightly clenched fist.
“Let me have a look.” How easy it was for the angel to get Charlie to unclench her fist with just that soft gentle tone. “Oh Charlie…” That ivory gaze landed on the small puncture wounds those claws had caused.
“Sorry… I just hated hearing how they were talking about you…” The princess massaged the area on her own head where the horns threatened to come out.
Then that anger vanished once Charlie felt a soft kiss come onto her palm. “Thank you, but seriously if I had my spear right now, those two bitches would be a very tacky kebab.” She saw that evil smirk that crept its way onto Vaggie's face.
The demoness was stunned by the gesture. Sure, Vaggie had comforted her a dozen of times, but this, it felt like a firework had gone off. A fresh shade of red blush decorated Charlie's rosy cheeks as she started to giggle. “I love it when you get feisty.” She stated and repaid the gesture with a soft kiss to Vaggie's forehead.
The comment made Vaggie start to sizzle slightly, her face looking like a lantern right now with how gold it was. Though what sent her mind into a giant gay panic was those lips that had been planted on her forehead. It made her imagine what those would feel like on her own. “Vaggie hello?” Charlie called as she blinked innocently tilting her head.
What snapped the angel back was a sneer followed by a deep male voice. “Oh how cute, I dumped you so you've turned to pussy to get over me? I guess you can't exactly find a great dick to replace mine.” He smirked, his neon green eyes narrowing slightly.
Charlie slowly turned to the speaker. Her eyes widening. “Seviathan..?” Her voice came out in a soft growl.
“In the flesh baby.” The taller man grinned looking amused. “Whoa!” He laughed seeing Vaggie move to be between the two tall demons.
“I really don't like your tone, maldito idiota..” (Fucking prick) She snarled her voice sounding already done with this guy.
“Wow where did you pick this one up Charlotte, I wouldn't mind getting me a whore like her.” Seviathan smirked, brushing back his dark green hair with grey roots, his eyes leering at Vaggie. That all changed to shock when a knife whizzed past his cheek, cutting it as red dripped down his face. “Fucking bitch, you cut my face!” He snapped his eyes glowing.
The tall big chad of a man wearing his neon green suit was soon decked hard in the face when he tried to grab Vaggie. “Don't fucking touch her…” Charlie's voice came out in a vicious growl. She was already upset with the comments thrown at Vaggie before, but then this scum tries to touch her, fuck no. Flames slowly started to circle Charlie as her red horns stood up freely, with her long black tail with spikes and a triangular tip swished back and forth irritated. “And for the record I broke it off with you because you were basically making me uncomfortable with the sexual harassment. I'm not some fucking trophy, I don't owe you anything, and I only spared your ugly ass because we alongside Helsa were friends…”
Seviathan slowly got up, rubbing his swollen cheek. He snarled but then smirked. “You really have changed. I'll forgive this little stunt once Charlotte only because we used to be friends.” He sneered with a small laugh. The host soon went back to his own dates as Charlie seethed, watching him go.
(Wolf here once again. I hope you guys like my take on some info I found. One said Vaggie does have knives on her but doesn't know how she pulls them out. The other is that Seviathan excludes "big chad jerk" energy, anyway, thanks for reading! ^^)
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duke-daemon · 8 months
hazbin hotel redesigns wooooooooo
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okay so. i'm gonna discuss my thoughts about them n shit, putting under a readmore bc it's gonna get long and rambley. sorry in advance for the shit formatting, i'm on mobile </3
just some general shit about how i would rewrite it. i think the premise of redeeming sinners is entertaining but is executed horribly. i also am a fan of the "heaven isn't great either" idea but again, executed horribly. i'd make the hierarchy of angels more accurate because it's cool as hell and i have autism about it. the characters from hell would swear still (albeit not as much), but the angels would outright refuse to swear or make vulgar jokes ever. this would be partially to further the gap between heaven and hell and make the differences more stark.
hell would also be more like dante's inferno (again because i think its cool). the ars goetia would get a full redesign and would be more prevalent in demonic society.
now for the characters!
starting off with vaggie, or Valtiel as i've renamed her because let's be honest her original name sucks. Valtiel (Val for short) was an aspiring power angel who wanted to be an exorcist. she looked up to lute and thought the idea of killing demons was really cool and badass. however when she actually was on the field for the first time she discovered how awful this actually was. she tried to help a few demons but lute figured it out and felled her right then and there. the rest of her story is relatively the same. personality wise she's more stoic and less prone to all-out aggression. she still get angry, sure, but it's in a quieter and more menacing way. you DO NOT want to fuck with Valtiel.
next up is charlie! i had two ideas for her. the first one (unsettling drawing) has her as a mannequin/doll type demon. lucifer and/or lilith was unable to conceive and as such they built a kid from scratch. she's overall similar to og charlie personality wise, very kind and cheerful despite her unsettling appearance. she struggles with empathy sometimes but really does mean well. her motive for rehabilitating sinners is so they get to see their family again. being able to see heaven from where they are in hell must make them sad, so she wants to help make them happy again!
the second idea for charlie has her as an angel. specifically i casted her as a dominion angel due to their reputation as holy judges. she was once a demon but has been rehabilitated and has risen into angelhood! she now wants to help her former kin do the same and redeem themselves in heaven's gaze. again, similar cheery personality, but a bit more prudish in this rendition
tangent time!
as a side tangent, valtiel and charlie would have a different relationship in this rewrite. their relationship felt shoehorned in in the original show, like it was just there for the hell of it. we didn't see much development between them and it just felt kinda bland. so in my rewrite, charlie and valtiel are amiable exes. they tried dating when valtiel first fell (when charlie was still a demon in the charlie-angel version) but realized their feelings for each other were much more platonic than romantic. they ended things off on good terms, deciding they were much better as friends. they are still besties to this day! later charlie ends up with emily (or 'ellie' as i plan to rename her)
back to the characters
note: i made alastor mixed-race, which could be seen as bad by some due to vivzie saying he's black. however, as many have pointed out, he has no ethnic features whatsoever and i honestly wouldn't be surprised if she said that just to get away with using voodoo symbols (a closed religion) in his imagery/design. like viv, i am incredibly white and have little to no knowledge of voodoo, and even if i did i would not use it for something like this anyways due to the stigma the religion already has and (again) it being a closed practice. as such i removed it from his concept altogether, but made him mixed race (white passing) because.. why not i guess, i forgor my actual reasoning
with that being said...
alastor is by far my favorite of the redesigns and i'm honestly tempted to turn him into a legally distinct oc. i imagine he's somewhat reserved, along the lines of norman bates albeit a bit more extroverted. during his life he was a serial killer with a day job as a radio announcer. he took pleasure in reporting about his own murders on the radio, but that is eventually what got him caught (ie accidentally letting slip info that wasn't released to the public). as a result he was sentenced to death. upon arriving in hell, he quickly rose through the ranks to borderline overlord status and is a feared presence by demons and sinners alike. why is he bothering to assist in the hotel project? who knows... his motives are a mystery, like the rest of what he does
(he isn't actually alastair crowley i just thought the naming convention was ironic. however he may have also dabbled with satanic magic in lifetime..)
Angel Dust:
TW: brief discussion of SA
this is definitely my second favorite redesign. i loooove insect themes and wanted to do more than just Extra Arms, so he now has fucked up legs and a lot of eyes too! story-wise, angel used to be a criminal mastermind, hated by both the mafia and the feds. he was a gentleman thief, arranging massive heists under the cover of night while also partaking in the occasional drag show. he ended up a cocaine addict later in life, which caused his work to become sloppier. eventually he was killed in a heist gone wrong, specifically shot by the police.
i'm not gonna go too in-depth on the SA part of his story, but he is hypersexual due to being assaulted in both his life and afterlife. it would be something he'd be working on in the rewrite. his reason for coming to the hotel in the first place may have even been for help with this trauma. underneath his sultry exterior is a broken guy who really just needs someone to care about him for who he really is and not for what his body can do.
so lute and adam are some of the characters i have the most gripes about. the biggest one being why viv chose adam as the leader of the exorcists in the first place. if she wants a biblical figure tied to demon killing, Archangel Michael is RIGHT THERE, aka the one destined to kill satan during the events of Revelations. if she wants the first human to die, that would be Abel, not Adam. and i kinda doubt abel would want to do the stuff that HH!adam has been doing. if she wants an angel related to torture, Dumah is her guy! an angel that rules over wicked souls and tortures sinners every day except sabbath. so many better options...
with that out of the way, Lute is still the lieutenant of the exorcist, who are a specially chosen group of powers sent to purge hell once a year. think navy seals. she's pretty much the same as in the show, albeit more muscular and visually different from other exorcists (seriously why do they all look exactly the same?????) she's a very repressed lesbian who hasn't had time to work on that due to her duties
i also redesigned the exorcist uniform/armor because those LED purge masks are fugly as hell and their clothes don't even look remotely like armor.
Adam + Final Thoughts
i did start a redesign of adam but got bored of it. regardless, i think he'd be the head of C.H.E.R.U.B. instead of the exorcists. he doesn't want his children to make the same mistakes he and eve did, so together they started C.H.E.R.U.B. to help lost souls stay out of hell
final thoughts uhhhh i'm tired. show sucks, it had so much potential but viv ruined it by being a shitty writer and an even shittier person. the designs are fine i guess but they all look exactly the same and are in desperate need of variety. the humor is dogshit, saying dick and balls and penis over and over and over again doesn't make it any funnier than the first three times you made that joke. anyways that's it, i hope you liked my inane ramblings. gonna go vanish for another forty years or so, adios
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You know what I think would be interesting about Charlie and Alastor's dynamic? It would be in how they influence each other going forward. Alastor is slowly pushing Charlie to becoming a more assertive and inspirational princess as part of his plans to "pull all of the strings" and get out of his deal. Under his tutelage, Charlie will become much more willing to use her abilities in defense of the Hotel and her loved ones, potentially developing something of a ruthless streak as the threats to the Hotel continue to pile up. I also imagine she will start using his philosophy about using smiles to project power and confidence to hide her personal pain and growing trauma (which knowing this show will no doubt be a lot) to the point of becoming self-destructive and somewhat isolated from her inner circle, potentially even Vaggie to avoid weighing them down with her burdens (which would be ironic since it would be similar to how Vaggie hid her past as an Exorcist out of guilt and fear of her girlfriends rejection). Taking a level in badass in exchange for a drawn-out mental break down.
As for Charlie's influence on Alastor, Charlie's compassion is already rubbing off on him enough for the Overlord to risk his life fighting Adam and the Exorcists for them, something that he found so out of character that he had a villainous breakdown over this realization. While resistant to this growth of character at first in the name of preserving his dreaded reputation, Alastor will slowly becoming less withdrawn and more willing to engage with the crew even when doing so doesn't help his goals, even becoming less antagonistic towards Husk and Lucifer who in turn will actually enjoy his company to a degree. He will remain a ruthless bastard committed to his personal goals, and likely won't be redeeming himself anytime soon, but he'll still become a member of the family all the same. Whether this will resolve his existential crisis or drive him even more mad I can't say right now.
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Good to hear from you again,
I been meaning to respond quicker but apparently I'm not allowed to sit and think for more then three minutes at a time. :( So my thoughts/ respond may seem disjointed as I was writing small bit at a time.
To be honestly, I haven't really consider Alastor influence on Charlie beside the standard of nudging her in the direction towards his own agenda. You are correct, now that it's pointed to me. He would have a great influence on her beyond the manipulation. TBH his manipulation might not as nefarious as we think (I still think it because of his contractor) but it can be just that he made to guide her to reach her full potential and power. Which would still align with his own goals with breaking his deal of his soul.
We already see Charlie being influence and episode 7 after they made their deal and Alastor told her about the power of a smile. She took that advice. When Vaggie was made aware of the deal, and Alastor suggestion of meeting his friend to gain numbers she agreed with "What was that about smiling?"
Charlie will become much more willing to use her abilities in defense of the Hotel and her loved ones, potentially developing something of a ruthless streak as the threats to the Hotel continue to pile up.
I wonder why she so hesitate to use her powers in the first place. Like, would she even need Alastor if she simply just use it to begin with? To fix her own hotel? There must be a reason for it. Its either, she cant control it as she doesnt practice it, or it effects her morals/personality, or just the general fear of innocents being caught in the crossfire. It could be all three. But her powers probably tie in more to option two as we only see her demonic powers come out when she upset/annoyed/angry.
Maybe why she so chipper is because as child she more likely threw a tantrum or possible from her teenage ansty emo phase lol...I hope because of her emo phase because emo goth Charlie is entertaining...and hurt so many people from it when her powers manifested in anger and lost control. After that, she swore to herself to always be chipper. So in a way she always used a smile as a mask. But after Alastor, she learn that she can do a lot more with a smile. If this is a backstory that happen, I can see her following Alastor guidance much more easily as she start to see that they may be similar in some ways.
Charlie will definitely become more confident with her powers in season two after the battle. We saw her stop Adam punch. We know she blames herself for everything. Sir Pentious death, Alastor being wounded when it comes to light, Dazzle death, Vaggie taking a bit of a beating from Lute to protect Charlie. She is stronger then all of them, but here they are or harmed as they attempt to protect her. She may take this as a lesson to just just suck up any reservation about using her power to prevent more of her friends from getting hurt when she could have easily stopped it before. I wouldn't say she become ruthless, or at least consciously. Alastor ruthless and wants to be. Charlie "ruthless" is she momentarily lost herself, overwhelmed by the influence of her power.
Charlie seeking Alastor mentorship over guidance from her father would be possibly Alstor has a great sense of self control and discipline then Lucifer. Lucifer would also be too gentle that it be too dismantling. Lucifer training is, swim wings, training wheels, or end up doing things for her to save her the trouble, while Alastor would be blunt and throw Charlie in headfirst to learn. You know Alastor the type that throws a kid in to learn to swim or push someone off a cliff to learn to fly. Everyone in the hotel, when giving advice or bring up issues, tip toes around charlie feelings about thing. Alastor doesn't. Alastor doesn't factor feelings into decisions. He does, calculate how people would react because of feelings, but the issues themselves he does factor them in. Which may be another reason why she would seek his advice.
I also imagine she will start using his philosophy about using smiles to project power and confidence to hide her personal pain and growing trauma (which knowing this show will no doubt be a lot) to the point of becoming self-destructive and somewhat isolated from her inner circle, potentially even Vaggie to avoid weighing them down with her burdens (which would be ironic since it would be similar to how Vaggie hid her past as an Exorcist out of guilt and fear of her girlfriends rejection).
There be definitely be something she'll hide from Vaggie, I just don't know what. Lack of ideas currently, I'll go with keeping Alastor injury a secret or he used their deal for something but has to keep quiet. Or Charlie undergoing demonic power training under Alastor guidance-which Vaggie would hate so much. Vaggie is super suspicious and frustrated by this. Vaggie feels like she failing Charlie somehow, but forcing herself to trust and give Charlie her space while trying to support her while keeping her in the dark.
As for Charlie's influence on Alastor, Charlie's compassion is already rubbing off on him enough for the Overlord to risk his life fighting Adam and the Exorcists for them, something that he found so out of character that he had a villainous breakdown over this realization. While resistant to this growth of character at first in the name of preserving his dreaded reputation, Alastor will slowly becoming less withdrawn and more willing to engage with the crew even when doing so doesn't help his goals, even becoming less antagonistic towards Husk and Lucifer who in turn will actually enjoy his company to a degree. He will remain a ruthless bastard committed to his personal goals, and likely won't be redeeming himself anytime soon, but he'll still become a member of the family all the same. Whether this will resolve his existential crisis or drive him even more mad I can't say right now.
I am so looking forward to whatever direction the creator will take Alastor. But I am hoping and looking forward of Alastor growing and eventually accepting the soft spot he has for the hotel and its people.
There's something I been thinking about a lot, it was the night before the battle when we witness Alastor and Niffty share a moment.
That was the real Alastor and his thoughts and feelings. His facade was dropped there. Think about it, With Rosie, we saw him relax and generally be happy. But he still had to put up a front, and a mask. He has to act like the overlord that he is. He had to be confident to ensure everything moves forwards as plan. So, as much as he less acting when he around Rosie, he still has halls and acting in some parts. But why would he need to put up a mask there with Niffty? He not going to confine to Niffty of all his plans and agenda, But he also didn't need to put up as much of an appearance in a near private, quiet moment, alone with Niffty, . What he spoke there was 100% honestly. He admitted he enjoying his time there and and like the idea of continuing it.
The other real moment he had was his break down. Grappling with the idea he nearly died. Even as mortals we know we can die any given moment, yet act invincible despite the facts. Now imagine, being immortal soul and a powerful one with near complete control....Dieing seem so improbable yet...here Alastor, freaking out that that near improbable thing nearly became true. Now on top of that, greatly injured and cane broke in two which will have consequences. All because of...he grew to care and want to protect the hotel (outside of a possible forced to by contract)
Alastor will slowly becoming less withdrawn
I think he will be more withdrawn and reclusive...at first anyways. He will want to hide his wound but also distance himself from developing more feelings for the hotel that nearly gave his life for. He be more cruel and ruthless to make up for growing soft, gain distance from the hotel as well make the radio demon feared again, especially if the video gets leaked. He going to be alone. Not willing or wanting anyone in.
The last 10minutes showed the little factions.
The vees.
Charlie and co/hotel including her father
Emily/Sera/Sir Pentious (Tho I think there be tension between Sera and Emily)
Lute and Lilith
Alastor was alone. (break down) But align himself with the hotel but hes not with the hotel. Its like when a group of adventures pick up someone because they are heading in the same direction. They will provide aid to each other but their missions are different. Alastor going to provide aid to the Hotel but he going to be too seclutive to appear that he needs any himself. Nor will he show or admit it unless he absolutely force too.
The thing is, being alone will end poorly for him. Just like how the battle went. The hotel fought together and more or less, made it out. Alastor fought alone with his pride and ego and he lost. lost badly.
So Alastor will be alone until he backed into a corner and just about to lose badly once more but Charlie and co will come to his aid. Quite possibly when he thought he possible burnt that bridge from something or betrayal that happen a little earlier.
That's when he accepts them that's beyond territorial and contract obligations. They saw him at his weaken and vulnerable and not took advantage of it. Despite everything. He'll finally learn to accept them because they already proven time and time again that they accepted and care for him. His walls will slowly start chipping away. Unfortunately he still hiding things so he can't full embrace the idea...but it a start.
He still going to be the Radio demon, generally being a prick and Alastor hiding behind a mask, but we get to witness Alastor slipping it off occasionally.
What would be fun is the idea of Charlie rubbing of Alastor, is that perhaps Alastor against his instincts and to his surprise....showed compassion. It be to Vox of all people. Shocking them both. Vox ending whatever Vees had plan that surely would not bode well for the hotel because of it. That Vox and Alastor end up having a truce and possible rekindle their old friendship.
Tho, I be laughing if Alastor showed compassion for once because Charlie got in his head, only for it to backfire terribly. Then Alastor grumbling that he was a fool to show mercy.
*Alastor limping away after killing the sinner who took advantage of Alastor showing mercy for once while clutching a gaping hole in chest. "It's important to show compassion she said," Alastor scoffs before poorly imitating Charlies voice. "It doesn't hurt to show some kindness!" Alastor laughs mirthlessly and winces from the sharp pain it caused. "Well, tell that to the gaping hole in my chest!!!!"
But in the case, Charlie did need to train her demonic power, I can see how Charlie end up influencing Alastor while he trying to mentor her. Not just the growing fondness hell have for her as his protege. But they probably end up having topics of discussions that arises as she trains. Alastor obviously mocks her point of views, but her words will sink into mind unconsciously. And those words will whisper at him, showing their disapproval at what depravity he trying to act out. Frustrating him that she getting to him
HE may even not go through the acts, not wanting to disappointed Charlie if she was to find out.
Or surprisingly more, maybe after training, Charlie able to control her powers outside of anger. We only see her demonic powers when shes mad. But Alastor witness, Charlie is noticeably stronger when she fighting for something she loves and care for. Which may leave a door open to a path for Alastor to consider to follow.
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1anxiousbeancrying · 7 months
I’d love to see more of the blind Vaggie au, just things like her getting used to it (she absolutely has a huge breakdown when she realises she’s never going to see Charlie’s face again) and her navigating around the hotel (especially because it’s not even the same hotel since it’s been rebuilt) and even just everyone else getting used to her not being able to see, (and even sometimes forgetting she can’t and asking her to pass them things) I just think it’s such a fascinating au to think about
Vaggie doesn't take being blind or any of her other injuries well at all for the first few weeks. She feels like she doesn't have a purpose anymore since she can't protect Charlie, and sometimes wishes that lute did actually kill her, though she would never say this to Charlie.
Getting around and used to the new hotel was a struggle to say the least as she was massively injured by the rubble of the old hotel, so she couldn't stand for long periods of time, and her balance was also thrown off due to her damaged wings, which she had to leave out as she can't hide her wings if there hurt.
The rest of the hotel guests are actually really supportive of vaggie and hold a lot of respect for her now and will always offer to help her, she both loves and hates this as it's nice to know they care and that there willing to help but she hates feeling like a charity case and will often get angry and frustrated more with her self if she needs help and will take it out on the others.
Cherri thinks vaggies absolutely badass and angel bullies her a lot less, though he will do it sometimes to help everything feel more normal which vaggie actually appreciates. Lucifers trying everything he can to make things more accessible and is trying to get to know his daughters girlfriend.
The other deadly sins hear about the attack in the hotel and come to check on Charlie and while their talking vaggie meets fizzaroli they become besties very quickly
I have so many ideas for this au ! Thanks for the ask
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zaebeecee · 1 month
To Sever a Loveless Bond
••RadioDust Soulmate AU••
Part 20/?
First chapter | Previous chapter | Next chapter
Read on AO3
Well, this took longer than intended. Y’all have no idea how much I love all of you and how grateful I am for your patience.
CW: implied cannibalism, electrocution, more Valentino-typical physical abuse, Stolas talking legal talk
“The fuck you mean, he’s gone?”
“I mean he’s gone.” Niffty shrugged at Cherri, not sure exactly how else she should have phrased it. Cherri and Husk were both staring down at her, clearly riding the emotional high that had been building during their (inevitable) fight, and Niffty thought they both looked like they’d had a rug pulled out from underneath them. It would have been pretty funny if Niffty wasn’t feeling so concerned about Alastor. “I went to his room and he isn’t there.”
“Who’s gone?” a man’s voice called from above them. Niffty looked up to the balcony, where those two married imps were looking down at them with concern.
“Alastor, apparently,” Cherri called back.
“Alastor’s gone?” Arackniss called, from the other side of the lobby.
“For fuck’s sake, yes, Alastor is not in the building!” Husk said in a loud voice that was as close as he ever got to yelling. Niffty watched both Millie and Moxxie look back behind them as Charlie, way down the second floor hallway, yelled something muffled that Niffty couldn’t understand (but was probably a question asking if Alastor was gone).
Everyone gathered in the bar area, Charlie descending the stairs two at a time in a little leaping run that was one of the few goat-like quirks she ever showed. Once she reached the bar, Charlie held her hands out, palms down, and looked around at all of them. “What happened?”
Immediately, Cherri and Husk looked at Niffty, and everyone followed their lead. She blinked a couple of times, not used to having this level of undivided attention from people. “…uhm. Well, I— Cherri said I should keep an eye on Alastor,” she said, pointing at the other sinner.
“Yeah, to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid!” Cherri said, before turning to the princess. “Blitzø and Vaggie went to take Angie’s contract to that prince. I thought it would be a good idea to make sure Alastor didn’t fuck anything up.”
“He wouldn’t—” Charlie began, almost like a reflex, before she amended, “We don’t know he’s… doing anything he shouldn’t be doing. He could be… y’know…” She trailed off under the weight of Husk’s withering stare, clearing her throat instead. “Niffty, how do you know he’s gone? Did you see him leave?”
“No,” Niffty said. “But I know he isn’t here.” She looked pointedly at Husk, who abruptly glanced away from her. “Right?”
“…” Husk closed his eyes, sighing. “…she’s right.”
Charlie looked between the two of them, her expression torn. “…okay. Okay, I’ll trust the two of you. So… if he isn’t here, where is he?”
“He’s probably goin’ to VoxTek,” Arackniss said from his perch on the corner of the bar.
Almost immediately, Charlie did a double-take, like she hadn’t even realized he was there. “…what?”
Arackniss frowned at her, folding two of his arms on his bent knees (how he was able to make crouching in a suit look badass, Niffty couldn’t understand). “When I was gettin’ Tony’s contract outta Valentino’s office, Valentino came in, mutterin’ some shit about Alastor. I dunno what he was doin’, but he got somethin’ outta his desk and made some kinda remark about darin’ the Radio Demon to ignore him now. I figure he did somethin’ to bait the guy into goin’ out there.”
Cherri looked at him. “So the fuck do we do?”
“I don’t think none of us are in a position to stop an angry overlord from pickin’ a fight with three other overlords, exceptin’ the princess here,” Arackniss allowed, nodding towards Charlie.
“That would… not be a good idea,” Charlie said, twisting her fingers together nervously. “Plus, I’m not actually allowed to interfere with overlord disputes until they start getting out of hand. Alastor has every right to fight the Vees if that’s what he wants to do, it’s how the overlord system works.”
“So we can’t do anything?” Niffty asked, staring up at Charlie and feeling the distress mounting inside her at the idea of not being able to help Alastor.
Almost immediately, Charlie knelt down and placed her hands on Niffty’s shoulders. “Hey hey hey,” she said in a soothing voice. “It’s okay, Niffty, I promise we’ll think of something.”
“We need t’ wait for Blitzø t’ get back,” Millie said, looking at Moxxie. “It… it won’t take that long for Prince Stolas t’ find a loophole, will it?”
“If there is a loophole,” Moxxie said, a little pessimistically, before he added, “Of course, if Valentino wrote it himself, I don’t think that will be a problem. He seems pretty…”
“Stupid?” Arackniss supplied dryly.
“Yeah, basically.”
“If he got one of the other two to write it for him, it’ll be a bigger problem,” Husk said. “But Valentino’s vain and an idiot, I wouldn’t be surprised if his pride didn’t let him.”
Niffty sniffled, rubbing her hand underneath her nose. Read the room, Noriko. “What do we do if Prince Stolas doesn’t find anything?”
“Then we’ll figure something else out,” Charlie promised. “We aren’t just going to leave Alastor and Angel on their own. Okay?”
Niffty didn’t feel any better, but she nodded anyway. “…okay.”
As they all split off to discuss whatever their next moves were, Husk looked down at her, his frown softer than it had been. “…hey, Niff. Wanna reorganize the bar supplies?”
Niffty stared up at him, blinking. “…you never let me behind the bar.”
“Yeah, for good reason.” When he stopped there and didn’t withdraw the question, Niffty nodded hesitantly, and he waved her back. “Okay. Come on, before I change my mind.”
Niffty almost smiled as she scampered back behind the bar, ready to take Husk’s absolutely nonsensical organizational system and make it reasonable. It wasn’t a perfect distraction, but it was something, at least. And at this point, she was grateful for anything.
Hell had an extremely complicated caste system, when you tried to figure out how power was distributed and what territories and domains in this place actually were. Back when Vaggie had been an exorcist, learning the intricacies of Hell’s hierarchy, she had it emphasized to her time and again that no one besides sinners were to be harmed. Because of this, she had been given only cursory information on the Hellborn that dwelt outside of the Pride ring; she knew the names of the Princes and their domains, of course, as well as what the Goetia were and the names of a few key members of their nobility. Outside of that, she had been taught very little, and as her time in Hell had been mostly devoted to doing what she could to keep Charlie out of trouble, she felt no more prepared for meeting a Goetian prince than she would have when she first arrived in this place.
Prince Stolas, Vaggie knew, was the only notable child of King Paimon and kept watch over the movements of stars and planets as his domain. It was a prophetic position, some said, or at least as close to prophetic as anything could possibly be; that kind of power made Vaggie nervous.
Blitzø didn’t seem to have that same problem.
“How do you know a Goetian prince again?”
“It’s a long fucking story,” Blitzø said unhelpfully, his eyes on the high stone wall that surrounded the property of the manor house that sat a short distance outside of Pentagram City.
“But he’s a friend of yours,” Vaggie guessed, one eyebrow raised as she watched the imp begin scaling the wall.
Blitzø made a noise that was somewhere between a scoff and a grunt of effort. “I wouldn’t go that far.”
“Uh-huh. Why aren’t we going through the gate?”
“Because,” Blitzø said, grabbing onto the top of the wall, “I am an imp, you are a nobody, and we are not supposed to be trespassing on Goetian royal grounds in the middle of the night. Besides, he’s in the middle of a divorce and his harpy of a wife might be keeping tabs on the building and I don’t wanna deal with the bullshit drama that’d follow if that’s the case.” He hauled himself up, crouching on the stone. “It’s fine, this is how I alw—shit…!” The last word came out as a squeak as he lost his balance, toppled over the wall, and landed in what sounded like some plants.
Vaggie sighed, then crouched and leaped up, landing on the top of the wall. She looked down at where Blitzø was gracelessly detangling himself from a plant that looked suspiciously like it was either trying to cuddle him or eat him. “Need help?”
“I am a very capable young woman.”
“Wonderful.” She jumped down, landing silently on the grass and waiting for him to roll out of the foliage. While he uttered a long string of curses, most of which Vaggie had never heard before, she examined the house. It was so… weird, how much even Hellborn architecture looked like shit that she could have easily seen in life. Demon or not, even she could tell this guy was absolutely loaded.
But I guess it wouldn’t be Hell if it didn’t have rich people.
Blitzø stumbled up next to her, brushing soil off of his coat. “Okay, all good. See that balcony?” he asked, pointing up and drawing her eye to a large stone platform jutting out of the wall, beyond which she could see two open doors that led into a dark room.
“…we’re not breaking into his bedroom, are we?” Vaggie asked as they darted across the lawn as quietly as they could.
“No, of course not,” Blitzø said, taking hold of the trellis and grinning at her. “The door’s open, we’re just walking in.”
Vaggie resisted the urge to groan as the imp began scaling the trellis with impressive speed. “I see why your employees always seem so pissed at you,” she hissed before she began following him up.
The bedroom beyond the balcony, while dark, looked… grand, but kind of gloomy. Vaggie thought it looked like a place you’d hole yourself up in during a bout of depression, naturally just making the depression worse. Blitzø crossed the balcony to the open doors, leaning in and knocking on the wood door frame a couple of times. “Stolas,” he hissed, knocking again. “Hey. Stols. Are you awake?”
Stols? Vaggie thought with a frown. He’s given a Goetian prince a nickname but claims they’re not friends?
From the bed, she heard a quiet groan, followed by a soft muttering, and finally a shriek as four glowing red eyes opened. “Oh my stars!!”
“Whoa!” Blitzø came a couple of steps into the room, holding his hands out. “Whoa, whoa, chill, Stolas, it’s just me!”
“Bl… Blitzy…?” a smooth and somewhat foppish tenor asked curiously, almost disbelievingly. Blitzy?? The lamps flared to life at once, and Vaggie winced, shielding her eye from the sudden light. When she opened it again, she saw an extremely tall, owl-like demon tying a silk robe closed and smoothing down the feathers on top of his head. “Whatever are you doing here? It… it isn’t—”
“It isn’t about that,” Blitzø said before Vaggie learned whatever ‘it’ was. “…oh, right. Stolas, this is Vaggie, Princess Charlie’s girlfriend or whatever.”
“Oh!” Stolas was now staring at her, his eyes wide. “I— I see— hello,” he said, brimming with awkwardness. Vaggie just nodded, feeling that awkwardness herself. “So… um… if it— if it isn’t…” He cleared his throat, then straightened himself into what seemed an attempt at a more dignified posture, the effect somewhat ruined by his robe and still-ruffled feathers. “What is it, then? It must be important, if you would come out here in the middle of the night.”
There was a lot hiding in that sentence, but Vaggie could only feel the weight of the implications; she didn’t understand the tension in the room, or why Blitzø was showing the first signs of caution that she had seen from him. His head was tilted down just slightly, though he maintained eye contact, and his tail sharply lashed behind him in quick and agitated, but brief, movements. “I need to ask you to… do something for me,” Blitzø said, after what sounded like a lot of thought.
“Of course,” Stolas said, surprise flickering across his face for a moment.
“You’re good with contracts, right?” Blitzø asked. “Fizz told me you helped Ozzie out when he had that kidnapping incident.”
Stolas stared at him for a long moment, and Vaggie thought he looked surprised… or, perhaps, like he was processing something. “…I… did provide assistance to Lord Asmodeus, yes. You require help with a contract?”
Blitzø didn’t address the obvious question—namely, why are you referring to the Prince of Lust so casually—and instead pulled out Angel’s contract from inside his coat. “I need to know if there’s a loophole in this.”
Stolas took it carefully, but he didn’t open it right away. Instead, he said, “…both of you, come with me.” He then turned, walking to the door and out of the room without bothering to make sure they were following.
Vaggie caught the way Blitzø rolled his eyes, a movement so quick she wasn’t even sure he was aware of doing it, as they both followed the Goetian prince out the door and down the hallway. The whole place felt so hollow and cold, lacking a sense of warmth that Vaggie believed was the most important thing to making a place a home. It didn’t help that all of the portraits had been covered with white cloths, as well as what looked like statuary and other decor.
Blitzø seemed to notice that, as well, and it appeared to be unusual enough for him to comment on it. “…what’s up with the fabric?”
“Hm? Oh,” Stolas said, his voice flippant and disinterested. “The household is relocating to another building.”
“…you’re moving?” Blitzø asked, surprised.
“I suppose you could call it that,” Stolas said. “This place is, after all, still technically the property of my father. With Stella gone, there is no one to object, and since Via has reached her own age of majority, it shouldn’t interfere with her affairs either.”
“…ah,” Blitzø said, like he wasn’t sure what else to say. He did, however, whisper to Vaggie, “I don’t blame him, Paimon’s a dick.” Vaggie bit down on her tongue to stifle a surprised snort of amusement, but Stolas didn’t appear to be listening anyway.
They followed him through a set of double doors and into something like a library with a planetarium model set into a recess in the ceiling, hanging low enough to dominate the upper half of the room’s visual real estate. Stolas went to the desk and sat, opening up the contract and beginning to give it a cursory once-over. It wasn’t long before he spoke again. “…ah, Blitzy, darling?”
“Mm,” Blitzø answered, his back to them as he looked around the room.
“Would you care to tell me why, precisely, it is that you are in possession of Angel Dust’s soul contract with the Vees?”
“Long story,” Blitzø said. “And I’ll explain when I have more time, but long story short, I promised the Radio Demon that I’d get you to look at it for some kind of loophole in exchange for him not eating my entrails while alive.”
Stolas opened his mouth, but no sound came out, and he just stared at Blitzø’s back. When the imp didn’t continue, Vaggie spoke, drawing the prince’s attention. “Angel’s been… kidnapped isn’t really the right word,” she said. “But he’s being held at VoxTek, and that’s a really big problem for Alastor for reasons I don’t feel prepared to go into. Plus, he’s… y’know. He’s our friend. We were hoping that you might be able to find a way to get his contract… broken, or invalidated, or something so that Valentino can’t force him to stay there anymore.”
Stolas’s expression softened a little. “…I see.” He turned to the contract again, frowning faintly. “This contract is quite old. Decades. That’s… highly unusual, for a sinner soul contract.”
Vaggie raised an eyebrow. “…is it?” she asked. “I thought making a contract for your soul was usually permanent.”
“If a living human makes a deal with one of the less scrupled Hellborn, that isn’t uncommon,” Stolas said. “But all overlords in Pentagram City hold soul contracts. Typically, they’re comparable to indentured service; a sinner contracts their soul to an overlord in exchange for a benefit for the duration of the contract, and in exchange, the overlord becomes the sinner’s… employer, you could say. Normally, the overlord will either set a length of time or a monetary value, and the contract will be over when either the allotted time has passed or the sinner has repaid the set value.”
Vaggie frowned. “…what does Angel’s contract say?”
“Well… according to this, the value of his soul is… open for reevaluation,” Stolas said. “Which suggests that the price could be modified an indefinite number of times to prevent the contract from ending.”
Vaggie’s frown deepened. “…that doesn’t sound good.”
“It’s quite an unfair contingency,” Stolas agreed. He then sighed. “You two should make yourselves comfortable. You may look at any of the books I have if you would like, but it might take me a while to locate a weak point in this text.”
“Thank you,” Vaggie said, turning away and pulling out her phone. She fired off a quick text to Charlie, letting her know that Stolas was looking for a loophole, and then wandered over to the bookshelf for want of something else to do.
It had already been a long night, and it didn’t look like it would be over any time soon.
When the alarm first flared to life, Angel was asleep.
It wasn’t a sound sleep by any means. It wasn’t restful, and it certainly wasn’t peaceful. How he had managed to drift off, he wasn’t precisely sure, but his dreams were strange and obtuse and filled with odd symbolism that left him with no specific memories, only an aching sense of cold dread as he was jarred into wakefulness. For a long moment, he had no idea where he was; his first thought was his own bed, with some bizarre siren going off somewhere in the hotel, and his second thought was that he was in— someone else’s.
But the first one didn’t feel right, and even in his hazy state, he knew the second was no longer possible.
The vague scent of smoke and static burn in the air, coupled with the electric blue accent lighting cutting through the darkness, immediately set Angel right. I’m in VoxTek. But he had known that, of course, because that was where he was always going to be now. At least he had been left to his slumber on the couch, a small mercy that he was more than willing to embrace at this point.
The alarm blared again, and Angel looked up, finally fully registering what it meant; something was attacking the building. “What the fuck…?” Far below, he heard the sounds of breaking glass and screaming, and it was getting steadily closer, like whatever was happening was climbing throughout the station.
Angel didn’t hesitate. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t stay put or go seek somewhere safe, but he vaulted off the couch and bolted from the room in nothing but the sweater he had been allowed to stave off the chill. The sounds were still below him, so he headed for the stairwell, jumping down a flight at a time until it sounded close enough that he headed through the doors into the hall and down towards one of the filming studios. Angel shoved his way inside and into the huge, darkened room, dodging equipment until he reached the center and looking around quickly.
Apparently, he had come into the main newsroom, Katie Killjoy’s very particular set preferences still in place from the filming likely done earlier that evening. There was no one there now, of course, but the room was set up for the next morning, cameras still in place and sound equipment ready to be fired up. But there was nothing else, no sign of anything that was causing that much noise and panic throughout the building. It was so close, though, so Angel knew it couldn’t be far. He saw the doors on the other side of the studio, and had just started moving when he heard a loud and heavy thud against the wall.
Angel gasped, staggering backwards as whatever it was crashed against the wall again, then again, cracks appearing and plaster raining down until the entire thing broke. Angel watched a large, spindly hand reach out and grab the broken edge of the wall, sharp claws digging gouges as the hand tightened its grip and leveraged the rest of the body inside.
It was something Angel had only seen once, when Mimzy had led her loan sharks to the hotel; but back then, Alastor had only grown as large as he felt he needed to, and he had been somewhat jubilant in his violence. But the figure that clawed its way into the studio was much larger, and so, so very angry.
“…Alastor…” Angel whispered, watching as the monstrous and savage form of the Radio Demon dragged itself out of the wall and swept a camera out of its way with an impatient hand. If he stood up to his full height, his antlers would have dug into the studio’s ceiling, said antlers grown sharp and tangled like an angry bramble plant. Blood dripped from his teeth and down his chin, staining his claws and spattered all over his face and coat. His eyes looked at once sharp and completely unfocused, radio dials twitching and flicking madly against the deep black of his sclera. Angel knew that Alastor could have killed him without a thought, but that wasn’t on his mind as he ran forward. “Alastor!!”
Instantly, that giant and terrifying face swiveled on a too-flexible neck to stare at him, eyes unblinking and furious grin stretched wide enough to show rows of brilliant green stitching at the corners. He didn’t immediately strike, however, dropping onto his hands and knees as Angel approached. An animalistic noise, something between a growl and a hiss, was the only sound he made as he lowered his head to stare at the spider demon.
If Angel was sane, he would have run. Alastor was one of the most dangerous entities in the entire Pride ring, an overlord infamous for the simple rumor of devouring other overlords. But Angel knew he couldn’t have possibly been sane, because he didn’t stop until he collapsed onto his own knees right in front of the Radio Demon, breathing hard from exertion and the still-present panic waking up to the blaring alarm had caused. Alastor’s growl was a low rumble deep in his chest that felt like it shook the studio floor, and Angel slowly looked up, staring into those terrifying eyes as their dials shivered in preparation to start spinning again.
Angel was good at not letting himself think, and that was what he did as he raised two of his hands and cupped Alastor’s monstrous face as best he could. “Alastor,” he whispered, his eyes filling with tears. The Radio Demon’s skin felt oddly cold to the touch. “You weren’t supposed to come here.”
Alastor didn’t speak. Angel wasn’t positive he even could in his current state. His only answer was another growl, but even as the sound rumbled through the studio… slowly, gently, he leaned his head into Angel’s hand. His breath was labored and smelled like he might have eaten half of the employees downstairs, but Angel couldn’t make himself care. Tears fell freely as he stroked Alastor’s cheek, the growl turning into something closer to a purr.
Angel wanted to ask Alastor what the fuck he was doing there, what he was planning, what he was thinking, but he didn’t get the chance. Before he could open his mouth, he felt something familiar and hot and sharp around his throat just before his body was violently yanked backwards with a jerk hard enough to lift him entirely off the ground before he hit the concrete and began sliding across it as he was dragged. Immediately, the very little calm Alastor had found was gone, and he screamed, rearing up onto his feet again and flexing his claws.
Angel smelled Valentino before he felt him, the overlord seizing his hair and yanking him upwards without releasing his chain. “That worked better than I could have hoped,” Valentino said quietly, and he sounded much too smug and way too calm for someone who had the full attention of a furious Radio Demon. But Valentino didn’t run. He wasn’t even trying to defend himself.
Alastor began charging across the studio, knocking cameras and lights out of his way, sparks flying through the dark and casting brief, deep shadows across his face. Angel gasped sharply as Alastor reached out towards them, but he stopped, another scream escaping him… but this one was a shriek of pain. Beneath it, Angel heard the loud buzz of electricity and the hiss of burning flesh, and he saw flashes of electric blue light backlighting the Radio Demon in enormous flickering bursts. So strong was the surge that the sounds of electric thrumming throughout the building, always present at VoxTek, cut out with a dying whir as the entire building lost power. Angel screamed as best he could with the shackle still limiting his air intake, but he couldn’t do more than struggle against Valentino’s hold as Alastor collapsed to the floor with a heavy thud and the occasional bright spark of lingering static. Slowly, he began shrinking again, his body resuming its usual size and shape without his consciousness to maintain his shift. The emergency lights along the floors flickered and then came to life, casting their eerie blue glow across the scattered and ruined film equipment.
“Well,” Valentino said into the sudden empty silence, one that felt heavy and oppressive with the lack of any electronic noises at all around them. “That was certainly exciting.”
Footsteps echoed off the studio walls, and Angel tore his eyes from Alastor’s unresponsive form to the only source of illumination in the entire room besides the emergency lights. Vox’s face looked… passive, but annoyed, a sure sign that he was containing unbridled rage while in a public part of the building out of sheer force of habit. Behind him, Angel heard a soft and irritated murmur before a cell phone flashlight came on, Velvette following along behind him and casting around to examine the damage. “Good job on that, boys,” she observed. “So chuffed you decided to piss off the Radio Demon, we had far too much of the building intact for my liking.”
Vox didn’t look at her; his focus seemed split entirely between Alastor and Valentino. Between the glow from his face and from the floor lights, Angel could make out his arm as he reached up and flexed his hand, thick and heavy electrical cables pulling free from Alastor’s body with a sharp jerk that sent blood arcing through the air in their wake. Angel realized that must have been how Vox knocked him out; Alastor had been so enraged he hadn’t even noticed that Vox was there until the massive black cords had buried themselves into his flesh to deliver VoxTek’s entire electrical supply straight into him.
“Val,” Vox said, his voice clearly struggling to maintain its control. “What. The fuck. Did you do?”
Valentino didn’t seem bothered by Vox’s obvious rage. He released Angel’s hair, but not his chain, and the spider collapsed to the floor at Valentino’s feet as that chain kept him anchored in place. “Exactly what you wouldn’t,” he said easily. “And it worked, didn’t it? Something finally encouraged Alastor to enter VoxTek.”
Vox’s facial graphics glitched briefly as his lip curled. “We wanted him to come here,” he said, before he gestured around sharply with one thrown out hand. “We didn’t want him fucking destroying everything! We’re lucky the goddamn building didn’t collapse on top of us, Val!”
“You got what you wanted,” Valentino said with an odd air of coldness that Angel wasn’t used to hearing him use with Vox. “And look, he’s incapacitated and my pet is in one piece. Looks like we both win, doesn’t it?”
Vox looked at him, his left eye twitching a couple of times. “…you cannot comprehend how badly I want to kill you right now.”
“But you won’t,” Valentino said, yanking Angel back to his feet. “You never do.”
“Wait,” Angel pleaded, as Valentino grabbed him by the upper arm. “What are you going to do to him?!”
Vox looked at Angel as though only just registering his presence. “That isn’t your concern.”
“Fuck you!” Angel yelled, yanking against Valentino’s grip ineffectually. “I won’t let you hurt him!!”
Vox actually smirked. “I don’t think either of you are in any condition to dictate anything.”
Valentino’s grip tightened and he pulled, throwing Angel across the room away from Alastor. He landed on his back with a sharp cry, cracking one eye open and shoving himself backwards as Valentino advanced on him. “I have been so incredibly lenient with you, amorcito,” he snarled. “But it seems you didn’t learn anything from your last punishment. I think it’s time to rectify that.”
Valentino struck him across the face so hard his lip split and his vision blurred, Angel hitting the concrete floor again. He could just see Vox using cables to lift Alastor’s body from the floor before Valentino filled his vision again, grabbing him and hauling him up, and Angel wondered if he was ever going to see Alastor again.
He wondered if he was going to see anything at all after Valentino was done with him.
Vaggie had a very bad feeling.
When she had been alive, she’d tried to chalk up those bad feelings to simple Catholicism-induced superstition, always treating them like nothing even when she was well aware that ignoring those feelings always led to something terrible happening. Since dying, however, she had learned that those feelings… they weren’t something to ignore.
She had them in Hell not infrequently, of course, since… well. It was Hell. But she still knew that, even in a place like this, she couldn’t just ignore it.
Concentrating on Stolas’s book collection, fascinating as it was, proved more and more impossible as time crawled on. Vaggie turned to pacing and checking her phone at a rate of roughly twice per minute, knowing that wouldn’t help anything or make things go faster but unable to stop herself. She felt like she was about to go insane when Stolas’s voice finally broke the silence. “Miss Vaggie, was it?”
Vaggie’s head shot up and she pivoted on her heel, approaching the desk. “Yeah. Yes,” she corrected, reminding herself that she needed to be polite here no matter how impatient she was feeling.
Stolas didn’t look at her, his eyes still on the contract. “You said Angel Dust is a friend of yours, so I trust you know him quite well. You are a resident at the Hazbin Hotel, correct?” Vaggie made an affirmative noise. “And I remember hearing that Angel Dust, too, moved into that place. Your… resident celebrity.”
“Yeah,” Vaggie said with a frown. “Why?”
“How long has he lived there?”
“I… guess about… nine months, now?” Vaggie guessed. The change in the extermination schedule had thrown off everyone’s perception of time.
“And how long has it been since he was taken back to VoxTek?” Stolas asked.
“Less than two days.”
Stolas nodded, then turned the contract, pointing to part of it… particularly a word that Vaggie didn’t know. “Much of this contract contains some extremely archaic language,” Stolas said. “It seems as though, in a bid to make it as iron-clad as possible, Valentino pulled from old Goetian tradition rather than simply relying on sinner terminology.”
“What does that mean?” Vaggie asked, wishing (not for the first time) that she hadn’t dropped out of high school to work when she was a teenager.
“It means that this contract is non-standard, but this clause here is the relevant portion,” Stolas said. “The intention of this clause is that the one who holds Angel Dust’s soul contract, or Valentino himself, is the only one who can set the value of his soul. It also grants him sole right to change that value whenever he wishes. But the phrasing…” Stolas tapped the word Vaggie didn’t recognize. “This word here, aheydrun, doesn’t have a modern Hellish direct translation, but the closest approximation is ‘keeper’. However, an aheydrun is one who holds and controls a residence; its use in contracts is that it granted power, ultimately, to the master of the house in question. During the time Angel Dust lived at VoxTek, provided he resided within Valentino’s quarters, that would make Valentino the aheydrun as specified by the contract.”
Vaggie stared at him. “…but Angel is at VoxTek again.”
Stolas shook his head. “Irrelevant,” he said. “According to Goetian legal tradition, once the contracted soul has lived under a different master of the house for a period of seven black moons, the contracted power of aheydrun passes to them.”
Blitzø, who apparently had snuck up when Vaggie wasn’t looking, put his chin on Stolas’s desk. “What’s that mean in one dollar words, Stolas?”
“A black moon is another phrase for a new moon, which happens once per lunar cycle,” Stolas said. “It means that, per Angel Dust’s contract, if he has lived in the Hazbin Hotel for seven months or more, the power to determine the value of his soul has already passed from Valentino to Charlotte Morningstar. The fact that he’s no longer at the hotel won’t affect this for another seven months.”
Vaggie stared at him. “…but… but if that were true, wouldn’t… wouldn’t it already be broken? The contract, I mean.”
“If Princess Charlotte has not reevaluated his soul, no, it will have remained at whatever Valentino’s last determination was.”
Vaggie looked from Stolas to the contract. “…you mean… if Charlie says that the worth of Angel’s soul is lower than the amount of money he’s made for VoxTek through his movies…”
“The contract will end immediately.”
“…I have to go,” Vaggie said. “Can I—”
“Of course,” Stolas said, offering the contract out to her.
Vaggie reached out, but didn’t take it immediately, instead clasping Stolas’s hand in both of hers the way she had seen Charlie do to other people before. “Thank you so much,” she said to the surprised Goetia. “I have no idea how Charlie’s going to want to repay you for this, but she will. Thank you.”
“Oh, she doesn’t…!” Stolas began, but Vaggie wasn’t listening, taking the contract and bolting out of the room. She heard Blitzø yell something after her, but didn’t slow down, taking the same path back the way they had come.
She ran out onto the balcony just as Blitzø caught up with her. “Fuck, you are fast!” he complained.
“That’s nothing compared to what you’re about to see.” She looked at him. “I have to move quickly. You coming?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Then get on my back.”
“Now, Blitzø, I don’t have time!”
The imp scrambled up onto her back; he wasn’t all that much shorter than her, being as tall as he was, but he was so light she barely felt it. “Okay, now what?”
“Now, we move,” Vaggie said. She crouched, and she barely registered Blitzø’s cry of surprise as her wings unfurled from her back and she ran for the balcony railing. She jumped, landed briefly on the stone, and launched herself up into the air.
Don’t do anything else stupid, Alastor, she thought. It isn’t just Angel. I’m doing this for you, too.
Not that she would ever say any of that to either, of course. Some lines just didn’t need crossing.
18 notes · View notes
ichimatsu-gal · 8 months
I watched the the last two episodes of Hazbin Hotel
Episode 7:
almost immediately I was happy to see Charlie get angry and frustrated even if it was just for that little rant about everything that’s happened so far and then choosing to make a deal with Alastor was insane I’m already theorizing all the ways he could ask for a favor that would still be pretty bad even if it doesn’t involve hurting anyone.
when we get to meet Rosie for the first time I kinda expected her to me more malicious and kinda blood thirsty but she ended up actually being a very sweet person who was very genuine and I loved that about her, she gave Charlie some very good advice about Vaggie that I really appreciate bc I though the same thing, also wasn’t expecting her to have the voice she did but I loved it anyway. (FUCKING SUSAN) the way both Alastor and Rosie just behaved like besties in this was way too funny Alastor cursing was way funnier tho and the fact that all it took was just to say hey there’s gonna be free food and it’s angels flesh was so stupidly simple.
I loved that they gave Carmilla another song she was absolutely beautiful and badass like bro HER HAIR DOWN GOT ME BARKING NOT GONNA LIE, she’s a very strong woman who is smart, resilient, and loves her daughters, also I’m biased bc she’s Latina and I’m latina so obviously she’s the best. The fact that Vaggie being an Angel was so obvious is hilarious to me I always thought the X on her eye was some type of aesthetic eyepatch not like an actual thing angels get when they lose and eye??? Still not sure about that but whatever, I loved the realization that yeah Vaggie fights with no real concern about her own life because she’s never had to fear for her own safety before, she wasn’t even aware she could die so the fact that Carmilla is like girl you fight like you aren’t scared of getting hurt which is stupid on your part is both funny and like wow yeah she’s so right that is a dumb way to go about it. Since usually demons can’t cause any type of real harm angels have never had to worry about death so they go about killing every extermination day completely recklessly so it keeps them open to weak points, they didn’t even think about their own weapons they left behind being used against them so yeah, the song was an absolute bop (like girl find the motivation to fight in the fact that you have someone to lose).
I love that the others stayed obviously they would but it’s nice to see everyone trying to help in any way they can despite the circumstances, they all enjoy each other’s company and it was so nice to see how far everyone has come.
Episode 8:
I’m kinda confused as into how Vox managed to get cameras? technology?? Into the hotel but whatever his reactions are funny. Almost immediately I was trying to figure out who was gonna die this final episode and when I saw dear ol Pentious in his little uniform I kinda knew and I was pre sobbing getting ready for the emotional damage I was gonna get (which side note I absolutely love his hair?? When it’s down I mean I’m a sucker for long black hair??? So yeah) anyway the whole thing with him and Cherri is so cute he’s such a dork. I like the scene with nifty and Alastor cause honestly I fully believe he doesn’t own her soul she’s just so outta pocket that he finds her amusing and her presence entertaining and he genuinely enjoys it so she gets to stick around, DID YALL SEE THE FUCK ME EYES HUSK GAVE ANGEL AT THE BAR DONT TELL ME YOU DIDNT AND THE WAY ANGEL LOOKED AT HIM WHEN HE WAKLED OFF YOOOOOOOO I CANTTTTT, and then Pentious being so awkward with Cherri is so cute my man was STRUGGLING tryna confess his love for her, he did say some really sweet things tho that she was kinda getting into it before he ran off plus Angel being like hey he got two dicks and she’s like huh 🤔 (like GIRL GET SOME OF THAT OR ELSE I WILL ).
They really did us dirty with having Charlie so obviously in front of angels door crying and shit before the episodes came out that shit had me sweating. So Adam, I’m not gonna like he kinda….👀 but only because he’s voiced by THE Alex Brightman like c’mon be so serious he did that character so good I can’t even, also I was kinda wondering why all the exorcists are all women like is that just because Adam prefers it or what? But anyway the fact that Vox got the other two V’s together so they can all watch this shit go down is so funny bc they couldn’t care less. It was so fun seeing what Alastor had in store bc I find him so fascinating as a character he has all these interesting powers that he doesn’t really get to use too often since he never has a reason to kinda go all out and have fun killing people so it was fun seeing that. Bro when Adam punched the dome that was wild I was like wow that was kinda cool I’m not gonna lie and the fight with Alastor was insane the animation was amazing it was so fun seeing Al just dodging his attacks with such grace like go off king tell him he’s a bitch 😌💅, when his microphone got sliced in half his reaction was absolutely priceless holy shit I rewatched that shit like 5 times bc I couldn’t get over him cursing like it was so quick but it did the job so well, hearing his actual voice outside of his normal Radio-ish way of sounding was really something it made it feel more alive I guess. Vox’s reactions was so funny he really is a bitter ex that just wants the worst for him I love it (NO! FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOUUUUU, PUSSY!!) I love him.
When Vaggie said something had to be done about Adam and Pentious was watching I just knew, AND MY MAN JUST REALLY RIZZED CHERRI LIKE THAT BROO HE DIPPED HER AND EVERYTHING OMGGGGGG like I agree with her that WAS hot. I WAS SO PISSED THAT HE DIED FOR NOTHING LIKE BRO I KNEW HE WAS GONNA DIE A JOKE DEATH I JUST KNEW IT, they couldn’t even give bro the honor of dying in a way that would make us cry cause when he went out like that I just knew he was gonna probably end up in heaven to make up for how lame that was. Having Charlie call Adam a pig was so fun like yeas girl tell him, I kinda didn’t agree with Vaggie deciding to allow Lute to live cause girl that’s a loose end I would not wanna deal with later bc she has no mercy (she literally ripped off her own arm to chase after her bro) she would not hesitate to kill, like yeah I get the whole I’m better than you so yeah live with the fact the only reason you breathe is because I let you but girl be so for real she is a nuisance that will come back to bite you in the ass later I know it.
The fact that I didn’t even think about the fact that Adam was wearing a mask this whole time is so stupid of me but when I did see that I was thinking of all the ways he could’ve looked like and to say I was disappointed is an understatement, my disappointment got worse when I saw his pathetic little goatee 😑I’ve seen way better fanart, Lucifer coming in with the save 😮‍💨 not him saying he was gonna fuck Adam the silence was so loud (the only time the other two V’s found it interesting too)😂😂. lucifer is such an airhead twink I love him; Not only is he effortlessly flying circles around Adam and having fun while doing it he’s insulting him too, THE EVE COMMENT WAS SO OUTTA POCKET BRO LIKE WHAT WHEN DID EVE TAP THAT (lucky bitch) I was wondering where she was and apparently it was in his bed (that shit made me snort he has hella rizz) cause not only did he take Adam’s first wife he took the second one too bro, it was pretty cool seeing his more demon form his horns where hella cool and the fact that the entire time Lucy was like unserious about his whole interaction with Adam’s is crazy because I feel like it shows how powerful he really is, after all he is still a seraphim. I appreciate that despite everything Charlie still keeps her compassion and keeps her dad from killing him cause that could not be me girl plus nifty coming in with the last stab is hilarious he really got killed by her of all people that is sad, from what I could count I think she stabbed him 15 times maybe? Which like damm that’s crazy he stood no chance I’m kind of wondering if lute and him had something going one too bc her reaction was definitely not just some soldier who worshipped him it felt more personal and with the whole (sir SIR ADAM!!) plus the dopey ass smile he gave her wich Im ignoring the fact that it might’ve been due to the rapid amount of blood exiting his body and the multiple stab wounds and the fact he was, you know….dying was very loving in a way that just makes you think if there was more to them.
(Quick shout out to the fact that I’m watching the last episode for the second time and I just noticed what I think is Angeldust’s brother and Baxter watching the news)
I’m curious what deal Alastor made that is making him want so desperately to get out bc he definitely was close to a nervous breakdown there (husk was so disappointed Al didn’t die in the war). I was so thankful Pentious actually went to heaven bro I was starting to worry I’m not gonna lie 😀, his design is pretty cute i find it funny he ended up right in front of Sarah and Emily bc you’d expect him to be at the gates but no, it was like a big fuck you to Sarah about redemption which I love how they both reacted to that (love Emily).
Now Lilith, the fact that she is so obviously in heaven is insane like girl you have been gone for SEVEN years with absolutely zero contact with anyone and at first I was like where can she even go in hell that would keep her away for so long and then boom she’s on a nice beach somewhere up above like what the hell. Apparently her and Adam made a deal which my theory is that way before it was made official in order for for the exterminator to happen permanently which I’m guessing was Adam’s idea him and Lilith agreed that if she sang just enough to get his idea accepted by Sarah she would get to stay and chill in heaven maybe? It could be deeper than that but it’s crazy that all this time when her daughter needed her most she was just enjoying life upstairs, maybe she really is the evil mastermind behind it all.
(Something I just thought about, did Lucifer cheat on Lilith with Eve??? Cause like when he said he stole botu of Adam’s wives he was with Lilith so does that explain why they aren’t together or maybe had a falling out a long time ago, or would explain his depression and sense of guilt despite it being so long ago kind of)
Anyway that was all my opinions and commentary on the last two episodes of hazbin hotel I just don’t have anyone to talk to this about and it was too early for anyone else to really write anything about this so I was like fuck it I have tumbler, please do leave comments on your opinions, commentary, and theories about this I would absolutely love to hear what you you’d have to say thank you for reading this shit show that is my brain. 🥰
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
Now that I've watched Hazbin Hotel SEVERAL TIMES and refreshed my memory a little with Monster Prom, I'm doing this quick parade of Headcanons for your entertainment.
Warnings: SPOILERS!!!
Hazbin Hotel x Monster Prom idea part 2
Okay, we already know that Damian and Charlie would be cousins, but I also got to thinking that Charlie probably could have gone to the prom just like Damian! with her ex-boyfriend (which is still canon) and Damian definitely kicked his ass as soon as he found out they broke up😂
Dahlia Aquino and Charlie meet! Similarly to Damian, she probably wanted to have a rivalry with her for being the literal daughter of Lucifer, but upon seeing Charlie's "Disney" personality type she gave up pretty quickly (especially when she saw the big power difference there is between the Aquinos and the Morningstars).
Currently Dahlia and Charlie get along quite well! Dahlia thinks Charlie should stop being so nice and join in a little with the violence, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't like Charlie's pampering.
Damian: Aren't you tired of being Nice?
Dahlia: don't you just wanna go appe shit?
bro, imagine that Charlie solves the problem of the Levays and the Aquinos in one day☠️
I can see Damian using "aggressive kindness" to get several souls from the eighth circle of hell to go to Charlie's hotel. Mr. and Mr. Lavey give Charlie more resources than Alastor does, such as personnel, resources, dissemination of the idea of the hotel, etc.
Let's be honest, Damian would be excited about the extermination being brought forward just so he can fight more exorcist angels. but he definitely makes it his personal goal to be admitted to heaven and hit Adam in the face (and other places). Dalia joins him.
OMG how ANGRY Damian would be at Valentino when he finds out what he did with Charlie's arm☠️
Damian doesn't like Alastor, he only likes him when he's doing violent things(His "calm, charming behavior" doesnt work with him), like in episode 5 oh, he'd be cheering for him SO HARD--
He doesn't do much when Lucifer comes, but I think he's definitely quite emotional when they finish singing "More than anything" and he's like "love is definitely the most radical thing in the world, it could beat the devil himself" and then he goes away he get drunk (Husk knows a lot about him, believe it).
If Damian SOMEHOW goes to heaven with Charlie and Vaggie, he's definitely blinded by so many pastel colors😂 and he already wants to leave. That is until they get to court, there he tries to bite Adan or at least give him a Roast. If not(most likely) he just go for a havoc, the normal thing for him.
(Damian definitely had no IDEA that Vaggie was a former exorcist, but he definitely thinks she's a lot more Badass now.)
OH HOLY SHIT IMAGINE THE FINAL BATTLE, Charlie not only has the support of the cannibals, but the support of the ENTIRE EIGHTH CIRCLE OF HELL, the angels would be considerably more screwed now. The Lavey lords give more angelic weapons and black magic, protection charms, Damian may even use contacts like Miranda to get her family to join the battle!
everything would be much more balanced between the demons and the angels, Damian and Dahlia are having a GREAT time killing angels left and right, Mr. and Mr. Lavey are having fun for the first time in YEARS and when they see Lucifer and Adam's fight it is even better!
when Adam dies- holy shit, Damian is celebrating and when he gets the chance he will dance on his body.
help rebuild the hotel 🥺 Damian and Dahlia HAS to Sing in the final song, i don't make the rules.
Overall, a nice Crossover❣️
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...Top five Charlie moments, I'm curious.
Sorry this took so long!!! I had many feelings lol
Here we go!
5. Her ranting to Alastor
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It's just a cute moment to me! I especially love Alastors aroace stare of death the enitre time but also i think its a good moment to highlight how Charlie works? If that makes sense. It was nice to see her ranting to him, frustrated and confused over the situation with Vaggie. A runner-up to this is definitely her talk with Rosie, but i particularly enjoyed seeing Charlie just. Ranting lol
4. Her Hugging Angel
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YALL HAD TO KNOW THIS ONE WAS COMING i Have so many things to say about the end of episode 4 but this this is my favorite scene. Like they could have easily played it off or not really addressed it but Charlie waiting up till Husk brought Angel home???? Specifically so she could apologize to him?? Just overall her realizing that she messed up. Angel accecpting the apology and telling her he understands that she genuinely wanted to help him.
This scene means a lot it was so sweet it was so kskfkwkfkekdkwkd Charlie is such a kind hearted person and it was eating her alive to know in her fury and anger to protect Angel she inadvertently made things worse,,,,god. Sweet girl im so happy they hugged im so happy he reassured her it was okay, he knows her heart is in the right place.
3. "Just, come see what im trying to do here. It's really important to me."
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I just aaaaaaa god FUCK. She genuinely cares about them so much. Charlie has found company and family in this band of misfits and at this point knows they all believe in her, and this scene melts me. Charlie telling her dad how important this is (and the flash to Angel and Pens faces and how those words alone mean so much to them ill cry)
Charlie believes in them so much. She calls them her family to adams face later on, and i melt
2. "What makes you think you can treat him like that!?"
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Just. Angry Charlie. Charlie looking ready to beat Valentinos ass into the ground (and she probably would have had Angel not stepped in)
Like I genuinely believe she'd be pissed if she saw ANY of the other Hotel staff being treated like this, but I do think it being Angel played a part in HOW mad she got.
(Let me cook here okay)
Its like. Angel up till then had been making a point to not let on bad things were for him. He only ever called Val his "Boss". He actively hid and covered up his text messages. Charlie had been operating under the impression that Angel was an addict and sex worker, but she had absolutely no idea he was a victim.
Thats why i love this moment. You see it click in her head. The way she watches Val push Angel, the way her eyes follow, you can literally SEE her putting the pieces together, the Realization of just how much Angel was dealing with.
I can only imagine what was going on in her head but I think a big reason why she got SO angry in this scene is because she finally understands.
And shes ready to kill over it.
1. That's princess of Hell to you, pig."
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I have very little to add to this besides that this is badass. I LOVE angry Charlie. i LOVE seeing her pissed off. She has been building up to this. She deserved this moment to look Adam in the eyes and remind him EXACTLY who the fuck hes talking to.
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kiddoryder · 8 months
Forbidden Memory (redo)
Hey guys! Let me just say that Hazbin Hotel was AMAZING!! The episodes, the characters, the songs, the voices, EVERYTHING! The four years wait was SO worth it!
Anyway, this story will be a redo about Charlie, Vaggie and Angel discovering why Sonya has a deep fear of Alastor.
So relax and enjoy the story!
At the hotel, Charlie had gathered everybody in the lobby. Charlie said:
Charlie - “Okay guys, I was thinking maybe we can do some arts and crafts and-“
Husk - “What? Arts and crafts? Do we look like fucking five year olds?”
Vaggie - *annoyed* “Art and crafts aren’t just for kids, Husk.”
Charlie - “Sometimes it helps release the deep feelings into something creative.”
Sir Pentious - “Oh! Like when I built my machines to take down the peasants in Hell so I can be ruler!”
Charlie - *a bit uncomfortable* “Yeah but maybe something a bit less destructive.”
Angel - “Hey ya know I been told a lot I’m an artist in bed.”
Husk - *disgusted* “Ugh no one wanted to fucking hear that!”
Niffty - “I don’t mind hearing about it.”
Then Charlie heard a techno ringtone and looked at her phone. She saw a magic wand profile picture and knew it was Sonya. Charlie went to the hallway and picked up her phone.
Charlie - “Hey baby cousin! What’s up? Oh of course! It’s no trouble at all. I’ll tell the others. Bye!”
Then Charlie came back and looked happier than usual.
Charlie - “Okay big news: You all remember my baby cousins Sonya and Liz?”
Angel - “Oh yeah the kids who are some kind of zodiac?”
Husk - “Oh yeah I remember the weird little boy.”
Charlie - “First of all Husk, Sonya is a girl. Second, they are born a Gemini. Anyway, they are coming to the hotel to stay a few days here. Their parents are going away for vacation. Maybe them being here, could make a good lesson plan.”
Husk - *annoyed* “We aren’t fucking babysitters Princess.”
Vaggie - *doubtful* “Charlie, you sure you wanna use your cousins for this?”
Angel - “Hey we are good with kids. The cool twin Liz is pretty badass. I can teach her how to use a gun!”
Vaggie - *mad* “You’re not doing that!”
Charlie - “Look, I think being around a kid can help you guys set limits and how to even act around them. So just give it a chance. We better get things ready for her.”
Sonya was walking with a yellow bookbag on. When Sonya was now in front of the hotel, she knocked on the door, and Charlie opened it.
Charlie - *happily* “Oh there's my favorite baby cousins!”
Sonya - *happily* “And there’s my favorite big cousin!”
The two hug each other. Even Liz came out in shadow form and hugged Charlie. Then Charlie led the twins inside the hotel. Sonya saw Husk drinking alcohol like always.
Sonya - “Oh hey Husk.”
Husk - “Hey kid. Ya want something to drink.”
Charlie - “Now Husk, remember Sonya is too young to drink alcohol.”
Husk - “Hey the boy is almost at his manhood.”
Sonya - *annoyed* “I’m a girl.”
Husk - “Whatever.”
Charlie - *chuckles nervously* “Anyway, so good to see you Sonya and Liz.”
Sonya - *smiles* “Thanks Cousin Charlie.”
Charlie - “Oh that's wonderful! We're going to have the best time! I can’t wait to show you the fun plans I have instore for us.”
Sonya - “So how are things in the hotel?”
Charlie - “Pretty good. Nothing out of the ordinary. I think everybody is starting to get along with each other better.”
Then they heard yelling, running, and laughing. Vaggie came chasing Angel Dust with her spear. Vaggie was covered in pink paint.
Vaggie - *angry* “I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!”
Angel - *laughing* “Gets you every time!”
Vaggie - *taking out her knife* “I'm gonna stab you into a bloody pulp!”
Then Angel saw Sonya, and he quickly picked up and held her in front of him like a shield. This made Vaggie stop because she didn’t want to hurt Sonya. Sonya was a little surprised that she was being use as a shield.
Angel - “Freeze! I got a kid and I know how to use her!”
Vaggie - *annoyed* “Angel!”
Angel - *takes out a sewing needle* “I’m warning you: I’ll let out a certain wild child!”
Sonya - *confused* “Uh guys? Is there a more peaceful way to handle this?”
Angel and Vaggie - “No!”
Charlie - “Hey! Hey! What’s all the fighting?”
Vaggie - *points to Angel* “While we were fixing up Sonya’s room, Angel pulled that bucket full of paint prank on me!”
Angel - “It was just a joke! Besides, at least you now don’t look like an old sour purple grape.”
That comment made Vaggie furious and was about to lunge at Angel’s throat.
Vaggie - *angry* “I'll skin you alive!!”
Charlie - “Guys! Enough! *to Angel* Angel, you know that playing pranks like that isn’t nice right?”
Angel - *sighs* “Yes Princess.”
Charlie - “And Vaggie, you know that you can’t be chasing people with knifes.”
Vaggie - *sighs* “Yes.”
Charlie - “Okay good. Now Angel, do you mind putting my baby cousin down?”
Angel - “Fine.”
He dropped Sonya on the ground.
Sonya - “Ow!”
Angel - “Whoops! Sorry kid.” *chuckles*
Sonya rolled her eyes as she got up. Liz couldn’t help but chuckle as well.
Charlie - “By the way, I just got a call from Alastor earlier. He said that he's coming to the hotel today.”
Vaggie - *annoyed* “Ugh, him again?”
Sonya froze in fear when her cousin mention Alastor’s name. Liz in her shadow form took notice of this and looks worried and concern.
Angel - “What do Smiles want?”
Charlie - “He just want to see how things are in the hotel and *noticed Sonya look scared* Are you okay Sonya?”
Sonya - *scared* “D-Did you say A-Alastor is coming?”
Charlie - “Yeah but only for a short while. He just wanna check things out and then he will leave to attend “business.” Is there something wrong?”
Sonya - *nervously* “Umm...Do anybody got something pointy? Liz s-said that she wants to come out.”
Vaggie - “What? Now?”
Sonya - *nervously* “Please! You k-know she doesn’t like b-being cooped up too long.”
Charlie - *takes out a pushpin* “Here you go.”
Sonya - “Okay good! Angel would you like to do the honors?”
Angel - *excited* “My pleasure!”
He pokes Sonya’s finger and her eyes rolled up and passed out on the floor. Then out comes Liz with her wild hair, red eyes and fangs.
Liz - “BADA BOOM! Did you miss me? Admit me it, you miss me!”
Angel - *happy* “There's my girl!”
Vaggie - *sourly* “Yeah. The preteen girl version of you.”
Liz - *smirks* “Hey Chica. I can see you are still sour as ever.”
Vaggie - *offended* “Hey!!”
Charlie - “Hey Liz, why does Sonya not want to meet Alastor?”
Liz looked concerned and turned to Sonya in shadow form. Sonya has a begging pled in her eyes and even held her hands together. Even though Charlie is their favorite cousin, there are some things even she can’t tell Charlie because she loves Sonya too much.
Liz - *shrugs and sighs* “Sorry Cuz I can't tell you. It’s a secret.”
Charlie - “But you can trust me.”
Liz - *shakes her head* “Sorry Cuz but I can't break a promise to Sonya. It’s a twin thing.”
Charlie - *a little sad* “Well okay.”
Angel - “Sounds to me like she's scared of old Freaky Face.”
Vaggie - *arm crossed* “Well can you blame her?”
Angel - *scoff* “Aw, you guys are a bunch of fraidy cats. Yeah he’s freaky, but I don’t see the big deal about him.”
Liz - *offended* “Hey, watch it! That guy is deadly.”
Charlie - “Yeah Angel. Alastor isn't the type to be messed with.”
They heard the door knocking. That’s when they realized that Alastor is here.
Charlie - “Oh he's here!”
Liz - “Better change my clothes!”
Liz went to the nearest bathroom to change her clothes.
Vaggie - “Oh here we go...better grab my spear just in case he tries something funny.”
Angel - *shrugging* “I don't see what the big deal is?
Vaggie - *annoyed* “Don't you ever listen to what I've been telling you about him?!”
Angel - “What? I hate politics.”
Vaggie sighed in annoyance and went to get her spear. Angel rolled his eyes and decided to go to the kitchen to get a snack. Once Charlie saw her friend and girlfriend downstairs in the lobby with her, she opened the door and saw Alastor.
Charlie - “Oh hello Alastor.”
Alastor - “Hello sweetheart! So wonderful to see you again!”
Charlie - “It's nice to see you too. Please come in.”
Alastor - “Why thank you.”
Alastor stepped inside and looked around at the hotel. He saw Niffty who was busy cleaning, and Husk was busy drinking. However he decided the hotel looked better than the first time he arrived.
Alastor - “I see the place is looking quite well.”
Charlie - “Thanks. My friends and I have been trying to fix up the place lately.”
Then Liz came downstairs in her ringleader/punk biker outfit and saw Alastor. Liz smiles and tip her top hat.
Liz - “Sir Alastor.”
Alastor - *bows* “Why hello Lady Liz.”
Liz - “What brings you to the Hotel?”
Alastor - “Can't an old friend stop by for a visit?”
Liz - “Hm that's true.”
Vaggie - *threateningly* “Just don't cause any trouble Alastor
Alastor - “Dear if I wanted to cause trouble I would of done so already.”
Vaggie - “Still, I'm watching you, bud.”
Alastor - “By the way, where’s that old fashion snake Sir Penniless or whatever his name is.”
Charlie - “Oh Sir Pentious? He and his little Egg Bois went out on a walk. They will be back soon.”
While Alastor was visiting, Charlie noticed that Sonya didn't come out at all in shadow form. It was rare that Sonya does that because she or Liz would usually be out in shadow form to show people that they are Gemini.
Charlie: *thinking* “Huh, that's odd. There's something going on with my cousin but I have no idea what it is. Why won't she tell me? I'm her best friend and favorite cousin. She can tell me anything.”
Vaggie - *arms crossed* “So What are you doing this time, Alastor?”
Alastor - “Oh I just wanted to make sure this Hotel is in tip top shape.”
Vaggie - “Yeah, sure you do.”
Niffty - “It’s true! I've been killing a lot of mother bugs and their babies. It was so funny watching them bleed and screech in agony.”
Husk - *disgusted* “Like we need to know that creepy shit Niffty.”
While that was going on, Liz sat down next to Angel Dust on the couch. They both watch Charlie and Alastor talking to each other.
Angel - *to Liz* “So what you think of Smiles over there kid?”
Liz - “He’s actually a cool dude, but he's also a little bit creepy.”
Angel - “I don't see what's so scary about him.”
Liz - “But haven't you been here longer than us? Well Vaggie cause me and Charlie was born here.”
Angel - *shrugs* “I never get involved with politics.”
Liz - “True. I mean they can be a pain in the butt. Like Vaggie.” *snickers*
Vaggie - *offended* “I heard that!”
Both Liz and Angel Dust snickered which made Vaggie glares at them. As Alastor went to the bathroom and Liz went to get a snack in the kitchen, Charlie walked up to Angel and Vaggie all worried and concerned.
Charlie - *concerned* “Guys seriously, I'm getting very worried about my cousin.”
Angel - *confused* “Why? Liz is fine.”
Charlie - “I know Liz is fine but not Sonya. It was like the moment she heard Alastor was coming, she seemed....terrified.”
Vaggie - “Well can you blame her? He's one of the most terrifying demon ever.”
Charlie - “I guess. But haven't you guys noticed every time Alastor comes over, Sonya let Liz take over? And whenever we ask them why they do that, they don't tell us or change the subject.”
Angel - *thinks* “Hmm once I think about it, that is strange.”
Vaggie - *suspicious* “Yeah it is. But still it's none of our business.”
Angel - “Oh come on I mean it's not like the kid ever met him. I bet she just heard about the stories of him.”
Charlie - “Still, I can't help but worry.”
Vaggie - “Why don't you talk to her after Alastor leaves?”
Charlie - *smiles* “Good idea, I'll do that.”
After the short visit, Alastor left the hotel. Liz went to Charlie said:
Liz - “Okay Cuz, you can do the old presto change-o.”
Charlie - “Got it.”
Charlie grab Liz I into a hug and pets her hair at the same time so Sonya would come back. Then Liz twitched, and her eyes rolled up and then Sonya was back.
Sonya - “Thanks Cousin Charlie. I'm gonna go change into my regular clothes.”
Charlie - “Alright. There’s extra clothes in the bathroom lobby.”
Sonya - “Oh cool thanks!”
Then Sonya went to the lobby bathroom to change. Then Charlie turned to Angel and Vaggie.
Charlie - “Come on guys.”
Vaggie - “Where are we going?”
Charlie - “To her room.”
Vaggie - “Why?”
Charlie - “To see if we could find any clues about her fear of Alastor.”
Angel - “Aw sweet we are ransacking!”
Charlie - “It’s not ransacking Angel. It’s more like information-gathering.”
Angel - *smirk* “Same thing as ransacking.”
Charlie and Vaggie rolls their eyes at Angel’s comment.
The three of them went upstairs to Sonya and Liz’s room. Their room was blue and purple with posters of their favorite sports, bands, and drawings. There were some stuffed animals, bookshelves, a desk with a laptop on it, a tv, and a dresser. Once they opened the door to her room, they began their search.
Vaggie - “So what are we looking for exactly?”
Charlie - “Her research book.”
Angel - “What the fuck does have that to do with Alastor?”
Charlie - “Sonya likes to do research on the people in Hell that interest her.”
Vaggie - “Wait, isn’t that the same as spying?”
Charlie - “We told her before but she doesn’t see the difference. Anyway, If we can find her book, we can know her reason for fearing Alastor and we can help Sonya conquer it.”
Then they began to look in the room for the book. Angel opened drawers to see a bag of chips, candies, cookies and snack cakes. Making sure the girls weren’t looking, Angel began to stuff some in his pocket. Angel closed the drawer, kept looking and opened another drawer and inside was stolen wallets full of cash.
Angel - “Oooh! She's loaded.”
Angel quietly took some of the cash and stuff them in his pocket too. Then be closed the drawer.
Angel - *deadpanned* “Nothing in here.”
Vaggie - *mad* “You better not be stealing any of her stuff!”
Angel - “Oh of course not.”
Vaggie eyes him suspiciously and looked annoyed.
Charlie - “Come on we need to keep looking.”
They kept looking around Sonya’s room. They were also making sure they weren’t leaving a mess. Then Charlie looked under Sonya’s pillow and found her research book which was a thick black notebook.
Charlie - “Guys! I found it!”
Vaggie and Angel walked over as Charlie began to open the book. Charlie began to flip some pages and found the pages about Alastor.
Charlie - “Okay here it is! According to this, Alastor likes old time music, eating deers, and scaring people.”
Vaggie - “Like we already knew that.”
Angel - “Is it there anything that’s actually worth reading?”
Charlie - “Let me try to find it. *flips a few more pages* Oh! Here’s something: I want to learn how Alastor’s powers work. So tomorrow I’m gonna go and secretly see how Alastor’s powers work.”
Vaggie - *surprised* “Whoa! She actually went to see him?”
Angel - “Didn’t realize the kid has guts.”
Charlie - *reading* “So far I know Alastor can use his blood to summon voodoo power. And use weird voodoo people. He can summon things at random. Right now I’m in the log watching Alastor with some guy and the guy looked scared. Then Alastor-“
Vaggie - “And what? Why do you stop?”
Charlie - “The next pages are missing.”
Charlie showed Vaggie and Angel that their are missing pages.
Angel - *dismayed* “Aw! I wanted to hear the good parts.”
Vaggie - “Why would she rip them?”
Charlie - “I don’t know. Maybe she hid them somewhere.”
“What are you guys doing?”
They saw Sonya at the doorway in her regular clothes. She looked confused on why her friends and cousin are in her room.
Charlie - *nervously* “Uh, nothing! Nothing!”
Angel - *arms cross* “Actually we were just going through your stuff.”
Vaggie - *angry* “Angel!”
Angel - *defensive* “What? It’s true isn’t it?”
Sonya - *angry* “What?! Cousin Charlie how could you?! Out of all people I actually expected Angel to do this, or even Niffty. But you?!”
Vaggie - *defensive* “Hey! Don’t get mad at her, okay? We only looked at your spying book.”
Sonya - “It’s not a spying book! It’s a research book! There’s a huge difference!”
Charlie - “We are sorry Sonya. It just that we needed to know why you are afraid of Alastor.”
Sonya - *annoyed* “Why do you guys keep asking about that?! I can’t tell you!”
Charlie - “Because we are worried about you! You can't keep stuff like this hidden forever.”
Vaggie - “I mean you only heard stories about him right?”
Sonya - *nervously* “N-Not exactly.”
Angel - “Then why are you scared of him if you haven’t even met or even heard the stories?”
Sonya - *sighs* “I just can't tell you. *looks at Liz in shadow form* But maybe it's better that she shows you.”
Angel - *confused* “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Sonya - “What I mean is that you three can go inside my mind and Liz tell you. I know a magic spell can do that.”
Vaggie - “Couldn’t you just let her come out and tell us?”
Sonya - “No. We made a twin promise not to tell you. Twin promises are sacred to us. But showing you instead is better and you guys can understand and techinally it not breaking our twin promise.”
Charlie - “Well okay.”
Sonya took out her spellbook from her shelf and flipped a few page. She saw the page she needed and said:
Sonya - “Somnium Meum!”
The book glowed and it made Charlie, Vaggie and Angel covered their eyes. They looked around around and saw that nothing had happened and they were still in Sonya’s room.
Charlie - *confused* “Uh Sonya? I don’t think the spell-“
Suddenly, Charlie, Vaggie and Angel started have sleepy looks on their faces and feel tired. All three of them passed out on the floor.
“Hey Cuz. Cuz wake up.”
Charlie moans a bit, sat up, stretched, woke up and saw Liz holding a pool stick. Charlie looked around and saw she and Vaggie were on a pool table. Angel was on the floor and was starting to wake up along with Vaggie. They both looked around and saw they were in some kind of gaming room.
Angel - *rubbing his eyes and head* Huh? What the fuck is this place?”
Vaggie - *groans and confused* “Yeah where are we? And why is Liz here?”
Liz - “You're inside the Mind House.”
Vaggie - “The Mind House?”
Liz - “The Mind House is a place that me and Sonya go to whenever we switch. You can say this is like our second home. Right now, you guys are in the game room.”
Vaggie - *impressed* “Wow. It's something that I didn't expect.”
Liz - *offensived* “Really Chica? You thought that we would stay in a cage?”
Vaggie - *mad* “For a psycho brat like you yeah!”
Angel - *amazed* “This place is fucking sweet! Kind of better then the hotel.”
Liz - “Of course it is Angel D. I mean, Sonya and I need a place to sleep and hang out. *plays pool* so why are you guys here?”
Charlie - “We're here to find out why Sonya is afraid of Alastor.”
Liz was shocked to the point she accidently hit a ball to break a window. Then Liz had an uneasy look on her face as she turn to the others.
Liz - *uneasy* “Cuz...Are you sure you wanna see that memory?”
Charlie - *nods* “Yes I feel like we need to know so we can help her.”
Angel - “Beside, Sonya said showing us wouldn’t break your twin promise shit.”
Liz - *take a deep breath* “Alright follow me.”
Liz led them an elevator and pressed a button to a room upstairs. Then the elevator’s door opened and they were now in a room and saw a lot of yellow orbs on shelves. Charlie, Vaggie and Angel were amazed on seeing the orbs.
Charlie - *amazed* What are these?
Liz - “Memory orbs. Some of the orbs are mine while the other orbs are Sonya's memories.”
Vaggie - “Why are they on separate shelves?”
Liz - “We may share the same bodies but sometimes not the same memories. So whenever we need to remember something, we just watch it from the orbs.”
Charlie looked around and was amazed at all the orbs. Then she began to notice a different shelf of orbs. The shelves were red and had a wooden red heart on it.
Charlie - “Hey what’s these orbs?”
Liz - *warmly* “Oh those orbs are our favorite memories we perished forever.”
Charlie looked at some of them and saw it was Sonya or Liz spending time together having fun and comforting each other. Charlie smiles and looked touched at this. Vaggie looked and even saw some of Sonya’s favorite memories involving Vaggie as well. But most of the orbs had Sonya spending time with the people at the hotel having a great time with each other.
Charlie - *touched* “This is so sweet.”
Liz - “I have some too.”
They saw the same shelve but this one has Liz’s name on it. Angel was looking at them and saw him and Liz was spending time with each other or protecting each other. Even spending time with Sonya. Like Charlie, Angel looked touched as this.
Vaggie - “Hate the to spoil the moment, but can one of these show us something about Alastor?
Liz - “Of course but it's not on any of these shelves. It’s actually-
Liz then saw Angel grabbing some random orbs on the shelves and looking at them.
Liz - *uneasy* “Angel D what are you doing?”
Angel - *smugged* “What? I'm just looking at these little golden balls. It's not going to do this.”
Angel began to juggle some of them. This is starting to freak the girls out. Even Angel began to walk while juggling the orbs.
Liz - *scared* “Put them down!!”
Angel - “Relax kid I’m not gonna break-“
Unfortunately as he was walking, he tripped over a shelf leg and fell on the ground causing the orbs to go up in the air. Liz, Charlie and Vaggie caught them the falling orbs in time. Angel, however missed one orb and it broke much to Vaggie’s horror and anger.
Vaggie - *angry* “You idiot! Look what you did!!”
Liz - *shrugs* “It's okay, that one wasn't important.”
Charlie - “Really?”
Liz - “Yeah it was her learning geometry.”
Angel - “Ugh, I hate that subject. Good thing I forgot about it along with a bunch of other stuff. I thank the drugs and alcohol I took for that.”
Liz - “So you kind of did her a favor. I mean we usually throw out the memory we either hate or want to forget in the trash bucket.”
Charlie - “Oh. Well that’s good at least.”
Liz - “Yeah but still be careful with these orbs! If they break, then we lose memories of them for good. I don’t need Sonya forgetting how to use the toilet.”
Vaggie - *threatening Angel* “And if you break another, I’ll break your neck!”
Angel - *raised his hands up* “Okay! Okay I’ll be more careful.”
Then Liz led them to a hallway. After 2 minutes, they reached the end of the hallway and were now in front of a door with lots of padlocks and chains.
Liz - “This is where we store horrible memories. If it’s so bad we lock them up in here. So we don’t have to remember them at all.”
Charlie - *determined* “Then that's where we must look.”
Liz - “Alrighty let me just open it.”
Vaggie - “How are you going to open a door like this?”
Liz - *scoffed* “That’s easy Chica!”
Liz took a crowbar and roughly opened the door, breaking the locks and chain. Then the door opened.
Angel - “Smart. That's how I used to open doors.”
Liz - “Okay are you guys ready to go in?”
Charlie - “Yes we are.”
They went inside the room and saw that the room had dim lights. Liz showed them a shelf of dark red orbs all chained up. Liz unlocked it and was now holding one of the orbs in her hands.
Charlie - “Liz is this it?”
Liz - *takes a deep breath* “Yep. That's the memory I can play on the TV.”
She used her head to summon and a TV was summoned.
Angel - *amazed* “Whoa, how did you do that?”
Liz - “Dude this is mine and Sonya’s mind. We can summon anything we want.”
Angel - “In that case can you summon a couch?”
Liz - “Alright.”
Liz began to summon a couch.
Angel - “And summon a table. And make the lights here brighter. I can’t see a fucking thing in here.”
Liz began to look annoyed and made the lights bright and summoned a couch. Charlie, Angel and Vaggie sat on the couch and Angel put his feet on the table.
Liz - *annoyed* “Anything else, your highness?”
Angel - “Well…”
Vaggie - “No! He doesn’t want anything else. *to Charlie* Charlie, sure you want to do this?”
Charlie - “I have to know the truth. *to Liz* Liz, play the memory.”
Liz - *takes a deep breath* “Okay Cuz.”
Liz began to summon some wires and use some wires to connect it to the orb. Then she connected it to the TV. The TV was staticy for a bit, but then it began to be clear. The memory began to play:
Inside the memory Sonya was wearing all black and dark gray clothes, shoes, hat and sweater. She was holding her notebook and had a determined look on her face. I’m
Sonya - *to herself* “Okay Sonya. This is the big day: to learn about Alastor!”
Charlie - “So she was interested in him at first?”
Angel - “Seems that way.”
Liz - “It’s true. Before, Sonya just heard about little fun facts about Alastor like where he’s from, favorite food, music, etc from people. But she felt like she wanted to learn more things about him. Even telling me to stay inside The Mind House cause Sonya felt like it was her mission.”
Charlie - “That’s true. I mean she does love doing research about people.”
Liz - “I know but please be quiet. The memory is playing.”
Charlie - *embarrssed* “Oh right. Sorry.”
The memory began to play again.
Sonya - “Okay. Now where could he be? Cause I know he’s not at the cannibal place at this hour.”
Sonya saw Alastor and a scared demon walking to a forest.
Sonya - *facepalms* “Duh! Alastor loves going to places like this.”
Sonya quietly followed them and was making sure that she didn't get caught. After a few minutes of walking, Sonya saw half empty a big log and hid inside it. She began to write stuff down as she saw Alastor and the demon near a huge pond.
Sonya: *whispers* “Now is my chance.”
Sonya watches closely and writes stuff down in her notebook. But is not prepared for what she's about to see.
Demon - *scared* “A-Alastor I'm sorry that I failed! P-Please! Give me another chance!”
Alastor - *chuckles* “My friend....I'm afraid there are no seconds chances. You failed me and now you must pay the price.”
Alastor began to work his powers and change into his final demon. Sonya was shocked that Alastor had a demon form that was extremely deadly. The terrified demon is more terrified than ever.
Demon - *scared* “No! No! NOOOO!!!”
Sonya was watching this and was looking horrified. Alastor just smiled as the demon before him was destroyed and poor Sonya witnessed everything. She was literally shaking in fear.
Sonya - *horrified* “Oh my god…”
Sonya began to hear footsteps and hide behind the log. However, she did a little peek and saw it was a demon woman around looking injured. She had lots of swords with her.
Sonya - “Hey I know that lady from school. She’s usually one of the teachers who just drinks wine all day in class. Why is she here?”
Girl - “Aw man. That hunting trip was the worst. I don’t think I can handle-“
The girl saw Alastor and he turned around said:
Alastor - “So I take it the cat is out the bag eh?”
The woman looked mad and annoyed and got out her sword. She began running toward him about to slice him.
Girl - “Who are you?!”
Alastor just did a slasher smile and quickly killed her. There was nothing left but her swords and blood. Just as Sonya was witnessing everything, some of the blood landed on her face. This made Sonya become even more scared of Alastor.
Sonya: *shocked* Oh my God!!!! Ohh I gotta get out! This is too much!”
Sonya put her notebook in her bookbag, got up and about about to leave but she tripped over a rock, and landed on the ground. Her hand landed on a twig and accidentally broke the twig in half. The loud snap got it got Alastor's attention and began to slowly turn his head around.
Sonya - *whispers* “Oh no!”
Sonya quickly got up and began to run away. She kept on running fast hoping to get away from Alastor or hoping that he didn’t see her.
Sonya - *terrified* “I hope he didn't see me!”
However, a powerful red power missed her and burnt up a tree instead. Then she heard Alastor:
Alastor - “You can run but you can't hide!”
Sonya took a quick peek and Alastor was halfway far from her but he was doing a speed like run. He even still had that wide smile on his face and quickly turn her face so Alastor wouldn’t see her face,
Sonya - *screams* “I better step on it!!”
Sonya kept running but then her sweater got caught in some pointy tree branches. Even her left ankle and pants got caught in some branches.
Sonya - *horrified* “Oh no! No! *tearing up* Not now!”
Alastor was halfway there and saw the mysterious spy. He used his powers from his microphone and sent a powerful red blast. The red blast did break the branches that trapped Sonya's sweater, but it did a slight cut on Sonya's shoulder.
Sonya - “AHH!”
Sonya pulled hard and was free from the branch that trapped her ankle. She fell on the ground but quickly got up and kept on running. Sonya was a terrible mess, she was covered in mud, her sweater and pants were slightly ripped and her shoulder was bleeding. But she didn’t care and continued to run to get away from Alastor.
Sonya kept on running until she saw that she was by a cliff and a rapid river fill with logs. She knew that these were one of Hell’s rough rivers that was difficult to swim. But Sonya heard footsteps and saw that Alastor was still coming due to seeing the red light. Sonya took a deep breath and jumped into the river. Alastor came to a stop and saw a splash in the river.
Alastor - “Huh. The mysterious figure must have jumped. It was a fun chase but probably drowned. Oh well.”
He left and walked back into the forest. In the river, Sonya came out the water and use a log to swim back to shore. Then she was out of the forest panting and just kept on running until she got home.
The memory stops playing and Charlie and the others are shocked by this memory. Liz sighs and begins to unplug the orb from the TV.
Liz - *glum* “Now you see why?”
Charlie - *shocked* “I....I had no idea. *realized something* “But wait...J remember the time your parents said Sonya was asleep for 3 days, saying how Sonya was super exhausted from a hunting trip.”
Liz - *sighs* “No...She was actually in a 3 day trauma coma after what happened. I had to take care of her and help her recover while she was in the Mind House with me.”
Charlie looked shocked and horrified. She never realized the real reason her baby cousin's fear of Alastor was more than just rumors.
Vaggie - “But why didn't she just tell us?”
Liz - “Cause it's too risky. You know how gossip quickly spread. Demons, especially ones like Katie Bitchjoy ,will reveal the secret. If words get out what Sonya did, Alastor would find out, and Sonya would either end up dead, or his lunch, or whatever Alastor does to demons who spy or threaten him.”
Angel - “So why do you have this memory locked up? Can’t you destroy those pieces of shits?”
Charlie - “Angel is right! We gotta destroy these now!”
Charlie took the red orb and was about to smash it to the ground. But Liz quickly grabbed the orb.
Liz - *shocked* “Cuz are you fucking nuts?! We can’t do that either! If they are destroyed, Sonya would forget about it.”
Charlie - “Well that’s the point! It can actually help Sonya forget her fear of Alastor and actually talk to him and get to know him.”
Liz - *scoff* ”A-And then what?! What happens if Sonya tries to spy on Alastor again? What if this time she gets caught? Demons like Alastor don’t care about the ages. He can badly torture her, kill her and even hurt her for fun.”
Charlie eyes widen at this: her baby cousin being killed and hurt? Not only Sonya’s parents would be devastated, but Charlie would be as well. Sonya and Liz were their favorite cousins and best friends. She couldn’t imagine life in Hell without them. Charlie kept looking at the memory orb that was being held by Liz. She still had this feeling of wanting to destroy them.
Vaggie - *serious* “Charlie, as much as I sometimes can’t stand Liz…She’s right. This is way too risky and can do more harm than good.”
Angel - “Yeah doll face. You always tell us “mistakes are made for reasons” kind of shit. Ya thinking erasing this mistake would help the little squirt?”
Charlie - *sadly sighs* “You're right...Everybody makes mistakes and has to learn from them but not rush it…. I know Sonya will face her fears someday but now I know it’s not the time. I promise to keep you and Sonya safe from Alastor in case he finds out or tries to do something to you guys.”
Liz - *smiles* “Thanks Cuz.”
Liz then led them out the room and chained up the orb. Then she use her mind to chain the door again. The door was now boarded up, chain up with strong padlocks.
Angel - “So how do we get out of here?”
Liz - “Oh you guys should wake up right...Now!”
Confused, Charlie, Vaggie and Angel all started to have that same feeling when Sonya cast the spell. Then they all passed out and fell on the ground.
A few minutes later, they all wake up in Sonya’s room. Sonya was on her bed reading and noticed that her friends and cousin were awake.
Sonya - *uncomfortably* “Did you got everything you needed?”
Charlie - *sadly* “We did....”
With sadness in her eyes, Charlie hugged her cousin. Sonya was surprised because she didn’t expect a hug from Charlie. But Sonya hugged her cousin back.
Charlie - *tearfully* “Oh Sonya I'm so sorry. I never realize how much this traumatized you.”
Sonya - *sighs* “No no it's okay. I should've told you guys like you said.”
Charlie - “No, I shouldn't have pushed you into telling us. We should have just left it alone.”
Vaggie - “Yeah.”
Angel - “Even I thought that memory was brutal…”
Sonya - “Yeah. Now you see why I don't like being around Alastor. And how it’s not easy to talk about…”
Charlie - “Yeah…” *hugs her tightly*
Vaggie - “You don’t have to face him. We won't force you.”
Angel - “We'd never do that.”
Charlie - *takes a deep breath* “If you want, we can tell Alastor not to come anymore.”
Sonya - *surprsied* “Cousin Charlie, you can't do that. Once you think about it, Alastor is the reason you and the Hotel get more respect and demons are even willing to come to the hotel. Plus think what he can do if you refuse him.”
Vaggie - “Yeah Charlie. Alastor isn’t the type that would just pack his bag and leave.”
Charlie - “But he traumatized and nearly killed Sonya. I gotta protect her.”
Sonya - *serious* “Cousin Charlie listen to me: I know I’m afraid most likely to be forever afraid of Alastor but I don’t want you to do that. Despite Alastor being scary as fuck, he's the one that is helping the hotel. I also think he’s the one that actually likes and respects you because if he didn’t, he would have killed you. You and the others handle him well and even Liz. I don’t want to be the one responsible if Alastor does something just because you turn him away. Besides, he didn’t see my face when that happened and he does respect Liz. I’ll just have Liz come out whenever he comes by.”
Charlie - *uncertain* “Are you sure about this Sonya?”
Sonya - *nods* “Positive. I know fear is something you can rid of but this fear of Alastor I can’t cause I’m not ready yet. Plus you did say to your clients: “you learn from your mistakes.” Well, that mistake you guys saw I had to learn from. The lesson was never do big research on Alastor and you might have this fear forever but it’s just something you deal with.”
Angel - “Lessons was never for me. Drugs, sex and alcohol are for me.”
Vaggie - *annoyed* “You can’t even learn how to make your own bed.”
Angel - *offended* “Hey, I can make my bed! I just don’t want to.”
Charlie - *rolls her eyes* “Okay beside that, we understand now why you are afraid of Alastor, Sonya. We won’t be forced to conquer it.”
Sonya - *smiles* “Thank you guys. Just a heads up, it’s most likely I’m never going near that blood thirsty sociopath. I’ll just let Liz take over whenever he comes.”
Charlie - *smiles* “Alright. Sounds fair.”
Sonya - “Umm...What you guys wanna do now?”
Charlie - “How about a movie night?”
Sonya - “Okay that sound fun!”
Angel - “Ooh I’ll get the snacks!” *left the room*
Vaggie - *chasing after him* “It better not have any drugs!”
Sonya was about to leave to until Charlie put her hands on her shoulders and knelt down to Sonya’s height.
Charlie - “Hey. I just want to let you know you and Liz can always talk to me about these kind of things. You both know that you can trust me and help you guys in any way that I can. Beside, you don’t have to worry about Alastor if he ever find out about you. If he even tries to hurt you, he will regret it. I am the Princess of Hell after all, they don’t know the full powers that I have.”
Sonya - *smiling* “Thanks cousin Charlie.”
Charlie gave her baby cousin another hug. This time, Sonya hug Charlie back and sigh in relief. She admit that it felt good to technically tell somebody beside Liz the real truth. Now she knows she an definitely trust her cousin and friends to protect her from serious harm.
Hope you all like it!
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jajanvm-imbi · 2 years
Alright it's almost Hispanic Heritage month again yall. Here's a list of Animated characters that I, a Latina, cried over when I found out they were Latin American
For clarification, "Found out" means, having no previous knowledge of said characters and within the context of the show/movie they are confirmed Latin American.
(From the perspective of a Costa Rican 🇨🇷 specifically)
The entire Madgrial Family (Encanto)
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The moment I saw the teaser trailer for Encanto I started crying. I was so BEYOND EXCITED to see real, true, positive beautiful Latin American representation in a Disney movie. I'm not even Colombian but seeing something like this become so popular made me so happy. Being able to fully understand "Dos Orugitas" in Spanish just hits so different, its not the same in English. It's such a beautiful step for Latin American representation, and I'm so excited to see what comes next for us. (Still holding out for my Latina Disney princess tho. And no, Elena doesn't count) I've also been told I look just like Mirabel and seeing a character that looks like me in a Disney movie just made my heart soar.
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
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Bruh a bisexual Latina with mommy issues AND she's bilingual??? She's just like me fr.
Lance McClain (V*ltron Legendary Defender)
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He was my absolute favorite character in V*ltron and I will NEVER forgive them for ruining his arc and making him sad forever. He deserved a happy ending. He's NOT "just a boy from Cuba", he's so important and lovely.
Miles Morales (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)
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I'm not a comic book reader, so Into the Spiderverse was the first time I met Miles. Finding out he was Afro Latino made me heart soar. He's a sweet boy, such a good character in the movie, and definitely deserved the Oscar. Can't wait for the sequel.
Claire Nuñez (Tales of Arcadia)
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Claire is literally such a badass. She's amazing, an amazing character, her story with Jim is beautiful. Love it when she's speaks Spanish. 10/10 character (Watch Tales of Arcadia it's really good)
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Ducktales 2017)
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King of my heart. Wholesome dork. Voiced by Lin Manuel Miranda.
Gosalyn Mallard (Ducktales 2017)
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What I literal icon. I really really REALLY hope that the rumored Darkwing Duck reboot uses the DT 2017 versions of the DW characters cause this Gosalyn is a QUEEN
Hector Nieves Aka: Hi-Five (Glitch Techs)
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Glitch techs was such a cute show it deserved to keep running. Screw Nickelodeon for canceling it just as it was starting to get interesting. Anyway this dork is adorable. Bilingual gamer king.
Troy Sandoval (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)
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Hi this cutie patootie is a literal king. He and Benson are so cute together. (GO WATCH KIPO AND THE AGE OF WONDERBEASTS ON NETFLIX I PROMISE YOU'LL LOVE IT)
Honorable Mentions:
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(From top to bottom, left to right. Tumblr only allows 10 images at a time so I had to combine them)
• Señor Hueso and Capitan Piel, who together make the icon Don Suave (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2018):
I literally laugh my ass off whenever I watch the episode "Hidden City Job" and they do the whole Don Suave bit. Like it's so over the top yet accurate to telenovela characters that I can't help but laugh every time. When they first introduced Capitan Piel, I instantly laughed so hard before they even translated it because they did the whole Skin and Bones bit and I just thought it was so clever. 10/10 duo I'd love to see more of them. (GO WATCH ROTTMNT PLEASE THEY NEED ALL THE SUPPORT THEY CAN GET IF THEY WANT A SEASON 3)
• Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)
People were giving Vivziepop shit accusing her of making Vaggie the "angry Latina stereotype) and I couldn't disagree more. Vaggie is perfectly fine as a character, and I can't wait to see what they do with her in the official Hazbin Hotel series!!
• Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Phineas and Ferb was the first fandoms I was ever in, and Isabella holds such a special place in my heart. Love her to pieces
• Marco Diaz (Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
Svtfoe was also one of the first fandoms I was in, so seeing one of the leads be portrayed as Mexican made 12 year old me so happy.
• Miguel Rivera (Coco)
Coco is such a beautiful movie, and I ONLY watch it in Spanish. Miguel is such a sweet and special boy, he really brought the joy of music back into his family.
• Soos (Jesus) Alzamirano Ramirez
Gravity Falls was ALSO one of the first fandoms I was in (PnF, GF, and Svtfoe were my main 3 for a time), and finding out this loveable goof was Latino made me really happy
• Princess Elena Castillo Flores
Now she may not be an official Disney princess (she doesn't meet all the requirements to be part of the franchise) but that doesn't mean she isn't excellent representation for young children. Although the show doesn't represent one specific Latin American country/culture, the show does have bits and pieces of many different LatAm cultures, and even some indigenous inspiration here and there with all the mythology aspects. It isn't perfect, but I do still appreciate Elena's presence in Disney.
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month everyone!!!
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wolfoftheblackflames · 6 months
And here's what you've all been waiting for. The FINALE! Thanks so much for reading my fun little fanfic, my sweet misfits! Enjoy the tasty desert! (It's been fun writing this ^^)
Dancing with the Devil: Pt. 5
It was a few moments before Charlie whistled loudly summoning Razzle and Dazzle. “Baaaap?!” Both looked shocked but then looked over at the jerk who hurt their mistress. “Baaaaap….” Both growled lowly and followed Seviathan.
Charlie panted softly but then turned to look at Vaggie. “I'm really sorry you had to see me like this…” Her eyes lowered to the ground, unable to face her date.
Vaggie was in shock, sure, but her heart was pounding upon seeing that beautiful demon form. “Cariño…” (Sweetheart). Her hand gently came to Charlie's cheek, her thumb gently brushing away a tear that had threatened to fall. “Don't be sorry. It's actually very sweet that you'd be getting angry over someone like me.” Vaggie stated softly, her hand being lightly grasped by those long black claws.
“What do you mean?” Charlie asked, nuzzling Vaggie's palm.
“Well before I met you, all I had was some co-workers in the military that weren't exactly the nicest. I also did things alongside those jerks that I'm not proud of…” Vaggie started but took a soft breath to calm herself. “I had killed people Charlie, and I hate myself for it, and in some sick way sometimes it felt good to be acknowledged for those kills. I got praised for how flashy they were too…”
Charlie's eyes widen but then soften hearing the regret in her voice. She gently pulled Vaggie close and nuzzled into her hair, her body vibrating because of the soft purring it was doing. “I can see why you don't talk about your life before Hell… But if you're implying that you, the cutest, the most beautiful, and the coolest badass woman I've ever met, doesn't deserve to be loved or respected? Then I'm sorry, but I really want to whack you for ever thinking that.”
Vaggie leaned into the hug and nodded. “There you go again…”
“What it's true.” Charlie stated with a matter of fact tone.
The two jolted slightly, hearing Seviathan scream. “I was promised a dance at this fancy ball. Shall we?” Vaggie stepped back but had a smirk on her face.
Charlie blinked “Just let me put away these first…” She motioned to the horns and tail but stared as Vaggie took her hands into her own.
“You look gorgeous with them out babe. And I do mean it.” The angel smiled lightly, lifting those hands up and twirling only to briefly rest against Charlie's chest with those hands around her shoulders.
The way she moved, Charlie swore Vaggie was either a natural, or very talented in the dance department. The way that ivory gaze looked back up into soft white, it felt like time had stopped. “Thanks…”
The two glided across the stone walkway of the garden, each easily moving with one another to the ballroom music that echoed inside the bustling building. Charlie felt like she was walking on air right now as she was guided by Vaggie with each step. The way Hell's natural light lit up her frame, Charlie swore that in this moment Vaggie was truly the most beautiful being in Hell.
The slow dance tempo echoed as the two swayed close at its rhythm. “So did that asshole really…” Vaggie asked as Charlie scoffs. “Nope, I never once let him do that with me. Seriously the jerk thought if he pressured me enough I'd do it.”
“Good, it makes me a little relieved, babe.” Vaggie muttered, then looked up at Charlie, who looked down at her. The light of Hell made the princess looked so regal and elegant right now, and Vaggie listening to her heart for once pulled down on that chain lightly and kissed Charlie.
It was sudden and brief but it left the princess stunned. Her tail had shot up as now a cute dopey love struck look graced that face. “Whoa…” Charlie muttered but shook her head to get out of the daze quick. “Will you be my girlfriend?!” She blurted out causing Vaggie to laugh.
“I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't want to be princesa.” The angel teased but yelped when Charlie just quickly lifted her up and spun her around.
“Let's ditch this joint and go on a real date while the night is young.” The demoness grinned as Vaggie laughed at the theatrics Charlie was doing. Right down to the princess bridal carrying the angel out of there when Razzle and Dazzle zipped past clearly looking pleased. “Woooooo hoooo! Best night ever!”
“Charlie babe slow down!” Vaggie laughed as the two hurried out of that place.
Once in the limo, the goofs could relax, but this time, Charlie smirked and gave Vaggie a kiss on the cheek. “Can you do that again? Please?” She asked, giving puppy dog eyes. Vaggie just rolled her eye and gave her girlfriend all the kisses the princess could ever ask for.
(And done! Thanks again for reading my fic guys. I hope you enjoyed it. See you all next time when a new fic drops, until then enjoy the cuteness my lovable misfits!)
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