#angsty first war drabble
theresthesnitch · 2 years
@impishtubist gave me my first Spotify Wrapped rabble prompt, which was #14 for Wolfstar.
“Say something.”
The problem is that Remus loved him, even if unrequited. “Don’t give up on me. On us.” 
Sirius groaned, frustration pouring off of him. “Why were you with Rosier?”
Remus pressed his lips together. “You know I can’t say.” 
Sirius turned away from him, like it hurt to look at him. “I have to get away.” 
“I’ll follow you. Anywhere you want to go.” 
“No.” Sirius walked to the door. “I’m going to stay with James.” 
“Give me the secret, and I’ll come to.” Sirius paused, and Remus waited. 
“No. I can’t. I’m sorry.” 
“Why not?
“Goodbye, Remus.”
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bellamyroselia · 1 year
Like most people, Pit doesn't remember much of his early years. Many times when he thought he was recounting his first time experiencing something or meeting someone, Palutena left out a small laugh quickly followed by "That's not how I remember it". Most of the time she refused to elaborate what she meant by that, but sometimes she did tell Pit something new - like how during their first meeting, Pit had had the audacity to pull Palutena's hair and then laugh at her when she had yelped in pain. He had tried to apologize, only for Palutena to assure him that everything had been forgiven long ago and it was now nothing more than a funny story to think back on whenever she needed something to laugh at. Pit found it weird yet comforting at the same time; it wasn't really something he'd happily look back into, but if it brought joy to Palutena maybe it wasn't all that bad after all. Everyone needed good memories to look back into.
Occasionally when he was dreaming, Pit found himself recounting past events in his head. Some memories were good, others bad, at times they were so hazy he had hard time understanding what was actually going on. Usually he however had a grasp of what actually happened, but this night was shaping out to be different. It was the night following the day after Palutena had told him about the hairpulling incident when Pit had a dream in which the events she had described happened exactly as she had told to him excluding few differences - most surprisingly there was one other person in the room, a man Pit didn't remember ever meeting but who felt familiar anyway. He too was laughing at Palutena's reaction and when he raised his hands, Palutena gladly handed the younger boy to him, much to the joy of the child as well. Something inside Pit felt warm and fuzzy as he watched the younger version of himself happily babble to the man while he pretended to understand, and he wasn't quite sure what it was.
After that night, more forgotten memories resurfaced every so often. All of them were simple and casual, with nothing all that important ever happening; sometimes he was drawing, other times he was trying to eat food from the floor, couple of times Palutena was there as well to laugh at his antics. Only thing that was always there was the man watching over him, and it was clear to Pit that he meant a lot for his younger self. Considering the way he always looked at the little boy, the feeling seemed to be mutual and at times Pit couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of his younger self for all the positive attention he received. It however always quickly gave a way to the familiar warm and fuzzy feeling, though now it was also mixed with a hint of sadness. By each new memory Pit came to understand that feeling better; he was yearning, yearning for something he had forgotten, for someone who was no longer with him, for this spesific form of happiness to be present in his life again. And just like that the dreams seemed to end, as if there was nothing left to remember anymore.
It would take a while before Pit would be dreaming of a forgotten memory again, and this time it wasn't nearly as pleasant as the last ones. His younger self was quietly sobbing in Palutena's arms while the goddess did her best to calm him down, and she wasn't looking to be in the best state of mind herself either. She kept repeating that things would be okay, but it just left Pit more confused; what had just happened?
For following months, it felt like dreams actively avoided Pit. Between the fragmented memories he had had normal dreams like everyone else, yet now nothing seemed to await him when he fell asleep. All that did was give the yearning room to grow even stronger, for Pit desperately tried to cling into the warmth he had felt back then. Did some part of him want to forget it all? If so, why? He would end up finding that out soon.
The next time Pit fell asleep, he was pleasantly surprised to find out that he was indeed dreaming, only for that feeling to quickly fade. He realized that he was in the exact same room he had been the last time he had remembered something, where Palutena had tried to comfort his younger self; Pit couldn't help but feel like everything was going to fall apart soon, he just wasn't sure how it would happen. His younger self was playing with his toys in the adult-sized bed, blissfully ignorant of what would soon fall upon him - and it did indeed happen quite soon, as the door to the room opened and a familiar figure walked in, now donned in armor rather than the casual tunics Pit remembered him wearing. His younger self didn't seem to realize that, looking just as happy as usual and wobbled to him, where he then would pick the toddler up. He hugged Pit's younger self, kissed his forehead and then he said something that would keep on haunting the young angel. Prior to this, Pit had never heard anything the man had said in the memories clearly, so hearing him say "I'm so lucky to have you" to his younger self made his heart to skip a beat. He was so focused on that single sentence that he couldn't pay any attention to other things he was saying, everything else was trivial at the moment. And for that silent moment everything felt perfect, only thing breaking the tender moment being a yawn by Pit's younger self. The man laughed and kissed the toddler's forehead again, only for the child to grumpily pull his hair this time. The man laughed a second time before speaking again: "You do know that I have to go, do you?"
Pit's younger self said something, but the only thing present Pit could make out of the toddler's words was an extremely displeased "Don't". The words were soon followed by another yawn, and the man hugged the child one more time before putting him down to the bed, giving him a stuffed toy dog and patting his head.
"I'll be back before you wake up, okay? I'll be back soon", he said and Pit's younger self seemed to now be convinced, as all the toddler now said was a quiet "Okay" while thightly grasping his plush toy. Pit didn't know exactly what would happen next, but what he did know was that this was the last time they would see each other - he would soon enough be crying in Palutena's arms while she tried to comfort him, and the man whose attention and love he had been yearning for past few months would vanish into thin air. The young angel's heart was aching, he wanted to run to the man, scream for him to not leave, but his feet felt heavy and throat dry all the sudden, leaving him both still and voiceless. All Pit could do was watch as he put on a helmet and left the room, all the while his younger self was too sleepy to protest. Once his younger self finally fell asleep in the dream, Pit found himself waking up in the real world. It didn't take long for him to realize that he had been crying.
Was this why Palutena never elaborated on anything, because she knew what yearning was and what it felt like to yearn for something or someone?
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garbinge · 1 year
Clean Cut
Tim Bradford x F!Nurse!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of bullets, war, shrapnel, anxiety, worry, car accidents. Slightly angsty. 
Word Count: 1.2k 
A/N: Okay so I just caught up with all The Rookie seasons and I’m just LIVING for Chenford. Like LIVING. buuuuuut I noticed there wasn’t much Tim x Reader fic out there soooooo I figured why not! This idea came to my head at some point when I was watching and I also have like a whole story of their life beyond and before this moment but enjoy this little reworked snippet from 2x08. 
The Rookie Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics​
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It had felt like a long day already and you had only been clocked in at the hospital for two hours. You still had 10 hours left in your shift and it felt like you experienced a whole day’s worth already. Being a corpsman for a Marine squad prepared you for a lot but sometimes the uniqueness of LA and the people who resided in it and tended to need your RN medical services at St. Stevens ran you for your money. 
Currently, you were updating patient charts during the lull that was likely to last all of two seconds but it beat staying an extra hour to finish your paperwork likely unpaid because the hospital rarely approved overtime for RNs. 
“Wanna tell me why it’s so crazy for a Tuesday?” 
The statement from your coworker caused you to look at them over your shoulder and let out a laugh. 
“I wish I had an answer to that, but I also feel like anything I say will jinx it even more.” You pushed the computer cart against the wall and moved over to your coworkers cart. “You’ve got like 15 pages here, what is this?” You picked up the manila folder that was larger than your normal ER patient folders. 
“Police car accident. There’s a few of them in the ER right now, these things always include tons of paperwork. Everyone needs to cover their asses.” 
Your heart started to beat faster at the mention of a police accident but what really caused you to go into panic mode was seeing your husband's name on the report. 
Before you could even answer your co-worker you were moving down the stairs, knowing the elevator would take too long. You knew the elevator would probably be quicker but the thought of standing still while you waited for and in it would drive your mind crazy so rushing down the stairs was the better alternative. 
Tim was sitting on one of the ER beds, the scene of it caused you to stop for a minute. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen Tim hurt waiting to be treated. In all honesty this was probably the tamest medical treatment scenario you two had been in together. He looked fine from afar, but that didn’t stop the worry from boiling in your gut. 
“What happened?” You were next to him within seconds, the worry being the fuel of moving you from the staircase entrance to his side in seconds. 
“I rear ended a civilian.” Tim knew better than to try and calm you down with pleasantries and relaxing mantras. 
“Jesus.” Your hand moved to your pocket in search of your pen light. Quickly, you flashed it in front of his eyes, searching for his eyes to constrict and then dilate when you moved the light away. 
“They already did this.” Tim’s voice was neutral, but you knew he was annoyed. 
“Humor me.” Your head tilted, now your own annoyance was clear to him. 
His eyes softened as they met yours and he nodded which gave you the okay to keep running through the trauma checklist in your head. 
“This isn’t like you.” Tim said after a few minutes of silence between you as he humored you by lifting up his arms as you pressed down on his ribs and checked his reflexes. 
“In what way?” You talked as you continued to look him over. 
“I’ve come home and told you I’ve gotten shot at and you barely react, I tell you that I got into a car accident and you’re acting like I have internal bleeding.” Tim’s eyebrows raised. 
“Did they do a CT scan? You could have internal bleeding. Especially if the airbags went off.” 
“Doc.” The use of the nickname only 13 people in the world knew you as caused you to stop your examination of Tim and stand in front of him, slightly defeated. 
“If I worried about every close call you encounter everyday, I’d be dysfunctional. This.” You pointed towards him and the bed, “This is tangible. This actually happened.” 
Tim nodded and a smirk slightly filled his face. 
“You doubtin’ me, Sarge?” You frowned as you asked him, using your own nickname for him. 
“No,” Tim let out a chuckle and shook his head before looking back up at you. “I know better than to ever doubt you.” 
“Smart man.” Officer Lopez walked up to the two of you with a smile. “How’s he doin’?” She looked between the both of you. 
“He’s fine. No signs of a concussion,” you looked at Angela and then back at Tim, “and no signs of internal bleeding.” You smirked at him knowing he was going to give you one back. 
“Give us a minute, Lopez?” Tim stood up and ripped the hospital bracelet off his wrist. 
“Yea, just wanted to let you know the break lights were cut in the car you hit, foul play, you’ll likely be in the clear.” She explained while looking at the both of you, relief coming as a sigh from both you and Tim. “I’ll be in the lobby.” She nodded at him and squeezed your arm to say goodbye before leaving the ER. 
“We goin’ back to the conversation we were having or a new one?” You asked Tim as he towered over you. 
“You pulled shrapnel out of my abdomen in Afghanistan and you look more worried checking me for a concussion.” Tim said with his arms crossed. “What’s going on?” 
“Nothing.” Your one worded answer wasn’t convincing.
“Don’t lie to me.” Tim said more seriously than any of his other statements. 
You sighed, “Like I said, this is tangible. In Afghanistan, we weren’t exactly given the space to worry. Here, I feel like it’s all I have to hold onto. But again, if I held onto every worry I’d be dysfunctional. I know you can handle yourself when bullets are flying, when shit goes sideways, it’s these out of your control scenarios that just get me flustered.” You explained moving your hands around as you talked. 
Tim brought you in for a hug, knowing nothing he’d say could change anything. “You do realize, I’m the one that rear-ended the civilian, not the other way around, right? Totally in my control.” He teased you. 
“Not according to Angela.” You corrected him and he chuckled. 
“I’ll see you tonight.” He placed a quick kiss on the top of your head. 
“See you tonight, I already texted Angela all the concussion signs in case we missed anything.” Letting your last bit of worry out. 
“You haven’t missed a single diagnosis or injury since I met you, Doc!” He called out from a few feet from you. 
“You know, I’m technically not a doc, anymore, Sarge!” You yelled out to him. 
He turned around with his arms up as he continued to walk backwards. “And I’m not technically a Sargeant anymore.” 
“Old habits die hard!” You yelled back just before the elevator doors opened and he stepped backwards into the elevator flashing you a quick smile before the doors closed and he was back on duty.
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kingofbodyrolls · 2 months
End of the World: a Flickering Hope (m) | myg
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every nation seems at war with themselves and everyone, but you and Yoongi manage to stay alive. Until the inevitable catches up to you and you desperately seek help. Will you find it before time runs out?
→ Pairing: Yoongi x reader (female) → Genres/AUs: post-apocalyptic, dystopian, survival, co-dependency to stay alive + heavy angst, fluff and minor smut with a very small sprinkle of comedy and hope for the future. → Tropes: established relationship → Rating: mature/explicit/R18 (this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact.) → Word count: 4k (it’s a shortie 🤭) → Warnings + triggers: protected sex (it’s very minor and not very detailed like I normally do), nuclear war (bombings), exposure to radiation, cancer (talks about treatment and cures (yes in this story there’s a cure for cancer 🥹)), dystopian world, everything is a wasteland, factions and segregation (the elite/rich vs everyone else),there’s also a bit of social commentary in it, anxiety attacks, hyperventilation, time skips, hope. It’s still angsty and grim, lol, but with a hopeful ending! → Author’s note(1): it got short (compared to what I usually write lol). It serves as a bridge between the first story (end of the world) and the spinoff (whalien52). I hope you enjoy it even though it’s short, and if you enjoy this dystopian world, I recommend reading the spinoff (it’s with Jimin as the male lead though).  → Read on AO3? [link]
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[navi]: end of the world // end of the world: a flickering hope // shower drabble // whalien52 // end of the world: epilogue
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“It feels like we’re at the end of the world,” you murmur, gazing out at the blue ocean, mesmerized that at least something still looks the same. The rest of the landscape is a stark contrast, a wasteland ravaged by endless bombings.
“Yeah, it kinda does,” Yoongi muses with a chuckle, gently nudging your shoulder.
“Do you think this war will ever stop?” you ask, hope mingled with despair. Over half a year has passed since the first bomb fell, and now it seems every nation is at war with itself and each other.
“When there aren’t more people left, maybe,” he replies, his voice rough, the morbid truth hanging heavily between you. The powerful few seem intent on death and destruction, and everyone else is left to suffer and die.
“I don’t get it. The whole world is going to die at this point,” you say, sagging to the ground beside Yoongi.
“True. But we’re not the ones in power. We can’t do anything about it,” Yoongi says, his voice steady and calm.
“They say on the radio that almost all countries are affected and there isn’t much land left like we used to know,” he adds, a frown etched on his face.
“God. I don’t want to listen to the radio anymore. I get so depressed hearing about it all,” you groan, “I almost want to throw the damn thing into the ocean. But it’s our only lifeline to civilization, I guess.”
He chuckles, “I get it. It’s fine if you don’t want to listen to the news. I’ll listen for you and tell you the important information if there’s any.”
“Thank you, Yoongi,” you lean in and kiss him on the cheek.
“Maybe we should move again,” Yoongi suggests. You both rise, packing your things and bags.
As you walk through the desolate land, the forests and bushes burned and charred, the road made bumpy by explosions, the sky alternates between a bright blue on days without bombings and a dark shade of gray whenever there’s more bombs falling.
But just seeing the blue sky on some days gives you a fragile flicker of hope for the future. Maybe things will be alright in the end? Are you delusional for thinking that? For still wanting things to go back to the way they were before the war? Deep down, you know it’s impossible to rewind time, yet you can’t help but yearn for a chance to prevent all this devastation. You’re neither a politician nor a soldier, nor do you want to be, but sometimes you wish you had their power and autonomy.
Rumors swirl about the remnants of your government reaching out to other nations for help, but with the entire world reduced to a wasteland, there’s no aid to be found, no refuge to seek. You glance down at your battered feet and worn shoes, the ash and dirt mingling in a grim testament to your journey. The sight makes you frown. Where should you head to now? The question hangs in the air, as heavy and uncertain as the gray clouds that often blot out the sun.
Honestly, you don’t know where you’re going— to safety? What is safety even in a world where every country is at war?
— 2 years later
You don’t know how, maybe through sheer luck, but you and Yoongi have managed to survive the worst of the war. Over two harrowing years of constant bombings, the omnipresent fear of death, and relentless fighting for your lives. Every minute has been a nightmare, an unending torment.
But now, there’s been an eerie silence. 
The bombings have ceased, and the world seems quieter—too quiet. You suspect there aren’t many people left. Most are probably dead. Only the lucky, the hardened survivalists like you and Yoongi, have made it this far. You’ve heard rumors about the wealthy sequestered in their bomb-proof bunkers. How fortunate for them. A shame you couldn’t afford such luxuries. Yoongi’s house lacked such a feature. It would’ve been nice to have been spared from this massacre, to have been sheltered from the relentless horrors.
You and Yoongi have set up camp in a desolate wasteland. Nature is gone, replaced by a sandy, barren expanse. You’ve made a small bonfire to keep warm—it’s the middle of winter now. Though you have each other to stay warm at night, a fire is always a welcome comfort, even if it risks attracting unwanted attention. But you’re prepared for that. You still have your weapons, and Yoongi has taught you to aim better. You feel a grim satisfaction in being prepared, wishing you’d taken such precautions before the bombings. But it’s never too late to learn, right?
“Have you heard any news about civilization?” you ask Yoongi, warming your hands over the small fire.
“Only that people are trying to gather and rebuild slowly… but they don’t agree on how things should be, now that the regular government has fallen,” he shrugs, his shoulders weighed down by the burdens of survival. Yoongi has been your rock since you met, always listening to the radio for news when it depresses you too much.
“Figures,” you pout, rolling your eyes. “There’s probably going to be a fight for power,” you chuckle bitterly. It wouldn’t surprise you. People are so fucking predictable. You don’t want a part of it, but if it affects you, you’ll do whatever you must to live comfortably.
“I hate what this has done to nature,” Yoongi sulks, kicking sand into the fire in frustration. “I mean, I miss the trees. The green colors. Even grass. That feeling of being barefoot on grass. I miss it so much.”
You nod, agreeing completely. God, you miss that too. Or a nice shower. Damn. You haven’t had one since Yoongi’s house. The thought makes you sad, makes you clench your fists in anger. 
You hate this world and everything it has become.
Sometimes you wonder if it would have been better to die, like your friends. But you quickly banish those thoughts. It’s not fair to your friends or to everyone else who’s dead. You’re alive, and you have to make the best of it, even though everything sucks and nothing will ever be the same again.
“I also miss sleeping in a bed. Like on a nice mattress. Fuck. There are so many things I miss,” Yoongi adds, his voice thick with emotion. Reminiscing about the things he misses brings him great pain.
“Yeah,” you say, placing your hand on top of his. “But at least we still have each other.”
“Yes. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he smiles at you, and you think he looks so handsome and beautiful, his cute nose and jaw—everything about him is amazing. His rough yet soft features. You love him so much. He has done so much for you. You’ll forever be in debt to him.
— 4 years later
“My feet are so sore, Yoon,” you pant, feeling the throbbing pain from days of relentless walking, the swelling making each step a new ordeal.
“Let’s take a break. We’ve been walking for days. Let’s set up camp,” he rasps, his voice rougher and more hoarse with time, a result of exposure to the relentless elements or something else, something you both fear to name.
Dropping your backpacks to the ground, Yoongi sets up the tent while you sit down, finally giving your weary legs a rest. Your gaze drifts to the sky, now filled with white clouds—a stark contrast to the endless gray you’ve grown accustomed to. Four years ago, you never thought you’d see white clouds again, let alone a glimpse of blue sky. It makes your heart clench with a fragile hope, a hope for a future you scarcely dared to dream about, yet desperately cling to. On the rare days when the sun breaks through the perpetual gloom, you savor its warmth and light.
“We’re almost out of food,” Yoongi states, coughing slightly before sitting next to you. You lean into him, seeking comfort in his presence.
“It’s okay. I wish we could forage from nature. We can make it,” you say, your voice tinged with hope as you lace your fingers with his. Both of you are exhausted—tired of walking, tired of running. Ever since the war started four years ago, you’ve been on the move, searching for safety. The world was bombed into oblivion, and those who survived scattered, fighting for their lives. The old people in power have regrouped, forming the New World Order, a ruthless regime bent on controlling what is left of civilization. They keep many secrets, information they don’t want the scattered remnants of humanity to know. The New World Order hunts anyone who opposes them, which is why you stay hidden, moving in the shadows. Various resistance groups have sprung up, each fighting back, but they are fragmented, hard to keep up with.
“Yeah, but for now, we still have some food left. Let’s eat,” he says, hugging you tightly as if afraid he might lose you.
You follow his lead, retrieving rations from your packs. Food is scarce, but you’ve learned to live off minimal portions just to stay alive. Begging for food in a city is a last resort; stealing is even lower on your list, but survival drives you to consider the unthinkable.
Eating is a relief, filling your empty stomachs. After your meal, you and Yoongi head into your tent. It’s battered and full of holes, but it provides a semblance of shelter, a fragile barrier against the harsh world outside.
Inside the tent, Yoongi massages your tired feet, his touch soothing the ache from days of relentless walking. You nestle into each other, your lips finding each other in a desperate dance. Your breaths mingle, turning into soft moans that punctuate the silence of the night.
“I want you, love,” Yoongi pants. The way he calls you ‘love’ now always makes your heart race, your face flush. You’ve been in love with him for a long time, and every time he says it, it reminds you just how deeply.
“I want you too. Please, make love to me. I need you,” you quiver, your desire for him skyrocketing. This need always peaks at night or in the mornings, a burning hunger that drives you into each other’s arms on the daily.
Yoongi undresses you with a feverish urgency, and you help him out of his clothes. Your kisses become needier, as if you’re afraid this might be the last time. His lips trail down your neck, and you moan, feeling like you’re in heaven. He grabs a condom—you’d used up that box of 500 pieces a long time ago, but thankfully Yoongi managed to find some in a city you passed through, because bringing a child into this shattered world is the last thing either of you wants. Fuck the fact that you don’t have money. But you don’t have money for a child either.
He strokes himself, grunting low and lustful, then rolls the condom on. He nudges your slick entrance, always ready for him, always needing him. He guides himself into you, filling you completely, and you both gasp at the sensation. His hands find yours, fingers lacing together, grounding you in the moment.
He starts to thrust, slow and steady, each movement deliberate and sensual. “I don’t ever want to lose you,” he chokes out, his voice thick with emotion. He presses down on you, his forehead resting against yours, eyes closed in a deep breath before he opens them again. “I feel like we don’t have much time.”
You look at him, puzzled by his sudden anxiety. “Why?”
“I don’t know, it’s just a feeling I have,” he says, his lips meeting yours again.
When he pulls away, you try to reassure him. “Everything will be okay. We’ll make it.”
He hums, increasing the speed of his hips, thrusting deeper. “I love you,” he whispers, his hand finding your clit, rubbing circles that send waves of pleasure through your body. Your climax builds quickly, and you release around him, your moans mingling with his name, telling him how much you love him, how lucky you are to have him.
He kisses you deeply, and with a grunt, he finds his own release, filling the condom. You both pant for air, and he rolls to the side, discarding the condom in the corner of the tent. He spoons you, your hearts beating in sync, the warmth of his body a comforting shield against the cold, uncertain world outside.
In the quiet aftermath, you feel a fleeting sense of peace. Despite everything, you have Yoongi, and in this moment, that feels like enough.
The next morning, your feet feel somewhat better, but you know you’ll have to walk again today. You and Yoongi eat a sparse breakfast, trying to ignore your dwindling food supply. At least you still have clean water.
As you pack up, Yoongi looks at you with a serious expression. “I think I’m getting sick,” he says, and your heart drops. This is what you’ve been dreading. It’s his cough, isn’t it?
Forcing optimism in this shattered world, you give him a wry smile. “Let’s not jump to conclusions. Maybe we should head to one of the cities near the Capital. There might be a good doctor there who can look at you.” You smile, clinging to hope, because you can’t afford for him to be sick. 
You can’t afford to lose him. 
You don’t want to be alone. 
You need him and you love him.
Relax. Deep breath. Yoongi’s soft eyes meet yours, and you do your best to steady your thoughts and your breathing. An anxiety attack won’t solve anything.
“I think that’s a good idea,” he says with a smile, grabbing your hand and tracing light circles in your palm. “It’s okay. It will be okay.”
You pack up the rest of your things and start the trek towards the Capital. You don’t want to enter the Capital itself, knowing The New World Order’s presence makes survival there impossible. Your best bet is a suburb with a good doctor.
Hand in hand, you walk, one foot after the other. Many breaks for water and pee breaks make progress slow. You have to set up camp again, and the days stretch into weeks. The journey on foot is grueling, and the scenery is a bleak reminder of the war—cracked roads, sand and dirt, burnt patches, and ash-covered areas. You hate it, the stark contrast to the life before the war, but it’s also how you met Yoongi. At least one good thing came out of it.
You don’t know how long you’ve been walking, but at least you have each other, unlike the last time you ventured out for safety. Both of you are immensely tired, feet sore, but then you spot it in the distance: a small city just before the Capital.
The Capital and its surrounding cities have been rebuilt since the war, their new structures futuristic looking; cold and distant. You miss the comforting feel of home.
“You see it too, right? It’s not just my mind playing tricks on me?” you ask in disbelief, eyes fixed on the city ahead.
“It’s there, you’re not crazy, love,” Yoongi chuckles beside you, his hand still in yours as you will your bodies to make it to the city.
It’s small, barely more than a dirt road flanked by a few buildings. Calling it a city or even a town would be a stretch. As you walk through the deserted streets, hope wanes. Suddenly, a tall, muscular man with black hair steps into your path, and you collide with him.
You bump your head against his chest and groan, muttering an apology. When you look up, you see one of the softest faces you’ve ever seen on a man.
“No, it’s okay. It was my fault. I walked out in front of you,” he apologizes, raising his hands in a gesture of peace. You feel Yoongi’s hand freeze in yours, and you turn to see what’s wrong. His expression is one of sheer disbelief, as if he’s seen a ghost.
“Kook?” he utters, eyes wide with unmistakable recognition.
The stranger’s eyes widen, and then he bursts into a broad smile, opening his arms to embrace Yoongi. “Hyung!” he cries, tears streaming down his face as he squeezes Yoongi so tightly you fear he might break a few bones.
“You’re alive?” Yoongi asks, happiness lacing his voice as they step back from each other.
“Yeah!” Jungkook grins, his eyes soft and proud. “I made a survivalist camp. There are a few of us here; you’re welcome to join us.”
“Wow. We looked for you after the bombs. Went to your house, but it was destroyed. I thought the worst. But fuck, I’m so glad to see you again,” Yoongi says, tears in his eyes as he hugs Jungkook again, unwilling to let go now that he’s found him.
“I was fine. I made it out before things got bad,” Jungkook says, turning his gaze towards you.
Yoongi, sensing Jungkook’s curiosity, introduces you. “This is my better half. If we could get married in this time and age, I’d call her my wife.”
You blush at his words, knowing them to be true. Officially getting married is nearly impossible now, with the risk of exposing yourselves by going into the Capital for a license. You don’t need a label to know what you mean to each other.
“Oh, how cute! You survived the apocalypse together?” Jungkook asks, still smiling as he gestures for you to follow him.
“You could say that,” you reply, smiling as Yoongi tugs you along to follow Jungkook.
Jungkook leads you through the sandy street to a larger house in better shape than the others. Out front, a few cars and a motorcycle catch your eye; their sleek, futuristic design makes you wonder if they’re from the Capital. “This way,” Jungkook says, opening the door to the big house. Inside, the air is fresh and clean, the walls a washed white, the wooden floorboards creaking under your feet.
“Welcome to Whalien52,” he announces proudly. You hear rumbling noises and turn to see a group of guys rushing out from a nearby room, stopping in their tracks when they spot you and Yoongi.
Jungkook laughs. “This is the rest of the gang,” he says, pointing to the rowdy group now chuckling among themselves. You give them a small wave.
“Our resistance group is quite small, but each of us has a different skill set that comes in handy when dealing with The New World Order. Let me introduce everyone,” Jungkook says, beaming with pride as he highlights each member.
“This is Namjoon. He handles all our tech stuff,” he says, pointing to a tall man with silver hair who smiles at you.
“Excuse me, you have tech?” you ask in disbelief. It’s been so long since you’ve seen proper technology, let alone held your phone. Speaking of which, you haven’t seen your phone in years, probably left behind when the war started.
“Yeah, we make our own,” Namjoon says with a smile.
“Anyway,” Jungkook clears his throat, “this is Jimin. He’s our stealth and assassination guy.” He points to a man about the same height as Yoongi, with pink hair.
You gulp, realizing how invaluable such a skill would be against The New World Order.
“This is Taehyung. He’s our resident handyman,” Jungkook says, introducing another tall man, this one with blue hair.
“This is Hoseok. He’s the one who plans our missions and does recon,” Jungkook continues, pointing to a man with red hair.
“And lastly,” Jungkook says, pointing to a tall man with broad shoulders and a lab coat, “this is Jin. He’s a doctor.”
The introductions settle in, each name and role adding a layer of hope and security you haven’t felt in ages. Here, amidst the cracked roads and remnants of the old world, is a pocket of resistance, a flicker of defiance against the oppressive new order. You realize this group, this place, could be the sanctuary you and Yoongi have been desperately seeking.
Your eyes almost sparkle at the mention of Jin being a doctor, and relief floods you—maybe you don’t have to keep walking in search of help.
“Nice to meet you all,” Yoongi says, waving weakly and coughing. You notice Jin raising an eyebrow and moving closer to Yoongi.
“That cough doesn’t sound normal. How long have you had it?” Jin inquires, his eyes scrutinizing Yoongi.
“Yeah. But recently it’s gotten worse,” Yoongi admits, his voice hoarse and raspy.
“Come with me. I’ll check you out,” Jin says, gesturing for Yoongi to follow him into what looks like a makeshift clinic room. Yoongi lets go of your hand, and you spot a couch nearby. Sinking into it, you're grateful to be somewhere safe, with a roof over your head. Jungkook sits beside you, explaining how his camp started as a literal campfire gathering for war survivors, evolving into a resistance when they uncovered the government's dark secrets and withheld information.
Time seems to blur as Yoongi is examined. When he finally emerges, his face is pale, eyes hollow. Panic grips you as you rush to him, grabbing his hands. “What’s wrong, love?”
“Apparently... I have cancer,” Yoongi states blankly. Tears spill down your cheeks. This is your worst fear come to life. You cling to him, shaking your head in denial.
Jin steps out, his expression somber and apologetic. “I’m sorry for the bad news. Y/N, I think we should check you too. You’ve also been exposed to radiation,” he explains. You look into Yoongi’s eyes, seeing a mix of sadness, anger, and determination.
Biting your lip, you kiss his cheek, then follow Jin into the patient room. The air feels heavy with despair, but also with a flicker of hope. Here, among these survivors, you might find a way to fight back against the darkness that has consumed your world.
Jin examines you thoroughly, running blood tests and scans with machines you haven’t seen in years—machines you thought had been lost in the war. Perhaps Namjoon built them? You don’t ask. Fear keeps you silent, dread pooling in your stomach. What if you’re sick too? What if Yoongi is going to die?
Jin finishes his tests and leads you back to Yoongi. His face is grave as he begins to speak. “Y/N has breast cancer,” he says, frustration evident in his voice.
“But I don’t feel sick,” you protest, though you know it’s futile.
“It seems to be in the early stages,” Jin assures you. You grab Yoongi’s hand, seeking comfort.
“Yoongi has thyroid cancer, and it’s more advanced,” Jin continues, finally sitting down on a stool.
“What can we do? Is there a treatment or cure?” you ask, your voice trembling. You know cancer treatments exist, but in this world, such things seem out of reach—hoarded by The New World Order.
“There is,” Jimin says, stepping forward. His pink hair contrasts sharply with the bleak surroundings. “The New World Order has a cure for cancer, but they keep it tightly guarded.”
“They only care about themselves,” Hoseok grunts, rolling his eyes in disdain.
“Those people are selfish, hoarding information and research,” Namjoon says, clenching his fists. “Information should be free, not hidden behind a paywall.”
“It’s not even a paywall, Joon,” Jungkook interjects. “It’s exclusive to the elite. They don’t care about the rest of us.”
“Can we get this cure?” you ask, your voice small and uncertain.
“We can try. We don’t agree with their methods, and this cure is crucial. Many people are suffering from cancer due to radiation exposure,” Jungkook says, his hands clenching into fists. You notice the tattoos lining them, symbols of resilience and defiance.
“This is too much to ask,” Yoongi says, shaking his head.
“No, it isn’t, hyung. I want to help you and everyone else. This is our mission, right, Jimin?” Jungkook turns to Jimin, his eyes glinting with determination.
“Yeah,” Jimin replies, his voice light but resolute. “Let’s steal the cure and save humanity.”
In that moment, hope sparks within you. This ragtag group, against all odds, might just have the courage and skill to challenge The New World Order and reclaim the future.
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→ The story continues in the spinoff ‘Whalien52’ (pjm x reader)  (it’s not the same reader though and Yoongi and this reader features in it)
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→ Author’s note(2): I’m not entirely pleased with this sequel, because I had a hard time figuring out how much I should say, and again, I felt like most would be the same, lol— like what more can happen while the world is ending? Maybe I’m just not creative enough. I’m really in a tough spot with my writing, but I’m really trying, but I feel like everything is crap… Anyway, I think it works perfectly to set up the other part (spinoff) 🤷 Also; a big shoutout and thank you to @manipulatedstars for having the idea to make Jungkook run a survivalist camp 🥳💜
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sassy-stupid · 8 months
Pairing: Halsin x f!reader
Angsty fluff
Word count: 1,3k
Content warnings: none as far as I'm aware, but feel free to correct me if I missed anything.
Summary: Halsin is going through it, and you're worried about him.
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Okay, so seeing the vid of all the companions as barbarians changed me. Not only do I now think Halsin would be perfect as barbarian in the 'nature's wrath' typa way, I also decided to make Gale a barbarian in my next playthrough. My boy had the most pathetic little shout, and i happen to think that's great.
Anyway, here's reader getting worried about sweet druid Halsin turning into raging barbarian Halsin. There will be a part two eventually. It will be smut. Sorry guys, but i can't keep the horny in check.
Also, this is rly more of a drabble than a fic, so I'm not naming it :)
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Ever since you'd been unable to save the grove, Halsin had been unable to change into an animal. This change hit the archdruid hard. Not only did this mean that Silvanus saw no chance of redemption in him, it meant the rest of his connection with nature was gone.
At least that's what he had convinced himself of. You were not so sure. You still saw the way nature seemed to respond to his presence, a spark of natural magic still present in the large elf. And yet, you also saw the rage, the new way of fighting he'd adapted to at least try to end the shadow curse alongside you.
The first time he fought by your side since the loss shook you to your core. It seemed for a second that the gentle giant had disappeared. The deep war cry that left him would have stunned you had you not also been fighting the claws of a shadow monster off.
It left an impression on you. You didn't necessarily dislike his new demeanor, but it did worry you. It simply didn't seem like him.
"Halsin!" You call out to the man as he stands next to lae'zel's tent, sharpening his newly acquired battle axe. "Come look!" You'd spotted the ducklings near the ruin in your camp before, but you'd never pointed them out to anyone before. Something about seeing Halsin with the axe made you want to take his attention off the blasted thing as soon as possible, though.
Your plan was working. He put down the axe, jogging to your side in a way that made your heart flutter. What can you say, the man was big in a way that was very attractive to you, and his normally gentle ways only endeared him to you more.
"And what is it I'm here to look at?" He asks, looking straight at you instead of looking around. The lack of his usual perception skills bothered you a bit, but at the same time, you didn't mind his attention being on you either.
"Look over there," you speak more quietly now that you're closer to the animals, not wanting to scare them off. You softly guide him closer to them when you notice he still hasn't spotted the ducklings. "Thought I saw them in the grass yesterday, but the mother finally had the courage to come out!"
The heat of his skin against yours is nice but you chastise yourself for focusing on that when your mission is distracting him, not yourself.
"Oh, younglings this late in the season? The mother has her work cut out for her if she is to keep all of them safe until adulthood." Halsin's voice seems to soften and you can almost physically feel the connection between him and nature. "Though maybe she should give up while she's ahead, protecting what is dear to you is sometimes...simply impossible."
The pain in his voice is clear to you, his eyes steeling. "There will always be new dangers to threaten it after all," Halsin speaks, a new edge entering his voice. "Always new ways to fail," anger. "Always injustice." Rage.
The increasing volume scares of the mother duck, sending the ducklings scattering across the lake. The seething man next to you seems to be too caught up in his anger to even realize. But you do, you realize maybe more than you should have.
A moments hesitation, maybe you shouldn't be getting this involved in Halsin's feelings and inner turmoil. After all you were part of the cause of it all, you'd failed to protect the Grove just as much as he had. What would you do if he turned this newfound rage to you?
You shake your head to clear your thoughts. This was no time to fear consequences to yourself. Halsin could use your help, so you have to try, even if that possibly leads to your favourite man in camp hating you.
"Halsin," you speak softly, almost like you're attempting to soothe him. "Look." The same words from before, spoken differently but accompanied with the same gentle guiding gesture.
It snaps him out of his inner spiral but the anger is clearly still there, barely even hidden beneath the surface. "I know nature has been rejecting you lately, that Silvanus has all but abandoned you." You subconsciously start stroking the man's back in an attempt to further soothe him as you try to make your point. "But this right now? It's you. You're scaring them off. I'm not sure if there's space in you for all this rage and the power of nature."
His eyes linger on your face for another while after the last words leave your lips before he diverts them back to the ducks. He doesn't speak, and for all your nerves, you're not as scared anymore. His posture became less tense and as he crouched down by the edge of the water, you see the old him again.
His hand reaches the water without disturbing it, and as the ducklings regroup near their mother, she swims up to him. You see the change in him the second she touches his hand. Like a world of weight fell off his shoulders, his burden still heavy, but bearable now.
A soft golden glow emanates from the water now, and before you can question anything, Halsin begins chuckling.
"By Silvanus, you were right! Nature never severed my ties, I was burning them with my own fury." he turns to you, still crouched by the ducks who've started nuzzling in his palm now. "You've returned an important piece of myself to me."
"I only pointed out some ducklings, Halsin. You did the rest." You send a wink his way before turning back to the rest of camp. "Oh! Does this mean I can give that sharpened axe to Karlach? She's been eyeing it," you ask, turning back to Halsin, barely noticing the blush creeping over his face. He merely nods in return, feeling his heart stir at the grin you give him.
You'd been right about the axe, Karlach's face when you handed it over to her could only be described with the same words one would use for an overjoyed child. She'd even vowed to you to keep the ribbon you'd put on the handle clean of blood so she could keep it on there.
Unbeknownst to you, as you were accepting the barbarian's expressions of gratitude, the druid that was admiring you form afar got cornered by the two other elves in camp.
"Say Halsin, if I didn't know any better, I'd almost say you're fawning over our dear little (y/n)." It was Astarion who spoke up first, but by her proximity, Halsin could tell Shadowheart had some words for him as well, most likely less sugar coated than Astarion's.
"She's not just our leader, Halsin," Shadowheart begins, "if you hurt her, we'll be forced to hurt you." The clear threat from the cleric was endearing to him. He liked knowing how much the others cared about you.
"Actually," Astarion continued. "I'm fairly certain if we really needed a druid on our travels, we wouldn't be too hard pressed to find one. Jaheira seems entertaining if nothing else." Astarion's thinly veiled threat was less endearing but the same thought process kept the smile on Halsin's face.
"Thank you both for stepping up like this. Though I assure you, I do not give my heart lightly, and I'm ready to offer her all of it." His eyes returned to you as he spoke, watching you fondly as Karlach lifted you into the air and swung you around.
"There is nothing in this world that could make me hurt her."
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divinesolas · 1 month
『Aemond Targaryen Masterlist』
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♡ favorites | ❀ 1k | ✮ requested | ♛ ongoing
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Deja vu: You are falling to your death. Your final wish is to be able to go back and stop the war. It seems the gods have granted your wish and you open your eyes to be back to the fateful day before of lucerys trial months before your 'death'. You must do everything in your power to prevent the war even if the only way is to find yourself in the arms of the one man you hate most, Aemond Targaryen. Part one Part Two Part three ♡❀♛
Forgettable Date: they were both so busy that they forgot about valentines day so aemond surprises reader with a romantic dinner. ✮
who's first?: they masturbate each other and whoever gets revenge first must take orders from who won ✮
First time: Aemond and his wife having sex for the first time ✮
The fifth storm: When a man is asked to choose a bride many would expect him to just choose the prettiest and move on but when Aemond Targaryen is asked to choose one of the Baratheon girls as his bride does something unexpected but it leaves you wanting more. ♡❀♛
angsty drabble: aemond x targ!reader ✮
Struggling to get pregnant drabble ✮
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lbibliophile-sw · 1 month
Codywan Masterpost - 2022-2024
@codywanweek - day 8: 5th Anniversary
This year marks the fifth aniversary of Codywan Week, and the third year I've participated (2022 was my second Star Wars event!), so I decided to celebrate by creating a masterlist of all my Codywan works to date.
Works are ordered approximately from least to most angsty. They are mostly drabbles, and the Codywan relationship is usually left ambigiously platonic/romatic. All SFW.
Fluff and Shenanigans (occasional background angst)
Distraction (affectionate) (AO3) | drabble | Cody tries to reason with his General, who is distracted by other priorities.
See No Evil (AO3) | drabble poem | Cody and Obi-wan stare into each other’s eyes. All in the name of plausible deniability.
Tea Party (AO3) | script and comic | Obi-wan likes taking his tea in the communal rec room, likes when his troopers come past to say hello. But this might be taking it a bit too far...
Post-battle Ritual (AO3) | drabble | As a Jedi, your lightsaber is your life; so keep hold of it. ...Yes, you too.
Face to the Sun (AO3) | drabble | Armour Markings have meaning. Cody's isn't a sunburst.
Shared Custody (AO3) | drabble | Obi-wan keeps losing his lightsaber. Cody takes a different approach to preventative measures.
The Force Provides (AO3) | drabble | One proposal is gracefully declined, and another gleefully accepted.
Multitasking Meditation (AO3) | drabble | A Jedi practices many exercises which increase in complexity over the course of their training. Obi-wan has mastered this one, and so lost the benefit of the lesson it teaches.
Hurt/Comfort (with eventual happy ending)
Harmonic Motion (AO3) | drabble | As a Jedi, maintaining a long-term romantic relationship is hard. But with Cody, with the war over, he finds the right balance.
Sueing for Emotional Damages (AO3) | drabble | Cody might have his General back, but he's still upset that he was tricked into thinking he'd been killed in the first palce. And he knows just who to blame.
Taboo (AO3) | poem | A clone trooper's helmet is as much their face as the one they were created with; something deeply personal to those who have so little. But when Obi-wan tentatively asks to try on Cody's, he doesn't refuse him. His own feelings are no less taboo.
Just Another One of Those Faces (AO3) | drabble | Most plans involving a clone going undercover are doomed to failure… unless it takes place in the heart of the Republic. Obi-wan still worries.
There Were Two in the Bed, and the Little One Said... (AO3) | drabble | Nightmares are never fun, but company makes the aftermath easier.
Silence is Golden | poem | Cody loves his General, but he'll never tell.
Angst (aka. Order 66)
The Nightmare (AO3) | drabble | The Nightmare is unsettling in a visceral way, but after years of the nightly visions they are used to the feeling. And they always wake up. He just needs to wait until he wakes up...
Degrees of Trust (AO3) | drabble | Cody doesn't understand why his General's ‘I trust you’ suddenly stopped being a promise and instead became a pain-filled thing of guilt and grief.
Bonus (not specifically Codywan, but they provide significant inspiration...)
31 Days of Jedi Lies (AO3) | poem | "No, you are NOT fine."
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thescholarlystrumpet · 9 months
Good Omens Fic Master Post
Smut fic
For Loving One rated explicit Father Fell x Crowley Human AU in WW2. Slow Burn. Complete.
Like one of your French Girls rated explicit Aziraphale gets inspired by the Titanic film. Crowley models ;)
To Err is Human Rated Explicit. Memory Loss AU, Aziraphale was never invited to Heaven. Slightly slow burn, Mutual Pining, Smut with Feels. Complete.
Lending a Hand Rated Explicit First GO smut fic, post S1, 3 short chapters, Complete A Demon lends a hand to his aroused confused Angel.
Double-booked rated explicit Reverse Omens Human AU - Rival Musicians
Almost lost, Always found rated explicit 1941 "missing scene" fluffy smut
Not Just Watching Anymore rated explicit Buffy X-over, M/M/M threesome with Giles. Sex Pollen + Consent
Softer than Rainfall at Twilight rated explicit An angel keeping his demon warm in just one bed.
Silence is Golden rated explicit Smutty Angst follow up to The Rest is Silence
Eye Contact rated explicit "Look away and I’ll stop.” Dom Crowley
The Tension and the Spark rated explicit “I think I like hearing you beg me.” Dom Azi
In Perfect Unity rated explicit Double priest porn, PWP with feels.
The Rest is Silence Rated explicit Porn with Feels for the Smut War. They're Not Talking.
There's A First Time for Everything Rated Mature One-shot (with potential for more encapsulated stories to follow) about "Firsts" between Crowley and Aziraphale. Tickling, humor, fluff.
Chromatic Carnality Rated Mature Poetic prose: An Angel trembles before a kneeling supplicant and it is perfectly perverse. 
** Non-smut
When Making Plans with Witches (always read the fine print) rated M Streek Week 2024 cracky ficlet inspired by Gleafer's coven!
My Own Secret Garden Rated T Nonbinary Crowley getting a tat from a tempting Aziraphale Trans Omens min-bang fic 2024
I have brought her laughing (to my quietly dreaming garden) Rated T Fem Azicrow, Prohibition Speak Easy, Drug Use, PINING. Art collab with the incomparable @quona
Wounds Unseen Rated T Inspired by Zoeytime’s comic, an Angsty Aftercare ficlet
A smidge of celestial, a pinch of occult rated T Collection of Drabbles (each 100 words exactly) ranging from humor to angst to suggestive.
What I Am Rated T Post S2 Crowley POV ficlet, meta as inner monologue (3rd person)
To Know a Black Sheep Rated T published first draft of a Priest AU (am doing a whole new idea as a long smutty fic)
Linguistic Evolution - Rated G First fic I ever wrote for GO: Funny and fluffy one shot.
I also run the 18+ discord with the Masters of Sex streams and NSFW Sims channel. Link by request :)
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muffinbeliever · 1 year
Glimpse of Us
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It's the 45th anniversary of Star Wars, and Stiles can’t help but think of you. Based on Glimpse of Us by Joji.
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader (past relationship), Stiles Stilinski x Malia Tate
Word Count: 540
Warnings: hurt/no comfort, angst, mentions of death, sad stiles :(
A/N: hi. i know it's been so long. im so sorry i just cant write on a consistent schedule idk why i like to think its my depression lol but here is a little angsty drabble that ive been working on for a while but i just never got around to finishing it until now. the pacing might be a little bit of... it honestly feels kinda rushed to me, but i hope y'all like it nonetheless <3
Stiles knew it was unfair of him to feel this way. Malia was a wonderful girlfriend— she grounded Stiles when he was being erratic and she was a master at cuddling. Despite her indifference for Star Wars, she always watched it with Stiles because she knew how much it meant to him. 
He knew he shouldn’t feel like this, but he simply could not help it.
“Stiles!” Came his girlfriend’s voice. “Come look at this!” He walked over to where she stood and looked at the magazine she held out to him.
“Happy 45 years of Star Wars, babe,” Malia said with a smile. It was a Star Wars-themed magazine with exclusive behind-the-scenes photos from the original trilogy. Stiles had already browsed the magazine online, but he didn’t say anything to his girlfriend. It was the thought that counted, right?
His lips quivered in their forced upturn as he took the magazine from her outreached hand and thanked her, but as he casually flipped through the book, his heart couldn’t help but clench in pain. Star Wars had always been his and your thing— the two of you spending your movie nights watching anything Star Wars related, which often turned into heated debates and nerdy inside jokes.
His eyes caught on a screen cap of the iconic Episode V scene where Han and Leia finally confess their love for each other, and his jaw clenched as the familiar burning of tears tingled behind his eyes. He will never forget you lying in his arms, the visible pain in your eyes as you bled out. He will never get over the fact that you had died by his hand, regardless of the fact that it was actually the Nogitsune that stabbed you, not him. It was still his hand, still his body. 
The Nogistune was especially cruel, hearing Stiles’ internal pleading as he begged the Nogitsune to spare you. He heard Stiles’ scream as the blade entered your body and left it with a swift tug. He allowed Stiles to take over for a brief moment, just to see the life fade from your eyes. 
I love you, he had said, tears flowing steadily from his eyes. 
I know, you whispered, your soft smile quickly turning into a grimace from the pain. 
He had wanted to say something, say anything to keep you alive, but for the first time in his life, his mind was empty, all of the thoughts scattered away. And he was helpless, as he clutched you in his grasp as you took your last breath.
He rapidly blinked away the building tears and took a deep breath before closing the magazine.
Star Wars was always your thing, but he couldn’t tell his girlfriend that. Instead, he flashed Malia a thankful smile, and wrapped his arms around her, inhaling her scent that was just a little too sweet and a little too fruity. 
Cause sometimes I look in her eyes and that’s where I find a glimpse of us And I try to fall for her touch, but I’m thinking of the way it was Said I’m fine and said I moved on  I’m only here passing time in her arms 
Hoping I’ll find a glimpse of us.
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freesia-writes · 2 years
Master List
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All my writing will be PG-13 at most; I love the angsty yearning, the will-they-won't-they, the sweetness and softness of new love. However… smutty smut can be found over at @spicy-clones. 😎
Sign up for my tag list (or opt out) here, or even better, message me for a link to my tag list discord server, used only for posting works, no chatting or other stuff. 🙂
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Quantum Entanglement: Howzer and Aurelia - Even as a cocky young shiny, there were a few people who saw the integrity and depth beneath Howzer's facade. Aurelia was one of them, but life tore them apart. However, when they found themselves reunited on Ryloth, with drastically different circumstances, they have to learn anew how to navigate a changing world and their undeniable feelings for one another. 67k words, 42 chapters, Finished/Paused til TBB Season 3 Click here for Master List
Tech and Vel - During the Clone Wars, the Bad Batch is tasked with a variety of missions across the galaxy. An unexpected addition to their team throws a wrench in the mix, particularly for Tech, who finds a particular connection with this disillusioned Padawan-turned-mechanic named Vel throughout the events in this action-adventure romance. 35 chapters, about 55k words total. Click here for Master List
Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt: Hunter x OC - Enjoy a riveting tale of romance, suspense, adventure, and self-discovery as Hunter finds his path after the events of TBB. With engaging imagery, emotional depth, comic relief, and some fun twists and turns, the story will take you on a delightful ride with our beloved Sergeant, leaving you satisfied as he finds his happily ever after… eventually. 😉 Click here for Master list
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Waking Up with The Bad Batch (click for master list)
Waking Up with Rex
A Series of Dates: Gregor x Reader (click for master list)
500-Follower Prompt Requests (click for master list)
Clone Poetry (click for master list)
Wrecker x GN!Reader - medical care for you
Tech x GN!Reader - nostalgic Christmas in the kitchen
First Kiss Requests (click for master list)
CuddleFluff Clone Drabbles (click for master list)
TBB Prompt Event #1 - "You're the Worst" "Yeah, well you still like me!" - Hunter x F!Reader
Pets4Vets: Jesse Miniseries
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The Master List of Tagged Fun Posts
Master List of TCW/TBB Fan Artists
Drabbles in response to fun anonymous asks
Howzer Headcanons in an Earth AU .
Clone Helmet Dividers - Help Yourself!
Spicy Clone Dividers - Help Yourself!
Bad Batch Dividers - Help Yourself!
More Bad Batch Dividers - Help Yourself!
Full-Body and Head Bad Batch Dividers - Help Yourself!
Cozy Comfy Clone Dividers - Help Yourself! .
Life Update During Hiatus
Master list of Star Wars terminology I have to save forever
Master List of Echo Fics by Other Authors
Master List of TCW/TBB Longfics by Other Authors
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caeli0306 · 5 months
Hello! Welcome to the unhinged record of my writing and other obsessions
Hello! I'm Caeli. I'm 23 and a journalist by day, rabid Fourth Wing/Empyrean and Star Wars fan by night. FW got me back in to reading fantasy, and then IF left me with a crippling book hangover. I turned to writing fanfiction for the first time to try to get my mind off of it, and now I spend my days writing... and then go home at night and write some more.
My fics (all posted on AO3):
Tales from the Airport Bathroom - Xaden/Violet spy/soldier AU almost entirely from Xaden's POV where Violet is Stab Happy and Xaden is a Simp, the meet cute is on an airplane, and Xaden gives wife guy vibes as Violet destroys her enemies. Completed, four chapters, 19.5k words. (1)(2)(3)(4)
the present, the past, and you in between - VERY angsty one shot from Xaden's POV where he reflects on his lifelong love for Violet. Completed, 1k words. (1)
Did Someone Say Shots? - One-shot College AU where Xaden thinks his feelings are unrequited but has to look out for Violet on an evening where she goes a little crazy with the Fireball shots. Completed, 10k words. (1)
Did Someone Say Roadtrip? - A short prequel to Did Someone Say Shots? based on the RQ War Games drabble prompt fics that were getting posted for the 1 year anniversary. Completed, 1.1k words. (1)
Did Someone Say Vacation? - A sequel of sorts to Did Someone Say Shots? that can be read on its own, where Xaden is vulnerable, Violet is emotional intelligent, and 🌶️. Completed, 12.7k words (1)
Violet Sorrengail's Guide to Spinning a Scandal - Xaden/Violet Modern Day AU where Violet is a political crisis consultant and Xaden is running for office. Mutual hatred turns to mutual pining, and of course, scorching sexual tension. 🌶️ eventually. Completed, 71k words. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
castles crumbling - Xaden/Violet assassin-spy/soldier AU, aka the extended version of Tales from the Airport Bathroom. In-progress, chapter 15 posted 8/26, 120.5k words and counting. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)
On hiatus:
Swan Song - 2nd gen fic following Xaden and Violet's second daughter, Fen, as she tries to figure out who - or what - killed her sister Nora in a world where Tyrrendor is independent and the venin have been defeated for 25 years. Featuring the fan favorite Aidan Matthias, Rhiannon's adopted son with Tara, a brand new squad, and a squad leader with a very familiar name. Chapter 13 posted 4/14, 72k words and counting, on hiatus indefinitely. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)
Addendum - Companion piece for Swan Song. A series of one-shots expanding on the background of my Swan Song fic and giving perspective from different characters' POV's, especially Nora's. Chapter 3 posted 3/5, 4.6k words and counting, updated sporadically depending on story needs. (1)(2)(3)
Things to know:
Update Schedule:
I don't have one! Like I mentioned in my intro, I am a journalist by day, which means I already do a lot of writing on a daily basis. I love it, but that also means that during busy news cycles I might not have the time or the desire to write. I do this for fun and because I love sharing the worlds in my head with other people, but my first priority will always be myself. If I haven't updated in a week or two, that doesn't mean they'll never be updated! I will always put a note on my Tumblr if I'm putting something on hiatus, along with an estimate for when I plan to start updating again.
What I post about
In order to keep myself accountable, I post frequent updates on my writing progress here. As I said above, I write these stories because I love them, but also because I love sharing them. This helps me stay on track, while also letting people know the general progress of the next chapter.
How long will castles crumbling be?
TBD! Tales from the Airport Bathroom was no plan, just vibes. castles crumbling is the extended version, so it will obviously be longer. While I do have a general plan for this here extended version, I don't have a chapter-by-chapter outline the same way I do with Swan Song. This is partially because I'm still going back and forth on how parts of this story will go, but also because I want to try writing in a bit of a less structured way than I have been doing. I can't imagine it will be shorter than 25 chapters, but honestly, who knows? I'll update this when I have a better idea.
When will you update Addendum again? When should I read the different Addendum chapters?
I created Addendum because I wanted to give people insight into Nora without interrupting the flow of Swan Song. I expanded this concept by adding in a Violet POV chapter as well. These provide context to certain interactions, foreshadow future events, or otherwise flesh out the world in which Fen and the other characters inhabit. In short, it will be updated as needed.
Nora's First Addendum - Read after Chapter 4 of Swan Song
Nora's Second Addendum - Read after Chapter 7 of Swan Song
Violet's First Addendum - Read after Chapter 9 of Swan Song
Lastly, I love hearing from people who read my fics. Feel free to message me whenever, whether its to provide constructive criticism, ask a question, offer up a writing prompt, or just to say hi!
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avonne-writes · 7 months
literally ALL of your head canons and drabbles on Buck and Bucky's relationship are like you've read my mind, they are so perfect, PLEASE write any and all of them I would be so keen to read - especially Buck in subspace and also the PTSD fic sounds so interesting. Ty 🫡🫡🫡
Thank you so much! 🥹 I'm so glad to hear it. Lots of stuff coming this weekend if nothing changes in my plans!
The PTSD fic will be very soft and very angsty if I ever get to it. Multichapter or long one-shot. They move in together after the war, and it sound like heaven come true at first but it really isn’t. I want to show them being domestic but also lost as they try to find their place in the world again, and they both have to deal with their own ghosts and each other's too.
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No Goodbyes (An Uryu drabble)
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💙sfw little drabble I made while taking a break from editing and finishing up a new one shot. 💙
Set after the blood war arc, no spoilers
❌No warning as well
📃Wordcount: 836 (short n sweet)
Angsty but ends in fluff
I only reread this a couple of times so apologizes if there are any huge spelling or grammar errors in the fic.
Ichigo took Uryu by the collar and slammed him against the wall. "What do you mean there's NO POINT."
"I said what I said, there's no point in telling her.” Uryu held Ichigo’s wrists trying to pull them off. “I also don’t want to influence her and have her change her decision.”
“Still you're not even going to try?!?" Ichigo’s grip loosened but his voice stayed sterned, Uryu stayed silent.  He hated when Ichigo got angry on her behalf, it made him feel less than and dumb. 
He didn’t want to change her mind. She had decided to go back and learn about her people and who they were. If she wanted to take back the throne & get married that was her decision. He didn’t want her to lose such an experience all because of a love confession
 Especially when he didn’t have the opportunity himself when he found out his people were still alive. Besides he was Quincy, if they were to get together before she left she probably wouldn't be accepted. 
"Ishida, answer me." Ichigo shook him once again knocking Uryu back into reality. 
Uryu ignored him. “Fine don’t answer me but when she comes back with someone don’t be mad. It’s not her fault your scared.” Ichigo roughly let go of him.
If Uryu was a different man he definitely would have punched him, but he let him go he saw no point in violence in a moment like this. Instead, he grabbed his jacket and left.
Uryu walked not knowing where his feet were taking him..at first. It became clear when he stood outside her door. He should turn back immediately he thought, his body betrayed him as he knocked.
I'll say goodbye that's it, I’ll say goodbye and leave that was his plan.
She opened the door. 
"Ishida? " She said somewhat confused. "Hey. I." The words caught in his throat. He swallowed. "Wanna come in? " She asked she knew Uryu was a man of few words, so she didn't see his actions as weird. 
They walked into the living room that was being packed up. Uryu made sure the door closed behind him and turned around coming face to face with her. This was supposed to be goodbye, but he couldn't form the words to say it.
He looked at her and remembered everything they have been through. From how they met, to how they became friends, to how he realized he loved her. How he ended up betraying her and having to gain back her trust back.
“Uryu.” She said to him snapping him back to reality, he had been staring at her this whole time. “Are you okay?” She put her hands all over his face. “Your skin is paler than usual but your temperature is fine.”
“I’m going to miss you.” Uryu suddenly blurted out his voice raising slightly, she froze looking at him but smiled. “I’m going to miss you too, I’m going to miss all of you.”
She then walked away picking up something and walked around pretending to look for a spot to put it. Not wanting him to see her upset, Uryu leaned up against a wall watching her.
“Can you promise me something?” She suddenly asked.
Uryu perked up at her question. “You have my word.”
She smiled to herself, it was very him to just say yes to her without knowing what she wanted. “Promise me you’ll find someone.”
He now looked at her with confusion. “A very nice nurse girl, maybe from the college you're going to. Someone who can keep up with your personality.” She didn’t notice that she was gripping what was in her hand, trying not to cry. 
Uryu walked behind and put his arms around her, she gently placed the object down as he put his face in her neck. “I refuse this.” He whispered.
“Why?” She asked tears slowly falling. “I’m not going to see you for a long time, you shouldn’t waste your time waiting for me.”
So she knew this whole time Uryu thought to himself
“It’s only going to be a year.” He turned her around so they were now face to face. “You can forget me in a year.” Tears were now falling, Uryu put his hands on either side of her face and whipped off her tears.
“I’m not going to forget you in a year or two and I don’t want to be with someone from school, I want to be with you.” She paused when he said all that. She had only seen him get emotional once, and it shocked her as if it was the first time.
“I love you…” Were his next words as he leaned in and kissed her. “I have for a while.” He said against her lips. “But don’t let this confession change your mind, 'cause I’ll still be here when you get back. I’m not going anywhere.” Uryu leaned in but this time he made sure the kiss was harder.
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myheartalivewrites · 9 months
2023 Writing Round-up
Thanks for tagging me @kiwiana-writes @cha-melodius 🩷 I've saved doing this for a little while just because I wasn't sure I was quite done for the year.
Happy NY (E, ~11k) started in 2022, finished in 2023. Henry and Alex meet for the first time at a NYE party, have a super intense hook-up--and then Alex disappears. An NYE story in two parts.
Down by the Water, I Saw You (E, ~63k) another fic that started in 2022, finished in 2023! Exes to lovers, meeting on holidays/vacations, angsty-emotional-horny.
Tumbled Down and Tangled Up (E, ~4k) canon divergent, hooking up for the first time in THAT hospital cupboard.
Started writing Deep Blue, wrote Don't Wanna Be A Fool, no idea why I didn't publish it straight away. I've got a feeling I was a lot shyer back then.
Don't Wanna Be A Fool For You (E, ~6k) roommates to lovers, mutual pining, Henry-based angst.
Gave myself a nice little patch of writer's block. Read a lot. ✌️
Love and War (E, ~11k) WWII training camp 1st meeting, no angst. Had a lot of fun writing this in one day.
Finished writing Deep Blue and started posting it.
In His Wildest Dreams (E, ~11k) went on a big family holiday, wrote this incredibly horny post canon somno fic. The way the brain works is truly baffling.
Awakened (E, ~2k) a little Alex POV follow-up to the fic above, again: super smutty. Uh, also written on (a different) holiday for some reason.
Oxford Days (E, ~6k) my ode to slutty Henry, a roommates in Oxford fic.
Deep Blue (E, ~76k) started in July, finished in September, don't know which month to put this in. Seaside dreaminess, angsty writer!Henry, lawyer/waiter!Alex, pining while fucking.
Just like that. (E, ~10k) roommates + getting together + prostate orgasms + lots of feelings. Most surprising performer of the year for me.
Twice the speed (of you and me) (E, ~17k) Alex/Henry/Pez threesome, some of my favourite smut I've ever written
NaNoWriMo! I managed to reach 50k on my NaNo project, but that means very little fic writing was done.
"Please, I need you to." (E, 0.1k lol) rimming drabble-ish for Smutsgiving 2023
Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured (M, ~3k) bickering co-workers getting trapped in a cab together (and figuring shit out)
2023 has been SUCH A YEAR for writing RWRB fic, it feels really good to see it all lined up like this. Open tag for everyone who wants to do a little self round-up!
Here’s to more next year! x
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dianneking · 2 years
Fanfiction Masterlist
Mainly in the Gwendoline Christie fandom & adjacent. 
 Requests are open, but I am slow at writing, so it might take a while to get to it.
You can also find most of my fics on my AO3 profile, DragonMist.
Ongoing weekly writing challenge masterpost.
Collections: 10 Days of Gwen Goodbyes  (100-word angsty drabbles with Gwendoline Christie’s main characters)
(Wednesday fandom) ------------
- Entwined Destinies - Oneshot, gn! Reader is an empath and a teacher |Tumblr  Also on  AO3
- Intoxicated - Two-shot, gn! Reader is a vampire and a teacher. Drunkennes, angst and drama |Part 1 - Part 2  Also on  AO3
- Dangerous Games - Oneshot, gn!Reader is not jealous. Larissa tries to prove them wrong. Angst. | On Tumblr and AO3
- Nightmares - Fluff & Comfort fic, established relationship | also on AO3
-  She - Songfic based on Dodie's song, angst, larissa x Librarian!Reader - also on AO3
- I wish I knew (you wanted me) - Oneshot, mutual pining. Larissa announces her engagement, Reader thinks something’s off| also on AO3
-Loving You (Amandoti) - Sad! Angst, hurt no comfort. Songfic.  Larissa’s wife waits for her on their anniversary, but Larissa won’t come home | also on AO3 
-Breaking the Silence - Angst with a happy ending, Hurt/Comfort. R! wants answers. | also on AO3 
- The Affair - Morally Ambiguous Larissa x Teacher Reader. Multichapter. | Also on AO3
- Surprising Like Good Coffee On A Bad Day- Longfic (30k+ words), coffee-shop AU, slow burn, COMPLETE! | Only on AO3
-Jealousy (I Could Be A Better Boyfriend Than Him) One-Shot, Angst, Jealous!Larissa |  also on AO3
- SOS One-Shot, Fluff, Flustered Larissa| also on AO3 
- All in her head One-shot Post-canon Fix-it. Laurel is visited in the hospital by Larissa | also on AO3. 
- The Disease - Hanahaki trope with not-really-unrequited love b/t Laurel and Larissa | also on AO3. 
- Shapes of Love - Longfic AU (SW!Larissa x RichWidow!Morticia), COMPLETED | Only on AO3 
- Between Them (There is no Space)- Two-shot, angst and feels. | Tumblr Part I Part II Also on AO3
- Secret Admirer - Oneshot, Ungendered Reader, Angst, jealous Marilyn and protective parental figure Larissa. From an anon request | also on AO3 
- In Sickness - Minishot, slice of life. Marilyn takes care of sick SO reader | On Tumblr only.
- Running yourself to the ground - Oneshot, Hurt/comfort, Platonic. TW: Self harm | On Tumblr only.
- Spa Night - Oneshot, Fluff | On Tumblr
- First Evening Back - Oneshot, short fic, angsty polyamory negotiations, feels. | Only on AO3
- Larissa’s Gloomy Summer - Multichapter fic. 19k words| Polyamory negotiations, quirky with feelings. | COMPLETED | on AO3 only. 
Brienne of Tarth/ Reader (Game of Thrones) 
- Unrelenting Love - Songfic to Madeline by Kiki Rockwell, Epic Love | also on AO3 
- It’s not too late if we’re alive - WWII AU oneshot where Brienne is an officer, R is a nurse,,and they are former lovers | also on AO3 
-On The Seashore - Queerplatonic Prompt Fic - Brienne and R are adventurers together and there’s talk of settling down | also on AO3
- The Bet - Bookshop AU - Fluff and Angst with a happy ending | also on AO3
 Miranda Hilmarson (Top of the Lake: China Girl) 
- Hold me (I need to cry) - Robin Griffin x Miranda Hilmarson. Robin realizes her feelings for Miranda and breaks down into her arms | also on AO3 
- The Set-Up - Miranda x Reader | Mutual pining, idiots in love | also on  AO3
- In Her Arms - Robin x Miranda. Prompt: Queerplatonic Relationship. Angst and Fluff. | also on AO3 
Captain Phasma x Reader  (Star Wars)
- -Curiosity killed the cat - ...and satisfaction brought her back | two-shot NSFW smut | Only on Tumblr
- Daddy's girl | NSFW smut, sugar daddy Phasma | also on Ao3
Lucifer Morningstar (The Sandman) 
- Stranger in the Park | Lucifer x Reader post-breakup hurt/comfort fic| on AO3 
Rare Pairings & No Pairings
- Paradise - Larissa Weems/Valerie Kinbott - Fluffy angst - Valerie finds Larissa dancing in her office | also on AO3 
- Unscrupolous - Laurel Gates/ Sheriff Galpin - Darkfic, Emotional Manipulation. | only on AO3
- Time, and other hazy concepts - adult Wednesday / Larissa Weems | Weird, stream of consciousness fic | also on AO3 
- The Painter (Larissa Weems Snippet) - super short ficlet focused on Larissa’s past as a model for a painter. TW: Drug use mentions, off-screen death.| Only on Tumblr.
- New Teacher in Town (Larissa Weems x Melissa Schemmenti) | Crossover Wednesday/Abbott Elementary. | Mel is the new hire in Nevermore. Larissa has some issues with it.| also on  AO3
- Happy Birthday, Blondie! (Larissa x Melissa)  | Crossover Wednesday/Abbott Elementary. | Also on AO3
It you’re only here for the fics and my ask games or rambles bother you, you can find more on how to avoid having them clutter your dash here!
Requests for Larissa, Marilyn, Laurel, Morticia (with potential Reader mixed in) fanfictions are open! Here are my rules/ what I'm not comfortable writing. Also, know that I write excruciatingly slowly, so it might take a while for me to get your request out.
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brotherwtf · 1 month
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
omg this is super interesting!! I'm excited to revisit all of my old fics, this should be fun!!
ain't no mistake
this was my first fic for this fandom, so it has a special place in my heart!! I really liked to explore the post war emotions and figuring out what they really feel for each other, it's all so messy and good. I also really liked to explore a little bit of John's family dynamic, I like to include his sisters in as much of my stuff as I can
I'm the one, can you feel it
some good old fashioned smut that I really liked writing, featuring black haired Gale and blonde John bcs I was going a little crazy while I was planning it
gentlemanly or ungentlemanly?
a horny drabble from an ask I got, honestly just love it a lot it's a good short read
Gale gets partial memory loss
another drabble but this one is far more painful and angsty, I kind of want to turn this into a longer thing but I am certified too tired to do that
Gale meeting John's family drabble
I really liked this one bcs it explored John's family family dynamic a little bit, and I also liked writing about how John got a lot of his personality bcs of his family, God they're so sweet.
this was so fun!! thank you so much for the ask!!
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