aniahkazuaki · 2 years
Lista pedidos fofos || list cute prompts
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1.    Dando um passeio de chuva.
2.    Visitando um parque aquático juntos.
3.    Passear por um parque ou uma floresta e admirar as cores.
4.    Indo ao zoológico e apontando os animais mais legais.
5.    Assistindo filmes juntos enquanto chove lá fora.
6.    Fazer um passeio de bicicleta e encontrar novos lugares.
7.    Fazendo cerâmica juntos e esculpindo em suas iniciais como lembrança para o encontro fofo.
8.    Jogando jogos de tabuleiro.
9.    Beijos matinais.
10.  Ir às compras juntos.
11.  Fazendo uma caminhada noturna e curtindo o mundo escuro e silencioso apenas um com o outro como companhia.
12.  Beijos de disperdidas.
13.  Primeiro beijo.
14.  Beijos na chuva.
15.  Cantando karaokê juntos.
16.  Andando de patins em linha e tentando não cair com muita frequência
17.  Nadando em um lago juntos.
18.  Ir a uma feira e jogar e ir à roda gigante.
19.  Fazendo uma aula de pintura e presenteando um ao outro a pintura que eles fizeram.
20.  Beijos sonolentos.
21.  Indo a um show de sua banda favorita.
22.  Escondendo o rosto no pescoço.
23.  Abraços de consolo.
24.  Te puxando para um abraço.
25.  Abraçando enquanto dorme.
26.  Abraço sonolentos.
27.  Apresentado pais.
28.  Apresentando pais LGBTQIA+
29.  Ir ao cinema e comprar suas guloseimas favoritas.
30.  Assistindo o nascer ou o pôr do sol juntos.
31.  Cozinhando um para o outro e julgando a comida um do outro como se estivessem no reality show.
32.  Visitando uma sala de fuga e tentando resolver os quebra-cabeças.
33.  Visitar um parque de diversões e fazer todos os passeios divertidos.
34.  Indo a um restaurante que nunca foram e experimentando comida nova juntos.
35.  Fazendo uma maratona de filmes com os favoritos da infância.
36.  Indo a um parque de trampolins juntos.
37.  Cuidando de você enquanto está doente.
 38.  Alugar um pedalinho e ver até onde eles podem ir.
39.  Fazendo uma sessão de fotos em um local legal.
40.  Boa noite, beijos.
41.  Sorrindo um para o outro do outro lado da sala.
42.  Colocando a mão na perna do outro.
43.  Beijo no lado da cabeça.
44.  Guiando-os com uma mão na parte inferior das costas.
45.  Abraçando-os por trás.
46.  Bagunçando seus cabelos.
47.  Colocando o queixo no ombro do outro.
48.  Chamando-os de apelidos.
49.  Piscando para eles.
50.  Provocando um ao outro de boa índole.
51.  Colocando um braço em volta do ombro do outro.
52.  Tirando uma foto deles sorrindo.
53.  Olhando nos olhos um do outro.
54.  Colocando um cobertor sobre eles.
55.  Puxando a roupa do outro para mantê-los perto.
56.  Fazendo-lhes comida que eles gostam.
57.  Escovar os fios de cabelo.
58.  Acariciando sua cabeça.
59.  Compartilhando um guarda-chuva.
60.  Batendo ombros um no outro.
61.  Cutucando-os para mostrar que estão bem ao lado deles.
62.  Deitando a cabeça no ombro do outro.
Caixa de pedidos aberta
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There's a few old breeding pairs of mine that I think I'm finally ready to let go bc I don't like them as much anymore as I like having space
They're all on the AH for treasure, but if you wanna take any pair together, I'm willing to go cheaper. Aeris and Aniah's final nest with me is also on the AH for gems
All of them are sitting in my sales tab
Reblogs are appreciated <3
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themultifandomgal · 9 months
Kelly Severide- A Sick Child And Wife
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Kelly and I got married 6 years ago. We have 2 children Aniah who is 4 and Jordan who is 2 and we are currently trying for another. I woke up not feeling well today, sick, headache, sore throat. Unfortunately I know it's not morning sickness as I have started my period. I stay in bed a little longer this morning before I hear a little voice "Momma wake up" I feel little hands on my face "momma I want food" I open one eye to see my little girl Aniah staring at me. I groan sitting up "where's daddy?" I ask looking over to the empty side of the bed. He's not at work today
"With Jordan. He's sick"
"I think whatever Jordan has momma might have" I smile at her
"Oh no. Uncle Matt said when someone gets sick we all get sick" I chuckle at her
"Your uncle Matt doesn't know when to zip it does he?" I get out of bed and immediately have to run to the bathroom. I can hear Aniah shouting for Kelly and running down the stairs
"Daddy, daddy, mommas sick" I flush the toilet and go downstairs to see my husband cuddling our son on the couch who is wrapped up in a blanket with a bowl next to him
"Morning. How are you feeling?" Kelly looks up at me from the TV
"Sick" I chuckle
"I'm sorry baby" I sit next to Jordan and snuggle up to him "I'll make you a drink" Kelly gets up and walks into the kitchen. I lie back on the couch with Jordan in my arms and sooth him to sleep. I can hear slight mumbling coming from the kitchen. "Hey baby" I look up to see Kelly with a cup in his hand "I've rang Matt, him and Gabby are going to take Aniah out for the day and your brothers are coming over to me look after you and Jordan"
"Yay uncle Matt and auntie Gabby" Aniah starts dancing around
"They don't have to" I say
"I know but it will be really helpful"
"Is that why uncle Matt said everyone gets sick?"
"Yes sweetheart because we all look out for each other and help each other when we're sick"
"Aniah go upstairs and I'll come up to help you get changed" we watch as she runs up the stairs "I'll take Jordan up to bed. Drink this tea and try to rest" I smile at Kelly as he scoops Jordan up in his arms and carries him up to bed. I can then hear giggling coming from upstairs, I'm guessing Aniah is getting dressed. I sip my tea and close my eyes.
Not long later I hear the door open. I look over to see my brothers and Kelly's best friends
"Hey sis how you feeling?" Will asks walking over to the couch and places a hand on my head
"Like shit. It's like morning sickness all over again but nothing to look forward to" I try to joke
"You are really warm. You wanna go up to bed?" I shake my head no and we hear little footsteps running down the stairs
"Auntie Gabby" Aniah yells making wince at the headache that has now fully set in
"Shhh Aniah your momma doesn't feel well" Gabby replies as she hugs her
"Sorry momma"
"It's ok baby. Have fun with Matt and Gabby" I smile at her. She walks over to me and kisses my cheek
"Feel better soon momma. I love you"
"I love you to angel" Kelly walks down the stairs carrying a bucket over to the kitchen
"Bye daddy"
"Bye sweetheart" we watch as everyone leaves
"Ok so Will you wanna take care of Jordan and I'll look after YN? Jay you wanna run to the store and grab some supplies?"
"Sure" Will smiles and takes the now clean bucket upstairs. Jay leaves with some money while sits on the couch, I lay my head on his lap and Kelly begins to play with my hair soothing me to sleep
"Thank you Kelly. For looking after us"
"Always baby. In sickness and in health remember. I love you"
"I love you too"
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aniah-who · 1 month
I have a vision, and it's green (:
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For those of you who don't know me, hi— I'm Aniah (: and I have a pretty big green thumb; and by this, I really just mean that I'm a proud plant mom. From succulents to vines, from palms to trees, I have it. However, recently, I've grown an itch to add an additional category of plants to the family- kitchen herbs! I'm super excited to get into the rhythm of research and even more excited to go shopping once I complete my Herbs-To-Buy list! A few herbs that have already added to my list are Oregano, Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme, Parsley, Dill, Basil, and Sage. If you guys have any tips or recommendations at all regarding ideal herbs or just gardening in general, feel free to drop a comment! By the way, these will all be indoors <3
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alimaybankkk · 1 year
lipstick stains and promises 1
——————————jj maybank————————
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summary: being stolen from by your own boss, you sneak into your workplace to retrieve the money. however, you’re later put into a bit of trouble when a coworker shows up.
warnings: robbery???? kind of???? police, beer, super flirty jj omg i would have caved, anyways enemies to loverssss
pairing: jj maybank x kook!reader
a/n: jj is so fucking flirty i cant omg. so basically this chapter has much backstory and a lot and a lot of flirty jj. there’s a bit more to be discovered about reader in part two sooo just get ready for that 😭😭 enjoy
a dull light flickered outside, a tumbleweed orange glow that grabbed my attention, blood running cold as i found myself darting to the window.
it was nothing but a street light, and i felt embarrassed.
but paranoia is fine when you’re doing something you shouldn’t be, right?
sneaking into the place you work at without permission could get me fired.
not that i needed the money anyway. but my parents came from a long line of business, and until i was old enough to work for them, they’d forced my adventurous self into the country club, working as a bartender.
it was okay, i’d met a few friends since i’d gotten here. my friend from school, harlow, had already worked there for a few months before i came, so there was at least one familiar face.
i’d become friends with a few other girls who might switch out with me during my shift or waited the tables full of kooks and kooks only.
i loved that the place where i worked had no pogues. i was a kook vs. pogue believer, and til the day i’d die, i always would be.
it was great to not have to worry about the annoying, selfish things roaming around the country club. none of them had enough money to afford a membership, so they weren’t even allowed on the premises.
except for one.
and he happened to be my least favorite; mr. jj maybank.
he was the most stuck up, cockiest, idiotic boy i’d ever met, and he surely represented the pogues with his sharp jaw held high and a disgusting grin on his face.
the other girls i worked with swooned for him, including harlow, but i only scowled her whenever he was brought up.
maybank was a muscled boy, an athletic surfing pogue who seemed to carry a devilish smirk wherever he went. it was my least favorite thing about him.
yeah, i hated jj maybank with everything in me.
from his sweet dimples to his toned abs, nothing seemed to appeal me. i tried my best to see him the way my other coworkers did, but every time i tried, i only hated him more.
anyway, jj was a waiter at the club, and he sucked at his job. he was a pogue, after all, on figure eight and snapping mean comments at people who attend the club.
“he’s hot when he gets mad,” harlow laughed while whispering to us girls on our lunch break one day, causing a fit of giggles.
“hell yeah,” said my friend, aniah. “want him to put me in my place.”
i straightened my lips into a tight line, disgusted by what they were saying. “you guys know he’s not that cute, right?”
but they obviously didn’t, because they stared at me with confused looks on their faces.
to jj’s face, i had to be nice. that’s who i was, and how i was raised. i would never be caught saying something terrible to someone.
about someone, sure, but never to their face.
anyway, i snapped out of my daydream and creeped into my boss’s office, looking at the dates on his calendar.
not that they mattered, but around here, being ahead of everyone else meant great things.
scoffing as i realized i’d gotten distracted, i opened the drawer of his desk cautiously.
there were files and papers and folders and other things miscellaneous, but i focused on the one folder that mattered.
it was at the very bottom, i knew, and i stuck my hand quickly under the rest of the pile to grab it.
inside of it was $10k, and i didn’t take the time to count it; i just stuck it into my pocket.
feeling successful for i had not been caught, i cleaned up my tracks and began to back away from the desk when suddenly i hit a surface behind me.
i spun around, heart dropping at the sight of jj. “fuck my life,” i thought.
“what’s goin’ on?” he asked teasingly.
i stuck my hands innocently into my pocket, giving him convincing glares. “you’re swift, there, maybank.”
“same with you, princess,” said jj. i rolled my eyes at the nickname, something he called me a lot. it was just short for “kook princess” which didn’t make me too happy either. “ now ‘m gonna ask again, what’s goin’ on here?”
was jj maybank interrogating me?
i laughed nervously. “nothing of your business…”
“‘m sure it’ll be my business when i tell boss what you were doin’ in here, stealin’ his money,” he tsked.
“fuck you!” i randomly exclaimed, hand flying up to my mouth when i realized what i’d said.
jj only laughed, taking no offense. “you wish.”
i gagged at the thought of his statement.
“so tell me, what’s that little money got to do with you, huh, princess?” he asked, mocking me with a baby voice.
when he was up in my face, i took the chance to slap him across the face, which he laughed at and swayed. “not that it is your business, maybank, but that money is actually mine.”
“damn, princess,” he laughed. “didn’t know you had that in ya.”
“i got a lot more.”
jj turned away, then asked, “so, how’s that money yours?”
“boss took it from me. are you writing a novel or something?”
“thought i’d include it all in my report when i tell ‘im.” he laughed.
i only shook my head slowly. “you tell him, and i’ll be sure to tell him what went down in the janitor’s closet with you and that touron.”
he went quiet.
i scoffed at his weakness and spun on my heels, making way for the door.
“y’know ‘m only kiddin’ with you, right, princess?” i heard from behind me.
i rolled my eyes and turned around. he took it upon himself to continue, laughing. “ i mean, ‘m willin’ to help you, if ‘m bein’ honest.”
“yeah right,” i said.
i stared at him, trying to see through him, but it was as if he held up a wall. i swallowed. “fuck it, sure.”
jj beamed, grabbing my arm and helping me out of the room. “i can walk!”
“gotta make sure you’re all safe there, princess.”
he led me to the bar where he snatched a bottle of beer and i rolled my eyes.
“so, princess,” jj started, “how do you need me to help?”
“ i don’t know, jj! you’re the one who suggested your help in the first place.”
he only laughed and offered me a beer.
i made a face. “who would drive, then?”
“princess, y’got no clue what ‘m capable of.”
once more, i rolled my eyes in annoyance. he just laughed, amused. “so, still want to know more about the money. when did—”
suddenly, police sirens sounded. jj shot me a glare as he rubbed his hands together excitedly. “i guess this is what i’m goin’ to help you with…”
i gasped as he took ahold of my wrist, leaving behind his slightly sipped beer. shivering at the touch, disgusted at a pogue’s fingers on me, i let myself trail behind him as he took me into an alley in the back.
there i saw a red motorbike, blue stripes dazzling at one part. jj grinned, keys hanging in his hands. “there she is…”
thoughts were racing in my head. “how did they find us?” was one i blurted aloud.
“ ‘m gonna explain everything in a little bit, princess. just get on…” he climbed into the bike and moved my hands to rest around his waist from behind, and i slid on.
immediately as i was sat, he excitedly revved the engine, and then we shot forward down the alley.
blue and red danced along the road ahead of us, the highway. the highway jj was headed for.
i was screaming, i think, as he almost did a wheelie. he laughed and flipped off a cop car that was still many yards away.
“jj, what the fuck!”
he only laughed.
eventually, he took me to the cut. it was so disgusting, i thought, to see the trash upon trash in the houses i would hate to live in.
one of the worst ones, an old fish shack on the marsh, was jj’s destination. i knew this as he pulled into the grass, immediately hopping off of the bike and putting the kickstand down.
sirens still sounded, but from the corner of my eye, i watched as the cars passed the house. we were safe, i thought.
jj reached out a hand for me to grab, which i couldn’t deny. somehow, i felt so much higher off the ground on the bike, and his help was worth a thanks.
“don’t want princess scrapin’ her knee…” he said, letting go of my hand after what felt like far too long.
“is there anyone else home?” i asked.
jj’s friends were ruthless, the only somewhat okay one was pope. kiara was my sworn enemy, who i’d established this hardship with in 9th grade.
anyway, jj shrugged his shoulders but said, “no.”
i looked down as i followed him into the house.
“the chateau..” he said, referring to the house. i looked at him, raising an eyebrow, but he didn’t look at me.
“now explain,” i demanded as i pushed him into the couch. he laughed as i tapped my foot impatiently.
“okay, princess. whatever your majesty requests.” he laughed, but at the straight expression on my face, he sighed. “i’m a pogue, sweetheart—i work way more jobs than you do. and the thing about it is, i need it to survive. you don’t. i know that. anyways, one of my jobs is a security worker. i just monitor cams from security systems in houses, nothing to spectacular. this week our team hasn’t been feeling well, so i’ve been filling in for them. so, as i fill in for them, i have to go and check out disturbances. and boss, being the rich man he is, has a security system i have to look over. such a fuckin’ kook, man. anyway, i recognized a pretty girl on the cams, and i thought i’d for sure report here whenever someone broke in. they knew it keep backup. when i arrived, i turned off the security system, but i also forgot that sends a signal for backup. i didn’t mean to make this worse. just wanted to help. probably going to get fired, man.”
i stared at him blankly, processing his words for what felt like hours. he couldn’t read my expression. “left the kook princess speechless, huh?”
i didn’t respond, just took a deep breath and closed my eyes, grounding myself.
“you did what?”
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theigive · 2 months
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FRIDAY, JULY 19, 2024
Moving the Margins presents
Curated by The IGive
Hosted by Suni Storm
Sounds by Omy the DJ
Audio by Maneland Media Group
Courtesy Bars
Reign Supreme
Aniah Heaven
The IGive featuring Markeyta
Alexis Alexander
Shawn Wolf
Overstreet Ducasse
Nykia Jackson
Taryn “LoveReigns” Wharwood
Dr. Dominique Tull
Colah B. Tawkin
Khalliah Bryant, MS, LMFT
Marvi Wilson, BSW, MSW
Nimble Agility Is Yours, LLC
Moremy Creations
Black Voters Matter
A Quality Apparel
Black In The Garden
Art Made By Lorena
Cocktails of Sweetness
The Foodie Truck
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aniuhh · 1 year
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reblog pls so i can find new people to follow :)
Hi! I'm Aniah
This isn't exactly my first post, but it's my first introductory post on here lol. Welcome to my simblr!
Few Facts About Me
i'm a 20 year old pisces from NJ
i've been playing the sims for over 10 years, starting with the sims 3 :)
my favorite color is pink
im obsessed with all things soft, ariana grande, & jersey shore.
i loveeee rotational gameplay, so expect lots of that here!
when i'm not playing the sims, i'm working on brand & motion graphic design for my clients or watching gossip girl, nerve, or jersey shore.
my game is majority maxis match with a hint of maxis-mix.
What to expect
expect lots of lookbooks, gameplay pictures, stories, & cc finds :)
p.s. the pics you see above are of my simself ;)
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dragonroar87 · 1 year
I saw this challenge going around and decided why the hell not
Rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 5 tracks, then tag 5 people.
it was supposed to be ten but I don't have ten friends lol
"Do You Want To Die? (Maki Harukawa Fan Song)" by Mcki Robyns-P ft. Megurine Luka English (@tezzified you're like the one person I know who's into DR)
"Copycat" by Circus-P ft. GUMI English (@ravioliet uhhhh idk i think you'd like copycat)
"Vocaloids Are Lame" by Pinocchio-P ft. Hatsune Miku (@honeybumpkins my shuffle really doesn't want me to find good fitting songs)
"Jupiter" by AR-P ft. Hatsune Miku English (@dragonspleenistasty maybe you'd like it? kinda a banger but mmmmmm my shuffle is giving me very random songs)
"Abnormality Dancin' Girl" by Guchiry ft. flower (@aniahmator yo aniah I know you're a vocaloid producer but idk if you've made an abnormality dancin girl cover yet. wanna do that? idk this is a dumb tumblr challenge)
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
Aye ik we're joking but in all seriousness say a real and genuine prayer for Angela Harris…Aniah Blanchard's mother…she dove head 1st into this situation because of what happened to her daughter only for this to be fake…Carlee and her folks ran with that lie knowing it was bs while this woman was ready to sacrifice everything to make sure the same didn't happen to Carlee… they're pathetic 💯 #RIPAniah
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that’s so wrong. Brought all those emotions up & made that lady experience it again
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aniahsrose · 2 years
I hope your hands come back dirty with love when you touch me
I want you to wipe them on your jeans and never wash them again
~ aniahs
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jeralynpaligatpaus · 1 year
I'm Jeralyn P. Paus and this is the story of my life. I was 5 years old when I started to get separated from my parents. My uncle took me to live with them. When I was in pre school I had a hard time. Waking up early and coming home in the afternoon immediately work on household chores. At my tender age I learned all the household chores. And I hope that's why you're just forcing it.
I was in Grade 1 and I studied at Ferdinand Primary School. But unfortunately I repeated Grade 1 because I was under age then. And because of that in the following school year I transferred to Assat Elementary School. Where there are other people take me. Grade 2 my auntie took me to live with them until grade 3. And we took NAT then and by the grace of God I am the highest.
I was in grade 4 and ma'am Luwela Tubban took me. And in our nutrition then, I searched for miss nutrition and I was the queen. Sir Mark Aurel Cabulagan took me in grade 5 until I was in grade 6. And when we graduated, I was very happy as well as my parents because I graduated as valedictorian by God's mercy.
I went to high school, auntie olive and uncle oscar took me. And I studied at APAYAO NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURAL HIGH SACHOOL (ANIAHS). I lived with auntie grade 7 to grade 9 1st grading. And when I was in 2nd grading, I transferred here to BIDDUANG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL (BNHS). And I lived with my auntie. Unfortunately, they treated me badly, so I chose to leave and board. The saying is true that whoever is in your family will pull you down. And when I found boarding there with aunt Vilma Tabangin and they treated their boarders very well. That's all. NO MATTER HOW HARD LIFE IS, I WILL STILL TRY TO FINISH IT FOR MY FUTURE AND MY PARENTS.. THANK YOU!
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chicagochinesenews · 2 days
芝加哥少女不學好! 持槍搶男子被控嚴重傷害罪
(芝加哥時報快訊)一名19歲的芝加哥女子阿妮亞·本森(Aniah Benson)因涉嫌於開槍射傷一名33歲男子並搶劫其財物,被控嚴重傷害罪、持械搶劫罪和持有古柯鹼等罪名。 Continue reading 芝加哥少女不學好! 持槍搶男子被控嚴重傷害罪
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Bismillaah. Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakatuh. Hadirilah*Kajian Khusu...
Bismillaah. Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakatuh. Hadirilah*Kajian Khusus Muslimah* Insyaallah akan dibahas*INTERAKSI NABI ﷺ DENGAN AL QURAN* Bersama Al-Ustadz Walid Abdirrahman حفظه الله Kamis, 29 Agustus 2024 Pukul: 09.00 s.d. selesaiTempat: Masjid Al-Aniah 2 Sariwangi(Cluster Anggrek-Bumi Sariwangi 2)https://maps.app.goo.gl/FpqnNLLQJnMyXexh9 Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam,…
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hyukaberri · 2 months
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aniah !! <3 19, multifan, tsukishima enthusiast & muichiro / tanjiro liker 🫶🏽
currently: scraping the bottom of the barrel for blk butler / tsukishima fics
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novumtimes · 3 months
Fighting for Aniah CBS News
Fighting for Aniah – CBS News Watch CBS News College student Aniah Blanchard had a deep fear of being kidnapped. When she disappears, UFC fighter Walt Harris battles for justice for his stepdaughter. CBS News special correspondent James Brown reports for “48 Hours.” Be the first to know Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Not Now Turn On Source link via The Novum Times
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turnstileskyline · 6 months
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