#annabeth tells him he can just sit there and look pretty
Girls Castellan might like
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Athena kid!Reader
Summary: After talking to Annabeth, you try to figure out who Luke likes. And what would be the best way to do this other than a list?
Warnings: fluff, english is not my native language
Word Count: 2.6k
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First when you had arrived, Camp Half-Blood sounded like a dream. A place where you were finally safe, thanks to Mr. D. the weather was always good and there were many activities. But after some time, doing always the same stuff got boring. Learning ancient Greek, cleaning stables, Pegasus riding, picking strawberries, Sword and archery training, Volleyball, Capture the Flag, swimming in the lake, and campfire singalongs. Every week it was the same. Thanks Aphrodite, you were all hormonal teenagers and at least there was sometimes exciting drama at camp.
Like right now, you were sitting at breakfast, and you couldn't help but notice, that Lucy, Daughter of Aphrodite, was glaring holes in the back of Luke Castellan’s head. Clutching the knife firm that her knuckles were white, she looked as if she was about to jump up and pounce on the Hermes cabin counselor. A big contrast to yesterday, when they couldn't keep their hands off each other around the campfire. So, what happened in the darkness of the night?
"You see it too?”, you asked your half-sister Annabeth curious, who already had assessed the whole situation.
“It’s not surprising, she isn’t his type.”
“Not his type?”, you echoed taken aback.
Before Luke and Lucy were a thing, only for ten days but still a thing, he had something with one of Lucy’s half-sisters. There had been a lot of drama, when Luke had ended things with Stephanie and was seen kissing Lucy three days later. It had been a lot of fun, maybe except for Luke, Stephanie, and Lucy. But back to the actual situation, after this story, everybody, you too, though that Luke’s type were beautiful girls, preferable daughters of Aphrodite. And who could blame him? They were otherworldly pretty.
“He likes feisty girls who are good fighters”, Annabeth told you unaffected while picking at her bacon with her fork.
“How do you know that?”
Annabeth and Luke were close, like siblings. But you couldn’t imagine neither Annabeth nor Luke lying down on one of their beds and talking about girls.
“Because he is so obvious.”
If she said so. You hadn't noticed it yet, but maybe you hadn't looked closely either. You had wanted to spare yourself the pain.
“And who does he like?”, you dared a short look at Luke, who was laughing about something Chris had said. Seeing this, you couldn’t help it, your lips pulled up to a small smile. Next to you Annabeth rolled her eyes. But you only had eyes for the pretty head counselor of cabin 11.
“Won’t tell you”, astonished you teared your eyes of Luke and looked to your little sister. A smug smile was dancing around her mouth. “You always complain that you're bored.  Perhaps finding it out may help you battle your boredom.”
You immediately regretted complaining to her about your boredom at the start of your breakfast. This was now her revenge.
“Can you at least tell me if it’s a girl or a boy.”
“A girl, that's the only tip you get.”
Like every organized person you started your research with a list. Your list with the very fitting title ‘Girls Castellan might like’ included every girl at camp, except the ones who were too young and the girls you knew, were bad at fighting.
Next your research led you in the arena, where Luke was teaching sword fight. Clutching your list, like it was your most prized possession, you searched for a good place to keep an eye on everything. With a little bit of luck, you would be able to watch, how Luke was interacting with some of the girls on your list and could draw further conclusions from this.
You weren’t the only one, who came just to watch the practice. A few seats away sat a few daughters of Aphrodite. And you quickly understood why.
Holding a sword Luke was a force to be reckoned with. His movements were smooth as butter, and you couldn’t help noticing his muscles tensing under his shirt as he performed various exercises. Your gaze unconsciously slipped to his large hands, which were loosely holding the sword. After years of wielding a sword, they must be covered with calluses. How would it feel, if his callused hands would wander over your body, cupping your hips to pull you closer to him?
“What are you scheming?”
An all too familiar voice snapped you out of your daydream. Caught like a deer in headlights you looked up to Luke Castellan, who was standing right in front of you. Just looking at his hands, you could feel a blush slowly creeping up. Damn hormones.
“I’m not scheming”, you protested while stuffing the list hastily in the back pocket of your jeans shorts.
“Sure, that's why you're hiding the note”, amused Luke’s brown eyes sparkled. And what beautiful eyes he had. Stop! You had to concentrate! “Besides kids of Athena don’t just sit around and watch people, you lot are always scheming.”
“If you say so”, trying to seem cool, you shrugged your shoulders. “But that’s not why you came here.”
“Always so wise, fancy a fight?”
„There is no way I will beat you with a sword.”
And why fight if you already knew that you would lose? That wasn’t your style. You and your half-siblings knew better than that.
“What about hand-to-hand combat?”
Now you were talking! In hand-to-hand combat you could stand a chance.
“So desperate to lose, Castellan?”, you teased trying to drive away the nervousness that had settled in your bones. Sometimes you hated the nervousness Luke Castellan made you feel in his present, but looking at him, you knew, that you could never hate him.
“When it comes to you, I’m always desperate”, there was a time, were words like that form Luke’s lips, had made your heart flatter. That was before you realized that he was just a big flirt and wasn’t serious. But now, older, and wiser, you just rolled your eyes, before you motioned for him to follow you down in the arena.
“Flirting will not help you to win.”
Luke just shrugged, “Doesn't hurt trying.”
Yours and Luke’s hand-to-hand combats were famous around the camp. Luke had quick reflexes, was tall and full of muscles, while you were a strategic mastermind, always three steps ahead. And none of you shied away from getting down and dirty. Therefore, it was no surprise, that a ring of onlookers had already formed before one of you could throw the first punch. Besides, you were too focused to really mind it. You had already fought against Luke so often, that it felt more like a rehearsed dance than a fight. Maybe this was your way of dancing. While the Aphrodite girls danced around the bonfire, you danced in an arena to the music of your own heartbeat.
Like always it was Luke who opened the fight. With one large strike he closed the distanced between you and tried to punch you in your face, so your hands would go up, and he could kick you in your belly. Seeing this coming, you caught his hand with yours and while he lifted his leg, your swiped yours under his other one to bring him down. Letting go of his hands, you watched with a smile, how the tumbled down to the floor. But instead of going after him, you gave him the time you stand up. He was stronger than you, so you wanted to avoid wrestling with him on the floor so early at all costs, it would only end badly for you. First, he had to get tired, and none knew better that you how to wear down Luke Castellan.
His next three punches you easily dodged and then you stroke. Letting go of a flurry of blows it was Luke’s turn to block. For a moment you just exchanged blows, neither of you managed to blow the other's cover. But then Luke clipped the side of your face and while hot pain shot through your left cheek, you stumbled back. However, as fast as he punched you, you recovered. Dipping under his outstretched arm, you twisted said arm in a painful angle. You could hear his sharp inhale. And maybe it brought you a little bit of joy. But before you knew what happened, Luke had knelt and thrown you over his shoulder. To everyone's surprise, including yours, you somehow managed to land on your feet. Taking advantage of the chance that his face was still near your knees, you rammed your knee into his nose, drawing first blood. Both of you watched stunned how it dripped down from his chin to the floor, where it mixed with the sand. You had won sooner than any of you thought.
“It was a good fight, sorry about your nose”, you winced, but Luke just waved you off.
“It’s fine.  I would have preferred it if you had won the fight with a tackle, but that's the way it is.”
Before you could respond a pretty girl from cabin 10 rushed to Luke with a handkerchief in her hands, and you were forgotten. Not wanting to watch Luke soaking up her attention, you retreated.
Only when you had left the arena and wanted to reach for your list, you found it missing.  As if struck by lightning, you froze. You were pretty sure, that you didn’t lose the list. If it had fallen out of your pocket, you would have seen it lying on the floor, you were sure of it. That could only mean one thing. Just thinking about it made you wish the ground would open up and swallow you. Hot panic shot up your back and you felt like screaming. Someone had stolen your list, without you even noticing.  There was only one person who got close enough to you to do this and at the same time had the nimble fingers required, Luke Castellan.
At dinner, you were sulking in self-pity while you were trying very hard to look everywhere except at a certain table. Maybe if you would not draw his attention for a week or maybe two, he would forget about the list. Or at least you could pretend that he forgot. The other option was, that you would flee from camp and never look back. Considering the monsters that lurked outside the borders for young demigods, the first was clearly the safer option.
The fear that he would share the list with all the campers, and they would laugh at you, gnawed at you, that you couldn't swallow a bite. Your throat felt like it was tight up, yet it was your hands who were tight up. You couldn’t do anything besides waiting for the storm to blow over, and you hated it.
Your thoughts got interrupted by a paper plane which landed perfectly in front of you. Surprised, your head shot up, and your eyes locked with a pair of dark brown ones. Sending you a wink, Luke dived into conversation with his siblings, and you couldn’t help but groan. His father was the messenger god, if Luke wanted to convey a message, he could do it by paper plane without any problems.
Torn you looked at the paper plane. Did you really want to know what he had to say? What if he just wanted to make fun of you? But if not? With shaking hands, you picked up the paper. Your mum was Athena, goddess of war, you wouldn't hide from Castellan, you would face this fight. Determinedly unfolding the paper, your eyes scanned the list spread out in front of you. You knew this list; you had written this list. Everything was how you had left it, beside one thing. Luke has crossed out the ‘might’ in the title and had replaced it with a ‘doesn't’ in his scraggly handwritten. Now the new title of your list read as ‘Girls Castellan doesn't like ‘.    
A few days passed and you weren’t wiser. There must be a mistake! The list you made included every girl, that could fight and wasn’t a child. If Annabeth wasn't wrong, Luke had to like one of them. And Annabeth was never wrong. Crouching on your bottom lip you looked down on the list in your hands.
You were sitting in the grass near the strawberry fields, the sun was warming your face. When you weren't busy avoiding Luke, you were thinking about the list and its meaning. By changing the title Luke hinted, that he didn’t like any of the girls on the list. You had double and triple checked it, you hadn’t forgotten anyone. But Annabeth couldn’t be wrong, that had never happened before. It was maddening. It was like a riddle you were too dumb to solve, and you hated it. You were a daughter of Athena for god’s sake. Right now, you were possible one of her greatest shames, if she was interested enough in you to know what you were up to.
Before more negative thoughts could fill your mind, a shadow appeared over you. As you looked up, calluses hands stole the list out of your fingers. Groaning you faced none other than Luke Castellan.
“Still trying to find out who I fancy?”, he asked with a shit eating grin, and you couldn’t help but blush. But before you exposed yourself any further, you went into offense. As well known, attack was the best defense.
“You mislead me intentional”, you accused him. “The list includes every girl from camp. If Annabeth not wrong, you must like one of them.”
And you both knew Annabeth was never wrong.
“Actually, you forgot one person on your little list.”
That couldn’t be. You checked the list, more than once. You hadn’t! But it wouldn’t hurt to check the list another time.
“Give me the list”, you demanded, but Luke just hold the list over his head out of your reach. This was how he wanted to play it? Fine by you. Springing to your feet, you reached for the list, but Luke was taller than you. Tiptoeing you unconsciously moved closer to Luke. You first realized how close you were, as he wrapped his arm around your waist. Fighting a blush you hold your breath. You were so close, that Luke could certainly feel your heart almost jumping out of your chest.
“You are missing from the list”, he whispered, and you just could gape. That was too good to be true. That must be a dream.
“Because you can’t fancy me.”
“Why not?”
Truly confused, Luke furrowed his brows. Never had you seen him like this, and slowly you realized that he wasn’t joking. He didn’t want to trick you, and you didn’t know how to feel about it. Had you not wished for this for a long time?
“I’m not pretty like the Aphrodite girls you dated”, you confessed your insecurity. But Luke didn’t want to hear anything about it.
“In my eyes you are. You are tougher, braver, smarter, and far more beautiful. You are perfect. Can I kiss you?”
Lost for words, you could just nod. Carefully taking your face in his hands, he stroked back your hair, before lowering his lips to yours. The kiss was sweet, slow and everything you ever wanted. Sadly, it was over way too fast.
“I’m very glad Annabeth told me to help you with your project, on the day we fought. Otherwise, I wouldn't have stolen your list”, Luke confessed, still caressing your face. Oh, you see what she did there.
“Seems like she did set us up. Should we prank her for this?”
“Did I already tell you, that you are perfect?”            
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ilycosy · 7 months
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pairing : luke castellan x reader
summary — it's a cold february morning, nothing special to you, really. but there's that sickening air around camp that has everyone in a trance, you'll escape it this year again of course. or will you?
warnings : reader is a hater , luke is a helpless romantic loser , they're both awkward teenagers but it's so cute , percabeth !!!
aノn — a valentines day fic !! 🤍 i hope u guys enjoy <33 i rlly like writing luke as a loser but i think u guys alr know that sjshak
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you woke to hushed giggles in the cabin, an aphrodite boy perched up on one of your half brothers. basically eating each other's faces before anyone wakes up to see them, you roll your eyes.
listen, you weren't entirely against romance. just all the bits where you have to share yourself with your 'special person', especially in public. pda was your own personal tartarus, you were sure of it.
which is why it was shocking to receive a stupid note during breakfast from luke asking if you're free tonight, misspelled might you add. and even though you found it stupid, you couldn't help but wonder why he would even bother with you.
you— the person who once told him that he had the face of a sloth, the person who shoved him into the lake just because you could, the person who told him to 'get over' hermes when he came to camp. really, you couldn't think of any reason he'd ever like you.
but with how he smiled eagerly when you opened the note, and how he waved and did a thumbs up when you read it. you ditched the unsure thoughts of him just lying to you. you weren't free anymore.
you circled the no answer box, slipping the note back to him when your cabin was called for the offerings. trying not to look at him when he got cheesy and had percy come over to tell you to meet luke at a spot.
"luke said he wants you to meet him at," percy looks down at his hand, like he's reading from a fake script. "the place you poured juice onto his head? he's speaking in riddles to me, man."
you almost smiled at percy's sarcastic tone, but instead, you rolled your eyes and took a bite of your food. "tell him ill be there at 7." you say, turning your full attention to your food after.
you think you hear percy say, 'aye aye captain.' but you can't really be sure. you're too busy wondering how you're going to keep your food down with how your stomachs churning just thinking about what will happen.
well, turns out— 7 will come a lot sooner when you're stressing about what will happen at that time, the movies lied to you!
you sit anxiously at a clearing in the forest, looking around as you remember how you had dumped apple juice onto lukes head when you both were 15. you claimed it was to cool him down, but really, it was because he had called you pretty.
twigs snap behind you, and when you snap your head around, you're greeted with cupcakes?
"hey," luke greets, calmly sitting next to you like this was a casual hangout. "you hungry?" he asks, but he's a little nervous. his voice strained and his face a little red as he holds out sloppy cupcakes, clearly done by him and younger campers.
the cupcakes are messy, but they smell delicious. you almost grab one before reading what is spelt out on them, 'kiss me?'
you can't help but laugh, giggling to yourself as you hover over the k cupcake. "man i knew it was silly," he groans, setting the platter in his lap as he looks away embarrassedly. "i knew you hated pda, so i did it away from others but i shouldn't have listened to annabeth with the cupcakes it's just she said percy did it and she loved it and–"
you pressed a finger to his lips, picking up the cupcake you wanted. taking a slow bite as you savor it, thinking about his rant while he stares at you with wide eyes. you ignore how you swear both your hearts are beating in sync.
"it's sweet," you say, not knowing if you're talking about the cupcake or his confession. "it's not silly." it comes out before you can even think about what you're saying, you're talking about the confession?
it shocks both of you clearly. "you're sure?" he asks hesitantly, drumming his fingers on the platter. "i had help from demeter kids with the cooking, so i hope it's good, but are you sure that it's not stupid you don't have to call it sweet i get—"
you press your lips to his hesitantly, unsure of what you're doing, but honestly, he needed to shut up. he sits stiffly with the cupcakes on him, his hands coming up to pull you closer. you both awkwardly avoid dropping any while you kiss, teeth clashing together a few times.
when you both pull away you can't help but laugh, his dazed and blushing face so close to yours that he can smell the sugar and dinner on your breath. he starts laughing too, leaning his forehead on yours.
"im not free tonight," you whisper, watching as he looks at you confusedly. the angle is a little silly to look at him from, but for some reason your heart beats harder in your ears. "i think im taken."
his confused face splits into a stupid grin, pressing another kiss against your mouth before he lifts up the question mark cupcake. "by me?" he asks, cheesily but you can't imagine it being any other way.
"yes," you roll your eyes but your voice is soft, and he thinks his heart will explode in his chest. "by you."
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raphael-angele · 6 months
Nico's Big Sisters
I have this headcanon that while Bianca is away, the cabins take turns looking after Nico and he gets to stay with them.
Nico, crying: Thaliaaa!!!
Thalia: Nico? What's wrong?
Nico: *incomprehensible babble*
Thalia: Okay, okay, calm down. Tell me what happened
Nico, pointing to some Hermes kids: Tho- Those boys stole Three.
Thalia: *looks over at the Hermes kids tossing around a dog stuffie with three heads*
Nico: I told them to give it back but they wont. And they kept making fun of it
Thalia, rolling up her sleeves: Just a sec
Thalia with dirt all over her and slightly bloodied fists: Here you go, Nico. *hands over Three*
Nico: Reyna...
Reyna: Yes, Nico?
Nico: I fell down the track and I scraped my knee and hands *shows his hands*
Reyna, sees his injuries: Aww, c'mon let's go get them treated.
If Zoë lived:
Bianca: Zoë
Zoë: Bianca, hello.
Bianca: You remember my little brother, Nico.
Zoë: Oh, yes, of course. Nice to see you again, little one
Nico, standing next to Bianca: *shyly waves*
Bianca: Nico made something for you. *whispers to Nico* come on, you can give it to her.
Nico, slowly approaches her: *hands over a jar of paper stars*
Zoë: *takes jar of paper stars*
Nico: Thank you for looking after my sister
Zoë: Well, you're very welcome, Nico. This is a very beautiful gift.
Nico, entering the Aphrodite Cabin: Piper...
Piper: Hm? Oh, hey, Nico. What's up?
Nico, shyly whispers to her: Can you make me look pretty?
Piper: Why do you want me to make you look pretty?
Nico, fidgeting with his fingers: Will asked me out on a date
Piper and almost all of the Aphrodite Cabin: *gasp*
Piper: Alright girls, we got a code Apollo! Let's move! Move! Move! Let's get this baby ready for his first date!
Annabeth: Alright. C'mon, Nico. Time for bed
Nico: Aw, okay. *climbs into bed*
Annabeth, sitting beside him: What story do you want me to read to you today?
Nico: We haven't finished the one about the big cat, the mean old lady, and the box yet.
Annabeth: ...you mean The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe?
Nico: Mhm. We stopped when Edmund went to the mean old lady's castle.
Annabeth: Ah! Then The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe it is!
Nico: Rachel!
Rachel: Oh, hey, Nico. Did you need something?
Nico: No, not really. I was making something and Percy said that you might like it. *hands over a box*
Rachel: *takes box and opens it* What is it?
Nico: It's paint! The Demeter kids let me plant sometimes in their garden and I get the flowers and I made them into paint!
Nico: See? The blue one is from Morning Glory flowers, the red one is made from Roses, the yellow one is made out of Marigolds, the orange one is made from Poppies, the purple one is made from the Lilacs, and the green one I made from Leaves!
Nico: :D Do you like it?
Rachel: This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever given me ༼☯﹏☯༽
Mark, training Nico: Alright. Here's what's gonna happen. You want a candy bar?
Nico: *nods*
Mark: It's on that table over there. *points to table behind him* To get it, you need to get past me first.
Mark: Now, I'm bigger than you. So you need to be smart and think of how-
Nico: *punches Mark in the groin, and pushes him to the side, then goes over to the candy bar*
Mark, on the floor, clutching his groin: Oh, good gods!
Nico, can't open the candy bar: *goes over to Clarisse and shows her the candy bar* Open, please
Nico: (´。• ◡ •。`)
Later during Capture the Flag:
Clarisse: Alright, listen up! If anyone wants to mess with this kid, know that he is under my protection. You wanna mess with him, you go through me first!
Nico: *holding Clarisse's hand, eating a candy bar*
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pearl-riptide · 7 months
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Pretty boy
Pairing: Percy Jackson x Fem reader
Warnings: none just super cute fluff :)
“Two days until we reach Los Angeles” Grover pauses “plenty of time before our deadline to reach the underworld” He says in his seat beside Annabeth.
“Can I ask a dumb question?” Percy asks which causes you to giggle, he side eyes you which makes you clear your throat to stop the laughing.
“It’s like you need me to make fun of you” Annabeth says leaning in and titling her head.
“Shoot” Grover says with a slight turn of his head from curiosity.
“This is dumb, im tired” you groan as you lean back in your seat “I’m going to sleep” you announce as you wriggle around to try and get comfortable.
You didn’t have a care in the world for what they were talking about, all that mattered to you was getting some sleep to make up for not getting any last night. You stretched your legs out before bringing your knees up to your chest and you wrapped your arms around your knees then resting your head on your arms.
Percy looked at you curiously as you tried to get comfortable. You pushed your legs back under the table as that position was not comfortable.
“Ugh there is no way to get comfortable in this booth” you groan in annoyance as you turn and lean your head against the window.
Percy scooted closer to you in the booth secretly, the side of his thigh coming in contact with yours. Percy watches as you shift positions again as your feet lay flat on the ground and you cross your arms on the table, laying your head down atop of your arms. You stayed like that for a short amount of time as it was killing your back, you finally sit up with a huff of frustration.
You sit straight up and decide to close your eyes. you can feel Percy’s arm stretched out behind your back on the seat, he’s practically inviting you to sleep on him. Percy watches you as you wobble in your upright position from how tired you were, fighting to stay awake. You decide your done fighting as you lean into Percy your head resting on his shoulder.
Percy’s eyes widen at the motion causing Grover to snicker. His sits stiff until he finally decides to relax under you. Your breathes slow as you fall asleep on him. He lets his arm fall off of the booth and go around your shoulder.
Sunlight beamed through the window projecting onto your dark hair and the freckles that danced along your cheeks. Percy thought you looked beautiful. A dove was flying steady right outside the window looking as if it was watching the sweet moment. Percy smiled sweetly as he softly brushed the few loose strands of your hair out of your face.
“Percy?” you mumble quietly so that only he can hear. Percy is slightly startled but doesn’t show it as he replays.
“Hmm?” Percy hums in reply.
“Your pretty” you tell him with your head still rested on his shoulder and your entire body still leaned against him with your eyes closed.
He immediately turns bright red at the commen pig t as he was very flustered, he had never been called pretty before, he liked it.
“Th-Thank you” he smiles awkwardly as his face was still burning bright red. He immediately got more embarrassed from the stutter in the reply.
He looks down at you until he notices a specific accessory.
“Thats where my shirt went !” Percy exclaimed as he looked at the shirt that was loosely hanging around your frame.
You just mumbled incoherent words as you snuggled your face into his neck as sleep took over you once again.
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whoxeology · 7 months
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⛧☾༺♰ CABIN FUN ♰༻☽⛧
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WARNINGS: NFSW 18+, use of pet name; bunny, smut, Oral (F receiving) very much so not canonically accurate, not proofread, bit of Perv!Luke at the end.
W.C: 2.1k
A/N: I have not read the books only knowledge I have of PJO is from the movies, TV series, and multiple fics I have read. With that being said this is purely for fun. You are more than welcome to disagree and leave feedback.
A/N: I feel like this is so off from the request but I feel like corruption kinks are often written to make the reader similar to the young, which I did not want to be how I wrote it so I give you whatever this is
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"Hey Lukey," You said as you heard your cabin door open. You knew it was him he was the only one to enter the cabin at this time which also happened to be when your cabinmates left to sneak out of camp. He always came in asking to borrow something from you sometimes it was tweezers for Annabeth or his shield that he let you borrow. "What did you need now," you asked slightly giggling.
"Uh actually nothing I just wanted to see you," Luke said as he looked at you his hands fidgeting with them nervously. He was dressed in his typical cargo pants and orange camp tee looking overdressed compared to your crop top and sleeping shorts.
"Really? Why?" You tilt your head to the side confusion written across your face. You and Luke obviously were friends you guys just weren't as close as the rest of the group. Mainly due to your huge crush on Luke making you act like a hermit when it's just you and him alone.
"I wanted to talk to you about something," he said sitting on your bed and patting the spot next to him for you to sit on.
"Oh, about what?" you said going to sit next to him as soon as he asked you to. His cold hand finds a way onto your exposed knee the cold rings sending a shiver up your spine that Luke did not miss.
You were thoughtless at the feel of his calloused hands on your smooth skin. Eyes glued on his hand as his thumb rubbed the top of your knee. "Annabeth might've let slip that you have a crush on me." He said head tilted to the side to see your face better really wanting to see your reaction. As soon as those words left his mouth your jaw dropped a soft gasp leaving your plump lips. A pit formed in your stomach as you continued to stare at his hand scared to make eye contact with him. Tears formed in your eyes you knew why he was being so touchy now he was going to reject you it all made sense now.
"Hey bunny look at me," He said his other hand coming up from his side to grab your chin, making you look at him. His puppy dog eyes met your wet ones, making more tears fall decorating your pretty face. Luke would never tell another living soul this but he liked seeing you cry, to know he was the cause of it and not some other punk in camp.
"Luke I am so sorr-."
The start of your ramble was cut short by Luke's lips smashing into yours. He could taste the saltiness from your tears on your lips making him kiss you harder. Once the shock faded from you you kissed him back just as hard. The kiss started as hunger but was now growing into desperation and need. The hand that was once on top of your knee slipped under it to help you climb onto his lap. He needs you closer to him, his hand slipping from your chin to the back of your neck pulling you close into the kiss.
His back is flat against your bed as you lean over him, grinding yourself into him. You can feel all of him under you, his bulge rubbing against your core with every move.
"Luke wait," you mumble into his lips pulling away slightly to look him in the face.
Luke gave a low hum in response, his hips slightly bucking up against yours, his cock throbbing inside of his pants. His hands rested on your hips now guiding you in a swaying motion on him.
"I've never done this before." You say breathlessly still moving your hips against his, the feeling sending butterflies into the lower pits of your stomach. The feeling of his dick twitching against you made a gasp slip past your lips.
"Oh bunny," He says in a whining voice. He suddenly flips you over so that you are now under him. You are now flat on your back as he lays between your legs, his bulge more prominent against his cargo pants. "Im going to make you feel real good baby, do you trust me?'"
In the moment all you can do is nod your head frantically, feeling his against you with such pressure making you need him more. He dipped his head into the crook of your neck placing light kisses under your ear.
"I need you to use your words bunny," he whispers into your ear, pulling a breathy whine from you.
"Please," you say tilting your head to the side to give him more space. He kissed down your neck until he got to a soft spot on your jugular that made you whine. He smirked into your neck before suckling at the spot, the dark purple mark forming on your skin. "You look so pretty under me," He mumbles into your neck as he continues to leave marks all over your neck.
His slightly chapped lips went from your neck to your chest, drawing whines from you. One of his hands trailed up your hips tickling your side as he went under your crop top, his cold hands sending shivers down your spine. He pulled your top over your chest, the cool air making your bare nipples pebble. Feeling exposed at the sudden attention on your boobs your hands go to cover them, Luke's other hand came up pinning your own hand to the side of your head.
"Don't hide yourself from me bunny," He groaned into your chest, attaching his lips to one of your nipples. The sudden warmth of his mouth and the swirl of his tongue draw moans from your mouth. He does the same to your other boob, before moving lower. His hot mouth trailed kisses from your breast to the top of your shorts, you a withering mess under him the whole time his kisses setting your skin on fire. He sat back onto his knees before pulling you by yours to the edge of the bed, a yelp escaping you from the sudden roughness. His hands impatiently made their way under your hips, pulling down your sleeping shorts with such determination it made you moan.
"god am I going to be the first to see your pretty pussy," He said in a teasing tone, thumb lightly rubbing over your clit through your underwear. "Hmm, all this for me pretty girl."
"Yes Luke all for you," you whine hips bucking against his hand, need more desperately. Luke sped his pace up his thumb rubbing your clit in tighter circles, your core clenched on nothing the butterflies in your lower stomach fluttering around even more.
Luke moved his thumb and hooked his fingers on the side of your underwear, asking you to pick your hips up to make the process easier. A low moan emitted from the back of Luke's throat when he finally saw your pussy and she was indeed pretty. He couldn't hold back you were so wet and ready for him. Wasting no time he wrapped his arms around your legs and shoved his face straight into your cunt, tongue parting your folds and his lips attaching to your clit sucking on the bud.
"Fuck Luke," You arch your back in an unexpecting manner not expecting him to basically throw himself in between your thighs. Your hands immediately flew to his brown curls, wrapping your fingers messily in his hair.
Luke's tongue fucked your tight cunt lapping up your juices while the tip of his straight nose rubbed against your clit, his hand trailing up to massage your breast the callouses adding to the pleasure. The sound coming from your glossy pink lips made Luke press harder onto your pussy, hands shaking as you ran them through Lukes’s curly hair
“Feels good bunny?” he mumbles lips going back to your clit as his fingers ghosted over the tops of your thigh, so close to your aching hole.
“So good lukey” you whine hips bucking up desperately trying to relieve the aggressive butterflies from your belly. Tears started to pool in your eyes you didn’t know what to ask for but knew you needed it now. "Please please plea-." “Shhh pretty girl,” Luke chuckled before pulling himself up from in between your legs, his middle finger slipping into your cunt as he kissed you, swallowing your moans. His long fingers find your spongy part, curling his fingers to hit that spot over and over again your backing arching up painfully in pleasure.
" I got you bunny," Luke mumbled his ring finger pushing in beside his middle, you groaned out at the sudden feeling of fullness. He leaned his body onto yours, the feeling of his rough clothing on your soft skin driving you up the walls.
He pumped his fingers in a come hither motion hitting your walls clenching down on his fingers, his lips roughly finding their home on yours. Your stomach tightened as his fingers pumped faster, the once feeling of butterflies turning into a tightening ache deep in your stomach. Feeling wetter and looser than before he managed to slip in his pointer finger, the fullness returning some more with each finger he added.
"Luke my stomach feels funny is that norm-"
"You can take it bunny," he said cutting your question off while leaning his forehead against yours, his breathing much tamer compared to your high-pitched whines and moans. "it'll be worth it," he adds leaving knowing exactly how your feeling, he placed smaller hickeys across your boobs, fingers pumping at a much rougher pace now.
The high-pitched moans that fell from your plump lips were borderline sinful and pornographic, Luke's dick twitching at every sound you made. Your hips bucked into his palm as he continued to finger you drawing you to the brink of cumming.
"OH MY GOD." You shouted as you felt the pressure in your stomach replaced with a dropping feeling, the feeling making your thighs shake as you tried to close your legs around Luke's hand the feeling of his fingers still pumping making you shake more. Overstimulated and exhausted you push at Luke's hand, he pumps his fingers a few more times before pulling them out. The sudden loss of his fingers pulls a whine from you, suddenly feeling empty as your juices flow out your cunt.
"No god just me," Luke's stupid grin spread across his face as he licked your juices off his fingers, getting closer to you he kissed your forehead before getting up to grab a towel from the restroom.
You laughed so hard you felt more cum gush out from you your fits of laughter suddenly cut short, and you laid still on your bed waiting for Luke scared of making a bigger mess on your bed. Luke had come back to see you stiff as a board and started his stupid laughter up again. He leaned over you helping you lift your leg up as he gently used the hand towel to clean you up, you shuddered at the towel going over your sensitive clit. Luke had thrown the towel in your hamper and gotten you new underwear and a shirt for you to change into, your heart swelling with love as you looked at him he looked so domesticated.
"What about you," You say as you slip your clothes on, obviously referring to his bulge, which is still very noticeable.
"Don't worry about me, I got it," He said winking at me as he changed the sheet on your bed, moving at a speed that left you baffled not even you moved that efficiently when it came to changing sheets. After he finished making your bed he had you crawl in so that he could tuck you in.
"You're leaving?" you say sadness in your voice, a weird feeling settling in your chest. "Not my choice bunny if I stay I'm going to end up balls deep in you then you're roommates might walk in and that's a whole other issue I'm not ready to solve," He laughed to himself as a dark blush cover your cheeks, he kissed you deeply his large hand resting on your check almost covering your whole face.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" Your question voice came out in a whine, your hand was over his not wanting him to let go yet.
"I'll see you tomorrow bunny," he said kissing you again before finally getting up to leave.
Quickly succumbing to your sleepiness you were fast asleep a few minutes after Luke had left, unbeknown to you your soiled panties left along with him. His extremely late shower took extra long as he pictured your moans in his ears as he got off in his fist panties wrapped tightly in hand.
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love-that-we-were-in · 8 months
indelible scars, pivotal marks
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pairing: luke castellan x implied apollo!reader
summary: you might be the only person who actually knows luke castellan. you don't think anyone else is willing to try.
a/n: what if i told you i got yelled at a lot after writing this. enjoy! oh this is also my first x reader in the 5 years i've been writing who cheered. have fun !
Luke is fourteen the first time he can remember sleeping through the night. He’s barely been at Camp Half-Blood for three hours, skin still splotched purple and blue, Thalia’s yells echoing in his skull. There’s no silence, a steady hum of nature that’s leveled by the voices of people he doesn’t know, and he knows he shouldn’t sleep. They’ve lost Thalia, left her just beyond the borders of an unknown place, and it’s a risk to welcome the flimsy pillow they gave him. He does it anyway, eyes closing to the sound of Annabeth’s soft breaths. 
The respite lasts one night.
By morning, he’s recounted the last five years more than he ever wanted to. Annabeth clings to him then, a known comfort. She knows the broad strokes of the story, could recount them herself, but there’s gaps from before her time, and there’s things Thalia made him swear not to tell. If she notices, she doesn’t comment, just keeps her fingers close to her side. He knows that’s where she keeps her dagger - he wonders if Chiron can tell as well.
Chiron brings them to Thalia, explains what happened and how lucky it is. Luke looks at the tree, the first time Thalia has stood taller than him since they met - something she always swore she would do one day - and leans back against it as Annabeth sobs into his shoulder. 
Mr D sends Annabeth to the Athena cabin before lunch. Luke doesn’t need to be told to make his way to Cabin 11. He knows who his father is. His backpack is left at the base of a bed in the far corner of the room, a group of boys gathered around the area turning to watch him the second he walks in. They move away but they don’t stop their stares.
Sleep doesn’t come as easily to him that night.
You meet Luke Castellan when you’re fifteen, standing on the edge of the lake as a golden sun rises in the horizon. It’s your first morning at camp, your first morning admiring the sunrise in months, and you think you could find a home here. Within the hour, you’re sure the calm won’t be the same – too many kids in the same space, swords and satyrs and strawberries guiding the day along – but for now there’s sunlight. 
“Breakfast isn’t for two more hours,” someone says from behind you. It should be scarier than it is, put you on high alert with the way he creeps into the space without a sound. “Just in case someone forgot to mention that.”
He’s pretty. Strong chin, dark eyes. On most people you’ve met, that’s where pretty ends. Not him. There’s this way he stands in your periphery; comfortable in his worn camp t-shirt, like he was made to live in it, to have it define him for an eternity. Very few people are pretty in a way that speaks of forever.
“I like to watch the sunrise.” 
He hums. “I’m Luke.”
He waits, steps away, until you offer him a seat beside you on the grass. It was something you were told once, an eclectic art teacher draped in shawls and chunky jewelry, how the sun is only as beautiful as it is when shared with another. As Luke sits next to you, you enjoy the quiet you’re positive isn’t built to last.
Luke becomes a counselor that summer. Everyone saw it coming, the way he’s known to everyone and not just the Hermes kids. Whispers of a legacy, of a potential legend in the making, followed him already, two years at camp creating grand ideas for his future – counselor status just helps to further them. It’s not that big of a deal normally. It’s potentially defining when you’re the best swordsman in almost three hundred years.
You find him on his way back from the Big House that evening, heading in no particular direction but with a clear idea of where he doesn’t want to be. It’s something you’ve learnt to read in the last few weeks, the way Luke fluctuates. How he dips in and out of personas as if it’s possible to switch them out. It comes with renown, you suppose. 
“Counselor Castellan, is it?” 
He smiles something bitter. “So they tell me.”
Without hesitation, you take hold of his hand. It’s warmer than yours and you feel the difference in your bloodstream. Luke doesn’t look at you, doesn’t comment, and you lead him away from the cabins and down to the lake. 
There’s maybe an hour until sunset. You’re almost attuned to it now, mornings spent watching it with rapt attention. Luke normally joins you, sword dropped between you. Some mornings, the thud of metal onto stone is the only reason you know he’s arrived, still so silent in his arrival that you wonder if it’s on purpose. 
“Does it make you anxious?” You ask when the silence stretches on for too long, when Luke stares unblinkingly at the horizon for longer than he should. He blinks, irises shifting from a glassy bronze and back to muted brown as the film clears. “Did they even ask if it was something you wanted?” 
He scoffs and you wonder if this is where everything changes. Luke always has things he wants to say, balancing on the tip of his tongue until he figures out how to swallow them down and burn them. It’s like you can see it play out in real time, his jaw shifting, arm tensing.
“Mr D told me it was a great honor. Chiron told me it was long overdue.” 
“You weren’t given a chance to say no.”
It’s a pattern you’ve noticed, not just within camp but with all the Gods. Clarisse was sent a spear with no note, but everyone knew who had sent it. Annabeth’s hat was exactly the same. Gifts. All gifts. No receipts or return addresses provided. Life at camp was something to be grateful for, always, considering the alternative most of you had already been forced to live. To comment on it would make you an enemy of those too powerful to consider.
Looking at the tense set of Luke’s shoulders, you kind of want to say it anyway.
“I’m about to have all the glory Camp Half-Blood could offer me,” Luke says and the sun begins to dip below the surface of the lake. His palm is warm in yours again. “Why would I complain?”
There’s a flurry of new arrivals no one anticipated the next summer They come in pairs, mostly, with the odd trio. Always one unclaimed within the group. Always one who gets marched to Cabin 11 in the middle of the night, sometimes after hours of questioning.
You know the nights that it’s happened, taking in the way Luke’s movements are less sharp, the way he breathes more shallowly. A conservation of energy. It doesn’t affect you much until it does, the sharp sting of Luke’s sword on your arm as he loses his footing, turns too suddenly at the sound of your footsteps. 
“This is insane,” you say as you press your shirt into the cut. It’s not bad, something that will heal quickly and fade into nothingness, but Luke locks his gaze on the red dotting your skin as if he doesn’t understand how it got there. “They can’t keep waking you up in the middle of the night for this.”
“The only other place they can go is the med bay and none of them have been beaten up badly enough to be worth waking an Apollo kid.”
“I’ve seen some of the kids when they’ve gotten here, Luke,” you mutter, shirt hem dropping as the wound stops bleeding. You glance up at him. “They could do with being patched up.” 
He sinks down to the floor. You stay on your feet. “This is what I signed up for when I took the position.”
There’s this way Luke’s voice gets sometimes, sharp and low and just a little spiteful. A build-up of years with little mercy granted. That’s how it is now, speaking through clenched teeth, completely biting back the vitriol and pretending there’s no heat to his words. 
He’s always been pretty in the sunrise, from the day you met, but you think he might be prettiest right now – lying to himself more than he can lie to you in the moments before there’s any sunlight at all. When you would let darkness spill into itself, Luke forces light to filter in. If you caught him at the darkest hour, you wonder if that would remain.
Taking in the way he digs his nail into the fabric of his pants, you doubt even he would know how to stop himself then. 
You aren’t chosen for Luke’s quest. He finds you after the ceremony, face pulled taut and bag thrown over his shoulder already. There’s no regret in his eyes, no determination either. You stand straighter when you hear him approach, grateful that he cared enough not to take you by surprise for once. 
“Don’t be mad at me.” 
“Why would I be mad?” You say. It’s disingenuous to your own ears, the way it pitches, so you fold your arms across your chest. “Chris and Ethan will be great questmates. A band of brothers.”
Luke swallows. “Is that really what you think this is? That I wanted to make my quest a guys trip?”
“I don’t think anything of it, Luke.” 
In the middle of the day, you can see him clearest. See the golden boy of Camp Half-Blood the way everyone else does. In broad daylight, there’s few things more noticeable on Luke Castellan. The slope of his nose, the straightness of his back, the comfortable weight of his sword on his hip – almost a tether to who he proclaims himself to be. It’s your least favorite version of him.
“I would’ve chosen you. In a heartbeat, I would’ve chosen you,” he says, brown eyes shifting from dim to desperate in moments. A plea to be heard. You know you’re the only one to ever truly listen when he speaks.
“Doesn’t really seem that way.”
“I just needed a reason to come back when it’s over.”
It stills the air around you. The words tangle themselves together in your brain, drown out the archers in the distance, the birds overhead. They echo and twist and they maintain their tone, the low pitch Luke uses when he’s decided to say something he doesn’t want to be heard. They bury themselves in the corner with the other times he’s used it, forever ingrained, and you don’t know what to make of them. How to define them at all.
He waits, gaze firm, until you nod slightly. You keep your chin low, determined to give little satisfaction to the situation. To Hermes giving Luke a reused quest, to the possibility of losing him because you aren’t there. It curdles deep in your gut, refusing to remain unknown.
There’s a moment where Luke hesitates, his hand twitching slightly, arm moving minutely higher from where it hangs down by his waist. Instead, his fist clenches and he exhales long and low. 
“Promise to be here when I get back?” 
“I’ll be really annoyed if you’re not the one knocking on my cabin door.”
He turns back to face you after he joins Chris and Ethan at the border. They’re all capable, with a history of working together. They’ll succeed, return to praise and glory and everything they deserve to have. The sun beats down on Luke as he nods goodbye and you wonder if it shines on anyone else at all.
The scar becomes a part of him. 
It fades into his skin with time, going from raised and rotten to a streak of pale across his cheek. You overhear some of the Ares kids praising it as symbolic of his win, a prize of sorts, and some of the Aphrodite kids saying it makes him more appealing, makes him look stronger. You’re not sure what you think of it, tracing it with gentle fingers as it heals. 
It becomes a habit, running a knuckle down Luke’s cheek each morning. Feeling where the skin tied itself back together. He never comments. You want to ask if he minds, that you’ll stop if it’s too much. The first few times you did it, in the days right after his return, he had flinched, features pinching together. Your hand had dropped, all too aware of the matted skin, how it probably still ached but Luke had taken your hand and placed it back where it had been. 
His scar becomes a statement, a badge of skill that everyone at camp can recognise. There had been little debate on the truth of his swordsmanship before but now it hardly existed, undeniable proof the first thing people noticed when introduced to him. 
Most people don’t bother to ask Luke about it. Percy Jackson isn’t most people.
“You got attacked by a dragon?” 
It’s the first time in years that anyone has joined you and Luke at the lake this early. Annabeth used to, on the rare occasions the worst of her nightmares returned. It’s different with Percy, like being close to the water rewires him completely. It makes sense days later when you watch him push open the door to the empty Cabin 3.
“Last year,” Luke hums, one hand resting softly in yours and the other keeping a loose grip on the sword handle in his lap. Percy had wanted to see him in action after hearing the stories, so you’d both obliged. “I made a wrong call and I paid for it.”
“At least it looks pretty cool.” 
The way Percy says it is different to everyone else. It’s not ingrained with this odd lust, whether for adventure or the story or Luke himself. It’s more muted, a fact of life. He’s not saying it to make anyone feel better – he’s saying it to disregard. A scar is just a scar to Percy Jackson, as if he’s known too many to care.
“I guess it kind of is,” Luke says and the three of you listen to the morning begin.
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triptuckers · 9 months
wild flowers - percy jackson
Request: yes! "Can I request a platonic Percy Jackson x Child of Demeter!Reader based off the new Disney series? Where Child of Demeter!Reader is significantly older than Percy (17/18 maybe?) and is the one to welcome him to camp instead of Luke. Reader is more gentle and understanding to Percy's questions and is in general sort of a parent figure in the camp?" Pairing:  percy jackson x demeter!reader (platonic) Summary:  you welcome the newest kid at camp half-blood Warnings:  none (omg??) Word count:  1.1K A/N: was excited when I saw the new episode will be out on Tuesday but then I looked at the time zone and it's 3 am for me so I'll still watch it on wednesday :') thanks for your request, enjoy!
you try not to look away as percy, the newest addition to camp half-blood, nearly shoots another camper. he falls to the ground due to the force of the bow.
'alright.' you say, walking over to see if percy's okay. 'so not archery.'
'I didn't mean to!' says percy, looking at the kids who had flattened themselves to the ground to avoid being shot.
'of course you didn't, they know that. can I have the bow?' you say.
percy quickly shoves the bow in your hands as well as the quiver of arrows. you hand them back to the apollo kid who was teaching him with a thanks and an apologetic smile.
'see, I suck at this.' says percy. 'I'm not good at anything.'
'hey, that's not true.' you say. 'everyone is good at something. c'mon, I'll take you to my favorite spot at camp.'
that gets his attention. 'your favorite spot?'
'yep. right this way.'
you lead him away from the archery field. you can tell he's curious. you take him to the strawberry field, where some of the satyrs and your siblings are tending to the plants.
you walk past the strawberries to a field of grass where wild flowers grow.
'it's pointless.' says percy as the two of you sit down.
you frown. 'what is?'
he gestures around. 'all of this. I'm not one of you. it's clear there's something wrong with me. none of this matters because my dad won't reveal himself, he doesn't care. my mom is gone. I suck at archery. and I can't work in the forge. I can't do anything.'
you look at him. most kids are tough on themselves when they arrive. percy isn't any different.
'at least you didn't suck as much at archery than I did.' you say. 'contrary to you, I actually did hit someone when trying out archery '
percy's eyes widen. 'you did?'
you nod. 'apollo kids had to patch them up. luckily it wasn't that bad. but still I haven't touched a bow since. and I'm also not good at sword fighting. I only carry one because it's the weapon I suck the least with.'
'what if you suck at everything?' asks percy softly.
you smile at him. 'this is all normal. we all felt like this when we came here, regardless if we could already fight or not. and look at me, I still can't fight that well. I'm a joke compared to luke and clarisse if it comes to fighting. gods, even annabeth is better than me and she's your age.'
you point ahead to the strawberry fields. 'my cabin doesn't bring forth the best fighters. and that's okay. we're good at other things.' you say.
percy looks at your siblings, sure enough, not a lot of them carry weapons. maybe you do because you're head counsellor of your cabin.
'when did you find out who your mom was?' asks percy.
you sense he's not just curious about your godly heritage. he wants to know how long it would take before his father claims him. and he already knows there are unclaimed kids.
'for me it was pretty clear. I've always loved plants. I've got an impressive garden back at home.' you say. 'demeter claimed me my second day at camp.'
'so pretty fast...'
'for some kids it's fast. for some it's slow. some kids are very certain about who their godly parent is and sometimes they're right and sometimes they're not. you can't predict it with 100% accuracy.'
'did someone guess it correctly?'
'most of the times it's the athena kids who are right about their hunches. but they're athena kids of course, very smart. also a lot of ares kids are right. and for others it's a 50/50 chance. for instance, milo. everyone was convinced he was a hephaestus kid because he really liked to blow stuff up. turns out he's an athena kid. he's just really smart about blowing stuff up.'
'I bet I'm a kid of the god or failure or something. I'm just a regular kid, I'm not special. I don't have any impressive powers. not like you.'
'you think my powers are impressive?' you chuckle. 'I'm good with plants percy. over the years I've learned how to master those. but at first all I did was accidentally make flower patches.'
percy looks at you, frowning. 'you what?'
you laugh, then point to your shoes. they look like you've worn them every day for the past five years. which you have, somehow they won't wear down.
'these were a gift from my mom. if I don't wear them, flowers grow where I walk.'
you nod and take them off. you get up and walk a circle around percy. and indeed, flowers grow where you put your feet down on the grass. you pick one and give it to percy, then put your shoes back on.
'it's the only thing I still can't master. maybe it's not something to be mastered. I'd ask my mom but the only time I saw her was when I was out fighting for my life. wasn't really the time to ask about flowers. she didn't even give me my shoes in person, just sent them here.'
you and percy are silent as you look out over the valley. you remember your first days at camp, how scared you were. you didn't know anyone, you were told your mom was a goddess, and you could never have a moment alone because there would always be someone who could find you based on the flowers you left behind.
'everyone here has been through what you're going through now.' you say. 'maybe they didn't experience it in the same way. I mean, you did kill the minotaur. but all of them have been confused, wondered about wether they belong, if there's something wrong with them. we all found our way in the end.'
'did you feel like you didn't belong?'
'sure. but then chiron explained to me it's all because of the gods. we've got dyslexia because our brain is wired in greek. the adhd is from our need to fight. it's all in our dna. just give it time, you'll belong. any other questions?'
'what do you do when you're not at camp?'
you smile. 'try not to run into any monsters and wait for the time to go to camp again. you'll find your family here, percy, trust me. now let's see if the aphrodite can teach you anything.'
you get up and offer your hand to percy. after pulling him to his feet, you start to walk toward the aphrodite cabin.
'you know, regardless of what cabin you belong to, you can always come to me if you have any questions.' you say.
percy smiles at you. 'thanks.'
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit/Max
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aphroditeinthesea · 4 months
Hi! Could I request a Percy Jackson x Daughter of aphrodite reader angst? (this request is inspired by another fic hehe) Where the percy jackson asks the reader to help woo Annabeth (you can decide how if you decide to do this) since she's A daughter and aphrodite and immediately Assumes that she's a master in the love department but the thing is the reader has a huggers crush on percy but she decides to help him out because everyone in camp knows that percy and annabeth are made for each other (just thinking about helping your crush get on with their crush makes my heart acheee😫 Againn if you decide to pick this up you can decide on the ending!!) That's all I wantttt~~ take care of yourself!!!
“ falling feels like flying (til the bone crush) ”
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percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite 🌊
a/n i <3 writing percy fics just so i can use a pic of logan lerman (he’s so pretty)
⚠️ extreme and painful longing
˚ ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ ⋆
He was so pretty. And that’s coming from a daughter of Aphrodite. Y/N was always admiring him from afar. His black hair that would occasionally be swept away from his face as the wind blew, causing the perfect view of his perfect features. It was confusing how a guy could look that beautiful.
She knew she wasn't the only one who felt that way, of course. Lots of girls had crushes on him. Most prominently, the prettiest daughter of Athena. Who, as if on queue, approached Percy as he was training. She had her curls in a ponytail, no makeup, just sweat that somehow made her glow. She didn't try. And he looked at her like she was all that he worshiped.
“I cant believe youre jealous of her,” one of y/n’s sisters commented.
She scoffed, “I’m not jealous of her,” she faced the other girl, “she’s just a bookworm, who happens to look like if Kate Hudson and Taylor Swift had a baby who was Victoria’s Secret Angel.”
“Mermaid man, twelve o’clock.”
“What?” She turned around to see the son of Poseidon approaching her. She awkwardly flipped her hair to be in front of her shoulders, then a little behind her shoulders, then-
“Y/N! I wanted to talk to you,” he greeted, sitting next to her.
Her sister smirked before walking off with a wink. Her heartbeat quickened, her mind going stupid, “Percsty!” She smiled.
“I have to confess something to you, no one knows, so please don't tell anyone, okay?”
She quickly nodded, “anything, yeah of course. What is it?”
He bit his lips. Oh gods. “I was wondering if you could help me impress Annabeth.”
Heart? Shattered. Brain? Broken. Lungs? Zero air, absolutely nothing.
“You like her?”
He blushed, looking down and fidgeting with his hands, “I do.”
“I can help,” dumbass, “one of the perks of being Aphrodite’s daughter.”
With that, she found herself in cabin three, under terrible, terrible circumstances.
“What’s her favorite flower?”
He thought for a second, “irises.”
Y/N wrote that down in her notebook, which she would promptly be burning at the campfire tonight. The stress was taking her over, she was ready to tear off the pink fluff ball that sat atop the pen.
“Extra olive pizza.”
“Gag me with a spoon,” she blurted as she wrote. “What?”
He leaned back on his bed, “you think she’ll like this? I’m not even sure if she likes me back.”
“Trust me,” she sighed, “she does.”
“I dont know.”
“Percy, she does,” she snapped, “especially I planned this whole thing.”
“Thanks for that, by the way,” he grinned, “I really wanna make sure she likes everything.”
“She will,” she reassured. “You know, I never really pegged you as a romantic.”
“Me neither,” he sighed, “but when it comes to her, gods.”
Y/N frowned, “you really love her?”
He stuttered, “I mean, love, that’s a big word. I- uhm- love her- I don’t,” he took a breath, “I do.”
The only way I can explain what y/n thought in that moment was something along the lines of, “alfkhgnlkhsjk.”
She looked next to him from where she was sitting. That’s when she noticed the framed picture on his bedside table. Him and Annabeth, two years ago it looked to be. His arm around her shoulder, both of them seemed to have been laughing when the candid was taken. That's when it hit her. The bright smiles on their faces were the ones she only ever saw when they  were together. Like they both had smiles reserved for the other.
She looked back at the green eyes that were looking at her, “I can tell.”
She stood in the middle of the woods, a few feet away from the camp entrance. She saw the figure approaching her. She reached for her pocket, getting ready.
“Cheese pizza with extra olives?”
She nodded, “yeah.”
“$11.90,” the delivery boy added.
She handed him the money, plus tip, considering he had to come into the middle of the woods for this.
She walked back into camp. Wondering why she was doing this. If she had been one of her siblings, she probably would've tried to sabotage the whole thing. Make sure that Percy and Annabeth never happen. But the way he talked about her? Like she was the center of the universe? She knew she could never compete with the daughter of Athena. His wisegirl.
“You got the pizza?”
She handed it to Percy as he set up the pink irises in a vase, “here,” she muttered, “there’s no change.”
“One pizza costs twenty dollars?” He questioned.
She shrugged, “inflation.” It was kinda depressing. The best revenge she could get was giving an eight dollars and 10 cents tip. She awkwardly played with the skirt of her dress, “I’ll go get Annabeth.”
She hurried to cabin six. She knocked on the door, lucky enough, the blonde opening it, “hey?”
“Annabeth!” she forced a smile, “Percy was looking for you, he wanted you to meet him by the strawberry fields.”
“Seaweed Brain!” y/n heard the laugh from archery training. She turned around, catching a glimpse of the new couple. Her hand was in his as they walked. Her nose buried in his shoulder as she giggled. For a second, just a second, he looked back at the daughter of Aphrodite. He flashed her smile, wording, “I owe you.”
Yes, you do.
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taylormarieee · 8 months
A whole new world with you Luke Castellan
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Summary: You and Luke discover a whole new world with each other by diving deeper in your feelings for one another...
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Fem!Aphrodite!Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Fluff, Heavy make-out sesh, Sexual tension, spicy, no smut yet(be patient girlies), Getting in trouble, Reader and dad flashback moment, Wingman Percy, Reader deals with a bully/harasser, slight angst...
A/N: For the part where I wrote The hades kid assaulting reader I was listening to Nothing's New by Rio Romeo. This is a disclaimer for people who don't want to read it. There's no actually sexual assault but if you think it is please don't read if it triggers you. Thank you.
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"This is your stop M'lady." He says with a smirk as he bows. You giggle and playfully hit his arm.
"Get up you goofball." You tell him, "Before we get caught."
"But that's what's so fun about it." He says smirking at you. You two just stand there staring at each other.
"Well, uh I'm gonna go." You say smiling before walking up the steps to your cabin.
"Hey wait!" He yells before running up to you. He grabs your waist and kisses you.
You kiss him back passionately and gently grab his curls. He pushes you softly against the door of the cabin eagerly grabbing your soft hips and your waist.
"See you tomorrow pretty girl." He says smirking before walking away.
"Wait! What does this make us?"
"Very Close friends." He says with a wink.
"But Luke I don-"
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" Chiron yells out.
Oh no... You two were in deep shit...
You and Luke were now getting reprimanded at 11:00 at night by Chiron and Mr.D.
Well mostly Chiron, Mr.D really just stood there.
"You know what! You two are off the hook for now but if I ever and I mean EVER catch you guys again then there will be serious. consequences."
You both didn't try to argue or complain back so you guys shook your heads and walked away.
"So you gonna let me in?" Luke asks with a smirk on his face. You stand there looking at him in utter disbelief.
"Are you serious right now? We just got in trouble for making out and you wanna come inside? Good night Lukey." You say with a giggle at the end.
"Good night pretty girl." He says smiling at you before giving you one last kiss before departing.
You smile to yourself and walk inside the cabin and get ready for bed.
You see the gang and walk over to them. They all see you coming and Percy and Luke switch seats.
You look confused but don't ask questions because you like Percy. "Hey guys! What's up?" You greet them all.
Grover says hi and Percy blushes. "Hi Percy Jackson!" You say with a smirk on your face.
"H-Hi." He greets. You giggle and sit down with them. You all chit chatting and eating.
"Hey, Can I ask you something?" Percy asks in a hushed voice. You shake your head with a faint 'mhm'.
"Are you and Luke dating? Cuz he constantly talks about you. Like it's so annoying!" He laughs.
You laugh and look back at Percy. "We haven't really had that talk yet. I don't exactly know what we are. He said "Close Friends" So I guess that's what we are. Friends with benefits." You explain.
Percy shakes his head and speaks, "No. You guys are dating and I've decided because I said so." He says.
Your eyes widen at Percy's sass and you giggle. "Ok Mr. Percy sir!" You say making a solute motion.
You both laugh and Percy looks back to Luke before turning back to you.. "So you and Luke are going to go on a little picnic date that me and him set up." He sarts.
"So meet him by the lake at 9:35 tonight. But make sure to be back by 11:00, cuz that's when Chiron does his daily patrol around all the cabins." He says before Annabeth and Grover start packing up.
Leaving you and Luke alone together. Percy winks at you before walking off.
You make eye contact with Luke and he smiles at you. "Hey pretty girl." He says.
You giggle as heat rushes to your face. "Hi Lukey." You respond. He chuckles at your flustered behaviour.
"See you later?" He asks with a smirk on his cute features. You nod and smile at him.
"Yea, I'll see you later." You respond. You get up to make your offering to your mother and then walk to Archery.
You take a deep breath and close your eyes. You grab the arrow tightly in your hand.
You reminisce all the times your dad taught you. You remember the speech and advice he always gave you.
2 years ago...
"Remember... It's not rocket science but you need to be cautious." Your dad says.
"I know dad! Why do you keep reminding me?" You say, holding the arrow and trying to concentrate.
You shoot the arrow and miss the target completely. "You end up getting results like that."
"Ugh! This is so hard!" You yell out in anger. Your dad's eyes soften and he places his hand on your shoulder.
"It took me months to fully master how to use a bow and arrow properly. You just need patience. Patience..."
"Like a lion. Yea dad I know." You say smiling at him. "Your form was off babygirl. You just need to tweak a few things and I promise, In no time you'll be better than me." He says.
Back at Camp...
You let the arrow go from you hands and hit the target completely. You hear someone cheering and whisper under your breath. "Dad?"
You open your eyes and see a boy about your age walking towards you.
"Nope, not your dad." He says with a smile on his face. "That was a perfect shot, and with your eyes closed? Damn. That's skill." He says.
"Uh, thanks?" You question a little confused as to who this is and why he's talking to you.
"My names Jack. Son of Hades." He introduces. Your eyes widen.
You've heard about Hades kids. Granted they keep to themselves they like to cause trouble just as much as ares kids do.
"Nice to meet you." You respond starting to walk towards the archery set up to put your bow and arrows away.
You try to get away from this guy as much as possible trying to find Percy, Luke, somebody.
"Hey wait where are you going? Thought we could talk." He says grabbing your arm.
You pull away your arm from his grasp and turn to keep walking. "Sorry but there's nothing to talk about." You say rolling your eyes.
He jogs up next to you and looks at you while trying to keep up with your pace.
"Well I mean you look really pre-"
"Look here man, I have some places to be and some people to meet so if you don't mind, whatever this is? It's over." You say giving him a death stare.
"Fuck did you just say?"
"You fucking heard me Jack... ass" You say smiling at the joke you made.
This seems to only fuel his anger more but little did he know your temper was much worse.
"You know what. I'm gonna teach you a thing or two." He says grabbing your arms.
You slap his face before he could even do anything for real. He quickly grabs your waist making you fall on top of him.
You push off of him and he kicks you making you fall down and hit your head on the grassy floor.
He climbs on top of you and pins your hands down. You knee him in the crotch and push him off you.
You quickly get up and run till you can't run anymore. You run like theres no tomorrow until you reach Percy's cabin where he was claimed as Poseidon's son.
You slam into the room and look around. "Percy!?" You cry out. You fall on your knees and notice Luke and Percy sitting with each other.
Tears are falling down your eyes as you cry in front of them. They look at each other confused and then immediately rush to your side.
"W-What happened? Are you o- OH MY GOD! You bleeding! What happened?!" Percy asks. He notices bleeding on your cheek and the back of your head.
You must have hit a rock. Before you could explain Jack barges in after following you and he sees you around Luke and Percy.
Percy's eyes turn to slits as he glares at the boy that just burst in his cabin.
"Who are you! What did you do to my girl!?" Luke yells standing up and approaching the guy.
He grabs the boy by his shirt collar and shakes him with anger. "Answer my damn question!" Luke yells.
Jack stayed silent and his eyes were wide because he knew Luke, they had gotten into an altercations before and it was only a matter of time before Luke rememb-
"Oh wait! I know you. Your that hades kid that was harassing those girls in the hermes cabin. I'm gonna kill you." He says.
But before anything gets too intense that it already has Percy yells Luke's name and he turns around.
"Luke! She fainted! We need to get her to the infirmary." He says trying to hold you up.
Luke glares at Jack once more before rushing to you. He picks you up bridal style and rushes you out.
"I'll deal with you later bro." He says before quickly rushing to the infirmary.
"Chiron! She needs help! Can you treat her!? Please, she's my girl and she's bleeding. I need to protect her, please Chiron." Luke begs. He holds you in his hands pleading like he's about to lose the love of his life.
Because you were. No matter how much you wanted to deny these feelings he Loves you.
He loves you with all his heart. Of course he's not going to admit it to you just yet.
The last thing you heard him say during all this was "What did you do to my girl!?"
That was the last thing you heard before you looked at percy and blacked out.
Chiron takes you to the infirmary and lays you on the bed and helps you with a few other half-bloods.
When you wake up, Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Luke are hovering over you like your guardians. Protecting you from any harm.
You notice Luke has bandaids on his face and he's patched up on his hands with slight blood coming from his knuckles.
You gasp seeing him hurt and you get that stinging feeling in the back of your head as you lift your body up.
They all immediately rush to your side. "Are you ok pretty girl?" Luke asks.
"You've been asleep for 7 hours. You got hit pretty hard and then Chiron gave you an antidote to help you get some sleep." Annabeth says.
"Oh. I barely remember everything. I can recall what that kid Jack did..." You start off.
You visibly see the anger that gleams in Luke's eyes when you say his name.
"And then I remember getting to Percy's cabin and Luke yelling and then I blacked out." You say looking at your fingers.
Luke's eyes saden as you recall everything that happened. He's just relieved that you didn't hear him saying how much he loves you.
"Lukey? Are you ok?" You ask with worry on your face. He smiles and nods, "Yea pretty girl. I'm ok."
Percy and Grover smile at each other and Annabeth rubs your arm. "Were gonna give you guys some space ok?" she says.
You nod but grab Percy's arm. "Thank you Percy. For being there when I needed you most. I appreciate it." You say with a smile on your face.
"Your welcome, but don't thank me. Thank this one. He fought for you and carried you all the way here. I was just emotional support." He says smiling at you before giving you a hug.
Once they leave it's yet again just you and Luke together.
"How's your head baby?" He asks his voice low and tired. You look at him as heat rushes to your face.
"I-It's ok now. Still stings but you know it'll get better." You respond all flustered.
"Our little date you and Percy planned is in 2 hours Lukey." You say smiling.
"I planned the whole thing, Percy just told you!" He says chuckling, "Don't give Percy any credit for the planning part baby." He says.
You smile and mutter out an 'ok'.You play with his hair, twirling each individual curl.
He groans out and your face get hot hearing him groan. If his head wasn't laying on your lap, you'd squeeze your legs together at the sound.
Your hands starts trailing down, your pretty nails rubbing up and down his back.
"Mhmm baby... That feels good. Don't stop." He says groaning again. He lets out a relaxed sigh when you keep doing it.
You twirl his hair with your other hand and run your hands trough his scalp making him groan.
You felt that feeling in your stomach. That feeling that feels like butterflies are fluttering in your stomach.
You feel alot better now that he's here with you. You were so excited to finally tell Luke how you feel.
How you truly feel. You love him. You love him so much and want to be with him for the rest of your life.
He was your whole world. He was what kept you grounded and you noticed that from the first day you got there and that was officially a month ago.
You honestly couldn't believe it's take you a month to fully accept your feelings for him.
"Hey. Cme on. Lets go get you something to eat. I'm sure your hungry." He says with that adorable smile on his face.
You look at him and trace the scar on his face. You stare deeply in his eyes with nothing but love.
You watch as he leans into your touch. You bring your face closer to his and his sleepy eyes drift down to your lips. He's still a little hazy from your massage.
"Kiss me Lukey." You whisper against his lips. He didn;t think twice and immediately smashed his lips on to yours.
You whimper at the contact you've been yearning for all day. Your hands get lost in his hair and his mind gets lost in your lips.
He slips his tongue against your bottom lip silently pleading to taste you.
You gasp as he grabs you waist. He takes that as a chance to slip his tongue past your plump lips.
He sits up and you slowly start to lean back on the infirmary bed. He grabs the back of your head and you wince a bit.
He immediately backs away blabbing out a bunch of apologies. " 'M sorry baby. Are you ok?" He asks, his lips all red and swollen from the heated kiss.
You out of breath from that breathtaking kiss and your eyes are all hazy and brain all fuzzy.
"Yea yea, I'm fine just please keep kissing me." You respond grabbing his collar and smashig your lips back on his.
He smiles into the kiss at your eagerness and keeps kissing you. You grab him and pull him towards the bed to get on. He gets on and hovers over you as you both keep kissing.
You shift under him and he grabs you waist again helping you as his hand spreads you legs so you can make room for him.
He starts kissing your neck and leaving hickeys before going right back to your lips.
He quickly removes your shirt and you lift your arms to help him. He eventually sits and takes you position and grabs you to straddle his waist.
He looks at you and your body with love. He stares at the tiny goosebumps on your skin and the little scars you have that he wants to ask all about and draw stars around your scars for hours.
"Your so gorgeous." He whispers. You smile and kiss his lips.
"And your so handsome." You giggle and his eyes sparkle with love. You continue to kiss him passionately and you begin grinding on him but he grabs your hips and stops you.
"Wait... wait baby." He says staring at the floor. You stare at him with confusion before he makes eye contact with you again.
"N-Not like this. I don't want our first time to be in an infirmary. I want it to be romantic because..." He trails off.
"Because what?" You asks confused. He sighs and rubs circles on your waist as he grabs your shirt.
"Because I love you pretty girl." H says staring at you. Your eyes widen and he explains.
"I've loved you for a while now. I know it's been a week since we had that whole altercation but I've loved you since we first made eye contact and I've told you that."
You stare at him frozen. "P-Please say something. Your scaring me." He says.
"Yea, you know I love you. I love you so much. That night when I told you. I Love you Luke Castellan."
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Taglist: @angelicdanvers @glorywielder101 @reader-bookling123 @@istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @@kneehe-nehar7 @@lizziesfirstwife @@csifandom @@rhydianissuperior. @@prettyinsatiable @@leo-lvr @@angelinajolie0213 @maryann2013 @repostingmyfavs @@urmomsbananabread
A/N: The next Chapter will follow the whole date thing they have and will lead into more of them and their adventure for their love! Hope you guys enjoy this one!
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queenjunothegreat · 2 months
Go For It, Jason!!
Excerpt from an abandoned HS AU
“Percy,” Jason hissed, clutching Percy’s hand tight in his own. “I do not got this!”
“Yes, you do!” Percy hissed back. “All you have to do is tell Piper and Leo that we’re having a little party at our place this weekend, and Annabeth suggested inviting them. It’s super easy, you just have to be normal.”
“‘Be normal!’ What kind of advice is that!?”
“It’s advice you obviously need on a daily basis!”
Jason groaned and slid down one of the sets of lockers. “This was such a bad idea,” he whined. “I can just go back to being obsessed with him from afar, right? I don’t actually have to talk to him.”
“So you admit it? You’re obsessed with him?”
“Obviously I’m obsessed with him, Percy! I drew our joint tombstone!”
Percy heaved a deep sigh and slid down the lockers to sit while Jason pulled his knees up to his chest and hid his face in them. He was suddenly reminded of when he and Percy were in elementary school and Percy had gotten in trouble for punching another kid who wouldn’t leave Jason alone during “egg time.” He pressed his face harder into his knees and tried to ignore the way he wanted to cry a little bit. He wasn’t a baby.
“Look, man,” Percy said gently after a few moments of silence, “I’m not going to sit here and tell you you’ve got to talk to him. Because you don’t. If you wanna just have a crush on this guy for the rest of the year without telling him then move on to college and find someone else to dump all your weird obsessive tendencies on, you totally can. People ignore high school crushes literally every day. It’s probably the most normal thing about you.” Jason snorted and he could hear the smirk Percy gave in reply. “If you really don’t wanna do this, I’m not gonna make you. It’s your call, Jace.”
“Thanks,” Jason mumbled into his knees.
“Buuuuuuut…” Jason groaned loudly, and Percy snickered. “I do think it’s a good idea. I mean, what have you got to lose? Either they say yes, you convince Leo to fall in love with you and you live happily ever after; they say yes, it turns out Leo isn’t your type at all once you get to know him, and you just move on; or they say no and you have a perfectly valid excuse to go back to your stalker status.”
“I’m pretty sure there’s more than just three outcomes,” Jason pointed out. “What if they just laugh at me?”
“Then I’ll kick their asses,” Percy scowled. “They can fuck right off if they’re going to act like that.”
“Thanks, man,” Jason smiled softly, leaning forward to headbutt Percy on the shoulder.
“So, what’s the plan?” Percy asked casually. “You want me to stick around here while you talk to them, or you wanna head to the cafeteria? I think I overheard one of the Stolls say that they had churros today.”
Jason considered that. He did really like churros. He shook his head. “Let’s get this done and we’ll get churros after.”
“You got it, bro.”
Jason stood, and led the way into the library over to where Piper and Leo had commandeered a pair of bean bag chairs and were building a very impressive house of cards out of an Uno deck. Apparently, Jason’s arrival shifted the airflow just slightly, and the house came tumbling down while Piper and Leo both swore at it in a fun mix of English, Spanish, and French. Jason winced. “Uh, sorry. My bad. I think.” Piper and Leo both looked up at him, wide-eyed and blinked. Obviously, they hadn’t noticed Jason’s approach. He smiled awkwardly and lifted a hand to wave. “Uh, hi.”
Leo scoffed and rolled his eyes and exchanged a look with Piper. “I got this, Beauty Queen.”
“Of course you do,” she hummed, rolling her eyes.
Before Jason could ask what they meant, Leo was on his feet, arms folded across his chest and giving Jason a very unimpressed once-over. “Look. Blondie. No, not Blondie. Superman? Yeah, I like Superman.”
“My name’s Jason.”
“Uh, sure. Okay. Anyway. Superman. She’s not interested.”
Jason felt his eyebrows knit together. “She’s not interested in what?”
“In you. Duh,” Leo scoffed. “I know someone who looks like you probably doesn’t hear that often.”
“I’m… confused.”
“Of course you are.” For some reason, Leo looked incredibly irritated, but Jason still wasn’t sure what he did wrong. “Look, I don’t know how much more plainly I can put it. She. Doesn’t. Want. To. Date. You.”
“Oh.” Jason blinked and cocked his head to the side. “That’s fine.”
At once, all the wind fell out of Leo’s sails, and now he was the one who looked confused. “That’s… fine?”
“Yeah, I don’t wanna date her either.” His eyes widened and he looked at Piper apologetically. “No offense. You seem nice, and you’re very pretty. Whoever you do want to date is probably very lucky.”
Piper snorted, but she was smiling, so it didn’t seem mean. “Thanks, Jason.”
Jason smiled widely at her, but Leo just looked even more baffled. “Then… what are you doing over here?”
“I did actually come to invite her to a party,” he admitted. “Both of you, actually.”
“A… party?”
“Well, kind of,” Jason said hesitantly. “The apartment complex Percy and I live in opened up the pool for summer last weekend, so we were inviting our friends over. Annabeth suggested that the two of you might want to come.”
Leo’s eyes widened, and he turned furiously on Piper. “You know Annabeth?” he hissed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because it’s none of your business,” Piper told him, sticking out her tongue. 
“If I had known he had a mutual friend with you, maybe I wouldn’t have been a dick to him.” As if his own words just registered, Leo winced and ducked his head, looking up at Jason through his lashes. “Uh, sorry about that. By the way.”
Jason took a moment to reset his brain after it got fried, then smiled at Leo. “It’s cool, man. You were just looking out for your friend. I get that. I think it’s sweet.”
“You think it’s sweet. Cool. Coolcoolcool. I’m gonna go play in traffic now.”
Jason tipped his head back and laughed, probably louder than he should, but he couldn’t help it. He grinned so wide his eyes were squinting up, which made looking at Leo harder than it needed to be, which wasn’t ideal, but, once again, he couldn’t help it. “Please don’t. You’re probably going to traumatize the poor cars.”
“Nah, don’t worry, I’m too small to get hit by cars. I just lay down, and they pass right over me.”
Jason folded his hand over his mouth to at least somewhat muffle his giggles. “A very impressive skill.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m a special boy and all that.”
“I can imagine.”
Leo immediately turned bright red, and Piper tagged in, letting him hide his entire torso under a bean bag chair instead of talking more. She grinned at Jason. “So. You said there was a party? Where at?”
“Mine and Percy’s place,” Jason said distractedly, still observing Leo’s attempts to become one with the rug. “We’re over at Sunset on the Waves. There’s a subway station right across the street from us.”
“I think I know it. It’s over kinda close to Central Park, right?”
“Yeah, that’s it,” Jason said. “We’re all getting together Saturday around two, if you think you can make it.”
“We’ll definitely be there,” Piper agreed. “Do we need to bring anything?”
Jason shook his head. “Nah, we’ve got it. Just show up whenever.”
“Cool.” Piper turned and kicked Leo in the ankle. “Tell Jason thanks for inviting us out. Now we have an excuse to not watch those dumb soap operas with my mom.”
“Thanks, Superman,” Leo said, though his voice was muffled, almost indistinguishable, by the bean bag chair.
“Thanks for agreeing,” Jason replied earnestly. “Uh, I’ve got to go, though. The librarian kind of hates me.”
“You are a lot louder than you probably realize,” Piper agreed, then winced. “Sorry, that came out way meaner than I meant it to. You’re just a loud guy. It’s cool. I like it. Leo’s also super loud. You match.”
“Cool,” Jason agreed, consciously trying to lower his volume, which made Piper snicker at him. He grinned at them and waved. “See you this weekend.”
“See you!” Piper and Leo chimed in perfect unison at his retreating  back.
When he finally made it back to Percy’s side, he groaned and yanked his shirt up over his head. “Okay, I did it.”
“How did it go? They don’t look like they’re laughing. Well, actually, I think Piper is laughing, maybe.”
“Pretty sure she’s laughing at Leo,” Jason told him. “And it could have definitely gone… worse? They agreed to come.”
“Nice! That’s great, dude!”
“Leo did try to intimidate me out of asking Piper on a date, though.”
Percy snorted so hard it sounded like it hurt. “Well, he definitely doesn’t have to worry about that.”
Jason finally decided to emerge from his shirt so that he could grin at Percy. “Yeah. Tell me about it.”
Percy clapped a hand down on his shoulder. “I’m really proud of you, dude.”
“Thanks.” Jason took a moment to just bask in the praise before he frowned and tilted his head to the side. “Percy, am I loud?” Percy barked out a bright, friendly laugh. “Dude, you are so loud. Come on. Let’s go get some churros.”
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restinslices · 7 months
Everything pt2
PJO Show Ares X Child!Reader (no gender specified)
Word count: 6168 (I realized a bit late that majority is me setting up the scene. If you just wanna see their talk, read after the “~~”)
Summary: You haven’t seen your father since the last time you talked, but of course with your luck he finds you again and you’re forced to make a big decision.
Warnings: Reader is going through it, poor attempt at a fight scene, the lore and timeline is probably fucked up but ignore that, OOC Ares probably and as of typing I’m realizing MAJOR SPOILER FOR THE TITANS CURSE. To avoid this, scroll until you see “I don’t have any friends that come over” or “~” if you wanna be extra careful.
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You’d love to say that not seeing your father after your last talk was some sort of surprise, but it wasn’t. Thankfully (is that selfish to think?) none of the demigods had a real good relationship with their parent. Well, Percy seemed to have a solid relationship with Posideon, but it’s not like he saw him everyday. And as selfish and heartless as it sounded, that offered you a bit of relief and comfort. It’s not like your father was sensitive and loving to you and you screwed it up. Everything was pretty much back to normal. 
 It was a pretty somber day at camp. Percy, Grover and Thalia had managed to save Annabeth and Artemis, but it didn’t come without casualties. You weren’t necessarily friends with Bianca or Zoë but you still grieved over them. The hardest part though, was watching how sad your friends had gotten, especially Percy. You knew what Percy was like. Percy was extremely loyal but that loyalty led to carrying a lot more weight on his shoulders than what was necessary. If your suspicions were right (and you knew they were), he’d blame himself for Bianca’s death. That made zero sense to you. He told you exactly how she died and to you, it seemed like Bianca made a choice. Percy couldn’t have done anything to stop it. He didn’t see it that way and you weren’t sure why you insisted on telling him over and over again and trying to cheer him up. 
 “Nico?” Percy raised to his feet when he saw you approaching. You shook your head,
 “No sign of him. He’s been missing for a week now Percy. If we were gonna find him, we would’ve found him by now”. Percy looked defeated. You were sure he knew the chances of finding him were slim to none, but you kept combing areas of the woods for him to keep him somewhat at peace. If he thought there was a chance, he wouldn’t be as depressed hopefully. 
 “I’m gonna say it again-“
 “Well what should I say to calm you down?”
 Percy thought for a moment but just shrugged and started heading inside his cabin and you followed. Percy collapsed on his own bed and you took it upon yourself to sit on the bed next to his. You didn’t know if it was because you held resentment towards your father, or if you actually liked Cabin 3 but you really wished this was your cabin instead. “Must be nice having a cabin all to yourself. No obnoxious cabin mates, no extra noise, nobody leaving their shit on the floor”.
 “I guess” was all he said back to you and you sighed. You didn’t wanna keep repeating yourself but you genuinely didn’t know what to say but not saying anything made you feel like an asshole that was ignoring the situation. 
 So you tried to change the subject. 
“Is it like this at home too? Just you and your mom? No friends over?”. 
 “I don't have any friends that can come over”
 “None at school?”
 That made you frown. You were older than Percy by a few years, so you had time to adjust to how lonely life could be as a half-blood and by now, you didn't return “home” either. Camp was your home now year round. You understood why Percy kept going home though. You heard about his mom and she seemed like a nice woman. You were grateful he at least had that. 
 But instead of saying something sweet and nice and voicing your thoughts, you made a joke instead. “That's why your little ass keeps getting into trouble. You have no one out there watching out for you”
 “My mom watches out for me plenty”
 “But she's not keeping schools from being blown up now is she?”. Percy rolled his eyes, but he didn't look as sad as before so you took this as a sign to keep talking “if I was watching you, you'd be alright. At least you'd have help”
 “You're tryna live with me now?”
 “Sure”, you said with a shrug. “A cool mom, random blue food, stopping you from exposing yourself - it all sounds grand”. You both laughed at your joke because that's what it was. A joke. 
 At least… it was at first. 
 Either Percy didn't know what a joke was, or he was pretty fond of having a big sibling when he was home because the next day he told you he sent an Iris message to his mom and she was fine with getting an air mattress for you. You almost told Percy that it was just a joke, but then you thought about how lonely he must be at home and how annoying it can be only having his mom to talk to about this demigod stuff. Plus, it hopefully wouldn't hurt to get a break from camp. 
 You didn't know why you decided to pray and tell Poseidon about this, but you did. The sun had set and you slipped out of your cabin and snuck into the woods. You made a mini fire and threw two candy bars the Stoll brothers managed to sneak in, which was a real shitty offering but it was all you had. You couldn't do it during the feast. You had too much to say and someone would hear. 
 “Terrible offering, I know. I hope you're listening anyway” you started. “I'm gonna be following Percy around when he goes home and I'm gonna try and keep him and Sally somewhat safe. I don't know how safe Percy can really be but I'll try anyway. I hope that's not a problem. I'm not tryna step on your toes or anything”. 
 In all honesty praying and giving offerings felt strange. You were supposed to pray to Ares everyday and give him an offering, but you stopped doing that after your last talk. The first time you threw food in a fire and didn't say his name, you thought you'd combust as a punishment. You didn't though, so you kept doing it. Occasionally you'd give offerings to other gods but it was mainly Athena. Partially because she was like Ares but not really and partially because you hoped it would upset Ares. Was it childish? Yes. But compared to someone as old as Ares, you were a child. 
 “That's all I really have to say. If you don't want me to go you can drown me in my sleep or maybe send a letter. Whatever works for you”. You looked around, expecting for some paper saying “absolutely not” to land somewhere around you but nothing happened, so you put out the fire and snuck back into your cabin. 
 You don't think you have a huge ego, but you definitely felt you deserved a pat on the back for how good your work was. 
 You were able to convince your own lousy family to hand over any legal documents to Sally and thankfully Percy's middle school had a highschool right next to it. Although the demigods weren't supposed to use phones, a minor text here and there saying “hey, I think there's monsters here” didn't hurt anyone. There were plenty of times you had to sneak out of your school and into his, and if you weren't so busy fighting for your life, you'd audition to be in some spy or assassin movie. 
 Thankfully though, you weren't always busy helping Percy. You figured you might as well help Sally out so you got a job at a nearby bookstore inside of a mall and honestly? You'd prefer fighting monsters over dealing with bratty customers. Seriously though, how can you be a bitch at a bookstore? 
 “I've already told you ma'am” you said in a monotone voice, “we can't give you a refund if you do not have a receipt”. 
 The black hair woman scoffed and looked at you as if you caused the problem she was having. “A receipt? Do I seem like the type of woman who keeps a receipt?! When I bought Twilight, I expected better and I hate it and now I want a refund and as the customer, I am always right!”. 
 The entire conversation made you wanna explode in front of her and change the trajectory of her life, but unfortunately it didn't happen. What was with mortals and not understanding basic store rules?
 “I would love it if you were right but you're not. No receipt. No refund”. She scoffed again and you wanted to grab her by the throat and stop the noise from ever leaving her mouth again. 
 “Well what do you expect me to do?!”
 “Pick up a different book then get out maybe?”. 
 You couldn't put a finger on the noise that came out of her next. It was some deep throaty sound with a mix of anger and disgust. “Do you know who I am? I'm Holly Holiday-” you accidentally cracked a smile at her stupid name and that just fueled her rage. She pointed a finger at your name tag and said your name, followed by “you are so done for! I'll have you eaten alive for this!”. 
 She turned on her heels and left in a huff. Fucking finally. 
 You looked over at your coworker Harper and pretended your fingers were a gun and shot yourself, getting a laugh out of her. Harper and her twin Hazel shared a few classes with you and by some coincidence they also worked in the mall. Harper was with you while Hazel worked at the costume store downstairs. You couldn't tell them apart and you weren't sure if you'd ever pass the “we talk sometimes” stage but it didn't matter right now. 
 “I know it's closing time but are you ok if I take a bathroom break really quick? I can help out when I get back”
She waved dismissively, “take your time man. Hazel'll be coming up here too”. You nodded with a small thank you and stepped into the mostly vacant mall. The mall was usually lively but with it being so late at night, the only people around were other people like that annoying customer and workers who had the misfortune of still working this late. 
 It was eerily quiet. Sure, you thought you were used to how silent it was at this time of night, but you still got the creeps and did not take your time alone in the bathroom. 
 Maybe you should have though, because once you left the bathroom that same annoying lady was waiting outside, which she definitely should not have been doing. 
 “I told you I did not like that book”. 
 Seriously? She was still complaining? She was still here after the store had pretty much closed? 
 You said something that would've gotten you fired if your boss was around, “yeah? Tough shit lady. No receipt, no refund, it's as simple as that. Don't buy books you haven't read. Now get out the mall and go take care of your kids”. 
 She snarled. A genuine snarl that made you start to sneakily slip off the bracelet you were wearing. You didn't know if gods could give other kids gifts, and either it had been allowed this whole time or Poseidon didn't care since shortly after your “chat” after hours you received a dagger that could transform into a bracelet. You thought maybe Ares had sent it, but his gifts didn't smell of the ocean and a fresh breeze. 
 Regardless of who gave it to you, that snarl didn't sound good. 
 “I don't think you're very good at your job”
 “I guess I'm not. Now do us both a favor and just leave”. 
 She didn't leave. Instead she smirked and that was all the confirmation you needed to know something was wrong. The bracelet slipped off your wrist and while the monster was transforming, you gripped your weapon and brought it up through the bottom of her mouth. You pulled it out, but not through the entry wound. You pulled it towards you, letting it split her face in half. 
 Just in case, you stabbed her in the heart, twisted the knife then pulled it out of her through the side of her chest. You didn’t have to wait for her to crumble. It was game over. A surprisingly easy win. 
 You grabbed some nearby napkins so you could wipe your dagger clean then returned it back to your wrist. 
 “What happened?” Harper asked once you stepped back inside, which was really odd for multiple reasons. 
 Firstly, you looked like you usually did. Nothing about you was particularly out of place. At least you didn't think so. 
 Secondly, she didn't sound curious. She didn't sound concerned. She sounded frustrated, like you did something wrong. 
 “Nothing” you lied. “It's nothing. Let's just clean up, yeah?”. 
 “I'm sure it's not nothing Child of Ares”. 
Your brows knitted together and you hoped you just heard wrong. You turned to look at Harper and that's when it started to click. 
 Harper. Hazel. Holly. 
 They were too lazy to pick a different initial for the first name and you fell for it like an idiot. Plus the “I’ll have you eaten alive” comment. But in all fairness, who actually takes those comments seriously? If you took every threatening comment seriously, you'd be sent to an asylum. 
 Harper's short red hair looked like flames now. Her green eyes looked hungry for your flesh and her sharp teeth glistened in the light as feathers grew from her arms. Realistically, you should've been scared. There were two alive harpies in the building, but something about a monster with a gray shirt with mini white books decorated on it really made you wanna laugh. She must've sensed this since she sneered, 
 “You think I'm funny?”
 “Do you want an honest answer?”
 “You won't think I'm so funny soon you spoiled demigod!”. You wanted to make a joke about how calling children with severe abandonment issues “spoiled” was silly, but you decided this wasn't the time. Instead you took the bracelet off. 
 Harper laughed in your face. “You think that will stop me?” 
 “Handled your friend pretty well. How about you stop trash talking and come over here so we can see if you're any different”. You don't know which comment got her so angry but she leapt at you. 
 You sidestepped her and planned on delivering a quick stab to the neck, but she must've seen it coming. She grabbed something and quickly turned to bat you in the face with it, making you stumble back. It took you a quick second to realize she hit you with a book. A Goosebumps book no less. 
 “You are incredibly childish” you mumbled and you wished you could laugh it off. Maybe you were childish too because you picked up the book and launched it at her face, feeling a tad bit disappointed when she dodged it. 
 You swung at her but she caught your wrist and squeezed hard enough to make you drop your dagger. You were quick on your feet though and you brought your available elbow down on her inner elbow (you were sure it had a scientific name but honestly who cares?). You heard a crunch and Harper screeched. Her grip loosened enough for you to snatch away while kicking her, her flying and hitting the railing. 
 You grabbed the dagger and threw it. You meant for it to hit somewhere fatal but she moved and instead it hit her directly in the eye, which made her screech even louder. 
 You snatched your necklace off and the object quickly took the shape of a double sided sword. It was a gift from your father and although he was probably pissed at you, you figured he probably wasn't watching and wouldn't care. 
 You charged at her and swung the sword. Although she was screaming in pain and was no doubt in agony, she slid under the blade. As she turned to face you, her hands moved and a sharp gust of wind knocked you off the third floor. 
 To make matters worse, Hazel decided to make an appearance. She was right below you, cackling, arms outstretched and you knew if you landed in those arms she'd devour you. 
 You did the only thing you could think of with such short timing. You angled the sword vertically and aimed directly for her mouth. She seemed to understand but it was too late. You came crashing down, your sword along with you and it slid directly in her mouth and down her throat. Because of the sword having a solid middle so you could hold onto something, it didn't go all the way through and you stumbled a bit, but you were better off than her. She stopped all movement and to make sure the job was done, you ripped the sword through her, cutting her in half. 
 “MY SISTER!”,  Harper screeched and you looked up at her with your messy sword in hand. 
 “You want more from the Child of Ares?!” You claimed you hated trash talk and you especially hated being called his child but the adrenaline was really getting to you. “I have plenty to give!”. 
 She flew up higher and started to come down fast towards you. You readied your sword, prepared to end this but suddenly she stopped and started trembling. 
 “L-L-Lord Ares. I-”
 Before you could ask any questions and she could finish her sentence, you were being launched into the air. The scream you let out was embarrassing but it didn't matter in the end. You both collided and hit the wall and instead of being knocked out or injured like you thought you'd be, you were completely fine. Your sword went straight through her chest and pinned her to the wall behind her and you were hanging above the ground, grasping onto the hilt of your sword and hoping your hands wouldn’t start sweating. 
 “L-L-Lord Ares. I-”
 No. No way. It couldn’t be. But who else could’ve launched you in the air like that?
 You looked down and there he was. You don’t know why, but you expected him to look somewhat different. Maybe a new haircut or a new jacket. Maybe he’d try contacts, but no. He looked exactly the same. You didn’t know if you were comforted or unnerved by it.
 You wished you had something cool to say but all you said was “what are you doing here?”.
 “Saving your life”. Yeah right. You had everything 100% under control. He chuckled and you started to wonder if he could read your mind. When you screamed internally though, he didn’t flinch so that theory went out the window. Maybe you looked annoyed and didn’t know it. 
 “Are you gonna catch me?” You asked.
 “What for?”
 “Because you threw me all the way to the fifth floor and it’d be nice not to break something”
 “You need me to warm up milk up for you too?”.
 Fuck it. You’d risk the broken leg.
 You tightened your hands around the hilt and planted your feet on the wall then pushed off with all your might. Fortunately, you got the sword out the wall. Unfortunately, you were now falling from five floors up. 
 You braced for impact, but instead of falling and hitting the floor, you fell into someone’s arms. You looked up, thinking that maybe someone was with your father that you didn’t see before, but no. It was him. He caught you. Something you weren’t expecting but you weren’t against.
 You mumbled a thanks and stood on your feet. The year was 2006 when you last talked. It was early in 2008 and while that wasn’t that big of a gap, the talk you had last time made things more awkward. 
 “I thought you’re not allowed to interfere”
 He raised a brow at you as if saying “you care about rules now when you’ve been breaking them?”. Were you breaking them though? Sure you were encouraged to give offerings to your parent but you hadn’t been punished… yet. If it was so bad you wouldn’t be walking right now. And you doubted he paid enough attention to notice. He was probably relieved to have one less kid bothering him.
 Gods, you were a downer.
 “Are you gonna tell on me?” He asked.
 “If you hadn’t caught me”
 “And now?”
 “My lips are sealed”. You didn’t see his expression. You were too busy looking down at your shoes. A habit you hated you developed. It made you feel small. But you guessed demigods were supposed to be small in comparison to their parent. That’s why you showed them respect but they hardly returned the favor. 
 A moment of silence passed before he spoke up again.
 “You have money on you?”.
 Was he gonna rob you now? “Uh, yeah”.
 “You’re paying for dinner. Let’s go”
 He started walking away before you could even respond, and like a reflex you grabbed his arm to slow him down. “I can’t”.
 “Can’t?” He said so calmly it kinda scared you.
 “Yeah. I can’t. My uh…” you decided not to tell him the entire truth about staying with Percy and Sally. “My ride… mom. She’s coming to get me. You don’t want mom knowing you’re in town, right?”. 
 He looked you up and down and you tried your best to not seem nervous. You weren’t sure he believed you but he let it go for the night.
 You wished it stayed that way. That he’d just go back wherever he came from but instead he told you the name of a diner nearby and said to be there by noon tomorrow and that you were paying. 
 “Great. Thanks dad” you thought. “I always love our talks”.
 The good thing about his random plan to go to a diner at noon was that you were allowed to clean yourself and sleep beforehand. The bad thing was that now you were sitting across from him and it was incredibly awkward. 
 Ares kept laughing at his phone and you debated on asking him what was so funny but he said “started a Twitter war about vaccination. It’s getting good”. You screamed in your head again, but once again he didn’t flinch. Maybe he just had a good poker face.
 “I’m happy for you?”. He glanced up at you and instead of going back to his phone, he set it face down on the table. You didn’t know if he seemed to glow because of the little war he started, or if a source of light was hitting him nicely. Maybe it was a god thing. 
 “You’re probably wondering why I’ve called you here”
 Was this an HR meeting? “I’m wondering why I’m paying”
 “Ask me”
 “You know I wanna know though so why am I asking?”
He didn’t respond. He just looked at you and you could hear his foot tapping on the floor.
 You rubbed your brow, already feeling a migraine coming on. You took a deep breath and let out a sarcastic response (which was not a good idea but your mouth worked faster than your brain). 
 “Ares, the amazing God of War. The Protector of Mistreated Women. Wearer of biker jackets. I come before you as your humble child, begging thee to tell me what required my summons and why you were at the mall last night. Please please please tell me. I’ll fall over and die if you don’t”.
 Sarcastic or not, he accepted it. He motioned towards the platter of burgers and fries, “this is your thank you. This is your offering to me since you haven’t been doing that”. 
 Well fuck. You didn’t think he’d notice. 
You leaned back in your seat and your fingers strummed against your knees and you had to remind yourself that running out probably wouldn’t end well.
 “You noticed?”
 “I did” he said simply. It reminded you of how emotionless he was the last time you talked. It reminded you of how frustrated you were that he talked as if nothing was wrong and as if your pain didn’t affect him. 
 “You demigods think you’re so smart. You have these big egos and think you’re ahead of us. You gave your offerings to Athena and Poseidon of all people ” he spat their names like it left a bitter taste in his mouth to mention them. 
 “And then you stay with that fish boy and his mom. Yeah. I saw that too. And I save your life and you don’t seem the least bit grateful”.
 Something about that word you hated.
 Grateful? What was there to be grateful for? “Yeah dad, I’m super grateful my life consists of monsters trying to eat me and a dad I only see once in a blue moon. Totally grateful”.
 “We can’t interfere”
 “Didn’t stop you last night”
 He tsked, “I don’t get you. You complain about my absence then you complain when I’m here when I could be doing anything else!”. His voice rose but the people in the diner were either used to this or didn’t care enough to say anything.
 The nervousness and the fear rolled off you the more he spoke. Gratefulness? Doing anything else? You weren’t stopping him. 
 “Then go do those things. I’m not holding your hand and making you stay”. Your brain told you to shut up and apologize, but your mouth wasn’t having it. “And this isn’t about us and you know it. This is about you. This is about your ego being hurt. You don’t care about my safety. You didn’t go to the mall to protect me. You just love a fight and you were probably disappointed you couldn’t do more”
 “That’s what you think?” His eyes burned with something you couldn’t quite place. Anger obviously, but it seemed like something else was there. Or maybe there was literal fire in his eyes. Either way, it was clear he was upset and if you didn’t shut up soon, he’d probably turn you into a random animal.
 But who didn’t love animals?
 “That’s what I know. And I didn’t need your help. I was just fine. The only thing you would’ve missed if I somehow died was your little offerings. I don’t matter to you. Just admit it so we can move on”. Ares opened his mouth to say something, but you spoke again “and for your information Percy and Sally are very nice people. They feel more like family than you do”. 
 That shut up whatever he planned on saying. The last time you two talked you swore you saw an emotion cross his face. This time you were definitely sure you saw something cross his face before it went back to its default expression. 
 Was that regret? 
 No. That was stupid and you’ve had plenty of stupid thoughts. 
 It went silent. Weirdly, eerily silent. 
The diner wasn’t silent obviously but you two were.
You both were just staring at each other like statues. You wished you could read his mind. You hoped you would see thoughts of regret and sorrow and maybe hopefulness about your relationship going forward. You wished he had the same thoughts you had. Another stupid thought. Being hopeful didn’t work with him.
 For whatever reason, your mind wandered off to the late night talks you’d have with Sally and for whatever other reason, you started to speak.
 “Have you heard the song American Pie? Yes, it’s somewhat important to what I have to say. Yes or no only please”
 He looked bored and unamused but he answered anyway. “I don’t know. Maybe? Who cares?”.
 “There’s a line in the song that says this’ll be the day that I die. And for whatever reason it made me think about what I’d do if I were dying. If I woke up one day and I knew I was gonna die that day, what would I do? You wanna know what I realized?”
 He raised his brows for a second and leaned back in his chair. There was a possibility he was still bored but he seemed somewhat interested. “Shoot”.
 You smiled bitterly. Here he was so calm and fine and here you were, speaking slow and hoping your voice didn’t waver or crack. “I realized-” you failed. Your voice wobbled a bit and you cleared your throat a little too loud. “I realized I’d spend every second trying to make you love me”.
 You didn’t bother trying to read any expression he had next. You knew you’d always get it wrong and you’d imagine what you wanted to see. “And I uh… I don’t wanna be that way anymore”. You blinked rapidly, trying to prevent any tears from falling out. You didn’t have the rain to cover your face and blend in like you did last time. “And selfishly I hope that scares you”.
 “Gods don’t feel fear”
 “Well whatever you wanna call it I hope you feel it. I hope -and I’m gonna keep calling it fear- I hope you feel afraid for what that means for us”
 “Allow me to humor you for a bit” you felt as though the comment was supposed to be sarcastic but it didn’t sound sarcastic or aggressive. It was weirdly soft. “Why would you not wanting to spend your last day with me scare me?”
 “Because that means I won’t admire you anymore” you answered. “You don’t get it. You don’t get how much you mean to me. You don’t get how much I used to idolize you. Before I was claimed, I was already intrigued by you. Once I was claimed I read every single story that had to do with you. I was honored to be your child and tried to show you how honored I was everyday. I didn’t do all this for me. The training, bettering my Greek, learning everything I could about mythology. I didn’t do that for me. I did that so I would never shame your name and make you look like you raised incompetent idiots. The way I would defend your name and what you represent, you’d think I was being paid”
 “Me not admiring you anymore means I won’t care about defending you. It means I won’t care anymore about our family relationship. And I hope the idea of me calling you Ares instead of dad terrifies you. That emptiness or indifference I’ll feel when I hear your name… I know it hasn’t happened yet but thinking about it terrifies me too. Maybe I’m just selfish and don’t wanna be alone”. You used your sleeve to wipe at your wet face, a mix of embarrassment and relief for finally getting this out of you. “I could be right. I doubt it. I’m probably just making all that up but either way I need you to stop doing this. Seeing you at all, it gives me hope. I don’t want an enemy for life. I’m not Percy. But this is just gonna make this harder and if you hate me I am begging you to have mercy and leave me be. No visiting. I won’t come to see you when we do that little field trip either. I’ll stay at camp or I’ll go bother another god. Hermes is really nice. And if I break my end of the deal you can do whatever you want to me. Turn me into an ant, rearrange my fingers, throw me down a flight of stairs at full force, whatever”.
 There you went again making up shit. Swearing you saw something worse than sadness on his face; grief. That was impossible. Your eyes were just playing tricks on you like they always did. 
 You didn’t know what you wanted him to say, but you didn’t expect “you think, but you don’t know anything”.
 “Then tell me what I don’t know”. He didn’t say anything. He went silent and you were getting real tired of his silences. You sighed, “Sally’s been waiting outside so…”
 “Yeah…”. He let out a breath. Annoyance. Had to be. “You want this?” He asked.
 You were honest. “No” you said instantly. “No I don’t but this just seems like the best thing to do”. He didn’t argue with you. 
 Your hand went to reach inside your pocket for money but then he spoke again “keep it”.
 “It’s no problem-”.
 “Just keep it”.
 You nodded. 
 You stayed sitting down. Why was it so hard to stand? Why did your legs feel so wobbly and your throat so dry? Why did your chest feel like a huge weight was crushing it? Weren’t you supposed to feel the opposite? Free and lively? Feel like you could float?
 Another stupid thing escaped your lips. “Can you do me a favor?”.
 “Another one?” He asked lifelessly- no. He was not lifeless. He was happy. You were sure of it. You’d leave and he’d cheer because he wouldn’t have to deal with another kid anymore. You knew it.
 “It’s not a favor if you don’t wanna see me either”. Another bit of silence but you weren’t surprised. “Can we do that thing mortals do? You know, when they hug and say they love each other before they go their own way? Or maybe just the ‘I love you’ part”. He looked at you for a bit and you were about to apologize for making it weird and leave but Ares stood up. 
 You stood up.
 It’s strange how something you’ve never done before can feel so right. Like it was always meant to happen or always supposed to be this way. You weren’t necessarily cold and Ares wasn’t a heater, but the second he wrapped his arms around you and you did the same for him, you felt much warmer. Not a burden type of warmth. The kind of warmth that brings you relief on a freezing cold day. That crushing feeling stayed the same though.
 “I love you dad” you said and it fell out so naturally, you’d forgive anyone for thinking this was a normal occurrence. That the fight you had was just a small disagreement but otherwise you two had an amazing relationship.
 You didn’t know how the words “I love you too” would sound coming out of his mouth, but it sounded better than you hoped for. It once again sounded natural and genuine even if you knew it wasn’t. 
 You thought it wasn’t.
 No. You knew it wasn’t. This was no time for brain tricks and delusions. 
 Pulling apart was probably the hardest thing you had to do and your job was keeping Percy Jackson safe. That sudden coldness fell over you again and the crushing got worse.
 It didn’t get any better when you left. You didn’t have the guts to look at him one last time, afraid you’d call off your deal right then and there if you made eye contact with him. 
 Luckily Sally was an intelligent person. She was smart enough not to ask how it went. Even if she did, it’s not like you could answer with the huge lump in your throat. 
 “Do you want ice cream dear?”.
 You shrugged. There was that word again. Want. You didn’t know what you wanted anymore. You thought you did but it all felt wrong. There was no weight lifted off your shoulders and you didn’t feel light on your feet. You felt cold and hollow. The weight got worse and pushed down on you with so much force, you didn’t know it was even possible. 
 Then your eyes landed on his bike and it all came out. Your head fell into your hands and you let out sobs that were lodged deep in your chest. Your ears were ringing and you were sure you looked and sounded like the most pathetic person alive but you couldn’t care anymore. Sally, once again being an intelligent woman, took that as a sign it was time to go and pulled off. You assumed Sally would’ve dropped Percy off after you went inside. You assumed he wouldn’t wanna wait out here for you while you talked to one of the people that hated him the most. His hand patted your shoulder, notifying you that he was in the car still. Usually you’d make a joke and tell them that you were fine, but nothing came out but borderline hysterical sobs. 
 You grew jealous of Percy. He didn’t see Poseidon much but at least he knew deep down that Poseidon cared for him. Sometimes you’d get that feeling but you thought it was all a delusion. Fuck. Why did you keep doing that? You knew it was all a delusion. 
 That choice had to be the right one. It needed to be the right one.
 That didn’t stop this wave of agony from drowning you, and you’d fight a thousand harpies if it meant this feeling would go away.
Omg y’all I did it😭. I mixed two ideas someone suggested with my own ideas and here we are. I hope y’all like it even though a huge portion is me yapping but to be fair I didn’t realize until after I was done and summarizing all of that didn’t seem like it’d sound right, yk? There was definitely a way I could’ve done it but I’m stupid soooo… yeah. Anyway, OOC Ares but this is my angsty fantasy so I’m making him care about his kids. In my head the whole “I hate my own kids” is him trying to convince himself he doesn’t care for them so it’s easier to stay apart from them. Idk, maybe I’ll make a part 3 from his perspective and answer why he said he was saving their life. I make no promises tho. And I know I said it’s show Ares so skipping ahead doesn’t make sense but we know what’s gonna happen Taglist: @kyuupidwrites @chadmeeksmartinswifey @lebguardians @beansficreblogs (one asked to be tagged, one asked for more dad fics, then one commented plus reblogged and one reblogged, so although majority did not ask, imma just assume y’all would wanna see a part 2😀. We’re getting the band back together like this is Phineas and Ferb)
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percyluvr · 7 months
hiii !! could you please do percy x apollo reader where she's like this super sunny girl and everyone thought that her and her ex were perfect together but her ex ends up breaking up with her after losing interest. and maybe the breakup kind of splits everyone into sides because it was healthy but also heartbreaking (and percy, without even knowing, is somehow is her #1 advocate to everyone even if they don't know each other / barely ever talked before) and everyone watches as she slowly loses her spark and stops showing up for things, stays in bed all day, stuff like that and percy suddenly feels her absence and has enough of it and helps her pick up the pieces of her heart. he doesn't really pressure her to date or anything he just tries to be there for her by brightening her mood and teasing her and stuff and eventually he helps her move on from her ex. and like maybe a couple months pass of them being friends but also lowkey more than that and she confesses to him after annabeth or her friend makes her realize that she actually like LIKES percy when she loses it in a mad or a sad way at the sight of him with another girl (and she usually has her emotions in control) but yeah thats basically it !! thank u for reading this :)) hope ur having a good dayy
percy jackson x daughter of apollo!reader summary: your boyfriend breaks up with you and percy becomes your #1 defender, falling in love with you in the process wc: 4286
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You, along with pretty much everyone else at camp, thought that your relationship was perfect. Being with your boyfriend was like a fairytale to you, but apparently it wasn't for him.
"Hey, so um, thanks for meeting me. I hope this isn't too random, but I just don't think our relationship is working anymore, and I think you feel it too," he says, looking into your eyes. If you weren't so in love with him, you probably would've smacked the crap out of him for this. You'd never been happier in your relationship, and he thought it wasn't working? You weren't quite sure if you were mad or sad in this moment.
"Oh. If that's what you think, then I agree," you reply, sadly smiling at him, trying to pretend that your heart wasn't breaking into a million little pieces.
"Alright, I still really like you and I hope we can be friends still," he says, and you know that he's saying it without malicious intent because he really is a good guy, which makes you even more frustrated.
"Sure, of course we can."
He gives you a hug and tells you to have a good day.
How are you supposed to have a good day when you just got dumped by the love of your life? You genuinely wished you could be mad at him, but he was just such a genuine and nice guy that you couldn't. You know that he only said it out of the good of his heart and because he didn't want the relationship to actually go downhill, but you were still frustrated and sad.
As if your day wasn't bad enough already, news of your breakup had already spread throughout camp, and everyone was looking at you with sympathetic looks. You had hoped to the gods that you could go at least a day before this happened, but of course not.
You got your food and sat down at your table, your siblings immediately crowding around you and asking you questions and trying to comfort you. You could hear people at the other tables talking about the breakup, and from what you could hear, people were taking "sides" in your breakup, even when they thought it was mutual.
"Hey, I heard about what happened. I'm so sorry, but we're all here for you, okay?" You hear one of your sisters say, but it doesn't really register. At this point, you feel numb, and you aren't really hearing anything people are saying anymore.
Later that day, you're sitting by the river, small sniffles being all you can manage to muster up after crying your heart out for the last 45 minutes. You're looking out at the water, thinking about what went wrong, when you hear footsteps approaching.
"Are you okay?" You hear an unfamiliar voice ask.
You don't even bother looking up. It's probably just another person here to tell you how they're on your side.
"No, but it's fine," you reply.
The person sits down next to you, and you finally look over, finding Percy Jackson sitting to your right.
He looks back at you, "hey, I'm Percy. Sorry if I'm interrupting, but I was just coming over to swim and I heard you crying."
"No, it's fine. I don't own the beach," you weakly laugh. "My boyfriend broke up with me today, if you're wondering why I'm crying."
"Yeah, I heard about that. I'm really sorry that happened to you, you seem really sweet."
"Thanks, but it's okay. He wasn't rude about it or anything, just said that he didn't think our relationship was working and that he hoped he could still be friends," you muttered.
He makes a sympathetic sound then says, "that's almost worse. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that, especially if the person is genuine."
"Yeah, it really broke my heart. He was so genuine about it, and that's what really hurt. He still cares about me but he just doesn't love me anymore," your voice cracks in the middle of your sentence, and you look back at the water.
"Jeez, that seriously sucks. But hey, I'm sure it's not you that was the problem, maybe what he wanted in a relationship just changed?" It sounded like he was going to say more, but you made a sob-like sound and he immediately shut his mouth.
"I'm sorry, I'm really not good at this," he says awkwardly after a moment of silence.
"It's okay. If it helps, I do feel a bit better at least. You're not as bad as you think you are," you look over at him and he's already looking at you.
The two of you talk a bit more, before you excuse yourself to your cabin, not telling him why, but he suspected that you were going to cry more, and it made him sad to see you like this.
The two of you weren't friends, you were barely even acquaintances, but Percy now felt responsible for defending you. Every time he overheard a conversation where people were taking your ex-boyfriend's side, he would walk over there and set them straight, telling them how great you were and how the breakup wasn't your fault at all, and he should've been grateful to have you, even though the breakup wasn't messy at all.
People started to joke that he was the leader of your fan club, which secretly made him feel all weird inside. At the time he didn't know what he was feeling, but when he looked back at it, he knew that this was when he started to fall in love with you.
If, even a month ago, someone would've told Percy that the girl he'd always had a tiny crush on would've been single, and he was now openly defending you like his life depended on it, he would've first told them there's no way you did anything wrong, so what was he even defending you from? And second, he absolutely does not have a crush on you. Lastly, he would ask if you were really single, but not that he was asking for himself, he was definitely asking for a friend.
"Dude, you need to calm down defending her. She's not gonna let you hit just because you're taking her side," some camper makes the mistake of saying to his face.
"What the hell is your problem? Not everyone is trying to get a girl to 'let him hit.' Some of us are just decent human beings defending our friends," Percy says, before promptly soaking the guy in water and walking away.
This incident was just one of many where a camper makes the mistake of talking bad about you. At this point, he was one of the two people at camp that didn't know he was falling for you. You were the other, obviously, because how could you know someone else was in love with you when you were busy wallowing in your sorrows in your cabin?
About a week after you were broken up with, you began to distance yourself from all of the activities at camp, including the ones that once brought you so much joy. You'd never thought of yourself to be someone that would drown in their own sorrows, but then again, you'd never really experienced anything that would've proved yourself otherwise.
So, here you were, cuddled up in bed under about 5 blankets, mascara stains under your eyes, a box of tissues next to you, and another romcom on the TV, when you could've been outside doing archery or in the infirmary gossiping with your siblings like you would've done before the breakup. Your heart was aching so badly that you could barely even wake up in the morning. After your talk with Percy, you thought that it was easing up, even though that was only hours after the breakup actually happened, but you couldn't have been more wrong.
After a few days of this behavior from you, Percy was sick of it. He was sick of not being able to see you, and he was sick of you being sad. He went to the Stoll brothers and asked them to smuggle some ice cream in for him, as well as a stuffed animal and paid them extra to do it as fast as they could.
Every few hours, your siblings and friends would come into the cabin and check up on you, sometimes staying to watch a movie or two with you before leaving again and telling you to come get them if you needed anything. You heard the door to the cabin open again. Thinking it was just another one of your siblings, you ignored it and continued watching your movie. What you didn't expect was for Percy Jackson to be standing in front of you mere seconds later.
"Hey, I'm sorry it took me so long to stop by. I brought some ice cream, I don't know if it'll help or if you even like this flavor, but I thought it might help," he says, an awkward smile on his face, awaiting a response.
"Oh, well, thank you," you say, wiping your face, now slightly embarrassed about the mascara that was staining it.
"Hey, don't worry about the mascara, I get it. Well, I don't get it get it, but y'know what I mean, right?"
You let out a small laugh. "Yes, Percy, I get what you mean."
"Oh! I also brought this teddy-bear. It's the sunshine care bear, 'cause you're an Apollo kid," he smiles.
"Aww, thank you so much, Percy. It means a lot to me. Do you want to stay and watch movies with me?" You ask, desperately hoping he'll say yes.
"Yeah, yeah, sure. I'd love to," he replies.
You scoot over in the bed, patting the spot next to you, signaling Percy to sit down, and he obliges.
"So, what are we watching?" He asks.
"Well, I'm starting to run out of romcoms, so I've started to rewatch some. We're about to watch 10 Things I Hate About You," you say with a smile.
"What's it about?"
You explain the plot, and he listens with genuine interest.
This situation happens a few more times, before he finally asks you if you're ready to come back to camp activities. He doesn't add that he misses you when he's out there, but he desperately wants to. He refrains from any flirting because he doesn't want to pressure you, but it kills him to not be able to tell you how much he already likes you, even after just a few days of hanging out with you.
You tell him yes, and you'll be back to doing your activities tomorrow, to which he's overjoyed. He's never been happier in his life, and the two of you aren't even dating. Even when you are ready to date, if you still don't like him, he realizes that he would be happy just to be your friend.
When you're back to your regular responsibilities at camp, you realize just how much you've missed it. It takes a bit before you get back into the ropes of archery, but one wouldn't say you were bad. As an Apollo kid, you could never really be bad at archery, which you appreciated. Once you'd gotten the hang of it again, you realized how much you missed it. Archery had always been relaxing to you, not just because you were a daughter of Apollo. Even before you'd come to camp, your mother had you in archery lessons, and you'd enjoyed it even then. You were fully concentrating until you heard a familiar voice calling to you.
"Hey, I'm glad you're back out here. It's so good to have you back," Percy says, pulling you into a hug, the very first hug the two of you had ever shared. It was surprising at first, but you quickly melted into it.
"Yeah, I'm so glad to be back out here. I missed it so much. I owe you so much for getting me out of that bed, I was miserable."
He blushes. "Nah, it's fine. I knew you would feel better being out here, you love it too much to stay holed up in there, even if those romcoms were good," he jokes.
"Right? I knew you liked them," you say with a smile. "But yeah, you're right. I love being out here with everyone, and I love archery too much to give it up to cry over a boy."
He solemnly nods. "Yeah, I just can't tell you enough how good it is to see you out here. You look so much better, y'know? Your skin is like, glowing again."
You smile. "Thank you," you're about to say more when you hear a voice, specifically a voice belonging to the last person you wanted to see right now.
"Hey! It's good to see you out here," your ex-boyfriend says casually, as if he didn't rip your heart in two and cause you to become a hermit for 2 weeks straight. Percy gives him the nastiest look you've ever seen in your life, and try your best to contain your laughter, but you end up letting out a weird choked sound which earns you a smile from Percy and a weird look from your ex-boyfriend.
"Sorry, swallowed wrong," you say to him.
"Oh, alright?" He says confusedly, before trying to give you a hug, to which you not-so-accidentally swerve. He raises his eyebrow and you shrug.
"Uh, anyways. Yeah, good to see you too," you say before walking away with Percy, leaving your ex-boyfriend standing there confused. You didn't mean to be so rude, but you really couldn't stand being in the same vicinity as him right now.
The next day, you're in the infirmary, gossiping and laughing with one of your sisters, when Percy walks in, clutching his arm. You immediately get up, speed-walking over to where Percy is now standing.
"Hey, what happened?" You asked him, ushering him over to one of the beds.
"Was just doing some practice sword-fighting with your ex-boyfriend and he stabbed me right in the arm. I would've just gone to the ocean and healed it with the water, but I wasn't sure if it would heal this," he says before moving his hand from the deep gash on his bicep.
"Oh sweet Apollo, that was not an accidental stab. Sit here, put your hand back over it, I'll be back in a second," you say before rushing off to collect some supplies.
When you come back, you see Percy sitting with his eyebrows furrowed, muttering some unsavory things under his breath.
"Here, give me your arm," you request, to which he obliges.
You gently wrap his arm with gauze, noticing how intimate your position was and feeling awkward. You didn't want to mention it, not knowing if Percy felt the tension too. You tried to finish up as quickly as possible, hoping the awkward atmosphere would vanish. Unfortunately, it did not. When you finished, you noticed that Percy was staring at you with a weird look in his eyes.
"Um, I'm done, if it still hurts, I can get you some painkillers," you say, scratching the back of your head awkwardly.
Apparently, this breaks him out of his strange trance, and he nods.
"Yeah, uh, painkillers would be good," he replies, still in a slightly dazed state.
You rush out of the room as quick as you can, trying to avoid his gaze. When you were browsing the painkillers trying to find the best for his situation, you kept replaying the scene in your mind. You were trying not to be delusional, but you swore that when you caught Percy staring at you, he started to blush. You pushed it out of your thoughts and brought the medicine to him.
"Take two to four of these every six hours, and the pain should be gone in about two to three days," you said, handing him the container.
He nodded. "Okay, thank you. Maybe you can prescribe some pills to calm your ex down or something," he joked.
You laughed softly. "I wish we had any that would help. Just try to stay away from him. The breakup was his idea so I really don't get what his problem is," you say.
Percy shrugs, and the conversation ends.
Over the next few weeks, you see Percy in the infirmary more than you've seen him there in the past 4 years combined, which is odd, but you don't really think much of it. The injuries are all very small, and he could definitely heal most, if not all with water, but you don't comment on this, as you've really been enjoying having Percy's company during the day.
A few months pass on, and it's another slow day at the infirmary. You're talking with your sister and drinking lemonade, when something outside catches her attention.
"Hey, do you mind if I leave for today? I saw my man walk past just now. I'm thinking today is the day I confess!" Your sister tells you.
"Yeah, sure. I doubt anyone else will come in today anyway. Go get him, girl!" You encourage.
She basically runs out of the infirmary, making you laugh.
A few minutes later, Percy is back. You weren't expecting him back today, as he'd already been here this morning, but he was always welcome.
"Hey, Percy. What happened now?" You ask.
"Oh, I'm fine. A bunch of other people are going to the beach later, and I was just wondering if you were going to be there," he says shyly.
"Hm, I guess it really wouldn't hurt. When did they say they'd be there?"
"Uh, they said they were planning to go in around 30 minutes, I think," he replies.
"I mean, there's no one else scheduled to be at the infirmary today, but it's pretty slow today, so I guess it'd be fine," you conclude.
"Alright, awesome, cool. I'll see you there then," he said before rushing out. You looked out the window and the sight of him jumping up and down and cheering made you laugh harder than you'd laughed in a long time. He looked back through the window and saw you already looking at him. He gave you a pained look and ran off.
"Wow, I sure choose normal people to be friends with," you mutter to yourself before writing a note and putting it on the infirmary door saying that it'd be empty for the rest of the day. You went to your cabin and began changing into your swimsuit. You put a pair of jean shorts and a yellow tank top on over your swimsuit and grabbed a towel.
You talked to your siblings that were in the cabin for a bit before heading down to the beach. You spotted Percy sitting on his towel, looking at everyone else that was swimming. You put your towel down next to his and sat down.
"Hey waterboy, whatcha lookin' at?" You asked.
"Nothing really, was just waiting for you so we can swim," he says, smiling over at you.
"Alright, let's go then," you say, taking off your shorts and tank top as Percy watches, not noticing how intensely he was staring until you cleared your throat.
"Are you going to just sit there and stare at me, or are you gonna come with me to the water?" You teased, causing him to blush a deep red.
He immediately takes off his shirt, revealing his toned abdomen, which you should've expected, he was a swimmer after all. You were in awe, but he spoke up, "now look who's staring."
He grins at you before grabbing your hand and running to the water. Your shorter legs had a hard time keeping up with him, but you somehow managed.
The two of you splashed and swam until the water began to get cold. You both raced back to the towels, bundling up and sitting on the beach.
"Hey, we're going to have a bonfire, if you guys want to come," Connor Stoll says to you and Percy.
"Yeah, sounds cool," Percy replies for the both of you.
"Alright man, awesome. We're going now, so."
You and Percy grab your stuff and follow Connor to the campfire.
As the sun sets, you're all chatting and roasting marshmallows.
"Hey, Perce. Thanks for inviting me, and thank you for helping me get over my break up. We weren't even really friends before and you still helped me. I don't know what I would've done without you," you confess.
"Yeah, yeah. It's no problem. I mean, you're really sweet, and I'm glad to call you my friend now, too."
You smile, and spend the rest of the night quietly talking to Percy, which catches Annabeth's eye.
The next day, you hear a knock on your cabin door. You open the door to probably the last person you would expect to be there, Annabeth Chase.
"Hey, what's up? Who're you here for?" You ask.
"You," she says, causing your eyebrow to raise.
"It's nothing bad, at least, not for me."
"Uh, okay," you say, stepping out of your cabin and closing the door behind you.
Annabeth sits down on the steps, and you follow.
"So, I noticed you and Percy last night at the bonfire," she says with a small smirk on her face.
She must've seen the confused look that flashed across your face, because she laughs. "You two were all over each other, I swear. You two are so in love it makes me sick. There's no way neither of you have noticed this. I'm not even going to bother bringing it up to Percy because he has seaweed for brains, I swear. But you're smart, so I'm saying this to you. You two like each other, and it's physically paining everyone else at camp to see you two pining over each other like idiots. Please, for the love of the Gods, tell him how you feel, because I guarantee he feels exactly the same. That's all."
If there was any time to take a bow, it would've been after that speech, you think.
"Well, after that I guess I have no other choice," you joke.
This seems to satisfy her, because she gets up and pats you on the shoulder before walking away and wishing you luck.
Later that day, you decide that you're going to tell Percy how you feel, consequences be damned. I mean, if Annabeth Chase is telling you to do something, you better do it.
That night, you're standing in front of the Poseidon Cabin, mustering up all your courage to go inside and confess your feelings to Percy. You open the door, and all your confidence that you had conjured up fizzles right out when you see Percy sat on the floor talking to some girl that you didn't know the name of. His eyes catch yours, and you feel the tears forming. You turn around and run out as fast as you can, not caring how crazy you look running through the camp and crying. When you finally reach the beach, you sit down. You didn't expect Percy to follow you, so when you heard footsteps and heavy breathing, you jump up and scream.
"Hey, woah, you're very fast," Percy says in between heavy breaths.
"What do you want?" You ask, tearing streaming down your face.
"Wait, what's wrong?" He asks, clueless.
The question only makes you cry harder.
"Hey, c'mon, don't leave me in the dark, we're friends, right?"
"Yeah, and I guess that's all we'll ever be," you snap.
"What are you talking about?"
"Percy, please," you say, exasperated.
"I don't know what you're talking about, okay. Please just explain."
"Okay, fine," you say, trying to control your crying. "I was going into your cabin to tell you that I like you. No, I don't just like you, I love you, Percy. That's what I was going to tell you. But then I saw you in there with that girl, and it upset me, but at least now I know you don't like me back, so that's awesome."
"Hey, hey, slow down now. Who ever said that I don't like you back?"
"You just said that I don't like you back, but I never said that, okay?"
"But what about that girl?" You ask.
"She's from the Aphrodite Cabin, she was helping me figure out how to tell you that I like you. No, I love you," he says your name, and you feel the blood rush to your cheeks.
"Oh," you say, now feeling extremely stupid.
"Well, um. I'm sorry for freaking out on you," you manage to squeak out.
"Hey, it's fine, okay? I probably would've done the same thing if I was you, don't worry about it," he says, grabbing your hand in between his two larger ones.
"So, um, what now?" You ask.
"Well, we could always kiss," he jokes, not expecting you to actually say yes.
When he feels your full lips on his, he feels like crying, and he thinks he actually does, if the salty taste in his mouth is any sign.
You kiss for what feels like hours, breaking apart for air.
"So, uh, what would you rate that kiss out of 10?" He jokingly asks, breaking the silence.
"Um, probably a 9. But I could rate more accurately if I got to experience it again," you say, and he immediately takes you up on this, crashing your lips together in a somehow more passionate kiss than before.
a/n: okay so i DEFINITELY went crazy with this, but it was just such a good request so thank you saur much and i hope you like this !! i tried to follow it as closely as possible but i got kinda carried away on some parts,, this is also the longest fic i've ever written on this app so do with that what u will
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graceyappsalot · 6 months
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“Everybody deserves flowers.”
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Okay so my last post did pretty good I think! So I’m gonna be posting this early because I’ll be busy this weekend but I still wanna post something!
Percy Jackson x !!afab!! reader
Cussing, slight angst, heart break, unrequited love at first. Fluff at the end!!
It was a typical morning at camp. The sun was brightly shining. Beating down on everybody, making it a more warm than typical. Percy walked past you. Like he normally does looking for annabeth, you guess.
“Oh shit sorry Y/N.” Percy said nervously as he had bumped into you, not taking in his surroundings. “ i didn’t see you there, almost like you were invisible.” He joked
“Oh.” You laughed it off even though those words had hurt worse than any other. “Guess I’m a ghost!”
“Hey have you seen annabeth?” He look around anxiously. Holding something in his hand. It looked like a letter, maybe.
“No I haven’t sorry, is everything okay?” You prodded at the situation, now getting nosy.
“Yeah I just, you know what I gotta tell someone, come here.” He grabbed your hand, and led you into the woods.
Oh. My. God. He’s holding my hand! I can’t believe it. The boy I’ve liked ever since he first showed up at camp. The way he talks and walk and just everything about him is just perfect! I follow him into the woods, feeling like I’m floating.
You two reach a rock, and he pulls you to sit next to him.
“I like annabeth. Actually I might love her.”
Oh… that’s not what you wanted to hear. You take your hands away from his. Your heart dropped. It feels like the entire word is ending. How could you have been so stupid. Of course he likes annabeth, everybody does. Tears well in your eyes but you do your best to hide them.
“That’s great Percy! I’m sure she feels the same way!” You try your best to support him, because no matter what, you will always care for him.
“Maybe, try giving her a gift, I mean everybody deserves flowers?”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea! I need to give her this letter. I just can’t find her.” He gets up. “Y’know, you’re a really good friend.” Percy gleams at you and walks off.
You let go. Of all the hurt, all the pain, why does it hurt so bad.
After about an hour you finally get up and make your way back to camp
You see Percy and giving the letter to annabeth. She shakes her head no at him and walks away. Percy looks like a kicked puppy
The words he told you over play in your head. Over and over again.
You walk past him and into your cabin. Because the world didn’t end when the boy you liked for months ended up liking some one else.
Day go by and you get better. You find out that annabeth rejected Percy. Which sucks but it’ll all be okay. Percy has tried talking to you numerous times, but you don’t let up easy.
Today you were sitting in a flower field. Just reading a book. Until your peaceful quietness was interrupted. By a certain someone
“Hey.” Percy staggered out. He sat beside you underneath a big oak tree.
“Hey..” you try your best to avoid eye contact.
“Why have you been avoiding me like I’m the plague?” He jokes
“Percy. I have to tell you something. I don’t wanna keep hiding it from you, because you’re an important person to me.” This sudden urge to let go of all your feelings struck you
“Tell me. You can tell me anything.” He gets closer
“Okay, well. Percy I’ve liked you ever since you first showed up at camp with your stupid smile, and stupid clothes.” You start to get a little emotional “I hate you. I hate you so much.” You stand up and start pacing
“What’s going on, why do you hate me? You just said you liked me?” Percy is obviously confused.
“That’s the thing! I hate you because I still like you. It’s like you do no wrong to me. You could stab me a million times and I’d still love you.” Percy stands up and spins your around to face him
“I wish you would’ve told me sooner. Part of me has always liked you too. When you started ignoring me, well.. it was the worst time of my life.” He pauses for a minute “I never realized but I’ve always looked for you, everywhere I go. And when you get sent on quest I make sure I’m there with you. I get protective I guess. I just thought it was because you were a good friend to me.”
“But..?” You say wanting to know more
“You’re so much more than that. You always check up on me. You always make sure I’m laughing when I’m with you. Annabeth didn’t do that. I mean sure she’s a good friend but…I can only see my self with you now.”
“Are you saying…that you like me too.”
“Duh you idiot.” He looks like he gets an idea which is normally not a good thing. He wonders off for second, somewhere you can’t quite see him.
“What the heck?” You mumble. He comes rushing back with….
“Here. It’s like you said everybody deserves flowers.” He hands them off to you “but you especially deserve them.”
“Oh Percy Jackson, I never knew you could be such a sap.”
“Oh don’t let it get to your head.”
This time you and Percy walk back into camp. But with your hands intertwined and huge smiles covering the both of your faces.
You were Percy’s and he was yours.
Okay so a little surprise because I won’t be able to post this weekend 🫶🏻 this is pretty bad but I tried to make it cute 😭 I’ll try to write for other fandoms soon I’m just obsessed with Percy right now and it all people want!!
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raphael-angele · 5 months
Nico's Big Brothers
Nico: Conner, can you open this please. *gives him a can of peanut brittle*
Conner: Did Travis okay this?
Nico: Mhm.
Conner: You know you can't eat these kinds of things without drinking water directly after, right?
Nico: Yep.
Conner: Where's your water?
Nico: *points to glass on table*
Conner: Alright *opens can and spring snakes pop out*
Nico: :)
Conner: Classic *impressed*
Nico: Travis!
Travis: What's up, kiddo?
Nico: Annabeth gave me homework. Can you please help me?
Travis: Yeah, sure. *pulls ups a chair and sits on whoopee cushion*
Nico: :)
Travis: *pulls out whoopee cushion from underneath him* ...I'll teach you better pranks if you get an A in this.
Visiting an Aquarium:
Percy, carrying Nico: Nico, c'mon. Look at the pretty fish.
Nico, burying his head in Percy's shoulder: No! I don't like the ocean! The ocean is scary! It's gonna eat me!
Percy: *sigh* C'mon. Look, there's a turtle over there.
Nico: *looks hesitantly*
Percy: See? Over there. *points to turtle* Say, "Hi, Mr. Turtle*
Nico: *waves* Hi, Mr. Turtle.
Turtle: *waves back*
Nico: GROVEEERRRR! *running*
Grover: Woah! Woah! Woah! Nico, calm down. What's wrong?
Nico: *opens his palm to show a baby bird with a broken wing*
Grover: Oooh.
Nico: I think she fell from her nest. B-but you can heal her right? Or Juniper can?
Grover: Nico, I'm sorry. Juniper or I don't have healing powers
Nico: B-but, we can't just leave Beanie alone! He's tiny and just a baby! He needs his family!
Grover: *sigh* I know. C'mon. We'll go to the Apollo cabin to see what they can do. Then we'll put him back in his tree.
Nico: I'll still get to see him, right?
Grover: Of course.
Jason giving Nico a tour of Camp: And that over there is the arena. It's where we train.
Reyna: Jason! Who's that?
Jason: Oh, Nico, this is Reyna. She's my best friend. Reyna, this is Nico. He's a visitor.
Reyna: We don't accept visitors
Jason: He's an exception. Diana asked us to-
Nico, playing with a dummy sword: Jason, I'm hungry.
Jason: Aww, okay. Let's get you some food.
Octavian: What are you two doing? And what is that? *points to Nico*
Reyna: Back off, Octavian.
Octavian: No. That thing needs to leave. This place is-
Nico: *throws his dummy sword at him*
Octavian: OW!
Jason: Nico!
Jason: Octavian, are you okay? Do you-
Nico: *throws stones, sticks, and whatever he can pick up from the ground at Octavian*
Jason: Nico, you can't-
Reyna: Wait, give him five more seconds to learn his lesson
Nico: *wakes up from his afternoon nap*
Alice: Oh, looks like someone's awake from his nap
Nico: Clovis...
Clovis: *picks him up* I'm here, kiddo. You need anything?
Nico: Hungy...
Clovis: Alright. Let's get you some food. Did you have a good nap?
Nico: Mhm. I had a good dream
Clovis: Aww, tell me all about it.
Nico: Charlie.
Charles: Yes, Nico? What is it?
Nico: Can you make something?
Charles: It's kind of what we do here. What do you need?
Nico: I made my sister mad.
Charles: What happened?
Nico: I almost broke her bow. So I want to make it up to her.
Charles: So you want me to make her a new bow?
Nico: Not exactly. *shows paper*
Charles and other Cabin 9 kids: *looks*
Charles: Oh, wow. That's...that's certainly something.
Nico: Can you make it?
Charles: Maybe like...2? 3 weeks?
Bianca: Hey...Charles, right?
Charles: That's me. What can I help you with?
Bianca: Nico said that he had you make something for me?
Charles: Oh, so you're Nico's sister. Yeah, I have what he asked for. *hands over case*
Bianca: What is it?
Charles: *opens case* He felt bad about almost breaking your bow so he had me make you this. *shows violin*
Bianca: Oh, wow. That's...very generous of you. All of you.
Charles: That's not where it ends. *pushes a button at the top and the violin turns to a bow*
Charles: He had blueprints and everything.
Bianca: I'm going to say something I swore I'd never say. Oh my Gods.
Charles: *chuckles*
Bianca: How much does he owe you?
Charles: Ah, it's on the house. It looked really cool and all of us wanted to take a shot at it. It was fun enough for us to make it.
Nico: *crying cuz he fell fown and scraped his knee*
Lee: Nico, calm down.
Nico: It hurts!!
Lee: I know, kiddo. I know.
Nico: I want Bia!!
Lee: Michael already called for her. Just be a good boy and keep still, okay?
Nico: *nods*
Lee: Okay, there we go. *blows on his wound and applies betadine*
Nico: Can I get a lollipop later?
Lee: Well, if you're a good boy, I can give you one in your favorite flavor. *patches him up* And we're done. See? That wasn't so bad, right?
Bianca, coming in: Nico?
Lee: Over here. He's fine. He just scraped his knee. Nothing a little betadine can't fix.
Bianca: Oh, good. Thank you.
Lee: Yeah. And he was a very strong boy. *shows lollipop jar* Here you go, Nico.
Nico: Yay!
Michael: Good. Don't close your eye. It'll be harder if you do. Stand properly
Nico: *does as he's told*
Michael: And...release.
Nico: *shoots an arrow bullseye* I DID IT!!!
Michael: YEAAA! *picks up Nico* Aww, great job, little man.
Michael: I saw it. And it was perfect. C'mon, let's go tell Bianca.
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thesummerstorms · 2 months
So the other thing is, in my headcanon verse, Dick and Jason (Todd) both definitely think Annabeth is dead.
She was a seven year old run away in the streets of Gotham. Neither Batman nor Jim Gordon were ever able to discover a single lead. Just from their mutual experience, the most likely options were death or trafficking that took her out of Gotham.
And at some point, after Tim became Robin (so Bruce and Dick were very tentatively starting to reconcile) but before Jason came back as Red Hood, GPD does finally find something.
Something is a damaged silver bracelet with Anna Elizabeth Wayne's initials engraved on one of the charms and a snapped link where a different charm (the elephant representing Dick Grayson) broke away.
It's an exact match for the gift Dick Grayson gave his baby sister the year she turned six, full of guilt about how little time he spent with her now that he and Bruce were barely speaking.
A hummingbird charm, in part as an indirect reference to Robin, in part because Anna reminded him of a hummingbird with her inability to sit still. A hummingbird in a flock of Robins and Bats.
A star and moon charm, for Kory who Anna idolized and who suggested the gift to begin with. Or for Bruce "I am the night" Wayne. Or as a reference to NIGHTwing. Dick's explanation changed based on his mood and the audience.
A tiny silver disk, engraved A.E.W.
A dog, just because Annabeth so badly wanted one of her own.
The bracelet is found in a crime scene full of teenage skeletons. There isn't a body that can be identified as Anna Wayne's- none are quite the right age, and none match Bruce's DNA sample- but some of the other victims are identified as run away children.
The conclusion seems pretty obvious to Jim Gordon.
Dick accepts it, grieves, and withdraws again, freezing Bruce out while he tries to come to terms with what happened.
Tim knows what's going on, but it all seems somewhat... detached somehow. As if he's watching a blurry bit of film. Like most of Gotham PD, his brain has glazed over most of the other details within the year. He doesn't have enough of a personal connection to see through Athena's manipulation of the Mist.
Bruce Wayne isn't accepting anything as fact until they actually find a body. Some gut instinct, the part of him that hold on to his subconscious impressions of Athena, tells him it isn't that simple.
He's right. The crime scene is actually a monster's nest, and one that Annabeth successfully escaped. But he doesn't know that. And he also isn't convincing anyone, including himself, that his denial doesn't stem purely from his guilt.
And then, with all of this context, a resurrected Jason Todd returns to Gotham in secret.
And, look, it's hard to imagine how his initial reunion with Bruce could have gone much worse...
But finding out that his baby sister, who despite all the other family bullshit he loved deeply, ran away from Bruce and was seemingly murdered in the same year as his own death?
Well... That's definitely not going to help.
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bagerfluff · 9 months
can i request hc’s for percy jackson x male reader who is a son of aphrodite? you could do percy realizing he likes reader or how it is dating percy as a son of aphrodite, or both just whatever you find an idea for. please and thank you!
Percy Jackson x Son of Aphrodite An: I hope you like this
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So I think it would take a while for Percy to realize he had a crush.
He had seen children of Aphrodite around and he knew that they were beautiful
So he would think that was the same with you
But then he started hanging out with you more
If you were a typical child or Aphrodite then it would be by the lake
you would be sitting there checking your refection in the lake and Percy would be either swimming in the lake or going to swim in the lake when he would go up and talk to you
Or if you weren't a typical child of Aphrodite
Like you didn't really care what you looked like and spent more time training then staring in the lake with your half-siblings
Then Percy would start talking to you while training. Sword or bow, despite how bad he is at shooting a bow and arrow.
Then the more Percy talked to you the more he realized that he liked you for you
Not just because you looked good, though that was a plus, he liked you because of you
How you acted
Percy always knew that he was bi
But it really hit him when he realized that he had a crush on you
Percy had no idea what to do
He had no idea if you even liked guys, or him
He knew that girls flirted with you all the time, and so did Percy
Percy's was more subtle because he was a little scared
Percy might be pretty brave but this was his first time he had a crush on a guy and actually tried to make him his boyfriend(I think Percy had a tiny crush on Luke)
So Percy went to Annabeth to try to get advice
And Percy also went to Annabeth to talk to her about his crush
Let's just say that Percy was only able to do that for a couple weeks before Annabeth would hit him over the head
But Annabeth did just say that Percy should tell you about his crush
But Percy was still a bit scared
So he went to your siblings
He asked them if they knew if you liked anyone, of him
They laughed at him and said that they would ask you
But instead they told you what Percy had asked them
You found it cute
You had a crush on Percy since he first came to Camo Half-Blood
Seemed like he had a crush on you two
Percy was concerned when the Aphrodite cabin hadn't gotten back to him so he deiced that he needed to bite the bullet and confess to you
So one night after everyone was done with everything he walked up to you
You had an idea what he was going to tell you when he said that he had something to tell you but you let him talked
Percy stutter a fair bit during his confession but you understood what he had told you
Percy was concerned that you didn't like him back when you didn't say anything
So he started to apologize but you shut him up, with a kiss
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