#anne would probably be support and fighter
no-naem · 1 year
Marcy Wu and Yuzuki Fuwa would get along SO well. 
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rooolt · 5 months
okay fun little game I’m gonna play, who would win bad kids 1v1 their rat grinder counterpart, under the cut bc I ramble (also I fully understand within canon I’m aware that the rat grinders have far less experience and that may affect their strategies in battle, but I’m trying to think largely mechanically bc I’m a loser who likes rules)
Adaine vs Oisin: I do think this one would be close bc ultimately wizard v wizard is rough and I think comes down to initiative order bc that’s gonna determine a lot of counterspells. For example, if oisin goes first, adaine has to decide whether to waste a counterspell on something he’d predictably summon as a conjuration wizard, which he himself then would probably counterspell, which does use his reaction meaning he can’t counterspell later in the turn, however if Oisin is 10th level or higher he can’t lose concentration on conjugation spells which means the only way to get rid of stuff that was conjugation would be dispel magic, but then that becomes a matter of whether or not adaine “wastes” her turn on that. Neither of them have healing spells, and adaine has portent and also summons, but one could assume Oisin has more stocked and is more built upon that so I think in a 1v1 he may be at a slight advantage. This one I think would be very close
Fabian vs Ivy: This is another one that I think can depend on circumstances bc ivy is a ranged fighter and so if she surprises him from far away, he’s not as good in ranged combat, however, in melee, Fabian is so stacked with battle master + swords bard + fandrangor, but as a ranger (? I think, the wiki says she is but I don’t remember) ivy could have healing spells on top of second wind as well, and while Fabian can know healing spells, idk if we’ve ever seen him cast them
Fig vs Ruben: she stomps his ass easy. Paladin and warlock levels are so good. If fig hits once + spirit guardians she can do seriousssss damage. Bards are largely support anyways and so I think pure bard against a multiclass is at a disadvantage. Also I don’t know what Ruben’s subclass is, but fig has cutting words so
Gorgug vs Mary Ann: I think Gorgug wins. Because if Mary Ann is strictly barbarian, no matter how good of a barbarian she is, gorgug has spells and artificer stuff to buff and heal himself as well. He also has clobeca which in a 1v1 is definitely beneficial. We don’t know much about mary Ann other than a very good strength score but I think brute forcing it vs more strategy gorgug could bring I think gorgug wins
Kristen vs Lucy: they’re kissing on the mouth
Kristen vs Buddy: this one is rough purely bc they’re both obviously support classes, and specifically subclass wise not particularly offense oriented. However, if Kristen goes first in initiative and gets off a successful banishment the fight could be over very quickly. Buddy is presumably a life cleric and based on the rat grinders and his vibe in general I think he’s probably even more healing and support based than Kristen and thus would be at a disadvantage during a 1v1
Riz vs Kipperlily: FIGHT I WANT TO SEE SO BAD GIVE ME A ROGUES 1V1 GIVE IT TO ME BRENNAN PLEASE!!!!!!!! Anyways, we have confirmed subclasses for them both and I think based off of them riz wins???. Like, kipperlily is a mastermind and mastermind’s abilities are largely social and to do with helping their allies and commanding them like that. Riz on the other hand is an arcane trickster and thus has spells. Now, it seems that kipperlily can turn invisible, whether this be oisin’s doing or not, if it is a thing kipperlily can do herself, we know riz has see invisibility and there’s still one eye of the vulture king left, so ultimately I think he could get around it. Both of them seem to have ranged weapons (kipperlily’s crossbow from the last stand) and so I think they would both probably attempt to stay hidden in ranged fighting in order to get sneak attack. It is very possible that kipperlily has various bullshit fuckyou items she could use, but with our current understanding I think riz is at an advantage due to his ability to use his subclass features
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nyanbary · 4 months
and, because im curious, what would change if the Ratgrinders had the same backstory as the Bad Kids:
Lucy Frostblade: Chosen of Ruvina. Mostly everything would stay the same i believe. she wouldn't leave Ruvina, she'd stay dead after getting shatterstarred. she'd be really religiously involved, but unlike kristen, i don't think she would hate it
Ivy Embra: Mostly the same. keeps being a fighter, notedly because of a certain parent of hers. maybe has actual experience, pre-aguefort. certainly homeschooled (as i imagine fabian was). Probably has a weird relationship to her family and wants to make them proud. probably goes against what kipperlily wanted in the forest and still chooses to get rage-crystalled.
Oisin Hakinvar: came from another country, probably didn't fit in went to hudol this time around. parents probably supported that but not aguefort (until learning that kalvaxas was there, i imagine) constantly compared to siblings, maybe has family that is at hudol right now still comes back after getting ragestarred, i imagine
Ruben Hopclap: Parental divorce. probably sparked the alt phase earlier popular as a child. but probably still popular as a kid. had many friends (opposed to the rest of the party) maybe not cheer, but im imagining band class. band popular. percussionist. prefers the parent who was "in the right". at least at first
Mary-Ann Skuttle adopted. by dragonborn instead of gnomes. but if gorgug was adopted i think mary-ann being adopted as well is cute not many friends. found herself a different community gets into music, but like, online music instead of a band parents try really hard to help regulate her emotions
Kipperlily Copperkettle: she'd get the tragic backstory she wanted :D no but seriously, i think this would cause her more issues because she's accustomed to the stability while wanting more and will not meaningfully get it but i do think she tries to solve Penny's dissapearrance, causing a different feud with riz
buddy dawn: as helio's chosen, i think that means kristen isn't his chosen and that helio doesn't lose his chosen which is so interesting. and i think he'd be perfectly happy with his life, or at least, grin and bears it unlike kristen because that's who he is. probably never goes to aguefort tbh. because bobby isn't sending him to porter like a lamb to slaughter. even if he'd 100% do it. tho, i dont think he'd come back from getting rage-starred. not if he's helio's specialist boy
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discet · 2 years
That Grime vs Yunan ask made think, who would in fight between the Canon versions of the calamity trio and the awiw versions of them (both in a 3x3 and in a 1x1)?
We'll assume mid season 2 for everyone for fairness sakes
So I think if this was just a death match situation (where its just violence, character doesn't play a part) I would probably give the edge to the AU!Crew just for being more in touch with their powers.
Once we get into character motivations I think it gets more interesting. For these we'll assume they are sparing without the intention of injury cause honestly I don't see any of them really throwing down seriously without a lot of proding.
3v3 - AU! Victory So working together wise AU!Crew still has an advantage. W!Anne has just too much defensive and utility abilities to shut down the canon trio's non magical arsenal.
C!Anne v W!Anne : W!Anne Victory
Same thing as the 3v3 only Canon Anne doesn't have the support to maybe turn the tides. C!Anne is a pretty good fighter at this point but AU!Anne would just bubble her until she surrendered. Maybe roll her around a bit if she's being stubborn
C!Sasha v W!Sasha : Coinflip
Combat skills wise, the Sashas have both been trained and seen a decent amount of combat at this point in the series. I might give W!Sasha a slight edge in that it seems like C!Sasha took it pretty easy after gaining authority at Toad Tower compared to W!Sasha who was constantly getting experience fighting alongside Yunan. Probably the closest of the fights.
C!Marcy v W!Marcy : C! Marcy
Weird at first, but C!Marcy got actual combat training with the night guard. She has a pretty decent arsenal she keeps stocked at all times. An actual weapon (Crossbow vs. hand taser). W!Marcy is a scrapper, but she also is currently pretty put off fighting and would probably rather lose a fight than risk hurting C!Marcy. If she really cut loose with trajectory I think she could win, but I just don't think she could even in a friendly spar. C!Marcy on the other hand wouldn't have those reservations at this point in her journey.
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dizzysnowbully · 2 years
⚠️ Mild spoiler alert for the 11/23/22 main story quests. ⚠️
While in the library the girls made some DND jokes. I couldn't stop thinking about what DND classes the soul riders might play in a campaign. Here are my thoughts on that. This is for DND 5e. Keep in mind I'm not the most knowledgeable on the subject, but this is what I think based on their personalities.
No doubt Lisa would play bard. She loves music, and is a powerful healer. In 5e bard is a great support class with some pretty good healing spells too. I think it's an obvious pick for her.
Linda is probably ALWAYS the dungeon master for most games, but I think she would play a wizard. She craves knowledge and is very talented with magic. Linda probably knows all about the best kind of build, and what spells to pick too.
This one is a bit tough to decide. I think Alex would be interested in every class and have a hard time picking just one. In the end I think she is best suited for fighter. Alex is a powerful soul rider, She always strikes first and asks questions later. Fighter is a versatile class that is skilled with a number of different weapons and also uses magic.
Like Alex I had a hard time deciding what class Anne might choose. In the end I think that monk suits her best. In 5e monks focus on harnessing the power within themselves to exceed their body's natural capabilities. To me Anne seems like the type to push herself to be the absolute best she can be. She's also a baddie and could punch me in the face any day.
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guadalupehesus · 2 months
About grandma's love
Dear Harry,
Season 3 episode 4. Being a princess without a homeland, I listened with pain to several lines of the story of Prince Philip’s mother Princess Alice of Battenberg.
IMO we have a lot in common. Princess Alice of Battenberg had hearing problems. And I will never know whether she, recognised as "Righteous Among the Nations", was sick with schizophrenia or whether her husband got rid of the burden in this way. Harry, no matter how much bad I said, albeit deservedly, about your late grandmother Queen Elizabeth 2, I was grateful to her for showing the wisdom and bringing her mother-in-law, albeit against her husband’s will, to her palace. You can’t imagine how hard it is for royalty to lose honor in their homeland, when their former material wealth is a thing of the past. I also felt deep gratitude to Anne, Princess Royal, for supporting her grandmother at the Palace. How I wish that at least one of my grandmothers would let me into her heart during her lifetime.
I'll tell you an episode from my life. My father's mother came from the village. In her region they make very tasty kuruts - salty balls from hardened fermented milk product. She brought a lot of kuruts in a colorless polythene bag. Naturally, I saw and wanted a couple of pieces. I loved them as a child. I went up to my mother and explained the situation to her in a childish way. Mom told me to ask my grandmother for kurut myself. I obeyed and, being a 5-year-old girl, timidly asked my grandmother for 1 kurut. 1 unfortunate damn kurut, Harry. After all, she had a ton of them. She brought them for her student daughter, who at that time lived with us and ate our food, Harry.
What happened next was abnormal. The grandmother sucked kurut in her mouth. This kurut was sucked and my grandmother broke off half of this kurut with her teeth and with contempt shoved this sucked kurut into my mouth with force so that my head moved back from the pressure of her hand. "Here, have this one!" - she said. I stood in shock with a sucked kurut in my mouth. I realized that they treated me wrong, but since all the Kyrgyz and my relatives treated me that way, I silently left. I walked back and forth around the house and decided to tell my mother. Mom reacted as always: with a cold heart, she turned away in silence.
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I sincerely hope, Harry, that your granny didn’t do this to you. I think that was a little wrong, didn't it? I wouldn't even do that to a pig. I asked the spirits why people do this to me. 1 reason was that the fighters with the prophet Isa, peace be upon him, were reincarnated in my country, and I was the Bride of Christ, as your royal clairvoyants probably already told you. I recognized Herod among the Kyrgyz. He was also in power and wealth. Nothing has changed, damn it, Harry! Nothing!!! Either our prophet or yours once said that he would rather believe that a mountain has moved than that a person has changed. I recognized in the muslim men and women in hijabs among the southern Kyrgyz the stiff-necked and Christ-fighting people of Christ. This pushes away from Islam. They also continue to stubbornly spread rot on the saints, being confident that only they will receive heaven, and all the Russian pigs and others will be in hell. The second reason is found in envy of the crowned personality. It turns out that my nation has shamanic intuition. And looking at me, they see the future greatness of the so-called Russian pigs and will do everything to tear this greatness away from the great people of Hyperborea. May Allah give only disgrace and shame in both worlds to the oppressors of the saints and prophets. Amen. Since I am a person suffering and praying for Imam Mahdi and the coming of Christ, God hears my prayers, Harry. And many rulers notice that God answers the prayer of the stone rejected by the builders.
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And no matter how much wisdom I spoke, my society turned out to be closed and completely deaf, because, truly, as it was told: "No prophet is acceptable in his hometown". In any case, that’s what the one I was already despairing of waiting for said.
Sincerely yours,
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historicalbeauties · 3 years
Bare-Knuckle Matches
Boxing has a long and storied history, rising and falling in popularity through the ages due to a variety of influences. The first recorded fight took place in London in 1681, a bare-knuckle match that is the forerunner of modern boxing. But early boxing did not have the same rules as today’s sport. It was extremely violent, allowing moves that included eye-gouges, head butts, choking and more; some boxers died as a result. It was in this atmosphere that Elizabeth Wilkinson Stokes and other women in the U.K. took up the sport.
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Female Boxers Enter the Ring
Although Stokes probably had fights that went undocumented, the first appearance of her name in print came in 1722, when she beat Hannah Hyfield in a 22-minute match. In the fashion of the day, men and women boxers promoted themselves by boasting about their abilities while challenging other fighters. Stokes called herself the “European Championess” and fought at various venues. While challenges to fight were printed in newspapers throughout England, the bouts themselves were not covered. However, it appears Stokes remained undefeated throughout her career.
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Women Boxers Fight in Pairs Matches
Boxing was a popular event in Great Britain, and although many did not favor the inclusion of women in the sport, others supported and even reveled in it. Elizabeth also fought in pairs matches with her husband, James Stokes. It was common during the early 18th century for female boxers to marry and fight alongside their husbands in couples’ events throughout the British Isles. Some of the contests during Elizabeth Stokes’ career include:
Stokes vs. Hanna Hyfield, 1722, in Hockley, England
Stokes vs. Mary Welch, 1726, at Stokes’ amphitheater in London
Elizabeth and James Stokes vs. Mary Welch of Ireland and future husband, Robert Baker, 1727, in London
Stokes vs. Ann Field, 1728, in Stoke Newington Parish, England
Elizabeth and James Stokes vs. Sarah and Thomas Barret of Ireland, 1728
Elizabeth and James Stokes vs. Mary Waller and Charles Wright, 1729
Weapons were also used in some of these early boxing matches before specific general rules were established. Although most of her bouts were boxing-only events, Stokes was also known for her skills in using a dagger and short sword.
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The Entertainment Aspect
Boxing was banned in other European countries until the early 19th century. While it grew in popularity elsewhere during the 1800s, female boxers fell out of favor in England, perhaps due to an evangelical Christianity movement that sent the sport underground. Female martial artists became a form of entertainment and were seen mainly in night clubs and shows. Yet there had always been some sensationalism in promoting women boxers. An advertisement for one of Stokes’ 1726 bouts said the participants would fight in petticoats that fell just below the knee, drawers, stockings and pumps.
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First World Championship Bout
Women’s boxing saw its first world championship bout in New York City in 1888, between Alice Leary and Hattie Leslie. The fight was ferocious, with both combatants receiving black eyes before Leslie won the match. The press belittled the women and the event. They caused such a commotion in the community that both women, plus Leslie’s husband and many others, were arrested and charged with “aiding and abetting a prizefight.” Yet female boxers continued to participate in the sport, and the 1904 Olympics, held in St. Louis, hosted an exhibition match.
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^Hattie Leslie
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nellygwyn · 4 years
I thought I would share some portraits/info about notable black men and women who worked and lived in Georgian Britain. This is not an extensive list by any means, and for some figures, portraits are unavailable:
1. Olaudah Equiano (1745-1797) was a writer, abolitionist and former slave. Born into what would become southern Nigeria, he was initially sold into slavery and taken to the Caribbean as a child, but would be sold at least twice more before he bought his freedom in 1766. He decided to settle in London and became involved in the British abolitionist movement in the 1780s. His first-hand account of the horrors of slavery 'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano' was published in 1789 and it really drove home the horrors of slavery to the general British public. He also worked tirelessly to support freed slaves like himself who experienced racism and inequality living in Britain's cities. He was a leading member of the Sons of Africa, an abolitionist group, whose members were primarily freed black men (the Sons of Africa has been called the first black political organisation in British history). He married an English woman, Susannah, and when he died in 1797, he left his fortune of roughly £73,000 to his daughter, Joanna. Equiano's World is a great online resource for those interested in his life, his work, and his writings.
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2. Ignatius Sancho (1729-1780) was a bit of a jack-of-all-trades (he's described as an actor, composer, writer, abolitionist, man-of-letters, and socialite - truly the perfect 18th century gentleman). He was born in the Middle Passage on a slave ship. His mother died not long after they arrived in Venezuela and his father apparently took his own life rather than become a slave. Sancho's owner gave the boy to three sisters living in London c. 1730s (presumably as a sort of pet/servant) but whilst living with them, his wit and intellect impressed the 2nd Duke of Montagu who decided to finance his education. This was the start of Sancho's literary and intellectual career and his association with the elite of London society saw him ascend. He struck up a correspondence with the writer, Laurence Sterne, in the 1760s: Sancho wrote to press Sterne to throw his intellecrual weight behind the cause of abolition. He became active in the early British abolitionist movement and be counted many well-known Georgians amongst his acquaintance. He was also the first black man known to have voted in a British election. He married a West Indian woman and in 1774, opened a grocer's shop in London, that attempted to sell goods that were not produced by slave labour. Despite his popularity in Georgian society, he still recounts many instances of racist abuse he faced on the streets of London in his diaries. He reflected that, although Britain was undoubtedly his home and he had done a lot for the country, he was 'only a lodger and hardly that' in London. His letters, which include discussions of domestic subjects as well as political issues, can be read here.
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3. Francis 'Frank' Barber (1742-1801) was born a slave on a sugar plantation in Jamaica. His owner, Richard Bathurst, brought Frank to England when Frank turned 15 and decided to send him to school. The Bathursts knew the writer, Samuel Johnson, and this is how Barber and the famous writer first met (Barber briefly worked as Johnson's valet and found him an outspoken opponent of the slave trade). Richard Bathurst gave Frank his freedom when he died and Frank immediately signed up for the navy (where he apparently developed a taste for smoking pipes). In 1760, he returned permanently to England and decided to work as Samuel Johnson's servant. Johnson paid for Frank to have an expensive education and this meant Frank was able to help Johnson revise his most famous work, 'Dictionary of the English Language.' When Johnson died in 1784, he made Frank his residual heir, bequeathing him around £9000 a year (for which Johnson was criticised in the press - it was thought to be far too much), an expensive gold watch, and most of Johnson's books and papers. Johnson also encouraged Frank to move to Lichfield (where Johnson had been born) after he died: Frank duly did this and opened a draper's shop and a school with his new wife. There, he spent his time 'in fishing, cultivating a few potatoes, and a little reading' until his death in 1801. His descendants still live at a farm in Litchfield today. A biography of Frank can be purchased here. Moreover, here is a plaque erected on the railings outside of Samuel Johnson's house in Gough Square, London, to commemorate Johnson and Barber's friendship.
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4. Dido Elizabeth Belle (1764-1801) was born to Maria Belle, a slave living in the West Indies. Her father was Sir John Lindsay, a British naval officer. After Dido's mother's death, Sir John took Dido to England and left her in the care of his uncle, Lord Mansfield. Dido was raised by Lord Mansfield and his wife alongside her cousin, Elizabeth Murray (the two became as close as sisters) and was, more or less, a member of the family. Mansfield was unfortunately criticised for the care and love he evidently felt for his niece - she was educated in most of the accomplishments expected of a young lady at the time, and in later life, she would use this education to act as Lord Mansfield's literary assistant. Mansfield was Lord Chief Justice of England during this period and, in 1772, it was he who ruled that slavery had no precedent in common law in England and had never been authorised. This was a significant win for the abolitionists, and was brought about no doubt in part because of Mansfield's closeness with his great-niece. Before Mansfield died in 1793, he reiterated Dido's freedom (and her right to be free) in his will and made her an heiress by leaving her an annuity. Here is a link to purchase Paula Byrne's biography of Dido, as well as a link to the film about her life (starring Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Dido).
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5. Ottobah Cugoano (1757-sometime after 1791) was born in present-day Ghana and sold into slavery at the age of thirteen. He worked on a plantation in Grenada until 1772, when he was purchased by a British merchant who took him to England, freed him, and paid for his education. Ottobah was employed as a servant by the artists Maria and Richard Cosway in 1784, and his intellect and charisma appealed to their high-society friends. Along with Olaudah Equiano, Ottobah was one of the leading members of the Sons of Africa and a staunch abolitionist. In 1786, he was able to rescue Henry Devane, a free black man living in London who had been kidnapped with the intention of being returned to slavery in the West Indies. In 1787, Ottobah wrote 'Thoughts And Sentiments On The Evil & Wicked Traffic Of The Slavery & Commerce Of The Human Species,' attacking slavery from a moral and Christian stand-point. It became a key text in the British abolition movement, and Ottobah sent a copy to many of England's most influential people. You can read the text here.
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6. Ann Duck (1717-1744) was a sex worker, thief and highwaywoman. Her father, John Duck, was black and a teacher of swordmanship in Cheam, Surrey. He married a white woman, Ann Brough, in London c. 1717. One of Ann's brothers, John, was a crew-member of the ill-fated HMS Wager and was apparently sold into slavery after the ship wrecked off the coast of Chile on account of his race. Ann, meanwhile, would be arrested and brought to trial at least nineteen times over the course of her lifetime for various crimes, including petty theft and highway robbery. She was an established member of the Black Boy Alley Gang in Clerkenwell by 1742, and also quite frequently engaged in sex work. In 1744, she was given a guilty verdict at the Old Bailey after being arrested for a robbery: her trial probably wasn't fair as a man named John Forfar was paid off for assisting in her arrest and punishment. She was hanged at Tyburn in 1744. Some have argued that her race appears to have been irrelevant and she experienced no prejudice, but I am inclined to disagree. You can read the transcript of one of Ann Duck's trials (one that resulted in a Not Guilty verdict) here. Also worth noting that Ann Duck is the inspiration behind the character Violet Cross in the TV show 'Harlots.'
7. Bill Richmond (1763-1829) was a prize winning bare-knuckle boxer of the late 18th and early 19th century. He was born a slave in New York (then part of British America) but moved permanently to England in 1777 where he was most likely freed and received an education. His career as a boxer really took of in the early 19th century, and he took on all the prize fighters of the time, including Tom Cribb and the African American fighter, Tom Molineaux. Richmond was a sporting hero, as well as fashionable in his style and incredibly intelligent, making him something of a celebrity and a pseudo-gentleman in his time. He also opened a boxing academy and gave boxing lessons to gentlemen and aristocrats. He would ultimately settle in York to apprentice as a cabinet-maker. Unfortunately, in Yorkshire, he was subject to a lot of racism and insults based on the fact he had married a white woman. You can watch a Channel 4 documentary on Richmond here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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8. William Davidson (1781-1820) was the illegitimate son of the Attorney General of Jamaica and a slave woman. He was sent to Glasgow in Scotland to study law at the age of 14 and from this period until 1819, he moved around Britain and had a number of careers. Following the Peterloo Massacre in 1819, Davidson began to take a serious interest in radical politics, joining several societies in order to read radical and republican texts. He also became a Spencean (radical political group) through his friendship with Arthur Thistlewood and would quickly rise to become a leading member of the group. In 1820, a government provocateur tricked Davidson and other Spenceans, into being drawn into a plot to kill the Earl of Harrowby and other government cabinet officers as they dined at Harrowby's house on the 23rd February. This plot would become known as the Cato Street Conspiracy (named thus because Davidson and the other Spenceans hid in a hayloft in Cato Street whilst they waited to launch their plan). Unfortunately, this was a government set up and eleven men, including Davidson, were arrested and charged with treason. Davidson was one of five of the conspirators to not have his sentence commuted to transportation and was instead sentenced to death. He was hanged and beheaded outside of Newgate Prison in 1820. There is a book about the Cato Street Conspiracy here.
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9. Ukawsaw Gronniosaw (1705-1775) was born in the Kingdom of Bornu, now in modern day Nigeria. As the favourite grandson of the king of Zaara, he was a prince. Unfortunately, at the age of 15, he was sold into slavery, passing first to a Dutch captain, then to an American, and then finally to a Calvinist minister named Theodorus Frelinghuysen living in New Jersey. Frelinghuysen educated Gronniosaw and would eventually free him on his deathbed but Gronniosaw later recounted that when he had pleaded with Frelinghuysen to let him return to his family in Bornu, Frelinghuysen refused. Gronniosaw also remembered that he had attempted suicide in his depression. After being freed, Gronniosaw set his sights on travelling to Britain, mainly to meet others who shared his new-found Christian faith. He enlisted in the British army in the West Indies to raise money for his trip, and once he had obtained his discharge, he travelled to England, specifically Portsmouth. For most of his time in England, his financial situation was up and down and he would move from city to city depending on circumstances. He married an English weaver named Betty, and the pair were often helped out financially by Quakers. He began to write his life-story in early 1772 and it would be published later that year (under his adopted anglicised name, James Albert), the first ever work written by an African man to be published in Britain. It was an instant bestseller, no doubt contributing to a rising anti-slavery mood. He is buried in St Oswald's Church, Chester: his grave can still be visited today. His autobiography, A Narrative of the Most Remarkable Particulars in the Life of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, an African Prince, as Related by Himself, can be read here.
10. Mary Prince (1788-sometime after 1833) was born into slavery in Bermuda. She was passed between several owners, all of whom very severely mistreated her. Her final owner, John Adams Wood, took Mary to England in 1828, after she requested to be able to travel as the family's servant. Mary knew that it was illegal to transport slaves out of England and thus refused to accompany Adams Wood and his family back to the West Indies. Her main issue, however, was that her husband was still in Antigua: if she returned, she would be back in enslavement, but if she did not, she might never see her husband again. She contacted the Anti-Slavery Society who attempted to help her in any way they could. They found her work (so she could support herself), tried tirelessly to convince Adams Wood to free her, and petitioned parliament to bring her husband to England. Mary successfully remained in England but it is not known whether she was ever reunited with her husband. In 1831, Mary published The History of Mary Prince, an autobiographical account of her experiences as a slave and the first work written by a black woman to be published in England. Unlike other slave narratives, that had been popular and successful in stoking some anti-slavery sentiment, it is believed that Mary's narrative ultimately clinched the goal of convincing the general British population of the necessity of abolishing slavery. Liverpool's Museum of Slavery credits Mary as playing a crucial role in abolition. You can read her narrative here. It is an incredibly powerful read. Mary writes that hearing slavers talk about her and other men and women at a slave market in Bermuda 'felt like cayenne pepper into the fresh wounds of our hearts.'
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Since I’m getting addicted to the new game: if Disney Mirrorverse existed (either how it normally is or like a Super Smash Bros like game in Twisted Wonderland), who would the girls pick as their main fighter?
I’ve been in and our of Mirrorverse myself, even drew Kris as Woody because that outfit had a choke hold on me. 
Val: She gives me ranged energy, wanting to hit but not really wanting to be in the thick of it. Likely someone like Tinker Bell I would say.
Kris: Kris likes to hit and take hits, so she bounces between Melee and Tank and will go between Woody and Mr. Incredible 
Anne: Full support girl here, She likes holding people’s lives in the palm of her hand. Probably does Belle usually but she’s been eyeing Dory pretty hard. 
Jude: Ranged main, hates being right on the front. Ironically probably picks Elsa cause she likes that she can root people so they can’t come after her though Gaston is also fun for the big damage against single targets. 
Kim: She likes to think she’s support, But she button mashes in a panic so Val took her phone from her and gave her a melee. She likes to play Snow White best because of the aesthetic. 
Eva: Wall-E main. 100%. Though she can play any roll she feels like with ease. She loves coordinating teams and playing the tank to not die instantly. Very hard core in the game. The girls are hesitant to play with her. 
Fiona: Sweet Support. Likes Tiana and playing her to help her team the best. 
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Persona x Soul Eater AU
Spoilers for Personas 3-5 (and their remakes FES, Golden, and Royal), PQ1 (Shadow of the Labyrinth), and the P4: Arena series below, as well as the Soul Eater and Soul Eater: Not! anime (and potentially manga? it’s been a while, so I forget)!
Cast (We = Weapon, M = Meister, H = Human, Wi = Witch, O = Other):
Minato Arisato - M | Aigis - Multiform-We | Ryoji Mochizuki - We
Minako Arisato - M | Yukari Takeba - We | Ryoji Mochizuki - We | Aigis - Multiform-We
Junpei Iori - M | Chidori Yoshino - We (presently)
Akihiko Sanada - M or We? | Shinjiro Aragaki We or M?
Mitsuru Kirijo - We (Meisterless and badass; probably a rapier?)
Ken Amada - M | Koromaru - We (a non-human Weapon)
Fuuka Yamagishi - Wi (??? animal)
Investigation Team:
Yu Narukami - M | Teddie - We (potentially a non-human Weapon)
Yosuke Hanamura - M | Labrys - Multiform-We
Chie Satonaka - We or M? | Yukiko Amagi M or We?
Kanji Tatsumi - M? | Naoto Shirogane - We?
Rise Kujikawa - Wi (??? animal)
Phantom Thieves:
Ren Amamiya - M | Morgana - We
Ryuji Sakamoto - M or We? | Yuuki Mishima We or M?
Yusuke Kitagawa - M | Ann Takamaki - We (a whip)
Makoto Nijima - We or M? | Haru Okumura - M or We?
Goro Akechi - M | Robin Hood - We (a bow) | Loki - We (a greatsword)
Kasumi Yoshizawa - M | Sumire Yoshizawa - We (a ribbon wand)
Futaba Sakura - Wi (??? animal)
Daisuke Nagase - We or M? | Kou Ichijo - M or We?
Rei - H
Zen - We, H, or maybe O?
Takuto Maruki - H
Sho - M | Minazuki - We (separate entities in this; Minazuki's a katana)
Shuji Ikutsuki - H
Takaya Sakaki - M | Jin Shirato - We | Chidori Yoshino - We (formerly)
Marie/Izanami-no-Mikoto - Wi (??? animal)
More Notes:
The 'Wild Cards' in this just have really good partnership/Resonance abilities with everyone in their groups, so they can work with any of the Weapons in their groups (and even outside of them a lot of times... looking at Ren and Loki for an example. xP) uncannily naturally.
The Navis in this are all Witches, but good-natured ones, and use their magic to support their respective groups/help make the world a better place. For example, Futaba would probably be able to 'hack' souls somehow with her magic, and also her reclusiveness in this would be at least in part due to being terrified of people finding out her true nature as a Witch. I'm not sure how welcomed/persecuted/the general climate of Witches are/is in this AU yet though.
The Arisato twins and Ryoji are all children of Death in this, with Ryoji being the older sibling and the twins being twins. Death is still Death like he is in SE-OG in this AU, more or less.
Ryoji and Aigis tend to float between Minato and Minako as their secondary partners, though Aigis tends to stick more to Minato as his primary partner and much less often swaps to Minako, while Ryoji shifts between his two siblings more frequently. Yukari swaps about as much as the rest of SEES's Weapons do among their Wild Cards, which is more or less situationally or for fun. Despite this, Aigis and Ryoji still don't get along particularly well with one another, only putting up with each other for their Meisters' sakes.
Strega did exist in this, though I'm not sure yet what their aim was, or the fate of its members. At the very least, they were some kind of rogue antagonist group, and Takaya used to be the Meister of both Jin and Chidori. Chidori ends up defecting to DWMA though, or whatever organization Junpei is a part of.
Aigis, maybe Ryoji?, Mitsuru, Labrys, and Minazuki are all Weapons that can fight without Meisters. Loki and/or Robin Hood might also be among them? I'm undecided.
Originally, I was considering having the cast have their Personas as their Weapon-partners, and just have them have personalities based off of their Shadow-selves' but more aligned with their accepted-selves, but I decided against it in the end. Akechi gets to be the exception, because he's Akechi.
Speaking of Akechi-- Robin and Loki are very powerful Weapons in this AU. Loki's 'chaos magic' would become an incredibly chaotic/maddening soul-wavelength that most others wouldn't be able to handle contact with on its own, as well as perhaps some Madness magic or abilities of some kind? Robin's soul meanwhile would be much calmer and help to counteract/cover-up Loki's from those who can sense souls, as well as perhaps provide some tactical abilities; I'm undecided on that for now. I'm not sure who's side Akechi would be on in this AU yet, like if he was being manipulated by a Shido-like person or not, and for what reason if so.
As for Robin and Loki's personalities and appearances in this... Well, the latter would be somewhat similar to their Persona forms probably, including some of the less-human traits given OG-SE characters (*stares intensely at Excalibur*), and the former would also be somewhat based off of those, as well as sort of how Akechi acts in relation to both of his 'masks'? So Robin tends to be calmer and more polite, though he still possesses a small amount of vengeful desire or bloodlust, whilst Loki is a lot more chaotic, hot-blooded, and very vengeful/aggressive. Both share a tendency towards showiness however, and sometimes get in small competitions with one another to up the other to impress their Meister or be the better Weapon among themselves (since they both might think already that they're superior to other Weapons in general? Unsure).
Also speaking of manipulated and abused children, Sho and Minazuki, alongside Ikutsuki, more or less replace Crona, Ragnarok, and Medusa in this. Not fully 1-for-1 however. Ikutsuki is very much a human, albeit a Mad or power-hungry one (still kinda looking to create a Kishin or otherwise bring about some kind of catastrophic destruction), and Minazuki is a separate Weapon, as opposed to how Ragnarok is Crona's Black Blood. Minazuki and Sho might be twins however, just with one a human/Meister and the other a Weapon. They look almost identical physically in this AU, even down to haircuts, but Minazuki lacks the iconic X-ish shaped face scarring that Sho possesses (and overall the two have a different patterning of scars across their bodies), and Sho's irises appear to be more gray while Minazuki's appear to be more blue. Weapon-form-wise, Minazuki looks like Sho's OG katanas, just in different colors and as a singular blade rather than a pair.
Ikutsuki is still forcing Sho and Minazuki to become stronger in similar methods to Medusa in some ways however, such as going out and obtaining/consuming great amounts of human (and maybe even Witch) souls.
Sho's a little less messed-up than Crona is, due to Minazuki being supportive of and dedicated to him as opposed to bullying him into submission like Ragnarok does to Crona. That being said however, I don't yet know why Minazuki hasn't yet defected from Ikutsuki. P: Other than that, Minazuki is kind of like Sho's impulse control and logical reasoning at times, due to being able to control when he transforms into his Weapon form and thus deny Sho access to his weaponry in times where he's being reckless or unreasonable. Soul-wavelengths-wise, too, Minazuki's soul just in general helps to keep Sho's soul/wavelength more stable probably?
Also in terms of replacing SE cast and plots; The IT replaces Maka et al for the sake of the main story most likely, with SEES being their upperclassmen or alumni and the PT being their underclassmen, if they even attend DWMA at this point anyways.
Lotsa dead people in OG are alive in this AU; Minato, Minako, and Ryoji, Shinjiro, Kasumi, etc.
Speaking of Kasumi; she fights kind of like Sumire does in Royal, that being making use of their gymnastics and priorly-athletic builds. Both sisters are gymnists in this still.
Alternatively, Sho and Minazuki's situations almost ended up reversed, leaving a highly impulsive/aggressive Weapon-Sho and a Meister-Minazuki who would have the kinda backwards idealology of trying to protect his Weapon partner in times where it would be best left to the Weapon to defend their Meister, but also really good at getting Sho to focus when wielding him as a weapon/in resonance (and can in general reign him in to some degree while others can't), making them an exceedingly deadly duo. I kind of prefer Minazuki as the Weapon however, as fun as the reverse could be, as it gives Ikutsuki a bit more leverage over Sho's situation I think? Also in that vein, it would make a lot of sense, given OG, for Minazuki to be more like a Black Blood entity like Ragnarok; however, I like Minazuki being able to have his own body in this, so that can be left for another AU perhaps. xP
Ikutsuki would infiltrate/be trusted by the DWMA in this AU at first, like Medusa was, but eventually get outed for his true intentions most likely. He might be a teacher or other kind of faculty rather than a nurse however?
Maruki meanwhile gets to play the role of school nurse in this. He's not a few screws loose like his Royal counterpart is though, he's just a humble nurse. However, he does still have his interest in researching dangerous subjects, though I haven't yet decided if that would be magic, Witches, Madness, Kishins, or what. It could potentially put him in knowing-contact with the Navis, if they aren't already known to be Witches by the DWMA anyways.
I'm not yet sure on what to do with Adachi or Nyx yet. Nyx might be some kind of Madness-related catastrophe, power, or individual perhaps however?
Rei and Zen are probably just civilians in this. Zen just happens to be really devoted to protecting/looking after(?) Rei still. xD
I'm undecided on if Marie should be amnesiac about her Witchhood or if she should be more like Izanami-no-Mikoto from OG in this.
Yusuke is still obsessed with artistry and beauty in this, so you can imagine what he's like as a Meister. He is still capable as a fighter and dependable when needed... more or less, but is also still easily distracted by, and places higher priority on, such things.
Ryuji kinda gets the short end of the stick because I didn't particularly know who to pair him with or what really to do with him at the moment. Mishima's a big tentative as his partner as a result of that, though I think it could prove to be an interesting relationship potentially.
I'm hoping to add more SL/Confidant and secondary/tertiary/background cast peeps eventually into various roles, but I'd need to do more refreshing/research on them first. I also haven't decided on if I should include Metis in this or not.
If the SE info is inaccurate, it's because I haven't seen the anime or read-up on it in like years. I might do clarifying/fact-checking research some day, but for now, nah. xP
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sonderwalker · 4 years
>.> Queen Anne's Lace for Obikin. One of them is a Sith but finds their Jedi counterpart in a bad way?
Queen Anne’s Lace- “Who did this to you?” With Sith Obi-Wan and Jedi Anakin!
Anakin wasn’t sure how he lost control of the ship. He had been on his way to a retreat that the Jedi council had sent him, after spending months on the front lines.
But the silence in his star fighter was too quiet, and he felt as if the force around him was holding its breath.
And the force wasn’t wrong. As soon as his ship exited hyperspace, Anakin felt an additional lunch forward. He cursed, watching as all of his computers failed, blinking a warning that there had been an excessive amount of cosmic radiation that had blasted the ship.
And then everything shut off, except for the basic life support. Leaving Anakin floating in space, waiting for something, anything to happen. 
The planet that he was supposed to be visiting loomed in front of him. He hoped that if he got close enough, he would get caught in the planet’s gravitational pull, and be pulled down to the surface. And that getting close enough to the planet would allow for his ship to reboot once he entered the planet’s magnetic sphere.
He was right- once he got close enough, his ship turned back on, and he watched as the systems began to re-calibrate themselves as he got closer and closer to the planet.
But then, something else went wrong, and Anakin cursed as he felt the ship shudder with what was probably a shot from a blaster.
He looked to his right- there were several other small ships that were hot on his tail. He tried to steer towards the planet but  he didn’t have enough control of the ship as it came soaring down out of the sky. He watched as the metal began to heat up around him, flames shooting past the window of the fighter.
He held his breath, hoping for the best.
And then he didn’t think about anything at all.
Anakin groaned and opened his eyes slowly. And then blinked, trying to get his eyes to focus. But nothing about his environment seemed familiar at all. At least, he was laying on something soft.
But where was he?
Anakin sat up, or tried to sit up, but he didn’t make it very far. His arms shook and struggled under his weight, and a gentle but firm hand pushed him back down.
“That was quite the mess that I pulled you out of.” A voice said. An unforgettable voice.
“How did you even find me?” Anakin asked, his voice hoarse. 
“That’s not important.” Obi-Wan replied quickly.
“Who did this to you?” Obi-Wan asked, and Anakin blinked again, watching as Obi-Wan’s eyes come into focus. They were the same shade as the lava that he saw in his dreams, their intensity both frightening him and drawing him in.
“I don’t know.” Anakin mumbled, staring at Obi-Wan’s eyes. They narrowed.
“You don’t know?” Obi-Wan repeated. He brought his hand up to gently touch Anakin’s head, brushing back a few curls and quickly moving away when Anakin hissed in pain.
“You hit you head pretty hard. Perhaps you don’t remember?” Obi-Wan asked softly, his eyes softening.
“Perhaps.” Anakin replied while shrugging, forcing himself to look away.
Obi-Wan smiled. “Oh? Flustered now are we? Embarassed that the hero with no fear was shot down all on his own?” Anakin groaned and rolled his eyes, but Obi-Wan leaned in closer.
“Or is it something else?” He whispered, casing the hair on the back of Anakin’s neck to stand up.
from these prompts!
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hunterguyveriv · 3 years
Teela New Design Thoughts and Rant
So I have sat on this, trying to let the image of Teela’s new design grow on me, and I am not sorry to say I am not digging it. Like Allura’s redesign for Legendary Defender, the image in question screams tones of political correctness and a grab for “representation” brownie points with Teela’s new appearance and the race-bending of a less known character to me (Andra) except for Injustice vs Masters of the Universe. So I’ll wait to collect my bag of worms on that topic once the series is out in completion, THIS topic is more about Teela.
I need more than just an image to accept and like it. I need to know why she doesn’t keep her classic design, the function and reason of this new one. And no, I am not talking about that ridiculous image someone did calling her “a mean bisexual.” Just because... NEW “fans” love the new design and accept it, does not mean old timers like myself need to love it and automatically accept it. 
And before any of you NEW fans (who more than likely will jump ship once the series is over like most did to Voltron for newer series like Dragon Prince/She-Ra/Owl Hotel) jump down my throat, (like your lot did to us old-timers with Voltron and She-Ra,) keep this in mind - I was 1 when He-Man and the Masters of the Universe first hit TV screens back in 1983. Those of us who grew up with the classic series, WE, are allowed to have our opinions about newer versions of the shows we grew up with, if it goes against your views move on. We go into any new series to a franchise we loved as young children hoping for the best - that it honors the original it hails from. We want it to succeed and be popular.
Like Voltron, I grew up with many iterations of He-Man. The classic Masters of the Universe series, the Masters of the Universe movie with Dolph Lundgren as He-Man (still think he should make a cameo as Prince Adam's father or distant ancestor but that’s just me), and even The New Adventures of He-Man, and even the 2002 cartoon series. Each iteration had Teela in it, and we fans accepted her designs.
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Teela from the original series “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe”
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Teela from the1980s live action movie “Masters of the Universe” portray by Chelsea Field
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Teela and He-Man seen from The New Adventures of He-Man
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Teela from the 2002 He-Man series 
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Teela’s various appearances in the Eternity War Saga and Masters of the Universe comics as Captain of the Guard/Future Sorceress of Greyskull/Prince Adam’s Wife/He-Man’s barbarian queen
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First image of Kevin Smith’s Teela.
To old-timers like myself, who grew up with the series, read the comics growing, who collected the toys - THIS is Teela! This is who we grew up with, so YES(!) we are going to be resistant of excepting what she looks like now. Just like many of us old timers didn’t like the things they were doing in the Voltron series.
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Teela from comic strips pre-dating the filmation series
But as you can also see, she never used to be the white skin tight jumpsuit clad redhead. She had the appearance of a Barbarian woman you would see in something like Conan or Red Sonja. In these images, Teela has the right quirks about her. She is beautiful, strong minded and willed, determined, doesn’t put up with anyone’s shit while also having a vulnerability she tries desperately to hide from not just Prince Adam, her father, but even Adora in some of the comics. Here...
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 this design doesn’t scream beautiful strong warrior training to be the next sorceress (depending on what canon you follow). But I personally think they took away all the traits that made Teela such a great and complex character over the years just to fit the current narrative that a strong willed woman doesn’t need any male support whether it is her father Man-At-Arms or her betrothed (again depending on which canon you follow) Prince Adam/He-Man.
This new design to me, looks like Kevin Smith wants to capitalize on the Cara Dune design as if to say "I see how much you loved Cara-Dune, look I have my own version!" 
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This worked for Gina Carano, because she is a former MMA fighter, which played greatly into the role of being a former Rebel Alliance Shock-trooper turned brawler. However even with her being built like she is, they gave her obvious curves while making her the brawler she was. The only curve I remotely see on her is her waist and hips. With her looking like Cara-Dune it also says LACK OF ORIGINALITY which Voltron Legendary Defender and other Netflix reboots are NOT innocent at either - case in point both from Voltron the Shiro & Keith fight seemed to Anakin vs Obi-Wan and the Paladin Uniforms in Season 8 seeming too Wrath of Khan-Undiscovered Country like.
Secondly and most briefly don’t even get me started on who is voicing Teela too! I never liked Sarah Michelle Gellar, thought she was way to overrated because of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! I know the original voice actress let alone the voice actress from The New Adventures of He-Man are probably too old to do so, but I would have gladly accepted Lisa Ann Beley who voiced her in the 2002 series or even Shannon Chan-Kent who for those who don’t know her, voiced Larmina in 2011s Voltron Force!
Last, some have stated that they don’t like that she looks more masculine then feminine. That she needs to look male to be a hero or compete in a man’s world and I have to agree. Some have argued that Kevin Smith is going for a more realistic appearance of a woman who has the strength to wield not just a sword and shield in battle but also a staff. This I call horseshit, complete and utter horseshit and those that say that need to do their research!
Look at these following actresses:
Underworld franchise: - Rhona Mitra - Sonja
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- Zita Görög - Amelia
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- Kate Beckingsale
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- Clementine Nicholson 
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Fantasy/Historical/Sci-Fi/Superhero Movies: - Bridgette Nelson who played Sonja in Red Sonja (BIG ONE HERE!)
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- Sandahl Bergman who played Valeria in Conan the Barbarian and Queen Gedren in Red Sonja
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- Sienna Guillory as Arya from the movie Eragon
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- Keira Knightley from 2004s King Arthur and then the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. (which this is possibly the most accurate depiction of ancient celtic women in battle by Hollywood)
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- Rosa Salazar of Alita, granted she wore a motion capture suit, but she wasn't built 
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- EVEN Gal Gadot! She was an actual Israeli Soldier
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- Zoe Saldana for Gomora
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- Lucy Lawliss as Xena 
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- Leonor Varela of Blade II
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A woman does not need to be built like this new design of Teela to fit a role that requires them to be someone who wields a sword/staff/battle ax/or bow and arrow. Are you going to tell other actresses like Cate Blanchet, Milla Jovovich, Charlize Theron, or the actresses of other fantasy films or actresses from the History Channel series Vikings that they need to bulk up to use those weapons realistically like some have tried arguing ? 
These are all actresses who prove that you don’t need to have buff arms to wield weapons like a staff/sword/or ax. They all played characters who still managed to look bad ass when in combat while looking feminine and beautiful. Yes women warriors wanted to stand side by side with their brothers at arms and have done so throughout many cultures in ancient history. Most of them probably having the build of many of the women above!
Wielding weapons like swords/axes/clubs/ etc properly you don’t need to have your arms built like that, all it requires is the proper weapons training and time. Someone who is captain of the royal guard…which oh gee is someone like Teela(!) is would be well versed in. So answer me this, why is a feminine looking Teela problematic and the new one isn’t?
Now as a He-Man fan, I will go into this series hoping for the best, that it does what Voltron Legendary Defender failed to do and that is honor the original series and be a love letter to us old-timers. But depending on the trailer (which I am surprised we haven’t seen yet) or the series itself I am bracing myself for it  to be a shit show like Voltron became when they brought Shiro back. 
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allykakamatsu · 3 years
Hypothetical P5A
Okay, gonna make this clear right up front, I wanted to make this post for a while but the main reason I decided to do it now is because the Atlus announcement thing is almost here, and also cause I saw a video on this topic by Thorgi’s Arcade (go watch it btw it’s good) and while I agree with a lot of what he said, there’s also some things I’d change, not just cause I disagree, but also cause I think it would be fun. Anyway enough beating around the bush, let’s do this
I’m a firm believer in the phrase, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, and the Arena games are already really good so not much to change. That being said, I still wanna change some things. First off though, we are keeping this 1 vs 1, no tag team matches. The arena games already have a lot of Mechanics going on and trying to keep everything as well as some new stuff WHILE adding a tag team button, yeah no let’s not outside of maybe a bonus mode.
This means I can’t add Batton Pass in as a new mechanic to represent P5, but I have a solution, that being Technicals. Status ailments already exist in this game, so how about when you inflict one and do a specific combo you do more damage, also providing risk vs reward as the player with the status will have a better idea of what the opponent will do making them more predictable. Also as for Persona’s, mostly everyone’s will be fully evolved, minus Yu cause him getting a final boss persona normally is a tad to OP, meanwhile the P5 characters will have their starting Persona’s, but they will evolve for big moves, like awakened mode supers and instant kills
I’m also borrowing Thorgi’s Arcade idea of having supports giving a slight buff in battle, like if you pick Fuuka your meter can build faster for a bit, meanwhile if you pick Futaba you’ll get an attack and defence buff. It’s the fairest way to include them without having to make them playable. I know Rise is already playable but this roster is going to have to be small as it is, and being a support doesn’t mean you can’t be DLC later.
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Also, we’re not bringing back the Shadow Characters, just, we are not dealing with the likes of Shadow Naoto again.
I am about to cop out a bit here, but Thorgi’s Arcade video had a really good idea for the story so I’ll just link it here https://youtu.be/yyB5rEM9UVU
To summarise for people who don’t want to watch, Nyarlathotep, the main villain from the Persona 2 games, has been gaining strength from all the suffering humanity has gone through due to 3, 4 and 5, and has gained enough strength to create a new Joker to try finish what he started and destroy the world. Mitsuru might think the Phantom Thieves are behind it cause this is clearly persona related and the fact that the leader of the PT’s is also named Joker is public knowledge, Naoto gets largely the same idea, Katsuya and Maya decide to have their own investigation, meanwhile the Phantom Thieves are trying to prove their innocence and help save the world. Nice excuse to bring everyone together, but who will the everyone be?
Base Roster
Okay, I know the dream is getting everyone from Ultimax back plus the new P5 characters, but given Arc System’s standard for small base rosters, I’m not holding my breath. The ideal would be everyone plus who I’m about to say for P2 and P5, but I’m keeping it… somewhat realistic. Anyway onto the actual size, 16 seems fair enough. One more than the most recent Guilty Gear game for a series that had pretty big success so that sound fair enough. Let’s get the obvious out of the way though, all the base 8 Phantom Thieves besides Futaba are making the cut
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Okay so that’s obvious but how will they play? Starting off with Ren/Joker, Smash Bros already laid a great foundation with him being very fast on the ground and in the air plus being great at combos, so I see no reason to change that. Also no need for him to be a Jack of all trades either cause spoilers, Yu is coming back and he already fills that role.
As for the others, Ryuji I can see being a slugger charge hybrid. Basically starting out he hits pretty hard but is a bit on the slow side to compensate, but just like any good athlete, give him a chance to warm up, ie do a charge input, and he becomes a lot faster and has better combo potential. Or we could make him a toned down version of Little Mac where he’s great on the ground but he’s in trouble the second aerial combat is involved. Then there’s Morgana who with his ability to turn into cars and the fact he introduces thief tools like smoke bombs, I can see him being a faster but frailer successor to Teddie.
Then there’s Ann who, no doubt, she’s a Zoner, and with her fire she’ll be Yukiko’s sort of successor. However instead of healing, I’d implement the fact that she learns concentrate and have it so the more she charges it up, the stronger her attacks get, but the Meter will gradually go down over the match. Yusuke, as tempting as it is to cop out and say ‘have him play like Vergil in Marvel vs Capcom’, I have a different idea. Namely, take advantage of the fact that Yusuke can learn counter by having him be the defensive specialist, set up ice traps to freeze the opponent, and if they get close, he can either counter or go for some combos.
Then there’s Makoto who would definitely be a grappler. I mean, she practices Aikido and is really strong, she can 100% pull it off. Finally Haru…… TANK! I mean come on, Haru wields an axe, has a grenade launcher, and Melady is literally a dancing tank in a pink dress, it just makes too much sense. I’d also give her a bit of armor cause if she’s slow she at least needs a chance to get her attacks in.
Okay so that’s 7 out of our 16 slots down, and given that one slot will have to be saved for the Evil Joker who would be the villain, we’re halfway done with 3 games to go, lord help me.
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Okay, starting this off with P4, I’m gonna give them more than the others purely because they were the focus of the originals and there’s less realistic cuts I can make compared to 2 and 3. To make things simple, every returning character would play the same, and as for the ones I’d bring back for the base roster, we’ve got Yu, Yosuke, Chie and Naoto. Why them specifically? Well Yu is the main character, Naoto being a detective would basically mean she’d be the one getting everyone involved in the first place, Chie is currently training to be a cop as confirmed in P5 so her getting called in makes sense, and Yosuke is the best investigator after Yu and Naoto, he’s always up for a mystery and the second he learns Yu is involved he’s joining in. I just couldn’t cut him.
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Now before the really painful cuts, Persona 2 is really easy. Out of Innocent Sin party members, by the end of the series Maya is the only one left with a Persona, and Katsuya is not only older brother of Innocent Sin’s protag Tatsuya, but he’s also pretty important and a detective so he’s definetly the one Maya’s dragging into this. As for how they play, they both use guns like Naoto, but how I’d mix them up is with Katsuya, I’d let him attack while moving (unlike Naoto who has so stay still to fire) at the cost of less combo potential, meanwhile Maya dual wields her guns so she’ll probably play like Noel Vermillion from BlazBlue where she’d more or less just use the guns to get longer reach melee attacks instead of shooting.
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Now, for the hard part. There’s only 2 slots left, one of them basically has to go to Mitsuru (not that I’m complaining I’d probably add her anyway) meaning now I have to choose between the rest of the Shadow Operatives/SEES for the last slot. I narrowed it down to the 3 that were in the original Arena cause they’re the most plot relevant, but that still meant I had to choose between Akihiko and Aigis. I ended up deciding on Aigis though cause A, with Labrys not making the base roster someone has to represent the robots of the series, and B, with Akihiko currently pulling a Ryu by travelling to get stronger, it makes more sense that Aigis would be closer and easier for Mitsuru to call up. Honestly I was tempted to bump the roster up to 17 so I could have both of them on the base roster, but this is ArcSystems, 16 is already kinda pushing it.
Given that this is a modern fighting game, DLC is inevitable. However since this DLC will likely be like Ultimax where the story acts to wrap up loose ends and have a new story, it’s going yo be big, especially since there’s going to be a fight with Nyaraloptep, so go big or go home in this case. Okay so first order of business, anyone who was in the previous arena games who wasn’t in the base roster is getting added back in, it’s only fair. That out of the way, the new faces I’d add are Futaba actually being playable now and the big 4 P5 characters I skipped, Akechi, Yoshizawa, and Sophie. Before anyone asks though, Sophie was added into a Dragalia Lost collab with Koei Techmo not being credited so she’s likely Atlus’s copyright so she's safe to add.
With that out of the way, how would they play? Starting with Futaba, I’d think she’d be the resident puppet fighter, sitting on top of Necinomicon and only occasionally adding in some of her own attacks like a projectile. Also she'd also probably act as a bit of a grappler cause her Persona has tentacles (no hentai jokes please) which have long reach so that'll be perfect for it. Next up is Akechi who I can see as semi being two characters in one. My basic idea is that at first Akechi will be fighting with Robin Hood and he'll be a solid jack of all trades with a slight focus on rush down. However once he goes into his awakened mode he'll gain Loki, which will increase his speed and attack strength, at the cost of his defence, turning him into a glass cannon.
Next is Yoshizawa, or 'Sumi as I like to call her, and her thing will be she's the mobility focused fighter, namely constantly moving around the stage and poking at her opponent while doing it, at the cost of being frail. Finally there’s Sophie who would be a combo focused zoner, as in her standard projectiles (the yo-yo’s) wouldn’t hurt that much on their own, but she can string them together into the fancy yo-yo tricks to potentially do big damage. As for how much this DLC would cost, it’s going to be very big, so €25 to €30 sounds fair
I think that more or less covers my thoughts. I could keep going on about this for a while, but I think this is a good place to stop. Hope you like my idea!
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masterweaverx · 4 years
I’ve decided that the main characters of "My Next Life As A Villainess” can have D&D classes! So here we go. Big thanks to 5Etools for helping me out with this!
Katarina Claes: Kalashtar Redemption Paladin. Nobody said holy warriors had to be smart!
In all seriousness, Paladins of 5E are charisma-based “Half-casters,” which means they mix melee with magic. And it’s easy enough to reflavor a lot of D&D spells as “Oh, yeah, this character just happens to know X random thing or can talk so convincingly!” (Or the character doesn’t realize they’re doing magic, which would be so Katarina.) Plus the Redemption oath just fits so well for the girl, both thematically and mechanically. Throw on Strength-based combat skills because of years of farming and sword-training... it’s pretty obvious.
As to the race choice, the Kalashtar are a third-party Eberron race that are described as being “a fusion of humans and beings from the realm of dreams.” Which hey, what else would you call somebody who remembered their past life? And from a mechanical perspective, it would give Katarina resistance to psychic damage (she’s that dense) and automatic advantage on persuasion rolls (she can say just the right thing).
Maria Campbell: Variant Human Life Cleric. A “Well Duh!” if I ever saw one.
Clerics, the traditional healers and support characters in all of roleplaying, are wisdom-based casters in 5E. I was originally considering making Maria a Light cleric but, mechanically, Life clerics are closer to Light magic as portrayed in the series so, yeah, Life.
Variant Humans are the “Pick an ability increase and get a free feat at the start of the game” race, and Maria is sorta kinda the protagonist of the old game? Her player would probably just set herself up to fill in the gaps of the other characters anyway. So yeah.
Mary Hunt: Kaladesh Elf Samurai Fighter. Look, she can be scary, alright?
Fighters can be strength-based OR dexterity-based, and Mary would have a lot of dexterity skill from all the gardening and stuff. A lot of the Fighter perks are basically “No I’m NOT giving up!” which, yeah, fits her well. Being a Samurai not only enhances that, but it gives her perks for certain wisdom traits--Mary is not an idiot by any stretch of the imagination.
Kaladesh elves synch pretty well with this build, giving both Dexterity and Wisdom boosts, but primarily I picked this particular race for the free Druid cantrip in order to represent Mary’s water magic. Still, she would be one to choose to meditate instead of falling asleep, just to keep an eye on... things.
Sophia Ascart: Detection Mark Half-Elf Divination Wizard. She likes them books.
The class side of this was easy. Intelligence-based caster? Wizard. Love of books? Wizard. Not a physical fighter? Wizard. Had a talk with her past self? Divination wizard. What can I say, Sophia is pretty good at being a wizkid.
Race, though... oh, wow. So many options. I went with a Detection Mark Half-Elf because Sophia really, really notices things and that seems to be what that particular race was built for. Plus it’s an Eberron thing, like Katarina’s race, so that’s a past life connection! Yay!
Nicol Ascart: Storm Mark Half-Elf Swashbuckler Rogue. That smile works wonders.
Com on, how couldn’t I make Nicol ‘incapacitates a crowd with a smile’ Ascart a swashbuckler? Plus Rogues are usually known for being the skill class of 5E, doing things handling things that come up in adventures beyond punching monsters. Nicol does seem the most... level-headed of the group, so he would probably be the one to handle the little details.
As for race, I’ll admit I went with the ‘Sophia’s a half-elf so Nicol’s also a half-elf!’ route. But Storm Mark Half-Elves do come with a lot of wind-based magic, which not only fits canon but also enhances what Nicol could do as a rogue. Admittedly he would have to multiclass slightly to get at most of it, but hey, Gust is a cantrip and the other spells are there for him if he ever does.
Keith Claes: Fierna Tiefling Monster Slayer Ranger. Friendly, but dangerous.
Rangers are another half-caster class, and one with many ‘summon allies’ sort of spells. Sure, they’re technically animals instead of earth elementals, but I do subscribe to the ‘reflavor is fine!’ school of thought so Keith can have his dolls come out when he casts Conjure Animals. The Monster Slayer subclass is built around countering and containing dangerous beings... like, say, Keith himself? Oh, wow, I just picked it because it looked cool. Huh.
And why is Keith a Tiefling? In another life, he was a playboy, so of COURSE he’s going to get a charisma-boost race! A resistance to fire damage makes him perfect for, ah, interrupting a certain prince’s advances. And Fierna Tieflings get spells based around convincing people of things, like Friends and Charm Person, and there’s a certain dense girl in Keith’s life that needs a little guidance.
Geordo Stuart: Gold Standard Dragonborn Draconic Sorcerer. BURN BABY BURN!
Sorcerers are one of the charisma-based casters, with the idea that they have magic IN THEIR BLOOOOOD so they can, you know, cast without needing to do all that silly Study business. Plus they get some of their subclass stuff right off the bat, and Draconic Sorcerers get extra hitpoints every level. Geordo may not use his magic often, but it’s implied that as a royal his magic is redonkulously powerful, so this? This was basically set in stone.
And why did I make the prince a dragonborn? Why, because DRAGONS ARE AWESOME. Look, I don’t make the rules. More seriously, basic dragonborn have a charisma boost, strength boost, and a breath weapon. Admittedly this would probably make Geordo look a LOT different, but what the hey.
Alan Stuart: Silver Draconblood Dragonborn Lore Bard. He knows things so you don’t have to.
Bards are the other charisma-based casters, and a lot more support-based then sorcerers. Plus they’re good musicians, which fits Alan to a T! Lore Bards lean heavily into the ‘Jack Of All Trades’ mindset, with bonus proficiencies and extra magic secrets, because there was that competitive ‘I will best you some way!’ streak early on and that did lean into ‘I’ll learn all I can’ later in his life.
As to why he’s a draconblood dragonborn instead of a standard dragonborn? Draconbloods get an intelligence boost instead of a strength boost, and also get the trait Forceful Presence instead of Damage Resistance. He might not be able to do as much damage as his twin, but Alan is really good at getting attention and using it.
Anne Shelly: Standard Human Open Hand Monk. Somebody has to clean up after these kids!
Monks excel not just in unarmed combat, but in unarmed ‘getting places nobody thinks about’ as well as ‘keeping a cool head when everything goes nuts.’ And the Open Hand Monk doubles down on that, throwing in the ability to basically say “Stop That” whenever needed. This is perfect for Anne “My Mistress Is The Source Of All Chaos” Shelly, wouldn’t you say?
And yeah, she’s a Standard Human. In 5E Standard humans don’t get any special traits, but they do get +1 to every one of their abilities. That’s a small but significant boost to all rolls and a number of stats. Don’t underestimate Anne; she may be in the background, but she’s in the background of Madness and it takes a lot to survive that.
Rafael Walt: Fallen Aasimar Great Old One Warlock. Retired Edgelord.
Warlocks are, ah, not the easiest class to play. They’ve got a lot of special mechanics about their spells, having fewer slots but easier time restoring them. But they do also get a few free invocations, and their patrons can let them spread into different specializations. Rafael knows how to use his magic to the best he can, and... well, the Great Old One patron features just fit what he can do very well.
Aasimar have charisma boosts and darkness resistance universally, but Fallen Aasimar also come with a transformation into a terrifying shadow warrior. Look, Rafael's been through a lot, I’ll grant you. He probably deserves a break. But both thematically and mechanically, this just fits.
So that’s that! For now, anyway! Thoughts and opinions are always welcome.
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If I Say I’m Fine Enough Then I’ll Believe It
@nightingale6374 I’m back on my bullshit. (Okay but I named this fic a while ago, so does it really count???)
Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of Anne angst. You guys really love Anne angst, I’m starting to learn. This was a mix of two prompts that just went too well together for me to resist. You can check them both out here, but the basic summary was that Anne has a heart attack onstage and the queens and audience witness it. I did a little research on heart attacks, but I can’t promise this is completely accurate. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this one shot! Sorry for any spelling/grammatical errors, there are a thousand pigeons attacking me right now. 
Writing Masterpost
If you want to send a request or a prompt, my inbox is always open! I publish a story at 8:00 AM PST everyday, so I’m always in need of new ideas. If you want to be tagged in my works, just let me know and I’ll be sure to tag you!
Prompts | More Prompts | The Trifecta of Prompts | Original Prompts
Trigger Warnings: Heart attacks, general anxiety, mentions of beheading
Anne was fine.
Perfectly, A-okay, stable, and healthy. Fine.
The tightness in her chest wasn’t enough to stop her from performing, Anne kept assuring herself. All day Anne had been off, her chest feeling like something was crushing down on it, making it almost impossible to breathe. But she was on for the show tonight, and Anne refused to be stopped by some chest ache that probably meant nothing.
Joining the other queens for places, Anne adjusted her in-ear and stood in her position. Soon enough the ladies would start playing Greensleeves and she would put on her show persona. Jane shot her a glance and smiled. “You ready?” she gently asked.
Shrugging, Anne showed her teeth in a semblance of a grin. “Yup, never better.” If Jane noticed Anne’s strange behavior, she didn’t comment. 
Anxiously tapping her foot, Anne watched the ladies in waiting, begging for them to start the intro. Sure enough, the opening notes played and Anne sighed with relief. The tightness seemed to be fading as her body numbed slightly. She could make it through the show like this. It was only just over an hour, Anne could make it.
Entering the stage, Anne put up her mask. Her back was to the audience, thankfully, or they might have seen the grey ashiness that was taking over her face. Listening to the music start up was almost surreal for Anne. It felt like a faded melody in the back of her mind, and her body was only going through the motions of performing. She couldn’t even believe her body was keeping up with all the other queens as they moved around at what looked like the speed of light.
Her lines must have been lackluster, because the other queens started shooting her strange looks as they introduced the ladies. The audience wouldn’t be able to see it, but there was concern in Kat and Aragon’s eyes as they noticed the way Anne’s words seemed forced out. Cathy and Anna shared a look across the stage, but they kept silent. Jane furrowed her eyebrows at Joan, but the pianist could only mouth I don’t know lest Anne hear her through the in-ears. 
No Way seemed to pass quickly, the dance moving by in a blur for Anne. She was starting to grow nauseous, the tightness of her chest spreading to her limbs and her jaw. It would be incredibly hard to sing, she noted, but still pressed on. Her whole little intro went off without a hitch, Anne throwing in an extra high giggle in order to convince the audience that she was better than ever. Standing up, Anne stumbled on her feet but quickly recovered.
Singing the opening lyrics to her song, Anne went over the top, probably appearing like an overexcited teenage girl to the audience. But Anne knew if she let even a little bit of her facade slip, she would go tumbling down.
Making her way over to the side of the stage, Anne turned to look at her fellow queens. She almost cut off her song in the middle of the second verse when she saw their concerned faces. Why were they looking at her like that? Was something wrong? Ignoring it, Anne moved to center stage, her body slow and barely keeping up with the tempo. Her voice was cracking between syllables, and clearly people were starting to notice. “Anne?” she heard Joan in her ear.
“Sorry not sorry -” Anne managed to get out before her body seized up and she collapsed, limp on the floor. 
Immediately, Kat shrieked, dropping her character and rushing to her cousin’s side. The audience had gone completely silent, unsure of what was happening. Microphone discarded, Kat started to shake Anne. “Anne? Annie? What happened? Why aren’t you saying anything?” The poor girl was terrified, watching her cousin’s blank, empty face. 
For a moment, there was stillness throughout the entire theatre as Kat leaned over her unconscious cousin, eyes filled with tears. Then everyone sprung into action, all reacting at once. The four other queens scrambled over to Anne’s body, trying to see if they could get a response. Anna put a hand on Kat’s shoulder and tried to pull her backwards softly, trying to offer support for the worried teen. Jane was instantly at Anne’s other side, examining her face. Aragon and Cathy were standing over Anne together, not wanting to get too close and invade the girl’s personal space.
The audience was reacting terribly, having not expected something so unbelievable to occur. Many of the guests towards the back were trying to get out of the theatre, not knowing what had happened other than a performer seemed dead. A handful of the audience has pulled their phones out and were recording, documenting the events as they unfolded. But the majority of the audience was talking frantically as they watched the queens for any sign of what to do.
The ladies in waiting were the real saviors. Maggie ripped off her guitar and scrambled towards one of the audience members, asking, “Can I use your phone?” Maria and Joan scrambled backstage to look for anything to help Anne while Bessie moved to join Maggie and crowd control. The person Maggie was talking to fumbled for their phone, getting it out and handing it over to the lady. Maggie quickly dialled 999 and waited for a responder to pick up.
Kat had fallen backwards into Anna, gripping her arm. The older queen was holding her friend tight against her chest, making sure she had someone to hold onto. Maria and Joan returned with a couch pillow that they slipped under Anne’s head to better support her. Kat mumbled something, but Anna couldn’t make it out over the cacophony of sound the audience was making. “Say that again,” she rubbed Kat’s shoulder, trying to make the girl feel safe.
“Is Anne going to be alright?” Kat mumbled, slightly louder this time.
Anna didn’t want to make a promise she couldn’t keep, so she told Kat the truth. “Honestly, I don’t know. But Anne’s a fighter, and whatever it is, she won’t go down easy.”
Kat nodded and sunk further into Anna’s arms. Her eyes never left Anne’s prone form, but her breathing slowed down, if only by a little bit.
On the other hand, Jane was very much still freaking out. Cathy had migrated over to her side and Aragon was talking with Maria and Joan by Anne’s head. “Why did we let her go on?” Jane’s face was turning white like Anne’s ashen one. “We should have noticed something -”
“But we didn’t,” Cathy cut her off. “What Anne needs right now isn’t regrets, okay? She needs you to be strong and ready to help her when she needs it.”
“I can do that,” Jane glanced at Cathy. “We can do that.”
“Yes we can,” Cathy agreed, taking Jane’s shaky hand in hers. It was only a small source of comfort, but it worked in the moment. “Things will be fine.”
Aragon couldn’t help but overhear Cathy and Jane. She sighed, itching at her big costume. It wasn’t the ideal clothes for a moment like this, but that wasn’t something she would complain about. None of this was ideal, but it was reality and Aragon had to wake up and face it. “Maggie’s already called an ambulance, they’ll be here any moment,” Maria told her friend.
Watching Anne out of the corner of her eye, Aragon prayed the ambulance was about to enter the theatre doors. “What if it’s already too late?” Fear was starting to creep into Aragon’s body, swallowing her with it’s black, unforgiving jaws.
“It’s not,” Bessie promised, “It can’t be too late.”
“But what if -”
“What if’s mean nothing Catherine,” Bessie explained. “The ambulance is almost here and that’s what you can rely on.”
As the words came out of Bessie’s mouth, the theatre doors slammed open, EMTs rushing down the aisle and up onto the stage. They shooed the queens away from Anne, picking her up with ease and setting her on a stretcher. In the blink of an eye they were gone, rushing back out of the theatre with Anne in tow. 
Shooting out of Anna’s arms, Kat gasped, “We have to follow her, go to the hospital!”
“Kat, we’re in our costumes in a theatre full of confused people -” Aragon tried to say.
“We can handle the crowd,” Joan took Kat’s side. “You get changed and head to the hospital where Anne is.”
That was all Kat needed to bolt offstage and up to her dressing room. The queens thanked the ladies and stood up, following Kat to get out of their costumes. Once they were offstage, the ladies turned their attention to the clamoring audience. Maria picked up a discarded microphone and tapped it. “Everyone!” she called for attention. “I’m sorry you had to see that. I wish I could tell you that we know what happened, but the truth is we don’t. If you could please give us all some privacy while we deal with this, it would be greatly appreciated.” Before the audience could respond, the ladies turned off the microphones and prepared themselves for the onslaught of questions they were about to face.
Thankfully, Aragon had decided to drive the group to the theatre earlier instead of taking public transport. All the queens piled into the car and drove in silence on the way to see Anne. There was a clear tension among them, no one having the answers they all so desperately wanted. It felt like hours before they finally reached the hospital, but Aragon pulled into a parking spot and they were free to rush to the front doors.
Kat made it first, followed closely behind by Jane and then the other queens. They entered the hospital and beelined for the nurse’s desk. The woman sitting at the desk looked up and smiled kindly. “How can I help you?” she asked.
“Anne Boleyn,” Cathy informed her, “she has to be recently admitted.”
Scanning her papers, the woman nodded. “It looks like she’s in intensive care currently, but I can send over a doctor to talk to you.” At her words, Kat recoiled, her arms wrapping around her body. The girl’s breathing sped up and she stumbled into Anna, pulling her friend close.
Keeping her composure as best as possible, Cathy nodded. “If you could, please.” The nurse pulled out a phone, but Cathy had turned her attention back to the other queens. They were all in different states of shock. Kat was on the verge of tears in Anna’s arms as the German queen scrunched her face together in order to hide her emotions. Aragon was staring at the ground, her body unresponsive. Jane was holding a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide and unseeing. And Cathy herself was doing everything possible to hold herself together in order to keep some form of control over the situation.
A moment later, a doctor emerged from the hallway next to the nurse’s desk. “Family of Anne Boleyn?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. The five queens nodded frantically, their distress clear as day. “Well I hate to tell you this,” the queens inhaled sharply, “But Miss Boleyn had a heart attack.”
“Wh-what?” Jane stuttered.
“How is that even possible? She’s young and fit,” Cathy furrowed her eyebrows, not convinced by the doctor’s answer.
The man put his hands up in defense. “We really don’t know what caused it, probably something genetic. There’s a lot we don’t know about you bunch, so we can’t say for sure. But one of her main arteries was severely blocked, so much so that she could have died.”
“Could… have?” Kat asked.
“Could have,” the doctor confirmed. “Miss Boleyn will be fine, and hopefully soon too. But right now, she needs her rest. We’re lucky we were even able to help her so quickly. I suggest coming back another time.”
There was a universal sigh of relief among the queens at the doctor’s confirmation. Even if they couldn’t see Anne, even if she wasn’t with them, she would be soon. “Can we come back tomorrow?” Anna questioned, pulling Kat closer to her.
Clicking his tongue, the doctor shook his head. “You can come check in, but you won’t be able to see her for a couple days. But I’ll make sure you’re all told when she wakes up.”
“Thank you,” Aragon’s smile was small, but genuine.
“Of course,” the doctor nodded and disappeared once again. 
It had taken a couple days, but finally the queens would get to see Anne. It had been chaotic, trying to deal with all the videos that had surfaced of the girl’s accident and all the rumors that had popped up. The media didn’t quite understand that the queens and ladies wanted privacy as they tried to deal with the fallout of Anne’s heart attack.
But none of that mattered, because Anne was awake and they were going to see her. “Do you think she’ll be sick?” Kat asked, playing with the edge of her coat.
“Why would you think that?” Cathy replied as she opened the doors to the hospital.
“Well some symptoms of a heart attack are nausea and vomiting, so I thought maybe she might be feeling sick,” Kat explained.
Aragon patted Kat on the back. “I don’t think they’d let us see her if she was still sick. But there’s only one way to find out.”
The nurse at the front desk acknowledged the queens, remembering them from previous visits. She pointed down the hall, a small reminder of where Anne’s room was. This would be the first time they would actually get to see her and not pace around outside her door. “Moment of truth,” Anna psyched herself and the others up, putting a hand on the doorknob. Slowly, she pushed it open so they could see Anne on the other side.
There were plenty of machines and tubes surrounding Anne, but her face was no longer grey and her eyes had regained a familiar light. “Queens!” she gasped when she saw them. “You came.”
Kat rushed over to Anne’s side, but restrained herself from hugging her cousin. Instead, Kat slapped Anne’s hand lightly. Kat then gave a hmph and crossed her arms. “What was that for?” Anne frowned.
“You scared us,” Kat dropped her arms and leaned over Anne.
“We thought you were going to die,” Jane spoke up from across the room.
Turning her attention to Jane, Anne attempted to shift herself in the bed. “Jane,” she huffed as her hand almost slipped, “I wouldn’t have died. I’m Anne Boleyn. It takes a sword to the head to get rid of me, not a stupid heart problem.”
“But,” Aragon spoke up, “What if it gets bad again?” She internally cursed herself for going back to the what if’s. 
It was surprising how Anne was the most laid back of them all. “I won’t let it. We won’t let it. So what if I have heart problems, apparently. Not doing anything isn’t going to fix it either, so I’m still gonna dance and sing. Sound good to you?”
Anna chuckled and put a hand on Anne’s shoulder. “Sounds great to me.”
And together, all the queens shared a genuine smile, relief washing over them like a calm wave. Anne hadn’t sung her last performance, and she hadn’t taken her last breath. And that was the important thing, they realized. Maybe Anne wasn’t on stage, singing her heart out. But Anne was fine.
Anne was fine. 
Tag List:
@radcowboyalmondtree @boleynhowards @annabanana2401 @babeebobo @dont-lose-your-queerhead @everything-insanity @mindless-pidgeon @i-wanna-dance-and-sing-six @thedemidisaster @its-totes-gods-will @thatbolxyngirl @thenameisnoone @sixqueendom
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justmenoworries · 4 years
Record Of Ragnarok - Review (Warning: Major Spoilers)
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Shuumatsu no Walküre or, as it’s known in other countries, Records Of Ragnarok, is an Action Manga by Takumi Fukui, Shinya Umemura and Chika Aji that centers around the end of the world. As of now, it has 33 chapters, contained in 6 volumes.
The story in a nutshell is that the gods have become fed up with humanity and decided to just fuck it and kill us to do whatever it is gods do in peace. The valkyrie Brunhilde objects rather strongly to this and invokes the Ragnarok clause to give humanity a chance to survive. The gods and the humans each provide 13 champions to fight for them and whichever side has the most victories after 13 rounds wins. If humanity wins, we keep living and if the gods win, we get unalived.
The Premise. The stakes are high enough to get you pumped for each battle and it also leaves a lot of room for moral greyness on both sides. On one hand, we have the gods who strive to eradicate humanity and are almost unanimously presented as privileged jerkasses - but then you get characters like Heracles and Buddha who are technically on the divine side, but are shown to actually not support the plan to kill all humans. On the other hand we have humanity literally fighting to survive - but the manga never shies away from showing that humans are not all innocent cinnamon roles and even poses the question if humanity really deserves to survive sometimes. I mean, how much would you want to root for people who are having Jack the Ripper, a scumbag serial killer, fight as one of their champions? Speaking of which...
The champions. A few of you might have perked up at the mention of Jack the Ripper. As it turns out, whether a champion has been dead for years by the time of the story’s present doesn’t really matter: They get to participate all the same. Leading to a bunch of historical characters getting the chance to prove their badassery in the ring. Even better? This story follows the “all myths are true and all gods exist”-rule. You heard right: Every deity, no matter what religion or what part of the world they originated from, has the potential to become an anime villain! Ever wanted to see Lü Bu going at it with Thor? Well, now you can! Wanna see who’d win in a wrestling match between Raiden Tameemon and Shiva? Just read this manga!
The world-building. Record’s lore and backstories are detailed enough to have their own side-chapters and some of the characters’ pasts really make you feel for them. Wanna know how much? This manga, for a split-second at least, made me feel sorry for an unrepentant serial killer. The writing is just that good.
The art-style. It’s incredibly expressive and detailed, especially in the fight- scenes. The covers are beautiful, the character design is creative and gives every character their own, distinct style. And I know this may sound perv-y, but Aji Chika really knows how to draw naked bodies. Just... don’t pay too much attention to the anatomy.
The battles. As of the time I’m writing this, 4 out of 13 fights have been concluded and the fifth one is currently playing out. Each of the fights demonstrate so much personality and the match-ups are insanely cool. It’s never a closed case which combatant is going to win, each fight has so many twists and turns and the fighters themselves have a lot of chemistry with each other. Their motivations are, for the most part, understandable and fit the characters. If you can, check out the youtube - series by AmiasD Backup, you won’t regret it. The editing and the added background music really bring out the inherent epicness of the manga.
The battles tend to suffer from, what i like to call, Anime Battle Syndrome. The action will screech to a halt at several points in order to let the characters monologue about their strategy, boast of their former accomplishments or just kinda... talk to each other for no good reason at all. Or have the background characters talk about something that just happened at length until you just want to shout “I know! I saw, I was there!”And the flashbacks detailing the combatants’ backstories are often just tedious. I know I praised them in my Pro-list, but no matter how cool a backstory is, if it comes smack in the middle of a hyped-up confrontation, it’s annoying! I don’t wanna see five pages of a character reminiscing how they once ate a bug when they were six, I wanna see two guys beat the shit out of each other to decide the fate of all of humankind! Just tell me the story after the battle, jfc.
The comedic aspects of the story are not handled well. I mean, I get it: In a story about the literal end of the world not having at least a few lighter moments would probably lead to the readers putting down the manga eventually because it just got too depressing. But the way Records handles it can cause some pretty big whiplash. One moment you’re on the edge of your seat, biting your fingernails in anticipation of how a certain move in the current battle has played out - only to be confronted with a joke about how Ares is dumb, or one of the background characters making an inappropriate comment. Add to that the uncomfortably high number of sexist and sometimes rape-y jokes and you got a pretty yikes collection of failed attempts to implant humor. Speaking of which...
The manga has a really weird and uncomfortable relationship with women. They’re either oversexualised to the point of being nothing more than a walking, bouncing pair of breasts and hips, or side-lined in order to give all the spotlight to the male characters. For example: The valkyries. The valkyries in norse mythology are a people of badass warrior maidens. In the manga, it’s the valkyrie Brunhilde who kickstarts the tournament for humanities’ right to keep existing. She’s also the one who selects the human champions and prepares them for their upcoming battles by introducing them to their valkyrie-partners, their “Volund”, and she acts as an overseer for each round. She’s about the most involved female character you’ll get in this story. Her sisters, the other valkyries, are literally objectified to serve as weapons to the male champions. One of them is brutally forced to submit to her partner, in a scene that is eerily  reminiscent of assault. You’d think an amazon brigade as famous as the valkyries would be treated better than that, in a manga centered around fighting. Nope. They just get to be inanimate objects for the guys to wield. Oh, and if a champion dies, so does his Volund. So not only do the valkyries not get to fight themselves, they pay the price if their partner screws up. Lovely. Another glaring point I want to bring up: There are no female champions. On either side. We get shown a list of the human champions early on and all of them are male. All the divine combatants so far have been male, too. And there’s no indication that that’ll change in the future. Which is weird, because there is certainly no shortage of badass female characters that could have been used in the plot, both historical and mythological. But nope! Pure sausage fest is what we get instead. What’s that? You wanted to see Jeanne d’Arc or Ishtar or Sekmet or Lyudmila Pavlichenko or Anne Bonnie, or literally any of the dozen of amazing female fighters history and mythology have produced? Tough luck! Saving humanity is apparently a men-only sport.
Overall, Record Of Ragnarok is a story with an interesting premise and a plot rife with potential, but it just has too many flaws for me to declare it perfect or even good, to be honest.
For what it is, it’s an okay read. If you’re willing to muscle through the blatant misogyny prevalent in some parts of it. And the rather painful attempts at humor.
4.9/10. Could’ve been done better.
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