#annoying you is his love language
Touya Todoroki is a “Are you mad 🥺“ motherfucker and you can’t change my mind
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saturncodedstarlette · 6 months
Y/N, got paired up with Gojo for a mission :
Gojo Satoru, haven’t shut up for an hour now : Last night I dreamed I was a bottle of ketchup.
Y/N : 😐
Gojo Satoru : And you a mustard ☺️🌸
Y/N : 😐
Gojo Satoru : Which is weird since you’re usually mayonnaise in my dreams😂
Y/N, slowly losing it :
Gojo Satoru : Why you supposed that is? 🤔
Y/N : 🫠
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
Heyyyy!!! :333
how are things??!??!?? I haven’t checked tumblr in a while!!!!
is it ok if I request a Konig x f!reader where she gets flustered by him calling her his little wifey as you said in the one post? It’s ok if you choose not to obvs as I know you write Gender neutral, so don’t feel obligated!!
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Hey! It's been alright, but I've been super tired as of late! I've got the second theoretical exam on Tuesday, though! And once I pass that I will finally be done with all the theory! :D Also, the referenced post is this one!
König Calling his GF Weibi
I feel as though he’d be very sudden with calling you that. In fact, he’d likely be saying something along the lines of “Mei Weibi schaut heite wieda zuckasüß aus.” He never expected you to understand him, much less be interested in what he had to say about you. While he may not hide the fact that he was talking about you in the slightest, looking at you with those big, adoring blue eyes of his, he would be surprised when you turn to look at him, done with his impossible to Google translate German. Even if you had been learning the language for a while now, whenever he reverted to his own German you barely, if at all, understood him. And thus, you confronted him about what he had to say about you this time. König would chuckle a bit at your fierce demeanor this time when you were usually quite calm about him complimenting you in German.
“I’m not sure how I should translate ‘Weibi’, but I’ll try… Weibi is sort of like little wifey. My lovely little wifey looks sweet as sugar again today. That’s essentially what I said.” His accent was thick again, as it had always been, but it added to his charm. Although he was usually a rather sweet man, this took you by surprise. You were his girlfriend, not his wife, yet, so you weren’t sure why he would call you that. It was rather sweet, but you weren’t sure how to process this.
“A-ah, I see…” Looking away, you grabbed your wrist and gently rubbed the skin there with your thumb. A rather obvious gesture, König seemed to be delighted about this. As you looked him in the eye again, you saw a glimmer in his eyes. It wasn’t anything devious, in fact it was a rare sight to behold in the first place as he could sometimes be rather timid, despite being a behemoth. Unsure of what was about to happen, you turned to leave, a goofy grin on your face that you hoped he hadn’t spotted just yet.
“Well, Weibi, you can’t just leave me hanging here. Don’t go, where would I be without you?” He tenderly grabbed your wrist. Despite his usual gentle ways, there was some strength to him, even now. “You’re my lovely little wifey and I love you a lot, so don’t leave just yet.” Even as you struggled against his grasp on you, even as you continuously turned to face away from him, he always found a way to get to see your pretty face. Resorting to hiding your face behind your palm seemed fruitless as well, König, too, had two hands, after all. He was too strong, despite him barely using any of his strength. Curse him and the fact he was part of a PMC. One of these days, you were going to give him a piece of mind. Until then, he may run free. Holding both of your hands in his, he pushed you against the kitchen wall, trapping you against it and him.
“You like that nickname, don’t you?”
Using the opportunity that presented itself to hide further from him, you pushed your body against his, concealing yourself still. “It’s just… I don’t know if I’m understanding this the right way, but being your wife sounds kind of nice, actually… Like, it seems like a rather domestic nickname. If you were a bit more careful with your body, then I just know you’d make for an ideal husband too. The idea of someday being your real wife just gets to me, you know?”
He hadn’t even considered that up until that point. But you being his wife, him being your husband, it sounded like a dream. Letting go of your wrists, he wrapped his arms around you instead. “I know, Weibi. But don’t worry too much about it. I used to be far more reckless when I was younger. So I’m sure I will calm down in the future. Besides, why not make it a reality someday? Just the two of us in our own apartment, maybe with a kitten or two to take care of. I’d love to marry you someday, you’re the best girlfriend I’ve ever had. I love you more than anyone and anything else.”
König had the chance to be such an asshole in that moment, and despite that he chose to be a sappy idiot. Again, you were reminded as to why you loved him in the first place. Wrapping your arms around him as well, you breathed in his scent. That all-too familiar scent you’ve come to adore. The one that reminded you that no one could ever harm you, that you were safe, no matter what. He was so warm too, you couldn’t help but melt into him. “You’re such an idiot, you know that?”
He pressed a kiss to your temple before chuckling again. “Bear with an idiot for a moment? Just until we’re married and I’ve burned the certificate.”
“Because then I can’t return you? König, have you been looking at memes again?”
“Hush, Weibi. No one needs to know.”
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moeblob · 1 year
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Thought about my silly little mute chemist and his future husband... overwhelmed with feelings... I should go back to this game ........
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gusujay · 7 months
Everyday goes a little something like this. I open tumblr and check the pathologic tag to find art because the vibe patho artists capture is exquisite.
I immediately see someone making fun of Daniil for having highly specific special interests that he likes talking about.
I ignore it and scroll further only to see another 5 posts calling him annoying for oh wait give me a second *rereads text posts making fun of Daniil* showing symptoms of autism.
I sigh like a depressed disappointed father. I close tumblr.
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danothan · 11 months
everyday i log onto the internet i am forced to fisticuffs combat the halbarry default yaoi allegations. THEY’RE NOT A BASIC BRUNETTE/BLONDE JOCK/NERD DYNAMIC THEY’RE MORE THAN THAT (coping)
#i can’t talk to certain dc fans some of them are too immersed in fan conversation that they lose their fresh perspective#yk krillers doesn’t know anything abt superheroes and actually told me that they thought halbarry were the opposite#bc hal’s got that plane autism and barry is basically a track star#and i think that is far more enlightened than some of the stuff i see in my peripherals#but they can’t be reduced to fanfic tropes like that either way… they are special… TO ME#it’s just wild to me that i’ll see 2013-style yaoi fanart in 2023#they’re not twinks!!! they’re not twinks and they’re not seme/uke substitutes!!!#i think a good rule of thumb is that most of their dynamic goes both ways#<- not referring to seme/uke but that too ig (does not know which word means what)#but you’ll especially notice this in older vs newer iterations of their relationship#does ‘i won’t let you get lost to the speedforce. don’t let me get lost in the stars’ mean NOTHING to you ?!#they’ve done it all!#older hal used to be the one to reach out and bridge their early friendship while barry was the stick in the mud#and newer hal struggles to adapt to barry’s way of friendship while barry is the one to usually initiate their bonding#also i love hal annoying barry bc that is honest to god his love language#but i never see the reverse in fanworks?#ig bc barry’s way of being annoying is more understated but it’s still pretty egregious#hal is annoying bc he likes attention barry is annoying bc he likes to see hal’s reaction#thank god they have each other so they can (relatively) contain their annoyingness to themselves 💚#except the pda is rly just shameless. why are they always all over each other in front of the justice league.#i’m not even rly complaining anymore i’m honestly just waxing poetic abt their relationship#they have a sedating quality abt them (when they’re not riling me up in a fit of passion)#halbarry#the flash#green lantern#barry allen#hal jordan#dc#danbles
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kittykatninja321 · 8 months
The way fanon clings to the depiction of cartoonishly abusive Willis despite the fact that it was a shitty retcon in the first place and is also no longer really true because rebirth sorta re-retconned it. The idea that Jason has nothing but contempt for his father is something that was not true before new52 and is also not currently true. There’s elevendy million posts/fics/discussions about (rebirth) rhato 25 but somehow nobody seems to remember that part of the reason why Jason took out Cobblepot the way that he did was because he was spiraling over Willis and wanted revenge for his ‘death’. Like remember when new52 made Rose Wilson fully white for a little bit? Me neither we should all forget everything that happened in that era <3
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talentforlying · 4 months
one of these days i'm going to write up all that i've changed from azzarello's bullshit era and the one (1) piece i've kept from milligan (and also changed) and the only thing currently stopping me is that it is going to be so, so inside-baseball incomprehensible. and i almost never want to go reading/screencapping azzarello and milligan to add references but i Want to add references.
canon is goop, just know that we continue to ride the bus down "hellblazer ended at #250 and looks like swiss cheese before that" street.
#( ooc. ) OUT OF CIGS.#i'm doing page maintenance before i fuck off to work rip it's got me thinking#anyway i think i said WAY back on this blog that a side goal of mine is to make hellblazer lore accessible to non-comic readers where i can#bc it's such a Heavy comic & i love it so much & i always felt Terrible recommending it to people only for them to be disgusted#and like. @ past me that particular goal is NOT as easy as you thought it would be lmao#esp because i have a habit of getting VERY detail-oriented when it comes to talking about hellblazer i think#but by GOD it's still a goal. i can put in some motherfucking references here and there when i talk about The Lore#like. azzarello's writing style never translates well for me in synopsis bc he Loves to put the audience in the outside perspective#where we are bystanders/with the rest of the bystanders to constantine's actions and not to his motivations/inner monologue#and i HATE that. hellblazer has ALWAYS been about what this guy has going on underneath the masked exterior#all the things you can't say out loud when you're queer and working class trying to survive in 70s-80s-90s england#but that you FEEL with your WHOLE fucking chest. how that feeling drives you to enjoy little rebellions wherever you can get them#(also azzarello just fucking Sucks LMAO but i'm talking style rn)#so i end up relying on frusin's art to tell the story a little more bc i think he understands the Theatre of constantine's public persona#and when that theatre is Absent then it's really REALLY noticeable. so frusin keeps me in it most of the time#and if i'm digging into frusin art then i'm Going to want to compare it to older panels bc i like body language consistency#milligan on the other hand has NOTHING to save his sorry ass bc his writing is drop-jaw fucking terrible AND the artist seems to like it#but the loss of john's thumb being tied to his mental health (ignoring the bullshit with shade) has always felt. important to me somehow id#anyway MUCH thinking about my favorite loser on this about-to-be-annoying day shdjksd he has been done so dirty#hellblazer brain go brrrr
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
A post in honor of General Jarod Fire Emblem my precious.
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#DCB RD Run#Jarod Fire Emblem#idk if he has a tag but he has one now if not#also i had to put some pics together and make them one bc tumblr stops letting me arrange pics after 16 pics it's so fckn annoying#now pls if you would take a seat while i go on a small tangent (small bc i am limited to thirty tags per post!)#now so you see aside from him being a total hoot with awesome resolution/determination#smth i love about general jarod fire emblem my precious is his relationship with alder#bc you see jarod is clearly scum like fuck him yeah??? and then you get whacked with this emotional scene with alder#i love how they wrote two total scum villains as being just... human. i feel bad for them in that moment#as a human being even knowing everything they did i feel bad for them and respect them both#it doesn't change that they're scum and doesn't erase what they've done but it still elicits an emotional response from me#it makes me wish jarod was better and not an enemy. it makes me wish in a way that that could've been his atonement arc beginning#but i know that can't happen and wouldn't - he's too far gone. but as a human that's just the emotion i get seeing that scene#and then RIGHT as jarod is going back to his batshit villainy he dumps THAT fuckin' speech on us#MIND YOU with this really badass music playing. all his soldiers get into position#and you watch them move to the spots you'll start off with them in on the map when the battle starts#also man was hilarious right to his grave and i love all the shade he threw at bk that's among my love languages#and yes i did actually in fact start this file the same day i beat part one#anyway enjoy your general jarod fire emblem bc fe heroes sure isn't
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stormyoceans · 7 months
You won, Monica, Day called Mork Khun in the first ep!
im actually glad no one was here to witness my reaction when i heard both day AND mork use 'khun' while talking to each other because i was climbing the walls of my apartment like a rabid gecko sfjksgfj BUT IM JUST!!!!!!!! SO IN LOVE WITH THEIR DYNAMIC AND THE WAY IT GETS REFLECTED BY THE LANGUAGE THEY USE WITH EACH OTHER!!!!!!! because here's the thing.. day does NOT call night 'phi' but uses 'gu/meung' instead, which is very rude since he is the younger brother, and if in the past that might have hinted to them being particularly close, now it's pretty obvious that day uses it as another way to show that he does not respect night in any way. mork, on the other hand, easily calls night 'phi' and refers to day as 'nong' to the lady from the association. so it's interesting to me to hear them use 'pom/khun' with each other because yeah, those are the polite pronouns you would use with a stranger, but it also puts a lot of (emotional) distance between them
in a way it makes sense: day is not about to call anyone 'phi' that easily when he closed himself off to everyone (we'll see next ep if on [kun's character] is the only exception to this) and mork is in a weird position because not only day isn't talking very nicely to him, but now mork is technically working for day too. and it's just gonna be SO DELICIOUS to see them getting closer and closer and have their language slowly change with it!!!!! LIKE IMAGINE MORK STARTING TO CALL HIMSELF 'PHI' WHEN TALKING TO DAY!!!!!!! IT'S GONNA SOUND SO WARM BUT ALSO SO FLIRTY!!!!!!!! AND DAY IS EVENTUALLY GONNA GO ALL SWEET ON HIM AND CALL HIM 'P'MORK' TOO!!!!!!!!
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erabundus · 8 months
words cannot begin to describe the amount of SEROTONIN i feel whenever ren gets to be silly and annoying.
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arttheclown · 1 year
how i’m holding up after watching the beginning of the end for the first time and seeing discord’s speech to twilight
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shewhoeatssand · 10 months
A kaneki headcanon for you that I am metaphorically pushing under your door
Kaneki was a literary purist when he was younger, he’d refuse to buy any translated version of a book he wants to read and instead struggled his way through with a combination of the internet and a dictionary.
This was made even worse during his American lit phase because of how much cultural context is needed to understand the masterpieces. The only one he really connected with was The Grapes of Wrath, because of his upbringing and losing his mom because she was working to feed him.
Kaneki read American Psycho late into highschool and it brought down his Gpa by a decent amount. He had multiple notebooks just keeping track of everything going on in an attempt to understand what was going on. He’d spend nights up late theorizing about the book and was planning to submit his analysis on it for his PhD before he got ghouled.
Shironeki definitely speaks much better English and upon rereading it, he fell in love with fear and loathing in last Vegas, connecting it to his experiences in the ghoul world.
American psycho also was one of the things that connected Kaneki and Hide as they drifted apart as they got older, hide being a big fan of the movie saved their friendship.
OH GOD I’M SORRY FOR LEAVING THIS TO ROT FOR SO LONG, I just loved this one so much I didn’t know how to respond ❤️❤️❤️ I’m reading Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas RIGHT NOW ACTUALLY because of this ask!!!!!!!!! This whole thing is so accurate I don’t know what to add, I love it so much, I remember listening to American Psycho in the car while I was moving house and it turned my whole world upside down. And this ask also made me realise how much Kaneki would have liked this book too!!!! Aaaaaah I’d kill to have gotten to see his PhD analysis on it :((( too bad he was ghoulified. Thank you so much for this it is literally the basis for all my thoughts on Kaneki speaking/reading English or other languages
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letmeliedown · 5 months
you can look up etymologies and find actual answers. you do not have to guess!
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redstrewn · 1 year
Sometimes i wish we could just have a clown route where we could just do everything to piss off the LIs until they kill you
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shoeshineyboy · 2 years
I remember my friend legit 10 years ago saying I had an aura of “don’t touch me ever” and honestly this dude understood me on a level that no one else ever has. he’s right. don’t touch me Ever
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