#anon pls let me know what you think of these interpretations :))
ffsg0jo · 2 months
I loved your Ramadan works with the JJK characters. It's so nice to see another muslimah who writes for JJK :)). I am not sure if you are still actively posting, but would you consider writing a piece with the cast's reaction to the hijab and abaya? JazakAllah!
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jjk characters with a muslim/hijabi reader [gojo edition]
gojo x reader [platonic or romantic it's open to interpretation]
w/c: 955 words
a/n: i got so carried away writing gojo's i realised if i added more characters, it'd be an incredibly long post. so i took them out and i'm gonna post them over the next couple weeks <33 so far i have megumi, nanami, itadori and nobara lmk if you want anymore characters :)) also guys pls feel free to send requests/suggestions :))
also anon you're the sweetest person every thank you so so much you've single handedly given me motivation to keep writing and ive got more works coming out. i hope you're having an amazing day inshaAllah bestie 💗
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Gojo definitely thinks you’re doing a cosplay of some sort. It’s not uncommon in certain parts of Tokyo, so it’s safe to assume so most of the time. Even he’s been mistaken for Kakashi cosplays a lot of the time, with his black get-up and blindfold.
But then he sees you wearing different colour hijabs and abayas, and sometimes even a cute lil jilbabs and it confuses him. Suddenly, the thought occurs to him that maybe you’re not in a 24/7 cosplay, like him, and actually just dress covered head to toe.
As soon as he reaches that epiphany you best believe he pesters you and badgers you for answers. “y/n are you cold? is that why you’re always dressed like that?”
At first, you think it’s funny to give him nonsensical answers because he keeps saying stupid things, but you realise he's being deadly serious. plus, he gets increasingly bothersome, so you eventually get annoyed from all his questioning and just tell him about how you’re a Muslim and observe hijab.
He actually takes it quite seriously and apologises for lowkey making fun of your shitty cosplay in his head. He’s ignorant, not prejudiced, so he defo takes it back and, for once, takes accountability and apologises for his actions. He’s personally not a believer, but he respects it.
Once, you complained about how expensive abayas were becoming and how you just wished someone would just buy you a whole wardrobe of them to all the students, and he happened to overhear.
Literally days later he’s at your door with multiple bags full of abayas and hijabs and all sorts of modest clothing. You’re completely shick shack shook and don’t know what to say. You defo cry and try to hide it with your headscarf.
He barges into your room (after making sure you’re fully covered, he's learnt from that mistake) and spends the next 5 or so hours showcasing each item and telling you where in the world he got it from, the materials and everything.
He has really good taste in colours and styles and knows what would look good on you. You’re literally set for life. Absolutely refuses to let you pay him back. Every single time you mention money, he shuts you down and changes the topic entirely.
In summer he’s shocked you look relatively calm and okay. He’s literally boiling his bum off with a tank top (I’m laughing at imagining Gojo in a white tank top like an immigrant dad lmaoo) and you’re looking as fresh as daisies with everything covered. He asks how you're not melting and you’re waffling to him about airflow and how it’s actually quite breezy, and you’re not wearing anything underneath, so it’s fine, and he stops breathing and short circuits.
He looks at you with his eyes wide, and his sun reddened face goes a shade darker. "You’re not wearing anything underneath?" He takes it the completely wrong way, and you realise what it sounds like, and you’re both a bumbling mess.
It's the first time anyone’s ever seen Gojo that flustered.
Also some quickfire headcanons:
He genuinely thought you slept and showered with your hijab on, so he burst into your room one day and you screamed and he immediately warped somewhere else when he saw you wearing pyjamas (he didn’t see anything above your clothed knees, he panicked and left so quickly plus he was scared to look).
Gets you cute little clips to put on your hijab. He thinks they’re pretty.
Is absolutely devasted you can’t have mochi and some other desserts because they have pork gelatine in them and he always tries to find vegan alternatives.
Purposefully steps on your abaya/dress when it's flowing and he's behind you to annoy you.
Has extra pins pinned onto his uniform for you just in case you need them.
This is a secret he’ll take to his grave, but he actually tried to make you one of his favourite desserts you couldn’t eat (he threatened the bakery for the recipe), but it went so disastrously wrong he gave up and didnt want to face the embarrassment.
I’m talking melted plastic in the oven, small kitchen fire, eyebrows singed, and potential carbon monoxide poisoning bad.
You wore this specific shade of light blue once with a cream khimar, and for some reason, he was absolutely obsessed with that outfit. It wasn't until Nobara pointed out that your outfit matched Gojo's colour scheme did he finally realise why <33
The abaya sizing really confused him and he was so baffled as to what the numbers meant. Wdym size 52 what does that even measure 😭😭
He was faffing about for 2 hours before he realised he could've just googled it, and he felt absolutely stupid about it.
Whenever he sees a bit of your hair accidentally peeking out he covers his eyes and screams at you to "cover yourself woman goddammit". He's so dramatic honestly.
Thinks it’s hilarious seeing you run in your abaya. He thinks its the funniest thing in the world.
Once (he's lying defo more than once) he was zoned out while watching you and his heart started beating faster when he realised how beautiful you are with your long dress blowing in the breeze and your hijab lightly fluttering. You looked ethereal. He didn't know what to think, and he pushed his feelings back down. Deep deep down.
He doesn't need unnecessary feelings complicating things, but for some reason, his heart still yearns for you.
He also makes terrorist jokes about you to you. I will not explain that one, but he 100% does.
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work in any way, shape, or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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ohitsminuet · 5 months
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Oh, boy, this'll be a long one.
Minuet isn't here to answer himself, but LMAOOOOO?????? Personally I wouldn't say anything Bug (@bugdatabase) hasn't said in this post.
But! If you want to go even further with the evidence: In this post, Justin himself says that “[He] always felt that PayJay (a ship with a character he voices) is a pretty cool ship).”
Besides, we (Minuet and I) both find it ridiculous to tell someone who is, under the transmitter's point of view, “uninformed” (someone who, under the point of view of someone who thinks it's a proship, likely doesn't know) to “get their senses together”. That's just plain rude. Even if it was a proship, there is a clear lack of tact in this ask, and articulating it differently could have made a different, likely more positive impact. Going “hey, this ship is problematic jsyk” is less aggressive, and in the case that the person /is/ in fact uninformed, can be taken more lightly and solved more amicably.
(But of course, Tumblr is not always amicable, is it?)
In the second post attached, Justin also says that we as a community should value our own sense of interpretation as long as it doesn't go completely against the canon of the show. Which it doesn't, because Toilet and MePad literally make up in canon! And they are shown to be friends after T&B! Even after MYOB, you've got to accept that if they aren't in good terms, MePad did everything he could to convince MePhone to let Toilet stay. Toilet is very compassionate, and even if they’re stuck in a strange desencuentro, he would definitely know this.
Yes, MePad not helping him definitely would leave a mark in their relationship, but that doesn't make the ship abusive or toxic in any way. They were stuck in the middle of a chain of unhealed generational trauma, but none of them are abusive. It's all a petty one-sided conflict for MePhone4’s attention. Toilet doesn't know how to react to being thrown aside, so he develops a strange unrequited rivalry towards MePad. The thing is though! They make up! They communicate their feelings to one another!
Is Toilet hateable under popular perspective? Probably. He's clumsy, loud, not very bright and made for you to either hate him or laugh at him. But that doesn't mean that he isn't a character worth analyzing. He deserves love, which he never receives, even after 14 episodes of dealing with what he deals with. I know it's silly to sympathize with a fictional toilet, but he really does deserve more development and closure for his arc, and as Minuet has expressed in the past, MePad (character) has what it takes to break the cycle and provide him with the affection that he needs. (We're guiding ourselves based off our own analyses of II S2 and canon itself, btw. Not any theories.)
Conclusion: Leave ToiPad and its shippers alone. It is not a problematic ship. Neither of them are abusive, Justin is not uncomfortable with ships of the characters they voice, and it is most definitely Not inc*stuous and/or p*dophilic.
- Nonne (🔪)
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trillscienceofficer · 9 months
Pls be careful on how you speak about seven of Nines name, because it's also a racial allegory and you might be conflating some things. Many immigrants and people of colour have to stop using their original names in order to assimilate right. I'm not saying that seven should be called her other name, but not everyone views it the same way you do and many poc trek fans I know relate to her journey.
I assume you're referring to this post. I recognize that it's trenchant and a bit inflammatory in tone, and I accept the criticism on that. The trans metaphor I implied by talking about 'deadnaming' in the case of Seven of Nine is an imperfect one for sure, and I definitely understand that said metaphor may fail to cover all bases.
I also am aware that the word 'assimilation' has connotations in the real world, and the Borg collective definitely can be interpreted as a metaphor for colonial conquest and violence. I'm glad to hear Seven of Nine is relatable to fans of color, and I don't want to discount that in any way.
I would like to clarify where I'm coming from further, not as a way to disavow responsibility but to encourage further discussion:
my argument against using 'Annika Hansen' in fanworks hinges on the fact that the narrative, on both Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Picard, is pretty clear on the fact that it's a name Seven rejects, over and over, in the face of others (often people who are her direct superiors, eg Janeway and Shaw) trying to impose it onto her. It's true that her eighteen years in the Collective were traumatizing and quite literally disabling, and so people in- and out-of-universe may find her choice objectionable, but ultimately Seven does not. We can discuss the fact that this is a writing choice and Seven is just a fictional character with no real agency, which is true! But I find it relevant here that Seven is pretty much the only xB character who's made this particular decision: most xBs reclaim their pre-assimilation names (eg the xBs on the Voyager episodes “Unity” or “Survival Instinct”) or choose new ones entirely (like Hugh). Seven is a unique case, which makes this writing decision a character's personal choice and imho not one that's trying to minimize the effects that the Borg assimilation had on her.
I'm absolutely not against Seven choosing a different name for herself, one not so connected to either her Borg assimilation or to the family that was responsible for her assimilation in the first place, either in canon or in fanworks. I think it could be a very cool topic for fic, actually.
I wrote that post in direct response to people who refer to Seven exclusively as 'Annika Hansen' in their fanworks often in the context of 'romantic' situations, especially with the characters mentioned above when, canonically, Seven rejects every instance of Janeway and Shaw calling her 'Annika'. I think this context is relevant because this kind of writing choice in fic to me implies the idea that Seven doesn't know what's best for her while people with authority over her do, and I don't find this acceptable even within the framework of her past Borg assimilation as colonial violence.
Let me know if you find my reasoning lacking. If you're willing to come off anon, my DMs are open; I would appreciate it in order to continue this conversation.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
I GOT AN ANGST IDEA, super, super aNGST.
I just read you Tighnari x reader x Cyno! And read some sad fic's... and Tokyo Rev but that's besides the point— How about reader that's not YET on a relationship with both boys and they (Cyno and Tighnari are in a relationship) have feelings for reader! They want to include her as well but reader hides their emotion's really well, they know her because she's always "happy" and helps everyone around them but her eyes look dull (with no life) and just hangs out with both of them but—
Reader is tired? As in mentally exhausted and just wants to end it all because some dark past came to her? (It could be a trauma that's get her on that state)
Nobody expected such a twist! Cyno and Tighnari watching as she almost jumps off a cliff and ask them to let her hand go so she could finally rest— ABSJSBS IM SORRY? I BLAME THE FANFIC I JUST READ— Also I want to suffer, they're not Cyno and Tighnari angst fic's—Ejem, if you feel merciful— Probably a sappy ending or something? I would leave that at your imagination of what happens at the cliff—
Anon—🖤 Bali
Ah, next time make sure to add trigger warnings to your asks please! Since I can't really add one before your ask, just to protect everyone reading (including me) pls and thankies
Tw: please read on your own discretion, tho the word itself isn't mentioned
This actually reminded me of the Tighnari series I've been following (also has unalive themes) and a Tighnari fic in my head that also has the same theme that I definitely won't write-
And anon Bali(?, Cuz I know this isn't the actual 🖤 anon we already have), I get what you're trying to put down but I want to raise a better point
What if this was AFTER they broke up instead? Ohhh spicier and more heartbreaking, the guilt of it all and the fear on their end after realizing that they may have had a hand on why their ex is acting like this, while the reader couldn't be bothered to comfort them back
Tighnari finding them on the cliff near where their favorite spot when they were still poly, sadly smiling at seeing them still attached to the place, until they jumped - and he rushes in to grab their hand, but they were too heavy because of their adventuring bag they won't let go no matter how much Tighnari begged.
Tighnari is shouting for help, getting more frantic at this point as his strength is starting to slip and that's when Cyno heard his call and rushed over to help. Quickly pulling them up, one of them takes the bag (it's SUPER heavy) to look inside, seeing that it was actually all the mementos they had when they were all still together. Their ex planned to jump off with the items they loved.
While the other, most likely Tighnari, pins them down to stop them from trying again as he shouts at them for being so stupid, so reckless, what the fuck was that stunt you pulled?! Why didn't you listen to him?! He was crying without even realizing, eventually realizing the implications the more he calls them out.
They still love them, of course, it's not easy to move on from someone you loved for so long and so genuinely. But that doesn't mean they want you gone just because you're not together anymore. It's not gonna be a cake walk back to the relationship, be real, but it depends on why they even broke up in the first place.
With the Matra and the forest rangers tasked to look out for their ex, the two took their time to help them back to living healthily again. Back to normal, as normal as things could be. When the reader does commissions outside of Sumeru, they were always antsy and paranoid that you'd have done it, and the wait is always terrifying that they can barely function in their work.
It's always a relief to see their ex back and alive even if they promptly shove away their positive looks and go straight to Katheryne like nothing happened. I also can't think of the ending cuz I want to leave that for interpretation aaaaaa
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apoptoses · 9 months
Re: the poly relationship anon and the Reddit thread that mentioned Marius being in a relationship with Pandora, Bianca AND Armand at the end of the series lmao I think I have an idea as to how they might’ve reached that conclusion. It's worth noting though that I think it's a gigantic reach and not really what Anne meant when writing about Marius’ interactions with any of these characters in the last trilogy but let's see... I remember Marius referring to both Pandora and Bianca as his “wives” at some point (perhaps even in the same time?) in the PL trilogy, and it’s clear his relationship with both of them is romantic in nature and in great terms by the time the series ends. Bianca pursued him pretty relentlessly, Pandora is always referred to as his love/his great love and Marius is extremely pressed when she gets back together with Arjun + everything that happens with Arjun later on, etc. Armand isn’t involved in any of this mess (for once) beyond snatching Daniel back at some point during RoA. His relationship with Pandora is pretty much nonexistent, and even his relationship with Bianca is left incredibly unexplored post-Venice (a crime, obviously). The relationship between Armand and Marius is strained/tense at best, explosive at worst (even though the love is there, will always be there), but as we all know by the end of the series Marius feels confident about them finally being able to have a conversation and Armand's heart being "open" to this happening. We never see said reunion/conversation but if said Reddit person interpreted all of this as them getting back together romantically (which again, I don't think it's even on the table for these two right at the end of the series, and realistically it's going to be a long road for them in terms of being able to have a healthy relationship) and THEN added Marius' situationship with both Pandora and Bianca... then I guess you have a poly relationship scenario, sort of? lmao it's the only way it kinda makes sense but even then they're reaching for the stars.
You're extremely right when you say that in terms of "endgame" couples (or as endgame as it can be under these circumstances), Louis/Lestat is the only ship that could be defined in those terms, given how explicitly their reunion/romantic interactions were made. It's said that Armand and Daniel reunited and Daniel ended up moving into TG to live with him but as far as we know, they could be living together as vampire pals (the mere thought of this is fucking hilarious tho imagine them going through all of that just to be roommates djshkjssk). Just like for all we know, the relationship between Louis and Armand might have been entirely platonic while they lived together at TG. Just co-parenting. Conscious uncoupling kings!
Anyhow who knew I had so many thoughts about this!!! xoxo a highly caffeinated DA ❤️
Yeah it's a huge reach lmao Like it says Armand's heart is open to a conversation with Marius and I personally read that as a conversation where they could attempt to heal the rift between them over Marius giving up on rescuing him from the cult/making Benji and Sybelle against his will. Not that it would be an instant 'getting back together' talk.
It's funny because I'm so so SO down bad for them in the Venice years in TVA/their reunion scene in QotD but I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't be more than platonic ever again. They've become such different people and tbh their original relationship was very physical, and it seemed like once the newness of Amadeo being a vampire wore off like...what did they have to talk about together? To me that's the real tragedy of their relationship.
Not that I'm against shipping it!! I mean I've read some good post-canon fic of them. But anyways I digress lol
But YEAH exactly Anne wrote it so that you could interpret any of these relationships minus Lestat/Louis any way you want at the end. Though lmao @ the idea of Armand having his exes living in his house like a bunch of divorced couples who refuse to move out and separate their lives. Conscious uncoupling indeed 🤣 Though probably still better than the inevitable shitshow that Auvergne will turn out to be, with dozens of polyamorous vampires with metric tons of baggage and strained relationships will be like-
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Picturing Daniel ending up like Alice in the L Word trying to chart out who is fucking who and who is broken up at any given time lmao He'll have to be sure to write this shit in dry erase marker because every three nights the lines will need swapped around. A mess!!
Bless Anne and her inability to have any of these vampires keep it in their pants (mouths? considering all the biting) I swear.
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thebimbopalace · 10 months
pls follow these rules and respect the boundaries on my blog ᡣ 𐭩
𝜗𝜚 first things first, thank you for taking the time to read my rules *mwah* not many people do that (considering the number of accounts i have blocked). let’s get to the nitty gritty !
1 ༉‧₊˚. | my blog is smut-centered, and will occasionally dabble in fluff and suggestive writings. with that being said, if you are a minor gtfo. if you do not have your age visible in your blog, gtfo. i obviously can't control if minors decide to read my works but, i can control it once you decide to interact. so, to save my time and yours, dni or else get blocked.
things that will also get you blocked
spam liking (4+)
hateful comments
2 ༉‧₊˚. | i like to think of my blog as my safe space on the internet. a place where i can write, share my ideas, and hopefully make a few friends. which means negativity will not be tolerated. i don't want any anons or people who have nothing better to do than tap on a keyboard to come onto my blog and spread negative energy. just dni or block me if you spew or have any hateful rhetoric.
onto the fun things !
𝜗𝜚 this blog centers around jjk. i have written for aot but, for now, that masterlist is on hold until i get the motivation to write for those characters.
3 ༉‧₊˚. | i only write for female readers. i, myself, am a woman, i'm basically writing what i know. for my works, i try to describe the reader in a way that leaves it up to interpretation so that all women (or those with female anatomy) feel included. but, if i choose to make the reader have any distinct features such as race/ethnicity, hair texture, body type, or even something as simple as height, it will be in the tags of that specific work. p.s. lowercase is intended in all my works.
𝜗𝜚 me being a uni student truly disrupts my life during the fall and spring. couple that with me being a slow writer, my works will be put out whenever they get put out. i do try to feed y'all as much as i can but i make no promises on when the shit will be put out.
𝜗𝜚 i truly do appreciate any type of interaction with my writings. reblogs and comments i hold dear because they give me motivation and, i'm not gonna lie, validation that you guys actually like what i put out. each time i post something, i tend to have that thought in my head telling me that it'll flop. and when y'all prove me wrong, it makes me want to continue (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
𝜗𝜚 when it comes to requests, currently they are closed. although they may open in the future. potentially, maybe, someday, they'll open (๑>؂•̀๑)
4 ༉‧₊˚. | while i am open to play around with a lot of things in my writing, there are certain things that are a hard no for me and my sanity. here are my yes's and my no's
yes | fem reader, praise kink, degradation kink, use of lubrication, oral fixations, spit play, impact play, oral sex, dbsm, overstim, squirting, age gap (reader will be 20+), au's (college, modern, etc.), edging, fingering, play w/ sex toys, protected sex, unprotected sex, choking kink, kissing, biting, licking, spanking (ass + thigh), pussy slapping, size difference, breeding, creampies, clitoral stimulation, exes to lovers + any of those cliché tropes, virgin reader, virgin character, manhandling + more to be added.
no | pregnant reader smut, lactation kink, male reader, aging up of underage characters (yuji, megumi), foot fetish, character x character, real people, blood play, knife play, gun play, piss kink, scat kink, age regressing, slut shaming, incest, stepcest, dubious consent, non-con, dark content, blackmailing, cherry chasing, pedophilia, stalking, any kind of violence, gore, self harm, race play + more to be added.
more info.
𝜗𝜚 my inbox is always open to mooties, who i call my fellow bimbos, and to any mystery lovers (anons), to anyone really. you guys can honestly talk to me about the most random shit. you babes can come in my inbox and tell me what you ate for breakfast or even that you drank a gallon of water and i'd send you a virtual kiss for staying hydrated. doesn't matter to me lovelies. ᡣ 𐭩
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please, enter the garden - masterlist ᡣ 𐭩
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haysprite · 1 year
question: what do you think frank and Julie's relationship is like?
Oh my goodness, okay, Anon, I hope you know I've spent the whole time mulling over this as I've tried to figure out how to put everything into words lmao. I have so much I wanna talk about with them, but I'm gonna try and limit myself here cause some shit just needs to be drawn instead. Once again, might be disorganized, but it's fine as long as I get the idea across haha. Also, disclaimer to everyone, pls remember THIS IS JUST MY OPINION AND INTERPRETATION ! I'm workin with what we got so far, and while I'm excited to see what the comic will bring in terms of these two, this is what I personally believe at this current moment in time lmao. Alrighty, with that outta the way, let's dive in.
First things first, I just wanna get it out that I believe they are a fucking POWER couple. These two are able to read each other like an open book due to how close they are. They tell each other everything, know each other's boundaries super well (as well as respect them), and are honestly pretty inseparable. It would take a LOT to break them apart. They get in fights, ofc, like any young couple, but they always make up in the end cause they don't like being mad at each other and can't stand being apart.
It didn't take them long to grow close after they first met! They hit it off really well from the beginning, but I wouldn't say it was a love at first sight kinda thing? More like, besties at first sight (seeing as how Julie was immediately intrigued by Frank), and then fall in love later cause of how close they become. I feel like after the first party that Frank showed up to, that's just how they'd spend every one of Julie's parties together. They'd join in on the fun at first, but then sneak away to just be alone.
They love to spend hours talking to each other, just the two of them discussing whatever topic comes to mind first. They'll take long walks together, or stay up all night just holding each other, never wanting to let go. Some nights they'll go wreck havoc together, with or without Joey and Susie, feeling like they're unstoppable when with the other.
You can't convince me that they don't show a lot of PDA either lmaoo. Hand holding, kissing, cuddling, you name it! They want everyone to know that they're together, and that their partner is THEIR'S. Julie loves to sit on Frank's lap a lot and get piggy back rides from him. She just loves to be held in his arms, feeling safe and protected by him. They fall asleep together a lot, and sometimes Julie will wake up being suffocated by Frank cause he's holding her super tightly.
When it came to them actually admitting their feelings toward one another, I feel like it honestly came pretty naturally. There wasn't any big confession scene or whatever, they just kinda realized they liked each other due to their constant "friendly" flirting, kissed, and then moved forward from there lmao. I will say tho, before this happened, Julie was constantly talking to Susie, asking her whether or not she thought Frank liked her. Susie had to stifle a laugh every damn time cause she thought it was pretty obvious, but she's not one to speak cause of her and Joey. Frank, on the other hand, never said a damn thing to Joey, but Joey knew. He could sense it. Also Joey and Susie probably made bets on who would confess first let's be reallll.
Friendly bickering/bullying would play a huge part in their relationship as well. They'd both bug each other by doing harmless stuff that they knew the other would get annoyed or pissy about. They would never take it too far, though, since they never wanted to actually hurt the other. They just wanted to have fun and be silly. Lotta fun pranks and all that jazz. Most of the time they'd cause shit together on other people, though. One of their favorite pass times is probably seeing who could steal the most valuable shit in a short amount of time from shops or houses, just a little game they'd play. Neither of them would try too hard to impress each other as well.
In, short, they fucking love each other. Frank and Julie are each other's ride or die, and they would never do anything to hurt the other. They cause a lot of mayhem, and overall enjoy each other's company. They're in love and you can't convince me otherwise. Thank you for coming to my DBD Talk 🤭💞
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mebiselfandi · 3 months
Hi! Just read your fic about jude trent and virgil and OMG this is too hot I can’t handle it. I’m too shy to post a comment on ao3, but the fic is so beautifully written with all the sexual tension between them I have to let you know.
I love the part where jude is completely topping other people but willing to give a head for Trent and Trent only. The dynamic between these two is always interesting, I would say for me it’s more like a top Jude bottom Trent vibe but somehow sometimes I can also feel the softness in Jude and some subtle manipulation in Trent, and your fic perfectly describes that bit.
Virgil is absolutely taking control here. He’s definitely too hot, like I could even hear his voice saying the lines in the fic, so in character. The subtle controlling/captaincy is built in him with softness as well, that balance plays so well and poor Jude being eagerly wanting to impress him. Love love love love love the golden boy name calling, and Jude being like a teenager trying to prove himself, so cute.
Thinking about Trent and Virgil talking about Jude when he’s not around, either about sexual life or just as a friend or a fellow footballer, is just too much. Would love to know what they say and how Virgil reacted when he first heard about Jude and Trent were messing with each other.
Well, you definitely have done the job getting me thinking about this ship. Really looking forward to a part 2! Please please please im begging. 🥹
Thank you again for the perfect fic, and feel free to share this comment or not :)
The fic in question
Hi anon!😭🫶
Your comment was actually the first one I saw cause I logged onto my tumblr before my ao3 history morning and it blew my half awake mind. I think I read it like 10k times. It’s the sweetest thing ever pls
Yes I know most people make Jude the top and Trent the bottom but I intentionally kept the vibes a little vague on purpose so you couldn’t really tell who was what. So everyone has a different interpretation of the fic it’s cool to see. But I definitely wanted to kind of make Jude more ‘realistic’. Like he’s 20 I feel he’d want to ‘prove’ himself in a sense. I thought someone would call me out on the golden boy cause that only happened in December so I put the inaccurate timeline warning cause I wanted to keep the line so bad. I’m so glad you picked up on it too🥰
Also Virgil’s reaction to finding out about Trent and Jude would make for an interesting ficlet🤔🤔 I do plan on writing a part 2 for them if everything goes my way this week but idk how I’d fit it into the fic but I’d definitely try.
Anyway thank you for coming here even though you were feeling shy about commenting on the fic, it was such a sweet gesture really. Going out of your way like this just to let me know your thoughts. I loved loved loved your comment, absolutely adored it and I’m gonna read it forever. Amazing thank you so much you’re wonderful and I wish you so much luck and joy in your life😭😭❤️❤️❤️
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knackfandomarchive · 3 months
i am too cowardly to post this non-anonymously but like. knack x ryder. pls tell me im not crazy,,,,,, talking abt the first game bc in the second it kinda leans more into knack considering ryder as an authority figure which is a Weird and Gross dynamic for a romantic relationship but hfhdhdudhdhsvxieoahdsh im going insane i hope you don't mind me dumping this into ur asks,,,,,,,,,,,,, if it makes you uncomfortable feel free to delete this lol
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I'm going to repeat the question, in part to heckle you [D;< but also because it took me a couple tries to understand.
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I like to think I'm funny.
Well, I took a look at a compilation video for the first game, and I'll refrain from a play-by-play this time.... I'm not really seeing the cherry blossoms...
The parts where Knack picks on Ryder could *maybe* be something like Knack not knowing what to do with his feelings? Ryder seeking Knack's opinion/approval on his cleverness. Later Ryder fumbles after Knack praises him, so it could be that Ryder was flustered?
I was surprised at how infrequently they look at one another throughout the game. Do they even know each other?
I haven't looked at the second game and my recall ability is poor, plus I'm experiencing technical difficulties.
The main thing for keeping things consensual is for all involved parties to be able to say no to things, without fear of repercussions.
I hope I didn't roast you too hard, Anon. I deal with a similar thing, always worrying about if my interpretations are canon or plausible and sometimes making polls or asking other people about it. But we all get something different out of it, and my dad tells me not to worry and just make my art.
I have my interpretations and opinions, but I'm not going to force other people to have the same. I'm here for you guys and I have seen various interpretations that are all cool and fun! So, do as you like, and let me know how to tag it [D:)
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calzonekestis · 2 years
I'm sorry you're getting anon hate for defending Grace, some people really love to waste their time Karen-ing on tumblr dot com 😐 I thought it might cheer you up to see something positive in your inbox so, I hope you have a lovely day/evening!
It’s sad and pathetic, but I don’t let it get to me. I turned anons off when they first started like back before Vol. 2 dropped, and I was Thinking it might be time to turn them on again but. Lmao.
People just legit have nothing better to do with their time, apparently. I’m so sorry to see that you’ve been dealing with more hate as well, which - ok, absolutely no one deserves that sort of crap, but pls know/don’t forget that there are tons of people who love seeing you on their dash and you bring them joy.
I absolutely love seeing the positivity and passion you have, and like with fix - you take the time to write it and share it and people like it and respond to it. That’s good, lovely, productive fandom. That’s fandom done right. More people should look to you as an example fwiw~
And like, ok, here’s an example; I’m someone who isn’t letting myself buy into the Kas theory personally. I don’t want to be disappointed if he doesn’t come back, and as sad as it would be if his end was truly the end… I’ve personally made peace with it/am ok with it. I would be mildly disappointed if the theory came true bc it wouldn’t really be Eddie for much of it. Like I’d love it for Joe, and him having a job lol, but it’d just be excruciating to watch if he wasn’t the character we loved for much of it…and if he ended up just dying again at the end… I’d be a wreck. Again. But that’s just me!
All that to say! I’m not big on such theories, and yet… I still love your blog? I don’t see it as “grr they have Different Opinions!” I see it as “an Eddie friend! That means Friend!“
Like. It’s that easy? People can enjoy the things they things mutually… mutually, and when the tastes diverge, just. Leave each other to it? No one’s hurting anyone, they’re having fun, why be a dick?
Like, despite not being big on the theory - I love seeing your speculations, and you and your mutuals going over his reactions in various interviews?
Like. Again, this should be an obvious thing to people and idk why it’s not - you don’t have to be on board with every single thing. Every Want for a character, every interpretation, every ship.
That does not make you My Enemy, and I (hope you know lol) nor does it make either of us “less of” a fan which. Again, is a bs way of going about fandom.
Taking ownership and gatekeeping from other fans. I used to be like that with the Marvel fandom like a decade back. I was a seventeen year old white boy who thought he was straight (lol) and didn’t know what to make of his Comfort thing becoming popular. I got over myself, grew the fuck up, and gained some perspective. I hope that the antis can do the same.
Like, yes, it’s annoying when a character you like is mischaracterized - but like. Just unfollow and move on, if it bothers you that much? And like I’m the case of Joe - when it’s the actor telling you how he went about his craft - what he had in his head and and how he played it… you’re gonna sit there and tell him he’s wrong?
It’s. Ridiculous. Or it would be, if it hadn’t gotten to this point.
There’s no reason to send a person hate, be they a fan or actor. For what purpose? To tell them that they’re wrong and stupid and don’t get a character like they do? Because you don’t they should enjoy a thing, because things can only be enjoyed in the way you yourself enjoy them? That makes things… very boring.
And if you’re so threatened by a person enjoying a thing, why is that?
And why do you feel the urge to try and make them feel bad about themselves, and get them to Go Away?
It all says more about them than it does us.
This has been a whole long tangent, for which I apologize, but. Thank you for the kind words, and right back at you.
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seawherethesunsets · 1 year
Hi again!
I think that person who made a request also meant a gifset about while woo joo is talking with ms. baek, she recalls dong jin being cold to her and she says to her that she doesn't want to do this anymore. Like... "I don't want to be exposed to this coldness"
This is my interpretation tho. As I told earlier, she was confused at that time. So one time she was pushing him, another time she was getting hurt/sad by being away from him. (Again, that's what interpreted. And I felt pretty sad about it so I still remember it vividly haha)
ALSO! Thanks for still uploading new gifsets about call it love and making the tag alive again.
*I'm sorry in advance if the person didn't mean that.
you're right, I skipped through that convo while finding for the scene to gif cos I was so focused on dongjin cold shoulder + bus stop scene hahaha. but you're probably right, and @ anon who requested it, if this is what you meant, pls let me know and I can make the other set with this interpretation.
thank you friend for another insight on this, you are right, that was a time of confusion for woojoo and dongjin mirroring her distance (only to feel bad abt it later lol)
I have a song I saved the lyrics for, that kinda match their dynamics so probably will work on a set for them again soon!
hope you have a lovely day too <3333
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antiiva · 4 years
Thoughts on Pjo x hq crossover with Seijoh third years!!
OOH hell yeah anon, pjo used to be my SHIT-- okok some musings (lol) about who their heavenly parent would be
oikawa: ah, oikawa. he’s proud and loyal and trusting, upon being petty and a little sneering toward those he considers adversaries. his sort of childish nature set me back a bit, but come on. the man is a perfect representation of nike
iwaizumi: iwa is more difficult in my eyes bc yes he has a gruff exterior, but he’s shown to be dedicated to those around him and emotional, proud of what he accomplishes but also exceedingly hard on himself (which makes him similar to oiks in that respect, but oikawa’s self-doubt manifests in wrath and his manifests in melancholy). i think his parent would be apollo, which pays tribute to his athleticism and that *chefs kiss* beautiful sun tan
hanamaki: this one is easy for me. makki is communicative, multi-faceted, and a little mischievous, which definitely puts him as a hermes baby for me. plus, hermes is often associated with athletics which fits the bill
matsukawa: mattsun was more difficult than makki for a couple reasons-- he’s shown to have a similarly teasing side, but in general is more reserved, a little calmer, though just as observant and helpful as the other third years. i think sticking with the communicative theme helped me put him as a child of morpheus, and i think this deity being the least known of these three is pretty consistent with mattsun being the quietest of this bunch
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actualbird · 2 years
Vyntem... thoughts?
hi anon!!! pls kno that this ask's wording made me laugh cuz it felt like this
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but yes, some THOUGHTS cuz ive been thinking about them lately
assorted vyn/artem thoughts
wc: 1k
zero awareness on how their relationship is progressing
one reason, among many, that i love vyntem is cuz both of them see their relationship development as the "enemies to friends to lovers" trope which is True.
but vyn thinks theyre in the enemies stage for far too long even once him and artem are already hanging out doing groceries together. vyn appreciates artem's input on quality ingredients and which ones go good together. vyn, of course, Knows Food Well. but the selection at stellis groceries is still not what he grew up being familiar with, so he still has to have trial and error periods. but vYN? EXPERIENCING ERROR?? HE'D RATHER SET HIMSELF ON FIRE. so he and artem start doing groceries together, but it's Not because theyre friends. it's a mutually beneficial relationship because vyn gets to acquire more grocery savvy knowledge and also he gets to see how artem's mind Works (in....grocery aisles.....) which is important for......reasons....like getting the upper hand, on artem, of course. like, vyn and artem will already be firmly in the Friends territory of the trope and vyn is still 100% certain they are Enemies
artem, on the other hand, will think theyre in the Friends portion even after he and vyn have kissed and start going on legitimate dates. this is how friendship works, sometimes, right? it's just...friend things, right?
it's excruciating all around
cooking setup
let's go back to cooking: one would think that vyn and artem in the kitchen is an unbeatable culinary powerhouse of deliciousness, yea? theyre both Really Good Cooks. but their skill is negated by the fact that when theyre in close proximity of each other, neither of them can resist passive aggressive micromanaging comments about the other's process
this starts out when theyre still (actually) in the enemies phase but then once they start getting more comfy with each other, they both start doing it as their way of helping
but end up backseat driving, just in the kitchen KJBKSJBKGSD. so they cant be cooking at the same time in the same place.
artem takes breakfast duty (and packing up leftovers for lunch) cuz vyn is either still dead asleep in bed or, if he does wake up, is too groggy to give input, he just wants food and morning tea. vyn takes dinner duty cuz by that point, artem is either still working like a madman on his tablet or hes exhausted and zoned out on a nearby couch.
vyn and artem tumble into domesticity, completely unaware that theyve begun acting like an old married couple---
Are They Exes?
like, listen. vyn and artem give me the same vibes as redd and tom nook from animal crossing. in the sense that like, everything about them makes sense if you assume theyre exes
THEY ALREADY ACT LIKE IT IN CANON KAJFBSJ, but thats jus me putting on my shipper goggles. my ideal situation is that theyre not exes but Everybody Else Thinks They Are. thus resulting in the hilarity of like, other ppl interpreting their slow "enemies to friends to lovers" development as "oh my god theyre making amends and starting anew with a relationship stronger than ever!"
luke, misinterpreting everything so much: im really glad you and artem are patching things up vyn: hm? luke: i mean, i dunno how you two split the first time and thats! none of my business! but it's super obvious things are getting better and i hope that whatever happens, both of you will be happy :') vyn: what on earth are you talking about? nevermind. i have to go now, artem and i are going to the farmer's market luke: :'D vyn: yes, i will be using the excursion to get a better vantage point on the inner workings of his mind luke: and his heart :'D? vyn: what??
both of them leave this conversation confused but thats okay, vyn and artem still go to the farmer's market and debate about gourds.
so vyn and artem's parents live in the same neighborhood
vyn and artem's parents are canonically implied to live in the same neighborhood (see: Big Data Lab entry for Hemingway Heights, IT'S REAL, IT'S THE BEST) and ive taken this to mean "oh hell yea, mrs. kimberly an garner is VYN'S NEIGHBOR" leads me to this mental image scenario
vyn and kim somehow meet at a homeowner's association meeting. neither of them want to be there, they both think it's dumb, but they both have to go cuz, idk, they were Politeness Manipulated by surburban moms that if they dont go, theyre basically Ex-Communicated From The Hemingway Heights Community <3
anyway, they meet there and become friends cuz they both recognize their energy of Not Wanting To Be There, also theyre both smart and sharp, and both of them appreciate that in people. anyway, kim thinks vyn is a strapping young lad and starts telling him about her son whos been single for 30 DAMN YEARS!!!!
vyn, who does not know kim's son is artem because she doesnt have the last name "wing": maybe he is not looking for a relationship kim, so worried about her bitchless son: well, im looking for him. anyway, are you interested in a blind date with him? vyn, Not Interested, because hes already in the slowburn process of courting artem: apologies, but no.... kim, Not Interested in Vyn's Disinterest cuz she loves artem and also has no idea the person vyn is turning artem down for is ALSO ARTEM: GIVE IT A SHOT, PLS, MY SON IS ADEQUATE
anyway, this trainwreck leads to vyn hyping up the person hes courting and kim affectionately going "psssshhh, my son is better" totally unaware theyre talking about the same person
somehow this leads to vyn introducing artem to artem's own damn mother at a dinner.
kim is delighted, vyn is mortified cuz he hyped artem up to HIS MOM, and artem is just lost
those r my thoughts for now! hope u enjoy HAHA
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pynkhues · 2 years
pls feel free to ignore this if it’s too nsfw/too much. but i love your takes on roman’s sexual issues and something that’s always stuck w me is his discomfort w tabitha’s arousal. when they have phone sex he complains that she’s being too specific when she says she’s wet, says that her turned on voice is annoying and specifically doesn’t want her to be wet when they actually have sex in tern haven. do you have any thoughts on what it is about the idea of tabitha being aroused that bothers him? is it a physical thing (like it grosses him out) or a power thing (bc it’s more taboo if she’s not into it/it’s more ambiguous) or is it just something about tabitha specifically? really enjoy ur succession posts and would love to hear any thoughts ur willing to share
Thank you, anon! It's such an interesting area to talk about as it's both such a pivotal character area on the show while also feeling like a narrative thread that's still so ambiguous and left open for interpretation.
I think all of the things you identified - the physicality and the power and Tabitha specifically - definitely came into play with him reacting so viscerally to Tabitha being turned on, but I also think a big factor in it is that Roman's uncomfortable with intimacy and vulnerability.
This is such a weird thing to compare it to, because I don't think sexuality has any part in this particular exchange, but I think a lot about Roman's tangle of emotions when Shiv called him a superstar in 2.01. I think what that scene showed was that Roman wants the space to be intimate and vulnerable with people, but is terrified of opening himself up to being made fun of or put down. In that scene, Shiv gave him exactly what he wanted, but it was also framed in a way where there was this element of mockery to it.
I tend to read the phone sex scene with Tabitha as Roman projecting and setting himself up for that. What Tabitha was doing in that moment was inviting Roman into a space to participate in something with her, and to talk to her in a way that would require honesty, vulnerability and intimacy as relative equals, and I don't think Roman knew what to do with that, so he defaulted to a shutdown and to insulting her before she could insult him.
It makes for an interesting comparison between him and Gerri, because I think one of the reasons Roman can get off with her is that she never asks him to be emotionally vulnerable, she takes the reigns but he also ultimately has the power. As a board member, he's her boss, even when she's acting CEO, and that actually gives Roman a huge degree of security in everything that happens between them, as we saw play out a little in 3.08.
Gerri doesn't ask for honesty or intimacy, and it's that that lets Roman pursue her so fully and engage with her sexually. Do I think Roman has real feelings for Gerri? Yeah, I do, but feelings, vulnerability and companionship aren't in the terms of the relationship in the way they are with Roman and Tabitha.
By being totally outside of and unrelated to the company, Tabitha's ultimately outside of Roman's sphere of influence, and I think that scares the shit out of him, because it ultimately means she's something real outside of the game. It means entering into a vulnerable space with her with something he feels vulnerable participating in (i.e. sex) makes him a real person, in the real world, with real issues and real feelings, makes them a real couple, and it gives her the power to use those things or hurt him, and I think it's that perfect cocktail of mess that really fuels Roman's inability to participate in anything sexual with her.
He doesn't know how to be real anymore, so making games of real feelings like he does with Gerri, is the only way he knows how to function.
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wolvenjay · 3 years
Hello um yes actually we do want to hear you info dump on the Davy Jones/Calypso scene in AWE pls
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All righty, anon, let's finally talk about something that nobody else will likely care about! I’ll start with clearing up what we do know of their timeline real quick, cause it’s relevant. A good chunk comes scattered through the movie, and there’s also a retelling in the game adaptation (apparently.)
I lowkey forgot I had an inbox because this is so fucking old.
I’ll pepper in some interpretation and speculation here and there too.
So some time in the past (which can be debated because of historical inaccuracies and such, I like to think at least over a century despite ship details being wrong) Calypso and Jones meet, and eventually fall for each other.
Calypso gives the Dutchman to Jones, and the job to ferry lost souls. He agrees (and makes a promise that we know only vague context for) to step on land for one day after ten years of doing this job.
Fast forward ten years, Jones waits on his free day for Calypso, but she doesn’t appear to him. It is unfortunately her nature to be flighty. Also the game says he would no longer be the Dutchman’s captain if “the love was returned,” meaning if Calypso appeared, he wouldn’t be a cursed immortal. I’ll get back to that, sit down.
Jones, understandably pissed off (no matter the chance of freedom mentioned above) goes to the BC and tells 'em how to get back at Calypso.
She’s now in human form, and Jones is overcome with grief and regret at this point that he cuts out his heart and locks it on Isla Cruces, likely to keep it from his crew as well as far away from him.
He continues to be miserable, stops doing his job, and starts purposely killing people and generally being an ass. That is why he’s a mutated monster. He brought that upon himself.
Cool, we’re caught up, now I can ramble about one 3 minute 40 second clip for a niche couple that maybe ten other people out there care about to the same degree I do right now.
First thing is that music box, oh babey, that fockin music box. The matching lockets are such a nice little detail that’s mostly in the background. The first time you see either is in Tia Dalma’s shack, and they are sorta just a peculiar detail in the background. It’s only pointed out directly (iirc) four times, once in DMC when Will takes the key, when Jones holds it earlier in AWE, when she talks about him to Pintel and Ragetti, and here. (EDIT: Will takes notice of Calypso's earlier in AWE and makes the connection there) Seeing her obviously missing Jones is just a really tragic setup to the scene, and just think about how much she has thought about him since being imprisoned.
Then Jones being the dramatic ass he is comes with his own. I can easily picture his thought process as the scene starts and before he makes himself known. He's pissed about being abandoned, and he has just the right amount of drama in him to pull this absolute goofery. Just fuckin imagine him timing it while he’s standing in the shadows, and then comes out all spooky music box silhouette.
The absolute funniest screenshot in the trilogy:
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Just the idea of anyone (even Calypso) calling Jones a pet name is just so damn funny to me. Ah yes, mass murderer octoman, my beloved.
Ah, and then Calypso’s slight moment of hope, and Jones's reaction to that. Can we just talk about his face when he says “You were expecting me?” It’s kinda hard to see cause he’s still in the shadows, but he sorta flinches and squints. He even looks sad for a moment. Keep in mind that it has been potentially centuries since they have directly interacted, so he is honestly surprised she even thinks of him at all, let alone kindly. For a moment, his frustration is eased by bewilderment, and it’s so subtle I love it.
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Then Calypso says “It has been torture, trapped in this single form… cut off from all that I love, from you.” And I can immediately hear Jones think “Oh, you want to talk about torture and separation? I’ll tell you about torture and separation.”
“Ten years I devoted to the duty you charged me. Ten years I looked after those who died at sea. And finally, when we could be together again, you weren’t there. Why weren’t you there?” FUCK. Where to start? Ok, I’ll keep it short: The way he slowly walks up, JUST, that line read, damn, especially at “why weren’t you there” How he slams the locket shut before it can finish, Dude, you can tell he has wanted to say this for years. Calypso’s sudden change in expression too, and her glance away like ‘oh shit, yeah, you’re really MAD’ And no matter how the curse works, it's really devastating. Either he was always meant to be immortal and Calypso never came on what was basically a once a decade lunch break, or he had the opportunity to have the rest of his life free and Calypso still didn't come. You can choose what sounds more devastating.
The way Calypso shakes her head and admits she has no good or at least easy answer for him and his taken aback reaction like “BITCH WTF”
The way he looks away and says he doesn’t love her like he’s pouting. I’m sure he thought this would go down much differently, that he would kill her and be done with it, but instead he’s getting called out by his GF.
The way he turns and looks like a guilty puppy when she calls him out.
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This scene breaks my heart a lot here just because of his reaction and some added context, speculated or canon. I used to think nothing of it, and still like to joke that he’s gasping because he can finally breathe properly, but it’s depressing when you think of it with a serious angle. It’s like all the weight is torn off him, like he actually has his heart again. He looks and sounds like he’s about to just collapse from the physical and emotional shock of being normal again. And his sigh when she holds him, fuck. This is the closest he’s been to freedom except for when he dies.
Also notice how he holds his left hand out, using his middle finger and thumb as if he’s forgotten how it felt to not have a claw for an arm. Just another sad but awesome detail that wasn’t necessary. Also can we appreciate the music here, please and thank you.
When Calypso lets go and he returns to being cursed, that urgency in his face when he grabs her in an attempt to kill her. Reminder that she doesn’t know he betrayed her, or at least isn’t confirming it to the audience. His face softens again when he lets her go. Honestly I do love how expressive Nighy is, not in just this scene.
Of course the comedic moment when he can’t pull his claw out of the cell. Jones’s plan really has gone completely wrong at this point.
His tough act while changing the topic to The Brethren Court is great. You can tell he’s changed his mind at this point about killing her, but is too stubborn to admit it… yet.
Calypso gettin MAD. Also when she says “-how cruel I can be.” Jones kinda smiles before sighing, like a little “yup, been there”
Then she asks him what he’ll do and with the softest tone, “My heart will always belong to you.” And Calypso’s face when he leaves, hnnnnn. I love this ocean goddess and her grumpy Scottish husband.
Anyway, thanks for letting me talk about something nobody cares about, with very little substantial commentary. Imma go shuffle through my WIPs now and see about posting some art, ok bye.
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sokkagatekeeper · 2 years
mx sokkagatekeeper i need your help
my best friends doesn’t really see zuko gay and i don’t know how to analyse this to her (we often analyse text and share opinions) because i’m not good with words. i know his homosexuality is in the text and i’ve always seen him as gay so to me it’s actually canon
i don’t want to impose my opinion but i don’t seem to explain it like the topic deserves.
pls help me
i apologize for the delay on answering this ask!! i wanted to gather the most analysis i could in one post (and also had to eventually come to terms with the fact that i can’t gather literally all the evidence in one post; there is simply too much) since ppl are always like “where’s the essay?” well here. here is the essay, and you (your friend?) gave me the perfect excuse to do so without seeming more obnoxious than usual. so! i wrote a little thing that didn’t go as in-depth as it could go but is clear enough here, and i also dance a little around the subject of zuko and his problem with gender expectations here. i will probably copy-paste the entire paragraph that’s relevant to this analysis later so you don’t have to read it but. it’s a good post imo. anyway!!
before i begin i just want to say that (despite my url) this is not to #gatekeep or whatever. but tumblr does love to talk about how no atla character's sexuality is confirmed, and how claiming that zuko is bisexual or any other variation is not homophobic, and how zuko was written as being attracted to women on-screen. and they are right, in a way; reading zuko as bisexual is not homophobic... but merely, in my opinion, incorrect. and, on the flip side, making an analysis on why zuko is gay is also not inherently biphobic. and one can assume that i'm unlikely to make a biphobic analysis since i am. a bisexual person.
another note: i don’t think anybody who reads zuko as gay is delusional enough to genuinely believe the creators intended to code him as queer, when the author’s interpretation contradicts and/or takes away from the quality of the text, authorial intent is not that relevant to the best possible reading of it. in my opinion of course!
now. to make a queer reading of a character (and i mean reading of the text, which is not the same as a headcanon) one may take into account: what the themes the character portrays are; what their character arc is about; allegories; character development; struggles; stakes and expectations from the society they live in; as well as other pieces of dialogue or details and allegories that are reminiscent of the queer experience. in this post, i will try to gather a bunch of all these aspects of the narratives, themes, etc etc in an attempt to open the anon's friend's eyes to the revelation that is the gay zuko agenda.
also, like with all interpretations, this is not exactly me trying to “prove” that zuko is gay. he isn't gay; he's fictional. rather, i am explaining why i find this interpretation of his sexuality to be far more compelling than any other.
zuko’s coming out arc.
zuko’s arc has several layers. the two main that i can pinpoint are him unlearning the fire nation's imperialist values, and learning that the abuse he suffered was just that, abuse. that it was wrong. but as is often seen in the themes atla presents, what often presents to be two different things have an aspect of unity, that they depend on each other in order to exist. these two aspects of zuko’s redemption accompany each other throughout. the reason why zuko (and azula) was abused in the first place is because of the fire nation’s imperialism; the degree of the abuse zuko suffered and the things he was punished for are a direct effect of the fire nation’s patriarchal society and its constrictions regarding gender. ozai wasn't just any evil father, he was the embodiment of the entire fire nation and its fucked-up values.
zuko is kicked out of his home, mostly for being compassionate, and for letting his compassion take charge of him rather than respecting the piece of etiquette that he was not allowed to speak in the war room. the fire nation is known to be against what it deems as weak, which happens to be anything that has to do with empathy and compassion, sensitivity and gentleness—anything that fits their idea of femininity. zuko is known to present these qualities the fire nation perceives as feminine and weak (especially in comparison to azula), and his father has little trouble sending him away in order to favor his stronger, smarter, ruthless, masculine, “flawless” daughter. zuko is taken by his uncle whom his father is ashamed of, spending years chasing the unattainable idea of finding the avatar and regaining his honor, while he develops a tendency to overperform aggressiveness (zuko’s trauma in itself makes him defensive, not inherently aggressive), and trying to suppress every possible weakness he may have to the rest of the world and himself.
so, in that sense, zuko's redemption arc is not just about him going from bad to good, but it is also about overcoming, unlearning, and un-internalizing homophobia (& misogyny) and all the expectations and constraints that surround masculinity. it's about achieving liberation from his homophobic abusive homelife and finding acceptance in a group of people who accept him for what he is (with his compassion and kindness and emotional expressiveness... and also for being gay). it's about achieving also self-realization and forgiveness. all of this reads as a coming-out narrative thru unintentional allegories all around. zuko's character arc is not explicitly about being gay, but its themes make it so that it can be read as a queer story, and in my opinion, it achieves a greater emotional impact if it is read as such.
zuko’s gender problems. (may or may not copied this from one of the posts i’ve made before lol i just wanted to have it all in one place <3 ok keep reading now)
despite all the suffering and abuse he endured, zuko grew up shaped by the privileges surrounding royalty and the upper class in general. his arc is about humbling him and understand the value in the lives of the poor and marginalized as much as it is about his very own self-realization and asserting he was wronged and treated unfairly by his family over and over. zuko comes from a place of privilege, but he is still highly empathetic and has a certain ease at unlearning his privilege (more ease than azula at least) once he is exposed to the world in its entirety rather than the blatant lies that were presented to him by the fire nation that he had no way of disproving. zuko is compassionate and empathetic despite being stubborn as hell because while growing up in privilege he still experienced certain marginalizations because of his blatant learning disabilities, and his gender presentation.
the fire nation’s society is ruled by militarism, imperialism, and patriarchy. it values what are considered masculine traits and qualities (leadership, cold-thinking, self-control yet ruthlessness, strategy, emotional suppressing) above humanity, identity, personhood and femininity. the fact that the actual societies in real life that inspired the fire nation may not hold the same values is very likely, since this is a very western perspective, but this is what appears in the text, and the way it’s meant to be read.
so shown as a child and heavily hinted at throughout the show, zuko is deeply, loudly feminine in a way that other people can blatantly see and judge him based on it. his self-realization involves breaking free of this pressure he has on his back to be “more of a man” than his personality allows him to. he overperforms a lot of his aggressiveness – the part of it that isn’t born out of his rage, that is – and he lets his anger flow. he is certainly masculine in a fair amount of aspects, but many of his core traits are (in western society, yes, and within the show) associated with femininity, such as emotional expressiveness, empathy and compassion, gentleness, and kindness. femininity is perceived as weak, and zuko is therefore perceived as weak for displaying these traits from an early age and especially in contrast to azula, who by contrast displays many of the “masculine” traits mentioned above (albeit the feminine qualities she chooses to display is what makes her perfectionism — she can be feminine, but in a masculine way, it’s messy and it leads her to a mental breakdown we all know this part).
zuko doesn’t fit at all into the ideal of cold, detached version of masculinity that the fire nation preaches, which is what deteriorated his self-esteem and drove him to overperform his traditionally masculine traits out of desperation such as his commanding stance or getting really good at fighting people, or even as small as being stiff as hell when he wants to show vulnerability or show affection even towards his uncle. he did all of this in order to try and fit better into the mold of the man people told him he should be. but no matter how hard zuko worked to repress that core, fundamental part of himself over the course of the series, he was never able to stick to a cold, ruthless, detached mindset, or stick to the constrictions of masculinity like he is expected to as a prince and as a man. he’s always intentionally and unintentionally working towards being better, and struggles to suppress the softer parts of him constantly.
zuko’s relationship with mai (also known as ‘mai is a lesbian’).
it is no secret that zuko and mai’s relationship is a dysfunctional one. on the surface this is because of zuko’s inability (or lack of will, who’s to say) to understand mai as a person with feelings and thoughts and a life rather than a girlfriend. and while this is true, it is also true that mai was not able to be the person zuko needed at that particular moment in his life, as a girlfriend, friend or otherwise. they both feel trapped, restricted, and misunderstood by the respective expectations placed on them, by their families and the structure of the systematic power they later choose to go against, and the threats that will follow through if they don’t fulfill these expectations. they also project the worst parts of their respective struggles with the power structure of society on each other. their relationship throughout book three rings very true and up until they get back together for some reason.
regarding zuko’s character specifically, his inability to see mai as anything other than “girlfriend” rather than a person comes from the prospect of the term “girlfriend” is part of the oppression he faces back at the fire nation, rather than mai being a constricting and oppressive person herself (which she is not). their relationship to me reads very much like a lavender marriage, as this post very well puts it.
other miscellaneous gay shit <3
there are a lot of little gay moments that zuko has throughout the show. for example, he never cares when pretty girls are attracted to him or flirting with him, including jin and ty lee. his reaction to learning that sokka has a girlfriend is also. interesting. and of course, his reaction to being set up with mai when they were children is to scream “girls are crazy!”. hmm
the blue spirit is a gay thing like, thematically.
so uh. qed. zuko gay!
my (nour) personal favorite Zuko Moment is in the firebending masters when he stands and watches the rainbow fire surround him and he says, very softly and with feeling, ‘i understand’ which is where our beloved i understand tag comes from. as this post very well explains its significance, “(...) zuko has lived his whole life associating firebending with rage and power and violence, so when he lets go of rage and power and violence, he loses his ability to firebend. and this cannot be separated from the fire nation's (and therefore zuko's) views on masculinity; in the fire nation, fire bending is masculinity is aggression, and part of why zuko cared so much about being a powerful firebender is to prove that he was enough of a man. so, learning the sun warriors' form of firebending, which is based in warmth and love, also allows zuko (who is NOT STRAIGHT) to redefine his masculinity. (plus...... yknow.... the fire is rainbow..........)”
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