#anons for zephyr!
mxsinizter · 1 year
would you feel comfortable explaining your own experience of aegosexuality?
cogs are turning in my head thanks to your ifrit/mountain fic because i actually used to identify as autochoris/aego but kind of.. scrapped the possibility once i discovered that i had a sex drive? because in my head ace people couldn't have sex drives (which, i know now, is entirely not the case) my point is; the way you wrote mountain and his shame afterwards, (as well as the definition of aegosexual on the sexuality wiki) resonates with me quite a bit. but i'm struggling to pinpoint if it's an asexuality thing or maybe something else, and i was hoping that an insight into someone's personal thoughts or experiences might help?
if you're not comfortable sharing, that's completely fine too, of course!!! i know how personal some of this stuff can get! and i'm so sorry for this paragraph of an ask, haha :')
HII! YES OF COURSEE! I'll gladly share if it can help :] no need to apologize
(This is a very long response oops, I hope I answered your questions? I am open to answering any more tho <3)
First off, yea, sex drive doesn't define it. I experience times of a very high libido myself, so that shouldn't be reason to scrap ace identities! Especially with autochoris/aego, many of us deal with a sex drive that is not on the low side. The shame part, especially for me can be tied to that! Listening to urges and 'fulfilling' them don't always end... happily for me. It brings a discomfort when it hits me that yea, my arousal made me do that, made me think that, and made me cross that boundary that kept me disconnected from it, something I found fun in theory. (you mentioned 'or something else'... for me that something else is occasionally my own insecurity or bottom dysphoria, so I get that, but I personally am sure that many of the times it mainly stems from being aego.)
With the way I wrote Mountain and that shame.. was a sort of build up of 'oh, would you look at that, my dick finds this very arousing' to 'okay, I find this very arousing' and going into a mental state where the situation is acceptable and something he wants to gain pleasure from. Then with the parts where his imagination wants to run wild, its like him wanting to gain control of what's going on and have fun with it and sort of blind himself from the fact that he was openly jerking off to it lol. (That's why I gave little details of what he was doing there and focused on the show Ifrit was putting on instead and his pov! Bc that's what Mount was fully focused on too!) So then we see that build up of "shame" have him like 'ew, I did that, my body did that and I enjoyed it'. It felt... too real? It's a sort of repulsion caused by the fact that the action is not just in your head/distant from you anymore (I really experience that). That discomfort sometimes doesn't even let you enjoy the afterglow and it sucks. So that comfort Ifrit wants to provide and telling him that he did well and that it was okay, is massive to him. Like, its okay for you to feel this for yourself and let your physical body experience it as well.
(I am for sure making a post about Ifrit's choices now, cause I think those are important to understand how intune he was with Mountain's needs and boundaries.)
But not all aegos feel this so strongly, I happen to and so I wanted to hint at it in the fic. (like even when writing fics, I'll write them, look them over once or twice for basic mistakes, then just post them bc I can't get myself to reread something like that that I created... so my first drafts are basically my final drafts LMAOO. I have a fic idea I haven't been able to write cause I think it'd take too much out of me to do it myself, but I could easily read someone else's work of something just as filthy because it isn't coming from me y'know? I don't have to think about all the mechanics of what is being done.)
I think it really helps to differentiate everything physical and everything mental, understanding what triggers or turns off your arousal, and how you experience attraction. Like you might know already when it comes to fantasizing, many aegos will experience it from the third person view and not include themselves. If they do, it's probably more of a persona of their creation that may have some resemblance, but is separate enough to not actually be them? (I am occasionally guilty of this lol) And with arousal, understanding boundaries and what is needed to reach satisfaction. Its accepting that sometimes that bad feeling is unavoidable and learning how to deal with it and making it a better feeling. Understanding how I experience attraction actually helped me settle on this identity. (I'm on both the aro and ace spec for reference.) Personality, aesthetic attraction, and how much I'd want to be friends with someone really dictates how my attraction works. So I realized I really like watching/reading and fantasizing and experiencing through others and that makes my arousal pop off lmao. Fanfics help a lot cause it brings me comfort knowing its characters I am familiar with and having control over what might be included in the sexual acts.
Going back to how I started this response - I can enjoy a piece of smutty media while my libido is high asf and be like yea, this is so fucking good. But would I actually want to be physically involved in the sexual acts I'm watching? No. Am I sexually attracted to the individuals doing the acts? probably not. A silly simple way I described it to someone else is: I'd fuck Mountain, but I also wouldn't, so watching him get fucked works just fine LOL
All that is not to say I wouldn't ever want to have a genuine physical experience with other physical bodies. I personally would and that doesn't change my identity (although does play part in why I'm specifically aego-gray). it would just take A LOT from me and the potential partner(s) for full satisfaction. (And it took me a few years to settle on all of this, so even answering this is helping me further understand.) So ya, I think I've said way too much already lol. That's a bit of my view of it and how I incorporated it into Mountain's character. It's totally okay if you vary from this and still identify with the same label. It's not a race to put a label on oneself either. I hope this insight was at least a bit helpful and interesting to read <3
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
In montana US today, I was present for the censuring of trans rep Zooey Zephyr. She has been forbidden from speaking and from entering the chamber for the rest of the year. Please help raise awareness of them silencing our voices in this small state.
I've been sort of keeping tabs on her, it's genuinely fucked up and horrifying. While it's not surprising, it's still horrifying to know that democracy isn't necessarily what is important to America. She was voted in, and she is representing her constituents. Or she should be, rather. If you are out protesting in Montana, please be safe. Keep each other safe. You have people who want your voices heard.
Let Zooey Zephyr speak. Montanans deserve a voice.
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bixels · 29 days
I'm obsessed with your rarijack post. I would love to hear your thoughts on flutterdash. That one was always my favorite but rainbow was often a victim of the new writers not understanding her and writing her weirdly
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
Zephyr Breeze fucking slays, honestly, live your truth and rock that mane bun king! 🗣️💯🔥 It's also really funny that aside from him, FLUTTERSHY is the second most assertive member of their family. Who'da thunk it?
I think a lot of folks leaned towards fluttershy being the most tame in a family of rowdy loudhouses and i love that idea but the canon of her in fact being the MOST assertive is soooo so fucking funny. girly is scared of her own shadow and she has more self-respect than her parents
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emeritus-fuckers · 6 months
Since Ghost requests are open, may I request some breeding with Zephyr please
Zephyr breeding headcanons
They/he pronouns used for Zephyr.
They mostly use a wheelchair to move, so they're not really gonna be able to do too much most days.
But on a good day? Honey, you'll forget how to walk until another good day comes.
He'll make a joke about letting you use their wheelchair.
"Not funny, Zeph."
"You're literally giggling, babe."
He does not count how many times you smacked them on the shoulder for that.
Back to the porn, though, since I doubt anyone is here for my charming personality.
He's a solid ten inches when hard, so you're in for a ride.
And I do mean ride. You usually ride yourself stupid, with him holding your hips to help you bounce.
And holding you down whenever they cum so you keep as much of it inside you as possible.
On a good day, he keeps you in mating press, almost laying on top of you and whispering about how good you'll look when you're carrying his kits.
It gets worse when he's in heat. You're not leaving the bed.
They will keep you in bed with them until th heat's over.
His dick is only getting out of you when he's pulling out before shoving it back in again.
They've got incredible stamina, so by the end of the heat, you're both probably gonna need wheelchairs for a while...
Written by Nosferatu.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @dio-niisio @mybotanicaldemise @igodownjustlikeholymary @natoncesaid @bloodmoon-bites
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ask-zephyr-ghoul · 1 month
Did you tell Rose about your potential new relationship?
She seemed very defensive when I brought it up.
Wouldn’t you be upset if someone was being extremely nosy?
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forlorn-crows · 4 months
𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆
just a lil something i tortured @divine-misfortune with last night after he shared this post with me and said "Now hear me out Zeph/aeth and or omega bc they won’t slow down fr a damn second "
and thus i started a doc lovingly called "zephyr/omega go to sleep ya old man"
1263 words of omega misusing quintessence in order to (lovingly i swear) force zephyr to get some rest. yes zephyr will be mad at him later. yes omega is being a lil bit of a bastard. yes i am indulging in my (our) hypnokink, just go with it.
“You’re a stubborn old thing, you know that?”
Zephyr rolls their eyes before side-eyeing the quintessence ghoul, making a face. “Care to elaborate?”
“Been spending a lot of time with those new ghoulettes. When was the last time you slept?” Omega puts a hand on the back of the leather armchair Zephyr is currently seated in, where they were, up until now, engrossed in a text about ancient languages. 
They bite their tongue against the urge to correct him on Cirrus and Cumulus’ names. “I slept last night, there’s no need for your concern.”
“Oh, last night, hm? So that wasn’t the organ I was hearing in the wee hours of the morning?”
“You are as old as this building, Omega, surely you’re aware of the noises that aged pipes make when all else is silent.” 
He tuts. “Far too melodic for old plumbing, Zeph.”
Zephyr grumbles and makes to return back to their book without replying. Omega chuckles, and suddenly his hands are resting on their shoulders, thumbs heavy over the strained tendons on the back of their neck. 
“Why don’t you let me help?”
The air ghoul grumbles again. Slots their small stack of notes along the book’s binding as a makeshift bookmark and snaps the thing shut. They place it onto the table and stare at the fire in the hearth.  
“And why should I let you?” they say to the fading embers. 
Omega hums. “Because you need your rest, you cranky ghoul.”
“I am plenty rested.”
“These knots in your shoulders say otherwise.”
Zephyr closes their eyes and sighs like an exasperated teacher. “And you claim that I am the stubborn one?”
“Come on,” Omega goads them. Telltale magick crackling to life beneath his fingertips. “Doesn’t have to be much.”
Before Zephyr can so much as think about scurrying away with their book, warm quintessence seeps into their bones, the tension held there unraveling from the inside out. Their eyelids flutter, shoulders slumping. Some undignified noise bubbles up from their throat, and they can barely catch their chin from hitting their chest as their head lolls forward. 
“You . . .” They try to protest, tongue too heavy in their mouth to form its usual elegant timbre. Their hands can’t even grip the arms of the chair anymore, cementing them into place and thwarting any chance they had of escaping Omega’s nagging. 
Said quintessence ghoul shushes him, self-satisfied and certainly not even close to genuinely comforting. “There you go. See? Knew you were tired.”
“Hn . . .’m not—”
“You are, look at that sleepy face.” Omega brushes a few strands of hair back behind their horns, their head leaning into his touch without their permission. Zephyr’s eyes are drooping, rolling with the effort of trying to keep them open. Maybe they are more tired than they thought, he didn’t give them that much magick, did he?
Omega coos at them, running his thumb along the base of their horn. “Just close your eyes,” he whispers. 
Zephyr just groans, something close to uh uh, but it doesn’t sound very disagreeing. They’re falling asleep sitting up, and his warm hand against the side of their face does nothing but drag them closer to unconsciousness. Suddenly, they don’t want to get away from him. Magick swirls all syrupy in their veins, and, really, it’s getting harder and harder to have any opinions on the situation. 
Behind them, Omega shakes his head and loops around to the front of the chair, still cradling their head as he kneels between their parted legs. The hands at their sides, having slid off the arms of the chair, twitch towards him. Zephyr watches Omega’s other hand as it comes to hold the other side of their face, eyes slow and delayed as they track its movement. 
“You’d do well to listen to me, you tired old hen,” Omega chides them. He wiggles their head a little, not unlike a chiropractor looking for sore spots. Ensuring they’re close to limp and loose. 
Zephyr just lets him. Has no choice, really. They’d call him a plethora of names later—bastard, unwelcome imp, meddling hypnotist spawn—but the thought of remembering to do so slides away like rain on glass. 
He must sense the fleeting thought behind Zephyr’s glassy eyes, because he adjusts their head again, tightening his grip almost imperceptibly. 
“None of that; you’re being so good, aren’t you? I’m only helping, aren’t I? Little bit of magick to get rid of all those pesky cobwebs between your ears. I know, you’re so tired underneath all those stubborn thoughts. Just takes a nice, kind ghoul like me to help you relax, doesn’t it?” On and on he drones, the words going in one ear and out the other, washing away their own internal monologue and replacing it with his own. They are tired, and an afternoon nap isn’t so terrible, they aren’t really busy. And Omega’s helping them. 
Definitely not using his magick in some smug, actually selfish way, rendering the normally uptight ghoul completely powerless in less than a second. No, it’s completely selfless—a show of his care and concern for Zephyr’s wellbeing. Absolutely not a vehicle to win any kind of argument, not at all. 
Their breathing is slowing now, neck nearly limp in Omega’s hands. Sinking deeper into the fuzzy embrace of sleep. 
“That’s it,” he lilts. “You’re gonna feel so much better, and I won’t even say ‘I told you so.’ How does that sound?” 
Zephyr responds with a long exhale through parted lips, left thigh twitching randomly as the pleasant numbness settles in. 
Omega smirks. “Good.” With one last push of quintessence, he tilts their head just so and watches as their eyes unfocus and fall shut, jaw dropping open with the softest noise as they drift asleep in his hands. The quiet snores follow just seconds later, Omega’s hands the only thing keeping them upright. 
He waits until he’s sure they’re asleep, warming his back against the dying flames while Zephyr slumps in their chair. Only then does he pull back the tendrils of his magick, letting it seep down towards the floorboards as slow as molasses so as not to accidentally rouse them. Thankfully, the library is empty this time of day. Nothing to interrupt the air ghoul’s much needed sleep. 
They’re lax and peaceful now, but Omega’s sure he’ll hear about it when they wake. He laughs to himself at the plethora of elegant insults that come to mind. For now, he takes satisfaction in the way Zephyr’s head lolls back against the chair with the gentlest press of his pointer finger, drool making its way out of the corner of their mouth already. 
“Cute,” the quintessence ghoul comments, smoothing out the wrinkles in his button-down. And then, as a wicked afterthought, he presses the pad of his finger to the middle of their forehead again, sneaking in a cheeky suggestion of a dream wrapped in plumes of balsam and petrichor. Snickering to himself when Zephyr whines quietly and their tail kinks up at the end. “Enjoy,” he whispers, making his exit. 
Omega knows he won’t get any thanks for that—a pity, really, considering it was quite a nice little fantasy—nor will he get any thanks for helping (forcing) Zephyr to get some rest. At the very least, he’ll get a very disgruntled and haughty air ghoul glaring at him for the remainder of the day. 
Omega’s fine with being berated for misuse of magick if it means the poor thing won’t be sleep deprived. Until then, he files away Zephyr’s reaction to it for later.
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ask-cirrus-ghoulette · 3 months
Cir, when is the monthly lesbian meetup?
next week, why?
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ask-omega-ghoul · 8 months
Omega…I shouldn’t climb a tree correct?
... please tell me you didn't.
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wrathofrats · 4 months
so ik we headcanon zephyr as disabled and i had a moment today where my legs straight up stopped working because i do am disabled-
which ghouls can pick them up to help if they fall, and how do they (other ghouls) react to it?
I think every ghoul when they meet Zeph has the knee jerk reaction to baby them, overly asking if they’re ok and if they can do anything for them and I think it annoys Zeph, though they understand the other ghouls hearts are in the right place.
When they do fall it’s common for a freak out to happen when someone hasn’t witnessed it before. In zephyrs perfect world no one would react and they’d be able to go on their merry way, most of the time this happens but some of the ghouls can have a habit of doting.
Ifrit is the main ghoul who helps them, easily sets them on their feet and checks over them. Zephyr only allows him to overly check them because they know he cares (and they’re in love with him)
Aether often helps, checks them over more than he should and offers to quell any aches with his magic. Omega tends to do this too much to zephs dismay
Alpha simply gets them on their feet and gives them a thumbs up, no words needed. That’s zephyrs favorite besides ifrit.
I think all the ghouls can help in some capacity, but usually it’s left to the bigger ones, almost entirely ifrit since they’re together the most
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revive-the-fandom · 1 month
Heyy I like your au where Zephyr was born earlier. Quick question though, how did Stoick, Astrid's parents, and the gang react when Zephyr was born hehe?
yeeeee i love these questions!
I think Astrid probably chose to stay at her house (her parents house) to have the baby & recover (I don't see them wanting to keep the pregnancy a secret at all but also I doubt they'd get married unless they were pressured into it - which I also don't see happening).
I tend to characterise Astrid's parents as tough & stoic & kind of absent but affectionate and supportive and incredibly loyal. So I think they probably were the quiet but helpful type. Acts of service kind of love language.
Stoick I think became the Parenting Book of sorts, since he'd raised Hiccup alone since he was an infant. He was also probably the most affectionate of the grandparents and the most boastful. He probably called a village meeting to have Hiccup and Astrid announce the birth & name of his grandchild & then had a party to celebrate Zephyr too.
The Riders probably became the default aunts/uncles of Zephyr.
Fishlegs already has nephews and a niece of his own, and had done a bunch of research on babies (he probably conducted a study to find out what the average age for specific developments like walking, talking, etc was) to be more prepared for Hiccstrid's baby. He's also probably the most delicate and thorough with the baby - tho I imagine he also goes overboard at times and makes Hiccstrid anxious that they're not taking care of Zephyr well enough.
The Twins probably had a bunch of cousins (or siblings?) that they "lost" to parenthood and were determined make sure Hiccstrid didn't end up being lame parents (not that they ever would be). I imagine there'd be some kind of shenanigans where they'd be either
a) desperate to get rid of the baby
or b) "mourning" hiccup and astrid
and then it would be resolved when Zephyr does something like smack her parents or laugh at the Twin's jokes & suddenly they'd be revering her like a god.
Snotlout would be anxious as hell about hurting the baby but he'd try to cover it up with his macho "only girls like babies" routine. Once he gets over that tho I think he's probably one of the most responsible ones in the group, although I also imagine he'd say that Zephyr agreed with everything he said and that he'd act all betrayed the moment she learned and used the word "no" on him.
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aether-the-banana-man · 6 months
Aether, why did I get hit on the head by flying paperwork?
paperwork tend to migrate this time of year.
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bewitched-bee · 3 months
Zephyr breeding the reader please!
Oh anon I love that you requested this...
Probably one of Zephyr's biggest kinks
Once you unlock it, they're not letting you go for a bit
They're not necessarily actively trying for kits...
But you won't hear him complaining if it takes
I see his breeding kink as more of a possession thing
They want everyone to know you're theirs
The first time the idea gets brought up, I see it as a thing in the heat of the moment
You two are already in the middle of something
Zeph asks where you want him to cum
You reply with inside and that's all it takes
Zephyr happily obliges your request
Goes absolutely insane at the thought of filling you
They'll definitely make sure you're both satisfied
If it's a good day for them...they will go multiple rounds
They will fill you until they cum dry
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
Speaking of episodes dedicated outside of the target audience, what did you think of Fluttershy’s neet incel cringe fail swagless brother
i kind of fucking love him he's such a loser i can see him making soyjaks in his room
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emeritus-fuckers · 5 months
I have only been having the WORST possible days at work recently. I would just love some pampering hcs for whichever ghouls you choose, please
Can you tell I’m fond of three specific ghouls? -Death
On that note I seem to have my favourites too XD - Nyx
Ghouls Pampering You
He knows you’re having a hard day at work when he walks in and sees you hunched over your desk cursing at paperwork.
Once you get off shift you walk into his room to fresh sheets on the bed, rose petals across the floor, calming incense lit around his room and the fire ghoul waiting in an arm chair.
He immediately comes to greet you, guiding you to the chair across from his and revealing your favourite meal. Smiling warmly at you.
“You looked stressed when I poked my head in earlier. I thought this might help?”
He made sure you got a glass of wine and were comfortable as you ate, guiding you to the bed after you had finished.
Little known fact about Alpha: he took a massage course once. He’s very good at relieving stress.
He helped you undress before getting your favourite scented oil, massaging out the knots and kinks in your muscles. All of your muscles.
He doesn’t stop until you’re a puddle of very content partner. Then he’ll curl up to you to keep you warm all night.
He’s well aware the ministry is a very hard place to work, especially when you’re in the kitchens feeding everyone with special requests, allergies and more.
So when you skip dinner to get away from the kitchens and relax, Ifrit is waiting with a set of car keys and a smile. Telling you to shower so he can drive you somewhere.
Even though you’re pretty sure he has no licence, it gets you further away from the kitchens.
He takes you to your favourite spot to stargaze, a picnic waiting with all your favourite finger foods.
You both spend hours under the stars, just watching them.
He then takes you to see a screening of your favourite movie at a theatre that does food themed around the movie.
As well as the lovely little dates, you also get several gift cards for spas and other stores you love going to. So you can treat yourself on your newly acquired days off tomorrow.
Ifrit has some methods of getting you off shift occasionally. He’ll never tell.
Zephyr can’t spoil you as extravagantly as other ghouls can. Mobility issues and all.
Though he absolutely gives it his all.
You get a ride on his lap in his wheelchair from whichever part of the ministry you work in. The dork pretending like he’s taking you on a tour.
“And on your left you will see the shortest Papa the ministry has ever seen-“
Once back in your room (or his. Depends on their mood.) he’ll get you settled on the couch with a glass of your beverage of choice and grab a set of sheet music.
They might not be able to stand, but they can still play!
You get hours of a private concert, ranging from songs they played on stage to others he loves to play. Including your favourite song on the piano.
Though eventually, he curls up on the couch with you to spoil you with kisses and compliments.
Especially if they notice you frowning at the mirror more lately. Gotta hype you back up.
Zephyr spoils you rotten with sweet words and music, not that you want it any other way of course.
Swiss cares you up a winding spiral staircase. At the top there is a wooden door, paint flaking off it. It creaks loudly as xey push it open. You expect some cobwebbed room and look at the ghoul confused. But when you look back at what is actually in front of you, you gasp.
"I found this place years ago, no one used it so I kinda made it my little hiding place." He says with one of his famous grins. He gently puts you down and kisses you on the cheek. "perfect place to pamper you, my gorgeous one"
You slump down on the comfy sofa with cushions scattered over it and a blanket folded at the end. There is a soft crackle, you look across to see a small log burning stove, glass door on it so you can see the flames dancing within.
Xey open a cupboard and pulls out an armful of your favourite snacks and places them on the coffee table, then xey go back and take out your favourite drinks.
He sits next to you and massages your shoulders, this guy just knows how to get all then tension out.
Accross from you is a window through which you can see the sun setting over the ministry gardens, it's beautiful. You gaze at all the stunning colours while snuggled in Swiss's arms.
He puts his vape on the table for both of you to use whenever you want.
Lots of kisses, lots of cuddles, anything and everything you want he will do for you. It's your evening and he wants to pamper you in every way possible.
You woke up that morning with dark circles under your eyes and you couldn't stop yawning. Sodo knew, you needed a break. He gently takes your hand and leads you back to bed. He then tells you to lie back down, any arguement and he'll pick you up and place you in bed. Then he'll tuck you in with a kiss to your forhead.
He says he'll be right back and is gone, but only for 10 mins before returning and placing a bag of stuff on the bed. After a loving bit to your arm then starts pulling stuff out of the bag.
Facemaks, candles, your favourite chocolate, your favourite ice cream and a whole load of films (the Ministry still has a lot of DVDs lying around).
He's a little worried about you looking so tired so he just went for everything.
He puts your favourite film on and lies down on top of you and nuzzles your into your neck.
You pull him into a tight cuddle and he nuzzles you again while making happy Ghoulish noises.
Sodo makes sure that all the chores are done for that day, there is nothing for you to do except to relax.
Plays his guitar for you, he even wrote a riff for you. It's his way of trying to show you his love
Big arms. Big tits. Big hugs.
I have issues.
But yeah, Aether is a goofy, cuddly motherfucker.
So he starts by pretty much tackling you into a hug and carrying you to bed like a princess.
If you allow him to, he will lovingly rail you into the next day and then organize the most hilariously girly sleepover.
You do ridiculous make-up on ach other.
Nails, too. His are hot barbie pink.
He'll literally let you bleach and dye his hair if you ask.
(He looks really cool in dark blue and purple, by the way.)
You try to watch a movie, but end up in a snack war.
And then you both laugh it out as you cuddle.
She just wants to pamper you anyway, but today was extra special. She could see you had a very busy week and today was going to be a total day off.
She cooked your favourite meal for you. Before she started cooking she made sure you were comfortable on the sofa.
She wrapped you in blankets and put your favourite TV show on.
After you've eaten the amazing meal she'll hold you close and hum softly.
She showers you in kisses and makes sure your every need is met.
She'll encourage you to rest your head on her thigh while she strokes your hair.
You'll also end up having a mini spa day, massages (she gives really good ones), facemasks and she paints your nails for you. She's been practicing and she can now do some pretty awesome designs on your nails.
Alpha, Ifrit and Zephyr written by Death.
Swiss, Sodo and Cumulus written by Nyx.
Aether written by Nosferatu.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @mybotanicaldemise @igodownjustlikeholymary @natoncesaid @bloodmoon-bites
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askteamspirit · 1 year
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Zephyr: "Mh... maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that..."
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