#another hc is that even though jack is like thousands of years old he sees mrs claus as a motherly presence
op15-moonwaltz · 2 years
*cracks knuckles* Headcanon that even after Jack thawed at the end of clause 3, a lot of the people still didn't trust him or even like him being around often. He was very frequently left out of plans and conversations, and more often then not purposefully avoided by a lot of them.
Mrs. Claus would invite him over for cocoa though. She was one of the few that welcomed him with open arms even after all the things he did and became his (sometimes physical) shoulder to cry on, he could never find the right words to tell her just how much her company meant to him
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twisted-tech · 2 years
Twst Worldbuilding Theory/HC
Half-merfolk Idia/Ortho & The Island of Woe
⚠️(Book 6 minor spoilers)⚠️
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Within the game, we see many different kinds of people: humans, beastmen, fae, and merfolk. Sebek is canonically half human and fae, and as a result he does not have pure fae traits (no pointed ears).
Idia Shroud (& Ortho) are who I want to focus on. Other students seem to identify him as human, but he has some very inhuman traits like his “shark” teeth and bright, yellow eyes. (Edit:) His lip color and eye bags are also natural and not cosmetics.
Though other human characters have sharp teeth, Idia’s are far more exaggerated than any human or beastman’s fangs. The only people with teeth like him are Jade and Floyd, who are merfolk.
While many other humans have unnatural eye colors too, Idia’s yellow eyes are yet another thing he has in common with the Leech brother’s. (But this is a weak link since Jack, Chenya, Cheka, & Trey also have yellow eyes).
These similarities made me begin to wonder if Idia perhaps had some merfolk ancestry, but 2 things in common are not much proof. Now though with the release of book 6, we’ve been provided with some supporting points.
(Spoilers start here) In book 6, we finally got to see the Island of Woe, Idia’s homeland. It’s a completely submerged, secret city beneath the sea.
The Island is from the time of the gods, thousands of years old, and still has architectural remnants from that time to prove it. While it may be possible to hide such an enormous structure from the above world, it would be harder to hide an underwater city from merfolk for millennia.
STYX does have the ability to erase memories, but if merfolk run into this city often, it would be easier to instead work with a select group of merfolk who are in he know and have them keep others away. These merfolk could also make ideal workers for outside the dome, especially before technology made underwater travel easier.
STYX and the Island of Woe are an insular community. If they consistently live near/work with merfolk over the course of thousands of years, I imagine those relationships would result in many hybrids. With the mixing of species over this long time period, and with the community remaining small and seldom getting newcomers, then the Island would almost form its own new species of half human/merfolk; most of the population (of not everyone) would have some percentage of mer ancestry.
This would explain why Idia, who’s family has lived here since the start of the city, has unusually sharp teeth and yellow eyes. He would generations of merfolk ancestry that doesn’t get very watered down, resulting in prevalent merfolk traits.
This same logic can apply to other nations. Countries seem to often have primarily one species, like mostly human (Scalding Sands), beastman (Sunset Savanna), or fae (Briar Valley). Others, like the Queendom of Roses, are implied to have a fairly diverse populace.
This could suggest that characters with pointed teeth are descendants of non-human races, which I think could be fun to play with. Here’s a chart by @twiceasfrustrating on what teeth characters have!
Headcanon: Hair and Eye Colors
Getting more into headcanon territory, I do think that it would be cool if the more inhuman hair and eye colors were a result of magic. Even if mages are rare, the world is certainly full of magic. That alone is probably enough to irradiate people with magic and cause some fun changes in their physiology.
Finally, as a disclaimer, I know it’s likely that the only reason Idia and Ortho have sharp teeth and other inhuman features is because they are twisted from Hades who did as well, but I like to think that their homeland is more dynamic and caused their unusual looks. I also mostly talked about Idia since Ortho is a robot (even if he’s based on a real person) and his features might not be accurate to his true appearance, and I didn’t bring up the hair since that’s explicitly stated as part of the Hades curse.
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S.O.S. : An ABBA Inspired Nightwing Fic
A/N: Hey guys! This is my first fic that I’m posting here to Tumblr. It’s not the first fic I've written but it is the first Nightwing/Dick Grayson fic I’ve done! I’ll also be posting to AO3 at some point so I will make an edit to this with the link at some point! Anyways, I super head canon that Dick is into ABBA and I’ve noticed others have the same HC as me so that is what inspired this. Enjoy!
I had met Dick in the most humorous way possible.  
I’m a bartender by day and a musician by night, as I like to say. I make decent money in tips and that helps me afford my little one-bedroom apartment and any possible equipment I might need for a show.  
It was Karaoke Night at the bar I had been working at. We usually had another bartender come in around eight or so at night, so in case I had a later gig to play, I could make it. This night, I didn’t have a show but still got off work at the same time. The other bartender kept eyeing me as she was cleaning some glasses. “You should go up there and sing,” Josie said, “You’re a musician, aren’t you? Have you ever thought of doing Karaoke here to help get your name out a little more?”
I actually had never thought of that, and I’m kind of surprised I didn’t. When I thought of playing shows, I was never intending part of it to be Karaoke at my work. Maybe it was pride that kept me from singing there before but, everyone’s got to start somewhere right?
I smiled and nodded my head at Josie, “Yeah, you know what? I’ll do it. I get off in about 10 minutes so I’ll just finish up and give Donald my name.” Donald was the man gracious enough to run Karaoke Night, gods know most of us didn’t want to have that gig. Between folks drunk off their asses and most women thinking they were the next Mariah Carey (plot twist, they weren’t), we rarely saw any actual talent up there. Maybe once or twice every few weeks but, this was just a schtick for the bar to make a little more money, and to the patrons, it was purely just for fun.
As I was finishing cleaning up my station, I noticed someone walk through the door and make their way over to me. He was about average height, maybe 5’10 or so, with a mop of chocolate brown hair and the most beautiful ocean blue eyes. He was a looker, that’s for sure. He sat down directly in front of me, with a smirk.
“I leave in a few minutes so I’ll make it quick. What’s your poison?”, I inquired, wiping the counter. He spoke in a deep velvety voice, “Jack and Coke.” His eyes never left me as I walked around the bar, making his drink for him. I placed it down in front of him. “Enjoy. My time is up but Josie here will take care of you.” I smiled at him and gathered my belongings, exiting the bar to get some fresh air before making my way back inside.
I set my target on Donald and made a bee line for the man. Donald was a man in his forties, divorced for about ten years with both of his kids grown up and living on their own. He was alone but he wasn’t lonely. He liked doing Karaoke Nights at the bar, it oddly brought him joy. I gave the man a hug, “Hey Donny,” I greeted. His face lit up when he saw me and gave me an equally tight squeeze. “Hey kiddo! No gig tonight?”
“Not scheduled no, but I was hoping I could sing tonight if you don’t mind” He smiled back excitedly, “Not at all! It’s about time we got some real talent, what’s been keeping you?” He chuckled and we talked for a few minutes. All the while, I could feel someone’s eyes on me. I looked around, attempting to catch who it was and ended up locking eyes with the man I served at the bar. He looked at me inquisitively with a slight smile. I returned the smile for a moment and turned my attention back to Donald.
“So what’s it gonna be little lady?” I looked over his shoulder at his laptop, eyeing the track selection. Nothing was catching my eye. I thought for a moment before asking him, “Do you have any ABBA?” “Boy, do I! I have all of the hits here.” He pulled up the selection and my eyes gazed over the songs until I found the one I wanted. I pointed to the screen, “That one!”
Donald looked back at me, “That’s a duet typically, are you sure?” Just before I could answer, I felt someone walk up behind me and speak in a familiar voice, “I could be the second voice if you’d like?” I turned around to catch a glance at the mystery man and it was the same one from the bar. “I’m Dick, by the way. I’m not trying to be weird or anything, I just - I thought you were really beautiful and when I saw you came back in, I had to talk to you before I lost my chance.” He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling awkward I could presume.  
I was flattered, actually, and impressed in a weird way. Most of the guys who came in and took interest in me were total sleazes and would hit on me any chance they got. But him, Dick, he seemed sweet. I smiled back at him and held out my hand for him to shake. “I’m flattered, but most people call me Faye.” He shook my hand and laughed at the joke I made. “Are you okay with ABBA?”  
I swear that man got a sugar rush the second I mentioned ABBA. “Of course, they’re only the best Supergroup to ever exist.” He rambled on for a few seconds and it was totally adorable to see him geek out like that.  
We waited about fifteen minutes for all of the other patrons who had already signed up to take their turn. As expected, we got a bunch of drunk men trying to sing Journey hits and women attempting to sing Whitney Houston. Finally, there was one person singing and we were set to go next.  
I turned back to Dick, we had been making small talk as we waited for our turn to come up. “You do know the words to S.O.S? Right?” “No I just thought I’d make an ass out of myself in front of this insanely gorgeous woman I like,” he deadpanned. He broke out into a smirk and a fit of laughter soon after. I started blushing but quickly tried to cover it up, “Okay Romeo, just sing when you’re supposed to.” I let out with a chuckle.
This was so new and foreign to me. This beautiful, handsome, breathtaking man was flirting with me and he wasn’t a creep like all the others. I wasn’t accustomed to talking to someone like this. I tend to keep to myself, never looking for a relationship because, quite frankly, none of these “men” nowadays, ever met my standards. Always too immature, or had a crude “sense of humor” or they were just assholes.
Donald turned to look at us then motioned for us to go up there and I felt a rush of nerves and adrenaline hit me. I was always nervous before I sang but it was a good nervous, an excited nervous. Dick and I walked towards the makeshift “stage” as Donny spoke out to the bar, “Alright, alright. In a minute, we got Faye and Dick singing S.O.S by ABBA!” We both grabbed a mic and smiled at each other as we stepped forward, preparing ourselves for our performance.
I heard the music kick in and looked at Dick, not really sure what to expect from his singing but as I heard his voice, I was speechless. I thought his speaking voice was alluring but his singing voice was even better.  
“Where are those happy days, they seem so hard to find,” he sang, looking directly at me with a slight smirk. “I tried to reach for you but you have closed your mind.” This man began sauntering towards me and making a legitimate performance out of it. I’ve never been so blown away before.
He continued to sing the rest of his lines and then it came time for my part. I walked towards him and grabbed his hand as I sang, “You seem so far away, though you are standing near.” His resolve dissipated for a moment. I was unsure if it was my voice or my action that took him by surprise but the smile returned to his face as I continued my serenade.  
We were so in synch with our mini show. I was a musician so I was used to performing already. Whereas him, I had no clue where this came from but I loved it! We had so much chemistry, like we had been together like this a thousand times.
We finished out and heard a roar from the crowd. Applause, shouting, whistles, you name it. It was such an amazingly unexpected experience. Dick and I crossed the floor to hand the microphones back to Donald. “I gotta say, kid,” he began, “You blew me away. You both did actually. You two look like you were meant to be up there together.”
I smiled and blushed at the compliment as Dick turned towards me. “You were,” he paused with the biggest grin on his face, “Showstopping. I- I'm speechless, I have no words!” Now I was grinning ear to ear as a deep crimson swept across my face, “You weren’t too bad yourself there. Say, where did that come from? You’re a natural!” He went on to explain that he came from a family of acrobats and would all perform together at something called Haly’s Circus.  
“Can I get you a drink? On me? This is an occasion to celebrate, of course!” He chuckled and I accepted. I have never had this kind of chemistry with anyone before, it was almost intoxicating. He held his hand out for me and I grasped it as he led us back over to the bar. Dick ordered another Jack and Coke and I ordered a Vodka Cranberry. We sipped on our drinks as we chatted and began learning more about each other.  
So far, I had learned that he was twenty-three years old, had his own apartment and vehicles (yes, PLURAL) and had two previous short-lived relationships and was currently single. You know, all the important stuff. Amidst the conversation, he continued to flirt in cute, cheesy ways. He also managed to throw in some clever and well-placed puns. This man was speaking my language and I was thoroughly enraptured by him. I honestly did not want this night to end.
Just then, we heard a voice carry over the bar, “Final call for any last-minute Karaoke Kooks. We’ll be packing up in a few so make your way down!” My ears perked up at the sound as my mind sprang with an idea. I turned to Dick but it seems he beat me to it. “Do you maybe want to go up there again? I had so much fun with you!” He was beaming with glee. I quickly nodded and we left our seats to reunite with Don.
“Back again I see! Well, you guys are probably the last ones so make it memorable,” Don winked as he finished and we looked over the song selection. “You can choose this time, since I decided the first song.” Dick nodded and scanned the screen before locking his sights on a track and deciding. “I want that one,” he spoke with such conviction and I looked over his shoulder to eye his choice. “’Gimme Gimme’ huh? Bold choice.” I smiled at him as we prepared ourselves for our second performance but I certainly hoped this was not our last.
Once again, the music started up and I had decided to introduce the song this time around. “Half past twelve, watchin’ the late show, in my flat all alone. How I hate to spend the evening on my own.” I was giving this performance everything I had in me, and it helped that I felt like Dick just brought that energy out of me. It was as though I didn’t have to try.  
We continued our “dialogue” back and forth as the song progressed. We belted out the lyrics with such fervor and enthusiasm, feeding off of each other’s energy. “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, a man after midnight. Won’t somebody help me chase the shadows away!” We were grinning ear to ear, looking like a couple of dopes but we had so much fun together. The song finished out and we threw our arms around each other, laughing to no end. We held each other like that for a few moments until Don interrupted.
“You guys did it again. I don’t know what it is, call it fate, call it whatever you want, but you guys were definitely meant to be together.” Don grinned at us and I felt that familiar crimson shade spread across my face as I turned to Dick. He was already smiling.
“Well, I’m not one to argue with fate. Are you?” I merely shook my head and grinned at him. “Soooo,” he drew out, “Does that mean I might walk away with your number?” I chuckled at his comment and we swapped phones so we could exchange contact information. “I should get going,” I spoke up after a few moments, “I had so much fun though, seriously! This is probably the best night I’ve had in a while.” He seemed to light up after my compliment and offered to walk me to my car.  
“Actually, I walk. My apartment is just a few blocks from here. I can handle it.” He looked skeptical, “Nonsense, I can just drive you. You shouldn’t be walking home alone this late at night. Hop in.” He smiled at me and led me to his, very nice, I might add, Porsche parked out front. He opened the door for me and I situated myself before we took off.
I directed him down the streets until we were parked right out front of my home. He turned the car off and came around my side, opening the door for me again. He went so far as to walk me up the stairs until I was right outside my door, “for safety reasons, of course”. He was such a gentleman.
“I had a lot of fun tonight,” he spoke up leaning against the wall of the building. “So did I. Thank you again for driving me home, you really didn’t have to.” I smiled softly at him and he returned it. He leaned forward off of the building and took a step forward so he was standing right in front of me.
In this close proximity, I caught a whiff of spearmint and pine emanating off of him. He outstretched his arms and brought me in for a hug, holding it there for a few moments before pulling away slightly to look down at me.
I swore I saw his gaze flicker between my eyes and my lips a couple times and I smiled in response. He leaned in closer to me, head dipping down slightly. “Let me know if you want me to stop,” he spoke, voice just barely above a whisper. I licked my lips, “Don’t.”
That was all the invitation he needed. His lips met mine in a soft embrace and I felt electricity run through my body like nothing ever before. It was soft and sweet and I loved it. We pulled away soon after and I caught him cheesing like an idiot. “Don’t be a stranger, okay?” he told me.
“I won’t be if you won’t.” He grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze before walking back to his car. He made sure not to drive off until he saw me enter my apartment. I definitely didn’t expect my night to go like this but I sure was happy about it nonetheless. I sighed contentedly and leaned my back against the door. I touched my lips and they still tingled from the experience. I went to bed that night with the events of the day replaying in my mind until I fell into a peaceful slumber.
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creamybeemovie69 · 6 years
Shawn and JJ HCs
I don’t know what to say except you’ve never met 2 people so different yet so similar in your life
They are the complete opposite to what you’d expect too, and normally hide their actually personalities
Shawn’s a sweetheart that tears up if he smiles too much or gets too happy, but he pretends to be salty and distant because he doesn’t want to be bugged by people constantly
JJ’s actually really serious and if he had the choice he probably wouldn’t smile much, which is a stark contrast to his seemingly chirpy personality and it’s mainly just to be polite
Basically their real personalities are the others fake ones
JJ’s just a fucking Titan at this point and even though he’s shorter than Shawn he’s definitely got Travis’ broad build
And he hates it
Shawn’s a long lanky boi with about 1 ounce of fat on him
They share a room
They both have their wedding rings on permanently
In all fairness as much as JJ’s the serious one and Shawn’s the sweet one JJ will never pass up an opportunity to hug someone because he has big stronk arms that were made for hugs and Shawn still has the worst temper known to man
Unless there’s a child involved
Then Shawn will not under any circumstances stop hugging this child
Jaime tried to teach Shawn to dance once
They ended up on the floor in a big cuddle pile
most people find tall men attractive, and that’s true for Jaime, but there’s nothing attractive about walking into every fucking door frame going Shawn.
Well, it’s not attractive, but it’s still adorable
Shawn’s autistic and you can’t convince me otherwise
That’s partly the reason he worked with fabrics, he likes the feel of them
Shawn and Jaime have appalling handwriting
I don’t think words can express just how protective of eachother they are, and normally any threat they use against others works very effectively because Jaime has The Soldier Glare tm and Shawn is very quick witted
In all fairness it’s only eachother and later Anti that know what their true personalities are
I can’t really say that ones PTSD is worse than the other because what Jaime saw was constant and a permanent image in his head but what Shawn saw was genuinely scary
While Shawn doesn’t sleep much he doesn’t struggle getting to sleep like Jaime does
Once when Jaime couldn’t sleep Shawn just hugged him while he told him about everything he’d seen while he was at war and it basically just ended up with them 2 laughing there asses off at Shawn because Shawn asked him if he’d ever talk again but jaimes like “um you’re deaf mate why do you care” and the conversation ended with Jaime calling Shawn “dense as a rock”
Shawn’s like 36 and already almost completely grey he doesn’t know what’s happening
Jamie’s the 2 youngest with Robbie being the smolest bean
Fuck it I’ll do their ages here in oldest to youngest
Henrik: 38
Shawn: 36
Angus: 30
Jackie: 29
Marvin: 28
Chase: 28
Jaime: 26
Robbie: 24
Anti doesn’t even have an age any more he just knows he’s somewhere between 2 and 1000 and that’s it
Shawn’s even more confused because henrik’s more stressed than he is yet there’s not a single grey hair on his head
They’re all convinced he colours it though
Once Chases youngest Sophie ran out of the room with wet hair and one of them hooded towels and Shana could tell Chase was struggling so he played with Sophie for ages
He learned more about the modern world from a 3 year old in 30 minutes than he has from fully grown adults in a year
All 3 brothers can/could sing
JJ was weirdly relieved when Shawn started sharing a room with Anti because he’s always scared he’s going to hurt Shawn in his sleep
He still doesn’t like sleeping alone though
26 years of dealing with Shawn Flynn will wear you down to same resting bitch face JJ has
Marvin accidentally summoned about 20 cats that all just threw themselves at Shawn and he was just crying because he loved them and he loves all animals and baby’s and cute things because he’s a child
Jaime spends 2 hours every morning getting ready because hair and moustache
Jaime has 6 tattoos
A deer skull with flowers growing out of it, a rifle with a pocket watch’s chain wrapped around it on his right arm, Jack Hunters dog tag information on his left, angel wings on his back, ‘whisky’ written on his lower back and ‘Shawn Flynn’ on his right wrist
Shawn has “Jameson Jackson” on his left wrist
Tom and Jaime rant about Shawn’s stupidity on the daily
Shawn, Jaime and Jackie are literally the only tall ones
Anti’s like 5 foot
Jaime will literally write an entire musical in 3 hours just because he’s bored
Jaime’s a morning person
Shawn is the farthest thing from it
Jaime’s cursed like 2 times in whole life and will scold anyone who curses around him
Shawn swears like a sailor and it drives JJ insane
Are you surprised the times JJ cursed they were at Shawn?
Jaime has a half sister somewhere too
She’s also Irish
He can’t escape them
Long story short, Jaime has like 50 siblings somewhere or another and Shawn’s literally the only one he talks to
Shawn rolls his eyes that much Jaime suspects he knows what the inside of his head looks like better than his own appearance
Jaime has a girlfriend that know one knows about
Well I mean obviously Marshall knows because it’s Marshall but he can keep secrets so it’s fine
If you can understand him, the things Shawn says in his sleep will either scare the hell out of you or make you laugh your ass off. There is no in between.
Jaime swears he’s the only straight ego in the house
The weird thing is Shawn doesn’t even look old, he doesn’t have any wrinkles or anything, which makes his hair even more confusing
Do not. Let either of them. Near chocolate.
They will inhale that shit in seconds
Neither of them really leave the house much just because the world confuses them
Jaime is on social media a lot? Probably because he doesn’t really consider it talking
No one can figure out Jaime’s mutism, because he makes no effort to stay quiet if he’s laughing or making any other sort of noise, he just refuses to talk
Jaime can use magic, but it’s more cartoon physics than the big flashy stuff Marvin can do
Shawn and Jaime know each other’s boundaries
Said boundaries are not calling your younger brother ‘discount Charlie Chaplin’ and not calling your older brother ‘elongated spud’
Outside of that there is no insult they won’t throw at each other
That being said, don’t try to get involved or something will end up broken, and it will be you
Do not under any circumstances start a fight with either of them
Jaime’s a pacifist, but his fights will either disarm or kill you
Shawn will never back down from a fight, and after years of running through the studio he’s very light on his feet. He’s not necessarily strong, but you’ll struggle landing a hit on him
And they’ll back each other up, so on one end you’ve got a big burly soldier that could probably squash you between his fingers and on the other a hot headed wippet
Just don’t do it
You’ll loose
Jaimes skin, aside form his scars, is perfect
Shawn, on the other hand, has acne scars, freckles, birthmarks, the whole fucking lot
Jaime’s good at slight of hand and any form of card game, but Shawn can and will beat you at any and all games as long as it’s not a video game
The only person who has ever come close to beating Shawn is lacie
Shawn really likes stars? Like JJ thinks they’re pretty and stuff but Shawn adores them and he loves constellations and stuff
Neither of them are religious just because Shawn’s dad was a really heavy catholic and they hated it
It seems to be a reoccurring pattern that not one of the brothers accents faded. Shawn’s didn’t just because he’s deaf, but Jaime has always had a British accent and Travis has always had an Irish accent, even though they’ve both lived in America for most of they’re lives
I’m going with the HC that Shawn’s Charley from the Butcher Gang so he has a pretty bad limp but he’s sort of learned to ignore it? Like if he needs to defend himself from something he can literally just shut off the pain until it’s over but then it hurts like hell afterwards
Other than that it’s not really that much of a problem other than not being able to walk for as long the others and not being able to ‘switch it off’ when he wants, it’s just sort of a reaction he has to extreme situations, like adrenaline almost
They both have shit eye sight, hence JJ’s monocle (which he only wears if he wears a vest, which is normally only in winter)
Shawn broke his glasses once and he had to tie one of Jack Hunter’s hair ties around the middle and he just never took it off
Motorbikes were cheaper and easier to get back then and Shawn needed a quick way to get to work but he actually really liked it because it was fast and he’s a child
Anti brought him one for his birthday
Jaime fucking hates it
It’s dangerous, loud, takes up space, there’s no seat belt, and Shawn doesn’t wear a helmet
Not that he’s scared of going on it or anything
He swears
Jaime always hides his tattoos
He sleeps face down to stop him from waking up Shawn by screaming
Jaime’s friends with Henrik now and sees him as more of a brother than the enemy, but Shawn hates him with a passion just because he A) hates doctors because the one who visited his mum fucked up and she probably wouldn’t have died as young as she did if the doctor focused and B) associates his accent with the fuckers that gave his brother PTSD, why wouldn’t he?
That being said Henrik really has to watch his volume because Jaime is silent in every way and you don’t really know when he’s going to turn up behind you so if he shouts in German then Jaime will end up having an anxiety attack and Shawn will slap him up
Never in your life have to met anyone as sarcastic as Jaime. He’s British and Shawn was his main influence growing up, what else did you expect
They live off cornflakes. Religiously.
Shawn loves kids
Jaime doesn’t even really sleep on the bed anymore, he just sleeps on a mixture of Shawn’s chest and Shawn’s thousands of Teddy’s
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