#another idea I had while writing out this one was something a bit shorter and more simpler
noblechaton · 2 years
Fic title: Your Pain is My Pain
I'm seeing something post-canon (as in, somewhere post-Strikers) that sees the Phantom Thieves finally getting a break from the constant madness of the metaverse and thereon, each finding their own sort of reprieve in the aftermath of several cataclysmic events - Haru focuses up on her gardening, Ann spends time with Shiho, Yusuke dives into his artwork and Ryuji continues working on himself. Everything's calm, for once, and normalcy starts to creep back in - but that doesn't sit right with everyone. Amid her attempts to live a more outgoing life among her fellow citizens, Futaba can't help but keep tabs on Ren, himself having ended up living a relatively close distance to the others after all. While that quiet, somewhat stern behavior of his remains on the surface, she and the others come to profess worry over their former leader and best friend - after all of that, despite what's changed and the catharsis he might have felt alongside all the help he'd given them, it's not as if he'd really decompressed, as far as they knew, with who knows how much otherwise bottled up inside.
So they send Makoto over, dragging him out of his apartment and spending the day with him on the town. They reminisce over all that's happened throughout trips to the familiar places, the movie theater, Big Bang Burger, etc., but he doesn't seem to crack until he realizes that Makoto's taking him back to Leblanc for the first time in however long. Ren's expression shifts from subtle and restrained to something more uncertain, almost anxious as they approach the doors, some obvious silhouettes distorted by the glass. It processes then what all of this has been for, why she'd led him through town and avoided the topic of the others for so long. Makoto takes him by the hand and asks him if he wants to go inside, fingers between his own and her eyes soft on his. Silence falls as a gentle rain starts right on the verge of dusk, the moon above blocked by the clouds as they stand for what feels like eternity.
"Yes," Ren's lip trembles with his eventual, inevitable answer. "Let's...get inside."
All the bracing in the world couldn't quite prepare him for the welcoming faces that greet him, that invite him into a booth and supply him the finest cup of coffee in Yongen-Jaya. It's been a few months since he'd last seen everyone, and yet they all behave as if they'd not missed a beat. Ryuji makes a few bad jokes, Yusuke makes things weird, Ann and Haru offer gifts from their own professions - something stupid expensive and somewhat useless from Ann, a bouquet of flowers mixed with vegetables from Haru. Sojiro keeps the food and drink coming, while Futaba is the one who eventually settles the group down enough to confront the issue at hand, getting their attention with a loud clearing of her throat before she nods behind him.
Makoto eases her arms onto Ren's shoulders then, warmly asking him if he'd like to talk. When he tries to downplay and otherwise avoid the subject, the others nudge him back. Ann encourages, Haru assures, Ryuji affirms and Yusuke - in his own way - inspires. Ren's head dips some, his eyes to one side in a glance towards a Sojiro who shrugs him on. Ren then sits upright again, a twinge of red on his face as he finally, fully speaks his mind. He'd not been silent before, he was often blunt about things, but in this moment, he's allowed to fully process the utter insanity that's been his last few years now, the group listening and replying where they can and where best it fits. He talks and talks and talks some more, of Maruki, of Kasumi, of Akechi. Ren exhausts himself, a glance at his watch revealing that, for a change, he'd been the one talking for a near hour straight, with some tears having subtly welled up in his eyes. He's clearly embarrassed afterwards, but finds himself surrounded. One hand in Ann's, the other in Haru's with Yusuke across from him, sketching out his own inspiration from Ren's flood of emotions. Ryuji places a palm to a shoulder while Makoto rests one on the opposite side and Futaba, who'd earlier slipped onto his side of the booth, leans against him
His friends insist that it's okay, each sharing looks with him in their encouragement, that it's alright - it's alright for him to feel, outwardly, like this, given all they'd been through. Ren's somewhat unfamiliar with this, but comes to relent - he holds hands back, leaning into the touch of his friends with a slight smile across his face as they all share and repeat the sentiment that his pain is their pain, and that they'll all be alright, together.
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
I have another chubby reader for you! I was only gonna ask for one but YOURE SO AMAZING I JUST HAD TO PUT IN ANOTHER REQUEST😞😩 Alastor x chubby!reader, where reader goes out with angel Dust to a party or something wearing a *cough* slutty *cough* outfit and Alastor SEES THEM WEARING IT 👀 and he gets possessive of reader and won't let them leave with angel (whose smirking in the background and fluttering his eyelashes like he's innocent because reader and Alastor are bother emotionally constipated or something and haven't confessed to each other😤) and reader is nervous enough wearing something so revealing already (but they felt good enough in their own skin to wear such an outfit; that confidence is quickly fading when Alastor stops her from leaving with the outfit) so she gets the wrong idea that Alastor thinks she disgusting or body shaming her 🥺 but Alastors just ranting about being ladylike and "dressing like a proper lady" , Angel Dust is now watching this heartbreaking train wreck happen and tries to intervene but then Alastor turns on him about tainting the reader or something but reader has heard enough and just quietly just turns around and walks to her room heartbroken 😭 then angel yells at Alastor and tells him everything *shocked Pikachu face* and goes to reader to fix this misunderstanding, you take it from here????? BUT THEY DO CONFESS
A/N I love your requests and I'm so glad you liked how Sweet turned out. I am actually really proud of that one myself. Of course I will write this. 11/10.
Pretty Bunny (Alastor x Chubby!Rabbit Demon!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: Hurt/comfort. Body image and weight stuff. I feel like Alastor is a bit ooc but I think this is cute so I don't super care.
Word Count: 2,049
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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“And where exactly is it you two are off to in such a hurry?”
Y/n and Angel froze, Angel's hand resting on the handle to the hotel's door.
Exchanging a covert look, Y/n and Angel turned to face Alastor. Y/n clasped her hands innocently behind her back, looking up at Alastor through her lashes which Angel had done up in silver falsies, and Angel fixed a smile on his face.
"Just out." Y/n hummed.
"Yeah," Angel chimed in, draping one of his lower arms over Y/n's shoulders and bringing her into his side, "little Y/n here deserves a night out on the town and some fun."
Y/n quickly elbowed Angel in the side. The spider demon knew Alastor and his opinions on the night life of Pentagram City. He was tempting fate. Alastor raised his eyebrows.
"You deserve 'some fun,' do you?" Alastor asked, fixing his gaze on the shorter of the pair of demons.
Angel released his grip on Y/n, shoving her forward slightly. She stumbled a bit, shooting him a glare before looking carefully back at Alastor. His scrutinizing gaze traversed her form with care. Angel had insisted on dressing her up and while the outfit he had put her in was a bit out of her comfort zone, Y/n felt incredibly pretty. The little white satin dress hung from her hips, playing gently against her thighs when she walked, and the black knee high platforms made her at least a couple inches taller. Angel had even placed black satin bows around the bases of her rabbit ears to tie the whole thing together.
There were also the chains, thin and dripping off her body. A necklace here, a carefully placed waist chain there, she looked practically angelic. Alastor crossed his arms, tapping his foot menacingly as he impatiently waited for an explanation.
"Well, we've been working so hard to become better people and it's been three months since we've done anything... fun. Besides, it was my birthday last week."
"Uh-huh." Alastor nodded, his lack of amusement with the situation obvious, "And where exactly are you two planning on going?"
"Oh come on, Smiles. It's just a club I know." Angel sighed, "You're starting to sound like Charlie. I thought you wanted to see us fail."
"That is true." was the only response the Radio Demon gave Angel before fixing his attention on Y/n once again.
She was beginning to grow uncomfortable under his piercing stare. Y/n wrapped her arms around herself, her shoulders hunching slightly.
"So what is the issue, Alastor."
The name felt foreign on her tongue. Although she had been a guest of the Hazbin Hotel practically since its creation, she avoided Alastor. At first, it had of course been due to intimidation. Then, as he had slowly begun to reveal his true colors to the residents of the hotel, it had morphed into something entirely other. Y/n thought that the Radio Demon, one of the most feared overlords in all of Hell, was pretty.
Y/n had never been good at dealing with crushes or flirting or anything. She avoided him like the plague. Her tail twitched thoughtlessly with trepidation, shifting her skirt just the slightest bit, revealing just the smallest big more of her thighs.. It was the last straw for Alastor.
"You're not going out in that."
Angel pressed his palm to his forehead, shaking his head. Love was his specialty, the act and the feeling. It was obvious to him Y/n had a thing for the Radio Demon, and not just because she had revealed the information to him in one of their late night talks. He never brought it up with the rabbit demon who had become a dear friend in the time they had known one another, but he was relatively certain Alastor had some interest in her as well. The Radio Demon seemed to constantly be a few steps behind her, entering rooms she had just left, letting his eyes linger on her when they did their group exercises.
At Alastor's words, Y/n's mouth fell slightly open. Her breath caught in her throat, a shiver running through her.
Her voice was strained and Angel could tell she was holding back tears. Y/n turned away from Alastor, her shoulders slouching even further.
"That is no way for a proper lady to dress." Alastor continued, not seeming to notice the effect his words had had as he lectured the smaller demon, "I mean, you're barley wearing anything at all! For goodness sake, your shoes are covering more than that dress an-"
"Alright," Angel cut in, stepping up beside Y/n and pulling her into his arms, "that's enough big guy."
"You're clearly tainting her with your promiscuity." Alastor sighed, "What, you want to bring her to some club so ignorant wimps can drool over her all night? Or maybe that's what she wants to have happen."
Y/n pulled herself from Angel's grip and marched right up to Alastor. Her eyes wet with unshed tears, he looked down at the finger she was jabbing into his chest in mild shock.
"You are mean." she stated, "I can't believe how wrong I was about you. I thought... god!"
She let her finger fall and crossed her arms over her stomach once again.
"You ready to go, sweet cheeks?" Angel asked and she shook her head.
All the fight had gone out of her.
"No, you go ahead without me. I think... I think I'm just gonna go to bed. Thanks for... yeah."
With those parting words, Y/n stormed upstairs. Angel and Alastor watched until she had long since disappeared into the depths of the hotel. Slowly, they turned to face each other once again.
"What." Alastor said in the most deadpan tone Angel had ever heard come from the demon.
"How could you do that?" Angel asked accusatorially, taking a step towards Alastor, "She is the sweetest little menace on the planet!"
"Do what?"
Alastor's brow furrowed in confusion. He didn't think he'd said anything wrong, done anything wrong. Y/n was the one who had over reacted, stepped out of line, right?
"Do you have any idea how long it has taken her to be confident enough to wear something like that? She has worked so hard on her relationship with herself and... and... she felt pretty. Why would you say that shit to her?"
"I... what?"
"She liked you, ya dumbass! She cared about what you thought of her!"
Alastor took the slightest step back, his hand not grasping his microphone raised to his chest, hovering over his heart.
"I am afraid I don't understand you."
Angel sighed, trying to calm himself.
"Look. Y/n has a crush on you and you just told her she wasn't pretty."
"No I didn't. I told her she should be more ladylike. A crush on me?"
"Yeah well, that's not much better. She is who she is and she is wonderful! The way that she dresses doesn't change any of that."
"She has a crush on me?" Alastor asked again, dumbstruck.
"Yes you idiot."
"But she never speaks to me. I thou-"
"That's cause she's nervous. Geeze, you are dense."
Y/n jumped in shock as she caught sight of Alastor using his shadows to teleport into her room through the reflection of the mirror. Her makeup half off, she turned to him.
"The fuck are you doing here?"
Alastor opened his mouth, about to make a comment about her language before thinking better of it and closing it again. Y/n rolled her eyes, her anger and hurt having festered into irritation. She turned back to the mirror, using the cotton pad in her hand to take off the last of her mascara. Alastor watched her face through the mirror as she tossed the cotton pad to the side.
Reaching up, she slowly began to disassemble the sculpture of a hairdo Angel had put her in.
"Why are you here?" she asked again, placing a bobby pin on the table.
"I came to... apologize." he replied, taking a small step forward.
"What, did Angel force ya' to?"
It wasn't often her accent slipped out. Y/n had been raised in Brooklyn but her parents had been insistent she work not to have the accent. People didn't take people who had them seriously, they said. It only ever made an appearance when she was drunk or feeling any emotion to it's extremity, especially anger.
"No, I am here of my own volition."
"Yeah, sure." she scoffed as she pulled the last of the pins from her hair, allowing it to fall freely around her face as she turned back to him over her shoulder, "I totally believe that."
"It was not my intent to make you feel like you weren't... pretty." Alastor carefully said, avoiding her eyes, "Just tha-
"If an apology involves an exception, is it really an apology?"
Alastor had never been good at this. Apologies or any of the other feelings he had been actively suppressing about the rabbit demon since he had come to the hotel. She stood up from her chair, walking over to him.
Y/n knew the clock was ticking, felt the heat of the tears building in her head again.
"What." she asked, throwing her arms out to the sides and looking around the room, "Ya' think I'm ugly? Unladylike? Is that because I let Angel dress me up or because I'm not stick thin?"
There were tears dripping down her cheeks now. She looked away, crossing her arms tightly across her stomach in protection.
"Just leave, Alastor."
"Leave!" she commanded, "Get outa here!"
"I don' wanna talk to you! What don't ya' get about that!"
"Y/n!" Alastor grabbed her shoulder, turning her to face him.
"What!" she yelled back, tears streaming hotly down her face, "What, Alastor."
"I... I think you're beautiful."
The tears stopped, Y/n's eyes wide. Fueled by a sudden wild courage Alastor continued, grabbing her hands in his own.
"I do. You... I don't have the words. You..." he shook his head, "I really don't. You are a wonder."
Her nose twitched subtly, her ears adjusting themselves atop her head.
"But then why... why did you say those things to me?"
"I was jealous." he anxiously admitted, "I never meant to make you cry."
"Jealous?" Y/n repeated with a slight laugh and Alastor nodded.
His cheeks were hot and his heart pounding in his chest but he refused to look away from Y/n. Releasing one of her hands, he reached into his pocket and retrieved a handkerchief. Gently, he raised it to Y/n's face, patting away her tears.
"You were jealous."
He wasn't going to be able to escape this one.
"That some other guy was gonna see you like that? Was going to charm you and hold you in their arms while I did nothing? Of course I was."
"I have a confession to make." Y/n said after a moment.
"And what might that be?" Alastor asked as he took another step closer to Y/n, still holding one of her hands in his.
He tried his best to repress a smile, her bashfulness was so endearing.
"I maybe, kind of sort of... think you're beautiful too?"
She looked up at him through her lashes. He let go of her hands, grabbing her by the waste and pulling her body into his.
"Yeah." she nodded shyly.
"You know, I might have heard something along those lines from Angel just a bit earlier."
"From... that little bitch! I mean snitch! I mean both actually I guess."
Alastor laughed at her antics.
"So, pretty bunny, what are we to do with this revelation?"
Y/n's ears cocked. Alastor could feel her tail twitch, brushing up against his arm where he held her. A shiver traveled down his spine.
"Oh I don't know." Y/n feigned indecision, her hands finding her way around his waist as well, bringing them even closer together, "Maybe you should ask me on a date? If you're interested."
"Interested?" Alastor laughed, leaning down, "Of course I am."
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illiterateaffairs · 1 year
pairing: jamie tartt x f!reader (ted lasso)
rating: T
word count: 2,468
summary: you and jamie are a couple...a couple of besties with benefits! that’s definitely all this is. 
A/N: very excited about this one - even though its a little shorter! also wanted to let you all know since i have chapters planned out almost through the end of the season, i have this idea of revisiting chapters and writing “missing scenes” to fill some gaps, like within this one which you’ll see. let me know if you’d be into that?
distractions masterlist | previous chapter
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After Jamie showed up at your door the evening following their loss to West Ham, you did not stop sleeping together. Two nights turned into three, and then into four. Once you passed five, you decided to upgrade your relationship to friends with benefits status. Jamie was honestly happy that meant you considered him a friend. 
The two of you usually hooked up after Richmond lost a game, which had unfortunately been happening a lot as of late. Sometimes Jamie would find you after a training session with Roy to relieve some tension. Occasionally you went to Jamie when you were feeling anxious about work or something reminded you of Mason. And while the team mourned the loss of Zava after he announced his retirement, Jamie was the happiest you’d ever seen him. (You think you might have had the best sex of your life that night.)
At some point, you’d added other locations to your repertoire, other than your bedroom and sometimes your shower. On rare occasions you’d meet up in your office for a quickie, or even Jamie’s car in the parking lot after everyone had left when you couldn’t wait to get home. Only once had you tried to spend the night at Jamie’s, but at the crack of dawn, Roy was banging on his door for another practice. That was the last time you did that. 
You had to admit, you got a thrill out of sneaking around. You’d gotten less skittish at the office, sharing secret looks with Jamie during practices. Rebecca was still the only one who knew. A week into your new arrangement, she’d inquired about your situation, which you explained. She still seemed weary, but less so because of Jamie and more so because she didn’t think a casual relationship was the best idea. If you’d asked yourself a year ago, you would have agreed. But now, you kind of enjoyed the lack of pressure surrounding your dynamic. Jamie was obviously very skilled when it came to sex, but he was also fun to be around. Your pillow talk conversations were often the highlights of your day. You’d talk about your days and vent when you’d need to. Sometimes you’d get little nuggets about Jamie’s life and childhood, and you’d let him in on some details about your life as well. The more you got to know him, the more you liked him.
As a friend of course. Rebecca also warned you that if feelings got involved in your situation, things could get messy. But you weren’t worried about it. Sure, you and Jamie playfully flirt from time to time, but you’d do that around the office in plain sight too. It was just Jamie’s thing. This dynamic you had was just innocent, casual fun. That’s what you two agreed to and that's what you wanted. 
Jamie was also enjoying your arrangement. Unbeknownst to you, from the second he saw you, he’d found you appealing. Though, when he’d found out you were working for the team, he thought any chance of hooking up with you was off the table. Then he assumed you were seeing Sam, and he would absolutely never interfere with one of his best mate’s relationship. But when he’d found out you were available, he’d crumbled under the pressure. He got to know you a little bit, which made it harder to initiate anything. That was until you initiated it that night in his car and he couldn’t have been more thrilled. He honestly hadn’t expected it to go further than that night, but he couldn’t resist you. You were addictive, and extremely good at distracting him. Not just when you were fucking - which was mind-blowing - but also during the in-between moments when you’d whisper to each other under the sheets.Your mere presence was so soothing, he wished he could be enraptured in it all the time. 
That’s honestly the worst part of your deal; that it was secret and he couldn’t just wrap you up and listen to you breathe whenever he felt anxious. 
The fact that you have such a hold on him only adds to his anxiousness, though. He knows that your relationship is strictly sexual, but platonic, and he’s not worried about wanting more than that. He knew he wasn’t exactly boyfriend material, and wasn’t sure if relationships were something he wanted, at least at this point in his life. But he couldn’t help being attached to you. No one’s ever been so kind to him; so attentive and gentle. So, while your arrangement may be fleeting, he wanted to soak up the affection while he could. 
That’s why he feels so off when he doesn't see you around the club today. 
The team had an early training time, so when he didn’t see you before, he figured you probably just hadn’t arrived yet. But then he didn’t see you around lunch time either. He nonchalantly asked Sam if he’d heard from you, as he spotted him while he lifted weights, but his friend hadn’t heard from you either. That didn’t sit right with him.
He tried texting you after that, not once but twice, but you didn’t answer. That was also out of character. He knew it bothered you when there were red bubbles over your apps, but you hadn’t even read the text. 
As a last ditch effort, he even found himself asking Colin or Isaac if they knew anything but of course they didn’t. 
Jamie was nervously staring at your text chain as he walked out of the locker room at the end of the day. Still nothing. Not looking at where he was going, he ends up running straight into Rebecca. He apologizes distractedly before taking another step towards the door, when she calls out to him. 
“She’s at home.” Jamie looks at her with a quirked eyebrow, so she clarifies by saying your name. “She called in sick so I gave her the day off.”
Though he’s grateful for the information, he fidgets nervously, “How did you…”
“She told me about you two, or rather I figured it out. But I haven’t said a word to anyone else,” she explains reassuringly, “Plus you’ve been wandering around like a lost puppy all day. Wasn’t hard to guess why.” 
Jamie flushes, but smiles tightly in thanks before wishing his boss a goodnight. On his way to run some spur of the moment errands, he wonders what kind of things you’ve told Rebecca. 
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As the sun sets for the night, you’re finally forcing yourself out of bed. 
You weren’t sick sick. You were on your period, and this morning you’d woken up with a migraine and some of the worst cramps you’ve had in a while. It wasn’t uncommon for you to feel this bad every couple of months, but when it got this severe, there was no way you could function as a human being. So you made yourself persevere through the pain for a few moments to call Rebecca and explain the situation at hand. She was quick to suggest you stay home, and while you weren’t surprised, you still adored her for understanding. Best boss ever. 
When your pain is bad, you can only stomach so much food, so you just pick on things like crackers to hold you over. Now that it was nearing dinner time, and your headache had finally subsided, you were ravenous. You quickly search for nearby pizza places and select the first thing that comes up on Google and place a delivery order. 
While you wait, you curl up with a blanket on your couch and turn on one of your favorite Grey’s Anatomy episodes. You’re only ten minutes in when there’s a knock on your door. You begrudgingly stand up, impressed that your pizza had come so fast. When you pull the door open, you instead find Jamie standing there with a bag of groceries. 
“You’re not pizza.”
Jamie narrows his eyes at you, “And you don’t look sick.” 
Your shoulders sag, “Rebecca told you?” 
Jamie nods, “Yeah, I was worried. Wanted to make sure you were okay.” 
Your heart warms. You pull your door open wider, and he doesn’t hesitate to enter. 
“I’m sorry I worried you,” you shove your hands in your sweatshirt pocket awkwardly, “I’m actually not technically sick, just on my period, which I’m sure is exactly what you want to hear.”
Jamie surprises you by not visibly reacting to your admission.
“Damn, I wish I’d known that, otherwise I would have picked up different things.” he draws your attention back to the paper grocery bag in his hands as he sets it on your coffee table. He starts pulling out items as he lists them off, “I got you some soup, some tissues, a shit-ton of different medicines because I didn’t know what kind of sick you were. Some gummy bears, but that’s just cause I know you like those.” 
You try not to be overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness, “Aw, Jamie, you didn’t have to do that.”
He shrugs, not making direct eye contact, “Sorry most of it's not very helpful. Although, this might still work?” He pulls one last thing from the brown brag: a carton of Neapolitan ice cream. 
You gasp, immediately taking the item into your hands. “You are a saint. I will be saving this for later.” 
Jamie smiles as he follows you to the kitchen where you transfer the ice cream to the freezer. It's at this moment he also realizes you’re wearing one of his Richmond sweatshirts he must’ve left behind one night. He keeps this realization to himself.
“D’you say you ordered pizza?”
“Yeah. You’re welcome to stay if you want, there’ll be plenty.  
“Where from?”
“Uhh,” you scratch your head trying to recall the name of the place, “Pizzeria Pellegrini, I think?”
Jamie groans, “That place is rubbish, you should have ordered from Lucia’s.”
For some reason, a small smile makes its way on your face, “I’m sorry I didn’t consult you first, Mr. Pizza Expert.”
“Well, now you know,” Jamie pulls out his phone and begins tapping up a storm.
“Whatcha doing?”
“Ordering us a pizza from Lucia’s. You like pepperoni, right?”
“Jamie,” you gasp exaggeratedly, “I already ordered one. It will be here any minute.”
“Well, now you’ll have two, so save room. I’ll get express delivery. I need you to try both so you know which is superior.” he snickers and you roll your eyes, “Anything else I should get?”
You shake your head amusedly, but still ask, “Can you get me a side of ranch, please?” 
Jamie scoffs, “Aren’t you getting some with your first order?”
Okay, he knows you too well. 
“Yeah, but every restaurant has a specific ranch. I can’t have Lucia pizza with Pellegrini ranch, that’s insane.” 
He gives you a crazy look, “No, I think you’re insane.” 
“Look, I’m right and you’re just going to have to deal with it.” 
Jamie shakes his head, but bites back a laugh. He orders you a pepperoni pizza with extra ranch. 
As you lead him back to the couch, you catch him up on your evening plans of binging Grey’s.
“But we don’t have to watch if you don’t want to. We can watch something else, or…”
Jamie sits beside you on the couch and shrugs, “You’re the one feeling like shit, we can do whatever you want.” 
“Alright, then buckle up, Tartt,” you chuckle, pressing play on the remote.
As the episode continues, Jamie asks questions about what is happening and who the characters are. Normally, you’d be annoyed with the constant talking over the show, but you like that he seems genuinely interested. So you fill him in on what has happened in the episode so far, and some backstory for the characters. 
“Wait so there’s a bomb in that person’s body?” “Yup.” And then he’s hooked.
Both of your pizzas arrive at different points during the two-part episode, and you give in and admit his pizza place is better. You even let him share your ranch dressing. However, your eyes widen in horror when he goes to dip a piece of Lucia’s pizza into Pellegrini’s ranch.
“What the hell are you doing?” you exclaim, sitting up slightly. 
“I’m going to prove your theory wrong,” Jamie scoffs, shoving the slice into his mouth. 
You watch in anticipation and smirk in satisfaction when he frowns. 
“Okay, you’re right. This is wrong.” he immediately switches out the cups of ranch.
You bob your head up and down, “Yeah, it's sacrilegious.”
“Each ranch just compliments its own pizza so well!”
You press your hand to your chest and smile, “You get me.” 
After dinner, the two of you treat yourself to bowls of ice cream and settle back into the couch. Jamie lets you lay across it, while your feet rest in his lap. With Grey’s Anatomy becoming background noise, you two chat quietly. Jamie tells you about his day and how stressed out the team has been with all the losses.
“I’m sorry I can’t help you destress tonight,” you joke, referring to your usual nighttime activities that are being cockblocked by your favorite week of the month. 
Jamie chuckles, absentmindedly rubbing your ankle. “S’alright. Just being here’s made me feel better.” 
You look at Jamie thoughtfully as he continues staring at your television screen. Before you’re really aware of what you’re doing, you sit up and plant a light kiss on his cheek.
He turns to you a little caught off guard, but not bothered. “What was that for?”
“Just because.” 
You go back in for a kiss on his lips this time, and he immediately reciprocates. When you pull back, you give him a shy smile before laying back down on the couch, wrapping your blanket around you, and turning back to your comfort show. Out of your peripherals you can see a small smirk settle on Jamie’s face as he refocuses on Grey’s Anatomy as well. 
You’re proud that you pulled that off nonchalantly because inside you were feeling anything but. An uncomfortable feeling settles in your stomach as you come to the realization that that wasn’t just a casual kiss. You kissed Jamie because you wanted to, not just as a prelude to sex. All night he’d been attentive to your needs, genuinely interested in hearing what you had to say even when it was nonsensical ramblings about a show you liked, and just an overall sweetheart. The more you think about it, he was always like this when you two were together, even when he was teasing you. It didn’t help that he also looked especially good tonight. 
Holy shit, were you…falling for him? When you explicitly said you weren’t going to?  
Well this certainly won’t end well. 
A/N: this apartment scene and the car scene from part two are the first things i thought of and inspired this whole story :’) can’t wait to know what you guys think!
Taglist: @atabigail @boundtomyfate @sammysgirl1997 @lil-tracys @shephard17895 @alaspice @itsbarbraann @redpool @drmeghanjones @straightforwardly @alex-sulli @aiyaiy @artemismaximoff @roadtoself-love @theloud-yet-quietone @forcesofgrief @kirisimpster​ @geek-and-proud​ @grippleback-galaxy​ @lalla-04p​ @gabbycoady13​ @royalestrellas​ @qardasngan​ @creationcitystreet-em​ @percysaidnever​ @emily-b​ @mrfitzsimmons​ @k-n-e​ @agentstarkid @legobatmans9thab @mrsprongs25​ @escapismqueen​ @scaramou @beardsplitter @gcidrvsh @ringpopdust @marveltg365 it wouldn’t let me tag the last few of you, let me know if its something with your settings, otherwise i can keep trying in future updates! <3
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realcube · 1 month
hiii my sweet toe bunny😍😚🤎 i have an upcoming gigahuge exam bc it will determine whether i have to go to school for another whole damn year or not so im getting the stress hornies big time!! your requests seem to be open for some reason?! good writers like you are usually busy with a flood of them so i can never request anything😭 but anyways i was gonna throw you this little peanut, a classic really: size kink with lev! dont even know if you write for him lol, couldnt see it on ur profile🥲 i think he’d have the size kink more than any of us ever could, i just feel like he goes crazy especially if its a much shorter person. bc having a size difference from far away is one thing, but being right next to the person and interacting with them and putting your hand on their back and realizing you’re nearly twice their size… is another.
feel free to ignore this pookie butt im soo sorry if this is too specific or something ☹️☹️ writing is hard and getting inspired by someone elses idea is even harder, so yeah. stay hydrated and keep emitting gamma rays☃️
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a/n → not the sweet toe bunny 😭 stress hornies is so real, sorry for replying so late rah. but i hope your exam went well. or if you haven't sat it yet , good luck and i hope this helps :) also thank you so much for i compliments i can'tttt aaa 😩 wc — 2.5k
tags/tws → size kink (ofc lol), petite!reader, breeding, vaginal, fingering, oral (giving), frenching, petnames, semi-public, pregnancy implications & no beta
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you've seen haiba lev before, in magazines and on billboards. sometimes even on television, promoting luxury perfumes in advertisements or modelling designer clothes on the runway.
you knew he was tall — most models are — but it was only when you saw him in person that you realised how truly big he is, how he towers over everyone else on set.
you work as an intern for a famous fashion brand, and you met haiba during a photoshoot he was doing for their new office wear campaign. your job was mostly fetching food or drinks for the models; making sure they were comfortable at all times.
the first interaction you ever had with him was when you were handing out water bottles to the models as they walked onto set, and as soon as you saw his huge frame saunter in, you almost froze from shock. he flashes you a polite smile and mouthed a quick "thank you" as he followed the director to where ever she was leading him.
and though it was brief, that was enough to have you fixated on him for the rest of the photoshoot. you were attentive to your duties but still so mesmerised by him. his lean figure and silvery hair. you had always known lev haiba was exceptionally attractive — he's a model, for fucks' sake — but something about seeing him in person made you feral.
and little did you know, after he first saw you, lev kept an eye out for you too. admiring from afar how hard you worked, and making sure to flex just a little bit more for the photos whenever you were nearby. he just thought you were so cute.
you assumed this whole situation would end as a little temporary work crush. you can fangirl over him for now and blush whenever he smirks at you from across the room, but once this shoot was over, he would never think of you again, while you'd go back to seeing his face plastered nearly everywhere and fantasize about what could've been.
but that wasn't lev's idea. he was used to pursing what he wants.
when the shoot is nearing completion for the day, lev has a long conversation with the photographer and is one of the last models to leave the set.
you were tasked with helping the models remove the designer's clothes, if they needed it. thankfully the majority of them didn't and by the time lev entered the changing room, all the others were leaving to go home, and you were wishing them a safe journey.
"excuse me, ms?" you hear a voice call from the changing room, followed by lev stepping out from behind curtain. he was previously wearing a full suit, but you can see he's shedded the black blazer and was now in only the fitted white shirt, black trousers and dress shoes.
he was looking down and fiddling with the buttons on his shirt, "could you help with this, please?" he asks with an awkward chuckle.
lips slightly parted at his unexpected inquiry, once the initial shock fades, you hastily nod and guide him back into the changing room, and this time you enter with him.
it's a confined area but still somewhat big. there's enough space for the two of you to stand, a stool, a clothes rack and full length mirror. he stands before you while you work on unbuttoning his shirt, starting from the top.
"sorry for asking you do this. the buttons are just too small for me." he holds his hands up as a size comparison, and they're undoubtly big.
"it's okay," you stutter, not daring to break your intense stare with his buttons because you know if you were to look up at his face, you might die. "i know these can be very fiddly sometimes."
"exactly." he nods in agreement.
it takes you quite a while to even reach his mid-torso because your hands are shaking so much from being in such close proximity to a celebrity you admire so much. and not only that, but you're literally taking his clothes off. and lev takes notice of his and comments, "nervous?"
your eyes widen and you freeze, heart jumping to your throat. eventually, you're able to squeak, "kinda."
"why?" he laughs, but not in a mocking way. he's genuinely confused as to why you'd be scared of someone like him. it's funny because people usually praise him for being very friendly and approachable.
"you're just.." your voice trails off, trying to think of a way to explain yourself without sounding offensive. "intimidating, y'know, in stature."
lev laughs even harder this time, "woah, that takes me back to when i was in high school. people used to be scared of me because i was the tallest kid in class." he explains, and you detect a hint of pride in his tone.
"that makes sense." you muse, continuing to work on his buttons but it becomes increasingly difficult. especially as he captures your chin between his fingers and pushed your head up so you meet his fiery gaze.
"doesn't make any sense to me." after soaking up your cute flustered expression, he glances down and sees you've only got one button left to do, so he prompts, "go on."
since your fingers are already latched onto it, you're somehow able to undo it without looking. he then releases his grip on your chin so he can slip the shirt off, hanging it up on the adjacent rack.
now shirtless, he turns to you and hums, "your turn?"
lips pressed into a line and heat burning your cheek, the only response you're physically able to give is a meek squeak accompanied by an eager nod. which doesn't even begin to encompass your enthusiasm but perhaps that's for the best.
he smiles at your agreement and grabs the bottom of your top and pulls it off in one swift motion, leaving you standing in your bra in front of him. and before you have a moment to process any of this, he slips one arm behind your shoulder and his other hand reclaims its spot on your jaw to manoeuvre your head upwards, so it's ready to receive his kiss when his lips suddenly come crashing down onto yours.
despite your tact, now that his lips have locked with yours, you find yourself melting into his touch and moving your against him rhythmically. your bodies — though vastly different in proportions — arching into each other desperately.
while one hand sloppily undoes his belt and pulls his cock free from the designer trouser, the other hand on your jaw slowly moves to hold your cheek as the two of you kiss fervently, then it shifts up to your ear, then tangles itself in your hair which he uses to gently pull you away.
you whine quietly at the seperation, missing his hot lips against your own, and he smirks at your reaction. eyes glued to yours, he rasps, "you want it, pretty?"
he motions downwards and you bite your lip at the sight; his size alone is enough to leave you dumdfounded and nodding pathetically, eager to hop on to his monstrous length.
"good girl. think you can handle it?"
"uhuh." you whisper, shaky hands wandering down to take hold of him, and he lets you. in fact, with his grip on your hair, he yanks you down until your face is mere inches away from his tip, "taste first."
with hesitation, you drop to your knees and graciously accept as much of him as you can into your mouth, though that is barely even half. lev still appreciates it; the warmth of your mouth causing his breath to hitch. his cock even twitches at the sight of your cheeks puffed out, struggling to hold him inside.
when his tip prods the back of your throat, it causes you to gag a little, so you immediately jerk away from his cock and cough into your arm.
a concerned look crosses his features and he lightly rubs your back to aid your coughing, "ah, sorry." he apologises, as if it was his fault his cock was so huge that you were gagging on it.
"it's okay." you grate once your coughing fit has calmed down, throat still a bit dry.
he offers you his hand to help you stand up, "c'mon, cutie, that's enough teasing." he reassures you.
you place your hand upon his and as he guides you to your feet , you can't help but notice how big his hand is compared to yours. your thoughts suddenly becomes flooded with fantasties of what you want those big hands to do to you, which he notes by how your touch lingers for a couple moments extra after he lets go.
identifying what your longing for, he presses his lips against yours once more, engaging in a heated make-out while his hands wander down to unzip your jeans and tug them off, leaving you in only your underwear.
while he creeps in tongue into your mouth to make for a french, his long slender fingers rubs your labia through the fabric of your panties, amused by how wet you are already. "still think you can take it?" he basically breathes into the kiss, parting for barely a second to mutter his inquiry.
you reply with an affirmitive moan into the kiss. and just in case that wasn't clear enough, you hook your leg around his hips to give him better access.
he gladly slides the damp strip of material out of the way and sticks his two fingers into your hole, silently snickering at how you writhe at the stimulation of his fingers alone. but you can't help it; they're just so long at push against your walls in just the right way that makes your needy pussy flutter.
the wet noises from your pussy fill the changing room, shortly followed by your stifled moans — afraid other staff might be nearby to hear. his palms rubs against your throbbing clit, as his fingers shallowly thrust inside you. the minimum amount of stimulation needed to make you squim.
lev simply stares at you, enchanted by how your tight hole clings to him, and how the size of his palm compares to your pussy. it's like he could scoop you all up in one hand; hold you tenderly in his hand like a precious doll.
"sweet girl.." he idles, fingers stirring inside you, "fit me so well."
just as he says that, a hiss is drawn from you at how he harshly pulls his fingers out of your hole.
"bend over for me." he commands nicely, and without a second thought, you turn around and bend over, positioning your forearms against the changing room walls to balance you. while you do this, lev has already hooked a finger under the lace of your panties and dragged them down until they fell to your ankles.
his fingers rubbed over your labia, occasionally teasing your clit and soaking up your slick with each seductive movement. his other hand worked on aligning his cock with your glistening hole, until the bulbous tip was prodding against your enterance, at which you let out a low whine of confirmation.
however you didn't fully understand the capacity of what you were giving yourself up for until it was halfway stuffed inside you, contorting your plushing walls to accomodate his massive size and creating a slight buldge in your abdomen. truly it had knocked the wind out of you and despite him no longer being crammed down your throat, you were still choking on it.
as you writhe and mewl in attempt to cope with the intrusion, lev pauses and takes a moment to admire your figure beneath him. how you're so kindly bent over for him, and your tight cunt is struggling to accept his cock.
you were just the right size. with you bent over, he was still tall enough to place his hands on the wall above you, essentially capturing you under him. his sweet angel ready to take him all, and he couldn't help his eagerness to give you what you want.
before he knows it, his hips start to move autonomously against yours, ramming his length into sopping pussy repeatedly, making a lewd squelching noise with every sharp thrust. the volume of which made it clear to anybody nearby what was going on in this changing room, though you didn't have the power to try and silence it, as the hot arousal pooling by your pussy was the only lubricant that facilitated lev's entrance into you, and main reason it was possible for him to move within your homey walls.
his dick stabbed into you over and over, while his slender fingers drew lazy circles over your clit. you were trying your best to stay hushed in fear of being overheard, but lev didn't seem to care. he was allowing the moans, profanities and obscene exclamations to flow freely off his tongue with out a care in the world for who might hear.
"fuck, cutie, so tight." he squeezes the flesh of your ass, then lets his hand wander up so it rests on the small of your back. he's just so much bigger than you, if he wanted he could probably pick you up and fuck you at his height so he doesn't have to bend his knees so much. it's a miracle you're even able to fit him all inside that petite little pussy.
it gets him so hard so see you like this. stripped bare and trembling under him, stifled moans brewing behind your lips and legs trembling as his colossal dick thrashes against your insides. relentless and bruising your cervix with each fervish thrust. completely fucked out from being impaled by his dick, your arms have given out which levaes your cheek pressed lazily against the wall of the changing room. the cold plastic making contact with your skin, hardly enough to combat the waves of searing pleasure he sends rushing through your quivering body.
"can't take it, huh?" he leans over you, his breathy words tickling your shoulder, "too much for this little pussy? too big for my sweet girl?" mindless dirty talk spills from his mouth as his eyes squeeze shut and he basks in the warmth of your walls clamping down on him.
and he pries them open again only so he can get another look at your shaking body, struggling to take him all but persevering. and with the friction of your hole , along with the sight of your small waist held in his soft hands, it wasn't long until lev finished inside you, spilling his hefty load within the confines of your gummy walls.
his cock was pushes out in the process, which made you sigh of relief, but with his hand already positioned on your clit, he was hasty to stuff his fingers right back into your creamed pussy, causing you to gasp.
"sorry," he whispered, straightening his posture and shuffling back, "just don't want to get any on my trousers. they're designer." he chuckles to himself, meanwhile you are still bend over with his load filling your insides; fully exposed and panting.
"maybe i should've used a condom." he muses, playfully curling his fingers, resulting in an erotic moan departing from your lips.
lev laughs heartily, as though he had just cracked the funniest joke, "nah. raw's more fun." he yanks his fingers out, leaving you to feel the full force of his cum stirring within you, "who knows, maybe next time i come back here, there will a tiny version of me."
he places a final kiss to the nape of your neck before heading to pick up his shirt, "and i don't just mean tiny because of your genes."
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cupcakeshakesnake · 2 months
Some old writing I did for a Harbor Town AU x canon POTC situation
So like, this is out of the blue, but some time ago I might have thought up a scenario where the canon POTC cast find themselves in the AU world and, well, not get along. Something about canon Beckett wanting to steal modern technology to get the upper hand in his war while the townspeople try to send the scurvy lot back to their time without the government getting involved.
It was mostly a mishmash of broken scenes but I wrote a bit where AU Norrington has to disguise himself as the 18th century version for some intel or other and runs into Beckett (you'll see which one).
(This was written in 2022, just so you know.)
OH AND IN THE MEANTIME here's the document for general AU ideas I had in 2021. It's been three years, I've outgrown shame.
"Lord Beckett, the Admiral is here to see you." As Groves - the other Groves - stepped forward and opened the door, Norrington tugged discreetly at his collar. It was by some miraculous coincidence that he had recently learned the general methods of donning period garb for an educational reenactment, but heck, the stuff was uncomfortable. He hoped that whatever the situation was, it would end quickly; the boots were already hurting his feet, and more importantly, he wasn't sure he could hold the guise very long.
"Let him in," a smooth voice answered. He was led into what he could only vaguely describe as an organized mess of an office. There were furnitures of very expensive-looking wood, and everything was in perfect order, but there were just so many objects - some of which he could not even guess the uses of. He had to steel himself for a moment, reminding himself that 18th century Admiral Norrington of the Royal Navy would not be caught gawking at his superior's belongings. The doors creaked shut behind him, leaving only him and - presumably - Lord Beckett in the room. He spotted a large portrait of a man standing atop a globe, as if he had conquered the world. The outfit was unfamiliar, but the face bore the likeliness of the Cutler Beckett he knew. So their version has more of an ego, he mused. He turned to face the other side of the room where, behind another one of those fancy polished wooden desks, sat the other Cutler Beckett. Which is to say, basically the same man but in a powdered wig and embroidered waistcoat. Norrington bit the inside of his cheek, successfully holding back a laugh. (To be fair, he himself was looking rather like an ice cream sundae at the moment.)
Wait, was he supposed to say something? How would a Navy officer initiate conversation? He was saved the bother by the other man.
"Ah, Admiral," he started. "Just on time. Excellent. We ought to discuss the matters previously mentioned, then?"
Oh god what was he supposed to say, he had no idea-
"But first, there are some things I need to check."
Oh no oh no oh no-
"Admiral," Beckett started again briskly, not paying attention (thank god) to the visibly anxious not-Admiral. "You were to be stationed on the Flying Dutchman before the recent series of events transpired, is that correct?"
"Yes, sir," Norrington answered as dryly as possible, immensely relieved that it happened to be among what little bits of information he had picked up here and there.
"Good," said Beckett, still not looking, "that seems to be in order. Ah- one more thing. I would need your phone number."
"Zero seven-" Norrington stopped.
"-five, one zero one four, and I will not mention the rest," finished Beckett in a low voice, finally looking up. The smooth drawl in his voice was gone.
"Sir, I-" 
But even as Norrington's brain scrambled to come up with a plausible excuse amidst his mounting confusion, he noticed that the shadows under the shorter man's eyes looked all too familiar - and then Beckett whipped off his wig, revealing a sleek brushed-back hairstyle that was definitely not in fashion during the Age of Sail. So this wasn't the other one after all.
"Don't bother," Beckett called as he rose unceremoniously from his seat and bent down to rummage underneath the desk. "I specifically ordered the men to look for James Norrington near the piers and-" he rose back up with a handful of papers - "told them he would most likely have lost his uniform. I see it's been working out so far." He pushed the papers into Norrington's arms.
"Here, take these. They seem to have stolen some documents of mine, and while this is the majority of it there are still several missing."
"What's going on?" he asked, feeling rather stupid all of a sudden.
"I just explained," the not-Lord Beckett gave one of his scathing glances. Then his narrowed eyes softened slightly. "I explained enough. We don't have time for the full story at the moment."
He picked up his wig from the desk and replaced it on his head. "Now go," there was a hint of urgency in his voice. "Tell them you've been sent to join the reconnaissance party. They will lead you out."
"What about you, Lor- I mean Mr. Beckett?" asked Norrington, safely tucking away the papers in one of his frock coat's inner pockets.
"I still need to look for the rest of the documents," Beckett reminded him.
"What of the other... you? The Lord?"
"Oh, I think we'll have several hours before we have to worry about him, don't worry." answered Beckett with a small, rather ominous smile. "Now please take your leave."
As Norrington walked out the doors and headed up the corridor towards the upper deck, he muttered to himself, Oh god he hit him with the McDonald's sprite.
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limabean42 · 2 months
can i get some relationship hcs for sadness and/or disgust please? i havent seen anyone make anything for them yet and i love them both dearly. thanks. big fan of your work so far btw!
Sadness and Disgust relationship headcanons
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Yeee I’m excited! This is my first request with more than one character included! You guys can always request headcanons for more than one character. Just keep in mind though that because multiple characters are being written for each character’s headcanons will be shorter compared to if it was just one character! Hope you enjoy! Also if you requested recently your request probably won’t be filled until a couple weeks from now. I have a lot to go through and I try to write every other day :)
• Sadness would’ve never thought she’d be in a relationship
• She honestly felt like she wasn’t worthy of being loved by anyone
• If she liked you a lot and couldn’t shake the feeling she’d confess to you but would anticipate rejection
• If you confessed first she’d be genuinely surprised
• “Really? You like me?” She would say
• Nonetheless you two would start dating
• Sadness would be a timid lover at first
• She wouldn’t be adventurous or make the first move at anything just in case you weren’t into it
• However, if you are the type to make the first move and do, she would gain courage to do so as well
• Gets shy with PDA but still accepts it
• If you’re not physically near each other in the control room she waves at you from across the room a lot
• You think it’s cute
• You go on mini dates around headquarters and read books together
• Gets shy when you two kiss
• Likes cuddling with you
• Prefers if you’re the big spoon because she likes to feel protected
• Once you two have been dating for a while she says I love you regularly
• Probably wouldn’t say it first though
• She gets tired easily and when she does she drags you to the bed to come cuddle with her
• You comfort her whenever she cries, even if it’s over trivial things like Riley dropping an ice cream cone
• If she’s crying about something more serious you hold her tighter and give her kisses on the head to help her get through it and talk about it
• She sometimes gets insecure and in her head about you being too good for her
• You can tell when she does because her mood change is easy to detect
• You always comfort and reassure her
• You two don’t really argue
•If she’s upset at you she’s usually sad, hardly ever gets mad or starts arguments
• Just starts crying
• This can be an issue for you sometimes but that’s a topic for another day
• Her primary love languages are words of affirmation and quality time
• Often needs verbal reassurance from you but also loves to be near you in general. Spending time together while chatting
• Overall a very sweet and laidback girlfriend
• Disgust was surprised when she discovered that she had romantic feelings for someone other than Lance to be honest
• She was a bit grossed out at first
• Cause like, why would she all of a sudden develop a crush on someone she lived with?
• She was in denial for a while, whenever she thought of being in a relationship with you she’d almost barf at the idea of her not hating it
• Eventually she would be forced to come to terms with these feelings
• She wouldn’t confess though, you’d have to do that part
• When you do she considers it for a few minutes then sighs defeatedly, admitting the feelings are mutual
• “Fine, whatever. We can date but if you do anything weird I’m breaking up with you.” She’d say in her usual sassy tone
• She’s hesitant at first to do coupley stuff with you. Cringes internally at it
• Eventually though, she more than warms up to it
• She starts craving physical touch and compliments from you
• Falls in love with you without realizing it
• The more time she spends with you the stronger her feelings grow
• She rarely ever gets grossed out by anything you do, just admires you all day from afar
•Doesn’t say anything about it though unless she’s feeling romantic
• Very protective over you
• Will always make sure you’re safe
• If anyone tries to cross you she’s always on your side backing you up, no matter if you’re right or wrong
• She completely turns into your number one fan
• Starts complimenting you on your appearance and giving you soft pecks on the cheek
• Doesn’t mind PDA. Likes kissing you in front of the others
• Loves holding your hand
• You two also go on mini dates around headquarters
• She gets really into planning them and likes having dates frequently
• Her primary love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch
• She also likes receiving gifts though, especially if it’s something lavish like jewelry or perfume
• Loves getting compliments from you and giving them
• Also likes having you touching her at all times in some way, it makes her feel more secure
• She loves cuddling you at night in whatever position you want
• Doesn’t get insecure or jealous often because she knows she’s that girl
• If you give her a reason to be jealous or insecure though, oh boy will she be mad and hurt
• Overall a very loving girlfriend if you keep her happy conistently
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winterwhisperz-blog · 6 months
Hey i just read your touchstarved headcanons and I LOVE IT!!!
And Here’s my request is that can you do a scenario of TS boys with MC who can speak different languages??? (like Italian or French)
Don’t worry i am a patient person and I won’t rush you. And i hope you’ll make more scenarios of the TS boys in be future.
YES HI HELLO !! I am, SO SO SORRY for taking two thousand centuries to respond to this—I’ve been pretty stressed over work so I haven’t been able to write headcanons as much— BUT TYSM FOR THE ASK !! IM SO HAPPY YOUVE ENJOYED MY HEADCANONS !
I do want to apologize in advance that these are going to be shorter and less one-shot like, than my others. These will be more like my Kuras Headcanons I made awhile ago—(Life has been kicking my butt lately so my motivation has been LOW)
But I hope you still enjoy them !!
Also huuuuge thanks to @danyvhell-writes
For helping me with these ideas !! You’re a saint 🙏
Note: gn reader! Fluff
So, one of my besties would do this A LOT where she would just switch into Spanish and I’d just be there like ???
So I thought it would be funny if you did that with Ais here
Imagine you’re in some kind of argument, a stupid, light one you know— and to annoy him
He’s completely stunned, red eyes wide as you just start rambling, (very passionately) in a language he doesn’t understand
As you go on though, he just becomes utterly impressed, watching your mouth as he studies the words coming out of it (and just because he’s flirty LMAOOOO)
After you’ve had your fun, he comments something like “Impressive, Sparrow.” And then asks you, ofc, if you can teach him what you said
To tease him a bit more, you don’t tell him for a bit until he BRINGS OUT THESE GIANT PUPPY EYES
So you do start teaching him, just long evenings hunched over books or a paper as you teach him different phrases and words, the candle light dancing on his focused gaze.
And one day, out of the blue, he starts calling you Sparrow in the language you were speaking(and you also hear him practice words while talking with Princess—AND ITS SO ADORABLE)
After he’s becoming pretty good at it, you then proceed to tease other people(Leander) by randomly switching mid-conversation into a different language <33
NOW WITH THIS ONE, it reminded me of this really cool video of a guy switching between loads of languages in one song
IMAGINE showing this off to Leander one rowdy night at the Wet Wick
Maybe it’s even one of his favorite songs ??? And hearing you sing it in so many languages would absolutely knock him off his feet.
Another thing I think he’d go CRAZY FOR
Pet names, in whatever language.
Like ?? You call him something like “Mi amor…” for Spanish, or “Tesoruccio.” For Italian ??
He’s done for. Doomed. Dead. Will beg you to repeat it over and over while he showers your hands or arms with kisses.
He’s also one that would definitely be okay with you calling these pet names in public—he wants to be all smug that HES the one called yours.
He probably also learns whatever language you speak as well, might already know it because bro probably had tutors that taught him so many languages man.
In return for the pet names, he probably calls you something like “λατρεία μου” or “latria mu” (My adored !!! 🥹 in greek)
I’m guessing since Kuras is an Angel, he knows like ??? Every language?
So when he finds out you speak others, he’s instantly curious, impressed, and now it’s quiz time.
You pass by a certain object, plant, anything, and he asks you how to say it in your language(s). Even if he may already know, he likes to hear it coming from you, enjoying the glint in your eyes as you explain things.
Another thing he’ll do, is when you’re having a library date, he’ll hand you a book and request you translate it. Either from your language to—whatever language people speak in Eridia ?? Or from that language to yours.
These will turn into nightly strolls with you translating a poem or book as he strides beside you, golden eyes locked on every word.
In return, he’ll translate whatever text into a language you don’t know. (I wonder if angels have a specific language??)
A name for him, I think it’d be cute if you called him 아름다운 천사 (Beautiful Angel in Korean !!)
Whether this is after or before you know he’s an Angel, he finds it both amusing and endearing. (Or painfully ironic if his life as an Angel is a tough subject)
OKAY SOSOSOSOSO !! Mhin evidently thirsts for knowledge, they’re a lil nerd and they’re rlly bad at hiding it (A mood really. one of the reasons I love them <3) and my friend mentioned they’re more of a listener? So like I can see them just—paying very close attention to every word you say
At times they may not seem to be listening to you as you ramble, or catch a few words of slang from your language(s). But they’re actually secretly a sponge and soak up every little detail.
And now this may be just me but Mhin gives off such I must impress you with all my random facts vibes.
They ask questions about the languages you speak, the slang, the meanings, how to pronounce things correctly, everything
And then they do their own research, soaking up all they can before appearing to you one day and just starting the conversation in your language(s)
When you show any sign of being impressed, they will look away blushing and try to act cool but nahhh buddy you aren’t fooling anyone we know you spent forever working on that
Similar to Ais, lots of late night lessons where you get to teach Mhin about your language(s)! Just you two looming over an open book, Mhin scribbling down notes, looking so concentrated and you even spot a smile starting to form as they start getting better and better. (I love themmmmm 😭)
Mhin asks you to quiz them a lot, and looks so !! !! Just proud of themself when they pass. (Before realizing it and their self loathing kicks in and they revert back to >:( ) You want to tell them that they don’t need to be quizzed but look at their face !! Let them impress you okay !! They’re top 1 student !!
If you want you can joke about them having to call you Professor(Mc) or something but ur just gonna get a deep frown and glare like 😒 nuh uh AHAHSHS
Ohhh vere my nemesis. (He’s the toughest for me to write i have to like mentally and physically ambush him in a fast food parking lot before I can get anything outta him)
(I love him so much though so here we go !! Thanks to my friend for giving me a lot of help in this one because otherwise I’d be a doomed woman)
My friend brought up since he’s a fox, he’s very sensitive to sound !! So when you’re speaking in your mother language, he notices how your tone might change, watches as your tongue moves against your teeth or the top of your mouth, idk but he makes it a sensual thing somehow 😭
Definitely flirts with you in your language(s), says the most outrageous thing and watches as you get stunned or flustered by it, absolutely delighted that no one but you (or anyone who’s unfortunately being nosy and can understand) knows what he’s saying.
Okay this may be dumb but it’s so funny to me imagine Vere like putting on his most smooth, seductive tone, convincing the people around that he’s gonna say like the most erotic thing but he ends up just saying something like 💀 “Avocados” in your language(s) or like “Leander looks like a chicken breast” he does it to see you laugh but also because Leander overhears and could tell his name was said and thinks Vere is like— finally coming around but only you two rlly know Vere is just sexily roasting him.
Due to recent lore being dropped, and in his lil character sheet, it says Vere has a huge love for the arts. I think it’d be really neat if you introduced him to things specifically written in your language(s) !! Like books that originated from your country, plays that are only acted in that language(s), just a tour of the language! And if he doesn’t know your languages(s) then teaching him is gonna be like 💀 somehow so flirty
Will definitely call you Professor(Mc) but he makes it sound absolutely horrendous and cringey and you will regret it you probably should turn back
Jokingly will ask if you’ll give him a golden sticker if he behaves—do it, just to humble him.
OKAY WE’VE REACHED THE END WOOOT WOOT !!!! I DIDNT THINK I’D MAKE IT !!! Been stuck in this endless void for ages !!
Hem hem, thanks so much for the ask !!! I’m so so sorry it took forever 😭 writer’s block nearly had my head this time uh oh
Thank you again to my bestie for helping me out !!
Now I hope you see the most beautiful sunset, eat your favorite dessert, learn something new, and have a happy spring !! 🫶🩷✨
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
There’s Honey On The Moon Tonight
F!Reader X Kaoru Hanayama
Maaaaan it’s been so long and I am SO sorry. I kinda got out of my groove for a bit and life got overwhelming and draining, hence the radio silence. I wanted to come back with a little fic to get me back into the swing of things and since I have wanted to write for Hanayama for some time, this came about. It was based around a yandere prompt I saw that was “I love you so much, you have no idea what limits I would go to prove that to you.” I actually started writing this for Jack, had all kinds of issues, and decided to write it for Hanayama instead lol. I may still possibly post the little Jack fic I plucked at, but I am overall pretty meh about it so we’ll see. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I really want to work on writing some shorter stuff for a while. I am so in awe of all of you that can churn out these small masterpieces. My ass does NOT know when to shut up and when I start to write my brain is like no… You must explain EVERYTHING, which (whether my mind believes it or not) is not something that needs to be done. ( ͜。 ͡ʖ ͜。) So going through a lot of trying to unlearn that.
ANYWAY I will be quiet and leave this hear for your perusal. It is my gift for coming home (finally) and working to get back up to speed! Thank you all for reading anything I write, and thank you if you like it! I am constantly floored by how wonderful you all are, and I appreciate anyone that reads my stuff more than you all know. (╥﹏╥)
This fic is set a few years in the future, you and Hanayama are both adults and at this point he is even more of a Yakuza big shot. You play the starring role of his forced little mob princess wife, isn’t that sweet? I love romance! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
WARNINGS: Yandere, very dubcon (dare I say even noncon?), power imbalances, grooming, unwanted touching/kissing/heavy petting, forced marriage, mentions of violence and hints of cruelty, mentions of sex.
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Some people may call this ‘the dream life’.
Sitting on this private beach, you soaked in the last of the sun’s rays before it dipped beyond your view. The world was bathed in a swirl of pinks and oranges as the sun sunk into the sea, the gentle lap of the waves coming so close the water nearly touched your toes. The sand beneath your feet was soft, still warmed by the quickly setting sun. Gulls cooed as they circled above you, the flap of their wings diminishing as they began to fly off for the night. You were envious of them as you watched them soar freely, pained by how easily they could fly away to their home.
If only you could be so lucky.
Drops of salt water dotted your arms, mingling with what was left of your sunscreen. Though you had long since applied it, the remnants of the lotion and sea water left a slightly uncomfortable film on your skin, flaking under your nails when you scratched at it. A gust of wind blew, sending a chill through you. Absentmindedly you wondered if despite your preparations, you had been burned.
“Do you plan to stay out here all night?”
Your breath caught in your throat, an all too familiar voice shattering the tranquility of the evening. You had been so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t notice the lumbering form coming up behind you, his arrival marking the end of your solitude.
Another gust of wind blew causing you to shudder once more. As it whipped wildly around you, your body grew colder. It was an unwelcome feeling, especially when just moments ago you were surrounded by such blissful warmth.
If only you could have just a few more minutes to yourself…
It had been a peaceful day, the nicest one you had had on this little honeymoon of yours. Kaoru Hanayama, your newly appointed husband, had been occupied most of the day, leaving you to your own devices.  The peace that awarded was something you sorely needed, seeing as none of this was anything you had ever agreed to willingly.
But now that he had returned all the contentment you had felt moments prior had been drained away, the joy of this island paradise tainted by his unwanted presence.
The night Kaoru proposed he had told you that he could not imagine living a life without you by his side, that his love for you had grown so rampantly that he could no longer bear the thought of not having you officially. He had long since coerced you into being his lover, leaving marriage the logical next step. Brandishing a ring so extravagant it bordered on gaudy, Kaoru got down on one knee. The upper echelon of the Hanayama group surrounded you in a constricting, tight circle, each set of eyes on you fixated on the scene with great interest… Thinking back on it, you had no idea how you didn’t pass out from sheer anxiety.
At that point, you were doomed to become his blushing, beautiful bride.
To you, Kaoru was husband in name only. This marriage would be just another trial that had been forced upon you since meeting the man, his ceaseless infatuation continually ripping your life asunder.  Needless to say, when he was off doing some important ‘family’ related things that ate up the majority of the day you didn’t have many complaints about his absence.
When he had departed this morning you did your best to look forlorn as he kissed you goodbye, shoulders slightly slumped as he ducked through the door, off to do god knows what to god knows who. Even as his now wife, you were never made privy to his ‘business’ dealings. So much of his life was shrouded in mystery, and you were just fine keeping it unknown.
You preferred when Kaoru was bogged down by work. If he was otherwise preoccupied that meant you had no expectation to be latched to his side, forced to play the role of obedient, doting wife. You abhorred the part you played in his life almost as much as you detested the man himself. It took years of whittling you down, making you shed piece after piece of yourself until you were everything he envisioned you would be, his perfect partner. He had molded you into his ideal love, and even though you knew you were sinking to a depth you were unsure you could ever escape, there was nothing you could do to stop it. It was hard going against a man who had the whole Yakuza at his fingertips, and the threat someone of Hanayama’s caliber posed against your family and friends was too high to risk insubordination.
So you acquiesced to his heavy handed flirting, playing along with his awkward and curt stabs at romance. You dropped everything for Hanayama, not because you wanted to, but because he expected it. And if there was one thing you gleaned about the mob life these past few years, it was what the boss wanted, the boss got.
He needed you in every way he could have you. You never had the option of saying no.
A heavy sigh came from behind you, annoyance radiating from your husband when you didn’t acknowledge him. Despite the irritation, the words he spoke came surprisingly gentle. “It’s time to come inside, (name). Dinner has arrived, it will be ready for us shortly.”
You wrapped your towel tightly around your shoulders, and with a deep shuddering breath, rose to your feet.
Silence hung heavy over the dinner table.
The meal Hanayama had served was nothing short of gourmet. ‘Only the finest for the finest’ was something he once joked to you, but he held firm to that ideal with every aspect of your life. The Oyabun’s wife was spared no expense, why would your meals be any different?  A caterer must have come with him to set the table up when Kaoru first arrived home, as it was set in a way that was far too charming for just him to pull off. Flowers and delicate candles garnished the surface, giving the whole room a romantic feel. Condiments and spices stood within arm’s reach, concealed in aesthetically pleasing containers, ready to season the cuisine as you saw fit.
Sighing lightly, you raised your glass for another sip of champagne. Even with the pretty presentation, you lacked the appetite to enjoy the meal. Picking at it lazily, you swirled the food around to make it appear as though you had eaten more than you had, like a child desperate to meet their parent’s approval so they could leave the table.
“Aren’t you hungry,” Kaoru’s deep voice finally interjected, his own feasting halted to shoot you a questioning glance. “You’ve barely touched your dinner. I thought you liked this restaurant? I chose to cater from them to please you.”
“Sorry,” You gave him a forced smile, “The food is delicious, but I think I may have snacked too much today, so I don’t have much of an appetite right now.”
You always had to choose your words carefully with Kaoru, his doting had a tendency to become overbearing if he believed you to be suffering from any ills. The last thing you needed was him fretting over you missing a dinner.  “I’ll have to box it up soon, that way I’ll have something to look forward to tomorrow.”
He grunted in response and an uneasy quiet once more loomed over the table. Hanayama did not seem totally appeased by your excuse, and refrained from placing his focus back on his meal. Dark, steely eyes bore holes into you as you sat hunched over, fixing your focus on anything but him.
He waited a moment before continuing, a look of brief tension flashing across his features.
“I know you are upset with me for leaving you alone all day, but you must know that I am sorry… Will you forgive me?”
To most people, this would be a shocking sight. It was highly unusual for a man like Kaoru Hanayama to be asking forgiveness so modestly, in fact, you were more apt to be groveling at his feet begging mercy than ever hearing the man beg pardon.
But things were different with you, they always had been. Try as he might to harden the soft spot he had for you, he never could seem to bring himself to give you the same detached treatment he gave others. And while his love for you was something he quite proudly displayed, he also refused to let his affections make either of you a target.
Being the Oyabun’s cherished wife put you in danger, his devotion to you making your demise extremely appealing to his enemies. The knowledge that your death would be a huge blow to the indomitable Hanayama was not lost on any who opposed him, but the problem laid in ever getting close to you. He certainly made it hard for anyone trying, finding a moment when you weren’t glued to his side was rare, finding you completely alone even more so.
However catching you by your lonesome was not entirely impossible, and leaving you vulnerable and ripe for assaulting was not something Kaoru could live with.
To combat this threat, he chose to lock you away so that no one could hurt you, touch you, see you, or ever be near enough to harm you. You were his and his alone, and he would let no other soul take you from him.
Ever since you had become ‘official’, the only people besides Hanayama ever allowed to have any correspondence with you were his closest inner circle and occasionally your family. But even then, Kaoru made sure he was always close by to monitor, hovering near to insure nothing untoward or upsetting could happen to you.
In your mind, the isolation hardly seemed necessary. No one ever questioned Hanayama’s might-one look at the man was all you needed to ascertain that he was a terrifyingly powerful figure. When you were in his vicinity your safety became his only care, any risk to that transforming him into a downright beast, bloodthirsty and rage filled beyond compare. Any unfortunate idiot wandering your way who held even a smidge of bad intent was in for a world of excruciating pain, followed by a slow and agonizing death.
But alone, in your own shared space away from prying eyes and hidden dangers, traces of that monster were nowhere to be found. When it’s just the two of you, Kaoru lets himself be overcome with his fondness for you, serenity overtaking his brute side. This display of vulnerability, these small moments of sickening intimacy, he saves solely for you, blanketing them upon you in suffocating layers until you can scarcely breathe.
“It was wrong of me to do,” He reached across the table, his thick hand encompassing yours in a tight grip. “A matter required my utmost attention, but it was not fair to leave my wife at any point during our honeymoon. This time is reserved for you and me alone, and I went against that. I just want you to know that I only left because I had to, and that I hurried back the moment I was able. I hope you can forgive me.”
If you could have done so consequence free, you would have burst out laughing. Of all the wrongs Hanayama had committed against you, giving you breathing room was the most minor of offences.
“It’s alright Kaoru,” you shook your head, keeping your voice even “I understand, and I’m not upset at you. I spent most of my day out enjoying the ocean while you had to get work done, so really I’m the one who should feel sorry for you in this situation, right?”
He smiled at your jest, a sparkle in his eyes as they drank you in.
“You are always my top priority,” Releasing your hand, he went to cup your cheek, engulfing the entirety of it. His calloused thumb pressed in a bit too hard as he stroked you, scratching at the soft skin of your cheeks apple. His hold was deeply uncomfortable, but you dared not move. “Don’t forget that, (name). Never question how much I treasure you.”
A chill ran through you at the intensity of his words, the rough feel of his palm reminding you of each violation his hands had ever committed against you. You watched as his eyes darted to your lips, a different kind of hunger overtaking his expression as he began to lean towards you, eager for a kiss. In a slight panic, you readjusted yourself, creating a moment to break away.  
“W-well, I really need to get this boxed up,” you spoke, pushing off the table until you were standing. Hanayama’s hand lingered in the air for a brief moment, still savoring the memory of holding you. An aggravated look flashed through his eyes, but was gone as quick as it came. “I don’t want to keep it out too long or else it will go bad. I’ll go grab a box.”
If there was going to be a time to escape him for the evening, this was it. You sprang into action, darting around the table as you made your way to the kitchen. The faster you could box up this meal, the faster you could excuse yourself and leave the room while Hanayama took his time finishing. Though it only would buy you a few minutes of privacy in the long run, any time to yourself was worth the effort.
But just before you could completely round the table, a tight grip around your waist snatched you from your course. In an instant you were tugged to the side, plucked up and planted until you were straddling one of your husband’s girthy legs.
Before your brain could even fully register what had happened, he was on you. Desirous, sloppy kisses littered your face as a salacious grin spread across his lips, a low growl rumbling from his chest with each smack of his lips. Your head was spinning at the speed it all occurred, a protesting whine all you could muster as his lips feverishly claimed yours.
Sweat mingled with the scent of his cologne, the heady scent a sign that his actions were quickly and effectively getting him riled up. Overcome with the essence of him, you could do little to fight his intrusion of your personal space, your balled fists pressing against his chest doing all they could to try and create distance. His tongue worked violently, the muscle forcing itself inside you until you were nearly choking on it. Your whole body was thrumming with discontent over how quickly Hanayama came to control your every sensation, his sheer mass totally overpowering all that you were.
The feverish grip he had on your hips kept you rooted, grasping you as if you were his lifeline. Bruises were already starting to form around the press of his fingers, your flesh searing in his hot hold. His hands began to forcibly gyrate your body, rocking you against his leg so that the short skirt you donned had ridden up completely, the sheer fabric of your panties the only thing keeping you from the raw friction of his leg. Your breath hitched as he jostled you against him, small pulses of unwanted pleasure resulting from the action.
His lips parted from yours, moving to latch on your neck. A dull ache emanated from the area he sucked, the bruises he had marked you with days prior not yet completely healed. Without warning, he bit into the tender flesh, causing you to jolt. A dark chuckle rumbled from within him at your response, his tongue laving up the small trail of blood the fresh wound had inflicted.
“My pretty wife,” he murmured in your ear, brushing the straps of your top off your shoulders, “Being apart from you made this day seem never ending. I longed for the moment I could come back and have you all to myself.”
He grabbed one of your hands off his chest, trailing it down his body until coming to a rest on the growing bulge of his crotch. He released a shuddering breath as he thrust against your unwilling palm, his hand guiding yours to trail his length through his tightening pants. Dread gripped you as he began to harden under your touch, his already impressive size growing with each hesitant stroke. Feeling him throb beneath you made your stomach turn, a horrible precursor to the pain you were about to endure.
“Feel what you do to me?” He rasped in your ear, hot breath fanning your neck, “This is all for you.”
“Please Kaoru, I-” Your meek voice began to object, but was cut off by another domineering kiss.
“You don’t have to beg me,” his voice was growing more ragged, breathing becoming choppier the harder he grinded your body against his, “Let me spoil you tonight, it’s the least my beautiful wife deserves for being such a good, patient girl for me.”
Unable to stand the torment of your touches any longer, he stood, throwing you over his shoulder in a display you could almost call barbaric. Making his way towards the bedroom, he smacked your ass harshly, eliciting a pleased hum at the pained gasp the act had garnered.
“I was going to offer dessert after our meal, but you have presented something much sweeter to me,” he chuckled as he entered the bedroom, tossing you to the awaiting bed, “And what you offer is something I would much rather devour.”
Tears stung your eyes as you watched Kaoru begin to shed his clothing, his scarred body coming more into view with each piece of fabric he cast aside.
“Get undressed,” he ordered, lust dripping from his features. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, before shooting you a cocky grin, “I can wait no longer. I love you so much, and you have no idea the limit’s I’ll go through to prove that to you.”
He took a step forward, inching his way up the bed, “But tonight, I don’t intend to stop until you understand.”
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shewrites444 · 2 years
favorite distraction [xavier thorpe x reader]
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[ hi loves, so after a great amount of support on continuing to write on xavier, here is shorter one shot on xav as a thank you for how kind all of you are. please feel free to send me requests and i will try my best to pick up my posting rates again. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ]
word count - 1.5k
[summary: after coming back to nevermore for the next semester, the reader and xavier take out their sexual needs on each other.]
[warnings: filthy dirty talk, oral (f receiving), fingering, protected sex, friends with benefits type of situation, small hint of the plot but mainly smut]
xavier and i had always been good friends, but after his recent heartbreak caused by no one other than wednesday addams, our connection turned into something far more sexual than either of us seemed to expect. sure, we still had a ton of respect for each other, but using each other to get our urges out wasn't a bad idea on either end. besides, we had been so sex deprived for the past few months, now was the best time to let it out.
so, not even an hour after principal weems announced "lights out", i was already half naked in his dorm room.
xavier's fingers ran through my hair, guiding my head down onto the propped up pillow that rested against his bed's headboard. he pulled his shirt off before reaching over to do the same for me, as i lifted my arms up to assist him.
i laid my back against the blue bedsheets, feeling his lips trail down the nook of my neck and towards my collarbone, his tongue sliding from the heated skin and down to my breasts, which were already exposed due to the fact i walked into his room minutes before wearing nothing but a long sleep shirt and underwear.
"oh, fuck, xav.." i moan quietly and bit off-guard, my eyes closing as his lips attached to the stimulated bud, his lips trailing around my skin while his hand slid up to hold my neck. "you don't know how much i've missed this.."
he grinned to himself, looking up to lock our eyes while he pulled away to kiss me, his tongue sliding between our lips to meet my own, saliva mixing between the messy pecks while his grip on my throat adjusted to a comfortable hold for the both of us, but just enough of a harsh grip to make it clear he was the one in charge.
i wouldn't say xavier was typically the one to take the lead, but he was the one to maintain it best. i figured that after months of no sexual stimulation towards each other, he would have the upper hand, and i wasn't complaining about that.
"you're gonna have to be quiet, [y/n].." he muttered into my lips, moving one hand towards the waistband of my panties, his fingertips trailing down into the fabric. "if you still wanna keep me a secret, that is.."
i scoff, a grin spreading across my cheeks as i look up to meet his eyes. "fuck you."
"gladly." he winked playfully, dipping his middle finger into my juices as he began to finger me, curling the digit inside of me to earn a loud moan, which was muffled by another kiss.
xavier moaned into my mouth, simultaneously pleased through my own pleasure, while he pumped one finger in and out of me, before his thumb attached to my clit, rubbing the bud in a circular motion before i quickly arched my back in response.
"if this is already causing you to shake your legs, how on earth am i going to be able to fuck you? gosh, [y/n], i'm not too sure if you'll be able to take it." he teased, kissing the side of my head as he continued to stimulate my lower body. "how badly do you want it? i don't wanna make you cum too quick."
"oh, hush." i roll my eyes, looking up to him with a grin before leaning up to kiss him once more. "you'd melt at my touch." i say seductively, kissing his cheek before working my lips to his left ear. "if you wanna fuck me, you better be able to make me cum quick. gotta work for it, thorpe."
"fuckkk..." he moaned to himself, adding another digit to my wetness as his fingers fucked me, his pace picking up rapidly through his newfound goal. "you really gonna cum on my fingers, baby? you feel so fucking tight around, you have such a pretty pussy.. god, i wanna fuck you so bad.."
"oh, is that so?" i tease between breaths, glancing down to his hand as his fingers thrusted in and out of me, his rapid pace causing the bed to slightly rock at his movements. i sink into the pillow, xavier's hair lightly brushing against my face as he hovered above me, holding eye contact with me through my words. "if you want my pussy so bad, why don't you taste it?"
he grinned, pulling his fingers out of me after slowing down his pace, sliding them into his mouth before leaning down before my entrance, watching me spread my legs and sliding the two digits into me once again. he begin to flick his tongue against my clit, my fingers running through his hair and holding his head against my stimulant while his eyes locked with my own.
"you are so good at that, xav.. you always are, my god, babe.. just like that.." i praise, glancing down to watch him while he fingered me and flicked the bud, his hair tucked behind his ears, but falling back against his forehead with every move of his tongue.
he wrapped his free hand around my leg, lifting it to rest above his shoulder as he continued to overstimulate my shaking, sweating body. i felt my core tighten at his sensitive touch, his fingers gripping my thigh to hold my arching body down to nearly force me to withstand his tongue pressed sharply against my clit, as i moaned loudly, releasing as he pulled his fingers out of me, his tongue continung to ride me through my orgasm.
he pulled away from me, leaning up to press his lips against my own as i taste my own juices, his erection pressing against my abdomen while he reaches across me to the nightstand, opening it and fumbling inside to grab the condom.
as xavier slipped it on, i sat up, glancing to his now naked body while he helped to pull me off the bed, wrapping one arm around my waist to guide me towards the dresser. i smirk, looking up to xavier as he leaned me down, my breasts pressed against the cold wooden top.
"i wanna watch your face. it's been awhile, hm?" he smirked, kissing my neck as he helped push my body into an arch, guiding his length between my folds and into my entrance, sliding inside of the wetness with one thrust, his balls pressing against the front of my pussy while he began to fuck me, one hand on my neck and the other around my waist.
i moan, looking up to meet his eyes in the mirror while his mouth hung open, watching my breasts bounce with every thrust, his fingers tightening around my neck as my moans stagger at his touch. i chew my bottom lip in an attempt to be quieter, watching him grin in satisfaction.
"you able to take me?" he teased, pumping himself in and out of me rapidly, my toes curling against the floorboards at his thrusts, his balls slapping against my clit with aggression. "or do i need to let you take a break, baby?"
i shake my head, pressing my hands against the dresser as i meet xavier's eyes. "oh, i can take you. fuck me harder." i command, watching his eyes widen in surprise as he nods with a grin, releasing his hand from my neck to meet the other parallel to my waist, thrusting his dick farther and deeper inside of me, making me shout with heavy moans while the dresser hit against the wall, our bodies colliding with each slap of skin.
"f-fuck..! like that, fuck, xav, oh fuck yeah.." i gasp, feeling his length pound my pussy through each and every movement he made inside of me. "you're gonna make me cum again, baby.. oh my fucking... fuck!"
as xavier and i's moans align, we both reach our climax, while he wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer as he slips out of me and adjusts me stand up, my ass pressed against his body while he kisses me cheek passionately. we both take a minute to catch our breaths before separating.
i glance up to him with flushed cheeks, watching him slip the condom off and walk over to toss it into the trash. he turns around with a heavy sigh, brushing his hair out of his face. "quite a way to start off the semester, [y/n]. always a pleasure to fuck my closest friend."
"shut up." i smirk, walking back to the bed to grab my underwear, slipping them on before turning my shirt inside out. "you always know the right words to say." i tease with a hint of sarcasm as he gets dressed aside me.
i grab my phone from the nightstand and watch him sit on the bed, walking over to straddle him, his hands reaching over to cup my ass cheeks as i kiss him softly. i tilt my head, smiling as he watch him breathe heavily through his nostrils at my teasing gestures.
"how about we start off the weekend with me on top of you, hm?" i say quietly, quirking a brow while he grins in response.
"can't wait." he gestures me off, walking me to the door with his arms around my waist as he leans down to meet my height. he pecks my forehead before opening the door. "text me when you get back to your room. see you then, [y/n]."
"later, thorpe." i wink before he shuts the door, and i turn down the dark hallway and back to my room.
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she-whatshername · 2 months
LOLOL Ya’ll want a Fourth Wing Poly-Romance?
I’ve been wanting to write something way out of my normal writing pairings and I’ve gotten myself in a little bit of ‘Violet in a Xaden Riorson Harem with the Marked ones’ trouble. I just decided to go with what was on my brain and here’s a rough outline
Violet begrudgingly attends her sister Mira’s wedding, as she’s opposed to her sister being married for the sake of brokering peace with their kingdom’s enemy, the Empyrean Realm. However, by a cruel twist of fate, she finds herself now walking down the aisle to be wed to the most ruthless, powerful and dangerous man of the Empyrean, The Onyx Prince, Xaden Riorson. And no one in the kingdom is planning to stop it. Now she’s whisked away to the lands of of her enemy, spending her time honing her power and uncovering the truths and secrets of both kingdoms. The first lie she unfolds, she isn’t Xaden’s first marriage. She’s his fourth.
That’s right, folks. My brain has decided it wants a Xaden/Violet/Liam/Garrick/Imogen trope. I honestly do not know if this idea will EVER get out of my brain and into a fic but I did manage to pull some words together to introduce violet to her new extended family. I figured I’d share this chaos with you all. If this idea sounds worth exploring to you all, let me know. For now, enjoy a crumb of the chaos.
Violet walked across the courtyard, a few feet behind Xaden towards the front entrance of the large fortress. Before they could enter, the door opened and two figures emerged.
“About time you got back, your grace.” A tall man with dark curly hair addressed Xaden with a snark and a smug smile on his face. He glanced over at Violet and raised a brow, “This her? She’s …well she’s quite different from what the correspondence said.”
Xaden doesn’t seemed phased by the insult, rather he strolled over to the man and bites back, “Yeah well plans changed. You can thank our asshole King Tairn for that. Now shut up and kiss me before this day can get any fucking worse.”
Violet’s breath hitched in her throat as the man, who was taller than Xaden, as unbelievable as that was, smirked at Xaden before he leaned in to give him a rough and heated kiss on the mouth.
Gods. What was happening? She knew the Empyrean were cruel and merciless, but watching your husband, even though Violet hated that she had to call him that, kiss another man front of you still had a sting of…something to it. Jealousy? No. Frustration? That was more like it. Was he doing this just to get a rise out of her?
“You too Imogen.” Xaden now turned his head and stared at the woman standing next to the tall man. She was shorter than Xaden with a muscled frame and pink hair.
Imogen simply scoffs at him and crosses her toned arms over her chest, “Absolutely not. You smell like Navarre.”
“Aww come here.” He cooed, “Don’t embarrass me in front of our new guest.”
Imogen protested, and actively fought him as he tried to pick her up and twirl her around in his arms. Eventually she stopped swearing and smacking at his shoulders and finally relented, allowing Xaden to place a quick kiss on her temple.
“Don’t I get to join in on the fun?”
Violet turned again, her eyes widening as the red dragon that Xaden flew in on was no longer standing on the courtyard, it was just a man. A tall, blonde haired, naked man. Just…smiling at her.
“Gross. Put some fucking clothes on, Liam.”
“What, jealous of something, Garrick?” Imogen teased.
Liam’s smile grew wider while he walked over, clearly not phased or embarrassed that he was exposed. As he passed violet he gave her a slight bow of his head before he made his way towards the trio. He wrapped his arms around Garrick who was grumbling something to Imogen, speaking softly that Violet was barely able to pick up, “You have nothing to be jealous of, Garrick. You’re quite the stallion yourself.”
“Oh don’t goad his ego,” Xaden chastised, “C’mere.” He pulled Liam into his arms, giving him a long and slow kiss. It was much more tender, more sensual than his kiss with Garrick.
Violet’s head was spinning. As much as she tried to hide her confusion, shock, and even anger, it was still pretty readable on her face. So, much so Imogen was glaring at her with a smirk.
“Is there a problem, Violet?” Xaden asked with a lazy tone while breaking the kiss from the blonde man, “After your little outburst at the ceremony I didn’t peg you as someone to get flustered so easily.”
“This is…” She began, almost stuttering, “It’s just…un-uncommon for a wife to see her husband be so openly affectionate with the castle staff in front of her.”
“The fuck she call us?!” Imogen spat.
The golden flecks in Xaden’s eyes were almost twinkling when he spoke, his voice laced with a darkened joy, “I can’t kiss my husbands and wife in front of my new wife? Ah, I take it from the look on your face you didn’t know. The intel from your mother’s spies seem to be lacking. You may be my first marriage from Navarre but you’re not my first -
Not by a long shot.”
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oleander-nin · 1 year
The Weight Of A Letter(12)
A/N: Trying to make the chapters longer since I know you all hate the shorter ones, but this one still isn't too long. Sorry. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Taglist? If you want to be added or removed, just say so: @ssak-i @sinister-things @ancreativename @t0ta11y-n0t-cup1d @idiotreblogger @whygz @lexiechr@10yagurlchip01 @rex-ray @sunsersilversky @theavianlady @sspiderj
Part 1 - Previous - Next
Words: 2393
Content warnings: Slight paranoia near the end, but none else I think?
Chapter 12: A Consequential Decision
I look at him as if he was insane, a laugh being pulled from my chest. He had to be pulling my leg. “You wrote me a love letter. The guy who’s been glaring at me this whole class? The guy who’s so far found a way to insult me in every sentence?”
“Of course,” He pauses, glancing back at the open letter. “(Y/n). I wrote you those letters. I’m Von Ryan.”
“I thought your name was CK.”
CK, or Von Ryan, did not seem amused by my comment. He glares at my smug grin, clearly holding himself back from insulting me more. His jaw ticks to the side as he takes a deep breath. I narrow my eyes as my grin falters. For my claimed secret admirer, he sure seems to be annoyed with my every move. The complete opposite of what the letters preached. There was no way he wrote them. I just needed to prove it.
“Von Ryan is an alias.” He says through gritted teeth. I roll my eyes. There was no way he was serious. 
“Sure it is.” I say coolly. I put the letter back into my bag while I attempt to hold myself back from punching him. If he really was the author, I was going to burn all the letters.
CK grumbles, his face going almost red with anger. “Well I’m sorry if the way I show love isn’t up to your standards, your majesty.”
His seething words nearly make me laugh, the way they drip down with loathing a lover could never muster, causing me to be even more certain he was not the one who wrote the letters. He couldn’t’ve, not with how he was acting. Either that, or this really was how he ‘loved’.
“How do I prove I wrote the letters?” He asks, his voice still tight. I look over at him, thinking it over. I wasn’t sure anything could make me believe him.
“Why did you start writing the letters?” I ask. If he answered enough of the questions mostly correctly, I’d be less inclined to not believe him. His face softens a bit and he shifts his weight, writing down the last equation on the paper.
“Because you’re everything I want.”
I roll my eyes. I wasn’t sure what I wanted him to answer, but hearing something so simple, so… easy. It wasn’t convincing. I glance him over, scowling. I doubted I would ever be convinced. “Sure lover boy. When did you send the first letter?”
He crosses his eyes for a second, seemingly thinking. He counts on his hand, his face scrunched up in concentration. “You’ve gotten around twenty, and I’ve given them every school day except the days you were gone, so around… three weeks ago?”
I nod, taking it. I had no idea when they started either way, so I couldn’t confirm or deny this. I chew on my cheek, trying to think of more questions. I hear CK huff, his cheeks puffing out in frustration. I couldn’t help but think he looked like a frog. A really, really, angry frog. 
“What if I take you on a date tomorrow night? Somewhere nice? I’ll try to redeem myself and you’ll see I’m not so bad.”
I tilt my head, considering it. I really didn’t want to ever spend time with him again, but dates usually involved food or fun activities… No. I refuse to fall for his tricks, let alone him. The writer of the letters was passionate, if not a bit crazy from most recent letters. I eye him up. He could fall in line with crazy, but passionate didn’t seem his style.
His eye twitches at my contemplation, a large hand running over his face. “I’ll buy you dinner.”
He waits another second for me to answer before he groans. “And dessert.”
I grin, shouldering my bag as the bell rings. Even if he was a stuck up jerk, I could deal with dinner. It would be easy enough to leave if I needed to. I push past the other kids leaving, heading towards my locker. I still needed to tell Irma I wasn’t going home with her. Worry rolls in my stomach and I grimace at the thought. She would let me, of course, but I still felt bad. It’s not like I could tell her where I was going. I chew on my cheek, reshouldering my backpack out of habit. I guess I should also tell her about CK. Maybe she could talk me out of the date or knock some sense into me. 
I look up at the decal on the wall, the murals of past students who walked through these halls. The bright colors were stark in contrast with the gray wall, rainbows and patterns walking with me until the wall ends and I turn the corner. My eyes automatically land on Irma, her hair bunched up in a loose bun as she leans against my locker. Due to a spontaneous basketball meeting, she wasn’t able to see the letter this morning. It was also the perfect excuse for how I got my phone back. She wasn’t with me this morning, so she couldn’t confirm or deny how I got it. I just hoped she wouldn’t poke too many holes in my story.
I walk up next to her, nodding in thanks as she shifts away from my locker. I grab needed books and homework, depositing them in my bag while taking the letter and flower out to hand to Irma. Her eyebrows raise in surprise as she grins, knocking her shoulder against my own.
“Lover boy struck again, huh?”
I shrug, unsure when to tell her about the contents. This letter was more concerning than sweet, and now that CK was claiming to be the author, everything was even more complicated. I lean against my now closed locker, letting her read the note in peace. I could tell her of our learned information after.
As Irma reads the letter, her eyebrows furrow and a frown sets on her usually grinning face. I twirl the red rose that came with the letter in my hand, the smooth stalk having been stripped of its thorns. Irma carefully folds the letter and puts it back into the envelope, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“I know I spoke out in defense of letter guy, but he’s really making me regret that decision.”
“You notice it too?” I ask, grinning slightly out of relief. At least I wasn’t just being paranoid this time.
“Notice it? (Y/n), it’s practically jumping out at us. He’s not exactly being subtle. “You’re my one and only, and I would do anything to have you. You wouldn’t survive without me.” Yeah, that’s something you’d hear in a horror movie, not a love letter.” Irma runs her hand down her face, groaning. “I’m sorry they’re getting worse. I was hoping you’d have this to cheer you up. If the next ones are… Unpleasant, like this one is, I think we should tell the principal so they can find the writer.”
“I know who wrote them. Err, I know someone who claims they wrote them.” I put stress on the word ‘claims’, grimacing as I think back to our earlier interaction. Irma looks at me, her brown eyes muddled with confusion. She purses her lips, thinking of what to say, but I speak first.
“His name’s CK, no idea of a last name. He’s in my Physics class.”
Irma nods, sighing. “Okay, well we got that figured out then. What do you want to do about it? Report him? Let it keep going? Ignore him?”
I laugh nervously. “How about going on the date he asked me on?”
Irma stares at me and I shrink back, twirling the flower faster in my hands. She sighs, leaning her weight against the locker and letting her head hit the side. “That’s definitely an option, I guess. Do you like him?”
I snort. “No. He’s detestable.”
“Then you agreed to a date, why exactly?”
“He said he’d pay.”
Irma groans, taking me by the shoulders and shaking me. “(Y/n), food should not be a good bribe. I will buy you dinner if that’s what you want.”
“Yeah but I want to waste his money, not yours.”
Irma sighs, her hands tightening around my shoulder for a moment before loosening. “Just… be careful, okay? He’s probably just playing up the dramatics of the letters, but I’ll get my dad to let you borrow his phone tomorrow in case something goes wrong.”
“Oh, about that,” I say, fiddling in my pocket. I pull out my phone, perfectly pristine and fixed by Donnie. I smile nervously at Irma, watching her face carefully. “I got it back today.”
“What? When, how?”
“They dropped it off at the front of the school right after you left for basketball practice. They couldn’t hang around long either way, they had to run off to college.”
“You never mentioned they were a college student.”
“Never came up.”
Irma lets out an exasperated breath, pressing her forehead against mine. “You are insufferable. Now c’mon, my dad’s waiting for us.”
I suck in a sharp breath, my hands clenching at my sides. I try to force a smile on my face, hoping Irma wouldn’t be upset. Realistically I knew she wouldn’t, but I still couldn’t shake the feeling off. “About that… A friend invited me over for dinner. I’m not sure when I’ll get back, so I’ll stay in my apartment tonight. Tell Tony I say hi though.”
Irma chews on her cheek. “Oh. Well, you have your phone now, so… Just, call me or Tony if anything happens. And you know you can still stay with us, right?”
I nod, sighing. “I know, I just… If I get back later than 9 I’m going to go to my apartment. The police cleared it a long time ago, so I might as well start getting used to it. I promise I’ll be safe.”
Irma nods, her face pinched in worry. “That’s all I can ask for.”
Irma pulls me into a tight hug before walking to the front of the school as I duck towards the back. I pull out my phone, skimming over the instructions Mikey had sent me. I was supposed to meet Donnie outside a restaurant a couple blocks from the school so he could show me where the lair was. I shoot a text to Donnie, letting him know I am on my way. I navigate the halls, ducking between straggling students until I reach the side door that would give me the straightest path to Donnie.
The door swings shut behind me as I move across the faculty parking lot in the back of the school. I could sense someone watching me as I walked, shadows in the corner of my eye darting between buildings and over rooftops. I couldn’t help but feel a bite of disappointment as my anxiety grew. I had an idea of who wrote the letters, my apartment has been cleared for weeks, and I haven’t had anything major happen in a while. I was really hoping these stupid hallucinations would die down. A bitter feeling mixed with the pain in my chest from my growing paranoia, turning into an ugly concoction of frustration. I try to keep my face schooled into a smile, not wanting to be grumpy when I get to Donatello. The last thing I want to be is a downer.
When I make it to the meeting point, I look around for Donnie. I huff when I don’t see him immediately.  Despite being an anthropomorphic turtle, he was really hard to spot. I turn to face the shadows to the alley when I notice slight movement just inside my peripheral vision, hoping to spot my guide. Once I can make out Donnie’s figure in the dark, I smile at him as he motions for me to follow him. He starts to slink back into the shadows and I follow, swallowing the lump sitting in my throat. Being led through an alleyway was not what I was expecting when he said he’d show me the way.
Donnie continued to lead me down the alleyway, my nerves climbing up higher and higher, goosebumps starting to pop up along my arms and legs. My poor decision making skills were starting to dawn on me. I barely knew this guy and I was willingly following him into a creepy alleyway, and no one knew where I was. Just how stupid am I? I exhale slowly, adjusting my bag on my shoulders so I could wipe my now clammy hands on my pants. Donnie just kept walking ahead of me, seeming to not be too worried about whether or not I was following behind. He stops at the end of the alleyway and I look around confused. There weren’t any entrances or openings back here.
“Glad you could make it. Are you ready to go?” Donnie asks as he lifts up a manhole cover I didn’t notice before. I stare at him, wondering if he's joking. I nearly gag at the smell that wafts up, trying to hold my stomach down. He doesn’t actually expect me to go in there, right?
“Go where?” I ask, praying this was all a big joke. There was no way he wanted me to go in a sewer. That’s repulsive at best. I grimace at the thought, taking a small step back.
“To the lair, dum dum.” Donnie moves the cover fully off of the maintenance hole, gesturing towards the opening as he waits for me to climb inside. I open and close my mouth a bit, trying to find the words.
“Donnie,” I say gently, as if he wasn’t aware. “That’s an opening to the sewers.”
“Scoff.” Donnie says, irritated at my comment while I cover my mouth with my hands. I really didn’t mean to say that. “Where did you think we’d live? A mansion?”
“Sorry, just wasn’t really expecting the sewers I guess. I didn’t mean to offend you.” Donnie looks at me for a moment before gesturing towards the hole. 
I hesitate for a moment before slumping in defeat, grabbing hold of the ladder and climbing down into the dark sewers.
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muffinsin · 8 months
Ik you have alot of requests rn but i wanted to write out a somewhat chaotic thought before i forgot it if thats ok 😅
So readers just a lil bit shorter than the three sisters and there just teasing reader by saying things like- ‘ik we dont see eye to eye’ and reader just full on whips out a foldable stool from seemingly nowhere n stares down the sister. N while said sister is flabbergasted, readers like ‘oh sorry, what was it you were saying? I couldnt hear, you were too busy sucking my dick’
How do you think the three sisters would react to this?
Yours truly,
-deluded anon 😁
This is GOLDEN!😭
Let’s get into this! XD
She’s the tallest of the three sisters, her height only outdone by her mother’s
And you? You’re shorter than her, which she never fails to remind herself of
Bela can be such a tease sometimes, even if she normally strays from short people jokes
A tease, like now, when she playfully tips your chin up and whispers:
“I know we don’t always see eye to eye, but you’re still so precious to me, little one”, she teases with a knowing smirk and a tap to your nose
The smirk is wiped off her face and replaced with a confused, curious expression as you suddenly hold out and fiddle with something
A foldable stool?
Bela watches you climb it with slight difficulty, her eyes wide and her face a mix of shock and surprise
You decide, it’s time you tease your girlfriend back for her slightly bratty behavior
Bela gasps when her chin is tipped up now, her head tilted back to meet your eyes
“Oh I’m sorry, Bela, what was it you were saying? I couldn’t hear you, you were too busy sucking my dick”
Immediately, another gasp is pulled from her lips and the poor thing feels extremely flustered
She avoids your eyes, golden eyes staring forwards at your stomach instead
No, you’re not letting her off the hook so easily
Bela’s cheeks are bright pink when you tip her face upwards again, her golden eyes wide
“I believe you have something to say, Bela”, you demand smugly
Oh, she loves short people jokes
She practically makes one at any given opportunity, and she loves resting her arm on your head
Cassandra never fails to remind you of your height
Today is no different, as she shamelessly and smugly picks you up under your armpits
She smirks as she’s at last on eye level with you, her golden eyes staring into yours
“I know we don’t always see eye to eye level, so I thought I’d help you”, she snickers
When she sets you down, her confident and smug, self satisfied expression turns to surprise
You’re pulling out…a foldable stool?
She’s absolutely flabbergasted as you climb it and stare down at her
Her face merely above your hip level now, and she’s staring up at you preciously confused and shocked
You decide to take the opportunity you have now and lean down to cup her slightly bloodied cheek
“Care to repeat that, Cass? What was it you were saying? I couldn’t hear, you were too busy sucking my dick”, you tease right back
Now it’s you with the smug expression…for about a millisecond
Cassandra smirks, her eyes slightly lidded
“I had no idea you were this desperate, pet”, she breathes out, the new position immediately taken advantage of as she brushes her face against your lower stomach, humming and smirking up at you
You stand, flustered and confused how she’s turned the table on you yet again
It seems height isn’t everything
Oh, but you’re her little teddy bear!
She adores your height, even if it doesn’t even differ all that much from hers
She sees you as a lot shorter than you are, and treats you as such
Daniela, like her sisters, is a brat through and through. She loves to tease and annoy you, especially about your height
Of course, this moment is a perfect example of this
You gasp when she pushes you down into a sitting position, then crouches down to you, pouting playfully
Her eyes glisten mischievously, and you know another short people joke is on its way
And right you are
“I know we don’t see eye to eye, though now we do”, she giggles
Daniela snickers at her own joke even as you get up, even going as far as to wipe fake tears from her eyes
Her expression turns to confusion, though, when you pull a foldable stool out and set it down in front of you
She looks up at you wide wide eyes and parted lips, flabbergasted as you tower above her now
Daniela feels your hand in her hair, gently tugging backwards to have her crane her neck and look up properly
“My, Dani. What was it you were saying? I couldn’t hear, you were too busy sucking my dick”
This gets an immediately blush out of her, as well as a surprised squeak
“I-Ahm..I-“, she mutters quietly, unsure what to say
Her eyes attempt to avoid yours, until her hair is tugged again and she looks up at you again properly
You smirk down at her, satisfied with yourself when you see her rub her thighs together at your playful statement. The poor thing is painfully easy to arouse
“Have you learned your lesson now, Dani? Are you going to stop being a little brat about my height?”, you ask, and she confirms it eagerly
You know she hasn’t, and she won’t stop, but that’s okay. You don’t mind teasing her a couple more times
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this-loser · 8 months
Silent Prayer
Author's Notes: So, I actually haven't written in a while and for those who liked my previous stories I apologize. I deleted them from the account and forgot that I didn't have them saved so they are gone forever. Recently I have been hard on myself about that plus my writing. I ended up going inactive and recently going into the DC fandom, especially because of my love for Jason Todd, I got back into writing again. This is the first time I've written for Jason, bunch of scrapped ideas before this, so if it feels out of character I must apologize. Anyway, enough of my talking. Please enjoy!
「WC: 863」
「Summary: He's unable to sleep but maybe a little music will coax him into sleeping」
「Warnings: I don't use Y/N, This might be a little sad tbh, Nothing explicit just wholesome fluff, This is shorter than I originally thought it would be but I'm okay with this」
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「Song name: "In Dreams" by Roy Orbison. In case you'd like to listen to it while reading look it up on either YouTube or Spotify.」
It was never silent. Not in Gotham City. From the police sirens to the neighbors or the people outside the apartment building going on about their lives. No one pays any mind, depending on where you're looking, to the fact that this place was one of the biggest shitholes. No one could tell Jason otherwise.
He'd lived on the streets. Did things that he shouldn't have done, but he needed to survive and witnessed firsthand how god-awful the people in the city can be. All of that had been seen through the eyes of a child.
Was he proud of his past? Depends, but for the most part, no.
Reflecting doesn't help.
He knew that. It only made things come back, and the emotions left him sour. Especially when the original point was to sleep, something he was having trouble doing. Again.
Jason sat up, the blanket pooling at his hips as he ran a hand through his hair. The sound of a vehicle honking caused him to lift his head, looking at the window blinds. A few seconds pass by before he relaxes.
"Hmm..." The softness of your voice drew his attention, along with the blanket moving as you turned over onto your left side. "Jason," "Go back to sleep, baby." He crooned, stopping you from continuing your sentence and then leaning down to you, his hand pushing some of your hair out of your face as your eyes fluttered open. "Shh, just go back to bed. Everything is alright."
He was bullshitting, but not to worry you. Jason knew that you'd be up without another second if you knew his insomnia was bothering him again. "Just sleep." His hand gently cupped your cheek as he kept whispering coaxing words to ease you back into sleep, blissfully unaware of his suffering.
"Jay," Through tired eyes, you look at him. The darkness hides his face; however, you can make out the look he gave you. A soft reassurance that would have fooled anyone if they didn't know him well enough. That is, if they ever broke past that permanent scowl he always had. The look alone drew a huff from you. "Liar." He froze, the look quickly morphing into a disappointed frown. "Please, sleep. Don't worry about me. I'll be okay." He brought forth a weak smile, his hand caressing your cheek. "Trust me, you need more sleep than I do, I'll be alright." "Jason..." He shook his head, stubbornness kicking in as he leaned closer, pressed his lips against your temple, then pulled away. "You're gonna go back to bed. No arguing about it." You whined at his stubbornness, and although that made him chuckle, he didn't let up.
You pulled a hand from under the blanket, lifting it and grabbing his arm. "No. I'm not giving up that easily, Jason." He bit back a groan at your stubbornness, internally kicking himself for hoping that you'd actually give in to his demand. You sat up slowly and let go of his arm as you reached over the end table on your side, grabbing your phone.
It was still early morning, and Jason clearly wasn't having a good night. "Jay, it's 4:37 A.M." He groans at the observation and leans back against the headboard. "I know, Genius..." He grumbles, looking away from you. "You're welcome." You mumble, now going through your phone. A few seconds of silence go by before the room is filled with soft music from your phone.
"I softly say, a silent prayer like dreamers do,"
He glances at you, the song playing as you set your phone back onto the end table. "Music?" You nod, looking at Jason. "Why not? Might help you sleep." "Not really my type of music." "Too bad. You've got to deal with it since it's my choice." You lay back down, moving over to him and throwing an arm over his hips, burying your face into the side of his thigh. "Who's the artist?" "Roy Orbison." He nods his head slowly, the name not sounding familiar to him. "Melancholy as hell, though." He added, looking down at you and resting his hand on your head. "Mm." Your eyes flutter closed, the soft tempo of the song starting to lull you back to sleep.
"In dreams, you're mine all of the time,"
He leans his head back. Taking in the lyrics and how melancholy they are. "Actually, they are kinda peaceful." He whispers, his fingers running through your hair. "Except for the "Candy-colored clown" bit... That part doesn't sound all peaceful to me." A light scoff comes from Jason as he stares at the bedroom door and feels his eyelids become heavier as the song continues to play.
"In beautiful dreams"
He blinks a few times as a wave of sleepiness crashes over him, but he pulls himself back and gently pulls your arm from his hips. You make a noise of protest as he lays down, pulling you into his arms once he's lying on his right side. You sigh in contentment, relaxing again and peacefully resting as Jason's eyelids close. The melody of the song coaxes him into a dreamless sleep.
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ravenloop · 2 years
Hey! Love your writings! Would love to see you write something for Sindri, Tyr, Thor and/or heimdall with a giantess reader who is taller than the boys (feel free to change any of the boys or lower the amount by picking your favs!)
Headcanons: Sindri, Tyr and Heimdall with a giantess S/O
AN: WOOOOOO I LOVE TALL GIRLS STUFF! Also I did a lotta stuff for Thor recently so i decided to leave him out of this one. Hope you dont mind :)
Considering he's a dwarf, Sindri isn't ever really surprised when he sees someone taller than him. That also applied for when he first met you.
You were a giant so of course you would be taller than him, it was expected.
But man, he never actually thought that he'd ever date a giant!
He gets very shy and flustered around you, even more than he normally is when you're not there. Brok teases him about it a lot and he somehow gets even less composed.
You tease him a lot about how much taller than him you are, those times Sindri likes to retort. It's all fun and games of course, just loving bickers.
He builds a bed in his treehouse home that can accommodate your size, just so you don't have to sleep all cramped or uncomfortable in the smaller beds.
Though Sindri ends up sleeping in it more than you do cause DAMN it's comfy as hell to sleep on something big enough to be your house.
You both take naps together and he knows that he's never leaving until you wake up cause you always trap him in you're limbs that are way heavier than he ever will be. Sindri could just use his dwarven teleportation ability but why would he?
Whenever he wants to kiss you he taps on your leg/thigh in a silent request for you to kneel down. Sometimes you just pick him up and kiss him which both scares and oddly arouses him.
What can he say? He's a sucker for a tall lady. And that lady happens to be you.
From the moment you both met, Týr knew you two would become good friends.
He was right, you definitely became friends and a lot more.
It had been so long since Týr met another giant of his size - or someone around his size.
You were definitely taller than him which he didn't mind, he was just happy that he didn't have to worry about spraining his neck to look down at you.
Kissing you is also a relief! You're a bit taller but still the perfect kissing height. Sometimes you even catch Týr off-guard by grabbing him and pulling the god into a kiss - but he isn't complaining. Not one bit.
You tease him about being taller. Týr is a good sport though and only gives a hearty chuckle. He isn't phased by your teasing and knows it's just your nature.
Both of you share giant problems with one another as well. There just isn't enough things in the nine realms made with Jötnar in thought.
It's also easier for the two of you to have a passionate time in bed. I will not elaborate further.
You also spoon him in bed because you're bigger, and its very strange at first for Týr but he gets used to it quickly.
Týr also shares his stories from when he traveled to other lands with you, most of his stories he also talks about how he met other giants.
Overall, it's a very loving, happy and teasing relationship, all the teasing comes from you.
Oh gods, how did this relationship even start is the real question.
Heimdall absolutely despises the Jötnar, all of the Aesir did. So how you of all people managed to become his partner baffles both of you.
Even when you start dating he's still snarky and rude to you.
And if you tease him about being shorter than you... Oh may the nine realms unite to help you because the gods certainly won't.
He calls you things like, "Long stuff" "Sky high" and just "Mountain." You have no idea if it's out of spite or love but you like to think it's a bit of both.
You're too tall for most chairs and Heimdall finds it hilarious seeing you sit with your knees to your chest. After a while you started sitting on the floor at tables, Heimdall's sad about it.
Sparring with you is an amusing and somewhat terrifying experience. All Heimdall sees is a tall, shadowy figure coming at him. Foresight of course helps him avoid you but that doesn't make it any less frightening. Not that he'd admit he's scared.
He doesn't kiss you in public and only does it when you're sitting down in your shared room, it makes him feel a little taller that way. Plus it means he doesn't have to ask you to bend, that would just mean accepting you're taller.
You also mess with him by pretending he's too far to hear so you have to bend down. It annoys him to no end but you find the way his face gets red too cute to stop.
It won't seem like it at first but he is in love with you. The way he acts in private tells you that, and you also love your Irritable little man.
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rr311 · 2 years
╭﹐❣︎﹕ They Find Out You,re A Girl﹒〣 ﹕‹𝟹 - 𝖬𝖤𝖦𝖴𝖱𝖴 𝖡. 𝖪𝖴𝖭𝖨𝖦𝖠𝖬𝖨 𝖱. 𝖸𝖮𝖨𝖢𝖧𝖨 𝖨. 𝖱𝖤𝖮 𝖬.
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cw/tw. fluff, teasing (not sexually)
an. got this idea from watching Mulan 🙎🏽‍♀️ also they might be a tad bit oc but not really, i just started watching Blue lock and i’m already on episode 11 so i do apologize if they seem oc. Also i’m only doing four characters since it’s my first time writing for this anime but next one there will be more people! anywho enjoooyyyy .
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It didn’t take him that long to put two and two together that you were a fake male.
I mean the hints were obvious, your feminine body, you’re a tad bit shorter than the group, your scent was way different and you were always the last one to leave the locker room. He was surprised the others didn’t catch on when the hints were there but he wasn’t going to tell on you, honest truth is he likes you and took interest in you so there’s no point in snitching. Your skills were unmatched, you were fast and extremely talented, seeing that you placed 270 on your band made him question things about the rank, the way your body has control over itself when having the ball, your dribbling skills..that’s what made him interested into you which made you both end up being friends.
Spending your time with him and growing more of a bond you started to grow slight feelings for him…but that’s for another time ;)
You on the other hand were utterly shocked that they didn’t catch on you were a girl..maybe they were just dumb or too focused on winning the matches. After the game with Team V, all of you guys celebrated in the locker room with screams and laughs of joy, you were blessed that none of them were completely naked especially Bachira for some reason who was always butt booty naked,
It was all laughs and smiles that night as the boys made their way back to the room deciding to do the tradition celebration potluck, Isagi noticed you weren’t with the group questioning you on why you weren’t following along, “Hey (Y/N), you coming?” You simply shook your head with a soft smile, “Ah, no imma stay back for a while i gotta do something. I’ll catch up with you guys later,” He hummed with a nod before walking out of the door catching up with the group, seeing that he finally left you sighed in relief taking off the blue jersey tossing it on the bench as well taking your hair out of the short ponytail you had in with your locs.
Sighing once more you placed your head against the locker feeling your heart speed up, “It’s too late to turn back now,” You mumbled, before you had the chance to recollect yourself you felt a hot breath hit your neck, “So you are a girl..?” You gasped lightly, quickly turning around to be faced with Bachira who slightly towered over you with a grin on his face, your back instantly collided with the lockers as you looked up at him staring into his gold eyes with your shocked ones, “Bachira!? It’s not what you think-“ He hummed, leaning his face closer down to yours to the point you feel his breath hit your lips, “Oh cmon (Y/N), there’s no reason to keep lying, yeah?” You opened your mouth to defend yourself but quickly closed it knowing he was right.
There was no getting out of this even if you tried, you huffed looking away. “How did you even figure out i was a girl?” He shrugged his shoulders, “It was obvious really, your scent is different from ours, you’re a lot shorter and your body is more feminine which completed the whole thing.'' When he finished, you could physically feel your eye twitch. YOU WERE THAT OBVIOUS?! I mean you were obvious but you didn’t think you were THAT obvious, you thought if you worked out more with your back muscles it would’ve at least not given them the hint you had a feminine body! Seeing your utter defeat he chuckled, “There’s no reason to be defeated, I'm the only one who catched on with your little secret,” Well that made everything better you guessed, “Just..Bachira please don’t say anything. If they find out they’re gonna freak out and if that maniac in the computer finds out i’m gonna get kicked out.” You sighed looking into his eyes, he hummed in response looking into your (E/C) orbs as if he’s getting lost into them, with a small smile.
“Your secret is safe with me sweets.”
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The only reason he found out is when your voice accidentally slipped when you were training together.
You didn’t mean to lose your temper honestly! But he was teasing you about how bad you couldn’t block his shots and being the short temper person you lost your cool and accidentally let your real voice slip, hearing your slighter high pitched voice from your fake deep one echo through the training room as you both stood there in utter silence staring at one another.
Kunigami stood there with wide eyes staring at you as you avoided his stare at all cost. You lost your cool and now you’re caught, just your fucking luck any minute now you swore you could hear crickets by how silent it was. Building up the courage you cleared your throat finally forcing yourself to look up at him, “Kunigami- '' You started but got interrupted by a gasp when he backed you up into a wall, arms crossed staring down at you. Shit being corned like this by a big guy is kinda scary, “What are you doing here knowing this is an all boys union?” He questioned letting his deep voice echo through your ears, you swallowed that giant lump in your throat as you held eye contact with him, “Uhm..i just..i.” You stuttered, having a hard time to finish your sentence, for some reason hearing your stutter and seeing how difficult it was for you to finish his face softened a little knowing he probably had that mean muggin face placed.
He doesn’t know why his face did that but he didn’t really care, he sighed. “Listen (Y/N), it’s not like i’m gonna tell or snitch on you- just wanna know why a girl like you is in an all boys soccer union.” He asked with a softer tone, you groaned leaning your whole weight against the wall with your arms crossed. “As you know my passion is playing soccer and being the world's greatest spiker— and since there isn’t exactly a girl blue lock union I decided to come here instead…By” You paused looking down, “By stealing my brother's letter and basically making me into him so it would’ve been believable,” You finished, Kunigami looked at you speechless you really did the extreme to steal your own brothers letter to enter the blue lock program, “And before you say anything. Yes I know i’m a dick for doing that but he doesn’t even care about it to begin with! He only got the letter because of me so i decided to take my opportunity and steal it,” Again he looked at you in disbelief,
This is why you didn’t wanna get caught, you hated explaining things but you knew what you were getting into when joining the program, your eyes everted to his orange ones hearing him murmured, “Wow..that’s- damn (Y/N)” He slightly chuckled running a hand through his orange spiked hair, hearing his chuckle made you form a small smile of your own. “But if you did make it, that would mean you have to act like a boy for the rest of your career,” You nodded your head, pushing some of the twists out of your face, “Yeah..but i knew what i was getting into when joining. So please Kuni..keep this between us?” For some reason hearing your soft voice speak and hearing a nickname you called him made him slightly blush looking away, you paused for a minute to see his face turn slightly red, you grinned. “Are you blushing, Kuni?” There you go again, talking in that soft voice with that nickname leaving your mouth,
He grumbled, “Shut up! I’m not, and stop with the nickname.” You giggled slightly seeing how flustered he got, “Oh come on, is this your first time getting a nickname?” You questioned, he mumbled in response, “So what if it is..” You smiled once again, “So cute.” You teased, Kungami rolled his eyes feeling a small smile tug on his lips, “You keep this whole situation between us, got it?” You nodded your head, “Yessir.”
“And I'll keep this secret of yours safe.”
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Isagi found out when he accidentally walked into the locker room seeing you shirtless with a bandaged chest and your hair down from the pony tail you had in earlier with wide eyes and a flustered face.
You didn’t notice he had came in at first till you turned around to see him by the door with wide eyes staring at you, shocking you as well pausing your actions to look at him, “(Y/N)?!” He questioned, shit you weren’t careful enough to look around your surroundings, you gulped down that giant lump in your throat, “Isagi i can explain-“ Before you could get the sentence out he ran out of the locker room with a still red face and many thoughts running in his head.
Should I tell everyone? Do I keep this to myself??
Wait no i can’t tell anyone about this or what i saw..but i can’t keep this to myself! I have to tell someone anyon-
“Hey Isagi! Where you go man?” Igarashi questioned spotting him walk into the room, Isagi looked up to the group making their eyes widen, “Woah dude! Why is your face red?” He gasped lightly forgetting his face turned red after the whole incident that just happened, “My face? I- well you see-“ He got interrupted when you walked into the room taking everyone’s attention off him and onto you, “Took you long enough!” Jingo yelled, you nervously chuckled, “Sorry guys, i took longer than expected.” You cleared, avoiding eye contact with the black head as he stared at you. “Well since everyone is here let’s all go to sleep, we have a match against Team Y tomorrow.” Gagamaru stated, everyone nodded their heads and went to the their assigned sleeping bags,
You walked to your sleeping bag that was unluckily across from Isagi avoiding all his stares, getting under the blanket, shakily breathing out to yourself, forcing your eyes closed to try to sleep it off. As for Isagi he couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t when he just found out one of the best players on Team Z is a girl it was just the thought clouding his mind. He huffed as he sat up to be met with your figure, he couldn’t take it anymore he needed to talk about what happened earlier, “(Y/N),” He whispered, you flinched hearing his voice call out your name, tightening your grip on the blanket,
“We need to talk about what happened,” He said, you grumbled, “There’s nothing to talk about it,” You said in your real voice he rolled his eyes grumbling in response, “There is something we need to talk about,” Silence filled the room as you started to think to yourself, if i tell him he might sell me out to the others..but the time i’ve been playing with him and getting to know him he probably won’t..ugh why did i have to get caught. You huffed, ripping the blanket off, sitting up straight to be faced with his dark blue eyes with your own dark (E/C) ones. “Fine,”
You leaned against the wall with your arms crossed, glaring at the hard ground. It was silent between you both, he didn’t know how to start this conversation and you didn’t feel like explaining yourself, “Uhm..so-“ You cut him off, “Isagi, listen, what you saw back in the locker room keep that between us. I can’t afford to get kicked out, I already made it this far so please just don’t sell me out.” You finally looked up to make eye contact with him, he felt his air way get caught in his throat as he stared into your eyes, he felt his face go slightly red getting a real close to your features now.
He’s now noticing how feminine your face looks, your nose, your eyes, your cheeks and lips— and your hair! He was surprised you were able to trick the whole team into thinking you’re a male, he blinked a couple of times nodding his head, “Y-Yeah..your secret is safe with me.” You sighed in relief finally letting that tense feeling go, “Thank you Isagi,” You smiled, he swore he felt his face go hotter just seeing your smile,
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Isagi has my heart <𝟥
Reo found out when you yelled at him not watching out for your real voice, it was when you guys had lost to Team Z. Everyone was in disbelief about the whole match, some mad some upset shi you were even pissed off about the whole thing. You were upset at yourself for not getting there on time, you let the team down you couldn’t help be feel at fault here.
The members tried to comfort you saying you tried your best but you couldn’t believe them..to make things worse Reo was frustrated and pissed off. He didn’t even mean a single word he said to you but he couldn’t control his feelings at the time, “Reo i already know i fucked up you don’t gotta remind me.” Your voice snarled glaring at the purple head through your eyelashes as he scoffed with a sarcastic grin, “I wouldn’t have to remind you if you would’ve just gotten to the ball! You’re our fourth best player, you had that!” You stood up with a scoff of your own, you took one step forward before Nagi had to hold you back, “That’s enough Reo, (Y/N) tried his best,” He defended but he only rolled his eyes, “If he was trying his best we could’ve won against them!”
That was it, you growled under your voice ripping your way out of Nagi’s hand being face to face with him, “Listen you jackass, i know i fucked up ight!? I know i didn’t get to that ball on time like i predicted but you don’t gotta put the whole blame on me! We all lost as a team and i already feel like shit for selling us that win,” The rest of the group went silent hearing your higher pitched voice from your deep one echo through the locker room, Reo eyes widened, “What happened to your..” You know you fucked up by revealing your real voice but there was no turning back now, you didn’t give a damn at the moment. You scoffed, “My voice? If you haven’t guessed it i’m a girl genius.” You said bumping into his shoulder walking out of the locker room to Team V’s room.
The locker room was silent as they saw you stomp off, Nagi sighed walking to sit on the bench as Reo stood there still in shock, “One of our best players is a girl? How did she..” One of them started, but stopped still in disbelief. Reo ran a hand through his hair staring at the ground, with a grumbled Tsurugi walked up to him placing a hand on his shoulder fixing his glasses with the other hand. “I suggest you go talk to her about an apology,” He looked up at the black head who looked at him, “Did you know about this?!” Tsurugi nodded his head looking back at Nagi who looked at the both, “Me and Nagi knew.” He slowly nodded his head looking away from the taller male,
You slammed down your jersey onto the bed, running your hands through your hair slightly gripping it due to irritation. You started to grumble cuss words under your breath only to stop to hear the door open and close, you didn’t bother to look up assuming it was either Nagi or Tsurugi coming to check on you but you were wrong. “(Y/N)?” You looked up at him making eye contact with him with a scowl on your face. “What? Hear to yell at me and say it’s my fault again?” He sighed softly shaking his head, “No..I wanted to apologize for what i said.” You squint your eyes slightly at him, leaning on one leg with your arms crossed, “Go on.” He cleared his throat, “I’m sorry for yelling at you back there, I was just pissed and I let my emotions run free without watching for it, so I'm sorry.”
You raised a brow, but hummed in response. “Next time you yell at me I'll throw a soccer ball at your head.” He chuckled in response, rolling his eyes, “Yeah yeah whatever..but uh what’s with…all of this?” He spoke indicating finding out you were indeed a girl in an all boys soccer program. You shrugged, “Well you found out i’m a girl obviously due to me using my real voice and not giving a damn. And since i..basically exposed myself from losing my temper please don’t tell anyone that the fourth best player on Team V is a female, i don’t know how the other boys will handle the fact a girl sneaked into Bluelock. I can’t afford to get kicked out..so please tell the team to not tell anyone,” Reo softly smiled towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder,
"Your secret is safe with me."
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latibvles · 4 months
Hi. Could you possible write [ admire ] sender stares at receiver across a room, silently admiring and appreciating them from afar for Brady and Willie.
Thank you.
thank you for the request, friend! this was a lot of fun and my first time writing from Brady's perspective, so I can't promise that it's like... peak Brady pov, but I definitely had a lot of fun writing it!! More Willie/Brady today :)
The bar is buzzing with activity — music and games and loud conversation all becoming something of a symphony. Crank and Blakely are ordering their side of the bar a round, DeMarco’s right next to him, their elbows bumping up against one another’s with every minor movement. It’s crowded tonight, which is to be expected, considering it’s Saturday. Remedial training was no joke and for the first week, no one was able to go out on pass. So the beer Crank slides him is hard-earned, all things considered. Twenty-hour days all amounted to at least a couple days’ break.
They weren’t the only ones happy for the break.
“Guess they let the broads out again,” Crank’s co-pilot, Graham, observes, then gestures down the bar. Sure enough, they were just short of taking over that side and a table, too. The thirty women that made up the 100th’s three all-women bombers were somehow elusive and able to draw the attention of at least half the room by simply existing with wings on their jackets and the gleaming pins that designated some of them as officers.
A few of the men still took strong issue with women being here, flying “their planes” instead of sticking to their typewriters and coffee pots. John decided that his opinion didn’t matter much when all three crews made it to California while their own CO was somewhere in Las Vegas. Out with Alkire, in with Colonel Turner, who’s opinion on the whole thing seemed fairly resolute: you boys got a problem with it? Take it up with Roosevelt.
“At least they’re pretty,” Charles Via, Blakely’s co-pilot, remarks. John follows the direction of his stare to one of the blonde ones standing — the shorter one with her hair in some type of crown braid. Next to him, Benny starts snickering inexplicably and takes a swig from his drink.
John hadn’t learned all their names quite yet. He knew the pilots: Savorre, Rivera, Harris, but it wasn’t like he or anybody else had much energy at the end of the day. The rigorousness of their practice exercises left little room for an Officers’ Mixer or whatever ideas they might’ve had to get everybody acquainted. He’d learn the crews’ names eventually.
“Don’t bother. You haven’t heard what she did to Cheffo over in 351st?” There’s a pause, notable silence on their end. “She swung on him. Damn near knocked his tooth out, waiting for the bus. That right, Benny?” Crank points out. Next to him, Benny laughs a little bit and gives a half-shrug.
“I dunno if he lost any teeth but I saw him land flat on his ass. Scared me straight, that’s for sure.”
“That’s how he got that shiner? He told me he got that in a bar fight.” Blakely’s brows furrow, ruffled by the apparent lie Cheffo’s been telling. Benny laughs.
“Kind of, he just didn’t make it to the bar.” Benny offers. John can’t help himself.
“Or the fight.” John adds on, joining in on the small bout of laughter that follows as they clink their beers together and continue on with conversation. John’s fingers tap idly against the polished wood to the beat of the music and — in spite of himself — his eyes land back on that spot at the other end of the bar.
He recognizes Savorre with ease, her hair thrown up into a ponytail, her smile bright and effortless as she talks animatedly to the other pilot, Rivera who matches her quickness with ease. He can’t really make heads or tails of what might be going on over there — but he watches another woman, this one red-haired, rise from the table, arm-in-arm with the taller blonde, and they take their leave towards the other end of the room that has a vacant pool table.
“Savorre! Come take this round!” Egan’s voice, loud and gravelly, cuts through the din and has Savorre turning her head sharply. The grin on her face is toothy, and she raises a hand.
“You want me to take it then walk it over, Egan!”
“How the hell’d he manage that?” Via huffs, nose scrunching.
“Who, Bucky?”
“No, Ev, Cheffo. Yes, Bucky,” Via snarks as the man makes his way over with three shot glasses. He’s greeted with a couple amused smiles, a clinking shot glasses with Rivera and Savorre like they’re old friends. John looks back at Via, who seems thoroughly ruffled at the way Egan slips into their conversation almost effortlessly.
“Maybe he’s already been punched in the jaw. What do they call that, John?” Benny nudges him once more, snapping him from his thoughts.
“Rite of passage?” John fills in the blank, then looks at Via. “It just might have something to do with him not standing and looking like he’s never seen a girl before. Start there.” Via rolls his eyes at John’s remark and John can’t help but be a little amused at the predicament his friend found him in: more likely to get socked in the jaw then welcomed happily into the circle of the women at the end of the bar.
“Thanks for the sage advice, Father John.” He raises his pint.
“What I’m here for.”
“Look who it is!” Curiosity piqued once more, he looks over. Savorre’s excitable greeting is loud enough that John can hear it, but it disrupts nothing. Everything’s loud, everyone’s moving: Savorre included who’s arm stretches to yank a much shorter woman into her side.
Her hair is inky black and pulled into a roll, bangs sweeping over her forehead. Her eyes are dark, too — her nose straight, dark brows neat and at present furrowed. She’s shorter than quite a few of the women that she’s talking to. She says nothing, gives away very little but every now and again she nods, or her nose scrunches, or the corner of her lip moves up in a smile when the women’s laughter reaches his end of the bar. Even from his end, John can see the two butter bars on her collar signifying rank.
She’s pretty, and John feels like he might be doing something wrong in acknowledging it — but he’s also not blind or stupid.
“What was that you were saying about Via staring?” Benny’s voice is pitched low to mutter the joke in John’s ear, and he kind of has half a mind to sock him like the blonde girl apparently did. He shoots Benny a half-baked glare, as if to convey a ‘shut up before someone hears you.’
Not that he’d be especially hard-pressed about Via catching on, if not for the fact that he’d get loud about it, and John wasn’t in the business of making people uncomfortable just because he found her pretty.
“Could always get her name for you, Johnny. Or get her a drink and tell her it’s from Father Jack himself,” Benny continues, relentless in his teasing and John’s listening just enough to scoff and roll his eyes, shaking his head. No, he wasn’t going to do that. He doesn’t even know what he’d say to her. 
“I’m drinkin’. Neumann, are you drinking?” Egan announces. Neumann.
The dark-haired woman smiles, just barely, tilting her head up to look at him.
“Are you buying, Major Egan?” Her voice reminds him of that sweet spot on the piano where it’s not high enough to hurt, but not deep enough to rattle his center of gravity. Smooth, serious, she keeps her arm wrapped around Savorre’s back like they’re a matching pair of dark green socks. Pleased with her answer, he lets them walk up to the bar first before calling out an order from behind them. That small amount of distance lets John see just how dark her eyes are — enough to look like night itself, and it’s with that knowledge and a name, that he decides he’s just content enough to look away.
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