#ans cats and cas
pompadourpink · 2 years
Les temps du présent
Le présent de l'indicatif/présent simple
The indicative present is used to
describe what one is currently doing (présent d'énonciation): je travaille - I'm working (as we speak)
describe a fact (présent de vérité générale/historique): les chats sont des animaux - cats are animals
describe an ongoing fact that started in the past (présent duratif): il pleut depuis hier - It's been raining since yesterday
describe the scene (présent de description): le soleil est caché aujourd'hui - the sun is hiding today
describe a habit (présent d'habitude): je cours tous les dimanches - I run every sunday
describe what just happened (présent de passé proche): je viens d'arriver - I just got there
describe what is about to happen (présent de futur proche): je suis là dans une minute - I'll be there in a minute
give an order (présent d'injonction), alternative to the imperative present: tu rentres tout de suite ! - You get home immediately!
make a story feel real (présent de narration): il y a six ans déjà que mon ami s'en est allé avec son mouton. Si j'essaie ici de le décrire, c'est afin de ne pas l'oublier. - It has been six years since my friend left with his sheep. If I try to describe him here, it is so that I will not forget him. (Le Petit Prince)
express a possibility (présent d'hypothèse): si tu es gentil, tu auras un cadeau - if you're kind, you'll get a present
La conjugaison
First group (-er except Aller): je marche, tu marches, il/elle/on marche, nous marchons, vous marchez, ils/elles marchent
Second group (-ir with -iss- in the plural forms): je finis, tu finis, il/elle/on finit, nous finissons, vous finissez, ils/elles finissent
Third group (everything else): typically je cours, tu cours, il court, nous courons, vous courez, ils courent; long -oir verbs: je veux, tu veux, il veut, nous voulons, vous voulez, ils veulent; -indre/-soudre verbs: -s, -s, -t, -ons, -ez, -ent; other -dre verbs: -ds, -ds, -d, -dons, -dez, -dent; -ttre: -ts, -ts, -t, -tons, -tez, -tent; -rir, -llir: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent
Auxiliaries: je suis, tu es, il est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils sont + j'ai, tu as, il a, nous avons, vous avez, ils ont
N.B. Many third-group verbs are irregular because they used to be two different verbs (ex: Être comes from both Essere - to be and Stare - to stand) that eventually became one and consequently have two bases and can have up to five stems. Always double-check for different, stems, extra letters, accents, etc.
Notable exceptions:
The vowel -i- cannot be between two other vowels in the first and second person plural so it will turn into -y- (vous croyez, nous voyons)
In -cer and -ger verbs, the first person plural changes to allow for the correct pronunciation (nous lançons, nous mangeons); c > ç, go > geo.
In -aître verbs, only the third person singular keeps the accent (elle naît).
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Le présent progressif
The progressive present is an emphasized version of the enunciation present and is therefore used to describe an ongoing action that started recently and is actively being done as the narrator is speaking.
It is built by putting together the subject, the verb Être conjugated in the indicative present tense, the adverbial locution "en train de" (in the progress of), the infinitive form of the verb of action, and possibly an object.
Je suis en train de manger, j'ai bientôt fini - I'm eating, I'm almost done
Est-ce que tu es en train de travailler? - are you working?
Nous sommes en train de faire nos devoirs - we are doing homework
Le conditionnel présent
The present conditional is used
to express a wish: j'aimerais retourner en Italie - I'd love to go back to Italy
a suggestion: tu devrais partir tôt - you should leave early
a hypothesis: il pourrait rentrer demain - he could come home tomorrow
to casually share one's opinion: je n'aimerais pas qu'on me dise ça ! - I wouldn't like it if someone told me that (can be a way to aggravate a situation)
to ask something politely: je voudrais un café - I'd like a coffee
to refer to the future in the past: elle a dit qu'elle arriverait tard - she said she'd arrive late
La conjugaison
Conjugating the present conditional is easy for the first two verbal groups: just add the terminations to the infinitive of the verb. If the verb ends in -e, remove it: prendre > je prendrais. Fun fact: you can build the imperfect tense by removing -er- for the first group and turning -ir- into -iss- for the second.
First group (-er except Aller): je marcherais, tu marcherais, il marcherait, nous marcherions, vous marcheriez, ils marcheraient
Second group (-ir with -iss- in the plural forms): je finirais, tu finirais, il finirait, nous finirions, vous finiriez, ils finiraient
Third group (everything else): typically: je courrais, tu courrais, il courrait, nous courrions, vous courriez, ils courraient; auxiliaries: je serais, tu serais, il serait, nous serions, vous seriez, ils seraient + j'aurais, tu aurais, il aurait, nous aurions, vous auriez, ils auraient
Main irregular verbs: auxiliaries + aller - j'irais, devoir - je devrais, pouvoir - je pourrais, recevoir - je recevrais, savoir - je saurais, tenir - je tiendrais, venir - je viendrais, voir - je verrais, vouloir - je voudrais
N.B. Make sure to not mix it up with the simple future tense, they're similar!
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L'impératif présent
The present imperative mood can only be conjugated in the second person singular and the first and second person plural. It is used
to give an order: viens ici tout de suite - come here right now
a suggestion: appelle-le tout de suite, non ? - maybe call him now?
a plea: s'il te plaît, pardonne-moi ! - please, forgive me
to ban someone from doing something: ne touche pas à ça ! - do not touch that
La conjugaison
Warning: it often looks like the indicative present - without a subject. If so, in the second person singular, the verb will require a final -s only if the current final letter is a consonant. Certain verbs cannot be conjugated, like vouloir.
être: sois, soyons, soyez; avoir: aie, ayons, ayez
va, allons, allez; finis, finissons, finissez; marche, marchons, marchez
N.B. Pronouns can be added: a reflexive verb will come with a tonic pronoun and a dash in a positive sentence: Lave-toi !, and a direct object pronoun in a negative sentence: Ne te vexe pas !; when referring to a portion -en: Prends-en un peu ! (an -s will be added for the liaison to be possible), and to a place, -y: Vas-y !
L'infinitif présent
is the neutral form you find in dictionaries: courir, marcher, prendre
is found after prepositions À, De, Pour and Sans: c’est sans dire, viens à la maison pour dîner !, on part sans perdre de temps
is found after a conjugated verb: il voulait partir tôt (the second verb can be the first element of the sentence: courir nous fatigue)
expresses an order, advice, prohibition: frapper avant d’entrer
expresses anger, surprise or a wish: m'excuser, moi ? plutôt mourir !
expresses doubt in an interrogative sentence: que faire de ce garçon ?
Le participe présent
The present participle works like an adverb and either expresses an action that happens at the same time as another action, that is possibly the consequence of that action, or describes the subject. It is built by removing the termination of the verb and replacing it by -ant.
Les employés possédant une voiture peuvent se garer dans la rue - the employees who own a car can park in the street
Étant déjà en retard, je décide de courir - being already late, I decide to run
N.B. To get the right pronunciation or avoid a mix-up with an adjective, it can be necessary to modify or add letters when building the present participle. For example: convaincre > convainquant (as convaincant is the adjective), diverger > divergeant ([ʒ], as divergant would be a [g] sound).
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Movie: La Piscine - Jacques Deray, 1969
Fanmail - masterlist (2016-) - archives - hire me - reviews (2020-) - Drive
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bwoahtastic · 10 months
Babies have giant tails in winter and teddy Alex and pinky Nicky just wanna snuggle them all the time!
Seb 100% pounces the tails daily because they’re such a good target
Checo shyly asks Nico foe help grooming his tail because its so puffed up now he ca t reach it as well! And the kittens look even chonqier, all fluffed up and adorable with their big eyes ans puffy tails. Nicky loves snuggling up to the tails, especially the bigger kittens cos is bigger tails lol. Alex loves it too, comes over lots for nap dates with nicky and the kittens and logan joins then too! (And maxy ofc. Maybe Max's furr is still a little scruffy and he doesn't get as much fluff? He is still regaining strength but he is a little self conscious cos his tail is so scrawny!)
And pls seb pouncing on the tails sksk. None of the kittens are impressed, not even the tiny baby ones when seb mrrpts at them and swats their tails very gently sksksk
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maddiesbookshelves · 2 years
I'm Glad My Mom Died, by Jennette McCurdy (January 2023)
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Jennette McCurdy's memoir about her relationship with her mother, the impact she had on her both during her life and after her death, and the consequences of being a child actor.
Would I recommend it to anyone? Yes, but not to everyone because it's really "child abuse, addiction and eating disorders", The Book. So you have to make sure those aren't triggers for you before reading this book.
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? I almost never read non-fiction, I'm trying to read more of it so I'm glad I liked this one.
My thoughts on it? I had heard several people say that the narration feels child-like at the beginning and that it was because Jennette McCurdy wrote from child-her's point of view, and I didn't really get what they meant. And then I read it and I understood. As an adult reader, I could understand things that 8-y.o-Jennette or 13-y.o-Jennette couldn't, I could see how toxic and abusive her mother's behavior was. And it was gut-wrenching.
It was a very interesting read on several levels, we see a bit of the reality of child actors, and I think that the people who watched Nikelodeon during the iCarly years etc will sse the show and Jennette in a new light. That said, I also know someone who couldn't finish the book because they were a fan of Jennette and reading it was breaking their heart.
Anyway, Jennette McCurdy is right to focus on writing now, she's talented (and it makes her happier).
btw, i think it's sad that the first thing the official summary says is “A heartbreaking and hilarious memoir by iCarly and Sam & Cat star Jennette McCurdy” while she clearly said she doesn't want to be remembered as Sam. i understand that it's for marketing reasons, but it's still sad
French version under the cut
Les mémoires de Jennette McCurdy sur sa relation avec sa mère, l'impacte qu'elle a eu sur elle de son vivant comme après sa mort, et les conséquences d'une carrière d'enfant star.
Est-ce que tu le conseillerais à quelqu’un ? Oui, mais pas à tout le monde parce que c’est vraiment “maltraitance d’enfant, addiction et troubles alimentaires”, Le Livre. Donc il faut s’assurer que ce sont pas des déclencheur avant de commencer le livre.
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? Je lis quasiment pas de non-fiction, j’essaie dans lire plus donc je suis contente d’avoir aimé celui-là.
Avis sans spoiler ? J’avais entendu plusieurs personnes dire que la narration est un peu enfantine au début et que c’était parce que Jennette McCurdy écrivait de son point de vue en tant qu’enfant, et je comprenais pas trop ce que ces personnes voulaient dire. Puis j’ai lu le livre et j’ai compris. En tant que lectrice adulte, je comprenais des choses que Jennette-à-8-ans ou Jennette-à-13-ans ne comprenait pas, je voyais à quel point le comportement de sa mère était toxique et abusif. Et c’était vraiment déchirant.
C’est vraiment une lecture très intéressante à beaucoup de niveaux, on voit un peu la réalité des enfants star, et je pense que pour les personnes qui regardaient Nikelodeon à l’époque de iCarly etc vont voir la série et Jennette sous un nouveau jour. Après je connais aussi quelqu’un qui n’a pas réussi à finir le livre parce qu’iel était fan de Jennette et que ça lui brisait le cœur de le lire.
En tous cas, Jennette McCurdy a raison de se concentrer sur l’écriture maintenant parce qu’elle a vraiment du talent (et ça la rend plus heureuse).
d’ailleurs, je pense que c’est triste que le premier truc que le résumé officiel dise c’est “Un mémoire déchirant et hilarant par la star de iCarly et Sam & Cat, Jennette McCurdy” alors qu’elle dit clairement qu’elle veut pas qu’on se souvienne d’elle comme Sam. je comprends que c’est pour des raisons marketing mais c’est quand même triste
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wittylittle · 2 years
J’ai bu des Paloma en cans dans mon nouvel appartement vide avec MC.
Elle est traumatisée parce que sa sœur a appris à travers des commérages qu’elle a trompé son chum avec le concierge pendant trois ans.
Je lui ai dit qu’elle devrait arrêter de niaiser et se déclarer polyamoureuse plutôt que de faire des crises d’anxiété à répétition. En tout cas moi ça m’a vraiment permis d’être heureuse.
J’ai appelé Cheshire Cat, il y avait de l’écho et MC arrêtait pas de crier comme une poule drunk.
Éric m’a appelé je lui ai dit que j’avais pas le temps d’y parler, que j’étais dans mon baise en ville, et que je m’en allais rejoindre un gars plus tard de toute façon.
« Bien voyons, Le patron te laisse faire ? »
Je l’ai remis à sa place. Le Patron a simplement à parler s’il n’est pas heureux. Il est très heureux pour moi.
J’ai rejoint Gab au Ste-Elisabeth, on a bu des Guinness, c’était la St Patrick.
Cette première rencontre était très agréable, il est éduqué, folichon, gamin, avec des yeux verts rieurs, et il parle beaucoup. Je soupçonne un TDA. Oh et il a 27 ans. Oh et il est souverainiste. J’ai aimé ça.
On a frenché souvent. Il a pris mes mains en m’embrassant contre le mur j’ai aimé ça.
On a marché pour qu’il prenne le bus de nuit. En s’arrêtant pour se toucher plus profondément dans des racoins de l’université où il étudie. C’était cute.
Il veut me revoir. Je lui ai dit que je voulais écouter du Plume Latraverse avec lui. Il était tellement content.
J’ai failli perdre mon cell dans le taxi. Quand je suis arrivée à la maison le camelot venait livrer le journal du samedi. Il devait être 4h. Je ne savais pas qu’il livrait aussi tôt. Il m’a souhaité une bonne fin de soirée.
J’ai mangé des croquettes de poulet. Je me suis endormie avec mes lunettes dans la face après avoir parlé à Daddy qui mangeait son Welsh breakfast.
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paradoxlivefr · 1 year
[FR] Live Opening Drama The Cat's Whiskers
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Personnages: Naoakira Saimon, Yohei Kanbayashi, Ryu Natsume, Shiki Ando Notes: Comme d'habitude, écoutez >>l'audio original<< en parallèle pour un max d'immersion. /!\ Trigger Warnings /!\ Un peu de violence physique (merci Yohei) et tabagisme (merci encore une fois Yohei).
Naoakira: La pluie…
Larmes du ciel versées pour autrui.
Dansant sur ces pavés de roche.
Bientôt, laveront cette ville de tous ses reproches.
Yohei: [applaudit] Bravo, Professeur ! Et comme ça, tu pourrais pas aussi rameuter plus de clients ?
Shiki: Patron, j’ai le reçu de l’épicerie…
Naoakira: Ah, je te remercie. Yohei, je vois que tu as les mains libres, ça te dérangerait d’aider avec la comptabilité ?
Yohei: Ça marche. Viens par là, Ryu ! Aujourd’hui, je vais t’apprendre à faire des cocktails.
Ryu: Youpie, youpiee, youpieee !! Corps et âme au rapport ! Ryu-kun peut tout faire avec brio !
Alors, lequel j'vais apprendre à concocter ?
Yohei: C’est un cocktail appelé Strike.
Naoakira: Ouh là...
Yohei: Les ingrédients sont simples : du Whisky canadien, du vermouth, et puis ça… ça, ça et aussi ça. Voilà, c’est tout.
Ryu: Okay, compris ! Ryu-kun le barman charismatique s’en charge !
[Bruits de Ryu qui prépare la boisson]
Désolé pour l’attente, voici un verre pour le gentleman.
Yohei: [Il prend une gorgée et tousse]
C’est quoi cette putain de chose immonde !?
Shiki: Ah…
Yohei: Mon Dieu, prions pour que tu restes à jamais le seul outrancier ici.
Ryu: Hihihi~ Y a pas de quoi~
Yohei: Toujours aussi désinvolte toi.
Naoakira: Est-ce que ça va, Shiki ?
Shiki: Ah, oui… J’ai juste été un peu surpris, c’est tout.
Naoakira: Je vois. Eh bien, on dirait que nous ne recevrons plus d’autres clients ce soir, il est temps de fermer boutique.
Yohei: Ouais.
Ryu: Dans ce cas, je vais aller ranger le panneau !
Shiki: J-je vais passer la serpillière...
Naoakira: Nul besoin. Après que le panneau soit rangé, je veux que tout le monde se rassemble ici. Il y a quelque chose dont je voudrais vous parler.
Ryu: Eeeh !? Ryu-kun va enfin être promu au rang de manager~??
Yohei: Pas d'inquiétude, ça n’arrivera jamais.
Oi, Saimon. j’te préviens, même si tu ramasses un autre gosse ou un animal dans la rue, on a plus de place pour accueillir qui que ce soit.
Ryu: Ryu-kun et tous les autres sont des enfants ramassés dans la rue~
Shiki: O-oui, um… C’est comme je le pensais, je vous dérange, pas vrai… ?
Naoakira: Tu ne m’as jamais dérangé, au contraire.
De plus, est-ce que le désir de sauver un être vivant tant une mauvaise chose ?
Yohei: La seule personne que tu veux vraiment sauver c’est… rah laisse tomber. À part ça, de quoi est-ce que tu voulais nous parler au juste ?
Naoakira: En fait, ceci nous est adressé.
Shiki: C’est… une lettre ?
Naoakira: Une invitation pour The Cat’s Whiskers. C’est écrit : “je vous convie à participer au Paradox Live, l’évènement qui déterminera qui sera la prochaine légende du hip-hop”.
Ryu: Ça à l’air méga fun !! Où c’est, où c’est ??
Naoakira: Du côté de la baie, au Club Paradox.
Yohei: Comment… ? Mais y a dix ans, cette salle de concert a été…
Naoakira: Oui, c’est bien ça.
Yohei: Bizarre, surtout que Buraikan ont disparu eux aussi.
Naoakira: Qu’est-ce qu’il y a, Shiki ? On dirait que tu souhaites demander quelque chose.
Shiki: Ah, oui… Paradox… ? Brian [1]…? Je me demandais juste ce que c’était…
Yohei: C’est pas Brian, mais Buraikan.
Ryu: Hahaha ! Qui c’est ça, un footeux en Erasmus !?
Hello Brian, my name is Ryu-kun! [2]
Naoakira: Haha, je vois. Cette confusion est compréhensible, cette histoire date d'il y a longtemps. Shiki était encore petit à cette époque, après tout.
Yohei: Buraikan est une équipe MC assez extravagante qui a existé par le passé. [3]
MC Yasha et MC Shura… c’étaient de vrais monstres.
Shiki: Leurs noms de scène font peur…
Naoakira: À l’origine, ces deux-là formaient un duo underground très populaire.
Grâce aux Concerts Fantômes, ils ont été reconnus à l’international en un claquement de doigt.
Yohei: [Il ouvre son briquet pour allumer une cigarette]
Bah, avant même d’avoir percé grâce aux Concerts Fantômes, les gens laissaient courir des rumeurs sur leur arrivée même si c’était que pour un simple cypher [4]. Et à chaque fois, ils rassemblaient un nombre exorbitant de péquenauds.
Shiki: Um…
Naoakira: Qu’y a-t-il ?
Shiki: … Par le passé, les gens appréciaient écouter et faire de la musique en solitaire, non ? Alors pourquoi les cyphers existent-ils ?
Yohei: Parce que faire du hip-hop et des freestyles en impro totale seul, c’est impossible.
Naoakira: C’est pourquoi des cyphers sont tenus dans chaque banlieue. Évidemment, comparé à aujourd’hui, ils étaient bien mieux gardés secrets à l’époque.
Se rassembler juste pour profiter d’un peu de musique ensemble… le reste de la société nous prenait pour des fous à lier.
Ryu: Oooh ? Le boss et les autres faisaient partis des fous à lier ??
Naoakira: Yohei et moi-même faisions du hip-hop bien avant que celui-ci ne soit largement démocratisé, vois-tu.
Shiki: Dans ce cas, le patron et les autres ont dû voir Buraikan pour de vrai… ?
Naoakira: Oui, avec Yohei… nous ne les avons vus qu'une seule fois.
Yohei: Ce jour-là a été une vraie claque. C’était le genre de performance qui reste gravé dans ton esprit à tout jamais.
Naoakira: Effectivement.
Indéniablement, leur existence est la raison pour laquelle le hip-hop a subi une telle expansion.
C’est pourquoi tout le monde a cru que Buraikan veilleraient à l'ascension des nouveaux, mais…
Shiki: Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé ensuite ?
Yohei: En l’espace d’une nuit, ils ont complètement disparu par magie… comme dans un conte de fée.
Shiki: Incroyable… Pourquoi une disparition aussi soudaine… ?
Naoakira: On dit que leur duo s’est dissout, mais personne ne connaît la vérité. Seul Dieu sait la vraie réponse.
Ryu: Dommage, ces deux-là semblaient prometteurs…
Yohei: Tch, tu parles comme si tu savais quoi que ce soit.
Ryu: Héhéhéhé !
Yohei: Arrête de rigoler comme un débile, espèce d’incapable !
Ryu: Incapable… Incapable… ? Ça sonne adorable, ça !!
Yo yo, représentant des Incapables, Ryu-kun est dans la place ! Se pliant aux instincts, à l’aide de côtes de porc cont’ vous y sera taquin, checkera !
Naoakira: Haha. Vous savez, les fantômétals que nous utilisons sur scène…
… On raconte que les toutes premières personnes ayant réussi à créer une illusion de leur émotions et réalisant ainsi le tout premier Concert Fantôme, n'était autre que Buraikan.
Yohei: Ouais. Il y a un pont super long construit hors-limites de la baie, c'est bien ça ?
Et par-delà ce pont, à l'origine il y avait une énorme salle de concert.
C'était la bahut de Buraikan… Club Paradox.
Shiki: Cet endroit renferme un passé vraiment sombre, hein… Naoakira: Oui, mais revenons à nos moutons.
Cette invitation… Qu’est-ce que tu en penses, Yohei ?
Yohei: Je l’ai déjà dit avant, mais ça m’a tout l’air d’une arnaque.
C’est invraisemblable pour Paradox de réapparaître comme ça par magie.
Ça doit sûrement être l'œuvre de fanatiks. [5]
Ryu: Mais ce Club Paradox est bien revenu, tu sais ?
Naoakira: Ryu, comment peux-tu en être aussi certain ?
Ryu: C’est mon ami Pigeon-san qui m’la dit.
Il a dit : “cui, cui, piou, piou !”
Yohei: Oi, Saimon. Je crois bien qu’il a vraiment fini par péter les plombs.
Naoakira: Haha. Shiki, tu pourrais t’informer sur le sujet ?
Shiki: Ah, oui. Um… [Il parcourt son téléphone] Ah, il y a un nouveau tag dans les tendances !
On dirait bien que les gens postent rapidement des photos du même endroit sur les réseaux.
Um, c’est…
Yohei: Sérieux… ? Encore cette île… ?!
C’est pas croyable… !
Naoakira: Intéressant… !
Quel genre de mécanisme peut bien se cacher derrière un tel endroit ?
J’ai bien envie d’aller le voir de mes propres yeux.
Yohei: Pourquoi fais-tu autant une fixette sur cet événement ?
Si le pourquoi du comment du retour de Paradox est le seul truc qui te préoccupe, pas b’soin de faire l'effort de participer.
Naoakira: Je souhaite essayer à nouveau… avec toi, ainsi qu'avec ces enfants.
Pour que l’on devienne le top du hip-hop ensemble.
Yohei: Ah… cette gloire qui nous a échappé du bout des doigts autrefois…
* * *
Yohei: Saimon, c’est un truc de fou !
Naoakira: Quoi donc ?
Yohei: On a reçu une invitation d’outre-mer !
Tu vois cette fête en Amérique où Buraikan ont participé peu avant de se dissoudre ?
Ils disent qu’ils veulent qu’on fasse un Concert Fantôme chez eux !
Naoakira: …
Yohei: Saimon… ?
Oi, c’est quoi l’problème ? Tu trouves pas que c’est l’opportunité d’une vie !?
Si on accepte de jouer là-bas, notre nom parcourra la terre entière !
Si on y arrive, même Tsubaki-san va… !
Naoakira: Je suis désolé. Le moi actuel ne peux pas accepter une telle offre.
Yohei: Ah ? Qu’est-ce que tu m’chantes ?
Va pas m’dire que le hip-hop te lasse, quand même !
Naoakira: Non, ça n’arrivera jamais !
Je pense sincèrement que participer serait une bonne chose.
Mais… Je suis désolé. Pardonne-moi, Yohei…
[Fin du flashback]
* * *
Yohei: C’est le genre de chose difficile à refuser…
Naoakira: J’en conviens que c’est un souhait égoïste, mais… j’ai envie de pouvoir rêver à nouveau.
Yohei: Et ? Qui d’autre est invité ?
Naoakira: Chaque groupe possède des spécificités bien à eux, mais ils sont tous encore en pleine ascension.
Il y a le trio qui fait fureur parmi les jeunes : BAE, le gang à l'esthétique militaire : Akan Yatsura, et enfin, le duo qui s’introduit dans toutes les compétitions ayant pour récompense des gains monétaires : cozmez.
[Shiki lâche un cri de surprise et du verre se brise]
Ryu: Ah~ J’lai cassé ! C’est pas bon ça, pas bon du tout~!
Hm ? Shiki ?
Shiki: [hyperventile] Ah…
Yohei: Oi… qu’est-ce qui te prend d’un coup ?
Naoakira: Shiki ?? Yohei, je m’en occupe. Yohei: Compris. Ryu, va chercher la pelle et la balayette.
Ryu: Oui, oui, m’sieur~ [bruits de pas] Shiki: Ah… ah…
Naoakira: Shiki.
Shiki: Patron, je… je…
Naoakira: Tout va bien, Shiki, parce que je suis juste là à tes côtés.
Shiki: Ah… mais…
Naoakira: Pauvre petit, tu es devenu si pâle…
Allez, prends une profonde inspiration. Inspire, expire. Est-ce que ça va mieux ?
Shiki: Oui, um… Je suis désolé d’avoir interrompu votre discussion…
Naoakira: Ne t’en fais pas pour ça.
Yohei: [Il pose un verre sur le comptoir] Tiens, de l’eau. Bois.
Shiki: Ah… merci beaucoup.
Yohei: Hé, Saimon, ça me dérange pas que tu souhaites essayer de devenir la crème du hip-hop à nouveau, mais…
En vrai, tu crois pas que cette compétition serait trop dure à supporter pour ce gosse ?
Naoakira: Hm…
Ryu: [Ryu nettoie les morceaux de verre brisé] Ryu-kun pense que Paradox Live à l’air intéressant, mais Shiki ne va pas venir ?
Shiki: C’est impossible pour quelqu’un aussi souillé que moi…
Ryu: Quoi, Shiki est sale ?!
Ah, ça veut dire que t’as pas pris de bain ?! Sniff, sniff…
Yohei: Arrête ça, espèce d’idiot !
Ryu: Aïe, aïe, ça fait mal !
Shiki: De plus, si je participe à ce concert… [sanglote]
Yohei: Allez, c’est pas comme si c’était la première fois que tu participais à un événement de cette ampleur !
Alors, c’est quoi le problème ?
Saimon, tu crois pas que ce serait plus judicieux de participer sans lui ?
Naoakira: … Oui, mais l’aspect plaisantin de Ryu et l’extraordinaire sens du rythme de Shiki sont indispensables à notre musique.
D’autre part, Whiskers est composé de quatre membres, ni plus ni moins.
Si nous ne pouvons pas tous y aller ensemble, alors autant ne pas y aller du tout.
Shiki: N-non ! Ne faites pas ça !!
Ryu: Shiki ?
Shiki: Mes sentiments n’ont pas d’importance. Je veux être utile pour le Patron, je me dois d’être utile…
Yohei: [soupir] Bon, qu’est-ce qu’on fait maintenant ?
Naoakira: Je ne pense pas que tes sentiments n’ont pas d’importance. Je souhaite que tu prennes soin de toi, Shiki.
Et pour cette raison, je suis certain que cette compétition nous fera à tous le plus grand bien.
Yohei: Ce qui veut dire…
Naoakira: … Que nous, The Cat’s Whiskers, allons participer au tournoi.
Est-ce que ça te va, Shiki ?
Shiki: … Oui.
Naoakira: Je suis sincèrement désolé. Merci beaucoup, Shiki.
Shiki: Patron…
Ryu: Oui~ Ryu-kun a sommeille, il reste quinze minutes au compteur avant que Ryu-kun devienne Ryu-kun endormi… bip, bip, bip, bip…
Naoakira: Haha, c’est vrai. Je suis désolé de vous avoir gardé debout aussi tard, tout le monde.
Ryu et Shiki, vous pouvez déjà aller vous coucher. Je vais rester ici un peu plus longtemps avec Yohei pour nettoyer la boutique.
Shiki: D’accord… Dans ce cas, bonne nuit.
Ryu: Le mouton des rêves fait : “bêh, bêh, bêh”… [ronfle tout en marchant]
Shiki: Ryu-kun, attends un peu… c’est dangereux… ! Allez… réveille-toi…
[En fond] Hé, tu m’écoutes ?
Yohei: Saimon… tout ça là, c’est pas la seule raison pour laquelle tu souhaites participer, j’ai tort ?
Naokaira: Je vois, je ne t’arrive décidément pas à la cheville, Yohei.
En fait, il se trouve que la compagnie Alter Trigger essaie de racheter notre terrain.
Yohei: Hein ? Alter Trigger ?
Naoakira: Oui.
Yohei: Oi… c’est sérieux ?
… Ils se foutent de not' gueule !
Je donnerai jamais Seven-Four à personne !! Ce bar est à nous !!
Naoakira: Bien sûr, et je n’ai pas non plus l’intention de céder cet endroit si facilement.
Cependant, nous n’avons pas d’autres choix pour protéger notre boutique que d’émettre une meilleure offre qu’eux.
Yohei: [claque la langue et soupire] Et donc, ils proposent combien ?
Naoakira: En prenant en compte les coûts de maintenance, il sera difficile de rivaliser avec eux si nous n'amassons pas au moins les dix milliards de yen.
Yohei: On dirait un nombre qu'un morveux a sorti au pif !
Où pourrait-on trouver autant d'argent ?
Me dis pas que…
Naoakira: Si, c'est exactement ce que tu penses.
Yohei: Alors c'est ça ton plan. Fait chier !
Naoakira: Bien entendu, il reste aussi le problème concernant Ryu et Shiki. C'est pourquoi nous devons remporter le tournoi coûte que coûte.
Yohei: [allume une autre cigarette] Bah, si tu regardes la situation sous un autre angle, la solution semble plutôt simple.
Tous nos problèmes s'envoleront si nous devenons le top du top, pas vrai ?
Naoakira: Haha. Eh bien, je suppose que oui, vu comme ça...
Yohei: Dans ce cas, allons-y, Saimon. Comme le toi et moi d'autrefois.
Naoakira: Oui. De plus, nous avons aussi Ryu et Shiki à nos côtés désormais.
Yohei: [il remplit deux verres] À la tienne, Saimon.
Naoakira: Quoi, tu comptes à nouveau boire ?
Yohei: J'vois pas comment j'pourrais digérer ce que tu viens de me dire sinon.
Naoakira: Tu marques un point.
Je suis désolé de toujours t'apporter des tracas, Yohei.
Yohei: Je partage le sentiment.
Nous sauverons cette boutique à coup sûr.
Naoakira: J'y compte bien. À la tienne.
* * *
[Bruit de store en métal qui se ferme]
Yohei: [écrit tout en lisant] "Pour cause de participation à un événement spécial, le bar Seven-Four fermera temporairement aujourd'hui."
Voilà, ça ira comme ça.
Ryu: Oh ? Shiki, t'as d’nouveau la bougeotte !
Shiki: J-je vais bien ! Je suis toujours comme ça, après tout…
Yohei: Ouais mais je pense pas que ce soit normal pour autant.
Ryu: Tu sais Shiki, y a pas besoin d'être aussi nerveux comme ça !
Shiki: Ryu-kun…
Ryu: Après tout, c'est juste une compétition ! C'est pas comme si on allait à l'abattoir~!
Shiki: Ah… !
Yohei: … [il donne un coup de poing à Ryu]
Ryu: Aïeuh !! Le Maître m'a fait maleuh !!
Yohei: Arrête de parler pour rien dire, surtout si ça fait qu’empirer les choses !
Naoakira: Est-ce que ça va, Shiki ?
Shiki: ... Oui, je vais bien.
Naoakira: Vous ne l’avez peut-être pas encore tous réalisé, mais Shiki est la raison pour laquelle notre musique est ce qu'elle est aujourd'hui.
Si nous voulons gagner Paradox Live, nous devons être ensemble tous les quatre.
Shiki: Vous le pensez vraiment… ?
Naoakira: Oui, c'est la stricte vérité.
Ryu: Et Ryu-kun alors ? Hé, hé, et Ryu-kun ?!
Naoakira: Haha, bien sûr que Ryu est indispensable, et Yohei aussi.
Yohei: Arrête ça, ou mon allergie à la galanterie va encore faire des siennes.
Shiki: Haha…
Ryu: Ah, Shiki a rigolé !
Yohei: Bon, dans ce cas, c'est parti, Saimon !
Naoakira: Oui, montrons au monde ce qu'est la vraie musique…
Nous, The Cat’s Whiskers.
[1] Prononcé Bu-rai-an en japonais, jeu de mots 10/10 [2] Dit en anglais dans la version originale. “Bonjour Brian, mon nom est Ryu-kun !” [3] MC = Maître de Cérémonie. Désigne un ou des rappeur(s) de hip-hop. [4] Un cypher est : ”un espace qui donne l’opportunité à chaque artiste d’exposer son art et de montrer ce qu’iel sait faire. Les MCs freestylent tour à tour sur un même beat ce qui leur permet, traditionnellement, de se faire un nom et de commencer à se créer une fanbase. C’est donc une pratique collective, conviviale et artistique avant tout.” Tiré de Urbania FR. [5] “Fanatik” est le nom donné aux grands fans de hip-hop. Remerciements : Encore une fois, même si j'ai fait le plus gros du travail, je me suis aidé de la traduction anglaise réalisée par lechefrita_ (Twitter).
Pour écouter le morceau associé à ce CD, MASTER OF MUSIC, >>clique ici<<
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hedwigchyan · 17 days
Reference list of Casual [Part 1]
Casual by resibc
They fought again and he angrily said Gabriel would never get a position within the party.
« Gabriel Attal se sent de nouveau pousser des ailes, après avoir été placé à distance de la vie du parti par son ancien compagnon. « Il a fallu que je devienne premier ministre pour avoir le droit de retrouver mon par- ti », a-t-il confié en marge de sa participation au premier bureau exécutif organisé après sa nomination à Matignon. »
He had just given an interview to Libération
He wasn't like Darmanin who would ruin the whole party's image just for the sake of the slightest chance for the presidential candidature.
yellow vests protests, numerous other advisors leaving, being outed,
that bastard decides to finally show up for work
‘In 2019, surveys predicted a big loss for us as well.’
« Dans un contexte social encore très tendu, le résultat des élections est miraculeux : LRM arrive juste derrière le Rassemblement national, avec 22,42 % des voix. »
When he heard about Colonna’s deteriorating relationship with Macron following the October 7th attack
« C’est d’ailleurs le 7 octobre dernier, au moment des ttaques du Hamas en Israël, que Stéphane Séjourné comprend que les portes du Quai d’Orsay pourraient s’ouvrir à lui. La première réaction de la chef de la diplomatie est jugée déséquilibrée par l’Élysée. »
A place that would leave him on the margin of the election battle.
He has already made up his mind.
« Je pense que le président avait son nom en tête depuis le mois de décembre »
To have a counterpart to Bardella, to resurrect his second mandate.
‘Two years,’ he finally responded.
The first Conseil des ministres
De l'action, de l'action, de l'action , the first compte rendu will not be public, they still have to name half of the cabinet,
You are particularly discreet about your private life, yet on the day of your appointment you made it known that your civil partnership with Gabriel Attal had broken down two years ago. Why did this happen?
(Silence) Firstly, so that there is no ambiguity about our relationship with the Prime Minister.
they had congratulated him on his appointment
a never-ending 9-hour journey through the snowy fields and forests to the capital,
why was his page a fucking museum of him
 his mistakes
Ukraine, then Germany, then Poland, with India and the Middle East
the cat
the yellow highlighter secretaries always left on his table
take out his phone
 graciously pulled out a chair for him
They had Gabriel, who was approvingly looking at Stéphane and laughing with him even when no one else did.
The first assembly questioning sessions about Gaza
the smiles they exchanged with Gabriel after the session
taking a little selfie
travelling first to New York to give a speech at the UN, then to India with the president, ending with a little tour in the Middle East,
the general declaration of Gabriel Attal’s government.
A formality, if any. Gabriel had demanded their work be coordinated way back during their first Conseil des ministres.
« Les déplacements, les arbitrages, les prises de parole de chacun d'entre vous et des ministres qui appartiendront à vos pôles devront être parfaitement coordonnés entre nous et avec mes équipes a Matignon », exige-t-il.
Valérie had been elected their president
denouncing the interferences based on the Portal Kombat findings.’
In the end, they took a selfie,
The return to Argentina
 That Stéphane, who had dreamed of being a pilot
following the economic crisis
Et surtout un bac au début des années 2000 à Buenos Aires, au moment où l'Argentine sombre dans la faillite par la faute de ses dirigeants. Un épisode qui marque le début de son engagement politique : « En 2001, j'ai 17 ans et j'adhère au Parti socialiste car c'est la seule organisation qui avait une structure à l'international. À l'époque, je vois en Argentine toute une classe moyenne qui tombe dans l'extrême pauvreté, toute une partie qui décroche. Je réalise en tout cas que les décisions politiques peuvent avoir un impact sur la vie des gens, raconte-t-il. En France et en Europe, on a l'impression que ça ne peut pas vous arriver. Mais c'est faux. »
Emmanuel was organizing a Ukraine support conference
lighting up le Quai d'Orsay in the color of the Ukrainian flag
Emmanuel’s bombshell
Stéphane did not miss the National Assembly
strategic ambiguity
He threw a glance in Gabriel's direction as he was leaving his seat.
asked if he had lunch
How he managed to fulfill Emmanuel's delicate task of mending the relationship between France and Morocco in that turmoil was a mystery to him as well.
adding the right to abortion to the constitution
They held their first meeting
Valérie was a daughter of farmers
When it had finally ended
when they were watching a movie together
Gabriel passed by him
‘Check my message,’
despite himself fumbling badly at announcing their candidates' names
so he moved closer, profiting off the now empty seat between them.
dear Valérie, dear Stéphane
Gabriel talking about their past work
Seeing diplomacy be done through instant messaging still amazed him.
« La plupart de mes homologues sont de la même génération, on s’écrit directement, ça va très vite. »
passive-aggressive tweets
something Emmanuel had been thinking about ever since they hadn’t gotten an absolute majority.
« Le camp présidentiel est déjà, depuis 2022, dans une situation inconfortable de majorité relative, ce qui fait d’ailleurs que l’hypothèse d’une dissolution revenait régulièrement depuis le début du mandat, pour sortir d’un blocage politique. »
They were sailing down the river on a ship
I'm starting to get really fucking annoyed by Emmanuel
he made a trip to China and almost immediately to African countries friendly to France, journalists waiting even there to take an interview
in Kenya, listening to a girl singing Derrière danse
‘Will you still run for president after the elections?’
wearing Gabriel's old tie
recognize Palestine or finally fulfill his promise to visit Ukraine.
"Il n'y a pas de tabou pour la France et je suis totalement prêt à reconnaître un État palestinien mais (...) je considère que cette reconnaissance doit arriver à un moment utile"
Have you seen that prick Bardella explaining he will demand me to dissolve the assembly if his party wins?
But you're not de Gaulle
De Gaulle dissolved the assembly and gained more seats than he used to have, Chirac dissolved the assembly and ended up with a government from other parties 
I suppose an accord with Larcher and LR would also be good
He didn't tell me to inform you.
Stéphane walked into his second Besoin d'Europe meeting
Stéphane picked up the courage to start the greeting kiss
the speech he would give this time,
he heard Gabriel's voice.
putting his hand on the edge of the chair
instead of hugging them separately, pulled them in a group hug,
looking at each other in the Assembly, Gabriel nodding to his speech,
Gabriel's terrible habit of chewing his pen
I'll debate Bardella at the end of the month.
Perhaps they could still get more than 20% and that would appease everyone, starting with Macron.
Talking through Sarkozy was funny
ask for the seat on the same bench as Gabriel,
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444namesplus · 9 months
Ace Acead Achal Ack Ade Adess Adle Adop Ads Ady Afabi Afra Agne Ago Ain Aine Aira Ald Aldat Alde Ale Alet Alie Alk All Alla Allet Alph Alsa Alte Altz Amar Amet Amiba Amili Amul Ana Ance And Ane Anele Anfre Ang Anich Annia Annis Anoît Ans Ant Antra Anut Apaul Apso Ard Are Aria Arian Arica Arl Arle Armo Arn Arol Arp Arpy Art Arta Ary Aud Audge Aul Auny Aure Aurf Aurin Aurn Aurt Auste Aut Aval Ave Aver Avirg Back Bal Balle Balte Ban Bapop Barce Barg Barld Bas Basco Bel Bele Bend Beng Ber Berea Beres Berg Bern Beron Berry Bet Bier Big Bile Bin Bit Blair Blaut Ble Blen Blick Blore Bluer Bluka Blut Boar Bol Bone Brald Bre Brel Bri Bried Brild Brin Brise Brock Bruid Bug Buge Bugu Bunk Bunka Béa Cabar Cable Cair Cal Cald Cand Cane Canut Cap Car Cas Cat Ceag Cel Cele Celic Cell Chal Chama Chane Chard Chare Chari Chaël Cheid Chel Chen Cher Chert Ches Chic Chich Chil Chill Chine Chish Chlie Chlo Chlon Chno Chon Chria Chrie Chris Chrit Chtop Cla Clam Clan Clant Clard Clat Clato Cle Clutz Cléa Cléme Cock Cof Coffe Cola Cole Colk Colkt Cona Cop Core Coret Corge Corn Cors Cory Couck Couse Cra Crock Cucid Cuse Cyre Céa Céate Dale Dan Dand Dane Dann Danna Dano Dard Darl Dego Del Dele Delle Deme Demel Demme Den Derc Derd Des Devel Dia Dian Dic Did Die Dies Diet Din Dine Dio Dion Dis Dolf Dout Dovin Drale Dranz Drapp Drean Dres Drid Drin Drut Dry Dryan Dubre Dul Duo Dus Dust Duste Dut Dwave Dwise Eande Eid Ein Ele Elgar Elhed Eling Elk Elmut Elop Elte Eltel Elter Eltz Ely Emal Eme Emel Emlit Emon Emper Ence Enny Ental Erie Ern Esco Eup Euran Eurce Eus Evinn Ewave Exas Exast Expe Fabit Fai Fane Faul Fer Ferry Figa
Fil Fin Fium Fiur Flarp Flo Flon Floul Fluc Flue Flumo Flut Flutz Fol Fola Fold Folf Folia Folo Fra Frah Fral Fran Frand Fre Freat Frede Fres Frie Fried Frore Frudo Fruid Frunk Fun Fund Fune Fur Fus Fut Futh Gae Gank Gano Ganz Gard Gardt Garie Garn Gaël Gel Gelf Genne Ger Gerig Gern Gerry Ges Ghlop Ghop Ghto Ghton Ghtop Gial Giald Gil Gin Gine Ginet Gion Gis Gisch Gise Glass Glen Glia Gline Gnès Gone Gore Got Grack Grang Grard Gre Gred Grel Grent Gres Grest Gret Grick Grum Grée Gues Guid Guita Gum Guma Gumet Gérin Günto Hacia Hacid Hack Halm Ham Hamp Han Hana Hanin Hann Hanti Har Hara Harc Hard Hare Haric Harie Harle Hart Haunk Heand Hed Hedar Hedya Heine Heing Hel Hen Hena Henz Her Hera Herbe Heres Herie Herto Hes Het Hic Hick Hicme Hie Hila Hime Hiper Hiser Hobo Holk Honik Hop Hople Horc Hord Hores Horle Hounk House Huc Hugae Hul Hunt Hyerd Hymon Hymp Hélia Hélie Imar Imild Inath Ind Indus Ine Inin Inne Ino Inoé Inz Inzel Irape Ire Irge Irhan Irine Irès Ise Jack Jan Jea Jeado Jeang Jearp Jeate Jence Jent Jerry Jery Jes Jine Jitte Jivee Jiver Joace Joard Jock Johon Jon Jore Josca Jose Joso Josop Jron Jul Jula Julla Junk Jupes Jute Jéro Kabie Kach Kack Kar Kard Kards Kat Kaël Ken Kenal Kent Kit Kita Kitz Kla Klaur Kle Kob Kock Kold Kop Kpunk Lam Lan Lar Lass Laste Laud Len Liale Liass Lick Lie Lille Lin Linas Line Lival Lock Lode Lodie Loid Lois Lona Lop Loé Lues Lukie Lum Lumel Lut Lycha Lyne Lype Lyres Léme Lüton Mado Mag Maind Maire Mais Mal Malk Mall Malme Man Mana Mance Manck Mang Mange Manna Manne Mano Manop Mante Mar March Mard Mardt Mare Marf Maris Marit Marp Mart Mary Mas Mass Mata Matal Mate Mathe Matig Med Mely Men Met Meta Metal Metan Metto Mia Mial Miam Mibal Mic Mica Mich Mil Mild Mill Mily Min Minat Mine Minn Mino Mins Mir Mire Miry Mock Modia Modo Mon Mone Moom More Mul Munk Muno Mus Muse Muska Mut Mutep Naine Nat Nel Nelda Neock Ner Nere Nert Nes Netal Nic Nich Nics Nie Niené Nin Nis Niume Noce Noid Nom Nues Nuker Nukin Nunel Nut Nyiph Ock Odie Ola Oldes Ole Olf Olges Olk Oll One Opat
Ora Orein Osele Ote Otino Otrap Otris Otte Ousic Out Pade Pald Pall Pas Paud Pause Paut Paw Paya Paymn Pes Phaël Phon Phout Pie Pin Pinès Pip Piry Ple Polk Pop Poph Pople Popop Posca Pose Post Powee Praw Pria Prie Prock Psic Psop Psych Puge Pugu Punie Punk Puny Quese Rak Ral Ran Rand Rann Raur Red Reep Reg Relin Rent Rerme Res Resco Ress Rha Rhan Rhyes Ria Rie Rine Riste Roce Rodia Rold Roli Rone Rop Rose Rosop Rotry Roul Rount Rud Rudop Rum Runk Rée Régig Régo Rélin Sad Sady Sae Sal Sald Sall Sam San Sance Sane Sanor Sar Sat Sater Saxop Seann Sel Sell Sepop Sher Shtop Sia Sic Siche Sick Sie Sine Sive Skack Skam Skap Sla Slat Sli Slie Smuse Snock Sop Soul Sould Soune Sounk Soure Sous Souse Sout Spe Sphop Spian Spit Stans Ste Stean Ster Stia Stial Stinz Stive Stnum Sto Stone Stric Stry Sug Sul Sumda Sun Sunt Sur Sure Surf Suza Sve Swal Swam Swas Swava Swave Syl Syle Sylit Syme Symo Syne Synt Sype Séve Séved Séves Tal Tale Tall Tard Tend Tep Teple Tepop Ter Thar The Thie Tia Tialk Tich Tick Tin Tinal Tine Torn Tri Tric Trock Trull Try Tune Turpy Tya Tyl Ulber Ulle Unk Urock Urone Uré Val Valco Valsa Van Vana Vap Ver Ves Vicie Vid Vidja Vie Viko Vild Vin Vina Vine Vinic Vio Vion Vione Voca Vock Wall Walle Wam Wees Wenz Wer Weric Werng Werry Wert Wes Whein Wife Wig Wigae Wil Win Wine Winey Wob Wobie Wol Wole Wolk Wooma Wore Wory Wras Xana Xanne Xas Xass Xyle Yenra Yop Yukey Yve Yveme Yvemo Yvet Élikt Émy Éve Éver
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bletheringskite · 1 year
The Twa Cats and the Cheese
TWA cats anes on a cheese did light,
To which baith had an equal right.
But disputes, sic as aft arise,
Fell out a sharing of the prize.
"Fair play," said ane, "ye bite o'er thick,
Thae teeth of yours gang wonder quick.
Let's part it, else lang or the moon
Be chang'd, the kebuck will be done."
But wha's to do't? They're parties baith,
And ane may do the other skaith.
Sae with consent away they trudge,
And laid the cheese before a judge,
A monkey with a campsho face,
Clerk to a justice of the peace.
A judge he seem'd in justice skill'd
When he his master's chair fill'd.
Now umpire chosen for division,
Baith sware to stand by his decision.
Demure he looks. The cheese he pales.
He prives it good. Ca's for the scales.
His knife whops throw't, in twa it fell.
He puts ilk haff in either shell.
Said he, "We'll truly weigh the case,
And strictest justice shall have place."
Then, lifting up the scales, he fand
The tane bang up, the other stand.
Syne out he took the heaviest haff,
And ate a knoost o't quickly aff,
And try'd it syne. It now prov'd light.
"Friend cats," said he, "we'll do ye right."
Then to the ither haff he fell,
And laid till't toughly, tooth and nail,
Till weigh'd again it lightest prov'd.
The judge, wha this sweet process lov'd,
Still weigh'd the case, and still ate on,
'Till clients baith were weary grown
And, tenting how the matter went,
Cry'd, "Come, come, sir, we're baith content."
"Ye fools," quoth he, "and justice too
Maun be content as well as you."
Thus grumbled they, thus he went on,
Till baith the haves were near hand done.
Pour pousies now the daffine saw
Of gawn for nignyes to the law,
And bill'd the judge that he wad please
To give them the remaining cheese.
To which His Worship grave reply'd,
"The dues of court maun first be paid
Now justice pleas'd. What's to the fore
Will but right scrimply clear your score.
That's our decreet. Gae hame and sleep,
And thank us ye're win aff sae cheap."
Allan Ramsay Born 15 October 1686 Leadhills, Lanarkshire, Scotland Died 7 January 1758 (aged 71) was a Scottish poet (or makar), playwright, publisher, librarian and impresario of early Enlightenment Edinburgh.
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madamedupigeonsalon · 2 years
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Politique : Mr Obama est comme nous !
Dans les livres de Michelle Obama, elle y décrit un homme qui aime le golf. Ça veut dire qu’ il a des hobbies comme nous ! En vrai, je pensais que c était un homme sans passion et sans vie ( j ai cette image de présidents rigides et un peu ennuyeux dans la vie de tout les jours ) mais en vrai , il n est pas du tout ainsi. Il peut être aperçu sur cette vidéo faire des dad jokes et promener ses chiens.
Surtout ce qui surprend c est qu’il a très présent dans la vie politique américaine . Il était à des enterrements de soldats , il a rendu visiter à ses troupes en Irak où Afghanistan. C est un homme avec un bras de fer ! Sa femme est une alliée qui lui a servit de support . C est un power couple ! Ils ont élevés deux filles très intelligentes et intéressantes. Une vie de rêve ! Alors est ce qu’ils sont comme nous ?
Dans le deuxième livre de Michelle Obama, elle confesse qu elle a eu des problèmes de mariage pendant 10 ans sur 30 ans de mariage. C est à quelque chose à réfléchir. Aujourd’hui, on a envie de fuir au bout d une dispute de 4 minutes . Vraiment ! Ce n est plus à propos de nous le couple . C est les oui ou les non des gens autour qui dictent notre couple. Il faut se protéger de ça , de trouver sa place , de fuir ou de rester. C est quoi la perfection ? Y a t il vraiment une solution à un couple qui part en dérive ?
Michelle Obama nous apprend à nous connaître . Elle est notre confidente , amie , sœur , mère et patronne . On l aime beaucoup juste pour prendre le temps de nous expliquer c est quoi aimer son ou sa partenaire. Une réponse qu’ on peut retrouver dans son livre . Mais une chose est sure , le couple Obama est comme nous !! ( humains ) nous aussi , nous pouvons rêver d avoir un amour infini et une vie familiale avec un chien ou chat ?!?
Moi, je me dis toujours que je me trouverai mon Obama , il est quelque part dans le monde , j adore cette rencontre ! En tout cas, je signe tout de suite ! Qu il est les mêmes qualités !!! Je prends tout de suite 😁 vous aussi vous rêvez d un Obama dans votre vie sentimentale ?
In Michelle Obama's books, she describes a man who loves golf. That means he has hobbies like us! In truth, I thought he was a man without passion and without life (I have this image of rigid and somewhat boring presidents in everyday life) but in reality, he is not like that at all. He can be seen in this video doing dad jokes and walking his dogs.
Above all, what is surprising is that he is very present in American political life. He was at soldiers' funerals, he visited his troops in Iraq or Afghanistan. He is a man with an iron arm! His wife is an ally who served as his support. It's a power couple! They raised two very intelligent and interesting daughters. A dream life ! So are they like us?
In Michelle Obama's second book, she confesses that she had marriage problems for 10 years out of 30 years of marriage. It is something to think about. Today, we want to flee after a 4-minute argument. Truly ! It's not about us the couple anymore. It is the yes or no of the people around that dictate our relationship. You have to protect yourself from that, to find your place, to flee or to stay. What is perfection? Is there really a solution to a couple that drifts?
Michelle Obama teaches us about ourselves. She is our confidante, friend, sister, mother and patroness. We love him a lot just for taking the time to explain to us what it is to love his or her partner. An answer that can be found in his book. But one thing is sure, the Obama couple is like us!! (humans) we too can dream of having infinite love and family life with a dog or cat?!?
Me, I always tell myself that I will find my Obama, he is somewhere in the world, I love this meeting! In any case, I sign immediately! That he is the same qualities!!! I'll take it right away 😁 do you also dream of an Obama in your love life?
Kevin Ngirimcuti
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acevav · 4 years
Living in this house is insufferable!!! I wish I could move out!!!
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ayumi-lagiacrus · 3 years
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Après 3-4 ans d'envie de faire ce fanart de cette fameuse scène dans SSS Warrior cats où Longue Plume se prend une raclé de Rusty, le voici ENFIN ! Je n'ai pas vraiment calculé le temps que cela m'a pris. 4 heures surement. En tout cas, je suis très contente du rendu finale. Je suis aussi très fière de moi car après un art block des plus affreux, cela prouve que je n'ai rien perdu et que mon style a même un peu évolué. C'est une scène qui m'a fortement plu dans les animations SSS Warrior cats et même encore maintenant je l'aime toujours autant. J'espère que mon travail rends hommage a cette petite série de vidéos sur Warrior cats. -------------------- Please don't use/repost/trace my art
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terato-onlyfangs · 3 years
What I gathered for Etruscan so you can use it for the vamps
[1],[2],[x],[4 18+],[5]
World, Earth
cel"earth, ground, soil
"thi"water; creak ?
"una"flowing, stream
"huin(-)"spring, well
"trut-*"lightening, bolt ?
"zeri"serene, unclouded (weather, sky)
"lur(i)"brightness (of stars)"
Law and Justice    
shurnu-"order ?, testament ?
"teur-"jugdement, panel, award
"tevarath"jugde, arbitrator o.s.
macstrna(appr.) "aide de camp"
"krankru"cat ?, 
panther ?
Bodily functions
am-"to be"
acnanas"begot, bore
"svalce, svalthas (, ril ?)"(s)he lived, had lived"
Death/ grave
lupu"(has) died
"cesu"was/were interred
"celuca*"interment ?
"hinthial"soul (of the deceased), 'shade'
"mutna"coffin, casket
"mursh"coffin, urn
"monument, tomb stone
"shuthi"vault, grave (building)
"tamera"grave chamber
"tus"coffin, kline, place (in a vault)
"hupnina"kline, coffin
"zelarvena*"being supplied with niches
"shuthina"grave gift" 
Clothes/ etc
"mal(e)na"mirror (made of bronze)
"ara- per(a)=c"house and home; property
"scuna"place, room"kanna (1x), cana"precious item, work of art (length of cloth, stele o.s.)"cver(a)"work of art, sculpture, statue
"trepu"craftsman, carpenter
"zinace"produced (pottery)
"acil(u)"producer, potter
"cerichunce"erected, built, had erected
"ce(ri)nu"(was) erected, built"
churu"full (in number)
"heva"all, everyone"
snuiaph"as much/many as
"ciem zathrum"seventeen
"eslem zathrum"eighteen
"thunem zathrum"nineteen
"ci zathrum"twenty-three
"huth zathrum"twenty-five
"thunem cealch"twenty-nine
al(i)ce / muluvanece / tur(u)ce"gave, dedicated
"alpan"gift of thanks
"alicha"gift, present"
"thaura"property ?"
"mlach / mlaka-"good, beautiful
"azaru(a)"good ?
"calus(u-)"excellent, best
"zeri"free (person); accessible (water)
"thuta (f.)"chaste, married only once"
Speech/ writing
zichuche"was written; incised; carved"zich"book; letter ?"zic(h)u"clerk, writer"penth(u)na"(inscribed) stone, stele"
ais > eis"god
"tmia"temple, sanctuary
"tamera"(temple) cella
"fler"sacrifice, ritual o.s.
"aisna"sacrifice, ritual o.s.
"fase"libation"un(n.) "pouring out, spill (as a libation)
"cletram"litter, table ? (applied in cultual practise)"caper heci'(ritual) cloak'tuthi(u)"pledge, vow, votum
"tuthina"votive gift"cana, cver(a), shuris, tinscvil'consecrated objects'trutnuth"fulguriator (lat.): a seer, reading lightnings"netshvis"haruspex (lat.): a seer, reading animal entrails
"maru"chairman of a cultual society"zilath'cultual functionary'al(i)ce / muluvanece / tur(u)ce"donated, dedicated
"cenu"(was) built"
"marish (m.)"(male) baby, boy, youth
"leinth"old age; old woman
"lasa"bride ?" ("nymph")
marish"bridegroom ?
"puia"wife; woman ?
"sech farthana / harthna"stepdaughter
"clanti"adoptive son
"clan thunchultha
"step son
"ati nacn(uv)a, teta"grandmother
"apa nacna, papa"grandfather
"tetals"grandson/granddaughter (in relation to a grandmother)
"papals"grandson/granddaughter (in relation to a grandfather)
"netei (f.)"mother-in-law ?
"ziv(a)-"relatives, kinship
"hatrencu (f.)"?
"ath(e/u)mica (plural)(plural) 'relatives'arce"(s)he raised (children)"
"achapri"jug, oinochoe
"hushlna"(wine) mug ?, amphore ? (for cultual use)
"qutumuza"little jug (for straining)
"lechtumuza"little jug, aryballos"thina"ewer"eleivana"container of oil"vertun'some sort of vessel'zavena"two-handled vessel, kantharos"zavenuza'same as before ?' (however, see Biondi, Acme 50, 1997, 3-31)fasena"vessel for libations; (askos)
"spanti"bowl for libations and drinking; plate
"thafna, thapna"drinking vessel, cup, lid (of a thina)"s(h)untheruza"pyxis, (little, round clay) box"
[Wallace, Studi Etruschi 64, 201ff.]
scuna"place, room
"shuth"to put ?
"ika > eca (noun), ca, gen. cla, (adj.)"this, that"cal, gen. clal"this here"ita > eta (noun), ta (adj.)"this, that
"eclthi, clthl (loc.)"here"thui, thuves"inside
"thva-* ?"interior, inner
"(ce)hen"outer, outside
"cipen > cepen, pen"below, under
"srenc-*"above, upper
"srancza-"upper part/piece
"penza-"lower part/piece
"hampha-"right side
"laiva-"left side
"thes(h)viti"to/in the East
"faviti"in the West
"ushil"South ?"
truth-"to cast, to throw"tezan"way, road
"favin"to descend ?
"thes-"to mount"
leine"at the age of
"mean"childhood, youth"sh(i)ans"beginning, scheme, plan
"hintha (hinth(i)u)"to cease, to finish" ("(was) finished")thesan"dawn, sunrise, morning
"ilucu'a period: part of a month ? o.s.'ena"today ?, now(adays) "ishveita > eshvita"following, later day
"uelcitanus (lat.)"martius (March)"aberas (lat.)"aprilis (April)
"apirase"in the month of April"ampiles (lat.)"maius (May)"anpilie"in the month of Mai"aclus (lat.)"iunius (June)"acal(v)e"in the month of June"traneus (lat.)
"iulius (July)"thucte"in the month of July ? / August ?"ermius (lat.)"augustus (August)"celius (lat.)"September"celi"in the month of September
"xof(f)er ? (lat.)"October"alshase"in *Alshasa (~ phoenician "in the month of K(i)r(a)r")"tulerase"in *Tulerasa (~ phoenician "in the month of the sacrifice to the Sun")"
Social areas
spur(a)"city, polis
"rasna"public, belonging to the state
"thunchultha- (thunchver-?)"private
"tular"border(s), frontier(s), territory
"cel"(piece of) soil, territory
"hilar"marked off
"mech"lady, queen
"sacni and derivations"citizen(s)"eter(a), eterti'member of a class of citizens'marish"servant, slave
"snenath"woman servant, lady's maid
"lautni"slave, freedman
"lautnitha"female slave, freedwoman
"themias-"had obeyed
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Slipping Through My Fingers - Fifteen
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
warnings: none
an: well. 
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Lorcan was tinkering with an engine, only half-listening to whatever music Fenrys had chosen for the garage when Ansel rapped on his door, poking her head in. 
“Hey, man, the kids are here,” she said, her grin falling off her lips as he nodded vaguely, hardly hearing her. “Lorcan. Lorcan. Lorcan. Lorcan. Lor–”
“Fucking hell, what do you want, Ans?” he snarled, irritation flashing in his eyes. 
Ansel rose a manicured wine-red brow, glancing over her shoulder before she stepped in and closed the door, leaning back against it. “Excuse you?” He held her stare until he glanced away, shaking his head. “Really? You’re just gonna ignore me?” 
Lorcan cocked his jaw and crossed his arms, decidedly staying silent. 
Ansel sighed and swaggered over to the other stool, sitting down and kicking his foot with hers. “So, uh, Elide took the day off. Apparently she’s been calling in sick the entire week,” she commented, her face impassive as he snapped his head up and breathed in sharply. 
Then, Lorcan shrugged and sniffed, looking down at his hands, “Guess she isn’t feeling well.” 
“Stop it,” Ansel hissed at him, her eyes narrowing, “I went to Aelin’s. I saw her, Lorcan.” 
“Aelin’s?” Lorcan didn’t know that. He didn’t know she was staying with her sister. Rowan hadn’t told him that. 
“Well…” he trailed, unable to figure out what to say. 
“What happened?” 
He shrugged again and muttered something unintelligible, picking at his nails. “We’re just taking a couple weeks, you know. No biggie.” 
“You’re a terrible liar, Lorcan,” Ansel told him, her voice hard. She opened her mouth to say something when the door was slammed open and two ankle biters raced in, yelling at their parents. 
Esther was chattering, as usual, in her mother’s native tongue as Ansel scooped her up and smiled down at her. “J’ai fait un dessin d’un ourson et son maman sur son plâtre.” She pointed over to Kohana’s cast where there was indeed a drawing of a bear cub and its mother. 
“Bien fait, ma chère,” Ansel murmured, brushing back her daughter’s hair and kissing her head as she glared daggers at Lorcan. 
Lorcan rolled his eyes and smiled softly at Kohana, accepting the hug his son offered him. “Hey, kid.” 
“Hi, Dad,” Kohana said, climbing onto his father’s lap and cuddling into his chest. “When do we get to go home?” 
“Soon,” Lorcan promised him, the two of them saying good-bye to Ansel and Esther when they walked out. Kohana stepped down onto the floor, running his hand over his cast. 
“Mm-hmm?” Kohana didn’t answer and Lorcan looked up, his eyebrow arched. “K-Man?” 
“…does Ellie need space from me at school, too?” 
“What? No, not at all,” Lorcan said, his heart clenching. “She doesn’t need space from you, she needs space from me. None of it is because of you, ok?” Kohana looked up at him, his eyes big and filled with tears as he sniffled. “Oh, kid, c’mere.” Kohana launched himself into Lorcan’s arms, crying into his shirt. 
“I miss Ellie,” Ko cried, burying his face in his father’s chest. “I didn’t want her to go.” 
All Lorcan could do was hold his son close and kiss the top of his head, whispering soothing words of comfort as he silently cursed himself and all he stood for. 
The rain was coming down heavy as Lorcan slammed his car door shut and jogged around to open up Ko’s. “C’mon, man, we gotta go.” 
“I’m comin’, Dad,” Kohana grumbled, not at all pleased with what they were doing, but they needed groceries and he couldn’t be left at home. The little one refused to move after Lorcan undid his seatbelt, so Lorcan picked him up and walked quickly over to the grocery store. 
“Ko, stay here,” Lorcan said as he put him down, “I’m gonna grab a cart, alright?” 
Kohana didn’t say a word and wandered a couple steps inside the store, pushing his hood back and pulling his braid out. He became fascinated by the way his frog gumboots squeaked on the linoleum and started walking around, staring intensely down at the sound, a happy little grin on his round little face. 
He pattered around in a circle, twisting his feet and giggling gleefully at the resulting sound. He bumped into someone’s legs and reached up, grabbing two of their fingers and staying in place as he moved his boots back and forth. “Dad, look, look at my bo–” 
It was at that moment Kohana looked up and gasped, his heart dropping when he realized the person he’d been talking to and whose hand he’d been holding onto was not his father. 
Kohana worriedly turned around and ran back to Lorcan, too upset to feel any sort of joy at the squeaking sound of his boots. “Até,” he cried, ducking behind his father and hiding as he gripped Lorcan’s painter pants tightly with his unbroken arm. 
Lorcan chuckled and looked down at him, fondly stroking his hand over Ko’s head. “Prince, what happened?” 
Kohana just shook his head and carefully peeked out at the stranger before hurriedly looking away again. Lorcan laughed quietly again and picked him up, turning to the other man as his son buried his face in his shoulder, his round cheeks fiercely aflame. “Sorry ‘bout that, man, he’s a little shy sometimes, ain’t that right, K-Man?” 
Again, Kohana didn’t answer and the two adults chuckled. The other man said something and departed, continuing on with his shopping as Lorcan looked at Kohana whilst he lifted his head. “I thought he was you, Daddy. I didn’t mean to.” 
Lorcan smiled softly, his eyes turning gentle as he put Kohana in the cart, “I know, baby. It’s ok, you’re ok, yeah?” 
“Yeah… I’m ok,” Ko whispered, smiling shyly, his cheeks still tinged pink. “I’m very ok, Dad.”
Elide ran through the rain to the grocery store, leaving Aelin in the car to wait. Since they only needed a couple things, it was a one-person job and Elide had lost rock-paper-scissors once again. 
She shook off her hoodie hood, regretting wearing her cotton sweater in the rain. Elide grabbed herself a basket and walked quickly into the store, just wanting to rush home and make dinner with her sister. 
Elide idly perused the aisles, pulling things into her basket and tapping against the handles a random beat, humming low under her breath. Her eyes got caught on the brand of tea she had at home and she almost fell, tripping over her feet. 
Home. It didn’t feel the same anymore, not without him. That was why she’d been staying with Aelin for the past five days. Maybe she was kidding herself by saying that she was just taking time to heal and maybe she was being a coward, but… she just couldn’t care right now. 
It was nice to be with her sister, even if she did feel a little bit bad for kicking Rowan out.
Elide just shook her head to dispel her thoughts as she blinked her tears away and hurriedly exited the aisle, not seeing where she was going as she crashed into somebody’s cart and floundered to keep from falling when whoever it was wrapped their hands around her biceps and righted her. 
Her cheeks were aflame as she stepped away, “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going and it’s–” her words fell away when she looked up, seeing Kohana sitting in the cart and Lorcan, half a foot away from her. 
Immediately, tears sprung in her eyes and her throat ached. Damn it, she did not want to cry in her local grocery store. Elide backed away further, protectively shielding her basket, though she didn’t know why. 
“Ellie! Hi-hi!” 
“Hey, Kohana,” she breathed, her voice wavering. While she addressed Kohana, she looked at his father, biting the inside of her bottom lip to stop it from trembling. She was not going to cry today. At least, she wasn’t going to cry in the store. Once she was in the car or even outside the store, all bets were off. 
Lorcan bent down and that was when Elide noticed that most of her groceries had fallen to the linoleum floors. He passed her a can of coconut milk and she nearly dropped it again when their fingers brushed and she snatched her hand away, looking at him like he had burned her. He opened his mouth to say something, but she spoke first.
“I ca- I can’t- I have to go,” she whispered, waving an unenthusiastic farewell to Kohana as she hurried off, already feeling a tear slip free. Elide rushed through the self-checkout, her head ducked down as more hot tears blurred her vision. 
She hastily paid and didn’t even wait for the machine to spit out her receipt before she ran out to the car, crying as she threw herself into the passenger seat. 
Aelin stared at her with wide eyes as she blubbered and weeped, gesturing vaguely to the store and then to the bag. The blonde just sighed softly and pulled Elide in for a hug over the centre console. “Let’s go home, babes. I’ll cook!” 
That had Elide laughing, albeit tearfully as she sniffled and wiped her eyes, “That’s really sweet of you, but I’d rather see Lorcan than eat your food.” 
“Well, now, that’s just rude.” 
Lorcan slowly closed the door, smiling as Kohana sighed sleepily and cuddled onto his side, hugging his stuffed hippo tightly. Tigger stood watch at the end of his bed, his yellow eyes glowing bright. Fuck, that cat creeped him out. 
He carefully walked downstairs, trying to not let them creak too much. Then, he walked over to the TV cabinet, rifling through the shelf until he located the baby videos of Ko. He popped one of them into the DVD player, standing and crossing over to the couch. He sat down heavily, nervously bouncing his knee up and down. 
With the remote, he pressed play and tossed it to the cushion beside him, running a ragged hand down his face, reaching his other hand up to finger the ring hanging from the chain around his neck. 
His eyes were already burning with tears as the video started. The footage, slightly grainy, was of Essar, rocking a little bundle to and fro as she sang a gentle, seaside melody from her childhood. Her tattooed lips pulled into the happiest grin he’d ever seen as two little hands reached up, patting the ink on her chin and batting the air as the bundle gurgled. 
Then, Essar looked up at the camera, rolling her eyes playfully, “Are you seriously filming right now?” 
Lorcan heard himself laugh and then his younger self appeared in the frame, walking over to the two of them and peering down at the very precious cargo Essar carried. “I like it when you sing, Ess. Prettiest voice in the whole dang world.” 
A soft blush pinked her cheeks and she smiled up at him, laughing when Kohana demanded their attention by waving his fists aggressively. Lorcan laughed as well and pulled the top of the blanket down. “Hey, kid. You’re pretty cute, you know that?” He sat down on the edge of their bed and pulled Essar down onto his thigh, resting his chin on her shoulder and twining his arms around her waist. “You just might be the cutest kid in the world. You wanna know why?” 
Essar answered for their son, leaning back against him as Kohana wrapped his hand around Lorcan’s finger. “Why, o husband of mine?” 
“‘Cause his momma is the most gorgeous girl around and his pops?” Essar turned to look at him, a fake warning in her eyes. “He’s the luckiest man alive.” 
Essar smiled and he pressed a chaste kiss to the skin beneath her jaw. “I love you so fuckin’ much, Essar.” 
“Language,” she chided him, resting her head on his shoulder and gazing down at their child. “I love you too, Lorcan. So fuckin’ much.” 
Lorcan faked an offended gasp and delicately covered Kohana’s ears, “Ms. Tangaroa-Salvaterre! There is a child, an infant in your presence. I am going to have to ask you to,” he dropped his voice into a low hiss, “watch your language, ma’am.” 
“Oh, shut it,” Essar said, smacking his tattooed chest as an upright, grey tail came swishing into view. She saw what her cat was going to do and cried out, “Tigger, no!” just as Tigger, that blasted creature sent from hell, knocked over the camera. 
The screen went black, but Lorcan heard himself sigh and mutter, “I hate that gods-damned cat.” 
Tears were rolling down his cheeks and his breathing was ragged as he pressed his hand against his chest, trying to push his heart back together. He wanted to yell, to scream at his wife, demanding why she had left him, why she hadn’t stayed. 
Logically, he understood Essar had no choice in the matter and the last thing she had ever wanted to do was leave him, leave their little coconut. But still, he couldn’t help but feel cheated, feel like she’d abandoned him. 
The screen went from black to white, then Essar’s giddy face as she toggled with the brightness. Her hair was falling around her face and she pushed it back with her free hand as she held the camera facing towards her and she walked through their shitty little apartment. 
Her eyes looked at something behind the camera, her eyes bright as she pushed open a door and creeped in, biting her tattooed lip before she turned the camera to show what she was so amused by. 
It was him, dead asleep and sprawled across their bed on his back, but cradled on his chest was Kohana. He was so itty bitty compared to Lorcan as they snoozed. 
Real-time Lorcan smiled through his silent tears as baby Ko stretched out, his little fists stretching all the way up before he settled back down. “It’s kinda creepy of you to stand there and film us, Ess,” Lorcan commented without opening his eyes, rubbing Kohana’s back when he squirmed and whimpered, kicking his footie-pajama feet out. 
“It’s noon, babe, why are you asleep?” 
“Well, you were studying all night and I had the distinct pleasure of soothing your screaming son back to sleep four times,” he said, utter exhaustion in his voice. He held out his hand for her and Essar put the camera down, not bothering to stop recording as she pranced over to the mattress and eased down beside them both, curling into Lorcan’s side. 
“Why is he my son when he does the things you don’t like,” she muttered, resting her hand on the back of Kohana’s head, softly rubbing her thumb over his soft hair. “He’s half you, you know.” 
“Oh, don’t fret, my darling, I know. Never forgot it,” he whispered. “You gave me my dream.” 
“Your dream?” 
“Mm-hmm,” Lorcan hummed, not once opening his eyes. “You and Ko - that’s all I need.” 
The video faded out and he supposed the next one began, and the one after that, because the next thing he saw was the TV shutting itself off. Then, he heard two little feet padding down the stairs, the sound of soft paws accompanying them. 
Lorcan looked over his shoulder at Kohana, who was half-hiding behind the staircase banister. Tigger stood, ever watchful, on the step below him, his head poking through two balusters. 
“Até, can I come down, please?” 
He nodded and wiped his cheeks, “Always, coconut.” Kohana smiled and hurried down the stairs, racing over to him. He sat on the cushion beside Lorcan, dragging Tigger up into his lap. 
Kohana’s eyes went wide as the moonlight cutting through their windows made the tear tracks on Lorcan’s face shine silver. “Are you crying?” 
“Remember last week, when you hurt your arm and we were at the hospital?” 
Kohana nodded vigorously, gesturing to upstairs, “Yeah! I got a stuffy and some candies. My stuffy was a bear, but the one I got for Essie was a shark ‘cause she likes sharks.” He became quiet and still as Tigger slinked out from his hold. Slowly, Kohana shifted so he had his head against the cat’s side. “But… Ellie left. She didn’t say bye-bye to me.” 
Lorcan sighed heavily, picking at the skin around his thumb. “Well… yeah. I know. That’s ‘cause I said some mean things to Ellie and she needed a break.” 
“Why did you say mean things?”
He exhaled slowly and looked at Kohana’s cast, covered in idle doodles, no doubt Esther or Fenrys’ handiwork. Ko wouldn’t let anyone else get close to him like that and the others claimed they were above such silliness. “I was scared, prince, and sometimes, when we’re scared, we say mean things. I told her she did something wrong.”
“But Ellie didn’t do something wrong,” Kohana said quietly, cuddling into Lorcan’s side. 
Lorcan hugged his son, “I know that. Now. But I didn’t know that earlier.”
Kohana hummed and they sat in silence for a bit until he spoke up again, “Did you say sorry? I think you should say sorry.” 
Huffing a laugh, Lorcan looked down at his kid’s head, brushing back his wild hair. “Maybe I’ll try that, kid.” Kohana nodded, as if he had solved all the problems and like adults were so stupid sometimes. “When’d you get so wise, K-Man?” 
“I’m in school now. Big boy means big brain.” 
Well, that pretty much said it all, he supposed. 
When Lorcan walked into work the next day, Malakai gave him a weird look from behind the front desk. “Why’re you here?” 
“Um… I work here? I think you’re getting a lil old, pops.” 
Malakai glared and stood up, walking over to him, “I know you work here, boyo. Rowan and Fenrys told me you were taking the day off.” 
Lorcan scrunched his brow in confusion, tilting his head to the side. He opened his mouth to reply just as someone tapped his shoulder and he turned around to see Rowan standing there, an unimpressed look on his face. “You ready?” 
“For what? The fuck is happening, man?” 
“Get in the car,” was all Rowan said, jerking his thumb to his car waiting by the curb. 
Lorcan could see he didn’t exactly have a choice and sighed as they walked over and got in. Rowan didn’t say a word as he turned on the ignition and pulled away from the curb, driving down the street. “Really? You’re not gonna tell me where we’re going?” 
“Shut up.” 
He clenched his jaw and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring out the windshield as they continued on. Neither said a word. 
It was only a couple minutes later that Rowan parked in front of the boxing gym they frequented and told Lorcan to get out and get his bag from the trunk. 
“What bag?” 
“Just get it.” 
Murder is bad, you can’t see your kid in prison, murder is bad, you can’t see your kid in prison, murder is bad, he recited silently as he popped the trunk and pulled out his gym bag, not even going to ask how Rowan got it. 
They signed in and went into the changing rooms, efficiently getting dressed and heading out into the gym. 
Lorcan put up his hair as Rowan signed out a ring for them and then they both wrapped their hands. Rowan still hadn’t told him what they were doing. 
His green-eyed brother was already waiting as Lorcan ducked under the ropes, bouncing on his toes. “So, you finally gonna tell me what we’re doing?” 
“You haven’t seen Elide in… what, a week now? You need to fight, ‘cause I know you aren’t gonna talk,” Rowan said, holding up his fists and nodding at Lorcan to do the same. 
He did and they bumped their knuckles before assuming their positions. 
The brothers exchanged a few casual shots, easy ones to get them warmed up. Then, Rowan nailed in him the ribs with a wicked left hook and Lorcan hissed through the pain, glaring at Rowan. “Man, the fuck?” 
Rowan just glared back and upped his game, raining quick and hard shots down upon him. Usually, Lorcan would’ve blocked them effortlessly and returned with his own, but he just couldn’t keep up. Eventually, after Rowan hit the same spot on his ribs, Lorcan flipped, shoving him back, “Fucking stop, Ro! Just stop.” He shook his head and looked down as he started unwrapping his hands, but they just got tangled up in his distress and he swore low. “Fuck this.” 
He finally got it and threw them to the ground, dragging his hands through his hair. “I really fucked it up this time, didn’t I?” 
“Yeah. You did,” Rowan said, pushing him out of the ring and to the nearest bench. 
Lorcan braced his forearms against his thighs and dropped his head, “It was going perfect, alright? And then I just… I pushed her out.” He sniffed and bounced his knee up and down, unable to stop it. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
Rowan scoffed, “Nothing’s wrong with you, it’s just your stupid brain being a dick. You got scared, man.” He slung his arm around Lorcan’s neck, pulling the dark haired man into his side and pressing a kiss to the side of his head. “But this radio silence or whatever the fuck y’all are doing isn’t helping. You need to call her, L.”
Lorcan stayed silent and Rowan went on to add, “If you give her up, if you won’t even make an effort to keep her, then you’ll hate yourself for the rest of your life, man. I have, not once in the past four years, seen you smile like you smile around Elide.” Lorcan glanced at Rowan, obsidian eyes meeting ones of pine. “She isn’t gonna wait around for you to get your shit together. So either fix shit with her, or let her go. But you can’t keep dragging her along and acting like you guys are just done after a fight.” 
“Ok, it wasn’t a fight, I said some–” 
“I know what you said and I’ve had to physically restrain my girlfriend from jumping you, so call your girl. Say you’re sorry. Tell her you love her. Just stop being a little bitch boy.” 
“Fuck you.” 
“Fuck you.” 
“No, I said fuck you.” 
“No, I said fuck you.” 
“Stop copying me.” 
“Stop copying me.” 
“I’m gonna fucking stab you in your sleep.” 
“I’m gonna fucking stab you in your sleep.” 
“Stop it.” 
“Stop it.” 
“You’re a fucking child, Rowan.” 
Lorcan said a quick good-bye to Kohana and Rowan, who had decided it was time for Ko to have another sleepover with his favourite uncle. The kid was beyond excited, his body practically buzzing in the backseat of Rowan’s car. 
Walking back inside, Lorcan shut the door and moved to the kitchen, taking a seat at the island. He took his phone out of his pocket and tossed it on the island top, unlocking it and clicking on the phone app. 
He stared at Elide’s contact for a long, long time before pressing on her number. Lorcan’s heart was in his throat as he held it to his ear and bit his thumbnail, hearing it ring three times. 
“Hey. It’s… me.”
@mythicaitt​ @tinywolfofeyllwe​ @schmlip-scribble​ @the-regal-warrior​ @empire-of-wildfire​ @rhysands-highlady​ @shyvioletcat​ @alifletcher2012​ @ttakeitbacknoww​ @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @superspiritfestival @empress-ofbloodshed @queen-of-glass @sleeping-and-books @beccasophia95 @exersize-me-i-dare-u @thewayshedreamed @hizqueen4life @ifinallygavein @bat-wing-rhys @awkward-avocado-s @b00kworm @mu-si-ca-l @lovemollywho @tacmc @soitsgorgeous @staarligght @starrynightsbooks @keshavomit
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Discord pt 50
[Date: 25/02, 6.59 PM - 25/02, 07.51 PM GMT]
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[‘Puppet’ from the Ib OST is playing in the VC.]
fetch: “:)”
Prince: “Oh! Crown said this was a good song! He says it reminds him of being a kid again! Don't you guys think so?
fetch: “YOU RE R I GHT PR INCE ! TH IS JS A VE R Y G OOD S ONG .” [You’re right Prince! This is a very good song.]
Prince: “I like it! It makes me feel all happy inside :)”
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fetch: “TH OUG H ITS A L ITT LE F AST ER TH AN WH AT I U SUALL Y L IS TE N TO . N IG HT COR E HA AHA AHA .” [Though it’s a little faster than what I usually listen to. Nightcore haahaaha.]
Prince: “It is a little fast, but it's very nice :D”
Prince: “It makes me kinda sleepy :) How about you, fetch? :)”
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fetch: “I GU ESS A L I TT LE HA HAA . B UT I GOT PL ENTY OF SL EE P LAS T N IGH T!” [I guess a little hahaa. But I got plenty of sleep last night!]
IM SO ENE ER GIZED AND R E ADY FO R THE D A Y” [I’m so energized and ready for the day]
donti: “Isn’t too much sleep a little bad for someone?”
Prince: “I don't think so :) It's nice to sleep. You don't have to think about all the things that might be stressing you out :)”
fetch: “I AG REE PR INC E . SL EE P IS NNI CE B UT D OGS CA NT S LE EP ALL D A Y ! THAT S A CAT TH ING TO DO L OL” [I agree, Prince. Sleep is nice but dogs can’t sleep all day! That’s a cat thing to do lol]
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[‘No One in Sight’ from the Ib OST starts playing on loop]
fetch: “N OT AS G OOD AS THE LA ST ONE B UT S TILL A BOP” [Not as good as the last one but still a bop]
Prince: “Oh! This one is nice, too! Relaxing, like you’re outside listening to the breeze~”
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Prince: “I can put on the other one again! :D”
[fetch: “ HM . TH ANF YOU PR INCE BU T I LIKE VA RIE TY SOM E TIME S :)” [Hm. Thank you, Prince, but I like variety sometimes]]
Prince: “Oh, ok :)”
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fetch: “IM H APP Y TO SEE C R OWN ANS W E RIN G T H IN GS! YO U M UST BE H APPY T O O” [I’m happy to see Crown answering things! You must be happy too]
[donti: How had your day been so far Prince, while you’re here? This music really gets me in a convering mood.]
Prince: “It's been great! everything is fine :)“
fetch: “TH AT S GOO D :D” [That’s good :D]
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[donti: Thats nice to know! How’s everyone in the court doing?”]
Prince: “Everyone is doing well :D i miss Knight, though... He hasn't been around in a while.”
fetch: “AW SADGE D: I H OPE Y OU F IND Y OUR KN IG HT BUD D Y SOON !” [Aw Sadge D: I hope you find your Knight buddy soon!]
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[donti: Oh no! did something happen? Do you know where he is?
Prince: “No... He just... Went away one day... Crown said he'll find him for us and bring him home again, though, so it's ok! :)“
fetch: “AW HA HA HA H OW N ICE OF. H IM :) :) :)” [Aw hahaha how nice of. him]
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[‘BGM008′ from the Ib OST starts playing]
[Povas: “Where did you last see knight?”]
Prince: “Um...Here, I think :)”
fetch: “O H G OOD SON G [Oh good song]
TH IS MAK ES THE FUN NY PIA NO T INK Y NOIS E” [This makes the funny piano tinky noise]
Prince: “I like the tinky noise too! :D”
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Povas: “Why is it giving me a sense of dread?”
fetch: “I DK WHA T YOU M EAN BY D R EAD :/ ? IT S OUND S F INE TO M E !” [Idk what you mean by dread :/? It sounds fine to me!]
Prince: “Yeah! I think it's lovely! :)”
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Povas: “It might just be me”
fetch: “PR OBAB LY Y OU LOL :D” [Probably you lol :D]
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[donti: “Hm, change of music aside, whatcha been up to?”]
Prince: “Not much has been happening :) I just like to listen to music here. You can't be sad if there's nothing to make you upset, you know? :)”
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[fetch [responding to donti]: “WH O ME ? OR PR INC E ?” [Who, me? Or Prince?]
donti: “Either or! I care about both of you :D”
fetch: “OH IM D OI NG GR E AT :D APP A RE NT LY M I SS E D D INN E R LA S T N IGHT SO M ONA (G OOD GO OD F RIEND MO NA) L EFT OUT A BR EA KF AS T FOR M E TO M UN CH WHI LE SHE WE NT TO W O RK” [Oh I’m doing great :D Apparently missed dinner last night so Mona (good good friend Mona) left out a breakfast for me to munch while she went to work]
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[fetch: “HAV E BEEN VE RY TH IRST Y SO D RINK ING W AT ER” [Have been very thirsty so drinking water]]
Prince: “That's good! Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of food and get plenty of sleep! Crown would want you at your best :D”
fetch: “Y E AH :) TO AST WITH RO SE PET AL J AM M M  AND GO OD C E R EAL” [Yeah :) toast with rose petal jammm and good cereal]
[‘The Little Doll's Dream’ from the Ib OST starts playing]
fetch: “OO OO O GUITAR R R [ooooo guitarrr]
I LI KE GU IT AR” [I like guitar]
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[donti: Prince, you have a very wide range of music in here! Where did you find so many songs?”]
Prince: “Oh, i just like to listen to a lot of things! These songs are from a game called Ib! You should play it :)“
[fetch: “IT I S A VER Y F UN G AME ! GARRY IS MY F AVOR I TE CH AR ACTER” [It is a very fun game! Garry is my favorite character]]
Prince: “Garry is my favorite, too! he's so nice! :D”
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Bea (she/her): “I've heard of that game before. What's it about?”
[fetch: “A G IRL GO ES TO AN A RT ME USE UM AND THE N SHI T GE TS F UCKED LOL PAI NTINS COM E TO L IFE N S H JT” [A girl goes to an art museum and then shit gets fucked lol]]
Prince: “I guess... But i'd describe it a little differently...”
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[”Inquiry” from the Ib OST starts playing]
fetch: “I M EAN AIN T THAT WH AT HAP PENS LOL” [I mean ain’t that what happens lol]
Prince: “A girl named Ib goes to an art exhibit and ends up in finding herself inside a painting! She meets a nice man named Garry and they have to make their way out together! There's lots of different endings and lots of puzzles! :)”
fetch: “MY DE S C RI PT ION W AS BE T TER LOL” [My description was better lol]
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donti: “Oh! So its not a horror game?”
Prince: “It can be a little scary sometimes, but it's not terrible :)”
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fetch: “ANYW AY NIC E B OPS IM GONNA GO EA T THE R ES T OF THE ROSE PETAL JAM :) Y UM BY E G UYS DONT FOR GET TO AS K CR OW N TH IN GS” [Anyway nice bops I’m gonna go eat the rest of the Rose Petal Jam :) Yum bye guys don’t forget to ask Crown things]
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[donti: Alright! What other games do you play?]
Prince: “Lots of games! I like Skyrim, Overwatch, Undertale and Minecraft the most, though! :D”
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[donti: “thats awesome! I like Minecraft too! I also play Pokemon and some rhythm games :D”]
Prince: “Ooh, what's your favorite Pokemon? i like Mimikyu and Ditto the most! :)”
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donti: “Gengar and Joltik! the Mareep line is also pretty cool!”
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Prince: “Oh, I have to get going! Crown's asking to see me :)
Bye bye! :D”
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sockablock · 5 years
for your consideration: au where beau and caleb went to school together (they're same age now, i guess? soltryce has a gen ed program???), and were unlikely best friends. maybe caleb was beau's only friend, really, since she's such a nerdy antisocial punk. then caleb gets plucked out for ikithon's program and disappears? except a rumor that his house burned down or something? anyway, years later expositor beau is rooting out corruption in the CA and guess which vollstrecker she has to fight....
For all their strictness and self-righteous frippery, Beau really had to hand it to the Expositors.
Their intel was genuinely second to none. And thanks to the notebook she had memorized days ago, now she knew exactly what corners to duck into, knew where the arcane eyes were placed, knew which doorways were trip-wired and knew, with pinpoint accuracy, exactly which floorboards to avoid.
This place was like an acrobat’s dream. Beau even felt her heart start to flutter with the excitement, adrenaline, the fun of it all—
Right up until one of the shadows moved.
She threw herself back around the hallway, pressed her spine to the wall and held her breath.
A moment passed.
And then another.
Her lungs ached against her chest. Blood rushed towards her ears and just through the pounding, she could hear…footsteps.
Damn. She’d been told the sixth floor would be clear. Weren’t all the mages away, tonight? Wasn’t there some kind of meeting, or something?
“Almost right,” a soft voice murmured. “However, that would be foolish, would it not? To leave our tower, our home, unguarded?”
A lesser individual would’ve flinched. Lucky for Beau, she was far from that, and could recognize magic like this in only seconds.
She thought, with all her Cobalt might:
Oh, fuck you.
There was an audible sigh. Now she could hear, that whoever this person was, he was standing much too close for comfort.
Very, very slowly, Beau began to move. Inching further down the hall and towards the nearest, moonlit window.
“I can’t hear you,” the voice admitted, “but I know that you are there. I can tell you are not ordinary, either? Are you a spy, perhaps? Though you are thinking in Common, so…possibly not.”
Beau stopped herself from rolling her eyes. Then she thought better of that, and did it anyway.
Outside, the starry sky glimmered far above the roofs of Zadash.
“Why not just come out?” the voice murmured. “You are trapped up here, are you not? I can even promise to not hurt you. Though, in all fairness, such a promise might be foolish…”
Beau could hear his footsteps now, near-silent, but still making a faint shuffling sound. It was oddly…disjointed, she realized, a little bit uncertain in its direction.
He didn’t actually know where she was.
Thank the gods. And with one final breath, she reached deep within herself and bolted towards the open window, the breeze beckoning her, freedom a step away—
And then a small, furred shape leapt up onto the windowsill. She skidded to a halt, arms half-flailing, as an orange tabby cat took a seat, and stared right back at her.
Its eyes glowed a soft, pale blue.
“What in the—”
“Ah. I see you’ve found my cat.”
Beau whipped around, and now she was cornered. She could hear the cat, behind her now, begin to growl, but that was nothing compared to the shape approaching, the distant silhouette moving slowly closer, illuminated in the darkness by two globes of fire, burning, glowing, crackling off his fingertips, his eyes just losing an otherworldly glow, his smile wide and crooked and then—
And then he paused. His arms fell to his side. And his expression faltered slightly, and then greatly, and then froze.
He blinked.
He said:
There was a moment, as Beau squinted back. The distant light of the world outside hummed.
She scratched the back of her neck.
“No, uh…sorry. No, I got nothing.”
The figure took another step closer. This individual seemed visibly less confident than before.
“N—nothing?” he repeated. “Really?”
Beau was very aware of the staff strapped to her back. The throwing stars carefully concealed at her waist.
She shrugged. “Sorry, dude. I meet a lot of people. I…don’t think I know you.”
He took one last step forward. And now the moonlight shone around his face, pale and framed with short auburn hair.
Beau swore. Her posture sagged.
“Wait, wait, wait. Wait. But I thought—”
“You recognize me now, right?”
“Well…yeah, but…holy shit!” She threw her arms into the air. “Holy shit, I mean…Bren, they told me you were dead!”
He leaned back.
“Oh. They, ah…they did? Er…when?”
“When? Years ago!” She pointed an accusing finger at his face. “I asked for weeks where you’d gone, and…they told me you died in an accident! That your whole family had died—”
She stopped when he visibly flinched. She felt her eyes start to narrow.
“Bren…what happened to you? And—wait, wait a minute. Why are you here?”
He stopped. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Oh, that is…this is…scheisse, this is complicated—wait.” He looked up. He locked gazes with Beau.
“Wait a second, Beauregard, why are you here? Are you—are you breaking into the Zauber Spire?”
Beau stared at him. Her gaze flickered across the distance, across ten feet of hardwood floor.
“Bren, I…gods above, this is stupid. I can’t believe I’m about to do this.”
He tensed up immediately. She could see his fingers spark.
“Do…do what?” he asked. “Beauregard, you still did not ans—”
She cleared the distance in less than a second, leapt up into the air, staff arched to strike.
Ko-fi link in bio✨ | Finished fic prompts right here! 💜 requests are CLOSED!
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bartholomaus · 4 years
despre Kaiserul Wilhelm II si comunism..
Nu era atat de tampit cat a fost denigrat. Complexele si handicapul fizic a incercat sa le depaseasca prin grandomania afisata. Neiubit de mama si o copilarie dificila, pozitia lui de Imparat, i-a creat un complex foarte greu de stapanit. A fost, din pacate un personaj tragic, fara multi prieteni. Asa a fost si sfarsitul. Nimeni nu il mai asculta. Si-a jucat rolul dar era mereu singur.
Abia in Olanda si-a gasit pacea si linistea, nu ca Imparat ci in tihna duiasa a unui mic Chalet burghez
Nasterea lui a fost lunga si penibila, mamosul i-a dislocat bratul drept cu forcepsul. Toata curtea, il privea cu mila. Viitorul Imparat al Germaniei imperiului lui Bismark, pe mainile unui handicapat, a carui mana era fara vlaga. Mana care trebuia sa tina spada si fraul. Depinde din ce unghi privesti si judeci. A facut si el ce putea sa faca. Ca broasca, s-a umflat. dar din nefericire, nu a avaut parte de consilieri si sfetnici buni, iar Bismark, inca la putere i-a petcetluit viitorul politic. Bismark.
Intr-un fel , il compatimesc pe Lucasenko si chiar si pe Putin . Sau Stalin... Si cred sincer , ca in felul lor, chiar dincolo de privilegiile si confortul vietii de  dictator, oamenii astia , au inteles ca numai prin teroare si constringere Rusia poate fi productiva si poate avansa , social , militar si economic . Exista popoare incapabile de democratie , probabil fiindca prin traditie si cultura omul de rind , cetateanul , nu crede , nici in corectitudinea lui , ca cetatean in cadrul colectivitatii , dar nici in corectitudinea celor care sunt alesi sa conduca societatea . Generatii intregi , de oameni care au fost exploatati , folositi si ingenuncheati , ca o prelungire inexplicabila a societetii medievale . Faci ce ti se cere si primesti ce ti se da . Din cauza asta , romanii cred azi , ca Ceausescu le-a facut blocuri si metrou . Niciodata , un popor indobitocit de dictatura , nu o sa inteleaga ca Ceausescu habar n-avea sa construiasca blocuri . DICTATURA a facut blocurile si dictatura este ceea ce oamenii astia regreta .
Si cu ce va ajuta ca sunteti proprietarii unor locuinte infecte,  fara confort, aflate in niste blocuri desprinse din filmele de groaza, in care explodeaza tevile de apa, si se prajesc cablurile electrice ? La ce va ajuta ca aveti niste orase oribile, murdare, nefunctionale ?Si...la ce regim dictatorial extern va referiti ? Cum se face ca aceasta dictatura externa este indreptata doar impotriva voastra, estonienii, slovenii, cehii, polonezii, bucurandu-se din plin de ea si dezvoltandu-si tarile ? Cred ca ori nu intelegeti nimic din ce traiti, ori nu puteti sa fiti autonom, ori ambele.
Imi pare rau, dar eu nu ii pot compatimi pe saraci. In marea lor majoritate, ei sunt singurii responsabili pentru situatia in care au ajuns. Si, inca ceva ! Saracia nu este o virtute, asa cum bogatia nu este un defect.
some mistakes were made in your claims. The Huns conquered Transylvanian territory in the 4th century, the Hungarians conquered the Carpathian basin in 895 (new scientific researches shows culture ans DNA based relationship between Huns, Avars and Magyars, but still, they were different group - even if they were members of the same nation). Hungarians never lived in the area of Danube delta (earlier theories suggested that Hungarians lived in the Volga Delta area before 885, but the results of new researches showed that this theory is almost surely false, or not true to the whole Hungarian nation, only a few tribes of it). Dacian people were practically eradicated by Roman Emperor Traianus. Current Romanian population descends from the area of modern day Albania, and they moved into current Wallachia in the early 13th century only after the Kipchaks (they were the nation who settled down near the Danube delta around the late 10th century, not the Huns) moved from there into central-Hungary. In 1330, Hungarian King Carolus the First tried to conquest Wallachia, not Transylvania (it was Hungarian territory by that time for ca. 430 years), and indeed, he had been defeated by Voivod Basarab. Trianon Treaty doesn't shows the original borders, or some kind of thing, it was about that the Antant wanted to cripple the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy by creating and strengthening a lots of pro-Antant states. This was successful, though, it doesn't shows anything about the Medieval situation. We guess, that the one who spreads fake news is you.
Se pot discuta insa si teme separate de Codlea. Putem discuta despre Tara Barsei, relatiile cu restul Europei Centrale, istorie militara, fortificatii, domeniul socio-economic, cultura, etc.
Am vazut anumite studii interesante pe subiectul invaziei kiev-ului. Ipoteza porneste de la ce s-ar fi intamplat daca Axa s-ar fi dus direct la Moscova in loc sa devieze pe la Kiev. Aici au fost multe contraziceri intre generalii armatei si Hitler. Generalii sustineau sa mearga direct in Moscova, Hitler a fost incapatanat si a decis sa mearga mai intai in kiev, cu toate ca ucrainienii il cam urau pe Stalin pt colectivizare si foarte posibil sa nu fi ajutat daca germanii ar fi inconjurat Moscova. Se zice ca aici a fost un moment decisiv in ww2, axa a pierdut o luna cu asediul kievului si cand in sfarsit au ajuns la Moscova, a venit iarna
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