#intersex is at least added but who knows if that person is intersex or just posting that in the tags
I understand if you don’t want to answer this, but I am genuinely asking. Can a woman with a DSD and a Y chromosome give birth? Are they still a woman if they have a Y chromosome?
I don’t think so for either but people are claiming otherwise and I’d like the facts
Hi! I understand the confusion!
I recommend this (heavily sourced) Intersex Genetics Masterpost [1].
To answer your question "can a woman with a DSD and a Y chromosome give birth?":
In general, most individuals with a DSD with a Y-chromosome (e.g., CAIS, 5ARD, etc.) cannot give birth at all because they do not have a uterus. There are two (sort of) exceptions:
Swyer Syndrome / 46, XY Complete Gonadal Dysgenesis:
This DSD only affects biologically male individuals, due to a genetic mutation disrupting Wolffian structure (male sex organ) development, these individuals instead develop female external and (some) female internal sex organs (i.e., because the female sex development is essentially the default pathway).
They usually develop a uterus but they do not develop functional gonads (ovaries or testes). As such, they do not have any eggs or sperm and are infertile.
However, there have been some individuals with Swyer syndrome who have carried and given birth to a child, using donor eggs and fairly extensive medical fertility interventions (i.e., beyond the standard IVF interventions). However, this is considered very rare [2] and it involves the use of donor eggs. (There are ethical, feminist considerations about the surrogacy/fertility industry, but that's a topic for another post).
XX/XY Mosaicism:
This DSD occurs when "a fraternal twin absorbs its twin zygote at some point in pregnancy, adding the twin’s DNA to different locations in its body, sometimes mixing the DNA sometimes not".
The individual's sex depends on the genetic material in the gonadal tissue (e.g., the tissue that develops into ovaries or testes) an individual with XX gonadal genetics will develop as female, even if the majority of the rest of the body's cells are XY. (For anyone with a bit of genetics experience, this should make sense: even in an XX female you have X-inactivation so that (mostly at least) only one X chromosome is active in each cell.) In other words, the tissue that determines what sexual development process to start (Wolffian or Mullerian) is what determines the phenotype sex of the individual.
As a result of this, you can find an extremely rare case (as in, I can find no other cases) of an individual with predominately XY genetic material (i.e., outside the gonads) can develop a female phenotype, get pregnant, and give birth to children.
Both of these DSD are extremely rare. In each case they are still "of" a specific sex. In other words, if they did not have the genetic mutation resulting in their DSD they would have developed the ability to produce only one type of gamete (either eggs or sperm). As such, they are still either male or female, just with a DSD that results in a substantial phenotypic difference.
To answer your question "are they still a woman if they have a Y chromosome?":
If we go by a strict definition: only individuals who are "of the sex" that produces the larger gamete (whether or not they actually do so) are female and only adult female humans are women.
However, there are some biologically male individuals (e.g., people with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome or Swyer Syndrome) who develop an near-normal externally female phenotype (although they are infertile). These individuals will not know they are not biologically female, and may not ever know (e.g., if they don't have access to medical care capable of diagnosing them). Unfortunately, they will also have (potentially extensive) medical problems.
Personally, my belief is that if someone would be recognized and treated like a woman prior to the advent of modern medical technology, they should be considered a woman now. (And the same for men.) Obviously, they need to work with a doctor to manage their health issues, but these are private medical matters that will have little to no impact on how they experience the world (e.g., how they are perceived and treated). In other words, some biologically male individuals have a DSD that results in the assumption of a female sex from birth; these people will experience the world in similar or identical ways to a infertile (possibly disabled) woman.
As a note, there is also an argument for anyone who is either observed or assigned female at birth to be considered a woman. I understand the argument here, and it would be a useful short hand. Unfortunately, however, I don't think this would adequately consider the nuances of all DSDs, as there are some that result in an individual who was AFAB later (i.e., during puberty) developing a near-normal male phenotype. While this individual's childhood (and possibly adult) experiences are very different than a healthy male, they will not be perceived and treated as women following puberty.
Ultimately, these conditions are extremely rare. The estimate for any true DSD (i.e., either a mismatch between genotype and phenotype or ambiguous primary sex organs) is about 0.018% [4, 5]. (See [4] for a scientific article and [5] for a blog post discussing this data). This means that more than 99.98% of babies are recognizably and correctly identified as either male or female at birth. It would also suggest there are currently less than 1.5 million intersex individuals in the entire world.
References under the cut:
The Intersex Genetics Masterpost. Everything You Could Ever Want to Know | by 21ohdef | Medium. 30 June 2024, https://web.archive.org/web/20240630160344/https://medium.com/@21ohdef/the-intersex-masterpost-bb5a6250e6d6.
Taneja J, Ogutu D, Ah-Moye M. Rare successful pregnancy in a patient with Swyer Syndrome. Case Rep Womens Health. 2016 Oct 18;12:1-2. doi: 10.1016/j.crwh.2016.10.001. PMID: 29629300; PMCID: PMC5885995.
Dumic M, Lin-Su K, Leibel NI, Ciglar S, Vinci G, Lasan R, Nimkarn S, Wilson JD, McElreavey K, New MI. Report of fertility in a woman with a predominantly 46,XY karyotype in a family with multiple disorders of sexual development. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jan;93(1):182-9. doi: 10.1210/jc.2007-2155. Epub 2007 Nov 13. Erratum in: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Mar;93(3):1083. PMID: 18000096; PMCID: PMC2190741.
Sax, L. (2002). How common is intersex? A response to Anne Fausto-Sterling. Journal of Sex Research, 39(3), 174–178. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224490209552139
Wright, C. (2020). Intersex Is Not as Common as Red Hair. Reality’s Last Stand. https://www.realityslaststand.com/p/intersex-is-not-as-common-as-red
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dystxpiansims · 11 months
Hello! I don't like to do this, but I think it needs to be done.
If you heard about Equiliberty, you probably heard about Jocelyn Flores, or Moe, or 2thedoe, or whatever her names are. I really didn't want to make this post, but seeing how she made a whole blog just to talk trash about other servers and people who are "harassing" her after her other blogs got taken down, I feel I need to say something and let others know what they would be joining into.
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First I'd like to make a pointer here; Natalia does not take their time to dedicate "talking shit" about Jocelyn or whatever she goes by now. She only posted what felt was necessary to let others know what is going on behind closed doors that Jocelyn wants to keep pushing away as nothing and act the victim. Yes, maybe some of us said some things in the past, but what Jocelyn is doing is not cool.
What's really sad is I thought Jocelyn was an amazing person, but after all the things I've seen, I take it back. Sure she can be cool when she's not showing her true colors, but she can't own up to what she's done and take responsibility, and instead says she apologizes and then makes an entire tumblr blog dedicated to shit talking others and calling any other sims 4 equine communities/servers "competition". Your server isn't the only one, ma'am. Which shows one of the posts she's made on it below:
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Secondly; what you're doing IS making a drama post by keeping it going. If it truly bothered you, just ignore it and keep going on with your life than wasting your energy on making an entire blog to be nasty towards others? You made your point, you block them, you go on, not have your 'friends' stalk them to keep you up to date with what's happening and keep stirring the pot by adding to your hate blog. And you're not transphobic??
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Uh, I hate to break it to you but this:
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This is the definition of transphobic. How can you say you want to respect them, but you don't want to even call them by their pronouns? You OBVIOUSLY don't respect them enough if you refuse to call them what they go by. Calling them by their desired name is the bare minimum, but it don't mean you respect them.
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This may be an opinion, but this is a HARMFUL one. There are no "two genders". If you believe in science, then obviously you're not studying it hard enough. Sex? There is at least six:
X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )
XX – Most common form of female
XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)
XY – Most common form of male
XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people
XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births
"Sex refers to biological attributes that distinguish organisms as male, female, intersex and hermaphrodite. Gender is a social construct, encompassing various psychological and social characteristics that collectively define individuals as men, women, non-binary or trans, etc." So obviously you don't believe in science enough to actually do your research, I presume? Don't make an "opinion" if you've never done any research on this type of a topic.
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Yes, this is how we will run our community by making sure the person that has hurt multiple people don't join back and cause more problems. If someone causes you trauma in your childhood and you finally get away, would you want them to just come back in your life? I don't think so. Somethings CAN be forgiven, but obviously this is a big thing that hurts a big community, and you can't even take responsibility and give a lame apology to actually apologize for hurting others, but instead just to cover your tracks and protect yourself, along with "clearing out people who don't feel serves the server any purpose anymore" and in the midst of your breakdown, you ban this person who didn't do ANYTHING except check their balance because you weren't happy at the time.
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Oh, by the way, here's the thing that I was referring to with the competition and once again dragging another server down in this "quote unquote" not a drama post. No one is poaching members from the server, they're doing that on their own. They're not going to stay in a server with someone they don't feel comfortable with. But AI generated logos? I was there during the time and I don't remember any AI generated logos? I remember a conversation about AI generated images and Jocelyn not agreeing with banning them or not seeing anything wrong with it and not seeing the point in getting angry over it.
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No one attacked the server, Jocelyn. Everything that's been said was towards you who has ruined the server for everyone, even to the point removing general because you couldn't handle being called out and instead was lashing out at the others and acting the victim in the chat, deleting anything that even mentioned it or asked a question. OH! And kicking someone out of the server for simply asking a question for you to clarify what you said.
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Only server I've ever had to walk on eggshells and scared to interact on was in Equiliberty - but that was because of you, and that's why I left. I was scared to interact after your little meltdown because if someone said anything there was a possibility of getting banned for no reason. But these servers? They feel truly like home and not once has there been any problems, and they actually listen to the members when there's a suggestion made.
Anywho, onto yet another post she had made!
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No one has made accounts just to harass you - it's more like you who has done that, huh? And useless tumblr posts? It's pretty useful to me to avoid someone like you who can't seem to let things go and keep it going and not even take responsibility of your actions.
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Quite sad you won't even take in other peoples words when trying to tell you there isn't just "two genders". No one is making the LGBTQ+ more important than the "other factors" but we're tired of not being taken serious and being brushed aside as if we're nothing but garbage. Yes, we all matter equally, but to go out of your own way to downsize the importance of this is quite astonishing. To be going around saying "it's just my opinion" and very clearly saying you won't be calling someone by their pronouns because what YOU see isn't what they identify or feel like or even "pass" as but yet you still "respect" them really shows the type of person you are and to lie to cover your own ass too on top of it. Uh huh. I sure as all hell don't feel respected, you've lost all my respect for you.
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Many people have posted straight from the source of where things were said and done, so you're right! Never assume! People know who you truly are now, ma'am.
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And here she is with her saying her other accounts have been deleted and ofc this being her first post! Totally not drama posts, right?? RIGHT?? So, there's my proof of her verifying this whole blog is dedicated to harassing others and talking shit and trying to turn it around on the ones who tell and show the truth. Have a good life Jocelyn, but sooner or later, others who are sticking around you and protecting you will realize who you truly are.
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drop-dead-dropout · 6 months
NEW USERNAME local-queer-disappointment -> drop-dead-dropout
unpinning my other post because i want to talk a little about me and this space that i've created! hi i'm alex and i dropped out of high school twice lol
i think a dni is stupid because people never listen anyways, which is why i haven't had one, but i still see the value in at least telling people who this little corner is for.
anyways opinion stuff under the cut. you don't have to read it, and you don't even have to listen if you do, but i might argue with you (<- serial arguer) so if you want to avoid the Discourse here ya go.
you are welcome here:
- ALL queers. trans men, trans women, nonbinary, intersex, poc queers, xenogender, "contradictory" labels like mspec gays/lesbians lesboys/turigirls/sapphileans (omg it's me!!), slur reclaims, detransitioners (who are not transphobic), mspec lesbians, aro/ace and all variations thereupon, unlabeled, questioning, etc. i love all of you. i love the community that we share. we are family, whether or not some of us want to be, and exclusionism is Not Funky Fresh!!
- pro Palestine!! i don't always rb posts as much as i used to (i am scared of spreading misinformation) but i think i'll start doing that again! (don't forget your daily click guys)
- jewish people. i am specifically adding this one to say that because of the shitty Everything, i've seen a lot of concerning antisemitic stuff recently so i'm just, yk, putting this out there.
- disabilities/cluster b disorders/systems/AAC users. i am not any of these things so if i say/do something out of line please tell me! but i love you guys and you're absolutely welcome here.
- proshippers (if this bothers you block and move on)
- furries. not personally one of y'all but i think you're neat and you make cool art :]
- literally, like, anyone, as long as you're not a dick
you are not welcome here:
- terfs, transphobes, exclusionists, anti-mspec, anti-lesboy, and people who think transandrophobia is "fake" or whatever. go away i don't like you (or at least be prepared to be blocked or yelled at)
- similarly to last, anyone who starts queer infighting or hates on less visible queers/strangers who don't "look" queer, the whole "bi girl's straight bf" nonsense (i don't care if you think someone is cishet. you have no way of knowing that. let's stop hating people for immutable characteristics and start having thoughtful criticisms of people's actions thanks)
- (but also antisemites because come on now let's notttt. judiasm ≠ zionism)
- ableists, fatphobia, racists/bigots, general dickheads
- antishippers (again, you can either leave now or expect to be argued with)
other general stuff:
- i accept anonymous asks! and also non anonymous ones. ask me shit idk
- i am autistic and VERY gullible. if i reblog a "bait" post, or something that's clearly fake or a joke with a genuine reaction, i'm probably not playing some 5d irony chess i'm probably just stupid. sorry y'all i'm trying :\
- i don't rb nsfw. not as, like, a rule, i just don't see the value in doing so lol. if i ever did i'd tag it and probably update this
UPDATE: thought i should clarify, i don't rb nsfw but i do rb nsfw humor, like dick jokes and stuff. hope there's no confusion
- i argue with people!! i enjoy arguing with people!! usually it's in replies and not reblogs but still. if you are allergic to stuff like that maybe don't follow me? i also rb "discourse" posts, mostly transmasc support stuff and callouts of transandrophobia, general solidarity stuff with the trans community or lgbt community as a whole, proship stuff, politics, current events, that kinda thing.
- this is, shockingly, supposed to be a fandom blog! (i got carried away; i always do.) current fandoms include: ace attorney (the one this blog was supposed to be about), doctor who (childhood hyperfixation come back to bite my ass), and splatoon (no excuse). also mha is basically my abusive boyfriend stockholm syndroming me to stay at this point but i'm trying to get better (not). you can find the records of my failing recovery at @alex-is-losing-sleep-over-krbk /hj (i also sometimes shamelessly rb this blog's posts over there lol)
and i guess since i'm mentioning fandoms, here are my fav ships: wrightworth, klapollo, franmaya, thoschei, pearlina, agent 24, & cuttletavio.
anyways, that's about it. love you all :]
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chemicalarospec · 3 months
Some intersex people genuinely don't want to be included but the majority of us want to be. It's actually really difficult to be in queer spaces that consistently enforce sex binaries, never use the updated progress flag with us, and never have intersex flags.
Often the idea that we don't want to be included comes from intersexists who want us to remain as "disorders of sexual development" (outdated offensive term). It's unfortunate that this idea permeates the queer community so much.
You can see photos from this intersex organization using the pride flag, if you need more than an anon's word. https://interactadvocates.org/#
Thanks for the information!
I didn't know "disorders of sex development" was considered outdated and offensive, I thought it was actually a modern (more formal?) alternative to "intersex". Unless that was "differences of sex development"? (I almost tagged it on the original post but I wasn't sure what the term was.) Ah, I found more information on the link (x). Thanks for the website, very helpful!
This subpage is a great source on intersex people wanting to be included! It's a bit more ambivalent than I expected - combined with this anon's word and my previous impressions it seems like there are still a significant amount of intersex people who don't want to be a part of the queer community, but the ones who do want to be included would much prefer the queer community open its arms. So it seems to me the best course is to do so and the intersex people who want to can individually distance themselves (my impression is most people of that group more want to be personally distanced than think 'I' should never be a part of 'LGBTQA') and only partake in intersex communities.
We recommend adding intersex to your organization’s LGBTQIA+ acronym only once you have intersex leadership, consultation and/or resources. Intersex people have very specific needs, just like each letter of the acronym.
This line in particular stood out to me because they only provide guidance for what organizations should do... I feel like most times when the decision is being made whether or not to use the intersex progress flag, it's individuals and small groups like my GSA making posts, selling merch, decorating a space, etc. that aren't serving any needs besides community for anyone... I guess I already came to the conclusion to include by default though? (Honestly this page feels just barely strong enough for me to send to anyone if this question comes up in the future, so if anyone has any more sources do send in more anons!)
Honestly I was hoping for something like "our survey of as many intersex forums/organizations/people as possible found that 80% of intersex people want to be included in 'LGBTQIA', pride events/orgs, and the progress pride flag" --that this had been "laid to rest" and I could just tell my friend straight "no, intersex people want to be included now"-- , but of course I shouldn't expect things to be too simple haha, people & groups are nuanced and nuance comes in the form of caveats. At least I feel much more informed now!
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doberbutts · 1 year
I just saw your post about how testosterone has helped your disability tremendously, which if I remember correctly is hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (but maybe I’m wrong). I’m agender and have been considering early menopause to help with my abundance of menstrual health issues, but if t helped your hEDS too that makes me really want to consider it further. If this is too private you absolutely don’t have to answer it but I’d love to know more as a fellow disabled person.
It's POTS actually :) though POTS is highly comorbid with hEDS and I *am* hypermobile, to a degree that I made my physical therapist wince with how easily I can assume positions that should noooooot be possible without pain when I was in recovery due to my car accident. She actually asked me if I have EDS and I said well I have POTS so... not officially but is it possible sure I guess.
So no, I do not have hEDS. But also yes I might have hEDS. Schroedinger's diagnosis.
No, testosterone helped my POTS symptoms disappear to almost nothing. This is at least partially because POTS does not get along with estrogen ans menstrual cycles, and taking testosterone lowered the estrogen in my body and also stopped my menstural cycle. Don't get me wrong, I still have some symptoms, but they are dramatically improved. I can do all sorts of things I used to not be able to.
There is... a bit of debate whether I have POTS at all. But I do have MCAS and, as said, I'm hypermobile, so very likely yes POTS is very likely. But with my NCAH diagnosis, it's equally possible that I *do not* have POTS, because NCAH also causes weird changes to your vasovagal response and your autonomic nervous system. In other words, do I have POTS AND NCAH... or do I just have NCAH?
Personally I don't really care because adding testosterone fixed the symptoms way better than anything the POTS meds were doing so w/e, if it works it works.
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It's "makes you intersex and sometimes gay disease but also you faint a lot and your body *really* sucks at handling stress disease". To be fair the classic form of CAH can just outright kill you if not well controlled. Nonclassic CAH by comparison sometimes still tries really hard but is less likely to do more than give you some serious medical trauma.
So like. Am I fainting because my body doesn't know how to handle stress which triggers a response of my autonomic nerve and because my adrenal glands are too busy making androgens to give me some fucking cortisol to communicate with my autonomic nerve, the thing guesses wrong and I hit the ground as my body attempts the biology version of "have you turned it off and then back on again"? Or am I the unluckiest fucker on the planet and I have two annoyingly underdiagnosed but much more common than we thought disorders which both hate estrogen and make me faint a lot?
Or, bonus, since POTS joins PCOS in the "disorder named for a symptom that's not even diagnostuc criteria and no one actually knows what causes it" family, is what we're calling "POTS" actually a group of symptoms that has a wide range of causes and my cause for my own symptoms IS NCAH? Who knows 🤷‍♂️
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theartistrans · 2 years
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I did this one for my roomate who is intersex. I'm not great the best with this sort of thing, and I'm not intersex, but I wanted to share some cited facts about intersex people on behalf of the intersex person I love. And I ask you read because intersex people deserve our respect and if you just fucking need to hear it to care: you definitely know, and maybe love at least one intersex person.
If you've never heard the term intersex, it is an umbrella term for people born with "non-standard" sex characteristics. Perisex is the opposite, people both clearly and plainly male or female.
About 1 in every 100 people are born with bodies which differ from the standard idea of male and female. That makes intersex people as common as redheads!!!
About 1 in every 1,666 people are simple born with neither XX or XY chromosomes
1 in every 1,000 people are given surgery to "correct" the genitals they were born with because they are intersex
Most of these people are operated on under the age of 2, obviously unable to consent. These surgeries can cause lifelong chronic pain, incontinence, inaccurate gender assignment, and more.
Some people who are intersex are cis, and some are trans. It's really down to the person!
Intersex is a a term for a variety of medically studied body situations, but that doesn't mean it needs to be treated inherently. There's nothing wrong or scary about being intersex!!! Some intersex people need healthcare related to their diagnosis, and some people do not.
But that means if you think you are intersex, you should probably seek a diagnosis!!
That being said, some people live their entire lives with no idea they are intersex. Some people are even lied to about their doctors about their diagnosis.
I'm adding sources below the cut, but I'm adding way more than just what's in this post, videos, articles, etc, and I am literally begging people take some time to educate yourselves on intersex people. Intersex people exist outside of awareness days, but supposed allies often don't act like it, we could all do better.
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baconcolacan · 1 year
Hi! First off, I hope you are doing well ^u^
Thank you for the Kings Crossing sequel, it was well written as always and got me thinking about these two’s dynamic a bit more. Specifically considering the scene where they discussed the “what ifs” (I’m leaving it ambiguous so people have to read your amazing work).
In addition to that pondering, I understand you have another version of these two where they are in love and have a son.
So, if you don’t mind me asking, I am curious how you would approach this dynamic from an alpha/beta/omega perspective.
How would an alpha Tord and omega Tom work in your eyes? (I’m assuming Tord is an alpha because of his possessive nature and the fact you always write him as a top)
Thank you for your time and I’m highly intrigued in your response. Regardless of what you do, have a good day and keep up the great work!
Ooooh, abo, hmmm yeah I'm familiar with this fanfic trope. Though back then it was just called mpreg. Tbh, I dunno where this trope came from actually, it just started popping up?? Hmmm.
I'll be talking about this trope below the line, so avert your eyes if you do not like this for any reason, AND since this trope deals with some more sexual subjects, just to be safe, I'm begging that minors do not read below the line please. Thanks!
First off! Hey thank you anon! ^^ I'm really glad you like the sequel to KC! I'm actually thinking about expanding on that universe a bit more, as the way I present the world and how I write about it is actually somewhat experimental! KC's writing style is wildly different from my usual forms! So I'm happy to know that it's liked!
Now on to the ABOtopic!
Okay so, personally, I actually find this trope a bit curious, and somewhat interesting?? I'm aware that this trope sort of caters to a more animalistic type of horny writing (haha) which I can somewhat understand! I'm a pretty vanilla guy when it comes to sexuality, but being a repressed catholic, I can get why people are into some wild and hard kinky sex.
(especially considering my status as an asexual- although sex-favorable- man. Wanna know a secret?? I have SO MUCH TROUBLE writing smut. KC is something of a hard labor, as it deals with Tom and Tord's relationship with each other in a lot of ways especially in the sexual sense where most inhibitions are down, and passion is present in its purest form. Which I honestly, honestly, struggle to portray as my interest in sex is so so LOW, BUT I understand the feelings behind the physical act at least.)
ABO as I understand it, and from what I've seen personally, is a bit more geared towards porn for porn's sake, and caters to specific kinks like soul-bonding, animalistic sex and tendencies, breeding, and pregnancy. I also understand that it's somewhat fetish-y (?) but I won't talk about that for now.
Considering what I said above (with my perspective as an ace dude), I may approach this trope differently, as from where I stand, this trope feels like it could be very very intense when it comes to feelings and passion, which I tend to enjoy a lot when I engage with literature, sexual or otherwise. As well as the added soul-bond aspect, or rather, 'fated mate'/'perfect mate' part as who doesn't love soulmates?? Hahaha, coupled with some really cute animalistic behaviors.
So lets see, if I made use of this trope, first off, I think in a world like this, majority of people would be intersex, not like how intersex works in our world at least where one part is more developed than the other, but both are working I guess? To me that makes sense at least, considering the biologies present.
So, I suppose the one thing that would divide the secondary genders is just which parts are more virile/fertile. So Alphas are more virile, Betas are a perfect and balanced combo of both, and Omegas are more fertile.
Personally, I would have tagged Tom as a Beta while Tord is an Alpha but! Since you asked how I'd write Tom as an Omega I'll go with that!
If you've seen my writings with the two, my most favourable interpretations of them actually reside in the Stay AU, so I'll go off those characteristics as a base!
Omega Tom I think would be very coy, he's aware of how he attracts Alphas and Betas, even fellow Omegas. He'd be the type to bat his eyes and let his touches linger, but it's mostly a ruse to get something he wants. In reality, he doesn't have a lot of interest in romantic relationships in general.
Alpha Tord, I would still characterise him as this idiot with a lot of puffed up machismo. He'd be throwing his second gender around, always trying to be top dog and such. He reeks of typical Alpha aggressiveness and domination, and would snarl and snap at anybody who he feels might be competition. Which leads to him butting heads with Edd a lot I guess, since they both wanna be pack head, lmao.
When he meets Tom though, LETS GO LOSER BEHAVIOR!!!
He'll do that thing most battling males do, be aggressive, secure territory, give their desired mate "presents", and fight off competitors. None of it impresses Tom though, and would only make him turn his head and roll his eyes, since Tord is acting so typically Alpha.
This might cow Tord a bit, and maybe frustrate him too (sadly triggering more outside aggression), as none of his courting is impressing his desired mate, which could lead to a bad aggression fight with Edd.
Tom and Matt would manage to pull them apart, which of course would lead to Tom reaming into Tord for being so STUPID and bullheaded and what the fuck were you thinking starting an Alpha fight?!
Tord would of course be ashamed, for one doing this to Edd who was his friend and packmate, and two probably afraid that his desired mate would outright reject him now. So he just, wilts I guess, full on sad and remorseful, puppy dog eyes, nonexistent tail between his legs while Tom shouts at him.
Turns out, he should just stop trying to be macho and Tom will happily start reciprocating his courting.
So I guess, in this dynamic, I would sort of beat Tord down a little bit before Tom starts responding to his courting?? HAHAHA IDK??
As for the sexual parts, sure I can write Tom more submissive, but Tord has to earn his submission, Tom has to trust that he wont take advantage of him when he hands over his control. And of course, sex wise, I think he'd like him to be rough, takes the edge of y'know??
For child rearing, I'm not so sure Tom would be interested in carrying a kid?? I never really pegged him as somebody who's really interested in having kids I guess?? He's perfectly capable of carrying but idk?? If anything, they'll just end up adopting AK again.
Though it could be cute if AK was their biological son too?? Eeee babie, lil puppy AK <3
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wack-ashimself · 11 months
They added an 'IA' to LGBQT? There's so many fucking letters already. And the 2 new ones, intersex and asexual, you would THINK could easily be done by the other letters. At least implied since everything else is covered (trans seems intersex adjacent. And being you cover every sexuality but straight, no sexuality can also be safely assumed.)
Fuck, this time in 10 years they'll be using the whole alphabet just to say 'not straight.' I know they're trying to cover all bases/be inclusive but...was there really an outcry for this? Different from the norm doesn't demand answers...unless you wanna give them.
I dunno. As a straight white guy, I don't give a fuck about any of those attributes*. I didn't choose to be a white or guy. And never been gay, but if I met the right man, who the fuck knows? I am open for love, but I don't need a label to say which love. Sure, if someone I'm not attracted to hit on me, I'd be uncomfy, but as long as they respected the no, I respect them for putting themselves out there. That is TOUGH. Takes a lot of courage.
My point with all this is when you label yourself (no matter the label) you limit yourself AND how you can be perceived. We label everything so we know how to treat it. Cuz we lazy. But it's a double edged sword: you get the good with the bad. The truth with the stereotypes. Cuz that's what labels give you: a set definition, accepted by most, on how to be acknowledged by others, usually different than you. That can be helpful & hurtful.
Ha. That's why I'm going to make up entirely new words as labels for myself. That way, I DEFINE them and others have to ask me to define it for them; NO misunderstanding of the meaning or what I want to come across as.
*sure, some do define sexual attraction, but nothing else. That's what's always confused me about this movement as a whole: why is your sexuality and who you fuck the MAJOR definition of who-you-are? That's why I brought up being a straight white guy: you think I use ANY of those words when I first meet people to describe myself? FUCK NO. <maybe during a/s/l times ha!>Those are....tiny bits of who makes me who I am; not the major parts. And I know: you were and still are oppressed. And you should speak up and fight for your rights; I am 100% on your side. But being oppressed for who you are, being proud of who you are, and defining who you are by your sexuality are kinda 3 different things to a degree, but you're putting them all in the same basket. And they don't all weigh the same... however, I, as the person described above, have no real dog in this fight, and can't even begin to assume I know what to do/what is right. I just think we can all get along and find more common ground instead of pointing out every fucking difference. We will always ALWAYS have more in common than different. Tower of babel is proof: us working together is the threat; anything else only enables the establishment.
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jewfrogs · 4 years
What was the place of trans people in Ancient Greece? I don’t mean myths, but accounts of irl trans people. I once read something about priests of Aphrodite whose initiation ceremony was castration and wearing women’s clothing, which could be reinterpreted through a modern lens as Ancient Greece’s version of trans women, so to speak. Perhaps even non-binarism, though I don’t believe there was basis for escaping the gender binary and the very much enforced roles in the Greek patriarchy.
this is another great question! i’m going to broaden our scope a little bit to include some discussion of rome as well, because there’s a lot of useful stuff there and the two are interlinked.
discussing trans people in any historical context is difficult, because the framework through which we understand it doesn’t exist. that isn’t to say that people who didn’t conform to their assigned gender didn’t exist (gender variance has been documented for about as long as history), but that applying modern labels and understandings to them doesn’t always work, and there’s a lot of overlap between some categories (e.g. could we understand this individual as a trans woman or as an effeminate [gay] man? what does that mean when neither of those identities are contextual during the individual’s time?). all that to say: there isn’t a lot that directly corresponds to trans people from antiquity, but there’s certainly not nothing.
one reference to trans people in ancient greece comes from lucian’s dialogue of the courtesans (c. 120-190 CE), where the character megilla/us seems to be remarkably like a trans man: “I was born a woman like the rest of you, but I have the mind and the desires and everything else of a man.” this is an excellent post that discusses this passage in depth.
according to pliny the elder, there was a noted phenomenon of women turning into men: “The change of females into males is undoubtedly no fable. We find it stated in the Annals, that, in the consulship of P. Licinius Crassus and C. Cassius Longinus, a girl, who was living at Casinum with her parents, was changed into a boy; and that, by the command of the Aruspices, he was con- veyed away to a desert island. Licinius Mucianus informs us, that he once saw at Argos a person whose name was then Arescon, though he had been formerly called Arescusa: that this person had been married to a man, but that, shortly after, a beard and marks of virility made their appearance, upon which he took to himself a wife. He had also seen a boy at Smyrna, to whom the very same thing had happened. I myself saw in Africa one L. Cossicius, a citizen of Thysdris, who had been changed into a man the very day on which he was married to a husband.” (Plin. Nat. 7.4) it seems likely that this is discussing intersex people, since pliny references them immediately before, but it is interesting to see evidence for at least some form of transition and for the acceptance of said transition—arescon has a wife! that’s pretty neat! these people seem to be fairly well-accepted, which does make one think about how transition in general might have worked or been seen.
with regards to the priests, i haven’t read about anything like that with aphrodite (although i would be remiss not to mention aphroditos here, particularly her mention in macrobius’ saturnalia), but i’m guessing you’re thinking of the galli, priests of cybele (a phrygian goddess, often correlated with rhea and with the intersex deity agdistis) as well as her lover attis (who was castrated as well—catullus 63, which i am going to write something about one day, is a retelling of their myth). they were castrated and generally wore women’s clothing, and many sources refer to them with feminine language. firmicus maternus (c. 4th century AD) said of them negant se viros esse, et non sunt <mulieres>: mulieres se volunt credi (“they deny that they are men, and are not <women>: they want to be believed as women”). there are certainly parallels that can be drawn here!
in addition, there can be a lot of blurred overlap between gay readings and trans readings. in ancient greek & roman thought, the categories of men-who-are-penetrated and women-who-penetrate (or, well... hump, since one of the latin words for these women is tribades, or “rubbers”) are almost genders in their own right, or perhaps the intersection of two genders: men-who-are-penetrated are like women but not, and women-who-penetrate are like men but not. (it can definitely be interpreted, to some extent, that these people want to be read as the opposite binary gender to the one they were assigned—which raises the question of whether we simply don’t know some of these stories because people did pass and therefore it wasn’t outwardly transgressive.)
this is probably best encapsulated by an excerpt from the fables of phaedrus (a first-century CE roman author who is supposedly adapting aesop’s work), where the question tribadas et molles mares quae ratio procreasset (what reason brought [lesbians] and [effeminate men] into existence?) is asked, and this is the answer:
The same Prometheus, creator of the clay crowd (which is broken the moment it offends fortune), had made those parts of nature which decency hides with clothing apart from the rest for the whole day. Just before he could fix the parts to the right bodies, he was suddenly invited to dinner by Liber; when he had watered his veins well with nectar, he returned home late at night on faltering feet. Then, with a half-awake mind and a drunken mistake, he applied maidenhood to a type of man and affixed masculine members to the women; thus desire now enjoys perverse joy.
there are different ways this can be read, because “applicuit virginale generi masculo” and “masculina membra applicuit feminis” can both be taken as an aetiology for either tribades or molles mares. take one: the first line refers to molles mares, making them men in body with women’s spirits, and the second line refers to tribades, making them women in body with men’s spirits. take two: the first line refers to tribades, making them men in spirit with women’s bodies, and the second line refers to molles mares, making them women in spirit with men’s bodies. these are both really interesting readings that both resonate to some extent with transness and specifically with the space in between gayness and transness.
as an example, take the figure agathon (a fictionalized portrayal of a real playwright) from aristophanes’ thesmophorizusae. agathon is notably effeminate—he’s first introduced by a character saying εγώ γαρ ουχ όρω άνδρ’ ουδέν ενθάδ’ όντα, Κυρήνην δ’ όρω (“I see no man, but I see Cyrene”, in reference to, as one commentary puts it, “a dissolute woman of the day”). that is to say: agathon is read as a woman. when another character in the thesmo needs to dress up as a woman, he doesn’t borrow a woman’s clothes—he borrows agathon’s. could we read agathon as a trans figure? perhaps! but his effeminacy is tied to him being, as the greek puts it, ευρύπρωκτος—literally “wide-assed”, but often translated simply as a certain six-letter word that starts with f. agathon isn’t a woman, exactly, but he’s not quite a man either. i wouldn’t necessarily call this in-between space trans, but i don’t know if i could call it cis either.
tl;dr: there are few depictions of people we might call trans as we understand it today from ancient greece, but there are a lot of interesting questions we can ask and consider with regards to gender that touch on transness and antique experiences analogous to modern-day trans ones. also gayness and transness are very much intertwined.
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frostops · 4 years
I have some thoughts about how FGO has handled trans and trans-adjacent characters, and I’m frustrated how many people talk about the mishandlings without discussing the transmisogyny in it, but this is long as fuck, so its under the cut.
Its a good thing that FGO is having more characters with the genderless trait who aren’t given that trait for shitty reasons, but framing this as FGO being better at handling nonbinary characters, while technically true, ignores what caused many of the early issues. That cause is often transmisogyny.
Transmisogyny has been an issue in the game since Da Vinci’s introduction. Da Vinci doesn’t have the genderless trait, but she’s still important to discuss to understand FGO’s mishandling of trans characters. Mash and Romani are both angry at the idea of Leonardo Da Vinci not being a man, and call her a pervert, among other things. This is immediately after both find out King Arthur was actually a woman, but neither seemed to care then. Its understood by the writing that some believed to be a man turning out to actually be a cis woman isn’t deserving of malice, but that person turning out to be a trans woman is. The writing surrounding Da Vinci slowly got better, with characters being less shitty about and eventually respecting her gender. While Da Vinci initially describes herself as beyond gender, she says so in response to Roman and Mash’s reaction to her gender, where as whenever she is referred to as a woman (Lancelot saying he couldn’t hurt a beautiful women in Camelot, Napoleon calling her mademoiselle in LB2), she eats it up. Her early description of being beyond gender feels more like a tongue-in-cheek way of degendering a trans woman. While overall the writing treats Da Vinci better now, there are still times where it gets shitty, even as recent as the event where Van Gogh was introduced, where Hokusai talks about both Da Vinci and Van Gogh having an inherent maleness that bleeds into their art. This event did have a guest writer, but it was still allowed into the game.
The first character to have the genderless trait is D’Eon. Historically, D’Eon was intersex and trans feminine, and very likely a trans woman, but the fate version is introduced saying they were crazy in life, intended to be in reference to how they presented their gender. They are also presented as caring more about loyalty to France than what gender they are seen as, when the real D’Eon blackmailed the king into legally recognizing them as a woman. Transmisogyny, as well as intersexism, is pretty obviously what made Type-Moon take reduce D’Eon to just jokes about gender. D’Eon feels degendered in way similar to how Da Vinci is at time, though D’Eon gets it worse
Astolfo debuted in Apocrypha, where their presentation is used for a joke where Jeanne, believing Astolfo to be a girl, freaks out when she sees that Astolfo has a penis. The joke is that it is such a horrible thing to find a penis on some you think is a girl. I shouldn’t need to explain the transmisogyny behind that, or that Astolfo ostensibly not being a trans woman doesn’t make the joke less transmisogynistic. There are other, better things about Astolfo in Apocrypha, but most of their writing in FGO is in the same vein as the joke with Jeanne. This is crystalized in Agartha, where both Astolfo and D’Eon were used for many transmisogynistic, intersexist, and homophobic jokes. 
The third, and for a long time last, character to have the genderless trait was Enkidu. They are given this trait due to changes to their myth. In Fate, Enkidu is made of clay, and had a nonhuman appearance until meeting Shamhat, and modeling their appearance after her. They don’t have a physical sex, but, due to originally being a male character and appearing feminine in fate, the writers and fans alike treat them similarly to how they treat Astolfo and D’Eon, though less aggressively. Usually when Enkidu appears in a fate work, one character has to talk about how they can’t tell whether Enkidu is a man or a woman, before settling on neither, but only reach that conclusion because they don’t have a physical sex. The transmisogyny isn’t as strong in Enkidu’s writing, but its still there.
Until LB3, no other character would be given the genderless trait, and what all 3 of them have in common is being AMAB or originally male characters who present femininely. Technically Da Vinci fits this description as well, but her body is considered female by Type-Moon’s standards, so she gets the female trait. Also, with the exception of Astolfo, have bodies that wouldn’t considered male of female by most people. In Deon’s case, this is the result of intersexism, and even more frustrating when you remember that D’Eon blackmailed the king to be seen as a woman. I’d wager the reason Astolfo is grouped with the other two is itself a continuation of the joke from Apocrypha. It’s a coy “We all know what Astolfo’s ‘real’ gender is, but we’ll play along with the joke.” 
I think this also explains other characters who, arguably, could be included in the genderless trait, but were not. Nezha, like Da Vinci, only got a “female” body after dying, so they get the female trait too, despite not really being comfortable with any gender labels. Mordred, who consistently gets violently angry at being called a woman, and whose bio states that they don’t like being referred to as a man either (though this wouldn’t be implemented into writing until LB3, where they are clearly far less bothered by being referred to as man) also  has the female trait. King Hassan’s bio has his gender listed as “?????” but he is treated as male by the game and has the male trait.
None of the newer genderless servants fit the same description of amab/originally male and presenting femininely, which does show a more nuanced understanding of gender identity and expression, but it doesn’t show anymore respect towards trans women and transfems. Both Shi Huang Di and Douman have somewhat androgynous presentations, but we still don’t really have trans fem character whose gender and presentation is treated respectfully other than Da Vinci, and that’s frustrating. For the most part, though, these characters are all pretty well handled. 
Two of them, Mao Nobu and Romulus-Quirinus, are new versions of characters who already had the female and male trait respectively, meaning the game has at least someone moved away from equating the genderless trait to a character’s physical sex, but not entirely since part of the reason Shi Huang Di has the trait is their inability to reproduce.
There is some disagreement about how Caenis is handled, and I do have thoughts on that topic, but if I talked about that this would be twice as long. The short version is that the necessity to make characters fit into fanservice, something which negatively affects all of the characters I mention here, limits the ways in which Caenis’s relationship to their gender can be explored. Its also why we have Caenis and not Caenus, and why Caenis is rarely allowed to where a shirt.
There is also Dioscuri, who is two characters, one man and one woman, who are collectively on servant, so even though they have the genderless trait, they're not really relevant.
We do have more originally male characters now in female bodies. Vritra and Van Gogh, who were added recently (Vritra’s bio says she was originally male and now has a female vessel and Van Gogh is Vincent Van Gogh in Clytie’s body), Kama, an originally male deity possessing Sakura’s body, is being added to NA this year, and even back in part 1 we had Quetzalcoatl, another male god in a female vessel. All of them are given the female trait, and Quetz in particular seems to be very comfortable being a woman, but this still feels like what happened with Nezha, where the “physically female” body matters more than the identity of the character, especially with Van Gogh, who had no choice in being put in Clytie’s body. 
Mechanically, the gender traits only affect certain skills and nps, having extra or stronger effects. The genderless servants are exempt from the extra effects, with one exception. Once of Blackbeard’s skills has an effect for female servants, but D’Eon and Astolfo (And maybe also Enkidu, but I don’t remember) were included in this effect as well. The joke here was that Blackbeard is written to be reflective of  the worst qualities of weebs and otakus. many of whom would refer to those two as traps, a transmisogynistic slur, so Blackbeard is into them in the same way. Servants with the genderless trait added afterwards weren’t included in this effect, even though some of them (the ones who transphobic fate fans consider to be women) would still be seen as attractive by Blackbeard. So rather than coding each one individually to be included, they added a new trait, the female looking trait, for Blackbeard’s skill. The genderless servants included in this one all present feminine, but the inclusion of this trait is to make continuing a transphobic joke easier, which almost feels like a step back from some of the previous progress in handling trans characters.
I also think some people are a little too eager to give FGO credit when it may not deserve. For instance, a lot of people liked Douman being included in the genderless trait, and on its own it fine, but the my room line where Sei talks about trying to check under Douman’s robes concerns me. Many people took it as Sei just being horny for Douman, but it could easily be intended as Sei trying to check what’s really in his pants, especially since the canon reason Douman has the genderless trait is that he combined himself with some spirits and deities, one of which is female.
None of this is to say its wrong to view any of these characters as nonbinary (I do view most of them as nonbinary), but I don’t think we should view the genderless trait as equivalent to nonbinary. Not only are there characters included in it who probably shouldn’t be (like D’Eon) and characters who don’t have it who probably should (like Nezha), doing so treat nonbinary as a third and wholly separate gender. And if you’re going to talk about the transphobia of FGO, please be willing to use the word transmisogyny.
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exploding-carrots · 3 years
I’ve been wanting to draw or write out my ‘future’ Bottom ideas for a while but haven’t gotten around to it. So here’s a long post of some head canons and a general story line of them vaguely developing as people at some point set after the live shows. If anything this is just sort of my personal AU for the characters getting together. Mostly focused on the progression of Richie and Eddies relationship and my thoughts on both of them being trans
- They’re both trans, (a lot of Ades characters give me trans dudes vibes but that is 70% me wanting to time travel and body swap w the man) Eddie is a bi trans dude (who medically transitioned young, but is not necessarily out as either) and Richie is a closeted/repressed bi trans woman who begins to come to terms w it during the whole island era
- Richie is also intersex, which while yeah is sort of canon in a mean way, is sort of important to me for the character 🤭 However she is not aware of the fact
- Eddie is dyslexic and has ADHD which both contribute to him struggling on and off (which was really just a gag they went with when funny) with reading/writing depending on how well he can focus on it at any given time (example: the Edies Bra sign vs the grave stone). I am not even going to attempt to say what is going on w Richie but the woman is a mess of unresolved issues and trauma complications
- After everything they go through in the live shows they do somehow make it back to the flat which is unexplainably the exact way they left it.
- Every single joke about Richie going off and fucking dudes from the live show is taken as fact. It is the most poorly kept secret amongst the cast. They literally do not talk about it unless Eddie is trying to make a point or piss off Richie
- Eventually Eddie IS trying to piss off Richie and does bring up everything about her sex life and the clothes, and... well everything else. After a ridiculous fight it somehow turns into an almost semi-serious conversation. Eddie makes the assumption that Richie is gay and Richie counters with the fact that she is genuinely interested in women but it’s a hell of a lot easier to get attention from specific types of men. Gets some wheels turning in both of their heads
- Personality wise they never really calm down, but they do start to slow down a little bit as it takes them longer and longer to recover from their fights. Obviously there is still the odd dart to the forehead or gentle push down the stairs but the ridiculous games and completions they make up take center stage
- they get weed at some point (Dave Hedgehog and Spudgun seems like a feasible source, because let’s be honest if Richie and Eddie tried to buy weed it would not work) that leads to all sorts of embarrassment because Eddie gets crossfaded as all get out and starts hitting on Richie. Which while having a precedent in their history (I mean, the first episode gives us that right away) takes on a new sort of meaning once the concept of bisexuality has been rolling around in their heads. Nothing particularly saucy happens at this point Bc they are high, drunk, and old but all of the actual acknowledgement of feelings start to really develop after this point
- in an attempt to do something with her time Richie picks up sewing and picks up where she left off with the wrap skirt and rubber underwear she made on the island. Starts to really develop the little wardrobe she wears when she’s alone. It’s a mix of the same awful button up shirts she always wears and some dresses and skirts along with a couple pairs of sexier (for Richie at least) under garments
- eventually Eddie comes home while Richie is still in her feminine clothing. Eddies Reaction is different from the first time he saw her dressed up that way since now there is a precedent. Eddies approach is much more “playful teasing” and fake surprise than it was previously.
- Slowly Richie starts dressing up around the flat more and more often as opposed to just when alone. Eddie ramps up with the pet names and husband/house wife dynamic they already had going on.
- THE MOMENT is when Eddie is leaving the flat to go to the bar and there is an ‘accidental’ kiss on the cheek along with his usual good byes. Eddie realizes what has happened immediately and bolts before Richie can say anything. Richie has a moment of “teehee that was nice” still in her little fucking house wife head space before it catches up w her.
- Richie panics, paces around the flat, gets changed like 8 times, cooks dinner, throws it away, takes it out of the trash, paces more, breaks like 8 things, and essentially just fluctuates between “Ooo Eddie fancies me” to “oh fuck the bastard is making fun of me again” to “it was an accident and Eddie is going to make it into a fight” back to “ooo Eddie fancies Me~”
- eventually Eddie comes home, pissed to hell and back way later than he’d normally come home. Richies passed out on the couch. Eddie wakes her up by pushing her over on the couch so he can sit. Eddie says something along the lines of “I’m fucking drunk so I’m only going to say this one” before saying some incomprehensible drunken rambling and pulling Richie into an awkward full kiss. It’s a nice moment for maybe about 5 seconds before he stands up again, pulls a pint out of his jacket, chugs it and says something about drunkenly passing out before doing just that across the coffee table.
- Richie just sort of gawks at Eddie sleeping across the table before giddily tossing a blanket over him and heading off to actually go to bed.
- relationship wise this really just sort of introduces a sexual/physical dynamic to their relation while ramping up their camp version of domestic life
- it’s Spudgun and Dave Hedgehog who actually say something to Eddie about it. They’ve always been in on the “oh look, it’s Eddies terrifying wife” thing. Probably only actually say something about it after the 2nd or 3rd actual display of physical affection they witness. It’s more of one of them asking Eddie if Richie really is his wife (in that half aware sort of way they observe things). This alone doesn’t change much, but it does takes a lot to get through to any of these repressed bastards
- Richie grows accustomed to the more feminine/soft pet names that Eddie uses for her. At one point Eddie uses more traditionally masculine terms which sets off “oh actually I am not a fan of that” in Richies head and leads her to asking Eddie to not refer to her that way. Leads to an awkward half coming out on Richies part. Eddie does genuinely switch up how he refers to Richie at this point and her gender just sort of becomes an silent fact that they both respect. Everyone else sort of knows them as those weirdos who have some sort of common law marriage going on and it’s not really questioned. This is the point where Richie starts to earnestly medically transition without really saying to much about, canonically she has been on estrogen pills before (even if it was a ‘mistake’)
- End game is essentially just them being casual about their identities and relationships in a unspoken sort of “well that’s just how it is” way that naturally sort of bleeds into a the other aspects of their lives.
- Additional note on Eddie being trans: Richie is already vaguely aware of this fact Bc obviously they’ve been seen what the other is working with at one point or another but the fact that she is unaware that she herself is intersex and has a skewed sort of idea about genitals and peoples bodies Richie genuinely does not think about it all too much. Eddie assumes that she knows, especially as they get older and casually refers to being trans (in my mind probably during the entire “Edwina” disguise thing. I imagine Eddie wearing the dress came down to the clothing size and some off hand comment about him “having experience”, which is total shit Bc even before he transitioned Eddie never presented that way). That’s probably around the point that things start to click in Richies head about Eddies identity and she starts comparing and contrasting Eddie to other ppl and such.
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roast-ifs · 4 years
Hey everyone! Here’s this months update!
I rewrote basically everything from the last update and I’m happier about it at the very least. More choices, more figuring people out, and a whole slew of other things.
CHANGELOG -- It’s a big one
• Polished randomized mixed trait bit - shouldn’t get duplicates anymore but let me know if you come upon any weird bits of text that don’t seem to make sense/are repetitive • Introduced toggles for flirt and personality choice options, now you can choose to see if choices change your personality or are flirt options. • Also learn more about both Nico and Isla with the rewritten updates. • Made it so not just basilisks who chose the farm can decide last minute which one they’d like to go to. •Rewrote stoic personality trait scenes to be less mean bc they were totally hella mean and that’s not the intention :P • Added hair colors! • Added a cute stumpy tail and a forked tail for basilisks • Added horn options for basilisks (saw fanart with horns on basilisk!MCs so I had to) • Added a curled tail and dual tail for hellhounds • Added topsurgery for trans individuals who start off with an AMAB/Intersex body that didn’t develop breasts. • Nonbinary individuals can now pick their pronouns between the ‘big three’ she/he/they • Personality trait balancing. You should be able to get more charming and stoic options/easier to trigger charming/stoic text. • Added a small specific item you can include in your room decorations regardless of initial style choice.
As of today! Demo word count w/command lines: 70,625 Demo word count w/o command lines: 62,715 Average word count per playthrough: ~24,400
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expiredfairydust · 3 years
best friends ~ bubblegum rock/kazuleon || ft. nb gay! kaz || pt. 2
//tw: self hatred, kinda internalised homophobia, uncensored F slur bcoz the author can reclaim it//
a loud gasp forced the two to pull away from their kiss quickly, both of them quickly moving to look in the direction of where the noise had come from.
kazuichi went red due to embarrassment, noticing the unmistakable blonde hair of miss sonia darting away.
she had poked her head around the door to souda’s room - they never locked it in case leon wanted to come and cuddle - meaning to ask the pinkette if they’d been given any homework as she had been in first aid for most of the day before, unaware of what was happening between the mechanic and their crush.
and now she was running off, trying to give the pair privacy. souda, panicking because their illusion of heterosexuality was likely being broken, ran after her, calling “miss s-sonia! wait!! i-i swear it’s not what it looks like i’m s-sorry miss sonia you’re the only one i love i swear!!” they were crying for real now at the realisation that they had just ruined the one thing that was theirs.
the blonde suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned back to kazuichi. her face had an odd expression that kazuichi couldn’t read.
she put a hand over the mechanic’s mouth. “you do not understand souda, i do not care about you and kuwata’s relationship! in fact, i am glad because now you can leave me and miss fukawa to our relationship in peace - i was and still am rather disgusted at your lack of knowledge on personal boundaries but now i do not have to worry about that because you have no reason to!” she spoke slightly forcefully without meaning to. when she was done, she took her hand away and started walking off again.
“miss sonia!! i-i-i-“ kazuichi couldn’t gather their words, thousands of thoughts racing through their head. “we’re not dating... it was.. it was only a kiss....” they would mumble, more tears streaming down their face with every word. “i-it was all my fault anyways... i-i.. i was.. i was the one who kissed him and it was so so stupid of me because he’s the only person i have left and now he probably hates me for- for-“
their voice cracked and they couldn’t go on speaking, their legs giving way underneath them. “for being such a disgusting fucking faggot!! and-and-and i don’t blame him because i hate myself too!!” they were practically shouting now. “but dammit i love him so fucking much! so much, it hurts! god it feels like my heart is being ripped apart and i can’t fix it and i don’t know what to do and i hate that! and even if i could ever tell him properly i just know he’d hate me because who could ever like such a pathetic little FAG”
they didn’t know why they were telling all of this to miss sonia, maybe it was because they didn’t want her to think leon’s standards were so low as to date them. maybe they just needed to let everything out, needed to rant. because the moment they opened their mouth the words seemed to vomit out.
and once they were done ranting they ran off to the loos so they could actually vomit, as they often did out of distress. they ran to the far away disabled loos, on the opposite end of campus - they were the only public gender neutral loos on campus - so they wouldn’t have to face leon again, who they assumed was still in their room.
key word: assumed.
because leon had actually heard every word, only a few paces behind kazuichi during their confession. he had ran to try and take the mechanic in his arms, to say that it was okay because he loved them that way back. he had ran, just as kazuichi ran off.
meanwhile the princess was just happily beaming to herself, knowing that leon heard every word. she had successfully wingwomanned for the creep and the punk! it was a double win, as leon tended to flirt with touko as well as kazuichi’s horrible attempts to look straight by chasing after miss sonia herself. she made her way to her girlfriend’s dorm to tell her all about what she did.
leon’s thoughts were racing, as he tried to figure out what was even happening. kaz was in love with him... kazzy loved him back... but they thought that kiss was all their fault? as if leon hadn’t chosen to kiss them too? and now they thought he hated them? why? why would he kiss them if he hated them? god kazuichi was a dumb bitch at the best of times...
leon couldn’t help but smile through his tears, which he hadn’t noticed either.
kazuichi really loved him back..!
but they thought leon felt the opposite...
well, leon would just have to change that, he decided as he started looking for his best friend. he knew the mechanic got physically unwell when they were unwell, so he’d just have to check all the loos until he found the right one!
except kazuichi was nonbinary and relatively androgynous, so the baseball star had no clue which loos they’d be in, and he couldn’t exactly barge into the women’s loos checking to find his friend.
so, that meant he’d have to find ibuki, who had joined his band, and ask nya to check the girls’ loos while he checked the men’s and disabled loos. nya was also non binary, but at least she passed as a girl enough to enter the women’s loos.
it wasn’t hard, seeing as the noise they made made all over on the other side of the campus-
(conveniently close to one of the only gender neutral loos on campus)
-was loud enough to be heard in another country. leon was regretting leaving his ear plugs in kaz’s dorm, as he plugged his ears with his fingers and ran towards the sound.
“IBUKI!!!!” he yelled once he was in the practice room mioda was in.
this was going to be tedious, leon thought, as he moved towards where everything was plugged in and unplugged the speakers.
ah, silence,,, at least it would’ve been if mioda wasn’t screeching at leon for what he did. “jesus christ calm down ibuki! i need you for something important” leon hissed, ibuki going completely quiet at the word “important” - void loved being helpful!
the bubbly musician sped off to search once leon explained what he needed. knowing nya, she’d probably check all the men’s loos too, void didn’t seem to get what made people so iffy about not sharing a bathroom with different genders.
but with that, leon got to looking too. and it wasn’t long before he heard the sound of sobbing in the disabled loos, accompanied by the sound of vomiting. well, there’s kaz...
he knocked on the door “kazzy?” he tentatively spoke. there was the click of the door being unlocked for leon to enter. he soon dropped to the floor, next to the pinkette, pulling them into his lap and holding them tightly. “shshshhh... i’m here kazzy...” the ginger would whisper sweetly into souda’s ear.
he held the younger student’s hair back as they puked again. “now how about you tell me what’s going on in that mind of yours?” he whispered, despite knowing already. he wanted kazuichi to say it again. to him, not to miss sonia.
but kaz didn’t want to talk. “it’s stupid” they said, snuggling against leon.
“if it’s stupid why don’t you say it?”
“coz you’ll hate me even more than you do for kissing you” their words were hard to understand through their tears.
“what makes you think i hate you? if i hated you, would i be here with you now? c’mon how about you wash your mouth out? all that puking must have left a horrible taste” leon spoke with a gentle tone, which was unlike him but comforting to the sobbing boy in his lap.
once almost all traces of puke had been ridden from the mechanic’s mouth, leon sat them on his lap again, holding them tightly. “how about you tell me what’s wrong now, eh kazzy?” he said sweetly, wiping his best friend’s tear stained cheeks with his sleeve.
“promise you won’t hate me?”
“pinky promise”
the pinkette drew a deep breath, getting ready to speak. then shook their head. “i-i can’t”
a realisation dawned upon leon then. this was his chance to reveal his own secret! “i’ll tell you something about me that i’ve been hiding if that would make you feel any better” a slow nod gave him the ok to speak.
“i’m intersex. when i was born the doctors told my mom and dad and they were.. well, i don’t know how they felt but i was forced into an opporation to make me “fully” male as a baby and all my life i’ve had to take medication to keep my hormones at a “normal male” level, which is odd coz i was never actually told that’s what it was for until recently” the ginger spoke, resting his head on kazuichi’s shoulder
“but, i want to stop taking my meds, i don’t want to be 100% a boy, and that decision kinda scares me in case people won’t accept it. in case you don’t accept it” he added after hesitating. “now do you wanna talk about your problem?” he wanted to change the subject.
kaz had gone quiet. then, after a few seconds they said. “it sounds silly now that you’ve told me how serious yours is... but- but-“ they paused to figure out the words they wanted to say. “i-i- i’m so sorry for kissing you! i had no right to do it and i-i- i didn’t even take the time to ask you if you wanted a kiss and- and- and- i’m so sorry i know you hate me for it and i don’t blame you because i totally deserve it” the words seemed to fall out quicker than kazuichi could think of them
“and i know you probably never want to see me again but if you could ever forgive me i’d really appreciate it because you’re the only friend i’ve got and i love you dude!” as those words came out, the pink haired mechanic started tearing up again. “i-i love you... i love you so much it hurts and i don’t know what i’d ever do without you but i totally understand if you hate me because how could you ever love someone who’s such a disgusting f-“
their words were cut off by leon kissing the shorter mechanic. it was a brief kiss, even shorter than their first, but the pure, raw emotion behind it was clear. love. reciprocated love.
“if i thought you were disgusting, why would i choose to kiss you twice? because now you know it sure as hell weren’t just you who wanted that first kiss” leon said simply, wiping the shorter guy’s tears away. “but i don’t still want to be friends,” he said, suddenly going cold, making the pinkette’s face drop. “i want to be boyfriends!” he said, making kazuichi start laughing with relief.
just as they were about to share another kiss, in barged mioda, yelling about how nya had found the pink haired mechanic, then once void noticed the ginger sat next to them and started yelling about how unfair it was that she had been looking all over for kazuichi for leon when the ginger was probably with them the whole time.
the couple smiled and sheepishly promised to make it up to the ultimate musician. the end.
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comrade-meow · 3 years
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A great deal of the transgender debate is unexplained. One of the most mystifying aspects is the speed and success of a small number of small organisations in achieving major influence over public bodies, politicians and officials. How has a certain idea taken hold in so many places so swiftly?
People and organisations that at the start of this decade had no clear policy on or even knowledge of trans issues are now enthusiastically embracing non-binary gender identities and transition, offering gender-neutral toilets and other changes required to accommodate trans people and their interests. These changes have, among other things, surprised many people. They wonder how this happened, and why no one seems to have asked them what they think about it, or considered how those changes might affect them.
Some of the bodies that have embraced these changes with the greatest zeal are surprising: the police are not famous social liberals but many forces are now at the vanguard here, even to the point of checking our pronouns and harassing elderly ladies who say the wrong thing on Twitter.
How did we get here? I think we can discount the idea that this is a simple question of organisations following a changing society. Bluntly, society still doesn’t know very much about transgenderism. If you work in central London in certain sectors, live in a university town (or at a university) or have children attending a (probably middle-class) school, you might have some direct acquaintance. But my bet is that most people don’t know any trans people and don’t have developed views about how the law should evolve with regards to their status.
So the question again: how did organisations with small budgets and limited resources achieve such stunning success, not just in the UK but elsewhere?
Well, thanks to the legal website Roll On Friday, I have now seen a document that helps answer that question.
The document is the work of Dentons, which says it is the world’s biggest law firm; the Thomson Reuters Foundation, an arm of the old media giant that appears dedicated to identity politics of various sorts; and the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Youth & Student Organisation (IGLYO). Both Dentons and the Thomson Reuters Foundation note that the document does not necessarily reflect their views.
The report is called 'Only adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth'. Its purpose is to help trans groups in several countries bring about changes in the law to allow children to legally change their gender, without adult approval and without needing the approval of any authorities. 'We hope this report will be a powerful tool for activists and NGOs working to advance the rights of trans youth across Europe and beyond,' says the foreword.
As you’d expect of a report co-written by the staff of a major law firm, it’s a comprehensive and solid document, summarising law, policy and 'advocacy' across several countries. Based on the contributions of trans groups from around the world (including two in the UK, one of which is not named), it collects and shares 'best practice' in 'lobbying' to change the law so that parents no longer have a say on their child’s legal gender.
In the words of the report:
“'It is recognised that the requirement for parental consent or the consent of a legal guardian can be restrictive and problematic for minors.'
You might think that the very purpose of parenting is, in part, to 'restrict' the choices of children who cannot, by definition, make fully-informed adult choices on their own. But that is not the stance of the report.
Indeed, it suggests that 'states should take action against parents who are obstructing the free development of a young trans person’s identity in refusing to give parental authorisation when required.'
In short, this is a handbook for lobbying groups that want to remove parental consent over significant aspects of children’s lives. A handbook written by an international law firm and backed by one of the world’s biggest charitable foundations.
And how do the authors suggest that legal change be accomplished?
I think the advice is worth quoting at length, because this is the first time I’ve actually seen this put down in writing in a public forum. And because I think anyone with any interest in how policy is made and how politics works should pay attention.
Here’s a broad observation from the report about the best way to enact a pro-trans agenda:
“'While cultural and political factors play a key role in the approach to be taken, there are certain techniques that emerge as being effective in progressing trans rights in the "good practice" countries.'
Among those techniques: 'Get ahead of the Government agenda.'
What does that mean? Here it is in more detail:
“'In many of the NGO advocacy campaigns that we studied, there were clear benefits where NGOs managed to get ahead of the government and publish progressive legislative proposal before the government had time to develop their own. NGOs need to intervene early in the legislative process and ideally before it has even started. This will give them far greater ability to shape the government agenda and the ultimate proposal than if they intervene after the government has already started to develop its own proposals.'
That will sound familiar to anyone who knows how a Commons select committee report in 2016, which adopted several positions from trans groups, was followed in 2017 by a UK government plan to adopt self-identification of legal gender. To a lot of people, that proposal, which emerged from Whitehall looking quite well-developed, came out of the blue.
Anyway, here’s another tip from the document: 'Tie your campaign to more popular reform.'
For example:
'In Ireland, Denmark and Norway, changes to the law on legal gender recognition were put through at the same time as other more popular reforms such as marriage equality legislation. This provided a veil of protection, particularly in Ireland, where marriage equality was strongly supported, but gender identity remained a more difficult issue to win public support for.'
I’ve added my bold there, because I think those are very telling phrases indeed. This is an issue that is 'difficult to win public support for' and best hidden behind the 'veil of protection' provided by a popular issue such as gay rights. Again, anyone who has even glanced at the UK transgender debate will recognise this description.
Another recommendation is even more revealing: 'Avoid excessive press coverage and exposure.'
According to the report, the countries that have moved most quickly to advance trans rights and remove parental consent have been those where the groups lobbying for those changes have succeeded in stopping the wider public learning about their proposals. Conversely, in places like Britain, the more 'exposure' this agenda has had, the less successful the lobbying has been:
'Another technique which has been used to great effect is the limitation of press coverage and exposure. In certain countries, like the UK, information on legal gender recognition reforms has been misinterpreted in the mainstream media, and opposition has arisen as a result. ….Against this background, many believe that public campaigning has been detrimental to progress, as much of the general public is not well informed about trans issues, and therefore misinterpretation can arise.
In Ireland, activists have directly lobbied individual politicians and tried to keep press coverage to a minimum in order to avoid this issue.' (Emphasis added).
Although it offers extensive advice about the need to keep the trans-rights agenda out of the public’s gaze, the report has rather less to say about the possibility that advocates might just try doing what everyone else in politics does and make a persuasive argument for their cause. Actually convincing people that this stuff is a good idea doesn’t feature much in the report, which runs to 65 pages.
I’m not going to tell you what I think of the report, or the agenda it sets out. I’m not going to pass comment on it or its authors. I’m just going to try to summarise its nature and contents.
A major international law firm has helped write a lobbying manual for people who want to change the law to prevent parents having the final say about significant changes in the status of their own children. That manual advises those lobbying for that change to hide their plans behind a 'veil' and to make sure that neither the media nor the wider public know much about the changes affecting children that they are seeking to make. Because if the public find out about those changes, they might well object to them.
I started my first job as a researcher in the Commons in 1994. I’ve been studying and writing about politics and policy ever since. And in my experience of how changes in the law are brought about, the approach described in that report is simply not normal or usual. In a democracy, we are all free to argue for whatever policy or position we wish. But normally, anyone who wants to change the law accepts that to do so they need to win the support or, at least, the consent of the people whose authority ultimately gives the law its force. The approach outlined, in detail, in the Dentons report amounts to a very different way of lobbying to get the laws and policies you want. Even more notably, it suggests that in several countries people have been quite successful in lobbying behind a 'veil' and in a way that deliberately avoids the attention of the public. That, I think, should interest anyone who cares about how politics and policy are conducted, whether or not they care about the transgender issue.
I’m going to conclude with an observation I’ve made here before, but which I think bears repeating in the context of that report and the things it might tell people about other aspects of the trans issue: no policy made in the shadows can survive in sunlight.
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doberbutts · 3 years
Sawbones podcast just put up an episode on sex and gender (called just that) and it was very thoughtful! I'm curious your thoughts if you listen to it. Have a great day!
So as you know I'm not usually a big fan of the McElroys again as always it's nothing to do with anything ~problematic~ they've done (honestly I don't know of anything problematic about them) and everything to do with not really liking their sense of humor BUT you [specifically] rarely have bad recommendations so I figured I'd take a listen.
Also out of all of them Justin is probably the one that grates me the least mostly probably because he did Taako and that was my favorite character from TAZ: Balance.
ANYWAY I'll record my thoughts as I have them since I have the day off and can devote some time to this:
So it seems like on first impression they're going to talk about intersex conditions which like, yeah we gotta bring those up because a lot of people aren't willing to talk about the spaces between "absolute male" and "absolute female".
Blah blah chromosomes- I don't actually know my chromosomes, I assume XX because if I do end up having CAH [likely] then with how much it's affected me I should be dead because the symptoms would present differently in XY babies and typically kills them. Most people don't know their chromosomes, as she says, so it's difficult to make the absolute statement that XX = female and XY = male because there are XY people who were born completely female-appearing and [rarely] sometimes with functioning sex organs capable of ovulating, menses, and live birth and XX people who have enlarged clitorises that look and function nearly identically as penises with the exception of urination and ejaculation who knows.
I did like that she brought up the difference between the label DSD, which is more medical, and intersex, which is more individual/referring to the actual person, and also added that it is up to the individual as far as which term to use and it's better to ask and adjust on an individual basis rather than assuming the community prefers one or the other.
I ALSO like that she brought up clinical examples of various people who have had children and late in life discovered they were intersex- the father of four children who presented with a hernia age 70 and found a uterus and a fallopian tube when the doctors went to surgically fix it. This may not be overly common, sure, but it does happen, and multiple cases state that you may never have a reason to guess that anything is different about you until you're surprised one day looking for answers to a completely different medical scenario. Like how I discovered my [probably] testicle and had to come to terms with the fact that that means I'm [probably] intersex overnight while coming down from the panic that I needed emergency surgery for a ruptured appendix that turned out to just be an angry ovarian cyst.
I ALSO like that she brought up that external is very different than expected as well- how babies are assumed one or the other at birth based on genital presentation and then puberty can just change things and she did bring up brain sex, which has a bit of a checkered history medically, all of which are good points.
Also typical talking points: 1.7% population re: red hair and green eyes, which is true, but you know people have been plugging their ears on that for ages. Also brought up not being able to using external genitalia or chromosomes to determine things like locker rooms, bathrooms, sportsball teams, etc because honestly it's true... where would people like me fit in with that? I got boobs and something that super doesn't look female in my pants and none of that has been medically augmented, in fact a lot of it was medically suppressed by way of forcing me to take estrogen, so would I have been allowed on the girls team or the boys team?
The gender stuff honestly is about the same typical stuff that a lot of trans people talk about buuuuut it does make me concerned for the same reasons because we are approaching discussions of gender from a very Western and Colonist point of view and it makes me... I guess a little leery, because we are inherently approaching these views as an outsider looking in and we need to make sure that we are representing these cultures appropriately and accurately without just saying things like "well other cultures have other genders".
Many of these cultures have very strict gender roles and when individuals did not align with those strict gender roles then others were grouped into a different category- often intersex individuals or those who were wlw or mlm were forcibly grouped into these categories, at times eunichs and infertile women were grouped into these, and sometimes it was simply what we would consider gender non-conforming. And, other times, it was/is an understanding of gender that was/is simply different from what we in Western society think of it, and I think she actually managed to explain that nuance fairly well and how it's really tempting to fall into that trap because honestly if you're not part of that culture and you're not trying to learn that culture then yes, you're not really understanding why these different genders exist and also like... if you don't have that sort of nuanced understanding then you have really no place to say whether these are "real" genders or even genders that would apply to [general] you.
Also discusses some of the problems with current gender understanding and gender roles as they are in the US and systems of how these power and oppression came to be, which is nice, especially for understanding how it happened within this country.
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timefirewrites · 4 years
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ID under the cut would’ve prefered to put it here, but the post is already super long, sorry
[ID: thirteen google presentation slides, all written in the font comic sans, black text on a white background.
1. Title: “Gay Space Pirates", subtitle: “thats it thats the story”
2. Title: “What.” Text:
Okay so, everyone is queer
Literally, there’s not a single cishet character in this story
I’m not sorry <3
Most of the cast are non-humans, but the ones that aren’t are super diverse
Transfem muslim gal, intersex nerd with vitiligo, nonbinary overweight dumbass, I’ve got them all
There are also some disabled and mute characters
Oh, also they’re all neurodivergent because I said so
3. Title: “Setting!”, Text:
So, humans discovered aliens are real
and joined their Intergalactic Union
(which is definitely not evil)
That happened about 300 years ago and humans are now vibing all over the galaxy
Sounds great, right?
Well, for most humans, sure, but the ones who had to stay behind on Earth because they couldn’t afford space travel don’t like it as much
The situation on Earth is kind of shitty, and some people want to leave
4. Title: “pLoT??”, Text:
Neb is one of those people
They got an amazing plan to “borrow” a spaceship and never look back
Problem: Neb didn’t account for a robot to suddenly accompany them
The plan kind of fails real bad, but in the end the two escape from Earth
And immediately get picked up by space pirates
Fortunately, they don’t get killed
Because those pirates could really use an extra pair of hands or two, for their biggest mission yet
Which is retrieving a weapon apparently powerful enough to destroy the universe before someone else does
Nobody knows what it actually looks like though
5. Title: “Neb”, Text:
Nonbinary, aro and ace (they/them)
has idiopathic hypersomnia (basically means they sleep a lot)
also chronic migraines
pretty impulsive and says what they think
has a hard time trusting others
dreamt of going to space for as long as they can remember
On the right side of this slide is a picrew image, showing a person with brown skin, dark brown eyes and black, curly hair. They’re wearing a red bandana as well as a torn yeans jacket and have multiple scars on their skin. The background is the nonbinary flag.
6. Title: “Ahdia”, Text:
Transfem, bigender and pan (she/they)
mechanic of the ship and the only one with a sense for fashion
happy go lucky and just overall fun to be around
pretty laid back, but would absolutely hunt you down if you hurt one of her friends
proud holder of the single brain cell this crew has
On the right side is an image as well, it shows a woman with fairer, but still brownish skin and brown eyes wearing a black hijab and a long-sleeved light blue shirt with clouds on it. The background is the trans flag.
7. Title: “Cap”, Text:
intersex, queer (they/them)
First time they show up, they’re holding a soda and pizza
likes organization in theory
wants to appear like a badass, but is too chaotic for that
needs to wear glasses, but doesn’t bother
Captain of the crew that picks Neb up
certified mess
Again, an image of the right shows a person, this time with dark brown skin and vitiligo, dark brown eyes and long, black dread-locks. They have some silver piercings in their ears and wear a dark purple hoodie. The background is the rainbow flag with the brown stripes on top.
The next three slides feature two columns each, each with an own title.
Title: “Com”, Text:
AI of the ship
shy and nervous mess
wants to visit all kinds of planets
loves taking care of plants
panromantic and ace
uses she/her, but doesn’t really care about gender
spends most of her time watching trashy romance movies
Title: “Coal”, Text:
The robot Neb befriended
Realized they were self-aware not even a day ago and already got anxiety
easily overwhelmed by everything
Has no idea what to do with themself
someone tells them knitting is a thing and they never do anything else ever again
Title: “Laser”, Text:
genderfluid, uses he/him or she/her
weapon specialist and tired of it
suffers from chronic neurogenic pain
speaks in a very monotone voice
writes poetry, but nobody is allowed to read it
canonically wears crocs
Title: “Lifo”, Text:
gender? no thanks (uses fel/fels pronouns)
tiny, but deadly
lost an arm and half a leg and replaced them with robotic parts (same for fels spine)
usually very loud, but can be completely silent if fel wants
cook of the ship
loves collecting trinkets
Title: “Nova”, Text:
He’s absolutely enormous, huge, colossal and every other synonym for really big you can think of
looks like he can kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll
licensed medic and mom friend of the crew
I lied when I said Ahida is the only one with a brain cell, Nova knows what he’s doing too
loves painting
Title: “Mer”, Text:
Don’t tell anyone I said this, but Mer is my favorite
if the name wasn’t clear enough, his species is aquatic
he’s beauty, he’s grace, he’ll punch you in the face
killed a man and will do so again
don’t cross him, he will get his revenge and you will regret your actions
seems like he has everything under control, but really doesn’t
11. Title: “some of my favorite lines”, Text (in no particular order):
“What’s up with your display?” Their voice sounded more steady now, which was good. 
“I do not understand.” Their voice on the other hand just sounded confused. 
“Oh, right. You probably can’t see it. You’re currently displaying an error message. Which just reads ‘error’. Not very helpful.” 
“Fuck. I didn’t deactivate it.”
“We could just go in and race to the top.” 
“What? No. Why would we do that? We can’t afford to get caught, we need to make a plan, Coal.” 
“You said you wanted an adventure. Plus, I do not think we could create a plan, seeing as we know next to nothing about its defence and security.” 
They said that because of them? They were just rambling earlier, not really thinking about it, just talking to fill the silence. 
“Okay. But if anything goes wrong, it’ll be your fault.”
“Uh, I don’t think so? Better not touch it, though.” As Lifo said that, Cap could see fel fighting against the desire to do just that. At least Com would be happy. 
Chapter 13 - they did surgery on a grape Neb
“Oh. I’m the ship. Nice to meet you?”
Whatever the hell was going on, they didn’t sign up for this.
“I am fine.” Perfectly fine. Mhm. 
Coal nodded, then just stood around? 
"You're outnumbered now! Coal agreed to watch Love On A Foreign Planet with me. So, uh, get moving, Fishsticks."
They settled on two things they were pretty sure were edible: a soda labeled “SpacePop: the best soda in the universe” with a “multiple sunsets on Madoras” flavor and some leftover pizza. (They were pretty sure Madoras didn’t exist, they never heard of that planet before. Maybe they shouldn’t drink that soda after all.)
“I’m Laser, my gender is a burning trash can and my pronouns depend entirely on the mercy of the universe.”
12. Title: “Homegrown memes”, this slide is filled with six different memes.
A windows error message, but the title and text is just screaming. The two options are “AAA” or “AAA”. It’s labeled “Coal”.
A photo of two people in wedding clothes. They’re labeled “Laser and Lifo”, in the background is a person falling from the sky, labeled “Com”.
Spiderman (labeled “Mer”) is holding a screen labeled “dealing with a breakup like a normal person”, in the next frame that screen is being thrown away as spiderman looks at a pc being held by someone else labeled as “commiting murder”.
A person is being kicked into a lake by someone else. They’re labeled “Coal trying to figure out what to do now that they’re self-aware”. The person kicking them is labeled “the plot”.
The “is this a pigeon” meme, but the guy is labeled as “Cap”, the butterfly as “wearing a hoodie and truly horrendous shorts” and the caption now says “is this formal dress attire?”.
The last meme is a chart, with five rows and two columns.
Row 1: Regularly says fuck: Coal, Lifo
Row 2: has sworn of saying fuck, but said it at some point: Cap, Neb
Row 3: has not said fuck before, but can if so desired: Laser, Ahdia, Mer
Row 4: has not said fuck before and refuses to say it: Com, Nova
Row 5: legally cannot say fuck: also Coal
13. This slide is an image of Earth as seen from space. Above it white text reads “the End”. /end ID]
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