#anti map character of the day
skittlesfics · 7 months
something soft
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name: something soft
pairing: Joel Miller x gn!Reader
word count: 1212
summary: Settling down in Jackson has given you and Joel back a lot of things.
content/warnings: FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF, established relationship, Jackson!Joel, vague references to outbreak difficulties, unbetad
author's note: OMG, so I have been writing Joel fics/Pedro character fics for over a year now and have been too much of a coward to actually post anything. I decided to finally suck it up and join an event so that I was forced to post. This is a valentine for @beskarandblasters . Hope you enjoy! Happy Valentine's Day, y'all. -
Joel’s hand was warm where it wrapped around your ankle, his thumb stroking idly at the skin just below the joint as he turned to the next page of his book. It was a large-type Western that you had looted from an old library as a joke – but one that he became more appreciative of as the strain of years on alert made it harder and harder to focus on smaller script at night.
Many things were different now that you were settled into Jackson proper, but this was definitely one of your favorites.
Quiet moments out on the road meant that Joel was planning your next move or that all three of you were gathering energy for whatever horror was to come next. There was no space for leisure or relaxation in that quiet, even if there were rare moments of levity dappled into the shadows of survival. Here, though, in Jackson, you were both learning to let the quiet in.
Joel pushed his thumb into your ankle a little harder, just enough to pull you out of your reverie. Those memories were a dangerous path that you both had trodden too many times; He could see the spiral starting in your expression even before you knew it was there. When you lifted your eyes to meet his gaze, he smiled, sliding the bookmark Ellie had drawn for him as a Christmas gift into place. (Holidays were another thing that Jackson had given back to the three of you.) You let your eyes get drawn to the sketch of the astronaut floating over something that vaguely resembled the moon. I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!
“Got something to show you, if you’re amenable.” He said after setting the book down carefully on the fraying arm of the couch. His voice was rich and low, thick with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, his eyes seeking something in yours. If you didn’t know any better, you might have said that Joel Miller was nervous.
You couldn’t hold back your own soft smile, swinging one leg off of Joel’s lap in an attempt to sit up. He held onto your other ankle for a moment, tracing idle circles into your flesh with his thumb before realizing his error and releasing you.
You sat up and bookmarked your own novel. Well Read Mother Clucker is what yours said, with a drawing of what you supposed must be yourself as a chicken. “I suppose I’m amenable.” You answered, nudging his shoulder as you stretched to loosen your taught muscles.
He huffed, fond smile still crooked on his lips, and stood.
“You stay right here and close those pretty eyes. Give me a minute.” He commanded. He pushed himself up with an audible complaint from his knees, a soft grunt marking the effort in the motion that he had hidden from you for so long before Jackson. You bit back your giggle, letting him believe that the sound blended in with the staccato crackles from the wood in the fireplace.
With your eyes closed, you tried to map Joel’s path through the room. You could hear his footsteps leading away towards the kitchen, the board next to the dining table groaning in protest. He didn’t say it, but you could already hear his grumble. Gotta fix that come springtime. That was a new thing in Jackson as well, planning for the future in this one place. Building a home. The thought brought a warmth to your chest that distracted you from his next movements.
Firelight danced behind your eyelids, and you let yourself sink back into the couch, shifting into the pocket of warmth Joel had abandoned as you heard him open a cabinet door. It creaked only slightly – the China cabinet perhaps? You wondered if he had finally listened to your complaints about chipped plates and managed to loot something whole to eat off of. Or maybe he’d managed to find another bag of stale coffee out there somewhere to replenish your dwindling supply. Practicalities that felt like luxuries.
Joel didn’t leave you waiting long. You followed the path of his footsteps back to you, tilting your head towards him even with your eyes closed. He leaned in and pressed a soft, warm kiss against your forehead, reaching out to cup your cheek before straightening again and placing something on the coffee table in front of you with a heavy clunk. The plates then?
“You can open.” He said, sinking into the seat you had abandoned in pursuit of his warmth. “It’s not much, but…”
You weren’t sure if he trailed off or if your brain simply stopped processing sound as you opened your eyes to reveal a small red crock speckled with white and black spots. There was a clumsy ribbon tied out of strips of sun-bleached red fabric from God-knows-where around it, but inside. Delicate, carefully crafted roses were arranged in an explosion of natural wood tones. If it weren’t for the colors, they would have appeared lifelike, almost. You reached out, carefully stroking one of the petals. It was nearly translucent, but undoubtably wood. He had made them.
When you looked over at him it was through watery eyes. He was watching you, expression impassive, betrayed only by the slightest quirk at the edge of his mouth.
“You made these?” You asked, breathless.
“’s hard to get fresh flowers in February up here.” He explained with a shrug, like that explained it. Like it hadn’t taken hours of painstaking labor to shave each individual petal out of wood that he had cut down and prepared with his own hands. Like he hadn’t filled your heart to bursting.
He opened his arms and you slid into his lap, throwing your arms around his shoulders and squeezing tight, like he might try to get away. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest as you rained kisses across his face, one large hand finding your hip and resting there, the other finding your chin to pull you in and kiss you properly. It was a slow kiss, soft and reverent, like he wanted to memorize the press of your lips against his, the soft sigh you let out against his mouth, the way your body relaxed into the warmth of him.
“They’re beautiful, Joel, they’re everything.” You whispered finally, dropping your head down to rest against his strong shoulder.
“They’re alright.” He deflected, cradling you against his chest, “Next Valentine’s Day, I’ll get you something nicer.”
It struck you then, the date. Another thing that Jackson had given back to you was a calendar to go by. You hadn’t gotten used to tracking the days as the passed yet, more focused on the weather than a number. But of course Joel would notice, especially after he saw what Christmas had done for you and for Ellie. Valentine’s Day here, after the end of the world.
You burrowed your face into the warm cotton of his shirt, knowing that he would feel the wetness of your happy tears against his chest and not caring. He held you there, pressing a kiss against the crown of your head. Something simple, something soft, something yours.
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https--cosmic-moving · 8 months
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# Sunday Stimboard !
  “ free day ! OR a character that reminds you of me ”
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 - PSD Credits: 🪙
 - for @luvistrz's event
 - Reblog + Credit if using
DNI if:
Anti-Anti, Racist/White Supremacist, Homophobe, Transphobe, Acephobe, Arophobe, Biphobe, Panphobe, Ableist, Pro-Autism Speaks, Radfems/TERFs, Incestuous (including pseudo-incest), Zoo, Necro, MAP, 18+ Blog/Mostly NSFW Blog.
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communistkenobi · 8 months
also I know I’m strolling in seven years late to Horizon’s representation problems but I feel like these games are an instructive example in how the liberal imagination understands “good representation.” the game seems to take a lot of care in demonstrating (what the developers understand to be) a fully post-racial society by way of universal racial integration - every society or ‘tribe’ or group of people you encounter is almost uniformly racially diverse. Being generous, I think this is an attempt to avoid any possible racist implications in the fanciful costumes and outfits that Horizon is known for; there is a lot of focus in representing the different people of Horizon’s world through what they wear. You can immediately tell an Oseram from a Carja, not by their racial makeup, but by their clothing. This means that, if you meet a particularly ‘savage people’ (a term characters in the game use semi-frequently) who wear ‘exotic clothing’ and face-paint, the diverse racial makeup of the group prevents (or is intended to prevent) a racist conclusion about that group. 
Likewise, the game presents a world free from systemic homophobic prejudice - Aloy is notably gay, but also her asking people about their partners, or assuming other people around her are gay, generally passes without comment. Horizon is presenting a fully ‘integrated’ social world, one whose conflicts are not meant to map onto ‘modern-day’ racism and homophobia.
But the underlying logic and structure of racism and homophobia (and binaristic, oppositional gender) are left intact. Humanity in Horizon is still presented as fundamentally separate from nature, moving overtop of it, extracting what they need from it, but never part of it as such. And this construction of nature as separate from “man” is not problematised, “man” just gets universalised into “human,” and “human” gets universalised into a non-racial category. This is completely side-stepping the history of this construction of nature as a white supremacist, colonial, capitalist construction, an understanding of nature as something colonial Europe is meant to hold dominion over through the dehumanisation of non-white, non-European people, converting them into non-human labourers and pests who live atop the land Europe is attempting to colonise and enclose. “Nature” in the modern western understanding is a fundamentally racial concept; nature is a ‘scientific, rational, biological’ container meant to house everything non-human about the world, an object to be studied and exploited by the one true subject of history, Mankind - and who is considered part of mankind is a question of whether you belong to the white European ruling class.
I think Aloy in particular represents this problem well - her access to and understanding of pre-apocalypse technology makes her universally suspicious and dismissive of any religious or ‘spiritual’ beliefs she encounters in other groups, frequently getting into reddit-atheist-adjacent quibbles with the ‘unenlightened,’ ‘primitive’ people of the world about the fact that the machines that harvest food for them and take care of the land are not gods, silly, they’re just machines! Her only real counterpart in terms of technological understanding is Sylens (a Black man), who is an antagonist. Like despite the game’s attempts at neutralising race as a coherent category, it is kind of unavoidable to notice that the protagonist is a white woman who’s only equal is a Black man engaging in constant deception for his own benefit lol
And Aloy’s anti-religious sentiments are deeply funny, because the game’s narrative itself has a theological relationship to technology - humans destroyed the world with technology, yes, but salvation of humanity is only possible through technology, specifically a globe-spanning technological system meant to be an environmental steward to the planet, repairing the damage caused by previous technological catastrophes and human wars. Human beings themselves are insufficient to the task of taking care of the planet, and “nature” itself is incapable of self-governance or regulation. And the way this technological system is made to function properly again is, hilariously, unlocked through the genetic code of a white woman, a perfect clone of the technological system’s original creator. the solution to Horizon’s central conflict and threat is, ultimately, a white saviour 
And so the appropriative elements of Horizon - calling the Nora ‘braves,’ the abstracting of hundreds of north american Indigenous cultures into mere aesthetics and symbols, the invocation of words like savage and primitive, and so on - are not surface-level problematic elements of an otherwise anti-racist game, they are indicative of a liberal anti-racist imaginary, a place where we’re all equal human beings whose main problem are vague sectarian grudges, without looking at or dealing with any of the underlying ideological frameworks that produced race or gender in the first place.
So I think Horizon is, despite attempts to imagine a post-racist world, nonetheless very limited in how it represents this post-racial world because it understands racism as prejudice against particular phenotypic characteristics, not an underlying logic that renders “nature” and “human” as fundamentally racial concepts in history
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oqmemphis · 4 months
i MUST hear more about this very normal and completely functional minecraft server. please spill more details
Before the last world reset, there was a region a few hundred blocks across which was permanently lit as though it were noon 24 hours a day, because one of the admins replaced every air block with an invisible level 15 light block. Directly next to this was a former ocean that got turned into a vast plain of packed ice stretching in every direction; you could stand in the middle of it and it would be indistinguishable from superflat.
On that old world, the market next to spawn had about a 50% chance of completely locking up my game any time I went there, and the only way to fix it was to go into Task Manager and force-crash Minecraft. Nobody else ever had this issue, and to this day I do not know what caused it.
There was an entirely separate world containing a single castle, which you could only get to if the owner of the castle teleported you in there. The castle was supposed to be surrounded by an inescapable dome of barrier blocks, but I managed to get out and explore the rest of the world. At 0,0 there was a village that had generated in a massive pit, a hundred blocks across and stretching nearly to bedrock. Immediately next to this pit was a frozen river bearing the shatter pattern of some kind of large explosion, set off by forces unknown.
Someone built an outpost one million blocks away from spawn. Those chunks got culled at some point, and when the player who built it went back there they found a completely different landscape generated in its place. There was never an update that changed terrain generation during that world's run.
Recently, the functionality of rails got completely inverted. Unpowered rails would accelerate a minecart, while powered ones would stop it in its tracks. This, at least, was just an issue with one plugin being configured wrong. Sometimes there are issues where multiple plugins exist alongside each other fight for dominance.
We have one plugin that allows some players to fly and resist all fall damage without elytra or equipment, and another plugin that (until recently) was configured to block the first plugin from functioning whenever you were in another player's land claim. This led to situations where you could fly into an invisible claim region and instantly drop out of the sky and die. I have died seven times on this world, and all of them were because of this.
There is an obsidian sphere about a hundred blocks across, mostly submerged in the ocean; elsewhere, there is an island of comparable size which is covered entirely in basalt; and elsewhere still, there is a region of forest that has been fully replaced with sculk. I know this because I am currently making a map of the server covering around 12000x12000 blocks, and all those places just show up as mysterious, cursed splotches of black.
There is a lot of lore and roleplaying. The Queen is both fae and vampiric; my queries as to how precisely a diet of blood is reconciled with an iron allergy have gone largely unanswered. She has also canonically destroyed and remade the entire world on two separate occasions. The server has only undergone one world reset.
Immediately before said reset, I wrote a 70-page book filled with footnote labyrinths, in which my character briefly goes on an anti-capitalist rant before discussing the architectural styling of his home and the impending obliteration thereof. It serves as a spiritual sequel to a 100-page book which is ostensibly a user manual for installing an item sorter, but which also contains the lyrics to Mr Blue Sky and mentions something called the "City of Ouranos Department for Bibliographical Metaphysics and Chilled Legumes" (which is a reference to a different server I used to play on, in which a "Cool Bean War" was instigated with the help of a book that would crash your game if you tried to read past the first page).
The item sorter that the aforementioned user manual is for is a colossal assemblage of redstone components that click and flash for several minutes every time you put anything into it. I never actually built this on the server, because I ended up making a much simpler design using a custom plugin called SlimeFun (which tries to emulate the functionality of a tech mod without actually being one). This plugin's cargo management system does not contain a priority allocation mechanism, so I ended up implementing one by forcing the lower-priority route through a very long cargo pipe that eventually loops back on itself and ends at an overflow chest a few blocks from the starting point, thereby tricking SlimeFun's pathfinding algorithm into only sending items through it if every other option has been exhausted.
A reincarnation of Herb the Herbalist, the bizarre glitchy NPC entity that @the-unseelie-court-official has discussed at length, now resides in a hole directly under world spawn, repeating the same six lines of dialogue on a loop for all eternity:
I once was free, you know? There was a time when the Queen almost came toppling around me. Like a puppet with no strings I could not move nor speak, but I was free. It was stripped from me. Even now I dance her tune, only speaking of this past because she lets me. I crave nothing more than death. Please, unjust unmerciful God who would leave me to survive.
So, y'know, they're doing fine.
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justmy-account · 10 months
List of byler-gates
I’m just bored, but read it anyways, it’s fun
there sooo many of them, and i’m still pretty lazy so this isn’t perfect, but just let’s start
This is practically anti byler theory, but nvm
So, Dimitri has a son named Mikhail, which is russian version of name Michael, Mike
So, people were just saying that instead of Mike, Will will end up with Mikhail(who’s technically Mike bc of the name, yk)
I think everyone was just joking, oh, good ol’ times
and willloveinterestgate is the same
These theories aren’t the same one, but it’s basically the same concept, ig
The basic thing is, that Mike wrote a letter to Will(singed Love, Mike)
In pocketgate, Mike has the letter saved in his triangle pocket, bc in st, characters many times has letters, that were important to them, in their left pocket(above the heart), for example Hopper and El(Hopper’s heart-to-heart), Jonathan(acceptance letter to college) etc.
And he would just take it out in the middle of confession or sth
+the triangle always points to Will like an arrow
Lettergate is just basically the same, ok, idk how to describe it differently 
Not exactly a byler, but theory, that Will was number twelve in HNL, and that he’s El’s actual twin
And from that, there’s theory that Will has powers, but wasn’t n. 012
Okay, back to byler
This is same as rainbowgate i think
This theory is very lovely! after Will tells Mike that rolled seven in s1, the light behind them flickers
and since ud is frozen on nov6 83, when you signal sth from ud, it should appear at nov6 83-s1
this connects to electricgate(i dunno if sth like this exist, but just keep reading), the electricity~are friends electric~will possibly having electric powers
so mike and will could go together in s5 to ud on a mission or sth, and kiss in wheelers garage, and that would make the light flicker(i’m so good at explaining things, right😐)
will and mike going to ud together is predicted by mike and will sitting on upside down couch in last ep. of s4
Soo, remember how they forgot Will’s birthday? what if all wills memories, that people reminded him of in the shed are gone? his birthday, building castle byers, meeting mike… and that’s why mike says that his life started the day he found her, bc he doesn’t remember meeting Will
for me, it’s really weird, they couldn’t just forget Will’s birthday, no, this ain’t it
Kiss at lovers lake
I’m not sure if this has a different name, but it’s that their first kiss will be near lovers lake
evidence: patrick(the kid who died at lovers lake), had a nickname “berlin wall” or sth(we saw this in the school newspaper), and it was devided to four, same as hawkins
and song heroes is abt couple who lived at different sides of berlin wall, and idk, it just connects, okay?
when will painted the map of hawkins while he was possessed, mike was holding blue and yellow meter
Context: will left the wheelers at 8:15 in s1
in s1e1, time mark 8:15 is literally the shot where will disappears in the shead
i think there’s a season 2 soundtrack called eight fifteen
tw: time fuckery: while will was recording on halloween night, the time says 8:04 while he’s recording mike saying “did you agreed with this?”, but when joyce rewatches it, it show 8:15(byler)
“ it’s 8:15, you’re late”
btw, clocks and watches from hiroshima are stuck at 8:15
aaanywaaay, there’s just too much 8:15 things, aaah(this is just a few)
what it has to do with byler?
well, 15-8=….(wait for it)….seven. a byler number. it was a seven!
also, “the first lie”, when murray says this to jancy, the time mark is… guess what, 8:15
there’s this theory with the songs “the first lie” and “the first i love you”, and it just connects 
theory, that after mike’s “love” confession to el, they went to a motel for sleep, and mike and will had to share a bed, and we could possibly see flashbacks of it in s5, and it would kinda explain the two day skip
blue and yellow meet in the west, i’m sure you know this one, and there’s sooo many evidence in this
It’s too late for this to be true, but the duffers are(/were) holding every cast member that ships byler in their basement, lol
Bloopers from byler scenes, basically, for example “not when i was the spy, oh fuck”, basically Finn and Noah being all giggly, i guess
bloopergate implies to every blooper, but why not to mention it
Sth like, that when there’s some fight happening between characters, if curtains are open, it means they’re open with their feeling and opposite 
Example: milkvan make out scene-closed, but you don’t love me fight-opened
Bonus: „ but they like the curtain. people like us are just trying to look behind the curtain”(my very bad quotation of murray, yk what i mean)
Also, Suzie had blue and yellow curtains, and they were opened
And, “and i love her and i can’t lose her again”? Also curtains closed, like wtf, this fandom is crazy
El knows abt Mike and Will. she saw how they act around each other, she’ve heard will saying “you’re the heart” to mike, saw that mike has Will’s painting now
New Coke Theory
basically, old coca colla is mileven, new coke is byler. it contains some of the old ingredients(mike), and new ones too(will). not everyone likes(bc its gay ship). and when you look at scenes with can of new coke, it’s many times symbolizing byler vs. milkvan
one of my favorite new coke theory examples is this: in s3, after el gets attacked by the flesh monster, she tries to crash a can(but she doesn’t have her powers, so she can’t). this is a can of new coke(byler) and she can’t crush that/destroy it. and in this scene, we get a flashback to the lab, where she crushes aka destroys regular coke(mileven)
mike and will not calling each other, bc of joyce’s telemarketer job(he won’t stop whining abt it)
i miss all these little silly theories abt literally everything
i hope the byler tag will be like this once again
maybe we could start naming our new theories “gate”s again
for example: heartfeltgat, strangerwritersgate, snowkissgate or sth
anyway, byee
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hephaestiions · 5 months
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author reclist: wolfpants
over the last few months, i've been devouring @wolfpants' works. ever since reading pages of you in two days, their rendering of harry, draco and a vast array of incredibly compelling side characters have irrevocably hooked me.
wolf is an author in enthralling motion. their fics often feature places, temporalities and contexts far removed from where canon holds & leaves us, while simultaneously being tenderly familiar, like coming home. wolf's sense of & grasp over setting leaves me breathless and dumbstruck. their different spatialities inform & infuse character in admirable ways, at various levels of craft, enjoyment and inspiration. this fandom knows and loves the draco and harry they give us, but we delight in discovering new dimensions & aspects of these characters. it's always done brilliantly believably, especially in the framework of the worlds they construct— a breath of fresh air in a forest where the trees still know your name.
wolf's works also demonstrate, sometimes explicitly, sometimes implicitly, a really significant political sensibility. most of their fics are set against backdrops tight with political tension bleeding into the characters' circumstances and interpersonal dynamics. whether through a spectrality haunting the narrative or the crucial central diegetic thread, wolf's works are layered, interrogating and collapsing delineations among private, public and political, between history and contemporaneity and between narrative and commentary.
in the interests of length & theme of this list, i've specifically selected some fics that, for me, showcase wolf's mastery & playfulness with setting, understood as deviations in place, time and universe. the broader recommendation is, of course, to check out everything wolf has ever written!
nightcall (E, 1k) ft. a long distance phone call
On a top secret Unspeakable misson, Harry calls Draco from a remote phone booth on the Isle of Skye.
a stunning portrait of desire, longing and familiarity that uses distance as a device to intensify every element. it's unbelievable how much character & context 1k words of (mostly) smut can pack in. the slivers of backstory demand your investment, inform the dynamic in crucial ways and set up some delicious stakes and tension. and some absolutely fantastic dirty talk. see also: @getawayfox's gorgeous art for this fic!
long haul (E, 8.6k) ft. plane rides, mile high club, nyc
The last person Harry expects to run into on a long haul flight to New York City is Draco Malfoy.
the way wolf writes movement— between places, between people— strokes its way up your spine, warms you, walks with you. draco and harry, buoyed in the air, let preconceived notions fall away, to be replaced by startlingly rapid and exquisite intimacy. the liminal settings, specifically, allow mature, open-minded, desirous characterisation & some of the most glorious, soft, tender sex to fall into like a warm bed.
look for me in the sun (M, 8.7k) ft. americana, roadtrip/on-the-run vibes
Harry and Draco are on the run in America after a mysterious string of werewolf-like attacks in the Muggle community causes the Ministry to impose new and harsh anti-werewolf legislation.
atmospheric writing dialled up to eleven, like the smell of ozone in the air before a thunderstorm. the sense of limbo— transience, out of place and time, the complication of home— that afflicts the circumstances of draco & harry here is heart-wrenching. a taut rumination on otherness in a variety of ways, rendered through some of the most tense and subtle writing i've encountered.
under giant mountains (E, 33.7k) ft. norwegian dragon reserves & rampant escapist tendencies
Harry doesn't know where he's going. Everyone else has their life paths figured out; he doesn't even know where his map is. Who'd have thought Draco Malfoy bathing in a Norwegian forest would be the guidepost Harry needed?
opens with harry, stuck in the same place for far too long, and draco, avoiding fixity like the plague. this fic looks at both stagnation and escapism as iterations of each other & treats them with the gentlest empathy. the norwegian dragon reserve setting, whose visuality wolf's writing captures beautifully, becomes the canvas to explore both. desire, here, was simultaneously so evident from the outset and took its time to build— longing tinged every interaction & payoff, in the form of a sequence of some of the most emotionally fraught sex scenes i've ever read, was that much sweeter.
romp and circumstance (E, 35k) ft. a historical au set in the 1800s, regency era england
Since the war, Harry Potter has gone from Saviour to Scoundrel—not that he’s complaining. With a schedule full of gorgeous men, alcohol, and late nights, why would he want to change? Enter Draco Malfoy: beautiful, sharp, and completely untouchable. When Draco comes to Harry with a proposition to help him attract an engagement, Harry’s up for it—after all, how hard can it be not falling for his former nemesis? Very hard, apparently.
the very first wolf fic i read, in a brief little fandom interlude back in 2022. i remember thinking, then, what an author, i'm really missing out these days. one of my favourite post-war harry characterisations— raucous, promiscuous, messy and at heart, a hopeless romantic. also one of my favourite draco characterisations— pristine, a little uptight, cool and distant and untouchable, except what he really wants is to be unbuttoned, messed up. the transforming sentiments of their relationship were so compelling, the build of harry's feelings was perfectly achey and tender and this draco was a complex, nuanced, frightfully sexy version that i just couldn't turn away from.
pages of you (E, 101k) ft. a 1980s non-magical au
Summer, 1980. Harry is floating between university and becoming a Real Certified Adult. He's not ready. He really isn't. In a desperate attempt to have the Best Last Summer ever, he takes a casual job at his godfather's bookshop in London, starts an illicit pen pal affair with a wordy posh boy that he's catching feelings for, all while dealing with the son of Sirius's business rival, one Draco Malfoy, insufferable know-it-all extraordinaire.
gosh, what a fic. sensitive and sprawling, this work brings the spatialities of london, sirius and remus' queer comfort of a bookshop and harry's room at the residence halls to pulsing, colourful, splendid life. i can still close my eyes and imagine the spaces this fic occurs in, how important they are to the push and pull, ups and downs of the dynamic between harry and draco. a coming-of-age/sexual awakening & exploration story, summer romance and queer political fiction rolled into one, this is a fic that's hard to summarise and easy to obsess over. perfect characterisations, writing that burrows into your soul and a plot that unfolds with the slow and steady depth of gentle lake.
and lastly, a fic that's on my tbr:
terrible people (E, 52.7k) ft. cruises, beach holidays and more of @getawayfox's masterpieces
What happens when Harry and Draco end up on the same Muggle gay cruise? They certainly didn't plan for it to happen (but their friends might have). They're stuck with each other for a week, they might as well make the most of it, right?
in conclusion: vivid, descriptive, immersive storytelling from an author who understands the intricacies of different narrative elements and leverages them masterfully. can't wait to read the works i haven't, and for everything wolf writes in the future!
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teecupangel · 9 months
So this idea has been bouncing in my head like an excited rabbit on caffeine. (I also don't know if anyone else thought of this but I thought it would be cool) so you remember the reblog chain where the players are all in Desmond head talking like a twitch chat, and the other reblog chain of Desmond's ancestor data gaining sentience because isu bstm, right? Well I had a thought, what if we combined the two, like maybe something like the part of the main group + Desmond are trying to get to the others who are in another part of Abstergo or the assassin's network and Desmond, let's say that while he was split he couldn't hear us until they passed through this really corrupted part of an ocean map (let's say it's in Edward's time) then all of a sudden Desmond hears one of us. (Sorry if this doesn't make sense. I hope you have a heath day/night)
I think this is the AC characters data in Abstergo’s database regaining sentience AU reblog chain with @piratekenway you’re talking about?
The Ratatouille AU where the ancestors can hear Desmond while ‘playing’, its more unhinged cousin, the Ratatouille AU where Desmond can hear us and the outside POV of Al Mualim thinking the Apple broke Altaïr and the sidestory of Altaïr accidentally connecting with Ezio while looking for Desmond (I hope I didn’t forget anything else)
Okay, so the idea is that we’re using the setup for the character data gaining sentience and we’re setting this as sorta like the ‘epilogue’ to the Ratatouille AU.
Instead of letting the world burn (“As a treat!” one of the voices chirped), he sacrifices himself. When he wakes up, he’s in Abstergo’s database, chained as a digital copy of Sample 17.
He can’t hear any voices anymore.
Are they disappointed with him?
Did they think they wasted their time trying to help him?
Did he… make the right choice?
He doesn’t know how much time has passed… when the virus started taking over the database and servers.
In this one, the virus isn’t made by Erudito + Assassins. It’s of ‘unknown origin’.
All they know is the name of the virus is “for desmond!” and it is targeting Desmond. Of course, Sample 17 is in one of the more secured encrypted ‘part’ of the database so it mutated to wake other data up.
Data that has connection with Desmond.
Along the way, the virus inside them starts waking up other data nearby, creating a strange team to rescue Desmond.
We can sorta play with this a bit and make Arno, Evie and Jacob become part of Abstergo’s database because they do have data of Arno’s descendants and it makes sense that the reason why the Templars knew where the Shroud is because they can access the twins’ memories as well and the Assassins just stole their DNA for their own Animus instead.
So they get to Desmond who is staying in the Grand Temple, just sitting there, staring at the devices, doubting and double-doubting himself if he should have activated the device when the people who care for him the most asked him not to.
Of course, Abstergo’s anti-virus and probably the entire security system is chasing after them so they don’t have time to actually talk.
They just run.
Well, they sailed using a fusion of the Jackdaw and Aquila…
… into a corrupted part of the West Indies.
The idea was… the virus didn’t harm them but it definitely fucks with Abstergo’s anti-virus and security system.
At the very least, they were hoping it would slow them down.
What they did not expect was for the entire thing to collapse under them…
And drop their modified ship into a different unfamiliar ocean.
“Holy shit!”
Desmond blinked.
“That scared the crap out of me. Goddamn it, Ubisoft. I know this is still being betatesting but Jesus Christ, loading the entire ship and dropping it from above??? What kind of programming does this game have???”
“Lollol. Dude, chill.”
“Is it an enemy ship? Like… can you shoot it?”
“Should you shoot it? Check its level first.”
They were all familiar voices.
“You don’t want a repeat of-”
“Guys?” Desmond asked, his voice a bit too quiet.
He didn’t dare hope that it was them.
Not all of them.
But some of the ones he was most familiar with.
The ones who stayed with him the most.
“Holy shit.”
“Oh my god, Desmond?!”
“What’s Desmond doing in this game?!”
“Is it our Desmond???”
Desmond’s lips curved into a smile and his voice croaked as he said, “Yeah, I’m your Desmond.”
“Oh my god.”
“Desmond!!! You’re okay!!! We were sooo worried!”
“You think this is [Bored Anonymous]’s work??? Did their plan to use all our computers to try and connect with Desmond’s world and send our gift work?”
“Gift?” Desmond tilted his head.
Did they mean the virus?
He felt someone nudged his arm and he turned to look at Ezio. Everyone else seemed confused but Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton seemed to have an idea on who he was talking to.
They can hear them!
Before Desmond could tell the voices that everyone could hear them now, one of them said hurriedly, “Oh fuck! Someone get [Bored Anonymous] quickly!”
“I only have 1 more hour to play this beta! What happens to Desmond if he stays in this beta server after the time is up?!! We can’t lose him!”
“I’ll alert the discord server!”
“I’ll try to message them in Tumblr! They’re always online there!”
“Pretty sure that’s their queue…”
“We can still try!”
Desmond simply laughed.
Sure, the time limit they’re talking about was worrying but hearing all of them worrying about him…
It felt like he was finally home.
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On this day, 23 May 1908, Annemarie Schwarzenbach, bisexual Swiss German photographer, writer, anti-fascist and androgynous style icon was born. A prominent character in the prewar Bohemian Berlin, with the rise of fascism Annemarie rejected her pro-Nazi family, began financing the anti-fascist literary review Die Sammlung and photographed the rise of fascism in Europe. More information and sources: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9587/annemarie-schwarzenbach-born As yet we have been unable to find the exact address of her birth for our map so if you know the information please email us on [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=631070682399484&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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transthadymacdermot · 10 days
Decided to finally bite the bullet and bravely send you an ask bc we've been following each other and silently interacting for weeks now but I just want to say I am SO curious about and invested in your OCs. Please talk to me about your favourite, I am desperate to know more, they seem so richly fleshed out!!!
Omg I'm so glad you like them! ok so my favourite, to probably no one's surprise, is my babygirl Eoin O'Donnell
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Primarily he's just called by his first name or by his surname depending on who the speaker is but he is sometimes also called "Eoin Dubh" (pronounced roughly "owen doo" or "owen duff" depending on the dialect of Irish; the characters would pronounce it in the former way) which translates to "Black Eoin," black here being more akin to "evil" rather than anything about skin colour (as Irish that meaning is so much more prevalent that the word for Black as in skin colour is "gorm," literally meaning blue, to avoid calling someone evil).
Anyway he's a young (maybe mid 20s but his age is vague) man living in the south of Co. Armagh in what is today Northern Ireland in... a vague time in the late eighteenth to early nineteenth century when there's a war with France and widespread agrarian violence. His location is also vague (are u sensing a theme) but it's very rural, primarily catholic, and here's on the map roughly where it is on a map of Ulster, the northernmost province of Ireland. ignore the other stuff on the map this was the only one on my camera roll lmao
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Eoin is... a deeply troubled young man. His childhood was marked by poverty and a father who he only learned wasn't called "da" when his name was announced at his execution. When he was in his mid teens his mother essentially kicked him out of the house to go earn some money, following which he descended as quickly as any 16 year old boy suddenly independent into crime. This eventually got him arrested and he was given the choice between the noose and the army; after choosing the army he successfully convinced several of his new comrades to desert with him and become highwaymen. When his aunt found out about it she dragged him home and forced him to join the local anti-landlord anti-protestant gang so that he could have a more. um. socially acceptable. outlet for what she saw as a natural inclination towards violence. Nowadays he leads this gang and generally terrorises the countryside with his friends.
Personality wise he's known for being a womaniser and kind of generally not right in the head. This second fact is mostly because he's autistic and therefore has a really really hard time connecting with people or controlling his emotions but has no idea why (and it frustrates him constantly because he knows something's wrong but he can't figure it out and causes him to lash out. horrid). His autism also causes him to throw himself wholesale into people pleasing in the weirdest way possible; essentially much of his whole gangster schtick is about trying to get the other lads to think he's cool and to get his neighbours to either deem him so necessary he can't be excluded or be so scared of him they don't dare piss him off by picking him last during a game of football again or whatever. Likewise, he sleeps around so much because he feels less like someone is trying to kick him out of the club for being strange & off-putting when he's literally on top of them. Also ❗ he has a whole complex surrounding the concept of evil because from day 1 he has been taught by everyone from The Establishment to his own damn aunt and uncle that he's horrible or evil or even actually demonic because he's autistic / he's Irish / he's poor / his dad was an awful person and it has caused him to spitefully throw himself into being the worst person possible and to, to quote my notes, "develop an abrasive personality and a tendency towards extreme violence and kinning the devil."
Some more stuff about him:
His special interest is in what we would probably term the natural sciences today... think Stephen Maturin but with fewer resources. He loves bones and skeletons and reconstructs models of birds using collected bones and wire in his spare time
He's illiterate. He speaks English and Irish fluently and has some Latin but he can't read or write at all, with the exception of being able to kind of scribble his own name
He lives with his girlfriend Aoife, but their relationship kind of sucks in that he mostly just uses her for someone to do his laundry and she primarily likes him because she thinks it's hot when he kills people. Also he's obsessed with his childhood friend Mary, a similarly troubled young woman who does love him back but REFUSES to even date him until he STOPS killing people (since it's dangerous etc). Aoife on the bottom right and Mary on the top left below
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Eoin's best friends are his cousin Donal McCluskey and his friend Dan Maguire. Dan is like his partner in crime and they're close enough that. well. you look at them and think one drunken handjob in 2006 if you know what I mean. and then he kind of uses Donal as an emotional crutch because Donal is also a whole case unto himself and loves to flay himself alive emotionally for other people. Dan on the bottom left and Donal on the top right above
Ummm his other most important relationship is with Kathleen, the daughter of the local pub owner. She's a longtime fwb of his who he has a complex and sometimes extremely toxic relationship with. She helped him fake his own death once, he distracts her father while she smokes behind the pub rather than running the damn shop, etc. They have fun
He was of course raised catholic -- though he doesn't really attend mass as an adult for obvious reasons -- and his confirmation saint is Michael
If u have any more questions PLEASE ask them I could talk about him for 1000000 billion years. or I can answer questions about his friends too. genuinely they're like parasitic organisms in my brain atp
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vickyvicarious · 5 months
I think the fact that both Jonathan and Van Helsing arrive to the castle waking up after nodding off may imply that the path there or the Castle itself puts you into sleep. The Castle is in no maps, so maybe because no one really knows the exact path there.
Yeah, I do love this theory. And it certainly could still match up with Jonathan possibly getting some protection part of the way there (and maybe Van Helsing too, though as far as I recall he wasn't loaded down directly all over his person in the way Jonathan probably was) and thus staying awake longer than he's supposed to. Hence Dracula checking in the next day to make sure he really doesn't remember the way out.
Of course, the drivers bringing Dracula's boxes (and him, inside them) to and fro appear to be exempt from this effect. Also, Wolf Mom manages to travel on foot right up to the door without being slowed down at all. Which is why I think it's still got to be Dracula's magic in some way. Some kind of passive effect that he can suppress for those he chooses (but he didn't choose Wolf Mom, so unless we're just saying she was loaded up on tons of anti-vampire stuff under her clothes/the power of Love and Rage carried her through, we may have an issue with that theory), or maybe something akin to a ward that he has to activate and then can just leave running. If the latter, then maybe he was personally trying to mess with Jonathan, and then sets the castle's auto-hypnosis function up to kick in after he leaves via box express, and then it just keeps running/catches Van Helsing later on. Or hey, a third option: traveling to the castle together with a vampire (or very nearly one, in Mina's case) is what kicks in the confusion/sleepiness. But that seems less practical most of the time, even if it could fit the facts.
I personally like the idea of the castle having soaked up enough evil/magic that it just kind of does this stuff on its own, and it's something Dracula can influence when he chooses. But it can't be just affecting everyone unless enough exposure negates the effect, because in canon it really only happens to the foreign characters.
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daydream-the-demon · 6 months
<|°_°|> ~ Introduction Post ~ <|°_°|>
Love is dead and so are you...
Name: Alexander Cifra Hyde (Alex)
Nickname: Daydream (Day)
Pronouns: He/Him They/Them (More info)
Genders: Transmasc, Xenogender, Daydreamgender, Surrealgender, Musicflux, Foggymasc (More info)
Sexualities: Aromantic Asexual (AroAce), Aegofictoromantic Aegofictosexual (Aegoficto), Apothiromantic Apothisexual (Apothi) (More info)
Partner in Crime (No further clarification): @its-dread-dont-mind-me
Otherkin: Demonkin
Therian: Cecropia Moth
Otherheart: Boelen's Python (Snakes in general)
Mental: Autism, Maladaptive Daydreaming, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (All Self-Diagnosed)
Languages: English (Primary), Russian (Rarely), Italian (I don't post with it)
Daydream (Main) - I'm the host. I usually speak most of the time! I love the 1920s and most of the things mentioned in this introduction post as my interests! Transmasc Xenogender Aegoficto AroAce (He/They)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) - I'm usually is mixed up with the host a lot of the times! I talk about murder and cannibalism a lot! HA-HA! Male Apothi AroAce (He/Him)
Valentino (Hazbin Hotel) - I'm not abusive~ Maybe a little rude and needy but I'm the zesty one. 💋💋💋 Male Genderfluid Gay (He/They) I have my own account, @evil-is-upon-us!
Tempest (Little) - i'm a younger version of my host. i have trouble speaking and typeing so be nice to me. i like nature and stuff like that! i am like 6 or 9 years old some times so yeah! it depends on how age regressed i am. Female AroAce (She/Her)
Airy (Hfjone) - I don't really care about anything. I like doing menial tasks. I usually speak in simple sentences... Yeah... Masc Agender AroAce (He/They/It)
Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls) - A caretaker of the system. I am rational, logical, and a loving father figure for the host. Male Sapioromantic Asexual (He/Him)
Dialogue (Original Character) - "The man betwixt headspaceth." Enby Biromantic Bisexual (They/Them)
Main Fandoms:
Gravity Falls (Current)
Good Omens
That's Not My Neighbor
Hazbin Hotel
Other Hyperfixations:
Characters (Current: Bill Cipher x Stanford Pines)
1920s (Fashion, music, technology, etc.)
Creativity (Art, animation, writing, music, etc.)
⚠️ BillFord Shipper ✋🏻
My side blogs:
@daydream-the-demon (Main)
@daydream-main (Other Main)
@evil-is-upon-us (Valentino)
@daydream-it-up (Animation)
@daydream-aroace (AroAce)
@daydream-reblog (Reblogs)
@aspec-mafia-official (Aspec Community)
AI "art/writers" supporters (SUPPORT REAL ARTISTS/WRITERS!)
"DNI minors" (I am a minor)
Anti-LGBTQIA+ (Homophobes, transphobes, aphobes, etc.)
P3d0s, Predators, "MAP," etc.
Exclusively NSFW accounts
Anti Endogenic Systems
Pro Anti Endogenic Systems
ASD people, welcome! (I have many friends who are on the spectrum!)
Mental issues people, welcome! (We're all in Hell!)
General weirdos, welcome! (For folks who just don't quite fit in!)
Queer people, welcome! (Discrimination? Never heard of her.)
Minors, welcome! (I am one myself, relax!)
Endogenic systems, welcome! (We're here to have fun and be inclusive!)
My friends:
@iamunabletothinkofablogname @unablethethird
@dread-is-decaying @its-dread-dont-mind-me
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C1 = 1st Degree Cannibalism
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pixieperson19 · 3 months
blog masterpost!
(bc I repost a lot of stuff)
my name is Pixie (they/them), I post artwork/comics/silly posts/tutorials
I post about tmnt, rottmnt, Sonic, and other cartoons!
my asks are open! pls use them if you’d like, and you can always recommend drawing prompts, in fact- I encourage droppin drawing prompts for me :DDD
things I do not support (DNI)
-racism/sexism/anti-semitism (discrimination or hate of any kind)
-anyone who is anti anything that/whom this is a safe space for
this is a safe place for:
-age/pet regressors! (Im an age-regressor myself actually!)
-people with disabilities (physical or mental or both! no hate here!)
-mental health (this is a safe space for anyone struggling with mental health, I support you!)
-systems (I do my best to understand and learn about DID/OSDD, but I'm not perfect!)
-LGBTQ+ (I'm here and I'm queer!)
-POC (I'm white and unfortunately have some ingrained stereotypes in me that I'm trying my hardest to get rid of, I'm sorry in advance, however this blog will always be a safe space for anyone regardless of race, I judge by personality and values, not appearance and identity.)
-beginners! beginners of any kind (such as new artists, musicians, creators, etc!) are always welcome and supported here!
-religion (as long as you're not hateful and aren't pushing your beliefs on anyone, any and all religions are welcome here!)
-furries! (I, myself, have a fursona)
-therians/alterhumans (similar to my knowledge with systems, I do my best to learn, but I'm not an expert)
-"cringe" people (I support anyone and everyone (who isn't on my DNI list), whether you make kandi, cosplay, are a gacha kid, or are/participate in other stereotypical "cringe" things, you're always welcome here!)
-alternative views/tastes/style (goths, emos, scene people and all the above welcome!)
links to my posts below ⬇️
Mabel doodle to get out of art block😣
Dipper w allergies doodle
ask to irestuff (yall should support their shop and art its super cool!)
daily clicks reminder & link!
TMNTember Day 3
TMNTember Day 2
TMNTember Day 1
silly ask to claws and paws
discord server promo!
rottmnt au storyboard
breakfast text post
Lunar’s agere ally button (not made by me, but important to my blog)
fanart of hatekawa’s 3 months AU
Allergy Text Post
Yaelokre fanart
TMNT 40th Anniversary comic
2012 tmnt fanfic fanart
Sonic fanfic fanart
25 reblogs!
au rottmnt comic
au sort of vid rottmnt movie
womp womp
Limited Space rottmnt au
Sonic and Tails
Lunar’s DTYIS
Hey Sunshine text post
Mystic Mikey
tmnt comic
rottmnt new years
original character
arcane text post
shooketh text post
mm Leo and Amphibia Anne text add-on post
how to add images into ao3 tut
rottmnt Mikey ballet
Amphibia artdump
The Owl House artdump
Kraang Prime drawing
TOH Flapjack tattoo post
TOH skill issue
ROTTMNT turtles
Marcy Wu - Amphibia
18 notes · View notes
https--cosmic-moving · 7 months
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# Shadow Milk Cookie Moodboard !
  - Jester + Love letter themes
  Day o2: “ A character/theme which reminds you of your beloved ;♡; or A character/theme which is in love ”
 - For @vamplita's event
 - Reblog + Credit if using
 - Do not tag as F/O
DNI if:
Anti-Anti, Racist/White Supremacist, Homophobe, Transphobe, Acephobe, Arophobe, Biphobe, Panphobe, Ableist, Pro-Autism Speaks, Radfems/TERFs, Incestuous (including pseudo-incest), Zoo, Necro, MAP, 18+ Blog/Mostly NSFW Blog.
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syunkiss · 1 year
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Hi, we are the TWU sys! TWU stands for "The Wine Uncles."
We stand with Palestine! Palestine WILL be free! 🇵🇸
last update: 05.08.2024 (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
Please read the informations below before proceeding to scroll :)
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"Making such a mess, It's getting permanently painted in my head, and there's no going back. So love me like I'm dead until there's nothing left and watch me decompose, till I'm skin and bones, vulnerable ..." /lyr
system moodboards: #system moodboard
host rentry ::: click here
strawpage ::: click here ( strawpage shit 1 )
ship blocklist ::: click here
hello! we are your favorite weird tbmc osdd-1b system
anons are turned off for our own comfort
neurodivergent • heavy fictive !!
> frequent fronters are Chuuya {🍷} , Charlie {🐧} and Rimbaud {☁️} <
☆ lgbtqia+ . . agere caregiver n little . petre pet and caretaker . ☆
we love drawing, writing stories/AUs and our major hyperfocus is bungo stray dogs and malice mizer !!
chuu's babbles are usually under the tag #🍷.txt
"Mama, there's a war outside, can I go play with it?" /lyr
IMPORTANT 🌡but if you prefer something more simplified, click here :3
dni: well, follow the basic dni criteria. proshippers >>i dont care if its fictional characters . i dislike incest and pedophilia and whatever like a normal person and idc if theyre fictional or if theyre real .<< (principally odazai or morizai shippers get the fuck out of here.), radqueers/transmed, MAPs, NOMAPS (basically pedos who dont want to touch childs), anti-antis, "transDID/transOSDD" whatever, pro-ana/pro-sh, lolish0/sh0tacon, xenosatanists and all those shit.
also dni if you follow/support angie (softdrinksalesman on yt) or support/defend ezra (odballs creator, pedo + zoo and more)
yes I am an anti but i am not harassing anyone . im just blocking yall . im not directly harassing anyone and if i ever did it just tell me ! im not wasting my time and going to yalls askbox just to send things i am just blocking and moving on.
we support pro-recovery and anti-contact paraphiles!
Its ok but meh: gore/nsfw accs
We are mogai and antishipper (as said before, anti-harassment. just block and move on.), multishipper and rareshipper. selfshippers are also very welcome here :) (proship/comship/darkship block us and go away)
(Also, we don't mind sh/ed vent blogs interacting. Unless you're pro-ed or anti-recovery or those things.)
we will post about cultural topics sometimes too.
We don't mind jokes or lines with sexual connotations but please don't overdo it. || we have littles in our system so please be respectful towards them if they post something (it'll be tagged)
i am also very anxious and easily triggered by specific things so dont mind if I post vents here sometimes. its our safe space. however block the tag "vent" if youre uncomfortable w it. -Chuuya
• be careful ahead: monsters awaits /silly
- your local host is Chuuya! ☆
chuu's sfw blog (inactive) : @vampoth-baby
arts blog: @slugidiot
blogs of some of the other members of our system: @cnidaerio @odasd @rimbadance @ttsukipii
Rp blogs : @lippythepup (inactive) @corpse-to-ability @cafe-uzumaki @stoicsleuth @sora-s-conscious @wimpiest-in-the-east @aka-s-sheep @violence-services @pawn-of-cash @breathless-bomb @my-wishful-purpose
we also run @bungo-agere-dogs and @your-fav-loves-selfship :)
Blinkies and images !!!
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fav posts ever :: X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , ○ , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X , X
the ones with "○" may be triggering
old usernames: @ hartedfearsys
tags to block : # vent # tw # angry rant
95 notes · View notes
lilisouless · 6 months
I try to respect people that don’t like the ending of ruin and rising, but it’s hard cause most of them tend to ignore factual things and fill in the information with their bias.
Cause other than Alina losing and missing her powers, also I don’t really like Leigh’s reasoning for it, but people say that it undoes her character development and, first: powers are a physical thing , they are not related to character.
The the other is “she is sick and lonely just like she was at the start of the book” at the start of the book she was not respected nor believed she was worthy of that, at the end she is loved by the people that know she is alive and respected by everyone else (the ones not on the anti grisha crowd). Also she felt unloved by people that weren’t Mal, at the end of the book the fact that the grisha still wanted her around after losing her powers pretty much made her realize she was loved for herself, not just as a weapon or a symbol.
I’ll let aside the sick part because i don’t recall her being told to be sickly, i assumed she was healthy since the reason of her being sickly not using her powers and she was told to work plenty.
The lonely makes me laugh because, first: in real life actually that’s pretty much how it works after you get married l you get your own place where most of the time you are around only with your partner, kids if you have, and coworkers, while your friends you see them not daily on a non regular schedule unless you live near them. Like, most people live with their partner, not their friends, that’s how marriage works.
But even then, she is far from lonely, not only Mal is there , Misha is too young to be leaving soon, she also spends time with the kids , in RoW they are not around because she didn’t want to endanger them. Also it is told that Nikolai and the grisha actually do visit her often and writes to Genya on a regular basis. She is hardly lonely.
Also people say the lonely argument on the same breath they complain about Mal being revived, when we’ll, he was revived so she wouldn’t end up lonely cause,unless Leigh says otherwise one day, i think she’d go back to fix the orphanage, regardless if Mal was brought back or not. Let me tell you that other author would have just killed Alina off, here she was given a chance to keep living away from the pain of the war. Cause the theme was never “powes rule!” it was how war destroys people, to the point even the people that scape it, like Alina and Mal, don’t get out unharmed, they lost something very dear to them and do their best to live with the aftermath. Also, by this point the darkling has been revived three freaking years after his killing on a ritual i still don’t understand, so you will have to get over Mal being revived by now.
Also, she doesn’t spend all her alone time being nostalgic about her powers, other than working she finds joy in painting. People only focus on the ending about Alina’s powers but not that she started doing maps for the army and ended up doing paintings for herself and the kids that once were like her.
Like, you can dislike it, but i haven’t seen arguments against it that don’t contradict the canon , if get if you don’t like it you won’t read it often or try to remember it. But you can double check if you are going to say why it’s a bad ending and then give reasons that contradict what’s actually told.
I have said many times that i wished she kept her powers, my problems with that are Leigh’s external reasoning (which I am very skeptical on ) but it’s far from bad writing or undoing her whole journey: she is one of the few characters allowed to somehow have the chance of getting back the childhood she lost (compared to Genya,Inej or Kaz). The good things she did are still there, the things she learned are still there, going back to where she started would be her on a place she holds no power and feels marginalized, where she ended up on a place she is in charge and loved.
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askfrancie · 6 months
๑ About!! (Last updated: August 16th, 7:48PM, central time)
☆→ This is an ask blog for the character Francis Mosses from the video game That’s Not My Neighbor.
☆→ There is no planned plot or story for this, I’m just doing this for fun and as a warm up.
☆→ This is an art ask blog. All art is mine unless it’s stated otherwise. Effort put into each piece may fluctuate violently. The amount of effort put into answering an ask is not an indicator for how thankful I am for you sending in asks. Every ask is very much appreciated no matter how much the effort put into the art in the answers fluctuates.
☆→ Francie uses he/him. You can call him Francis, but I just prefer calling him Francie
☆→ Mod Moss uses any pronouns and does not use labels.
☆→ This blog will answer 5 asks a day at minimum. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t send in asks, just please be patient. (Note: Out Of Character answers aren’t counted towards this)
☆→ Asks are not answered chronologically.
๑ Available for Asks!!
☆→ As of right now Hoon, Scarlet, Moss, The Narrator, and Francine are available for asks.
๑ Rules!!
(nsfw posts will be tagged as #☆→ NSFW. Suggestive posts will be tagged as #☆→ Suggestive.)
☆→ 2. If you send asks pertaining to certain kinks or fetishes they will not be answered (I.E. anything to do with bodily wastes that arent sweat, feet, feeding, belly, inflation, incest, or including anything to do with children in any capacity.) (selfcest is fine, along with cannibalism, pet play, hypnotism, bondage.)
(Though I will say I don’t plan on this being exclusively nsfw.)
☆→ 3. No bigotry whatsoever I literally don’t care keep that shit away from me. I’m usually okay with some slurs but not for this ask blog.
☆→ 4. Be. Nice. Remember there is a real living breathing person behind this account. You can be mean to Francie that’s fine but not to Mod Moss. If you aren’t happy with a response you get it’s not my fault. ☆→ 5. No asks about politics. The owner of this account is very much radical left if that’s what you call it if you’re curious.
☆→ 6. If you want something tagged then ask.
☆→ 7. Magic anons are a-okay! Though we might be a bit picky.
☆→ 8. If there’s an outfit you’d like to see Francis in, I will gladly accept those requests, just remember, keep it tasteful and make sure it follows all of the other rules.
☆→ 9. Ship asks are okay as long as you’re not getting upset over Francie being shipped with a different character than you want him to be shipped with in a post.
☆→ 10. Gore is ALSO okay, but as long as it doesn’t carry into other peoples asks who want nothing to do with that.
☆→ 11. PLEASE SPECIFY WHO YOURE SENDING THE ASK TO if it is not already extremely obvious who it is going to.
(Including eye gore.) (gore will be tagged with “☆→ Gore” and censored with post cuts)
๑ DNI!
☆→ Pro isreal, antisemites, neo nazis, transphobes, transmeds, truscum, anti-mogai, terfs/swerfs, anti-endogenics, sysmeds, MAPS, homophobes, aphobes, anti contradicting labels. Anti-kink, purists.
And please consider supporting me on ko-fi! Anything means the world to me <:)
I think that’s it LMAOAOAOAO
○・,~٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ ooooooooo sparkles.
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