#it sounded like it would fit XD
teecupangel · 5 months
So this idea has been bouncing in my head like an excited rabbit on caffeine. (I also don't know if anyone else thought of this but I thought it would be cool) so you remember the reblog chain where the players are all in Desmond head talking like a twitch chat, and the other reblog chain of Desmond's ancestor data gaining sentience because isu bstm, right? Well I had a thought, what if we combined the two, like maybe something like the part of the main group + Desmond are trying to get to the others who are in another part of Abstergo or the assassin's network and Desmond, let's say that while he was split he couldn't hear us until they passed through this really corrupted part of an ocean map (let's say it's in Edward's time) then all of a sudden Desmond hears one of us. (Sorry if this doesn't make sense. I hope you have a heath day/night)
I think this is the AC characters data in Abstergo’s database regaining sentience AU reblog chain with @piratekenway you’re talking about?
The Ratatouille AU where the ancestors can hear Desmond while ‘playing’, its more unhinged cousin, the Ratatouille AU where Desmond can hear us and the outside POV of Al Mualim thinking the Apple broke Altaïr and the sidestory of Altaïr accidentally connecting with Ezio while looking for Desmond (I hope I didn’t forget anything else)
Okay, so the idea is that we’re using the setup for the character data gaining sentience and we’re setting this as sorta like the ‘epilogue’ to the Ratatouille AU.
Instead of letting the world burn (“As a treat!” one of the voices chirped), he sacrifices himself. When he wakes up, he’s in Abstergo’s database, chained as a digital copy of Sample 17.
He can’t hear any voices anymore.
Are they disappointed with him?
Did they think they wasted their time trying to help him?
Did he… make the right choice?
He doesn’t know how much time has passed… when the virus started taking over the database and servers.
In this one, the virus isn’t made by Erudito + Assassins. It’s of ‘unknown origin’.
All they know is the name of the virus is “for desmond!” and it is targeting Desmond. Of course, Sample 17 is in one of the more secured encrypted ‘part’ of the database so it mutated to wake other data up.
Data that has connection with Desmond.
Along the way, the virus inside them starts waking up other data nearby, creating a strange team to rescue Desmond.
We can sorta play with this a bit and make Arno, Evie and Jacob become part of Abstergo’s database because they do have data of Arno’s descendants and it makes sense that the reason why the Templars knew where the Shroud is because they can access the twins’ memories as well and the Assassins just stole their DNA for their own Animus instead.
So they get to Desmond who is staying in the Grand Temple, just sitting there, staring at the devices, doubting and double-doubting himself if he should have activated the device when the people who care for him the most asked him not to.
Of course, Abstergo’s anti-virus and probably the entire security system is chasing after them so they don’t have time to actually talk.
They just run.
Well, they sailed using a fusion of the Jackdaw and Aquila…
… into a corrupted part of the West Indies.
The idea was… the virus didn’t harm them but it definitely fucks with Abstergo’s anti-virus and security system.
At the very least, they were hoping it would slow them down.
What they did not expect was for the entire thing to collapse under them…
And drop their modified ship into a different unfamiliar ocean.
“Holy shit!”
Desmond blinked.
“That scared the crap out of me. Goddamn it, Ubisoft. I know this is still being betatesting but Jesus Christ, loading the entire ship and dropping it from above??? What kind of programming does this game have???”
“Lollol. Dude, chill.”
“Is it an enemy ship? Like… can you shoot it?”
“Should you shoot it? Check its level first.”
They were all familiar voices.
“You don’t want a repeat of-”
“Guys?” Desmond asked, his voice a bit too quiet.
He didn’t dare hope that it was them.
Not all of them.
But some of the ones he was most familiar with.
The ones who stayed with him the most.
“Holy shit.”
“Oh my god, Desmond?!”
“What’s Desmond doing in this game?!”
“Is it our Desmond???”
Desmond’s lips curved into a smile and his voice croaked as he said, “Yeah, I’m your Desmond.”
“Oh my god.”
“Desmond!!! You’re okay!!! We were sooo worried!”
“You think this is [Bored Anonymous]’s work??? Did their plan to use all our computers to try and connect with Desmond’s world and send our gift work?”
“Gift?” Desmond tilted his head.
Did they mean the virus?
He felt someone nudged his arm and he turned to look at Ezio. Everyone else seemed confused but Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton seemed to have an idea on who he was talking to.
They can hear them!
Before Desmond could tell the voices that everyone could hear them now, one of them said hurriedly, “Oh fuck! Someone get [Bored Anonymous] quickly!”
“I only have 1 more hour to play this beta! What happens to Desmond if he stays in this beta server after the time is up?!! We can’t lose him!”
“I’ll alert the discord server!”
“I’ll try to message them in Tumblr! They’re always online there!”
“Pretty sure that’s their queue…”
“We can still try!”
Desmond simply laughed.
Sure, the time limit they’re talking about was worrying but hearing all of them worrying about him…
It felt like he was finally home.
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skyward-floored · 2 months
🐝 as beautiful as a painting
The bracelet that never leaves Legend’s arm seems dull compared to most of his other items, but when he takes a hit in battle and it gets ripped from his arm, Warriors doesn’t know why Legend is yelling for them all to stay away from the monster that picks it up.
Until the monster throws it at him, and Warriors is reminded rather suddenly of a different enemy that appeared during the war.
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cosmiccanidae · 1 year
@badmusejail continued from here
"Smart man," he said with a grin.
Raisu certainly knew better than to underestimate people based on appearance either. He'd seen it happen enough times. Easy for a more hot-headed person to not think much of the older man leaning on a cane.
This guy seemed interesting though. There was something in the way he was easily twirling that wrench without fumbling it betrayed practiced skill and developed coordination. There was also something familiar about him.
The canid snickered at that comment. "Only sometimes, eh? Lucky for me. I must say though, is my memory playing tricks, or have I seen your face somewhere before?"
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raksh-writes · 2 months
Me, playing Baldur's Gate 3: I need to finish my current playthrough. I only have a few missions left to do. It's gonna be, like, 50h tops. We have holiday coming up, I can do it and then focus on writing my thesis.
Also me: *already planning my second run, breaking my brain over how Im gonna make one of my fave characters in game, and what class or mutliclass to make him, trying to convince myself I Will roleplay so I make at least Some different choices* anyway, When can I start?
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factual-fantasy · 26 days
Hey sorry to bother you, but i feel like that one meme that goes: GET YO DOG! It dont bite. YES IT DO-!!! Would be perfect for metagross gengar and sylveon (forgot their f--king names again) it just sounds lovely lolz (no pressure and no rush) also i love your artstyle!!
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Thank you! And that vine fits them perfectly! Thanks for the idea!! XDDD
Also who are Patty and Baragara? Patty was a Hoppip that I caught early on in my pokemon Violet journey. I had intended to keep her.. but then I found Anastasia, my shiny Kricketot. Soo she was replaced. :(( I felt bad for doing that though so I brought her back as a side character in these pokemon comics I've been making XD
Now Baragara is the Metagross. I don't actually have one in my Violet game or anything.. I just really like Metagross <XD so I thought hey! Why not add him as a side character too? :}
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twisted-king · 21 days
Hello! Since you also write genshin, I've thought about reader or F!S/O being from Teyvat. But that isnt really the main point. How 'bout their F!S/O is from Sumeru and is strictly bestfriends with Cyno and Alhaitham. How would Trey, Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Jamil feel about their F!S/O having boy bestfriends back at her world? Maybe if they're jealous, reader tries to comfort them by saying that Alhaitham is engaged(to Kaveh)XD Lol
You dont have to do this if its to much♡
Oddly specific but I like the cut of your jib!
Also can be read as genter neutral, I don't reall mention gender on this one?
Trey, Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Jamil X F!SO from Teyvat
who is also besties with Cyno and Alhaitham
Trey Clover
Well youre from a whole different world! Magic seems to exist in some capacity at least.
He doesn't know what a Zatyun peach or a Sunsettia is.
But he tries v hard to make you things that remind you of home sometimes!
He actually does a pretty good job at it too!
And thats where the issue arives.
Whenever he asks about your homeland he knows he is going to hear about your best friends
He's trying SO hard to be normal about this
Trey loves you so much but, he gets a little jealous!
You've done so much with these two!!!
"And Cyno's jokes are the absolute WORST! I swear some of the things he says are worse than Ace's!" "Oh that's... nice!"
but they're your best friends! He really shouldn't be jealous.
"I still don't understand why Alhaitham is so jacked, like all he does is read books all day!"
He really shouldn't be jealous
"And I'm kind of glad its never too hot around here! Like I know he works primarily in the desert but like put a shirt on sometimes! You know?"
But damm its hard.
He tries to be subtle (not really)
"So have you ever like... done anything with one of these guys?" "What do you mean?" "Like have you dated one of them..?"
oh.... OH!
You laugh at that, he's embrassed "Oh gosh NEVER! They both have boyfriends anyhow! Alhaitham is engaged!" "Oh."
You nod and give him a little kith
Wow he's relieved!
Azul Ashengrotto
He loves learning about you and your home world! Truly!!!
Azul thinks your mind is briliant, you're so smart and quick on your feet due to years of travel!
With travel comes a lot of experiences
a lot.
without him.
He's playing it cool though! suuuper cool
"Oh I remember Alhaitham would never answer anything that wasnt formatted or completed properly! maybe you could do the same? it would certainly free up some time, no?" "Of course it woudl free up some time, dear... But" "buut?" "Well it wouldn't be fitting of my benevolent nature now would it, my love?"
Azul keeps trying to prove he's a better boyfriend than your old friends
He needs you to know he's the best option for you <3
"And could this 'Cyno' make you a delightful seafood pasta like this?" "No, not really, he was more into rice." "I see..."
Oh hey he made you curry and rice
You know, by the way. He is NOT sneaky
After another bout of showing off, you finally say something.
"They have boyfriends, you know?" "huh?" "Cyno and Alhaitham? they have partners. You don't have to be jealous." "Why would I be jealous, dearest?"
Denies his jealous to this day but he gets happier after you reassure him.
Jade Leech
Yeah he's super cool about this!
for the most part...
He's extremely interested in learning about the flora in your world!
and he thinks those vishap creatures you compare him to sound rather interesting.
Jade being rather curious in nature comes in handy! since he doesnt seem to get jealous.
His questions are... odd, though. they kind of make sense?
"Cyno once took out like-- 10 guys in like a MINUTE! it was so cool! "Is he that fast in the depths of the sea?" "No-" "I see..."
Sometimes he's a little less slick though
"OH my gosh Alhaitham is so weird about soup! He hates the stuff because it could get on his books of all things!" "Does he consume beverages as he reads? tea perhaps?" "Yeah, sometimes." *Pleased eel noises*
He's just being careful :)
Jade often prefers to dicuss your best friends while in the kitchen. he likes spending this time with you!
And he has his knives and mushrooms at his disposal.
*chop chop chop* "And so Haitham and I used to skip out on akademiya meetings together-" *chopchopchop-* "But Cyno would ALWAYS 'catch' us just before the meeting would actually ends-" *ChopChopChopChop-* "So then he'd bring us to Kaveh, Alhaitham's fiance to-" "He has a fiance?" "yeah,why?" "no reason." *chop~ chop~ chop~*
He's still keeping the information from his... questioning in mind.
Can't be too careful, after all.
Floyd Leech
He loves his shrimpy's stories!!!
He hates his shrimpy's stories :((
Floyd is reaaal conflicted. He thinks you're so interesting! your world seems like fun!! he wants to go there with you.
But not with those men you keep talking about
"So sometimes there are these HUGE mushrooms that kind of act like a launchpad! they're super springy." "Eh? Jade might like soemthing like that... OOOH! do ya think if I throw someone (Ace) on one of those they'd still bounce?" "Yeah they would! one time while going after a criminal, Cyno had to-" "Eeeeh I'm bored. You coming to my next game?"
Subtlety? not THIS eel
He audibly groans when you bring them up sometimes.
But he still loves hearing you talk! so it really confusing sometimesz
"So genius invocation uses 8 elements, 7 from the nations, one is omni. Usually the cards are based off of vision users like Diluc of mondstadt, Arataki Itto, from Inazuma... OH! there is one of my best friend, Alhaitham, he's dendro and Cyno's is electro, its actually" Oh he's no longer looking at you.
You get an idea... "There is one of Haitham's fiance, Kaveh" "Oh really?"
You're his girlfriend, you know him best.
He's a little less weird about listening to your stories now, he's way more enaged.
He still tugs you closer to him when you mention other men, but thats kind of normal for him now.
Jamil Viper
A confident king? He's not really jealous. He knows he can be better than them.
Plus they're just friends to you.
But in all honestly he like... doesn't care too much about Teyvat.
You're here now, with him. not them.
Don't get him wrong, Jamil likes hearing about what your world!
There's only oneee little thing he doesnt love hearing.
"Sometimes I miss the food from Teyvat... Cyno always made the best Tahchin." "The best you say?" "Yeah! he shaped it like a pyramid every time he made it!" "Have you ever tried mine?" "You make tahchin!?"
He's smug, you'll love his cooking more than that Cyno's.
He serves you a plate of tahchin, golden brown, perfectly seasoned, barberries topping the rounded rice dish "So, what do you think?" "This is so good! I kind of miss the padisarah petals though.."
The hell is THAT?
"Is it... not up to your expectations, my flower?" "No its delicious! I think I just miss the way my friend would make it.."
He's a little grumpy about it!!
Jamil gets kind of huffy with you next time you're together.
He's not ignoring you but just don't bring up food for a while.
Snake man will just respond with "Why don't you ask Cyno." when it comes to cooking for the next day or two...
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raygirlramblings · 9 months
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It’s Sept 1st so you know what that means. Time to celebrate a very special bean :)
The last few months have been pretty jam packed for Rayman fans considering the endless deserts we’ve had before. Youtooz, Captain Laserhawk, and of course the long awaited DLC for Mario And Rabbids: Sparks of Hope. Finally our favourite boy is back in 3D and he LOOKS SO GOOD 💖. I’m still working my way through the DLC savouring all the Raymany goodness for as long as I can, and it just feels so good to be able to play as the Limbless Hero again. It’s weirdly emotional, not gonna lie.
I felt that considering the release it would be important to recognise the input of the Mario games for getting Rayman back into the spotlight. The Sparks of Hope team have been fighting tooth and nail to not only get Rayman back out there but have him looking, sounding and performing like a champ. And it would never have happened without this collaboration between the Rabbids and Mario teams 💖. I hope that this will be the break Rayman needs to prove his chops as a gaming icon. And maybe, just maybe, get his own game in full 3D once again XD. Wouldn’t that be wonderful.
So like any good party in the Mushroom Kingdom, Princess Peach made a cake for the birthday bean ^_^ It seems only fitting she and the Mario Bros would welcome Rayman with open arms the way they welcomed the Rabbids. Shout out to the Mario fans and the Rabbid fans who have also maintained hype for this DLC. You folk are delights.
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gomzwrites · 11 months
Its 7am atm but my brain won’t shut up about this idea I have
Just thinking about their reactions to reader struggling with clothes - too tight or too loose
Not proofread, apologies for the errors
Tags: xgn!reader, suggestive tones(18+ mdni), I suppose this is also like pervy!cod members in some sense xD, mentioned of injury, possessive, musk kink(?), markings, tattoo
John Price
Everyone was given a new pair of military gears and outfits today, you had placed and wrote down the size you wanted previously
And yet still somehow they messed it up and your pants came in smaller than your regular size
You decided to try it on anyways because you can’t do much
That was a mistake
You pulled the pants, trying and skipping around as it gets caught around your ass, you gave another few more try before ultimately giving up, realizing that you might tore the fabric in the process
And so you push it back down, only to realize it wont budge
You lay down on the floor, hands splayed on the floor as you let out a loud defeated sigh
“You alright there?” Price came by as he heard your voice, halting as he sees you on the floor
“I give up” you say as you craned your neck to look at him and pointed your pants
“Cant fit and cant remove it” you said before frowning and gestured your pants
He laughs slightly before kneeling before you
“Let me help”
He said as he gives those pants a tug, and it doesnt budge
He grumbles slightly as he lower down the zipper slightly, thank god you had a black tight pants on(like those swimmer type idk the type wheeze but just know you’re not in undies)
He tries again but it didnt move, so he held your knees up slightly, “close your legs” he said before shifting slightly
With a harder grip, he yanks the pants and this time it finally moved, but you also moved along side with it due to his strength, slapping his knee-thigh area with your ass
You blush slightly as you propped yourself up with your elbow, but Price didn’t say anything as he gives another tug
He continues doing that and each time your skin would come in contact with him, making a small slap sound every time, you can’t help but felt like you’re in quite a suggestive situation, and the grunts and curses he lets out only made things worse
Bit by bit he managed to pull it out until your knees, where you wiggle the rest of it out without much struggle
There were a few red marks on your thighs by the time the pants was removed, he traced one of it with his thumb and whispered
“Does it hurt?”
It took you a second to register his question before you shake your head, he gives a nod as his fingers lingered for awhile, before clearing his throat as he leaves, you missed the warmth of his fingers
“I’ll get you a new pair” “okay”
You slapped your cheeks after he left to hopefully set your mind straight, get a grip, he’s your captain ffs! you thought to yourself
Little did you know, Price was fighting his own struggles as he watch your thighs jiggle with every tug, and your skin was so soft and the way you stared up at him with those eyes of yours made him go crazy inside
He knows he shouldn’t be having these thoughts, but man oh man
How would it feel like having them littered with bite marks and hickies? How would it feel like if he were to use those squishy thigh to slide his hard-
He prayed you didn’t catch on his thoughts when he stood up, an bulge forming in his pants
Kyle Gaz Garrick
You queued up at a clothing shop, excited to try on one of those compression shirt that you’ve been wanting to get since you seen them online, and it just so happened that this specific black one is on sale
But you know how it is with items that are on sale, they often come in sizes that are either too big or too small
In your case, too small
You tried it on regardless, wedging it through your head with a few grunts
Eventually you got it on, and you looked good, the shirt clearly hugging onto your figure and showing off your features
But you can barely breathe
“Sweetheart ye done?” Your boyfriend Kyle asked as he knocks your door gently
You adjusted yourself better and held your breath as you open the door and grin
His eyes widen as he takes in your form, hands already on you as he praises and smirk back at you
“Holy damn- look at you, my sexy thing~”
He gave you a lil turn until he realized your breath were strained, and you were using your neck muscles more, not to mention each breath you took was shorter and more frequent
He instantly pulled the shirt around your chest a little, then frowning as he stared back at you with nothing but concerns in his eyes
“Hey its too tight isnt it?” He whispered softly as he rest his warm hands on your waist
“Yeah but, I look good though”
“Nuh uh, that doesn’t matter if you can’t breathe baby”
“But its on sale!”
“We can go other outlet to check it”
“Thats so much trouble though”
“Its not I promise, lets get these out okay?”
He gave a kiss on your head as he slowly raised em up, until it was around your chest
“Jesus…” he mutters in a whisper as he takes a look at you through the mirror, the shirt did looked hella good on you, but seeing your skin exposed like this? Mmm that’s a better view
You watched as he slowly kneel down and trace his lips around your hips, you squirmed slightly as you nudge his head
“K-kyle, we cant-“
He shushed before kissing on your skin, nibbling it as he left them everywhere, then giving a hard suck just above your V line all of the sudden as you let out a choked sob
He lets go and lick his lips as he looks up at you with a devilish grin
“I’ll wait outside, yeah?”
He whispered when he stood up and left the changing room, you contemplated if you seriously needed that compression shirt as you look at the mark he left you, god does he knows just how to rile you up
Simon Ghost Riley
You hissed out with a suppressed groan as you lay against the couch with a bandage over your abdomen, without painkillers the dull aching pain was getting to you
You had a stab wound at the very last moment during the mission and Ghost had to settled it hastily with the med kit, bringing you to a safe house nearby
You didnt even realize you had goosebumps all over your arm as you shiver slightly, your shirt was torn in the process and some of it were used as a makeshift tourniquet to cut off the blood supply, now only having a pillow covering your chest
You heard a gruff voice behind you as something was tossed over your head, you quickly picked it up and realize it was one of his spare t shirt
You complied and wore it, realizing it was HUGE, the hem of the shirt extended until your thighs and the sleeves were covering until your forearm
You let out a hum of amusement as you whispered back a small “thanks” as you slide back to the couch
It smelled like him, and its warm and rather cozy, and that gave you a some comfort
You closed your eyes as you pulled up the shirt slightly so that the neckline was covering your nose, inhaling it and breathing slowly until eventually you dozed off
It will take a few hours before help can arrive anyways
Ghost had been watching from the side, and seeing how his clothe draped over your form has definitely awaken something in him
He slowly, and quietly kneel down beside you, careful not to stir you awake as he observes and look at you closely
God, he’d never realize how good you looked in something that was his
He wonders how you would look like with nothing but his big t shirt
It felt like he was marking you in some ways, showing off(albeit theres no one else) to everyone that you’re his(even though you’re not……yet)
What really made him clenched his jaw was how you were inhaling his smell, did you liked his scent that much? Mmm if only…
If only he could take you and cover you in his musk, rubbing it off on yours, letting everyone knows just who claimed you
John Soap MacTavish
You were training with him today to improve your hand-to-hand combat skills
One thing about Soap is that he will never go easy on you
So he would flip you, get you into a headlock, knocked you over with every chance he get
“Come on, yer need to faster rookie”
You huff and glare back at him as you take your stance, muscles already aching as you tug your pants
You regretted wearing this one
For some reason, you couldn’t find any regular pants you wear and so you dug out this old pants, but it was much bigger and it was falling every few seconds
You would’ve worn a belt, you should’ve worn a belt but you were rushing and didn’t thought about it
As you get distracted, Soap lunged on you as you barely avoided his fist, but he was fast as he gave a kick on your feet, tumbling you down for probably the 20th time on this session as you yelped
He grin and lets out a victorious laugh as he looked down on you, then stops as he notice just a small part of your undies revealing, along with a tattoo that was around your back, oh
You were on the ground, with your face towards the floor and ass towards him as you groan, panting out a few breaths as you try to lift yourself up slowly
“Giving up already?” He tuts as he comes closer and squat down, taking a better look at your backside with half-lidded eyes
He never knew you had tattoo, and it’s one of those tramp stamp nonetheless, which was really hot in his opinion. You had a small symmetrical wings with some thorns beside it as a design
But what really caught his attention was the hem of your undies, black, nothing crazy but still, it clearly distracts him enough that he didnt realize you were watching him stare at you
“Enjoying the view, Sarge?”
You wiggle your ass as he snapped out of his trance and cleared his throat, looking away with a blush.
“Ah-sorry, didnt mean to stare”
“You can stare”
He looked back at you with a frown as you flash him a grin, arching your back slightly as you wiggle your ass again
“Yer gonna be the death of me” he said with a laugh as he slaps your ass slightly, making you yelp as you giggled and tries to sit up, only to be yanked by your leg as he spins you around
Your legs were now beside his waist as he pulls you close, grinding on you as you blush
“Lets get on with a few private lessons…yeah?”
a/n: im updating Gaz's color with pink instead of yellow bcuz my friend mentioned it was hard to see if someone uses light mode tumblr :]
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mushies-stories · 5 months
Could you write one with konig coming home all beat up and sore and his new plus size gf gives him a massage? Thank you!
do i know how to give a massage? no, BUT i did try my darndest. I'm also plus sized, but short XD i hope you like it! thank you for the request! <3
Authors note: this is also my first time writing for König and I do not at all know German so thanks google aha. If anything is wrong or something doesn’t fit right, let me know please!
König X plus sized Reader
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König’s body ached and his mind was tired. Thanks to his last mission he had a very long and rough past few days and just wanted to sleep. With a heavy sigh he unlocked his apartment and pushed through the door with his shoulder. From the hall he saw the kitchen light on and froze for just a moment before he heard your soft humming. A smile came to his lips as he kicked his boots off.
Abandoning his duffle bag by the door he made it to the kitchen without another sound. Not like it would have mattered, you hadn’t even noticed him coming home. He leaned against the door frame, body taking up most of the space while he watched you fuss about the kitchen. You were cleaning and putting dishes away. Swaying your hips and humming along to a song in your head you were completely oblivious to König's wandering eyes. He loved your curved, plump ass and thighs he always found himself groping. 
He had given you a key so if you needed anything while he was away or needed somewhere to go you could go there. In this moment he was grateful to himself. He was getting to see you like this, in his home and caring for him.
You had been so busy with cleaning up after cooking dinner for König so he had something when he got home, assuming it would be really late like he told you. 
It was only when you were finally done and put the last utensil away that you noticed him. Spinning on your heel to leave the kitchen you're started by your boyfriend towering in the doorway. You let out a high pitched yelp and hold your chest over your heart. "König! You scared me!” you gasp. “And what are you doing home so early?” you ask, looking up at him with a raised brow. 
“Tut mir leid.” he apologies and pushes off the door, taking the short stride to you. “Mission went better than I thought it would, got home early.” he mumbles and wrapped one arm around your shoulder and the other on the back of your head to bring you into him. 
Your head rests against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It told you he was alive and safe with you for the moment. “I made you dinner, I just wanted to make sure you ate something decent when he got back.” you told him. The relationship was still new and you didn’t want to push any boundaries by stepping into his space too much. 
“Liebling, it makes my heart warm knowing you care so much to do something like that.” he tells you and kisses the top of your head through the fabric. He really was happy, seeing you here after a long grueling mission set him at ease. He was more thankful for the meal, even if at the moment the only thing his body wanted to do was rest. “Need to shower first.” he says and goes to turn for the bathroom. 
Your hand wrapping around his forearm halts his movements and he looks back down to you, eyes questioning. You give him a shy smile and reach your hands up to the loose fabric of his mask and tug softly, silently asking permission to remove it. You wanted to kiss him, feel his lips since he had been away for a while. Reluctantly he nodded, not wanting to deny you when you looked up at him with big eyes and fluttery lashes. He lowered his head so you could slide it over his head. You set it down on the counter behind you and gasped softly. Brining your fingers to graze over your cheek you frown. He had a few bruises on his cheek and neck, clearly leading under his shirt. He got beat up badly this time around.
His hand engulfed your own then he tilted his head enough to kiss the palm of your hand. “I'm okay Liebling, no need to worry.” he whispers against your skin. 
Your frown never leaves but your heart does skip a beat, he was so soft with you. Even when he was in pain and beaten he stood before you being as gentle and caring as always. Shaking your head you take his hand in yours and start leading him to his bedroom. 
“What is it, Hase?” he asks.
Once you're in his room you let his hand go point to the bed. “Shirt off and on the bed.” you tell him. You know he's not normally one to take orders but he was also a stubborn man, something you learned early on. So, you thought being stern was your best bet since both of you knew you could do him no real harm. 
He cocked a brow at you and looked from the bed to you uncertain. He was still dirty, patched up but he didn't want to take the time to shower on base and came straight home. 
You noticed the look of worry in his eyes and chuckle with a shake of your head. “I'm going to give you a message, then you can take a hot shower and let your musicals relax.” you tell him and crawl into the bed, sitting on your knees. You motioned for him to hurry with a small smile. “Let me help take care of you König, please?” you ask, voice as sweet as honey.
He looked at your plush thighs as you sat. He thought being buried between them would be just as relaxing but he wanted to let you help him however you wanted, either way he would be right here with you. “Alright Hase.” he smiled and the plain black hoodie he had on over his head and dragged his undershirt with it. You contained your look of dislike over the bruises covering his body. You knew he was strong, tough and they just showed you just how well he would protect you… they also meant he was in danger more often than not and that thought scared you. He grounded when he finally relaxed onto the bed. He leaned back a little so he could turn and look at you. “Liebling, it’s really not that bad, just a little sore.” he made another attempt at reassuring you. He knows how bad it looks and just because he was used to it doesn’t mean you were, or really ever would be. 
You smile softly and nudge his shoulders to sit forward. “Hush, just sit there and relax.” you tell him with a little chuckle. Slowly your hands start to smooth over his back, locating the new cuts you found and giving each one a little kiss. 
König let out a content sigh and let his shoulders relax. His muscles loosened up a little too with just your sweet lips on his skin. Taking one more look over his back and shoulders for any you may have missed you started to really give him a message. Pressing your palms into his back and smoothing them up and over his shoulders. you take care to be gentle around any bruises and welts. When you hear a soft groan and see his head tilt forward, hanging lower and much more relaxed, your heart melts. 
The room is quiet for a while you work the knots from his shoulders. His breathing was slow and steady and from what you could see of his face, he had his eyes closed and his lips parted just a little. He was falling asleep.
Leaning up you press a tender kiss to his shoulder and his eyes flutter open. “Falling asleep on me?” you tease with another kiss to his bruised skin.
He nods and turns his body around enough to scoop you into his arms and bring you to his lap. You tried to swat at his hands and protest, telling him he was hurt and shouldn’t be lifting you but just ignored you and buried his head in the crook of your neck. “tut mir leid, your hands felt so good, puttin me to sleep.” he mumbles, his arms wrapped around your cushy middle. 
You lean your head on his and rake your fingers through his short hair. “Alright, go shower so you can get some rest.” you tell him and pat his shoulder. For a moment he doesn't move but when he does it's with you in his arms and is heading for the bathroom. “König, what are you doing?” you giggle sweetly.
“M’still sore, need you.” he says.
And that was that. König soon became accustomed to your skilled hands whenever he came home from a tough mission. Which meant you stayed over more and more, even while he way away. Soon permanently, he would make sure of it.
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unmotivated-student · 4 months
[*Camera shutter sound*]
Mariana: [*looks around*] who took a photo of me, dude?
[*Quackity arrives*]
Quackity: hey, hey, Mariana come with me, come with me... come with me... let's make-...
Mariana reading Pepito's sign: apa i'm lost
Mariana: me too
Quackity: No, no, come with me, we're going to make indecent proposals... [*walks towards Fit*] Fit!
Fit: Yeah, yeah?
Quackity: We are looking for fornicating partners...
Mariana: Yeah...
Quackity: ...for the lonely night times
Fit: Oh [*laughs*]
Mariana: Conjugal visit
Fit: I'm taken, i´m sorry Quackity, i'm taken, i'm taken, but thank you...
Quackity: by who? by who? Who is- who?
[*Pac makes a quiet "ooo" noise in the background*]
Fit: By- by Pac...
[*Mariana, overlapping makes a loud high-pitched "ooo" sound*]
Fit: by Pac...
Quackity: Ahhhhh
Mariana, overlapping: "I'm taken", "I'm taken"...
Quackity: Perrillou, perrillou!** ["Perrillo" in a funny pronunciation xd*]
Mariana: You fuck every day, right? You fuck every day...
Fit: [*laughs*]
Mariana: ...you have so much testosterone.
Quackity: [*laughs*]
Fit, overlapping: Yeah, it's- it's a lot. It's a lot, man, it's a lot...
Quackity: [*laughs*] Ultrafucker, ultrafucker...
Fit + Mariana: [*laughing*] Yeah.
Mariana: What the fuck?
Pac: ultrafucker? wait, wait, wait, wait...
Quackity: and who-... and who-... and who-... who, man-...? [?]
Mariana to Fit: [*after seeing pepito's sign*] Oh- oh, you will- you will get married, man? You- you will marry?
Fit: Whoa, whoa, that's a- I- that's a big step, that's a big step, you know?-
Mariana: Oh, okay okay.
Quackity, overlapping in the background: Badboyhalo, Badboyhalo, Badboyhalo!
Fit: ...that's, that's a lot of commitments... a lot of commitments...
Mariana: Oh, okay okay.
Pac, overlapping in the background: [*reading pepito's sign*] Tio Fit, ya se va a casar?
Pac: Mm... maybe one day? Who knows-
Quackity to Badboyhalo in the background: me and Mariana are looking for fornicating partners...
There were so many things happening in the same clip 😵‍💫
**"Perrillo" in México could be used to denote amazement or "respect" towards a person, it's like a variation of the expression "ah perro", of course this is a not at all formal expression, it's street language so to speak, the type of expression you would use more specifically with your friends 👍
Thank you so much for your help @tinkatonic, it was a pleasure collaborating with you for this transcription 🤝 u are the best🫵 ^^♡♡
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muffinsin · 29 days
you know what, fuck it we ball. i gave the dani and cass monsterfucker prompts, lemme cook one up for bela real fast in your ask box while i am yet again sleep deprived.
let’s put bela with a lycan (heh). feel like we’ve seen a couple lycan requests, but i’m gonna put a breeding focus on this one. similar to cass’ i guess. sweet, darling bela is gunna have to carry a litter of lycan pups to full term, though.
she’s thinking about that and all the consequences that come with it the whole time she’s getting railed after having been pounced on, and for some reason being unwilling to push the beast off. pheromones? she’s a little loopy on them, it’s clouding her judgement. not to mention this situation, unfortunately, really turns her on, despite the fact that she’s soo anxious about the fat knot smacking against her cunt getting forced inside, and so anxious about being pumped full of so much werewolf cum that makes her look pregnant alone. starts thinking about how many pups she might be given. will it be a whole litter? how many pups come in a lycan litter? how is that going to affect her body? etc. thinks about lactation too. probably gotta produce a whole lot to feed a litter, ya know?
very big on bela mommy issues dimitrescu being a sucker for this kind of stuff deep in the back of her mind. she wants to be a breeding toy, she just doesn’t quite know it. lycan lover will help her out.
picturing them not being able to really speak while transformed. maybe a couple words here and there, but it’s difficult. they’re really mostly a monster right now. not so much of a monster that they won’t give her some sweet aftercare lovin’ while she cockwarms them due to the inflated knot being unlikely to go down for a good while, though. oh, and they’re Hung. “it won’t fit!” kind of hung, but they make it work 🥴
- 🐺
Hell yeah!🙌 My much needed reminder that I write smut? Perhaps XD At last, after months, poor Bela is getting some monsterfucking loving too, hm? XD Let’s get into it, everyone!
In one moment, she feels curiosity. In the next, her body tenses as a loud roar is heard echoing in the dimly lit cave. Bela bites down on her lip harshly, her bright, golden eyes scanning over the stony edges of the walls of the cave.
She feels slightly dizzy, her brain fuzzy, her limbs oddly heavy. A thick scent lingers in the air, one she feels strangely tempted to follow.
She can’t recall why she entered the cave in the first place, not usually one for such curiosity.
And yet..now she can’t seem to leave again. As if in a trance, she keeps on walking, uncaring of her heels scraping against the stone and muddy ground. She feels slightly cold, just enough for her to shiver, yet not quite enough to pose a threat.
She jumps a little when she hears a loud snarl again. What is she doing? She can’t seem to resist the scent clouding her judgement and senses.
Bela’s eyes widen slightly for a moment when- at last- she finds the source of this sound. A creature, curled up, yet monstrous in size. If it were to stand, she is sure it would be towering above her, and only stand slightly shorter than Alcina herself.
She keeps on walking, until she stands, frozen, right in front of the creature. Her eyes widen suddenly, as if only now aware of it. What is she to do?
To slay the beast? Gulping, she gazes around the cave, trying to find anything to use to her advantage. However..nothing. She scans the lycan-like monster again.
Large, muscular, with sharp teeth pointing out from its mouth. She shivers again. No, fighting the beast is not an option.
Still, as she stares the creature down..
Bela’s body tenses again, her eyes flickering over it. She sees the sharp claws, the strong torso…
Her eyes land on the large, still limp cock between the creature’s legs. Suddenly, the scent grows stronger, and without understanding why or standing any chance at resisting it, her body lurches forwards, and suddenly her face is smudged against the warm, oddly comforting thigh.
She sees the massive thing twitch, her eyes wandering over the thick knot wearily.
She can’t quite understand. All she does, is feel.
She feels her body submitting to the monster, her pussy aching and drooling, her heart yearning to be close. She doesn’t understand.
As if in a trance, her hands move across her body. She removes her cape and hood, then her dress. Left only in her underwear, stockings and heels, Bela positions herself along the creature’s large arm.
She doesn’t even notice she has begun rutting her clothed pussy against it.
Then, the creature stirs. Her eyes widen, and for a moment she seems able to rip herself away. She turns halfway to her swarm form fast, making for the way out. She recognizes it, is almost there..
Then, she shrieks, as large paw-like hands push against her back and force her to the ground, and the large creature hovers above her. She’s pinned, struggling against the dirty and wet ground.
Then, she tenses, as a long tongue drags against her neck. She shivers, her nose picking up on the creature’s scent that now sticks to her.
Another lick, and another. She feels dizzy almost, her pussy clenching and aching, yearning for the creature’s large cock. She feels shame; has she always been this easy? Surely not! Have years of neglecting her sexual side and sex with the staff turned her into this? Turned her into a slut easy enough to even get turned on by a lycan of all things?! What would Mother think!
Bela gasps when she is turned roughly, her head throbbing for a moment before she can realise what is happening. She feels and hears her clothing tear, sharp teeth and claws slashing through the skin tight dress and grazing her pale, porcelain skin slightly.
She doesn’t attempt to push the creature off, she can’t, and somehow, doesn’t want to. All she feels is its large cock, limp before and slowly hardening against her thigh. To her horror, the thing grows as it hardens, so the monstrosity turns to an even huger dick. She whimpers momentarily.
How could this fit? What’s going to happen to her? Will it breed her? Somewhere in the back of her mind she realises..summer is breeding season.
She gasps when the sandpaper-like tongue drags down her neck, leaving almost slimy saliva in its path. She shivers underneath the lycan, golden eyes taking in the monster’s form. Then, she jumps, when sharp teeth graze her hip.
Suddenly, her head is filled with the desire to be bitten, to be claimed in the most intimate and primal of ways. She yearns for it, suddenly, her mind foggy, her body yearning, her back arching as though presenting her to her captor.
The lycan snarls and growls, and the blonde yelps when she feels the strong tongue lick across her inner thigh next.
“W-Wait!”, she shrieks as a massive hand wraps around her thick thigh, and gasps when she is spread open. With a single bite her underwear is snatched from her, leaving her shivering as the damp air of the cave hits her privates.
To her embarrassment, she is already soaked, her clit pulsing, her lips glistening with the wetness that drips from her.
The beast straddles her fully, its large clawed hands grabbing onto her petite wrists and pinning them above her head. Bela is a mess of thoughts.
What is happening? How come she is enjoying this so much?!
She feels so wet, she needs this so bad.
Never has she felt this turned on in her life..
She must get back! She must escape! Mother will be furious! Cassandra will never let her live it down! Daniela will never give her a break from the jokes and mockery!
She must feel the massive cock in her..so thick, so strong, already twitching as it is aligned to hang proudly between her legs.
Bela whimpers as she feels the thick, glistening wet tip against her tight pussy. Having neglected her needs in favor of working hard, she’s impossibly tight for the large cock dangling between her thighs. Let alone the huge knot…
The thought strikes fear into her mind. How could she possibly take the massive girth? How could her pussy ever recover from the stretch?
How could she take such a large knot? How could it ever fit into her?! What if..
What if she is bred?
Her eyes widen a little at the thought. So what if she is bred? What if the beast pumps load after load of thick cum into her?
The proud heiress of Alcina Dimitrescu, the noblest of her sisters, reduced to a cum dump, made to become a mate and be bred until she carries a litter of lycans in her womb.
She gasps, then screams and moans, as the thick tip pushes into her. Its soft head goes in easily despite the tightness, and Bela moans when, after years, she finally feels full again.
Yet, upon glancing down, she sees that barely the tip has made it in. There is a lot to go, still, and she already feels it as warm, no- hot, precum drools from the monstrous lycan and right into her.
Her thoughts wander more and more the foggier her brain gets and the higher she seems to get on the pheromones and scent surrounding her.
How many lycans make a litter? Two? Three? Six? Seven? Twelve?! She can’t remember, but by the size of the knot sitting at the base of the cock, she must fear for the worst.
Her hip is grabbed, then a strong arm is wrapped around her. She feels more of the cock push itself inside of her.
Her back arches and she feels the arm around her tighten, then can’t help but giggle when she is lifted off the floor.
“A-AAh! AH! Gnmnn!”
She throws her head back, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she feels more and more fill her.
At last, she feels the knot pushed up against her stretched pussy.
“Ple-Please!”, she gasps. How on earth could she fit that knot into her?! As the creature’s hips pull back and the cock begins to slip out of her, she feels her pussy grip it tightly. It’s as though every part of her body tries to keep the monstrosity in her, as though despite what fears plague her mind, her body is eager and relentless to be bred.
For a moment, shame has her cheeks burn up and flush bright pink. She moans as she feels the long tongue explore her neck and grunts in pleasure as her captor’s hips slap back against her own.
“N-Ngnnm, yes! Y-yes! O-Oh god!”
They draw back, then snap to her again, making her jolt. She tugs her arms half heartedly, and unsurprisingly, the lycan’s grip only tightens on her.
She moans with every little drop of hot wetness that leaks into her. She gasps as thick and heavy balls slap against her ass, plap! Plap! Plap! With every thrust.
So thick..Bela’s head is thrown back as she merely thinks of how much cum they must hold inside. How much she will be made to cold inside.
“I-Oh..yes! Yes! A-Ah!”, she screams. She feels herself pushed closer and closer to her orgasm already within moments of this treatment.
But really, she can’t be blamed! Not when poor Bela’s pussy and body is unused to such treatment, when she clenches tightly around the cock and feels it stretch her more with every thrust.
And how can she be blamed, when she feels the thick tip push up against the back of her womb when it is fully nestled inside of her, when she feels the wet head rub up against her pink, spongy and wet insides.
She groans and moans, louder and louder and louder.
And the creature seems painfully aware of her state. She is grabbed hard and yanked about, her petite body used to practically jerk her up and down on the massive cock.
When she cums embarrassingly fast, tears begin to run down her cheek. Yet she yearns for more, fear and arousal filling her mind when she feels the heavy knot push up against her.
Even with a stretched pussy, she can’t imagine a single way such a thing could fit into her!
She gasps and moans loudly with every thrust into her wet and tight cunt. Each causes the thick knot to smack against her and nearly has her flinch each time.
Truly, she can’t grasp how such a thing could ever fit into her!
It seems, too, her monstrous captor couldn’t care less that she came. If anything, Bela feels the talons holding her tightening and the cock within her twitch.
Yes, she can imagine she is quite warm, wet and tight around the beast now. And still she gasps and moans high pitched with every little thrust and move into and out of her.
She is yanked and pulled, the rough treatment accompanied by almost sweet licks against her neck. She feels lightheaded already, little sighs escaping her thick lips here and there.
As she is fucked faster and she feels more and more precum drip into her, her attention is pulled to the fact she is being bred yet again.
And again, it feels her with a strange warmth that has her cheeks heat up, her ass clench and her pussy grip the cock stretching her sore tightly.
She wonders, will she bear a round stomach as she carries a litter of Lycans? The thought has her whimper and arch her back as best as she can.
Yes, she is already reeking of the creature, after all!
Will her breasts grow even larger and ache, so full of milk for her little pups? Bela gasps at the thought alone.
“N-A-AAh! AH! Ah! Yes! YES!”
She screams, loud and passionate, when she suddenly feels the teeth that have been rubbing against her neck push inside.
Warmth spreads throughout her body. She’s shaking, trembling and moaning, gasping and shrieking as she cums again. She knows, deep down, the bite has claimed her as the creature’s.
She groans when she suddenly feels cum be shot into her, massive amounts enough to cover her entire face- head even- if it was shot into it.
She squirms helplessly as she is pumped full of it, her arms held tightly, her neck forced still by sharp teeth, her pussy plugged with the cock as more and more cum floods her insides.
Her eyes widen as she looks down and finds her own stomach, growing more and more the more seed is pumped inside. She whines, her legs attempting to cross, her hips trembling in an attempt to move. But the large cock stays inside, and the beast only snarls angrily at her foolishness.
Soon, her stomach is round and full, large enough for poor Bela to let herself lean fully against the ground and the lycan, too weak and sore to carry the unexpected weight of her cum-filled stomach.
Already, it looks as though the monster impregnated her.
For a moment, the creature only pants. Bela catches her breath at last as she moves her hand to her neck, her bottom lip becoming trapped between her teeth as she feels two large bite marks on there. Blood smears around it, but below the sweet fluid, she feels the puncture wounds.
Then, however, her excitement is cut short and replaced by terror, arousal and fear.
The knot.
She mewls as it presses against her stretched pussy, harder and harder. She feels it throb and its warmth, its sheer size…
“It won’t fit!”, she pleads. The creature seems to think otherwise, as it snarls and growls, its grip tightening on Bela for a moment. She gasps when she is flipped over, so now her bare breasts are pushed up against the hard rock and muddy ground.
Her round stomach aches as it rests on the floor and poor little Bela whimpers in embarrassment as she feels more cum leak from her pussy again with every single breath.
She feels her leg be pulled to the aside and shivers slightly as the warm air of the cave hits her wet privates.
Then, she feels the knot push against her again. The monstrous lycan mounts her easily, its sheer size alone dominating the blonde.
Then, with a scream and a moan of pleasure, she feels it, finally. The knot, impossibly big, forced into her soaked pussy and sealing it like a plug. She whimpers and moans loudly.
She is grabbed tightly, her stomach a shameful, but arousal reminder of her new status as this monster’s mate and breeding puppet.
She gasps when there is even slight movement. More, and more. The creature can’t thrust into her with the knot in the way, but even the smallest of movements and turns give both insane amount of pleasure.
Bela is panting again quickly, her hands cupping her stomach and breast. She feels the blood pour from her neck, down her collarbone and past her breasts.
She feels her last orgasm of the day rising already within a few moments, her body seemingly automatically responding to the large knot inside.
When the creature bends down to lick her swollen stomach, she nearly cums from it alone. Yes…all this seed in her, the knot..she knows, she will be bred and impregnated.
Her cheeks heat up, her nipples harden, her ass clenches and tightens around nothing. Her pussy milks the cock and knot in her.
Bela whimpers and moans, pants even. She can’t bring her mind to think of anything but being what she is made to be now, a breeding toy. A future mother to a litter of lycans.
She thinks of her round belly, her sore and aching breasts leaking milk, a dozen little wolves running around.
She thinks of possessiveness, the one the creature has already showered her in.
A few more movements, and with a scream, the beautiful blonde cums again. She mewls as her mate does the same, the large, hard knot at least shrinking slightly in her.
She is held close as she whimpers and cries, her stretched pussy pumped full to the brink, so much so her own cum and the creature’s heavy, thick one. She feels the cum drip and smear everywhere, even.
Then, it seems over at last. Her eyes are heavy, her stomach even rounder and fuller. The knot rests in her, as if still acting like a plug that traps the creature’s seed in her.
Exhausted, she allows the large thing to shift her. She feels soft fur against her, and a gentle tongue running along her throat and stomach.
It’s almost..lovingly.
With a smile on her lips, she allows her eyes to slip shut
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ithebookhoarder · 8 months
Stubborn (Joel Miller x F!Reader)
Description: Joel had never met anyone as stubborn as him, until he met you. AKA - you get sick and it's up to Joel to get you to rest for a damn minute.
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Warnings: Swearing, mentions of illness, Joel fluff XD
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“I swear to God, you are trying to kill yourself, woman.” 
You blinked.
You didn’t even try to respond to Joel, knowing that even trying would cause your sore throat to hurt even more than it already did - and that was saying something. 
As if he could read your mind, Joel growled under his breath, pushing away the toolbox you had been reaching for. 
That morning you had decided, despite the fact that you felt like death warmed up, that you were going to carry on as normal and finish the list of chores you had racked up over the last few weeks. With winter creeping closer by the day, you were keen to fix the window upstairs in the bathroom and stop the draught the rickety frame had been letting in. 
So what you had a cold? It was always the way when the weather turned and you’d managed to push through worse before. However, Joel was clearly of a different mindset.
“I thought I told you to keep your ass in bed today until I got back from patrol?”
“But, Joel - I’m fine -“ you croaked, the pain visible in the way you winced at every syllable. You couldn’t say another word before your throat decided to close entirely, an alarmingly vicious coughing fit silencing you. 
It seemed your aching body was out to betray you. No sooner had the coughs subsided than Joel had his hand pressed to your forehead, a frown pulling on his brow. He didn’t need to tell you you had a fever - you could tell you were burning up yourself. You had just simply been too stubborn to take notice before now. 
“Yeah, you’re fine, my ass,” he grumbled. His concern was all too clear and you suddenly felt even worse as guilt began to creep up on you. He had enough on his plate recently, what with arriving back in Jackson after the disaster you’d faced with Ellie and the failed Fireflies ‘cure’. 
Things had hardly been easy for you, carrying the weight of what had happened at that hospital and the secret the pair of you now shared. Then there was also the fact you had had to start trying to build a life for yourselves - to find your place in this community after spending so long alone out in the world. 
It hadn’t been easy - not by a long shot - and you had always found that keeping busy was the best way to handle feeling overwhelmed or stressed. No wonder you’d worked yourself to the point of exhaustion. If anything, you were more surprised you’d made it this long before things had begun to catch up with you. 
“Where’s Ellie? Thought she was keeping an eye on you?”
“At Tommy’s,” you croaked, struggling to get your breath back. “Maria came by, said some of the others kid were going over to watch a - a - movie -“ 
“That’s it - upstairs, now,” Joel ordered as you started coughing once again. “You look about as bad as you sound and you’re only going to get worse if you don’t get some rest. I know you didn’t sleep a wink last night, all that tossing and turning. At least I now know why.” 
You sighed. You had felt awful last night, unable to get comfortable as your condition got worse with every passing hour. Hell, you’d eventually given up and gone to sit downstairs by the fire, rather than risk waking Joel. He needed all the rest he could get. 
“But nothing, sweetheart,” Joel warned, taking matters into his own hands - literally.  
No sooner had you opened your mouth to protest than Joel had stepped forward and scooped you up into his arms. 
It was testament to how sick you really were that you didn’t even try to fight. In fact, you simply flopped against him as he carried you back upstairs to your shared bedroom, your face buried deep in to the crook of his neck. 
You inhaled the scent that was so distinctly him, trying to focus on it and not the sudden urge to vomit as the world around you moved. 
“Fuck,” you whined, closing your eyes in the hope it would help. 
Thankfully, though, Joel was quick to manoeuvre you into your bed, laying you down and burying you beneath the covers. He also was quick to fetch you a cup of tea and some of the medicine Maria had provided you with when you’d first arrived. It was some herbal mixture that smelt awful but seemed to work as well as anything you’d previously got at a pharmacy.
“Thank you,” you whimpered, gratitude clear in your eyes as he handed the steaming mug towards you. He watched, the instruction clear on his face as he made sure you began to drink it rather than leaving it until it was cold as you often did. You were easily distracted, always breezing from one place to the next and leaving things in your wake. “I’m sorry… I’m a stubborn pain in your ass.” 
Joel’s laugh was immediate, the irony evident in his smile. “Look who you’re talking to, darlin’. I think we both hit every branch on our way down from the stubborn tree. Takes one to know one, after all.” 
“I just want you to take care of yourself, ok? You and Ellie are all I got and I - I can’t lose you. Either of you.” Joel’s voice was light but you could hear the truth beneath it, tugging at your heart strings. You could only be grateful that he then chose to crawl into bed beside you, saving you from having to respond.  
Instead, he arranged you both so that your head was resting against his chest, his fingers able to brush lazily through your hair in an attempt to soothe you. 
Within moments, you could feel yourself steadily succumbing to the overwhelming urge to sleep, relieved in the knowledge that you weren’t alone. That, and the herbal remedy had already began to ease some of your symptoms.  
“I love you, Y/N.” 
“I love you too,” you whispered, your words slurring together. “Thanks again for taking care of me… I don’t know what I’d do without you, you grumpy old man… You can be a real softie under all that tough exterior…”
“Oh, hush, you, Little Miss Sassy-pants,” he chuckled, the rare sound one of your favourites. “Get some rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
26 ASKS!! THANK YOU!! :}}} 🥪
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(Post in question)
WAAHAHAAG THANK YOU SO MUHC!!! :DDDD As for your questions-
Spider crab's name is just a place holder for now, much like a lot of the crew has.. I want to give them all proper names at some point. Like Ellie and Louis have.. But I'm just really bad at coming up with names for stuff- <XD 💔💔
For Luigi- no one in particular! I just wanted to draw him with that expression <XD And don't worry, Mario cheered him up in the end :}}
As for the FNAF doodle, thats Foxy, Roxy and Mangle! I get that its hard to recognize her by her side profile and without color though-- <XD I had experimented with some ideas of a pirate themed Glamrock Mangle being added to one of the AUs. Though that sketch was the only one I really liked. :/
I have seen Encanto! :D It was alright, I liked the living house aspect of it :00
As for Red, I thiiink he might be too young to understand fusion or how to do it.. I pictured him being.. like what, five? Or something? That's like half the age of when Steven first learned to fuse-
That, and it felt a little odd for him to fuse with any of the crew, since they're all so much older than him. :/
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@astaherussy (Post in question)
XD Sure were! Convenient aren't they?🤣🤣
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I've definitely heard of it, and I've seen some gifs/posts about it here and there.. but truth be told I have no idea what its about. :( I think I've seen two Mario's and one wears a black suit...?
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(Link/video in question)
XDD I imagine Ellie would shut that down real quick. But in the off chance that they get away with it.. I feel like Louis would come out on top.
He could block any oncoming attacks with his unbreakable claw arm, then whip around and launch whole watermelons and pies with the other XDD He would probably think it was fun too!
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Does the game have large birds like that?? :0 I had no idea! They gotta be on the look out for those then--
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Oof, I suppose they could.. though I don't intend for either party to experience that. It just sounds miserable! D:>
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(Link/video in question)
XDD Oh man, that's hilarious! Poor Red--
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@yourstrulylightstar283 (Referencing this post)
Thank you! I hope I get better soon too.. I hope to have some answers by next week.. <:) 🙏
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:DD Thank you! I'm so glad you like my Freddy! :))
I always kind'a felt like a certain.. gloomy-ness, would be fitting for him. He already has some of that in the game. But with everything my Freddy's been through.. just.. having this weight to his tone. This lingering exhaustion.. I felt like it would suit him. :(
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Hmm... I imagine that Seam and Jevil would be options.. Maybe in bad cases Calico Jack would.. Almost everyone in FNAF is an option <XD
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No.. in a sad twist of fate, no one ever heard his cries in the dungeon. Imagine how much more lonely he felt becuase of that..
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I don't know if he gets phantom pains from getting beat up.. but I imagine his horn stumps give him some aches and soreness that can be attributed to phantom pain.. :(
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Who's gingerbrave? That's the main character right..? I have no idea if he'd come across my crew.. I don't know what kind of shenanigans he gets up to.. wait "gang"? He travels in a group with other people??
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fank uu! :}}}
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Yeah,, I'm aware.. 😔🙄 ya hate to see it. But hey the watermark is right there saying "this art is stolen." so it could be worse I guess.
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He is not being normal about it XDD You've totally flattered him!
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Thank you!! :DD Yeah,, I think I WILL work on what ever I want!! XDD
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Off the top of my head, there's an AWESOME Mario artist by the name of @katlyntheartist! I love her work, I highly recommend you stop by her blog! :D
I've also seen some jaw-dropping Mario artwork by @suedoodle! Both blogs are worth a visit! :}}
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(Post in question)
Ah yes! The idea behind that was to show the initial divide between Grillby and Spamton.
You see, Spamton hails Jevil as his savior of sorts. He was at his lowest low, and in unimaginable pain.. then Jevil just swoops in and offers his hand. Bringing him outside of his AU. Away from the pain, away from the torment.. Jevil is awesome!!
But then you've got Grillby.. Jevil saved him from his AU right before it collapsed in on itself. He "saved" his life, but at what cost? Grillby lost everything. And he cant help but be angry at Jevil for it. Thinking that if Jevil hadn't been there, he could have just peacefully disappeared along with his family and everyone else in his AU..
So Spamton is endlessly respectful towards Jevil, and Grillby cant help but roll his eyes and spit sass at him all the time. Those two opposing views are bound to cause problems someday..
I imagine one day the whole group is tired and cranky. Jevil did something that Grillby didn't agree with. Some bitter remarks there, Spamton defending Jevil's decision here.. some back and fourth and next thing you know a fight breaks out. :x
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XDD idk!! Why are YOU into almost every single fandom I'M into?? Also than you so much!! :}}
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Thank you! I'm glad you like my sona! But aaa sorry, no can do.. I don't want fanart at all, of anything. Just comments/asks/reblogs. <:}
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@canonickero (Sent after this post)
XD Thank you! I'm glad you like him :}}
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I pictured Yendo being another one of Funtime Foxy's nightmare-ish visions. Though I should consider passing that onto Bon Bon.. 👀
The story goes that Funtime Freddy is a frequent flyer in parts and service. The employees groan that there's always something wrong with Freddy that needs fixing. Nobody really knows why..
Now at some point Freddy was shut down and in parts and service. As per usual.. Foxy was nearby, and heard a sudden thud/crash coming from that room. He rushes inside to see what happened and finds Funtime Freddy on the floor, what ever he was propped up on had broken, causing him to fall.
He looked at Freddy's face.. and.. his face plates were wide open..
Foxy. freaked. out. If I remember correctly, he was supposed to start shouting and panicking. Trying to help Freddy, thinking he was hurt. When he couldn't move Freddy and he wouldn't wake up, Foxy ran out of the room to get help. He runs into some employees and tried to tell them what happened. They end up just forcibly shutting him down because he cant stop freaking out..
Later on he's reactivated and the rest of the gang is with him. Including Freddy. He uncharacteristically runs to Freddy all worried and frantically inspects his face for injuries. They ask him what he saw but he just.. doesn't have the words to describe it.
Part of the horror is Foxy's inability to understand what he saw. Therefore being terrified of it and being unable to describe it..
After that Foxy began to develop these hallucinations of sorts. Overtime the image of Freddy's skinned face kind'a turns in to its own nightmare. Yendo.. overtime it feels more like "Yendo" is an entity separate from Freddy. Foxy begins to imagine this skinned bear like creature that is out there somewhere.. wanting to hurt Freddy and take his face.. its not fun :(
This idea is still in development. Well, the whole AU is. But this was my initial idea for Yendo :)
Now old man consequences is tricky.. I had intentions of him being this weird vison that Foxy sees now and again. But with recent developments to the AU.. I might need to scrap the old gator. Or at least re-write his role and function in the AU-
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@stripetkattelalala54 (Post linked in question)
No problem! I'm always up for Mario questions! :DD
And as for the question, I pictured that Mario never really liked the ice flower to begin with. I imagined Mario loving the heat and the sun. Always enjoyed being warm/hot and functions the best in it.. You know like a maniac-
So the Fire flower was naturally his favorite powerup. And that experience did leave Mario with some kind of trauma, which just added to his dislike of it..
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OOO I like Tendrilfoam! :00 Hmm, Captain Tendrilfoam.. I'll have to consider that one! :D
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wings-of-a-storm · 2 years
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how far Wille and Simon have come during these two seasons of Young Royals. It makes you want to re-watch all those little moments that began it all between them, right? Especially since Wille had to work so hard to break through Simon’s guard in the battleground of their school and earn his trust that he wasn’t just another one of the a-holes about to humiliate him at any second.
One of my most treasured, subtle moments that I always look forward to seeing in S1 is when you see the process of Wille actually becoming a sanctuary for Simon at school despite the walls Simon built around himself.
That feeling is shown so cleverly and heartwarmingly in the scene where Wille joins the rowing ream for their early morning fitness sessions (albeit late XD) and Simon’s whole demeanour visibly brightens the moment he sees Wille has joined them. IT GETS ME EMOSH EVERY TIME.
Before Wille joins them, we get to watch with him out his window at the team gathering, and it is there that we witness the perfect snapshot of the utter hell Simon goes through every day at that school. You see all the boys collectively ignoring Simon and ostracising him (from first years to seniors). And what rankles is that you can see it isn’t from Simon’s lack of trying -- he actively tries to engage with them and join the circle of bodies but they treat him like he is invisible.
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It would be so humiliating and so deeply lonely to be put in that situation time and time again -- and this is just one morning of many! At the end of this new humiliation, you can see the resigned look on Simon’s face as he has to once again choke it all down and bring his armour out to emotionally survive another day of his school peers signalling to him that he is worthless -- not worth saying hello to, not worth talking to, not worth even acknowledging.
And here is the awful truth -- that shit is traumatising, no matter how strong you think you are being in the face of it! Simon is an incredibly strong, grounded, independent boy with a good support network at home, but he has to endure this bullying every day alone amongst the boys. He may be able to scoff at their behaviour in his head because he is far more emotionally intelligent, but the fact of the matter is that when you have to endure constant slights every day like that, it can absolutely erode your self-confidence and slowly condition your subconscious into reconsidering that maybe there is something fundamentally unlikable about you after all. Repetition is a powerful force.
Simon has only been in that environment at Hillerska for a month or two, but it would still be affecting him on some level because how could it not? The only real safe space for him at school is with his sister (and probably choir and the music room).
Until he meets Wille.
And this is why I love this scene so much! Because you truly get to witness how much Wille’s presence  starts to give Simon peace even at this early stage of their friendship. Because there Simon is, jogging in a group that doesn’t want him there, exerting mental energy into keeping his armour up so he doesn’t have to feel how shit it makes him feel, when out of nowhere he hears a cheerful “Hi!” from beside him and it is Wille.
The way Simon’s whole face lights up when he realises he is no longer alone in the group because Wille is there (insert all the crush feelings), gets me evvvvvvvery time. Simon’s face is actual sunshine!
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(^ Apologies to Prince Wilhelm for these unflattering screenshots of him, but the smile he brings out of Simon is the real flattering thing here, sir!)
You can totally understand why Simon’s face turns into sunshine at the sight and sound of Wille being there though -- Wille is the first person that morning to acknowledge his existence, and above that, sound genuinely happy for the chance to hang out with him during training. Talk about suddenly feeling like a human being again! And feeling much safer in the presence of a known ally. (And then of course add in that Simon is already crushing on Wille by this point). No wonder Simon can’t stop smiling.
Then of course, the training continues on and we get to see all of Simon’s surreptitious stares at Wille who no doubt looks so cute to him in Struggletown (coz even princes can’t do planking exercises without sweating and groaning like a muppet). You can see how much Simon is enjoying just being around Wille during training. He looks like he is actually having fun at school for one of the very rare occasions outside of choir practice. And since Wille is right there opposite him in the grind, you can tell that Wille has spent every chance he had to claim his space beside Simon, and gosh that must feel so awesome for Simon considering he started the morning with no one acknowledging his existence or wanting him there.
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We are witnessing such pure friendship here, and it hurts from how good it feeeeeeels.
Having this new friendship/sanctuary at school for the times when he is away from his sister must have made getting off the bus at school so much more bearable for Simon, you know? It’s no wonder Simon was crushing on Wille so hard by episode two. And I reallllllly, really love that about their dynamic -- how from the beginning they found a bit of peace in each other in a school that they struggle emotionally to be at. And it just keeps on growing from there. T_T <3
Okay, my emotions have been satisfactorily spilled. Thank you for the indulgence. XD
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ghostieyanyan · 1 year
You know I think Jamil is one of those characters I can envision as a yandere. If you’ve seen Aladdin, you’d know that once Jafar took over the kingdom, Jasmine became his slave? I like to imagine that overblot Jamil kept MC around instead, dressed them up in that red slave outfit and put shackles on them which sounds really kinky. Jamil would like to keep MC around as a slave but is also like crazy about them even before their overblot because MC was kind to him and didn’t treat him like a servant. Maybe he teases them a little bit to rile them up. Kinda like a glorified pet but also lover at the same time
Yes yes YESSSSSS!!!! without a doubt i love overblot jamil so much... its kinda bad xD
~My Jasmine~
Overblot!Yan!Jamil x mc
(i drew mc fem so it’ll fit the jasmine outfit. the red one, chef kiss. also chapter 4 spoilers. also sorry for my spelling and grammar mistakes. this is why i draw qwq)
i feel like jamil had a love at first sight with mc. like when they met in the kitchen and they offer to help with cooking and hearing his troubles. like yes, he wanted to used them at first but after like a few minutes he fell HARD. 
He knew he wanted mc as his queen/king but he, of course, needed Kalim to be out of the picture. With him as housewarden, he’ll be highly respected with his beloved by his side. and Kalim? well he’ll be gone, who knows maybe he’ll be kicked out of NRC too. If Jamil plays his cards right.
But noo... you just had to run from him and fall into those slimy octavinelle’s hands. They even had to mock him when they came by! Stupid slimy-.
During his Overblot!
yes yes yes! he will totally have you as a pet. his personal play thing. even with this power, he’ll be bored, so entertain with him.. 
no? you don’t want to play with him? what’s going to happen to your friends? oh, that’s the last thing you should worry about. master has to teach you how to behave. He can’t have a pet that bites that hand that feeds it, right?
I think at first he wont actually use his unique spell, it'll be a waste to just force you to behave when he can just train your body to behave first and you’ll stay like that for the long term. instead of the short term option, right? Let’s just hope you body and mind can take it.
but hey! if you be good, he’ll treat you. maybe he’ll feed you and look inside your pretty lips. Or he’ll keep you safe from those roaches that insist on coming back and steal what rightfully belongs to him. 
Just don't leave his side. K, pet?
for nicknames, i thought of pet and desert flower but then i was like wait... i know a flower, jasmine! but now after finishing the drawing, idk how i feel about it? cuz its an actual name.. so ya sorry if you don't like it. i really dont want to fix it rn TWT also i didn't know if i should keep his bangs so i did one with and one without. so yay. i’m actually very happy with his picture, it might change in a few days but rn, i love it. i hope you guys love it too. ^^
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adelacreations · 11 months
Fusion Dance:
I think someone mentioned this on discord but how would Lord Billy react to a pocketverse Billy?
So I wrote a bit of a ficlet to go with this Tagging @neonponders and @wrecked-fuse as well XD enjoy this little blurb I vomited out!
Sometimes, Billy wonders why he even bothers anymore. Steve Harrington has gotten along well with his children, it was important to him. But that came with getting involved with his children's antics. Both him and that boy-child of his. Sorry. Dustin.
He was getting better at remembering his name. For the sake of Lucas, who has a little crush on Steve's son. Regardless of that fact, the castle had been livelier than Billy has ever seen. Or was used to. Even with his servants bustling around. Anyways. "Steve...darling. What is that in your hands?" he asked slowly staring at the cupped hands of his lover. Steve only grinned, holding his hands out towards him, "Have a peek, Lady Bird~" His children claimed that they had found something in the courtyard and dragged Steve to go and check it out. Billy hadn't cared much, it might have been another bug or small mammal. Not...whatever this was.
It was small and...
Billy pressed his lips into a thin line, he really had no idea what he was looking at. Where was that-ah there it was, in the bottom left drawer. He didn't use it all that much anymore, his magnifying glass but it helped. Especially now, squinting as he peered through the glass. He said nothing at first, just staring at what he was seeing. "What a peculiar creature you are." Everything and everyone was small to him, he always had to be careful not to crush the many good things he had in his life with his abnormal strength. But this.
Glaring up at him was a mini version of him. Well, kind of. This one had a mullet, an opened red shirt and jeans. With a small pout on his face. It-he, well he was adorable. The poor thing was shaking though, might be through fear. Billy had that affect on people, for better or for worst.
Billy guessed that he could fit into his pocket if he put him in there. "I suppose your name is...Billy?"
"Where's my Biwwy!"
Billy raised an eyebrow at Steve who shrugged a little bit, "The little guy apparently got lost, stumbling into some weird portal or something from what he said. He's far from home."
"Clearly," Billy muttered in response, reaching out with one finger to poke at the little's cheek. "I won't hurt you." Billy wasn't going to comment on the warm feeling he felt when the miniature version of him clung to his finger, his eyes watering with tears and bottom lip puckered.
"Okay...where's my Stevie...?"
Oh. They were a pair. He and Steve looked at each other, the other mouthing 'no Stevie' to him. Huh, the poor thing really did get lost then. Steve grinned up at him, "We are a pair."
"Seems like I can never get rid of you then," Billy said with a smirk, leading over to give Steve a kiss. "We should get this one something to eat first, and maybe getting that agent of yours to help get him home." Steve scowled with a roll of his eyes, opting to bringing the little Billy to his chest, allowing him to slip inside of his coat pocket.
"Hopper isn't my agent."
"So that was how they found him in hanging on one of the candle holders. Sorry about that, you must have been really worried about him."
Billy paused in his reading, the quiet chomps and clattering of the plate next to him were the only other sounds in the main hall. He had to bar the kids from coming around the little Billy with their sickles. They had pouted only to relent when the little guy had yelled at them. Billy closed the book in his lap, taking up the crimson wine glass and taking a sip.
"I think your friends are here-"
Little Billy jumped up from the saucer, waving his arms at the people following Steve. Billy raised an eyebrow at the two...well regular versions of themselves. Then again, they had the little ones already, there shouldn't be that much of a surprise.
"You're big."
Billy smirked, snapping his book shut and standing up from the couch. He grinned at the shock on both of the other Billy and Steve standing before him with a little Steve in that Steve's pocket. "9 foot 6, but who is really counting here?"
"Stevie! Cwere! He has coowkies!"
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