gil-estel · 4 months
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ribbin’ the new kid (aka my mission to retcon omega into all rebellion-era content)
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magicandmundane · 5 months
*after Mon Mothma’s briefing*
Wedge: Hey, Luke! So where’ve you been?
Luke: Yeah, so I went back to Tatooine to break Han’s ass out of Jabba’s Palace. I had to fight a rancor first, though. Luckily, I killed it before—
Omega, on the other side of the room: YOU KILLED MOOCHI?!
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llovelymoonn · 2 years
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derek walcott the antilles: fragments of epic memory
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tatooineknights · 1 year
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The alternative universe where Luke Skywalker was able to redeem the Emperor, with the help of his good friend Wedge Antilles, through the power of song and dance.
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djarindykes · 1 year
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saphronethaleph · 1 month
“Well… darn,” Leia said, with feeling.
Apparently she’d picked entirely the wrong time to look in on the rebels in the Dennogra system. The Imperials had somehow got wind of the presence of the base, a sting operation had gone into play – while she was there, no less – and a Star Destroyer and an Interdictor were hanging overhead, TIE fighters flying cover over the base while stormtroopers closed in.
Her transport was already disabled, burned out by the first wave of fighters, and the local Rebel net had gone silent thirty seconds ago with the last report being that Base Orenth and Base Trill had both been neutralized.
Leia reached for her hold-out pistol.
She had a choice coming up, soon. She’d either be surrendering herself into Imperial custody, hoping for the means to make an escape attempt, or she’d be selling her life dearly.
...she couldn’t see herself surrendering to Imperial custody. They knew she was a Rebel, now. Tarkin might be dead, but she had no reason to expect that any Imperial captors would be even as merciful as him.
Her fingers slid over the grip of the blaster as she moved from cover to cover, ears alert for any sign of the Stormtroopers closing the net, then paused as she spotted something.
There was an A-Wing fighter left in the hanger.
Leia frowned, trying to remember what she knew about the A-Wing.
It was… shielded, she knew that much, and it was fast and agile. And it didn’t rely on an Astromech droid to make hyperspace jumps.
That was it, then. That was how she could get out of this.
She just needed to handle enough fighters to get clear, and then the Interdictor – either escaping it by flying out of its range, or disabling it.
The A-Wing had concussion missile launchers, didn’t it? And the shields on an Imperial cruiser or destroyer were…
Leia thought about that a moment longer, checking in all directions, then made up her mind and ran for the fighter.
“Hey – stop!” a voice shouted, and Leia whirled. Without stopping, she snapped off two blasts, and one stormtrooper fell with a smoking hole in his breastplate.
The other ducked into cover, then returned fire, and Leia paused by the front leg of the A-Wing before firing twice more. That left her only two shots left in the small energy cell, but the shot did down the other stormtrooper, and she hurried up the ladder into the cockpit before sealing the canopy and hitting the self-start button.
The fighter’s computer flashed an unhappy pattern of lights at her, and Leia bared her teeth.
“Come on, you bucket of bolts,” she muttered, stabbing at a few controls, then the status screen came up. She flicked the repulsors online, then the shields, and a moment later a blaster bolt peened off the shield and into the corner of the hangar.
Blasters came up next, and Leia twisted the yoke. It was intuitive and responsive, a sign of good design, and she walked her fire across a whole squad of stormtroopers.
Then she keyed the main engines, and the whole hangar behind her was fried as the powerful engines boosted her upwards.
Two patrolling TIEs immediately began closing in on her, the sensor screen pinging a warning, and Leia muttered a curse.
She wasn’t a pilot… but this was a very fast and very agile fighter.
And it wasn’t like anyone else was showing up to save her skin.
A twitch of the yoke, and she snap-rolled ninety degrees to starboard before spinning halfway around. The twin cannon spat fire, blowing one TIE to pieces and clipping the wing of the other, and the second one wobbled in an uncontrollable roll before managing to get some control of itself and come back around.
Another element of two TIEs was vectoring in, and Leia finished her spin before diving towards the ground. There were Imperial ground elements down there, still visible, and if the fighters were going to shoot at her she could at least decoy them to try and hit the ground forces – then a large Imperial walker was looming up before her, and Leia adjusted her angle a little to aim between the front and back legs.
Pulling back out again as soon as she shot between them, Leia glanced around to get a good handle on the situation, then yanked the yoke back and switched from engines to repulsors. That meant the big engines weren’t pushing her forwards any more, letting her make a tight turn, and she pulled the trigger twice about when she’d be lined up with the pursuing fighters.
Three more explosions lit the sky, followed by drifting clouds of smoke as bits of TIE fighter rained down, then Leia switched back to main engines and turned towards her next targets.
Even a novice like her could tell that she didn’t want to be surrounded by enemy fighters. So the only way out of this was going to be to make sure they didn’t – or couldn’t.
“We feared we’d lost you, Princess,” General Rieekan said, as Leia clambered down the side of the A-Wing she’d appropriated. “When we heard about the attack on the Dennogra base, we feared the worst.”
“I was all right,” Leia replied. “Fortunately I had an A-Wing.”
“You’re not wrong,” Wedge agreed, inspecting it. “That’s definitely an A-Wing.”
He frowned. “What actually happened, Princess? The report was that there was an Interdictor overhead… was that incorrect?”
“No, there was,” Leia agreed. “Along with a Star Destroyer. Like I said, I had an A-Wing. Whoever designed that fighter is a real expert, it can be flown as well as you please by even a novice.”
Wedge, Carlist Rieekan, and everyone else present not named Leia Organa exchanged confused looks.
“...no, it can’t,” Wedge said, slowly. “It’s a good bird, a bit lighter than I prefer, but it’s extremely temperamental… who else was flying with you? Did anyone else get out?”
“All the other fighters were taken out on the ground by the initial bombardment and fighter strike,” Leia replied. “The one I used happened to be deeper into the hanger and it survived.”
“You escaped by yourself?” Rieekan asked. “Princess, I’m… sorry for my tone of voice, but that’s impossible. Or it shouldn’t be possible. Those two capital ships carry nearly a hundred TIEs between them, and while some of those squadrons are bombers or boarding elements that’s still-”
He broke off, because Leia was counting under her breath.
“...that sounds about right,” she said. “Well, I counted about sixty, anyway, and maybe a dozen bombers.”
“I think we need to check the gun camera footage,” Wedge decided. “I want to see this.”
About an hour later, Leia was in the middle of catching up on important messages when Rieekan came into the meeting room she was using.
So did Wedge, and most of the other pilots on the cruiser.
“We’re not worthy,” Derek Klivian declared. “We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!”
“Hobbie,” Wedge said, shaking his head. “Are you ever going to stop that?”
“Nope, sir!” Klivian replied.
“He’s got a point,” Rieekan said. “Princess, we’ve reviewed the gun camera footage. And then taken some anti-nausea medication.”
“Is there something wrong?” Leia asked.
“Well, you’re one of the best pilots in history,” Wedge replied. “None of my best pilots could do that. I’d have said even Luke couldn’t do that, but then Hobbie told a joke and we decided to actually do it.”
“Princess,” Rieekan went on. “I regret to inform you that a genetic test has revealed that you’re Luke Skywalker’s sister. We think you’re both the children of Anakin Skywalker, who went down in galactic history as the single most capable natural pilot ever recorded.”
“...though you might just earn the top spot, now,” Tycho added. “Seriously, that was at least fourteen consecutive chakra manoeuvres and you shot down at least two fighters per chakra manoeuvre. And I never knew the A-Wing could do half of the other things you made it do.”
Leia was still wrapping her head around Luke Skywalker’s sister.
“Ever considered being a pilot?” Wedge added. “I’d say we can give you lessons but that might not even be necessary…”
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threebea · 3 months
I think Wedge should just canonically be Obi-Wan's nephew.
Why canon doesn't contradict it:
There was a baby in Obi-Wan's family before he was taken to the temple. Probably a brother.
Denis Lawson is Ewan McGregor's actual uncle so there is a family resemblance.
Wedge's father could have grown up and moved to Corellia and married an Antilles. Wedge's name was actually Wedge Kenobi or Kenobi-Antilles, but his family dropped the Kenobi after the purge. He was too young to remember.
What would this change in the Star Wars Universe? Absolutely nothing. Just a fun thought.
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blueflipflops · 10 months
I think one of my favorite genre of clone centric star wars fics are where Fox and the Coruscant Guard gets their own jedi. Usually by digging through trash chutes. There's usually a jedi there or two. Fox found them so he's keeping them. And this somehow saves the galaxy.
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mayawakening · 2 months
Kallus has been used to the structure of the empire most of his life. Everything from wake-up and bedtime to meal breaks and showers were scheduled and strictly enforced.
After defecting, eventually he's able to find his own rhythm with the help of his friends, who prevent him from focusing too hard and overworking himself.
The first few weeks, however, when he's so determined to prove himself and be useful, must have been very much like trying to keep a tamagotchi alive..
Hera: And so we'll need to make drops here, here an-
*suddenly, a bunch of datapads and comm links start beeping*
Wedge: ....what was that about?
Sabine, unphased: It's our alarm to make sure Kallus remembers to drink water. Who wants to do it this time?
Kanan: I got it. *sends message*
Kanan: Ah, he says thank you.
Wedge: ????
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neges · 1 year
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📍Morne Puilboreau, Haïti 🇭🇹
via @jeanoscar.a
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weatherbane · 1 year
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sketch commission for @alamogirl80!
commission info || tip jar
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Really think we should start looking at a “Bail Antilles won the election over Palpatine” AU.
Like, I know Palpatine probably would’ve tried to kill him or make him appear weaker or would’ve just bided his time, but the whole series would be so funny because Bail Antilles is like, nigh unkillable. Dude only died because the planet he was on exploded, they had to blow up Alderaan to kill Bail, this man is immensely powerful.
But also, just imagine??? Palpatine would be like “Chancellor, we’re friends :) you can ask me for advice :)” and Bail would be like “oh yeah sure definitely if I ever need advice I will go to you first” but then just.. never do that.
Because! Bail’s wife is a queen! He would go to Breha first and everyone else second! Everyone would be like “it’s so hard to manipulate our new Chancellor :/“ because Bail just does not ask anyone for advice. Bail offers advice, he does not get offered advice.
Palpatine would’ve tried to kill Bail, but Bail is friends with literally so many Jedi. Bail would just be like “Hey, Obi-Wan, remember that time when you were eighteen when you-“ and Obi-Wan: “I will do whatever you ask without question if you shut the fuck up.” Bail would have Jedi with him all the time, just for funsies and because he’s pals with them. Bail would be like “oh, someone has tried to kill me again… this is an opportunity to spend more time with my dear friend Obi-Wan :)”
Palpatine would try to make Bail appear weaker and Bail would just not fall to the bait. He’d just be like “oh something is going on? Hold on a moment, I’m busy making sure the Trade Federation doesn’t do anything stupid, then I’ll be showing the Senate my fifteen-hundred page slideshow that explains why I’m being nice to the Trade Federation and how helping them will ultimately help the Republic, then I have lunch with Obi-Wan and after that I have tea with Obi-Wan and then I’ll have dinner with Padme, Breha, and Obi-Wan, so I’ll get to it after that- wait, no, Breha threatened to take over the Republic if I was home late again, so I guess I’ll have to get to that thing tomorrow ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ “
I just… feel like we should discuss the world in which Valorum was cut from Supreme Chancellor only for Bail Antilles to replace him.
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ana-elisabeta · 11 months
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french antilles / @anaelisabetaxx
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spacefinch · 3 months
Sabine: Let me get this straight Let me run something bi you Wedge: Let's pan this out Ezra: Let's ace-ess the situation Kallus: I'm gay
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marraiwa · 2 years
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the result of the last weeks' work
the first yennefer triss and philippa's outfits are redraws of my old college projects, they were more based on historical costume, so maybe they looks a bit weird. the third ciri's outfit was also for college, but i still like it. the rest are more or less interpretations of costumes from games
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accidental-spice · 5 months
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Emotional support background characters my beloved
Happy Star Wars Day, and may the Force be with you!!
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