#any positive feedback or constructive criticism is highly appreciated
The Heart Everbeating
Hi! This story has been in The Works for about a year now, so I hope you enjoy! Warnings for death, Christianity/Catholicism, and everything going wrong in the MC’s life 
When one man falls for another, they say God, himself, shudders in disgust. Two men peacefully exchanging whispers betwixt the oxeyes and the late eve silence could send all of Heaven into a rage, wheels of flame and feather burning bright with divine wrath. The Spirit scoffs at the embrace of palms, The Son weeps at the embrace of arms, The Father recoils at the embrace of lips. All three were above any such mortal woes and so the Holymen and Holywomen would leap from their confessionals and morning prayers, setting down their scriptures and rosaries in the name of mallets and chains to purge the world of any threat to perfection’s untouchable paradise, for the loving whispers nestled within the daisies—promises to forever support, protect and adore, were far too demonic for the cotton ears of the immortal, immoral Shepard. Yet even once sentenced to the depths of The Nine Rings, no pretend border could halt the sweethearts’ yearning for one another, no prideful god fully capable of stopping the pounding of deep love’s heart; The Devil himself knows of and tries not to prevent honest admiration. Layers of wood, of rust, of ash, of soil, could not cease the fire within one man’s soul as he plucked at the freshly bloomed oxeye, near delirious with his burning desire.
     A trail of ‘he loves me’s spiralled on the wind as the fiancé limped through the aisle of wrought iron and forsaken stone, his veil of moonlight bathing one man and his wilting bouquet in sensations of ethereal glamour. Hums of melodies yet to be played bounced off the flitting wings of the Calyptra groomsmen all the while, holding back their hunger in the name of the beloveds’ special day. The one man tied back his long, dark hair with the red ribbon his beloved had gifted him, hoping to enchant just as he’d been at their first meeting, continuing his pursuit without so much as a stumble. At the mere thought of meeting once more one man’s mind was overrun with his deepest desires, burning through his ice-coated flesh and igniting the spark which had never truly died, his own wrought iron fence of bone becoming the grates of a roaring coal furnace and as such granting him ample energy on his seemingly endless journey. Truly, one man was ever so far from the halfway point—a little black house overrun by only the sweetest of alleycats—but moments spent alone do slide unto the doorstep of eternity when one is used to moments with his beloved, so one dared not to pause to collect the rapidly disappearing petals, or to pluck fresher flowers, or to feed his dear groomsmen as they continued their song. Instead he chased after the growing stronger aura of his beloved, his darling, as he slowly neared the town gates.
     If the ring of charcoal iron he left behind were to act as a church hall’s supposedly welcoming doors, then the buildings were certainly the rows of family and friends who arrived solely to bare witness to the beloveds’ moment of union as they leaned in close to admire the unearthly beauty one man found himself in possession of, the dewy mist which still hung in the evening air bringing the idea of tears to the candlelit windows that lit up his path. So attractive he felt as he walked the aisle he’d always dreamed of traversing, the scent of his beloved still rested in his lungs and it grew ever stronger the closer he was to the town square. The petals of the oxeyes he had gathered fell less on his gloves and more on the wind, his limbs moving faster the closer he sensed himself getting, one man’s mind growing equally as desperate for the face he so longed to hold once more, when one of his guests spoke and broke him from the trance he willing entered; “My old friend, is that truly you before me? My, you’re in that beautiful suit! Are you finally to be wed to your beloved?” There upon the porch stood a woman, the patches which crawled across her cheek marking her familiar in appearance, but the silver hair which clung to her head like spiderwebs struck her down as the grandmother of a friend who lived within those exact walls, but certainly she had passed long before one man’s eyes had closed? “Come in, my friend! It is poor manners to arrive to any wedding with an empty stomach!” So dearly did one man wish to see his beloved, to hold, to cherish, to kiss and recover the year that was lost between two meters of wood and mud, but as he always knew her granddaughter to be his old friend’s grandmother was most certainly correct. “Oh, my friend, I must lend you a bottle of perfume, as well. Tell me, would you prefer to smell of roses or daises?”
     Traditionally, receptions were to be held once vows had been born and welcomed to the new world, but perhaps tradition could take a knee for the beloveds’ celebration. Only for the moments spent within the old and rickety house, of course, as after the cake was cut one man would return to the aisle and greet his beloved with promises written in a heat of passion and longing. With heat of passion mentioned, one man found it quite impossible to miss how warm the air surrounding the dining table truly was, though that could be blamed on the Battenberg cake and Earl Grey tea that was set before him with unsteady hands. “Dig in, my friend!” The older woman sat in the chair across from his own with a smile lined in childish giddy, reminding one man that all the town was abuzz with excitement for the evening that had just arrived, all because he had insisted on paying patronage to a small tailor shop many moons ago. Yes, he remembered that year as if it had played out just moments ago, the one where he slowly fell for the charming tailor’s son who knew his figure better than he did. He remembered the first time they spoke, how he had thanked the young man for his service and complimented his handiwork, and of course, he remembered the shy and flattered smile that offered as response. Certainly, if his mind still held to those magical moments within a small, family shop, then it held what led to the beloveds’ arrival to the small, isolated town. He wished it would forget—prayed, even, but it held steadfast. Lavender. He despised that colour more than anything, for once upon a time it had infected his life and forced him to the tailor’s shop to be suited for a tux in that very shade. Although, one man would never forget the generosity of the woman in the matching dress, one who shooed them away and took all fault for their escape. He hoped her and her bride would be wed one day. “Goodness, my friend, you’re going to be quite late!” One man’s untouched cake and well-stirred tea were carried off into the depths of the hot house, just as he began to feel… sick. He hadn’t a clue he could feel sick once his body was beyond death, but as the older woman had exclaimed he had not a moment to ponder. “Take care, my friend!” She called as he shuffled out the door, his groomsmen having awaited his return upon the porch; it would be his night and his night, alone, for only a few minutes longer.
     Then came a buzzing, swirling spirit that twirled through him like wine in the glass of a nobleman, one born of unadulterated anticipation. For simply, he had twirled past the house he had known to be infested with cats but, to his surprise, had then been infested with vines and flowers. He could not find himself time to pause, however, so simply he continued on, the waltz in his step. Four steps at a time led him through an enthusiastic daze of sorting through crowds to meet his beloved at the ballroom’s centre, his own, personal history of wandering grand celebrations providing him and his movements great expertise. Oh, my beloved, his mind had pleaded as he stumbled from one side of the road to the other, his undead heart begging to pound in the pattern it knew so well. One man tightened the knot of the ribbon he’d so carefully laced into his hair, then a memory of how said ribbon had come to be teased him with visions of his beloved; he had been questioned as to what his very favourite colour was and, his gaze locked upon the eyes of the tailor’s son, he had simply said what he saw: Red. Red was a difficult colour—though nowhere near as difficult as indigo—so all that was offered was a red ribbon. His beloved had apologized in only a most sincere manner but he, oh, he had known that shade oh-so-well, and so, had giddily taken the gift and laced it into his long hair for the very first time. Oh, he would give almost anything to see his beloved’s flustered expression once more, how his red eyes had widened as if to show off all their glittering glory, his glasses falling down his face to assist in their unveiling. One man could not resist then, and had asked if he may. His beloved said yes. Such a beautiful memory had caused his dance through the streets to grow wild and desperate as he near cried out in love and admiration. Delirious, just as he was once he reentered the Ertha’s domain, though that time he was nearly at his beloved’s side, just stood at the edge of a true and real crowd. He could see the red through the shuffling shoulders. He ran for it. One man embraced the figure so tightly that he could tell instantaneously that it was not his beloved in his arms.
     “Let go of my daughter.” Hands rough from the wear and tear of time grabbed at his suit jacket and mercilessly pried him away from the young woman whose face was alight with fear. He knew that face, well—well, perhaps only certain features. The puff of her bottom lip he knew he’d kissed before, the batting of her eyelashes he knew he’d felt flutter against his cheek before, the beauty mark at her jaw he knew he’d gushed over before—though certainly it had moved sides—and the red. He knew that particular shade of red far better than he knew anything else, and he despised how natural it looked when combined with the new shape of her jaw, point of her nose, and texture of her straight hair. That hair always curled when grown that long, though it rarely had a chance to grow past the shoulders. Perhaps his beloved’s sister had appeared in town to comfort him? Oh, he hadn’t even considered the existence of his beloved’s grief! Yes, his dear sister must have appeared to stay the past two years with him and assistance him in his recovery! Then why, he questioned as he could not comprehend the answer, did a woman with the exact new features of the girl appear at that moment, stood beside the younger, and took on the appearance of mother and daughter? Hesitant, terrified yet morbidly curious of the truth in hiding, did one man turn to look at the man who still held him by the shoulders. His fear was proved to be founded in fantasy, for he knew that face and its every detail, instantaneously. “… My love?” Delirium once again ignited within one man’s shaking chest, and caused him great ecstasy which guided his limbs about his beloved’s shoulders, pulled the two men close together, their bodies perfectly tailored to the other’s just as they were in their younger years. His pined for those lips like he never had before in all his years of love and admiration for the taller, desperate as he had been all that night without his beloved by his side, and pushed himself to the tips of his toes in a reach that lasted all of three seconds. He closed his eyes and anticipated the warm—near burning sensation of gentle love he’d come to know so well, but he was met with the pin-pricked fingers of a tailor’s hands. “M-My love, I…” Those gorgeous red eyes darted to the two women at their side for truly not a reason, at all, as his beloved had never been the least bit cautious when it came to expressing their undying affection—at the very least, not in that town. “You must understand my hesitation,” he whispered as if some godly fear had been implemented into his untainted soul; perhaps by that woman who had yet to learn how rude it was to stare? “You’ve been gone—dead! For thirty years, so how am I to react to seeing your face again?” In response to such words rife with sorrow and conflict, for the very first time in that moonlit evening one man could not think at all.
     “Goodness, my love, I… I watched you die in that field of oxeyes! I held your shaking body, I watched the life drain from your eyes—the blood, as well! Y-Your own father shot you dead and I was the only one who mourned! Now, suddenly, three decades later you return to me? Why so long? Why must you have waited until I had finally moved on and healed?” His own mind was hardly aware of itself in that moment, as it drifted freely in the town square, inquired what the bystanders were thinking, and even what the woman and her daughter were thinking, but he could not bring himself to consider his beloved’s thoughts for he had to have been lying, though that was so far from something he would do especially in such serious situations as the one they were currently in. “My love… I’ve married another.” One man, his body shivering with horror, slowly followed that red gaze that instinctually filled with true love, though not for him. The woman and her daughter stared back… equally as horrified. “I didn’t believe you were coming back—How could I believe that? My wife she—she taught me how to recover, took her time to heal me, fully. Our daughter is sixteen, now. We are happy.” His beloved squeezed his arm and just as it always was, it comforted his aching heart. “I’m sorry, my love, but if you came back just to see me again, I’m afraid I’ll have to cut your return, here. My love?” For the very first time in his twenty years of life, one khan ignored the words of his beloved in favour of approaching another. He pulled the precious treasure from his hair and took the woman’s wrist, where he then placed it in her shaking palm and turned to the younger woman, to whom he offered the wilting oxeyes to, continuously numb despite her gratefully taking it.
     Then, with a final look to the beloved and his beautiful family—with the additional press of a handkerchief to his one functioning tear duct—one man quietly left the village.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
[Idols After Dark] The Darks Side of Christopher Bang (Stray Kids)
You can see this as a reversed version of usual appreciation posts where fans describe all the good and positive sites of their favourite idols. However, nobody in the world is perfect, am I right? And according to famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung we should accept, embrace and bring to light all our negative and dark sites as well because they only become dangerous for us if they stay hidden within our souls. And to honour this great man I decided to bring to the light some of the more negative aspects of an idol's personality to appreciate them in a way.  
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Are you excited? Are you curious? Are you outraged because idols have no flaws at all? Let's see!
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Disclaimer: I have never met any of the idols or celebrities in person, I don't know them in any other way than what is publicly known about them and probably even less because I'm constantly busy and I didn't read everything about them. This whole post is based on my pure speculation, it was made for entertainment purposes and I have to put it clear it has nothing to do with real people. It's all just a mere fiction, please don't take any of it seriously. You have every right to disagree with anything written in this text and I welcome all kinds of constructive and respectful criticism, please feel free to express your opinions in the comments or request inbox. All I ask is to keep it civil and decent. I thank  all of you in advance! 
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Christopher Bang is a highly respected and loved leader of Stray Kids and that’s not an easy task. It takes a special and strong personality to manage that kind of responsibility and we will agree that Bang Chan is the right man for the job. However, not even the best people are flawless. Let’s find out what hypothetical downsides Chan could have.
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Bang Chan is a highly respected artist and that comes with a certain ego. He might get really upset when he feels like he’s not heard, his ideas are not taken seriously or are ignored. It might trigger him and his ego gets bruised by such disrespect. Bang Chan is a perfectionist to the highest level. He might suffer terribly when something he does or says is imperfect or flawed in his opinion, he will beat himself up over it and take any minor setback or failure to his heart. He needs to understand that making mistakes isn’t the end of the world, that he’s not less cool or perfect when he stumbles. He’s his own worst critic and it’s possible he might have many unfinished projects on his plate. Leaving them like that, saves him from facing the possible imperfection of a finished project. Bang Chan is likely to self-censor himself a lot, too and often run the “I shouldn’t…” in his head. Which is a shame because he definitely should, whatever he is thinking about. Lol. His own standards for himself are insanely high, though and he might need to let loose a little bit sometimes because he’s creating such an enormous pressure on himself.
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Chan might sometimes jump to conclusions and become hasty, not thinking things through properly. His mind is likely always brimming with ideas but sometimes they might become scattered and chaotic and Chan himself loses control over them. He might have tendencies to overthink and he has a huge distaste for routine. His moods can change easily based on his own perception of himself but at the same time he puts a lot of importance on what other people think about him. Interestingly enough, he might tend to dismiss praises and compliments but he will take any criticism to heart, which might sway him into the downward spiral of self-doubt. Bang Chan might suffer from days when he simply feels completely unlucky, like if the entire world was against him. It might make him question the traditions or customs as he feels like he needs to rebel against the order of things. He’s idealistic and an individualist, he doesn’t like when people put others and especially him into boxes. Trying to label him will make Chan feel offended. There’s only one of him and he’s the only original of himself, he will never fit into categories people made up.
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Chan being the perfectionist, he will try to control his environment and sometimes even people around him. He can spot flaws easily, actually he might even spot flaws which are not there. He can become stubborn and reserved sometimes when he feels like others don’t understand him. Chan can become lethal in arguments as he will adopt all kinds of ideas and views simply to win the argument. He can become moralistic and nitpicking during the argument, obsessed with details and scrutinising his opponents words. Losing in discussion isn’t an option for Bang Chan. When the argument is over and he has won, he feels no shame to leave all the moral ideals he has been using in the argument earlier. They are not needed anymore and he might just act against them himself making him seem hypocritical to his opponent.
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When it comes to love, Bang Chan is not exactly an expert, we might as well call him a dilettante. He might become pretty clingy as he only feels secure in a partnership. It doesn’t matter whether he goes to a social gathering or to the convenience store at the corner of the street, he needs someone to accompany him. At the same time, he spots flaws on his partner pretty easily which can lead to frequent rows. It’s not recommended for his partner to ogle other men as Bang Chan can easily become possessive and jealous. His constant self-doubts and high standards he has for himself will make him think he’s not good enough for his partner and throw him into frustration. In case Bang Chan gets disappointed or deceived by his lover, he’s likely to become bitter and it will take him a long time to heal and start trusting people again.
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All in all, Bang Chan is a highly sensitive and perfectionist man, who needs people close to him to keep his feet on the ground. When he enters the slippery slope of self-bashing over something, his close ones should make sure to stop him and give him the needed perspective. Chan might come off as a bit immature still, it’s very likely he will become more balanced in older age.
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foreverengineering · 4 months
What Your Customers Really Think About Your Situ Piles?
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What Your Customers Really Think About Your Situ Piles
In today's competitive construction industry, understanding customer feedback is paramount for businesses aiming to enhance their products and services. Situ piles, also known as bored piles, are critical in providing deep foundation support for various structures. But what do customers genuinely think about them? Delving into customer insights and feedback can offer a comprehensive understanding of their perceptions, expectations, and satisfaction levels.
Quality and Reliability
The primary concern for customers when evaluating situ piles is their quality and reliability. High-quality situ piles ensure the stability and longevity of the structures they support, which is crucial for any construction project. Key points from customer feedback include:
Strength and Durability: Customers highly value situ piles that demonstrate exceptional strength and durability. They appreciate piles that can withstand significant loads and adverse environmental conditions without compromising their structural integrity. Positive reviews frequently highlight the long-lasting nature of these piles and their ability to provide a solid foundation for years to come.
Consistency in Manufacturing: Clients emphasize the importance of consistency in manufacturing processes. They prefer situ piles that meet exact specifications and standards, ensuring uniformity across all units. Consistent quality control measures during production are often mentioned positively in customer feedback.
Installation Process
The installation process of situ piles is another critical area where customer feedback provides valuable insights. Customers prioritize efficiency and support during installation, focusing on:
Ease of Installation: Customers favor situ piles that are easy and quick to install. An efficient installation process reduces construction time and labor costs, making the project more cost-effective. Positive feedback often mentions the simplicity and speed of the installation process, which allows construction teams to stay on schedule.
Technical Assistance: The availability of technical support during the installation phase is highly appreciated. Clients commend companies that offer comprehensive support, including on-site assistance, detailed installation manuals, and prompt responses to technical queries. Effective technical support ensures a smooth installation process and minimizes potential issues.
Cost is a significant factor influencing customer satisfaction with situ piles. Clients seek a balance between cost and performance, looking for solutions that offer excellent value for money. Key aspects highlighted in feedback include:
Competitive Pricing: Customers appreciate situ piles that are competitively priced without compromising on quality. Positive reviews frequently mention the affordability of the piles and the overall cost savings achieved through their use.
Long-Term Savings: Beyond initial costs, customers consider the long-term financial benefits of using situ piles. They value products that require minimal maintenance and have a lower total cost of ownership over their lifespan. Feedback often highlights the cost-effectiveness of situ piles in terms of reduced maintenance and repair expenses.
Environmental Impact
In an era where sustainability is a top priority, the environmental impact of construction materials is a crucial consideration for customers. Feedback reveals their preferences and concerns regarding:
Sustainable Materials: Customers increasingly favor situ piles made from eco-friendly materials. They appreciate companies that prioritize sustainable practices in their manufacturing processes, such as using recycled materials and minimizing waste. Positive feedback often highlights the environmental benefits of using these sustainable products.
Minimal Environmental Disruption: The installation process's impact on the surrounding environment is also a significant concern. Customers value practices that minimize disruption, such as reducing noise, dust, and other forms of pollution during construction. Reviews frequently commend companies that implement environmentally responsible installation methods.
Customer Service
Exceptional customer service can significantly enhance overall satisfaction with situ piles. Feedback often emphasizes:
Responsive Communication: Timely and clear communication from the company is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction. Clients appreciate prompt responses to inquiries, clear explanations of product features, and regular updates on order status. Positive reviews frequently mention the responsiveness and professionalism of the company's customer service team.
After-Sales Support: Reliable after-sales support, including warranty services and effective problem resolution, is a key factor in positive feedback. Customers value companies that stand behind their products and are committed to resolving any issues that arise after the sale. Excellent after-sales support fosters trust and long-term loyalty among customers.
Innovation and Technology
Another aspect that customers appreciate is the incorporation of innovative technologies in situ pile manufacturing and installation. Key points include:
Advanced Materials: Customers are interested in situ piles made from advanced materials that offer improved performance characteristics, such as higher strength-to-weight ratios and better resistance to environmental factors.
Technological Integration: The use of technology in the design, manufacturing, and installation processes is highly valued. Clients appreciate innovations such as real-time monitoring systems that provide data on pile performance and integrity, helping to ensure the success of their construction projects.
Customization and Flexibility
The ability to customize situ piles to meet specific project requirements is another area where customer feedback is insightful. Customers often mention:
Tailored Solutions: The availability of customizable options that can be tailored to specific site conditions and project needs is a significant advantage. Clients appreciate companies that offer flexibility in terms of dimensions, materials, and load-bearing capacities.
Adaptability: Customers value situ piles that can adapt to a variety of soil conditions and construction scenarios. Products that perform well in different environments, from soft clay to hard rock, receive positive feedback for their versatility and reliability.
Understanding what customers really think about situ piles is essential for any business aiming to excel in the construction industry. By focusing on high-quality, reliable products, efficient installation processes, cost-effectiveness, environmental sustainability, exceptional customer service, innovation, and customization, companies can meet and exceed customer expectations.
Listening to and acting on customer feedback is not just a business strategy; it’s a pathway to excellence and growth. By continuously improving based on customer insights, companies can foster long-term loyalty and success, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in the evolving construction market.
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tullipstudio-blog · 7 months
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To embark on the journey toward becoming a literary editor for a prominent publishing company is to embark on a path illuminated by a profound love for the written word and a dedication to nurturing literary excellence. It necessitates a multifaceted skill set, blending a deep appreciation for literature with a keen eye for detail, a profound understanding of narrative structures, and the ability to collaborate seamlessly with authors, agents, and fellow industry professionals. Aspiring to this vocation calls for a commitment to continuous learning, an unwavering passion for storytelling, and an inherent drive to contribute to the rich tapestry of the literary world.
Becoming a literary editor for a reputable publishing company is a highly sought-after career aspiration for many individuals passionate about literature, writing, and the intricacies of the publishing industry. A literary editor is responsible for overseeing the development and publication of written content, ensuring its quality, coherence, and marketability. The role demands a deep understanding of literary trends, excellent communication skills, and a keen editorial eye. If you're keen on pursuing this career path, here is a comprehensive guide that outlines the steps to becoming a literary editor for a company:
1. Cultivate a Love for Literature: To excel as a literary editor, you must have a genuine passion for literature. Develop a habit of reading extensively across various genres, both classic and contemporary. This will not only expand your knowledge but also help you recognize different writing styles, themes, and storytelling techniques.
2. Pursue a Relevant Educational Background: While a specific degree isn't always a requirement, a strong educational background in literature, English, or a related field can significantly enhance your credibility and understanding of the craft. Consider pursuing a bachelor's degree in English, literature, or creative writing, and continue your education with a master's degree in literature, creative writing, or publishing if possible.
3. Gain Practical Experience: Seek internships or entry-level positions at publishing houses, literary agencies, or media companies. This hands-on experience will provide valuable insights into the publishing industry, editorial processes, and the demands of the role. Additionally, it will allow you to build a network of contacts within the industry, which can be instrumental in your future endeavors.
4. Develop Strong Editorial Skills: Hone your editorial skills by taking on freelance editing projects, starting a personal blog, or contributing to literary magazines. Practice editing for style, grammar, and content, and familiarize yourself with various style guides and editing software. Pay attention to details and strive to provide constructive feedback to writers while maintaining their unique voice and style.
5. Stay Abreast of Industry Trends: Keep yourself updated with the latest trends, bestsellers, and emerging authors within the literary world. Attend literary events, book fairs, and writing workshops to expand your knowledge and network with industry professionals. Join relevant associations or groups, such as the Editorial Freelancers Association, to stay connected with the broader editorial community.
6. Develop a Strong Portfolio: Build a portfolio showcasing your editing experience, including samples of your work, testimonials from clients or supervisors, and any published pieces. Highlight your ability to enhance a manuscript while preserving the author's voice and vision. A compelling portfolio will serve as a testament to your skills and expertise.
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8. Cultivate a Critical Eye: Cultivate a discerning and critical eye for literary works. Understand the nuances of storytelling, character development, plot structure, and narrative pacing. Analyze published works critically to identify what makes them successful and apply these insights to your editorial approach.
9. Build a Professional Network: Actively network with authors, agents, editors, and other industry professionals. Attend industry events, join online forums, and engage in conversations within the literary community. Building strong professional relationships can open up opportunities for collaboration and career advancement.
10. Apply for Editorial Positions: Keep an eye on job openings at publishing houses, literary agencies, or online publishing platforms. Tailor your application materials, including your resume, cover letter, and portfolio, to highlight your relevant skills and experiences. Emphasize your passion for literature and your commitment to nurturing and promoting emerging and established authors.
11. Demonstrate Adaptability and Openness: The publishing industry is dynamic and constantly evolving. Demonstrate your adaptability and openness to new ideas, genres, and trends. Be willing to learn and embrace new technologies and digital publishing platforms that are reshaping the industry.
12. Embrace Continuous Learning: Stay committed to your professional development by attending workshops, seminars, and webinars focused on industry-specific topics such as editing techniques, marketing trends, and digital publishing innovations. Pursue additional certifications or courses to enhance your skills and stay competitive in the ever-changing publishing landscape.
13. Display Leadership Qualities: As you progress in your career, aim to exhibit leadership qualities that inspire confidence and trust. Be proactive in taking on challenging projects, mentoring junior editors, and contributing innovative ideas that can drive the success of the publishing company.
14. Maintain Professional Integrity: Uphold ethical standards and maintain the integrity of the publishing process. Respect the author's creative vision and ensure that the editorial process enhances the quality of the work without compromising its authenticity.
As we draw to a close, it is evident that the path to becoming a literary editor for a reputable publishing company demands not only a profound understanding of literature but also an unwavering commitment to the craft and an insatiable thirst for literary excellence. The journey toward this esteemed position requires perseverance, dedication, and a deep-seated passion for the written word that transcends mere pages and ink, embracing the power of storytelling as a transformative force in the world.
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As you embark on this enriching journey, remember that each manuscript you touch carries the potential to inspire, provoke thought, and ignite the imagination of readers. Embrace the responsibility with humility and passion, always mindful of the profound impact your editorial insight can have on the literary landscape and the broader cultural conversation.
With each word meticulously scrutinized, each narrative carefully shaped, and each author's vision respectfully honored, you will contribute to the ever-evolving legacy of literature, leaving an indelible mark on the literary world and fostering a vibrant community of storytellers who continue to shape the world with their words. A steadfast commitment to excellence and an enduring love for the art of storytelling may define embrace the power of the written word, and.
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roybishop881 · 10 months
ChurchsChickensurvey.com – Take Church’s Chicken Survey
Welcome to ChurchsChickensurvey.com, the official platform for the Church's Texas Chicken Customer Satisfaction Survey. We appreciate your time and feedback as we strive to improve our services constantly. In this article, we will guide you through the process of taking the survey, provide valuable tips, and highlight the significance of your input. Let's embark on this journey together and make your opinion count!
Understanding the Church’s Chicken Survey : The Church's Texas Chicken Customer Satisfaction Survey is a powerful tool that allows us to gather insights directly from our valued customers. By participating in this survey, you have the opportunity to share your thoughts and experiences regarding various aspects of our restaurant, including food quality, service, cleanliness, and overall satisfaction.
Accessing ChurchsChickensurvey.com : To access the Church's Texas Chicken Customer Satisfaction Survey, simply visit ChurchsChickensurvey.com. Our website is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, ensuring a seamless survey experience. By accessing this platform, you can actively contribute to our improvement efforts and help shape the future of our services.
Participating in the Church’s Chicken Survey : Participating in the Church's Texas Chicken Customer Satisfaction Survey is easy and straightforward. To begin, ensure that you have a recent receipt from your visit to one of our restaurants. The receipt contains essential information such as the store number, date, and time of your visit. These details are necessary to initiate the survey process and ensure accurate feedback. Enter the required information on ChurchsChickensurvey.com, and you'll be ready to share your valuable opinions with us.
Reflect on your visit : Take a moment to recall your recent dining experience at Church's Texas Chicken. Consider the taste of the food, the quality of service, the cleanliness of the restaurant, and any other aspects that stood out to you.
Provide specific feedback : When answering the survey questions, be specific and detailed in your responses. This will help us identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes to enhance your future dining experiences.
Share your suggestions : If you have any suggestions or ideas for us, feel free to include them in the survey. Your input is highly valued, and we appreciate any recommendations that can help us serve you better.
Be honest and constructive : Your honest feedback, whether positive or negative, is crucial for our growth. Constructive criticism enables us to identify areas that require improvement and take appropriate actions to address them effectively.
The Importance of Churchschickenfeedback : By participating in the Church's Texas Chicken Customer Satisfaction Survey, also known as ChurchsChickensurvey.com, you actively contribute to our continuous improvement efforts. Your feedback helps us understand your preferences, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make informed decisions to enhance our services. Together, we can create a dining experience that exceeds your expectations.
Privacy and Data Collection : At ChurchsChickensurvey.com, we understand the importance of your privacy. We collect data from your computer and browser, including your IP address, domain, cookie information, and software and hardware attributes. This data is processed by Service Management Group, LLC (SMG) in the United States. We use this information to facilitate communication, deliver surveys, ensure survey integrity, prevent fraud, conduct market research, administer and improve our website and applications, and analyze usage patterns to enhance SMG Services.
Terms and Conditions : To ensure fair participation and transparency, certain terms and conditions apply to Church's Texas Chicken Customer Satisfaction Survey. These may include eligibility requirements, survey duration, and any rules related to incentives or rewards. We recommend reviewing the terms and conditions available on ChurchsChickensurvey.com to familiarize yourself with the guidelines and maximize your survey experience.
Source : https://churchschickenfeedback.store/
Conclusion : ChurchsChickensurvey.com provides you with an opportunity to share your feedback and contribute to the improvement of Church's Texas Chicken. Your participation in the survey is invaluable as it helps us understand your needs and preferences, enabling us to elevate your dining experience. Visit ChurchsChickensurvey.com today, take the survey, and let your voice be heard. Thank you for being a valued customer of Church's Texas Chicken and for helping us serve you better!
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[ad_1] Mastering the Art of Feedback: Constructive Communication for Growth Introduction: Effective communication is at the heart of any successful relationship, whether it's personal or professional. In the context of professional development, feedback plays a crucial role in helping individuals reach their full potential. Constructive feedback, when delivered with intention and empathy, can foster growth, improve performance, and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of mastering the art of feedback, equipping you with the skills and knowledge to engage in constructive communication for personal and professional growth. I. Understanding the Power of Feedback A. Defining Feedback: The Essence of Constructive Communication B. The Impact of Feedback on Personal and Professional Growth C. The Role of Feedback in Building and Strengthening Relationships II. The Fundamentals of Effective Feedback A. Creating a Safe and Supportive Feedback Environment B. Clear Communication: Choosing the Right Platform and Medium C. Setting Clear and Measurable Goals for Feedback D. Active Listening: The Key to Meaningful Feedback III. Types of Feedback and When to Use Them A. Positive Feedback: Recognizing and Reinforcing Successes B. Constructive Feedback: Addressing Areas for Improvement C. Developmental Feedback: Fostering Personal and Professional Growth D. Performance Feedback: Enhancing Job Performance and Productivity IV. The Art of Giving Feedback A. The Importance of Context and Timing in Feedback Delivery B. Framing Feedback Effectively: The Feedback Sandwich Technique C. Providing Specific and Actionable Feedback D. Balancing Criticism with Encouragement: The Art of Tone and Language V. Receiving Feedback with Grace and Openness A. Creating a Culture of Feedback Appreciation B. Active Listening: Acknowledging Feedback without Defensiveness C. Seeking Clarification and Seeking Solutions D. Implementing Feedback: Translating Suggestions into Action VI. Navigating Challenging Feedback Situations A. Dealing with Criticism: Managing Emotional Responses B. Handling Feedback from Superiors, Peers, and Subordinates C. Giving Feedback to Difficult Individuals or Highly Sensitive Employees D. Addressing Conflicting Feedback: Finding Common Ground VII. Personalizing Feedback for Individual Growth A. Tailoring Feedback to Different Learning Styles and Personality Types B. Continuous Feedback: Incorporating Regular Check-ins and Evaluations C. Customizing Feedback for High-Performing Individuals and Team Members D. Addressing Biases and Stereotypes in Feedback VIII. The Role of Feedback in Organizational Growth and Development A. Incorporating Feedback into Performance Management Systems B. Building a Feedback Culture: Leadership and Organizational Support C. Overcoming Resistance to Feedback within the Organization D. Leveraging Feedback for Innovation and Continuous Improvement FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions): 1. What is the importance of feedback in personal growth? - Feedback acts as a mirror, providing insights into our blind spots and areas for improvement. It helps us enhance self-awareness and make proactive changes for personal growth. 2. How can I give feedback effectively without demotivating the recipient? - By utilizing the feedback sandwich technique, emphasizing specific actions or behaviors, and maintaining a supportive and empathetic tone, feedback can be delivered constructively, motivating individuals to strive for improvement. 3. How can leaders create a feedback culture in organizations? - Leaders must lead by example, encourage open dialogue, provide regular feedback opportunities, and ensure that feedback is tied to growth and development rather than punishment. 4. How do you handle conflicting feedback from different sources? - When faced with conflicting feedback, it is essential to seek clarification and identify common themes.
Engaging in a conversation to understand perspectives allows for a comprehensive understanding and the ability to address any discrepancies. Conclusion: Mastering the art of feedback is a continuous journey that requires dedication, empathy, and active participation. Constructive communication has the power to transform relationships, enhance personal and professional growth, and drive organizational success. By embracing the concepts outlined in this comprehensive guide, you will embark on a path towards becoming a skilled communicator, empowering others, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. [ad_2] #Mastering #Art #Feedback #Constructive #Communication #Growth
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deltainfoteklive · 1 year
Tips To Improve Your Career Development
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In today's fast-paced and competitive professional landscape, the pursuit of career development is a crucial endeavour. Whether you're just starting out or seeking to elevate your current position, implementing effective strategies can significantly impact your trajectory. This article dives deep into Tips To Improve Your Career Development, providing you with valuable insights, actionable advice, and expert perspectives to guide your journey toward professional excellence. Tips To Improve Your Career Development As a foundation for a successful career, consider the following Tips To Improve Your Career Development: 1. Embrace Lifelong Learning Never stop learning! In an ever-evolving work environment, staying up-to-date with industry trends and acquiring new skills is paramount. Take advantage of workshops, online courses, and seminars to enhance your expertise and remain competitive. 2. Set Clear Goals Define both short-term and long-term goals to give your career direction and purpose. Clear objectives will help you stay motivated and focused on your professional journey. 3. Develop Effective Communication Skills Strong communication skills are essential in any field. Hone your ability to articulate ideas clearly, listen actively, and engage in productive conversations with colleagues and superiors. 4. Seek Mentorship Mentors provide valuable guidance and insight based on their experiences. Identifying a mentor can help you navigate challenges, broaden your perspectives, and gain wisdom from someone who's been there. 5. Network Strategically Building a professional network can open doors to opportunities. Attend industry events, connect on social media, and engage in meaningful conversations to expand your circle and learn from others. 6. Embrace Adaptability Flexibility is key in a rapidly changing work environment. Adapt to new technologies, methodologies, and challenges with an open mind and a willingness to learn. 7. Showcase Leadership Skills Even if you're not in a managerial role, leadership qualities are highly valued. Demonstrate initiative, accountability, and teamwork to exhibit your potential as a future leader. 8. Stay Organized Efficient organization enhances productivity. Utilize tools, such as calendars and task management apps, to stay on top of your responsibilities and deadlines. 9. Pursue Additional Responsibilities Take on projects outside your job description to showcase your versatility and dedication. This not only adds value to your role but also demonstrates your commitment to your organization's success. 10. Embrace Constructive Feedback Feedback, whether positive or negative, is an opportunity for growth. Use it to improve your skills, make necessary adjustments, and continuously evolve as a professional. The Power of Continuous Improvement With these Tips To Improve Your Career Development, you're equipped to create a solid foundation for your career growth. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. By adopting a mindset of continuous improvement, you'll position yourself for long-term success in your chosen field. Frequently Asked Questions: How often should I update my career goals? Career goals should be reviewed and adjusted at least once a year. As your skills and interests evolve, your goals should reflect these changes to ensure alignment with your aspirations. Is networking only important when job hunting? No, networking is valuable throughout your career. Building and nurturing professional relationships can lead to collaborations, knowledge sharing, and unforeseen opportunities. What's the best way to handle constructive criticism? When receiving constructive criticism, stay open-minded and appreciative. Ask for specific examples, and focus on how you can use the feedback to improve rather than becoming defensive. Can I have multiple mentors? Absolutely! Having multiple mentors with diverse experiences can provide you with a broader perspective and a well-rounded guidance system for various aspects of your career. How do I balance additional responsibilities without getting overwhelmed? Prioritize tasks, delegate when possible, and practice effective time management. Communicate with your supervisor about your workload to ensure a healthy balance. Is adaptability more important than specialization? Both are essential. Specialization provides expertise, while adaptability ensures you can thrive in a dynamic work environment. Strive for a balance between the two. Conclusion In the pursuit of career development, the journey is as significant as the destination. By incorporating these Tips To Improve Your Career Development into your professional strategy, you're investing in your growth, learning, and success. Remember, your career is in your hands—continuously strive for excellence, embrace opportunities for growth, and make your mark in your chosen field. Read the full article
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smartpaper · 1 year
Empowering Students: Techniques for Fostering a Collaborative Learning Environment
In an age where innovation is the norm, and collaborative skills are highly prized in the workplace, the traditional top-down model of education seems ill-suited to equip students for the demands of the future. A paradigm shift is needed - one that positions students as active contributors to their own learning process. It is here that a collaborative learning environment steps in. By fostering collaboration, we empower students to take control of their learning, improve communication skills, enhance problem-solving abilities, and better prepare them for a dynamic and interconnected world.
Here are some techniques that educators can employ to foster a collaborative learning environment, empowering students in the process.
1. Constructive Group Work
Constructive group work encourages students to work together and supports the sharing of ideas and knowledge. When students work together, they learn to communicate, negotiate, and solve problems collaboratively. This fosters a sense of responsibility and accountability, as every member's contribution is crucial for the group's success.
Educators should ensure that the group tasks are meaningful and challenging enough to stimulate discussions. They should also monitor group dynamics to ensure that every member is contributing and benefiting from the collaboration.
2. Integrate Technology
The integration of technology in the classroom can greatly enhance collaborative learning. Tools such as Google Docs, Padlet, and collaborative platforms like Microsoft Teams allow students to work together on projects, share ideas, and give and receive feedback in real-time.
In addition, educators can use virtual reality, augmented reality, or game-based learning to provide immersive and interactive learning experiences. These technologies can make learning fun and engaging, promoting cooperation and active participation among students.
3. Peer Tutoring and Assessment
Peer tutoring involves students teaching and learning from each other. This helps them understand concepts from a new perspective, develop patience, and improve their communication skills.
Similarly, peer assessment can also be an effective learning tool. Students learn to critique, provide feedback, and understand their own work better. It encourages them to view their work critically and to appreciate different points of view.
4. Foster a Safe and Inclusive Environment
A collaborative learning environment is only possible when every student feels safe and included. It’s essential to create an environment where different ideas are respected and valued. This includes understanding and acknowledging cultural, social, and personal differences.
Open discussions about mutual respect, inclusivity, and the value of different perspectives are a must. Students should be encouraged to express their thoughts freely, and any instances of bullying or exclusion should be promptly addressed.
5. Facilitate, Don’t Dictate
In a collaborative learning environment, the role of the teacher changes from a dictator of information to a facilitator of learning. Educators should guide students, ask probing questions, provide feedback, and let students discover the answers. They should help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, rather than just focusing on rote memorization.
Building a collaborative learning environment is no easy task, and it requires a shift in the traditional educational paradigm. However, the benefits it provides - in terms of equipping students with 21st-century skills like collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving - are invaluable.
When students are empowered to take control of their own learning, they are more engaged and motivated. They become active learners rather than passive recipients of knowledge, setting them up for success in a world that increasingly values innovation, creativity, and collaborative problem-solving.
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polawyer · 1 year
Mastering the Art of Impressing Your Boss: A Guide for New Corporate Lawyers
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PO Lawyer - Starting a new job as a corporate lawyer can be both exciting and challenging. As a new hire, it's crucial to make a positive impression on your boss right from the beginning. By demonstrating your skills, professionalism, and dedication, you can set yourself apart and pave the way for a successful career. We will explore 10 powerful strategies that can help you impress your boss as a new corporate lawyer.
1. Understand Your Boss's Expectations
To impress your boss, it's essential to have a clear understanding of their expectations. Schedule a meeting to discuss your boss's goals, preferred communication style, and work priorities. See Also: 15 Ways Bankruptcy Attorneys Help You Overcome Debt Issues By aligning your efforts with their expectations, you can demonstrate your commitment to success.
2. Master Legal Research and Writing Skills
As a corporate lawyer, strong legal research and writing skills are paramount. Dedicate time to enhance these skills by staying updated with the latest legal developments, attending relevant workshops or seminars, and seeking feedback from senior colleagues. Clear, concise, and well-researched written work will undoubtedly impress your boss.
3. Be Proactive and Show Initiative
Impress your boss by taking initiative and going above and beyond your assigned tasks. Stay updated on industry trends, offer creative solutions to legal challenges, and suggest improvements to existing processes. By demonstrating your proactive nature, you show your boss that you are a valuable asset to the team.
4. Develop Strong Organizational Skills
As a corporate lawyer, you will often deal with multiple cases and deadlines simultaneously. Developing strong organizational skills is vital to effectively manage your workload. Use digital tools, such as calendar applications or project management software, to keep track of deadlines and prioritize tasks. By staying organized, you can ensure timely completion of assignments and gain your boss's trust.
5. Exhibit Professionalism and Attention to Detail
Professionalism and attention to detail are crucial traits for any successful corporate lawyer. Dress appropriately, maintain punctuality, and pay attention to the smallest details in your work. Submit error-free documents, review contracts meticulously, and double-check your research findings. Your boss will appreciate your commitment to delivering high-quality work.
6. Cultivate Strong Communication Skills
Effective communication is essential in the legal profession. As a new corporate lawyer, focus on honing your communication skills, both written and verbal. Be concise, articulate, and confident when presenting your ideas or discussing legal matters with clients or colleagues. Good communication skills will undoubtedly leave a positive impression on your boss.
7. Seek Feedback and Learn from Mistakes
To continuously improve, actively seek feedback from your boss and more experienced colleagues. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for growth and show your boss that you are dedicated to self-improvement. Read More: Legal Matters: When to Seek Professional Counsel Additionally, when you make a mistake, take responsibility, learn from it, and take steps to avoid similar errors in the future.
8. Foster Strong Relationships with Colleagues
Building positive relationships with your colleagues is essential for a harmonious work environment. Collaborate effectively, offer assistance when needed, and be a team player. By fostering a supportive and cooperative atmosphere, you demonstrate your ability to work well with others, which is highly valued by bosses.
9. Stay Updated with Industry Trends
Corporate law is a dynamic field, constantly evolving with new regulations and industry trends. Stay informed by reading legal publications, attending conferences, and joining relevant professional associations. Being up to date with the latest developments shows your boss that you are invested in your professional growth.
10. Demonstrate a Strong Work Ethic
Finally, one of the most powerful strategies to impress your boss is to exhibit a strong work ethic. Be diligent, proactive, and dedicated to your work. Take ownership of your responsibilities and strive for excellence in everything you do. Your boss will appreciate your commitment and dedication. Conclusion As a new corporate lawyer, impressing your boss is vital for your professional growth and success. By understanding your boss's expectations, honing your skills, being proactive, and fostering positive relationships, you can set yourself apart from others. Dont Miss: How to Choose the Best Personal Injury Extraordinary Attorney Remember, building a successful career takes time, so be patient and persistent in your efforts to impress your boss. FAQ Q: How long does it usually take to impress your boss as a new corporate lawyer? It varies from person to person and depends on factors such as the complexity of the work, your boss's expectations, and your ability to adapt and learn. However, by implementing the strategies mentioned in this article consistently, you can make a positive impression relatively quickly. Q: What if I make a mistake while trying to impress my boss? Mistakes are a part of the learning process. When you make a mistake, take responsibility, learn from it, and take corrective action. Seeking feedback and demonstrating your commitment to growth and improvement will help mitigate the impact of any errors. Q: Are these strategies only applicable to new corporate lawyers? While these strategies are specifically geared towards new corporate lawyers, many of them can be applied to professionals in various fields. Skills such as effective communication, organizational abilities, and fostering positive relationships are valuable in any work environment. Adapt these strategies to suit your specific circumstances and profession. Don’t forget. With. Development Perfect Organiztion Lawyer by clicking on the link. In. Lower. This : Facebook. (By clicking on this link, you will be logged into PO Lawyer Facebook) Let’s click now. Or you can also see our Twitter, Flickr, Pinterest, VK, Tumblr, Diigo, or you can visit our Google News. We Are Also There Channels YouTube For Look Lawyers Information us Visually Come on Now Join Us. Read the full article
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rengkap · 1 year
All written by Vale.
I am open to different romantic pairings in fictional contexts. I mainly talk and engage with content about Heejake and Jayhoon. Please ensure that you are of the appropriate age before accessing my content, as it may contain explicit material.
I greatly appreciate any feedback, whether it’s positive or constructive criticism. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and suggestions here: https://tellonym.me/dazedush, as they are highly valued and will be taken into consideration.
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elearnig · 1 year

The Power of Public Speaking: How to Overcome Fear and Captivate Your Audience
Public speaking is a skill that has the power to transform your personal and professional life. From captivating a room full of people with your words to inspiring and motivating others, the ability to speak confidently in public is highly valued in today's society. However, for many individuals, the thought of standing in front of an audience can be intimidating and anxiety-inducing. The fear of public speaking is a common phenomenon known as glossophobia, and it affects people of all walks of life. Fortunately, with the right strategies and practice, anyone can overcome their fear and become a captivating public speaker.
Acknowledge and Understand Your Fear:
The first step in overcoming the fear of public speaking is to acknowledge and understand it. It's important to recognize that this fear is a natural response triggered by the body's fight-or-flight mechanism. Public speaking often puts us in a vulnerable position, and our fear stems from the concern of being judged or making mistakes. By acknowledging this fear, you can begin to address it head-on and develop strategies to overcome it.
Prepare Thoroughly:
One of the most effective ways to boost your confidence as a public speaker is through thorough preparation. Familiarize yourself with the topic you'll be speaking about, gather relevant information, and organize your thoughts in a logical and coherent manner. Prepare an outline or a script, and practice your speech multiple times. The more comfortable you become with the material, the easier it will be to deliver it with confidence.
Visualize Success:
Visualization is a powerful technique used by many successful public speakers. Close your eyes and imagine yourself confidently delivering your speech to an engaged and appreciative audience. Visualize the positive reactions, the applause, and the sense of accomplishment. By visualizing success, you are programming your mind to believe in your abilities and overcome any self-doubt or anxiety.
Start Small:
If the idea of speaking in front of a large audience is overwhelming, start by practicing in smaller, more comfortable settings. Join a local speaking club or participate in small group discussions. This will help you gradually build your confidence and get used to the feeling of speaking in public. As you gain more experience and positive feedback, you can gradually increase the size of your audience.
Focus on Your Audience:
Public speaking is not about you; it's about the audience. Shift your focus from your own anxiety to the people you are speaking to. Remember that they are there to listen to your message, learn from you, or be inspired. Connect with your audience by maintaining eye contact, using gestures and body language, and speaking in a conversational tone. When you genuinely engage with your audience, you'll find that the fear starts to fade away.
Practice Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques:
When anxiety strikes, it's important to have strategies to calm yourself down. Deep breathing exercises can help slow down your heart rate and relax your body. Before stepping onto the stage, take a few moments to take deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Additionally, practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation or progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce overall anxiety levels and increase your confidence.
Seek Feedback and Learn from Each Experience:
Every public speaking opportunity is a chance to learn and improve. Seek feedback from trusted friends, colleagues, or mentors who can provide constructive criticism. Be open to their suggestions and use their feedback to refine your speaking skills. Remember, even the most accomplished speakers continually work on their craft and strive for improvement.
Public speaking is a powerful tool that can open doors and create meaningful connections. By acknowledging your fear, preparing thoroughly, visualizing success, starting small, focusing on your audience, practicing relaxation techniques, and seeking feedback, you can overcome your fear and become a captivating speaker.
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hindisoup · 3 years
Self-studying a language with self-criticism
If you are a self-demanding person, like me, you may set yourself very high expectations, and then feel upset from time to time when you fail, like me, to reach these unrealistic requirements.
Self-analysis is a healthy skill we can use to assess and measure our success, or to observe our shortcomings in a way that guides us and help us towards our learning goals. But sometimes it turns into counterproductive self-criticism which may drive us to compare ourselves to others or causing us to lose confidence. Lack of confidence and feelings of guilt or shame that may be felt due to those unmet self-set goals may stop a language learner from booking their next iTalki lesson or answering voice call from a language partner - feeding into the cycle of failing to reach our learning achievements.
Here are some tips that I have found helpful when that sinking feeling of failure hits:
First of all, check your energy levels. Sometimes, especially in the autumn or winter, the lack of natural light combined with busy work or study schedule can drain you, and you simply cannot perform at your best every day. If you have a low motivation day and notice that your inner monologue is self-deprecating or overly negative, focus on the basics. Try to give yourself a good night's rest and have a warm meal at least once a day. It's okay to mend your study routine to match your energy levels. Even if today is a bad day, tomorrow may be different. You are allowed to rest and it doesn't mean you are lazy. Self-care is not a failure, it is the key to Success with capital S.
Be kind towards yourself. Give yourself compliments and try to see yourself through the eyes of a friend. Look back and see how far you have already come. Congratulate yourself even on the smallest achievements, even if you think they may seem insignificant to others. It's about your learning and your journey. Focus on the positives, even if you acknowledge that you still have a lot to learn.
Remember, what made you begin to study your target language in the first place. If there was a special song or a film that inspired you, remind yourself of it, and the feeling of inspiration and excitement you might have felt back then. Your initial feelings and thoughts are valid, even if time has passed and your motivations or reasons for learning have grown or changed.
Try to think of mistakes as opportunities for learning. Especially, if you notice that you keep making similar mistakes time and time again, it may be useful to stop and analyse for a bit what particularly is tricky for you. Identify the issues and break them apart into tiny and approachable learning points, whether it's about a certain tense, a verb ending, case or pronunciation of a particular sound that keeps slipping from your mind.
Keep language learning light and fun. Personally, I've found it helpful to try my best to approach language like a child. A child doesn't mind their mistakes, they are curious, they keep exploring and learn through trial and error. What matters is communication, understanding and being understood. It's good to set some goals and targets for learning, but it's also okay to write off your weekly listening task by listening to a podcast from a phone speaker when taking a bath or watch a 10 minute stand up comedy gig in your target language while eating breakfast. Anything, that can give you the feeling that you have already engaged your brain in language learning today, well done you! On days of low energy or motivation, it is okay to do any activity you can squeeze in your schedule that relaxes more than stresses you.
If you are highly critical or demanding of yourself, receiving feedback on your language mistakes can feel awful. Accepting one's mistakes in a way that doesn't cause us to feel overwhelmingly like a failure can require a lot of soul searching and take a long time. It may be easier to think of yourself as a work in progress than to accept that you have failed at handling failure. Set yourself reachable goals and explore within yourself what kind of criticism you can process constructively. It's okay to set your limits and choose the situations where you receive feedback on your language skills. If needed, you can change language partners, limit your time on social media, or other contacts where you feel like you are being unwantedly corrected.
If you feel that your language partner or tutor is too critical and that their well-intended corrections turn into counter-productive punitive thinking in your mind, it's okay to word it. Instead of allowing yourself to wallow in the feelings of shame and ending up thinking about quitting the language altogether, you are allowed to tell people what type of feedback you are looking for and what kind of corrections you would want to get by saying things like: "Last time you pointed out that I should be mindful of pronunciation. I'm working on it. Today I feel like focusing on verb tenses, can we do that?" or "Please ignore it if I use wrong tenses today, I know I need to practice them more. Today I need you to help me expand my vocabulary", etc.
Finally, get connected with other language learners. It can be an extremely lonely journey if you are learning a language by yourself as a hobby, and not part of a group. Learning alone can be effective, but talking to other people at different stages of their language path, even if they are studying other languages, can be extremely helpful in that we all have bad days, most of us occasionally feel like a failure, but we also want to celebrate our small successes together - a native speaker may not fully appreciate the sense of joy when you have finally grasped some bonkers irregular conjugation pattern or are able to pronounce your first nasal sound correctly, but another language learner surely will!
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alluringjae · 3 years
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[ 23:45 ] ⮕ END   
part of my collection of cookie cuts from all i do is wait
in order to understand, read the main story first here.
pairing: ghost!doyoung x female!reader
genre: angst, sum fluff if you really squint
warnings: death, grief
author’s note: someone asked me how i would interpret this scene, so here it is. this hurt A LOT. have fun though!
leave me some feedback, constructive criticism or hellos!
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At long last, the Korean War has ended after 3 years.
Over 5 million people dead, and to be one of the lucky survivors was a miracle.
The remaining soldiers who’ve fought through it all could return home, whilst civilians can properly rebuild all that was devastatingly destroyed in their cities. Their own normal lives included.
The fiercest 3 years of your life must you say, too engaged with self-studying your history books saved pre-war while dealing with the bargaining stage of your grief towards Doyoung. Every day, you couldn’t go on without overthinking the what-ifs. On top of that, your toddler Areum was at the stage where she loved creating a mess on the walls with her crayons. No matter how many times you’ve corrected her because it wasn’t your house, she continued anyway.
Now, she’s full-blown crying after you confiscated them and you’re on the verge of it. Thankfully, your mother stepped in to take her out for a walk in the neighborhood so you could unwind for a bit.
Since news broke out that the war ended, everyone from every street cheered and danced on the streets. You hailed with praise along with them, positive that things were going to get better. Yet deep down, you’ve selfishly wished that he was one of the lucky few to come home.
If only you didn’t chicken out so easily after he told you he was enlisting so you had a few more seconds with him.
If only you compromised him to join another field.
If only you told him about Areum earlier so he could go home.
These thoughts revolved your mind the most, instantly getting you to break down wherever you were. Even photos of him and you together were enough to tear down your walls. So, they remained hidden until the day you’re in a much better state of mind.
Dear god, you longed for him. Everything that consists of him.
In hopes to forget this tremendous loss in your life, you poured hot tea in a cup and started on this new book from this ongoing series, The Chronicles of Narnia. Getting it during this harsh period was tough, bartering it with old books you’ve owned in the market.
Fully preoccupied in the fantastical universe, flipping the pages quickly, you almost missed the continuous knocking on your door. You let out a tiny gasp and made your way to the entrance. As delusional to think it was Doyoung, you knew it wasn’t your mother and Areum either because they would’ve simply walked in. Opening it anyways, you were met by two young tall men. One had a bandage on his cheek while the other had a cast on his right arm. Noting their growing hair, they must’ve fought in the war.
Oh, if Doyoung was one of them.
“Hello, may I know who you two are?”
The one with the bandage spoke up, bowing first. “Hello, I am Lee Taeyong and this is my friend, Kim Jungwoo. We were good friends of your late lover, Kim Doyoung.”
Late lover.
Haven’t heard that since people in the neighborhood gossiped about your taboo pregnancy, but it’s not like they knew anyways. But from the letters exchanged with Doyoung before, he talked about these two highly. Whenever there were times of ease while serving, Doyoung was always up to mischievous things with these two. In a situation where they had to man up, they brought out his inner child.
“Oh, yes! Doyoung used to talk about you two in his letters, but I had no clue how you guys looked.”
By instinct, you invited them inside for tea by the patio. You’ve always wanted to meet them despite the circumstances. Bringing in a tray with a teapot and treats, mostly you were inquiring about their lives. Aside from knowing their positions in the team, you learned of their new plans moving forward.
“I want to return to university to finish my studies in mechanical engineering, maybe travel the world too.” Jungwoo stated, blowing on his cup before sipping it. He’s said to be an organized man according to Doyoung, always cautious of his surroundings. It balanced out his liveliness.
“Me too! I want to complete my major in finance, then marry my childhood sweetheart after a few years.” Taeyong expounded, his round eyes glowed in wonder. He must’ve been looking forward to this day, and you were content for him. Meanwhile, it processed to Taeyong what he said, realizing that it may have been insensitive.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” He burst out instantly. “I got stuck in my feelings there.”
“It’s okay, nothing to worry about. You shouldn’t apologize for how you feel.”
“I do think we should feel worried about you though.” Jungwoo interrupted, sighing heavily. “What happened with Doyoung-hyung all those years ago, we’re really concerned for you especially.”
At the mention of the painful memory, this wasn’t the right time to crumble. You weren’t capable to show your vulnerability to anyone but yourself. Plastering a wrenching pretend smile, “I appreciate the concern, truly. But I’ll be okay again. I’m planning to return to university too, then proceed to law school. A shared dream of mine and his.”
Taeyong and Jungwoo transparently viewed you like glass, coping with the grief of it. They were on the same page as you, and unaware to you, they knew his final words. With their interpretation, it only felt right to reach out to you. Befriend you, aid you in any possible way.
At the end of the day, three of you equally shared the suffering over the death of a loved one.
Sitting in peaceful silence, the front door creaked open followed by a tiny, high-pitched voice squealing.
“We’re home!” Your mother shouted.
“I’m at the patio, we have guests over!” You replied, pouring more tea for the two quiet boys.
From such a low-spirited atmosphere only did it liven up when an energetic Areum came into your setting. She had pigtails this time, satisfying herself with fresh bungeo-ppang from the neighborhood. No matter what you’re feeling, it took a single glance of her with her small moon-like eyes to recharge you.
“Mom, who are your friends here?” She pondered cluelessly.
The two boys exchanged looks at each other first, then to you in one breath. Their expressions of perplexity by how one’s hand was on their mouth and the other boy couldn’t stop staring at Areum, you identified exactly what they were thinking of.
“Areum, these are your dad’s friends in the army.” You animatedly confirmed. “The one with that tiny bandage on his face is uncle Taeyong, and the one with the white cast is uncle Jungwoo.”
Doyoung’s death was already so heavy to take in, but upon discovering this hidden surprise, Jungwoo wiped his tears on his sleeve. But you were fast to hand him some tissue. He was younger than you, so your older sister instincts kicked in.
“This is unjust, (Y/N).” He murmured across you so Areum won’t pick up his words. Your lips pressed against each other, maintaining a straight face at him. He was right.
With Taeyong, his arms spread out wide for the small girl who willingly walked to him. He loved children, having a nephew back home. He caressed her smooth hair down to her jaw. The first thing he distinguished was her pretty eyes followed by her squishy cheeks, resembling so much of his late friend.
“You’re so pretty, Areum. Did your mom tell you that you mirror so much of your dad?”
“Yes, she does! But I’ve never met him and I don’t when I will, uncle Taeyong.”
A tragedy how the splitting image of his best friend doesn’t see what everyone sees. But again, she’s only 3 and she can only process so much. She doesn’t know the real truth behind her father’s location, except that he was working far, far away. There are days she’d ask if he’d come back soon, yet your only response is not now. This isn’t the right time for her purity about life to stain.
“Well Areum,” Jungwoo gathered his senses again, crouching down to her level. “As his friends, we know that you look just like him! Prettier even.”
“Really? Tell me more about him, uncle Jungwoo!”
It’s about time someone else shared stories about your late lover because yours was short-lived. It’s even more intriguing to listen to what other people have to say about Doyoung that weren’t his parents. Some stories told by Taeyong and Jungwoo were new to you too, giggling along to their ridiculousness when they’re not training or fighting. Loving their presence, you invited them to stay for dinner with your family, which they couldn’t reject.
What started as a tense conversation transformed into a heartwarming experience. These two boys earned a spot in your life, aspiring for longtime friendships with them. The tender way they cherished for Areum like they’re own after meeting for the first time, it’ll fill in bits of her void. In exchange, they insisted to chip in for you and her lives so it wouldn’t be just you and your family. Struggling already with the consequences of the war, it only felt proper to do so.
“Doyoung has always been there for us, now let us return the favor and be there for you and Areum.”
Your protests were deemed useless, so you allowed them to do so. Once you finished law school and take the exams, you could pay them back. It’s phenomenal how Doyoung’s good influence towards others multiplied even after his passing. Maybe if you began to view things this way, you’d recover sooner. Although he’ll always be in your thoughts, it wouldn’t be as sensitive as it is now.
For now, you’re just going to enjoy the bliss Taeyong and Jungwoo brought, retelling old tales of a drunk Doyoung on the dining table.
From behind your garden fence in secret, Doyoung secretly observed as his treasured companions interacted at last with positivity. His only daughter mirroring his adored smile, he lived in that moment vicariously through her.
What a good time to visit today, truly.
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yoshitadakima · 3 years
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#TREASURE : Welcome to the guide book of Yoshitadakima. This post is created for those people who would wish to interact with the admin in the near future and as well to discuss his rules and regulations in terms of roleplaying. This post will serve as a guide on what to expect in his account. DO AVOID COPYING.
! ⁑‌ JPN ╸ ❛ Tiger eyes, pearl-like teeth, pointed nose, amazing features. The month of May has arrived, a star was born with his snow skin and loveable personality, meet the nobleman. Yoshinori— “ 親愛なる王子様、ご挨拶. You are officially abutting TREASURE. ” As the majesty sat on the throne where he belongs the hurricane in his eyes and the agony on his mind made him a complete assertiveness. He is now the greatest yet the most dreadful, just only him and the rest of his valued kingdom.
𐑺 ࿁ WHO IS ⌁ YOSHITADAKIMA 𓈓 ( Called as Taion & Yoshi— But any forms of names will do as long as it's appropriate for the admin. A strictly IN CHARACTER roleplayer, and goes by the pronouns HE/HIM. A minor. ENFJ is the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator of the admin and a semi-interactive. )
𐑺 ࿁ CRITICISM ⌁ MEDIUM 𓈓 ( The admin will gladly accept constructive criticism. May it be a positive or negative comment. Feedbacks and pointing out flaws and errors are as well highly appreciated. I do urge you to either tell it to me either in comments or in private. Also, It'd be a great honor and of a training to roleplay and interact to those who are much more experienced, literate, good in this field, and has a wider range of vocabulary. I am always open for opportunities to grow and develop. Let us enjoy this community. )
𐑺 ࿁ PLAGIARISM ⌁ CAPTIONS 𓈓 ( I strictly warn anyone who dares to plagiarize or get my works and captions without my consent or knowledge would not be spared and tolerated. I believe that asking a prior permission to the owner is a must before producing, distributing and changing the form of any text of it. )
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ꗃ : ˖ ۫◖ END & LINKS. To view the links of the accounts, guidebook and the introductory of the admin click their respective text ( ACCOUNTS ) * ( GUIDEBOOK ) * ( INTRODUCTORY ) . Thank you very much for lending your time reading the short disclaimer of mine, rest assured, future works will be posted as soon as possible.
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penguiduck · 4 years
The Relationship Between Online Readers & Writers: How to Write the Best Feedback
Introduction | Part 1: What is this Relationship? | Part 2: Creating Motivation and Appreciation for Readers | Part 3: A Day in the Life of… | Part 4: Creating Motivation and Appreciation for Writers: Perspectives | Part 5: Creating Motivation and Appreciation for Writers: Implementation | Part 6: How to Write the Best Feedback  | Part 7: Where Does This Leave Us?
Since I've put so much emphasis on providing feedback, I believe it's only fair if I offer some instruction as well.
1. Thank your writers. They put a lot of work into producing this content for you — it is only gracious to thank them for their efforts. If someone gave you a piece of art or a homemade gift, the correct response is gratitude. Why is writing any different?
2. Be personal. It goes without saying, but writers are not robots who can crank out writing nonstop. They are providing you content that is creative and comes from the heart — the writing process is a subjective, tedious one. I think it is only gracious to reflect that same warmth and care in your feedback. Speak human to human. There is someone with very real feelings and thoughts on the other side of the screen.
What are some ways to be personal?
a) Pay attention to writers’ notes. There may be certain events going on in their lives. Maybe they’re struggling with the illness of a family member or celebrating a positive experience. They obviously only include information they wish to share. If a friend came up to you and said “It’s my birthday!” would you ignore them? Probably not; it doesn’t seem polite. Or if a friend said “I’m feeling a little bummed out. My dog passed away,” the socially correct response is to offer your condolences.
b) If you happen to realize that the writer is reaching a milestone — 100 chapters, one-year anniversary on AO3, etc. — celebrate it! Congratulate them!
c) Bring up past conversations. While your feedback is speaking to the writing, you are allowed to bring up past interactions that can enrich your comments. Maybe the writer mentioned something about a plot twist a while back. Adding a “I remember you mentioning this!” can really make writers feel special because that means you were paying attention.
3. Be specific and relevant.
I mentioned this in the previous chapter, but I think it’s worth mentioning again: I have a fuel tank for my inspiration when it comes to writing. I can run on a near-empty tank, but it’s difficult for me to do, and I struggle with creating content. It’s far easier for me to write and put out quality work when my inspiration tank is full. Every piece of feedback I receive fills it with a certain amount of inspiration.
Quality feedback refills my inspiration tank far more quickly than vague and general comments do. What are ways in which you can be specific and relevant to increase the quality of your comments?
a) You’re obviously reading this particular piece of writing for a reason. What makes you choose this story over others? What makes it special or unique? Is it the writer’s personal style? Their knack for detail and imagery? Do their sentences flow beautifully? Is their characterization spot-on? Tell them why you choose to spend your precious time reading their writing!
b) What about the characters? Does your writer have a strong grasp on keeping these characters true to their original interpretations? Are they exploring facets of their characters that you’ve never seen done before in other fanfiction? Is there a particular character that gives you the warm fuzzies, especially because of the way they are written? Is there someone you really don’t like? Why?
c) Be relevant. Leaving a comment like “PIES. I LOVE PIES” when there is a brief mention of a pie in the story doesn’t tell writers very much, unless you explain why this particular item is of note to you. Otherwise, this is not unlike going to your friend’s choir recital. Maybe she sings something from “The Lion King,” and your response is, “I like warthogs.” It’s a pretty strange comment that doesn’t speak to her performance. Let’s be a bit more cognizant of how your thoughts can come across relevantly.
Did you like the way they incorporated pies into the piece? Did you find it coincidental that they added pies because you just made one? Instead, you could say something like “I found it really interesting that you had [character name] go with pies because I was just grocery shopping and decided to buy a pie, even though I don’t really have a sweet tooth. It’s pretty impressive, though, for [character name] because pie dough can be really tough to make! I’m impressed he figured it out!”
d) How are you feeling about the progression of the story? The plot? The small details that writers add to make it more interesting? Do you have any thoughts about what might happen next? Would you be particularly excited about a certain event taking place? Perhaps you have a strong opinion on a character’s actions or choices?
e) How does this writer’s work affect you emotionally? Has there ever been a time when you were feeling upset or overwhelmed? Maybe you picked up a story from this writer, and you felt better. For me, knowing that my work can help give someone an escape or a place of respite from the real world is absolutely astonishing. Communicate this with your favorite writers. Trust me — they will be glad to know that they have helped you.
4. Be thoughtful and kind. This should be obvious, but sometimes it’s not.
While I think writers should be open and receptive to constructive criticism, I also think readers should be sensitive and mindful when giving it. If you are interested in offering criticism, it’s generally good practice to ask if the writer is receptive to it first. I welcome thoughtful criticism, but others may not. Criticism, no matter how fair or unfair, can be absolutely devastating to writers who are not ready for it. Harsh criticism can even break someone’s spirit.
Writers are artists who wish to share their craft with the world for you to enjoy. In doing so, voluntarily or not, they offer their work up to critics — but that doesn’t mean they are necessarily wanting to have their writing picked apart, concept by concept, word by word.
Here are some considerations if you wish to provide constructive criticism:
a) What is your intention? Would providing critical feedback be constructive and useful to the writer? Remember that criticism is meant to help writers become better writers —otherwise, it wouldn’t be constructive. Instead, your comment would be considered malicious, spiteful, or just plain spam. I think it’s vital that you assess this before providing criticism.
b) Is your criticism reasonable?
If you notice some characterization or detail about something canon-specific that is not correct in chapter 1 and the writer is on the 47th chapter, are you expecting them to go back and edit all 47 chapters? This is not a reasonable expectation, and mentioning something like this, correct as you may be, is not helpful and could potentially be very discouraging.
c) Is your criticism well-founded? I understand this is highly subjective, but I’ve received some harsh and nonconstructive criticisms before that don’t have any basis. Either, the commenter completely misinterpreted my meaning without giving me a benefit of the doubt that my intentions were good or they don’t realize I actually addressed their point in future chapters or they were just incorrect in their research. Please make sure that before you submit your constructive criticism, your logic is sound to the best of your ability and that you’ve considered the writer’s point-of-view.
d) Say something nice, please. I don’t think it’s good etiquette to have your first interaction be negative. Providing constructive criticism implies that you care enough about the content and writer to help them improve — if not, hit the back button and move on with your day. If so, then that means there must be something redeeming about the writing that makes you wish to be a part of its success. Show that. Otherwise, your constructive criticism may not come off as constructive at all — instead, it could be interpreted as unkind, and if you really do have best intentions at heart, then being kind is a minimum requirement for interactions.
Talk about what you like about a writer’s work first and even explain why you’re providing criticism. Start with something like: “Hi! I absolutely love that you’re writing for this fandom. I think you write [character name] very well, better than most interpretations I’ve come across! If I may, I’d like to discuss your most recent portrayal of [character name]. I see where you were coming from, but I think he may have been a little too forward because [insert reasons]. What was your thought process behind this? Other that particular scene, I’ve been very pleased with your portrayal! ”
Really, take a page out of Thumper’s book: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.
Below, you will find a hodge-podge of questions that may help you construct your feedback:
Who is your favorite character? Why?
What do you like about this author's writing style?
What makes this piece different than others?
Has any part of this piece/chapter made you smile? What was it?
Give your honest opinion on an character, whether you like or dislike him/her.
How do you like the main character? Why?
What do you think is going to happen next? What makes you think that?
Is there a character you just want to suffocate in hugs?
Do any of the characters remind you of someone else?
What is it about this piece that has had you following it for so long?
If there is a cliffhanger, what makes you so anxious to see what happens next?
How do you think this story will end?
How will this piece ending make you feel? Will you be sad that it's over?
Is there a character you pity?
How do you feel about the villain(s)?
If this story were real and you really were the main character, who would be your best friend?
For WWYFFs, who is your favorite bachelor? Why? Can you even choose one?
Has this author ever written a part in this piece that made you uncomfortable? Why?
What's your overall opinion on the main character's behavior?
Did a part in this piece/chapter make you crack up? What was it?
Do silly thoughts ever enter your head while reading this piece?
Tell the writer how much you love them for writing this.
If the writer has any RL issues or concerns, respond to them (condolences, best wishes, etc.).
Did the antagonist ever do something where you just wanted to punch him/her in the face?
Has this story ever been an escape for you?
Do you ever think of this story out in the real world?
Why do you think this is one of your favorite pieces?
Is there something you don't like and would like to change? Be sure this is constructive.
How did this chapter/piece make you feel?
Make a prediction about anything — a character, perhaps?
Do you like how the characters are developing?
Is there a line in this story that made you laugh out loud?
What emotions did you have while reading this? Did you feel angry, frustrated, awkward or sad?
Has there ever been a point in this story when you're on the brink of tears?
Do you feel that this author's specific writing style has contributed to your enjoyment of the piece?
Thank the author for taking the time to update in a very busy period in her life.
Do you have an idea that you wish to share?
Is there anything that confuses you and you wish for clarification?
Is there something in this story that you can't wait to be resolved?
Analyze a character and try to explain why s/he does what s/he does.
Do you for see any problems with this story?
Tell the author how much you appreciate them.
Finally, I’d like to leave you all with some templates you can use. Of course, it’d be most personal and heartfelt for you to construct your own comments and reviews, but I understand not everyone feels comfortable doing so, and utilizing these templates to help get your thoughts across is certainly better than leaving no feedback at all! Edit whatever you’d like, use pieces, combine templates — it’s in your hands!
“Hi! I’m so thrilled to have found this story. I’ve been looking for a good [fandom] fic with a [character names] pairing for a long time now, and to see one of his quality just made my day! Your writing is [superb/detailed/professional/etc.], and your characterization [is honest/is spot-on/makes me weep with joy/etc.]. I am going to be following this with a very close eye. Thank you so much for gracing the world with your beautiful writing!”
“Admittedly, I didn’t think I’d be getting back into [fandom], but I saw your fic and began reading it on a whim. I am now intrigued and looking forward to what happens next. I absolutely love how you portray [character name]. [He/she/they] are exactly how I imagined [him/her/them] to be in this situation that you’ve crafted, and I look forward to more. Can’t wait for the next update!”
“This is brilliant. I’ve never seen another story like this, and I thank you for sharing your talents with us and the [fandom] fandom. You make me gush every time you have scenes like this, and [character name] just makes my heart thud!”
“Ugh, that cliffhanger! D: I can’t believe you just cut it off like that — now I’m going to have to wait impatiently for the next update. I hope [character name] survives. It sounds like a terrible situation to be in, but you wrote it so [beautifully/hauntingly/well/etc.]! Will be eagerly awaiting the next chapter!”
“OH MY HEART. You always create the most [lovable/intimate/disgustingly cute/etc.] moments, and I just want to puke rainbows and sunshine. I LITERALLY SQUEED. In fact, I squeed so loud, my [mother/boyfriend/partner/sister/etc.] asked me what was wrong!”
“Your writing style leaves me [breathless/wanting more/etc.]. <3 The way you string words together is just pure poetry, and it is a [joy/treat/etc.] to read. We need more people like you writing
“I don’t usually read original content online, but this piece caught my eye, and you did not disappoint. The world and plot you’ve created is [creative/heartrending/exciting/etc.], and your characters are [memorable/endearing/so much fun/etc.]! I find myself entranced with [character name]. I feel like I can really relate to [his/her/their] plight. Looking forward to the next update and seeing what [character names] are going to do!”
“This story feel so professionally written to me. You could absolutely take this and publish it. Your writing is [beautiful/flawless/a joy to read/etc.], and I so admire your ability to consistently give us content. Please keep writing and sharing with us! I cannot get enough of [story title], and I look forward to every update.”
“I’m super curious about [character/plot/feature/etc.]! I feel like this is a concept that has been done before, but I’ve never seen it executed as effectively as you have! I am looking forward to reading more about [insert characters] and how they’ll react to [events].
“I cannot tell you how much this story means to me. I know this is just a piece of writing (albeit quality!) posted online, but you have helped me get through some really rough days and events in my life. The way you weave this story and its characters makes me feel like it’s all alive. Sometimes when I’m feeling particularly sad, I just come back to this fic and read a few chapters. Your writing is beautiful and real and optimistic, and it just makes me feel like I can rely on it as a place to retreat to when I need it. Thank you so much for taking your time to write. Your work is truly a treat and blessing.”
“[copy and paste quote from story]
This was my favorite line from the story. I found it so [funny/wholesome/particular/etc.]. You have such a good grasp on [character name/writing dialogue/development/etc.] Looking forward to more!
“I’m so sorry to hear that you’re having a rough time because of [reasons]. I hope you know that I’m here to support you, and if you need to take a step back from writing for a little while, I completely understand. I always enjoy your work, and for the quality and joy you’re giving us, I think you should take your time and write only when you’re ready to enjoy the process. Please take care! <3 You are in my thoughts!”
“Congratulations on [xyz]! That is such a big milestone, and I’m so happy for you! It’s amazing that despite all of your RL achievements, you’re still willing and able to dedicate the time to write for us. <3 Sending love and support! Keep it up!”
“Hi! I absolutely love that you’re writing for this [fandom]. I think you write [character name] very well, better than most interpretations I’ve come across! If I may, I’d like to discuss your most recent portrayal of [character name]. I see where you were coming from, but I think [he/she/they] may have been a little too [forward/angry/quiet/etc.] because [insert reasons]. What was your thought process behind this? Other that particular scene, I’ve been very pleased with your portrayal! ”
“First, I am so glad I found this fic. I am impressed by your writing capabilities and think you’re doing a wonderful job! I don’t know if you’re looking for any feedback on [xyz], but I have [experience/knowledge] on [xyz], so I thought I’d shed a bit of light. The only thing I noticed was [reasons] — in reality, [insert explanation]. I can give you a few sources [insert link(s)], if you’re interested in reading more. I am also happy to answer any questions for you! Please let me know how I can help! Like I said, though, aside from that just teeny detail, your writing really is superb. I love your [creativity/portrayal/writing style, etc.]! Can’t wait to read more!”
If you found that this guide or these templates were helpful to you, please share the wealth with other readers and writers!
Also posted on AO3.
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shleepys · 4 years
Summer Tones
This story can be found on my Archive of Our Own! I recommend going there and reading the notes I’ve left. Any feedback (constructive criticism or support) on either platform is highly appreciated. :)
Chapter Five
Ch.1 - Ch. 2 - Ch. 3 - Ch. 4 - Ch. 6
- - - - - -
June 4th, 1985
Five Days Later
Steve jerked up from the bed with eyes wide as they shot to his bedroom window. Billy leaned against the window with cupped hands to peer inside, a grin snaking its way onto his lips when he spotted the other and waved. He quickly rolled his eyes before rushing to the window to unhook the latch and slide it open.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Steve hissed.
Billy lowly chuckled, tongue dragging over his teeth. "You told me if I ever needed a place to stay that I could come over, so here I am."
Steve blinked, Billy would've had to scale up the side of the house and it's not like there's a ladder up to his window. He had no clue as to how Billy got up here let alone where he would've climbed to get there in the first place. He shook his head, "Why didn't you just ring the doorbell?”
"I didn't want to wake up your parents-"
"They're not here."
Billy threw his legs over the edge of the window sill and slid inside. "You never told me they weren't." Steve just stood there and glared at him. "I didn't wake you up, did I?"
"No, but- I-" He sighed, allowing his fingers to rub at his eyes in an active attempt to try and cover their bleariness. "I'm tired." Steve shifted away from him, moving to the free carpet next to his bed and sitting down with a plop. Billy followed. Steve continued to touch his eyes, catching glimpses of a backlit Billy through obscured vision and a flustered mind. "What do you want to talk about?"
"What do I want to talk about? You're not going to say hi first, pretty boy?" Billy asked in a low, teasing voice.
Steve knitted his brows and grumbled. "Hi." Billy lightly chuckled, Steve could hear the tongue trapped in between the others teeth. Another eye roll.
Billy slid off his leather jacket and chucked it across the room. The other didn't bother to look to where it may have miraculously landed, all of his attention remained on Billy. Billy as his smug little smile slid right off his face. Billy as he caught Steve staring at him but didn't bother to tell him to stop despite knowing that silence was perched on the window sill, he just stared back. They both stared.
An ocean of darkness colored the walls indigo while the moonlight painted them a tinge of grey, their faces changing in tone as the shadows of tree branches and clouds decorated them with navy and prussian.
Billy faintly smiled, unexpecting of the venom soon to come. "Where are y'parents at?"
Steve continued to glare at him, hurt toying with his voice. "Somewhere for work. They didn't tell me where, just left the house without saying goodbye, but were thoughtful enough to leave a note on the counter." He shifted his position to where he laid on his back, staring up at the eggshell white ceiling and watching as his mind created creatures out of the patterns carved into it. The blue ambiance changed their shapes as shadows from outside twisted the patterns until all Steve could see was downturned smiles on distorted faces. His expression soon followed as it slightly relaxed and that familiar lost feeling from earlier began to seethe and prick the corners of his eyes.
Billy bit his lip, guilt bubbling in his chest and regret fiddling with his question. He moved from his spot by the window and laid on the floor with Steve.
He didn't come over to pour his heart out to Steve about his problems, he wanted to talk to his friend, make sure everything was running smoothly, find out if he needed to knock someone's lights out for him, but that was only after hanging out with Tommy Hagan twenty minutes earlier. Originally, they had both planned to hotbox his basement and laugh the night away while talking about god knows what until the other brought Steve up - and once they started talking about him, they couldn’t stop. Billy had a thousand questions regarding him, and Tommy had a thousand long answers to those questions. Hours had flown by and Billy didn’t take a hit, he couldn’t. His stomach got tied in knots and his heart made him queasy talking about Steve like he was fretful about something.
But there wasn’t a reason to be fretful. It was just Steve.
Tommy had gone on about how they had met, their adventures through school, how Steve usually came over for dinner, little things that he remembered, and then ended with how they both fell out of touch. He talked about the fight with Jonathan, how soft that Steve had gotten, and how he wasn’t surprised how him and Nancy broke up. Billy knew Tommy was trying to play it cool and act like he didn’t care that they were friends anymore, but he could tell that he was hurt about it. Tommy brought up a few negative things about the other every once in a while, however, all of them were left off on a solemn note rather than a sour one. They obviously weren’t enemies. They were friends that lost their spark and don’t know how to reignite it.
Tommy had alluded to Steve having a broken household when he brought up how he would typically come home with him and eat dinner with his family, which happened to be just his mom but even that helped Steve cope with the situation.
Billy didn’t know that Steve had issues, or at least he liked to think he didn’t when he obviously did. Envy got in the way of him considering that Steve faced anything remotely damaging, especially when they still had knives to each other’s throats. It was better to not think, to switch off and go into auto-pilot when tormenting others, to not consider that they could very well be dealing with the same exact trauma that he did at home, to listen to the rumors that went around and think that a rich boy living in a remote town in Indiana had nothing to worry about when mommy and daddy could pave his success with a little bit of encouragement from a stack of hundreds. It was easy to conform and bully, but it wasn’t to break the chain and show empathy. Fear played a key role in governing his actions, an inner fear that told him to hold up giant barriers and keep everyone out. If he kept everyone out then no one could hurt him, he wouldn’t have to worry about getting his heart torn to shreds.
His finger began to trace shapes into the carpet, switching every so often between watching his movements and how Steve fought in a staring contest with the ceiling. His eyes flicked to Steve’s hands. They were tense, clawing at his arms and leaving little pink trails behind them. He went back to Steve's face, noting how his brows were tainted with pain and lip quivered as they laid there in silence. How Steve’s frown began to toy with Billy’s heartstrings in a way they hadn’t before. How Steve’s eyes began to glisten in the pale moonlight as it seeped in through the windows and exposed his tears to the other.
Billy sat up, getting real close to the other before hovering about a foot over his face to distract Steve. In no way is Billy an orator when it came to these kinds of situations, he doesn’t even remember if he’s ever comforted someone while they were upset like this. When Billy broke down during the party, so did a carefully constructed wall relying on suppressing emotions to stand tall. When he broke down in front of Steve, he didn’t mean to. It wasn’t his intention to burst out into tears. And he didn’t expect Steve to stop him when he tried to storm off, to grab on to his jacket and put him in his place, to tell him he understood. To be honest, all of it shocked him, and sure if Steve once held the title of ‘King’ and Billy ‘stole’ it from him then yeah he should’ve concluded that Steve bullied people the same way he did at one point. Sure, Steve had gotten ‘soft’, Tommy wouldn’t shut the fuck up about that, but this ‘soft’, being soft didn’t mean anything terrible. Being soft meant being compassionate, caring for others, showing some form of empathy instead of being an inconsiderable fuckhole. Billy liked soft, despite not being the kind of person that dared to show any form of softness. But for Steve? Maybe he could show his softness.
He just doesn’t know what to say to Steve, he’s afraid he’ll slip up and send him spiraling. But, he can act, he knows how to do that.
Steve stared up at him, glossy eyes wide and lips parted in confusion. Billy’s pendant swung close to his face, his curly hair falling past his shoulders to add to the rapid palpitations of Steve’s heart as he laid frozen there. A blush sprouted in his cheeks, faint and settle in color until it spread to the rest of his face.
And before he knew it, Billy shifted and picked him up. Steve let out a surprised yelp, his hands reaching up to grab onto Billy’s shoulders but put down before he could act. His royal blue comforter enveloped his body as it tried to calm him, but he didn’t want to be calmed, he didn’t want it to wipe away his tears this time. Steve jerked up from the comforter, eyebrows knitted and nose crinkled in a flustered rage. His mouth opened to say something spiteful, something full of resentment, but the other shut it for him.
“Talk,” Billy demanded. His weight formed a divot in the bed as he sat down in front of Steve, mirroring the same aggravated expression. Steve stayed quiet despite Billy’s wishes, but after a while, he crumbled and fell apart. His eyebrows lost all their fury, lips parting again but only to let out a shaky breath, eyes beading with tears, hands covering his face and cursing into his palms as if he were telling them little secrets. A choked sob broke from behind his hands, one that drove a harpoon right through Hargrove’s heart.
Steve shuddered, mumbling something incoherent under his cries.
“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong!” Steve wept.
“You’re not doing anything wrong, Steve.”
“But they’re never here!” Steve’s voice crumbled underneath him as he tore his hands from his face revealing the water-bound eyes and flushed cheeks hidden behind them. “They’re never here- I don’t know why!” His throat tightened as he tried to hold back another broken sob that managed to wiggle its way out. He shuddered again, trying to hide his face from the other.
“Them being here isn’t in your control.” Billy cooed. His heart pounded in his chest and his mind raced, thousands of thoughts pouring over the flood gates as he tried to use the right words to construct the right sentences. “Hell, there’s a lot of things that aren’t in our control Steve, but how they show their appreciation is fully up to them. Of which they don’t care to show you enough of.”
Billy continued to watch, his lip slightly trembling. He doesn’t know if it helps the other to hear something so blunt especially in such a fragile state of mind. The fear piled up again, he doesn’t know how to act now. He doesn’t know if he can say anything to help Steve cope. He could’ve just said the worst possible thing in a situation like this, but he doesn’t know. “I don’t know if you want me to stay, I think I should go. If Neil-” Steve latched onto Billy’s wrist, holding it tightly with panic shaking his body to send Billy’s head spinning around to face the other in confusion.
“Please don’t leave!” Steve cried. They froze in place, both sets of eyes wide in shock as silence overcame them and tears rolled off of Steve’s rubescent cheeks. Billy’s arm felt like it had been set on fire and had gradually spread through the rest of his body in waves, a blush attacking his face as he stared at the other. Steve had pulled his hand away out of speechless dismay. He shuddered again, pricks of pain shooting through the corners of his eyes as he prepared to be yelled at like his parents would. To be screamed at and then left alone without any remorse.
Billy cleared his throat and rubbed at his wrist where Steve had grabbed on. Slowly, he took his attention away from it and sat next to the other on the bed. He faintly smiled despite fear wreaking havoc on his ribcage, he needed Steve to know that he’s going to be okay. That he’s here for him, that he can help him. “I’ll stay right here, but I’ll have to leave in the morning, okay?”
The shaking began to settle after listening to Billy, a frantic look of dubiety sweeping his expression after he turned to him and took a long sniff in an attempt to take control of himself. Steve used his arm to wipe away some tears before mumbling in response. “Okay.” He reflected the small smile, but there was still something sizzling inside. Maybe it was the onslaught of happiness and safety he had been engulfed in by the others words, or maybe it was the dread tearing through him that he had acted so ‘inappropriately’ towards his friend.
He sniffed again, conscious, rational thought being taken away by his emotions until his body reached its breaking point. Steve lunged towards Billy with arms spread and held on. He hugged the other as a choked cry ripped through his throat and tears began to put wet patches on Billy’s white button-up.
Billy went rigid, his blush deepening in color and electricity flashing through his heart. His breathing became heavy and distorted as he began to take in what just happened. That was the last thing he had expected out of Steve. All the panic that was burning in his chest was suddenly replaced with a warm fuzzy feeling, all at once. A foreboding feeling spread through his body as he began to remember a time where he felt that. He knew what that sensation was, he knew very well what it was. His chest pounded as he tried to regain composure and push away his thoughts as they swarmed in to scream at him. He wrapped his arms around Steve and let him cry. He held him close and listened to the gasps and sniffs as they came out of him in sudden bursts.
Billy could now remember when he had comforted someone, and it was his mom. He couldn’t remember the context of how it happened - most likely an abusive outburst from Niel - but he remembered that moment. How beautiful she was as tears trickled from her soft eyes, her fair hair tucked behind her ears and cheeks enflamed from weeping, and despite all of that there was a smile on her face. A broken laugh sounding out through a shattered woman as she assured her son that she was fine and embraced him with everlasting love.
He tightened the hug, eyes glossy and shining in the light peaking through the window.
They both felt inadequate in their own ways, whether that be through their parents, relationships, or through the general judgment from society, they just felt indifferent. Like even if they tried to make it up to that they couldn’t because the latter half wouldn’t accept it or would rather use and abuse than look past it all. There was the question of what they would do if they were to go out on the town and someone were to spot them doing whatever and spread rumors.  Would they act like enemies, or would they tell the truth?
Neither of them want to fight. They’re friends, they know that. But should they really play it up?
They’re ‘friends’ now. But will they open up to be more?
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