#anya kom trikru imagine
redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
The 100 Masterlist
Hell is Empty - AU
Raven Reyes
Seventeen Sweater Weather (Sea Mechanic x Reader)
Anya Kom Trikru
Anya's Sky Girl Wasted Youth - Modern!AU Protective Family - Griffin!Sister!Reader Snow - S1-S2!AU Home - Modern!AU Wanna Be Missed - Modern!AU Can You Hold Me - Modern!AU Still Into You - Modern/University!AU
Luna Kom Floukru
Boat Girl - Modern!AU Sweater Weather (Sea Mechanic x Reader)
Octavia Blake
Butterfly Girl - Octavia Blake xFem!Reader Second Children - Octavia Blake x Finn Collins!Sister!Reader Soulmate au New Beginnings
Domestic Life Modern!University!Au - Lexa kom Trikru x reader x Clarke Griffin
Lexa Kom Trikru
Sister Responsibilities - Lexa kom Trikru x Octavia Blake Twin!Sister!Reader
Injuries - Lexa kom Trikru x fem!reader
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puthyflapps · 1 year
But the make up sex…
Watch me make it sad….
In my head, in my sad thots and scenarios, either Raven and Anya are no longer together, or they simply never were. Right person, wrong time; Whatever the case may be, in the present time, Raven is with Luna. This, of course, tears Anya up inside. Like have you ever seen or heard, or read something so devastatingly sad that you feel actual pain in your chest? That’s how she feels whenever she sees Raven, so much as holding Luna’s hand. It’s heartbreakingly painful for her. It makes Anya feel like the wind has been knocked out of her, and the discomfort is plain to see. Her sadness and her heartbreak are abundantly evident, and that hurts Raven—seeing Anya so distraught because of her hurts.
So I think if they did fall into bed together, it would be a spur-of-the-moment, loss-of-control type of thing. I also believe it would simultaneously mean something similar to both of them while also meaning something completely different. At the core of it all, their bodies meeting in that familiar way is a physical manifestation of their love. However, where Raven sees it as a final indulgence, one last goodbye, and even a possible mistake, Anya sees it as her last chance to sway Raven. It's her last opportunity to convince Raven that she's a worthy partner, that they could be good together. In her mind, she sees it as a chance to pry Raven away from Luna and force her to see what is and has always been right in front of her.
The sex would be desperate and raw. Teeth clashing, nails scratching, burning paths up and down each other’s skin. Flush cheeks and whispered pleas.
Is it really make up sex? What do you call something like that where one person thinks it's a closing of a chapter while the other thinks it's just the beginning of their story?
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scripts4dreamers · 4 years
AN: Anya didn’t ask for this, okay?  Characters: Anya kom Trikru, Lexa kom Trikru, Pairing(s): Anya x reader Spoiler(s): Season 2 plot points Warning(s): None
Prompt: “so Anya kom Trikru x Skaikru!reader where reader escapes the mountain with Anya and Clarke. Anya is not shot so she manages to get to heda. the treaty is in place and reader becomes Anya`s second learning how to fight. reader one day hears how other grounders call Anya "gona heda" and after discovering what it means reader starts calling Anya like that too, and it does things to Anya. just Anya taking a liking to Skaikru girl and slowly but surely falling in love with her.” for anon
Anya had never asked for any of this, okay? That’s what she told herself every time it happened; she didn’t volunteer for this, so she couldn’t be blamed, not really. Except she did kind of, but she couldn’t have-she didn’t-
“Anya!” You called, all bright smiles and warmth as you jogged over, “there you are! I was getting worried.”
You looked so strong, she noted fondly, with your hair braided and your bright eyes framed by dark smears of war paint. Now, when you moved, there was an ease to it, like you were confident and sure of yourself, miles and miles away from the frightened girl she’d met on the battlefield all those weeks ago. If she’d known then how strong you were, how much you had endured...maybe things would have turned out different, maybe she could have spared you this-
Anya shook her head, snapping herself back to the present.
Her heart pinched, but she managed to keep her face neutral, “That’s not necessary, Y/N. I had a meeting with the commander, she’s mustering our forces to take the mountain.”
Your face fell for a moment, just long enough for Anya to wish that she could take the words back, swallow them whole so that they could never touch you again, before you schooled them back to impassivity.
“We’re going back?” You asked, hiding the faint quiver in your voice as best you could as you instinctively gripped the handle of your sword.
Anya sighed and, before she could think better of it, reached out to grasp your shoulder. As always, her stomach did a funny little flip when she touched you and she fought the urge to run away and hide.
“Yes, we’re going back,” she said gently, “but it won’t be like last time. This time we’ll be taking the fight to them.” she paused, leaning in, “This time, they’ll be running from us.”
She could tell you were still nervous, that you wanted her to say more, to comfort you and quell your anxiety but, nonetheless, your answering smile was defiant and, to Anya’s relief, you simply bowed and muttered that you’d better join the other seconds on patrol, and bounded off, leaving Anya alone to ponder her own discomfort. She followed your movement with her eyes without meaning to, smiling to herself when she saw you shove one of the other seconds to the ground playfully and offer him a hand up.
Your laugh cut through the afternoon air like a bell, like you were daring the world to take you on, daring it to try and take your happiness from you. It carried a bittersweet nostalgia with it, and Anya couldn’t help but think back to the first time she’d ever heard you laugh like that.
“The ground here is too soft,” Anya growled, “we’re leaving tracks.”
“If you know a better way to get to my people, I’m all ears,” Clarke shot back, “but, if not, then please just shut up.”
Anya opened her mouth to say something cutting but, before she could, you cut in.
“Guys,” You groaned, “please don’t start this again. I’m so sick of the fighting.”
“Tell her that!” Clarke said, gesturing to Anya, “She’s the one who’s never happy with anything.”
“We’re covered in mud, wandering through the woods in circles and eating raw squirrel for dinner while our people get drained for their blood, Clarke,” Anya pointed out, “there’s not much to be happy with.”
There was a moment of silence and then a sound, so pure and clear that it sent a literal chill down Anya’s spine. You were laughing, really laughing, with your head thrown back, until tears started streaming down your cheeks, leaving thin trails of skin visible through the mud. A second later Clarke joined in, her voice harmonizing with yours like a brook stumbling over stones. How long had it been since Anya had heard someone laugh like that? She couldn’t even remember.
“We’re so screwed,” you said through your laughter, “what the hell is even happening anymore, does anyone know?”
Against her better judgement, Anya felt a twinge of humor in her throat, bubbling up until she was laughing right alongside you. The tension dissolved into a weary sort of camaraderie, a sort of silent acknowledgement that you were in this together, that you needed one another. It was almost how fighting alongside her own people felt, Anya admitted to herself, and it gave her hope that maybe peace was possible after all.
“We were at war like three weeks ago,” you laughed, “and now we’re bickering like some weird dysfunctional married thruple.”
“What is a thruple?” Anya asked.
“It’s like a couple, but with three people,” Clarke explained, wiping her eyes, “which is insane ‘cause I’m way out of your league, Y/N.”
You gasped in mock outrage, “You wish, Griffin. You could do a thousand times worse than Anya and me.”
“Oh really?” Clarke teased.
“Yes, really. I’m a hot commodity, I’m prime girlfriend material, right Anya?”
Blood rushed to Anya’s face, but she was confident that you couldn’t see it under all the mud. You were teasing, she knew that, it was light and playful but, even so, Anya felt a little flustered at the question.
“Yes,” she eventually said, trying desperately to remember her english, “Y/N would be a good partner. She’s strong and brave.”
Your face softened, like you were surprised by her answer but, before you could say anything, Clarke cleared her throat.
“Alright Hot Stuff. We should find somewhere to spend the night,” she said, looking between you and Anya curiously, “it’ll be getting dark soon.”
You agreed and started back on your trek. Clarke took the lead, as usual, with you and Anya keeping watch. As Anya walked, keeping an eye of the rear like she always did, you slowed down, falling into step beside her. For a while you walked together in silence, Anya’s heart pounding in her chest as she racked her brain, trying to figure out if she'd said something wrong or offensive by mistake.
“You really think I’m brave?” You asked eventually.
Anya’s muscles relaxed and she exhaled quietly, “Of course. You are brave, Y/N. I watched you take on a fully grown reaper with nothing but a stick, just to buy Clarke and me time. I don’t know many people who would’ve done the same.”
“Not even other grounders?”
Anya shrugged, “You can’t teach someone that kind of bravery. No matter how good you are with a sword, if you’re a coward, you’re a coward, it’s as simple as that.”
“I didn’t feel brave,” you admitted, looking determinedly ahead with your hair obscuring your face, “I was terrified.”
Anya felt a pang of empathy in her chest, “We all were. Fear isn’t the opposite of courage, Y/N. You can’t have one without the other. You risked your life to protect an enemy from a horrible death, anyone who sees that and still calls you a coward knows nothing of true bravery.
A shadow of a smile flickered across your face, “Thanks, Anya. That means a lot coming from you.”
You nudged her shoulder with hers and Anya felt the casual touch like a sledgehammer in her chest. It had been so long since she’d felt close to another person, so long since someone had been gentle with her.
“Y/N,” she blurted out without thinking, “if-if you want to learn to defend yourself-how to fight like I do-when we reach your people and secure an alliance with the commander-I am in need of a second…”
“A second?” You asked, stopping in your tracks, “Like a second in command?”.
Anya avoided your eye, suddenly deeply embarrassed.
“Yes,” she said, inspecting the horizon for all she was worth, “I’d teach you how to fight, how to implement effective battle strategy, how to lead…” she trailed off, “but it is a lot of work. You’d have to train every day and really dedicate yourself to learning our language and culture so, if you’re unsure-”
Before she could finish, the air was knocked out of her lungs by your sudden embrace. You held her tight and Anya felt her heart skip a beat.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you said with a breathless laugh, “yes, thank you, Anya. I won’t let you down, I swear it.”
“I know.”
And you hadn’t, at least not yet. You’d thrown yourself into training with more ferocity and determination than anyone Anya had ever known, never letting injury or exhaustion wear you down. You’d challenged her, inspired her and somehow, despite her best efforts to the contrary, had wormed your way into her heart. She cared about you, deeply, more than she could remember caring about anyone in years. What had really done it was your heart, your gentleness and your courage, none of which ever seemed to waiver or crack, even in the face of overwhelming odds. When the other seconds had rejected you, you’d proven yourself to them by working harder, going further, catching more prey, all the while treating them with respect and keeping your dignity. When Lexa had been storming and raging over the massacre at Ton DC and had threatened to kill you in retaliation, you hadn’t cowered or hid behind Anya for protection, you’d stood tall and proud and let her rage and, when she had calmed down, you’d looked her in the eye and told her that you were sorry for her loss, and that you would do whatever it took to make it right.
Anya knew that life as her second hadn’t been easy, that a large part of you had wanted to go to Camp Jaha with Clarke and see your friends again but, despite it all, you were still there. Every morning you got up and did your job, getting stronger and deadlier by the day and reminding Anya a thousand times over why she wanted you to lead one day.
Only, at some point it had moved past that. She couldn’t quite pinpoint when; the exact moment that she’d realised how in danger she was with you, but it had happened. She had a vague idea that it might have been on one of the many nights that you’d returned to her from training covered in blood and bruises and Anya had felt her heart tighten with worry, but it didn’t matter. The fact was, Anya didn’t just want you to follow in her footsteps anymore, she wanted to walk beside you; to hold your hand and tell you about her life, to come home from battle and kiss the bruises on your skin until they faded away, to wrap you in pelts in the winter and find out what you tasted like. She wanted you to be hers, and she wanted to be yours and it made her feel shaky and unsure.
Anya had never been the best with feelings. She was a warrior, a decorated and well respected general, but she’d always been alone. On the battlefield she was sure of herself, confident and unyielding but, when it came to you...she felt like a helpless child.
Out of the corner of her eye, Anya saw Lexa stalk towards her and the two women stood together in companionable silence, watching the army train and prepare for battle.
“She’s strong,” Lexa commented, tilting her head in your direction, “she’ll be an asset in our war with the mountain, if you can bring yourself to let her go.”
“I won’t need to,” Anya shot back, a note of protectiveness in her voice, “Y/N will not die, she’s a true warrior, she’ll be fine.”
Lexa observed her old mentor critically, noticing how tense Anya suddenly looked, as though she was preparing herself for a fight, preparing herself to defend something she-
“You love her,” Lexa commented, wondering how she hadn’t noticed sooner.
For a moment Anya was silent.
“I….care about her,” she eventually admitted.
“You love her,” Lexa said again, “and you will die for her if needs be.”
Anya pursed her lips, “It won’t come to that.”
Just then the horn that signified the end of the day blew and you jogged back to Anya, doing a double take when you noticed Lexa standing beside her.
“Heda,” you greeted with a bow.
When you straightened up Lexa walked over, clapped your shoulder affectionately and whispered something in your ear too low for Anya to make out. Anya felt her heartbeat start to pick up nervously as she watched you blush, shoot her a look and then give Lexa a shaky nod. Lexa shot Anya a knowing look and walked away, headed to the dining area to greet her troops and leaving you and Anya alone on the hill.
“How was your training,” she asked, trying to inspect your body for injuries without being too obvious.
“Hard,” you admitted, shifting your weight and wincing as you twisted to look at Anya.
Anya frowned, feeling that tinge of concern again as she turned and slung an arm around you to support your weight. You insisted that you were fine but she ignored you, taking you back to the campsite you shared and sitting you down next to the fire.
“What happened?” she asked, fussing about your side, where she could see a poorly hidden bloodstain.
“Nothing!” You insisted, “Just a sparring match that went bad, that’s all.
“Y/N, it feels like your ribs are broken,” Anya pointed out, “and you’re bleeding.”
“Okay, a sparring match that went really bad,” you amended with a gentle laugh, lifting Anya’s hands off your side and forcing her to sit back, “I’ll heal. It’s not like you haven’t had your fair share of broken ribs, right gona heda?”
Anya’s eyes flicked to yours, her heart skipping a beat as the words you’d said started to sink in. Gona heda, warrior commander. It was a name she’d had amongst her people for a while now but, hearing you say it, hearing your voice wrap around the syllables of her language like that….it made Anya feel strange. It was intimate and sinful, like melted honey on warm skin or the feeling of crushed velvet under fingertips.
“Gona heda?” you asked again, your voice low and soft.
Gods above. She could hear her own blood in her ears as her skin flushed. You were so close, so distractingly close that it made Anya feel a quiet sort of desperation she couldn’t name.
She cleared her throat, dabbing a cloth in disinfectant and going back to treating your wounds, “Where-um-” her eyes flickered to you again, “where did you hear that name?”
You shrugged, “Some of the others call you that,” you explained, “and I like how it sounds.” you paused and Anya became very aware that her hands were shaking as they traced the mottled bruises on your skin, “Would you like me to stop?”
“No!” Anya said quickly, “No, I like the way it sounds too,” she admitted and then, before she could stop herself, “but only when you say it.”
Silence. It was painful and tense and cloying and Anya wanted nothing more than to tear it to shreds, take out some of the adrenaline in her system on that horrible oppressive nothingness, but she didn’t.
“Only when I say it,” you repeated, just short of breathlessly.
Anya pressed her lips together but nodded, avoiding your gaze as she inspected your ribs. Suddenly you shifted so that you were crouched next to her, forcing her to meet your eye.
“What else do you like it when I say, gona heda?” You asked, your face so close that Anya could smell the metallic blood from your split lip.
She swallowed hard, infuriated by how calm and in control you seemed while she felt like she was drowning in fear and poorly suppressed desire. Your gaze was steady, heavy and expectant and it made Anya’s skin feel hot and prickly under her armor.
“My name,” she eventually said, “I-” she swallowed again, “I like how it sounds.”
You were almost smiling now, the skin at the corners of your eyes crinkling in a way that gave you away and released some of the tension that had been building.
“Anything else?” You asked, tilting your head to the side and leaning in just close enough to make Anya feel lightheaded.
“I like how you laugh,” Anya heard herself say from far away, “and how much you swear, and when you hum songs I’ve never heard and-” she broke off and let out a nervous laugh, “everything. I like the way you say everything.”
You hummed happily and absentmindedly reached out to touch one of Anya’s braids.
“I guess Lexa was right,” you said, your eyes already trained on Anya’s mouth.
“About what?”
You smiled, warm and tender and loving, “About everything.”
And when you kissed her, Anya swore nothing had ever felt so right.
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incorrect-clexa · 5 years
Raven: Lexa will never agree to this plan.
Clarke: Sure she will.
Anya: She already refused three times.
Clarke: Okay watch a master at work.
Clarke, turning to Lexa with puppy dog eyes: Can we-
Lexa: Yes.
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Virago 15. A Long Trek
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Summary: Y/N was sent to the ground after spending five years in the Skybox for stealing medical supplies and murder. How will she deal with her new environment and learn to survive on earth? Will she crack under the pressure of becoming a leader of the 100 or will she embrace it. 
Post Date: 09.11.20
Word count: 1.3k
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Based off: 02x04 “Many Happy Returns
100 Master List
For the next couple of hours, Anya drags you and Clarke through the forest, “Anya, we’ve been walking for hours. Where are we going?” Clarke asks as Anya continues to pull us with her.
“Quiet,” Is the only response Anya gives.
“Why not just kill us and get it over with?” You ask.
“You two can tell the commander what the Mountain Men are doing to us there,” Anya replies. Clarke stops walking leading you and Anya to be slightly pulled back.
“So let’s work together. We don’t have to be enemies,” Clarke tries to negotiate.
“And unite with people as weak as you two? I have what I need,” Anya says before continuing on but Clarke pulls her back.
“We all want the same thing,” Clarke states.
“Get down,” Anya says as she pulls both you and Clarke down.
“They found us,” You state noticing the green lasers searching through the forest and the darts flying through the sky.
“Run,” Anya says before pulling us with her. Clarke grabs the dart off of the tree as we pass it.
Anya continues to pull us through the forest, “Quiet. You two can’t even walk in the woods,” Anya whispers.
“If we’re such burdens, then cut us loose,” You whisper back.
“Heavy footfalls, broken branches, you guys even smell like them,” Anya complains. You all make it to the top of a hill and watch the Mountain Men below you guys before heading off again.
“Down,” Anya demands as we make our way to a small puddle. Clarke tries to drink before Anya says otherwise. The next thing you know you get a blob of mud slapped onto your face.
“You two reek. Cover yourselves in it,” Anya says before reaching down to do the same for herself. The three of you quickly cover yourselves in the mud. Soon enough you’re covered head to toe in mud. You guys scale the hill ahead of you guys and stop to catch your breaths. As you waited you noticed the Mountain Men once again not too far away.
“How are they still following us?” You ask.
“Because of you two. Time to end this,” Anya says raising a rock up.
“Anya, we’re stepping where you step. We’re covered in mud. We’re not leaving a trail,” Clarke pleads for the both of you.
“They’re following something,” Anya states.
“They’re not following us, they’re tracking us. Search yourself. If I’m right...it should feel like a small bump just under your skin,” Clarke states as you all start to search yourselves. Anya quickly rips one of her sleeves, revealing a small bump on her arm.
“It’s you,” You state taking notice of the bump.
“Okay, I can remove it. But you need to untie my hands. I just need something sharp and sterile--” Clarke explains before Anya bites her own arm, ripping the tracker out.
“I will not go back there,” She states. The three of you continue through the forest, still with no clue where Anya is taking you. 
“Anya, you’re still bleeding. At least let me bandage it before it gets infected,” Clarke pleads as you all come upon a small creek. Anya looks down at her arm and Clarke quickly shoves the dart she grabbed earlier into Anya’s neck, leading her to fall to the ground.
“We can find our way home from here. Come on, lets get her tied up. Looks like she’s our prisoner now,”   Clarke says looking at you. You and Clarke untie your hands and use the cloths to bound Anya’s.
“We can’t just drag her on the ground. We need to make something to pull her,” You state.
“You’re right, we should make a stretcher. Grab some large branches and something to tie them together. I’ll keep an eye on Anya,” Clarke says before you head off. Once you had gathered enough branches, you and Clarke quickly put together a stretcher and put Anya on top. 
You two then drag her all the way back to the Dropship,” Never thought I’d be back here anytime soon,” You state as you and Clarke set Anya down.
“Look,” Clarke points at the faded message written on the ship. The message was too faded to make out besides yours and Clarke’s names, but it still indicated that whoever didn’t make it to Mt. Weather was still alive.
You turn around to find a weak Anya stumbling towards you and Clarke, “Anya, wait.” Clarke says putting her hands up and you follow after. Anya tries to take a swing at the two of you but you and Clarke both doge it. She tries once more this time landing a punch to Clarke. 
“Hey,” You say making your way towards her but Anya just punches you in the stomach. Clarke picks up a large branch and starts to swing at Anya, missing every time. Clarke tries to knock Anya with the branch but Anya catches it. You try to knock her with a branch as well, but Anya is quick to kick you in your upper thigh, sending pain to the previous two injuries. She then sends Clarke to the ground. 
With the pain being too much it was up to Clarke to fight Anya, “I don’t wanna kill you, Anya,” Clarke says as the two of them have a standoff.
“Then you’re the one that’s gonna die, and then its Y/N next,” Anya states. They start to fight once more but Anya is clearly more skilled in hand to hand, sending Clarke to the ground again and again. Once you were able to get a hold of yourself, you were able to save Clarke by smashing a rock into Anya’s head. Clarke was quick to get on top of her, continually punching Anya in the face.
“That’s enough Clarke. Clarke,” You yell trying to get her attention. Clarke finally stops but picks up the knife beside her getting ready to kill Anya. 
“Wait, Clarke. Look!” You say pointing at the shiny balloon in the distance. Clarke gets off of Anya to look at the ballon.
“You two fought well,” Anya says out of breath. 
“I knew it. He lied. Our people are out there,” Clarke says looking over to you. 
You and Clarke quickly tie up Anya once more. You then start to make your way towards the balloon. It may have taken a while as you were all tired and it was dark. But soon enough you made it to the edge of the forest where you found a piece of the Ark lighting up the night sky in front of you.
“Look at that,” Clarke says.
“We made it,” You respond.
“How many are there?” Anya questions.
“I don’t know. A lot, I hope,” Clarke answers. Clarke then turns to Anya and starts to untie her hands, “I’m letting you go. I’m not weak, but I’m not like you. We both aren’t. Our only chance against Mt. Weather is if we fight together. To beat them, we’ll need our technology and your knowledge of this world. I know our people will help. The question is, will yours?” Clarke asks Anya.
“The commander was my second. I can get an audience,” Anya responds. Clarke then puts out her arm as Anya grasps her. You then follow after, finally coming to an agreement between the three of you.
“Please hurry,” You add. Anya slowly walks off but doesn’t make it far before she’s shot down.
“Anya!” You and Clarke yell running towards her. As you and Clarke rush to her you feel a bullet brush your abdomen, but you don’t let it stop you from getting to Anya. You and Clarke try to keep Anya with you guys, but it seemed she had lost too much blood.
“yu gonplei ste odon,” Anya says before nodding off for one last time. Hearing her repeat those words, lead you to make the connection between them and death.
“Clarke, she’s gone. There’s nothing we can do,” You say as she frantically tries to save Anya.
“No, she can’t be. We can still save her,” Clarke mutters as you hear footsteps behind you. Before you know it you’re hit in the head, knocking you out.
A/N: Again just a filler but it was important. I know it was probably weird that Anya was able to take two people on. But I wasn’t sure how to get Y/N back to Camp Jaha, so I just kept this part semi-canon. I hope you all enjoyed. 
🏷: @im-a-writer-right​ | @marsbar-inspace32​ | @zestylemon99​ | @unrvquited​ | @thebeautifulbookworm​​ | @gxvrielle​ | @simonsbluee​ | @iwishilivedinthesims​ | @awkwardspontaneity​
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amyrose051 · 4 years
To the 100 fanfic writers,
a lot of people get this confused and that’s alright, the way they put it across makes it seem that way. i think they could have put it into better words. but that being said i’m going to explain what i’m going on about.
some writers or just fans in general make the mistake of thinking anya was the commander before lexa. this is wrong.
Anya says, “the commander was my second.”
Indra had octavia as her second and she was not the commander.
As far as my knowledge goes, warriors ( or at least the best ones) take on seconds to train to also become warriors.
Anya simply trained Lexa before Lexa became the commander :)
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wlwhc · 7 years
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Requested by anonymous
(A/N): This sickness suck, I can’t even take allergies I would die in a second. Also, I wrote this on my phone because Tumblr is acting weird again.
Warning: Mention of sickness, almost dying, blood, mention of vomit
Words: 1751
Characters: Clarke, Lexa, Octavia, Luna, Raven, Anya. (When I wrote it I forgot to put a few other girls but since I’m too tired to write more I’ll keep it like this, sorry)
Clarke Griffin: Panic. Every nerve in her body was screaming, you didn’t got the virus the first time so when she saw that another wave of sickness had arrived in Arkadia, she panicked. It was worst when she couldn’t find you anywhere. One by one people were dying, you were still missing. There was a big probability that you’re lying dead somewhere in the camp, and in fact you were, nearby the armory, trying to get back on your feet. Bellamy was the one that found you, and took you to the infirmary where the other sick people were. Clarke was already there, since that Abby needed help. When her face found your bleeding one she let out a sigh of relief, but she was still in panic mode knowing that there was still a chance for you to die. even though she needed to check on other patients she was always by your side, holding your hair when the bloody vomit was not letting you breathe, when your eyes started to cry red drops of blood. She didn’t calm down until you were standing on your feet by your own.
“I thought I’d lost you for a second…Don’t do that again please..Stay with me Y/N, please stay with me”
Lexa Kom Trikru: Denial. You’re strong, there was no chance for you to catch that virus, you’re strong enough to be immune, you’re strong and that’s why you weren’t going to catch the virus, that’s what she thought, and she was wrong. No matter how strong you are, your immunologic system didn’t seem to be very strong, because once the sickness appeared in Polis, you almost drop dead on the spot. You face pale as snow and the floor around you colored in crimson blood. She didn’t even believe when Indra came to her saying how bad was your state, she didn’t want to believe it, but once she rushed to your aid, and saw you choking on your own blood, she knew she was wrong. She was immune, so she spends the whole time by your side, wishing that this wasn’t going to be last she sees you. Lucky you survive, but you almost didn’t, and that’s something she will always remember. No matter how strong you are, no matter how smart you are, no matter how far from danger you may seem to be, there’s always a chance that you may die today or tomorrow. You can’t blame her for being so overprotective of you now, don’t you?
“Oh no, no no no, Indra this-I thought-….Y/N, Y/N stay with me, I’ll take care of you-I-Niko! Niko…sis em au beja, beja” (Help her please, please)
Octavia Blake: Terrified. She should have gone with those stupid idiots that brought the contaminated dear, she would have known that the animal was infected with the fever, she should have gone, but she didn’t, arguing with her brother. She was called by Clarke, the blonde’s face twisted in agony. So many deaths, and maybe you were part of that pile. Octavia ran to the infirmary, whoever that saw her may think that her brother was there, but he wasn’t, you were there, shaking with a think layer of sweat and blood in your clothes. She didn’t want to freak you out so she just walked to you, knowing exactly what to do to make you feel better and hopefully save your life. her strong and steady hands were now shaking, and every time you fight against the sickness to make your lungs work her heart would stop, shouts of help would come out of her mouth even though Abby had already told her what to do. The Skairipa, mighty warrior was terrified, the love her life may die today, and she couldn’t do anything to stop it. After a long day and almost dying, you were starting to gain some color on your skin and didn’t seem to bleed anymore. Octavia’s hand were still shaking by the end of the day, same as her heart when you woke up from the fever’s daze, greeting her with a weak smile and groggy voice.
“Hey love, are still with me?…good…good…you’ll be okay babe…I’ll take care of you, go back to sleep I’ll-I’ll be here…always”
Luna Kom Flowkru: Helpless. Oh lord, it started with the kids, not many of them survive due to the lack of provisions and medicinal herbs. A lot of the adults had already gone through the fever and other few were affected by it. Luna thought you already had gone through the sickness when she saw you helping them…but then she saw your red tears, your pale skin, and the sweat on your forehead. She knew whatever she does you would not stop helping the kids. She had to drag you to a bed, it wasn’t hard at all, you were already weak and the fever was starting to making you hallucinate. The rest of the adults were helping the kids, and decided to leave Luna with you. So many of her people were dying, and she couldn’t do anything to stop it, you were dying in her arms, and couldn’t do anything to stop it. Helpless was how she felt, knowing that the waves of the sea may take you away from her today. She keeps you with her arms around you, holding you impossible closer to her. He fingers running through your skull somehow trying to give you comfort. When the bloody vomit came and the violent shakes didn’t let you sleep, she was still holding you tight. Not wanting to face your upcoming destiny. Right when she thought she had lost you, and her tears got mixed in the locks of your hair, Niko came to the Flowkru clan and manage to keep your heart beating.
“I almost lost you ai hodnes…if you die I….I would drown in agony” (My love)
Raven Reyes: Freak out. Raven hates when people called her every 5 seconds just to tell her or ask her how she was, even you do that. That’s why she just turns off her radio sometimes, especially when the Zero G-Mechanic was playing with explosive things. This time she wished she could have let the radio on, and let you ramble at the other side of the Radio. While you were lying on the infirmary, Clarke doing her best to keep you breathing, Abby had to call Bellamy to look for Raven, knowing that you may not pass through the night, at least you could have Raven’s hand holding yours. When Bellamy appeared at Raven’s door, his shirt covered in blood, Raven’s heart started banging against her chest. The words “Y/N is not okay” were enough to Raven. As fast as she could run with her damaged leg, she manages to get to the infirmary in a minute, Bellamy almost couldn’t keep her pace. Abby had told her about your state and had also informed her that you may not survive. Raven didn’t seem to react to those words, you were fine this morning, bombarding her with questions. And now you were coughing your lungs out. You smile lazily at Raven when she sat next to you, tears threatening to spill. Raven had to get out of the room when you started convulsing. Now her lungs were the ones that couldn’t work. Abby had to leave Clarke with you so she could calm Raven down, her panic attack not ceasing when a wave of nausea hit you, resulting in a pool of blood beside your bed. She had pleaded to Abby to save you, but the oldest Griffin knew that it wasn’t very much she could do. After a long night and a few heart attacks from Raven, you woke up at the sight of a sobbing mechanic, her eyes red and puffy, her hair no longer in a ponytail, now it was down and free, somehow giving her an angelical look despite the distress in her face. She already had the sickness so Abby couldn’t find the words to keep Raven’s lips away from your face when you talked to her.
“oh my god-She’s awake-You’re a-awake-I thought I lost you-you-y-you idiot!, I would probably kill you if you die! you beautiful asshole…don’t do that to me I almost died-god you’re okay-Abby! she’s okay!”
Anya Kom Trikru: Terrified. She knows how bad this fever is, she had seen armies of enemies die for this fever, so when a wave of this virus hit her clan, she was not happy about it. She had rushed to find you, planning to leave the city at least until the virus had gone, but instead of finding you already on your horse, she finds you being attended by Niko. Her heart sank, little drops of blood were running down your nose, you smiled at her anyway, telling her that you were going to be alright, but she knew that this was it, you were going to die, and that, terrifies her even more than when she realized she had feelings for you. She had done her best to keep her stoic face and her hands steady when she held yours. But when you didn’t answer her after you had fallen asleep, she panicked. Her cheeks were wet, and hands shaking, a big hole was taking place in her heart. Her body was breaking with sobs. Niko had rushed to your tent after hearing Anya’s shouts for you to wake up, the grounder had never seen Anya so distress. She was sobbing, pleading you to wake up but you didn’t respond. Niko had to reanimate you, and after what of felt like hours you started coughing again, making Anya’s heartbeat again. Anya didn’t let Niko leave the tent after that, swearing to kill him if he did. She didn’t care about any other person, right now she cares about you, and nothing more. You survive, and Anya had threatened Niko to forget about what had happened in that tent. And even though Niko may forget about it with time, Anya never will. You were not going to question her strong arms embracing you at night, or those times when she had to wake you up just to make sure you were alright.
“You died Y/N…you didn’t wake up, no matter how hard I called you …you didn’t wake up…so next time I say wake up…you must wake up!”
I’m sorry, I haven’t been posting, but I’m so busy, I manage to write this :D. Updates are going to be slow guys, and I’m so sorry for that.
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talktomeinclexa · 2 years
On The Ground Your Heart Will Go On
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Minor Violence
Status: Complete (3/3)
Summary: When Raven gets her heart broken, Anya takes it upon herself to avenge her.
A Ranya interlude in the On The Ground series.
Chapter 3: Forgiveness
The sun was beginning to set over the horizon by the time Anya left her room. She had hidden long enough; it was time to face Heda’s ire and the consequences of her acts. Tris in tow, she headed for the tower, only to be stopped by one of the guards at the entrance.
“Heda is training with the Natblida,” he told her, pointing at the sacred space near the temple reserved for the Nightbloods. “She asked that you meet her there.”
With a sharp nod, the woman spun around and strode toward her goal, ignoring the worry growing in her stomach. Would Lexa berate her in front of the novitiates to teach them that even their fos weren’t above Heda’s orders? Have them whip her for practice? Lexa was never cruel for the sake of it, but it would surely impress on their young minds how important it was for Heda to be obeyed.
The Trikru guards standing in front of the training pits had been told to expect her and let her pass, their faces impassible. If they knew what was happening, they showed no signs of it.
At the center of the garden-looking area, Anya found Lexa in the middle of a lesson. The Natblida practiced in pairs as she patiently corrected their forms, making them repeat the moves until they were perfect.
In another life, had her blood being as red as her peers’, the brunette would have made a fantastic fos. Anya wished she could say she was to praise for some of that, but the truth was, those qualities had been in Lexa all along. It was part of what made her a great leader too. Her willingness to listen to others’ concerns and doubts, the gentle way she encouraged people to surpass themselves and praised them when they did… It was no wonder the children present adored her. 
To the warrior’s surprise, it wasn’t Titus who observed the lesson as he often did, but Clarke. Standing in a corner, the Maunon ambassador nodded at Anya, sending her a tight smile not particularly reassuring before she refocused her attention on her lover. Few apart from the Flamekeepers and the novitiates had had the privilege to tread upon those grounds. Costia never dreamed of watching a training session there. Yet, seeing how comfortably the Natblida interacted with Clarke, it was obvious that they were used to her presence. Anya could only imagine how hard Lexa had to have argued with Titus on that.
“You are late, Onya,” Lexa began, her voice cold and emotionless.
The Nightbloods froze and retreated to the sides, forming a circle around the two women. They kept their heads low, awaiting Heda’s dismissal or instructions. Anya remained silent, bowing to her leader and waiting for her judgment.
Not looking at her yet, Lexa untied her sheaths and placed her double swords on a table before picking a staff.
“Grab one too,” she ordered, turning toward her novitiates as Anya obeyed. “Why do we train with staffs?”
“They are good for attack and defense,” Seth kom Podakru offered, earning a nod from his Heda.
“And they are easy to make,” Kali added with enthusiasm. “We can make one in the forest if we lose our sword.”
Lexa smiled proudly at them, pleased to see them remember their lessons. “True on both accounts. And most importantly, they are a great weapon to start with. While you learn to control your body and strength, you have less risk of injuring your opponent.”
Anya’s ears burned at the mocking behind Lexa’s decision. If the warrior couldn’t control her emotions, she was no better than a goufa and would be treated as such. She didn’t think the youngest Natblida understood what was happening, but Aden, Nina, and Seth grimaced at her in commiseration. They, too, had had their blades taken away by their fos or Titus after making mistakes. It was a common punishment during training, a way to remind the aspiring gona of their status. And particularly humiliating for confirmed warriors.
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oreo-4556 · 4 years
The thing that hurts the most,that has always hurt the most is the fact that Lexa really and honestly to God was the only pure person of the entire show.
Her life was never hers to begin with.
She became commander at 12 years old,before that she had to train from the second she learnd how to walk,probably lost her family early on and had to kill every single novitiate that had been with her since forever.
All she had ever known was violence blood and death.
Then comes Costia her first love,probably the only person who she could still be a kid with,but then was violently ripped away from her and killed..imagine finding the head of the woman you love in your bed, imagine that and the pain guilt and trauma that comes with it.
And still all she did was what was right for her people and not herself..from that moment on Lexa didn't exist anymore,only Heda Leksa.
Then come the sky people and that was the beginning of the end for her.
She lost Gustus and Anya,her mentors who were probably both some kind of parental figures for her..and she had to kill one of them..again think about the pain and trauma of this loss too.
On top of all this her people demand blood and justice from the sky people and Lexa has all these decisions to make while constantly dealing in silence and secret with all the pain and the losses she endured.
And then comes Clarke...the love of her life and maybe at the same time her demise.
Lexa had known since she was a child that commanders don't live long,she had made peace with that a long time ago,but still somehow somewhere she harboured hope in a corner of her soul that things could change,that things didn't need to always be so violent and bloody,that maybe war wasn't the answer every time.
And Clarke,well Clarke gave Lexa all the courage she needed to set things in motion...Lexa had already created a coalition between the clans,a clear sign that peace was her plan all along,she knew that time was the one thing commanders didn't have though.
Clarke made Lexa believe that together they could have peace,they could live without war and blood and death.
But most importantly,Clarke made Lexa believe in love like she never did before.
Lexa loved Clarke from the very first moment she laid eyes on her and both their first words to each other were "You're the one.." ,Lexa loved Clarke with all her heart even when she had to choose her people over her making that her biggest regret,a regret she had to live with knowing that she had to always put her people first. She thought she had lost every possible chance with Clarke she thought that again "love is weakness", but she hadn't and it wasn't..and Clarke,well Clarke loved Lexa when it was already too late.
Lexa was killed in the most tragic way and in the exact moment where all she actually wanted was to live and love.
She had started to believe that maybe for her it could be different,maybe she could hope for both peace and love..maybe she could be the first commander to actually die of old age.
That unfortunately wasn't the case.
She died killed by accident by her last parental figure who had been with her since she arrived to Polis.
She died having had Clarke and knowing that Clarke loved her,but she died nevertheless in the moment she wanted to live the most.
She promised Clarke to always be with her,she found Clarke again in the City of Light,in another dimension,she protected and saved Clarke and with her the human race once again sacrificing herself in the meantime.
Lexa has saved and protected and guided Clarke everywhere she went,no planet or dimension or time could keep her apart from her.
Lexa has always been with Clarke,exactly like she promised.
But in the end was it worth it?
The human race will go extinct forever and Lexa died for nothing,because even though they are soulmates and star crossed lovers,they didn't get their "maybe someday" together.
Yes,she was Clarke's greatest love teacher and failure(Clarke has always felt guilt and regret for not being able to save her) all at the same time,and somehow she found in a way Clarke again by accompanying her to her "next and last shore" and she did find it "in love", but her love died so long ago and yet she was all Clarke wanted but couldn't have.
Lexa gave Clarke her "maybe someday",but she wouldn't be with her to live it like she deserved.
And if there was one person in this damn story who deserved happiness and to finally be free of the weight of the world was Lexa Kom Trikru.
But instead all we got was a simple confirmation of what we all already knew and it breaks my heart all over again knowing that Lexa could have come back like Emori did,but instead Jason made sure that that wasn't possible by destroying the flame exactly before Judgment Day,the flame he so adamantly repeated was "eternal" apparently wasn't, seeing as all it took was destroying it..if it was so easy to destroy there's no point in saying it's eternal in the first place.
So yeah,I'm heart broken all over again, after 4 and a half years I'm back exactly where the pain started,but maybe it's even worse knowing that this time there is no way or time to fix the story.
Knowing that there is no happy ending for Lexa.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Anya's Sky Girl - Anya kom Trikru x Fem!Skaikru!Reader - The 100
Request: So like this is my general idea - oc/ reader is a shy and kind girl from the 100 and one day when she’s in the field of butterflies just looking around fascinated Anya is watching her from the woods and is captivated by her- just in general Anya being a simp and having a soft spot for her and falling in love (much cuteness) no AU pls for this one pls!
You reminded her of a baby animal at first. Doe-eyed and innocent.
It wasn't until she continued to observe you that she realised you weren't innocent, you were just shy and kinder than the rest of your people.
She didn't know you were a criminal like the rest of the 100. All she knew was that you would wander around your base camp, eyes sparkling with fascination.
You were sat with another sky girl, the one who had gotten attacked by the river snake the sunrise before. A boy had came over, giving her water, leaving you to roll your eyes before getting up.
Spotting the bioluminescent butterfly, the two of you chased it as it flew away. Anya's eyes widened as she watched the two of you arrive in the butterfly field.
Giggles left your lips as you wandered further into the forest, leaving Octavia with Atom.
"Where's Y/n?" Octavia realised, pushing Atom away slightly to look around.
Anya's eyes widened as she watched you find a larger cluster of the butterflies, seeing you freeze in place as the butterflies danced all around you, her mouth going dry as she swallowed nervously.
Love was supposed to be weakness.
Some days you'd disappear into the sky shelter you'd all arrived in. She could hear the screams of the sky boy that was supposed to be bait. Maybe you were trying to help him? You were kind, and she liked that about you.
Skaikru were messy and loud.
She'd established that whilst on night patrol. That had raised some questions. Why was a Trikru leader patrolling so much?
It was only when she heard you yelp in pain, the silver bracelet she'd seen attached to every member of your people's wrists causing you pain that she saw fear in your eyes.
A tear threatened you leave your eye as you looked around, realising it was the same for everyone else. All the wristbands were fried.
"Octavia! Where are you?" You exclaimed, stumbling through the darkness as the sky was lit up with pink flares.
A squeak left your lips as you slipped, skidding down a mudslide to land with a thump.
"Ugh..." A whine left your lips, shifting to move but your bones ached.
It didn't take long for the rest of camp to realise you and Octavia were missing.
Staring up at the sky, tears left your eyes as you spotted the glow. Those weren't shooting stars. Those were hundreds of bodies returning to earth from the arc.
Your eyes widened as an individual loomed over you, blocking your view.
A grounder.
"Please! No! Please!" Whimpers left your mouth but the grounder kept carrying you, staring blankly ahead before your voice was muffled by their hand.
"Hod op." The grounder muttered, frowning as you drifted out of consciousness again.
The sun's rays hit your face as you stirred, a grimace leaving your lips as you tried to move, but a hand on your stomach held you still.
"Who are you?"
Her eyes stared down at you for a moment, but she didn't give you an answer, her hands moving to pick you up again as a fog horn went off.
"Oh god, the acid fog! Where the hell is Octavia?!" You exclaimed, shuffling in the grounder's arms but she held onto you tighter, walking steadily before eventually heading into a set of caves, dropping your body on the floor.
Any movement you tried resulted in a knife at your neck. Your e/c eyes full of terror as she stared at you with a blank look, but you knew she'd kill you. But the question was, why hadn't she killed you yet?
"You could have killed me when I fell down that mudslide, so why haven't you?" You realised, biting your tongue when you realised something.
This was the most you'd spoken since before you were locked up on the ark.
You were stuck in dreamland, remembering the 'crime' you commited, as Anya took a rag, wetting it with water from her pouch and reaching up to wipe the mud from your face.
You only snapped out of your daydreams when you heard the sparks of the fire she was lighting. Your face falling as you spotted the knife she'd put in the fire, your eyes drifting to your side, where Anya had her hand before.
You were bleeding.
The yell that left your lips as Anya cauterised your wound left an ache in Anya's heart, watching as you laid still and stopped fighting.
"Do you understand me? Or do I sound like an idiot from space?" You murmured, pausing as you thought you saw a smirk on the grounder's face.
Your eyes widened slightly, pausing as Anya's eyes widened and she realised she'd slipped up.
"Y/n. My name is Y/n."
"Ai laik Anya kom Trikru." Anya licked her lips, feeling warmth in her chest as she learned your name.
"Anya? That's your name? It's pretty." You whispered, pausing as Anya tutted.
"Skaikru idiot." But the smile she hid from you juxtaposed her attitude.
You didn't know it yet, but the Trikru leader was forming a soft spot for you.
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Author Reveal of the Chopped Round 1: Canon Divergence Fics
The Tropes:
Somebody lives...or somebody dies: A major character (a character who has been in three or more episodes) who died in canon lives in your fic, or a major character who lived in canon dies in your fic.
A dichotomy
small dot among infinite stars (Rated T) [Bellamy/Clarke] by @kindclaws
Dante is painting in his office when they enter, his movements carrying the gentle tremble of old age. Doesn’t even look up when the door shuts behind them, just says hello in that wispy, scratchy old man voice and keeps staring at his canvas.
“We’ve got some bad news,” Clarke says, steeling herself.
“You are bad news,” Dante says. Underneath the agreeable tone there is something bitter and curdling. Dante may have pulled the trigger that stopped Cage Wallace, but Clarke isn’t surprised that he blames them for it.
“The world is ending again,” Bellamy says.
“Unfortunate that it likes to do that,” Dante says. When he keeps painting, Clarke fantasizes about taking the paintbrush and stabbing him with it.
- or, Dante Wallace shoots his son. Clarke doesn’t irradiate Mount Weather. Months later, ALIE warns her a nuclear winter is coming, and suddenly, that act of mercy means everything.
can we pretend? (Rated T) [Clarke/Murphy] by @probably-voldemort
Murphy’s not exactly sure how he went from laying low to fake dating Clarke so they have an excuse for sneaking around Mount Weather, but that seems to be where his life is at right now.
your voice is like a ghost inside my head (Rated T) [Bellamy & Octavia] by @loveislarryislove
“I bear it so they don’t have to,” Clarke said when she left. But Bellamy has to.
“How do you bear it?” Bellamy asks.
“You were there too,” Bellamy says. “You helped us. We pulled the trigger, but you put the weapon in our hands. Don’t you feel…” He doesn’t know how to finish that sentence. He doesn’t know how Monty feels. Only that it doesn’t seem to be a fraction of what he’s feeling. Or if it is, he hides it better.
Monty is quiet for a long time. “I guess,” he says at last, “I just figure… we do what we have to. And then… we have to keep moving. Keep living. Because otherwise, what was it all for?” He shrugs, though it feels like his shoulders are heavy with it. “I did what I did. You did what you did. Now we’re here.”
Here. Monty says it like it’s simple. We’re here. But Bellamy has never felt more lost.
Survival Instinct (Rated T) [Clarke & Murphy] by @justbecauseyoubelievesomething
The sunset was a deeper red than she remembered, as if Praimfaya had reached out into space and curled its fiery fingers around the sun itself. Clarke shivered despite herself and realized that it was cold. The sun was going down and she was alone on a radiation-soaked planet. Alone and alive.
“Murphy.” The name left her lips involuntarily. And then she was running away from the lab before her brain caught up. If the nightblood worked and she survived, Murphy survived too.
Not alone.
the brave not broken girl (Rated T) [Raven & Anya] by @dylanobrienisbatman
Raven wakes up dazed and incoherent, and then she wakes up again, and finds herself in Mt. Weather. But an extremely ill man, a little detective work… and some vomit.. put her on the path to trying to save the grounders trapped in the mountain. All she has to do is get Anya to Lexa.
Turning of The Tides (Rated G) [Clarke & Anya] by @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold
So much of Clarke’s life since landing on Earth has not gone according to plan. Most recently? Being captured by the Mountain and not being able to rescue her friends to escape with her. Least planned of all though is the unlikely partnership she forms with Anya kom Trikru. Grounder Princess versus Sky People Princess. They form a tentative alliance after proving themselves to each other, but then that’s when things continue to derail. When Anya is shot, Clarke has to scramble to keep their tentative truce alive (as well as Anya), so that they can take on the mountain.
Baptism//Resurrection (Rated T) [Echo & Roan] by @kuklash
If the last moments of the final conclave had gone differently.
The Last Living Tree (Rated T) [Jasper/Monty] by @kinetic-elaboration
He rubs at his eyes with the back of his fist, stifles a yawn, and forces himself to focus on the blurry object above, until the last scrim of sleep has been blinked away and he sees it, at least, clear. A little drone, hovering in the air over their bed.
tangerine skies and cherry earth (Rated T) [Murphy & Luna] by hopskipaway
Survival has always been the word John Murphy lives his life by. He thought that this would have given him an advantage when the end of the world came and flipped their lives upside down.
Turns out, like with most things, he was wrong.
Just say you love me (Rated G) [Jasper & Monty] @raven-reyes-of-sunshine
Monty finds Jasper when he’s only drunk half the tea.
Bunker Down (Rated G) [Monty/Harper] by @hostagetakerandhisgirlfriend
Monty, Harper, Murphy, Emori, and Miller set out to Polis in hopes of finding a bunker to shelter humanity from Praimfaya. Takes place midseason 4.
a civil twilight (Rated T) [Clarke/Bellamy/Josephine/Gabriel] by @thelittlefanpire
“It’s funny how your deepest fears can be your deepest desires, too,” the words fall from Clarke’s lips, but it’s not Clarke who speaks them. The voice is airy and lighter than Clarke’s normal cadence.
“Josephine?” Clarke asks aloud. Her throat feels scratchy, but her voice works. Everything comes rushing forward as her body heals and her mind snaps back into focus.
“Ah, just in time for a Sanctum sunset, my love,” Josephine croons towards Gabriel. The hand Clarke wanted to use to comfort Bellamy, reaches out for Gabriel’s arm instead. Her body pulls away from where she was sitting between Bellamy’s legs.
“Jo—,” Gabriel’s voice breaks as he reaches for her face. He cradles Clarke’s head between his large brown hands. He’s soft and gentle, holding her like she might dissolve into smoke.
“How the hell is this possible?” Bellamy’s voice is loud in her ear, right behind her. Clarke pulls away easily from the other man to look back at him.
A 6x10 Bellarke/Jobriel Poly AU.
final journey to the ground (Rated T) [Lincoln & Bellamy] by @shen-gong-oops
Bellamy Blake is sent to Earth a little over a year before one hundred delinquents who inadvertently start a war.
All the winners can be found here.
Thank you all so much for participating this round! Everyone imagined a world @dylanobrienisbatman and I (@thelittlefanpire) think would have been amazing to see on the show. The talent blows us away! Now that winners and authors have been revealed feel free to blog about your fics and don’t forget to tag us!
We hope you all will join us for Round 2: Canon Speculation! Those Tropes drop at Midnight tonight.
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closetcasefabray · 6 years
ccf rereads loso /6
chapter eleven: extreme u-hauling
i haven’t mentioned before but i should—i love the chapter titles
“Clarke, you’re back,” Monty gives her a genuine smile, nearly displacing the worry on his face for a split second. “With a lot of people.”
“Yeah,” Jasper says a little shakily. “A lot.” He stares at them worriedly but then forces his usual carefree grin. “Some of them are warrior women. Do you think they like nerds?”
Monty & Jasper would def say this when faced with an army of nonhostile grounders. another brief glimpse into character reactions i can see happening
“Goufas,” Clarke hears Anya hiss to Lexa.
“Shof op, Anya,” Lexa replies, not looking away from Clarke.
Clarke flushes at the hidden warmth of her stare, then turns to her side when someone grabs her arm. It’s Bellamy. “We need to talk,” he says to her in an undertone, and drags her into the drop ship, nearly bruising her arm. She manages to turn her head and give Lexa a reassuring look before they’re inside, and Lexa lets her hand slide off the hilt of her sword.
anya doesn’t outwardly roll her eyes but i bet she can tell lexa is smitten af & it’s weird & kinda gross & laughable if it weren’t for the dangers but also anya worries bc she remembers lexa after costia’s death & while she wishes brief moments of happiness for lexa she knows love is weakness for a commander
the looks between clarke & lexa are what i fucking miss so so much. i could watch two hours of them sharing looks like they did on horseback, lexa’s hint of a smile
also lol lexa reaching for her sword is so on point i laughed
“You’re an ass, Bellamy, but you don’t deserve what they’ll do to you.”
clarke is doing a great job of reminding everyone that the most barbaric place was the Ark. also that comment is to the point.
- making bellamy a teacher just reminds me of how much i hated then loved then hated bellamy again. his character could have been so much better.
“I guess if I let him go off alone he’ll just get in trouble.”
“Hey!” Bellamy says, giving her a half-smile in return. “I’m right here, O!”
Clarke lets herself slide down the wall to the floor, suddenly too tired to stand now that everything’s been dealt with.
She feels a smile tugging at her face, even as she smothers a huge yawn. This moment feels so nice, so warm. She has Lexa – Wells – Bellamy – Octavia – Jasper – Finn – Monty – all alive, all alive and happy, it’s too much. If she could just stay awake – keep her eyes open – hear more –
But her eyes slide shut and the siblings’ happy banter gradually fades away as sleep takes over.
this all just makes my heart smile.
chapter twelve: to see an old place with new eyes
All Clarke has seen in TonDC is violence: this is the first time she sees Indra’s village as it is. Just a village, a beautiful small village filled with Trikru going about their evening, teasing each other and swigging their drinks and training and flirting and enjoying themselves. Children run in the growing darkness, playing foolish games, sticks as swords. Their yells and giggles can be heard from far away.
It is wonderful, for Lexa to be able to see her world through Clarke’s eyes and for once find nothing to be ashamed of.
Lexa wonders if someday she will also get to see the best of Clarke’s world, the peaceful, friendly Ark that she sometimes suspects is a figment of Wanheda’s imagination.
this is so important. & p much. the peace clarke knew was from a privileged position. clarke knows that but yknow. cultural ignorance.
Lexa admires her Skai girl. So quick, so diplomatic, so wise. No wonder she had been able to match wits with Lexa, a seasoned Commander, after only weeks on the ground.
[wipes tears] so proud of my bbs
- indra’s quiet pride in lincoln is the sweetest thing
“Why, Commander, are you trying to get me drunk?” Clarke smiles, her lips only an inch from Lexa’s.
Lexa flushes. “Of course not, Clarke. That would be wrong. I do not encourage any of your people to drink to excess, given our day of walking tomorrow. I merely wish to give my gonas and your Skaikru a good night, allowing them to enjoy this new alliance…” She’s babbling, Lexa realises. She’s the Commander. She does not babble.
“Lexa,” Clarke says, pressing a soft kiss on the very corner of Lexa’s mouth. “Shof op, please.”
Clarke presses her lips more fully to Lexa’s, in a long, sweet kiss that utterly removes Lexa’s ability to talk, or indeed to think.
flirting ✅
“shut up & kiss me” ✅
heart explosions ✅
Clarke smiles, and kisses her again, then sighs and pulls away. “We shouldn’t stay here too long. It’s suspicious.”
“Yes,” Lexa pulls her in again and kisses her quickly, then steps back. “Come and see TonDC in peacetime, Clarke kom Skaikru. I think you will like it.”
hello, yes, i would like 38274 more quiet, secret kisses between, please.
also i love LOVE “we should stop” then kissing again moments
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incorrect-clexa · 5 years
Clarke: My food‘s too hot. I can‘t eat it.
Anya: ...
Lexa: You’re too hot but I still eat you.
Anya, slamming her hands on the table: ONE DINNER...
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Virago 14. Leap of Faith
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Summary: Y/N was sent to the ground after spending five years in the Skybox for stealing medical supplies and murder. How will she deal with her new environment and learn to survive on earth? Will she crack under the pressure of becoming a leader of the 100 or will she embrace it. 
Post Date: 09.04.20
Word count: 1.7k
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Based off: 02x03 “Repercussions”
100 Master List
Clarke starts to try to unlock the cage Anya is in but there’s no luck, “We’re gonna get you out of here,” Clarke reassures Anya. 
Clarke gets up and looks for something to break the lock open and you follow after. As you look around you find a rusty bar that you could pull off the wall.  You hand the bar to Clarke who quickly pries open the lock on the cage. As soon as Anya was about to get out of the cage you hear some beeps coming from one of the doors and watch as Tsing walks in. You quickly find an empty cage on the bottom row and crawl in as Clarke crawls into Anya’s. 
Tsing grabs a blood bag from a container before making her way near the cages to check out the commotion the grounders are making. She walks in between the cages inspecting them before walking out of the room.
“Okay. We’ve gotta go. Now.” You say quickly getting out of the cage and helping Clarke with Anya. She wraps an arm around each of your shoulders as you guys make your way out of the room. You and Clarke grab ahold of a door labeled “END CONTAINMENT AREA” and make your way out.
You guys find yourselves in a small room with what looked like a door underneath. As soon as you guys made it into the room. The door behind you guys started to close. Clarke tried to open it back up but it was not luck. 
“What is that?” Anya questioned as an alarm started going off.
“I don’t--” You started before the ground below you three disappears. You fall down a chute into a bin. You soon discover that you’re laying on a pile of bodies. You and Clarke quickly get up as Anya examines the bodies. 
“Anya! Take my hand.” Clarke yells holding her hand out. Not too long after Anya takes Clarke’s hand and you get out of the bin. As you take in your surroundings you notice that you are in some sort of tunnel outside of Mount Weather.
“We’re out,” You say after getting ahold of yourself and Anya just stares at the grounders in the bin.
“Hey. Come on, get dressed. We can’t cover any ground like this.” Clarke says making her way to a pile of clothes.
“I won’t leave my people behind,” Anya protests as you look through the clothes.
“Anya, listen to me. My people are still inside that place too, but they have guards. They have weapons. Once we get out of here, we can find help. We can come back--” You start.
“There is no ‘we’” Anya interrupts. Soon after you hear shouting down the tunnel. “Someone’s coming,” She says as the voices get louder. 
“Not just someone. Reapers,” Clarke says recognizing the speaking. Anya quickly goes over to pick something up. “Hey. Anya, you can’t fight. You can hardly stand. I have a better idea. Come on,” Clarke points out and pulls Anya towards another bin. 
You and Clarke help Anya get into the bin and you follow after. Clarke quickly grabs clothes and throws them into the bin before getting in herself. The three of you lay quietly as the reapers continue to approach. The next thing you know you have the grounder bodies tossed into the bin and on top of you. The reapers continue to pile the bodies atop of you guys before wheeling you guys away. You feel the panic start to rise but stay as calm as can be for the sake of living.
After being wheeled for what felt like forever, you finally stopped. The reapers pulled out a body. Clarke got up to inspect the area. “Okay. Come on,” Clarke whispers getting ready to get out of the bin.
Anaya gets up and cups one of the grounder’s heads, “What are you doing? Let’s go,” You whisper wanting to get away as quickly as possible.
“Yu gonplei ste odon,” Anya says, before snapping his neck. Clearly a phrase in grounder that you didn’t understand. The three of you then make your way out of the bin, throwing the clothes over as you do so. You grab some of the clothes and the three of you quickly sneak away down the tunnel.
The three of you quickly get dressed in the clothes and continue down the tunnel, clueless of where you are, “Damn it, this place is a maze,” You say.
“What are they doing to us?” Anya questions taking a moment to herself.
“They use your blood. I saw a soldier come in with radiation burns. Hours later, he was fine. It’s like your blood is healing them somehow. I’ve never seen anything like it,” Clarke explains out of breath.
“Come on. This way,” You say after slightly inspecting the tunnel a bit more. But Anya starts to walk off in the direction you just came from. 
“Hey. Hey. What are you doing? That’s the way back to the reapers,” Clarke questions noticing Anya didn’t follow.
“You two go your way. I’ll go mine.,” Anya states.
“Anya, we need to stick together,” Clarke quickly responds.
“I told you there is no ‘we’”. You two have eachother,” Anya replies back.
“We saved your life,” You add-in.
“You saved my life because you need me. I know the way back to your people. I know where the traps are hidden. You two would never make it alone,” Anya states.
“We don’t have time for this. Our best chance of making it out of here alive is together. All we can do is keep moving and hope--” Clarke says as the two of you continue down the tunnel. But you turn around and find Anya gone and alert Clarke to it.
“Anya,” Clarke says in hopes she wasn’t far. 
“Come on, let’s go find her,” You say and start to run back from where you came.
“No, we need to get out of here,” Clarke pulls at your sleeve to run the original direction you were going.
You and Clarke continue to run through the tunnel but are still lost. Soon enough you find yourself faced with a reaper. As the two of you try to run away you find yourselves surrounded by them.
“Clarke, what do we do?!” You ask with urgency.
“I don’t know,” She says as you’re backed into a wall. Before you are mauled by the reapers a high-pitched wailing fills the tunnel and the reapers run away.
“Get back. Get the hell away from them,” You see two Mount Weather people in suits make their way to you.
“Clarke Griffin and Y/N Y/L/N, you’re coming with us,” One of the men say. Each of the men grabs one of your arms and drags you back to a door into Mount Weather.
“We saw everything. We know what you’re doing to them,” You tell the men.
“That’s why you two are going in the harvest chamber with them,” The man states. “Alpla-delta two. We reached the intake. Two prisoners in custody,” He says as the other man goes to the keypad. 
“Your mission was to bring back all three. The outsider cannot be allowed to leave this mountain. Alpha-Delta One is coming out now,” A man says over a radio. Soon enough you hear screaming and one of the men is taken down by Anya. You pull off the mask of the man holding onto you.
“His mask,” Clarke yells to Anya who is smashing the guy into the wall.
“I found a way out. This way,” Anya yells and runs off. You and Clarke follow but not before she picks up the gun on the ground. You hear the men follow you as you make your way down the tunnel.
You see the light in front of you and continue to make your way towards it. But stop just short after noticing the huge drop off in front of you.
“Wait. There has to be another way,” Clarke says unsure of the escape route.
“There isn’t!” Anya yells back.
“Just give up Clarke and Y/N” You got no place else to go,” A man says as the group of men catch up to you guys. Anya doesn’t hesitate to jump off and disappear into the water below.
“We don’t have to kill you two. Do you hear me? It doesn’t have to end like this. Drop your weapon,” The man says. Clarke does what the man says and puts her hands up, you follow after her.
“Clarke, we have to jump. We can’t save our people from inside here,” You say just barely loud enough for her to hear over the roaring waters below.
“I know. Just follow my lead. Together ok?” She says walking forwards and you do the same.
“Take the prisoners,” The man says to his team. As soon as you notice Clarke turn around you run and follow her. Jumping into the water below.
You gather yourself as you feel the force at which you hit the water. You loom around for Clarke and find her unconscious. You muster all the strength you can and pull her with you down the stream. As soon as you felt you were far enough away, you pulled Clarke to the edge of the stream and see Anya make her way up to the two of you. She helps you pull Clarke into a small clearing.
Luckily Clarke woke up, “Thank god. We made it out,” You tell her as Clarke gathers herself.
“Thank you,” She says turning to Anya whose sitting on the other side of Clarke. “I think we should go back to the dropship first. So we can see if my people--” Clarke says before Anya takes a rock and smashes it to Clarke’s head and doing the same to you.
“We’re not going back to your dropship. You two killed 300 of my warriors. I can’t show my face without a prize. Might as well make it two while both of you are here,” She states as she starts to tie both of your wrists together and dragging the two of you off.
A/N: Y/N made it out of Mount Weather, but is a prisoner of Anya’s along with Clarke. Yes, I’m sure you’re thinking, Y/N and Clarke could totally take on Anya together, but she’s a badass and I wanted to stay cannon to this part as much as possible. Thanks for reading!
🏷: @im-a-writer-right​ | @marsbar-inspace32​ | @zestylemon99​ | @unrvquited​ | @thebeautifulbookworm​​ | @gxvrielle​ | @simonsbluee​ | @iwishilivedinthesims​ | @awkwardspontaneity​
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yiangchen · 6 years
What are your top five characters with good potential but Jroth killed them off?(because this was the best ask ever and now i need to know your answers haha)
dlksjdlk my answers are going to be very similar to yours!!
1. Luna kom Floukru – LEGIT THE BIGGEST MISTAKE JROTH HAS EVER MADE (aside from everything he did with Octvia post s2) IS KILLING OFF THIS ANGEL!!! We could have had Luna winning the goddamn conclave and taking Octagon’s spot in the bunker!! ANd then, AND THENNNN, just imagine the Sea Mechanic reunion after six years??? As much as I love Zaven, SEA MECHANIC WERE FUCKING SOULMATES AND IM BITTER!!! And like, even though I wanted them together, I would have been content with platonic Sea Mechanic too. Their dynamic was just so good, in every way, shape and form.
2. Anya kom Trikru – I will forever be bitter that she was killed off for shock value. Also, I just really wish she had been Commander instead of Lxa. She was just so much more interesting and imo Dichen Lackman is a better actress than A.lycia. I said what I said.
3. Wells Jaha – Another one killed off for shock value. Ngl, I was never all that attached to him, but the fandom has really made me realize how much we missed out on. And you made a really good point about how Finn was basically a cheap knock off version of him that no one liked. Literally, one of the only downsides to seasons 1-2 is that Finn is alive, so imagine if Wells had been instead!!!
4. Thelonious Jaha – They just kinda got lazy and wrote him off, and in a way that propped up Octagon…and like, nah. I MISS HIM SO MUCH. He was literally the only chancellor that didn’t suck at some point. And no, I don’t count the ALIE mess. That literally was not him. And the only reason that all happened was because he spent all of s2 on a journey to find a home for his people. ALSO BACK IN S1 HE LITERALLY SACRIFICED HIMSELF FOR HIS PEOPLE!! He really is the best leader this show has ever had. Aside from maybe Diyoza. Also, Isaiah Washington’s portrayal of him was just fucking fantastic. He had so much potential. I know that a lot of people are really enjoying the K.ane and Diyoza dynamic, but I haven’t enjoyed K.ane since like s2b, and would be 100 times more interested in seeing how Jaha and Diyoza would interact. WE WERE ROBBED!! That storyline imo would be so much better with Jaha in K.ane’s place!!
5. Jasper Jordan – The narrative importance he holds in s5 even after his death is so important, and just really well executed by the writers, but I still wish, like you said, he’d be there himself. And I just don’t like how his death perpetuates the idea that it never gets any better. ALSO, THE WRITERS HAD THE FUCKING NERVE TO HAVE MONTY PROMISE HIM THAT THEY WILL BE HAPPY AGAIN BUT THEN KILL OFF JASPER ANYWAYS!! In other words, he didn’t survive long enough to be happy again. We missed out on his recovery story!!
Honorable mentions: Charles Pike and Lincoln kom Trikru.
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alwaysaprille · 7 years
Imagine if The 100 talked about Wells Jaha, Anya Kom Trikru, Lincoln Kom Trikru, Jacapo Sinclair....
as much as they talk about L/xa. Imagine. 
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