#anya kom trikru x reader
redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
The 100 Masterlist
Hell is Empty - AU
Raven Reyes
Seventeen Sweater Weather (Sea Mechanic x Reader)
Anya Kom Trikru
Anya's Sky Girl Wasted Youth - Modern!AU Protective Family - Griffin!Sister!Reader Snow - S1-S2!AU Home - Modern!AU Wanna Be Missed - Modern!AU Can You Hold Me - Modern!AU Still Into You - Modern/University!AU
Luna Kom Floukru
Boat Girl - Modern!AU Sweater Weather (Sea Mechanic x Reader)
Octavia Blake
Butterfly Girl - Octavia Blake xFem!Reader Second Children - Octavia Blake x Finn Collins!Sister!Reader Soulmate au New Beginnings
Domestic Life Modern!University!Au - Lexa kom Trikru x reader x Clarke Griffin
Lexa Kom Trikru
Sister Responsibilities - Lexa kom Trikru x Octavia Blake Twin!Sister!Reader
Injuries - Lexa kom Trikru x fem!reader
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notelcol · 9 months
Blood must have blood.
In which Anya Kom Trikru sends her lover to die.
Warnings : death, explosion
Anya, the leader of Trikru, was a powerful woman. She was also a passionate one. That was one of the many reasons you loved her. You had a special relationship with the warrior since you were children, she would rarely be seen without you near. When Anya decided to begin the attack on Skaikru, she chose you to lead the first wave. Normally she wouldn’t put you at risk in such a way but, with most of their enemies incapacitated by the disease they sent, she was certain this was a sure win.
Adrenaline shook your veins, like the wild vibration of leaves in a storm. Your feet bounced as you stood in a tree, watching over the forest. The coast was clear. You nodded to Tris, Anya’s young mentee. It was time to charge. A roar erupted from your chest and reverberated through the trees, letting everyone else know it was time. Jus dren jus daun.
Your feet hit the floor gracefully with Tris landing next to you. You steadied the girl as she stumbled, her height made the drop a little more intense. She pushed your hands away to save face in front of the older warriors, but gave you a small and grateful smile. The two of you led the charge, the jeers and roars from your brothers in arms got louder and louder as you reached the bridge. Once you crossed this, you would start encountering Skaikru. Your heart thundered in anticipation as you picked up your pace. You had gotten about a third of the way across the bridge when you spotted something. At first it looked like a grey dot, but as you approached you could tell it was a barrel of some sort. You stopped in your tracks when you looked past it and saw a Skaikru warrior, pointing their weapon at the out of place barrel. You realised this must be some kind of trap.
“TRIS!!” You screamed at the girl but she could not hear you over the chanting. Jus drein jus daun.
The others had begun to overtake you not hearing your frantic orders to stop. You pushed them all out of the way, trying to reach Tris. You couldn’t let her be the one to trigger whatever trap Skaikru had laid. Finally you managed to catch the girls wrist but, it was too late. You shielded young Tris with your body as the barrel exploded. The air turned red as flames ravaged your skin and blew the pair of you to the ground beneath the bridge. You heaved in a breath and time stopped. The bricks that were once a bridge, had been flung to the sky. It was as if they were floating up there, never to come down. If only that were true. Suddenly, the suspension was over and gravity brought the bridge back to the ground. Your breath released, in a shaky erratic manner. In an instant your vision faded black with rubble choking your lungs and the echoes still ringing. Jus drein jus daun.
Anya screamed like a banshee as she threw her arms down onto a table, breaking it in two. She had been told how your body was found. Burned and buried under tonnes of rubble, holding a barely alive Tris beneath you. Half of her died with you. All she had to hold on to was the hope, that your final wish came true, that Tris would live. When that too failed, her heart finally broke. The chanting that comfortingly carried you to your grave, would forever live in the place of Anya’s heart.
Jus drein jus daun.
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scripts4dreamers · 4 years
AN: Anya didn’t ask for this, okay?  Characters: Anya kom Trikru, Lexa kom Trikru, Pairing(s): Anya x reader Spoiler(s): Season 2 plot points Warning(s): None
Prompt: “so Anya kom Trikru x Skaikru!reader where reader escapes the mountain with Anya and Clarke. Anya is not shot so she manages to get to heda. the treaty is in place and reader becomes Anya`s second learning how to fight. reader one day hears how other grounders call Anya "gona heda" and after discovering what it means reader starts calling Anya like that too, and it does things to Anya. just Anya taking a liking to Skaikru girl and slowly but surely falling in love with her.” for anon
Anya had never asked for any of this, okay? That’s what she told herself every time it happened; she didn’t volunteer for this, so she couldn’t be blamed, not really. Except she did kind of, but she couldn’t have-she didn’t-
“Anya!” You called, all bright smiles and warmth as you jogged over, “there you are! I was getting worried.”
You looked so strong, she noted fondly, with your hair braided and your bright eyes framed by dark smears of war paint. Now, when you moved, there was an ease to it, like you were confident and sure of yourself, miles and miles away from the frightened girl she’d met on the battlefield all those weeks ago. If she’d known then how strong you were, how much you had endured...maybe things would have turned out different, maybe she could have spared you this-
Anya shook her head, snapping herself back to the present.
Her heart pinched, but she managed to keep her face neutral, “That’s not necessary, Y/N. I had a meeting with the commander, she’s mustering our forces to take the mountain.”
Your face fell for a moment, just long enough for Anya to wish that she could take the words back, swallow them whole so that they could never touch you again, before you schooled them back to impassivity.
“We’re going back?” You asked, hiding the faint quiver in your voice as best you could as you instinctively gripped the handle of your sword.
Anya sighed and, before she could think better of it, reached out to grasp your shoulder. As always, her stomach did a funny little flip when she touched you and she fought the urge to run away and hide.
“Yes, we’re going back,” she said gently, “but it won’t be like last time. This time we’ll be taking the fight to them.” she paused, leaning in, “This time, they’ll be running from us.”
She could tell you were still nervous, that you wanted her to say more, to comfort you and quell your anxiety but, nonetheless, your answering smile was defiant and, to Anya’s relief, you simply bowed and muttered that you’d better join the other seconds on patrol, and bounded off, leaving Anya alone to ponder her own discomfort. She followed your movement with her eyes without meaning to, smiling to herself when she saw you shove one of the other seconds to the ground playfully and offer him a hand up.
Your laugh cut through the afternoon air like a bell, like you were daring the world to take you on, daring it to try and take your happiness from you. It carried a bittersweet nostalgia with it, and Anya couldn’t help but think back to the first time she’d ever heard you laugh like that.
“The ground here is too soft,” Anya growled, “we’re leaving tracks.”
“If you know a better way to get to my people, I’m all ears,” Clarke shot back, “but, if not, then please just shut up.”
Anya opened her mouth to say something cutting but, before she could, you cut in.
“Guys,” You groaned, “please don’t start this again. I’m so sick of the fighting.”
“Tell her that!” Clarke said, gesturing to Anya, “She’s the one who’s never happy with anything.”
“We’re covered in mud, wandering through the woods in circles and eating raw squirrel for dinner while our people get drained for their blood, Clarke,” Anya pointed out, “there’s not much to be happy with.”
There was a moment of silence and then a sound, so pure and clear that it sent a literal chill down Anya’s spine. You were laughing, really laughing, with your head thrown back, until tears started streaming down your cheeks, leaving thin trails of skin visible through the mud. A second later Clarke joined in, her voice harmonizing with yours like a brook stumbling over stones. How long had it been since Anya had heard someone laugh like that? She couldn’t even remember.
“We’re so screwed,” you said through your laughter, “what the hell is even happening anymore, does anyone know?”
Against her better judgement, Anya felt a twinge of humor in her throat, bubbling up until she was laughing right alongside you. The tension dissolved into a weary sort of camaraderie, a sort of silent acknowledgement that you were in this together, that you needed one another. It was almost how fighting alongside her own people felt, Anya admitted to herself, and it gave her hope that maybe peace was possible after all.
“We were at war like three weeks ago,” you laughed, “and now we’re bickering like some weird dysfunctional married thruple.”
“What is a thruple?” Anya asked.
“It’s like a couple, but with three people,” Clarke explained, wiping her eyes, “which is insane ‘cause I’m way out of your league, Y/N.”
You gasped in mock outrage, “You wish, Griffin. You could do a thousand times worse than Anya and me.”
“Oh really?” Clarke teased.
“Yes, really. I’m a hot commodity, I’m prime girlfriend material, right Anya?”
Blood rushed to Anya’s face, but she was confident that you couldn’t see it under all the mud. You were teasing, she knew that, it was light and playful but, even so, Anya felt a little flustered at the question.
“Yes,” she eventually said, trying desperately to remember her english, “Y/N would be a good partner. She’s strong and brave.”
Your face softened, like you were surprised by her answer but, before you could say anything, Clarke cleared her throat.
“Alright Hot Stuff. We should find somewhere to spend the night,” she said, looking between you and Anya curiously, “it’ll be getting dark soon.”
You agreed and started back on your trek. Clarke took the lead, as usual, with you and Anya keeping watch. As Anya walked, keeping an eye of the rear like she always did, you slowed down, falling into step beside her. For a while you walked together in silence, Anya’s heart pounding in her chest as she racked her brain, trying to figure out if she'd said something wrong or offensive by mistake.
“You really think I’m brave?” You asked eventually.
Anya’s muscles relaxed and she exhaled quietly, “Of course. You are brave, Y/N. I watched you take on a fully grown reaper with nothing but a stick, just to buy Clarke and me time. I don’t know many people who would’ve done the same.”
“Not even other grounders?”
Anya shrugged, “You can’t teach someone that kind of bravery. No matter how good you are with a sword, if you’re a coward, you’re a coward, it’s as simple as that.”
“I didn’t feel brave,” you admitted, looking determinedly ahead with your hair obscuring your face, “I was terrified.”
Anya felt a pang of empathy in her chest, “We all were. Fear isn’t the opposite of courage, Y/N. You can’t have one without the other. You risked your life to protect an enemy from a horrible death, anyone who sees that and still calls you a coward knows nothing of true bravery.
A shadow of a smile flickered across your face, “Thanks, Anya. That means a lot coming from you.”
You nudged her shoulder with hers and Anya felt the casual touch like a sledgehammer in her chest. It had been so long since she’d felt close to another person, so long since someone had been gentle with her.
“Y/N,” she blurted out without thinking, “if-if you want to learn to defend yourself-how to fight like I do-when we reach your people and secure an alliance with the commander-I am in need of a second…”
“A second?” You asked, stopping in your tracks, “Like a second in command?”.
Anya avoided your eye, suddenly deeply embarrassed.
“Yes,” she said, inspecting the horizon for all she was worth, “I’d teach you how to fight, how to implement effective battle strategy, how to lead…” she trailed off, “but it is a lot of work. You’d have to train every day and really dedicate yourself to learning our language and culture so, if you’re unsure-”
Before she could finish, the air was knocked out of her lungs by your sudden embrace. You held her tight and Anya felt her heart skip a beat.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you said with a breathless laugh, “yes, thank you, Anya. I won’t let you down, I swear it.”
“I know.”
And you hadn’t, at least not yet. You’d thrown yourself into training with more ferocity and determination than anyone Anya had ever known, never letting injury or exhaustion wear you down. You’d challenged her, inspired her and somehow, despite her best efforts to the contrary, had wormed your way into her heart. She cared about you, deeply, more than she could remember caring about anyone in years. What had really done it was your heart, your gentleness and your courage, none of which ever seemed to waiver or crack, even in the face of overwhelming odds. When the other seconds had rejected you, you’d proven yourself to them by working harder, going further, catching more prey, all the while treating them with respect and keeping your dignity. When Lexa had been storming and raging over the massacre at Ton DC and had threatened to kill you in retaliation, you hadn’t cowered or hid behind Anya for protection, you’d stood tall and proud and let her rage and, when she had calmed down, you’d looked her in the eye and told her that you were sorry for her loss, and that you would do whatever it took to make it right.
Anya knew that life as her second hadn’t been easy, that a large part of you had wanted to go to Camp Jaha with Clarke and see your friends again but, despite it all, you were still there. Every morning you got up and did your job, getting stronger and deadlier by the day and reminding Anya a thousand times over why she wanted you to lead one day.
Only, at some point it had moved past that. She couldn’t quite pinpoint when; the exact moment that she’d realised how in danger she was with you, but it had happened. She had a vague idea that it might have been on one of the many nights that you’d returned to her from training covered in blood and bruises and Anya had felt her heart tighten with worry, but it didn’t matter. The fact was, Anya didn’t just want you to follow in her footsteps anymore, she wanted to walk beside you; to hold your hand and tell you about her life, to come home from battle and kiss the bruises on your skin until they faded away, to wrap you in pelts in the winter and find out what you tasted like. She wanted you to be hers, and she wanted to be yours and it made her feel shaky and unsure.
Anya had never been the best with feelings. She was a warrior, a decorated and well respected general, but she’d always been alone. On the battlefield she was sure of herself, confident and unyielding but, when it came to you...she felt like a helpless child.
Out of the corner of her eye, Anya saw Lexa stalk towards her and the two women stood together in companionable silence, watching the army train and prepare for battle.
“She’s strong,” Lexa commented, tilting her head in your direction, “she’ll be an asset in our war with the mountain, if you can bring yourself to let her go.”
“I won’t need to,” Anya shot back, a note of protectiveness in her voice, “Y/N will not die, she’s a true warrior, she’ll be fine.”
Lexa observed her old mentor critically, noticing how tense Anya suddenly looked, as though she was preparing herself for a fight, preparing herself to defend something she-
“You love her,” Lexa commented, wondering how she hadn’t noticed sooner.
For a moment Anya was silent.
“I….care about her,” she eventually admitted.
“You love her,” Lexa said again, “and you will die for her if needs be.”
Anya pursed her lips, “It won’t come to that.”
Just then the horn that signified the end of the day blew and you jogged back to Anya, doing a double take when you noticed Lexa standing beside her.
“Heda,” you greeted with a bow.
When you straightened up Lexa walked over, clapped your shoulder affectionately and whispered something in your ear too low for Anya to make out. Anya felt her heartbeat start to pick up nervously as she watched you blush, shoot her a look and then give Lexa a shaky nod. Lexa shot Anya a knowing look and walked away, headed to the dining area to greet her troops and leaving you and Anya alone on the hill.
“How was your training,” she asked, trying to inspect your body for injuries without being too obvious.
“Hard,” you admitted, shifting your weight and wincing as you twisted to look at Anya.
Anya frowned, feeling that tinge of concern again as she turned and slung an arm around you to support your weight. You insisted that you were fine but she ignored you, taking you back to the campsite you shared and sitting you down next to the fire.
“What happened?” she asked, fussing about your side, where she could see a poorly hidden bloodstain.
“Nothing!” You insisted, “Just a sparring match that went bad, that’s all.
“Y/N, it feels like your ribs are broken,” Anya pointed out, “and you’re bleeding.”
“Okay, a sparring match that went really bad,” you amended with a gentle laugh, lifting Anya’s hands off your side and forcing her to sit back, “I’ll heal. It’s not like you haven’t had your fair share of broken ribs, right gona heda?”
Anya’s eyes flicked to yours, her heart skipping a beat as the words you’d said started to sink in. Gona heda, warrior commander. It was a name she’d had amongst her people for a while now but, hearing you say it, hearing your voice wrap around the syllables of her language like that….it made Anya feel strange. It was intimate and sinful, like melted honey on warm skin or the feeling of crushed velvet under fingertips.
“Gona heda?” you asked again, your voice low and soft.
Gods above. She could hear her own blood in her ears as her skin flushed. You were so close, so distractingly close that it made Anya feel a quiet sort of desperation she couldn’t name.
She cleared her throat, dabbing a cloth in disinfectant and going back to treating your wounds, “Where-um-” her eyes flickered to you again, “where did you hear that name?”
You shrugged, “Some of the others call you that,” you explained, “and I like how it sounds.” you paused and Anya became very aware that her hands were shaking as they traced the mottled bruises on your skin, “Would you like me to stop?”
“No!” Anya said quickly, “No, I like the way it sounds too,” she admitted and then, before she could stop herself, “but only when you say it.”
Silence. It was painful and tense and cloying and Anya wanted nothing more than to tear it to shreds, take out some of the adrenaline in her system on that horrible oppressive nothingness, but she didn’t.
“Only when I say it,” you repeated, just short of breathlessly.
Anya pressed her lips together but nodded, avoiding your gaze as she inspected your ribs. Suddenly you shifted so that you were crouched next to her, forcing her to meet your eye.
“What else do you like it when I say, gona heda?” You asked, your face so close that Anya could smell the metallic blood from your split lip.
She swallowed hard, infuriated by how calm and in control you seemed while she felt like she was drowning in fear and poorly suppressed desire. Your gaze was steady, heavy and expectant and it made Anya’s skin feel hot and prickly under her armor.
“My name,” she eventually said, “I-” she swallowed again, “I like how it sounds.”
You were almost smiling now, the skin at the corners of your eyes crinkling in a way that gave you away and released some of the tension that had been building.
“Anything else?” You asked, tilting your head to the side and leaning in just close enough to make Anya feel lightheaded.
“I like how you laugh,” Anya heard herself say from far away, “and how much you swear, and when you hum songs I’ve never heard and-” she broke off and let out a nervous laugh, “everything. I like the way you say everything.”
You hummed happily and absentmindedly reached out to touch one of Anya’s braids.
“I guess Lexa was right,” you said, your eyes already trained on Anya’s mouth.
“About what?”
You smiled, warm and tender and loving, “About everything.”
And when you kissed her, Anya swore nothing had ever felt so right.
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topazy · 2 years
Sky of stars
Pairings: Lexa/reader
Warnings: Character death, mentions of blood
Chapter: 0.07
You stood panting, as your eyes traced over all the bodies on the floor. It was a surreal feeling knowing you were standing in front of the next commander.
You were in love with the next commander.
“Ai hodnes,” Lexa approaches you and cups the side of your face with her free hand, her other hand still clenched around her blood-soaked weapon. “Are you hurt?”
You shake your head, unable to form a verbal reply.
A look of concern crosses her face while stepping back. “Y/N…”
“Hofli keryon kom commanders choose yu,” you finally say.
You walk closely behind Lexa through the woods, checking that the area is clear. You hadn’t said much, which hadn’t gone unnoticed.
Lexa suddenly stopped walking and turned to face you. She looks almost remorseful. Her lips parted but no words came out.
You clear your throat and blink away any tears that threaten to spill from your eyes. You refuse to let your emotions get the better of you. “I can’t help but wonder if any of these men are the ones who raided my village, if they are the ones who took my mother.”
“I promise you, here and now, that when the time comes, I will do whatever I can to save our people.”
You pressed your forehead against hers. “I know,” you sigh. “We should find Anya. I think the mountain men are gone for now.”
You regrouped with the rest of your clan inside caves south of the Trikru village. Anya had informed you both that two warriors had fallen by the hands of the mountain men. They had run out of the cave to lure the men who had gotten dangerously close to the cave. They sacrificed themselves. They died as heros. As true warriors.
Anya stood in front of you and smirked before standing on a rock to address her people. “Today we lost warriors at the hands of the mountain men. Make no mistake, when this war is over we will be victorious and stand in the blood of our enemies! Jus drein jus daun!”
“Jus drein jus daun!”
“Jus drein jus daun!”
The whole Trikru continued to chant as you made your way back to the village. Anya had sent riders to check it was clear beforehand, so she knew it was safe to travel.
The war with the mountain men was far from over, but you couldn’t help the feeling of optimism that filled you. Maybe it was the chanting, or the way Lexa smiled at you, but all the dread you’d been carrying suddenly disappeared.
Moonlight and the small burning beacons are your only sources of light amid the night sky and trees. In the corner of your eye, you noticed one person wasn’t chanting. Ona. Despite growing up in the same clan, you didn’t know much about her, aside from the fact she was a few years younger than you.
You slowed your pace to not make it obvious that you were watching her. Something was off. You could feel it in your bones.
When you finally reached your village, you hung back and watched as the rest of your village entered, and Ona stayed back. You watched in horror as she readied her bow and arrow.
You ran as fast as you could towards where she stood. You recalled the look in her eyes when you cut Ophelia. You’d assumed Ona and Dela would hate you for betraying one of your own, but you never thought she’d follow through with the plan to assassinate the Trikru leaders.
She wasn’t going to stop trying to kill them, so you needed to stop her.
Hearing footsteps behind her, she turns to face you. Ona’s eyes widen as she jumps down.
“You betrayed us!” She spits back.
You lunged forward and plunged your knife into her neck. At the same time, you felt an agonising pain in your lower stomach.
You stumble back and look down to see an arrow sticking out of your stomach. Your vision began to blur, but you could make out the sounds of voices getting louder around you.
Your eyes open slowly and the vision of a person leaning over you becomes clear. Lexa jumps a little when you weakly squeeze her finger. “Ai hodnes, are you in pain?”
You shake your head. Lexa’s beautiful eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying. “Ona?”
“She’s dead.” Lexa pressed a gentle kiss to your lips before letting out a sob. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”
“Don’t, you were leading your people home. That’s what a real commander does. It’s what you're going to do until the day you die.”
A feeling of warmth takes over your whole body. Your eyes look down at the bed you are lying on. The fur covering your body was dark brown, but you could still make out the fresh blood soaking through it. You knew you were bleeding out and didn’t have much time left, as you were starting to feel extremely tired.
Lexa leans down beside you and brushes strands of hair off your sweaty forehead. She lets out a breathy sob, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Warm tears fall down your cheeks as you whisper, “I love you too.”
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆𝐸𝓅𝒾𝓁𝑜𝑔𝓊𝑒 ⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
You watched for years as Lexa grieved the loss of those she loved and cared about. You watched her mourn for Costia when Nia killed her. Watched as she remained strong when Anya died. Watched as she betrayed Clarke Griffin, the girl from the sky who she had deep feelings for, so that she could hold onto a promise that she made to you and free the grounders from the mountain men.
You watched proudly as Lexa Kom Trikru became the greatest commander that ever lived.
You dreamed of being reunited with Lexa one day, but when her spirit left her human body, you didn’t go see her. You gave her time. Lexa still had work to do. She needed to help Clarke save the human race one last time before she could truly be at peace.
The sounds of branches snapping behind you made you smile. She had finally found you. You looked down at the beautiful flowers around you. Lexa looked speechless as she approached you, “I remember this place.”
You did as well. It was identical to the place you introduced yourself to one another after escaping the reapers. Except now it's different. There was no danger where you were.
“It’s been so long, I’m surprised you remember me,” you say, chuckling slightly.
Lexa runs towards you and embraces you by wrapping her arms around you, “I could never forget you.”
Now that you had reunited with the love of your life, you were finally at peace.
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Virago 14. Leap of Faith
Tumblr media
Summary: Y/N was sent to the ground after spending five years in the Skybox for stealing medical supplies and murder. How will she deal with her new environment and learn to survive on earth? Will she crack under the pressure of becoming a leader of the 100 or will she embrace it. 
Post Date: 09.04.20
Word count: 1.7k
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Based off: 02x03 “Repercussions”
100 Master List
Clarke starts to try to unlock the cage Anya is in but there’s no luck, “We’re gonna get you out of here,” Clarke reassures Anya. 
Clarke gets up and looks for something to break the lock open and you follow after. As you look around you find a rusty bar that you could pull off the wall.  You hand the bar to Clarke who quickly pries open the lock on the cage. As soon as Anya was about to get out of the cage you hear some beeps coming from one of the doors and watch as Tsing walks in. You quickly find an empty cage on the bottom row and crawl in as Clarke crawls into Anya’s. 
Tsing grabs a blood bag from a container before making her way near the cages to check out the commotion the grounders are making. She walks in between the cages inspecting them before walking out of the room.
“Okay. We’ve gotta go. Now.” You say quickly getting out of the cage and helping Clarke with Anya. She wraps an arm around each of your shoulders as you guys make your way out of the room. You and Clarke grab ahold of a door labeled “END CONTAINMENT AREA” and make your way out.
You guys find yourselves in a small room with what looked like a door underneath. As soon as you guys made it into the room. The door behind you guys started to close. Clarke tried to open it back up but it was not luck. 
“What is that?” Anya questioned as an alarm started going off.
“I don’t--” You started before the ground below you three disappears. You fall down a chute into a bin. You soon discover that you’re laying on a pile of bodies. You and Clarke quickly get up as Anya examines the bodies. 
“Anya! Take my hand.” Clarke yells holding her hand out. Not too long after Anya takes Clarke’s hand and you get out of the bin. As you take in your surroundings you notice that you are in some sort of tunnel outside of Mount Weather.
“We’re out,” You say after getting ahold of yourself and Anya just stares at the grounders in the bin.
“Hey. Come on, get dressed. We can’t cover any ground like this.” Clarke says making her way to a pile of clothes.
“I won’t leave my people behind,” Anya protests as you look through the clothes.
“Anya, listen to me. My people are still inside that place too, but they have guards. They have weapons. Once we get out of here, we can find help. We can come back--” You start.
“There is no ‘we’” Anya interrupts. Soon after you hear shouting down the tunnel. “Someone’s coming,” She says as the voices get louder. 
“Not just someone. Reapers,” Clarke says recognizing the speaking. Anya quickly goes over to pick something up. “Hey. Anya, you can’t fight. You can hardly stand. I have a better idea. Come on,” Clarke points out and pulls Anya towards another bin. 
You and Clarke help Anya get into the bin and you follow after. Clarke quickly grabs clothes and throws them into the bin before getting in herself. The three of you lay quietly as the reapers continue to approach. The next thing you know you have the grounder bodies tossed into the bin and on top of you. The reapers continue to pile the bodies atop of you guys before wheeling you guys away. You feel the panic start to rise but stay as calm as can be for the sake of living.
After being wheeled for what felt like forever, you finally stopped. The reapers pulled out a body. Clarke got up to inspect the area. “Okay. Come on,” Clarke whispers getting ready to get out of the bin.
Anaya gets up and cups one of the grounder’s heads, “What are you doing? Let’s go,” You whisper wanting to get away as quickly as possible.
“Yu gonplei ste odon,” Anya says, before snapping his neck. Clearly a phrase in grounder that you didn’t understand. The three of you then make your way out of the bin, throwing the clothes over as you do so. You grab some of the clothes and the three of you quickly sneak away down the tunnel.
The three of you quickly get dressed in the clothes and continue down the tunnel, clueless of where you are, “Damn it, this place is a maze,” You say.
“What are they doing to us?” Anya questions taking a moment to herself.
“They use your blood. I saw a soldier come in with radiation burns. Hours later, he was fine. It’s like your blood is healing them somehow. I’ve never seen anything like it,” Clarke explains out of breath.
“Come on. This way,” You say after slightly inspecting the tunnel a bit more. But Anya starts to walk off in the direction you just came from. 
“Hey. Hey. What are you doing? That’s the way back to the reapers,” Clarke questions noticing Anya didn’t follow.
“You two go your way. I’ll go mine.,” Anya states.
“Anya, we need to stick together,” Clarke quickly responds.
“I told you there is no ‘we’”. You two have eachother,” Anya replies back.
“We saved your life,” You add-in.
“You saved my life because you need me. I know the way back to your people. I know where the traps are hidden. You two would never make it alone,” Anya states.
“We don’t have time for this. Our best chance of making it out of here alive is together. All we can do is keep moving and hope--” Clarke says as the two of you continue down the tunnel. But you turn around and find Anya gone and alert Clarke to it.
“Anya,” Clarke says in hopes she wasn’t far. 
“Come on, let’s go find her,” You say and start to run back from where you came.
“No, we need to get out of here,” Clarke pulls at your sleeve to run the original direction you were going.
You and Clarke continue to run through the tunnel but are still lost. Soon enough you find yourself faced with a reaper. As the two of you try to run away you find yourselves surrounded by them.
“Clarke, what do we do?!” You ask with urgency.
“I don’t know,” She says as you’re backed into a wall. Before you are mauled by the reapers a high-pitched wailing fills the tunnel and the reapers run away.
“Get back. Get the hell away from them,” You see two Mount Weather people in suits make their way to you.
“Clarke Griffin and Y/N Y/L/N, you’re coming with us,” One of the men say. Each of the men grabs one of your arms and drags you back to a door into Mount Weather.
“We saw everything. We know what you’re doing to them,” You tell the men.
“That’s why you two are going in the harvest chamber with them,” The man states. “Alpla-delta two. We reached the intake. Two prisoners in custody,” He says as the other man goes to the keypad. 
“Your mission was to bring back all three. The outsider cannot be allowed to leave this mountain. Alpha-Delta One is coming out now,” A man says over a radio. Soon enough you hear screaming and one of the men is taken down by Anya. You pull off the mask of the man holding onto you.
“His mask,” Clarke yells to Anya who is smashing the guy into the wall.
“I found a way out. This way,” Anya yells and runs off. You and Clarke follow but not before she picks up the gun on the ground. You hear the men follow you as you make your way down the tunnel.
You see the light in front of you and continue to make your way towards it. But stop just short after noticing the huge drop off in front of you.
“Wait. There has to be another way,” Clarke says unsure of the escape route.
“There isn’t!” Anya yells back.
“Just give up Clarke and Y/N” You got no place else to go,” A man says as the group of men catch up to you guys. Anya doesn’t hesitate to jump off and disappear into the water below.
“We don’t have to kill you two. Do you hear me? It doesn’t have to end like this. Drop your weapon,” The man says. Clarke does what the man says and puts her hands up, you follow after her.
“Clarke, we have to jump. We can’t save our people from inside here,” You say just barely loud enough for her to hear over the roaring waters below.
“I know. Just follow my lead. Together ok?” She says walking forwards and you do the same.
“Take the prisoners,” The man says to his team. As soon as you notice Clarke turn around you run and follow her. Jumping into the water below.
You gather yourself as you feel the force at which you hit the water. You loom around for Clarke and find her unconscious. You muster all the strength you can and pull her with you down the stream. As soon as you felt you were far enough away, you pulled Clarke to the edge of the stream and see Anya make her way up to the two of you. She helps you pull Clarke into a small clearing.
Luckily Clarke woke up, “Thank god. We made it out,” You tell her as Clarke gathers herself.
“Thank you,” She says turning to Anya whose sitting on the other side of Clarke. “I think we should go back to the dropship first. So we can see if my people--” Clarke says before Anya takes a rock and smashes it to Clarke’s head and doing the same to you.
“We’re not going back to your dropship. You two killed 300 of my warriors. I can’t show my face without a prize. Might as well make it two while both of you are here,” She states as she starts to tie both of your wrists together and dragging the two of you off.
A/N: Y/N made it out of Mount Weather, but is a prisoner of Anya’s along with Clarke. Yes, I’m sure you’re thinking, Y/N and Clarke could totally take on Anya together, but she’s a badass and I wanted to stay cannon to this part as much as possible. Thanks for reading!
🏷: @im-a-writer-right​ | @marsbar-inspace32​ | @zestylemon99​ | @unrvquited​ | @thebeautifulbookworm​​ | @gxvrielle​ | @simonsbluee​ | @iwishilivedinthesims​ | @awkwardspontaneity​
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amyrose051 · 4 years
To the 100 fanfic writers,
a lot of people get this confused and that’s alright, the way they put it across makes it seem that way. i think they could have put it into better words. but that being said i’m going to explain what i’m going on about.
some writers or just fans in general make the mistake of thinking anya was the commander before lexa. this is wrong.
Anya says, “the commander was my second.”
Indra had octavia as her second and she was not the commander.
As far as my knowledge goes, warriors ( or at least the best ones) take on seconds to train to also become warriors.
Anya simply trained Lexa before Lexa became the commander :)
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wlwhc · 7 years
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Requested by anonymous
(A/N): This sickness suck, I can’t even take allergies I would die in a second. Also, I wrote this on my phone because Tumblr is acting weird again.
Warning: Mention of sickness, almost dying, blood, mention of vomit
Words: 1751
Characters: Clarke, Lexa, Octavia, Luna, Raven, Anya. (When I wrote it I forgot to put a few other girls but since I’m too tired to write more I’ll keep it like this, sorry)
Clarke Griffin: Panic. Every nerve in her body was screaming, you didn’t got the virus the first time so when she saw that another wave of sickness had arrived in Arkadia, she panicked. It was worst when she couldn’t find you anywhere. One by one people were dying, you were still missing. There was a big probability that you’re lying dead somewhere in the camp, and in fact you were, nearby the armory, trying to get back on your feet. Bellamy was the one that found you, and took you to the infirmary where the other sick people were. Clarke was already there, since that Abby needed help. When her face found your bleeding one she let out a sigh of relief, but she was still in panic mode knowing that there was still a chance for you to die. even though she needed to check on other patients she was always by your side, holding your hair when the bloody vomit was not letting you breathe, when your eyes started to cry red drops of blood. She didn’t calm down until you were standing on your feet by your own.
“I thought I’d lost you for a second…Don’t do that again please..Stay with me Y/N, please stay with me”
Lexa Kom Trikru: Denial. You’re strong, there was no chance for you to catch that virus, you’re strong enough to be immune, you’re strong and that’s why you weren’t going to catch the virus, that’s what she thought, and she was wrong. No matter how strong you are, your immunologic system didn’t seem to be very strong, because once the sickness appeared in Polis, you almost drop dead on the spot. You face pale as snow and the floor around you colored in crimson blood. She didn’t even believe when Indra came to her saying how bad was your state, she didn’t want to believe it, but once she rushed to your aid, and saw you choking on your own blood, she knew she was wrong. She was immune, so she spends the whole time by your side, wishing that this wasn’t going to be last she sees you. Lucky you survive, but you almost didn’t, and that’s something she will always remember. No matter how strong you are, no matter how smart you are, no matter how far from danger you may seem to be, there’s always a chance that you may die today or tomorrow. You can’t blame her for being so overprotective of you now, don’t you?
“Oh no, no no no, Indra this-I thought-….Y/N, Y/N stay with me, I’ll take care of you-I-Niko! Niko…sis em au beja, beja” (Help her please, please)
Octavia Blake: Terrified. She should have gone with those stupid idiots that brought the contaminated dear, she would have known that the animal was infected with the fever, she should have gone, but she didn’t, arguing with her brother. She was called by Clarke, the blonde’s face twisted in agony. So many deaths, and maybe you were part of that pile. Octavia ran to the infirmary, whoever that saw her may think that her brother was there, but he wasn’t, you were there, shaking with a think layer of sweat and blood in your clothes. She didn’t want to freak you out so she just walked to you, knowing exactly what to do to make you feel better and hopefully save your life. her strong and steady hands were now shaking, and every time you fight against the sickness to make your lungs work her heart would stop, shouts of help would come out of her mouth even though Abby had already told her what to do. The Skairipa, mighty warrior was terrified, the love her life may die today, and she couldn’t do anything to stop it. After a long day and almost dying, you were starting to gain some color on your skin and didn’t seem to bleed anymore. Octavia’s hand were still shaking by the end of the day, same as her heart when you woke up from the fever’s daze, greeting her with a weak smile and groggy voice.
“Hey love, are still with me?…good…good…you’ll be okay babe…I’ll take care of you, go back to sleep I’ll-I’ll be here…always”
Luna Kom Flowkru: Helpless. Oh lord, it started with the kids, not many of them survive due to the lack of provisions and medicinal herbs. A lot of the adults had already gone through the fever and other few were affected by it. Luna thought you already had gone through the sickness when she saw you helping them…but then she saw your red tears, your pale skin, and the sweat on your forehead. She knew whatever she does you would not stop helping the kids. She had to drag you to a bed, it wasn’t hard at all, you were already weak and the fever was starting to making you hallucinate. The rest of the adults were helping the kids, and decided to leave Luna with you. So many of her people were dying, and she couldn’t do anything to stop it, you were dying in her arms, and couldn’t do anything to stop it. Helpless was how she felt, knowing that the waves of the sea may take you away from her today. She keeps you with her arms around you, holding you impossible closer to her. He fingers running through your skull somehow trying to give you comfort. When the bloody vomit came and the violent shakes didn’t let you sleep, she was still holding you tight. Not wanting to face your upcoming destiny. Right when she thought she had lost you, and her tears got mixed in the locks of your hair, Niko came to the Flowkru clan and manage to keep your heart beating.
“I almost lost you ai hodnes…if you die I….I would drown in agony” (My love)
Raven Reyes: Freak out. Raven hates when people called her every 5 seconds just to tell her or ask her how she was, even you do that. That’s why she just turns off her radio sometimes, especially when the Zero G-Mechanic was playing with explosive things. This time she wished she could have let the radio on, and let you ramble at the other side of the Radio. While you were lying on the infirmary, Clarke doing her best to keep you breathing, Abby had to call Bellamy to look for Raven, knowing that you may not pass through the night, at least you could have Raven’s hand holding yours. When Bellamy appeared at Raven’s door, his shirt covered in blood, Raven’s heart started banging against her chest. The words “Y/N is not okay” were enough to Raven. As fast as she could run with her damaged leg, she manages to get to the infirmary in a minute, Bellamy almost couldn’t keep her pace. Abby had told her about your state and had also informed her that you may not survive. Raven didn’t seem to react to those words, you were fine this morning, bombarding her with questions. And now you were coughing your lungs out. You smile lazily at Raven when she sat next to you, tears threatening to spill. Raven had to get out of the room when you started convulsing. Now her lungs were the ones that couldn’t work. Abby had to leave Clarke with you so she could calm Raven down, her panic attack not ceasing when a wave of nausea hit you, resulting in a pool of blood beside your bed. She had pleaded to Abby to save you, but the oldest Griffin knew that it wasn’t very much she could do. After a long night and a few heart attacks from Raven, you woke up at the sight of a sobbing mechanic, her eyes red and puffy, her hair no longer in a ponytail, now it was down and free, somehow giving her an angelical look despite the distress in her face. She already had the sickness so Abby couldn’t find the words to keep Raven’s lips away from your face when you talked to her.
“oh my god-She’s awake-You’re a-awake-I thought I lost you-you-y-you idiot!, I would probably kill you if you die! you beautiful asshole…don’t do that to me I almost died-god you’re okay-Abby! she’s okay!”
Anya Kom Trikru: Terrified. She knows how bad this fever is, she had seen armies of enemies die for this fever, so when a wave of this virus hit her clan, she was not happy about it. She had rushed to find you, planning to leave the city at least until the virus had gone, but instead of finding you already on your horse, she finds you being attended by Niko. Her heart sank, little drops of blood were running down your nose, you smiled at her anyway, telling her that you were going to be alright, but she knew that this was it, you were going to die, and that, terrifies her even more than when she realized she had feelings for you. She had done her best to keep her stoic face and her hands steady when she held yours. But when you didn’t answer her after you had fallen asleep, she panicked. Her cheeks were wet, and hands shaking, a big hole was taking place in her heart. Her body was breaking with sobs. Niko had rushed to your tent after hearing Anya’s shouts for you to wake up, the grounder had never seen Anya so distress. She was sobbing, pleading you to wake up but you didn’t respond. Niko had to reanimate you, and after what of felt like hours you started coughing again, making Anya’s heartbeat again. Anya didn’t let Niko leave the tent after that, swearing to kill him if he did. She didn’t care about any other person, right now she cares about you, and nothing more. You survive, and Anya had threatened Niko to forget about what had happened in that tent. And even though Niko may forget about it with time, Anya never will. You were not going to question her strong arms embracing you at night, or those times when she had to wake you up just to make sure you were alright.
“You died Y/N…you didn’t wake up, no matter how hard I called you …you didn’t wake up…so next time I say wake up…you must wake up!”
I’m sorry, I haven’t been posting, but I’m so busy, I manage to write this :D. Updates are going to be slow guys, and I’m so sorry for that.
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fanfics4all · 6 years
Not One Of You Anymore: Part 1
Request: Yes / No
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
John Murphy x Griffin!Reader
Word count: 1079
Y/N: Your Name
Summary: You weren’t meant to be born but you were so when you were ten your mom and the Chancellor sent you to the ground as a test for the 100
A/N: This is gonna be a slow build up! 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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On the Ark you’re not allowed to have more than one child. My parents did. First, they had my sister Clarke, then a years later they accidentally had me. My dad wanted to hide me from the Chancellor but my mother thought it was best that they told him. So she did. They kept me hidden from the rest of the Ark until I was ten. My mom took me to a ship where Chancellor Jaha was. I was scared and hid behind my mom’s leg but she pulled me in front of her. Chancellor Jaha kneeled down to my level and smiled.
“Y/N Griffin, we have a very important job for you.” He said and I looked at him confused.
“We believe the ground may be survivable and we are going to send you to the ground to see.” He said and I looked up at my mom scared. She kneeled down and placed a silver bracelet on my arm, it hurt but my mom shushed me. I pulled it to my face and looked at it confused.
“What is this?” I asked looking up at the two adults.
“This will monitor you while you’re on earth.”
“But earth is bad.” I said grabbing onto my mom’s pants.
“Y/N it’s not bad.” She said picking me up and putting me in the ship.
“No! I don’t wanna go!” I cried but she just strapped me into the small ship. They shut the door as I was crying out for my mom and launched the ship to earth.
I must have gotten knocked out on the way down because when I woke up there were scary people surrounding me. I screamed and one of them went to hit me but a lady stopped him.
“Em’s just a goufa!” (She’s just a child!) The lady said and walked up to me.
“It’s okay, you’re safe.” She said with a smile. She unbuckled me and lifted me out of the seat.
“What’s your name?” She asked but I didn’t answer. I looked down at my bracelet and saw the light had gone out then I started crying again.
“It’s okay, shhhh.” The lady that held me said calming me down.
“Y-Y/N…” I said feeling like I could trust her.
“My name is Anya.” I sniffled but smiled up at her a bit.
“We’ll take her to the Commander, gather what you can from this ship.” Anya said to the other people and they nodded taking things from the ship.
“The Commander will decide what to do with you, but we will take care of you.” She said and I nodded. They took me to their Commander and the Commander said I could stay, that I would be trained to be like them. Anya took me back to her hut and there was another little girl about the same age as me there.
“Lexa, this is Y/N. She came from the sky so I will need your help to train her.” The girl, whose name was apparently Lexa nodded with a smile.
“I’m Lexa! I’ll help teach you everything that I know!” She said and I smiled and nodded.
That was seven years ago… I was no longer part of the Ark, they thought I was dead. Not that they cared in the first place, I was never supposed to be alive. I was a grounder now, Trikru to be exact. I was Lexa’s right hand, She was now the Commander. She let me go out to scout and fight if needed, she knew how much I enjoyed being out in the woods and how much I loved fighting. I was also a healer but not just in their sense. My mother sent me down with medical book and Anya let me keep them. So I read them all. I was out in the forest hunting alone when I saw a large ship falling to the ground. I decided to check it out so I climbed into a tree so no one would see me. The door opened and there were a bunch of kids crowded by the door. One girl with long brown hair walked out and jumped to the ground.
“We’re back bitches!” She shouted then the other kids ran out. They started running around and cheering. Looks like the Ark decided to try again. One girl caught my eye, she had blonde hair and green eyes. She looked like my sister… No, my parents loved her, she was their first born. The child that wasn’t a mistake. I decided to wait till it was safe to leave my perch. Lucky for me they were talking pretty loudly so I could get some names. There was Wells the Chancellor’s son, a guy named Bellamy, the girl with the long brown hair was named Octavia, and that’s all I heard for now. Four of them were leaving and I decided to follow them since no one else was looking. While I was following them they said the blonde girl’s name and it was Clarke… My sister… I could have gone and talked to her but I wasn’t one of them, not anymore.
I quietly walked away from them and ran back to my home. Anya stopped me once I entered our village. She had a smile on her face but her eyes were serious. Her arms were crossed and she shook her head.
“Out exploring the woods again?” She asked smirking.
“Ai need kom see Leksa.” (I need to see Lexa) I said walking past her.
“You’re aloud to speak English here Y/N.” She said and I nodded. I knew I could but I wanted to keep practicing any chance I got. I walked into Lexa’s place.
“Ai need kom see Heda.” (I need to see the Commander) I said standing tall and my head held high.
“Teik em through.” (Let her through) Lexa said and the guards allowed me to pass.
“I have information.” I said and Lexa nodded for me to continue.
“Skai kru…” I said and her eyes widened.
“What?” She growled.
“A big ship crashed a few hours away and I saw kids walking out.” I said.
“How many?”
“I counted ninety-nine.” I answered.
“Alert moun villages!” (Alert the other villages) Lexa order and her guards left, it was just the two of us now.
“Lexa…” I said and she turned to look at me.
“One of them is my sister…”
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @cuddlememerrick @xrosesareredx  @emo-godess-loves-you  
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Anya's Sky Girl - Anya kom Trikru x Fem!Skaikru!Reader - The 100
Request: So like this is my general idea - oc/ reader is a shy and kind girl from the 100 and one day when she’s in the field of butterflies just looking around fascinated Anya is watching her from the woods and is captivated by her- just in general Anya being a simp and having a soft spot for her and falling in love (much cuteness) no AU pls for this one pls!
You reminded her of a baby animal at first. Doe-eyed and innocent.
It wasn't until she continued to observe you that she realised you weren't innocent, you were just shy and kinder than the rest of your people.
She didn't know you were a criminal like the rest of the 100. All she knew was that you would wander around your base camp, eyes sparkling with fascination.
You were sat with another sky girl, the one who had gotten attacked by the river snake the sunrise before. A boy had came over, giving her water, leaving you to roll your eyes before getting up.
Spotting the bioluminescent butterfly, the two of you chased it as it flew away. Anya's eyes widened as she watched the two of you arrive in the butterfly field.
Giggles left your lips as you wandered further into the forest, leaving Octavia with Atom.
"Where's Y/n?" Octavia realised, pushing Atom away slightly to look around.
Anya's eyes widened as she watched you find a larger cluster of the butterflies, seeing you freeze in place as the butterflies danced all around you, her mouth going dry as she swallowed nervously.
Love was supposed to be weakness.
Some days you'd disappear into the sky shelter you'd all arrived in. She could hear the screams of the sky boy that was supposed to be bait. Maybe you were trying to help him? You were kind, and she liked that about you.
Skaikru were messy and loud.
She'd established that whilst on night patrol. That had raised some questions. Why was a Trikru leader patrolling so much?
It was only when she heard you yelp in pain, the silver bracelet she'd seen attached to every member of your people's wrists causing you pain that she saw fear in your eyes.
A tear threatened you leave your eye as you looked around, realising it was the same for everyone else. All the wristbands were fried.
"Octavia! Where are you?" You exclaimed, stumbling through the darkness as the sky was lit up with pink flares.
A squeak left your lips as you slipped, skidding down a mudslide to land with a thump.
"Ugh..." A whine left your lips, shifting to move but your bones ached.
It didn't take long for the rest of camp to realise you and Octavia were missing.
Staring up at the sky, tears left your eyes as you spotted the glow. Those weren't shooting stars. Those were hundreds of bodies returning to earth from the arc.
Your eyes widened as an individual loomed over you, blocking your view.
A grounder.
"Please! No! Please!" Whimpers left your mouth but the grounder kept carrying you, staring blankly ahead before your voice was muffled by their hand.
"Hod op." The grounder muttered, frowning as you drifted out of consciousness again.
The sun's rays hit your face as you stirred, a grimace leaving your lips as you tried to move, but a hand on your stomach held you still.
"Who are you?"
Her eyes stared down at you for a moment, but she didn't give you an answer, her hands moving to pick you up again as a fog horn went off.
"Oh god, the acid fog! Where the hell is Octavia?!" You exclaimed, shuffling in the grounder's arms but she held onto you tighter, walking steadily before eventually heading into a set of caves, dropping your body on the floor.
Any movement you tried resulted in a knife at your neck. Your e/c eyes full of terror as she stared at you with a blank look, but you knew she'd kill you. But the question was, why hadn't she killed you yet?
"You could have killed me when I fell down that mudslide, so why haven't you?" You realised, biting your tongue when you realised something.
This was the most you'd spoken since before you were locked up on the ark.
You were stuck in dreamland, remembering the 'crime' you commited, as Anya took a rag, wetting it with water from her pouch and reaching up to wipe the mud from your face.
You only snapped out of your daydreams when you heard the sparks of the fire she was lighting. Your face falling as you spotted the knife she'd put in the fire, your eyes drifting to your side, where Anya had her hand before.
You were bleeding.
The yell that left your lips as Anya cauterised your wound left an ache in Anya's heart, watching as you laid still and stopped fighting.
"Do you understand me? Or do I sound like an idiot from space?" You murmured, pausing as you thought you saw a smirk on the grounder's face.
Your eyes widened slightly, pausing as Anya's eyes widened and she realised she'd slipped up.
"Y/n. My name is Y/n."
"Ai laik Anya kom Trikru." Anya licked her lips, feeling warmth in her chest as she learned your name.
"Anya? That's your name? It's pretty." You whispered, pausing as Anya tutted.
"Skaikru idiot." But the smile she hid from you juxtaposed her attitude.
You didn't know it yet, but the Trikru leader was forming a soft spot for you.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 5 years
Protective Family - Anya kom Trikru x Fem!Griffin!Reader
Oof sorry. Forgot I asked here before😂and it's okay. Mhm ok then, let's go with a Anya x fem Griffin reader. Anya takes a liking in reader, Clarke's little sister and both Clarke and Abby aren't so keen of that since they are protective af but they let it slide after a while, and Lexa just love to tease Anya about that since Anya doesn't show her soft side in public but do it around the the little Griffin anyways. No AU for this one please
You weren’t sure about the circumstances around your birth but you knew genetically you were a child of Jake and Abby Griffin. Key thing ‘a child’. You were an illegal second child... you knew of Octavia Blake who was caught when she was 15 or so, her mother floated, brother left as a janitor.
The guards found you when your mother turned your father in for treason. You didn’t see him be floated but you saw Clarke as she was arrested for treason and sent to the Sky Box... because you were arrested and kept there too. The two of you were kept in a cell with each other and saw nobody. Everything you knew, you knew from Clarke and Abby. You didn’t understand why Abby wasn’t floated. Octavia and Bellamy weren’t too keen on that. They lost their mother but you and Clarke didn’t lose yours.
The entire time the 100 were on earth, you stuck close to Clarke, if she was with Finn, you were hanging out with Monty and Jasper, or trying to talk to Octavia. You didn’t know Octavia would become a sister to you, almost as close as you and Clarke. 
Sticking near Clarke meant you were near head of the table for the negotiation of peace occurred. The eyes lingering on you threw you on edge a bit as you glanced up to meet the gaze of whoever was staring at you. The commander’s mentor was watching you with what you thought was a blank look, causing you to back away slightly, not noticing how Clarke had shuffled to the left a bit to occlude you from her view.
Lexa’s eyebrow momentarily quirked upwards in amusement as she noticed your behaviour alongside your sister’s and her ex-mentor’s/general’s. After the meeting was disbanded you hurried out along with Clarke, heading straight to your mother and Kane.
Lexa turned to Anya, opening her mouth with a smirk before Anya spoke, quiet yet stern. “Hod op.” 
Lexa raised an eyebrow at this in response. “You like her.” 
Anya just glared in response causing Indra to have her input.
“I thought love was weakness...”
“You love Octavia like a daughter...” Anya retorted, moving to leave before pausing in the exit to the room. “You like Clarke.” Anya replied, raising an eyebrow at Lexa whose cheeks had tinted a light pink in that moment.
You’d left the tent you stayed in with your mother and sister one morning to spot a white flower, gaining your attention as you walked towards it, spotting another. You followed the path to the outskirts of the camp.
“Hello, Y/n.”
You spun around as the voice rattled through you, goosebumps covering your skin at the shock, your eyes widening as your gaze flickered over who the sound came from. Your cheeks flushed slightly at the Trikru general who you had been hiding an affection for, for a while.
You cleared your throat nervously, not sensing the nervous energy radiating from Anya herself as you spoke. “Hi, Anya... you left the flowers?”
Anya swallowed before opening her mouth to speak. “I-”
“Y/n, if you’re not busy could you help Harper with her work for today?” Your mother’s voice made Anya’s heart sink in her chest as you sighed, shoulders slouching slightly.
“Of course mum...” You replied, turning to leave before stopping to look at Anya. “Talk later...” You replied in trigadasleng causing Anya’s eyes to widen before nodding.
Your mother opened her mouth to speak but you cut her off. “I’m going to find Harper.”
Harper was one of the ones who was aware of the ongoing tension between you and Anya, she didn’t discourage or dislike it like your sister and mother did... you were too oblivious to realise why there was tension in general. Did you have a crush on Anya? Yes. Were you aware of your own crush? Not exactly...
Anya let out a sigh as she watched you walk away, Abby glancing over her momentarily before leaving to go back to the infirmary.
“The flowers were a nice touch...” A voice stated causing Anya to groan.
“Too bad her mother and sister hate me... not like I care...” Anya grumbled.
“But you do care... because you like her...” Lexa teased as Lincoln stood still.
“Heda...” Lincoln responded in acknowledgement but Lexa’s teasing smile at Anya meant this went with just a nod.
“Clarke and her mother will come around... Clarke already is after she saw the flowers, a nice suggestion Lincoln, I must admit...” Lexa stated causing Lincoln to nod and smile.
“Thank you, Heda... I word of advice, General... Y/n’s family are protective since they have been her entire life, second children were illegal on the arc to the point there are only Y/n and Octavia within Skaikru... give it time...” Lincoln stated before leaving as Octavia walked over with Bellamy behind her.
Lexa grinned as she began to sing the childhood song she knew before her nightblood training. “Anya and Y/n sitting in a tree-”
“Finish that sentence and you’ll be the one in the tree... with Clarke.” Anya replied causing Lexa to panic before leaving.
Anya let out a breath as she went to carry on with her day.
“Something on your mind? Or someone?” Harper teased as the two of you worked. “What are you talking about?” You asked, swallowing nervously.
“Your crush on a certain Trikru General who definitely likes you back?” Harper questioned making you drop the tool you had in your hand in realisation.
The exchanging glances between you and Anya hadn’t gone unnoticed around camp. The Arkadia camp was being adapted to accommodate Trikru and other members of the coalition who Lexa deemed appropriate. One of these included Anya who looked slightly lost at all the technology around her.
“You okay?” you asked, approaching the bewildered general. Anya swallowed, the harshness on her face fading as she realised it was you, meaning she shook her head instead of glaring the person away. You paused, realising what Lexa had instructed.
“Come on, I’ll drive, Bellamy taught me how as a favour to Clarke...” You stated, leading Anya over to the RV.
“Not going to stop them this time?” Harper enquired as she approached your mother and sister.
“No... I trust Anya...” Clarke admitted causing Abby to smile.
“And I trust Y/n... they make a cute couple anyway... but so would you and Lexa...” Abby teased causing Clarke to flush red.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 5 years
Snow - Anya kom Trikru x Fem!Reader - S1-2 AU
Anya kom Trikru x Fem!reader, set in an AU of season 1, reader sees snow for the first time and its all warm and fluffy and Anya's just silently falling more and more for this lovable idiot that is the reader
A/n: I wrote my own request just to remember what I wanted to write...
You were born on the Arc. That meant artificial light, a constant machine hum and filtered air. That changed when you were arrested and put in the Sky Box until you’d turn 18 then you’d be floated.
You were never floated. Instead you were dumped on what was assumed a toxic planet because the Arc prioritised their survival and deemed you as expendable.
Anya didn’t see you that way.
The first time she saw you, you were looking around in child-like wonder, overwhelmed by the sounds, tastes, sights, the colours of the trees, the rushing of water down the river. What caught her attention the most was the grin on your face at the bright purple butterflies flying by.
Anya blended in with her surroundings until she decided not to. You were alone and defenseless. Your happiness turned to fear as the acid fog began to approach. The humming of the horn grabbing Anya’s attention causing her to move into action.
She swooped you up in her arms and carried you away. You didn’t even fight, you were like a scared kitten clinging to her as she carried you back to her camp after the acid fog had faded.
The other grounders watched in confusion, ready to strike at your vulnerable person until Anya glared at them. You had no idea what she was saying but they didn’t hurt you. 
Anya kept you on the floor of her tent most days, you were tied up but eventually you just sat there, watching her and any other grounders in there, working on plans for whatever. You were beginning to grasp the language from listening alone.
Anya paused in her planning by herself as she looked over, hearing you mumble broken Trigedasleng under your breath. You weren’t even looking at her, you were focused on the floor, mumbling.
“You’re pronouncing it wrong.” 
Anya’s voice made you flinch. You didn’t see the internal turmoil that caused her before she stood up and approached, noticing you watching carefully.
“Ai laik Anya kom Trikru...” Anya began causing you to frown slightly.
“Ai...laik...Y/n kom...Skaikru?” You hesitated before responding causing Anya to smirk slightly. .”Your name is Y/n?” 
You nodded at this causing Anya to smile. “My name is Anya.”
Your relationship with Anya kindled from that moment as Lexa and Clarke worked together to take down the Mountain Men, Anya was never taken by the Mountain as she remained with you...
You were sleeping under the furs of Anya’s bed when a shuffling woke you up. Your eyes opened to Anya gently nudging you awake from your place in her arms. 
“There’s something outside you should see...” She whispered, this warm fluffy side of her common to only you and Lexa.
You looked at Anya in confusion before she dragged you out of bed to get dressed for what she wanted to show you.
You paused as you stepped outside the tent to an intense bright light reflecting from the white powder on the ground.
“Y/n come on!” Octavia shouted as she, Clarke and Raven were playing in the whiteness. “What is it?” you mumbled, feeling Anya approach behind you as you crouched down to touch it.
“Snow.” Anya whispered, smiling slightly as Raven aimed a snowball for your face.
You squeaked at the coldness on your face, looking back at Anya in shock.
“It’s cold...” You stated with a pout on your lips before Octavia ran over and grabbed your hand, pulling you to join in.
Anya smiled to herself as she stood by Lexa and Lincoln who were watching you and your friends.
“To think love used to be seen as weakness...” Lincoln remarked causing Lexa to bite her lip and Anya to look stoic still. “There is strength in love...” She admitted causing Lexa to look at her with wide eyes for a while. Anya’s reaction to this was broken by your laughter as you hit Clarke in the face with a snowball.
It was a while later that you were soaked and shivering that Anya quite literally walked over and picked you up, carrying you away. Your red cheeks contrasting the snow quite strongly, from the cold and your blush...
After a bit, you were curled up under the furs of Anya’s bed in her tent again, the skin on skin contact with your lover warming you up as she held you close. Your eyes slowly began to shut as your ear listened along to her heartbeat.
“Ai hod yu in...” Anya whispered quietly, knowing you were falling asleep.
“I love you too...” you whispered back before you succumbed to your slumber in Anya’s arms...
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redhairedwolfwitch · 5 years
Home - Anya kom Trikru x Fem!Reader - Modern AU
Warning: implied homophobia, disowning of a family member, everything to do with biological family not accepting someone for who they are because they are jerks who don’t deserve that person... (this is internalising my choice to not come out to my family even more but it’s my decision and my choice soo... yeah)
Your mind was numb. Body on autopilot. Your priorities were grabbing as much stuff as you could to stuff into your backpack. The screaming had just stopped so you made a run for it after you were given 10 minutes to get what you needed and get out.
You weren’t the daughter they wanted. In their eyes you were a disappointment, a freak... you glared at your hands as you dropped the phone charger into your bag, scrambling towards t-shirts, your purse and toothbrush.
You could tell when the 10 minutes were up by the unwelcoming tenseness that washed over the entire household. The stairs creaked as you headed down them, pausing in the archway to the living room.
He was standing with his back to you, arms crossed. Probably scowling. She was nowhere to be seen but your siblings looked afraid for you.
You opened your mouth to speak but you just got a shake of the head in warning. You sighed at this, tears threatening to fall as you pulled the door open to leave, slamming it behind you. You stood on the step for a moment, fingers playing with the keys in your hand before you slipped them through the letterbox. The clattering of the keys to the ground signalling your tears as you began to walk away from the place you once knew as home.
Your grip on the straps of your backpack turned your knuckles white as you began the walk to the only person you felt safe around now. Too bad she lived a bit away and the buses had stopped running.
Darkness began to fall as you trekked along the forest road, every so often car headlights shone on you before speeding past. You were trembling with cold by the time you’d reached the house... it was bigger than a house really, more like a modernised mansion. 
You looked like Bambi on ice as you walked up the path to the front door, wobbling, barely able to press the doorbell as emotional exhaustion hit you. The door opened quickly to reveal your girlfriend’s sister, Lexa and her girlfriend, Clarke. Lexa’s eyes widened at your appearance before quickly shouting for your girlfriend as they helped you inside.
Your eyes were red and sore from crying, the dried tear paths in your face obvious to that. Lexa led you to the living room, taking your shoes and bag as Clarke hurried for blankets and a hot drink for you. Anya entered immediately, face dropping as realisation hit her.
“Y/n...” She whispered, hurrying over to swoop you up in her arms. You were shaking as Anya held you against her, the two of you wrapped in blankets courtesy of Clarke before Clarke and Lexa vacated the room, quietly informing Lexa’s brother, Lincoln and his girlfriend Octavia that you were here.
When you woke up you were in Anya’s arms in her bed, in her room. New tears began to dribble down your face before Anya’s fingers gently brushed them away, kissing your cheeks.
“You’re home now...” Anya whispered, holding you closer to her as you clung to her. Your bag had been unpacked and Anya’s room and become her’s and your’s.
You were exactly where you were meant to be. Your home. Anya.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 5 years
Wasted Youth - Fletcher - Anya kom Trikru x Fem!Reader - Modern AU
We got a lot of time to get it right It feels good to mess it up, maybe don't think about it Going late night who needs a fantasy Buzzing on Hennessy Class like a Kennedy And you're my nation, my revolution Living right now, well you can call it disillusioned
The fingers playing with your hair and gently scratching your scalp stirred you from your daydreams, causing you to glance up into the eyes of your girlfriend and see her playful little smile. The bright reds and yellows of the sunset shone across the two of you as you both stood on the balcony. Until tomorrow comes This is how we run
You grinned at the music flowing through your ears as the wind blew through your hair. Anya’s fingers tapped the steering wheel as she drove the two of you down the country lane in her jeep. Your gaze met hers momentarily before it went back to the road. You smiled to yourself as her hand gently touched your wrist before going back to the steering wheel. So take the good stuff, honey The money just won't buy Spend it up however we like So take the good stuff, honey The money just won't buy Don't try to save us Cause we're doing it right We are, we are the wasted youth We are, we are the wasted youth
Anya’s smile didn’t fade as she watched you trail through the stream, camera in hand, taking photos of the nature around the two of you. The two of you couldn’t be more different yet you loved each other the same. The photography major and the business major. Two completely different backgrounds yet... opposites attract. Anya was overwhelmed by the pressure to work with the family company to sought out the solitude of a bench near the outskirts of the university. That was where Anya saw you lying in the grass, taking close up photos of a ladybird on a buttercup. It's my life If I'm gonna waste it Gonna waste it on you It's my life If I'm gonna waste it I'll be wasted on you
Anya approached you as you began to roll over and focus your camera lens on the slowly moving clouds in the sky. She laid down next to you on her back, eyes lingering between you and the clouds. This was a recurring thing. You’d be somewhere photographing and Anya would be nearby, calming down through your aura. It was around the 7th time you finally spoke. “You stalking me or something?” You quietly asked, clearly not phased by her presence. Look what you did to me A rebel born free Running wild through the concrete jungle Now I can't seem to stay away Hell, I know that I'm gonna pay But I do it anyway You're the ultimate high that I'm tripping on You're the edge of the cliff that I'm hanging on
Anya’s siblings didn’t know how close you and Anya were until after you’d both graduated university and Anya had an office at the family company. The Woods family were a family business after all. Lincoln was a part of it and Lexa soon would too. Lexa had walked into Anya’s office one day and noticed the artwork across the room as yours. She and Clarke had checked out the graduation exhibitions which included your work... Anya’s office only had your photography on the walls then on her desk were family photos and a photo you had taken of you and Anya together. Until tomorrow comes This is how we run
Your job enabled you to travel and so did Anya’s as she attended conferences and you photographed at shoots in the same cities and countries across the globe. Right now the two of you were in Berlin, Anya for a international conference as she went as a representative of her family company whilst you worked on things for the European Month of Photography. The two of you had a day off before having to return back home. This meant sightseeing as the two of you walked around Berlin for hours, you fawning over souvenirs as Anya fawned over you with a loving smile. So take the good stuff, honey The money just won't buy Spend it up however we like So take the good stuff, honey The money just won't buy Don't try to save us Cause we're doing it right We are, we are the wasted youth We are, we are the wasted youth
The two of you laid on the airplane seats, cuddling as the clouds drifted by through the plane window. The sun’s gaze shimmering through the window, refracting through the glass as the sky shifted from the usual blue to shades of  amber and fuchsia before shifting finally into a deep sapphire of darkness. Anya smiled as she glanced down at you, fast asleep. Pressing her lips momentarily to the crown of your head as you twitched slightly in REM sleep. Dreaming. It's my life If I'm gonna waste it Gonna waste it on you It's my life If I'm gonna waste it I'll be wasted on you
Lexa and Clarke were sat in the cafe watching you and Anya stand in the queue, quietly talking. The smiles on each of their faces reflected in the faces of you and Anya. Lincoln withheld a laugh as he entered with Octavia behind him. Octavia just smirked and rolled her eyes, sliding into the booth with Lincoln behind her. “Do they not realise how obvious it is that they’re dating?” Octavia whispered causing Lexa to smirk. “They have been since college but they live in their own world.” I tell myself If I'm gonna fall It'll be from high places Even when it hurts At least we loved hard Didn't we, baby?
You smiled at the photos as you flicked through them, creating the monochrome complication for Anya’s birthday. Photos you’d taken of her or inspired by her to create a complication canvas for the apartment the two of you shared. You hummed in thought as you re-arranged the pictures to find a complication that worked, quickly saving the file and closing the laptop lid as Anya arrived back from her meeting.  We are, we are the wasted youth We are, we are the wasted youth We are, we are the wasted youth We are, we are the wasted youth
The two of you grinned at each other as you faced each other at the altar, your hands entwinned as the two of you were pronounced wife and wife, your proposal went well and Anya accepted it on her birthday with the photography canvas you’d given her, a secret message entwined in the artwork ‘Will You Marry Me?’ The grins were paralleled as you and Anya curled up in the Norwegian log cabin, holding each other tightly as you flicked through the shots you’d taken on the way up. Anya smiled at this, grinning as she remembered how she met you. Thank god she sought out solitude that day... It's my life If I'm gonna waste it Gonna waste it on you It's my life If I'm gonna waste it I'll be wasted on you
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redhairedwolfwitch · 5 years
Still Into You - Paramore song fic - Anya kom Trikru x Fem!Reader Modern/University AU
Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together I need the other one to hold you Make you feel, make you feel better It's not a walk in the park to love each other But when our fingers interlock, can't deny, can't deny, you're the worth it
The first time you met Anya Woods was your first year in university. You didn’t know anyone at all as you moved into your dorm, your roommate wasn’t even there yet so you thought you’d go for a walk. Right into her. The second year business and politics student caught you as you tripped over your feet and fell into her arms.
'Cause after all this time I'm still into you
Turns out Anya’s younger sister Lexa was a first year like you... and your roommate as Anya ended up walking you back to your dorm, causing her sister to raise an eyebrow before you connected the dots, flushing red at the realisation of where Lexa’s mind had gone. “Uh, you’re Lexa right? I’m your roommate...Y/n.”
I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you And even baby our worst nights I'm into you, I'm into you Let 'em wonder how we got this far, 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all Yeah, after all this time I'm still into you
Anya claimed she would come over to the dorm room to check up on Lexa, even when Lexa wasn’t in but you were. You’d just flush red whenever you were sat at your desk trying to read or write an essay, feeling Anya’s eyes on you sometimes.
Recount the night that I first met your mother And on the drive back to my house I told you that, I told you that I loved ya You felt the weight of the world fall off the shoulder And to your favorite song we sang along, to the start of forever
It was when you had your first freak out that your relationship with Anya changed. Lexa was out with Clarke, apparently there was some drama with a guy called Finn and you didn’t care anymore about that. You were busy struggling to breathe, staring at the page hoping the words would go in your head. They were not. Thus you were stressing out. You didn’t hear Anya enter as you had your back against the wall, arms wrapped around your knees that were pulled up to your chest. You were struggling to breathe until Anya was in front of you, gently pulling you into her arms. That night ended with you kissing your roommate’s older sister.
And after all this time I'm still into you
That friday night turned into a date as Anya turned up at your door, Lexa having gone over to hang out with Clarke and Octavia, plus Lexa and Anya’s brother, Lincoln. The two of you walked around for a moment in silence before you arrived at where Anya was taking you. It looked like an abandoned building at first causing you to stare at her with wide eyes. She just rolled hers and led you out to behind it where a blanket was set down on the ground and a basket of food lay. A stargazing picnic.
I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you And even baby our worst nights I'm into you, I'm into you Let 'em wonder how we got this far, 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all Yeah after all this time I'm still into you
Lexa didn’t speak to you for a while after she found out about you and Anya. it took her a while to come around before commenting you were better than Anya’s exes in the past. Tristan who was a prick then Echo who was now dating Bellamy. You let out a breath as Lincoln stared you down, finally nodding as Octavia prodded him. Raven playfully rolled her eyes before continuing on her engineering project.
Some things just, some things just make sense And one of those is you and I Some things just, some things just make sense And even after all this time
You were driving home with Anya in the passenger seat after just having dinner with your parents. Anya was action more than words a lot of the time, glancing at her in the rear mirror to see her jaw tense for a moment. You were about to open your mouth when she let out a sigh, staring straight ahead as she spoke. 
“I love you.” 
I'm into you Baby not a day goes by that I'm not into you
A smile nudged itself onto your face as you glanced at her again, noticing how she was looking at you. “I love you too, Anya Woods.”
I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you And even baby our worst nights I'm into you, I'm into you Let 'em wonder how we got this far, 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all
You grinned as you threw your mortarboard in the air, feeling Anya’s arms wrap around you and spin you around proudly, her lips against yours as she held you against her. Anya had graduated the year before so it was tricky to make things work but the two of you stayed strong and managed even through the worse nights.
Yeah after all this time I'm still into you I'm still into you
You smiled as you stepped out onto the balcony of the lodge, the ring on your finger catching the light as you stood next to Anya who smiled at you as she fiddled with her matching ring. You hummed as Anya took your hand, leaning into her side with a smile as she blushed red. “I love you...” I'm still into you
“I love you too...”
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redhairedwolfwitch · 5 years
Can You Hold Me - NF ft. Britt Nicole - Anya Kom Trikru X Reader - Modern AU
It feels like a tear in my heart Like a part of me missing And I just can't feel it I've tried and I've tried And I've tried
The tiredness ate away at your bones like bacteria to plastic. Sometimes it all got too much and all you wanted was her. You wanted her to hold you in her arms and tell you everything would be okay. That you were okay. That she was okay. Everything was going to be fine. Tears on my face I can't take it If lonely's a taste, then it's all that I'm tasting Do you hear my cry? I cry, oh
You didn’t know when the tears began to fall but they would not stop falling. You didn’t hear the door open or the shadow loom over you until you were being pulled into her arms, cradled against her chest. The two of you were silent as she gently wiped away your tears with her fingers, lips lightly on your forehead in a loving manner. Can you hold me? Can you hold me? Can you hold me in your arms?
The first time you met Anya, you were standing near the bridge, watching her converse with Clarke. Raven called her a princess but she didn’t look like that to you. She looked like a damn queen. She was stunning and you were smitten, blushing and looking away as her eyes dragged over your body. You didn’t see the smirk melt as she saw your bravery crumble under her own gaze. Just wrap me in your arms, in your arms I don't wanna be nowhere else Take me from the dark, from the dark I ain't gonna make it myself Put your arms around me Put your arms around me Let your love surround me I am lost I am lost
The next time you met her was in the woods. She just stared at you with a critical gaze as you stared at her like a deer in headlights. She let you go. Now every night you sleep wrapped in her arms. If I ain't got you here If I ain't got you, I ain't got nothing at all
Anya was everything to you and you were everything to her. It was one the reasons she agreed to help Clarke after they escaped Mount Weather. She was shot but it was non fatal. You sat in the medbay, watching her recover even with the scrutiny of everyone else looming over you. Can you hold me? Can you hold me? Can you hold me in your arms? in your arms?
You could see it in her eyes how vulnerable she felt... plus anger. She got shot for crying out loud. Her eyes landed on you asleep on the floor next to her bed and she frowned. You weren’t afraid of her. Fingers gently ran through your hair, waking you up slightly. You smiled at her, allowing her to weave her fingers with yours. Yeah, Yeah Yeah, I feel like it's just me, like it's just me What it gon' take? What it gon' be? I don't even know (It's not just you) But I'm lonely Feeling like I don't even know me, I don't even know me (I feel it too) Gotta have you gotta see you (You're the only thing I ever think about The only one that I can't live without) I gotta see you (I need you need you to hold me now)
Now the two of you were looking down on the Earth you knew, now gone as you and the others lingered on the Arc. Anya stayed close to you, not used to any of this as Echo lingered near Bellamy and Emori near Murphy. Lexa and Clarke were still down there. Assumed gone. You could feel the anger and grief rippling off your girlfriend in waves as you wrapped your arms around her, holding her close. If I ain't got you If I ain't got you I ain't got nothing I ain't got nothing If I ain't got you I ain't got you If I ain't got you I'm lonely If I ain't with you I'm lonely I'm lonely I need you I need you
In your dreams it was you and her. She was in a dress and looked stunning as the two of you swayed to the music. The world just moving on by around the two of you. You were in love with Anya. Can you hold me? Can you hold me? Can you hold me in your arms?
You gasped as you woke up, wrapped in cotton sheets and terror in your brain, grasping around in fear of what you’d dreamed. “Y/n?” Anya’s voice broke the silence. You’d dreamed the apocalypse had occurred and Anya had died from a gunshot wound. “You’re okay, you’re okay, we’re at university remember? Your dorm?” Anya prompted, calming you down as you pressed your ear to her chest, hearing her heartbeat. Feel like it's just me, like it's just me What it gon' take? What it gon' be? I don't even know, I don't even know But I'm lonely, lonely Feel like I don't even know me Feels like I don't even know me I don't even know me
You clung to Anya as she clung to you, whispering sweet nothings and kissing your forehead every once in a while. Anya Woods, your girlfriend since the start of university was here in front of you. Her siblings, Lexa and Lincoln Woods were alive and well. The apocalypse didn’t happen and you were here. In the love of your life’s arms. In Anya’s arms. Can you hold me? Can you hold me? Can you hold me in your arms?
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redhairedwolfwitch · 5 years
Wanna Be Missed - Hayley Kiyoko - Anya kom Trikru x Fem!Reader - Modern AU
Wanna be loved every night Wanna know she's only mine Breathe her in, give me life Got all these hearts in line They all wasting their time 'Cause only you do me right
Her eyes followed you as you stepped onto the stage, drifting from your combat boot covered feet, up your ripped jean clad legs to the baseball t-shirt you were wearing, the dark blue seahorse necklace familiar to her as her eyes landed on it before finally looking at your face, bright e/c and your beanie clad head. Her eyes widened slightly as your voice echoed through the microphone. She’d never heard you sing before.
Baby, you should pick up the phone 'Cause I'm wondering if you're alone 'Cause I'm driving down Sunset If you're 'round, come get it If you come, come get it
You smirked slightly as your eyes met Anya’s, maintaining this eye contact as you sang, moving around a bit to dance in the process. Her eyes were following yours, not even breaking contact until Anya’s sister Lexa elbowed her in the ribs to make sure she was blinking.
I wanna be missed like every night I wanna be kissed like it's the last time Say you can't eat Can't sleep, can't breathe without me I wanna be held, fragile like glass 'Cause I've never felt nothing like that Say you can't walk Can't talk, go on without me
After your song finished you stepped off the stage to have your hand taken by a very energetic Anya who tugged you out of the building and down the street until you arrived at the flat. You’d gotten as far as inside with the front door closed when you were pressed against it, Anya’s lips on yours in an instant as her hands went to your waist, gentle like you were fragile...like glass. Your eyes widened for a second in realisation before they closed as you got caught up in the kiss. She listened...
Aren't you tired every day? 'Cause I run through your brain Hold me down, keep me safe This is as good as it gets Don't you dare second guess Only want you saying yes
The kissing turned into the discarding of clothes before time moved forwards and your mind slowed down. You were both clad in pyjamas as Anya held you in her arms, fingers brushing through the strands of hair, combing through any knots gently. Your eyes fluttered with the soothing motions on your scalp.
Baby, you should pick up the phone 'Cause I'm wondering if you're alone 'Cause I'm driving down Sunset If you're 'round, come get it If you come, come get it
You weren’t sure when you fell asleep but you stirred as the sunlight hit your face, a small groan escaping your lips as you turned over, jumping slightly at the feeling of fingers running over the tattoo on your ribs. A seahorse. You had others but it was one of Anya’s favourites. Your favourite tattoo of Anya’s was the one that went down her back, intricate patterns. You adored it and her.
I wanna be missed like every night I wanna be kissed like it's the last time Say you can't eat Can't sleep, can't breathe without me I wanna be held, fragile like glass 'Cause I've never felt nothing like that Say you can't walk Can't talk, go on without me
Anya’s voice was huskier in the mornings, probably because it was 8am, the sun rising in the cold November morning. “Good morning love...” Anya whispered huskily, smirking at the feeling of chills running down your spine. You hummed in response, rolling over in the blankets to be on your stomach next to her, legs entwined. Your humming continued at the feeling of Anya’s fingertips running down your arms, lingering on the zodiac tattoo for a moment.
Say, say you can't eat Say, say you can't sleep Say, say you can't breathe You can't breathe without me You can't breathe without me
Anya’s eyes drifted over you as you stood at the hob messing with the frying pan for a moment as you watched the food cook. The oversized t-shirt covered you up to mid-thigh as fluffy socks covered your feet. Her eyes flickered over the mountains on your ankle with a smile, knowing the exact meaning behind that tattoo in an instant. You smiled to yourself as Anya wrapped her arms around you, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
I wanna be missed like every night I wanna be kissed like it's the last time Say you can't eat Can't sleep, can't breathe without me I wanna be held, fragile like glass 'Cause I've never felt nothing like that Say you can't walk Can't talk, go on without me
“I love you...” You whispered, curled up with your back pressed against Anya’s front as the two of you resided on the couch, movie playing in the background now forgotten. “I love you too, my love...” Anya replied, kissing the back of your head with a smile as you leaned back against her to look into her eyes. A deep rich brown. A colour you adored just like the rest of her...
I wanna be missed, come hold me I wanna be kissed, come feel me Come, come make me feel missed (I wanna be missed) Come, come make me feel missed I wanna be held, come hold me I wanna be felt, come feel me Come on make me feel missed (come on make me feel) Girl, come make me feel missed Make me feel missed
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